Some Common Myths about Endometriosis In the pelvic area this endometriosis causes too much pain during periods. There will be continuous pain in that area. It also results in infertility and other causes. The causes may vary from higher to medium level. There are many treatment options available which include many pain killers, hormonal treatments and effective laparoscopy surgery. This can be found in almost every woman of ages starting from 12 to 46 years. Only the treatment related to hormones and pregnancy cures this disease endometriosis which is also known as infertility in simple terms. However, this is a myth which is carried among years in women for infertility of reproductive organs. The natural IVF vikaspuri is concerned about the disease of endometriosis in women as it creates many myths among women. It is one of the most painful and chronic disease that affects more than millions of women in the world and their families all over the globe. Inside the uterus a tissue occurs which is found out of uterus usually in the stomach on ovaries and fallopian tubes. The distance between vagina and rectum support the uterus and the outer parts of the uterus along with lining of pelvic cavity supports it. The abdominal surgeries and scars which include the parameters of endometrial growth of bladder, vagina, vulva, cervix and bowel cause various effects on fertility of women. There is not any chance where lungs, arms, thigh and other things found. This disease is very much difficult to understand and we cannot find any specific reason which causes endometriosis. Even there are so many doctors who don’t know about this problem. First Step IVF offers complete solution for infertility in women and also this clinic is offering low cost ivf vikaspuri for many people. However, the women thinks that it occurs due to delayed diagnostics, lack of knowledge, awareness and missed treatments on time. This further creates a critical condition for women. The lifestyle and their choices are also affected by physical and mental health. This disease affects women physically and mentally. It also creates problem in maintaining a career, finishing an education of higher level and also subsequently relationships are also affected. In many cases this also impact fertility ratio of a women. While having a intercourse with partner a women might face a pain in her organs also. First Step IVF is one of the best test tube baby center in west Delhi located at vikaspuri area. You can contact us anytime for any kind of problem related to male and female infertility.