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40 Commercial Road Portsmouth

provide a perfect service for Royal Navy Officers

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News Navy

No. 18 NOVEMBER, 1955 The Official Newspaper ol the Portsmouth Command and The Itoyal Naval Association

Queen's Commendation For Naval Fireligh Eel's


ROYAL NAVY OFFICERS will find much to interest them at

SERNARDS 40 Commercial Road Portsmouth

Telephone 6596

Price Threepence

CRUISERS. w ..- :.. -

I N C I t( )K I N(, clouds of noxious, sitioke. an officer and rating of the RoaI \a%\ directed the fighting of the fierce tire on board the Italian tanker Argea after her colli-don in the Persian ('stiff in May for si en I -four hours v it hoti t rest. 1 hey ssere Senior (timiiiissioned Meetianicj.i n I larold Ward. R.N.,and ( Ilie f Viie I fleet i ng Mechanic Ancurin P. J.tiiies. itith of I'ortsinouth, serstog in the frigate Loch Killisport. 1 he ao .ti d of the Queen's Cornmendulion to them for bra'. cry was announced ill the l~ondon Gazette on September 27. Mr. Ward and (Ii. M.( I.) Jatne, were sent in file Loch Killisport's motor-boat to the Italian ship to on the state of the lire. At the 111 lie. the .\rgea Prima oasabandoned the after structure on tire and flames coming from the hatch covers of too cargo tanks. Thes were the first on hoard the luau lie essel and. o hi lst the I Mci Kill ispmirt was proceeding alongside. fought the tires si nglelua ndcd. The s. afteroards took charge of the tirefighting organisation and. when tile oil tires is crc ext mnetiushed. tack led the fires it, lie it icr smmperstrmmct mire. I lie,,: tires iscre very deep-seated alld tlie ext reule tempera ill re s and clouds of smoke made fit efighiting intusl arduous. 'I lies. continued. however. to direct the operations for lii ent'. -four hours. o hen it became neeess.um to order them hack to themi oss n ship. As a result of their efforts. ilie fire is as confined to the refu igera tor space and its tecC5sCs.,t"iit not aho'.'.cmi to spread to file engine and boiler-roomits or tiller that.



1011t Annual Dinner of Officers Of the Electrical Branch, Al 1 HE 10111 Annual I)inner if Officers tit the Electrical Branch of the Royal Navy and Reserves, held in H.M.S. (ollingood on Friday, September 30. the Guest (it Honour was the late l)ireetor of the Naval ElectriRear-Admit aI Sir C. cal Phihlip ( larke. KItE., C-IL D.S.O.. .ltrit.LR.E. M.I.li.E. M The President. Capt. K. R. Buckicy. Navy (H.M.S. Collingwood), the record number of 188 members. many oh them Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve. is ho. quite accihad found themselves in dentally business near Fareharn. Capt. Buckley presented Admiral Clarke with a memento of the occasion, a model of a radar act tl modified so that it is much easier to maintain than the original. In calling on the Vice-Pi esident. Capt. 1.. S. Bennett. B.Sc., RN. (H.M.S. Ariell to propose the health of the Electrical Branch. he paid tribute to "the other side of the house", the Air Electrical Section. Capt. Bennett said that the Branch as a whole had gone from strength to strength during the last year as was evident from the record attendance referred to by the President. The 1) i rector - Rear-Admiral K. H. 1. I'eard. CB.E., MILE,, in proposing the health and happiness of his predecessor held up the life and work of Admiral Clarke as an example to the Branch. Admiral Clarkc. he said, had a distinguished record 01




Service, particularly war Service which included a period in the Anti-Submarine Division of the Admiralty at

the height of the ti-boat campaign, and in command of I (MS. Glasgow

Drafting Forecast

The cruiser H.MS. Birmingham (Capt. 3. R. Barnes, 03.0., R.N.) steams past the cruise liner Caronia during the luxury ship's calf in the Grand Harbour, Malta, with tourists

Commissioning Programme

For General Service November S : H.M.S. U ndine' cornmissions at Portsmouth for and Home I led. Mediter-ranean November 15: II.M.S. Glasgow' commissions at Portsmouth for General Service in Home I feet.

May 29. 1956: Il.M. Ships \gincomirt and llarrosa commission at Portsmouth for Mediterranean and Home fleet. May. 1956: }I.M.S. Alhion commissions at Portsmouth for s ledtIerranean and Home I heel.

For Foreign Service November 7: H.M.S. Newcastle' commissions at Singapore for Far East Station. February 21. 1956: H.M.S. Duchess commissions at Portsmouth for MediEarly l)cccmhuer: H.M.S. Modcstc' terranean and Home Elect. commissions at Singapore for Far East Station. March. l95(: 11.M.S. Loch Kilhist coot missioils at Cha th ain for Note: The ships' companies of ships l'or Horn e a id East Indies Station. marked * have been completed. November 23: H.M. Ships Chevron' and Chaplet' cotnniision at Portsmouth for Mediterranean and Home I-kct.

"in which he finished the War.' Admiral Peard closed with a glowing tribute to both Admiral and Lady Clarke for their tremendous contribution to the progress of the Branch, both in and out of uniform. In response to the toast, which was warmly acclaimed (the strains of "For he's a j0IIv good fellow" must have been heard in Fareham). Admiral Clarke said that ''as the retiring managing director I would like to review some changes in the firm for the benefit of the principal shareholders". He regretted the passing of 'the green' as a badge of office but sias confident the change would better lire status of the Branch without in any way depriving it of its identity, 1 he l-irst Sea lord and other members of the flo:mrd of Admir.mlt had told turn h,'s much

they appreciated the work the Branch had done and would do in the future. Sir Phillip reminded young officers that engineers were now respectable and respected people is ho had their place in ''management'' but only it first and then they were "good officers engineers". Their training, both good at the University and elsewhere, was designed to this end, and it was tip to them to show the Service the value of their mettle. Admiral Clarke closed with the words "Admiral Pezmrd, v our new director', is a lifelong col'managing of mine; I know his league :111(1 friend and have the greatest capabilities in him. I assure you the 'firm' con-fidence is in safe hands.'' (Sec phnu mi page 16)

Knopi D1*ot jou - that you can fly B on your next home leave at special reduced rates? B reduced fares are available to all Members of H.M. Forces and their families; to Canadian Forces in BAOR; as well as to Nursing and Naafi Staff. Routes available to ux from - Athens, Benghazi, Berlin, Cologne, Cyprus, Dusseldorf, Frankfurt, Gibraltar, Hamburg, Hanover, Malta, Munich, Tripoli and Vienna. YOU CAN BOOK NOW Travel Agents and BEA offices will be pleased to give you complete details. LONDON SOME FARES TO return) (Airport to Airport ÂŁ37. IL I GIBRALTAR AM , " Special 28-(by : fly BEA ;'::::::::::: BRITISH EUROPEAN AIRWAYS




Navy News EDtToI

Rev. W. 3. E. Trccnn3-PiOfl. O.B.E.. I.R G.S.. R.N Roy* Naval Barracks. Ponm,oulh Tel.: Portsmouth 74571 (Ext. 2913)




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ELI) :

November . 1955 who, after yet another victory b one of his ship's crews, remarked, "Thcir easy-all they do is win 'cmwe have to spend the next year polishing their blooming cups."






Leaving Marmaricc for Malta. Sheffield exercised with the Indian Squadron. An unusual interlude. after the exercises, was the shooting in Sheffield and the Indian cruiser Delhi of some film sequences for a new film about . the Battle of the River Plate. Delhi, which was formerly H.M.S. Achilles, tookthe part of herself, whilst She[. . represented the Exeter. Some time later, we met the American cruiser Salem at Malta and this ship was tak4L ing the part of the Graf Spec for shots ', in the same film. 'rz; s ;"

53 IT IS fitting that as the naval news. should give prominence to ., .. paper the Anglo-Russian inter-change of . visits. We have therefore made this our main feature on the centre pages. main Much publicity has been given to these visits by Press. radio and teicvision. Our contribution is unique in that it comes from the men who cornmanded the ships. We are proud to publish personal H \1 S Sheffield was due to take : . -V messages from the Commanders-inin large-scale amphibious ccrpart Chief. Soviet Baltic Fleet, and the cises to he held in the Eastern McdBritish Home Fleet. together with terranean in August, but when this accounts of their reception in Lenin" vs cancelled for operational reasons, written by the Commanding grad. " . the ship visited Leghorn in Italy. after Officers of the British ships. . . : exercising with the Eagle. The beauties These visits have been accorded the .. :-n-(architectural and scenic) of Florence utmost good will by the peoples of were explored, and many of us enSoviet Russia and Great Britain. and H.M.S. Sheffield lying off St. Mark's Square, Venice. In the background are the famous Doge's Palace and the Campanile joyed the experience of climbing the have in no small measure done much to leaning tower of Pisa. It sometimes is deepen the understanding between our little disconcerting to have the imnations. a MUCH WATER has flowed under the very excellent stadium. It resulted in most of us. The army in Cyprus was prc.ssion that you are descending when keel since the last time we reported a victory for the latter who played particularly hospitable. It was still you know full well that you are the happenings on board the Shiny football of a high quality, and were very hot while we were there. and climbing up the stairs-but this is the Sheff. These include the 1st and 2nd immeasurably the better side. She!- swimming over the side at regular in- effect that the leaning gives. summer cruises, and an independent field's two representatives performed tervals was a highly popular pastime. with credit, and certainly did not let The ship's athletic sports were held Venice trip to the Italian port of Leg horn. ,,.IGNAL down the Navy side. in the Stadium. and despite a gruelling this article you miht get Reading Istanbul sun, some very good performances the that life in a ship conAlexandria were put up, particularly by A.B. Jack sistsimpression On May 22, Sheffield. flying the flag of one long round of visiting ' When of the Commander-in-Chief, Mediterleaving Istanbul. Sheffield son in the 880 yds. and 3 miles, A.B. foreign ports and enjoying oneself. ranean. Admiral Sir Guy Grantham, anchored at the entrance to the Dar- Chapman in the shot and discus. Lieu[. But anyone in the know, however. s and with other units of the Meditcr- dandies. and many officers and men Rumble in the 100 yds. and E.R.A. aware of the very great deal of time. r a n e a n Fleet, including Surprise. wCnt ashore to witness the Commem- Holmes in the 220 yds. effort and downright hard work which Jamaica. and the four Darings-Dia- Oratis'c Service held at the war con," involved in getting a ship up to the of Maartce mond, Diana, Duchess and Decoy-wc ctcry Gallipoli. standard of appearance and efficiency Alexandria was the next port of left Malta for exercises and the first On June 15 the Fleet assembled for which the Navy expects, and which summer cruise. Exercises were carried call, and we were made very welcome. the annual Regatta in the isolated and does enable it to be a worthy repreof the took the out while en route for Turkey. and on Many ship's company almost land-locked, anchorage of sentative of the nation when showing completion the fleet passed through opportunity of going to Cairo to see Marmarice in Turkey. For two days the flag abroad. Our last effort in that the Dardanelles arriving at Istanbul the Pyramids and the Sphinx. Some the representative crews of the various direction was a visit to Venice-lying the next morning. Most of us knew hardy spirits even climbed to the top ships pulled with everything they had, in a very conspicuous position just off that for many hundreds of years the of the large pyramid-despite a tern* and as a great deal of enthusiastic the world-famous St. Mark's Square. name had been Constantinople, but pcraturc of 110.. It is not true of training had gone before, some very Visitors from all over the world come WHEN YOU RETIRE little else. We had heard of the Golden course that one officer actually did it fine races resulted. The harbour echoed to this famous square, and, judging- by men &C more concerned Horn, the YOUNG Bosphorous, the Sultan's wearing a bowler hat and carrying an and re-echoed to the cheers of sup- the many comments made, Sheeld a career, about successful Service palace and harem, the Mosques-and umbrella-he was really wearing a porters as they urged on their respec- acquitted herself well. But retirement will come and an expected to find an atmosphere of trilby. Everyone entered with zest into five crews, and the Turks ashore in During our stay in Venice there was adequate income will be needed to glamour and mysticism, colour and the spirit of bargaining, and a surpris- the sleepy, village of Marmarice must much to be seen and appreciatednumber of red fezs made their fatalism, extravagance and squalor, ins have formed a strange impression of the 1)ogc's Palace, St. Mark's Church, enjoy it. NOW IS THE REST with a touch of the oriental and per- appearance on board, the superabundance of energy and the glass factories of Murano, tOe TIME to start providing either an even sinister, noise of the British Navy. The tote did touring of the islands in the Venetian haps something slightly extra pension at 65 to supplement Cyprus some we were not In ways disapa roaring business, but no fortunes Lagoon, watching the wonderful pagepageService and State pensions or, if Sheffield and the Fleet next visited were won or lost. Several of Sheffield's antry of the traditional and historic pointed-the gilded-domed mosques you prefer, a substantial cash sum with their rich mosaics, the fabulous Cyprus, Sheffield going to Larnaka. coxswains had a compulsory swim, gondola regatta, buying souvenirs, or on leaving the Service to help you Dolmabache Palace and other places while other units visited Famagusta this being the traditional reward for merely sitting and drinking at the to establish yourself in civilian life, did live up to their reputation, but and Limassol. In spite of the political being coxswain of a winning boat. many open-air cafi5s. Perhaps the highthe town itself was otherwise lacking tension-which was not too proThe younger you are, the better In spite of this the "cock" ship of the light for some of us was the bus in distinction. nounced when we were there, in spite Mediterranean Fleet regatta for this journey up some 5,000 ft. or so to the terms you can secure, While at Istanbul we played a foot- of a bomb being thrown and slightly year was H.M.S. Diana. This was a centre of the Italian winter sports disAPPLY FOR OUR SPECIAL SCHEMES ball match between the Mediterranean injuring a sailor from one of the Darreally first rate performance against trict. Cortina. Some of the views were Fleet and the Turkish Navy at the ings-an enjoyable time was had by FOR SUPPLEMENTARY PENSIONS keen opposition. Perhaps some slight breathtakingly lovely. We saw in the consolation for this, as far as Shefficild course of construction, the ski-jump ' is concerned, was to he had in the vie- which will he used for the 1956 01mAdvantages include: tory of this ship's ERA's crew in the pies. Pension at 65, Premiums Itaham Cup-a race for whalers in Since the above was written, H.M.S. cease at 40,45 or 55. Options Grand Harbour, Malta, a little later Sheffield has returned to the United in the year. We cannot vouch for the Kingdom and her complement is beinclude a lump sum on . story that was told about a marine j ing reduced. Service. leaving Family


How 10 ENJOY


protection, etc.

Write, stating date of birth, for favourable premiums payable by Naval Allotment to-

Ordcr or iteiwiral For::i (Delete as appropriate)




Please post a copy

PROVIDENT HOUSE 248, BISHOPSGATE, LONDON, E.C.2 Telephone: BlShopsgatc 5786


each issue of

'Navy News' to:

NAME ...................................................................................................... ''Shvllield'' ratings in a gondola

ADDRESS .................................................................................................

A.F.O's. I enclose herewith money order/postal order/cheque value 4/6, being Two MOST a subscription for 12 issues including postage, OF INTEREST -. POPULAR BALLROOMS Commence Field Guns Crew Royal Tournament, (Mo,,th) 1956






(whether a Submarine-Destroyer-Battleship or Aircraft Carrier)

Wire-Write--or Phone, Portsmouth 32275 Make your first "Port of Call" for Dancing The Savoy Ballroom. Radio Band Every Friday

A.F.O. 2642/55. The Field Gun Competition will be held at Earls Court from June 6 to 23, 1956, inclusive. One crew for each of the Home Ports and the Fleet Air Arm will take part. Not more than fifty volunteers for each crew may be under selection or training in a depot at one time. Only one crew of eighteen with five spares and fourteen arena riggers will go to Earls Court, Training with field gun equipment may not start until February 1, 1956, but the selection of volunteers may start after December 1. Any naval rating at home who has completed new entry training may volunteer for a crew.

Why Pay Extra for Credit?

JACK BLAIR of Portsmouth'

can supply all your gift and clothing requirements ONE PRICE ONLY - CASH OR ALLOTMENT WRITE OR CALL FOR YOUR FREE COPY OF 'JACK'S JOURNAL"

48 Queen Street Telephone 71277


143 Stanley Road Telephone 4561



November. 1955














- - ,1 -'-S.



ratings. excluding the complements of Squadrons embarked. Since commissioning the ship has taken over the duties of Ti als and Training Carrier. Conditions in Centaur and Albioncona considerable siderable improvement has been made in living, conditions on board compared with older ships. The Ship's Company steep in bunks which, folded down at night, are stowed away during the day in a vertical position on the messdccks, so leaving space for nesting chairs and tables. Ratings ness in dining halls on the cafeteria s stein. There is a modern bakery on hoard. "the refrigerated storage space is ample and it S possM1 ible to carry sufficient food to last the Ship's Company for at least four Building at the ratings' estates at months. THE PRINCIPAL news this month is l'aulsgrove and Brockhurst has now When the ship is away from her that the First Lord of the Admiralty reached the stage when each should home port. cinema shows are held onwill open (Mr. J. P. L. Thomas, M.P.) two finished houses a week. produce board, usually in the hangar where two the officers' married quarters in Old It has taken longer than expected to or three hundred of the Ship's Combut the general buildPortsmouth on Friday. November 4. reach this stage pany can he seated at a time. Two ing programme on each estate is so completely different programmes are These quarters consist of fifteen flats that it should he possible to shown each week. and five houses for officers of the rank planned this rate of keep up production unless Finally. Bulwark possesses a modern of Lieutenant-('ommattder and below the weather is very unkind or there is which is capable of handling and are built on the site of the old an unexpected shortage of some form laundry the weekly wash of the entire Ship's George Hotel which was destroyed by of skilled labour. Company-a welcome asset to this enemy action during the last war. The and happy community. "Old George" was well known. to At the Eastney estate of fifty houses mobile naval officers for many generatons the first houses are roofed, and here Previous Bulwarks and was the last place visited by again the building is planned so that The name Bulwark was first given in before he embarked Victory at Nelson houses shall be completed regular in 1778 to a 74-gun ship ordered to he for the last time. A plaque com- intervals, starting in the early Spring. built at Portsmouth. The ship, howmemorating this fact has been incor- At Rowner there has been spectacular ever. was not proceeded with and the of the in the flats and replicas This estate was started porated only progress. name was removed from the List of the old lamp posts marking the entrance in July but already the foundations of to this old coaching inn are being all one hundred and forty-four houses Navy. The name was next borne h' a erected in the position occupied by the have been laid, the brickwork is up at originals. to ground-floor level and most of the 3rd Rate of 74-guns laid down and Portsmouth in 1804 as the laid. It is Seipio and size of the floors have been of the ground Because shape which was renamed Bulwark in 1806 site, the flats and houses are not of the probable that many, if not most, of still building. She was launched standard Admiralty design but are the first batch of thirty houses will be whilst the on April 23. 1807. same size. roofed the end of October. If of the They by approximately, The Bulwark continued in service are similarly furnished to normal contractor can maintain this very as many satisfactory rate of progress there until finally paid off on February quarters and it is hoped that officers as are interested will attend should be quite a number completed 28. 1825; she was taken to pieces at Portsmouth in 1826. the opening ceremony and take advan- before Easter. The next Bulwark was a screw line tage of the opportunity to see over a the contract for It is that hoped idea of of battleship of 3.716 tons which quarter and so obtain a good over a hundred houses as the first began building at Chatham in 1859 what is being provided. northern phase on the estate on the was suspended in 1862; These are the first officers' quarters perimeter of Gosport Airfield will be Work on her was never completed, and wit to be completed anywhere under the let in November. Other contracts she taken down. 1872/3. Home Ports building programme and which should be let shortly arc those finally The name Bulwark was next broughu much credit is due to the contractor for ninety-six flats at the estate next in 1885 when the screw lint who has finished well within the time to H.M.S. Phoenix, where the roads into use of battleship Howe, which had beer allowed and has produced some fine- have already been completed and the launched at I'enihroke in 1860 hu looking and well-fitted quarters. Par- foundations are nearly complete, and never completed for sea, was fitted ticular features of the flats are the for sixty flats at Paulsgrove. for service as a Training Ship for Boy hot water system which is provided the and renamed Bulwark. In the follow at the officers' estate on fitted to the "alla hack boiler Progress from above of Portsdown Hill ins year, however, her name wa in the room and slopes fire sitting night" slow side but it heater Cosham is still on the changed to Impregnable. an immersion by augmented The next Bulwark was a battlcshii when necessary. The system provides is hoped that the contractor will be with four 12-inch gun hot water in the bathroom where able to take better advantage of any of I5AX) tons, and twelve 6-inch guns launched :i there is a heated towel rail in addition remaining good weather. Devonport. October 18. 1899, am to bath and basin to the kitchen and On the hirings side of the picture. completed in March. 1902. to hand basins in two bedrooms in the continues to be good. progress From 1902 to 1907. she was 1-lag larger flats and one in the smaller. although the ceiling number allowed ship of the Mediterranean Station: ani There are large fitted built-in cuphas not been the by Admiralty Thei boards in the bedrooms and the reached. We are still pressing on as Flagship at the Nore. 1907,8. followed service in the 1st and 3r kitchen is light, well fitted with cup- fast as possible. Divisions of the Home Fleet an boards and has adequate working in the 5th Battle Squadron. the on the roster finally, houses are fitted As time The similarly predicted, space. the case of oil November 26. 1914. while tak except that the hot water is provided is lengthening except in is due to the ing in ammunition, off Sheerness. th by a domestic boiler which also Chief l'ctty Officers. This blew up, only twelve out o supplies partial central hea'ing down- larger numbers who have applied Bulwark her ccrnplemcnt of 750 surviving. since the beginning of 1955. stairs. modifications had been made to the original design, notably the fitting jt the angled flight deck. On October 29. 1954, Bulwark commissioned at Belfast. The design of this class of ship has been the subject of a long series of model experiments to find the best shape of the hull for speed, endurance and seaworthiness. Hull strength and rigidity have also been the subject of special investigation and electric ssclding has been extensively used in the hull construction. Bulwark is 737 feet in length and has a beam width at the waterline of 90 feet. Her peace-time complement is 76 Officers and 960

arried Quarters




H.M.S. BULWARK, the third aircraft carrier of the Hermes class to he cornplcted. was built by Messrs. Harland and Wolff. Limited, at Belfast. Although the keel was laid down in 1944 the pace of building was slackened at the end of World War II and it was not until June 22, 1948. that the ship was launched by the Countess Granville. (;.(.V.O.. wife of the late Governor of Northern Ireland and sister of Her Majesty the Queen Mother. In 1950 as a result of the outbreak of war in the Far East, work was resumed at full pressure until the ship w.is ready to commission in October. 1954, by which time many








AT THE time of writing these notes the writer has just returned from the Motor Show at Earls Court to be besieged by potential buyers of new cars, all vainly hoping for delivery in a few days before the Chancellor f the Exchequer does anything in the way of increasing the Purchase Fax. Whether he does increase this or not %% ill. of course, have been announced tong before these notes appear, but I regret to say that I have been unable to wave a wand and produce cars off the shelf to help these customers forestall him. A word on car deliveries, therefore, seems to be indicated.

Car Deliveries Although it is occasionally possible to buy a car off the shelf, in the case of the popular cars this is not usual. I'he real situation is this. All appointed agents have a certain allocation of cars from the factory spread over the twelve months. This may or may not he met in full. Suppose. then, that a dealer's allocation of a particular car is twelve per year and twelve people place orders in the same day. It follows that the first will get very early delivery whilst the twelfth will have to wait twelve months or more. Where immediate delivery of a popular model is offered, there is usually a reason such as a cancelled order and the specification of the car in question is not acceptable to others tin the wailing list. Such isolated cases apart, however, one must expect to wait two or three months for most small cars, with the exception of the Morris Minor which has an average waiting time of twelve months or more.

The Motor Show This year's Show was remarkable in that for the first time there was an impression of colour. Most manufacturers exhibited cars in an infinite range of dual colours. Looking down


on the main hall from the gallery these colotirs. set oft by the occasional glossy black, gas e a look of glamour sshieh it stotild he difficult to surpass. As for the exhibits themselves. .111m ug the pop ottr cars the Standard Vanguard Phase ill saloon and the Jaguar 2.4 litre saloon stole the Show. They are both winners, the only criticism of the Vanguard being that its large tail lamps look rather like bloodshot head lamps. Aniong the others., the Alvis I'C.108'G three litre s jib a particularly beautiful sports saloon body, by the Swiss coachhuilder. (irahcr. was outstanding. hi 1st for the enthusiast the Jensen 541 ss jib a fibre-glass reinforced plastic body, the rear engtned Porsche, and the tubular sIIce framed Lotus s ei'e equally itltei estilig, C. itroen showed the sensational new 2litre saloon with a hydraulic night' it ire of piping for its suspension system and controls. 'lime alone will tell how this futuristic model is accepted by the public.

Winter Routine Motor Show time is also the time to change over your engine oil to Winter grade unless you are already a user of the new multi-grade oils. Much has been said about these oils. In a reasonably new engine they are worth a trial but only experience can tell whether your own engine will use more of it than is economic. V or the keen enthusiast I would say try it. but for others I would advise keeping to the oil you are used to buying. It is most unlikely that we wiI survive a svinter without frost of some severity. It is. therefore, also lime to have your car radiator flushed out, hose clips tightened. I e a k s checked and anti-freeze put in the radiator. The charge for this is about half a crown for labour, whilst the cost of the anti-freeze is about LI to Cl lOs. depending on the capacity of the cooling system A. F.. Marsh.


Please forward one postcard of lI.N1.S. Bulwark, as reproduced at the top of this page, for which I attach stamp value I d. (Use block letters please.) Rank or rating ...........................................


VALUE lid.



Director W.R.NS. COMMANDANT N. M. Robcrtson, C.B.li., Director \V.R.N.S. visited the W.R.N.S. Unit in tt.M.S. Mercury on Thursday, October 20, 1955, and remained as a guest in order to attend the Trafalgar night dinner.

Copies of the rules may be btained from all W.R.N.S. Unit )tlicers s ithin the Command or from he W.R.N.S. Education Officer. Mice of Commander-in-Chief, l'ortsnouth. Collection Members of the W.R.N.S. Unit crying in I1.M.S. Collingwood reently collected ssithin the establishnent the sum of ÂŁ22 in aid of the o ii National Lifeboat institution n Friday. October 7, 1955.




SPORTS II.M.S. Mercury The W.R.N.S. in this establishment have played three friendly hockey matches during the past weeks. The results are as follows: September 17, Mercury v. Daedalus. draw i-I; October 5, Mercury v. Eastney. won 3-I: October 8. Mercury v. Dacdalus. lost 5-2.


11.M.S. Collingwood Four W.R.N.S. Stewards (0.) were selected to play for the Establishment's mixed hockey team in a match against a Gosport Club on Saturday. October 15, The match ended in a draw, the score being 6 goals each. The Wrens chosen to play were:[-./Wren I. M. E. Flavcll: Wren L. Wheaton; Wren 11, M. Ross and Wren M. C. Gull.


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H.M.S. Excellent Lieut. F. W. Barton, M.B.E., Royal Navy, has undertaken to train the Wrens' hockey team. Although the number of people to choose from is small, interest and enthusiasm arc unlimited. After a little more training the team will be ready to "fire a broadside" at future opponents. L./Wren J. Mills. a crack shot and a marksman badge holder, is a member of H.M.S. Excellent's "B" Divi' sion .22 League. the Portsmouth and District Rifle Club and also H.M.S Excellent's Inter-Port .303 Saturday Morning League. 75 YE.AAS SERVICE TO THE ROYAL NAVY

For personal and individual




attention 'hone 690$



Naval and Civilian Tailors and Outfitters 171 QUEEN STREET, PORTSMOUTH M.mb*r$, Iet.rport Naval Traders' Association, LW,)

Th*V~of the Silent Service--"I cannot thank your rm and osofl enough for the zctvt cot ~have Once azain thonk you and say you are not only Tailors, but a friend to Sailor, in need, indeed."-T.H.


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Price List on me~

Friendly Wives


ON SEPTEMBER 10, First Officer E. AT THE meeting on Monday, OctoRoberts and Second Officer Wilson, ber 10, the So u t h sea Branch. W.R.N.S.. together with two members R.N.F.U.S.W., was addressed by Mrs. of the W.A.V.E.S. stationed in the Porter-Golf. The subject, "The AmeriUnited Kingdom, left England by can Housewife," was treated by Mrs. B.E.A. Viscount en route for Copen- Porter-Golf in such a manner as to hagen to attend a conference of make most interesting listening, and Scandinavian Women's Naval Forces was very much appreciated by the at the invitation Of the Kvindelige members. Marinere. On Tuesday, October 18, twentyArriving at Kaastrup airport some three members of the Southsca three hours later we were met by Branch attended the Annual General Lieut. Wolf, KM.. and conveyed to Meeting of the R.N.F.U.S.W. at a delightful hotel in Copenhagen Admiralty House, Whitehall. situated on the waterfront near the Members are now busily preparing I.angelinc gardens. From then on there for their annual sale of work, which was a non-stop programme of visits, is on Monday, November 14, at 2.15 inspections and discussions. On Sun- p.m., in the Victory Hut, Royal Naval day we visited the Naval Base to Barracks. Lady Crcasy has very kindly watch members of the K.M. under consented to open the Sale, at which training, which included a route march any prospective members will be very to music of their own band, pistol welcome. The 1/- admission fee will shooting and evolutions by the band, include refreshments. Children will be whose performance was most admitted free, and soft drinks and impressive. cakes will be on sale for them. There Other places visited in the next two will be stalls for needlework, groceries were the Naval Base, the Officers' days and cakes, and miscellaneous items. School, housed in a modern building and there will also he raffles and guesswhose layout is based on that of the ing competitions, for which attractive Royal Naval College. Dartmouth. the prizes will be presented. Dockyard, in which there is the oldest rigging shecrs in the world, the K.M. offices, and the Garden of Remembrance to members of the Resistance movement. Somehow tinie was found NORTH END BRANCH for a round table conference as well as a Cook's tour of North Zealand. A BEETLE DRIVE was held at our We were received and entertained meeting at Fisher Hall, Whale Island, not only by members of the K.M. but on October 24. We also had a very welcome visit from Mrs. Rischbieth, by the Commander-in-Chief and the Commodore of the Naval Base. The who organises the food parcels for latter lives in the "Nyboder," a town- widows sent by the Adelaide (Australia) Branch of the R.N.F.U.S.W. ship built in the seventeenth century for Naval families. The meeting was very well attended, Throughout the visit there was a and we had also invited the widows of the Southsea Branch to meet her. constant interchange of views and news of Service conditions. Fortu- The meeting opened as usual with the nately everyone spoke English. so singing of the last verse of "Eternal Father" and prayers led by the Rev. language presented no difficulties. Time, as usual, flew by, and after D. Keen, R.N. Then Mrs. Rutherford a quick tour of the shops on Wednes- welcomed Mrs. Rischbieth and she was day morning, we said good-bye to our presented with a bouquet of roses by charming hostesses to hoard a plane Master Michael Rutherford dressed in for the return trip to London, taking his sailor suit, and then Mrs. Longley with us wonderful memories of a (North End Branch) and Mrs. Halford people whose gaiety and friendliness (Southsea Branch) together presented her with a leather writing case, for made the visit such a happy one.

Wrens Association The Association of Wrens is holding a Christmas Gift Sale on the afternoon of Saturday, November 19, 1955. at Furse 1-louse, 41 Queen's Gate Terrace. London, S.W.7. The object is to raise funds to meet W.R.N.S Officers the costs entailed by moving the Third Officer S. A. Maconochie offices of the Association from Queen will be leaving the Duchess of Kent Anne's Mansions to other premises. larracks for H.M.S. Condor on FriIt is hoped to meet the expenses of Jay. November 4. 1955. Third Officer rent. lighting and heating for the new 1aconoehie has served as Junior office for at least the first year, if not Quarters 0111cc for the past year and for two. our best wishes go with her on taking The serving members of the her flew appointment. W.R.N.S. have been asked to be res- ipShe is to he relieved by Third ponsible for a Christmas Gift Stall. DfiIcer R. Vest from 1l.N1.S. Arid. It has been suggested that gifts should Last month the \V.R.N.S. Officers be attractively n the Duchess of Kent Barracks inexpensive and wrapped. It is hoped that the were pleased to welcome a new mernW.R.N.S. in Portsmouth Command 3cr to their Mess, Third Officer will make every effort to ensure the J. Ii. Harryvan. Women's Royal success of the stall for which the Ii. Netherland Naval Service. Service is responsible. Gifts should be Third Officer Harryvan came from sent to W.R.N.S. Unit Officers. Den Helder where she held the appointment of Duty ConimunicaCommand Handicrafts Exhibition ions Officer on the Stall of 'Ihe Command Handicrafts ExhibiNetherland I Ionic tion will be held this year in the Station. Wren's Recreation Room, Duchess of Visit of Soviet Squadron Kent Barracks on 'tuesday. November 22. Lady Creasy has very kindly A number of W.R.N.S. ratings red, once again, to open the serving in Portsmouth Command '0xl,"'ib'i2tio. at 3 p.m. All members assisted in entertaining the Russian of the W.R.N.S., Q.A.R.N.N.S.. naval ratings at two receptions held V.A.t). and W.R.N.V.R. and their at the N.A.A.F.I. Club on Wednesguests are most cordially invited to day, October 12, and Friday. October be present. The exhibition will remain 14. 1955. open until 9 p.m. The display of Russian folk dancThe following people have been ing by their naval ratings will long invited to enter exhibits: members of be remembered. The intricate steps the W.R.N.S. serving in the Com- and high jumps performed with skill mand. members of the Q.A.R.N.N.S. and apparent case became a topic of and V.A.D., and members of the conversation for many days. W.R.N.V.R. serving in divisions geowithin PortsCountry Dancing graphically situated month Command. With the advent of the darker The exhibits will be divided into evenings the country dancing season the following recommenced in the Duchess of Kent 2-Dressmaking, 3 Barracks on Monday, October 10, -Lcathcrwork, 4-Canework, 5- 1955. It is the intention of the organ6-Embroidery. 7- isers to make this a regular fortToyniak ing, Knitting. 8-Art, 9-Miscellaneous nightly feature until Christmas leave. (any other handicraft). All members of the W.R.N.S. servin the Command and Royal Naval ratings in Victoria Barracks are invited to attend. The dancing starts at 7.30 p.m. and refreshments are avail(op FXTRA ww able during the interval.



November. 1955

which the widows of the two Branches had subscribed. The Beetle Drive prize-winners were R.M.B. Easiney Mrs. Treadwell, Mrs. Dean and Mrs. Hockey has got away to a good start this season with coaching once Windebank. The lucky numbers in the a week and practice games against the Raffle belonged to Mrs. Tearreau, Mrs. Lee, Mrs. Briggs, Mrs. Vine, Mrs. Royal Marines. Mrs. Miller and Mrs. Cattell. October Wednesday. 5, the Dymott, The 62nd Annual General Meeting W.R.N.S. team. H.M.S. Mercury, visited R.M.B. Eastney. and won by of the R.N.F.U.S.W. took place in London on October 18 at Admiralty 3 goals to 0. The W.R.N.S. nctball team, H.M.S. House, by kind permission of the Victory, visited Eastney on Friday, Right Hon. J. P. L. Thomas, P.C., October 7, and defeated the M.P. W.R.N.S. team there by 12 goals to 3. A number of our members joined forces with members of the Southsea .22 Rifle Shooting Branch and shared a coach to attend The results of the first round of the meeting. Owing to unforeseen cirthe R.N. Women's Inter-Unit .22 cumstances the meeting had to be held postal rifle shooting league are as in the cinema, which was very small, follows: and it was definitely a case of "full R.M. Barracks. house," as all the branches from all ... 346 2 points; the main Naval ports were well repreEastney H.M.S. Victory ... 335 NIL. sented. However, seats were eventually H.M.S. Excellent . 360 NIL: found for everyone. We were very H.M.S. Mercury ... 369 2 points. pleased to meet the new President of H.M.S. Vernon .,. 369 2 points; the Friendly Union. the Countess H.M.S. Collingwood 362 NIL. Mountbatten, who has taken over The results of the second round from Lady McGrigor. She was prewill be published when they become sented with the President's badge, a available. replica of the R.N.F.U.S.W. badge. which is an anchor surrounded by a Squash Rackets Coaching cable and surmounted with a crown The R.N. Command Squash in the form of a large silver brooch. Rackets Association has very kindly Unfortunately, Lady MeGrigor was arranged to coach members of the not able to be present herself, so the W.R.N.S. During the coming weeks Chairman, Poland. handed over Lady Lieut.-Cdr. A. Gordon Johnson, the brooch on her behalf. a well-known Air Royal Navy, ComThe Hon. Secretary and Treasurer, mand player, will be coaching the Wrens on the Duchess of Kent Bar- Mrs. Orchard, then read her report, racks court Wednesday evenings, It and Lady Poland gave a sumtnary of is hoped that the W.R.N.S. Portsmouth Command may now win the Inter-Command Championships which will be held in the R.N. College, Greenwich. on December 3, 1955. Badminton

Badminton is now in full swing and gaining in popularity among the Wrens in Portsmouth Command. Among the many keen players the following belong to the Portsdown Badminton Club, where a high standard of play is encouraged and maintained:P.O. Wren 1. B. Strecter. H.M.S. Excellent; P.O. Wren A. Hancock, H.M.S. Excellent; P.O. Wren I. Evans, H.M.S. Excellent; Chief Wren W. Boumphrey, H.M.S. Victory; and L./Wren S. E. Cullen. P.O. Wren Evans and L./Wren Cullen have both been selected to play for the 1st Division of the Portsmouth and District League, and P.O. Wren Strecter to play for Division 6.

Navy News QUIZ

QUESTIONS 1. A rigol is (a) An echo sounding instru ment (b) A seaman's dance (c) An escape hatch (d) A device for preventing water entering a scuttle. 2. What is Harriet Lane? 3. When does nautical twilight begin? 4. "Not room to swing a cat." What sort of cat? 5. What is the "barrel of butter"? 6. What was a banyan day? ANSWERS ON PAGE 5

the year's activities of the various branches. This was followed by a very inspiring talk on the work and aims of the Friendly Union by Countess Nlountbattcn. After this there were questions and discussions on various points. The meeting was followed by tea in one of the beautiful rooms of Admiralty House. II.M.S. VERNON BRANCH THE H.M.S. Vernon Branch of the R.N.F.U.S.W. met in the Wardroom Annexe, H.M.S. Vernon, on Wednesday September 28, at 2.15 p.m. Mrs. J. Grant presided and Mrs. H. Wilkin, Vice-Chairman, was also present. This was a games afternoon which proved very popular, thanks largely to skilful direction by C-P.O. Howe. Our !hanks are due to Mrs. G. A. G. Williams and Mrs. Mooney, who presented articles which were raffled at this meeting. One was won by Mr. Wilkie and the other by Mrs. Loftus. Future Events Meetings for next month: Novernber 2. 2.15 p.m., Sewing Meeting; November 9. 2.30 p.m., Committee Meeting; November 16. 2.15 p.m., Sewing Meeting, and November 30, 2.15 p.m.. Sale of Work. The first three will be held, as usual, in the Wardroom Annexe. The Sale of Work on November 30 will be in the Cinema. It will be opened by Lady Creasy, and a large attendance of members and friends is hoped for. New Members All wives whose husbands have served in H.M.S. Vernon for any period, and who are still serving in the Navy, are reminded that they are eligible for membership of this branch and will be very welcome at any meeting.

Combined Annual General Meeting The Chairman, Hon. Secretary, Hon. Treasurer and seventeen members attended the Annual General Meeting at Admiralty House. Whitehall, on October 18. This was the first time that such a large number from our branch had attended a London meeting. A coach was arranged to leave H.M.S. Vernon at 9.30 am., and the ever-changing sunlit scenes of a perfect autumn morning made the journey to London seem all too short. All the members agreed that this meeting was most interesting and stimulating and that the address by the Countess Mountbatten of Burma, who is now President of the R.N.F.U.S.W.. was an inspiration to all. After the meeting, those present enjoyed tea, which was provided in one of the lovely reception rooms of Admiralty I-louse, and during which the Countess Mountbatten of Burma, Lady Creasy, Lady Poland, the First Lord of the Admiralty, the Right Honourable J. P. L. Thomas. M.P.. and other members of the Council, chatted informally with everyone. The meeting over, our members occupied the time till the return journey at 8.45 p.m. with the many entertainments London offers. Alto-' geiher this was a highly successful day and one we shall now want to repeat every year. ROYAL NAVAL FRIENDLY UNION OF SAILORS' WIVES SOUTIIIEA




Monday, November 14th 2.15 P. M. Victory Hut, R.N. Barracks

Classified Advertisements may be placed at i

GALE & POLDEN LTD Nelson House,

Edinburgh Road, Portsmouth,

well as at the Royal Naval Barracks, Portsmouth. as



Have YOU a personal problem?..



& WELL attended Monthly Meeting Letters of thanks were received HE MODERATORIAL ring I carry was held at the British Legion Head- from two widows of late members bout with me on my tours of the quarters, Salisbury, on Monday, whom we were able to help. Our hutches bears an impression of "The October 3, under the Chairmanship thanks are also due to the R.N.B.T. "Lost in the Wash" The Drafting Forecast lurning Bush," which has long been f Mr. Reg. Wade. for their ever willingness to help when as the emblem of the The Chairman thanked all members the need is beyond our financial I WONDER if you would advise me WE ALL enjoy the NAVY News. But ecognised motto hurch of Scotland, with the for and following the Stan- resources. as to what action I could take against we find one thing missing. In your rom Exodus III to the effect that it lardparading Arrangements are now in hand for a laundry, as on July 14 1 placed a General Drafting forecast you keep us rums but does not burn away. This, Britainto the Cathedral on Battle of our Annual Children's Party. Sunday. pair of overalls in a depot of the well up to date; the lads serving over- ye feel, is very true of our Church Our Hon. Secretary and Treasurer, V.CS. laundry. When the time came to col- seas would, I'm sure, appreciate know- vhcn we glance back at its history: Mr. Roy Davis, gave the final details lect them, no overalls. The assistant ing which ship is relieving which. So has in all the centuries meant fire ANSWERS TO QUIZ arrangements for our Annual said she would check for me as to may we look to the future copies with urid light, and still it goes on burning. of the Cadena Caf6 on the (See page 4) what had happened to them. As I was "Who Relieves Who"? If not, who When one looks at the Church to-day, Dinner at I. A device for preventing water evening of Trafalpr Day. going on draft she took my name and relieves us? human are its leaders, me notices how Our Life President, Admiral Sir entering a scuttle. address. I went and "chased her up" Answer: In 'the General Service inadequate its efforts, how limited Gerald Dickens, will be the guest of 2. Any tinned meat. a few times, then she told me she was Commission Scheme a ship relieves iow is service to God and man; but when the evening, and representatives of 3. When the sun is 12S below the told they believed that they were given ITSELF-for example. H.M.S. Scor- me thinks of the way by which we our Chum my ships will also be horizon. to someone in the Dockyard. Anyway, pion recommissioned in April, 1955, iave conic through the we ages, 4, A cat o' nine tails. present. she wasn't sure. Since then I've written and the ship (with a new ship's consthe realise what work quickly mighty Our Members will with 5. A small island in Scapa Flow. parade to the manager at least fourteen days patty) carries on her work. hurch has accomplished for Scot- Standard in company with other ex- 6. A day on which no meat was ago. Since then I've had no answer and. It has always been deeply in- Service Associations and their Stanissued (after Banian, Indian Ships are withdrawn from the active and I'm not satisfied with the excuse sect, which eats no animal food). fleet for long refit, modernisation. etc., volved in our liberty movements from dards on Remembrance Sunday. they have given me. at intervals and then another ship is Wallace and Bruce, the Covenanters, So that's why I'm seeking your brought forzz'ard to take her place. It he Seceders, those who stood for the advice. is not possible to announce publicly rights of the individual conscience, TAILORING I hope you can give me some news. ,nany months ahead the identity of the and for the spiritual independence, an TAILORING I A ,, SPECIALISTS I#14 V U J SPECIALISTS at about 4 months' attitude revealed also in the demoRelief Ship-but A,,szt'er: In reply to your letter, notice this information would appear cratic form of our Church government rd. 7307 1.1.73067 (BESPOKE TAILORS) LTD. many laundries only accept washing in the NAVY News. in which the laity play such a promicertain terms of specific subject to 336-338 Fratton Road Portsmouth Hants nent is a Independence splendid part. contract. You do not say whether in R.F.R. Training Sts co ' tr.adition, and we owe the very fact in your case there was a specific of it to our pious forebears. spirit Special Offers to when Ge,,erall%' speaking, how- COULD YOU please inform me contract. drill period for R.F.R. Further, since the days of John Knox, ROYAL NAVY PERSONNEL ONLY ever, if you cats prove delivery of the the. weekly commences for the coming general education had a better place overalls to the laundry, then you have ratngs in the Scottish than in programme A 1956'? COMPLETE d OUTFIT-Ready-to-wear Suit, Raincoat, Shoes a legal rig!,: that the laundry should year that most countries, and the Church Shlrt-1101. weekly by Naval allotment (No Deposit) And whether or not R.F.R. rating tried ofhard return them in ?so worse condition to teach so that people received them, CIVILIAN RAINCOAT (any style), £9-9-O-Cholce 01 9 colours, 5/. than apart on application,, can request to do his they could read the Bible for themthey week's training at any particular time selves and think for themselves, and obviously from being cleaner. weekly the during year? I would advise you to write a polite come to intelligent convictions on CIVILIAN SUIT (single-breasted or double-breasted), £lO-IO.O and If so, how long has to be given to serious matters, religion being not, as letter so size Managing Director of the £I2I2.O, 5]. weekly R.I.R. registrar? had been assumed, merely a cerelaundry concerned. .setting out the JUMPER SUIT (made to measure), NAVAL RAINCOAT and facts and requesting that the overalls Answer: In reply to your letter of monial performance and superstition, he returned to your address. or that but concerned directly with a SHOES5/weekly by Naval allotment (No Deposit proper October 10, the full R.F.R. training their value, which you should state. man's way of living among his fellows HAND TAILORED MADE-TO-MEASURE SUIT (any style reprogra,nrne for 1956 will probably not and before his God. Another line of should he paid by size laundry. If you quired), £12.12-C to £16.16-C, 7/6 weekly by Naval allotment (no Deposit), be known until April or May. The no the which our owes satisfaction only development country 200 patterns get programme for the first three months to the instruct a solicitor. have is to of the Church is our you example HAND TAILORED MADE-TO-MEASURE SUIT (any style) and of the year will be settled within the care of the and the sick. was It poor next two or three weeks. SINGLE- or DOUBLE-BREASTED RAINCOAT (choice of 9 in comparatively recent times Foreign Service Leave only Endeavour is made as far as praccolours) IOfweekly by Naval allotment (no Deposit as a whole was WOULD YOU be kind enough to let ticable to meet the wishes of reservists that the community that such matters are a persuaded ALL AIOVE OFE*S HAVE A WRITTEN GUARANTEE WITH EACH ORDER me know how many days leave is who apply to the Registrar R.F.R. common responsibility and now they allotted after 18 months' foreign ser- regarding site date of their training, are a recognised part of the State's JEWELLERY DEPARTRIENT vice at Singapore; also the No. of but this must of course depend on the activity, Some Scottish characWATCHES (Ladies' and Gent's) ~to£12.12-C, 5/- weekly by Naval the A.F.O. which contains details of training programme, which has to be regular teristics have amused the world, but allotment wRrrrEN GUARANTEE WITH EACH WATCH this, as we would like to arrange a fitted in with the other commitments on the whole Scots have established holiday but not sure of how many of else training establishments. Gener- themselves as a good type, much IMMEDIATE SERVICE GUARANTEED GOODS FIRST-CLASS DELIVERY * * days we are entitled to. Thanking you. ally speaking, it is usually possible so respected all over the world. The OUR REPRESENTATIVE WILL VISIT ANYWHERE ON RECEIPT OF YOUR LETTERS calling a reservist for training Cottar's Saturday Night, John Gait's Answer: In reply to your letter of avoid time best Annals of the Parish, Johnny Gibb of October I, the regulations governing at a particularly inconvenient not always possible, except within Gushetncuk and many more literary Foreign service leave are contained in broad limits, to arrange his training accounts portray the Scot as one with Queen's Regulations and Admiralty at a particular date of his choice. The a strong character based on Christian Instructions. Article 0908. The scale earlier suchtapplications are made to principles. May we not prove false to of leave laid doll',: is twO days for she Rec,.strar R.F.R.. the more likely the best traditions of our people. each month of foreign service. Foreign it is that suitable arrangements cats service qualifying for this leave starts be ,,zade. C. I). Henderson. from the date of leaving else United I have been advised that so far as Moderator of the General Assembly Kingdom and ends on the date of arriving in the United Kingdom on cam, he foreseen at present, it is tinof the Church of Scotland.



return. Your husband should be en- likely that you -training in 1956. titled to about 36 days' leave.






Inter-Services Drama, September 23-25

"ON STAGE beginners," and with those words of Dr. 13. A. Ycaxlce, the Chairman, the tang of backstage leapt to life for its. It was at the invitation of the delegacy for Extra-Moral studies. Services Education committee that nineteen of its were gathered at Oxford for a week-end course on "Drama Production"; the Army and the R.A.F. were the rest of our complement of fifty. What Makes a Good Play Oxford is busy even in the vacation and three lecturers were easily ranged to put up ideas for our stimulation. Provocative, the first of the three. Arthur Ashby, lecturer in English. certainly was. He spoke to us on "What Makes a Good Play" and "The Theatre To-day." In the former he preferred to catalise rather than synthesise-" Isn't it rather 'What makes a play good?' "-and in masterly manner built up one for us: blend the literary mode (how a play instructs, impresses and shocks) with the theatrical (how a play entertains and enthralls): observe the rules of taste, time, unities, plot and narrative and then , . , but masterpieces arc best left to masters after all. Themes he left to the second talk were the quality of the "Confidential Clerk," the possibility that Shaw is soon to be forgotten except for "St. Joan," the usefulness of the television camera and, finally, the preoccupation with character, with the pathos and tragic force of the hero's dilemma, which he felt had saved the educated public for the theatre. The Script 'The Producer and his Script" and the "Actor and his Script" followed

logically enough. This time the feminine viewpoint of Daphne Levens, Director of the City of Oxford Dramatic Club, was practically urged. She proved an apt puppet-manipulator, pushing us amusingly around whilst she demonstrated how a typical Vie' torian melodrama would be treated by producer and actor. "Gadzookery' is evidently a passion for her and she proved highly infectious. She left us with a precept for actors, "Read youi plays until you can hear their people speak." Producing Drama "On Producing Drama To-day' soon revealed the impish humouz which has made Historian John Hals a television personality. The pitfall for a producer-the avoidance of to( much emphasis on production, th actor who gets out of hand, thu Shakespearian who ad libs ("how is' my noble lord." "Not so badly thanks"), and the Drama Festiva contest-were exhilaratingly sketched Thus the week-end was vividly ended Possibly this is the first of furthe such vacation courses. We hope so Oxford had welcomed us and we let her regretfully. CoUingwood Dramatic Society On November 23 and 24 Roland and Michael Pertwee's drama "The Paragon," will be staged ii H.M.S. Collingwood by the Coiling wood Dramatic Society. The play wa first produced in May, 1948, at th Fortune Theatre, London, and ha since been broadcast and filmed. Tickets, price 2/6, 1/6 and 1/-, ma' be obtained from, the Secretary. Col lingwood Dramatic Society. (coiling wood, Ext. 222.)

Ikeord ihwiw

LECLAIR IS surely a composer of whom we deserve to hear more. Like Torelli (whose Op. 8 Concertos were issued a short while ago), he is a composer for which L.P. recordings can do much, and the issue by L'OiscauLyre (OL 50087-8) of six of his fortynine violin sonatas is a welcome release. I have only yet received three of these sonatas but I can speak in highest terms of recording and performance. lsabelle Nef's harpsichord support of Georges Ales makes for good balance, and these performances are well worth the attention of all. Both Aibinoni and Vivaldi are composers with certain common characteristics and, although the latter is comparatively well known, the former deserves his share of recognition. Both are represented in new recordings of oboe concertos (among a collection of their works). Pierre Pierlot, the distiizgu'shed French oboist, is soloist in the Opus 7 concertos of Aibinoni (I.'Oiseau-Lyre OL 50041), which disc also includes two of the Opus 5 "Concerti a Cinque." Unfortunately, the accompaniment by the orchestra is not sufficiently careful to create perfection-nevertheless, this is a highly recommended disc. The Vivaldi collection is played by Claude Maisonneuve-with Georges Als as violin soloist in the B Flat Major Concerto for violin, oboe and orchestra. I found these less attractive than the Albinoni set but of value in learning more of the many works of Vivaldi. (OL 50073.) F.10630 is the Decca number to be noted for "The Dam Busters March," recorded by Billy Cotton and his band, together with "Bring Your Smile Along." A "Cloudburst" occurs in the form of Ted Heath playing "Malaguena" (F.10624), but the skies clear when, on F.10625, Charlie Kwiz plays the one hundred and eighteenth of his "Piano Medleys."





Pef/'ect "Pink" or Plain (with water) s

or with tonic, vermouth, cordials, etc.







Nioe,nhcr. 1955



THE SPORTSMAN of the Month for NAVY Ni;ws i5 normally chosen from adherents of one of the more conventional forms of sport or athletics. In part, this is true of our sportsman this month, but he has been selected primarily because of his ability and success in the seamanlike sport of sailing. 11.0. I rancis Derek Drake has undoubtedly been the most successful coxswain in Osprey this year, and probably in Portland also. P.O. Drake joined the Navy as a Seaman Boy in 1937 and was drafted to his first ship. H.M.S. Revenge, in 1939. It was in that ship that he was first attracted to sailing and learned to handle boats, although it was not until late in the war that he began to make his name in this sport. Since those ear1' days sailing has always I L, 1--- ... A 11 UCell IuI list tti5c .III U tIC II.t grit UUflhIy developed his skill and attachment to it over the post-war years. Since the war his service has alternated principally between home and foreign service, and his first major success in sailing was to he selected as a member of the Navy team against the RAE. in 1947 while he was serving in Malta. In 1948 while in H.M.S. Excellent he won the Portsmouth Command Torch Trophy, and in 1949 at Gibraltar, the Rawson for Whalers and Cup Dinghies, the first time a dinghy has s'.on this race. He has very happy sailing memories of a two-sear coin mission in II. '.j S. ( cs Ion on the East Indies Station, between 1952 and 1954. He was an active sailing secretary of that ship. and was a member of the successful ship's team which won the Ni'. al and Ci'. ilian Club Regatta at Sydney. the Fleet Regatta at Hobart, and the 1953 East Indies Fleet Regatta. However, it is not only ill sailing that 11.0. Drake shows merit. When he joined H.M.S. Osprey in November. 1954, he immediately took up his other favourite sport, hockey, and proved himself to be a very good hack. He was a member of the Osprey team


which reached the semi-liiial of thc Navy Knock-out Competition in the 1954/55 season. With the start of the 1955 sailing season he once more turned to sailing. At Portland he has specialised in admiralty dinghies, and this year he has shown himself to he an outstanding coxswain; he has sailed regularly and in the weekly races has gained eleven firsts, three seconds and zinc third. He has also won three of the major events ;it Portland, the Gieves and ('asi le cove sailing Cups (holl R.N.S.A. trophies) and the R.N.L.I Ittirgee. He has been equally success fu l as a mciiiher of the Portland NaV.i Sailing Association team against th Wevmouih and Castle Cove Sailing Clubs and as a member of the Osprey team which won the Portland Dinghy Trophy. This must, surely, have been l'.O Drake's most successful ear, and h this showing alone he has great sailin opportunities in front of him. lie also willing to share his knoss ledge hot 11 at jr i neomalee and at Portland he has organised voluntary dog watch instruction for anyone who wants te lear ii.



- ~et~ FOR











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Pra.'n Plan Inicatincni Plan &hooi Ten Proyiion

D BranchofSerrks'

WHAT AN absorbing thing an old newspaper can be! 'I he other day in H.M.S. Dryad, behind an old picture. we found the "Portsmouth Evening News" for Thursday, January 19, 1893. Yellow with age, and doubtless a dreary enough document in its day, it made the most fascinating reading. For instance, in its editorial it congratulated the managers of the Waterlooville Industrial Home (chairman, the ('onimander-in-Chief. Admiral the Earl of Clanwilliam) on their "very gratifying report" which included the somewhat startling information that "there are practically no children now to he found in Portsmouth brothels,"



VOLUNTEERS are required to form the Field Gun Crew for the Royal Tournament at Earls Court. Length of stay at Earls Court is from June 5 to June 24. Names of volunteers from ships and establishments to he sent to l'ield Gun Otlice. R.N.II. All one has to do is to request to go to your Divisional Officer, who will forward your request to R.N.H. (A.F.O. 2642). This is a worthwhile job for keen, willing men, our object being to relieve l)evonport of the other two cups. ltompey, holds the most important one now; will you help us to retain it and win the others'! If any information is required before deciding, do pay a visit to Field Gun Office or Gunnery Office, R.N.It. Reliefs are arranged with Drafting Office.






Portsmouth in the Gay Nineties


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Passing from that eloquent tit-bit, we learn that Portsmouth had a thousand public houses and its drink bill was £f(k),000 a year. '[hat, mark you, at a time when beer was 9d. a gallon and the pub itself could be bought for £10. ALE, STOUT and PORTER in casks of any si/c, from 3 gals, and upwards, irom 9d. per gallon IIRANSBURY & CO.. \IARMION 52 ROAD, SOUTIISEA. (131ERHOUSES-a doien to select from from £10. Ad.) John Dyer of Kings Road. Soiithsea. '.sas holding his annual GREAT SALE. coal was twenty shillings a Ion. delivered. and every piano sold carried with it, as part of the bargain, twelve months free tuning and twelve months tree music lessons. 'I he cost.' Fourteen guilieas, including the pinto 'I lie great t Boxing, the Marquess of Qucensherry. had been la ing down the law on behalf (of all things !) of polygamy and legitimate concubinage. A Mr. George Miller was drunk in charge of a horse and cart in Milton Road. (*'Drunk in ('hai tie and I urious Driving.")


Painless Extractions Dr. REDWARD. DENTAL SURGEON, "having met with such great success with his l'riie Medal sets of Teeth. he will still continue to supply a COMPLETE SE I' at ONE GUINEA. a SINGLE TOOTH from 2'., 6d. PAINLESS EXTRA( I IONS by Nitrous Oxide Gas, at half usual cost, TEETH STOPPED. rendering hem again useful for mastication and articulation.'' Strictly to business, the dentists, "Painless" and "American" dentistry being much advertised. Not so the

I -

doctors. Medical news was confined Polygamous, no doubt. to the case of the surgeon who quarOn less parochial matters. Mr, relied s'. ith his wife "about the cooking Gladstone's Ministry was being of a kipper and threw a tin at her. "treated to such a chorus of praise as striking her on the head," (She died, would he calculated to turn the heads poor woman.) of less sohcr men" over their prompt And there was a dance at Ilaslar. and efTcctive handling of the revolt of In the Dockyard the drillers had a the young Khedive in Egypt. grie%ance. .And. by modern standards, A paragraph headed "[he Panama they had, indeed, a grievance ! Scandal" datelined Paris. recalls that the French, before the Americans, Secret Triall made the first attempt to cut the An Armour Plate trial had been held Canal and that their failure was due to on hoard the "Nettle," It was a secret fraud as much as to fever, trial. However, in the words of the The death of a Mr. James Hunt, newspaper aged 9') years, links the 18th century, "The Trial was private, but ... the a settler was nearly eaten by "ravenresults were as follows: ... A Holtzer ous wolves" in Winnipeg and (plus ça discharged with 48 lbs. of powder, the change, plus c'cst Ia ntme chose), a highest amount allotted to the gun. black man was lynched in Alabama. penetrated the face and part of the There is plenty more on similar backing, but without disintegrating the lines. ponderously told and pompously armour expressed. But an impression is given, So much for security as clear as any picture, of a sordid *I his '.%,i,; the heyday of the Music and often brutal life seething beneath Hall. The Empire Palace, The People's the decorous facade, with the police Halt of Varieties, and numerous others obviously hard pressed in a morass offered for the entertainment of the of quite serious crime. Portsmouth citizens such delights as vocal comedians, astounding acrobatic Grey Nineties acts, speciality artistes. eccentric trick Britain as a country was rich, and hic dc pe formers and so on. includ- growing richer, but its people were in ing Professor lleterson's TROUPE Of.' trouble over money. No fewer than HIGHLY r RAINED DOGS and "the three' Building Society failures, an abgreatest tin de siecle Novelty of the sconded rent collector, ti s'. onia ii who Age, the celebrated "popped" her husband's complete outBOXING KANGAROO fit of clothes, and a bankrupt colonel A marvellous Marsupial, are reported on one page alone, and The English Champion Lightweight the echo of corruption, financial and otherwise, pervades the whole issue. Boxing under Quecnsberry Rules."

1100K REVIEWS 'I'llE OF THE NM'I'. Admiral Sir Win. James (\tethuen, 2 Is,) A hook by Admiral James is, increasingly, a naval occasion. His ' and the simple. forthright siS Ic shrewdness of his judgments make his works both pleasant to read it,,d va Iuable to study. This is his fourth venture into the deep waters of naval biography, lie has written on Earl St. Vincent, Lord Nelson and Lord Fisher. One is tempted to seek the inspiration behind each of these. Admiral James was at his best in "Old Oak," his book on St. Vincent, writing on a character with '.'.hom he was instinctively in sympathy: he wrote on Nelson because, perhaps, every naval officer is fascinated by that colossus who bestrides our world; he wrote on Fisher, for no naval writer can escape the challenge of that formidable, controversial character. 'file inspiration of this biography 'f Admiral Sir Reginald I Ia II is less CZiS to suggest. Few of the ' ounger generation in the Service remember. if indeed they ever heard, his name, lie seems rather a little hill amongst these mountains. Friendship is one of the reasons, Admiral James obviously admired and was fond of the man whø had been his captain. But this is far from being a book of personal reminiscence. Sir Reginald Hall was Director of Naval Intelligence during the 1914-1918 war, and in that appointment held and used very great power, One might call this biography, recalling a famous book by Admiral Richmond, "Politics as an instrument of the Navy." Admiral James has written on Hall, because lie too was a mountain-but a mountain so


shrouded in cloud and m stery that his very presence was hardly suspected.

TIlE NAVY'S HERE. Frischauer & Jackson. tGoI ha nez, 16s.) The "Ness Statesman & Nation" in a recent article commented waspishly on the innumerable post-war books on the Silent Service. Having read this hook, one nItist confess that the waspishness is not '.s ithout justification.

Firstly the book is written somewhat in the style made popular by the tabloid press, with much splash.ing about of ''evil glances,- ---cold stares," "gripping climaxes" and so on. More seriously, a large part of the hook is concerned with yet another re-telling of the story of the Graf Spec and the River Plate action than with the Altmark. although the hook is subtitled, "The Altmark Affair," It is therefore very similar to a large part of the story of the "Atlantis" so that, to those who have read that or any other of the several books on German commerce raiders, the book conies with no fresh impact. Even the photographs-Graf Spec burning at Monte Video, H.M.S. Cossack, Altmark in a Norwegian fjord-are uninspired and unoriginal. One wonders whether there is to be any end to the spate of books of this kind. The tendency has been for factual accounts of this or that aspect of the war to become more and more pedestrian as they became more and more expensive. It is ridiculous to attempt to make a book out of material which, factually presented, justifies only a couple of chapters. It is something worse than ridiculous to pad out the product with a mention of almost every individual concerned. Surely c'.en the British appcttte for

unimaginative documentaries is nearing satiety. A BEGINNER'S GUIDE TO THE SEA. (,tpt. Frank Knight. (Macinillan, s.)

This unpretentious little hook is one of the most zidiriirahlc of its type that I have seen. In small compass it combines lucid explanation. easy style and a remarkable variety of sound instruction, all of it of value to the sachtsman, the young seaman or even, 1 would suggest, to the junior officer. The chapters on pilotage and astronaviga tion are particularly noteworthy, giving the essentials without the lengthy explanations and involved drawings which detract from the usefulness of so many ntanuals; although, in a few particulars, the methods described arc not those customarily practised in the Royal Navy. R.I.C.




Royal Norwegian Navy THE COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF of the Royal Norwegian Navy. ViceAdmiral Johs. E. Jacobsen, and Mrs. Jacobsen, arrived in Britain on Monday. October 10. 1955, to be the guests of the Board of Admiralty for several days. On the night of their arrival, they dined with the First Sea Lord and Chief of Naval Staff (Admiral The Earl Mountbatten of Burma. KG., etc.). During the three following days, Admiral Jacobsen visited naval establishments at Portsmouth, Portland and Londonderry. He was accompanied by the Norwegian Naval Attacbe in London, Capt. A. Stanj.


November, DS5


Royal Navy's New Guided Weapon Ships


now working. These ships will be something over 10,000 tons and an An artist's impression of one of the Royal Navy's new guided weapon ships on the design of shicli Admiralty experts are obvious successor to the cruiser

Letters to the. Editor

THE FOLLOWING has been received from l.icut.-Cdr. W. 1). Long. RN.. who was a young Able Seaman in the Mediterranean Fleet in 1897. It is a copy of a commendation issued by Admiral Rawson, to the Officers and Men and others who took part in the Benin Expedition. 1897. in which Expedition officers and men of H.M.S. Theseus (featured in the October issue of this paper) took part. Protectorate Yacht Ivy. at Sapele. February, 25. 1897. To the Officers and Men and others who took part in the Benin Expedition. 1897. The Henin Expedition, under my command. having been brought to a successful issue, I wish to express to all the officers and Men of the joint Forces of the Navy and Marines and the Niger Coast Protectorate, who took part in it, my high appreciation of their zeal and energy throughout the operations. Those who were called ip to engage the enemy displayed a gallantry and endurance beyond all praise, while to the remainder of the Force, who had to be employed on other duties equally necessary to the Expedition, my thanks arc specially due for the excellent work they have done under most trying circumstances. The loss of some of our Comrades is a matter of deep regret and sadness to us all.. but the recollection that they laid down their lives in nobly and gallantly doing their duty cannot but make us feel proud of having been privileged to call them Comrades. Her Majesty's Commissioner and Consul General has also tendered his most cordial thanks to the Officers and Men engaged in the Expedition for the assistance rendered, and he adds that from personal observation the work has, in his opinion, been undertaken by all concerned with the greatest enthusiasm, and carried out with a disregard of personal danger, hardship and privation which is deserving of highest praise. (Signed) Harry H. Rawson.

H.M.S. Theseus, First Class Protected Cruiser, with H.M.S. Forte. Second Class Cruiser, was dispatched from the Mediterranean Fleet to take part in the Benin Expedition, and then rejoined the Mediterranean Fleet. I served in H.M.S. Forte and have the Benin Medal and 1897 liar. and the Officers and crew received the Benin Medal and 1897 Bar of H.M.S. Theseus. W. D. Long. Lieut.-Cdr., R.N.


Sits-On renewing my subscription for a further twelve months, may I make a suggestion? I am sure that many of the old s'artime Naval men like myself would like to know what has happened to those old haunts of ours since those days. For example, there is the British Centre. Sydney, and Chatham Camp. and the various clubs in Ceylon. Then there are the hospital and accommodation ships which used to accompany

the Fleets. What has happened to those, and the other places which we used to know in different countries all over the world? I am sure some interesting articles could he made up on this subject. Anyway, what do the other readers think'! F. D. Clark.


Royal Navy Reunion Anti-Atomic Warfare Tests THERE WERE active service personnel from the Indian Navy and the Pakistan Navy at the Royal Royal Indian Club

DEAR Sm.-The worth of your estimable article and comments of your October issue on the Battle of Trafalgar was diminished by an unfortunate error in the "Quiz." Contrary to popular belief, Nelson never lost an eye. Sir Geoffrey Callender, in a foreword to Britton's "New Chronicles of the life of Lord Nelson," writes on this subject explicitly: among the facts he gives are these: the right eye was injured by fragments of splintered stone (while Lord Nelson was ashore in Corsica leading his sailors from H.M.S. Agamemnon in the siege of Calvi); the sight of this injured eye grew worse over the following years. and caused pain in the left eye as well, inducing Nelson to use a green shade over both eyes when the sun was too bright. As Sir Geoffrey explains, much of the point of the famous "turning a blind eye" incident is lost unless it is realised that when Nelson raised his glass to his injured eye and asserted that he could not see the signal reported to him by his signals officer, he was not encouraging disrespect for, and easy laughter at, Hyde Parker (as would have been the case had a telescope been put to an empty eye-socket or to a patch), but with his tongue in his cheek, was giving himself an excuse for his future actions. Yours faithfully, James Bertie. Lieut., Royal Navy.



ANTI-ATOMIC warfare tests have seen carried out off Malta by the British trials cruiser Cumberland Capt. T. V. Briggs, O.B.E., R.N.). The picture shows water sprays fitted around the ship thoroughly washing the decks and superstructure, s method of protection which would e used in war to keep ships free of radioactive particles. Trials with this method of protecting warships in the atomic age were carried out in Home Waters last year, but tests in the Mediterranean have been more extensive. This method of protection, known as "Pre-wetting," would be employed in ships operating in the "fall-out" area or on the outer fringe of a region affected by an atomic explosion. The method involves the continual washing of all weather surfaces of the ship during and after exposure. Experiments have shown that fission matter is less likely to adhere to a surface while it is subjected to a system of salt water washdown. While I am very grateful for Lieut. Bertie's the system is operating, the ship's comletter drawing attention to Sir Geof- pany remains under cover and confrey Callender's version of the action at Calvi. All biographers agree that Nelson was struck with great violence in the head and breast by splinters, stone, and sand from the merlon of a battery hit /y an enemy shell. This caused superficial lacerations of the face. and a deep cut in the rig/it brow which penetrated the eyelid and eyeball. The subsequent progress of the well wound appears to he I e cs authenticated, but the majority of historians do seen: to subscribe to the lieu' t/i(2t the condition deteriorated and est'ntuallv resulted in the loss of sight. A a excellent account is given iu

('eurola O,nan'.c *'.,\'t.l.sopt." in which there' are quotations from the ,:icdico reports, and a categorical .ctaie,,ien that on October 2, Nelson hirissel sent two certificate's to Lord Jloou slating ---the loss of an eye in Hi :'elajesiv'.r Service.'' It is agreed. however. that he du not have i/u' eye re,no ice!, and uievee wore a patch over it---l/iolug/: he sonic Ii,ne.s wore a green shade to prolec his 'good' eye. As Lieut. Bertie rightly states


Navy (1612-1947) Annual Reunion, which was held in the R.N.V.R. Club, London, on S., iiird:u v, October I A message of greetings from Her Majesty the Queen was read. Letters s crc also read from members unable to attend from as far distant as Karachi. Lisbon and Penang. The members' tics are dark and light blue, which were the colours flown from the missions of the East India Company marine ships in the last century. In the course of a discussion on the of a possible change in the design of the tic, one member caused considerable amusement by mentioning this was for the use of members of the Royal Indian Navy (1612-1947) Club and, as they wore , i's ., ... ,h. ,,, no I ICS : In IUI, HC sarv to wear them in the Club now. The Royal Indian Navy (as such) ceased to exist in 1947. but efforts are being made to preserve records of historical interest, and all present were requested to forward any R.I.N. documents in their possession to the National Maritime Museum, or to leave them to the Museum in their wills.



tinues to control weapons and "con" the ship from between decks. All openings are closed and would remain so until conditions on the upper decks have been ascertained by geigercounter. An officer concerned with the technichal problems of "pre-wetting" has stated, "Our aim was to produce a rainstorm of tropical intensity,

At your service



13 Clarendon Road, Southsea




C.B.E. R.N. "Portsmouth Nass News" was launched as a result of the enthusiasm of a few, one of whom was Capt. Phillips, the Senior Supply Officer of RAN. Barracks, Volunteering for the arduous post of treasurer, he has, by his counsel and unsparing effort, done much to make the paper the success it is. %'e are grateful to him for all that he has done, and the best wishes of Directors and readers are with him as he leaves the Service.

popular belief is that Nelson was blinded in his rig/it eye. The correct,:ess of that belief ,nay be a ,natter for discussion, but the object of the question was to establish that the injury it'a.c sustained before the oral ssoiuuid a,id, incidentally, among the ,uiounlaitis of Corsica. and not (as popular belief" would have it) at sea.


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Admiral Sir 3licI,ael Denny ii IL '. I SI I

GAIL. C.H.E., IES.O. Commander-in-Chief Home Fleet

to Leningrad has tindoubtcdIx been the most interesting of all the countless visits to foreign ports which I have taken part in during my naval career. My strongest impression has been the remarkable spirit of goodwill and apparent friendliness in which it was carried out. It was an occasion on which naval oflicers and men of the two countries -who already speak the common 1 the sea -were able to get language to know each other better. and full as taken of this. As the ads aultage Russian Dartmouth is situated at Leningrad there also occurred a unique opportunity for the cadets of both nations to visit each other. As to the people of Russia. their welcome was warm and they showed an intense inlerest in us and in our ships. Ships' Companies will. I am sure. h,tsc obtained a much clearer pictut c ot what lute in Rtissi.i is realty like. Ihe British squadron was berthed

in the heart of the city of Leningrad between two great promenades on the banks of the Neva, where the citizens of Leningrad could mass in great numbers to watch the ships and their activities at close quarters. I am sure that these people welcomed this grand-stand view of ow ships who looked magnificent in the setting of the fine old buildings ot Leningrad. My one regret was that owing to the reciprocal visit to Portsmouth I had no opportunity of meeting Admiral (iolovko. During the war ssc both served the common cause ii North Russia and upon occasion I had the honour and pleasure of command while guarding the ing his ships and from passage of convoys to North Russia. In those days our woI enemy was the weather, and it is curious coincidence that during hi. visit to Portsmouth and my visit to Leningrad our old enemy the wcathc should produce the only difficultiewith which either of us met.








1I,. ....





LEMNGRAD FOOTBALL MATCII in IIX( 111.1) RUSSIANS grabbed Bri-whistle, to grab any English sait tish sailors at a football match in sight. Leningrad and tossed them high over The stadium rocked with shouts of the crowds' heads in blankets. laughter as blankets were produced, It happened at the Kirov Stadium held like firemen's jump canvasses, just after a match between the Royal and sailors bounced in them. A dismal Navy. The Navy and the Soviet bothRussians won 4-0, but nohod ered about that. Hero of the match was L./Sea. Bailey from the destroyer Chevron. CROWD ENTHUSIASM He kept the Russian score down to Thirty-live thousand Russians turned reasonable proportions with a magniup for the match. They all went wild ficent display in the British goal. The off cheering the visiting Britons. they crowd roared every time he pulled surged across the pitch after the final a save. -

The Russian Baltic Fleet Squadron at Portouth

H.M.S. TRIUMPH downpour did nothing to dampen the 1ollitv. IT WAS a great honour for Triumph which


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to he included in the Squadron on this re pic'.cnted the Ro,al Nav historic occasion, and more than this. during the visit, to wear the flag of the Commander-in-Chief. Home Elect ----the first Cadet Training Ship to do 50. The whole ship was fully aware of. 4,, ",, .,rrn the- ".. hilities but none of us was prepared for the overwhelming welcome and the warmth of feeling with which we were greeted by the people of Leningrad. The first overtures came from the hundreds of workers lining the banks of the narrow canal as Triumph ieamed slowly through to the Neva River and the heart of Leningrad. I hey were silent crowds but with an air of eager and friendly curiosity. which was most heartening.

It was dark when Triumph came o her buoys just below the Lieutenant Schmidt Bridge. close to the right hank of the Neva. and we were usiounded to sec in the glare of the street lighting the thousands upon thousands who were massed on the waterfront and across the bridge. these people were far from silent and .heers soon rang across the water; hundreds of voices roared out Russian songs and chanted slogans in English --"Long live Queen Elizabeth! We wish you welcome!" The hospitality extended by the Soviet Government was generous to the extreme-so many events were arranged that we were hard put to find enough sailors who could he spared to attend them all; bus tours, concerts, receptions, visits to the ballet, the circus. cinemas, museums were offered every day. But, much as everyone enjoyed these entertainments. it was the spontaneous way in which the people took the sailors to their hearts which impressed and encouraged us most. To set foot on shore was to be overwhelmed in a mass of smiling Russians and submerged with gifts of photographs, money, cigarettes and every kind of souvenir; and in return. the demand was always for autographs, buttons and, most of all, for "Queen pennies." Everyone was astonished at the numbers of English' speakers who had never seen a Britisher let alone spoken to one, and who were thrilled to practise the language. Throughout this joyous welcome ran always the solemn, almost anxious, theme--"We must be friends, countries must he friends."

This warm interest was maintained during the whole of the five-slay visit and even as the Squadron sailed, in a biting wind and driving rain, the crowds swarmed along the riverside to wish its farewell. All in all, after the high level of the Geneva "summit" talks, we felt that in a small way a start had been made in bringing the people of our two countries together. We were certainly given the impression that the Russians want to keep the peace as much as we do; we hope we were able to eonsince them of our own friendly intentions. If this is all that was achieved. this sowing the seed of belief in each other, the Leningrad visit was well worth while.

II.M.S. DIANA AT ABOC F l4) kill Wednesday, October 12, the British Squadron arrived off the Leningrad Light Vessel. the Squadron was met by the U.S.S.R. destroyer Odaryonny, who then proceeded up the swept channel with H.M.S. Triumph whilst the remainer of the squadron anchored until 171X). The trip up to Leningrad was uneventful, the ship being under tow stages. Passing during the latter through the Schmidt Bridge, which was raised for our passage, we secured at our buoys in the Neva River at midnight. The warmth of our welcome was plainly visible as one saw the crowds of people who even at this late hour were lining the banks of the Neva to greet us. We were berthed close to the centre of Leningrad. Throughout the visit the Russian authorities made arrangements for a large number of each ship's company to be entertained daily and shown round Leningrad. Visits to the Naval Museum, the Hermitage (Art Gallery) and the circus were arranged. Free cinema shows and concert parties were given nightly. The ship's company on arrival on shore were met by a friendly crowd of people, amongst whom were many who could speak English. Conversation was relatively easy, and life in England was the main topic. Many ratings visited the homes of their hosts. A much sought after visit to the ballet was arranged and the fortunate few were delighted ssith a beautifully presented show.

though a storm blew up on our last two nights we managed to take full advantage of the lavish hospitality ashore. It was indeed unfortunate that more visitors were not able to come on hoard on the days the ships were open to them. We have met the Russian people of Leningrad; their warmth of greeting will not he forgotten, and it is hoped that this visit has paved the way for a freer exchange of views, and l u: [her visits in the future.

II.M.S. CIIIEI'T 1\ THE LONG, overnight approach lo Leningrad in no way prepared us for the warmth of the welcome which was waiting for its when daylight came. 'I he banks of the Neva were black with the great crowds watching us, the boats on the river were packed with waving citizens, and behind all rose the magnificent buildings of Peter the (ireal. Every movement on hoard our ships was watched with great interest and later, when the ships were open to visitors, curiosity was intense. The scale of official entertainment was lavish and the entire ship's company was required to meet the programme. Receptions, tours, visits to the ballet, circus and cinema, kept us busy though some of us managed to go ashore on our own. There we found it almost embarrassing as enthusiastic crowds followed us everywhere, touching us, talking to us, some in English, some in Russian, swapping souvenirs, and all the time us amongst themselves, discussing making up their minds we were real. Those Russians who could speak English. and they were many, were most anxious to talk on all sorts of subjects. Sometimes it was difficult to make them believe in our freedom and way of life. Everyone was most anxious to make our visit a success and one never felt stranded.

We left Leningrad a somewhat exhausted ship's company, brimming over with impressions and much to talk over. So much happened in so few days that it will be some time before we are really straight. There is no doubt that the visit was a success and we hope that this small start will bring forth more opportunities for The kindness shown by our hosts furthering understanding between the will long be remembered and even two countries.


SIAN VISITS 1'l11z 1 \1()I III \ 11



q JI..wf4agf


.%dii,iral Golovko Commander-in-Chief of the Soviet Baltic Fleet]

"ON ll:.lsG the hospitable shores authorities have done esci thing in of England I ask ou to accept the ex- their power to ensure that both officers of and of pression my deep indebtedness for ratings my Squadron have become with the warm welcome which has acquainted Portsmouth and shown to our Squadron by the British the British capital London. Allow me to thank you personally once again Fleet, through you the whole of the "Thanks to your personal co-oper- land i British Fleet, I hope that the exchange ation the visit of our sailors in England of goodwill visits ill in the future has been very pleasant. The Naval take place frequently."







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ll.I.S. Triumph at Leningrad

II.M.S. APOLLO ON OCTOBER 12th a squadron of six British warships, under the cornmand of the Commander-in-Ch Home Fleet. Admiral Sir Michael Dcnn, arrived in Leningrad on a "showing the flag" visit of unusual importance. From our berth in the River Ncs'a we could see the huge crowds which had assembled to greet us outlined against the magnificent buildings on either hank. Among these buildings is the Winter a fine building containing ocr 4S built h P,lcr the Great in 1710. The Admiralty is another building worthy of praise. Here in old St. Petersburg. capital of Russia from 1712 to 1918, one can find the best Western and Eastern architecture standing side h side. When we ent ashore the crowds, eager to show their friendship to usual visitors, thronged around us with all kinds of small gifts, They asked us questions about our homes and families, and they were s'erv keen on all kinds of art, and showed a remarkable knowledge of the English humanities, Many of them could speak English lairis well is it is now being taught their second language in the schools with a considciable emphasis on our famous authors, During the isit some of us were cxtrernclv fortunate and were able to spend an unforgettable day in others attended lunch parties and receptions. But all of us had the opportunity of going to the circus and a Russian cinema for a very good evening's entertainment, The ballq was very, popular, the scenery and sage effects being cxceptionally good; and, of course, there were excursions to the Naval Museum. the Winter Palace and the rest of the galaxy of interesting places Leningrad has to offer, The people were very pleased to see us and I think that we have, by this reciprocal visit, kindled the spark of friendship and co-operation which we hope will burst into a roaring flame.

Palace. 7.(XX) rooms, huh

II.M.S. CHEVRON WE IN H.M.S. Chevron were delighted to hear that our ship was to he one of the first squadron to visit So, jet waters for nine sears or so for it csoiild he a wonderful chance Ir us


to gain some impressions of the country and, to sort out our, per' haps, garbled ideas of life in the Soviets, After steaming up the Neva we arrived at midnight in order to pass tinder the Schmidt Bridge, which is only opened at that time for traffic reasons. Even at that hour we could see that the wide river was flanked on both sides by many tine palaces and houses which had been built in the time of Catherine-the city having originally laid out On a magnirlcent WIC by Peter the Great. Enormous crowds had gathered to see our arrival. These crowds were, perhaps. the most memorable feature of our ta %. sailor who stepped ashore and made his was through them must have felt like a film star, so interested were the thousands that gathered at every landing-place, In the morning we saw that the imposwing river frontage was sadly lacking in paint, the buildings looking like London's at the end of the war. However, an excellent programme of tours, parties, visit, to the ballet, circus and cinema had been arranged and all the entertainments were of really first-class quality. The shops, such as they were, held nothing of interest-the goods were all extremely expensive and lack' 'rig in appeal. No one buys anything there for the pleasure of it. But, of course, the chief interest was the people. Surprisingly, large numhers spoke English. this being a popular subject in the schools, and one only had to go ashore to be besciged by youths and girls keen to talk and to exchange souvenirs. The ships were soon denuded of pennies, given in exchange for roubles, pictures and badges. The people were most friendly', though their ideas of Britain were quaint, being based on readings of such authors as Dickens. In many there was clearly a fanatical belief in Cornmunism; if only they could come in millions to the tree world, to see what they are missing, for their standard of living is still extremely poor. Our lasting impression is of a serious though warm-hearted race where frivolity is frowned upon officially, where the few maga/ines have pielure..; not of pin-ups but of factories and politicians, where the work and living conditions are hard, where the people are kept under rigid control but aim to build a better country and are keen o know the outside world better, Our departure was delayed and we were able to make the return trip in daylight: contrary to reports in the British Press smoke screens were not

laid across the dockyards. The journey down-river was most interesting. Our visit had been thoroughly enjoy able; we were welcomed warmly and given the opportunity to see a great deal, leaving much the wiser. 11 we were able to contribute to mutual trust and friendship between our countries, it will have been well worthwhile,

UIIEF PETFY OFFICERS' MESS R.N.B. "FHI:RE MUST be many Portsmouth Chief' Petty Officers serving afloat and ashore, who can call to mind events of note which have taken place in that ancient block, the Chief Petty Officers' Mesa of the Royal Naval Barracks but a social evening with their equisalent ratings from a Soviet squadron ls a rare occasion; indeed one would be tempted to say as unique an event as the modernisation of the building itself. It would have been a supreme optimist who could ha v e foretold either eventuality say even eight years ago. Nevertheless, one hears rumours of the latter, and on October 12. a party of 65 U.S.S.R. Chief Petty Office's was entertained in the Chief Petty Officers' Mess, and what a party it was. There was no question o( "clear lower deck of hosts" on this occasion. Every me m he r of the mess was anxious to play his part in welcoming such distinguished visitors, and with the willing aid of their wives, friends and a number of charming ladies from the W.R.N.S.. St. Mary's Hospital, and various firms' social clubs, the guests were made to feel very much at home in what was undoubtedly a full house. Nothing makes a party go better than a really good crush, and success was guaranteed on this occasion by the unexpected arrival half way through h e n i n g of a 33-piece band thoughtfully provided by the guests. It was not surprising after this that the language harrier presented no obstacles. Indeed, the eleven interpreters, a little English spoken by the Russians, and later in the evening a sort of Russian spoken by the British Chiefs, together with the unique methods of communication used between sailors and pretty girls the world over, all contrived to bring the curtain down. A dance which was equally successful was given 1w the Petty Officers' Mess for he t .S S R l'ctIv Officers,

Itt I O RI 1111- .ugest g.itliering of reeiaiors seen at Pitt Street Recreation eioiind since pre-scar years the RN. And Russian Squadron teams put on i splendid display of soccer tactics coupled with humour and thrills. 4.5(X) paid for admission. The Russians turned out to be a superbly fit team, well trained and ohs iouslv influenced by the Dynamo's technique schich cc.ic reflected in their close markine, play and well planned pssiiig. The Russians soon went into the attack and had the RN. defence very aorricd; and within a few minutes of he kick-off the Russian inside kit sent in a hard shot beating goalkeeper Shaw to put them one goal in the lead. It looked at this stage that the Russian Squadron were going to dominate the game but the Navy defence soon settled down to master the cunning of the Russian attack. Having checked the Russian forward play the game moved evenly with the Squadron team perhaps the more confident. The exploits of centre forward 1Iast with goal keeper Shetitel in the earl', stages caused much amusemint to the crowd but despite a fair charge by Hasty on Shetitel who seemed surprised, this burly Russian entered into the spirit of the encounter and other tussles. The Riissi,iii confidence was soon


to lie upset wher, H.istv. pI.is ing with his usual dash and enthusiasm followed up a long through pass by Coates to equalise for [lie Nas y. EXCITING SECOND HALF In the se 'nd half there were a number ot escit ne nt,Inc-lii s for both sides but the fot ',siici', lust eonId not defeat their opposing goalkeeper,.;. Shaw. the Navy keeper had to do in the latter stages of the game and largely due to his fine anticipation the Russians scere prevented from scoring. 1 he Nit',', XI did well to hold this scheming and well-trained Russian side to a draw and much of the credit must go to the Na', 's defence of whom ('uthiish. ss eli knossn in football circles, and young Valentine, the schoolboy international now on National Sers ice. played outstandingly. Alter the match the usual exchange of mementoes followed, the Russian Squadron gave embroidered silk pendents and the Navy team presented their opposite team rivals with at lire hi .i',s cannons depicting those in 11.51.5. Victory. The RN. team was as follows:Mne, .1. Shaw, O.!Sea. R. Valentine. Sig. R. Campbell, P.O. H. Cannon. NA. R. Noble, A.A.2. D. Cutbush. Mus. G. Galvin. P.O. J. Coates. N.A. P. Hasty. R.F.A. J. North, 1.. Sea. S. Rass son











A CAREER a electronic. is offered to young men and women prepared to work hard and undertake further training. Vacancies exist in th Development Division for Technical Assistants with knowledge of elect~and/oraero-dynamk H.N.C, it equivalent industrial experience, Sncee.sfulapplicantaconaideredfor promotion to Designer, within on. it two years of appointment.

The Wujsrajion ahowa the A.T.30 Migk-speed id Train.' designed and menufocsu.rd y Air Train.',.











INFORMATION HAS been received as follows: Salisbury Branch meets at ihe Adastral Club, Castle Street. Salisbury, oil the 1st Tuesday of each month.



Nottingham Branch now meets at the Orchestral Nottingham Society's Burton Social Club, Building. Parliament Street. Nottingham. (See also Branch News). hens Branch meets oil the 1st tit' each month at 7.30 p.m.. at the White Hart Hotel. Hertford.




Reunion 1955


A Social. (o in I \cha nge, I lertford, on Saturday. December 10, commencing at 5 p.111. Sit ERBORNE


Branch Meeting at Headquarters, November 10. Saturday Evening Special. November 19, 7.30 p.m.. at Headquarters. Local RN.:',. Branches imiled. Mixed Social I s efli.



The Men of the Royal Navy have supported and administered their own fund since 1922. During the past year over (122.752 has

been expended in grants to serv-

ing and ex-serving Naval men, their families and dependants who were in

necessity or distress:

ÂŁ24,695 to kindred organizations and Children's Homes; and ÂŁ19,195 for training and finding employment. RNBT maintains its own Children's Home in Edinburgh; a Home

for Aged ex-Naval Men in Gillingham. Kent; and the Naval School of Motoring. Portsmouth, where Naval men are taught to drive and service motor vehicles.

..THE ROYAL NAVAL BENEVOLENT TRUST Head Office High Street. Brompton, Chatham Local Olficei Batchelor Stre,, Chatham Stoptord Place, Stoke, Devonport 06 Victoria Road North, Southaca

MY GREETINGS this time come from a different angle, shipmates. and I trust that the privilege that we have been granted by the inclusion of our news and comments in this publication will be of great value to our Association. It has always been my practice, as know, to try and give some news you of Area 2 to you in the late "Lookout," and I hope the good work can be carried on. This can he done, and more so with the assistance of the individual. If you have any news or any of those short Stories we often tell at such places as the Annual reunion, let's have and fill the pages we are allocated by the N.vy NEWS. Area 2 s till tries hard, and a very good meeting was held at the new Headquarters of the Chatham Branch on October 1. More delegates were expected, but the discussions showed still the keen interest of our branches. The proposed dinner of the NorthWest Kent branches will not take place owing to lack of support, and the very good idea of indoor games to get the branches meeting each other does not appear popular. Individual branches are going ahead with their own Annual Dinners. Dorking, Ashford and Maidstone are well ahead with their arrangements, It is hoped that a concerted effort to support the Canterbury Branch in the Rally they are arranging for April. 1956. will he made. and definite decisions arrived at the next area meeting. This meeting will be the eighth Annual General Meeting and will be held at Bromley. If we ever got a 100 per cent attendance I think we would have to splice the main brace. Any motions, or moans, let me have 'em to sort out in plenty of time. Meanwhile, again I send all good wishes to the branches of our area. Hope you enjoyed the Reunion! Yours sincerely,


Evening Trip to Battersea R.N.A. Club. November 12.




hA VANT Annual Dinner. November 5. Remembrance Sunday Parade, November 6. Annual General Meeting, January 3, 1956.

hl.Nl.5. ODIN-1914-1917 Cookey and Ilookey Walker. Edgware Branch 77 Wolsey Grove, Edgware, Middx.

THE REV. Stanley Young dedicated the Branch Standard at St. Mary's Church, on October 2, 1955, in the presence of representations from the Newbury, Reading, and liasingstoke branches, and the AlderIt) as ton British Legion. The Parade was led by the Ileenham Brass Band, headed by a contingent of W.R.N.S. from H.M.S. Dauntless. The salute was taken by Admiral Brooking, CII.. l).S.O,


Remembrance Day Parade, November 6. I)a ice. November 11. Vor details, contact J- I'. Aherne, 65a McCreery Road. Slierborne.

iI.M.S. FLYING FJSII-l944-l945 Tel. A. Parsons (alias "Vicar," "Mungy" or "Stormy"). l6a Laurel Road, Wimbledon, S.W.20.



: lL'ry


Surg. Vice-Admiral Sir Alexander InEle!iy-Maekentic, the Very Reverend Thomas Crick, Dean of Rochester, and Admiral of the Fleet Sir John Cunningham, President of the Royal Naval Association

The Parade Majesty's Royal Marines, under the Britannia" and the National Anthem, direction of Lieut.-Col. F, Vivian and there was the quiet, UNDOUBTEDLY FHE most importcompetent ant events within the Association dur- Dunn, were superb and their render- and dignified voice of Reginald Johnof "The Dutchman" was ing Flying son who spoke many of Lord Nelson's ing the past month, were the annual an experience, never to be forgotten. famous words. Then, at the close, there Parade at the Cenotaph and the evenOnce again Glyn Jones, that fam- was the ever moving ceremony of ins Reunion in the Royal Festival (ills Radio Producer, was in his dc- Colours, Hall. London. on October 8. At the conclusion of the performAt 2.30 p.m. contingents from more rncnt when conducting Community than one hundred and twenty branches Singing. It was amusing to see Glyn aitce in the Concert Hall the President and National Council entertained the formed up on Horse Guards Parade Jones persuading a "packed house in two columns. Each column was to "bob up and down like this", to distinguished visitors to refreshments the tune "Sons of the Sea". Very at a reception held in the Ceremonial headed by a Bluejackets Band. The whole Parade marched through Senior and distinguished Officers were Suite, In addition to the guests already Whitehall, via Horse Guards Arch, observed to be 'bobbing up and down' to the Cenotaph, where a Service of with as much enthusiasm and energy mentioned, the President and Council Remembrance was conducted by the as they doubtless brought to bear in welcomed the Commandant General T. F. Asprey. the days when they were attending Royal Marines, C. R, Honorary Chaplain of the Association, and Hardy Mrs. the Hon. of the Fleet, The V e r Midshipmen's parties, Hardy; SecreChaplain y Secretary, No. 2. Before the stage was set for the tary of the Admiralty, Sir John Lang Reverend Thomas Crick, Dean of Finale, Sir John Cunningham read a and Miss Lang; Capt. J. K. Highton, Rochester. the Director of Welfare and Service Many Senior Officers from the Ad- telegram from Her Majesty the miralty attended the Service, includ- Queen in which she sent her best Conditions, and Mrs. Highton; Capt. ing Admiral the Honourable Sir Guy wishes to the Association. Many other R. Perty, of Her Majesty's Royal Russell, Second Sea Lord. telegrams of good wishes were read Australian Navy, and Mrs. Perry; AS THIS is our first report in PoRTsAfter the Association President, Ad- by the President including one from Lieut.-Cdr. H. B. Binks, General See- MOUiIt NAVY Ntws. the shipmates miral of the Fleet Sir John Cunning- Admiral The Earl Mountbatten of retary of the Royal Naval Benevolent and ladies of the Folkestone Branch ham, had placed the Association Burma and one from Admiral Sir Trust, and Mrs. Binks; John Abra- wish to extend to all ratings serving wreath on the Cenotaph, the Parade, Alexander Madden, Commander-in- ham. Esq., Honorary Treasurer of the at home, afloat or abroad. their best headed by the Bands marched back Chief Plymouth. Royal Naval Benevolent Trust, and wishes and good luck and a smooth to Horse Guards Parade via Storey's Earl Mounthatten is, of course, the Mrs. Abraham, and the general Sccrc- sailing. We were all very sorry to learn of Gate. t)cputy President of the Association taries of the Royal Air Forces As the Parade swung on to the and Sir Alexander Madden one of its Association and the Royal Artillery the discontinuation of the R.N.A. Association, journal, the "Lookout," and must now Horse Guards the Second Sea Lord, Senior Vice-Presidents. At 11.30 p.m. many of these guests wish the Editor of the PORTSMOIJTH Other messages of Good Will were accompanied by Members of the National Council, took a Salute. received from the Royal Air Forces were observed moving amongst the NAVY Niws every success. Since our last report in the "LookAfter the March past the Parade Association: the Royal Artillery Asso- dancers in the ballroom, If the mass of correspondence, out" we have had several social funcwas inspected by the Second and ciation; the Guards Association; the tions which have been well attended Fourth Sea Lords. Royal Signals Association and the which has been received at HeadIt was particularly gratifying to note Old Contemptibles Association. quarters, is any criterion, the 1955 and enjoyed by all. Our last Social was on Friday, that - the attendance of the general In the course of his address, Sir Reunion must surely be considered the most successful and September 16. when we entertained public was, this year, greater than John Cunningham said how pleased he Association's our local shipmates from Dover. On ever. was that the Naval Attaches from the outstanding. October 21 we are entertaining the United States, from Norway and from New National Headquarters Deal Branch to a Social; also, on The Evening Reunion Portugal had honoured the AssociaAs from November I. 1955, the November 18 we hope to have the At exactly 7.15 p.m. the Memorial lion with their presence. official of the Associa- pleasure of a visit front New Romney Silver Trumpets of Her Majesty's Sir John then introduced the prin- lion willHeadquarters transfer from its present ad- and Lydd branches. Royal Marines sounded a Fanfare cipal guest of the even i n g-Sir An open invitation is given to any which heralded the arrival in the Seymour Howard. the Right Honour- dress to No. 2 Lower Sloane Street, London, S.W,I. RN. rating who might he in the disRoyal Festival Hail of Admiral of the able the Lord Mayor of London. In the next issue of this paper full trict on either of the latter dates and Fleet Sir John Cunningham; Admiral After a short. hut very amusing, details about the new Headquarter5 a svelcome will he given them at the of the Lord I raser of North speech by the lord Mayor, both Sir will he given. Guildhall I lotel, Guildhall Street, Cape; Sir Seymour Howard. Lord John and Sir Seymour received .1 ss here marty a pleasant evening has Mayor of and members of tremendous ovation. Message from Reunion Producer been spent. the Board of Admiralty. At 9.3(1 p.m., all was set for the The General Secretary who. mciWe are taking a coach-load to the The Reunion fell, logically, into two I male, a finale which paid an in- dentally, is the Producer of the Asso' Reunion on October 8, sect ions. spiring and moving tribute to Lord ciation's Reunions, wishes to thank, when we are Saturday, forward looking to a The first being the performance in Nelson. with the utmost sincerity, all those the Concert Hall and the second, It would he impossible adequately members and non-members who have good evening's entertainment. Then, tin December 17, we shall be visiting dancing to the "Occanaires" Dance to describe the Finale but some idea so generously written to him express- the ice Show, "Babes in the Wood," Orchestra in the ballroom. of its brilliance may be imagined ing their appreciation of his producat Wembley. The first two hours in the Concert from the names of those taking part.,j tion in the Royal Festival Hall oil We shall he glad to welcome any Hall were devoted to what must surely There were the Massed Bands of . October 8. and for the arrangements new members. either past or serving. have been one of the most hilarious Her Majesty's Royal Marines, there made for their comfort and enjoy,- Our meetings are held oil the first En'Ship's Concerts" ever witnessed. was the Dean of Rochester. there were ment, day of each month at the Guildhall That the fun was fast and furious one hundred and twenty Standards Two letters which the General 5cc- Ilotel at 7.30 P.m. an well be imagined, as Charlie and Standard Bearers of the Associawill particularly treasure came. Information will be gladly supplied Chester. l:iyne and Evans and Ben- lion, there were the Memorial Silver retary one from Admiral of the Fleet Lord 1w the General Secretary. J. W. lett and Williams had the run of the Fiumpets, there was Charles Smart at Fraser of North Cape and the other Shields. 45 George Gurr Crescent, or . place, the organ, there was Cherry I.ind who from a very aged inmate of a Naval the Social Chairman. E. R. Smith, 5 As usual, the Massed Bands of Her led the audience in singing "Rule home. ltr.idstone Avenue, Folkestone.



Fleet London



November. 1955

ISruw1ws of 11w lt.N.4.


No. .1

(P/iota: Gordon Hatfey, R.'JruSI,

NONE OF the traditional rivalry between these two towns is reflected at the R.N.A. Club at I Green Lane. Redruth. By dint of co-operation the shipmates in the far west have built up an organisation of which any town of much greater size would be proud. They have complete establishment in that they nm their own club, rather naturally in these times, centred about the bar, but, in their wisdom, they have seen to the needs of those who may look for the comradeship absent in civvy life and yet who do not want to have their elbows permanently bent by the need to hold a pint mug: in other words they have provided a nonalcoholic games room along with all the other amenities. The bar itself is most charming and exciting in that the walls are almost papered with pictures of ships and ships' companies and memorable events. A spot to spend a quiet hour examining all sorts of Naval souvenirs or a less quiet hour talking-often of the Navy as is the wont of ex-sailors. But in common with all other branches of the R.N.A. the serving man will find himself almost embarrassingly the centre of the party at Redruth and Camborne. If volunteers are required for cleanins ship the list is oversubscribed. If help is required this is as easily obtained through a properly appointed representative having direct contact with the Headquarters organisation and the other similar bodies. A fully, organ kcd Ladies' Sect ion. open to all wises of members, as usual proves an attraction for the


Firt4 Annual Dinner A COMPANY of over one hundred and fifty celebrated this happy event on September 23. The Lord Mayor of Belfast. Alderman R. 1. R. }larcourt. and the Senior Naval Officer, N. A. C. Duckworth. Ireland. Capt. D.S.O.. D.S.C. (who travelled from Londonderry), were guests of honour, and our other guests included Capt. E. Mill. 0.11.E. (N.O.l.C. RN. Air Base, Sydenham): Sir James Norritt. D.L., JP. (former Lord Mayor and Hon. representatives of the Bangor. Dublin, Newtownards and Portadosn branches: other Regimental in the city, and the Associations British Legion. The R.N.V.R. was well represented h' the many shipmates, and the Staff Officer. H.M.S. Caroline. Lieut.-Cdr. Benyon, D.S.C.

ladies and a wonderful support for the Branch. One great advantage Redrtmth and Camborne and a few other branches enjoy in having their own premises is the fact that they, can open seven days of the week, and not only during 'opening hours" for one may use the club at other times since, with the exception of the bar, the premises are open during most of the day for the benefit of wives and others exhausted by their shopping trips, etc. Such initiative in a branch may well illustrate to others what can be (lone. It is well worth mentioning an effort by this branch ss hich deserved even more publicity than it got. During the time of the snow and threats of floods in this part of the country the R.N.A. Club was open 24 hours of the day: a Land-Rover stood by manned and ready to give help where needed and although nothing heroic was accomplished by this volunteer party there can be little doubt as to the comfort that many must have felt at seeing such gestures as these. The B.II.C. West of England programme mentioned these efforts and some welcome publicity, for the R.N.\. was obtained through Radio Newsreel. To the shipmates on the Committee of such a branch it has proved no difficulty to transfer their Club licence to a local restaurant for their recent dinner at which so many notabilities were proud to attend. Such a transfer had never been handled by the local authorities before and special guidance had to he sought. Capt. Duckworth assured the company that there would not he any reduction in the numbers of officers and men required to man H.M. ships, although-in order to face modern weapons-the Royal Navy, like the sister services, was being streamlined to become more eflicient. He appealed to shipmates to encourage the right type of recruit for the Royal Nas. Alderman R. J. R. Harcourt, in an entertaining speech, mentioned that his grandfather and elder brother had served in the Royal Navy, and that in his younger days he was made to realise at home that the Royal Navy, was the Senior Service. He looked forward to the day when the National Council would be held in the city. whose prosperity depended so much on the sea. The Corporation and Belfast Harbour Commissioners were very proud of their associations with

-LM. ships and the Merchant Navy. nd he assured the shipmates that the :ity Hall would welcome their repreentativcs from across the Irish Sea. S/M. P. Anderson (NC. delegate) poke about future policy of the ssociation and the developments in stablishing more s u it a hI e headua r ters ill London. The Chairman welcomed the guests rid thanked the Hon. Secretary S/M. &ohert, Hon. Treasurer. 5/ M. Polock, and the Committee, for their cork in organising such a successful unction. "Our Association is not a ineman show, and we must be preuzircd to put something into the .N.A. in order to get something out. fter this 'make and mend' we must till make greater efforts to increase ur numbers and make the Branch econd to none." We had hoped to welcome Cornnander Parker and the General Secreary, but that is a pleasure deferred. A telegram with loyal greetings to -I.M. The Queen was sent, and the eply read to the company by the :hairman. After the toasts-H.M. The Queen. [he Royal Naval Association. The lielfast Branch, and Our Guests-a cry enjoyable concert followed, in which the artistes were ably(?`) slipported by our shipmates, who by this ime were in good voice. The Belfast Branch wishes to invite ill those in H.M. ships visiting the :ity to avail themselves of the ameniies provided at the headquarters. 55a Great Victoria Street (near the Great Northern Railway Station).


ATTENTION All. ships ---old and new' The Nottingham Branch has now changed its Headquarters to The Nottingham Orchestral Society's Social Club, Burton Buildings, Parliament Street, Nottingham. (Under Ropewell's new shop, between Corner Pin and Evening News offices.) The ttr.tnch meeting is held on the third tuesday in each month, whilst at 7.45 r.in. every Friday. members and their ladies meet for a social evening at the Club. and all serving personnel in Nottingham are extended a cordial selconse to come amongst us, bringing their ladies with them. These evenings are really very enjoyable in good surroundings. The Branch sent a contingent of thirty-five to the National Annual Rally and Reunion at the Royal Festival Hall. whilst some turned out o r a Trafalgar Sunday Church Parade on October 16. whilst again many were present at the Naval Ball held at the Astoria Ballroom on Tuesday. October 18. A Children's Party is to be our next function of note and further details will be promulgated. T. W. Tonge, Hon. Secretary.

Left to right: S.JM. Pollock, hon. treasurer; Alderman R. J. R. ilarcourt, Lord Mayor of Belfast; S.IM. C. A. Maxwell, M.B.E., D.S.C., chairman; Capt. A. C. Duckwortb, D.S.O., D.S.C.. S.N.O.N.I.; Sir James Non'Itt, DJ.

J.P. (former Lord Mayor), hon. S./M., Belfast Branch; Capt. E. Mill, O.B.E., Royal Nasal Air Base, Sydenham; and .1. II. Roberts, hon. secretary


THE BRANCH reports with deep regret the passing of Shipmate Jack Edwrds, reported missing from the liner' Queen Mary on a return trip from New York to Southampton. Jack has been in the past a great asset to the Association and Club with his fine singing voice. He also had the honour of appearing on the stage of the Festival Hall at the Annual Reunion. The sympathy of the Branch and all Association members who knew him, goes out to his widow, who is left with three young children. As in former years. the Branch will parade with Standard at the Naval War Memorial on Southsea Common on Sunday, November 6-Remembrance Day-and members are requested to muster at Clarence Pier at 0925. As before, coaches will run through the three main roads through the city.


THE SECOND anniversary of the unveiling of the Royal Naval Patrol Service Memorial in Belle Vue Park, Lowestoft, was marked by the laying of a wreath on behalf of the Lowestoft Branch of the Royal Naval Association. Commander W. I. P. Mullender, MBE., D.S.C.. R.N., the only skipper Commander in the Royal Naval Reserve, performed the simple ceremony sshich was attended by many members.


THE SECOND annual Trafalgar Day, dinner and ball organized by the Eastleigh Branch of the Royal Naval Association ssas held at the Tossn Hall, Eastlcigh, on Saturday, October 22. In proposing the toast of the Royal Naval Association and the Eastleigh Branch the Vice-President of the Eastleigh Branch, Admiral of the Fleet Sir Arthur 3. Power, G.C.B., C.B.E., C .V.0--- said: "Anyone who does not honour the immortal memory of Lord Nelson has no right to he in the Royal Navy or ever to have served in it. "Without a doubt," he svcnt on to say, "the great victory of the Battle of Trafalgar was one of the underlying reasons the Royal Navy honoured Lord

Nelson. but Nelson loved the Navy and the Navy loved him. Not only the mets who served with him, but the whole country mourned his death. While Trafalgar had been a most tremendous victory in a critical situation, the whole country, was plunged into grief." The Mayor of Fastleigh (Alderman Dr. D. P. McGrath) spoke and said: "Those who had served in the Royal Navy must feel proud of their service." The Deputy Mayor (Alderman H. G. Goodscll), who is Chairman of the Ecistleigh R.N.,, branch, responded to the toast and said that "the secret of the Royal Naval Association was friendship." He hoped that it would long continue. The Royal Air Forces Association was represented by Mr. A. J. Moses. Other guests were from the Winchester and Southampton Branches. Grace was said by the branch padre (the Rev. R. Hamilton), and those present included Councillor Mrs. M. L. (ioodsell. (apt. J, NI. Houson, C.B.E., RN. (a Vice-President), and Mrs. Hamilton. Calls were piped by the Vice-(l,airman (Mr. R. Clarke). (Ens tleigl, Weekly News.)

SAILORS' MEMORIAL CHAPEL APPEAL FUND The Chichester Branch desire to establish In Chichester Cathedral a memorial to Sussex men of both Royal and Merchant Nas icc who lost their Ii, cc at sea in time recent war and s ho have no know U grave. The Dean and Chapter of the Cathedral have been good enough to make available for reconversion the existing Chapel of St. Michael, and it is the intention of the Branch to provide suitable furnishings and embellishments. The silver ship's bell of the last li.M.S. Sussex will be hung in the Chapel together with Red and White Ensigns. It is also the intention to move existing naval monuments into the chapel, to proCure models of the first and last "Sussex" and to pros ide a Book of Remembrance. Readers wishing to associate themselves with this project should forward contributions to the lion. Treasurer, Cdr. F. I. Chambers. O.B.E., R.N., "Galleon Cottage," Ham, Sidleshani, Sussex, mho will gratefully acknowledge then,.


THE LEAMINGTON Spa Branch has great sorrow in reporting the loss of a grand shipmate, a founder member and a stalwart supporter of any Branch event: Shipmate Edward Kearney, ex Sto.l. D/KX 27641. We are sure that any Old Ships of Ned's will join us in wishing him "Safe Anchorage."


THE SHERBORNE Branch were recently able to congratulate one of h c i r Vice-Presidents, Commander (Rctd.) F. J. Russell, on reaching his ninety-third birthday. more than 150 A dance, attended by couples, was held at Acreman Street Drill Hall on September 30. The evening was a great success.


(PJ,ta: B-han T,-!cg,arh


A PARTY from the Havant Branch attended the R.N.A. Annual Reunion on October 8, where they were told that they were runners-up in the Standard Bearers' Competition. Between the Afternoon Parade and the Reunion in the Royal Festival Hall, they went to the Union Jack Club, where a meal had been arranged. P 1 a n s are being made for a Quarterly Church Parade, which is to take place on the second Sunday in each quarter at St. Faith's Church, Havant, except during the last quarter in each year, when it will coincide with the Remembrance Sunday Parade. All members of the Branch are insured through the R.N.A. Accident Benefit Scheme and consider this a very fine policy.

From: Air Marshal Sir Thomas 'Williams, Chairman,


Forces Savings Committee

To: All Serving in Her Majesty's Forces Subject: SAVE WHILE YOU SERVE You may say that you find it hard enough to save in "Civvy Street" so how on earth can you do so in the Services? However, if you think about it seriously there is no better time to"start - if you haven't already done so. Every unit in all the Services lays on" National Savings facilities and the Unit Savings Officer will be only too pleased to help would-be savers. I recently retired after many years in the Royal Air Force. I know how valuable a service Forces Savings is giving to both Regulars and National Service personnel, and no matter where you may be stationed you can save a bit from your pay if you want to do so. I also commend Forces Savings for mention by parents and friends to women too, as young men who are going into the Services (and to young in the Women's Services there arc some of our best savers!) We have an excellent series of leaflets (shown above) which tell, in simple language, all about Forces Savings. Why not write for a copy of the one which applies. Address your letter to me:Air Marshal Sir Thomas Williams, H.M. Forces Savings Committee, 1 PrInces Gate, London, S.W.7. t,aw

by it.M.


SaWsa CcaJUN




Received front Undaunted on Trafalgar Day FOR EDITOR. N.ss'v Ntws. A commemoration ceremony was held on hoard H.M.S. Undaunted to-day in the area in which the historic Battle of Trafalgar was fought. The Commanding Officer. Licut.-Cdr. S. G. Bloomer, R.N.. read a short commemoration service to the assembled ship's company and prayers were said. At 1215. when four leagues west-northwest of Cape Trafalgar. a wreath in memory of the fallen heroes of past Naval battles was laid on the waters and one minute's silence observed.



A guard of honour then fired a salute of three volleys. Throughout the ceremony. Nelson's famous signal. "England expects, etc.", was flown from the yards.



was launched ten years ago, was carried out by Lady White, wife of the High Commissioner for Australia (Sir Thomas White, K.B.E., D.F.C., V, D.). Under the command of Captain G. C. 0. Gatacre, D.S.O., D.S.C. and Bar, R.A.N., the Melbourne has a ship's company of 109 officers and 1,120 ratings, almost entirely Australian. These figures include the personnel of the two air squadrons808 and 817 Squadrons, equipped with Sea Venom all-weather fighters and Gannet anti-submarine aircraft, respectively. HM.A.S. Melbourne will remain in United Kingdom waters to work up before sailing for Australia early in March of next year. She is the third ship to bear her name, the first -a light cruiser-operating as a unit of the Australian Squadron in World War I, and the second-a trawler.




Submarine Old Comrades, Portsmouth Branch THE PORTSMOUTH Submarine Old Comrades' Association will be holding its 25th Annual Dinner on November 5 at the Masonic Buildings, Commercial Road. Rear-Admiral R. B. parke. CR., D.S.O., will he the principal guest, and many senior officers, both active and retired, will c present. The monthly meeting and socials have been extremely well attended, and there has been the welcome addition in that new faces are appearing in our midst. To the many wives who have helped to make these meetings so sigmdlv successful we should like to say ---1 hank You" A firm invitation is extended to all Submariners in the area to attend at the Copnor British Legion Club at 8 p.m. every fourth Monday, of each month-the Association cordially invites them to bring their wives or sweethearts along. To those who read these paragraphs from interest only, the Secretary would appreciate if the information were to passed any submariner friend, The Remembrance Service will be held in H.M.S. Dolphin, Fort Blockhouse, on Sunday, November 6. 1-C. The Submarine Officers' Reunion The Submarine Officers' Reunion, held this Octoyear on Friday. ber 7. at Fort Blockhouse, is unique both in its conception and in its ss islom. ] his latter quality, apparent in that there are no invited guests and obvious in that speeches are kept to a minimum, not only gives full opportunity, for past and present subm:irinc officers to circulate freely, but also that preserves informal so to annual atmosphere necessary an event of this kind. The main impression-it is the first Reunion your correspondent has attended-is one of remarkable and vigorous friendliness. In fact the whole spirit of the occasion was reflected in the tenor and buoyancy of the speeches, the chief of which was given by Rear. Admiral ci. B. II. Fawkes. CII.. C.V.O., C.B.E.. Flag Officer (Submarines). Admiral Fawkes expressed the reflrct of all when it was learnt that. due to a sudden chill. Admiral of the Fleet. Sir George Creasv. was unable to attend. The presence of a First Sea Lord at a Reunion was unique and fortunate in that the present First Sea Lord had, as a served in K6 under now 1.icut.-(dr., Admiral, Sir Geoffrey. I .ayton. who was among the many distinguished officers present. Others mentioned included Norman Good who, since 1915. has been a firm friend of the Submarine Service. Admiral Watkins. U.S.N.. who had flown the Atlantic specially to attend the Reunion. Captain Kinsella of the American 10th Submarine Squadron, and Lieut.-Cdr. Fennema of the Royal Netherlands Navy. ss ho with two others was more fortunate than those still stormbound in their minesweeper. Of missing faces. Admiral Archdale's death had been reported in July, and Admiral S. S. Hall, better known





H.M.S. Gambia at Trinconialee as Commodore 1-lall, had died at Cape Town in January. Captain Bone had the Submarine represented Branch at the funeral. Prompted b Sir Charles little, Adruiral and sponsored the Officers' Mess, a by portrait of Commodore Hall at Blockhouse would now serve to commemorate all the pioneer work he had done for the Submarine Service. Admiral Fawkcs then gave an account of the grievous misfortune that had befallen the Sidon, and stated that the circumstances which led tip to the accident had been closely investgated. Though the loss of life had been heavy, it was a crowning mercy it was no heavier for had the accident occurred an hour later when the Sidon would have been at sea, the cause of the accident might never have been ascertained. A brief account of the disposition and new construction was then given. Of the recent changes in command the is a of following summary Admiral Fawkes' remarks', 1st Submarine Squadron (H. MS. Forth). Capt. Slaughter to be relieved by Capt. Van der Byl: 2nd Submarine Squadron (H.M.S. Maidstone), now commanded by Capt. II. Newton; 3rd Submarine Squadron (H.M.S. Adamant), now commanded by Capt. Jcsvcll, who relieved Capt. Napier in Submarine August: 4th Squadron (Australia), Commander Bromage is taking over from Capt. Turner, 5th Submarine Squadron (H.M.S. Dolphin) commanded by 'Capt. E. F. l'iiey. who is heini relieved by Capt. 6th Submarine Squadron Gregory: (at Halifax), commanded by Cmdr. Fox. ('Capt. Pizey to I1.M.S. Theseus in December.)

Admiral Fawkes gave an extremel', full account of his numerous visits to Ii .me and overe,, s squadrons (Malta. Australia. Canada. L it ii ed States). and the various XVI 0 exercises, among which s crc Itriclu Bonfire Nine (Oetohcr-Nos ember, 1954) and Fishplay 1955). in which (May. tIn tish, American and Dutch submarines were engaged, and for which he had flown to Iceland. It was during this Summer War that submarines ssere alloss ed to take supplies of beer on patrol. Admiral Fawkes emphasised that these exercises were an invaluable part of training, and an asset towards common understanding. Of items of local interest. Admiral Fass kec mentioned the Blockhouse Jubilee in November. 1954. the Queen Mother's visit in July, the highly successful Families' Day, which it is intended to have every, year, and the Submarine Old Coin r.ids' R cii ii k in


Careers in Engineering Company for ex-Royal Navy skilled craftsmen as Fitters, Turners, Milling machinists, etc. Good working conditions and rates of pay in new factory. Apply Secretary, -




Fitzherbert Road Farlington, PORTSMOUTH

in September. I-Ic also said that volumes 2 and 3 of the Submarine Official History (dealing with the Middle and Far East) have received Admiralty approval, and s', ill be i bin med next year. In his concluding remit irks lie stated that the of the submarine, not only as a threat to surface ships but as the most effective anti-submarine vessel, were becoming increasingly patent both in this country and in the United States. Armed with a guided missile or rocket projectile, the submarine will soon be the economic alternative to the carrier-. Whether it ss,is a sign of the times or not he could not say, but the Admiralty had recently approved the conversion of a carrier to a Submarine Depot Ship. In turning over the Submarine Command at the end of the year to Rear-Admiral Woods, who has recentlv been Chief of Staff to the present Sea Lord, Admiral Fawkes said that submarine shares would he higher than they have ever been.

(]is-mm potentiali-ties

has done. I would like now to thank Admiral Fawkes for the tremendous contribution he has made throughout the Service by his long and distinguished career and particularly to the Submarine Branch. THANK YOU


"London" Bulletin


THE WINTER season of sport is now in full sss inig. but the sailing enthusia'.tS have only recently finished their very full and successful season. On September 24, Osprey lost a close match against Theseus by 62 points to 49. We obtained first place (Lieut. I). \V. Brown) and third place (P.O. Drake). but two of our boats had to retire. Lieut. Brown also came in second in the final Portland N.S.A. race of the season out of eleven starters. H.M.S. Osprey was open to families and friends of all ratings serving in the Establishment on "Visitors' Day," which was held on September 30. The guests were able to see the lecture rooms. dormitories, the galley and cafeteria, and some of the Asdic equipment and training aids. Tea was provided for the guests of Chief and Petty Officers in the respective messes and for those of other ratings in our A/ S. memorial noomit, On October 12, Vice-Admiral Jacobsen. Commander-in-Chief of the Royal Norwegian Navy, paid a visit it) Osprey and was received with a guard of twenty-four ratings. He visited the Tactical Training Unit and East Weare Camp and had tea in the wardroom before departing. General drill was exercised on Friday, October 14. when five teams led Lieutenant-Commanders carried by out many varied tasks in keen competition. Among these was an assault course reminiscent of commando training, one of the obstacles being a "river" sshich had to be crossed on a single rope line. Other tests inchided providing a shooting party at the range, rigging a jackstay, a road block, five exercises, a signal exercise, and sundry smaller and more lighthearted ones. The overall results were very close. there being only fourteen per cent difference between the first and last teams.

The Association meets on the first Wednesday of each month at the "Surrey Tavern," Kennington Oval (near Tube station) at 8 p.m. Any Submariner who cares to visit is cordially invited to do so. At the Reunion organised by Flag Officer, Submarines at H.M.S. Dolphin, on September 17, 120 London members were present. It was indeed an occasion to remember. The London "Efficiency Trophy" was presented by the President, Mr. ci, A. A. Scott, to H.M. S,-5I. Amphion (Lieut.-Cdr. NI. P. W. Lurcott. R.N.). At the Representatives' meeting held in Blockhouse Fort, at which the London chairman, Mr. 1-I. H. Rose, presided, it was agreed to go ahead with the suggested "National Association." A committee was formed to set up a constitution agreeable to those Associations that wished to participate. The committee stated that a meeting, would he held at the earliest opportunity and that interested Associations would be Sport given full details, Jlodcey The Standard of the London Branch The season has started off well of the Association of Wrens was Dedicated on October Il at the Church of with two full trials, and some new Holy Trinity, Sloane Street, S.W.I. talent has been discovered, which The Association's Standard, escort and with players remaining from last should enable us to build a representatives consisting of the chair- year, man, secretary/treasurer, vice- reasonable team for the Navy Cup. chair-man and committee were present for In friendly matches we have lost 2-3 this impressive arid moving service. to the 2nd T.S., lost 3-4 to Weymouth 2nd XI in a Saturday match Refreshments followed at the Service Women's Club, Lower Sloane Street, wheit some of our best players were plas ing for U.S. Portland; and won S.W.l. 'I lie Building Committee is making 4-1 against 'lheseus (who claimed sound progress in its efforts to increase hosvever. that it was not their strongthe Building Fund; the "Jumble Sale" est available side). U.S. Portland are a good season, having won all organised for October 29. at the Chris!- having church (Oxford) United Club. Oval their matches so far. They arc not (opposite the "Surrey Tavern") will oc having to rely so heavily on Osprey as in the last two seasons, opened by Freddie Mills. Soccer The London Annual Reunion So far there has not been much Dinner will be held on Saturday, November 12. at the "Surrey Tavern." success by the soccer team, who lost Kennimtgton Oval (tirrne. (1.30 p.m.). in the first round of the Navy Cup Principal guests will be Rear-Admiral to the Sick Berth Staff. Haslar, by ci, It. I-I. Fznwkes, C.B,. C.V.O.. CUE. 3-0. They, have yet to obtain a vic(I-lag Officer. Submarines), Sir John ci, tory in the South West Services MidWeek League or in the Chaine Cup Lang, G.C.II., K.B.E., C.lI. Secretary to the Admiralty) and (l'ortlantd Naval) League. The inter. Vice-Admiral Sir Sidney M. Raw, port is however going with a swing and providing sortie exciting and K.lI.E.. CII., CUE. The Annual Memorial Service will enjoyable games. take place oil Sunday, November 13, Rugby at the "Submarine Memorial," Thames The rugger secretary has refused Embankment, at 10.30 a.m. In the to divulge his results. We wish him event of rain the service will be held better luck for the remainder of the on hoard H.M.S. President, The Rev. season. C. H. Benson, M.A., Hon. Chaplain At the time of writing we are getto the Association, will conduct the ting a deluge and are hoping that service. there will be no repetition of the sen. P, Elliott, Hon. Sec./Treasurer, ous flooding which occurred here in July. In any case, it seems pretty certain that there will be no games possible for quite a long time,

Admiral Watkin.s Replies Admiral Watkins, U.S.N., of the Submarine Force Atlantic Fleet, who followed, thanked Admiral Fawkes for the untraditional opportunity of speaking at the Reunion, to which he had looked forward for many weeks. He regretted that he could not bring the greetings front a similar body in America for it was a sad fact that no such body existed. Front what he had seen at Blockhouse-the fellowship and fine feeling -the benefits ss It ich accrue by bringing the old submariners hack to talk to those still serving, were such that when he returned to New London he was going to do something about it. To illustrate his remarks about the close cooperation of the NATO community he told the following story. The Long Island Sound has been used as the training ground for Amenyears. and had scent so mans' v training dives that even the fish have long become acclimatised. Not so long hack a mother sardine, accompaimied h' her brood of off-spring, was suddenly approached by one of the youngsters who was I I iticii frightened and considerably :ilarmn'd "Mother, a big fish has been chasing mite." "What did it look like, son?" ''It was big, black, and had numbers painted on its side." "Well, son, don't let that frighten yon--that was not a fish--that was just a tin of friendly people." The NATO community is just a tin of friendly people, and none should permit the lid to conic loose, nor should they allow leaks to come into in since that might spoil the contents of the tin. Admiral, the Earl of Mounthatten of Burma. having thanked Admiral Vatkins for flying over to the Reunion and for his speech, concluded by paying Admiral Fawkes the following tribute: "I would like to do something that Flag Officer (Submarines) could not do for himself, THE LIGHT fleet carrier Majestic, and it is to tell you that I have building at Vickers-Armstrongs yard started the custom that when a Cap- at Barrow-inn-Fur-ness, was renamed tain or Flag Officer comes to the end Her Majesty's Australian ship Mel- DURING THE last few months of his term of service I always ask bourne at a ceremony on Friday, have had several interesting events, him to come and see me so I may October 28, 1955. he main one being our Air Day held thank him personally on behalf of The renaming of the ship, which n Saturday, July 23, when about the rest of the Service for what he around the perimeter track. Four Sea welve thousand spectators gathered





November, 1955


Hawks of 806 Sqd. were very im- laying heard the screws as the ship Reserve. Five Sea Cadets from local pressive with their formation flying vent over him. Thcs' were both units and schools also took part in and aerobatics. Due to the haze the escued however by H.M.S. Chaplet. these cruises. spectators could not fully appreciate icting as planeguard, and everyone We hope in future contributions to the flying, as the Hawks climbed to as truly thankful for the escape. give more details of some of our ten thousand feet and broke off in What of the future? During Novem activities as well as some of our four different directions. The high- er we pay a short visit to Cherbourg problems. light of the display came with the and in early December go into dryappearance of the Seamew and Midge Jock in Portsmouth. which will please aircraft, the former demonstrated the he many "natives" onboard. remarkable short take-off run for During our first twelve months, there which it is designed. The Midge could have been approximately 500 changes THE VOICE of Fleetwood has not not lanC at Ford but everyone was in the Ship's Company which repre- been heard in this paper for three impressed by the performance it gave sents nearly a 50 per cent change. At months but it does not mean that all in the air. The children were sup- that rate, by the end of the two year on board are dead or dying, although for four days last week (October 4-7) plied with plenty of amuscmen's. commission. there will be hardly any from swings and slides in the fair- of the original crew left! The rapid some of us wished we were. However. ground to a ride around the station changes in a Home Sea ship hinder first things first. in a miniature train. The Rovil he forming of really good sporting After a minor refit, which was exMarine Band completed a perfect day sides and coupled with the fact that tended because the "worms" got at our by Beating the Retreat on the peri- we do a great deal of sea time (loud shafts, we sailed for northern waters meter track, a ceremony which 'hear, hears" from the natives), it is on trials on September 27. One hour attracted as many people as the flying lot surprising that more has not been after we sailed six competitions comhad done. heard of Bulwark in the sporting field. menced. These consisted of a beard Although Exercise "Beware" was However, our soccer team have so far growing competition for which there primarily a R.A.F. affair. Ford sup- only suffered two defeats (by Frigg were seventy-four entries, followed by plied Sea Hawks of 811 Sqd. to inter- RC. Oslo and H.M.S. Vigo) out of darts (single and doubles), "uckers", chess, crib, and, believe it or not, a cept high level attacks from the en matches played. Continent, and as a matter of interest. H.M.S. Bulwark has, however, dur- crooning competition. 811 Sqd. had more successes than any ing the past summer, received a good The trip to our stamping ground other R.A.F. squadron. deal of praise from numerous sources, was marred only by an eye injury to Sunday, October 8, marked the and in this period when the Services our young S.A. but we are happy to annual competition for the Kcmsley come under heavy fire from certain report that the last signal we had Air Trophy, which was held at Ford portions of the Press, it is refreshing to stated that he was progressing favourthis year. The trophy is a silver vase read of compliments being paid, and ably. presented by Viscount Kemsley in we feel that in that respect Bulwark Then the trials commenced, as did 1953. The competition is held between has played a full part. the weather. For five days we steamed the five R.N.V.R. Air Divisions: ScotM. W. E. backwards and forwards across the tish. Northern. Midland. Southern North Sea and for four of those days and Channel Air Divisions. The coniwe had a complete cycle of gales petitors are judged by their flying and blowing first from the north, then maintenance ability. Aircrews arc from the west and finally from the given navigational problems in the air C. Hutchinson, All- Tel. PISSX cast. Food became a secondary conover the RIT. and also servicing 843638, Aglncourt Died October sideration and even the ice cream sales problems on their aircraft on the 10. 1955. dropped to rock bottom as members .M. ground. All the divisions entered A, Grist, O.A.3, P/MX 833440, of the ship's company beat their Firefly aircraft except the Southern. Died October 11, 1955. breasts and rent their hair in anguish. Ceylon. which entered Sea Furies. As usual the poor Quartermasters R. L, Riddett, M(E)1, PISKX "carried the can" but theirs was a job 883828, Ceylon. Died October 12, II.M. Ships Sefton, E&sington, Badminton. Rodinglon, Dufton and Hickleto. that no one wanted at that particular 1955. seen at sea off Malta time and they did very well. The following week-end, October 1 First Anniversary and 2, we arrived at Stavanger, Nor- bosom of the North Sea we bid you which many had never seen beforeON OCTOBER 29, 1955, H.M.S. way, and I hope that there are no a sailor's farewell and soon hope to and the Billiards Room. From the way Bulwark completed one year as Trials Norwegian readers of this paper be blowing four short blasts at the in which they enjoyed this latter they and Training Carrier. Much has been Sussex Division R.N.V.1R. would have needed little encouragebecause as a run ashore it was a dead Gosport Ferry. written about this "star" of Radio THE SUSSEX Division of the Royal loss. Never in the ment to have spent the rest of the time "Count So-Vile." history of the Royal and TV; the Radio Times has spot- Navy Volunteer Reserve was formed happily playing billiards. Many names Navy has there been such a sober her and some of the original lighted and addresses were exchanged and in 1903 and has been in continuous company. The ship's football members of the ship's company can existence since then. It has its head- ship's team had a success in beating the promises made to write. All expressed remember when the Scottish Daily Hove, and an the hope that they would be back quarters at Kingsway. Norwegian Naval Base by three goals Express gave an account of what life outlying Battery at Newhaven. The to two. The Russian VisIt again soon. was like onboard. Those were, how- Hove Battery dates from the first FOR THE first time for of us many Another few battle between days ever, the darker days of January, World War and consists mainly of Social Activities the Russian has become an identifiable 1955, when Invergordon looked more buildings of a temporary character, the heaving sea and our 900 ton Barracks social activities this month instead of just a name. "home" and we found ourselves being back like Switzerland, and most people but a new specially planned head- at Stavanger. With pockets full of On two of the days that the Russian have inevitably been centred around have forgotten them quarters is shortly to be started on a money. I must add here that even the Squadron was visiting Portsmouth the Ship's company Halloween Ball. has earned Since that time. Bulwark site at Aldrington Basin, Shoreham, of Russian ratings had a look Pumpkins, masks. streamers, witch the reputation of being the cleanest where the Division's sea-tenders, a new ship's drunk took one look at the parties at the Barracks-and the Barracks had effigies and the traditional carnivalia carrier in the Navy, and I think it is coastal minesweeper, H.M.S. Curzon countryside and marched to the cana look at the Russians. The most all look like making this a great true to say that there have been fewer and a seaward defence boat. I-1.M.S. teen and bought himself a pint of noticeable things about our visitors occasion, especially as the C.-in-C. is milk. One or two to fatal accidents on hoard than on any managed Greatford, will lie alongside the the local inhabitants and were their smart appearance and bear- coming. This is the first time he has other modern operational carrier. As establishment "strangle" together with the Divi- deplete their stock of and their efforts to be friendly in attended a ship's company dance. He trials and training carrier, when so sions' spirits whilst ing has agreed to do so because "Victory" power boats and whalers. about four morons managed to conic spite of language difficulties. In the much nc'v equipment and methods Up till 1939 all members of the back blearyeyed but we strongly sus- main the Russian groups were com- is his flag ship. are constantly being tried, this is a R.N.V.R. who were true volunteers posed of young cadets who were fine achievement and reflects much pect they found an illegal still. The Laundry gave up sonic of their spare time in obviously keenly interested in all they credit on the air department. and at week-ends, as well the evenings Games saw and heard. Most of the conversaThe future of the Laundry is at the Competitions In this first anniversary review, here as fourteen days annually for training Regarding the respective competi- tions were in mime but, nevertheless, moment uncertain. Admiralty is conare just a few high-lights which per- with the fleet, to sonic form of naval in this, the way of sailors the world sidering an alternative site when the haps will be of more interest than training. When the Division was re- tions. The beard competition is well over, progress was made! present building is pulled down in the the usual data given, i.e., length, where formed in 1946 a number of pre-war under way and most already have beThe two things which most took course of Barracks modernisation. The to look slightly respectable. (Last and when built, who launched by, tonbut this core of gun members rejoined, their attention were the television- hand of Welfare is not strengthened nage and a description of all modern volunteers is decreasing in numbers week it looked like a boatload of inventions and conveniences on board. and the future volunteers must come tramps.) The other contests are approaching the semi-finals. We had from the ex-National Service men on 84 entries for the darts, 54 for Thousands of Visitors of their compulsory full "uckers," 26 for chess and completion 20 for First of all. Bulwark can boast of and part-time service. Since 1949 the Write Today absolutely thousands of visitors. In Division has devoted much of its crib. We also have our own radio every port where the ship has been resources to recruiting and training programme sponsored by the makers of Cow Juice, the milk with the open to visitors, local boatmen have the young pre-National Service men cuddly cream, and Foo Foo, the fared extremely, well. Whilst in Portsfor a copy of our who, after completing one year's Passionate Powder. This mouth, the ship is continually visited programme R.N.V.R. obligations, are guaranteed covers our crooning contest, which, by Cadets, Sea Scouts, and representa- their National Service in the Royal like the other contests, will not reach tives of various Aeronautical Societies, We on them to return depend the Final until after this has gone to and we maintain that we have our Navy. to the Division as volunteers after fair share of Reservists! Who arc the press. I must also add that our Cycling their National Service. Club did a hundred and twenty mile best-known people we have had n mountain trip, which, owing to the board? At Oslo, when Admiral of the Training awful roads and hair-raising inclines, Fleet Sir John Cunningham was with in the Division is carried Training took eleven hours. And so from the us, the Crown Prince of Norway came Electrical, out in the T.A.S., Gunnery, on board and shortly afterwards durCommunications, Room. SupEngine ing our stay at Stockholm we were and Secretariat and Seaward Dehonoured by a visit from King Gustav ply fence Branches, as well as in mineVI of Sweden. who took a tremenPractical training takes ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS ON dous interest in his inspection of the sweeping. place in the sea-tenders during weekPAGE 16 ship. Richard Dimhlcby of 20 Ques- ends and on several 15-day cruises Down Your Coronation tions. Way, carried out in the summer months. 1. (a) Minimum 10, (b) Maximum was on board for Election fame and There are at present seventy officers 14. a few days when Bulwark took part FOR in the Division as well 2. Only if, being off-side, he takes in the TV programme "No Ordinary and 340 ratings as a keen women's R.N.V.R. contingent part in play in one of the ways six MemEven more recently, Ship." and ninety ratings. specified in Law 18 (1). bers of Parliament were embarked at of fourteen officers ALL AGES also affords accom3. 14. Portsmouth and stayed on board until The Division both Law 2. and facilities 4, No. See modation training we reached Invergordon. It was no 5. Yes. The referee is bound to at Hove and Newhaven to the Mineexception therefore, to sit next to the watchers, and also to the Hove and penalise the "loiterers." M.P. for Battcrsca whilst you ate your of the Sea Cadet 6. No. dinner, and to be asked what you Newhaven Units 7. Throw in. The law regarding Corps. thought of the Navy I This year the Division had - its "altering his decision" does not apply. The most exciting, or should I say annual inspection by the Admiral But the referee has the right to overj tense, moment of the commission s Commanding Reserves in May and rule the Touch Judge's decision if of 18 was the May far, during night the R.N.V.R. thinks the ball or he player when the ship was night flying in the has taken a full part in other activities such as Bisley, - Sailing carrying it had not been in touch., Torbay area. A Sea Venom (with line or behind the 25 inter-Divisional 8. On yards Regatta at Portland, crew of two) went over the bows an a It is not necessary to drop-out from BROS. LTD. was passed over by the ship. Thi whaler pulling, Boxing, Swimming. weri well as holding social events of its the centre of the 25 yards line. and observer fortunately pilot has carried out 9. Ball must be put in again. 123 Queen Street, Portsmouth, Hants able to delay their return to the sur own. H.M.S. Curzon 10. Yes-except in a scrummage face until the ship was clear of them three cruises and H.M.S. Greatford e,.nc.I: DEVONPORT. CHATHAM. QOSPORT, PORTLAND. SCOTLAND, MALTA were or after a tackle. The following night over the S.R.E. one. On those occasions they J. K H. of the Lieut. Carter (the observer) recallei manned entirely by members



3n ølernoriarn





1955/6 DE LUXE








November. 1955 Sailing The sailing season is over., but at the end of the season, we are holders of the Monarch Bowl (Windfall Trophy). Aurora Cup (Whaler Team Trophy) and Arnold Cup (Whaler and Dinghy "Outside the Harbour" Trophy) and were runners-up for the Bedford Cup (Individual Whalers-CP,O. Coles), Yarmouth Cup (Dinghy aggregate) and Howard Davis Cup (WhalersC.P.O. Coles). Talks to Patients On the afternoon of October 19. Inst. Lieut.-Cdr. J. H. ltlakcley travelled out to Liphook to give a talk on rates and taxes to the patients of King George V Convalescent Home and answered a good crop of questions. .1 hesc talks, which are given each month by officers from the Portsmouth Command are very greatly appreciated. Last week we suffered two very sudden losses. L./Sea. T. 51. Godden. died whilst tinder (living instruction and Nurse Tollev who has worked in our Sick Bay for the last five years and attended to our Wren personnel died alter a very sudden and brief liness. 1o their relatives may we extend our heartfelt sympathy.



Indian cruiser Delhi (formerly. ll.\LS. Achilles of Riser Plate fame) entering Trincomalce harbour -

by the tact h.: ill too less people make use of its excellent service. Likewise. the dry-cleaning plant. though not actively threatened with extinction is not in 1 particularly prosperous situation.


AFTER A magnificent Summer, the frost morning lire-lighting routine has now been started, with the Barrack-master worrying more and more where his next ton .,f coal is coming front. Ira counteract the cold, svrth great gusto all games are and as touch skill as the Drafting Commander will leave behind. There was much activity in prep:Ira(ion to mark the one hundred and fiftieth Anniversary of Trafalgar. Nelson's famous signal. as on previous :tnnivers.iries. flew from the mast in front of the Main House. A large "eve of Trafalgar" Dinner took place in the Wardroom with marry clisThe tingirished ( .uests irtltidirir Right I lonourable The Lord 511% or of The Portsmouth: Right Rev. The Lord of the Bishop of Portsmouth: Fleet Sir Arthur John Power: Admiral S i r S t it a r t Bonham-Carter, and Admiral Sir Ralph Ldwards. were called to various parts of the country to assist in the large N.A.T.O. "paper" exercise "lifeline," which lasted for fourteen fairly hectic days. Apart f: ont putting on a play for the Senior ()flieers Technical Course (strictly. Sets ice). Mercury Productions have been fairly quiet, awaiting their time (December 5 and 6 for a Pantomime 'based" on the story of Robin



loinbola arid I)artces, run by C hicf (. I. Care and Billy ltennet's Club Quintet rcspcetis clv, have been the mainstay of Entertainments, to gether with the usual Films and TV.

On the sporting side, the Island is noss in the semi-finals of the Navy Cup and we look forward to our tussle with Haslar. Our selectors were well pleased with the showing in our Is' land Marathon and we should he well -' " tip in eross-eorrntrv esetits. In boxing itt_I in b.isket-h.ill ise hive a lively tnt e r e s t and in the 22 and 303 [lIE I 0:h \mj\'rs, v of Trafalgar sic at C holding our own, t r mwind the tact that this' year leagues brings I his month two of the Island's most - .1 I so t t. -5 _t t Anniversary 0. . have taken their ll\l.S. Lxccllcrtt.- for it was in l83() loyal isupporters av lrnds to civilian life. . that .i Naval (,wtncr) School as Chief Waterman to Eton College. first cst.ihlished in Portsmouth. rind "Slick'. one of the staunchest ii os. through the war with the' 'S trdr nit lk.rr torn. is r tirvrltcnt t United Stales, when it became :tppir 5lthiriih it has not [,cell our pr:ictice cut ih it i high standard I (,unrrcr to hid I iicttcll to mcrirbi. in the Fleet stas C onscqucnltl in this yet, to these two. I a Gunnery School ss.rs set tip in feel e column, should make a special excepH.M.S. Queerr C h,uloltc. 104, Guns, lion and thank them for their loyal later to he rcn,i,nic sic cn . support. It 55.15 at t tiii C also I .it U sights ster ocing introduced an because hI wonder why at' that (.I,nn,',I.- k ,,n exact . science. However I must not re You Al THE invitation of the British with ancient history and ste do 'not C0.ntttiuniiy in Basr:i. FIStS. Flamingo laid tip a consider it necessary to advertise the Syhite Ensign in St. Peter's fact that we have advanced with the Anglican Church. ,\shar, Bast-a. to times: nevertheless it is worth men- m:imk the last visit of the Persian Gull tjonjng that in 1842 Gunners were Bird Class frigates Wild Goose, Wren rillossed to count sers ice in the Gun- ,u,1 Flamingo One of these three nery School as sea lime. 'rhis is of ships has visited ltasr, every six weeks since 1946. Wild Goose and Wren course no longer the case. have already been replaced by ships We are, as usual, busy on the laud and October sets :1 new record in on general service commissions. and I la tnt is due to leave the Persian Gunnery training. In additione have Gull ngo for the United Kingdom it, been t r a in in g the Street I.ining Platoons who will line the route in Noiciliber this year London for- the State Visit of the President of Portugal. W have also had a fair slice of Russian entertainI lirod.










.. i,


Further Displays P.O. 1 as br and Set Cooper, R.M of this School. ss ill be gis ing a judo demonstration at the British Legion l:estiv:tl of Remembrance in the Connaught Drill Hall, on November 8 H. A Witickles. R.N., of the stall. will he giving the commentary for this display. -1-he Royal Tourn:itncnt programme for 1956 has nosy been tentatively fixed. The items will be' :'ii,.ii t',uti 1. i mp I Ion. and Drill I)ispl:is by the King's Squad. i .ini cS, 05,1





and rehearsals, the I'l. School will ne stnindung by to put on the Window ladder Display. (is an alternative. at the last moment. the last Qualifiers' Course left in tine fettle and the staff suffered,





September-October REHEARSALS FOR our display at the El Alarnein re-union have continued apace. By the time this article is in print and on your breakfast table, the re-union will be several weeks past, so no harm can he done in revealing a few of the secrets! the Nasal contribution was a vast "Crossing the Line" ceremony, the victims for which were supplied by the PT. School. Instead of the traditional clucking in a tank of water, the victims were upset from the barber's chair directly, on to a trampoline, suitably disguised as a water tank. As they landed, individually and in pairs, so the victims gave a short and lively demonstration of what can he achieved on this apparatus. The actual perform:knee undoubtedly provoked as much amusement as the rehearsals, and there is no doubt of the success of this new sl:t itt to an 01(1 theme! The hears and policemep provided the laughs with their agility and tumbling efforts and our picture. s hich was hu: a 'mill part of the Naval contribution. Ihe performers I r o m the PT. School in this act sserc Capt. M. A. Robinson. R .M.. of the staff. %x ho cave the ma in commentary ufor the ss hole act, the Officers' Long P. F. Course. the Majority of the Staff Instructors. and the PT. 1st Class course.

pro-need Sot -,,red h H 51 S S crnon of a night convoy action. In the event of this new -night convoy action" running departing ital. into diflicultics during the mock tip



tIlE SAILING members of H\l S 0t enjoyed a wonderful season's ,i, "'" ''"''-' ;';: As always that staunch and clever ss haler helmsman. CP.O. Arnold, w.i. up in the front and showing the young 'itt. how to do it. Brian Rowscll. a young National Service tItan and potential Olympic hclmsm:in, had a wonderful season and was a tosser of strength Good luck to him in his new appointment in next year's trials, and let it,, hope that he will sail for Etigland in the Olympics. . . Sadly R.N.B. said good-bye in, the middle of the season to two officers who had done so much for sailing. i:innclv Capt. McGeoch on his motion. and I Icut Cdr Simpson it his re-appointment, Prizes collected by H.M.S. Victorswere' Commander-in-Chief's Cup. Howard Davis Trophy, Sussex Cup. Bedford Iorch Cup, Yarmouth Trophy. Bevan's irinkard, and rrophy. Englisi Rose Bowl, A.T.E.





ON SUNDAY. October 2, our Harvest lcstival Service was held in the cinema. 1 his was very tastefully decorated for the occasion: it was a revelation to see that we have so many amateur gardeners in Vernon and the produce they brought in was of very fine quality. Soccer Our soccer team started the season with five members of our last season's Charity Cup winning team Our last game was a convincing win of 5 goals to one against the Reserve Fleet and the team showed signs of settling dossn into a workmanlike unit. Unforunately, our captain. Inst. Iicut. " "Gerry Tordoff. who was injured quite early in the season, leaves the navy shortly after Christmas and P.C. Weller shortly goes on draft 1 his still leave us with a rather ditlicult selection probleru Any hopes Ac had of svinning the Navy Cup were dashed to the ground by 11.515. Mercury. Rugby Our rugby team is so (at, unbeaten in the league; we have a really good team which is ably led by Inst. Lieut. Walker and I have it on the authority of Inst. Lieut.-Cdr. D. J - l'arr. the old Navy and Welsh hooker, that Mid. shipuitnin Trickey is a very bright prospect for the future as full hack. Hockey We also have a very enthusiastic hockey team, that popular evergreen, our sports officer, Lieut. Barney Kayninagh. still performs in goal with all his old skill and agility. It is hard to believe that this will be his last season in navy hockey; he takes his pension next year.






who are engaged as Research and Experimental Mechanics on a wide range of duties including the manufacture of prototype and special plant, maintenance work and plant operation in wellequipped workshops with up-to-date machine tools.

Precision, and Maintenance Fitters, Turners, Instrument Makers

and Mechanics, Electricians and other craftsmen are required.

Ex-ROYAL NAVY PERSONNEL-particularly in trades of E.R.A. E.A. (Inst. and Radio), P.A. and RADIO ELECTRICIANS-are very suitable for many of these vacancies.

Further detaiis are set out in the free booklet "Careers in Atomic Energy" which can be obtained from the address below, or from the Resettlement Officer, Royal Naval Barracks, Portsmouth.

Industrial Recruitment Officer, A.E.R.E., Harwell, Didcot, Berkshire





Classified Advertisements


Classified Advertkefflents way he placed at: Gale & Polden Ltd., Nelson House, Edinburgh Road, Portsmouth, an well as at the Royal Naval Barracka, Portsmouth Private Advertisements. 2d. per word: 2s.


4d 4a. of

Trade Advertisements,

per word; minimum, Name and address advertise? must accompany each advertisement. Box Number,



SX.NAVAL R.E.As, and R.Es. Further appli-ations are ins'ited low for employment on )EVILOI'MENT AND PROTI)l'i'l'E TESrIN(; OF RADAR AND GUIDED WEAPON EQUIPMENT, There is pleniy of acope for men with initialise and ability. The are work 0 interesting and working good, The positions offered are permanent and are covered by a contributory pension scheme. Salary according to age and expcrienee.-Appli' cation., should be made in the Personnel Manager, the General Electric Co. Ltd.. Browns Lane, Alletley, Coventry. Ref. RG/B.


WELL-KNOWN European Mechanical 'time Fuse factory seeks as their British representative an ex-naval oBicer familiar with mechanical time fuses. Knowledge of the procedures of the Ministry of Supply would be an advantage.Letters to If. I. Gertilsen, Zwoiscbc shut, The Hague, The Nethetlassds.


The inclusion any advertisement cannot be guaranteed, nor responsibility accepted for errors or omissions.





South-ampton NONINCTON NURSERY SCHOOL. 48 Road, Farcham. Phone 3044. Pupils 3 *0 8 years,

A NEW SECTION i being formed responsible for the supcrvivion of the installation of Fleeironic Equipment on board ship, being developed for the Services, including the testing and tuning of equipment and training of naval personnel. A leader is required to Lake charge of this section SOIJTSISEA. Mallow Guest House. $2 Whitwell Road. Special terms. October to March, and should be of the ex-Naval Commander type. B. A B., owning meal, '15g, Home from home. preferably of the 'L" Branch with experience Children welcome. of installation of recent Naval Electronic Equipment. with a good technical knowledge of Electronics, capable of training stall attending to DECLARE your allotment wisely, Did you general organisation dutic. know that a ,,mat; amount allotted from your Sun"~ staff of minimum of 3 Engineer'. pay now will ASSURE you of a house in the with little or no deposit? Advice freely preferably of degree standard. also required. future. given and without obligation, - Apply I. Considerable travelling teriods aaay from the lfuicbin.son, Insurance Brokers (Soutberti) Lid.. 21 London Road, Futtrook. Phone Waterloo. Establishment are involved. vile 3416. Apply in writing, slating age, qualification, and experience, so the Personnel Manager, The DO you desire house ownership' Why pay care'sire 'em' House purchase with endowment General Electric Co. Ltd.. Browns Lane. with reduced premiums by naval allotment ensures security for the future. '50 per cent. to Alletley, Coventry, (Ref RG) 100 per cent. loans advanced-Write for full partiiilars without obligation, to S. V. Norm. C, H. BERNARD i SONS LTD.. Nasal And fleeehwuod Avenue. Walerlooville. Civilian Tabors and Outfitters. base openings "C.ucnlyn," for young men as assistants and repre- 1jan01. sentatives. The latter to contact customers DON' r MISS YOUR COfY of our 19% Pin-up aboard n.M. thip't and in RN, EstaNishmcnis. Calendar. Price 2s. 6d. Post free, - From Whilst peelsrenee will be given to lhosc with I*CM.SIIEBA. London, W.C,I. experienc. of the men's wear trade. suitable Phone: 4304, 71240, 24-hour applicants will he given training. ()pporlunhtics TAXIS. Alan, available for travel. Secure position with good service, 10 Hyde Park Road (close Guildhalt). prospect, and stall pension-Apply in first instance to the Manager. C. It. Bernard A Sons Ltd., 8 Queen Street. Portsmouth, or direct to the Sales Manager, C. It. Bernard & Sons Lid., Ordnance Buildings, Harwich. Eases. REQUIRED. Engineer-in-charge, Responsible LEAVING DISTRICT. - SemI-bungalow. 6 for all heating and steam sterilising plant and room', bathroom. eon.servalory. sun lounge; very other engineering services, Control of stokers, nice garden back and front. Garage. Nearest maintenance i.tafl and fuel economy. Salary scale £2.600.-47 Raynes Road. Lee on Solent. fc25 x plug London Weighting. £1,250 or , 42 Seaguove Road, North End, Qualifications : Ordinary National Certificate in Portsmouth. Close Whale Island. 3 bedrooms. Mechanical Engineering which includes heat and 2 reception, breakfast-room. conbathroom. heat engines-Applications with names of two servatory-Apply 216 Stubbinston Avenue. referees to ltousc Governor Si. Peter's lfospi!al, Henrietta Street. London. VACANCIES exist for high-peessure os' &ctylen pipe welders for power stelion erection work. the stork involves travelling throi,ehiiiii RILE'.', 13-litre, 1947. Light green. Factory re. 13,000 miles ago. the United Kingdom and, in certain in-stances, conditioned engine tilted windscreen washer. Replacements travc]lin abroad-Further details and applica Heater. vt ion forms may be obtained from Room 417, throughout have always been made in good time regardless of cost. £440 or near Mitchell Engineering Limited, Tavistock house Blake. Lce.on.Solent 7'1573, South. Tasisiock Square. London. W.C.I.










more at their hands on 'Passing Out' a long, day than at any others for long time! One of these qualifiers, who

enough to have a and foolish birthday, whilst on course enough to nublish the fact, was diswas


OVeleu' t) ill gi\ securely bound and gagged, and sitting in the visitor's chair in his office' On passing' out, the Course received an initiation at the hands of the staff who later

rang-ing discovered that

their transport, from very second hand cars down

to bicycles. had taken on an albino hue, liberally covered with whitewash. To allay any illusions that Courses at this School are all skylark, let it be added that these "Pranks" occur during the Dog Watches ONLY' Another Requaliflers' course of ten Stiu.y.'3s at the end of November, by which time numbers will be on the increase again. At the end of the summe., ins courses were commenced at the School in accordance with the policy


TRIUMPH COACHES LTD 3, Edinburgh Road, Portsmouth. Phone 70863

for Service Personnel every week-end Operate the Following Official Express Services ii!NORTHAMPTON Friday and Saturday Friday and Saturday LEICESTER Ui. 31/Friday and Saturday NOTTINGHAM 3'/3 SHEFFIELD Friday and Saturday 40/6 Friday and Saturday HUDDERSFIELD 43/6 Friday and Saturday BRADFORD Friday and Saturday 43J6 LEEDS Friday and Saturday OXFORD 15/' 17/6 Friday and Saturday BANBURY 201Friday and Saturday WARWICK Friday and Saturday COVENTRY 231 "SIFriday and Saturday BIRMINGHAM Friday and Saturday 26/WOLVERHAMPTON Friday and Saturday STAFFORD , 32/6 Friday and Saturday NEWCASTLE-UNDER-LIME ,, Friday and Saturday 38/6 MANCHESTER Friday and Saturday LIVERPOOL 4016 17/6 Friday and Saturday BRISTOL (Westbury, Trowbrldge and Bath) Not Fridays IllREADING (Basingstoke) Friday and Saturday PLYMOUTH 261. 2116 Friday and Saturday DRUMBRIDGES . 19/6 Friday and Saturday EXETER Not Fridays PORTLAND 15/6 8/3 Friday and Saturday SALISBURY MARLBOROUGH 15/Friday and Saturday Friday and Saturday SWINDON 18/. 21/Friday and Saturday CIRENCESTER 25/Friday and Saturday GLOUCESTER Friday and Saturday LYDNEY 27127/6 Friday and Saturday CHEPSTOW 28/6 Friday and Saturday NEWPORT Friday and Saturday 30/CARDIFF

Service Personnel, R,M. Barrockr, All these services will take the following route foe convenience of Street: R,N, Barracks, Unicorn Gale: Stanley Eattruey; H.M.S. Vernon; Royal Sailors' Home Club. Coshan, Hornet: Red Lion, Fareham. Rd. for H..M S. Excellent; H.M.S. Phwnix; R.A.O.C.. Hilts.,, arrack,; Rood. Phone 70863. For further Mfornvation write, phone or call; Triumph Coaches Ltd.. 3. Edinburgh



89 PALMERSTON ROAD. SOUTIISEA Phone Portsmouth 2468 ARE YOU GOING ABROAD? If so, why not purchase your car now, free of purcha.se tax, and use It for the intervening period? Details on application. Him-purclsase Terms: One-quarter deposit. Balance over two year'. "USED CARS YOU CAN TRUST"

TO LET. October 10 March. Caravan. Soulhsea site. Suit couple-Write box 16 "Navy News."


WHAT'S ON - November

1952 Jaguar Ma-k VII saloon, 2-tone . maroon, grey: one careful owner. 25,000 miles; tilted radio; taxed; abso£895 lutely immaculate I53 Morris Oxford. blue, one careful £545 owner, 2.3000 miles 1954 Standard S do lu,e, black, one care£485 ful owner; 12,000 miles 1955 (June) hlillman Mitts de lute saloon, black with lawn interior; 3,000 miles. £665 Is still new Several cars, meoium horse power, to £150 (tom £50 Hire-purchase and Insurance arranged.


ACCOMMODA'IION.-Bed and breakfast and evening weak from October I to March 31, £2 lOs. per week-Norris, 58 Whitwell Road. Southsca. ACCOMMODATION for naval personnel and families; every comfort. excellent food if required: terms n,odert.te.-Iittteutean. 10 Marion Road. Ccaneswaler. Southsea. BED AND BREAKFAST or sleeping accommodation; reasonablc.-3l Castle Road, Southsea. Phone 5959. FULLY FURNISHED FLATLETS. own kitchens. 2 gns. Bookings for long or short period.s till June I. No children.-315 Shaftesbury Road, Sousihsca topy. Queen',. Hotel). FURNISHED di,ssl'lc susan l'ed-sitting'riss'm and kitchen, own toilet, separate mctrts, share bathroom Alt new modern furniture, Vacant November 10-3) Madeira Road. Itilsea. FURNISHED FLAT. consisting of lounge. bedroom, kitchenette and bathroom; own meters. £3 Us. ad, per week. View after 6 p.m. -7 (Iamilto.s Road. Southsea,

1-2.-R.N. Boxing Association's Finals, Portsmouth. 2,-Association Football-Division Finals-Navy Cup Competition. Portsmouth. 2.-Association Football -England v. Ireland. Wembley. 4,-Visit of First Lord to Portsmouth to open Officers' Married Quarters. 5.-Portsmouth S.O.C.A. 25th annual dinner. v, Oxford 5.-RN. University. Squash Rackets, Magdalen College. 6.-Remembrance Service, H.M.S. Dolphin. 6.-R.N. v. Squirrels. Squash Rackets. Oxford, 9.-Association Football Royal Navy v, Cambridge University. Cambridge. 9.-Boxing. Wales v. England. Wales. 9.-Ludwig Koch - Famous birdsong records. Northern Grammar School, 7.30 p.m. 800 seats. 11.-Boxing. R.N. v. Southern Counties. Portsmouth. 12.-London S.O.C.A. Annual Dinner, 12,-Royal Navy v. Cambridge University, Squash Rackets. Portugal Place. Cambridge. 12,-Football League-Division OnePortsmouth s'. Preston North End. Home. 12.13.-Fencing. Junior Sabre Championships. (Ridley Martin Cup). 13. - London S.O.C.A. Submarine Memorial Service. Thames Embankment. 13.-Hockey - Plymouth v. Devon Dumplings. Plymouth. 13.-Squash Rackets. Royal Navy v. Ganders. Portugal Place. Cambridge. 13.-King's Theatre, Southsea. 3 p.m. Concert, (with Phyllis Sallick). Music of Borodin, Liszt, Moussorgsky and Tchaikovsky.

14-21,-Squash Rackets, Professional Championships of U.K. Lansdowne Club. 16,-Rugby Football. Royal Navy v. Devon. Devonport. 18.-Squash Rackets. Royal Navy v. Kent. R.N. College, Greenwich. 19.-Hockey. Nore v. Portsmouth. Chatham. 19.20.-Fencing. Ladies' Junior Foil Championship. 20.-Hockey. Nore v. Cdr. .Jamieson's XI . Chatham. Portsmouth v. R.M. 23.-Hockey, Corps. Portsmouth. 21-Association Football, Scotland v. Yugoslavia. 23,-Association Football. Wales v. Austria. 25,-Boxing A.B.A. V. Ireland. Dublin, 25.-Squash Rackets. Royal Navy v, Combined Hospitals. St. George's Hospital. Rackets. England v. 25.-Squash Belgium. R.A.C. 25.-Squash Rackets. Oxford v. Cambridge. Bath Club. 26-Hockey. Portsmouth v. Air Arm. Portsmouth. 26-28.-Ladies' Junior Foil Championship. (Baptists Barirand Cup). 26.-Football League-Division OnePortsmouth v. Luton Town. Home. 27.--Flockcv. Portsmouth and Air Arm v. Royal Artillery. Portsmouth. 27.-Kings Theatre. 3 p.m. Concert, (Scgovia), Music of Rossini, Berlioz. Mendelssohn and Tedesco, 28.-Squash Rackets, Combined Services v. Oxford and Cambridge. U.S. Club. Pall Mall. Berlin. London v. 29.-Boxing. London. 30.-Association Football. England v. Spain. Wembley.


Lounsefdinina.rt,om. FURNISHED FLAT. double bedroom. Every convenience. Sorry, no children-9 Mun,ster Road, North End. SINGLE BEt).SI1'FING.ROOM. Own cook' ins facilities. Everything for use-Fancy. "St. Just," I Devonshire Avenue, Southsea, TWO COMFORTABLE furnished rooms to 10, Regret, no children-Wells. 11 Rcnnie Road. MO FURNISHED ROOMS with use bathroom. Kitchen with scrisrate gas cooker. Mod,,Flatten. ate rent. Regret, not storable for children.-52 NAVAL OSTICER'S WIDOW opening small Langstonc Road, Corner. guest house first week in November in Alver- TWO-ROOMED FURNISHED FLAT. vacant ,toke. Regency house. Hot and All amenities. Lseiything lotted cx' cold and electric lire, in bedrooms: constant until May. Near Siiuthsca ()dcon - Phone cept linen. hot staler. Ilti', stop outside garden gate. Buses 32604. to and from Ferry c% cry tine minutes. Bed and breakfast 4 gns, weekly. Red, break- TWO FURNISHED ROOMS, use kitchen; confast and dinner at night 5 arts. (lunch on Satur- stant hot water. Gssod home to clean naval arrangement.couple. TrIes isiiin. Term, fs day instead of dinner). Children half-price. Allowed. Garage 7s. 6*1. weekly-Mrs. Freeman. £vcninCv, 22) 'sSc.stlteld Road, Winter Road, Soutttsea. Tower Cottage, 40 Bury Road, Alserstoke,

GUEST HOUSE. 29a TUE STAN WAY Clarence Parade, Soiithsea. Bed and breakfast, 8.. 6*2, per night, lied, breakfast and evening dinner. Its, per day. Reduction for longer stay,. \'i-vpring mattress. It. & c. Gas lire. Ow-fl key.




of the First Sea Lord. These courses are entirely voluntary and are for all naval personnel in the Command. The first two courses aroused great interest and numbers attending have been gradually increased. Naval and W.R.N.S. personnel are working together with an award of the Royal Life Saving Society as the ultimate aim. Results Sports results at (h .. "ginning of this winter season are favouraniuc. u... Hockey XI has won one sane and


TWO) FURNISHED ROOMS, use bathroom and kitchen 2 en,. per week including gas and Stride Avenue. Coptsor, TIIREE-ROOMED upper furnished flat to let: own kitchen, use bathroom. livery convenience. cycle accommodation. Own gas meter, No linen, Rent £2 IOs,-47 Green Lane, Csspnor. Portsmouth TO LET furnished, small detached ISth.centuury thatched cisiiaec in secluded sunny garden (seine smith. Latest bathroom --rid modern drainage. hone IJcctr,cii,'..5t suinra weekly.-I'ls,nc 3151 Waterloovilic or Ron 17 Navy News. TWO CLEAN comfortable furnished room', 2s. Sd. Per week including electricity. - 12 liverpool Road, ('ration. 46 Nl(;IITIN(;sti ROAD. SOUI'ltSEA. Bed l-reakf.ssl, tU'.. pet flioht Lscrong meal if remitted

I on,]

Navy News CrossworI-No. 16 A prize of £1 Is. will be given for the first correct solution opened on November 22

The winner of last month's Crossword was: Lieut. F. C. Dimmock., of RN. Barracks, Portsmouth, to "horn a cheque for one guinea has been sent.

drawn a second; the soccer learn is unbeaten in the Barracks' soccer league, and in hockey, soccer and rugby., a generous proportion of the Barracks' tezllfls is recruited from the School. Cross country is once again proving an attraction, and a team is busy preparing for the Barracks and the Command races. P.O. Welch, on course at the School, has been selected for the 'Short List" to play for the Royal Navy at football against Oxford University and against Jersey. We wish him the best of luck. At the beginning of October. P.O. Fewings left the Staff to join H.M.S. Thescus, and we also wish him the best of luck there. We welcome his relief, P.O. Wieland, of Navy. "Weight Putting" and "Discus Throwing" fame, who has joined us from R.N. Barracks, Chatham.

"English Rose" Sea Training Scheme for Girls

THE second annual reunion of trainees who have served in the training ships English Rose. Maid of Arun and English Rose II from April. 1947. to October, 1955, is to take place in London on Saturday, November 26, at 2.15 p.m.. at which gathering Lady Humc (ex-W.R.N.S.), who is one of the vice-presidents of the training scheme, will preside. In addition to a display of naval flints arranged by the Admiralty and the showing of a number of "English Rose" flints, a talk will follow from a serving W.R.N.S. officer, the reunion terminating with tea. Further particulars and tickets may he obtained from Mrs. Claude Wool' lard. "Even Keel," Lilliput. Parkstone, I Dorset.

CLUES ACROSS I. You are "it" after this (8. 5). 20. Saint of a city (5). ii. Giraffe's cousin (5). 22. Dragon flowers if this happened (4, 3).

16. Charie (3). 17. Frequently found in poetry (3), 19. One benefits from beating. proverbktfll (3 hyphen 4). 21. Take a hold, father, for him ('1). 33. Depart, B.. permit us (7). 25, Stand to attention. little Edward (7). 28. A shilling on the maw? (3). 30. Wallace Eaton. noon, Wallace (3).

33. About decoration? (7). (5). 37, Bother red lights I Put out both lights 38. An imprOver? (5). as a shirt 39. Trend of charts? They are stiff anway (8. 5)

CLUES DOWN -(4), Able was I ere I saw Itas a horse got it? (5), tack of painters for her (4), Game (4), A ---itch may be (2 hyphen 3). Family confounded in alliance? Not a he! (4)' Il. Beautiful but fatal spot in goat? (7, 6). 9. S in signalled by the umpire? (4 hyphen, 6, 3), 13 and t. Elephantine spectacle? (5. 2. 2. '0. 14 and 27. Two girls cause a hit of a shine (6). 16. Filfiilise'.s has been emptied (3). 18. Toilet not permitted for t,si in France (3). 20. Nursery rhyme trio acre therein (3), 22, There's nothing off a jewel (3), 24, lilty o' ttclriiim's capital (3). 26. Much about his wile was salty (3). 29. Bath, or "stand easy" (5). 31, Of roves? (5), 32. A quick move along the buoys? (4). 34, This helmet is the too two (etten (4). 35, It is noticed? No. not (4), 36. Often follows poems t4). 2. 3. 4, 5. 6. 7,


Examination of Referees AN V 01 l ICER or rating who wishes to quali(v as a rugby referee should apply for examination to L cut-Cd r. R. 1. V. Kyrke. RN. School of PJ. for referee are reminded that they are expected to have a satisfactory working knowledge of the rules in theory as well as in practice.


List of

rLis e Referees in Portsmouth Command At a meeting of rugby referees on October 6. it %% ;is decided to compile list of qu:ilitied RN. referees in the si ilirn? ii ( it ni iii n ii (incti,dint' H.M.S. L)aed.iliis and H.M.S. Siskin) ss ho aze available to officiate in the C out iii a uid during the current. season the object of the list is twofolda I In uskt referees in obtaining (hi


l'oval j's'avr



liz/h i/ul Team

Sub.-Lieut. Goon 11 l.icut. Dougan 39 Mid. Pearce, R.N.V.R. 2$

Nose,nber. 1955






AT THE time of going to press, the

annual Home Fleet Cross Country and Novices' Boxing Championships are being held at Rosyth. Also, the Royal Marines 'A of the Home Fleet Rugby Chain6 Sgt. Rees pionships and various matches versus I') 4th (apt. Stewart the Scotland Command, The results 44 (ill. Laylor of these competitions and matches will Royal Marines 'II' be reported in the next issue. Prior to the reassembly of the Fleet (p1. Anderson in Scottish waters and. in terspe 5Ld 1 17:h (p1. Stalk with N.A:r.O. and other exercises. 2nd Lieut. Tuck 43 various Squadrons and individual The R.A.F. "A' Icani won the ships have been visiting foreign ports, and Cohlev. Championships Sgt. the most notable of which have inR .A .1 :i P.1. Instructor from Hal toil, eluded ( )slo. Copenhagen and Leninwas the tidis idual ss znnei grad. At all these places. sports fixlures hasc figured prominently in the progranitne and it is to the ' ' credit of F.I.F.A. that Association lotithall-played under 17 laws which are coin won throughout the world - -. has [)cell the means of establish tug contact with other nationalities 1 THE NOVICES' Boxing Champion



Moty More for Less



Fo assist establishments in obtaming ieferees. ships which were held in the R.N.I All Scm see and probationary ref- Gymnasium on October 5 and 6 R erces of the RN. Society who wish to duced some promising young taler be included in the list should inform from the large entry of seventy-lis V. Lieut.-Cdr. R. T Kyrke. RN. School of P.T. (Tel. No. Dockyard cO;iipetiR' 5. '684) a soon as possible. (tie p ci in it rv bouts were held 0 and the tinals took place o 11 ship, w id cst.mbi himicit is requiring i et erees should .mp;lv to I cut .-Cdr the es ening of October 6. Support iii R. I. V. Kvrke. giving at least seveii the progiamtnc were three special cot tests in which some of the best opet days* notice of the game and supplyin c, all es.11 details concerning the class boxers in the ('otu inand con peted. gine. H.M.S. Collingsvood once :mamln et Rugger Quiz Are oit sure that soit know the tered .t strong tc:inl and ss is succcssfi ml mn "U si s in thee sixpenny, questions! in retaining the SanitieVs lrophv ss it h 39 Points against RN. Ito macks' I S I loss uianv (lag-posts are reI. points who ssere second. quired tin the field? The ('zimmim:mizde:hn-Chief' CLIP Icur 2. It a plis Cr is off-side, and no the best inset \%,ls won by Ord. Se scruintuage or line-out is taking place, sl tughatt of I l.\l.S. Vernon. should the referee him!

"tI'vc more spare cash since

I started ro!ling nis' cigarettes the Rizia way. It's just the job; so slick and simple, I make a smashing smoke in no time. Every chap needs a Rizia machine. Quids in? You're telling me!"


regardless of and custom.

the Problems of laiugu:mge


(ROSS COUN RY running began with the start of October and so far the committee have been looking for October talent and weim!hiuig the possible teams sshich SS ill base in ml,' LtLmtv in the vunmomis competitions sshmch the (huh en tens during the si titer season. The weather has been perfect--as a matter of fact several members have teen emtnipl:iining that it has been loo div 05cr the I) .id cool c and so iic\ t:c hoping. mt heas er conditions betLire lone. Ihe Inst couple of rut) stene pttrcly, training runs but in the first match of the season Izmtchhutrv Mount. Gosport Borough and NI i hocarians A.C.s were all defeated by penalise comfortable nil ngins. The next meetI low irm;uutv uitcuations in the Results ing SS,Is in the form of a treasure hiutit Lass, of the Game were made at the s. heti I'.( ). I Itistie and 11.0. Illick \l. Mars iii (0 Ilanta,nuueic/mi.--lh of last 5e%Ă˜fl t'eginui ing ssho has just rchmcscd l'.O. sharp ood) heat F. \ A Hi bhct: 5 Iingss Pp. P.1.1 at l)i sad- - deposited S_trims 4. If a player takes a kick-off and (Colliuigwood) in ti st round. he ball goes over the opponents' types Of 'I'Lissers Peas' .it selected - (.A. App. crossbar. is it a goal? N icolirii spots round the course and the whiner Owenus was the member who returned with ((ollingss oodt beat Cook 5. II a player is o(1-side when a the complete list which had been read RN .11.1 on points. cr Liii uu age is Cm trio ing. or has been Ioruiied_ and lie (ails to retire behind Lic/utiei/ut.-R. E. \1. Knights (Co I- out before the start of the race. OS. oode of Victoria Barracks the ball without delay, can he be hpros cml the Ii ngs'. ood heat E./\1. Clinch (ColIwinner of this event. 1 he last race penalised! hiuigss ood) on points. before going to press as another (,. In taking a penti;v kick.. must It '!ItTIi(ti,'/iO.JS. R 0 it Ii cI h i I I it Southampton triangular ttiitch the kicker \sait until all the opposing heat F.A. 'App. Whit C when the borne side and (R.N.H.) Gosport (Cam have retired either to the 10((till itigwood); referee stopped boo were both defeated. a rd mail, or to their oss ii goal line, the old members %% ho have Don Among t,j.C/U-MiL/(1l('iiTiI.'lIt, E.A.'App. nearer the mark? taken the eye as likely to do well are ahue (Collingwood) heat E/M. Stiti 7. What happens if the referee P.O. Hastie. Inst.son (Collingwood) in second round S.A. Dcsvsn:ip, assurds a it v. not liuvutig noticed that 1 ieut. Thomas. P.O. Sharp. L.S.B.A. 1.iclm:-Ileimvvm'eicIui.-R.E.Nt. To d he flag was tip for touch / McKay. P.O. Wright, App, Purdv ((olhingssmod beat E.A.1App. 'Fell 8 Where must a drop-out be and I..S. NI oralee. There have been butt (C kill ngwood) on points. taken from'? several promising runners front Nic9. Whit happens if, in a set serum. !leamvmmei-hj.--O.S. Morgan (R.N.13 .) toria Barracks but most of them are beat REM. Abbey (Collingwoo I) only here for short periods: the ball comes out from between the in first round. that thes' will at least be-sa1Th to u.., feet of [lie outside phi er in the front row on the side on which the ball 1iu'hi-Jrelztrwcj'/u:.-A.B. H c d g c something in tts - itte when they pass srcr depots. has been put in'? (RN It.) heat 0.5. Partridge (Vet.1 he coniniand Championships will lot)) in first round. 10. May a piaer I) ing on the be held at Dryad on November 22 wound reach out and get possession Aliuldlcumeiglut.---A.t'c: McNorgan (Do and it remains to he seen whether of the ball! Skidinore (Dolphir ) Whale Island can retain the trophy -011 psiitits. which they took from Collingss nod last autumn: P Barracks irk Special Bouts U, - f though they might be the power in the i i-a..,i T a v I o r land 110W that 11.0. Sharp has fleet] drafted there. W t. h it i_ not seen the (R I NI I ) heat Tel. Hon (I lornu THESE CHAMPIONSHIPS were St. Vincent juniors iii action - so far so oil points. in completed glorious weather at whit the outcome of Collingwmmod's Aldershot on Saturday. October I. Lms.ht-Heai s tec-imt. I..E..\l. Horwood :Itteunpt to regain the Junior trophy heat All, The Royal Navy entered one team (C oIlmuigwood Rogerson still he remains to he seen. and the Royal Marines two teams. (N'tgo); referee stopped bout in third The most important Club engagerotund. Indis idual placitigs and team results nient in the offing is the Annual return were as follows: IS teams and 72 l$',-!im-nmieic/tt.-- Shpt. Gaze (Diligence) [)inner and Dance which is being held heat I). I):isis (Gosport A.B.C.) on a little earlier than usual this year. competitors taking part, some as individuals. points. 1 his is the annual occasion when the - Metropolitan Police are our guests and lb is year's ---Do- will have a special 1. 50(1 r to it as t %s ill be the members, ollicitil tuncsschl to their Secretau y. (('.0, Barnes. who is leaving the Service to take tip a post at Eton College. All old members is ho ss nIl 1(1 like o attend this event can get tickets through any Club member, especially C.('.0. Johnson of Victoria Barrack,; or Iuist.-Luetit.-Cdr. Sintield in Colhingtvood. The new Honorary Secretary is I iemut.-Cdr. Sharp of Hornet.

MODERN.. - -


9 2.





.l Ilk h hEIR eat season defeat by. (lie Polish Sqmidm Lium isiting Pollsmouth, the Commarid teani travelled to Brighton on Wednesday, October 12, to play Sussex. Sussex took an early lead before the Command settled down, followed by :tnottier :uI in the first 20 minutes ".'..., Com-

Ro at Nast, 5 v, lyrics IhA,, 0

1 lie R.N,F..\, sienc imis ted by (iu Jer'ev 1.-N. to send a representitis c (cain to the Channel Islandson 1 hursd,i v, October 20, to con)memn)erscy P.A. (iohdeui Jubilee. (Iii iouslv enough our first visit to too Jcrscs is as for their Silver Jubilee in the - 1930.

mand forwards v.cie weak and n"-h .orK was thrown on defence. I'.O. Co:ites, the Command Captain, rallied his (earl) in the second half and played an inspiring game Ii intel I, with the result that the Command reduced the lead through (ia,elev and a second goal by Coatcs levelled the scores. Sussex imrncdiatclv retaliated to score the ",inner, which, on the run of the play, they deserved. 1(11,0: Mech. \'aughin (Vernon); Stwd, (Boxer) ; RE M. Campbell Fdss.irds (Colhingssood); I'.O. Coatcs (Victoria Barracks); IhA.Atip. Kcld (Ctullingsvood(; I.E. NI. H ihbert (olIi uugtt timid); I ..Sea, Rot son (CoIling tsomud(; Coder (r:iccsmigl (Mercury); - F.M. Ga,ele, ((olluuigssood); L.Sca. \\ihlctt (RN. Barracks); 0.-N. Howard (Fxeilent) This match completed the unofficial Navy trials, in which c,ich Command plays a County side. ibis year the Air Comma mid iii.tied a Southampton A', Xl instead of Hampshire. Results Pl mouth Command v. Devon, lost 3-4; Nure Command V. Kent, lost 0-4; Air Command s. Southampton. lost 2-3 and Portsmouth (5i mom nd v. Sussex. lost 2-3.





llie result was a clear cut ', ictors for the Ro il Navy, ss ho turned over with :i two-goal lead at half-time. 11.0. (oates, playing inside right. pot a hat ti ick and Nasal Airman I-last) at centre forstard, got the oilier two. 11w teani was changed as a result of the Russian n,atc(i, and All. \Vitliaiiis, W(r, Stevetis, 11.0. Welclu and Shpt. Brown were given trials. Ntr,Steveils justified his selection by a splendid disph:uv in goal, 0./Sea. Valentine, Youth International 1954. 1'1a' ed another good game, as did RE-N. North.

: Wtr. Stevens. 0./Sea, Val-entine, Stwd. Campbell. Shipt. Brown, N.\. Noble. I'O. Welch, NIus, Galyin. I'.O. Coates (Captain). N.A, I lasts, R.F.A. North, .t.I3. Willtams, At a dinner after (lie match attended by I us F'cellenev .-\diniral Sir S. G, Riuidiltti Nicholson, K.C.II.. KBE.. I).S.O.. I).S.('.. I.jciit,eniior, and both tc.triis and some ISO guests, Capt. J. R. Gmiiver (Chair-man R.N.F.A.) replied to the toast of 'Our (imuesis" and Cdr. I-i. W, Reetham. Nl.lt.lh, R.N.(Rtd.), replied to (tic it.uI of "I he Football Association- in the absence 01 Sir Stanley kmqmsm,t,



Dinner for officers of the Electrical Branch at tI.Nl.S,'CoI((ngusuuud t

buys a

Kcejsivu-J tm



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