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Guest Column: Sander Vergroesen

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Celebrating the future, embracing the energy transition!

In 2021 IRO will reach its 50th anniversary and we will not let that pass unnoticed with a celebration on 26 November. IRO was founded in 1971 during the first oil & gas developments in Europe. The original name stood for Industrial Council for Oceanology. The members of this council represented different sectors in oceanology such as mining, coastal water technology, fisheries and oceanological instrumentation.

As a result of the oil crisis in 1973 and the associated increasing concerns about the energy supply, IRO focused on oil and natural gas extraction. In November 1991, IRO became an association, namely the Association of Dutch Suppliers in the Oil and Gas Industry.

Over time the offshore industry has undergone an enormous change. With the transition from traditional energy sources to renewable energy, the association changed its name with the aim of better reflecting the activities of its members. With the new name 'The Association of the Dutch Suppliers in the Offshore Energy Industry', IRO focuses on offshore wind, (floating) marine and solar in addition to oil and gas.

Although a small country, The Netherlands has been excelling in working on energy production offshore for half a century. The offshore industry has not only become the backbone of the Dutch maritime cluster, but it also plays an international pivotal role in the energy transition. Large and small IRO members play their specific role in this. The Dutch offshore industry is characterised by its versatility, innovativeness, resilience and flexibility. Looking ahead to the next 50 years, we believe that the Dutch offshore industry will remain a major player in the global offshore market, in particular through the use of smart techniques and solutions for the many issues concerning the offshore energy transition. Great opportunities and challenges lie in making processes more sustainable. Ships can sail cleaner, on LNG and later perhaps also methanol or hydrogen. In addition, platforms and activities at sea can be made even more efficient and environmentally friendly. The next step is to electrify the installations on the platform, first from the shore and later directly from a nearby Offshore Wind Farm.

Our experience and expertise do not go unnoticed across the border. It is with good reason that we belong to the top 5 in the world, next to Norway, France, UK and the US. The Netherlands is a major player in offshore wind and (floating) marine energy. The Dutch offshore sector has a key role in the global energy transition. But there is also a role for the government here. As IRO, we will always keep the same role, facilitating the network and bringing the global opportunities to our members. IRO members (and hopefully supported by the government) are ready for the next 50 years to give substance to the worldwide Offshore Energy Transition!

Sander Vergroesen

Managing Director IRO - The Association of Dutch Suppliers in the Offshore Energy Industry

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