Available On-Site at Your Location Course 541 (2.4 CEUs)
Using Advanced GPS/GNSS Signals and Systems, 4-Day Version Day 1
8:30 Day 1 Morning
Objectives: Establish common level on basics of satellite-based positioning and timing, establish common terminology and notation, become proficient with techniques for systems engineering and analysis. Course Overview and Introduction ●● Basic principles of satellite based navigation ●● Constellations and satellite orbital basics
Link budgets ●● Space-to-earth ●● Terrestrial ●● Building and foilage effects Error sources and error characterization ●● System error sources and error budgets ●● Dilution of precision ●● Error measures including CEP, ●● SEP, CE50, CE90
Day 2
Dr. John Betz
DAy 3
DAy 4
Dr. John Betz, MITRE Day 2 Morning Objectives: Understand GPS and SBAS signals in-depth, understand basic structure of receiver processing. Solutions to day 1 review questions GPS and SBAS signals ●● SBAS concept and architecture; ●● WAAS, EGNOS, MSAS, GAGAN, SDCM ●● Description of C/A code signal and P(Y) code signal, IS-GPS-200 ●● Description of SBAS signals Overview of Receiver Processing ●● Trends ●● Constraints ●● Opportunities
Day 3 Morning Objectives: Understand receiver processing—front-end design, analog to digital conversion, and basics of initial synchronization. Solutions to day 2 review questions Initial synchronization processing algorithms, techniques, and performance ●● Time and frequency search: the crossambiguity function ●● Time and frequency domain implementation and tradeoffs ●● Massively parallel correlator architecture ●● Initial synch performance Digital tracking loop design and performance ●● Loop design concept and theory ●● Selecting loop order and parameter values ●● Discrete and continuous update approximations ●● Relationship to analog loop design
Review questions for day 2, morning
Review questions for day 1, morning
Day 4 Morning Objectives: Understand other SatNav systems, their signal characteristics, and their unique processing opportunities Solutions to day 3 review questions GLONASS signals and receiver processing ●● GLONASS history, description, plans ●● GLONASS standard accuracy and high accuracy signals ●● GLONASS modernized signals; GLONASS ICD ●● Summary of GLONASS signal characteristics ●● Receiver processing of GLONASS signals Galileo signals and receiver processing ●● Galileo history, description, plans ●● Galileo ICD ●● Galileo signals: E1, E6, E5 ●● Summary of Galileo signal characteristics
Review questions for day 3, morning
LUNCH IS ON YOUR OWN 12:00-1:30 PM Day 1 Afternoon Objectives: Finish learning techniques for systems engineering and analysis, understand details of GNSS signal structure and characteristics, obtain overview of GPS and SBAS.
Day 3 Afternoon Objectives: Develop skills in receiver processing—carrier and code tracking, data demodulation, and position calculation.
Day 2 Afternoon Objectives: Develop skills in receiver processing—front-end design, analog to digital conversion, and basics of initial synchronization.
Signal structure and characteristics: motivation and physics ●● Overview and rationale for signal characteristics ●● Polarization ●● Pilot and data components
Receiver front-end design: components and RF to baseband conversion ●● RF to baseband architecture alternatives ●● Components: antennas, oscillators, amplifiers, mixers ●● Frequency plans ●● Trade-offs
Signal Structure and Characteristics: spreading modulations and signal mathematical representations ●● Spreading modulations including BPSK-R, BOC, MBOC ●● Mathematical representations of signals and their second-order statistics
Analog to digital conversion ●● Architecture alternatives ●● Number of bits, sampling rate ●● Quantization set points ●● Bandlimiting, sampling, and quantization (BSQ) losses Incorporating BSQ losses in effective C/N0
GPS and SBAS history and description
Initial synchronization basics
Review questions for day 1, afternoon
Review questions for day 2, afternoon
Carrier tracking: frequency-locked loops, Costas loops, phase locked loop design and performance ●● FLL, Costas loop, PLL ●● Discriminator designs ●● Linearized performance ●● Loss of lock ●● Selecting parameter values Code tracking: delay-locked loop design and performance, including unique aspects of BOC and tracking other modern spreading modulations ●● DLL discriminators for different spreading modulations ●● Coherent and noncoherent discriminators ●● Loop aiding ●● Linearized performance in white noise ●● Handling multiple peaks in BOC autocorrelation functions Data demodulation and Positioning ●● Calculation ●● Soft and hard data symbol demodulation ●● Position calculation from pseudorange, including use of code tracking and carrier phase measurements ●● Dual-frequency ionospheric correction ●● Use of overdetermined measurement and other inputs ●● RAIM, FDE Review questions for day 3, afternoon
Course 541 will enable attendees to achieve proficiency, not merely familiarity, with the essential aspects of using GPS/GNSS signals. It addresses current and future GPS signals along with available details of signals from other satellite-based positioning and timing systems. Receiver processing techniques are described along with ways to characterize their performance. (Course 541 is similar to Course 551, but without the Kalman filtering content.) Review problems, worked in class, will help students understand and apply the key concepts. As attendees understand similarities and distinctions between different systems and signals, they will become equipped to take advantage of signals from multiple systems. Attendees will be given study questions each evening that will be reviewed in class each morning. Laptops are strongly advised. Course materials include information and techniques not available in any text. NavtechGPS developed special course materials for this course in collaboration with a rich pool of experts, including Dr. John Betz, MITRE; Dr. James Sennott, Tracking and Imaging Systems, Inc. (TISI); Mr. Phil Ward, Navward GPS Consulting; Professor Dennis Akos, University of Colorado at Boulder; Professor Michael Braasch, Ohio University; Mr. Michael Vaujin, Raytheon Missile Systems; Dr. Frank Van Diggelen, Broadcom Corporation; and Dr. Alex Cerruti, MITRE, to provide you with the latest and most relevant information.
Day 4 Afternoon Objectives: Understand additional satnav systems and their signal characteristics, understand some other advanced topics in receiver processing QZSS signals and receiver processing ●● QZSS history, description, plans ●● QZSS signals; QZSS ICD ●● Summary of QZSS signal characteristics ●● Receiver processing of QZSS signals BeiDou (Compass) signals and receiver processing ●● BeiDou history, description, plans ●● BeiDou signals ●● Summary of BeiDou signal characteristics ●● Receiver processing of BeiDou signals Interference effects and mitigation ●● Types of interference ●● Quantifying effects of interference on receiver processing ●● Measuring interference in receiver ●● Receiver processing against interference Multipath effects and mitigaton ●● Multipath phenomena and effects ●● Narrow correlator benefits ●● Advanced multipath mitigation Differential GNSS ● Architectures ● Use of code and carrier measurements ● Ambiguity resolution Looking back over four days
Course Objectives
To develop proficiency with advanced receiver processing of modernized and new signals from GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, BeiDou (COMPASS), and QZSS, supplemented by systems engineering skills, integrated with techniques for assessing performance and performing design trades concerning receiver processing.
Attendees should already have a solid background in GPS and be ready to develop advanced skills. Previous exposure to basic signal processing techniques and terminology as well as familiarity with engineering mathematics is needed.
Materials You Will Keep
A color electronic copy of all course notes will be provided on a USB Drive or CD-ROM. Bringing a laptop to this class is highly recommended for taking notes using the Adobe® Acrobat® sticky notes feature; power access will be provided. A black and white hard copy of the course notes will also be provided.
Course Fee Entitles You to the Following Books
Understanding GPS: Principles and Applications, 2nd ed., Kaplan & Hegarty, Eds., Artech House, 2006, OR Global Positioning System: Signals, Measurement and Performance, Misra and Enge, 2nd ed., 2011. (This does not apply to on-site contracts. Books for on-site contracts are negotiated separately.)
To register or for more information, Contact Carolyn McDonald at (703) 256-8900 or