Page 1

Naivy News

Royal Navy Ofiicers’


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Newspaper of the Royal Navy and The Royal Naval Association Published first

Tlmrsday of the month

Price Fourpence

ship going gets Ql....d¢St. .5?3' her paying off BACK 3"’-4











as -e


Distinguished 30-year


CUMBERLAND, the oldest sea-going ship in the Royal Navy, which returned to Barrow—her birthplace-—lastweek. is .M.S.

to be paid oti into reserve at

the end of the year. To mark the occasion she was accorded a civic welcome. the public was allowed on board. and on Wednesday e\'cnint_: thc sl1ip's company was entertained to dinner by the builders. Very few warships liaie attained the distinction of being in full commission after 30 years‘ active service. The only breaks \\ ere for modernisation in l935-6

and a short time in reverie front l9-l7 to 1949. Last week ll.M.S. (Capt. ll. 'l'. Padlield. R.N.l returned to the shipyard of her birth. She was‘

(‘umberlandl ‘

Duncan is N.1. Lead}? of Fishery



ll..\l.S. Cuniherlrind. veteran cruiser. leaving Malta with paying off pelidant flying. to return to BritainSeptcmber. I958



.hl.S. Duncan. an anti-submarine frigate of the Blackwood Chas. was commhssioned at the future leader of the Fishery Protection Squadron on October 20. in the Woolston Yard. Southampton. of John I. Thomycroft & Co. l.td.. under the command of Lieut.-Cdr. P. Gibbons. R.N. The commissioning service was held Thornycroft & Co. l.td. on December HE Scimitar aircraft. in which and l7. 1953. launched the October was 2!. I958-—Trafalgar Day, Cdr. J. D. Russell lost his life when by on Viscountcss himself Hailsham Nelson 0" Mil)’ 30. it crashed over the side of H..\l.S. Vic—-an appropriate day as 1957. about Of of the 1.500 tons, she is 310 curious on Scplcntbcr 25, was brought was captain fishery protection ft. long and has a breadth of 33 ft. in to Portsniouth on October 29 by ship .'\lbem.irle in l78l. She is the sixth ship to he named i H..\l.S. Barfoss. one of the salvage The l)llllL‘:tll will subsequently join after who gained his | \-._-,-;.,-Is which has hccn engaged for, :’\dniiral Duiican. the Arctic Division of the Fishery l’rovictory over the Dutch at the’ more than a month in the attempt to tcction Squadron and fly the broad great battle of (‘amperdown in October. recover the plane. pennant of Commodore Fishery Pro- I797. Previous "l)unc;ins" have ranged It will be remembered that the tection Squadron. (‘onnnodore B. J. lfrom a tifth-rate frigate of 38 Scimitar took |)l"‘.l(llCtlll)‘two minutes guns. .»‘\ndcrson. R.N. bought in India in I80-l. to the last one. to sink. and the officers conducting The ship-totalcomplcmentofabout -a destroyer of 1.400 tons. lainiched at the inquiry will try to discover why 150 otlicets and mcn— was laid down ! l’or_tsmouth Ill 1932. which was also a the pilot vviur unable to release himin the Woolstoii Yard of John 1. tlotilla leader. self from the cockpit.





launchell by the Dowager Countess of Carlisle from Vickcrs-Arnistrongs' Yard on March it’), I926. and lirst conimissioned on December 15. I927. H.M.S. Cumberland is now the oldest sea-going ship in commission in the Royal Navy and the Admiralty has announced that she will pay all into reserve at the end of this year. when built (her hull, machinery and main armament were all constructed by Vickers-Armstrongs) this cruiser of the "(‘ounty" Class had a speed ceeding 32.6 knots. with a standard displacement of l0.000 tons. RIVER PLATE BATTLE in more than 30 years. H..\l.S. (‘umberland has had a distinguished career. Most famous was the Battle of the River Plate, which resulted in the destruction of the German battleship Graf Spec. Her Battle Honours include Arctic I942-I943. North Africa 1942. Sabang I944. and Burma I945. Of recent years she has been trials cruiser. and has given exhaustive tests to the new 3-in. and 6-in. fully automatic guns designed and developed by Vickcrs-Armstrongs. l-l..\l.S. Cumberl:ind also undertook rc-wetting" trials against radio-active allout. “


(Capt. J. 3. French. ILN.) passed a memor-


able milestone on October 29, when at Skyraider of 849 Squadron made the l0.000lh landing by fixed wing nircraf I during the present comm'5sion. In this M1-month period

nearly 2.000 landings by helicopter were ulso logged. At the time of the Iraq coup Eagle was carrying out mainten-

in Malta and was at -68 hour§ notice for steam. but by the great efforts of the dockyard and ship‘: company she was at sea within 36 hours. Since February. I957. Eagle has steamed 64.000 miles and has used 215.000 gallo of high-octane aircraft fuel (tb would take it 30m.p.g. car nearly six and it half million miles) as well as 90,000 tom of jet aircraft fuel. |l.M.S. Eagle returns to this country to be taken in hand for modemlsation. which will enable her to operate the Scimitar and the ance

Sea Vixen. in 1959.

Success Built on



with Scimitar aircraft. 807 Squadron. was €0llll|tl\'~‘lt)nl.'tl at Royal Naval Air Station. l.o\vienioulh. on Wednesday. October I. Division». were inspected by Flat: Ollicer l"lyim: Training. Rear Admiral Campbell. who later handed over the Coniniissioning Warrant to the Squadron (Tommandint: Ollicer. Lieut.-Cdr. K. A. Leppard. i\'nl1lClt only experience can overcome. ()ut~.ide the liangar stood two glean» month for its work-up period and is‘ “om :\'m.;‘| and Air [:0r¢¢ Pcrsonml in_c Scirnitars. the tail tins of both of expected to embark in about 12 are enjoying a new and welcome them enibl:u.oncd with a golden scimi- months‘ time. experience and the opportunity to l back to ch:ir:icleri~'.tie with tar a sweep work tot_:etltcr in very close co-opcraAIR!-"ll-IL!) TASK ;\lAS'l’l-IR is The emblem an blade. the adaptation l tion. The duration of the merger is October 20. At on which miilni_cht Monday. of the squadron crest displays i not yet known. Diverthe blaster Lossiemouth became of swords against a background seven the sea. Willi these two aircraft was :i sion Airlicld for the north of Scotland. AIR I)El-'El\'Cl-Z EXERCISE from the task transfer of The Royal Fairey Fulmar. kept carefully preserved During Exercise "Sunbeam." the Kinloss. has been necessiby its owners. Fairey Aviation. which Air Force. recent annual air defence of Great had been flown from White Waltham tated by the closure of l(inloss's main Britain exercise. Lossiemouth aircraft by Mr. .\l;itthcws for the ceremony. instrument runway to enable a major participated on both sides. The SeaFor some time during the war 807 works item to be undertaken. Being a hawks. Venoms and Vampires of the requires 24-hour opera- three Squadron were equipped with Fulmars Master Airlicld sqiiatlrons flew many which were the Royal Navy's first eight tion. day in and day out. and to cope smilestraining as simulated bombers whilst require- the Scimitar niacliine-gun fighter aircraft. The par- with the increasedAirmanning aircraft of 807 were given Traflic Control ticular aireraft which visited l.ossic- ment thc naval first opportunity of showing their mouth on this occasion was the very stall has been supplemented by a large a as intcrceptors. first to roll oil the production line in percentage of the stall’ from Kinloss. paces Owing to the closure of K_inloss on This also applies to such associated 1940. The test pilot. |.ieut.-Cdr. Peter services as fire crews. radio and engi- October l3 the airfield and IIS associated services remained at constant Twiss. flew l-‘ulmars with 807 neering sections. The two short runways at Kinloss readiness for the duration of the Squzulron. 307 Squadron will remain at Lossiev 'arc still serviceable which allows the exercise. Ill-I second


to be


airfield to be used to a limited extent. Ho‘-vcver. the majority of Shackleton flying by the Maritime Operational I Training Unit is being carried out at .\lilltown. l.ossicmoutli‘s satellite. The l use of the three airlields. and a resul! tant mixture of ditlcring aircraft types thin‘ Cliltsctl certain trallic problems .








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November I958


“Everyone holds memory of Nelson in pride”

Navy News B

o I r o It

Lknt. (S) It. R. Bcrridee. R.N.tReid.). lent Naval Barracks. Porurnouth


,_ “"'____;»3::...—--s-—,:r2~;.

Tet.: Portsmouth 26421 (Ext. 2194)


EDITORIAL EADLINES in one of the National

"dailies" implied recently that the Royal Navy did not possess suflicient ships in commission to maintain Great Britain's interest in the fishing grounds around the coasts of Iceland. With winter “around the corner." those inhospitable waters will undoubtedly be more dillicult to patrol. but the seagoing qualities of both the men and the ships of the Fishery Protection Squadron :ire at least the equal of the Icelandic men and ships. and so long as oitr fishing fleets are at sea. it is certain tltat the protection vessels will he at hand to safeguard them and the i nation's interests. This is not to say that the Royal Navy has sutlicicnt ships for its many commitments—far from it. It is said that by I960 the Navy will be reduced to fleets based on three aircraft carriers t and three cruisers. is such a state of affairs a reasonable risk? In the present state of the world it does seem that the Royal Navy has been reduced to a size which cannot defend these islands and the seas over which must come the necessities of life. More money and more men must be devoted to our Navy even at the expense of some of the "luxuries" which all would like. 'l‘he time may come when it will be possible to (lo away with armaments and to turn the “swords into plough".hares." but the time is not yet opportune.






high-light of ceremonies held at the 352-yeiu-old Paston School. North Tllh the unveiling of tablet by Admiral of Walshnm, Septerltbcr 29, was



the Fleet Sir George I-.. Crcasy, to commemorate the fact that Admiral Lord Nelson was at_ that school between I768 and 1771. The occasion was to mark the 200th anniversary of Lord Nelson's birth. Sir George. referring to “Nelson. the Captain 1. W. Knight (vice-prcsigreatest lighting .-\dmiral of all his- dents of the Fakenham llranch). 20. as I tory." went on to say: "I believe that juniors from H.!\l.S. Ganges. as wellthc5 every British man and woman holds the .a large contingent of mcntbers of 1 memory of Nelson in pride and alloc- . Fakenham R.N. Association. tion." “Here. siirely. whcre'he was a I On Monday. September 29. the} scltoolboy. he must have acquired the actual anniversary of Nelson's hirtlt.& the char:u.'teristics. oi the local schoolchildren placed a Victorian 1 rttdintents of of the moral :md lnoscgay on the bust of Nelson in the? principles. and some physical courage which were to lead church. him from comparatively humble origins to the ladder of fame. to the to glory of achievement and to the triumphant moment of death in the hour of decisive victory." Before he unveiled the tablet. Sir George inspected a guard of honour provided by the school's Combined Cadet Force. A Royal Marine Band from H..\l.S. Ganges gave a display. Mrs. Marshall. wife of the headwas a very unexpected and sees that remarks are made about the 200 with cake master. made a huge to be able to once lack of knowledge in this respect preprivilege happy the’ served to this and boys was candles otlicc. Again. tnore attend an annual general meet- vious to taking up an school next day. of the to civilian life. c:irry ing of the Portsmouth R.N.B.T. and when one returns and BURNHAH THORPE CEREMONY to hear such a line report presented. on your good work in the R.N.A. the after- other cx-Service organisations where The plaque. made of copper and o:ik To some of us. who knew service your work will be appreciated. though. from Admiral Lord Nelson's flagship. tnath of men killed on active get early months of. I am sure. often you will feel you will the Victory. and a 300-year-old bell P rior to. and in the but than thanks. kicks you widows were more which he must have heard many times. the l9l4-I8 War. whensmaller of satisfaction a inner job well have an hottscs advised to move into were dedicated by the Archdeacon of Parish and sell part of their furniture before done. in the at a ceremony Lynn another RememC O O practical help. we re- We are approaching Church at Burnham Thorpe—where they got much those should remember things are of the brance Day and we This month we remember. as an act Nelson's father (the Rev. Edmund joice to know those who built and have passed on return. of gratitttdc. with honour and pride all Nelson) was Rector. on Sunday. Sep- past and trust they will never We were told by many that the idea to their rest. and above all we should those who fell in the service of their tember 28. Fund was only a remember those who gave their all on Fleet Grand the of who Thurslield. G. H. Rear-Admiral Sovereign and their country in two Branch 'miragc. but others had faith in the our behalf. Fakenham the of President is act collective this still grow in our world wars. May they of today May the and Navy Royal future. unAssociation. Naval of the Royal serve to remind everyone that the should be glad to recognise the work memories whether they went centhe veiled plaque. still on the work of turics ago or whether it was yesterday. who British way of life has been evolved those of carry church occuwas the in seat Every Let us in our turn do our best to mainthroughout the ccnttiries by men and pied long before the start of the cere- 'the R.N.B.T. afloat. ashore. in service. tain the hcritagc they gave their all women who have done their duty. mony. and the congregation included or in civilian life. I would emphasise the necessity of for its to enjoy. and see to it that none They can best be remembered and the Earl and Countess of Leicester. of the of our comrades or their dependants first-hand knowledge getting EvansEdward Sir sitcour Vice-Admiral to over thanked by handing in one's early days in fall otit in the way of life through negentailed work Dereltam the ,of_. Lombc (president bctter.th:tn little lifea cessors away. of the Service and I am sure this applies to lect on our part to do a little when we AssociaNaval of the Royal Ilranclt ’l‘l.\ll’.R. we found it. ll. Temple-Richards both otlieers and men. as one often can.——0Ll)

land |





the Editor

?They shall g row in our




tion). llrigadicr

Blessci! i.v he that hath the God of Jacob /or his help and whose hope is in the Lord his God.‘ who made heaven and ertrlh. the rm and all that therein is: who keepeth Mix pronnire for evcg.

“Collar-Isense'at last jack . . that certainly is smart!’T .

In June. I944. President (then General) Piiscnhower was taken for in tour of the Normandy beaches in lI.M.S. Undituntcd. which had just commissioned. Last month this visit was remembered when Il.;\l.S. Undnuntcd recommissloned. for I

signed photograph of the President. showing him at Orley Airport in

Paris. was handed to the Commanding Oliiccr. Cdr. R. I)e Ia Pasture. Ra .. by the U.S. Naval Attache. Rear-Admiral R. W. Cavenagh

ROYAL AUSTRALIAN NAVY Admiralty Fleet Order 22‘)‘),’S8 states that the Royal Australian Navy is seeking the Services of ex-Royal Navy ratings and those whose engagements

shortly due to expire. Ratings from the Electrical. Radio


Electrical. Electrical (Air). Radio Ele_ctrical (Air). Sick Berth and Naval Airman (Aircraft Handler) Branches are

required. until Ratings would not be accepted from the they have been discharged Royal Navy at the end of their engagements.

forms and full conditions of Service are obtainable from the


Olliccr. Royal Australian Navy LiaisonLondon.

Australia House, \V.C.2.


at Devon‘at II.l'\l.S. Sheraton, January. at Ports- ll.i\I.S. Girdle Ness. April. November 25. II.M.S. Ilogue. are this IN Iorccart PARTICULARS port. for Local Foreign Service mouth. for Home Sea Service. U.K. Service General for Base Dcvonport. U.K. The altrrarimi. liable to (Mediterranean). Base Port. Portsmouth. of Suez). (Home/‘East Commission which a ship may at Port is the part at Malta lI.M.S. Bermuda. April, at Devonport Whirlwind. .lanu:iry. II.M.S. Port. Base U.K. Dcvonport. and to [care re/it to give he expecl¢'d for General Service Commission 28. at for Local Foreign Service. (Relit November .\lount.-2 ll.M.S. Bay. rule. as a general (Home]Mediterranean). U.K. Base Service on for complement.) Foreign Singapore. Port. l)evonport. Valunlrcriltg. Ratings may 'l‘0IllIlI(.'('I Far East Station. l7. at GlasII.M.S. February Caprice. in for any of the .ship.r. or [or service for Foreign Service on Far II.M.S. Crane. April. at Singapore for at November, Recdham. gow. II..\l.S. it piirtictilitr .v!aIion, or for xpeci/ic Foreign Service (Far East). (50th Station. Service East Sea Home for Hythe forms 0/ .rrri‘ici' (¢.'._t,’.. I.m:ttl I’ori.'i_i:It M.S.S.). U.K. Base Port. Rosyth. II.l\I.S. Chaplet. February l7. at Il.M.S. Crmgtbow. April. at Chatham .S'i-rvice or General Sirrviccr). zl.r ilru/tfor General Service Conuuission Service.‘ Home Sea for Malta. Portsmouth at November. Ausonia. lI.M.S. least at ing action is mimmlly taken (Mctlitcrrani:an,’Hotne). U.K. Base llase Port. Devonport. U.K. Service. ! for Local Foreign Scr(ii-in-ml [our monn'i.v uliz-mi Inr Port. (‘natham. February l7. at vice and I-‘on'r'gn Si-ri'iur and two lti..\i.s. Koppel. December 9, at II.t\I.S. Battleaxe. ll.M.S. Shavington. May. at llythe. for Service CortiGeneral for trials. lor Rosyth. S¢'rt'ic¢' Scrt l)evonport. mottl'Ii.r nItcm.' Ior Ilmm: Local Foreign Service (Mediter(.\Icditerrancan I Hontc). mission and Port .$'¢-rvicc. itpplicririuitx Io II.M.S. Ti.-azer. December I. at Chatranean). (Crew ex l)ufIon.) U.K. llase Port. Portsntoitth. ham for Home Sea Service. st-rve in .rhip.i- which are commi.\.u'iuiTrouhridge. February 25. at ll.\I.S. Belfast. .\lay_ at Devohport. in): within these pi-rioilx are unliL¢'l)' II.M.S. Woolaston. December I. at II.t\l.S. for Foreign Service (Fair liast). Portsmouth for General Service Io have any rile-ct. Hythc. for Local Foreign Service Commission (Home/West Indies). II.M.S. Layburn. .\iay. at Renfrew. for (Mediterranean). (Crew ex Fenton.) U.K. Base Port. Portsmouth. Home Sea Service. (Crew ex I Boom SUBMARINE COMMAND }I.M.S. Alert. December I5. at SingaDefence Vessel.) Service on Far lI.M.S. Tiger, end February. at Clyde. for Foreign pore. at 1958. November. U.K. trials. Service II.M.S. Trespasser. for I-iomc Sea II.M.S. Loch Killisport. May. at PortsStation. East Rosyth for service in Portsmouth lI.M.S. Leopard. December. at Ports- Base Port. Portsmouth. mouth. for General Service ComSquadron. mission (Home/Arabian Sea and for General Service Com- II.t\I.S. Crossbow. February 26. at mouth. II.M.S. Scotsman. November. I958. at Persian Gulf). U.K. llase Port. Chatham. for trials (Part General mission (Home/South America and Portsmouth. Service Commission complement). Devonport for service in Faslane South Atlantic). U.K. Base Port. Squadron. II..\I.S. Vidal. February l7. at Chat- ll..\l.S. Leverton. June. at Hythc. for Portsmouth. H.M.S. Grampus. December. 1958. at lI.M.S. St. Bride's Day. January 30. at Local Foreign Service (Mediterham. for General Service CommisBirkcnhcad for service in the Fas- Singapore. for Foreign Service (Far sion. U.K. Base Port. Chatham. ranean). (Crew ex Tltankertun.) lane Squadron. ll.M.S. Delight. February 24. at Il.M.S. Dalryntplc. July. at Devonport East). for General Service Commission. ll.M.S. Sentinel. January. 195‘). at II.t\l.S. Cavalier. January 9. at SingaDevonport. for General Service Chatham for service in Portland (‘ommission (Mediterrancan/Home). U.K. Base Port. Devonport. pore. for Foreign Service (Far East). U.K. Base Port. Devonport. Squadron. Il.M.S. Scorpion. July. at Chatham. II..\I.S. .\Iar_vton. January 5. at llythe for Local Foreign Service (.\leditcr- II.M.S. Laynioor. end February. at for trials. (Part General Service GENERAL Commission complement.) Rcnfrew for Home Sea Service. ranean). (Crew ex Lullington.) H.M.S. Mcssina. January (i. at Chat(Crew ex l Boom Defence Vessel.) Il..\t.S. Torquay. July, at Portsmouth. H.M.S. Urania, November 18. at ham, for Foreign Service. for General Service Commission ll.M.S. llumaston. .\larch 9. at Hythc. Devonport. for trials. lI.M.S. Loch l-‘yne. January 27. at for Local Foreign Service (Mediter(Home/East of SucI.). U.K. Base Il.M.S. Te ent, November 4. at Port. Portsmouth. Devonport. for General Service ranean). (Crew ex Hicklcton.) trials. or Dcvonport. Commission (Home/Arabian Sea H.M.S. Rocket. March I0, at Ports- lI.M.S. Salisbury. July. at Devonport. at November ll. ll.M.S. Bosington, and Persian Gulf). U.K. Base Port. for General Service Commission mouth. for trials. Portsmouth for Home Sea Service Dcvonport. (HomclEast of Suez). U.K. Base March.’ at Bideford II.M.5. Enterprise. (trials). H.M.S. Daring. .lanuary 20. at DevonPort. Devonport. for Home Sea Service (East Coast at 4. November CommisIl.M.S. Gambia, Service General for port. U.K. Base Port. Chatham. ll.M.S. Scarborough. July. at PortsSurvey). Service ComGeneral U.K. Rosyth. for sion (Mediterranean/Home). mouth. for General Service Comat Cockenzie. March. II.M.S. Egeria. Mediterranean). mission (Home I Base Port. Devonport. mission (Home/East of Suez). U.K. Sea Service (East Coast Home for PortsBase Port. Rosyth. U.K. II.M.S. Dainty. January 20. at Survey). U.K. Base Port. Chatham. Base Port. Portsntotith. at mouth for General Service Commis- Il.M.S. H.M.S. Solehny. November 25. March. at Hythc. for ll.M.S. Tenby, July. at Chatham. for Yaxham. U.K. Service sion (Mediterranean/Home). Portsmouth. for General General Service Commission (Home! Home Sea Service (50th t\I.S.S.). of Suez). Base Port. Portsmouth. Commission (Home/East of Suez). U.K. Base Port. ChatBase Port. U.K. Rosyth. Chat20. at Portsmouth. II.M.S. Defender. January U.K. Base Port. am. for Home Sea ham. for General Service Commis- Il.M.S. Malcolm. April. II.M.S. Charity. November 25. at Service (Fishery Protection). U.K. lI.M.S. Loch IIISII. .luly. at Devonsion (Mediterranean/Home). U.K. Cowes for trials. port. for General Service CommisBase Port. Rosyth. Chatham. Port. Base at 25. November H.M.S. Lagos, sion (Home/Arabian Sea and Perat Hythc. Puncheston. April. II.M.S. Portsat January. H.M.S. Bossington. Chatham for General Service Comsian Gulf). U.K. Base Port. DevonLocal Foreign Service (Mediterfor U.K. Service. Sea Home for mouth U.K. of Suez). mission (Home/East port. ranean). (Crcw ex Kildarton.) Base Port. Portsmouth. Base Port. Chatham. _



Sill! 1| Hill’)!





'P(FllO-\'[NII.D' "JR hull llt -Ill CIIMHIS







_ig._mmi.cr."i9ss M0I01'iIig Notes




N0. 33




l.TH()U(ill the anntial Motor i that you must either have an adequate Show at Earls Court has not pro- solution of anti-freeze in the radiator duced anything startling in the way of or else have properly drained it if frost new models. it has niaiutained its is cspected. glamorous attraction. :uid at the time Another little clause usually requires of writing these notes the attentlance is you to maintain the car or iiiotor— reported as being much higher than :it cycle in an eflicient condition. This inatiy previous show. The casing of credit cludes tyres. and the general rule. restrictions and easier money gencrzilly : now;iday.~:. is that if there is less than is obviously .stimulating the car-buying , 5 per cent of tread pattern remaining public. and our congested roads are the tyres are unsafe and in the event pretty soon going to be more crowded of an accident resulting from a skid than ever. This inevitably ineans a i your claim may well be repudiated. higher casualty rate so that some adThe valuation of vehicle in the vice on lll\'llf;l|‘I|.‘O.‘seems to be indicated event of a complete awrite-oil causes in this issue. J much lieart-burning to the unfortunate ,victim who invariably expects to be ..\l.S. Talciit is :1 streamlined went to join the Mediterrancaii Squad- ones. struck the submarine. causing Insurance Cover I paid out the value placed on the car subinarinc. She was laid down in ron. extensive damage to the liii superstrucMost people. when the)’ lake out an when first insured. several possibly .\larclt. l'-H-8, launched in February. After ‘four years in the Mediter- ture and periscopcs. The tanker carried insurance policy. whether it be on a i before. The here is clear rule very years N45. and coinuiissioiied on May 26. rancaii lalent rettniied to H__\1,s. [).,|. on iiii.iw:xre that it had had a collision. house. a motor-cycle or a car. or even tudcetl~ the market current I945. phiii and then on to (hathain dock- »whi|e Talent. with her watertight inthemselves. treat the whole thing :'t\ value —_vou getof how much preniitlm re_t::irdIess On C\'IltlDlt.‘ll0ll of trials and working _V'4Irsl_ to relit. There she met with tegrity uiiiiiipaired. was :iblc to retttrn rather :i bore and are obviously th:iiikhave the of Hence wisdom paid. up Talent was sent to the China station considera_ble publicity when the dock to Portsmouth. After repairs in Devonful when. having more or less coin-= you vehicle and revaluing year. under the command of l.icut.-('dr. caissoii tailed during high tides and port she was able to continue operating every pleted a proposal form in a haphazard if you can'tyotir bothered be do to this.don't R. .\l. l-arrel. l).S.C.. and later l.ieut.i strong winds. and the submarine was with the Portsmotith Squadron and sort of way. they are able to pay the blame the insurance company it they R_ 1: l’.irk.s. Thus 'l‘ali:nl. :ilthough‘swept otit of the dry dock into the won the ellicicucy cup for I957. premium and escape. Later on when take your money. never taking part in an active war -\lL‘llW4|l'. drowning two dockyard Talent is now preparing to join the the actual policy is received it is invaripatrol. was in ilie Pacitic to witness the _\vorkcrs. However. despite this setback Home Fleet. after undergoing a long ably stowed away without any attempt Stop Press surrender of Japan. In I949 the sub- lalcnt successfully completed the refit. refit in .\lalta. under the command of to study it. on the assumption that yoti lhllfit‘ I“ H0165‘ 317'-5 hvlntl WTlW~‘“ ll | marine returned to the United King- and into a iuodcrn l.ieut.-Cdr. H. M. Ellis. convertet_l was are "covered." Covered for what? I has been announced that all hire-purdom and later. during this same year. streamlined submarine. The ship's crest is very distinctive. wonder how many of you know. have ended. No been restrictions chase In l-ebruary. I956. Talent commis- consisting of a blue background aurIn the Case of motor-cyclists. I won- doubt some car dealers in the naval again. and under the command nioiinted with a saltirc coupcd white sioned tler how tnany of you know whether their at are licking lips already ports of l_icut.-Cdr. Wilmot, joined the and a pair of golden scales. The exyour policy covers your pillion pas- the increased scope this gives them of Portsmouth Squadron. During the planation is in allusion to the original senger——thcy rarely do—or your chum unloading their over-priced jtitik on to month of .|unc. while operating at tncaning of the name M1,. :1 balance). if he borrows your machine. Does it unsuspecting matelots. Before buying. periscope depth in poor visibilityin the and to the parable of the t0 talents. cover you whilst driving someone cls'c's let therefore. me remind you again to has been received Channel. :1 fast tanker was seen at the The motto is "Death to Hide." front RIEQUIEST cover only or is the machine itself avoid rust like the Remember plague. from members of a mess in H.M.S. last‘ moni_ent approaching the stib- the poem by .\lilton which was written hike-'_' It s0, is it restricted to tliird-party that old. 20 are now years pre-war cars Newcastle asking whether the ship's marine. lalcnt (lived deep. but the about his blindness. “And that one also covered whilst you are l10f|"uWln}l of thin coat which time a only company of H.M.S. Newcastle in 1954- ‘ tanker. being one of the new large Talent which is death to hide." it’! The chances are that it is not. par- 1 during the under had surhas to protect paint 55 are entitled to the Naval (icneral ticularly if your chutn's policy is for faces. The dangerous places are under- Service Medal (Malaya) or the United the owner only driving. the where the ncath they join wings Nzitititis Service Medal (Korea). As for car owners. there :ire all sorts chassis. underneath boards and running lt has been ascertained that. for the of snags. Very often you will llnd that particularly all around the back of the . your wife is not covered as a passenger. car underneath. Finally. remember Naval (ieneral Service Medal (.\lalaya). sea-going qualification is to have and. iticitlentally. if she is injured do when counting the cost that it costs at i patrolled oil the ~.\1alayan coast for 28 not forget she has no redress against least .l(\s. week to rtin a car before per ‘days inclusive from little lo. H48. in you in law. Does your policy cover it ever turns its wheels. support of operations against bandits. yoti against acts by your passengers. .\‘l.»\RSH. E. A. There are also several other qualificasuch as catising injury to a passing tions. and reference should be made to cyclist by opening a door‘! This type .-\dmiralty Fleet Order (ill/58 which of accident could be a very expensive gives full details of the method of business. applying for the medal. Some Snags H.M.S. Newcastle is ineltided in the list of ships which qualify for the For those of you who can be United Nations Service Medal (Korea). bothered to dig otit your policy you The quzilitication for this medal is to might lind some very interesting snags. have served between June 27. l950. to For example. under the heading of lR.—l am at present engaged in July 27. 1954. within the territorial "Frost Damage" you may find that it r writing the story of the last action limits of Korea and adjacent waters. is conditional upon all reasonable precautions being taken having regard to of HM. River Gunboat Petercl at Applications for this medal should be the temperature conditions. This means Shanghai in December. l9-ll. I should made through onc‘s Conimantling very much like to contact any of the Oflicer on form S540 to the Director ship's company who were serving in of Navy Accounts. Branch 3a. Adher at that time. Also I should like to miralty. Bath. obtain photos of the Pcterel taken if possible at Shanghai as well as others of Shanghai taken either before or just after the war. To the best of my knowledge the folIll!not I-J. Dfl.I‘I.I. HE first of a new class of ocean ‘lane:-nut‘ I-pedal roolowing survived the action and subsetml. vhtu-van tyros. onttugs to be built for the Admiralty quent confinement in l'.0.W. camps: {H001 and chlofllufl I1of the from launched shipyard was nnhhalnvuubhuoxttnx C.E.R.A. P.0. Munn. P.0. Wainscott. aha tvirlou colour urban. Ltd. Leith. or Chief Stoker Prince. L./Stoker Messrs. Henry Robb & Co. Usher. Stoker or L./Stoker Smith. on October I4. The class is an imYeo. Sig. Haynes and A.Bs. Williams. proved version of the Bustler lugs. of new a which the Turmoil is an illustrious Tipping and Mariner. have a length overall Usher and Smith were. I believe. member. Theybeant 38 feet 6 inches. 199 feet. Chathani Division. while Williams was of tank tests were carried out locally enlisted from Hong Kong Extensive & Bros. Ltd.. Dumis believing. Sit behind the wheel of this masterly Driving R.N.V.R. I have no knowledge of the by William Denny debefore the tlesivn was Mini: and you know at once you're in a great car. Great in port divisions of the remainder. If any bartoti. Ltd. Co. Robb Henry by veloped of the above named. or anyone knowcomfort, luxury and style; great in safety and roadholding— is two diesel by propelled Typhoon and great in performance without loss of economy. Here's a ing their whereabouts. would contact engines. mamifacttired by Messrs. myself at the address below. or Mr. \’ickcrs-Ariiistrongs Ltd.. of Barrownew, fully prover: I494 c.c. engine; new rear-axle ratio for “Cocklcshell Heroes" J. W. Cuming. formerly P.O. lTcl.) of in-l-‘urness. more refined running. larger battery, larger clutch, deeper, to a single shaft geared Lister 24 Drive. at H..\l.S. Petercl. E. Lucas C. Phillips, author. more comfortable seating, special insulation for quieter runwith a controllable-pitcli propeller. would be it Sheffield. I2. llasegreen. has some controversial which is an innovation for Admiralty ning. new front-end design, distinctive moulding embellishgreatly appreciated. ocean tugs". She will be fitted with the mcnt. wider choice of colours—ALt. nit-'.sti cittzxr tiuritovtttliings’to say about the DESMOND WETTERN. latest equipment‘ for tire fighting. MENTS AT NO EXTRA oosr! Try the great, new Hillman Minx failures at St. Nazaire Oxted Place. Oxtcd. Surrey. salvage and ocean rescue. todayl -.il
























St. Nazaire book

—with great powerful and economical HILLMAN engine





(which prodticctl five V.C‘s.) in his brilliantly inspiring account of that raid. lleiiiemaiin publish at l8s. under the title:

The Greatest Raid of all

will be usual

‘amily Night. ‘

Sunday‘ routine



STAG PARTY In response to popular demand we have had a return visit of “Cinderella on Vice." btit this was strictly a stag party. the womenfolk having been conveniently packed off to at theatre show at ll.M._S. Sultan for the evening.

Conimotlore R.N. Barracks as promised to look in on one of our :ncral meetings to have a chat with it: members and. we hope. to meet a .\v “old ships.“ j’ Arrangements are well in hand for Ir Zlst anniversary dinner and dance. will on Fritla_v. l)cccni_bcr lhicli Rum!‘ 1'cl‘°l“ 0-Shom-C l~ll"k'mbc""' be I2s._6d. l'lie lists are now open md The









S: 3”'§)iit ;0c)o‘l e: |I':t‘;n is provin' most successful l0rphanagc gr_1|‘m.“] _" me I“ M: 1“:



""l' l _l ‘”:“g"u'al‘_i:, “iv “".'l"":§ jg“ l mhcrml “SH?”-l goes;%%‘:‘lg Er °:;n':]cl:g':"‘l:%':::"‘”‘::';

than last antl we are confident e shall be able to accoinmotlate all ho wish to attend. btit there is still a lnit so the sooner your name Mn ll“ mlur‘




of ”_ '5. ‘ _ ' " _l """"‘ "l ”“”‘l‘." “"3 S°"_‘° ‘ll lhc"

stilfl give lotho'l 'ipleasure ()iir a

un orttinate c i

GA_"""s .



Pinilolt. hiis --

-able almoner. Shipmate Our --¢;hummy_ .ship.': Gosport taken on the unollicial appointment of "anch. came up with a bright .sugges- “Uncle Charlie" to meet these kids -.in recently for a three-cornered and is doing a grand job. .


[ill tiictisu

lot of indef:iti


NEW LOW-PRICE cAit Try also the new HILLMAN Estate Car—aunin with all these improvements and at a lower price than before. Yq_-5.. the new HILLMAN Estate Car comes to you now at a new low pricc—£598 plus p.t. .t'.3D0.‘I.0. Hero‘: luxury, all-purposa motoring that’: down in cost yet up in valuel







Mstlou nttmo $tAtiOI







Out of Uniform


Petty Ofiicer Wren

L. Drumniond. R.N. Air Station Arbroath. A simplicity pattern Si yards blue. floral design cotton with white pique trimmings

fillllllllIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIllIIllllllllllllllllllllllllll 1

tNew vice-chairman; H.M.S. Vernon‘ lfor l wives friendly I l



H.M.S. Chlchester with the hiiming Conchii in the background


For an hour the fire continued to read down into the holds of the tie vessel. forcing the men farther away from the tire and nearer to the the vessel. The Cliichcstcr lire side_of battled on but were losing the attle as the hungry llamcs licked the paint and dry timber oil the side of the vessel. The heat could be felt by all on board the frigate. ENGINE ROOM EXPLOSION "Boom." an explosion occurred once more in the engine room and everyone took to the boats. Even the captain leaped overboard thinking his ship could not be saved. During that liotir the Concha had listed a good It) dc ‘recs. By that time the Sea VL‘l‘l0t'tl\ ruin the morning exercise and a Ntival liclicopicr had_ arrived on the scene. Also on the were several other vessels headhorizon towards the burning vessel. ing On board excitement ran high. The sailors were betting among lllL‘n'I\4.‘l\'t.'.\‘ that the Concha would or would not


Witness rescue of merchantman’s crew gal'lll.'S from their blazing ship

When the frigate H.M.S. Chichestcr. 1.738 tons. went to the rescue of the crew of the Costa Rican merchantman Concha. 15 Wrens from H.M.S. Harrier who were on that particular day putting in some “sea-time" on Chichcster had a magnificent grandstand view of the incident. It was while the Wrens were doing in tour of the bridge. the wheel, engine rooms. messes. laundry and the ups room that the ‘‘buzz'‘ developed that their ship was speeding to the help of a vessel in distrest. Lunch and routine were forgotten. approached the buriiin Concha. Six of

Ofliccrs and ratings flocked to their stations, The life-boats were in readiness. and the tire equi mcnt was brought out. The remainder o the crew who were not immediately necessary for the operation went for'ard in order to catch the lirst glimpse of the distressed vessel. FULL SPEED AHEAI) Smoke could be seen on the horizon. "Full speed ahead" came the order from the bridge and rapidly the Chichcstcr .


the crew were in at smal life-boat :ilongside the vessel trying to light the tire with a hand pump. Apparently there had been an explosion in the engine roorti. and tire quickly spread through the ship and on arrival of H.M.S. Chichcstcr smoke was billowing from the holds. The Chichcstcr life-boat crews sped quickly towards the vessel. boarded her and tried to control the tire. H.M.S. Chichcstcr went closer to the Conchii and water was played upon the flames.






liters is so much more in










Writefor detail:and illustrated brochure to -

COURT LANE COSHAH HINTS : Tel. Cosham 76429 -

ANTI-CLIMAK As the tug Sheila from Milford Haven and the Admiralty llarbour Vessels Empire Mctta and Empire Rosa from Pembroke Dock drew nearer the flames down. That enabled the Costa died Rican crew. refusing naval assistance. to rehoard their vessel. The tug Sheila stood by to give assistance if needed. The Chichcster crcw. as excilcntcnt died. went about their usual routine 0CtZtl|'l&lll0I|\‘ once again. Lunches that had been forgotten were eaten whilst the frigate stood by in case of sudden emergency. Captain Cole. of the Coiicha. rcalisiiig that refusing tissistancc was hopeless. passed word to the tug Sheila to take Concha in tow. The last sci.-ii of the Conclia by the Cliicliestcr crew was the vessel, llxllllg badly. being tugged slowly towards Milford llavcn by the tug Sheila. Following astcrtt of the vessel were lititpirc Menu and Empire Rosa. As the warm friendly sun sank in a red glow H.M.S. Chichcstcr sailed into Milford Haven. The ship's company and the Wrens experienced an anti-climax after a very exciting and unusual day. which would be _rcmembcrcd by the Wrens for a long time. As day closed the procession p_rocccding to Milford Haven was split._The Concha slowly up-ended and sank in 24 fathoms south-west of the island Grassholm. Night closed in and nothing couldtbc seen of the day's happenings btit the imptession of "Lift: at Sea" imprinted on the minds of those I5 Wrens o_f H.M.S. llarricr will always remain with them. K. S. AYRES. Wren (R.P.) _





Hli ll..\l.S. Vernon Branch held their (icncral Meeting in tlic' Cineiii:i. H.M.S. Vernon. on October I. Mrs. E. A. liliindcll prcsitlcd. and opening prayers were said by the Rev. B. Watson. The chairman announced with regret the resignation of Mrs. D. l’atyti-:.. tltc vice~ch:iiriii:in. and thanked her‘ for all she has done for the branch. bitt she said that it gave her great pleasure to announce that Mrs. F. Coswcll had consented to be the new vice-cbairmaii. Mrs. lllundcll introduced Lady Stirling-lltimilton. who gave an interesting talk on her llll\h(lflLl'S experiences when he was lost in Canada for I4 days after a plane crash. Mrs. Vicary thanked Lidy Stirling-Hamib ton. after which tea was served by the tea committee. Winners of the competition arranged by Mrs. Brewer were Mrs. Shorter and Mrs. Payne. Wrens Munro and Dewar ably looked after members‘ children during the meeting. No further sewing meetings will be held imtil January. Arrangements for the Children's Party on December 3 are on similar lines to last year.


ANTICIPATED AT F.W. HA VANT AN INCREASING attendance has been experienced for the last few meetings of the Havant Branch Friendly Wives. Demonstrations have included flower arrangements. which were much admired. by Mrs. Thompson. atid one on cookery by Miss Bray of the



Instalment plan system to service personnel Travelling to U.K. by B.E.A.: MALT.-\—LONDON GIBR/\LTAR—LONDON



THE MALTA AIRLINES In association with B.E./l.


write to us direct




Tuesday. October 7.

ROYAL NAVAL FOOTBALL ASSOCIATION Admiralty Fleet Order 230-1/58 states that a vacancy will occur at the end of the l‘)58-59 season for sccrctary-treasurcr of the Royal Naval Football Association. Applications should be addressed to Capt. A. J. R. White. D.S.C.. R.N.. Chairman Royal Naval Football Association. R.N. School of

Physical Training. Portsmouth, reach him by December I. I058.

This took the form of a social evening attended by members and their wives and guests. which included the otliccrs of the local sea cadets from T.S. Nelson. Games were played and entertainment was provided by :i wellknown local singer. Mr. A. McG:iuvran. who was accomp‘.inied by Shipniatc J. Beaumont. The chairman was Shipmate L. Mitchell. Supper was

provided and everyone enjoyable time.








‘lite St._|lli|(ll'(1l‘l i have made full use of this in both‘ pulling and sailing rcgatttis which take c



_OtIr cvcry limited. successes have been strictly but it is a poor week-eiid that sci: about three tcauis competing in the v;irioii\' classes. place regularly

week-eiii_l. doesn't



l’l.AS'l‘lC l)lNGll\'

Royal (‘;in;idi:_in Navy have ‘r|rttLltICI.‘(l ;i new _pl:istic dinghy. llcr-g Machine Class 332 iiiiidaii-rigged in lcrylciie. lhcsc_:irc have and fast pro\'id’cd extrciiicly afternoon's sport. with‘ \\'end_v Clarke. horn on March tuaiiy a good an even chance on :i wet shirt. appeared on’! As will be seen. the Sixth Siibiiiariite Dtirtfurd. She lirst I2 |ll‘ years old. and when sheinwas Squadron have now settled down L D 3 "Alad dcliut llalif;i.\:. :iitd with the arrival of sonic her professional COMMERCIAL joined the |)e \rcrc‘l)anccr:IIONE 61|36 ‘f;,mi|i.,-5 we look forwartl to an even she llallct Montparnassc. For six -more enjoyable season next year. bl't dance (mini: to uc::j'-': ACCEPTED l (‘ziiiadiziii-type nigger and _tee riirNT$ S he but I! I5 hockey are the winter sports‘. feared we shall only be able to _P-Hf‘ ticipzitc as sncctgitors. thotigh this is‘N325 I The










Dial 5471-72


looking for something a sewing machine easy with dependable .“’.i"‘{.'.‘.-"‘..°.-$.":.‘.t’.'?.'.‘..:“.'.."’..'.to does more ;"

lf.‘:.‘.‘_'.'.Conitiioiiwctilth. “‘.‘.’.-




HE truth of the old Yorkshire saying. "Every micklc. makes a better in muckle." was amply illustrated on

£32 RETURN £3l.l5.0 RETURN

Forces Reduced Fares

The September meeting of the Gosport and Fareham l-‘ricndly Union of Sailors‘ Wives took the form of a social afternoon and it "get together" after the summer break. Dances and games were mtich enjoyed. At the October meeting. :t talk by Miss Macndlcr. of the Displaced Persons in Etiropc Orgauis.-ition. was greatly appreciated. The talk gave a very good idea of how these people. of the war. were being careil

llardic and a group of members attended the annual meeting :it Admiralty House. London. and enjoyed the talk by Miss Mallcnby. a SEA CADETS AT Prison Coniriiissioncr. The new committee is anticipating a busy year. which includes talks by :i chccsc expert. a but show. Christmas ANNIVERSARY decoration demonstration. and a concert. The children will also be rememHE Huddcrslicltl Branch held their bcrcd as. in the spring. they will be ltith anniversary in their headgiven a party. qtiartcrs. the Pack llor‘: l~li-ti-l. or

mickle makes a muclcle


Friendly wives and displaced persons

Friendly Wives have their ouii adopted family in Germany. A collecSouthern Gas Board. Mrs. Horton. vice-chairman. tion was made for them. and accepted organised a social after the recess. Mrs. by Miss Macndlcr.


For your leave requirements when in Malta






l."t)llt|l)l '(‘)':1l0‘l¢I'u0D¢|':l t)l'.


I rtiiiioiirctl

to he strcitiiotts.











SANDBAGSS TO PROTECT DHOCKEY gllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllg §Have ?' YOU problem personal ‘a leaving Kingdom July Ceylon JOURNEY changed frequently. ASK JOHN ENGLISH the United has seen 29. H.M.S.




tier programme At the time of writing the ship is at Muscat. a small port in. and the capital of. the Sultanate of Oman in the extreme east of Arabia. She is there to deliver steel plates and girders. nuts and bolts. etc.. to make the damaged tanker Melika lit for towing to a barbour where large-scale repairs are feasible. Readers may remember that Melika had a collision with another tanker in September. Site was salvaged by H.t\t.S. Bulwark and taken to Muscat. lletween leaving home :tnd arrival at .\luse:it. ll..\l.S. Ceylon called at Gibraltar. and then .\l:tlta for :1 month's ttork-up. At tlte end of the work-up Il..\l.S. ('e_vlon stayed in the Mediterranean wltile li..\l.S. Sltetlieltl went to the Persian (itilf for a short time. During this period. ll..\l.S. Ceylon. nearing: the ting of Rear-.-\dtuiral I-'.t\ing. the Flat: ()Ilieer lilotillzts t.\lt:d.l. catiietl out a l::t:tling exercise at llt|l'l'l\. in North .-\Iric;t. and then ltml. ttto helicopters to lolirtik. l.'nl‘ortttti.ttel_v no \lIt\l'C le.t\e could be jsttett .tt these l\\u

with a free port and the prevailing low bags protect the passengers from prices. Games were played and honours splinters. were

again even.

The Aden visit over. the ship sailed for Muscat. which is a very different type of place. The games played here resulted in two wins and one defeat. A hockey team playing the Muscat Army was transported to the camp in Land-Rovers and sandbags were placed on the floors of vehicles as there are sometimes mines in the road: the sand-

I808/58. .-is a gctteral rule llu'.t' /tr!mirrrI!_v l"lt't'I Ortlcr ttflccls milv those who Imvc


I umlt'r.\!timl tlmt Iltt‘ (.‘it'r'I I)t'/t'nt't.’ l-ill-t‘.\lll»Z tt.t\e been .ttl\.t:t.ed lit the (htci Petty (,'«mr.tt- to |t'lllt‘ll you refer would lJt.' ruitlt'rml.t'It (ll our ti] tin’ .\('llltttl.\' (ulgtltl-..er or t'htel .\rtiti.cr rate: ; In (‘hlcl l'rlt_\ Ulhcrr IX lS1.\I|< ll. .\.l.ttm_ l.\‘ l~t«l7‘|CI \\'. l-'ra~t:r. minitlt-n-tl Ivy Illt‘ llnmc ()/fin-. 'l'lit-rt: it no .S'vrt'ict' nr Civil rt-nirun-ntliun /or l\' IT‘1l‘(i Miittlt



“- G-.\‘

.7 n A




fit! One of too





“hi ch


l I I l fi

the notices and then introduced the guest speaker. Mr. Brian llttlpitt. who gave a talk on fabrics. Members fotind this most interesting judging by the string of questions tired at him afterwards. lie was thanked by .Virs. out

YOU CAN TAKE YOUR WIFE ON LOCAL FOREIGN SERVICE AND STAY FOR 30 MONTHS Ill-I following notes are for those who are thinking of volunteering for Local Foreign Service. With a few exceptions the normal length of such service is 30 months when accompanied by your wife and I8 months when not accompanied and may be ashore or in certain named ships attached to ports abroad. The great majority of billets are in Malta. but there are some in the Pr-rsian Gulf area, Singapore. Hong Kong. Cyprus and Gibraltar, but there are limitations on some cases. llong Kong is reducing. there is a teuipor-ary ban on family passages to Cyprus and at Gibraltar accommodation is so scarce that it is necessary to lintit the number of families. A few billetsexist in other parts of the world, but are restricted to ratings of certain branches. If your tnaiti aim is to serve on Local Foreign Service you are advised to volunteer without saying where. If you volunteer for. say. Hong Kong this will be taken as tueuning that you want Hong Kong or nothing. By all tut.-ztns volunteer. but mark your application “preferably llting Kong." and then it will be clear to the dntfting ollicer that you want him to consider you for other places if llong Kong is not available. State wlictlter you are accompanied or unaccompanied as there is a bigger choice of unaccompanied billets. If you do not wish for Local Foreign Service until your next turn for averse-.ts comes be careful to state this: otherwise your volunteering will be taken as meaning that you are willing to go at any time. There are usually plenty of volunteers. but do not be put ofl by this. It often happens that a large number of billetsrequire tilting and that the waiting lists become short: in any case you may be lucky and find yourself the only man availableat a given moment. Volunteering will stand until cancelled or until you get zt draft. but it is wise to repeat the application after about two years if not selected by then. Volunteering should be done through Commanding Oficers in the nomutl manner. .


ill l





Kin fllemariztm Lleut. William Ridgewny Shakleton, Sea-1 Pembroke. R.N. H.M.S. President (R.A.F. Furn-

Nonnan Douglas Minto. Able

C/.l.9-I750-I. ll.\v‘l.S. lborougb). Died October 20. I958. Dlcrl September 28. I958. Sydney Alfred Edwards, Air Artifi- John Jeflery. Chief Engineering cer -t. LlFX.67007t. H MS. Btackcnp. Mechanic. D/KX.9to-I5. H.M.S. Died September 28, I958. Daring. Died October 20. 1958. Lleut. Robert Walker Sntyltle. EN. Nursing Sister 5. M. Lane. H.M.S. President. Died October 2, Q.A.R.N.t'\'.S. I-l.M.S. St. Angelo. Died October 22. 1958. I958. Raymond Thomas Greening, Alexander MncDougnl. Marine. Marine. RMJ603-t. 45 Royal Marine RMJS894. 45 Royal Marine Conrmando. Died October 22. I958. Commando. Died October 6, I958. James Albert Newton. Chief ElecIan Macbean. Aircraft Artiticer 4. LII-‘X.85‘l380. lI.M.S. Sortderllng. Died. trician. PIMX.75922I. ILM8. Coilingman.



wood. Died October 22. I958. October to. 1958. _ Richard Arnold Golden. Radio ElecArthur David Wilcox. Able Seaman. D/.l.932l90. ll.M.S. Lochinvar. Dled_ trlenl Mechanic (Air). LIFX. 915160. ll.M.S.' Falcon. Died October 22. I958. October I8. t958.

'lu (‘lticI llzuliti (‘tn-ttrnurtlt-.rtlnn Suricnlurr l.\' thtrlll l. ltt'.\L' In Sttirn (‘hit-I Petty tltlirrr t\'l .\tX !<J.‘t.\‘.| D. .\'cu.m:tt-:. 'lu Stores Chic! Petty tmiccr Isl .\lN .\'l.\‘2Jl ll. lL‘l\t\, MN ."il H5 ('. \\‘tt:tl:ey. In cm.-r Pctt: ontm (Took tot .\I.\' 575351. ltarnartl. lo Sick llcrth Chief Petty tltlircr MS Hill!A. !\‘cal¢\. .\lN Sfutt R. Rcillv. In Chief Radio Electrical .\rIlfin.‘r MN 803755 N. l mtcr. .\tX oo7.‘.~£‘t K. llotibim.

taken from .\l:tll:t to Tobruk

of Admiralty House. reception Whitehall. on October 16. had a very enjoyable afternoon. in the absence of Lady |.ottis Mountbatten of Burma. who ttnforttttiztteiy was not sufliciently recovered from her recent operation. the meeting was presided over by Lady C reasey. There were over 250 members present from the various branches in the ditlerent ports. and many friendships were renewed during tea. which followed the meeting. In the evening :1 visit was made to the ('harlie Chester show in the T.V. Theatre by kind invitation of the B.B.C. rooms


To Chit-I Radio Electrician .\lX HTIJST J. \\':rtd.

In Chief Electrician MK 302322 I‘. llolway. MN 83402: L. Robin-

In Chief Sblnwrigltt Artllirtr

.\l.\' Tlsstts I-L. llo\ht.\. MK 71333} K. Grantham. MK 6.lSS6| K. llolmcx. MK 753921 T. lludton. MX 804357 A. Robertson. MR 863517

1, Sonic)’. ‘to Chief Engine Room Artlficer MN M57365 1. Barber. MR 703811 R. Ollcn. To Clrlel I-Inzlnccrlng Mechanic xx -i.UJl \\', lillititl. KX ‘J7494 \V. M1)’.

To Chlct Alrtuao t.\.l|.l.t l.i'l~‘N 670-134 H. ltovtcrs, I.ll7X ‘H2712 \\'. F. .-\. Il.tIl.tttJ. In Chief Airman tl'bnt.l l l-'.\ 523233 ll. (‘ltilmn, To (‘hlct Airman t.\lct. Otn.) l..'FN 660433 I. ll. Wlrty.-trtl. To Action Chic! Mrcrnlt .\.rttttccr t..‘l-'.‘( l00_.‘il)!l P. Arnold. l..'l-'.‘¢ I002-U L. W. Turner. l.:l-X M9127 ll. \\'. (formc. To Action Chief Aircraft Artifice-r (0) LIFE W035! W. EH00. ‘to Chief I-Ilrctrlclnn tAlrI Til‘) T.‘ l. llayward. LIFX But? t.i'l-'.V2 I‘. J. Ttiwlcr. l./FR 525007 I‘. I). Boltltson. ‘lo Chic! llodto Electrician (Air) l..'l7.\' ttJSl20 V. A. Johnson. LIFX 670797 A. F. Stork. .


Of course I try save






in mi




North friendlywives enjoy meeti11%! in London

SPI-l.\'l)l.\'G Sl’Rl".F. .-\fter pa-tsagc through the canal and down the Red Sea. two days were .\"It.‘tll in .-\den. Spent is prolialily the right word. as this was the first contact of tnan_t of the ship's comparty


r'mtrm'Ior. Im! \'(ll'l irorrltl lmvr Iltv Iit'm'tiI of Iu‘iirt- in It Itmilimt In rtltluiit r-niplm-niviil in tin’: t'{iht*rt‘ mi lt'rtririv,- Illt' .5‘t'rt'it't'. tit lllt'IL' it (I .t/mrIrt_-._~i- ul t/mil1'_Iit'tl lIl.\lt'll(‘lt)I.l'.


.'\n ittterextitig item irt 'l't\ultin was the rerottetl presence of fiogniett rtear the liztttlesliip Jean llart. Doig. On return to Malta at week was spent The rallle prizes of eggs and flowers iti storing ship and self-tiiaintenanee. 'l'lte steel for .\lelika xtas loaded and The meeting held in Fisher Hall. were won by Mrs. Langley. Mrs. Hawon October 1 ll..\l.S. Ceylon sailed Whale lslatid. oit 'l'tiesd:ty. October. kins and .\lrs. Sinipkins. Those members who went up to the for the Site! Canal. 7. was well attended. After the singing of "litertial l-';tther." .\lrs. .\l:trtell g:tve :tnntt:tl general meeting. held in the



lu Chit-I Sallrtrakcf IX .“l.‘r.tI l l .':l\Jlt1C. lo .\l;ntcr-at- \rm\ .\t.\ mutt: t. .\'ut:.-r. lu (‘tilt-I Coninittnlralittn \’e<tm;tn l.\' IF“!-l t .t:tc:. IN ll‘t‘.\‘<I l". \\'t’c|tct.

t:ip~. tool.‘ them to \l‘llllil_\\ltlL'. p‘.'.te.'~ U!‘ ittt::.'~t xttclt .'t~. .\lonte (‘Llfltl



tti.\'l IR.‘-l.\'l’lt>.\' ll.'I\ bet‘.-t rtxcited that the



CIVIL DEFENCE COURSE if I was to take rt Civil Defence (often the Civil .S't'rt'icr tvniipclilive tat.’- Course in the Navy and qualify as art uriiiimlimi for an ¢.'.\l(lllll.t‘llt'tl (iot'¢'rIt- Instructor. what extra money would I Im'Ill purl. get and ltow inuelt would this bring my “mil ll-|.\' HP in every \veel.".’ l :ttn it Chief Petty Ollieer with 25 years‘ ser-


l-'i!t.‘i'l' Illi.-\l. 'Rl'N' .«\.‘ill(lRl". .-\l't.'i ;t ftttther \'.::.'l; in .\l;tlt.t. Rear.-\tltiiii.tl laying \\.‘t\ again L‘l'tll\1tll{'..‘tI. and ‘tuition. in the South of l-"lance. was \i~it.'tl. ‘lltis \\;t\ most \\e|L'tt:ne. giving: the ship's cotnpatiy their lirsl tC.tl rtiii Ztxlltllg‘ .\lllU<.' lC.t\lllg honie. l)tllitl‘_.1 the tint l'tmt' days spent there. ti'.t~~.t ;i-.".»;tlt' tn.tt‘:.iy.ed to yet Ltltotit the



John English will be pleased to answer your queries. A stamped addressed A fishing competition organised one envelope will be appreciated. afternoon was not a success as only —.‘ two small fish were caught. even EMPLOYMENT AFTER W.R.'N.S. BENEVOLENT TRUST though they were reputed to be exPREMATURE RETIREMENT I served in the W.R.N.S. during the tremely easy to take. Further interest If on leaving the Service under the war and contributed to the benevolent in the area was caused by a cyclone. which at one time looked to be coming "axe" I find employment in the Post f_und during that time. Is this organisadirectly towards the ship. Fortunately. Oltice as a postman, will my special tion still in existence? If so will you however. it did not arrive and the only capital payment be alfected under please furnish me with the address of their offices? ill effect was a large swell. Admiralty Fleet Order I808/58'.’ I ant asriircd that permnm-l who are W.R.N..S‘. Benevolent Trim still The "l prcntaltrrcly retired under the recent exists. and you should write to (lie sclteme and who fiml t-mploymcm rt: General Secretary. W.R.N.S. Herreraporlmen, Post Oflice tlrivcrs. etc.. do len! Trust. 2 Groxvcimr Sqitarc, Lonnot lose any ol the .rp¢'ct'rtl t"llDlIlll pay- (loll, .S'.ll’.l, [or any information you ment mule! Atlmirully I-‘Ice! Order may require.


.tntl (ii.t~w. .\'e\ei.il :.'.llllL'\ were pl:t_\'ed Ill!-tlll\l l‘tt'llL‘ll n:t\.'tl teams lltttll \\ltlL'lt the xhip t-zttergeti with lioitotiis


before midnight on March 21. I942. during a thunderstorm. the air raid siren waited in St. Na‘/.aire. and a few minutes later “hell was let loose." it was the beginning of the amazing attack carried out on the enemy battleships docked in the port. In “The Greatest Raid of All." by C. l-'. Lucas Philips. published by William Heirteni:ttin & Co. Ltd.. price l8s.. the reader cannot fail to be impressed by the heroism of those engaged itt what. so the enemy thought. was an impossible undertaking. Many books have been written oti the last war. but this one must rank as one of the most brilliant. This is a book which should be read by all as a reminder. in some measure. of the heroism of those who took part in the raid. To quote Sir Winston Churchill. “A deed of glory intimately involved in high strategy."

I save! But my

p:ty‘s ttot enough


That’s what I thought when I was your age until someone showed me the Progressive Savings Scheme. I only had to put aside £3 a month by Naval allotrnent but when I leave the Service next year I can collect £855. Sounds too good to be true. Where's the catch? No catch. And if I had died at any time my wife would have received the whole £355 Which will you take? You it's immediately. a Savings see, Pm going for the pension becausethere’: Scheme and Life Insurance rolled into one. another valuable right with it—I an get a. hadn't Supposing you signed on for 22 years’ cash advance for the full price of a new service? house. Pm all lined up for a job already, When I had done my 9 years, as I had and with an extra pension to look forward paid premiums for 7 years, I could have to and the wife and familysafe in our own drawn £234 to help set me up in Civvy it’s thekind of security we all bome—well, Street. Now, after 22 years’ service, I shall want. have the option of taking the How do you set about all this? I if don't need the or £855, 'l'hat’s easy. Ask the Provicash immediately, a pension dent "Life for details of the of‘ £172‘ a year when I retire Progressive Savings Scheme. from civilianwork at 65. ‘Far member: Q)‘ the W.R.JV.S. the Permian is ,5 r49 aycar.

I--Send this coupon to



9 Blrltopsgote, London, E.C.2----------'-'--------

Please send (all details of the Progressive Savings Schema

NarrIo....................................................................................................................................... ccu-ooouuunoununounsu-nuanunuonn-onnun--nunn.nu...o...n..-.-..n....u.n----an-o

Boeing or

Age out


Novetttbgr. I958





R.N. writers to celebrate

Brilliant chapter‘ closed

seventy-first anniversary

NE of the most colourful chapters in British Naval history opened in the Indian Ocean over two centuries ago when a small squrttlrott of ships of the line laid the foundations of the Royal Navy's iittportant East Indies Station. will he brougltt to a conclusion in London on Thursday, Noseitilier 6, in the church of St. .\lartiit-iii-the-Fields.


HF. Fleet Air Arm reunion which was to be held at the Royal Albert hauled down on September 7 and at that. moment the Comntztnd. whicltl "3" “" D“''~''‘‘l‘L'r l- hi“ llcc" post,-m1,,_m_.(| n',,nhcm ;m,_1 ¢-cm.-;,| pun. ported heetitise the aircraft carriers will of the Indian Ocean and the Naval ht-‘ 4|l‘5'~'"l {Will l""“¢ “'3l""‘ i"‘d.“'“l‘ bases at Trinconttilec. lialircin and E ll]t'|“ ills‘ _m1lll’”l)' Pf ""5 *‘l"~‘T1|l'0"4*l Aden. ceased to exist. Its rc.sponsihi|i- : u|Ys'Fs'“'« 1 ill: €0""“|!ls'|-' ft“-‘l" ‘hill ills‘ ties are now divided between the Cont- ‘ Pllrttttse of the rctiition \\_oiild _l:trgcl_v ntzinders-in-Clticf of the Far Fast and he lost witltout the participattoit. in the South .-\ilantic and South .~\incrie:i is'onsiilcr:iblemiinhers. of these aircrew. Stations and the Commodore of ili._-;s_ittce they represent the present and, ne\sl_v fornted Arabittn Seas :ind l’er- ltllltrc of fill.‘ Fleet Air Arm. No alternative date has yet been arranged. sian Gulf Station. ,

Ill-2 Royal Naval Writers‘ Benevolent .-‘\.ssoei:ttion is liolding its -.tnnual dinner on Fritlay, ;\'otenther 28. at the United SerThere at a special service at 3 p.in..? of the Board of Ailniiralty and former Portsntouth. vice Club. Lake Road. i the Queen 5 (.Ull‘llfV_0I the Station \\Ill Contiitaitders-in-Chief of the Station. is Association The celebrating be handed to the Vicar :it the chancel ' The Queen's Colour. which will be = its 71st -.tttni\ers-.tr_v this _\'t.‘:ll' and steps by Vice-.-\dntir;il Sir llilziry lliggs. brought tip front Cltatltaiu and placed made the organisers have K.B.F,.. (‘.ll.. l).S.O.. the last (‘out- in the i\‘e|son Room at the .-\dntir:ilty every ntandcr-iu-(‘hicf of the liast Indies during the night before the si:r-cicc. effort to make the function a huge is the Station. wltich \\':ts' closed in September will be ntatcltcd from llorse (iiiards stteeirss. 'l'lte guest of ltonour (‘hicf Stall’ Officer (Atlministnttion) as a result of ti reorg;iui.';ition of tlte Parade. where it will be inspected by to the Contntaniler-in-Cliief. Ports‘Nit‘-‘juis overseas co:ttttt:inds'. and Il \\lll ; .-\(lt1lll'.'Il Riggs. to the church by a W. be laid up in the presence of ntentbers t ('olotir Part} and (iu.ird froitt the tuoutlt. Rl'1lI'~.-\t.ltlll|’:II R. Paffziril. (.‘.ll.l-I. l l’ortstttotttlt ('otitttt:ittil and the band of, The l):ll' will he open until ll gtlti: l’|yntotitlt (iroup Royal .\l.irines’.i ratings and W.R.N'.S. front ll..\l.S. Victory paid a visit o'clock and the dress is uniform. l'ltey_\sil| proceed by way of l'iti: .\l:ill. to R..\l.S. uriter Queen !\lnr_v in Soiitltutupton l)oelts on October 7. They tterc Arch and the west side of evening or lounge. Tickets. price Admiralty met by an official of the Cunard Shipping Contpany aitd were shonn the in-any l5s'.. nta_v he obtained from C.P.(). Trafalgar Square. The (iii.-trd with fixed bu)-om-1. \ii|| dcparttttents which are nccessttry to run this vast sltip. Writer I. W. Baker. Cottttttodon-'.s take the Colour into St. .'\lt|fllll'll'l*ll'lt:' 'l'he visitors had heard and read of , York. which was to continence in the Olliee. R. N. Barracks. l’orts'tuoulIt ('l'eI. l)ock_vartl t7l2039) or .\lr. A. of progress for tlte Sea Fields. traditionally the Parish Church the ltisitriotisitess of "The Queens." jcarly hours of October 9. _Yl3AR Coates. 7 Auriol Drive. lledliamp(adet Corps was reported at the of the Adniiralty. The address will be but they were antazed at the estretttei Stores of .ill descriptioits were being Ion (Tel. Ilavttnt 650). annual tneeting of the (irand Council given by the Chaplain of the Fleet. (the vL‘Ut'llf0t'lof the tourist-class cabins. the I loaded. and front the menus‘ prodttccd All R..\‘. Writers. sening and lof the Navy League in London on Venerable Arcltdeacon Darrell Hunt. self-contained state rooms. the lounges. , it was evident tltat the gal ley stalls ex-serving. whether metuhcrs of .\londay. October ft. The annual report C.B.. O.ll,F... .\l.A.. Q.ll.(‘.l. while the the ditting rooms, grill lounges and vsould he kept busy in the modern and the Associzttion or not. are \veleome stated that live very promising new First Lord of the I\fll‘|'lll’(llI_\'. the Far! the private dining rooms. The different sp:icioiis gallcys‘. and everyone is bound to meet old units were opened during the year and of Selkirk. ().l3.F... A.l‘.C.. is to read state rooms are furnished iit different The ittoilertt shops‘, from which the lesson. friends. the nttntber of marine detachments also the colours. one that was seen being itt pass-eiigt-rs may buy anything front The first Navril ships were sent to the ivory and green while anotlter had clothing to jewellery. front tvriting had been itierettsed. East with the reductions in the ‘C-1 the Indies in I7-l-t at tlte request of contemporary furnishings‘. but no materials to ceramics. were under llonoiir:ible liast India Company. matter how they were furnished. all‘ Ctistoins seals. btit it was ll|lt.lL‘l‘\‘lt\0tI .going and reserve fleets and in the In command of tltent was Commodore were very beautiful. that these sltops do a very brisk trade shore es1ablisitinent.s of tile N:ivy. Curtis first llarnet. of one hundred An interesting feature of the first-' during the Atlantic crossing. opport unifies for ltoliday training otlieers. including such famous names class dining room was a large wallunder the best of all auspices have §'I"ABII.I.SI-IRS ANY fiinctions. oflicial and un- been restricted. This has home most as Boseowen. Vernon. Byroit and (‘orn- cltarz which. by tttcans of lights‘. fitting of the stablisers to ollieial. have marked the retire- ltardly oit the younger Sea Cadets. the wallis and ntore recently Sir Iantes sltowcd the positions. all the time. of theSince the ship. the Qtiecit .\lary‘s movement ment of Rear Admiral G. V. .\l. boys attd ordinary seamen. At the !~:tl‘tlt.' Sontcrville. to contmand the East EIIIC Queen Mary and her sister ship. in very heavy weather ltas been reDolphin and his relief :is Admiral time these difficulties have stimulated Indies Station. Queen [Eli/abetli. and the routes taken duced to a mere two-degree roll. The Sttperittfendent of Cltatltzim Dockyard initiative and hospitality. Matty units The flag of Adtttiral Briggs was b_v the vessels during their Atlantic stabiliser controls are .situatcd on the by Rear Admiral J. Y. Tltompson. a of the Corps. favourably situated in cruisings. On the day of the visit. it bridge together with the citrttplex ccltoTRICKLE AD\"ANCI'I.\lF.NT previous Commodore of R..\'. Bar- coastal towns. have played host to less was noticed that the light showed the sounding radar and otltcr equipment. racks. Portsmoiith. on October 15. fortunate units inland and others have Adntiralty Fleet Order 2470a/58 Queen Mary at Southampton. while (me of llte visitors said. ltowever. that Admiral Dolphin had been at Chat- organized their own holiday training gives details of the revised scheme for the Queen lilizabethwas appro.sintately the bridge scented contparatively clear hant for fotir years in a most troubled camps. so that the shortage of naval trickle advancement which started on one day out front New York. en route of equipmettt when cotttparcd with the period. On retiring he expressed his training facilities, to some e.\tent. has October I. I958. As front that date. to Southampton. nei:essar_v details iit a modern warship. been confidence in the doekyard and said. mitigated. trickle advancement allowances are reThe visitors really enjoyed their ACTIVITY HIVE OF "I have great faith in the futtire of Plans are being maintained to make lated to three-monthly instead of six,tour of the ship. and some are already llte t|oekyard- -it is pioneering in many greater use of Raven's Ait as a holiday monthly periods. An example of how Although no passengers were on bcgittttiitg to save for the day when. ways and it is at the forefront of new training centre. and arrangements made the trickle is applied is contained in board. the ship was a hive of activity. as passengers. they can experience the for financial assistance for distant units. the Admiralty Fleet Order. development." getting ready for the trip to New luxury they had so fleetingly sighted. _





Sea(side) Cadets



aid inland units


Chatham ’yard pioneer in many ways








between the ages

for part-rinse

of 16; and

Young women between the ages of 17; and 4-0 may volunwerfor part-tinw service in the DEGA USSING,

26 may


service in the


WRITER and STORES branches


ISTORES branches

if they can attendfor evening training at bl'(lll(t’l(.'S) BELFAST, BRISTOL, CARDIFF, DUNDEE, EDINBURGH, GLASGOW, HOVE, LIVERPOOL, LONDON, NEWCASTLE, SE.-I TR.-II.|"IiI’ln' (/'E.'I"TII’ES (nu




(}0.lI.lH,-'.1’! ('.-I T101’ TR.II.|’l.~|'G (J-'E;|'TIlE(Cmtttnunt'¢'a(t'ons only) at HULL lI’IRELESS TIL!l.|'l.I"G C .‘.|’TIll:'S(llrulio Cmtuntnn'en(t'mt brunt-It only)








Age limit f0I.S'f.’(I to 40 for ex-Naval ratings and to 45 for specially recomntemlerl Chief Petty Oflicers and Petty Oflicers *

Men and Women


within easy travelling distance






volunteer for immobile part-time service with NORTHWOOD, PORTSMOUTH,PLYMOUTH and ROSYTH *







Units at


SF.-I 'l‘ll.-ll.\'l1\‘G(for men) in minesweepers attached to sea training centres, including fore_ign visits 'l‘llAI.\'li\'(-ton week-nights and weekends at training centres. 14 days continuous training a year in H.M. Ships and shore establishments B0lJi\"l‘\'. Tax-free bounty annually PAY. Naval rates of pay during continuous training UNI Fllllfllprovided free EXPEI\’SES. Travelling expenses to training centres

further details apply to:- YOUII NEAREST TIIAININI’-‘ CENTIIE or Admiral Commanding Reserves, (Queen Anne's Mansions, St. -lantesis Park, Lomlon, S.\V.l For

5/3[iY'1[%[£%s“fi“lifi/'3‘/filiffilil-3IiI£‘I£fii‘[i%?~‘lé“£s’I£El?%3£3FEl*I5Zi“££EEFEIEEEEFEFEEEEF/3&3/flfi Eii


November. I958

[V0 oil la,ntern—no leave

Vice-Admiral Sir Hilary W. Briggs, Mollterwell. is to be closed down by K.Ii.I-2.. C.B.. D.S.0. and Bar, was March 1960. placed on tltc Retired List to date Gold-laced trousers have been rcOctober 6, 1958. introduced for wear by ollicers of Rear-Admiral N. Ii. ll. Clarke. captain's rank and above ottly with A.5l.l.Mech.l-‘... is to be Command modified liall and Mess Dress. The [Engineer (ltlicer attd Chief Stall‘ Olliccr wearing of the gold-laced trousers is (Teeltnieal) on tlte stali of tile Cont- optional. mander-in-Clticl‘. Portsmouth. in sucIl..\l.S. Echo. the new survey vessel cession to Rear-Admiral G. (I. Naish. C.II., to take cliect in November. I958. commissioned in September. has got oil’ to a good start with very fttll press, Rear-.-\dmiral J. Dent. C.B.. 0.B.E.. radio and TV. coverage of her surlitter was placed on the Retired List to date veying_ the Goodwitts after the Rangtttltt ran aground. Echo is October 15. I958. attached to the East Coast of I"-.ngland Major-General II. T. Tollemache. -Survey Unit. based at Sheerness. C.lI.. C.B.l-3.. has bcctt appointed the Indian Honorary Colonel (‘omutandant, An anti-aircraft frigate for Portsmouth Group. Royal Marines, in Nat-y. l.N.S. lleas, was launclted on succession to Major-(ieneral H. T. October 9 at the yard of Messrs. Netvntan. (‘.li.. (‘.II.l-'... with effect \'icI;ers-Artttstrongs l_td.. Newcastleon-Tyne. from October .‘\I. I958. -

The nanting ceremony was performed by .\lrs. R. S. David. wife of Capt. R. S. David. Naval Adviser to the High ('ouuttissiotter for India itt the United Kingdom. l.N.S. liens is the second frigate of her type to be acquired hy the Indian Navy and is named after one of tile largest rivers in India.

The (Toittntnnder-itt-Chief. Home

Fleet. Atlmiral Sir William Davis. K.t’.ll.. l).S.(). and liar. paid his tirst otlicial \‘l\ll to the (‘ity of l.ottdon since taking up his appointment last .l.tt:uar_v on October 7. His flag was llmsn in lI..\l.S Apollo (Capt. M. (i. R. l,llltIlt). l).S.0.. l).S.(‘.). wltieh was bcrtlted at liattle Ilritlge Pier.

II..\l. Submarine Alaric has reThe aircraft Carrier H.M.S. Bulwark (C(ItIIItt1tIttIt:tI by Capt. I’. I). (iick. turned to Portsmouth front South ().ll.l-‘... l).S.(‘. and liar) returned to .-\frica. having called at the Azores on Pnrtstttotttlt on November -I with -32 ‘ her way home. The ship has been away from England since the beginning of Ru_\:ti .\Iariue (‘omntando embarked i the year. and during her period abroad from the .\Icditerranean. ~12 (ottttttatttlo (under the command site has undertaken long-distance of l.ieut.-('oloItcl J. I.. A. .\lacafcc. icruises and exercises with tlte South l{..\l.) \\iII be returning to Iiickleigh i.-\frican attd lttdian Navies. -



The R..\'.

Plyntoutlt. Store Depot

Il..\I. Submarine Tabard ltas sailed at Catlin. for a commission itt the .\Iediterranean.





Naval Personnel normally accepted with War and Service rislts covered


Head Office for the UNITED KINGDOM 73-16 KING WILLIAM STREH, LONDON, E.C.-I Assets £400,000,000 Steyn, 374 London Road. For service in the Portsmouth are: contact Mr. W. D. Portsmouth 6055i) No. PORTSMOUTH. Hanu.



January 20 fixed for benevolent dinner dance

igshemgdi wig? may‘

old saying “Never get engaged East of Suez." but those in II \t s considered this possibility found that during their have out the . leditcrmnean, getting engaged was the very last thing that x wee HE annual reunion dinner and “W” 5* d°“°- “"5 Shit’ dllfllltl "1856 Six Weeks visited Aden. Bahrein ‘Il'll.I dance of the Royal Naval Store: Muscat. B(‘lll’|'0l€Tll Society (I’orl.vmmuIi) is Aden was the first port of call. and linue the job of salvaging the Osborne Kimln-ll.t. llelil at living: provided a pleasant surprise. One of severely damaged tanker. Road. Srmllnm, on 'I'm'.tday, Jun- the Arnty units stationed there was The walled town of Muscat. ruled mtry 20. 'l'icL*¢-t.r for the event are: the lst Battalion The Yorlts and Lanes by the Sultan of Muscat attd ()m.ut. o[]ici-rs, chic] and petty olficcrr and Regiment. which draws many of its was built in the ninth century. am: in gut-s!.r. I23. 6il..‘ 'mtior rau'ng.r, 9.7. recruits from the Shellield area. and many respects is still the same tou':I_\. 'l'icker.r [or the (mice only are 7:. has long associations with the ship. The inhabitants endeavour to make a double. and -ls. single’. You will not the ship's visit was a brief one. but living from dates and fish and despite only be supporting the branch by several very enjoyable social fixtures their somewhat primitive existence am-mling, but are ensurezl of a were arranged. and a cricket match was appear far happier than many limograin! social ct-citing ¢rmun_t,- ship- played. Shetlietd lost the match after a peans. The law in Muscat itself is very mim-.v oh! and new. close struggle by 17 runs. strictly enforced and all persons enterA further ttllIt()llIt(.‘t'IItL'It!will he Whilst on pasage to Baltreln. ing the town have to leave their liremade rcgardirtg tickets. but in the news was received of the Melika lire arnts at the gate in the wall. To premeantime hook Tm.-.tdn_y, January (reported in the October issue of vent street robberies after dark. every20 as a mu.rr.’ NAVY NEWS) and of H.M.S. Bul- ottc tra\'clling on foot ltas to carry a w:tr|t‘s great feat in getting the tire lighted oil lantern. If they don't they under control, and towing Melitta are liable to find themselves in jail for To enable the Royal Yacht Britanto Muscat. It was no surprise. there- the night. Shellield could not provide nia to pass under the St. l.awrer_to.: when, after a week in Bahrein. 450 oil lanterns. and in consequence. Seaway bridges. her masts are being fore. the ship was sent to Muscat to can- shore leave ended at sunset. There was so little to do on shore that the ship's company had to make their own amusements. A great interest was taken in the lishing competitiott. and on most afternoons. illltlllil-ill anglers could be seen “trying with bait ranging from ‘their luck‘_‘ to live tiddlers. To relieve the t tttonotony of having to look at‘ the lsame old faces. a beard competition was held. Over 200 stopped shaving. bttt only about 50 were brave enough to face the judges. The judging of the face fungus was held on the fore‘castle during the return through the isllcl. Canal. and the large cro\\‘tI of 'speetators had plenty of laughs. forEveryone on board is looking ward to tltc forthcoming visit to I- I’. Rourke. 0.B.I-2., D.S.C. and bar. R.D., Istanbul. Ollicer. H.M.S. Shellicltl, congratulatm the winner ot the beard competition 1' is







sltortcncd during her painting.


present refit and

take the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh to Canada for the opening of the Seaway next

Britannia is



A Whirlwind helicopter from the Royal Naval Air Station Englinton. Londonderry. was forced to land in the sea about 10 ntiles oil the Donegal coast on October 21. The crew. Lieut. J. M. Shrives—the pilot—and Licuts. I. A. C. Cohbold and T. R. Coombes. got into their dinghies and were picked up I5 minutes later by a Dutch submarine Zeeleeuw. which was exercising in the vicinity.

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{NEWS or OTHER NA i/15$

Sovietguided weapon


The crew


2,790 pints of rum


‘ills )'¢=lr. H..M.S. Salisbury. “nanie" ship for the latest class of the Navy's frigates. F$‘bT_“_3|”Y _4 Ofaircraft Nspecialisiiig the rest of the! time dctcction._rceomniissioned at Devonport at the




November, 1958

as same was condtictcd




recently converted Ameriguidcd-missilc cruisers. The use reload the ramps after firing would not stiggest :i very high rate of fire essential if the ship is to

case in the can of cranes to


ofl concentrated air attacks. ln plight East (it.'l’l‘I'l:tnsource of other details the ships appear to

suspect. plans recently


F‘1 ii‘ Fflg-116 Stllliltlfott Wits rcconlnttsstontng at Portsmouth. The service new by the Right '~‘ CL‘l\'L‘ll from an version of the Svcrd- be very similar to the conventionally Rev. R. H. Mobcrly. Dean of Salisbtiry. Between ortc-quarter and oiic-third of the old ship's company a guided-weapon lov cruisers are neverthclcs-2 cxtrctncly armed ships of the Svcrdlov Class. chose to stay with her for tiie new conimission. interesting. The plans show a single \\'|-Il.C().\lI-I BY POPE‘) Sailing for the Mediterranean on I-‘ebruiiry 28. she arrived in Slienia on UNITED S'l‘A'l‘l-‘.8 surface-to-surface launching ramp on I0, having spent two days at Gibraltar. After working up. with an lirltircli It is dillieult to pick otit the high- the forecastle with small twin surfaccThe famous old llcct carrier EnterI-.n.ster break ‘l-Vllh the rest of the bqguadron _in Malta. Salisbury joined in the for lights of the visit to Anzlti. but to-air ramps iuouiitcd on what appears : prise has at last arrived at the brcakeris consecutive ._\ATO exercises “Apex and "shotgun." when. for the first time many it was the occasion of joining to be the barbctte of the former triple l yard. She was towed from her moor"102 able real of aircraft Commission. out to were our detection. we job carry In a mass audience of the Pope at six-inch "B" turret. .-\ft. 1!} triple ; ings in tltc New York Naval Yard on pickettng for a carrier group which was part of ii larger fomiation. His lloliness‘s summer residence at six-inch turret on the quarterdeck re- August 21 for Kcarny. New Jersey. turret has also been party mains. but VISIT T0 .\li-‘.SSl.\"A even reaching Castel Gandolfo, when the The Enterprise has been in reserve [time-—so. without in cheer British launcltsurface-to-air a twin hearty gave replaced by Thc ghip mm H-[mm-d 10 Mai“, ‘Naples. Salisbury turned about. picked since the end of the war. She was due Ills lIoliness's reference the former mounted on ramps answer _to ‘for scrapping some years ago. but. for a little "tiddlcylication" before “P i‘ nllmi”-‘l’ “_f R“)'“l -\l“l'l"'= CNN’ ling their there. in to English the minerails The on barbette. presence ttirrct :it Sliema. took them to with a number of other old [along gnjng on ;. ghoft ‘.551 1., itrcscim an n_iandos and of feature a prominent tr:in_.sfcrred them there to While at Anzio, most of the ship's quartcrdeck. was reprievcd during the May |1 wt“-rc c\'cr.\‘()nc hm] H {cw ilobruk B"'"“'d“|warships. to cruisers. the Svcrdlov-type appear loin‘-‘cl UP company visited Rome. some for Korean War. A move to make her a 1 quiet but enjoyable days looking | H:-“-3 rest of theTl“? ~*lin_“Pthe removed. have been Eastern periods for as long as three days. Also l permanent war memorial and museum Fleet mund_mc mm‘ m,mb|,_. gm“ hfing i with_the forward :ind two Four two cranes. R.N.. Cdr. A. G. \\’ahon. Captain. fell through owing to lack of fl|l\ti\. the whole-day coach trip a number of 1 -“"'-l.“'~'"i*"‘-'41" {ind l‘|'-'_k°lL‘t-l Um-l°_|' ‘the the abreast deck mounted on t thc ship‘. ,_-0n,p;my mug up _\h.,,m continuous "action stations" condi- ii|ti}‘l1nlp2InlC(l by a ceremonial guard. aft. Recently an atomic-powered frigate 1 "B" in Etna. enlivened by a comnientarv lwltions for_ die whole period of the llaid wreaths at the local War ‘ surface-to-air launching ramps the mis- lhas been ordered by the US. Navy the Cltaplaiti. who had nc\-Qf '1-.,_-ch lordan atrlitt. .-‘\part from it most en- 5.\lemorial and at the large Military and "X" positions suggest that from the Bethlehem Steel Co. for dethcre before. and who then went on l“.\3{i‘l'3 hill f9‘Fl'k'"1lhl)' -‘l““'l “lill 10 (‘ciiietcr_vM\licrc are buried niany \\ ho silcs have to be loaded on to the ramps Iivcry early in l')ti2. Unlike frigatcs in rather than elevated into position by to teach those present some ltalian, -‘\'“’“‘-_l“‘‘‘'_ 4| Pl‘-'it5€|N» |'I-'S0fl_ Milt’ died in the I‘)-I3 landings. As well as the Royal Navy. U.S. vessels of this of lifts also or conveyors as is the entertained still means the we entertained, IS in being ship niid-.-‘iugust, iR0l‘Ilt.'. “hm ;\-.,,_.w an ht “m ct.-3,, nmugh type are large vessels soniewhcre behundreds of local others, there. welcoming the had been taught him by notithe size of cruisers and tween conductor during the destroyers. trip. Two days alter the 5.000-ton nuclear submarine Triton was launched at. TROUBLI-I IN Ll-IBAi\'0.\' Groton. Connecticut. on August l8. Recalled to Malta. we were boarded another nuclear-powered. submarine. almost without notice by the Comthe Scorpion. was laid down. mander-in-Ciiicf and other flag ofliccrs. GREECE As a result of their visits. we hurriedly The submarines Argoiiztftis and picked up all sorts of stores and procecded. after onl_v two and a half: Triena were returned to the Royal hours‘ stop. at full speed for the Navy at Malta early in October. ForEastern .\lcditcrranean. where trouble merly H..\l.S. Virtilcnt and Volatile had broken out in the Lebanon. respectively. they were loaned to the After the big NA'l'() exercise Royal Hellenic Navy in the latter part "Medllc.\fort" and exercises with the of the war. Two sister ships. the carrier group. the ship was relieved Dcltin (ex H.M.S. Vengeful) and by ll.l\l.S. Sliellield and returned to Pipinos (ex H.M.S. Veldt) are still in ~






Malta for a self-maintenance period. At this time the ship's Chaplain flew to England to represent the ship at the Cathedral's seventh centenary on June 28 and he was presented on behalf of all in the ship to Her Majesty the Queen Mother.

service with the R.H.N. When the submarines Upstart and Untiring were returned by the R.H.N. some years ago they both remained in commission for some time under the White Ensign. As both the ships recently handed back made the passage to Malta under their own power it seems likely they may also rcni:iin in commission for the time being. CANADA It is reported that the new frigate. H.M.C.S. Chaudierc. lilting out at llilllfilx Shipyards. was rccc ntly severely damaged forward by lire. It is not yet known if her delivery early

N0 ‘WOLF-WlIISTl.F.$‘ It was intended. at the end of the’ self-maintenance period. that Salis-' bury should pay a social visit to Naples and everyone practised hard such phrases as "Bella Napoli" and

“Bcllissima Signorina" (wolf-whistle optional). and the ship set sail in the right direction when trouble flared up again in the Middle l3ast—in lraq this

Most of the crew of H..\l.S. Salisbury fell in aft for this picture upon the completion of another successful exercise

next year will be delayed.

,lPortsmouth cooks to prove skill

GERMANY The former Hunt Class frigate. H..\l.S. Oakley. which was recently transferred to the Federal German Navy. is reported to have been renamcd Gnciscnau. The previous ship of the name. alter her famous dash tip the Channel in I942 in company with her sister ship Seharnhorst. ended her


HE opportunity is shortly being board makers on and people the holiday we were to the olliccrs’ and ships‘ given to one day open during cooks. and \V.R.N.S. serving in the the public as well as giving a arty Portsmouth ships and establishments for an orphanage. when it was to show their skill in cookery. as a water,-logged hulk as a to say whether the children or the From a menu announced on the day ‘career ‘ ship's company were enjoying tltcm- ‘:of the competition. ratings will have result of severe damage received durair attacks. sclves the more. to cook a three to four-course meal and ing will be iudgcd on preparation as well l Another Gneiscnau. also in company .\ll-‘..\lORll-IS MANY was sunk as lltc linal results. in addition. there l with a previous Scharnhorst. at the Falkland Islands battle in l‘)l-i. So has passed the ".\lediterrancan l will be a written test. leg“ of this coniinission: periods of calm and. at times, almost boredom. mixed with ;r|.irms and excursions of all kinds. leaving us with many nieniories. Some have beards and all are sun-tanned. The ship has travelled fat‘ and consumed vast quantities of stores. llow far and what aniottntsi’; HF. Royal .\'ai_v is to get live new yachts for cutlets at.,l)artmouth College Well. it is impossible to say what the leadership. initiative. diiiciplllte and sea-sense. particularly in figures will be when this is read. btit. l to "fosterfear of the sea at close quarters." Seamanship training craft. to give some idea. the figures for the } mercnming 2(Kl-odd ollicers and inert of H..\l.S. as they will he called. are being introduced as a result of the new training brought in at Britannia R..\'. College. Dartmouth. in 1955. because Salisbury \l.\ months after the com- .scheme 7 there is it pararnount need to find :i substitute for the experience which young mission started arc: formerly acquired in hoatttork during their Iinie as midshipnien. Steamed: l7.t)8ti miles (and about l ollicers in cllcct. the Board of .-\dntiralty=tbe laiitl-lockctl waters of the Baltic. another 8.000 by September 30): has decided. in an age of mechanical are not really suitable for naval trainFired: 388 rounds of 4.5 animunition 'and electronic aids. to place greater ling purposes in the weather and sea and 620 rounds of liofors animumtion: cinphasis on scanianship to makcleotiditions normally expected in the Consumed: (either by the ship or Icadcts of today even better titted to ('h:innel. I The lirsl of the I2}-ton Thariics the ships coriipaiiyl 2.790 pints of ‘conimand their ships in the t'uture. ‘|‘h.,- ti-.-¢ new mt-his ;.r._- to lic .|.,-. l measurement yachts is expected to be rtim. (1.750 tins of milk. 66‘) this -ufi lrcady in time for the start of next ._nluchc|L,, Lfiso lfins “f duxcl “ll. livered next year.’ .ye:ir's sailing season. They will be -t.l07 tons of fresh _watcr. ll.l'il5 “'”‘ " *“‘""'*"‘ 5!‘ i'‘~'‘ i5'.*“‘t"'*t'b'“'.'l‘!~‘..-\Clll.\‘G ‘SI-IA-S!-Z.\'Si-I‘ gallons of lubricating oil. l_.2(a5 pounds signed that it can be handled easily by of hard soap. 72 galvanised buckets Th!‘ I"-‘W (‘Ont-TF1 OT ll"-titling will an inexperienced crew. yet tttlcqtmlc to and 300 tons of potatoes. Over £25,000 iI1l‘lI-Itllt Oil-?«‘ll01'¢ Cruifiifltt Xlfld Ocean make the yacht a useful competitor in has been paid to_ollicers and men and “h¢'l“-‘W-'|' 0Pi30|1|fl|l|.\‘ occurs. ocean racing; a large cockpit and large it is stated that six children have been l IW-‘iflfl '1 iii‘ ll!!!‘-llllll ll“! lfilillilltl“ill leach chart table are being included in the born. young: oilicers “sea-sense.“ and that design to give facilities for navigaThose on board are now looking ; it will develop those qualities which tional training. Below. there will be forward to seeing their families again austerity accommodation am.l berths they will need as naval ofiicers certain memand also. according to a Present sailing experience at Dart- for seven. "a good mouth is gained in ex-German 50- The new yachts are being eagerly ber of the ship's company. to It square-metre windfall yachts acquired xawaited by the Britannia R.N. College. rain." of grey sky and :i nice drop is hoped that the ship will return to fill the end of the Second World War. ;and by achtsmen on the south coast, t ey are expected to make a Devonport on November 2‘). They are nearing the end of their uscC. P. ftil life and. as they were designed for special impact.





and SPIRITS for the Festive Season Cliristxiias tiinc—whcii wiiics. spirits and cigars become a necessity for the Season's festivities. I-‘or Mess and Wardroom, Naafi has large stocks of wine-.s_. spirits and liqueurs of the highest quality—carel'ully chosen and carefully bottled. In ;\'aali cellars tltc correct temperature is -'1-s 11 \\ll L .'t:' IHICd—tl Ill) Lllillflllgtl.t \\ 'l)'3 IIl'llIl 3 l-. reach perfection under ideal conditions. '.l."itiv.: lists showing the complete range of wines of choice vintages are obtainable on request.



NAAFI The oflicial canteen on-ariilatiori for H. M. Forces


Telephone: Reliance me





Ocean Racing as the Sea



Training for Cadets









' '


November. I958

‘.\'A\"Y NEWS


Moth-balls to ‘ready for action’ in one week




HE First Destroyer Squadron. consisting of IL)“. Ships Sulebay (Capt. R. L. Alexander. D.S.O.. D.S.(.‘.). Lagos (Cdr. D. Jemmin, D.S.(.'. :ind liar) and lloguc (Cdr. V. A. l). Turner. D.S.C.). pay oh‘ and reeomritission on .\'ovcmbcr25. Tlte_v have been the first group of Battle class destroyers to bear this proud name which has survived since the beginning of this century. Dtiriiig their ll! months they have seen service front the Mediterranean to Ieelantl and nlll all have steamed well over 40,000 miles. The ships were brought forward waters the First Destroyer Squadron front reserve and commissioned in has formed part of the Home Fleet. May. I957: Solebay and Lagos at Chat- taking part in the suntnter and auttnitit ham. Hoguc at Devonport. Solebay had cruises. During the suntnter they had a an tintistial start. being brought front heavy programme of exercises starting operational reserve to readiness for with three weeks‘ weapon training in service in exactly one week. This Scottish waters. This was followed by operation. known as Exercise "Sleep- an interesting diversion when. in coming Beauty IV." was designed to test pany with Birmingham. the (iordons the iitternal organisatioit for bringing and Queen's Own (‘ameroit Highforward a ship. as well as the port lattders were ntoved at high spectl organisation for providing stores. pro- front Dover to a beach near Southvisions. ammunition. etc.. at shortl wold. Liaison and language ditlicttltics notice and without advanced warning. were perhaps simplified by having a The ship's company were greeted oni Scotsman as Captain (D)! It also eitthat first day with a sealed and "ntoth- abled Solcbay to stay for a pleasant proofed" ship. but a week later she! week-end at the scene of her battle tin steamed towards Portsmoittli. her! l(i72 against the Dutch). Other escrhome port. with all guns tiring and cises were carried out with the Danish ready for war! Navy in the Skaggerak. with the I)iitch and Germans in the North Sea. and MEDl’l'l-IRRANI-JAN SI-1R\'lCl£ with the U.S. to the west The Squadron assembled at Port- of Ireland. Strikiitg Fleet with three finishing tip land in the first week of June. weeks’ for the Joint Anti-Stiband after three days of trials sailed for marine working School at Londonderry. Malta to work tip. During nine months in the Mediterranean nuttterous exerAlthough the summer saw the cises were carried out with both the Squadron fully cmplo_vei.l it had its American and French Navies and all lighter moments with some neverships spent a six-week period on to-be-forgottcn visits to Scandinavian Cyprus patrol. Some interesting visits ports. Perhaps the mom memonible were made. including Venice. Naples. was that to Gotbenburtt. “hen relaSplit and Haifa. Lagos also made it tively small and compact groups of memorable visit to her battle town in Navy blue were to be seen in the stands at some of the World Cup Portugal. Hoguc won the small ships "Cock" at the Fleet Regatta and Solefootball ntiitclies. bay won the Tlcet Bombardment Cup. TWO T0 ICI-Zl.A.\' 1) After retit at Malta and Gibraltar the Squadron returned home. paying For the last few ntonths of the contshort visits to Cadiz and Lisbon on the mission the Squadroit has front necesway. finally reaching home ports on sity had to be split. with Hogue attd March 30 this year. Lagos spending two threc-week periods Since returning to United Kingdom in Icelandic waters. .



ll.M.S. Dartington with ll.M.S. Wolvcrton astern

TWO -MATTERS IN WI-HCH NAVY villagers CANNOT BE MATCIIED ship's Dzirtington Two sailors trudge 13 miles

After church. some of the entertained the company to lunch and later in the afternoon there was a cricket match at Hall. The result of this match need not be mentioned! Suflicc it to say that the tcant have beaten Devonport ..\l.S. t)artington. it coastal lTIll'tt.'.\\\'CC|'K'l'of the Coniston Class. was cont- lhomc Services this year—and they provide a missioned at Hytlte on September -1. under _the command of l-ieiit.-Cdr. J. K. Arbutltitot. R.N.. for service in the l08tlt Minesvveeping Squadron on the very good tea! The ship‘s crest has. with the perMediterranean Station. A firm liaison with the ship's "home cers entertained representatives of the ntission of Dr. L. K. Elnthirst. been town." which is near Totncs. Devon. community to cocktails on board. This adapted front that which is carved in was established front the start of the was followed by it dance in honour of stone under the porch of Dartington commission by the Vicar of Darling- the ship's company in the village hall. Hall. It is of John Holland. halfton (Rev. Quintin Morris). who con- That this function was popular and brothcr of Richard ll. who lived at the dticted the commissioning service. well patroniscd by both sailors and the Hall dtiring that reign. The crest coitsists of the White Hart of John HolPrior to pronouncing the Blessing. the village maidens was evident from Vicar addressed those present with itintc it took the bits _to start o_fl' back land and Richard ll (this is really the these words: "I bring with me today to Dartmouth after the dance. (Two badge of their mother. the fair maid of the heartfelt good wishes of the people sailors even walked it———all 13 miles- Kent) superimposed on the Red Rose of Dartington attd wish you God's trite arriving back on board just in time for of Lancaster. This. on a background of blue and white waves. makes .1 most Blessing this day. In a famous passage 4 both watches!) On Sunday approximately half the attractive crest. and one of which the in the llook of Proverbs. the atithor attended morning scr- ship is justly prottd. says that foui' things are a inystery to ship's contpa There are many plans afoot for him. 'l'\vo of thent are not ottr con- lvicc in the village church. The first fl.ieiit. P. .l. V. Ttike. R.N.) maintaining close corttact with the vilcern. but the last two are~thc way of the captain read the lessons. The lage. amongst themnthe exchange of a ship iii the midst of the sea. and the ;.'tl‘ld way of a man with a maid. l tinder- ‘ship presented an ensign and a ship's monthly newsletters and a schctnc to stand that in both these Hcr .\fajesty's crest to the church and these were con- exchange Christmas greetings by tape secrated by the Vicar. recorder. Royal Navy is iitintatelted. “We are proud th:it this ship has established a coittact with us which. we hope. may never be broken. attd we wish each one of you fellowship iit yotir work together and protection front every dattger to which man is .








WI-IF.l\'-IEND VISIT Before finally sailing for the Mediter-

land on Eagleprefer steaks to turkey The Owl and the I'ri.t-.i_v-(‘til Wt’!!! to .|l'll In it Ilruiiti/Ml [P('fl']..'I('('Il limit. Tlir'_v rook sonic limit-_i'. mill [7f¢‘Ill'_\' of mom'_\'.

ranean. the ship paid it week-ettd visit to Dartntottth in order to forge an even closer liitk with the village. On the Saturday evening the captain and oili-

ll'rri/tpeil up



fire-pnimil note.

NoT.1 was da y of big join-up

HE aircraft

carrier Eagle


steaming I00 miles from Cyprus “hen :tn unexpected visitor did :i shaky circuit of the 800-foot-long flight deck before making a bad landt\'lI"IC.-\'l'I()N of the Royal Naval Reserve and the Royal Navall ing. lt was a deck landing vvhiclt \\tll Volunteer Reserve took effect on .\'oveiiilier I. All permanent R.N.\’.R.l not be recorded in the oflieial deckand R.N.\’.(W.)R. Ollieers then setting are imiteil to transfer to the R..\'.R. I lilndllltl l“l3~ h|"WWT- ll‘-‘C-“"¥‘ ll “"5 R..\'.V.(W.)R. and R..\'.\'.(l’.)R. ratings


Bernard: latest Gift Catalogue has been sent to all customers and if you have not seen a copy and would like to do so. please call in at a_ branch or send to Head Oflice. Through the Bernard Direct Despatch Service a customer‘: choice of gifts may be sent to any "!'Q.‘_,f'P,"1t'lwI".u'.""'fi address desired accompanied by personal messages or greeting cards and timed to arrive on any day cash the


cost to






of orders may be credit account for

settlement by Admiralty Allotment or Banker's Order. A Gift Voucher Scheme is operated for those customers who would like their friends to choose their own gifts. Full details of these facilities and of the Bernard service whereby :1 customer's complete requirements may be readily obtained will gladly be given on request at a branch or through Head Office.


.\’:ition:cl Service oflicers. who at Edward l.ear's well-knoivn poem. H..\l.S. l-Iagle was the first British training. present hold temporary appointments aircraft carrier ever to embark an No change is involved in the title. ‘in the R.N.\'.R.. will be given tentstatus or training of seagoing .\lereltant porary appointinertts in the R.N.R. to operational squadron of jet figltters. Service olllcerv at present serving in conform with the change of title of so she is glad of the arrival of two wise old outs to itotclt tip another the R.N.R.. or of ollieers and ratings‘ L the permaiient Reserves. record. The ship’s cat will be as sorry of the lliltlllt: fleets at present serving New \viinteit's title as the rest of l;'agle's contpany to see in tlte R..\’.R. (Patrol Service). Titey On the same date the \\’omen's Royal their feathered guests leave. bttt will. in future. form lists I :tnd 2 :N:t\al Volunteer Reserve will be re- l’.().l’.'l‘.l. l.a\\rence l’ayne. of Scotton respectively in the R.N.R. Otlicers of the R.N.R. Air llraitch : named the Women's Royal t\'aval Re- (irange. Kttrtrcsltitrottglt. Yorksltire. will be transferred to the Special .-\ir serve t\\’.R.t\'.R.). and the title of the xtlio pickeil tip the two owls. has seen List. on which there is no training existing \\’.R..\‘.R. (it list of ex- that tiie three animals ll:t\t: not ltad tW.R..\'.S. otlicers and ratings willing the opportunity to meet formally. tibligatioii. R.N.V.R. ollieers and ratings will .'to be recalled in emergency) will be Despite detailed plans by the ship's transfer to Lists 3 to IS of the R.N.R.. 'changed to \\’ontcn's Royal Naval company to arrange :i ceremonial dep.-ndiitg oit the aittount of training Supplementary Reserve t\\’.R.N.S.R.). latincliing. the owls refused to leave The position of oflieers holding the ship at lstanhiil. itecessary to lit them to take their place 1 iii the Royal Navy in the event of appointments in tltc R.N.V.R. for serOrnithological experts among the ritobiliitation. This will vary from H vice with the Sea Cadet Corps and carrier's 2.000 officers and men are days‘ continuous training plus 80 hotirs Combined Cadet Force (Naval Sec- puzzled by the owls‘ refusal to leave their temporary quarters after their (or eight week-ends) non-continuous lions) is still under consideration. traiitiitg annually for those on List 3. to The Royal -‘vlarinc Forces Volunteer 800-mile lift across the Mediterranean no training obligations for fully Reserve and the Royal Naval Volun- and think their refusal may be contrained otliecrs and ratings oit l.ist l5. teer Supplementary Reserve are not nccted with the steak and vegetables 'l‘r.iiniitg will be carried out at Re- affected. they have been eating.


Where it is


for continuous and itoit-eontiititotis





being iniit edl made by it cock short-cared o_vvl. distres\cd and exhausted oti a ntigratory to re-engage in-the R.N R. lserve The Royal Naval Reserve \\ill con'l‘r;tirting (L-titres" throogltout the tligltt across the .\lcditerr:titcan! sis! of l5 different training lists. The lcottntry. in mineaweepers attached to Tvsenl)-fottr hours later ltts ttiatc list to which each ollicer or rating is l Sea Trainiitg Centres and in H..\l. Ships arrived in an equally unorthodox manner to make a I958 version of attached depends on his obligzitioits I aitd Shore l-Lstahlishttients. and all R..\'.\’.R..

iii}: fins" Q ilaappiizr Gthriatmas





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New. Naval Discipline Act

November 195!


Royal Navy Sailing



quire into the workings of the Discipline Acts in all three services. and it




In this. the first

of two articles about the new Naval Discipline /lct. |t‘lIlCll is to Ive rItforc¢'r_l from Jttltttttry l. the writer explains the rctt.ron.r leading up In Iltt.' mlrmlttclum of the new Act. In a secottrl article to he plllIll.\’llCt'lnext mrmtlr. u mnmmry will be mmle of .\‘()Ittt.' of the more irnpurtunt clnmgrs u-lticlt are lu-iug inlrmluccd am! also an attempt to /on-ca.rt. how. if at all. they will ll[lt'(‘t the .srn'r'tt_t,- mutt. _

OU may have seen in the newspapers and in a recent Admiralty Fleet Order that there is to be a new Naval Discipline Act from I95‘). What are the reasons which led up to the introduction of this new Act’! The present Naval Discipline Act was passed by Parliament in I866. To understand it properly and to appreciate some of its rather high-sounding phrases. it is necessary to consider the background against which it was drafted. In the l860s the Navy was rather in the doldrums. After the Napleonic Wars ended in IRIS it had been drastically reduced in Sllc. It had not had any very serious calls made on il—-except perhaps by the Crimean War—in the last 40 years or so, and things had not really progressed very much since Nelson‘s titne. Sail was still considered the principal lllcalh of propulsion. except by a few revolutionaries. The press gang and the cat. although no longer used. were still

the Act is still considered to be odequatc today even under modem conditions. Vnval olliccrs and men are believed to be quite satisfied with its conditions and it has been stretched


cover-—quite adcqualeIy—nearly

all the demands which are made on it

today. Why then. you will ask. has it been necessary to bring in a new Act? Well. to provide the answer to that it is

necessary to go hack to the First World War when conscription was first introduced. As a result of conscription huge numbers of men were drafted into the Army. and it was this which first drew public attention to the Service Discipline Acts.

grcs~ai\-el_v lighter and there was a strong ebb tide throughout. Tilly came off worst in a billing match and. in spite of brilliant sailing by Fairbank and .\lune_v. this handicap proved too H..\l.S. Newcastle. the seventh ship great: the Navy consequently lost the ‘ of her name in the Royal Navy. served match by I; poims. So the R.A.l". became the I-'lrelIy in the Atlantic. Mediterranean and champions for the third time in sucFar East during the Second World cession. As at Scavicw. the Navy War. She was afterwards completely gttined the highest total aggregate modernised and took part in the points but lost to the R.A.I-'. by :1 Korean campaign. very slender margin. The R.A.l-'. team are to be congratulated on pulling it oil" in unal'.‘I.‘llSlt)|ttt.‘lI tidal




Long-service engagements were just being introduced and seamen were able to pick their ships as most of them still only signed on for a commission at a time. It was against this background that the I866 Act. with its rather archaic wording. some of which is copied frotn even earlier Acts. was pztssed. llowcvcr. despite its :tntiquil_v—it p is now nearly lot) years old—it has been made to work pretty well and ‘

DRAI-TING Admiralty Fleet Order 2403/$8 lists Home Sea Service ships. their base ports. for the guidance of ratings who wish to volunteer for a particular ship.

.\'l-'.l{l) NOT llA\’l-'. JOIN!-'.l) Up to this titnc there had onl_v been volunteers in the services, and if the discipline and pttnishrneuts at that little my have appeared at litsl sight to be a little severe. the answer was that the :1 ceremony at Ne\vcastle-onmen liable to it were all volunteers and. Tyne on October [-1. H.M.S. Newof course. if they did not like. well- castle. now paying oil at Portsmouth Ihen they needn't have joined! before being scrapped. returned to the In the First World War the great city the silver valued at several hunmajority were conscripted melt. and dred pounds that il presented to the people began to ask whether it was ship and her predecessor of the same quite fair that these men who were not name, a four-funnellcd cruiser of volunteers should be subjected to what the First World War. appeared to be stricter punishment. 'l'h._- party of 50 ollicers and ratings than that to which they had been liable and mi: Royal Marines band from the , as civilians. and whether they should cruiser. who travelled to Newcastle. not as :t safeguard. be allowed to re- was led by her ('omn1anding Ollicer. lain the right of appeal which they had Capt. A. ll. C. Gordon Lennos. forfeited on being called up. l).S.().. R.N.. nephew of the Duchess ()f course. as soon as the First World of Northumberland_ who launched War ended. people forgot about this the ship at \’ickers-.-\rmstrongs' yard and it was not until the Second World at Newcastle in I936. War that public interest was renewed Among the silver returned to in the Service Discipline Acts. and Newcastle-on-Tyne is_ the silv_c._- bell when conscription was continued after presented by the civic authorities at the war it became a political question the time of the ship‘s launching. silver of some importance. As a result a num- plaques. bowls :tnd dishes used on ber of committees were set up to en- formal occasions by the wardroom mess and also the silk enstgns presented during the Second World War by ladies of the city.



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conditions. The Ru_\4tl

I.ieut~('ommander R. S. l. Hawkins tR.N. Signal School. St. lludeausl. Captain. Surgeon-('ontmander R. C‘. Mooney tR.N. Air Station. llramcotcl. N anti-submarine frigate for the I.ieulenanl-Commander.I. M. A. FairIndian Navy. l.N.S. Kuthar. was bank ll~l.M.S. Excellent) and (‘unstruclaunched on October I4 at the shipyard tor-l.ieulenanl (i. J. Tilly. R./\.N. of Messrs. 1. Samuel White and Co. (R.N. College. Greenwich). Ltd.. Cowes. Isle of Wight. The launching and naming ceremony was performed by Mrs. Usha Rajwadc. wife of llrigadtcr D. G. R. Rajwade. Mili“DISCOVERED” tary Adviser to the High Commissioner for India in the United Kingdom. and AT carried Inin the traditional out was THE "VlCTI.\l" in a recent "This is dian manner. |.N.S. Kuthar is the third frigate of Your Life" television programme on j her ty pc to be acquired by the Indian : IHLC. was “Professor" Jimmy ': Navy. The ship is 310 feet in extreme lidwartls. The ll.ll.C. producer. Charles Maxthe Hat length (300 feet between perpendiculars) and has a beam of 33 feet. She is well. told the eompere. Eamon in the time “good a upon Andrews. how he first "discovered" . powered by geared turbines of an adold dn_\s“ there was at "salt 2 vanecd design. Jimmy Edwards whilst he was taking heel’ squire" whose shore-going “ The Kuthar is armed with three Bo- part in a variety show at Chatham rig consisted of frock coat. striped fors guns and two three-barrellcd anti- Barracks which included Richard ll‘0l.l5¢Ps‘ and tall but. of which he submarinc mortars which can fire a Murdoch. Kenneth Horne. Eric Barker was very proud and always spent pattern of large projectiles with accur- and Harold Warindcr. himself time ready getting a quite Mr. Maxwell was so impressed that acy. She will have the necessary speed for the beach. for anti-submarine work. The living he signed Jimmy Edwards up to appear Now the said gentleman had a accommodation has been so designed in the radio show "Navy Mixture." and weakness for tritllng with governthat the ship will be capable of operat- eventually “Take it From Here." that ment stores. ; ing in all climatic conditions withottl well-known radio show which ran for One evening. as his ship lay discomfort to the ollicers and men. about l0 years. alongside the jetty at Portsmouth. he started to hcetlc oll' ashore. (Suing down the brow. which was rather steep. he slipped and had some dilliculty in getting on an even keel again. This was seen by BAY the duty olliccr. who sent the Corporal of the Gnngwny to his assistance. After the corpoml had OLLOWING ottr article on a jour- ceiving news of their families. because got hint: on to his feel he proceeded to recover the tall hat. which had ncy by car from Singapore to Lon- letters written to them were sent by been displaced. and found there don by four ratings of ll..\l.S. Mounts ordinary surface mail. was :t hautmock hook screwed into Bay. the "explorers" have received Christmas cards sent from or to the ‘ and the top of the hat and hanging on after it has recommissioned must many letters of encouragement ship the which they be sent by air mail. the book was st pot of paint and a r advice. The cost of trip. which inand hrturlr.———W. G. ll0l.BR(lW. are bearing themselves cludes a I95-t hard-lop Laud-Rover. is about £800. HA NTS and DORSET One of the team in writing to his mother said lllat even if it means pushCaravan Service Ltd. ing the Land-Rovcr over a mountain or two. they intend to get through. PORTSMOUTH l-lli l5lh annual reunion dinner of Cosham 76952 RI-ZCO.\lMlSSl()NlNG the l-Iarwrch Naval Force (WI-l-I8) Otfmal Main Distributors approved by H.M.S. Mounts llay \\ill be recom-Association was held in l.ondon on Saturday. October II. and was well missioning at the end of l\'ovemberlltlx : The National Caravan Council supported by mcinhers and their year for further service in the fur; LARGE DISPLAY OF NEW AND Fast. and the new ship s company will I friends. USED CARAVANS FROM air. the at be by ship Singapore joining L. Citron. l was Presiding Capt. Philip »l).S..\l.. l-LN. lex Arelhusa). aecom-I Commander W. J. Woolley informs panned by the founder and IN“-I ch:ur- the Ntwv Nuv:-; that he was anxious lllllll. Ctlf. C. L. A. \Vt|tllllll'(l. R.N. i [[19 ngw ship's; cun1p;jn_\- §I]()[|ld bc ju- l f iU'Iil_5lll"lL‘ilI- ”“'l_"t! II‘ l_hL‘ lltjfllll 05 1 formed that ordinary air letters and air ‘ ‘Admiral Sir Reginald "Iyrwlutt and I letter cards cost f1tl.. and that men * New Eolior To-rrrn Admiral Sir Louis Ilamilton. the should lcll their families wk Sites in this and all an” ; association was without a president. 1 Forces air letter cards may be obtained 1 * Hiro floor of I959 models but at the Nose of the dinner Capt. ‘; front Post Otlices. and the charge fori * Part oxchango or purchaso (‘mun was unanimously elected to till 3 these is 3d. Commander Woolley was * Skilled repairs and repainting the vacancy. 2 very anxious that men should inform catalogues, quoParticulars as to membership should ‘- their families. because at the begin- ~k Touring information, tations. otc.. tree upon application I be adtlress-ed to Mr. F. C‘. 'l‘hompson.E ning of the last commission of H..\I.S. OPEN WEEKENDS hon. secretary. I4 Sunnymede Drive. .\luunts Bay a number of the ship's Ilfortl. raw.-x. company went a long time without re-



ACING for the John lllingworth Cup for the Inter-Command Firefly Championship was conducted from ll..\l.S. Vanguard at Portsmouth on September 27 and 28. The five home Commands and the Home Fleet entered leans; the Britannia l-LN. College was again pcmtittcd to enter it learn of olliccrs under training so that seven tennis took part. A prograrnmc of seven races, each between three teams. was completed in conditions of spring tides and winds varying from fresh to strong on the Saturday to light on the Sunday. The Dartmouth team. competing and conducted by the Association of Clubs from H.M.S. principally to gain experience in better Service Yacht company. proved good enough to take Vanguard in Portsmouth on Saturday away the cup from the holders (Ports- and Sunday. October ll and I2. Each team raced against both the mouth). Thcir agility and ability to continue racing after capsizing was other teams on the Saturday and the programme was repeated on the Sunnoteworthy. The Dartmouth helmsmen were: day. lhe crews having changed boats. to have Midshipmen Chapman (captain). Caw- One Service was considered when it lhra. McCIintock. Bunbury and Cadet gained a win over another gained higher aggregate points in their Somcrville-Jones. The final order was: Britannia R.N. two races. Saturday the Royal Navy College l2l5 points; Home Air Com- On the their races. while on Sunday mand II9} points‘. Portsmouth H5} won both forenoon the Navy beat the Army who points: Plymouth Ill} points: The in turn beat the R.A.l-‘.. However. the Nore 98} points: Scotland 9-! points; R.A.F. had higher aggregate points in Home Fleet 60 points. their races with the Army so all INTER-SERVICES TEAMS depended on the afternoon race beteam tween the Royal Navy and the R.A.F. inter-Ser_vice__ Racing for the chzunptonshtp was sailed in l-treflys This race was started in a light southerly wind which beeante pro-

is as a result of their and recommendations that we are now to have this new Act. FAIR PUNISIIMENTS So far as the Navy is concerned the general conclusions reached were that the'prescnl system of naval discipline was entirely satisfactory and that punishments were fairly and justly administered. It was pointed ottt. however. that in view of the many advances which had taken place in the service since 1866. that much of the old Act. which talked about things like corporal punishment and prize money which no longer exist. was out of date. Flying offences and certain circumstances arising from the use of radar are not covered by the old Act. It is chiefly for this reason that it has been considered necessary to bring in a new Act. At the same time the opportunity has been taken to make a number of other changes. and an attempt to describe the major ones and their effect on the serving tnan will be made next month.


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November. I958



R.N.'V.R. Minesweeper/siPart SUBMARINE CAPTAIN’S FATHER in N.A.T.O. Exercises

Nil-'ICA'l‘l()N of the Reserves on Noveinher 1 is not expected to affect the actitities of the it coastal and one inshore niinesweepers (lonttini: the ' lotst Minesweeping Squadron) which are attached to Rt.-sertc Sea 'I'r.tining Centres at ports ttround tlte Ilritish Isles. Altltottglt :i siitall pcrmaneiit stall‘:' escort when lI..\l Yacht Britannia left . of Active Service ratings and cisilians llarwicli for Her .\l;ijest_v's state visit I is attacltetl to each centre for main-; to tlolland. and later in the _vcar tenaitcc duties, the sltips when they‘ H.M.S. Moittrose (Tay Division) coiiiinissioit for training exercises and escorted Her .\l:ijesty front Tay our cruises are inaiuied entirely by Royal conclusion of her visit to Fife. | Naval Reserve Otliccrs and Ratings. After attending the Festival of; Wales. lI.R.l-l. The Duke of lidinbtirglt I-I-day Contiitissiuiis The obligatory continuous training was escorted to the Scilly isles by H..\l. for Ollicers and Ratings on List 3 of Ships St. David (Sotitlt Wales Divi-‘ the United Reserve. tlte majority of- sioit) and Venturcr (Severn Ditisioril. whom are attaclietl to Sea Training On her visit to Northern Ireland. ll.M. (‘t:ntres. is H days st year. The ships Queeii I-Zli/abeth The Queen .\loilicr. therefore contntission with Reserve was escorted front Liverpool by lI..\l.S. .\Iersey (.\ler.sey Division) anti into complements for 1-3 clays at a time. oit Ilelfast by H.M.S. Kiltnorcy (Ulster; each occasion with ditlerent Captains. ' Division). otliccrs and ships‘ companies. The litliciency Trophy I958 training season is now ending. The Thornycroft 'l'rophy presented and during the suinincr each ship has been in comntission for at least three by .\lessrs. 'l'hornycroft's for awartl the most cllicient mincl-l-day periods and, in addition. for caclt year’in to the Squadron has this year sweeper tllL)\l week-ends. been won by H..\I.S. .\loittrose (Tay Miitestveeping l-Exercises Division). arttl will be to the In July all It coastal niineswecpeis 1 (‘aptain of the Divisionpresented J. C. i assembled at Port l-Cdgar in the Firth L. Anderson. \’.R.D.. (Captain R.N.R.l later of l"ortli for Exercise Forthright. coit- in the Last year's winner. H..\l.S. duetetl by tlte I-‘lag Otlicer. Scotland. Curzonyear. (Sussex Division) and H..\l.S. ('onimaitder (i. I.. F. Hunt. R.I).. Venturer (Severn Division) were joint I R.N.R.. in ll.hl.S. Venttirer (Severn rtinners~ttp. Divisioii) was appointed as Senior 'l‘r-.iinini: Centres Ollicer of tlte Squadrott. and the The Sea Centres at Lon-. Atlittiral Ctlllllllitnding Reserves (Vice- don. Hove.Traiiiting Southampton, Bristol. Admiral Kaye lidden. (_'.ll.. 0.li.l;'.) Cardili. l.iverpoo|. Belfast. (ilasgowg; llew ltis (lag in tlte frigate Teazer for Dundee. lidinbttrgh and Newcastle part of the exercise. mainly train the volunteers from civilAll ships have taken part in one ian life who now form Lists 3-15 of l\'.A.'l'.(). exercise. six visiting Dutch .the Unified Reserve. Young men beand lielgian ports for Exercise Covcr- tween I6; and 26 who live close point in Jtinc. attd tltc remainder tak- ‘enough to attend weekly drill nights trig p:irt itt Exercise Shipsltapc in the are eligible to volunteer. The age limit South Western Approaches dtiring is raised to 40 for ex-R.N. ratings or September. Nctlterlands Naval Ollicers 45 for specially recommended Chief. expressed hstonisliment that it was Petty Ollicers and Petty Ofliccrs. l possible to eomntission six ships with Radio Communication ratings are Reserve Otliccrs and Ratings on it Fri- trained :tt Wireless Training Centres day evening. steam them several in 45 cities and large towns throughhundred miles. and he ready to'take out the country. part in an intensive miiiesweeping exercise froitt art allied base on the







;\Ionda_v morning. Advanced mll'tCS\\t:t:plng training has been carried otit from Portsniouth. where during the stintnter. each sltip visited ll..\l.S. \'eritoit for




THE ROYAL NAVY The ancient guardian of our shores. And keeper of the seas. Ilattler in :t thousand wars. I)efender of liberties.

The proud White Ensign long has tlown Above your mighty fleets. .-\rotind the world yotir flag is knowit As ruler of the dccps. The tyrant ne'er shall make ynii bow To his ertslaving will. I-"or always watelting. then as now, You bring his plans to nil.

Eagle. Dreatlnought. Ajax. Lion.

Such honoured names as these. Shall live forever in the minds Of all who sail the seas.

Caniperdown attd Jcllicoe.

Blake aitd Nclsoit too. Where'er you sail these great go.

bring to yoit. Your history. long and glorious. ls not yet nearly done. For still you'll sail victorious,

And honour

Until the peace is

And then. as keeper of the peace. Oh. still your fame will grow. ‘Till all vain thoughts of war shall cease

when the Union Jack you show. So hcrc‘s to the

Navy of the

Qucen— A gallant band of men.

Finer. Britain's never seenThey‘ll glory win for her again. GEORGE CATI'ERl.lN. Dayton. Ohio. U.S.A.

The number of ratings‘ married n quarters occupied totals about

by. and printed with permission of. Commander W. B. Rowbotham. Royal Navy. 0MPI|.F.D

P. A. 0‘l.e:tr_v. D.S.O.. awarded G.C. for work in connection with escape of Allied prisoners. November I. l‘)l-l—Vice-Admiral November 6. l9l4—-Bll proceeded Sir Christopher Crrtdock (Good Hope) two miles tip the Dardenelles. defeated by Vice-.-\dmir:tl Graf Von November 8. l942-—Landing in Spec (Schariihorst) off Coronel.‘Good North Africa (Operation Torch). November 9. t9t-t—Sydney desHope and Monmouth stink. November 3. l9l-$—Bombardment troyed German crtiiser Emden at the by Anglo-French Squadron of the Corns Island. outer forts at Dardanellcs. November ll. I9-t0—F.A.A. attack November 3. l‘)l«l-——Gcrntan battle ,on Italian battleships at Taruitto by cruisers bombard near Gorleston. squadrons from Illustrious and November -1. I‘)!-$——Gcrntan cruiser two lent from Eagle. Karlsrulie stink in Atlantic. November 12. I9-t0—7th C.S. under November 5. 185-t—Battle of Inher- Vice-.»\dntiral II. D. Pirdharit-Wippell man. \'.Cs.—Cttpt. William Peel and (Orion) sank one ship and set two Midshipman Edward St. John Daniel. others on fire of ait escorted convoy both of Diantond. l.ieut. W. N. W. of fottr ships olf Valoiia. November I2. Hewett. of Beagle. Se-amen 'l'. Reeves. I94-i—Lancastcr J. Gonnnn. M. Seholeticld and Cpl. J. bombers of No. 5 Group. Bomber Command. sank German battleship Prettyjohn. R.M. November 5. I940-—~Jervis Bay sunk Tirpitz at Trontso. by Gcrittaii pocket battleship Atlniiral November I3. l9-l-l——Bcllona. Kent Scltcer. \'.C.--Acting Capt. E. S. F. (Rear-Adntiral R. R. t\lcGrigor— C.S.l.). Algonguin. Myngs. Verularn Fegen. November 5. l9-J6-Licut.-Cdr. and Zambesi attacked escorted convoy










13 Clarendon Road, Southsea Telephone




NAVY BOXING ON UP-GRADE? ll-ZCT. R. V. Smith. Royal .\‘ai_v. Portsmouth Command Boxing Secrctziry. must have been encouraged by the number entered for the Portsnioutlt Command Notices Boxing Championships. 1958. Held at the l'orL~iiiiouth Navrtl Barracks on October I and 2. there were 86 entries.

Although tltcrc

style or finesse. the bouts showed that there was plenty of enthusiasm and spirit. and with coaching and experience was

very little

several of the boxers should eventually make the Command team. AB. BIe;tnc_v. of Dryad. impressed with his three first-round knockouts. but he has some unorthodox mannerisms to eliminate. E..-\. Apprentice Pascoc (Coilingwood) and R.O.3 Fogarty (.\tcrctiry) were the best stylists but both need to be a little more rugged. The highlight of the tinal evening was :1 special light-weigltt con"tcst between A.B. Jackson of ll..\l.S. Excellent, and J. Buckner. of ‘llillside Boxing Club. The crowd thoroughly enjo,ved this contest.

sinking six out

of seven of convoy and three out of four escorts. November I4. I944—BmckIesby and Whcatland bombarded Bar. Adriatic. November IS. I798—Capturc of

Minorea (Commodore John Duck-

worth (Lcviathan)). November I6, I857-Shannon's Naval Brigade at attack on Sikandarbagh and the sham Nujef. Lucknow. \'.Cs.—Lieut. N Salmon. 5 """i"°|‘|. Capt. of foretop Llcut. T. J. Young. A.B. Williatru "all (all of Shannon). November I7. I9l7—Light cruiser action ofl' Heligolatid. V.C.—John A. Carless. ()rd. (Cali.-don). November l9. |9lS—S.Cdr. R. Bell Davis. R.N.A.S.. awarded \’.C. at

despite the stabbing left of Buckner, Jacksott. with it brilliant dlsplay of counter-punching and and

ring-work. obtained the decision.

'l'he Santuels Trophy for the winning team was again won by lI..\l.S. sixth successive

Cri)l ingwood—their w n.

Individual winners




At your service


..\l. Submarine Rorqual. the second of the Porpolse Cl'.L\$, capable of high underwater speed and continuous suhnterged patrol in any part of tire world. “as eornniissioned at the Barron-in-I-‘urncss yard of her builders. \‘iclt'ers-.-\nttstrt'in;-,s Ltd., on Friday, October 24. To combat the boredom of long Il..\t.S. Rorqual was launched on of periods submerged patrol. the sub- December 5. 1956. by Mrs. A. W. marine is equipped with a cinenta pro- llemsted. datigltter of Vicev.-'tdritir.iI jcctor and a tape recorder. The six \V. J. \V. \Voods, C.l3.. l).S.O.. the then otiiccrs and 64 ratings have bunks with foam latex mattresses. strip lighting. Flag Ollicer. Siibmariites. and is coninylon curtains and laiiiinztted plastic manded by l.ieut.~('tlr. J. A. (i. titans. and wood panelling. which all em- R.N.. who joined the Siilimarme phasise the intprovemcnts which have Branch of the Royal Navy in I‘)-t-1. been made in the habit:tbility of sub- His wife and two eltildrcit live in marines over the past 50-odd years. Fareliani. lliimpshire. :ind his two There is an air-conditioning plant brotliers are also serving iii the R.N for cool air iii the tropics and heat in The contniissioning ser\it:i.‘ .it the Arctic. apparatus to distil fresh .li:irrow-iit-Furness was conducted by water from sea water for tlrinlting his father. the Rev. J. I’. livans. Rector purposes. and stowage for large quan- of 'l‘idiit.'ir~li. licrksltire. who was lii.iititles of stores and provisions to enable self in the Royal Navy from WI-3 to Rorqual to remain oit patrol for I936 and again from 1940 iiittil the nionths without any outside support. end of the Second World War.


accommodation at Eastney and Stamnow shaw which is now projected. Foreign Visits i M50. and the The numbers on the waiting list have estate on which Ships of the squadron have {re- ‘building is stillonly in progress is at grown appreciably smaller. although qtieiitly been seen in continental ports Rowner. ()n this estate 100 more it is dillicult to say whether this is a during the stimnter as all l-t-day train- flats are approaching about completion. In permanent feature or just a passing ing periods have included a threc- or addition. some 900 privately owned phase. Further. it appears that at this four-day foreign visit. Twenty-four houses and flats are hired by the Ad- season private accommodation for hire ports in Norway. Denmark. Holland. miralty for ratings in the Portsmouth is becoming easier to find. France, Eire and the Channel Islands married uarters scheme. On October 20 the state of the rosters have been visited this year. mostly by One o the diflicultics experienced in Portsmouth Command was as two or more ships in company. is that the majority of married quarters follows: chief petty ofliccrs. 27 (top is in the Gosport area. This will be of roster application. August 28. I958); Royal Escort.-i In .\larch. H.M. Ships Thames and rectified to some extent in the distant petty otlicers. 55 (August I4, I958): Isis (London Division) acted as local future by the construction of further junior ratings. I23 (August I0. 1958).







Ihnt.-tm-vteiiiht: L.R.E..\t. Williams rattling. Fcatl-ier-iiieiirht: Ann, Part-oc troltingwoodi.


l.ittht-neisht:0.5. llaiiih (Vcrrior-it vat-Itcr-weight: tmt. Lt. El-‘lI‘l\ (St. \'in-




\Vtll€l-Itllllll Leaty t()\i'ltC)‘l. Llxht middle-wetitht: A.H. lilcancy tl)ry:tdl._ Middle-tseieht: l‘..M. Mc\\'iIli.am\ (ColiinR-


Light tn.-av)--weight: tl.)\. Maltett (Vcrnmt). llcan-vteiithl: L.R'.li.M. llotnbt‘ l('olIit'|t!-




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Ferrljik railway junction.

November 20. t759—Battlc of Quiberon Bay. Admiral Sir Edward Hawkc (Royal George). .Novcnther 23. I939—Rawalpindi sunk by German Scharnhorst. November 24, 1939-First German magnetic mine recovered and dismantled by Licut.-Cdrs. J. G. D. Ouvry and R. C. Lewis (Vernon). D.S.O. for this service. November 25. l94l—B:irh:im sunk by German U33! on‘ Sidi Barani. November 27. l940——Action oil Cape Spartivento. Vice-Admiral Sir James F. Someville (Renown). November 28. l9l4—Cdr. H. P. Ritchie (Goliath) awarded \'.C. at Dar—cs-Salaam. November l652—Admiral 30, Robert Blake (Triumph) and Admiral Macrten Tromp (Brcderode) oil‘ Dungcness.

(Conn-rllolu In Octobvr lit: at cnntt-rlmrln. October 9. 186.7. For Tdplnx trad Frnnvha. Tniptn: war the mime al the Clilrmc rebellion and Frrixwha we: Ilrr name of Hit fl! when the an of gallantry tun pt-rlamrrd. ember J}. 1702. For llnmuzvtdla nod lIol'Jnndl'a.)

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November I953



HE branch delegates of Number One Area held their mecting_on September 27. and it was disappointing to find that the number of delegates was not so large as it should have been. It was. however, pleasant to observe the number of visitors. Unqiiestionably. the fact that football has its devotees reduces the attendance at

and at the same time it may be that the fascination of that little box in the corner—the “tely." the murderer of all social intercourse—affects attendance at such meetings. There were a few hectic moments during the evening when the chairman INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER had to exert his authority. but that is what meetings such as area meetPatron: H.H. The Saturday afternoon area meetings. ings are for—to ascertain the feelings of branches. and to thrash oirt problems which affect the area and the Association. As hosts for the nest autumn conference. it is necessary for Niunb-er One area to build tip the area funds to put on :i show contparahlc with those put on by other areas. ll can he done and there is an example to follow in Shipmale A. \\’oonton. of l-‘in-sltiiry. who (‘beam and Worcester Park won for Niunher One area the stanl\ovciiil‘ei 2‘). Dance at Cheam Social hearers‘ competition. (‘ongrattil;iClub. LESSED uith fine weather the Cenotaph Parade and Service this year was a simple. yet dignified dard tions to you. Sliipmate \\’oonton_ affair. It did seem for the first minute. that the march from the Horse Guards Parade to \\ irnbletlort l{L‘j.!1‘.ltllI'l‘__' the annual reunion. the i\at\cltll‘;'l IS. l);in'.'c 1-1 l’<'"'“=tl“ Cenotaph would he a lretlraiggletl titre. hat with the hands of the Kiiigstoit Sea Cadets and of tlie'r"«'du~‘~'I’- -‘iilirml-He |c~lis' -‘link-‘ll. ;


Admiral—85—.s°till considers Navy R.N.A. CALENDAR world’s finest service _


llt|l'.'l. -l\‘l3llil:.l. S.\\'.l7. l'Il\ II\\tl.'l.liC\ should be eortgi.zttiTraining Ship Arethusa. and the old training liaving its elfect. the marcliers were soon in step and arril l.itcil on the excellent slim-.. Sonic Hatrittt in real .\'av_v style. suiriging tilting ‘."l‘tIltll$lL‘s o er: Ii.-.'iril re;.-artlirtg the ;\tr\-.‘It‘il\.'t ll. l{eru.-inl»i.iiice S-.iitil.iy The short s.-nice at the f'euot.iph ‘-.\.‘is .‘\Lllllll$ll of the llecl the I-"ail of Illlllltl. in that il.iucrn;: could not entitl'.ir..ile. | l ttl'.‘ll.'L‘ until .it'tc.' ll p.iir.. and it is j\.\\L'..;l‘.'l l5. .'\l'ltlLl.tl l)ini:er in ; ils.'lt'. during ixliicli .-\th:'.ir.i| or the (mi. and ()rrer_\, \\l1o.e \.Illtl_\ lr;ii: lliwctl that on luttue tI‘v\‘.l.\ti\ll\ some fleet Sir John (’u:mii:-_.-h.uii laid the helicil his 35 _\c;ir~. and who referred li.\l l .t .\\'.l".. -.:r:.:~:-wzrterrts could he rrrziiie to cater .\~~oci.~.tioit\ \\l"‘tlll. could not fail to the l{o_\.il .\;iv_\ as "the linear l'ort~.i:in:itlt tor the i.c:n tl.'llli.'L‘l\. \tIlllt.' ot ulioin ln irnprc .s every is.-nice in the \\o.Z.i." Nmertiltei ‘J. ;i.r:t.: l’;it;itlc at .\':i'»;il; ;\I'ti'r h.i‘-e ll.l\L'll.‘tl co.-i.rn.ler.ihle dtxtatrccs. the service. held on the Satur- 1 E \\'.u \li':ll\tii.tl. Soiitlisca. and L i-.ic (T.-l.\‘-('. l‘t)ll'l’S‘-it)l"l‘ll .-\x the \ltt|\‘. eniletl \U Lite. lll.tll_\' tl.i_\ prior to 'l'r.'il:i' zir |).iy. the pzimilc p.ir.=.!: at the (iiiiltlliall. iir.irc!iei| up \\'bi'.eli.ill. trtid.-r .\ilmii— people louuil ll ittll\i\\\llVlC to ll.l\'..' ;i .-\nd so to th: l-uiale. (l\llll‘._t! xiliicli |\.tt‘..Z lil'lll\ll l,eg.ion l’;ir'.it|e. Kings- ally Arch to the .\l.ill, the mute lic- .-\dinu;i| Sir (iuy (il.tll|ll.tlll. the .\('K in ll.tlll.‘\\ again isn't it’ drink and a yarn with "old drips“ ton ( lruich. hard to get into roiititre ziiier ll: 1io:ii other .ll\.'.l\. and it is lhtxxllilk‘ for the \‘l\ll ot the (iv.'tlll;tIl ( onuuziuiler -in-( iii-cl. l’oitsmotitii. S p.m.; Short serxice at l’i|t Street. Il.igi:cil l’re\iileu:, but \'.hi.'li o:tlool».~.'rs \.tlLl s_r~.ol>.e trozn l.oid i‘\'elsori'-. cabin in wry enjo;..ible and rclaxirig lml: ‘;iy'.'| that this tl\."i.'.t.(l\ lroiu 1tllL'\‘t.'lll iiartieil l)e'i'c'l‘ill\.‘t i, jlst :\lllll\L'l.\.tf_\' |)iiu1ei could lie taken as ;i tribute to the ll..\l.S. \'ictor_\ to all in the l'e~.li\;il "Ila: (lii'.:in ltrancli has received! "ieunioit." .-\;:.iiu. llll\ is sonietlimg and l).iucc. rnarelicrs. :ind back to the llorsc ; ll;tll ;ittil ;il\u to llI(\\L' in the Star‘ zinil runny xer_\ lilL';t\;t:ll letter» from \‘l\l- luhiclr coitld be '.l\tlltlL'tl in the future. r\tlllll.'\lt|ttt.' and Wokirtg (iiiards l’:ir:itle tubal a pity \t.‘\Cf.ll l(i'.lIlCl’ lloinc. Ricliinoiiil. to wliicii to:'~ who attezrdctl our social cicningl A nuinber of tickets were on sale l)eceiuliei ti. l);uice at ('o-operati\e hail to break t'i'oru the ranks during the whole of the night's procectlirigs .'.'tlltl [‘|rt.'\t.‘lll.tlli\l\ night. and we would both at the paraile in the tifterriooti and the last liunilrcd _\ill'il.\l uher-: cott- 3 were rel-.i_\ed. ‘I he theme of the l‘in.ile. like to tlraiik you. We thank you too‘ outside the hall in the evening. This ll.ill_ .'\(ltllC\ltlllL'. tingents “ere addressed for it brief l"l.ct its think of l{rtgl.ind." brought tor support and are ple.i.\cd that all scents It pity when often some l1lltlli.'llL‘s .-‘\shforil (Kent) by the Second Sea Lord. who la ltimp to many a thtoat~ —it was so .\-.ho canie along enjoyed the whole seem L‘tttt\l\tcttll)' unlucky iii the allocaNoverulw: 21. Social at l.ytld. tion of tickets. (2. W. N. well done that one was I:ikcn from a L'\t.‘lllIl;1. l'\'ovemlIer 2‘), (irand openitig and liad taken the salute. ll \\:i~‘. grand to see so nt;tny on the crowded hall to the still night watcltes Social at Somerset Arms. We certainly enjoyed h:i\‘ing you. llorse (iuzirds l’:tr:ide. when those sell-stunc at sea. thoughts Please keep that night fresh in your \'l".Nl:'l'ZS in one‘s heart. The stanilards were minds because in June best year (flteant SPl.I'Z.\'l)ll)Rl'll'.\'lO.\' Adillestone and Woking: l)ukc's the Honour of Guard were massed. will be celebrating its ”eoining of age." Head llotel. Addlcstone. The Annual Reunion at the Festi- from Kingston Sea Cadets stood with and we want all "cliummy Woliertonz ‘l'.A. Centre. Drill Hall. \'al Hall was it splendid alfziir and con- ‘arms :it the "pro.-.sent.“ the lovely branches“ to be withoirr and us enjoy \Vol\erton. 7.30 every Iiritlay. another successful evening. The branch has just enjoyed a Stag Wt) very StICt.'c\\'flll tonthola nights Outing and dances have got away to a have been run by our treasurer. successful start and we hope they will A. Dcnton. He certainly can Shiptuzite Miles. member for a numcontinue so both socially and finan- Shipmate ber of years. of Dorking Branch. A branch dance is held :1! the shout the lllllllllcfs out? cially. Shipmate T. Cook looked us tip Shipmate R.l~I.M.(Air) R. A. Golden. sidcrable praise and congratnlation_s l"Sttnscl." the "Queen"—and we came Chearn Social Club the last Saturday front Neubiggin‘. he must have known a member of Malta G.C. Branch. are due to the producer and lll\ 'l\ack to the Festival Hall. Another of every month. Our next one is we were “splicing the inainbrace" that Reunion was nearly over. Friend had November 29. associates. night. However. he must have liked Front the moment when the fan- met friend. new friendships were oirr new headquarters. as Mrs. Cook B.-\CI\' T0 NORMAL fare by the memorial silver [full]-‘ made. and with promises to meet Members had a grand night otit :it turned tip the following night and very pets from the R..\f. School of Music 'again next year we drank to the annual reunion. The Ladies’ Sec- pleased we were to see her. opened the show to the finale. there Royal Navy. past. present and future. the The branch has been invited to the was no lagging and everyone in the and to the Royal Naval Association. tion hold their annual dinner at New for the returning of the Pwltd. yes. mighty proud. of the salt Malden this month. so we can look ceremony audience the varied fare. enjoyed W0 years to the very day after forward to another social event to :ilver bell given to H.M.S. Newcastle in our veins. The massed of bands the Royal by the city when the was conibeing formed. Wolvcrton was able Marines. the songs of Robert remember. to have its new standard dedicated at On November 9 the branch will be missioned. Now the ship is being the of balloons Trevor l-In-rton, a service in St. George's Church. Wolin strong numbers at the broken up the hell is coming home. the represented Garden Little. Welwyn City vcrton. After the service. the second Remembrance Day Parade and SerMale Choir—bere was a varied annual dinner of the branch was held. vice in Cheam. feast of music and song. The xyleto and the guests included Councillor The numbers branch solo attending phone HE Fulham Branch has moved to by 16-year-old Junior T. H. l'iZl\t.'ll..lt.‘llC.Chairman of WolverR. M. are l..lCpl. getting back to normal Taylor was wondernew headquarters at 26-1 Field meetings ton U.l).C. fully received, and ¢'3ll’lIt.‘d a special Regiment. R.A. ('l'.A.). Fulham House. now the holiday period is over. It is HE main item discussed at Havant President Mr. G. N. S. Weller said 20 25 to from raise Sir see to word good John shipmatcs Cunningham. 87 Fulham High Street. Firlham. their branch meeting on October 7 was the branch had made steady progress for the Toast glasses Loyal S.W.6. We every are very grateful to the the arrangements for their annual during the two years. Although meet- There was a charming interlude Friday. Mess for allowing us the dinner. which will be held iii the cartings could have been better attended. when ltryan Johnson sang excerpts Sergeants‘of New tncinhers continue in. to cotne using their premises. We teen at H..\l.U.C.W.E.. as in past years. they had been well supported. The from "Hans Christian Andersen" in privilege ltt ntimbers not but We large steadily. standard represented the spirit of the a Danny Kaye style to some young tncct on Friday nights at 8 pm. They were pleased to hear that their ltave branch a Association We would like to take this opporby strong Associ:ition—to build tip good corti- children. They enjoyed it and so did delegate had been elected to the comand standards. active. and we are very tunity of thanking the Portsrnouth mittee of the local Citizens Advice radeship. "lf we carry that spirit the tiudience. to to the great lengths encourage llttreau. There was. however. dis‘. Vera |.ynn was indisposcd and Branch for the wonderful entertain- go through we shall repay those who ex-naval to us. man join made the sacrifice dtiring the war." he naturally she was missed greatly. but ment they gave us when we paid them appointment at the fact that no annual Don't forget the branch is glad to reunion tickets could be obtained for Norman Evans with his “Dentist“ a visit on Sunday. September 7. It will added. The secretary to the branch is Ship- sketch and ‘-‘Over the Garden Wall" be a day that we will always remember. have your company at our tnonthly the branch. For myself. it was the high-light of dances as our guests. It was announced that they had been mate J. E. .\lcakins. and the new head- was appreciated very rntich. June 14. I959. is our Zlst Anniver- requested to assist in running a NautiAdmiral of the Fleet Sir John I958. and I hope that it will not he quarters are the 'l'.A. Centre. Drill Hall. Wolverton. and any shipmate Cunningham. the president of the too long before we make a return visit sary Parade and Drumhead Service. cal Training Corps. which is to be who cares to pay a visit on any Friday Association. introduced a figure \vell —I-‘. FREEMAN. Keep it in your diary. H. C. P. COE. started in the town. will be made more than welcome. known to many of the shipmates. He ‘*’











Visitors ‘Splice Mainbrace’ at Newcastle

“LET US THINK OF ENGLAND” 3)): mill rriiteiiiber them BRINGS LUMP TO THROATS I





I-lavant Branch aid Training Corps




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If member at R.N. Association. please state Branch

R.N.A. Band of Brothers: An open letter to


EAR Shipmates.—Anothcr reunion has taken place. and a wonderful one it was. too. As most of you know. I was at the Star and Garter Home together with all those of the Home who could get into the Common room. Sandwiches. cakes and hot coffee were provided. and a real party

spirit prevailed. I wish every one of you could have seen Shipmate Mas-ins. now 75 years old and who joined the Navy in I899. singing "Sons of the Sea" into the microphone. It brought a lump to my throat. and I know it would too.

to yours.

There were no grumbles at the Home-one old soldier said to me. "The Home is a fine place. they look

after you." To us at the Home. the high-light of the reunion was the (‘ommandcr-inChicf‘s speech from Nelson's Cabin

in the Victory. It was then I think that all at the Star and Carter felt that they really belonged to a band of brothers. Let's say it again: "A Band of Brothers." How often have keen shiprnates. when persuading potential members to join the association. been told that the beer at the hranch‘s meeting place is not to their liking, or. again. that shipmates have said that they are leaving the branch because they don't like something another shipmate has said at a meeting. If they were a band of brothers or wished to join a band of brotliers.then these small differences would not amount to much. Some branch oflicers get quite despondent when they cannot find younger shipmates to shoulder branch responsibilities and everyone knows of those who seem to take everything for granted or those who do not or cannot attend branch meetings regularly. and never think of sending along a couple of shillings to keep the ship financially sound. If members are

really members. they will support their otlicers. take on responsibilities. and act


brothers should. We


"folding up."


told of

New branches are. however. being formed regularly. but to those branclies

wlto. for various reasons. are not as strong in members as they once were. it is well to remember that after an action a fleet has to re-form. and to do the job that has to be done. with what is left. and I suggest shipmates who are so affected could form. say. "House liranch"-—mecting in a a shipmatc‘s front room, or they could join the Headquarters Roll to maintain the vital link with the Association. Our Association is something more than running socials and dances, selling ralllc tickets. etc. These are all very necessary. but the Association can only become stronger and great in numbers if our foundation stone and ideal is a BAND OF BRO‘l'HERS.-‘GEORGE MORRIS. London (S.W.) Branch.

Noiendia. I958







HUMAN ELEMENT IN Ro_\':_t| AGE? THIS NUCLEAR Much (lepentls 011 loyalty, do-; Votion and ellicicncy of thosel

HF. flirminghani Central Chairman, beginning of these two new branches of Chairman. Shipmate Maxwell. to Shipniatc Woodniiin. opened the in- the Royal Naval AS\'Ot.'l(tllt):l tlicic which Captain C. R. l.. Arglcs replied. He held the attention of all whilst augural meeting of the lidgbaston and w_oiild arise a good nicmbcrship in the a~.'scd -rcvcaling something of life in thc l.ad_vwood llranch and the Smcthwick Birniingliani area. and he then(oiiiecil ,

contrasted with l‘lr:tl'lt.‘l‘I by giving a warm welcome to the immediate post-war _\cars. l.oud all those present. stating that from the chccrs grcctcil his assertion that the Royal Navy of today dcpcndcd just as much on the loyalty. devotion and ctliciciicy of those who nianucd ll..\l. ships as in bygone daiys. The Royal Navy does not tindcrrate the value of the human element in this nuclear age. Although the President and several Vice-Presidents were unable to attend l)I)LESTONE Branch was rel.t.welcome to they were pleased launched on August 29 after Cdr. A. Niblock. R.N.V.R.. and regret being laid up since 1954. A meeting S..\'.()..\'.I.. as guest of liunoiir at the fourth annual dinner. Other guests was expressed that civic duties pre- was held at the Duke's Head Hotel. llli Belfast Bnuich \\tlS privileged to have Captain C. R. L. Argles. R..\'.. vented Hon. Shipniatcs Sir Jaiiics Addlestone. to try to rc~form the DJ... and I). Newborn. branch. which at one time had over were Captain A. (T. Reid. ().B.l-2.. Sydenliziiii Air Yard: l.t.-Cdr. Stillvtell. Niirritt. ll..\l.S. Sea I-Zagle; l.t.-Cdr. Miirchesi. ll.\l..'s'. Caroline: Shipmate W. .\lc-‘ i\l.ll.F... from being present. Enter- I50 members. but. like some other Knight. Area llon. Si.-c.: Shipmate J. Thatcher. National Council delegate; tainment was by Messrs. Cumisky. branches. membership fell through Shipniates front Bangor. l.ondonderr_v. .\lid-Antrim. t\'eivto\vn:irds and Porta- Thompson and Wilson. lack of interest. The old committee. R.A.l-‘.A.. the R.A.A.. lnniskillings, Royal Royal donn. Representatiu-s froiu with the help of Licut.-Cdr. A. W. J. I-ZNSIGN PR!-ISl<'..\'Tl-‘.D attended. also British Legion Ulster Rifles ().C..-\. and large The high-light of the branch's Octo- Nicholson. thought that with the Addicaround .\nothcr successful function horclspondcd passing on the admonitions ber meeting was the presentation of new housing estates the evidence of the organising ability of ‘and e.\hortations of our National a silk White Ensign by Shipmalc D. stonc and Woking. they could get The Ilic hard-working. enthusiastic hon.|‘(‘ouncil for the benefit of R.N.A. Hunt. D.S.M.. to mark his return to old branch re-formed again. memcivilian life. The Chairman expressed meeting was a big success. withAddielt:t.‘fCl:ll'_\'. Shipmatc T. Brown. and of l mcinbcrs. the loyal support of the committee. the thanks of members for his gener- bers eoming from Woking. NAVY TODAY IN THE stone. Chcrtsey and Wcybridgc. After the Loyal Toast the Chairous practical expression of his interest With all these members coming “““‘ "Md 3 “'5”-“*'l!° f"”“ “W The toast of the Belfast Branch was in the branch. Tributes were paid to the hon. sec- from many districts it was agreed. 00°“ in N-‘Pl!’ '0 “N3 l""“ “"5 proposed by Major George Shields. Prssidcnh Captain the Earl of Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers O.C.A.. retary for the success of the annual with the consent of Headquarters. to Anti-im. on behalf of the shipmates. whose work_ for ex-Service men in dinner. it being said that it was call the branch Addlcstonc and for the Chairman and com- Woking. Our headquarters are at the Shipmatc 1. Bartlett. Branch Vice- Belfast is widely recognised. and_ he gratifying Duke's Head Hotel, Addlcstonc. but Cliairman and Area Chairman. pro- concluded with the shipmatcs roaring: mittee to know that he was upholding the high standards set by his pre- we are having meetings now and again we are together." posed the toast of "The R.N.A." to "The more C. A. MAXWELL in Woking. "Our (.iuests" was sponsored by the dcccssors. J. Thatcher rewhich


Navy tod:i_v.


the ships



The Social Committee are going ahead with their programme for the winter. Socials have been arranged. but their first big event is a grand dance on Saturday. December 6. at the Co-op. Hall, Addlcstone. It is hoped. in due course, to give details of social activities. and maybe see something of old friends from Slough. Farncombeand not forgetting Fulham. The rcdedication will take place some time in the New Year. and branches will be informed when the time comes. Hon. secretary’: address: 47, Eden










Bylleet, Surrey.-——R.


Simms. R. Belfast Branch Committee. l9S8.—Shipmates T. Brown (hon. secretary). A. E. Henderson, J. Bartlett (vice-cliilirmanl,E. C. A. Maxwell (chairman). W. 1!. Carey, J. T. Roberts, R. J. Pollock (lion. treasurer), McC.iiw and J. Mstllort. (Missing from pbotottfllvll 3- Bllllfllltth—-Photo by courtesy of “Belfast Telegraph.“

for make arrangements Portsmouth 21st dinner

On Remembrance Sunday we shall tournament of indoor games. with and the Royal as usual be having our special early Gosport. Portsmouth as the contestmorning parade at the Naval War Marine Association Memorial. Southsca Common. before tants. All concerned took up the sugSSOClA'l‘l().\ iifiairs at Pitt taking part in the civic ceremony at gestion with great enthusiasm. and a Street are in the silly season right the Guildhall. Transport has been series of dates has been aranged on for the winter nou—nothing, of interest happening laid on from 8.30 a.m. along all the a home and away basis for and nothing controversial to nutter main roads as in previous years. and season. A trophy has been donated is about. This has been reflected in the we look for a good muster. After lirnch ‘the winning team and everyone some pleasant attendance at general meetings recently. we are taking part in the British Legion tloolting forward toThis could be a and Service at Kingston evenings together. so much so that last month it was very Parade have splendid idea to get to know each reluctantly decided to reduce the Church. For the evening we Street other better and if it proves its successquorum front 50 to 35 to get the meet- arrangcd a short service at Pitt who knows. we ings started on time. Having taken this at 8 p.ni. This has always proved veryit ful as we all hope. might perhaps be able to extend the decision we found it was unnecessary. popular. so come along and make others of our for we have had our 50-plus at open- lworth while. From 8.30 p.m..on\\".irds tournament next year to it will be usual Sunday routine and ncarcr neighbours. ing time at each meeting! The response for the reunion was Family _Niglit. STAG PARTY 31 bought this Barracks having R.N. (‘ommodorc year; The new very poor In response to popular demand vtc tickets we found only five were re- has promised to look in on one of our had a return visit of "Cinderella quircd. This doesn't mean only that general meetings to have a chat with have stag number attended. The :iftcrnoon cere- the members and. we hope. to meet a on Vice." but this was strictly ll been party. the wonicnfolk having mony is still popular and quite a rep- few "old ships." off to a theatre packed ‘conveniently I'i.‘\‘cnl:lll\'t.‘ platoon \\:is on parade. for hand in well Arrangements :irc but for some reason the evening show ! our Zlst anniversary dinner and dance. show at ll.M.S. Sultan for the evening. Our collection of foreign staiiips for at Festival Hall seems to have lo\‘l which will be on Friday. December 5. 1 the boys and girls at the Naval its appeal at l’ort.sinoutli. Tickets Road. Osborne at Kiiiibclls. is proving most successful lists The now (id. are I25. be will open and we are very grateful at the resRI-Z)ll'I.\lHRAt\'Cl-'. Sl.'.\'I)AY be paid an_v and subscriptions may The youngsters l.ast nionth we were promised a visit ievciiing. There will be more room this poiise we are receiving. out of it and from the general secretary. and as it year than last and we are confident are getting a big thrill letters of tlianks. is more than two years since he came we shall be able to accoinmodatc all send such charming If members still have some of their to see us we laid on an "Any Ques- who wish to attend. but there is still a dig them out and tions" session and were all set to give 'liinit so the sooner your name goes youthful collections lbring or send them to us. they can him a good rcccplion. but at the last ‘down the better. still give a lot of pleasure to a lot of moment he had to cancel the visit.] .unfortun:itc children. ()ur indcf:itig'l'iiucs have indeed changed for we GA.\‘|ES INDOOR ‘able almoncr. Shipniatc Pimlott. has can remember when he used to visit ()iir "Clllllllfll)" ship." Gosport taken on the unoflicial appointment of its three or four times a year. 'l11crc is probably a good reason for this. i llranch. came tip with a bright sugges- “‘Un:le Charlie" to meet these kids is doing :i grand job. ltion recently for a three-cornered but we don't know what it is.


Shipmatc Young

Iirst read two telegrams of good wishes sent to the new branches. one from liiriiiiiii-.li.iir (‘entral Branch and one front \‘bu..i::-: Whcale. chairman of l-Iilgba.t-iii and Ladywood branch. The National Council menih-.-i csplaincd the principal aims of the Association. He felt sure that the with of friendship would be evident in the new branches. Sliipmate Young commended llirniingham Central Brancli for their cllorts in forming two new branches.

CARDS AND BADGES The new menibcrs of both l\l'.ll'lL‘llCS lined up and they were handed their membership cards and l‘l1lllgC\ after Shipmatc Young had read the initiation into the Royal Naval Association. After the ceremony Shipmzite Whealc thanked Shipmatc Young for the way in which he had conducted the

meeting. Shipmate Wark. chairman of No. 8 Area. expressed his pleasure at welcoming two new branches into the arc_a._ He mentioned that there was a of further branches being ornicil In


Birmingham suburbs. He sincerely seeing the hoped that he would be branches at


representatives of the new

future area meetings. The final speech of the evening was from Shipmate Smethurst. thc_ Birmingham Central secretary. He said that he also was most gratified by the addition of the new branches. and he fl-‘ll "till that by branching out into the suburbs be secured. many new members would The evening concluded with it social. Officials of new branchcs.——l3dgb:iston and Ladywood st_:erctary. Shi_pm:itc K. Waldron: chairman. Shipnizitc Whealc. Smcthwick secretary. 5ll|P' mate I. Sweeney: chairmaii. Shipmatc J. Wark. J. Moiioghan.

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Shipmate Young. the .\'atioii;il member. to formally coniinciicc the in-








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November. I958



ill! the United States as a with all the TV programmes. radio programmes and advertisements that go with sport as it iiioney-iiiaking industry in that country. it is not surprising that the better-known sportsrI in Canada are baseball and Canadian football, even though of later years there has Iieen ii considerable influx of Europeans into Canada and the United States. .\luch has been done. however. by Wit the Sixth Suhiiiarine Squadron to foster greater interest in our own national sports. Not since I955. when the .\lariu'nie and Nova Scotia cups were won by the soccer side. have the teams been so successful. for with the submarines doing a lot of sea time. especially. it seemed. when there was l an important match to play. it was not surprising that. although never bottom of our small leagues. the Sixth Subinaiiuc Squadron team was never top. neither did they carry otl any trophies. This year of I953 has seen qttite a reiuarkzible change. for both boats stationed in llalifax and .sp:irc crew have become very sport-minded. and .-\niliush especially has considerably streiigthciictl both the cricket and .,.

soccer teams.

‘('R.\'I.\'. .\llXlil)-U1’ C A -.\ll-Z’ In a four-team cricket league. consisting of the Naval Research listabli.shiuent. H..\I.(‘.S. Stadacona. (‘ossors of (‘anada and ourselves. we iiiaiiaged to top the league after a thrilling fight with N.R.l3. for top place in the last match. This year. for the first time. there will he a trophy awarded and we :ire privileged to have our names inscribed on it as the first winners. Two cricket grounds were available during the short season. one at H..\l.C.S. Statlacona. the other at St. Mary's where oite could aliuost believe that once uiore one was in lingland. for the setting is like a village cricket ground in the United Kingdom. The weather was perfect for the game. dillerent to that experienced at home judging front the number of rained-out lirst-class matches. Quite a few spectators watched the games. and with tea and biscuits at fotir o'clock who could ask for a better way to spend an afternoon. One Canadian onlookcr was heard to remark that it was a crazy mixed-up game. but on the _whole the games were viewed with interest. In the last game with N.R.l£. batting first on a matting wicket. our bowlers. consisting of C.E.R.A. Taylor (captain) and Leading Writer Wheater. dismissed the opposition for a mere 31 runs. With loads of confidence our opening bats went in and scored I5 before the first wicket fell. No one worried. for in past matches scores of more than a hundred. even two hundred had been made. but



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servicemen have made plans for the future. There will be things they want to

Or write








TEL!-IVISI-JD GAME In the Maritime against the R.C.A.F. Station Summerside. Prince Edward Island. which was played on a home and away basis. the Squadron drew 3-3 at Summerside and won 3—l here at Halifax. This game was televised. Both teams were presented to (‘dr. H. C. Gow.-in. R.N.. before the kick-oll. and C.P.O.




Wyatt (captain) presented :1 bouquet

Mrs. Gowan who made the presentations at the completion of the game. The Squadron travelled to .\lontreal for the All Canadian Soccer Cup semitinals on Saturday. September 13. I958. otir opponents being the Montreal Harringtons. Quebec Province champious. who disposed of Siidbiir_v. Ontario Provincial champions. The. winners go on to \"ancouver. British 1’ Columbia. for the finals. (The Sixth Submarine Squadron lost this niatch.) added. 3 Halifax. with lledfortl Basin harbours of the best be in one ‘must .the (‘oninionwealth. The Squadron lhave made full rise of this in both‘ milling and sailing regattas which t:ikc l place regularly every week-end. Our‘; .succe.sses have been strictly liniited.r it is a poor week-end that doesn't lhl” * see about three teams competing in the l ; various cla.ssc.s. l to


ll{U'I‘. J. '1'. (Terry) Hodgson. our sportsuian of the month. was born in l.ondon in .\la_v. I935. When war broke out in I939 he moved to Blackpool and attended lllackpool Graniniar School. In I951-S2 he wins captain of his school and also played for the local club. I-'_vlilc. In I952 he went to Cambridge L'niicrsit_v and entered St. Catherine's College. l‘or a short spell he played in the (‘ollege 3rd XV. but talent such as he possessed was not long in being noted and he soon graduated to the 1st XV. playing in the centre. He was awarded his colours for the I952-53 and I953-5-l seasoiis. when one realises there are over l.t)tlt) players at (‘am-

51lllllIIIIIIIIIIllllIIllllllIIllllIIIIIllIIlI||l|l|lllllllI||||||||IE bridge. it is quite tiiitlcrstaiidable that he did not inuuediately get his place in the Vaisity XV. In I054 he took a step nearer his Varsity cap when he played for the l..\' Club. the reserve .\'V for the Varsity side. Then came I955 and his place in the XV which lost $——9 to Oxford in the _. annual match. This was the year when ' Olwyn Brace. at scrum half. and .\like Sniith were the terrors‘ of most rugger sides in the country. The same year he row: I..T.0. l). SIXTH SUB.\lARlNE SQUADRON Davies (inside left). 11.0.2 8. Rowbolham (right back). A.B. P. Baker (outside played in the England trials at Stirleft). .\.B. C. Fisher (outside right). E.A.l R. Wyatt (centre half). Front biton. row: L.Wtr. J. Wheater (inside right). l..Sea. R. Ross (right half). |...\l.(E.) I’. R1-ZSERVI-‘. FOR l-'.i\'GI.ANl) ..\l. Submarine Splteful. which Donaldson (left back). L.Sea. .\l. Richards (right half). Ch..\l.(I-Z.) W. consider I956’ will probably Terry has been on loan to the French Fcathcrstone (left half). R. S. V. Woollcy (centre forward). Not shown: 1 as his best chosen He far. so was : year .\l.(l'I.)l J. Presslcy (goalkeeper). E.R.:\. C. .\ludlin (left half). A.B. A. Kearn as reserve for t e England team. played .\lini.str_v of Marine since January. (right back). E.R..\. M. Prosser (goalkeeper). Nova Scotia Championship Cup for Lancashirc against Yorkshire and, I952. is being returned to the Ro_val Navy on being replaced by on left of photograph. Maritime Championship (‘up on the right .\liddlcsex in the (‘ounty (‘hampion-; new coitstniction submarines in of and nieniber was a the: ships. After for a fell I the five wickets when next only Squadron. the French \'av_v. She arrived at very disappointing the addition of six runs it was obvious ‘start to the season. winning only one ('onibined Universities tour team in‘ ll.M.S. Dolphin. the submarine that great care would have to be taken E of our first six games. the Nova Scotia .-\rgentina. During the last match of headquarters at Cosport. from the this he his tore hamstring. With II if we were to win. Toulon on ()ctober 22. The Spiteonly to get. play-olls began. in .1 only very with round isappoint_mc_nt_ each single was greeted a s_ucccss- l-“L renamed Sm": when ‘he DWI-'.l.l.l-IRS‘ ‘Cl-Il.I.AR it left of applause. was to P.O..\l. (E) mm W by me . the ninth Boore. the man in. to get The “Cellar Dwellers." as the local the University he joined the with he did a winning runs which press called us. were drawn against a avy. mighty Compton-like hit .for two. It team from Sidney called the Seaside oya French Navy. She was laid down troubled still In I957-58. although by needed to a mighty swipe really get Stars. and went comfortably into the by Scott: Shipbuilding and sheer deterand the injury. grit leg by for the outlield was very next round even one run. by beating the Stars 8—0. iiiiiiation he was was awarded his Navy Engineering Co. l.td.. of Grccnock. slow indeed. and the other side's fieldin September. I9-ll, and launched In the next round. and with a cap. keen. ing extra considenibly strengthened team with This season he was elected captain of in October, I943. The Squadron registered with the the arrival of Ambush. we beat l Halifax and District Soccer l.eague H.M.C.S. Stadacona 3-2 in a very U.S. tl’ort.sniouth). this year and not with the Tri-Service‘ tough and hard game. League as might be expected. because In the final against the niuch~fancied of the distances involved. The Halifax Halifax Shipyards the Squadron won and District League consisted of four by 2-«O. with the opinion that the teams, Olands Schooncrs. Keith's score should have been even higher. Brewery. Halifax Shipyards and the We were awarded the Novia Scotia Challenge Cup and the title chainpions of Nova Scotia.

For the lower deck .

Grit and determination win Navy rugger cap






l'l..-\S‘l‘l(' l)l.\'GllY The Royal ('au:ulian Navy have ‘produced a new plastic dinghy. Beriuudan-rigged in 'I'er_vlene. These are extremely fast and have provided many a good afternoon's sport. with _. an even chance on a wet shirt. 3 As will be seen. the Sixth Submarine . [Squadron have now settled down in. T I-lalifax. and with the arrival of some i -families we look forward to an even uiore enjoyable season next year. ("anadiaii-type nigger :iiid ice hockey are the winter sports. but it is I feared we shall only be able to iieipnte as spectators. thozigh this isl I riuuoured to be strciiiioiis. .



Wendy (Tlarlte. born on March 26. I937. in Wiliiiiiigton. Kent. now lives in l):irtfurd. Site that appeared on the stage in a cliarity concert when only six _vc:irs old. and when she was I2 she signed on with Eleanor lleanis :ind made her professional debut in “.\I:iddiu" at the Chatliaiii I-Iiripire in I9-I9. In I955 she joined the l)e Vere Dancers and then hecuuie a can-can dancer with the Bullet Muntparnnsse. For six months prior to joining the Windmill. Wendy sins unable to dance owing to it slipped disc in her spine and took a job as it coniptonieter operator. She made her Wiiidniill debut in Septeniher. I956. Recreations: swimuiiiig. needlework and knitting. Personal details: height. 5 ft. 3 in.: weight: 8 st. ll lb.: hair: golden Iiloiide: eyes: green; bust: 37§in.: waist: 24 in.: hips: 363. in.







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irttxistlr-zit l)lil'llI.F, ltizti-.s'tt'tt:ii. tn kitchen: t.num..i-tc .-tiiiumt. fl rumini.-tun Riud. ('t|nntrI. I'trrlsmot|lII. I-‘l.'lt.\lSIiI-'.II tti:iitioo.\t. sitlinrr-room. ‘ltilv then mitt. K.I\ “INC and ntciqi; also lmltl: i2 5s. \nCtILi)'.-\VlIIIi'lI'l‘I|. Ill Shellord Itttad. .\oitthseii. LARGE: FURNISIII-_Zl) bed-sittint:-room, all Tel: eons-enterien. sttii turret naval couple. I'itrtsmoutl'i J37-lit, PI-IR.\IA.\'iINT'. Two nicely Iurnishtd moms nr.-vii)’ dt\’0f.IIttI2 own kitchen. use oi lt.t:hroom. n|\ linen Ptisatc hiiiisc. ttood I\N.lIII.y: inclusive of radio. 2.“ and electricity. -ifs. per week. sorry [in children --».-\pplv Ice. 23 Rochester kind. on St. r\lHtll\7l|'\C Road. Suuthsea. alter 4 pm. §0l‘IIIh‘F.\. (‘t-rtsettient lot :tll N.t\.il F.st.i|ilxshtiients_ ileeotitttietttled furnished .'te;ontmod.itton






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MISCELLANEOUS .\.l.\.\ r.idio-controlled taxis. 24-hour sersice.lel.-. ritrismniitlt 35333;‘-I (Issu lines). IIOUSEIIOLI) i:Fi-‘I-ICES and IIAGGAGIZ mm.-ii. mused. packed. \I|l[iv€d.'-\\'I|IIt .\ Co. ltd_. North End Junction. Portsmouth. Phone n.‘i21l. .\|0R.\‘INC .\'l.'R$liIl\' now open duririrr school terms only. at the residential "(her six Club" for cltildren.—ll Grove Road. Ilasant.


Applications are invites! from Corporate and Graduate members of the institutions or‘ Mechanical and Electrical Engineers. who are interated in Rut-arch. Experimentation and Dcsekipmcrtt. This work covers a field which includes Machine Dynamics Heat Transfer, Servo Control Systems, Electronic Circuit Design. Analogue simulations and Stress problems. Each Engineer nstast be capable oi tmdertaltine a varierv oi problems. He have I004 academic qualifications had real Ieeliisx for this type

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FOR SALE hy proprietor tretirins: axe). tildestaiilitlted radio. television and €IC£lI'l(.lI business. Good lixxtltly. busy ro.id Portsmoiith. (iood .ii:t'nctes. more .is.tll.tIIlc. .\Il.'l'I1I‘€Y ol R.i,R.A. I'fI\I.‘ (2.500 includes lisin: accomttiiidatttin. double-lronted shun Irceliuld. Mllh ltttines: miirrstnrte available. Redttted stock at

**-N- Barracks, Portsmottth, or to Messrs Gale & Polderi Ltd., 28 Craven Sn-cc‘, London, “'_C_2


FOR SALE BIZRIH-ZI.l-I\' Cossllt. t:.sR.s\'.-\..\‘. nerlect condition throtiitltottt. 22lt.: on site: L-I,‘O.—— Apply (_’.il'av.in I-1. I12! Milton Ro.iil. Stttllhsea.

l g=»=°sh°"'d bgsent We,



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and experience and tit:-ire .\i2.I\,'.‘tr2s:f.\’AI£.

litll titt.tliti.-attotts and l'\X\€lICl'ls‘C. qui-tint: the number tiuoted iII.IIn\l. the post

to the status of a manner. applicants (noncornniissitmed only) will he provided with a good cornmencinsr salary. plus commission and pension. Also ltsin: accommodation with tree electricity. tras. coal and coke will he pros-ided. -—Anplit-atitiri should be made to The Galleon wine Cn. l.Id.. Trinity Chambers. 32 Trinity Stitiare. London. I-..(‘,!. A \'.\CA\‘C\' EXISTS with the firm oi Clark Ilrothers Company‘. ol News York. lor .1 boo):keeper to assist the chic! necotintant in their loridon otlice, ;( sstiter. area about 30. with km-ssledt-e of double entry and itood at litztircs tzerterallv, £730 per annum vsith reasonable prospects. plus .‘s luncheon voucher: II|l‘>(I.i)' vieelt. u-ll.‘ to U! —i\rinlic.st‘ions to (.'.tpt. W. R. .\i.tn:teer. Dresser



Won New News»

full \aI7li)‘. Candidala rritist have held the rank or commiintler or I.iettt.—Conirnani.ler I!) in the Royal Navy and preleritily ruse had do.-Itsard esrie1icncc.—wriic to the Crown .-\t'i:rtt.s, 4 Millbank. I.ondnn_._S,\_\‘.I. state are. name in block letters, ittll uttaltlieatmns

tclerencc desired.




s:-Iarv. (‘nrnmencinx salilllci in si:.tles (which ineltiife inducement Addition) itiven T.‘('I(‘I'-\‘: .\'Tr)Ri;s (ll-‘FICER (senior Warrant Supply timcer) (Milli-$5047-NAl;l.—£l.l5: rising to (1.370 a scar. Credit tsill be iris-en tor each ie.tr's setstce in rank or Suppl)’ Sub-iietitenant or Stores (‘hiel Petty (miter or eqtttt-.tlertt in Rtt\'.tl .\‘.i\y. (.'.indid.ttes should have had experience in orderintt. acctitinttniz and up-keep cl .\'.i\.tl _$ttires in .1 Depot or small tiase, I ll-.i“I'I{.\'ANT or l.lf.lliT..\'.~\.\lI‘ COM.\IA\'I)IER l.\I.\IIt’-8509-2 N-\E|.—£|.Z3-S risim: to t‘l.!s‘lh. :i ye.ir. (‘redit still be i.-iseri (or each i.-¢-.tr's sersice in similar rank in Royal Navy. (‘.int.lid.ites should preferably hasc a knmsledee of csimmttnicalilins. Write to the (‘row-ri /scents. -I Milliunk. London. 5.\\'.I. Slate site. name in block letters.


I Inquirigs 1-can-ding adyu-fiscmcms



MANA(2I»‘.K‘i (married) required lor till-licences situated in london. Middlesex. Essex. Redfordsltm.-. lterkshlre. surrey. Kent. Sussex and Hampshire. Applicants must be villlinit to train in hiah~class sales and must be in possession oi a driving licence. This is an opportunity for those who vtish to take up a sales career and who consider they have a mood ability. Alter the initial triiiniris period. and when riron-ioted







of pay.


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Apply In person or in writing to Personnel Manager at

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November. I958



--? O

Home Air Command Sporrs News




1“ cittutettes

(soccer) Cup

Royal Navy (Air Command), 0; Hampshire I-‘.A.. 6 HE first fixture of the season was played as a representative Royal Navy Trial, under floodllghts. at Privett Park. Gosport. on Wednesday. September 24. The Air Command team was selected following a North v. South trial

money and cn'0_v more smokes with no wasted tobacco.

can save

HF. I'C\ulll to date are as tottom: l\l round: flramcotr. 3: Ycovition. 5. Culdrose. 3: I r v-_tty. :. 2nd round: Arbroiith. 3: tiatinion. 2. l.rmicmouth. -t: Ahhotsineh. ~t (alter extra time).

match at R.N.A.S. Bramcote on September 10. _RcpIay: Lotsicniouih. -t: Abboiuncli. 1. and went Air Command kicked off straight into the attack. but after a fruitless crisp sltot at goal. Hampshire took play to the other end and Cairns Augmented Da.-dalus XI. 2; was soon showing his ability in the Command goal. As the restilt of a dcRangers l-‘.C.. 5. fcnsive mistake. Ptisk. a lively little annual charity match. in aid centre forward. opened the score for of the King (ieorgc V Fund. hellants and 14 minutes later scored t\\ccrt an augiitcnted llzcdalus XI and again \'-llll a close-range shot. After 43 %Ratigers l-‘.(‘. (last year's (Ll-‘..»\. MIDLAND AREA initiates the llants inside left hit goal . on League cli:inipiotis). was plziyed nuritber three into the net. Satitrday. October ll. :it the Track. Guernsey. before a good crowd who Second Half has not been possible to give all braved the rather dismal weather. the resiilts of Air (‘omittand l-cstivals lit the opening mitiiites of the second I);cd;tliis kicked oil’ and went into half llattipsliire went farther alie:id. the tittack straight away. but this at the time of going to print. Known results are as follows: an opportunist goal by Post; conipletto nothing. The slippery con,came itig his liat-trick. Air Cotiiiiitiiid were ditions did not help very itittcli and Ycoviltoii trintiiphcd over liranicotc now settling dowti and a scorching 35- uthe ball was from end to end and lirawdy to win the ".\lidland swung Area." Abbotsinch were clc.'r winners yard drive by Willott looked every hit 1 with no positive result. A defctisive of the “Northern Area." with liglinton a goal. but this was well taken by the error zillowed the Rangers centre forl.ossicmouth. third. and Argoalkeeper. The lltinipsiiire forwards ward through on his tmtt and he isecond. ‘ broth. fourth. were not long in striking back and that calmly dribhleil the ball round the The Southern Area and .-\ir (‘ointiippy l’usk. who was giving Weight- advancing goalkeeper and shot into alllliltltl l-‘estival results will be given iii man. the (‘omniand cctitre half. a lot ltlie empty net. From this setback of running around. provided ttie open- fN..~\.S. Lee team went for the equal- the tics! issue. itig for the fifth goal. (':iirtis was called tiser. ishicli came four minutes later. upoti to make sortie outstatiditig saves. g.\lorgan heat the fitll-back and his The ('otiiiiiand continued to press hard 'ccntrc found lloyes, who netted front for a goal and. oti a coitple of occa- close range. Cook. the young cctitre * sions. 'l'urnei' went tiear with a firstwas having a good game. bitt tinie shot. ('oitim;itid were liavitig their unlucky cnougli to slip oti the share of the play. htit many good ‘was siirtlicc and the Rangers centre }grc.is)' the ti//_led in out Hi‘. Home Air Corittttxintl l)ivision:il nioves oppon-.-tit's t'oru;ird restored the lead. minutes With the ltu\‘. two to winners in the Navy ‘Cup soccer penalty limit wliistle. llatiipsliirc contpleted J l'S'l' \\'ll)l‘I cotiipetition this season came froiti six titttiiber their scoring. Pusk hitting Front tltc restart the Navy boys went N.A.S. Lee who. iii a spirited rather with :i be.itititul drive. into the attack and shots by Willott than skilfttl game. heat N..-‘LS. YeovilVery briefly. .-\ir (‘omniand in their and ti llying hc:ider by lloyes went just ton b_v 4---I‘. in the /.oti:il final playetl first ttiatch were beaten by a filter and wide. Furtlier attacks on the Rangers : at .\l:inor \\'a_v Ground on \\'edncsd:ty. faster team. which. althougli the goal brought a series of shots. but stout October 15. strongest Hanipshire team for years. work by the defence and a certain denionstrated tnany weaknesses for amount of luck kept the ball out. In the Air Comniand selectors to ponder the closing seconds lloyes scored a second goal for Du.-dalus. over.


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Rugby_Eootbal l Trials



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ORT‘r‘ players assembled at R.:\'..-\_S_ Ycoviltoii on .\lontl:ty. i October l.'I. for trials and itistrttctiott. particularly with reference to the new entries finally took part in the R.N. Novices‘ Individual rules. All of this was in the capable Championships. held at the Royal Naval Barrat-lei. Portsmouth, on October hands of (‘dr. l’ctcr Sindcry. a former 14. Although it rather disappointing number, in the event it was an equivalent Navy and Combined Services player. The facilitiesand assistance given by proportion of the total entries from other commands. R.N.A.S. Yeovilton help the players to As was expected from novices. skill settle down quickly to a heavy proand technique gave way to spirit and gramme of trials under the watchful bouts seven saw ‘l'he preliminary guts. . . . eye of the chairman. H.A.C.R.U.. of our entries eliminated. and nine Capt. D. 8. Law. M.B.E.. D.S.C.._ through to the quarter and semi-finals. A.R.Ac.S. OSBORNE RD. Six of these went out after some very On conclusion of the trials. a match SOUTHSEA . close contests. Space does not allow was played in the evening. on October an account of each bout. but two are IS. against Bridgwatcr. The Air ComAVAILABLE FOR ALL Lanstaff N. A. mention. of worthy won this keen game by 1‘) points (Lossiemouth) narrowly lost to to R. E. M. Knight (Ariel)~—a very close This game was followed by a further contest—a pity these two Air ComHF. first Command game was preliminary match versus Taiinton. in niand boxers had to draw each other in against Sussex County Football preparation for the first representative (whether a Submar.ne—-Destroyer—Batclesliipor Airci-alt Carrier) the senti-tinal. J. E. M. Gcrrttssi (Ariel) Association on ()ctober 8. The selec- match against llritannia Royal Naval boxed gamcly although outclassed and tors wcre of the opinion that quite a College. Dartmouth. on Saturday. OVER 50 SHIPS‘ DANCES CATERED FOR THIS YEAR much stronger oppo- good side had been selected. and had October 18. details of which will be outpunched by a Wi're—Write—or Phone. Portsmouth 32275 ttcnt. every hope of beating Sussex. tlicre- reported in next month's issue. The Baiiibzira Trophy Knock-out All three finalists lost, but N. A. by avenging the defeat of the i957 Make your first "For: at Call" for Dancing (‘ompetition is now under way. Result Keir (Lossienioutli) gave a very good seasoti. The Savoy Ballroom Radio Band Every Friday This, however. was not to be so for to d:itc is as follows: Lossicntouth. 3 account of himself. and the dccisioti was very close. Chief Electrician Sussex took control. :ind went oitt points; Arbroath. 0. Wilson (Abbotsinch) took part in a worthy winners 5-l. The Command moderate special contest. and unfortunately had team was made to look \'ery to retire with a damaged eye. Up to in most departments: iti particular. this point. this looked as though it there appeared to be a lack of ability would have been the best bout on the to get the ball froiti_ the defence to the forwards and keep it there. bill. The second (Tonimand game. the A report on the Home Air Conittiand boxers who took part in the ’l'rafalg.ir Cup inatch. R.-\'. tl’0t'ti-E and "Open" Trials will l ttiouth) versus Royal .\larines tl’ortsR.t\'. (‘lass thrills be included in the next issue. At the month) on October I5. provided time of going to press. Air Command and t:.\Cllt.'llli.‘ltl. The Royal .\lat'ines What are you going to do when you leave the Service? has a total entry of eight and It boxers played good. hard football. and at and in the lead. even time were one llare you any prospects‘! Or are you just hoping something will turn up? respectively in these events. towards the end of the game fouglit' For every day you iiait. means it day lost in starting on ti new career. For now more than hard and almost equalised. it must be ever before. it is the qualified man who stands the best chance of obtaining it highly-paid position. appreciated that R..\l. llarracks. liastney. players have to battle against lie sure ot' a sound and satisfying future. by making an Before you are a day older write for the School's free I00 page the pick of the reniaindervof the local up/ioimmmr with success through the School of book. Spend an evening with it. Read where the prospccts_,:u'c 1'3!‘ Accountancy. Over the past 43 years tens of brightest—how a Modern llonic-Study Course in IlC(‘0lmf(ll'l('\'.t\ 1 \ Royal Navy and a win would inSrcn-rnryslrip. ("air .-tccaurirmicv. Mniirrrrrini-nl. c!c.. can qualify r“- 1: thousands of satisfied men have proved itUCH interest in Medway yacht- deed be ati achievement. The result is thcy occupy key positions as Managers. you. Wlltlt.‘ you are still serving for that position of responsibility ing circles has been provoked by this game was a repeat of the previous wlncli isill command a salary in civilian life three to four times Chief Accountants. Company Secretaries. the appearance of two twin-htilled season's game. R.N. winning S-3. Cost Accountants, Auditors. Store Congreater than you are ever likely to reach without training. Let your action in throit bout catamarans built and sailed by ratings Scorcrs: Royal Navy: Buck (I). WatDirectors. trollers. C_ontMarines: Littleales (2). Royal of the Reserve Fleet. Chatham. The son (2). mcrcc,lnditstry,&tticPu ticscrviccs. completing this coupon be your first step to a new and successful career. MORE OPPOR TUNITIES leading builders were Shipwrights .\lcllveny (2). llashford (I). Michael Marrissey and John GreenToday, _with Britain's urgent need to PORTSMOUTH DIVISIONAL 6 Norfolk St.. tier there is it greater _d_em:ind than ever industries. streamline wood. The leading sailors are ShipCUP NAVY London. \V.C.2. wright B. Kitchingham and E.A. R. First uatitying Round: Rcscrvc Fleet. 4: for the qualitied man—:tnd ntore opportunities. Field. who have been racing with the Vernon. Osprey. 2. Victory. 5. .l.A.S.C.\\'.. The School of Accountancy. 3 Regent HOLBC. Poole. 2: Excellent. |. Mercury. 3; R..\l.. 4. catamarans as far afield as Burnham- Cottinewood. 6 Norfolk Street. Strand. London. w,c.2. -t: l)itrxrn.'e. I. on-Croitch. Second Oualityinti ltouriil: l{..\I.. -t; sultan. 0. Please send me post /rrr um! wirlmul obligation a copy of I I-‘Icci. 3; l.;\.s.(?.\V.. Poole. 2. \.'i.-tor)’. Rescue " also Fleet Reserve of the Direct Success “The to I Guide Ratings Way Cum-rs. to . your ‘.'; Drvad. 0. Collirtiissood. 5: Dolphin. -t. The Fruit: of Specialisation RCKPVC 72-foot motor their b: (Ti-lltnswood. in Semi-tinal: time Divisional get in sea NAME The School oi Accountancy is a Specialist orgaiiintion. Whilst Ollt 2. Victory. 5: R..\l.. 6. l-‘leer, for week-end is used which launch ADDRES3 The final. Collingwood v. Royal tield ol service is extensive. it is limited to Business Careers. in that I trips which are run very much on a Examination of acid the test The School at by October 22. held. Accountancy on Marines was played with basis. man's “do the other job" Successes. has long kept its position ol unassailable cupretnacy. stokers on deck. etc. Collingwood winning 4——0. seamen cooking. ‘






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