Navy News
Bernards believe there is no substitute for quality and in every
aspect of Tailoring aim at achieving Perfection
Tailoring Craftsmanship.
40 Commercial Rd.. Portsmouth
No. 47
Publis/tedfirs! Thursday
APRIL, 1958
of the month
Fleet Air Arn1’s
F ...:6._‘._
clothes and Bert-iards the house to obtain them from.
Bemards MENS
quadrony ,.
Price Fourpence
Advancementto the Chief Petty Officer and Chief Artificer
A REUNION of tire Fleet Air Artn will be lteld at the Royal Alliert Hall on ~.\Iond.'iy. l)ecenibcr I. 1958. front 7 part. to ltl p.m. ‘the reunion has been proposctl for this year. as I958 marks the 21st anniversary of the formation of an air arm under the Royal Navy. At this unique gathering. all wlto have worked in or for the Fleet Air Arm will have an opportttnily _to
CONFIRMATION HAS hecn received that the follotvittg have been advani:ed to the Chief Petty Oflicer or Chief
Artiliccr rate
To (.'Itr'i'I I'¢'!I_i' 0flici‘r.——.lX.l-I08-35 T. Carter: JXI-ttl588 H. Forster; .lX.|457(i2 A. I-lancy: lX.I(i(l3.l9 M. Sonncii: JXJ52087 (i. Vospcr and .|X.l5l9(i7 J. Wilson.
associations. remembering witlt
the acltieveuicitts of tlte past and with every confidence in the future. It is hoped that the reunion. which ROYAL Navy's new interceptor fighter. the swept-wing Scimitar. is is unlikely to be repeated for some that the Scimitar will, in due years. will be attended by anyone who shortly to come into service. It is served either in a carrier or Naval course. replace the Sea I-lawk in carriers. A large single-sealer aircraft, it is
40 Commercial Rd., Portsmouth 30 Royal Parade, Plymouth
Newspaper of the Royal Navy and The Royal Navy Association
Trlr limit: owl:
Spring is the time for new
to have an exceptional low-level and. in shallow dives, is to be able to penetrate the sound barrier. The first squadron be formed at R.N. Station. Lossicniouth. June next and the squadron is expected to embark in the Navy's new carrier. the Victorious. irt September next. of the aeroplane not appreciated by people Air Station. I-ord. where the fighter was recently demonstrated. is its terrific noise.
said said
During the war, some l(l0.000 men :ind women were directly concerned with the training and preparation of those wliosc gallant exploits and shining example were the adntiratiori of the world. Since the war some 50.000 have been similarly privileged
Eighteen Years As Submarine Coxswain
A_ feature
living ncar.R.N.
in its work. ATDIVISIONS held in l~l.M.S. DolAdmiral Sir Denis lloyd. K.C._B.. phin on Friday March I4. RearI).S.C.. who was the (‘ommanding Adniirzil Bertram Taylor. Flag Oflicer Oflicer of I-l.M.S. llliistrious at the Subniarincs. presented the B.E.M. to Battle of Taranto. has consented to C.l’.O. J. W. F. Cooke. 'I'Iie Citation be chairman of the organising cortiread as follows; ..1‘. iiiittee of the Fleet Air Arm reunion. Chief Petty Ofiiccr John William which seems assured of widespread Frederidt Cooke. B.E.M.. Pl.l.ll3l26 interest and support. British Empire 50 Years Ago AWARDE_|_) THE Medal (Military Division) in the New It is noteworthy that it was in I908 Year Honours List. I958. for outstand~50 years ago-that the Royal Navy ing zeal and devotion to duty while first took an active interest in flying. serving in H.M.S. Artful. Soon afterwards. in I912. the Royal C.P.O. Cooke has given over 32 Naval Air Service was formed and years‘ conscientious. loyal and devoted developed rapidlythroughout the First service. For the past I8 years he has World War. In l‘)l7. the first deckbeen a submarine coxswziin and ltinding was successfully carried out on lliroughout this time. and in H.M.S. the foredeck of the battle cruiser Artful in particular. his work has Furious. Just before the cessation of been of a very high calibre. He has hostilities. the Royal Naval Air H.M.S. PLOVER. the coastal minchas marked throughout ship been the confidence and respect of his Service was zimalgarfiatcd with the freeand commissioned in first which by is persistent accuracy was laycr. superiors and subordinates to whont Royal Flying Corps to form the August. from breakdown." and has off. never paid dom he has set a splendid example. Royal Air Force. and it was not until laid over193']. understood from Lieut.-Cdr. It the is mines 10.000 during war I937 that the Royal Navy assumed ‘IIG. Wcmya. the present Commanding in Nowritten years. and in a letter complete responsibility once more _vcmbcr.-I944. their Lordships stated: 0fliccr._-thatthe programme to celefor its own Air Arm. Coming as the method in which these .br:ite this long commission has had to "; this did only” a year or so prior operations were successfully com- be postponed until September I2. to the Second World War. there reflects greatly on all I958. Full details will be given nearer pleted little time for consolidation was the work of the this date. concerned." “_ before being fully engaged in fighting the w:ir. Development and rapid expansion were achieved with highly creditable results in very adverse circumstanccs. The resounding victory at the Battle of Taranto. which crippled THE LATE Admiral Sir Max Horton spirit of leadership. knowledge and tlte Italian fleet at the critical period left a sum of ntoney in his will to- co-operation. in the Mediterranean campaign. was wards a prize to be awarded after Because of this. the submarine serof Flee the among the many triumphs each training class to the officer vice are particularly pleased that he Air Arm. the highest marks-in-the left this legacy to make the prize obtaining The recently issued White Paper on passing out examination. It commeniorating his name possible. Defence confirms the importance of This prize. which takes the form is an ever-present incentive for ofl'ithe future role to be played by the of an engraved iankard. is particularly oers joining the service to achieve Royal Navy and emphasises the appropriately named because Sir Max the. best possible results during their increasing contribution of the Fleet Horton was probably the greatest training. Air Arm towards the fulfilment of submarine oflicer to be produced by that role. It is clear that aircraft front any natiott in the history of subcarriers. capable of carrying nticlear marines. He always laid great stress weapons. will form a vital part of the on the high qualities of leadership striking force of this country for many and technical ability required. above years to come. As in the last two wars. all. by submarine uflicers and he the enemy submarine remains a para- devoted his Service life to eiistiring mount threat. and in any anli-sttb- that this high standard was marine struggle. czirrier-borne aircraft titaintaiued.very l’articu|arly. he was one mav aitd helicopters are essential factors in of the first to insist on a thorough VOLUN'l'I;'l:'RING Ralirigx |'UlllIlf('l'f [or any of the .tht'p.t, or far successful defence. teeltniezil in subjects. By grounding .\'t'I'l‘i('t' in (I prirticiifrir .rmI't'mi. or [or The rttctlioil of applying for seats his own shining example in the First forms 0/ .r¢'rvit:e fc.,e.. Local at the reunion will be published World W:ir he proved beyond doubt specific I-'uri'igIi Si-ri'icc or General Service). shortly. that maxitnuin efliciency in a sub- /Is‘ ilra/tingaction is taken or fear! two marine crew cotild only be obtained riimillis nlit-ad. application: to serve by everyone knowing their own" and in :Iiip.r due to caniniix-.rinn in the Iu'.l‘l‘ everyone clse's jobs b:ickwards~—the It-iv M’('t',\'.V are milikely to have any VISIT THE EASTER executive ofliccr had to be art engi- effect. neer and the ship's cook a seaman. SUBMARINE COMMAND Snbmzirine training at ll.M.S. DolNAVY DAYS AT 'l'a_pir, 'April. at Cliiitham. for phin has been rtin on these lines ll..\l.S. the Ist S/in. Squadron. Malta. ever since anil the oflicers joining the WELL MADE PORTSMOUTH subznariiie service now. whatever ll..\t.S. Tireless. May. at Chatham. specialist branch they come from. for the Ist S/‘m. Squadron. Malta. (COItliIlllt.’l/l’n_x:c 2." Col. 2) are inspired by the Max Horton to share
To Marti-r at /Irms.-—-.\lX.7l45l6 G. .\iulcli. To (7Iiit'/ I-.'Ir,i:t'm' Room /lrli/i(‘i'r.— MX.l2tl574 G. Arntitt: MX.ltl24l5 I). Cltappell and MXJ0530 L. Jones. To (.‘/tie] Iiitgiiimfririg Mi'cImnic.— V. Chandle r: KX.85263 KX.8972I J. Dcluchi; I(X.83tl(i3 E. Evers: KX.97S-£9 T. Flynn: KX. I06798 A. Maison: KX.64566I E. Mcchen; KX.‘)-I39] ll. Moore: KX.893l33 Ii. Russell and KX.9759() N. Thompson.
.S‘hi'pivrigIi! Arli/ircr.—
MX.8‘)885 1. Stuart. To Chic! Pai'iilcr.—-MX.63863 P. Glecd. To Cliief Jm'm'r.—MX.7l7809 H. McDowell. T0 Cliiel Blrrck.rint'rli.—-MX.6l8l9 J. Warden. To (.'Iiii-I I;'li-ctrical Arlifici'r.— MX.833-l26 R. Page. To (Tliiel EIecIri'cimi.—MX.80l490 E. Cannell: MX.S8I569 S. Clarke: MX.8-15495 C. Distin; MX.85(i39S W. I-‘ord: MX.85t35l5 A. Locke: MX.8-14051 '1‘. Murphy: MXJ59352 1. Rogers and MX.80-4628 W. Sexton. To Cliirl Radio Electrician.MX.856323 W. Punchard. i
(Continued Page 2. Col. 5)
Outstanding Cigarette of
A rll I958
Navy News
A.F.0s. of Interest
2 IIIlllIllllllllIIIIIIlllllllllllllIllllllllllllIllllllllIllllllIlllllllllllIIlllllllllllllllllllllllllIIIlllllIIlllllllllllllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIE
Eoirou Lleui. ts) II. R. Hcrridxe. R.N.tRetd.). Royal Naval Barracks, Portsmouth T-:I.3 l"ottsmo_uth 7-C004 (list. 2|‘)-I)
A message to the Royal Navy from the F i‘r.rt Sen Lord. Ail/iiiral of the Fleet Earl Moimibutlcii of Burma THIS IS one of the banner headlines which greeted the Defence White Paper in February. in these words is reflected not only ii re-awakened interest among the Press and the public. hilt also the realisation that the Navy is as essential now as ever it was. both in peace and in war. It cannot be as big as we have known it. NAVY NEWS is honoured this month for science cxtorts a Iiuge price for the spectacular improvements it devises in cquipmciit; and it is our first dirty to ensure that the Fleet is with a niessage to the Royal Navy from weapons and equipped with the latest and best that our money can buy. the First Sea Lord. Admiral of the So we have to streamline our Navy Fleet Earl .\lountbatten. It is obvious and deny ourselves everything which is from the First Sea Lord‘s words that not essential. Some things which we 1would dearly like to keep must go and 4- -_ he has no doubt about the future of some attractive plans will never see the Service, and we are indeed grateful the light of day. But we have been to him for his message. able to so arrange matters that it will be on the shore support and not on 3 O I the sea-going Fleet that the main burden of economies will fall. The Easter Navy Days will be held this “iaiI" is to be cropped to enable our this year only at Portsmouth. About 19 essential "teeth" to be preserved: is inevitably painful in many ships will either he open'to visitors or process ways. but this is the beginning of a new on view to the public in Portsmouth era in which. I am convinced. the I)ockv:ird. including the world's most Senior Service will be restored to its position. and I am sure that this tip—to-date aircraft carrier, Victorious; proper what we all have at heart. two cruisers, Kenya atid Iiciniiida: live is Consiiler what lies ahead. New ships:
Discharge by Purchase Admiralty Fleet Orders 453. 454 and Adniiraliy Fleet Order 527/S8 shows 455/58 give full details of the new the result of the review of ordinary rates of pay and allowances effective applications for discharge by purchase as from April 5. I958. Admiralty covering the period October. I957. to I‘lect Order 456/'58 gives details of the January. I958. The names of the increased Education Allowances for ratings whose applications have been Service children and 457/58 the approved are shown. The next review information about restoration of gold will take place in April. I958. badges to compulsory kit. Clothing Prices. K.U.A.. clc. Revised issuing prices of clothing. FIRST LORD Pay Codc—l958
tobacco. and rates of Kit Upkeep Allowance, are shown in Admiralty I-"lee! Order $92.58. They
soap and
take effect as from March 22. I958. The effect on K.U.A. of the higher prices of certain articles is partly A .iIiitcim'm ugrccil hi'tu'¢'cri the offset by lower prices of other articles. ilcpulritiim from the Mciliiviy Ton'ti.r and by the reduction in the amount of am! the First Lord 0/ the Ailliiiriilty. bedding to be maintained as kit under A DEPUTATION from the city of the new scheme. Rochester. the Boroughs of Chaiham and Gillinghani. the Strood Rural Back District. and the Kent County Council accompanied by i\Ir. Boliomlcy. Mr. All Kirk and Mr. Burden. .\lembers of Parliament for Rocliesler and Chatgold badges of the ham. Gravcsend. and Gillingham. .\lr. TIIF. I-‘A.\lll.lAR Royal Navy and Royal .\lai'incs will Harwood. vice-president of tile .\lcd- be worn again in future by all ratings way Chanibcr of Commerce. and and other ranks of these services on new radar with greatly improved perCouncillor W. Wilkinson. president of their best blue uniforms. The isstie of formance and tii:irried to new display the i\-ledway Towns Trades Council. these during visited the Admiralty to make repre- the badges was suspended systems for air defence: it new generawar. although since the end of tion of naval aircraft. faster than sentations to the First l.ord of the hostilities Iiavc been able to sound. soon to be in service with the Admiralty on the Government buy them. ratings Their free issue has. howFleet: niiclear-powered submarines. decision to close Naval establishments ever. been gradually restored :ind at with their fantastic potentialities: the at Chatham and abolish the Norc the time they are made availcommando-e.irricr. an entirely new Command. Also present were other ablepresent to more senior ratings and 7 members of the Board of Admiralty conception of fighting vessel. with its .9 Marines. From April 5. they will be Royal Marine Commando and heli- ~,;$ and representatives of the .\Iinistry of worn by all ratings and Marines as Labour and National Service. the a result of a decision to restore them copiers as well as landing craft to seas without which no island race Board of Trade. the of transport them. Ministry to ratings below Leading Rate and This is a Navy which in peace time could survive. and Civil Aviation. the ranks Transport below Corporal. This. ‘hen. k how the Navy stand‘ Ministry of Housing and Local can continue to promote good will and Small Government. and the War Ollice. discourage violence: if war coiucs— today: its tomorrow is assured. which Heaven forbid—the men and wondcr one newspaper called it "The New Industries should he Encouraged ships will be etiuIPP<-‘ti to iiiaintain. New-Look, Cock-Ahoop Navy." .\l()U.N'TII.\'ITEN 0!-' iiuiuuii The deputation pointed out the with our allies. that supremacy of the (('miti'nm-4! from I’ugi' I. Col. 5) serious consequences for the Mcdwtiy To .S'it'k Iii-rth (.'hi'i'I Petty 0]]ic.-r.~-towns of the Government decision. .\lX.58‘J‘)0 C. i\Ioss: .\lX.5(i873 They urged that evcr_vtliing possible the I.. Neville: .\lX.R-H12 (T. l’arsous should be done to encourage and .\lX.57232 I). Wright. introduction of new industries into the Tu (‘hi'i-/ ['4-try ()[}in'r 'I'i-Ii-i.-riipliiit. area in order to offset unemployment ,. -—.IX.37l382 (i. .lu b b and which would be created arid the .IX.24S77-1 H. Smith. damaging effect on local prosperity Tu (.'Ilii'/ Polly ()fllt‘i'r ll’riti'r.-of the Navy's withdrawal. Among MX59392 W. Baker: MX.58I955 other proposals made was a strong C. liickerton: MK}!-ttI5b(i II. plea that the Admiralty and the War It u i go ss and .\IX.8lt)'.’63 A. Office should not restrict the prospects Hobbali. of industrial development by continuing to retain land. buildings and To .S’tnr.'.t (.‘lii'i'/ Petty (lflicvr (V ).—.\lX.80‘)758 J. H o l in c s and other facilities which they no longer .\I.\'.53(i‘)S 'l'. Scholicld. needed. Surplus property should be rapidly released. and with necessary Tu Star.-s ('ht'i'I I'i'Il\' (3t]iu'l‘ IS):.\IX.77titll6 R. Riches. flexibility and at reasonable prices. Tit (-Ilifl "i'II)' Uffi-(i'I‘ (Ural. lS).~having regard to the importance of I’. A d d i c o I t: i\lX.52Sr.() stimulating employment. .\I.\.l222l1 C. I‘ o w l c r and The First I.ord thanked the depiii:i.\l.\'.(»tlSt)5 W. Stcclc. tion for their visit. He explained that the decision on Clt:ith:im and the Norc Command. which had been particularly painful. had been taken only sense of review lhc after a most searching future needs of the Fleet. Chzitham dockyard would be retainctl. and it had been decided to spread the rundown of the other Establishments over several years in order to provide time for counter-measures to be taken. The .; ..-.-. i 4..‘--;-_- First Lord undertook that the represcntations made would be carefully of Malta, I50 miles of salute to the borne in mind and he the subject of January, 1958 action where practicable by the Admiralty and other Government Dcpartments conceriicd in their task of ° Cantinucdlram page I putting itito ellect the reductions with ..i...... 3 the least possible hardship. The .\linistry of Housing and Local ll.M.S. Tl'icrI'iiopyI:t:. May. at Devon- Il..\l.S. Albion. May. at Portsmouth. Government undertook to consider for General Service Commission. port. for the 2nd Sim. Squadron. made by the Kent .\vTL‘tIlIt:I'Titllt.‘(lI1;E.3Sl.Indies/Far East. any proposals Home I-‘Icet. County Council with regard to zoning U.K. Base Port. Portsmouth. Il.M.S. /linens. .lunc. at Portsmouth. for the 5th S/ni. Squadron. Ports- Il.M.S. Cossack. June. at Singapore. for industrial development. for Foreign Service on Far East mouth. GENERAL Station. Portsmouth. ILMS. Ceylon. April. at ASK YOUR ll.M.S. Loch Filth, lune I7, at Portsfor General Service Commission. for General Service Commismouth FOR Homelliast Indies. U.K. Base Port. sion, Home/East Indies. U.K. Base Portsmouth. Port, Portsmouth. H.515. Loch Alvie. April. at Chat- ll..\‘l.S. Birmingham. July. at Chatham. for General Service Commis- ham. for General Service Commisand the Duke of Edinsion. I*lome.lEast Indies. U.K. Base sion. H0n‘ie;'Meditcrranean. U.K. THE QUEEN '_"_t nun: <oi'i'u burgh left H:irwich in H..\I. Yacht Port. Chalham. IIIKDI Ito tsuitnu-r Base Port. Chatham. for .\larch Iiritannia 24. on Monday, at ILMS. Cardigan Bay. April. Singa- lI..\IS. Dampier. July. at Hong Kong. 'PEIif0-VI.ll‘l[D' IOR WEIR II All CUIAIES Ilolland. visit to state :i Service I-air for on Foreign pore for Foreign Service on Far East The Royal Yacht was led out of East Station. Station. |l.M.S. Chicheslcr. April. at Glasgow. H..\l.S. Cook. July. at Singapore. for harbour by the Trinity House vessel SAVES ITS Patricia. and an escort of two seafor General Service Commission. Service on Far East Station. Foreign going tenders of the R.N.V.R. H.M.S. Mcditcrrancaniflome. U.K. Base II..\l.S. TIMES at Belfast. Tliamcs and Isis. both manned by ReAugust. Blackpool. Port. Chatham. for General Service Commission. serve Ollicers and nicn_ Il..\‘I.S. Cheviot. May. at Singapore. Mediterranean/Home. U.K. Base The escort for the passage to Amfor Foreign Service on Far East IDEAL FOR NAVAL Port. Chatham. stcrdam were the three frigates H.M.S. Station. at Hythc Grenville (Capt. H. R. B. Ianvrin. WEAR ll.M.S. Dunkirk. May. at Portsmoiiih. H.M.S. Dartington, August. for near Foreign Southampton. Pellew (Cdr. D.S.C.. R.N.l and H.M.S. for General Service Commission. Station. Service Mediterranean on of the J. L. W. Thompson. R.N.l Mediterranean/Home. U.K. Base H.M.S. Protector, August. at Ports- Second Training Squadron; and Trade enquiries. Port. Devonport. H.M.S. Jutland. May. at Portsmouth. mouth. for General Service Com- H.M.S. Paladin (Cdr, K. Lee-White. mission Homcisouth Atlantic and M.B.E.. R.N.) of the Norc Destroyer for General Service Commission, South America Station. U.K. Base Squadron. Mediterranean/Home. U.K. Base Port. Portsmouth. The Royal Yacht arrived at AmsterPort. Chathani. II..\‘l.S. Ti-afalgiir. May. at Ports- lI..\i.S. Ulster. August. at Devonport. dam on the morning of March 25. WHITEPOST LANE 30 ThursHolland from Britannia sailed Service for General Commission. Service Commouth. for General Home,'West Indies. U.K. Base Port. day. March 27. and arrived at Dover mission. MeditcrriiiiezittflIomc. U.K. E.9 on the Fritlziy morning. Devonport. Base Port, Portsmouth. *
submarines including I‘i..\I.S. Shrimp. ilie giidgct suhmariiic. and others. There will be many displays and we feel certain that visitors will have a most interesting and enjoyable time. It is hoped that they will come in their thousands and that naval charities will receive a bumper contribution. Many. many thousands of pounds have been handed over to the various naval charities throughout the years that Navy Weeks and Navy Days have been in existence. 0
There will be a Navy .\'i_\vs stall in the Yard. and the Editor will be very pleased indeed if readers. from whom he receives so many letters, will make themselves known to him.
For lIi' timkcth the .ll'tN'Ill
that the It'tIl'i‘S thi-n-o/ are still. Thctt are they _l.,'I(ltl In'ciiii.ii.' they are at r¢'.\I.‘ am! so ['4' liriii_ei'tli them unto the Imi'i~ii It‘/lt'I‘t.' llicy wmtlil In’.
fiiuurit coAcTE§ 3
il é
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your particular unveiling requirements can be organised at short
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TRIUMPH COACHES LTD. 3 Edinburgh Road. Portsmouth Phone 70863
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cm.u- ,\tI
Gold Batlges Ratings Again For
Piiring it '
President Tiirltey
south’ -
is smart ‘I’,
Draftmg Forecas
IN THE last two months the emphasis in these notes has been on the purchase of second-hand cars up to about £400 in value. as these are the most popular purchase among Naval personnel. This month the pendulum swings the other way. and these notes will consist of a road test report of a new car.
lllllman Minx Jubilee Saloon The model selected for test was the .\lark Vlll. Series II. dc-luxe saloon fitted with Manumzitic transmission
giving two-pedal control. It is generally agreed. I think. that the latest models produced by the Rootes Group. from the Ilusky tip to the Ilziwk :ire extremely good looking cars without being too llamboyant. Never having driven a Hillinan for
distance. the idea of ttnlirnitcd
genuine. unsupervised extremely attractive. although
I must confess that I felt somewhat
conservative about two-pedal control.
IT IS discouraging to have to report that the recent slight improvement in the rosters has been entirely reversed. Indeed. the number of ratings waiting for accoininodation has increased by sortie I20 to -180 in the last month. The main reason for this unfortunate situation is that the rate of completion on the last housing estate at Rowner. which will consist of 250 houses and tlats. has so far been much slower than that achieved previously on the other estates, Further. the private houses available and suitable to he hired by the Admiralty :ire progressively becoming scarcer and more diflicult to find. Advancement on the rosters. therefore. now depends almost entirely on vacancies caused by changes in tenancy. amt this state of affairs is likely to persist for at least the next three months, On March I8 the state of the rosters was as follows. Figures in brackets show numbers on the foster a month ago:
Dale 0/ rtpplimtimi
(‘.I’.0.s l‘.().s
No, on of mm: Rnrti-r at top ii] ro.i'li'r on (52) .I;inuary ti. I958 ll5 (I10) November 9. 1957
The Hillman Minx is a full fourscater car which will take five in reasonable comfort. The seats are a red demibench type although bucket seats are Ihidge: On a white ground lion holding a trident in its right paw. available for the front seats. The Motto: Cocur de Lion. seating is fairly upright and reason- Built by: John Brown 8:. Co. Ltd.. ably firm and the furnishings Clydebank. generally are good. The _front seat is [.m'd clown: November 30. I939. fully adjustable to accommodate nor- Lirmti-lml: September It. l94l. mally built six-foot drivers as well as (.‘onipf('Ii‘d.' August 2|. I942. shorter individuals. and there is at all times adequate knee room for pas- I)i'.rp!ticemeriI: l I .66I tons. I)imensioIis: sengcrs in the back seats. Length. 555 ft. 7) in. (0.A.) It is a medium-sized car which Beam. 62 ft. should appeal to the family man who Draught (max.). 20 ft. 6} in. wants something a little more matiComplement. fit I. siI.e than the 8-I0 h.p. car. FIRSI‘ COM MISSIONIZD at Glasgow Technical Points in August. I942. H.M.S. llermuda is The engine is an o.h.v. unit of L390 a typical “conventional" cruiser. She c.c. capacity. with :i compression ratio carries nine 6 in.. eight 4 in. and I4 of 8:! and developing 5l b.h.p. at 40 mm. guns. together with six torpedo 4.400 r.p.m. tribes. The dip-stick. distributor. oil aitd The ship first saw active'scrvice in fuel filters are all easily accessible on November. I942. when she took part in the off~side. The battery is sensibly mounted well forward on the ncarside. under the bonnet. CADET The normal instrument panel is centrally placed. but there is .1 subNEWS front of the in steering panel sidiary wheel which carries warning lights for Quick Advanee_inen_t ignition. oil pressure. headlamp main THE ROYAL Navy are always happy b e a in a it it traflicator repeaters. to receive Sea Cadets as recruits Optional extras include oil pressure because they know from years of gauge. ammcter and clock. experience that cadets are potentially On the Road first-class sailors. Having already Starting from cold was instan- imbibed a fair amount of seafaring taneous and the choke could be dis- knowledge. they ease the work of pensed with very quickly. R.N. instructors and frequently earn ()n the road the car scented to be quick advancement. equally at home at IS m.p.h. as at its As indicating the progress made by niaxitnum of 75 m.p.h.. whilst cadets in the Service. it may be sufcruising at 60 m.p.h. seemed to be ficient to cite the case of a single well within its capabilities. In fact. it S.C‘.C. unit. Bath. struck me as a car suitable not only At the moment. eight of their exfor pottering but also for dicing. and cadcts have been in the Navy for in all respects it is a very good-tem- about a year and a further six have pered car with no vices. The steering recently completed their training and was inclined to be a little spongy but gone to sea. nevertheless the car handled extremely Two former cadets are now chief well. I understand that ti different type petty otlieer apprentices in H.M.S. stecriitg box is now in use which has Fisguard. With six others they were eliminated this minor criticism. selected for C.P.0_ training out of Average speeds are a good criterion about 500 apprentices at the establishof safe pcrforntance. My normal time ment. for a journey from Newhaven to I-‘ive other ex-cadets are serving in Portsmouth at night is I hour 40 the junior training establishment. minutes. but in the Minx I took only I-l.M.S. Gauges. and one of them I hour 25 minutes without consciously quickly rose to junior instructor. hurrying. which speaks for itself. Another two have been made leading M.p.g. seemed to be slightly better juniors. a fourth is a class leader and than 30 ni.p.g.. driven fairly hard. a liftli ti first-class junior. Yet another transmission The .\lanuInatic proved llath ex~cadet has passed out at to be a great asset. particularly in Ganges with exceptionally high marks traflic and in restarting on hills. and I am! is now a telegrapliist in H.M.S.
O peration "'I‘orch"—the Allied land- In March. I953. she transferred to the ings in North Africa—covering the Mediterranean. joining the Ist Cruiser a short refit at Devonlandings at Algiers. After a short trip
home she returned to the‘ Mediterranean. and wore the flag of RearAdmiral C. H. J. Harcourt. commanding the l2th Cruiser Squadron. ‘During Jthe early part of 1943 Bermuda was engaged in escort duties _with the Russian convoys, while later in t_he year. as flagship of the lst Criuser Squadron. and in company with H.M. Ships Sheflield. Furious and six destroyers. she led a striking force which attacked shipping off the
Norwegian coast. After repairs on the Clyde she formed-with H.M.S. Jamaica—part of a diversionary force associated with Operation "0verlord"—thcAllied landings in Normandy. In May. 1945, following a refit in Glasgow. she sailed for the liar East. where she wore the flag of.Rear-Admiral R. M. Scrvaes. C.ti.tE.. cominandingthe Znd Cruiser Squadron (later named the 5th Cruiser
From mid-I947 until October. 1950. when she joined the (ith Cruiser Squadron on the South Atlantic station. Ilermuda was laid tip in reserve. first at Chatham and later at Plymouth.
Squadron;_after she
joined the Home Fleet in
January. I955. In November. I955. she was towed from Devonport to Hebburn-on-Tyne, where she underwent a major refit at Messrs. Palmers. During this refit a number of improvements were made to living accommodation and the
bridge was enclosed. After recomin October. I957. Bermuda missioning the joined
Home Fleet in January. I958. and has just returned from the Home Fleet Spring Cruise. during which she made a memorable first visit to the colony of Bermuda. The present llermuda is the seventh ship of that name to serve with the Royal Navy. Most of tier predecessors were engaged in operations in the West Indies. The first was a I4-gun sloop built in 1795. then followed an I8-gun brig sloop (I805) and a I0-gun brig sloop (I808). In I813 a Delaware pilot boat was presented to the Admiralty and renamed Ilermuda. The fifth Il.i\l.S. Bermuda was a schooner. built in I8l6. and the sixth was a schooner. which was launched in
:15!4-‘glén .
converted to its use. Eagle. ratings .103 (20!) October 28. I957 There is one technical point. however. As one in every l() recruits to the The gear lever knob incorporates :i Royal Navy :ire Sea (‘adets it will control switch which attloniatically readily be appreciated that they closes the throttle and disengages the provide the Service with :i steady clutch when only lightly pressed. stream of “proper men." AN lESSI‘.N'l'lAl. part of IIritain's _(‘onsequently. one must overcome any Naval policy is co-operation with the Cadets Sail with the Navy of the lever hold of retaining [habit Navies of its NA'l'() allies. In line during a series of gear changes or the Naval oflicers. noting with approval with this policy the Royal Navy is most peculiar results can ensue. the quality of the lads they get from helping the (iernian Navy to equip the Corps, never lose an opportunity General Opinion and train its Naval air arm. of taking cadets to sea. especially The German Naval Air Arm is The Hillman .\-linx is a very during the summer cruising season. being equipped with I-'airey (iannet pleasant. medium-si/.ed car with ade- and this year again many hundreds and Armstrong Whitworth Sea I-lawk quate comfort aiid perform:ini:e and is of cadets will he sailing in H.M. ships. aircr:ifI. The Royal Navy is helping definitely on the short list for my next ll.i\l.S. Sterling is to take a party of the (ierman Navy as tnitch as possible new car. Prices :ire cotnpetitive and cadets for :i three weeks‘ cruise from in the training of pilots. observers and are as follows: April 26 to May I6. and a further £7-til maintenance ratings. Seahawk pilots Special saloon batch for a fortnigtit‘s trip from £795 I)e-luxc saloon are now learning to fly these aircraft June 28 to July 9. Other offers of I)e-luxc saloon Manumatic £851 at the Roygil Naval Air Station. l_ossieaccommodation in H.M. ships are £898 mouth; (iannet pilois are being Convertible expected to be received in the near £954 Convertible Manumatic trained by the I-'airey Aviation Comfuture. ObInstructors. I would like thank R.N. In conclusion. to assisted by pany Ten cadets from Stoke-on-Treiit servers and telegraphists are under- the Editor for making the arrange- and I0 from Blackpool have just going the regular British course at ments and Messrs. l5.M.A. Ltd.. of finished a weekend instructional R.N. Air Station. CuIdrosc_ Mainten- Grove Road South. Southsea. who are course in H.M.S. Eaglet. headquarters ance ratings are under instruction at the Rootcs Group Distributors. for of the Mersey R.N.V.R. Kingshury various R.N. air establishments and lending me the car. and Kenton cadets have been invited A. E. MARSH iuantifacturers‘ works. to spend the Easter weekend in Presiilcnt. R.N.V.R. headlIl.M.S. off uini to pay tribtite to the work of m¢| the Thames Embankment. quarters \le."cli:int Vivy and s‘iid"i tremend- _.‘\tmiril I York Sea Cadets have been ] \\. K I.\t.t'\lti.(l. l)..$.().. in “m “cm “M mwd H‘ "mm. H W“ R“ ' arranging a cruise on their own ucll. he \;tltl. that tltc_\ should !'L'IIlt.'IIlaccount. With a crew of I2 boys their but the work of the .\lereEiatit I\'.i\y. I motor fishing vessel is to leave York gm; L L‘ ;(l C53" Friday. March 28. for a trip down then. hanilcil_ the stand.ird over to on Retirement I'ri-sentzitiori the Htiiuber. calling at (ioole. Htill Prcstileitt. fill‘. I). IE. (E. Went and At the>end of the dinner the chair- .I)..S.().. G rimshy. and returning to York I)..S._( l.,uS‘“. at-gm R.N.. man. .S_!npinate .l. (ii.-nt referred to to the chairman. 0" "19" 5U"dilYA. Shipmate the retirement of Shipniate A. G.’ lla_\\‘sei' and on to the standard be: Am’ ofllccrs. vb" Sziiidall as honorary secretary after Sliipmate ll. ('. ltilliness. honor four years‘ serxice. He presented ‘ac,-... ,- Th March 9 the South SUNDAY -__. r --__;.d. _. ‘__v __ 3""‘|"" I‘‘'”‘ "ll I"-"~"'l’L"l Shwlds Um‘ “"5 "'5"°‘l bl’ Cd." tanltard and Mrs. Sandall. _an lioiior- Lon Sm“. and mu cmlirnnn "rm Whalley. R.N.. N.E. Area Olliccr. in an inscribed com- [he Admim] the Formerly new_h_eadquarters. their and Ms" fur ary for so ably assisting her dcco,m;,,'g by sh;p,,mcJ 5,cw.m. Iyne Division. R.N.V.R.. I)rill Shed. the Area Ofliccr declared this to be the jh,_. C010“, Lufl Sm; ;md'\h.s Five days later at the annual nteet- shipnmlc lcwry-S W“-C {mi mj “sq finest headquarters in the north east. with t=\'¢|')' lflcllill’laid 011- The S00”! ing Shipmate J. Gent was returned A; II“: "mug" on fora fifth year in otliee as cliairnian. ,\|;u-ct; It) the Rm. 1 Shields Unit have previously held New otlicersarc: vice-chziirrnan. Ship- Pck_r.S Church drills on board H.M.S. Satellite. the cl mate II, I;_ Iztylnr; X['g‘,'[\'[|]’cr_ ship. [Cd hm, chaplain .md “X, W R '["t[lC. R.N.V.R. Drill Ship (formerly H'M's- Bmvch aidvi Fl°."l .Ml"°5w°°p°r 'l‘”."" 5" 5-‘\r',(-l"lm"i "ml S""'T'~'l"")‘-,so|icitor: m b“ l‘“""°‘-l ‘‘“''‘‘l'' 1“ secretar_v Shipmate Ilillii Ho_nora_ry 3‘"d' two new ailditional post of .~.!antl:ird he; “F.lhc“‘'l‘‘.”‘ hcld “ succcssml "nnlml were elected: 'I he Rev. R. A. I.o\\'r_\'. and Sliipinate Whitwell was ele U"ll. I oit Itiesday. March II. at the the branch padre. anil Shipmatc A. (i. Smpmates (.001-tc and Iroon l dance Nook Hall. Sandall, retiring secretary. L.“-..,l_
..['$.Ct:itllclI(lctll.. -
!((,,? "‘]l lV.:.‘ .,Li‘l’\‘. l\i1'.H'..‘“;\' l )‘_:“}‘-’l“,'h"\d" \lf|"i" ‘
\;_\,3}v ‘j,,‘,p‘,
i 0 N olliieis.inhiiibiir:ti-ii7eT:ini-Iogiil ..
Shninmc tI'tL‘n’tl)t.‘t‘.‘\t.'x|I‘1 putt.‘ l‘"‘l:’-'“'-l..
oi .
Ifyou‘re going for good or just a few ye:ir:—you‘|tnccd , ca, whm you get, there. Buy a new Hillrnnn model now —undcr our special export scheme. Peel: the receipt in your suitcase and pick the car up when you get there-no extra charge and you buyat export I Call at our showroom today your Hiltruan model can wnytomorrowl .
{hc spiel.‘
Sou-I-HSEA ' 0” mi
WM‘n;mnin“;ml). honoralriy legal 5l‘,‘l_”‘“”‘-' 3°“,‘i'_"‘l{ vice-presidentslrelinquished _
citov: mom soum
‘La; ii :1]
l)cpI|)'hc‘?l.l '
“mo” mm‘ Sum" motisu
MM5"""' CAM“ In
A ril I95
W. 11.181. S.
Wren Blake. II..\|.S. Harrier, 4; yards of niztterial. Total cost El.
Out Of Uniform
alter the date of the June ineetiiig until Wediiesday. June 18. This chaiiixe of date will be notilied at each meeting and it is hoped that iiienibers will not be unduly iiicom eiiieiiccd. to
THE ll..\l.S_ Vernon llrancli held :i (iciii:r;il Meeting in the ciiiema. H \l S‘ \"ernon on Wediiesday i\I'll‘L'll R caitlvr-.' I'.ll¢|lllf\' .- \ l' 5 Si.-eini: a meiitioii oi" .I \lrs‘ Price iii ‘pI'|.\l|L( ant wt, \\ \cry p_ls..isi.d o W. ‘"f.."".“" ‘ ‘”“‘l‘-" M” (welcome Mrs. .-\brali:inis lroiit the. “W ."_‘ -" R.;\'. .-\it' Station. Ford. as a t.!llL"~l. &t|'\\lC‘. “role to tic tittor ol ll.‘ Openiin: prayers were said by the N.\\‘v i\'t\\'.<. iii the hope that lliis Rev. ('. l’iior. He is lcaviii-,: the estab“‘\‘Ultl PW‘-c to be an old friend oi llisliment to take up an appoiritiiiciit 1.,“ at the R.N. (‘o||e;.:e. l)artriioutli. and‘ I Uiifortunzitely this was not ho but Mrs‘. lllundell thanked him for all he had done for the branch and .\lr.s. slttlttltl lltix‘ be rc:ti.l l1\‘ hits’. Josephine Prior for her valuable work as a coni- Price who would probably remember mittce nicmber before wisliing them .\lrs, (iwyniie as Miss (‘. Statl'ord_ per- 1 every success in his new appointrnem. liaps she would like to get in touch‘ An "Any Questions" panel formed with her. by the following ofliccrs from H.M.S.
"fmi. M.r_‘.'_ ii‘.
l.i,h.'f‘d‘;” -
M‘-‘l“~’I‘|‘L'i‘,‘;~'_ -‘\‘9'“;k‘.
A1‘ A farewell
Wren MacMilIan from V°""’"- C"P‘- M'"-‘h°“- Lie"!--(‘fit kl.t\I.S.|mcChief Isle M and cmcmd the Tcmplm “cm. Trim and Scmnd “"°h"'r"‘5'-'
parade held in
fiillqgiil S'(1n\l'l-lfblil m-r‘),Kllflill
Women's Roval Naval Service as an nmccr-S su.w'.u.d at "m New Em”. D.S.O.. tlte retiring p0mnwmh_ On February 3_ the presented Chief. Long; 1941 Sm. has since scrwd in SCFVICI-‘ and 000d CWIUUCI Mcdill 10 ‘as far apart as Northern Ireland and Chief Wren M. C. istiicsttiiiin. H.M.S. Daiititless. “ll”
"'* ‘*7
Royal Navy
EI-){nITtlt'phycd ZfI9.lYAIli0?:K"C‘)lPommomh } .
Women’.-i Inter-Service -
llncltcy Chaniplonslaips
Command. 2nd Air Command. 3rd Portsmouth Comniaiid, 4th Norc
wommis [um-.command
"0'~‘lH~')' Championships The womcn-5 imc.-.5.-n-ice Hm-t;¢y Championships were pla'~d in March
on -
5 and
standard of play was high. and it 'l‘‘‘‘ "“ "°"' these matches on a llldgtlk. oppmcd ‘O 3 ..kmK.kum-- basis
".':l-"“‘lR.A.t-‘. was
(he R_A_;.-_ home g,,_,und at Uxbriagc); 2. Roval NIIVV i ( V la 5‘Cd at asthe United Services (()llicers')('-round. was Portsmoiitli); Royal Navy 3. Army l tplayetl at the Army home ground at The R.:\.l-'. therefore hold \.w“._ and pmvidm u more Picture of the comtiarativc SlilllllilftliilhcCUP IN" W53‘.of play of the four Cornrnzind teamsl Royal i\'av_v in the final result. Plymoiitli ComWomen's Inter-(fnniiiiaiiirl mand emerged as the winners for the Netball Chanipionships lirst time. to the satisfaction of all The Roval Navy Women's Netball and Mrs. Karn. by Commands. The last match of the Championships were played as a Our nc.\t meeting will include series. played at the United Services “knockout" tournament on l‘ri_day. hair-styling demonstration. (()tl'icers‘) ground was watched by a March 2!. I958. in the gymnasium. niimher of Senior Naval. Royal Royal Naval Barracks. Portsmotlth. by Marines and W.R.N.S. oflicers. in- kind permission of Commodore A. A. THE RE-CO.\l.\llSSIONlNG service Talbot. D.S.C.'. who after- for H.M.S. 'l'_vne was held on board at eluding Rear-Admiral R. W. who, as the CUl1lI''|-t\rV3lI’d\ presented the cup to the 1530 on March 26. I958. It was con(.'hicf‘s representative. kindly pre-waiccessfiil Non: Command team. The ducted by the Rev. A. W. M. Wcekes. scritcd the cup. The results of thc.results of iiiatchcs were as tollows: A.K.C., R.N.. assisted by the Rev. ; ; ; il wt .' matches played were as lulln\\‘s: Air Portsnioiitli I5. Pl) mouth 3; Note 1.‘. S , ) g q -7 1. llxmoutli l. lortsiiiotitli .1. i\orc .\ir H. Air 5‘ l 3 limouth -_ /_ i\orc l.. M“: l: Plvmoiitli 2. \'ir' t): \ir 0. Portsmotith ". The liiial team iosi- D'S‘()". l)_$_('_._ Royal N“), .y Nore ti- Plvmoiitli ‘T 1- tions were‘-‘ Nore (for the “ "-'.. 01 is 'l'1l ir-ti;n ; ‘H "0 l L 5”’ Air l. Portsinoiitli t). llic liiial posi- tll siicc-.'~~IOI1l: 3110- l'I’tl*!HUllll‘i: 3rd. 1 Wm ltlt) relatives The Roval .\l:irineslland lltItl\ of I ‘l .’\ir. and '. 1 N U“: ( mmmmdcr_m_(hm,‘ '\\t.l‘I.. Isl. l ’ p‘m5_ tiioiitli. also took part. ll..\1.S. 'l'_ine has just completed a ll inontlis' relit in Portsntoiitli DockVISITING LONDON? On Icut't- or July yard. She is due to relieve H.M.S. .\laidslone as Flag Ship of the Comiiiaiiiler-in-Chief. Home Fleet. and as W“ Y N AY l)ep_ot Ship for the Home l-‘lcet Submarine Squzidron. During her refit A T TH E A FA C L U B ? jriiaiiy alterations and some irnprovements to her aceotnmodation have been The SSAFA Club offers clean. comfortable accommodation to ; "mm. in Md“ u, "now he, N, km. on serving and cs-members of ll.M. Forces with or without their i ~. 5, 6 and 5, ._ uring t e_ K orean W ar_ H ‘I S ., r.ll'l‘l|lILS. Adults. bed and breakfast I016 Cliudrcn :1.) M “M Smmncd in the H” .\'t;’\’ERN CLUII. \'0UJ\RlE. l=_ARI.'$ Tlll: SSAFA i-i. was also employed :i._s ii where she 1“ ‘yumhadmm “ U lltc COURT l.O.Vl)()N. \'.\V.5. Tdvphnnc: FR()M5,w, 57” S|"‘‘1' hcmmc !' . l;"-u W54 coittittt: of atlvertisctl l‘ ship the The ivaterfroiit. the ruins of MU‘ ll 'irt (ieorgc and all the 7 Capt. J. 5. Stevens. D.S.O..‘ _l).S.C.. the litlls about the tow n were massu. 4|; pcuplc. Sea l-lawks. Veuoms. : Roial Navy. was decorated during new ms‘ in fm.m."i.,n mm, iwar while in command of l'l..\l. Stibiiiarines Unrullled and 'l'htiiiderbolt.'' towtt. Rccciitly he has been in commatid of l_liil\v:_ifl1 l“'“¢d ll“: the nth Submarine Squadron. based athicl]. iti c_0mPi‘“)'~ “'35 HaliIa.\‘. Nova Scotiii. which is iinderequia. Ships P|’¢-‘-cl“ ‘_"°"° H""‘°' H'~"~'ll- C"'ll"" the operational control of the RoA\a|i7.-In‘ Caitadiati Navy. 3.O.l-‘.ll.). llermuda. Daring. Delight. Tyne proceeded on sea trials the fol-Dainty. Carnpcrdow'n_. Barfleur and lowing day. Immediately after tlic:.l-‘.r\.'s Alan and Iidcreach. Easter leave period she is due to hcgin:|fliUS “'¢|'L'_l1'“‘-l°d Emdv 7.6 M/IE5 mam papmuaam arr cs/mas AT HORNDEAN leather. wliich restricted boat “Or the Home Fleet Summer Cruise. (2-iunlr selfing dose to main tendon-Porlsmaulliroad: Shops and. nany were able to take advantage of “/1 5 nearby. Ten minutes 6_t/ but to tmporlaml S-’>4‘Pfl§"3 CUVUG he lovely beaches of the Island. am? 6cdraarns.0cta:hc¢/and l‘/.vh:r/con’//c. 2 at saw:-detacliqd There was a week G;r.;_g¢ if rqufrtd. Well eq_u:):p¢d_l'i£eI:¢nand’ 6,2.’/ire:/7:.Choice I 9}‘ /hccr/ordc;-ar.m'an. Main SCPYJCOS and drainage. A new collection of Nelson relics i~‘°“"'5' '" “"3" ".. "m i u :lW|‘l1 t
"“"°.-‘. ‘ff .
;T:|';:,':‘_‘.’iymftimtzzrgil‘“Cir-W‘ m_.L.”nm.lAldcrsliot). ,
5. tI.)l?hr'.i I.\'rdrs§6 ' cltagiiti i i ilssli lz “mus: 7. I958. with )the‘following R'A'F' 6' Army (pulled _-
.w-R-N-S" ."’l"‘
Licut.—(‘dr. Parkin as Question Master gave their views on many and varied NORTH END with wisdom_ “ml h""‘”‘“' 3"‘! l""""~'°" " "W" interesting we have had. and the THIS \lAR('H meeting was held in 008*"? i-‘flint’-ibis‘ =i“~""°°Ii'-‘- emer- attendatice—on an extremely cold day Fislier Hall on March 4. Mrs. Martell tainment. A vote of thanks to the tcaiti -—— very good indeed. presidctl. Two lilms from the Southern Gas "’“"" Mrs. C. l. Horton (vice-chairmziiil Tea was served by the tea coin- opened the meeting and Mrs. Hardie Board were shown. both of them mittce under Mrs. Bird; Mrs. Brewer welcomed two guests—-Lady Gran- being instructional as well as comic. The birthday tea party included sold ratllc tickets. the prizes for which tham. our president. and Mrs. Main. werc won by Mrs. lilundcll and Mrs. former chairman of Sheerness branch. members whose birtliday falls in Mrs. Hardie then introduced Mr. March or April. This was iti conseTanner. of Dorothy Cooper quetice of there being no April nicelReginald Cooper. Future Even“ ing. owing to the closing of Whale (local millincrj. “ f the Easter leave period He gave the members a "pep talk“ on Island during the Easter leave period. H*-¢'"‘_"A rallle was held. the prizes being the April meeting has to be postponed hat styles generally. and followed up distributed by Mrs. Martcll. until Wednesday. April I6. when Mr. with a really expert on comnieniary Whilwmbc iS_ Cflmifllt 10 lfllli On the display given by four attractive "Chccscs.“ This nicciinit will be held models. in ‘he cinema’ M 2'15 pm" A sewing NAVAL AIR STATION Each of these ladies displayed I5 meeting will be held in the wardroom up-to-the-minute “Easter bonncts"—— TO BE ‘AT HOME’ on Wcdmdav. April 30. and came well into the audience for It has also been found necessary better viewing. The prices were very "At Homes" will he held at Royal modest indeed. Naval Air Stations during I953. as Tea was served by .\lrs. Jones and follows : Mrs. Baldwin. and Lady Cirilnllltltll .liine 2|. Ford. drew the lucky tickets for the ralllc. June 28. Abbotsiiich. These were held b_v Mrs. Lucy and July I‘). l-Tglinton. Mrs. Pearce. who received a tin of July I9. Culdrosc. biscuits and a silk headscarf. presented July 26. |.ossii:niouth. Mrs. Hutchins
EASTER BONNETS AT HAVANT nieeting was one of the 0UR.l./\S’l‘ most
Relatives Attend
Re-Commissioning Service in H.M.S. Tyne
l’:il '*'it‘!.ro_v
tlie_tt_.iins ‘
l’tirtstiiiititli lviiiiiiitli ‘
Aiigiist 9. Ycovilton. August 9. I.ce-on-Solcnt.
Royal Navy
itliliear C‘""'“"'.mP’:"\g()m;1':r)‘!h':?‘"l”CT'“'
is’! -ttli. lyiiiotitli.
hH:'l‘hCL,:m RJN
r\iigtist_2. llrawdy.
The Back Room Girls of
i i
lhl S)(ll :l tastli.
oil _(|on}ni . i i c l e 1r-i n ;-2;‘ ? .l i v ark. '\"':l'l-':|"\m":,‘i'l"1'.','5'(__r‘ "
p'()ll ‘l1
”“[“"' _Fl""l‘: “"‘l“‘I“;| m_ ’‘l‘‘'‘'“_‘’'‘‘
_II(| l ’ I )".l l l d"'5l’”° lb}: -
,¢.,;/J,a.uA£aAzx.r fa‘.-
House 81.4-¢.(d4M.S' COURT LANE 'COSHAM HANTS Tel=76429 '
°?'s'v'§°" RIAIYMINTT
,5...’ 54/. VII II/[UK
fly-past over tie island in company with planes from -, H.M.(‘.S. ltonavcntiire took place. The weather was not too good at and
llcrmitda for lliil\vark‘s visit. but it .-_ was lialf-way house to Halifax. Nova Scotia. where tintloiihtedly the cold ..k would really be felt.
Supplier: to the Admiralty. N.O.5 5 G.P.0. 0'
AUTOMATIC VOLTAGE f0IIil lL‘l SL\'L‘§0‘Cli|l 0 REGULATORS permanent display tliel” o ROTARYTRANS!-‘ORMERS t;; "lIl‘ui,tn“.il‘s“;'::l|,:|;i _“-", c hn{; 3 ' 1 ". the Museuni public Victory I’iirts~i:]::“_:°‘;;“f‘I 99”“ dulings fwd been o MOTOR GENERATORS 1;; mouth Dockyard. been presented d -I for l lieiaid Mrs Ward l ! — UT-‘ i l ‘ l 5 1 | } “V-I rldmlznn 'i'i’i2;wf<'i"i'i""'siibiiiéiii"';;£;;§;{."’"iiii .325 husband. the late Mr. .\laiirice 5iiel~:li i_L-')”":“"_ ".‘"‘_‘ "r_ ‘“_' mt... Ward who the lust of iVcl~.oii'~ "“"g" '."'*h'd"‘ ?‘”m"""l' he '
H. 5.
It has in memorv of '
5.n.;u...,_-md,».,n5_ ‘
1 “.0 m-. ll
P" larit:e.s. drives by private car. bus trips. mrse and mule racing. brewery visits _
VICTOIlIOUS Have. ciiiriii l l l l . M.S. in
April. I953
personal problem ASK JOHN ENGLISH
Jolm I;‘Ii_«,-lr'.\‘li will be [llt'lIS(‘(lto aii.rii‘er your qm:'n'¢'.i'. A smmpcd (ltl(lf(‘S.l¢‘tl i:nri'Iope trill be appreciated. RI-I.\l0\'AI. I-IX Pl-I.\'Sl-IS I .-\.\l :1 Petty Otlicer lingiiteering Mechanic and atii niovitig my furniture froiii Plynioiitli. I have been told to obtain three estimates from removers. which I am doing. Could you please tell me what percentage. or how niiieh. does the .-\dmiralty contribiite? The qlumlily ii] frimimre irhich ma_v he coiii-i-_i'i':l at piilzlit: £'.|'[7t'Il.l'l' un "i-iimli-i!" JIIlH‘t'.'t' m or from it private l'(’.|lllt'll('t' 1'.\' I Wlll lmul ( = 600 cubic /rel) [or l’i'tty 0flicer.i' and hi-liiir. I] the nmvc is to or from u A Sl.\lPl-F. but diiinilietl ceremony neutrality where God is concerned—tool.‘ place in ll.M.S. Victorious on "He who is not for me. is aizaiiist me." March II, when the Chapel of St. .\Ieii atid women iiitist stand tip for own beliefs. and mitst not be ('lii'istopliei' was tledicatetl by the their \'e1ieral\le I-'. Darrel llunt. ().ll.lZ.. led awav from those beliefs by the of mass opinion. :is were the .\l..~\.. (_).ll.(‘.. ('li;iplain of the Fleet. pressure people of .lerusale1ii. who on Palm .-\i'e|itle;ieoii of the Ro\;iI i\'.iv_v. Stititlay hailed (‘hrist as Kittie. and yet 'l he Sltip's ('hapl;iiii. the Rev. R.«W. live tlays later were peisiiiideil to cry Riehardsoii. .\l..-\.. R..\'.. and the out for the death of Him. (liziplain of the l)oel.\ar.|. the Re‘.‘.; .-\mo1i;.: those pieseiit :it the dedi\\'_ II. S. (liapmaii. ll..-\.. R.i\'.. weie catioii were ('apt. L‘. I’. Coke. l).S.().. in atteiitlatice. R.i\'._ ('o1n1iiaiitlin;: Ollieer of ll..\I.S. In his a1ldi' the Chaplain of the Victorious. and the (‘otiiin:itider of the I-leet remarked what :1 heziiitiful ship—('dr. J. A. R. 'Iroitp. l).S.C.‘. chapel had been built. and he stated R.N. he felt iiglii at home. as ilie stained Also present were two of .\l.('.D.‘s window and the altar glass ornanieiits ioiners. .\lr. I-Edward Martin and bin old been fiieiids, were lia\'in_e origin- Walier Lake. both of Portsmouth. who in ll..\l.S. Nelson in which ally ship hail spent some four months in lllllII',: he had been ('hapl:iiii from I935 to out this lovely chapel. .-\iit| lovely it is I937. with its hand-piclted oak and simple The ('liaplaiti of the l‘leet's atltlress bin so ellective IllI‘tll.\lIltIt:S'—-ll place was based on the need for men to be of rest and quiet amid the tlirob and \\' for ('Iirist, Tliere can be no pulse of the l'Itl.\_\' life without,
I)ireeto1',R.N.S. at Arhroatli
biograph_v. featuring 'l'ommy Steele.
. _
Delicate Delinquent. coinedy C‘-cit p;.rt;¢r_ nie|odr:ima. featuring Jerry Lewis. ntnncfi rm. the p,,m.‘.m;,,n' 1‘,-gal l)=IIIs'I\ «\lC(51|\’i|1 ill“-I -‘limb?! HF‘-'1 IllL'lll(II':llI'l:t.T} roite Power. .\tarlene The llirthilay Present. dutiiestic-ciiin-i‘ Di!-‘lfl'~‘lli||\\l(‘l|%U'l¢‘l-1|l|8hl""big business ntelotlrania. t‘e.iti1rinelllls:li I-‘light t(.'oI.) tCiiieiiiaSeopel. 'l'on_v llritton, Sylvia S_\'tiis aiidl .-\i:ri;il inelodrania. Ra_v .\liI|a1td.
(ieotltey Keen.
Tl'£I\'clllIlg to U. K. by l3.E.A.: :\—l A l_T.-\-—l-ON DON (i I I3 R A L'l':\l{— LONDON
£3l.l5.0 RETURN
THE MALTA AIRLINES In a.r.roci'aIion with B.E.rl.
285 KINGSWAY, VALLETTA or write to us
Dial 5471-72
(.()Ml\II"I'A'I'l().\' OF Pl-I.\'SlO.\' ("ll 31'" please tell
if it is‘ “f ‘,m.-.\
to ctimimm_- m”
finish my
lllv ainimnlmmu .i1'uli- i'_i ilmim ,1” "".’-"" 39 “I 'l"' -‘lI’I’-'IMli.\ In the i\'ui'\Lu! [.lrmi_'. I937) lI'll'lL‘ll _\'i‘l(I nmlil .,»‘.
__iI/tplifiilin/i It-4.", ;),>..,-_u»'m_’, u)n ( ”ltt'l'. ,‘rII‘ ({\¢un[y[‘-_ [hr In
HQ‘. 40. the (‘0IIIIlIllIrIIi¢rn mm [. [i{[)‘.[‘ l_’‘'’' U "l I't'II\iim t'mmiiii.'i-tl. .-I1 I! lrntllrl /l¢' £|.t,()35_ mt‘ \ It'i'I'aI ri'\i'I!l.-m.-I:I ‘(I III.'.’ "/ l_._50 [tuyii -Ii’ 1.. ,-,,,_1,,,\.. ,‘,,,,..{_ ,. llI(’Il‘ ¢'ll_L'rI_L‘t'IIlt‘H!i ,{,,,-',‘,,.~. ,/,". it ¢.uiu'rni'il. Iliit pi mil t.i i-.iImmIi-il Ivy the .'ltllI.'lI'lllI_\ In I-.-' llfll mur.- [IMIII ;,,.'. _“.‘,,_\ 1",," 4. I957. .m llml ll .\|'('I.”.\ llIlllh4'I_t-_,l,.,,, ,1-..
The Commandant and Petty Officer Wren I. Willshire in the W.R.'N.S. Galley
Ellit fileiiiuriaiii
THE DIRECTOR. W.R.N.S.. (‘omniandant Dame l’jl:incy Robertson. I).B.E.. pai_d an informal visit to Ctm(I0l_' during Mar_cti. She is retiring in April and is making :1 farewell tour, of the W.R.N.S. under her Com-
Cyril Edward Voller. Leading linginecrint: .\lt.-chanie. I’/I-ix.
89l03. ll..\I.S. Victory. Died Febnuiry 24. I958. Liciit. Alistair Laelilan Mackintosh. Royal .\'av_v. ll..\I.S. I-lat:le. Died l"ehru'.ir_v 20. I958. 'I'hoiii-as William .\le_vriek. Petty ()fli;-er, C/_|x_3192o2. "__\1_§_ .-\l-aiiicin. Died Feliriiary 26. I958. AnIhoii_v I-Zrie Gibbs. Telegnipliist. (‘;'J.9JOIl9Il. ll..\I.S. Alanit-in. Died Feliruary 26. I958. Peter John |-{._-in. ,\||¢n-_-sum-,
(iroup (‘aptaiii Ii. G. l.. .\lillint:ton.
(‘.l¥.lE.. l).I‘.C.. Coiiiitttiiidiitg Otlieer of R..A.I-. l.eiie_li;ir.s‘,:irt'I\'t.‘<ll_‘)’l1s‘l|s‘t-ttvtei‘ “-I19" ht‘ mill :1 visit to l'.().R..»\. and tlie Air Station. It)’ train and road the Journey from l.e11cli:irs to f\rhf\\_'[[h occupies the better part of two hours. bl!’ bl’ "¢l10PPCI"' it takes but a few .
The Long Week-end Seventeen members of the Motintain club took advantage of the week-end from midday I-‘ritlay to midnight l\lond_ay and spent the whole time A
II..\I.S. Aliintein. Died i~'cbruary 26. I958. Dennis llenry Spieer. Electrical Mechanic Ist claw. C/.\I.\’.9Z-1052. ll.M.S. Delight. Died February 27. I958. Lieut. Eldred John Ray. Royal Navy. ll..\I.S. Ark Royal. Died .\IzIrch I. I958. William Alhi.-rt Thomiis Stannard. (‘hid Joiner. C/.\l.\'.762ti5. Neptune. Died March I. 958. John .\Iieh:iel ‘Fel-
:l..\I.S. lO\H.‘Si‘
?I‘_"‘r':_h ic‘l'" ll.‘ E553
Iuvlnil. Fl!-ELI) Glll\' Rl'I(.'(lRl2S N9"-‘C 5“'I’ the blooil froiii t‘o\\’i~.: in_ our Mess and tell its the '|.i-.i;.I‘lCll.l '(.l‘lIII\‘ (‘rews fcslllls; (ill lime of record riiii and ‘I-. \\‘Jltim"' (M Previoiis reeoiil lI\'itlL'l\_' (Cl Record time in l*)_i,sj' '1.!i.- i‘uforniuii'.iu _i,.,, ,-‘../,,,,|. ,. m
till l’ri'.\¢'iiI r.'i‘uril hrlil ull\‘ /',.,,.. ’"""'/'~ 7l’’''' 3 “-3. 5 wt.
"'”'" 31‘ Um". "W"-m
“'57M’ n'c'mtl /i.-/.1 /..- .i,-.('omIIimiil. 'I‘i/Itr 3 min. '12_| 5 Act‘. Dale .lurii- I5. 1951.. It‘) It‘¢'t.'ri'! nu [1r¢'-l|'(lI' l't'('I|I'.'/\ "I'll!-‘N’ I0 ['1' u‘.‘ullulIlt'.
I-IARWICH NAVAL FORCE ASSOCIATION The l5th Annual Reunion Dinner of the above First World War .‘\‘~StlCli|tion will be held at the Crown Hotel, l’icr:adilly,\\'.l, on October []_ |95s_
Social Functiuiis Two tiiore ships‘ eompang; dances have been lieltl. the last one b_ein_i:. free and a huge turn-out voted it as gm.” """'-‘i ll” '""“ “'°‘:°“l"l' H” '“‘""l .\I:irtin. Ro_\aI ;\'av_v. \hm_i‘_c ll..\I.S. was tiitaiiced by prolits fiom pieiioiis llulpark. Died .\Iarch I3. I958. tl.Il1CL"€. The Apprentices‘ Slsitlle (iroiip ('htirle.-. Williaiii Geiirize l,aut:lipla_ved tliiriiit: the supper interval. On Ion. Stores (.'.l’.(l. (V), ('/.\I. the siibiect of skitlle. the (Tondor II..\l.S. Eaglet. Died Skitlle group appeared in a tiationali 929284. I-I. I958. skillle contest in the Regal ('inem:i in‘ .\I;Ireli Johnston. Leatlint: Cook I-Iilinburtzh on 'I'h1ii'sdav. March I}. (S).Dennis lI..\I.S. Dnike. but they have not as yet won national DiedD/.\IX.890697. .\l'.ireh I5. I958. honours. Church News A branch of the Church of litittland On the fourth Sunday in l-i:_nt. .\len'.s Society has been formed with Mothering Sunday. posies of sprint: (ftlr. A, ll. \Vesl-llyng as chairman. flowers were given by the Chaplain at ('.l’.O. Fulla as secretary and.App. the saiieiiiaiy steps to the Sunday Carver as treasurer. This follows‘ on School pupils for presentation to their from the bt'.incli at Il..\l.S. I-'isg.:artl. .motl1ers. '
u/ l'i'lIIl[lI('lIl.PlI-(Ill/t' your '96-» WI” ['4' ||'Il'I'HIt I/It’
John Anthony llell. Able Seaman. ('/J.\.9tIll03. II..\I.S. Pembroke. Died .\lareh 5, I958. Russell llaringtun Iltill. Able Seaman. C/J.95lI600, ll..\I.S. I'eiii-broke. Died March 5, I953. Mich?“-‘I ""5¢"o (‘M9 S*~"""5_"""""l'°"""' P/,1-930504‘ 8'“-“'5' 1958' '_"“"‘|‘ “ill-am Johnston Pam-nnhanv S‘°'“’"' Ru‘ Sl°“"""d' P/l‘x' H6373. Il..\l.S. Vino. Died March I0. I958. Licut. J. K. Jzikeiiian. Royal ..\ '. Bulmm‘'. D":it '. ;
Golilcresl. Died
instalment plan system to service personnel
iiiliiy um... 2_e iiiummmli-iluf 1_uiiIi-r.\llllllIl_I{.\ tlii-.\.- imiililin/i.i-_
tary to the (‘oiiiin:in_dimi Ollicer. H..\l.S. Condor. and Miss J. Rea. of (ilasgow. were tiiarricd in the llclhavcn (fliurch. Glasgow. The other tool: place in the Church of St.Christopher. H..\l.S. Condor. where 1&0. R. w. I-‘ullerton and Miss Ann Rentiie were
Other than the lmia-.1! l('HlIl'I' rim_v be t'I('L't'[lIt'(l, bu] ‘I.\'(“JF' Iur guml ri-a.ton.r lo the t‘mi!mr_v. [7(l_\'Illl'lll will be r¢'.SlI‘l¢'I4'(l In the lUlI'('.\I Ii-mli-r. ¢m_v i'.i'm.i rm! [wine lu,,,,,_. by ,1”,
Weddings ‘On Saturday. i\Iareh I. two wetldings took place. One in (ila.seow. where l.ieut_ M, Ii, ('olem:in. secre-
"I flit‘
November, I9(-I Is this the “run dowit" petioil" ('rmmmIuIi'mi ii] H ,mrIinn U] 1...“. /'_\' ll-'1' rlllllllnllll‘ pru‘‘_'mllld .U" ”."”"“""/ 1"‘ .”I""” »\/IUH'H Illrll .\ll('ll inmmulmiun It'(.tM/(I In’ m y/,,- ,j,‘,,,',,(., "ml pvmimiem iiilmiiliiw of rli.- iq.-,';. S cum. ll _iimilil. III my npuimn. Ii: ulltmt-il in _rnur cm.-_ Any /mrlinn n/ thy p,-,,,,',,,, “.,"-(h
party of three undertook :1 survival exercise and spent :1 night in :1 snow liole excavated near Loch Avon some 2.500 feet tip. Also in the bills were members uf ('omlor's Deep Sea Rover Scouts who eaiiiped in Glen Derry. hiked to Ilezi ,\lac1|liuie and spent the tie.\t night E“-,mu__mm Bothy.
For your leave requirements when in Malta
Iiuil li.-.-u mt..,, in ",1. mm other n.ii- roulil lmre In-cu um,[._:
climbing and generally exploring.
Kenneth I-laigh and Ileleti Clierry.
If lhi' mimmil of fllrnimre i'.\‘i‘i'1-ilv rtmr ('Illl/lt’lllt'lll I-ill ix ('lFIIl'l'\'l'[I ’" UNI’ Ihi' ii'hoIi' rm! nf |‘_NIt. """""'lll Will hi‘ rt'[Imtl¢'rl prnt‘iili'tl it """“l"""¢' '~\_.I-hluim-:l_ from the nutIrmmr .\lllIIll'_L' llltll 1/ only .-it/,',[,.,[ immmil
_ \ve_le_oiite. .‘$ceoiidl_\' I i_I_lj'U l‘elive
Cllltltlit rr Ii.N._i?iLiii c(iR1)01i:t'r10N
Dmli‘ "3
u/ ]lllllllt.'
l"""."‘"‘ {"7 ""5 l‘"Tl’l'St-' Hf eoitie into l’"5|"t‘\'\'.’ /\mounts receiveil iiould
I-'iinn_\ I-‘ace t('o|.). coined)‘ music’ .1 Fire Down Below (Col) (Cinemafeatiiriiig Audrey llepbiirii. |‘red Seopet. adventure melodrama. Astaire and Kay Thonipson. featiiring Rita I-la_vworth. Robert The Loni: Haul. action mc|odr:im:i.. .\litchuni and Jack Lettinton. on I0th Avenue. waterfront feattiriiig Victor Mature, l)iaii:1 Slaughter featuring R ic It a r tl l)or.s atid Patrick Allen. ‘I itielodraiiia. Egan. l);in Duryea and Jan The \'icioii.s Circle. CI'lllIi.‘ nielodr:1m:1. Sterling. featiiriiii: John_ Mills. ')*'“'l‘ H" Just H5‘ I.uel.'. coinedy. featuring and .\"oellc .\lidtlleton. Norman Wisdom. .\l:irgaret Rutherlloy on it Dolphin tL'o|.l (Cinema- ford and Jill Dixon. Seopei. a it v e ii I it r e inelodi':1n'1:i. House of Numbers lC‘iiiemaScopel. Prison break melodrama. Jack Palleatiirini: Sophia Loren. .-\laii I.add and (‘liitoii Webb. :iiice. llarbara Lani: :ind llaroltl J. 'I‘hi.- One that Cut .\\\n_\'. :tlJ\'L'IIllIrL'. Stone. It‘lL'lt|(lI'2II'll:l. I" c :1 t ll r i ii g llartly The Joker is Wild. lIioer:ipliie.'il iiic|oKriiger. (‘olin (iordon and .\lichael drama. lranl; Sinatra. \lit/i (ia_vnoi‘ and .le;i1ii1e (’rain. (ioodlillc. 1-M‘ um” M ‘M _\-iuhl ‘(-im.m.'|_ The Pajaiit-.1 Giiiiie. .\l11sie:1l comedy. Scope). comedy. 1'-::itiii'iiig Jean l 5°)‘ “"3" km" Ram "ml Eddy S i in m on s I’aul Doiiglas and '-, lime l.ir_iiit. Service melodrama. RichAmh‘,n._. i:mm.;.,5‘.,_ ard Wtdmark. Richard llasehurt and The 1, t)IIIIII_\ S teele S tor). mustca_l Dulmws M“_.ha"s_
im_irrii'tl llH_urIi'r. mil)‘ one
’l"-‘‘ ‘l’"””".‘' I3 -35' '\i'i'rl
A coruidcrabtc number 0! men have that they would consider iniurance when they r:(cIVCd ttii.-ir innreaie of pay. ,Auumin,; the ncrcan: it about : guinciig -a week: HALF tht bani: zncrcaic
provide approxrmxtcly: (2.000 or it-turity :or your dependants 0' your death £500 for you II the are of 40-45
(750 tor you at the age of 45-50. [|.fiX) 'or you at the age at 55-60 (depending on your age at commencement) Your mortgage 0' any {LEW lor 20 years can be protected tar as time at SEVEN SHILLINGS ,AND FOURPENCE : month it you are 30 and ihghtly Icu it you are under 30 For lurllur details write. phone or all
Gowort M798
Humber Division R.N.V.R. Closes Down BORN IN the pangs of thc l9_38 crisis. notirished on gallantry during the war. revived by enthtistasm in the years of peace l-lumber Division R.N.V.R. has sticctimbed to it [I emergency of a different kind. .The threat of war in 1938 brought tltc Division into existence in March. l93‘). There was a ready flow of the R.N.V.S.R. and volunteers l-'lotilla which had been formed two years earlier was largely ttbsorbctl.
headquarters ship
D.E.M.S. headquarters in Victoria Dock were acquired and nantcd H.M.S. Galatea. There followed a period of five years during which the building and parade ground were developed into an effective and comfortable base. housing equipment
workshops, classrooms,
long cruises in the tender
took more and more the form of serious minesweeping exercises. in the l950‘s an annual R.N.V.R. minesweeping exercise was instituted in which the tenders of all the I2 R.N.V.R. divisions participated. In the five such wardrooin. exercises which had been held by
provided in newly converted
H.M.S. Calcutta. a A.A. crttiscr. which
based at Kingston-upon-lltill. The first Humber Division R.N.V.R. ratings were trained in /\.A. gunnery and when H.M.S. Calctttla war was declared was soon at sea with her R.N.V.R. guns crews. Oflicers and men of tlie was
Division were dcspatched to warslups in the Mediterranean and Home Waters. to training schools and Naval Shore establishments and by the year end over 200 oflicers and _men were serving in warships in various ports of the world. Calcutta survived the Norwegian campaign btit met her end oll Crete in 1941. By I945. 70 otlicers :ind men of the Division had been lost. representing one-third of the Division‘s strength. 'l1tis was_the highest mortality rate of any division. 0 Partly because of this heavy loss few of the original ratings rejoined the R.N.V.R. after the war and the fight to re-form the Division had to be carried on by a handful of officers and ratings. Enthusiasm and perneeded in ample severance were measure to enable the ideal of Humber Division to survive until it could be clothed with a permanent headquarters. Led by Lambert as captain of the Division. lilyth. commander. and Gresham. first lieutenant. a small band of men met over hot-pot suppers in a local hotel until the battles with authority were won and the former
Members of
the Division with the Thorneycroft Trophy
and canteen. Within a quarter of a mile lay Victoria Dock wherein the Division boats could be scctircd and in which the Division's seagoing tender M.M.S. 1030 was berthed. messes
Nickname Despite her number which earned her the nickname of “H.M.S. Standeasy“ from the moment of her arrival. H.M.S. Humbcr was immediately put into strenuous service. The enthusiasm for sea service was intense and some cruises were made with the ship manned by R.N.V.(SlR. and driven by the oflicers of the Division. As the need developed for concentrating R.N.V.R. training on priorities mincswccping was allocated to Humbcr Division and the shore and sea training programmes became increasingly concerned with this subject. The
I957, H.M.S. l-ltimber finished
lower than l'it'tli. In 1954 a new incentive was created by the presentation. for annual competition. by the of R.N.V.R. the Thorncycroft Trophy, a scale model of the new coastal mine.-iwecpcrs then coming into service. In this, the first year. Humbcr won the trophy and accepted it from the hands of the the Thorneycroft shipbuilding
([i0l'l0l'S, trm.
Humbcr Division exchanged M.M.S. I030 for one of these coastal mineswecpers in I954 and. at an impressive ceremony. changed the name of Brnnington to Httmber. In each of the three years that this fine ship has been in commission the Division has taken her to sea for four long cruises of f5 days each and 18 weekend cruises, starting in the first week
Aril I958
P0liTSlll0U'l'll lIOMMANll DRAMA PERIODIC FLASHES of "good theatre," simplicity of presentation, sincerity of acting. and excellent entertainment were the main features of the twelfth annual Drama Festival, held in the Victory Theatre on Maren ll’. and I3. I958. The competitors in this. the Centi-al Contest. were compcting in Region ll which is open to the Portsmouth and the Non: Conttnands. and to the ships of the Home Fleet in the area: and also for the Portsinouth Command Drama Cup. The adjudicator for the region. who was selected by the British Drama League. was Mr. Cecil Bellamy.
Gwenny the maid. played excellently at all times by Mary Morton. that she. was having an “intellectual affair"
with Bean. and the scene in which she relives these former associations was movingl performed. and would have been en ianced even more if Tallant. a young "art dealer" had shown greater interest in the conversation that was obviotisly directed at him. This was a play that was performed sincerely and reasonably well. great attention having being paid to minor details of set. etc. What had been omitted in their direction was. as Mr. l3'~‘"‘-I|I1)' Said “projection. the essential l-‘our teams only entered for the «if gootl theatre and good presentaCentral Contest although H.M. Estab- tion. Mike Lee as Doctor Haggctt gave it lishments lixccllent. Osprey. Coilingwood aitd Dolphin performed plays at characteristic portrayal of an essential their own establishments as part of the type—thc country practitioner. Others iii the cast who distinguished festival. In addition. the Staff Olliccrs‘ Mess performed "Why Not 'I‘onight‘."‘ themselves were l-lazcl (iooding as the rather vivacious. elopiug Susan Hagin the Victory Theatre. On the first evening of the contest gctt. and Keith Stohbs as the rather the audience was presented with two pedantic art connoisseur, All the plays. of contrasting styles. The first players. however. performed their a comedy. "The l.atc Christopher parts eiitlttisiastically and provided Bean." performed by H.i\l.S. Dryad. excellent entertainment. and the second a play in a more H.M.S. St. Vincent serious vein. “Noah." performed by This was the Gosport establishH.M.S. St. Vincent. ment's first entry in the Command H.M.S. Drynd Drama Festival and their dcbtit cerAs this was an excerpt from a com- tainly cstablisltcd their reputation. The plete play it would have been appre- play they had chosen to perform was ciated if a brief resume of the ‘play a translation of a French play by could have been given in the form of Andre‘ Obey called “Noah." From the opening scene Ham. the prologue in order to put the audience more in the picture. This applied played by David Strong. showed himto all companies who performed ex- self to be the "angry young man" of cerpts of plays and for the first few his time and the perfect foil to the minutes the audience did tend to feel sincerity and humility of his father. a little out of the picture. K_enneth Ives as Noah captured the ’l'he excerpt opened where the audience as soon as he appeared and doctor's family have just discovered as the play progressed he became that some paintings painted by Chris- tnore :ind tnorc convincing. His tenderness and care with his betophcr Bean. their one-time patient and now deceased lt) years. have sud- loved animals was touching. and denly attained true artistic value. In tribute must be paid to the performthe opening dialogue we learned from ance of the animals. who could so easily have turned the whole perof March and ending in the middle t'ormancc_into a pantomime by overacccntuating their bestial antics. of November. All the children played their parts The past is illuminated by ceremonial occasions when satisfaction as mthcr ioyfully and youthfully whilst Noah. played by lsla Mcliryde. duty well done cost prodigious effort Mrs. her disorganiscd fatnily logcthur in leisure time and agonies of doubt. kept and forccftilly. Htimber led the R.N.V.R. at the quietly Coronation Review at Spithead in H.M.S. Vernon I953. Humbcr escorted Her No less entertaining were the two The Queen in Britannia when she lc t Teeside for the State Visit to Norway plays presented on the second night in 1956 and again when she left the of the festival. Last year's winners Htimber for Denmark in 1957. lo 1954 |*_i._.\l.S. Vcriioti gave a performance of Her Majesty The Queen reviewed the "lhe I)cfc:ited." by Norman Holland R.N.V.R. on Horse (itiards Paratle and H.M.S. .\fercury performed an and the three d:tvs of revision. repeti- excerpt from “Yes and No" by tion and were perhaps the Kenneth Home. The curtain rose on a scene set in a hardest work of all in the post-war R.N.\’.R. This -was an honour. and captured Frciicli ch:'iteati in l87l. The ch:'itc:iu was now inhabited by Prusa ditty shared by all the R.N.V.R. but the Naval organisation of Her sian olliccrs who had abused :i great the beauty of their surroundings. i\tajesty‘s visit to :iud waterborne deal with the boredom exdeparture frotn Hull on hlay I8. 1957. The play dealttltc "victorious arin_v" was a task undertaken and carried perienced by through to a successful conclusion by and the dubious wziys in which they sought to antiise themselves. Humbcr Division. the tltrec ofliccrs played by Geoffrey Division Grows 'l'rist. (ierald Temple and Raymond From the small beginnings of the Morish gave excellent portrayals. hot-pot suppers in l94(i[47. the Divi- The Cure played by Terence Tompsion had grown by 1957 to a total kins was admirably cast. strength of 550 on Lists I and 2. Her The women might have been a :IIilllt.‘l'lCCextended throughout York- little more fl:iinbo_\-ant and not quite xlllft‘. Lincolnshire and Nottingham- so Iadylike. One tended to think that shire and was exercised not only by they were not quite settled in their thc members of the Division but parts although Rachel the young through representatives in the tini- Jewess. played by Margaret Hudson. versities :ind schools of Leeds. dealt admirably with the l.icutcnant. Shellield. Nottiiiglizun and other cities H.M.S. Mercury and towns. In 1957 the Division was in a a\|crcury's excerpt from "Yes and position to man live modern coastal No" called "Jo says Yes" was a difficult play to produce but made :i demiiieswccpcrs. 'l‘radesman branches were well lightful and entertaining contrast to eqtiippcd with workshops and the preceding play. Roy Gorton as the Rev. Richard machinery and iii tltc winter of I95!»/57 the engineering braitch coni- .l:_irrov._v gave a sound portrayal of a plctcd the :innti:il relit of H.M.S. dithering. absent-minded rector. bttt I-ltiiubcr. saving the expense of the unfortunately a number of his mor: normal commercial relit. lltinibcr did amusing littcs were lost amidst I02 days at sea in l957 without major laughter. Roger l-larris as the rcctor‘s ciir:tte breakdown. testifying not only to the competence with which the relit ltad played his part well btit one felt that been effected btit also to the strength there was not sufficient contrast and enthusiasm of the engineering between the two, All the other characters in the play branch in being able to man so many cruises. played their parts well and with feelIndependent tribute _to the Division ing. l-Tileen (‘unway as Mrs. Webb has been paid by an unoflicial history was the typical daily help. l-Imma of the R.N.\’.R.—“'l‘lie R.N.V.R.~ .larrow played by .\largaret Martin A Record of .»\chicvemenl." by J. was all that one would have expected Lennox Kerr and Wilfred (iranville of the rector‘s wife and her nzitucsake tllarrop. 2ls.l. Writing in l‘)56_/57. the as Joanna. although not quite ih; atithors say. “'l'otlay H.M.S. Galatca llohemian young lady she was made (the llumber Division hcadqtiarters) out to be. played her part sincerely is :1 fully equipped. highly cflicicnt and cntlitisiasticztllv. At the end of the evening after Mr. training establishment. second to in the R.N.V.R." fly the stroke l!ellamy's limit adiudicaiion the none of a pelt all this endeavour is brought Portsmouth (‘oinmand Draitt:i Cup to nought. Perhaps it is some con- was presented to the producer of solation that as Humber Division ll..\I.S. St. Vincent's play tlnst.-I.ieut. R.N.\’.R. disappears. so also does the D. llodgson) by Rear-Adiuiral V. C. R.N.V.R. itself. absorbed into a uni- Iteitg. l).S.0.. D.S.(?.. Chief of Stall’ fied reserve to be known as the to the Commander-in-Chief. PortsR.N.R. Sic Trmtsir (Florin Mmidi. mouth.
say please
[Rec 2062]
April. I958
Branch Association
A FAST patrol boat ll..\l.S. l):trk will mount either a 4.5-inch gun and Scout powered by :i high performance single llofors gtin. or two single ltofors ST.-\RTlN(i ON I. l953. the i\'apier Deltie engine was Iatiiicltcd at guns. In the torpedo boat role they Rcgiilating llrancli April Associzitioii is the shipyard of .\lessr.s. Szitittdeius-Ro.‘ will be arincd with four siiigle above- formed to which all inenibcrs, being past. (Auglesey) oti .\larcli Ill, The tvater torpedo tubes and one small present and future. of the Regulating naining ceremony was perfornictl by gun. Rocket tlzire lziiiiiciiers and depth lll‘.'lllCll may belong_ The objects of .\lrs_ W. H. Daiiii. wife of a Directoz‘ charge chutes are also fitted. The Deltic engine has been designed 1 the Associatioit are laid down as: of the lirin. and a t'eli_eioiis service was conducted by (‘anon J. Ii. Ratnage. and developed for the Royal Navy by ta) To cngeitder a spirit of tiiiity and good fellowship aniong all meniMessrs. l). Napier. of Acton. Lotidon. ll.A.. Rector of lieauinaris. bers of the Regulating lirancli. and ll.M.S. Dark Scout is the last of on belialf of their parent company. to promote it closer liaison between (‘ompaiiy Ltd. it the Dark (‘lass fast patrol boats under the English Electric the ditferent ships and establishpiston construction. and tinlike the earlier takes the form of an opposed ments by an exchange of sporting cycle engine and is concraft. which are of composite wood twonstroke and social visits. iii triangular foriti with three planking on aliiniiniuin framing. this structed boat is all-welded aluminium tlirough- crank shafts. an arrangement new to (b) To provide social and recreational entertainnient for members and engineering. \‘lIl. The engine will develop 2.50tl shaft their families at the lloiue Ports, The dimensions are the same as horsepower at 2.CtI'.t revolutions per those of the eailiei’ boats 71 feet 1 iniiititc. A striking feature is that the (C) To provide a Rcgttlatiiig Brancli Directory and .\liI_L".tllllt.‘. inches extreme leuittli. beam I‘) feet. engine and reverse gear weighs only "I he tll.‘t\itlllllli dr.iii;.:ht is (2 feet I inch. ltt.S()() Ib.. and therefore gives one id) To :I\\lSl. tlirotigli representation to the R_.N.ll.'l'. and other organand the fully loaded weiglit is 04 tons. for every 4.2 lb, of llsi iszitions. members who liiid tlietiilite hull of the boat is of hard chine tvciglit. This is the best power‘-weiglit sel\'e$ in need of help. It is not. toriii. \\lllL'll has beeit developed to i';itio ever achieved in a marine Diesel however. intended that the .—'\\<.0give good seagoiiig qualities combined engine. ciation should in any setise be a with high inaxiinuni and cruising (‘ontprclic-n~.ive radio and radar inwelfare organisation or should speeds. sttillzitions are also titted, A crew of provide financial assistance. l-‘ast patrol boats are consirticted so up in t2 ollicers and men can be of the that they can be armed either as gun- ziccominodated. Bulk fuel stowage is te) 'l'o extend the comradesliip of the past members servicc_ to Branch. boats or as torpedo boats, or for it arranged in bottom tanks under the Regulating -dual role. In the gunboat role they machinery compartments.
Lord recently paid it visit to l‘urtsniouth and spoke tn the ’I'oflicers h_c FirstaitdSea men of the coiitniiind. lie is seen here ltinching in ll..\l.S. Victory
flllIllIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIllllllllIIllllllllllllllllllllll||l|l|llIllllllllIllIlllllllIlllllllllllIlllllllllllIllllllllllIllllllllllllllllllllllIllllllllIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllg DURING
Mcdcalf. l..R.A.M.. R.M.) and his
Flagship of C.-in-C., Home Fleet
iiifiiiinun ACCEPTED INTO
have experimental high l.l_I'‘WEllcl' speeds. She will uridenvatcr speed of over high speed submarines. H.M.S. a maximum l-Ixcalibur (Lieut.-Cdr. I. R. Wadman) 25 knots. With an extreme length of .225 ft. w:is provisionally accepted into service with the Royal Navy on March 22. 6 in. and breadth of IS ft. 8 tn.. she I958. front her builders. Messrs. will not be armed. Vickers-Arinstrongs. of B:irrow-in- Her peacetime complement will
Tl-lli SECOND of the
With the modern version of the diesel-electric propulsion system. which can be augineiited by turbine machinery in which the energy is supplied by burning diesel fuel in decomposed hydrogen peroxide. the lixc:ilihtit' will serve to provide experience in the operation of this proit fast pulsive combination and as surface iiitderwatcr target to train forces in the tactics which would be required to destroy submarines with
consist of four ofliccrs and I9 ratings. The lExcalihur's special turbine mzichinery has been developed under the direction of the Admiralty by a special design team at Messrs. Vickers-Arinstrongs Ltd.. led .by Dr. G. l-l. Forsytli.‘.. She is titled with the latest submarine escape arrangements. l'l..\l.S. [Excalibur was launched in I955 by l.adv Mason. wife of the tlten
Leopard completion
in nearing completion Portsmouth dockyard is the T)'P¢ 41 Frigate H.M.S. Leopard. H.i\l.S. Leopard is an anti-aircraft which AT PRESENT
the Leopard class was laid down on September l5. I950. :iiid was launched by Her Highness Princess .\l:iric Louise on May 23. 1955. Ship Particulars Length 340 ft. overall. heant 40 ft.. speed 1-t knots with a complement of l2 ollicers amt about I90
frigate of
The armament is four 4.5 in. gtins in twin turrets. one S.'l‘.A.A.G:. Squid. Mark (i.\l and C.R.B.I'. Directors. All guns being P0W¢|" operated and titled _with complete blind lire control equipment. There are eight A.S.R.l diesel engines in three engine rooms coupled to two shafts: each engine weighs I8 tons and develops 2.000 brake horse power. The electrical power is generated ;.i 450 volts. three phase. 60 cycles. l-‘our diesel driven altertiators are titted each with a capacity of 5t)0.000 watts. Power points are available on all tnessdecks for the use of electric irons and l'Zt‘I.0fS. the supply voltage at these points being ll5 volts at 60 cycles. The capstan. winches. steering _
THE Fleet assembly at Bequia island the Royal Marines of the l-lonie Fleet went ashore in strength to take part in Exercise Crusoe II from l’ebruary I7 to 18. On the previous visit of the Home Fleet to the West Indies in the ziutumti of INS. incidcnt:illywhen the present (‘.-in-(‘.. Admiral Sir William Davis. K.C.ll.. D.S.0.. was serving as the (Thief of Stall. Home l-‘leet. Exercise Crusoe had been staged on the island of Tobago. Daniel l)efoe‘s island. 'l'his year the Royal Marines detachments of l'l.l\‘. ships Ceylon. Bermuda to form an and Bulwark combined infantry company under the command of Capt. G. P. Sandford. R.M.. the task being to capture BenAhmed-Carib (played by the Fleet llandmastcr, 2/Licul. (B.M.) B. J.
merry band of gunrunners. Landing at Port Elizabeth. Bequia, in the early hours of Monday. l-‘ebniary l7. the search for thc bandits‘ l:iir proceeded for several humid tropical hours. When the "cease lire“ \v;:--. sounded the "Calypso Baiidit" was still free though half his b:iiid had been captured, Within the limited terrain of lieqtlitt island. one of exquisite beauty but only seven miles in length. the R.M. detachments then formed a nontactical bivoiiac at Spring l-"arm. From here a programme of sea bathing. a camp tire. morning parade and Prayers. and an impromptu sports meeting. was concluded by the detachments inarching back to rejoin their ships on the afternoon of February 18. '
ll..\l.S. Tyne, which is relieving H.t\I.S. Mttldstnnt: as flagship of the Home Fleet
galley equiptitcnts. laundry.
ventilation. air-conditioning. ctc.. are all electrically powered. Domestic Features Bathrooms are situated forward and aft. fitted and panelled throughout in the most modern mariner. Massdccks are subdivided into small compact messes which have their owti heater controls for ventilation. Reading lights are titted at the bunks and at most of the slinging billets. The sltip is fitted with stabilisers and due to her large distilling machinery fresh water under all conditions should be abundant. H.M.S. Leopard is due to commission at the end of September for sea trials. "working up" in the New Year. and is then expected to continue tier General Service Commission on the South Atlantic] South American Station.
P0llTl.Ai\‘ll ll0l'l(YAlll) A JOINT deputation from the We)’mouth Borough Council led by the Mayor (Alderman Major C. H. Bell. .l.P.) and fromgthc Portland Urban District Council led by the Chairman (Councillor A. E. Page. J.P.) accompanied by Viscount Hinchingbrookc. M.P. for Smith Dorset. and Lord Digby. Chairman of the Dorset County Council. visited the Admiralty this afternoon to make representations to the First l.ord of the Admiralty on the Government decision to close Portland Dockyard. Also present were other members of the Board of Admiralty and representatives of the .Ministr_v of l.aboitr and National Service. the Board of Trade. the .\linistry of Transport and Civil Aviation. and the Ministry of Housing and Local Government. The deputation questioned the necessity for the closure and regretted that there had been no local consultation before the decision was announced. They urged that everything possible should be done. including bringing into the dockyard suitable work now done by contract and the extension of the dockyard run-down. to help the redundant civilian cmployecs to find other work in the area. in particular at the new A.E.A. establishment at Winfrith Heath. Among other proposals tnade was .1 strong plea that the Government should encourage the expansion of suitable local industries and the introdiiction of new industries into the
Home l‘l(!l‘l I-2xpetliti0nTrainiiig
Decision taken with regret The First Lord thanked the deputation for their visit. He explained that the decision to close l’ortl:int.l Dockyard had been taken with much regret. after it most thorough review of the future needs of the Fleet: there was no alternative to closing the dockyard in July. I959. and the announcement had been timed to give as mtich notice as possible to those who would be redundant. Admiralty employment in the area would remain at a high level as a restilt of the retention of the Naval base and the concentration of underwater researcli and developntcnt establislinteiits. The First Lord undertook that the representations made would be ctirefitlly borne in mind and the subject of action where practicable by the Admiralty and
THE PRESENCE of the Home Fleet in the West Indies ltas allowed a great variety of healthy activities to be undertaken. Expedition Training (known as “Sherpa" in the Fleet) has proved increasingly popular. and every ship has landed parties of one sort or another. Whalers have been much in use for cruising front island to island. usually down wind. average speeds of six knots over I00 miles being achieved in the splendid warmtlt of the other Government Departments contrade winds. No sailing cutters are cerned in their task of carrying carried in the Fleet. or intich greater through with the least possible hardship the run-down of the dockyard. numbers would have t:ikcn part.
overa II
For a complete, high quality tailoring sci-vioe—uniforrns with that extra touch of smai-mess, and shore-going rig made to measure or ready-to-wcar—you can’: do better than visit Willcrbys. You’ll find a splendid variety of cloths such reasonable helpful service to choose from prices, and an allotment scheme to enable you to wear while you pay. Write, or call in when you’rc next on share, for the leaflet describing ll’/illerbys rpecial service for men in the Navy. .
WILLERBYS (By allotment if you wish)
l.O.\'D0.‘§. \‘.'.I. AND AT Ill CO$l3II>'.RCl.\l. ROAD. l‘0RTS.\l0l.a'l'll. 3 LO.\’DO.\' l'lO.\l). NORTII EKD. l‘OIlT5I!Ola'Tll. 9-'.‘ ROYAL PARADE. I"L\'.\lOUTll. 2:3 IIIGII 5TlIl~Z!2T, ClIA1'll.\3!. '.'-I ABOVE DAR. SOUTll.\3ll’1'0!i.
And branches throughout Britain. .—.1.j—.—_—j.._.j_:j.__
Noiifiil NAVY
April. 1958
Britain’3 Forward Line “HEY. KNOCKER! Just got
picrhead jump
to Adamant at
"Where on earth‘s that?" "lllowed if I know. there‘s no mention of the place in the timetable." "Expect it's one of them shore bases in the Antarctic." _
when Adamant is at sea. Her tank deck, transformed into a cinema. boasts the widest Cineniascopc screen in the Navy.
Spearhead What is the object of
all this? The
is that the Third Squadron. or the "Third Division North.“ as we are popularly called. is the principal operational squadron of the Submarine (.‘onim:ind in the United Kiiigdom. and as such her suhiiiarines must invariably be on top line. With. out the submarines the depot ship and support facilities would not exist, and equally without Adamant and her ~;:itellites the submarines could not operate. The lllllllhcf of boats in the squadron varies. and there tiiay be any number from It) to 15 submarines working from l-'aslane at one time. At the time of writing. Anclioritc. Astute. Taciturn. Tiptoe. T run it h e o n '“».'o1:-‘-.« lixplorcr. Exciililiiir. Seraph and Porw§fi£%_ oz. poise are natives. while Aiiiliusli. ILM. SIM I-Zxplorcr—-cxpcrimciital high-speed submiirine Alderney and Acherou are attached at her base at l-':isl:ine.The tank-landing headquarters ship At the end of the German war. for work-up. Providing surface target ll.\l.S. Thus all too frequently the sailor cliects his introdiiction to the Third plans were made to merge the Seventh services and other duties are Black- lien Nevis lies ahead of Ailxiiiiiiiit and the battleship astern is the Duke of York in process of being broken up. The carrier is the Perseus Submarine Squadron. but his mis- Training Squadron at Rothesay with WOOIL one of ottr latest frigates. and givittgs are usually dispelled when he the Third in order to release a depot and skiing parties depart every weekdiscovers that we are permanently ship for the Pacilie: as it turned out. end for the slopes _of (ilcncoc. while based :it l-‘aslane in the (iareloch. this ship was not required. but the for the less energetic the countryside surrounded by the varied beauties of Third Squadron shifted base to Rutheabounds in streams and lochs for Scotland‘s niountains and moors. say in 1946. More recently the dislishermen. Two good golf coiirses loehs and lassies. all of which abound baiiding of the Reserve Fleet. together exist at nearby lleleiishrugh and in this arrii of the Clyde. some 2| with the better facilities and shore (.'ardross. while for the romantically miles from (ilasgow. l-le will also support available at Faslzine. have niindcd Loch l.omond is literally just discover that a coniiiiission served as rcsulted in a liiial move to the over the hill. The Gareloch is the a member of this famous sqtiadron (iareloch in September of last year. scene of intense sailing activity in the olfers to both submarincr and general summer months. and the squadron is The Base service rating :ilike a variety of work happily equipped with a live-ton sloop and play seldom found in other secand nine R.N.S.A. dinghies in addition The squadron. which is a self-contions of the Fleet. and whatever his to a number of whalers. task tinit. is centred around qualifications may he. he has a vital tained A fttll programme of indoor sports (Capt. l. L. M. McGeoch. part to play in his support of this all- /\tlani:int to suit every taste is within easy reach. D.S.O.. D.S.C.. R.N.. Captain (Siibintportant arm of the Service. an arm marines) Helensburgh only five miles away and ). a 17.000-ton floating hotel which tltc l-'irst l-ord of the Admiralty the llcshpots of Glasgow satisfy most and dockyard. As squadron depot _rccently referred to as the ultimate ship, demands in the way of theatre. she must provide every conweapon of the future. dancing and drinking. although there ceivable type of weapon. fuel, store is here an ever-present reminder of and repair facility. accommodation, War History one‘s whereabouts. Only 20 riips to ollices and recreation for the ships the bottle. and the pubs shut at 9 The Third Squadron was formed at and submarines forming the squadron However. the Fleet canteen. opposite the outbreak of war in l939 at and its 2.000 men. She was built in the jetty where Adamant lies. keeps llarwicli. moving the following ye:ir I942 :ind is to be modernised. In addisouthern hours. ‘and is a more to Rosyth: at the end of I94! it tion. to rii:ike tip for Adaniant‘s one welcome and popular last port of call. merged with the Second Squadron and deficiency. there is Admiralty Floating The law on Sunday denies alcoholic shifted base to the Holy Loch on the Dock 58. the very latest in floating refreshment to anyone who cannot Clyde, where the new squadron garages. which has better acconiremained until the end of the war. modation than most frigates. A.l‘.D. prove he is .1 hmm-fide vvayfarer. but oddly enough the law also recognises During these years. besides having a 58 was completed in I957. The Tank that all sailors are :iutomatically permanent number of submarines pro- Landing Headquarters Ship Ben travellers wherever they may find ceeding on war patrols. the squadron Nevis. converted into an accommodathemselves! The usual squadron was responsible for working up every tion ship. is berthed nearby, and proamenities ofphotographie. drama and submarine completing building or vides extra living space. as well as H.M. SIM Artful luldlna three other submarines during an exercise boxing clubs thrive and welcome new refit. This role continues today. being the operational headquarters the sole remnant enthusiasts. while tennis. squash and Kingfisher, f o r m o r 1 y 3 deep-sea Teacher at of old our organisation. badminton are available locally. salvage rescue vessel. A branch of the Submarine Old NATO Centre Association (Scotland) was Operations In addition. we are a certain part Comrades formed recently in nearby Dumbarton The units operate in a far-flung of call for all NATO submarines with Licut.-Cdr. C. 8. Christie. D.S.C.. visiting these islands. and hardly a R.N.R.. as secretary. parish and recently we have had at week passes without sighting an least live boats operating over 2.000 Real Estate miles from home. while in the deep American. Dutch, Danish or NorFor the marrieds. the area presents and sheltered waters of the Clyde the wegian ensign, leaves Faslane on no more problems than most from a squadron carries on one of its war- theAdamant herself average of six times a year. The schooling point of view. while more time roles of working up newly commissioned boats before releasing main cruise each summer is to one or and more accommodation is becoming them to other squadrons. The per- more foreign ports: this summer she available as the local populace realise manent units have a variety of tasks mainly confined to evaluating new tactics and equipment, trials of all types and taking part in all major NATO amt national exercises of an advanced nature. all of which are vital to the submarine's primary war role as an anti-subniarine weapon. is in distress The Explorer and Excalibur. reputedly the fastest submarines in the world. with an underwater speed in excess of less are 25 knots. are engaged in the detailed analysis of very high underwater Of G and U and and speeds. another vital field which must be covered in order to gain experience double S. Of double in the new techniques and drills which will emerge with the advent of our first nuclear boat Dreadnought and her sisters. As a change from this this work they occasionally provide target services for surface anti-submeans marine forces working from Londonanswer
EIGFY ship, alas, Supplies daily getting I, yes! N, E,
which being decoded
New Submarines ‘cc-n 2-., The first three of our new largeat for breakfast Landing Rippers of boats the Porpoisel ocean-going this the will class join squadron year: is spending a month in Norway and that we .ire tiere to stay. Full use is these boats. of 2,300 tons. contain all, Sweden. made of the Admiralty Hiring Scheme. since the been that has war and already there are 10 oflicers‘ and developed Spartan Playground and subin weapons. equipment On the shore side and in lighter 46 ratings‘ niarriedquarters of postof nuclear marine design short pro- vein. horse-racing would appear to be war construction; a further 10 officers‘ herself is at present the only enjoyment which cannot be and 56 ratings‘ houses are being built pulsion. Porpoise trials of class engaged in first found locally. Sheltered as we are this year. It is appreciated that even then the total numbers will be but .1 Apart from submarines working tip. from many an icy blast. all forms of drop in the ocean of what is really the only training carried out in the outdoor sport can be indulged in btit we hope that eversquadron. as opposed to o erational throughout the year. Soccer. hockey. needed. increasing numbers of quarters will be work. is confined to quali ying new rugby and cricket flourish in due built the realisation of the as siibmarine commanding ollicers. whose season while the nioimtains throw a activities are mainly centered round perpetual challenge to climbers. iiiiport:inee of our submarine squadron f(‘ouIi'nm'¢I mt pug.-i.' 9. cultuiili 3) the Clyde areas and the Attack .!:ooting is available on the moors '
torpedoes -.c
fllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIllllllIllllllllllllIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll|l|lUlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIllllllllllllIIIIlllllllllllIlll||llllllll_lg' :
Move’ from the North
ON MARCH 3t. 1958, H.M.S. Ceres, body has made good fields.
the supply and secretariat training establishment at Wetherby in Yorkshire. closed down. having been there for 14 years. On April I4, the Royal Navy Supply School (the successor to Ceres in the training of ofliccrs and ratings of the supply and secretariat branch) will open in the Royal Naval Barracks. Chatham. where it will occupy the buildings of the former Gunnery School. Ceres is the last Naval establishment in the North of lingland. :ind this final severance of the Naval ties with this part of the country is a sad blow locally. necessary though it is on economic grounds. We have tirade ttiany friends all over Yorkshire. and it has been ottr task to represent the Service over an area reaching front Wolverlizttiiptoii to Newcastle.
Tliriving Pigs
llis l‘.Xl.‘t.‘llI!llf.‘}’Relili Kiimltnn, President of the Turkish National Assembly,inspecting Vernon's guard of honour ON RECEIVING a report from Ringstead [lay that a mine had been washed on to the beach. it Verttoii bonih and mine disposal otlicer was sent to the scene. l)uriiig a preliuiiiiary itivestigation of the interior of the mine his suspicious were soon aroused. l-'urthcr digging revealed a pressure cooker filled with concrete which had probably been ttsed as a sinker! All concerned were relieved and ratlter amused except the policeman. who h:id maintained a lone vigil over the offending object for several bitterly cold hours. A Turkish parliamentary delegation. consisting of His Excellency Rctik Koraltan. the President of the Turkish National Assembly. and eight other members of the Assembly recently visited Vernon. They were accompanied by Rear-Admiral V. C. llegg. l).S.t).. l).S.(I.. R.N.. the Chief of Stall to C.-in-(3.. Portsmouth. and after visiting the Tactical and Minewarfare Sections. proceeded to H.M.S.
Dolphin. This month we have welcomed the new Long 'l‘.A.S. course and have said good-bye to the old. Vice-Admiral 6. ll. Sayer. C.B.. D.S.C.. R.N.. Flag Otlieer Commanding Reserve Fleet. inspected them on their last day in
_Vernon and afterwards was shown the new buildings. However. recent Vernon stall‘ ap ointments show that
many familiar aces of the “departing" course will in fact remain with us.
The visit of a feature writer of St. Michael News-. the Marks and Spencer Ltd. magavjne. caused considerable board Deepwater. on aniuscntent After Lieut.-Cdr. Franklin had claimed that he was “all St. Michael" under his uniform. one of the reporters. a young lady. was tempted into trying on a deep sea diving dress. A successful pose for a photograph resulted. but the subject was unable to move from this position because of the cumbersome nature of the dress. lutlging by her comments after the experience. it seems certain that this branch of the Royal Navy will remain inviolale from female infiltration.
say goodbye this month to Lieut.-Cdr. N. Hell'ord. who is leaving the service. (After failing his driving We
test. he claims to be safe from any
commercial travelling.) As the sports ofiicer. he ltas introduced many innovations to Vernon. "Circuit training“ and the
Divisional Challenge Trophy are but two of his new ideas. We would like to express our appreciation for the hard work he has done during his sojourn with us. and wish him well in his future career. new
Sport The Command netball team will contain two Vernon _representatives for a forthcoming fixture. Tltey are L./Wren Fraser and Wren Wayman. Vernon produced three finalists in the Command boxing championships. A.B. Ridley triumphed in the featherweight section. while 0.A. Miller (middle-weight) and A.B. Deith (welter-weight) lost very close bouts. The basketball team continue to do well and have reached the senii—final of the Portsmouth and District Cup. They will meet their old rivals Collingwood. hoping to reverse the result of the Command event final. The -final of the lntcrport Soccer Knock-Out Ctip was won by Hecla and invincible Division. 'l'hcy overwhcliited the Engineers. scoring six goals to their opponents one. A Pearluef relay is to be rim in Vernon in the near future. Ships and establishments of the Command have cachjbeen invited to enter a team consisting of two runners. Each team will run for half an hour tising any distribution of strength. The longest distance covered will decide the winning team. This should prove to be
they provide a splettdid sotirec of incoiite. ‘they live in one open to all forces of the Southern corner of the camp itear the ship's Command. company blocks (the ship's couipany The title of the play entered by says "too near") and the tl(i(l(l Vernon in the Command Drama phony front that corner spreads cactiFestival proved to he an ill omen. We the whole camp with reveille. Onover the were in fact narrowly "defeated" in only occasion when the pigs are otir quest to retain the Drama Cup. known to have been discontented with It must be adntitted. albeit ashantedly. their lot. one of them was found that a small charge. prepared by the asleep in an ofl‘ieer's bed in the early Mine Warfare Section for tise as a hours of the morning: it is not on sound effect. failed to explode. The record which sqtiealed most. drama enthusiasts are not easily dismain job. of course. has been couraged. however. and reliearsals theCeres‘ tniining of ofliccrs. ratings and have already started for Noel Wrens of the Stipply and Secretariat Coward‘s _"Still Life." This play. on which the film "Brief Encounter“ was llranch. and during the past I4 years 25.000 have passed through here. based. is to be staged in Vernon on some Not only have they been tatight to March 26 and 27. A tailpiece on the subject of films. eount~nuts and bolts and make pltim dull". but also a large part of the Recently an advertisement for the course is given to general Naval knowfeature "The Tommy Steele Story" did not completely cover :i previous ledge and parade training. and everynotice. The resulting caption read»"No rating is excused this muster." Can it be that "rock" has been ollieially recognised or does someone in authority own shares in "Steel"?
ll.N. & ll.C.N. lllNGllY RACES _Fleet
DURlNG THE combined Home
and Royal Canadian Navy visit to Bermuda it was decided to_ hold an
ollicers‘ team race in R.N. dinghies of R.N. v. R.C.N. officers. Two races were planned with a break in between for lunch and for the teams to exchange boats. After a pre-race briefing in the flagship the teams went ou_t for the morning race in a fair wind. The course and starting facilities were arranged for us by the couitesy of the Royal llerniuda an interesting new event. Club in Hamilton.Harbour—Royal 'l'ournament events are well Yacht having a good under way. Lieut. C. ll. Filmer has the triangular cotirsc leg tip towards Two Rock successfully passed to Phase lll after windward winning the Phase II Individual lipee. Passage. With teams of H boats per side the Our coiigrattilations go to of Cdr. T. Patch. R.N.. who recently start was quite a sight. teams sticking close to one won first prize in the Oil Painting opposing prevent any breakaway. Section of the Y.t\l.C.A. Arts and another tobeat sorted out most boats Crafts Exhibition. The exhibition was The long pretty well and by the first mark a strong bunch of R.N. boats were in the lead. Owing to lack of time before lunch the ltourse was only one round and rcstiltcd in a score of I32} for the R.N. against 48 by the R.C.N. The aftemoon race took in two rounds of the course in a close battle. with the Canadian team anxious to avenge the morning's defeat. resulting in a score of I27: for the R.N. and 83 for the R.C.N. Overall this resulted in a win for the R.N. with a total of 25‘); points against l3l for the R.C.N. The trophy for this event was presented to the R.N. team by the First Lord of the Admiralty who was visiting the Honte Fleet at the time. _
II.LVl.S. .-'\l'0l.l.0
(Contilirml /ram page 8.
Board of Inquiry instituted by the Commander-in-Chief. Plymouth (Vice-Admiral Sir Richard Onslow). two members of the crew of H..\l.S. Apollo are to be cotirt-iiiartialled. A number of other ratings alleged to have been involved in disturbances on board the ship are to be dealt with sitnituarily by the Commanding Officer of H.M.S. Apollo (Captain S. R l.e Hunt l.ombar-Hobson). Apollo. which has just undergone :i refit and whose sailing for trials was delayed pending the result of the inquiry. has now sailed frotn Plymouth.
AS THE result of
For several years the doings of Ceres used to he reported in the Supply :tttd Secretariat inagaziite The .\'rur. but protluction Costs became so heavy that it was only possible to keep it going with the linaneial help of the pigs (the four-legged sort). and the last issue of 'l'Ii¢- Star appe:ired in .\larch l‘)S5. Since tlicu our deeds have largely gone unsung. The pigs. liowever. have coittintied to thrive and are always the object of much iti-
colimm 5)
grows and grows. From the night leave aspect there is a shortage of accommodation in Helensburgh, but a hostel is being organised, whereas Glasgow presents problem with its excellent Y.M.(.'.A. club and Atlantic and Pacilic houses. Although parting from Rotliesay has been quite a wrench for some. the vast majority of opinion in the squadron votes heavily in favour of our new home with its better facilities for travel. recreation and general freedom of movement.
of the sports
Happy Mentorics On the ligltter side there are many happy memories to recall. The de-
parture of sub-lieutenants‘ courses has always been good for a laugh and the camp has been variously adorned as a lltit|in's Holiday Camp, a race track for the subs‘ cars and an advertisement for the promotion of certain members of the stalf .|| d so rn. The National Service Upper Yardmen (known as llootlsl were also instrumental in the pig incident among many others. And there has always been the racecourse just opposite. where we have happily lost our pay on one of the l’t)Stlc'.\ dead certs." During March a large parade was held so that a titling farewell may be paid to all those who have so hefrieiided us here. The Camiuaitder-iii(‘hiet'. The Note. and the Director (ieueral Stipply aml Secretariat llraneh. liouotired us with their presencc. and we were forltinate in obtaining the loan of the CtlX]l[]];|[|tlcfin~Chief's and the Royal .\lai'ines School of .\lusic's llands, ()tir own Volunteer llaud played its part too. liveryonc who is anyone from church. civil and service dignitaries to the local postmaster and our nextdoor neighbours were invited. Ceres li:is always had (rcniendoiis goodwill from the locality and this. and the remarkable entliiisiasni for the Royal Navy shown by the thriving Naval Associations and the Sea Cadets despite their distance from the sea. has made otir stay in Yorkshire so much wore worth while. Looking to the future. the new Royal Navy Supply School will carry on the training in the sante way. the major differences being the change in locality and the fact that the school will be an integral part of the Chatham Barracks. Already we have been made to feel very welcome at Chatham. and nothing is being spared to make us comfortable there. so it is with some regret that we have recently heard that the stay in Chatham will not be nitich over two years. Wherever they may go. we of H.M.S. Ceres wish our successors all good fortune.
ANGLIA TAILORING by Bernards And wisely, too, for Anglia tailoring is tailoring at its best, while a careful choice of cloths and meticulous attention to details ensures perfection in craftsmanship. Spring is a particularly opportune season for buying new clothes and Bcmards will be delighted to tailor your requirements. Call in at a Bernard Branch and see the fine choice of patterns in the latest clothsand designs and, remember, Bcmards provide a prompt delivery of Tailored to Measure orders. You will see, too. that Bernards offer a wide range of Ready to Wear clothes and-these are in such a comprehensive size selection as to‘. enable most customers to obtain a perfect fit at once. \Vhcrc it is not desired to pay Cash the cost of orders may be charged to a Credit Account for settlement by Admiralty Allotment or Bankers Order and full details of this facility and of the comprehensive Bernard Service will gladly be given on request Rememl-er— You Really Do Buy Better at Bernard:
C. H.
‘C7’ Sons Ltd.
Weymoinli. Portland, Falmourh, Deal, Harrtiich, Grimsby, Skegnm, Newcastle-tinder-Lyme, Milford Haven, Wetherby, Lamlondcrry. Dllflltmlllnc, Rosyth, Hclemburxvli, Rotlremy. And at : Charliam, Dcuanporr,
Gibraltar, Valeria and Sliema. Malta; and at Lossicmoutlt, Arbroath, Abbotsiricli,Iiglivirari, Kern, Hrmedv. Culdrosc. Corsliam, Ford, Worthy Down and at H.M.S.
\‘lember oi l.N.T.A
C0illIil)Y Il.g1\l.A.S. YEOVII.l'f)l\l AT
April. I958
NAVY 'l\'l-ZWS
.'_'lllIlllIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllfi 2
IN CONTRAST to most of the country. we on tfie island have had comparatively little bad weather. It is true that the east winds have been blowing much more frequently than usual. and while they have been most unwelcome at divisions. they have kept the sports grounds in good shape. The lnter-Part Soccer League Conipetition has been played out and Capic's Staff is the champion team. ousting the Seanicn's Division from the position which they have held for
long. When our l:ist notes were written. 0sprey’s eleven was top of the Dorset
The cast FOR THIS _ve:ir's Home Air (‘om- Ebined szihotagiiii: evpcdition. The poor lll.tIltl l)t':tfl'f‘.t l-estival. ll..\l.S. lleron -wile. Sinilja. does not know with produced the pl:i_v "Captain Cavallo" |‘wliom she is supposed to share her bediootii. her real husband or the by Denis C;iiin;in_ This play is a comedy abotit tlte professor who has assumed her reliitionship between an Army captain hitsb:iud's position and character to of :iii occupying power and the wife confuse the occupying forces‘ Intelliof an eminent country gentleman of gence. ller personal choice would be the invaded country. The country neither. but the handsome Army gentleinan is fanatically religious and captain. who is being billeted in her puritanical and his good wife is super- house. licially cast in his image—-until the There is fine play of mistaken pliilaiideriiig Army captain gets to identity in front of the captain and work. his humorous batman. The climas is when timid arise 11 Complications reached with an effort to blow up the the with professor. who is working billet in the barn. tlum;inic:'ipt:iin's country gentletnan in tlte underground tarian feelings of the country gentleresistance movement. changes identity man and more especially of his wife with him. in order that the latter can insist that the billet be empty during make good his escape. after a coni- Ilie e.\plosion. All ends well: Captain Cavallo is something of a gentleman as well as an officer. Adjudicator. .\lr. Donald Johnson. praiseil the performance of the wife. Sinilja l)arde tSecoiid ()flicer Iiarbara Fade) and of the itiinor parts. The The winners at each weight in the Baron (l.ieiif.-(‘din Alastair Aiiderson). R.N. Junior ehanipionships competed Darde (Lieut.-Cdr. Arthur in the imperial Services Boxing Asso- CasparPrivate the batman fl’.O. ciation Junior championships which Ley). Neill).(iross. but considered that the George were held at the Army Apprentices male principal parts. Professor School. Arborfield. on February 27 two Winke (N.A.(O) Douglas Brooks) and and 28. Cavallo (A.A.3 William This meeting was :1 very successful Captain were miscast and were played Daysh) one for the R.N. juniors as they men too young for these mature succeeded in capturing no fewer than by characters. lint we must laud these it l.S.l!.A. titles. men for taking on these heavy roles A.B.A. Junior ChampioiLshlps— and niemorising. without a single slip. such huge spoken parts. l../Wren Quarter-Finals The winners of the l.S.B.A. Junior Helen lilossoine. who played Anni. the maid. was too refined for this Championships went forward to a buxom part. quarter-final of the A.B.A. Junior championships in which they met the The setting was good :ind won the the winners of the pre-Service organisa- adjudicator's comntendation; tions championships. that is the Sea effects were excellent-—thc work of Cadet Corps. Army Cadet Force and LA. David Banks. Air Training Corps. Lieut. John Calderwood. the Our juniors again boxed well and producer. earns the thanks of the produced two winners. J./Sea. Husk oflicers and ship's company of H.M.S. and J./llug. Cooper. and a runner-up. Heron for the great amount of work J.[Sea. Salcombe. he put in to _provide a splendid
(Cmuimm! at loo! 0/ mlunm 3)
evening's entertainment.
S E IIV I C E for Service people \\"licn you batik with the \\'o.<tiiiiiist('i‘,you get service all along the line. Ifirst, tlic \\'cstniiiister has a special Navy Branch at 26 IIzi_yiiiarkot, London. This has been open since 1772 and is,
in conscqueiicc, well acquainted with the kind of financial problems you meet with in the Navy. Next, the Bank has branches at Chatham, Portsiiiouth and Plymouth which are always at your service (as also are nearly 1,200 braiiclies in other towns tlirougliout England and \\'alcs). Fiiially, the \Vestiiiinster Batik operates abrozul throiigli a \\'Ol'ld-\'l'l(I0 systcin of agents and COl‘l‘L‘S])()ll(lCIll5.If you would like to know more about our §('t'\'lC(3 to the Senior S('l'\‘lt‘(', write for the booklet. ‘Wcstiuinstcr Bank to Her Majesty's Ships’
Services Mitl-\\'eek Soccer League. but three had gatiies in succession. early in the term. lost them this position. Now. with all fixtures played. their final position (subject to confirmation) is third. The “Iron Duke" Trophy Competition was held in fine weather. As has been the case in recent years. it was a triangular sixes and sevens competition between Osprey. 2nd Training Squadron. and Chaser and the Submarines, Although 2nd Training. Squadron won the trophy, gaining the greatest number of points in the whole competition. an interesting and satisfactory feature of the result was that each unit won a final. Osprey was successful at rugby. 2nd Training Squadron at hockey and Chaser and Submarines tit soccer. No doubt. some people have observed \vith pitying wonder those rather lonely figures who go on training runs round the island. The perseverance of three members of Osprey resulted in their g:iiiiiiig places in the Portland Naval base team which took part in tlte Portsmouth A
H.M.S. Loch I-‘ads THIS. NAVY'S willingness to lend a merit. the Survey Ship Dalryniple helping hand. no matter how difficult called at Socotra in the lndian Ocean. or unusual this may be, is well known while on passage from Zanzibar and to people in remote parts of the obtained a suitable mate. world. This is particularly so in the This story would have had a happy Persian Gulf where the Navy helps ending had the cow not died while not only the people of this arid calving two years ago. Since then. the region but also the bovine world. Navy learnt recently. the bull has been The helping hand. in this case, is a niorose and disgruntled. three-part story: Part 3.-—-To put matters right. Part l.-—Some 3t years ago the H.M.S. Loch Fada. frigate. obtained frigate Wild (ioose presented :1 ininia- two heifers from the Siilttiir of ture Socotra bull to the Bahrein GovSocotra :ind took them on board in ernment for its experimental farm. ‘this gift was gratefully received by a wlialer for passage to Bahrcin. "The the Government, but the hull became heifers proved to be good sailors. ruminating as the waters slipped by." lonely and did not fnitcrnise with the said a message from the ship. local bovine community. Part 2.—Somc two months later. at They were landed at Bahrein where the request of the Bahrein Govern- the hull was pleased to see them.
“. Fashion conscious. Indeed! You don't see the Petty Oficer or myscll’ running around in short skirts just because it's the fashion.” .
Spring Cross Country Championships. They must have Command
derived satisfaction from the_f:ict that the team finished sixth against first-
class opposition over a conipletely strange course. Social Activities On the social side. we have exchanged visits with Danish and l)utch squadrons visiting the base and had our professional interest stirred by the visit of U.S.S. Skate. The Osprey Players are now in the throw of final rehearsals of "Black Chiffon." which is our entry in the Drama Competition
the end of March. So many changes in personnel _are now taking place that it is im sible to mention all individually. ut the retirement of Cdr. "Snowy‘ Eyre
us. We by_ he will
must not pass unrecorded
all sincerely hope that enjoy many happy years of successful farming. As his successor. we welcome Cdr. Bayne and trust he will have an enjoyable commission. We cannot fail to remark. also. upon the gap left in the ranks by the departure of that well-known "figure." P.0. Buxton. until recently President of the Petty Officers‘ Mess. We wish him a happy commission in the local squadron.
(Comimu-:1 /mm caliumi I) A.B.A. Junior Championships-
_7\"ar_y Brrmc/1: 26 llayiiiarkct,London, S.w.1 I-lead Qflice: 4.1
Lotlibury, London, ti.C.2
friendly pat on the back for it heifer as it enters its pen on board
Semi-Finals J.;'Sca. Husk and .l.{Bug. Cooper next appeared in the higher stage of the A.B.A. Junior chanipionships. the semi-finals. which took place at the Albert Hall. London. on .\larch 24. J./Sea. Husk was very iiarrowly beaten in his semi-final bout whilst Cooper reached the final. where he was beaten and in which he fought with an injured hand. l-lusk‘s victor eventually
ship in his weight.
AMBITIOUS ABBOTSINCH AFTER WHAT might be called a run of light comedy. the Station dramatic team under Instr.-Lieiit. .\tartin's production and Third Officer Rutlierford‘s direction. decided to try its hand at something more serious and more ambitious for this year's Royal Navy Drama Festival. ‘they accordingly put on a production of Jean .-\noui|h's “Antigonc." on March It). for the visit of Mr. Donald Johnson. the adjudicator appointed for this Command by the British Drama League. For those who do not know the play. tlie‘thcme is quite simplc——the rift between idealistic youth and maturity made cynical by compromise and the dictates of expediency. It is but with the worryan old. old ing moods o modern occupied France providing Anouilh's inspiration for this version. The theme is simple. but the play is not: every character counts for something; there is no irrelevance and no room for weakness in portrayal. The team had. in fact. to be brave to attempt the play. considering it both as an attempt to win an experienced adjudicatofs approval and as entertainment for the ship's company. -
although still very praiseworthy: it called for the expression of devotion —ittdeed passioii—despair. perplexity -—-almost the full range of emotionsfroni a young man with only a little pi'cvioiis stage experience: one hopes
that with a part of this sort under his hell. he will feel more confident next tiiite. First Ofliecr .\tcGhee spoke the Chorus extremely well and her appearances throughout did much to help maintain the level of the play. Supporting parts—:ill with their iniport:incc and diflicultics—wcrc taken with varying success but in all cases with praiseworthy spirit by Wren S. Raines (lsmenc). L.,'Codcr 'I'. Udall. l’.0. G. Kerr and Lieut.-Cdr. J. Whale (the three (iuards). Wren A. Heath (Page). Naval Airman J. Phillips (Messenger) and Wren J. Warren (Eurydice). Work back-stage was admirably carried out under C.P.0. Dean and included some excellent painting and
costume-making. "Antigone" is not by any means a certainty. of course. when it comes to the ship's company. entertaining However. it can be trtitlifully stated that the very fair number who paid to see this performance. were held throughout—were. in fact. a very good Good Performances audience. The reception of someThe king. Creon. was extremely thing comparatively highbrow was. in well acted by Inst.-Lieut. Martin him- fact. :1 success in itself. self. Antigonc herself. played by Different adjudicators have. of Wren J. Ellwood.
very cotirse. different ideas about the aims pleasingly. although the performance of the Royal Navy Drama Festival. was perhaps in too light a vein con- One has known comment to the effect sidering the tragic part Antigone that the choice was unambitious. or knows throughout she is finally to that Naval casts should stick to play and the will which drives her on comedy. or that it was time they tried to her chosen death. Nevertheless. it something a little more dramatic. was it very commendable effort at a Mr. Johnson on this occasion gave difliciilt part. a very amusing summing-up. the gist The part of llaemon. the young of which seemed to he that one must man to whom Antigone is betrothed. cut one's suit according to the cloth. another difficult one. was played by One finds this. however well-inNaval Airman ll. Wellhant. The teiitioned. a frustrating theme; who is attempt here did not quite come off. supposed to improve the cloth‘! came across
ONE 0F T_lhi“_yl.l'l'lLEyySllIPSf ................
I-'_|lllllIIIllllllllllllllIIIlllllllIIIIlllllllllIIlllllllllIIlllllllllllIlllllllIIIIIIlllllIIIIlllllllllIllllllIIIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllll ’
DURING THE recent visit of the the peak has been elintbed from that Home Fleet to the West Indies. small side before-vccrtainly the loc:il inltabiparties were sent front the Fleet. then tanis would never dream or trying it.)
spend two days climbing We started to the various peaks in St. Vincent. am! l0.3tl. and after
steps at descent for some
retrace our a
that (:00 feet we entered upon a wide extintc. panse of lava. which marked the site Entering lluccamente llay. we were of the will eruption. When almost at met with an enthusiastic welcome by the end of our tether. being extremely the local folk. and tltrougltottt our thirsty. we cartte itport a river. and visit to this charming and unspoilt spent a glorious half an hour reclinisland. we eneotintercd nothing but irtg_in its cool waters. :ind soon covered the distance to (icorgetown. and extreme politeness and friendliness, Ceylon's party consisted of two enquired if there was any local traitsofliccrs and six ratings and we set oil port leaving for our pick-up point, for the northern part of the isl:im|. Calliacqua. some IS miles away. some 12 miles away as the crow flies. A police iccp was produced and we for the aim for the first day was to were soon at our destination. Some of the other parties were in within striking distance of _tltc 4.000 We the vicinity and from tltent we gathect extinct volcano Soullriere. wished. on the second day. to reaclt ered that they also had had their the highest point and yet leave tiitte troubles. but none had been as far or to descend and get to the soutli-east as high as we of Ceylon. corner of the island by sundown when we were due to be picked tip. We were fortunate enough to be helped along the road by a lift in a small lorry. but what an experience! Till-‘. FORCES .\lotoring Club has The road was the steepest. the nar- ntade progress that really deserves rowest and most exposed most of us attention. Started in I953 by half a had ever been on, The end of the road dozen serving and es-Service motorists THE (.‘()N'I‘ROl.l.lER and Third Sea was the village of Cliatcaubelair. and it has beconte one of the half-doI.en Lord. Admiral Sir Peter Reid. K.C.ll.. from tltere we set off towards the base biggest clubs based in the kingdom “Mb. CFISPID I0 of our objective. which could be seen and has thriving and active branches C-V-0--ll-Wslcffcd the Pakistan at a ceretttotty at with its summit in cloud. We had .1 providing sport and social facilities Southampton on Fuesday, March 18. delightful swim in a deep pool of the in two German towns as well as in afterwards rcmmmd ENS‘ swift-flowing Riehntond River. and by Malta. Antwerp. Nairobi, Aden. It and a Jahangir by H.E. the Begum lkra- 5 o‘clock in the afternoon we were Singapore. Kualain l.untpur Britain. In Hong mullah. wife of the Pakistan High over Ltltlt) feet up on a narrow with number of places Commissioner in London, H.E. Mr. leading along the crest of a long ridge Kong. Cyprus. Nigeria. and Ghana Mohammed lkr:imullah. The latter forming one of the main buttresses of there are now members carrying out preliminary work to form branch accepted the ship on behalf of his the mountain. committees. government. Tree Line The Above When it is considered that the chib During the transfer. the ship's book We pitched camp and most of Us is "privately owned and run" by its was presented by the Controller to Mr. Mohammed lkramullah. and the passed a fair night. disturbed by a members as a non-prolit company Wttite Ensign and Union Jack were little rain. Starting just after six the without any sort of subsidy. such then hauled down and the Pakistan next morning. our mountain'was still progress is impressive. Some very l-Insign and Jack hoisted in their hidden in the mists. We were soon good econottiic privileges are availabove the tree line and suddenly we able, but are not divulged to nonplaces. After a short religious service on were standing on the lip of the main members as "bait." The club prefers board following the renaming. the crater. We .saw a great pit h:tlf a mile entrants attracted by good-fellowsliip Begum Ikrantitllah unveiled the new wide with sheer walls falling between between the three Services and their Old (Tontradcs. ship's nameplate on the after super- 600 to 1.000 feet. After a short halt the party cornJoining the club costs two guinea: striiciurc. H.M.S. Crispin. one of the first all- mcnccil :i traverse along the left arm (wltich irtcludcs the first annual subwclded destroyers to be built for tlte of the crater to reach the highest point scription of £1). and an attractive car Royal Navy, has been retitled and two miles away. To do this we had to badge is available. There is :i prirtled modernised at the Southampton repair descend the steep gully and tlten quarterly inagazine sent to each nicotyard of Messrs. John l. Thornycroft ascend some 1.500 feet of steep slope ber and although there :ire "still" and Co. Ltd. Since commissioning in to gain a long serrated shoulder which rallies for enthusiasts. most runs. 1946 she has operated from London- constituted the deep wall of anotltcr treasure hunts and "noggin and dcrry with the 'I'hird Anti-Submarine ancient crater. This was hard work. hatter sessions" are designed for 'l'r:iining Squadron and taken part in being very steep and the undergrowth families with elderly and gently prea number of llonte Fleet cruises, She dense. lly ltl o'clock we had reached served vehicles. ‘there is now an ollice has :i full load displacernent of some the littal ridge and were scrambliitg with a small stall Iookirtg after the 2.500 tons and an overall length of along :in awkward knife-like ed te "buIuplt" at 8 Rosontan Street. l_on362 ft.. beam measurement of 35 ft. wrcathed in many streamers of mist. don. l’..('.l. tcleplioue 'l'liRmintis and draught of sortie It) ft. (It would be interesting to know if 7482. wltere details may be had. to
their own
re.sources at
F0lll'JiS ill0T0lllNl} lIl.Ull
VITANSFER OF S.l\NT().\'. I957‘/8. Back L./Sip. White; l../Sea. Palmer A.B. Reid. ILM, Joufl. MJE.) Ptltnonn Third Ron: S.H.A. Prilthard. I..IC|t.lS.g ?1\ _ l : | ' ¢ )' . 0rd. Williams. 1../.Vl.(l'Z.l Joliiunn. lingnrd. l../Sea. Nrulor. A.B. Carter. A.ii. w it." A.B. w Second trim P.0.lM.tF..l rm. t.iisi:ii. \\‘ mu. AJI. Brocluuily. M.tI>2.l A.ll. Solnan. A.Il. H.M.S.
L./.\ Ru‘-m. t>.o./izteci. Collins. Gallagher, I’.0./‘.\I.lI-I.) Beardsley
I-Z.R.A.§.:)h/ll icndfi sh-I.i::Ih.. P:I[';I.ltc'.h’l¢..i¢nt.-Cdr. Arbulhlnl. '
How A line “bows-on" view of H.M.S. Santon
Of course I try
I save! But my
save anyiliing. OUT llF.Rl'-I in tlte Med we look on visits to such places as Bierui forward to getting our N/wv Niaw.s which. we've found. caters for every That’s what I thought when l was your age the of otlter from taste to of the study doings archaeology and reading until someone showed me the Progressive of female wonder the ltowevcr. we anatomy! Pompey ships: On the whole. we Enjoy pursclvcs Savings Scheme. I only had to put aside £3 whether perhaps some of tlte other readers would be interested to hear and feel that we're doing a wortha month by Naval allotment but when I leave wlto take of while those us jtth—c\'Cll wltat we've been tip to. ()f course. we the Service next year I can collect £855. minebitckct on watch when it blows up a are a small sltip -a coastal Sounds too good to be trite. Where's the catch? swccpcr of the Coniston class. for the a little. benetit of those few who have never ‘— No catch. And it‘! had died at any time my ...-—-— heard of us. We have live olliccrs and :lllllSllll’.llli.\' lllillillx l-'ll0.ll wife would have received the whole £855 26 ratings aitd we are on a “Local Which will you take? Foreign Service" contmission iii the You it’s Scheme :1 immediately. Savings see, llllilll'll*Illll.-\Nli.-ll’CllUlSli Mediterranean together with seven and Life Insurance rolled into one. Pm going for the pension becausethere’s other "tons" who combine to make ONE HUNDRED and fifty midshipanother valuable right with it—l can get a up the 108th Miiiesweeping Sqttatlrott. men amt cadets returned to l)artmouth ltadn’t for 22 on signed years’ Supposing you cash advance for the full price of a new We've recent|_v had several cltanges irt sltips of the Dartniouth 'l'raining service? in the ship‘s contpany. so if any Squadron after a six weeks‘ Mediterhouse. I’m all lined up for a job already, about ltear like iitore would to reader ranean cruise, early in March. When I had done my 9 years I could have and with an extra pension to look forward hontact hot do, what we wit)‘ us and ll..’\l. ships Vigilant. Venus aml to and the wife and familysafe in our own l’.0.M.tF.) Hob Beardsley or l..M.ll€l Roebuck left the United Kingdom at drawn £234 to help set me up in Civvy its the kind of security we all I.. Johnson who will be around the the end of January for Malta and‘ Now, after 22 years’ service, I shall home—well, ll:irr:icksshortlv :iftcr their "l-'.S.l.."'.’ during the past few weeks the mid- have the option of taking the £855, or if How do you set about all this? want. White. Malcolm ()r there's l..4Sig. shipmcn ltave craiitmed a wealth of ]don’t need ‘he cash immediwhotn the communicators may well interest and experience into their Ask for details That’s of£‘72.aycar atelhapension lind at ll..\l.S. .\tcreury shortly. training~-fliglits in aircraft from the of the Progressive Savings 1 retire “Om civilian ()urs is :i fitll life as we divide our llCl.‘l{\‘ of H.M.S. Eagle and Scheme. time prett_v well equally between Ark Royal. siibmarines work at 65. in trips Malta and Cyprus. When in ltutttcd by the l-lcet. transfers front o 1:0,. mnulufl "fun. ”.'_I‘t'J\r_S. U“, there are plenty of ntincsweepiog :ind lship to ship by helicopter. the firing other exercises to keep us busy. not, of guns. torpedoes and depth charges: I’m.ri'ori is ,5 I49 (I)'(‘(lf. to mention the eagle eyes of the; rowing, swimming :ind boat handling. lnsliore lilotilla Stall in H.M.S. WoodI-‘or many. the highlight of the bridge llaveit. ln Cyprus we're kept cruise a three-day visit to the I‘ -Send this coupon to 246 Bishopsgate, London, E.C. p__________________q busy oti the Cyprtis patrol whose aim Italian was Naval Acadenty at Leghorn. l Please send full details of the Progressive Savings Scheme is to prevent arms being smuggled in received a the warm where squadron to the terrorists. liven this patrol ltas I Name its compensations; Cyprus is a lovely welcome. cinptiasising the reality of island aml there are numerous de- the Nz\'l'() alliance. There were also Address".-u--...uo..............-...........n--..-..a.u............... serted bays. beaches. and islands oll' visits to Florence. Pisa and (iibraltar. Midshipmen front Australia. New I wliiclt we sometimes anchor during the day and then seml ashore bathing Zealand. Pakistan, Malaya :ind Ceylon I Age next Rating or parties. We also occasionally go olf are serving in the squadron. -.-_
- . .
A ril I958
SHERBORNE. BRANCH news must his shipmates here and throughout the open. with regret. upon a sad note in area. recording the death of Shipmate .Iohu We are fortunate that an Associate P. Aherne which took place at his Member. Mrs. D. M. Atttield. has home on February 25. I958. aged 64 volunteered to take over the duties of years. He was a founder member of hon. secretary. the appointment being the branch :iiid had been its hon. | confirmed at our Annual General secretary from iiiaugtiratioii in l‘)5l Meeting held recently with otir presiuntil January 28. 1958. and was indeed dent. Admiral C. II. Fox. C.l3., in the the "backbone“ of the brattch. entirely chair. Apart from the change of hon. iiiiseltisii in his devotion to duty for secretary. and the appointment of the benetit of his sliipmates. a duty Sllininate F. l-‘ooi as chairni:m arid carried out even during sickness which Shipmate Ii. A. J. Iivans as vicepreceded his decease by some 18-‘ ch:iirinan. the usual "crew" were demonths. He will be sorely missed by. tailed for the next 12 moiiths_ Shipitiate R. C. Kimberley. hon. treasurer. who had also been acting hon. secretary for the past year. reported a sound financial position and :i slight 1 increase in membership. The new chairman thanked his "crew" for their F... 61 support during the past 12 months. particularly at branch dances. and hoped for their continued support. In contrast to the s:id news above. our Hon. Chaplain the Rev. W, Carroll.
Patron: I~|.M. The Queen
Blackpool lune ‘.'tt.-—.-\nnual Confcrctlcs‘.
April l8.—Entertains llrentford and Chiswick at l)ance._ _
.\t:iy l(l.—IlIflllll:t)'.I)lnIICl'.
Brentford 8: .(;hlsWIt'k _.\|1[il ll¢.—Visit to Ilounslow. Cheani & 'urees1_c§' Patti! April 5.-—Visit to IV Studio. .\l;iy lt).——~|.adie.s' Dance. June I5. Branch Outing to coast. West Ham April 27. ~l)edic;itioii (,ereinoI1)'l'h-ante June 22. Dedicatioii (‘eicmon)'. _
recently had the pleasaiit task of congratulating our oldest nicmber. Cdr. I’. J. Russell on attaining his 95th birthday aitd collected the following
brief details of Cdr. Rii.ssell‘s i\’:ival service which may be of interest to I older shipitiiitesz
April 5: Social and l)-IIlt~'-'May in, 1),-dic;ition of new Ilrauch _
l‘TL'(It.‘flLl{ John Russell lRtd.) resident at "A.slicomhe." King's Road. Standard. Sherborne. was born on September 2-3. Rosyth & \\’est_I~if_e 1862. in Slierborne. Dorset. and is now April 20. —l)edication of Sl~'md'-|fdin his 96th year. He joined the Royal Dorkim: Navy as :i boy seaman on May 2!. ,\Iay 2-I.—~l)ance. I878. at Portsnioutli. His tirst contmisAshford (Kent) sion abroad was on H.M.S. Alexander April I3.-Visit to Dover. to the Med. and was present at the Darlington -1 .‘ \ bombardment of Alexandria in I882 .\lav ll. —l)edic;ition Cereiuony. 'l‘l-IE TRURO Branch a very; served and prepared by the ladies of and subsequent operations. After .i I'urlc_v & District successful party for the children ofithc branch to _whom a very hearty course of gunnery in H..\l.S. Excellent .\I:iy l7.——Silvcr Jubilee l)inncr at its members on Saturday. February 8. vote of thanks is due for the success he was coinmis_sioncd to H.i\I.S. TorRose and Crown. l\'li-'I\l~‘)3 QUUISC for service in the East Indies The St. John Ambulance hall was of the whole venture. .\la_v ltl.--Silver .lubilee Parade and l)riiinhe;id Service in Piirley Rotary at No. 11 AREA DINNER tastefully l:iid otit for the occasion. After tea the children were enter- fl" UK‘ -‘-Umression of the slave trade. l-‘ield. Games were organised by our chair- tained to a movie show under the In the war of Upper Biiriiia. after the l'l' WAS of plcttsillg to see so many .-Ubot N- i man Shipmate Simpson and the social charge of .\Ir. Stevens. Before going,l surrender of .\l:iiid:ila_v. he went furbranch members at the No. II .secret:iry. Sliipinate Gilbert. About -ltl home our ther up the river as far as llzihzinio of Standard. tired and each child very l happy Area Dinner Warlington last children sat down to a very tasty te;i.z was given it bag of sweets and fruit. and. after completion of hostilities tltc .\la) -l.~Auiiual Rally No. 4 Area. month. Surely :it we must hold the‘ ship l'L'ltIfl')L'tl to her usiial duties on I.ondon (Central) record No. Rearas II president. aitd the easther coast of Africa. Zanzibar April .‘.(-.---.-\iinu:il Dinner I)‘llI‘ICC. Admiral Hutton is of member the :i Street. being ll.Q. In i\lay. I881, as llarriugton Ilousc. (iiesham Durham is RearBranch. so City Coxswain of the Pinace. an engageI-I.C.'.'. Admiral Laybourne. who was guest tiient took place off the coast of of honour. and so also is Peter Clark: Pemba. in which they captured a slave the hard working area scribe. VENUES dhow. rescued 53 slaves. and IN We the WE. but it does are pleased to_bc including Sir R. Ropner and Co. which action he was shot during Darlington. enjoyed evening I.ondon lCentrul)._—Thc_ _R‘|$|"t!‘ 5"“in llll‘ seem a pity that we have to go out- able to say that we are still going (remember Ropner's Navy'.'). who has left ankle. with the rest of half the Carter Lane. l-..C.-l. lhird I-riday side our and is tltc members for "entertainas own along nicely. donation—have given us all year :1 crew getting wounded. l.anding on an island. helped each month. 7.30 pm. nteiit." After all. Jolly Jack was under way. so is our branch with its to make this dream a reality. One the)’ were there for ll days before always a notoriously funny fellow! activities. person who should be mentioned per~ medical a.ssistaiIce arrived. The AdThe No. II Area meeting and sonally in this honours list is Ship-; nuralty. as :in award for But now our etforts are centred on "‘]'i'ic‘| the annual conference in Illackpool "Slag" dinner was held in Darlington mate I. ll. (ioldsworthy (branch? him fltill. if he passed the ihis_ examination on June 28. Already “money bags" on l~'cbrii:iry 22 at the "Fleece." and president). who. although a for very busy] ()tlicer. it \\’ari;int woulil ls.Shipmate John P. Aherne, foii_nder Ray .\Iitchiiison has got a bus booked we had great pleasure in welcoming man. has spared neither time nor granteil member and him. secretary of Sher- for the \veek~end and is now going Rear-Adiniral Hutton. of Durham. expense on his part in arranging and snccessfiiliiniiicdiiitely. llaviii_i.: bceu in the ex:imiu:itiou. he reImme lli-.inch. ahead with the proctiring of digs. With and Rear-Adntiral Laybourne. of organising for this ceremony. He hasé turned ltiiiitestitil completed the gunShipiiinle S. 1-‘. (Sam) Iliscock. delegate Dick Ilcron "carrying the l)iirliaiit. also all the delegates from been very fortunate in obtaining the’ ner_y course in ll..\l.S. Excellent. /\\ banner" No. to area will be sure of No. II Area. which included Durliam. very willing consent to take the acting inctiiher of I)L‘\‘Ilt.‘S Ilranch. he was appointed to Shipmate \\"ilIi:tm Ilofton, member- our support on the Sunday dedication. l)arlington. Doncasler. Hull. Hartle- salute of Cdr. John Kcrans. I).S.O.. H.M.S. gu_nncr lzmerald for North America of Aberystwyth Branch. Recently Shipmate .lack l’earce—— pools. Shellield. Wingate. and last. R.N. {Rld.). who. when in command and the West Indies. When the Shipmate Richard Ilofton. member now known as "Scurr.s"-—has grown but not least. delegates from the newly of H..\l.S. Amethyst. iuade that most lmill Lil)‘ was wrecked on the Guncoast a most beautiful "set" complete with formed branch at Philadelphia (Co. draiuatic dash down the Yangtse of l.abrador he of Aberystwyth Branch. was in ch;ii'ge of the moustache. to enter for a local Durham). This branch may be the Rivet‘. :in exploit that brought a surge: divers on salvage Shipmate I-Ivan Daniel, member waxed operations, For six "best beard" contest. Despite its un- smallest but the enthusiasm of its of pride into the hearts of everyone’ of Aberystwyth Brunch. he was instructing Gunner at years splendour Jack was unplaced. representatives speak well of the who has had any connections with thi. Slicerness and Whale Island, He was Shipiiiate Ernest George Searle. doubted In concliision. has anyone seen the future. Navy. The ceremony is arranged for then apointed to I-I.M.S. Juno. used founder member of Purley and DISdeck mess The fourth annual diiiitcr and approsiinately 2 pan. on Sunday. as one of the dodger‘! trict Ilmnch. ships to Ausdance of the Darlinglon Ilraiich was .\tay II. at St. Cuthbert's Church. tralia for the escorting Shipmate Capt. C. I-’. R. Cownrt. opening of l’ai'Iiainetit held in ilic Imperial Hotel on Darlington. ’|here are one or two I).S.O.. I).I... J-P-. R.N. (rt-td.)._ I’I't:SI- N o. 4 Prince by George. His next appoint.\t:irch the I. of the iteins still principal be to guest used. We Warwick of foriiuitioii are since dent hoping ment was back In the Staff of Whale F V f 1 T f V .\Ir. W. evening that being full a Sparrow. aband from AI the Branch. ABBOI former Coiiiinissioncr of Police for .\larine School of Royal} Island and. :it the end of this ditty. .\Iu.sic. Deal. under? was appointed to Ilermuda l)ockl'ard. THE Ai'NUAI- Rally of the Royal Hong Kong. Speakers during the the musical direction of I.ieut.-I 'l'hi.‘tt he was appointed to ll..\l.S'. N:iva| Association. No. Councillor -1 J. were evening will Colonel Area. I-'. Vivian Angus. Dunn. (‘.ll.().. DINNER he held on Sunday. May 4 at Newton Shipntatc J. ll. Goldswortliy (branch I-'.R.A..\l.. R..\l.. who is Renown as a Trainin_e Ship. and lliezt the Principal ,back to Whzile l.sI:ind as ('hief (initAbbot. The dedication of the Newton president). Cdr. Ciimniings, Mr. W. Director of Music. will be in: AT RYE Abbot Branch standard by the Bishop Sansom and Shipm:ite A. Meehan. attendance. t'l'his will be an altraclionl ncr and l.ieuten:iiit of the lslaind. The.) to Dockyaid in charge of S|lll‘.\lATF. GOLDS.\IlTl_>l is now of Plyiiioiitli. at St. l.eon:ird's Church. and all were kept in order by Ship- that l)arlington people li:iveii't wit-l gunl’orI.siuouth moiiutiiigs. diuin_i: which tiiue he back in harness and he tvishcs us to Wolborougli Street. Newton Abbot. mate J. Wilson (branch chziirman). It nessed for many a year.) After thel was appointed Lieut.-Coiutii;indcr. His parade. everyone concerned will be‘ last appoiutincnt my how grateful he was for kind mes- will be combined with the rally. The was a delightful evening. was on the Stall of The next item on our programme is invited to tea. which will have to be the sages and assistance during his illness. service is at 3 S.N.().. Aberdeen for the superThe parade will assemble in Court- what we here in Darlington consider held in the local Drill Hall. I.archlield vision The annual dinner was held on of trials and the coinmission.\larch 14 and we were plca_sed_to see enay Park (near Newton Abbot Rail- to be our biggest project since we Street. and it is proposed. if at all ing of Trawlcrs and Drifleizs in that club premises. possible. to have a concert after the area. He retired from our own our new patron. Admir;il _Sir Izdward way Station) at l.-I5 p.m. and will opened the Royal Navy march oil’ at 1.25 p.m. headed by a namely. the dedication of otir new reception in the Drill Hall. Parry and l.ady Parry with its. June 30. I920, having been kept on standard. A determined elfort is being wives were present in strength and_ we Service band. for three extra years owing to the on Open Invitation The inspection will take place and made to make this one of the most feel that everyone had a most L‘l‘Ij())" First World War. A life service of We earnestly request that all the salute will be taken by Capt. W. J. impressive parades that Darlington :ibIe evening. almost 43 will do their best to make years. Rye Branch meets on the Sitcom! Munii. I).S.O.. O.l).li., Royal N:ivy. has seen for a very long time. Once‘thriinclies his After retirement he was protuceremony :in outstanding one for .\londay of the month and :ilthoiigh After dismissal tea will he served upon a tiiue we had a "pipe dream"‘ this incnt in the zitlairs of the lown and our numbers are —small we all look :iiid the band will beat the retreat .it of what we thought we would do for l)arlington. The members here li:ive ''our‘ dedicatioit. and now everyone- done their best. but we :ire quite aware was a I-'oiiniler Member. with (‘apt. t'.irw;ird to the meetings. approximately 6 ollicials. iueinbers. ladies‘ au.\iliar_v that it could come to nziiiglit wiilioiit \\’:iilc_\'. of the Shcrhorue Ilt';lllL‘l) of section. and well wishers of the club. the co-operation of other br.inclies.l the llrilisli Legion. ()ii in:iugiiration of and we sincerely hope that as in;in_\'I the Sherhoruc llraucli. R.N.A.. in as possible will send delegates rind l‘l5|. he iinniediately enrolled as lIoii$llIIlIl£ll’Ll\'. If a personal invitation is, orarv .\letuber, taking a keen interest in the branch‘s allairs and doii:itin_e not received. will biaiiches We are laying-up our old Standard accept this as an open invitation sums to its tinances. Until comparaFOR LIFE AND ENDOWMENT ASSURANCE WlTH to; and dedicating the new one on Sun- all of you. We intend to make every-l tively recentlv. since when illness has 27. The day. April is PREMIUMS—GOOD BONUSES LOW ceremony taking one welcome and comfortable but we confined him indoors. he was always place at All Saints‘ Church. West Ham mtist know for certain the approxi- to be seen in his garden. which he LIBERAL CONDITIONS l.anc. After the dedication and tea. an mate number that we shall have to kept xliip~sliape and llristol fashion evening's entertainment has been c:iter for. It is itnperativc that braiichcs and a joy to see. Naval Personnel normally accepted with War and Service risks covered arranged. Up to 500 are expected. and should inform our hon. secretary of We shipinates of Sherboriie Branch AUSTRALIAN MUTUAL PROVIDENT SOCIETY two bars and refreshment bar will be the number wishing to attend as soon think the above is a unique record in in operation. Head Office tor the UNITED KINGDOM: as possible during April. The address Naval service and possibly cannot be Dances have been arranged for the is: I-Ion. Secretary. R.N.A.. W. E equalled. If 73-16 KING WILLIAM STREET. LONDON E.C.4 any of the older shipthird Saturday at the Cedars Drill Crawford. 5 Arundel Drive. (‘ocker-: males who hear Assets l350.(x0.lXI) of this and can recolHall. April to July (inclusive). :ind the ton. Darlington. Co_ l)iirhaiu. So; lect any of the experiences For urvleo in the vommouch area mime: Mr. W. D. suvn. Hannow. 114. London this Road. PORTSMOUT!-I. HancFfclophone No. Portsmouth 71490) tickets are obtainable from F. Reid. please don't l'orget to help us to niakc branch or Cdr. Russell will either be pleased I 26 Greenwood Road. Hackney. I18. you comfortable. to hear frotit them. __
_\tiily M-i.-—l,)edic:ition
31): will 3Rttll2lltlltt‘ (Ebcnt _
STABLEFINANCES at CHELTENHAIWgllllllllIIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllIlllllIllllllllllllllllllllllg‘TRAMP SUPPER’ '_l'HE_CHELTENl-IAM its annu:il
Branch held Ryan, Powell. Edmunds and Salmon. THIS IS an annual event of the with their ntidshipmaids and sprogs branch. and carried out prior to the were prcscrtt for what was a grand general meeting on Thurs- The chairman thanked all the ntcntannual dinner being lteld next Satur- afl'air. what fun was ltad by all. day, February 6. at our headquarters. bers for their support during the past the United Services Club. North year. Then the secretary. Shipmate day and I ant informed that over 100 The hall was decorated with bare Str_ect. Cheltenham. The chairntan. Taylor. gave a full report of the THE ISRANCH has been keeping tip sltipmates and guests will be present. tables. no trimmings except for, Shipmate Patrick in the presence of branch. which he said was not by any its steady income of new members. For this function some 60 shipmates "empty" beer bottles with a candle nearly 40 members welcomed our new means easy and asked all rnetnbers to although I must admit we ltave lost planted on top. At the stroke of tuember. namely Shipmate House an pull together to keep the branch alive one or two members who have hours the grub arrived fish and 20.10 precx-R.:\'. diver who was given a warm and successful. The treasurer. Sltipchips wrapped up in the table cloth TO PRESENTATION however. our very viously joined. which showed someone or sontcthiitg welcotite; this brings the total to 26 ntatc Nottingham. then reported ottr able secretary makes it his business for the year. Tlte following were financial state which he said was to discover on it. remarks about ladies" figures. BELFAST MEMBER these leave. why chaps elected for the year: vice-cliairman. stable. btit in these days of rising costs and does his etc. were made. The ship was then tltetn utmost to bring (‘dr. Garwood: social secretary. Ship- everything had to be watched to keep back. WARM 'I'RlBUTl3 to his enthusiasm darkened and the glow of the candles mate Lovescy; Committee. Messrs. us on an even keel. The social attd work for the Royal Naval Asso- revealed a bunch of Oboes. ctc.. digWith the future social programme secretary then said we had had .1 the social secretary has cooked ciation were tninglcd with heartfelt. ging in. no cutlery was allowed and I tip. successful skittles match against the can't think you would really have thought the ' wants to expressions or regret. when :it the last why anyone the lads. lasses aitd sprogs dug which does a great ili.-:il to monthly meeting of the llclfast branclt waythat SUCCESSFUL DANCE Americaits. they had itot eaten for :i week. promote Anglo-Aincrieait frieitdsltip. l.ietil. I’. W. Anderson. in Shipmate We have visit TV studios to to a . I’ \ 7 Rear-.-\dmiial l)ttncau. (‘.li.. l).S.() Iiittally the chairman tltanked the isce Saturday Spectacular on April 5. ll.A.. R.N.\’.R.. was presented with a AI BOGNOR ollicers of the braitclt for their work iWest : vice-cltairntzin was present :ind Ham Dedication on April 27. suitably ittcribed silver cigarette box. ottr :ind charged the members to h:ick the believe me lie was not only :i well ON S.-\'l'URl).-\‘i’. .\l:ti'ch I. we held. otlicials‘ our Ladies‘ l)ance on May It). inci- Our highly esteemed sltipmate is judgment attd efforts. to take tip an appoint- dressed tramp but also a grand critermost successful dance and social .i dentally tltc branch ltave their last leaving itsDtirham t:iincr. his Alto-Wetter with the University. and we: ntztttrtcrisins dance of the season on April It-. ment :it Social amt Dance t‘tenin_i: to which we were most lI.l[TD‘,' was grand. he told iite could not let hint depart ttitltnttt soine llrauch the to welcome shipmates front llavant to Sitticoast Outing oit A new inentber. Sltipinate Seiitple., token of "our high esteem.; that Sltipittate (ioodcic had iiilornied tangible lllltl litllcltautpton llr.ittcltcs also our’ was Jiiitc I5. 'l‘lt.’ime Dedication thlhly-l on duly iittrotlticeil to our President. June 22 and plenty titore to follow.‘ and .'ippi‘cci:itioIt of his inv;ilii;ihli:iltim if he did itot't:\\ up he tvoulil friends from Tue ll .ind the :\ssoi;i;ihave to pay sispcttce. which he said. tion of \\'rcns. As this was our very Capt. (f. C. A. Allen at our last so you can see wi: are enjoying a full services to the llelt';i-'.t branch." being hard tip. left Iiiiit no alternative. social first effort at a function on this scale meeting. life. Our new Social Secretary is getting A gang of well dressed tramps took l'(‘I'SuIltllll_\‘ and Generosity In in_v next issue I hope to have we were delighted to ltave over 80 into his and among other funcNo one has done tttore for oitr their fish :tnd chips in open air style a full report of ottr annual dinner people present. also to be ltoitottred tions hestride. a social and branch. and it‘ is due to his per- on the floor. with the presence of Admiral Sir dance for has arranged. and held dance March 29. on Prizes for the well dressed tramps May I6. at the Star Hotel. The branch is just getting into the sonality and generosity that the BelRobert Burnett. (i.B.l3.. K.C.B.. Our Welfare Officer. Shipntale Attfast branch occupics the position it and trampesses were presented by the with the l).S.0.. I.l..l).. a _national vice-presi- wood. is branch tournaments. groove pleased to say that there is we does today. At one critical period Admiral. Shipmate Mike Keir. lst dent of the Association. for two more trophies have_addcd nothing to report. but asks us to menAnderson prevented a Prize; Midshipmaid Mrs. Keir. lst Our president. Cmdr. H. West. tion his address—96 Naunton Lane. competition. We are very fortunate in Shipmate of our com-, Prize; Sprog Peter Fowler. lsi Prize: having a good home at the Cheam "break" in the continuity D.S.C.. was unable to be with us oit in case his help is required. Sprog Susie Fowler. lst Prize. A really mission——which we do not forget. Social Club where are we given every this festive occasion as he is still on Sbipmates will have read with a cer- facility to develop these tournaments We feel that shipmatcs everywhere jolly evening to which all contributed. with his in South family ltoliday tain amount of feeling the closing and entertain other share the delight with which we Our president thanked all who had will branches. to forward his look Africa. but we contributed to the evening's enjoyntent down of Royal Naval Barracks. Chathailed the news that Shipmate Ander(‘beam At find it rather we a job of his month hear and to return next with a special mention to the ladies hant. even if the only memories are of to son has been made a vice-president of back from other branreplies get the his visit to iourneyings including sleeping in hammocks in the tttitnel. ches when we send out-invitations, we otir Association. We congratulate hint who had worked so hard. Onc menJohannesburg Branch. do not expect every branch to accept on this personal distinction and are tion. we were all glad to see Shipmate back to but please do let us know if you can- very proud that ottr shipntate has Royalle and his good lady been selected for this honour by the duty. ANNUAL GENERAL not accept these invitations. Well. shipmates. all for this time. National Council. NEW HONORARY MEETING AT May he and his family enjoy all any time you feel like a remember. A'l‘ ‘OPEN visit we are always at home any good health :ind.good fortune in his MEMBER FOR HOUNSLOW new sphere. May his days he as long Friday from 8 p.m. PORTSMOUTH as the hairs in the heard of Paddy READING THE ONLY change in ofliccrs elected McGinty's famous goat. WITH THE coming of Easter there SUPERINTENDENT E. L. E. Hoyer- at the annual general meeting. on STEADY begins the season of "Open House" PROGRESS Millar. l)ircctor-Designate of the March I4 was Shipmate Garrod for for visitors to Pitt Street. Already we W.R.N.S.. has been made an honorary Shipmate Dean as vice-chairman. have entered dates for Lewisham and FETE FOR AT GOSPORT member of the Reading branch of Shipmate Daniels as secretary and Eastleigh branches and several more the R.N.A. The president. I.ieut.-Cdr. Shipmate Pocock as welfare oflicer I WOULD. first of all. like are pending. We look forward to these WARWICK to thank J. F. Bumpstead. R.N.V.R.. pinned on were both re-elected. visits and all are welcome but do I regret to say that our chairman. the _represcnt:itives of all branches who BRANCH ACTIVITIES continue with her badge in a surprise presentation please let have your requests a few Jim Brown. is still in hospital. Herejs |l’all|t3(il_ round in support of our St. at their 21st anniversary dinner. social and dance and I the aim of not only improving weeks in advance so that we can fit The dinner. “sold~oiit" three weeks. hoping. Jint. that when 1 read this ;V:_ilcnttne's think all along will agree finances but to keep interest alive and in with our entertainment programme. before the date in January. proved a article next ntoitth you will be wcll'-. that the who came The R.N.A. Players scored another evening was it great success. to bring to the local public the knowroad to the on shiprecovery; your successful coining-of-age party. very We were delighted to renew acquain- ledge that we are an active body. resounding success with the pantoAll three Services were represented. mates miss you. tance with old shi mates and meet At our recent dance held appro- mime "Aladdin." This was an all-Pitt Sir for of Fleet in hand Admiral the Plans well our led by are favour of such priately in the “Nelson" Hall. we Street effort. not only the artistes ones. We are new Vice-Marshal J: dinner who Cox. Air I0. on May birthday Philip Vian; which give oppor- engaged the R.M. Dance Band from but scripts. costumes. scenery. lightget-togethers little of in fun and Stall’ to Ofliccr. Air Senior "food, Flying wants join tunities for getting out of the atmos- our only local Naval establishment ing and orchestra. We feel sure the I’. and .\lajor frivolity"? Training Command; Dhere built round one's own branch I-l.M.S. Gamecock. Unfortunately this trcmendotis pleasure this show brought of the the Depot Nlyatt. commanding We were invited by the Ilrentford ilml :t|W:t.vs leave one with the feeling is to become a thing of the past but to so many must have repaid all conRoyal Berkshire Regiment. and Chiswick branch to darts on the’ that so tttuch can be gained by mem- we feel sure we shall be able to keep cerned for the weeks of rehearsal by Four of the oldest sltipmates of the 8th and had the pleasure of invitin1: 3 bership of the Association. alive the Naval spirit even if we are the players and the hard labour by branch were guests for the evening. them back on April I8 for them to We are making steady. if slow. pro- cut on‘ front the sea. The dance was the back room boys—everythingwent several the their of were In gathering Amongst spite the snow gress with our ntain hall and were quite :i success and we hope to hold without a hitch. get revenge. founder-members. had we After three performances for the a very enjoyable evening. very gratified and encouraged when. four dances in year and our next one I wonder if other branches find the at a recent meeting. we had the great will probably take place towards the members. guests and children we folTelegrtutt front the Queen lack of enthusiasm in the younger pleasure of :1’ visit by Vice-Admiral end of April. Arrangements are in lowed our usual practice and invited dinner at "priority" telegram generation rcjoiiting the R.N.A.. I t I-_ B. Drew. C.B.. C.V.O.. O.ll.E.. who. full swing for a fete being organised all the kindred ex-Service associaDttring from the Queen at Stin- .personally have approched several received was being shown round our Head- in conjunction with our local football ttions to be our guests at a special in a to It was dringham. response be" members. btit all definitely ._quarters. congratulated the branch on club to he held on Jitne 28. Ottr own l show for their benefit. the response earlier of greeting sent lu)-/,ll Ittcssztgt.‘ say they will cotnc along and that's ,its achievement and expressed great zfete stalls will be frequently used this‘ was terrific bttt we coped. The final and read: lthat. What is the ausweri’ \Vc. like .sutt.sf:icuon at :ill he had seen artd of‘ summer and where the catise is some- showing was for the old folk at Pur"Please convey to the members of other branches. can always find room Itlie team spirit which had made it thing special we lo:in them free and! brook who sci.-in now to be regular the Reading llranch. Naval for more lIlI.'llll3i.'[$_ gmd although w._- |)t't5siblc_ also man thcnt. One such cause is tncinbers of the R.N.A. fan cltib. Associzition asscntblcd for tltcir Zlst advertise cstcnsitelv I still hear reWe had a number of rcqucsts from the "League of Friends of Warwick .\'ew Branch Standaril .IIIIIl\L'l‘\‘.tl’_\' dinner at the (ieorge ;lIl(If‘liS “never heard of the .-\ssoci;iwho are doing such good} other parties to slzigc the show for I-lost’lt:il" We are planning fora bumper davi work. ()ur "Ladies Section“ are also them but willing as the company are Hotel. the sincere thanks of the .tion." Question arises. where is th..lon the occasion of the dedication of active and have successfully held a to entertain anyone it requires a treQueen for their kind and loyal ines- ipublicity in the service‘! our new branch standard which has jtiinhlc sale recently and then fol- mendous dog watch evolution (and sage which Her .\lajcsty. as l’atron. been fixed for Saturday. May I0. and lowed tip by entertaining our branch not a little expense) to shift the greatly appreciates." a full programme of entertainment to zit a social evening entirely organised scenery and props and as we all have The president. when proposing a suit all tastes has been arranged. All and lin:inced by themselves for which to work for our living in our spare toast to The Royal and Merchant branches of the Association regardless we are most grateful. One surprising tinte it was found to be too ntuch. Navies. wished Superintendent Hoyer.PRESENTED TO of their Areas who would c:ire to event at this social was the birthday The next item on the list will be the Millar the best of luck in her impormake the trip will be ‘very welcome cake presented to our honorary secre- Easter Parade and as tisual the social tant new duties at the Admiralty ttnd ROSYTH'& W. FYFE said the branch would be glad to see and no effort will be spared in mak- tary. number of candles not disclosed. committee are making preparations her whenever she was in Reading. A STANDARD to be dedicated on ,mg the trip worthwhile. We do of but nonetheless appreciated. Prepara-. for another big night. Fancy dress. Admiral Sir Philip Vian. responding. Sunday. April 20 at St. Peter's (fhurch. tcoursc. hope for a good backing front tions are also being titade in readiness | Easter bonnet or just plain night ollercd ltis congratul.itions to Super- lnvcrkeithing. was donated by Capt. ottt‘ own. No. 3 Area. Further details for the annual reunion when we hope I clothing it doesn't matter so long as to find even more members than ever you all have a good time. intendent Hoyer-.\lillar. He went on W. W. Fitzroy. R.N.. and presented zwill be promulgated later. We are very pleased to rcttttrt that taking advaittage of this g t‘ a it d to pay tribute to the work of the by the Admiral Superintendent. Rear.\fcrclt:int Navy and said 'a tt'cntcitd- Admirgil W. liverslied. l).S.().. iii the iour new branch secretary. S.I-.\l. occasion. who came to its front out debt was owed to them. It was Colour Loft. ll..\l. l)ot:kyai'd. Rosytlt. Churchutan. VISIT TO has settled into his stride well. he said. that they should remem- .oit 'luesd.iy .'\larch -I. The Admiral her the work of the .\lerchaut Navy. gave a very iinprcssite address and ::trtd has all his duties well under A GOOD PARTY AT POR'l‘Si\IOU’l‘H -control. then handed the standard over to the Our nest social aitd dance has been Retirement Prescnttttion SI-IIPM.-\'l‘FS OF llavant brzinch were DORKING president. ('dr. I). ii. (i. Wemyss. .arranged for attd 5. :i April again At the end of the dinner the chair- [).S.0.. l).S.C.. R.N.. who passed it very pleased to hear at their meeting is cordi:il invitazioii extended all to THE l"()UR'l'H annual dinner of the on March -3 that their delegate. Shipman. Shipmate J. (ient referred to to the chairmatt. Shipmate A. G. members in the to vicinity come along hraitch was held at the Watermill ntate C. J. Snow. had been re-elected tire retirement of Shipmate A. G. Hawscr aml on to the standard bearer share and an enjoyable evening. Sandall as honorary secretary :ifter Shipmate B. C. ltilliness. ltonorary Roadhouse on Friday. .\l:irch 14, The to the Area ('oiincil. They were also for and all now shipmates (:hccr'oh He scr\icc. four years‘ presented secretary. There was a good company best wishes front guests for the evening included the glad to hear that there is to be a No. Gosport. inscribed with Sandal! art Shipmate of oflicers. members. wives and Colour past president of the branch. Rear- 3 Area rall_v during May this year. honorMrs. Sandall. an tankard :tnd The branch welfare ollicer had Admiral J. D. N. Hatn. C.B.. R.N. Loft stall. and the chairman thanked inscribed com- the Admiral and also for the splendid and Mrs. Ham. also the chairman of been successful in helping sliipmates ary ntcntber. with an Nttmhcr ‘.1 Area Shipmate (iower. to find suitable employment and was pact. for so ably assisting her decorating by Shipmate J. Stewart and No. husband. with various members of the local able to report that tltere was good the Colour Loft stall and Mrs. Lewry. Five days later at the annual meet- Shipmate Lewry's wife for the tassels. Shipmate A. G. Lcgg. Vice-Chair council. press. police. A good party news of the branch Padre. who was in ing Shipiiiate J. Gent was returned At the monthly meeting on Monday. man of the Association. hopes to enjoyed the meal. speeches. and after. hospital. Shipmate Venus has since for a fifth year in oflice as chairman. .\lareh It) the Rev. J. Johnson of St. attend the meeting of the Portsmouth the dancing ttot forgetting the bar. been discharged front hospital and is New olliecrsare: vice-chairman. Ship- Peter's Church was un:inimonsly elec- Branch on Wednesday. April to. when Following on the "heels" of this event on duty again in llavaitt. Two days after the meeting a party mate ll. Ii. Taylor: treasurer. Sltip- ted hon. chaplain. and Mr. W. Reed. he will be pleased to answer questions. the hraitch are holding a series of nt:ite .\l. N. (iritlin; and secretary.‘ solicitor. honorary legal advisor. with particular reference to the finances dances. including Whit-Saturday li\lay of them went to I’ortsmo,iitlt and Sltipntate S. Seward. Honorary secretary Shipmate liillincss of the Association. The Portsmouth 24). at the Oddfellows Hall. Dorking. were guests of the Association's Two new additioital vice-presidents relinquished post of standard bearer Branch hopes that there will be a good any visiting shipntatcs iii the area. we branch there. They very imiclt enother will be glad to see come along and joycd their hosts‘ production of were elected: The Rev. R. A. Lowry. attd Shipittate Wltitwell was elected attendance. Sltipmatcs from "Aladdin" and the other hospitality the branch padre. and Shipmtite A. (i. and Sliipinates Cooke and 'l'roone as .tmincltes of the area are more than enjoy themselves. All the best. shipmates. i welcome to attend. they rcceived..; this happy occasion. escort. Sandal], retiring secretary. _
SPORT AT HOME HOME FLEET HOCKEY SOME EXCF.I.I.EN'l‘ Iiockey was enjoyed during t_he cruise; _the standard varying considerably between the islands. The only representative game possible was in Bermuda. Here :1 Home I-‘feet side, strong on paper. I051 10 the Bermuda Hockey Association b_)' the odd goal in a close game. It Is wishful to think tltat the result tniglll have been dttfereitt had tlte game not been played the d:ty_ tlllcl’ The A
on Hockey Challenge (_.up .l'Il‘Illl otiwitlt over islatid which was briinmitig
hospitality, If only players‘ select tlte middle b:ill to.htt.. (‘omp-.irison-. between island standards are diflicult to assess in a_ short visit. One felt that Irtnidad with its large Indian poptilation led the field.
.\Iarincs held their soccer final. and The Fleet played Bermuda at hockey and cricket; also a dinghy race against the Royal Canadian Navy was held. Of all the individual efforts one could write about. H.M.S. Bulwark tnust take pride of place in winning the Hockey Challenge Cup. Soccer King's Cug- and Royal Marines Soccer Competition.
Royal Toumtiment Phase IIHome I-‘Icet
Foil: P.O. Rawlings (Dainty). Sttlirt-: I.ieut. Berlyn (Bulwark). Epcv: I.ieut. Bcrlyn (Bulwark).
'I‘llI§ lI0.\lI’. Fleet visited Bermuda on .\Iareh 3 till M:irch I0. I958. Besides the Fleet competitions already arranged—soccer. King's Cup Knock-
hockey.(‘IiaIlengeCupKnock-out: fencing. Royal Tournament Phase II—a very lteavy programme of sporting
activities had been arranged against civilian clubs. These fixtures included The Fleet versus Bcrmtitla in soccer. hockey. rugby. boxing. water polo and cricket. Indivitltial ships against civilian clubs ———socCcr. hockey. water polo and
In the afternoon. racing started at I-I30 with the Rawson Bowl lratings’ dinghies) and at I440 with the Hornby
Cup (oflicers‘ whalers).
Rowxmt llowl I. Shpt. Attfield. H.M.S. Ceylon. 2. Wtr. Stephens. H.M.S. Bertnutla. 3. L./Sea. Greenwood. H.M.S.
Delight. Ilornby Cup
1. t.ieut.-Cdr. G e
o r
2. Stib.-I.ieut. R a n 1] le 3 H.M.S. Bertntida. 3. Cdr. Lloyd. H.M.S. Maidstonc. On completion of racing. the (‘oiiiniander-in-Chief, II otnc Fleet. Adtitiral Sir William Davis. met the winning crews on the qiiacterdeek of the flagship and presented the trophies to them. H.M.S. Delight was quite outstanding in the regatta. obtaining three firsts and a third place. H.M.S. Ceylon also performed very well .
R.N. Championships Royal Navy cross-cotiiitry
H.M.S. DOLPHIN won the PortsThe-_ moiitlt ('omntantl Inter-Iistahlismcnt championships were t'l|n at l)artsquash rackets contest by defeating mouth on Ttiesday. .\Iarch 4. 1958. the Sub-l.ietttenants‘ team 3—2 in a Home Air Comniand retained the very close and exciting finals. played championship with 31 points folon the courts at the Nuflield Club. rtigby. lowed by Portsmouth Coniniand with One of the features of the pro- The Dolphin team consisted of 56 points. granitne was that. on Sunday. .\I arch 9. Lietit. Broomficld. Licut.-Cdr. HamII ships ttirned otit sides to play Iyn. Instr.-l.ieut.-Cdr. Rogers. Surg.clubs in soccer. The Fleet Royal I.ieiit. I-‘ulford and Lieut. Staiihope.
13 Clarendon Road, Southsea T°‘z°o'Z;'L°“°
DURING A recent visit to North Borneo. H.M.S. Cheviot anchored in :i little-visited bay. which enabled officers :ind ship's company to visit Kola Beliid. Kola Belud is the main market for the surrounding areas. which consist of rolling grasslands. and horses are one of the main means of
horses. all gladly lent by the natives
visiting the local market. a display of tent-pegging and polo was ptit on by the inhabitants. tliemsclvcs. After
Needless to say. the party from Cltcviot afterwards tried to emulate these activities with varying success, and provided tittich anittsemcnt to the transport. large crowd. H.M.S. Cheviot landed 65 ofliccrs The photograph shows some of the and men. who were provided with party oti their horses.
NAVY HOCKEY CUP FINAL R.N.AS. Culdrosc. 2; H.M.S. Ariel, 0 TWO AIR Command teams who had never before won this competition played off oit Wednesday. March I9. on the RM. grouItd'I:'aslney. The grotittd was in perfect condition and the weather kind. Both teams were evenly matched. Ariel having enioyed a very successful season and Culdrosc. although tticked away in Cornwall. have a reputation for good team spirit wherever they compete. Indeed they had been finalists two years back. From the start it was cup-tic hockey. first time hitting. cut and thrust but little cohesive moventcnt. Ten minutes after the start I.icut. Ilushe scored the vital first goal aitd a good one it was. Culdrosc began to settle down and their strength was reflected in their half back line. Ariel's forwards were not getting the passes. ttor were they going back in search of the ball. The fact is Ariel were stereotype and sound btit they h:id itot got :i match winner. Whether it was wise to leave
player of the calibre of I3.M. Wellington on such an occasion is
open to doubt.
Half time catne without further score atid it was anybody's game but there was more‘ thrust with Culdrosc and they were quicker on the ball. C.P.O. Swift was playing an excellent game as befits one who has so oftcti played well for the Navy and the Ariel goalkeeper was tested on several occasions :ind tnade several good saves.
Btit the pressure was on and after a corner the ball came loose to Swift who scored with a good flick. This was the end. Ariel never gave up tryitig but thereafter they never looked like recovering. Vice-Admiral G. 'I1tistleton Smith. C.B.l-1.. (i.M.. president of the R.N._H.A.. presented the cup on cottclusioit of the match. It had moved from Devon to Cornwall. H.M.S. Drake being the holders. Inter-Service Fixtures Wednesday. April 9. at Portsmouth ~-Royal Navy v. The Army.
ls 80NS.l.'l".’
IN VIEW of the good conditions for sailing and the ttuntber of ships which would be present it was decided to hold the I958 Home Meet Sailing Regatta during the Spring Cruise to the.West Indies instead of during the Sutnnier Crtiisc. The venue was the island of Bequia. iii the Windward group of islands near St. Vincent. at the time of the Fleet Assembly. Ships present were Maidstone. Bulwark. Ceylon. Ber-
Inter-Service Chaiiipioriship.-t TIII-I IN'l'IiR-SIZRVI(‘I~Z cross-country cliainpionships took place over it iiew' course at Crookham. ttear Aldcrshot. on Friday. .\Iarch I4. I958. The King George V Challenge Trophy was won by the Royal Air Force for the eighth sttccessivc year. A feature of their strength was that they had the first fotir men past the course. post and their six runners to count After the match the crests of the were in the first eight places. The various ships taking part in the game total poittts gaiitcd by the winners were 25. The Army were second in wcre presented to the Club. the team race and the Royal Navy third. II.ll.S. Wins E.A. Joyce (Abbotsinch) was the man of the Navy team. to finish Ptirlsmouth Inter- infirstsixth place.
Command listablishmenl Squash
muda. Daring. Dainty. Delight. Boxing—Winncrs Ba rflcu r and the Fly Wt-i_t,-III: A.II. Mason (Bulw:trk]. (faniperdown. Li'_t,-lit Wt-ii.-lit: Ord. Tel. l’Iieby R.I-'.As. Tidereacli and Olna. (Ceylon), Conditions Ideal Lt'_t.-In Wt-Iti'r ll’¢'fgIIlZ A.B. Ashcroft (Ceylon); Tel. (iornham (Bul- Racing took place on Monday. wark). February I7. and the conditions for Welter lV('f[:,ltfI A.Il. Bailey (Cey- it were ideal. lon); N.A. Squires (Ceylon): F..M. The day's racing started with the Burns (Camperdown); B. Ward Bradford Ctip (ofIicers' dinghies) at (Bermuda A.A.); M13. Gray 0930 and the Ewart Cup (ratings' Bulwark). whalers) at 0940. botlt races being Lit.-lit Middle Weight: M.I5. Swift condtictcd by H.M.S. Bermuda. (Bulwark). Mitfillv II’¢-iglitz K. Sintmons (Ber- Brat!/(ml Cup inuda A.A.). I. Licut.-Cdr. Byers. H.M.S. Delight. llcm-_v ll’:-it,-III: N.A. Dix (Bul- 2. Cdr. Ingham. H.M.S. Ceylon. wark). 3. l.ieut. Turner. H.M.S. Maidstonc. RUGBY IN BERMUDA Eimrl (‘up I. Shpt. Kitchingham, H.M.S. UNDER I»-‘l.O0DI.IGH'I‘S.the Home Delight. Fleet ntct the Pick of Bermtida. and 2. l../Sea. Edwards, H.M.S. Ceylon, a tliorotighly entertaining and enjoy3. O.A. Donald. H.M.S. Maid-
Barbados and Bermuda mc 55.].-_,~ would probably be of equal standards. though lllc llllllfc l"°5P¢°l5 in Barbados are much better. 'I'lie main -ground in Bertnuda is the R.N. Cricket Ground aitd with lhlf dming down (if the Naval shore facilities in Bermuda this pitch is now sub-standard. A great handicap to the future of hockey in Bermuda. .Iamaica appears to have taken lhc game tip seriously. only in the _P"5l few years. Particular entlittslitsnt exists in the new University College of the West Indies. (What a delightful location for a university and WhI|l_€I the future of SP0“ '“ potentiality for West general in the of Indies.) The standard umpiring_ cncoi_in- able match resulted. The Bermuda tered was good t|irotighott_t. Incllldtns side. chosen frotn the two clubs in the an excellent lady umpire in J:mI:nC=I- island. showed that they have learned well. itot only the laws, but also the spirit of the game. It was evident. early in the game. that the Navy were suffering front lack of practice antl too many good runs AI-TIER COMBINED exercises with ashore in the West Indies ports. In the the Royal ('anadian Navy. tht_:_two end. however. experience told. A draw Fleets bertlied at Halifax o_n I-riday. (One goal one try apiece) was a fair March I-t to cotnpetc_against_ each reflection on the run of play. the other in various sporting activities. Navy from behind in the Unforttinately owing to the adverse second coming half to make the score even. weather conditions tlte prttgfillttntc The general view was that this was was .\intt1t.‘Wll(tl. curtailed. But the fol- the best game seen in the island during lowing events were held: lt:I5l1I=lb1!ll- the 1957/8 season. Certainly from the water polo and b0X||1tlspectators' view It was well worth In the water polo match againstthc braving a chilly evening to see it. Royal (‘anatlian Navy Base. the Meet are to be coiigrattilatetl on the convincing win (i——3. A.B. James. Ceylon. scored fotir of the go:iIs. DURING THE cruise a ntiiiiber of In the basketball match against the matches were played by lI.M. Ships Y..\l,('.A. the Fleet Iicld their o_wn Maidstone. Bulwark and Bermuda tip to half-tiinc. the score being against teams in Jamaica. Bermuda Y..\l.('.A. I9. Honte Fleet 12. but the antl Trinidatl; bttt the was superior fitness of their opponents the Fleet game playedhigh-light against the c;.m.,- out on top in the second half Mid-Ocean Club in Bermtida. attd they won 53 points to 24 points. The Fleet was given the hospit:ility In the boxing. R.N._antl 2 R.(..N. of the cltib house and of the [mm-re combined against the local course of this famouscourtesy cltib. which (‘:in:it|ian Army wlticli was a treinen- ranks the first ten in the among dons success and thc_ R.N./'R.C.N. a world;_ privilege which was most watt 7 bouts to 6. Their etlorts were stittttiietl tip in the local It|.‘W.\|Y1lPC|'3 appreciated. The team of 16. incltitliitg the (‘om“Ilosers of the I’.astern_. ('o_mmantl niander-in~(‘Itief. the Chief of Stall" preparing for the Army I-inal tn_Van- and the Captaiit of tlte Fleet. were couver tiext month. found glatIiat_ors drawn from six ships. of the Royal Navy tough OIIPUSIHOH The toteamthewere entertained to ltiitclt at the Windsor Park drill hall Saturmatch, Alllttiiigli only prior day night." managing to halve two of mg L-ighi matches. a most enjoyable time was had trying to play this magnificent _
April. I958
BuIwarlt‘s helicopter over Grenada
ACCORDING TO accounts received and visits to’ the sugar sites. the from H.M.S. Btilwark.the Home Fleet rictivities taking place not only in has been experiencing wonderful hos- Kingston. btit as far away as the north pitality from the people of West Indies. coast of Jamaica. When Bermuda left Jamaica the lily-pasts have taken place over Grenada. Jamaica and Bermuda. When gener:_il_ opinion in the ship was that Bulwark entered the harbour of St. the visit would be long remembered George. Grenada. it was obvious that as a highlight of the commission. A week later Bulwark arrived at Ceylon. who was already anchored there. had :idvertiscd the coming of Bermuda and a fly-past over the Btilwark. The waterfront. the rtiins of island iit company with planes from Fort (ieorge 'and all the vantage points I-I.M.C.S. Bonaventure took pI:|cc_ on the hills about the town were massed The weather was not too good at with people. Sea‘ Hawks. Venoms. llermuda for IIuIwark's visit. btit it Skyraiders. flew past in formation over was half-way house to Ilalifas. Nova the town. Seotia. where undoubtedly the cold Bulwark joined the Hotiie Fleet. would ri:a||y he felt. which, in company. was anchored off Bequia. Ships present were .\Iaitlstone (C.-in-(3.. Home Fleet). Ceylon (F.O.F.H.). Bermuda. Daring. Delight. Supplier: in the Admiralty. M05 3. G.P_o_ gt
R.N. Long Distance Race THE R.N. Distance Road Dainty. Campcrdown. Barfleur and the Race, held in coniuttctioii with the R.I’.A.‘s Alna and Tidercrtcli. Banyan Chichester to Portsmouth Road Race parties were landed and. despite fotil orgattised by the Portsmouth Athletic weather. which restricted boat work. Club is being run on May 10. 1958. many were able to take advantage of the lovely beaches of the island. Entry Forms Tltere was a week of intensive social Entries can be accepted frotn activity in front of Bermuda when officers and ratings but must be ntade slte anchored in Kingston Ilarboiir. on A.A.A. entry forms and accoiit- .Iatitaica. After the visit it was found panicd by a three shilling postal order. that a total of 996 outings had been lintrics can be accepted tip to laid on for the sailors and a proporApril 2|. and should be forwarded to tionate number for the Wardroom. Hon. Secretary. Royal Navy Amateur Outings ineltided swimming parties. Athletic Association. R.N. School of dances. drives by private car. hits trips. horse attd mule racing. brewery visits I'.'I‘.. Portsmouth.
0 O 0
April. I958
£l.I00.~I‘hrce-l-edmorttett type house. main road, Gmrioyt. Hat been let as tvio rlau tincume 5 am. per week). l_l. & i:. Oataitc space.-5-l Hl.A(.‘KI’0()l.. -Hicith holiday earatan. it‘Gomort Street, L)-minrttm. diieed eharitct RN. R.N..«\.—lliulit~un lc\DO YOU dC\II'C home ownership? \\’hy pay etceuire .ti:nt'.' IIOHIC ptirthatc “ill! t‘llid0IAment auutance with reduced nremztxrm by natal allotment cn\tIt:\ seuiiity tor the future: 245 per cent. to I00 nrr cent. loam advan.'ed.—-
l‘.U.). .\ llcntmi Rt-ad. Wiihtm.-ton. .\l.‘Il|-
c cater.
\Vitte lor lull mtti.d:ir\ \\lll‘ltllll i\bIir.\t:iiri in S. \'. Norris. "(ivieii;yit," llcetliii-).xl Avenue.
Watctiootilie. llanlu. I
'l'“‘(] FUR.\‘I$IlF.i) ROOHS. Vacant April -I.
ctttnliittalvie. ttte til kitchen. nu KJ\: 571. uei:hlr.-—-\\'c:zt_ ll Penny Road. l'ulL\l'lh)ulI'l. Ill-Il)R00.\I. slttina-room. me of ltitehcn and
llETlRI~:.\ll-Z!\'l'. Home and steady lncoinc from nleaxani i\‘\'tlpaIt\I'l, ctpcticncc llnflC\'t..\\.‘1l)‘. |i()lTRNIi.\l()l"llI hutel. with direct aces“ tn V0.1 ltitnt; :ii:t:umnind:ttu-ix 70 fl’llC\I\; M-ll hooked summer, Moderate ittmtita lit;“._ ,;..._-.1. uill and '.‘l tern‘ lctue or licehuld I1\.'I\' he rtur.
chitdrv.-ii. Ilfllll and
g'h.'|\cd Milt uxtut.-intizil
'\o (TIIlodfCD.—(;fCI\|IY, l2 KimbalRoad. oll Ilaylinx Avenue. Pottsmoiith. Phone 47:». I-‘ULl..\' I-'L'RNlSi!l»2l) l‘l.AT!.l>‘.TS. nun kitcherit: taeant for \h()ll periods; minimum l-t
II\I‘ICd cnntectiiincrv tobacco. iuuccrv I‘ll\Ifll:\\ tor tale. Piitumouth main road. Nice locality. Steady cash trade. Turnover elceedt I-1.750
bathroom: ton
dan. Nu t~hi:i.licn.—.lxShallnhut) Road. South. sea tunomite Queen’: Ilntel).
ntutliuac. Rctircm.-tit
thtiiuirh uid are.—llox Nit. 5 SUI!‘ Ex NAVY .‘\IA.\‘ and mic. ()3iI-oral»
seam‘. l.iiw r_atea_tv:c taluc. ('(|mIt|Vli£lI‘lC house in mind repair. lireehold and hti\iite.u £2.9l_|l.l.
npprurnuitcly L3§0. .\u arcnis.--llox hit.
38 "Navy Nevin."
Apply Personnel Oflicer— CIC DEVELOPMENTS (Portsmouth) LTD. Fitzherbert Road. Farlington. PORTSMOUTH
Clussilied Advertisements may be
Edinburgh Road. Portsmouth. as well as at the Royal Naval Barracks. Portsmouth. ‘
The inclusion of any advertisement cannot be guaranteed. not responsibllity accepted for any errors or omissions.
44 Illlgcrt
boarden a.\‘t't\:ed me: it )¢M1. summer term
Avril ‘.‘l.—~.\t'IDl)‘ I'tit\cin.'tl. Phone I’tlli\l'ni\ulI‘l 32-mt. TAXl.§'.-—:\i:nt. Phone -I304. 712-I0. 2-I-hour scr-
\l.'c.—lt) llyde Patti Road (clmc Guildhall). IIOUSIZIIOLI) I-It-‘Fl-'.(‘t‘S and IIAGGAGE ‘
\ltll(t.I. muted. patted. ahipnru.—-White .\ Cit. 7 07
Junction. Portsmouth. Phone
11!}: ROYAL NAVAL ASSOCIATION‘ (Go)nort Branch). on I-‘areham Road. Laue main hall two it. x 32 it.) is available tor hire (or private or nut-t:i; tun.-iiitm on Monday. Tuesday and \\’cdne\da)' alternitons or evenings at moderate iermi. Applications should he made in the Steward at abut-c audit-u between ll a.m. and 3 p.m.. or it run. and II p.ui.
Pl-‘.D|GRl»‘.}Z l!ULl.l!O(: IIITCII for sale. 3 ideal for nfllllhll lS.—At|Dl)‘ after 6 turn. so Searrore Road. Staindiaw, Poruinoutli. yeah.
SITUATIONS VACANT wllltl-iu-‘.93 _0P[-_:RAT0lt lw I-ALLLANI)
Rave Vacancies
Applications are especially invited from men in the following
(itmc. Sotiihwa. l)a) 1...-boo: liir aitlt. l-cw
l:d..l North End
Are you seeking an uteresting and progressive career when you leave the Royal Navy? Employment at Harwell offers you exceptionally interesting work in the expanding programme of Atomic Energy Research. Craftsmen are required for a wide range oi work connected with the manufacture of prototypes or with the maintenance of reactors and other plant. PRECISION Fl'l'l'ERS&TURNERS,MAINTENANCE FITTERS and INSTRUMENT MECHANICS are particularly required. but vacancies arise in other iobs from time to
Private Atlierliscnients. 3d. per word; minimum. 25. Trade Advertisements. 4d. per word; minimum. 4.41. Name and address of advertiser must accompany each advertisement. Box Number. 9d. extra.
at :
Gale 8: Polden Ltd.. Nelson House.
Careers in Engineering Company for ex-Royal Navy skilled craftsmen as Fitters, Turners, Milling machinists, etc. Good working conditions and rates of pay in new factory.
MARRIED MEN will be eligible tor housing if living outside A.E.R.E. transport area. A lodging allowance will be paid In some cases to married men separated from theirfamilies whilst waiting for a house (waiting period about 9 months). Working conditions are first class. and there are good prospects of promotion.
Apply to:
The Industrial Recruitment Officer, A.E.R.E. Harwell. Berks.. for a copy of the booklet "A Career in Atomic Energy" which sets out rates of pay and conditions of employment at Harwell.
SURVEY for service at I\t|IIll‘d lliituh I‘ll\¢\ in AT“II'ClI.C_ Must be able irantmit and teectic mots: at 20 words a minute and be capable clcmcntary maintenance wireless
transmitting and reci.-in-in: ‘equinnient. Salary atjcitnlinir ate in scale (330 min: to £420 a year lhllll all lound, ineludin: clothing’ and canteen \Il|i¢\. Keen young men between 20 and 30 t'_car.s required. nrrlqflhlv sliirle. ot eood education and hill! physical ttaiidard. with genuine
interest in polar rctcarch and travel and vullinir menu to months tinder conditions intinz character and rewiircc. Succeuliil eandidatet mu nil in uctiilier. write to the Crown Arenii_ -I Mllthana. London. S.W.l. State are. narnc_ in block teitcni. liitl aualiocatlom and experience and ituotc'M2Cl-t2o53lNAl-2. in
SENIOR WIREIJ-SSS‘ 'l1'ZI.l-ZGRAPIIY OPERA. Tt)R required by FALKLAND ISLANDS G()VlEltNl\lI£.\”i' lot service in SOUTH
on contract tor one tour ol 2-I-30 nmntht in lll'\l inxtance. l-‘it:-d s.-ilary (7:40 :1 war. i'iec t-hard and livditimt. Fiec |'\J\\JlzC(. l.ih:i.1I li:.1\i: tin lull \.'lI:II)'. Catndidatex l'I\u\( lvc S (illi and l‘ft‘lt.‘l.1l‘l) hold I\| clan l’..\l.(i. (‘t-iiilic:tt:.—-write lit the (‘mun Attenis, -A .\Iilll-ant. lmidun_ !~:.\ 1. State are‘ name in hli-tit lcltcrx lttll uti:tli itlI‘l\ and cxnericriee. .ttid «ttiutc .\l2(.‘.‘-l2.'~.“l . -
\V‘IRl-LI.E§S T}Il.l-Z(£R.\I'l|‘r' ()I’F.R.\l'()lI rcitttttcd_ by i':\l.Kl..«\NI) ISL.-\.\'l)S (i()\’l-.l{N.\li£Nl \\'llCI€\\ Slaliitrl. Port Stanley.
on enn-
lr.'It‘l tut uric toiir til three yeah in first instance, Salary at-euidinir in ettncrtcnci: in scale (Km nu'm:
in (MI) a year. llllll I\tJfd aceornmodaition ohtrtinahlc at Ll:-(I4 a month. I~'tee D-\\\JRC\.
Liberal leave on lull ulfln‘. Caindidatci mini be SINGLE and hate had stood maciical oncrntinit experience. l‘.M.G. t'ettil'tcare an advantaee.write to the Cnivtn Aaentx, 4 hlillhanlt. London.
S.\\'.l. State are. name in block letters. lull uualiticatinm and experience and quote
of pay. Congenial and pleasant working conditions. * Pension scheme after qualifying period. * Excellent Canteen. * Train and bus service adjacent to factory. * Assisted travel allowance.
IIASIIJII-'.Rl2 and DISTRICT‘ HOSPITAL. Senior porter required from basic vine ul ‘)1. for -H-hour vteek. Additional Day for cum dtllt'c\: cottaitc a\ai1abte.——/lpolieations in uiritinz to llmnitat Secretary. Till-Zlll-I \VlLl. SHOR'l"L\' be
a vacancy
(‘.l'.t). lhflicf or Sub-I.ieui. tS.I).) at Cranletrh School, Surrey. Duties mainly (0mDI'l\C accounts. weekly wares [or about I20 emn2ql'c_e.1. rinahxit of expendutire and generally naming uiili boot:-ltcepinii. Cuniinenclnit salary. (to net iiieelt and tree lunch. Nit aeeommttdation is mmidril. but it it not dllrictilt ti) Iind. Then:
opportunities tor advan_ccmeni.-—Annly‘ Capt. D. S. warcham. t),tt.l;.. R.N. tret.). Cranleich School. Cranlcieh. Suite)’. NAVAL RESIDENTS at Potumouih area can add Il'I their income by inieicuimr snare-time ix-¢unatlon.—.-\vnly lkt: 59 "Navy New."
in person
or writing Personnel Manager at the above address
Renewal Form
E. IIA\"l'l>lR 1. sons rrwiitmmi t.m. 9-t-ll)-I PALMI-2RST()N ROAD. St)l7TllSEA Tel: I’tiit\t-nnulh 73976
(Delete as :tppropri:ttc)
A Ciimpanv oi the llayter Group-— ‘I he Amlitl Peuple 'I'iIiZ \\’Ilt) Ni-I\V R/\.\'Gi7. OF AUSTINS UN l)lSl'l.A\' W52 limrtt limiter t.‘tln\'t1IlIVIl.‘2 90 miles per hour \DI\ll\ model with ucry conceitaltlc extra. inelitdinir radio and £395 heater; mlour green l‘J.‘l Vauahall Velox. excellent example of Il'li\ popular model; colour black £37.‘ I049 liwtctl Javelin: emriiimical saloon with worth road-httldin: qualities: titted heater; colour black £315 I9-I0 standard it hit. saloon: colour blue: .
I'll-use post (I copy 0/ each issiic of "Navy l\'cti-s" to
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I enclose Iivrcti-itli mmtcy orilcrlposlal orilcrlclicqtic value ll siilttcriptiiitt for 12 i'.rsm'.l'. iltclttrling postage.
8]-. bi.'i'iig
Coittim'Ita.'. .................................f.\luIilli) iiicnilti-r of R.N, rl.\‘.5'0Ci(l!ilJlI. pl:-arc Sltilt’ Iirtmrlt
£145 mod condition throueliout I039 liillinan Minx uluun: a good lamily saloon in root! condition . . .
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In return tron-i
Why abroad? for
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(car hours. Fleet of Hire Cars also available. "II.\YlliRS FOR QUALITY USED CARS" All arranacrrtcnts made in
Excellent opportunities are available in thefleet of the BPTitnker Company to E.R.A.'s who are interested in an Engineering career in the Merchant Navy on completion of service with the Royal Navy. The Company, which is the shipping organisation of the British Petroleum Group, owns one of the largest modern fleets in the world, numbering about 150 ships. Among those in service are some of 28,000 and 32,000 tons deadweight whilst ships of 50,000 and 65,000 d.w. tons are now on order for the future. The Company's trade is world wide and the length of voyage varies but is usually from two to eight months. Responsible appointments as senior Engineer Officers are offered to those
holding First or Second Class Ministry of Transport Certificates of Com-
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IMMEDIATE lllntz-PURCIIASF. AND I.\‘51JRA.N‘('I£ I-‘AClt.ll'll-SS All arranrcrnentt made for can for export. Are you
For further detailr write 10:
BP Tanker
Company Limited
April. 1958
HOME AIR COMMAND SPORTS NEWS quickly ASSOCIATION former Morchead. (I0llllllANll NOIlE FOOTBALL champion. Joyce the
into the lead from the had no serious chalfield which was wallowlenge from INTER—COMMANI) CUPSPORTS NEWS ing in his wake. R.E.M. McFadzcan. SEMI-I-‘IN.-\I. who was very sensibly well greased THE INTER-Command Cup (Semi- from head to toe. chased the eventual Boxing Final) match versus Plymouth Com- winner after the first mile of the six THIS YEAR has been rather a thin mand was played at Home Park. Ply- and a quarter miles course. one for boxing talent due to the mouth on Wednesday. February I9. closing down of the electrical and R.N.‘NTl-ZR-COMMAND 1958. ‘gunnery schools. This coupled with In the opening minutes of the game CIIAMPIONSIIIPS drafting has made composition it was evident that both teams were The Home Air Command Cross- teams rather a headache. Tie nerves usual the Cup experiencing team won the Royal Navy We managed to have our annual Country Air the the but. as game progressed. Championships by a fixture with Tottenhriin H.C. home Cross-Country the dictated Command team gradually clear margin of 25 points from Ports- and away. Nore Command won the of play. style mouth Command at the Britannia home show by six bouts to three but The final score was Air Command Royal Naval College. Dartmouth. on lost the away match by eight bouts 4. Plymouth Command I. Tuesday. March 4. I958. to five. The Air Command had all their first Basketball IIOME AIR COMMAND V. six runners to count in the first nine Royal Naval Barracks are in the PEGASUS places. and their winning total was 3| Medway Area Basketball League and Air Command with five reserves points. one more than the record by play a home game at l9lS every Moncalled in to play. owing to last mintite Portsmouth in I952. We are holding our own but day. hold to failed the narrowly Trevor a holder. ran Joyce. injuries. would welcome more newcomers. On Oxford at match his inin retain played ii to superbly iudged race Pegasus I8 the R.N. BarFebruary Tuesday. The goal 15. only March dividual 500 title. witining _by over on Saturday. racks played H.M.S. Caledonia. R.M. fotir after of scored Portsfront llziskell I’.O. by Pcgastis was yards Deal. and l’.R.O.R.M.. which resulted minutes. mouth Command. Joyce's winning in R.N.I3. becoming the Nore ComThey took command of the opening time for the five and a half mile course mand champions for I958. phase but poor linishiiig spoilt their was 33 minutes 35 seconds. very good Fencing good approach work. running on a course which was exSecond lialf honours certainly went tremely hilly and muddy. The response this year has been most encouraging. A number of new to Air (Tominand. in the liiial assault. hit the post in the last niiniite. Willott faces have appeared. ‘there is still the rewith an oblique shot; from room for more beginners. Why not bound llack headed down only to see ()F Tl-IE comparatively large total come along and arrange a lesson with the goalkeeper scramble it away. entries for the Home Air Coniman-.I Leading Seaman Davies. P.'l‘.l. Pegasiis were forttinate to survive this Chanipionships. I958. only Rugby friendly game which augurs well for Squash lnst.-Lieut. Black and two. _C:ipt. United Services (Chatbam) R.F.C. the lntcr-Command Cup Final Tie. Walker, had taken part in the previous Owing to a variety of reasons the year's championships. After some excellent first and club has been unable to field a settled RUGBY FOOTBALL second round matches. Lietit. Knowles first fifteen and has not always enTHE ANNUAL General Meeting of (Linton-on-Ouse). Surg. Capt. Curjel joyed the best of luck. Whatever the result. however. the the Home Air Command Rugby (l.ce~on~Solcnt). lnst.-Lieut. Walker ruggcr Union was held at Queen Anne's Man- (Ford) and Lieut. Mather (Fleetlands). team has always played openthe way sions on liebrtiary 28 at which the remained as semi-finalists. Knowles and thrown the ball about in the spectators appreciate. following oflicers were elected for next and blather both won 3-l and in .i which Naval The representation has been season: very close final. Mather. after losing Cliriiriiiriii rim! Seli-ctor: Capt. D. 8. the first game 9——lO. fought hard at smaller than in previous seasons. Two Bigland Law. M.B.E.. D.S.C.. R.N.A.S.. Yeo- the crucial points to win the next three regular members are I-l.R.A.4Webb in O.A.4 on the left wing and vilton. games and the championship. the middle row of the pack. Hon. Secretary: Lieut.-Cdr. S. The lower teams have a fair proLeonard. M.B.E.. R.N.A.S. Brawdy. BASKETBALL portion of _Naval players and the Memlu-r.r to serve on R.N.R.U. Canmiittt-c: Lieut.-Cdr. 5. Leonard. R.N. AIR Station. Ford. were worthy extra “A" side have had it most sucseason as at present they have M.lI.E.. R.N.A.S. Brawdy. l.ieut. R. representatives of the Home Air Com- cessful lost only two games in I7 played. Lawrence’. R.N.A.S. Bramcotc. , .-2. -..:!. in tr‘ Inter-Command-Charm The tullawiiig fixtures were up" R.N. Clintlinm R.I7-‘.C. -. acid at R.N. School of P1‘. pionsliips. for the I958lS9: season proved This “Wcdnesday" team has onin February. To represent the Coml8.—H.A.C. v. mand October Saturday. beat Lee-on-Solent ‘.’.8—I9. joyed a good season with excellent R.N. College. Dartmouth. at Dart- R.N. they Air Station. Culdrose 37——3S. team spirit and a reliable nucleus of mouth. and R.N. Air Station. llramcote 37Drafting has made the usual Tuesdiiy. November l8.—H.A.C. v. 30. These conquests brought them the players.‘ inroads on the playing strength. but RM. Corps at tiastney. H.A.C. Trophy for the first time and. we look forward to fielding a strong Wednesday. December 3.-H.A.C. what is all the more in their favour. side in the annual United Services‘ v. U.S. Portsmouth at Portsmouth. all these matches had to be played (Chatham) seven-a-side tournament to Wednesday. January ‘ll.—H.A.C. v. on their opponent's home court since be held on April I9. I958. t)evonport Services at Devonport. does not boast a court or its own. C|'0SS"C0lIIlII'y Saturday. February 28.—H.A.C. v. Ford the Interof semi-final the In London Scottish at Richmond. The cross-country season started off Command Championships. Ford pulled off a surprise win over R.N. Engineer- very well. There were track-suited nipping out on to St. Mary's ing College. the Plymouth Command figures HOCKEY Island at allhoiirs during the dog representatives. However. in the final. watches. Most of them. it is susTHE ANNUAL General Meeting of they lost their team captain and star. the Home Air Command Hockey A.A.2 Jones. half way through the pected. were herded away from their Association was held in R.N.A.S. Lec- game. This rather upset the Ford at- desk by chief writers or stores chiefs. least there on-Solcnt. March 1. tack and Collingwood pressed home Friendly. of course. At violence. As All the present officers were re- their advantage to win for the Ports- were no visible scenes of can be seen it paid handsome divielected for the coming season. viz.: mouth Command. dcnds in the barracks championships. Chairmait: Capt. A. F. Black. The barracks championships sported D.S.C.. R.N.A.S.. Lee-on-Solent. FENCING six field gun crew teams. There llmi. Secretary: Lieut.-Cdr. N. all of whom seemed Fitzgerald. R.N.A.S.. Lossicmouih. IN THE past month the Navy and were In starters. the course record. set on breaking Team llfanager: C.P.O. G. F. Ward. teams have had fencing Command First home was L./Wtr. Lanning R.N.A.S.. l.ce-on-Solcnt. fixtures. their in fencing success great with A.B. Morgan and I3.R.A. FraserHan. Secretary H.A.C. Umpires The have shown that the Stzinsbie hard results on his heels. and the zI.r.roci'atioIt: Lieut.-Cdr. N. H. R. Senior Service can more than hold team was the S. and S. winning Loughlin. R.N.A.S.. Lee-on-Solent. of field this in its sport. own with the Reserve Fleet and division. Representatives: Lieut. R.N.II./tt. R.N. most three The important the field gun runners-up. Cdr. N Fitzgerald. R.N.A.S.. Lossie- matches. those Surrey been have with mouth. C.P.O. G. F. Ward. R.N.A.S.. County. London Polytechnic. and Lee-on-Solcnt. from col. 2) Fixtures for the coming season have Devon County. REULTS R.N. v. Devon County now been confirmed and are as A match against Devon County follows: Royal Navy v. Surrey County Sunday. November I6.—Bourne- This match. held at the Vickers- was held in R.N. Barracks. Devonmouth H.C. and Social _Club, port on March I. and resulted in I7a Sports Armstrongs Monday. November l7.—-H:imp- resulted in a most convincing win by victory for the Royal Navy by victories to I0. shire H.C. the Royal Navy. by 20 bouts I0 7. R.N. v. Civil Service Tuesday. November I8.—Sii.ssex. London Polytechnic v. November l9.—Havant Royal Navy In a match against the Civil Service Against strong opposition. the Fencing Union at Portsmouth on Thursday. November 20.—Dorset. Royal Navy did well to keep the March 21. the Royal Navy lost by Saturday. November 22.—I’orts- result of this ntalch close enough to I} victories to I4. mouth Command. be more than satisfactory. losing only The next match is against Surrey I2. Sunday. November 23.——AirlPorts- by I5 bouts to County in the Gytiinasiuin. R.N. mouth v. Royal Artillery. School of l’.'l‘.. Portsmouth. on Royal Navy v. Devon County This match proved to be a very April 5. Tournament CROSS-COUNTRY enjoyable one. both from the fencing Phase Royal III (Service championships) and social points of view. The overIIOME AIR C0.\I.\IAND all result was a win for the Navy of the Royal Tournanient is being held as follows: CIIAMI'I()NSIIII’S by 17 bouts to I0. Royal Navy—April 29 to May I. in I-l..\t.S. ARIEL won the Home Air Portsmouth Command R.N. School of P.T. Command Cross-Coiintry CliampionIn their match against R.M.A. Royal Marincs—April 22 and 23 at ships. held on Tuesday. February 25. Sandhurst. held in the R.N. Barracks R.M. Barracks. Iiastney. in hitter weather coitditions at Worthy the Command team Portsmouth. at Inter-Services 'I'rI.-ingular match Down. for the fifth consecutive time. did well to win clear a margin. by The triangular match beIt was a race which no competitor is Sandhurst that team fought a likely to forget for it is doubtful if againstwell indeed. The overall result tween the oyal Navy. Army and Royal Air Force is being held in any will ever compete in such severe very was 17 bouts to Portsnioiith Coni- R.M. Ilarracks. conditions again. Iiastney. on May 14. bouts and Saudhursl. niaiid to It) The Women's Services also participate ,—~ ()ne., who scented least affected by in a Ladies‘ Foil match. (Cmitimrcrl at [am of column 3) the A__rctic'hliz/.ard was IE.A.2 Joyce who was P.O.R.El.
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