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News Navy ,....

Write for

special details and advantages of placing your PROMOTION ORDER with


The Newspaper of the Royal


No. 57

Published firs!

ROYAL NAVY umronms


COHNERCIAL ROAD, PORTSMOUTH TtllfhfllllIIIII 30 ROYAL PARADE, PLYMOUTH Be assured ot close and personal attention to all of your Uniform and Civilian requirements

Navy and The Royal Naval Association

Thursday of the month



GIVE TO HER COLOUR TO QUEEN You’re posted to the THE Palace SUBS.


.,i -4

WREN is the new


lll-TS going on tour with the Queen. but first she has to meet our wonderful l.oiidon policemen. l’.(). Wren Rosalee Auger (pronounced 0-zy-ay) arrives at [luckinghum Palace from hloutreal. where she is to be a member r. stall’ of another Canadian. lisniond Butler, in the Press (lllicc. She will help in the Press arrangements for the Queen's forthcoming tour of Canada and she will travel with the Royal party. Aged 25, she ‘as live feet tall. slim and earns £lO0 a month in the Royal Canadian .\'uvy. An expert shorthand-typist and secretary‘. she landed in this country two days before the New Year. having arrived from Canada by air. First intimation of the appointment was; given to her when she

of‘t:ie .


Signal honour for the Command

hired for the presentation by the Queen of her colour to Submarine Command—a fitting gesture to the significance the Command is playing as one of the foremost lighting sections of the Service. The ceremony will take place in l-l.M.S. Dolphin and the colour will be held there for the use of the Command. It will be paraded on shore only on ceremonial occasions and on such importunt parades as the Admiralty directs. The Queen's colour is a silk White Ensign and the Crown and the Royal Cipher in the centre with red. white and blue silk cord and gold taswls. it is carried on an ash stall". surmounted by it gilt badge consirtting of the Admiralty anchor on n tlircc-faced shield


arrived leaving Malta with paying-oll‘ on Januiiry_ I3 and was boarded by ll.R.ll. the Duchess ol nt‘l’ortsmouth I\ent, who launched the ship 23 years ago. Shellicld is now going into reserve

ONDAY, June 8, is the day

ILMS. Shcllield. seen

TWICE-WRECKED MAN GOT BACK :I:°.I:’.‘{‘,'»$'::‘::::il11§:%‘:l.:.:‘:‘..‘i::;§::§::: quick ON CRAFT his wrcckcd craft shortly after he had been wrecked twice in succcssioii."


WIENTY-ONE-YEAR-OLD Royal .\l:irincRobert Jairics Dicltins. Four Ashes. ncur Wolvcrhmnpton, has been :iw:irdcd the Queen's (‘omincndatioiil for outstanding zeal and devotion to duty when his landing craft was , stratided on it dangerous surf-ridden beach oll Christmas Island. When the l..C..\vl. was wrecked on a ; reef at Maiden. in the Pzicilic Ocean. g the crew transferred to an amphibious 3 l).U.l\'.W.. and shortly afterwards were :1 thrown iiilo the water and washed over 1' the reel bv the hc:tv_v surf. Scveral ; members of the crcw. including .\l:irine l

Commander in Victoria, Columbia. His words to her were: “You have been posted to Buckingham Palace." “It all seemed in little fantastic." she said in an interview afterwards. “I thought the Commander was pulling my leg when he told me about the job." 5. with the Crown above. IIllllllllIlll||||llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll The :iw:ird of a Colour to the Sub- Dickins‘. were injured. inztrinc Command comes 54 years after A by his commanding the lirst submersible entered the oiliccr report stated: "Immediately :tftcrwhen time the suband Service at a life his adult wards .\l;irinc Dickins. stokcr of the dcvolcd the majority of into is the marine leading Royal Navy Naval of wrecked L.C..Vl.. displayed great in striving for the betterment is It nuclear the :1 tilting tribute age. in pnrticuliir that the Command should hold its courage and initiative when salvage men and their dependants and hi\‘ fellow men in general. :tllt.‘lll['tlS were being made. Although distinctl Colour and :i Quccn'.~'. own well the most severely injured of all the The late "Jimmy" |.:inc—so I all subinarincrs. honour to survivors, he was one of the lirst to known to many in l’ort.~uuoulh—was Ill Formerly. King‘.-. Colours were car- board the 1..C..\i.. which was being Portsmouth City Councillor. and it is forces. but in persistently pounded by the surf. hoped that :1 number of Aldermen and ried only by military "This very young Royal Murine Councillors who served on the Clllt I925. King George V approved the use and the Colours of at by Royal King‘s ('ouncil with him will be present (‘ommonwcalth Navies. the unveiling.

IllllIllIIIlllllllllllllIIIIllllllIIIlllllllllll-Illllllllllllllllllllllll A..

Il |


HE Coiiiinand:r-in-Chief. Portsmouth l.‘\Lll1\lI'1ll Sir Guy (inuntham) is to unveil thc new nnine plate of the l’ort~.mouth Local Oflicc of the Royal Naval llcncvolcnt Trust at I06 \’ictori'.i Road North. Southsca. at 2.45 on 'l'hursd:i_v. l-'cbru.'iry I‘). The oflicc building has been rell‘.lll‘|t.‘ll “.l'.in1c~; l.:inc House" as .'| mcinorinl to the late C.l’.(). Writer Jumcs F.dvvuril l.:inc. O.ll.li.. J.l".. who




5 ‘

Eggs Built on in team mountain Arbroath’s rescue search for climbers TIRELESS uality VOLUNTEER’S GRUELLING WORK


III-‘. news that members of ll..\l.S. Condor's .\‘lountain Rescue Unit had taken part this wcclt in the search in the (El":ll'll|)l:Ill'ifor lost hikers‘ focused local attention on this little-known organisation attached to the Royal .\aval i\irSlation. Arhroath. ing 30 members‘ of the Condor M.R.U. l.icut.-Cdr. K. E. A. Shuttock. iL‘tl the tc:im of 30 Condor volunteers, set out in their own lf1lll.\[)0l'l for the in the \L‘:II’\.‘ll. is u native of 'l'ivcrtun.~ Search ”L‘ittlqlltll'lL‘l’\ at Glen l)oll Somcr-act. and an experienced moun-1 Youth Hostel. tuinccr. The hlouniuin Rcxcuc Unit is’)! GRl'l-Zl.l.lI\i(i \\'()RK formed of \'illtIIlli:t:r\‘ from Condor's; soon as it was light enough for nu.-iintxiiiiccriitg club. It has some very {theAcscorch lll-I \'l|l1ll‘I£lrillt: Tirclcss. which left to begin. the Condor men —(‘.|’.(). W. climbers Mc-‘ divided up into cight li::IIl’i~'. of three P0l”l\‘ll10t|ll'l on l;inu;iry l‘) for her c\p<.-ricnccd and l’.(). Rowlnson (‘.l’.(). IE. (iibhon. Spring Cruise and was on her way to their work. startctl and taking gruelling “\'ctcr:in" ll llorchurtl :1 zirc App, kno\\n us‘ :1 "line sc:irch" i.i\\ l’:i|in.'ts. dcvclopcd engine trouble |1'.|l‘lIll\\'ililll\' o n in the -‘ninl s.'liIlll3L'l'\ (il':Illl|‘Il:lIl\. over the :ii'c:i allotted to them. The.1 about 25 miles otl Ushunt on Jzinunry i lhix xcnrch. counts. \tIt.‘i1 u scorch continuctl \vluI~'t daylight ill\'lt.‘d. ‘ll. Although \'llbIllL'l'gL'tiat the time,‘ .Thc pzirty ri:tui'ncd to thc (ilcn l)oll the stihinnriiic \v;i.~; able to surface! WI-'.l.l. l-I()llll’l’l-Cl) i lltlrIl't:tli_\'. llmlcl il\ durkncsx‘ begun to close in. ‘ l'hi: .\lount:iin Rescue Unit ix‘ well The followiiig incssogc \\';i.~'. received S’l‘()t)l) BY k".llllr|p.‘|i. lizicli mun took with him on from Hc:iilqii:irt-:r~'..I8 (iroup. R..-\.F.: I-l..\l. S/M. Talent was iti company 5 the sczirch it i'iIcL~'.:ick containing :1 “Mticli zipprecintc ihc v;i|ii:ib|c :issi\‘slctlfllllg hug. \l0\'c. toilet gear. 5[1ll|'t.' tzincc of team from l-l..\l.S. Condor in with Tirclcw and with the I-"tench tug and H..\l.S. Ririniiighaiu I clothing. [)LlT;t"ll'l. matches‘ and cook- search for iniveing cliinhers." Elephant ttlag Sillp of the Flag Ofliccr ing. dishes. A ~ick~bcrlli utteuilzinl ulxo, ' l-‘lcctl [Rear Adniinil R. H. I wcnt \vilh ll|'\l'ill(i equipment. llontc The Condor .\l.l(.U. \\‘:l\‘ fL't|tlt.‘\’lL‘tl (‘.P.0. Writer A. l5. Cuddon. the ‘\\/rlgltll stood by the i|:tm:tgcd sub-rl by the R..-\.l". (‘ominnnil ill l’itrc:ivic to lower deck rcprc~'cnl;ilive for the winurine A heavy gale was blowing at help in the search in which inountniu Portsmouth Coniinzind at the London l the time. H..\‘l.S. Tirclcss returned to Portsunit» front the lt.A.F. at HL‘;tLit|ll:lflL‘l'.~. oli .\l..-\..»\.l-‘.l., has iiircx-cuc l.ciich:ir< and Kinlosx were :ilrc:idy.lormcd .\'.\vv Ni “'5 thztt his zidtlrcss is mouth :it three knots despite the gulc -lillld thc d:un:tgcd engines. taking pzxrt. At six o'clock in the morn- ‘)A Wliitwcll Road. StItIlll.\L'.l.








l-’|otil|:i.~'.1 '





S 71.! .'.'.'s';'. L.”











Navy News 1’. oi i 0 I unit is) It. It. Bctridsc. R.N.(Rcid.i. Royal Naval Baruch. Pnmmnuth ‘l’cI.: Porhmouin 26-tzl (tint. 2l‘)~I)


February. 1959



I URING the course of an interestl the in House debate ing and lively was pleased to read in your HE headquarters of Flag Oflieer Air (Home) Vice-Ad mirul Sir Walter T. Couehmzin. I-i.C.B.. C.\'.0.. 0.B.E.. has of Lords on January 27. the First Lord. November issue of the activities announced the award of the Boyd lrophy for I958 to 845 Squadron for the part played by their helicopters in the ; the Earl of Selkirk. said to Viscount successful the Liberiun_taniicr .\leIiltu by the aircraft carrier lI..\l.S. Bulwark in which the Squadron was Euf the l.owesiolt branch of the s-.ilv:ige_ol' "I think Alexander of Hillsborough. iR.N.().(.'.A. As 1 have been able to embarked at the time. and for their embarked operations in circumstances of outstanding difiiculty. cn_;o' their liospitality at the l.ord you want me to have a lot of rotten The Boyd Trophy. the premier award of the Fleet Air Arm awarded Kite ener Holiday Home. may I be bottoms sailing about the seas." No one annually for the finest feat of aviation of the year in the Royal Navy. comalluwcd through your columns to wants the British Navy to go to sea in memorates the work for naval aviation of Vice—Admiral Sir Denis Boyd. It thank the members. For the past year ships which are not sea-worthy in every incorporates a silver model of :i Fairey Swordfish aircraft and was presented or two I have always gone along to the Aviation the to Fairey Company. Royal Navy by forward motion put their Headquarters at the Crown Hotel respect. but the secured fresh a was low by using Amongst the many taslui pgf. a by Admiral of the Fleet the Earl of EAR Admiral C. l.. G. Evans. on_ Friday nights and have very much the first line. to pass formed by the Squadron's hell- helicopter Cork and Orrcry (Admiral “Ginger“ C.ll.E.. l).S.0.. D.S.C.. has been enjoyed it. I can assure any Naval or during the Melitta operaOONSIDERABLI-I FEAT Olliccr. Aircraft (‘ar- ex-Naval man that he will be very Flag appointed Boyle to so many) that "in the opinion eopterx tion were nights to take medical Pro- riers in succession to Vice Admiral welcome if he cares to go along. in the Aden operations During of this House. the depleted strength of I was enabled to visit the Home bv ofliecrs to other tankers who had 0.B.E. ('.B.. V. N. A. Bingley. the helicopters tectorate Squadron's creates a dangerous the Royal Navy of the Royal Naval Benepicked up injured survivors. some operated over mountainous terrain to Admiral a fomicr Commo- courtesy Evans. situation." although defeated when put Trust. who have four bed»; of whom were flown hack to Bulin of 8.000 feet a temperature dore of the Royal Naval Barracks. volent heights available for ex~Naval men whose wark for treatment. Nine of the of to the vote. will be echoed throughout over 100 degrees Fahrenheit-—a Portsmouth. was promoted to Flag most seriotsly injured were then rank on J:inu:ir_v 7. I956. :ind shortly health would be benelited by a fortthe Service. feat. considerable very taken to R.A.l-‘. Miisini. The three afterwards was appointed Flag Olliccr night by the sea. It is a pity that the the these The First l.ord declared his conSquadoperations During helicopters carrying out this task all ron was under the command of Flying Tr:iining and subsequently Home is not more used by cs-Naval fidencc that the N:ivy would be able to had to make night landings. A. Deputy Chief of Naval Personnel men_. It_ should be more widely known C‘. M. Commander Lieutenant of mimber “The meet contingencies. as it is a "Home from l-lome."-(Ulliccrs). R.A.N. had 'Wbcat|ey. After considerable dillieuly ships on stations may seem thin." he the l).S.C. in 1940 and the .W. S. SHARMAN. 22 South Everard Awarded R.N. at is at The mainin and present Squadron passing experienced been the iStreet. Kings Lynn, said. "but they can be backed up taining tow and it had parted due ' Air Station (Iuldrosc. and will shortly D.S.(). in l9~tl. Admiral l-Zvans has been mentioned in despatches three times. _[Thc last annual report of the Lon] quickly.“ The backing up is to come to the violent yawing of the Mclika. leinbark in H..\l.S. Centaur. Kitchener Memorial Holidav Home from our allies aml although. in at Lowcstoft stated that over 200 theory. this provides the answer. pracvisitors enioyed holidays at the home tical considerations might well produring I957 and the management what we dillerent to vide an answer was gr:_ite_ful for the many letters of desire. appreciation which had been rential general meeting on January l6 it is felt by many p-ople that until ceived. Rising costs have made inwas not qiiiic tip to expectations. there in of heart our is potenthere a change roads inio capital funds. but the was quite a good ltirn-oiit. For the tial enemies. it is wrong to rely on repori states that the mtimigemcnt the chairman and secretary fifth time. with but be its. hearts whose allies iuay committee is confident that the good N summing up the past year. Twickenham Branch of the Royal Naval were re-elected. and the treasurer was whose actions in time of trouble may done will continue. New subAssociation can say that all in all it has been most successful. There has been re-elected for the third year of ollice. work be dictated by those practical eonplenty of acti\ lty. there have been at number of new members and. despite rising The National (‘oiiucil delegate. the seribcrs are informed that there ie sidcrations and their support iuay be 4‘ costs. amplc room for iuore visitors if they the tinancial situation is still very good. welfare ollicers and the standard bearer lukewarm or even lacking. care to nominate them. lnformation looks fonsard optimistically to getting still carry on their good work. The The branch “scribc" \\oiild like to other The British Navy must be strong‘. it branches‘ approval. br:inch cstcnds its thanks to Shipniaie : can be obtained from the Secretary who answered his all thank sound shipmates have ships'—good. must ships— of the lloiue. It) Kirklcy (Tlill. The New Year commenced with at White for his past scr\'lL‘t.‘s as social and Star Garter the To lines‘. regarding lletiers our quote to safeguard supply nondcrful children's pari_\——f u n secretary. and welcomes Shipniate | Lowestofl.--—l3ditor.] and their for Home "This is generosity. eageradvertisement. 1 well-kiiown a food. drink and esciicment for .\lc(‘orm:iek in his place. Shipmates' ness to ‘help those in the Home. games‘. not politics-— it is common sense." all. l~'atlier Christmas provided a Spacey and Randall were elected to the The Navy does not want “rotten Tivickeiiham was able to send a donafor each child. The party was main committee. and the br:inch scribe. bottoms." but how about the number tion of £23 8s. to the Homc‘s general made possible through the work and Shipmate Clifton. was asked to conIR.-~—'l'hree members of the Writer of ships sold. not only to allies. during fund. The branch asks whether it would members. to of the work. his tinue lady Branch. myself included. are enthe past few years’? in the event of war be possible that all branches of the organization The weldue. would thanks Ilrzinch considerable Twickcnham whom are The gaged in writing a detailed history oi‘ Assoeizitiiin should make a yearly donathey would have been invaluable. the dedicatiuns devoted session to soeials. of details or was come Branch from its date of I iion. at Christmas time. to the general evening :the ‘Writer is branches. It who of other enmembers. services thoroughly older church lorigin until.tbc present day. It would 5 fund of the Star and G:irier Home. Ten of: from details with themselves to little too everything give early .a be zippreciated. _thcrcforc. if any from each branch w'ould joyed the t‘(Jl’f/l .\Imll iii‘ filled with . roll and 'n' rock functions. to ‘l’wickeuham'.s old-time nicdleys ‘reader possessing information apthe Alimvleilge ii] the _clur_\’ of the l enable so much to be done for the dance and dinner is annual cha-cha. The being pertaining to this subject. e.g.. relevant Lord. its the lI'('ll('fS cover the .3411. l llouie. 'l‘wickenh:imhas intimated that of end held the the l'ebruary. at attendance at anthe Altlioiigli concerning conditions. it would willingly propose this and documents pay. uniform and welfare. would forward same to Wrt. G. Boyctl. c,'o Royal Naval Special Reserve Ollice. Royal Naval Barracks. Portsmouth, ‘All items received will be treated at Portsll.M.S. Protector. June August. at Devonport ll..\l.S. St. James. l7 at March Clyde. rm-lll..\l.S. Tiger. utmost care and the owners PAR'l'ICULzlRS N this fnreerist _witli the Service Comfor General mouili. for trials. U.K. trials. Service Sea Home for (lust U.K. liable to ulterrlliuli. The Atlantic and uistructions concerning them strictly mission (Houic,(South for June. at Portsmouth. Powder-ham. ll..\l.S. Hylhe Base Port. ii-Iii:-/i rl ship may Port is the port at Base Pon. adhered to. U.K. America). South M.S.S.— (50th Service Sea Home at 9. March rim! llyihe. Ieiire llurnaston. to refit ll.M.S. be c.tpeclct! to .i:i'i'e Porismouili. crew es-Rccdham. Home Base Port. for Local Foreign Service (.\lediteras a general rule. ll.M.S. Wtikeful. August. at PortsRosyth. ranean). (Crew ex llicltleton.) Voliuitccriiig. Rutiiigs may rolimteer iuoiith. for Home Sea Service Enterprise. March. at Bideford lI.M.S. Leierton. June. at Hytbe. for for any 0/ the ships. or /or service in ll.M.S. (Portsmouth Squadron vice StarLocal Foreign Service (Mediterfor Home Sea Service (East Coast a particular station. or for specific U.K. Base Port. Porismoiit l) ling). Tbrinltcrton.) (Crcw ex ranean). Chatham. U.K. Base Port. Local Survey). I-‘orcign service (c.g.. forms of Scorpion. August. at ChatService). A: draft- ILM-S. Efibflflo March. at Cockenzie. ll.M.S. Whitby. .lune. at Rosyih. for ll.M.S. for General Service or General Service Commis-General Service Commission] ham. for Home Sea Service (East Coast ing action is normally taken at least tHome/Mediterranean). U.K. Survey). U.K. Base Port. Chatham. (Home/Mediterranean). U.K. Base sion [our nioiitli: alteail /or General SerLTD. Base Port. Chatham. Port. Rosyth. vice um! Fareigii Service and two H.M.S. Yaitlulm. blziy. at Hythe for Verulam. August. at Devon- 3 Edinburgh Road. Portsmouth months ahead /or Home Sea Service Home Sea Service (50th M.S.S _). ll.M.S. Zest. June. at Portsmouth. for ll.M.S. for Home Sea Service. U.K. Phonolflffl port. General Service C o m m i s s i o n mid Port Service. tipplicutions to U.K. Base Port. Rosyib. Base Port. Portsnioutli. (Home/Mediterranean). U.K. Base ourctcttiu loitering otltcini Elpteu Service serve in slii/as which are eomnii'.r.rion- ll.M.S. Malcolm. March I. for Home Portslei tmtet Personnel EVERY WEEKEND at Il.M.S. Portsmouth. Port. Carysfon. September. ing witliiii tlicrc periods are milikely Sea Service (Fishery Protection). 4);; mouth. for Foreign Service (Far LEEDS Il.M.S. Eiisiboume. June. at Chatham. to Iuivc any i.-fleet. U.K. Base Port. Rosyih. BRADFORD . East). for General Service Commission HUDDERSFIELD SUBHARINE. COMMAND H.M.S. Lsiymoiir. April at Rcnfrew for at Ports-‘ SHEFFIELD U.K. Base; ll.M.S. Albion. September. (HornetMediterranean). Home Sea Service. (Crew ex l Boom ll.M.S. Token. February. at l)evonport NOTTINGHAM mouth. for General Service Commis- LEICESTER Port. Chatham. Vessel.) Defence Malia in the Sqtt:tdservice and for sion. U.K. Base Port. Portsmouth. Il.i\i.S. Dalryniple. July. at Dcvonport NORTHAMPTON at 20. Puncheston, ll.M.S. April I'(‘II'l. October. at l)evon- i LIVERPOOL Ctivendlsh. ll.M.S. Commission. Service General for Hythe. for l.ocal Foreign Service ll.M.S. Artful. April. at Portsmouth MANCHESTER U.K. Base Port. Devonport. purl. for Foreign Service (For liastl. KildarNEWCASTLE-UNDER-LYHE Faslane es the in (Crew service (Mediterranean). for and Chiehcstcr. October. at at Chatham. ll.M.S. ll.M.S. STAFFORD Scorpion. ton.) Squadron. Chatham. for General Service Com- WOLVERHAHPTON Service cncral trials. (Part for and Chatham 28 at at ll.M.S. Thule. April. ll.M.S. Girdle Ness. April BIRHINGHAH Devon- Commission complement.) mission (Mediterranean I Home). COVENTRY Service Portsmouth the SquadLocal in for service Foreign for port. U.K. Base Port. Chatham. WARWICK at Portsmouth. H.M.S. July. Torquay. (Mediterranean). fun. BANBURY I)umbar()ciober. at H..\l.S. Jaguar. for General Service Commission ll.M.S. Niinvlul. April. at Barrow and ll..\|.S. Bermuda, April 30 at DevonOXFORD ton. for General Service (jum(Home/East of Suez). U.K. Base CommisService for service in the Faslane Squadron. General for port Atlantic and South PLYMOUTH mission (South DRUHBRIDGES Portsmouth. Port. sion (HomeIMediterrane:in). U.K. EXETER GENERAL Port. Base U.K. America/Home). tl.M.S. Salisbury. July. at Devonport. BRISTOL Base Port.‘ Devonport. GlasChatham. at Commission Service l!.M.S. Caprice. February _l7. for General SAIJSBURY H.M.S. Moncltton, April. at Rosyih. GLOUCESTER (Home/East of Suez). U.K. Base ll.M.S. Loch l.on1ond. October. at SWINDON gow. for Foreign Service on Far (Vernon Service Sea Home for Service ConiSheerness. for General liast Station. Port. Devonport. CIRENCESTER U.K. vice Beachampton). Squadron l7. February mission (l~lome_’.-\rabian Seas and _at Base Port. Portsmouth. H.M.S. Chaplet. MARLBOROUGH ll.M.S. Scarborough. July. at PortsService. Sea Home for READING Port. U.K. llasc Portsmouth Persian Gulf). mouth. for General Service Comat 30 Singapore H.i\l.S. Crane. PORTLAND April U.K. Base Port. Devonport. mission (Home/East of Suez). U.K 1 Chatham. Fromiaicham East). Service (Far for Foreign at 10. March Battleaxe. ll.M.S. at Ponsmouth. October. Port. Base ll..\I.S. Cardigan Bay. LONDON 21 at Cl1a_tham Crossbow. Il..\l.S. April ComService General for Rosyth. Singapore. for Foreign Service (Far Ali their |(‘!vl(l‘$ will trike the following more for General Service Commission ll.M.S. Tenby. July. at Chatham. for (Mediterranean / Home). mission liasll. fol rem:-nmicr of 5cm-tr Personnel: KM Service Commission (Home: (Mediterranean/Home). U.K. Base General Barrens. Eotlncr H In} 5 Vernon: floyal Sailorf U.K. Base Port. Portsmouth. East of Sue/_). U.K. Base Port. Chat- ll.M.S. 'l'r-.ifulgar. November at PortsCtub. Purl. Hon-c Chatham. Queen Street KN. Bamzcki. Il.M.S. Troubridge. l-cbruary 25. _:it ComScrvicc (icueral for mouth. ham. Rd. Io: H.M.S. E-cettenr: Gate Unicorn Portsmouth. Stanley Portsmouth for General‘ Service ll.M.S. Rocket. May 5. at Mediterranean). H mission (Home Hilxco Barracks: M.S Phocnu: ,/ T.A.OC. Devonll..\I.S. Loch lush. July. at for trizils. To-an forghqm. um Hornet. Commission (Home/West lndics). Coiham. Quay. U.K. Base Port. Portsniotltlt. ‘ for-General Service Commisport. at ll. Hythe. May Ancl ll.M.S. H.M S. Shavinglon. at at rate cheaper l\l(I(lI‘lf up U.K. Base Port. Devonport. N .it ll.i\l.S. o v e in b e r Jutland. and PerSea sion (Home/Arabian Service (Mediterfor Local Foreign ll.M.S. Crosbom. February 26. at N.B.-—To all ships visiting PortsCliatham. for General Service (‘omsian Gtilf). U.K. Base Port, DevonDugton.) ex (Crew ranean). General Chatham. for trials (Part mission (Home / Mediterranean). mouth: Special facilitiesto meet port. I2. at Devonport. |l.M.S. Belfast, May Service Commission complement). yourpartieulai-travellingrequireH..\l.S. Tiger. July. for General Scr-' U.K. Base Port. Chatham. for Foreign Service (Far East). I Il.M.S. Vidal. Febrtiary 17. at Chatment: can be organised at short lI.M.S. Bro-adsword. November. at Commission. vice for Renfrew. at l!.M.S. May. Layboru, Service Commis- Home Sea Service. (Crew ex 1 Boom Il.M.S. Chevron. August. at Rosyllt. Chailiam. for General Service (‘omnotice. ham. for Gcner:il Chatham. Base Port. sion. U.K. mission (llonic ;' Meditcrraneari). for trials. Defence Vessel.) Write. phone or call ll.M.S. Delight. February‘ 24. _III ('haiham. U.K. llase Port. at Devonport. Loch Killispnrt. May 11. at;lI..\l.S. Puma. August. TRIUMPH COACHES LTD. Devonport. for General Service II.M.S. ll..\l.S. Dunkirk. i\'oveniber. al Commission' General for Service General for" Service ; Portsmouth. Commission lMediterranean/Home). 3 Edinburgh Road. Portsmouth and Southi Devonport. for (icncral Service and tl>lomc,r'South Sea (I-lomelArabian Commission ..'\ll1ll‘ltlC Port. l)cvonport. Base U.K. IHome.’Mediterranean). . Phone 20947 America). U.l\. Base Port: Devon- (‘omnussiou Persian Gulf). U.K. llase Port. ll..\l.S. Gravelines. end February. at L'.i\'. llasc Port. l)i:\'uttpiIl'.. I Pslfl. Porismoiitfr. for trials. 1 u



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Sea Cadet

Corps News




4 li\\' Sea ('adet units are nithout Iinancial anxieties. The necessity of prosidiug aml maintain g their head quarters and equipment out of local uiluntztry subscriptions and donations is a constant headaclte. How tnncltl more could he done for the youth of the country if only more funds were



:\t llatlt lltctc -is :t unit uhiclt over the .t DIL'\L'lll.IlltIlito the retiring cottttnattdhtg _\c.::\ has m.iint.tined ll\ titcttibcrsltip :md otliccr, Licut.-('dr. tSp.t .I\. R. l’.t_\1tc. all-round cllicicttcy and \\il|Cll. in tile R..\'.\".R.. who “as .I totntder Ittembet mmlx ot the city's .\I.n_\or. has succeeded of the unit \\ilv.'l'lit was lmmcd in I933. in mmlliu-,: and den-lopittg in its memlv.-:~ '.ho~;- t|lt.tllliL'\ oi tlhciplinc. good .-:tt.ren~lnp. :tci;.:l:l~ott:l:n.-~~ and :c»p.ut- C ~tl".ltt_\ ‘nit it .1;t\ll.' can ttt.il.c powthlc and out tlcrno.-:.::tc \\.l_\ ol lllt.'. |‘::m.:m\ ‘: tn the lace ol lill~ clt.::.t.'tcr l\tttld=11'»'.. l.‘l|l(l|..'(iII \'k.'Ll\lliC rcscttcs by‘ t.:: t.tl)i.s o: tilt‘ lLtth unit's -\.:YUi.lI ~ul\~ Sea (ad;-ts during the summer are will».-is .::.- titinnmg. lll.'_\ nov. rcpIe~e:tt .a tncre h.:t:iltnl ot -3‘ out ol ‘.1 ;'.optt|.xliott .I occnzrettec. the ('amiicqucnl ot .l;t;t:l|\tlIl:lL‘i_\ NH.t'~"-‘L btidge (hit of the Sea (ltdct I






('orp-i have been

is ptoltably the llI'\l to corned in the rescue of



drowning‘ .




lSl’I .-\(‘I"..\ll-IN I" about 2.500 tons submerged. Length 295 ft. (o.:tl. ‘Ilium: I\ no _\mtlh or-,:.tni~.ition ulnclt horse. (‘adet l.cading Seaman C‘. Martin Ileant 26', ft. I)raught IS ft. Compleso te.nItl} .tIt\\\L‘I\ the call of any locall L'll.tllll\'\. \\iIt.'llIt'I it is merely to protide and ('adct Ordinary Seatnan IE.‘ ment about 70 olliecrs and men. lite lund lor‘~otItc carnival or Liking on .\lalic_v were sailing a l(l-ft. dinghy on H.M.S. Porpoise. which gives her the toll tll’_t'..tIll\.llll|lI and collection of the river nhen class. was the first British they saw a horse in name to thesuI1m:irine lIIilL‘\ of pcttttics and the like. to be built after t In the l.t~l t.\\o months alone Ltllolti considerable dillicnlty. They sue- operational the war. She was commissioned at the unit has, atnottg other things. aided :1‘ cccdcd in getting alongside and kept the animal's head above water while Iiarrow-in-I-‘ttrncss yard of Messrs. local food for the blind tto the Armstrongs (Shipbuilders) ol -.32). collected L251: .1! a t'ooth;ill match 3 another cadet called out the police Vickers and local Society. the pro- and lire brigade to complete the l.td.. on April I7. 1058. under the comfor spastic alll rescue. of titlcti tlCt.'(|t.llt()Il\ and assistattcc mand of Licttt.-Cdr. ll. C. G. ('hri~t~ tile for local kind~ at the hospitals Ilutehings. ll'l.|\ l1-stitities. The submarine is capable of undertaking continuous submerged patrols FOR 01.!) I"()I.I\' in any part of the world. The design 'l'ltc greatest ilI},'.L’lltIll_\ in helping others i of her hull and superstructure reflects o..i~ shown by the llury St. Iitltmtttds Ill‘. tender of .\le~.srs. Williant hcr capabilities of high ttnderwatcr cadets. Spont.ineou~l_v. these lads decided 1.1 Palfrey I.td. for the .\ledway liar- speed and great diving depth. She is to provide parcels (each contaim ilctthl lot .I tltllllilct ol aged people Ihey racks (the Royal Marines Ilarracksl propelled on the surface. or when started l.l\i .llIlllll‘lIl to ptcl. l\lacl.herric~. and the Naval Gun Wharf at (‘hatham “morting" by diesel-electric drive and and convert them into jelly: onions were has been acc-:plcd by the Admiralty. . from the large battery driving the pielxlcil. chutney ttt.tdc and ltot.~c-radixli The lirnt plan to develop the site for motors when submerged. The snort bottled. Then groceries were collected and the extension of their packaging busi- equipment has been designed to give men |IIttItllc\ of litcwond were included in and later for engineering. The maximum snort-charging facilities and the parcels. l ltcss lirm hop.-s eventually to employ some to operate in rough sea conditions. t.\'t..\.\'t) RI-‘.('Rl'l'l'S General habitabilityis of the highest 500 or more workpeoplc. ()\Iotd unit. although so far an-;i_v from the sea. il;I\ \lIlL'\' I93‘) provided the Royal : Navy with more than 300 recruit‘-. :15 11 u.-ll .t\ xtlltilllfl other liltls to the Merchant Nan. l"ni\ tin»: record was It.'\t.'iIi\.‘d at ;

IiF.I.I'l.\'(§ (‘I I.<\Ill'l‘II-IS

'nu--oggv. --co -.—q,.,,.v-Lo‘ "we.-.-E.‘fi-1'-‘

. ‘



standard. with strip lighting. nylon cur- iher slim’! for several tl:I)\ on end. tains and panelling in laminated plastic Fresh water can be distilled from sea and wood. To combat the tcdium of water for drinking purposes and the long periods of submerged patrols. a stowage available for storm "ml procinema protector and a tape recorder visions will enable I’orpoi~.c to remain are available. livery ollicer and man on patrol for months without any outhas a hunk with a foam latex mattress. side support. The snlunarim: visited ._»\n air conditioning plant provides dry- I.ondon in July last year. bcrthing at mg and either heating or cooling of Battle Bridge Pier. and was visited by the air for arctic or tropical service. many V.I.l’s. In l)cccmbcr. I953. the Oxygen replenishment and carbon third of the Porpoise Class. H.M.S. dioxide and hydrogen eliminators make (irampus. was commissioned. The it possible for Porpoisc to rcmain second stthmarittc of the class was totally submerged. without even using Ii.l\l.S. Rorqual.




lrv -t, It-I-n






ALAI-Le u : stun;

d-alto-Loo: cu’-out’ -cbrtna.


—with a great new and economical HILLMAN engine

IIIS 33-foot-long ornately decorated barge used by Queen Victoria on many of her ceremonial occasions has been sent to Canada. ‘|'he barge was given to Queen Victoria by the .-\dmiraIt_v and allocated to the Commander-in-Chief. Port.-mtouth. after her "death. After being stored at Portsmouth. the barge is now being presented by the :\dntiraIt_v, \\ith the Queen's perntission to the Maritime .\luseum of Canada at Halifax. Nova Scotia.

‘E253-ves may get chance in hockey team

places in the Inter-

Services matches. Three of the I4 played for the Combincd Services against the West and HE Royal Navy XI will be selected have again been selected for the match from about I4 players. providing the South. They include N.lA. drafting and sickness do not interfere. against "n goal. who in the game Because of these problems a number. H. Prescott est was capable of saving of reserves have been selected and they against the anything short of a rocket. It is hoped that he will keep up to this form. l.ieut. I. M. L. Dook. who was capped as a SAl\"l‘A ON rugby player against the R./\.F.. has The children's p always been a hockey player at heart January I7. and ove and is making headway as a forward. entertained. Father Captaining the Combined Services is D. Hamlyn. H.M.S. , person of Sbipmate Licut.-Cdr. L. "mess deck" and Cllt Dolphin. playing at centre half and This is a special ( capped five times for the Royal Navy. OR a brief time at Christmas Ful- Mrs. V. Pcmherto Selected arc: Goal. N./A. H. Prescott; mar had the pleasure of receiving section. and all mu: backs. Licut.-Cdr. R. K. Midglcy, some of its sea-going squadrons. Their i on the success I AB. H. V. Humphrcys. Surg.-Lieut. stay was all too short and on January l Fathers were. of M. Tuddenham; halves. Ty. Mid. A. I3 802 and 806 Squadrons left once organising games ar Johnson-Marshall. Licut.-Cdr. L. D. more for H.M.S. Eagle. drcn under control. Hamlyn (captain). O.S. J. H. P. Bowen; Their return to the ship was marred who were the more forwards. Lieut. P. A. N. Foster. by tragedy. :1 co lliston occurring the children or the f Licut.-Cdr. T. E. R. Kitson. Lieut. between two aircraft of 802 Squadron Another special c K. T. Butterworth. R.E.A. I. S. Baiwa. take off. as the sections was to decorate t I.N.. Inst. Licut. A. H. R. York. Lieut. after were 0 rmtng up. Flight Lieutenant I. arrangements are in P. N. Davis, Lieut. J. M. l.. Dook. A. Macplterson was killed as his air- brighter seating acct Resem.-s.—Sur|. Licut.-Cdr. (D: J. T. Sanders. craft plunged into the sea off Port- room. st. C.P.(). P. C. Knowtinu. l.it:ut. 1. C. Judge. The annual dinnet Mid. W. F. A. Ellioon. heat. A. R. Ashmore. knockte. some 20 miles east of l.ossieI. Lnrkin. I.leut. I. F. II. C. no winton. mouth. 'I'Itc olltcr aircraft involved the Imperial Note ('.P.O.. Imt. Licut.-Cdr. K. R. G. Ihrocr. Licut.-Cdr. W. S. Stenrm. Licut. I. Harvey-Samuel. managed to return safely to Losste-:I .‘s‘Iarch I3. Darling I‘. I. L. W. Booty. I'.(). Hints. I‘.T.l. l.ic1tt. mouth in spite of severe damage. during 1958 by ma .

Return to ship marred by tragedy



may well get their


Driving is believing. Sit behind thc wheel of this masterly Minx and you know at once you're in a great car. Great in comfort. luxury and style; great in safety and roadholding— and great in performance without loss of economy. I-icrc's :1 m‘\\'. fully provcn I494 c.c. engine; new rear-axle ratio for more refined running, larger battery, larger clutch, deeper, more comfortable seating. special insulation for quieter running. new from-end design, distinctive moulding embellishment, wider choice of co|ours—Iu.t. 11!!-ZSB car.-tr IMPROVEMt-:N1's AT NO EXTRA 0051‘! Try the great, new Hillman Minx

today I

NEW LOW-PRICE ESTATE CAR Try also the new HILLMAN Estate Cur—aaatn with all "1030 improvements and at a lower price than be-lore. Ya.thc now HILLMAN Estate Car comes to you now at a new low nrIco—£.598 plus p.t. £300.10. Here‘: Iuwry. all-purpola motoring that’: down in coal yet an In value!













I-IILSEA "3 tour










miles thwart Burmese journey 12,000 The weight of evidence from Singapore DEFENDER’S REFIT IS


tltiys‘ “hen the tIock);1rtl~ were policed by a tll\'t\lt|ll ot the .\lctropolit;ii1 Police. :1 search N the

routine similar to the one follo‘.\ctl now was carried oztt. l'our st;ilo.iit policeineii wotiltl take up ~.t.1tions liiic .ll‘.'C.l\l. lll\ltlt.' the gates. and all employees would pass them on I-:.i\iit1: A hantl \\'0lll\l lightly touch the .\-:lct:lctl \‘lL‘illlI on the shoulder. who altered eou-,~e to port or st.irbo.irt| .|\ the case in.:;. Ex". .|ll‘.l p.'i1cei:tlctl to the It room. l1l~lLl\' too or more

l‘:.l\lt.‘lll NEARLY ‘GATE CRASHED’ COMPLETE 'iii‘ ll..\l.S. Delcntlcr is I);irii1g- class‘ tIL‘sllU)‘L‘l' (of which there eight) coziiinissioiietl ..\l.S. I)cIer:tlcr. >BUT HAD SECOND THOUGHTS.Hthe third time tor general service and has displacemeiit of 3.(vtl() ller


and spent


short time




lI\’Sl('.-\l.I.\' I feel tliiit tie c0_uItI have successl'ii_ll_v _completctl the joirrncy. and were it not for tire (Ill:|ll)l’_t' and procrastinating methods 0 ; the lltirnicse (iuvermiicnl and the silliiii.-ss of htire:ttrcrue_\'. I should have now 1 been uritiiig better iii.-us to _\ot1.“ ‘




lL'lL‘gl'.Illls. telephone calls Re;u!cr\- will recall that in the ();toliei' i~suc of .\'\\\ NI *.\\ it \'i;l\‘ ciirrespiiiitlertce not only front the tlieir l‘-liltl‘ me: the "i1'..itc\" .'ii‘.tl. ll lrcpurtctl tlt:il loin ratings of ll..‘ol,S, ir.rlitt'_:s lll'::tl\t.'l\C\. but also by the ". xi.-.l. Vuittltl tzzunt "i{ig.:lit" (the \lo:ints Ii:1_v ueie p!;ii1i1ing.: to return Naval :\iitlt.-i‘itie~. \\lltt were so im\".il'K inn “(),k," h.id not been front Singapore to this country by pressetl with the ainotiiit of pl;1niiii_.this iir1;i.n:.-tl trout l|ollj.wotitl .it road. 'I he ttten hail l\l'.lL'll.‘.\L.'tl .1 I..intl- the men had done that they i'e.1tlil_v time)’ the tIo;ky.1itliii.iii \‘~0llltl !{o\ci--arid at their t.|\\Il expense were gzive approval and blessing to the , hzeat '.'| xigth ot relicl and proceed giiiiig to attempt the jouriiey from venture. llnrttt .\ "tls (Li: t.iy. 't‘.ot1',! tho~e ‘k'lCl'.'lL'\l Siiig.i;*oi'e to loiitloii. a tlist.in-ee of. S‘l‘R()N(3 'l'l€.\ll"l‘A’l'l().\' for \e..i.'liiii '.\.u .1 l\lflt.’l.\ll\llll. lltltltl tllllt.'\ and which woiiltl take Able .’~le;ii1i:in llepbiirn in his letter I who \\.t\ \c:_\‘ protitl of :1 bowler lliein tlti'otii_.-h I5 countries. li.it he li.ihitii.i‘ly wore. ()it recensays ‘that no results wliatsoevcr were received letter has N,\\"r‘ Ni-.\vs :1 iachieved “not to mtich as a word. Ill}: the signal to proceed to the , Able ('. S. Seariian from :1 llepburn. search room. he entered briskly and either in the atlirin:itiveor in the negais wliiclt of above. stood in front of the \i:.'trt:llt:t. 'l’he quoted paragrapli live have the llurntesc forwardetl to policeman ran his hands over the I0 that and he goes on to say despite us.“ The party was quite willing to doekyardniaii. stniigliieiied up. and work months of hard and planning. risk illegal entry into Burma. but by \nttlc mischaiice decided to rethe party were then not in possession ;2|flCl' the :issistartce they received from moxe the bowler perched proudly of the necessary authority to travel ‘the various I-Zmbassics and i\lilitary on the victim's head. Av. he lifted through Burma. Political ditlerenees I.-\tt'.it:hes in the Bangkok-Rangoon the hat four pounds of lead fell on the Thailzintl-lltirma border made district. they felt they must resist the out. alighted on ilie polieei1i.1n's foot and broke his big toe. ‘the securing of the appropriate visas ‘strong temptation. for it would be A look of astonishment appettred -even more dillicitlt. bound to cause trouble for the on the "riiate_v'»" face. He looked 0lllL‘I'.tl\' coiieerncd. EM BASSY ll().\lllARl)|-II) at the policeman who \\‘;I\ tlaneiiig The possibility of taking their around on one foot in aiigtiisli. .ind .\'aturally the four ratings. Petty ,vehicle by sea to Calcutta and then simperetl. "Tee-lice. those boys in Otliccr Mac(iilcliarist and Able Sea- ito proceed overland from there was the‘ .\ll(\p have been sk_\l.irkiiig gain." men Hcphiirn. Ilowens and Sainsbury disctissed. but "this is such :1 freThe Burmese quented route that it would have been §IIlllllllIIIllllllllIllllllIIIlllllllllllIlllllllllllllllllllllllllfi very iiidisappointed.was bombarded no accomplishment at all." Entbassy Rangoon tt.1:riii:: to ~e.i:ch. "they ran

ttoiiltt ii;


.\l.il;iyan coast







compleineiit is

in the Home and .\lctliterraiie:iri slalions zit ('li;it tin tvhcre silk‘ has 1 spcltl the l;t\l )L.tr relitting. leaves lot Portlaiitl in a less tl:i_\s time for worklug tip and expects to go to .\l:1lt.i in .\l;iy for one j.e.1r on the for eign seniee lcj.'. til the L‘t‘:llllll\\lt1n_ lletendez is cotniiiaiitleti ii}. (‘iintiiiii (i. ll. ('.iret'.-lltint, l\‘o_\:il Nat}. \\l“"1L' home l\ in I oiitltin. He recently tiixaiiliett :it the Imp.-ii.-.l l)e1'eiiee ( ollege and llls Inns! regent \c‘:| :1pi‘tI:|)[it.-ie .He.'ui‘tl iii (o:u:ii:iiitl or the ziiictalt citzricr ll..\l.h. "I ltc~eiis' :ii'tl (itiiiricn tltliecr of ll..\l.S, \'.iii_i:u;1rtl. lie ~a\t sersicc in \\'orltl War II in the .\lll‘lll:ll’ll'II.' Snapper and later as (iunnery ()tlieer in l|..\l.S. l)i;1tleru. being present for the Nor-

C-in-C to prvsirle (i! II”. R. N.S. illvvlirtg


Ill-I aiiiiuzil met.-tiiig of the \\‘.l{..\.H‘. lit-uevoleitt Trust. l'iirt.~miitilh ('oinr:iant|. “ill he held in the lltieliess of Kent llarr;ick~.






200 otlicers and




Soiitlisi.-a. rm \\'eiliiesila_\. l"el1ruar_\ Ill. :1! 5 pan. The speaiker will he \li\s A. .\le.\'i.-il. (.'.ll.l-2.. .‘itipcriiiteiitlerit \\'.R.N.S. (ret.). Atliiiiral Sir Guy (iranthunt. (;.(_‘.l!.. (‘.ll.l-1.. l).S.().. ('oinin;mtlcr-i ii (7 h ief. Portsmouth. will prt-sirle. All W.R..'\‘.S. pr.-rsurmel past and present invited. -

mandy l.andiiig~..

I-'irst eoniniissioned for service in the liar Fast Station she took part in l anti-terrorist operatioiis oil’ the



Ill? Fricntlly Wives (North I-Ind branch) \‘hiltlren's party was hcltl in Fisher Hall. Whale Island. on January (1. Chief Petty (lllicer llartlctt ably acted as .\l.C. and organised the before tea. with Mrs. Sinipkins I-lli H..\l.S. Vernon branch of the games the music on the piano. Royal i\’aval I-'rientl|_v Union of providing Nearly I30 sat down to tea in the gaily Sailors‘ Wives held its tirst rnceting of tlccoratetl gym. the year on Jatttiary I-I. Lind ti hecllc After tea there was a Punch and Judy drive with a tlillerence. rtiii by Mrs. I‘. \‘ll0\\. and then I-'atltcr (‘Iuistmas disCoxnell. assisted by .\liss lane (‘osthe presents. and before leavwcll. was the main eiitertairiiiient. ;trihtitetl each child was given a balloon. Faces were used instead of beetles and Eing was very happy to have as the innovation proved qtiite hilarious. 2 The branch 'guests 20 children from :\aI.arcth ; A "drive" does enable members to get lltllhc and the Cottage l'ltItllc\. ‘to know each other n:itt1r;1lly anti | tqtiickly. l’riI.ewintters were -.\lesilari1es Robertson. Buck anti Bailey. anti other prizes. one kindly given by .\lrs. V Brown. an attractive tablecloth. were I "The llniv-.iilos" (colour. ('inem:i'won by .\lcstl:imes Shimmings and (Scrip-cl. (ltitdoors. Gregory Peck. Joan Appleton. ;(‘ollEns. Stephen Boyd. "l"urtlier l,'p The tea was served by Mrs. llird I'l'hi.- Creek" l(‘inemaScopcl. ('ometly. I l and the text eoiiimittee aittl. with sev- 'l):ivitl 'l‘oinlinsi1n. lirankie llowertl. new members. c\'er‘)ottt.‘ ctijoyed ;i ‘Sltirley I-Iaton. “\'ertigo." ‘thriller. ‘N eral James Stewart. Kim Novak. llarbara very pleasant afternoon. The sewing titectings are held on the llel (ieddes. "The Law and Jake last Wednesday of each ritonth and Waite“ (eoloiir. CineniaSeope). WestMrs. Walmsley states she will be 'crn. Robert Taylor. Richard Widmark. I’atrici:i Owens. “Herry Andrew" pleased to see new niembers. The secretary of the branch wishes (colour. CinemaSeope). (‘omcdy with it to be known that the June meeting songs. Danny Kaye. Pier Angeli. Noel will be held on the second Wednesday. Purcell. “I4-5 Girls“ (colour. CinemaJune I0. and programmes should be Scopc). Musical. Gene Kelly. Kay amended accordingly. Kendall. Mitzi Gaynor.






Rc('c'Ill /1‘/in re/ea.s'c’.s'



,.-.,.. .-.'..._. ....—~a-"41-r.n—

Staff of the Petty Oflicers‘ School, Corsliiun. Back row: S.B.P.0. Gorham, C.I-Z. Poulton. C.P.0.(Gl) Stock, C.S. Campbell. C.P.0.W. Reeby, C.P.0.W. Hamilton, M.A.A. Collett. P.0.(Gl) Harmer. P.0.(Gl) Font, C.P.0.(C) Donahue. C.P.0.(G) ‘Wlnt.-ion. C.A.!-‘.(A) Patterson. C.C.Y. Lucas. C.A.F.(A) Stanley. Lleut. (E) Spann, Surg. Lleut. Cztrnticltael. Lieut. (SD) (PT) Pittnrd, Licut.-Cdr. Harvey. Lleut. (SD) (G) Puddiford, C.P.0.(C) Tones. C.l-Z.R.A. Mortimure. C.M.(l-Z) Toomey. Sitting: Lieut.-Cdr. Buxton. Lieut.-Cdr. (P) Williams, Lieut.-Cdr. (S) Adcock. Lienl.-Cdr. (l-2) Graham. Lieut.-Cd.r. Sladen, Cdr. P. G. Laehlan. Chaplain B. Briggs. Lieut.-Cdr. (S) Grimwood, Inst. Lieut.-Cdr. Taylor. I.ieut.-Ctlr. Rylands. Liettt.-Cdr. (E) Hales. Front row: P.().(PTl) Lyons, P.0.(l’Tl) Lucas, (,‘.|’.().(SPTl)Hesse, P.().(P'l'I) Carnochnn

Petty Oflicer “Guinea Pigs”. hadfour days in the mountains

MORE THAN EVER AT SCHOOL Ht-2 iiciiy (lllicr.-rs‘ School at it..'ii.5. Royal Arthur. Corshani (Wiltshire). has always been a busy place. but during the past slit months the intake of petty ollieers has increased considerably, and the weekly course now averages 31. '11; cope with this increase. l.ieut.- weeks’ hard work established a base Cdr. W. R. J. Mylnc. of Alamein. camp in the ruins of :1 house near has joined the establishment as an Abcrgavenny. "Guinea Pig" class had fotir days atlditional course olliccr. The field day. whicli so m:iri_v petty in the I1lt)lIl‘|I§Ill'l\' in groups of three. oflicers knew as "Cops and Robbers." and they spent 36 hours trekking from hits been replaced by :1 new scheme peak to peak hoping that the rain called "Black Mountain." "Cops :ind would stop. A course competition has Robbers" was considered to be a litt_le been introdticctl and some remarkable too cushy and the new schettie will pcrforntances under trying eontlitioiis provide a real test of initiative and are contemplated. The Cliristmtts concert took the resourcefulness. l.ieut. J. K. Spzinii. accompanied by form of a music hall with a bar in the the "lltill'er." I’.(). John. and .-'\.Bs. back of the auditorium. Many of the Harrison and Colley. after threc.otIiccrs who have passed through

(Torsham will remember the impressive figure :ind voice of °C.l’.O. Tones. He has left the service and is emigrating to Australia where he intends to start a lorry business in Sydney. PRI-ZVIOUS ‘BUFFER’ RETURNS The previous "lluffcr“ of Cockade and Urchin. C.P.O. I. K. Allen. has taken his place. Lieut.-Cdr. Williams l_S_SUCC¢CdCt.l by Licut. J. Rogers. who ]0lflL‘d front Eagle. where he was (lying _(ianncts in 8l4 Squadron. A sight which is no longer strange in Royal Arthur is the military figure of Black Rod—C./Sgt. F. Monk. An impending change is that C.P.O. I-‘. A. Lucas is going to H.M.S. Belfast. As an experiment. Corshanfs victtialling is being carried out h "W-r instructor l.||.'UlCt R.A.l-. ‘I iarisport Command (‘olerrie which is large enough to absorb the establishment's ntessint lls took with him Apand rcqtrircnients. So far the c.\pcrimcn"n and Morgan is a complete success thanks to tl1t"““""“'"' " ’""“h"r enthusiasm of ('.l’.0. G. Starcs am of Apprentices (Cox. his galley stall" and to the CO'0[1Cl'3|llUlcazley following on. of the R.A.l-'. catering olliccr, who w:10U1h- V"“?°"I K“°“l°‘-" $ll¢Id- Wm‘ mus‘ “WC once a lieutenant in the R.N.V.R. Corsham is endeavouring to pro’ ‘W1 imd h‘-"I ,"”“l°‘-I ducc an annual magazine. The }’t't'IW35 “bit? 10 £'-1Nd¢ "W ‘n with his shouts. and (;g.'.-.-,, the long descent was rly cold weather and .5 ice and snow. The Condor Amateur Dr:im:iti“"b‘“"““'5” by Society are this term hninching ou '-‘"‘l“'l"“°"'“ml -“'f"ly “'3'? Thcyzirccntering fortwo competition-Y K“°.“l°5' °“"d'"°" “"5 the Home Air Command contest riri"-"'f I?" W"‘l""“'l‘l°that of the Scottish Drama Fcstiva’° [“"'l5' For the former. the C.A.I).S. are pria team._nonc of whom senting :1 play by Arthur .\lillcr. "Aus experience of mounMy Sons." and for the Scottish l-'c'.tit-re eoiigrattiltited by the at Brechin. Noel Coward's "'l‘lie Rcthe speed and cfliciency

Statiiin at})i_ -








At your service




U TISS I. 80313.11?


Branch Out

5"“I“h°‘".l "


13 Clarendon Road, Southsea ""‘;",';';‘_;,"°





proceed into dry dock." the headquarters iieetltng :1 complete overhaiil. to

It is therefore necessary to CllIl.|ll some of the social activities and tl.lfl\ tiittc bcing._ matches for the Shipmates affected are infortnctl that the Annual General Meeting which was to have taken place on Fcbruary I3, has heeii postponed until March 13. The Christmas Party held on January 2 was a great success and among the visitors were Shipinate Bates and Mrs. Bates. Shipmate Woonton and Mrs. Woonton, Sltipmatt: Nicholls and Mrs. Nicholls :ind that great writer of submzirine thrillers. Shipmatc Glazebrook. Members of the Hounslow Branch are intending to be present at the _No. I Area Fancy Dress Ball on February 28. and. with memories of the last dance. are looking forward with keen anticipation to a -good evcning.. TOM IIAWIES _


February. I959



Have YOU a personal problem

Royal Yacht Britannia sailed from Portsmouth for I round-the-world trip on January 7. When she left harliour. she was flying the tlag oI ViceAdmiral P. Dawnay. who was promoted to vice-admiral that day. HE



élllllllllllIllllllIllIlllllllllllIIllllllllIllllllllllllIIIlllllIllllllllllllIllIllllIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllé I





Jolin English will be pleased to answer your qttcrier. A envelope will be appreciated.

stamped arldresred

The Britannia‘s first port of call -< 3 :: :tl date for pension is March I would make a claim. was Gibraltar. and tlten. after calling 30. I959. In I940 I did I4 days ll“'Iti'n .ralt‘:i_i:i:ttii'urrI.r are IL'0tI)' Ia! at Malta. the ship reached Aden on cells. l)o I still have to make up this iIi.tIriImrt'tm they are mtltottnccd -3-. ROSAICALLY. it is designated January 26 and after calling at time'.' If so, would my final date be .~trImirtrII_v l"Ii't'! ()riIcr.r. 'I'Iiey are also "Silver Store." but evett Aladditi Vizagapalan on the east coast of India. April 13. I959. and would I be entitled [lIlI!Ii.t'Itt'rI in the "Lmulrm GrI:etIe." would have been dazzled by the glit- goes to Rangoon. where the I)uke of AME RUMOUR has it that to the new pension rates‘! '1"It¢'ri.'t'.t. Iroti'evcr. uItt'a_v.t ll cotuldch tering “treasure trove" at the Royal lidinhtirgli will embark. After leaving Admiral Sir Guy Grantham. the Air Force Central I-‘lying School at Rangoon visits will he ntade to present Comrnrinder-in-Chief. PortsTime in cells does not count !oward.r able irm-rrril Iretirccn the date of the l.ittle Rissington. (ilos. Valued at Singapore: Kuching River (North mouth. is to be the next Governor of peniimt. .\0 that [rain the inlurnmlion StlIl‘tI_L' opcralialts am! (It: distribution over tL5.000. the collection of silver- Borneo): Sandakan (Sarawak); arriv- Malta. you _t,-ire your rclctm: dale would be 0/ the ltlt'llr(I.\'. TIIIS t'mcri'rtI is‘ itsimlly or more. The Mt-like case. ware. displayed on guest nights and ing at Hong Kong on March 6. The Navy having been associated April I3, 1959. An Ailmirrilty General two year: will probably not be finalised dining-in nights. consists of gifts The Solomon Islands, the Gilbert with Malta for so long. and Admiral Mt'3.ltIfi(' 0/ Nuv¢'mIu.'r 4 lat! .rIalt'd IIl('ft'f0f('. presented by individuals. aircraft lsland.s‘ :tnd Ellis Islands are next on Grantham (who has spent a consider- rlmt the new pcn.rt'ou rate: will he imm- before I 96]. Apart from ]1IlIlIIt.‘(lII(JIl in the tttantifaettirers. and successive the itinerary and the ship is due to able of his Service career in the iIm'i'¢I an April I. I959. N0 rlrmils. "Lomlrm part (:‘a:etre." ct-try cflort is made Courses which have passed through arrive at Christmas Island on April 3. well known in IIOWt'l'I.'r, Imvc yet been mmnunrcrl so Meiliternincztn) being the school since it w:is established in After two days here. Britannia sails .\lalta. such an appointment would be that I rim unable to my l|'Ilt'IIlt’f or not by the ztrlmiralty lo locate rtiringx WIIO Ituvc [cit the .S‘ert'it‘e rind it-Ito In-rmrrc I‘)l2. They include cups‘. rose bowls. across the I’at:ilic to the I’anatna It would give great you will Ive ertlirlerl to the new rmcs. popular. very eligible for an mvrml. I sttggt-st. howeantlelabra. cigarette lighters. iee Canal and on April 24 is due to arrive pleasure not only in Malta itself btit coolers. hantlhells. taukarils. aircraft at l\':iss‘au in the llahantas. where the ever. that you write to the Director 0/ the Royal Navy. throughout ~‘“'\' /lC¢‘0!ll|l-\‘. Ilrmtclt 3A. zl¢Imt'rrtlty. models, eollee jugs and punch howls. Duke will lean: the Ilritaitnia and fly I have recently left the Service after Ilrirlt. m I960 to (I.\t'(II'tIIIl the pmirimi Ilonoured names in R.A.F. history are home. ll..ll.’s Fret-tltini llulit‘ to Calling :tt Ilermuda on April 28.‘ contpletittg my tinte. and I served my Ill your ('(I.l¢'_ :t.s-soeiated with one of the earlier /Ill tIIlIlllIIII('t'IIIt'III WIII. I [eel .lllf(', The Duke of Iidinbtirgli will accept. last 2; years‘ in ll.t\l.S. Ilulwark. durRoyal Yacht will sail for gills. a cigarette hox. preseitted to the I I on behalf of the Royal Marines. the ing which period we towed the Melika In‘ IIIfItIl' in "Nut-r Ni-ti-,i" it-hm um the School in I91-3 by then llrevet mouth. arriving hack on .\la_\- 8. It is expected that Ilritannia will. e:tsket cotttaitiing the I-'reetlom of the itito .\lusc'.it. We were told :tt the time .'lIi'Iil.u im'ur:I,i rm‘ /mh],‘_\[,,-,/_ _\l;ijo:'. Royal Scots l"usilier.s. and ' later .\larslial of the Royal Air again leave l’ort.sittotith on June 8 for City of Portsntotitlt on .\l:ty I4. and at that the salvage money would be quite lioree Lord 'lrcneh:trd. and llrevet the trip to (‘aitad;t when the Queen I the parade. when the Royal Marines’ con.sider;thle. I kttow it takes some .\l:tjor. I3. I.. (ierrard. Royal .\lariue will open the new St. l.awrence Sea-l will esercise the privilege of marching time before the money is distributed. If I was‘ “picked up" on art X-ray and the ship is expected to return llirotigh the .\‘llt.'Cls' of the city with liked but would like to know how I stand Light Irtfautry. later Air .\larsh:tl! way. (ieriard. One of the most ittiposins: I In l’ortsittoutlt about the tniddle of hztyonets. he will take the salute from I as‘ ti civilian now. wltetlter the awztrtls h,\' the .\las_s' Radiography .\lolsi|¢ will he pttblishetl :ttiywltere and how Unit. would I be automatically disIt dais" at the guiltlhall. it.-ins is :i trophy presented iii 1947} Atigttst. charged from the Service or would the by No. It)! Course. for aw:trds to the 1? Navy :tttetttpt to cure me’! If I was best all-round student a silver cup. cured. would I return to ll'll'(1l‘Itl‘llltt.'_Ctl two feet high. which cost £lS(l and the .Servtce'.’ Assuniittg I was disis insured for Litltl. :ifter 17 charged and years‘ service. what Attoilier "troplty" is a top hat with .'l pension gratuity would I get‘! gold braided hand. ”illegally reAs III(‘ r'irt‘uIu.\riiIti‘t'.r in your It'Iti'r moved" grout the tlooruian of ‘it 'tIIf Ilypixr/tr-Iiml. I (mum! git-g t-cry London hotel late one night lll ;.trIIi.\Ii1t‘ItIr\' rtII.\It'i'r.t‘. ()In'iim_tI\- ¢-y¢-nJanuary. Win. The iiitetitioit oi’ the l'IIUI‘I IA’ I!I{ItIt' I0 ('fl('(‘( 1] fur‘-_ ";"[LI“-ric i:tentI~ers of No. l?.l new owiiers rift‘ Imir quite (I IIIHHI't'I' of mm: .i'i-rt'iri_q ( ouise “its to have ti tia.se made for who Imw mrrm-rt ml».-r.-..i.....:.~ their troplty. but when it was lacing I'll! IH_tI'i' It_t't'rr r'urt'tI. Iltc qmailiim of tlo-an hack to the (entral Flying: rr'IeI_t!t_nri is mtmmlI_t' :It-prmliurt mt .‘s'.‘liool it blew out of the llavttrtl :tlIm_nint- full /imi'.t,s‘ to pvrlunll iitmtl n\'.'|' (':titibridge. became entangled, .\i‘rt‘t('t'_ in the bratiches of a tree. was re-' II IIll'llIItIt‘tI, Itmrt-i'i'r, rmmmil n/ tries-ed by the inystilied owner of pvruiuti irmiltl Itt’ gnwrm-(I by 1]“; the house. and Iiartd-.-d over to the rr',euliitirm.r In the .'lIim'.tIry of I’¢'n.si'ims, police. It was restored to No. I7-I who take him (‘(NI.\’ItIt'NIII()n (he pip. (‘otirse after they had ('Ill.Il.\l(lII('t'.\. I.('.. .lIIr.‘ «Ii-gr;-c of (Hytheir loss iii a (‘atnhridge ttctvspttper. I irIuIt‘I,t-, and ilr'pi'mInnt.r. ‘I he hat is now solentnly presented to I T116‘ Ill'IIt'nr!t'x to the Navy List. the student with the lowest overall | wliiclt is available in every ship and marks in Ground School in ¢'.rmIili.rIimcIir. may give you Sfllltt’ idea I Course. of Nrtvul Dt'.mbiIi!y l’*u:iou.r and some members at 815 Naval Air Squadron recently paltl a visit to the G rnltitlinr. Guinness Brewery. St. James Gate. Dublin. An Interesting point is that BIS Squadron was “adopted" by Guinness during the war (or potnibly It Surg. Lteut. Coles. of Alverstoke. was the other way roundl). and the Guinness tle—-an Irish harp on a blue has been app_ot_nted sailing master of I-ICIZRS whose provisional pronto- I or tions. ha-te—Is also the The uitdron tie. recomntlsnioned with Squadron Sq recently the Duke of [-_dtitbttrgli's Dragon (flu;-; to take CIICCI on June 3“. are: lite_ ll. lltaidt-itn I.\It.-dual l)cpariment_ Whirlwind helicopters and it is nomially based at Naval Air Station I-lgliiiton. )'aeht llluehottlc. l'he yacht will go to Adrnzraltil; Peter (3. ltiirirru tR.N. (itttcec. SI-IAMAN SI’!-Z(.'lAI.I.‘iIS --Photograph: A. (iuinncss. Son & Cu. l.td., l)ubliii Canada in H.M.Y. Britannia in Julie. Ilartmouthl; Frank W. llaskerviile (Ai:ttnI (‘unnaander to (.‘It)tiitn.—(‘ttarle\ R R. Roe Surat-on (Medical Captain) lkpaitnient. ittncnli Mictiael l.. C. Cuwtnrdvtvietorrlz John Admiralty).

C-in-C Portsmouth for Malta


Salvage Awards











Dtcicr (Excellent); Frederick W. llavdcn as .\‘,(‘.l; Nixt.-I l)tII\l| (Tyne): Ian 5. Melnloih tl'rc\ttI¢tIll; Arthur Mack Pmner tP<rnhruk-:); ‘john R. Mcliaia (Ganges); Edward II. Lee (ILN. collect); Peter l.. l.anaty-Smith tt-hale). William t’. Simpson (W.itkerton); ltdurard F. Guertu (St. \ioc\-nth. IV, R


Snrcenn Llratcnnnt-Commander



('inIni.ander.—-I'auI \'. G. Darwin (Newfoundland): (ieottrey Polltu tl'reu'oet-it); Peter I). A. Domain tR.N.El._ Pi-rtsniisuih); James S. Ritchie (R.N. lloipital, Chathaint.


DI-ZNTAI. IRANGI Sutton Lieutenant-(ionimder (DI to Surgeon Cmnmer lDl.—Rlclurt.l S. Illlxh (ILN. Air Station, Lontemotith), ROYAL MARINES luentenaat-Colonel to Cotnnel.—l-'r¢dcrick ll. Cltflord (Phoenicia). Richard I). Major to l.lentrnaat-ColoneI. Crurnbie tR.M. Ilal’t'It:kv_ Plymouth): John T, 0. Waltcn (C.G.R.M.): Ian D. De'atl| (62 Commander Royal Marines). Captain In .\la.lor.—-Robert II. loudotin (Jo

Commander.tkntgt I= suiitnitibantr (Drake); Kenneth Alan\Villiatns tAIuioI: Chrirtopher ll. Fnthcrlill (\'t:rrtonl: I'et-:r ll. lacks:-nstiitrier (ILN. Sun Collracl; Leslie D. llrry (President): llcnry ttttvzam tt)ryai:t)- Denali W’. Ftlufl (I-lute); Harold J. /ti-nium (finale); Thoirias it. tlaiid tAcutel; Bart-_4hy F, P. satntxirrte (frenc'.'antI; Richard C. I‘l\DCI' (Victorious); Ian Ii. F. Martin tl)at-ztaluir. Frank Bromilova tSeahai~Ii); tizcn IE. (‘rotate (Murray); Peter 1.. nation tlzaccllentt: Alan R. Alnr (Sakcr): 'l)i1nald B. Morison thritannia); Ian 8. S. Mackay (Albion); John M. I-‘attics tl'ii-sidciitl; Richard I.. Garnomo Witttamt (liaale); William ll. (‘owltna (Izaak): tiwuiiil N. A. (‘veil t/motto); Harry R. Rcatc i(::.nitt-st: l)avit.t l.. (3. James ((i:titnetI; James II. I’. ltherle (l)artmouthl to



Of course I try





I save! But my

pay‘: not enough to

That’: what I thought when I was your age Commander Roval Mariner); Peter I.. S, Harris until someone showed me the Progressive (Admiralty): Patrick J. (Merit (lnlarttry Training (‘erttrc R..\l.); l-‘rank ll. ttrtsrnwe (Infantry Savings Scheme. I only had to put aside £3 'lrain'tna Centre R..\t.): Francis C. Ii. Ilie t('.(i.R..\l ). a month by Naval allotment but when I leave‘ the Service next year I can collect £855. I-2N('l."l>'.l".R SI'lZClAl.IS'I’$ Contniandi-1 to Cantaln.—-William II. S. Milt Sounds too good to be true. Whcre’s the catch? i\'tt'to:ioo\l; (ieoriri: A. Ilcuett (Ark lliival). llueh .\. Kidd‘tll.M. Dochlrd. I)c\tInport): No catch. And if I had died at any time my I)-ttiutas I’. llutltn (President). l.It-ntrnsiutt-(‘oniniander to CmntnandeI.— wife would have received the whole £855 (‘harks I), Marsh tl’hoinieiaI. CHII A. Brown Which will you take? Brian Illand Kenneth R. (President); (Daedalus); immediately. You see, it’s at Savings II. llirttctt (R./\.l-.. I-‘arnhorouahtg John I’. ll. I’m going for the pension becausethere’s Ilr-mu tl'rc\tdrutl; I)\lfllI(I M. C. I‘. Szvillcr Life Scheme and Insurance rolled into one. ICE-ADMIRAL SIR WALTER Mich.-irt Roticrson another valuable right with it—I can get a tl'ri.-udetit); t\'cin--iii; ‘Iii-tine: COUCI-IMAN. Flag Ollicer Air .\tt.'h.-tel I’. (President); Leslie Supposing you hadn't signed on for 22 years’ cash advance for the full price of a new htaetcitzic t(‘unoi-rt; Ian M lttichett tsuttanl; (Home). was the Reviewing Olliccr at I'cter ll. Iluiiit tlhundcrert; Ian (2 S. lcuis service? house. I’m all lined up for a job already, tllsl. l)s\;Lyaii.l, ('liathan\l; \\'il!i.am llond a passing-otit parade at No. I Royal t\ Idtit) l. When I had done my 9 years, as I had .-\ir Force Flying Training School at and with an extra pension to look forward §l7l‘l'l.\‘ \Nl) SI-'.('RI-il ARI.\T Sl'I‘.Cl.\l.I.\'l.\ R.A.F. I.inton-on-Ouse. near York. on paid premiums for 7 years, I could have to and the wife and familysafe in our own ('iirauaiand-.|- In (':inIaln. -Iliomas l'_ (illlrspu: Janna ry 23. drawn £234 to help set me up in Civvy home—weIl, it’s the kind of security we all'l)moitthl. lohn (i. l,\ ('.tpi,I l(' -irl-(U. to give fttttire Royal Navy Ill order .St;tnrttttg tl'o:t!il want. their entire training to “wit1gs" Street. Now, after 22 years’ service, I shall l.I:uIcn:tut-('timnt:inrter tn (‘o.nni.inrIrr. Ros pilots (‘. (_)irI.".Ii|ll (G.-.1;i;ttc .‘£:tti.td:oiit: l'ht‘.li:t ii. | statiilaril on one station. Vos. l and 7 have the option of taking the How do you set about all this? ('i.mvti.-Id t.\ t dr \\'lll.-\ltl'te\identI. .\ti; :2 Q Flying Training Schools were merged £855, or if I don’t need the .\ltir:.t\ t(‘on:I.viI,Allied R, Wilint.-tr tl‘re-.dent)_ I.inton-on transferred and the tinit to That’s easy. Ask the Provil Iuhll .'\\I‘lII\ il‘Ii.»eri.i.t); Arthur W. Ilemsmt cash immediately, a pension ll'lt"lJL‘l\lI (Ill-L‘. l’reviotisly naval students Llltll dent Life for details of the aavt.G I their early llying training on Provost of £172’ a year when I retire EI.l§('IRI('\l. .'iI'l-'.('l.\l.l\’I$ Scheme. Savings Progressive R..-\.l-'. Syerston. near. from civilian work at 65. ;tl .\l.1tIlut‘ I llc.ti.l :tircr:tft ('immiar.tlrr to (':i|1t;iIrt. PR-OVIDENT l\lt'l(lll\ Ill; Iotttl .\‘Ii.-nlierd tR..\'_.\ I-LY i\'ewark. Nous. and their advanced ll\I/It IIIG I'm me-mlnri ll’.II../\".S. l.l.‘lIll‘lI\'.l,') of LIFE struetiott oit \’-ampire jets at R.A.F. ('ti:ttni'.ir:ilr'r. John Iii I.lcntrii:'.nt-('rt:iiir'rrder is I’-n_\t'nIt g L19 a_t‘rm. ASSOCIATION OF LONIIO N J. .\I.Ill'l tl'n:sttuitI_ l).is-til N. l:::invli.'tin Valley. Atiglesey. LIMITID levelled II? I il’reitdentI; Rrtrinalit \\’_ ti. Fen tl)esonn.trI devoted to training pilots Althotigli l).».\\;irdI. Kc:-ncttt \\‘, lliadlcv (.\IIIll\Il) Ill for the Royal Navy. No. I Flying hiimiltl. l\I!?1|l‘-IIC I‘. (I llovu-riri.iii tIr.:-onSend this coupon to 246 Bishopsgate, London, E.C.2.l I:plu.ittms t(‘a\:rit.li'sh): Training School is a R.A.F. School, r stiletto: \\’.t:it-r I-1 (lit (l‘restd:ntI: 1\nll1tII1) A. Archtl-.iltl I and the majority of the instructors are I Plcase send full details of the Progressive Savings Scheme (l'It'\tdL‘flU. .\ttiinti, N.C.Os. ollicers R..-\.l-‘. or I IN$l'llll(,'I(lR IIRANCII those passing-out was the .-\tttong liutrui lira‘ (‘nmtnanrler tn Instructor L'ant:t!n.—— first Royal Marines otlicer to be trained I t;r.tIt.tni I‘. llttuon II).IC|.I.Ill.l\l. l.iitton-on-()ii.s'e. l.lL‘lll. H. ‘l'.'Main- I Inflflxfluf I.lrntrna:t-(‘ummandcr to lnitrnr- at eo-----onenotuse--a-aoaoooaaaoaaoatooanot-ctoootoeaiooaoaotoattootatoaoooooaooaalooaooopan-to-out-I-oneaaeoaooaoootooaaoaoloaaoaaaaa tiir ('omm:xiiitcr. Iullll A llcll lI\sl!llll lnstiti.‘- lvsaring. Swansea. Another student is I tvr ('itniit:;ir..:erI t('-:ut.titrl. lzdsstn I. Antonio.-i I l.ietIt. 'I'. N. I‘. Skead. R.N.. from East Age next birthday.....................NN Rating or it'i.m.'.-st; R'.h.ird R. l'IIll'|,‘III\‘.'ll.IIll I.\\Ill|2 1 'l'i':insv:tal. South Africa, oommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm-au—a-tar-amm-an—m-aammmmmmmmm-in l::sttt:.t.~r ti-itiiii.iutIetI (Altttorit.

Naval pilots get wings






- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



-— -




WHEN NUMBERS CAN ANNIHILATE T The submarine foreshadowed as a capital ship in 1912





ANF “ is a by-word among those interested in the lighting ships of the world and the yearly appearance of this tnasterpieee is an event in naval publications. It is remarkable how far-seeing sortie of the editorials have been.

In l9l2 Fred T. lanes. the fotinder and first editor of '‘lanes' Fighting Ships"——:i man who loved ships—a man of vision and one qtiick to realise the potentialities of any technological developments which could increase the lighting powers of warships. would seem to have been nearly half a centtiry ahead of his time where submarines are concerned. In "’l‘ht: British llattlellcct" which he wrote in that year. he referred to the development of the submarine. The following excerpt. remarkable in its prophecy. is taken from this book: “It may well be in the womb of the future that siihinarincs tomorrow may be what the ironclad was yesterday or the day before. The submarine battleship may appear and render obsolete the drcadnotight of today! But nothing can alter the cardinal fact that. given equal efficiency. the power with most such craft mtist win. amt that. given an inferior efficiency. defeat may be looked for as the natural corollary _on I i n e s entirely unconnected with whether the ‘capital ship‘ is of a type that floats only or one that can be

subincrgcd at will.

"Tactics may alter. the means may alter. and the most obvious instrtiments of naval strategy may do the .s:inte. But nothing whatever can allcct the bedrock truth that. given equal etliciency. ‘numbers only can annihi-

} -


lalc.‘ Given the ‘equal ellieiency‘ nothing else really matters! ‘PART OI-' ()NE GREAT WHOI. Z‘ "If the creators of weapons keep themselves tip to date. if those who sup- r ply them see to it that the supply is sullicient. if those who work the weapons are ellicient. the part of those in chief control resolves itself into little save achieving victory with the ntinimtiin of loss. “In the future. if the submarinedreailnought becomes an actuality. r this is probably likely to :i greater‘ extent than anything which obtained Adniiral Pcile inspecting the guard during his visit to ll..\l.S. Sultan in the past. So far as we can today conceive of such future tights. much of the battle will entail tiiore or less blind work under the surface. individual encmies engaging one another. the Iettder compelled to rely to the winners both of No. 94 more and more on the efficiency of Mechanicians (‘lass and No. 5 (icneral his individual units and less upon Engineering ('oursc. his own tactical combinations. ‘they were: .\Iechanicians' Herbert "Of course. things may ttirn otit l.ott Prize (for elliciencyl and Mechanotherwise. Inventions yet tindrcamed icians' Technical prize: Mcchauician of may come to the fore. and the nether 3rd ("I '5 J. Orton’. Mechanici:ins' waters present no greater obstacle to l’ractica Prize. Mcchanician 3rd Class regular operations than the surface 1. A. Horton: General Engineering does today. Plunging may oller no salLott Prize (for vation to a beaten enemy. ICE-Al)MIR.-\|. L. A. B. Peile. C.B.. D.S.O.. .\l.V.0.. Admiral Superin- ('otirse Herbert l’.()..\l. ll-I) .-\. 0. Morning"Yet. however things may shape. tendent of ll..\l. Dockyard Devonporl. visited H.M.S. Sultan on December ctlieicncy): ton-Wcst and l’.O..\l. (E) J. Williams victory or defeat must depend on the to inspect Divisions and take the salute at the prize-day parade. anrl to present ltshared). makers of the weapons and the t e prizes. l)l-IAI) TIM l-I etlicieney of those who work themPcile is the first tools. on the reliability of which every Slipgrinrgg-ML-I" in “nu nf .-\tlmiral Pcile said that the modern i_‘\(lll'Ill"{ll admiral mtist trust for victory." ofliccr to hold the appointtncnt of an H..\l. I)ock\‘ards and also to serve on ship was a most complex tinit only the active ll.\l as a Vice-.-\tlniir:il con- ellectivc is a lighting tinit when at sea. ctirrently with the lEngineer-in-("hief- :iitd that tiiite spent in repair in dockof the Fleet. yards was dead time. It was in the As a ('ommandcr he was the‘ realm of efficient m:iiiitenancc that the Engineer officer of H..\l.S. Vanguard. ratings passing-out could make their in I9-In-47 during the Royal Tour of‘ most valuable contribution. South Africa by King (icorge VI. The .»\dmiraI asked thctn never to The divisions and prize day tnark forget their personal integrity as skilled the culiniiiation of a two-_vt:ar course ,and semi-skilled men. and to ensure for the passing-out incchanician. :iiid that at all times any work done was of of a six-nionth course for the p.is.sing~' the highest qttality of which they were gut l’.O..\l. tlils of the general enginccr- 4 capable. In modern ships there could be no ; ing course. | At the ceremonial tlivisions thel segregatioii of senior rates. and that ! [1:lSSln[.-t‘llll class of mcchanicians took some duties involving command over j charge of coinpanies and platoons. junior rates. possibly of other specialithe passing-out general engineer- sations. must be anticipzitctl in the | whilst . ing course formed the h:ai.littg platoon future. Judging by the excellent .showof one company. .\lan_\‘ wives and ing of the passing-out cla' .s who took of Sultan personnel were pre- charge at the parade earlier that foresent to watch the ceremony. noon. this a.spcct of their future duties The guard of honour for Admiral should prove a comparatively ea.sy Pcile consisted of nicchaiiician candi- RISKtlatcs completing their first six months’ .\lrs. Pcile presented the .-\latini:i in the establishment. The first olliceri Trophy to the winning division. The of the guard was l)ivi.siona| OllicerrA|aiini:i Trophy was presented to Instr. laeut. I). A. Caiiieroii. R./\..\'..’ lI..\I.S. Sultan by I-I..\l.S. .-\|aunia. |who will shortly have completed his} when the latter paid oil. to conitwo years‘ exchange service in the nicmorate the long association of that Royal Navy. The second ollicer of the ship with the training of engineering [guard was Engineer Sub-l.icut. F. If.‘ ratings. The trophy is given to the diviWood. sion obtaining the most points in all volunteer hand under‘ sporting activities. and this term the The Sultan the direction of Engineer Sub-|.ieut.‘ winners were Dalton Division. conP. F. Harrison was also inspected.‘ sisting of .\lechanieian candidates .-\d_mir:il Pcile conimcnted on the inst completing their first year of trailiS PL gtimquc aspect of iiispt.-cling both a ing. .\lrs. Pcile was presented with :i : tllliml II"tl_ bilml C‘““P‘Nt.'(l cnt_ircIy.ofl houqtict by Patricia I._vnn Smith. the olliccrs of the engineering 1 live-year-old daughter of .\lech:inician for ranc h 3rd (‘lass P. B. Smith of the passingIn the theatre prizes were presentcdt otit class.


lShips are effective as fighting units only when at sea






El'lglnL‘t!l"_-\tImir;i] .

lfriends l









Tiiniiieopfifiazk FIGHTS SNOW 'STORMS IN








the estranged Sassenachs have not h;t._| a great deal to complain about. The ic_v conditions have. of course. t_se\'crcly curtailed the lifting proof the iesidcnt squadrons. irgramnies but now that the tloav. is complete airc::ift are once niorc in the sky. I‘ this iinic of the year. \\ith the 'l he helicopters stood by fora repeat .suri'ouni.lini_: inoiintains covered perforinaiice of Operation “Snoo\\itlt snon lossiemotith has an almost ‘drop." but so far this jtcar have not .-\lpinc oiitlotilt. "I his can beconie too been tctitiiied. l{\en the (‘aitlincss lllll(lt tut a txnotl thing- at times as in the \iIla_ec oi Ili:tcinoi'e did not need any lL‘t'L'lii "Big: lit-c l.os-.ieinoiitli has i-.-lie!’ ll‘. spite of hciiig cut off for mote bi:-.-it ct~i.'.p..r,;‘.i\cl\ luck} but the than 10 days. an c\ccllciit dt::iiotistt.tetvzinsn-.iiii.-ititin ti\tt!'.'\ lit the Rtmtli tion of lli‘:hlttli\l ititl.-rczitit-iict:. 'I he i'.:\c t‘-.t.'tt .i1ic ‘l. and i‘.t\ttlL' cuizifort “cltui"i‘c:s" li.~.\c h.;.l t'tl'.-.'r i.t\ls\. ll\‘\\ tli stttjh ,.~:s il.t\c' at c‘\t.‘l'. tit; illtk’\l imp-u'.:iiat i\t'\shit‘l1'.s.ts il"ll\\ i""!lttL'l' _. lite toad tn \l~:i- lite \::itL‘lt for siirtisuts titmi the '










-.n.».-. '




|N|2C no]

it 3-‘

.\:- .~-.--






deep -.s.:~ lv!n."i.t'.l tor ~'.'\s':'.il tl.'._\\. it is liop-:tl that l’C.tLiL“\ do not get the imptcssiott that litiny here is tli-: nt-,~.t \\ut‘\l thing to the .\'oitli Pole. It is not neatlt so bad as that. Yet lront the l"i*.glisli :\'.itional Press one ‘inziy easily get the idea that ll..\l S l7tilmai‘ has l‘CL‘ll in the lic:irt of .'\l'\.llt conditions, Apait front the tianspoit tlL'liI_\\ anti ic_\ road to:i:iE:ion~ cten

l1sl‘.L'l't piirtt.--ctiim

stssel I-tc_\a. The sesscl. ohicli b-.-lo:ig.:ct| to the bieotlisii llome licp 'tinc:it. \\Zt\ osci\'.liel:i'.cd b_\ llCZt\} s-.- llL".IT the coast of Wick. Ii: t:.stretnel_\ tlitlicult L‘i\Iltll' tions the ltelicopter Iimsn h_t l.lL‘tllI.'Ilam (i. Smith. coniltattcd head \~.inds and siiottstorius to tll'.ll\L‘ the scarcli. Althoitgli ttreckztge \\.t\ si«_ itetl there vtas no trace of the three irttssiixg i‘n;:i. .



H.M.S. CONDOR BASKS IN REFLECTED GLORY Us, praise for Admiral Sir Charles F. Lambe. G.(T.tt.. C.\'.().. has been appointed a l.ord Comniissioiier of the Admiralty. First Sea Lord and Chief of Naval Stall. in siiccession to Admiral of the Fleet Tlte Earl Mountbatten of Burma. K.(i.. l'.C.. (i.C.B.. (i.C..S'.l.. G.C.l.E.. (i.C.V.().. I).S.O.. I.I..I).. I).C.I-.. l).Se.. to take ctfect in May. I95‘).

as an

interpreter in

I92-t :iiid. as


First officer’s TV debut


Sprat’s crew

VERY television set in ll..\l.S. Condor and in the oficial quarters of the the very few Royal Navy personnel HF. high standard of inutii:il coRoyal Naval Air Station had it “full house“ on Wednesday night when First speaking fluent Japanese. served as a operation that exists between the staff otliecr (intelligence) with the Com- Oflicer Vonln .\IcBi-ide. front Condor. was one of the panel of three experts who own Navies is now U.S.__and our mander-in-Chief. China Station. He is were challenged in the “Animal. Vegetable or Mineral" game in the B.B.C. TV traditional. A lining epilogue has rc. also a iii-jitsu expert and a member of programme by the authoritiesof the National Maritime Museum. been cently received to mark the eird the Japanese wrestling order of the the “X" the for Craft opened her unit week of the term there were five dances of _Vonla which has batting Black Belt. side. and many breaths were held and all were voted :1 great success. given of its best in its variedalways tasks. Adiniral Sir Frederick Parhani. until while Shh‘ FCSPOHIICKI 10 ME OW“ Three children's Christmas parties The following letter from the Chief last July Commander-in-Chief. The. D:mie|'.s request to give some com- were held and the children of St. of Naval Operations. Admiral Arlciizh Capt. R. E. I’ortIucIt. ().II.l-3.. has .\lorc. has bceit placed on the retired’ nients on the first exhibit. ti rather Church Sunday School Burke. U.S.N..A has been forwarded Christopher's been promoted to Rear-Adniiral to] lightfiil model of one of England‘s‘ prcsciiicd a series of seven nativity from tltc_.-\_dmir:il. British Joint Scrdate Jzinuary 7. I05‘). and to be Chief list. Vice-.-\diiiir':iI Sir Richard Onslow. wooden walls. .\lost crtidiie on the tableaux. y_re_es .\lission. Vice Adiniral (i. of Stall’ to the (‘oiiimariileivin-('hicf. of St. question Patrick's criiss missing Rear-.»\dmiral A. J. 'I'ytidale-Biscoe Ilii_.st_leton Smith. (Ill. Far East St:ition. in succession to Cdrc. the (.‘omm:inder-in-Chief. Plynioiitli. froiu the (it cltie the date of flag as to ll-‘lag Otliccr. Reserve Aircraft) and “the ('oinmaiidcr-iii-(‘Iiief. t’.S. C. ll. Iltttchinsou. I).S.().. ().B.E.. lo‘ has been promoted Admiral to the Votila .shiP). went oti triiinipliaiitly Capt. (i. W. Tanner. Commanding Atlantic Iilcct. has iiiforiiied tire of January 3|. lalsc etfeci in .\l:irch. W5‘). to secure first blood for her side. Otliccr H..\f.S. Condor. were guests of the oiitstaiiding perforriiaiice of Rear-Adntirzil R. H. Wright. hing. After this she never faltcred and her honour :it the chief petty officers‘ end- H.M.S. Sprat while providing s".'l‘\'lo.'L‘s Vice-.\tliiiir:il Sir Robert I’. Elkins. Otlicer ( I-‘lotillzisi Home Fleet. has been K.(.'.I‘I.. C.\'.O.. ().It.l-2.. has been placed promoted \’icc-.-‘\dniiral to date Janu-4 host of friends were delighted to see of-term dinner. Cdr. P. Barber was to the U.S. N:t\'_\' from July I to how easily and charniingly she tirade similarly honoured at the on the Retired List to date Dcccinber rugby August 28. 3l. ary her debut. Ilcr television dinner. coniparison 30. IUSH. SUI‘!-ZRIJ PI-IRI-'()R.\l.-\.\'Ct-I Capt. .\l. .\lc.\IuIlen. a Supply and of pemmican to “I’us.ser‘.s yellow." and Rezir-Adiiiinil J. I’. W. Furse. C.l3.. Rear-Adiiiiral Sir Charles I-I. Madden. Secretariat Specialist. has been her astonishing knowledge of the noc- ().Ii.I€.. [)ircctor-Geiicral (Aircraft). The co-operation and superb per.III.. ('.II.. was promoted Viee-Admiral appointed Captain of the Fleet. Far turnal were two other high-lights in :i \\':t.s‘ the Inspecting Otlieer at the formance of l-l..\t.S. Spnit pcrsoniicl East Station. It is the first time that an sparkling perfomianee which gave passing-out parade and he also pre- and the ivillitiguess to perform :ill on I)t'CI.‘IllhCl‘ 30. I95‘). much retlectcd glory to Condor. ollicer not of the Seaman tasks requested made it possible to sented the prizes. \'ice-.-\dniiral L. G. Durlzicher. C.B.. tion has been chosen for this .speci:ilis:iobtain very important data for evalupost. CllRIS’l‘.\tAS CONCERT 0.Il.I-2.. I).S.C.. ha.s been appointed a EDUCATIONAL VISITS ation of our eqiiipincnt. The opporLieut. dc Vaisseau R. Boussard. of A Christmas concert in a Service l.ord (Toniriiissioner of the Admiralty. .\Ienibers of the l2th Term of tunity for members of our Navies to French cruiser Colbert. fell into the establislinient is Chief of Naval Staff and Fifth brisk. a usually Deputy breezy apprentices who had finished their final work together in this erideavoiir is‘ Sea Lord. in succession to Vice- sea as his ship was preparing to leave and liiirnorotis occasioii. H.l\l.S. I exziiiiinzitions went on educational greatly appreciated. It is piirticiilarly Adrriiral Sir .\lariley l.. l’ower. K.C'.li.. Portsmoiitli and died later. The cruiser (‘oiidor's "Two Tone liliies" concert‘ visits to various places of interest in grzitifying to note the hariuortious and C.li.I’... l).S.(). and liar. to take cllecl was berthcd alongside ll..\‘l.S. Van- party on 'l'ue.sda_v night gave a concert (ilasgow. They enjoyed conducted frttitful relations. both professional guard and two of her crew. I-I gineering before it packed audience. in I-'ebrti:ir\'. I059. .\lech:inic T. Smith :ind I.eading F.ngi~ l The concert commenced in :i tours of Rcnfrew acrodrortte. It :ind social. that existed between the brewery. a shipyard. an engineering United States and Royal Navy Oliiccrs .\rlinir'.:I Sir Alexander .\'. C. Hinglcy. neer .\lccli;inic N. Long. jumped fully‘ "naughty" vein with a can-can d:iiicc works and a nejivspapcr printing dtiring this period. K.(.'.Il.. 0.8.1-3.. has been appointed clothed 30 feet into the sea to rescue the number of ti troupe of Wrciis apprti-' and other visits were paid to The pcrfoi'iuanr:e of dirty of l.ietiCommander-in~Cliief. ‘.\IC(IlIt.‘f'I‘:tt'IL‘:tl'I.!I-‘rcnch olliccr. priatcly dressed as French daricinS :works. ti television studio and a theatre. tenants T. J. Andrews. T. D. Thompin sitcccssiou to Atliiiiral Sir Charles E. E The girls may have lacked the girls. son and R. M. Hodgson. Royal Navy, l.:imbc. (i.(‘.Il.. C.V.().. to take etfect ‘ The l)ircctor of the Women's Royal polish of the Folics Bergere. but they l-l..\f.S. .\lav;il Service. Commandant E. l-. E. were none the less the hit of the show. PortsmouthDainty reconiniissioned at cannot be praised too highly. on l-‘ebriiiiry 2. I95‘). on January 20 under the It will be appreciated if you will .-\dniir;il Ilingley will also succcedl Hoyer-.\li|lar. paid an official visit to Trainees. petty ofliccrs and chiefs. command of Capt. I. G. Wells. R.N. inform the Admiralty of our :idiiiir:iAdiriii':il Lainbe in the N.A.'l'.O. ap~‘ H..\t.S. Excellent on January 22. The otlieers and W.R.N.S. otlicers all com- Families of the crew were invited to tion of the outstanding performance poiiitiiieiit of Conimarider-in-Chief. Commandant took the salute as per- bined to entertain the audience and attend the commissioning ceremony of the otlicers and iticii of H.M.S. sonnel marched past after Divisions on without a doubt the show was enjoyed and Allied I-‘orces. Mediterranean. have tea to on board. Sprat." the parade ground. all. by Rear-Adiuiral C. l.. G. Evans. C.B.. BA MBARA TROPHY C.B.I-2.. l).S.0.. l).S.C.. has been apAmid scenes of terrific excitenient. poitited to be Flag ()tl'icer Aircraft the Condor rtigby XV went down lightCarriers. in succession to Vice-Admiral ing in the final of the Hambara Trophy A. N. C. Ilingley. I\'.(‘..B.. ().H.I3.. to contest to the visiting team. the chosen take etlcct in Jaitiiary. I05‘). representatives of R.N.A.S. Yeovilton. Rear--\diiiiral C. 0. Naisb. C.B.. The score of a try and a penalty goal .\l.l..\lecIi.l<Z.. was placed on the Retired (six points) to a penalty goal (three l.ist. to date Janiiary l. 195‘). be said very fairly to Ill’. many friends of the Rev. “.lock" points) may the run of the game. and (iraitt. well knouri in l.ce-oii- represent .-\duiiral Sir John Arthur Syninns riouc would agree more readily than I-Zcclcs. K.C.Il.. K.(.‘.V.().. (I.B.l-2.. :i Solent and the Portsmouth area. will the (‘ondor team that they were beaten fdriticr (‘omni:inilei‘-iit-Chief. Home be interested to learn that he li:is been by a side which definitely sliowcd just Fleet. :iiid .-\|lictl Cutntuzirtilcr-in-Chief. ; elected iiiiiiisler in the Parisli of Scone. that extra amount of tiiiisli to make I7.as'terii Atlantic (N.A.'l'.().l. who rc- iicar l'cr‘th. :ind he was inducted there i all the difference. tired last year after sortie -80 years‘ ser- on January 28. SI-I'I'I'LIi\'G DOWN Mr. Grant says that Scone “is a vice. has iicccptcd the Presidency of the delightful village two miles out of Christmas and Hogmanziy are both Sea (':idet Sports Coiincil. Sir Johit. who joined the Royal Navy Perth on the l-‘orfar Road. and of over and the Naval Air Station ail as a special entry cadet iii l'Jl(i. passed course its CI‘|tll’CI'i_\':tr(.I goes down in Arbroath is settling down after the history as the original home of the festivities. Scone Stone in which place it rested. The Christmas season seems to bethe as crowning place of Scottish kings gin earlier eiiery year. but the first inuntil it was taken to Westiiiinsicr.“ dication at H..\l.S. Condor was the Scoric's population is approximately stirring of the giant Christmas piidtliiig 2.tlt)0. and .\Ir. (iraiit says that he is by the Director of W.R.N.S.. Cortivery happy in his new work. The Scot i mrindant Ii. Hoycr Miller. who was in him eoiiies out when he says: "The ‘also the guest of honour at the ladies" parish is set in the centre of the love- night in the Wzirdrooni. where over 5 liest ntoiititain. river and loch country- IOU otlicers and their ladies were piped | Ht‘. Admiralty has aniiounced that there is to be a railical change in the side in the United Kiiigtlom and the into dinner by l'.0. G. Williams. ini [full Highland regalia. During the lastl lodging allowance rules. l-Iitherto pay- sea is not too f:ir away." ment of loilgirig iillowzinee has not been permissible with the payniciit of in:irriagc alloivaiice when married men were scp:ir:ited froiti their families‘ by back in accordance with her patrol Service rcasoris unless it could he orders. proved that the ittovciiient of the family On the morning of J;iniiary 28 an III’-I Flag Oflicer Submarines issued was impossible. the following Special Order of the enemy ship was sighted. and :it 0845 l-‘rum April I the concurrent payl:‘.l-t attacked. Eleven seconds after her ment of the two allowances will be Day on January 27. the 39th anniverof the loss of |I..\l. Submarine torpedo left the tribe there was a heavy permissible to married men scpiirateil explosion. which extinguished the subfrom their faniilies for whatever reas-on I-Z.l lights and sprang her fore provided public single accommodation On January 27. l‘)l8. H.M. Sub- in:irine's is not av;iil:ihlefor the htisbanil at his m:iriiie F..t~t. under the command of hatch. For a complete, high quality tailoring service—uniforms l.ieiit.-Cdr. (ieotfrey Saxton White. andLeaking badly. E.l-t came to I5 feet place of dtit_v. The new rules will get rid of a Royal Navy. left Mttdros in the /‘Egcan forts was met by heavy fire from the with that extra touch of stnartness, and shore-going rig ashore. The hull further escaped source of tliss';iti'sfaetion. for tiiany mar- on :i special mission to attack the made to measure or ready-to-wcar—you can’t do better iie-.l men have felt unable to uproot‘, dainziged German cruiser Geoben. damage and E.l-t continued to withthan visit Willcrbys. You’ll find a splendid variety of cloths their families. but their reasons could which was reported to be aground off; draw divcd. bitt soon becariie iiitcontrollable and her l-l.P. air was nearly not be accepted for the payrrient of Nagzira Point. inside the l)ardiinellcs.i to choose from such reasonable helpful service After forcing the N:irrows. E.l-tr cxhaiistcd. lodging allowance and the titan has l)espite the fire from the shore guns. failed to locate the cruiser and ttirned prices, and an allotment scheme to enable you to wear sonietiiiies been a lot out of pocket. Lieut.-Cdr. White decided to risk withwhile you pay. drawing on the surface. The stmits are only three-quarters of a mile wide and the boat came under heavy tire from Write, or call in when you're next on share, for the leaflet both shores immediately after her dcsa-ibing Willerbysspecial service for men in the Navy. tanks were blown. but she struggled on at best speed. FOR LIFE AND ENDOWMENT ASSURANCE WITH BETTER TAILORING After half an hour. however. the BONUSES LOW PREMIUMS—GOOD submarine was so badly damaged that Lieut.-Cdr. White decided to steer for LIBERAL CONDITIONS the shore in order to give his ship's Naval Personnel normally accepted withWar and Service risks covered company a chance of escape. He himself remained on the bridge. where he AUSTRALIAN MUTUAL PROVIDENT SOCIETY allotment you was killed by a shell. Head Office for the UNITED KINGDOM On May 24. t9t9. the London OXFORD 911331‘. LONDON. 'W.l. MID A! 73-76 KING WILLIAMSTREET. LONDON. E.C.4 Gazette announced that Lieut.-Cdr. la ROYAL PAIADI. PLYIOUTI. Ill. WIIEGAL IOAD. POI1'$0U'I'lWhite had been posthumouslyawarded Assets ¢4oo,ooo.ooo I LOKDOI ROAD. 8001'! D01. POITSIOITII. the Victoria Cross as a result of this For union in tho Porumouch IPII contact Mr. W. D. Scorn. 314 London Road. Iii ITIIII. CEATILE H IIOVI BAR. BOUTILIPIT. PORTSMOUTH.Hunt. action. for "Most conspicuous gal-(Ttlophoao No. Portornoutll ‘SSH Aadbrunchudimughoutwuio. lantry and devotion to duty."



I '




Eottish Parish for well-known




rlulladical change

made in lodging allowance rules





















I-‘ebruar_v. -195!


Leadership and skill equally important


lll-ZN Rear Admiral J. P. W. l-'urse. C.ll.. ().ll.l-2., l)irector General Airci'.tl't. spoke at the passing-out parade and prize-giiing ceremony in the Royal Nzlftll Air Station. H.M.S. Coiidor, Artiroatll. he said: ‘‘In the old days of the Fleet Air Ami it was skill of hand. ingeniiily and qualities of ti hziiidytiiztii which mattered. Now we want the head as tiell as the hand in Ilie nitiintenance of i:oiiiplii:ated :iircr.ift: Ieadersliip of iiiaiiiteitaiicc |'1llll|1‘.‘i is as important as technical skill."

Il‘.O. Apps. llrowit. (ilcn. Ross and 1Sccly. l.dg. Apps. llolton and Winn. l.-\pps. ('oiistable. Ilill. Jciinings, .\lid‘dletoti. Ralph. Seciiey. Usher and : \\“:iterlield. 5 The (‘aptaiii Sebasiiaii (‘up for all'rouiitl proticieiicy t‘)llt Term). The ; atvtirds for aircraft tlli.'t.‘l1ill'llCl:tlls‘were: ‘Admiralty listiitiiiiiitions -Aggregiitc l’Rl'I.l'I l.lS'l' of School. 'l‘echnieal and ('rat'tsni:inif Artifieer Aircraft The prize list for ship. No. 26 Course A,Il:'— H.M.S. Brave Borderer. first of two Apprentices was: Admiralty lEsaniina- A./l’.().A.t\l. Harris. Herbert Lott Brave Class fast patrol boats which iions. Basic Aircraft Engineering (8th Trust Fund Prize for the Top .\lcchanwill help to keep alive Coastal Term). App. Woolnier. l0th Term. ieian. A.P.().A..\l. Harris. Local Forces techniques in the Royal Craftsntansliip. Fitting and Turning I-Zxtintination. No. 3| Course A/I-I Navy.~l’hotograph : Vosper Ltd.. Joint. App. .\tcKay. App. Williams. Special Merit Prize. A./l..A..\l. Owen, Portsmouth Sheet metal work. App. Stevens. l2th N.A.t\l. Tonner. Term Technical. Airframes and Petty Olliccr Air Fitter (A/F.) or Engines. Ldg. Ap. Winn. P.0. App. (0) awards were: Admiralty F. iininaBrown. Ordnance. l’.O. App. Glen. lion. plo. 23. Petty Ollicer Air Filter alll’ri2r.e the for best St. George's (A/ll). l. l../A..\t.(A/F.) l). Wilkinson. have thus l’.O. the for round Apprentice. They prepared App. lirown. Herbert |.ott 'l‘riist Fund for the Top way the new Sea Vixen aircraft. I2th Term Passing-()tit Certificates. Petty Ollicer Air Fitter. l..,’A..\l. (A/F.) I). \Vilkinson. Awards to Leading Air Mechanics were: Admiralty F.x;iinin:itions. No. 8/58 l.cading Air .\lech:iiiies Course. l and certilicate. N.A.t\l.tA.’l'-It PontRear Adniitzil Fiirsc nientionctl that the occasion was the lirst pri/.cgiving ceremony since Condor took over the whole acroiiatitical engineering tr;iinii‘.g task of the Fleet Air Arm so that the Royal Navy's entire iiitiiiitemiiice team of aircraft cotild be trained together.

trials from the Of ‘)5 UNDERGOING of Messrs. yard Vosper Ltd.. Ports- vessels

niouth. her builders’. is ll.i\l.S. Brave llorderer. the first of two last patrol boats‘ of a new design. The new warship is powered by three Marine Proteus gas turbines designed and nianiifiictiired by llristol Aeroliiigines l.td.. each of 3.500 inaximtim b.h.p. The generator units are two Rover gas tiirhincs of -10 kw. each and all propulsion and generating is effected by gas turbines. No reciprocating engines are installed. The gcarin linking turbines to propellers and for mantcuvring results from a special design by Messrs. W. H. Allen & Sons Ltd. of Bedford. The construction is basically allweldcd aluminium members as far as the load-bearing structure is concerned. Planking below water level is mahogany sheathed in fibreglass. These fast patrol boats can carry four 2|-inch torpedoes and one 40mm. liofors or two 2|-inch torpedoes and two -ttlmm. liofors. The complement is three otlicers and I7 ratings. The craft are designed for olleiisivc operations in enemy coastal w:iters and for a defensive role protecting our own coastal

displacement. the feet long and 25 feet

to 100 tons



H.M.S. Brave in January, latinched sister beam.

Borderer was 1958, and her H.M.S. Brave Swordsman. ship. in May. I958.


Victorious ends trials with Firestreak \ work-up EH ship's ALBION DOES A “B.P.” EXERCISE just pleted guided

AVING completed the of her company. squadrons and equipment in the .\lediterrane:iii H.M.S. Victorious rettirned to Portsmouth on .laniiar_v I4. H.M.S. Victorious has coma series of trials of the missile "Firestreak." manufactured by De Havilland Propellers Ltd.. with three speciall equipped Sea Venom all-weather aircraft in the Mediterranean. tn the trials 80 per cent. of the missiles fired against drone aircraft flown from Malta were completely successful. and the remainder were very near misses. These liriiigs. which are the first by an operational squadron. have proved the ship's "Firestreak" systciii from waters. l)tiring preliminary trials Brave packaged weapons. through the various llordcrer exceeded St) knots. lstages of supply testing and handling.









..\l.S. Albion We'll! east of Suez. on November I and. having H.M.S. Bulwark in the Mediterranean. took up duty in Eastern waters. The first call to duty came when threats of a general strike in Aden. at it time when the only iiavzil force in the harbour was two coastiil ininesweepers. led to the decision that Albion should proceed with all haste to provide itssislancc should it be necessary. .t\l.S. Maryton, a coastal initie- l-‘orttinaiely. the strike was averted and sweeper was comntissioned at Albion was able to return to her H.M.S. Diligence. the small ship coin- original progrziininc —-arriving in Aden inissioning base at Hythe. on January on November 5. There she stayed for live days. sailing on November It) to ‘20. The Commissioning Service was rendezvous for Exercise Midlink. The object of this exercise was to conducted by the Reverend W. V. Foot. ll.A.. Royal Navy. the Naval train ships and aircraft of the llaghdad Chaplain of the Reserve Fleet at Portsmouth. The Commanding Ollieer is Lieutenant G. T. J. O. Dalton. H.M.S. Albion. tlying over Singapore jungle in echelon

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Royal Navy. H.M.S. Miiryton

btiilt by the Montrosc Shipyard and launched in April last year by Lady Cutlibert. the wife of Vice Admiral Sir John Cuthbert. l-(.ll.lE.. C.l3.. who was at that time l-‘lag Officer Scotland. Admiral Ciithhert has now retired and lives :it Hurstbourne Tarrant. near Andover and he and his wife attended the ceremony. Also present were the Commanding Olliccr of H.M.S. Diligence. Captain R. C. Watkin and families and friends of the olliccrs and ship's company of H.M.S. Maryton. was

Pact mcinner countries in co-ordiiiatcit operation. Pakistziii. Tiirkey and Cireat llritain were represented. and the U.S.A. although at non-incii_ibcr also participated. H.M.S. Albion only took part in the last two phases. during the tirst of which she acted as an airfield and provided air strikes against a convoy in the Gulf of ()inaii. In the last phase she acted as the convoy escort atid carried out strikes agziinst a raider groitp. also assisting in aiiti-

siihniariiie warfare. Albion arrived at Karachi on November l7. :iitd stayed there for four days while the exercise was analysed. Front Karachi she sailed to Singapore. exercising as she went. At 5|flt'-§|PUre came the first break from routine since leaving England. The squadroiis were diseinbarked to the local air stations :iiid a brief self-m:iintenance was cllccted. On December 2 the flag of the Flag APTAIN P. J. Cowcll. D.S.C.. was Olliccr. Second in (.‘oiiimaiid. liar East given a rousing send-ofl front Station. Rear Admiral V. C. Begg. H.M.S. Dolphin. when he left to take D.S.C.. D.S.C.. was hoisted. and on up his new appointment as Captain l)eceinber t4 the ship left Singapore of the l)ocky:ird. l)evonport. His ear. for Hong Kong. where she spent fitted with drag ropes. was pulled by Christmas. leaving for Australasia in :i team of Senior Ofheers from Dolphin. the New Year. S/M 5 and Flag Olliccr Submarines‘ staffs. Other oflicers lined the roadway and gave him three hearty cheers. the After giving leave. H.M.S. Victorioi Dolphin band playing “For he's a will re-embark her squadrons and rejolly good fellow“ followed by "Auld turn to the Mediterranean to take part in a N.A.T.O. exercise. Lang Sync."


February. I959



Floating dock


Ilis lirst

flight :

Trip on Vt'.ot0riou.s:

TI°(lllS[l0I't0ll by lh'(!(3L'll.(3.S°buoy :







Roger Collingboume is seated


commissioned. Since then local org:inisations liave been raising money for the ship‘s amenities fund. and the crew's welfare committee decided to say "thank you" by inviting someone from the village to be their guest in Malta for 10 days. was chosen. and his only inRoger strtiction from the villagers of Dartington was to bring back a photo-


the right in the st:anIen‘s



and I was soon made to feel very much at home. I had my meals with the crew and slept in a bunk. They have an excellent chef. and the food was good. to me


WITH FLEET AIR ARM "On Friday. January 2. I was taken to ll.M.S. Victorious, shown round the carrier in the morning and in the afterof the first “anienity" supplied noon I watched the aircraft taking off DMIRALTY Fleet Order M615‘) graph the It was a clothes and landing on the flight deck. By this ship. states that the award of salvage to services rendered to the Swedish wringer. but let Roger tell you the tale time. Victorious was well on her way back to England and I was flown back Tanker Julius by H..\l.S. I.och Fyne. himself. to Malta in a Sky Raider. FIRST FLIGHT on Jilly 8-l2. I956. is ready for distri“For this trip l was strapped in combution. and that applications for those ''I left Dartington on December 3| eligible should be forwarded to Direc- and was met at Paddington Station by plate with helmet. parachute and lifereal ex rience. tor of Navy Accounts. Branch 3A. Mr. C. Goodcn. a Signalman of jacket. This was a Admiralty. Bath. by Commanding ll.M.S. Dartington. who had been on and as it was a smal aircra t it was Oflicers of ships and establishments in leave and was to accompany me to rather a rough and bumpy night. but I enjoyed it very much indeed. After which entitled personnel are now serv- Malta. tng. “We left London Airport in a 20 minutes we landed at Hal Far. a I).l3.A. Viscount early on New Year's naval airport and air traffic control base. where I was again confronted Day and after a comfortable flight with photographers! arrived at .\lalta at l0.3() am. it was "Capt. Arbnthnot met me and took a very thrilling trip for me as it was me back to H.M.S. Dartington. which my first flight. “At I.uqa Airport we were met by was now out of dry dock and afloat Licut. P. J. T. Toke. First Lieutenant in Sliema Creek. Hll.l3 travel agents in the United of the Dartington. who took us to the “After breakfast on Saturday, yet Kingdom h:ive introduced low- Ship by car. She was then in dry dock. another reporter turned up to keep a interest schemes to provitlc holidays on After being welcomed by the Captain. check on my activities. but I was now I2 monthly out-of-income pa_vments l.icut. Com. 1. K. Arbuthnot. I was getting used to all this publicity and for all types-of holidays and tours. with taken on board where l was inter- was no longer nervous! In the aftera sliding scale of interest charges. vary- viewed li.ll.(_'. reporters and had a noon I was taken by two of the by the to ing from 7; per cent. according number of photographs taken. I ollicers to a near-by shooting range. the .\lalta made. number of payments wasn't prepared for this reception and where we fired at targets with assist Service personnel sta- I must say I felt rather nervous. Airlines. to revolvers. in the .\lediterranean going on tioned "I was invited that evening to dine "H..\l.S. Dartington is a minehome leave between .\laIta,’l.ondon or swccpcr with a complement of 27 with the Captain and his wife at their (iibraltar/London and viee-versa. have oflicers and men. Everyone was very house. There I spent a most enjoyable instituted an instalment plan whereby evening and arrived back on the ship families their and Service personnel at ll.30 p.m. will be able to travel against a deposit “The next two days were devoted with the fare of of to sight-seeing tours of Malta. It was payment 25 per cent. the balance payable over the next five quite hot and I felt that Malta. during months without any premium or interthe height of summer. might not be The former frigate Flamingo was so pleasant. est charge. l)urin_e I058 liiiiulrcds of Service accepted by the (ierman Federal Navy DAY IN A SUBMARINE personnel have travelled on this scliemc on January 2| at the Palmers Hebburn Works of \’iekcrs-Arnistrongs with satisfactory results. "Then I had a day's trip in :i subl’lL‘l\i‘IIIfI'l't.)I'ILtd.. at offered the facilities These tShipbtiildets) are by marine. ll..\l.S. Tapir on exercises. where she has been refitted. .\la|ta. and .\lessrs. Airlines. .\lalta Tyne. We were submerged most of the time of She is the third (iibraltzir. seven Co. frigates & Ltd.. M. H. lllanil and I was very pleased to get to the from the a is ll.F...-'\. scheduled Travel Royal'Navy year surface again as it was very hot and bought jointly. by West (ierman Navy in .stufl'y. When we got to the surface. the Reduced Forces the services :it ago to join present I-‘ares: MaIta"I.ondon £32 night tourist which she will be used as a Cadet however. it was very rough. I was flights against £52 lls. (civilian day training ship based on Kiel under the allowed to steer the submarine for it fliglits). and (‘-ibraltar,'l.ondon£3l l5.s. l command of Frcgatteii-kapitan A. time. and it was a very interesting and Collman. against £52 I7s. exciting day for me. “As ll.M.S. Dartington was called unexpectedly to Cyprus. I was not able to spend all my holiday on her. but I went out in her on the way for a day and was then transfered by breeches buoy to another niin't.-sweeper ll.M.S. Woolaston; this was another great experience for me. I wasn't really nervous. although the crew threatened to give me at ducking. I spent two days on board ll.M.S. Woolaston and this time slept in a cabin on the bridge and had my meals with the officers. “There are two things which I must mention here. firstly that the Ship's Company of ll.M.S. Dartington were very pleased with the wringer sent to the ship by the Parish of Dartington as the sailors‘ choice of a necessary "comfort." Secondly. the Dartington's pet. a white guinea pig. which loved to lap up rum from a saucer. “I shall always look back on my visit to .\lalta with great pleasure. and would like to take this opportunity of thanking everyone who helped to Ihe Flag Ullicer Air (Home). Vice-Admiral W. T. Couchmun, l\'.(.'.lS.. make the trip so enjoyable. My thanks (.‘.\'.().. D.S.()., ().B.l<Z.. underwent ii refresher course in flying jet aircraft particularly to the oflicers and crew of ll.M.S. Dartington whose idea it at R.N. Air Station Lossieniouth recently. During his course he did most of his Ilylng in Sea Ilawtut and made no fewer than I5 trips. more than half originally was: to the Admiralty for of them solo. After being dined in the wardroom. Admiral Couchmiln re- permitting it. and the ll.M.S. Dartingmarked what it treat it was to get nwiy from his “in” and “out“ trays. With ton Amenities Fund Committee for its help in all the arrangements." the Admiral is Lieut.-Cdr. J. D Baker, R.-N., C.O. of 736 Squadron .



Credit Holidays for Service Men and their Families

Another frigate for West Germany

Flying dmiral



by brecches buoy.


quiet home amid the rolling hills of South Devon. young Roger Collingbourne began I959 with It) days of fairy-tale adventure in the air and at sea. In that short space of time he had his first taste of flying. straight to the sun-drenelied island of Malta in a B.E.A. Viscount and later a short but exciting trip from the deck of an aircraft carrier in a Sky Raider. He went target shooting with a revolver. spent a day in a submarine and had the thrill of being transferred from one ship to another



whisked away from his

Why the V.l.l’. treatment for a young lad’? It's quite .simple—-he lives in Dartington. the village which "adopted" coastal minesweeper ll.M.S. Dartington when she was

HE keel of Adiitiralty Floating l)ock 59 was laid :it ll..\l. Dockyard. l’ortsmouth. on New Year's Day. The dock will be capable of accepting submarines of the latest types. including the nuclear submarine Dreadnought. while destroyers and frigates will also be accommodated. It will be fully equipped to carry out vthe routine maintenance and repair of provide accommotlation and_to gships ; and facilitiesfor_ the dock_ crew and the ;cr_ews of ships in dock in accordance with latest standards. t

Stioeretl Su bmaritw wlum su Intwrged :


to be built at Portsmouth



in ll.M.S.

Naval Exhibits Courage and at Boat Show promptitude Olympiayear's Royal commended Navy's opportunities sailing T this

National Boat Show

the theme of the stand was the for recreational boat-work and afforded by the Service. Shipwright Artilicer Apprentices from H.M.S. Caledonia displayed at 14 ft. naval sailat

EAR-ADMIRAL B. W. Taylor, D.S.C.. the Flag Officer Submarines. issued the following commendation on January 20: I wish to commend the following oflicers and men for the courage and promptitude with which they acted in tending the injured. extinguishing the fire and ensuring the safety of the submarine after the accident in ll.M.S. Rorqual on Sunday. November 23 1958: Lieut. C. E. T. Baker. First Lieutenant; Lieut. D. W. Morrell, Engineer Olficer; Lieut. R. Y. C. Sharp, Electrical Officer; Lieut.-Cdr. M. C. Turner. Engineer 033:-er; A. H. Baker, C. Elcct.: B. H. Skinner, A./C. E.A.; D. J. Robb. E.R.A.2; D. Clarke, L.S.; M. T. Bonham. L.R.E..\l. All were on ll.M.S. Rorqual except Licut.-Cdr. Turner on ll.M.S. Cachalot.

By Royal

ing dinghy.

In addition. a mixed party of iunior ratings of the Seamen. Naval Airmen,

Engineering and Electrical Branches from the New Entry 'I'raining Establishments. ll.M.S. Ganges. St. Vincent :ind Raleigh, built a two-man eaiioe such as are built by many establish-

for wcck-end excursions and "Outward Bound" tmining. Also on view was the canoe in which the Royal Marines won the 1958 Dcvizcs-Wcstminstcr race. Alongside the careers desk was a. cinema projector showing “Gateway to Adventurc"—a film of the career of a young Naval cadet—and a recreational lilm recently completed by ll.M.S. Bulwark in the Mediterranean. The excellent shots of water ski-ing behind a helicopter in this film are thought to be unique. nicnts

Warrant of Appointniem to the Prince of Wales. I902

Royal Navy Ofiicers cannot do better than consult Bcrnards on every Uniform

and Plain Clothes requirement. For Bernards so thoroughly understand every aspect of Tailoring and couple a choice of first class cloths with an unrivalled degree of workmanship thus ensuring Perfection in Craftsmanship. And since quality always pays it is understandable that more and more Royal Navy Oflicers are relying upon Bernards to meet their complete

clothing requirements.

Make a point of consulting Bcrnards whenever YOU have a clothing requirement, for remember: YOU REALLY D0 BUY BETTER AT BERNARDS

C. H. Bernard& Sons Ltd. Ojficers’ Tailors (ind Outfitters 40 COMMERCIAL



Telephone 261 I6

PARADE, PLYMOUTH Telephone 66543

at 26, Saittli Street. Malta. 18. The Strand, Slirma. 255/7, Main Street. Gibrallar, l2. Dutt/crmlitir. and at lleletttburgli. Lmtdantlrrry, Wrymoutli. Mil/‘on Haven. Citatltant. Loriirmourli, Arbroatlt. Abbotsincli, lzjglintori. Kerr. Brawdy. Cultlrare. Worthy Down and at ll.M.S. "Dolpliin",



Head Oflice:

Anglia House, Harwieh, Essex Telephone 880





El IIIllIllIllllllllIIIlllllllllllllllllllllIlllllllllllllIIIIIIIIIIIE


Rout of the Persian Gulf Pirates is recalled .;







V -

GOES T0 THE BREAKER’S YARD "P 0T I_l-MS. Liverpool. now taking place at the shipbreaking ll"-‘3k5“I_! yards at B_o end the st.-nice of the sixth brings to of that





name. and will limit: back to thousands of Service

famous ship.


reeullectiutts of this

The first I'l.l\I.S. Liverpool was }ally described :is a second-class proIauiicltcd tll July. l7~$l. She carried -14 tccted cruiser. grins 21) tZ~pouttders' on ttte IIOIJCIIT HY CI'IR.\I.»\.\'S deck. 20 ft-ptlttntlcrq un um um“-r‘ d.-ck. and four ti-pounders on the .'I‘his cruiser saw distiitguisltcd serquarter-deck, The ship cost £(t.l29 or vice iii the First World War :iitd in t;‘) :i ton. artd for her first tour of dirty .l‘’:“ “lib Plll lit! for sale. and the sltc patrolled tlte coast of Spain and tltc !(ierittans. who ltad hci:tt't.luit‘l1: their .\|editcrraneait. 1 best to sink her a few years previous'ly_ After several years itt tlte .\lcditcr- {bought her and towed ltcr “grog. ;.~. rancait she rctttritcd to Woulwiclt in I Wilhelittsltaven. where she was broke I7-W. where silt.‘ was paid olf. She had up. no further service. aitd seven years later ‘The last warship bearing the name was sold for £494. l_iverrIu0l. and the one now being The second ship of tire satire itatne broken up. was built as part of the was launched two months later. A I935 prograittntc. a Soittltaritptoit class mtich smaller vessel. she carried 28 tcrttiser. Wlten she laurtclted her. .\trs. guns and cost only 124.900. After exten- y Morttagiie (I Norrnan received xi line sive tours of dirty in the Atlantic. slte i rope of jade beads iii a silver casket was postctl to tire Nortlt .-'\rnerican l as :t ntcrttento of the ccrentoity. coast where tltc lleet. under Vicein I938. she “Its almost Completed Adtttiral I.ord I-Iowe. was supporting l 600 ft. long. startdard displacement ofi tlte Iinglislt l.and Forces iit tltc War 9.-I00 tons and her power units deveIlast year as she was about to start of :\tttt:t‘it.‘;ttt Independence. oped 82.500 lt.p.. giving a speed of lter "hretik-up." Pltotograplt: Several tttt’tttllt\‘ after arriving oil’ the tttore than 33 knots. 'l'. \V. F. \\"alker. .\lose|cy .-\inerican coast. however. she grotinded Fitted with nine (t-in. grins in triple and sank in heavy weather. but reports rttountiitgs. she was built to carry eight say that all lter crew were saved. -I-in. .»\..-\. guns. '_'-I 2-Dotindcr pontbefore an'l'ltirty-six years elapsed ponts. four 2-pounder guns. ll 20-ntni. other warship of the nante Liverpool’ Oerlikoits irt twin power mountings. sailed tlte seas. and seven '.’(l~ntnt. single-mounted Launcltcd in l8I4. after taking only ()erIikons. Slte also carried sis 2|-in. 10 months to build——tonnage was torpedo tubes in triple mountings and L239 tons—-almost double that of the depth-charge armament. first warship bearing the name. Her first actual contact with the l).\lIR.-\l. Sir llarold Ilurroiigli. when she intercepted the enemy was (i.('.Il.. K.ll.l-2.. l).S.().. presided AGAINST PIRATES Japanese liner Asanta Maru 35 miles when tlavaitt Branch held their artfront the coast of Japan on January nual meeting on January 3. Sbipntate ttiglt-liglits of this warship's serDESMOND WI-'.T'l'I-‘RN By \ice were the actions agrtinst pirates 2|. I‘)-$0. artd rentoved 2| German; I’. l. Fdwards. who had been secretary at the port of Ras-al-Khyritzi. in the ollicers :ind rttcit. survivors of a Ger-; 0.\'SlI)l~IR.-\Ill.l-Iconcern is helm: expressed in Soviet natal circles about {for eight years. had indicated his iri’ Persian (itilf. In one ntontlt the l.i\er- tnan ship. be training of junior nlliccrs. Receittly the cuntntaitding ollicer of the tentiort to resign and Sliipmatc I’. F. fortifications the the at pool destroyed in the paper “I\'r:istt:_i_va Ridcoiil. the previous year's treasurer. Surovyi wrote. _oIiici:tl pcrittissinn. "IT I“. .I.”RI,H)0 and the captured all pirate strips: port l.\eI.da that too itiuch was put nito the L‘\:I'ltIl‘l1lIIt)nsset for it watch-keepiiig was’ elected in ills place. casualties‘ three in-. were I_iverpooI's' Vii)’ 5|“? “it\' lfilmlt-‘Yl'|-‘kl ll‘ ll“-'l certificate. Too many problems. such as all the tactical rules for handling it Sltipntate II. I’. Casey was re-elected ‘'1’ jured. After cigltt years of service she .\tediierranc:irt (.omntartd and hccame- it“; 0]’ squad,-on, had 30 he 5-Iudicd by junior uiticci-5, cltairntan and also undertook to act was sold at Iiontltxiy for £3.7R(l. ‘as ltoit. treasur-r titttil another coiill p:trt of the 7th (‘riiiser Squadron based ' be found. his "*-'d""'~'d "“m the '5 '311"“ “W of m W3" During The nest Liverpool was rttorc like the at .-\Iesandri:i. In October she was early years naval, ll. (‘.-(‘raft would "I ll“-' such “‘ ““’-'1‘ " problems "Sr." ‘""“3°‘“ b"dl5‘”be] warsltips known tod:iy—:t foiirtlt-r:itc air.-ieked by an Italian aircraft and was ; earecr ard bearer and welfare ollicer. and Mrs. senior others‘ far l.'.S. naval handled to is tttore expenditure being V. Craft. lion. social secretary, were by present screw frigate of 2.456 tons, with 600 hit by ;. mrp._-¢|.._ which hn,};,_- my the Q in occasion lieutenant hint. devoted research and development. rc-elected. ()it one to a h.p. engines. She ltad oite fiinitel how. carrying away lttrrcl. : wlticlt could be lowered wltert the ship Repairs were c:irried out and in May. the Stirovyi was asked by some The ftitiirc of the large rttiittbcr oft $lll_t‘m_1|lI-‘ C- -l- 5"0“ '“=|.\' llc l'~'4|"l“t1 was under sail. I‘)-fl. she sailed to Singapore. their to exarttining ofliccrs to give tltc I’lllL‘\ battleships still in motltballs in ilk" ihc it-~tr-cl ~hur1|>'- but he it:-s,c|L-cl»-d She carried 39 guns and a crew .\laiti|a and San I-'r:ineisco. In March. covering an engagcrttcnt at sea of U.S. Ficet has recently produced some 1“ ‘-‘1|"}' "ll 35 4l“l°E3i'l°- 5h‘l’"“"L"' of 540 men and was one of live sister I‘)-32. the I.iverpool joined the ltith various classes of warships. ()n getting. , inter.-c-ting idc;|s;_ ()n.; n.,-w,p;.p¢.- mg. I’. I. F.il\\ards and J._ S. (iustar \verc an answer the exaittiiters ‘ k‘l'~‘Clt'(l ll’ lllt‘ t-'<"“|“|ll|-‘t-‘that would be ships. the others being the Shannon. Cruiser Squadron of the Home Fleet only halfreprimanded irt rttoored gcstcd tltcy olliccr. the young (lit January 1'.’ some mt:t't'tl\i.'t.\‘ ntet rhc (tr.-at 1‘;.t;.-5 (0 h,_-|p inc A;-mi,» in I.ifl'e_\'. Topnze itttd Bitcchnntc. and two months later was in convoy severely it writer the not was out. Ilut. pointed described at the time its “the linest witlt Nigeria. Norfolk. Kent and three. (‘oittinental air defence. Another sug- "‘l“ki_hl-'lnl‘l?[3_Il"| run 'l'.S. I.oya|ty._lltc such for hint know to destroyers as escort to the famous! tlcccssary ships in the Royal Nav_v." was that they should be con- i Nautical li_'.tiiiiiig (‘orps._ which it is gcstintl his in this it c:ircer. stage ; utter! I’QI(t convo_v. into .-'\..-\. missile ships t‘rtr‘_|-‘-\l‘l-'¢'l'~'€l “I” -Slilfl in l-Clllll Pilfk 0" did it he added. not scent F.qually. this after K El-II. TORN AWAY ltttntediatcly ditty was‘ protecting Task Forces. The most .\larclt (I. altltouglt the otlicial comof watch otlieer the that the ttcccss':tt'y south take‘ sent to uscftil sttggestiun was that tngttlc by ;. ittissioning will itot take place tlieit. In I864. while cruising oil" .\Iontc over. Liverpool was of all rules know \il0lll(l the navigation part iit Operatioit I|arpoort—llte rcretired admiral who poiitted otit that‘ (‘risto. in San l)oittirtgo. sltc stuck v\'lt.‘llI.llllll_l1 take the an to as ordinary ability of Mzilta. The ntaiti escort had the ('liincse (‘oiitittttitists stepped three times on a reef. :irtd later it was consisted of would be lis ntost usually running .\laI:iy:t. Fagle. r\rgu~'-. up their sltelliitg of the Nitttuttitllxl-it:ltl I discovered that nearly all her false kee was It certainly unnecessary required. islands oil the ('ltiit:i coast these ships ltad been torn off. .-\fter several t‘Itt)flll'ls Kenya.Cltaiybidis.Liverpool and eight ; for ltint to ittaiittaitt :i constant would ltave Itad a part to play tiring at :it Port Royal she returned to Ptyntotitti destroyers‘. in wcatlter bad In crowded. or The convoy. wlticlt was six merchant , enemy \ltt|t'L‘-pusllitttts. iii a "rather leaky condition." overseas the the or captain ancltoragcs show of addition the in to ltcavy ships After being repaired. amt colliding take cltargc of the ship's by Italian air- tor would and RE()RGi\l\'lSI-II) l).\llRAl.'l“r’ I-'le_et_ Order l(-S/5'1 witlt otlter warships at yearly inter- armour. was attacked ; tlte oflicci‘ of the watch rtzivigation that the craft. It Liverpool appeared “I195 lhi" "W “'_“'“"3' ‘ll l-"l‘““" vals. H.M.S. Liverpool went on :t 'l'lte U.S. Atlantic Fleet has recently would Ite operating the I’.l’.l. repeater. attention for ottt was special singled National Service have made roiind-the-world cruise to “show the The writer felt that cntpltasis sltould been reorganised. Three she.was hit For almost at because once. flag." While doing so the Liverpool the next three days. while being towed be placed in a junior watch-keeping nuuriul: gr-uupg “fc ngyv undcfgoing ‘iIITiln[.!L'lllL'IIl§ It‘ gI\'C I'CgIIl(lf.\ scrvtttg and other ships of the detached squariotlicer's trairting on station-keeping. iittensitetrtiining. ()ne group consists “"'~'f-"°i|?~ L'¢lU=|'_ "PJ’WN||l|l|t-'S 10 lillw‘ Gibthe to Antelope destroyer by ron covered 53.000 miles in MI sailing fixes and iii ittaking 9|’ 3 number of the "cw [)w]L-y (:13.-_.—, Vnczitioital training courses as those slte raltar. was subjected to continuous obtaining accurate ll"!-‘L’ lIl0l‘lh$ Ill days decisions front the plot. destroyer-escorts (ratlter similar to our “'lN_‘ SW11!-_l ll“-' IRIS! rapid the However. Liverpool onslaught. In I872 sltc was declared obsolete own lllackwoods working with one of ll!’-‘ll’ WFVICC ill h0-'l'||-'- 0")’ Wlllllilf aircraft. with five credited was enemy aitd in I875 went to the ltreakcr's yard. C()l.‘I.l) NOT USF. LOG 'l‘.-\Bl.I-'. “K. Mg d,...,,-l,yc,.§ Hg ",6 _\““ChL.r»-.ervirtg abroad who does not expect she After at joined repairs Rosyth. ‘ht’ Ullllcd Ktntltlttm "ll"-‘t’ Tlte I908 estintates catered for yet one ollicer had arrived on (‘lass tsiniilar to otir own Wltitbvs) and I“ F*-'“"" 1*‘ Recently and sailed for Fleet .\lediterraneart the anotltcr Liverpool. After three years board the Surovyi straight from the shore based anti-subntarine aircraft. '“‘"“h" “T '“”''C lj°f*"C "F!-'h3"t3L' ‘Pill’ .\lediterremained in the aitd Malta 15 warships of the same size-the other The two groups are similar ex~ -1'l?i‘ll' ll’ l _‘|'~' R}-'t!|U“’g1l l-tilts?“ 0ll|Ck'|' about little lsaval knowing Academy she when until I952. was t\lay. '" “'l"_Cl‘ ll“ "llclldfi I!‘ 'I'owit Class-——were built. They were all rartean 7*” carriers that and their lhL'_F¢!='"'‘ tltc of the rule road. cept station-keeping. aircraft She Fleet. the Reserve was of very sirnilar design. size and reduced to read how the constant replace the shore-borne aircraft. During *'-'"_l*'- “W dill“ "F l’"5 %"~'t‘_“l_||Hl iIPPl|' to signals. llag for accommodation an ship km appearartce with four funnels. the used as the $c"c!‘ “f the "cw [),_-“IL-y cation for a vocational trarittitg c_oi_irse _.."n,mL.,. helitt orders. maintaining log plot. centre two being sliglttly larger. illltl some tintc. aitd then was finall_\' placed E or rising a log table. rttade (‘lass a siiecessful cruise to [lie :"~"" bk‘ IEIIW" "3 “W dim-' "I “l‘|t'-lflétl the‘ iii in extended reserve and laid tip two tall masts. ‘the writer concluded by urging that Mediterranean in company with the I before date of discharge from the ScrArntantent was only two (t-inch and Outer llasin at l’urts'ntonth until being greater attention should be paid _tn the carrier Wasp. last Ilo'm.-ss to north towed year. . “‘h"h"-"h~l: K ‘Hr [H L my -. I0 4-inch grins. and the displacement to teaching ntidsbipnten Academy old which The cruiser ()lyntpia. R. B. SU.V:Ii\IERI-'IEl.l). practical navigation rather than theowas 4.800 tons. The ship was originas a National Shrine and retical problctns and their solution. preserved arrived at Marine Museum. ELECTRICAL This would also save other officers in a Philadelphia flyingrecently the flag of RearI ship having to devote ntuch of their Admiral H. R. Mcl.catt. Site will be I Nl""!"|I . time teaching a junior oflicer whatthc moored in the Delaware River where Au-Au-maria IIILIII-uh.I;Iun. should have covered in the Academy. she now lies after a long refit. Dflrpgwown At present. in the Soviet Navy. the officer without a watch-keeping certiNIGERIA fictitc had a far easier life. (Inc solution The Algerine Class ocean ntincto the problem might be to institute a such watchas specialist q_ualitication stvccper H..\l.S. Hare. at present in EASY DEPOSITS FROM keeping olhccr I_st and 2nd class as an operational reserve. is to be transferred WITHDRAWALS £20 encouragement tor the young oflicer to to Nigeria. She will he joined by a 1.. PEI ANNLIH obtain his wzttch-keeper's certilicate. Scawaru Defence M.I.. The date of ;.it a.-..i. transfer is not yet known. Other equipNEWTON Write: LINDEN ENTERPRISES iroltst-lotlrtli LTD. UNITED STATES ment to be presented includes a mobile ° ‘ " 8 7 Towards the end of last year it was anti-submarine training unit and towed (THE PORTSMOUTH FIRM) irtwroti nos. (OEIIY) Uh PHONE: widely circulated in American naval Asdic repeater target. ln all £250,000 COHDEIOII. I0. WAYTE STREET, COSHAH COSHAM ILFIETOI ROAD DEIII circles the carrier worth is 79$.‘ of handed to be operational PORTSMOUTH equipment that IIIKEB no-ruur a.-micron: cunt. onuautxm

lower‘ <





1 Soviet junior officers 'Havant’s secretary .—__


given tests on

retires after eight years

handling the entire navy


r ‘

















plot.‘ rtaviga-t


Vocational for those















strr.-ngth»of'tho U.S. Fleet


to bc over.


Lida Ola: lltifltll IIILIIIIGL M IIIGYII! VL2.





Air Command get the winning goal five minutes from time


converted by one of the half-backs. This setback spurred the Command




goodgfootball. Boyes

on to some


was more into the game and it was from his pass that Heath scored to narrow the lead. Air Coni-


niand. fighting for the equaliser, HOME AIR C0l\I.\IAl\'l). -I : R.A.M.C. (CROOKIIAMI, 3 achieved success in the sixtieth minute. ()'l.e;iry's shot from 20 yards was dea final workout for the Inter-Ctimiuand Cup semi-finals. Air Command llectetl Heath away from the goalplayer! a return game with the Royal Amty Metlical Corps (Crookhani) keeper. by on the .\Ianor Way ground on January 9 which resulted in a win by 4 goals The Conim;ind's winning goal came tti 3. Crotilthamincluded six professionals. live minutes before the end after a line The Army team made several good «:i penalty. Weightnuin brought down run by Btiycs_ who c[][ um 5;," but; ‘attempts. but Air took pl:iy to the the centre forward in the area. antl this to Heath to give him his liat-trick. other entl and the first goal came to them after I2 minutes. A good run by Trickctt foiintl Goodwin cle:ir on the left wing. his defence-splitting pass went to O'Le:iry in the middle who had only to tap the ball in. The Conimantl goal survivetl three goal-worthy ishots. woodwork and tlefenders comI ing to the rescue. One of the Army pro{fessionals playing :it inside left was [ having a grantl game and :1 liartl shot HE lirst of the inter-couinirind soccer semi-linals was played at the US. him look Hughes. the Command by Men's ground. Ponsiiiouth. on January I-I. The pitch. more suitable for Lovely I8-year-tild Christine !~'raser. full the to to at save keeper. lengtlt skating. did ntit deter the teams from providing smite entertaining and. at times, of Kenton. now at the Windmill. was M H wrncr. In the “m minmc I. thrillingfootball. I cxpcmc :i soIieitor‘s clerk before she decided the Army inside right eqiialisetl antti tti make the stage her career. She G|'¢CflW00tl ll’ortsnioutli) went close played very well throughout. scored within seconds went into the lead with made her debut at the Windmill in when a h:ird shot struck the upright. number five for Air and his personal a beautiful goal by their inside left. Deceiitber. I956. and is now one of At the other end. Heath's (Air) header tally was three. Final: H.A.C.. 5'. the most popular of the Windmill FARTIIER AIIEAI) was well saved by the goalkeeper. Portsmouth Command. 0. Girls. Her younger sister. Suzenne, In the opening minutes of the second The opening niinutcs of the second is also a Windmill Girl half the Army went farther ahead with half provided little chance for scoring. although Buck (Portsmouth) did manage to get the ball in the net only to be ruled olf-side. An Air Command attack. mintites later. saw Heath score Mt).N'(‘- the tportinr Ittl\'itic\ In which the and neck——Rotoiti. St. Brides Ba)’. after :1 goal-mouth scramble. but this \)/omen‘: Royal Naval Service will taltc Rotoili and Cossack. From there lead was short lived for. within part ttiinnit the nut ivio months are the lotRotoili pulled away niagnificcntly to seconds. Portsmouth had eqiialisctl Iotuint-;—l-'etvimiry 6: R.N. Women's InterIII-. I-ar East I-let-t regatta was once again held In Junk Bay. Hong Kong. win by four lengths with Cossack through Greenwood from Watson's ('ommand Iladminton Tournament in (‘h.'ttham: R.N, Wt-meii's Service .22 Rittc Team v. Pomthere As II..\I.S. further was New-foundland and. the was there scoring cruiser. only p:is_s. mouiti Ladies in Royal Naval Barracks. I’0tl\second was I t _ L_st &\U‘\' I !II' I bl' I ' o no on grimly to holding place. i-notitli. the 7: RN, Women's .22 Rifle I-ifth Cruiser to no Squadron regatta. The Fleet regatta was contested by Newfailing light, extra timc Tcani V. l~'cbrii.1rv owing (‘is-it Ladies In London. FebService was not practicable. HONOURS E“"EN foi.i_ndland. Eighth De-.'tro_ver Squadron. Third Frigate Squadron and Tamar. ruarv ‘I: \\'on1cn'\ Inter-Senice Small Itote ltitlc regatta was contested by Cotsaelt. Cheviot. Cardigan Honours were fairly evenly divided. on the following day Chanipionihii-n in London. Febtii.-in‘ I2: I't|It\\\‘IllIt:‘IIlt.‘Small Ships replay Forthe Comniaind Ilocliey Trials at U.S. t.\ti:n'\) ht. Ilndes llay. (.r-.iiie. the New Lealtind frigate Rotoili and the Australian Rotoili. with the help of Cr:ine's Chief conditions were much better. Both nioiiih B-._i y . Gioiinit. February I2 and I3: \\.‘onicn's Interfngates Qulberon and Qtiicitmateli. Sqiiasti Ra.-Leis (‘lunipiomtiim at the Petty Olliccrs and Petty Officers. h_ad teams made one_change. Air showed Senicc Nasal Cottcitc. Gtcenuicli. I-‘ebiii:irs' I5: Rural far more aggressiveness than was evi- l'ort\mtuith (‘tunrriand Racing started with .1 resounding After the eighth race the destroyer “."°." me. H""'l Cmk. rm lb" Tm", dent \‘. I’ort\motiilt iii the previous game. After (‘nil Sctsicc lL.'Idl(\)llocltrrtxl ('-imbincd XI at U.S. witi for RoIoiii's junior ratings. The sqiiatlron and the frigate squadron were l"."3‘"° 5‘l‘"“‘l“‘"- “'h'.l5‘ .C"5s“°l‘ had t.\It:n‘s) tlround. l’cl~rii:ir)' 2|: I’t\rl\m|tIlIh ne.\l three races all went to (‘o.ss:ick. In level in the Fleet regatta. while Cossack ""'”'l’h"d by "M l’°"" '" ""3 Flcu numerous attempts :it goal they went (‘oi-imaind Ilockc)‘ .‘\‘I v. Gospott ('ouniy School zit (import. Februan‘ :2: fact. with only one race to go before led Rotoili by fotir points in the Small "°F“"“into the lead when :i pass to the right tliammar Potiimoiitti Iloelev XI tr, ('.uti:m ll‘ ‘ll’-' “'1'”? ''‘_'l‘‘“"‘ ‘m m“ f“”““" wing was hit first time by Boyes into I.adIC\ .-it 17.5.(‘ornrmnd lunt:h it looked as though Cossack Ships regatta. What would the last t.\Icn'\l Ground. February In and 27: R..\’, \\'oriien's lnter-Comniand Hockey antl the Eighth Destroyer Squadron ' rat:e—the 0pen—protliice'.' A win by ‘"3 d"3'- lh” '“"‘d'"1'-h-‘i ""35 “"3" “ml the net. at Rout Marine: Iliimiclts. Haunt)’. and Morrison Lieut. (Alert) Ship- Air went farther ahead immediately Toiitnament would sweep the board. In that race Rotoili was not enough; (‘o_s<.;ick hail by .\t.-itch 1: R.N. \\’omen‘< Scnice Iloclci NI v. “fighl Slccl’ lN°wf‘“'"‘”‘mdl' Th" after the restart through Murray. (‘nil Service (ladies) at ll.t\t.S. Excellent. tlie Newfoundland crew pulled m:ig- to be beaten into third place. Women‘: Inter-Service llodte! I-‘lttni-:1.whose shot was helped in by a March niticently to win by two lengths from Cossack took the lead and after two Whillcf ''‘“7‘’5 '‘V“‘' R" M°"“‘1“'° 4: RN. (Women) v. R./\.l-‘. (Women) at Rotoili. with Cossack third. cables four crews were practically neck whalcrs only, what may ttirn out to be defender. The I-l.A.C. team played US. ()tlIcen' Ground. March 5: Arm)’ (Women) the last time. some attractive football and as the V. Il..A.F. (Women) at 11.5. ()niccr\' Groiind. March In: R.N. twoirien) v. Arm)‘ twomeni at The ratings‘ race was won by PD. result of an all-out effort in top gear. Royal .\tarinc Barracks. FJ\tn¢)'. Finn (Crane) and the open by Sub- two ftirther goals were scored in quick Netball.» March ‘I : l'oit.sniouih (‘omrriand TlI:|l\ in Royal Naval ltair.-iclts. March I.ieut. Russel (St. Bride's Bay). succession by Heath. Portsmouth never Netball and I3 : I'oitut-ioiiiti (‘omit-iiintt Netball Team It The regattas were followed by the lgave tip trying. but the superior Air mJtt‘ht:\ in Royal Nasal Itarraclu. March I‘! Fleet rugby. soccer. hockey antl box- I defence broke tip all their efforts. and 2t): ll..\'. \\'om¢n'\ Inter-('omm:tnd Netball 'Iutiin:in:cnt in Rout N.1\~:il Ilatiaclts. _l>'oit\. ing competitions. The first three were iWlIIL'lI were quickly tiirtietl into a re- niotiih. .\I.'Il’(l| 2! : Wonici-i‘s Inter-service .'Il R.A.I-‘._ llation. 'all won by the 8th l).S. who turned newctl attack on the Portsmouth goal. Netball ('h.minit-nshitvs \\'oiocn'\ Inter-bcnicc :4 Badminton. : April out some fine teams centred ro_tind 1 Fifteen minutes from titiie Heath. who tlzttlniinion (‘I-ianipionshinx at \\'irtititi:t.ton. at new such players as l.ieutenant Itlicns (hockey). Lieutenant Rodd (rugby and hockey). Lieutenant Rothwcll (rugby We specialise in exporting and importing cars for and hockey) and.MccIianician Delaney Service and Civilian personnel. FLY NOW (rugby and soccer). Do you know you can purchase :i new car PURCHASE BOXING FINALS TAX FREE? Use it in this country up to six, in some The 3rd F.S. produced a strong cases twelve months, before shipping, or exporting abroatl. team of 17 boxers mainly from _St. Brides Bay and Rotoiti who carried Your present car can be taken in part-exchange, or off the Fleet Boxing Trophy. The credit given for purchasing direct aliroad. finals produced some fine bouts. At middle-weight 0.5. Harvey boxed exShipping, preparation of car, transit insurance etc. all cellently to out-point S./Lieut. arranged. Contactl.:ill'erty. whilst at light-Weight. A-3- I Finlay gave a fine exhibition to oiit- ! E point A.l!. Lee. .






it took Home Air Command two days to reach semi-final







IlV—.R.N.S. Sporting








Tlien take









ti.S. Smith. Jrd IRS. I-‘eaihcv :_ t).S.

Randell. Newtoiindland. l.ii:hl : Alt.’ I‘IlIIt.')» Newttitindland. Liithl Wetter 2 .\Inc. Sniith._l\'cutoundtand. Wetter : .~\.ll. Kenneth’. 'I:tniar.

ROAD, GOSPORT I’/m!lt'.' (it):-‘linrl BIT-I IIIIPS)


I.o:hi .\tidttlc : A.II. lliadtord. Std I35 .\tiditlc : ut. Rood. ti_.\'. ll.-incv. lid IRS. LIKIII lle.-iw :

IIt'a\)’Z I\.II. Sleitit. ltd I-‘.5.

hlh I15.

The Fleet rifle meeting was held at Stone Ctittcrs‘ Island when Tamar was most successful in winning the team championship and the 200 yards rapid and snap.

Lorre stock of line and ii.ri:it' car: alwaysfor sale. Scrt1ici'ng, repairs,

puiiitiiig, crc.

RFSULIS 200 Yarltl. Slow. rapid and

C.I*t). Maliir. winners. II..\ I Tamar.





ll.K.R.N.\’.R. Team

Jon Yards. Slow. rapid and snap : lndmdtial winner. A.II_ Joiner (Newfoundland). ‘ream winnt:l\. Il..\t.S, Tamar. (ion Yard: Dellbrr-.ile t lndiiidtial winner. .\lid. llaii-Dike. t'l':im:ir'I. Run-Iliivin t Individual winner. ('.(‘.\'. (‘oi-K. tkotoiiil 'I'c:im \\|I'IIIEf\. ll..\-LS. Crane. ltreu I..\l.(E.: lI..\I..\'.I...\'. Rotoili. Team Tiles : llnrii: Kt-nu R.!\'.\’.R. .38 Pistol: lndiudual vunncr. /\.lI. Kemp (Cavalier). ‘I‘c.im V\|I'||'I€I'\. lI..\l.S. (‘I-ii.-not. lnitlitduut Champion: Stiie,-1,teiii. Scott tT.1niati. Team Clumpluns



Il..\l..‘i. Tantztr.

W.R.N.S. Inter-Unit pmces FROM

3 U n g 3 3 0 W5 n e 3 r PO RTS M 0 U T H -


.9i.0§9t}homé'fa$tthisle_8.Vé‘!=i ~(.—.s-


. :-. ".i'i...':. .: .\=;.}.3. §;nil-1:.-:-.t'. ;’: :=.$5f"ttt.:.m.-'....l»-.'ii :jt-- 23.:'.: .’; . .'.MI‘§.:.*.'.: i.—=..'


ll'riI.' /or i.’t-Iu.-'l\ (tilt, //i'lnImIi'iI /u'm'Iiiirt' In |OHll C. NICHOLLS COURT LANE COSIMM HANIS : Tel. Cosham 76429


...;'.:t:...‘.:...*.*. “E-.i"“'.'.:.'.L“".2222"‘.§§1;!:I?;i3.5f“'Z:; up. Rl‘\.Il!l»\‘:'l‘\:i I'IIlIlItlII I.l“.l:|-ll‘R(t:tii'.c:-t_:i‘: “filo-.--.k: II.ItI'‘ott_~tii.-iiili.





Qtlltnlng the ll0l.Il'8;_.









l t‘up. ll .\l.S. 1!

ll-uclltiit, ll.irr.'i.I.\,















l|.\I\ Rllle Lcaflllr ('u|i. Rt-\.'il N.t\.il l'orI~ii:uiith. Riiiwcr-iirt; II 31.5. ll‘.llll. Iritlliitltial Stiutnli Rarltetu. \\‘icr. t‘Iemt'nt_ ll .\l.S, .\lv:.-tiiit. Iliirtt tiltitcr (‘tr:iv. \\‘.R.N 5.. .\Iutiii\.

lRlttlIIt‘l'-Ill‘? it M s t‘.tII-m-tn».-.1





Kingsway, Valletta

Tel. Dial:




l?cbruar.v. I959


Plans under way for Herts’ 21st birthday Shipmzites




.\'o. I :‘\rc:i


l:t:l1l“llill'}‘ 28.——"'l'ranips llall."


Duke of York s ll.().. King's Road. $.\V.3. 7.30 to ll.3(l. \"aliiable prizes.

dress dance at

struck at the Headquarters of the Herts branch at midnight on New Year's Eve. it commemorated the close of another sticcessftil year for the branch. and opened what will be. possibly. an even iuore active one. l)uring I958 many events were staged. including the Number 6 Area Rally. A Christmas bazaar raised it useful sum of money for Benevolence and the children‘s party and in this coiinectioit the branch


Patron: H.H. The Queen

QLENDAR ‘Plym0utlz’s g‘d0

HEN sixteen bells


yourself’ dinner



y .



l)orltiiig l-ebrtiary l-l. ('hildrcn's party. l)-urlingtoii

iTlllC Crook llranch

I3. /\lllllllI.l dinner liiipci'i:il lltitel. Darlitigton.

‘with the





f the branch of the Royal l\'aval Associa-

has managed to gmhcr mgcum. :_\‘tlll_‘lC -ltl e.\'~N;i\'al men. and everyone ,I~ lU_ll of entliiisiasiu and tlcsirotis of uiaking the braiicli a re:il stiecc-s,s_ The branch was represented at the annual conference and by dint of much “scroungin!_-" and ';m;_.imm_.L. from other branches. ii party Zillclulcd the Reunion in l.oiidoii. (‘rook tmupt lti llllii: llltx upp('ir|uuiu- uf "“1"t‘_ like‘ all concerned for lllL'll"lt‘l\'ll:llltlll\ mg and Ll\\l\l;ll’|CC_ Tlicre was it ‘l‘r:ii’:i|g.'trnight tlangg in UL'loln:i'. at which l)ai'lingtoii amt l)ii_rli:i:iiwere reg»;-L-K-m,-.|_ and it M.‘ a hi-.-lily successful l'tiiictiou_ The bizincli tlistty for |~r<<) is .iIie;itl'.'


West llaiii i May 2. 'lwer~.ty-lirst birthday dinner and dance at the Pigeons Hotel. Romforil Road. l£.l5. Tickets l7s. (id; dance only. 3s. 'l’hainc din ne r. l'c‘l)l‘tl£Il.\" 2l.— -.-\nnti:il(ireiidoti. ('litiiclii|l .-\tms. l.oiii_.: .\la_\ I-l. .~\iinu'.tl trip to l’ort~'moittli.



'l‘\\iclu:iili:iiii i-‘cliriiary 17. .-\iiniial dinner and i daiice at Kin g's Head Hotel. l \\ ickeiiliaiii.

The ciiairiiiaii and Mrs. 'l'regcnir.i-l’iggott show the l.iird Mayor anil the Lady ;\l:iyorcss of Plymouth the birthday cake made by the ladies of the branch. The Rev. 'l'regcnna-Piggott. who was chaplain of the Portsmouth Branch until his retirement from the Royal Navy in 1957. was Editor of "Na\_v .\'cws" from the paper's inception until l95‘l.—l’hotograph: "Western

.\'cwca.-atle and Catesliead .\lareh l-t.- <'l'eiith annual dinner. Liberal (‘|uh, Northuniberland Street. Newcastle. Tickets 12s. 6d.

Morning News." Plymouth

Thegtiod shi[i‘Cr0ydon’


visits Dorking Bognor

I-ll‘. annual meeting of the boilers printed and lit and Regis Branch of the Royal Naval with it full head of steam. the Association was held at Branch Headship Croydon. with crew all in quarters. The Orlando. High Street. on good No. l steamed full ahead to the January 26. and a good muster attended iPort ofrig.Dorlting. As Croydon came incltiding some old faithfuls and some alongside the senior olliecr welcomed new members who were warmly weldeck and upper deck crew with conicd. The president. Cdr. H. West. a72well members on board and behind were l).S.(‘.. R.N. (rctd.). who has held two small craft with overflow crew olliee for the past seven years. and who I0. is a founder member of the Branch Inspected by the captain. whose formed in i949. was again unanimously duties are mainly forward. the cre_w re-elected. Other popular appointments of Croydon were escorted tip tlie_n1_ain were Mr. Mark Simmons as Branch gangway and as captain of the visiting chairman and Mr. H. Stone as vice- ship. Shipmate J. l.. Bates had the eh:iirnian. In the absence of any willing pleasure of inspecting the Dorkiiig successor. the hon. secretary, Mr. E. crew. He said: “What a rotitinc (iooding. agreed to continue in oflicc ——carried out to the minute! for a further year. Dorking branch members. their In his report the hon. secretary wives and friends. made the (‘roydon stated that the Bntnch had held three contingent very welcome and they social .suece.ssfu| evenings dtiring very s'uitab'ly entertained throughout the past year and had entertained inem- .were the evening. hers from the Cliichester, Havant and l.ittlelianiptun Branches of the R.N.A. ()l.l)l:‘.ST PRESENT and other org:iiiisations_ A pleasant gesttire was made when The cliairmaii said that it is hoped to increase the membership of the Bninch Shipmate Bates was asked to find out during the coming year and by so doing who was the oldest lady present whose husband was a member of the to increase the social activities.




ship's '

‘ i


Renewal Form


came to an

end of 1058 and pk. t-.mm.i, ‘can iiiitloiibletlly think back t.|\‘c[’ mg :-car with a sense of acliievemcnt. ('rool; itself is :i smilll lutvn with ;. largely iiniiiiig comiiiiiuitv with ihc Wear \’alle_v of Diirliaiii. .\‘lanv of ukcx-Sei'vicc nicii near (‘tools ll:I-\‘L‘ I».-.,-n , iiieiiibers of the ('ouiit_\' Regiiiieiit, hut

lioiiiislow .\l.iicli l‘\. .-\imii:il(ieiieral Meeting.’ Ma) 9. liirtlitlay dinner and social.


;Cr0ok’s sense 10fachievement




wish to record their thanks to the ladies who worked so hard to make the event such a success. on the sick list were not forgotten. and they were provided with Christmas fare front branch funds. During 1959 the branch will be celebrating its Zlst birthday and plans to mark the occasion are now being made. The year promises to be a very busy one. The No. 6 Area Rally will he held at _Slc\'cn:igc during Jtine and branches in Hertfordsliire have already formed a coinniittee to arrange this event. A social evening has been arranged at the Shire Hall. i-lertford. for Ft‘l’I’lI1!I‘y 7. and visiting sliipniates and their ladies are sure of a hearty welcome.

'\ .T HP, izih birthday

‘looking 'llllt'II'i.'\\l\c‘ cliiltlrcifs p;.m..'. i '“"“_‘-'- ‘_"l3 to l\'ewcas_tle. formation of ii‘ ‘*‘”"'°5 5"3"9“- 3| "ID to Hull and a jumble salt-—-in _fact there are notes or

Plymonthi i

cfltllltlclltcnts going into October. of the branch took the form of ;i diiiiier.‘ The prime mover in (‘rook ;.iI;.ir.; it but :i dinner with a ditference. In place‘ lllul Very respected president "Skipper" of the iistial meal in a rcstaiiraiit. it R. B. Rohinsoii. ilis ctlllIll.\‘l(t\lt1 knows was decided to have the dinner in the no bounds and the (‘rook branch feel Croydon Branch. and it was ascer-' premises and any who have tli:it they are lucky to have such .1 titan tained that the person was Mrs. Pine. the club would know what an at the helm. wife of the standard bearer. and she ambitious |'Il'(‘|]l?Cl was involved. The received a lovely bouquet. building is part of an Army barracks. has in Croydon's view. Dorking one so any structural. alterations or decoraof the finest. social seI:rct:irics that the :tions were otit of the question. Unmembers have met and the even! went ~daunted. the shipmates ttirned to and.. off with a swing. with lighting and hunting. transformed }» llli l-lavant branch of the Friendly the room into one worthy of a firstCroydon's advice to any branch ‘elass Union of Sailors‘ Wives has a new hotel. The shipniaids. utiliring lucky enough to be invited to E the out-of-date ovens. did all the cook'- chairman. Mrs. l-lardie introduced her Dorlting ls.to grasp the chance. successor. htrs. A. B. Cole, at the Vbiting shlpmat will come away ; ing. and provided a first-class hot meal January Mrs. Hardic was prelive courses. meeting. satisfied. {I of There sented with a large flowering plant as were distinguished many Croydon Branch held a children's a token of esteem and affection by the the l.ord Mayor including party on December 20 combined with Lady Mayoness of Plymouth. the committee. The Queen's Royal Regiment (T.A.). Admiral Superintendent and Mrs. Recent activities have included a It was it highly successful function Peile. the Commodore of the Barracks demonstration by Mrs. Briscoe. of the and 52 children thoroughly enjoyed and the Chief of Stall. who all con- Singer Sewing Machine Co.: a fascinatthemselves. the bninch on putting up] ing talk and display by Mrs. Thompgratulated will be the The high-light for I959 son. of the Flower Arrangement such a fine effort. 1 branch's Zlst dinner at the After the dinner the spirit of “do it; Society oti the use of fresh and dried Queen's House. Pop ar Walk. and yourself" was continued. when mcm-i hedgerow items with glue. glitter and for lets. a head the branch is putting hers vave such a wonderful concert paint to make delightful festive i that t e guests stayed tintil the end of touches: a novelty bring and buy sale on ti dinner. dance and cabaret. at which Mrs. Weekcs. Mrs. English J. I.. B/\'l'l€S the evening. and Mrs. .l:l'L'.ZtI'tl were luqky enough to win prizes. one of which was a decorated (‘liristmas cake made by Mrs. Freer. and an absorbing dissertai tion by Mr. Whitcomh on iiiouth_. .i 1 watering British and foreign cheeses. Arramtenients have been made for a ‘series of interesting and neighhourly meetings for I959. Meetings are held at 2.15 on the third Wednesday of each i month in the British Legion Hall. llavant. ‘

[club lvisitcd

New President for


Havant Branch




lguest ,





Dorkingis year

(Delete as appropriate)


starts well


ill’. New Year has started very well at l)(|ll{lllt.'. Yoltiiitceis weic torthcoiiiing for lllthl positions and a new eliziiriiiaii was elected for the

I’Ic'ii\c poi! ti copy 0] (‘rich iuiii.‘ of 'i\'m'y .\'i-n'.x" '



ne.\t too years.



IDII-ailulooocuuuuonvo oooauuoououou-po--oauuu-oo...-



I t't'l(‘f0S£' Iicrcwitli money order/postal 0t"(i'£‘!/Cltctlllt‘ value 81-. (1 iitlucrirriiriii for I 3 i'ssiics. incliirlimg pmrnvgc. Cfrmmirnrc I/ IH(‘InIl|'I at R.i\'. zl.i.\t)l‘irttiini. {Viv .










V alssonucoIIuunnnuuunnonenann--uuuoelnaun-noon:











.............(.\!oriili) tc smlc Iirmirh .

The old _\ear ended with a very good part)‘. ("rot don llraiieii being the main guests l.\t'(' (‘ro_i-dmiii rt-/mrt mum-riii'ii_4 ilii-i'r i'i.iit.——l‘.ii.). The annual dinner took place on 30. and the cliildretfs party 3l1l_l1ll‘.tl'}‘ will take place on l-‘ebrtiary I-l. 'l'li:it promises to be a bumper allair. The presideiit of the Portsmouth Bnincli (Capt. G. C. Colvillc. (.'.Ii.l-2.. R.N.) Dorking Branch ll:t\ a dance hooked handed ti cheque for £20 to Lady Grainthani for the King George V Fund every month and is looking forward to for Sailors at the Zlst annual reunion dinner. In a cltarniing speech. l.ad_v a really good social year. The ollicials Grantham (wife of Admiral Sir Guy Grantham, the Cotiiiiiandcr-iii-(.' of the branch wish to cmpliasi.se that Portsinoiith) tltankctl tlic Portsinouth ilrtinclt for its -itipport. Pliotogztapbz shipmates. if in the area. are :ilv..iys 'l‘ccl;.'t‘fotos.Soiitlisea welcome. R. \'lN('l,'N'l'.






Ashford’s newmossgeis ‘coiigrats’




fromtlie' expression comradeship

Jubilee dinner of

the. Rose ‘and Crown. Kcnley. on Deceniher 6. J. S. Kerans. l).S.O.. R.N.. who ‘Cdr. will be reincntberetl for the Amethyst exploit. and .\frs. Kerzinv. were aniong the guests. and artotlier who attcntled was the chairriiait of No. 2 area, Shipriiate W. H. (iowcr. Toasts after dinner were annotinced by the bo.;‘n‘s c.ill. and honoured in true rizival tiashiolt. Ctlr. J. l.t:L‘S. O.li.li.. R.i\'.V.R., president of the brarich. proposed the loyal toast; Shipniate Arthur Diprosc, l\r.iiieli eiiaii'm;iri. the Royal .\'av;il .'\~~oL'r:ili--Ii: Sliipmaic "Phil" l.ish. the Parley and District liraiicli: .itid the branch vice-eliairiiian. Sliipiiiate “Jolly” Jenkins. proposed the toast E the guests. Cdr. Kcrans replied for the guests, saying he felt honoured to be coriiiectcd with the Association. and he ; congrattilatcd those responsible for the success of the dinner. He stressed Some of the branch ullieers at the the fact that there were many exopening of Ashford‘s (Kent) new ofliccrs and men in Ptrrlcy and District mess. Shipmates L. G. Murray who could belong to the Royal Naval A. C. Philpott Association. which had as its objects (vice-president). I). (chairman). Capt. Macintyrc. the preservation and extension of that R.~.\'. l).S.0., l).S.C.. (president), spirit of good comradeship. loyalty to M. Canon N. C. Sharpe (brunch the Crown and the relief of distress chaplain) and Cdr. Aikmrin (vice- among ex-naval people. The evening concliided with :in expresident) cellent entcrtaininent. thus emphasising another aim of the Associationthe promotion of social and fraternal spirit atitong the members. ;i

BRIDGE l3.\llll-LRS front New Romney. (iilliiigliaiii. .\l:iidstone and Clintliaui were aiiiorig the coiiip.iny which \\lillL'\\'.'ti the dctlicatiott of .'\slil'ortl‘s (Kent) new mess on .\t\\‘Cltllk'l’lb‘. and aiiiotig the eo.'i~_;r;itiil;itioiis received \\.i\ a lCiL‘,!l'2tll'l from the Uiiceii. ‘.\'h-.-ri .\liipiii.ite l-. Bodkin. licensee of the Soiiierset .-\riii~;. who served in the Royal NM) {or 23 _\e;iis. told the .-\shfor‘t| hraiicli he \'-.t\ to become mine host. it \\';t\ decided to birild a mess and one end of the room has

writing was done by Shipmate Murray. lighting by Shipmate Standen andwiring by Shipmate Johnson. Other‘ shipnialcs gave coiisider:ihle time and work to make the mess really first} class. To add the finishing toticli to l the bridge the branch is now looking 1 ‘

Burnley on an




The branch is to be congrattilatcd i oti its new quarters and the prime movers wish to thank all who put in so iiiiieli time and spared no expense in making such a siiccess of everyW thing. They wish to thank the ladies too for organising food and coinpeiiPutting the final touches to the “hridge.“ Shipinates l.. (J. .\lurra_v lions which atltlcd so tttttclt to the prcsidctit). E. I-'. lltitlkin :intl C. King funds. Visitors to Ashford are :is~.iir'ctl of a iiariii wclcoiiie it" they care to visit the new mess.

loyal shipniates

branch is


hard core of the liurnlcy

managing to keep



keel. At times this hard core feels that its efforts are not appre.ciated anti it would welcome a little on an c\'en





ITH the efforts of


(rice- irnore interest,

tS:fzi17_niates always support


intcctirtgs and so on.

attendances at

The branch has now returned to its old base-—Ilic Crown Hotel. Bridge Street. llurnle_v—:ind there has been an improvement in numbers. The children's party was held on January 3. it was a splendid effortgames. musical entcrtainiiicnt. ices. pop and "big cats." and each child received a gift front l-‘athcr (‘liristnias. 'I' is pleasant tti be able tti report that all is well with the l):_ir|int'.ton Branch. The ladies provided so much food that and that it is settling down to make an even better success in I959 than was after the children b:id satistietl themachieved in I958. selves. the members were able to enjoy meal too. a had good Great efforts were made in Darling- branches. and by w_ho The annual dinner has t:iken place ton to make certain that everyone in occasion to be “up norih.'and it is the and more social events are promised l-{AME branch held their anniial the branch could have a good time dur- hope of the branch that there will be for the near future. and New Year fes- more visits during the coming year. meeting on January I7 at their ing the Christmas Shipmates who are in the vicinity on The efforts of all club are due the and to Thursday. tivities. premises open Headquarters. The Cross Keys. oflicers and committees and to the Friday. Saturday and Sunday even- the first and third Tliursdays are always welcome. Thamc. and in the absence through lunch:ind and the made Sunday ings. Saturday by ill-health of the President. Mr. F. Bow- splendid arrangements and times. Wednesday night is ladies‘ night Jones. Social Convenor. Shipmate A Maltese fishing boat picked up_ in tlen. the meeting was presided over by and wives the R.N.A. members‘ are of the members. the to co-operation any its nets a I920 torpedo. it was removed Shipniatc “Wally" You_ng. welcome. The considerable are most with crowned efforts only premises were The secretary. Shiputate "Bill by Royal Navy frogmcn :ind subscfrom 20 30 the station. to railway yards success. in nicniSmith. reported an increase qiicntly exploded in deep water oil’ find. full club hard not to Eve the so was :ire On Christmas they Valctta. bership of eight and zilthoiigh the past to capacity. and sandwiches. pies. ‘ I3. AK!-IRS year had been an expensive one——the much in onions. ‘cheese and were ctc.. br:inch now has its own Stand:ird—the financial situation was very satis- evidence. There were balloon bursting contests for the ladies, and it was not factory. The treasurer. Shipmate Harry always the lieavicst ones wlto were the had a knobb_ly Parker. reported a balance of over £74. winners. The men and it was quite an increase of t'.l3 ltls. The money knees‘ competition branches in No. I Area attend in film of that some our greatest ‘plain the on purcliasing and dedicating spent strength. No. 1 Area also looks forward Standard was a magnificent achieve- stars (not to mention any names) to welcoming anyone who might be in 5 is well have I would No. :i job to measure up known, quite already for fit!) A was said. he cheqtie mcnt. town or contemplates making the jouris Area the of the host the on to to to portrayed some designs delegates Sea Corps. sent to Aylesbury that particular evening. The hall Cadet ney other various There I959 Annual What Conference. is the lmces. were not 200 and to of £5 and one cigarettes is just three minutes‘ walk from Sloane the made that well known items the is the fact that the Area so on agenda and Carter the Star Home. Square and lies directly behind the whatSocial is to Committee formulaenjoyable already everyone evening Nan and The secretary Shipmate R.N.A. Headquarters Club. Admission Conference that their tastes. to ever ensure ting plans for their thanked Taylor were good New Year's Eve saw a packed club. Day will be one of happy memories will be 35. (id. for 6s. 6d. double if The social chairman. work by the ticket purchased bcforeh:ind). inI attractions on. similar for front all of the were and put shipmates parts evening .which followed was enjoyed The proceeds of this dance will be 1 cluding sing~songs. country, to the ftrll by everyone. On Siittirday. February 28. at the 56 Si SA.\"I'A ON Till-'. MESS I)l-ICK Div. (R.A.S.C.) Hall at the Duke of 1 York's Headquarters. King's Road. The children's party was held on S.W.3. the No. I Area Social January I7. and over I00 children were ,('omniittee is promoting :i “Tramps entertained. Father Christmas. in the F_vcning-euni-l-‘:incy Dress llall" front person of Shipmate J. Hum. was on the 7.30 to ll.3(). "mess deck" and every child had a gift. There will be valuable. really valuThis is a special effort arranged by able. prizcs apart from the usual raffle OR the tirst little. one of HM. OR a brief time at Christmas Ful- Mrs. V. Pcmbcrton and the ladies‘ and spots. ships visiting the port. invited shipmar had the pleasure of receiving section. and all must be congratulated If anyone feels a bit self-conscious iriatcs of the Belfast Branch of the some of its sea-going squadrons. Their ion the success of their labours. about walking throii -h the streets with Association to a "private view." Shipstay was all too short and on January l Fathers were. of course. in action. the nether regions o his attire slightly males have often said that H.M. ships I3 802 and 806 Squadrons left once organising games and keeping the chil- disfigured or in some particularly visiting Belfast seemed unaware of the dren under control. but it is debatable wispish piece of fancy dress. he (or she) existence of the R.N.A. more for H.M.S. Eagle. Their return to the ship was marred .who were the more tired at the end- need not worry: there is ample room (Taptain J. H. Adams (Capt. SM.3) ‘ the children collision the a fathers. for changing on the premises. for all has altered that: :ind Belfast shipmates occurring or by tragedy. of 802 aircraft Another effort between two Squadron special by the branch sexes. Again. if anyone should feel that wish to express their deep appreciation off. the sections take as shortl after was to decorate the bar. :ind now he or she cannot come for lack of fancy and thanks to Captain SM.3. and the l.ieiitcnant J. were arrangements are in hand for better and drcss—-likewise. (lo not worry: turn up Commanding Officers of H.M. Subtip. Flight his airA. Macplierson was killed as brighter seating accomrnotiation in the just the same. it is not given to everyone marines Artemis. Seraph. Tacittirn and the off Portsea craft plunged into room. to look like a fool: some are just btiilt Tiptoe for the facilities afforded to The annual dinner is to take place at that way. knockie. some 20 miles east of l.ossie~ members of the branch. moiilh. '1 be other aircraft involved the imperial Hotel. Darlington. on It is hoped that the support for this What has pleased the branch even iiianaged to return safely to I.ossic- .'\lttI’t.‘it I3. Darlington was favoured effort will break all past records. It is more is that (‘aptain Adams found titoutli in spite of severe damage. 'during [058 by many visits by other of paramount importance that all time-when he had so many calls to

Increase in funds in spite of heavy it














TV and Beauty Contest: for West Ham EST Ham branch will hold its 2lst birthday dinner and dance at the

Pigeons Hotel. Romford Road, on .\l_ay 23. :ind members and their friends are already looking forward to a grand evening. A first-class band has been engaged and TV personalities will provide the cntcrtainincnt. There is also to be it beauty contest. The branch is hoping shortly to move into its own premises where better facilitiesthan exist in the present headquarters at the Cedar Hall. Portway, will be available. Shipniatcs and West “Hammers” serving away are assured of a warm welcome any Friday evening. (E. —


H.M.S. Sheraton. a coastal mincswccper of the "Fun" Class was contmissioncd at Portsmouth on January 27. Vice-Admiral M. K. Eddcn. the Admiral Commanding R c s c r v e s . attended the commissioning service. The ‘sweeper will be employed for rescrvist training.-tising.H.M.S. Vernon as her permanent base.

Details for 1 area conference being

worked out




for a ship's wheel. .-\t the tlctlicatiori the president. Captain 1). .\laciiit_tre. was “piped on board" :iitd after a welconie from Sliipinate (i. A. l’hilpott Itlie branch cliairiiian) the itiaiiibrzice was duly

Return to ship marred by tragedy



been arranged as a ship‘s bridge. complete with port and starboard ritivigation lights. mast. at the top of which is the Ensign. Various other flags are run tip when the mess is in use. The bridge was built and painted by Shipmate ti. Gammon. the sign--


District Braiich comURLEY and pleted ils Silver Jubilee Year with strccessfui dinner




entertaining the Conference

delegates. their wives and friends after the day's business has been aiicndm to. Some details of what is planned

will be published in the March edition of N/tvv _NEWS,_ so everybody, and d°l°8i||t'S In particular, make sure of 3 °°l‘_Y the agony columns as hi!‘-‘I3 ll. You will hear of something


to your




elfast sh ipmates recognised headquarters at last

make~to visit our at 55A Great Victoria Street. Another precedent was the invitation to the chairman and his wife to attend the cocktail party held on board l-l.M.S. Adamant. All this has aroused tremendous enthusiasm in the branch. and. following ""3 5UPP0r_t and c_o-o -ration afforded bi’ successive Senior aval Officers in Northern lreland. and that of mg Ulster Division, R.N.R.. makes shipmatcs feel they belong to a brotherhood l.i'IiIl‘tl0¢_S not cease when they the Service. leave It is hoped that_publicationof photographs taken during the visit will keep th_e R.N.A. in_ _the public eye. and stimulate recruiting. is warmly thanked for ‘Adamant givinv such :i boost to branch morale and or such a memorable week-end.



SOCCER CUP Ariel never gave up

More R.N.A. News ENJOYABLE PARTIES AT , PEMBROKE DOCK I l-ll’. Perttbroke Dock braitelr lteld its artrttial elrililrerfs part)’ on Jarruztry 3 in St. .-\itu.|rew-‘s sclltlfllfutllll wlticlt ltad been gaily decorated for the oceasiort. The ltltlics‘ of the brartclt provided the grand tea which was enjoyed by the yoiritgsters. (iarnes \\'L't".' organised by .\lrs. Lloyd and .\lr's. John. aitd .\lrs. l. James. as iisual. provided music for the uct.‘;isitttt. Sliiprmie "Joe" ltlrint. lfltlll-.'r ( ltristrrtzis. was assisted by sex er.il other



R..\..»\.S. Llilf. 6: H..\I.S. ARII-'.l.. 0 lll-f Air (‘orntnand ('lt:illcitge (‘up lrn.il. l\ct\\'t:ctt R.N. Air Stdtion l.cc-on-holertt and ll..\l.S. .-\t‘icl \y.'ts PlIt)C\l b.-tore a large and crtthtrsi;istic ciowtl at l‘rr\'ett l’.'trk. (iospotl. on l)eeerrtb-.-r' 3. 'llte “(tip l-’in:r|" attitusphere was not lackiitg :lIttUtlt_'sl the supporters who, amreil with rattles and bells. had turned oirt irt force to see artil cheer their teams to victory. I ee kicked oll :rrtd tirade straight for the Ariel goal. birt their attacks were quickly broken tip. lloth teartts took a little lime to settle down. bttt it was l.cc wlto opened the scoring after ltl utiitirtes: a low corner kick taken by .\lorgart foititd tltc head of Murray who neatly tiirited the ball past l.avert_\'. the Ariel goalkeeper. l.ee were now putting on the pressure and. hirt for some grand saves by I.averty who stopped three srrccessive shots on the goal line. would surely have beett further ahead. Notltirtg could stop tlte l.ec boys now artd. playing good. cori5lrltt.'l:-‘C football. they soon went frtrtlter alt-.-ad witlt tltrec goals irt as ittariy rtiinutcs. i\’urttber two came after a good run down the wirtg by (ioodw-in who squared tlte ball back to Heath. who quickly pirt it into the net: one ittirtirte later .\lorgan hit the ball hard and goalwards: the swerviitg b:rll contpletely foxed Laverty to ntake it three nil. A solo etlort by the same player seconds later prit l.ce four goals ahead.

February. I959



slll|1tll.llt.‘s irt ilistribirtirtg the rtrariy presents..Sltipirtate secretary llarry .\lc.\'riitg:htoti

'l‘he ll.A.(.‘. winning team: Back row: I..R.l-I..\|. (Iilholrttc. Slrpt. Weiglttrttart. A.A.2 lltighes. l’.(). llo_ve.-u. l-I..\l. Widdowlicld. .\..-\. Millard. Front row: .\'.A. .\lorg'.trt. A.A.2 Goodwin, l'.(). Welch, .V.A. .\lurra_\'. A.A.2 lleatlt

Any Ariel raids were quickly broken tip by the Lee defence. but in the -lttih

nriitute ball in

Ariel did ittauage__to gel thc_ the net only for lirrrtcr. the outside left. to be ruled otlsidc.


at basketball

required by

'-lfigtji|t‘::'it't:tiIrtt't==\""r;'-‘t i':lt“:iv\ Air Command team r(ieorgc llurton. Shipittale .\lcNattgli-

l’l(.‘1‘l7Rl-'.-ll()(Il(GOAL 1 ( er e _‘ee 'c' ‘are. ._ H" “""""“‘l h"" “p"""d "l""‘”5' hm Arbroatlt. Abhotsiitclt. |.ee-on-Solent l l"" '


l More preparation Home




also present. (lrtcc .rgain the children were critertairted by "tioldirte." a clever youitg student on holiday front his college. iartd who has now been tirade a merithcr of the (‘ardill Magic Circle. The same evening the branch lteld .t party .tt tltcir |te;rdqtr:irters. the White Hart llotcl. lit the cosy zitmosplterc -.-f the Headquarters. the hostess. .\lt'.s‘. Woolnouglt. and her hirsltartd. the licensee. were kept very busy. Arttoirg those presertt were the l’residettt. Sltipittate Hayes. and .\lrs. Hayes. artd :\ltlcrtlt:ltl was


“".”‘_ I-"cg ’f“”_ l_“"‘!'-‘Y E‘-“i'l5-‘““""irtntl Yeoviltort are rnrssed Llt.ttlLt.‘s by both lioyes the best goal of ztndlfimh .\ltirray. the.

Sltipittate .\laidlo\v. the branch 'I" first glance it would appear that tort. :utd the branch treasurer. this year's Air Corttrttantl Hockey cbairni:irt liest. Refreshntettts were supSltipmate c.irrte ._ ltas been birt irt fact‘ Week disastrous. fir“ "l ll“-' ll” .““"‘d this was far from true. The standard of plied by the lady rtterrtbers. l."g. “"l”""" match as (ioodwirr neatly llicked thei 4°“-" -""°'~ With more rnagie from "(ioldin-.-." ball over the llciltl of the iiiri-rm-i.'.i“'=*:* was high and the results of most lplay M‘ collected it. aitd crashed it past the"'\""l "3"": "surprise" gifts front the erttertainrttettt of the ntatchcs itt dotibt until the tittal "ml W5.‘ Sltiprttate Lloyd. l-‘urlong aitd helpless l.averty: a pietttre-book goal. whistle. It is probably trttc to say that group of with IS rttinutes to go Heath (l.ce)l the Air Contntaitd ltad inany nrore lilunt. :trtd with local artistes‘. the evenwas :rrt oiit.startdiitg success. Among completed the scoring with a to score than their ing opportunities the audience was those who well-placed shot front a pass by lioyes. l ‘,..,,,_. hi; eoitsi-dered willf opponents. but lacked the ability to .\lr. (‘laudedelighted Toner. .\lr. Gwynne John. l’-0-W‘-'lCh-lh'~‘l-L's’Citl"l1|l".\\'hohatl frortt :tll other stations when the Air push the ball into the net. 1.. A. Taylor and Alderrttatt (ieorge llurton sang that played an outstanding game at right (‘orrtrnartd team is selected for the tC'uldro.se) was the only forward to well-kitotvn ballad of the First World half. received the Air (‘ornutand (‘up lnter-(‘omrnartd Competition. which show consistent forrtt throughout the War. "Tire (ireat Red l).iwn." Shipfrom Vice-Adntiral Sir Walter Couch- is being ltcld at R.N. llarracks. week. scoring the tttaiority of the Air ntatc George .\laidlow did justice to (‘ommand goals. Lieut.-Cdr. Harper Cltathant. on March 3 and -l. man. the Flag Oflicer Air (Hittite). in the West." (Lee) strengthened the tcant on the "Little Grey I-loutc tltc branch pianist. At the piano was only two occasions he was able to .\lrs. Jarites, and she was accomrallying the side with two perfect paniedlvy by Mr. l)ew-hur.st on the drums. goals front narrow angles each tintc after at long solo run. when the Air (‘ommand's fortune had been at its lowest. (‘.l'.(). Smith (Ariel) fourtd his form on the last afterrtoort. -coring twice ;tg.iinst the l<o_v:rl .'\r'tillery. The most sigrtilicarrt lesson to he‘ learrtt front this year's garites is that l lll-. fiiitds of tlte .\ewc;r~tle and :iitd teant preparattori ntorc practice (iateslieail lliartclt were boosted by live lesson. As an object .are required. over 1135 met" (‘ltr*istrtt:is. tnairt|_v by scored us directly were against lgoitls -tlrc hard work of Sltiptttzttc Claspct‘. the (Tourwltereas short from corners. I rtlte vice-cliziirrttart. but supported so ntillltl learn scored none with ztlntost ‘adrttirably by the sltipntates who. sue~ twice :is many oppurtiirtitics. eunthing to his ltlzimlislrrrrents. put then l.ieut.-('dr'. ll:rrper tl.ee) will be re- i hair-.ls deep irt their pockets, lieving l.ietrt.-(‘dr. I-'itzgcr.'tld (Lassie- ‘ .\'liiprii;ite ('oe ran a highly entityntoutltl as llnfls secretary this year able New Year's party. aitd those who when the l:itter leaves tltc (‘orttntartd to ratteitded did not fail to voice their I join the Adrniralty. rropreeiatiorr. Sliiprttate Turtle tool; -“.llttt’tt.' ertoiiglt sartdwicltes for half .i Results: v. lioririieutouth Il.t'. ll.’Imf“-‘.|tt'e "A." it it .‘sn\~c\ ship's eorttpauy nay. a whole sltip's 2 "A." Dorset 2 3‘. ll.(‘.. ll.r\.mI _ti‘..tiIlh t'oinrn.xnd. J -I; Rota! i\rirt:erv. | 5. corrtpany. The ltlilt attrttrrrl dinner is being ltcld ‘at the Liberal Club. i\‘ortltuttthcrland Street. i\‘e‘.vc;tstle. on .\l:rrclt 14. This is Sattrrday and tlte organisers‘. who iitartziged to keep the price or tickets down to l2s. t-d. each. are hoping: that all “(ieordics"' will stip1:: port the ltraitclt. litttertainrttcnt is inThe magnificent llaruhara 'l'roplr_v for rugby football was won by R.i\‘. Air cluded in the price of the ticket. Station. Yeot iltoit, and as this picture shows. the winning tcant were extrcutely pleased with their win ..


iii the senti-




">',‘-*‘~‘_'°“'-‘“"f‘"'w°”'lj".““" }‘"_5"]“. _l'""":"’§.“l"."‘ ‘ml’ "_“'lTl.“""g' ‘

i . (|’ , $-"' [ ,l l “ “l"_1ni,' : -g"“:“:.2. : ) . l n -I F ,' . nf:...‘ : i hard.‘:C:,:LnL'\.ll::l‘lii-7:36 u}'g?,‘:,.L.:'.;.r ‘:\,i',_.f-‘ Witt

Experience tells in


Bambara Trophy Finalfiplay.








la '





train in N. Ireland

N a chilly but bright December aftcrttoon R.N.A.S. Arbroath and R.N.A.S. Yeoviltort ‘bet in the final match or the lktmbara Trophy Rugby Competition. which was played at Arbroath. Ycoviltort were soon given a chance of going ahead when they were awarded a penalty wide out. but C.A.A. 0'Flalttery was just wide with the kick. Witltirt a few minutes. however. they did gc: the first score. Scrum half l’.O. Grccnslade made a break on the blind side following a scrum I0 yards oirt. and passed to Lieut. West. who scored. Again 0‘Flahtcry was just out with his kick. Arbroath were given two opportunities in quick succession to level the score when they were awarded penalty kicks on the 25-yard line about IS and then 20 yards in from touch. With both of these C.P.O. Arnold failed to get near. Although Ycovilton gained more of the ball in the tight. Arbroath‘s forwards were able to rush it upficld in the loose but both sides sccmcd reluctant to trust their backs. Consequently. although ground was gained. a score did not

llli anti-submarine squadron of the (icrman Federal Navy's Air Arm wltich was contrnissiorted at the Royal Naval Air Station at Eglirttort. near Lortdonderry. last May. is returning there to carry ottt arntantettt traiiting as part of the Royal Navy's policy of co-operating with the navies of its N.A.T.(). allies. Equipped with British built Faircy Gannet aircraft. it is commanded by Korvettcn-kapitan P. Kriebel. The squadron. comprising l0 aircraft, I8 ofliccrs and 30 ratings, is moving to Eglinton from Schlcswig airfield which is the main base of the German Navy's Air Army. Non-flying personnel are travelling in Dakota aircraft of the German Air Force. The unit will spend three to four weeks in Ulster during which time they will undcrtakcytraining on the i-ange at Minearncy on Loch Foylc. In May. it was one of the first two squad- seem likely. Yeovilton went further ahead when rons of the German Navy to be formed since the War. The other was the they were awarded a penalty which ntulti-purpose squadron which com- was kicked by. O'Flahtcry. Towards missioned at the R.N. Air Station at the cnd.of‘the tirst half. on one. of the few occasions that. the Arbrovath Losslemouth.

threequarters ran with the ball. one of their centres was tackled just before he received the brill artd Arbroath were awarded a penalty right in front of the Yeovilton posts. llut this was not Arnold'.s afternoon for placekicking. His sliced kick hit one of the uprights and rebounded into play.


Yeovilton clearing to touclt. With the score :tt 6-0 to Yeovilton. the teams changed over and play settled down into its former rather uninteresting pattern. relieved only by the fieldiit and kicking of the Arbroath ull-back and captain— Arnold-—who had a very good game except for his attempts at goal-kicking. Arbroath reduced the lead in the 30th minute when Arnold successfully kicked a penalty and then tried very hard to get an equaliser but without coming very near to doing so. Ycovilton continued to keep out of danger and ended up the winners of the trophy. and. on the whole. deserved to do so because of their greater cit-


This final match—-not without its cxcitcmcnts—was witnessed by a large crowd. After the match. both teams were presented to the Nag Olliccr. Air (l-lomc)—Vicc-Admiral Sir Walter Coucltman. K.C.B.. C.V.O.. D.S.O.. O.B.E.. who then presented the trophy to P.0. Greensladc. _

l’l'RF.N’l'lC‘|ES of H.M.S. (‘aledoni:r‘s Motrntain Club. a voluntary week-end organisation. rescued art injured clirtrber L500 feet up on the snow-covered slopes of An t-Sion in Glencoe soon after 9 p.m. on Sa_tttrday. January l0. Two hours earlier the clirnber'.s companion, l-‘rancis Hardrnait (I9). of Bradford. had stumbled I into the Clzrgltaig Hotel and told the apprentices‘ leader. Instructor l.ieutcttant Mills. his story. l.ieutertant Mills took with hint Apprentices Johnson and Morgan and started up the mountain. a stretcher party consisting of Apprentices Cox. Fairbairn and lleazley following on. The injured youth. Vincent Kncafey (I7). of Huddersfield. who must have fallen some 500 feet and had landed in deep snow. was able to guide the scarchcrs to him with his shouts. and by 10.30 p.m. the long descent was started in bitterly cold weather and over treacherous ice and snow. Apprentice Fairbairn was sent ahead to summon an ambulance. and by 2 am. on

Sunday Kncafey



Hounslow to go into

dry dock

()UNSl.()W lirattch is trying to get back to norntal after the festive season. but it is a little dillicult as the brattclt is "under orders to proceed ittto dry dock." the Item!quarters ttccdiitg a complete overhaul. It is tltcreforc necessary to ctirt.irl some of the social activities and da:t.s matches for the tirite being. Shipmates affected are informed that the Annual General Meeting which was to have taken place on February l3. has been postponed until March I]. The Christmas Party held on January 2 was a great success and among the visitors were Shipntatc Bates and Mrs. Bates‘. Shipmatc Woonton and Mrs. Woonton. Shipmatc Nicholls and Mrs. Nicholls and that great writer of siibntarine thrillers. Shipmatc Glazebrook. Mcmbers of the Hounsluw Branch are intending to be present at the ,No. l Area Fancy Dress Ball on February 28. and. with mctttories of the last d:rtt_cc. are looking forward with keen _


in hospital. where his condition was later stated to be “fairly contfortahle." The Caledonia team. none of whom had any previous experience of mountain rescue. were congratulated by the local police on the speed and ctliciency anticipation to a-good cvcning.. of the opcratirtrt: TOM HAWES .






Classified Advertisements

3511 jflllemoriam Reginald Charles I-Iuridize. Sergeant. R.\Ill-I52. R.M. Infantry


Tniininr: Centre. Died December Ronald John Walker. Steward. r/i.962.r22. II..\I.S. victorious. Died December 25. 15:58. I.ieut.-Cdr. I-Edward John Sebborn. Royal Nils)‘. Il..\l.S. Drake. I)ied December 27. I958. Jack Edwin Foster. Petty (bllicer I-'.ni:inet-riot: Mechanic. I)/KX7'IlI6‘i'. Il..\I.S. Ilarntuitel. Died Jiinu-.tr_v 5. I959. James Needhanl. Leading Electrical Pl.\I9Z75l7. Mechitnic. II.i\I.S. Tyne. Died January -I, I959. Roy Allen Kerbt-_v. Chief Electrical I’/M.‘(6-I57-48. Artiiicer. II.M.S. Dolphin. Died January 9. I959. John Mervyn Collins. Steward. C/‘SI.9-l0223. II.M.S. Adamant. Died January it). I959. Ian Morris Wltincup. :\I’ti|it'(.'I' Apprentice. M9779-ill. Il.M.S. I"lsgard. Died Janttary ll). I959.






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I)eIeiied tioii-c lHII\‘II.1\C «heme

with no deniiut hy lzndimmenl .r\\iiir:im'e en-

tor the ltiluie: its per cent. to 101) S. Y. .\'orri~. loan‘ atli-ani.1:il.

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Ileeetiiiiiiotl Aienue. \\';iterloo\il:e.



piiretia\e_ Malirnum advance l.‘J.u00. liill 6eiaili.~—I~‘ihtveni. I-I Piidiuel. l\ICl\lIC. Cmnziii. Phone Coaham 7xlr»2.




tire)‘. Iiried



£735 -1.000 mites only I'_|5li Ilillnlaii Minx Series II special (standard) saloon. blue, bueltet seats. [.095 4.000 IYIIlC\ only l'~|.‘S llillriun i\lIl'lI saloon. black. heater. screen











. .
























. . . .



. . . . . . ..




FOR SALE. [I00 o.n.o. l93ll D.K.W. saloon. Immaculate tliiouuhout. owner going :broad.~ P.(). Curron. .l Ctiliiy Road. Eutney.

TWO FURNISIII-‘.D ROOIILII. use battiroom and A. E. IIAYTIZII I SONS tI'oi-rebate) l.'l'D.. kitchen. Ruxonahle terms. No children. -I9 84-lot PALM!~'.RSI'()N ROAD. Ilwex Road. Southsea. SUUTIISEA SOUTIISI-IA. near Circle. Convi:nit.-ni all-Naval Tel.: Portsmouth 2093‘? exiabiiihntente. Reciimmended. I-Every Ittllllc com. oi the Ilnyter GroupA Company nilhiltil \Vlth hoard.-Mri, I), or Raven, 3 iiilt, .\(i .\oiithse:. "ileryldene." Wiirthinx Road. Tllli WHOLE NEW RANGE OF AUSFINS L Phone I’t)rt\nlo\itII J-Ilbll. ON DISPLAY WI-1I.l..I-‘lJI_lNI§III-ZD irround-tloor ilal I.oiiriei:. l'IS.‘ Ilillman Iliixltr. colour zrcv. titted bedroom, kitchen. own me-ten. toilet. U!I\l|IllT‘ll: heater and tle-miuer. many extras. I etiirdreri. II! is, m:eltly.——Mn. Line, In IllicitI425 owner I. hurv (irme. Piirumouih. I955 Standard it, colour grey. Iltted E425 heater IWO COM!-‘OR rABI.I~2 I-‘l}RNl§I|I»'.I) l(()O.\I.‘i. (Inn kitchen. Rexrel no children. -S5». vieelii). 4-door tli: luxc saloon I:-Iris .\linor I055 hlorrix :4 St. Aiiemtine Road. Soiiihsea, I949 Milrrn Oxford, colour black, beige I~'llI.l.\' FUIINISIII-II) I-'I.A'II.I‘.l'S with twin LU.‘ iil5hol\Iet)'. I owner kitchens. \’.'tc.'int ior short I‘lElIlid\. No I.l‘l|ldICl1. -~3it Shaltexhiiry Road. Souihu.-a (om-unit: will Lea I-'r:inei\ shooting bralic. Colour (24% srey Ilorell. _J. Wilson. ex-serrzeanb Queen’: I"UII.\‘l$IIl>‘.I) ROOMS. kitchen. nu. lin- I'll! Standard I2. colour black. mod order Meniher ol' Gainsborough I TWO siiiliihte children. I2 I21, ('iiI., including I|§h{_. l.\l.\II£I)IA1'F. IIIRF.-PUR(‘llASE AND ll.-illour Plll|\n|I)IIIII. l.\‘sl.‘RA.\’(‘l£ FACILITIES J Riiatl. | All llIlfl8€n|¢l'll\made ior ears for export. FIAT. .‘ riiorm, kitchen. Own Richard W. R. IIa_v\i;ird.' I-‘l.i'RNI§IIIiII :l'IKI(.'i\, Garden. ll:ihy JL'\.'I2|'||CII. I'(r\-coll. 2 Are you about to return from abriiail? Why not Iittstleiizh Ilriiiieh. IIII£ll\ Road. Souttuea. drop a line and have I ear iuitinx tor you. All arr.-iniremertu nude in I ieiir hours. FURNISIII-ll) HI-'.I)-8I'l"_l'lNG and kitchenette. Fleet ol Hire Car: also available. Newly decorated. Gu hie, own meter, I'muir"Il)\YI'ERS Iitlll QUALITY USED CARS" iihle tliild.» '.'l Malvern Road. 5IlIIIh\(a. --




. . .


. .
































. . . . ..





. .











We have been asked to point out that an application to voltiiileer for Local Foreign Service will «land until cancelled In‘ I/It‘ (I]lfFII(‘tiIlI or litllil Iii-{ ri't‘¢-in-i (I l.nt'iil I-‘nri~:i-it Si-ri'i't'i' tlraft. but it is wise to repeal the applicalioii 3 about two years if not selected by








. . . . . . . . . . ..













Careers in Engineering Company of ex-Royal Navy skilled craftsmen as Fitters, Turners, Milling machinists, etc. Good working conditions and rates of pay in new factory.

a‘('ter l







Apply Personnel Oflicer— C]C DEVELOPMENTS (Portsmouth) LTD. Fitzherbert Road. Farlington, PORTSMOUTH

UNI-'IR.\tATIt)!\' tin been received that the iullowine l‘l.\\l' been .1ili.iii:eilto Cliicl l'elt)'

(lIli;er and (‘hid Artifice: r.ite: 'ro ('liIrt Pelt) ()flit'eI' lull‘) IN HI-1“ I Iii l'h|r-I Pelt: Oliieer Slevi art! |,,‘\ :1 I05 I. loner. IX Zliixo R. \\'u.‘«l\~.inl. ‘Io (‘Mel Pelt) Ullirfl (‘ooh IN! .\I.\ li‘l‘ll-I l'.. I.it\r\. In (‘tilt-I Slhlmvrlxht Arlltleer six .~u'.:‘-I It. .\llen. .\I‘\' 510300 ‘I. tiiliorne, To (‘hid Jrilnrr

LEA VIIVG TIIE IV./I V Y? \'\"lial sort oi" job will you be seeking? WOULD YOU LIKE INTERESTS SIMILAR TO THOSE YOU HAVE ENJOYED SO FAR? WE CAN Oi-‘l-'l§.ll YOU close links with other exscrviceitieii who have clmscn the Fire Brigade as their career.


.\l.\ ¢.4Iiii\,‘ \\‘. I.\.im. Tn Chlel Engine Room Artllleer .\l.\ Smut (2. Jones. .'-IX Trmsou ll. Slnllll. V

To (Stile! I-fiuliieerlu hleehanle ttL‘l7T A. Keene. RX KN Richardson.


To (‘Mel Eleeirklan .\lX .\-t2l'!'l (). Alderuiri. .\I\

Tfwifs II.




ACTIVITY IN THE JOB? A varied and active outdoor life seasoned with the element of adventure.

To Chiei Wren Rttrilntlnn IIIIIJS L. M. Black.

To Aerie: (.'liIeI Alrer-tilt Artltieer II. S Ntehollt. LJFK l<7‘IIfi. A./\.'.': (i. II. \I.‘. willrinx. I..l-N till‘-05. A.A.I: T, (E. ii. A. l.:ii_iz. l_;I-N «move, A.A.2: I’. R. Rlchatdkln. L ix _

I002-I0. :\.r\.2. Ti-i (.'II|rI Air I-‘iller (Al w_ it /\I\l‘). IJFX


NO FEAR OF REDUNDANCY? Full pay when you are sick; :1 good pension when you rel ire.



To At-ring (Thlei rumrii-at Arllfleer min I. I). liliteharil. l..'I~' 'M!tv2J. I:.A.t:\ir)2. To Clllel Electrician (MN 1, yr. \\'r\IVlI.l‘Iil. L/I".\ 7i«'s“>7. l'.().F.l. Mir) to AfllfllClilet Radln_Ir'.|eetrlcaI Artlleer (Air! I. R, Seiers. I.IF.\ t(SSS'i'!i. R.IE.A.tAir)}: I). J. I'ee:l, Lil-'.\' 335753. R.B.A.(Airl.l.


A BRIGHT FUTURE, WHERE ABILITY IS RECOGNISED AND THE OPPORTUNITY OF ADVANCEMENT EXISTS ? The chance of sccuring , lw3 3our own efforts, P romotion to niiiks attracting over £1,400 :1 year; tliesc jolts arc (lp('n only to I‘lI(.‘II wllo enrol initially in lirciiian rank.

To Chlel Radio lrlleclrirlaa (Mr)

I, (Baillie, FX MITU2. P.().R.Iil. (Air). _

In Afllfll Chief Airemlt \Ieeh:inle|art I). I,. I:TI.'Ih|. I-‘X Slut '. .«\..\l.I: II. Groucoii, l-’x r<s2u25, /\..\I.l: It. (i t‘l:rk. I-’X iit7u2-I.





r\\'\'I.\‘lilnl Mechanical Engineer with Texaco 'l'riiiitlad Inc.. in 'l'Rli\'ll)/\D.\\'F.ST INDIES ‘


GOOD IIOLIDA YS IVITII FULL PAY? Tliree wet-he-x' li-ave plus six ptihlie liolitlays (or their



i\DDl|\'.|III\ xlioiiltt li.nc teen .Il ’e.i.i Ind (.'I.i\\ lE.R..\. diiriiip: tlieir \cl'\I(t career. lie





not more

than )5. .iiiil hold



hecnce This 1-en.xuii.thic I‘l)\lIl0II ciitailx \iipersmiin til about 40 men engaged on llllllh ieiiaiice .inil rerl.iir nl (ia\ l.tir:ittc~. PIIIIIIN and Ciiiiiprcxmrs on one of the Cont;-.iIl)'\ ml producing lielilt, S.tl:ir_\ i\ill tin: he Ii.-\\ Ilurl t.l.3(lU pet‘ .inniini and aineiiiiies

iiicliide -ICL‘0IIII1l0daI|Ol| .inil eliildienk

\el:ool.ii.- .ii xillmiltxird r.ite~ P’Ir.i-r ii-irc






II: f‘4IlIIIlIl(l"Iii.‘

llii- l’t~ru.-nncl Oiliet-r

IIIINOII. (ll.K.l I.lMlTI~.ll _

Iimiilail Iltrlhr ()I<l Ilurlineiuri Stirrl,orulmi \\‘.l






RAREERS FOR RRAFTSMEN IN ATRMIR ENERGY Are you seeking an interesting and progressive career when you leave the Royal Navy? Employment at Harwell offers you exceptionally interesting work in the expanding programme of Atomic Energy Research. Craftsmen are required for a wide range of work connected with the manufacture of prototypes or with the maintenance of reactors and other plant. PRECISION FITTERS&TURNERS,MAlNTENANCE FITTERS and INSTRUMENT MECHANICS are particularly required. but vacancies arise in other jobs from time to time.

Applications are especially invited from men in the following

classes who are due to be released in the near future : ENGINE ROOM ARTIFICERS ELECTRICAL ARTIFICERS RADIO ELECTRICAL ARTIFICERS ORDNANCE ARTIFICERS ELECTRICALIMECHANICAL MECHANICIANS SPECIAL TRANSPORT facilities available within A.E.R.E. transport area. Married men living beyond daily travelling distance eligible for housing after a period. Working conditions are first class, and there are good prospects of promotion.

Apply to :

The Industrial Recruitment Officer, A.E.R.E. Harwell, Berks, for a copy of the booklet "A Career in Atomic Energy" which sets out rates of pay and conditions of employment at Harwell.


Ilaire Vacancies

GOOD PA Y, ON A REGULAR BASIS? Comriteiii.-iiii; pay oi‘ £11 55. Oil. :1 week, rising within at few weeks after posting to operational duties to £12 9:‘. 0d. and then, even witliotit getting proo motion, by further increases to £14 145. 0d. it week.


It. I ll.‘iIC\. L.l’x Il_lii'(i!. I‘.<l_.\.l‘.iii). I) Tn Chief Airman t E. R. .l;ii:itue\. I..‘l~'X h'(lll!\‘.'t. I’.(l..\.lSIZ|i.


Tl-ll.\'.', l'.t).)\.l’.(Al; R, V. Iloopcr, IJFX ".'i‘N'i‘I‘). I'.lI.r\.I‘.U\). To Clllel Air Filter (Ali) I. I I-‘x \‘ l\IlI‘I_l'1, llalicii. \\‘, R. To Ctilet Air Filter rt)i

:imi.—l..!Se:. Moriran, II..\l.s. r\iiouiliI(-owiiri ietory.



Volunteering for Local Foreign Service were

lrZXCII.\i\'Gl'I. J bedrooms. lulhtii-onl. eotineil home. _Roitierh:m. for 2l.l~l~edrooni I'(lll\-




N the Novenilser issueof “Navy News." notes for tliose wishing to volunteer for Local Foreiizn Service



I952 Ilillm.-in Minx saloon. xreen. heater £3-I5 Ctltllbdtllllill and competitive li.l'. ierrm arraneed

we tnill t'I.‘llll‘ll1llBl‘ tlmii

Member of

the Royal Naval Barracks. Portsmouth. Private Advertisements. 3d. PEI‘ word; minimum, 23. Tmile Advertiseruetits, 4d. per word: minimum. 43. Name and iiddr of advertiser must aeeompiiuy each advertisement. Box Number. 9d. eittm. The Inclusion of any advertisement cannot be guaranteed. nor responsibility accepted for any errors or omissions. well




placed at: & Poldeii Ltd.. Nelson House. Qiile I'.(IllIbIl.l'$'J| Road, Portsmouth. as

I'ARIi!I'I't).\'I-I SEA TRAINING SCIIOOI. tl)r. I'..\I.A. L11). AJAX radio-eonlmlled taxit. 1-I-hour service.Il:irn:rdo'.\ Ilomen. Poole Ilomc. Parents reGR()\'I'. RUAI) SOUTII. SOUTIISEA Tcl.: Ptltlilnoulh 353331-I tiviu lines). quired for house aeeommodtitinir hops aired ‘ I'i\!I\m0lIllI Phone 232M ll-lb. 'Itii: limharvd is required to Vlmfi IIOUSEIIOLI) I-J-‘I-'l-ZCIS and BA(:(:A(:E I natilieal Il1\IlIl(II|lII. Proleuanl Ii’IIlI'I."gne Anni)’ in ollcr this mull meleelion from their larec Mock stored. melted. \hmned.——\\'hire .Q Ca. I-nmeil. ot lhtd ieliieles: writing to the Captain Superintendent. North lznil Itirietion, I'i‘I‘l\n101III'l. Phone I953 Ilillman .\Iiiu Series II de true iuIoon._ 2-tone eolourx_ glue and

23, I958.

Sliipinale major. R..’\I.

Ctimiiictl Advertkements may be



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SKILLED MERIIAIIIIMI. FITTER EREGTDRS FUR FIRE ROIITRRI. AND SERI/0 GEAR Congenial and pleasant working conditions it Pension scheme after qualifying perlod * Excellent: Canteen * Train and bus service adjacent to factory «I: Assisted travel *

lIIlIII,‘I' 31 years of age (35 il'servirig on it regtiltir eiigiigi-iitt-til) and at least ;) ll. 1 in. in hi,-iglit with at iiiiitimum chest tiieasiirciiicilt of 36 iii. and a iiiiiiiintiin expttnsioit of flirt. If you




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of pay



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Interest in ‘Dog Watch’ activities


r , t

c .




days that the best rugby XVs are required. Their record so far could hardly be called impressi\'e-39 for and H16 against—in seven games. Spirit has not been lacking and the enthusiasm with which players have filled the gaps at the last ntotnent has been truly remarkable. ()tt December 4 the



the Royal .\larines in tltc second round of the Navy Hockey Cup. The tnatelt was keenly contested. and some thought the barrzteks were unlucky to lose by the odd voal. 'l'hus disappear ottr hopes o fttrtlter participation in this competition. tttet

ICTORY continues to play a leading part in the sporting atfairs of the Portsntottth Comtttand. Now that centralised drafting is in full swing. the barracks‘ popttlatiott mainly consists of accomntodated ships‘ companies supplemented by a small standing cont- Victory's biggest success was witttting plcrttent and a very ttnpredictahle float. the (‘ommand autuutn senior CI'0sS' Achieving any sort of continuity with country race after a lapse of three ottr teams is well nigh impossible. years. l.ed by Sttb-Lieutenant I’ape. the In the world of soccer. "Lady Luck“ team put up a first-class performance "Madam Draftie" have been on the and it is hoped to repeat this success and side of the opposition front the word at.the spring meeting on February 24. "Go." Navy and Comntand matches Great interest has been shown itt the ltave taken their toll of our star per- Autumn Term indoor games proformers. The first half of the I958 gramme. Vollcy bal! and deck hockey season ltas been rather a sad time for Ive been played with mttclt enthuthe Victory Xl. It is now lying third siasnt—it is too early to say who will lfront bottom) of the U.S. Division I get tltc cttp. It is interesting to note table. tltat there :tre over St) forms of dog Partiettlarly consistent is the crop of wateh activities organised itt the Royal injuries and pressure of work on thetNaval ltaracks during the winter -.

l’h,vsic;tl Training

Staff of the Royal Naval Barracks. Portsmouth. The Barracks‘ mascot. the bulldog. “Vcctis King." appears to be overcome by the weight of talent behind him-

Keep fit training produces champion a

NE who has conte to the fore in road racing this seasott is Able Se-aman,t\tcHale (2.1). who was born itt Kirkstall. Leeds. He first became interested in running in I956 but a draft to the Far East itt H..\l.S. (‘ockade allowed few opportunities for traitting. On returning in l-‘ebruztry last year. as a tttember of the Royal Navy .-\th|ctie Club (South) he got down to some serious training. winning the three miles in a three-cornered match. '







=|I| l 7|

tttiles against the Metropolitan l’olice :tt ltttbcr Court. In order to keep fit he then took up cross-country running with some success, comittg in eqttal lirst in the Isle of Wight. winning the Command race and then the South of 'l'h:tmes .ll|t'ti0l'—lhc lirst time this feat has been accomplished by a junior from the Royal Navy for a considerable number of

and the


years. Able Seantan McH:tle is a second claim ntentber of liromley and District Harriers. attd when representing tltis club was in the winning team itt the \'ork.shire run and was third home in the linglish eltampionships.


‘lhc Iollovuntt are indtvtdtt:t!_r_eutlts ot the Dtvtuon held at Somerset the match .u:.ttn\t the


l.mu.trv 2|:

I-'l)-wrlthr: l.l.t). ('oquct.tl tmt to Goldinlt. R 5 ll. Ind. l.t¢ht-nelcht: ILA. Ronaldvan but Ratclitlr. [3t|ll‘lI\. Llzht Welter-wcltltt: l'.H.ll.t§l. Mills beat \\‘.tl.ttc. points. 1.0. l'hcb)‘ heat Collin». Points. Mac. Alhop too



Rees. DOIlll\. Young. A.lL


mtponent orcr ucittht. .\lnc. (‘hunt but :\Il\lll’l.


I.l:hI Middle-nelzht: /\.Il. Skidtttorc lmt to l’:t-utv. R SJI, Std. Mm.-. Kim: Inn: to Strau-

tvndec. notnt\_

Mldrltcnlghlt S.A. Keogh Iott l.lght lleau-wright: l\'.t\.

Gribble. Ddinh.





late \h|ll|dl.IlA.Il ul

.§ClIl.|llVC. lhc te.tm

|\utIt\ t'.1.'lt.

nutth rexulted


Let. Win!‘_





Royal Navy tn




drain of six

Royal Navy share points with London Fencing Club match against the London Fencing Club on January 2| the Royal Navy shared the points. losing the Sabre 3-6 and winning the Foil 6-3. In a nun-scoring C-pee match. London won 6——3. The following represented the Royal Navy. Foil: Lieut. Ashmole tFisg;trd). C./Sgt. Holland tR.N.C.. Greenwich). C./Sgt. Martin tR..\l., Deal). l-Spec: P.O. Tedcr (St. Vincent). Lieut. Filmer (Vernon). Licut. Priddle tP.T. School). Sabre: l’.O. Tedder (St. Vincent). Lieut. Ashmole (Fisgard). 0.8. Rayden In


AbleSeaman J. Mcllale. now serving in R.t\'. Barracks, Purtstttoutlt

enjog“\-i.\.kmlle cl aretles

C.P.O. Writer A. E. Cttddon. the lower deck representative for the Portsmouth Command at the l.ondon Hcadqttarlers of N.A.A.F.l.. has infortttetl Nsvv Nt=.\vs that ltis address is ‘)A Whitwell Road. Southsca.

ANNUAL CROSS-COUNTRY of seconds behittd home. only RACE AT the winners. apprentice. in When the last ARBROATH it found that ofhadtheclocked Apprettwas

For anfy 9;-d xmrl ‘chain.-' alnaklllj:rm/(rt will! a RIZLA Rolling Machine

a matter was an tnatt one

cigarette Papers and Filtar Tips.

tices' Divisiotts, "lllakc." had won both PART front indoor games and the Open Cup for Cross-Country Racthose connected with snow and ing and the Apprentices‘ and Junior ice. only the cross-country events have Rating Under-Training Cup. Much been held durittg the past fortnight. applause greeted Apprentice Wilkinson presented with two cups Witlt the advent of the junior ratings when he was by Capt. Tanner. who also presented ttttdcr training who were formerly at the individual medals. l’l.M.S. Gamecock. liramcote. near The results I. N.A..\l. \Vi|son. Nuneaton. all activities at H..\l.S. “Vixen." titttewere: 24 ntin. l'_‘ sec.: " Condor have been stepped up to cut- N.A_.\l_ ’l‘obin_ "Wessex." 2-3 min. hrace the larger numbers now partici- I3 3. N.A..\l. Wilson. “Westex." paling. ‘this was clearly shown by tlte 24 sec.'. ntin. l6 sec. Divisional placittgs: annual crosa-cotuttry race held re- "Blake." ‘)3; "Wessex." ‘)7; "Coiling-_ cently. ltt addition to the three Appren- wood." l|(t'. “l3xtttotItlt." I35: “Scintitices‘ l)l\’l$l0ll\.four divisions frotn the tar." U6; "Vixen." I43; "(iannct," Ell. junior rates uttdcr training entered The Apprentices‘ Division s are teams and there were also individual "Extttotttlt" and "Cullingentries. A large tield assentbled for the "Blake." wood," start. After Capt. (3. W. Tanner. Contthe shooting world it is ittteresting manding Ollicer_ H..\l.S. Condor. had to In note that in the Hottte Air Comntand given the signal for the start, it scented l.eagtte Competition, H..\l.S. Condor as if the wltole of Condor's personnel was placed fifth out of ll teams, havwas about to stage a mass exit :tt the ing won live mateltcs and lost four. dotlblc. S./l.dr. Ford. of the l-‘.().R.A. stall. The first three home were naval air- was the runner-up in the “Jewel“ Indimen. The apprentices lit the watching viduztl Contest. scoring S97 ottt of a crowd grew a little apprehcttsivc lest possible 600. In the Angus and .\‘learns their cltampions should be placed in “C" Division the Condor .21 ritlc teattt the also-ran category. but the fourth :tre ttnbcatcn. ~

ll ‘

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