M3 ore and more ROYAL NAVY OFFICERS are finding Uniforms by IIEItNAItI)S to their sailsfaction. iJa
111-All.tItDS MEN'S SHOP 40 Commercial
Road, Portsmouth 30 Royal Parade, Plymouth
No. 2 7
The Official Newspaper of the Portsmouth Command, Home Air Command and The Royal Naval Association
AUGUST, 1956
ROYAL NAVY OFFICERS Will find tutu Beriiartls can conhI)etently' handle their ("oII I I1l(te Clothing EVIl IIireII I CIIIs. BEII\:tI{DS MEN'S ShOP 40
Commercial Road, Portsmouth 30 Royal Parade, Plymouth
Pzth/Lu/zedfirst Tlzursclai' in even' nionil,
Price Th ree pence
S. .
p '
;. /j.
!rT V .. "1
T: . The
Portuguese Nasal
Di,caftt*ng,I~oi, COMMAND
.. ...................
Il.\l.S. MoreNoernt':r, l'J5(' : cant he Ha conlin I s'.iOnS for Service Ill WC%t lI1(IiCS. l956: I-l.Nt.S. Loch December. etilil nl i'ion for Service in cia,1 Gulf.
leaves for Lisbon
the 800-mile Juteniational
for 'Navy
K. NI. McManus
,' ..
I ''. tale.:
Yacht Itzue
VISIT 0 UNITED STAUS FLEET Stateineiti by Iteai'-Adiniral
SEE' 771E1 81111P.S MEETTHE .1IE\ NAVY
Portsmouth, Plymouth,
Chatham and Portland AS CONI%IANI)FR of the I)56 Mid- midshipmen nice, you and to further shpin;iii Practice Squadron. I am most cc!ncnL the tics of mutual respect and .gL:(;rjsT 4th - 6th 1:0K FOREIGN SERVICE Atigust 28. 1956: I-I.M.S. Wakeful to our I irrndhip between our countries. We to extend grcet;ng happy recoil miscions for Service in MediterI I. NI .S. (oitttas friends in the Ro al Nay) and to the a c tnot happy to he here. December. 11) 56 : ra nea I) and 1-1 oiiie Elects (12 mon I its' Your courtesy ........ ------ ------------------------------ --- --- --- ------ --- --- --------------------- --------------- ------ --- --- --- ------ ------ --- --------------------------------------.4 t Singapore for Far people of Portsmouth. COtfltl)i'SiOtl). :-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------adds in it, and teeivitig Station. hospitality Last tinles s inne:tstrztl,l to the hztpps Augtist 28. 1956: H.M.S. Warrior* '.hi;s' COtttp;tflieS (if the rCcOfltIttiS%iOl for Service in Nieditercnjo\ Mien visiting Great " Order or Renewal. Form niark ed %c been completed. sit i ha ps I :tneatl and I It)nle Fleets. For in;in), of us this i's in the ;1:ifllrc E (i)eletc as ;ippropd:ttc) August-September. 1956: 891. 898. of the olliMalls of a j homecoming. and 820 Squadrons form for Service cers and nien ill our ship, called ill i. ill H.M.S. Bul"ark. 'NAVY NEWS' OFFICE, ROYAL NAVAL PLYMOLTIl H.NI.S. ProI September 4. 1956: last surnnicr. Sorne (if its had BARRACKS, PORTSMOUTH tecto; " recoiflntissit'ttc for Service in i privilege (:OMMAN I) : South Atlantic. had wars of the last war. and came : " v News-lo: !'i((sse a L(l(/I is cue ,'1/4'u ('1 p031 copy of to appreciate the courage. and September 11. 1956: I 1.M..S. CeyFOR GENERAL SERVICE British steadfastness of the Service in ituiiIe lon* COlfltUisit'I1S for under great strc,c. l i., a real pleasure : N %..i............................................................................. I bate Fleet ; Mediterranean j South August 28. 1956: tl.NI.S. Comet to return ill these happier tinies and Atlantic. and H.M.S. C 'a vendi sti icetlIltIn S% Old 1: i :ndsh i p , : tO lie able to iett. i)l)KISS October. 1956: 11.M.5. I n (new fig. completing to full complement aitc.I c'.tahlish new ones. commissions for Service u t 28. Hot Ii 'Jt i are for A.A. I:rig:tte) on A ug ps The Royal Navy and t!ni:el State,. ! I t'mc Niedilerat IlOttle and South Atlantic. Service. General Navy have been brothers-in-a rut In i .................................................................................................................................................... sfort i:iiIeatt. October. 11)56: H.M.S. \% i (hilt the I ifetirne j tnaiiv years. j enclose I,ercit'iih money order/poctol orilt F 7c/,eq,e value Ss !'ei?7 fand. ct)ntnthsions for Service in ?itediterha c s o ked a a tcait: of mans of ti. 1014 FOREIGN SERVICE i!'ccriptioPz lot 12 Lc.c,,c.c il:C!suli?zc' . f'ist.rj. ra neaul and llotiic Elects. in three wars to defend the cau'e u (ock;tdc freedom against those who hated free23. 195(.: Ntncnihcr 2. 1956 : I-I.\I.S. lXtint ..\tigtt (.!onti:) c:(',,,Pflcnre e arc elad to nntnti s ions for Scr ice i n rccommi"ioning in S_ngapore for Ear dom. I4eczi.ue of this :... .............. .................. .. ...................I to hale tbtl : have liii' Last Sers ice. pportttutit and Home Heels.
tT... NAVY
Navy News I: I) I 1 1)
J. p
O.B.E.. F.R.G.S.. RN. Royal Naval Barracks. Portsmouth Tel.: Porimouth 74571 Ext. 2913)
A.F.O. 1750/56. Wearing Crash-helmets by Motor-Cyclists NAVAL AND Royal Marine Motorcyclists who are provided with service crash helmets for sear on duty may now be permitted to wear them when motor-cycling off duty. whether in uniform or civilian clothes. . Detailed regulations are contained in the above order.
THE AWARD of the George Medal to NI r. Robert Railton Joiccy of Runnynwde Road. Ponteland (Northumberland), Ship Manager of Messrs. Vickers-Armstrongs Naval yard at Newcastlc-upon-Tync. was announced in the London Gazette early this month. When a fire occurred in the after magazine of H.M.S. Eastbourne, under construction at the yard. on February 20. Mr. Joicey damped his duffle coat and wrapped his face in a scarf to search for men thought to have been trapped below decks. Despite dense smoke and burning rubber fumes. he made a systematic search of the mess deck above the magazine. groping with his hands at deck level for hodie at the same time until he found four workmen. whose clothing was alight. Forming them in a single file. he led them through the smoke and flames to the uppr deck. After they had reached safety. Mr. Joicey went below again. but was unable to get through the hatch of the magazine because of the heat and the volume of hot gases rising from it. Mr. Joicey sho.v:d great presence of mind and kader'Ctip in getting the men away from what would have been a potential death trap had the fire assumed large proportions. and determination and courage under the dangerous and nauseating conditions Produced by :t combination of hea . smoke and fumes.
3 Edinburgh Road, Portsmouth
Phone 70863 Operate the following Official Express Stnicn to.. Service Personnel EVERY WEEKEND NORTHAMPTON ... ... ... 31/LEICESTER 261... ... ... NOTTINGHAM ... .. ... 31/SHEFFIELD ... 3"6/3 ... ... HUDDERSFIELD ... ... ... 40/6 BRADFORD ... 43/6 ... ... ... LEEDS ... ... ... ... 43/6 OXFORD ... ... ... ... $51 BANBURY ... ... ... ... 17/6 WARWICK ... ... ... ... 20/COVENTRY ... ... ... ... 23/BIRMINGHAM ... ... ... 251 ... ... 26/WOLVERHAMPTON STAFFORD ... ... ... ... 30... 32/6 NEWCASTLE.UNIDER-LYME MANCHESTER ... ... ... ... 38/6 ... ... ... ... 40/6 LIVERPOOL BRISTOL (Weitbury. Trowbridge and Bath) ... ... ... ... 17/6 ... ... ... 26/PLYMOUTH DRUMBRIDGES ... ... ... 21/6 ... ... EXETER ... ... ... 19/6 PORTLAND ... ... ... 151 ... ... SALISBURY ... 8/3 MARLBOROUGH ... ... ... 15/... ... 18/SWINDON ... CIRENCESTER ... ... .". 21/... ... ... 25/GLOUCESTER . READING (Basingstoke) (not Friday) 11/-
August, 1956
A.F.O's. oI Interest
---FAMILIES' DAY--- is becoming increasingly popular in ships and establishments and the response from the wives and families has been most cnrevolutionary step has couraging. been taken this year by Inviting lullir lies for a short sea passage on hoard ship. We regret that the accounts of I . F - 0 . 1418 56 the F;trilics' Day in Tyne and Apollo were received too late for publication. Revised! regulations on punishments but we are sure that thus is an excel- for leave breaking and improper lei ( W8%' Of encouraging fzIiil)' in tciabsence est in the Royal Navy. Officers and men of the ships concerned enjoyed AMONG MANY amendments to the showing their folk around the ship at ,' existing orders which are introduced sea, and the hospitality was greatly by this A.F.O. is the change in the scale mukts of pay for leave appreciated by all their guests. our amalgamation of the Ply- ing. The pre ions orders, whereby mouth Coniniand. contributions are every leave breaker is mulcted one now pouring iii and we deeply regret day's pay for each three hours or part that we have not been able to publish of three hours for the first 36 hours all the material sent. It would be a of improper absence. and for the re. great help to the editorial staff if the mainder of such absence one day's articles could be condensed to about pay for each six hours or part of six 300 or 400 words. and if the material hours. have been changed. and the could be in our hands by the 21st of scale is now one day's pay for each the month. period of six hours or part of six . We give all visitors to Navy Days hours for the first 72 hours of ima very sincere welcome and hope they proper absence, and one day's pay, have a very happy and enjoyable time. for each period of 24 hours or part 24 hours for the remainder of such
Ship Managers' Courage Wins George Medal
absence. Where absence does not ex. ceed three hours the mulct is restricted to half a day's pay.
A.F.O. 1795/56.
watch keeping certificate or have Passed Senior Basic I.C.E. course will serve for 18 months only. These ratings will he required it) complete a full 5 years' whole-time plus part-time National Service under the National Service Acts.
New C.P.O's. Block, Royal Naval Barracks, Portsmouth
A.F.O. 1683/56. Tropical Evening Rig for Chief Petty Officers. AT THE discretion of Commanding Officers. Chief Petty Officers may now wear an evening rig of white mess jacket and evening tie at organised evening social functions in IN!. Ships or establishments. other service messes and civic functions. Full details are contained in this A.F.O. A.F.O. Admiralty
Committee Structure
AN ADMIRALTY Committee with the short title of C.R.U.S.T. has been formed to consider if and in what way the present rating structure of the Navy can be reformed, from the point of view of greater efficiency, the morale and interest of ratings and particularly with the possibility in mind of reducing the complements of ships. A.F.O.
L "
Reports by General Service Ratings for choice of Depots
Temporary reduction of period of IN ORDER to gain an idea of the whole time service of National Service future number of men opting for Portsmouth. Devonport or Chatham Artificers when the new drafting system comes AS A temporary measure all National into force. it has been decided that Service Shipwright Artificers and Ord- men already serving who wish to nance Artificers (but not Electrical select a depot other than their present Artificers) will in future on com- home port should do so now. of IS months' service be transRatings wishing to change their ferred to the Reserve for part-time depots have to forward application to service. Similarly Engine Room Arti- reach the Commodore of their present ficers who have obtained boiler room depot by September I. 1956.
after members' welfare, and to serve 15 a watch-dog over the Government by ensuring that the needs of the limbless are met with regard to pensions and artificial limbs. for example. The work of every branch is done by the limbless men themselves. Those who are able help those who are less fortunate, and here lies BLESMA's strength. for needy members are aided, not by outsiders. but by comrades. suffering the same pain, the same discomfort. and the same sense of frustration on occasions. However, the members of BLESMA are not too proud to accept a helping hand. and are always glad when others take an interest in local branches. There may he a branch near your establishment and. as all members have themselves served in the Forces. they, would he very glad of any contact with present serving members. Can you do anything about it? The Editor would !'e ç!! to give inforniation of i Braizel, of JILESMA in your area.
Helicopter Rescue of Norwegian Crew "Dovrefjell" Awards
TWO HELICOPTER pilots have been awarded the M.B.E. for their part in the rescue of 50 officers and men from the Norwegian motor vessel Dovrcfjell when she was wrecked on the Pcntland .Skerrics on February 3. 1956. The story of this exploit was
told in the March issue of NAVY Nisvs. One of these pilots. Lieut. 1. R. Palmer. R.N.. of Auckland. New Zealand. in spite of a 45-knot gale and heavy seas breaking over the wreck. made a hold, and as events proved. correct decision, that winching could be carried out and he initiated the rescue work. Lieut. Palmer and the other pilot. Mr. R. H. Williams.
Senior Commissioned Pilot, RN., of Fishguard. Pembrokeshire. made eight ; rescue sorties each. Hovering 50 feet above the wreck in the prevailing conditions required determination of the highest order and great precision in the handling of the aircraft.
Air Crewman 1. A. Japp. of Ballincry. Fife. and A.P.O./Tel. R. Nioneypenny. of London. each reecived the Queen's Commendation. as crew of the helicopters. for their share in the rescue. Both displayed great skill and judgment in conning their pilots and in winch control, resulting in the lifting of 41 apprehensive seamen without mishap.
H.M. Ships to visit Australia during Olympic Games
IT IS intended that ships of the hourne on November 21 and remain All these services will take the following route for conyen,er,ce of Service Personnel: ltM. Royal Navy shall visit Australia in Australia until December 10. when Barracks. Eans,ey: H.M.S. Vernon: Royal Sailors' during the period of the Olympic they will sail for visits to New Home Club, Queen Street: RN. Bat rock,, Zealand. Games later this year. Unicorn Gate: Stanley Rd. for H.M.S. Excellent: H.M.S. Phoenix: R.A.O.C.. Hilse.a Sorrocks: The Flag Officer Second-inComThe ships will he drawn from the C&iom Hornet: Red Lion. Forthom. For further niand Far East Fleet and will be the cruiser Far East Station (Rear-Admiral call: Tritrph inforrnotiw write, ph..,. W. Newcastle and the Cockade K. Edden, C.B., O.B.E.), will fly estroyers Coaches Ltd., 3 Edinburgh Rd. Phone 70863. and Consort. They will arrive at Mel- his H.M.S. Newcastle.
JP .. I''
- -.---------.-
THE BUILDING of the new Chief Petty Officers' Block. begun last month. has created an unusual scene on the parade ground and the old Bandstand Green. A Stalag-like wire fence has been erected round the site to contain the builders' materials, and the sound of pneumatic tools with the orders and cries of encouragement of those drilling on the parade ground. The building has been designed by the well-known architect Mr. Barry Webber under the direction of the Admiralty Civil Engineer in Chief, Mr. NI. E. Adams. It has been necessary to remove a large area of concrete some 7 feet deep which formed the base of a flagstaff, and also the concrete base of the old X-ray hut, before excavation of the
"Reach for the Sky"
SINCE THE Rattle of Britain Douglas Bader\ name has been a by-word for Courage. Now that his life story has been filmed. millions will admire his successful tight to live a normal life despite the loss of both legs. Few know that Bader is one of the leaders of the British Limbless ExService Men's Association-BI.ESMA -which. formed between the two world wars, has grown steadily until there are now 119 branches. situated in the chief centres of population. Limbless men and women do their utmost to overcome their disabilities. and to lead normal lives. It is a measure of their independence and ability to play their part in the life of the nation that so few people know of their Association. BI.ESMA members do not make a fuss over the loss of an arm or a leg. or even both arms (there are 72 of these men and women). or both legs (over 1,000 of these). but have banded themselves together to help one another. The objects of BI.ESMA are. to promote the spirit of comradeship, to look
t:trI1M4tiL$e -' '-4------
basement, which has been completed. The block, which will cost an estimated ÂŁ300.000 will consist of six storeys excluding the basement. It will have lifts to all floors. an ultraodern galley and storage spaces, and well laid out lounges and bar, in addition to TV and billiards rooms. Sleeping accommodation will consist of 174 single cabins, all fitted with H. and C. running water and decorated in attractive pastel shades. on the middle four floors with 3 and 6 bed dormitories on the top floor. The Civil Engineer Manager's departmental piling team has began driving concrete piles for the foundations and building proper is expected to start early next year. It is hoped the block will be completed towards the end of 1958.
Busy Day for Naval Helicopter Ambulances
HELICOPTERS OF 705 Squadron, based at Lec-on-Solent were called away twice on Saturday July 7, to act as ambulances in cases of serious illness. At approximately 1.15 p.m. a telephone call was received from the Infectious Diseases Hospital. Milton Road, Portsmouth asking if a helicopter could be made available to transport a patient suffering from poliomyelitis from St. Mary's Hospital, Newport, Isle of Wight, to the Portsmouth Hospital. Twenty-five minutes later a Whirlwind took off, piloted by the Commanding Officer of No. 705 Squadron. Lieut.-Cnidr. .i. Knight. R.N. The patient and Dr. Sandiford were picked up at Newport and taken to Portsmouth.
a c.
At on the same afternoon, Dr. Heron of the Royal Victoria Hospital, Boscombe, Bournemouth. telephoned to ask if a helicopter could transport a sick girl to the Radcliffe Infirmary Hospital, Oxford. The girl was suffering from a rare blood disease and it was essential to convey her to the hospital at Oxford with the minimum delay. A Whirlwind piloted by LicuL J. (. Brigham was sent to Boscombe and landed in King's Park near the hosnital; thence the patient, accompanied by Dr. Williams. was flown to the hospital at Oxford. landing in the New College grounds. On the return trip the weather closed in at the aircraft was diverted to Eastleigh where it remained for the night.
H.M.S. Amethyst
HERBERT WII.COX has obtained from the Admiralty a reprieve for H.M.S. Amethyst from the breakingtip yard. for his forthcoming production, "Yangtse Incident," the story of the Amethyst's world-famed adventure in the Yangtse River in 1949. The Amethyst has for some time been "eocooned' in Devonport and its guns were actually on the point of being dismantled, preparatory to the vessel being broken up. The frigate is now to he "de-cocooned" and will be towed next month to the site of the film's location. The towing operation will he conducted by Commander John Kerans, I).S.O., R.N., who was commander of the Amethyst at the time of the Chinese exploit. The Admiralty have also seconded
Commander Kerans to Wilcox to act as technical adviser throughout the production and to ensure complete authenticity in the reconstruction of the incident in which the commander played a major role. The part of Commander Kerans in the film will be played by Richard Todd. "Yangtse Incident," which was tentatively titled "The Sitting Duck," is scheduled to go into production during the first week in August and will he produced by Herbert Wilcox and directed by Michael Anderson, director of that other outstanding factual action epic, ':The Darn Busters," which also starred Todd. RICO Radio is releasing the picture, the screen play of which is being written by Eric Ambler.
Memorial to Naval V.C. to be Opened
A MEMORIAL to the late Leading Seaman Jack Mantle. V.C.. in the grounds of the Royal Naval Hospital, Portland, was officially opened by the Commander-in-Chief. Portsmouth (Admiral of the Fleet Sir George E. G.C.B.. C.B.E.. D.S.O., M.V.O.) at noon on Wednesday. July 4. Leading Seaman Mantle was post-
humously awarded the Victoria Cross for his great gallantry while serving as a gunner in the anti-aircraft ship Foylebank. which was sunk during an enemy air attack on Portland Harhour on July 4, 1940. The memorial takes the form of a sun lodge erected by public suhsription in the grounds of the hospita
a. tl t'Cj tic' have recently Occil ICre- ricks in she calculation of tax on pa.v valued s"al tied by local valuation departments. (111(1 (1110 )t'aflCt'S. but owners continue it) pay tax on the 3. In the first year of payment of old zts'cssmcnts whilst rates are levied is i t possible to claim relief mortgage. Oil the new. Is this procedure likely against current year's tax on interest to he niain t:t Ined? I
f .
Ijr -4
- -
IN RECENT months these notes have focused mainly on the problems of buying a vehicle with the emphasis on motor cars This month by way of a change a few words for the motor cyclist will no doubt interest some of 300. the main emphasis being on that modern the motor phenomenon, scooter. Scooter
The modern motor scooter, such as the Lambretta or Vespa. is rapidly ousting the more conventional motor cycle and is being used increasingly by motor car owners as an auxiliary. This isn't surprising when one conSkiers the cost of petrol and also the almost prohibitive cost of garage repair work.
The Lambretta is probably the most popular scooter and I have been fortunate to have had use of one for the past nine months. Fitted with a windshield I have found it very comfortable in all sveather and much handier for local journeys than a car. Incidentally I do not possess any special motor cycling clothing and have never found it necessary on a J.amhretta. 'Ihe controlc are ridiculously easy. the gear-change being handlebar controlled by the left hand. Cruising speed is :tit easy 35 to 40 m.p.h. whilst Nirol consumption is about 120 m.p.g. Many naval ranks are finding how useful these machines are, especially those who live fifteen or twenty miles away and who have to commute daily to their place of duty, whilst quite a few have been carried on board ship for use in foreign parts.
Yes. In the case of a private marl,l_'(lge. relief is obtained by sax at Ibie standard rate as the Suite of paynu'mzs of the inh'r(',ss. In the cast' of a Building "S'ocuesy nzor:,ea,s,'e or 11(1,1k advance liLt' inlerest is deducted when comnpulung lite current year's fax. A 2. C.P.O owning his freehold house assessed at £35 has a private If sb,crt is any doubi as to whether /1(15 mortgage of £1 .(R$) at S per cent. I-Ic been given. flit, inalrler pays tax Ofl £240 of his pay and .s/ioii/t! be taken iii) with lit(, Incopple alltisvancts. What deduction fron re- 1I&E autbu)rusv it) which the annual ;1;I) iiient. is admissible in this ease resisru 0/ umicOmpic, 1.5 Sent. "' nd how is i t calculated 1
iJt;-;cr ;i:"2cF,
In the c( of a private nIorttu,ee. i/i'f is. in s. ()/'ttli?ii'(/ by tIt(lICfr lug sax as lii( .staiu/(irc! Fait' (Ill pO)iIi('flj I/it' itseress, ei.. I!! size east' in (/i(.% imo,, (lV!!UI f)(45'itl( lit nouh/ be as foilo;r"s:
" : .
she a "' in'dei n ised and finally re coniinisioned in February. 1955, for a General Service Coin nission, during which she stea ned 30,0(X) miles in 10 months. Whilst in the Persian Gull she had the good fortune to assist in salvaging the Italian super-tanker Argea Prima near Bahrein. Full details and photograph were included in the
Riding position A thing which puzzles many experienced motor cyclists is the number of riders, usually with "1earner" plates. who adopt a most unsafelooking riding position perched too far back over the rear wheel, with arms stretched forward to reach the handlebars giving a most insecure and strained riding position. The modern dual type saddle unfortunately lends itself to this ill-advised and uncomfortable imitation of a Grand Prix rider. In order to have full control of a motor cycle it is absolutely essential that one should be in a comfortable position with the body nicely balanced and very little weight on the arms. The position should be one of complete conintind. with the body moderately relaxed but virtually so much a part of the machine that it can be more or less ridden to the ground before you are forced to part company with it. The only position giving this degree of control is with the body almost upright sitting on the forward half of the saddle so that the machine can virtually be ridden "hand-otL" Some of the riders I have seen lately look as though a good sneeze would make them part company with their motor cycles. whilst their physical condition after, say two hundred miles in the saddle %%Otlld obviously be very' low. For those who think it looks good
- "i1-.tftzat
l-ehrtiar issue il Ns'. v Ni s. Oil April 10 this year she was ('lice again recominissioned for another H)I11c' I:leet I Persi:tn (in I 1/ Iist Indies Service Commission. and will he leaving this country on August 16. Loch Killisport is at present commanded by ('mdr. (I'.) (i. C. Hathwa. R.N.
at 104) ntph. or more which hardly applies to most of the readers of these notes. Reminder-rear lighting There are still thousands of cars on the road which still have only one rear light. Don't forget that as from October 1. 1956. twin rear lights are complsory. I suggest that it is time to make arrangements to have this work done. as the police are unlikely to be so lenient as they were last year when reflectors hecztnie compulsory. In many cases the old single lamp, particularly the 1)-shaped rear lamp, does not comply with the regulations and it will he necessary to fit two new lamps and not merely a second one.
"Navy News" is published on the first Thursday in each month
'Square Rig' Royal
4. I bought the house in chich I live last year. During that time I have had to re-decorate parts of it. and to have sonic essential repairs done to the fabric. Could Soil please let m know I f I :i rn entitled to ally Income Relief for these expenses?
50 21
Persian ANOTHER IklGAl F of the Royal Navy has assisted merchant shipping on the Fast Indies Station (luring the south-west monsoon. I-I.M.S. Loch F)ne (Capt. H. S. Barber R.N.). sent to the assistance of the Swedish tanker Julius, immobilised by engine defects oil the Oman Coast in the Persian Gulf, was able to effect temporary repairs and enable this ship it) proceed at slow speed towards Bahrein. The Loch I:sne continued in com-
pany with the Julius but a call was received for medical assistance from the United States freighter Steel Worker. one of whose oflicers was front acute suffering abdominal trouble. The Loch I:\ne left the Julius to assist the Steel Worker. who
transferred the sick officer to he taken to Ilahrein. Later the Julius broke down again and could not continue under her own power. The Loch I:yne then took her in tow and both ships subsequently arrived at Bahrein. The oflicer from the Steel Worker was then disembarked for hospital treatWent from the Loch Fyne. Four days ago anotherfrigate. H.M.S. Loch Fada (Cdr. NI. L. C. Crawford. l).S.C..and Bar. R.N.) and the Royal Fleet Auxiliary Wave Sovereign (Master: Capt. \V. F. Curlett), assisted the merchant ship Corabank when she ran short of fuel near the Island of Socotra at the entrance to the Gulf of Aden: and the R.I:.A. Wave Duke stood by another merchant ship. the lnehearn, in similar circumstances.
in the
JUNIOR RATINGS. that is. ratings below rank of Petty Officer, of the Supply and Secretariat, Sick Berth and Coder Branches of the Royal Navy, to adopt this rear seat type of perch are to adopt the uniform otlicia I ly may I suggest that if they wish to label known as Class 11 rind unofficially :is themselves as inexperienced that is "Square Rig" in place of the present the easiest way to do it. The only Class Ill. or ---Fore and Aft Rig." reason why racing drivers assume this Class lass I I rig i the traditional uniform position is for streamlining purposcc worn by men of the RoyalNavy di'essed as seamen'-the hell-bottomed trousers, ' jumper with collar, and round flat whitc-topped cap. Added Smadnes Recent improvements in the styling and cloth tit' the "Square Rig" have added lo the smartness of the uniform Please forward one postcard of H.M.S. Lochkillisport as and its adoption by these ratings who have hitherto worn the "Fore and Alt" reproduced at the top of this page, for which I attach stamp jacket with black buttons and trousers. value 2d. (Use block letters please.) and peaked cap with red badge, is considered to add to the status, smartness and efficiency of the lower deck. Name ........................................................................... 'the changeover will also simplify distribution and a dniinproduction. Rank orrating .............................................. ....... istiatioti. The "Fore and Aft Rig'' will continue it) he worn h Chief Petty Address .................................................... ()tlicers and Petty Officers. ihe tintform ol Junior 'Artificers is under . . . ............. .. . .. ... .. . .. . . . . . .. ... .............. COlisideflht ion. New entrants in the named categories will he issued with the Class II PIN ONE Photo postcards of 1-EM. Ships Theseus. Bulwark. rig. hut serving men will he allowed STA Ni P tip to lour and a half years to proOcean, Eagle. Centaur, Glasgow. Kenya. Newcastle, vide themselves with the new uniform VALUE 2d. Albion and Ark Royal may be obtained (without out of their Kit Upkeep Allowance us their existing uniforms require 6d. each, including postage. coupons). price re p1 ;icCrnCll i.
SHIPS OF THE ROYAL NAVY No. 11-H.M.S. Loch Killisport
/t c-lai,,i so relief can be iliac/c iii () respect of e.vpemic/msi,rc' Oil repairs and .-. 5 insurance of tit(, property (excludimi' c'oms(t'miLs ) in of tit(, statutory 1(IVI?iCiJl flUide . £28 IS repairs (l/IOIt(lllfl'. Norniolly the expenditure to !n' sal cii into (it( 01,115 is uhc're the taxpayer !" ti'liable at the the average of the S (5 1 0 raft' ()j lax this deduction years prior to girt' year ('10mhz. hiss in the of of Iii,,, e.vces.sms'e relief lists (1 ( orre.spo:z(I- erc'c'sed or ii('t'!)' pure/tasec! iizi,' ttdjistnzent it'll! /'e 'zitule in /iic property ,lit. c/aunt l?i(iV be nso(Ie on the /;a.sis !?U'Oflit' Tax J)avnz('izl.s-, of the actual tXJ)elidilimrt' for each of In flit, ,zz(',zlmO,h'g/ tit(. i/it' fuss S )t'ar.c of oitiic'rsiiip. if the rate of tax i;!c' i"". 619 it: tit(, £ ciammmioiit clot's not Alit) It' 1/it' (lillOuli I .50 that the corrt'et r('/mef i.%'£50 at 679 of sue statutory repairs (lilt) iS(lll -t" =£16 17s. (ii!, a,.¬! tit(. la.vpaver hoc applicable to his /10:1s(' flit, I,:spec-sor therefore over dedw'ie¬l it) I/it' e.vI('nl for die Dl"strue, its which ill(, ft CA P7 , j '' ---------------------properly apt( (II(. 't'(IIIl(l (U' out is tisst'ssctl will tell hint. ''I IFzlt'n'st /i' , Tax (II 8!6 in I "
Motoring Notes ... Modern
H.M.S. lAJ('lI Kll.I.ISI'')RI is an anti-submarine frigate of 1.81M tons, specially relitted for operating in the Persian Gull' and East Indies Station, She %'3% built at 1-larland & \Volii's, Belfast. :in(] first commissioned iii 1945. tier time for the next seven stars was spent between the Reserve l'lcet and the Sixth Frigate Squadron, but ill 1953
+ ,
In size lion st of Coinitions oil April 19. 1956 ti:' Financial Secretary of tit(, Treasury slated 1/1(11 there is no mien11(111 (51 PTCS('?it 50 TC%1SC 1/it' Incanu' Tax (ZS.S('S.Sl?i('ItfS opt properties by sefereitce to i/It' pc'viseci rating assess??it'fllS.
1/4 .-
fl --.-
40 MILITARY ROAD, CHATHAM, KENT 3htnher I'!!' slit' In terport \aiai Traders' Association Ltd.
61a St. Thomas St., Weymouth
- . ' . .. _.) -
169 Queen Street, Portsmouth 77 High Street, Gravesend 25 Albert Road, Devonport Invergordon, Scotland Esquire Ltd., Valletta, Malta
A complete Civilian Outfit, either
for Sports-wear or Formal wear,
can be obtained on allotment of 2Q'- per month
Commissioning of 11.M.S. Girdle Ness
11.M.S. GIRDLE NESS commissioned for service at Devonpori as a guided wapøns trials ship on July 24, 1956. These weapons are extremely complex and the trials of them are necessarily very complex too. In broad terms. the research and development trials are done from shore. some at the Ministry of Supply Research Establishment at Abcrpor;h in Wales, and sonic at the Research Weapons Fstahlkhmcnt in South Australia. The facilities at these two establishments are complementary: there are some aspects of the work which are best done at one place and some at the other. But it has been found from long experience that a weapon system (or a radio or a radar or any other piece of fighting equipment) which works well enough ashore is not necessarily fully suitable for use at sea. It is the function of the Girdle Ness to prove ship-launched guided weapons for service in the Fleet. and, in addition. to gain experience in the handling. maintenance and tactical use of these new weapons. It is plain that she is going to be very busy. H.M.S. Girdle Ness, who has the hull of a Victory-type merchant ship, was built in Canada as a Landing Craft Maintenance Ship. Since October. 1953. she has been completely stripped and reconstructed for her new role in Devonport Dockyard. Her displacement is 10.000 tons. and she has accommodation for 80 officers and 536 men. Her normal Naval complement is 30 officers and 370 men. The additional accommodation is for the Royal Naval Scientific Service staff and for representatives of the Admiralty, the Ministry of Supply and the firms who have made the equipment. all of whom will be associated with. the trials. The guided weapon equpment consists of radar,;, displays and communications equipment to enable a target to be selected and to control the missiles in flight. magazines and handling gear for stowing and transporting the missiles, .aryJ finally a launcher. In addition. there are elaborate facilities for obtaining instrumental data front the trials. Most of the gear is at sea for the first time. The Girdle Ness is not a warship in the ordinary sense but she is very suitable for her new task. In the early days of guided weapon development, it was appreciated that it would be necessary to have a special ship for sea trials. Studies were made of the possibility of converting a cruiser or carrier, of building a new ship, or of
converting a ship like the Girdle Ness. Warships are designed for particular purposes. and it is rarely economical or easy to convert them for something totally different. The high speed and other attributes of a normal warship were not required for a special trials ship and would he extravagant to run. The Girdle Ness was available, her shape and size were eminently suitable. and in all respects she provided the most convenient and economical solution. In addition to the normal officers and men which any ship must have to run her, there are many who have been specially trained for the work on guided missiles. Permanently attached to the ship are officers of the Royal Naval Scientific Service, who have the duty of obtaining and processing the data from trials. and of maintaining the instruments used for this purpose. The representatives of the contractors and Government research establishments who have been designing the various component parts of the system will remain on board until it is certain that their equipment is working properly. and that it can be run by the ships staff. There will he no hard and fast division of work on board: Naval men and civilians will be working in close co-operation throughout. The trials to he done by the ship are planned jointly by the Admiralty and Ministry of Supply in conjunction with all the interested parties. Trials orders are issued to the ship, who has the responsibility of preparing and executing a detailed programme. and of reporting on the results. These results will be analysed mainly by a special team at the Royal Aeronautical Establishment at Farnborough. although particular aspccts may be analysed by the firms or establishments concerned. With anything as new and as complicated is the Navy's first guided weapon it is not sensible to try to make precise forecasts about the dates by which it is expected that particular results will be achieved. A prolonged period of firings is needed whose nature and duration must necessarily depend on the success of the earlier firings and on the amount of information obtained from them. At this stage. all that can be said is that the design of the new guided weapons ships for the Fleet, the start of which was announced with this year's Navy Estimates. must largely depend on the work done by H.M.S. Girdle Ness.
Penguins Invade British Antarctic Base
THE BRITISH International Geophysical Year base on the antarctic continent at Halley Bay has been invaded by thousands of three feet six inches high Emperor Penguins. Reports reaching the Royal Naval Bird Watching Society from Surgeon Lieut.-Cdr. D. G. l)algleish, M.R.C.S.. l..R.C.P., R.N.. the leader of the expedition, state that some ten thousand birds suddenly walked ashore early in May and established a nesting rookery about half a mile from the base.
NEW AND SECONDHAND Over 500,000 Volumes in stock. Magazines, Periodicals, Penguins, etc. School Books-Advance and Junior. Music
Dept.-Operas, Oratorios, Instrumental, etc. EVERYTHING YOU WANT Write, Call or Phone 5144
In a message sent shortly afterwards. Surg.-Lieut.-Cdr. Dalgleish said that the number of the birds in the colony was continuing to increase daily. He had already recorded their cries on a tape recorder and was hoping to carry out a complete study of their nesting cycle. The Emperor Penguin is the only bird known to nest on the antarctic continent, where its eggs are laid during the midwinter darkness. The male penguin incubates the egg throughout, often in temperatures of minus sixty degrees Fahrenheit. holding the egg on its flippers to protect it from the ice. During the period of 60-65 days necessary, to hatch the egg, the bird goes completely without food. Other reports have been forwarded to the Society on antarctic birds from H.M.S. Protector, now refitting at Portsmouth after service in the area. Teams of bird watchers on the bridge of the ship kept observation when the Protector called at lonely islands of the South Sandwich Group, rarely visited except by sealers. It is believed that their report on the birds seen and their numbers is probably the first ornithological survey undertaken in the area.
VICKERS-ARMSTRONGS (AIRCRAFT) LIMITED Opportunities are available for
and other categories at our works at also at
SOUTH MARSTON, Nr. SWINDON WILTS be made direct to the Personnel Enquiries may Departments at any of the aboveworksorto:
Married Quarters
JULY HAS been a good month and we now have well over 200 new permanent quarters occupied. A start has been made at the ratings' estate at Eastncy where the first 16 houses are now occupied by Royal Marines. Another milestone has also been passed in that Brockhurst is the first estate to be completed so far as building is concerned and fully occupied. There will of course he work to do in the autumn in the form of grassing the verges and so on. There arc plenty more houses being built on the Gosport site so that those serving on that side will not have to cross the water.
The officers' houses at I)rayton are also now coming along regularly and a number have been occupied during the month. Regular completions will help to reduce the roster appreciably. Whilst the present output of new houses for officers of the rank of lieutenant and below is maintained. officers of these ranks are unlikely to he allocated hired quarters. To do so would give them a higher proportion of the total quarters available than their share and they must therefore go to officers of other ranks. P r o g r e 5 5 on the 2-bedroomed qua rtcrs at Stamshaw (next to Phoenix) and at Gosport continues to he good and in autumn there should be a regular supply of these quarters for those with no children or one only. It is still difficult to find suitable hirings but the situation may improve in the autumn.
When the statistics of the roster are published at the beginning of August it will be found that there has again been a reduction in the waiting time for all rosters. This is encouraging but the problem will be to maintain it as the volume of applications has increased this year. It would in any case be unwise to expect any, further improvement during August as it is always difficult to fix people up during a leave period when so many of them are away. The old ship's company of Concord will shortly be returning from their foreign service leave and the married men who have been away IS months or more would do well to remember that they can claim priority in the allocation of married quarters. Provided there is no drafting objection, they can normally be fixed up with a quarter within a month of application.
Arrangements have been made for a special bus service, morning and evening, between the Row-ncr estate and the Gosport Ferry. It will probably started on Monday, August 13.
At~ 19%
Friendly Wives
NORTH END BRANCH OUR GARDEN Party was held on Tuesday, July 4. at Whale Island. We had been hoping for a fine day, but alas, we didn't get one. However, we were kindly allowed to use the gymnasium and well at the Fisher Hall, so that it was not as catastrophic as it might have been. We kept to our programme as much as possible. There were a number of sideshows. and Mrs. Dimmock ran some races and games, ably assisted by C.P.O. George and C.P.O. McCann. The winners were Mrs. Day, Mrs. Joyce, Mrs. McBride. Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. Funnell and Mrs. West. The winners of the children's races were: Under Fires: Derek Way, Vivienne Huntley. Cinderella Race: Edwin Wilson. Michael Moss. The Raffle was won by Mrs. Brown and Mrs. Stroud. Mrs. Casement, our Chairman, welcomed Mrs. Burnett, vice-president of the Friendly Wives in the Portsmouth area, who kindly came to give away the prizes. She was presented with a bouquet by Richard Joyce. We would like to thank Mrs. Hasty for telling fortunes. She had a continuous stream of people waiting. and it was a very popular item. Our thanks also "go to the tea committee whose efforts were much appreciated. We were very pleased to have visitors from the Gosport Branch. and from the Rogate Women's Institute. As the meeting ended the sun came out. so that some members and their guests were able to walk round the gardens which were looking lovely. We send all our members very best wishes for their summer holiday. and we hope that the weather will he kind. We will 1(10k forward to seeing you all again at our next meeting which is on Tuesday. September 4, at the Fisher Hall. Whale Island.
of the Tea Committee under Mrs. Marchant. Lady Creasy then gave away the prizes to the winners of the competitions and raffles, after which she was presented with a bouquet by Miss Jane Coxwell. Prizes, very kindly given by Mesdames McIntosh, Middleton, Riley and 'lass. were won as follows:Raffle (tickets sold by Mrs. Brewer): Mrs, Packer, P.O. Wren Ivermee, Mrs. Crossland. Guessing the Number of Sweets (organised by Mrs. Loftus): Nurse Gosling. Vernon Treasure Hunt (organised by Mrs. 'Vicary): Mrs. Halpen. Ping-Pong Ball Competition (organised by Mrs. Bird): Miss Diane Bennett. Mrs. Ainsley. We thank Second Officer Farmer. P.O. Wrens Cahill and Ivermee, Leading Wren Mansell and Wrens Hutchinson and Shearns for looking after the children so efficiently; the Rev. W. H. Browne for making all necessary announcements over the loud speaker system; Commander C. E. Emerson and all in Vernon who contributed to the success of the afternoon.
Other Activities On Saturday. July 7. members assisted with the sale of flags in aid of the National Lifeboat Royal Institution. On Monday, July 9, the Chairman and fifteen members had a most afternoon as guests of the Southsea Branch at their Garden Party at the Royal Naval Barracks. The final sewing meeting of the present session was held on July 25.
Future Events Owing to the leave period there will be no Meetings in August, but we are hoping for good attendances when we resume activities on Septeniber 12. SOUTIISEA BRANCh
THE HIGH-LIGHT of this month's activities was the garden party which VERNON BRANCh was held on July 9, in the Wardroom Annual Garden Party gardens of Royal Naval Barracks. THE H.M.S. Vernon Branch brought This generous gesture of the and officers was very, much their social activities for the current year to an end on Wednesday, July appreciated by all the members who 11. with their Annual Garden Party. thoroughly enjoyed themselves in held on the Wardroom Lawn by kind these delightful surroundings. We permission of Capt. J. Grant, 1)5.0.. were fortunate to have one of the R.N. very few sunny days which we have The weather. which has been so had so far this summer. Among the fickle this summer, favoured us once many, popular diverting competitions again, and about 180 members and which were held the most entertaining guests assembled for the occasion, in was the hat-making competition. Unbrilliant sunshine which showed off fortunately, but it is felt without the flower beds and colourful dresses affecting the final result, Commodore to full advantage. Thompson's creation had to be di,In one corner there was a miniature qualified. as he was one of the judges. The guests included Lady Creasy, Fun-Fair, attended by volunteer Mrs. Burnett. the Chairmen. SecreWrens and Sailors, which fully occutaries and some members from each the attention of all children, pied the of the three other local branches and their mothers free leaving !o mingle and to try, their skill at various corn- Mrs. Winter, the Portsmouth Seeretary. After tea, the arrangements of petitions. which were most capably handled by By kind permission of Brigadier members of the Tea Committee and J. L. Moulton. D.S.O., O.B.E.. R.M.. helpers. Lady Creasey kindly presented Commanding Portsmouth Group the for the competitions to prizes a Marines. Marine Band Royal Royal provided suitable background music Mrs. 1'readwcll (hat-making). Mrs. F. Watts (treasure hunt). Mrs. Stannard throughout the afternoon. Our official guests were Mrs. (weight of cake). Mrs. D. Bartlett Winter. Hon. Secretary for the Ports- (number of sweets), Mrs. Ramsay. mouth Area. and members of the Mrs. Haley, Mrs. Bannister and Mrs. Southsca. North End and Gosport I). Bartlett (number of flowers), and and Farcharn Branches, including Mrs. Mrs. Pope (tailing the pig). During the afternoon the band Tregenna-Piggott and Mrs. Boxer, Vice-Chairmen of the Southsca and played selections. which added greatly Gosport and Fameham Branches res- to the gaiety of the Party. On July I I several of our members pcctively. had a most enjoyable afternoon at afternoon we were favDuring the oured with a visit from Lady Creasy, Vernon Garden Party. Our next meeting takes place on President of the Portsmouth Area, R.N.F.U.S.W.. who was met by Mrs. Sepccnr&r 16. at 2.15 at the Grant, and introduced to all the Com- Victory Hut, Royal Naval Barracks. mittee members. Lady Creasy then Information on membership can be walked round the lawns and talked obtained from: Hon. Secretary. 28, with a large number of members and Grant Road, Farlington. Tel. No.: guests. Tea was served by members Cosham 78081.
GENERALLY SPEAKING the married quarters situation at Portland is extremely, good and very little waiting time is involved for those fortunate enough to be serving in this delightful part of South Dorset. At present we arc nearing the completion of the 27 Officers Quarters at Verne Road, Rodwell. This estate, which is set in a very convenient residential area of Weyniouth about five miles from the Naval Base at Portland, commands fine views of Weymouth H a r h o u r and Bay. The residents of the 100 Ratings Quarters at Wyke Regis, face other directions and have fine views of the West Bay or Portland Harbour, although sometimes it must be admitted that the South Westerly Gales' do their best to blow the houses down. The future building programme at Portland and Weymouth is at present a little uncertain but meanwhile n are forging ahead with the Hiring Scheme and our only fear is that soon we shall have taken into the scheme all the available properties within a 14 mile radius of the Portland Base. Although a comparatively small unit, we can only boast of 127 Pam- H.M.S. WHITBY, the second of the anent Married Quarters and about Whitby Class Frigates to he corn2(X) hirings. we do pride ourselves on pleted, was accepted by the Royal the personal touch we are able to Navy on July 19. introduce into our dealings with perThe Whitby was launched in July, sonnel at Portland. The Married 1954. by Mrs. Noble, wife of Cdr. Quarters Officer at Portland is always Allan Noble. D.SD., l).S.C., M.P., available during normal working the then Parliamentary and Financial hours to advise and assist any pros- Secretary to the Admiralty. The hull named builders and main machinery conpective applications for this sometimes is quarters; apt to be tractors are Messrs. Caniinell Laird & an embarrassment as some applicants Co. Ltd., of Birkenhcad. (happily not many) seem quite unFrigates of this class contain the willing to do anything to help them- latest equipment for locating and selves. destroying submarines and have faciliIt is also perhaps worth mentioning ties for directing anti-submarine airthat all officers and ratins are craft. The armament consists of a equally eligible whether they are twin 4.5 in. gun mountin and a twin-barrelled 40 mm. anti-aircraft Home Port or Home Sea Service.
H.M.S. Whitby
gun. For anti-submarine action there are two three-barrelled mortars. Two twin and eight single torpedo tubes are also installed.
Highly manoeuvrable, and designed to nuintain high speed in heavy seas, the Whithy is also extremely economical in fuel consumption at cruising speeds. She has twin screws and rudders and is powered by geared turbines built by Cammell Laird & Co. Ltd., to a design by the English Electric Co. Ltd.
H.M.S. Whitby is prefabricated and all-welded: the dimensions are-length (extreme) 370 ft.. length (b.p.) 360 ft., beam, i.e. breadth extreme. 41 ft. The normal peacetime complement is nine officers and 180 men
Have YOU a personal problem..?
John English will he pleased to answer your queries. A envelope will be appreciated.
Gala Day at Portsmouth
stamped addressed
New Pensions Measures
actual unount that an individual will I WOULD appreciate a reply on the receive but your correspondent cart rest assured that payinew of arty following queries re pension. My father was pensioned in 1930 increase due, with retrospective effect (22 years) holding the rating of to April 1, 1956, will be made as soon as possible." C.E.R.A. 1o my knowledge two increases of Re-engagement pension have come about since that date. so could you please inform me WOULD YOU please assist me with what his present scale should be. the following couple of queries that I have heard that should a pen- I have? sioner. in his new employment. be in I left the R.N. in February. 1949. receipt 01 a wage exceeding ยฃ550. he having completed time for pension. I 1; 110t eligible for inCrCZLW. rejoined in July. 1951. under the oneAs he is now retired and scar non-continuous service Scheme. I in receipt of less. would h signed for a further year in July. 1952. now he eligible? acid again in July, 19.53. in Jan., 1 113 Rer: In reply to your letter of 1954 1 signed to complete a Fifth June 19. I cannot do better 11:0,1 quote Five. (a) Does my time expire in January, f ro,n the renaarA .c on your query ?fltJc/e by flee /1 diniralty Dc'parnnent 1959. concerned (h) Must I serve the period not -i_lie New Pe,:.sio,,s (Increase) completed on my one-year engagement 7ZC(t%tT('S which art. applicable froni signed for in July. 1953. April I. 1956. Te,flore the limitations (c) I am drawing the 1956 scale of 0?2 the (lI?lOttlt of ipiconie qualifying pay. am I entitled to the 1956 scale of for increase. This au-ins, in effect :11(11 pension and gratuity. Oh! ( oI' who have (d) Flaying drawn pension from 1949 pensioners hitherto been debarred front until January. 1954. does my time served before 1949 count towards pen;t'ill, provided they 51011 with my present time serving. are' ot'er uรง' 60, now receive )t'llaIc'tTr 'thanking you. ittCT('(l.SE.V are due to theen ,1 u.s wt'r : Iii reply to your letter of well 03 a further 3171(111 ill('T('a,St' 10 /3. (a) your iiint. will expire in per cent. of the basic pension). 1959, on completion of preYou will appreciate that as sonte sent J:jft/, Fire engaee,;zent. (b) This fens of thoinands of pensioners are t'PR'(I&'t'Fil(',tt terutittiltetl the not:concerned it will tzect'sarilv take its continuous service on SOP?u' huh? to put the revised pli,Yi?lt'Its which you were seri'itzg and von do into efleet. V' hare in fact told all not /i(It'e to coniplete the period of the pen3i(':ler.s that action still be taken zot:-contipuou.c .ct'rrice e,naee,rzent. (c) without application to pay the in- You will he entitled to tit' 1956 scale creases so all those entilled to client of pension and gratuity after co'nplt'tand that it will only de/a' matters ing three )'ears of your present to its. enga,รง'en:ent. (d) All your former At the rnopnent when we are in the service fierce and the period of Midst of the, sonic search your present eilgaqt',ilt',It will count to would be necessary to ascertain the your nCR' /956 scale pension.
Pension Increase l,eeau3e t/lc'v were out.side the I,,eonu' lin,its
lull. January.
they write
Royal Hospital School Old Boys' Association
.. .
David Nixon speaking at the R.N.B. Gala Day
ON WEDNESDAY. July 18. 1956. the annual Gala Day was held in the Royal Naval Barracks. It was more than just a Gala Day. Indeed it was a sports day. grand fete and bazaar. all rolled into one. A more appropriate rtrne would perhaps he "Earnilies Day." This was a day. the only 07W in the year. when practically the whole of the Royal Naval Barracks was open for inspection by families and friends of officers. ratings and civilians em ployed in R . N .13. There was a very full programme which was started by the ready wit of Mr. David Nixon and the charm of his lovely wife, Miss Paula Marshall, performing the opening ceremony. The Children's Races were thoroughly enjoyed by a large number of children and their proud parents. Winners of two children's races for the under-threes and those between three and eight received an extraspecial prize because they were both born at the R.N. & R.M. Maternity Home. Clifton Road. Southsea. and, as the judges said, "had got off to a good start." There was plenty, to see and do in the beautiful Wardroom gardens so
THIS ASSOCIATION was formed at Secretaries or from Mr. It, I). Palmer, Greenwich in 1925 by the then Super- 34 Lyndhurst Road, North End, of the intendent Royal Hospital Portsmouth. The annual subscription School-Rear-Admiral I. Ft. Oliphant I is only five shillings. It has as its objects keeping Old Boys One outstanding event is the Annual in touch with their School. Branches Reunion Week-end at the School have been formed at both Chatham ! when Old Boys compete against the and Portsmouth and Old Boys are Present Boys at cricket. shooting. sure of a welcome at either Branch. swimming and rowing. Those eligible Enrolment forms and full particulars for membership are urged to write to can he obtained from the Branch Mr. Palmer NOW.
carefully tended by Mr. Fred Waine. the I-lead Gardener. Two marquees contained the fruit, flower. produce and handicrafts competition where some remarkable efforts were exhia mu rlgst which were bited. some from the boys and girls of the R.N. & RN!. Children's Homes at SYaterlooville. A number of these won prizes. Fun was fast and furious at the specially constructed stage where Mr. David Nixon caused much amuseIrlent judging the "trim ankle' cornpetition. No fewer than five heats were held before Mrs. Kathleen Whitlock. wife of the Commissioned Boatswain, was announced the winner. .Miss Paula Marshall found her task of selecting the man with the knobbliest knees much easier as the men were noticeably more shy than the
ladies. The winner was Mr. I. 0 II i ng ton. Throughout the afternoon the R.M. Band played selections on the lawn while the amusements and sideshows were kept busy by both children and grown-ups. An excellent tea was provided for officers and their guests in the Wardroom. whilst ratings. civilians and friends were well catered for by N.A.A.F.I. in the respective messes, cafeterias and the ('anleen. After tea the final of the tug-of-war took place on the field gun track. This was followed h a field gun display by lI.M.S. Victory and H.M.S. Vernon Boy Cadets. A tilting finale was Beating Retreat. most impressively performed by the Royal Marine and Bluejacket Bands specially combined for the occasion.
Pressure on our space this month has prevented the inclusion of some of our regular features. These will appear in our future issues.
BISLEY 19,56 -Plymouth command wins Portsmouth Cup .-'
When you come to WilIerl)ys for your shore-going clothes (or your new uniform for that matter) you can be certain of one thing-real Naval smartness. At VIlIerbya you'll find a complete service, made-to-measure and ready-to-wear ; clothes made by
craftsmen, and a splendid range of cloths to choose from
helpful service and reasonable prices. And what's more, you can wear while you pay-and pay by allotment, if you wish. Why
ADMIRAL OF the Sir Fleet Rhoderick McGrigor. G.C.B., D.S.O., presents the Portsmouth Cup for Rifle Team Snap-shooting to the Plymouth Command "A" team, the winners of this event, at the R.N.R.A. Prizegiving at Risley. Receiving the Cup is (LP.O. N. F. S. Pike. captain of the team.
not write, or call next time you're ashore and ask for the special folder explaining.
C.P.O. Pike also won the individual Rifle Championship at the R.N.R.A. Meeting, beating C.P.O. E. Fraser of the Nore Command after a tie for first place Other members of the Plymouth Command team receiving the Portsmouth Cup are SM. Carter, EM. Curtis, P.O. Bowden, C.P.O.
Bell, C.P.O. G.P.O. Dawe. Chief Shipwright Rogers, Wren Fraser and Shipwright Davies. Wren Fraser was the only W.R.N.S. competing in the R.N.R.A. Meeting. and later succeeded in shooting her way into the second stage of-the Queen's Prize, the premier award in rifle shooting.
the LOinoN.
wa. AND AT 82 ROYAL PARADE, PLYJ4OtYflJ. 75 nmg flaw. CIIATIIAM. [in cowitncx*L ROAD, i'onswoura & LO-Do ROAD, NOfllt END. PORTSMOUTH.
August, 1956
THE DECISION to go to the Norhad been wegian fjords popular the crew of Reclaim and had among been made because of the ideal diving conditions to he found in these waters. Many of the crew had visited Bergen before and looked forward to renewing old friendships. A good deal of time and work had already been put into operating our new observation chamber in secluded Scottish waters in places like Seallastle Bay near the historic Castle Durnt on Mull, and later in l.oche I.innhe Our new !o had been several years in the designing and making, and file finished observation chamber, eighing nearly two tons, nine feet in and live feet at its idest . pressed its by its sue. if not by the thickness of its steel shell. The intention of its designer.,; had been that the logic operator inside the chaniber could perform every the stiroperation required to rise face i n ill etnergenev i I hoti t any assistance from the ship This ill fact ts to be its first test in Seallastle Hay. Before even (live. a ballast tank inside the chamber had first to he flooded. after which the %%inch took the weight of the chamber now ha v ing a few hundred pound'. negati ye 1' uova hey and lowered i t to the desired depth, in this case (11) lo 180 feet. Once 011 the bottom. the slings and telephone cable crc to be cast off froiii ith i ii " cony lete I
a -
ADEN! CAMELS. donkeys, dust, heat. rocky landscape biting into the cloudless sky sith jagged teeth; crowded harbour of steamers and tthovs; busy streets of well-laden shops, honking taxis; Europeans. Indians. Somalis. Arabs, yelling h:t kers and ragged beggars. Aden. ios ii of colour, noise and smells. the O!I!V large seaport au the 1,100 miles of Arabian coast. It has a population A li icli Iiiis increased from 500 shen taken by the British in 1832, it) the present figure of 100.0(X). The ;n:t jon I V (if the sea (rallic from Suez to the Ii t ca I I a t Aden, which, formerly a coaling station. now supplies oil from the Persian Gulf to naval and commercial vessels. A cable and radio station; a free port since 1853; an average yearly calling tonnage of IS million exclusive of the t%c o thousand native craft; an air base, and situated in an important strategical position, Aden is indeed of vital importance. Separating the port from Africa is the Bah-el-mandeb Straits or the "Gate of Mourning." so-called he-
cause of the countless number of vessels which have been lost in bygone days in the treacherous currents and on the uncharted rocks. Here. great dhos; s are made by hand of Indian teak, an industry cellfuries (lid. said once U) have belonged to the Queen of Sheha. Cigarette-making too is another of its industries. The source of tobacco used. however, is uncertain. We sailors have a nanle for it A variety of transhipment grade is carried on in cotton goods, salt. coffee, hide. skill,;. grain. gum. sugar, etc. My sketches show the Port of Aden and of "little Aden," that barren fairyland of mountainous rock on the extremity of the isthmus. Space does not permit of an additional cartoon showing six messinales and myself, a taxi, a bewildered turbaned driver, a circle of dusky police and a sleepyeyed camel. forelegs to port, alter legs to starboard. comfortably recunibent across the taxi's bonnet. C- R. I)eikins.
divorcing the chamber from the ship. hich at
such a axial
mnomnen t
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Although blovinu the ballast clear ill order to regain biio alie s for stirfacing actually takes very little timethe mud and sand stirred up by the high pressure air obscures one's vision conipletely, and gives one the impression the stt bed is reltictant to release its grip on this steel intruder. After several such ascents and being sure that the chamber had t he a hi I i t s to surface in this way if it should be necessary. it was time to lind deeper waters in Norway. I t was not easy to find all area of sea bed large enough and flat enough to moor. but eventual lv a Iniost as %%e were beginning to despair of - Oster fjord. se found the ideal place. and ; C nioored bO%' and stern iii j ti st over (AX) feet Our diving teani of two deep diving officers :tilt] twelve divers and to really prove that the chamber as capable of being re(lived after four peatedlv day day. I -a--dives were done at depths if 4(X), 500 and (AX) feet. Those at bUt) feet. being on the sea bed. were certainly the most interesting. Light from the surface penetrating only to about .4(R) feet, one had to rely on one ],(X0lamp clamped securely to the chamber beneath one of the lower observation ports. The Illackwood class frigates are FRIGATE ASSISTS WEATHERGood visibility in the water is defitted with the latest equipment for BOUND I)HOWS IN PERSIAN pendent on the absence of particles locating and destroying submarines. reflect light. and soon we were and their hull form enables them to which GULF to timid how well chosen the fjords maintain a high speed in heavy seas. been. Tide as very slight but H.M.S. I AXII AI.VIE (Capt. Ii. 1'. I hey are prefabricated and all-welded. had sits noticeable by the plankton hich Graham. RN.). a frigate based on the The operations Rtnini of I I .N1 .5. one seenied to conic across in layers East Indies Station. recently went to Keppel is fitted. as other ships of the (luring one's descent; deeper down Jazirt Ilalul, a small island in the Per- class, to give the Command a picture %s hen the natural sian Gulf. to investigate a report that ! 'I tactical and strategical situations. conipletelv. the light had (lininled plankton appeared (IhOWS were The ship has a single screw and is saturated with the passenger - carrying most brilliant ;eather-hot,nd and in grave danger powered by geared turbines, which phosphorous and swirled excitedly of running out of food and water. are extremely economical at cruising past the ports. The sea bed in this area The ship received the report bile . speeds .1 he armament consists of three showed many signs of life -quite a vi'it I og Bahrein. about 120 miles 40 iii U) . IIt)lOrs gun,; and two three- variety of fish. both large and small, distant. and proceeded to the island. barrelled anti-submarine mortars. being attracted by the pocerfiil beam With a strong sand-laden md blowThe dimensions are:---- length of our solilary light. Vegetable life ing. and with visibility never exceed311) feet. length as rare. due to the absence of ing three quarters of a mile. she made 3(X) feet, beam (extreme natural light to promote gros; t Ii. The the passage % it ii the ;lid (if radar , breadth) 33 feel. The norma I first diver in the chamber reporting hearings and ranges. complement is seven otlicers and the fish, was eagerly intcrviee(l on On arrival the Loch ,\l ie 10(1,1(1 104 men. surfacing. and for subsequent (lives a of 300 souls, [o tile bottom. we hopefully hung dhO%VS carrying total from the lower ports a large cod hook aIino t oul of provisions and water. She iinniediateI made supplies availha i te(l \% i !Ii choice liver. hoping to he able to t;itcli the actions of a fish able and then prepared to proceed to 1%k0 other small islands to the soul Iibeing caueht No such luck, hoever, and artl to search for survivors of two later both hook and bait (II1O\% .5 reported wrecked. Visibility mysteriously disappeared. decreased to less than half-a-niile H.M.S. \VAKIIFtjI., leader of the No had been given to Fifth Fiigaw Squadron. returns it) breakingthought '% bile she w. as at Jai.irt I lalul. records during the for the United Kimigdoin on July 1 1. 1956. %% C could not t o eniii Iate Prohope to pa oil . I old i S due to reconinii SSIOIi lessor Beebe and Dr. Piccard, who for the I I onie \Iediterraricitn Station have both descended to much greater on August 25. R pe of depths in a far different For her last cruise. VakefuI. to- chamber. Whereas they tiMed spheres gether s' ith the other ships of the Will a rinou red steel Ii u I Is more than in N.,\.i'.(). I inches thick wjiich could he OccuH.M.S. KEPPEI .. " the fourth of the Squadron. intookthe part Western Atlantic. pied by more than one ma n" ours Hlackwood class I rigates to he Cofli- Exercises based oil 1k' mi uda. ss:is purely an experimental approach pItted, is to he provisionally accepted to observation in a one-man chaniher Wakeful stea med a hoti 11. NT .5. on 6. Those by the Royal Navy July nh a hull about 35)(K) Iii i l es i ii 15 111011 t hc. took :t Ft inch thick. in service are H.M. already Ships in nine exerci'cs. and visited l)undas and Ni major A or two later e were to Hardy. urray. (lay as far afield as and move places (prus from Oster and fjord explore The Keppel was launched on August the variable depths of SUr fjord. Here 31. 1954, by Lady Madden, wife of Berniuda. a few Admiral Sir Alexander Madden. ilie ('apt. (i. 1'. S. Gray. we found depths of onl'. fathoms to of j DS.C.. R.N.. is take command quite to C.B.E, and has been built dropping alarniingly K.G.B., by , Messrs. Yarrow & Co. Ltd.. Scotstoun. the new Fifth J-ig;iic Squadron on re- 2(X) fathoms or more; Il(1\ evcr. we Glasgow. who are also manufacturers commissioning. when a new ship were lucky and found every condition to suit out needs and soon \\C WCi of the turbines and main machinery. H.M.S. Torquay will jofl it.
per-pendiculars) Peace-little treme)
1131.54. WAKEFUL
ft/cit Officers' Bless for Natal Engineering College i'iii: NEW Ollicers' Mess at the Royal Naval Engineering College at Manadon. the foundation stone of which was laid by the First Sea Lord (Admiral the Earl Nfountbatten of Burma, P.C.. K.G., G.C.V.O.. K.C.B.. I).S.O.) on July 13. will ultimately accommodate over 450 officers on the staff and under training at the establishment. The first stage of the building will enable messing to be provided for this number of officers. The new fourstoreyed building will also provide enough cabins and anteroom accomniodation to enable the old Engineer" miles ing College at Kevhani, 3 away, to be evacuated. It is expected that the preliminary, stage will be completed in about two years.
The cabins now in huts at Manadon will remain in use until the whole of the new block, sited on a hill and facing south and west with a view across Plyniotith and the Hanioaze to Cornwall. is finished.
struction. form the central portion of a larger development which occupies a commanding position on the crown of a hill. Care has been taken to make full use of the contours and at the same time preserve a copse, which is a feature of the existing landscape. The future extensions are planned at either end of the main faรงade and extend down the hill. The carrying out of a building scheme in stages usually presents a difficult problem, and for this reason special care has been taken to make sure that each phase harmonices and fits in with the surroundings. When the ss hole scheme is completed 472 and additional staff will he acconiniodated both for sleeping, messing and recreation.
The external treatment is in character vith buildings in the locality. local materials being used as much as possible. Ratidorn limestone ioalling with Portland stone dressings to % inIt was in 1938 that a little over lOt) dows and doors will form a feature of acres of the Nianadon estate was tile elevations and use is also made 0 f rendering. The roof is to be acquired to allow the original college covered s ith grey-green local slates. at Keyhani. the only professional The section now tinder construction training c s Lit) Ii sh incnt for engineer 1880 to 1940. to expand is 'i"-sh:ipctl on plan. 1 he head of oflicers from to niect new coilitil i t mdit 5. The 1/4t a na- the 9" is comprised of four storeys don College was opened in May, 1940. with the principal communal rooms with temporary h u t ted acconinioda- on the ground floor and three cabin non, and since 1945 work on the floors over. The entrance hail. gunwa rd rooni . billiards and staff instructional permanent building.;' rooni, work shops and hangars has continued. rooms. will have access to a %% ide terrace running the full length of the Because of the increased numbers building. with a sotith-w estcrly aspect tinder the at training. College and a view of the valley. Keyhani, which is required by the The leg of the 1" at the rear of the Admiralty for another purpose, has building comprises only one store)' 0 to had t be retained provide sonic (if the necessarv accommodation ~and and includes the galley and mess is approached from the at the tinie some 150 oflicers room, which hall entrance through the ma iii stairand ,,till live to and Ironi hall or ]*he mess hall is case lover. NI aiEi(It)il each tI;i\'.
present there
A Rd I lI'ECI'UR Al. NOTES Al.I. i'l IF perni.inent buildings at NI an a (fill) ha s c been " design ed and carried out b% the NI ;ii i str v of Works.. The officers* quarters. ii )% under conanchored 11 \. single stern anchor in roughly 180 fathonis. So ti.esonie had the hauling to the surface of the electric lamp cable beconic on the earlier dives. that it ,.as decided to ltn er the lanip separately front the chamber and lease 'It suspended near the sea bed. 1 his saved precious manpower. but was possibly disturbing to the (liver in the chamber. Front leaving the surface here the turning everysunlight lit the thing the palest green, through the layers of plankton. alternating with patches quite devoid of life. the green heconiing ever deeper until only the luminous dial of the depth gauge could he seen, the light fading cornplctely from the surface. Then sudanother denly through layer of phosphor-brightened plankton and the startling request from the surface"Report your depth by gauge. diver." bringing one urgently from a port to peer at the gauge. make a report. then hurriedly hack. to gaze fascinated into the blackness outside. hoping every minute to see the glow of the lamp hundreds of feet below. Continuing the descent, hearing only the occasional clink of the slings oil the top of the chamber. one begins to wonder, "Is the light really switched on"-or has it been crushed beneath file enornious of c ater above it. I s it imagination. but was that a faint glow' a few seconds ago. then miraculously the lamp swings into w ith view -a an bright pinpoint halo of 3(X) feet opaque light nearly
capable of seating 350 officers. With a view to increasing the general air of spaciousness. a feature of the interior design is the use of glazed t o note that screens. I t is panelling from the I oudro au t may he for one of the guest riiiis.
below. the water incredibly clear at this level. The lamp. having a cup-shaped reflector behind t, casts a b'c:i in of about 120 degrees and as it ss1/4 ings and twists illuminates on I i t hiii that he:ini. everything else seeming in contrast so much more demise and black. The descent, previously so smooth, suddenly becomes disturbed and the chamber takes on an acute angle. almost as if it were becoming buoyant and passing through a saltier layer of water; hardly time to start worrying about this. before the 1escent becomes normal again with the lamp seeming to rush up to meet the chamber. Without any warning. the lamp twists and the beam of light. now a little above the level of the ch;tnih.r. falls on a distant black shadow-"check lowering"-even as the sords are tittered the feet of the chamber strike hard into a solid ledge of rock and the weight of the slings take the chamber almost to a hunzon hi I position. with a lurch the chamber skids down the side of the unseen cliff and once more becomes vertical--a quick glance at the gauge confirms the depth at well over I .0(X) feet. With the slight movement of the ship above, the light. once casting a friendly beam now becomes obscured behind goodness knows what, and only by hoisting the chamber about ten feet can the loom of the light once more be seen faintly gIos ing (Continued
Page 7. ('vi. I)
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The observation chamber surfaces
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ALTHOUGH THE fighting Terneraire is a name to conjure with and carries battle honours which include Trafalgar. it had lapsed for some time until it was revived a year ago as the shipname of the new Upper Yardmen College at South Qucenshury in Scotland. Since the inception of the scheme in 1937, upper yardmen have had many homes. They have been housed in H.M.S. Coflingwood and H.M.S. Raleigh: have occupied Exhury House on the Bcaulieu River and the former Berihow Quarters at Dartmouth. The previous ship-name. H.M.S. Hawke, must have been familiar to many readers. Promotion direct from the lower deck to a full career as an officer goes hack almost as far as the Navy can be traced, but the methods of achieving the transition have varied over the years. Many of our older readers will remember the mate whereby outstanding ratings were given a very brief course and were then promoted mate and thereafter lieutenant and above. This system was found to have the defects of too short a period of training and a rank on promotion which distinguished the holder from his cadet-entry contemporarics. So it was that the present system was evolved just before the war to overcome these deficiencies. Under the new scheme. training was longer and the successful candidates were promoted Acting Sub-Lieutenant on completion of the course. From then on their training and promotion were identical with those of the cadet-entry with whom they were integrated for courses at Greenwich and Portsmouth. To those in the transition stage of this new concept was given the title "upper yardrnen" an echo of sailing ship days when outstanding men were always allotted to the upper yards. Nor today is there any easy road to becoming an upper yardman, although the scheme is wide open to the man with intelligence and charactor. A "white paper" earmarking a man as a candidate may be started
Norwegian Venture
tied fran, Page 6) behind a pinnacle of rock. One's impressions down there are somewhat mixed, so much has happened in the twenty minutes since leaving the surface. One minute vertical cliffs, possibly accentuated in size by alternate blackness and light. can be seen by looking through the ports in the very top of the chamber, then a few seconds later no rocks to be seen at all. everything quite placid and unnaturally quiet. It was at the depth of 1,060 feet that the chamber finally swung with occasional lurches, and close-up glimpses of barren black rock for another forty minutes while readings were taken with feeler gauges and a torch to measure the compression of the top of the chamber. With pressure at this depth of one-quarter of a ton per square inch, it was not surprising that this could be measured. Stirfacing from this depth proved uneventful as did the other eleven dives to 1.000 feet; one's only reaction being one of pleasure at experiencing something new. The trials completed, Reclaim returned to Fort William, in Scotland, to continue trials of a different nature-deep diving in a flexible suit to depths of over 400 feet using a mixture of oxygen and helium. But this is another story.
for any rating who is within the age limit. l:ron then onwards he is under observation and is given every, assistance to progress professionally and educationally and to develop his powers of leadership. He is given instruction in the duties of officer of the watch at sea and in harbour and to learn as much as possible about branches other than his own. One by one the necessary qualifications are achieved-the necessary seniority and sea service. and the passing of the educational and professional examinations. With these qualifications under his belt the C.W. candidate. provided that he is still recommended. is eligible to appear before a Fleet Selection Board in the command in which he is serving. If he is successful, events move quickly. He is drafted to Portsmouth, where he takes a three weeks' course preparatory to attending the Admirally Interview Hoard which sits at Gosport. If he passes this board the candidate goes at once to H.M.S. Temeraire and becomes an upper yardman. From that moment both branch and former rate cease to have any significance. As an upper yardman he is distinguished by a white cap band and white shoulder flashes. and is treated as a junior officer on probation. He lives in the wardroom with the officers who are training him. he attends guest nights at which the guest of honour is usually of Flag or Captain's rank and he undertakes such duties as mess secretary and wine caterer. Towards the end of his course he acts as Officer of the Day. Although a Duty Staff Officer is always available for consultation. an tipper yardman is usually by this time fully capable of dealing with all contingencies on his own initiative. The first impression of any upper yardman joining H.M.S. Ternerairc is that he is expected to work and play at a pace which at first seems literally impossible. Later he will find that he can take in his stride a full participation in all sport and all mess activities. in addition to working at professional and educational studies far into the night.
All upper yardmen are required to become proficient umpires and referees. and the aim is to produce an officer who can help his ship and divisional teams in this way or by coaching, rather than to develop individually expert performers. Cricket. rugger, soccer, hockey. squash and tennis are played by all upper yardmen, and a very full fixture list is maintained against service and civilian sides, the latter including the former pupil as well as the school teams of the many public schools which abound in the Edinburgh district. During the first year in Scotland the cricket and rugger teams have more than held their own, and the hockey team has had only one goal scored against it. To add to these laurels the ship's company. at that time seventeen strong and consisting almost entirely of cooks and stewards, succeeded in winning the Port Edgar soccer cup. The Firth of Forth and the North Sea breed a hardy sailor, and much time is spent afloat. Watchkeeping. pitotage and navigation are taught in two NI.F.Vs. and in Sea Breeze, a fifty -square -metre Windfall yacht. Dinghy sailing takes place almost daily. During the course upper yardmen spend at least a fortnight at sea in the wardroom of a destroyer or frigate, usually in the Second Training Squadron at Portland or in the Portsmouth Squadron. Initiative and endurance are fostered by all-night exercises for which the Firth of Forth. the Pentland Hills and the rolling West Lothian countryside provide an ideal setting. Climbing, and in winter skiing. are readily at hand. Edinburgh and in particular the University have much of interest to the upper yardman and the course includes a week in London where visits are made to places as widely dissimilar as the House of Commons and Fords Motor Works; Lloyds and the Daily Express. In the initial ages most upper suffer from a degree of yardmen mental indigestion and physical nearexhaustion. Slowly they discover that they have a capacity for work which surprises even themselves and an ability to think. talk and write on a broad range of subjects which had formerly been unfamiliar. The journal in which they record daily their refleclions on world affairs ceases to lie a tribute to the leader writers of the more responsible newspapers and becomes the product of original thought. It is probably at this stage that the upper yardman finds that a em host of other things suddenly easy and natural-taking charge of Divisions, navigating the M.F.V: to lnvergordon or Dundee, organising cricket fixtures. entertaining Admirals or merely conducting experiments in the laboratory without causing disaster. It is all part of the process of transformation, a process which most Acting Sub-Lieutenants who pass out of H.M.S. rerncraire will admit was rather fun while it lasted. The Qualifications The regulations governing promotion from the lower deck to Acting Sub-Lieutenant (General List) and full details of the qualifications required are contained in Q.R.and A.I. Appendix I, Part 2 and in A.F.O. 27&6!55. Those for promotion to Acting Sub-Lieutenant (Supplementary List) for flying duties are in .A.F.Os. 1090! /56 and 10911s6.
( ( QUills
Biggest Exercise of the Year for Naval Reserves
COASTAL MINESWEEPERS from each of the twelve divisions of the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve and some 700 resent officers and ratings will be taking part in "Wavex 1V." largest Naval nerve exercise of the year, starting at Invergordon on Monday. July 23. With the exception of three minesweepers manned by regular R:N. personnel, all of the vessels partictpaling in the exercise, which involves live days' training in minesweeping. have ships' companies made up entirely of members of the R:N.V.It. The R.N.V.R. will also provide the staff for their maintenance, while the Women's Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve will be helping to operate the shore wireless and signal station being set up at Invergordon. Operations will be directed by Cap:. W. S. Dobson. V.R.D., R.N.V.R.. Commanding Officer of the Clyde Division R.N.V.R.. which has its headquarters at Glasgow. who, with his staff will be in the support ship H.M.S. Blackburn.
ec_,;. _,;s -
FOR THEIR cruise in the Western Isles during August, Her Majesty the Queen and His Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh will embark in the Royal Yacht Britannia at Barrowin-Furness on August 11. During the cruise the Royal Yacht will he escorted by H.M.S. Orwell. a frigate of the Portsmouth Command. and H.M.S. Clyde. Coastal Minesweeper of the Clyde Division R.N.V.R" The Clyde, with H.M.S. Dee, a Seaward Defence Boat of the Liverpool Division R.N.V.R., will also escort the Royal Yacht into and out of the Approaches to Barrow-inFurness.
The Royal Yacht's programme is as follows:August II-Sail from Barrow-inFurness. August 12-lona. l3-Oban. Duart Bay and August . 1 oberniory. August 14-Kyle Akin and Dunvegan. August 14115-Castle Bay. Barra. August 15-Loch Boisdale. August 15/17-Cruising. August 17-Loch Maddy. August 17/18-Loch l'arbcrt. August 18-Storrioway. August 19/21-Leith.
'I-BE CRUISER Royalist, acquired by the New Zealand Government from the Admiralty. was officially banded over by the First Lord of the Admiralty (the Rt. Hon. Viscount Cilccnnin of Hereford) to the Prime Minister of New Zealand (the Rt. Hon. S. G. Holland. C.l1.) at a cereniony at Devonport on July. 9. The Royalist. which has been coni-
missioned in the United Kingdom. has a complement of about 550 oflicers and men. including some men recruited in Britain. She is commanded by Capt. P. Phipps. I).SC. and Bar. R.N.Z.N., who brought the Bellona back to Plymouth in December last when the ship concluded a period of loan service with the Royal New Zealand Navy.
[[[[ Keil to koge by Bicycle
DURING 1-I.M.S. Vigo's recent visit to Denmark, a party of 14 cyclists were disembarked at Kiel for a 400 kilometre cycle trip to the town of Koge. which is situated on the east coast of the island of Zealand approximately 38 kilometres from Copenhagen. They left the ship at Kid in a violent thunderstorm, with a farewell message from the Captain of "don't get your feet wet." On the first night they were accommodated at H.M.S. Royal Charlotte the naval establishment in Kid. The next morning turned out to he tine. and the party set off for the Youth Hostel at Kollund. which is situated on the Danish side of the German/Danish
border. They had travelled but 200 yards when one of the cyclists had a burst iyre. this was soon patched, however, and they continued on into the German countryside in bright sunshine. On this day they passed through the towns of Eckenforde. Schleswig and Flenshurg, and covered 86 kilometres, which constituted the longest stage of the journey.
Cycling proved to he much easier on the second day. where they found flat roads instead of the cobbled ones of the previous day. A feature of many of the roads in l)enniark was -H'
On July 26 and 27, the Admiral Commanding Reserves (Rear-Admiral (3. Thistkton-Smith, C.B.. G.M.) will fly his flag in H.M.S. 'l'eazer, a frigate commanded by Cdr. R. S. Forest, RN. Two-thirds of the Teazer's ship's company will be made up of R.N.V.R. officers and ratings. On the completion of the exercise on Saturday of next week, most of the participating ships leave on short cruises to Scandinavian ports. R.NV.R. coastal minesweepers in "Wavex IV" are: H.M.S. Killiecrankie, 1-I.NI.S. Curzon, H.M.S. Northumbria, H.NI.S. Thames, H.M.S. Humber, Ii.NI.S. Montrose, HJS1.S. Venturer, H.M.S. Warsash, H.M.S. Mersey. H.\l.S. Clyde. H.M.S. St. David, H.M.S. Kilniorcy. The R.N. minesweepers taking part in the exercise are the l.etterston rl.ieut.-Cdr. J. G. Davies, R.N.). the Darlaston (Lieut.-Cdr. R. A. MorganJones. R.N.) and the Clarhe'aon (lieut.-Cdr. F. Cracknell, R.N.).
a path running parallel with the main road. built especially for cyclists. A wet start marked the beginning of the second stage, but after a while the rain cleared up. and they covered the 78 kilometres to Kolding. after passing through the towns of Aahenraa and Haderslev (where they stopped for lunch). The main feature of this run was the crossing of the magnificent Lillibaeltsbroen Bridge. which joins the mainland with the island of f:y On the next day they had the best of the weather. and they cycled on in blazing sunshine to the lovely town of Odense, the birthplace of I-fans Christian Andersen. where many of the party visited the house in which he was horn. On the following day rain persisted throughout, but they continued with relentless enthusiasm, and after passing across the ferry from Nyhorg to Korsor. 14 very wet cyclists arrived at the Youth Hostel at Ringsted for the last all night stop, where they enjoyed a meal of hamburger steaks. new potatoes and ice cream. The following morning they set off on the remaining 36 kilometres to Koge, and arrived on board the ship ill the very best of spirits. afte r a really pleasant outing, and one which all of them enjoyed immensely.
At your service . .
Dinghies returning from a regatta
13 Clarendon Road, Southsea ''p'
ance was that oI L/Pa t . Suni uneis ot R.N.H. %%h() won the 220 yds.. 440 yds. and 88() yds. events. Admiral Earl Nlountbatten visited Plymouth oil July. 13 and officiated at a stone-laying ceremony at the Manadon Engineering College During the ceremony, the First Sea Lord offered a prayer written by his friend, the late Lieut.-Cdr. Lord Hugh lieresford ho was killed during the bombing raid that sunk H.M.S. Kelly off Crete. In her short wartime life this ship upheld the finest traditions of the Royal Navy. This was reflected in her first lieutenant's words:
Nay Days
Among the ships present for the August Navy, Days will he Ark Roal, Centaur, Apollo, Orwel I , Comet. St. Kitts. Cavendish and the submarines Andrew. Selene, Subtle anti 1hulc.
H.M.S. TIIESEUS IT WAS the end of May, but in H.M.S. Iheseus summer was not in. The Captain exhorted. the Commander heat his breast. the I irst a lieutenant wept salt tears. three-month refit in Portsmouth Dockyard, the ship was not beautiful to behold. The broadcast system was erratic The SR.E., in a desperate attempt to match the prevailing mood. wore its record of "Life gets lee-jus" to a thin wail. From the four corners of the earth came the returning trainees. to face the realities 01 life after months of the comforts of Victoria Barracks. H.M.S. St. Vincent and II.M.S. Vanguard. The ship's company, hailed them with joy. fondly pressing upon them such welcoming gifts as squeegees, buckets. ScIubbets, ! paint pots. The Shipwright Officer atnl his staff went quietly mad and. Is ! everyone else was too busy it) notice them. carne quietly sane again. 1 he seven (Lt vs' coin menced.
sit tjiis'
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Company Dances
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Make your first "Port of Call" for Dancing Radio Band Every The Savoy Ballroom. Friday
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Low Naval
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Head Office for the UNITED KINGDOM:
The guest of honour at the Armadit Dinner which preceded the Pageant was Vkcount 1-lajlsham. Q.('..acctI1 panied by senior officers of the Port and civic heads. On the previous evening the pageant was presented for relatives and friends of I-I .Sl.S. Drake's ship's company. I)n the nie night that Sit. I " Ăa ncis strolled through history on the Wardroon finding his leisure in a gargle of howls. entertainment of a more modern (though less relaxed) tkty was being installed ill another part (if the Barracks. linniedialely after the final curtain of a variety show featuring the l-ledkv Ward trio. technicians moved in to conimence the installation of (inetnaScope. RN. Barracks scored notable ill tile Plymouth Coniniand Swimining Championships (ill July, 17 l, "inning tioth the inert and %%tiiiicgi*s relay races and also the water polo filial. :\n c\cellcnt iIIdi\i(ltl.Il perform-
August. 1956
..'t the end of it. we were almos: ship-shape once more. Pausing ouR long enough to load Avgas. with all its unfamiliar hazards, we sailed for Invergordon on the first leg of our summer cruise. *the joys of Invergordori are ausbut most people succeeded in gaines. sailing-often in cornpetition with The Other or attending the highland Show at Inverness. returning from the latter with a fine display of shepherds' crook% and much wise talk o f flocks and herds. '\'e were happy to s'elcome on board 845 Squadron, whose heli0 God. our Heavenly Father. bless copters ranged on deck made us, as a our efforts to make this ship dli- carrier, feel rather less bogus. dent in Your service. llelp it,; to A projected visit to having keep in mind the real causes of been cancelled, we left in mid-June war: dishonesty, greed, selfishness for Kristiansand. ill Southern Norway, and lack of love, and to drive them the Norwegians proved most kind. out of this ship so that she may in granting its the use of an be a pattern of the new, for. island on which a large proportion of which we are fighting. the ship's company and trainees in
RN. BARRACKS, I)EVONPOR1 -"111 IS YFARS Arni;td:t Nigh Pageant traditionalk. the most important " July event ill the Drake calendarwas (iltell i u imminent &Ia uger from the summer storms that s;'et the West ('ountr\ on the two !Iighk of its presentation. Fortunately the rain held off. and the growling thunder and forked lightning provided a singularly Vagneriaii backcloth which added to the illusion of limue and space created h the pageant. The script was written by ViceAdni i r,t I I .. N. Hrownfield (Admiral Superintendent, I )evon port ) and the production s 1 S by I .Ien I .-C dr. F. F. Ivrne ( Fnteltainn)ent Officer. R.N.B.) "1 he part of Queen Elizabeth I wits played l"fl." I hI ni Officer J. Ililland, \V.R.N.S.. and that of Sir Francis Drake b Lieut.-Cdr. NI. J. (iodden. The pageant. portraying the high-lights of career and playing upon the svniholic association of the names liIiiab:th 11111 Drake. was brilliantly on the Wardrooni Lawn. tage(l turned into a cloth of gold byn massed of amber spotlights. h:ttterje elleetive :ts the final tableau in which the cast was supported by the Ceremonial Guard and the coinbilled illtie Jacket and R.M. Bands of R.N. larracks.
House 6823
under canvas. The water was too cold for swimmers other than Yogi, but the Chief Petty Officers' Mess lived even better than usual on fresh fish. Se cral very popular bus tours were ()IIZtI)iSed, a few barons vent to Oslo. and the rest of it,,, gradually got used to ordering sandwiches to keep our beer legal. traflic on the wrong side of the road. and the disturbing sight of so man blondes. On return passage to Rosvth we participated. in company with ships of the liorne Fleet and Roil Netherlands Navy. in Exercise "Fairwind". which consisted of two days' fog and one day's gates, numerous emergency turns. and the achievement of new standards of terse comment on cornpa;'; platform and in engineroom. We said mi revoir to 845 Squadron. and prep:tre(l ourselves for the rewarding toil of two very successful Navy Days'. "A fair passage (ill July 16 brought its to I . neniouth and the ell-knosii (I e o r (I i C of brand hospitality. Although we are at anchor a considerable distance off-shore. liberty-boats have not been noticeably empty,; nor. indeed. have their returning passeilgels. i pleasant visit ends on July 23 when. I'll company s ith the Other e return to Portland and :m Ship. 1e d.i C blissful of anticipation slIrulliel leL\e.
;4*:: I ,f
L r'
tIER NIAJES I V I lie Queen. aecornRoyal I-I igh ness ']lie pa nied h' I 4 i Duke of Edinburgh. visited the Royal Naval Barracks. Lee-on-Solent. on Monday. July 30. 1956. to present her Colour. 'I lie Queens Colour is a silk \Vhite Ensign vi t Ii a C ro n and 1he Royal Cypher &!i bodied . an l with a red, while and blue silk cord and gold tassels. It is carried on an ;msh stall. su rriiou nted b a gilt ltdgc consisting of the .A(liliiI:iltv anchor 'n a threefaced sh ie Id with a ( ro Ii su periin t' I setI I' Queen's Colour is held in each of the Royal >.;t;il B;irr:mcks at the home !T u C' r si'r ii..,i.::. ,iin'it ports. and in the flagship of the cornnia nder-in-ehief of each of the At Iløntc to Ireland Na \a I commands afloat. The prin-cipal I " l.\% I'I 0111.1` can have very much presen i t it'i% 0 f the Queen's Colour to idea what a considerable anount of the Royal N:n al Barracks, exti a work is required to prepare for an ---Air l)av,'' and the Station is to : bc congratulated on the enthusiasm NET Lee-on-HORN 1/4\ ith which it got down to the task of prepa ring a velcomne for 1.1itg Officer COASTAL FORCES ,\ii (home). Flag Officer living Train. i hg. tile Commanding Officers. officer.% IT IS regretted that th:re has been and 1)ei~tiziiicl of Establishments and no Ile%% 5 front Coastal I :,rce for on c :Ships iii North Ireland. and local little tine- our previous corresponinhabitants. dent got .t draft chit. Despite the usual ligI i n ion weather. I t would take tip too much space to ltnv clouds. showers and bright in - ,over all the exciting events which T erva Is. about live thousand npeople have taken place since our last eon; arrived to witness the Air Display. to I ri bu t kill. 5(1, %e will have t o look round the Static Exhibition. to (to" with a brief SLI !i 111:1 ry of the major have a go at the fun fair. and. 01 ones of the last four monihs. course, to have tea or ices. I :r()Ifl thesporting point o I view the All extremely interesting and exert. :110't ()Ii tst alid ng ach ievemnent has been ing flying display. slightly :imneinleI ;bat (if the Soccer tearn \v inn in g the 0%% i ng t 0 the deteriorating we;i t he United Services League Division I I with on their the toes. The kept public he ma-ml iticent record- Played 34. los'. in inc with a oworn 22. points 44. goals for 138. plogra began gl :. attack on the rear of a retreating against 45. The top goal scorer was rd in cloud. the roar of the rocket,, \l.(F) Snails with 36 goals. rocking the crowd. and again litter Ihe I lockey team won the Ports'I' hen (iztnnets attacked a target in mouth Command si x-a-side hockey I Lough Foyle with rocket projectiles. comnp:t it lOlL Other itenis included solo Jet aerolit the I : re I ng \Vorld I I o rrt ha t ies by Lieut. Rurk e from the Naval entered t %Vt) teains ill the I Ia rn psh ire I igh t e r School. and formation Fire Services Competition. One leitin aero-batics by 810 Squadron led by their tied for I st place with I I th Army. Fire hOfficer. Lieut.-Cdr. Brigade. Aldershot (holders for the Commanding Larnb, their box take off and stream last t %%t) years) ill the competition for landing %%e re it) say, the least startling,, Major. Pulnps. II.NI . Forces "Alderparachute descent. a dummy being shot Old Comrades' Association" Cup, used owing to a 35-knot wind. a dis- iii the record time of 26.2 seconds--play, by a Shackleton of RAE.. 3.6 seconds better than last year's time. Coastal Command from Ballykelly. The Rtlghy team shattered everyground controlled approach. fornn- body, including themselies., ill fielding t iOt flying and st ream landing by the tS%() teams in the United Services Station Gannet Squadrons. a sevens. The "A" seven surprised rescue demonstration. and the Heli-copter everybody by reaching the semi-final. concluding coined turn given by two At the time of writing the cricket Air Sea Rescue Helicopters dressed season I Ill full swing and showing III) as elephants with ears and trunk. excellent results. Hornet beat CoIlingwho had an obstacle race. %O0d in the first round of the ComA most and varied mand interesting Knock-Out cup in a very ground display was also provided in- exciting match won in the last over eluding a Static Aircraft Park. Air with the last pair together. In the Engineers Aircraft and ground equip- second round we lwat St. Vincent by : iflent, Anti-submarine Warfare, 58 runs. hornet 157, St. Vincent 99. Carrier models. Cinema show. This was the last match in which the Arm -aments, 11 1111, Electrical display. display, Captain and Secretary of the 1st Xl Photographic display, safety cquip- (Lieu t.-Cdr. Howell) was available before rnent, Fairey Aviation Co. Ltd.. Short heleft usfortheEast Indies and a frigate. Bros., of Ilarlands and a children's Good luck to him in his new job. Is creche run by the W.R.N.S. cricket played in the Persian Gulf? In Speaking as one of the spectators the semi-final we beat R.N.B. Portsfound it a most exciting and inter- mouth by I S runs in a very exciting I I esting afternoon. No sooner had the match. Hornet 120-R.N.B. 105. Middisplay finished then the rains came. shipman Main excelling himself by
Solent, is a high honour and it litting recognition of the size and status of the Fleet Air Arm. The Queen's Colour is never paraded tin board ship or on foreign territory. It is paraded on shore only. on the following ceremonial occasions : 13v it guard of honour mounted for t lie Sovereign or a nieniher of the Rova I lzimn i I y. or for t he head of a foreign state. At parades held to celebrate the birthday of the Sovereign.
On important cememiioni;tl 51(111% a'. directed.
When paraded. the Queen,' ( olour is awarded the same iiam I s of i csI)ccc as if Her Majesty were inesent. When carried ulicased it is.. all time, s.Ilutel %Sith) the highest honour' scoring 32 runs and taking six wicket, for 48. *1 he Athletic sports took place I hc Ben tin [h ti rsda v June 29. I .oniond Cup ".its won by & he I leetrical Division with 87 points with ;lie Ferry. Crews 211(1 and the ],*, Squadron e eonipeted 3rd. On Monday. July. 2. R.N.H. Ila'.Iar and I I.\I.S. Dolagainst a three-cornered in phin competition for the ---Tooth and Nail- t to ph v which %%aS won b' Dolphin with I LL' 2nd and Ilornet 3rd. Out. outstanding competitors were F.SI. Rriggs who sson it magnificent 3-mile ill 16 iilititite,~ 22 sees (with McKay of Ilaslar a fe' E.R.A. I:r;t,er won feel behind). the weight with a put of 33 ii. 7 iii.. Lieut. Keogh winning the diseils ;It 97 ft. S ill. Also worthy of incrition ,Acre ER.:. Spicer who wa s'eol1tI ill the 881) yards in 2 nun. 10 sec.. Petit second in the javelin vith a thro.v omi the of 129 ft. I I in. We ;tlo aI. tug-ofNEWS
FRO31 '111K
SQUADRONS During the noiiths of Nl:i and Jiggle the I st and 2nd F.P. 8. Squadron took part iii :t series of exercises iii the
Vt e 6-
One of the nen
August. 1956
leaving. due to the strong westerly % IIItI and %\Velh. the bar at the entrance to the Rivet. Adour was a somewhat threatening sight. and several waves broke over the bridge to the huge delight of those watching from ashore. In the September issue of NAvy Ncws it is hoped to include a report of H.N1. Submarine Artful ( IJeu t.-(dr. 1. T. NI itchelniore) on a trip to and from Be rIn ada. The Submarine Old Comrades' Association Blockhouse Reunion will lake on Saturday September 29. Those who, by virtue of service in Submarines. are entitled to seek memhership should write to the appropriate Area Secretary in the list below. !'l%.lll(flhl/l . Mr. r. J. NI a I r. 6 I crracc. Prince Rock. I'lyniotith. I I(Ibt¬Vs j ?ti,7'. . \V. S:itlIei r. H. F. 'l.. 18 Rainhain Road. Chatham. Kent. !::mt Rtth,n. Mr. J. V. Hogg. t ; Strat fo id Grove rove Terrace. Hew on, \ecastie-tin.'h\ tie. 6. 11 '(.%/ Ridi,:ç'. St r. R. C'. S. Reade. 20 Rookwith hiecle Hill, Brad"):(1 2. Yorks. S.F. Kent. XI r. SI. T. Fowier, 31 I liornhFidee Road. Deal. Kent 1.011(1(1,?. \L.. P. \%'. Elliott, 23 \orth Frih Road. West Kensington. \\'.14. flop I ,,zt Hg tit. Mr. r. I C ha ;iniztn . 9 \ct tlecornbc :1/4\ Ciltie. Southsea. 1\'urfoIL. Mr. J. I:. I Ioldsvorth. 18 lioretiec Road. 1 horpe I larulet. Nors ich. To those who renicrnber the last of the sailing l)olphins a recent letter from I .icut. C. I). Brunt of 3 Brockway Avenue. I .ayton. Blackpool, will he of er' deep interest. At the turn of the ccntur he served as a boy in I I. \I .5. l)olphin and he vividly recalls how. after taking part in the Royal Rc iew. the ship anchored for the n:ght till Lee-on-the- .Solent. The Ward Room Niess recently presented him %% ith a cop of a photograph of this Dolphin. and although it is 54 years since he left her. Brunt states that every line is as familiar now as it %%a\ then. In fact he reports that he has mark,:(] t he little spot at No. 3 Main Royal Yard where he used to stand t&) furl o; to set sail. 01 Blockhouse News the recent flr&i. ruot ions (if Sti rg.-('dr. A. F. Elati nery. O.B.F.. to Stirg.-Capt. and Cdr. P. Ci. Sharp. l).S.C.. to Captain aftordcr a ser' (le'll satisfaction lo all ill the Peninsula its. too. ere the proniot ions of I .ietit.-(lr. ,\ COlelilali and I .ieut.(rd. J. R. Pardoc to Commanders. Capt. P. U. Sharp. l).S.('.. has been relieved by I.ieut.-Cdr. F. N. StephenStill who ant I I recently was Commanding Officer of H.M.S. Magpie on the South Atlantic Station. Within the last few tuotit hs the ship not only landed the Gough Wand Scientific Expedition (ill rristziii da ('unha. and also acted as guardship ;it Lagos and Port I I a rcour t during tier -Majesty 1 he Qtieen's tour of Nigeria but found opportunity :o exercise six veeks ith I I.\1. Submarine Acheron. A niore detailed study of subinarining vas niade when Cdr. Stephenson a tla at sea ill II.M. Submarine Aeheron the day of the whole six cccks!
! I
OL4Ij1t TO TARE ROYAL N.AVAL OLENT, :iiiii. .P1JL'%, 1954; tier Nlajestv :ts received :U the the parade by Plag Officer Air (Home) and by the Commodore. Ro;i I N avu I Barracks. 11cr Niajesly was dressed in a mountain-blue coat over a matching hitic-and-white printed silk dress and close-filling. flowered hat. and the Duke of Edinburgh ' ore the uniform of an Admiral ()t the Fleet. 1 he Queen inspected the Royal Guard and the COtipaniec on parade, and the trooping of the massed hands. After Ct)IISeCIatit)I% by the of the Fleet. tile Colour %%,its handed it) Her Majesty, who presented it it) th, Colour Officer. and ;itidrcssed the parade. Her Majesty said that she had given her to the Royal Naval Barracks. Lee-on-Solent. in order to recognise the dcv ci opuient oftthe part p1 a ved h' the Fleet Air Arm iii the Royal
Navy. and of its tati galarit and achievements. stich as tinguished 1'aranto. The ('oi ott r. I-Ic r Majesty said. had woven into I t a record of inva and gallant service and was the enihtidirnent Of the achievements of Naval airmen over the past 42 years. /' reply was rua(lc In the Coinmodore. who thanked tier Majesty for ille honour she [lad bestowed on the Fleet Air Arm in presenting her He concluded his reply by calling for three cheers for 11cr Majesty. "l"lii: parade then marched past Her Majesty (and there took place a flypast h aircraft of the Fleet Air Arm). After tile ceremony some senic r ratings and their wives were presented to Her Majesty. who attended a reception in the Mess and was entertained at luncheon h the Flag Officer Air ( I ionic).
Baltic % ith the Danish and Ntiix%~,tiiiii high speed eo:t..tal craft. 1 he hit ricac vatert.t1 c. tiitilti:tilc of islands and weather COtUhgene: a h tiOlS to he found in the vicinity 'f I )cnnia rk make the a re;t wholly sal:able for :xcrci'ing coastal force %%;t:fare, most of which is carried out at night and at high speeds. In addition to these o'erat utinal l)ctiriia rk oilers niuch t o those seek i ag Ic Isti re :t iid pleasure ashore. Copenhagen. ."\ arhu s. (ji"cnaa_ t\ahborg ;tilt] a host of st.rl ve:c visited and fishing harhotirs evervwhe ic a pronounced spirit kif lout (It' virre I)revai leti. No doubt mans bigger chips arc enviotis of our ScaIldin,L\ ian activities which cover tip to tell weeks each year, but can only point out if they ean shrink it) 71o feet ill length and six feet in draught i:e to join tic: providint: the can catch tic.
for supreiii:tc between Dolphin II and the Supply and Secretariat. iii the early stage,; the J:t).t \I.(t.)s were well I ahead hut the slowly lost ground as the a ft en)oon advance. I t was to see entrants heartening gaining. point,; to such degree that. at the close of the day. they had fotigh their %V.IV to third place. To the SliloOth organisation of the occasion thanks arc (fit.. to l.icut. NI. Prickett F. Baker. (Sports Officer) and Mrs. C. I). A. Gregory. wife of Capt. D. A. Gregory. l).S.O. (;. R.N. H.M.S. Dolphin). presented the cups and prizes. The following results give the team piacines at the COlicitisiOti of the rn:eI ing Dolphin II. 89: Supply and 74: II.M. Submarine Trespasser. 65; Fort 64: Reserve Groups * 38; 11.M. Submarine Artemis. 31; l-l.M. Submarine 25: li.R.As.. 13: Miscellaneous. 13.. Fort Seamen. 5. The triangular Sports Meeting between 1-lasiar. H.M.S. Hornet and 1)01 .IH IN'S SP() )R1 S Day p.tssd }-l.\1.S. Dolphin. took place a few --crc day,; after Dolphin's Sports Day. and pleasantly enoti gh no tCCL rd c ,,battered and. de'pite the dreary rog- although I-I a si ar svori the 100 and 220. titist icit iOU. ---it alwa s rains on Sports t:Oster and Barker won the 440 and Day." the day, was attended with every half mile for Dolphin respectively. genial svtn ptotn of C IitiUl te. Much of Farther successes in the field events the interest as centred on the strugIe gave Dolphin the lead. and the final scores were Dolphin 109. 1-laslar 91. and 87. I-I . NI . Submarine Alliance ( heatCdr. H. R. (latterhuck). recently commissioned for service with the 6th ill he leaving for Canada Squadron. in Septenilier. It is the first boat to have a large percentage of Canadian ratings as crew and, it is hoped. while ill Canadian waters. opportunity illay he found to visit Vancouver. HAM. Submarine Arnhash (1.ieut.-Cdr. Boyle) 4-- i which has recently, returned from 1JLtaL 1 Canada travelled some 34.0(X) miles :. during the commission. and Alliance may well exceed this figure. Recent visitors to 1). shown around Alliance were a group of the Master Mariners
Secre-tariat. Tapir.
Dar Class Bouts
The rise in pity. arid the ehatige of style of the Navy's youngest sailors are not the only innovations of the last four nionths. At the beginning of the So ninier term the first i cc ía i tmen of Junior Electrical Mechanics joined St. Vincent to start their a aining alongside Junior Seamen. At the same I i rile our sister establishment. H . N I .5. Ganges, started training Junior Naval Airmen anti l it g t n e e r Junior Mechanics. For the junior seariien :i further interest has been added to the course the introduction tit' by specialisi qualification selection in their sitecrith week. This is preceded by a round of visits to the specialist schools and lays to sca with the Portsmouth Squadron. all of which helps the juniors to assess their suitability for Gunnery. T.A.S. or Radar Plotting aided also by the P.5.0. On May 25 we said good-Me it) our elder brothers. the junior scanien of the Training Squadron whose ships. lheseus and Ocean. had finished their refits in Portsmouth and I )cvon port Dockyards. We hope the' enjocd their stay with its as much as e enjoyed having them. \Ve were in tinny ways sorry, to see them go. May. 31 was hot and sumincry ill spite of a still breeze. and was not an ideal day for standing still on parade. However, the Queen's Birthday Parade on Sout hsea C o rn iii oil went well and the juniors did themselves and their instructors great credit by their sniart turn-out and trill. It has been said that their rii:trching as second only in style t o the Royal Niarines---Oh'.and perhaps No. I ha toon from Whale Island! lit spite of the strain of the great occasion (which proved too much for sonic of the older men on parade as sell as for juniors) the day was much enjo\ cd by all-an exciting forenoon followed by a wel I-deserved make-a ii (I-inch l. Days out of routine are popular amongst all sailors. and the junior is no exception. Thus, the visit to the iI.M.S. ST. VINCENT Royal Tournament on June 20 was icw popular from every point of 11e Training Establishment a day free front Instruction. a er Is No Longer pleasant round trip to London ill BOY SIi\I EN turned in for the Southdown coaches arid an excellent night on Saturday. March 31. and show at 1trl's Court as the ohj:cti c. turned out oil S11111Liv. April 1. its The applause of 400 cailitisiastic Junior Seamen. This \as all very juniors must have made :ill a \cr age well on paper, hut verbal modes of afternoon audience seeni like a g ecord address took some adjusting. (Congin,u'gI on Page 10. Col. I) -s.-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
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AN ()\I INOUS d.tte. Friday. July 13. sash" the return of l-1.\l.5. Loch Fad:a to the Persian Gulf. after an absence of stilile four months: a ii absence which in some ways we (lit] not want to end. Needless to sit. our second spell in these waters. which the calming effect of oil seems t o make none the less troublesome. is going to he much hotter than our first spell when. way hack in December and January. day temperatures of as low, as 65 degrees were recorded. Now, we shall be lucky to see the thermometer drop below 85 degrees. During the first tour of duty ill the Gulf. after having spent Christmas in Kuwait. visits to Persia, Iraq anti the Sheikhdoms of the Trucial Coast. opened our eves to the Arab way of life. Khor Kuwai. a desolate and altilost uninhabited anchorage at the entrance to the Gulf. was popular if (iiiIV for the sw i turn ing and beer each evening; bill ill Addition. the site of a rather prinlitive cricket and hockey pitch was discovered nearby. and used oil a number of occasions for enjoy a IiI e it' not wholly profitable practice matches. Early on in this period. the Medical Officer had been involved in a transfer at sea drani:t. vhen the ship s .rs tiis erted to close the R. LA. Wave Master, one of hose crew. who, led by Capt. Cooper (Boat suffering from a dangerous abscess in Steerer), sho ed a keen interest and the iiion th . was. O great pain. Our departure from the Gulf in appreciation in the visit. I-f.M. Sobmarine Sea Seotit A. .1. Whet- early March as hasts to say the stone) after exercises off Ireland least. \Ve proceeded with all dispatch recently visited. in company with ships towards Aden for an unknown of the 3rd lrziiiiititz Squadron. Bayonne. opera commitment. -tional After three days, The visit was cry much cnjocd. On A C were di' erted to \t oinliasa. where.
upon ;irri\ al one week .iftcr having left Bahrein. t embarked Archbishop Niakarios and three other Cypriot Deportees. Our visit to the Sechelles, whither we were taking these' people. had only one fault: it was riot long enough-hut then no visit to these Paradise Islands could be. In spite of Lenten restrictions ill a predominantly R (iffla ii Catholic population. the Sevchellois gave its a reception which none of it,., is I ik el to forget. We arrived in Colombo for our refit. and took station leave at the l)iyatalawa Rest ('anip in the hills of ('cv I on . .\ t .1 rincontt lee we acconipatiied lI.\I..S. Superb while she was working up. lit addition there were several shorts fixtures. on grass pitches t(ir Zt change. and visits to the ancient city of .Aiitir;rdha1,tira and to Sigiriva Rock. Loch Ii(kI set oil for the West Coast of India at the end ill' May. The ship paid iii Itirni:t I visits to 0C5ochin. Boinltt and Karachi. and the entire ship's company at each place was on the receiving end tf iilo'.t generous hospitality. LJnfortunatcl. June is the t i rue (it' .cat. %%bell the' South-West Nt {)tIs()()it visits the West Indian Coast, with heavy rains. great humiditV and a strong swell. len days at Aden provided an opl)tlrt an i I y to buy "ra bhit s.' A sandstorm and an Ca rI v departure were the high-lights of the visit. An early departure was made because the ship %y"5 ordered to steani. at high speed I0 the position of a merchant ship. s.S. (Toi:t ha uk . running out of fuel and in heavy seas. She was located and led h its to a Ii anchorage in the fee of the island of Socon.a. off the most easterly tip tit' Africa. 'there we waited with her until the R.] A. Wave Sovereign arrived 1with fuel. Back ill the Gulf. and in Bahrein once niore. vc are cage rl awaiting the time (it our ariival in l'onipey in November.
Order. 1) 0 lillY BETTER AT IJER%;tIt I)S
N(tt'(ll and Civilian Tailors and Outfitter .
COMMAND NEIVS (continued)
"house" to the performers in the Ark Royal. Against a Weymouth side recently he showed that he has lost arena. This summer has been a good one none of his old form by scoring an for the juniors' first cricket team, and undefeated eighty-three. On Saturday. June 23, the annual among our successes was a convincing 22 runs when R.N.V.R. Regatta was held in Portvictory over Ganges by thc visited us early in July. Listeners land and the competitors in this to the I1.B.C. Light Programme may popular event. who travelled from all have heard rather a misleading report parts of the country, were accomin a programme called "Hello. Nium" modated in Osprey over the week-end. On July 4. the ('onimander-inon July 9. It is perhaps appropriate to correct here in print any Chief flew to Portland by helicopter which may he circulating! livery to unveil the nienioriaI to 1..1s,-a. Mantle. V.C. Mantle was year. during the first week-cud in July. Jack and II .Nt .S. his \'.C. posthtinniusly after from Ganges awarded sportsmen 11..\1.S. (the Fisg:trd Apprentices being mortally wounded on board .1" raining Establishment at lorpoi nt) H.N1.S. Fovylcbank when German gather at St. Vincent. All three estab- dive-btmhers attacked Portland Harlishinents compete against each other, bour on this day in 1940. The over the week-end. at cricket. sailing. memorial takes the form of a Stan athletics. swimming and water polo. lounge. situated high in the grounds This year. contrary to reports, St. of R.N. Hospital and overlooking the Vincent beat Ganges at cricket and at harbour. Mantle's parents from his ath!ctics and drew the water polo native Southampton. with the Mayor match. St. Vincent heat both Ganges of Weymouth and Chairman of Portand 1-isgard in the sailing race. lis- land U.D.C. were there to witness the gard. with about one year's advantage ceremony. A Cin-C\ guard of fortyin age. had the edge on its at athletics, eight under the command of Licut. cricket and water polo although we c;askiri provided by Osprey. beat them at swimming. We were. The Morse Cup and medals were turn. beaten by Ganges at swimming. presented to the stall of the Second This. of course. is an entirely Training Squadron by Mrs. Morse. unbiacd way of putting it. wife 01 the donor. Rear-Adniiral Athletics. hitherto a cinderella sport H. Ii. Morse. on July 9. when they Tile at St. Vincent. has taken a leading won the Portland Rifle Two fixin summer's this sport. part Competition. tures were made with Gosport Athletic A very successful Junior Ratings' (lob: lioth were a great success and Dance was held in the Queen Hall. \Ve hope to repeat them next year, Weymouth. on July 17. Capt. and together with some fixtures against Mrs. Baliour. Cdr. Eyre and several other schools. officers attended. Bill Maynard, of Sports Day,. which is always looked IV fame. and other stars of the forward to with enthusiasm, was no Weymouth Summer Show put in an exception this year. The weather held appearance, Maynard giving a cabaret us in suspense all day. but in fact it turn ltte in the evening. only rained during the tea interval At the end of August. we shall be which upset nobody. losing Inst.-Lieut.-Cdr. Blakeley who Many, distinguished people have is so well known to most of us in visited us during the term, the out- the T.A.S. Branch. He is leaving the standing day being Sunday. May 27. service to take up a post with the when the Commander-in-Chief accom- Bristol Aeroplane Company and parpanieJ by Lady Creasy, visited us. ticularly wishes to thank all T.A.S. The Commander-in-Chief inspected instructors in both Osprey and Vernon Divisions and then presented the for their help and loyalty during the B.LM, to our well-loved canteen past fourteen years. manager. Mr. Arthur 1-lindry. Mr. Hindry has long associations with St. Vincent or Iorton Barracks as it was known when he served here as a Royal Marine long before it was convcrtcd for use as a Boys' Training Establishment. Mr. Hindry returned here finally after the last war and has been manager for over ten years, ably assisted in the Juniors' Canteen by Mrs. 1-lindry. .1 he C.-in-C.'s visit was a great occasion for the new entry, juniors; it was their first march past and also visitors' day, when as many of their parents. relations and friends as could travel here. came to watch Divisions and attend church. Alter church. the Commander-in-Chief and Lady Creasy talked with parents of the new entries. What a great introduction to the Roal Navy for the latter. there are still several events to come before the Summer term ends on August 17. The annual Field Gun competition--a simpler version of the great Royal Tournament competition between the four Port Divisions always arouses much enthusiasm among St. Vincent's four divisions. This is followed by the aquatic sports. for which we are hoping the rain keeps away this year. As usual. of course. the term will end in a welter of school examinations just to give the juniors an even sharper appetite for leave.
when Arid threw open its gates to the public for its annual "At Home." Over 5,000 visitors took advantage of the occasion which was officially opened by the Mayor of Winchester. During the air display processions of Seahawks. Vampires, Wyverns, Sea Fireflies, Venonn, Gannets, and hurtled across the airfield in a thrilling display of aerobatics, and helicopters demonstrated sea rescue methods. In contrast the graceful silent performance of a glider was fully appreciated. Other displays such as fire-lighting and physical training added variety to the entertainment. The hangars and instructional rooms contained static displays from a model of the Navys first airship to guided seapons. Sideshows. cheap flights. film shows, and a host of other attractions provided a continuous round of enjoyment. Ceremonial Sunset. Beating the Retreat. and Evensong at the Church of St. Nlichagl brought a memorable day to a close. Although complete figures are not yet available it is expected that Naval charities will benefit to the extent of some hundreds of pounds.
SINCE LAST going to press. the Wardroom have succeeded in retainirlIz for the third successive time. the! "Chipped Bat" by heating the officers of H.M.S. Vernon in the annual cricket match at Portsmouth. It was quite a close game. but the resolute defence of Mr. Amos. our shipwrighi: officer. enabled us to win by one ickct. Our first eleven has recentl received a very welcome addition iiiI P.O. (oles, who has returned to u'; Z1 ft er eighteen morith on board the
IN COMMON probably with most establishments the Summer Term in H.NI .5. Arid has been full of activity. On Wcdneday. May 30. the Sports Day was held and aided perhaps by
the ideal weather. Arid records were broken with a regularity which might have been described as monotonous but for the terrific excitement and enthusiasm engendered. Then on June 12 and 11. Flag Ground Training., conducted Officer. a full scale inspection so the sseeks S ; ;-''s to the Admiralty. M.O.S. & G.P.O of preceding scere far from, idle. The inspection \% as most t horo ugh . but At; v}ien the Admiral addressed the ship"' company he expressed himself itIi the result. Instead as sel I pleased of the customary evolutions. the oft the %% hich rounded INCLUDING exercises involved dealing with the occasion . AUTOMATIC VOLTAGE after effects of an atomic explosion REGULATORS. which was supposed to have taken miles away. Some of the . ROTARY TRANSFORMERS place some who arrived in search of "refugees" succour were perhaps inclined to . MOTOR GENERATORS allow their enthusiasm to run away %% ith them, but aid and comfort - were NEWTON BROTHERS(DERBY)LTD LTCI provided for those requiring it. On Saturday, June , came what I ALFRETON ROAD DERBY the culminating point, I was probably
ll.M.S. Eagle
OUR FIRST Summer Cruise was carned out between June 2 and 30, 1956, during which time Eagle launched over 600 sorties, the total mileage being equal to one aircraft flying round the
countries would tilt the balance in The favour of the British Navy. Istanbul will remember of people these sailors as true gentlemen who, contary to others, not only visited the
:- --
H.M.S. SCORPION is now reaching The flight deck during a party, for 400 children at Istanbul the end of her first General Service Commission. and is shortly to reduce Equator twelve times. The ports of city but tried to entertain the people to reserve in Portsmouth. Istanbul and Beirut were visited where h arranging ceremonies. parties for It is pleasant to be nostalgic and we enjoyed lavish hospitality from the the children, etc." look back on some of the high-lights local the communities. At Beirut on June 19, Eagle gave of the last eighteen months; our first tours around both these were a places flying display, for the Lebanese efforts at shooting and A.B.C.D.. tile President and another children's party very popular. regatta at Marniarice (how we sweated Istanbul a large crowd watched was held on board. One sightseeing At and how badly we did), the wonder- the ceremony of Beating the Retreat. tour especially interesting was a visit ful summer in the Mediterranean and On June 12. a flying display was given to Damascus. the terrible rain in Gibraltar. The for the President We took part in one major excerand Senior Naval panic before Captain (DYs inspection Oflicers. and a party for 400 children cisc "Thunderhead" in the Gull of because of that rain-red lead all over was held on hoard. The ship's team Genoa area with the American 6th the upper deck- and the delights, Stadium Fleet under the command of Rearfootball at the hianbul played despite the cold, of being home for a team which had local just Admiral Pine, U.S.N. This fleet Christmas. Other things come to mind against the included the aircraft carriers Intrepid returned from against playing from our Mediterranean time, a Moscow we lost. and Ticonderoga. Eagle acquainted Dynamos. Although gentlemanly patrol off Cyprus before it was a fine hard match. herself well by making controlled the serious Eoka business, the pyrain The interceptions against "enemy" aircraft report appeared mids at Cairo. ferry boat duties as the one of following Istanbul's shortly with her Seahawk and Wyvern air"Star of Sliema," the gunner claim- after we sailed: daily papers the Navies craft to the tune of 110 interceptions "Although ing a sleeve, and the jolly in Sicily. of the U.S.. against 198 aircraft. countries including many Then there was the time when station- France, Pakisthe 1 he fleet were also harassed by Brazil. Argentine. ing distance was '1.000 miles apart," tan and Russia have been to Istanbul. "enemy" submarines. the Gannet antithe Squadron being split between none have been able so draw the affec- submarine aircraft took care of these U.K.. Gibraltar. Malta and Cyprus. ticn and the interest enjoyed by British and claimed five "kills" and two and the great occasion when we were sailors. .1 he people of Istanbul have "probables." all together at Oran for the first time This excercise lasted four days from the in eight months. Our best sporting been particularly impressed by June 25 to 29 when we left the fleet British sailors' courteous behaviour achievement was the water polo team, in and and set course for Malta, disembarktheir conveyances public undefeated by a service side, unlike of the Air Group to themselves refined of ing part way amusing the Wardroom whaler's crew which The, R.N.A.S. fiat Far for further flying in the main street of Beyoglu. carried out its training under cover result of exercises. before Grand entering a comparison between the of darkness in the Hotel Splendide at inebriHarbour. British sailor. who although Port Said. We shall be in all respects ready ated. did his best to hide it and After a freezing spell in London- avoid offending anyone, with the for sea again by July 17 when the derry where the ground was so hard behaviour of sailors from other second cruise is due to begin. You couldn't even push in a golf tee, the spring cruise took us hack to our old haunts in the warmth of Gibraltar. Unlike our refit time. there was no sport every day on this visit. Hard cork was the order of the day, broken only by a weekend in Cadiz. which many enjoyed for a visit to the Sherry Bodegas near Jerez where the hospitality was lavish. During this period \SC fired our full outfit of torpedoes r4r#s and successfully recovered them all. so, to keep the Tas branch quiet, the gunner claimed another sleeve. The hand of the Seaforth Highlanders played its out for a final farewell to Gibraltar and home to a well-earned r-- -Easter Leave. The Summer Cruise started in Le }lavre. Well over half the ship's cornpuny disappeared from there to Paris. s itli our "Oggie" \v}lerc. together 200 for Saturthere were over rivals. day night. Only one (not a Scorpion)
An~. 1956
failed to catch the 0200 buses and was still there on Sunday. After that lighthearted start we joined Flag Officer Flotillas and the Fleet for a strenuous passage to Invergordon. fol lowed Its. the weapon training period There wasn't much we didn't do dur ing that tiinc. s Iiich culminated in a week in Loch Eriboll under war con dition. Anti-submarine actions. bumbardnients. surface and anti-aircrafi firings became routine. The gunnei clainied tw(i slee es and a rabbit. and in reply. the "F.A.S. world made at even bigger bang by engaging Scot land with a live torpedo. An atoiT bomb szts dropped one night. causin Gkisgov. Dc Zeven Provincien an( Scorpion to clear the harbour a twerit . -live knots in line abreast. an the finale sas a major battle ashor With the Squadron battalion -nioppin Marines. I losvever tip" sortie Royal not all was work in Scotland. It. denuding the Home Fleet of c:inipin !. gear we put a Sherpa party of fort ashore in Loch Eriboll, wh( thoroughly enjoyed the first fine week end in Scotland thk year. The shallov water divers went away. ostensibl' for practice, but seemed to spern !TiOst of their time cockling. whili others climbed various high moun (Continued on Page 1/, CoL 1)
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%Vyicrn strike aircraft of 830 Squadron. II.\1.S. Eagle. pass over the crater of Mount l:ina, in Sicily, during recent N.AJ.O. exercises
See page 16 for Classified Advertisements
COMMAND NEWS (Continued fro,n Page /0, Oil. 3)
was held, on the afternoon of Thursday. July 5, in the Concert Hangar, to which wives. families and friends of all Mechanician Candidates were invited. It was most pleasing to see the fine response to this invitation, and those attending were cordially welcomed the by Commanding Officer. Each Niechan ician of the passing(flit class, in turn. was called up to the dais to receive his certificate as a Mechanician Ill, together with any educational certificates that he had svon during his two years' course. The presentation of these, and of the Rearby prizes, was performed Admiral P. C. Taylor, C.I3.. from the Deputy Engineer-in-Chief (Personnel). The prize-winners well deserved the ovations which they received from their classmates and families. They were Mechanicians III R. Heeley (Fechnical Prize), R. Knocles (Practical Prize, i.e., the best performance in the Practical Trade Tests through(lilt the course). W, harrison ( Nlorre!l Prize for the best all-round Ntechanician), and I. R. Stanford (I lerhert Fund Prize). This is the first time that the latter prize has been a;arded, and as directed by the Admiralty it was awarded for etliciency. After the Prize-giving ceremony the establishment was open to visitors. The same evening a very successltd end of term dance was held in the Concert Hangar, which was gaily decorated for the occasion. A varied programme of dances was enjoyed. and the spirit of the evening was well maintained by many novelty dances, the winners of which were presented with their prizes by Mrs. Ingram. The general organisation of the dance was done by Inst.-Lieut. J. Wilkinson. Finally, a word of congratulation to the Ship's water polo team who have just completed a successful initial season in the Command Water Polo League. 2. hy finishing as runners-tip. It is hoped that equal success will be enjoyed in the premier division next season.
laths. For the less energetic there was a fishing competition over the side, won. unfortunately by an Oggie Coxswain, who caught a quarter of his own weight. We left Scotland in mid-June for our last foreign visits. After an enjoyable few days in Belgium we sailed a thousand miles north, into the Arctic Circle. to the land of the Midnight Sun. This was rather an anticlimax as the Midnight Sun remained hidden behind clouds throughout our stay, also our visions of limitless fresh Howsalmon were mere ever, reindeer antlers are now standard mcssdeck fittings. At Lyngseidet, the petty officers gave a party for forty children, but the firework firing pirates in the motor boats brought off over 150, a quarter of the total Population. A good time was had by all, a large bouquet of flowers arriving the next day "from the children of l..yngseidet." The shallow \vater divers caused a stir ashore ith a demonstration off the jetty. Hammerfest, our last call, is the niost northerly town in the world. We returned front there to Rosyth after an exercise in the North Sea which \\ IS largely fogged out. On passage from Rosyth to Ohan. here we are spending a eek for otir final courtesy call, we dropped the \% haler off Inverness to find its ov.n "av through the canals and hope it v,ill reioin us here is a few days. While in Ross th. where we won the Silver Shield for galley haked bread . %%C %.l id faress eli to most of the Home walked Fleet. Hag Officer round the ship and later said goodhve to us all. He had n)any kind about our cleanliness, things to efficiency and morale. lie reminded us once again that the torpedoes and shells leaving the ship. and sometimes even hitting the target. are only the icstilt of the efforts of all. and particular credit must he given to the Engine Room Department. the Cornintinication Staff and to those who have maintained our equipment in first class running order. not to mennon the much abused '(it men." And so sic come to the end of our commission. having tired 2.0(X) rounds of 4 inch and l'ti rn t 8.(XX) tons of fuel to steam 28.(KX) miles. All we are counting now are the days to Porupey and Stiiiiiner I .e;is C.
Another ten days to recuperate in Singapore and then another month scithout leave waiting for the second hang and once again to Singapore to paint ship and recover our good looks. Diana is renoned as a huntress. but she has always been chaste to a fault. And now to rejoin our squadron in the Mediterranean with visits to Penang, Madras and Triconialee, thea
litfteii tI;i it' \l.tIta with stops for fuel only at Aden and Port Said. It has been our happy lot always to be wanted. first in Monte Hello at the rush and now by C.-in-C. Mediterranean. When we reach Malta we shall he very pleased ith our 25,0(R) miles in just over four months, proud loo of our Engincrooni Department %% ht) have achieved it. Economical speed--we've hardly heard of it. cants Diana-and WC Everybody feel sure that Flag Officer Cyprus has designs on us. Never mind. next commission will he centralised drafting. You POTu PC \ ites % i I I he doing alOrlics and We \Vestocs %%ill he bird-matching in Protector.
ON t choppy afternoon in late March of l hi, year. the latest of the l):iri ngs slipped out of Plymouth Sound and J)Oiilted her bows in the general directurn of the fabulous Monte Hello Islands. These islands. said the Buffer, held in store untold pleasures; not the least being the sultry female population shich (for some obscure hut convenient reason), vastly outnumtiered the male. The outward trip as compared by one gentleman to the First Lieutenant --stopping frequently for a quick look round. thus -- ( ibraltar six days two days (paint ship grey). (paint Valletta red). Port Said two hours, Aden only six hours (thank goodness), eight hours (with and regret), Singapore two days. Ten . days' shore lease out of a possible' thirty-four. We frequently exercised action st8tiOI)s, shelter stations, preetting stations, and all stations to Keyhani. Sitting at shelter stations in the Red Sea. ith the thermometer bubbling around 120' and the ship closed down. vas similar to the effect of a lose affair conducted in a turkish bath. On arrival we found that the luxtiriant, palm-clad. sun-drenched. girlkissed South Sea Islands of Monte
l'IIF MORE notable events v.hich have taken place in }1.N1.S. Sultan during J ul have been the End of 'term Passing-out and Prize Giving Ceremony of the "I)" Term Mechaniclan Candidates: the End of Term Dance. and our first Sports Day. Taking them in chronological order we come to the Sports Day held on July 2, just one month and one day after commissioning. With marquees glistening in the sun (and there was some). and flags billowing in the breeze (and there was some of that also), the sports field made an attraclive setting for the Establishment's first-ever Sports Day. Despite the little time allowed for training, the standard of the athletics in the inter-pan competition cornpared favourably with those of other establishments in the Most (")f the individual winners returned tiIflcs and distances which qualified them to enter the Command Cham' ith Lieut. Sanders and pionships 11.0, Engineering Mechanics t)e; ick and Morton entering the finals of the Shot. Hammer and Javelin events respectively. With the aid of P.O. Engineering Mechanic Kemp, who won the Victor Ludorsn, prize with his prowess at "B" Class Mechanician jumping. Candidates easily won the inter-part competition with 135 points. The corn-
tist and a live rontgen carrying on a polite conversation with a beta partide. After gazing on this beautiful scene for a couple of days. we were alloced to steam the eight hundred miles to "}:rer,.trtle in order to recover. There we res ived ourselves to the best of our ability and the worst of our Pockets. much to the delight of the local purveyors of pleasure. Tcclvc miles a\\ZI Perth, the capital of Western Australia. offered a wider range of amusements which were not entirely neglected hv the pleasureseeking sailor. After a fleeting week of comparafive case. we %vere recalled to Nionte Hello. and invited to catch the of a one-act comedy called "[he Dream of Guy Fawkes." A pieture of these fearsome-looking fireworks appears on this page.
After the more serious side of the day had finished, it was the turn of the veterans, wives and children to show what they could do. Capt. I... F. the Commanding Officer, Ingram, easily won the veterans 1(X) yards handicap. and his turn of speed stiras prised even those who knew he a former Navy long jumper. A most successful day \%as conchided with Mrs. Ingram presenting the prizes. It may not be generally known that a Mechanician Candidate does a twoyears' course before he finally qualilies as a Mechanician Ill. Many fall by the wayside in this strenuous course and the final passing out of the "I)" term after two years of effort is an occasion for congratulation and gratification for each Mechanieian concerned. To mark the occasion a Day
Hello were a few lumps of hare coral. billed "C" and "D" Classes of The only living things seen ashore Mechanician candidates were runners\% ere a number of odd-looking scien- tin with 73 points.
THE AMERICAN Training Squadron hits departed. and our job as host to U.S.S. Iowa is completed. The scale of the entertainment provided by the civic authority was so great that there %%aS little need for our messes to provide any-short of issuing an open invitation. The Wardroom succeeded in defeating the teams from the ship at softball and at sailing, hut bowed their heads on the tennis courts. For the second time in a month a member of the Vernon \V.R.N.S. has been presented with a Long Service and Good Conduct medal and gratuity. Our congratulations to P.O. Wren Hilda Marsh, long may she wear it The Wardroom gardens have been the site of two events this monththe Friendly Wives Garden Party, and the Wardroom's Summer Ball; both events are considered to have been eminently successful. Our Field Gun's Crew has had a very hectic course of training tinder the able hands of the Chief G.L. bill failed to achieve the desired position in the I3rickwood Trophy. However we congratulate them on a very noble effort. We were honoured by a visit from the Earl of Gosford, Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Defence, and he appeared to be duly impressed %% ith his tour of the establishment. \\'e have said good-bye to our Sports Officer. Barney Kavanagh, who has swopped his cap and sword for a howler hat and umbrella. We understand he is going to tour Italy for a few weeks well-deserved holiday. Readers of this paper will recall that Barney featured as the Sportsman of the Month some time ago, and his service career was laid hare in sonic detail. We will miss him not only in the sporting field but in many other ways, not least in the Drama Team. lie is a very talented actor and has supported the "board treaders" on every dramatic occasion. We ssish you luck, Barnes, in your future ventures.
SUMMER HAS not yet struck this area with its accustomed fury and the result is that at the time of writing it is. amazingly, in the Glasgow district an offence to use a hose on the car or garden. However. as Summer Leave is still to come, there is obviously a good chance that this tinusual crisis will recede in due course. One boundary of this..Station lies parallel to and only a few yards from the River Cart which runs into the Clyde and on which Messrs. Fleming and Ferguson Ltd. have their shipyard. On June 11 the John Biscoe (survey ship) was launched from the yard by Lady lennox-lloyd and the firm very,
kindly extended a general invitation to the Station to watch the proceedings, as well as to the Commanding Officer, Capt. I. V. Waterhouse, D.S.O., O.I3.Ii., as an official guest. A large number were able to drag themselves from their duties and enjoy the spectacle of a ship sliding into a stretch of water which, to the uninitiated. was far too narrow. However. the builders' quiet confidence about their . work with the tapemeasure turned out to he justified and all went well. There was none of that nonsense about the aggrieved purchaser watching the upturned hull floating downstream and saying to the Manager. "Well, hat's the excuse this time?" 602 (City of Glasgow) R.Aux.A.F Squadron has its home with its and we feel a certain pride that they were this year's Cooper Trophy winners as the Auxiliary Squadron making the greatest improvement in overall cliiciency. His Grace The Duke of 11amilton and Brandon, Honorary Air Commodore, at a very on the Station on pleasant ceremony June 23, when the Squadron took the Trophy over. There was a parade of the Squadron complete with Squadron Pipe Band, and the ceremony ended with a fly-past of 602's Vampires. On June 29, the Wardroom held a very successful Summer Ball and on that same evening His Royal Highness, The Duke of Edinburgh, piloting a Heron, landed here on his way to join the Britannia at Rothesav. It is a fact that although absolutely no prior publicity was given to the Duke's arrival, a civilian with no connection with the Station was heard to remark that the Wardroom must he going to have a fine affair, when Prince Philip is coming up for it. It was a fine affair, hut His Royal Highness was elsewhere at the time. The Station held its annual sports day on July 18. Apart from A.A.4 Ellis who came second in the filterServices Hop, Step and Jump with 43 ft. 511 ins., we have not found any brilliant new performers-not even a dark horse cunningly entered in the Dogs' Handicap. Free Style. On the other hand. e did have a jolly good afternoon of it. with plenty of willing triers and helpers. .111(1 in spite ot a constant threat, no rain to speak of.
From the Meteorological Department His Royal Highness The Duke of
Edinburgh visited the Clyde Area June 29-July 3 for Clyde Week Yacht Racing. Our Met. Staff haven't been the same since. His Royal l-inghness's arrival at Abbotsinch on the Friday night coincided with the arrival of a warm front. The Senior Met. Oflicer was like a record in a groove during the pre-flight period: "Typical V.l.Ps.' flying weather. No wonder Met. men grow old before their time!" was all that was heard from the Met. Office. Forecasts were also supplied twice daily to the Royal Yacht. For this service, of course, the scientific approach would have been entirely inadequate, so the aid of the local pundits was solicited. The forecasts of the Preventive Officer at Rothesay couched in such terms as, ....It'll he a graaand day fur sailing the noo," and "Twill he wurrrse afore it's better," were most helpful. The Gaelic portents would doubtless have clinched the issue, but as these were not tinderstood, the finality was provided by a Mr. seaweed reports at 07(X) each morning from a promontory overlooking the sailing course. To the embarrassment of the Met. Staff it was found later that Mr. McDermott was employed in the residence of the Marquis of I5utc where the Duke stayed. We hope he didn't split.
THE MONTH of July has been chiefly notable for its many sporting events and the preparations for Navy Days. In all units people have been putting final touches to their entries for the Exhibition of Dolls which is being held in aid of the King George's Fund for Sailors on July 30 and 31 and August I . at Duchess of Kent Barracks. Some, who have never been known to sew or knit, have found themselves possessed of unsuspected talent. The rehearsals for the European Folk Dancing Display for Navy Days are in full swing under the expert tuition of Second Officer Morris. W.R.N.S., and we are all looking forward to a preview of these colourful dances after the Exhibition of Dolls. H.M.S. MERCURY This month we say good-bye to Third Officer Reed, who is leaving its to he married. We are very sorry to lose her, but wish her every success in her married life. In her place we welcome Second Officer Ridley-Thompson. from }IJsI.S. Excellent. and we hope she will he happy in Mercury. We are also sorry to lose Chief Wren 1-{oy, our Chief Wren, Regulating. who is going to Malta. She is very pleased with her draft. and we wish her the very best of luck there. We welcome Chief Wren Pettit in her place. tNt. BARRACKS, EASTNI":Y Congratulations to Wrens I larvey and Newton, who were awarded their marksmanship badges at the R.N. Rifle Range, Tipner. SPORTING EVENTS Each week of July has had a lea'.t one major sporting event. 'file flionill began with the Inter-(onirnand lciiiis Championships at Burghfield, in which Portsmouth came Hii rd. llie Conirna n I Athletic Meeting also took place that week and provided sonic exciting pr fornia nces despite very had weather. '[lie second week of the month brought a big influx of visitors from all coinmands for the Inter-Conunand Cricket and I nter-(iiiiniand Athletic Chzi inpionships, both of which were held in Portsmouth this year. The weather, for the athletics and the first two days' play of the cricket championships.. Air Coinniand won t he athletics. with Portsmouth second, Nore third and Plymouth fourth. As in previous years the finals of the cricket were played in I1.M.S. Excellent : this vcar' finalists were Nore and Air Conitnancl. and despite winter weather some sers interesting cricket was seen. Air Cornniand won the cup. which ;its sented by Captain NI. I:. Andrew. O.B.E., R.N. (Stall Of the Commanderin-Chief, Portsmouth). to Wren l)isbury, of R.N.A.S., Yeovilton. who captamed the Air team this season. After Service trials the following Portsmouth players were selected to represent the Service at the Inter-Service Cricket Championships in September : PA). Wrens Simpson (Mercury) and Henderson (Victory), and Wrens Perry and Wilson (Victory) (Mercury), reserve wicket-keeper.
Among those selected to represent the Service at the Inter-Service Chanipionships, held at R.A.F., Uxbridge. were Wren Perry (Victory). Wren Beard (Mercury) and Wren Bendle (Vernon). New Service Record Our congratulations to Wren Perry (Victory), who set up a new Service javelin record with a throw of tOO ft. 9 in. at the Inter-Service Championships. thus breaking the existing record by I ft. 7 in. Wren Perry and Wren Beard took Part in the Combined Services v. the Combined Universities match at Uxbridge.
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118/120, Kingston Roads PORTSMOUTH
In' The Rector of Middleton, the Rev. H. E. Frankham, is Hon. Chaplain and CL R. Ca.ssidy, Esq., is the lion. Solicitor.
Aug. 7-Havant Branch Meeting. "Black Dog," West Street. Aug. 8-Chearn's Annual Children's outing to Bognor. Aug. 12-I-lounslow Branch visit R.A. Southall. Aug. 25-Cheam and Worcester Park Social Evening. Sept. 4-Havant Branch Meeting. "Black Dog," West Street. Sept. 8-Hounslow Branch visit Portsmouth. Oct. 13-Reunion and Parade in London. Oct. 23-Blackpool Trafalgar Night Dinner anti Dance.
The standard is already purchased and the Dedication has been fixed for 3 p.m. on September 23 at the Middleton Parish Church. This is one of the oldest and loveliest churches in Lancashire. and is in a beautiful park setting. The lion. Chaplain will conduct the service and the procession will be led by the famous Foden Motor Works Band. In the evening this band will give a concert in the local cinema to which guest artistes have been invited. An armed guard is being provided by the R.N.A.S.. Stretton, and the procession will include detachments of Sea Cadets and Sea Rangers. All branches in No. 10 Area are being invited.
Jut ttleniortam
It is hoped that one of the VicePresidents. Graham Hogg, R.N., H.M.S. Diligence. will take the salute.
S.II"om Ilanison, Hounslow Branch; at New York. April 12. 1956. 5./M. lionel Lewis, Ilminslow Branch. July 8, 1956.
The Chairman has issued an open invi Ia I ion to all sh i priites. of any branch, to attend this ceremony. They are assured of a welcome. Teas will be provided for all travelling more than eight miles, and a seat at the grand concert, but in order to assist in making the arrangements, those intending to be present are requested to write to Capt. C. B. Hogg. Royal Marines, at the Britannia Inn. Not only is he the landlord. but a Vice-President too.
Ai.TUOUG}1 LINCOLN is a long way front the sea, we managed to bring to the old city a salty atmosphere whcn. on Saturday. June 23, 1956, we had a full Naval day. At the County Assembly Rooms the day started with a special meeting of the City Council and guests. to witnes' 'the honcuring of Admiral of the Fleet Viscount Cunningham of I-Iyndhope, as a Freeman of the City. At this meeting almost 404.) people gathered together to pay tribute to Viscount Cunningbarn. and indirectly the Royal Navy. Naval and ex-Naval personnel from Lincolnshire were included in the guests. In the afternoon of the same day, attended by Vice-Admiral F. R. Parham. C.-iu-C. The Nore, Viscount Cunningham was present at Lincoln Cathedral to unveil two stained-glass windows in the Seamen's Chapel, cornmernorating the exploits of Lincolnshire seamen throughout the world. A parade followed the service. led by the Royal Marine Band from H.M.S. Ganges. The Lincoln Branch Standard was on parade, supported by standards from branches in the No. 9 Area. The Parade Marshal was "Spike" Marshall from Melton Mowbray. Viscount Cunningham took the salute at (he march past. A guard of honour was provided from H.M.S. Galetea. Hull. and members of the Royal Naval Minewatching Service. To bring the day to a close the Lincoln Branch organised a grand Naval ball at the Assembly Rooms, attended by over 200 people. We would like to thank our VicePresident. Cdr. W. K. Wood. R.N.V.R., for making the day a great success. The branch children's outing took place this year at Cleethorpes on Sunday. July 1. 1956. when a good "bus-load" journeyed and spent a day by the sea. Following the No. 9 Area meeting at (;rthani on Saturday. July 14. 1956. the Grantham Branch invited Lincoln Branch over to join them in a social evening at the British Legion Club. The club was filled to capacity and Lincoln was no exception at giving a turn. We have already a full bus for the Reunion in London on Saturday, OctOl,e 13 next, and have planned to spend a weekend "up the Smoke," leaving Lincoln on the Friday at noon and returning on the Sunday evening. Our one regret is the shortage of tickets for the Festival [tall. If any branch has any over, please let the Secretary know.
PORTSMOUTH DURING THE past month we have had the pleasure of meeting many shipmates from other branches who are spending their holiday in Pompey. We have also had visits from the and Battersea Branches, who I travelled down by coach on the Sundays of June 24 and July 15. We look ; forward now to a visit from Reading on the first Sunday in August and on Saturday. August 18. from Bridport, who. we learn, are heading this way for their annual outing.
(,. J..................
March of the SS standards of the branches which attended the dedication of the new standard on June 24. The procession of nearly 1,000 men was the largest in the history of Hastings, and the service o( dedication was most inspiring
11W ANNUAL Conference of the] Royal Naval Association was held in the Royal Empire Society Assembly Hail. London, on Saturday, July 21. No fewer than 179 delegates attended and there were 50 visitors present. Admiral of the Fleet Sir John Cunningham. (J.C.B., M.V.O.. presided and the conference was opened at 10.15 a.m. by the Mayor of Westminster. During the forenoon session the reports of the Chairman, Secretary to the Council, the Pensions SubCommittee and the Finance Committee were presented and adopted. On the motion of the Brklport delegate conference noted and congratulated the National Council on their handling of the finances of the Association. For the first time in the history of the Royal Naval Association. a trade union otTicnl addressed the delegates This was done on the instance of the National Council so that delegat:s could be made acquainted officially of the attitude of the Trade Union with
regard to ex-Naval electrical staff em- NAVY NEws as the official newspaper ployed in the Royal Dockyards. This of the Association. address was received with acclamation. Conference would have nothing to Conference was assured that the do with the wearing of regalia by National Council will take the neccs- branch and area officers. as was prosary, action to improve the status of posed in another resolution. Conferthe ex-Naval electrical employees in ence agreed unanimously to the the Royal Dockyards. National Council continuing negotiaAs a result of the elections for Area tions for affiliation of other Associarepresentatives on the National Council tions without the necessity of referring all the retiring members of the to an Extraordinary Conference or an National Council were re-elected. Annual Conference. The afternoon session was taken up From my experience of the last ten by resolutions submitted by branches. Annual Conferences this 1956 ConA motion asking that the voting ferecice was the most friendly. The power at conferences should be "One sincerity of all speakers was most provote. one branch" was carried by a found and it surely was a sign of the small majority on a card vote. This is times that there were many more a very important change in voting pro- younger delegates than in any previous cedure at any conference. Conference. Another motion asking the National Council to produce its own periodical to the exclusion of NAVY NEws was withdrawn after the Editor had addressed the Conference, which was unanitnous ill its desire to continue the
that when they are successful the The branch has been running a News officials can he justly proud of their Bulletin for some time. It is most achievements. useful in helping to keep in touch with On the spur of the moment the those shipmates who are not able to A SOCIAL evening. to which the Tunbridge Wells Branch accepted an in- branch held a flannel dance on July get to all the meetings. A steady trickle of new members vitation. was successfully held recently. 22 and intend to hold a social on flie branch sent representatives to ,tigtist 25. Invitations are being issued keep coming along and it is a good the 1-tastings Dedication and the PuN shortly. and it is hoped there will he idea that is being discussed at the Annual Conference to make all men icy Dedication. and they are looking a full house. forward to the Stannmre and Elstree The annual children's outing will leaving the Service fully-paid-up memDedication. These occasions involve take place on August 8. when Mums hers of the Association for their first the organisers in a great deal of and Dads are hoping to paddle in the year. The outing to Eastbourne was very hard work and many headaches, so I 'ca at Bognor. successful. Anyone who wants a good outing could not do better than go to Eastbourne. We have been three times and on each occasion have been overwhelmed with t h e i r generous FREE ACCOMMODATION hospitality. In future the last Friday, of each or are Invited from Applications month is being reserved for a social ALLOWANCE IN LIEU evening in conjunction with the Ladies' .Section.
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Except for our usual activities we have nothing outstanding to report in this issue. With the Annual Conference near at hand, naturally we have had at much to discuss in that our fortnightly meetings, and we hope that delegates from all branches have :* successful Conference.
WE ARE pleased to report that the new extension to our headquarters The host area. No. I. provided sightbuilding is now showing signs of comseeing tours and a river trip for dde- pletion. Committee members are exgates after Conference. Delegates also tremely. busy making arrangements for took advantage of the amenities offered the grand opening day. Final details by the Headquarters Club in Lower will he a promulgated as soon Sloane Street. available.
Our most successful trip during the past month was on the occasion of the Dedication of the Hastings Branch Standard. It must have given great satisfaction to the committee and members of that branch with the resuits they obtained. We of Pompey wish to congratulate them on a very fine show indeed, from start to finish, and are glad that the weather kept more or less ti iie a iid did riot spoil their efforts. It was indeed a pleasure to see so many R.N.A. standards on parade.
Our concert party. apart from being very busy presenting shows to patienLs of sanatoria. old folks' homes. etc., are preparing for a special show to he put on for the opening night. Their las! show was given to patients at the Mount Sanatorium at Eastleigh. The reception was so encouraging that it will be difficult not to comply with their request to "Come again at an early date." The Ladies' Section is organising a sale of work to he held at our headquarters. The proceeds are to assist our building fund.
As the summer months. are now here, it is thought probable that many members of the Royal Naval Association will he going on a tour for their holidays. If by chance any should be passing through or near Gosport. may we extend a cordial invitation to visit us at our headquarters. which is open seven days a week from I I a.m. to I I p.m., with a break from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. ALTHOUGH THE Middleton Branch Just recently, members of the Exwas only inaugurated on June 12. there W.R.N.S. Club of Gosport were enterare already over 100 members who tamed at our headquarters. when a have been enrolled. The President is very happy time was spent by all. Lieut.-Cdr. P. Moss, R.N.V.R.. and The following summarises the efforts Chairman is 5./NI. J. Molyneux. The and appreciations of those members is at the Britannia Inn. headquarters Manchester Old Road. Middleton. and who have contributed so much to our the Secretary is S.! M. F. Bateson of I building effort. Radcliffe Street. Middicton. This We are sorry to announce the resigyoung branch has already an impres- nation of our Entertainments Chairsive list of officers and officials. His man. S./M. Churcher. due to health Worship the Mayor.Capt. V. Thomas, reasons. We wish him a speedy reM.C.. has kindly consented to be a cuperation. S./M. Lewis was elected to Vice-President. succeed him.
Branches in the Area or near vicinity come by the coach-load, bring your . families and spend an enjoyable afterROSYFIJ AND WEST FIFE noon out-tea will be provided-but , please we must have approximate UNDER THE keen organisation of S. I NI. Siewird. this branch was able numbers by the end of August. i to assist at the recent Navy days at Rosyth Dockyard. The show consisted of a treasure hunt, and although the A COACH-LOAD from Havant weather on both days was unsettled. Branch went to Hastings and St. attendance was good. S./M. Steward I.conards for the Dedication of the was ably assisted by S. I Ms. Roche, Royal Naval Association Branch Sian- Orwin. Lawson anti Billinness. dard there on June 24. Those ho The next meeting at Queen's Hotel, went were most impressed by the will be on Monday. arrangements made for the parade. Inverkeithing. It). 1956. September Dedication Service and entertainment afterwards. CROYDON At their meeting on July 3 they voiced appreciation for the organi- AT THE recent Annual General sation by their own social coin- Meeting the Chairman and Officers mittee. who had done much to make were all re-elected, a fitting tribute to branch. for the large amotint of flowers the trip so pleasant. were very, their hard work and enthusiasm. they all gave for the decoration of the pleased to welcome They A clock was recently presented to and Mrs church. so skilfully carried out by Sach, from the ('beamS.1M. Stevens as a small token of 5./Nt. and Worcester Mrs. Philpott and Mrs. Nevard in red. Park Branch. at the same for his sixteen years' appreciation meeting. white and blue. God bless you. Admiral A further indication of appreciation service as S./M. Wright. Sir Henry Moore and the Chairman of was made known when the Chairman the Social Secretary was responsible the Council took the salute in the High announced that the year's (hati- for the excellent social that followed Street after church. and inspected the man, who had now past left the town. had the presentation. parade afterwards. to the music of the sent a donation to them as a of band of the Royal Marines (Deal). (See gratitude for the friendliness mark RYE BRANCH he had photo taken by Douglas found in the branch whilst he had lived THE ATTENDANCE at the recent Weaver.) in Havant. monthly meeting on Monday, July 9. The after the meeting they 1956. was better attended than for a Now. shipmates. before I sign off Sunday took their standard to St. Faith's very long time. The Chairman is (I almost forgot). we also give a big Church for and their hand to our Chairman our Hon. quarterly church ('dr. Ranuis. R.N.R., the Secretary, Mr. H. Brown and the Treasurer, Mr. for all the work and secretary, worry parade. I. Woolgar. the organisation of our parade must
I iiitist eII you something of our annual church parade. The sun shone. i and ten branches came alongside to J support us from Kent, Sussex and I Surrey. and I would like to say again I a big "thank-you" to Maidstone, Can- I terbury. Chatham. Gillingham, New Romncy. Lydd. Hastings. Battle, Wor- I cester Park and Sidcup. as well as the I Old Contemptihics (Ashford). the 156 Coy.. R.Es.. and the British Legion (Ashford) for helping to make it a huge success. I To Admiral Sir Henry and Lady Moore. Admiral Sir Albert and Lady Poland. the Chairman and members f of Ashford Urban Council, Col. and Mrs. Bell. S./M. W. Gower (Chair- I man. Area 2). S./M. T. F. Asprey I (Hon. Secretary. Area 2). all of whom have done 54) much to make our branch a credit to the ideals of our Association. I would especially say "Thank you.--- and last and not least we all owe a big debt to the ladies of our
have been to make it the great success it was, also for the efficient way our 5./M. J. Holloway carried out his duties as Parade Marshal. Signing off now. and again many, thanks to all. and fraternal greetings to all shipmates.
her of that year was well away with a of 140. with their own ship's IN THE later days of 1937 the ques- hand company and instructed 1w members of lion of forming a branch of the Royal the branch. Naval Old Comrades' Association in I of course. interfered Worthing was seriously considered by I The late war. with branch activities. considerably some retired Naval men in the district. Those who did return to the se not As a result of this the Worthing and I members of became the 1-Ionic Guard, District Branch was formed and in- I A.F.S. and other organisations. augurated in April, 1938. I interesting to note that members ofIt theis At the inaugural meeting the Branch I R.N.O.CA. were formed into a separPresident-Elect. the late Vice-Admiral I ate unit of the Home Guard under the Geoffrey Hopwood. C.B.E., spoke of I official title of "Naval Observation the meeting as the "commissioning of Party" and manned a look-out station a new ship," which he felt sure was on the roof of a very high building on going to be a long and happy commis- [ the Marine Parade. The official title sion. Those sentiments have been well I was most appropriately changed locally, maintained and the branch is now I to 'Naval Old Pirates." But ihev were more than ever a force to be reckoned ( very highly thought of despite this. with. Since the war branch activities have The ship's company were naturally increased. Until April. 1955. we had eager to possess their own standard j flitted from headquarters to headand worked very hard indeed to I quarters in various parts of the town. achieve this end. which culminated in with no place to call our own. We then the Dedication on May 21, 1939, by I an):tlg;In;Lted with a Working Men's the then Chaplain of the Fleet. the Club and Institute and took over th, Very Reverend I. C. Ii. Peshall. CALF.. I running of the place. We now have a 0.5.0., M.A. Weather was perfect and nice mess. and given the right over forty branches of the R.N.O.C.A. really there is no reason why we support with other ex-Service Association, should not prosper. paraded before a huge crowd. estimated The Dedication of our new standard at well over twelve thousand. Martial on May 5. 1955. was another great music was provided by Bluejacket t Naval occasion. and was attended by Band from Portsmouth. Band of the I over fifty branches of the R.N.A., with Royal Sussex Regiment and other branches of other Associations making hands from Shoreham and Littlehamp- j the number of standards on parade ton and the Salvation Arm Band. I was voted by all who It fifty-cighi. Fanfares were sounded by buglers of attended to be to the original in equal the Royal Marines. I 1939. The salute was taken by the then I President of the Association. Admiral I Visits from other branches are we]Sir F. F. Mark-Kerr. C.!)., M.V.O.. at j come(]. but it is requested that ample the Pier. after which tea was provided I warning of your intention to pay us a visit is so that suitable
given arrangein various establishments in the town. It was indeed a great Naval occasion merits can be made for entertainment and is still remembered by all who t and refreshments. attended or witnessed it, as the finest on record.
Branch activities include benevolences and we are closely connected with the R.NB.T. Apart from help from our own funds. committees have also been very active in giving advice and finding employment for ex-Navil men. Since the war this has not been the worry it was in the early days. The social side has n o t b e e n neglected. We have visited and been visited by a large number of branches and other Associations. and have entertamed officers and ships' companies of ships visiting the town during summer ' cruises. Recently we were honoured by the visit of a large number of the engine-room branch of H.M.S. Albion. who came from Portsmouth in order to hold a paying-off party in our mess. and a . really good evening we had. The branch has never failed to appear at Annual Conferences. rallies and reunions. First at the Albert Hall and. since its opening. the Royal Fectival Hall. and dedications far and near. They always manage a very good muster no matter what the weather is like. The Worthing Sea Cadet Corps came into being as a result of suggeslions and discussions among members. it was formed in 1940 and by Novem-
FIlE DEDICATION of our standard is to take place at Holy Trinity Church on the afternoon of Sunday. September 30. The parade will he headed by the Royal Marines Band of H.M.S. Gamecock and the salute taken by Admiral Sir William Tennant, K.C.B.. C.B.E.. M.V.O.. Lord-Lieuterrant of Worcestershire. supported by His Worship the Mayor of Wc Hromwich and the Mayors of the local boroughs. etc. We extend a hearty invitation to all branches to give us their support-how ty of you can send your standard along? If you are too far away !c make the journey in one day we give an invitation to come along on Saturday and we will provide aecomnioda" tion. Here. then. shipmates. those who are not on a main line or within travel distance for a one-day visit, is a good excuse to have a pleasant week-end out with West Bromwich shipmates Any Standard-bearer wishing to support us. please get in touch with out Secretary as soon as possible, hu before August 30. as it is our intention to have a souvenir programme printed and we would wish to list in it all those branches and Associations who are represented.
U mission. Apologies for non-attendance were also read from members in countries such as Canada. Australia and Nyasaland. At their annual general meeting, which took place after the lunch. a representative was elected to attend meetings of the British India Museum Association, who are collecting and preserving trophies of the Royal Indian Navy. Another member was requested to write a History of their Service during the 1939-45 war. In a discussion as to whether trophies of the Royal Indian Navy should be brought hack and presented to museums in England. the general opinion was that they should he left in India and Pakistan, where they were known to he well looked after and valued as traditional. They were told that the closing date for registering claims for 1939-45 war prize money with the Indian and Pakistan Governments would be August 2. but were warned that it would be a considerable time after that date before distribution could he expected to commence. It was announced that plaques to the Royal Indian Navy and the Royal Indian Air Force are to be put tip in the Indian Services Memorial Room at the Royal Military Academy Sandburst, and the Royal United Services Institute. They decided that a plan of the seating arrangements at the lunch would be sent in advance to those attending in future years. This would assist those who only meet on this one occasion each year to recognise each other.
THE DANCE arranged by this branch lakes place on October 20. It is regretted that the date previously, reported in these columns was incorrect. and it would be appreciated if readers would note that the date is Saturday, October 20. ABOUT Thirty-five niectibers of the At the last monthly meeting mcxii- Royal Indian Navy (1912-1947) Cub hers were sorry to hear that two ship- were present at their Annual Re-union The Editor was delighted to receive mates. Tom Harrison, Chief Cook. and in the R.N.V.R. Club, London, on a contribution from Mr. Stephen Hill Lionel Lewis. had passed away. and June 30. of Welwyn Garden City the other paid tribute to their memory. It was made known that one of their Sonic of the more elderly of my member,;, Rear-Admiral Sir A. R. day. readers will remember him on the Rattray. KALE.. C.B., C.I.E., was Grand Fleet Fund Committee and on THIS BRANCH. under the presidency unable to attend as he was at sea in the Portsmouth Nazareth Home of Cdr. C. A. Nunneley. O.B.IL. has the Portuguese Ambassador's ketch Most of his life he has been now a membership of 197, including Bellatrix, which he was bringing to the interested in voluntary associations several W.R.N.S. The Chairman is Mr. United Kingdom for the sailing ship dealing with the welfare of Naval I. M. Landless and the Secretary is race from England to Lisbon. men. His last appointment was in A letter of good wishes and apology RN. Barracks which he left in l932. J. H. McNulty. R.N.V.R., 63 for non-attendance was read from When he wrote he was temporarily in T'arsway Avenue, Blackpool. Meetings are held at the Railway another of their members, who is now dock. and we take this opportunity I lotel. Talbot Road. on the first Wed- Chairman of the Penang Port Corn- to wish him a speedy recovery. nesday of each month. Cdr. Nunneley is the Airport Corn.4,_" 44$4 t4 4p4 4 4 mandant and at the meeting held on . July 4 he was presented with a silveri framed copy of a photograph takn when he was escorting Her Majesty ... The Queen Mother on to the airstrip. He has been elected President of No. 10 Area. The standard is to be dedicated at St. John's Church at some date in October. The Trafalgar Night dinner and dance will he held on October 23 in the famous Spanish and Baronial Halls of the Winter Gardens. Tickets. 15s. . each. can he obtained from the . Secretary. V
Letter to the Editor
I I I .
AREA No. 2
A MOST successful meeting of Area delegates was held at the new Headquarters Club on June 30. and I do believe all the shipmates present, both delegates and visitors, were highly pleased with the club and its elegance. I understand that eighteen new club members were enrolled forthwith. It was again a pleasure to have the National Chairman and the General Secretary with us to listen to our natters! Much discussion was held on the coming Annual Conference. but that will he more fully dealt with at our assembly at the Royal Empire Society on the day. There is a clear indication that the Area should have its own Area Standard. and it is hoped this point will he considered by all the branches. The Secretary had the pleasure of being in the company of the Welling Branch recently. at a particularly tine dinner function. A unique memorial service will take place at Leyhourne on July 22. when an unveiling will be made to the first Englishman to hear the title of Admiral of the Seas. Baron (IC l.eybourne, of Edward the First's reign.
OUR ACCOUNTANT (Shipmate Berridge) was in Bedford on holiday and was given a right royal welcome on the two occasions he was able to visit their "cubby-hole." He states that the warmth with which he was greeted and the hospitality he enjoyed made ! j profound impression on hini and he. and we. wish the Branch every success. Shipmates Kemp. Reed and Bryden were among many who send their greetings to Shipmates everywhere.
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SPORTS PAGE HOME FLEET Fleet ships Races an unusual
DURING JUNE }1OIT)C \iSitC(l Scandinavian ports and, front reports so far rccciveI, a very good time was had by all concerned. A notable visit was that by a squadron comprising H.NI.S.1vnc (Commanderin-Chief. Home Fleet). }-1.N1.S. H.M.S. Defender and K. E.A. lidereach to Copenhagen. There was a full sporting a soccer fltl tcb programme including versus the Royal Danish Navy, xvIlich the Squadion won 0--], and it cricket rn;i teli versus the K.13. Club which ended in victory to the Squadron by three wickets after an exciting game. The Royal Navy's association "illi this excellent club hack to over sixty, years when the first Royal Navy shili to play against them was the Royal Yacht Victoria and Albert.
degree of interest and variety this year. On Saturday. July, 7, the Elect of and twenty -three dinghies twenty. one ; whalers round ghosted only round of the course before the title made further progress impossible. All but three of the whalers gave up, the first ( I I . NI .5. Glasgow's) being disqtIalitied for not carrying the correct gear. and periods of good luck and misfortune affected nearly it][. The results were:
An~ 19%
Largely on the basis of this series of races. the Home Fleet leanl for the Inter-Command sailing races was chosen. It will be : l.ieut.-Cdr. Hawkins (Home Fleet Sailing Secretary and Team Captam) and A.B. Burnside (H.M.S.
Lieut.-Cdr. Haig and (11.M-S. Thescus).
Major Teek
P.O. Drake and L./Sea. (1I.NLS. Glasgow).
10 OPEN this month's report-and for those readers who have tried so hard and for so long, and very coinnlendably tL)O\% e have at last managed to produce photographs of the trophies which are to be awarded to
Barnden and Sub-Licut. Hazzard (H.NIS. Tyne).
Sub-I.ieut. Turner and PO./Wtr. Orchard (H.M.S. Glasgow). . On going to press the Fleet are now to visit various ports dispersing officers' IIrt:cIf;rcf (for Cup around the British Isles before returnH.M.S. Theseus dinghies).-- I st, ing to their home ports for summer (Lieut.-Cdr. Haig); 2nd. 11.M.S. Tyne leave. (Sn rg.-l .ieut. 3rd, H.M.S. latt lea xc (Midshipman Nlarchington). 1: ;Yart Cup (for ratings' whalers).1st. I l.NI.S. Thesetis ft. /Sea. Hooker); 2nd. 1I.Nt.S. iheseus (N.S. Upper _vI-I I LETICS-PORTh%IOU'II I was a most It enjoyable and Va rtlnia II Stower). 111C1110 ra tile and one on occasion COMMAND CHAMPIONSHIPS, On Sunday. July, 8. there S% as a 25"Illicit Se were delighted !° lie knot wind which caused so ni :tn y cat)1956 so happy an association % ith sizes or retirements anhingst the The above Championships were held I the club. dinghies, that tile Conn it tee allowed at Pit t Street Track on U I J V 3 and 4. "t the beginning of July the }-lore t hem to sail on Rv one round of the lI.Nl.S. Victory's success ill the teani s halers however were I:tcct with the Training Squadron cOUrse. ihe honours was %%c]] deserved. although ;tscrnhlcd ;t kosytli. after a five day. able to coni plete the course in a very the final placings were in doubt up to N.1VF.O. exercise in the North Sea. fast I inie. and i C was noticeable how the last event--- 440 yards. However. hs with more than the ni i iii111't of which tool place in thick fog. I those wittilitig this and having the third man i I four were the better off. The final of the lloine Fleet cricket In Li Ill Cre honle aS well. V ictorv 's tca ru soti in The resLIl :s w crc: between I I. N I .S. and knock-out Tyne points. I-I. NI .S: Ocean turned out to be it Ruii".'it'n 110111 (for ratings' dinghies. -" I si. H.M.S. Ocean splendid match of varying fortunes. I (l../Sea. CRICKET 1 l)Oill.I' : 2nd. H.M.S. Hattleaxe (P.O. H.M.S. Tyne batting first reached 131 lit the I nte r-('onlnlan(I Cricket thanks niainlv to a good innings of 51 Riles ): 3rd. II.NI.S. lyne (AU. BurnKnock-out Competition the following . Cdr. sitle). by Barber: Lieut.-Cdr. A iii stesults were obtained: 'I. orth. 38. and (apt. Iknnett. 22. were (up (for officers' whalers). the only others to reach double First Round. - St. Vincent beat -1st. ll.NI.S. Ocean (Cdr. NIacPhoenix; heat Sultan. figures. Intyre): 2nd. I I.NI.S. Tyne (Surg.i l.Ieut. ('oles): H.M.S. Oee;i ifs in n Ii g' got off to a 3rd. 11.M.S. Tyne Second Rouni/.-St. Vincent heat ( I .ieLtt.-(dr. Hailliache). Ltd start. but t he staged two Mercury: Hornet heat Col Ii ii gvood: and. so long as On \Iondav. July 9, there was a V I e t o r y heat Victoria Barracks; .ieu t . H. Sinit h their captain S%as wind of similar stiength and so the It. NI . B. heat Excellent; I)aedalus heat there. they looked like inning. Flow- races for the teani cup were held in Maidstone. ever. thanks to a good spell of bowl- Inverkeithing Hay where the title is heat Victors; ing by Tel. Hurtenshaw, who took 5 niticli weaker and sonic shelter from R.NI.B. beat I)aedaluc. for 35. H.M.S. Tyne voi by nine runs. the A md may he found. Even so one The final between R.NI.B. and On the following day the Home whaler capsized: no one in her crew hornet will he played at the Officers' Fleet played the Royal Navy in Scot- apparently could say how this ocU__s. (;round on Thursday, but land. which the latter won by 58 runs. curred, it "was a curious happening July 26. at 2 starting p.m. as whalers first the home team scored usually swamp rather than Batting 150. of which Apprentice I .ambcrt capsize. The results were:--TENNIS made a useful 48 and the last two C up--- I st, II.NI.S. Tyne wicket', added a very valuable 45 (44)j points); 2nd, Fl.NI.S. the Portsmouth Command Lawn Glasgow. runs. lieut.-('dr. AiI)swOrtlI with 4 (2fl points): 3rd H.M.S. Ocean (26t I'ennjs Association Inter-Establishment for 28 as the best of the bowlers. points); 4th, H.M.S. Theseus (22 Knock-out Competition Home Fleet started their inn- points); 5th, H.M.S. Defender (20 lit the First Rouisgt-[jxcellent heat ings confidently and in tinder an hour points); 6th, 6th Destroyer Squadron Ings Dolphin; Dryad heat Vernon; Daetlalus had made (4) for the loss of the open- (19 points). beat Mercury. ing pair. but ;i sudden collapse then H.M.S. Tyne's team and places Ill 1/u' Second Round.-Col I ingwood began and the side were all out for were: Lieut.-Cdr. Hawkins, 1st 92. The howler who did the damage dingh ; Licut-Barnden, 4th whaler: beat Phoenix: Excellent beat Sultan; was Apprentice Straccy from H.M.S. Surg.-Licut. (.oles (team captain), 2nd Dryad beat Eastney; R.NJ3. heat Caledonia, who Daedalus. his left arm dinghy: Shpt. Glover, 5th whaler. ('hinanwn to take 6 for 24 --a very On Tuesday. July 10, there was a In the Scini-1'ind.--Col lingwooj is good performance. With more ex- four-dinghy-a-side team race between to play Excellent; Dryad beat RNB. perience and good guidance Stracey the Home Fleet and the Forth Branch The final between Dryad and Colcould well make his mark in Navy of the R.N. Sailing Association. The lingwood or Excellent is to be comcricket where good bowlers of any Home Fleet retained the Rosyth sort. let alone spinners, are so hard Sailing Club Cup by 201, points to 16. pleted by July 28. -rh .:.- I .-.-.-- and _ˆ1 aces ' to find. I IIII ticLIlnhujclI IIEZU Were : SWIMMING, DIVING AND I .icut. Harnden ( H.SI.S. I st; , Home Fleet Sailing Regatta A I'ER P0120 Suh.-l ieiit. Turner (H.M.S. Glasgow). The weather, tidal conditions, and 4th: 11.0. Drake (H.M.S. Glasgow). The Command (Call]. building tip scattering of successes, gave to the 5th; ISea. Booker (H.M.S. ilieseiis). towards the Navy Championships to four days of the Elect Sailing 6th. he held on July, 25 and 26 at H.M.S.-Ganges. Shocley. have been very active. On June 26 and 27 a good list of _,_ entries was received from the Cornand sonic exciting and close taees resulted. three Navy, arid one THE HOME AIR COMMAND Sail- began. the \LCht was raced success- (otiiity records being broken. in Association's fifty square metre fully being skippered by ('apt. J. V. In the five-metre diving held at Windfall yacht. Sea Swallow. visited Waterhouse. I).S.O.. O.B.F.. with FIlL lido from the six entries 11.0. the ('lvde Area from June 29 to Ahbtit'.jrich crews and by Capt. P. I). of Collingwood was first and Righ July 1 5 to take part in the series of (;ick. O.H.F.. t).S.C.. and Lieut.-Cdr. A.B. I)rage was second. regattas comprising the International R. H. 1.. Foster with I.tissieniottth lhe half mile swimming. also held crews. Clyde Fortnight. at I Iilse;L 1_ido, was won by ILR.A. In the points series. Sea Swallow d and raced by The yacht was cruised Nielless of Albion in a time of I I was crews from R.N.AS. Abbotsinch and placed fifth, third, second, first minutes 531 seconds. closely followed Lossiemouth the and fourth in her class of ten boats. R.N.A.S. during 11.0. White of St. Vincent, 24.7 period. and was entered for the Class This resulted in an aggregate of 2.549 Seconds. behind. "A" Handicap races during the Clyde points, and she was placed second On July 3, Portsmouth Command Fortnight. This comprised a race each over the five days racing. Considering 'Southampton Co. Horo, away. was day from Monday It) Friday. July 9 there was only five days available to to 13, points being awarded on the each air station in which to train again won by Portsmouth, but the result of each day and totalled for the crews, and the majority of her coinple- Southampton swimmers extended us, nlent had never sailed in anything arid we won by 76t 71 points. series. similar before, this was a very satis- whilst in the water polo Portsmouth Despite the very short period avail- factory %%'tifl 15---3. racing record. able to train crews before the racing It required a great effort to get Sea On July 13. Portsmouth Command Swallow so far north for the Clyde v. Northsea S.C., Portsmouth. away. but she represented the The Command had a comfortable win Home Air Command in a " worthy I 5 I to 32. but lost 5-3 in the water ORIGINAL WATER manner which amply justified this polo. COLOURS venture. I On July 18. at Pitt Street Bath. RN.A.S. Abbotsinch won the against the well-known London club. R.N.S.A. Dinghy Challenge Cup for I'olytechnic. the Command again won Any ship, mounted, and ready for the week with a fine performance by ; with a clear margin of 85 points to 52. A.A.3 Butcher sailing RN.507. Despite : but we were given a lesson in water framing. Size Approx. lS'x II'. Butcher strong competition, A.A.3 polo: they beat us 10-3. At this meet3 gns. post free. scored three firsts. a third and a fourth ing the County Championship of 200 in the series of points races I ards breast stroke was held, the Navy Fifteen members of the Ahhotsinch : swimmer A.B. Purkiss. being neck and PAUL Sailing Club spent varying periods , neck with the leader until he was living iii Nt.F.Vs. at Rothesay during ; Mopped by cramp within 25 yards of Meadowsteep the Clyde Fortnight. The weather was completion of the race. This race also generally good, and an excellent time resulted in a new County record hcin! Chorley Wood, Herb. ' c';tblishè6. vat; had by all,
11031E Ant COMMAND
ances. a minimum standard of twenty feet for the long jump was applied to reduce the entries to nine competitors. Unfortunately not all the participants were able to achieve twenty feet, but the first four easily added to that distance. Two performances which must take pride of place were achieved by one Boyes of Arid. In the 440 yards final his tinic of 51.8 seconds was one second outside the Navy record. which has stood since 1939, and in the 440 yards hurdles be
Portsmouth Gmtinand
re-coveries Inst.-Sub-I.
International Clyde Fortnight, !9oo
Inter-I)ivisional (W.R.N.S.) Athletics Competition Trophy
Inter-I)epartsneiit:il (Men's) Athletics Competition Trophy.
the win ing teams if the I ii t e r l)epa rt then tal Athletics Competition and Inter-Divisional Athletics Competition (WRNS.). The second part of the competition is now in full swing and this summary of athletic activities does not contain any Phase II results. which will not he available until later in August.
returned the remarkable time of 58.2 of a Second.,,. this tiiil only second outside the Royal Navy record. In all fairness to this line athlete. he was not selected for both events to as, at the represent the Royal Navy Championships. it was known he would he required to in too niany, heats.
com-pete private
The con I in tia nec of a duel between C a r t e r and N.A. Roberts of Yeovilton was carried out in the 1K yards and the 220 yards. Roberts beat Carter in the Station 220 Taken overall. the numbers that yards with a time of 22.4 seconds. but, have taken part in athletics at station at Southarnpon, the tables were relevel have increased tremendously this versed and Carter came through a season. inztn V new names have come to close winner with a time of 23.5. The I tKI yards was probably. the closest seen light. and it i5 hoped that with the help for years; the first three recorded the of this competition Air Command will same time of 1(19 seconds (against the have an athletic team second to none wind). and the remainder were exin the Royal Navy in the coming years close behind. tremely -providing that personnel keep in A.A.2 Hurnphreys ran a nicely training both during the summer and the close S4i5Oti. judged mile to win in 4 minutes 30 seconds. with Stwd. Nicadows a close Once again Southampton Sports Centre was the venue for our Annual second. F.A. Joyce was too good for Athletic Championships. held on July the rest of the held in the three miles, 4. but this year, for the first time since and came home an easy winner in 14 HA.C. Championships have bcvn minutes 55 seconds. held. it rained! Consequently, results A new face appeared in the 120 were not as good as might have been yards hurdles. w h e n Inst.-Lieut. the ease in better weather. Despite the Bennett of Arid won in 17.5 seconds, rain. a leaky marquee and a cold, stiff this after a very, late change-over from breeze. the conditions the long jul11p and hop, step and junip unpleasant failed to dampen the spirits of the events earlier in the season. coin pet itors. All the results are given in detail in Nearly. M) competitors, male .111(1 an issue of II.A.C.S.I. dated July 11. female. took hart. yet there were stir- so it is not necessary to go into ills prisingly few entries in such events as more detail. except to add a congratuthe 880 yards, shot and hammer. latory word to every single competitor The hop. step and jump event and who braved the elements and whose the long jump "ere vell patronised; in efforts provided such an excellent fact, i ii the i iii r ia I stages of accept- afternoon's athletics.
11._tel. and Navy high Junii.
!rct :* flaw . ' . .
s run Piir(l
COSil ton L
w ii ii cattle second
JULY. FOR the Home Air Command Sailing Association, has been a month of mixed fortunes. A reasonable degree of success was achieved during the International Clyde Fortnight but our boats have few triumphs to report in the Solent area. Sec Hexe returned to Lec-on-Solent in time to take part in the R.N.S.A. Regatta at Southsea. Skippered by Capt. Steiner (who had heard of his promotion just before the ten-minute gun). and wearing the H.A.C.S.A. Branch Captain's Surgec for the first time. she was only able to achieve fourth place in the over 27-foot class. Winds were light and unsuitable for the 50-squares vis-a-iis their more modern rivals. such as Norlethe and Uomie. The Royal Albert Yacht Club Regatta the following day had to be postponed due to high winds, much to the disappointment of Lieu(.-Cdr. Smith, of Seafield Park. and the crew selected to race her that day. During that day. moreover. a defect was observed in See Hexc's new mast, and the underwriters would not allow her to be sailed. She therefore had to be withdrawn from the Island Sailing Club's popular Round-the-Island Race on July 7. This defect was cleared in time for the R.O.R.C. Cowes to Dinard Race on the 12th. Skippered by Cdr. Roger Harris. of Wykeham Hall. she won the second prize in the A" Division, being placed tenth in Class II. and beating Sec Otter by six minutes. The Claud Barry Cup. IN' The Stiection of any Home Air Command team is always a difficult task due to the dispersed nature of the Command. and dinghy sailing is no exception. In fact it is probably the most difficult since. apart from 1cc-onSaleM, no stations have the oppor-
tunity for class competitive sailing in R.N.S.A. dinghies. Selection of the Air Command team this year was carried out on Monday and Tuesday, July 16 and 17. Sixteen helmsmen, representing most Naval air stations. took part in six trial races which were sailed over a triangular course in the Salem to the east of Gilkicker Point. The wind continued light and fickle throughout these trials, often leaving boats unavoidably to the mercy of the tide. which. combined with the wide variation in the performance of individual boats. left the selectors with a thankless task. The Cup races were sailed on the Thursday and Friday of the same week. This year marked the introduction of the Genoa in the series. For most of the Air Command team, this was the first introduction to the new rig. and it was unanimously voted a great success. The Air Command crews had no luck during the nine races constituting the series. which was notable for frequent changes of both wind speed and direction. Portsmouth Command came out the winner and the fine performance of this year was only matched by the excellence of the arrangements made by this Command for the conduct of the sailing and the comfort of the crews. This year the Home Fleet team put up an excellent performance a4 their first appearance. the final result depending on the last race. with Portsmouth. The Plymouth and Nore teams also beat the Home Air Command. The following helmsmen represented the [tome Air Command: Lieut.-C&. Fitzgerald (caplain} ( F o r d ). lieut. Ilollcv (Stretton). Sub-Iieut. ('opeland (LosMemouth) . Ch.A.A. M a I one ( Ycovilton). Lieut.-Cdr. Hamer-Hunt Ch.F.A. ( l.illington (H.M.S. Arid) and L./Wtr. Bell (Leeon-Solent).
General IN OUR contribution earlier this year it was remarked that, without a doubt, the limited amount of sunshine we were enjoying was an indication of the approach of spring. The sunshine since these remarks were written, early in March. has perhaps been even more :%:TkltcJ, and those phsical trainers with memories of courses at the school. when all periods were taken on the field in magnificently warm weather, wou4d he hard put to recognise the courses going through at the moment. No sun tan. no bulging muscles through carrying apparatus across to the track. but rather a troglodyte appearance instead. It is fortunate that the weather has no hand in the making of P.Ts. Courses The course of qualifiers mentioned in the last contribution plods steadily on to the goal of crossed clubs and two stars. They are now over half-way through their training and should leave the school in mid-September. Those of you tw.iiting reliefs, note well. The youngest course of re-qualifiers for some time started at the beginning of July. Faces familiar at the school only a few years ago are now reappearjug, and with the experience of one or two commissions behind them are proving quite a formidable body. Portsmouth Command swimmers will be glad to know that their coach. RO. Ogden, still caries on in spite of some very energetic work required by his requalifying course. W.R.N.S. officers have put in their annual fortnightly appearance. and the boxing instructors' course has produced the familiar punch-bag noises and heavy tread of feet shod for roadwork. Royal Tournament and Spans Royal Tournament news may well be old news, but we thought it right to mention the successes of the school fencers. should those of you in fataway places not have caught up with it yet. Lieut. Winekles and Sgt. Maker both reached the final pool of sabre, in which Sgt. Maker came second. The bayonet team raised by Lieut. Winekles fought hard and well but hadn't the necessary experience to beat their more able opponents of the other services. Our cricket team is well on into the barracks knock-out competition. With such stalwarts as Surg.-Lieut. Davidson and l..4'Sea. Craven. both United Services players. the former of Portsmouth and the latter of Plymouth. and under the generalship of the Commander. it is hoped the team may reach the finals.
In the barracks tug-of-war it was proved. rightly or wrongly, that physical trainers are not all hefty characters with big feet. The school lost in the first rouiid to the Cook\ and Stewards: well fortified with plumduff and galley-hoots they were quite immovable. With. at the tune. only one course of five qualifiers reinforced with a few staff and barracks physical trainers. the school did well to come second to Victoria Barracks in the Barracks Ashletic Meeting. Well done, those who took part.
PenoIllin the time our next contribution By in appears print there will have been a few quite changes in the staff at the school. The Director will be leaving us late in August to take over the duties of Naval Attache in Tokyo. He will be relieved by Capt. A. I R. White. D.S.C.. of Navy cricketing fame. To both we wish the very best of good fortune in their new duties. Cdr. Goodale will be relieved during the third week of September. His new appointment is not yet known, but wherever he goes our best wishes go with him. It will be a long time before his voice stops echoing around these halls. To his successor, Lieut.Cdr. Smeeton. at present Commanding Officer of the Royal Navy Patrol School, we extend a hearty welcome. I.icut.-Cdr. Jennings arrived a few weeks ago to relieve Lieut. Winekles. who is busy now removing the weeds from his potato patch in Northern Ireland. Lieut.-Cdr. Jennings also assumed the duties of First Lieutenant. Last in our list of successions is that of the judo instructor. Sgt. Cooper. He should be weli on his way to the Commando Brigade. where his specialist qualifications will no doubt prove useful. Sgt. Evans, his nominal relief. will in fact take over Navy boxing instructor from P.O. Payne, who is due to leave shortly. Ds As is usual in the summer months we have produced a trapeze display team for most swimming galas held in the Royal Navy baths. In addition we are now preparing a parallel bar and judo display for Portsmouth Navy Days. The latter is somewhat ambitious in that. for the first time, large numbers are being employed. but it proves its worth in the demonstration of one man defending himself against seven attackers. Knives, coshes, bicycle chains and even a machine carbine help to present a busy, varied 'and amusing display.
Athletics Inter-Senkes Champlaasblps WEDNESDAY, JULY 18. was a black day for Naval athletics. In the InterServices Championships, held at the R.A.F. Stadium, Uxbridge, the Navy totalled its lowest number of points since 1952 when the competition seveiled to on an point scoring individual basis. In the track events the Navy was completely outclassed, finishing fifth and sixth in every event. As a measure of the opposition P.O. Leach (Portsmouth) achieved his best time ever in the 880 yards, setting to within 0.4 seconds of the Navy record, and still only finished fifth. In the field events the Navy did somewhat better, gaining two seconds and four third positions. The second half of the competition was run under appalling conditions. As a result of the heavy thunderstorms the track was flooded to a depth of two inches. in addition to which there was a steady downpour, Fortunately the RAE Stadium is one of the best equipped in the country. with first class changing and bathing facilities, which no doubt filled our athletes with envy. It is interesting to note that in recent months £25,000 has been spent on this stadium. But in case anyone is thinking Why can't the Admiralty do the same for Pitt Street?" the £25,000 was made up from £5,000 from the RAE Sports Board and £20,000 from the RAT. Prize Money Fund. the It.A.F. having decided after the War not to distribute their prize money to individuals. Finally, to rub salt into the wounds, the £5.000 contributed by the R.A.F. Sports Board is the equivalent of a full year's income of our own Sports Board. But every member of the R.A.F. contributes his sixpence a week towards sport. What is the moral behind all this? Why the old, old one-you can't have something for nothing.
Sortsitian o1 'the Month P
INSTRUCTOR LIEUTENANT L. CAVE, RN. LESLIE CAVE joined the Rosal Navy in September, 1946, and quickls gained a commission in the Instructor Branch, for which he was well qua ltfled not only because of his Distinction
in the Hoard of Education Advanced Physical Education Diploma and h: General tm Teaching Diploma,
because of the unbounded enthusiasr he always puts into anything he esu does. Leslie was born at
Willows in Lancashire in Novembc:. 1926. At the age of fifteen he played soccer at Goodison Park for a rcpic sentative National Sea Cadet Corr team, and in the same year repre sented Lancashire County Gramma: Schools. These matches led to a trial with Manchester City followed by a number of games with their "A" XI. Interest in sporting activities followed really seriously, and Leslie's diplomas were the result of a most comprehensive course, at St. Paul's College. Cheltenham, covering training and coaching in nearly all games and recreational activities. After he took a up Physical qualifying, Education post with the City of Nottingham Education Authority. but the Royal Navy beckoned and Leslie joined at the age of twenty. Inst.-Suh.-Lieut. Cave played soccer, rugby, hockey, cricket and ran I® yards and 220 yards with skill well above the average. In 1947 he joined St. Vincent for the first time and coached boys at soccer as well as helping the Officers in charge of cricket, boxing. gymnastics and many other athletic pursuits. As a gymnast he was quite outstanding, the proof of which was very evident when at twenty-four hours' notice he joined in a Parallel Bar and Agility Display to replace a PT. Instructor who had gone sick. and this for a Sports Day display of high standard. In 1950 St. Vincent's loss was the Royal Navy Cbamplo.sbIpg America and West Indies Station's Blessed with fine weather the RN. gain. Leslie captained the Squadron Athletics Championships were held soccer team matches in North and before a fair sized crowd on the Pitt South America. In 1951 and 1952 he Street ground on Wednesday, July 11. played a number of games for the record was Although only one broken (by LR.E.M, Ragg (Portsmouth) in the 3.000 metres steeplechase), there were several other excellent notahl performances, L.R.E.A. Boycs (Air) in the 440 yard'. (5I.2 seconds), Coder New (Note) in the 880 yards (I minute 57.8 seconds) and P.O. Wieland (Portsmouth) in the weight (47 feet 6 inches). The Inter-Command Challenge Cup was Oflb7 Portsmouth for the .vent year in succession.
}ft'iic Ileec hcloic being appointed to ILM.S. Harrier where for a time he was to carry out the duties of Sports Officer. Here he organised Inter-Service boxing matches-RN., Royal Artillery and RAE-which were a great success. Not the least of his activities was to run voluntary P.T, claws, which had a large following and proved very popular. An untimely and premature end was put to Leslie's personal appearance in top class sport when he was involved in a serious road accident in March. 1953. Eighteen months in hospital, suffered with characteristic (ortitude, served to return him to duty but not, alas. to peak performance in the field. The latter half of 1954 found him back at St. Vincent where he is once again in charge of Juniors' soccer and has this summer taken over the cricket. As the cricket season in St. Vincent draws to a close. Leslie Cave can look back with pride on some very successful matches played by his Juniors. Leslie Cave will take part in any Same or sport because he enjoys it He performs better than most of us, but never well enough to satisfy his own high standards. His sporting achievements would make most of us feel like resting on our laurels, but not him. The time, toil and trouble he takes to organist and coach other people's sport is an example to us all. He is indeed a true sportsman.
inter-Command Cycling THIS YEAR a new system was tried for playing off the Inter-Command Tennis. Instead of the four Commands meeting and all playing all. two semifinals were played. The Home An Command 'ream were drawn against t)evonport and the match was played
at Mount Wise on June 29. The result unfortunately was 6-3 in favour of Devonport. inst.-Lieut. Bruce did well to beat the Navy player. Inst.-Lieut. Eascop, in three sets in first seed position. The general opinion of players of both teams was that the old method of playing the competition was preferable as everyone met and you had at least two days' good tennis, instead of possibly four quick sets after coming all the way from Lossiemouth or Arbroath.
Tennis ennis
Inter-Command Tennis, H.A.('. THE RN. Cycling Championships were held the week commencing June 24 in the Portsmouth Area. As an incentive for inter-command spirit points were awarded for each event and the Sports Control Board have been approached for allocation of an inter-command cup. If this is forthcoming it will be awarded to Chatham who won the competition with twenty points. Other results were Portsmouth twelve, Air eight, Devonport two, The Air Command were well represented and five riders were picked to represent the Royal Navy in the Inter-Service Fifty Miles Time-Trial. There was an entry of over thirty riders for the events and although no records were broken the standard was generally fairly high and the championships seemed to be enjoyed by all.
.- .
Every cigarette
absolutely fresh with the
pouch complete, including tuachine, papers, filter tip.c. for
A smoke tastes so different this way-fresh tobacco from the pouch-add a RizIa Cigarette Paper-a quick twist in the machine-and rolling there you have it-the unmistakable, unforgettable flavour of a cigarette made only a moment before it's smoked.
2r 1/u'
%kla K re~'
Classificd Adrcrtiscnicnts NAVY
II ss.iflttd Ii usiiik iii yarden :irid to relics winter, we. A1,1,15 Catnat%on llotel. ~al, ''C~,~.1e innion. Lsrflsfirfl. \V.. [LJRNER and TtRI:R EUlER ssanfcd (sir mall rIme, ne slnmsp in keriv:rigtiin with new lot precision ri;teluitcs: 'killed nien or lain ill niaki,ie ilid airirslr ts.ttrpu'rcitfs. ttPlY Sriilll (nil 'sim'dell Sllcl_ Kensirlgtsiit 's s
K%I%IRO'i( SII)DELEV MOTORS insite 00: i ahulls trsini jilnhsir and scnisir nicehanical shusit'itcu " and tchflrc;,f assistants lit loin lhcit hitiuc I vie-inst ican, (or Svstrk (in aircrj It gas tuillifles slid a S irictI of other fast mating proftelliS ss'uiei.slcsf with supersonic fltghl. I Ills us all cs(e 11110nal mi000ItUflhly lot the above.0 crane designer accustomcj ii, hiahcr class Si iir and with a flair (sIr Inventiveness. originatils and lesfls,n'Lhulify. fit gain cvpcricnce and kr,uiwlcdge in pleasant vurrouridinus. Very attraCtive sularic, will tsc paid (sir egpcricni.'e. --Appluvatusin. quilting Reference SR./l)A. lii I'e,siinnel slsrnlsfritng Siildelcchnt-al Manager. Ic> Msitois. Coventry.
pLaced at:
C.P.O.. wife and to children require furnished aceomntrldafus'n end sit August Iee.on-Svilcnt rrcleraf'ly.- -lIon 311 "Navy News'
Fdinburgh Road, Portsmouth, as well as at the Royal Nasal Barracks. Ports-
ElECtKl(l. t:N(;INEIRS. Applications are ins ted I imiult men vs lb cIcctrial cwcr ucncc liii l'l.ii-fial ttsirt, is rh Analstgsme (simfllslsir ( themtin in tIle Aciil Inginc ('enltols Dchlartnlcnt. tC selected atuplicant si ill tic required alice suil.sI'lc ti.msih,ng, Ii misc hIs 5mwn Initialise Ill I lt des clu'.lrueslt ansi Csilrstriicl lilt vii sitcillIs (sir Inc lilt ,ittsi sinlphilsi,s and in adslitiiun tic Icspuitisitil: lit the ultainfcnanCc of the cOflhIlUfOt%. for I v.Ssi Sice I tsl,rr fechocians will Ire suntablc '' nh. ''ti-n Alittlicafions. qthittiilg Analogue ( isnlr,ils' sll,uiilsl lie madc tsr the jeehntcal I'cts'r,ur I I iilu er. A,rustrsing Siddeicy Similsit ('utvcttfry.
Private Ads er(i'jementc, 2d. per ssord;
A ntttnl-cr vs li,'t,utils cICclrt,Ll nces,s,,srils
minimum. must accompany each
lRl1 S INGINIl.RS iii tllefl s.f degree staurdard, nrcIll c5t'ct rv'txs' sit rtieeltan,eal. it cleetrmiltie Cnltlneerinlt lnsst tn the (iSV, heidI ate feiliuitesi,
'JItesC appiriithfnenls ire Ism the slat! ol a ness sold esteundirrg slcira muurlent and srller Interfl c I on t mr rtu n t ( r ill ii with dr ilriIif> Assislairer- vsjfi accsintrniidatisrn trio 1st uulleled tsr nelectesi atiirlisants. u\ppli0stusins stynuld lie advlrv-'sed fit : Mie I' ' mIll I 011 'r \lNI) RS'Ri II I 1511111), .1 (.smvul I 11.55- ...... suit-ill no ret elen,e NY's 5(1
44 4s.
Boa Number, 9d. egira,
(-ROAr S(fl'VI:NIRS ssanlesl 11(1 fllLlschltif I illimisi. sii,lrlmflicnls, eslis,u'ntenl, rrltmihstgr.uph',. ?sliuv:miiit is ill h'mireliase stis thins: eiiflsrccted 55 illi it lir'cdiics. - IlmiS 3'I "iS5'
per word:
of ads ertcer
Name and address
1 RI SI S AssisrANis Men 15110 design or practIcal cstwrieflce sit tsleslt.siui,il. elcutticul lit cls\his'ltlC eitci,icerinn. aird ftrelerallls isifll '.afi,iit:il ('Cttulicatc sir ,.Iniu7at slualihle.mfu,rrs. ire ins ted to apply. tx-Sets Cc melt 55 1111 fcclritical espcrucnce ttsll lilleleSI
aged 2S-4 years. teqiuiresf Isir in I tsr and Service SecilsIlt (based sitl I )siiles Itciude sfarfiflhf'ltp cfficicnvy tcvtiti . .utrst service work in land ss Met-tube tsr twitter statIsm capacIties. Also trials and service work Applicants nt;iuirie f Naval itt esliuisalenf certuliC3fCs lIsfl:rt SI cssetttmal. puclrred. iirks ltpflrenticcshitt I 'n' t S per antimmnl. dcpcnslcnt iirli'it stitalch..uflui:is arid cs(teriCncc. ('stnttutiiitini> life lid t,cn.i.ill schentc is Oticr.ited. ;lti'I c imi'. ''iuitlsf 5515W (sill,, staling ace. sagainul csl'v'rielLc fit foster Wlreclcl i'ttIr l1.icc . I uimmmjmin. 5\l'J
Trade Advertisements,
fist .SCII'.I '1RINE SOC VESIitS ssafltesl nlusciiilt. litvtrimnretlts ftltirtg.. C(tilifrlllv'flt tOilella-cd.Arii lit-nC Co nilectcd ('.l.miats wattled. Siitruticts. Red I Lilt, I lelliCi oitt'i hantes, [5,f% PIt-inc : .13(14 71'tO. 2-hour scrse- lii iide Park kit-I (chive Giiilslhgll),
mouth minimum,
Gale & Poldcn Lid., Nelson house,
E('ILI,I\I OPPORTUNItIES chn I-c siflefed I'> Saunders-Rile fsl ntcn vs lung lvi lie csmilsider cii lit cuttyluitmenf as I RI 'ii S i.N(.INI.l RS (it IRI\LS ASSISIANIS in ffti'i: Ri'J,ct I)evelirpmeflt I)cpartmenf.
ARLi YOU GOING AIIROAI)? II yr. why nih purchane your car now, (rce il r.,Imave vim las. awl use it for the iflfclveninur persist? Details on airplicalkun. Ilire-Pslrchase Icrm* 5li slepvssif. balance lIver Iwo years.
l'rinlCrs, l'ubhishcrs and Slutl OIlers In Ihe Scrvicc.
. . . 5,,sm,t ( hrmslnfas ('ards uI -
"l'SFI) CARS YOU CAN 'IRUST" 151 Standard $ de fuse s,alinmrfl. small mutileage. csilsiur green: indislinguishutile Irsint new cs,hour beIge 1101 Sl,lrhdatd C salsvssn H
NEWSkiigs .t.
in (Iii hester siw rt f-d ' g t '4 fi inc I ii I ( 11 ftc Ice II rN sr r liar I i 'iS a> (I dl 1 nrmles, lmswsittll 2 mulct-. I ntr.itsce hull, large liriunge, 3 f,cvjrmuirnw, irhsisleril krtchen, harder. heated Inen cupbiiatvl. Irtiusurir cishIllii;s Id. flail' tiled hathloom. radlafiirs all IlvillI,, garage: I aeie see sided garden: Iregltirld t4.2'hi, IIliIlt. ttarle,csmfli inrt. Niillsmiimne.
Standard S 'dc luse vakton, esslour recn. 32.000 ntiles, fitted ,%lexaruder lumglt speed cons ersivtt, ret gIving S-lid nttlc's per hour
1130 Standard Sangslard estate car. 1150tone green, healer, leather. elc
sum, tsifld enquiries will receive mnrmediale aflcnfsitfl frsini NElSON ilOL'SF, I 1)1i's lit kG II
Itt5 n
ROAI), NiR I !s,SI( It III P U tt i Ill i Al.ii lit
cars. medaum horse posscr. ftsrffl £30 to £1110 flute-purchase and lrsnmiranu,'e arranged
Alder shit.
('anile i el
- 5.__ I ----------------I i._ t51rfl5.0iiiUd1 ii, 'I 15551111 - ''.'i5u1i'i5r. 'I'l'' 2 w.cs garden. csmnscrvat,rl). 'lied: back cr1trance: sllimhrcllile centre. buses S PIer. 5110011. (issuer, SI 1_muWicr ki'.ssl, l'sirr,I)sic5shird 111501111
55111', 501 I.E 's'i F till: KiIS SI. N.%A5' 5 -ic.s,s scse sill st lISI. tine, I'iiitl,ind. llnith and 111 ACCONIMODA'I'ION ritc se:s,t C is Ill sIns ui III 11.51. fh'_kV.() lURNISIIII) ROoSt5 iitil kiths,rt aimsl s.ut,ls. .SppiI5.ituoir Imi the ( Itnct I nuurncr. tlet It-ems I lr.ltlirsi,imlr: i.uc.suit Sillterllher I. II 'if. i':is il ills: P,'rfI,mi:d. Dirts_I. I sit-el, ''St. Jiusf. S,mtmy. munsmsmi.tilc ilti,Irmil i l)RI%IR. es-k N. sit R 'it.. ssanlesl fuit dliv - I llessinsltutn 5,senLie .isuiustlmue.i. in:, .su Imniui'.h,ilmn5e ill,t rltustcllanesiltv dull me': I w,:ii. n'icstsliro It-rI 'ed-si trifleiii iii (Cr111.51 'A vstmllsnster, Isir en- tmmiilii: gm. emsilel mri,l lire: imiliS ruieter: evert tIring (Iii: liS mW lrilrhitsl.uti,iil rliistlft I': I sishlirhied: lime ii I 'slIm tuisiiii: volt c,istple: Intl chili 31 urIc,: Septcrliliel 3. I'tit,-Irarvl, -13 lass. ,smli'lms.sill. lbs ,,S,ismlhses. WANTED
SITUATIONS 5. 1,1 msu;rl,
tl I
4 Il I ri I
i II. *1 .S.
'I h(
pilots. (or thc long trip up river 10 Roucll 5% here 500 years ago Joan of ,'\l(' 55,15 lllIlflt ztt the siakc by the Itbglish. -I he 1515L'ISC U
tO Rouen was full oh iIihCI'C'st, the banks of the river null bore plenty ol evidence of the huller fighting of World War it,
'ii, II I Si
II Isimphe lu2 JC4IIIIL'' '5PL'Cldlli' I fOI' lhvi (%k'L'.lStOii. Siligets attd l c:l'sflc-llkc music were housed Ill building erected finder the biidc. 1 o
vs ho bert hed :l'rlcrlb I ('4 aI I ttlicrs ati ci I vs eI) t y-hivc ratings I reins each ot the tour ships :IhtcIldCd a cuvic recepitort givef) by ihe .\ I
I'rm8nch :\uhhorlhlc'i ol come 10 the ships.
R(r(Is2tl as a 'is-cl'
111(1 IhutnkS Speeches of vsclcoiac were ihe M:tyor of espressed h of Rcr(lehl llld the Brilish Consul R()Ucfi. I Aller ss hih champagne was drufuk to
opelt 'ish:tt Grandes I'ies tflY l'reIseh."
icrtn '5Les ' Rouen. "Pardon
Oil S:tturdav, June 2. the Royal Navy, repre'scntcd by a gttard from Jesset atsd Acule, 'scored the second cees oh their visit. l'he smarlness
shared until the While proudly fluttering asfern, was theft a complete transform:t'sighed, 11011. 'ivav!tlg hands, caps, nd anything Ihuit CZIIYIC to hand, to me it seemed hh:iI inhahilants of these places had
had lvi be seen
apprecialed, the
spectacular displas of marching. appe:tr:tncc atid tific IOOIL-menls at the wreath-las fig ceremony :1! Ihe War
vvelconled ships of the Royal Navy ;tnd remembered, they most certainly did Iheir best to inform us from the distance ihat they were pleased to
it the second success because of tlic inlt'lztvatl:Ile appearance of both eSlensive sea ships after stch an trainuttg progranfflle. The efforts by both Ships' Conspatties in getting them up to date and looking like show pk'ecs did not
once more the Royal Navy ships ing up Iheir River Seine.
On tIp river proceeded the two Miuiesweepers and in brilliant sunshine around 13(K) Jewel followed by Acute berthed almost under the bridge
ttilllv)têcL'd, aflemoon S:tturd;iv Commencing the French put ciii lhrough the streets Of Rotten a processioli depicling thc life of Joan ot' Arc ftnm early childgo
Je:tIinc d'Arc alongside "Quai C:nvelier le 1:1 Sillc.rI it was Visite dC IronS then on ('ourheisie to and from Service. Diplomaiie and Civil Authorities, keenly
hosad. this magnificent affair wilh the dress. costitmes and performance of
the French population of was able to he present at
taking p:trl. one was 'iisiidly ears taken hack It' the period of 5(K) ago. ml this 'fhe cliThax moving spectacle was ntttsie and singing from the Opera
Iolltiwiisg Jewel and Acute was the 55(1 liench Frigates Chamoix and
. ---
s'-' ''
111- I'rilchard, .13 I hswrencc R5m.mJ. Ti) I.Fr EuRYsusu,I:n. l)r,ss'n.hire Asenlue, I flit I S lh r us fri md k I h ii u '5 P1 ilitsr.rii lit .1 I I tel mm I t
"I ,
( hex i (1 LI I
existence. jusf
1 he people living along the river h:tnks. 'isho ill the course of a year 11111sf 'see hundreds of ships passing I1l(i accept ships uts part of their daily
n r itt so i Ii n I
_.\ I (t (KI 111111 rs rfl J (11112 22 the nieusi' I I he I)ltrtuloll lb he r'. Squadron 51 I IS cd oil I.e IIavre at the niotith of hhc River Seine, WtitiIlg to take on
Rotiell that Ih,il hour,
'A( 4U I F;
A\ 1)
watched by
1 Ia'W El4 (Dartmouth
" 'iIrm.i.
Ically was most enjt)~:tblc. the mu md ttltl'stC l''Ilc'cI I ml' II the :illci :: 0111:1111. ui:igcd\ PsiPtll.lIil1 \%itllcSSii1g 55,15 'iiruI3gcly l4tiiI.'l hitl VCt'V moved; to he brought hack to I fe III Ihe Cil d oI ihc Opera a 111(551 by a l'i ress-ork dlspl.t 'r I ci Cii(I nlemor:thIe day.
StIncluty, JtlflC 24. the I'IL'nidclbt Ihe French Republic st. Rene ('oty ts'ok the Salttie :11 a P.tradc where most walks of liI'e 'isas rcprc'sctsteci. ('hurch. children Nav:iI. ulililutry. from Ihe convents. lvottlL'fl's Srviccs, Old Cotssradcs. dc., Cs CII :t homage Jeanne (I'Arc from England, took part
_____ *e4.1Hi1I
be Ut us \scue lucky 10 to sail H.M.S. Scorpion's selected 27 It, 'is hakr l'rom Inverness to Oha Ii 'I he through the C:mlcclmllli:uIl (':111:11 crew. led l'v :1 liclilcit.lIlt. illettIded 1 St.\l-'.
:eIcmr.m ph 'sI . a leadillg engineer mccli' attic and a cook, It was utn cxhrcnsely " and an experience pleasant "holida 'ise 'isilt neser forget. At 0730 on July 12 we were dropped Isv the ship oil Ihe entrance to ,the In's ernenc I'irlh :111(1 with a "soldier's
\%l1l(1 practically :111 Ihe 'isay 'i'ic made good speed. WiIh our wireless Set we were able to report ottr progress It) the 'ship each day. 'the first evening 'ire pitched ottr
55 it-u clcl,i'icd. mu srI tsed nI () and rejoined SCvli pion :11 164$) mIll JIll\ 15 We were very hronied and fit, and I'i1Itsl :tt h:lvifltl achieved something lie lk v\tIIcII . ;iuu.;si chile isi h;td not been (lone by a boat 'is Ithout 'ttrtile form of :111 xil ia ry motor, for I hi rt 'liv (I e;t rs. niousl s' thah tts is
II nan'
been thc most enjos;thle experience since we joitsed tIre Ros ;tl N;tvs
ASSOC. MEE'H\G. BISLE I have and many more that watched this parade had lhc OcCasion to led heatttit ul groutsds of 'l'he lN'1'I-R-('OMM AN I) tents in the of our forces very proud of members School. Fort Augttsttis. situated CoII'I'iI'llONS on parade in foreigis countries, Never Abbey at fh westerts end of loch Ness. 'Uhe I nte r-C0IU1)1:1 nd Ri lie ('lIp, S. R.( ;it. can I rctncmhef' feeling more so. as I 'iseather 'isas very kitid with a blazing h'orismotitti ('oIllnhalld. walched first Ihe guard from Jewel SUfl and the scenery was hreathlakI uher'('tlmutl;lnd Resolver ('up. '-AIr then Aettle pass the salufitig base and wakend were ('trIll Illand. ugly beautiful, We keep it UI) thrnttglt the streels. They of the second in the taorning S,R.t h'i,---I'ortsmottlh I1is!s Cup, really were first class and a great early I-am, and three optimists too (siIiltss a0(I, credit to the country and Service thcy night by tents Ihe to their esenlng 1 lazy pitch Nasal Air rmiphm. , S.R.(ht, --Plyrepresented, belore, were caught unprepared altd 11)0(11 It ('0111111:1 lid. Ihe French of On Monday people were seen scutlling under the mainsail '[he Porlsmottth Cup. S.R.(a-Roucn were enlertained by hlh ships in the whaler to sleep titfttlly on the I'lynloltth Coniriand. and quoting the French Press it was bottom hoards, 'Ihc l)es'onpv'rt Cup. S.R.(:o).-Piya huge success. It has to be confessed that we dd mouth Consmand. June 26. at 18(K). Jewel from a On Tuesday. accept a tow in l..och Ness '[he Ch:tlhans ('-op. S.R.(a)R.--PIy' and Acute slipped their berths, for the Dutch Coaster when, on the evening mouth Corn nsand, down lhe river sud' the 12th, the wind died interesting voyage of away 'I he hutton Trophy (Revolver).Seine. denly, but otherwise we were able to Air Command. to did not have to resort of Rotten were most sail and The People 'Ihe Suh-v1:tch'mne (plin Cup."-Ply' frjetldI'i'iilid ii lot ol good was made oars or the tow'path except on a few mostth Coninsand. 'i'cr'itm sheltered corners. wilh Ihis visit, 1'Ite I.ight \Iac'hine (,sill Cup. 13y 11(5011 OIl the 14th we were Nore ('omrnand, Roucti will not ft's gel the Royal through the twenty-eight locks and Navy, least (If all Jewel attd Acute. lNTER-SERVICl' UNI'l' free down 1.och l_innbc at 'the bearing. behaviour and smartness rutliliilg COMPI:'l i'rloNs time knots. That night we of Ihe British sailor on this ocCasioti tIe.tIIy tire SfelIlllen Ctip.- R..I-. lighter 1_och l.cven ax Ballachutish was everythillg that could he desired. camped in and sailed next day at flOOfl for Ohan ( slflthh).I lId, is this that makes "cfltente It ilte Aldershot Cup. ---R.\l. Psurts' on Ihc ebb tide, cordiale," shown great kindness tbl(ltltti Group. We were the trip and the local throughout INDIVIDUAL, lvi NTS people seemed very intereslcd ill US. Medal. - - C.P.O. NRA. Sil'iCI We became very efficient at using the Fraser I Ntre). bw D. B. Knight built "Shcrpa" tents and cookers and R.N.R.A. Silver Medal for Tyros,up hefly muscles operating the lock- IS, Sss,tdling (Nore). l_s gates and sluices. l)expitc In'any hopes 11 N Bronze sIed:tl (Rcvols'er).ihtt we would he becalmed or olhcr('ERA.('l:trk (Air),
i I
L ô
c : :!& i'rirslesbnd i'uslsIisfIevl lust ails) on behalf or the N x'i-
NAVY NEWS CROSSWORD ir IS regretted thaI sloe hI Ihe preusii,re sos omit 'pace this ni,,ntli we are usnaltle tsr inciussie Ihc ur'Isat crssswumrd. The s.cuistiion tsl criis,hlrursi Nm'. 23 is as heisuss I he c.mmpilee. sonn wilt nsiuieg, suorilleti to cisc isv the clue. lsmr 23 and III vlsriS It. ACROSS--I. C5uaehit,mi Niauiein; C, t'nrcsi: Ill, Intlmlern: 12. OIler: 15. 1 emnuc: 17. Can1tn; Is, Fanatic: Is. Trelmusl: 211. IISII All: 21. besiege: 21, Spill y; 23. Sersms-: 21. Sw alt-. 2?, (Irnafe: 2ml, Cleric: II, Sleepless niglIL's IX1V,'N.-I, Cssuufl sm( Sessisuns: 2. ('ume: I. mIss: 4, Grill: 5. Tier: Si. 'i,if. 7, Nu'ruuinal Services: 9 Ronran 'iuiSklti" Ii - lmnc iit Li nit: II Ecu Law: II, East ANt-sI: Ii,, E'Iima,s : I ('tease.; 2-I. isc'uI; 25, Arms: 2!,. Sean.
Ni Is s( cisunriffee tsr' Gale itnvt P.slden I iiiljlesl, ,'slslei .lsoi.
the Hon1)1011 Cu p (Iii ghest 'ry t ti. Rule).-'- OS. Chipp I Portsmouth I. R.N.R. A. Tyro (hampionship, 0,-is, ('lii pp (Poi tsl)5(lttt lit: UI fl 11cr-tip,
A.A.2 Packer (Air). 'Iflc 'Falli .--S.C.G. ()rr Orpen (Porl snsvtutlr 1: 1:., A. ('ole I I'slrtsllmmll Ill Res olser R,N.R,e. I.t.
(ltd. (AIr). R.N.R.A.
M11ekle Ritle
('.P,O. l'Ike I rISel I \rt I.
(hanipisrn'ship. I huts minulh I: C.P.U.