special details and advantages of placing your Write for
N Navy ews
No. 65
Newspaper of the Royal Navy and The Royal Naval Association Piiblis/zedfirst
COMMERCIAL ROAD, PORTSMOUTH Telephone Ibllli 30 ROYAL PARADE. PLYMOUTH Be assured of close and personal attention to all of your Uniform and Civilian requirements
T/iiirsday of the month
Vaiiguard——last ‘Ship of the Line’—is to
IT was aiuiouiiced on October 9 that the
liattlesliip \"aiiguard.'
44.500 tons. the last of her class in Britain. may lie "-scrapped". Tlius the last of liritaiiiis "sliips of the line" disappears. \'ani;ii:iril has been the Reserve I-'lcct Ileailqmirtcrs Ship at I‘orls-
iiioutli since I956. lint “it is mm possilile to accoiiiiiiiuliite Ilie oflicers and IlIt.‘ll of the Reserve I-‘It-ct who have been living on board the ship." it has hi.-eil stnleil. The enormous expense of keeping ruary to .\la_v_ 19-87. In Febriiary. I‘)~tt).; lI..\I..'s'. \':in;:uard—Iirit'.Iin's' largest warsliip obvious that it has inzide the ship \’;ingu;ird was temporarily attached it of but time to the Mcditcrraiieziii I-’lect. |i\ Noveltidisposal was a matter will he regretted by an cnorniousl her. I‘!-I')_ she became Flagship of the number of people. .-‘slthougli lhc .-\dmir;ilty has stated that the \’ani.:uard "inay" be scrapped Autiimii Cruise of I050 and the Spring = a (’CI’('Il|(Hl_\‘ at Lee-oii-Solenl on Octolier Ill. ll..\I.S. Daeilalus.the Royzil l-‘TIER attending the ship's coinT_.\:ival the possibility does c\ist that the ship‘ Cruise of I‘)Sl. and wore the llag of’ Air Station. liecaine ll..\I.S. Ariel. home iif the' air electrical uflicers could be retained for some function: thc (‘ommaiidcr«iii-Chief. Home I-'Iect.! '“l“i““i"L1 ill ll.M.S. Protector in ‘md '""""“'”’f"‘° “""*"A"'A'“" or other esactly how it is dilliciill to during the latter cruise. After another l’0rts'moutlt dockyard on October I3. Bbllllp 0‘ P0TN“0l|lh (DE The ceremony was watched by envisage. period as I-‘l:igsliL'p of the Built by John Brown & Co. l.td.. of; Squadron ti“. “-3; the Flagship. Homc‘ I-'ti_.-ining) new by helicopter from the families and friends of the olllcers and men allectcd. Clydebank. Vanguard was laid down- Fleet from May. M2. to July. I95-l.~"h'P to Buucrscu Hcliiwrt. hi‘ launchcil In 1ldd|'s‘“l0lh¢ on I‘)-tl. October 2. in and Ship‘ company The name Daedalus has not. howon January. I956. the ship was-1 of Protector the and on November 30, 1944. Bishop recalled his transferred to the zidminislration of completed been lost. same time as the in iiltiinate .-\iiglo-U..‘i. April 25, 1946. Her displacement is the swim. omccr. Reserve Hcch 0...,“ cxpcricncc in Gmhum Land [m._c\'er. h""d' WM mhng c°rc'"“"y lhc Qmcc‘ :ichics'ed relations full recently. was 44.500 lons_ standard. and 51.500 l’l)'rnouth. being: towed in November. ‘ ‘W ""“‘ Chfllllilln “ml Gflllllgifil 30 ll“? 3 "l"“”'-""“rm” Hill‘ Omc" A"(H“"‘°) I.ieut. R. H. .\l;inn. R.N. l(‘omm:indload. and l\cr length is 8|-1'. ft.. her 1|)S(._ front Des-oiiport to Pur'(sn1ou[h_‘ British (irahani l.and Iispedition in, Lee-on-Solcnt. at I_laI_l. _\\"«Lcll:|lll ssas ing Ollicer. ll..\l. Siihntarine Astute) beam I08; ft. and her draught (mean) and she ha§.b¢cn mt Flagship 0‘ the i934_37_ H~M-5°“"'"“"*“°“°d ‘*5 The commissioning service was confound himself drinking in the U.S. 28 ft. Capable of 29; knots she is Flag Omccr Commanding Rcgcfvc D‘":d"lm' armed with eight I5 inch. sixteen 5.25 Flcct since November. I956. and also dllclfd by “ll! Rt'Vk‘|"-‘Nd K9911 Destroyer John Paul Jones‘. the drink inch. 70 Bofors and four saluting guns the Headquarters Ship of the Senior Scymo_ur. Chaplain R.N., the ship's}‘ Rear-.-\dmiral W. G. S. Tighc. repre- -—iee cold ie;i_ the place »I%oston. Otliccr Reserve Fleet. Portsmouth. chaplain. and her peace-time complenieent the Flag Otliccr Air (Home). .\l;issaeliusetis. scnting The ship is recognised to be one of» |.(i00. In war time she could carry at the parade to witness the l was present the lines: :ind one of the most liand~ '."..t|0tl. hoisting of the White Ensign previis the built for warship largest ever the Royal Navy. some Vanguard ously used in H.M.S. Ariel at Worthy Britain and in Great built had and she been called upon to serve ever to he Down. and he wished the new H.i\l.S. her the approximate cost was £9,000,000. country in action. there is no Ariel every success in the future. United States Submarine Tench To build such a ship today would doubt that she would have given a visited (iosport during October. The Chaplain of cost about £3lJ.0tl0.000. ller I5-inch very good account of herself. D. unl. w to staying nine days at H.M.S. Dolphin. deacon the Venerable lo wlial use could the ship be put‘! guns‘ were lint mounted in lI..\I.S. seat I.ieutenant~Conimander Ralph 8. H.M.S. M... .......... .... (‘our-.igeuus and Glorious in [N7 A training ship is the obvious answer Mills. U.S.N.. the ship's commanding the marked in his address and later these were put into the but as the cost of running her would Th‘ ininesw"p‘r H.\l.S_ Burnait Ifl_ 100k 0" ll‘ MW nilmc CIIUSC it 3| ollicer. was enthusiastic about the reserve of weapons maintained for be enormous she would have to he reception given to him and his ship's it "t-‘“' PUTPOSC 10 full“ 3|"d_ it had patrol Hood. Queen Elizabeth and Royal hcrthed alongside. The ideal would, 360 lI.l\I.S. Trenchant was the he for her to be alongside a jetts’ with C-)’l"|"-N Sltlllllcd ll“? 'rur};ig|. ship taken a name associated with that company.“host-boat." Sovereign classes. Tcncli's Vanguard cannot claim to have any facilities for boat work on theiotherl DWI‘ “'1 0€l*‘h¢" '3 1"“-I ‘~'-‘him 11 purpose. R“)‘“l NW)’ I’1"’lY “'3l‘_‘"‘ b(‘3“'d ""3 real historical value for she never tired side. If only such :1 place could her guns in anger. She is associated found naval ollicers :ind men agree‘; '“““‘r W‘-"L‘l imd 3'-‘4|Wh|"L'- ll “"3 CTCW in the public mind primarily with the that she could still perform a most "r lh“ D“"l7- ~‘°‘"”°d th_°_‘hlP~ Royal Tour to South Africa in Feb- uxcrul i‘..m_-mm. [M i|,,_-N 5.; mming: Two cases of ammunition were sallike workiin: in :i ship to imm mmj s-aged before the \'L‘\\s.l sank. “'sliip-sense" wliich the very best of traiiiiiig c\l.tl‘|lI\lllllL'lll\ canttut really‘
116 W
H. M. S. /1l”l°€[
W-I-.5.l '
Turkish vessel scuttled clzed when
tl['i:c Flenet. fuellitlgzgt statiiofi
ions. eiiipldyiid on‘
Ahead for Quality
H.M.$. Rcdpole
Biricea i xisifmiifieia
FLAG ,, time sloons Lian in Ctltnlttissltlll. of the liigliliglits of ll..\l.$., ().\'l~'. (i.isinton's late Scptcinbei visit A S A .visitcd the Tliames last month and oft the "(_)ueen I-olkcsione (ireenwicli fioin October lhcrthcd lliit.iin's Resorts" regioiial linal. I2. Now reclassiticd frigate PR 0 MOTED the Slicrranl. R.N.. (L I). l.t.-(‘dr. and employed 5:aids iias-igatioiial training coniiuzinding olliccr of the inincl’ort.smouth. Redpole is I:'.-'\R-.v\l).'sI IR/‘Kl. \V. G. ford, to‘
7 to
as :i
sweeper. was one of the judges of: the beauty contest. The sviiincr.
who has been l-‘lag Ollie-:r Sea =mandcd by l.ieut.~Cdr. J. I.. N. since S-cplciub-.:r. I958. was ()inm:inc)'. R.N. .\lls\ l.aviiii:i l.‘.tlIl') Johns. a lovclyfi Training i“ ‘_h‘’ ’”“"“°“ m°;"ml’ “'35 whiisl p r o III o t c d \'ice-z\dntii;il lo date 1 (lI'2IVt.‘\‘ ‘ from blond: stiiilent hliic-eyed in collision with a tanker which ncces4‘ NM‘-,,,1.;, end, 5 ft. 3 ins.. and with statistics of wt-L..‘.\,_[,,,,,_.| 5;,‘ A,-um,‘ |i,_.dd,._.r ha.‘ sitated a three-wcck stav in I-Lhl. 3" —'.‘~l -37. wore a most becoming |,._-m I-.|_,_-3| m. 1:‘; ,cii,—,_.d “W (halham. whilst repairs : l)ock_vard. I leopard skin swim suit. \\'L'l'|.' Cil|'l'lL'd Olll. l “I was a little nci's'ous." the ssinnei The ship returned to Portsinoiitli on conlided to l.t.-('dr, Shcrrard. "but it‘ is ssondcrful to win." in February I043, !\lIIul'l_t:sl the coinpetitors appcaicd \\'.is Iirst used in escorting duties from .-‘\b|c alias _\Iiss; l>l..\l..H‘_ (iavinton. (iiecnock to the .\lcditerrane;in and .315. Ilemies is expected to arrive‘ joined the local escon group at .‘s‘.-:im:iii Bill .\l:irc|i:int_of I-'aveisli'im. at l'ortsiiiuutli on Niiveniber Ill. (iibraltar. She was in action while \\’e:iiiiig a suitable grass skill. tl.'lI_L'lllI.'tl the crowd with saucy antics. ; and to eoimiii_ssioii on i'\'oveintii.-r 25. : covering the i\'orin;iiidy laiidings llc did not appear over disappoilttctlt (‘oinimiiided bv (‘.int_ I). S. 'l'ibhits.§ subsequently went to the Far liast. She ssh.-ii he failed to appear in the. l{..\'.. form-:rly ('oinin;inding ()lliccr was one of the liist ships into Hung winners‘ list. but he admitted that} of ll..\l S. l)r_v.id. ll.i\l.S. llermes will Kong :it the end of the war and gained. lit.‘ consolation pri/es weie more than I begin her \\'s|l‘i.tlIl.!'lIp trials shortly‘ llattle Honours off Burma in I9-I4--t5.i The Redpole has a complement of«‘ after L‘-Jtllllllssltllllllg. 'l'lie_v may he s.itisf.ictory. The contest was staged during a espccted to List lipprosiinatcly sis 7 olliccrs and Ill) ratings. d.incc at the Lens (Ilill Hall and the l months‘. i\dmira| of the Fleet Sir Philip \'ian Ilcrnics ‘.§'.’t~'i lziiinchcd in Febriiary. crew of (iasinton were the guests of I ' the evening. It was :i most enjoyable I953. by Lady (then .\Irs‘.) Churchill will inspect contingents of Jewisli exesening one of the crew was reported and the shin was built in the llarrowfl Service Incn :iiid women at the annual to lt.i\'e said “\‘l'c's'e never had it so5 in-I-‘iirncss yard oi’ Vickers-.-\rinstrong. less-i.sh Reiucinbrance l’;ir.ide on the I Horse (itiards on November 15. Ltd. good." -
K he;
Redpolci '
November. I959
Navy News 2
DI r o 1
Ileui. (S) II. R. lkrrldtc. R..N.(Retd.).
Itoral Natal Barracks. Portsmouth t‘ct.: Portsmouth 2642! (En. 219!)
Royal Navy in five continents and in I3 territories within the British Com- ‘IR.--Since I920 I have been with for haniniocks and best of all the ntonwcalth. I am deeply grateful for L the Royal:-Navy doing my time is ratings paid with live pound notes. the kindness shown everywhere. Well must close. Regards to all scaman and now (‘,’M rigger at FAREWELL MESSAGE "One outstanding impression of aPortland. "Old ships" and success to your paper. these travels stays in my mind. This Yours faithfully. During that time the changes and is the deep confidence in the Royal FROM EARL OF 'l‘. A. PIKI-I. improvements have been aniazing. Portlatid. Navy's influence for peace which is _.something new and different every felt throughout these widely separated HI’. provision of married quarters CRADLE OF British territories. Our friends overseas ‘month. which thanks to Nsvv Niaws at home and abroad has been of NEW “'51 I-0"’ 07"“ Admil"-|l|.\‘rrhave no doubt about the role of the with its advanced information keeps inestiinahle value to ollicers and ittcn. NAVAL AVIATION Lord Carrington, has been ap-i‘l\‘av_v. the kindliness of heart. the prac- us well informed of what to expect btit it has also created a problem. here at Portland. Before married quarters were avail- pointcd in Sl.l(‘CCS§I0|‘I_l0 the Earl of;tical ellieiency and the dignity of bearSir.——In the article on page I of first The I'd ever seen was warship is who for famous which the Service is Selkirk, a new taking ing are up able. most married I‘IlL‘|'l.-[‘I:lI'llL‘lIIIlI'ly Nisvv Ni~.\vs, October. reference is when I in I920 and went to Shotley In held in still the all Singapore. highest regard over those with families. established a home appointment made to llte closing down it!" the refer it in June's edition. to you In the the faith to Navy placed in in or near the Hontc Ports. but with world. Great andis front a‘far_cwell_mcssagc Royal Naval llarracks at l.ce-onShe there that H.M.S. Blake. at was Lord what your high standards. Selkirk sai_d:—Solent lH.!\I.S. Daedziltis), "headquarters available this state of affairs is but what I write time. this to want "During my time at the Atlntiralty I have been privileged to see of your does not exist to the same extent. quarters of the Fleet Air Arm since about. has been work it the I know that faith is to visit of this privilege Editor justilied. my the paper Every day May. I939." It seems to be implied have old I ntanual an seaiitanship "l have also been greatly accommodation impressed by by men is asked about that this was its lirst conimission and called in AI.rIoIr.r printed .S'«'umuii.iIit'p, the of the whole Service. returned capacity Navy :ind women who have just that I-I.M.S. Daedalus has had a short it I902. In is Introduction an and unitomtcd by itself Capt. to civilian. adapt from abroad. Couples without. or [life of 20 years. Please don't shorten December Alston dated I and 185‘). the of to meet far-reachingchanges our its life too much: my (real) parchment perhaps one. child can usually ohtai_n will be feel anti interested sure time. The latest radar and weapon you shows that I was on the books of tcntporary accomniodation. but farinsmile of otit I so it. systems. the new aircraft which com- linally get it lics with two or more children are H.M.S. Daedalus in tile First World will write for word word. it often hard ptit to it to find soincwliere pare witlt any in the world. the three War. when she was one of the "ships" entirely new kinds of ship which will "liilmduclih/i In First l;'iliri'ou by of the Royal Naval Air Scrvicc—stii‘cly to sleep. It is a problem when the hitsthe in a few years. illus- Cripr. rllstrm. R.i\’, band is present. but in the case the real cradle of naval atiation. .M.S. Woodbridge Haven, with the [be I Il\ in what we are ing might :ttid "Althougli United tic the Yours faitliftilly. where a wife i'ettirns to \'ll1_I tty ingenuity on mim§““ as no“ mo“ DaI_“n__ 3 Irate and called
Minesweepers ;for Singapore.
with. Iiltiet
P-iskcnolr. chums". h;nch‘_“"’|'-“ ssliicli ‘the
the steaiii era otir Navy ttiture of the Service ibc \'. (3.-\.\I.\I0.\'. | Kiitgilont in advance of her lnisband. hm‘ in this hate I work steam a i\‘:i\y. :l'. the ditliculties are eiiornious. I-I5 ‘Ihc l)iitc. RicI.ni:ins\sotth, and \\'ilkie.s'ton left Malta on October d"pLmi" cxcltitlcil friends‘ hate been hlosl people have relatives or the_coiisitlciatioii of. (Inc-tinic (.l’.(). R..\’..-\.S. Nth. very proud to workiwliolly _' ' I 2t for Singapore. with you all. and I wish c\.L.,y one of'stcaiti power. as. owing to great cost }~_|i)3_<‘,', ||“\1,s_ [);lg‘l-_||u<' to tvhont tlicy cart turn. but in so malty It iss under.\Ilt|t i l that tho. tltt)\t.‘mt.tll iyml gm“! rummc. in Saying rurcwcll fol’ coal. and the inipossibility of procases wives have had. literally. nowhere iis in of relaxation in the conseqticnce ,with a real sense of sadness I cati at viding stowage for it c\cept to ito go. It is easy enough to say that Cyprus patrol ‘ re'oice tlrit lt:‘tsl “the husbands should ntake arrangeI I. ‘ ,limited extent. the application -if f .‘ in 3 new '1‘W’o'ntnt‘nt I'he mincsw*e ‘ w ' th H‘ I ‘ PL'r'. -; “ t d'"°" ' will ments." Most dowhut there are times of Maryton and Woolastin. will b‘ keep me in close touch with the gsteaitt power for ordinary purposes A WARRt\).|l .\.i\_t. .\I.iy (rod bless you all. must be strictly ati.\iliary and sub-particularly if there are several chil- known as me "Rm ordinate. atid its cniploynicnt on dren. when nothing can be done front Squadron. The niineremainingthe service the exception and not two or more thousand miles away. general be Itlttth at the rule. In bad weather tltc old order ' Sir. In connection with a wartime Even if temporary accommodation is .'qiiatron. inesweeping of things will re~;tsscrt its supremacy. incident I wish to ineorponitc into :1 found it often proves to be extremely “MI ‘"13’ l¢"tl|ll|3'I¢‘l i'h3‘”“-'° [Wm book I am writing. I am very anxious expensive. What's to be done’! PWL "T tlt'|'-mt=¢'“¢"l 01' Illilt-‘lli"¢f_\’.ltii contact any otlicer or rating who must :I|w:i)‘~ I'i:l)d-‘I' the use of c:in\‘as was serving in the destroyer Verdun. There should he at various places I the corvette Kiitiwake or tltc rescue in the United Kingdom. certainly at iinperativc. the home ports. hostels where fantilies tug Sabine early in June. I9-tl. (‘ttniniantlcr-in-Clticf. Ilultlcjuf .-\ll lcttcr.s will be answered, can stay until a pcrni:meitt home can I o'\‘l'"I"-‘I I:l‘~'\’lSIP “'IllI‘-“I1 should eater Yours laithltilly. “"-lworl.‘ of supcrei'og;ition. If Iiritattniat be set tip. 'l'Jiese ltt)\‘lL'I\‘ front and l).S.O. Davis. Ilar. visited he destined still ‘to rule the waves.‘ it: (i.('.H.. A, L‘. II.-\.\Il'SIIIRI'I primarily for people returning ‘HIE in Coniniotlore or II)‘: N;.\-;.|.l.iverpool the Fleet I'|fIg~hIp. must he by the help of scaiiien -is'ti Sotitlibouinc (iardcns. abroad antl should be available to such Ilarraclts‘.PurlsiiioiitlitConiinodorc H--‘I-3 T)‘"L'- for an ollicial visit well qtialitied as II'It|\C who won that‘ I-Iastcotc. Rtiislip. people for a niaxiiittim period of-- say for her: and we trust that ——three weeks. during which time the the Viscoutit Kclhurn). stated ;.r the betwccii October 22 and 26, lstiprciitzicv home-s‘ccLcrs could look around and aniitial meeting of the Royal Naval- .'\tltlIll'ttl Davis is also ('oiiiin;iittlcr- ; the day is tar distant. when her trident find somewhere to live. It might also and Royal Marine Maternity llonic. in-( hiel of the N.A.'I‘.O. IiililcrllI shall he delivered into the keeping of ‘.2 small error in :in advcrtisciuent in otir October issue has brotiglit to be possible to use such hostels on other Portsmoiitli. on October I5. that thc Atlantic Area and as such is rt2\’pt)l|-inn,-rc artillerists aitd mechanical Iloine which nearly shut its doors has ‘- sihle for the protection of merchant : |'IrcCi\’I0ns‘_“ occasions. light an interesting fact, viz. that Stich :i hostel is really only an exten- been "re rieved." The Home. Bow- shipping and trade routes in this vast Well sir. what do volt thiiik? What Messrs. C. II. Bernard & Sons. l.td., sion of the married quarters system. l=|nd_$. 0 which the C0lI'llIIO(.I0|“¢ is command. It was. therefore. fitting that Capt. Alston think‘! Why, even received a Royal Warraint of Appointbut as it would appear that Admiralty Chairman of the Council of Manage-. he ¢II0llIlI—\.'i$iI~1IIc--[ION-0f—LiV¢I¥p90I. the» E(\(\tI~08I\l3|IV\?G "s.‘3DV:|£'—.--|G-now ment to the Prince of Wales in 1901funds are itot available for such pur- ment. has been faced for some years tcriniiiiis ot otir nation's tratlc. with ‘,obsoIcte amt ‘I’-.-rtlcite taking its ncarly sl\l)' years ago. The .'ttlvcrtist:W51!‘ W33. M€\*|'-‘- W~'|’fliI|'<l Mt‘ poscs. money to build such places with having to cltm: down. but it is its long association with the Royal i place, no hemp. nylon is the would have to be found front else- |10W l10Pcd that it would be Navy. especially in the Battle of the ,thing. wire spliced bv njuchinclnitlllflllly proud of the Warrant and where. full. Atlantic in the Second World War. ‘('I'alcirit). Bunks \\‘lllt hctlsltlc i;uups.‘tvc csnrcs- our regret for the error. permanently Thc Editor understands that the provision of such a hostel in the Portsinotith area is being seriously conslderctl. and if his information is corrcct it is hoped that welfare committces. ctc.. will support the project II.M.S. Ark RoyaL December I. at: Il..\l.S. Saintes. .\larch 8. at Devon- II.M.S. Decoy. mid-.\lay. at DetonSUBMARINE COMMAND whenever funds are available. Devunport. for General Service ! port. for General Service Coinmis-t port for tiials. Cotiiiiiissioits end II.M.S. ‘Irunebeon. November. at: Commission June for Home Sea Service. U.K. sion (IloittcIMetliterranean) (24 tllomcjlstcditerraneztnl Sub 3rd for service in Dcvonport Base Poit. Devonport. months). U.K. Base Port. Devoti(2! months). U.K. Base Port. marine Sqiiadron. II..\I.S. Mounts llay. May. at Singaport. tI..\t.S. Tudor. November. at Rosytti. Devonport. for Foreign Service (liar .\larcli 8. at pore Camperdown. at Barrow December. *Submarine for service in Sth East) for General Service Devonport. or trials. Comniissions lune. I960. { Squadron. § for General Service Commission. Commission tllotnc/Mediterranean) May. at COWCS. ll..\l.S. Alliance. December. at Devonlor Service Cominission. Home«.\lediterrane:in (24 montlisll (24 months). U.K. Base Port. l 3rd Stibmarinc for with sen'icc port Homclwest Indies (2-I rnontlis). i l)ct-onport. Base Port. Portsmouth U.K Faslanc. based at Squadron U.K Base Port. Portsiiiniitli lIl.;\I.S. Victorious March. at PortsI)iimDecember at 9. _|,|,)|,§,_,|a,gua;, ll.M.S. Amphion. December. at LTD. mouth. for General Service Cont- _,u_&1§._l_iun._c:irly lttiic. at tyne. for l Coin(ieiieral for barton, Service Portsmouth for service with Srdi Service (Iontiiiission. General niission. lloint-I-':ist of Sue/. ll‘) 1 Edinburgh Road, Portsmouth and South Atlantic niission tSouth Submarine Squadron based at} !lonieIMetlitcrr:inc:io (24 months). months) U.K llasc Port. Ports Phone 20947 U.K months). (2-1 Ainerica.llome) I Fastane. U K llzise Port. Portsiiioutli mouth some: otlteini IIII Eiiniui imtttwing Operate II.M.S. Auroehs. December. at Ports- II..\I.S. I.a_\burii. December. at Ren.\l:irt:lt. .'tl (ilasgiist. II._\l.S. .-\Icrt. .\lay 23. at Siiigaporc. ioi service Perioiinct EVERY WEEKEND I-loiiie Sea Service (Room; fur Gcmml $cm.L_c Cmnmmm“ : ‘I-N. [m.L.-lb," \.ni_..,_. “:3, EM,‘ service with ‘M LEEDS ‘5"b'“?"'"“- Stlufldmfl 1" "J I ~‘-‘-: |“)ll]L'/\~'c\'l [mm-. (3.; mmrilw. .\ii. 825 hirutitlroii. June L at R.N. are QRADFORD Il..\l.b. Loch |~ada. Jaiiuary I9. at: U K 3.“. pm‘ l.um.ml,mh Air 3,-l_m',.,,_ ('u|r|,.,..-‘ fur ()\¢r.L-M l Canada ‘. _' ) ._ -_ -.‘.x....t '”~“-‘.\t;ircli. "-"ft: at Clyde 2 l|i~ j NDITINGHAH... CENER '‘L -” l*‘”"““l'”‘26/» for (iciieral Service Conintission '”-M--V ‘t I -iiiaii u :iti s._ -; N _. moiitlis. Suez of [2-t November IloniuI.a.st at.: 820 .\o. Squadron. ,0,‘ . UVERPOOL UK P0" |,m,Nmmm_ ‘ "‘ R.N.A..S. Culdrose. for Overseas U.K Base Port. Devonport. we -, “I; ‘; MANCHESTER lt..\t.S. Butmirtt. Ia_nti:iry If). _at3N0_ 393 squadI.on_ Mme“ M; UR ltase lort. torisnrniiih no NEWCASTLE-UNDER-LYHE scmcc (mt; Rn,-_».|)_ for hmngn Sum" R.N./LS. Yeovilton. for Overseas E H.M.S. Brave Borderer. November tl., :2 ‘"““" ‘ '"'r' Service (Hermes). at Portsmouth for Home r ‘V t -'=t cit ‘. er I ilI‘llIflI" V .at D ‘Von-: ”"“'5‘ /Bi.“ Pom pm“ ‘ U'K' II..\I.S. I'rott-t-tor. June. tor (‘icncral 1°" ‘”‘‘’‘‘”‘C'‘ (iciteritl port. om. L.t ..Lt‘\tct.. or Rosyt 1. BANBURY ”mnc',somh hunts) (.24 .I3 §L_mL,L_ CU""“i‘_>_im‘ ‘ '(““'5‘)' ""‘° ""”‘ '""'"'“] N8 squadron‘ Novcmbc-r m‘ '11- Sic“ (”o“W“,'m Atlaittic and South Attic-i'ic:i (I2 months) U K llasc Port DevonService for Overseas (Bul_at : umnuhl -u -
lstalta will
H. M .S. 7 yne l ‘
Liverpool 1
Better times t at l'l_"llE
‘|:,‘;l.t,l,i;;ili kl..l:n;?:c:i _
ll0YAl. iv.-fi7v=s
lLEflllNll lllll
mouth for
3-Iijtigafl-tE>ftEl.D t£ct)cRETS'_t;.\t't_wT°K'.
132$: gr f i 1 c: , . : ; l r ‘ i . c ' are Hi: Non’ l“o|rrt‘l:;nd 3,:I '
gage P‘,-‘,”‘"‘_-(.“.’m' Sca""l\'l“£ for‘
Shrviicc Ct)IIlIlll\'-
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Un;Iaui‘ited.(_April’ l I .l . }t.S. ‘”- ciiiiiiiiigiitiii Illiiitte.rI"tst of
-4' '”."5- """'-9"" ’9'"’“'-Y Service.
iists iiai-ii-uni Point Novcntber "-4 _f'__'« ‘I s_‘r‘""' "I. C''." h_‘"“' I. ‘Ir “"3" -
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g3i.Fv%iiaAr1P‘r'bN <8:t3t\'I1E|:$;tYAt‘l BRISTOL SALISBURY
for f-"‘-'-l-
‘-4 "‘""”‘‘)' U‘. K Portsinoiitli. ,
’—"""ll':Ir 1“ 5!"9""°"' suczi"'5"5'."'?""°Ftn! I'nrcI.L'II ~5¢f\‘|s's‘ I2:-st).
‘H,““' K‘, 0"‘
Wizard. ctitl-Itinc. at Chutrm. -I-ml‘. (-m"mi“im“ cm. ‘S; -1 .' \c:s its CU’ t l, -_ 24' "''“'5‘ '\p'1-I 1"""'u"r' N‘1“cmbcr ”"\."‘s' F“ :\tigti~'t for Iloittc bca Scivicc l.'.l\. ISIMARLBOROUGH [\'r._-1mious) (.oiniiitssioii for (,cner;il Portsnmuth. Scivit... (icncral Service; Hm‘, Pm‘ l)‘.._.‘,m,U”_ m. R;AD.N(; niontlis). Sit.-/. of Iloiiie-I-.:ist (2-I _I|| Conintission -" ‘lg “mi, l_.vm_ Mk._- _" Dew" '--y ‘”‘~L _' mm are am N '‘'r'‘'-‘—‘“ pm" U-IV 3”“ P""m. port for (acne-i.il Scivicc (ttttltltt-'~ LONDON Sat an]i IIOIII“ .-\i:hi;tn I ' " I ." sioii. ,' ;, 1 (at: or I’! to. us Ports-' at I6. Seas llonic-.-\r:ibian I-.‘|l\.-Id’-ll-IT) Coiititiissioit. ePe:e:i*o'e'li 'II.M.S. Jutltintl. November 2-3. .1t'"-“-5"”"‘l“" 0"" ('1 '"‘‘'‘"'‘’ UK‘ Service for (It.'IlL‘I‘lI Com mouth U.K tnottlhsl. (iltll. (IS and Persian is; rr acts, E as um 7 mas Velnori: ita..:saic.. llasc I’or' Chatham, for Gcncml S;-rvicc Cum.‘ l)c\-onport. and‘ .»\incric:i ‘LN 5W°<*v (Ilt)nlt.“5t)lIlII tn SIM!-‘ Ham Club. mission thee Port I)-~t-nnporr 3 mission tHomcIMcditcrr.inL.in) (I July. at (lIils"‘tI\\'. ._ ., Um‘, 541,, .a,,,,, Rd_,,,,HM5_5m,,,,,, U-IV S°“”‘ -‘ll-"‘““ "“"“"5)‘-4 for (iihrallar .-\nri| 5.:it lI..\t.5. Oweit. [M h,,L.;g.r 5.-m.,-g (I-‘;ir months). U.K. Base Port. Chathantv Base Port. Portsmotith. 1 row P’ (~m,“m‘.~iU,“. um‘ 07¢ WWI QIJOY. “W OBI.‘ Olhdfll, um Jul) It Pmlsmomh II..\l.S. Brotidsword. November 24. at oietm-ig up at HMS. Arie! at eneooer -ore for (icncral (2-I Service Lomniission February. l rm. Hi...‘ Chatham. for General Service Cont- )5°“ "0"" W’ PortsN.B.—-To all ships visiting 5°";-' "“'"'h*"Il..\I.S. St. Ilridt-.s Bay. July. at Slll_1!'.t3! "°"~‘"""""mission (Home/Mediterranean) (I8 Portsmouth. Base U.K. Port. lat facilities to meet mouth: S u_M_5_ Lrandnn. .\1;.y_ at [)¢mnp..rr ! mm. {M i;.,,L.iL.“ 5..,.i¢L.’”.-M. lgmn U.K. Base Port. Chatham. vice. months). for General Service Coiiimission. E H your part cular travelling requireNovember 24. at H-M5. Ursflt Fcbfllilfs‘. 11! Mllllfl. for H.M.S. lmpmd Aug“! M Dunkirk, E m"l5' 0' "'°""“’ 5"" ments can be organised at short (23 "°"‘°’E"~“ ‘for General Service ConiDevonport. for General Service II..\I.S. notice. Quainton. February, at U.K. Base Port. Dcvonport. ,,,;“;.,,', Hon,L.;3.,um _.\u;,m;c _.mJ Commission (Home/Mediterranean), Write, phone or call (I8 months). U.K. Base Port.- Dcvonrmrt. for Home Sea Scrvice II..\I.S. om-ell. May 3. at Rosyth for“ South itnit-rit-ti (24 ittontlis). U.l-L U.K. Base Port, Portland. l Ilasc Port. Porisinoiitli. trials Devonport. TRIUMPH COACHES LTD. lI.M.S. Laymoor. December R. at: No. 804 Squadron, March I. at-. \‘o. 814 Squadron. May I. at R.i\..-‘\.S, E II.M.S. Koppel. August. :it (‘hatli:iiit. 3 Edinburgh Road. Portsmouth Renfrew for Home Sea Service; R.N..-‘\.S. Lossicmoitth. for ()versc:i<‘ Culdrose. for Overseas Service? for Home Sea Service. UK. ll:i~e Phone 20947 I Port. Portsniotith. l Service tll..\l.S. Ilcnties). 1 [ll..\l.S.llerntes). (Boom Defence).
(liar hast). -
('$._-rs-i 1-V i,-c lt‘l'I,-l tliilrhn tr‘?-I8 -ct-I. .-.
(l-Iontc/MediterraiieanI*"-“-?- L\““_;|"‘:_|'=|« Cll tl I_'t-‘l’WibH§’I .l.\)I‘.3‘.mpI‘.,(:l It m|r{lttl8':'I::‘r1lI\Pgfiicli. l11£l:n:‘"'l“)' -
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pCr,i a.s"pHs.:n.;: ;t.A.0.C__ HiFlIeoh::rIo¢‘i;i
M5‘ ‘mouth
"pom. '
irivcmhcr. I952
Absurd prices N0. for obsolete machines -; .
l:l|).\(.' of four ritorrtlis your Editor has at last round the writer lrrrltirii: in his liitlc_v hole and pt-rstrzitletl hint to return to the "Nztvy \'ews" i coliirrrns. I lt \v.‘ts a nice lro|id.i_\' while it‘ -.iver;igc Service rnaa. no matter hov.-' lasted, '|liose of you who like the nperiericetl he rnay think he is. is no.' regular .rppe.ri.rrrcc of the r\'\\'\ ur.tt.'h for the p:.tfe.ssr.\tt.il car or ‘ r\I\vs for grzirited rnighr spire Ll‘ rnotore;.clc s:ilesrn.rn. Your tlioright for yr-trr l-idrtor. It must be tletcricc is .rlw.i;ss to think thrn_i:s overl quite .i tzrsl. on oeeasiorts to keep his for 24 hours‘ and :.-.lL :o your churns.
line.-rs on .-t-rrtrrlirrtorx oh.‘ like about your irrtentiotis, .-\ holding: sell AM.‘ no l<‘ttg.'-:r suhieet to service i|cp.~sr'. is not at all rreet-ss:rr_v and ls‘ thseiplrtte .:ntl .r:.- in Li pt‘\1Ilt\ll to tell .: in.-st omits: thin»; to .ig:ec to. ‘.lllt.l_ him t.I :.rise a rurrrririg rump sonic- is often very tlrllieult to recover if \'.irete it no: don't fee! hi-.e coiitrihir- you .-liirrge your rnrrrtl. tine. lrr.rtl:rrtallj.' ‘..7rrs in ‘it help to.-\('('ll)l-I.\"l” Rl{l’.»\lRS p;:su'.rde some .-r the tr:rhc.re‘.‘e:s tit ll. the \\\‘. Ni on is not zr e‘iznuirIl.iged3 .\losr Itli'ZiIts‘)s'ltsls seem to think trr.itrtir;ri-.-:3 for th: :\tlllll.'.lll\'. .\lj.' that r:’ they lI'.l\'t.‘ an Lreeiderrt the oon .r:llc‘le's for esarrrplc lune never lll.ts‘lltllr: is hes: retuxried to the derler from who they ptireliasetl it. especially been edited since the paper stazlcil. if it is liein_: pureliased on |l.l’, This .\l(l l‘(ll{-("t'('I.li\'G |\ tlorisense and as the Insurance in recent rnorrtlrs your corres- Policy only covers ennvcyariee to the pondent has been very t'rcqtrerrt|y nearest competent r-:p;iirer one may erigageil in .t~\essltlt_.' aceiderrt tl;un:ige well titid onescll [icing aslscd to pay and giving current tnzirket values on A for the collection out of your own variety of lIlt|ltll'L'}s.‘lt.'s_ very often the pocket, ‘So t'.ir' as the aetri;il repairs are conproperty of N ;il personriei. Several facts have emerged which rnay interest 1 cerned there are two essentials hcforc reatlers. .uI_vthing will Irappen. l-‘rrstly you must I).\llRr\l. Sir Stephen Czirlill. The most obvious fact is the very till in .i (‘lairn l'orrn correctly. and K.B.l'I.. C.B.. D.S.(I.. was the high depr'eei.'ttion cornparcd with secondly you must get an estimate. when the Royal m-‘tor cars. coupled with the :ibsrrr'd_ limit or these ttltlsl. be sent to the Guest-of-honour Insurance (‘orrtpany Eli soon as pos- Indian Navy (l6lZ-I9-l7) Club held prices sortie people. sailors. pay for obsolete rrrachines. The ‘sible. since otherwise they will take ' their Annual Reunion in the R.N.V.R. 0" _0¢l0l’¢|’ 3-‘"0 hm] popular hair in :rdve."liscmctrts is no action wli.itsr'.ever. Once they :rre Club» eriiphasis on "telet'orl.s" although lll rl\I~\L‘\\'l(l|'l of lllcsc doc-trim-rm you ! recently visited India and Paltistan. so these have been nornial equipment for can expect them to either give “flf '-il3l¢_l0 "3" ll"-‘"'_ 07 9'59"‘ 10"‘ }L'.l.ls. ll-; far the most irnportant end instructions for fcp;tll‘s to proceed or‘ (l|l"§"|-5 3", ll": lflfllilfl Md R0.l'=ll so far" as "d;iting" a machine is con-‘ appoint .in .tssess‘ur to act for them. l'“l“""“l' ‘-\i“'"~'~‘~ "9 ll“‘“£1_l“ l7-UWIWIHI 0"|Ft‘F‘- "-"ll" eeriretl is the h.:cYs end. Rig.-id frames However. it" nothing happens within .r and rriterrrrilly sprung wlreels are now “.L.ck M hm ,_L.,’.\. (hm-1 film ‘it and had served_in the Royal lridi:in Navy. ohsoictc. and swirrgirig arm rear sus- wziit. write to tlrcrtr and di:rn'.tnt| action. ."‘“'l‘l"9'Nd°r they had mild‘-. “ g"“‘l because bolli Indian and Unforturratcly. however. very often the girnpressron pension has been an essential l’altis'tan Navies were keeping up the .since :rbout l‘l5~l. There are incidcn-. culprit is the repairer, If this is general principles started by them. He tally one or two models which h:ive don't stand .rny nonsense. as you are concluded by saying their Memorial proved unpopular and are bad sellers. quite entitled to instruct another} in Asia could he found in an Indian It you are new to the game a le\vlrep;rirct' to collect the machine and I .\lotto. which means "If you would see with the repairs, private enquiries before itetting nrorrument. look round you." involved is a wise precarition. as .s;ilesincidentally. how m.rn_v of yotr _votrr Those present were sorry to hear men are always looking fora "sticker" realise that if the other chap is the‘ that their President. Capt. l.. Sanderwho will relieve them of .'t tlillicult cause of the accident you can recover son. (‘.l.l-L. Could no longer lroltl .tlic £5 or £10 excess ssliieh your usually ollree. He nnrehirrc, had presided for nL'Vt..'ll years, Here let me rrrb it in again, as l have to bear. from his Insurance and he and his wife were very much A. E. M.~\RSH. have fr’eqticritlj.' done .hcforc. the Conipziny. tlranlscd before Capt. l’. C. l.earntont. (‘.l.l~I.. was elected to take over from ° ° ’ him. Capt. l.. Saitdersori will continue to represent tlierri at meetings of King (icorge'.s l-"rind for Sailors. I.:i\vrenec Seaway by ll..\l. The] Mr. A. H. Ilritriniorrtl was re-elected Qrrecn on June It». and the siibse-' Hon. Secretary and others elected quent escort dtitics in the (ireat I.al;es included ('dr, tli) ll. (i, I’. Taylor as‘ _of Can.rd.i and .\laritiuie Provinces. Vice President and Coniniittcc Meni__\l,S. Ulster (Cap. (f. Ru,sli_y,,Ulster also escorted Prince Philip hers, ('dr. (Sp) (i. ii. Walker. O.ll.lE.. RN.) returned to Devonport orirdurrrrg the rural stages of his tvorld l.ietrt.-('dr. J. N. Rose. R.l).. M.I.N.. I Contmander J, Ii. (‘ornish and Licul-. (lctolicr 23 after I2 months of :rbsorli- Cruise in Atiril. W5‘). Among the more irriportarrt p:rs~i Cdr. [lit 1. W. Wright. in“ int;-u-cg, Sirree leavirltl l'l)'rnorrth at the end "-'"l!t-'l'\ lilluflt on board were the. It was annotrtrccd that a History of M Ocmhcr .953 "515. UN“ hm1(ioverrror-(iericral of the West Indies Royal lntlian Naval Coastal Forces. \lsllL't.l ts-I dillerenl ports or arrchor-‘,wl“.' “wk ""“"g° '" ll” ‘hm rm "3 which had been written by l.iciit.-Cdr. cruise oll the l.eev.-;rrd lslands. the‘ T. ll. l.. .\lacI)onald. l).S.(‘.. .l.l’.. :irtd "gL.\‘ mdmmm :5 WC‘! lndiim and ports in live provinces ol‘ (';iriarl;i. (iovernor ' of llritislr llortdnras and |.ient.-('dr. (S) P. I. lidtvzrrdcs. M.ll.li.. ‘r llL I slll.t_u‘kt R.N.\".tSiR.. hail been accepted by the ‘ (“I .lt._lllllll\I l.|l|l\'\‘ and hi.‘ \k_;ImL_d lhrnugh ‘he “.:llL_[‘,\L\»sl.| of It States of the l.7.S..-‘\.. visiting grorrps of islands for visits to the more r\';ition:il Maritime r\lu<eirm, One of of their parishes. the lndiatl ()fliccrs atrrroriricctl that a ports in \l\ of these. The total dis- orrtlandrsh areas .\l:rriliure r\ltl\'t.'lllll had also been t.ince slearrred during the eornniissiou; started in lrrdia, so he thour_:ht they Cll Cllllfy was .tu.o:in rnrles. Some of the ship's; would like copies of publications such more rrrirrsrral aeliieieirterits were the .I\ ll)ls_ stcaurrrrg of ove. 3.'r't1t) miles in fresh The W.R.l.N.S. was represented by The centenary of the forrnation of water takinr: iii the courses of eight‘ dillerent rivers. being .‘.'.0litl miles‘ the Royal l\.ival Reserve was cele- Chief Otliecr .\l. l. Cooper. froin the open sea and (:02 feet above bralcd on November 3 and -l. Some 250 otlicers zrttcrrderl :r dinner sea level and dressing strip overall: ‘ 22 times. held in the Pairited Hall of (ireeiiwich ln covering the Atltiriiic coasts of College or: November‘ 3. at \\l'lI\.'l'l ill‘ North, tern- ll.R.ll. The Dulse of lidirihrrrgli. .-\rricric.i from It) lus been rirecivcd rlut (llc p.-r.rtures e.\perierieet| ranged frorii i ll.R._ll. The l)_t_il;e of (iloiieester. l.ortl tulluuiirg have been .i.|\.iu.ed in the (‘Intel l-l ‘)5 l-. l)irrrrr;.- the year in the (‘arrrngton ll'rrst Lord of the Ad- l'ett\ ()tlE.'er or Chief »\ll|ll.'¢:t utc. West lrrdies Ulster has undertaker‘. lllll':Ill\'land .-\dinir.rl of the l"lcet The tlnlnnce Artificcr to (‘Mel (Irduance Artiliccr .\ (' (‘orrrcl|. MN ‘iii-101 lvsn (Iirrbhcan cruises and one to the l-'ar'l .\lotttttlt.rlletl of llunna (Chief of‘ Electrical Artillcrc to (‘Iiiel Electrical Ar-tiliccr United States. but the lrigh-light of the l)ct"erree Stall} were present. R ll (‘mrriilu-r. MK ~t'~fi-s'(.I the eorirtriissioir was he: :rtterrdance. A llianksgivirrg service was held on‘, I’cll) (Nliccr to (‘bid I'cll) (llliccr Novcnilit-r'-1:rtSl. l':iul's (‘;rlhedral. r (i H J.-rics_ JX |(rll‘l(p«I;] W I-‘ Iztlwuds. at the otlicial operiirrg of the St JN l“Wt-; l’ I ll.rnls\. IX l‘t‘--827; I II. IN I. l- lurid, IX I7tI2.'t-1. .\l.iur.itrr, ISJH7; be it all :trlls‘lcs' hadi \-I V «I-4-l\ I-«J \7"_4:A'1 it would I’ ‘lie Rimrn Alliliccr to Chief kllltinc Room l I‘ itiicr larrty of diction that Vera Lynn" \l'E;\'TY-SEVEN Standards were preseri I ('.sI|ov\.t\_ “X ~H.‘."|; l‘ t'..p...n, MN rses-_ the dedication of the new branch Stand: fltlllllilt U I Reid. MX M0772. : branch stairrlanl will he on Olticrr I-Iueinecrin: Mechanic In Chirl c again on Rcrncrnbranee Sunday and Lydd and Dungeness branches tools pl‘ Petty lin-._-inrcrin: Mechanic Cathedral of Romney Marsh. Over 250 e- I). l: Slater. KN ‘Lil!-7: ll. llieeiris-in, RX rrliam‘s beautiful cathedral. “WIN: I’ N l).nv_ KX ‘N-8"}; I) Mi-rcy_ is year's bullet supper will be on dignitaries filled the church. KN «r_‘5T(il riiber 4 and the "Members Only Led by the Royal Marine Band of I'm-ll) Oficcr Electrician to (‘hit-( (Electrician er“ on the ltrth, the Commander-in-Chiel'. The Norc. I’. llltsthcs. .\l.\' 7l2|'l‘l.‘1 i\. (E Ctilcs, MK 7'~'lI5I the lust branch meeting the the contingcnts of the 27 Royal Naval l'cll) (llficcc (‘oolttsl to (‘hid Petty (lflin-r I matter of enrolling associate Association branches and other ex(‘oulshl Jcrs was brought up but it was scrvicc organisations marched to the \\'. l. llankiris. MN .'-722} .\li-chariician to (‘bid Mechaniciu ad that Durham branch could church and after the dedication cereI! R R l)orih.rr, K.\' SJ-lrltll. accept any. Already there is mony paradcd through the town to Tu (‘liicl Aircralt Artiliccr The for Rypc. enough members R llrJ\l1l'ouLc_ l.!l-‘X M.*r_Wt; V, N. y .\ space The service w:rs.conductcd by the (twill. |.'l7 ‘3."l72t'i. r and the making of associate To (‘hicl Aircralt \Iu-hanieiail iers would inevitably mean a Rev. G. A. Finch of Lydd and the Rev. E llrrldv. I.‘l'X rlllrtlll. A Flower. A T. F. Stuart Martin of New Romney l. l‘X 77427: I). C. lll.te$;uurI. IJFK tll.l't~ltI. bi. Ships Eastbotrrnc and and the sermon was preached by Tu ("hiel All Fitter (Ali) all of the 4th irigatc Squadron, Canon H. A. Hodge, .1 former .\ l-T Trise. l..'FX vl7rtfi-t To Chiel Air Filter (0) ortsmonth on October 30 for the Chaplain of the training ship Wor('. Cousins. l.,’l-'X tll6.“l: ll. ll. R tcrmnean. cester. The lessons were read by Capt. .\lrll\otrrrie. l."FX .‘(i2|.VI
Annual Reunion of Royal Indian
Navy(1612-1947) Club
so,I .
Fast AntiSirlirriarirrc Frigate. is a First Rate "U" Clitss frigate fully converted from destroyer. She is one of eight. the leader being H.M.S. (irenville, the others being Ulster, Ulysses, Undauntcd, Urania. Urchin and Ursa. An Adrniralty Fleet Order announces Built by John Tliornycroft & Co. l.td.. Woolston. Undine was laid down that a vacancy will occur in Septemon March 18. 1943. lzrunched June l. bcr, twill. for the ziduiission of the 1943 and completed Dcccrnbcr 23. son of a Naval Ollicer to (‘hrist's 1943. She was converted in I954, l-lospital under StoeIs's 'l'rust. ApplicaStzrnrlrird displacenrent is 2.200 tons. ‘tions are invited for cartdidzites h.rttl the ship's lengllr is 363} ft. (o.a.) with ‘between September 20. I949 Septembeam 35', ft. She carries two -5-inch .ber 20. l95I. inclusive. ttwin inoiintl and two -10 m.m. llofors of :\.r\. and her .-\_S weapons are two E Applieairts must be the sortsbeen Limbo three-barrcllcd depth charge !l.ieutenants R.N.. who have killed or died in the Service. or the mortars. ller complement is I75. The present Undine is the sixth of sons of otlicers of higher rank where her name. Battle honours are .\lediter- exceptional t‘;imi|_v eirctrrrrsr.irices or The litral selection l‘l-l-l‘. Nornrartily. l‘)~l-3; liardsliip exists. rancari. rests with the Council of .-\|nioncrs of .-\driatii:. I‘)-H and ()kin:iwa, I945. The ship's badge is a lIlL‘l'll'lLll(lgold ;Christ‘s Hospital, diving itrto water in base harry wavy Forms of tipplication, which rriiy white and blue on a blue held. and is ;hc obtained froru the Secretary of the derived from Umlim-. a female spirit i/\drrriralt_v tN.('.W, llrariclil l.ond-.rn. of the water. without. but capable of. S.\V.l. must he returned not Liter than receiving :i hunian soul, April I-l. I960.
Vacancy at Christ’s Hospital
3 700
R N R C .
Cclcl7r‘lll0llS -
comm: mute on vs.» 0N Y0lIIl WAY DVEBSEASP Wherever
you're going to be. you'll need
arrival. Buy a new Hillman. Humber. Sunbeam now from E.M.A. Ltd. Portsmouth. If yours is an extended posting. take advantage of our special export schcme—you buy at export prices. Let E.M.A. make all the arr-angcmcnLs—-export lormalitics. insurancc. shipping. everything. Call at our showroom or write to us to—d:ry—-your car can be on its way tomorrow: or waiting for you when you do:|<!Or it can be purchased on the home delivery plan for use in this country before you sail. a car on
Advancements CONI-'ll{.\l»\Tl0.\'
To (‘hid Electrician (Air) l I-llrs. l.’l:X tI7lJ2"7 To ("lricf Radio I-llcctricinn (Ail V (E. l'ri:r:. l.’|-‘X tN'll$S.
HUMBER, HILLMAN. sunsem cans E.M.A. LTD.
Grove Road South, Sou thsea Tel. PORTSMOUTH 2326!
l'\'i1vt.-titbcr. I959
FRASER AT GANGES l Telephonists *
PROOF OF THE PUDDING IS IN crossing the EATING they Hillary _,..—
of the I able from raw iiiatciial in t:iste.'ir1cludii1g the recent C*‘l*“|"- l'~'\lU|t-' ilntl lit-'"°'9‘l ‘*l‘l‘1::ir:incc. .-‘sntarctic by Sir Vivizin l-'uchs and Sir have been These accclerzitcd freeze-ilricil foods ‘ l-idiniirid and l“*"¢ l“-“-'“ '\“7'-‘ll l‘.\' ¢\l‘1*‘Ts'rs in contnicnded highly for their nutritive cxticilitiiiiis to all parts of the \\0fl\li\'illllC.light \vei_i:l1i :ind case in use.
T. 5. Trick. l).S.(‘., ll.N.. in introducing: Lord I-'r;iser to the I20 ollicers tirade special rclcrence to the part he pl:i_vctl in the sinkiiiu of the "Sch:iriiburst" on lliising; |);I_v. I943. Lord l’r.'1s-.'r. in his reply. was in :1 rcniinisc.-nt niooil and rclatcd to :1 ilt-1i~.:l1te1l 1llItllL'llCL‘. inany liiiiiioroiis iiiciilcnts that occurred during his long c;irc;-r. In rcl'cri'ing.: to his title. he niciitioncd an iiicidcnt islierc he iiivitcd b_v telephone. :1 group of tclcplronists to a cocktail party in honour of l).\llR.'ll. of the Fleet. l.uril Fraser: the occ:isioi1. _i:iviri;: as his nziiiie "lhc Lord l'r.is-.-r." Siibs:-qiieiitly. it apol North (':tpe Has the disr.iIl1~.-r tilllltlL'l‘.i in llllt:l1l\llt.'tl ':rii-st ul’ liunoiir :tt lltc Tra- p.‘;ir-.'d theytli-:were iri\'iI.1tioit. :1 s the _v .icc.'p:iii;! falgar N;'£l1l llinncr uitcrt :it lI.\l.S. tit-\ti_'.:hl "lltc loiil l-i;i~ci" '.\..~. sq-:11’: (I:iii'.'i:s. Tilt: l-Isl.-cntiic tllliccr. ('dr. iicv. p'.r‘:1i:.' liuiiss‘. lhc li>lli-uiiii: ti.-.}. (L'ti~h:r 33. l ‘til l'i.i~:r liiok sahitt: .':l the riiaicit (1..-1 K13 1./v I 'lt\'« lrum past «it H loll‘-.... (i.i.'t.::s_ st..‘.1'is': ii. tI..\l S, \'c::to:t l3I.tllL'il ol the l.11tr ill the l'i:iii1i: cori\v;i~ iiiiist iriztxi:-.teil wit. -1 21.‘ l.ici'.i5"_\ \\':1.cs iiclil rts (ic‘lls'l.tl dirctcil aroiinil the \Cll«Is‘l iv,‘ l:t~l.'..\lcc:in_:: in the c'llls'll'l.l ol the L'~l.tl‘llsll-: ll. (i. S llrm.1.iibill.l)$(‘..l{.N.. merit of (lczobci 7. .\lrs. .\lor1_-an Capt. (iilcs prcsideil. prayers being said by to set: Juniors‘ all using louriiaiit p;-its. 5 each bearing the iiaiiic of their owner‘. the Reverend llasil \\‘.itson, R..\. A cake icittt: ilcinoitstration sport-5 in record time. :1 pcn w;1.s‘ hastilysored by the Southern (ias Board wasf scctired. and before he left the pretttises. the ilistinttiiishcd visitor was the highlight of the afternoon. demonstration proved extremely in~- presented with his own pen suitably teresting :rnd the linishcd .spont._:cs' inscribed "l’r:1scr of North Cape." looked so delicious that. after :1 vote of thanks‘ was given by Mrs‘. Watson. Mrs. l-‘arlcy w:1s siirroiiitdcd by incinbcrs with icing queries‘. The liriislicd cakes were ttencrously tlonati.-tl .-is Pfilv‘. the two lucky winners being .\lesd:imcs Bray and Iirown. Tea was served by .\lrs'. Bird and the Duke of Ediiibiirgh prcsciitcd tea coniniittei: and Wren Wall veryi kindly took cliarge of the "iindcrl the Reverend Frank Pocock. Chap-
Officers and men eat new freeze dried foods
nearly missed 3 .
()llit.'(‘rs til’ the .\':1y_v inSt-'..\'l()R cliiilini; Rear .\iliiiir:1l i':ill:ird.
the party
(‘Iris-I‘ Stall tlfliccr t.-\dir1iiiistr:1tion) to‘ the (‘oii1ii1:inilcr-in-t.'l1iet'.|'iirlsiiioutl1.‘, ttiiil ll‘.i.- ('oii1nti1ilore of the Ntlfilli l:-.1n--_;ql.. \\L‘rL' st-ncil at the Rtl_\':|l“ .'\.i\:1l “2lll'.lt'.‘l\\. |'i1i'tsiiii1titli tilt Sepwt‘ 23 with :1 tllt':Il pri.-pzircil li_\ n:1.1f m1:.!.s t'i':mi the out :icccli:r:tted li-.-i-v..-ilr5'- i too ls. Tire-c limits are the l'l'.'|s: I"'.'t‘l'il lli:\t‘lI)lHllL'lll iii loiiil timi :.-nil are the result of pr. ,1 c.:rri:il iiiit lit liiiiil scieirtists rcs *' ic .\ii:iistr_s oi" Aitrieiiltiiri: .xt I-’islxc;'es :1:1i| l-iioils licscarclt l'Cst‘.tlilislimi.-tit in .\lii.-rilccri. "A lhc ollict-is .il~H saw .111 exhibition ol pl1utogi;ip!1s and s.iiiiplcs which Capt. W. il. Sheppard. ().ll.!-1.. R..\'. (Comriuind Supply Olticcr of the R..\'. slioweil the wide ianitc of limits prc-‘ ltiirracks. Portsiiiouth) anil Capt. J. F. Lnnttdon. R.N.. of Reserve I-‘Ieet. p:1.'ci.! by this new method aiiil Portsiiiuuth. with (Centre) Mr. G. .\I. Lawrence (Food development Liaison illustrated their :1dv:int:ii:c.s.The foodsi Dflicer at the .\linistr_v ol‘ At.-.riculIuri.-. Fisher-ies and Food) discussing :1 Exhibition at :irc light in weight. s'oii1p:1ct and do not! sample of dehyrlnitetl cabbage at the Food Dehydration need rctrigeratcil storage. Thorough! the R.N. Barracks, Pox-t.sniouth——l’l1oto: Ministry of Agriculture. Fisheries and Food. Crown copyright. and prolonged tests have proved that for of these foods will east two years in tropica tent :in ‘
/Cm; .1//..s'. l/[:'R.\'().\"
. ‘
J‘§“"' rpllt; 5
lficfip :1‘:
less indclinitcly under normal conditions. They are very simple to ‘use, needint: only :1 short soaking to be ready to cook in the t1orm:il w:iy. or, in the case of prc-cooked foods. to c:it .sti‘:iight :iw:iy. .\l:1ny of them; have been tried out as experimental rations by all three Services. The Petty tlfliccrs’ M1.-ss of the Royal .\':1v:il Barracks‘. Portsmouth.
pr:ictic.1lly ii1distingiiish-
more or
"ts" npcn'¢m-ed the MW rlried food for dinner on September 24. Despite the well-known conscrva. l tism of the iiverasze sailor regarding loud. the pelt!’ "mi"-"3 NP"-'SS¢d their complete satisfaction. With these inodcrn foods :1 complete nical can be ready to eat in live ininiitcs. the range of foods includes steaks. chops. lish lillcts. ready cooked slices of pork. |:ii11b and beef and :1 large variety of fruit and. vegetables. The foods, when water has been
tting new carrier dy f
by Duke of Edinburgh
l:iii1. Royal Navy. I with the Order of
Iivcsu" Tilt: .-\nni1:1l Sale ol' Work will be ll.-\I iloyen of ships c:inti:cn lll:lI‘l‘.It:Cl’\‘. Jaines \ictor hfe. who transin the cinciiia of l~l..\l.S. Vernon ferred from active sea service earlier this yi.-or alter a record of 44 years i held November 4. Lady Power l1:1s on at sea. is‘ now at Ba|’I'0\\-in-l‘llI‘l\l.‘\\‘on board the new aircraft carrier ll.M.5. consented to open it :it 2.30 :1nd :ill Hermes. which is due to be coninihasioncd at Portsmouth in Now.-iiiber. members and their lricnds will be Jim F_vl'e's vast experience is bi:ing:Roy:1l Navy's latest Carrier is ready ivelcomc. utilised to the full in the task of taking l for C('Iml‘l|l\'~‘il0lIll1g. He Will h3I\'I= all over the Naali commitment on board l assistant manager and eight stall. the new carrier: stocking up the cart-~incIiiding :1 liairdresscr. ship‘; cgtnlccn ntanttgcrs have nmny teens, soda foiintains. bookshop. and generally preparing the 1v:1y for mid \':lflcd duties and. in addition, Coiniiiissioiiiiig Day. .\lr. C. .-\liler-imtm of thcm tat.-¢ an .1;-tit-c p;.n‘i11 man. canteen niaiiatter on hUi|r(ll[hQ mg-i;.| tire of their «ship, Like Mr, ll..\l.S. Viclorioits. Will take i‘I\'i.‘l' the!W_ [)_ (it)dt|;trd_ cant;-L-n manager in! Nazili services on thcllcrines when tlter H..\t.S. Loch l-'yrie, now in the Persian Gulf. He organises the ship's concerts with considerable success. _
of l.cc-on-Solcnt. :1n Olliccr ol the
British Empire (Military l)ivision) at Buckingham i’:1l:1ce on October 20. Supply I.icut.-Cdr. Charles Hann. R.N.. ol Havant. received the award of the M.B.E. at the same invcstiture.
stores‘ I
.3001! CLUB (/1 ,4‘...
the sl1ip's darts niatchcs and, lwlieii the opportunity occurs. accoingpaiiics the ship's‘ cricket eleven as itlll runs
"It's time llrit:iin‘.s biggest sport bad its own book soccer l:ins kept saying. We agreed, we got active is Mr. J. ll..\l.S. 'l iger. ‘down to it. and here it is! F.vcryoric's dead keen-clubs, . l)c:m. cantccii inanaitcr. Portsinoiitli. He represented the Naali ;_['ll:t)'cl'.s‘. authors :ind publishers back its all the way. .st:itl' at the ship's sports day and that nicans all the best soccer books will be reserved carried oil’ two prizes. winning the for Soccer llook Club members only :it the fabulously Javelin event with :1 throw of l_tl-t lcct ,|o11‘ price of 5s. 311. each. The same books that cost :ind taking’ second place in the l two or three times as much elsewhere. the sante illustriVeterans‘ Race. which has :1 niininiuni tions. the same iackets. not :1 word left out. And you books :1 year. age limit of 35. To cont.:r:itul:itions on :don't get too many books either. Just one every two months. six his siicccss Mr. Dean shook :1 riicful iL‘(I..\‘_V on the pocket. Just look at the SPORTS EXTRAS below-—l'rcc choice here, :i.s you please. There's never been :1 club like it. The stampede will he tcrrilic. licad. lt \'L‘L‘I1ls that the last time ,lhrew :1 javelin competitively he 1 Rush your cnrolnient lornt in NOW. and become :1 lioundalioit Member of It-it teet. “that was some ‘: l3rit:1in's best Sports Club. -achieved l ;years ago. he ailiiiittcd. .\lr. l)c:iii is 1 also :1 keen and c:in:il1|cciickctc: and JACKIE MILBURN TULLY :pl.t)s for |l..\l.S. 'lii;cr. "Writ l.i;l.re' l|.l\ l-or Nasal Canteen S.-rvice history was Passed to V0" ; . 1-x; citiitctxirtivlozirt-gist--.1 .:r niaile .it the llril;i:ini:iRoval NZl\'ill yr-_(\rc lultyt," \,||il lntiii lliuriipsnri iii ll.-:1 l.-im'1 Soccer t1is1ui_s-. He tells nl (rm li1i.1i1lr.iii:.;s Lc.i1:ui: l~.ittlcs,1nil ll|\ll luvtb.'.li in I litcly (‘ollc_cc. l):irti11oiiili. when the d:iii_i:li- [ I..\l. \ou‘Il think so, too, \il:c11 soifsc l’t.'Jtl book lull in sprc_v Iii-bits aiiil iiitiinatc rc\cl.ior uisccrk R lilc suits clrccky ‘this mllii-kiiic the caiitccri n1:iii:1t:cr. tcr of ( lulu wire 51. Id. rions. ll plioiu-.:r.ir1l1s. 5s. .\d ('luh Ill r\lir-ro~.:r.r;1h\ (|lI('|' Hcridersoi1_ was cliristciictl in th: clt.it't\'c Nasal College Cliiirch by the Rc\'.: C. Prior, l-{.l\‘. Nicola .-\nnc. Hill)‘ 'd:iiii:ht1:r of .\lr. anil .\lrs. llendcrsoii. is the tirst .\‘:i;ili child to he christened at the College. .\lr, Henderson has run 1'11;-1111;-irl.it Arsenal and W-:lsli lritcrii:itron..1I pzoalkccpct‘ r.i\'c\ us the inside camp and plenty ol aiiccdntcs about favourili: Soccer the College caritcctt for the last two ,sii1ryol the I Ii;-hbur) .1no im:hri'.:l=I."-looibullRrlrrcr. 22 rliotogrziphs. t.i.e1:1.:iii1t[|crsut|.Ilitit:\. Club I'rl.-1' S1. 31.‘. years.
umpire. l Equally
Banking for the Navy Whether afloat
i Lloyds
available on
For your Savings, Deposit which interest is allowed. Any branch of Lloyds Bank will be pleased to and you as a new customer and the staff are ready ‘O advise on an financial manta.” are
vi'willing clcontc
is:-r-its l\HU\\ are csclusisc \[\€\.‘|;ll ollcrs at has been ‘priiilcgc prices to ntciitbcn 0! Succcr llook .-\n international r1:pnt:itioi1 Club only No ubliguition ht:rc—onlct as you built up by llritish rc:id_v-to-wear [please tmin .in tttf-Cl'|.tI|[:ttt|: lI\l oi books .
a current account at
Fashion wise
Bank gives you A full banking service at modest cost You can allot pay to your account and, as one of many services, the Bank will make regular payments 0“ 3'0"‘
Over the Bar
“ .
MERVYN GRIFFITHS The Man in the Middle to rclcrcs: .1 Cup l"Ini2 World Cup Ir.lcri1.ition.1I importaiit
Herc‘: how it feels an
or in
llruil. ''I particularly cnros-ed ltt\ |l€\\‘fl[7llOt'I ladies‘ tailoring and the reason for this ‘€\\¢nll.1l to the keen sporismait. lliii wait for of conditions in Russia."— Willy .\tci1l details. l)0.‘s"l order now. Here are is not hard to lind when the care wbicli turrnei in tl"mIiISpml'1, ilic lint inur—c1crs one .1 winner. Club price SI. 36. IR nhoto-;r.::1li\ Rodcs of into the production goes to begin saving now. coats is seen. Scottisli tssceds are the materials whilst are still serving, is the time To-day, you mainly used. but among the 2.500 dilfcrcnt cloths being made tip into 300 [0 start. :ind ditlercnt styles. cashmcres. alpaca with the Admiralty :1 special 3 In llama. mohair. czimclhair and the expensive vicuna are also used. has been devised
lwi s __
scheme of endowment assurance for naval ratings and Royal Marines (other ranks).
For full particular: as}: the man from the
The coats‘ are thrcc—qu:irtcr.s handmade and it takes four years to train women to the point where they do all the machine work in :1 coat. The cutters are all men and theirs is :1 very highly skilled work The tinished coats are not just chcekcil on the table or on dressmakers‘ busts but are"tricd on models with the right proportions. The Kcrrydown. :1 croltcr-woven casual tweed coat. and the Caravclle. W1-'"
wool-and-cashmere coat embodying the continental trend. are two splendid examples of this House of Fashion.
kr>3 ?r w
Or write
the Prudential Assurance Co. Ltd., Holborn Bars, London, F..C.i.
Nos ember. I959
Li-I.M.S. TIg_t3:__1;I
lllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll||l|l|||llllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllilllIllllllllllllllllllllllllllltg ‘) ° a
personal problem ASK JOHN ENGLISH
Have YOU
Julm I-.'tt_qIi.t/I trill be plco.tt‘d Io (III.\lt‘4’r your (]lIt‘I'ft'.'i. A smntp.-J mI(lre.v\t'd envelope will be upprccitllctl. l have been waiting for advance- I Recruiting that I Itad been successful ment to (‘h. .\l.l-Z. now for seven and it all at Scletrtimt Iloztrd for flu: l{l'('I'IIlIitl‘: plus an extra two _vcar.s‘St-rvicc with a ‘tenttttive date to ap.half years. undcr the .scht.-me of having pass't.-il II ; potnttucnt III III months to two _vt.-ars. I"lcct Iloartl for ('h. .\l.I-Z. after being. I was in|'ortuetl in earlier corres. rtttcd l'.()..\I.tI-1.). making my waiting Dtmdcncc that if succesful I shou‘.tl time nine and :l half years. hm‘:-_ to rcpa_v a proportion of ni_t Now I see that some ratings; who hpt.-ctal Capital (inint ‘tut lhg-_\' mut.| have less tinit: in the Service than the not tell me what proportion this mmtd time I have been waiting for advance- take. (‘an _vou find out this figure‘! ment htive been rated Ch. \I.I-I. This that Illc Civil Service (‘omI _note when I as is as enquired strange very at Deptford in 1647 (38 guns) which to my probable advancement date two mission states on its regulation forms for examinations and I quote “untlcr was with the fleet for nearly a hundred or more years ago I was informed years. She was at the siege of Col- that I would be advanced in “about PIl|’1|- 10 of the White Paper on (Tompensation for I’rt.-mature Retirement ehester in I648 and with Blake inl two time." years front the Arntcd I-"(trees (Commd. 2.“). pursuit of Prince Rupert in I650 whenl I luivc not been recontmended in red successful candidates who take up ap. she took two prizes. In 1652. in the ink but I have always been recomearly days of the Second Dutch Warfl mended and as I know of ratings who puintrnents within two years of It-avittg Tiger had :1 prolonged :tnd bloody! passed their I-‘let.-t Board at the same the Forces will be called upon to refund part of any special capital gr-.i:tt with a Zeelztnd privateer and in; time as I did and one who passed sltip has :ttttotnatie boiler control“ light have received." What does she was Ilagship of a' three months after me. have been tlte same remote control of the tttatn machinery: force thatyear 23f in the reference to the took lire ships unto the‘ rated. I would be grateful if radar-I could full-autotuzitic quick-tiring you very “lute Paper mean and where could Ter Sehelling Roads attd t|estro_\'edthe controlled It-incli and 3-inch position. explain I read the White Paper for m_v.sclf‘.' I70 vessels. Itt I672. in defence of a_ I an centralised messing with its of give cannot. course, you .she heat oil eight‘ From the above do you think I halls and cafeteria service: attd a bunk , convoy of collicrs. authoritative answer to your query. :iftcr In I67-l a for every tttan iii the ship—e.\ccptj large privzttecrs. basic date oti the roster for could assume that if I was appttinmt 'Ihe her action close .ship‘.s. advattecntctu to ('hicf Meclttinic (I-‘J tn the Recruiting; Service after .\I:trch "I.ofty" who is too loin: and has the‘ contpanyat capturedquarters. l)ittcIi Scltakcr-‘ 29. I960. I would not have to rctttrn of the ottly ltztntniock. New plastic materials; loo. In the 1680'sthe titan at the top is l‘ehruary I6. in! she took part have replaced steel and aluminium in As you know this date is based any capital grant? I‘!-I". antl' operations against (iuadaloupe (‘otnntand 231 is the number of the many parts of the ship: and the special Mtirtiniqtte. on the date of qualifying for advanceventilation vystent. although noisy in‘ So tttuch for the I7th ment and is allected by "red recom- White Paper on reductions in imF..'t|'l)' century. places, works well now that its intri-I iii the next century Tiptcr helped ittl mends" and "non-recomntcnds." A\ls'o Armed l~‘orce.s and yott should be able cacies have been mastered. I“ be actually at.lvaitceiI zt to get :i copy either front IIAI. .sltei0l in of defence I705 }“““"'~‘ 'the (iibraltar; The first recorded 'l'it:cr—and there‘. rating tuust have had six ntotttlts Stationery (mice. or throtttzli a guvtl of’ destruction in her the played part a‘ was havegbeen at least thirteen the bookseller. Under its terms, any I’ointi'.s' De near the Rock.‘ utibrolscn \".(i. coitduct prior to squadron galleass of 200 tons, bttilt :it Deptford I In I726 she was serving in the East date of ailvattcentent. ratings who receive the special capital in I5-16. She fought ag;iin.st the Indies. Later still she took If you have in fact been fully paytitettt on pretuature discharge and in the part Artitada, the chase taking her from‘ for advancenient for ‘)3. t,-ears who obtains certain types of employqualified of Catagena. hlockzige the Channel as far north as Newcastle. .3 In I7-I3 xhc at last llll.‘I her end.t it would st.-cut front the date quoted ment with the (‘row-it within two I foundcrint: off Tortugas in the West: above that you should be at the top years has to refund part of the payTIGER .«\'l‘ Jl"I'I..»\i\'I) ment. 'Ilte Recruiting Service is The 'I'igcr itntncdiately before the‘ Indies. Her crew managed to niakc-'. of the roster fairly soon. In any case I itilvisc you to have ittcludcd but _vou c:itt take- it that if shore with stores and 20 of the present one was a battle cruiser of lirst (liI_\‘ in the Rt.‘ct'uittnt: Cl5.l(»u tons. completed in NH. She. ship‘.s nuns". and to fortiI'_v an a word with your Divisional Ollicct your Service is tttorc tlt:ttt two }t.‘ZII\ aft.-t" island. 'l'lte Spaniards sent a 60-gun about the whole problem. saw action at the llattle of the I)ogger‘ your last tlay on Naval pa)‘. then you C U it Hank and at Jutland where she reship. the Fuertc. to capture the", will not have to tttzike any refund. ceived I7 hits. (After the action a shell 2 crew, but the Fucrte was lost in the; I am ttfraid I cannot cstintat.: front attempt and 'l‘iger'.s crew. as if tof I was rliscltartzed from the Royal was found iainttted between tlte bands; turret). Those who knew herl cotnmeniorate the ship's 96 years Navy on .\larch 29. I958. under .\.l".0. the little infortnatiott I have how much Grant you might have to repay. I gather the thought her the most beautiful ship in‘ of active service. captured a Spanish‘. I955/7 with a Special Capital the Navy. Under the terms of the sloop and sailed their prize to; of £I.525 and a pension of £3 Ks‘. -ld. longer you have been "out" the less it week. ;\I_v rank at the time was becomes. At worst it could be quite Washington Treaty she \v:is broken‘ Jamaica. a large sum. I xu"t:.~l you write to l The present Tiger sails for thci l'I.R.A. Ijc. up itt I932. Of all the many Tigers‘. perhaps the Mediterranean. her llrsl "t'\'c1'<I.‘1I<.'| On July 27. I959. I received confir- the Director of Naval Recruiting for maliott from the I)epnrtment of Naval further inforiuation. most splendid was the one completed move, itt November. .
Tiger is
now an
unit of the fleet
BALTIC CRUISE REWARD has now been in l cottttuissiott siitce March wlten she I procccdctl south front (‘lydebank and gave I§as‘ter leave. I’rotu then until .sttninter leave trials were carried out and at titties. from all ziceounts. lhese seemed as llttltlglt they would never cttd. and tlte wish never to see SpitItcad again was heard very often. There was one break— the ship paid a Whitsun week-end visit to (iuemsey. After Siiintiier leave. 'I'ip.cr went to under I-‘lag Portland to “work it Otliccr Sea Training or five weeks. Depending ttpon the view point. Portland is either further front Portsmotitlt or nearer to I)e\-onport. but as leave does not enter into :i work-up scheme. the viewpoint is unintportant. The great thing is ttot so much tltat the work-tip is over but that it is felt that the shin is now ati ellicient unit of tlte tlcct. Perhaps‘ as a reward for hard viorli. the ship is tiow on a llaltic cruise and everyone oti board intends to ntalse the most of it. 'Ihc ship was lauttclted in I945 at John Brown's yard :tttd for years the hull lay there. Then this new cruiser. ‘lirst of the tinal class of t.-un-artned cruisers. was hiiilt into that hitll. She has many ttcw featiires. features of the kind that are likely to appear in the gitided-missile ships that will replace her when their turn comes. The .I\I.S.
the_v (.on_1md.
[per ‘
r/I*z'sl0cI'((l (J’C0(tI.s at
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KERRYDOWN Crofter- lt‘UI'(’Il ('tt.s'mtl Iwrtml
.\'o\'enIher. I959
Spending £1,000 per day on survey Work H.M.S. COOK IN THE SOUTH PACIFIC (By
UUR SI’!-I('l.v\l, (‘()Rl{|'ISl’()-.\'l)I-INT!
:il'raiil that Illi\ ni-iuletter froiii ll..\l.S. (‘mile l\ |!:|(ll_\‘ 4)\‘L‘|’lltlt.‘. imiiiu. I '.\l]):ll'll_\‘. tn the niiiiilier int" l'I_\lll’t)1[l‘:l[)lllt' iiistriinu-iit~ iilliitti-il to ll)‘ My us
l.iinl~. the (¢Ill|lIlI\\3tt|lt'l'\ut‘ the .-\iliiiir;iIt_\. llimi.-\'i.-r. it'~z riewr too late. so l|L'l‘(‘\ him Ht.‘ itiatizi t‘ in \[tL'Htl u Il|tMl\‘.Nlll ptlulllls ]|t‘|' tlictii iiii suru-_v out here in the Siiiitli |’:ieitie. \'i\it» tn Sum e\ei_\ mo \\i'el\\ or ()iiz tits: m:iin: .I\~t‘.!.“tlllL'll: \i.‘.llL‘tl l.i~t .\‘m'etitlw: ulicn. tiiiiler (ilr.‘ st) lt‘l tiiel and \ll|1]1llL’\ g:'e.'itl_\' redid llL'\’L‘t :lie lL'll\llH'l .'llll.l then. .I\ mm. |l.it1i;l.‘.. a we R, II. \tlt\‘L'_\' of llriixi ll.ltlH‘llt on the l\l;tIlll e\'e:_\niie liu-Leil t‘i\:i\.iriJ to his run of .\1.il.ii:.i iii the Snloiuim l\l1tllti\ .‘i\llU:i.' iii the l"iji'.m !ltL'lH‘Dt‘ll\_ liefor the xixit til‘ ll.R.ll. the Duke of lIL'\L‘ rue. .it'te:' weirig wine \\t‘ the liiliiiliitzeli iliitiiig: l'tt\ liar l‘.;isti::ii \lll.tllL‘l' :mxn~ in Fiji. Sii\.i :e.'.ll)' ii 'l'uiii in the e.i:l~. part of this‘ war. ;i tttelzwipitltsi In \l.:-.eh this ‘.L'.tl', we xct nut for \\'e louiiil the lll1.tlI\ i\uiiile:!'iil til the S‘\‘\',l1g'}'. lltll (‘It the xeieus people and their lJ’tL'I1tillll\'\\ and ,'-’ I-“"".' 3,'\li\tUlI. \tI:\L‘_\\ --t’ lllltllt.'i|tl\ iitihlviiiie giiivil hiitiiuiif ha‘ Iii be e\\l\it;il\ _im! ii.-pmti.-tl pateltex itl ili~- veiieiieeil to be iieliexeil. .-\i'.u:he:‘ c\\li\[!"Ctl ii-.i:e: en iniite. .\ llt\flIllf.:lll \llt\L‘_\'_ that at the \‘s.tlL'l\ ItZ\“.ll‘i\li \\'.l\ ~.[|L_‘ll'i lll\L't‘\L‘ll‘t" the i‘.e:iii:ie~. \'.itIi:.'.iiii i~l.inil, tiutk in In the (mini :~wliitet'tIi::il and | ‘!\‘il\L‘. itl tho.‘ tit’ l,e\itl..i on the l\l.Illtl at ()\;:1;iii. l and. iii tiii~ euiiiieetinn. it \\.t\ il\IL‘H'\[:\‘.l\ll.:ll.tIl C.‘|‘l'..ll, \!i\7ltlt.I xliip. and 'lli-x ll\t‘Ll to he the e.«pit;il tit" lwii geiiet.:ll§‘ \l'lI\\\|ll‘,I '.he ll.ig.: "ili\\\n hetuie the iziiwiiiiiteiit ‘-L'lilL'(l int {tug Iii |e.irii that an \‘\Ztll.litllt‘ll of :i iinile:." ; (iiiel l’ett_\' Ullieer'~ anil .l Petty Su\.i. .‘tlltl it \\.I\ here that the l)eeil; Ii.-en ttl'OI;||l1t,'d (tn we wt ;:g.i:n, Illtx tune Il‘i' Ur (k.‘w,n ,_”_ ‘mm.d‘ hmmmg iumi _(_]ll1\-,'T\ iieti~iiiit~_li:id lrum ::tt .tettt;it‘_\‘ (it :i lL‘LHlll!_L' itixui-,.u.,-.3 Sui.-. in the tin l\l:ltttl\, hut iihoiit NV, 1,, it“. unite}, ( hm" m -_},Li*-"""l‘-="¥’« “W -|~‘l”i”.\" '0'.‘-film" in hall ~.v.i_\ :\‘\\.ll\i\ out de~tiii.itinn. “C tC|_L'|'l ill’ Vietiitia. I Y to be present at :i llexeltli.-ment hriel :ire_: lwir Lt. aged 30 _ye;ir\~ dexelopeil hiviler ll|‘lll‘lL'. and h:iil to; “,mk ham! l.Im\hCd in Hi" ‘W mix ti» Board in R.i\.|i:irr:ieks‘,lurtuiiniitli. (.I .(),§ per_i~ioii of :i i'e-ilireet our eivut~e tn :'\Iii:l>.l;iiiil ;i MW mm, \K*"”L_d m‘ H m‘_‘" “H “V i“'- "ml 3' FT~'l\"'‘' ‘'1 5-"3'? 111 mi-nth i.-.’iz‘lte:‘ than had been antici- ‘|';.;;.“;. ,-\iu|| in thy; (tilts,-ii |.|_',n.|e-_ 'llie~e Bii;iril~. ;tl|llltVfl\L‘t.i by .-\il-' ()iir Ct\fft.‘\D«‘Il(lL‘i\X \\:l\ mini iiit4‘t~’'~‘ 4" )‘c:ir~. the lump sum reqiizreil paleil. ;.ri.,—r um] |‘||||]]cnI||h‘. .~m;.t|L-r "me I niiralty Fleet Order l30S,55‘}. to inter pressed by the e;iret‘iil. patient way I! \V.:\ rather uti!n:tiiti.ite that we aroiiiiil the (iilbert and lilliee l\l.tl\tl\. View ratings who :ire leaving the \\liie.'i the Biiard eairieil out its duties. ;il ;ii:L‘ Fl) ituttlil be l.-3.714» i'\\, (ill. or zirriveil in :\ticl>.l:iiiil only .i liiitnight i we \l'|llll ;it'ri\'e in Siiigapiiri: the Scniei: on completion of a regular The permnx being iiitervieweil wen: £0 Ix. 5d, per iieel». fur the neu ten :il'te:‘ we hail Ii.-ft .'s‘yiliii'j-'. hut tiri- hope. priwiileil the hl‘liL‘l'\ don't fall eiigageuieiit. are eiiiiipiiseil of the Purl put eniiipletely at their eaxe atiil z ). ""T‘ilauiiteil by empty pivekets. we made lover :ii_.:;iin) ariiiinil December l5. Rexettlement lnloriiuitiiiii Ollieer. a fwas e\nl:iineil to them th:ilthe liiiaril i l'“l' 3| mi!" ;t!~"-‘(l 3“ )'*'5"‘ 1*‘ "hlfllll I“-'7 the min: of our xpare tiiue: the \l10Tl iltxl in time for (‘hrixtnias and the “~“|“"“'N'~‘ "ml 6-\PL'm‘I1cL‘t| utlieer of k‘\i~lL‘tl silltl)‘ In xlltitlcxl \I\lUill\n\ nit“ P'()"‘ l"""‘“"‘ '‘_‘f L‘ “ml “I " 3“ retit ll‘ i-iir mirtliy yellmt-fiiiiiielled .(~‘.,,,.(‘-,-_ ;.nm,;.[ g,,.-,,-,,_-gmmg 155" “F0 .\linmry uf l_;ihniir. at l‘L‘[1|"I.‘\t..'l1l:l- their ofteiitiiiiex L‘(\lt1[\lL‘.\ ie~ettleiiieiitl"""'i‘ the l~""‘“"‘-" {the and month. Nltlll lump required at age j-ttl years vexael l1|\lL'(l .'tl‘l\lll a ltm: of the Naliiinal .'\\\t'tL‘l'.lll0I1 for Wui,iL.,,,,. ‘"3 W“ (“L "7 ii-.‘~S-‘.2 of Regular Sailiin. that "Re-eiigageiiieiit iluriiig that time m:iii_\ of the ere\\'|_ eiiipliiyin-ciit ()l1\t..'I’\'tll§! hail e.\eellent tlppflrltllltltcs In see ii, 3"“ ‘M mi“ -‘ n ‘if i“ 5‘ mi" N klSUl(llL'I'\' and .‘\l|'ll'N.‘n in brief Reeii- one form of Rexettlement the l!iviiil“~7 3" 3"- P" ‘‘‘-'‘-'i‘' “W ll“-' M“ "5" : |.“..m bit ut the .\'ei-. Zealaiiil Ct‘tlnlt}'\l(h.‘. III .l£tIHl(|l‘\'. the highlight nt our ar- lar hireex lziiipliiyiiietit I\\\tK'liIllUn enxurex priiii.'iriI_\ that \l.‘l'tUll\' t'|VlI~:v ii\.il iii pnrt ix. iil L‘(tllt'\L‘. the p.'u~‘.-and are iindoiihtedly ful- \'l(ll.‘l’iIllt‘X|lt;t'~ beeii given to the prnh-‘. Th“ “'l“'°“"“‘i‘ “"l“li'"'i"l 'l"““' {lR.lF.l:'..‘\.) of and I to am mail. \\'(lNI)F.Rl-'llI. I-‘IJI glad repiirt ilillung a most ll\t'llll fiinetion. peel ilcm Ul \\hi:ther tn re-engage or nott t(.'iintinui.-doiipage l6.eoluiiiii-I) .\’iw.s i\ the .\'.\\'\‘ that i_.-ieatly ap— other» were Smite weiit on ll‘llI\‘_ ln\'tlL'll to stay for a week on xlieep preeititeil, even thiiugh it is .'Il\\'il_\\ farmx. while a few of the h.‘\\ ;ini- zi few weeks late. Still. it ;il\\.i}s pin\0tl1L' llk‘\\\. .mil in: .i:e bitioiis xpent their time “tugging up" \-idev. us‘ with in .-‘\ticl;lariil piuper. all the while he-‘. very glad of it. as we tend to get .i hit out of touch with the rest of the iiiiianiiig the ;iwltw.iiil opening and‘i\\'l3l'ld. Railiii reception is not too early elusiiig tiiiies of the New Zeaunit the news that i-.c dn land riuhx. After much eajoling and coaxing get via Radio Suva is more or less the Kiwi iloekyard finally hail Cook .de<igned for Colonial li<tcner<. We l.iim.\ wha: the lap ready for sea. and we ~et iiitr enurse .don’t- even know but we have hail once more for l-"iii. The .\lIl\'L‘)'\ here 'lwenty Pups are. from‘l were of the entranees to l.amb:is':i wine ritagiiilicent priIpag;inil;i E" Harbour. fur the bench: of the sugar | the "Voice of .‘\!l1¢.‘l'lI.‘:l ships, and of the Viiya l’as's:iges : We xhall xhurtly arri\e in Suva thrmigh one of the large reefs between after iiezirly a iniiiith \\lll'|tHtl any the tim main i~lanil\ of Fiji. for the mziil. so here's hnpiiig that \\e’ll liave beiielit of ;tl‘I_\'Ul‘lL' ithii did not par- staekx of letters and iieiu from home. ticularly eare in end up high and dry land, of course. our biiiiille of N.i\‘i' un the coral. {Ni-.ws-I-.-:3 l. .\l. l)U.\‘C.-\.\'. -
Naval Interview boards
big help
N:\\ §I'.\\'S >II'|Il'I'\'Il.'“
with _
pri\‘ilr.-gctl reel.-ti,tl_\
"37 i_“ri‘w:idd\p':'l5,‘im,il“‘:::!'tlie
i~.l"-‘ll _\W“1'-'
S E II V I C E for Service people \\"lion you bank with the I\"i,-stiiiiii~'tr~i'_. you gt,-t. st.-i'\'ii‘0 all illttltg the line. l-'ii'.~‘t, llio \\'i-.~‘tiiiiit~ti-r lia.<_a spa-rial i\'a\'y Bt‘iltlt‘lt at -26 ilil_\'llliIl'lU,'l, Louilon. This has her-ii opt,-ii .~‘illL'(,‘ if'_7.: aiiil is, in (‘(llI\'l‘tlllL'll(‘.(.‘,well aicquairiteil with the kiuil of liuaniial ])!‘UlIlL‘ll|S you nient, with in the Niivy. Next, the liaiik has liwiiiclies at (Iliatliani, Portsiiioutli aiiil Plyiiioiitli wliiitli are always at your service (as also are nearly i,2oo l)l'ill)t'llC‘S in other towns throiiglioiit liiiglaiiiil and Wales). Finally, the \\'i,-sttiiiiisti.-r Bfillii operates ahroail tlii‘oii;;li a wiirlil-wiile systeiii of agciits and i:(ii'i'i-spuiiili-tits. ll you woulil like to know more about our .<i-rviec to the Si.-iiiiir Si-i'\'ii'e, write for the liooklct ‘\‘\"e~'tiiiiii<ti,-i‘ Batik to
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llayiiiai'ket, Liiiiiluii, s.W.i I.utlilmi'y, Loiiilon, t-:.C.2
Cl H,'}K,26
Norentber. I959
Elder Brethren of Trinity House‘ at Trafalgar Dinner torics, those of the Nile and Copen-
l).S.C.*, has Olliccr. Scotland.
C.B.. R. Cyril May. K.B.E.. c.a.. M.C.. Flag l“.R.C.S.. I..R.C.l’.. Q.l*l.S.. the to take effect on April 30. succession to
Wright. been appointed in
\'iee-Admiral R. ll.
TRINITY HOUSE The Commodore of the llarracks. \’i.scoiint Kelbtirn. welcomed tllc guests and referred to the Comple.\' and in some places obscure history of Trinity House. It received its first charter fro_m l-lenry VIII and has continued of the greatest social occasions each year in the Navy is the traditional ever since in it manner somewhat simiTrafalgar Night Dinner held in vrardrooms in ships and establishments. lar to its own Iighthoiises——sonietimes Year after year the function takes plaee—those who have to prepare speeches. flashing brightly and sometimes occultscratching their heads to find something new to say. caterers and cooks put "'8. Among its Elder Brethren were forward their most attractive meals and II party spirit is always present. A some of the greatest sailors of their 5113?. Bcnbow. Hawkc. Keppcl, Howe party spirit with a background of reverence for the Immortal Nelson. and $t._Vinccnt. Samuel I’cp_\'s \\‘:I\ This ycar‘s dinner in the Royal tal Memory of Nelson and his comMaster in i676‘ and again in i685 and radcs —the Commander-in-Chiefspoke Naval Barracks. Portsmouth. was references in his Diary cttnttncmcd an exception. Outside the Mess was rain of world interest in Nelson as evinced aitd wind, yet inside the Mess was by the number of books which appctir. excellent dinncrs—in fact there is a warmth. colour. light and a feeling of year after year. concerning him. continuing thread. through its 450 of history_ of an uiilariiisltcd comradeship which exists in very few "What was there about this man )'¢iIf\‘ Wllllliltion for good food. good wine places apart from St.'l'\’lC(. messes. This which made him stand out from his and _good fcllowsliip_ feeling of warmth and coniradeship eontemporarics'."‘ asked the Admiral. Viscount Kelbnrn felt that many.has almost a tangible quality——it is so He felt that it was Nelson's Progresreal that it seems the air itself is ’ sireitess and "l-'orwaril thinking." present were grateful for the tsinkiiig around our coasts and [or it..charged with it. Is it because in a ship' Years ago when so many captains and lights “""L‘ llllots of Trinity House and he or establishment the olliccrs are allisenior olliccrs considered that what thought the occasion an appropriate of one f:imi|y—-:i Band of Brolliers‘! good enough for Nelson was one to say "Thank you." I good enough for them. Nelson was not l“ l"-"-llllmv: to the toast of the so highly regarded. particularly by men on the lower deck. but what they guests Capt. Sir (ierzild Ctirlcis inelifailed to realise then. but which seems tioiicil that the lirst news of tho obvious now. is that Nelson was llatlle of 'l'raf;ilg:irand of the death of Lord Nelson was received at l’cn~ always‘ in the van in the matter of ranee and then coiiveycil to the 'l'rinit_s..‘V zprogre-s_s. ‘ ' .-\dtmr;il Power said that huntiiti llIlll\L‘ lteziilquarters at the Union llahoiir and nature had not changed llolel. Faliiioiitlt. lli: réferreil lo '1‘.-;.. as the last hit: battle of sailing: .during the past _lStl years. It is only falgar to work done by the llreth;thc material whiclt has changed :ind tleels.I" llli.‘thePm! and today :ind. in a man controls. that. i\'clson‘s aims‘ were W" the L-ttieicncy of the fleet :ittd the wel- witty and anttising speecli. thanked the Mess for "the honour." he s;ii.i_ "it ifarc and morale of the men. He wast had conferred oil the lilder llrellircn" ‘the epitome of ellicicncy himself. The ('omin:iitdi:r-iti-Chief said it by inviting them. The .\lL'\~ “us. :is ;iI\\;i)s_ (in tho“was most appropriate to mention. the guests of the Mess being the Elder occasioiis. rcsplcinlciit with the ward1 lircthren. that l.ord Nelson as a \‘L'|’)' room silver and plate and presented '. yotiitg mun spent it year in the Mer- a picture \\'orlll)‘ of :i great artist. ‘,_.h.m‘ 5,-‘_.r\.iCc u, “.hi._-5, pt-rimt might . l-roiit the playitig of "‘l'lie Roast ltccl" “Cu {,9 umitmir-4 his knowledge of of old l-,i_Ii:|;iit_d" to the last chorus of Mtitlllltllslllll and his interest in coastal i Rule. Britannia!" the whole eveiiing atid pilotage which cvetitiial_|y"~\il\' NM‘ l\‘ N‘ l‘t‘mk'll|l’t'l"~'tl l‘.V 1!” ‘led hitti to two of his greatest ewt 1: it er eing prcsen bclt and crest. Cdr. Marriott is on
appoitttntctit l‘)6l
Lticc. C.ll.. D.S.().*. 0.ll.l3., to take ellect in The Ex-Royal Naval Telegraphist lJeccrnber. l9l8 Association will be holding its 27th annual general meeting and Reiir-Admintl I). I’. Dreyer. C.B.F... annual reunion dinner at the Windsor l).S.(‘.. has been appointed l-"lag Olli- Castle Hotel. Victoriii. London. S.W.l. cer tl~‘lotill;isl_ Mediterranean. in sucon November 7. Details may be obcession to Rear-:\dtnir:il R. A. Ewing. tained the Hon. Secretary. C. E. ('.lt.. l).S.C'. The appointment takes llotlle. from 7 St. .laines'.s‘ Avetttie. Ewell. ctlcct in Jziiuiary. I960. Rear-Admiral l)rc_vcr was a gunnery ollicer in Surrey. ll..\l.S. .-\ja\ during the Battle of the Capt. l-'. l‘. B. llrayne-Nichols. R.N.. Rixer Plate. (I n:ivig;ition .specialist. has relieved D. Tihbils‘. R.N.. as CommandCapt. A. ll. Cole. l).S.C.. R.N.. has Capt.Olliccr of H.M.S. Dryad. the navibeen appointed .-\ssis‘l:int Chief of ing Nina] Stall. in succession to Rear- gation cstahlishiiient at Southwick. Capt. Tibhit~.‘s new appointment is Adniiriil I). I’. Drcycr. C.ll.lZ.. l).S.C. He will serve in the acting rank of in command of ll.i\l.S. Hermes. Rear-:\dmir;il. A torpedo specialist. his last appointment w:is in command of ll.M.S. .-\|hion. (‘olonel H. l-'. C. Kintpton. 0.B.E., Royal .\larines. has bcett appointed :1 Royal .\t:iriiic Aiilc-ile-Camp to the ()tteen in succession to Colonel M. Price. l).S.(),. ().ll.tZ.. with etlccl from October 2‘), ll..\l.S. ['l_\\se€ returned to the 1 United Kingdom from the .\lediterl'.'lllL‘ltll on October 7, bcrthing at her ll.is.: Port. l)-.'\‘onport. Sttrtzeon Rear-.«\tlttiir:tl \V. R. S.‘ I’ :I it c It rid t: e .\l.R.C.S.. l..R.C.l’.. Q.ll.l‘.. is to he proinotcd Surgeon \’icc-.-\dmir;il and to he .\lcdical Diicetor (ien.-ral of the Navy in sitect-ssion to Surgeon \"ice-Acliiiirzil Sir
Vice-.~\dttiir;il J.
Harwich Naval 1 Force Ass’n 21 years old
-‘AI’. 3;lt_lI1ll'-Tli
sixteenth Annual Reunion 17* ll-Zllinner of the llzimich N:i\':il
“l_l‘|:n:' ."‘i’|[l‘ '
lhe.left Among the gtiests of the Mess this year were the Comtii;inder~in-Clticf. Porlstnoiillt (:\dmiral Sir .\l:inley
(‘nrteis. Fitrcc A asucialittn tl‘)I-l-Will) was ..\l..\. l’iiin.i. the :ittti-aii‘cr.il't l’o\\crl. Capt. Sir (ieraldHouse and .\laatci' ul 'I'riiiit_\ held on October I0 and was well supWilt presented with a Deputy, frigate. ported lt_\'» ttirtnhers and guests ‘stalled punia by Mr. John Steinbeck the Elder Brethren of that ancient and? august body. olliccrs of the Cireen‘. itteltitliiig the Foumler and First (h.'luhL'r I3. Jackets (with which rcgiiiiciil tliej Cltitirtiiiitt. (idr. ('. |.. A. \\‘onII-ard. followed e;isual~ '|lie :i presentation R..\'.tretl. The ('lt:tirItt-.tn was I.ieul. l3 re mark by one of l’iiiiia‘s. olliecrs to Naval llarracks has strong ;:ssoci;i-. i .-\. .\. Sntitlt. R.N.\'.R. (rel). The Mr, Steinbeck that the ship had no lions) and many others’. ln 'liie the toast— proposing is‘ 2| olil. .'\\s‘tlt‘l:IIltlIl now ll'llllltlf~‘j _\’ears mascot and Mr. Steinbeck has no\\' \'ice~.-\ilmir:il Sir St, John R. I 'lreetilied the omission. A live puma 'lyrwliitt. llt.. (‘.ll.. l).S.().. I).S.(‘.. son Z which l\ also being presented to the of the late .-\dinit;il of the l-lecl Sir ship will he kept at Paignton Zoo. RI.‘_L'lll.lltl Y. 'lyrwhitt. l-"minder Presi- Coniniaiider J. Marriott. R.N.. comdent. was unable to be present on inanding otlicer of Puma. has been account of his duties in the i\lcditerr:i- made :in Honorary High Sheriff of the llltltll. but he wished the meeting every county of Monteiey in California. sticcess. .»\t Devoiiport. where the prcsent:iA telcgratii was tee-.-ireil front ll..\l. lit vii took place. .\lr, Steinbeck was the (_liIi:eii c\pressing her tlt.ii:l.s and with a ship's lifchelt and apprecizitioii for the loyal greeting sent prcsetttcd ship's crest iiftcr he had tnadc the ll\‘.tl(lt)-ton motor tanker \\.i\ to ti.-,~_ ‘.\,,,.».i,g those ,-\_n‘mmcrm ‘ "W“‘ rm “ ti ‘ m M. m_ " ‘Imp’ L ‘.1“ “ ll P launched on ()t.‘lt‘l‘i.'t' l5 til lllL‘~ tlttttm; thy [ii;is| to uh“-m ‘hiplm-ML.‘ Scolstoun Yard of lll)lll\\\\|t‘LlShip-J \\.'t\ the "l;ithci"' of the ,\ssoci;ttioii_ l l"'ll‘“"li C“- l-ill-. for Jacobs and 3 I now it! his 85th _\‘e:ir. Chief .-\rinourcr _l’.irtttt-rs l.td.. of londoll. N(llll_'.‘\l" l’. l.i-sick. llL'mli:f~olI._ \\’Ils' (Kiri. ‘\Vt‘l‘ll.ll’(l preseiitcd to the; It has been announced by Adttiirzilty l l’-::IIlc:il'by Mrs.Ul Sloth .'\s-ociatioii a plaque which is no\\'that the Rt-_v;:l =\'a\‘;il Air St::tion.lol Ills‘ l)ifL‘L‘l0r :\\lm|fHll)'liaiigine on the wall of the lltittcty of; lh';i\\il§. in houtli \\'a|i.-s. which was to 1' she will be eltartercd by the .‘\(lIllllLtll_\" the (‘town llotel, llrewer Strect.‘.li.-ivc been closed in 105$, shall i,-on-loii completion attd operated as It‘ London wliere the dinner was held. tintic in commission until at least I962. Royzil Fleet r\uxiliary. R.l"..-\. l’carle;il' has it designed speed of I51 knots on :i dcailweigln of lb'.l5t) tons and can carry grades of cargo, She is one] '§dill'crent :of .se\'en l8.000 l).W. ton taiikersl In new number ones, or a smart pair of sports trousers, \ frccenity chartered by the .-\diniralty. FOR LJFE AND ENDOWMENT ASSURANCE WlTH has been to when \‘€"illerbys. tell Jack can right away The other ships of this Clitsi hare, you PREMIUMS--GOOD ahecn nanied as follows‘. Applcleaf.‘ \\"hy not call in yourself? 'l‘here‘s ii wonderful range of lii’;imbiclc;if_ llaj.lc.'il’. ("lie-i:_\lc;il'. cloths and styles to choose from, in both made to measure LIBERAL CONDITIONS ()r.rngclc:il‘ and l’liinilc.if. Naval Personnel normallyaccepted with War and Service risks covered I and ready to wear clothes for itten arid women. You‘ll like AUSTRALIAN MUTUAL PROVIDENT SOCIETY the helpful service, and the reasonziblc prices, and you can HCJU Office tor the UN-TED K NGDOM W ,,,. .,,,.,,,,,..,,. .,. I3-In KING WILLIAM STREET. LONDON, E.C.4 Our mi:-ii! rcprcmiI.1ti':'c.t rt-_qii!tirI_i' :'i':i't the I-'1.-ct at [~orI.r of rail at lmmi: Assets £400,000,000 mid t‘1‘t‘l'.\'I.'tU. l_I'_\'nii'ii li‘l.-e to kriotr more almiit ll"'i'Ilei'I-_\':, see our ll fr. 3. I‘. I)iml:i'ii Fa: .¢i-vice In the Portsmouzh area eonzact Mr. W. D. Ste-yn. 174 London Road or Mr. 13. (:‘iitiri'¢I_:,'c, rrlicn ticxt l‘lIi‘.\' :.-i'5t'ryom' rs.'tilIIi‘.rIini:iit. AI(rrmiti':'c-’_i', PORTSHOUTH, Hants. Telephone No. Portsmouth 6055i i drop H5 6 line, or call iii t:-lien _t'oii‘re llr'.\‘! on slmra. “'1' Jim]! be rlcizscit ‘ ‘ to !t'i'v\'t7ll lm:-e the (moi.-[ct tlescribiiig the ll"i'Nci‘I=_\' ll"'.i_v ‘. LA
Motor tanker1
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:s.3ti ().'~i|-‘ORB 51 IllEl'.'l". l.O.\‘D0.N'. \\’.I. AND -‘\T ls: ROYAL l'.\I\-\Dlf. l'l.\'.\lOl'Tll. Ill L’().\l.\lLRCl.\l. llO.\I). l‘ORTS.\l()U‘Tll. S LONl)().V RD.. .\'O|lTll END. l‘0R'l'S.\lOL' I II. 22K HIGH STREET. Cllo\Tll:\M. :0 4\ll0\'l£ ll.\lt. .S0l..'Tll.\.‘-tl"l’0N. I2 NO!-{Til IIRIDCE. IZDINIIURGIL -ll GORDON STREET. GL:\S(‘:O\\'. 52 (’O.\l.\lF.llCl.\l. STRIZET. DU.‘lDI‘:F.. 20 HIGH 3aTlt.LlLT. BIILFAST. ll MAIN $TIt.l'.hT. (illIl(.\I.T.\R.
And branches throughout Britain
!\'ovi.-mber. I959
Twenty-two years in commission Jottings from Condor NEW CLUB OPENED
this term is soinetiini-s‘ referred to the Winter Term instead _\l.'l'll()l.'Cll of the more cuplieniistie otlicial title of Mitiiiiiii Tenn. the iseathcr far as
has been more like the :tH.'l';tue llritish siiiiinier. _ m.ide ]itissfl\l: by it grant from I ls'ear-:\diiiir;il W. (i. onS. Tiizlic. Rear-r \‘s.t\ the .'\'iillielil Trust. l‘.().:\,ll.'sj .'t.it sisitei the station on Sc itctiibcr ‘-'‘--‘*H‘-'‘‘- -‘l‘-”‘ i‘ *- l“-"“-‘*1-‘C is, ‘whilst the tint .s'.-.-. l_oid. Sir (‘harles ii, I aiiibc. (i.(,'.li,. (‘.\'_().,l At present the apprentices are enjmadc an itiloriiiiil call on \\'ediicsd.iy. catnp-.'il in (lieu lisk neck by week ‘and term l\\' term. the i:ood summer Scptciiihcr -.~_ .\lt\s .\l-mrc. .\l.itron in -(‘hicf.‘ may liase -._.-ixcn a false iiiiprcssioii of t_Juccn .-\lc\a:~.dr.i's Rosa! .\':i\.'il .‘\'tir- ‘ beaiiiii‘-.il scenery and l1,|\lg'| sli;-_-_lc<_ "'11-! Service \"i~il-.'d the station on} but the "(ilcii" in .i fc-.\ more s tielniscr I-1 and |{c.ir-."\ilmir:ilC. will lie it place of iiiist-. ant! gm-,i:.__-_-ss_ Pratt lR\.'.ll‘-.'\tll'lllf.ll Aircraft on in J.i:i.i.iry there iiiay well he snow l-’.().:\.l|_'s Stall) paid :1 to .idd to the picture and the pl:r.i~c sisil from \lond;i_s'. ()ctol'.cr l'l. i-.luch ‘ "aisay from it all" is certziinly appli‘included the 'l'r.it';il_ear Niglit Dinner‘ cable. I the junior r.ites use (ilcn Uiiicch l in the \\'ardrooin on October 2|.
..\l.S. l’ll\‘sCt‘ tl.ieiit.~('dr. C‘. l‘. llinzpc. R,N.l lllc Ri'_\‘.il .\'.l\'_\'.\‘ Ioii;_-_-st. contiiitioiis \i.'l\ill_'.: ship. eclel‘-t'.ileil her t\\cIlt_\'-sceiittil ;iitt'ii\'crs;iry mi S-cpteiulier 27. This ship. which has In-L-[1 g.inttnisstt‘llL‘\l Dill} i‘ll.’\‘. Ztllil lll:|l \\.i's in I037. li.:s stetiiiieil ltwiiiii miles on her" iii:ii:-l.ij.iii-: tlutics, .'\lllli‘llj.Zil the ( :»:iiiii.iiitie:-iii-( liiel. ‘iii:-..l Sir .\l.-iiilcy I’u;1sti’tt‘lllll .il;tl lite ship on l’o'.\c:i cot: "coi‘.iplcliiig.' ::ii:c tot peiisiott." it is tiiiiikcil‘ tha: l’lo\ci‘ \\lll l‘-: altle to retire xct; sltcislc-.1 l\lls_\' \'.tllI N.-\'li() \lll:iL'\>.ll'i§l .ictin3.: as slll\li*.\Il Klllli ll‘! 1113!};-\‘.‘. cepiiii: opezatioiis up and \l\‘\‘v'il the coasts Ull “llllllll. :\D.tll l':t‘l'll l'IL'l' traisels up and d.issn.tlte coast c.-.rij.ing out llilllL'l.l)lll;:and iuiiicsnccpiiig stippoit ship duties the Ploser does lit) held to celebrate the ship's coming of! tl..\l.S. Plover-—tlie ship nltich holds l 1 the record for length of eoniitiissimi. per cent. of Lt” N.-\'l‘() woik in llllsl age in N58. rspllclt.‘ the ship is p;irticiil:irly rc-; iiiembered by Sea Cadets. who are‘ often to be seen on board. and recently 1 site accompanied young across the (‘hannel on one of the Cominanded by l.ieut.-Cdr. P. for schools. Navy's c\peditions .\l;is|en. R.N.. H.M.S. Starling hastl l.icui.-('dr. Tliorpc. who was it served :is :i sea-training ship for ..\l.S. will enter PortsStarling in in N3‘). l'lo\-:r Petty Ofliccr mouth llzirhour for the last time- |l..\l.S. I)r_\'ad. the navigatioii and desiscd zi "club" tie for ()ld Plovciites J Novenibcr 6. She will he iselcontctl direction school. to mark the 0.'c;isintt of the 22nd; on Loiupletcd in April. l‘)-$3. Starling li_v the (Tominaiider-in-('liief. Ports- s;i\v l.‘lllll£lll_\'. 'lhc dcsi_en is alternate gold | niotitli. :ictioii with the Second Escort .-\tliniral Sir Manley Pooer. plovcrs and biioyaiit mines on a green l (iroiip in the Western Approzielics : background and it is quite attriielivc. during World War II. and accompany‘the price is l.‘~s. (id. and the ties are l mg the Coiniuandcr-in-Chief on ohtaiiiahle only from the \V:lfllf0OlIii' .\ovembcr (i will be .\lrs. F. J. Walker. .\less Secretary of ll..\l.S. Plover. The \\itlo\v of the Senior ()llicer of the tie will remind ollicers and men who liseorl (iroiip and :i former Captain Reseoliie l.oeh—-the new clubhouse and jelly as seen front the air served in the ship that her motto "Do Whitby class anti-submarine of Starling. not touch me" was well borne out C.l3..1 for their training area and although Vice-.-\il_niiral ‘l)alton. H.M.S. was Brighton frigate Plover was never during the war. for paid an I not quite so rugged as (ilen lists‘. the ().li.l:. tlzngiiieer-iii-Cliief). ()ctohcr 30 Scotslaunched the on at hit and received no injuries to perinformal visit to the station on Octo-I "outward-bounding" participants get of I.td.. Yarrow and Co. toiin sonnel in action. despite the fact that shipyard her 2.2 and .\lons_eigneur C. II. I-':iy.l a much better perspective on life from the being naming ceremony per_forined during the war she was‘ engaged on their moorland camp. wife of .»\dmiral Sir Reid. I(i5 sorties against the enemy when by Lady ) lL '1." Ll S punt ; l(I)lfll t I I Lstitiin ; 1 Peter Reid. K.C.li.. C.V.0.. Third Sea . SPORT over l5.l)t)t) mines were l:iid. on October 28. of and Controller the Lord Nasy. The privilege of wearing a "Plover" in the tirst round of the Bainhara . “km” "N" "CT“"""s of the Wliitby class. 'l‘yp_el Eighteen tic has been extended to all members Trophy Rugby Competition thelst XV ll-ZUTEi ‘ANT (I().\l.\I.-\l\‘l)ER of the Sea Cadet Service who have I3. anti-siihiiiarinc frigates were origi'lhe_inost important change in the. beat l.ee-on-Solcnt by 12 points to 3 served on board the ship for one week nally ordered and all are named after? J"i‘l“'°""' A"‘l““’"- R“ i-- '-"'“’""i l;st;ihlishinent is the translormation ‘ but in the second round and semi-liniil seaside resorts. Their names are her- panied by Able St.-antztn Frederiels of or more _the N..-\..-\.l~.l. into a club for all against Culdrosc the team were beaten l’los'cr is a proud ship and a happy wick. Blackpool. Brighton. liastbourne. Fisher. who left Singapore in the 5-tun ratings. excepting the junior rates by 9 points to six. sloop Borer Bee last March. arrived at ship. She always has been for many Fillllltilllll. l-'owcy.,l~l:i.s‘Iing~‘.. l.ondon- I-Zmsnurth training. .-‘sn amenities room In the soccer world the Isl XI beat October 9. on "()ld l'loverites"‘~v:ini.lthere are over derr Lowcstoft. Plymouth, Rothesay. suitable for functions. a lounge bar »Yeovilton 2——l in the 'N_avy Cup. but Borer Bee. liiiilt at Singapore .ilitl Scarborough. 'Tenb_v. Torqiuiy. ii-mic to the ship Rhy 2.t:()(i ol them .i ".'\len Only" bar will he in- lost In (‘ummse in the next round trip home, bch.i\cd asking to attend the reunion which \\:is \\'cymouth_ Whitby and Yarmotilli. .spcci.illy tor the in the club. so that alll by 7— 3. In the Home Air (.'omniai'id ‘iiiagnilic-.-iitly and was a credit to corporateil with their wives and faniili-s‘. Cup the learn reached the semi-tinal I.ieutenant-Commaiuler Atkins‘on and rates. win him" " '“°'"i"g VIM" "he": ‘“""“l by h'"""i"3 ““'b‘“‘l“‘-‘h 5 "'his assistants who built her in functions and sliows can be held. The The Condor XI won the H.A.C. spare time. club was opened on October 23 by Northern llockcy l-'cs'tiv:il and in Asked why he made the trip. Mrs. (S. \V. Tanner. wife of Capt. doing so heat Abbotsinch 7- 2. l.ecLicutenant-Commander /\lkin.son said (i. W. Tanner. the Commanding 0lii- l on-Solent 3 2 and l.os<.ienioiith 2~—l. A simple way to raise the initial deposit money simply. "I wanted to." Congratulated ‘ cer H.M.S. Condor. for buying your own house. Make out a on his niagiiiticent achievement (and it is an achievement to sail ll.Ut)t) monthly allotment for the purchase of TENTH ISSUE miles working watch and watch).-.otl'ici:ill_v opened on October I2 by NATIONAL SAVINGS CERTIFICATES. Here are some exam- , I.ieiitenant-Commander Atkinson ‘Mrs. (S. W. ‘Tanner. The clubhouse. merely said that it was an experience :\\'lllL‘ll has been built m:iinly by the would not have missed. ples of how your money grows by the (by heSome members and classes under training. ot those who had been watch- 1 a common room and sail, allotment) of ing Borer Iiee's progress were begin- t»contains' ..\l.S. Cheviot (Captain \V. D. loft and is tastefully decorated. A til) ft.l ning to feel it little apprehensive over ;i jelly ()'llrien. l).S.C.. R.N.l returned to was also constriicled. I her non-:irrival. but her skipper said l-Zach weekend sees the C-,,mi,,,| Portsiiioiith on October 22 after an that although the journey had been I (ilidine (‘liib and the .-\.'|.(.‘. (iliding .absenee of four and a half years arduous he had never had the slitzltlcst i mostly spent in the Far East. The ship doiiht as to the sloop's ability to do Camp metnbers swooping around the ‘is to be pl:ieed in Reserve. ,.;tirliL'l(l wiiilst .-\..'\.2 lloltlitig i.':i\'e an ‘ the trip. PRICE Since being built in I‘)-H. l-l..\l.S. l.ieut-Cdr. .-\tkins'on said on arrival exhibition at .‘~.(lt)0 fl. during the air displav at l.Cll\.'l‘.s'lf\ during (‘hcviot has slcxiined half a million IS]at limswoitli that "It was :i griittil trip. September. -‘ miles and during her present commisbut I am glad to be home." The skittle alley is nearing complc- i sion of H months has steamed S(i.tl(l0 tion :ind it is planned to open ll in ! miles and taken part in all maior excr.\ovember_ llte construction of thislcises on the liar liast St:ition_ £2 53 allot If
.'S\(ll l l .l li’ersoiinel
Hi.M.iiSl.wiSiTARLING VilliI;I.¢El\lTER caiioeistsl HARBOUR
‘BORER BEEI ()r.Bl.‘l:..Htltc l’l’lnClpi'll R.C.hCli_:ipl_tiin' MAKES IT
House purchase
theirl «
"e'i:..:":::’“i:t.::..*.:§.*'t°..3:‘"::t::’ H.M.S. Cheviot
returns home
y '
per monllil
Trophies :it Admiralty Ilousc. Portsinouth. and ’is a copy of the original by Von llerkomer that is at Naval
.' inshore
You will have bought certificates which will now ha worth about
uh Admiral tiieiii«*@ Fou of i .Royal Ghana | Navy l portrait for
You will have bought certificates which will now be worth about
You will have bought certificates which will now be worth about
ship for
The interest carried on your Savings Certificates is free of Income Tax and does not. hnve to be declared for Income Tax purposes. Savings Cc:-tiflcfics nrc State guaranteed. Issued by ILM. Forces Saviiigs Coimiilttee. London S. W.7
iniiiesm.-i.-per. the tint
Navy. oas eomntissioned by the Royal Navy on October 2 at ll..\l.5. N September 25. at the Annual l)iIii:¢-nee. the base for niincsoecpers. (iunnery ()liiecrs Dinner. a at Hplhe. near Soulhainpton. The ship is H..\l.S. .\lalham tl.icut.~ portrait of .-\dinira| of the Fleet Lord was unveiled in the wardCdr, .\l. l. Usher, R.N.), built by the Chatlield Fairlie Yacht Slip Ltd. at Fairlie. room of H.M.S. liaecllent. picture by R. J. lives is the Ayrshire. and accepted into service in lastThis of '.l series of four portraits that December of last year. The commissioning ceremony was the mess committee have been trying attended by the High Commissioner to collect for their dining room. dcfor Ghana in London. His Excellency picting the four (iunnery Ailniirals of
IE. 0. Asafii-Adjaye. it is intended that the .\Ialham should be sailed by the Royal Navy_ from Hythe to the Ghana port of ‘ Takoradi. where it will be oflieially transferred to the Ghana Navy. A proportion of the ship‘: company will rem:iin in (jhana for a period. for training duties. At a later stage. :1 second inshore mincswcepcr is to be commissioned at Hythc for the Royal Ghana _Nas-y. She is H.M.S. Ottringham, built by thc_ Ailsa Shipbuilding Co. Ltd.. of
the Fleet who were also First Sea Lords and Peers of the Realm. Completed in I937 and shown in the I938 Royal Academy show. the portrait has recently been purchased from the artist's‘ son, The lirs-t two pictures of Lords Jcllieoe and Fraser. were especially conimissioned by the mess. the lirst by R. .l. Eves and the second by Oswald Birley. The remaining one. that of l.ord Fisher. has been kindly lent to lil..\l.S. Excellent by the (‘onimanderin-Chief. .-\dmir:il Sir Manley Power. from among his line collection of Admiral of II!!! Fl“! LON! Oflllflfld
November. I959
The story of the la31. 0isio BIRMINGHAM TO GO we INTO RESERVE
of at fine ship -we
Visits to Mecliterranean ports II
.\l.S. llllt\ll.\'(:ll.-\\l (Capt. S. It. llezittie. \'.C.. Royal .\':tv_vl commissioner! at ('hatham mt .lul_v I5. I958. for a IlumelNlediterrancan (it-neral Sersicc (‘oiurnission. She is due to pay oll at Devonpurt on Decelnher IS for reduction to n-acne. Between these two date. a _ere.it held on the ipiartcrdeck and sortie very deal of water lt.ts !‘.o~.\cd past the .itti.i;tive p.irtu-:rs were provided. ship's side, l'.t!lj.Zlllj.‘ {ruin the llllltltlj-‘ A great deal ot time was spent in l‘lt\'.\t! titer (u:riv:1i‘.- .it ll-.-ttlc.iii\ to and around (iibraltar during October ll‘.L'l-1\l’i‘.t|\\llll'l’. ~-:\!iorus at l~~:.i:ibul. and Nos cuiber and an otlieial visit was .-\ttcr bc:ng It-rni.ill_v coinsnzssit-ncd. paid to l3tl'|‘__'lL'I', \\‘hilst at (iibraltar. the ship commented to w.iik up and the ship got to know the Fortress give summ.-r lease b-.-tore eiiii~.ti">.iii_-.- Regiments very well. p;irticularl_v the the ting of Hag (Jlliccr tl-lotillast Royal lZn;.:ineers and the Royal lloinc Fleet. l‘lcctiic.'il and .\lcch.mical liitgiiicers. The summer cruise consisted of .\lcn of the Royal Sussex Reg.-uncut preparing for an .‘\ll}llll'\]‘.tlll\ll various .\‘.:\.'l'.(). I.‘\L'rL‘i\'_‘s inter- were taken to T.-utgier and parties from exercise. The lirst "Combined" l-lect with visits in the to able mingled llantry Bay to watch the ‘Innship were exercise for many years. Rclasutioii liire. Bortleaus. (iibraltar. Tangier and nelling ('oinpany of the Royal litigiafter this evcrcise is being provided Brest. The visit to Bantry was planned l neers driving a tunnel in Ilte Rock.‘ by Palma t.\lajorca) and from all rethat could the ship have a quiet and make a tour of the otltcr extensive so ports this will be a pleasant visit. from few days awztv everyone to eom- works. (iroups of climbers :ind skiers. [Early November will see the ship pletc working up. bill the local front the ship crossed irtto Spain to visiting Naples on it linal “rabbit-tint" ll..\l.S. Birmingham Grand’ leaving populace had other ideas. being dc- ‘ tltc Sierra i\'ev:tda and rcttirncd \'llll\.‘l"v before returning to l’l_\tnoutli tsia Harbour. Malta ; ing from sunburn. snow-glare and very people (iibraltar again). coach tours around ‘enjoyed tired. but I loudly proclaiming that they the ancient monuments and rtiins. 'l'ltroughout lter long life the ship summer and sailed to Atlicns had a has maintained a close and active .had very good time. The: the cruise by the! Cannes. It was put to very good met liaison Iathlctcs won the trophy for the Round Fleet secondthesummer Riviera llirmingltatn for picnic trips in spite of striking; since with the City of llirniingliaut. was to the Rock Relay. launched by Lady Ch;imbcranchoring otl Cannes in the midst of. evcr_y country visited. The .\tl-Il)l-‘OB.-\ lain inbeing l')3(i. The ship's badge is taken ‘ bikini-clad water-skiers. Everyone en- parties t.\lcditerr.tnean Fleet Tlll-I .\ll€l)lTl‘ZRRA.\iEA.\’ Outward, l from the city coat of arms and the The .\lcditerranean "leg" of the toyed the beaches here but fotind ntost Bound Association! have ventured out ‘ first clcvcn soccer team play their commission started on January ll). things rather expensive. A few people everywhere the ship has been andl matches in shirts by the when the ship left Chatham. It had are reported to ltavc won at the‘ their activities have ranged from skiing City Football Club. presented The Lord .\l.iyor and climbing in the Sierra i\'evada to been planned to relit in Malta. but Casino and visits were tnadc to and other civic leaders have been this was changed to Gibraltar at the perfume factories at (irassc. going by; climbing litna. Usually they have entertained board on several eleventh hour. .-\fter everything had way of Nice and .\lontc Carlo. On t hiked or sailed to their objective. occasions as on have parties of children been re-planned and everyone had got the way back to Malta a short visit camping at night and being sustained from the City‘s schools. The wardused to the idea. it was found that was paid to Messina in Sicily. Just by pusscrs 24-hour ration packs room proudly displays paintings on perhaps it was not a bad one after. before leaving Mcssina. the Royal sttpplemcntcd by whatever local brew- loan front the City .\tuseuni and Art all. Many of the ship's company llewj .\tarine Band "Beat Retreat" in a large. happcned to be available. A! the end of August the ship self- Gallery and there have bcett many home for leave in specially chartered; square adjoining the ship's berth. This whilst alongside Parlatorio other instances of City-Ship coaeroplanes and others toured in Spain 5 was followed by :in unusual religious- maintained which the ship was Wharf and then took part in another operation. or crossed to Tangier. There was. ceremony Now one of the oldest ships in plenty of opportunity for all forms= fortunate to witness. This was the troop-landing exercise in Northyltfrieii the ship's Royal Marine dctachntcttt commission in the Royal i\'-avy. it is of sport (sic) and whilst the senior ‘arrival in the square of a holy statue to be hoped that the next ship of the ratings were acquiring a reputation’ "The .\tadonna of Fatima" which was ; landing with the commandos and flown .\tessina to bv themselves a helicopter aquitting name will give service as long and for darts and staying power the foot- being very well. A ftirther from visit of‘ thousands was made to (iibraltar Rcggio. .\lany as good as the present "old lad_\" ball tcam did well to be rttnners up where old arrival :o.vaited the acquaintances providcdl and that her company will rnioy for the King's (fup. _hcing defeated by people despite the their threat of usual at. heavy rainstorm and warm rcccption. Victorious In the linal. thentselves as much its their many followed the of arrival the statue with Cartagena with the object of predecessors. The ship left Gibraltar on April 3 greeted of the cheering. for Malta to join the .\lediterr:tnean‘ storms downpour, oil until the ceremony was! Fleet proper. After a few da_\'s' in holding Grand Harbour a private-ship visit finished. During .-'\ugust the Fleet pullingf to Istanbul was made. The British! community there were very glad to regatta was held at Augusta in Sicily see the ship and their hospitality Hills‘ and Birmingham went oil to a flying trcmcndotis. After a short stay in.‘ start by winning the tirst iour races. .\lalta. the ship. now wearing the flag’ Ulysses however finished (.'ock of of l-‘lag Otlicer tF|otil|as) .\ledi-_ the Fleet. A lot of dinghy and whaIerterrancan. took Pltrt in two amphibious ; sailing has been done, though in many landing exercises with the 3rd Com-9 races the ship has not been very‘ rnando Brigade and Ampliibiotis successful. The ship has one of the Warfare Squadron. Later a short visit l‘|eet's catamarans on loan and this was paid to Bari in ltaly to take the lt:ts been put to very good use. Fleet Royal Marine Band to play at '()UTWARt) BOUNIJ‘--1-IRS. a Festival of Music. Then cantc the; . . have sailed whalcrs back to Fleet visit to Barcelona and l’altn:is' Crewsfrom ‘Malta odd spots in the ocean Bay Sardinia. 4iwherc the ship has dropped them. Barcelona was very popular. proit had been hoped to do .1 viding something for all tastes. although more of this sort of thing. .-\n_ When nc.\‘t you have a new suit, let Luckily a bttll light was being staged lo! ,\l.l‘.V. commissioned for the wits .dnring the visit and all the visiting “pound.s, shillings and sense" he the ships were well represented at it. deciding factor. Consider the Cost in .Vis'its were made to the famoiis‘ relation to the material. craftsmanship, linonastcry at .‘tlontscrrat and by finish, comfort and styling. of contrast a Flamenco dancing team gave a show on board. The children's Whcn it comes to the you will party was probably the most successful rc:t lisc how well Fleming's quality has of the commission the Royal Nlarincl Band did splendidly leading the‘ maintained its value. who showed no sign of ‘children. wanting to go. oil the ship in Pied are Piper fashion. The prticessitin wasl ‘ hard to stop one: started and children pirates. nuns and sisters caused serious N the October issue of Nsvv Niaw.-a A most unusual. fore-shortened view dislocation to trallic. of ll..\l.S. llirminghant mention was made of the Obstacle ’ During .luly Birmingham visited Istanbul again. this time with the Course. in new record for which was LTD. (OUTI-‘l'l'l'ERS) 64.‘! with termincd to show that the traditional the time Course. set by up and Fleet. the ship. being by no»: Irish liospitaht)’ ‘ion: no relation to old friends enjoyed this visit as well of It) mins. l3 secs. 3 politics. llotcls itt Bantry and (ileu- as the first one. During the second 1 This achievement. regarded at the. LOCAL l’0RT$MOUTll BR.-\NClll3S: garritl \vcrc reopened and a successful visit a large number of ofliccrsi and time as almost unbeatable. has] dance was given by the locals for the ll EDINBURGH ROAD men of the Fleet each gave a pint recently been bcttered and the record: ship‘s company: private hospitality of blood to the Turkish Red now stands‘ at 8 mins. 53 secs. by? TRAFALGAR SERVICES CLUB, EDINBURGH ROAD was as warming as the whiskey. Visits Crescent Society. This and other (:58 (‘nurse B Class. (‘onrse 657 have to Killarncy were popular and tltc pleasing instances of Anglo-Turkish a time of IO mins. (it sec., and (:58. keen "Outward llound" made a climbfriendship aroused very favourable Course A Class have done the course] HEAD 0l‘l‘lCl_‘$ AND MAIL ORDER DEl'AR'l'.\llENT: t ing trip to the nearby MeGillycuddy's comment in the local press. The in I0 mins-_ 6 secs. This is the first time that the l0i_ Recks. Fishing and golf were plentyl’.O. Box No. 3, local British community set up at ful and the rugby XI played a never canteen ashore which was im- minutes "bogey" has been broken for‘ HAY STREET & PORTLAND STREET, PORTSMOUTH still this and obstacle it to be forgotten lixturc at Skibberecn. rccourse. mensely popular. Phone Portsmoutlt 2425! (3 lines) ‘Grants: "N/«vs: itct." Port t'$.\t0Ul u Bordeaux proved to be the same llccts the enthusiasm of those who| BREAKING THE ICE and tltc ship's company had a most took part under the leadership of P.(). I enjoyable time .sampling the wines Nc.\t came a full-scale visit to l_ovelock_ . BRANCHIES ALSO AT: and the night life. The ship was Piraeus the port of Athcns—thc first Those who have been through thci DEVONPORT WEYMOUTH bcrthcd alongside the town‘s main visit by the British Mediterranean Petty Ofliccrs‘ Course at Corsham will i M A LTA square and a large fair was‘ in pro- Fleet since the Cyprus troubles_ One recall the carrying of it valuable piece 2 DUNFERMLINE grcsswan irrcsistablc attraction. Bus of the objects of the visit was to of equipment over the wall. through; and at H.M.S. MERCURY tours were made to vineyards and break the ice and to help rc~start the the pipe. across water by means of: and liqueur factories the free samples normal good relations existing a couple of wires, hand over hand. the i\!EMBl:‘R.S‘ OI-' THE lNTl$Rl’0RT' NA VAL TRADER? ASSOCIATION were delicious. The skimc group made between Great Britain and Greece. slippery log. cte., and appreciate the a broadcast for Radio Bordeaux and From this and all other viewpoints. co-ordination of the team in achieving a dance for the ship's company wasitltc visit was a great success. Many this remarkable time. '
v.:I_\'i i
Ten minute bogey broken at
Good Clothes
November. I959
ttilliiwing account of the Battle at Trafalgar-as seen through French and eyes-—was issued front the lteadqunrteis of the Grand Naval Army. at Cadiz. on October 25. I805. As Admit-.il Sir Manley Power. the Commander-in-Chief. Portsmouth. who gave this account at the Tmfalgnr ' ll!-‘. chief guest at at Royal i\lanne'Cliief. Ponsinoiitli. (Adiiiiral Sir .\IanSergeants‘ Mess banquet and ball. ley Power) and Lady I’nwcr, Day dinner in the Royal Naval Barracks. Portsmouth. on October 2!, said, it is a superb example of the propaganda held in the Guildhall. Portsmouth. on President of tlte Ball Committee was which might emerge from any country govt.-med by it Dictator. -“Ind 1| Spilfllfill i|¢l"'"|'?|l- October 16. was Admiral of the Fleet Q.\I.S. F. Agziss and the Secretary 'l'lll.7. ENGLISH l’l-l3E'I' IS ANN IlllL.-\TED NELSON IS NO Vlll¢l1¢llV¢ were unable. and remained on board 11:: Earl Mountbatten. Ctiier or‘ was Q.M.S. t-'. E. Berry. MORE. Vl¢l0|'Y- Thc 5l0|'fll W35 1011!! and i l)et‘t.-nee Stud. In his speech the Earl Mountbatten well inactive in that drew-|ful—our so to at ships being liidigiiaiit being port. more ships fCrL‘|'|'I.'Ll to the I£ICI lltltl in 1964 the c:ime_ her a._ssistancc. The occasion was :i most colourfuli in rode the make her the out whilst our brave hretlireii arms to sale: escape in a sinking state. manocuvrcd. M;irin..\s- eelehratc their trioyal and of one which the one Rowilt Enslish bcini: so much more d=Im=-s=d- Marine Sergeants‘ Mess can he were gaining lanrcls itt Gernizmy. Ztlltl IN.‘ illstl siiiii.-it that the justly! ccnii.-niiry. l)EA'l'Il 01" NELSON were driven ashore, and many of them Adiiiirals Villeneuve and Gravina. Ro_val Marines were eminently suited proud. i resolved to put to sea and give the and that was one warliire i\leanw-liile Nelson still resisted us. in hattle. They were superior llt was now who should lirst board. i [-or 1o tie reasons why the .-\dmira|t had liiiglisli I ea I e a b ateiI U r\ mong o H ier gues I s were he I enet I i w I ten tie is whzit niiiiitier. 45 to our 33: but suit of the French and spunish lim,-_ .\la_vor and Lady Maynress‘ (Couueil- l titted out I-l.i\l.S, llttlwarl. as It and have of honour the him: talsini: .superiority of numhers to men deter- I-'rench or .‘3rIattiard——two admirals on i got safe into Cadiz: the other 20 have. lor aitd Mrs. L. J. Evans). the Com- ‘ mando Carrier. mined to conquer)’ .~\dmir;il Nelson Ino doubt. gone to some other ports. lllillltllllllCltlllttfilliI.lC|Il.‘(lCllcI'1llI.I'l.llliilwarl. would prohahly he hztsed did everytliiite to avoid a battle: hel c:u:|t side disputed the honour» they ‘and will soon he heard of. We shall R_!t‘l|t‘*| ilml Mrs‘. Riches‘. the Major-lat Singzipore with the Royal -.\larines his ship at the same tnoittent attempted to get into the .\lediter- hoarded lrepair our tliiittziees as speedily :is pos~ (ietteral Royal .\larine.s. Portsmotttli.‘ liiinit ashore. \\'|ieii enih:irl.'ed the \"il|enett\e tlew the to qitarter-deel. and came up’ r;ini:;in. hut we pttrsiied. W, Miitliiel and (-oiiintattdo Unit \\~uttltl he M.“-Nip. ; sihle, gu agaitt in pursuit tit‘ thc with usual of the the }:L'llt.‘l‘sv\tl\.‘ with him otl 'l'raf;di::ir. 'l'h.,- l-rench I'~. tie Comm:inder-in- P ortiiig for :ihoiit sis wei:l;.s at a time. at oc. an enemy. and allord tlii:m another proof he of ll-reneh. carried brace a pistols and Spanislt vied with each other who wre.st lrom_ should get lirst into action. Adtttirals i in his hands. for he knew the .-\dmiral ttem tie Empire o In: Seas. and to Villeiieiiie and (iravina were both {had lost his arm. and could not use with his Imperial .\I:ijest),‘s: /\7()_ :iii\ious to lay their ships alongside .his sword lte uttered one to Nelson: iilemand of ships. colonies and comthe Victory‘. tlte English adniiral's ‘they foiii.-lit. and at the second tire 1 nteree. tell: he was llltmCtll1tlL‘l)'.C:tl'- l Otir loss was tritling. that of the ship. lortiine_ so constant tilwtiys tol Nelsonbelow I Alava. (iravina and l the tliiiperor. did not favour either of ‘ried was immense. We have. how-. l English them the Santissima Trinidiiil was : Villeiietive. atteiidi:d him with the I ever. to lament the ahsenee of Admiral llte fortunate ship. In vain did the ‘ :ieetistonied l-‘reneh liumanit_v— mean- ]\"il|eneuve. whose ardotir carried him i while t5 linglisli ships of the line had lfiii.-lish admiral try to evade an action: struel.—t'oiir beyond the strict hounds of prttdettce. more were obliged to; the Sp.inish .»\dmir.il .-\lava prevented and. hy eomnelliiti: llllll to board the ‘follow their another blew example liis o.'~o.‘:Il\L‘. and lashed his vessel to l-'.ni_-lish ;idmiral's ship. oreti.-nted him ' up. the l‘Il'lll\ll zitlmiral, "lite linglish shirt from returning to his own. ()in‘ vietor_\ was now complete. :ittd After ltaviiti: acquired so deeisiie :i \\.ts one of I36 i_-iins: the .\;iiitissiiiia Iritiiilail \\.is hot a 7-1. we pi'i.-pareil to take possession of our \i'-:tor_\'. we wait with iiiipatienee the I,t|I'tl Nelson ailopteil .i new s}\lt.‘lll'. pri/es; hot the elements were this l-.nip:ror's order to sail to the en-etm's time tIllIit\tlIIf.ll\lI.‘ to us; a tlt"::Itlilll shore. In aitniltilate the rest of his ‘
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d_f\t1r ‘limited
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i:RE§iPlEMCT BLE "$.,5fT’IP-TE 8 SE .‘—5
;it'r.iid til’ -.-iunhatini: its in the old storiit e.-.me on (ira\ina made his lltt\_\. and thus coninlete the trium\\..t). in which he l.lln\':\ we ltave to his own ship at the llcglllv nli.ivit wori. we h.i\e st» l\t‘illl'.ttlll_\' sitperii-rity of slsill. as was proved liy ese.ip.the ('oinutander~in—Chiet' hegtin. ot it our \ictot'_v over Sir Robert Calder. nine he atteiiiiited a new tnode of tiglttiiig. i....__ For a short time it iliseoiicertetl as; ‘ hot what can long diseoneert his Iiiiperial .\t;iiesty's arms‘! We fouglit _\.ird—ai'm to yard~arnt: gttn-to-gun. ‘three ltottrw did we light in this manner: the t-‘ti_elish h~.-gait to he dism;i_ved they Ill’, Sing.'ipo.'e .\'av:il llase 'lhe:itie t'ound it impossible to resist us: but (‘lnh's protltietion of "The Line our brave sailors were tired of this l.\|ateh." a play by (Elena .\le|v_vii. slow ttteaiis oI' gaittittt: a victory‘. they a \‘t:t_\‘ successful run on the tirst wished to hoard: the cry was ";i _li:ii| tltree nights of ()etoher. l'aliord:ii:e." their impetuosity was i Competently produced by C.l'.O.irresistible. ,wir. Roy Lanitv. the cast included At that moment two ships. one ("it-try lodcc. Jim Rm,-_ Rrcntlzi Fretieli. one Spanish. lioariled the ('i‘;iti:. lioh liariies. lriiily li-nit. 'l"ein-:r.iire —ttie t-Zii_i:|ish fell tniek in ‘Willie \\'ilmot and Pat Rinter. while astonishment and :itt'right-were Assistaiit t\-I l)on Stokes gave rushed to the tlai.-stall" struck the such an inipressi\e l‘\-rl‘(‘l'l“;|'lcL‘ that eoloors .iiid all the l9i|:tI‘(lt.‘l's were .so .he was aslsed to join the Siiiezipoic .'l|l\lt‘tts to he the heater of the intel- Stage (ltih. a local the:iti‘ie.il society’. tieeiiee to their own ship. that they gtiy ting of its retires-.-iitiitiies. I iuiiiped o\eihoai‘d_ and the liiiglisli btohes is now hoptni: to he given a ship. h_\ this imt'ortunate intpettiosity part in the Sini::ipoie Stage ('luh'sof our brave sailors :ind their allies. lnext DlL'_~I.‘lli:IIltIll. "(‘li:irley'.s Auttt." w.-is atile. hy the assistattee of two {which will he ready in I).-eetnher. -.V--
Impressive performance leads
4 .
I save!
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U.S. claimsto have best Ulilltc.-\l111i1:1nte I')l_4-ll-l war and with her \l\lCl' Coehrane
taken 1 over by the Royal N:1v_\'. Renained she {ought at Jutland H.M.S. C;mad.‘1 (BY l)l-.S.\l()Nl) Wl£‘l‘l'liR1\') ‘while her sister ship heeaine ll..\l.S. lll.l-I lllfln)‘ .—\merie:In carriers l{;i-_.'ls‘. one of llte 1\';1\'y\ r|I‘\[ g;.rri._-,-s_ .-\ller :1 tetit tlte .-\l1nir:111Ie l.;1to1.'e are mm litted with the Britishimentetl steaui catapult: the l'..\'. \\.'1\ re:i1:1ted to Chile in l‘l|‘J—Ztl. With her D2l\\tllL' goes the last \\:t:~ltip any.\":n_v now elainis to ll:|\'l.‘ gone one wliere in the uotld to lt:t\1.' fotigltt at better with an internal eotithiistiun lllllldlltl. Only one otlte1' ntajor -.\:ercatapult. wltielt Iouglit in the I-iist \\'..rt(| 'lhis type of -:.1t.1p11lt lt.1\' :1 50 per xltip War ~i1r1i\e~. This is the 'l'tirl.i~.li cent. greater c.ip:1cil)' than stean‘. \'a\11/ \\llti.'ll e.;is fortitt.‘.‘ll1t|'|llll\ and. it l\ .‘tl\1i 1.‘l.tllllL'tl, it can hattleertiiser l;1i1i1el1 :1 ltll|.ll'.l:| lb. ;-.1:e:.1f: :11 I25 erly the Gerni.111 Cmelien. l.11ol~‘ and other planes :11 up to I75 Rl'SSl.\ l.1to:~, The catapult :l\t.‘s a tetttiel In a recent issue of "Smiet Fleet" s'1\lll|‘|tL'~\L’tl air 1-itgiite. \\'hen the first .*\ItlCrie';tIt Polaris :1 Rt:~\t.tI1 .1:1ny colonel and tin ene.upt.111t descrilie the “radio ttiissile-e:1r1'_\iii-g sttlttn:-.ri11es llllli\L' their giitee: 1s:1i"' .1lle:.-edly eairied out by the 1lel\:tl ti-.'\t tear it is expect-.-1ltl1.tt tliey will he titted with electroljule ).:Cl‘l- \\'es!erI’i powers, the article Cldlllls that "1.:dio ";.:.:te:.1tor~. (Kim: electtic .1: e-ptottage is carried oitt in pe.1eclintc : g.' t.‘:.'1'.ots ~v:p.it:iI1.‘ \‘\_\::l ltuttl water and. 1: is e‘l.tll'.l;:l, 1-.11! ii)’ the itttpeiizilistie powers." lo suptn.‘re;tse the t\.\}';.:1:It ~:t;\:1i_\ tt~t:.illt.H port lllh el.1111i the article qtl1V'1I.‘\ the e.::rietl in .1 \tll"lll;ill!‘.L‘ by in us: cent. 1 article iii the ().\I’o:cl l'tt1\1:rsity l'he \lll‘lll;I.'lflt.‘ (ieorge \\';:s3t1i13:toi1 llliltlél/ills‘ "Isis" \\h1eh L‘;ttl~'.‘tl :1 eonwill he the l'i.'~l op’.-r.1ti1~11.1l ls-1.1: sol stdcrahle stir last _\'e;1r. l l-torn \\'es:e:1i (ie1ni.11ty eotnes a liltcil. ‘l he llt~l details so far :ele.1~e1| \l'l1\\\‘ } report that the Soxiet ll.1ltie lleet now that the (ieoree \\‘.1~hi11g:t111i \\lll lt:t\‘L'; has eight ezttisers Lirtned \.\llll gititleil .: creu of lot) and will carry lh l’ol:it‘i~jmissiles, lliese missiles have :1 range l'l'll\\lli.'\.ller :o11n;1_1:e will he 5.-ttiti;.11d ; of l.\' miles and can be used for short: she is expected to eomtiiission on‘, support or against aircraft. _ .l)eeemher 3| lltl\ year_ She was 5' Reports from Japan say that during .\lareh large-seale exercises were ‘l:ttlllI.‘lti.‘&l :1t (lrotou. Coniieeiietit. on carried out by Soviet naval forces. -June ‘I last. Japzinese shore rad:ii' stations detected i (‘.«\N.-\l).-\ intensive air and subinarine activity The cruiser (lniario. lttrn'||:rly till the west coast of the Island of ] ll..\l.S. \linot;1ur and a sister ship llokkaido. ll..\l.S. Swiftsiire. has been sold for tl"tl. lof \. 5"‘ ““"“‘ ‘"'-‘ , ““"‘““‘ i\'.'1s
:1t .\loi1:1eo
H.M.S. DARING CRUISES l‘“"“"’“““"'*'-“'* "*5 *Wisr«'I=n«' l U 'c.1§:t.~ riypnis 111: '
‘St. lIil: ri vrt'. (‘a.<.ll‘. whi'li
. ‘. '.‘£—'.’;.
"-‘1U“W!ll“ “ill”.
Disney's "Sl'eping ll':1tity"
ltli- Walt
HF. address of the White Ettsign .-'\ssoeiatiou. I.i11iited. an article
The l'Vlllllt.'\'l1lP :\|ntir:1nte Latorre
he last RL' } ,' . lIll:I at l"l1lC‘l:lCCl . . \ t i ' g t s t : 1 111111tth_harri _ \' e i l _ ‘ i n .-l : i p ;1n \ ; . as n_t.\t stop.ll.et_tI£fs S-ll l ]‘l(l\l txtlat sLr.1ppul\.15 u.wlafsthl.iIt. 1hL1.1i l1}_l l t{lL'l' 3\ltCti“|'l Itl_[.! \\‘l IL':lI\:.lppC.ll'lCtl m_ “It; ltltu).;1r1iigw:is ega tiiting row on :1y_-_
, ‘
tiere. to .\lalt:1.
h:1ek lagain “W "‘'‘‘l 9”‘
g:;lul:.d'1‘"l'l'l \, -
After :1 prolonged refit and work tip at Portland lasting until the beginning of May. ll.?\‘l$, l)atini: sailed for_tlie Mediterranean. calling for one night at Gibraltar m route to Malta. The ship stayed for :1 few days prior to uikmg pait in Supputt ot an hiuiis C\C{L‘i\c with the U8. filll Fleet. After the exercise l_);1:1iig_1et11rned to Malta and almost 1Innieiliately_set oil for ('ypr1i.s patrol Iwliete the ship's
| 'mL.mdm‘
lo_\hip_ the
Chrl‘st'nas_ '
Bernards 36 page, ftilly illustrated Gift List has now been sent to all allotment customers and will be sent on request to atiyonc desirous of receivitig one.
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really do buy better at Bernards
.1\l.S. Protector (Capt. D. N. ; Forbes. l).S.C.. R.N.) sailed from Portstnouth on_()etoher to for a further commission in Antarctic waters. With opportunities for mail few and I far between. hobbies are going to play 5 l a great p:irl and. judging by the large nttnther or l10XI2\ of wool which were taken on hoartl the day before the_ ship sailed. rug making is going to‘; t:il;..- pride of place. In years to eome many will recall \'i~‘iotI~t of ice :tnd snow when they say. "Yes, I made that a few h11n1lre1l miles from the. ‘ South Pole
Anglia House, Harwich, Essex Queen Sin-er, I’nrI.rm1mtlt.‘ 24 .\InrIiu Terrace. Dermi/mrr_' llermml Iiu1'.'tI.r'r1_e.r. .ll'1’Iimr.i' Roml. C/mlhrmi: 26 South Street, l’oIh'!mamI lb’ Tire Slrmirl. .S'l1':'nm. Malta.‘ 255/ 7 Main Srreel. (iibrullar and :1! Deal, ll"t-,wimi1tIr. I’urIlmiu', Fulmmilli, Alilfurrl IIa1'eu, Iluririrli, (irini.rh_i'. Sin-_i,-m-,\ 1», /.uItiIuIlt/t'I‘r'I'. ll:-!1'a1.1li1rr_i.-/1. l)im/r-rnililie.Lo.r.ri1v1murIi. Arbrmrlli.
Ilrrrrirlu-.1 at (1-3
Full details of these facilities and of the comprehensive nature of the Bernard Service will gladly be given on request at a Bernard Branch or through Head Otlicc.
Protector’s fifth I’ t
the messdeelis are scattered with "ptl’lIl!i" and plans for winning a similar amount, but as yet with no results. At the time of writing Daring is on the way to Majorca and Tunis. It would be .1 brave man who would say :1 sailor's lot is not a happy one. ——now
t»:\\‘s. is
George Street. London. lE.C.-S.
werertold _l:y:tiene1':1l I)a1l_11i1_:__:i_1d_of .’\1my_leei1s.
there that had no 1] arms was extremely Non-ll: xi-hether;m_..‘, i,m,,i(..,e \-;.._-me in mg “»...»|d_ he was referring to \':\'I‘l\l\ de .\l1|11 or shcuuh and the (_-hrhmm: Eoka it was never discoyercd). on bmfd the tam, W55 5;, was patrol by Cyprus and mmbn" was.‘ a most (-hmchiu A Vhll interesting worthwhile ‘lo p|n).mug:lin5l;l loculsidc hmwc w,_.“.; I in company with other ships hL.ML." _-,_0' sum” wundcn it being I of the .\lediterr:1ne:in Fleet, "then hack in“, km any M mt, \.im_ on |L.m.;ng : I to ('yp1'_11s. where the l_lr\l .\ledfoh:1 Mfinflw a sigh M“ hcmd m ‘mu. met party ClIttt_l_3L‘(l a__moI1ntain referred ---I-hank ”cm.,_.m we mnnm Sn. with l-we "The and. l-ingers" as l:‘\h(.rc mmgmy managed to "do' In Scpmnhcr. in cmnmm‘ with : ships of the Heel. Daring deiother K '‘ -parted for Venice. with its history. its T its niuseiiins :1nd works of Zhiiilditigs. '..'’ 3' tart and its wine- these cart be put in 0 order. A quieter. but none the less 1 en_1oy.1hle. place than hlonaco. After Venice. the sliiP.“""?'- “'l”‘ I Crossbow. to l)iihro\'n1k. which had , "mm. (hinge in offer-V-good hatid- _ In a etirved l\|\\I.‘?s.1ln_(.l :1 must excclltllll ». fheer. Dubrovnik is :1 heaiitiful walledC tiown th:1t has a castle that .s11_llenly‘ '_ tguards what was a thriving port in the 1 l.\lidtlle Ages amt :1 p:1nor:11n:1_ of 1.111» : K .in the l1:tCltgr0Ill1tl that were in many tplaees heavily wooded, side game oll resulted: football against a local in l):1ring's team coming otl second‘ PRICES FROM and i l'lL‘\l. DEPOSIT Houses near It was after leaving I)t.lb|"(l\'l|il(r that we learned of the good fortune E FROM of one of the ship's conipany. whoi REPAYMENTS EASY won H.300 on the football central
th:1t any party
huckgmumLl ;‘.,.'l
cm er l\\llI.‘
\: r1T't'ltil mti.f wimmnl | gnmc'uf
llritish yard at tlte ottthreak l_Ch' l ' ~ ‘tn d“y""
“‘'“‘- rm ""3 Mediterranean General Service Ctllnfllissloll under the conintaml of Captain Monaco, a most beautiful place with ,(.ll.l-... |).3.(... Royal NM) as CJDIJIII (l).l. Seumrl Destroyer mc “urmmc MW in H“: -
e was
AbImm‘m'li. IlmmIr_ l\‘¢-Iv (‘;i!rIrm:- ll'urIIlI' l)mw1. Curxlumi am! II..\I.S I)nl1iIn'n .\li.'nttJen ol lN'l'.-\
-V I‘ “ Y
l\'o\ciulier. I959
Simplieity—Keynote of Cenotaph Service
tn’ AY(‘llAlllll-It-I again ttie Royal Naval Association remembered llt'ltIt‘L‘ God, with "gratitude. reverence and love. all those seafarers. who have giteu their lites th:tt we might live. who passed through Iltc waters into the licaveitly INCORPORATED BY Roikt. CHARTER at the aitnual Ceiiotatih l'araile and Service till (ictolier l7. Patron: H.M. The Queen litis yearly act of ltom;ige .ilv\:iy.s-\cr;. ltcvcrcnd llioitius Crick assisted the by the Rescrcinl (ioidon lliidd. Rector I illllil/t.'s' me. l~‘orming up onttortli l of llacton with Wyverston) -was in‘.lllorse (inzirds, shipittatcs trom land south. east and west. greet each l prcssise b_v its very .\lIll|lllt.'ll_\'. Admiral of the Fleet. l.ord l"ras'cr otlter with smiles and lt.ittdsh:ikcs with laid :I wreath at the foot of the obvious delight. Joy at meeting old (‘enotaph and. as Captain I-2. 5. ntessntates is retlcetcd on the face of I-'ogcrt_v l-’egen‘s exploit with the their bearings. He was glad to be :ible everyone. Jervis Bay was being remembered Poor old Parade .\l:trsh:il-—whal a to say that things had now cbanged.. he has! It scents art impossibility at the Reunion Festival In the Improved conditions of service. evening. Shipntate l-‘nink G. Wade. and pensions, A little had been done’ to reduce the "shower" to an utga('hairm:in of the Natiiiniit Council. for existing pensioners :ind hopes were 3 nised p:tradc. and yet it is done. It is laid another wreath in the form of entertained of still :1 little more for it‘ rentzirltaltlc what a few b:ir.s front the -.i Victoria Cross. in honour of the .ser- band will do. the old training n:lot ntore. Re-cngagemi:nt_s_in the and thi: r asserts itself. and I nieinory of a brave captain and vice were now ntorc ship's cotttpany. recruitment was so good tiat the I ing .standards. wit no a ntatter o I to the Horse (iuzirds vi;i before l llacl. ,-\diiiii-;tlty could he "chuttsc_\‘" :ihout|secottds_ there is order where \\'hitcha|l. and 'l'r:if;ilgarSuii:irc. it is svltont thcyltook aitd had enabled the ; was apparent chaos. few "uitdesir:ihlc.s" to be wcedcdyoutl \‘\'hat are the thoughts of those 1 only .'I person:i|_tltought. but :1 couple and discharge by purchase periiiittcitfstzinitiitg before ttic n:itioii:i| slirine'.’.uf markers stationed about 20 yards the whole company turning BY AYCIIARIH-II-I oit ;i more generous scale than of Some were hact; at Matapait. sonic at . apart and 'l)unkirl~:. others in the eoid Arcticj"e-yes right" as it passed tltc iitoitiiR().\l the brilliant fanfare “The Royal Naval A.~.sociation“ (liy l.ieut.- recent years. would .-\t|uiir..| Htitlumt-,\|;trttn referred to . waters on a Rtissian convoy. still 1‘ ment to Admiral Lord Nelsoit Colonel l-‘. \'ivi:tn-Dunn. C.\!'.().. I".R.A.i\l.. Royal Marines) to the others sweating it out in Singapore have been a most appropriate gesture. evergreen "Sunset" played by the .\ItLs.sed Hands of Her i\l'.tje.st_v‘s Royal‘.the departure of the First Lord’ dowtt below in a subntzirine otl‘tDiIlicult DJfll2t[3.\.lIIltllllllt:\'s'done well. Mitrines. the Annual Reunion of the Royal Naval Association at the Royal .l.ord Selkirk. who had told him that? or with Naval precision. itot worth wltile. Festival Hall “as a success. A real success with something for everyone and he hoped the otlicers and men of thel Borneo. River Plate. i\':irvits. the] run. chasing up stragglcrs in yet I feel it would he in keeping witlt Navy realised how proud ltc had bceit 1 Tobruls mo.stl_v everyone enjoying everything. "D" d:iy. [Each the occasion. his as First l_ord. an Atlantic convoy. time of them in item bands during itias-seil an ist ".stole" the and of cotirsc. The "Roy.-its." had his owit thoughts of men.: \"i '-Admiral I). l’..lloll:ind-\t:irtin. gnten ll"-' line concluded What l.ord Sea do. Second a Q_‘"' The the show—thcy alwziys .r“"““"-"L, and places and yet all were one the Second S-.-;i Lord tools‘ the salute ‘ships A M'““" of ('“"F'" °"'”“ instruthe by :ind their lhcllltlll with the present qualities .splash of colour tltey. ‘before the parade was dispersed and act of rententhrancc. this ,in Mttsiciait David Cr:iine,soloist was he["f.. 1,. d M K ‘ n" " V. ‘ W ,“.lim.,mct ' ‘ ntents, made. They were a joy to The short. simple service tcondiic- in :i few words he coitgr:itulatcd the .-\.R.C..\t.. l..R.A..\l.. Rtlyttl would always‘‘ted by the Cltxiplain of the Fleet The .sliipin:ites on their hearing. hold and a pleasure to listen to. glhe future. ‘I he Navy of the :iiidiencc the and rapt attention "llcarts of Oak." "A Lift: on the adapt tradition and accept changes. he believed. Ocean \\';ive" and "Rule llritannia"—— bail to bi: cxpericncctl to the Finale rciitemberctl the brave and then. rendered all so stirringly U“ One lltllt \\hlLll action of Capt. l-Idward Stephen . did. .i of the l’rcsidi:nt of arrival the with the c.inii. lI_lllC‘l.tlCl pugcm. H. T" V C R V “.1,” kL.'_.p_ mt mu Sir “mm ttt 5' ‘l P I-'lcct 5'v"‘phmm‘ of by the Adittiral said Associatioit. that ‘should ‘ witch John Cunninghant and other impor- "llolcro by Ravel was not so well :ip- he meet the enemy whilst in charge of bv inaiw of those present. t:int visitors. we were :iw:iy——a\\-ayto: prcciatcd :' t. thev l co_n\o) he woult lkecp l'II\.\l'tl‘l .~ ._. ‘hlml mfmm" "‘ : P. "h m “ I ; '\ H . m‘ a lir.st-class evening. Jervis llay between the enemy and the, ' J -d (‘tic' list ‘It l( for the whcr-ti lll-. “oreestcr branch of the Royal i\av:tl Assoctzitiitn had at record w:i' with. The Massed Ilands contiititcd ‘ha 5"‘ cnuhllng [ht wnvnyi of ntore than I70 members and guests at the Guildhall. ztttendaitei: "Pride of Race." a Grand .\larch. and’ with ship was ‘°“"t_‘|'- but wltose . annual Trzifalgiir Day 'l'cltail.o\.slri's “Valse dc l-‘leurs." but interposed hv lidgcts and other Iiindcr him. t-or this g;it|;im ;iction he l “0t't:e.sIt.'t'. on October 2|. when the branch had its this time. with a dillerencc. for there or disiittercstedness. was posthumouslyawarded the Victoria Dinner. self usual and her was of" the iii Lynn .soloist. the toast Vera person was a harp It was said of him and his J As a result of a special l'L't.|'llL‘\'l.t’Il.i|(lt:;Forces .*\ssoci:ition proposed Cross. Musician N. ll. Wcbb——an ellcctivc she is an unquestionable favourite ship's company at the time. "God to the branch by Admiral Sir William of the Royzil _N:iv_v and the Royal with the Association. Apologising for knows these men have put their coun- Tennrint. l.ord-Lieutenant of Woreeir Naval /\.\.\’tlt.‘ll|.ll0t't. attd in reply Mr. addition to the hand. A big. bright and breezy tum by her non-appearzinee last year through_ try in their debt today." terstiire. it was decided that in addition R. E. Taylor. National Council Rep’. for ltct‘ ntadc she tip Trevor Little captured the audience itlldispttsllittll for the iirfzl Including the hall scene of the to rentciuhenng tltc battle of darkened the In audience the absence by plczisittg amt so did the singing of the Welwyn action was re-enacted musically, whilst I-*‘“- "‘° °°""~‘““" “‘ "‘*' "“’“' "‘“"“' Several Choir. intiitensely. Voice Mali: (iardeti (‘ity Johnson aitd Jack Edwardcs the cornpcre_ Robert Eztston. told the l Reserve should also be observed._ '3 f d r_ u.r“_b‘| “' ‘ h_ can people expressed the regret that the llryan and the etleetive as was most Bishop it a| ot was The guest story. honour ° n " '*' "‘ \\'tll't.l\ of the song "(iii-e" were not .g:t\‘c their inintitahle perfornt:ince.sW’ ‘cred front low Reverend Victoria Cross was the Right Worcester. lurgi: of iituclt J. i\tc.-\. l-. appro- land pleasi.-d the (t\\Ctlll‘|l)' very printed in the progrzimmc. The .ic_uti.n.iitt-Coinnt.indLr _. aitd .., silence the hall of _h roof the the o vs proposer Charles ..'\t. Ldw.irds, cuwdv m:‘__pW‘ldc'“ of the “,0m“_ priateness of the words. the music arid ‘littdeed. he could of those M attention lmmmml present “ma "I mummy um“ ter braitclt pl'(\[‘ll.\\l.‘lI a toast to the lmc the extremely line rendering of the LORI) SI-IA felt. Sl-Z('()i'\'l) ‘md New)" who included the Mayor of l".""' "\"'“"".“| song are sometltiitg that many will also to Cziptziitt 7°" ‘‘''‘h h'_'“ '5" 3'°“" “g‘." paid Tribute was Admiral of the Fleet Sir John CunWorcester (('oiinc'iIlor J. Williams). remember. As for "Land of Hope and the of the and Olander crew Second C°"' "W the iiitrodttceil then Fsnm-nt _S\'en ningham Admir-1| nr°t*"~~'*! » ('ilor_v"~liow well everyone present i Sea . tltc (‘hit-r (‘oiisiiititc-. Mr. ti. A. Abbot withStiirehotni. E. l|0lI). “" Swedish motor Vice-Admiral ‘hm 53"“ ship Lord. imd and llrigadier S. J. Bourke. ls‘|1i|T>' "1' ll“? R-N-K sang that. in surl).S.C. who. whose rescuing l).S.().. out been (‘.ll.. gallantry. land-;\lartin. have mg m,_. ,\,-",3-. Everyone was impressed by the solo- after espressing his thanks for the vivors. it is unlilscly that any member [knew the country would present included Comman‘lost without the NW0 07 ll": R-N-K ()th_crs would have of of Jervis iof the the referred crew ltay show to Navy excellent dcr Sir l’cti:_r Agnew.‘ M.l', for South in tile lirst and second World Wars. the Swedish at was there The lived. was flag ‘.today. A few years ago to the toast of the Worce.ster.shire._('apt:iin H. M. Spreck~ l Responding and White with the Eit-sign about the Navy. Money yard arm luncertaitity N. Macnaughton- Icy. R.N.. President of the Worcester Captain iR.N.R.. Chatthe Swedish T. R. Shipmate Commander was wanted for this and for th.it dtiring the ceremony oflhranch. and Mr. ll. Day. cltzurittan of Otliccr Commanding Wainwright. tock, R.-.\'. (re-t.). at former (‘tiairmztn of and fora time it scented that botlt the national anthem was played. I-‘ox, that said 3 llerts hrttnclt. As the massed hands played “Sun-. tt.M_s_ I-'|ying t(iovernmcnt and the public had lost who lomcd R¢5¢n.N,; um tltc coittntittee which set" the colours were handed dowit uhhnugh m ‘ht standard of was cltairtttan of "N “mrc “P ships and so ended another Reunion. the dintter. thanked his felwhen they joined, the regulars Had the Reunion ended? No’. found among the regular -‘ l'”‘ " " -'*"”*in the hall. dance went on Dancing 'and men :i great measure of tolerance J.ll.t .|l.|l"‘: yarits were swoppcd. pints were the to f_orhcar:incc So and "old met drunk. |1lL‘£ISllt'C ships" " r°'m"°'y “1""" m"°' m l). (iilbcrtson..'i foritter (‘liat‘|l;iittofthe evident. lt was :i grand evening l r.c“:n.N.“‘ m was ‘h'~'" r°°l~ Fleet, tltankcd tltc I\\‘s‘tIt.‘l:tllt|ll for an and as coaches and cars left could be write home of good food and good Will? C‘‘'''"""‘‘‘‘’‘'W- ”- V heard, you again next year." of the Presideiit Royal .»‘\ir.t‘.;tt..“-_.t.ip_ spcarc.
().\'(‘l'Z ‘
CTRBSEE’ steal show at
Annual Reunion
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l.Di: will isttttettiltcr Gllieitt
lllc_l.\t' :ttt€'ll. I.~lt.UlCll.tt'll'C0l‘llllliltlt.lLl‘Ctlssld).“tho
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ttandsomely finished. Choose your Ronson from the wide range at 'he NARI-'l .
World's Greatest Lighters
.__.‘..,.(_'a .‘ Part of the large eonipan_\ at the Guildhall. Worcester
(Photo: IJcrro\s's Nensp:ipcis. l.td.. \\'orccstcr)
Nov ember. I959
Basingstoke and District of age
I l‘ is l\H.‘lll\-IIllL' _\c;1rs since Shipnizite I’. Gar) (".tlll.‘tl the lllilltgtlfill Meeting "' and the llzisiiigstrikc and District lirztncli oi" the |{n_i:il .\':t\al Assnciatioii nus launcltetl and cnniiiiissioiicd and :tlthnu::li vcr_\ fen of the sliipniatcs who helped to l:l|lllL'll the braiicli are still present. their spirit. and desire to nizilse the branch a success is still evident. lhc past ll yea ha\e not been all over ion and inneli valuahlc wozk was plant sailing and a. tirnes \'.t‘l‘llls' have carried out. l".'tsI-\\;if ch:1n_ces- pvcsentetl their l1.1d to lie 1'iil\lL'll out and the safety _ot' the hraiieli has. at lllllL‘s, been in problems; .zl‘.l‘.o11gli the brancli had ilmrbz, but lltc slillllls l1;1\e h-.:en puzeiiaseil the l.1nd to build its own lclctl and today the luaiieli is club :1nd It-.-a.lqi1.ute:<. 'l‘own and ;.:1 .11- lroin strength l11§l!c'll'_‘lll_ liiuler (‘o11nti_\ l‘!.1nnin-.2 tie.-lgrretl it :1 dc\c~' the able lc.-.tle1s?i:p oi the lixtiieli lopineit: .:re.1 and petiiiissi-iii to build
‘-.A .'
ll.'lll\L".l_ W311-xi ‘.51: !‘...ll‘..‘ of the .-\-so.-i.:'.ion :; co:wn::tc; s.es to .*~~.t:y for L11.ltl:l'l‘ :-.1I' .:.1.-. rs.1:i1i Ill.‘tlZ.'llll\;'r~llip.‘\\.t\ eli.r:1-_'.~t! 1', \\.1s ti tl .1Itil .'t new \.h.eli lnr .r l.lll'.‘ \l“tHi at TU to 71, has \'11t1-.l.i:il :11 in‘ J‘ ion: \\.1s tie. ‘tied .11 .1 very large rm"--. risen to :1 to‘..1l of ‘)7. lhc ll:'\[ S:;1ml.1rd oi’ the hum.-I1 was lllllln'll\'~'-kl sc.. .ce in the pail. in I95-l' rfedn-.1te1l lll lo}-) and dnrint-, lllc a.1ri'-\lIt::to.:s:1tte1:‘ed by m.1ii_v shipm.1tes' hes. In June this ye.1r~ t:on1u:iic: hr }e.::s the ~i|\.'ll;'.ll oi the hiatteli \\.l\ ‘the old Stat‘. ml was l.1id up in St.
lane an '1.‘-.-: srno11'.n
S:i:p11i.i:.- R.
Herts Branch
;u.‘ :n§ -
helps Sea
’.\licha1.-l‘s ('liureh. li;1singsto.kc. A Ladies (iuild nas formed and this Guild has l-1-.-en :1 tower of strength to the branch. Through their very close co-operation very many able social functions have
Rear-Admiral Sir Edward Rebbeck. K.B .E.. C.B.. takes the salute on the steps of Mountbatten llouse. flanked lay No. 14 (Ireland) Area Branch Standards. Also in picture are: Captain A. G. Reid. R.N., of R.N. Aircraft \'-.ml. of Ban-,tor. Sydenliiim: Captain C. R. L. Argles. R.N.. Senior Naval Oliicer Northern Ireland: the blayor Councillor I-‘. C. Tugliam; and Commander W. C. Thomas. l).S.C., R.N.. a vice president of Bangor llranc'.i Photograph: K. Orbinson.
carried out. This year. as in previous years. the branch helped with the liasingstokc Carnival and the “Piratc.~." front the collected a record total of over GOOD muster of the old stalwarts branch £2l-6 during the week. all of \vliicli who laid the foundation of the‘ went to the carnival fund. llerts branch of the Royal Navall Associiition. together with
.shipinates and ladies
.Hayling’s loss
younger; at‘
good fellowsliip and
eoini.1dcThe Admiral ended with the
Association Motto Unity. l.o);:lty. Patriotism and Coniradcship. lie then unirciled the comrnemoratrs-e pl.'u|us: and named the lleattquzrrtexs "\l-nittlbatten House." -—
Milestone in history of Bangor
the celebration of the brancb's tv\cnt_vlirst lIlI'(ll(l'.l_V on Novetiilicr 27 at the l Shire Hall. llertford. Sir Edward Rehbeelt. I-i.B.l-2.. C.B.. the liriinch President. said Adni1r:tI or the I-L-\R-.-\D.\tIR.-\L Argies Capt. l its held During August the braiicli 'flew front England to open Bangor‘.s new headquarters on Saturday. Fleet l".atl .\lountbattcn of ltnrm.-i l1.:d I Hcrtford Annual Garden I-‘etc in the 19. Situated on the Queen's Parade. Bangor, County Down. the asked him to convey to the l\l'.ttlt.'ll September Castle grounds and :1 ns_cfnl sum was which was ll fonner hotel. was purchased last year and has been his congratulations and good wishes building. raised for branch funds. The success renovated to provide facilities for members to enjoy television. on obtaining their new premises lie completely of the event was due largely to the then presented to the branch an autoand it quiet drink in the newly furnished comfortable lounges. cards darts. Island branch of the ladies who kindly acted as st:illl1older.s oecasion.‘thc day was viding for its members. The opening. graphcd portrait of Earl .\ltllIllll‘.lllL'lI. naval A said sale. for Association Naval and provided goods‘ Royal The llangor litanch ('l1aiiniaii. "ttirn out" of he said. w_as a milestone in the history the splendid niarketl y at 3 its enrolled been have farewell to Honorary Chaplain New members SiInpson_ tli;ml.cd of the town. (icorgc Shipntate Sub.-Licut. under honour of the guard at each branch meeting during this social evening on September I7. The Coehranc. R.N.R_. and a contingent Rchbcct; thanked the Admiral Rcbbeel. for opening the Attmjral‘ year and it is hoped that this state of Reverend A. E. Bennett. :1 most popu- of the W.R.N.S.. both providcd.fr0m , Mayor for the kind words he had said 1Headqnartcrs and presented him with l:1r and highly regarded figure in the I-l..\i.S.Carolinc. kind permission Of about the Branch and said the Royal 'a suitably inscribed hlackthorn s‘iel.'. atlairs will be tii;ii:i:.iined. by Later in the evening the liighlrghts It is pleasing to report that :1 d.-tael1~‘ branch. has taken tip new duties in Capt. I. I5. Robson. R.N.R. Amongst Naval Association was proud to have seen :1-.-.tin on ment of the Sea Cadet Corps has been Stcvenagc. were the 1\layor (‘fins its Patron Her .\laicsty ihc Queen. of the ceremony were zhosc present oi Chairman Shipmate W. Denton. formed at Ilcrtford. It is a "tender" F. C. '|'tighan'. Ihe .-\dtiiir;1lt_v_ he said. reeogiiiseil tliei television and it “as felt that the Councillor liangor. the :1sl.cd branch to the \\’ol\v\'n fitirtlcrt (‘ity and l-l:t'.- the Hayling Island Senior .-\.~.§oeiatioti as" at body tornied to Bangor ll!.tllCltll.ttlls"i.'l\ l\c:11"it1tl1.: R. l.. :\rglc_~‘-. C. Capt. Doctor Iicltllliiit. lli.-.nclt siiipni.1‘.es atc taking‘ vice-president. Shipniatc foster amongst members of the Naval news." Nor-tltEI‘n’li'eliinrl: Capt. Ofliccr Naval social to prea keen interest in this formation and. D. H. Bronghton. at a A. G. Reid. R.N.. Captain SuperintenReverend the apart frotii providing instnietors. the sent :1 p:1rtin:.' gift tobarometer from dent R.N.A.Y. Sydcnham: Snrg.-Capt. ictit of the (":1dc'.s' lic.1dittI.utcrs' ;t:. llennett. 'l his was :1 W. A. lloplsii'ts_ ().B.l5.. R.i\'.. Presifew in branch and :1 of the l‘f.tllCll mcinbers home lleitford is being by Branch: |.icut.-Cdr. well chosen words l)r. lirongliton said dent I.ondondcrry funds. Cliairnian .\lid-Antrini l)insmore, (‘. be would the much Chaplain how lhe branch has lost one of its Branch: I.ieut. C. A. .\laxwell. Chairforiiicr Chairnicn. Sltipmate Com- misscd—~not only in the branch but ‘man llelfast Ilranch; Licut. Ilartlctt. mander l. R. Chattoel.. R.1\‘. (ret.l. also in llayling Island, He referred to Area Chairman: S‘.\l J. 'I'hatchcr. died recently :1: the early age of 58.l the Res. llcnnett as :1 splendid fellow. National Council Delegate: and other Stevcnage oti their Sliipniatcs attentletl the fune1'.1l service anti coneratttlatcd representatives frotii the Newtownards. which was comitietctl by the branch. gain which was l'Iayling's loss. 1\Irs., Portadown and Dublin branches. with botiquct a was presented llcnnett llilton I’. C, Reverend (i. padre. the The Chairman and Secretary of _thc I of tlowcrs by .\lrs. Jones. Briggs. R.N.R. llangor llraneh of the British Legion fnllr were also present anti :1 very attendance of liangor's own llrancli .\lcnibci's. including all Vice-l’rcsidenls to_eether.with the change of venue and this the branch and their wives‘. played is not prepared to risk. liiery iiietnhcr liallyltolme Brass ll:1n1l.‘\\'lnch cere-‘ appropziate mnsie dtiririg llic l lsnous someone who would lilsc to colourful made up the \cry so. r.ither than risk possible trinity, torn. l)u:iian1‘s of \lllDlll.iIL‘\ their election, the l‘II'.tllv.‘ll p.1a'.11lc. -.n::tll br.in.:ii had the great rliseord in Rcliliccls the sl.ittil on rm .l\\ilClillI.“ Wclcotiiiiig Arlmiral the t.tl.cn has pleasure of stilttesstitg. lor the Iirsl menibers. of tits: \\'iirl; ill llic_ liztn-‘ spnl“: .\l:tjsur time_ the ;ippe;1r.1nce of the hr.1neh. It would he iiiteresting to lsnow if gor liraricli in prnviilinc atiieiiittcs to st.1nd.1:t| at the atutual reunion Ill other branches have had this problem .\‘a\a l shim visiting the Borough and Littltliut, 1. :1nd. if so. lltttt they h:t\c coped. of the new tacilttics it was now prothaiil-ts made possible The trip was 111‘ Sltiprnatcs Ray 1l tn the enmts .\litehinsoti .1nd .lohnn_v l-Zgglestoric l and although standard bearer Dick Ilcron "sweated drops of blood" lie. i avuws it was well worth while. There's nothing like a good Needless to say. everyone had at of SIMONDS beer for glass tintc~-well. rollicking good nearly putting you on top of the of the time Wl"Illl"ll_:i everyone. as tip to world. eleven .nf the twelve have been , Ashore or afloat, you can’: wondering where a certain sltipniate ilisappearcd to at approxiiiiatcly I800 go wrong if you always hours on ()clobcr I7. stccr straight for The Roypl Festival Hall show was SIMONDS! ntucli how htit ever as as impressive better it would be if all artistes had Note to when the clarity of diction that Vera Lynti at 27 Lydd Mass c1cn-:nt:iis:WENTY-SI-'.\'EN Standards were present on September District and possesses. the dedication of the new branch Standards of New Romney The hrarteli standard will be on Supplies of branches took place at Ly dd'.s parish church. the and Dungeness and Lydd SIMONDS been parade again on Remembrance Sunday Cathedral of Romney Marsh. Over 250 ex-sailors. their friends and civic at I)urhain‘s beautiful cathedral. can be arranged at filled the church. This ycar‘s bullet supper will be on ‘dignitaries Band of T. T. Brandreth, who represented the Marine the Royal Led by “Members Only the 4 and December Note. Commander-in-Chief. The Norc. and The Commander-in-Chicf. the trait. the on Smoker" of the 27 Royal Naval Cdr. E. C. Sircattield-James. president At the last branch meeting the the contingcnts other ex- of the New Romney branch. and branches Association associate of enrolling vexed matter The Salute at Tl1c,Rypc was taken to the service marchc_d organisations it but was members was brought up the dedication cere- by Capt. Brandrelh who was accomdecided that Durham branch could church and afterthrough the town to panied by the Mayor of Lydd. Aldertint accept any. Already there is mony paraded The Rypc. man G. T. Paine, the Mayor of New hardly enough space for members the ‘lite service was.conductcd by Councillor W. B. Smith. ."" proper and the making of associate Rev. (3. A. Finch of Lydd and the Rev. Romney. of Rural Marsh Romney members would inevitably mean :1 T. I‘. Stuart Martin of New Romney Chairman Council, Capt. .l. C. Allnatt. Cdr. ll. & G. suaouos l.TD., by was preached the sermon and and Eastbourne Whith HM. Ships '. Strcatficld-James and Mr. W. Gowcr. former a A. H. Hodge. Canon 4th Squadron, the IBADING, PORTSMOIJTH AND rvmoum, ETC. Test. all of the of No. Area 2 of Royal ehnimian Worthe of ship training left Portsmouth on October 30 for the Chaplain cester. The lessons were read by Capt. Naval Association. Mediterranean.
Stevenage’s l{ gain
Twelve fit-)-f Durh aiii Fattendi festival
_ ‘
Twenty-sevenstandard _
Lydd for dedication ceremonies
NAVY i\'l-‘.WS
Nnventher. I959
Goal were
While players
C.f’.'O. Johitson was NAVY :\'i:\v.-s Sportsinan of the .\l.intlt ir May. 1957. an IL
Ycovilton through to semi-finzil of Bantbzira Trophy
.\ll‘..\ll¥liR of the Ro_v:tl t\';ival .-‘\thletic (‘tub Ifiotitltt who is lool.ing forw;ird to athletics with his ' 'lll-I lirst round of the ll.'lll'llV;tl‘.l club iie.\l .se.i.soit is C.l'.(). Johnson. who. this vcar. holds the lhrowing-tltcTrophy lsnocl.-out comp.-titiott for li.iiiititer ll().\ll'I AIR ('().\l.\li‘\Nl) 9. IIAMPSIIIRI-I l'(lI.l('l". I clniiiipionship of two contifootball is now completed with Rugby _,,....' ‘Ill-I Iirst zis-socizitimi fouthzill fixture of the .‘iI,'1I\Un was pl:I_\'ctl on the‘ Yeovillon. last year's ttittn.-is, slICs's‘~'.\' tiies at the saute tiiite. I.....Q»-~-..Haiti lolinsoit has been the Singitpnre :.......e -.\l:iitiir \\:i_v groiind. l.ee-on-.So|ent. oit September 24. the Air ('oniiii'.tiid frilly through to the setui-tiitals. l‘tl"-l‘ i for the _ geliaiitpioii tltrowiiig ll;lll‘ltlls‘!‘ round results are as follows: teiiui ll(‘lll;: selected following it linal trial of 25 plnyen the previoiis day. for the past three years and .\l.il:iy.iit H..\l.S. Ariel 0. R.N.r\.S. Yeovilton eltzinlpiou for the past 'l he Police l.iclsed oll and made for to full length to save. -1 two ye.'iis_ Until _V.‘ the ( oitim.iiid goal. but good delenstve With time fast ruitniiig out and the l~t; R.:\'..\..‘i. Abliotsiueli 3. R.N..-‘LS. 'tliis )c.‘ti Siitgapoie eonipeted in the i‘ L ‘ covering hrol.e tip their :itt-.ielss tllltll Police tiring. the (‘iiiiiiitatttl put on |.ossientoutli 3‘); lt.N..-\.S_ .-\rliio:itlt i .\l.iI.i);in L'll;lIlll‘II\lll\ltl[|\:is one of the .se\'ei;il got-it moves were soon seen try more pressure and tiirtlier go:ils c:iiiie I2. R.l'\‘,.-\.S. l.ee-on-Solettt 3: l<..\'.:\.S. .\l.il.iy States. but now that Sin-g.ip.iie the (oiitiuaiiil players. (iooilwiii pro- front Heath and Trickett. l(‘uldrose I2. R.N.A.S. Bixiwtly 3. has bccottte sell-eovei'nittg_ it \\:t\‘ Viilcd the first thrill with :t lttillittttl invited. with ('e_vlott. North llorneo his sliot at four nut beatiitg inert: and lliunei. to t\.irli»:ip:ite as nei_i:h-‘‘v ‘in the inches post. goal went past hoiiriitg countries. lloth te.iins soon settled down andi .-\s Siiigzipore ch:iiiipiort ('.l’.O., sortie good constructive football Johnson zieeoritpanied the Singaiporei twentieth! until the but not it was £\‘.'v.'tl team to Kuzila l.iimpnr. 'I'lte gaittes‘ Chief l’ett_\' (lflicer Jntinsoii at the minute that the first goal eantc, A. were opened by the King of .\lalay:i through hall to Trieltett was cr;ieked' :iiid Joltnson iiiaitaged to wiit the Merderti Slmlium. Kuiila Luiiipur. i\ugii.-it. I959 into the itet while tlte Police defenders Fleet Air Arm Rugby team has just completed a West ('nunlr_v tour: liatiiiiier event. l iitood still appealing for ollside. during which three gtimt-.s were planed. All three were lost but most, lleath followed up with a goal two valualile esperience was gained which will bring its reward. minutes l.iter hitting tlte ball home Tlte tri.ilists iniistered at Yeovilton’\vere hurled at the learn from autifrom ;i narrow angle. oit October 8 and after two ttial gantes rugger types arotiitd the l‘;irade. It was ;ill Air (‘oiniiiand ttow and the left for (‘iildrose on the‘ Tliere were seven changes for the t was seraiiihled ;ii.vay and Weleh coli the Police were being hard pressed. lltlt.players The hospitality shown he Sca- Penzzitice game which gave tttziny ‘ileeting the loose ball shot inches over i\lurr.iy who w:is playing brilliantly hziwk was much appteeiziteil lvy the players the unique experietice of playthe bar. The Island gozillseeper. l‘;isat inside left scored ituriiher three by under this to was a start lloodligltls and ing was ;i good very players given quir. brought oll iiiany litie saves‘. oite l):iedulus X! 0. beating .i defender and neatly side 5E the the :ill fought hard even game way tour. front :i ltsitlg sltot by (ioodwin exfooted the hall pzist the advaiteing l~'.A. .\'I 4 Gut:-rnse_v 'l‘he5 Air (‘oiititiand to ~(l. lost tended him to the full with :i great I players loosened tip on .\lon thoughhad :i gimllseeper. l-ite ntittutes later lleatlt-‘dayThemorning hard parlictilarly game g in aid of leap to tip the ball over the bar. with a tiew version of pack l ‘l'|:l|'ll_V.lll‘.lI(‘ll iricreaseil the score by neatly delli:ctcovered well. “'9 KIM: (-Nlrtit‘ “ l‘|"“l-_ h°l“"-'9" 1|", The Navy boys soon set up attacks “all in" h.islset hall wltich would and the tltrecquarlers ing witlt ltis head a free lsicl. taken cause The team for Dzirtmoiitti again 3' “ml lhciaitil shots by (ioodwin and Farley antongst the ’\,“"""~'"‘"'_D"'~'d_“'“" by Weleh. (ioodwitt qtiicklv utade it , purists consternation and some changes represent:iof tlt:it sport. then left fort found 0“ went near. l{ughes.tlie l);ii:d;iltis goal:(-|"~‘"N‘.\'Inl‘-r\- 31 NI‘ "lid" P' 1 ' . \' ¢ d_ live with '.l great goal. honours Arnold. ttve went to Biglaml. 1" GU97"-‘W!’ who had received a slight '""“’!"_~"' The Police never gave tip trying Redriith on the afternoon of the l2th (irillin, Nichol;is_ Howard. Lord. ''‘‘‘’"d'“"'‘‘ and bl~‘f'"'° for lirst the ‘-| 200d fl'0“d-iiiijiiry in the first half left the field gante. and were soon rewarded witlt a well (ireenslade.l:iines_Clt:ipnt:iit_ ll;iddle-| 'llie l);ied:ilusattack moved quite and Trickett went into goal. Seconds taken goal. .-\ line rtin b_v the righti TM‘ mm gm,“ mm“! rugby and iron. lIollick_ Jertkirts. llroolss. llowers in the early stages, but their; later the Islanders took the lead with winger who crossed the ball to his;the_ Air (oinnt.ind held their own and llttelt:in;-ti. 'lin:il moves lillled out in front oft :i tlyiiig lie;ider from their tiiside forinside forward to hit ll lirst tune past‘ until lialf-tiiiie when the score W-IR .-\ nuinher were overawed ;it the l8—-3 to Redrntli_ lhe experience and nt:igititicenee of the _('ollege. btit the goal. The lsl:iiiders were having a fair ward. Willi the defence and attack dis('airns the (‘oititiiattil t=“5'“‘“'\‘l‘\‘r. iotnted the l);iei|;ilus teaiit were soon l’l.llf-lllllk". lliinie .-\ir (‘ottitnand 5'. cohesion of the ltedriith tczini told in Fleet Air Arm coiitiugent was well share of the game too. the second li-.ilt' .ind the Fleet Air 2\l'l1l , looked after. and l):irtntotith proved3 Hughes in the l):ied:ilus goal was ’tllltlL‘l' pressure and Tricltctt did well llaiiipsltiie Police l. went further ahead (iiiernsey Straight from the restart the Corti- lost l‘l—~3. On the whole the Airt an ideal setting for the final game ol the llrsl to be lrit.'d_ Collins the left in goal. winger hit the hall hard front 15 after (in niintites with a great goal. played sound rugger unit; the tour, mand went further :ihe:_i_d. With the The third goal came two minutes Police defence standing still. Heath ad the team had longer together in Atter“tivo htird t::ime""!t'littlefine. rds and Hughes saved well near the quiel.l_v nipped in. gtitliered the hall would have kiii:ted liettei. The only" had left the side. and the l);iitinouili :i.._ele of the woodwork. Dacdtilns later when Widdowfleld.-in interwvx. and cracked it into the net. ‘the police uitfortuit-.ite incident was the loss olV team took swift atlvantzige of the tsoon hit back with l‘;ll'lL'_\' hitting .'|l ting a cross iiitliielsily put the ball into struelt back and for :1 few minutes the te'.iiii's lock forward front ti badly; slowness on the ball to thump honte great shot that heat the goalkeeper his own net. 'I he l.sland XI contnleted the scoring the (‘oniiiiaiid goal was under pressure. cnt eye sustained in the early minutes «three uuicl; tries. but the Air (‘oin- and crashed against the bar. Goodwin and only zi quick recovery by Wid~ of the gziiue. eoiisequeiitly keeping maiid settled down and :itts'wi:red with drove back the b:ill whielt the ‘keeper ':ifter 7| ntiiiiites with :i great goal. Among the many spectators were dowlield who lsielted oll the ttoul linc hint ottt of the hitter games. ‘two tries. The Dartntotith pack were. did well to save. the Dtiedaliizs llis lixeellency. the (iovernor of prevented a goal, Ariotlier (‘omntand 3 On returning to Sealiatvl. :_i few quiet»; and lltcir threes‘ ran strongly ! Fray and Bodkin. wingers. were well iii the picture and i(iuernsey. the Cotiintandcr-in-Chief attacl. soon developed and llezith. niembers made itocturn.il soilies to to finish with gt score l(i—~8. Sir .\l:inley sonic line runs. their crosses. l’ortsniouth. .-\dittiral taking possession of a loose ball hit‘ v;irioiis ltus‘li:Ii‘ies zirotind ('uldrose htit t F.vi.-ryoite (inished the tour with a Iiiizide it go;ilw;inls_ the _b:ill hitting (I all iii;iit:iged to arrive for the worlsoitt little regret at leaving new found which soinetiiiies caught the defence Power and other well-known personaliilefeiider on its way into the net. with the team c:ipt:iin on the parade fficndg amt it-;.m in;itcs_ hm are Tools- out of position. went begging with no lies of the (iiiernsey .'\s‘soci:ilion of ithe RN. and l{..\l. who were the The Police inside right was striving. ground the next day. During the 1 mg forward to renewing them in the one in front of goal to liitislt till. A good run and shot by (ioodwin sponsors :iiid organisers of the ntzttch. hard and one sltot frotti lttiit took‘- coutse of which various continents furor.-_ i
so:---. i
Air wasl
Command Rughy’Team
in the West
Guernsey wins the annual
STA R? or THE LONG ROAD FOR i HOCKEY PLA YERS draw for the first roiiud of the "rill-'. Royal Navy Iloelsey Kitock-Out l T
_For the lower
;('ottl|1.'litiolt, W5‘)-(it), is given below. .-\ prelititinary rotiiid is ititttecess:ir_v .since exactly 32 entries were received. Tlte lirst round must be completed by
the second Wednesday in i\'ovetttber.
l i
l. ll .\l.‘i \'i.'ti-rt v. ll.\lS Dolphin II “S «\rl¢l l (ll \ ll MS. ('iilliII,:\l\nq>J 3. ii .\I s, Ariel it two ) V‘, H M s suiiiii. .1 ll M S l:\erlleitt v. ll .\l ."i \‘i-ritiin. 5. II M S St. \'in;eiit v. Reserve Heel. R .\I,Il ".l\lllC\ 5' II .\I S llliad 7. It. .\-I l)c.i| \ H .\l .\i Mercitrs ~l l'.l(.O l{.M. V. [LN ll. ('lI.itlt.iiii ‘I. II M S. Osprct v. N A .‘\‘ Yea-villi-it Ill. -12 (‘c.iiiiii.iiii.l<i \-, I'l (' I1-‘rtiitstiiiic. ll. N .\ S (‘lildtiue \' N A \ \‘ S II. Rescue I lent. l)l.“uIlI|9<Irl v Thtiiidcrer, U H *1 S Uinhmm ___u H M S |,m_r_ H II .\t .s R.Ilt‘n:l| v. it M ii .\libI|elIiItt\L‘ is R N 1\ 1'.i-:_ t'.iit-.i..n.i \' :s'..\..s', i\l\hiil\. (i
of the belly kind. that s hungcr._not 3005"“ WW‘ 505°" ""4 b°°"‘-
But the gnawing hunger of lonely men for
A "am: and an that " means‘ " (APOLOGIES TO THE LATE DAN M¢GREWl
VA‘-El ‘A9
N .\.S. .\rhro.iiti.
.i\l.S. (hinges “went to town" when the football team scored its first win in the Navy Cup since I955. The team scored a decisive 7-0 win over Royal Naval llzirracks. Cltzitlitiiit. All seven goals were scored by
L.,'Se:i. Conroy.
.Air Coir-iiniind Cup i’ ‘HF. first rounds of the Air (‘ont-
Cable 'Shipassure" Telephone C.-12-26 (5 Lines) Agents (or 8.E.A. and all Independent Companies
Try our Easy Payment
tll.'ll N .\.S
Plan r ‘
scrviccmcn have made plans for the future. There will be things they want to
have now been am! we r"‘“'"‘ M". J‘
do, things they want to buy
furnishing a home,
children to educate. Like nearly everythingthese days, ambitionsare often expensive to realize and, if :1 man is to fulfil his plans for himself and his family,he will need .
begin saving now. To-day, whilst you are still serving, is the time
to start.
In co-operation with the Admiralty a special scheme of endowment assurance has been devised for naval ratings and Royal Marines (other ranks). For full particulars ask the man from the
R.N..-\.S. Lossientoiith 7. R.i\‘..»\.S. Brtiwdy Z: H..\l.S. Ariel 4. R.N..-\.S. ('uldrose 2; R.N.A.S. Lee-on-Solent -t. R.N./\.S. Yeoviltoit 0'. l{.N.A.S. Arbroath 4. R.N.A.S. Abbotsinelt l.
Or write
the Prudential Assurance Co. Ltd., Holborn Bars, London, F..C.t. to
November. I959
classifiedAdvertisements SITUATIONS VACANT and Dftlcr:N)' under 40, and in noun-.ron ot a current tIll\‘Inl licence. Applicant: urll be then an Initial rraintn: nenod and will Iv: required on certain occauons In do a period of rcliel dllllc\_ and when hrrmlnttd to the \l.'tlIL\ of a ntartarcr will he nrmtded vtith I mod commcncintr salary. Dlllx conmtmiun and penukm, I.I\i|'ll€ -'IL‘\.‘\|l1llltI‘\IIllI‘tlwith tree clcctricttrg wax. coal and coke will he nrundcd. .\l"l’1IIC.'IllIlll\ nhotrld he made In ‘Inc (tat!-.-on “ms: (nu. Ltd, Trinity fhantbcrx, $2 lttnm .\qu.1rc, I,--ndon.
tor sent.-e with Ntnerran .\.-n)- on ct-utuet tor on: tour of l.‘.,‘2I months. t‘omn‘.cm'tne \:rl:rty up to (Lino in sale tmrludi.-nc inducement D-'|\'l :.'t.3l-I rising to lI.‘2»I a year. (irattuty at rate
at £150
put in some time with the Atnericztns. (Licut.-Cdr.; Towards the end of the commission
part of II..\I. The Queen's escort up the St. l.:tttrertcc River and took part in the R.C.N. Review at Halifax when the Queen left (,‘:tn:td:t. The Catnztdittn climate is not kind to a submarine ~in winter at sea the temperature in the control rootn was
Fl?R.'\'L‘ilIl-J),no hcdtoonu. kitchen:
ut lvathtuorrr.
Marmron Road. Southsca.
I \illin:-nlom and child m.-It-vmc. l'A
.\t2ll,‘.".',".‘.' N.*\lZ.
.rnt.l utmte
Four oflicers married J Canadians during the short commrséion
Severatl of Atnhttslfs futnilies t::unc over to Cztnttdzt and settled \'er_v contfortably in their new surroundimts and :1 large proportion of the ship's company came back with new Canndian wi\‘es— in the Wurdroom; four olliccrs out of six.. During the commission Alllhtlxll visited New York. I!erntud:t. !\lo‘ntreal. New London :tnd Norfolk l\’trwas 5: giniu), Tire week in New York fztbttlotts "nrn ;rshon:" and \llht’tl1II'lncrs were to be seen itr such wellLnown spots as the Empire Sttttc Building. U.N.O. and t\I(|tI|\t\I'I Square Gardens. not to mention the Stork Club and numerous burs. llcrmud:t. island of sunshine and exotic colours‘. was very popular and the ):lg;Il\IlC U.S. Submarine Base at New l.omlott
..\l.S. A m b u 5 h P. F. B. Roe, RN.) left her | Canadian base at Halifax, Nova Scotia for the last time on September II. She (f0\Il-‘()R‘l'AIl.lr2 ACCO.\I.\!0I)AT1l).\‘ .'lI\|J)\ was given a great send-otf by the 6th aratlahlc tor naval men and lI'If.'lf \\l\t\ and lsubmnrine Squadron, the R.C.N., the tamilrex. Short lctt ptclcrrcul. —I'hone l'omn~..».,m :41.-rt tor appointment to \-icn. many friends and families that came down to the jetty and the band from SIIITIISICA. on Iu.‘|ln bus Iontc. (‘onrfullal-Kc ll..\I.C.S. Stream atcr. accotnmodatmn: bed. hrealslaxt and eurntmr l’.\\'l.'\'G (BUFST Iclcomeel by n.'t\-al uidors. Near Rye. Une double and I \lll|tIC lvedrt-om. Prnate l‘.1lIlt-Don). Gavan‘. (‘chiral ht-arrmr. I -ncly \icuI. Suit retired naval ofllccr or couples on lcarc. 8 gm. all In.’ —Box 74 '‘.\'a\) .\'c\\.\.'’
Rtluinaltlc Icnm. »'l‘el.:
(hurt I'tn'st't:al Trainlnr inc-lode I)une\ \ttncl'\i\t'tm and trainlmtmcrnr. write to the nasal llltnlh. of Nlxcrian mg (‘man Agcnl\_ .3 hlilltnnk, Londnn, §.\\'.l. Stale arc. name In hi-kt. lrttetx. full II|I'.lIlIlt'iIlIll‘l\
a )'t:;4r. Ullllll a:t.m.tn;c rm. liberal leave on lull \.’II.1r\, rtcr :uu.'!:t‘\ lul‘ untccr and urtc amt amstame rtmatds thrldtcn's M» uges. (iraut up to t.'l‘t) znrtttallr tahtlc LTIIIIIIIJTI arc in li.l\'. (‘arr-Jidatcx rnmt have held rank nl Seaman l',I',(). and hue t-rcn either (‘hid
l~’til)l‘.ll/Kl. (;n\ t~ZRN.\ll=Nl‘ til’ NIGI-ZRIA
Gunnery Imltuclr-r
Londtrn. Irom hcatlqulnen rcrumncul tor cumton. sen-ice and fine tood. A text or met do-M-mu-please hotldar. dcwrlltd In NH.-AXINGSLEY IIUTEL. l_.-nd--n.
.8‘. 10]! W.\|vt|(.\\I t)l1'I(.'EI{ rcuuiretl
CARE)-'RF.E CHRl.ST.\l.\$? I-‘one! vmrk.
»\Pfl.lCA110.\'3 are invited from nnn-cnmmtmluned om.-er: to mature on hcencct tn the -outhcrn hall of the muurt-y. Appticanrt should
E.\‘('ll.\.\'GI". IUIII‘-I‘I.‘(Ilfl0fI\ClI home in Irich
Classified Advertisements may be
Gale 8- Pultlcn LltI.. Nelson Ilottse. I-Iditrburnh Road. I’orts'mouth. as well as at the RtI_\':II .\'atr:rl Barracks. Portsruuullt. I’ri\-.rte .-\dt.ertis1-tuettts. 3d. DOT word: minituunt. 25. j Trude r\t;I\‘Cl'IIS4.‘tllCl'lI.<i. -ld. Der word: minimum. 45. Name and address of advertiser
must accompany each
ll:u.tnt, t._tr
\\‘:tlrham /whet
3 Ittchlwtnc (low, Lc-eh I'.rt|.,
MISCELLANEOUS ll IS 4\ FACT‘ lI1.‘ll m:tn_\- \-:l\ice' olllccru :.:‘.d
much t:t\. Do you’) A rented Income Tm. tltltcer i\ p:cp:ttnl In utth )onr I:I\ Prul\lcrn\_ Tern-t\ .....u gnu tract: has too
R..\'.\'.R.. :0 .‘it. Vincent (‘rcwt-nt. llnrmlc.m.
AJAX ratltu controlled tans. '.‘-t~hour Knit‘. Tr:l.: I'|)ll\multlIl 35333.-‘-I (two lute‘). -
advertisement. Box Number. 9d. extra. The inclusion of any advertisement cannot be guaranteed. nor responsibility accepted for any errors or omissions.
HI-‘I-‘I-IC1"S and RAGGAGII mmed. matted. }hmrK'd. \\'httc .\ ('o, ; \h|TE, lls.I.. North lfnd Junction, I’ort.\mouth. Phone t\322l. -
SIIIPWRECKEI) kids in Tontlt ("luh nl:I\' need union‘ whites. Arnthimr. anv condition tcn lltrch. llll Stat welcome. l’.-xtarrc tctrttuc-.l. V
Street. |.r\ndr'fl. \\‘.‘.'..
Ambush steunretl 39.000 miles and l‘l[H.'III I77 days at sctt. She worked 'm;rin|y giving .»'\._3‘. exercise time to the new Cttnztdiatn St. I.:Illl't.‘nI class tdcstroyers :md the R.C.:\.l’_ and also
During her commission in Canatla from June. I958. to September, I959.
and I)uht'o\'ntk.
As for
o\'cr‘-\'llCI|“inl= no I\'
to get ()llI\lLIL' the
submttrincr managed bust: into the town. Anthtt.\h‘s \'Cl"tIIL'I\\'£lSIII£lI her (':tn;t~ diam cotnutission \\:I§ it lot of hard work httl very‘ 'fL‘\\‘£ll(IIl‘tL!. hotlt for those wtth ftttntltcs out there and for the hucltelurs.
Engineering Company of ex-Royal craftsmen as Fitters, Turners’ Navy Mrlltng machtntsts, etc. Good working con.
ditions and rates of pay in
Apply Persoflflel Ofllcen.
DEVELOPMENTS (Portsmouth) LTD. Fitzherbert Road. Farlingtort, PORTSMOUTH
I "rtthbit run" and the result hats been that ue;trl_\’ every conccivtthle space on . board I\ now tilled with musical‘
l)p.'I)'IIlg gondolttx, glttssmtrc,
E L gpoarsmourt-Q
t\\.'Il -
Altltotrglt the n_t:tjority of the ship's cotnpntry kept within the I10lllltI:lrlL'§ of the town. Shh.-l.icttt_ Perrymzm. tool. :r party of \L‘\'L‘II El day's hike through ~c\‘t:r:tl ~tu;t towns turd \III:I1,!C\. The highlipltt \\;t~. 1| \'l\II to Venice. 'l he orgtmisetl tours. were very populttr and IIl0sI. men found the plaice tut idcatl ; I
\"l\'ll\’ to
I ( ‘1 R0“ ..n0vt'r.. €m"m“°‘mh cm few week<_l_t;t\'c been of ti \':1ri_-:d with Sztlonrktt, Venice
the jetty as II.M.S. Ambush leaves Halifax. Nova Scotia on
J! I‘. and itt summer when E diving in the (Bull Stream it rose as high as 95‘ F, For most of .*\nthu<h‘< crew it was I the lint lithe they httd seen the New Wtrt IJTIKI of dollars. sttpertn:trl;cls. central heating and lurgc Atnr:ric:tn cars. The‘ suhnt;trine's car park was
Ilave Vacancies
~Il.M.(.‘.S.Shr.-aruatcr's hand
cu‘. ‘slany were their III'\l visit to Venice and agreed that it lives up to its n:unu--
the Queen of the Atlriatic. The next port of call after Venice was l)tthro\'I\il; hut the Visit falling in ll hlztnl. tvcck came as zm :tuti-clim:t.\.E It is ;t llltht IlllI.'l’t.‘\IIllt_.'. town with high stone will completely the qttuirtt old I‘ltIIItIlll}:\ hot it did not 1 Venice did. ; Ihmc the appeal that .-\z the tnontcnt of writing ('rosxhow Is at .\l;tlt:t prcpallllg for (‘yprux l’.tttol and lnkitlg p.ttl in Vtlrluth xporlltlg ;tt:ti\itie<. 'I'lte inter-p;tt't foothull competition \‘-.l\ tr “in for the I op." l _
of pay it Congentat and pleasant condittons -tr Pension scheme alter qualirates
working tying period * Excellent Canteen vr Train and bus service adjacent to factory —.t- Assisted travel allowance.
Apply tn
or In
at the above
Personnel Manage!
Renewal Form
{Delete .lS npptopnutcl
THE RANK ORGANISATION Trninccs required for Cinema Management.
progressive position with full
‘N.-XVY \'IC\VS’ ()I"FICI'., RU YAL 1\’.»\V.-'\L BARRACKS, I’OR'I‘S.\ l()U'I'I‘I I’I«.‘u.tc pm! a copy of melt r'.stm: 0/ "t\’ar)' N4-tr'.t"
N.\.\tr-: .r\t)l)RlIS5 ........................................£............. ...............-.-.........
I ¢'llt‘I(Ht' Ircrt-trill‘: L:
ordcrlpourtl artlerlrltcque
altltncrlplltltl for l2 issues. inclutlmg pmtmtc
valtn: S/-. bcilte
.(.UaIrtII) (.'omnrcrrcr:. ll mcnrlu-r ul R.:\" .-l.t.tot‘iati(m. plcmc st: rrc l1u.~ru.‘Jr. .
reach executive
APPLICANTS SHOULD BE Over 20 years of age. Of good appearance and of :l sarisltctory standard of education. Successful applicants will receive an
l 1
adequate salary during
Apply to:
Personnel Officer, Circuits Management Association Ltd.. ll Belgravc Road. London. S.W.l. (Mark the envelope ‘Trainee N.N.‘)' Interviews will be arranged as near possible to the applicant‘: home.
in the finale ol the new production at London's Windmill Theatre. Ruth was born in Belfast ‘I? I94], and is the third sister to 1 on September up, ztpbtfr at the Winrlntlll.
Lovely I7-year-old Ruth Calvert in the costume she
November. I959
Wheeling from port
INTERVIEW BOARDS MOBILITY (Continued from page 6, colutnn S) It is :i nattiral thing for :1 Naval eial reward but in addition considera- man to create solid roots in a Naval tion should be given to continued port but in such a place wages offered earnings. allowances and "perks" in are not as high as the national avi rage, the next ten years. the probable drop so that mobility on leaving the Serin pay caused by the cessation of one vice has its own reward. I-‘or eitamplc, career in the Service and the coni- there is a (iovernment \’ocation:il
STORY or A NAVAL CYCLING CLUB 'OW.\l).-\\'S the sight of a sailor with a bic_vcIe setting out from his ship or establishment to explore the countryside. both at honte and abroad. is quite commonplttce. With the advent of popular expeditions in the form of Sherpa and Outwaril Bound activities. the .sailor is being tempted more and more to step ashore into the great outdoors. and it is here that the sailor cyclist can come into his ()\\n. for with the assistance of two wheels and the use of a little energy his limits of exploration are limitless.
iiiencement of :i new career in civilian life and the opportunities of obtaining good, responsible well-paid posts at age -80 years as related to those obtainable at age 30 years. The Board was
Trziiniiig Scheme especially designed to equip ex-i\‘aval men with a skilled trade. btit it would be impracticable to train a man ment nieelianic if
ilie man insisted on for esantine arguments in say l’orts‘mouth and if Orebro. i\l;iriesl.‘ttl and 'l'rtillli;illt.'tt.| (‘oitunand Boxing ‘and :ie:iinst btit made certain that the staying Portsmouth there were no opportunities of cm*‘\t (iotlicnbtirg the party took pzissagc‘ down at one person being iiiterviewed was aware of 5-! ('lub. although ploynient in that trade within reasonacross the Kattegat to I’redericksto draw. six bouts each. ‘ the liii;iiici.il side of the sittiation. managed stage. able travelling disianee of Portsiiioiith. havn and front there tlirougli Aalwith a (iloucester. Somerset. Wills. At the s.ime time jobs can be found bnrg. and Randers to Aarlitis right and Bristol Amateur lloxiiig As‘soci'.i- l I‘()SSlIIll.l'I‘ll-ZS in the port areas. but only those iobs on seliediile. 16. October Sivindon on iion side at ‘the Board then iuriied its attention wliieli are on oller and at the rates of Oslo was the ship‘s nest port of call Rt-stilts—l’ortsinotitl-i Coiiiiiuiiil gist-it first» and the w_arin welcome the cltib nieiiiIli-:s3wci:ht.—.\I.iriiie Ron Siiitiders out- to the possibilities of a career in civi- pay existing in the area. ()iir correspondent left the Board hers rs‘cs'I\":d from lbs‘ i\'0I’W'3t1|€m* poiiited I.cti .|.mtes (l‘.itehis.a'.' ll (' i ilian life. Much thought was given to l'.al. ILI1‘ l.e.iiliiii: l.i:l|t beauvieizlit. a career to last for 40 years. with the iiupressioii that it exists to will be tciiieiiiheied by them. Drsdcii iiilttloittted I. Ni-tt (Nut.-iul biiicltiiii: plaiiiiiiig 35 }'t.':tfs' or 25 years as the case might help the individual. It goes otit of its Antwerp ‘.‘-'i|\' the scene of the elub‘.s -\ ll (‘ i. nest activities and there. once agaiti.‘ \\eI|¢ruei:ht.- .\I.iriiic Ilill (liittil lost to lie. olfering congenial. lucrative. oh-‘ way to paint an overall picture -nd to
Cycling in the Royal Navy really hail its bcginnitigs in IUSI with the forniatiou of the Royal Naval Cycling
Associatioii. This keen and cnthu:s'iastie org:inisation has done inticli over recent years to assist and foster all the cycling interests of the sailor. both
in the touring and racing spheres. :ind coping with the problems that arise from sliip-iiorne cycling. To take :iti C\2llIlpIL'. The Il..\l.S. l‘yne club. whicli was started in ‘R. Wolf (Wells .\ ll(‘.)_ the retcrec stnpii:ii;.H..\t.'s. Maidstone in January_ 1958.. the nieiiibers were introilticed to the the cuiitest .ii the end of the seeon.l roiiii.| ‘tainable cinploynient with regard to allord :ill possible help. It will willingly the tloiiiestic. geographic. linaiicial ohtaiii assessinenls of the possibilities -\lvli' .\c.4:ii.iii I‘l.«ltI.Ib:.1II lost on |\oiiits to II has enabled the cyclist to see nitieli city and its cycline fraternity. backgroiiiid of the applicant. the good of cniploymciit in an y suggested (ieitt-r.ill_v sp-.:.tl.ing the Naval olliccr bier‘ more of the countries that he h:is S. »\ Keuiieli her. A. WilMiddlewriglit. sisited and has enabled him to meet :ind the able se.iin;iii are a little !i.iuis (llrisiiil -\ lI('i in st-coiiil rouu.l Ship- points wlitcli ltc bail to ollcr and the locality in the country_ it will advise ts.-i.:li'. l’ii.:li lost on points to J. tiriht-!: rcqiiirciiietiis of potential employers‘. .on approaelies to possible cniployers. iiiaiiy more of the people of those sceptical of the sailor cyclist. but once tllnluiiu-ii. A II (’ I In some cases spccilic posts were it will itself. iiiakc approaclies on a L‘t\tti'l!I‘IL'\, In Janiaica the club "run" they li.ive been slioisn that ;i sliip‘s —I. R M .l.irviiritll~ I-' l.i:ltI riiiddli-vii-iy.-lit. tiieiii :iloni_.'. dusty roads IIllL'(I' club can make it most \iscful t:ontri-- ;lIIlllf\I I’ .\i:.iuli:i.l. t.\lctI.\luiii .\ ll(' i ollered altliotigli this is not primarily man's‘ belial: it is at your service. It,|I\ \i.|[l1 [JH sugar cuncc and cngihlcd [hgi llllllflll lit IIIL‘ sIllI‘l s ICL'lL‘1‘.lliIll:|l1lL‘II\'l‘ .\ ll ('ii:i'lt.-rl.iiiil'- i-.1 out is lR..i-.i ('.ii".-.'r the function of the lloaril brictly it but the ‘ultimate tlecisiiui rests with tirsl roiiiiil ‘aims at sorlin'.: out a iii.tn's ideas and )'\‘lI_ t\\'i-lls A ll (‘ \ iii iiiciiibcrs to climb :ilmost to the stiiti-- ties their tloiilits soon vatiisli. .\ It ('liurs but It ncltrrv-it-iehl. I.ie.'It Our correspondent is‘ cert:tin that In coiicl-.isioii it is obtioiis that the hsiiiimds t(’iit.lt-it--i.l .\ ll (' \, relcre: sto;i:iiii;.: l.'llitig him the bust approacli to his uiii of the majestic Blue .\Iount:iins these boards are rilayiiig :t tuost tisef-.iI ;i:iilisiilii;ilproblem, I-I.-lllll ft.). Thcii came a visit to adv;iiit:igcs to lie g.tiiied in li:ivin_t: a the tick: iii the st‘s.'Utt.I round .\ II l"iiiI.iv \A.is t-iiip.iiiiii~.I part in the resettlement of men into llarbatlos where the cyclists had to bicycle on board are tiiiliinitcd, Th: "'- I.i:lItnei::ht. these Service II(‘ I attending iiieii (Natii-ti.il .'~iiiieltin.: .\ »\ -\I\'trett wade asliore tlirotigli pounding surf problciii of space tor stot-..i-;: can he. Frathi-rwei:hl.— A ll. I-inl.is linl on pillllis‘ Iioarils were given every opportunity civiliaii life. livery man should take full ailvantiige of tli<.-iii. lliey can be with their bicycles liclil over tlicirl\'\‘|-‘Ti-'\‘""~' 5.‘-' t-‘"'l‘li"t3 Ills‘ hill‘ ‘'1. Ills‘ to I’, (iuesi t.\'.iiioiul Siiicliiiii: .\ll(‘i memberask oti to questitiiis pay. .\I.l{ ("olliiis I(I\l on piinlsl of cortsiilerzible valtie to him. heads before tlic_v sampled the de- l ('oIiiII1:IIItlilIi1 0ll|'s"—‘f. Wilt-'|'i-"-'s‘f WI! tit Bantamncizht. make how to of unions. trade K. .‘iss.itii (\\'clls A lI.(_'.l. ship The meclianies of the approach to lights of this fascinating jewel of diet may travel with the I-(oyal Navytherc is nhat references. an application. the lloard are quite simple. If you :ilw;iyssomeone ashore with a bicycle C'.iril1bc:itt. where is available. further help are at home. as soon as you are within 'I'riiiidail and lie riiiiida provided to erect yoti. to help you rean the ftill advice can be obexpert specific and in turn to‘ the last three or fotir iuontlis of the ls.-.~oit_\~ and surprise at every corner. benefit of your visit. linitnciul assistance. training. tained. end of your engagcinent. apply to your llic suninicr cruise of Tyne enabled till!" III! Instelit to life in lIrit.un. and were encouraged to express etc.. Division Otlicer or Resettlement Inthe Tyne cltib iiicmliers to visit nianyl liiforinatioti about the activities of niarkctable of ideas their their ovm .\Iis's Marie Isabella .\IcI.:ichl'.in. formation Otlicer for two copies of the Royal Naval ('ycling .'\s€(II.'i1tlltil'l| parts of Scotland from Taiii in life. civilian value II.I"...\I.. (Thief Wren. WRNS.-I7-I61. I‘orni E.D.S2S svliich is the registralzivergordon in the north. alongside ttt:i_V he obtained from l.ieiit.—(‘dr.. Il.M.S. Died SeptemS-anderling, I It is easy enough on the mess deck tion forni for civilian employment. Loch Ness. over the (irainpians. by (i. W. .\Ieatl. R.N.. I-l..\l.S. Ariel. I959. ber 27. ‘to say. “Willi my qiialilications I can Complete both copies. inform your the banks of Loch Lomond. right Peter Anthony Seaborn_ Leading a job worth £l.000 a year." btit Divi.sion:il Otlicer or R.l.0. that you down to Largs in the south. As the get II..\I.S. Writer. ('{.\I.\'.9l9ll57. it is wise to have a good. require an interview and ask him to altlioiigli ship travelled from port to port. the Jufair. Died September 28. I959. a really good. assessment of onc‘s own ensure that both forms are forwarded cyclists travelled overland to meet the Norman Wild. Able Seaman. be to your Port Resettlement Informaship on arrival. Visits to Copenhagen. [worth and capabilities. it must also Vemnn. Died II.M.S. D/JK.9I63lI. that an employer makes tion Otlieer. In due course you will be to Helsingor aiitl the coast line which October 2. I959. this own assessment and. provided given a date and time for your intermeets the Kattcgat ensured that there Thomas Warbey. Acting ‘of course that he is conforming to view. Admiralty Fleet Order l308!59 Joseph Until about :1 quarter of an hour was never a dull rnoincnt. Mechanic. i the usual practice. will pay according also gives the routine for those who Electrical Rough riding over the cobbles of before the end of this match between Leading I’IMK.9242l8.ILM5. Collingvvood. Lto at certain national standard. are abroad or on release leave. -5}. 31:. .‘-.-.‘iT!!‘c .tif--than tbs 1P.~iv~! Navv lPiwism0,1""\ and i-.-ii.-.-Z.'., T. t‘E‘~‘.*-—?‘7.‘‘.‘ .3. j\.' 4...». --‘Q <4 in -. \ 5 cruise and til :i toliosved Cithr.iltar.l Royzi’ .\l;i iiics zt. it- 'l‘i.i. I;-i' ‘I I‘ 4-...-. it.i_yoii' I’i.tior D.i'm.-s. Kauai The members rode to the summit of rnaicii played on October 28 it scenictll Coiiintunication Operator Ziid the Rock and circuntnavigated it at certain tli;it the Royal i\Iarine.s would Class. I'i'.l.97665'l. H..\I.S. Bennutlil. triumph. all levels. Died October 3. I959. At that time the score was 2-0 in llaek to the north again. the cyclists George Cocltburn. Engineering receiving :i very warm welcome front favour of the Royal Marines’ side. Mechanic Ist Class. DlK.9S0956. by l<I.\I.S. Barrage the local cyclists‘ club in Hamburg. goals‘ having been scored (Drake). Died I.isboit and its environs were next Mcllvenney :ind Evans in the secontl October 5. I959. half. explored. Shipssrigbt lst Class Wong Foolt. A niistalse by Cpl. Dick in the Tilt summer cruise of I95‘) proO-2-I35. Il..\I.S. Tamar. Died vided the club with more iaiints in Marines‘ goal led to the first Navy 6. I959. Seotlaiid and the real high-light of the goal scored by Mathews. Iolins scored October Michael Raymond Lyne. Radio club's life -Stockholm. The local the Navy's second goal within a couple Communication Operator I.-at Class. and finally Cyclists‘ Toiiring Club there helped of minutes of the lirstrebounded D/S.S'K.90ll~69I.II.i\I5. Drake. Died to the Tyne people to plan their biggest another shot by Johns October 6. I959. venture an overland ride from Stock- ‘.\I:llllt:\s'§. who ntade no mistake in David Loviitt. Able Seaman. boliii to .-\arhus_ Denmark. which was finding the back of the net. Il..'\I.S. Ausonia. Tyne's next port of call. Three of the The Coniniander-in-Cliicf. Ports- D/.IX.Il5789I. Died October 7. 1959. cltib made this journey of Hi miles mouth. prcsented the 'l‘rafalg:ir Cup Peter Wilfred Rose. Petty Otlicer and did it in live and a half days. The to Shipwright Brown. the Navy's capElectrician. PIMXJ95960. Il.M.S. route was to Gothenburg via Eskiltuna. tain. after the match. Collingnood. Died October I0. I959. Ilarold William Arnold. Acting Ordnance Artilicer -Ith Class. I’IM.92Il09I. II.M.S. Royal Arthur. Died October I4. I959. -
1511 £’c’li:iiioi'i'ttiit
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Iookiiig for
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suit your pocket. One ol the largest selections of used cars in the South available for nspec tion and trial at any liranch or ‘the Hiiyter Group below. Pnulsgrove Motors. Austin Dealers. Southampton Road. Cosltani. Phone Coshiim 75224 London Road. Portshridge. Hilsea. Morris & WoLsele_s Dealers Phone I’ort.sniouth (ill-llll Palmerston Road. Southsea. Austin Dealers. Phone Portsmouth 20939 I-‘ration Road. near Rex Cinema, Renault & Standard Dealers. Phone Portsmouth 2706-I Pages (2-.ir:it-.es, Northgatc. Cliichestcr. and Austin Dealers Singer Distriliiitors tat (Sliicht-stcr)-I8-I-I/S Phone (Zhfchesicr Eastern Road. by got! links Austin Dealers. I’hoiit Portsiiiotith 60948 the new bridge Hayling Island Service Station by‘[7705 Phone Hayliny. [Stand Portchester Cross Road. Head Ollice and Sliowrootiis. Renault Distributors and Dealers for Ford. Morris. Standard. Hillman & Comnier Phone Coshiim 7643-I-S Bob llayter Ltd I6-I8 Grove Road South. Soiithst-.i Morris Dealers -.
‘U'_|i~"‘t1 4" “Ilicer and 3'"?‘.''''‘‘-“ '‘‘''3‘"'*‘'‘:' h‘''{‘'''''
October 9.
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size and streiigtlt.
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"Rio Ilnnu" ((‘oli-tir). II.-ts’: (Ip:¥-I. Ii-lln‘ Waiuc. Dean \Iirtui. Aiieic lli;3.iiis.-ii "Smut" t(’ i \.--pt). t(‘ : R .t'~
j_"fJ .-,,,.;_. .nf,'l':,‘_'”“___"""£5'f,,,,J, "‘_'\'i:.;‘__,,_,,:i' I)L’.|II .\i.n... '
.si.;i mi.-. .\iiiii.‘.il (‘mitt-J). l.iii lacls" All Right (‘.irnii.'b.irl. l'etcr Sc.-li:~rs_ Terri-Ttionii. ‘:1 III.‘ flridal .s~...u.._
l"l'm IHIIII." 1 |('oli-urll. it...£il.iii.; Mtotgg‘-“;;"“m_:;‘_';:; (' 3 3-_' . ' = »' _ -_. n : 1 l u v»: _ i : ~ l _ ~' E: .s'.iiiii:al Coiiieitt. Peter sellers. ls‘-In .
‘cliiiia-' .snmls‘iIii: Iorlqy will: it RIZLA Rolling Machine cigarette Papers and Filter Tips
Far only
Sl'I‘€f,f_ \\'illi.iiii Ilaiiiicll "The 5e1pr:u.il" Ale.‘ (iuiiiiieu. N-sole .\I.iiire~‘. I"-.ir.is "The Ugly l)i.i<l.l‘io:" Iliirl:..poe. | ltt-tie ll.isis _
’.‘;'?,"‘,.,?,'_('Ii.s.ilier. “.§j;, '.‘,‘" l:;'_',‘.';‘_.‘,"}_ _‘{f,;',‘,‘,-.\11urice }§'leslic (';I;i.':' (-lltltl, lo-.i;s
llire l’urch:isc:ind Insurance t':icilitic.siniiiietliaicly "wumblc I-‘REE Aiwict-: ON YOUR I-2.\2l’()R'l‘ QUERIES ‘influx! Jud I-m,;|.t._.J 1“, am]
cmm‘ " 1”” ‘‘W'‘'‘‘”‘' inartial :tt the Royal Naval lIarr.icl.s.
137-" _l' ' ‘ °"' ~ ‘ P3" hxChungcs_‘?'c,lc0n‘c
lust try this new way of smoking -_ “gm-‘ms’ mam‘ I 0 panel
Iiiigineeriug Mcchaiiic I-'irst Class. David Terry. of ll.M.S. Tiger. was dismissed the .scrvice and sentenced to nine months imprisonment after pleading euiltv to three charges. I. iitiprop:rly le:ivini_: his ship. V N
Portsmouth court-martial
.\Ict~litinic lst ('l:iss. I’IK.9609tlI. II.‘sI.S. Sultan. Died October I6. I95‘).
idtllllsljll .
"The siege of Pincbrtnt" Act->n Au” it.-.—. Ilrnlhcr as-es. v-.-A-r
.§§:1~‘-d.i.|....... ;
ts.-lull III the .\'l\'I' NI
I; iiiiiiviiitei; II) {isle Si.
Liiiiitcsl. Aldcrsltti‘.