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Denmark, Norway, & US spearhead Zero-Emission Shipping Mission
The governments of Denmark, Norway, and the United States, along with the Global Maritime Forum and the Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller Center for Zero Carbon Shipping, will lead a new Zero-Emission Shipping Mission as part of Mission Innovation.
The mission aims to accelerate international public-private collaboration to scale and deploy new green maritime solutions, setting international shipping on an ambitious zero-emission course. The mission will also be supported by the governments of India, Morocco, the U.K., Singapore, France, Ghana, and South Korea. natural choice for ship owners when they renew their fleet,” said Simon Kollerup, Danish Minister for Industry, Business, and Financial Affairs.
“The decarbonization of shipping will result in a growing global demand for climate technology in the years ahead. Norway’s and other countries’ leading position in green shipping can become an important competitive advantage, giving the maritime industry huge growth potential in international markets,” said Sveinung Rotevatn, Norwegian Minister for Climate and Environment.
“Through fearless technological innovation, ambitious clean energy deployment, and constructive international collaboration, we can build a net-zero carbon economy that creates millions of jobs and lifts our citizens into greater prosperity,” said Jennifer Granholm, U.S. Secretary of Energy.
The three main goals of the Zero-Emission Shipping Mission are: Develop, demonstrate, and deploy zero-emission fuels, ships, and fuel infrastructure in a coordinated fashion along the full value chain. By 2030, ships capable of running on hydrogen-based zero-emission fuels—such as green hydrogen, green ammonia, green methanol, and advanced biofuels—make up at least 5% of the global deep-sea fleet measured by fuel consumption. By 2030, at least 200 of these well-to-wake zero-emission fueled ships are in service and utilizing these fuels across their main deep sea shipping routes.
“Shipping is on the verge of a clean energy revolution. To set the global maritime industry on a climate-aligned course and meet the goals of the Paris Agreement, zero-emission vessels need to be the dominant and competitive choice by the end of this decade. The Zero-Emission Shipping Mission will accelerate public and private efforts around the world to make a zero-emission fleet a reality by 2030,” said Johannah Christensen, Managing Director of the Global Maritime Forum.
“The shipping industry needs to decarbonize to be part of the solution to the climate crisis. It will not be easy, and we don’t have a lot of time, but it is possible and now is the time to act. The Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller Center for Zero Carbon Shipping is all about accelerating the transition by finding solutions through collaboration with partners across the ecosystem,” said Bo Cerup-Simonsen, Chief Executive Officer of the Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller Center for Zero Carbon Shipping.
The Zero-Emission Shipping Mission is part of Mission Innovation, a global initiative of 22 countries and the European Commission which aims to catalyze action and spearhead a decade of innovation to drive global investment in clean energy research, development, and demonstrations.
The second phase of Mission Innovation (MI 2.0) was launched at the Innovating to Net Zero Summit in Chile on 2nd June 2021.
“In Denmark, we believe a greener future is possible – if we work together. As one of the world’s largest maritime nations, Denmark has initiated the Zero-Emission Shipping Mission, with great partners from the public and the private sector from all over the world. Our common goal is to make zero-emission vessels the
Shipping is on the verge of a clean energy revolution. To set the global maritime industry on a climate-aligned course and meet the goals of the Paris Agreement, zero-emission vessels need to be the dominant and competitive choice by the end of this decade.

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OEEC 2021: Offshore Energy in a changing world
Offshore Energy Exhibition & Conference (OEEC) is held on 26 and 27 October 2021 in RAI Amsterdam. The focus of the event is the offshore energy and maritime industry.
Change is the only constant. The world is changing. The industry is changing. The need to innovate and transform are key in remaining relevant and future-proof. This was true during the COVID-19 period, and it will be so after the pandemic. The world did not stop spinning the last year and the energy transition is shifting into higher gear. Companies incorporate sustainability as part of their business strategy.
To make right decisions in times of change, it is essential to have a broad view. Information from the own sector and neighbouring markets can help spot business opportunities. Sharing knowledge with the community creates strong and valuable networks and sparks innovation. It all starts with connecting people.
Offshore Energy Exhibition & Conference (OEEC), held on 26 and 27 October 2021 in RAI Amsterdam, looks forward to an edition where people can see each other in real life, not with the help of an internet connection. Because of the vaccination programmes around the globe, some COVID-19 restrictions are lifted and we are returning to a situation where people can go out and meet face-to-face. Off course, OEEC 2021 will make sure that people can connect in a safely way.
But OEEC is not returning to its pre-pandemic ways. “Like so many other companies, we learned a lot in recent times. To facilitate our global community we will provide a physical exhibition floor and content programme combined with an online event environment. In addition, this content will be provided on demand after the event.”, says Director of Operations Anne Visser. The event will allow exhibitors, visitors, speakers and sponsors to connect both online and offline with matchmaking, live roundtable discussions. The content programme will also be broadcasted live from OEEC.
Connect both online and offline
On the exhibition floor, face-to-face connections are leading. “After a long period in which networking and sharing knowledge could only be done online, we see that the industry is longing to meet again in person. OEEC 2021 is grateful to provide an opportunity in which people from the offshore energy and maritime industry can see each other in a safe way.” To limit global warming, as agreed in the Paris Agreement, a lot of work has to be done. But do we have enough skilled people available to do make this happen? That is why OEEC 2021 will also focus on the human capital site of the energy transition. Therefore the Navingo Career Event will take place simultaneously on the 26th and 27th of October 2021 on the exhibition floor at Amsterdam RAI , as part of OEEC. During the Navingo Career Event companies present themselves to potential employees.
The content programme of OEEC 2021 has the title ‘Offshore Energy in a Changing World’. The offshore energy sector is changing. Developments like the energy transition and the need for sustainability are reshaping the industry. These changes also affect the workforce. To shed light on the different facets of this transformation Offshore Energy Exhibition & Conference 2021 presents a content programme