Page 1

Write for special details and

advantages of placing your PROMOTION ORDER with


Neivy News Newspaper


the Royal Navy and The Royal Naval Association

Publis/red first

MARCH, 1960

No. 69






Telephone um 30 ROYAL PARADE, PLYMOUTH Be assured of close and personal attention to all of your Uniform and Civilian requirements

T/nirsrlay of the month



Price F ourpence



Officers Get More on Retirement RISES COMMENCE APRIL 1 for the Services announced on February 10 have, in ME pay the main. been well received in the Royal Navy. The recent increases are the result of the first bi-annual reviews which were recommended by the Grigg Report. The While Paper announcing the changes also brought in a new oliiccrs‘ retired

pay code which will replace the 1956 pay code and will be applied to all ollicers who retire on or after February 1. The current pension code for ratings was introduced in February. 195‘). and no alteration to that code has been made. The gratuities payable to ratings Lieut.. equivalent rank 99-l-1.076 R.M. who le:ive the Service with at le:ist 12 years‘ qualifying service have. Lt.-Cdr.. equivalent rank 1.186-1.533 R.M. however. been increased. The officers‘ retired pay is based on The rates of pay of the Women's service over the Royal Naval Service have also been rank :ind length offrom £475 per year increased to maintain the existing age of 21. It varies ratio of approximately 85 per cent. of for a lieutenant (General Service) for 16 years rcclzonable service to the equivalent men's rate. The increases range from £73 per maximum for that rank after 34 years year for :1 lieutenant to £730 per year rccltonable service of £675. The for an admiral of the fleet. Increases range for a lieuten:int-commander for ratings range between 75. and 145. is from £515 to £875 and for :1 coma week and to encourage recruitment mander £625 to £1.075. The average trade allowances are being introduced for a captain is from £870 after 18 which will give increases of up to 353. years to £1350 after 34 years. The rates for Special Duties list in week. oflicersare: EXAMPLES OF THE NEW RATES Min. rate I6 yrs.’ Inert-_menLs for alter Rate C is the lowest qualification. reckonable additional 11:. Rate A the highest. service Rank I: a yr. New Weekly Rates. Basic Pay‘ £20 1 vr.. that 4 yrs. Lt.-Cdr.. under £15 a yr.. next 9 Yrs. to 9 yrs. RATE C 5 yrs 485 £10 :1 rr.. rank .





























Rate 5 d Ldg. Rating. Cpl. R.M. 157 6 Petty OlIr.. Sgt. R.M. 199 6 Chief Petty Olfr.. 227 6 Colour Sgt. R.M. RATE B

Rate s d 182 0 224 0





...... . .





Lady Carrington to ‘Launch’ New Dock first The dock was laid down in J:inu;ii-y last year and will be used in the fitting out of H.M.S. Dreadnought, the British nuclear submarine. which is being built at Barrow-in-Furness. _"Admir:ilty Floating Dock 59" is


vr.. lim

£10 .1 yr

no: In.


4 vii

14 yrs. re-

was accom-

to carry out





The cruiser‘s Don Raul

Rate s d Ldg. Rating. Cpl. R.M. 168 0 Petty Ollr., Sgt. R.M. 213 6 Chief Petty Olfr.. 241 6 Colour Sgt. R.M. ..




ADAME dc Rivera Schreiber. 192 6 wife of the Peruvian Ambassador to Great Britain. His Excellency Don Ricardo dc Rivera Schreibcr. unveiled the name Coronel Bolognesi, and the cruiser Ceylon disappeared from among the List of Her Majesty's Ships and Vessels. The cruiser. completed in 1943. has been bought for the Peruvian Navy. and was formally transferred on 252 0 February 9 at a short ceremony in


Rate d s

Arlilicer 3rd Cl. (Ldg. .




















(Petty 227 6 Oflicer) Artilicer lst Cl. (Chief 245 0 269 6 Petty Officer Chief Artilicer (Chief 297 6 322 0 Petty Officer) ‘Trade and charge pay are included where applicable. Artilicer 2nd Cl.













rates of annual basic pay



H.M.S. Ceylon handed over captain (Capt. Delgado) to Peru sioning


Portsmouth docltyard. Admiral Sir Manley Power. Commander-in-Chief. Portsmouth, handed over the ship on behalf of the Admiralty and the cruiser was accepted by the Peruvian Ambassador.




crew crews The rates are for compulsory or to 0 lircmcnt. There will be a deduction 252 0 in certain circumstances for volun- perform the ceremony which will start the flooding-up and “launching" of tary retirement. Terminal grants will continue to be the Royal Navy's latest floating dock 7-yr. three times the rate of the annual at H.M_ Dockyard, Portsmouth, on OMMANDED by Licut.-Cdr. Rate March 31. retired pay. W. R. Hart. A.F.C.. R.N.. and to s d be embarked in due course in H.M.S. Ldg. Rating. Cpl. R.M. 162 9 Hermes.‘ 890 Sea Vixen 1Squadron Petty Olfr.. Sgt. R.M. 206 6 at R.N. on February commissioned Chief Petty Offr., Air Station. Yeovillon. 234 6 Colour Sgt. R.M. ..


.M. Survey Ship Dnmpicr (Cdr. WILL BE USED I). W. Hashim. R.N.). «commisJanuary accommodate destroyers sioned by air in Singapore big enough BY and frigates and will be fully equipped I. The ship's company the routine maintenance modated in R.N. Air Station. Simham. the ship refitting. DREADNOUGHT will and repairs of ships docked in it. it while H.M.S_ Danipier is the first of four also provide accommodation and have been fitted similar survey ships and ADY the wife of the fflcililicsfor the dock with improved accomniodation. which L First Lord Carrintgton. of ships submarines in dock. the Admiralty. is includes cafeteria messing and bunks




H.M.S. Lynx recommissioncd on February 16. (See story on page 9)


in all mess decks. Seven major surveys and several smaller ones have been carried out in the last 18 months. mainly in Malayan and Sarawak waters; many new shoals have been discovered and tidal observations made. During this period the ship‘s boats have spent over 5.300 hours surveying away from the ship.


read the commiswarrant and a short commisservice was conducted by the

Rev. J. A. Coughlan. ln handing the ship‘s book to the Ambassador, the Commander-in-Chief

referred to Ceylon‘s distinguished record and that “it is a pleasure she is not going to be allowed to go to waste." His Excellency the Ambassador said how grateful Peru was that the handing over of the two cruisers. the Newfoundland (now the Almirantc Grau) and the Ceylon had been conducted so smoothly. adding. “We need these cruisers to help train our marines. Peru has a long coastline. is a owing country and needs ships 0 this sort."


Sales of Senior Service have increased ten-fold in just ten years. These figures can mean only one thingthat ten times as many people_ now know that Senior Service give the same lull enloyment


regular oliicers will be:


Midshipinan. Dartmouth Midshipman. Ships of Fleet Acting Sub-Licul.. equivalent rank R.M. Sub-l.ieut.. equivalent rank R.M. Lieut.. equivalent rank R.M. After 1'.’ .ycars in the rank Lt.-C‘dr.. equivalent rank R.M. After 12 years in rank Cdr.. equivalent rank l-t..\‘l. 1.697 After ti years in rank 1.916 2.117 Capl.. equivalent rank R.M. .

















































After ti years in rank 2.518 Rear-Adinl. 3.285 Vl|.'\‘~/\(lll'Ii. 4.124 Atlml. Adnil. of the Fleet Special Duties List Olliccrs Annuali Sub l.ieut.. equivalent rank R.M. 803- 958 .
























































'l‘he Conimander-in-Chief. Portsmouth (Admiral Sir Manley Power), at the ceremony of the handing over of H.M.S. Ceylon






15 D I r o I Licut. (5) if. R. llerridite. R..\'.(Rctd.). llanl Naval Barracks. Portsmouth. 'l‘el.: Portsmouth 26121 (Ext. 2194)



No new major warships are to be laid down. but three Porpoise and eight Oberon class submarines will be under construction dttring the year. and the Devonshire. first of the four new guided-missile destroyers. will be-launched during the year. The Dreadnought will also be launched later this year and there is a possibility that a second nuclear-powered submarine will be ordered. Gone are the years when a whole flotilla of destroyers was ordered-— u hen a crtiiser. or a carrier or a couple of battleships were ordered to be laid down. The reason is of course obvious. llut quite simply the "three C5" are the reasons. viz... Complctity. Complements and Costs. An Admiralty cltart produced witlt the e.\planatory statement on the estimates shows dramatically in diagramatie form how the comple.\ities of modern warships require tnore men to man and maintain them and cost so tnuelt more money. Electronic equipment for Illustrious cost £13,500 in I939. whereas the more complex. and ellicient. eqtiipment required in Hermes. which was commissioned at the end of last year. cost over £l.000.000. The cost of a "T" class subtnarine in l939 was £-100.000 -today-‘s Porpoise class costs


While it is agreed that the cost of :1 modern ship is enormous it is felt that the Royal Navy does not possess enough ships and. somehow or another. sooner or later. we must find the requisite sums to build more. “WITH A THANKFLTL RI-2.\Il-ZIVIBRANCI-I OF 'l1l\'


lll-J Lord is my light, and my salvation: whom then shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life; of nhom then shall I be afraid?

lliillllllllllll TRIUMPH COACHES Edinburgh Road. Portsmouth

Phone 20947 Operate the tolloning ohleial Express service Ior service Personnel EVERY WEEKEND UM LEEDS GM BRADFORD 40/6 HUDDERSFIELD 36!) SHEFFIELD ll]— NOTTINGHAM I-ll— LEICESTER ..

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... ..









... ...


..‘. ..

... .

... .






... ...

... ..



From Farcham



All these re-wee: will take the



IllUM 33/6 JIII 3|]1‘!15/ul10!I7!‘


ZilIIIC I9/6 I716 8/3 35/III1|]ISI|lI~ I5!l4I' I2!-



convenience of Service Dene.-met: RM

Bcnocks. Eotmev: H.M,S Vernon: Roi-ol$oilot1 Home Club. Queen Street: R.N. Borroclu Unicorn Gate Stonlev M. for H,I.l.S. ExcellentH.M.S Phoenix: R.d.O.C.. Hike: Barracks. Cosham, Homes: Town Quav. fat-chem. Alto oictunr up at H_M.S. Ariel at em-over rote

N.B.—"l"o all ships visiting Portsmouth: Special facilities to meet your particular travellingrequirements can be organised at short





Navy Estimates for l96()-6|, recently presented. have reached a peace-time record (£397 million). but they do not provide an e.\citing pic-


March. 1960




N A V Y' N E W 5

THE NAVY’S TAIL Ca...._d.S.. ya. Massawa The changing pattern of

Navy News




Phone 10947




llli Admiralty is often criticised on the score of its “administnttive trail." , A linger is levelled at the reduced size of the present-day Fleet compared with the veritable Armada of the hint World War. and complaints made of the large and inexplicable increase in the existing number of Admit-.ilty civilians. Such comparisons are nothing but ntivleading and completely overlook the changing pattern of defence. To take one aspect only. that of 30 years later the number of scientific scientific effort. it is a commonplace stall’ had grown to over 1,250. The that we live in a scientific age. but present figure is well over 2,000 for how many think of what this means scientific, experimental and ancillary in terms of a modern Navy? The gradm. if all staff at research : ...‘ ii i '34’ -3 ---I74‘ has establishments the included were Admiralty always been. not only a service de artmcnt. but its own de- figure would. of course. be far higher. ll..\l.S. Cavendish visited Mastawa during January for the t:raduitIion partment 0 supply; this implies re- This rctlects the increasing complexity ceremony at the lntpen'a| Ethiopian Naval College sponsibility for its own research and of a Navy dealing with problems of The upper pliotogrnpli slums the Emperor Iluile Selassie inspecting the nuclear propulsion. electronic data guard of honour before going on board the ship “here he was entertained development. handling systems for air defence. by the Commanding Ollieer. Capt. A. R. E. l-Iv-ans. R.N. The Inner During the First Worltl War we radar warning. advanced asdic equip- photogntpli shows the grandchildren of the I-Ztnperor on board Cavendish. witnessed the dawn of scientific warguided weapons and the like. fare. a fact recognised by the ment, Oflicers said they were "particultirl_v excited when taken round the engine Nor is alone the scientific service room" Admiralty when they set up a Board in this of technical expansion. process of Invention and Research. whose fields of Naval Ordnance. Naval duty it was to mobilise scientists and The inventors in aid of the war at sea. Air stores. electrical engineering and This body. presided over by Lord soon. have inevitably shared in this Fisher. was empowered to call on the growth. No apologies are needed for such services of some of the most eminent scientists of the day as consultants. a deployment of man-power when it but in terms of Admiralty personnel is realised that behind one man on it was little more than a handful of board ship who has to operate the scientists and engineers; nevertheless. flitcsf device is necessarily ranged -.i it paved the way for the Royal Naval "backroom" effort of considerable size. Scientific Service of the future. Those who criticise the present useful contributions were Many trend shottltl reflect on the probable in the tintlerwater made. particularly "backroom“ support needed to tire warfare field; nor were they unre- even one successful moon rocket. ccptive to unusual lilies of thought; they even examined the possibility of training sea-lions to chase enemy submarines and tested a theory that be made to flock round scagulls could their pertscopes. “In respome to your Articles in SClENTlS'l‘S' CONTRIBUTION the newspapers concerning Her if the scientists‘ contribution to the Ma§es8y‘s Ship Vanguard. we are First World War was useful. to thei Second it was essential. This was the prepared to ofler a deposit of period of radar, of the Asdic. of the £5 0s. 0d. securing this. Will you magnetic mine and the radio eon-l please send us by return of post trolled bomb. tull particulars. concerning her. in 'lhe increasing emphasis on scientific effort is shown by the fact that tonnage and gun fire." From a letter received in Adin I921 the stall of the Scientific Research and Experiment Department ntirulry from six young ltopeliilr. in the Admiralty stood at 39, whilst ll.3l.S. Cavalienlune 24. at Singapore. ll..\l.S. Centaur. September. at Ports(Com-~ for Foreign Service (Far East). tnouth for I-lotnc Sea Service. ll.M.S. Victorious. June, at l’ortsI'll“-!t‘f|S DEC}-‘mhfl it" G°|lt'Till Servtec Cruunussion) tHonieIl:'a<.tof for General s.;r-.-i.-.; com. mouth. detailed for service about four months overseas ratings are normally SHCZ) (22 mvnilli). U-K. liéh‘-‘ P011. mission. l-lome,’Soiitlt Atlantic and ahead of commissioning date. and for home sea service about two months "°”“'“°“'l‘South America. ahead of commissioning date, this should be borne in mind when preferring ll.M.S. Protector. ltinc. at Devonport ll.M.S. Caesar. Scnlcmbcr. at Rosytli requests to volunteer to serve in a particular ship. for trials,_Conimis.sions November for General Service Commission ll.M.S. Cassandra. April 26. at ChatHome/South Atlantic and South 3 for F0"-‘I80 5*-‘l"-‘ii-‘C-l"1I|'E1191. SUBMARINE COMMAND ham for trials. Commissions .luly 26 America (I2 months). U.K. Base ll.M.S. Duchem. early October. at ll..\iS. Sea Devil, April. at Malta for for Foreign Service. Far East. U.K. l’0|'|- D¢V0flD0rt. l’orlsn‘.0ttth for trials. (Commissions Station. Mediterranean service on 33Base Port. Chatham. H-W-S3 I-0|"l0|1d¢"'lt‘v 190° Pl Janttary, I96]. for General Service CommisCowes for General Service Cmnntissintt. No. 8|-I Squadron. May 2. at R.N.A.S. Med./Home. 24 Cl-ZNI-ZRAL mouths). sion Indics(2-l l-lome/West months), Service for Overseas u.|»;_ ]t;,.-.,Culdrose. pun. pom. Portsmouth. llase U.K. Port. tnottth. ll.M.S. Siiintcs. March 8. at l)evo_n- (I-l..\l.S. iicrmes). 0l'\‘|ell. May 3. at Rosyth for |l..\l.S. Wintrd. end-June. at Chat- ll..\l.S. Diana. October. .'iI Devonport port. for General Service Commisham for Trials. Commissions end tri:i s. sion Il'lome,/Mctlitcrranean) (24 tor trials, [Commissions J.inii;iry. for ("ieuerzil Service (‘ommis‘« months). U.K. ilase Port, Devon- ll.t\l.S. Decoy. May l7. at Devon- August for Home Sea Service. U.K. lf)!il. Base Port. trials. Commissions 7 for Devonpoit. July port pnr|_ \l0l‘l. .\letl.=llotne. 3-l Illtllllllxl U.K for Home ScrService. General Sea llztse Port. l)evoItpu;t_ ll..\l.S. Loch Fytic. July 5. at Rosyth Il..\l.S. Catnperdonn. March 8, at vice Commission March. I96). Med./ for General Service (‘omntission ll..\l.S. Diatuond. October. at ChutDevottport. for General Service Hotne,FArahian Seas .ind l’ersi:in ham for trials. (Ct)lllllll\\ll)t)s JamiCommission tllontci!\lediterr:ttie:in) Home (22 months). U.K. Base Port. Devonport. Gult‘ (l8 months). U.K. llase Port. (24 months). U.K. Base Port. Devonup,-_ |9M_ for (knew! Scn,iN ll.i\l.S. at 1. Llandafi. Devonport. May DL'V\‘"P°”(.'ommi.ssion. port. \letl.i'llome. 2-: for General Service Commission for months)_ U.K. liase Port unite: ll.i\l.S. Lion. July 12. at Tyne. ll.M.S. Yamtouth. March 23. at Clyde of Suez months). Home/East (23 cunsidenilion. Geneial Service Connnission Home.for General Service Commission. Base Port. Devonport. U.K. Home/East of Suez (24 months). ll..\l.S. Alert. May 23, at Singapore. Mediterranean (24 months), UK ”..\l-S. Caprice. 0clt\l‘ct‘. :it Stn;.:;ipo:‘e B(|SC Port, Portsmotttli. U.K. Base Port. Dcvonport. for Foreign Service tl-at I;'asl). for Foreign Service (Far East). H.i\l.S. Rothesay. March 29. at Glas- ll..\l.S. Rhyl. May 3|. at Portsmouth ll..\l.S. St. Brides Ba)‘. July I8. :tt ll..\l.S._Crane. October. at Sing;tpore. Singapore. for Foreign Service (Far for l-orctgtt Service (I-':ii East). for trials. Commissions September gow for General Service Commission Homclwest indies (2-1 months). 29 for Home Sea Service until East). at Malta for l\'ovember U.K. Base Port. Portsmouth. March. l96l. Then General Service ll..\1.S. Brave Swordsman. July. :.t ll..\_l.S._i'tnzit). l_-oretgn Service l.-\mpltil\ioits WarPortstnotitlt. for Trials and Special ILMS. Owen, April 5. at Gibraltar Commission. Home/East of Suez larc Sqtizitlroti). Base l.'.K. l’oil. Service Squadron. PortsU.K. Base (24 Port. months). for trials. Cotnniissions. May 3. ll..\l.S. Plyntoulli. December. .t l’ort.sntotitlt mouth. I960. for General Service CommisDevottport for trials. (‘ontttiissions sion (24 months). U.K. li:I.~‘iL' Port. ll.M.S. Layhum. end May. at Renfrcw. ll.M.S. Keppet. Atigust. at Cltatliatn. April. l96l.t'ortiener:ilSerive(‘o:ufor Home Sea Service (lioom Derm. “mm. Sc“ Sc...“ U_K mm. Dcvonport. llotnec.\led (23 nionths)_ fence). ttiisston. pm.‘ limb-.m,u". ll..\l.S. Undine. April 5. at PortsU‘-J‘ "““° """' """"""‘"" 825 Squadron. June I. at R.N. Ints [och Alvie August )6 ‘ll mouth. for General Service Coin- No. Air Station, Culdrosc. for Overseas for trials. l(.'omrnissions ll..\I.S. l.ttcli Irish. Jzittuary it). at mission. Hottieflizist oi Suez. (24 Devonport Service tll..\l.S. Victorious). lor (ienetal Service (‘ontRo~._v_‘th 27 for General Service months). U.K. Base Port. PottsSeptember ll..\l.S. Solebny. June 8. at l’ortsmouth, Commission) (Home/.-\ral1ian Seas nitsston. llonie/.»\ral'ii:in Seas .m-_l mouth. for General Service Commission. l’t‘i*'|5)|*~(1l|lllJ3"IIWMJN. UK. Base and l’et'sian Gulf) [18 months). U.K. ll.M.S. Undauntctl. April 5. at l’ot'tsHome/.\‘lcditcrrane:in (2l months). i’0”- U‘-'\‘0l)l)Ul‘l ilase Port under consitlenition. mouth. for Home Sea Service. U.K. U.K. Base Port. Portsmouth. Base Port. Dcvonport. August 23. at Port-'~ H--‘J-S. Whirlvsiiitl. inid-l;inti;ii_\~. hi ILMS. I-‘inisterrc. June 8. at Chatham ll.M.S. Leopard. RUWIJI [fir lIIiI|'~' mouth. for General_Service Com» |l.M.S. Blackpool. April I2. at Chatfor General Service Commission. Atlantic atul : ll..\l.S. lliittlctne. lan_ii:iry. at Pulls. mission hum_ (.... General 5¢,.»;¢.. (:n;“n1ig. Home/“wilcrmncan (2. momhs). South America (-4 months). U.l\ for General Service (omnii~u_iouth sion H0mc,t3;m or 5...‘, (3.; U_K' Base Pm... Dcvonmn. Base Port. Portsmouth .sion_.\led./I-lome(2-tntonthsl.U K. m(,mt,_.;). u_K [;;,§._. 1>.,n_ p.,r[5.'"_M‘s. "cmws. mm: H_ M P°”s_ mouth. nmmh {... (3.,n.,,-at 5,.-n.i,_-.3 com. ll..\|.S. Lcwiston, August. at Ports-_ llase Port. Poitstnmitli. '“l'|"l|- ll" Hume 52:1 ScI\|~'t=- U K-Ell.M.S.Crossliim.l.itiii;ii'\.t'oi(ieneral mission. l-lomc/Mediterranean (2-1 ll..\l.S. Loch Ruthvcn. April 18. at ’ ii‘-I-‘-L‘l’*"'l R\‘~‘?\’lll Service (‘o:nmi.~.ion .\le.l Hum.Devonport. for General Service. months). U.K. Base Port. l’ortstll3 Squadron. October 1. at: ll‘-lmontltsl.I'll.-cot"co:nnus~ioitiu_: Commission. I-lottic/.~\r;ibi:itt Seasl tnotith. and U.K. llztsc lhitttintlcz consitlc:.rand Persian Gull ills‘ tnnntlis) U.K. ll.M.S. Lincoln. July J5. at Cilzisgirvtw R.N .-‘LS (ultlrose for ()\et~.e:is Se:°' " I l lion vice tll,\l.S, llcmiesl. o tor Forci_en Service (Far F.ast). liase Port. llevonpoi-'. ’




















Write. phone or call TRIUMPH COACHES LTD 3 Edinburgh Road. Portsmouth








March. 1960


New Naval R

Nursing Section SHIPS of rgis ROYAL NA Viz?‘


ECRUITING has begun this month for a new nursing branch of the Royal Navy. Duties previously perfomied in R.N. hospitals and establishments by Naval V.A.D. nurses and W.R.N.S. sick berth attendants will in future be the responsibility of Naval Nursing Auxiliaries of a new section of the Queen Alexandra Royal Naval Nursing Service. :7 Q’ -3‘ "'7."-'." '7" The Naval Nursing Auxiliary .¥‘ section will tiller a permanent nursing career to women between I7; and 28 and to members of the British Red Cross Society. St. John Ambulance Brigade and St. Andrew's Nursing Association who wish to volunteer their services. It will also provide a permanent link with nursing for Wrens who transfer from the sick hertli branch. Naval Nursing Auxiliaries will be given 20 weeks‘ initial training at a Naval hospital before serving in R.N. hospitals, air stations and shore establishments in the United Kingdom and overseas, They will share the benefits and privileges of Service life while following a nursing career. There will be facilities for suitzilile Auxiliaries to qualify as State Registered Nurses. The Q.A.R.N.N.S. was founded in I902 and its Patron is H.R.H. the Princess Alexandra of Kent——gre:itONSIDERED to be the most usegranddaughter of her late Majesty f_iil class of small ships out into Queen Alexandra, the first President service with the fleet. the I8 "Whitby" of the Service. The uniform of the class. named after seaside resorts and Auxiliary Section formed this month coastal towns. are anti-submarine includes a badge which incorporates fri_g_:itcs of_over 2.800 tons (full load). of "A's" the crossed Queen frigates. whose primary functhese AIexandra‘s monogram, tion is the location :ind destrcution of the most modern type of submarines. are titled with_ the latest underwater I-IE Portsmouth Conimand Saildetection equipment and anti-subin_g Centre at Whale Island. now marine of weapons developpost-war CHIEF ENGINEER llllllll. entering its second year. is the scene mounting activity as the winter FLEET The ships are all welded and have of l't:lIl\ of boats are L'0lllpIt.‘lL‘(l in readipropelling machinery of novel design. ness for the summer season. The Senior Nurse .\l. R. Taylor l-l.M.S. Whitby was built by .\larrahu and the three local Windfall Camniell Laird and Co.. l.td.. BirkenR. David Leathlcy. 0.8.5., has head. being launched on July 2. I954. yachts. Mcon Maid. Harpy and Seabeen ap inted the lirst Com- and completed July I‘). I956. The wraith. have all been up in the slips modorc. Chic Engineer of the Royal ship is 370 ft. (o.a.) and has a beam and the _l?. dinghies overhauled; the PAID Fleet Auxiliary Service. The institution of 4| ft. Machinery consists of two six Fireflies having been away for a HE Ganncls of 847 Naval Air of the new rank has recently been sets double reduction geared steam "Frostbite“ series at Fareham. The Sailing Centre was started in Squadron whici. has now paid approved by Admiralty. turbines. Two shafts. off flew l.687 operational sorties enMr_ Leathley. who is 56 years old. The complement of this class is I959 with the object of providing in tailing more than 4.000 hours flying is at present serving in the R.F.A. 189 for leaders and I52 for others: central pool of boats for Naval perand identified and reported some Fort Constantine. He joined tlle I-‘leet sonncl in the Portsmouth Command. 32.500 vessels during its service with Auxiliary Service in I926 as a Junior Any ollicer or rating in the Comthe Cyprus Marilinie Patrol. The Engineer and was promoted Chief mand can. once the season starts. of H.M.S. (A postcard photograph book and use a boat.by ringing the squadron started operations in Engineer in l94l. H: was awarded obtained be by complet- Centre (Dockyard Extension 51-16). Cyprus on April’ 12. I956. and flew the O.B.E. in the New Year Honours Whitby may List I959. The only requirement is that he its last patrol on November 30. ing the coupin on page I5.)










zx .V




Getting ready













“...something about Every Man This Day Enjoying His Double Diamond!” of‘ “DOUBLE DIAMOND DAILY WORKS WONDERS!



should have

pet_ence as a

certificate of com. helmsman which he can a

easily get from his

resentative. One of the


sailing rep-

high-lights of the sailing .

last year was the International season Class dinghy sailing week held Cadet during the summer holidays to encourage the younger generation throughout

the country to cotne and get an insight

Navy works. Some 9] young and enthusiastic yachtsnit-,9 from II to l7 took part in the mg of these weeks. Daily races were the spare time was liltd organised_ and in with visits to the Victory. the Dockyard. H.M.S. Dolphin and H.M,.$. into how the

Vernon, with lectures

after suppt-I on vanous aspects of Naval life. The boys were accommodated in a seamen's block at Whale Island whilst the girls had to find billets ashore for themselves. The whole project proved highly popular and the buzz. having spread back to the clubs. this year. in spite of an increase in number. the event is already booked out.



March. I960



IlllllllllllIlllllllllllllllllIIlllllllllllllllllllllllll||lIll||llllll|E "IllIIllIIII|lllll|lll_lIllIlllllllllllllllIllll|||||llll|I|||||l|||||| lll

Have YOU a personalproblem

. .




I;'n_-.-liwh will he [Il('tI\t'tI to tlII\t\'t’I' _\-our t]ll‘t'flt'\. .»I .\ltlIIl[}l'll t:ililrt'\.\r'il('Itt't.'lupt will he tI[7[7I'l't‘ltil('Il. -


I left the Service on I)eeember 25. (ictteriil, I .\Il_L'Qt'.l! vuir n'r't'ri' to the Cortttttriiloir. R..-\". I.ltII'I'tI('I\'.'i‘, DevonI958. as a Searnan (.'.I’.(). On my terminal leave I was port trim or the cormtiotlorc 0/ your admitted to the Naval Hospital here old rli-put. will doubtless do his lies! and operated on for two hernias and to obtain for you .t't)Itl(.' ufitctul a cyst. l was given sick leave in au.\n't'r to your ctiqiiiries. between the hernia operations. first of three weeks and then after the BOUNTII-‘S second one two weeks. but I feel I've I joined the Service in October. disI was oli" became been "seen I9-ll. as an II.(). and was discharged charged the day after I got up out in April. I946. In December. I950. I of bed to eivvy street with no light re~entcred on a I2-year engagement duty. Every other person in the ward and my time now expires in I962. had it. in the ease of civilian pen- My pay ledger now carries a June. ‘lo '-' .1 amt;-_. sinners three months and Naval or I946. basic date to count time for‘ military personnel usually two months. badges. etc. The W.R.l\'.S. team—-Photo: Central I‘ve written to the .\l.l).G. of the If I were to re-engage to complete Press Photos Ltd.. London Navy tltree times and been promised time for pension. the other 5; years, that they would look into it twice« would I be entitled to the £lU0 I service qualified for an increase of hitt this last time they've just ignored signing-on bounty. my letter. of leaving when the pension as the.previous years I drew the event In I've given over 30 years of my life and pension. whit ends, engagement o I qualify for the Greenwich ' ‘HE Womeifs Royal Naval Service. and the Portsmouth Ladies during the to this great—-and I mean great—-—Scrthe with should 16} unty I_gct viee and loved every minute of it but years to m credit. pension? by consistently good shooting. journey to the Inter-Service match. I understand that a pensioners’ wife won the lnterservlce Women's Rifle I feel as if it's all been wasted after year. for the first time. the This bounties IreThe [or rcguations the shoddy way they kicked me out. cotne somewhat complicated where in future will draw one third of her Shooting (Ihampionship at R.A.F. championship target was the British National 'l'argct—:i much harder I'm u/raid I cannot agree that _voit there has been a break in St.'I'l’lt.‘(', but husband‘s pension should he die Uxbridge on I-‘ebruary 8. before her. target that the one hitlieno used. The results were: were "seett ofl" from the /acts that as I read them: It is interesting to record that the Does this also apply to everybody L572 points W.R.N.S. you have given me. By the time you (a) you would not iin[ortumitel_\', be W.R.A.F. recruited its team from far of discharge date. L558 points W.R.A.F. finally emerged /rom hospital your entitled to a re-ciigagitig boiuitv irrespective alield as well as from home stations. L523 points Firstly. the ”GreentricIt Pension" W.R.A.C. rugugenietit had long since expired because are not payable to they Two of the W.R.A.F. team were is intended for and you had benefited from the extra The W.R.N.S. lv.‘.'il‘I-1~~SclcClc<l who those were not .tervin_i: in to which you reler pay which I presutne _vou received have re- people who are unable to maintain nine shoots—beat the Civil Service flown from Germany. one from 1950 and Scptetiibcr, IIIt'IIlSc’I|‘t’.\‘ becrrirse of severe ill-health. Cyprus and one irom Gibraltar. up to and including your last day it: entered since then: The team trainer and coach was Iiospitrtl. "Liglit duty" is a category (It) I] you leave the Service in I962 in particular those who have beett Lieut. D. M. Orr. R.N.. of H..\I.S. are in which .rervi'ng persontrel or emwill receive a gratuity. Only inralided from the Service. If youii-isli you Excellent and his two assistants were ployed civilians are placed after service over the age of IS counts unfortunate!y an invalid and you C.P.O. Powers. of Excellent and P.O. tnedical treatment iti order that 'their to be eottsidered [or such tr pension rules are as follows: and the 98-INCH telescope. which will Green of Ariel. Second Oflieer White. recovery may not be prejudiced. This you should write to "The Director £100 12 years’ .u-rt-ice does not carry with it any extra pay. take six years to build, is to be W.R.N.S.. was in charge of the team. of (:‘rectm'i'cIi Ho.»-pital. zldtrriralty. £125 I3 .. 'I1te individual re-.ults of the since those concerned are already I3 Devonshire .S'qirure. London, designed and manufactured by £150 I4 I;'.C.2." i\le.-ms‘. Grubb Parsons. of Newcastle- W.R.N.S. team in the championship being paid [or their .rt-rvire in the £I85 I5 match were: ordinary way. Obviously the Navy has Si'coridl_v. I'm .iurr_t' to my I upon-Tyne. for the Admiralty. £220 I6 ‘I The telescope. which is to be no say in what a man does after he cannot be very positive about the l../Wren Wilson (H.M.S. Vernon), the to Ilowcrer. before firm you leaves the service and certainly catt- eotrclttsiott that pension your wile will receive it‘ you named after Sir Isaac Newton. will I98 points out of 200. Second Olliccr will 0 better you die belore her. The new rate of one- be erected at the Royal Observatory, Neweombe. W.R.N.S. (Ariel). I98; not place him on "light duty"! should course of not to on, sign you If _vou [eel that your hernias. etc.. think hard about the loss of pension third applies prittiarily to those who Herstmonceux. Sussex. The cost is P.0. Wren l.iIley (Ariel II). I98; went to pension after August 31. expected to be not far short of three- Wren Hewitt (Pembroke). I98: Second were due to your service and that be worth would wltich course of very I950. I do not know whether the /act quarters of a million pounds. Ollicer Davey. W.R.N.S. (Drake), perhaps thcrclore you .\‘lt0IlI(I have much more than £220!, Second resultant the a IIll'(IIItIz'tI—It'IlII been that you went to pension The building of the world's largest I96: First _0fI'ieer Mouersbaw, that would best service. alter course In-m-[its—-tlrett your time, after /urthcr telescope at Mount Palomar. Cali- W.R.N.S. (Ariel). I95; Surg.-Lieut. PENSION GREENWICH Frankly the nearest I think be to write to date, allows you to qitalifv. fornia. took about 20 years and it (D) Black. W.R.N.S. (Aricll. I95; in to went I pension are Pensions originally lmmch ol the Ministry of Wren Pegler-Smith (Condor), will be :i number of years before the ; I doubt it. but since all such cases N.C.S. indion then re-engaged and National Insurance. I] you are I949 (July) ‘l'lIII.\l.(’t'I'(’I'I aecorrlittg toI their projected one will be in use. 1957 till served and (’lI'L‘l'IIIl.IItIIl(‘t‘.\‘. still irnctnivinced about "Iii.-lit dit.'_v." ranttot have tlIl.\'lt)Il.\' mIvi.ie to it (luv). ottd are than ctr‘. ibetter to you to Wills‘ to» you of this extra reply [root the illerlicul Director Three years only Secrt'tar_v of the zldiniroltt‘. :(Nuvol I’ii_v Bruneli). Qua-err Anne": ‘.lIrimi-nit-, St. Jiutu's'.\' I’urI.', I.ontIon.. .S'.Il'.l. ‘


W.RN.n "oi place -.











inter-service rifle shooting





dol '




0 a

FIRST LORD IN THE WEST COUNTRY 0NTl.\'UlN(‘i his programme of "seeing for himself" all Ittccls all the .\';ival Service, the First Lord of; the .-\dmiralty. the Right Honourable I.ord Carrington. K.C..\l.G.. M.C.. paid a three~day visit to the l’lymouth Comnmnd last month. He toured the Royal Naval Dockvard. I’l_vmouth. and then visited:


Specialists in the creation of good clothcs—consulted by who insist on being well-dressed.


We suggest with conv iction that it will be well worth your while to consult us regarding all your clothing problems, as it is only natural that in the course of fifty years we should understand the requirements of those w ho serve in ships and on shore. The service that we no w oITcr is so all embracing that you can shop with us and find all your requirements available to you, whatever they may be. Credit facilities, either by Admiralty Allotment or Bankers Order, are always at your disposal. Good clothes are nttulc by

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? |l..\I.S. Cambridge. the Gunnery I Range at \Vett'thury :ind I~I..\l.S. Thunitlerer the R.:\l, Engineering College.5

.\l;inadon_ on I-'ebruary 22. Ill» progmiuiiie on February :3‘ included a visit to Torpoint. Corn-L lwall. to see H..\I.S. Raleigh. the new ;entry training establishment andl T the .-\rtiIicers': I ll..\l.$. rishguard :'I‘raining establislintertt. The I-’ir<t‘ Lord also visited the Royal Naval. llarraeks and Hospital at Plymouth.. lli-. last day in the West Country‘ was spent at the Britannia Royall ;?\'.i\.il College. Dartmouth. I





ANY QUESTIONS AT H.M.S. VERNON FRIENDLY WIVES the i:hairm:in~hip of Mrs. l7.\’l)l£R .\lorgan (iilcs general meeting a

held in the cinema of Il.~.\l.S. Vernon on February 3 drew a number of guests and new members. The Rev. Basil Watson said prayers aftcr_whieh a very able panel of oflicers front I'I..\l.S. Vernon—-Cdr. ll’. Wi|liam.~:. Rev. ll. Watson. l.ieut. A. Otley and Inst.-Lieut. J. Ielierson. I with Cdr. H. 15. Bailey. R.:'\.N.. AIS l question master. gave their inlcresllllg and often spicy \ie\vs on the varietl. snbyeets in hand‘. A sincere vote of‘ was given by .\lrs. Wilson who ,;ilsn lltattketl Sectmtl ()lli'.'i:i' C. Ward for the trouble she had taken in 3 forming the panel. :ind ft iends I wenty mem hers ‘visited l.ontloit_ on I-'ebruary In :irtd


E 1


.thoroughIy emoyed a matinee .to:'m:ince of ".\ly I-arr l.:itly."


Banking for the Navy Whether afloatror ashore, a current account at Lloyds Bank gives you A full banking service at modest cost You can allot pay to your account and, as one of many services, the Bank will make regular payments on your behalf. For your Savings, Deposit Accounts are available on which interest is allowed. Any branch of Lloyds Bank will be pleased to welcome you as a new customer and the staff are ready and willing ‘o advise on all financial matters.



March. I960


Dainty’s sights ‘It came at me from nowhere’


N recent notes I Iiave Iiarped :1 good deal on driving ability and causes of accidents, priding myself that I do at least tn’ to set :1 good


trouble. the Morris Mini Minor :1nd

Austin Seven are like goldtisli howls‘ :1nd leak through the Iloor. and that the 'I‘rit1mpIi Herald lets water in everywliere. Such st:1temeiits- :1rc absolute noiiscnse :1nd I advise anyone contemplating ptirch:1se of :1 new car to use his min itidgnicnt and to ignore tlte "lioloiiy" talked by the average car sttlcslilttll. Minor troiihles you may have but these can :1Il easily be iorted out :1nd after the tirst 500 miles service any new c:1r should be .s:1tisl'actory. If motorists would only realise th:1t car nt;1nul'aelurcrs tind it cheaper to de.tI with coniplaiiiis under guarantee than to spend money on inspections at the factort’ lhere would be fewer grumbles. The manufacturer virtually expects you as the car owner to help him get the car right for your personal use. If you will patiently eoopcr:ite you will have a good vehicle. if yoti won't do this you may linish up witlt :1 leaking rattlctrap and you will be the type alwavs moaning about the poor quality of modern

As I write these notes I :1rit still wondering about an incident :it a wellknown cross roads in Portsmouth when I w:is nearly rainined in the side by a car coming from the right which was fortunately able to stop in time. Quite frankly. I think I was to blanie. and yet I swear that there was no other vehicle in sight as I approached that crossing. Was the other car obscured by the windscreen pillar or do the extreme corners of :1 curved windscreen create an optical illiision? I shall always wonder why I failed to see that car. If the driver of the new green I-‘ord Aiiglia who nearly collided with a blue :1iid white Triiinipli Herald at Handleys Corner on Saturday February I3 is :1 reader, please accept my apologies and I lione he was not as frightened as I was. This :idii1i.ssioii on my part has rather destroyed :1 tit bit ottt of :1 cars. albeit quite uttittstitizibly. My own great delight :it the recent Claims Form which I intended to tise as b:1it. In this. otir driver moment is in telling critical c:ir sales.s'.atc1I "the other car appeared to men of otli1:r makes of car how very come straight at me from nowhere. satisticd I :1ni with my new ialopy. it scciiietl as though he tried to take 'l‘hey get so hopping ni:1d it reallv Is :1 delight to pull their legs. the corner too fast." Well now. in both cases the other A. 1-3. .\I.«\ RSII. car didn‘t :1rrive by liclicopter so why on earth did we both fail to see the otltcr car. Were we tired. thinkinsl Oi

Swedish submarine visits Portsmouth

soutetliing else. or just ttot looking? If such :1 thing has ever Iiappened to

other readers it might pay yoit to wonder why and try to 1:lintin:1le the c-.111-e as next time it might be fatal.

ItL‘\'II\'G A NE\\' CAR Recently I h:1ve been having a good deal of fun. e\:1ntining and trying new cars with :1 view to purchase. The most interesting tliiitg I loiind in the ilillcictit sliowrooiiis was the readincss with which the sales stall are prepared to d:1riiii each others

III-‘. Swedish sttliinarinc Illem tisitcd Portstnoutli between February II and I6. Coniniaiided by Lieut.-Cdr. Carl Feltrlund the lllertt tl’olec:1t is lirtglish equivalent). is h'UtI Ions :1nd one of Sweden's latest. having been I:1id down in I957. She has :1 crew of 37. Cdr. C. II. lI:iti1iiier ((‘omm:1ndcr S1ibniarines_ Il..\l.S. Dolphin) and (.'oiniito:lorc C‘. Kiokstedt. the Swedish 1\'av:1I .»‘\tt;1ch1': in London

nrodiicls. I ant zissured that the Ford Anglia greeted the lllcrtt leaks like a sieve and has paintwork Blockhouse.







still set

high -'.24s§~ .



lY OUR OWN C()RRESI'()Nl)F..\"I‘ I)aint,y. in (‘0lI||'Itln_\' with other ships of the 2nd D.S.. sailed for exercises with units of the Italian I-‘Icet based on Titrttnto. It was our third series of N.A.'l'.O. anti-submarine exercises and in many ways the most successful. On completion we berthed stern to the ietty in the More Piccolo. and although this historic Naval base in the heel tit‘ Italy had little to offer in the may of entertainment. our ship's company made the most of it in the shops. II..\I.S. Dainty passing Stromboli From Taranto we had a memorable eiiced rain and gates men that when next their ship trip. leaving the island of Stromboli during our live-day visit.intermittently your is in Naples they will be the most close to starboard. The volcano gave few changes were made However. welcome visitors here." olf a few pulls of smoke in apprc1:i;1- to the programme :1ud some of us tionof the many Daintv photogra- were interested H.-\Ll~' WAY MARK s-pcctators on Decemphers and to tell the world that it is ber 4 at the ceremony ()n January 20 we had been a year of Saint liarstill active, We were 1111 p:1ss;ige to bara. the patron saint of Naval in commission. We recalled the ComNaples to show tlte flag. Soon we gunnery all over the world and of the ntissioning Service. on that cold rainy had entered the Bay of Naples. It:1Iiait Navy. w:1s ntade of this day at Portsntotitli. :1iid the words fantous for its beauty. with that other our last visit Much of I95‘). Many of the spoken by the then C.-in~C.. Portsvolcano Vesuvius. looking impressive ship's company visited Pompeii attd mouth. and the present (inventor oi iii the background. The tseather did: llercttlatieum, the towns over- 1\l:iIt:1. Sir (iuv (iranthani concluded not favour our stay :1nd we experi-‘ wlielnied tltc by great eruption of his :ltllll"L‘s\ by telling us to set Vesuvius in 7') :§.l). Some ni:in:1gcd our sights high." This we have done to spend a day in the snlendoiir of :ind now have reached the hall-way Rome. Everyone cnioycd the Neapoli- mark full of cotttidence for the home t:1n cooking and tl_io_rou_ghlv,- agreed leg. Much has been achieved. though that lids worthy ot its international the tinrelaxing hours spent in traiiiing reptiiation. am! on exercises seldom feature in out Before we left for Malta the hat articles to 1\'.\\'\' 1\'t;\v.s. was passed round in aid of the local Alreatlv I960 has brought its sucorphanage for "r.tgantutIins." A cesses to I)l(Il~'. In the sphere of sport letter received by our Cotntttanding our soccer tcartt has been otitstanding. VER 200 entries‘ were sulirttitted Uilicer. (Taptaiii .I. C. Wells. I).S.C.. 'lhcv h;1\e :1lio.-adv rt-.icIic1l .1 (‘tin for ll photographic contpetitioti. R.N.. helps to show the gratitude Final. In :1 thrilling semi-Iinzil against arranged by I-1:12 (lflicer Suhniurines.l with which our parting gift t\;1s,lI..\l..’s'. |)1:t'en1Ici, our team put in 1 for photographs taken by serving received. Written by a Director of ll'1.‘IlIL'tltlt|lIsetloit to will by too clear and ex-serving ntembena of the subthe Orphans‘ Home. it .sa_y.s: “I un- goals in e.\tra time. We have hail one marine service. derstand that the bag full of money winner in the .\led I-"leer Novices The competition was organised in is the offering of your men. the lloxitu: ('h:1ntpionsIi1ps, t)ur ltockcy two sections. Black and white and small change after they had spent teant has done well. and our night‘ coloured and there were three prizes little ashore in Nziples. Their I team has never given up. ~£lt). £3. and £I~in each section. some t:enerosil_v does not sttrufisc me in All in all there has been much to donated by the l.:1ndport Drapery the least for I know the nten of the l be proud ..i‘ in ins-i_ ,-ma 1-mu will see B:17;1:1r Store. til the l).1ittl\' standard. ()f the 200 entries over l.itt were» exhibited in the store. every con-I te.st:int having :1t least one of his’ photographs on view, 'l'I1e prize_




photographic competition





winners wer:—

Illarlt and \Hiltc.—I and 2. Chief I'1:t'.~.' 0tI‘i.'er R. A. flour)‘ (II..\I.S. Two): J Licttt.-Cdt’. E. Coodnirt (ll..\i.S. l"ut'tlt). CuloItr.—I. Liflll.-ctlf. I). S. I.:ct:;itt tII..\iS nolphitt); “ I.i1-ut. C. .D. l’rettti\ tll \1h‘ Trcsnaucr); 3. Licut. M, J. (_'.1\1crI5 I I (II.. S .\ti1Ivr11\c). The Iltilttts net.‘ (21:11. 1.. W .‘«'.ip.'t-r




S.tu.1dror:i, .\Ir .\. 'lur"1: t(h:cf Pho. .iplirr. I'.1rts1ii11utI1 lsriiim. N-:11.~\. .\fr. J. Ilarbcr tLatt.Iport Dt.|[\‘rj.' II.i.'.1.iri and .\tr. l.. .-\. Wright (.\ir.‘Att.\. \\:1:tii and Portsniouili) .

Chief Petty Otliecr Ilowey's photograph of H.\l.S. 'l'ireIe.ss_ the Iirst prize-winning pliotogrzipli in the black and white section. is .sliown below. _

' caitrmi IIUME at LEA VEP DH YOUR WAY 0VEIISEAS:" Wherever you're going

be. you'll need a car on arr1va.. Bu) I new Hlllman. Humber. Sunbeam now from E.M.A. Ltd. Portsmouth. lf yours I: an extended posting. take advantage of our special export s1:h¢ime—you buy at export prices Let E.M.A. make all the arrangcmcnts—export tormalitics. in-




surance. shipping. everything. Call at our showroom or write to us to-day—-your car can be on its way tomorrow: or waiting

(or you when you dock! Or it can be purchased on the home delivery plan for use in this country before vou sail




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What we want-



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is WKTNEYS llIill‘»\ .\ \l.l


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The snake-like lines of ll..\I..‘i. TireIess are cIe:1rI_v shown in this untisiial






March. 1960

‘I will not leave the rock until every soul is safe’ THE LOSS OF THE DRAKE 1882 By JACK DU5I'Y disaster did in fact occur







living in the West Country today would be immediately suspicious I)!-I()l’I.l'2 if they saw ii newspaper placard with the announcement that H.M.S.

Drake had been lost at sea; but such a I822. off the coast of Newfoundland. The Drake involved was :1 l0 gun brig under the command of Cdr. Charles Adolphus Baker. She sailed from llalifax. Nova Scotia. for St.



June 23.

shore: in so doing. however. the line to the ship parted and Turner was left with insiiflieicnt rope to reach the ship even if he could have devised Newfoundland. on the some means of passing it. John‘s_ morning of June 20: the weather Meantime the ship was breaking up was fine. the wind favourable and —wiih every jerk and roll the bell llicre was every indication of a fast struck a mournfiil note: as one of the and comfortable passage. However on survivors subsequently wrote: "the the morning of Sunday 23 they ran funeral knell of many and as we fully into thick fog. when according to expected then. of all, except the their reckoning they were some 91 lioatswain. who though severely -.19» miles from Cape Race and 5] miles bruised. stood on the shore. and ..:.ur‘.‘~.-.., from (‘ape St. Mary. ap arcd in all probability to be the This is not. of course, the Drake referred to in II“: accompanying article fa picture of IV hicli ciinnol be traced); Visibility was then down to 20 on y survivor." but is the I-l,l00 tons amiourcd cruiser. launched llII'clllI)I‘()Iit.‘ in will and sunk by sulunarine in the North yards but in view of his orders 90 Channel, off the coast of Ireland, in October, I917 ORDER REFUSED the “utmost despatch." Cdr. use. Cdr. Baker was not the kind will never leave the rock until every linker dccitletl to press on. At about 7.30 "Breakers ahead" of man to give in easily and as soul is safe." Accordingly one by a was reported and despite the ship there was clearly no chance of saving one the men made the attempt until being hauled to the wind she almost his ship he determined to use every 44 of the 50 on the rock had reached soup on which they otherwise had to MINESWEEPERS’ imniediately took the ground and fell endeavour to save her company. the safety of the shore. Among the rely. The passage to Cochin L900 broadside on to the sea. Accordingly he ordered every man to six remaining was a woman who was miles. was something of a lcst for the EVENTFUL Such wa.s the state of discipline on- make his way to the rocks on which too terrified to make the attempt ininesweepers in the prevailing condiboard that there was no confusoin. the Drake was lying and which were alonc. One of the six volunteered to tions. but they safely made Cochin The masts were cttt away to lighten above water. For the first time his take her across on his back but when on December 23. H.M.S. Szinton with the vessel. in the hope that she might orders were not immediately obeyed half way over the rope parted and more coastal rriineswccpcm, only one ton of water remaining. then float nearer the shore‘. this how- —the ship's company to a man refused both were Iost—this left Cdr. Baker H.M.S. Thanlterton (Licut. G. A. H.M.S. Loch Killisport was at Cochin leave until Cdr. Baker had and three men alone on the rock with Plumer. ever afforded no relief. The cutter to RN.) and H.M.S. Santon at the same time and a happy Christ(the largest boat on board) was saved himself, Not unnaturally he no means of reaching the shore. (Lieut. R. D. D. Bamford. R.N.), mas was had by all. launched but almost immediately refused stating that his life was arrived at Singapore to join the On January 4. Cochin was left for sank and the ship's com any were the least and last consideration: only SELFLI-‘SS EXAMPLE Reserve Fleet on January 18. after an Colombo. more rough N.E. monsoon faced with the problem 0 getting a then when they saw he was adamant right eventful Waves were now_ breaking weather being experienced on passage passage from Malta. did the ship's company proceed to line ashore and secured. was it and long rock Most of the ships‘ crews had been through the Gulf of Mannar. But on not leave the vessel for the rocks. a num- over the his comand Baker flown to Malta from the United arrival. on laniiary 6. about half the ber unfortunately being lost in the before Cdr. PERILOUS JOURNEY and panions were swept away Kingdom. on November l6. in a ships‘ companies were able to enjoy Not unnaturally it was soon attempt. When all were clear of the drowned despite every effort of |h0S'~' trooping aircraft. and. after only two a long week-cnd at the Diyatalawa wreck Cdr. Baker himself successfully weeks‘ preparation and trials. the two rest camp. This camp is 4.000 fcct ashore to save them. apparent that the only way of getting made Ills the rocks. to way the line ashore was by swimniing—This might well be the end of just ships left Lazaretto Creek in a force 8 tip in the hills. and is reached by an of The all be can imagined dismay many of the crew volunteered and when it was realised that the were one more tragic story of a shipwreck. gale. To a man the crews were sca- 80-mile train journey. during which one named Lennard. :i man of great but the ships arrived on time highest point reached is 6.000 yet in a place of safety or the but on this occasion a disaster en- sick. strength and an expert swimmer. was not for refiielling at sea off Port Said cct. noblcd by the selfless example of chosen to make the attempt. He rock on which they were was still Cdr. Baker and by. the sense of dis- with Blue Ranger. The ships left Colombo on January some yards from the shore and moreof jumped over board but the (turrent over the Canal Pilotagc was through whole company 12 and arrived spot on time at Singait was clear that it was covered ciplinc of the was too strong for him and it was with the aid of not two does exeffected naval H.M.S. Drake. But the story pore. The crews will be flown back with difliculty that he was hauled at high water: to make matters worse end here. The survivors least at Egyptian officers. one were deterto the U.K. after what must be one back to the comparative safety of the tide was flooding. mined not to let matters _rest and In of whom had been trained as a of the most invigorating exercises of the ship, the long course in its type in recent times. a letter to the senior surviving officer navigator on MAINTAINED DISCIPLINE If anything this failure roused the —Licut. Booth—wrotc "During the I-l.M.S. Dryad. crew of the Drake to greater efforts: Discipline still held and it was now whole business he (Cdr. Baker) After a fotir days‘ stay at Aden. the proved himself to be a man whose during which various spares were FILM it was decided to make the next the Boats:iin's turn to attempt in the dinghy (the only boat means of reaching safety. Ic managed name and last conduct ought ever ‘.0 "borrowcd“ for the diesel generators. THE FLEET remaining undamaged). The Boats- to cast one end of the broken line be held in the highest_cstimation by the ships sailed for Cochin on the rock: it those wain Turner immediately to on was barely a crew who feel it their Mr. to ask. December 15. More rough weather duty "'l’cmpnt." Adventure Melodrama, Silvanl be could and not volunteered and started ofl on the long enough from the Lords Commissioners of (N.E. monsoon. force 5 to 7) was Mangano. Van llcflin. llorne. perilous journey. Within minutes the secured. but by being held at each the Admiralty. that which they other- experienced for the first four days, “Antony of I Murder." (ieotlrcy Trial .'-it-Iodntiin. hand would James Ben G.-iuara. enable to Lcc men cross end Stewart, Re-mick. dashed and and on the sailed south of was swamped Socotra dinghy ships wise have not a means of obtaining. Show IIu\Il1(‘.\\ Romantic Bongo." "F.xprcuu the rocks but by a superhuman over hand, that is a public and lasting record ot to gain the advantage of its Ice and Melodrama. Laurence Ilarvcy. Sylvia Syrm. effort. bruised and bleeding. Ttirner Cdr. Baker again refused to be the the lion-hearted. generous and very have a good meal in place of the hot Clill Richard. struggled on and managed to reach the‘ first to seek safety and stated: "I unexzimpled way in which ou_r late noble commander sacrificed his in the evening of the 23rd June. —— — — It is pleasing to record that the Admiralty acted on _lIllS request and a tablet was placed in the Dockyard Church at Portsmouth. It is still there and reads:—’






Started for

.- .o-



Singapore in force 8 gale







IN MEMORY of the sell’-devotion of Charles Adolphus Baker Esq. Cornmandcr of H.M.S. Drake who. when that sloop was wrecked on the coast of Newfoundland on 23rd June. I822 refused to_ provide for his own safety until the whole of the crew should be previously saved, and in pyrsuance of this generous resolution


"—and hunger. not

THIS TABLE!‘ is erected at the request of the surviving Petty Oficer and Seauien. every one of whom on passing from the ship to u rock on which they were ultimately saved, had with it generosity equal to his own. pressed Cdr. Baker to precede thein, but in vain! This memorial might well find a fitting resting place in the Church of the Royal Naval Barracks, Devonport which now bears the name of the ship with which thenamc of Cdr. Baker should ever be remembered.

of the body kind. that‘:

banished with bacon and beans. But the gnawing hang:r of lonely plat for it home and all th0! it means.






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Try our Easy Payment Plan


W0 ratings from H.M.S. Victorious. L.R.E.M. (Air) J. Aldous and L.E..M. (Air) 1. Goodridge "raced" the ship from Hamburg to Portsmouth. By beating the ship (by three days) the two men won a £5 wager which will be given to a fund on board which is raising money to buy a guide dog for the blind.

‘C I.

—h —§—

Life is pleasant






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whether a Submartne—Destroyer—Battleship or Aircraft Carrier OVER 50 SHIPS‘ DANCES CATERED FOR LAST YEAR Make


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March. 1960





Answers to questions ‘thrown at’ Personnel L iaison Team



/lt lt

.'lIi' Ri'tIltllli’l\ Ilrttt' .u'I('(‘h'd from St‘/'\'it't' iitliitct: rm’ I'/l(‘t' men


"fifth /ire" i-tit-rti:t'iiii-iit.\‘: hon’ hum they .\i'ii'i' in the Rt'¢'i'tiitiii:: Scr-

(it! i-in-.‘


In the very near future an .-\dmir;iltv III-I.\'E\'ER the Second Sea Lo rd‘s I’t.'l'S0lllll.‘l Liaison 'l'caiii sisits a I-'leet will appear which will ship or estahlislinicnt. man) questioiis are "thrown at" the team. the explaiiiOrder the regulations pertaining to answers to which are not always readily available. Thcsc questions are not the Recruiting Service, The Duke «it Edinburgh. Captain as the nimscrs to some (it the questions during the team's visit to forgotten. ll.M.S. l)itrlaston. niinccostal a General of the Royal Marines. pre5"‘ 3"'°“- ‘"0"was agaiti considered by the sented the Duke of Edinburgh's swccpcr. is to be traiislcrrcd to the The vessel Malayan Navy. 'l'rophy to the team of 40 Commando Royal from Wliv is there no suitable item of :.»\.U.C.C. very recently. sailed Plymouth on February wuriii clotliiiitr that itmior ratiitt-.i I Whit! nr0}:ri'.s.r has been nmrlc with lltickingliani Palace on February 22 for Singapore and on arrival will could wear with No. 85 iii colt! :tIit' Iriiilx (II (it) Aririrh‘.ri'rl Iiiittmis 5. be handed over to the Royal Malayan wt-ntlii-r: miiictliiiirv )Nl ll{.\lATI()N has been rcccitcd that the on the liner 0] ti imizl (It) ‘('(."\"l'Il¢.’ ii-rm! tmiterittl {or Mr. Harold Wattltinson. Minister of lute been advaiiccil In the Chic! lull-mitts: the Coninizinder-in-Chief. :i'p-fti.\tt'Iit'r iachct wits .\ll_L'L't.'5II'd:’ by I .\m't.r.'-’ he (‘rm ((1) Imirelit pril)el'ence. accompanied by the First Navy (mice: Petty or (‘hit-I .\ititi;¢-t rate: Far East Station. and renamed Sea l.ord. Admiral Sir Charles H.‘Vl.M.S. Mabainiru. To Actiut: (lticl Engine Room At-tificcr The Personal Liaison Team under- j I'tttt'l\'l' J. N \\'c\:i»n MK 77.-I.W.l. W I ll-iwvd Latiibe. visited H.M.S. Victorious on stands that is eonsidetctl 1 this of The introduction helm: anopossible .\I.\ I-itllt-‘T, R .\ Siiiuiiicrs MN 3031!‘ The United Kingdom High Com- by the .-‘\.U.C.C. (.-\dniiralty Uniform February 22 :iud saw a demonstration '“"“'""°r buttons depends on the To (hid Mcchanirian _discd largely ”'°~ "°"'°"“'”" .f.‘" by the Blackbtirii N.A.3‘)—~tltc Navy's and ('lothin;.: Coiiintittce) in the near ‘iesiilts of trials bcm: carried ottt in i\. I? Rl't's'\ RX “$21. .\Ialaya visited I)arIaston at I |y- futtire. To Store: Cltlcl I’:-It) llfliccr IVI new low level strike tiircralt. ‘I’? -‘\nnv. it (E siuuttcr. .\l.\' .‘s7tIt. inotitli on l-cbitiary I‘). lcrylcnc wool is only one .it';1., (1.3... ;.,;,.,, RC3!‘-.\t.‘IlIllI':lI R. E. Washhourn. «Irv then’ mil’ t‘iri'iiiii.tlimt't'.i miili-r \(.‘\L‘t;lI tiiatcrials beini: considered by’ J. H_ l'1mi<_k \|»‘s' -‘\|_l|_4l". l).S.0.. ().lt.I<Z.. has been appointed Il..\I..'x. I)isctivcr_v. built by the whicli (I .siii,i.'li' iiiiiii HI(I\' Irv mii‘.-I the Atlmirtilty as a possible :iltcrnallirector-(iencral. Wczipons. in stic- National (icographical Society for Ilttlllt‘ tn Diitv 'l'mi't'IIiIic I-.'.t'/ii'Ii.\i-.\ l.‘\.‘\\lUl'I to Rear-.-\dniir:il M_ I.e Capt. Scott's tirst expedition and was i/ he Iiii.r h¢'t'It nriiiitcil Riitiuii /IHUII“ Etise to the present cloth suitinii. ‘suitable alternative has yet been‘; A. R. (alum .\lX 7t.ii7n Fanu. D.S.C.. the appointment took in the .-\itta.'ctic for two winters in min’ /or (‘()I!lI7tl.\.\l()Il(JIi' it-riu-iii." Pctt) ttlliecr Stcmnrl Ioiiiid. Unless and until .i new suiting ITuLChic! moiitli. Rear-.»\dmiral I902 and I903. is to becotne the l.otiellcct last mmm Lx ml”; None whatsoever, ‘has been approved by Admiralty it .1, (-53,, 3,45,, (».,,,,,.,,,,;m;,,,, _t;,,,,.,;,., \\’;ishbotirii was born in New don recrtiitiiig headquarters of the from be t; Jx 7t2.'tlI.‘< ttcctt l‘IUtt}:ltI any source. /.eal:ind and w;is the lirst successful Royal Navy :ind Royal Marines. DtIt'S it It't'tliiti' rm rt’-iitiirrtiiiu tutt- ltititltltll Tu ("hid Communication Yconnll New Zcaland cat'tdidale to qtialify I.‘ the .St'rvici' (iriitmtr 0/ [/00 (mil. (1 15. 5.ui.i,, yx i_<s5_s;_ IllIIlt' to drum‘ Si'ri'iu' um! .\tiit.' The leave will her ship present “ml! ('55?! Pr_I_|)', 055"? through tltc Public School Entry berth_ alongside the Embankment in Pt'Il.tl4tIIl' ; {I50 lFU\'tllllt' ll/Il'I' I2 iiiiil I4 vi'itr.s I Tufiifk II M null -\l.\ Ptlitit-Isl cxatiiinatioii in that country. |n.“p‘.”,'n.h. 'm.d‘.r n.|.‘.".“. in Hm I,-uh’ and Chic! Hnzincctinl Mcrlxlriic loses her Service She l'or D\‘ll\lttIl March relit Chatham dockat a A gunnery specialist. he was in I vmimu! int il_i_c lllI‘.l.'c iiirri-me 0/ .\. \vmmr..u..m RX -mas. R. 1n-ll: xx it which for four wilt last about seems equally certain that she yard ” H..\l.S. Achilles in the Oral" Spec ‘H77:-. t‘. .\ I-I Fltflill RX tux-mt, N Hur_.._-ri-in-j’ after y¢-gin’ _L'ftlIII would lose any State pension. but tltis RX -:54 -t. w NthJ“ K‘x .~I'5.'tt. 3 ‘ :ietion atid received the I).S.O. for‘ months. The has becti Code issued Pay ttfliccrl §=' . i“(_1.i.t is l_‘)(i0 the outside Admiralty's province Discovery will continue to be open his work in keeping the cruiser in 7770.“. It. N. Rucscr {X """““‘ _u. '5'"-‘-‘i I_‘-.‘l5lll|t'Itt can easily be ascertained from since IIll'_i question was asked and the "‘ ’‘ l.‘b"~|. F. action despite d;iin;iitc and castialtics to the public after her refit and will and local “' -‘of the Ministry of laiisoer is contained in that Code. Dean J.\' I-l5‘tl‘t. ollicc any for the of be available ‘still training in the gunnery control tower. Pensions and National Insurance. Ii\'ote.——lt must be pointed otit that ‘Tu .\Iintcc-at-ArnHe spent a week in an open boat in 1 Sea (‘adcts and Sea Scouts, ;(Publication of an .-'\.l’.O. setting out I this pavnieiii after I2 and I4 years Is" it. w. i.n3'..-.05. .\i.v 745.‘-I4. the Atlantic when the merchant ship revised rules on Service \‘l'idow'~; termed "Service (iratiiity" and slioiiltl ; Royttl .\':tval Fit.-ltl Gun tcatits will lthe Waiwcra was torpedoed. he giving their tisual displ-.i_\s at liarls 5 Pensioii as under the W5‘) l’cn~iot'. not be coiifiisetl with Rear-.-\tltiiir;i| \\'ashbourn was the Court 1 l~\ 5!-"'4"-\-| r\. limit! :(-iant \\lltL‘ll is related to Pension. the Ro_\;il 'l'oiirn:iineiit. (ode. 5-‘ l‘“"‘l"°"Ll I To \ctln: (‘Iilcl \|rrr:Ill.\lcchaulcl.tii tits! caplaiii of the ticw cruiser Tiger. which dtitiiig this _vear coinnicnces on June [IX Tm-I-I I‘. II Kiili), I\ it lIHt'lltli'c! In t‘ItIt!ilt!ti' Hit‘ [/00 Ari’ titty rli’rliu:ti'iiii\ iiiiiilr /mm ii ti ‘l'II_g'tl_L't'IIlt'IlI hiiltltlv irir .-IIt'ih't'i'r‘ Surtz.-Capt. K. W, Martin. \‘.R.I).. 2t and ends on Saturday. July 9. '}E'..F‘l'.“"\“"(. I...-tel». l l\ -taut .\l.R.('.S.. I..R.(T.I’.. i\I.:\.. B.Cll« The competition for the three cups .S‘i°rt‘icc I7t'Il.tiOIt on reiirlii'ii,i: the rice 1 I:'ri!i'v. their teritis til cii,cii_i:i'irieii1 trill tt. 1'. .\i{('iii:oiiitti. "’C'”""""""""’ R.l\'.R.. has been appointed an to be competed for will conimencc on 0] 65 um! t]llnliI\‘lIl_t: for (I Star.- Iiciiig /2 and It) yi'rir.iL’ 1.. IX M2147 W. A. S. Colcnun. Rctiri-itieiit Pctisiotil’ Honorary Pltysician to the Queen in June 25. but displziys will be given on This will bounty cease when the. 1:: Acting Chlct I-Jcctrlcal Mtllccr (Mn succes.siou to Surg.-Capt. G. L. Foss. the previous fotir days. A deduction of 4d. per week for remainder of General Service ratings‘ 1. H4 100:5: A. I. lnxtam. Chld Radh I-Zlcctrlcal .\rtIltccr 0.B.li.. V.R.l).. M.A.. M.D.. B.Ch.. every year of pensionable service is, now serviiii: ltave either traiisferred To R.N.R., with cllcct Ironi December The I’II8.S."t¢d bands of the Royal made. c.i:.. 7s. 4d. per week is deduc-5 to l..S. I or " or have re-cntzaiied to I !I‘X 8574‘) I. I). ('I.'IrLr.'. ‘lo Chlct Wren tCluthln|t 3|. I95‘). Marines will Beat Retreat on June 9 led for 22 years, However. this only: coiiiplctc time for pension. 53276 I. I. Snczuvn. affects re-entered‘ in entered those Horse Guards Parade who or on the Surgeon Capt. W. V. Beach. 0.B.[-1.. honour of the Birthday of His ‘Royal for service on or after July 1. I940.‘ I-'.R.C.S.. R.N.. is to be promoted l)ukc of lidinbtirgb. the K and the deduction is not tiiatle until Surgeon Rear-.»\dmiral. and has been Highness the General of the Ro_yal -iiian actually draws his State Retireappointed Cotnniand Medical Otlicer. Captaiit iiteitt Pension. Similar rttlcs would Nurc Coniinatid. and Medical 0tIiccr- ;\larine~. apply to any additional (ioveriinicnt in-charge. Royal Naval Hospital. The Royal Naval Sick pension. c.;:.. Civil Service. Post Br.-rth_Statl' Cliatham. with cllcct from April I9. Retired Mcnthers’ Association will be Ollicc. etc. Surgeon Capt. ll.-acli receiver! the its aniiiial reunion dinner ().ll.l:'. iii the llirtlitlay Hotioiirs. I94‘). I holding Is the Lmii: S¢'ri'i'i't' mid Guml Cmiatid dance on Satiirday. -.\Iay 7. at the lI..\lS. llulwark. coiiimissioiicd inl\\"estiniiistci' .-\i‘iiis. Page Street. l.on- 11141’! ("mNlH\‘ rum! our til Lluvilsi as Britain's tirst coiiiniaiitlo i don. S.\\‘.l. l:lllIIlL‘l‘ iiit'oimatioii can I"uiiil\.' If mil. "writ lt"lt’I'( is it tum]! l.iiit_iary returned carrier. to Portsmouth on I be obtaiiied from the lion. Secretary ‘um! i.\ it likely to be iiitir'iiii'iI." l’cbrii:ti‘_\' 22 after three \\cek.~.' v.ot|»;- } and ‘l'i'e.istii'et'. J. W. Jack. 36 Rose To the first part of the uticstit-ii. the answer is No~-this i.:i.tttiitv :(ilcn. Kiiitishtiry. London. N.W.‘). Itlg up trials oll Portlaitd. paid out of Admiralty Vote. It is most unlikely to be increased and a I point worthy of rcllcctioii is that the Army and R.A.l-‘. require I8 MISS AGNES service to qualify for a gratuity of only £5 and payment is not made uiitil they are discharged from the Service.












T"! ‘l“"'”“':'_"{' : ' \ “' . ' { _‘,' l "W Nti:T.,‘(-if...ii:..;'(jm}.,'\.-1...

















'Tl u









T"“.”'J"".[:"'('!’j‘_:‘*I’l"\f{“:f§§f,_. "Ter_iiiiiialZ1.,,r;.,.,,,u,.,}j,l§,,,}.j\,.m;,.;















llllllll SIllllllS’ IIESIS

DEVONPOR1 —[ncw Rest just opened in Albert Road) PORTSMOUTH—-(EdinburghRoad) and LONDONDERRY—(FoylcStreet) provide comfortable accommodation. modern restaurants. TV and games rooms, and many other amenities. '



dctaili or

Christian tellamhipi.

Small flats in Agnes Weston House. Southsca, becomeavailableo:casional|y-Wnte: Head Office. 3| Western Parade. Southsea. for details.


Dries (l mini who has l!t'i'tl (l||'t‘II£l(“I the iihtiI'i- },’t‘(lI!liI)' ri'r'cii'i' I I per _\'t'tlI . rlii'ri'ufti'r until he remit to pi-ii_iioii." lle receives £1 per year for every 'ott'll cnjoy _vour shore year's service over I5 years provided of course he retains his Long: Service lcatc all the more when you know you're and (iood (‘onduct .\teiI.il. and the \\ ell dressed. Suits. coats, sports clothes. money is payable on le:i\ing tlic tiiiit'orms—l'rom Willerbys. all are first class. Service. Iluri‘ u'i-tm.'IiuhIi- Pltl\IIt' um iirtcizt .-_\nd }0tl can pay by allotincnt iF_\'0u \vi.sh. ' Uiir Il(ll'tt/l't'[1I't'.\'t'IllflIil't’.Vri'_L'Iiliirl_i' Iiccii irillirlriiii-ii? No. At October. i->50. wine iiiit the I-'lc¢'t tit portx of 1'0”III /ItlIllt'iiiiil were held in stock by the Plyniotitli oi't'r.\i'ti.r. If_i'nii'iI like to Ititmv more ('ominaiid. (ihuiit ll'i'IIcrIi_i'.\', xi'i'¢‘itIii'i- .'lIr. GiitIi'i‘iI_-.'i-_ Iliis «LI-‘.0. 2-l08.'50 er.-r Imeii cati¢'cIli'¢l." This stirred that (.‘.l’.().\'. m:i‘i'p- or Mr. Dimkiii. ii-hi-ii Ilt’.\‘! he ri‘.u‘i.i.‘c_ ted for "filthfire" t'II,l{ll_L't'IIl('IlI.\ Wllllltl your t'.\I(lll!i.!/Illlflll./lIlt'riiiirii'i'Iy.rim,-i nut _riflt'c! petty oflici‘r.s lI'lllllIIf.."IlIl'lt“ it.) call iii ,)I'llIl(‘Il('.\. at Iiiic. II\ or (I our of any an the ru.itt'i'.r. A.l-‘.0. 2408/50 wa.s cancelled by .- ll 1- Jim” lie /ilcrimlto let yo.-i Imrc afulili-r .r'\.l7.O. 23352 \\‘lti».‘lt has itself ltccit yii iII_L' i/etuiliof I‘-I‘,,t'I'/.1_|'\ \/icriril.ti'rrii't' cancelled as sullicicntly Dlllllllllflltlcll.‘ There is no doubt that men accepted /1”‘ mm in the Il(I|'_l'. for a "l'iftli live" are i'iii-liiilt-it in the. total numbers allowed for their rate? and do therefore atlect advaticcinentl in exactly the same way as men on: any other enitastenicnt except i\'.C.S.I (Note.~—Any A.l-‘.0. more than two‘ years‘ old which is not brottgltt up-todate._ reprinted or ittitorporatctl in.‘








Navai Personnel normallyaccepted with War and Service risks covered



Head Olfic or the UNITED KINGDOM I3-76 KING WIL IAM STREET. LONDON. E.C.-t Assets £4oo,ooo,ooo For service in the Porumoui» area contact Mr. W. D. Scorn, 314 London Road. PORTSMOUTI-I_ Hutu. Tolcnbonc No. Portsmouth 6055!

At your service


I .

existini: rci:ulattons_ to be cancelled.) .






Road, Soutlisea


l'c.t-pliooc: ZISI5 ,



The Hounslow braiicb of the Royal Naval Association holds lls ltirtliday Dinner and Social on i\lay 7. I>l.;\I.S. Collingwood is to stage an Easter Revtie—~"All This an‘ Tliat"~I the tirst night being April -3.


of all at


completely tinsati.sl’actory. However.

I ‘I


:i\'sl tt‘lCtl1

What was the I't’.\llII ril the ctirricil out in Miiltii in I952 on Na. 6 tmiis¢'r.r um! alt open-itcckcd .thi'rt [or Scm'nr Raliltits to wear on stir-re in lieu of No. 65? 'l'rials were carried out as stated. but the idea was abandoned as being


U TISS SONBJ-‘I’? 13 Clarendon



by allotment if you wish

28-30 Oxford stroot. London. W.1 82




111 Commercial Road. Portnmouth 5 London Road. North End. Portsmouth

High Street. cttntmtrn 20 Above Bar. Southampton


And branches

-:1 Gordon Street. Glrutnow 12 North Brtctgo. Edinburgh 52 commorctnt stroot. Ounuoo 20 Hlon Shoot. Belfast 12 Main Street. Gibraltar

throughout Britain


March, 1960


OF KILIMANJARO Christmas Eve assault

of I6 oflicers and A I‘A_R'l'\' I)..‘i.().. ().lt.I"... R.N.) took

front lI..\l.S. Gaiiibia (Capt. W. J. Munn, part in an expedition to Kilinuinjaro. the the African continent. while the ship was at Monibasii men

highest itiountaiii on during the Christiiias period.

Kiliniaujaro. lying

the l(eny;i- altliougli

Two nights is an eqti:itori.il were spent in caves before the top 'l'ar_tg.'i_nyik:i frontier. ciinosity and is one of the rare places hut, at l5.tl00 feet. was reached. The where periiiaiicnt siiowliclds may belaltitudc ctfects here caused widi:found near the l-iquator. Its asceiitispreatl lieadaclies together with loss does not involve any dillictilty cliiiib-3 of sleep and appetite. and a proing but. as ;iiiticip;iteil. the extremes digioiis number of codciiie tablets of climate eticouiitered and the tin-. were t.‘(lll\lllllL‘(l. zivoiilable rapid gaining of licight' 'l'lic climb to the suiiitiiit (we might which niakes ziccliiiizitisatioii iiii- ‘call it the £t\\':lllll because zit times it pmsihle. combined to make‘ the climb looked soiiieivliat l’CllllIll\‘Ct.'lll of .i just about the toughest ciiiliiraticc lest battlefield!) started at 2 :i.nt. on Cliristmas Fve on it. clear but :igoiiisever expericitecd by the inert. ingly cold night. .\loving stiflly in the Al.'I‘l'l'l.'l)l-II-Zl-‘I-'ECl‘S pale fttoonlight above it sea of clouds The ascent look :i total of five days. which seemed to cover all Africa. the The tiiountain was approached silent file of men slowly moved up rain forest allegedly teeming the screc slopes of the mountain. The through with inaiiy varieties of big game. altitttde began to take its toll as breath became shorter, legs more leaden and halts more frequent. on

7vTi‘i/Y DA Ys’— 1960


none were seen.

Fingers and toes particularly became numb with cold and on the verge of frostbite. The warmth and grandeur of dawn were equally enjoyed. The climbers had now reached about 18.000 feet and some were severely affected by altitude. One man retehed blood and went back to the but. another could not stand either the cold or the height and also descended. One young oflicer arrived back at the but having lost one shoe and in such a state that he obviously did not know Christmas from Easter!

authorities concerned have arranged Navy Days this year in the various home ports as follows: I-Zaster—(.‘hathani Dockyard Whitsun—Portland and Rosyth August—l)evonport and Portsmouth it is the Admiralty desire that Navy Days shotild be made more attractive. brighter and better than in the past and it is thought that. as Easter Navy Days were liable to interfere with spring cruises and NATO exercises. by having one Navy Day at each UNl"0RGET'I‘A BLE EXPERIENCE port instead of two as has happened The majority. however. although in the past with Portsmouth and Devonport. the Admiralty would be slowed by the lack of oxygen in the able to guarantee a bigger variety air. forced slowly on in improving of items to interest the visiting pii_l-ilic. weather first to the summit crater rim It will be the last occasion. it is at I8.S()0 feet and then on to the felt. that Chatham will hold Navy very highest point on the crater rim Days although. of course. there is at 19.340 feet. This last drag was always the possibility of ships visit- exhausting in the extreme and the ing the Mcdway being available for nine men who got to the very top admitted that it had taken every shred visitors to look over. The various Navy Days Secretaries of their mental and physical strength arc prcparing for the respective Navy ‘to make it. lint it was aglorious and Days and visitors are assured that iinforgcttablc experience to get there. The most impressive performance the attractions on view will be bigger. better and more representative of the was undoubtedly ptit tip by the old_c_st work which is carried out by HM. hand in the party. Licut.-Cdr. Philip ships and. of course. more ships will Pile. who is 40. In the fashion of old be available for the various occasions. singers he went slowly at the bottom Before the war there used to be but kept going steadily all the way Navy Weeks to coincide with the to the top. All four Royal Marines in the party attained the summit. Dockyard holiday. ’

H.M.S. Tally Ho lived up to her

name STEAMED 211,630 MILES DURING HER EVENTFUL close quarters while stay in Japanese torpedo boat Tally Ho CAREER the surface night. As the 'I'.B. sailed for linglaud. at on at was too close to


Front 1947 tiil i955 Tally Ho avoid diving. grand old lady violent avoiding action wasbytaken on spent several commissions in the third returned to Dolphin at the end of the surface. sqiiadron at Rothcs:iy_ during this her final commission. During her A collision resulted on the T.B's. period she spent two periods on loan





under the command of Cdr_ L. W. A. Eennington. R.N.. D.S.0.'. D.S.C.". she lived up to her

second attempt to ram. and the to the R.C.N.. in

war career.

I94‘) and l95-S. During these periods she visited I-lalifax. her base. New London. the US. subiiiarine base. and Bermuda. At the beginning of H55 Tally Ho sailed for Malta to join the first

'l‘.B‘s. propellor ripped open Tally Ho‘.-i port riiain ballast tanks. Tally name. Tally Ho. by rigorously hunting Ho eventually evaded the 'I'.B. by out the enemy. scoring a high number diving. Disaster was only avoided of successes. sliilful handafter the collision After being commissioned in April. ling on the part by of Bennington. I943 Tally Ho worked up with who not Tally Ho successfully back 3rd Flotilla at Holy Loch. following‘ to Trincomalee. despite a heavy list which she carried out an uneventful; to part when on the surface. patrol off the Norwegian coast. _She Tally Ho carried out five more was then sent out to ioin the. Mediter-. patrols during I‘)-I-5. Bennington was ranean Fleet. in time to witness the‘ to commander and continued surrender of Italy. Following the promoted in command. During these patrols two capitulation a large number of sub- small transports and a number of ntaiines were transferred from the iunks were sunk. and a minefield was Mediterranean to the Far East. in- laid. At the end of 1944 Tally Ho cluding Tally Ho. to ioin the 4th returned to the U.K. for a refit. Flotilla and H.M.S. Adamant at Since the war Tally Ho has served Colombo. a variety of places. After her refit Tally Ho. commanded by I.icut.- in in 1045 she rctitriicd to the Far Fast. h:id A. ti Bennington. W. I.. Cdr. joining the (nth Siibiiiaiine l-‘lotilla in most eventful patrol in» her new -.-\iisir;ilia, She s:iilcd from Sydney in flotilla. marred by a series of torpedo} July. I946 for a cruise around failures. She sailed front Colombo on Smith Sea Islands. eventually going October. 26. 1943 to carry out a north to Kore in Japan. After a short close patrol oil Penang. _ _

submarine squadron, During the latter half of I956 Tally Ho visited her old stamping ground: she was sent on a tour of the Indian Ocean. where she visited Colombo. Trincomalcc. Port Louis in .\1:itiritius. Simonstowii and back to Malta. During the rest.of her stay in Malta she worked with the Mctlitcrranean Heet and went on occasional visits to French or Italian ports. 'l‘ally Ho. built by Viclrers Armstrong at Barrow-in-Furncss in 1942. first commissioned in April. l‘)-13. sailed from i\la|t:t under the coriitnatitl of l_ieiit, l’. A. .\lelliuish. for lte_rhl.ist voyage on .l£lflUill'y -S. 1960. She arrived ‘at Fort Bloeklioiise on January I6. after steamint: a distance of 2ll.fi3tl miles since April. I9-33.







DEPTH-CIIARGI-2 ATTACK Her first contact with the enemy was the sighting of a German U-boat

five torpedoes were tired. all missing: in fact one torpedo turned sharp left and ran down the WI’! side of Ho. Two days l:iter after a short devil?" charge attack by an escort vessel." Benninixton attacked a merch:iiit ship with two torpedoes. .-\i::iin they ran badly. one torpedo turning to pot! and running verv close to 'l':illv lilo.‘ who went deep with 1llZlL'l’llV. On the llith whilst oil l,:inek;iii Island. north of l’en:ing. lieiiiiington :itt:ickcd zi convoy firing live torpedoes. Shortly after liearitig a large evplosion. .1 torpedo Wits hearil returtiiu-.2 on the st:irbo:iril side‘. once :lt!1lll‘I Tally Ho went deep and the torpedo passed overlteail. The ship sunk ill the coitllo in dock at ('olotiiho in .\larcli. I9-H. 'l'lie iliitiiage to the casing ‘l';ill_v taiiker the Jzipattcse vov was l is clearly seen. The Jiipztncse escort \\lIlL‘ll riiniuietl her Iicached herself Kl\'nt::l\\'.’l Xlarii, l.0l-3 tons. After two more incidents Tally! Ho returned to ("olotiibix ln his patrol report, llennineton rcm:irked.j "One cannot help fcelini: sure the lt'll'IK'tlttc<, To be chased. three rink»: in one patrol by one-'< t\\\lli HE liaison between the three Seriiiziilileitcil torpedoes is siirclv illl‘ \iccs in Singapore is very active aspect of war which would lead one" mother to write It stitlish note to the and new ships are atttichcil to Artiiy Force units as soon as Prime Minister." 1 and Royal Air the Station. they arrive on l r‘ttt'ist:R Sl'.\'l( The value of lllls form of iiitcr- l At the beiziiiniiig of I9-I-3 Tally list i service contact is amply displayed h',’l Ships llatitig and Crossbow the in the eventful between fixtures patrol carried out an frequent \[1tIl'l\ paid a sticcessful visit to [tone landing After agents. ships and their sliorc~b.ised i:otmlL‘l- between Jaiiiiary 8 and I]. .-\t a re.\falacc:i Straits. she had the good fortune to meet up parts and by trips to sea in ll..\l. ships at the Town Hall. attended with the Japanese cruiser Kumn. but by 0lllCt.‘f\ and uteri of the Army and ception by the ships‘ olliccrs, Monsietir an attack was not possible. Two diivs Royal Air Force. (iriiuby. the Mayor. made a speech later the same cruiser was again of Ari good exaniple oiitstaiidiiig of welcome in which he said that it sighted and Bennitieton fired H.M.S. Caprice that between liaison is torpedoes. two of which hit_ sinking; and No. 305 R..-\.l-‘. Sqiiadron of the was the first visit of British warships the 5.700-ton warsltip. An escorting R..»'\.l-‘. Station. Changi. Not only have for a long time and he expressed the destroyer counter-attacked. whiclt met on exercises and hope that. as the swallow announces freqiiently they close Tally Ho evaded by keeping for mail drops to I-l..\.l.S. Caprice. but the spring. so this visit would herald inshore. of oflicers and an era of peace and a renewal of the A few days later on a moonless considerable numbers in the ship for ties between the two countries. men have been to sea night the .\f.V. Ryuko Marti was periods of up to :i week. while memCapt. C. l’. .\lills, C.B.E., D.S.C.. attacked and sank. have of the bcrs ship's company R.N.. of H.M.S. Daring, laid a wreath 'l"allv Ho's next patrol during Febin the several Squaflights enjoyed in the English cemetery on the ruary. I944 was again eventful. during dron's Shackleton aircraft. which she had a very narrow escape memorial to British Servieemen. The liaison culniiiialeil over Christfrom dis.'i.stei'. On February l5 a A cocktail party was held in U-boat was siitbtcd. attacked and mas in a large number of officers and sunk. Several days later the vessel ratings of the ship being invited to I-i.i\l.S. Daring :ind football and Daigcn Mani was sunk. Then on Feb- stay in the homes of the families of rugby matches were played, with varying fortune. against local teams. ruary 24 Tally encountered :1 the Squadron. on

November 6.






Open thedoor to security Some time soon the Mini from the Prudential may cull on you and offer you t.lic security he has brought to millionsof people j tint. like you. It‘is always worth listening to what he has to say. And the special lerttlct. he will give you will uliowjiist what insurance can do for you. It's the surest way of saving if you are single rind, if you are married, your family's future may well de-

pend on it.

Ask the man from the









March. 1960

ADAMANT’S LINK WITH KILDA ST. at Death Countess Force 8 gale kept Chaplain



away—but carol service held by radio

Mountbatten unexpected death. at the coniptirativcly early age of SB. of


Countess .\loutithatten of lliiniia. '1'. Hilda. the most remote island in the (litter llehrides‘. I-l0 miles west wife of Adiiiiral of the Fleet. the Earl of the iiiainlantl of Scotland. was evaciiated of its feiv inliahitants in 1930. .\lotititliatteii. c:iiite as a great shock I-'roiii that time tintil I957. isheii a Rtiytil Air Force unit arrived to set tip a to iiiatty people. The coiititess died in had only the great Atlantic rollers her slccp at .ll.‘\\{‘lll|ll. North lloriieo. rocket iiitpact spotting station. the islandhreak the silence. and the cries of its colonies of sea hirds to mi lit-lirti:ir_\' 20. The rocket impact spotting station‘ had to leave again in worsening cottThe body of (‘oiintess .\loiinthatlen was llowii to litiglaiid and alter rest- is now niaiiticd hv a detachmeiit of ditioits. and before ltc had time to ing at Lord .\loiiiithatten‘s country the Royal Artillery on wliat must he conduct his .scr\'it.'cs‘, A storniv 24-hour trip back--zi home. flroadlaiids. Romscy. U\'I-‘I'- the loncliest Service post in the UK. call to .-\dani;mt——and the next night. was taken to Portsiiioiitlt for The "bright lights" of St. l's'i_ld:i phone in the Operation "Christtttas burial at sea in aecordaiice with her consist of a Niss-cit litit rccrealioii stage room situated oil the rock-hound Carol" was under way, wish. The Royal l>'ign;il.s on St. Kilda The collin was taken otit to sea in shore of this two-mile by three-tiiile ll..\t.S. Wakeftil aitd the fiitteral I island. but with increased activity in and the (‘oiiiiiiutiicators in .-'\daniant service took pl:ice about I2 miles l pastimes such as clitl climbing. foot- established radio contact-an aircraft hall. swimming and even bird dropped carol cards—'.tnd the carol south of Portsmouth. At the request of the Indian watching the spirit of the new in- service in Adamant was ioined by the Government. the Indian frigate liabitants is high. The occasional St. Kildans grouped in their recreaarrival of the stores boat front the tion rooiti. around the loud-speaker. Trishul escorted the Wakeful. The Archbishop of Cante_rbury. m:iinland provides a link with civili- Reception was loud and clear and by sation attd. of course. the eagerly- all accounts, well appreciated. Dr. Fisher. condticted the service. At a later date. January 19. during In guldition to Earl .\‘lou_ntbatten awaited mail. Adtimant visited St. Kilda in July. a spell at sea with the 3rd Sm. and ntcmbers of his family. the frigates, Blackwood and mourners incltided the Duke of Edin- 195‘). and the ship's company had an Squadron the island and Exnioiith. the squadron chaplain burgh and his mother. Princess Alice energetic dziv exploring meeting the men of the tracking sta- managed to get ashore on the island of Greece. The lndian High Commissioner tion. 'l'hc Squadron Chaplain celebra- for two hours and conducted Evencelebrated Holy Comniunion was represented on board Trishiil by ted llolv Conimtinion for those on song and the island and arranged to pay with the men of the unit. Capt. J. David. LN. As a result of the ever-gro_wing another visit to hold Christnias serfriendship with the St. Kilda Detachvices for these lonely warriors. As Christmas‘ approached weather ment. the Commanding Olficer has forcasts became worse and when on invited members of the squadron to December I6. the Chaplain set oil spend some leave on the island. This for St. Kilda in a trawler from Ben- is being considered and no doubt next becula on the mainland. it was blow- summer some Jolly Jacks will be ing a force eight gale. Shortly after watching some real "birds" on St. arriving at St. Kiltla. the Chaplain Kilda. _



Royal Navy to take copy of Laws of Oleron to place of origin beginning A

of June th_i<,Y¢'~"' T the the sixth century of the origin of the Admiralty Court of l‘-.nglatid will hc celebrated. The central feature the celebration is to be a service at St. P-.oil's Catliedral on WcdnC<%l¥l’June I. planned in conjunction with the Admiralty. at which the Archbishop of Canterbury will give an address. The Lord Chancellor. the Lord Mayor of London. members of the Board of Admiralty and of the Admiralty llcncli will be invited. and it is hoped that the service will be attended by other representatives of the Royal Navy, the legal profession and shipping and coniiiiercial interests front‘ (‘omnionwcalth. colonial and overseas


Vice-Admiral H.

M. Burrell. C.B.. C.B.E.. Chief of Naval Stall‘. Royal Navy, v'u_iited ll.M.S. Vernon very appropriately on Australia Australia}: Day. He rs seen meeting the Australian ofieers on the stall’ in ll..\l.S. Vernon accompanied by the Commanding Oliicer. Capt. M. C. Giles, D.S.0.. 0.8.1-2.. G.M., R.N.. and Cdr. II. E. Bailey. D.S.C.. R.A.N.. bend of the lnstructional Tactical Section in Vemon



began her third cont- rcsent l._vn.\. when she sails from February I6 with a ome waters forthesouthAtlanticand lively commissioning service held at South Anierieas Station in N0\'t.'ll1hL’t' .t\t.S. Lynx mission on

Portsmouthin brilliant sunshine. which made the occasion a cheerful one. despite the ship bcing in the middle of an extensive refit and in dry dock. The service was conducted by the Rev. John Armstrong. R.N.. who is to succeed the Ven. F. D. Blunt. R.N.. as

Chaplain of the Fleet on March 15. Lynx is the tenth ship to bear this name. All her predecessors have been small ships. but they have taken part in every major British naval campaign

since the Seven Years War. when the first Lynx. a ten-gun sloop. was launched 199 years ago.

The SlX_ll_t Lynx played an important the



l-ivingstone's expedition. so

will be able to claim an of this year. association with the African

historic continent.

In the meanwhile the refit is expected to be completed in April and then. after working up at Portland. Lynx will join the Home Fleet tintil autumn. The ship's new Commanding Otliccr is Capt. R. A. Begg. R.N.. a gunnery specialist. who commanded the Battle class destroyer Corunna in the .\lcditerranean in 1954-5. In the following year he was Executive Otlicer in the Warrior. and in his resent tank hasspent two years in t e Admiralty as Deputy-Director of the Gunnery Division.


,-\I this seriice an illuiiiitiatetl copy of the l.:nu: of (lli.-roit. one of the sources of our Law of the Sea.; will he h:itttli:d over to the Royal‘ .\':is_\' to he trikt-ii in one of ll..\l.: ships. :is :i i-ilt. to the people of the

lslaiitl of (lleroit. near La Rochelle.‘ ohcrc the lllllltli antiivcrsary of the proiiittlgatiiiii of those laws It) Eleatiiir of .\qtiilaine. wife of Henry ll of l~Itii_-latiil. is being celebrated lict\\cert .liittt: 9 aittl I2. The \.'L‘lL‘l‘f1llltVlt in laitttlott will c\tcttd t':om 'l'ucsilay. .\lay 3| lll‘ 'l'hti:sd.iy. lime ‘ It is hoped that it will ineliitlt: a (ion-riitttciit tcecptioii. :it which the Lord ('h.iiicclloi' and the‘ First l.l‘ltl of the :\tltiiiralty would he the hosts_ tltlicr eiitertaiiiiiieiits will he given each day by sltippitti! and coinnier:i.i| bodies in this country.



has lieeii stated that Rear.»\dniir:il Sir .\lurra_v Fraser Sitelcr. who died aged 87 on I-'ehruar_v 3. was the creator til" the Royal Naval Air Service. In I908 he bccanie the Inspecting

('apt:iin of .-\irsliips-—the only fornt of flying with which the Navy was occupied at that time‘ but with the formation of the Royal Flying Corps in I912 he established its Naval wing which became known as the Royal

Naval Air Service. He was the pioneer of various activities and one activity was that before the First World War he worked on the production of launching gear for the discharge of it torpedo from the air and in consequence history was made when :in ammunition ship and other enemy vessels’ were two torpedoed from a seaplane during the

Dardanelles operations.

The Royal Nuvq’s clmice since 1805 .' For over 150 years St.\t0.\'1)s line lJL‘('l‘.i have gone down well, alloztt or asliorc. Today Si.\io.\'iis beers are better than ever—.-:-troiig, beautifullybrewed, full of flavour. Try some _l.0ilay l


only landing at St. Kilda is loti shallots for the ship's hoat at low title. 'l‘lie sliip‘.-.' limit is lying oil" and liberty men are landing itt :i tlat-hottotiied ho-.il—vtarping into the ietty


at St. Kilda. The

H.M.S. H.t\l.S.

Torquay ‘Adopted’

Torquay (Comiiiiinder B. ll. G. M. Bnynhtim. R.N.) was “adopted” hy the citizens of 'l‘orquiiy at til pleasing ceremony in Portsmouth Dockyard on l-'ebri.iary 23. Gifts were exchanged at the cereThe cercttiony which took place on the ship's quarter deck in the presence mony—Mrs. Haarer presenting a of the ship‘s contpatty ziiidtlieirfriends. silver rose bowl for the wardroom, and Councillor Stanway presenting a was attended by civic dignitaries from for the ship's ‘l'orqiiay- —the .\layor and the Mayor- large tape-recorder which was received by ess. Alderman and Mrs. J. F. l-laarcr. company. preand the Deputy Mayor and Mayoress. C.P.0. R. Clover. The Mayor illuminated Councillor and .\trs. H. Stanway. sented to the ship an address recording the "adoption." Cdr. Baynham handed to the The London and the Kent. the last Mayor a painting of the ship. The mayoral party, which had two of the four "County" class guidedmissilc destroyers. were laid down- dined with the captain and officers on the London at Swan Hunter & the previous evening. toured the ship Wighani Ricliardson’s yard at Walls- after the ceremony. the Mayoress and end on Tync—on February 25. and Deputy Mayoress receiving. bouquets the Kent at Harland & Wolll‘s yard from Junior Seaman P. White and Ordinary Seaman R. Latimer. at Belfast on March I.






READING, l’l)ll'|‘HM()ll'l‘ll,I'l.\'.\l0U'l'H, ETC.





March. I960


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March. I960




FILM STAR ATTENDS SHOWNavy Days IN NARWHAL Cary Grant visits Faslane

Cary Grant visited the base Fuslane Tuesday. February 2. to keep MR.delayed appointment with the Third Submarine Sqtradrun. at



have visited mc Squad. mn fin ];,nu;,,y 25 m present 3 now] pmnficrc of his hue“ mm --()pcr;,,iUn Petticoat" in the Depot Ship Adamant, hut sickness prcvcntcd his attendance and the premiere was cancelled. "Operation l’ctticoat" is a hilarious comedy centred around :1 wartime U.S. submarine. was ,0


i:ntlm_si:ism ofofour guest Ilieliotiest his obvious_er.ioyntcnt the day and titan with the suhnt;u_'rnrrs' more made 0‘ ""3 "D (“F ll"; (l|—‘~"D|'"‘|_"""¢"l "19 we“ ¢4|"¢°ll¢‘l mm T’“'""'-‘"3


AVY Days will be held at Chathatn April I6-I8 and as this will be the last occasion for such an alinir xi.‘ Chatham even’ ellort is being made to make it a "bumper" ellort. Physical Training Instructors front the Note Command are to give :1 high box vaulting displav. which will also include :1 trampoline demonstration by lS.R..-\ (irant who is it Navy high diving expert. Thcri: will also he .1 parallel har tll\pl:IV. The establishments and ships contributing to this event are R.t\', liarracks. R..\l. Deal. l’l..\l.S. (iattt:cs and ll..\l.S. llartland Point.


Mr. Grant. accompanied by ten-

resentatives of the .l. A. Rank lilm distributors, members of the press and photographers. arrived on board Adamant in the mid morning. met the Captain and was shown round the



in the aftcrnon the party ctnharltcd in ll..\l. Submarine Narwhal for a two hour submerged trip in Loch Narwhal carried out normal tornctltr exercises during the trip and also showed how cinema was organised in the cramped space of a submarine. The film was "Operation Petticoat" of coursc—a submarine lilm screened in a submerged submarine with the star of the lilm in .1ttcnd:tnce—not


Cary Grant with Captain S.lM.3 (Captain J. u. Adams, on the quarterdeclt of ll..\l.S. Adamant

There’s always illn fiilemuriam Ronald

Reid Ewen, Marine. R.M.l00l2. R.M. Depot. Deal. I)ied January 27. I960. Lieut.-Colonel J. D. De‘Ath.

D.S.0.. M.B.E.. Royal Marines.


Depot. Plymouth. Died Feb-

ruary l. I960.

Frederick Archer Whiting. Radio




I’/L958880, H.M.S. Alrlltander. Died February 2. I960. Lieut. P. G. C. llallant. Royal Navy. II.M.S. Fulmar. Died February 3. I960. Richard Julian. Junior Seaman I. P/J.9ll3889. ll.M.S. Ganges. Died February 6. I960. Lieut. R. W. D. Westlalte. Royal Navy. Il.M.S. Victorious. Died February 7. I960. William May. C.l’.0. Engineer-

ing Mechanic. I)/K.‘(.97-194.II.M.S. Pellew. Died February 7. I960.

Miss E. M. D. Stapleton-Atkins. A.R.R.C.. Superintending Sister. Q.A.R.‘\'.N.S.. R.N. Hospital. Haslar. Died February 8. 1960. William Thomas Cornish. Cook (S). Pl.\I!\'.583-ll. II.M.S. Solebay. Died February II. I960. Alec Daniel Jones. Junior Radio Electrical Mechanic (A) l. I./F. 975727. II.M.S. Heron. Died February I4. I960.

Nore command wins W.R.N.S. inter-command Badminton HIE I960 W.R.N.S. Inter-Command Badminton Championships were held in the (iymnasiunt. Royal Naval Barracks. Chatham (by kind permission of Contmodorc L. W. L. Arglcs. D.S.C.) on Fcbniary II and I2. For the lirst time an open singles championship was held. the reason being that there are to be single» well as doubles in events as the Inter-Service liadminton this year. The Inter-Service llrulntinton :5 due to take place at the Wimbledon Squash and liadminton Club on March 3| and April I. The number of entries for the singles was most encouraging: the standard of play was high and proved that we have sevcral hood singles players in the Service. The (‘up was eventually won hy I...vWrcn .\l. Dunning. (/‘\dmiraltv Unit). who beat (fhicf \\’rcn Kcv:s (R.l\'..‘\.S. Ycoviltont H-6. H-9. :n an exciting linal. l)()l.‘l!l.l-ZS The doubles events nrovcil cuuallv exciting and the standard of ttlav was considered to he higher than last yc.'.-r. Some very Close mzitches wcrc nlavctl. and the linal remit was not known until the last match. in which (Cmtthtm-(Iin Column 3)






welcome in Australia O



EPORTS from ships returning from Australian waters indicate the 1‘'popularity of such visits. For example. 40 ratings of lI.M.S. ‘inisterre.



Created by industrial designer Brooks Stevens in collaboration with Naval architect Douglas Van Patten. the “.lets1ream" is a l6-loot mahogany plywood runabout. with two I3-foot pontoons mounted to the hull on folding arms. It was coutmisetioned by Evinrude Motors. outboard motor manufacturers. as part of their continuing programme of new boat design. Good pcrlonnance at low speeds is achieved when the boat rides on its “primary” hull, with the pontoons raised (top picture). Boats utilising the hydrofoil concept have tended to have poor performance at low speeds. Fine performance at high speeds is attained by lowering the pontoons as the “Jetstream” approaches the maximum speed obtainable with the primary hull. The maior hull then rises clear of the water as'the boat

begins to plane on the floats (bottom picture)

—()ri.-rmrm A.rroc_itrItf.r. Nrw (Pltotngrup ...‘_

while the ship was at Bowen. travelled inland at the local counei|’s expense to the Collinsville area to spend two days with_ families on farms and sheep stations, racing. shooting and attending keg parties. The ship's company were also Bunhury Jetty to H.M.S_ l_l:tndafl"s introduced in Bowen to the game of otlicial party. The engine and Vlg0l:0, which sounds just the sort carriage had been in service for over of game to be played in Australia. 40 years.

The local ladies‘ team was found too strong for the visitors, althou h the lunch prcviottsly given to t c 30 sailors in H.M.S. l7inistcrre's team may have had some bearing on the result. (For the uninitiated. Vigoro is ti game with similarities to both cricket and baseball.) H.M.S. I-‘inisterre spent Christmas in Melbourne. and as a result of advance publicity by the Lord Mayor‘: departments. over I50 invitations were received from Australians who wished to entertain the Royal Naval personnel. and during the stay further invitations were received. PIRATES COLL.-\PSI-I II..\I.S. Solebay and lI..\l.S. l-‘inisterre gave a party at .\leI-






'_‘._ ..., Y




HIGH SPEED TRIP H_.M.S. Lagos had earlier steamed at high speed for live hours to Sydney to land an acute appendicitis case. Earlier, in the Coral Sea on December she had transferred .1 rating by H.M.S. Centaur after he 1:tcltstay_to had received rt telegram reporting his father dangerously ill at home in Wrexham. N. Wales. The rating was flown to Sydney and within 24 hours receiving the telegram he was flying '




I save!


bourne for 80 orphans. The ships are said to have sulfered only slight structural damage but three pirate helpers collapsed from exhaustion. H.M.S. Solcbay had full programmes of sporting and social events Of course I try to. But my pay’s not enough to at Townsvillc and Mackay and in save anything. Melbourne the hospitality was overwhelming. Twelve ratings were given That’s what I thought when I was your age from 21 week's December '.o leave a until someone showed me the Progressive .lanuary 2 and all successfully hitchScheme. I only had to put aside £3 hiked from Mzickay to Melbourne and a month by Naval allotment but when I leave were waiting as herthing party when the ship arrived. Over 6.000 local the Service next year I can collect £855. Townwillc visited the ship at people Sounds too good to be true. Where's the catch? and Mackay and 200 newly made friends were o.. the jetty to say fareNo catch. And if I had died at any time my well on January 2 at Melbourne. H.M.S. Llandall and H.M.S. Lagos Which will you take? also reported countless otlcrs of tradi- ‘mmedm 7' ' 5 ' avmg’ ’ Pm o' for the pension becausethere’: tional Australian hospitality. At Gec- Scheme and Life Insurance rolled into one. . with 1t—I can get a right long H.M.S. Ll:mdati'was visited by , _ hadn ‘or I on 22 signed 3.800 people in 3; hours on vcm you cash advance the run of a new New“ Year's Day. while at Portall Imed land, H.M.S. Lagos had a total of I ind done my nine years9 as “ad an-extra pension o oo an WI owar 6.500 in one afternoon. (The normal to and the wife and familysafe in our own population of Portland is only 4.000 paid premiums for 7 years, I could have to 5.000.) A special train, reminiscent drawn £234 to help set me up in Civvy home—well, it’: the kind of security we all of Emctt. brought guests along the Street. Now, after 22 years’ service, I shall want,



yvife we-‘lg hav;°r:c'~:;ed _t‘!;e whosle £855

Svppgmng .


‘nouns’ :gu‘me



53“? “*9



players were nominated for further trials for the R.t\'. Women's team. The Badminton \\'.'l\‘ thoroughly cnioyed by those who played as well as by the spectators. As thit is possihlv the last time the litter-Comnnmd lladminton will take place in Chat~ h:un. it seemed lilting that Note should win the Cup, which they last won in I956. .


—Send this coupon





np_forta {ohkalreadyz






Uoulldll ID’,


to 246 London, E.C.2Please send l'ull details of the Progressive Savings Scheme

Name Address


about all thisi’ TI1at’s easy. Ask the Provident Life for details of the Progressive Savings Scheme.

How do you

if I don't need the

cash immediately, a pension Norc Command lirst pair heat Air of £172’ a year when I retire Command tirst pair I5-7. I5-I3 The from civilian work at 65. linal placings were: ' For nmm‘2rr.r Q] the W.R.N.S. the I. Nore. R ptIlt‘ll\". 2, .-‘\ir. fr points; I’m.u'on is £149 a year. 3 Portsmouthil’lvmouth. 2 points. During this chmttpiouslup cittht l(.‘mtti/tuctl front coltmm I )



°Pfi°“ °f ‘akhg ‘be


- - - - - — —



- — —

— — — — — —


....-onnuno....-nu.-.-...-....u----ua....... ...... rec

Raring or Rank


....... ....u.......-u...


........ ..


Age next birthday

......................... ..~..



March. I960

{Newton Abbot could do with



the Newton Abbot branch of the R0yal'Naval Association held “THEN its Annual General Meeting January 29 the chainnaii. Shipinate



Langridge referred to the lack of active support from members. Speaking of the attendance '..t'wonten'.s section. mentioned that the monthly meeting; he said. “I feel that year had been very good and gave this is one of the ways members can details of future events-——onc of which show their appreciation to the com- will be :i jumble sale, Half the promittcc_ At present only about 20 per cccils would be given to the World W. G.



active support tttonthlylRcfugcc

of the ntcnibcrs attend Fund. meetings. The contntittce has worked ,\{r_;_ w_ G_ [__»,ngr;.|gc_ me sccre. llllftl :tlltI_ has been It great SUCCCSS. 1;”); of the wnmcn'5 5cc[ion_ rcfcrrcd ‘"14 I llmlk "10 “MY Wit)’ “'0 C3" to the year's working. the high-light. kccp together is by ntore support front of which was the autumn fair. other members." president of the branch. Capt. The secretary. Shipmatc C. D. E. The l-‘cnton. R.N.. told the memLewis. stated in his report that there bersC.present of the work of the Royal |l2 members. were good muster of shipmatcs for the The details of its giving Navy today. J. H. treasurer. Sltipntatc annual parade and reunion. plans for Brock. said that the year had been present composition. ctc. which are being made. Tltc president. chairman. treasurer Branches within easy reach of :i financial success and there was now «ind secretary were rc-elected to the Chcam are always welcome to put in rt total of over £8l in the benevolent \':irious olliccs and Shipmatc H. a visit when a monthly dance is being fund. Mrs. M, Mills, chairmait of the Leighton was elected vice-chairman, held. The charge is very sntall——only following the resignation of Shipmatc 2s. 6d. Chcam and Worcester Park 1.. Falls’. members are always ready to visit (‘oittmittcc members elected were other branches and attend social and, 1 Shipmates J. Millman. R. Dolbcar. G. other events but the secretary has said , ‘Bonnie. C Nortliway, I. Clilfe. T. that he would like plenty of warnirtgé and Mrs. .\i_ wait. and Mrs. as the branch has a pretty full social! 3]. Polk. .\lrs'. .\lills, .\li.\s Poole Zll'l‘.I programme as it is. i.\lrs. l.angridge were rc—clectcd as Regarding llcrts branch veteran. Clieatn and Worcester Park cannot. HIS year's annual conference iotlicials of the \voiitcn'.s section. The annual dinner and dance will will be held on June 25 at quite conte up to 88 but the branclif is proud of Shipntate Jack \'oung,l Plymouth. Branch secretaries arc in the held on Satiirday. blarclt 26. at ‘the (‘ourieuay Restaiirant. Newton a “young veteran" of 83 who ncveri p0s\'t:$iun of all details. misses a meeting or a social event: .-\l1l\ul. and incidentally works for his living‘. ' over the week-ends. It is said. however. that the branch has to keep a tight rcin on this "young veteran." l cent

Patron: H.H. The Queen

PUBLICITY DRIVE BY THE CHEAM BRANCH ‘Young Veteran’ who needs to be kept on a tight rein (‘beam and Worcester Park branch of the Royal Naval Association F1‘ lll-‘. has appointed a publicity oflicer and he has got off to it flying start.

publicity officer is Shipntate no “eager beavers" to take ollicc. Percy ‘tray and since taking over tltis Tlitre \vcre no major changes, the job he ltas ittanaged to talk the local branclt otliccrs of the year being. press of Mordeit. Wimbledon. Sutton chairman, Sliipinate V. Bailey; vice:ind (‘lieant iitto giving the branch chairman. Shipmate i\lathcw.s'. secrefront page billing, Publicity posters tary Sbipmatc Coc: treasurer, Stripand introductory letters dealing with ntate Cort: social secretar ', Shipmate associatioii details have been placed Stanton. Ci.M.. and wclare olliccr. in no fewer than 50 factories and Shipmatc Palmer. The January dance was a huge public places, All the local authorities have been success and it is felt that the easymost helpful and it is hoped tltat the going. happy atmosphere was a conpublicity drive will bring tlte branch. tributory factor. This atntosplicre and tlte r\\stIcl:illt\ll. to the notice of abound.s at all the dances arranged large iiuiitber of Naval and ex- by the ('hcaiit and \\’orct-sicr Park The



l.\lurphy '


‘NO lirancli. On Satiirday. April ‘J. the limneli LOWESTOFT is holding its liftlt annual dinner :ind




Hl-I .-\ituual (icncral Meeting of Annual I)iiincr Or the sixth III‘: the Dorltiitg llranch of the Royal N.iv.il iitcit who. may be. did not of the Riiyal .\':iv:iI \'.i\.i! ‘\‘§H\v.'l.Illi‘ll piodiiccil no stir’ branch (‘ardilf know the .-\ssoci.ition existed. lt: .\ssociatioti held on .laiiii:ir_v I4. iriscs ttlutc o: less the same "crew liiiitgiitg in new blood with new ideas i l provcrl ht-_voitd doubt. the most enjoy- ‘ iiiititing zilfairs. .ind plenty of cittlitisiasnt. daitcc at the Royal ():ik Hotel. New IIE faith that the Lowcstuftl able in the liranch‘s short history. The year started witlt a very sucPerhaps (fltcain and Worcester .\lalde‘n, and provided the support is Branch of the Ru:-‘itl Naval coitditions tltc freezing Despite dance and on l-'cbi'ii.‘iry ti l t_i.' c\:iriiplc could be followed by a maintained tltcre should be a full Association has in its ollicers was; vailing on the night some pre73 lcesslul gave its annual cluldrciis national publicity drive to give the house and for the first time. the clearly demonstrated at the Annual, braved il1I'.'iI‘lL‘ll. wives friends and members, party. i\ccdless to say cveryoite.y0lIl1g whole Association ti “iiliot in the dinner and dance may pay for .itsclf General Meeting when no changes‘ the bitter elements, and old_. thoroughly C_l1]\l}'¢t.l tlicmanti." and not have to be subsidised. in made officers the and cantR.N. A. l’. Atwill, ('.l!.F... were Capt. sclvcs. 1 be social contnuttcc arc to be Since the middle of 1959 the The social secretary has :1 formid- niittce. witlt (iracc the proceedings opened sltow. branch has been fighting to get back able social programnte ahead of him. The social .~ccrctary and tics.‘- arid the lilrtsl to Her .\l.ijcsty. Later ‘coiti.-rattilzited on a first-class have a full ‘llte l).iikiii_e iiicinbi.-rs on a sound footing and due to the Whit-Sunday is the day of the Jut- president. Sltipmatc Cltipperlield, who in the prograitime under the direction tprograiniiic for the coming months liaid work and support of all ship- land rally aitd as this is the linal one. has worked like a slave to keep the. of Sltipinate "Trig" Wilson. toast- land are hoping to be able to provide ntates the braitch is once again steady or possibly so. to be held at Chat- riteiitbcrs of the branch happy and lllci the (‘li;iiritiait, Vice-cliairitt;iii zsoiiictltiitg for the \\'oi'ld Refugees in hani it is :i "ntust." June 19 is the "wonderful band of ladies" wlto have] master. on ll\ course. and guest. R.S.:\l. (ierald ('ai'ter. ldtic course. ‘the itioiitlily daitccs ltavc been date for the branch annual outing. looked after the intcrc~'t of the nicot- .at|drcssed the gatlicriiig. During the] .\lcntbcis of other braitcltcs and cxticniely siicccssltil financially and A venue has not yet been decided bcrs with a smile on their faces and dinrter a telegram of grcctiitgs was I men still sci-viitg :ire assured of a warm socially, (‘rcdit is given to all ship- bill a number of people at tltc meet- a twinkle in their eyes. get a .\ps‘L'l'.Il read from llcr .\laJcstv to in reply 'w.-Iconic should they visit the brancn. iitates but the real bouquet ntiist go ing niurntured "what about F mention for tltcir cllorts. front the branch.‘ sent ‘loyal greetings to Sltipiitatc Stanton, the social secre- bourrtc’.'" The sltipiiiiitcs of if the Drt.'\L‘lll vcar is Qts {till .it' llte liist lady Vie.--prcsiclciti was tary. for his uiitiriiig cllorts, Over lioiirnc liraitcli know" how the ('heaiit ‘activities as the last year. Lowcstolt created during the eveitiitg, the l Ills‘ l'i:~ti\c season ltis cllorts ensured and Worcester Park sltipiitates valtic llranch is going to be lsettl very busy; lioitoiir llilliitg to Mrs. J. (iraliaiit. that every child got its present. In the hospitality extended to tlicitt Fit The biggest SllL‘CL‘\s' of last year was spouse of the loyal Vice-piesideiit. tel‘.-:iiiig to the support of the sliip- the past. September I? is Iltc date for the parade and iuciitorial service Sliipiitate ('lt.iiritt.in Jack tRattl'cr) llt‘.tlL‘\_ the ladies section must not tire branch “stag outing." Clicant and which was held to celebrate tltcl .\lorgan added his tribute to the work l be forgotten. for any success the Worcester Park is looking for sonic- centenary of the Royal Naval Re.scrvc.l of the ladies‘ coittrtiittee during the branch has had could not have been whcre within reasonable distance of Three hundred shipmatcs marched toi past year. and asked Mrs. (iraliaiti to 5 ziuaincd without their wlioleheartcd C-beam. so any branch which wants the Patrol Scrvicc Memorial and laid; accept the honour. Mrs, Liraham and generous support. behalf of numerous‘ suitably rind brictly replied. an excuse for a “stag night" at their wreaths on lll-I Clisptirt branch of the Royal The aititual general meeting was club should get in touch with Cheaitfs branches of No. S Area. Many shipThe speeches and all ollicial forNiiviil Association regret the lam held on January 22 and a good muster secretary. ntatcs travelled front all over the ntalities completed a ntore relaxed of iiieitibcrs attended but there were It is ltopcd this year to have it country. but although the affair was! atmosphere followed and the evening of the branch chaplain. the Reverend televised and on the radio. the‘ passed with dancing and happ rc- D. A. Vttnstiine who died at the beginning of I-'ebruar_v. The president of the Headquartcrs Standard was §'.'nunions. Near midnight_ the prcscntcd—~-an OlIllSSI(ll'\r greatly to be‘ of the clear night air was erupted with hntnrh. Vice-Ailitiir-.il Sir William Agncfl. the cliainiian. Shipniatc T. regretted. l.owe.stoft members of "(iuu" Port the th_e_rendcring to sorry too that no representative front‘ I)I\‘l5I\|ll Anthem, "Half a potiiid of Bates and other members rcprcscntctl llcadqtiartcrs Roll was present. lard and Hour." by Sliipntate llrert- the Iiiziiich at the funeral tit Runner write home about! It is felt that as tltc tucmorial service‘. nan w ltosc \ ocal l’urisli ('Iiiircli on I-'clirn:ir,\ 9. iiiiist powers was televised consideration should As the year gets into its snide so rant»; equal with R.S..\|. certainly tltc Reunion Artniial given to having do [hg social actitilies of the hrattclt. ltrittain. covered. similarly 1 l’. V. \\’ll.S().\3. .(lit l-cbi'ii;it'_v Li a St. V:iletttiitc's Last year £450 was raised and 16! ldancc was held. .-\ltltoiigli it was a wild sltipntatcs had art cnioyable holiday’; 1 and iiiiserablc night. over ltltl attended by the sea at Lord Kitchcncrk‘ land the atiair was ittosi successfiil. Holiday ‘l-lonte where two beds‘ are‘ ‘there will be aiiotlter "session" on endowed by the Royal Naval .-\pril to with special entphasis oit thc ~B«.-ncvolent 'l‘rust. and llll\ year the. »"l:'a~Ier llonnct." Prizes will be given Lowestoft llranclt is suppoitiitg this [for the best "tiller." 'llicrc is to be a l effort worth-while again. .;". 0'1‘ so very long ago the Fart.-hani liumble sale in April date to be Shipmatcs in need of a good and’ .l‘ branch of the Royal Naval Asso- ltittttoiiitccil late -wliicli .\lis. llalcs is holiday should get in tou_cn_ ciallon cheap was one of the town‘.-i iictivc busy organising. iwitlt the R.N.B.'l. Secretary or with: At this titttc of the year when ltcad~ the secretary of the l.owcstot't brancitj and wcll-supported organisations‘. but iind a "could not care less" qtiartcis finance is very iiiiiclt in ittiitil apathy for furtltcr information. i.attitude has put the lirnnch in ii pre- the ittentbers realise just how ellcctivc tlte lciitiiiiitc side of tlic oi'_eatiisatioit carious position. '1'lie lIll'.X’]it‘Il.\'ll‘CItmisr-ii Codi.’ There are ltundrcds of serving and is. (iospoil'~ is not a large party htll -tt‘i.‘Ii or tt't'tlii-tit tr tiiiidsiiitlil c.\~serviiig iiicnibcrs of the Royal the ariioiiitt of work the ladies get \'av_v in l-‘.::'etiaitt. but when only: thrgiiitli is atria/iitg. lit recent weeks the otlice of WelWherever‘ you go you'll l)t' ittcititi.-i turitetl tip to the 1 seven l aititiial ll‘lL‘.'llt:',' in J.in'.i.:i_\ it \\.t\ ,lc- ‘l-tile‘ '.?Ili.cr has been tensed and lb.proud to owit rt Rorisort. Each ciiled to postpoii: the iii.-ctiiie for a ‘pics;ii' one is Siiirtitnite Soiitlterit. l is lighter prccisioit-eitgiitcemtl .-\lt'to~i-.:li II is c IIE ltlackhall branclt of the Royal itionth. _\ct plaits to wcl~ and handsomely finislicil. i\'aval Association. which has only At the po-apart.-i.l iitcetiitg only l4 L‘t‘ll“.' ~.:si‘iini.- b.~.:i.. -.-s ‘o the (import been in existence just I! niontlis. held iitcinltcis .itte:id-.-d and it was il:ci.I-_-J area zit; l3£:tl'." iit.-il: It is hoocil to Choose your Rortson from thiits tirst annual dinner and dance on; to carry on for aiiothcr year and. dur- ntalsc the sumiiiei .i:i'ini.-s oi liraitcltcs wide range at the I\'AAI«‘I. l-'ebru:iry 27 when nearly 200 xltlp-" ing that tiiitc. every ctfori will be made run more siitootltl) by actiui: as a mates. their families aitd friends were‘ to attract new members :ind. iust tis liars-.-it centre \\'llL‘7L'\t.'l possible l present. iittporlztttl. try to coitlacl those that This large nuiitbcr speaks volumes used to be ll_|Cl1llI..'l'\ and try to tind out for.1lie enthusiasm of the ttlclllhcrs. .why their support was not now fortitllw liililor tli.inl.\ readers wh.'cliildren‘s. a Following tip splendid coming. It would be a great pitv if the havc written to him t.‘i'Itl"\'l'|lll|g llv.‘ when last the shipniates' branch had to close down outing August pmdzint Ill|I'Ill'l'.‘l\ of ll .\l§ /,u|ichildren were taken to Whitley l<lay.. Continuing in ollice are ‘Surgeon tlcttei front \\' ‘ilk i-i l-'-.-hriiart World's greatest Iiglilci-.9 the branch gave a party at (Tliristntas ‘Capt. I‘. ll. Vcy (president). W ,-‘\. ll. l\\tlL‘I when 76 were entertained with tca.. Wye tclt:iii'iti;iit). W Mcgell (vicell :inp.':irs that the sli-p was t'll'l‘£llIand sliavcrs .s|iows and caclt received a present ‘ch:iirnt:it'tl. ll, /\ \\';issi.'ll tsecretgiryt ally "I I3" 'Illtl this was later L‘.lllIll'_.".'tl and l-'. W. (iomcs tlrezisiircrl front liitltcr Clirislnias. lu "(i.l3." .i
















2§:31 .









I irwo














March. 1960



lPembroke House residents d_o


not run

the advent of l9{yt|. \"l'l‘ll .\l:rnagernent ('omtuittee

the \Itllt\ll t-.r~.'rl one rrrlxl-.-nr that of l’crI1l\ml.e llouse t\'.'.\ e.rrl:.-r faced l’crnbrolu.- lltlthc “took stor:'rt" of the ‘Mill. but ll'.‘\\ v.:llt the ltrture of the year. and agreed that I959 was .\'o:c (‘o:rrrn;rrrrl .r!;t-adv determined. ,: rather successful _\t::lt' iii the Ro_v.rl .'lll(l lllitl Hi the Rn_\,r] ,\“;lr.\- ll“.-pildl j.\’aval llcnemlent 'l'nrst's experi- one of \['P.\'tll.tlltll‘l. the Nlirnzrgcmcnt ;’mental outlet for implementing the (‘orntnittcc feel that an early Ro_\':tl Charter. approach to the Sturgeon (‘;.p;;.,‘n over six have shou2.‘. be made for any advice which ‘cars 1 .-\lthou_eh .passed since the first rcsi ent arrived .m:r_y be useful to them in their future .at the Royal Navy's one and only ; rlr:lrher;rttons_ home for aged es-Naval men .rt ' are again estendcd in Kent. stlrill the to the are Variety (‘lulu of (tr.-_-.1 nmuin lfiillinghatn of rt" eonrplexrties running the home. .\t'l _-rnollrcr sisit to Pembroke that the d.ry-to-day \.rri;rlir\ns' show House of l.rnrr.rr_\ [H to ._-nz.-rmin [hc that this experiment ls not yet com- rcs:rlen:~. and to the Roy-..l .\‘;.y;;| plctc. llasieally. lrowercr. the pattern ,“1||!-r~.‘l~%._ who a_c;rrn acted as hosts is l'trlly blue-printed for an t.‘\p;ttt\lt'l!‘. ill Lt -'.‘lllL'l} \.‘tlflL‘t.‘f[ nn ]_|n”;.r)of the idea. and when the ad\o.';rtcs. RI-ISll)l-Z.\"l'S |)l) .\'(l'l' R1.‘-.\' at‘ l'rIi.\\r'.‘.'frtirr' t'c.tli\c that the Welfare State is not the panacea of It is said that old age has lls come.\pcctancy and will not resolve the pern::_Irons: no doubt true it‘ um; i.; ‘problem of \\c|farc of the aged. then a resident of Pernhroke lion“,-_ fn‘-_ on we can hope to see Pembroke House .r.'verr with the vigilance of -matron. H. Johnson. Cdr. H. F. Robertson-Ailtman (vice-president). E. S. Stunden. E. Lancelield. 0. Lenin. C. .-\. l’_hilpu II on the stocks. ..\l:rll and committee. the local police (chairman), J. llendry. F. C. Connel. Eric Barker. 5. E. Lancelield (secretary). L. G. Murray (vice-president. The co-operation of the Royal rkccp a fatherly eye on any residents Sitting: Mrs‘. Standen. Mrs. .‘\lun'a_v. Mrs. Johnson. Pearl Hacltney and Mrs. llear ‘Nmy f-lospital authorities in accom- lwhcn ashore. This was borne out modating those in need of hospitali-' recently when matron received a phone _call one evening from the her that an elderly polrce_rrrformrng the in nude. had been reported man. in the vicinity of Pembroke House. secretary of the Sevenoalrs Hastrly dispatching two members of IIE llalling branch of the Royal of the Royal Naval Association :md branch of the Royal Naval Arso- the stall to make an outdoor search. of the Ashford branch. Shipmare Naval Association may be only a Murray thanked everyone concerned ciatiun reports that the branch. which matrtrn checked on the residents. By small one but its members are “out ‘for the excellent work they had done was inaugurated on November II. the time they had returned matron and about" according to the latest and Shipmate "Tom" Asprey. the 1958. is now over 40 strong and had accounted for all the residents. report received concerning its activimaking steady progress. No. 2 Area secretary. also spoke. and. reporting back to the police that ties. Admiral Sir The Ashford branch thank the Henry Moore. lligh cvcryzlung was in order at the home. 'l'he report mentioned a trip to Clacof Kent. _oflieia||y opened thei was informed. again. that an elderly members from Maidstone. [:.,|k,;._Slreritl' lon last August—:r trip which had wluch are at the stone. l-‘aver-sham. Dover. Whitstable been talked of for years but which man. in the nude. had been seen branches for their I and Ball Hotel. Sevcrroaks. on a most "'Fl||‘l|li||t1" along a road in the vicinity actrrally materialised last year. HE Twelfth Birthday Dinner and ;and New Romney also thank those rep- appropriate day. viz.. Trafalgar ol' Pembroke House. "Running!" had The branch attended the l.ydd iattendancc and Social of the Ashford (Kent) rresentativcs of the Ashford branches I959. when _he was piped "on board" and Dtlngeness l)cdication cereruony. branch of the Royal Naval Associamatron. “had you givcn nu; in of the true Old and this the the Contemptibles. seamanship style information at first I could have Royal Twelve from this small branch were tion was held on February ti and "main brace" and was AssoArtillery spliced. that this man had no contold‘you present. of the ciations who Royal Engineers surprises were the order The branch has now cricket were present. a team nection with Pembroke House." The :rnnual dinner of the branch evening. which The Heme last season played Chatham Bay Concert Party put The home is again up to ftrll comwas held on November 1-4 at the Shipmatc "Don" Murray acted as on a show which and other and will be long rememthis year is branches, the latest recruit being Mr. branch headquarters --the Five Bells at quartermaster and the branch vicelbcred forward to a successful W. C‘. Usherwood. cx~C.l’.0. who Hailing, The landlord. Shipmate Friar, president. Cdr. H. F. Robertson Aik- larrangcdby all. The linal surprise. looking but more players are required. joined on January I and has settled by Shipmate Murray, was season. is vice-president of the branch and as man. R.N., and notable guests were Since inauguration visits have been down satisfactorily.Keeping the home he was retiring from business the piped aboard. Unfortunately the ;thc appearance of Eric Barker and his wife. Pearl Hackney. of radio and made to Chatbarn. l.ewi\'ltam. Chcam ‘frilly complemented presents very branch took the opportunity to present president. (‘aptain Donald Macintyrc. 'television Pearl Hackney drew and Worcester Park. Tonbridgc. etc.. little problem indeed. in fact. the only him with a pipe rack. l).S.O.. D.S.C.. R.N.. was unable to the ticketsfame. for the competition and and on its home ground the branch problenr existing is the ever present This presentation had a sequel. for be present owing to illness. His has had many social evenings. some .Chathnm shipmates were present deputy. the vice-president. after an handed priles to the winners. warring list for which at the moment "Sunset" The sounded was at 2345 and. that secretary says when the Ultlttal member of the llalling c.\r.'¢llctIt dinner proposed the Loyal any serving there is no solution. With the bright the White Ensign or being lowered member of the Royal lweather just around the corner. howby ex-serving branch. Shipmate Saunders. handed Toast and read two telegrams, One Standen, "boats were Navy living in or near Sevenoaks is ;ever. there may also be bright ideas Shipmate Friar the rack and the Chat- was from Hcr Maicsty The Queen Shipmate ham shipmatcs decided to complete and the other was from Admiral Sir lowered and all pulled away tired but more than welcome at any time. ;for an easement of this position. Meetings take place every Tuesday. ‘ the presentation by adding a pipe. W. \V. Alan and Lady Poland. the past- [very happy." This presentation was made on president and his wife. now living in behalf of the Chatham members by Cornwall. the Area chairman, Shiprnatc Gower Saying that the branch was one of at Halling's anntral general meeting the most go-ahead in lhe Area. on January 8. Colonel J. E. Bell proposed the toast .






Surprises the order the evening














Vernon _e2idets win



of Soviet naval oflicer Training boxing cadets being modified cadet fails

remarkable performance. The best boxer on view was untlonbtctlly 13-year-old Stuart Oliver. From the first hell. Oliver had to stantl up to a wild but strong barrage of punches, He took them all ; —-a




than three e.\:uns in one term he has to cotnplcte four ycars asittll ordinary ,sc;rman. 'l'o gain :r comnuw_on he must also pass eight more

State e.\anunatiun.s. VI-I

.7.l'El.r\ DRASTIC overhaul of the education .s_vstcm for Soviet naval ollicer, South American navies lt;r\e been on gloves. arms and shoulder: cadets is being implemented to bring their training tuore in touch with rrn the news on several occasions in the second round started to the life of ordinary Russian citizens. the past few \\'e‘L‘l\‘\ and the repon of To be a naval otllccr in Russia has. ample. received important nri\'ilt:_t:cs an unidcntilicd submarine being I-Tl-ZR the preliminary bouts of score with well—chosen hooks to the located ll‘l .:\rt:cnt:rre \\'.'llCf\ lr.-p-, he piled on the in the past. been a mark of social and often the Portslnutrtlr Cornrnzrnd Inter-'‘head. In the third had to give place study to focused attention on the urgcn: need and put his opponent t(‘.rrl.-t distinction and this "class consciousEstablishtrrerit (‘adct Bovine Chum-, prcsstlrc in training. But. of the spite athletic for modern zrnti-srrbmruirre \c\\r:ls in Doe from ll..\l.S. l)ry;u.l) on the tress" was fostered by the training social advantages otfcrcd pionships. ll..\l_.S. \_'ernon found canvas to cadets. with a perfectly timed hook to RV\lCl'll itself which dwelt largely on working standards the continent. lht.'tIl\'t.‘l\'c\ lirnt tavourrtes. nrlh seven were high and the temple. One South American power at least political theories and the hours long usually 15 hours a day. lina|isl~'. [advanced 20 There is are over boys waiting lcreation of intellectual and physical These stanrlards will be maintained taking steps to build up an anti'll1is success can be attributed to the is Vernon This the Cadets. not Good athletes. for ex- but in addition cadets will work in subrnarine force. Recentlv the Vene|"supcrn1cn." kecuness of the lllslrtlL‘llt3tt:rl stall. to join looking at the wide range I destroyers Nueva [-Isparta and zuelan and be C.P.(). llrookes. four l’.()s. and one. surprising. in touch kept with and industry Ztrlra completed thcir_trials after [icing r\.li. and the team's own ctttlntsiasttt. of their :rcti\‘ilic\. agriculture. Leisure time will be more and combined Vernon -the Victory Supervised and will largely be taken under relit at the l’almcrs. llebburn Trzrinirrg has already started for the well directed by l’.(). l). A. Bartlett ‘Field this held be to year at yard of \’icl.crs-Armstrouu, The relit who trained them. The cadets com-; the (inn Tourrrartrcrrt held during liastcr Camp with of study up "mock ship models. Chickerall near strnnncr. arrti-srrhrnarirrc equipment in these ‘the Army Camp at of fortably won the tcatn trophy on the; l’rep:rrations ups" different and the weapons are almost complete for Weyrnouth. Altlrouglr only completed fotrr linal night. with 23 points. reversing showing of visual aids such as film vessels. or live years ago they lacked any last year's result when they were \llll‘J$. anti-srrhrnarinc weapons. runners up to |l..\l.S. l)r\‘ad. l Tics with the Fleet will also be ahead-tiring their relit they have been The ltltllltatllclll was a personal ‘strengthened and during 195‘) cartels During titted with squid tltrtrl;rI's. A third ship trirrrnplr tor captain of the Vernon went to sea in the cruiser Sverdlov for training. Younger cltrsscs spent the of the class, the .'\l‘:tl:tl;t, is to be team. l’,(). (‘adct R.r)t'r'toIId Stevens. taken in hand t'oT similar wo:k Ilc won his bout against plucky ; summer in camp in Korelia. in the far shortly. Vctte/ucla :ll\t\ has a number Ronald White from \'ictor_v and was iuorth. learning to swim. sail. and do of light destroyer up: \lllI3\ built in the proud receiver ol‘ the trophy at ! elementary seamanship and signalling. the end of the evening. White took The old cruiser Aurora. which is Italy during the last four \c.:r~. moored as a permanent memorial to a terrilic harnmering in the first two l'l‘.—\l.Y rounds front the taller. strohgcr the October Revolution of l‘)l7 ll stthntaritte‘. small_lnrntcr-killer Stevens. htrt still came back for more Leningrad. is also used for training theA Marconi. has recently been canin the third. With only a few seconds -senior cadets in battle routine. celled and her name has been given of the round to go. however. White It is hoped by the Party chiefs to tr nuclear-powered which submarine was trnable to defend himself and the that this modified training will pro- may shortly this is be laid tlown. referee stopped the borrt. duce not only good oflicers but also the lirst ollieral news of an lrzrlran It was a night of disappointment good Soviet citizens. Nearly all the nuclear'kubmarrne. for Raymond Barber. He was a _firm cadets have atliliations with the favourite to win his borrt. but lilllcd. UNITED S1‘A'l'l-IS Communist Party by the time they knuclicll be He had three less teeth to finish their training. Nc\\‘s of the scrapping of the out after a visit to the dentist that Quite apart from the rise in social veteran crtuscr Attgrrsta will revrvc ;rllr:l't'loun :rtrd this clearly :lllL‘ClCtl l status which membership of the Party I many nrentortes among those who hi, p.,~rfornrance. (‘adet Collinson. it also helps with promotion -served 5n the Prince of Wales during ‘brings. in the take limits. to unable was part prospects. llrer lirv comrnission. The meeting of liourner tone of triplets in thc in some naval schools the cadets 'lllc\t: ttvo ships in the early day»: of \*,_-mo“ force) replaced Collinson and may be citltcr entered direct from the w:.r and the vital conference the in civilian life or they may be sailors {between their two inrporr;un msgave a plucky performance beaten. but was semi-litral. alrcadv serving in the Navy. 'I'her-: j-.ertgcr~. .\lr. Winston Churclrill and introduction I). after A. liartlezt: (':t‘.l':!- (frrruchcr. Oliver. Steverui. llttrlield. tare two terms during the year and Preside .t Rtltl\t.'\'t.'ll. resulted in the a I2-day Logan his bout listierrtls also won Fletcher: .-\.Il. .\l. Ilullatu. l rout: S"-.ttrr.e. llaurncr. Ilarhcr. Cnlllnson. Logan cxarninations are held l'r'et|tIcn:|y. If ;r ‘ .-\t|anti.' '.‘lt:uter. to olli.-ial ,











Centaur wins Far East Boxing Cup POPULAR TRIATHLON CONTEST AT _,..




in the Navy for the last 42 years!" (At this juncture of the speech there have been attending boxing contests opportunity of reminding you that I were loud cries of "get some sea service in!" "Sign on!“ and "rhubarb! rhubarb! rhuharb!") But the Admiral. a demon for fun and iollity. merely threw his head back and laughed at the reactions of the crowd. lle cracked a few more iokes. presented the Cup to H.M.S. Centaur. and retired from the ring in a deafening burst of applause. Points Cliart.——Centaur 2!: Belfast 9; lst D.S. 8:’8th D.S. 8'. 9th D.S. ll; 3rd l-'.S. 5: 'I‘crror l; l0tli S.M. 2.


sharp whistle pierced the sinoke-tilled drill shed of the Royal Malayan i\'aval llarrarks in Singapore and hundreds of Service men stood to attention as the CoInntzinder-in-Chief Far East Station. Admiral Sir Gerald Glatlstotte. arrived to watch the Fleet Boxing Championship Finals, I960 at 9 p.m. oti February ll. Liglit-welterweight A. B. Foulds (lst Two hours later ll..\l.S. Centaur"; boxers climbed triumphantly into the D.S.) beat A.lJ. Williams (Centaur) on ring to receive the liar East Cup. points in the seventh bout of the which was presented to them by evening. Loud ripples of laugliter greeted Atliiiiral (iladstonc. ’l'lie first botit of the evening was the pcrforritancc of Midillcwigltt A.B. won by l.ightwciglit A.B. l..c-Page llleauey (llelfast) who fotiglit wily (lst D.S.) who had tto trouble at all A.lt. i\le(iuirc (Centaur). lllezuiey. a in pounding his agile lists into slow- stocky. well-built lighting machine.

moviiig ().;\.3 llolin ttith D.S.). llout numb.-r two went to llaiitatitweiglit ()ril. Sea. .\lel’her\on (9th D.S.). i\lcl’lti::~.oii tried hard for ;i l~.llt'|L‘ltt|lll. but he iuxt could not tlzilten the coitrageutts R.l-f..\l. llorgar (lst l).S) who. ilespite a b:id|v battered motith. persistently \lllfl)l‘|lCtl h:ick into action. Flywcigllt N. A. Smith (Centau:) easily outpointed Ord. Sea. Wardlc (3rd I-.8.) to win the third bout. The fourth light was won on a knockout by Light-lteavywcigllt l..R.E.M. llornhy ((.‘ent;uir). His opponent. the sturdy A.ll. .\liisson (Belfast) started well by driving the Centaur slugger to the ropes :ind smashing him niercilessly to the face and body. but

hefty speed and impact of delivery throughout the fight. and when hard-liitling l-lorynby

was soon obvious that his arms would not tnaintain their


conducted ti non-stop assault in the second round the breathless Musson simply could not evade the barrage of (lying leather. He hit the canvas and very wisely stayed there!

A REA UTIFUL PUNCH Heavyweight AB. Bramwell (8th

D.S.) kept shooting his left hand into the face of A.l). Smith (Centaur) and llraniwell won the fifth boot on points. The sixth fight went to Featherweight M. E. Langford (9th D.S.) for stopping E.R.A. Travers (Centaur) in the tirst round. It happened so quickly. Travers rushed into Langford. exchanged a flurry of blows. huckcil away. weaved otit of a straight left. danced into the attack and then Langford released a hard right tippercut which c.-uised his niohile opponent to kiss the canvas—jaw lirstl "Cort wasn't that a beaiitifnl punch!" sighed the m:itt next to me. I agreed. However. Travers tnanagcd to beat the count. btii when he regained his feet the referee decided. quite rightly, that he was too dated to continue.


stood in the centre of the ring and

Drafting hits

serenely explored the sittt:ition with his left hand. slowl\' llltlhllllt! it back :iiid forth. as if he were taking aim for the kill. However. the l)lt\lllC\'Slike McGuire iiibbled away happily to win on points. 'I'llRll.l.lNG CONTEST HE beginning of the cross-country The ninth bout went to Lightseason saw R.N. Barracks. Portsmiddleweiglit A.B. Oflord (9th D.S.) mouth. victors ovcr all opposition. who gained a points decision over but the exigencies of the Service have taken away most of the stars and A.B. Gaigs (Centaur). Welterweight A.l3. Bcllingham (l0th since the New Year. things have not S.M.) was "unfit to light" so N.A. been so easy. Nine tact: have been run. four of Gilbert (Centaur). his opponent. fotight L.E.M. Sealey of H.M.S. which have been wins. Teams comTerror instead. The bearded Sealey peted against were King Alfred's showed great skill and threw acctirate College. Tatchbury Mount Hospital. punches at Gilbert. Sealcy was the H.M. Ships Collingwood. Dryad. winner! Sultan. Ariel l and ll. Excellent. After each light both boxers Vernon. Dolphin and RN. Hospital. presented themselves to the Com- Haslar. Outstanding runners have been niander-in-Chief. who proudly shook them by the hand and gave them A.B. McHa|c. the Command chamsmall tokens of appreciation. Then. pion who has been drafted. Sub.-Lietit. for the presentation of the Far East P.-ipe. R.P.0. Brennan. A.B. Jackson. Boxing Cup. Admiral Sir Geral-.l l../Sea. Forster. L./Wtr. Wright. A.B. Gladstone entered the ring and said: Linn, who has been drafted and "I am sure the spectators will agree Wtr. Caws who has now left the with me when I say that this has been service. H.M.S. Victory won the Aiituma a very thrilling tournament indeed. In fact it isthc most exciting contest Portsmouth Command Cross-Country I have ever seen. and I take this Championships. l959.

barracks team


N most seasons the Royal Navy relies on first-claret defence to Iteep it out of too much trouble on the hockey lield. Thus season the pendulum appears to have swung to the forward-i who have avenged three goals a match so far. .Aftcr drawing with Old King- Devonport in a game in which the stonians (2-2) before Christmas. wing halves and inside forwards all recent results have been: Cambridge played below Navy standard. and University (L. 3-5) at li.M.S. Ganges Gale. the West and England inside after a very close game in which the left ran riot to score four goals; Navy was twice in the lead; Western Western Counties (W. 2-l) at DartCounties (L. 3-6) at Bricktields. mouth in which some tightening up of the defence defeated the same team which had previously scored six goals: Oxford University (L. 5-6) in a rousing battle at Eastney in which no quarter was given on either side and excitement and goals followed continuously. the Navy leadiiig 4-3 at half time. This was a good performaticc against art Oxford side. unbeaten since before Christmas and at their peak prior to the Inter-Varsity i\latch. For the Oxford match the Royali Navy brought back at left half that ycteratt. but still great player. l.icut.« (.'dr. "Jimmy" llamlyit who up to last year captained the Navy and Combined Services :it centre half. It is hoped that the following team which played against Oxford will he :ivai|:iblcto represent the Royal Navy in the Intcr—Services matches:— l..R.O. M. J. Clements. R.N.l3. (Cltatltam): Lieut. l). ll. Ellis. 42 C.l).O.. R.i\l.: Sttb-l.icttt. W. l‘. A. Ellison. R.N.C.. (ireetiwiclt: l.icut. 5(I. ll. li. ltrewster. Tliiindcier (Capt); o Lieiit. R. (i. Stevens. 4.‘. (Z.l).(l.. R..\l.'. Liettt.-Cdr. L. l). llanilyn. l)olphin: ..__................j K. l.ieut.~Cdr. llzirelay-ltrowii. -.a....n .ll.R.N.C.. Dartmouth; Liettt.-Cdr. l. Second Lieut. ._.............._..__.ii-at ' .\l:ictlon;ild. Dryad: ...................§'l 5 ll. l). Cook. -12 C.|).0.; Inst.-Lieut. -_..._...........4Iitl ,A. ll. R. York. R.N.l!. (Portsntotitlt): l’.(). .|. W. llinks. I’.T. School. The following three players have «played in many of the above games and played well tip to Navy standard: Surg.-Lieut. Denham (R.N.H.. Devonport) at inside forward. Lienl. Totikiii (H..\-l.S. Condor) and Sub.-l.icttl. Bowen (Achcran) at half. The Royal Navy's this year's Combined Services players. Licut. Durdcn Smith and L. A. Prescott are unfortunately -ll sea for the lntcr-Service matches and have not been considered for selection.


March, 1960


Shooting, running and swimming F

OLLOWJNG an appeal from the Royal Naval Pentathlon Association to encourage their sport in the service it was decided to hold an Interpart team triathlon competition in the Royal Naval Barracks at Chathani on

l"el:ruar_v 9. ‘the competition proved to be very popular and was extremely keenly

contested. Teams consisted of five people and each tc:im had to shoot. run and swim._ in that order. liach part of the competition was timed and the team with the lowest aggregate time was the winner. There were\2-t teams entered. both the Royal Naval Supply School and the Cliatham liicld Citttts Crew enteied fotir teams apiece and teams. came front ll..\l.S. llartland Point and ll..\l.S. lllaekpool who :ire both Anson ..A.. team “intters of the Royal Naval llarraclts. Chathani. refitting at Cliatham. Inter-l’at1 Team Triathlon ConipetiThe shooting was won by Anson tion. Back row: .l./Seainzin Allison "A" team. which cante from the Seamans Division in llarracks. and and A. ll. Rotith. Front Row: A.B. Naylor and A.ll. White they knocked the live tiles down in Walsh. .\l.E. l'tiuiugiapti. Penitwrokc Stiidiiu I9} seconds. The running was in the form of a relay race. with evety runner doing a lap of the Barracks. which is about three quarters of a mile. was won by the Supply School “B" team drawn from trainee writers and their time was l7 mins. 3 secs. The swimming was won by Anson "A" team. this again was a relay race with the five members of the team the Nippon .\laru (2.293 tons) and each swimming 50 yards. Anson had two Navy swimmers. A.ll. Walsh and the Kaiwo Marti(2.28-l»tons)belonging .\l. E. Naylor and their time for the to the Japanese Transport Ministry's Navigatioii Training listablishmcnl 250 yards was 2 mins. 53 secs. lst. Anson “A" [Se;imen's Division). will sail from Japan for the United 7| points: 2nd. H.M.S. llartlanil States this year, The lflps are lo celebrate the CenPoint "A" Team. (:2 points: 3rd. R.N. Supply School "A" (trainee cooks). tennial cclcbratioii of the JapanUnited States treaty of Peace, Amity (it) points. Commodore l.. W. l.. Argles. and Commerce. The Nippon Maru is D.S.C.. commodore of the Royal expected to leave Japan early in April Naval Barracks. Chatham. presented for llaltimorc via Los Angcles and the the prizes and said that: he was very l’anama' Canal and the ship will take pleased with the enthusiasm and high about U8 days to cover the 20.700 standards that the competition had mile journey. prodiiced and 'hoped that there would The Kaiwo Maru will leave Japan be another one on similar lines held ill the iiiidille of April and will arrive in San I-raticiseo a tnonth later. during the summer.




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In winning nine bouts against the Sheflield horn Rosalie -Witham rejoins the famous Windmill Girls after Army's six and the R.A.f-‘.‘s two at St. an absence of IO years. She first joined the Windmill in D‘ecember. l9-15. Vincent. on February 25. the Royal and left in I949. to go into “South Pacific" at Drury Lane. She remained in it for the whole of the two-year run and then toured with it for a further Navy won the Imperial Services Boxtwo years. She then went into “The Pajama Game" which also ran for two _ing Association Junior Championships 1' for the second year running. years. Married to Brett Stevens. she has n daughter 21 years of age


SUBJECT? Ptl Y_9_l_l_l_t_












ii'i'ih's'i T"."'T.'_'




really trim

you a tire ()l‘¢€I‘ lluoh. Muiy tint-ttni opportumtm are lost because people simply have not heard about them. Your pet sutne~.t—¢vcn it you have

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my Inahltslft of it—rmy be the real future lot you.


IL will em! you nothing to find out. Select your Mlhktl and pout the Coupon. We will then and you a suitable Caner

llool-—l-‘RI-Lliand entirely without obligatho. and you will then be able to prove

esehool of Careers ._.__

for yvwrnclf llul the lab you nlwnyn

mural in do is within your grasp.


Mart-ti. 1950





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ClassifiedAdvertisements SITUATIONS VACANT

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TIIREI-I I-'t.‘RSlSll}2l) R00.\t§. I-‘till we 0! kitchen. ll.'ll"\' iiei.t>iiic_--Apply alter i5 9,‘, Garrett, SS (iot-dvtood Road. Suuthtett.

ROYAL .\'A\'.\L .\lIl RADIO W()llKS|I0l’$ Cnpt-nae-re. Near Bath. Wllttltlre V.4\C/\N(.'lL’.5 l-‘UR lil.lEL'l‘RIC.\l.(ilt..\DE.S


(RADIO) \'.ie.\n:i'c.s exist in the Air Radio \\’orL<h-mt.


.\'.i\.ii store l)er'.ot. (‘om-ii.i:rc, near ll.i:h. \\’ilt\liirc. tor l‘.lC.Ill‘.'.Il l‘tlll'lt. to tie



on the nu-.:ttc:ian;c ol .i.r:t.ilt r.itlitt [III-Ill. lIRlIi\l\‘l'\.\l and l'.\'li'.\l.\'($ I5 cdiiiri.'ncitt_ ,-\mili:.int.\ shiviiltl [\V\\C\$ .i stood ,|ii:r neck. liter‘. tnritli-rt. ,\li., ,\:der_ 53 kiiiiwlrdu ot radio tlicot)‘. .it‘.d lLI\C cutcricnu: l’.irl.. l\ :.ii:.ii. (‘I ritt~d...'.it:t-:ts and repair unit. -in t.idiii





the i.~onimcn;iiii: l‘.t\?i.‘ .’.|lC iil t‘|.t\’ is it-ht.‘ 51!. .i S-d.ti' vtcck (‘I -1-! hOtlf\. In ;l\ltlillI‘l’l .1 merit n.i\ s.l:ciiic t\ in tt:‘ct.i:iitit r.iii.'itt.' lrom (Is. to ‘"\ »\lti:r .1 pr-tt~.iiinn.iiy [‘iI‘l'|~’tI nl l‘t't'|;1!0li'!l(‘tlt it! no: more than three inuiiilit. !.IIt‘\ ul pat’ ntay t-e inert-.i~ed dencndiiie on .'ihiliti' l_l.‘lliI\p€\.'Il\C to date ol entry


lIDL‘Sl£ Pl.'RCIl.\5E. An ideal \€lZClll€ lot tlvit loiikiiig ;.lic.it! l0(I‘, :idt.incc alter three run at low r.ttc ot inicrnt. Mittteaecs repaid in event write tor t.e.itlet. "lhe Ilmnc .-\dinir.iltv ct-nntmmerit contcu certain benc- ot death. the ituored." to I'ltl\ldt.‘Xll Lite Aw».-i'.iii.i.-i ot t'iis. ineliidiriit paid si.-It ltJ\C tIllill€t‘l'|€nl,‘D.1ld puhlic holidays and :i l0l’InlRllI':( anti-.i.it ho:id.i)'. London l.td., 2-tr, llithiinuiatc. London. l1.(’.'.'. ——

Opportunities tor promotion Illl also attic lrom time to time. Ariplieaiioiit. in writinit. Viltlt full details oi _€lDt:rien:e. should he addressed to the (mixerin~Ch.iree. Royal .\'.tt-.iI Aircraft Radio Wurli-

show. Copen.t.rc.


.\.lAX radio controlled raxtt. 2.:-hour service. —-Tci.: l'ortsmoti:h 35333/4 (two lines).

Bath. \\'itt.ihErc.

IT or A I-‘ALT that many ieniec oniccrt .it:d men pa)’ too iniieh tat. l)o

ACCOMMODATION l.s1 XV. Their record to date: played 18. won t5. lost 3. and they have scored over 300 points. Between 10 and 12 of this side play in the United Services (Chathaiii) lst XV each week. “hose otitstzinding perliiriiiiinees since (’hri.stitt-as have been holding London Irish to 6--3 and ilnming with the Canihridge



Sl'Il.I"-C0.\TAI .\'F.l) ftttnlslted ace-imrtindat ion /tdulu oniv.—57 St. l).i\id's Road_ Southsca. IIOUSI-ItIt)l.tI Pltortc 2007-t. .

I7. ()tAl‘l int-lets. Nu linen



i\‘l.iclears Beacon







to ‘Launch’



practically aiiytlting else required lor the home, the |':imily, for sport, for relaxation and leisure hours can be obtained tlirotigli it single allotment to COOPER S

I mu‘ h 0‘


The eonipeiitioii rules forbade the use of Powered vehicles on the next stretch of the ascent. so H.M.S. L¢0D:trd’s team had the engine rcirtoved from the Austin Seven and the ear with drag ropes in towed tratlitional Naval manner up the track to its end by the reservoir. Only those who were present could appreciate the rigours of the





htiilth ‘° l)'tJ!Il(l§ ‘i...“.I.‘i’i.£i'?.‘..§..f...‘"‘.'i'....‘.‘.



" "‘“"'

GIBRALTAR si.iEiiiit 3. VttLLETTA_

.:Ititltni: ztll tl ltlisri_e_i}nltI,' l]'Cl L‘l \;_-'helt_t. him coolini: ict of 3L{l;;,, At last tltc





Maul __,_


\~_J‘ __-,-


. _


"ti-' L; -_


”’"°E"5 5"°"5"“ l““'”Wlllsmnulll




'l‘lll~'.RI-'. IS NO l)0Uli'l‘ AB()lF'l' l'l‘ COO’ l'IR'5 IS 'l'l*ll-I liliS'l' l’ROl’OSl'l'l()i\' I-'OR CRI-Il)l'l A(.'(fOl7\"I'S .»\.'eounts nt:t_\ also he opened lor credit tliroiigh vntir Banltei. l‘li:asc write to Head Ollice at Central Hall. Main Road. l-larw--.-Ii. Tel. 347 . or call at any branch Int lull dt:tail.< or this serv:-zc. (‘()()l’l7.R‘Sfcpl'L'\'t.‘l‘lltll.'\'t.'\.i.sit all outlviiiii \‘l:lll()tl\' l‘L‘tIt)LllL'illl_\ Ill llrtlul to give that t‘u:i'stiii:i‘st-rvit'e For tvliivli thus are rettottitctl. .




uritii: tie : R“ "“‘ "





tats. one


Farlington. PORTSMOUTH




Fitzherbert Road,


‘i quiet Oril.v in‘SealII‘lllTh'l-‘ennell. l t l t l l l l Sgl c l l g itt car. was l in lter lease tltiiii C ltt\\'lll),: him. ‘Tor the



up the narrow. windsix-iiiilc haul Intt track. often with it sheer

oat t|l'l¢h sidli:

sioiietl Ii air in Singapore on January

Careers in Engineering Company of ex-Royal Navy skilled craftsmen as Fitters, Turners, Milling machinists, etc. Good working conditions and rates of pay in new factory. Aboly Personnel Officer-


O t:

H.M.S. DAMPIER RECOMM ISSION ED .M. Survey Strip Dampicr (CI!!D. W. Htislam. RNJ. I’tC0mmt.I-


'l S_l>9le



Lynx reconimissioned on Ft-tiruary I6. (See story on paste 9)






dmiralty Floating

drove him to Constantia Neck, :1 shoiilder of Table Motintziiit overthe famed Constantia vine\‘:irds‘. Here l-'eniiel| transferred to :i waitiiii: Austin Seven. at whose wheel sat Siib.-Lit.-tit. R. C. Francis-Jones. R.N.. 32. of Nairobi. Kenya. whose father tvas the lust man to drive :1 car tip Mountzun. on November 23.

COOPlER'S are able to supply the best in uniform and civilian clothing: COOPERSTYLE GARMENTS are worn the whole








H‘lI0l'QW.‘I' _\'0ll

l.§(_..l....1i\‘0l'l l


tacant .\lareh

P.\R'l'Y front H.M.S. Leopard (Cdr. R. G. Gaunt. I).S.C., R.N.l. servintz on the South Atlantic rind South America Station. recently perfoniieil the unusual feat of (‘:l|'l'_\‘ll)2 it frognian [mm the Cape of Good ion Spa. stepped four paces from the lltipe to the summit of 'l‘-.t|Jle Mountain. it direct dlimtnce of over 26 miles. lighthouse at “the Tip" and was -. promptly strapped into stretcher. The project stcmnted from an in the "lip-to-'l‘op" coitinclilion whose bearers plunged a down invitzition bv the Mayor of Cape sD0nS0l’¢d bl! lllc Cum’ /I'll“! T07 ill“ precipitous slope at high speed.a Town (l\ll‘S. Joyce :\'ewton-'l‘hoinp- most ingenious and the fastest modes liiiicrizini: at the foot from the tinderson) to Cilr. Gaunt to enter xi team of travel from the Old Liizhthousc at crowih. they released Fennell. who pliiiiecd in his froenianis kit into the choppy sea and .stvam under water to a waiting boat. 'lte dock was laid down in Jantiary The boat sped Fcnncll 18 miles to and will be used in the fit— Kalli Bay where he swam ashore and year of H.M.S. Dreadnought, the landed amontt the startled crowds in ': out British nuclear submarine. which the He carried in was an flsltmarket. will cover armchair to a waiting ieep. which eing built at Barrow-in-Furness. Dock 59" is



ti.-uion.-illy tliiplicated entirely without i.l.ini.i-.-c tnr .tuh.\t-uucnt \ll(l\|illL2 to cadets. )0ulh\ and TWO I-'L‘lt!\‘LSlIIZl) It()I).\IS. lfsuat taeiliiiet. ulhcn tutu-eiatcd vtitli the N.uy. l'.I)IIll'llI tor linen or eutlcry. Central and reasonable.- borrowed titnit either bl’ <.‘.’|\h or addiiini-i.iI new at JNoBcreitord Road. North I-ind. l'oitsmoutli. tilnis at arr.iiii:cd.—-ttoii No. \'.‘s' 75.

A team of four otliccrs and 2| ratings, led by Lieut. l. B. Lcnnox, R.N.. 2‘). of Winchester. accordingly wen and on Weditesday. 7 Jam rv the attempt was made. At 9 a.m.. lo the shrillintz of .i hoatswain's call. the frotiman. 0rd. Sea. Michael Fenncll. I8. of Lc:imirii:-



or cutlets’. lE\cnthittit Near l‘ll\_ lfv; earden. .\i\ mmiths tir lull. (.'l.\'H FILMS. Atlt'crti\er Hlsllti to hot’Ionitcr. Rent Ll .t~.—.\trs. iIii!r'.i. Iiii. Sttldt: iow ttxitatc ltmm, colour cine lllttls til .\‘iv.il Atcitiic, (’.ipiioi_ l'.iy:sir.giii]i_ lite and aciitities alloat. I-‘tints iuiiiid tic mo-

hours without Point


stored. mined. packed. \lnnpcd.~\\/trite .& Co. lind Junction. l’ori.tii:uiiili. l’l:o:ie

(Tt).\lF(llt'l‘.\tIt.l'. luniitticit t‘l.-ii.


:tl.N.\’.R.. ants.

Rii_val Niiial Barracks. Chzithzim. Rugby



A tctitcd Income Tn tmiccr to lll’€D.llC_J to autst ion uith your l.'|\ problems. ‘lt-tins moderate. (‘t-miilt Ltciit. G. I-I. \' .\l-M. :0 St. \'in:cnt Ctcucnt. lloindnri.


was. ts



re.ser\'oir was reach -tl land l-‘enell traiisferretl to it ‘stretcher in which his fiiithfttl cortiriitles liii.-ged hint tip the _steep path to ,the top of the mountain



siipplv the very car you


suit your

looking for at a price and terms pocket.

largest selections of used


in the South. avriiliible for inspection and trial at any branch of The llayter Grotip below. Pitulsgrove Motors. Austin Dealers. Soutliiiiiipton Road. Coshnni. Phone Cosliiim 7521-!

One of the


l'Rlll-I-.\l0.\'l-ZY .-\i‘ritetl zit the foot of .\l:iclear‘:g 3 lleacoii. slieerletzs which hail been tlr;i_i:_i:etl all the way from Constantiii -Nek were stviftlv riinzcd and l-'eitnetl f\\‘.'ts s\\'un;.' to the top of the llcacon ihv i;icl..st;i\'. He stood thcrc—th._- fit-st, froiiinaii ever to do so—iust llt)lIl'~i and -t7 itiiittites after leavitti: ‘the "Tip." witliom having set foot to i.-rotiiid in the ineaiitimc. and ended he bctiaii with the shrillinie of 3! |as bo;it.swaitt's call whilst his tired ;;,,_.;,,L.,$ _\,,um,‘_.d ,0 ;m,_.mi0n and




H.M.S. Leonard's ell'ort aroiised widespread iiiterest aitd admiration ‘it l5tltllll Africa. and the prize moncvl was increased from £l.00t) to !'.l.l(lt)l L'3t)tl heiiti: set aside as a special‘ nrire to he shared between the tcamsl frotti ll.\l S |.etip.ii’t| .ititl the (Zinc! l-icltl .'\llllli.‘l'}'. —



Road, Portsbridttc. llilsea. Morris & Wolseley Dealers. Phone Portsmouth 60-H8 l'-.iliiierstoii Road. Soutltseit. Austin Dealers. London

Phone l'oi1.smouth 20939 I-‘rzitton Road. near Rex Cinema. Renault & Standard Dealers. Phone Portsiittitith 2706-I

Piiges Ganges. Northgnte. Chichester. Siiiger l)istrihutor.s‘ lat (‘hlcltesterl and Aus1in I):-alers Phone Chiehester 484-8/5 Eastent Road. by golf links. t\llSliIl l)l"-|ll~'|'S-

Phone Portsntoulli 60948 llayling lslnnd Service Station by the new bridge Phone Hayllniz Island 77705 Portehester Cross Road. Head Ollicc and Showrooms, Renault Distributors and Dealers for Ford. Morris. Stnndttrd. lliltiiiitri & Comnier Phone Coshani 7642415 Bob Hayter Ltd. I6-I8 Crow: Road South. Southsea .\!orris Dettli.-rs Phone 2323! Part Exchattges tvclcontc lliie Ptircliasc .'Itltl liisiirziiice fiicilities llllnlctllitlcl)‘ :iv:ii|.il:lc. I-‘RI-II-I Al)\'l(.‘F. ON YOUR I-LXl'()RT QUERII-LS ‘




Fast and furious battles in squash rackets tournament HOCKEYLEE PROVIDES WINNER CUP NAVY 'l‘lIl-I llottie .-\ir Command Squash Rackets Championships attracted entries only from Lee-on-Solent. Yeovilton and Culdrose. the majority being from l.ee. The distance required to travel for the championship.-i invariably disctittraitt-s some \\()ultI-lJt.‘ competitors and it more practical form of tourna-


In the first round, a fast and furious game of the day. produced another battle resulted in a 3-0 win for creditable performance, despite losing Lieut.-(tlr. Bloomer agairist Father 3-0 to Lieiit. i\l:tgtiire. Slieeliy‘, Lietit. Raymond was the only The tirst semi-linal resulted in a player to concede a game, winning 3-0 win for Walker. as Maguire did 3—l iIg.tIIlSl Surg.—I_ietit, Luinlcy. The not liiid his touch until too late. second iotind produced sortie closer Churchill also was not allowed to get stt‘tii:gle~.. although Surg.-('apt. Curjel going by the speedy Sandersoii, who was well on form to heat Lieiil.- won 3—0. After a rather tentative ('astl.tt:|i. 3~0. I’.O. liaiiibritlge. with start. the final provided sortie enjoyable superior fitness. oiitratt Lieiit.-Ctlr. squash. Walker eiitleavoiired to keep lllooiiier. to win 3-0. l.ieiit. Seaddiiii: Sanderson on the move with alternate and l.ieiit. (‘hiirchill both had 3-0 deep aitd short shots and eventually wins .it:;tiii~t l.ieiit. Jones and Lieitt. even S.inder»on's speed was reduced. R.tytitoiid respectively. resiiltiiii: in three close gaiiies and :1 The four semi-Iiiialists. I.ieitt. Walker 3 -0 win for Walker, who was play(Lee-on-Soleiitl. |.ietit. .\I:igiiire (Yeo- ing in his fourth coitseetitive H.A.C. viltottl. l.ietit. (‘liiirchill (l.ec-on- ('li;iiitpioiisliips. Soleiitl. l.ieut, Sanderson (Yeovilton). Siirg.-(‘apt_ Ctirjel, the eliairinaii of who had all been seeded. also gained the ll..»\.(.‘. S.R.A. presented the 3~(l wins: sotiie of the longest Mergaiiscr Trophy and individual winner and runner-up. r.illies_ were,sgeii..iii.JIie_ins~Ie between prizes to the .\....- .....yovn.n:u t0 Ctlll ......., pleaitics of modern warships require services of some of the most ct‘bk

HE final stages of the Navy Clip Ilockey Kiiocl;-oiit Competition have now been reached with R.N.A.S. Arbrozitli and 42 Cdo_ RM. to meet each other in the final on March 16. Arbroath were successful in their senii-final by beating I-I.M.S. Dryad by 4 goals to 2, and H..\l.S. Ariel II were tlefeated by the Royal .\larine Commando by the saiiic score 4-2,

ment is

en\'isai:erl for

next year.

Improvement in

R.N.B. Portsmouth Football IIIERI7. has been


to man and

maintain them

and cost so much more money. Electronic equipment for Illustrious cost £13,500 in I939. whereas the more complex. and efficient. equipment required iii Hermes. which was conimissioned at the end of last year, cost over £l.000.000. The cost of :i "T" class sttbiiiatiiie in I939 was £400,000 -today's Porpoise class costs


While it is agreed that the cost of 3 modern ship is enormous it is felt that the Royal Navy does not possess


ships and.



aiiother. sooner or later. we must find the requisite sums to build more. “WITH A 11lANKFl,Tf.

:7.nlY l!l".l\\' d )BIl' E l%I }i(y:l-‘I Atbroath and




gave up


good baskets











the large floor space in our showroom we are able to stock a wide selection ol cars to suit every taste and pocket! vehicles to choose from. to

Itinicd and l'iil\li\licd lot and



of how your money grows by the allotment) of


purchase (by



You will have bought certificates which will now be worth about

which 12 teams entered and the Island itself produced tl'-_ree teams for the N.S.R.A. postal league and one for the Hampshire League. The Rifle Club itself continued to raise its quota of .22 postal teams, four in the Hampshire League. two in the Portsmouth and District League and two in the inter-establishment league. The fiill-bore Sattirtlay league continued tliroiighoiit the winter in readiness for the summer season.



simple way to raise the initial deposit money required for buying your own house. Make out 9. monthly allotment for the purchase of TENTH ISSUE

vious experience, A Command interestablishnient league was started. for


23 I/233 Kingston Road Portsmouth



among civilian clubs. proved most popular and ti very fair standard was reached. even by those with no pre-


choice‘ smokingtoday with a RIZLA Rolling Machine cigarette Papers and Filter Tips

Ill-I winter sports season for the W.R.N.S. at ll.\I.S. I-Excellent has been a most successful one. They won the inter-unit hockey. beating ILMS. Mercury 4-2. drew with !l.t\‘l.S. Collingvrood in the badminton competition and were runners-up to ll.‘l1.S. Mercury in the netball. A very creditable record for one of the smallest units in the Command. due in no small part to the prowess and drive of P.0. Wren Gann. who has also‘ played hockey. badminton. netball and squash for the Portsmouth Command. An innovation at Whale Island this winter was .22 pistol shooting. This sport, which is spreading rapidly



For only 9a}d




\-I.\.hl ‘ l I l t cigaret es eijotl




strength. It's the smart thing now to-

Wha1e—Is_1and’s House‘ purchase



lust try this new way of smoking --perfect cigarettes, made to suit your preference in flavour, size and




liarraelts.‘ _l'ortsiiiotith'3


scored ilrawtly gradually crept ahead The United Services (Portsmouth) and finished tip the worthy winners rugby team. after a splendid hardby Ill points to I5. Capt. S. Carver. Royal Navy. fouglit game. beat the Saracens at N.A.S. Brawdy. presented the "Ariel Portsmouth by ten points (two goals) to three (try) on February 6. 'I‘rophy" to the winning team.




football position this term when compared with last term scientists of the day as consu__ although the drafting authorities have but in terms of Admiralty pen done their best to hamper the it _was little more than a handt b:trr:ielis! scientists and engineers; nevertt In the United Services League. it paved the way for the Royal I Divisitin I. ten itiatelies have been Scientific Service of the future, played. six of which have been woti and fotir lost. After a tliret:-all draw Many useful contrihiitions the liarraeks lost to the R..-‘\.O.C. made, particularly in the under team. I'.———l in tlie (‘liaiity Cup. Veriioti warfare field; nor were they tool; the hoiiotirs (t -5 iii the Chalceptive to unusual lines of tli lenge ('tip. they even examined the possibi The llamieks has fotiizht its way training sea-lions to chase into the tiual of the Navy Cup. subiiiarines antl tested a tlieor" The mainstays of the team have seagulls could be made to lloek been Shpt. Brown. M.E. Gawing. their pcriscopes. AJ). Crick. P.0. llarrie. A.B. Strakcr. L.lSca. Hcver who have all SCIENTISTS’ CON'l'RlBU'l‘ited and played continuously throughout the it the scientists‘ season. P.O. Coalcs (now traininit the First World War was useful. .°‘f Field Gun Crew) has also played when Second it was essential. This w‘°"’ he has not been representing: the period of radar, of the Asdic. Royal Navy or the Coniiiiziiid. magnetic mine and the radictrolled homh association


more men


You will have bought certificates which will now be worth about




lNl)I\'lI)UAl.SUCCESSES In other sports the Island shone more throtigli IlltII\'I(Ill.'lI\‘. contributYou will have Sinclair to the Navy ing I.ietit. R. I). bought certiticales nigger. witlt Siirg. l.ietit. lirotigli. Inst which will now l_ieiit, ('dr. Lewis and l.ieut. C'dr. £276 £345 be worth about I-'iddi:in-(ireen playing regtilarly for the U8. first XV. ()..-\. Lyons had a stieeessfiil year with Wziterlooville and Ali. Silsey. the Navy fetttlier-weiitht cliaiiipion and now on draft to ll.M.S (‘aveiidisli. boxed for the Royal Navy tlirou_i:liotit the winter. .-\s l‘t.‘},‘.1ll'(ls Tho lllIt‘l'1‘Hl~ (‘tll'l1(‘(I oii yotir Sll.\‘IIl'.{t-I Ct-.rt.itit:tttesi is free of Income Wrens. Ltlg, Wren Martin and Wren ' Tux rind tloe.-s tint lirtvt-. to he tlo(:l:it‘e(I for Iiit-otiio Trix [)llX'll0:-I08. Dalliiiier played netball for the Coniiiiand aiitt Wren Killington in her first Stiviiigs Ct-rtititratot-i rtro State 1.;ti.'tt-atitcotl. .22 ritle sliootiiig season was selected issuer! in; H.111. I-‘titres .\'ui.vim:is (fniiiiiiitti-r. l.uiitluii .8‘. ll'.7 for the W.R.N.S. Service team. ‘


Ix-lull til the NAVY Nrw-i (‘niiirniltee by (Lite 3: I'otderi l.l|'lllI€\.l. .-\ldcr\hoI

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