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More CO2 savings than expected

The successful partnership between Peterson and Gulf Bunkering

A fuel and CO2 saving of 14% - which ship charterer doesn't want that? Peterson Energy Logistics and Gulf Bunkering, both established in Den Helder, entered into a lucrative partnership. The results exceed all expectations.


Peterson, logistics service provider for the international offshore energy sector, has taken an important step in making the company more sustainable. In the continuous pursuit of an even smaller footprint and an even greater reduction of fuel consumption and CO2 emissions, Peterson Den Helder B.V., as facilitator of the Southern North Sea (SNS)POOL, has partnered with Gulf Bunkering, bunker supplier of various high-quality fuels and lubricants for all seagoing and inland vessels in the Netherlands. The collaboration consists of making the SNSPOOL's ships more sustainable by using ChangeXL. This fuel improver is based on the action of natural enzymes derived from tree leaves. The addition ensures faster and more optimal combustion, which results in a reduction of fuel consumption and the emission of harmful exhaust gases, soot and particulate matter. In addition, the enzymes clean the entire fuel system, from (storage) tank to engine, and prevent problems with micro-organisms in fuels. Gulf Bunkering started using ChangeXL in 2018, after which the fuel improver quickly became one of its best-selling products. General Manager Jeroen van Essen informed Peterson about the benefits of ChangeXL, after which independent consultancy and engineering firm Tauw conducted a test on a vessel from the SNSPOOL. This resulted in a fuel saving of no less than 14%. And because fuel savings are linked to CO2 savings, you can also speak of a CO2 reduction of 14%. Gulf Bunkering speaks of a fuel saving of

6.5%. The reason for these two different percentages is the operational use of the ships. less money on offsetting to reduce CO2. Shipowners also have to incur less maintenance costs.’ ‘We are very happy with this cooperation and the trust Peterson has given us,' says Van Essen. ‘A customer with this volume can achieve an enormous CO2 reduction in one fell swoop. Moreover, it fits the philosophy of Gulf Bunkering and parent company FinCo Fuel: that you should not wait any longer, but can start today with sustainability.’

‘Peterson aims to be climate neutral as soon as possible,' says Dick. ‘The cooperation with Gulf Bunkering helps us to achieve this. Using ChangeXL feels like the most logical and simple next step. It is currently the best possible way for our customers to save both fuel and CO2.

For more information:

Contact Peterson Den Helder

E rdick@onepeterson.com I www.energylogistics.onepeterson.com

Gulf Bunkering

E Bunkers@gulf.nl I www.gulf.nl/bunkering

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Peterson calculated in practice how much fuel the ships saved by using ChangeXL. Gulf calculated with the standard of the International Maritime Organization (IMO), which is based on weighting factors per part load of the ship's engine power. Peterson sails with its fleet in the sub-loads where a stronger result is achieved. As a result, reductions are achieved that exceed the IMO test results.

‘This is a fantastic result for us,’ says Van Essen. Peterson is also surprised. ‘This is a significant saving,' says Reinier Dick, Business Manager SNS Pool. ‘And with the current high fuel prices you save even more. That is an easy calculation for our customers, who, thanks to ChangeXL, have to spend

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