Navy News
Royal Navy Ofiicers’ Uniforms
best Bernard:
40 commercial
Road, Portsmouth
telephone 26118
Royal Parade, Plymouth
Telephone 66543
No. 55
Published firs!
wire to break ‘
PILOT UNABLE {TO OPEN HOOD N Admiralty spokesman declared after the resumed | tinquest on Cdr. John Desmond 5 Russell, who lost his life when his ;Scimitar aircraft plunged over the side of the 30,000 tons aircraft carrier Victorious. that a small valve was inadvertently left open [when the arresting system was with hydraulic fluid during the ship's rciit. _
..:",.~_,v_ _;_.-:3-'-I
Il..\l.S. Victorious during her speed trials after her long refit. It this ship that Cdr. Russell lost his life
carrier rand will leave for Halifax. Nova Bonaventure. accompanied by the ‘Scotia. on Saturday. l)ecember 6. destroyers St. Laurent. fittawa. llaida| Another C ‘.1 n u d i a n destroyer. and St. (‘ruin are how at Portsmouth l H..Vl.C.S. Huron. should also have [been in company. but. as reported 1 elsewhere in this issue. she was in colwith a French ship in the Gulf C.-in-C. COMMENDS -lision of Lyons and is now being repaired in LIEUTENANT Toulon. The Bonaventure is the flagship of N a Special Order of the Day. issued on November I3. the .COmmodorc A. M. Mcdlands. R.C.N.. she has a complement of officers Commander-in-Chief. Portsmouth '-and (Admiral Sir Guy Grantham) com- and men of over l.000. The destroyers nlended l.ieut. James Anthony ,cach have complements of about 250. William Currie. Royal Navy. for 'Thc carrier is Canada's only one. but actions "in keeping with the highest ishc is equipped with a modern angled flight dcck. steam czttapult and decktraditions of the Navy." landing mirror device. At about I240 on September 27. The task force has been taking part a Whirlwind helicopter of No. 824 N.A.T.O. exercises in the MediterSquadron was conducting a close- gin search anti-submarine exercise § mncan. ahead of ll.M.S. Victorious in the ?1 During the week that the ships are at Portsmouth thc otliccrs and men will vicinity of Portland. when it plunlted lbc guests of the various naval ships into the sea. About 30 to 40 seconds after the crash l.ieut. Currie came ‘and establishment: who are arranging ltospitality for them. to the surface. followed by S. F.
Have you been immunised? PRESEEATION
.\ D/.l.‘i.896J63. Leading
Seaman. and Meat. J. H. Arbuthnot. R.‘.\'.. the other two members of the crew. Despite the fact that during the impact I.ieut. Currie received serious iniuries. and notwithstanding his exhausted condition after an undcnsater escape. this olliccr insisted that the rescue helicopters pick up his pilot and aircremu-an before he him.-.elf was rescued.
WONG H.M. ships which arrived suck at Plymouth on November 28 after service overseas are the destroyer Cavendish (Capt. P. U. Bayly. D.S.C. and two Bars. RN.) and the frigate Szilisbtlry (Cdr. A. G. Watson. R.N.) from the Meditcrrunc:in. Both ships s.u'lcd from Britain earlier this year. On November 24 the frigate Troubridgc arrived at Spithcad after duty on the West Indies’ Station. Commanded by Cdr. R. W. W. Lancaster. R.N.. the Troubridgc. which has been away from Britain for a year. visited Newport. Rhodc lsland., for the America Cup races this autumn.
gallantry of the Royal Navy Flag Oflicer Submarines. who made TIIE is proverbial, and in worth- arrangements for Mrs. Dunne to it
while cause everyone. from the visit ll..\l.S. Truneheon when that youngest Seaman to the most senior ship was at Liverpool, Mrs. officer. puts himself out to ensure Dunne's home town. In the interim, Mrs. Dunne had success. A shining example of this co- to have an operation which inoperation has recently come to volved putting her leg in a ealliper. notice. A Mrs. Alice Donne. an but even this did not dnunt this elderly lady 75 years “young" had patriotic Englishvroman. and in due for years wished to visit a_ sub- course Mn. Dunne. “thrilled and marine. In a letter to the First Sea honoured that the Royal Navy Lord. Admiral of the Fleet The Earl could bother about an old lady and Mountbatten. Mrs. Williams. a her fanciful ideas,” visited Il.M.S. daughter. wrote explaining that al- Truncheon. Mrs. Dunne limped though her mother could only walk around the deck of the submarine. a few steps. yet she has demanded peered into the interior and talked nothing of life but the security for to some of the crew. and before she her home and children. and nothing went ashore she was presented with of her country but the privilege of a framed photograph of Truncheon living in it. She is as British 19 the at sea by Lieut. Cdr. David Union Jack. intensely proud of her llepworth. the'ship's Commanding heritage. and the sort of person Oflieer. The kindness shown to Mrs. who. truly. refuses to draw interest Dunne undoubtedly won her perfrom the Post Oliice Savings Bank sonal but her gratitude. spirit because she wishes to lead her earned the praise of the Service and money to her country free of demonstrates. yet once again. how charge. Upon receipt of this letter, near the Navy ‘ms to the heart of the Admiral Mountbatten sent it to the British people.
V.I.Ps. GET A DEHYDRATED The purpose of the lunch to LUNCH demonstrate the dehydrated products was
being produced by the Ministry of Agriculture.
frigateFynchome (Captain
.M.S. Loch
B. arrived at Pcngclly. D.S.C., R.N.) her home port of Plymouth on November 18 after an absence of one
year lcss two days.
She sailed from Dcvonport on November20 of last year for service on the East Indies Station and has spent. most ofhcr lime in the Persian Gulf. H.M.S. Loch Fync was the last ship to leave Aqaba on November 2. when British troops withdrew from Jordan through that port.
Success Built On
Saammtnrnzammmuawg we lnisl)
Eljristmas g is Qttofilerry all trailers ‘i
all naval personnel under the age of 25. This has been dons: because. in recent I.outbrcak.~:. young adults rather than lcliildrcn have been the victims and been it high rate of severe itlicrc has and a substantial proportion ['lIlf;ll)'.\'lS of deaths. it involves two painless in-
lI f
J IllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIlllllIlIllllllllllllllllllllllll lb
Lordships have made immuTHEIR nisation against polio a\'.1ilablc
Was at the America Cup
to commercial Road, Portsmouth Telephone 2611! 30 Royal Parade, Plymouth Telephone 88503
The defect caused the an-ester wire to break and the Scimitar continued along the flight deck and went over the edge into the sea. Licut.-Cdr. Colin Parker. who carried out an investigation. said Cdr. Russell's failure to escape from his N Novcmbcr l4 :1 party of “V.l.P. Guinea Pigs" were given lunch in cockpit was due to a chain of circumstances. it had been ascertained that the Cookery School, R.N. Barracks. the pilot had dilliculty in operating Chatham. The menu was: potato soup. the jettison handle of the cockpit hood. grlllcd Cod Slcéllifi. bfili-‘Nd Pork ClIOP$. Then. when sea water entered the. gatcau potatoes. cabbage, peas. blackcockpil. Cdr. Russell had to spcndicurriml l¥11ViIf0iStime getting rid of his helmet and‘ Unusual‘! Not really. until you hear oxygen mask. He ntanagcd to open that cvcry ingrcdicnt used was dehythe hood after the aircraft submerged drated. all the cookery stali were and would have shot to the surface. trainccs undergoing their routine new but he was anchored by his leg straps entry training. and those partaking of and the dinghy lanyard. lunch included the Director General, Supply and Secretariat Branch (ViceRedesigned Admiral H. P. Koclle). the Director of Licut.-Cdr. Parker told Mr. Kcnroy. Victualling. three very prominent civil representing the Admiralty. that in his servants from the Admiralty and the opinion Cdr. Russell would have got Ministry of Agriculture. Fisheries and free if he had been able to remove Food. and the Commodore. R.N. Barhis straps and the lanyard. racks, Chatbam. it was also stated that the part of the apparatus which lcd to the breaking of the arrestcr wirc had been redesigned and there was no possibility of it happening again. The inquest jury returned :1 verdict of accidental death.
clothing requirement BERNARDS MEN'S SHOPS
T/mrsday of the month
caused Y6 ’
Newspaper of the Royal Navy and The Royal Naval Association
Call in at a Bernard: Men's Shop whenever you have a
jcctions (with no after effects) six weeks followed by -.t third injection 20 lapart months later. The schcrnc is entirely voluntary. There has been 3 lot of bad publicity connected with these injections following an accident in the U.S.A.. but there is absolutely no risk with the latest type of vaccine supplied by the Electrical Artiticer First Clam Alfred Admiralty. Everybody who is in the receives his Long Service and Good agc~group is strongly advised to give Conduct Medal from Rear-Admiral the matter serious thought; those who [-2. N. V. Currey. D.S.0.. D.S.C.. arrive at the wise decision to acquire Chief of Stall to the Commander in this immunity should contact his or her Divisional Ofliccr or the Sick Bay. MADE AND PACKED T0 PERFECTION Chief, Portsmouth
Pensions do not ‘die’ death husband of upon
Navy News B
December. 1958
n t 1' o it
Llcot. (5) ll. R. ncrridsc. R.N.(Retd.). Royal Naval Barracks, Portsmouth Tcl.: Portsmouth 26-ill (Ext. 2194)
EDITORIAL 081‘ of us have lost count of the nuntber of times the rates of pay. rates of pensions and retired pay have been amended since the war. but we
DISTURBANCE ALLOWANCE IS DOUBLED the several recommenda- and m:ikc recommendations. The The Admiralty particularly anxious AMONG tions of the Grigg Report——the chairman of this committee Sir that the pension ittcreasc for the Navy to
New Zealand ? lR.fiAny
finisltittg their and tbinkiiig of emigrating Zealand readers
New would perhaps be glad of a little advice. and I should take the form which is best very pleased to help them. would be suited to our career strticttire. Each I_ ant ex-Royal Navy myself. and scheme will cost about the same. so at the beginning of this year. there is no danger of our losing any- emigrated As a matter of f:ict. I worked my thing by having slightly dillercnt scales passage Australia. oil‘ t_o paying a tug from the other Services. The details at I then new Auckland Adelaide. to are being worked otit now. and one fc:ittire we would like to see is a stable aitd since my arrival l have had great and advice from pcttplc her;-_ mid link between rates of pay and rates of help I know necessary it is for entipension so that :i naval rating. know- Rrants tohow have friends on arrival to ing his ratc of pay. cart easily calcu- help them settle down. late how much pension he will get. There is no ttl'!t.‘tt‘Ipl0_\'tllL‘lll for tradesmen and skilled workers. in f:ict there is a shortage of scameit and electricians and others. I found myself a ]Ol‘l within 24 hours of arriving in Atiekland. and l would be very pleased to ltelp others as l have been helped. Yours faithfully, V. ROBERTS are
are now looking fo r ward with port of the Advisory Committee on James Grigg. a distinguished Civil SerRccruiting—~acccptcd by the Govern- vant and. front I942 to I945. the Secrepleasurable anticipation to the imple- ment are: tary of State for War. During the first mentation of tlte Grigg Report reeontThe l. automatic review of rates of half of 1958 this committee gathered mendations which have been accepted intervals of not less than two evidence in a variety of ways and ntade by the Government. Although the pay at their report at the end of July. report of the Advisory Coiuntittee on years! 2. Increases in rates of disturbance How did the Nm'_i' give its victvr In Recruitment was ittade to enhance the attractiveness of the services to new allowance front £12 to £25 for ratings the (iri_L'.L' ('mnmiIr¢-4-I’——Members of recruits. the conditions :irc of necessity entering furnished married quarters.t the comittittec visited ships and estaband front £22 105. to £50 if entering lishments at houte and abroad and they felt by those at present serving. lti additioit to the items cttunterated private accommodation. The new rates were given a lot of written evidence. for oflicers are £40 and £80 respec- In addition. the Second Sea l.ord on this page. the committee's report appeared before the committee. having Slztlctl that i.‘*)0.000.000 is to be spent tively: 3. liducation allowances for child-j lirst been briefed by all Adttiiralty on Service :iccomtttodation generally in tile United Kingdom. over a five- ren a! boarding schools increased to departments coneemed and having £150 for the first child. £175 for the takeit note of Fleet opinion. year period. and in addition large sums second and £200 for the third: What. in your riciv. is the most imare beittg spent on accomntodation on 4. be increased portant rccommendulimiZ’ Ratings‘ pensions to Quite stations overseas. Vast improventcnts and into force to come on April I. 195‘): clearly. the first. This rccontmends that have been made since the war on the 5. Future family pensions should be there should be an automatic review at accommodation of ollicers and ntcn. incrgased to give widows one-third of intervals of not less than two years and together with the prtwision-for naval the pension which the husband was that the first review should take place personnel—of married quarters. and drawing. or in the case of those still in time for any changes to come into the programme is not yet completed. serving. one-third of the pension he force on April l. l9ti(). This does not the centralised system of Although it is considered that the would drawn had he been in- necessarily mean a pay rise. but the drafttitg was instituted in I956. youngster in his teens or early twenties validcd.have These increases to to is that for the first ratings were given an opportunity to apply important thing is not concerned with the pension payboth olliccrs :ind and into tinte riien to have come delinite we a iindcrtakittg to record their choice of a "st,-|._-cicd able to him in the remote future. there force I on April next: exautinc the of rates pay regularly and depot" for fantily welfare and some is no doubt that the Services of today (‘hildren 6. in schools let Service boarding or not pay lag behind that of holding purposes. have beeit itt:tde really attractive and with relations whilst the staying the civilians. Of more direct interest family Experience has shown that some men should ntake for an cllicicnl and conis abroad be entitled to to free one to sortie are the increases in ratings‘ scent to be under the impression that tented one. What a far cry it is from the father's to station each pensions and family pensions. the their choice of "selected depot" cart the days of the Press Gang to today. passage vear: doubling of disturbance allowance and also influence the drafting authority in when :i commission abroad is. in the Ofiicers 7. and of the further assistaitce with the cdttcation deciding the area to whielt they :irc to ratings nt:iin. for one year. unless one is able Wonten's Naval Service to re- of children. Royal be drafted when their turn comes for to have one-‘s family with one. and ceive of rates l)m'x the h'(‘tDIIlIll¢'lllI(lli0llabout dis- United Kingdom Based Service. wherepay. pensions and grattiithen for that family to be flown out at tics 85 :it per cent. of their male mrhuncc ulluwrim-e me-mt mt rdlc-mlimt as. in fact. the drafting authority only the expense of the Government. and in the rulz-.i'."-No. The committee takes into consideration their Home in a number of cases a furnished ntar- counterparts. When the report was published merely recommended a doubling of the Drafting Preference as ried quarter is waiting_ for the fantily. with expressed on the Governntent's comments and on amounts this has been payable. Preference Drafting Cards. 1 0 0 November 4. our correspondent interNevertheless. in the Admir- Their Lordships feel that the misWe wish all our readers and adver- viewed the Director of Welfare and accepted. we are examining a scheme to understanding arises because ratings tisers a happy Christmas and a pros- Fleet Supply Duties (Capt. W. E. alty. make the disturbance allowance rules tend to associate the title “selected perous 1959. Brockman. R.N.) at the Admiralty. simpler and more fair in application. depot" with the former port division and asked the following questions: and it may be that by the time the new system. and to avoid misunderstandis the (irigg Report. ("Ill limi- rates come into force on April I next ing. it has been decided to abolish the Admiralty Fleet Order 2760/58 gives didWhat it (‘Hint to he ii'riIIt'It."~-Ntitiottnl we shall have some better rules. title "Selected Depot.“ and instead to extracts front Advattccmeiit Rosters Service can only be ended if we get In I/tr’ ll’/tile it .mid it Ilml the Paper allow for the informatiott of men who have ratings to choose a "Welfare for volunteers the Services enough to rain" lii_t:ht'r will he 0/ family p¢'It.rimt.r been recommended. It gives an indicaAuthority." ntaintaiu a certain niiniiitunt standard. inIrml.'u'¢°cl. hut in the i:u.i't° of rat'iIi,t:.i" The "Welfare Authority" for those tion of .the present state of the rosters. To them with the help recruiting nimlr i s prohI7(‘IlSl0Il.\' to fl‘/('f('ll(‘l' iiirn-nsr.r but the situation changes rapidly with lcm ratings who have :ilrcady chosen a the Government decided ask to the order a the "of proporril by mm- “selected depot" will automatically be large numbers of men becoming due group of independent mim.'t'." WIt people the cmitlrtillet-'.v (among t'.\'m‘I the Commodore of that depot. Ratings y are for release and the progressive reduc- them ti editor. Liberal a newspaper pmpo.wrI.r not brim: accepml in this may change their "Welfare Authority." tion in numbers allowed. .\l.P.. :i retired Trade Union official latter iu.r(urii:¢'."-—'l'he requirements of bitt as the naval barracks at Chatham and a lawyer) "to cxantinc the factors the three Services are not identical. and will close in I961. they :ire advised not His dominion shall be also from the bearing on the willingness of men and what suits the Army and R.A.F. best to choose the Commodore of that women to serve in the armed forces is not necessarily the best for the Navy. depot. one sea to the other; and from the flood unto the world's end.
Sproston Avenue. Ellesalic. Auckland. New Zealand. I
Pre-war Submariner lR.—-May
l olfer my sincere congratulations upon N.-ivv Nt=.\v.~;, a Copy of which came iitto my possession on a recent visit to dear old Pompey. l was pgirtictilarly interested in the siibmarinc news. for I am a pre-w:ir exsiibmariner. I wonder if any of your readers are old sliellbacks like l must be considered by all in their lirst l2 or seven. I was in L54 before taking the Oswald to China. where I also served in the Peanut (Parthian) and Olympus, not to mention some happy days in the spare crew in the Medway. As a memory jogger to any readers who may qualify. l was a sparker with
the well-earned nickname of "Diprod." l have since developed some ntiddleage spread. so probably would not qualify for the soubriqiict any more. -—B. Mcl)0NAl.D GAWLEY. 97 lireakspears Road. London, S.E.4.
Writer A. E. Ciiddon. P/MX.644l7. has been elected Lower Deck representative for the Portsmouth Commaiid at the London Headquarters of N.A.A.F.l. with effect from January I. in succession to C.P.O. Writer W. T. H. Joyce. P/.\lX.5-1546.
PARTICULARS IN this Iarccarr are H.M.S. Marylou, January 5. at Hythc H.M.S. Crossbow. February 26. at ll.M.S. Belfast. May, at Dcvonport. liable to alrcrmimt. The U.K. Base for Local Foreign Service (Mediter- Chatham. for trials (Part General for Foreign Service (Far East). Port is the port at which (I ship may ranean). (Crew ex Lullington.) Service Commission complement). ll.M.S. Laybum, May. at Rcnfrcw. for be expected to give leave and to re/it H.M.S. Mt.-ssina. January 6. at Chat- ll.M.S. Vidal. February l7. at ChatHome Sea Service. (Crew ex I Boom as (1 general rule. ham, for General Service Commis- Defence Vessel.) for Foreign Service. ham_ Volimtc-erin Rating; may volimleer H.M.S. Venus. January 6 at Devon- sion. U.K. Base Port. Chathani. H.M.S. Loch Killisport, May. at Ports[or any of the rliipr. or [or service in H.M.S. for trials. Dcllgbt. 24. at February mouth. for General Service Comrt particular station. or /or specific port LTD. for General Devonport. Service January 27. at Commission (Mediterranean/Home). mission (Home/Arabian Sea and 3 Edinburgh Road, Portsmouth forms of service (e.g., Local Foreign ll.M.S. Loch Fyoe. Persian Gulf). U.K. Base Port. for General Service Service or General Service). As (lrllll' Devonport. U.K. Base Phone 20941 Port. Dcvonport. Portsmouth. Commission (Home/Arabian Sea operate the tottoivtng otnuu Express some: irig action is normally taken at least end February. at H.M..S. St. Jama, June at Dcvonport four moitrlu ahead [or General Scr- and Persian Gulf). U.K. Base Port. H.M.S. Gr-avellnes. to: Ionic: Personnel EVERY WEEKEND Dcvonport for trials. Devonport. for trials. vicc mid Foreign Service and two LEEDS cm BRADFOED moiirlts ahead for Home Sea Service H.M.S. Daring. January 20, at Dcvon- H.M.S. Laymoor. April at Renfrew for H.M.S. Chevron, June at Rosyth for 4316 |"|UDDER5F|El-0 Home Sea Service. (Crew ex l Boom “I6 and Port Service. application: to port. for General Service Commistrials. SHEFFIELD J6 ... Defence Vessel.) in serve .rhip.r which are comrm':.rr'ort- sion (Mcditerraneanlflome). U.K. NOTTINGHAM 1| Powderham. J unc. at Hythe for H.M.S. Burnaston, March 9. at Hythe. H.M.S. LEICESTER within these periods are unlikely Base Port. Dcvonport. It irtg Home Sea Service (50th M.S.S.+NORTHAMPTON ll]. _to have any eflccl. for Local Service (MediterForeign ; li.M.S. Dainty. January 20. at Ports-LIVERPOOL crew ex-Reedham. Home Base Port. ...‘ Ola ranean). (Crcw‘cx Hietilcion.) MANCHESTER mouih 3'16 for General Service CommisRosyth. SUBMARINE COMMAND NEWCASTLE-UNDER-LYHE H.M.S. March Rocket. Portsat nu to, sion (Mcditcrranean/Homc). U.K. mouth. for trials. H.M.S. Leverton, June. at l-lythe. for STAFFORD )0]. l!.M.S. 1958. December. at‘ Campos, Base Port. Portsmouth. WOLVERHAMPTON Local Foreign Service (MediterIIIBirkcnhead for service in the Fasll.M.S. Bidcford March. NRMINGHAH at Enterprise. I!.M.S. Defender, January 20. at Chatranean). (Crew ex Thankerton.) COVENTRY lane Squadron. 13 for Home Sea Service Coast (East for General Service Commisham. WARWICK 29]. Dal:-ymple, July. at Dcvonport H.M.S. Survey). U.K. Base Port. Chatham. H.M.S. I959. Sentinel, January. at BANFUKY sion "I6 U.K. (Mcditert-anean/Homc).' Chatham for service in Portland OXFORD ll.M.S. Egeritt. March. at Cockenzic. for General Service Commission. ISIBase Port. Chatham. U.K. Base Port. Dcvonport. PLYHOUTH ulfor Home Sea Scrvicc (East Coast Squadron. DRUHBRIDGES H.M.S. Bossington. January 27 at Ill‘ Survey). U.K. Base Port. Chatham. H.M.S. Scorpion. July. at Chatham. EXETER lill H.M.S. Ntinvbitl, February. at Barrow Portsmouth for Home Sea Service. for trials. (Part General Service BRISTOL for service in the Faslane Squadron. H.M.S. Yaxbarn. March. at Hythe. for Wll U.K. Base Portsmouth. Port. SALISBURY Commission complement.) UIJ Home Sea Scrvicc (50th M.S.S.). ll.M.S. Token. February. at DevonGLOUCESTER 15]U.K. Base Port. Rosyth. H.M.S. Tot-quay. July, at Portsmouth. SWINDON port for service in the Malta Squad- H.M.S. Sheraton, January 27 at PortsICImouth. for Home Sea Service. U.K. H.M.S. Malcolm, April. for Home Sea CJRENCESTER for General Service Commission Ill. ron. MARLBOROUGH ISIBase Port. Portsmouth. (Home/East of Suez). U.K. Base GENERAL Service (Fishery Protection). U.K. READING IllPort. Portsmouth. Base Port. Rosyth. PORTLAND lil- l!.M.S. Kevtids January I3. 3! H.M.S. Whirlwind. January. at Malta Froni hruham for Local Foreign Service. (Refit lLM.S. Punehcston, April. at Hythe. Il.M.S. Salkhury, July. at Dcvonport. NJDcvonport. for trials. LONDON Illfor General Service Commission complement.) for Local Foreign Service (Mediterll.M.S. Teaur. December I. at ChatAii there unless iirilt tdto the following route (Home/East of Suez). U.K. Base H.M.S. Caprice, February I7. at Glasranean). (Crcw ex Kildatton.) ham for Home Sea Service. Scrvloo for oomcnionol ILM Port, Devonport. v gow. for Foreign Service on Far H.M.S. Girdle Nest. 28 at Devon.-non: Sailor: H.M.S. Woolutott. December l._at sueci.imn.N aumdu‘ port. for Local oreign Scrvicc l!.M.S. Scarborough, July. at PortsHythc, for Local Foreign Service East Station. Unicorn Gate: today M. for H.M.S. Excellent.mouth. for General Service Com(Mediterranean). (Crew ex Fenton.) lLM.S. Chaplet. February l7. at (Mediterranean). H.M$. Phoenix: R.A.O.C., Hllseo Bot-irodu: mission (Home/East of Suez). U.K. Cothom, Homes: Turn 0-I07. Forefront. Alto H.M.S. Alert. December 15. at Siriga-- Portsmouth for Home Sea Service. H.M.S. Bermuda. April 30 at DevonH.M.S Am! at dinner ram picltittg no at Base Port. Portsmouth. U.K. Base Port. Devonport. port for General Service Commispore. for Foreign Service on Far N.B.—To all llll visiting Porssion (HomclMediterranean). U.K. l!.M.S. Tcnby. July. at Chaiham. for East Station. H.M.S. Battleaxe, l7. at February mouth: Special cllltlos to meet Base Port. Devonport. General Service Commission (Home! H.M.S. Leopard. December. at Portsfor General Service ComRosyth. H.M.S. yourparticulartravolllngroqulre Crime. April 30 at Singapore East of Suez). U.K. Base Port. Chalmouth. for General Service Com- mission (Mediterranean I Home). merits can be organised at short for ham. Foreign Service (Far East). mission (Home/South America and U.K. Base Port. Portsmouth. notice South Atlantic). U.K. Base Port. H.M.$. Trottbridge, February 25. at H.M.S. Crossbow. April ‘ll at Chatham ll.M.S. Loch lush. July. at DevonPortsmouth. Portsmouth for General Service for General Service Commission port. for General Service CommisWrite, p|'iono.or call H.M.S. St. Bride‘: Day, January 30. at Commission (Home/West lndies). (Mediterranean/Home). U.K. Base sion (Home/Arabian Sea and PerTRIUMPH COACHIB LTD. for Foreign Service (Far U.K. Base Port. Portsmouth. sian Gulf). U.K. Base Port. DevonPort. Chatham. 3 Edinburgh Road. Portsmouth st H.M.S. Tiger. March I7 at Clyde. H.M.S. Sbavington. May. at Hythe. for port I-LMS. Cavalier. January 9. at Singafor Home Sea Service trials. U.K. Local Foreign Service (Mediter- ll.M.S. Tiger. July. for General ScrPhone 20947 for Service Foreign (Far East). Base Port. Portsmouth. pore, ranean). (Crew ex Dutton.) vicc Commission.
P__ecembcr, I958
New Store Ship for Far East
HF. Royal Fleet Auxiliary Reliant. formerly a grain carrier working: between the Gulf ol Mexico and the United Kingdom, left Chatharn on; §.\'ovember 4 for the Far East to take tip her role as the R0} at .\'avy‘s tirst: :air-stores issuing-ship capable of replenishing aircraft carriers at sea. She has an endurance at sea of 50 days‘ steaming at l6 knots. and carries; 3 over 30.000 dilfercnt types of aircraft spares and general .\';ival stores : :ranging from quarter-inch diameter washers to lllght-deck tractors weighingfi 5 two tons. ller six holds are titted out to make her the most modern; different items : Etravelling storerooni alloat. and any one of the thousands of : of stores can be located by the civilian store otlicers on board and taltcnf E up on the deck within a few minutes. The very latest automatic tensioningg gvvinch on deck means the Reliant will be able to transfer stores to aircraft : carriers in unfavourableconditions of weather. E Conversion of the former M.\'. Soniersby to the R.F.A. Reliant has 5 been based by the Admiralty on the concept that aircralt uiniers should be : able to spend longer time at sea, independent of their shore bases.
40,000 ‘SPARES’
HE anti-submtirinc frigate, H.M.S. The .\t.\'. Somersby was built in 1954 and traded for two years as :1 grain Palliscr, of the Bluckwood Class. : carrier before she was bought by the Admiralty and converted for her was launched at the shipyard of Messrs. 5 new role at North Shields. Alex Stcphcn & Sons (iovan. ller mtuitcr ‘us Captain H. D. Gnusden. l).S.0., 0.B.l-1.. who has been in Glasgow. on _.\l;1y I0. I956. the Royal Fleet Auxiliary service for 32 years. The vessel carries a comThe nnniitig ceremony was pctEplenient of lt0 ollicers and men. and is fully air-conditioned for service in_ fornicd by Lady Pzillisv.-r_ the widow of Ethe tropics. Even the stores. stacked in hundreds of specially designed; l-'. E. Pailliscr. : trays and storage cabinets. will benefit from cool-air ducts located in each: HE ofliccrs and men of H.M.S. .-\dn1ir;il Sir Arthur The ship was ncccptcd D_.S.C. 5 of the six holds. N¢I|'Vill (Cdr. E. G. Stcarns)—:1 l(.C.B.. into in Dcccniticr service 13. I957. l-Eventually. Reliant will carry about 40.000 difierent patterns of stores. tank-ltinding ship attached to Christ- Licut.-Cdr. G. E. liummond. R.N.. will be pemuinently at worlt on board her maintainand two civilian nizis lsl:ind—h:ive been enjoying a in command. ing store accounts and stock levels on a “stock-taking” which will never; recreational cruise. and so far have being end all the time Reliant is in service. 'lhey will also twist the Naval Store: visited (‘urolinc rind Flint Islands. Ollicer in maintaining lcdgerx which will show at a glance where each of the E Rziratongzi and Napier, en route to Editferent items is stowed on the three deck levels. Adelaide. Caroline and Flint Islands reminded the crew of the neighbouring islands around their base. but :it Rtirntongn they found it vastly dittcrcnt. The people were very friendly. but the tciiipcruturc was lower than they had .»\dmir:il nicntioncd facts and experienced during the past few Crcusy IR Dciiis Truscott. their Lord the work of the Trust. months.‘ Hcrc cqiiipmcnt. ctc.. was Figures regarding Mayor of Lotidon. opened the lllld said that over £fl50.000 had been loaded and taken to Napier.3(ith Annual Mccting of the distributed and more than 15.000 At this. their first port of call in New Naval Bcncvolcnt Trust held in zipplicntions for help had been dealt Zenlzind. they were able to see somethe Mansion House oti October 29. with. At the end of his speech Sir thing of the centennial celebrations. said that :1 certain amount but they arrived too late to enter :1 Sir Denis said that although he had George rcorguiiistition may be ncccssary in tlo;it in :1 parzidc. tiuicli to cvcryonc's the direct contact no view of the Government's decision to disuppoiiitiiiciit. Some of the Scots saw the Scottish Festival held on Navy he had been interested in close the Norc Command. that Scrvicc since he was a small Vice-Adniir.ilI). if. llollzind-Mzirtin. November 0. During their live-day the Second Sea Lord. in his address. visit. trips were organised. and boy, when he wore a sailor suit. said that the Navy urgently nccds men N:ipier‘< N1t\'.'|l Relations Olliccr (Mr. He was. however. tidniinistering :1 I of quality. H1: wondered whether the G. _'.. liissoni invited them to :1 swimNaval Trust and had assisted many Welfare State was sometimes tzikcn too ming carnival. c.iscs. He went on to sziy: much for dcscrviiigthzit and the possibility Thcir ncxt port of cull prior to all those concerned with docs existgranted. “I think of too much pampering. Adelaide was Dunedin. the Royal Naval ticncvolcnt Trust are Whzit was wanted in the Royal Narvik left the United Kingdom in Navy deserving of thc grctitcst :idmir:ition._" were men able to shoulder .l:inu:iryand has attended the first :ind in presenting the report. the Presi- hilitics and act upon their own second series of the thermonuclear dent of the Royal Naval llcncvolcnt initizitivc. tests. 'l‘ru~.t. .-\dmir:il ot’ the Fleet Sir (icorgc ('rc;is_v. who mentioned that this was his tirst year in oflicc zis (inventor of the Trust. thzinkcd the Lord Mayor for placing the .\ll|tlSlt)tl Housc at the disposnl of thc'l‘. for the meeting.
H..\l.S. P:1lliser has an extreme length of M0 ft. (300 ft. between perpcndiculars) and :1 beam of 33 ft. She is armed with three Bofors guns and has two Limbo three-barrcllcd depthcharge mortars, Each mortar can fire a pattern of large projectiles with great accuracy. and the proicctilcs can be set
prc-dctcrmincd depth.
at :1 Thcsc weapons
be trained over I than previous types of antican
wider arc suhniarine niortars.
Motoring Notes
IS YOUR LOCAL GARAGE DIRTY AND UNTIDY “Collar sense at last lack
is smart!”
.Ct'il‘l_L'_l'iIl Ilitlt.‘t.l
II l|AIVI¢ Conan wrros
'PlHn~Vtl1[g‘)DI will ttt Ill cltlltls
toast to
the (itlI.'\'l<
posed by Shipuuitc
A. C. linrling. :1 vice-president of the hrzinch. and (‘oloncl l.. 0. Jones. ('h;iirm;in of thc
IDEAL FOR NAVAL WEAR Trade enquiries
HE death has occurred of Shipmzitc i
l).ivid Venn. former Vicc-Chairninn of the Cairdill Branch. after :1 long ill-
i i
for four years. devoted his life to fiirtlicring the cause of our Association and to the welfare of his fellow nicn. David also held ofilec in the Community Centre in the area of his Ctirditi \‘l_ll'llll'l)-'|l'|home and his'p:issing; is :1 grievous loss. Many an epitaph is; written after the death of noble men.‘ but the memory of David Venn. :1‘ humble man. will long remain with the llltnlc of the Royal Naval Association in South Wales. --On \‘Vedncstl.'iy. October 2‘). people in :ill walks of life paid their last tribute to Shipmatc David. and at the graveside Shipmtitc Chairman of No. 7 Area. David Grant. spolrcrlbc Dcdiczitionwa sad farewell
Urhtin l)istrict‘Council. replied. The said he felt hehe \\:t\ then: in it iliiul cnpzicity. :is nzis :1 retircd the i\lttt‘ll‘lt:1. of otliccr Sonic of Royal his ynrns were most suitiiblc for the occasion. About l-$0 people were present ill the (lill’lCC which lt)ll1)\\L'Ll. The branch joined other Service l)l'gi!nl$.'tll0nF. for the Rcnicmbrnncc Sunday l':ir;idc :ind. on November I7. Rc.-ir-Coniniotlorc A. D. Rooltc. of tlic Nnnticzil 'l'r:iiningCorps. visited them tllSL'ttR'~' linnl details‘ of 'l'.S. l.o_\':ilty. discuss tinzil details of ‘LS. Loyalty. to
Sliipmatc David. Vice-Ch:iirm:in
worthy Sltlpm:tl'¢.
—with a great new powerful and economical HILLMAN engine '
AVING rcgularlv ciidcuvourcd to is sorttconc who needs them. but I have product: something of interest to yet to mcct him. n;iv:il motorists for the last four years G/IRAGES your correspondent has ot‘tcn-wonlti my job. which l:tl(t:S me into :1 dcrcd if zinyonc cvcr l'L'.'ltl\'Il1l\'column. At last. after 51 consecutive articles. I lltI','.L‘ \'ill'lCl_\’ of g:ir:igcs. one thing am rcwurdcdml h;ivc met someone stands out very clearly. That is the who actually has rcud these notes. complete zibscncc of lirst-cltiss motorliziving grcctcd him like :1 long lost cycle worksliops. Recently I have been brothcr. l thought it might be :1 good inside the workshops of four litl'}:L‘ motor-cycle dcnlcrs, and quite frunklv Li. hc would like this nionlli. Alas. I consider their worksliops :1 disgrzicc. he made only two siiggcxtioiis——“Somc- At best thcv can only be described as dingy. inuckv holcs. where no selfthing on winter routine. pcrh:1ps"l Hc sccmcd quitc iiurt when I showed rcspccting should motor-cyclist him thc notes on this .~'.ub]cct in thc allow his mucliinc to be touched. or for tli:it mzittcr. where no first-class October issue. "What about soinctliing on insur- iiiccli;iiiic would lower llllll\t.'lI to :incc." lic then rcm;irkcd. Having work. Next time you go have :1 shown him the July. August and look round. and if the sight nziuscutes November notes oti this suliicct. hc you. and you lt(lVL‘ also llittl the odd l then grudgingly zidmittcd lll'.lI he came spot of bother with repair work done from Dcvotiport and was ;i hit out of by them. take :1 tip and change vour touch. rcpuircr. A. E. .\lARSll. Ah well. I suppose mnicwhcrc there I‘ |ll PL ..-usll ' r its sttcccssftil most upon
H” nee 7.7. f.%5.lT.l
'KAn'imel.lA' '.'-paid (nallul. ihlli--vnll tn-u. arch ntm ant eh:--iniuin n.n~ nnubrn null-bl: uutru; also two-tone evto-at nrbeuu.
E l
Driving is believing. Sit behind the wheel of this masterly
Minx and you know at once you're in a great car. Great in comfort, luxury and style; great in safety and ro:idholding—and great in performance without loss of economy. Here’: a new, fully provcn I494 c.c. engine; new rear-axle ratio for more refined running, larger battery, larger clutch, deeper, more comfortable seating, special insulation for quieter running, new front-end design, distinctive moulding embellishment, wider choice of C0lours—ALl. 'riti-‘.32 GREAT l.\tl'ROVE-_ iiit—::4rrs AT No EXTRA oosr! Try the great, new Hitlman Minx
NEW LOW-PRICE ESTATE CAR Try also the new Hlt.LMAN Estate Car—zig.1In with all these improvements and at a lower price than before. Yestho new ljttLLMAN Estate Ciir comes to you now at it new low prtco—£598 plus p.t. £300.10. Hero's Iurury. all-purpose motoring that‘: down in cost yot up in value! See also HILLMAN MINX CONVERTIBLE. MINX SPECIAL SALOON and the DOUBLE-DUTY HILLMANHUSKY.
*NEW* Hire Purchase Terms from
[lllfl INCUSN
iA5'llOlt IILLING $i'nI'IOI
nuorrsiiiiiitti-winriovinsris DELIVERY PLAN
dinner theI ratings‘ dining at
Dcvonport Dockyard from the Mediterranean after firing nearly a
hundred missiles and iindertakin extcnsivc trials of every part o the system. particularly in the radar field. since shebccamc the Royal Navy‘s lirst guided weapons trials ship two years ago. Since May she has been based on Malta to continue tests and evaluation of the Seaslug. the Navy's medium range anti-aircraft missile. (‘ommanded by Capt. ‘M. G. Grei_g. D.S.C.. R.N.. the Girdle Ness. built_ in Canada during the war as a landing craft maintenance ship. has a complement of 30 oliicers. 20 members of the R.N. Scientific Service and 380 men. Representatives of firms collaborating in the design and construction of missiles are also embarked.
up-to-date fightin equipment. This consists o a number of radars with associated display and communications systems to provide warning of
attack. to enable the threat to be accurately assessed. and to pass selected
target information to the shipbornc radar forming part of the missile system. There are also niagzwincs and handling gear for slowing the missiles and trzirispprtirig them to the launcher. Ncss
special equipment for controlling pilotlcss aircraft targets. Following development trials of the
Scaslug ashore. some at the hlinistry of Supply research establishment at Abcrporth and others at the weapons
research base at Woomcra. South Australia. it is the function of the Girdle Ness to prove the weapon for service in the Fleet
Write for details and illurtratcrl brochure to IOIIN C. NICIIOLIS COURT LANE COSIIAM HINTS : Te‘. Cosharn 76429 -
NAVAL TRADl'l’I()N There are many sad stories told by applicants for help. and some that are interesting. One lady who received many grants before the last war rclatcd that her father. an admiral. served as a niidshipman in llellerophon at 'l'r:ifalg:ir. Her grandfather. a captain. was employed during the wars with France and America as superintendent of transports at Portsmouth. Hcr great uncle. an admiral. was a l.ord of the Admiralty under Lords .\lelvillc and llarnham at the time of Trafalgar. and an ancestor was an ofliccr at the Battle of Cape l.a Hoguc in I692. With this tradition behind her no doubt she would have joined the W.R.N.S. in the Second World War had her age permitted.
Ml-ZMBI-IRSHIP Membership is open to oflieers on the active or retired lists who served in the rank of lieutenant. and the subscription is one guinea a year or £l0 for life membership. For this small outlay. hclp may be given to members themselves or to their widows. orphans. mothers or sisters. when in dillicultics. The sad part of the Society's story is the difliciilty in persuading olliccrs to join. About I00 years ago nicnibership was nearly 4.000: it then dwindled to 350 and for the last decade or so has been fairly static around about l.l00 lo L200. The President of the Society is Admiral of the Fleet Sir Charles Forbes. the chairman Sir Patrick Brind and the secretary Rear-Admiral Sir William Jolly. and the ofliccs are at I Fleet Street. London. E.C.4. ‘
come and look forward to new members. si-:wiNc MEETINGS Mrs. Walmslcy wishes to bring to notice that sewing meetings will be resumcd next year on the last Wednesday of each month in the Petty Ollicers‘ Mess. and hopes that more members will find it possible to attend. All new will be able
members are encouraged to come. Those who can sew are needed. those who cannot will find’ this a splendid opportunity to learn in a convivial manner.
All wives whose husbands are serving in H..\l.S. Vernon and wives whose husbands have spent any time in I-I..\l.S. Vernon and who are still serviiig in the R.N. are eligible for lllL'llli‘|:.‘l'\‘lIlpof our branch and will be vcry welcome at otir meetings.
July and
Royal Naval Friendly Union of Sailors’ Wives VERNON BRANCH HAS RECORD CROWD AT SALE OF WORK welcoming
ECONOMICAL TO RUN The Girdle Ness was selected for conversion to her present role as she has more space and is more economical to run than an adapted warship. Although not a trucwarship. she is fitted with the most comprehensive and
The Girdle
seen that man before?
Wrens Mead, Collins. llopltins. McDonald. Get‘-Isthty. Chandler and Mefiarel Groves of Il.M.S. Drake
.M.S. Girdle Ness has returned
courts. in
Where had I
in H.M.S. Centaur. Picture shows
which is Officers’ over Society SEA January. April. old years October. was introduced. and it remains to this day. In I955 it was decided to increase the llll,S‘l‘ nearly all readers of the N.tvv Ni.w.~: know about the lll(I.\lll'Illll‘l grants at any one court £50 to .tZl0() for inenibcr caves. Ro_\al Naval llcnevolciit Trust. it is fromfrom £l0 to £20 for non-members. surprisiiig how few olliccrs are aware and of the Royal Naval llencvolcnt Society but full advantage is taken of a saving and the work it has done for more clause in the rules. and ii considerable than two centuries in alleviating dis- number of old folk now receive as tress among otliccrs and their depen- much as H50. and in some cases £200,
December I958
dants. Founded in 1739 as :1 club. under the name of the Amicablc Navy Society. many well-known names appear in the earlier lists of members. In I757 "The list of Admirals and Captains survivcing" includes the name of Admiral Byng. only a month before his execution. Capt. John Jervis (afterwards,l St. Vincent) joined in I763 and both Nelson and Coilingwood in I791. it is recorded that in 1799 ii resolution was passed excluding the granting of relief of relatives of non-subscribers. Rear-Admiral l.ord Nelson showed his disapproval by resigning: the resolution was rescinded. and Nelson invited to rejoin. Apparently he did so as he subscribed four guinea» in ISOI and two guineas .1 year until his death. In I808 the name of T 0955 on Tuesday. September 30. I the Society was changed to the Naval I slowly walked down Harley: Cliziritable Society. the prefix “Roya|" Street wondering why I had ever‘ being added when King William IV wanted to go to the dentist in the first patron in l830. Since then each beeanie-_ Tactical School. and how bad a man successive sovereign has been both place. I stopped at the surgery and rang come to be at Dauntlcss? patron and a subscribing member. the appropriate bell. The receptionist These thoughts were still going Granted a charter in I838. by Queen gave me it broad smile which I re- through my mind when I was called to Victoria. the Society tool: its present turncd rather fccbly as she showed me the chair. As I walked into the horof the Naval Benevolent Royal name into the waiting room. I settled my- rible room with that dreaded chair a Society. self in an armchair and tried to look voice reached my ears with words to unconcerned about the coming torture. the effect. “Lord Mountbatten sends SCIIOOI. I-‘OR l)AUG}lTF.RS I took off my hat. put it beside my his apologies for keeping you waiting. In I839 Admiral Sir Thomas shoulder bag on the floor. unbuttoncd Wren Day."—WRI-IN P. DAY. Williams was instrumental in estabmy jacket and proceeded to read an lishing a school for the education of ancient edition of a womcn‘s paper. Naval ofliccrs" daughters called the About four minutes later I was enl’.O. Wren l.. G. Gainmans. 0.N. Royal Naval Female School. which grossed in the matrimonial allairs of was at Richmond. and now known as Mr. and Mrs. Bliss when a tall. dis- 66560. Royal Naval Barracks. was the Royal School for Daughters of awarded her Long Service and Good tinguished-looking gentleman in a grey Conduct Medal on October 31. Con- Oflicers of the Royal Navy and Royal suit broke the silence b remarking. “I to Wren M. K. Canlan. Marines. at Haslerncrc. hope you don't mind i I go in before gratulations Royal Naval Barracks. who played in Early in the 19th century the system you. I have to have one out." the W.R.N.S. cricket team this summer. of holding meetings. styled quarterly "Not at all. sir.“ I replied. thinking to myself. "of all the nerve." but nevertheless glad of the opportunity to delay the awful moment. Then I realised I had called him "sir." This habit was getting quite annoying. Calling everybody "sir" can be quite embarrassing at times. So I dropped the "sir." The conversation then turned to the Women's Royal Naval Service. as is usual when one is in uniform. This gentleman seemed to know so much about Dauntless and Woolwich TacHE annual sale of work organised by the H.M.S. Vernon branch. held in tical School that I immediately became the Cinema on November 5. was a successful occasion. Mrs. E. A. Blundell “restriction" conscious. After reading welcomed the Deputy Lady Mayorcss. Mrs. Asquith-Lecson. and Lady of the "Isis case" I was making sure it Grantham. wouldn't happen tome. and you never ln declaring the bazaar open Mrs. friends of our own. making the largest know to whom you are talking. This. Asquith-Lecson said she was delighted attendance we have ever had. as you can imagine. almost brought the After tea. which was served by the to ofliciate in thisway as her associa-. conversation to an end. then be men- tions the Porstrnouth Friendly tea committee under Mrs. Bird. Mrs. tioned that he had been to Dauntless Wives with had always been most pleasant. Asquith-Lceson assisted at the draw. the week before. and she was pleased to have this oppor- proceeds of which go to Services This started me talking about a tunity to thank them for the splendid House. The prizes went to: Mrs. C. M. friend from home. who at that time way they have always helpcd'local Watson, .\lrs. Owcrs. Wren G. Waywas at Dauntless doing her basic trainman. l.icut.-(.'dr. Bailey. Capt. Blundcll. ing. He tried several times to interrupt. Mrs. Wheeler. Liettt.-Cdr. Thorpe. bill I was talking on a subject about Mrs. M. l-Iddings. Mrs. Gillam. which I knew something and knew to llccausc of the leave period the next be safe. May I mention. however. I general meeting will be held on enjoyed my four weeks at Dauntlcss J:inu:ir_v I4 and will be a hectic drive. so I said nothing detrimental. We hope :i large number of incmbcrs 5 After about I5 minutes of this convcrvzttion lie was called to the I immediately rettirncd to .\lr. and' Mrs. Bliss. btit my thouehts kcpt wandering b:iek to the tall gentleman in the grey suit. Where had I seen him before‘? How did he know so much about Woolwich
Wrens from IIJHS. Drake. ll.M.S. Raleigh and W.N.V.R. (Plymouth
Division) recently spent
-‘ Y..-ovilton. commenced with very strong attacks froiu both sides. the play being very fast and even. took the lead with a deflecting xlmi from a free hit. the final score being three. Yeovilton nil. but Ycoviltoncertainly’ never gave up the light and played a fast game right up to the final whistle. Lee-on-Solcnt therefore retained the .-\ir ('omin:ind llockey Cup for yet aiiotlier season. From these teams and trizilists from other Air Stations. a trial was held to select the team for the Home Air Conimand Hockey Week Tour. An account will be given next month.
Admiralty Fleet Qrdcr 277-H58 givcs iuforttiation regarding ‘the Roval Navy Field (iun Competition which will forin part of the Royal Tournanicntl
liarls Court in I95‘). Selection of volunteers has started. tiaiuiitg will not begin unltl l‘.‘o.'uary l. at
For your lea ve
Tojday, whilst you Malta ---L-.. .‘..
to service In co-operation withi_|(_ by 1;_E_A_ ; m
to start.
scheme of endowment a: for naval ratings and Ro’
£3‘). RETURN £3|.l5.0 RETURN
For full parlictrlarsdwed F‘"'°’ )N: THROUGH
the Prudci" W" /3-1--/1 Holborn Bars,|_ET|’A .Diat 5471-72 to
to us direct
December. I958
Russia’s failures made it ‘A cold hell’
WHERE IS OLD '§'l|llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll|llll||l|||llll|lIlIll]‘5 Have YOU a pers PORTSMOUTH? HERE is Old Portsmouth'."' That question is often asked by visitors and residents alike. Richard Esmond's The Charm of 01:! Partsmomli (Messrs. Gale & Poldcn. Ss.)
Jolin I;‘ri_i_vli.rIi will be [1lt'('L\'t'(l to nrtswcr your queries. A stamped (tilrlr¢‘.rs¢'(t' envelope will be appreciated. Will you kindlygive me any informa- one month. do you thing it possible
inform people interested in liavc on the recently this salty port the whereabouts of Old Portsmouth. and this charming book announced pension rises? My age is Ct.'I’litlItlyA:IClllt:VC$this aim. It recalls 43 and having been a pensioner about that in the Domesday Book (I086) there were hamlets or manors of Ill-ZRI-I can he no doubt that one of the toughest campaigns ever fought Buckland. Fratton and Copnor. Now. was that of the Russian convoys. From 194] to in few days before the instead of being hamlets. they are collapse of Gemiiiny in I945 the ships of the Allied merchant navies poured districts of the city. uiillions of tons of supplies into Russia. COLOURFUL PARADI-ZS Belueeii August. I‘)-I4. and April. handling of stores once they were HAT is it that makes a successful of lack and the of To some of the older citizens of I945. alone. over a million tons ttrttts landed. complete reunion‘! People sometimes travel amenities for the shore Portsea Island. this book will bring great distances in order to visit their and stores and equipment of all kinds provision of any the vivid memories of the colourful old s_ch_ools. their old colleagties. or were carried by 250 shipsAettottglt ships‘ companies ashore. Indeed. back veliicles. weapoiis aitd other eqiiipm_en_t ollicial attitude to Allied seamen was niilitary church parades which took associations. sometimes at considerable to tit out (it) Russiaii motorised. divi- one of scarce-disguised hostility. place weekly prior to the First World expense and time. The answer. it is This book is a long-awaited history War on the parade ground outside the felt. is the one word sinus according to a (ierinan estimate of the Russian convoys. but it has small. now partly destroyed. Garrison "friends‘liip.” The joy of meeting old niade since the \ "'l he Kola Run." written by the dis- much that should be a reminder to all Church. friends and colleagties was clearly the in who the would cut Navy tinguished anti-submarine experts. today It recalls stories of such famous men demonstrated at the Royal Naval and of interests and political as Admiral Nelson (who was born 200 Writers Benevolent Association Annual \'it:e-.-\diniral Sir Ian (iampbell economy that years ago); William IV, when Duke of Reunion Dinner held on November 28. terrible losses of record The expediency. (apt. l)onald .\lacintyre. is :1 \\ll;tl lay behind the enormous cllorts occurred in I9-1| and I942 were due to Clarence_ serving in the Roygil Navy: This annual diiuier is an "all-male" inade by Britain and the U.S.A. to keep a eiironie shortage of escorts——aircr:ift John Pounds (the famous self-taught function. and the ladies may feel it is R'ii\sia'~. war machine in being. It is a and carriers—a direct result of pre- originator of the Ragged Boys‘ just an excuse to get oil’ the leash. but if they could have seen the pleasure on story of \\ hat can only be described as war economies. The politicians of all Schools]. and many others. sheer gtits for how else can we de- parties would do well to mark the the faces of those :tttending—sonie of Such landmarks and Port as Sally seribe the men of the Merchant Navy :nnhors' comments on these losses: Point had not seen each other since —-commonly known as "Spice whom t:inkers and ammiinition ships. who "Not for the first or last time in the Island"—are written about. and men- their war-tinie days—they would have faced in the early stage at least. often history of war. it is heartbreaking to tion is tnade of the latter's realised that the "pink chit" had been tradition of been have of losses that the chance less than a fifty-lifty might escap- count signed for a worth-while event. :i "King of Spice Island." having with entered it burned had if the avoided Navy The guests of honour this year were ing being blown into eternity. Portmutiiians Visitors interested or aircraft-carriers the of and alive or drowning in water usually a a snllieiency Rear-Admiral R. W. Ptiliard. (‘.ll.I3.. in I’ortsmouth's Old and history. past them." in few degrees only above freeling point. aircraft and air-crews to put Stall Otlicer (Administration) on the of the down the "who Sir Ian Vice-.\i.lmir.xI men sea to “lhe Kola Run." by go For the men of the escort ships things Caniiihetl. C.tI.. I).:i.().. and Capt. Stall of Commander-in-Chief Portsin recommended are ships" strongly were little better. l)iiring I9-ll and Donald mouth. (‘apt. R. Williamson-.lones. .\l:tcinIyre. I).S.()._ l).S.C., ll.N. this II. book.—A. P. read to I942 convoys sailed in both winter tfrcdcritk Muller I.ti.l.. 151-) A.D.C. (Senior Supply Otlicer. R.N. and summer. The appalling weather, Barracks. Portsmouth). and representawith the constant battle against ice and tives of the Stores Branch and Sick Berth Branch Benevolent Associasnow putting radar and guns out of in winter summer in action tions. and a representative from the gave way the clock. giving no to air raids round larly easy book to read. There is a Dcvonpori Branch of the Association. lull brief in the chance of sleep except wealth of anecdote. much of it of Speeches were brief and amusing. between one raid and the next. partictilar interest as it concerns The Chairman of the Portsmouth Seventeenth the of is the ERE story But if this book is a record of heroollicers and ratings who are still very Branch (and Vice-President of the America's for the Cup. Challenger ism it is also a record of what can at Association). Mr. R. White. reported active in Royal Navy sailing. of short with It history a begins the The authoris a (retired) professional on the aliairs of the Association. stating best he described as ingratitude. At times it is hard to believe that the cup and previous challengers. dis- seaman and a among other things that the Associaexperienced y:ichLsvery and evolution design. man. He has Russians were fighting with the other eusses Sceptre‘: to be critical tion now has L347 members. and last right every for of deal Allied powers at all. Apart from failing providing a good food year paid out the sum of £755 in death which he but is. frequently always and invaliding benefits. even to provide niineswccpcrs to keep thought for the more mathe_ma_tical|y from the entercoiistruetively. Apart of clear the approaches to their ports they minded yachtsman. The building Alderman P. Blanch. Mayor of value of the tainment the book. averthe boat. her trials and tuning up are member of many years‘ f:iiled also to provide fighter can learn a good deal Gosport a yachtsman age final while the described if then But tick ‘chapters even near their own coasts. from it in the way of yacht design. standing. proposed the toast of absent climax of the describe be could disappointing of military co-operation crew training and racing in the bigger friends. He referred to the friends he Island. oil’ Rhode the project excused through a shortage of weapons Somer- classes. Those who were lucky enough had made. to his old ships and places this makes a vilIe‘s particu- to be selected to sail in the trials he had visited. and in his usual salty style there was no excuse at all for the misearlier this year will experience a inimitable style related some of his His rubicund face. alight degree of nostalgia. aggravated no experiences. doubt by the fine photographs with with joy and happiness. expressed the which the book is illustrated. W.H. W. feelings of everyone present. All agreed the Reunion Dinner was a first"3¢‘¢Plrc" by Hugh Samerville. that class event and look forward with sets out to
I could
C¢lV¢d. engage
my £532 reand reivc years and so
[Plus Fcttitonrdrawn. or a
urt ier
pension in that way‘!
‘PINK CHITS’ FROM No new rate: have yet In-m promulnaval ratings-, and I I[fl|°¢gated [or WIVES FOR Information as to what they will lie 0’ Wllflt they will become opemlive. R.N. WRITERS They will, Iiowcvcr. lug (1nn0"n"¢-d
(Cassell. 21:.)
to many more.
III due course. an eye on the _
and I .rug_r.-rs! you Am-p daily I’re.r.r nml "i\'mvv
News." Wlieri they are IllllJllJlIi'tl vmi .rImulil niake your lIl(llllI‘lt'.t' to the
riutliorilywho lS.\'lt(.S’ your [lt'II.Ill)II. As rrgarrls re-wtlry. I (I(Il'I.l"t' vim m apply to vnur lIC!It’t‘.t'I Rt-t‘rui!iii_i: ()/]ihit! I
nfmirl vour t‘/imivi-.i of rc"lo t'fl.'.'U.L'I'fl.I.' rmnplvlc 27 _\'i'u/.i' pm.I'lUl'l(llJlt.''li'ri'it'e" are sliglil mili'.t.i- titer.are ._tIr0It.t' .‘icri'ice rt'u.ion.t to [unify making an arc:-plirm in your Ca.\'¢'. The gcticrtil rule is Ilia! once a num ho: l1t't'It tIi.rc‘Iiar_e¢'tl to [l('II.tl0Il. he may no! re-enter to complete 27 years. vcr.
I-‘RI-II-Z RAIL 'I‘RAVI-II. Could yoti please give me any details of a contributory plan said to have
idea was for all personnel of the Navy to contribute a fixed weekly Still) to the railivriys.and in return to travel free at any time. I ll(ll'¢‘ made several i'riqui'ri'¢'.r on the .rcIienu- Ilmt vou Ifl¢’lIIl()rt. If .rreni.i- that such (I plan has been ¢li'.rru.r.ral in naval circle: but that no aflicial action has
bren taken. I rather doubt wliether such a scheme would ever be approved. especially as Service personnel and rim"! familt'e.r
already benefit by conceuion-[are-rrai'el on British Railways. Furrliermore. I feel that any scheme involving Irre travel for the Srri-ice: _
would be open to abuse.
COPY OF SERVICE CERTIFICATE A few years ago I applied for a certain iob and sent my Service Certificate for perusal. but it was never returned and is now considered lost. Is it possible to get .1 cup)’. and if so. to whom should I apply? You sliauld applv to the Director of Navy Accoitrtls. Branch 3A. Admir-
alty. Bath. giving your full uamer. oflicial number and rating in which you lat! served. also dale of tliscliarge and any other inlaniiation to assist in i'tl¢'nlifi'carr'on.
Seaman boy to Admiral HE new Honorary Commodore of the Sea Cotlet Corps is Rear-Admiral John E. II. Mcllcath. C.B.. D.S.O-. D.S.C.. who after a most distinguished career has just retired from the Navy. Born in South Africa. Admiral during a raid on Norway when in comMclleatli joined the Royal Navy in mand of H.M.S. Oribi. He wears the I921 as it Seaman Buy in H.M.S. French Order of Merit. a very rare (ianges. It was not long before his decoration for a Naval oflicer. for Of course I try to. But my pay’s not enough to sterling qualities brought him a coni- rescuing survivors from ofthe French Shantung. mission to wardroom rank. He was ship Yolande on the cost save anything. made a Commander in I9-ll and ti China. on March 6. I938. That’s what I thought when I was your age Captain in I‘)-I5 and was promoted to Admiral .\IcBeath succeeds Viceuntil someone showed me the Progressive Flag Rank in I955. To have risen from Admiral Sir Gilbert Owen Stephenson. Seaman Boy to Admiral is a most re- K.B.i3.. (.‘.B.. C.M.G.. D.L.. who has Savings Scheme. I only had to put aside £3 markable achievement which has been taken an active interest in the Corps a month by Naval allotment but when I leave accomplished by only three others in since I935 and since I9-19 has been its the Service next year I can collect £855. the Royal Navy in this century. Honorary Commodore. Admiral .\lcBeath is a destroyer Sounds too good to be true. Where's the catch? man. He earned his D.S.0 for outstanding qualities of leadership. No catch. And if I had died at any time my initiative and resource in command of wife would have received the whole £855 Which will you take? ll..\l.S. Vcnonious during the evacuareceived has been that tI.\'I’tRM.\TIt)N You the immediately. tion of Boulogne in I9-$0. and was also see, it’s a Saving5 I’m going for the pension becausethere’o tultowine have ‘been advanced to the Oriel mentioned in despatches the same year Petty (mice: or Chiel Ariitiect rate: Scheme and Life Insurance rolled into one. another valuable right with it—I can get a for his skilful handling of I-I.M.S. To (lie! Petty Ofiecr Supposing you hadn't signed on for 22 years’ cash advance for the full price of a new \’enoinoiis at Dunkirk. when h_e IX 8021!} A. Athhcad. IX 2026?! VV, C. I.\ 2-t.<rtl‘| IX TMHSO (I. C. Cooper. service? avoided damage to his ship from air C't:trke, house. I’m all lined up for a job already, R. IX l77Itl2 L. Goldinit. IN lS‘I§It)tl attack and brought ltotne 4.900 HOOPS- \V. Gregory. IN 15257‘! N. |l:i:I. I.‘( l4ToIS When I had done my 9 years, as I had and with an extra pension to look forward Adiniral .\lcBeath was also awarded R. Stanton. for 7 years, I could have to and the wife and familysafe in our own premiums .\I:utev-at-Arnu paid the I).S.C. in 19-82 for his services To“X MK 73981‘? G, Barr-vvr, IIOI>I2l
I save!
“The Moonralter" (colour). adventure. melodrama. with George Baker. Sylvia Syms. Peter Arne. “She Didn't Say No“ (colour). comedy. drama. Eileen Hcrlie. Niall
Mac(iinnis_ Raymond Manthorpe. “Ice Cold in Alex.“ desert war melodrania. John Mills. Sylvia Synis. Anthony Quayle. “'I‘tie Big lV_Ionc)'.' comedy. Ian (Tarmichacl. Belinda Lee. Robert Helpin-ann.
Cry from the Streets." low life comedy melodramti. Max Bygraves. Barbara Murray. "Smiley" Petersen. “A
(I. C. Couch. .\I.\ Tutti)? I. Wetter. To Cltld Petty Ofllcrr Writer
llult-)n. SIX R‘l'rDl'»' D (2. .\tvtom~II:tt. M1707 Marxland. .\tN Xlfllblfi R. l‘omck. .\I.‘< .-utitlt I. Yates. To Chief Petty Ollrtr Cook (St .\I)( 60957 R. Davit. To siom otter Petty outer (vi .\tX rissot. I’. barium. To (hid Petty other-r Cook (0) MS K5075!) I). Ravrtinin. To Stet Berth Chief Petty Ofleec MX Stltlo 'I‘. Bailey. To Chief SllnfifllilAflllleer MX H8300 R. Ilarrit. MX 5I0‘Jvt IL Ilovntx. MX fills?! E. Dennis. MK TUW7 I. Kctlv. .\IX IIDI-S52 N. I’-ttiltct. MK 50237!» I’. W:rr:n._ MK 714002 I’. Wytex. To (kid I-Emile Room Artltlotr MX 5817!: I. Collins. MX tifltll-U W. Knowlei, MX 753%! I). Ltaekay. MX ‘/7000! F. Smith To (lid Efillttrlu Meciatlle KX 9-1500 5. Drew. RX 95!?! W. RM 3675] G. Spencer. To Aetlm Chlel Alrrntt Artlleer l..'F.‘(‘ 668S.l9*AA2G. Vvitliamt.-LIFX-668167 AA2 ll. Coin-rt. MN
drawn £234 to help set me up in Civvy home—-well, it’s the kind of security we all. Street. Now, after 22 years’ service, I shall want. have the option of taking the How do you set about all this? don’t if I need the £855, or 'I'hat’s easy. Ask the Provicash immediately, a pension dent Life for details of the. unufl of £172‘ a year when Iretire mi Progressive Savings Scheme._ from civilian work at 65. ‘For member: Q] the W.R..N.S. lite LIFE I’tn.ri'an is ,6 I49 :1 year.‘ or touooit T-Jssoctnriou LIHIYIO Voundodllii
Send this coupon to 246
Blshopsgate, London, E.C.2-
- - - -
‘m n
- -' - -- - -' -' -' -' - - -'
Please send full details of the Progressive Savings Scheme
— -
Age next hirthday.._...................NN-
‘December. I958
FROM CHRISTMAS ISLAND DUTY IN TIME FOR CHRISTMAS 140,000 miles on four Scarborough encircles world 10 ya] tours 0 scsses
signed photograph of the
Prince sent to him after he had complctcd his third tour. He also has a signed ccrtilicate from the Duke and R PERCY DOWLING. in Duchess of York. Mr. Dowling sailed :1 total of charge of the telegraph delivery Huddersfield the G.P.O.. is l-10.090 miles on Royal tottrs. In the 'room at the probably only seaman to sail on Second World War he served in the four royal tours. During his fourth cruiser Dauntless in the Atlantic and totir. in 1927. when he accompanied the Pacific. and during his 30 years in uthe Ditke and Duchess of York Tthe Navy has sailed more than a lquarter of :1 million miles. Living at 3 Moor Lane. Ncthcrton. Huddersfield. Mr. Dowling still has an active I:onnct:tiott with the Service. for he is a Vice-President of the Royal 1 Naval Association. .
NE of the Royal Navy’s latest anti-submarine frigatcs. I-i.M.S. Scarborough. is due to return to Portsmouth on December Il..after spending 10 months away from the United Kingdom. during which time she has circumnavigated the world and travelled over 40.000 miles. for an ship's home“-any .».-,_,.,,,_.¢ ,0 After serving in the Mediterranean Fleet for four months. lI.l\I.S. made ‘ta “,9 Antipodfi so [hag Scarborough was selected for duty at Chris1ma.s Island in connection with be Naval and cg,-mun aughorifits of Britain's latest series of nuclear weapons tests during August and September. pm", ,\'a.;,_.; mu” },m,_. 3 u,o,m,g|, Her outward voyage included visits to the Azores. Bermuda and Jamaica. and. Insight into the layout and performafter a short stay at Fort Rodm-an In the Canal Zone, she sailed the 4.500 miles ance of these ships. from Panama to Christmas Island non-stop. On October 4 H.M.S. Scarborough Scarborouglfs principal duties in
News of Submarines
HEN l-l..\I.S. Porpoisc. which had been alongside at Dolphin for some time. departed front Portsmouth she sent the following signal to S./M.5 with a copy to S./i\l.3: "Lord. now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace. according to thy word. for mine eyes have seen thy salvation. Thank you."
S./M.3 then sent :i signal to S./M.5 regarding the Porpoise‘s signal. which read "Acts I5. verse l5." (This verse reads: "And to this agree. the words of the prophets as it is
Submarine Alcidc sailed from Canada on December I. and is expected to arrive at Portsmouth on December I2. Aurochs left Sydney on October 4. and after visiting Tahiti. Balboa. Curacao :ind Key West. is expected to arrive at Portsmouth on December 3. This submarine-‘s captain is Lieut.-Cdr. Peter Hay. On leaving Australia. the following signal from the Australian Commonwealth Naval Board was received by the ship: "The Naval Board marks with regret your departure from the station after two years of good service with the Royal Australian Navy. and takes this opportunity to'wish you. your officers and men. a safe passage. and happy home-going. Well done.“
tonce0OIl' '.‘CIlOU_D
the Test Area consisted of the weather reporting so vital to each nuclear test. and much of the success of the recent series can be attributed to her work in this connection. She also carried out anti-intruder patrols. Scarborough is titted with the most up to date radar and other mechanical aids and devices. The 230 ofliecrs and men witnessed foitr major dctonations during their services in the Test Area and were personally complimented for their high pcrforniance of duty by Air Vice-Marshal Grandy. the Nuclear Task Force C ommandcr. before Scarborough sailed front Christmas Island oti September 24.
\~'ISI'I' T0 SAMOA On completing these duties. she called first at Apia. in Western Samoa. where the Royal Navy was made an honoured guest at a special performance of Samoan dancing. and much other hospitality was c.\Cl‘ll|l1gCt.l between the ship and the Samoan population. In one respect. the ship's visit provided a revolution in local millinery styles. since many local ladies. includthe wives of a number of Samoan ing chiefs. wercvsecn proudly wearing an. H.M.S. Scarborough cap ribbon in their raven tresscs. The Royal New Zealand and Royal Australian Navies are shortly bringing into service anti-submarine frigntes of the Whitby Class. to which II.M.S. Scarborough belongs. Opportunity was therefore taken
Ix Till-'.Sl-Z ll0.\tl-‘. PORTS
villages of England and
and in the towns and Wales
Lloyds Bank
network of over I750 branches. Naval personnel who wish to open a banking
will be welcomed
any of these
branches, where they will be advised as to the type of account they need and given full information regarding the many services the Bank
those both afloat and ashore.
Those serving in the Portsmouth Command should
apply to the main branch :
LI.OYDS BANK 115 Commercial
Road, Portsmouth
Auckland and remained for 10 days. During this time. and in subsequent visits to .-\ustra|ian ports. \ Cabinet Ministers. members of the respective Navy Boards and all ranks of Naval and civilian representatives‘ inspected the ship and commented favourably on these highly eliicicnt‘ I.ieutetiant Brian Peter John submarine killers. Evans. Royal Navy. II..\I.S. GanMEI-2TIi\'G AFTER 20 YEARS net. Died October 28. Visits in Australia were paid to Lieutenant David .\’eville SpurSydney. Melbourne and Frcmantle 1 line. Royal Marines. No. 45 and many opportunities were taken by Comntttndo. Royal Marines. Died nietnhcrs of the ship's company to November 3. renew acquaintances with long-absent friends and relations. William Batey. Leading Tactical Contniunications Operator. C/J. N0 l)F.SPI'IRAI)()I".S 940651. II.M.S. Solehay. Died At the time of writing. H.M.S. I'ImIo: lluddrulrr/ll E.IdnIIflf' 1 November 4. Scarborough is en route for Colombo Mr. I‘. Dowling at his ollice den-J: after an amusing diversion. An SOS Lieutenant Commander Kenneth was received from :1 tanker of Liberian Harry Mclleth Campbell. Royal VI and King George Queen Elizabeth) registry stating in dramatic terms that he acted as a barber in a "crossing-the Navy. lI.M.S. Cochrane. Died the captain and olliccrs were being line" November 5. and had the distinction ceremony murdered and the radio otliccr was of Ian Wallace Reid. Steward. lathering and shaving the late King. desperately defending his life. H..\I.S. H.M.S. I-lagle. Died Scarborougp proceeded to intercept: theMr. Dowling. who is now 58. joined I)/L958229. Royal Navy as a boy and his first November5. the tanker. with visions of boarding| Arthur Vernon Martin. Enginher in the face of armed desperadocs. ship was H.M.S. Renown. later used eering Mechanic In class. P/KX but it transpired that nothing more almost exclusively for Royal tours. He serious had happened than the radio was serving in Renown during the First 907I2I. H.M.S. Victory. Died World War and was aboard that ship November I0. ofliccr‘s "going round the bend." Before reaching Portsmouth. H.M.S. when she escorted the airship R34 Sub-Lieutenant Colin Richard the Atlantic. across due to c:ill at Colombo. Scarborough is C resswell. Royal Navy. H.M.S. Malta and Gibraltar. She is His first three Royal tours wero with Fulmnr. Died November 20. Aden, now commanded by Cdr. C. W. F.aso:t. the Prince of Wales (now Dttkc of Shlpmnte David Venn. ViceR.N.. who assumed command from Windsor) to Canada. the West Indies. Chaimtnn of Cardin’ branch. ('dr. N. ii. F. Dalrymple Hamilton. ‘Australasia. lndia and the Far East. I95-I-58. Died October 24. .\l.\’.O.. M.l!.l3.. l).S.C.. R.N.. at From I920 to I922 he was attached to [the Prince's staff. Mr. Dowling pus-, Shipntate Herbert EdvvinrGurr. Auckland on October 8. member of Grnvesend branch since W938. Vice-President. Died Novem'—="IlllllllllIlllllllIlllllllllllllllIllllllllllllllIIIlllllIlllllllllI|||lll|llllllllIlllllllIllllllllllllllllllllllllIlllllllllllllllllllllllg ber 21. George llubhards. Leading Electrical Mechanic. Il.M.S. Rorquttl. Died November27, I958. at
3511 filetttoriattt
‘Eagle gives a party’ l l
Istanbul. The little boy
the left scents uncertain where to start
Home Command Women's Royal Naval Service Handicraft Exhibition was held at the Royal Naval Air Station. l.ce-on-Solent. on November 28 and scoresof examples of the spare-tinie work of Wrens were on I show. Some of the dresses made by entrants were modelled in a mannequin parade by the Wrens who made them. .the Wrens having been coached by ;\Vrcn Dilys Bull. who was a model before she joined the Service. Examples of work by Wrens at Citldrose. Eglinton and Scottish Air Stations were on show. Dresses were not the only work shown. Ila.-akct work. embroidery and soft toys were exhibited together with drawings, pottery. paintings and an example of book-binding.
hieut.-Cdr."Whitton. .
with our American friends. and it gives me great pleasure to rc:id that you have established a new record with the aid of a small amount of baking powder. I sincerely hope yott will carry on the good work and further enhance the reputation of the “trade“; who knows. perhaps‘ the answer to future development is to be found in scientific study of “Mrs. Beeton's"! Seeing your name in the paper brought back ‘many happy memories’ for me. as I have not met a submariner since leaving the Service in 1947. and I often wonder what became of all the randyfcllows I once served with. but now know that you are still servin ‘in
J. Whittott. the Submarine Command Escape Officer serving in H.M.S. Dolphin. experimented in the 100 ft. submarine training escape tank at the base with one of the plastic “ntomic" submarines given avmy with a well-ltnown breakfast food. Charged with baking powder. as was in the neighbourhood of I41 directed on the packet. the little sub- million. ‘this story had an interesting sequel. marine reached it depth of no less than 42 ft.. and after a brief period of The story was published in the "Auckhovering returned to the surface. land Star." New Zealand. in November. The whole dive, which was completed and Licut.-Cdr. Whitton received the in eight and a half minutes, was following letter from an ex-subordcrl well controlled and in good mariner now living in New Zealand.. trim. in writing to the firm concerned. remarked that SlR.—I am forwarding this copy of it was a spectacular and interesting‘ the evening paper. because I think you anyway;.—L. S. l-lotutu pcrfohnance. and‘ he eonsidcrcd=the. may be interested to know. that your "boats" achievement on a weight/depth basis latest exploits have been reported on l._./ Stoker l_. Smith. I-l.M.S. Unshaken). PS.: My adopted parents named the other side of the«\vorld. As an ex'SCl up some sort ofa record; "As may be" ettp'ected,‘t_he makers of stibmarinyer. I have been talting.par-_ Smithdicd during the war and it came thecereal concerned entered. into.-the ticular interest‘ in the development of to light thattmy name should be Horan spirit ‘of_ the'_‘tHin""and_re:idtly‘made atomic'-powe‘red- boats, and secretly -and not -Smith. This has all available other an mar_ines=for testing. hoping that our boys would doisome-~ -straightened ournow. and my Service stating that their submarine ‘strength thing outstanding to put us on a par records have been altered aocordingly._ 5-
Royal Ilighncrm The Duke of
Vice-Admiral Sir
become the new
Osprey ‘Chopper’ Base to
December. [958
VISITS P0iiTI.ANIJ BIG CHANGES AT PORTLAND P0liTSM0lITII placed INCE Osprey last featured in these columns. many changes have
Gordon V.
K.B.I-2.. C.B.. is_ to be Gloucester. I{.G.. I\'.T.. K.P.. G.C.B., llubbnck, C.C.M.G. G.C.V.().. has been ap- on the Retired List. He is to become taken place. There has been a steady drain away of personnel the of director company managing in Commodore pointed an Horioniry from the establishment as we have run-down preparatory to our the Royal Naval Reserve with effect formed to take over Malta Dockyard. change of role. In the new year. we are to become a base for “chopper" from November I. i958. The Chief of Staff to Flag 0fllc_cr training. A comparatively young shore establishment. Osprey. like ll.R.Il. The Duchess of Kent. Chief Submarines. Capt. H. S. Mackenzie. all young things. believes in keeping up with the times. ('onim:ini.l:int of the Women's Royal D.S.0.. D.S.C.. is being relieved by THE BLOOD BATH of those who have left will be Naval Reserve visited the Royal Naval Capt. G. E. Hunt. D.S.O. and Bar. Many was. until lll_fl¢ interested to know of two major For the benefit of those who left College. Greenwich. in December. D.S.C. and Bar. who Her Royal Highness was met by Vice- last. Commodore of the West lndtcs changes which will affect future inhabi- before the “Blood Bath" (dock hockey) Admiral Sir Geoffrey Barnard. K.C.l3.. Squadron. Capt. Mackenzie is going tants directly. The up r football competition ended. we put on record field has been enlarged. that the final resulted in a draw C.B.E.. D.S.0. and Bar. the Admiral to H.M.S. Ganges. The removal of the large quantities of between the Petty Officers and the President of the College and accompanied by Commandant E. l.. E. L. W. L. Argles. DS.C.. R.N.. earth from the side of the hill was very Chiefs. but the replay was won by the Capt. Hoyer-Hillar. O.B.E.. Hon. A.D.C.. has been appointed to H.M.S. Pem- kindly undertaken by a small. cheerful Petty Ollieers. 7-3. W.R.N.S.. the Director of W.R.N.S.. broke as Commodore of the Royal Army unit with large equipment. The The double: tennis tournament was area was then rcturfed and we now and Chief Ollicer D. M. Blundell. Naval Barracks. completed at the end of September. have a very fine sports field. practically Surg. Cdr. Lauder and Cdr. Shewell W_R.N.S., the Senior W.R.N.S. officer within the gates of the establishment. beat Lieuts. Knox and Gillett in the at Greenwich. toured the W.R.N.S. The First Lord of the Admiralty has The second operation. not quite final. The singles tournament was won quarters. appointed Mr. P. D. Nairnc. M.C.. to completed. has been the modernising be his Principal Private Secretary in of the cinema. Cineniascopc equip- by S.A. (V.) Millward. who defeated .\Iajor-General I. II. Riches. l)S.0.. succession to Mr. P. B. C. Moore. who Surg. Cdr. Lauder. and been fitted has ment carpenters Royal Marines. is to be promoted is promoted to the rank of Assistant are now We had a disappointment early in busy installing a tiered floor the season when Lietitenant-(ieneral and to be Com- Secretary. Osprey soccer Xl was and tip-up seats. When scatin and defeated mandant-General Royal Marines. in by R.N.B. Portsmouth in the ould are completed. we redecoraiing succession to General Sir Campbell The Admiralty recently announced have a cinema of which we can be lirst_rounrl of the Navy Cup comR. Hardy. K.C.B., C.8.E.. D.S.0. and petition. However, our tails are up the normal length for a General proud. that the Marines. appointtwo liars. Royal once more. as a few days ago our Commission September (see Service mid-Febeffect about take SKIPPER SURVIVES ment to hockey XI had a very fine away win NAVY Nttws) would be two of issue ruary. 1959. News of that trio. “Lassic." against Collingwood in the first round years. but it has now been announced of the Hockey Navy Cup competition. that an exception to the general “Skippcr" and “M-aior" is probably of as Colonel M. C. Cartwright-Taylor. interest to all former Ospreys. “Major" frigates commissioned with the and Royal Marines. is to be promoted rule, FAST RACE are no longer with us. to Persian Gulf. and .“l.assie" Arabian Seas Major-General on February 16, 1959, which special consideration will "Major" had to be put down as he was The annual port cross-country race. and appointed Major-General. Comwill continue to be an 18-month becoming dilliciilt. and poor old run on November 4. was won by 2nd apply. Group. Plymouth Royal nianding "Lassie" was in so much trouble with Training Squadron. ‘lire race was fast Commission. Marines. in succession to Mayor- General Service her rheumatism. that it was kindness and first man home was A.B. Ledbury (ienerttl R. W. Madoc. D.S.O.. 0.B.E.. to put her down also. Her grave. suit- (Osprey). Although three out of the annual held its Vincent St. H.M.S. Marines. Royal ably marked. is in East Wcare Camp. first four were taken
“cr'.icking" firework display and parade on
November 5.
_the site of her “bone store." his port “Skipper"_still_survives.though after It is
Acting Vice-Admiral Sir St. John R. J. 'I'yrwIrltt. BL, C.B.. .D5.0.. D.S.C. not possible leg is crippled. of Lord Field-Marshal Montgomery to recount how his leg was damagedand Bar. is to be promoted to the rank Vincent ll..\i.S. St. on visited Alameln the story would require :in "X" certiof Vice-Admiral. He has been Chief DiviAfter 10. November inspecting 3I fl1-? .- G of Stall to the C.-in-(2.. Allied Forces under the he talked to sions. juniors Mediterranean, since January. E‘ training. Surg. Capt. T. G. B. Cmwforrl. The Canadian Task Group 301. comM.II.. B.Ch., R.N.. has been appointed Bon_an Honorzir Physician to the Queen prised of l-l..\l. Canadian Ships with effect rotn November 17. I958. aventure. St. Laurent. Ottawa. Haida in succession to Stirg. Capt. C. B. and St. Crois. arrived at Portsmouth Niclmlson. M.B.. 3.30.. M.R.C‘. on November 28 and 29 and will stay until. December 6. I..R.C.I’.. D.l..0.. R.N. “'l
l I| ?
K -
LOW PREMIUMS—GOOD BONUSES LIBERAL CONDITIONS Naval Personnel normally accepted with War and Service risks covered
Head Office for the UNITED KINGDOM 73-76 KING WILLIAM STREET. LONDON. E.C.4 Assets I-$00,000,000 uorvico In the Portsmouth area contact Mr. W. D. Stoyn. 114 London Road PORTSMOUTH, Hunts.
SOUAlJli0N Fll0M
(Telephone No. Porumoiach GOSSI)
HE ".\'av_v Ni.-ins“ Board were. through the cour1es_v of Mr. B. J. Cox. Deputy Manager of Gale & Poldcn Wellington Press. Aldershot. given the opportunity of ii tour of the printing works in which “Navy News“ is produced. The Works Manager. Mr. P. Foulds. conducted the members around the various dcpannients explaining the functions of the machines. The photograph shows the Chairman of the Board. Commodore A. A. Fitzroy Talbot. Lieutenant H. R. Berridge. R.N. (re-t.) (Editor. “Navy News"). Ca lain R. WilliamsonJoncs. A.D. ._ R.N.. Inst. Cnptaln Jenkiu. R.N.. and Captain D. E. Mnnnerlng. R.N. .
HE Second Training Squadron. based at Portland, paid a week-end visit to Portsmouth. November 28 to The Squadron-H.M. December l _ . ships Grenville (Capt. E. L. Cook). Pe_llew (Cdr. M. H. Hutton). Murray _
(Licut.-Cdr G. Cussins). Malcolm (Lieiit.-Cdr. N. C. W. Tetlcy). Dundas (Lieut.-Cdr. J. de Beaufort Suchlick and Hardy (Licut.-Cdr. F. E. B. Brown —will be accompanied by the seaward defence boat lekford (Capt. H. Mott. RM.) manned by a Royal Marine
squadron is administered by Rear-Admiral W. 0. Crawford (Flag Oflicer. Training). With the exception of Grenville and lckford. the ships are frigates of Type I4 and their main task at Portland is anti-submarine training. H.M.S. Teazcr will replace the Grenville as leadcr of the squadron when the latter goes to Rosyth early in Decem-
ber for
extended refit.
Royal Yacht’s Canadian Navy contingent
WITH the approval of the Queen. the ship's company of H.M. Yacht Britannia will contain representativcs of the
Royal ‘Canadian Navy during her visit to Canada next year for the opening of the St. Lawrence Seaway. The contingent will be two olliccfl and 15 ratings strong and in order to find the required vacancies in the Yacht‘s complement as they arise. they by Osprey will places join in two drafts. the first in and our fourth man was quite well before Brit;innia‘s World placed. the remainder of the team January with His Royal Highness The could not hold the pace. The victory Cruise Duke of Edinburgh. and the second in who 2nd to Training Squadron went May. I959. before the Yacht sails for gained points by running as a team. Canada. At the end of September we had to bid a sad farewell to Captain and Admiralty Fleet Order 2647/58 gives Mrs. Mayo. Wherever they may go in details governing discharge by purthe future we hope that they will re- chase for both ordinary :ind compastain happy mcmories of Osprey. We sionate cases. and includes purchase were very happy to serve with them. money mics. Admiralty Fleet Order Captain G. D. Pound. D.S.C., R.N.. 2648/58 lists the names of men whose has taken over command of the applicatiotis have been approved as a establishment and is also Chief Stall result of the review of ordinary appliOllicer to the Flag Oflicer Sea Train- cations covering July 1 to Septerriber ing. We take this opportunity of wish- 30. The next review will be held in .I:inu:ir_v. ing him a very happy commission.
number ones, or a smart pair of sports trousers, you can tell right away when Jack has been to Willerbys.
in yourself? Thcre’s a wonderful range of cloths and styles to choose from, in both made to measure and ready-to-wear clothes for men and women. You'll like the helpful service, and the reasonable prices, and you can pay by allotment if you wish. If you'd like to know more about Willerbys, drop us a line, or call in when you’re next on shore. We shall be pleased to let you Why not
have a copy of the leaflet describing the ‘
Willcrby Way ’.
December. I958
Villagers visit KING or JORDAN BIDS FAREWELL T0 their adopted BRITISH TROOPS from Condor Jottings shi Tour of H.M.S. Ceylon Captain of H.M.S. Sobcrton TI-ll; (Lieut.-Cdr. I. D. Fyfe. R.N.),
N Tuesday. .\‘ov¢-mber II. a special midday meal featured items such as “Poule Illustrious" and "J-.unbon Cunningham,“ while at a Wardroom guest night dinner the principal guest was Rear-Adiuiral A. J. Tyndale Biscoc, 0.3.!-2., Flag Officer Reserve Aircraft. The centre-piece on the table was a model of a Swordfish made in the Condor workshops. Il.)\l.S. Ganges who become either ARBRAM Naval .-\ir Mechanics or Naval Airmen. The merging of H.M.S. Gamecock A party of some I0 hcadmastcrs :tnd into H.M.S. Condor took place on employment oflicers from the November 7 and the meticulous plati- _\'0tlIlI north-east of Scotland attended a twoning that had preceded the move paid day convention starting on November handsome dividends as the operation I8 which involved an intensive prowas carried otit almost imperceptibly. Special trains brought the personnel gramme of visits and talks. and gear from Bninieote and by MonTlil-I CONDOR A.\IA'I‘I-EUR day. November I0. training schedules DRAHATIC SOCII-Z'I“t' W'~‘|'¢ ‘WIDE! PU‘ I'll“ 0I“-"3|ll0"- H-M-5 On Thursday and Friday. November Condor is now the mechanical training centre for all Fleet Air Arm ratings. I3 and I4. the C.A.l').S. presented Last May the task of training L.A..\ts. Terence Rattigan's. play "Who is (A :ind E) was transferred from SyIvia'."‘ and scored another smash hit. Yeoviltonand R.N.A.S. Arhroath now The play was produced by Instr. ("dr. ts responsible for training the adult J. C. (iascoignc. O.B.I-1.. and the prinnew entry and the junior entry from cipal parts were taken by li‘Otlic-er Vonla .\Icltiidc. l.ictit.-Cdr. A (‘olcman and Stib.-I.ieut. \V. Silvcrthorne.
T is often said in the Royal Navy that “one comes to expect the unexpected,” and this saying vans recently proved In H.M.S. Ceylon (Capt. I-‘. R. 'I'wiss..
ofliccrs and men entertained parties from the villages of Soberton and Newtown. when they visited the ship in Portsmouth on November 22. The ship has been "adopted" by the two Hampshire villages. and the villagers were able to see "their" ship. to which parcels of books and magazines have
Three weeks after sailing southwards early on the Sunday afternoon. Novenibcr 2. and carried with her I6 through the Red Sea for temporary oflicers 333 men of the Camerduty under the Commodore. Arabian onians. and These passengers spent a Seas and Persian Gulf, before proceed- week guests of the Royal Navy. ing to Singapore for service on the Far aml it asis the certain that they left the ship I East Station. H..\I.S. Ceylon was steam- with northwards through the Red Sea. some pleasant ntemorics and possibly ing already been sent. regrets. The ship was making for the Gulf of The first visitors were about 30 chil- Aqaba to provide the main lift for_the The withdrawal of the last British dren and Girl Guides. and the second last of the British Forces being with- Forccs from Jordan was witness‘-d by party consisted mainly of members of drawn from .lordan—the lst Ho. The several cameramen and Press reprethe Wumen‘s Institute or Mothers‘ Cameronians tI.ieut.-Colonel A. C. A. sentatives. and it was evident that Union. The ladies were led by .\tr. P. J. Mackinnon. .\I.Ii.E.). Present at Aqaba those gentlemen were convinced that Bigncll (('bairntan of Sobcrton Parish when (‘eylon arrived on l\'ovember I the presence of British troops in" and the Rev. K. G. P. King were H.M.S. Loch Fyne (Capt. B. .lordan had been of considerable supCouncil) (Vicar of Soherton). The children were Pcngell_v. D.S.(‘.). H.M.S. Houghton port to a brave young king. who is accompanied by the Vicar. tCdr. I). W. Iiazalgctte) and H.M.S. trying to maintain his countrymen‘s Dartington (l.icut.~Cdr. J. K. .-'\rbuth- independence. The otlieers of the ship gave a cock- not). and with fotir Army I..S.'I‘s. they tail party on board the same evcning.v among those present were Atlntiral made a line "splash.“ dressed overar_itl Sir Vaughan .\Iorgan. a former all as they were for the visit of KIDS Admiral Superintendent of I’o.'ts- Hussein of Jordan. who attended a mouth I)ockyard. the I'lL‘:Idtl1i\trL‘\$ of farewell parade by the troops. Newtown Primary School. .\liss IE. .\I. R()\'AI. SAI.L‘Tl-Z Dove)‘. and representatives of local organivations. Also present was the Having steamed over 7.000 miles. Rev. I.. T. S. Sims-Williams, Vicar of since leaving .\Ialta on October 1. a 2 Bembridge. Isle of Wight. whose son is great deal had to be done in a very the navigating ofliccr of the ship. short time to prepare for the royal visit. but when the King arrived the ship was ready for him. A royal salute of 2! guns was fired by Ceylon and Loch I~'_vne. and after being received on board ('e_vlon and inspecting the Royal WO ships returned to Portsntouth (iuard. under the command of (apt. I Royal Mariiies. Hisi on Friday. November 28. front the I-'. RC_\'nuld\'_ Mediterranean. They were H.M.S. .\Iajest_v made :t brief totir of the ship. Torquay (Capt. Ii. M. Usherwood. The King was :iccoinpanied by his D.S.('.. R.N.). an :inti-submarinefrigate , Prime Minister. Mr. Rifai. the Hfili.‘-ll and leader of the Stli Frigate Squad- .'\I11I‘it\\ZtlI(\I'. and l.ic_til.-(icneritl and H.M.S. Carysfort (Cdr. llabis .\la_vallio. the Chief of the ron. M. .\I. Dtinlop. R.N.). of the (llh .Iordan Ucneral Staff. The King Destroyer Squadron. ishowcd 1--teat interest in all that he Both ships. after several months‘I“"-|_~‘ -"l“‘“"- and seemed to enjoy service in the .\Iediterranean. carried being on board a Iiritish cruiser. \Vhcn out exercises on the way home with his brief tour was over. he left for units of the Home Fleet and also with Loch I"-_\nc and the minesweepers. and the (‘;tn;tdi.1n sqmtdmn which ;,”;V,_-d a further 2|-gun salute was fired when : at Portsmouth for a week's visit on ht‘ 1°“ ""5 Shit“Novembcr 28. H.M.S. Ceylon left for .\Iontbas: '
,P'E;.'-Ci. I -
v\ .
\ -5
W.R..\'.S. ANi\'IVI-IRSARY On Friday. November 2|. a ladies‘ gticst night was held in the Wardroom with the guest of honour the Director of the W.R.N.S.. Commandant Eli‘/.abeth Hoyer-.\Iillar, This dinner was to celebrate the vllst anniversary of the formation of the \V.R.l\.S. in l‘)l7. SI’()R'I‘ The replay in the Iiambara Trophy against R.N..-\.S. Lossiemoiith resulted in a 9-3 win for the Condor XV and ithc next round. against R.N..-\.S. i Cultlrose. a good display of determinalion and following-up. resulted in a win .' by I5 points to nil. In the Home Air (‘ommatiil Challenge (‘tip the Soccer XI were beaten :6-—l by H.M.S. Ariel at Worthy Down. § In the Nav_v (Tup hockey match Condor I-beat R.N..-‘\.S. Abbotsinch by four
\\'.R..\‘.S. OI-‘I-'ICI-'.R ON 'I'\' li()lIicer V. .\IcIiride appeared in the li.I!.('. prograniine “Animal. Vegetable and .\l§neral" on November 26 front the i\‘ational Maritinie .\luscum at
1 goals to one.
BONFIRI-I NIGHT On November 5 a colossal bonfire was ignited by the parade training staff g
and the subsequent
H..\I. King Iltussein and
; play was equivalent to a “Iirock's best." .-\ large number of families witnessed the ceremonial burning of Guy Fawkes,
during the tour of Ceylon
Vernon gives first stir to the Christmas pudding
The water polo team are enjoying another successftil season and are unbeaten after five matches. In their last encounter they beat R.A.O.C. S--3. her Vcrnon took .1 team of seven boxers
HI-I Director of W.'.R.NS.. Commandant E. l.. F,. Hoycr-Millitr. paid first ollicial visit to H.M.S. Vernon during Noveniher. The Director was welcomed by Capt. E. A. Blundell. captain of \'emon. and 2/Oflicer 0. E. Archer. ofliccr in charge of W.R.N.S. in Vernon. Your l.ife." in Accompanied by Chief Oflicer .\I. M. production of "This isl.ieiit. I. Powe. Kcttlewcll. Senior W.R.N.S. Ofiicer. which the producer. Portsmotith Command. Comniandant gave an impressive imitation of I-loyer-.\lil|artoured the section. where Ilamonn .-\ndre\vs. The ceremony of stirring the the 54 Wrens of H..\l.S. Vernon are These include the Registry. the Service (‘e:tilicate Otliec. U16 Vic’ ttialling Ollicc. the Pay Otlice and the 3 Tactical Section. Before returning to‘ Loiidon. she met the heads’ of depart~ i merits of lI..\l.S. Vernon. ‘; Rear-Admiral I-'.. N. V. Currey. I).S.().. I).S.C.. Chief of Staff. recently : visited Vernon. After inspecting
len'iplo_\cd. i
compete against Mcrctiry. winning
six bouts-out of seven. Four of the team, 0..-\. Mallett. A.B. Maddison. A.B. Haigh and A.B'. I-‘oston. were selected for the Command in a recent .‘mati:h in Jersey. I_icut.-Cdr. A. l.. Jacks ‘won the lI’ortxmoutli (fommand Notices Foil .
Thcrc’s nothing like a good glass of SIMONDS beer for puiting you on top of the world. Ashore or afloat, you can't go wrong if you always steer straight for SIMONDSI
guard. Admiral Currey presented the; Long Service and Good Conduct
1 ‘
Medal to I‘:.A.I .-\lfred. He proceeded with a general tour of the Vernon sections. Vice-.-\ W. (3. Cooper. l U.S.N.. (‘oininanilcr .-\.s. Defence I Forces. Atlantic Fleet. made a similar ‘g ‘tour of the establishment during the 5 lirst week of i.\'ovembcr. E .-\ \'ariet_v sltu\\'. aptly named "Right ! Up the ('reek." was p-.-rtorined in the ('inema on two s'ttt.‘v.'L'.\\'i\'t.' 'tIlglII\‘. llcavy bookings indicated that the run could easily have been extended 3 to a week. Individual acts included; C.P.0. llayincr at the piano and LS. I Bennett. who sang "Songs from the’ later led a skillle group. Ishows" and Shirley Allen. the fourteen-year-old datightcr of C.P.O. Allen. of Deepassisted (with it smile at any rate) by Mrs. Blundell, ‘water. entertained the audience with Captain E. A. Blundell. stirs \"cmon's Christiniui pudding her accordion. Shirley. who has recently passed the H.C.A. examination with honours. is the reigning junior accor- Christmas pudding mixture corti- Competition. Lieiit. C. B. Filmer. who dion champion of Malta and took first meneed in jocular fashion by the came sixth in the Hampshire Individual prize in this year's Portsmouth and captain of Vernon and his wife_. was Epée Championship. has been selected Musical Festivals. I’.(). continued in a more serious vein by to shoot for Portsmouth in an intercity match. arranged for December. Bowler was the subject of a satirical C.I’.O. Cook Jones and his staff. ‘
Supplies of
SIMONDS beers can be arranged at any port
December I958
I ..--uouocuu.....-..-
: o
o o
.M.S. Soberton. 360 tons. ti Fisheries Protection Vcsscl. sailed to a concentration of fishing vessels off tiie Cap Griz Nez grounds on December I. after receiving information that foreign trawlers were damaging the nets and gear of British vessels. Tltc Lowestoft drifter, Young Elizabeth.had appealed for protection. l.ater the drifter. Dawn Waters. claimed that she had lost four nets and other gear. and the skipper blamed a French trawler. The French vessel's propeller fouled the nets and she had to be towed back to Botilogne. The skipper of the Young Elizabeth said: “Continental pair fishermen are very busy in the Dover Straits. The shoals are very spotty and the boats have been concentrating on one small area. The pair fishermen go across our drift nets cutting the ropes." Seven nets of the Young Elirabeth had been
batten) attended
'_l'iie_ First
ll '
celebrate the 33rd anniversary of the foundation of the British lnstittttc of Radio Engineers he paid tribute to the scientists. designers. and those of the radio industry in the United Kingdom who have supported them. in developing mod ern electronic equipment for Lord Mountbatten singled otit the special radar and comprehensive display system which is essentially the eyes. brain and central nervous .s_v.stein of H.M.S. Victorious in which it is installed. Together with tlte tlireclittg intelligence of the human stuff. this system constitutes it device of illflltlsl fabulous performance and without which modern warships would be highly vulnerable to long-range attack
HE monthly meeting of the Northl lind Branch of the R.N. l-'.U.S.W. was held on November 4. when HE (‘I’|li81'|' Till". first warship of the Royal Navy to have turrets and radar control equipment which members ntuch enjoyed‘ a very locate their be trained and fired loaded. targets. automatically.:3 seen by an Admiralty artist. The name} skilled and graceful exhibition of ballof her she class. laid down John Brown and was Co. (Clydebanlt) Ltd.. and will be completed and com-5 by Mr. and Mrs. .ship room dancing by for trials in home waters is early next year. She to have four six-inch dual-purpose guns and six three-: F. W. R. Rann. who demonstrated the Emi.-sinned :inch anti-aircraft all in guns. fully automatic twin mountings and with a very high rate of tire. The overall length 5 waltz. the quickstcp. the tango and the the :of will 555 feet be and her maximum beam 64 feet. Her a ccommodation standards may well be the} Tiger old-fashioned waltz. A vote of thanks was proposed by Ehiglicst of any afloat in the Royal Navy. The Tiger Clms will p robahly be the last conventional cruisers built for: Mrs. l-’tinnel|_ and afterwards records :thc Service. and in addition to the Tiger will include the Blake and Lion. -oooooouoatannoun-ooooooooonuooauounlII-no.9. were played for members to
R.N. WONDER RADAR the First Sea l.ord (Admiral WHEN of the Fleet The Earl Muniti-
co a
Prires donated were won by Mesdatnes Stark. Stroud. Deane. Higham. Barnard and Maior. The Christmas Fair was held on 0 allow H.M. Yacht Britannia to I)L'CCl'l\bL‘r 2. being opened by Mrs. pass under bridges of the .-\squith-l.ceson. the Dcptity Lady Lawrence Seaway when she visits .\layorcss of Portsmouth. Stall in- Canada next summer. the top 20 ft. of cluded cakes. produce. gifts. white her main mast and the wireless aerial elephant and also Christmas decora- on her foremast have been hinged in tions. rallies. etc. in order to be lowered as necessary.
When Britannia was built. it was obvious that the height and shape of her masts would be of the lirst importance in her appearance. The masts in the Royal Yacht must have the height and shape to display properly the Royal Standard at the main. the flag of the l.ord High .-\dmiral at the fore. and the Union flag at the mizzen. Britannia was accordingly built with a mainmast of I23 ft.. a foremast of H8 ft.. and a miuen mast of 103 ft. height above the waterline. These masts are tapered at the top and raked so that the mziximtim effect is given. When the possibility arose of Iiritannia taking Her Majesty The Queen to Canada to open the St. Lawrence Seaway it became clear that the height of the fore and main would prove too high as the height of some of the bridges over lht: Seaway are only 120 ft. above the water. The safe maximum height of the masts to give clearance was deemed to be ll t. The problem was how to cut Britannia’s masts to size. as the obvious way of fitting telescopic masts would have
Doggett’s race winner is
ship. may why she carries an cnortnotts ‘searchlight‘ on the island sttper-struc-
ture. Some may wonder if this contaiits some new form of black light. or pos-
sibly cven a magic eye. it form of magic eye which.
is indeed a in conjunction with its electronic 'brain‘ lietwccn decks. not only gives the captain phenomenal far sight but also provides hint with infinitely greater powers of calculation and judgment than his own eyes and brain could produce unaided. The eye part of this system is a revolving stabilised structure which weighs 27 tons and incorporates many new ideas. Admiral Mountbatten concluded by saying that complicated systcnis call for a higher degree of skill and personal qualities in our sailors than ever before. The men concerned with equipment of this sort need the ability to think quickly. they need mental etidurance and they ncctl sound ind-.:~ merit. both in operating the equipment and tnaintaining it. "l am glad to «av that we are getting a sttlliciciitly high standard of recruits coming into the Navy to meet this formidable but fas-
itaappiizr Qllljitistmas WITII
GIF T8from BERIM B08 Bernard: latest Gift Catalogue has been sent to all customers and If you have not seen a copy and would like to do so. please call in at a branch or send to Head Office. Through the Bernard Direct Despatch Service a customer‘; cholce of gifts may be sent to any address desired accompanied by ~ personal messages or greeting cards
WORK The eventual answer evolved is to hinge the wireless aerial on the foreniast arid the top section of the mainmast. The aerial on the foremost is 3 ft. high and by hinging this in a forward direction into a bracket crtitch the overall height of the mast can be reduced by the required amount. The solution to the maintnast was found by‘ hinging the mast at the shroud rings. thus incidentally helping to conceal tltc hinge and enabling the top I7 ft. of the mast plus 3 ft. of :tcrial—that is to say. the top 20 ft. of the mast—~to be moved.
and timed to arrive on any day desired. Where it is not desired to pay cash the cost of orders may be charged to a credit account for settlement by Admiralty Allotment or Banker's Order. A Gift Voucher Scheme is operated for those customers who would like their friends to choose their own gifts. Full details of these facilities and ot the Bernard service whereby ti customer‘: complete requirements may be readily obtained will gladly be given on request at a branch or through Head Office.
guide helicopter
ONCE AG.-\lN a Royal Navy helicopter has been used on a "mercy mission." Julie \VllC0t.'l;s. aged thrce.l of \\’aterlooville. near Portsinottth. vwas taken front the Royal Hospital. Portsrunuth. to tlte Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children on 3 November30. The Child ten :0 ti. front hi.‘t' rootti window two weeks ago and sustained head tniitrics. She had a relapse on Suiiday and the matron. t\ll\S lintily Ashton. asked for help from the Royal Naval Air Station at Lee-on-Solent. Piloted by Lieut. Geoffrey Andrews. Royal Navy. the helicopter took the child to London. the police clearing the R()\'.-\L l\'avy National Service rating with eight weeks‘ senice was Coram playing fields near the Great saluted by ceremonial trumpeter: of the Coldstream Guards at Fish- Ormond Street Hospital to enable a niongcrs‘ ilall on November It. and among those present to_see him honoured landing to be made. Sheets were placed on the ground in the shape of a letter was the r'.tting's commanding oilicer, Capt. S. [-1. Post. 0.B.I-.., R..\'. "H“ to guide the pilot. The rating is|l R. (I. Crouch. I.ondon Bridge to Chelsea since a Miss Ashton said: ‘‘It was necessary of Woolwich Road. Greenwich. who Drury Lane comedian instituted the not only to move the ‘child quickly. but is the winner of this year's Doggctt's event in l7l5. to transport her with the least possible Race. which has been rowed from Continued on page 15 movement."
at this
proved too expensive.
uninitiated. looking
went on: "The
Before reaching a bridge, the bolts will be removed from the hinge of the mainmast by hand by a man hoisted in a boatswain‘s chair. The niainmast will then be lowered back to an angle of 44 degrees. Wires from the main and miuen masts will steady the moving part while it is being lowered or hoisted. cinating task.“
suféiiti ent
Sea Lord
lfictl-[ 0. H. BERNARD & SONS LTD. Remember—You really do
buy better at Bernards.
Anglia House, Harwich, Essex
6-8 Queen Street. Portsmouth; 24 Martin Terrace. Devonpon; Militarr Road, Chatham: 26 South Street, Valletta. Malta; l8 The Strand. Sliema; 255/7 Main Street. Gibraltar; and at Deal, Dunfermline. katmouth. Helcnsburgh. Griirisby. Horwich. Londonderry. Milford Haven. NewcastleBranches
under-Lyme. Fenland, Rosyth. Skegness. Weymauth_ Lossiemoirth. Arbroath.
Eglington, Kete, Braivdy, Helston. Corsliam. Ford. Worthy Down. and at H.M.S. Dolphin.
December. 1953
Pay—a pillar of
The New Naval Discipline Act
WIVES CAN NOW BE TRIED BY contentment QUESTIONS ANSWERED FROM COURTS MARTIAL THE ‘FIDDLER’S DEN’ New measures slightly less TIIE strict than predecessors ‘
By C. Lawyer
academic point as only one man is recorded as having been sentenced to death by a Naval court martial in the last 100 years. The new Act does make some chnnges which are of practicable application. A more comprehensive definition of dnrnkenness will be introduced. The present test—unfitness to perfomi a Naval duty—wlll be enlarged to include behaving In a disorderly mitniicr or In a manner likely to bring dlscredlt on the
this is
Service. In an earlier article the writer explained some 0/ the reason: leading up to One innovation copied from the the imrmliietion 0] ct new Naval Discipline /I ct which will come into force on will be that men who commit Juriuur_v I. I959, fn.!Itis concluding article he describes some 0] the major Army civilian ofienccs on shore and outside cluirigt-.i as they will aflect the reri-ing man. a Naval establishment will in future my previous article I explained should be drafted on parallel lines. not be liable to be dealt with under Naval that the most important reason for only_because men may be lent to other discipline except in the case of very introducing a new Naval Discipline Act Services. but also because the same serious olfenees. like murder and manwas because the old Act had been de- appeal court hears appeals from sen- slaughter. It is not intended that this signed to suit conditions which no tences of courts martial of all three new rigltt should always be uscd and that Service men should never come longer prevail and because it did not Services. The Act has been drafted as far as up before a civil court. but it is a right fully cover the changed conditions in the Fleet today. In addition. of course. possible to follow the wording of the which might prove very invaluable in ntuch of the machinery for arranging Army and Air Acts. This has meant cei_'tain_cireumstanccs. such as when a that most of the old familiar phrases. ship sails or a man commits a minor courts ntartial was unduly as it had been designed to de eat the many of which have been handed down offence on leave at a place a long way scheming of political admirzils. who through a number of older Acts. will away from his place of work. One result of this change should be :i rewere not above “rigging" a court from disappear. Of course. the conditions of sea ser- duction in the number of offences time to time to achieve their own parvice _are so distinct that it has not_been which are followed by “Consequentizil ticular ends. The new Act does not have to 'ro- possible to have one Service discipline Penalties." viile for such contingencies .an in act for all three Services. and this SPECTACULAR cii/wot; future courts martial will be much also why in a number of res- One of the more spectacular changes e Navy does not follow the more simply :irr'.in'ged‘because'the.seii- pects brought in is that whereby Naval wives ior officer will be permitted to nominate Army. One particular aspect in which and members of Naval families who the members of the court--and, of the Navy remains alone concerns the are sewing abroad may. if they commit course. courts will consist of General W.R.N.S. Both the W.R.A.C. and the W.R.A.I'-‘. are liable to trial by court offences against the Law of England. oflicers of all specialisations. under certain circumstances be tried The new Act also recognises that a martial but not the W.R.N.S. by Naval court martial. This is notlarge proportion of the Navy is now The reason for this is that the Naval :is might be guessed—to assist husbands shore-based and one result of tItis_ is Discipline Act is specially designed to maintain better discipline on the that it is no lon er necessary to main- cover conditions afloat. and as the to front. but results from certain tain the liction t at every shore estab- W.R.N.S. are shore-based it was con- home conventions. lishment is really a ship. although the sidered inappropriate that they should NATO Its ob'cct is to prevent nientbers of Admiralty do not intend to alter the be subjected to it. In announcing this Service amilies being tried in foreign ctistom whereby each shore establish- decision a special tribute was paid to courts and to give them the same this Service. which has maintained chance ntcnl has its own ship's name. of a fair trial as they would such a high esprit tle corps without ()I.l) PHRASES DISAPPEAR to the compulsion of discip- have in an English court. The number of occasions on which it is likely that One of the recent developments inc. which Parliament has taken into a Naval wife will come before a Naval RF.STRl('I'ED PI-INAIITY DEATH court are expected to be very few inaccount is the increased co-operation The new Act. then. is mainly a mod- deed. now existing between the three services and the extent to which men of one ernising one. There is no intention to By and large. the new Act is unlikely Service may be lent to another. Pro- alter the system of Naval discipline to cause any noticeable change in the visiop has been ntade for men lent to at present employed in the Navy. If life of the serving rating——bc be threeanother Service to be dealt with under anytliing. it is slightly less strict than h:idge man or "bird"—bul in its new the code of the Service to which they its predecessor—the death penalty. for form it will more accuratel rcllect the are attziched. It is also logical that the instance. has been restricted to the Navy's changing role in t e Defence disciplitic Acts of the three Services niinintiim number of offences. although Structure of today.
Naval Pay system. evolved over many years. Is in principle one which is easily worked. In practice. however. because of the classes of ollicers. fittings. trades and qualifications. extni payments for thk and extra payments for that. it seems to the uninitiated it very complex and at times unreasonable and unworkable system. The Pay Ollicc of a ship. known as A titan entering Married Quarters front it private residence will incur rent the “fiddler‘s den" or the “holy of and furniture charges of tip to 305. holies." depending on the-_point of per week and will also lose his enview. is one of the most important titlement to Out of Quarters allowplaces in a ship, for pay and food ance of 3s. per day. His "emoluare the twin pillars of content _in the ntcnts" are therefore reiliiceil by Service. If a man is satisfied with his 2ls. per week and “ehargcs" food. and has the feeling that his pay iricrt-arsed by up to 305. per week account is being well looked after. he and should his allotments. calcuwill go about his daily work without lated under these new circumworries. The following questions and stances. exceed the “six-sevenths” answer: may assist ratings. regulation. steps must be taken to 0. How does the present ledgerredtiee the allotments. keeping system work‘! What is the point of keeping Form A. The ledger is kept for three periods S.50 (ratIng’s copy)? each year. two of I8 weeks and one of I6 weeks. At the beginning of Under the old ledger-keeping syseach period. each account is tem each account was kept in dupcredited with pay and allowances licate on identical ledger paper. At for the whole of the ensuing the end of the ledger period. one period. i.e. 126 (or II!) days’ pay. copy of the ledger was sent to the l(.U.A. and Out of Quarters Director of Navy Accounts and the Allowance (if applicable) and other retained on board for a. debited with I8 (or I6) weekly period of two years. allotments. four monthly allot- The duplicate ledger (the one kept on ments. I8 (or I6) National Insurboard) has now been replaced by ance charges. l8 (or.I6) weeks‘ Form S50 and instead of it being Income Tait and married quarters kept on board it is distributed to difThe charges (if appIicablelthe rating concerned for his retenference between these two amounts tiun. The objects are threefold: is divided by nine (or eightlglo I. To encourage men to take an arrive at the fortnightly rate. ration interest in their pay active allowance being added where apaccounts; 2. To enable queries to propriatc. be settled quickly; 3. To provide a. guide to men's fortnightl rates Why should I reduce my allotwhen separated from their ull pay ments when entering Married
probably the main mason for the new accounting system, but it fol-
The Naval Pay Regulations state that men may allot "up tp sixseventh: of their emoluments less a sufiicient allowance to cover “Emoluments" incharges. clude daily pay including Siibmarine Pay and other extra pay credited on a continuous basis and Out of Quarters .-\llow;inci: if in issue. but not Kit Upkeep AllowRation Allowance. ance nor “Charges" include lnconie Tax. National Insurance and Married Quarters deductions.
lows that 2 and 3 cannot be fulfilled if the form is not retained by the rating. To this end. Form $.50 is to he kept and carried on the person for a period of six months. It will be appreciated that should ti pay query arise and the r:tting‘s copy not be held. reference must be made to the Director of Navy Accounts. causing unnecessary work and delay. More seriously. should a rating be separated front his full pay account the paying officer of the new ship needs to refer to the rating's copy for gtiitlaitcc conccriiing a fort-
I is
O .
nightly rate. Why does my rating‘.-3
titties show
’I'Ill’. SURVIZY ship Vidal (Capt. E. G. Irving. ().ll.l-1.. R.N.l arrived at l)evottport on October 3!. having spent seven months carrying out surveying duties in the West indies. Since she left Cltatliam iit April. Vidal has carried otit surveys in British Ilontluras.(ircnada. Tobago and Trinidzid. In llritish Honduras the ship's coinpany saw bananas being exported from :1 small port in the south of the Colony. as a direct results of surveys carried out the previous year. The surveys off 'l'rinid:idand 'l'ob:igo were tlesignctl to bring the charts tip to date since the last survey. carried out over 70 years :igo. ()n passage to attd front the West
copy some-
A. The ledger is kept for a fixed number of weeks. Sltoiilil a rating be paid money in mIrmi¢'t- for any reason (e.g. for leave) kite in the period. his account at the end of that period will tltcii show ii debt.
from .
does rn_v one
fortnightly rate
vary to another?
ledger period
This liappciis in the case of ratings with large monthly allotments, l-‘our tlcductions are iitadc in hotlt l8- and In-week p.-.-rioils and it is tltcrcforc obvious that tile deductioit per fortnight will be greater in the shorter period. For example. a titan with it monthly iillotmcttt of 360s. will have his fortnightly rate rcdticctl in the Ill-week ledger period by on-.:-itiittlt of £72 I4 >1 3(i0~‘.l. equals £8. whilst during the I6-week period it will be reduced by one-eighth of £72. equals E‘).
Indies. lI..\l.S. Vidal carried out continuous invcstigmions of the sea bed and exantined in detail six shoals. One shoal rust: l0.000 ft. from the bed of the Atlantic. It was discovered in I957 by Vidal duriitg routine investigation on passage home. In the Milwaukee Deep. north of Puerto Rico. a depth of What limits are placed on allot4.728 failtoms was obtained. merits? I)iiring her absence abroad. Vidal Il..\l.S. Bulwark entering Grand Harbour. Malta. on October 25. The Ship‘,-i Company are “fell in" for entering Besides the limits described in the steamed over 25.000 miles. Her heli845 the deck of one of which took this phutognlph. In the the harbour and are on Squadron. flight helicopters aiiswcr to question. 2. allotments copter llew for I35 hours on survey far background is Slit-mu with destroyers and other ships at anchor in the harbour. Bulwark is now at Portsmouth and coniititiitications work. and also may itot be made to money lenders. the conversion leave to a Commando Carrier to giving prior nor to nienilters of the Services or carried out two “mercy” flights. saving the life of an ll-month-old girl sufferpersons under the age of IS. except wives. ing from pneumonia. by taking _|ter from it reittole sand Cay to llclllc. Ratings tinder Ilte age of 20 :ittd below and in rescuing the crew of a capsized lending rate may allot to only one and printed with Albemarle Bertie tAfric:iine) aitd ttired French privatecr (Brand Rodeur by. trader at it time. whilst juniors may lishing boat after a storm. of. Commander W. B. Major-General the Hon. John Aber- ull" Ilcachy Head. permission allot only to father. mother. the December I0. I9-4l—I‘rince of Wales She spent I59 days ‘surveying. out Rowbolham. Royal Navy. eromby. Post Ollicevsavings Bank or Lift: Decentbcr 3. I0-t2——Quentin sunk and Repulsc sunk by Japanese torof a total of 206 away front England. December I. I‘)-4l—Amor:i. PenelAssurance Ollice. pedo aircraft. In four months off the coast of Trini- ope and I.ivcly sank Italian Destroyer by torpedo aircraft oll Bone. December I2. I78! —-Rear-Admiral Allotments of less than 55. per month December 4. I93‘l—NcIson severely dad. L800 square miles of survey were Aliiise dzi Mosto. are not permitted except to depenDecember I. .l‘)-l2.—.lasp‘cr stink by damaged by mine in the entrance to Richard Kempenfelt (Victory) capcompleted. tured I5 sail of a French convoy oil’ dants or approved Naval AssociaLoch Erne. German E-Boat oil‘ Start Point. tions. Weekly allotments must be December 8. l9I-l—Battle of Falk- Ushztnl. December 2. I9-10-’-Forfar stink by December I2. I939--Duchess stink declared in multiples of 6d. Active land Islands. Vice-Admiral Sir DoveAn impressive little ceremony took Gennzin U.99 Service ratings wishing to claim ton Sturdec ( Invincible) defeated Vice- in collision with Barham oll Mtill of place at the Uxbridge Branch meeting December 2. I942 and Argonaut. Admiral Graf von Spec (Scharnhorst). Kintyre. marriage allowance must declare a Quibcrop on October 28. when Mrs. Foster. Antoni, Sirius. Quentin ships stink: Gneisenau. December I3. I'll-t—V.C. Liettt. qualifying allotment at the rate ‘of four German Nurmberg. widow of the late President. Admiral destroyed escorted convoy ofItalian Scharnhorst. Norman Douglas Holbrook (B.lI) Zlis. ii week for lending rate rind Leipzig. Foster. was presented with a travelling ships ull’ Skeri Rank. sinking below and 49s. for chief petty olliccr December 8. I9-tl—Petercl sunk by passed through Turkish minefield at clock as a memento of her association destroyer Folgore. and petty ollicer. Special rates apply entrance of Dardanclles and sank December 3. l8I0<-Capture of llc Japanese forces at Shanghai. with the branch. before she flew. to to National Service men. Malta. where she has decided to reside. de France (Mauritius) by Vice-Admiral December 9, I809-Redpole cap- Turkish Mcssoudieh. .
December. I958
issue featured ll..\l.S. Cuntberland. and it INthe shiplasttook part in the Battle of the River Plate. This our
mentioned that
was not so.
Commodore Hrtntood in ll..\l.5. Ajax had calculated that the Grant Spee's appearance would be off the River Plate about December 12. and he had eoncentrated Ajax. l-Ixeter and Achilles in that area. Il..\'l.S. Cumberland had been
Stanley for boiler cleaning and refuelling, When it was obvious that the badly before Admiral Harwood could reasondantaged Exeter mtist return to base. ably have expected the ship. having Cumberland was ordered to sail from regard to the eight-hour itotice for Port Stanley to reiitforce tlte blockade steam which had been given. The ship's company of Cumberland of the enemy in the River Plate. (‘dr. ('lt:irles Feathcrstonc. ().B.E.. flattered themselves that the ship's A..\l.l..\lcch.E.. R.N. (ret.). who was early arrival. publicised as it was in (Tuinherland at this tinte. states that visually and in the local press. might the refit at Port Stanley was done by well have been the major factor in the units. and one pair of units ltad always end of the Graf Spce—she would not to be at two -hours‘ notice for steam. wish to go through the saute performwhich would give the ship about 25 ance with another undamaged cruiser. knots‘ in an entcrgenc_\'. (fdr. l’c:itlter- this tittte with eight cigltt-inclt guns. sent back to Port
having intercepted ittcssages concerning the battle. including one front the lixeter that she was retiring front the action with all her stone
says tlt:it.
COLD JOB W0 Royal Navy divers from H.M.S. Duncan had at very cold job on November 20 when they removed five and a half turns of 3 in. wire front the shaft and propeller blades of the Grimshy trawler King Sol. The water was only I3 degrees above freezing
raised in the one pair of tinits and Cumberland. without orders. proceeded out of harbour on those two units. About one hour after leaving the Falklands. Admiral Harwood‘s signal was _receivcd on board. and the ship rapidly point. worked tip to 30 knots. the work on the The trawler had reported that she second pair of units having been com- was incapable of ntoving, and Able Seaman M. Dungay. of King‘_s Lynn. pleted. There is little doubt in (Tdr. Feather- and Able Seaman M. J. Surr. of .stonc's mind that Cumberland was on Grimsby. with it support party. were the scene of tlte action about 10 hours sent to the King Sol. guns out of action. steam
French-built M.l..-type craft. also took part in the fighting.
ARGENTINA For the second time in less than to years the Straits‘ of Magellan have swallowed up an Argentine Navy ship apparently without trace. The fleet tug Guarani. with a ship's company of 37. was last heard of on October I5. Nothing has been heard or seen of her
HE United States naval appropria- carrying submarines. the U.S.N. is in tion recently passed by Congress fact building only five at present. The for new construction totals others will be started when missile As mentioned. funds trials reach a more advanced stage. it for four nuclear-powered Polaris mis- is expected that Regulus ll will be fitted in the nuelezir-powered subsile-carrying S|lb|"llill'lllCS.\vVlll not be marines Halibut. Permit. Pollack and since. taken tip until the missile is_ operaHer loss was in circumstances very tional——this is expected to be in 1960. Plunger. similar to those in which the fleet Biggest single item of expenditure was FRANCE minesweeper Foiirnicr was lost in SepS3-t0.000.000 for seven guided-missile frigates. though three of these were A guidcd~wcapons trial ship. which tember. I9-t‘). She also was passing held over front the previous financial will fulfil similar duties to those carried through the Straits of Magellan. year. (The U.S. frigate type is com- out by H.M.S. Girdle Ncss. has Again. no survivors were found. parable to the Royal Navy's Daring recently completed a major refit at KUWAIT Class.) A further Sl80.000.000 will be Marseilles. This ship. the former 3.300A national newspaper recently respent on five guided-missile destroyers; ton personnel carrier lle D'0leron. will S-0.000.000 will be spent on a nticlear- shortly sail for the naval yard at ported that an envoy of the Sitltan of powered attack submarine. About Toiilon to be fitted with missile- Kuwait is interested in purchasing a S20.000.000 will be spent in removing launching gear. She will be capable of "lriuneh" for use in the Persian Gulf the sodium-type reactor from the sub- testing the following missiles: the by the Sultan and his court. It is marine Seawolf and substituting a Masurca. rt medium-range anti-aircraft rumoured that the Type IV Hunt Class water-cooled type reactor. Cost of the missile: the Masalca. a long-range frigate Brissenden has been offered by sul-intariite was only S32.700.000. anti-aircraft missile: the Malaface. for the Admiralty. The Brisscndcn and her which will give some idea of the cost use by ships against shore targets. and sister ship Brecon were the only two l"V0l\'¢d in Cllilntlinll ll"? P0“"~‘l' Pl?|“l- the CT-I0 and CT-20 which are con- warships built in the last war to a Other new ships included are: two lI’0|_lL‘tJ l€|_|'t»‘.¢l t|iW|'=|ll- um-h of m¢.priv:tte design. Both were built by and it is sometimes said guided-ntissile cruisers. an auxiliary {testing will be done on tlte Ile dti 1 Thornyerofts siibittzirine. 37 lamling craft. two patrol l.cvant range off the coast of Provence. that their design was the result of a vessels. tvvo utility landing craft. eight T00 ,F|’C"t-‘ll N15‘-f)’ hit‘ 51ll”'~j~'“-‘Y PC?" friendly bet between a member of the staff of Thornyerofts and an open lighters. four large harbour tugs Carrying. Out trials here with shore- design based equipment. The Ile D'0leron olliccr of the Director of Naval Conattd two submarine support ships. struction's Department. The terms of The U.S. Navy recently announced will also be used for training person- the bet were that Thornyerofts could the first successful launching of a nel in handling the guided missiles not build rt destroyer. as they were then Regulus ll missile from a submarine. ,which will be fitted in France‘s first the classified. displacetttent as The missile successfully travelled over Ioperational gttidcd-ntissilc ship. the other tiititsonof thesame Hunt Class and with 200 miles to pinpoint its target. It has destroyer l-:i Galissonniere. This ship the same armantent. but with better been otlicially stated that its speed is will also carry helicopters and will be sea-keeping qttalities. The bet was twice the speed of sound (1.400 m.p.h. mlcd °‘" 3‘ 3 °°m'“‘"'d ‘hm accepted and their almost continual plus) and its maximum range is over service in the arctic during the war LEBANON 1.000 miles. Regulus ll represents a proved that these two ships were During the recent rebellion in the extremely vast improvement over the Mark I seaworthy. Their high foretype which has been in service for Lebanon the Lebanese Navy played a castlc with a "knuckle" extending a some years. This is merely a form of major part. though its activities never considerable way from the bows is a Vl or flying bomb. The new missile made the headlines. When American feature peculiar to these ships. Breeon must not. of course. be confused with Forces landed. a Sherman tank was be seen in Portsmouth Dockyard. the truly ballistic missile. Polaris. mounted in the Navy's one and only may where she is in reserve. Brissenden is which can be launched while the sitb- L.C.U. (Landing Craft Utility) and at present in supplementary reserve at marine is submerged. Tltough Con- effective fire was then returned against Lisahally. gress has authorised nine missile- the rebels. The Navy's only other
M.S. serving on at General Service Commission in the Mediterranean. is Leader of the Seventh Destroyer Squadron. which comnfmioned at Poi-tsnioutlt on May 20, I958. All ships of the Squadron have had visit to the "Eternal City“ and the stay a varied career. After a very rapid of five days went all too quickly. trip out in fottr days. they were given On leaving Civitavecchia Trafalgar a most intensive work up and were went east once ntore and joined forces promptly dispatched to the Eastern with H..\l. Ships Shcflicld and F.aglc. Mediterranean. where they were just the former wearing the flag of the Flag in time to join the force covering the Officer. Flotillas, Mediterranean. and the three ships paid a formal visit to landing in Lebanon and Jordan. When events in the Middle East had Istanbul. Although no doubt readers quictened down somewhat Trafalgar at home are used to cold wet weather. was allowed to go on her first foreign it came as rather a shock to ship's visit—lo Messina in Sicily. This was companies accustomed to Mediterfound to be a most attractive place and ranean sunshine. In fact. the "English" everyone had a good time. It was rt weather that was experienced during brief respite. however. and the ship was most of the six days tlterc rather soon back in the Eastern Mediter- rnarred an otherwise ntost interesting ranean. this time on the Cyprus Patrol. visit. And so once again the ship is_in Doubtlcss much has been written before on this pastime so nothing further Cyprus waters. at present escorting need be added. After the spell on patrol Eagle. hint about to start another spell went on two further foreign on Cyprus Patrol. Still the future looks visits. The first was on her own. to fairly bright: with luck there may be Civitavecchia. the nearest port to two more visits before the end of the Rome. Almost everyone managed :i year. '
Every sailor
At your service
PACKING ronrsuipurznr‘ Road‘, Southsea "°_’;,'g'rg'° -
CANADA The American air-to-air missile, Sidewinder. is now being fitted in Banshee aircraft of the two operational fighter squadrons of the Royal Canadian Navy. Today the R.C.N; has nearly 150 operational aircraft. There are four front-line squadrons, two equipped with Banshees and two with Tracker anti-submarine aircraft. Bothof aircraft are embarked in the .C.N.'s carrier H.M.C.S. Bonaventure. There is one "naval-air station. H.M.C.S.- Shearwater. situated at Dartmouth. Nova Seotia. There are also five air stations for reserve naval air squadrons. the R.C.N., unlike the ‘Royal Navy. still ‘recognising the‘ need for trained naval air reserves.
bowline (and beeline) for a
makes a
Guintsicss ._}dt‘¢fi‘§?e.t0f.?é??9€sa;.
December. I958
maneoirug .,
95 mas greetings to ship- 25 mates everywhere. He also ll thanks all contributors to HIE Editor sends Clirist-
these pages for their help and encouragement and kind wishes sent to him. Each branch “scribe” has sent his branch‘s Christmas greetings to other branches and in order to accommodate as many as possible of the branches which have forwarded coiitributions this month the Editor has deleted these greetings. but on behalf of all writers he conveys s greetings to you all.
EMBERS of the Royal Naval Association who attended the annual reunion in October saw a'vcry proud and dignified figure. straight as a ramrod. iuarching at the head of the he loves so \vell and hearAssociation ing the Headquarters Standard. Shipmate Alfred Ernest Farley. a member of the Gosport Branch. This honour is cottferred only upon the man who has attained the distinction of having. on the_ previous year-. won the silver cup which goes to the most outstanding Standard Bearer of the year. Born in I888. Shipmate Farley. whose father served on the old paddledr_ivcn_ Royal Yacht under Queen Vlclorlauioined Greenwich School in l90l and in so doing commenced a very interesting career in the Royal continued through the Navy ofwhich four nionarclis—King Edward reigns VII. George V. Edward VIII and George VI. In I9I9 he was appointed to the old Royal Yacht. Victoria and Albert. on which he served for IS years. He was Bowman of the Royal Barge for nine years. He had the singular honour of being appointed personal attendant to His Maicsty King George was later promoted to P.O. V._ He and ended his association with Rigger the "Royal Yacht in I934. For more than_ 20 years he remained in Admiralty service in a civilian
December 6.—Silver Jubilee Dinner at capacity. In I945 he joined the Gosport Rose and Crown Hotel. Kenlcy. Branch of the Royal Naval AssociaDorking Shipmate Farley tion_ and became December 20.-——Christmas Party. Croy- f"l‘iny" fellow shipmates) and to.his don Branch visits Dorking. has at all times been a stalwart of the Branch and a keen member of the Cheam Association. then the Royal Naval Old December 27.-—-Monthly dance. Comrades Association. Shortly after Christmas -—-Children's I-t. January he joined the Branch acqttircd its first _
Party. March.
carried the old Standard laying up at Rowncr Parish December I7.—Christm:is "Smoker." Church by the Branch Honorary Portsmouth Chaplain. the Rev. Vanstone. in I958. December 5.—Twenty-first AnniverNEW STANDARD sary Dinner and Dance. December 6.—Portland visit PortsHe received the newly dedicated mouth. Children‘: Christmas R.N.A. Standard from the hand of the January 6. Commander-in-Chief. Admiral Sir Party. Guy Grantham. in the new Branch Ilounslow Headquarters. 2.—Christmas Party. January On more than 70 ofiicial occasions he has carried the Standard. including Darlington December l7.—Ladies' Section Dinner. every annual reunion. representing the branch at the British Legion Ex-Service Men's Rallies ‘in _Hyde Park. St. the Fleet heavy George's Day in St. Paul's Cathedral H.M.S. repair ship w ich has been in Malta in 1947. local British Legion'Rcmemfor about I: years and must be known branec parades and services each to over three-quarters of the Navy. has November. all area dedication cerereturned to Plymouth. Ranpura has monies and many other civic occasions. been replaced by H.M.S. Ausonia. For almost the entire period his The transfer took place at the end of October and. as there were escort has been Shipmates Farrington tltottsands of items of stores. spares and Ryder. the latter being also his and machinery to be moved from one deputy on the very rare occasions that he himself cannot attend. ship to the other. it lasted I0 days. —
Rlttttlnl fil.
Renewal Form
(Delete as appropriate)
Cooper: Branch with their standard. Back row: T. W. Bales (chairman), Shipmates Farrington. Farley. Ryder and Hill (rice-president). Front row. Shipmate Davies. Rear-Admiral Gntcc (vice-presidents). Admiral Sir William Agnew (president). Capt. Jossclyu Members of
Since the inception of the Annual Standard-Bearers Trophy Award, he has each year carried out his duty in London with a grim bring the trophy to Gosport. an ambition which was finally realised in I957 in his sevcntieth year. truly a fine achievement of which we are all very proud. We felt particularly happy to see him leading the Association this year in the march to and from the Cenotaph from the Horse Guards Parade and later in the Festival Hall where he was congratulated by Admiral of the Fleet. The Earl of Cork and Orrcry and other senior otliccrs.
In .\l:irch the Branch will celebrate its coming of age with :i dinner and dance. The last dance of the year will be held on Saturday. l)ecember 27. and the members of (‘heaiii and Worcester Park will be pleased to welcome incinbers of other branches who feel like finishing otl their ('hristiii:is with a visit to Cheam. The aiiniial children's Christnias party will be held on .lanuary I4. when it is hoped to give the children such a party that they will reiueinber it all through I959.
DARK NIGHTS ARE GOOD FOR The Branch is holding BRANCHES attraction. December 20 and Christmas party a
the Croydoii Branch is expected to INCE the Trafalgar Ball. which was "come alongside." In January there so successful. the Dorking Branch will be theannual meeting. and "volunis maintaining an even keel. Great teers" will be asked for the various thanks are due to those members of committees. U the branch who worked so hard in conncction with the ball. lI.M.C.S. Huron. which was to have Attendance at branch meetings is visited Portsiiioiith with the Canadian quite good again—-can it be that the Squadron. November 29 in December dark evenings are the cause’! One 6. was ‘in collision with the French thing. the warmth. light and friendli- ship Maillebreze in the Gulf of Lyon: ncss of the meetings certainly are an and will not be able to visit the port. -
VERAGE attendances at the Lowcstoft branch meetings are about 40 shipmatcs. and it is pleasant to be able to report that the branch continues to make progress. On October 31 the Branch broke into new ground. It held its first “old people's party." The guests of the evening were parents of the members who were old age pensioners. and also members themselves if over 65.'Thanks to the social chairman. Shipmate Chipperfield. and the willing help of the ladies of the branch. the evening was a huge success. the "sprogs" waiting upon the "old timers" at supper. In addition to the guest artistes who put on a first-class show. the evening was rounded off by an "opera" (?). The party was so enjoyable that it looks like becoming an annual fixture. There was a grand muster for the II Cenotaph and church parade on Remembrance day. and the branch paraded with a contingent from H..\l.S. Surbiton. which is proving a really “chuinmy ship." After the church service both the "Surbiton" party and the branch moored at a local hostel for a "noggin and a miller." and there is no doiibt that some rather tall stories were
pleasant party and Lowestoft is hoping to see more of "Surbiton" ship's company when the ship returns It
Please post a copy of each issue 0] “Navy News” to
was a
THE R.N. and R.M. Under Five Club meets every Thursday from 2 to 5 p.m. in the Victory Hut. R.N. Barracks. onITIIIIIIIIIIIIInI-IoIInI‘IaIIoI'I'oIIIIIoI¢IIIIoouI.... Portsmouth. Entrance is through the wicket gate opposite Victoria Park. I enclose Iicrcivitii money orderlpostal order/cheque value 8/-. being The club is for the-use of all serving a subscription for 12 issues. incliiding postage. men's wives and their children. and for a small fee children can be left Commence..................................(MomIi)- while the mother goes shopping or visits the Drop in Club held in the Trafalgar Club«on thcsame day.
‘OLD M.P.’s life is now real 4 9 Colchester think they had. PARTY’ AT Shipmate R. Hatcher sounded the minute’s “still" before supper for LOWESTOFT ATColchester the annual supper dance of the silence for fallen comrades. Shipmate Royal Naval and Royal Chairman L. Clubb welcomed the
He holds._ until its
their high ideals :iiid comraileship. to the peace of the world. The monthly dances held on the last Saturdays of the month up to April contintic to be most successful and the shipmatcs are to be congratulated on their achievement. The dances are a financial and social success. The Chcam and Worcester Park Ladies held their annual dinner and dance on November 22. and great credit is due to the ladies‘ social secretary. i\rlrs. Oliver. who organized the event. and also to the rest of the ladies‘ section. The Shipmatcs look forward to this function and hope the l:idics will be able to continiic to hold them. Toasts and replies were given by the chairinzin, Shipmate I-‘rank (_'l.-irke. the lady chairinau. .\lrs. Sargent. the ladies‘ secretary. .\lrs. Stanton. and Shipmate Teddy llaxlcr. lloth Sltiptnates paid the ladies some .wcl|-deserved couipliments on their work and their assistance to the branch. both cinplizisisiitg that without the ladies’ help and iinderstaiidiiig that the brancli would not be as SttL'L‘c\§flll as it is. These remarks were greeted with applause. The evening concluded with
Standard and he was made “Coming-oi"-Age" Dinner _R.N.O.C.A. its first Standard Bearer. an office and Dance. which. despite advancing years. he still —-
E.\lBERSHlP at the Chcam and Worcester Park Branch is steadily increasing and since the last report which appeared in “Navy News" there have been several new shipinatcs. and the reappearance of some shipmatcs h:is been very gratifying. and needless to say they were welcomed back like long-lost brothers. The branch feels that this Association and its kindred Associations can contribute in no small manner. with
Marine Associations on November I. guests. and Shipmate Alport created .1 I68 shipmates and friends enjoyed a great deal of laughter when he informed the gathcriug that. although he well-organized event. Colchester President of the Royal was an Army man, his life was now Naval Association. Shipmate Rear- strictly Royal Navy routine. as his Admiral I-'. Hutton. was tinfortunately wife was an ex-W.R.N.S. unable to be present. owing to a prior Shipmate Ward proposed the toast of engagement. but all the Vice-Presidents the Association in an amusing vein. were present. VlI.. Lady Binncy and Shipmate L. I‘l;iye|l's band played Shipmates C. J. .\I. Alport. M.P.. throughout the meal and for the dance Councillor H. W. Shephard and L. that followed the Master of Ceremonies Ward. D.S.M.. and they were accom- was Mr. Miles. panied by their wives. Representatives Shipmates Hunt. Meadows and in from the Clacton-on-Sea. Maldcn. fact all who helped to produce the show Ipswich. and Sudbury branches are to be heartily con ratulatcd on. attended and the members of the Col- their line elforts—-not orgetting the chester Branch expressed the hope transport which was laid on and so that everyone had as good an evening enabled people to get home in the dry.-
‘SOLD OUT’ NOTICES PUT UP AT DURHAM BOUT a third of our shipmates turned out with the British Legion for the Remembrance Day Parade at our Cathedral. thus making it our best attendance to date. Even these solemn occasions are not without humour. as Standard Bearer Dick Heron knows full well. Last year he was "adrift" in the Cathedral while we marched off. whilst this year Dick got his own back in holding the whole parade up by being a little late. We all take otir turn in laying up the wreath. and this year it was done by newly enrolled Shipmate Appleby. Several Branch members. headed by our President. Rear-Admiral R. M. J. Hutton. attended the very successful Trafalgar Ball run by the new. branch at near-by.Crook. We wish them every success and promise them :i visit when they get "bedded in.” Our annual buffet-dance. on November ZI; ‘looks as though it will be "goodo" asall -tickets have been sold
with the result that sortie of the shipinates have been disappointed. This is a most unfortunate thing for which we are truly sorry. Additional gifts will be distributed this year. These have. been made possible by "Pay Bob" Ray Mitchinson. With Shipmate Jack Pearce mine host of the "Dun Cow" where we have our headquarters. we look like having a rollicking time at our Christmas smoker on December I7. Jack and his wife. Doris. do everything to make our meetings as pleasant -
possible by laying on “big cats": -.i these are really apprcciated—especially by one unnamed giinnct in the
mess! We
sorry to hear that “H.M.S." Edinburgh has encountered heavy weather. so our planned visit north of the border looks as though it is postponed indefinitely. Let us ltope that they will run into smoother waters soon.—_W. E. MORLEY. ,' are
December. 1958
Seasonal Greetings from the ‘Golden City’ VICTORIAN ROYAL MARINE DIES
NCE again it is time to send seasonal greetings from sunny HE oldest member of the GravesSouth Africa. cnd Branch died on November 21. The Skipper. committee and ship- aged 82. He was Herbert Edwin Gurr. mates of the .lohanncsburg Branch had been a member of the Branch wish shipmates everywhere a very who since l938._ Shipniate Gurr never remarks concerning falling attendance at meetings and waning interest merry Christmas and a bright and missed a dedication or any other event every prost""lotis New Year. in the Association are heard. and the blame for this is generally laid at the door of the one--.:ycd in which the branch took part. He was The llranch has been very active a Vice-President of Gravesend Branch monster. the “goggle box" or television. Having viewed the remarkable presentation of the British since 1 last wrote a letter to the NAVY and his loss will be severely fclt. Festival of Remembrance and the much publicised El Alamein Reunion. one is tempted to ask Ni=.\v.s_ After our September meeting Herbert Gurr joined the Royal Legion is the Senior Service going to wake up and take advantage of this modern medium of we were entertained by Mr. Schoup. Marines on June 6. H395. and was dis- again of the United Pres.-:_ who spoke of his charged to pension on March 28. l‘)l9. 3dV'Cn|S|nS'-l experiences in tltc news world. OctoSurely the.tir_ne is long past when the public was made aware of the Royal ber found us with a full-length film Naval Association. and what better way than tclcvising the reunion at Festival sliow. “ lliitttc." On October 24 Hall. we held our first annual Trafalgar Day When the subject was taken up with nobody wants to accept responsibility Hall. which was a tirst-class effort. Headquarters, the Portsmouth Branch and the “old faitliftils" are left to We are now looking forward to our was informed. in effect, that it was not carry on. Cliristmas l)ance in December. practicable because the B.B.C. wanted On Saturday. December 6. at boardOur Branch Standard is on its way to run the show its way and this was ing party front the Portland Branch is to Johannesburg. the arrival of which not acceptable. The B.B.C. way does expected at Portsmouth. Tlicy said is eagerly awaited by the ship's not appear to have done any harm to they wanted to arrange a visit when Cotttp:In_\'. the British Legion or the Eighth Army they could be sure of a good football Invitations to a social this month. Association. Television is the finest match _and some good entertainment. and to a New Year's Eve Ball. ltavc' publicity in the world today. something There is no worry about the entertainbeen received from the R.A.l-'. Associwe cannot afford to be without it it is ment part. but opinions vary on the ation. So it looks a.s though the Silent football. Pompey are at hontc that day. possible to arrange. Service and the Air Force boys are and talk there is comEvery year the time this is printed the Zlst By really going to get together and make who have been from branches plaints anniversary dinner and dance will be whoopec. these least obtain tickets: unable at to all over. All the indications are that The annual general meeting will be have branches would an opportunity this will be another successful event in on us soon. btit even with new faces on of in even if only in an arm- the calendar. joining the bridge l hope to be able to keep chair by the fire-side. tltese letters coming through now and The Christmas pantomime this year again to let _\'oti know that the R.N.A. will beto"Puss in Boots" and the branch NEW BLOOD WANTED is thriving in this part of the world.aims put on live performances thirPortsmouth‘s main item of interest ing Januztry. Enthusiasm continues to A. PARKER. on its next agenda will be the annual run high and work is going along general meeting in January. when a feverishly back stage, what with new half committee is elected and new rehearsals. sewing classes and scenery blood and new ideas looked for. but construction. It's a lot of work and F invariably it is the same old story- expense for such a short run but Officers of the Hayling Island HE church service at Twiekcnham Portsmouth‘s shows have now earned of with their Branch some birth of Lord guests a reputation locally and the R.N.A. to commemorate the and are determined to see that this Nelson. was very successful. Players HEN a small branch of the Royal the one will be even bigger and better. although the occasion clashed with Association Naval a arranges date of the Willesdcn dedication. was function it is 6. is the date of Tuesday. Janu:try_ always most successful. local well attended. by especially the Children's Chrtstiitas party :ind very Whether it is the drive and determinaorganisations. The Mayor and Mayor- tion of one man or a composite effort, _luck has been with the branch. for once css of Twickcnham. with ntimcrous the result is again the gymnasium. R.N. Barracks. always worth while. The aldcrmen and councillors of the Hayling Island and Cadet Marine HE dedicated was Lichficld Branch Unit. is available for the occasion. The. list Royal Branch—60-odd strong The service was were and Standards present. borough, their Standard on Sunday. October supported by sbipntates for guests is still 0 n and as before‘ and —-showed the of unity spirit very impressive and in true nautical friendship which exists in the Branch ;6. almost three years after their from Lcamington Spa. Warwiclr.. all _mcrribcrs‘ cbidren 3--l2 (|l'C tradition. During his address the Rev. at their annual dinner on November inauguration, The dedication was Coventry. Leicester. Bloxwieh, Wol- eligible. But please. do let the secretary W. Davies. the branch chaplain. in- IS. Some 60-odd shipmatcs. their carried out at the Church of St. verhampton. Binningham. Kidder- have the names and details early. formed the congregation that buried relatives and friends enjoyed a splen- Chads. the service being taken by the minstcr. Brornsgrovc, the Association The_rc's a lot to be done before the in the church of St. M-.iry's. Twicken- did mcal and afterwards got together Padre. the Rev. J. Daniel Duder. who ‘of D.E.M.S. Birmingham. and the Christmas shopping rush. ham. are several high-ranking oflicers for a very successful social and dance. was an R.N.V.R. Chaplain during the local cx-Service organisations. of the Royal Navy or the l7th ccntttry. The salute was taken by the Mayor after the dinner wcrc brief lastvwar. An impressive parade. which including an admiral. also an oflicer butSpeeches to the point. and what is more, encompassed most of the city. was led of Lichficld. Councillor J. S. Tayler. who served with l.ord Nelson in the obviously sincere. by the T.A. Regimental Corps of supported b the Sbcrritf. A wreath wonder It is no at Trafalgar. Victory During the course of the evening a Drums and Band of the North was laid at e Remembrance Gardens that pcrntlssion to fly the White sum of over £7 I0s. was collected for Staffordshirc Regiment, the Band by the Commanding Officer of the Sea linsign on the church flag-staff was the British Seaman Boys‘ Home at Guard. and ship's company of the Cadets. Lieutenant Commander C. T. granted. Brixharn. the donor of one of the Walsall Sea Cadet Corps. also the Smith. R.N.V.R.(S.). CTIVITIES continue apace at A most enjoyable afternoon and prizes being Shipmale Ben Britcc. who Hounslow—thcre seems to be evening was spent by 50 members and for ll years was valet to the late never a dull moment. The last social friends at the annual rally and re- Admiral James Startin. As said by the went off with a big noise: it was a pity union. A great success and a credit to Branch Chairman. Shipmate W. Denthat the Old Contcmptiblcs Association the organisers. The annual Rcntcm- ton. this is not the first occasion that had a meeting that night and could not bnince l):iy Service was very well Shipmatc Bruce has shown his desire attend. but the Hoiinslow shipmatcs attended in cotttptltty with other local to help the Branch and its charities. were there in full force. org:inisations at the local church. Sliipmate Bruce belonged to the HanOn Remembrance Sunday the branch Twickcnham is proud indeed that :it well Branch before coming to Hayling. was represented at the llritisli l.cgton the (iiiildhall. Southampton. for the The master of ceremonies for the dancparade in the morning. and in the Festival of Rcmentbrance. one of its ing was the Rev. F. Roe (known in the evening there wits a special Royal members now scrsing in Collingwood Branch as llish. .\fk. 2) whose infecNaval Association‘ service in "our“ was picked to lczitl iii the Royal i\':i\'y tious enthusiasm contributed greatly own church. The Standard. carried by contingent for the L'lllr_\ of the March to the enjoyment of everyone present. Shipmate Pocock. escorted by Shipof tht: Services. In addition to the President of the mates l)anicls and llawcs. “as laid on Once more we appeal to all ship- Branch (Capt. A. Pyatt. Royal Navy). the altar ;iiid a floral tribute in the malcs‘ to rcnteitibcr "the boys" at the and tlte Vice-Presidents (Dr. D. A. shape of art anchor was handed to the Star‘ and Ciat1er"l-lomc. Richiuond. Brottghton and Rear-Admiral N. W. vicar b_v tltc chairman of the branch. Stirrey. (‘liristtnas will soon be here Fisher‘). \V..’Cdr. Scaiffe (President. Shipmate Garrod. aitd placed on the :ind some “smokes or baccy" will he R..-\.F.A.. l-layling Branchl and Colinscreen. more than appn.-ciatctl——or perhaps :i cillor E. J. Rudd (Vice-Chairman of donation. Shipmatc "llooky" Walker the l-lavant and Waterlooville Urban The bianch visited Weniblcy and the lead standards Branch the through parade city Wealdstone on November 15 fora very at the Home will answer all inquiric-:.. District Council). who responded to (tn behalf of the branch. greetings to the toast of the visitors. given admirjolly evening despite the fact that thc “Uckers match" couldn't be arranged. Margaret and Bert Ward iii the Ant- ably by Shipmatc F. Jones. were arctic. to lirnic Lee and family in among those who attended. No. 1 Area dance was attended on his wife and Tliortic Australia. to Percy November 29 and was :1 great sttcccss. The llayling lsland Branch is to be her :ind Olive (Richards) There is to be a darts match on Decentin Wales. to congratiilatcd upon its most successful the occasion On of the 30 reunion. in ('anad:i. her 5. It appears that tne visitors to a husband w_Cl_";-")_\- evening. and wives the made annual members of death has occurred Shipmate 1 pilgrimage and :1 very enjoyable week- previous match had told their colDavid Venn. former Vice-Chairman leagues at work what a grand tinte they in end the The was Metropolis. spent illhad had at l-lounslow~ltcnce these of the Cardill Branch. after a long however. of Branch. critical are highly new (and welcome) visitors. ncss. Shipniatc David. Vice-Chairman the situation the at on Cenotaph life his to The last general meeting of this year The toast to the Guests was pro- for four years. devoted the when afternoon. the Saturday Association furthering the cause of our will take place on December l2 and posed b_v Sbipmatc A. C. Burling. a and of the conductor Sea Cadet Band to the welfare of his fellow mcn. vicc-president of the branch. and among the items to be discussed :irc the break all records to by playattempted in the Comfinal arrangements for the (‘hristmas lll-I biggest event for l-lavant llranch ('o|on._-I l,_ ()_ Juries. (‘hairman of the David also held oflicc under in In minutes. two a hymn ing his of The munity Centre in the area to be held on January 2. If any during November was their annual Urban District (jouncil. replied. party this and was our no opinion sacrilcge suburban home and hispassing congregation anywhere could have serving members read these notes they dinner. which took place in l-l.M. (‘olotiel said he felt he was there in a Cardiff Underwater Craft :iiid Weapons l’.stab- dual capacity. as he was a retired is a grievous loss. Many an epitaph is kept pace with such a band. When are assured of a good evening with of noble men. of ‘‘cats'‘ if they care to come lishntcnt on November l5. After the otticcr of the Royal Marines. Some of written after the death are sung. reverence is the key- plenty hymns of David Venn. a the but the suitable for his memory most along. bringing their wives or girl yarns were dinner. Adtnirzil Sir llarolil Burrough. and not rock 'n‘ roll. word. with the remain will htimble long were man. 140 About occasion. people friends. The annual meeting will be on (i.('.lt.. l(.ll.F.. D.S.O.. proposed fltc local sucto a highly news. Association Moving Naval of the which followed. name Royal the dance at Fcbrtiary I3. Royal Toast and thanked Capt. D. present in held social our cessful was evening Wales. ~-9n South in Wednesday.Service other branch The joined White for allowing the branch to use’ the Remembrance Octobcr 2‘). people in all walks of life headquarters on I-lallowe‘en Night for organisations his listablishmcnt for the event. by some 200 people. We now The president also proposed _the Sunday Parade and. on November l7. paid their last tribute to Shipmatc attended and at the graveside Shipmate look forward to our annual dinner and ADMlRAL OF the Fleet Lord Cork the David. of A. D. Rookc. Rear-Comniodore Association. Naval the Royal toast to Grant. annual general meeting.‘ to be belti- and 0rrery—-Paddy Boyle to so many and Shipmatc A. C. I.ci_:g. No. 3 Area Nautical 'l'r;iining Corps. visited them Chairman of No. 7 Arc.'i. Davidfarewell early in thc New Ycar.—W. L. thousands of sailors-—was _8S on Council. I to discus»; final details of T.S. l.o_v;ilty.. spoke. the Dedication-—-a sad mcmbcr‘of the November 30. BRENNAN. lto discuss final details of T.S. Loyalty. to a wonhy shipmate. tcplicd. V
Portsmouth say, “Let
hand nowadays.
Unity and friendship at aling Island
Lichfield dedicates the branch standard
December. I958
ARMY DOMINAT Blind Club one leg SERVICE CYCLING Darlington
On October 2-1 about 50 Darlington mernbi_.-rs enjoyed a grand evening with the shipntates of Crook Branch.
F.WC.-\S'l‘LE'S Trafalgar Day dattce is over. and what a successful night it turned out to be. Over 250 guests danced and eitjoyed tlieniselvcs front 8 o'clock until after ntidnight on board H..\l.S. Calliope. The high-light of tlte evening was iindoiibiedly wlten Capt. Rcnwick. R.N.. read a telegram from Her Majesty the Queen wishing the assembly a happy tinte and thankirtg us for our loyalty and good wishes. Then came the Miss Nepttiite contest. which was run by Shipmates Claspcr and Turtle. Out of 33 entrants. i\lrs. Dorothy Davies was chosen by a panel consisting of Captain Renwick. R.N.. Brigadier llranson. Mrs. llranson. Lieutenant Contmandcr J. Northwood and Lieittenant Patterson; tlte sash and prizes were presented by Veronica Kelly. who was appearing in Newcastle in a play. The Dance Committee worked like slaves. and the Ladies‘ Conintittee, consisting of Mrs. Finch. Mrs. Clasper. Mrs. Demon, i\lrs. Grigsby and hits. Howe made ;i hand-
Navy teams
Drafts affect
'1' is reported by Darlington that the branch is still active :ind despite the loss of a few mentbcrs the branch is fortunate in having a hard core of
\lt)pp¢t.l. but still finished in 2 hr. 4 ntin. A. lbhetson (Lee) was particularly I N. unlucky in ptinctiiring when doing his best ride i.:_vcr. This was his final ride before emigrating _to New Zealand—hence the extra dismay. At the final coiiitt the Royal Navy were represented by L.IA. Pearson (Ford). .\lercury. Somehow. though. teams S.C.l’.0.(S.) Clarke (Culdrose) and were available and. whilst perhaps S.B.|’.O. Fowler (Haslar). who comtheir standards were below those of hined to produce a time of6 lit. -16 min. the other two Services. there was no l 18sec. doubt at all about their enthusiasm and The track championships at Hernc sportsmanship. Hill. london. saw another farewell. A series of three events held tltrotigh- this time to Sub-Lieut. Bunyan. Unout the season is contested annually fortunately a spell at Lossiemouth by the three Services and in spite of destroyed his speed and. though prothe poor weather 1958 produced quite ducing the correct tactics. he was beaten a crop of new records. over the last few yards each time he The Army. led by Empire Games rode. Pie. Geddes proved his selection gold medal winner Ray Booty. domin- for the Entpirc_Gantes team by setting ated the whole series by providing tip a new record in the individual both the individual and‘ team winners pursuit. and the Army riders won in all the events. every race during the meeting. N
with all the other sports ; the Royal Navy. cycling is at the mercy of the drafting authorities. and‘ the season just ended brought more ' than the usual share of headaches to the Racing Secretary of the Royal Navy Cycling Association. Sick Berth C.P.O. George Rigby. of H.i\I.S.
l.Al)lES‘ SECTION The l.adies‘ Section is working might and ntain for the children's Christmas party which is to be held in Jtitttiary aitd held a jumble sale on Noventher 39 in aid of the party. The section has also "laid on" a dinner for itself on December l7. The shipntatcs thank the ladies for all tlteir efforts. Efforts are being made to get the club all "ship shape and Bristol fashion" for Christmas. Window ventilation has been arranged and a thermostatic lteater has been fixed in the bar cellar. Decorations in a contemporary design are in hand. Darlington are very much alive and still forging ahead.
members who pull their weight and to whom the president aitd contntittecs extend their appreciation. A plaque. presented to the branch by Messrs. Bramwell and I-larbrow. is being used as a games plaque, to be competed for by the Darlington Blind Club and the branclt. The games are to be darts. whist attd dominoes-four games nights in all to be played. The Blind Cltib beat the branch on the first leg. Normal games are played. except darts. for which the members throw left-banded.
Hastings still ‘arro throwers’
farewell |bid Harries
the Rev. H. R. M. (formerly a Sub-l.ieutciF.utt in the Fleet Air Aritt). the branch Padre. who is leaving to take tip an appointntent in the Royal Air Force. During the evening the Padre was presented with a pair of engraved cull’ links. Padre Harries is a "good mixer" :ind lte has been a tower of strength to the branch. This party was so splendidly supported that the branch is to stage another shortly. During the suntmcr the branch has been engaged in a darts touritanicnt for a cup kindly presented by the Eastbouriie Branch. This is for competition between local brancltes of the Association and at the momcttt it appears that Hastings has entcrgetl the winner of this year's tournament. Tltere are some arrow lll!0\\t:r,\i in Hastings btit of course the history of Hastings (aitd liiiglandl was radically altered by an ilfFt\\\'l The Standard -bearer attd escort attended the annual parade in l.ottdott and agreed that the evening show was as good as ever but once again the to
HE Hastings and St. Leonards profit. NEW COURSE RECORD Branch ltavc been fairly active Tlte Secretary's report shows that a The ntasscd start race was held durThe Royal Navy. for the first time. ing the summer leave period. and thus lately due in no small measure to the prolit of £30 was made over the whole never everting. so the branch is well pleased promoted the 50 miles time trial and a ftill R.N. team was not available faithful band of stalwarts whoWhat a with itself. In fact. Shipntate Robin- were rewarded with a new cotirse and those who did start were qtiickly fail to attend branch meetings. the son wants to charter a ship for the next record by Cfn. Booty. who lturtled ! reduced by crasltesand sickness. so thatlpity there are not many ntore. dance and hold it outside the three- round the diflicult course in the line i eventually S.B.l’.O. Fowler was ll‘lt!lm0|"-3 who attend_cd and ht-'lP¢d _"-'°U!‘-l ntile limit (or is it l2 niili:s‘.’). What a time of 1 hr. 57 min. Puitctures were l lone R.N. finisher. Army tactics in-mean ntore social cVL‘nl$..Wl‘lt'Cl1 in rife during the event and no fewer than l Booty being a non-activater resulted ttirn would mean an ever-widening of party that would be. eight of the BI starters were victims. I in them swantping the result with live l the spirit of comradeship. Callittg Lewisham Branch! One of i Cpl. A "stag party“ was held recently to Thomas. an Army rider, was twice riders in the first six. your members. front tlte cable ship herthed in the Tyne. visited the branch recently. Unfortunately ltis name has been lost. but lte sends ltis regards aitd l l asks if ltis inentbership card has been fottnd? hlenthers of ships‘ companies The Air (‘oniniantl XV perform- lnifty in the 'l'yne are very welcome at our ance was disappointing in this game: meetings. aitd they :trc assured of a had tackling attd a lack of dcterittinawaritt welcome; there's billiards. table tion iii the play resulted iii a loss of tennis. darts. and a big smile aitd quick 56 points to 8. service front Beattie behind the bar. The match against Clentarf on StinNewcastle and Galeshcad Branch is day did. however. give the selectors striving to forge along and keep a good N Friday. October 24. 17 players. some for the future. After a hard afternoon's reputation. socially. attd in the best with the Chairman and game hope together the Air Command lost by 26 be desired. parade left quite a bit to Lee reaches interests of the Royal Navy and of tltc Secretary H./\.C.R.U. boarded _tt points to II after being iii the lead for Association. The branch was represented at the Dakota of Aer Lingus at Bristol Atr- most of the game. semi-final War Memorial -Service on port and swept off to Dublin. where It is impossible to end this short local EE-ON-SOLENT are through to l they \\cri: joined by two more players account without paying tribute to the Noventber 9 and again in the cvenittg a covttiitgent of sltipitiates :it the the Navy Cup semi-finals. having 1 front liglinton. Admiralty Fleet Order 276i/58 of otir lrish ,l~t' itiagnilicertt hospitality anitual Festival of Rcntemhrance Sermill‘-‘h 0“ "W l“ll0“""8 duh‘ hosts attd for the splendid states that a vacancy is expected to beaten Yeovilton by four goals to two UK‘ III’-‘-1 open type arise early in March. I959. for the ser- in the Home Air Command Divisional against the Wanderers was played at of rugby they are playing——they really \tL'L' in tne White Rock Pavilion. This is a concert attd service organised by vices of an ex-Royal Navy Chief Petty Final. We wish tltent every success in l Lansdowne Road under ideal weather were first-class in all aspects. the joint ex-Service men's coitttttittees Ollicer Writer (Pensioner) as successor zihc semi-nmit against 1.'r.c. R..\l.. icund-iions—on at playing surface wpll after the style of the-Briusb-Leg.iun to the present .\laitager of the China which is in-mg p|;,y._-d un ];.nu;,ry 28, tip to the s_tandard one associates with Festival itt Londott and needless to say tilt i|llt'l'|l1|l|0n1|l -'|f'-‘flit Fleet Club. Hottg Kong. Conditions of at the US. Ground. Portsitioutlt. Rear Admiral E. “ill. 0.8.5.. is to it is a “sell out" year after year. pay attd service are detailed in the he Director General. Aircraft. in sucThe lteadquartcrs are once again at Aditiiralty Fleet Order. .-‘\pplicatiotts cession Rear-Admiral to J. P. \V. the ('larcnce Hotel. .\litldlc Street. should reach Commodore. Royal Fursc. C.B.. take effect ().B.lE.. to in Hastings. and :i welcome is extended Naval Barracks. Chathant. not later March. I959. to any shipmatc. than Deeentber 22. 1958.
Irish rugby was too strong for th Air Command on tour
Lee retains Air Command
hockey cup
HE three Area finalists
inch. Lee-on-Solent and Yeovilton) gathered at Seaftcld Park on Friday. October 31. for this event. The first match. Abbotsinch_ V. Yeovilton. was very even. Yeovtlton seeming the stronger side. with eoordin:ited attacks on the Abbotsinch goal. Abbotsinch relied upon individual [ thrusts. attd came near to scoring on many occasions. The last _l(l minutes i-s;i\\' Yeovilton really ptitting on the pressiirc. but dttc to good work in goal ,hy N. A. Prescott tAbbotsinch). the
For the lower deck servicemen have made plans for the ti) future. There will be things
maiclt resttltcd in ti draw. The second mtitch. v. Abbotsinclt. started off with a yery
.determined attack by Abbotstnch.
do, things they want to buy
wlticlt resulted in a well-deserved goal. tlten seemed to settle and after their ltrst goal went
‘down. front strcitgtlt
scoring six goals
to to
Port. Larkitt. Mc(iaw aitd Bustin. were always very noticeable. The final match. Lee-on-Solent v. .Ycovilton. commenced with very 1 strong attacks front both sides. the plat, being very fast and even. I Solent took the lead with a deflecting shot front a free ltit. the linal score i ilicing Lee-on-Solent tltrec. Yeovilton I nil. but Ycovilton certainly never gave the tight and played a last game ‘up ‘ tight tip to the final wltistle. tltcrefore retained the 1 .-\ir Coniittantl Hockey (‘up for yet another season. From tltese teams and trialists from ‘, other Air Stations. a trial was held to 5 select the tcant for the Home Air Contl niaitd Hockey Week 'l'our. .-\n account will be given next inoittlt.
Admiralty Fleet Order 277-l,'58 gives Vivacious 19-year-old Annette Hamilton. of Grays. Essex, is the 500th iitforntatioit the Royal Navy Windmill girl to have been taken on since the inception of Revudesille at the I l-'iclil Gun regarding Competition which will Windmill Theatre on February -I. 1932. A blonds. with blue ¢.\'¢-‘it Shit “'35 I form part of the Royal Toiirntitttcnt born in Orsett. lissex. on July 5. 1939. She made her stage debut last suntntcr lat l-Iarls (‘ourt itt I95‘). Selection of in a season in Guernsey. Her hobbies-are tennis. cycling. drctmttaklitg and vitlttittecrs has started, but organised embroider)‘. and she also plays the piano. Vital stat't.tics: 34 'm.. 23 in., 36 in. t:.iining will not begin until l-‘.'oi'tiary 1. .
furnishing a home,
children to educate. Like nearly everythingthese days, ambitionsare often expensive to realize and, if a man is to fulfil his plans for himself and his family, he will_n'ccd .
sirengtlt. finally Abbotsinclfs one. of
begin saving now. To-day, whilst you are still serving, is the.timc
to start.
In co—opcration with the Admiralty a special scheme of endowment assurance has been devised for naval ratings and Royal Marines (other ranks).
Forfiillparticulars ask the man from the
the Prudential Assurance Co. Holbom Bars, London, E.C.I. to
Deer;-nther. I958
Classified Advertisements SITUATIONS VACANT
ACCO.\l.\IOI)ATI().\' alvtavs BUNGALOW I-‘OR SAIJ-2. situated in Stubl'.t)-. and their \\l\t\. .\tt.itt ICl\ bintrton: 1 bctlrtxirm. Iarre Irvin: mom. Litn:clcrrcd.—I'honc I'(\!I\f‘ll(l\llI'I 2-tltil In.’ dcla:I\ .-ticn_ bathroom. quite ttood roridition: £l.t»:.‘ and annointnicrit to \lt:W. tor quick sale. A I951 bunmlow at a I053 further details write Box 72 "Nhy I-'Ul.l.\' l"URNI.'ilIl-II) I-'LATt.l~ZIS: mm InitCW}. chcn\_ tacittictn any ncttod until Mav. from 2‘. [)0 YOU desire house out-i-ien.liiia‘.'_ Why pay rmneas vicckly; flat :2 lot. No children.-—3li cxcaiuve rent? tlomc purchase ‘With endowRoad. 5°Iith\c:i (opposite Queen‘: ment nstirutci: with reduced premiums by naval iitcl). allotmctu zmurcs security for the Iuturc: TWO I-'UR.’~'lSIll-'.D I-t0().\|.ti. evri-y comfort. HS per cent. to l00_t'-er cent. loam advanced.Rcirret no children.-—-l’lc.'i\c vuitc 40 Northotcr wnie for toll particulars without obliiiauon to S. V. Norris, "Giui-ilyn." Beechwood Atenuc. Road, l’orts.-nouth. \Vaterlootillc. llants. VACANT Deccniber I2, thrcrrfoiir furnished PURBROOK. SJ). trcchold. 3 bedrooms. tourinltmnh. in Ft rrhani. Sorry no i.lii‘d:cn.~tk-it 73 dining-room. litchenztvrcaktmt-room and pantn; ".\':iiy l\'cw'.»." bathroom, u'nII':|lc vi.e.. lartre camera, in truii; I-'Ult.\'ISllI-It). l.otmec_ bcilrooni, lltthcn, tl\¢ of ruved mitts; electric and_irAi points, Viewing any bath. wnarrc mclcts; oun linen: no flllltlftfl. time. t:t_.t-00 one -17 Sandy Brow. l‘tirbro<-L at-.iiI:ilite
lK‘l‘~: 2 tun, .\‘r:tr Ilradturtl lun.tiun.——-In Abilitidon Road 5'-itithsca.
FURNISIII-L1) FLAT. untiiitable children. Nitthtnt: \l'l.'lICll. L12 calendar months -57 Mar-
FOR SALE, 3 bedrooms. 2 reception, Litelmi; redecorated. H.550 o.n.o.—Api-it) Mu. .\l:n\bm.l:e, I7 Manchester Road. Portsmoiith.
tmlc Road. Phone Cu\ll:II'n 7titil'l-l.
8|-ill‘-(.'(l!\'lA!.\'l>Zl) srueiotix
fitrni-lied flat:
lounge. 2 l).'tIl00rll\_ bathroom, ItitIrt_ kitchen (Aunt), Clerc i:;initc lake, sea. View rititinint-\. Citrtn. ‘K (iranada Rttatl, Sourh\c:t_ Ilant\. -
FllItNI5'lII'Zl) I-‘LAT.
(1\n\lfIll‘I‘.\.(‘; no
children: rcnonaltle. Central, near l:1ni (irotc.
Cottaitc (Stove, Southtra WI-;Ll.-I-'llRNl5lll-II) acconirniidaiiitn. \htttt —--2-la
lung pcriodt or bed and bI€i'|KI.'I\l and Climtnni hi-ltdayxr-Torttt. 2 \\'il-art Grove. Slllllhitl.
Wimbledon mayor an hon. member
.\.tA.\' radio-vontrritlril t.ui\_ Ir.-1.:
‘.'~t-hour seniei-.—— Port.-mi-iith .l.‘.L\JI-I (two lines). llllllsl-IIIOLII I'll-‘I-'l'l(.'T‘§ and BA(ZGA(ilrl xtotrd, moved. ruched. shippci.l.——Whtte A Co. North Iind JuIx'tiun_ Portvnouth. Phone
Classified Advertisements may be
placed at: Gale & Polden Ltd.. Nelson House. Edinburgh Road. Portsmouth. in well as at the Royttl Naval Barractts. Portsmouth. Private Advertisements. 3d. per word; minimum. ls. Trade Advertkements. 4d. per
word: minimum. ts. Name and address of advertiser must accompany each advertisement. Box Number. 9d. extra. The inclusion of any iulvertlsetnent cannot be guantnteed. nor responsibility iiecepted for any errors or omimions.
MA.\'A(:lLRS trruirird) required for otl-ticcrccs G0.\t.\tANm=’.n required by Nixerian Fzdenl in London .\l:ddlt-sex, I-.\\c:. llcdt-ird(iovcrnmcnt for service tiitth Nixcrian Navy on \hITC, llcrluhtrc__ $uircy_ Kent. Sow.-x and contract tor three tours of I2/24 months in am llamrv\htrc_ Am-vlieanti must be willing to train instance, Salary, including in hxzh-ctau ults and muxt be in no-ucuion in scale (2.064 to £2,130 1 Inrtuccrm-nt_AdditiorI, year. Gratuity at rate ol 3 driving licence. ‘Ibis is an opportunity for of H50 a year. I-‘ice pauses tor orliccr and those iiiho unit in take up a ulcs career and wife. Auiilancc towards children‘: partners and I'ho‘t‘0mtI.ltr‘tbc)‘ I’I.'l\_'c it good ability. After xraiit up to £150 annually for maintenance in the initial training period, and iuhcri promoted U.K. Liberal leave on full salary. Candidates to the _\Ialu\ ot : tnamirer. lptiltclnla inim- l'1l_lX\l liaise held the rank of Comnunilcr cumniiuioncd only) will be rxuiiilcd with 3 L:ciit.~Comm.indcr (E) in the Royal Navy 3. it0I‘d_ commencing uilary. nltlx romrriiuion and nreterahly have had doeliiard ciipcricrtcc.-—write penaaori. Alto litine tlccnmmodation viitli ticc to the Croun Ari.-nit. -I htitlbant. londori. S.\V.l. electricity‘. J21“. coal and coke will be prmidcil. St.-it: aire. name in block kttcrt. tiitt uiintiticatiom —-Arrntiuiion \lKlItlIl he made to The Galleon and experience and quote M2/\I.‘0:t~2.lNAl3. \_\'trte Co. ltd._ Trinity Oi.-irnbcrs_ 32 Trinity square, l.ondoti, I-:.C.3. situated
Rtigby XV to a replay. In the hockey world. the Condor XI lost to Lossicntouth 4-2. to Abbotsinch 5—0. and to Eglinton 2—0.
HE Wimbledon branch held their aiinual dinner and dance on October II. and about 75 shipmatcs and GLIDING friends. with the .\Iayor and .\l:i_voress The Condor Gliding Club has the closing down of R.N. Air of Wiiitbledon (who were the guests of Station Iiratttcote. and the transfer achieved I.500 launches this season honour). sat down to tilt excellent dinner. The speeches were kept very of the trainees to R.N. Air Station Four members have gained their “C" brief btit amtising. Arbroath. all the mechanical training certificate and are in the process of President. Vice-Admiral Sir Arthur of the Fleet Air Arm will be carried ottt qualifying for their "Silver C," all fottr N. Dowding. K.B.E.. ('.ll.. A.|..M.. at this northern Air Station. The trans- having to date carried otit one soaring welcomed the Mayor of Wimbledon fer of the trainees was dealt with so flight of over live hours‘ duration in as an honorary member of the Wintble- expeditiously that. apart from packing one of the Club "Grunau" gliders. A stop-press rcstilt is that Condor don branch of the R.N./\.. and the and a train journey. no gap in the beat Caledonia in the Atitumn Olymtoasttttaster. Shipmate A. I. Ncller. training schedules occurred. Recent visitors to Arbroath in- piad by I7 points to 5-—thc first win li.E.M.. handed over the badge. membership card and rules. Ex-Wren V. cluded Vice-Admiral I. D. Lttce. for some years. Macdonald (Fleet Air Arm) presented D.S.O.. O.ll.E.. Flag Ollicer Scotland; the Mayoress with a bouqttel of Rear-Admiral E. 0. Naish. C.B.: RearAdmiral A. J. 'l'yndaIe—Biscoe. O.B.E.; flowers. Dancing followed the dinner. the and Rear-Adtttiral J. P. W. Fttrse. C.B.,
M.(‘. being Shipniatc J. (.‘ook. the social secretary. Shipmatc Miisco. I).S.i\I.. who worked so very h:ird to make this antittal event so successful. thanked ollicers and friends for their :tssist:mcc. We are now looking forwaril lo ottr next dance. November 28. at the Fortntain Hotel. Tooting. S.W. I7. Help us to make it it bumper night aitd bring along all yotir friendsl—l. COOK.
O.l).lE.. Director General Aircraft.
Admiral Sir E. M. Connolly AbleSmith. G.C.V.O.. C.B., a previous Flag Ofliccr Royal Yachts_ and the first Captain of R.N.A.S. Arbroath. was the principal guest of the mess at the
Trafalgar Night Dinner. SPORTS
In the sporting world, H.M.S. Condor‘s name has been well to the fore. Recently attention has been foctisscd on the Home Command cup matches The Soccer XI played in the second round of the H.A.C. Challenge Cup against R.N.A.S. Eglinton in somewhat blustery conditions. An exciting match ended in a 3-2 win for Continued from page 9 Condor. S.B.A. Barr (2) and L/Cook F..M. Crouch was given leave from Holdstock being the goal scorers. The Rugby XV travelled to l-ossieH.M.S. Collingwood. and taking off the bell-bottoms and jumper of a mouth to play in the second round of seaman he donned the historic and the Rambara Trophy, and their hopes traditional “Doggctt's coat and badge" were somewhat dashed by a penalty of a Thames waterntan. He was goal scored against them within five ollicially presented to the Prime Warden of the Fishmongcrs' Company (I.ictit.-Colonel Sir Edmund Neville, Bart.. M.C.) and escorted in procession by former winners of the gruelling Doggett‘s Race. When E.M. Crouch ‘was drafted to H.M.S. Collingwood ‘for his initial training. he found that the ncw—cntry a large crowd enjoyed LTHOUGH_ training officer there is Licut.-Cdr. a fine evening‘: entertainment in A. M’. Stacey, R.N.. a‘ direct descendant of Thomas Doggctt, the man who the Naval Barracks gymnasium at started the race for young watermcn Portsmouth on November. 27, the after older men had refused to row Salisbury Plain and District Boxing him across the Thames one rough. Club scored a decisive win against plucky opposition by the Royal Navy stormy night in the l8th centtiry. it (Portsmouth Command), winning eight was a young man who eventually to fottr. agreed to take the actor across bouts The visiting club—mostly Army men vthc water. and in gratitude Thomas from the Is! Rifle Brigade-—wcre more Doggctl donated money to be used skilled and, what is more, seemed to be annually towards a badge and coat far fitter. to be awarded to the winner of a fourThe tournament was in aid of the mile sctilling race from his two favourite public houses at l.ondon Naval and Press Charities. and it was to the organizers to see Bridge (the Swan Tavern) and Chelsea gratifying (White Swan). When Doggctt died in such a large attendance. 1721. the Fishmongcrs‘ Company promised to carry on the terms of his
Today the Company an_d its friends have provided ntnc racing sculling gigs for the use and competition by watcrmen who have completed their apprenticeships within the previous A
I2 months. Previous Doggett Coat and Badge winners have afterwards gonc_ on to win world sculling championships. bit! for the next two years E. M. Crouch will be concentrating mainly on becoming an ellicicnt electrical mechanic. There are few Royal Naval seamen. however. who have been given it ceremonial triimpet fanfare within eight weeks of joining up, and Itlld.lI'lctl' commanding ollieer present to witness
C] C
50 per cent. of the set
Apglhey Industrial Recruitment Officer. A.E.R.E. Harwell, Berks. to:
for a copy of the booklet "A Career In AtomicEner " which sets out rates of pay and conditions of employment at arwell.
Offer immediate employment to
RADIOTRICIANS Radar Ectiiornent ll you have this experience then this ls your onnorrunlty to obtain I wonh-while lob with a progressive Company world renowned for its aircraft and m:oriHarealrin: acltieverneiiis.
Farlington, PORTSMOUTH
with experience on airborne and ground
cic DEVELOPMENTS (Portsmouth)
Iplavge Vacancies
White Walthani Aerodrome White Wtiltham. Bahliire
LTD Qotirsmourtq
THE BENTLEY co. LTD. tttittttttttttttt
MANAGER. Addruu I nbou.
prospects of promotion.
Appltcnilou plane to EMPLOYMENT
ELECTRICAL/MECHANICAL MECHANICIANS MARRIED MEN will be eligible for housing if Ilvlng outside A.E.R.E. transport area. A lodging allowance will be paid In some cases to married men separated from their families whilst walting for a house (waiting period about 9 months). Working conditions are first class. and there are good
Tuesday, November I8. the Air Command team played Westonsuper-Mare at Weston on Thursday. November I3. Both sides cndeavotircd to keep the play open and a very enjoyable game resulted. Weston-sttper-Marc winnin by 12 points (3 tries and I penalty goal to Command‘s 3 points (1 try). Weston fielded six county players and were slightly superior in every department. C.P.0. Howard (Ctildrosc) scored the best try of the match and the two half-backs. P.O. Grccnsladc (Ycovilton)and N.A. Jenkins (Brawdy) combined very well. The threequartcrs running and tackling was greatly improved. and the pack won
Careers in Engineering Company of ex-Royal Navy skilled craftsmen as Fitters, Turners,’ Milling machinists, etc. Good working conditions and rates of pay in new factory. Fitzherbert: Road,
Applications are especially invited from men In the following
Apply Personnel Officer-
AS A final trial before the representative gamc versus the Royal Marine
of reactors and other plant. PRECISION FITTERS&TURNERS, MAINTENANCE FITTERS and INSTRUMENT MECHANICS are particularly required. but vacancies arise In other jobs from time to
Are you seeking an Interesting and progressive career when you leave the Royal Navy? Employment at Harwell offers you exceptionallyinteresting work In the expanding programme I of Atomic Energy Research. I Cratfsmen are required for a wide range of work connected I with the manufacture of prototypes or with the maintenance
minutes. However. a technical fault by Lossicntotith has now entitled the
Not a break in
sirrrtisn iiiscimruiitr. .
Enrerons ran
inn srsnva
rirrsn I T.
r.-nivrnor. GEM
Congenlal and pleasant working conditions * Pension scheme after qualifying period. * Excellent Canteen. * Train and bus service‘ adjacent to factory. * Asslstedtravel
it Good
Apply In person or tn writing to Personnel Manager at
the above address
December. !958
“RIZLA-ROLLERS" can \{l\'C
Airmen give Army little scope
money and en;oy
\l'Tl0kC.‘ with no wasted tobacco
HOME AIR C0.\lMAND, 2; R.A.\l.C. (CROOi\'llA.\l). I HIS friendly association football in atch between Home Air Command and the Royal Anny Medical Corps was played at Croolthani on Monday. .B. McHalc. of H.M.S. Excellent, November 10, under ideal weather conditions. who recently won the South of the The Command kicked off and went giving Hughes. the Command goalCrumplc a cigamtte paper and place Thames Junior Cross-Country race. straight into a series of attacks which keeper. no chance. Turner (l.ossicon machine as shown. This saves gained another success when he caused a considerable flustcr among mouth) was having a good game and :nough tobacco to make l2 extra smashed the Command record for the the Army defence in the opening one of his individual efl'orts deserved .'lt!iII'¢‘llt\ .II a cost or onlv Id six-mile course at H.M.S. Dryad. His minutes and several corners were con- a goal. btit his shot was brilliantly winning time was 32 min. 29.4 sec. ceded. Both teams took some time to llppcd over the bar for it corner. Second was Sub-Lieut. Pape. of settle down btit it was the Command The second half opened up briskly }l.t\l.S. Victory. in 32 min. 45.2 sec.. which opened tip the scoring after I0 with both teams playing good footand third P.O. Haskell. St. Vincent. minutes with an "own goal." Ck. hall. The pace slackened towards the 3-l mitt. 38.4 sec. Smith t.-\bbotsinch) made a good run end. but with 15 minutes to go N. A. H.M.S. The team race was won by down the right wing and crossed the Mettcrs lliriiwdyl got the winner. The junior | ball into the goaliiioiitli where. in Victory with ll4 points. race. run over three miles. was won by tattempting to clear. the‘ full back l£.A. App. lilkins, of H.i\l.S. (‘oiling- headed the ball into the net. 10 FOR Bd. wood. in a time of l9 min. 53.8 sec. The Amiy included three proUse R|_Zl.'l Filter Tips to make 20 Second i-2..-\. App. Corner. also of extra cigarettes with every 8d. box fessionals in their team. but the has been suggested. with the Collingwood. in I‘) min. 59.4 sec.. and of I00 tips. Safegards health too by Command players gave them little third was Junior Seaman (‘raddick. of support of the Scottish Amateur rcducmc nicotine and tobacco tars. scope or room to show their danger . Athletes Organisation. that the forSt. Vincent. in 20 min. 14 sec. and many of their attacks fizzled out mation of an Anglo-Scottish The team race was won by H.i\l.S. in front of goal by trying that extra be Club (‘ollingwood with 24 points. move. es in .' at-n e governing The equaliser came after l5 minutes. and to the athletes themselves. be Mr. l.. R. Palmer has been apMembership. which would on the left and pointed to be Director of Victualling The Arniy attacltcdcollected open boll!‘ to men and women. a loose the inside forward in succession to Mr. O. S. N. under two lieudings: ball and cracked it hard into the net. (‘.ll.lZ.. to take cllect January 1, 1959. . ctisc athletes: I 2.l. Others who are not active but i who have Scotland and nthliov ".\ll0r_l smokes" place the l-‘iI_tei letics at heart. l'ip one thirddistance from machine end and fill the rest with tobacco. Membership would not interfere with the athletes‘ present clubs. Anglo-Scots interested in the forof a club should write in first l).iedalus the beaten football league by .M.S. Collingwood's ‘ an o er t e r support to: Lieut.-Cdr. R. J. .\lurra_v. l)..'i.C.. teams are doing extremely wellwlgame. 1 have made Six Collingwood players this season. Having beaten the Royal' R.i\'.\'.R.. 226. Strand. l.ondon, XV lst so or appearances W.C.2. Marines. iiastncy. in the Navy Cup. U.S. l H.M.S. (‘ollingwood has been drawn far this season. against R.N. Barracks. Chathani. in the semi-final. The match will take place RIZLA OUTFIT" The at Portsmouth (U.S. No. I ground) on 1 February ii. match meets costs The winner of this either Daedalus or l.T.C. Lympstone at Fratton Park in March. from your tobacconist._ The establishment is still a contender for the U.S. Challenge Cup and BRING ‘.1 recent visit to Rotterdam by li..\l. Ships Tyne (Flagship of the the U.S. (‘harity Cup. is sixth in Commander-in-Chief. Home Fleell. Apollo. Duchess. Diamond. Decoy. Dl\"~‘*‘|“" l "l "W l«'~‘-'*E“=’- 5"“-l mi’ 1“ Diana and ll..V‘l. Submarine Sc.-neschal. arrangements were made for "A" and DlVi5l“" ""“"¢|')' °|"~‘dililbl¢ l"=Tf0“'“‘ '1!“ Fleet sides to Play t'.=tnics against the Batavieren and Victor-i-.i Clubsances all round. |-cspcc[iyc|y_ by the The R0)'_:ll Navy sides l0Sl both with situations created CR0SS'C0UN-I-RY superior stickwork and gdmcs‘ Mmh wen phytd on m‘ The winter term inter-divisional Victoria Club grounds at Krelingen. S I cross-country championship was runl The ground. heavy after recent rains. The “B" team. which lacked many. on a pleasant penalised the more skilful Dutch sides. players experienced in better-class over the usual course was extremely but most enjoyable games were played hockey. fought back extremely well day. but the going took part to com- and a good after iii:itch liaison estab- after a shaky start in which they were SOUTH PARADE muddy. Forty teams 319 All told. pete for two trophies. lished. SOUTHSEA . . outp|iiyed._ A score of 3—l reflects runners “sloshcd" their way around on The “A" Team lost 4-1 to Bata- great credit on British tenacity. the heels of: lst. E. A. Brown (Vernon After the game. in appropriate OSBORNE RD. at least one full and Hector Div.) in 21 min. ll sec. vieren. which includes surroundings. shields were exSOUTHSEA . The first team home was Walker “A";international. but were by no means Later was changed. Tyne privileged would disgraced. Stronger goalkecping with l0S points. to have most of the Batiivieren side AVAILABLE FOR One senior and two junior teams are have narrowed the score. and some of the Victoria side and in serious training in an effort to win‘ nfliclals as guests in her wardroom SUPERIOR STICKWORK back the Command trophy. which went for an en_io_vahle “hocke_v" hour. lt was the first experience of many to Mercury earlier this year. The Navy players were most imOf four club races. so far this players against top-class opposition pressed by the work being done in the (whethera Submarine—Destroyer—-Battleshipor Alrcratt Carrier) season Collingwood has won three and and many lessons were learned. But all Victoria Club to train and encourage lost one. acquitted themselves well. Of the old the young. Players front the age of ii’. OVER 50 SHIPS’ DANCES CATERED FOR THIS YEAR Smith. Stan l.ieut.-('dr. canipaigncrs. HOCKEY of the and made one are accepted as full members stood out half, centre at Wt" re-—Wnte—-or Phone. Portsmouth 32275 citizen British i\lr. club. to The weather has put a damper on wonder once Eldridge again how in his earlier resident in Holland) appears to have several of the hockey fixtures this Make your first "Port of Call" for Dancing he had missed the Navy scleetor's made it his days round teach these to the first Navy in fact. object season. Former Navy players John The Savoy Ballroom. Radio Band Every Friday eye. remains still “for the to hockey play youngsters Cup game agaiiist Osprey ilrewstcr were (‘olin and Robertson outstanding. Of those games played. also in their ability to deal gaiiie's sake." conspicuous the record reads: Played 13. won 3. drawn 2. lost 8. FENCING The fencers have had only one match so far :ind this was against Ariel. In the three pools. Collingwood won foil. the sabre. and lost the epic. Ll-Ii-I, 6: l.OSSli-IM0l.3'l_‘il. l BASKI-IT-BALI. FF.-t)ll-Sttlclll travelled tip to l.ossiemouth for their semi-final gain: and H.M.S. (‘ollingwood has not really ll)-‘ ‘-'-‘""“"S'got over the loss of so many of its got lhF0ll.L'll C0""\‘”31l‘l¥ What are you going to do when you leave the Service? well stars to Ariel at the end of last .st::i~’.on.. \'l.\l goals to one. and are now Have you any prospects? Or are you just hoping something will turn up? but despite this is more than managing placed tor the final. For every day you wait. means a day lost in starting on a new career. For new more than t h ld it.‘ wit. Two tt‘ ms liav- b-‘n l '\R"‘-l-- 6: -'\R“R"*"T"' ever before, it is the qualified man who stands the best chance of obtaining a highly-paid position. the Ariel entertained .-\rbro.itli in the Be trict League. and their records are Before you are a day older write for the School's free I00 page sure of :i sound and siitisfying future. by making arr and l2 semi-final other the prospects are on Noveiiiher follows: uppoinrnmir with .illt'(‘l.'I5 through the School of book. bpcnd art evening with it. Read where The football. served delighttul "A" team: Played 4, won -8. upsome Accountancy. Over the past 43 years tens of brightest-how it Modem Home-Study Courscin Acrourizancy. reflected one to truly of six goals /IC(‘0llflIlUI(‘)'.Managemmr, cu-., can qualify score thousands of satisfied men have proved itSrcrctaryrliip, Coststill “B" team: Played 5. won 2, lost 3. that position of responsibility the occupy key positions as Managers. scrvingforcivilian you. while you are Once again_ the "Woods" have the type of team Ariel can be; they life three to four times command which in will a salary hief Accountants. Com ny Seeretarlm, entered the Senior and Junior National should prove tough hgliters when they Cost Accountants. A itors. Store Congreater than you are ever likely to reach Championships. The seniors have meet Lee in the finalonat Privett rark trollers. Directors. throughout Com- without_ training. Let your action in the and \'t{edncsdLiy. Gosport. ground. drawn Oxford Vikings away completing this coupon be your first merce. industry. & thel’ublicScrviccs. match of 3. December whi_cli home. detailsthe next issue. step to a new and successful career. juniors Bayswater at MORE OPPORTUNITIES in will be reported RUGBY ’ "°“°‘" """ Today. with Britain's urgent need to 6 Norfolk St.. streamline h_cr industries. there is a greater demand than ever The Collingwood lst XV has not London, W.C.2. for the qualified man—and more opportunities. enjoyed a great deal of success so far this season. Playing on Saturdays as U.S. 'l'raf'.ilg;irs against generally 5 lGH'l‘ teams have entered for the am! I Please send me P0." copy 0/ stronger opposition than mid-week fix” Knock-out Comniand Air Home vicI tures. the team is ct to record zi your Guide 10 Careers, “The Direct Way to Suecus The Fruin Specialisation of last increase on an year. the Competition. I tory. Mid-rweck. owcver. with NA ME i|ISvcciAlktorgniution.WhilatoII Tbesdioolol Arbroath round: v. first Accountancy the for Draw of I side not weakened by the demands lottiai lliuitcdtoB¢siaeIICueea. in is it extensive. Abbotsfield of union v. DDRESS A Lossicmouth: Eglinton l U.S. lst or “A“ XV's. three games out Eniniutim Ariel bythcncidteetol v. tield.TlieSchoololAecoonuncy v. inch; Brawdy Yeoviyon; seven have been won. ‘*‘ Soeeeuee. has long kept its position of unsuitable Iwnrnacy. ;« I The cstablislimengt was soundly Nlmcouiniiiiccbyoalii a.Poldeat.imitod.Aldenliot PrintedIndPubtislieilformdoobebalfottheNAvv
hcslcpful . t:
m::ltio:ir :iiti:h
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Superior Dutch ‘stickwork’ beats H.F. hockey teams
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