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News Navy

Write for special details and advantages of placing your






No. 70

APRIL. 1960

Newspaper of the Royal Navy and The Royal-Naval Association Publislted firs!





Talophono um 30 ROYAL PARADE, PLYHOUIH Be assured of close and personal attention to all of your Uniform and Civilian requirements

Thursday of the month

Price Fourpcncc

ROYAL NAVY LEAVES Help from the sky ‘MOST PROPER PLACE’ Three hundred years’ link severed SHEERNESS


Royal visitor

Ill‘: Royal Navy oflieially left Sheerness at sunset on March 31, and a ceremony on that date ended the Service’.s association with the Isle of Sheppey-—a link which has existed for more than 300 years.

makes tour of Rorqual.

‘Yard huilt variety of H.t\l. closing? ships. ranging front brigztntines used

At the end of the ceremonial down Sheerness I)-vclsyartl will be




trolled by lluiltling Developments l.ld.. l to suppress‘ the slave trade to L500who have purclta-ed the estahlidtmettl ton cruisers. :md has refitted frigates. for use as ;; ll:l(llll‘_.! estate. submarines and Ittinesweepers,



.R.ll. Princess Margaret a tour of the Porpoisc class submarine ll.M.S. Rorqual during a visit to the Third Submarine Squadron in the (San.-loch on March 29. Rurqual. L700 tons standard dis‘-. placement. is commanded by l.ieut.-‘ ('dr. J. A. (i. l’.\':uts, Royal Navy. i After an extensive tour of the ship.: the Princess returtted to l*l.M.S. 3 .~\damant. Depot Ship of the Squadron. i for lunch. and at her request ll.M.S l Rorqual submerged in view of her.

0FFI—C—‘ER’S ‘DASH T0 SICK DA UGHTER A guard frotn the Royal Naval llarraeks.('hatham. and the band frotn the Royal Marines School of Music. Deal. paraded at Sheerness while the Union Jack was lowered during the sunset ceremony. The present and last Captain-in—('harge of Sheerness Dockyard (Capt. P. M. B. Cltavasse. l).S.(‘. and liar. .-\.l).('.. R.:\'.) gave a short 1ll.ltlI'L's\ before relinquishing the contmand.

TIIRICI-I llllNl)Rl-II) Y!-ZARS This simple. short ceremony ended the Naval history of the dockyard. It was in I665 that an H.M. Dockyard was established as an adjunct to Chatham. although for many years before Sheerness had been used by the Navy for the "carccning" of ships. Samuel Pepys. the then Secretary to the Navy. wrote in his Diary in I665: “To Shecrnem. where we walkcd up and down. lying out the ground to be taken on for :1 Yard. to lay provision for cleaning and repuiring ships and it most proper place it is for the purpose." From then on th._~.men of Sheerness l)ockyard helped to play their part in Naval history. From l667. when the tirst boat was completed there.’ the

Sheerness l)ock_vard—onc of the



Sir John Hunt at H.M.S. Ganges Hunt. K.B.E.. D.S.O.. Secretary of the Duke of Edinburgh's Award scheme, paid a visit to H.M.S. Gauges on March 17. Accompanied by Mr. P. Carpenter. the East Anglian Liaison Olliccr of the scheme, he was met by the Commanding Olliccr of Ganges. Captain H. S. Mackenzie. D.S.O.. D.S.C.. IR


Royal Navy. Sir John spoke

juniors in the gymnasium and then presented awards to the successful Duke of Edinburgh candidates. Before leaving the estabto

..\l.S. Dainty was one of 30 ships on a N.A.T.0. exercise in Vt-‘.R 100 miles south of Crete the three-mststcd sailing schooner Georltmdo the Bay of Biscay when news was refrom Naples was drifting hclplc.-oily with her steering gear gone when she ccivcd that the daughter of the Nearly I00 miles away the aircraft carrier ll.M.S. navigating oflicer. Licut.-Cdr. C. put out her distressincall.t\'A'l'() exercise. sent ofl’ Venom and Sltyraidcr jets to Howe. R.N.. was seriously ill and the Albion. taking part a tind her. the As jets were circling the schooner. the carrier steamed at full presence of her father at home was l speed towards them. Closing to helicopter range the carrier sent all‘ two enginnecessary. the damage. As the schooner toscd uneasily on eering mechanics to When the signal from Admiralty :1 swell. I-2.Ms. J. M. inspect Binstcad. of Swindon. and 15. Ferguson. of Belfast. were was received in the ship. her 0 put down on her deck front the winch. While Binstcad stayed with the Italian manding oflicer. Captain J. G. Wells. crew. his tlcw back to Albion to make a new part in the carrier‘: D.S.C.. R.N.. asked the N.A.T.O. workshop.shipmatc He flew back with the new steering gear. repaired the damage on commander. Rear-Admiral C. E. E. board and the two men left the schooner to continue voyage. With the Touraillc. in the French cruiser good luck signals which ended the Navy's help to a shipher in distres went four (iuichcn. for permission to leave the days’ rations to a grateful Italian crew who had, among their other troubles, force and make for Plymouth at run out of food. speed. Permission was readily granted. Bad weather prevented a helicopter from icking up Licut.-Cdr. Howe from t c ship and Dainty made for Pcnmncc. where it was impossible to get ashore and eventually the ollicer was transferred to a launch in Plymouth Sound and an Admiralty car Sales of Senior Service then made for Portsmouth. The Dainty had left the N..-\.T.O. have in just ten years. force on Tuesday. March 29. and Lieut.-Cdr. Howe saw his 21-year-old These figures can mean only one thing— the Sumnne on following daughter afternoon. that ten times as many people now know It is understood that the little girl K that Senior Service give the same is responding to treatment.


lishntent he made an extensive tour around the many clubs to see the various activities in progress. Portsmouth Command beat Home Air (‘ommand 8»-l in the lnter-Command l-'ootb:ill Cup Final in Portsmouth on March 30.

///—~. S



“ft.M.s. GAMI AT MAURITIUS Helps Repair -1 .........


Work tn British cruiser. ll.M.S. Gambia (Capt. W. .l. Munn. D.S.O.. 0.8.!-2.. has been helping in the






' '


rehabilitation work following the two disastrous cyclones which struck the British island of Maurititts in the .—T. Indian Ocean recently. There were over L700 casualties and over l00.(Kl(l buildings were reported 2." Has...» to have been destroyed or seriously d:una_eetl. Approximately 70.000 of the island's population of 600.000 were now in refugee centres and it was csllnlttlctl that 60 per cent. of the year's sugar crop might have been lost in the disaster. Men front H.M.S. Gambia have been employed in erecting telegraph V‘lR6lNlA poles and repairing cables, making emergency repairs to houses with TOBACCO AT ITS material taken from disused buildings eesr and carrying out repairs to the Mare ‘


(Ii-auibia inoculating

A medical olliccr front ILM.S. a child against in an ctm-rgeltcy ambulance station set up in a waiting room at the station. Port Louis. capital of Mauritius.


typhoid railway







Longue Reservoir.










Home Fleet

"ii :-;.‘.‘L1t.'§i ?f§§i:‘.if’.«‘§;?I;.i5.‘.§§;‘;" l'i-t.: Poiiimoiiiti 161:1 (Ext. 2194)

your which served in the Royal i\avy from an of ti l9ll- I‘)-H. woman. the late Countess if any of your readers are c.\.\lotintb:itten of Biirma. ntcmhers of the ship's company or I lirst met her aliiimt 31) years have any anccilotes. photos. clc.. ol ago in .\lalta while serving as it very- the ship iii any staize of its career. l young "lower dccker" under her hits-l should he very _e!.iil to hear from hand. the then l.ictit.-Cdr. the Lordi tltciii. I ivoulil particularly like :1 Louis .\lotintbattett. photo when she ls-.-caiiie :t hlocksliip She was not merely sonieoiie one ; in the .\lu|heriy lluihoiir. All replies heard about iind saw on occasions: will he :icknowledi:ciland photos. ctc.. front a dist;incc—-she was '1 real person l returned ‘.. ,‘ with ,' -, ..iiid .i friend to CVLl')0flL \..m—.~_ she came into contact. We of the Sigtostamt A, \'()UN(; ital _Branch :ilw':ty§ referred to her affectionately Always tlte 45 llareoiirt Road. llristol 6. '.is_“l-.dwtna.' kind _word. a yoke. and. if needed. a practical expression of synipathy. ‘ Years later. when I was serving again as Chief Yeoman to Lord Louis. then .\lcditerrariean "eel. s e remained the same as ever. and ltad a unique place in the hearts of :ill low_er deck men with N old l‘o_v returned to his school whom she came into contact. on March -1. when the Rl..l_lt)lt. /\tlmlr:|lS down to the lowest ordi- llzirolilWzitliiiisoii. l’.('.. the -.\linister nary setiitittn will ttiotirii the passing Ul>l)~'lI-'"'~'I-'- \'|'~|lk‘<l l’0Tl\‘"l0l|lll illld of it truly itrezit l:ti|y_ lEilwiit:i_ the paid a call on \Vllilll."lSll|-lid to have at iincrimiieil Qiiecii of the Royal Navy, look at improxciiiciits in his ‘.til'I'l;l matzi. J. W. ll|RS'l'. lE.\‘-(Tliicf lle qtizililieil "Loiig Li" in I‘)-l3 as R.N.. 5‘) Fi.\l-iy Road. lliiililerslicld. an R.-.‘-'.\’.R. l.lt!lllL'll:llll and then hail ti year as First Lictitcnzint at Fraser ' (itinncry Range before |Qll.'.\\'Ilr enilcil.

’rcniarl; ible

l-'.t‘lEi\"l‘ catastroplies have ileiitoiistratcil the sliort;i_i_:c of Royal Navy xlllpi :tnd how very thinly they are spread througliout the world._ Wlieii the second cyeloiii: \vitliin a month swept across Miiiiritiiis. it so hi ~l l; H..\l.S.G: h’. ‘: n .











of the

ilisaster. ln days gone by it used to be said that a ship of the Royal Navy could arrive at any part of the world within 24 hours of an occurrence. and in those days. assistance to any cotintry in time of earthquake was regarded as part of the Navy's normal duty. 'l‘lie material and moral elfect of the Navy's presence on such occasions has hcen tremendous. In this issue is an account of ll..\l. \lllPS sent to Agailir. H.M.S. Tyne hail to go to the scene front Bilbao aiiil l>l..\l.S. l)arl:iston—-$25 tons ftill lo:iil—-from (iihraltar. Both ships did a lot of good and carried inucliiiceded stores. but despite the enormity of the Agadir czirthquakc, the work these two ships could do was was very small. and the aid given was minute when compared with the tissistttnct: given in pre~w:ir (lays in smaller calaniities. 2 -~/ Shall we. with otir Navv. "cut to Sir Caspar John’ K.C.B whose nppiiintnient -is Commander-in-Chief the bone. be able. as licretofore. to f‘ m meet "these coiiiniitments"? ll “'3 ‘-"""““- “'5' ‘Mn l‘“''' U“: “l’l""'“"‘l‘l" \Iiirch 2 Son of the faninus 'lI'll\:I. John ill“ ol' 56. wiis Vice Chief of i\'iiviil St:-ill front .\l:i_v. 1.957.. ‘"""l”"‘ "1 lll‘ llmlr "f lhc” ‘ll‘l""“ year He has held nrmv posts in the 'IVl3llll|fl lielil of which he has exceptional d'cIrc" for the -\':wi"~' The "rs-_i~nn knowledge, especially the \uppl_\ of .\';n;.i iiircmri. existence is to deity .iii enemy the ll\t.‘ of the sea and to protect our lifc-i '







t.1C‘:Hl‘5 ar”




RECENT Admiralty l_-l¢Ll Ortlsf. 3 N0. 446/60. 8l\'\3" l-l¢l5}|l5 Of ll [WW 5 scheme whereby naval ofliccrs. hitincs : -
























In future only those l"|lillE-s oh ‘ i .were. issued with plain clothes from Service sotirces for the tliglit will lt:ive to go to the Joint Services Air 'l’roo tlt l‘|II\ int; Centre at Hendon elothcs he -








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tiioutli for General Service Com_ 1 H °".“"“Pp “N "I 5"‘/' (‘4 ""““m' months). U.L. Base Port. l’ortsmouth. H.M.S. Undaunted. April 5. at Ports-

fi9£lJ&‘l' _ l"°h_l_ HANCI-tesrtzn :l1.E,‘\’}’,%‘,f.§"E' ” ”°E“"-Y”E"' w°Ly5gHmfi¢N















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'orci'n l" 5 .ervii:'





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“ ll.M..'a. (rune. October. at Singapore “V °“'1=" for Foreign Servicetl-':irl5:ist}. .. J ‘in , "--‘l-5- Rllylo M413’ 3l- M l’0Fl5|ll0|llll for -'~ -. -' Pl‘Smnuth._ I)-"n I h-r .i lri.ils. (oniniissionsii September II ..“S I...’ -t i.c_i. for Uh“ CommmionS ScJ, tomb” ‘1 l)°"""‘l“"'l fl" ll"“l5- C“"‘“‘“‘l“"‘ l3 for Home Sea Service. U.l\'. Base -ii -1 T0!’ Home 30-1 SCIVICC Aprit, t9r,t_ for (3.-M-.-at s¢n-i._-._|i.,,._|)c“,m,u,._ (23 .L\|__g_ cammm July ]9_ m (but. "' “*2 °"l°’ 3“ ° months). U.l\. llase l on. l)evonport. liani for trials. Comniiss-ions July 25 ., U_K_ gas-c pon_ portsH.M.S. Leopard. 1)ecemher_:ii Portsfor Foreign sen-it-L-_ |-';u- t-juq, -



Dhriiond. pctub_er. at h.it_-

.(iCllt..'|'(Il sCl’\‘lC¢yCtIfil‘l |ls\iI.)ll domel tllu): ""§' ? .' 3 Edinburgh Road, Portsmouth ‘ ; 0l ' l . i ) 1‘ . “\c' t )nB::rl :‘cdi|F_rr:|n%.n I'“u“"M_ 'll..\l.S. Ulysses. Mttrch 29. l)‘\‘)n-‘Il..\l.5. Pa.-.i et. Jim‘ =4 \l'lt K‘?-"' é"ll'. l8['I.“' port. for Home Sea Si:rvici.‘. LU.|l\'.i for I-‘oreii.-ii sCI'\li\‘:. "l . ' : " _l " i ‘ . 'lI“i:e§I.I'e"Ii:.elg:Li:::|-ififttglsigmriucésisiflcé Base ll"sl"u" Port, Duoiiport. Singapore. .,::N,_ |\l‘-l).-‘23, -l I .' . .\l . 5i ‘ _ .\l ‘ ( _' l " l . 5'-"‘-‘W ll‘-“' E-'1-“l~ Ports-i H.M.S. Undine. April 5. "M3 “-glam hm. .9 (-hm. U-0'




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""‘.“'!" l.)“l"“"((C?""‘l“'.'°.“ll)";""‘l‘°” ‘§|\|::.l.{§lc0lnL.























more ml



The Rt. lion. Ilarold Wtilltittsiin. |’.('..

preparing some notes the liistory of H.M.S. Centurion


ll..\l.S. \’i_cttiriiiiis. June. :tt Ports-lll.M..‘s'. Duchess, early October, at itiotitli. tor (icneral Service ('oniPottsinotith for trials. (Ciiiiiiitissiiins mission. l-List of Site/,llotiic. L‘.k. .l:iiiii;it'y. l‘)(-I, for (ieneral Service lime Port. Poitxiiiotitli. Coniiiiission. -. | 24 .\l\.‘t|._v'l'lt1nlt.'. 5 ,._";m,'._. we nommm. duaiied rm. m..rSm.. ‘h t I ‘I ahead of coniniisiionint: date. and for ll-:‘l-53 I-""l' l’."|l‘- llIl.\' 5- ill Rmllll l '“‘"“l“l- U'l‘- ll"‘° l"‘”- l"‘”" l‘“' U°'“"“,l 5‘-""l‘-'3 C“"l"‘i-“lilll ahead of commissioning: date. this should be home in titind when preferring: l‘l0"l~‘/-‘\|'i|ll|41Il 36:15 uliil l’s‘|'Sl:Ill rt-‘questiilo volunteer toserveinzltlarticularship. "7 ll“ 5*‘"l"ll~‘5Wll‘3 imllilli (jtilf (I8 lll0lllll'). U.K. Ba.“ ‘ “ Port. SUBMARINE COMMAND l9(il. for (icllcrttl SCI‘\’l|.'L‘ Ct)KIll'lll\l)cvtitipot‘t. -' -7 ..-S , lll0l'llll.SJ U.K. H.M.S. for Sm 5. at at n,M_s: [)¢yi|,_Apn]' Matti. (ilasgi_iw_fur for General I960‘ ° ""“l’°"" Home 5:-‘at Service. liecoiiimissioiis service on Mediterranean Station. ‘'’'f' sion (3.; ,,,.,mi,_..)_ U_K_ Base pm‘, |9ti0_ for l-oi-cign s._-mcc n .M.S. D¢\.°np°n' H.M.S. Alcide. August, at Devonham for trials. t(.ommi.ssions .l.inii it ,.,-i._;m)_ for |-ifth Siibiiiariiie H.M.S. SL‘l‘\~|t.‘cIl'l Devonport. Dug,-, ‘at ‘"'Y~ 1961. for Gen;-r;,1 scrvi“. bqundmn‘ 7 H Ms “om tu|- t‘ at T'n* for C°'"'“l-‘5l""M*“l~/l.l‘““'~‘- 34 l’\tt.C. .ise llase Port tinder (:4 GI-ZNERAL U_K_



H.M.S. Centurion


Cc“ t 79-



hug‘ ‘l ‘:'rl'l:l “l£:nl*‘;‘l‘x:“ll l‘l ':_::"l;‘|:d would he than it-mid w.nf“_lE_l_0..“i_m|_‘






dim ‘"5:‘I


and their families can go straight lion-ie front the airlicld at which thcv arrive {mm m.cr,~,_.;,_\-_ “imam having ‘0 gotwcding on lcm.c.

would do much to cotiiiteract prop;ii.-anila adverse to llritaiii, .

Yeonii mi

11,"5 W‘ moves what was regarded by many as most tiresome features of one of




m 7‘m 3‘)




CF‘)l l‘lnl.'l l|t]lv.'f'-il -Cll t.‘f


nudcd M Rum] [S R we we to mainmin some ships for "showing the flag" and acting as sea- lice.’ _. ThC _Slg 0.f 3 wh."F .'“.“3" F flll"? proudly from -I l"|"-W1-l \l"l'‘ "1 lllt‘ ll-"" l“‘"" "r ”l‘-‘ “”ll““l* “l ll” ‘““'l‘l“ml ll” "l‘ll‘ “I ll": ‘1|ll‘“" "llTll4lll"" l’°~‘l aiithassailors it used to he s:iii|—-



uiriitil l"ehruar(_i'






‘.—‘.'.‘.‘.'.‘.‘».‘.'.1‘i‘»*-':.’:."3.‘.i:Navy, ‘;t: 3.fi?‘i $:°:§;‘2

with such small cliscs.m:itiy parts of th-




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tlzonxdil l icrczll n‘§‘i‘fNi:lil ‘:i)aI?lo"£;1: .\I'l idcrE";n(.llilcfillzgsiliin : C Asl s l r i l i f l m succiilwoni tiliin Aulguistiis








l C-\Drcss through M-‘W columns appreciation


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Him GEcneral fsegiee



mouth. for Home Sca Service. U.l-i. ("V (“"‘F'“l 5"“""‘-'.(""" Base Port. Devoiiport. ll.i\l.S. Brave Swot-dsnuiii. July. at "".°l‘,ll‘ “M5 b d\_ R_ I. Y ||f‘_fl-¢ll Il_-‘Y-ill 1-" TCW-l |v.,mmm,m_ fur ‘[r;,,i\« and 3pc._.;;.| BIRHINGHAM mission. I~lonie/Soutli Atlantic :inil H “5 ma"'‘ 9”‘' A ll I." ."' 1-, ,“ Ch,"_ for Home Sea Service (Boom Dc‘. COVENTRY Sotith America (24 months). U.K gcn-;._-5L‘ K B.«Lu. p,‘ i tr -It .,-“tr,” for General Service Conimis- fcncL.)_ wiiawicx h_am. ‘L -) BM‘ pm I,0 mm 0 um ‘ l°"l‘"““"l‘BANBURV Homclliast of Suez (24 \“.' sion ‘. * 0-, 825 Sflmld mn. J Unc I at R.N. "_M__c;_ Kcpp,_.|_ _,\..gm;_ M (‘h;,n,;.m_ H.M.S. Anzto. .lanii:tr_\'. at i\l:ilt:ifor OXFORD U K 315‘: pa” pong, momhg) Au‘ Static Culdrosc. for Overseas’ 1-,, H , PLYMOUTH l-‘oreign Service (-\iiipliilsii-its Wirv,~.. S-' U K H.‘M momhi Service‘ “'5' viclorlousl f-treSqii'idroii) PM enisroi H.i\I.s.S()Icbfl)'..llln¢_8.(llPOfISmOllllI_ it,-u_s_ Loci, ,\M¢_ ,\.,g.,... m_ at .It.Ms. l.och lush. .l;mu:iry to. at S-ll‘. Ur ink _-I for General Service Commission. Devonport for trials. (('iiiiiiiiis.gj¢in5 Rosytli for General Service (‘om‘M-_ H.M.S. Rothesay. Ap_ril _?.l. at (il:is-; l-ionic/Mediterranean (2l months). mission. l-lonte,’/\r:ihian Seas and 2:: 27 fur (;_.,,L.,-at gcrvgcc SWWDON _s'._-p;cmt,L-r CIRENCESTER l’ersi:iii Gulft|8 moiitlis). U.l\'. llase c..mmt,.-tum (tt..m,.-y_.\r;.t.i;.n 3c;,,~, gow, for (ieneral Service (.i)llllllts'-E U.l\. Base Port. Portsnioiith. (24 |IlU|'|lll5l- H.M.S. I-‘itiisterrc. June 8. at Chatham ston. I-lontclw. l’*"l- l)C\'"“ll0Tland l’cr.~.i:in Golf) (18 niontlisl. U.l\'. a1é\;‘[|)-f’-NOGROUGH3:: 3:: :2: :1 loitsnioiith. U.K_ llase Port. for (}ener:t_l Service Conimission. H.M.S. Wliirliiind. miil-J;iiiii;iry. at liasevortiiiiilerconsideration. Pom-LAND Rosyth fortrials. |,c“'m.,n‘ _«\ug[|\[ 3t_ at him. Apr" 1s_ ....‘ l-Ionic,’Alediterraiiean (El months) l"_M_5_ Loch Rulhycn. for General Servicel U'K' 8"“ P°”' D‘-""“"l’0Tliiioittli. for Home Sea Service. U.K. H.M.S. lluttleaxc. liIll||iH'_\. :it Portsl)evoiiport. there service: nil! wise the following loan mouth for (ieneral Service (‘oniniis~ Conimissioii. llonie/Arabian Scas!ll.}I.S. Priiteetiir. June 9. at Devonliase Port. Rosytli. or the convenience of Service Perzcnnel. R Ii’. sion. .\leil."llomc I2-l ll'li)ltlll\). U.l\'. :ittil Persian (iulf (l8 moiitlis) U is ! port for (ieneral Service (.‘oniiiiis- _\'.,_ 393 5qu;,d,,,,,_ 5L.pl_.,,,t.L.,- |_ M Bano¢lis.Ea:tncir:HM.S. Vcmomfloraliciloru Home Club. Queen Street: R.N. aamxti llase Port. Devonport. Home Sotitli Atlantic and ston R.N..-\.S. Yeoviltoii for ()ver.seas, ll“"'-'l’\‘"- l’*‘“"“°"lllUneorri Cat 'Sti:n.'c Rd. for H.M,$ E ccllcnt -\'"~''~-I ‘'3 m°"llI~)- U-ls Il.:\I.S. (‘tit-shim‘. .laitiiar)'. for Servicell-l.M.S.('ctil:itir). wits m.§n...- a.1o.c.. Hitsec a‘.,..a.i., | ll.M.S.LIandulf. .\i;.y_i.:iii)ci-mipori..; 5“"~l‘ (ieneral Service (it\ll|ll'll.\‘§'lllll. .\lcd.,' ",M_5_ (f,_.mau,.. _5._.mcmb._.,_ ul puns. own ;a,c,,o,,, 4,“ rm. General service Cumnmsiunl Base‘ Port. Devoitport. c.,,,,°,,,_ H.,,,,,,_. ,0," "““""""°"""“5-""’°“"°"""'°" ll""W l3‘l '““'“l“l- l’l3'“' '~‘l °°"" mouth for Home Sea Service. tComHontcvliast of Suez (23 months). Il..\l.S.C-.ivalier..liine2-l.{llSlnS{1P0rL'. U-l\- ll4'5‘-‘ l'*‘ll ‘"l‘l¢1' for I-‘oreigii Service (Far East). N.B.—To all ships visiting Portsiiiissions December for (ieneral U,K_ Base Porn Davenport Wmll L'“|l“"‘mouth: Special facilities to meet H.M.S. Londunderry. June 28 at I 5¢|'\'is‘c (‘nmIni.s\'ioti) tHonie,/East of , \ \l critics for (ieiiertil Service Ct)ll1'l1ll\’- i Sizer) 22 iiiontlis). U.K. liaise Port. ll.i'§l.S. Belfast.‘ FL-h_riiai_‘)‘. at 5iiig:iY°'-ll’P3"‘l°"l3""'3V¢lll"8"°°l“l'°' merits can be organised at short Portsntotitli. sion llt)lllt.'_‘\\'c\l Indies (2-1 months). : pore for I-orcign Service. l-zir lzast. i_lc”"‘L_<) M 9 (H notice. L'.l\'. Base Port. Portsnioiitli. ;li..\l.S. Caesar. September. at Rosyth ".‘.\I.s.'rI’t)llbI’idg|,-,l:t:l1t'tt:t|y,;itPoml to. Orwell. Ri‘~st.: -It .\l.i) -""“_S_ ”enm._.;_ mm. 33 ;.r trons. j tor ti'i:ils._Cotiiniission~. _i\iu\’t:llli‘t.‘l‘ iiiuiitli for (ieneral Service ('oi'iiniis-r ll..\l.S. write' Phone or an l““l‘ E ittouth for (_3c[2\_‘f:|] Service Coin- j 8 for l-orcign Service For I-fast. sioti_ llonie/West |iiiiiest24 months). TR|U|~1pH cogct-{Es LTD 3 Edinburgh Rand‘ Ponsmoutti l ll.._\l.S. (‘hapli-t. ,\l:iy 3. at l)i:\'i'ti;w::. mission. lloiiie. .\lcilitcrr:iiie;in (24 .\'o. till Squadron. October. I. at U-K» link‘ l’*‘rl- l’0fN““l|llllor Iloiiie Sea Seziicc. UK. l<l:i~c tiioiitlis). l'.K. l3:i.se Port. Ports-' R.N..-‘LS. Ctililrose for ()\'er~c:is Ser- ll..\l.S. Cook. l’chrti:ir_\. at Silt-_.'.ipoic pm-,m_-10947 -












Etigligiimosfis atssuséieigm





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Port. l)c\oiitm:t.



\icetll..\l.S. llertncs).

for l:t'l‘L‘l§:I\SL'l'\iUC.





Motoring Notes


SHIPSor THE R0 YAL NA VY ; “Let the buyer beware” No. 53 H. F-+§.ST!30URNE.. ? SECOND-HAND CAR-BUYING SEASON




Y the time these notes are published the Easter holidays will be alniosli upon us. As this time of the year is the beginning of the second-hand buying season. to which many readers will succumb. let rtie wam you again ' of some of the pitfalls. (a) Pre-war cars of the normal bread- Oral Guide to the Ministry of Transand-butter type should be avoided. port Driving Test." which shottld help Very few of these are worth more lc:irncrs to pass their test_ It is than £50. For exaniple :i I93‘). '.'l-litre piled by Cdr. C. I.. A. Woolland. R.N.. Jaguar in good condition is worth of "livenkecl." Dorset Lake about £45. |’arkstone. Dorset. and can be ob- I ll?) Don't buy rust, even in :i modern tained direct from him or from W. H. car. ‘.\'mitl'i & Sons‘ Ltd. The price is ls. (cl Reineniher that the value of :i plus postage. and is well worth the car is what you can sell it for as soon money. as you have bought it. .so don't be lllCll (l(."l',\i\'l'I l‘l-I'l‘R()l. caught for a ".suckei." The legal plirzisc "caveat emptor." meaning "let Some readers seem to be under the the biiycr hesvare." will be thrown at impression that because "premium" you in court if you are swiiidlcd and .gr;ide fuel is advised for their cars: .__T__ seek legal redress. they are intended to tise the I00 octane (dl Reineniher that if your car is grade costing 5s. The low compression uiiforttinately wrecked in an accident engines. such as the Ford Popular and and has to be written off. all you will similar cars. will run quite happily on _receive from the insiiranee company the ordinary grade fuel at 4s. 3d. is the current ni:irketvalue as assessed Modern cars with higher compresby their professiottal advisers. If you sions. such as Austin A35 and A55. have paid too much for the car it will Hillin:in Minx. Morris, Standard. ctc.. Ill-I Vernon Players‘ production be your uiisfortiiiie and you will not require the normal “premium" grade the Naval comedy "Off the Record. get your money back. at 4s. 9d. The I00 octane at 55. is by Ian Hay and Stephen King-Ilall. only required in high performance , was 8 resounding success. 11:: Naval I.l'Ii\RNl".R DRIVERS cars such as llte Austin Healey I00.‘-.iudiences could hardly fail to enjoy l-"or m:iny learners the main stumb- but not the "Sprite." and even then . the play. written about Naval life. by ‘ii famous Naval personality. the driving test is the it isn't essential. ling of‘ oral exarniriati_on. l have uist read the will’ ‘~'«'4|“-N )'“UT l“l'nk‘Y'-’ This in no way detracted. however. latest edition of "The l.earner l)river‘s A. E, MARSH from the excellence of the perforuizince






--i-.. -





in the .\lediterrane;in on the foreign Tony Morrison and Ronald Sonnet leg of a (ienerzil Service Commission gave sound interpretatioris of a Naval lis :iri ziiiti-submsirinc frigate of the coiiiiiiander and an .\l.l’._ while Isobel, Whitby Class. 'l'avash and Pat \\’hitt|c looked after‘ lliiilt by Messrs. \’ickers-Arntstrongs their amorous interests with consider- l.td.. Tyne (completed at Barrow). able charm and devilment. The ll.i\l.S. l-Iasthourite was Iaiinclied on Admiral (Peter Silvertoitl and his flag- December 2‘). I955. and completed lieutcnaiit (Christopher Rose) formed on January 9. I958. I)ispl:ieeinent is over _2.R(l() tons (full load). Length 3 \.I,k.ndid Cnmic “.;”,L Mr. Cecil llellamy. the Zltljlltlttiillttf t.:. '370f..l~;l If. in‘ “win "F l''“y‘‘ "‘ mi" Vmlr.‘ R"5'“! N""“' turret) and two 40 mm llofors AA l)rama l:cslt\':tl_ spoke_higltly of the‘ (twin). ll-r anti'-subiii:r’nL H i we; in ons authentic scene painting "the two l.imbo tliree-barrclled depth Icwculcd by Bub Cruhlru and "2; i;



Escort maintenance ship ready for service with the fleet

llartland Point. with her “New Look" both inside and out, will soon become a familiar sight on the Far East Station which she joins shortly. H.M.S. Hartland Point was built in I945 by Burrard Dry Dock Company in Vancouver. Canada. The design is that of :i wartime l0.000-ton "Victory" ship: but it was adapted and fitted out as an L.S.T. maintenance ship. Having served in the Pacific during the immediate post-war period. she came to ..\l.S. llartl-.uii.l Point. the first of a class of four ships being converted for the United Kingdom and carried on escort maintenance duties. completed at Cbatham on April I. I960. Ships her niaintenzince role in the Clyde of this class are intended to assist destroyers and frigiites with imiinteniince and until I952‘. when she had a refit and repair with the object of’ making thcrtt independent of dockjard facilities was placed in a state of preservation. between relits. ’I'llRlil'I-‘i'l-‘..-\l{ RI-II-‘IT "Ilelp“ is given in three main ways: show whether adjustments will ltave ta) lly providirig power :irid .services.‘to he made in future maiiitettance ' ln I957 l-lartland Point entered Chatham l)ockyard for conversion incltiding slearii for domestic‘purposes, I ships and iiiiitlernistition into the prototype fresh and distilled water along with °"“""'**“*‘*""‘ bread and provisions; (b) By providing skilled rnaupower of every branch and 24 carried in fact have Q trade to assist with ii'iairiten:ince; (c) an -ll(i mi.n. Many of ths. otlici.rs,w much So_ mm flu. ship scared). by providing workshop facilities and: h‘"""' “ '*l‘“" d‘"5" l“r ‘mi’ ‘“"'" ‘I'll’ resembles her former self. llartland spare parts. Up to four escorts canf and for escort niaintenzince. Of the iPoint is now designed to maintain be accepted alongside at any given- "“"."1“- '33 "”"' ‘T""5‘l"‘§"'3" h‘.""° l‘"idestrovers :ind frigates of all classes. ' time. and duties: repair mairitenance t.c.;_\mim'cn.m“. in ‘his. immncc nmtm lhe ship is provided .with a 12- l'“'""'"5 ""3 w‘"k‘h"l“ "M R" ‘'“"k' the examination and repairs which ton crane forward. two live-ton der- ‘"3 '" H“: """"‘m-. l’‘‘'.'‘"'‘ arise between relits in a dockyard. ricks ariiidsliips and two live-ton ~. mg“ d°g.'-"°."f _"“"m_"i pr,“l°“"“" 1 lleav_\' repairs. arisitll! out of accicr.ines aft. '|’lie_\' are sited so that each h.is in. and \|rlll.lll) the Ida.“ M heen_huilt .|cti‘,n_d"n.:.gc_ an hcwnd workshop and store likely to.h:ind|e 1” cl‘'‘':‘' ‘.'"“‘"."’itlie 9"" designed role. Nevertheless the heavy or bulky gear can he pluiiihed form .i gas citadel. .-\utoiii:itic boiler rnciliucg CK. tlirou_i:h large hatclies. by one or more ; control is fitted which. together with tensive pnwmcd ..m(,uM cmlhlc enicrgeiicy l'L‘[)1lll’.\ to be underof these cranes :iiid dcrricks. A trans- rentote control to the main engine and porter rail and traselliiie (traveller) essential auxiliaries. will enable the taken. ll.M.S. llartland Point is combluel. enables lieavy weiglits to he machinery space to he evacuated and transferred aloiii_.- the upper deck be- closed down if steziming through radio- inandcd by Capt. F. W. llayden. l).S.C.. R.N. ttseen the forward and after cr;mc.s.|acti\‘e fall-out. Other facilities include diving gear. The ship's appearance has been medical and<dental services. portahlelcltanged considerably both inside and self-coritainetl equipment such as outside during mods.-rriisation. llamwelding plant and air compressors for mocks h:ive given way to modern use in ships hertlied away from the hunks for the entire ship's company. maintenance ship, A set of cornp:irt- E An excellent cafeteria, which provides ments are fitted to provide a rcalistic_:i wide variety :ind choice of food. training for escorts‘ anti-submarine‘ replaces the old system of "liroadside" lll-I coastal minesweeper. H.M.S. tcalns. [ii a ship of this size it is not. mcWr"g_ “me pilssllllt: to (it all the things one wouldi 'l'he tall slender funnel and forests like to have; but a considerable effort: of masts and derricks have been new !"°“‘d"-‘" ""‘h '5' has been lllitdc to achieve a fair coni- placed by a squat streamlined funnel. 3 ‘she ‘Tame




well tehearsed cast. skilfullyl ll..\l.S. l:asthournc_ leader of the directed by l.ieut.-Cdr. J. Stre:itfi:i|d- Fourth Frigate Squadron. at present





“.33,” gum‘ ml.“






were admirably.artistically_absolutely .




Whitby Ch“

Frigates are nine oflicers and I80 He praised the players. who had sur- ratings in leaders and .seven ofliccrs mounted most of the diflieultics of :iiid I45 ratings in others. presenting farcc—onc of the most Whitby class frigates are all welded tricky facets of theatre to interpret and with their high fo'c'.slcs and clean successfully. "Excellent teamwork" lines are exceptionally dry. The bridge and "good pace“ were-_ evident in a is enclosed and the operations room "very enjoyable evening 5 theatre." is the finest ever put into a small ship. -7" W-".‘.'.. ..'i' _


H.M.S. HARTLAND POINT FOR FAR EAST STATION Remote control to main engines







5"“ C‘""p!"'"‘°'“_ i"_""'d"" "":‘°‘:”' .

iri-iiiivsiiils ?°‘."§-ii.§ii"i§l‘3lieeii L'3§§~.i1"3lit.?.‘out.i $i‘.§.'.'.‘.'3


_"\ wh"l°A ‘hip

New sea-training tender for Solent division


GUMINE IIDME ON LEA VE? 0!! YOUR WAY UVEBSEAS.-9 Wherever you're going to be. you'll need .1 car on arrival. Buy a new Hillman. Humbcr. Sunbeam now from E.M.A. Ltd. Ports-

mouth. If yours is an extended posting. take advantage of our special export seheme—you buy at export prices. Let E.M.A. make all the :irrangements—r.-xport formalities. insurance. shipping. everything. Call at our showroom or write to us to-d;iy—your car can be on its way tomorrow; or waiting for you when you dock! Or it can be purchased on the home delivery plan (or use in this country before you sail.

_ h"_ ll"_"'.‘";'1'j f'h"'""'~"'d‘?h°".3h° "3 ignicn ,D°ck"' ‘ s ' " "h5' m ":.' _ °"_ doubt. sngle l;|lll£:L‘rlll:_l:l.i'l_lltlclllclClH~li\(lklllg ""‘\A',u'5r‘5Mh"'i‘s""t',‘I'c ..

promisc. lixperience







,sea-training tender to Solent Division 5 R.N.R. lloulston replaces in this capacity ll..\t.S. Alfristou. which bore the '


of Warsash from I955 until last

.year. The

Warsash came from .Cll(|lh(lm. where she had been re....v.~.......-...-.’ lined and re-engined in H.M.S. Dock.yard. to Portsmouth for sea trials. »before proceeding to Southampton. .....i.....-...-aiShe has a full training programme arranged for the summer. Manned by .R.N.R. ofliccrs and ratings, she will put to sea nearly every week-end until She will also take part in ., I ‘October. ;N..-\.T.O. or R.N.R. mincswceping exercises during three N-day training new




m_‘_..“~criiises_ The

engine roont staff of Solent Yivaciiius ll)-year-iiltl Valerie llill in the costume she iiears in Division have been introduced to the |ll)lllI:.\’." ii trio in the Ztlth :inniver.s:ir_v production at London's"Ftlreig lam uitypc of engines fitted in the new ship theatre. Valerie. burn a! Cardiff on July I9. I 940. left the Windnii in H.M. Ships Sheraton and Bossing_\\'inrluiill in I957 and for two _\'ear.s' was in Paris. first at the N ouvelle Eve and the ton These ships have spent recently a Bluebell Girl at the l.ido. A blonde with blue eyes. her nieasiireiiients ailwl‘ week-ends working out of 34". 22'’. 36". Southampton for this purpose. »















SUNBEAM CARS E.M.A. LTD. GroveRoad South. Southsea Tel. PORTSMOUTH 2326f





Sailor Beware Fifth WOULD say that the entire cast has succeeded in one important meiLsu_re in that it is essential of comedy that the audience should not only appreciate it but also show their appreciation in good hearty laughter that has very much in evi-




Frigate Squadron sails for


A ril. I960

F ar



Best in World



So said Mr. Slaines in the opening remarks of _his adjudication of the comedy "Sailor Beware," performed the Worthy Down Players at Ariel ll on March 8. lt is I ought that none of the audience disagreed with the above remarks. Without a doubt the evening's honours went to_the l(t(llCS'of the east -—who kept the dialogue going at a fast pace. ln thanking the adjudicator. Capt. B. referred to the act liat it won tl c the last occasion on which a Navalcntcriaiiiincitt would P‘~‘f{|‘"“|-‘*l 1“ H-51-5. -‘\“L‘l ”-

DDRESSING the ships‘ CODIpanics of three ships of the Fifth Frigate Squadron prior to their departure for the Far East. Admiral Sir William W. Davis. Commanderin-Chief, Home Fleet, referred to the Whitby class frigates as the best in the world. Admiral Davis went on to say that “now their teething troubles are over they will go from success to success." The three ships which left Portsmouth on March 4 were H..\l.S. Scarborou_eli_ the leader (Captain l. C. Bartosik, l).S.C.. R.i\'.), Captain Stlt Frigate Squadron. H..\l.S. Torqtiay “*‘”h)' D0“'"(Commander ll. H. G. .\l. llaynham. ll..\l.S. Tenby leaving Purtsiiioutli on ~.\l:irch -I for the Far East. This picture was taken from .\larllmrougli Pier. ll..\l.S. Vernon R.N.). and ll..\l.S. Tcnby (Coinmander I). E. Parker. R.N.). The foiirtb ship of tire squadron. l‘l..\l.S. for Salisbiiry_ ioincd the others at sea. Command proThe Whitby class anti-submariiie ll_E Portsmoiitli vidcd 200 ratings and Royal frigates(2.800toiis ftillload.alll8of : Supply specialisation. intending caiidiMarines for street-lining duties in Lon- them named after seaside resorts and |dates are advised to study A.F.0. ;355,60 to 56!: how the changes allccl don on the occasion of the otlicial visit coastal towns. are considered to be them. of President dc (iatillc to Britain. the most useful class of small ships The contingent was commanded b_v yet put into service with the Fleet. these changes may be Mthuugli for Lieut.-('dr. J. C. Waters. R.N.. of the REC!-I.V'l' .-\(lllll|".lll_V' Fleet Orderyviewed mlh some appreliciision by They have the latest equipment introduced revised qu:ilific:ition.s’the older ll'lL'lllbl!I‘\‘ of the Supply Royal i\'aval Barracks. l’ortstt'totill'i. hunting and killing submarines :ind N time to be added to our lists The l’ort.smouth Royal Marine Band facilities for directing aiiti-subntariiie for recoiuniendations and promotions branch it must be realised that this I aircraft. of "holiday ideas" the programme also took part in the duty. to Supply Sub-Lieutenant. (If these. is a long term policy and in the of thc Vernon branch of the Royal the most sigitilicant change is the intro- |long riin can bring only bciiclil to Naval Union of Sailors‘ duction. for the lirst time. of an upper the llrzinch as :1 whole. with the iii- Wives Fricxiillyon March 2 was .1 ntcctini: age limit. designed to encourage creased scope for earlier promotion selection of Iilins given by the Smithto olliccr .st;itus, younger candidature. tlmvti Motor Co, l.td. fravclling This limit has been set at 34 as .throiigli parts of Italy. Sivitrcrland. for other branches. but in order not l-lollziiid and Ireland. they proved candidates. older TWO to penalise possible very enjoyable especially as it was a will for mziviiituni the promotion age cold. dccidcdlv wet afternoon outside! OF HATS be lowered gradiially. The vice-cli:iiiiii;in, .\lrs, Watson. “ill thcrc Until March 31. l‘)62. welcomed all members and their of the meetillt: i\':ival Ro_v:il be no upper age limit. From April guests and reiniiidedtbem that memUnion of Sailors‘ l-rieiidly Wives. l‘)(i2 to .\larch I963 the upper age hers are allowed to bring one guest :.\'ortb End held in linincli. Fisher limit will be 38. From April l‘)fi3 to each meeting. until .\larch I96-8 the upper age limit ‘"3". Whale Island. on March I. was At the end of lltc programnie .\lrs. will be 36. while. front April I. 1964., “i_:ut-st“ afternoon. members being in- Bartlett gave a vote of thanks to Mr. lthe upper age limit will be 3-8. The Vlled to bring a guest, Chisman of the Southdoyvtl .\lotors. The be North will End for branch minimum age was de- and Mrs. Bird and the tea coininittce promotion lighted to have Lady Power, wife of served tea. 'lhc draw. run by .\lr,s. ,-\l1lmugll the present ediicational :\dmira| Sir .\lan|ey Power. Coin~ ”TL‘\\'L‘l". “‘il\ “Hit by .\li.s. llratlltiugli with qii;ilitic.itioii~. rcntziins iinaltcred. mziiiilcr-iii-(?liiet' of Pdflslllulllll. as ‘and .\lfs, \'ic.i:_v_ Capt. J. S. Dalglish. R.N.. Captain of llI.\l.S. Mrs. rifle his medal for the “inning Dnlglish team by Witli Tclianges have been made in the clucl guest, and she was uclcotiicd by lL'pl'I.'r~t.‘_lll:tll\s'.\' of other ‘method of ulitaiiiiiig llic professioiial the cllzllrmilll. .\lt's‘, l);ilglish_ S;-yum] branclics. three of our inctiib-.~i'< at~ members of the llavant branch were tended the funeral of Countess lt]ll.tllllc'.tllUl‘l for pruinotion. lixisting also welcomed. .\loiintbattcn, our former President. professional exainiiiations. or courses and examination. will be replaced by A most interesting talk on the his- on Febriiary 25. A last tribute to on..H0. and Stcn 80 events and. a "preliminary professional qualilica~ tory of hats was given by Mr. Cooper, who had done so iiiiicli for the very satisfactory standards were tion" which will enable ratings to illustrated with sketches going right Union ol‘ l-'riciidly \\’ivc.s. achieved. helped by favourable weather qualify for Petty Ollicer and for SD. back to the Middle Ages, and he also SI-Z‘WIi\‘G .\ll-Ii-Z‘l’ll\'CS candidature at the same time. HF. "Excellent" Rifle Meeting was on the second day. produced several geniiiiic original As usual. sewing meetings are held Ratings will be eligible to apply to model hats of ditfercnt periods dating The new pattem "Crouching .\lait" held on March 14 and IS in preat the Captaiifs House on ilrc last considered as :1 candidate for pro- back far I760. hats These as paration for the Port Rifle and revol- targets were used confor_ming with the be were as of each month at 2.15 motion as soon as they have reached cltarrnmgly shown by his model. Olga. Wednesday ver Meeting. A very fair number of targets to be used at llisley this year D.nl.. and all inenihcrs arc welcuine. the age of 2-8 and have obtained competitors entered the Rule I30. for the lirst time. A of thanks vote was proposed by EITHER their preliminary professional qiialilication or have qualilied Mrs, Htisscy. TO ediiczitionally. When fully qualified The cake-intiking competition was FILM and after PROVISIONAL selection jtidgcd by Miss l.awrcncc. .\irs. litickle THE FLEET for promotion based on half-yearly being the winner and .\tis. Kemp the "Pie.-n-e Tun: (Du-r." l)ut'IIt.'\tic‘ ('i»iucilv. recommendations by Commaiiding ; runner-up. Julia l.n.'kmm.l. Jcaii Kent. Ted R.i'.‘ "l)nn'r Officers, selected candidates will .\lt's‘. Oakford woii lhc r.illlc. Panic ('|IIp\." Service Ciiiitctli. l)t'lIlIt\ Price. (icorice (‘nlc. Nadia Rr:'.:iii "It Started With undergo an intensive prc-qualifying \ Kin." M.1rit.il ('llIlt€Ll|‘_ (ileiiit Ford. course of one tcrm's duration at the Dchliie \ill\i.1\u Rniii_ "llir lilac R..\'. Supply School. which will be (‘:ipt. J. S. Dalglisb. (‘aptaiii oi \rigr-I." Re}iii>ld\_ Ra-ii-.iiiti: .\lelodr.iiii.i. ('urt Jtirgcns. the liiial (Cs! of litness for promotion. ll..\l.S. l-Lscellent. formally opened the \l.ii llriti. lhflltllrfc llikg-1 "'l'lie Jay .-\s the commcncetncnt of the re- first of the moderni.sed iunior ratings‘ ll:tu|u-n." \\'estcrii, Jr-ll ('li.iiiillet. Nicole \l:utc\. l'l‘\\ l‘.ttkcr. "Our Man In lhunn." vised professional regulations varies living block». at Whale Island or \'.itiric.il (‘uinctlj-', Alec (iuiiirit-xv, Maureen between the dilieicnt branches of the .-\pril4. t)'ll.ir.i_ Noel (‘im.iril.

l ’)h.M.S. -It

;:\. (3.! Grillithl.



de Gaulle


for promotion Lieutenant upper age fixed i

to Supp~ly-Sub- Friendly Wives

present at -funeral of Countess Mountbatten







Good results at Excel1ent’s rifle meeting _



Men \



visit Liiiiiiiég

the belly kind that's Banishcd with bacon and beans.

"—ond hunger.



But the gnawing hunger of men for it home and all that it means.

iAPOLOGlES To me i.Ar.= DAN MeGREW,|




‘Ii in. by ‘H in. and capable of taking 64 postcards. the albums con-




tain I6 leaves interleaved with strong white transparent paper. lloiind in blue covers. blocked with the ligurcliead of



H.i\l.S. Victory in gold. The leaves are held by attractive light and dark-blue tassled cord.


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Try our Easy Payment Plan





A party of II olficers and 6| rutingi Bordeaux.

of this

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Have YOU a personalproblem












Ifiiy.-Iisli will he pli-1111-11' Iii tIll\l|'t‘I‘ your qm'ri1~1. .-l .\Ii.'.'Il[!('i/

mIi.lri'.\\1'i.t ('Ill‘('Itl[I(' trill ht‘ rlpprrt iim'iI, H.I‘I.-\SI‘Z could you give me :ii1_v : Il\lL tli it you should It 11» to 11 iii two iiiforiiizilioit as to \\llt'lI1| to contact years from \our return to I Is to ht. re purchasing :1 boat from Sheerness 'illlUL'ZllL'£l :1 ‘house ——pre~.1ini:1bly there possible just will not he one :1v:1i|;1ble until or ('h:ith:iiii doekyards it‘ then. as they are closing do1\ii’.‘ It you zipplietl to have your name Is there :1 sale or can one view and put on the roster for :1 liouse some buy pri1':itel_v'.’ Is there :1 list of any surplus‘ boats‘? time ago. and the council refused to What is required is soiiiething suit-; keep it on the roster whilst you were; able for tis'hing—not :1 battleship! away on duty you mov have some | 'l'li:1nk you for your letter about cause for complaint. lloweter. I un1.lerst:md that local buying :1 bo:it from Sheerness or Ch:1ih:1m I)oc|v;y:irds. The former has councils are irui obliged _to indeed closed down, but Chzitham families on their waiting lists when‘: whole tanuly. and not iust thc‘ l)ocky;1rtl is still very much :1 concern. and I know of no plans to‘ litisbaiid. are zibroad. or even just Close it. :tw;1y from the area for which the I suggest you write to the Super- council is responsible. intcnding N:tv;1| Store Otliccr. Il..\l. Your best course \\‘otild now be to l)ocl.y:1r1|. Cli:itl1:1n1 who will be able see your l)i1ision:11 ()Iiicer and ask to give you inforiitation of :iiiy boats’ him to eltcck the .»\.l’.(). with the :1v;1il;1hle for sale. (':ipt;tin's secretary. Ile. having your’ COU;\'('lI. IIOUSES ; story at tir.st hand \\'tll be able toI‘ -' I (‘an you assist me to trace an old; decide whetlicr th-ere is any iniusticc. in if and there is, he will A light~heaI1ed dl\'|Jl£l_\‘ oi l9th century drill “as one ol the highlights of -SS (.'ontm:1ndo‘s"Farewell Tattoo" in .\I'.ill:t :\t.IllllI':Ill_\‘ I-‘It-ct Order relating to thet your case. position Service faiiiilies stand in with: advise on what ttc.\t to do. (()lIici:il.-\rm_x Public Relations photogrziph by I.._'Cpl. P:1rs'on~'.. R..-\.().C.. .\l;1|t;1) regard to ('ouncil hiiuscs? I believe; C().\l.\ll7T1\'fl()N AND the A.I-".0. is in the form of :1 GovcrnRI-ZS!-Z'I'I'LI£.\lI-IN'I' GRANT mcnt letter to Local Councils re the‘ t Would you please send me details housing of Service fantilies. .\ly family are due home in August on: (11) Coniniutiition of pension and this year and according to the last‘ th) the date on which the £250 extra letter I received front my local coun-, gratuity ends? I enclose a p:fiI1['Jltlt:l which concil. I haven't an earthly chance of getting any accommodation then. or tains details‘ on comniutation of for another two years. I wish this‘ pension. You will notice in p:irticul:1r schoolchildren. who ioiitcd Service infomiation so that I can write to that you should not make any applicafamilies’ and children at :1 full dress my ;\l.P. to see it‘ he is able to solve tion for conintutation of pension until rehcarxzil two dziys before the big this problem. about :1 month before your discharge event. The children s:1t in the stands I feel sure that after I9 years‘ service‘ date. or preferzibly. until you have :1nd h:1d :1 grand view of what went I should get :1 little co-operation. plus actually gone to pension. 0 mark the end ot' eight years‘ Ruthven. R..\l.. of I:':1slney,A_l'orts‘- on. After the Tattoo they were treated No date for the ending of the special ‘ the tact that this is the first time my‘ service on the sunny .\Iediter- mouth. i|histr:itcd- the \'t.'I'\':tllltly.0l to tea and buns. resettlement ,t:r:int of £250 has yet rxinenn island ot‘M11lt1i.-85 Commandorthc Plttltltlll in tod;1y'~'. t:1st~nioving wife has left the locality. You liavc quoted the correct /\.F.O..~ been publislicd. However. it was made To end the Tattoo there was :1 Marines. (which is shortly io'Cumn1:-ndn. of which there is‘ probably :1 copy: ch.-:11‘ that the "run-down" period leave Malta l'or Aden). presented :1 A comical iiolc was struck by "St. Comniando inzircli-past lollowctl by in your \‘lllp_ but I should advise you durini: which the grant would be pay- “Farewell Tattoo“ at St. lJ:i1'id's. George and the Dragon." :1 rc~cn:ict- the (irand I-'in:ilc. that .-\.l7.().s :ire RES'I'RlC'l‘l:'l) and :1blc would last about tiv1: years. and Imtarl'iI.on Febmary'20. ntcnt of the t':1ntoiis t:1|c. with horses. -l5 Coiiimzindo is etpected to be in therefore their contents may not be those who completed their engageThe noodlit 'I‘:1ttoo was staged on donl.e_v.s. villagers in .s-zickcloth, and ‘Aden in its entirety the Spttllg-P. Coii1i11iinie:il1:d to aiiyoiie outside the :lllL'l1l\' after April -l_ I957 would be .thc main p.'1r:1dc-ground. :1nd was wit- of couisc_ the b:1d old dragon brc:1th- about the saute time bythttt Itrit:1iii's Service. including M.I’.s. eligible. It would therefore be unwise lnessed by about l.Ut)t1 specially ing tire and smoke. lir.st Cominando carrier. ltulwark. In any case from what you tell me. to expect_l’t1yniu.-nt of the grant it’ your invited guests. chief among whom This proved :1 great f;1s-ourite with Ewith 4.‘. Coiniiizintlo on board. arrives it would appear to be :1 little time expires after March 31. 1962. were the Governor of Malta (Sinltiiiitlictls of oiplians. Scoiiis and -in the .\lcditerr.1iie:in. prcniature to approach your M.P. on Guy Grantham) and the Comm:1ndcr- I this pI‘1Il)lL'lll_You will probably know GRATUITY in-Chief. Mediterranean (.»\dmir;1l well councils have I that due for November most am discharge on very Sir Alexander Binglcy). long waiting lists for their houses. It 2. I960 when my temi of engagement Everyone agreed on the enormous does not seem pzirticulzirly unreason(Continued in coluiiiii J) success of the event. even though the organiszition and training for the ‘v:1riou.s' displays had been done in :1 period of intcnzse activity at St. l);ivid's. The Contn1;tndo'.s :11lv.1iiee party was due to lc:1ve 1\l:1lt;1 1es~_ than two weeks after the 'l_‘:1ttoo. and F-, the event had to be lined into :1. pro~ ,5» gramme of intensitied troop trainiii-_.-. 5 re-painting and preliminary packing. The Tattoo included all the splcng dour that the Royal :\llll'llI1.'.~ are; capable of supplying. ittcluding lllc’ smartness of :1 drill squad and the niagniticent colour of the m:1<sed ‘,0 hands and buglcrs of the 3rd (‘onimando Brigade and the Commander‘
















45 Commando Royal Marines present ‘Farewell Tattoo’








in the creation of good clothcs—-consulted by who insist on being well-dressed.

in-Chief. Mediterranean.


Capt. L. Wild. R.M.. ol |vybridgc., Devon. was in charge of the produc-j


We suggest with conviction that it will be well worth your while to consult us regarding all your clothing problems, as it is only natural that in the course of fifty years we should understand the requirements of those who serve in'ships and on shore. The service that we now offer is so all embracing that you can shop with us and find all your requiremcnts available to you, whatcvcr they may be. Credit facilities, either by Admiralty Allotment or Bankers Order, are always at your disposal. Good clothes are made by

A. FLEMING &'co. (Outfitters) Ltd. I-IEAD OFFICE : I’.O. BOX NO. 3 HAY STREET AND PORTLAND STREET, PORTSMOUTH Phone 24251 (3 lines) GRAMS: NAVSERGE, PORTSMOUTH I_omI It Edinburgh Road, Portsmouth Bram-/ics— 'I‘rat'algar Services Club, Edinburgh Road.

BI'(1}l(‘/t'('S at all Prim-ipal ports and overseas


4 lion. There was :1 display of modern. amis drill carried out by :1 squad



without any words of comniand (under the direction of R.S..\I.‘ .\lcl)onnell of Birltenheadl. and also :1 light-hearted display of l9tI1 Century drill. 'I'hesi.- ranks wore unifomis of the _\‘(".II’ I805. During‘ this phase the mnks lining the arena were dressed in the period? I66-l—the year the Corps 11-.1sg

Iorirned. l A physical training tc:1in denion-I stratcd the art of judo and unarmed‘; combat. while the Motor Transport Platoon. directed. by Lieut. OiIm;1_v-

(Continued from column-2) expired with the Navy. I joined





WATNEVS anovuiu!

has in 1951. and have served in Suhmnrines for six years. When I am discharged do I get any gr-.1tuit_\ money? It" so could you give me :1 rough idea of how much I will receive. I am sorry to tell you that you will not be entitled to :1 _1:r;1tnit_v since. from what you tell me. you are


.. ;’. . . i1i.-.i i; i



the velvet-.s'mooih :1i1sw1:r to :1 desert-dr_\ thirst. No wonder it's the most popular brown :ilc in the llrown




country! Try :1 g|:is's yotirsclf. Totltty.


51 Special Service ciigage-.

ment and will have

given only


years‘ m:1n‘s service (o\er the age of. I8). The niinimuni service to qualify for


gratuity is


years’ ni:1n'~ tiinc.



.1\l.S. Shcllicltl is to be the flzigsllip of the Flag Ollieer coiiiiiiaiitliiig Reserve Iilcct ill. Portsinoutli. Shetlield




1 .

l3l{(l\\'.\' .-\LL'


I’.-\Ll;' .-\Ll.7


ll;\1\l.\ll5RTON STOUI‘


I),\|RY.\lr\lD $'l()UT



lseacat l l


for H.M.S. Yarmouth

LAYOUT FOR NEW FRIGATE | MODIFIED thereby dirt traps. Special avoiding ine,_shatist ventilation tailored any



cooking equipments ensures Whitby cltlxs dtvidual that steam and smells" are not allowed aiiti-siihniarine frigate. was provi.sioiially accepted into ll..\l, Service on to penetrate into :tdj:icent compartMarch 26. Although basically similar incnts. Other items contiihiiting to a high to the earlier ships ol' the \\'liitb_s class, six til’ which are mm in .s'criicc. the staiidartl of ll;tl‘lI.'ll‘lllI_\' are the bathupportuiiity has lit.-eii taken to incorp- rooms with hot and cold slitmcrs and orate in Yarmouth iiimlilicatioiis in the \\.islib:isiiis'. plastic lining and stain'10”!!! “llivh esteitsise e.\|ierienee with less-stccl tittiiigs. There is‘ also a earlier ships has sliown to be ;itl\:in- lillIl1tIl‘_\'and gcncrotis canteen facilities‘. ..\I.S. Yaniioulh.



: .

ll..\I..S'. Bulwark the Navy's first Commando carrier sailed from

Plymouth on March


having embarked -I2 Commando tagcous.


Iltiilt by John llrown & (‘o_ (C1)-dc. hauls) l.Il.l.. the Yarmoutli has twin screws and twin rudders and is powered by geared turbines built by the linglisli Electric (‘o. Ltd. She is armed with a twin -1.5 in. gun mounting and. as a

temporary .-\..-‘\.




3511 illeiiiuriaiii

-10 mm.

which (sill. eventually. be replaced by it Seacat guided missile Iaiiti_cIicr and director. The :inli-.submarine iirmamctit consists of two threeharrellcd mortars. each of which can, fir“ 3| PZIIICYH OI projectiles with great! accuracy anti the projectiles can be set | to explode at predetermined depth. The l weapons can be trained over wider: arcs" than any previous types; of AA/S_i mortars. 'l'\so twin and eight single‘ torpedo tithes are also iiistallctl. l~l..\l.S. Yarnioiitli has a length of 370 feet and :i beam of -8! feet. The peaectime complement is nine otlicers and I80 men. High standards of accoiiiniodation, are incorporated in the design. The l‘l‘lt.'\‘\L's have comfortable bunks which I can be collapsed during the daytime to form settees. Special schemes of furniture. including coloured plastic-topped ’ tables. patterned linolcunis and floral,ilcsigns of Cliiiir and sellcc o\'crc;is‘cs_ all contribute to the creation of a‘ cheerful aliiiosplicrc. The inotlcrn galley has been caregun.

Lieut. Colin Anthony llill. Royal .\'a\'y. H.M.S. Seahauk. Died I-‘cbruary 24. I960. Roger Alan llurdy. .\Iidshipnian. Ro_s-at .\'as_v. Il..\I.S. Sealiasslt. Died I-'ehruur_v 24. I960.

Ronald Jolinstin. .\'aval Air t\I(.‘Cll'.|llIC 2 (A./I-'..). I./I-'.967Il50. Il.t\I.S. I-'uIiiiar. Died I-‘ebruary 24. AVING paraded through the streets of Plymouth with fixed bayonet.-i and with colours flying. 42 Commando. I960. Royal Marines. of Bicltleigh near the City. embarked in the Royal Navy's Iirst Commando carrier. lI..\I.S. l.ieiit. Viiiccnt Jaiiics I-'riclicr, lluloark. on March H for Gibraltar and the Mediterranean. Ro_s'.iI .\'-.iv_v. Il.Y\I.S. Siintlerling. Died Feliriiary 27. I960. I-Ivciitiially the ship is bound for incs_ Plymouth. i\Iaior-General M. C. 'lhe First Lord of the Adiniraliy. Clillord Bentley (lolby. Nznal Siti_i::tpore where she will be attached Cartwright-'l‘:iylorwere with the Lord l.ord Carrington. accompanictl by the Air Mccliaiiic I (A.)'I'I.l. I./l".96.1-I07. to the hit liasl l-‘lcet. (‘ommantlcr-in-Chief. Plyiitotith. Ad» .\Iayor. Il..\l.S. Ileron. Died l"ebriiar_\' 29. The ct-renionial march through the The parade was led by the Royal miral Sir Richard Onslow and I960. Capt. R. I). Friiiiks. (‘omnianding Harold Williaiii (flare. EngineerOlliccr of H.M.S. lltilwark inspected ing “echiinic I. l’Il\'.973076. the Guard of Honour. Il..\I.S. Trtiiicheon. Died .\IarcIt 4. H.M.S. Bulwark c:irries No. 848 I960. Naval Air Squadron. comrnantled by Patricia .\Iar_v Iliicltard. Wren. Lieut.~Cdr. B. N. Tobey. Royal Navy. W.R..\'.S. ll~l98l. Il..\I.S. llarrier. which consists of I6 Whirlwind heliDied .\Iarcli 5. I960. copters. Four assault landing craft llcnry l.iint. (Thief Petty Illliccrt and slung on davits on the ship's side D/1.929305. Il..\I.S. Dnilie .\'. Merand the airborne tniiisport is 30 light elitint Niuy Defence Training cars which can slung underneath the Centre. Liverpool. Died March 8. Whirlwinds, I960. H.M.S. llulwark's complement as it Keting Shit Pun. (‘ook IS.) 0/259i. (‘oninianilo Carrier will be 850 meritII..\I.S. Taiuar. Died .\Inreli I0. bers of the ship‘: company. I50 memI960. bers of 8-18 Squadron antl the (:00 fully plaiiiictl with a special emphasis; Roy I-Edward William I"raiu|iton. on clcaiiliiiess. All bulklicads and the‘ members of ihe Commando. tleckliead are lined with :IlltmlnllIm.i Able Seiiniaii. I’/.l.95-I-I89. ll.M.5The primary role of Iltilwark.which while the deck is covered with a hard llarricr. Died .\larch I2. I960. was moditictl at Portsmouth DockActing Sub-l.ieuI. Richard John well ncoprcnc—based Composition. has been defined as "c.\itinguish- fairctl into the compartment bonn- Lowe. Royal Navy. H.M.S. Albion. yard. the bush tire before it can daries and at the edges of equipments. Died .\I:irch I5. I960. ing spread." Acting Sub-Lit-ui. AIL-szI_ndcr Gordon Smyth. Royal l\:iv_v. ll..\I.S. Alliitm, Died .\Iareli I5. No. -82 Commando exercising the privilege of marching through the city of I960. Plymouth with listed bayonets and colours Ilying I.icuI. Stanley Janics Ilariiilton. Royal Navy. ll..\I..'-i. Seiiltawk. lent city centre was headed by the Com- .\rIarincs Bands of the Commanderll.M..'~2. Centaur. Died .\I-arch I8manding ()IIicer l.ieut.-Colonel R. D. in-Chiet'_ Plymouth Cominand. and I960. (,‘roinbic. Royal Marines. and the H.M.S. Raleigh with the Corps of Li;-u|_ (;¢t-ald Willltiiii Smith. salute :it the city flag stall was taken Drums of the Royal Marines‘ liarRo_sal .\’av_v. II.Y\l.S. Seahaisli. lent by the l.ord Mayor of Plytiiotith. racks. Plymouth. H.M.S. (Tcnttiiir. Died .\‘larch III. The Queen's Colour was c:trricd by Alderman I’. N. Washbotirn. 1950. The Coinmandant~(iencr:il. Royal I.ieiit. J. Ii. C. Ilardy, Royal .\lariiics. Allen Jaiiies Roach. .\ai_al AirMarines. l.ieut.-(‘icncral I. H. Riches. and the Regimental Colour. l.ieiit. I’. inaii I. I./l".93I9.'.’.9. Il..\I..‘s, Lenand the Major-General. Royal Mar- Goodlct. Royal .\larincs. taiir. Died March Ill. I960. Douglas Leslie \_\'altcni;iri. l'l‘“.\‘ (lllicer .\Icch:ini_c tl-..) Uls\-995l|91 II..\I.S. .'~‘icott. Died March 20. I960. Raymond Procter. Able beainan. I‘/SS.\'.89920-l. ii..si.s. Died March 2I. I960. Brian George Henry B|t:t_:"- C005‘ Some of 42 Commando with the Royal Naval Guard paraded alongside C/51.955025. II..\l..S. PemBulwark. The ship's company and some of the Commando transport are seen (5.). l broke. Died March 23. I960. on the Ilight deck











Tl Life is pleasant





home I


Architect designed houses and bungalows near PORTSMOUTHand GOSPORT



‘Organised Chaos’ proved 9; riot ACCUSED OFFERS CAPTAIN A CIGARETTE

WITH OIL-FIRED CENTRAL HEATING from £2,250 Freehold U I5 deposit

board. that l\


Write for details and illustrated brochure and 64/- per LTD. NICHOLLS C. IOHN week. Portsmouth Farllngton












Sh’ips Company D ances ’

whether a Submarlne—-Destroy-er—Battleship or Ali-crate Carrier OVER 50 SHIPS‘ DANCES CATERED FOR LAST YEAR

Wi're—Wri'te——or Phone, Portsmouth 32275 Make your first "Port of Call" for Dancing The Savoy Ballroom. Radio Band Every Friday


liorseback." At the end of the hilarious programme Capiain A. Aldous of the Cardigan Bay motintcd the stage to present a bouqtiet to the "leading lady." The bouquet was a llowcrpot

Cardigan Bay’s show a triumph (BY RUDY ARI) OTTER)



to say.


sombre-looking plant

STAGE production which would have made the Lord Chamberlain blush which hadn't seen a drop of water and reach for the smelling salts was put on by members of the Cardigan for many moons! Bay ship's company in the 'I‘error cinema. Singapore on March II. The I throw this bouquet at production was called “Organised Chaos." and nobody in the audience the"llefore leading lady." he quipped. “I would have dared to dispute the fact that it lived up superbly to its promises! would like to say that I have enThe programme itself contained Twins or Triplets. Mystic Magic joyed this programme thoroughly. these astonishing statements: "I) For Moments. A l.ittlc Drivel. The and I am grateful to all the people the sake of security all participants Matelot's Return." concerned for working so hard. I wish to remain anonymous. 2) The am sure that the rest «if the audiUNUSU.-\l. CIIARGI-I audience is requested not to snore ence will agree with me when I A real winner was “The Captain's too loudly. 3) The producers reserve say that it was it damned good the right to change the programme Table" which almost succeeded in show." without notice. and also request the bringing the house down! The Cap While he spoke. the sl-Its of the atidicnce not to be alarmed by any- t:iin was played commend-ably by show were gesticulaiing in the backLeading Writer .\Ionks who. in his ground, thing they witness." aiitl waving sticks and brooms Then the fun started! The first miilti-coloured uniform. looked susprimitive abandon at their Capitem on the menu was “Beauty and piciously like a dashing Dori Juan-— with head. but when he turned to Rhythm Ieatiiring the Cardigan with a hangover! His head embedded tain's Dasies." Long. hairy legs swung to in his hands. allergic to the bellowing face ihcin all the szivagery subsided and fro and artificial breasts voii:e of the Master-at-Arnis. he was and sweet. obedient <IDtlt.‘.\ slipped tbrcatenctl to disintegrate as half a perhaps the first Captain on record into view! dozen characters—-looking more like to receive a cigarette ollered by one Captain Aldous tbcii walked tip to out-ol’~work charwonien than the gor- ol' the defaulters at the Table. and the "lcadiiig lady" and to this tI;ibimpersonatofs stltptisir genus dancing girls they were stip- chat hrcezily with the other ollcntlcrs bergastcd posed to portr.-iy—pranced around about "last night‘: run ashore" in eliastcly saluted him. AIterv.ards lie the stage and pulled faces at the all- which he. apparently. was involved! handed over the llowcrpot and left male audience. The Jossman too hail an tinnuial the stage_ auiid a gale of sliootiiig. the said iliooting. ehcciing_ whistliiig and The laughter continiicd_ with such charge to r-tad out: numbers as "The Baby Photographer. ollcnders returned improperly on lziiiglittig.




Rear-Admir-.nI .l. \l. Villiers. (t.l!.|-'... .-\dmir:il Sir (aspar Juhn. K.C.l3.. luu been appointed Contm:mder-m- ts to_he :t l._urd (Turuntissioner of the Chief. llome I-'lect. in succession to Admiralty. l~ourth Sen Lord and ViceAdmiral Sir William W. Davis. Controller in succession to Vicc(‘-.C.H.. l).S.O.‘ The appointments A_dmtr:tl N. A. Cnpeman. C.B.. l).S.C.. with effect front October. I960. tttkcs etlv.-ct in .\t:ty. _

Rear-.«\dnrir:tl N. S. Henderson. (LIL. O.B.l{.. has been appumtetl Director (ieueml of Training in sue-i Ccuttltt to \"iee-.-\dmir;xl Sir Nmttt:irt ti. l);tltun. K.(‘.ll.. ().l¥.l€.. the zipI |'MltlIlll\‘Ill In Like elleet in .-\|uil


Capt. M. J. Ross. l).S.C.. is to he‘ promoted to Rezir-.-\tlmir:iltudute July

7. l‘)(utl. and to he .'\\~.t\’t1ttll Chief of Naval Stall’ (\\':tt‘l:tt‘el in _\ucces*\iu|) tn RCLtl':.’\dt1lll1ti ll. ('. X. Rolfe. ('.|l.. the ;ippuintut.'nt to t.ti.e etleet from June.



I-iduuuul Gt-on.-i: Inittu. (LIL!-2.. R..\'.. has heeu uppmnteil ? ll.R.ll. The Prince-..s Ruwll l'.‘lttl'lls ”.\tlH‘:~'F-'!l‘3l~-‘I "17 lift‘ -V-1‘-‘V I“ V-5-'~'k'_*' 2‘:-mu her( amlxlv.-.m .'llll\\.'in the l\'u_x.il siun in i\'t.‘ltlj'\(itlll:‘.li Kenneth St. 1 Yueltt ll;it.utt:i.i nu ,\pri| 7_ llurhe Collins. ().ll.lE.. |).S_C_. uhu I~.‘.i~ 1 The 'B:IttIc nt .\l:ttupnn um cumbeen llytlrug:upltet' since June. W55. lIlCl'll0|'§tlL'ki in ll..\l.S. \’ietor_v on Licut.-Cdr. D. W. Waters. Ru .\i:trch 28 when the principal guest was has been appointed Curator of Navi- .-\dmir:tl of the Fleet I.nrtl gation and :\\lt'uttnttt5’ in the National hum. Hosts vtere the Comm:utder-in- . Maritime .\lmeunt to till the vacancy eziusetl by the retirement of Crlr. 0.‘ ley Power) auttl the .-\dmir:rl SuperutHill. tendent (Re:u‘-.~\dmir';nl J. H. Unix-inl.



I-‘it-Id gun


and trainers at Chtllhtttll. (Phutu: l’em|'-rnke Studios)



for its final on Eyes cups TMAYORAL PARTY SPEND BAY‘ field gun competition HERMES IN ‘

Capt. W. J. .\I«mrr:. l).S.(.‘.. RJ). and Clasp, R..\‘.R.. has been uppnintetl :1 Royal t\':t\y Reserve .-\ide kit.‘ (‘amp tn The Queen in \lts.‘s.‘L‘\'~'t\Itt tn (Tnpt. l’. Surgettt. l).S.(‘._ R.l).. R.N.R.. with





‘the llulitlay Sea Training Scheme for girls and young women L'LIl‘|'tL'ti out by the 33-tun Au.\ili;try Ketch‘ linglixh Run.‘ II under the super-I sisinn of (Klr C. l.. A. \\'unl|;trtl.‘ R..\'.. l".R.(‘.S.. it\\i\l.L'd hy Mrs. Woollurtl and um emupetent wonten ulli-, eers. start» again on May 7 and includes to cruises at‘ .1 wee}; or furt-





ni_t:ltt re\'pct:tircl}'.

lite \\.‘it¢Iltg'. which v..i~ mzitt-,;ua‘.ttet| in I‘)-to. ueeepts teetmgcn. .uu| )‘\‘tlttt.' uunten twin I21 )'C(|I'\ Il|1\\".lT\i\’ and u very L't|lttprv:ilL‘ll\i\\.‘ ~}l1.tl\us ul‘ truirtim: i» eurrietl uttl

I-'cbrtt:tr_v I the Nurc Comtmlntl Field Cum (‘rt-\\' fnrmetl up

in the RII_Htl .\u\‘aI Barracks. Cltathttut. to start training for the RtI_\;|I '|‘nurn;um-nt -4| recently in‘ ~-.::t \|1i.‘tIl it till)‘ I-.‘:trl's' (.'m_trt next June. ll..\l.S. llerntex. the crew, \\'lIiclt ha: been selectetl l)t\|‘li1l)' that |lH\ heen running. apart .\l;iuy of the .~lup'~ euInp;ut_t’ of ll..\l.S. Hertnes lt'L‘;t\‘tlh.‘ the respect from ships and Cslithitslttttctlls in the from hre;tl.~ during the \\';tr.~. since and lmspitulity extended to tltem hy; Nor»: and Scotland Cmurututtls. is ‘ t*)tt7_ the citizens of lizirrou-irt-l-urnesa training on the Kh)her Puss Road? Three eup~ are competed for each Tr:u:k. which is ittst outside and above i _\'L‘1tl‘ h_\‘ the Clmtluuu, Portsntuulh. during the ship's construction. tltc barracks. l)e\'on|mrt and Air Commands, It is expected that this year will be Other crews beware. Chatham are the last time that .1 crew from Chat- on the mirpzttlt and intend this. their hum \\ill take part in the Field Gun last year. to be a bumper one. 1

ellect from December 8. I95‘). l;l .umtlter link of iFlCtlti\itl|\ littteritttz the Rn_\':i| NZIVZII Reserve IIILILIL‘ hetueett ll..\l.S. \\.» in ]‘)_‘tt|_ (‘apt .\lum-c was Mentioned in i)L'\PillCilk'\ in l042 and 1t\\'Zll'dCtii”t.‘YIllt.‘\zuul the Cttt/v.'tt\ nt' B:irruwthe l).$,(‘_ in 1045 for his mu‘ service, ut~l‘urne~\ \\’ilt?ll their .\l.'tyur (.\lr~‘. l-le l\ at pr-:~eut i\iiI\lL‘l‘ of the M.\'. ? .\l. 'l':tit) and Mayuress (.\l:s. S. t)imnc.t, lhc (mt;-1 '|'r;.ining ship nrjflnntaurzl ueenntpunied by the "I'm-.11 (W, l-:n\rettee Allen Esq”) the .-Xlfretl Ilnlt line.

. t


p:trtieu|:u:~; and (ieluils of tram- Capt. I). S. Tibhit.-3. |).S.C.. R.V.. ing please \\llit.' to Mrs, \\’mr||;tt'd. 2. W. l.:mrcnt'e Allen. Esq» Mrs. S l)ur~ct l,;iLe .-\\'enu.:. Lilliput. Poole. «Gontuu and Bliss S. Tait. during thi‘ For

tour of ll..\l.S. Hermes.



lllllll Slllfllls’ ll[SlS

NFIRMATION has been rcceitcd that thc ti-tlnwin;: have been admitted to the (‘turf 5 l'ett,\' Ottkcr or Chief Aniti.-or utc:

Tn Mltlrr Al Arno


i (itcgury, .\’l.\' 7l57l2. To Chief Petty Oliccr R. \V SiIu\_ IX |5.‘3{-5. I II. -\\!t:u2rt. JN \'uu‘ll enjuy your share / |.W‘-S-1_ N Ii J'.tek\iut. IX I-Mt‘-.5‘-t, .\ \\"'~4 I3‘! S-H. N. F. Jaekmn, X I40 ‘I34, a\. \'Vt'.:~i leme the more when you know you're ttmrc. IX 292373. L. I7:t!|r‘.v:r_ IX :“:'lF‘_ ‘I Rt-“ell. JN I-)‘)l'}‘I‘l, J N J.r;.~l\ IX fall-IT. xx ell dressed. Suits, coats, sports clothes, S. 1.



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.-\nu.l you can pay by Our nu ml rt-/In-.\mmIin-.\' n-_r:ul'url_t' t‘i\il I/rt‘ I-'lr'cI a! parts u/"ml! ul Imme mu!‘ i Thntuputll, .\II\' 90407}, J. .\lm~n. MK S0}6"‘F_. ! m'¢'r \¢'u.t-'. II'_nm'rI like In klmtv HI«‘Jfl' I (T “C J. Rlmdcs. MK ?N:‘I.'|§. J (in-ct. M.\ uimul u 'iIIerls_rr. .\-.-.« L-illrer .\lr. Gmm'./;.-.-. -\ .\'IS$t-X, I‘. A Cicltdiltirtu, MN .\1“r.‘v6(\-I. K. V Ibuuxcr. .\l.\.' RIRSIO. J It llurc. .\1.\L ts030.\4. or Mr. Dmrkiu, trim: m'.\'I he t'i.\'iI.r } ll IE, limit. .\I.\' SUSHI. T (T Arnnid.F.MK‘ S. 'h|'|.ltn§_l_ J. C. Tttt'I'Ihull_ SMX ‘I(|<i-H2, ‘t'nIl)_ MK S-l2‘D5‘!_ I’ N. .\lm~rh.t:\e. MK‘ _ruur ¢'r!(tI:Ii.\‘Im1t-rtr. zlltt-rIrrrrit't'I_t'. «Imp .\tl_\7t)\I_ J, A. Lctnix SIX hAIZ"Il I m u Iim-. or call in at any 01'our brunrlu-A. . To Attila: Chief Mccltaniclan l) J. .tl\\.ml\. RX H-Mail, It A lr.i«cr.i ll ‘c slmflhe plcrrwrl in let you have afirlrla-r 1 «X = 1. H.»--»=« KN ~W~l.i\'es!t'." KN 7450700. 1 ll. S:-llt;‘_ KN fvF.‘<|Z.'-.: !.’il‘iI1,L' rlrmilxuf Willer/»_t'\ \/wriul u'rrint I ,lur IItr'll in I/Iv IItlt‘_l'. ‘




















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\\. 1..





1. I). (inudwitt. MN h5.‘.\'§Z_ I) J I -'t£.‘il, : I M.\' l\‘-1297.3 l . To Chief I-Jcclrirtan MK A. A. Louis, MN 501571. R |:r.«~'. 5\‘lt'y!I(;. L l.an'.~don. “X 2~N7T2, ’l. W. I‘. CupeI.1Itd. NIX §“U‘!27. To Chic! Radio I>.lcctric'r.nn l., A \5'hitl:All. MN 3412:“. UTA I'u¢ket. MX 759-890 To Clticl Petty Oficcr Wrltcl \\' I) (irillttht, MX 77l7.‘I*, Tn Sluccu Chic! Pclty Oiccr t\'t U R. lkazlcj-'_ LIX 779253. To (‘Ink-I Rulio (‘on-Ilnicatiou §upcntmr_l R. \\’;ttkin\. JX l.‘U4-I0. W. J. 5!-'rI|'s'. J.\' 551144 To Chlcl Cnnnttnicallon Ycontan A. T. Suttuhttrst, IX Itvbi-Cwl. To Acting Chic! Radio lllcrtrical .\lcch:tnici2I (Air) ll. F. Sludbolt. LIFX 1"O.'v$S. To Acting (Thief Aircraft Artiticcr II. C. \Vuodu:m.l. I./I'.\' (»(>"tt-i Tn (‘hit-I’ Air I-“tttcr ((1) \\’_ I-, I! (it-.».!c, I t',‘€ 3\Tth.t

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RATINGS ON ‘VENTURE TWO BRIDGES Assistance to Isle of Wight Authorities ,....

for Eli-c_trical Mechanics (Air) and Radio Electrical Mechanics (Air) undergoing Part Tl training at TIIE ll.M.S. Ariel includes week of Venture Training. During this week the trainees away from the establishcourse

one a senior


ment with an ollicer and rating to some remote area. for example the Welsh Mountains. where they live under primitive conditions in which their physical endurance and ability to adapt themselves to their sunoundings are fully tested. In adilition they learn to live together as it small community in which all members have to do a share (it the chores and in most cases being amazed at the variety of jobs that they are able to tackle successfully. The aims of Venture Training were carried out on the island by the lslc combined with the provision of a of Wight County Council. The Civic pttblic service on two occasions during Trust. an organisation whose aims l‘)59. when classes went to the Isle are the removal of derelict wartime of Wight to assist in the demolition buildings, the clearing "of public and removal of two stone bridge rights of way and generally restoring weather HE cold of spell abutments. country districts to their natural state. at the end of February, with its On the Isle of Wight the greater asked the Captain of Ariel if any consequent cancellation of football part of the railway services have been voluntary assistance could be given antl hockey li.\turcs. appears to have discontinued and much of the per- for the removal of some of the bridge e:ui.scd the male element of R.N, Air manent way has been removed. There ahutmcnts. lt was decided that this Station Abbotsinclt to go into hiber- are, however. some bridges remain- Would bc 3' sllllilhlc ‘Mk for 3 CW5‘ natioii_ Even the photographer appears ing. though the arch spans in most undcrgoing Venture Training. to have been allcctcd by cold ——or lack cases have been removed. Some of of V.l.l’.s —-for his work of late seems the stone bridge abutments remainTHE BRIDGE to have been entirely devoted to ing prcscnt formidable obstacles for The first bridge to be removed was technical photography! badly needed road development being one over a minor road at Roud. DesThe ladies, being warmer-blooded ., i of took society, advantage rpcmbers of the snow. antl a party of nine W.R.N.S. ofliccrs and ratings went ski-ing locally—for those who know the district—- on (ilcnifcr Braes. Despite having got very wet in snow and ‘: sleet showers during the forenoon. Eight of the nine were game cttough to go out again in the afternoon.

Hibernation at









percentage ol'.coItverts to an activity not often available in the West of Scotland. A party of 20 W.R,N.S. ofliccrs and ratings attended the annual general meeting of the Scottish branch of the W.R.N.S. Benevolent Trust, held in Edinburgh recently. The l)ircctor W.R.N.S. was the guest speaker and. due largely to the weather and geographical position. the Abbotsinch contingent was the only sizcable unit of serving W.R.N.S. to be represented. a







Starting to remove the abutments.


Cooperstylc tailored uniforms for all ranks are produced by expert craftsmen. Cooperstyle civilian suits, jackets and slacks have a quality of perfection which gives the wearer that feeling of assured confidence in the knowledge of being well dressed. Shoes,’ gifts, domestic goods, sports equipment, in fact all your requirements, can be obtained through ONE ALLOTMENT or by BANKER’S ORDER, and ALL at CASH PRICES. '

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Central Hall, Main Road, Harwich, Es sex for full tletails of CO0PER'S SERVICE

(Photo: Johitl Owen, Newport, 1. of W.) being against the training and truction inclination

of most Electrical Branch personnel. a party from H.M.S. Vernon was sent to demolish the abutments with explosives. leaving the party from Ariel to clear tip afterwards. The Vcnttirc 'l‘raining party set up camp in :1 held near to the bridge. The camp routine was estaball members of the party. lished and of 14 ratings, one petty consisting ofliccr. one lieutenant. were allocated duties. which included cooking. Most of the ratings lacked previous experience of camping, and it soon became obvious that their knowledge of cocking was also somewhat sketchy. The bridge proved rather diflicult from both the demolition and clearing point of view. Very little mechanical equipment was available and plenty

always available and at your service




West Whatever the need, whatever the climate, COOPER’S of HARWICH

Branches at:


A cloud of dust




and_ruhhle more.


of hard work was rcqtiircd to clear the road. which was closed for three days. traflie being diverted during this time. The day's work was carried out cheerfully. but in the evenings. which were light until about 6 pm. as the iob was done during a week in September. there was not any great entbusiasm for using the sports equipmcnt which had been hi-oiiglu along, and after the evening meal most members of the p:irty were glad to retire to their tents. The clearing was completed within the week, and the Expedition was voted by all members of the party to have been most enjoyable work and experience,

THE SI-ICONI) BRIDGE The second bridge was tackled in November. This bridge was at (imlsliill and was on a main road. speed was therefore essential in clearing away the rtihblc. The demolition was again carried out by a party from Vernon. people in houses near-by being warned to open windows. and members of the Ariel party being sent out in the surrounding area with warning llags. The Captains of the two establishments concerned arrived by helicopter to watch the demolition, departing after inspecting the rtibblc and having declared the bridge well and truly blown. In order to speed lltc removal of the debris the Council made available heavy mechanical

and the

(Photo: .lohn

Owen. Newport. 1. of W.

the party were able to get to know and iiitderstand the yoting ratings in their charge to a greater c.\‘lent than is pt)ssil‘Ilt: under normal training contlilions.

l.ivc|y co-operation


given by

the Council who greatly appreciated this voluntary effort. and it is thought that both sides would welcome further ioint effort of this nature in the


Flag Oflicer Air (Home)


North, South, East


cookhouse. The work required on the bridge was not as extensive as in the previous case due to the mechanical equipment available. and on two days. in spite of rather miserable weather. parties set out on cross-country treks. ()ttcc again the expedition was voted :1 success by all those taking part. who said that they woultl like to volunteer to go again should there be an opportunity. In addition to any bcnctits that the trainees derived from these expeditions. and in common with all other forms of Ventttrc 'l'r:umng, the ofltccr and the senior ratings Ill charge of used


and snow, The band which is Scotland (‘ornmand Royal .\larine band. is adittittistcrctl and housed at Arbroath.

N 'l‘ite.-stlay, March 8. Vice-Admiral Previously a Royal .\larinc battd was Sir Douglas Eric Holland-Martin. stationed at Rosyth until I950. l\’.C.B.. D.S.().. D.S.C.. Flag Ollicer The band has been formed from Air (Home) visited ll.M.S. Condor. He arrived by air from the south experienced bandsmcn who have been and was greeted by weather more akin serving in other Royal Marine hands to the high latitudes of Northern at home and abroad. They have come to Condor from the Royal Marine Norway. than that of R.N.A.S. Ar- School of Music. Deal. broath. He spent the day seeing for himself the station atwork and play. SPORT although the recreation programme In the final of the Navy (hip, had to be curtailed because of weather R.N.A.S. Arbroath lost to 42 Comconditions. On the same day. before the Ad- mando Royal Marines by four goals mir:il's arrival. the Royal Marine to three. The issue was in doubt until Band now based in Condor. was the last five minutes of the game. scheduled to make a ceremonial entry when the Royal .\larines broke into the station. bttt this had to be through the rugged Arbroath defence cancelled because of the driving slcct and scored two goals.


.4’ -



Flag Ollicer Air (Home) talking to Musician




giant tankers now using the There are some 50 or fill wrecks. linglish Channel are making the who-.c positions and depths‘ may have Royal Navy take a second "look" at changed. within the limits in which the seabed wrecks of ships of two the Scott is being employed. llcr task world wars. A start has been tnadc in is likely to take sotne three months. the Channel between Dover and After their positions had been del'l..\l.S. surScott. a Dungeness by tcrmiued by survey vessels. hundreds Licut.-Cdr. connnanded by of wrecks were tackled by the Wreck vcy ship E. P. I). D. Scott. R.N. l)ispcrsal Fleet :iftcr the war and Naval After the last war. survey etlectively "buried" or broken up. ships checked wrecks around the Since 1958 Naval responsibility for coasts and those in important channels the dispersal of dangerous wrecks has and likely to be a danger were after- been taken over in the majority of wards depth charged to give a clearcases by Trinity House. ancc of at least 45 feet at low water clearing equipment which greatly re- by trawlers of the R.N. Wreck Other survey ships of the Royal duced the work of the clearing party. Dispersal Fleet. which was disbanded Navy will also have tasks this summer in the same part of the Channel. The Camping was not considered suit- in I958. able in view of the inclement weather It is now considered. however. that East Coast of England Survey Unit. prevailing at the time. accommodation there should be at least tit) fl. over including the inshore survey craft, in an old railway station was rejected these wrecks in view of the size of the Echo, commanded by Lieut.-Cdr. in favour of a farm outliousc. Con- tankers built in recent years, ditions however were primitive, and l-l..\l.S. Scott. based on Dovcr. is Richard Green. R.N., is going back lo the party of It ratings, one pctty working in a busy area stretching the Goodwins to finish work started ofliccr and one ofliccr had a con- southwcstwartls from the North Good- there last summer. Operating out of sidcrablc amount of cleaning to do wins lightship to a point some I2 Ramsgatc. they will be concentrating before settling in for the first night. miles south of Dungcncss light and on reported sand erieroachnicnt into A bell tent was pitched outside and including the Varnc shoal. the Gulf Stream. llli

April. mo











disappointed at not being able to give more

From Iii.-Iiriiiriyi: um.’ lt'Ifl]lt'.\I.‘ dcul/i (iuml l.urrl, tlrlivrr m.


/mm [lf(It,'Ilt'. pi-.\IileIit'¢' um! /mrir'rn'.' from battle and munlr-r, um! /mm St'IlIrf(‘Il


l~lA'l‘ extract from the Litany must have been in iuany minds as ships and tiien from many nations converged on A-gadtr after the terrible earthquake on l~'ebruary 2‘) when. it is estnnated sortie l2.(l(lt) people lost their lives. For hundreds of years the Royal Navy has always been on the spot within a few hours of tires. eartltquakcs. pestilence. and so on. always ready to bring relief. comfort and material support to the alllictcd and the recent calamity at /\_t_:adir was tio exception. Evert with our reduced i\‘avy—— stretched thin over the oceans the Royal i\"av_v was able to provide some assistance. l'l.M. Ships Tyne and Darlaston were on the scene within a couple rnaining tloors. in fact. the whole of of days. able and willing to help. the bttilding. had stink as a complete lixtraets from two NAVY Niaws correspondents "on the spot" are given tinit as though it was built on quickbelow. The lirst is by Sick Ilcrtli Attendant J. .\l. Hayes. of H..\l.S. sand. Small houses on the hills were Rookc. who accompanied Snrg.-l.icut. Carmichael to Agadir in t_he l)ar- mere heaps of rubble or had great

lastoii from (iibraltar and the second froru lnstr.-Cdr. J. P. Strrngerrof l-l.M.S. Tyne. The coastal mineswecper. li.i\t.S. fact all that had been a monument of Darlaston. reached the Bay of man's building ingenuity was laid beAgadir after some 30 hours steam- fore us. together with the silence of ing‘ on 'l‘hur.sday_ March 3. and found death and the lack of any of the 2| ships of variotis nations already usual sights and sounds of a port of them Dutch. such as this once was. Prevailing there -most Numerous small craft could be seen above all lhis'_ was the odour of deplying strips and shore with supplies struction and decay that drifted out of medicine. food. tools and men. and to sea on the morning breeze. there was a ttcver ceasing stream of Under way, I)_ar|aston proceeded to aircraft cotitintiiiig the work of stip- execute a corttplicatcd manoeuvre to plying and evacuating the stricken bring lter bows-on to the beam of La Fayette to receive stores which were city. From the ship it appeared that a landed on the forccastle by crane giant Festival of Light was being held from the flight deck of the aircraft on shore. for thousands of lights could carrier. To my mind. in view of the be seen which. on closer scrutiny. swell in the Bay at the time. this was were found to be convoys of cars. a feat of brilliant co-ordination of lorries and individual clusters of light seamanship between ships and men of where rescue work was still being ditlerent nations. Three loads of zip carried out in an endeavour to reach proximately one ton each were taken those who were still trapped beneath aboard and Darlaston proceeded with the layers of fallen masonry and rock caution to enter the now dead harthat had fallen from the hills behind bour of Agadir. As the ship neared the harbour and the city. Upon his return from a confer- until she was made fast. the smell ence in the l)iitch cruiser l)e Ruyter. became stronger and more nauseating. Siirg.-l.ieul. Carmichael said that al- although attempts were being made though mttclt work was in progress on to allc\'iate this by spraying and dons» shore. Darlaston could be of little ing tltc whole city froiu the ground assistance as the whole of the rescue and from aircraft with l).l).T. 4- and and cv:icttation programme was near- other germicidical preparations. ing eoinpletion_ and the authorities Being. as we were. alongside. the had decided to raze the whole city to extent of damage and the true the ground. Such action wotild. it was proportion of horror and destruction to life could now be seen quite thought. lessen the epidemic danger of cholera and typhus. clearly. The eye was taken by the Arraitgentents were made however. heap of rubble which was once the to disinfect anyone who had to go (.‘rtsbah. where it is known that 860 ashore :ind the ship entered. with out of 900 men. women and chilcaution. the dead harbour and tiridren perished. loadctl the stores she h:id brought ()f the iiumc_rous hotels‘. sortie of from (iibraltar together with storesgfu ttr. live and six there were takcii front the French aircraft bnt shells. The neonstoreys. signs were intact. I carrier I.:i l_".'iyctte. and a number of \\'lH(lt.‘l\\'<_ but inside But let Sick llcrth .‘\ttenilant llcyes the lloors had collapsed layer upon tell his own story: layer— until tltcy reached ground level. l)F.S'l'RL'CI'l(}.\’ AND I)!-IC.~\Y .\'() ().\’F. Wll.l. ENVY A At dawn the true picture of this tragedy became obvious for all to see. ()f one hotel in particular. all that lluiltliiigs. houses. hotels. stores. in could be seen was the roof; the re-


gaping holes in the walls. Of the civilian population. l saw no more

than two dozen. but of Moroccan troops there were hundreds. It was these troops that assisted its in the unloading of the medical supplies and stores that we were carrying. These men. though few for such a large area. are going to take on a ioh which no one will envy‘. that is—to guard a city that is a toiuh. a cast-olf frortt the world. a place that will be slmnned for months. perhaps even years; truly. a city of death and the dead. After unloading all stores and finishing all business connected with them. the ship proceeded into the hay again to her anchorage. disinfection of the ship was carried otit. c.g.. decks were scrubbed. hatchways were cleared. lower mess-decks were cleaned: the crew then bathed and washed. had their evening meal and settled down to watchkecping routine. In conclusion, I would like to say that the sights and the sounds. the smell and the silence of Agndir. coupled with the knowledge that this '

by only three tremors of the earth. lasting in all 15 seconds, is something never to be forgotten by anyone who saw the earthquake or had anything to do with the rescue of those who, not was




at Agadir, illustrating that even reinforced proof against earthquake.

the ruins .

needed. They found that all the injured had been evacuated from the area. and that everything was under control. However, the doctors ashore said that they would be very glad of the medical supplies that Tyne had brought with her, and these were landed by launch on the Monday afternoon. The only party to get ashore ‘for was



length of

time was

a communica-

concrete is not


tions team. and they a station on Monday the 7th on the airfield pertmeter. where they were received with great kindness by their Moroccan Army hosts. To us in Tyne all seemed very peaceful, but from time to time there were cartlt tremor; which felt exactly like a depth charge going otl' some way away. just to remind us where WC WCYC.

fortunate enough to escape the ensuing collapse. were buried where they happened to be at the time.

H..\l.S. TYNE BRINGS HELP ll..\t.S. Tyne was at Bilbao at the

time of the catastrophe and she arrived too late to be of much use. ()I]i|_'cr~‘. and men were bitterly dis. appointed at not being ablc to go ashore and give assistance. but the stores she took with her were most

gratefully received





little of the distress. Rolling in an Atlatitie swell .1 mile ull Agadir in brilliant sunshine it was ditlicttlt to imagine the devastation ashore. thouglt we could see small planes spraying the city with l).l).'l'.. and a look through glasses showed up considerable damage. We gathered. too. that most of tile buildings which appeared completely whole were in f:ict cracked and mere shells. Tyne began her job by loading l\l:lllls'L'l\‘. cantp-ltctls and lime into a Spanish landing craft on the Sunday morning t.\larch ft) although a coitsiderablc swell was ninning at the time: :ind this load was then taken ashore. .\leanwhilc we had been in touch with the shore authorities and it was c|c:ir that the primary need was for housing. We had brought with us frotu (iibraltar a considerable amount of timber. and so on the Sunday afternoon amt .\tonday morning the whole of the. upper deck became :1 hive of activity while the prefabricated frameworks of 30 huts were ptit together. it was a stirring sight. a

NI-ZW Tl-Z.\ll‘()Ri\RY HOSPITAL We had hoped to send our own working parties ashore to erect the hats we had made; but the Moroccans had decided that they should form the basis for a new temporary hospital and it had not been decided where this should be sited. So we landed our bins in our own launches ‘on the .\lontl:iy afternoon and Tuesday morning atid turned them_ over to the .\Ioroccans. Meanwhile the medical otlice_rs had been ashore to see what assistance

The Royal N(wy’s clmice sirwe 1805.' For over 150 years Sl.\l().\'t).s‘ lino lIt'('l’.~€ ltavc gone down well, atloat. or a.sliorc. 'l‘oday Sistoxtis lioom are better than o\'cr—.stroiig, l)(.'£llllll.tlll_\' lircwetl, full oflla\'oui'. 'l‘r_\' sortie lotlay l











l'l.\'.\l()L'Tll, BTC.






by Winning

H.M.S. Gambia marks entry‘ ‘Jet Fleet Cock’ i~—..._.............,............






days at twenty-five knots BY OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT

L" R last bulletin was written as we left Volos in Greece early December. bound for the Suez Canal and all stations‘ East. After being delayed by sandstoniis we eventually broke through to the Red Sea and were nearing Aden when a signahnan spotted a lighthouse flying ii distress signal. The ship stopped and :1 party put ashore to in\‘e\tit::tlt:. returning to report that the sis inhabitants were down to almost their last tin of beans uith a sad-looking donkey in reserve. They were accordingly given supplies to tide them over until the storeship could arrive from Aden. On our arrival there. the Port Ollicer discovered. once agairf. that his unscrupulous utilposts had been supplementing their income by selling stores (and apparently even water) to passing dhows. There w_as a_five-day_ stay in Aden between the two countries amidst

during which time rt high proportion of the ship's cotnpany spent :1 day or so with the Army and R.A.F.. visiting outposts on the Yemen

border. We sailcd_from Aden to Mombasa. with an cig_ht;hour dash at full speed to Mogadiscio to land a rating suffering from acute appendicitis. At Mombasa (or for. some people. Nairobi and outlying districts) we spent a very happy Christmas. thanks to the boundless goodwill of numerous people. The more spartan of our number spent their Christmas perched in Iordly isolation above the clouds of Kilimanjaro. For the New Year we moved on

general rejoicing, the



immaculate and very gaily decorated with hundreds of Union Jacks and Maldivian National l-‘lags.







ll..\l.S. (iainliiii




(('apt. W.



.l. .\liinn. l).S.().. ().ll.l-3..

§Alderney pays aft:eii47,000 iriiles KEEPING WARM WAS PROBLEM IN HALIFAX March morning. ll.!\l. S/.\l. Aldemey, under the command of Lieut.-Cdr. R. A. lledgeock. R.N.. and ONflyingcold her paying-ol pendant. returned Fort lllockhouse after two years in contntission. the last I8 months a





of which have been spent with the Sixth Submarine Squadron based


Halifax. Nova Scotia.


Colombo to land r distinguished after and a rapid ttirn passenger round set forth on Exercise "let" in which the British. Indian, Pakistan and Ceylon Navies joined forces to produce a total of almost 40 ships. Gambia had a fitting climax to this exercise. setting up an all-tiinc record by winning every race in the conito D:ir-es-Salaam and again many bincd fleet regatta and making BelEast Cock look very thin people contributed to make our stay fast'stheFarllone. a happy one. liven now the postman on Seal of supremacy was finally special bag for East African setThe the following day when the mai M.(F..)‘\~ whalei's crew won the allcomers' race by four lengths. I-‘l R51" Yl-IA R CO.“ l‘I.E'l'l-II) So ended our first year of the commission with 28.200 miles behind us It was during the night of this final spent during 90 full days at sea. and seven months of the foreign victory that orders arrived to prooecd forthwith to the aid of leg to complete. January saw [is steaming for Mauritius. who had come off second Karachi by way of the Seychelles. best in an encounter with Cyclone and by early February we had cotne "Carol." By U-H5 that same morning down the liidian Peninsula to Gambia Wits hurrying south at 25 Colombo, Here. the day after our ar- knots, whilst all onboard set about rival. the Secretary of State for making ready to leap ashore with Commonweztlth Relations came helping hands. After we had been doing 25 knots on board and we took him to Gan (where the new R.A.F. sta ing air- for four days. Mauritius loomed up field has been built in the uthcrn in the darkness and by the first light Maldives). and then on to Male. the of dawn we were berthed in the main capital of this vast island group. There harbour of Port Louis. By 0800 over a His Highness the Sultan and the hundred men were ashore setting Secretary of State signed the treaty about re-erecting the concrete _

hrispa .




[Lb Submarine Alderney in the turbulent waters of the Nonh Atlantic. (Photo: Nat. Del‘. Canatlal

ROYAL ESCORT j The time to return to ll:ilifa\'for l Alileriiey cotniiiissioiietl at l’o_rl~1- self-iiiaiiiteiiziiice came all too quickly pylons that carried the on Maicli I2. l‘l5l~'_ her fifth but at lk‘;I\! uintcr Wits now over. and electricity supplies, \|llli\l the brains mouth of the Electrical l)ep:irtment were. mice she was first Ctllllllltssltlllctl .it the l\t'.Il o.i~ to prepare for .i St uadron visit In \toiitre.il prior to Roya Escort hits)’ with the lo.:.il lilcetiicity lit-anl llairow in I‘)-l(i. After sea trials and the usual six duties. A happy. if wet. lhree da_v~ solving the problem of ‘getting were spent in Montreal before power station going again. (iambiazliectic weeks of work-up. cleaning.‘ .-‘\lderne_v sailed down the St. Lznvrence has been joined by the French 'l'r:iinfiring trials. noise trials, ctc.. ; again. to renili-Ivoiis with Royal Canaing cruiser Jeanne d'Arc and we are I Aldcruey spent the rcs_t of that dian Naval ships of the Atlantic looking forward to several happy days 5 summer carrying out trials in the Conniiand gathered (iaspe Bay. working together. When our task here Arctic. and running from London~E:(.hiebi-i:. to welcome in Her Majesty to is completed to everyone's satisfaction dcrry. i\'ortlicm Ireland. :(’anada. and escort llritannia out of we shall once again look forward to On September I7, I958. Altleriicy (iaspe on the first stage of the journey seeing the bright lights of the Far sailed for llalifas to join the Sixth to open the St. Lawrence Seaway East. Submarine Squadron to provide sub- , the Royal I A hard period of "earning our manne services for keep" followed before Aldcrncy Canadian Navy and Air Force. returned to Halil'a,\' towards the end The :itiltiinn of that year was a very of July. for maintenance, repairs. and pleasant period for the ship's com- docking. For the ncxttwo months. pany; the weather was for the most ;\\‘llil\l the Engine Room team hail gpart good. the sea-time interesting. -tlicir hands fttll. the majority of "and it included a memorable six-t’uy reniainder took the opportunity visit by the three submarines of the {the for Station Leave. and many were This York. New was to Squadron ‘soon off in all directions: a number thought by many to be thc‘niost'i\'l\ilL‘(l the L'uitetl l-lingilom whilst enjoyable cruise of the commission. |others. hanltering after the big cities. Of course I try to. But my pays not t‘li(ittgll to and everyone nizide the most of it. lucre oil for a '.~I.‘Ct'Illtl visit to New save anything. A number of the “hard core" got York or ,\lu|H|’c;|l into the habit of getting their rest: That’s what I thought when I was your age in the early evening. and going MISS!-ll) A RI-'.(,'()RD until someone showed me the Progressive ashore around midnight. by which Witli the return of ;iutunin. Aldernt-_\ Savings Scheme. I only had to put aside £3 time it was said that the city really ilicadcil south to work in the Gulf a month by Naval allotment but when I leave came to life‘. ‘Stream and to enjoy a pleasant long the Service next year I can collect £855. week-eiitl in lloston. A return to \\'l.\"l'l-IR WHAT A Halifax for a joyful Christmas period. Sounds to good to be true. \\'lici'c’s the catch 3' I here followed a dismal foul, and then oll again to Bermuda for a No catch. And it‘! had died at any time my hard period of running and finally nionths-' winter running from wife would have received the whole £855 and what a winter! Even Haligonians ,accoinp;in_\'ing six of Canada's latest Wliich will you take ? to San Juan. l’iicrto Rico admitted it that was a bad one. their destroyers immediately. You see it’s a Savings Pm going for the pension because there's \\'Uf\l in fact for 44 for the final t.'l'lll\C of the coiiiniission With tem-years. rolled into Life one. and Scheme another valuable right with it—I can get a peratiires often around minus IO ; It was whilst at :‘.:~ tropical tourist cash advance for the full price of a new I degrees l-';ihrenlieit at night. and what resort that those on loan heard lliat Stipposiiig you hadn’t sigiicd on for 2:: yctirs had been brought to :1 standservice 3‘ house. _I’m all lined up for a job already, seemed to be a continuous procession il-lalifzix by :i Sllt.‘\\~lt\nli which set :i gates passing through the exercise‘ still and with an extra pension to look forward of When I had done my nine years, as I had areas. icing tip became a very real I record even for that town. Ofliccrs and to and the wife and family safein our own problem. and trying to keep warin was men thought back to the misery of the paid premiums for 7 years, I could have winter and were thankful drawn £234 to help set me up in Civvy home—well, it's the kind of security we all foremost in c\'crytme's mind! they had been spared the wont It did include a short interesting visit ,that want. Street. Now, after 22 years’ service, I shall inf this one. United Submarine Base States the to of the have the option taking flow do you set about all tliis? After a hectic sis days at San Juan iv Lond 0 n. \-h‘r‘the ‘ ‘L at Vc j S h‘In'5 com-' the need don’t I £855, or if pany were royally eiitertriiiied by "mi, Alderney returned to Halifax where Ask the 'I'hat’s Provieasy. cash immediately, a pension numbers. but even New the last I0 days were spent preparing “ppm” dent Life for details of the l.ondoii offered no relief from the‘ for the return passage to the U.K.. and ennui of £172‘ a year when I retire n saying goodbye to the many friends Progressive Savings Scheme. bitter cold. from civilian work at 65. had been made there in the I-lowevcr. all b:id spclls come to an that “ For mrmber: of (It: ll’.It’..v\".-S‘. Hi: end. and April found Aldemey sailingi course of 18 months. I’m.tt'on is £1.19 a war. .AS50ClATl0N or Loifoou for llermuda for a SiK~\\'t:t:lt spell of l 'llHlTID mm round-our! ' mil‘? '" “ “'“"s“ u ‘md working in those waters. andvwith the lmission, but few of her ships conironusc of :in occasional week-cntl in ,'foreign 5CI’\'lCt.‘ °“l“)mt: —Send this coupon to 246 London, E-C-1" This first visit to lieriuuda "‘"‘5' will long he remembered‘. to be picPlease shod full details of the Progressive Savings Scheme m “' 1"‘ l ‘ N‘ ',‘“m‘ : nieking in open-necked shirts and "m“‘ "p"""“d‘ Name I I 1 shorts; to be bathing again in Falirenlieit: to be l Address..................................................................................................................... I around 70 degrees The l’rench ocean mincswecpei. sipping long cool drinks on l l1‘.tlt.'UlllcS—:1ll seemed rather unreal.('antho (795 tons full load). after trials :ifter the weather that we had by now I with the Royal Navy. returned to Ago next blrthday........... ..-is Rating or ‘ Dover on .\l-arch 30. coin: to e\pcct.


the} {torpedo







I save!





















- - - - - - - - -' - - -' - -




.... ..

.... ..







'- -' -' '-

M_d_",m?l _5t°"m°d mm?’,47'000

~"3_ -“H:







“.““'f‘gig-cl Eh? "K15-l.lu"',“l‘,:"l:m,” l_"lf“f' ml,‘ _"m-‘”'f_“m_ -










A rfl. I960



of other Navies



modernise its many Destroyers to


The I20-million-dollar base for the U.S Navy at Rota. Spain. has now been completed. It is :i (».(l()tl-acre site about I2 miles long in Cadiz llay. For U.S. Natal aircraft there is a runway two miles in length and another of fly l)l".S.\l()Nl) \\'l{'l'|'F.R;\l lo! l.‘.S. Navy is planning to half a mile. .-\ l,t)tltl ft. picr can l modernise its vast \\ a r- b ll i I t ‘handle two carriers at the saute time. llase sl.'lll ntiinbcrs '_'.5l)t), The base is tlestrtiyer and des'tro_vcr-escort llcet. l tccltnically Spanish :ittd the .-\tneric.'ins The moderniszition progrzitmiie bears late "payiitg guests" tiritil I‘)!-3. After 'some siinilarity to the Royal Navy's I5 and Type I6 conversions of that there is a clause in the zigrcctttettt into frigates. Under the lirst between tltc two countries which will destroyers allow them to stay at the base till ‘ type of relit the modernisation will be H73. icontined to the tilting of new A/S. \\ eapons and radar and electronic gear. NI-ZTlIl'Il~lLANI)S Under the second. larger-scale conNegotiations are reported to be FRAM known the II. as .version. ,-Q under way for Holland to btiy a 3-inch A.A. will removed be grins nuclear reactor from the US. to f'-;3nvtogether with‘ the torpedo tithes and power a submarine. depth charge racks. In their place a AUS'I'RAI.lA ihclicopter deck, new type Asdic gear. ll..\l. Sulirnarine of She has in is the Loch class. one new at Rorqual. Royal Navy‘-s Porpoise Long Operating speed improved electronic equipment and. The veteran cruiser llobart. which‘ is and of endurance and She and both underwater surface diving depth capable long submerged. high great speed Wm. n available. the AIS. weapon has lain in Iixtcntlcd Reserve at the has a complement of six otlicers and 64 ratings. Sydney Nav;il base for some years. is Asroc will be fitted. shortly to be scrapped. as is one of ll.-\Sl-I IN SPAIN the two surviving "Tribal" class The destroyers Charles S. Sperry. destroyers in reserve. 7.cll:Irs. .\tasscy. Robert ls’. HuntingThe new "\\'ltitby" class frigatcs ton and De l-lavcn will be among the now building. Parramatta and Yarra, tirst ships to undergo the FRAM ll the only two so far named. are likely conversion. Work on De Haven has to be much improved version: of the started at S:in Francisco while the Royal N:ivy‘s "Wltitbys" :intl they will other ships will be taken in hand at probably start life with the Scacat Norfolk Naval Yard. A.A. .\lissilt:.













We may have been cleaned out—but the system works RORQUAL FINDS

LA SPEZIA WEATHER JUST LIKE FASLANE Much travelled submarine spends month in Mediterranean

Darings foTI7oreign Legion


Y the time this article appears in print. H.M.S. Daring will have

having completed lll-IN Il..\l. Submarine Rorqual sailed from Faslane on January 29 she the foreignPlymouth leg of her commission. was confirming her reputation of being the most widely travelled boat Although both otliecrs and then are of her class. for when she returned at the end of February she had, since looking forward to rcttirning home. October I958. been as far afield as the United States, the West Indies. Bennuda, the time spent in the .\lctliterr:inean Gibraltar. France and Italy. “Join the Navy and see the world" really does has been enjoyed, It has been a busy seem to apply to Rorttual-itcs. time but the many exercises have been After a week in La Spezia Rorqual more than set on by the enjoyable Liibratiar was reached on February 3 after a journey during which sailed for Nice and those on board visits that have been made. the weather had been pretty had spent zt lovely two days there. Nice The ship left Malta on March 14 until h.rlf-way down the l‘0|'l"E”°"-‘ has jtist one and only one— disad- and after visiting Algiers. joined up vantage -It is very expensive. with the Home Fleet for the passage coast. The found and Second the ship's company l)tiriitg the journey home. arriving on April 1. their favourite haunts and rutlroniscsl over Coxswaiii cast a jaundiced eye Apart from the visit to Algiers, the the of wardroom the onset were with but permanently work the paint only visit the ship has made this year esconced in the Casino Ilat a almost sea working blue skies and an was to llone_ in Algeria. There _was eflicicnt and roulette. The warmth highly at system even he was affected by a curfew. which meant lcave expired best of remark the visit front came sunshine. at mitlnight. but many people explored the wartlroon'i~"We may have been the highways and byways of this arrived in

GlBR:\l.'I'AR (iibraltar is just the same -—crowdcd streets. Indian

as ever


winding roads and a parking problem every bit as bad as that which faces .\lr. .\l:irplcs in London. '|‘hL- buying of "rabbits" til Gibraltar was delayed. for Rorqual was off to l.a Spelia. The hopes of :1


month‘s stinny interlude wcrc tlttshctl. for the wind coming off the Italian Alps was bitterly cold and rough. The ship arrived in l.a Spclia on February 8. Freezing and blowing it felt just like Faslane bnt_it was pleasant to be "foreign" again. The Itali:in Navy in general. find the submarine l.eonardo da Vtncr in partictilar. were hosts for the duration of the visit and no pains were spared to ensure that the short stay was at success. The sailors were accoinmodated in the barracks although everyone continued to be victuallcd lll the boat. LANG UAGI-I OF FOOD The ship's company found that although their beds were very cornlCortable_ standards of hygiene diffcred considerably. Each day the ship was at sea a number were left on shore and one “bunch." under the guidance of the 'l'.A.S.l. came to an extremely amicable rangcntcnt with the chef in the barracks. For a small fee that "bunch" livcd quite royally. It was never discovered what language they used for the T.r\.S.l. spoke no Italian and lht: chef spoke no English. The language of food must be the same as the language of love—vthc same in am’ '

language. Wltilst

La Spelia ti bus to l-‘lorencc and.


trip was

in spite organised of pouring rain. was thoroitghly citjoyed. It was iinfortunale however that the trip was arranged for a Sunday for all the main galleries were

shut, Thus it was that the tn:iin party. after travelling 2.000 miles and getting to bcatitiful lilorencc. ended tip in a cirtenia scciiig llrigittc llardot in "Sexy Girl." lliit who can blaine tliemi’ Florence on a wet Sunday night is probably as inspiring as

(ilaisgoyv on



Sunday night Any-

way —wh:it's wrong with llardot?

cleaned otit—but the system rlmht ancient town. work!" A great deal of the time ashore RI-IAS().\'S l-'()R B.-\;\‘l(RUP'l'C\' was spent in the unusual company of French Foreign Legionaires~anyonc to (iibraltzir where everyone ‘Back with any money left bought "rabbits." who had ideas of joining the Legion Those who h:id no money left were soon had them dispelled. busy preparing their reasons for their state of bankruptcy for their wives. Rorqual sailed from Gibraltar on February 23 and arrived back at Faslane after 30 days on February 28.


GHANA PRIME MINISTER IN H.M.S. PUMA Prime Minister of Ghana, the 'l‘HE Rt. Hon. Dr. Kwamc Nkrumah,

number of his Ministers. the Ghana Chief of Defence Staff and the Chief of Naval Stall embarked at 0l.l.0WlN(i exercises in the North 'l‘akaradi in H.M.S. Puma. to watch_:i Atlantic four U.S. submarines. dcntonstration at sea when the ship (lat:-x. Darts-r. Trumpeiiish and which was wearing the flag of the 'l‘irante. paid a week-end visit to the C.-in-C.. South Atlantic and South Third Submarine Squardoii on Febru- America Station (Vice-Admiral Sir ary l9-22. Dymoek Watson. K.C.B., C.l3.E.). The Squadron's welcome was as arrived for a four-day visit on March warm as the weather was frigid. They I6. arrived alongside in a blizzard. but. Two mineswecpers of the Ghana undetcrred. were soon on the way to Navy— the and Af:tdLito—Glasgow to do some shopping. Scot- took part inYogada the display and at the tish twceds were in great demand conclusion steamed past Dr. Nkrumah Coach trips, dances and social even- in the Puma, commanded by Comings were arranged. and thoroughly. mander J. Marriott. R.N. enjoyed by both guests and hosts. ,




beaten b_v H.M.S. Dainty. 4 -3. after extra time. ln'thc Group I Cup. ll,.\t.S. Falcon beat were

Daring and B:ittlc:i.se were the first the ship. Royal Navy ships to visit llone for some time and they received a very ll..\l.S. Narwhal. a submarine of well welcome. friendly as as very good , mu l.70(l-ton l’orpoi.\e class, was in the reports press. Sports teams aground on a shingle bank just oiitlocal from both ships too, made a very sidc (‘ampbelton Loch. Argyle. for good impression. nearly I2 hours during the night of ll..\l.S. Daring got through to the April 4-5. finals of the Scagoing Ships‘ Football The submarine was towed off the Competition. but after leading 3-0 at bank by tugs at the second attempt. ‘

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NAVY i\'l-Z\\'S

April. I960

Younger members should take more active part in Royal IIDYAL NAVAL Naval Association affairs ASSOCIATION THE

IXTY-'l'\‘i'0 shipinntes. their families and friclttls‘. attended the :ll'lllu:ll dinner and dance of the Tisicltcnhauii lirancli of the Royal .\':mil Association on February 27. After zi most excellent dinner. the The tonsiinzistcr for the occasion president of the branch, Sliipiiiatc was Shipinzite S. Wliistlcr. until ;i most


W. Ptiliiier. proposed the loyal toast. In proposing the toast of guests and visitors‘. the president wclcoincd the Mayor and hlayorcss of Twickenham. Alderman :iiid Mrs. Bostock. also the chairman of No. 1 Area. Shipmatc A. Bates and Mrs. Bates. Shipmaic C. Wheeler. member of the National Council and Mrs. Wheeler. the secretary to No. I Area, Shipmate A.

Patron: H.H. The Queen

during the year despite purchase of new Standard

Assets not touched


dancing midnight.


rounded oil by to the "wcstonziircs" until \\':ts

The branch itself is still prtigrcssing slowly btit surely with two more new memhcrs enrolled in the New Year. Social activity since the New Your has been very good. and numerous visits have been made to "cliummy ships" and local organisations, Woonton (who is also National St:inOur otlcr to visit other branches dard Bearer) and Mrs. Woonton. three still slttnds‘. .s'hipni:itc.s. Already three shipmatcs from the Star and Garter dates l'l;t\i: been received for church and dedicutions-. Hzivc yott Home, Richmond. Surrey. and wives Barnes from tised your date and details yet. lll-IRE is encouraging news front the Croydon branch of the Royal Naval shipmatcs and their Association. From 1950 the funds dwindled year after year but the branch and Mortluke. Stanmorc and Elstrcc Coventry bruiicli und Whitstziblc ihr.'inch‘.’ Remember the little chat we was able to report at the last Annual General Meeting that last year and the Wembley Branch. treasurer Rcspontliiig. the i\l;iyor of T\vickcn- li:id lust ycur regarding the same‘! itw-.i.s' not necessary to touch the assets during the year under review despite hum. in addition to being very hunior- ? Will he plczised to hczir front you. the purchase of tl new standard. considered the serious‘ sitle of Also. stzind by Wortliing branch. We in :i review of the past few months Thc branch Cllillffllitn states that one. looking torisard to visiting you the ch:iirm:in_ Shipmatc Licut.-Cdr. new members are enrolling but then: Association life and spoke highly nlure in work and its good again as soon as the sun shines. .l. L. Bates. R.i\'.V.R.. says in October are still a few vacant seats left in the Ass'oci:iiion of life we dt:sirc.l No doubt the shipinatcs :it lost the branch entertained No. 2 the meeting room. These .se;its could: preserving theofform r\s\'0cl;tlltll'l and Plyniouih are gcttiiii: rczidy to receive the The ltnisl Area Committee and then followed be tilled if those who pay contribuwith a grand social and dance at tions‘ would only give tip one evening the Twickcitlitim brunch was prc_.s'eiitcd the coiifcrcncc :iitd we at 'l’wickcnwhich about 400 attended. Four hun- xi ‘month. The Branch Working Com- by Shipmute A. Bates. area Clltllf|1lilll.!ll;tnl wish you the best of luck. dred is .1 large number by any mince is out to make it :i pleasure who spoke of the words "comr:idc- 'I‘\s-icltciili;iiii will be represented. W. ('l.ll-I'()i\' standard for such affairs and on a wet to attend meetings-..llti.sitic.ss takes ship" and "unity." and the ability to whatever the cirhelp our shipmatcs evening the support was most gratify- only one hour. cumstainccs and stressed the point of ing. In his report Shipmatc Bates rcThe food for the evening was pro- fcrncd to the generosity of thtsbraneh vided by the members and their nienibcrs. He-‘says "When money is In a brief response. the branch! wives and prizes were given by meni- rc_quircd. out it comes." He feels that cliziirmzin. Shipniatc W. C|ifton.f bcrs and local tradesmen. with the hardworking committee and. thanked all sliiptnatcs. and especially; Since October the branch has been the support of the mcinbcrs l‘)(iti{ the ladies. for th-_:ir loy:il support :i_ntl 3 visiting other branches for social will hit it most successful year lending: gciicrosity and tor the happy Splfll‘ Ill-I Leuishiini branch of the evenings. Purlcy can be regarded as to an even more stlcccssftil l‘>(u|. ltliut c\istetl in the bninch. Royal Nziviil Association will be the br:inch's "chumniy ship." some




The Editor has been taken to task by one or two branches because of the paucity of Association ltt3\\§ on pages I2 and l3 of Navy Nevis. Shipiiiate scribes, the remedy is in your liands. ilranchcs up and down the country can alisays learn something from the successe.s—and faiIures—ol' other branches and the best method of getting news of other branches is to let the Editor know what is happening in your own branch. The Editor is always pleased to receive articles from branches but his job is made diflicult if articles refer to events which took place two or three months earlier and, of course. inipossible if branches do not write to him at all. At a recent debate at one branch the motion was “that the Navy News .should give more Associaholding its Annual Church Piirade tion neiss." but when a member Croytion members :ilw:iy.s nttcndiiig Service at St. .\l:iry's' Parish (Thurch. pointed out that the branch had l’urlcy's nicetings and some Purlcy Leisishaiit. S.l'I.l3 on Sunday. May I. nicmbcrs zilways being present at not sent an article to Navy News This church p:ir:ii|c.usually so well for the best part of a year the Croydon'.s'. The two brzinclics will be INCE the annual dinner of the Newcastle and Gateshearl branch. which took “"°“d"‘l-“ml “’l‘i"h l‘'’ll’‘ “‘ k°"l’ ""3 proposition was lost. together for tho.‘ Chatham Rally on of the A.s.sociation before people place on January 30, things have been fairly quiet on the “’l‘yneslde Reviera." nantc ‘the most interesting thing to Whit-Sunday. This is an economic and thus helps to attract more memthe Editor was that this branch arrangement for it means that coaches Quiet. that is. at the time of going Shipmutc F. G. Wzidc. r\‘i.‘Ill0n1llib,_-rg. n._,, .,,,i_‘. n, "K. i_c,,.,;\hm,, celebrated its Silver Jubilee in De- are always filled and there is no loss to press. Before this article zippcnrs Cli;iirr_ii;iii. proposctl the toast til‘ ilk‘ but to other br:iiiclics' throughcember last and the Editor was in print. however. the brniicli will be‘ Associution and in doing so gave the hruiicli to either branch. M” “R. _.‘,um,)-_ d,_.,,_.,H_., mu _,um,U” not infonned of this fact until At the .l;inu:iry meeting :1 sugges- holding a dance in li.M.S. (iulliopc. :«*5~_‘I"hl.\' n~'w<_fron1 I-lc:uhiu_n_r!cr<. an lir.:ticlics in the vicinity of .\lart°h of this year! branch tion was made to purchase a new zit which ".\ii'.ss Viewer" competition is the eagerly : uwziiting the "r L,;wi.-|,;.m_ Articles are still being received :31-.mtl;irtl and immedizitcly the money, will tztltc place. the winner going for‘l°l!"'*"'Y of the Th”? This year the p-.ir:itlt' \sill ltssillllltlc 'l‘°,""“' S‘“"_d""-lreferring to Cilrlslllltls parties held ‘come in and the Stuiidurtl was pur- I word as Miss Royal Nzivul .$t:ind:ird will inczin xi 'it the (‘gm-k '|'..“-c,- M m_15 ;md_ delivery last December and January. Ship-Jcdicntion ceremony and such allzurs“ chased ssithout the need to go to the tion into the next heat. , along High Street to the iiiates in the north are not going The television czimcrxis will be at‘ zilwziys rcqturc iiitiiiey. _Nc\\'s‘iI\‘ll¢ hit‘? :m:irching branch funds‘. One member g:ivc church will. ;it‘tci the scriicc. lllLll'Cll to be very interested in reading the cost. The Stainthird was the dziiicc and the evening is expected \'tIl'lt)lls’ “"'5" 5'r'*"'."""F ““‘l‘ ““‘l'.to the War .\tcmori:il where the about it party in the deep south tlispl;i_\‘ct| at the Annual (iL‘llCl'(tl f to be one of Ncwczistlo.-‘s best. (I shall :ilis;iys' to the tors‘ In llIs‘\s‘ st-‘l1s'I"s'-\‘ sitltllt‘ will be taken by (‘ominodorc which took place three or four lespect it full report for the next issue. are Sliipiiintcs Robinson. Cue. |)cntoii Sir Roy (iill. K.ll.li.. R.l).. l<‘..N.R.. .\lecting in l-cbriiziry. months ago. Editor.) ;tl‘ll.l (‘his 'r itlltl. it‘ .' i. itir '. ii'.:lI'tt l "10 l‘-tlI|0|’ lull)’ "3"-Illlc-‘i ll"-‘ uniiiril T he dinner t\'cnc'istlc w-is lllclll is z H in '1 I‘ new ‘. .c 2 t .1 .ll c (mlflhcmh mIrl%ml' ‘”“l' l‘“"‘l “l “‘ ll"-' ‘t'~'“-‘l-"V l‘k‘l’UliIF 5l“l" R N V R -\ldcrimn ground on J A (‘o\ JP on .tre c iiiost ti ,~ pre 5-set -. um_,|_ [.N.L]_m n “M _I”_m._ J “mm‘_.”_ mm. .\l:iyoi' Ur l.cm‘hum and “W but it is not entirely fair to blame Chzithuin liarrticks. It was pointed out J Coniiiinndcr ll. Row. the president.‘ Ill“-‘ lifillll-"|’tl \liI|’lI|s‘\ -'\\‘\0' .\lit‘stll's'\\. After the lll;tfs'll-p.|sl the Royal thzit the l‘1ti'f£tL‘l1's would be closing: -ho the Editor for scarccncss of news Ii-is lrid ell in -V h'i\"' s "ark 'l ~* -P 1.‘,-.. IL!-Ilmll Ivutlul ts Ils —‘ol-||ltl-Iftl 0" vl)ltl“I(l‘ ‘l"“" '“ '95“ "ml. l ltc Chtithzimi“ \\tll I,irocccd to the Ron] k if he -. is not .su ported. 5: -\l-I|'~.l| l(1 -ll‘-‘Ill l5 0| lit!-‘ I\s‘W- 1 N;iv;il .-\ssoci;ition (tub and then disbranch of the Association would be and hm.,_. your s|orie_e,* plcasc R.‘ t-IN-It 1) »IPl-HI1 castle and (;;itc.slic:id brunch were In-rt.-_ hnming "mi, km rally on um gummy I m Wm. M Fumble an" a" cum | .l j present. Shipmatc Harper, who is‘ seeand it would be :i lilting gesture to The parade will be hc;idcd by the has taken place. 'l‘ticre is a wealth Tod stressed the vital Captain of the im-, dedicated Murine .'\5.\‘tlL‘l(l' $t:ind:ird Royal Brass Hand of Tooting and Bltlllttlll r_ctury of good news in the various ,h:ivc the Croydon of the and \ihilst_ lll1p(Il'ltlllCC N:i\'y. tion in i\ii.‘\\'C£t\'llC Ch;itli:ini instriiinciital was in Cadet Corps‘ and l.cwi.sh:ini Sen ‘Sea l‘"“l“T3 0" 1 on that occasion. The ..' so “m getting Mfimgc, niuiiy 'lynesider_s to (‘;._d..-it \\'||l p!-or-tat: an -_u-mt-.,| L-3.-on, Jbmnch In“ “gram! m Lit tic It and L.s_t. incidentally he is the_ The organisers ask for the conecessity or lir:idlortl_ lmcm_ “J4 |.'§$L'nll-ll ll! i'i)r[l|-hggq C(‘ll\_ClllIl:ll2llI rcpr._-‘L-“[;ui\-c “f 1]“: Rfiynl up“-uu'"n Uf "Ihcr hnlndlcs with bush tires. weapons to deal i‘;iv;il llcncvolcnt Trust. Sliipmxitcs in st:md:i:ds and escorts. lil’;|llt.'llC\‘ ! that :irc;i _who lltl\'C any problems‘ should oliI:iin full dctziils from ll. A. should coiiiuct Sliipiimte ll.irpcr :it the Pluinb at the l.ewis|i:uu llcndqnurtcrs. Nciicustlc and (i.itcslic;id lic:itl~ (i Slziitliisziite Road. ()|l Morley Road. to '-l.c\\‘ish:iiii. S.l3.l3. ; quzirtcrs. ‘











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“mum .









































*l'?‘l} {‘h"‘Kl:‘'tl"_i":'*_t‘_-tl:3flll“:S‘L{ \:'toast (‘ t i ‘ l l s tl _l ' * El " --|S .



















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one change l’ARTAfromthe Durhziin





in the bl';ttli.‘lt‘ cominittcc. ‘will carry on this year with the







.otIiccrs_ The March meeting. following the .;innu:il general meeting exceptionally well zittcndcd withi one notable absence and that of the} popular president Rear-Adniiial l-lut-I ton. who looks like having to spend (I few weeks in "sick bay." i During the current ‘year it is hoped









be able to cisi: nczir ,t|i:it l)urh:uri will in No. II Area. The first :n_cighhoiirs in this


to thc‘.\l:irch l(-. About



1Sundcrl:ind Club on Hi third of the members “etc there. ‘-which augurs good for future \'lSlls'., The branch was also represented |on March 20 at the di:dic:ition of the Lllratllord Royal i\l;irinc.s .-\s~o.'i'.ttion'.s t Stundurtl. , ,





The Coniiitandcr-iii-( liicf l’ortsi Ittuulh (Admiral Sir Manley l.. Poiscrl.‘ l the Admiral Superintendent of ll..\l.] Dockyard. Portsmouth (Rt-;ir-Admirali .l H. Unwin) and the ('uiiitnodort:.» R.l*_af. ‘Barracks. Portsniouth (Conimo‘- f‘ dorc. the Viscount Kclhurii) have he--7 come lift: members of the l’t-itsiiioiitii; l'tt’:lnCll of the Royal N:i\:il:\.s.soci:iiion. E


World's Greatest


Film star Kenneth More \\;is host :it i :1 cocktail party at Portsmouth on the l : t'CL'ilSlt)ll of‘:t midnight |'ll\'\'iL'\\ of the tilni "Sink the llisinzirk." i Tm! nlmtograplisz of ll..\l. Submarine (.':icliaIot siirfneiiig in the Czirclocli








April. I960

Dartford recommissions


Johannesburg branch helps ‘Sink the Bismarck’

STEADFASTNESS OVERCAME February 15 the secretary. ShipAPATHY this year only couple of Licut. J. W. Waterman. WITH months old, many things have Ill-Z determination of hall‘ dozen R.N,v,R_ that the I959 on mate

mueh needed cash. All the Ship's so Company were hoping that the Royal a reported already happened in the Johnriesburg Baby would be bom that day. so or 50 members of the Dartford accounts showed a deficit. but having branch of the Royal Naval Associa- that we could really celebrate. and branch of the Royal Naval Associa- a "whip-round" the deficit was cleared tion. "wet the baby's head." tion has enabled the branch to “re- and I960 was started with a healthy Our Annual G_c_rie.r:il M__eeting Wednesday. March 9. the Skipper commission." balance. Jaiiua the usual and his wife. were the guests of 20th was by The "apathetic bug" began to affect The good ship Dartford is in ser- few.‘ '5 we |l}§Ill§I ed to get a Century Fox. at the opening night members in I956 and one of the vice again. the Executive Committee Shipmatc year to to c on tve "Scribes" of the film. "Sink the Bismarck.“determined stalwarts felt the reason being Chairman. I’. K. Overy; Vice- job (Shipmatc _'tts). The “P:_iybob" ’Ihc Publicity anagcment of Ztlth was an absence of: economic prob- Chairman. S. H. Bardoc: Hon. refused office for another year. on Century Fox. called on the Johanneslems. plus television. plus members Treasurer. W. 13. Green: Secretary and the grounds that he had managed to btizg Branch of the Royal Naval Asworking overtime. The membership Welfare Oflieer. l.ieut. J. W. Water- buy a new car. and wanted to give sociation for assistance in arranging of the branch dropped to 12 of whom man: Committee Members. T. Thomp- someone else the opportunity to do a parade. and a helping hand in only six remained active. son. S. J. l.ce. and F. Barnes. the same! So with only two changes. decorating the theatre. The AssociaThese members were dctcmtined to The br:incli will continue to meet the old Committee. was voted to stay tion House Flag was very much in keep the branch alive itt case of any on the first Mondziy of each month in ollicc. evidence in the foyer. and combined sinlden emergenc_v such as the need at The Plough. A summer programme Our Birthday Party held on Feb- with of posters. we had to assist :i Naval widow or orphan. has been prepared to visit various ruary I2. was well attended. Every- some a couplefor new recruits. publicity One of them. talking to mine host branches around the coast. starting‘ one had an enjoyable evening. and the A ntimbcr of faces apof The Plough. Lowtield Street. Dart- with Brighton, ‘Branch Welfare Fund gained some pearcd at the strange theatre. wcaiing lord. asccrtziinctl that a few old slupI R.N.A. badges and ties. I.atcr it was n ‘I es were in e o nice in a i discovered. that they were members week to a :1 from way back. but had been "absent and as a result nine new very keen’ with a wallet as :i token of apprecia- without leave"! "Care joined the members The Ship's Company. wearing tion for his untiring etlorts on behalf :ind Maintenance Party. blazers, badges and miniatures. cerof the branch. At the reeoinrnissioniiig meeting added colour to the foyer of For the social. shipmatcs frotn the‘ tainly the 20th Theatre. Edgwarc and Windsor branches joined Olliccrs Century and Ratings from the the hlolescy shipmates and altogether S.A.S. Rand. the S..-\. Naval Base. about 90 shipmates and their wives were there in uniform. The Witwatersdinner and social on February 6 when enjoyed a splendid evening. rand Sea Cadets‘ Band. and a Deshipmatcs and their wives were The Annual General Meeting was tacliment. paraded from the City Hall it be entertaining in present. held on February II and although the to the theatre. where the saline was the rcmotest parts of the world The president of the branch. Admiral question of obtaining new members taken by the Mayor. A nuntbcr of or caring for earthquake victims. the discussed (this must be a "hardy members of the Nzival 0fiicers' AssoRoyal Navy has always proved its of the Fleet l.ord Fraser was unable was ;mnua|f' at all annual general incct- ciation of Southern Africa. were also ability to ttrlapt itself to the oi-czision to attend and the vice-president. Licut. ings) there is no sign of inertia in present. whenever or wherever the need arises. l.loyd-Arnistroiig was also tiii:ible to There is a lot of lmckrooiit activity The members of the Coventry be present. but the .\Iayor of Molcscy. Molcsey. branch certainly proved this on two Councillor W. ll. Smith was an The biggest obstacle appears to be going on inst now, arr.iuging an recent occasions- the children's party honotired guest accompanied by Mrs. tli.it the branch has no place to call "tickers" contest. ‘the tinal will be when sonic ISO to lot) children en- Smith. The mayor responded for the its own. btit this fact has itot caused played in true Naval lashioii. at the joyctl a lirst-class show and again guests. too much despondency and the end of the year, when the Ladies‘ Section held their E. A. l’.-\Rl\’ER. The chairman of the branch. Ship- branch still lives in hope that a buildthird annual dinner for another mate 5. S. F.mmcns presented the ing will be forthcoming with "Royal generation. namely the ()ld Age l’cn- secretary. Shipmatc R. F. Prangncll Naval Association“ over the door. a







haiici ttirhiitiovi-r tliinii j









were :i




t'.‘t)lltI'l l')'---<.‘tlI‘cS

Alfnosf same

T61? Kingston getting ready Ham ionc silver jubilee TIIFI ,

At the children's party there was a lilm show. organised ganies ctc.. followed of course by :i bumper tea and each child was given a present. The St) to (it) guests of the ladies enjoyed a splendid meal and each was plL'\Cllii.'\l with .i gilt in .‘I\. .ind tree drinks. uliilst I1lL‘tlll'|L'I‘s of the branch entertained them. 'lhe~c two ellorls dcnionstratc ho“ the Associatioii tip and down the for both young and tilt









Yoiizvc“ AND

Both occasions













branch of the Royal Naval Association has receiied confirmation from the Waking Iminch

that it is accepting Gosport's hospitality on Sunday. June 26. Plans are well advaiieed for the Woking members to be given a fairly comprehensive totir of ll..\l. Dockyard. followed by tea and a social evening at the Gosport Ilcadquartcrs :il'tcrwartl.s. The quarterly Church service was held at St. Mary's Church. Rowncr on April 3. It had been hoped to dedicatc the Roll of Honour Book presented by Shipmate Farley on that occasion. httt owing to tile deatlt of the branch padre (reported in the March issue of Navy Ni-;w.s) the detlication will take place later. The branch has :1 rather lull sick list at the moment. the cliainiian. Shipmatc 'l'. Bates and Stlbscriptiun S'.'CfCI:ll'_V. Shipniate I3. Trott being, among those "laid up." It is on occasions of sickniss that the value of the Welfare Olliccr is seen. Shipmatc Southern keeps in constant touch with sick members. His activitic.s_:ire varied. Recently he helped to manage a temporary dcfenttent for a member's son from National Service. Among the many events planned for the next two months is the Jumble Sale organised by the Women’s Section to take place at the Sloane Stanley Hall. The date is Saturday. April 23. The chairman and ollicers of the Gosport branch hope that with the departure of winter they will see an improvement in the numbers attending the hc:idquartcr.s. As the branch "scribe" says "it is disappoiiitiiig to those who put so much cllort into organising allairs when altciidauccs

?it”W_és_t discussed. the main to attract more


being the need

of the members to.

branch allairs. who attciidcd rciii:trl.cd that ltc The Battcrsca branch visited West annual general meeting of the i\\';|\' reminded of a "real good rtin West Ham branch of the Royal Ham on March I2 and everyone enashore after a bit of sea time." The Association produced few sur- joyed a line evening. There appears to speaker recalled "Stripey Gold" Natal this BRANCH which will celebrate the principal oflicers be a lot of talent at Bttttcrsczi. the star prises year. in the Fleet Club at ‘Derry finishing its Silver Jubilee this!‘ year is being Miss Sheila Davies. who has a re-elected. Kingston. President. ('dr. I-'. J. llewitt. Ian act by singing "Stissc.v by the being Shipmate F. Read. the social secre- fine soprano voice. I).S.('..' R..\'.. Cbziirnitin Sliipmatc J. §.‘-:i. "Stripcy‘s" act was not cu- tary. had to resign from that otlice dtie The social secretary of West Ham Green. I-Ilfort-. are being niatle to mark couragcd on the night of the dinner to the after-cllccts of :in accident just would be pleased to hear from other jhttt an attempt at Swan l.:ikc by a before the occasion .~.uit:ib|_v. Christmas. His resignation was branches regarding visits. of stalwarts was littirougltly The branch held a most succ-:~'~'fu accepted with regret for he had been annual dinner on December I9 :ind apprceiatctl. The names of Shipniates G. V. After the dinner. ti silver. glass- doing a good job for the branch. He bottumed tankard was presented to was. however. elected to the newly Prowsc and I.. Fall: should have been the chairman. Shipmate "Jimmy" formed Main Committee. His place incltidcd among the names of comGreen. No one knows who supplied as social secretary was taken by Ship- mittee members of the Newton Abbot L. Kail. branch enumerated in the March issue the “ne:iters" for the occasion. but matc At the meeting many things were of NAV\' Nitws. ".sipper.s" was the order of the day. The Kingston branch——likc all other '.'.’i‘~'.5 1'.?':'.7'v'.7'iI@'.’z"-5'ol-5\'.€3L5)‘.$1\5‘.'.5\'.7i'.7 br:inches—welcomcs the visitors and suggests that cx-Service men (and those still serving) might care to go





their local R.N.A. branch and let off some of the surplus steam which might be bottled up whilst trying to get rchabilitatcd—whieh to

means. among other

things. trying


share onc‘.s life with "the missus and the kids.“

Such visitors may have yarns and ideas. The



Kingston says from change

"~.cribc." Sbipmate Herriott.

"Anyway. it would be a having someone to tell

you what to drink. eat. smoke. clean your teeth with. to shave with and so on." The Kingston branch meet at The Illack Lion. Brighton Road. Surbiton :very Friday night and although this year is Silver Jubilee Year there are \[ill a couple of l-'oundcr Members who can spin yarns of the "good old days" and who are anxious to learn I” about the "modern Navy."


HE Huddersfield branch of the Royal Naval Association held a very successful annual dinner on January 29 at the branch headquarters. The function was attended b S031!!60 members. their wives and riends. which included a small but very enthusiastic group from the'Crosby branch. who braved a long journey through a very bad snowstorm in order to attend. The guest of honour was Shipmatc Wade. secretary.

Vivaciuus I9-year-old Valerie Hill in the costume she wears in “Foreign llodies." a trio in the 28th annivers;iry production at London's famous Vice-Admiral Sir Douglas Windmill theatre. Valerie. born at Cardiff on July I9. I9-I0. left the Windmill Martin. I-‘lag Ofiiecr (Home) presented in 1957 and for two years was in Paris. first at the Nouvelle Eve and then Boyd 'l'rophy to Licut.-Cdr. J. 8. at Bluebell Girl at the I.ido. A blue eyes. her meatstircntt-nts are Barnes. R.N.. Commanding Oflicer of J4". ". 36". 781 Naval Air Squadron on March 2.




]‘Iht.' ~




that it consumes its fair share of the



enjoyed every day There’s nothing like a Gztinness to wet the Boson’: whistle and yours too. —









SPORTS NEWS FROM THE NORE COMMAND CALEDONIA WINNERS AGAIN Championships were held at Ill-2‘ Sore Cotitttiand of live miles. on .\lareh 4.

I-riday. This year we were delighted to see I-~-‘Slwi \Vclln-rail. RNJI. 1"" R°"l""l'“ c‘l“"’"l’- 1"‘! RM’ learns from H..\I.S. Ganges, II.M.S. mnhml Ilartland Point and I*I..\I.S. Jaguar. i-)<iiltli.jtr»iit!ii§r£é§,4iihhiii;l:;i:'Sm CaIeThis almost doubled last year's entries I-' 9 *°|:5IIIl I I "' | ' ¢ ‘ = ,II-—l 5 l {R-"' \ D-‘hotel. J ‘ "5-“""I' "' l“‘l"'"and tirade :t far more interesting event '.’""‘ ‘'.'‘li


E’.‘:£'.‘tf.'.i.‘."- c't‘.;l‘.‘t"';t...2;:§;..ti“"ia..RZfi5"‘i3l‘= I5rR«‘- I\P_t'» II"."'-‘I4-.5-'l=d|'"ili "N; 1-1g.olb:|4itI._ L.t!edotii.i; I:.R.:\, App. I‘t\her. “

' '



of it.

>(‘IIlL'tItIIIILl. who

have won the ch:tmpumgllip‘ fur ‘he kl“ eight ).L..”.s :1 c uIILl. foiind that they didn't have it all their In the Navy Cliaittpiottsltips Norc own w;i_v. I)e:tl ltad sent a strong team IIt(tll:|gL‘(I to move otte place away and they ran well. Individual Result. lst F R A. App .\Ioore, from the bottom, Somctliing that (‘.Ill'tIl7IIt.I: Ind (‘p1, IIaIi:J.t‘.'_ I):-.il: Rid |i;tsn't been done for quite a few years_ ’


Start of the Nore Command Cross-



Country Championships at Aylesfurd. (Photo: "Kent Messenger")


club Chatham LAST MATCH FOR NORE A I"‘I'I-IR assisting the Norc Com- for the Medway Towns against the "Valcnciennes" Easter mand win the R.N. Swimming French Shotley last July Saturday in the Barracks Pool. COMMAND Championships the drafting authority at Ilaslemere The llarracks Swimming Club is






has taken a heavy toll of the competition sviimmcrs in this area. So few :tre they that we have been utiablc to enter the ;\ted\v:ty Swimming League (men) this year. Of the two outstanding swimmers left. it is hoped that .\I.E.l Ramsham will successfully crack the existing I00 yds. Free Style Navy record this season. In the Women's section the picture is a little brighter~a|tliottgli the numbers here are also rather few they Iiave been entered for the Medway Women‘s League for the tint time ever. and with their regular traittitig periods and the recruiting of more rneitibers it is hoped that they will give a good account of themselves and so strengthen the Norc team for

HI-I Nore Command has played six games so far this season. having lost two and won four. The most important match was lost by I goal to nil against Portsmouth Command in the Inter-Cotttmand senii-linal. On April 6 Nore Command will play Deal Town. and this will be the last Association football match that the Nore will play as a Command

beiiig coached again this year by PD. Chinery. one of the Navy's leading coaclies. and with both he and PD Ogden at H.i\l.S. Caledonia to

St‘! the best ottt of ottr swimmers it is hoped to make Nore's last year in_ the Navy Chanipiotisliips another



‘team. .‘ R.E.M. Ashworth. I’.O. Young and NI-SW dog-watch attraction in the Lady I)urnford-Slater. wife of the Commander-in-Chief. The Nore. presenting Ck. Tosney. members of the Cornselected to have been niand side. the team prize for the Nore Command Cross-Country Championships to Royal Naval Barracks. Portsmouth. at v. Army represent the Royal Navy Apprentice Fisher, II..\‘I.S. Caledonia. (Photo: Kent Messenger) L1“go-Itarting.” I\It.It:l‘SI10I. The comparative stillness of the In the Navy Cttp il.M.S. Ganges parade ground after working hours has reached the semi-final. but were debeen broken by the "pop-pop" of the The 3 2. to fcatcd the at goals Shotley Championships coming by Victory. wellsuch with their strength karts as. amid the cheers of onlookers. mcnting Kellow and R.N. Barracks are now fourth in the in July. known names as they tear around the parade. Wrens in hard Service train(Chatham). Two United at League present the two together. The news that the Royal Navy had III-I competition in the Medway Bonniface, but never of the ing are Jean Mackie. the winner of semi-final reached the also they The most exciting match of the US. area this season has been very but were beaten last season's Inter-Service Free Style taken up this latest sport has evoked :1 Cup. League keen and the R.N. Barracks team has season was just prior to Christmas. by R.A.F. West Malling. who hopes to retain it a_t::iin challenge front a team of Windmill Race. made a much better showing than when R.N. Ilarracks beat the Iroquois and a neweoitier to Navyl (iirls .t cliallenge ultich lt.ts been TI“-' C“"'|P¢IIII0nltltis l°~‘|RUk‘ I"I'~‘|"l"i||’I year. taken tip \\ith‘gre:it pleasure by‘tbe 57 5|. Iroquois last year in the Barracks consists of H teams. ever before. Noniially from niirlway learn Worthfront Coates Judy swirtiriiing through the season the Navy in Chat- reached the quarter linals of the foitr of which are from ships refitting ing. who is clocking some very fast "go-kart" ctitliusiasts. It is expected that the match will bani has gallantly supported the re- National Cliatnpiottships attd were in the dockyard. On an average. Scven titnes over I00 yds. backstroke. Both result. maining I3 teams in the league table rather tlistitrbetl by such :i R.N.l¥. each these girls have been selected to swim take place on a Sunday early in May. are played inter-part games mttclt to the elation of the on its broad shoulders. week. have not teaiit. Iroquois Incidentally This year. however. R.N.I3. Ch:tt~ ham is lying fourth. witlt seven more been beaten before or since in the '




matches to play. Unlike the civilian teams in the area. the team has been unable to keep together :i regular eight or I0 players. They have. however. been fortunate from time to time in aiig-



Coinpctitiott. I)tie to players being drafted out of the area of late the team has not heett quite up to its peak performance bit! we have every hope of tinishing in the top three by Easter.


-Nore command.


III‘: Note Command finished in second place to Portsmouth Coinmand in the Inter-(.'omniand Charitpionships. 1959-1960. This was only by the narrow margin .ig [of one point. Taking into eotisitleraItion the litiiited ‘number at their disposal this was it creditable perform-

£3 00 l


The Note team he:tt Tottenham land District. lost to Sotttltend and ‘District and beat the Home Counties District t.»\riny). Boxers froiti the Contniand also took part in open shows at lilthant. |\\'ool\vich, Ilattcrsca. I)artfortI. BerII\UlId~L‘)'. City of London Police. Wandsworth :ind Clapltam. The following boxers from the Conniizind have represented the Royal Wren Joan .\I:teItte (nearest camera). free style. and Wren .IuiIy Coates. ‘Navy this .sc:t<.on:—- L..‘Sea. Climber- hack stroke. in training for the coming season. Both girls will swim. for the .\IctIwa_v Towns against Vztlenciennes on Easter Saturday. ,l:Ind. A.B_ Wood. A.B. Fuller. Cook (Photo: Pcntbroke Studios) 'Saclt and Moe. King. V





Miss I-'rirla Larsefl. P.R.O.R.M.. Marine Barracks. Melville Banacks. Chathttm. who has Iieen a Wren for six months was the lucky winner of a magnilieent prize in .\IichaeI Wiles‘ “Take Your Pick" TV show on March I8. Choosing key to mystery prize box number six. she turned down .\IiehaeI‘s tempting olI'er of £42 cash for the key and opened the box of her choice to lind she had won the night's star prize! The star prize was no less than a complete kitchen. Not just the kitchen built by Peerless Built-In Fumiture Limited. which itself is a wonderful seIt'assembly unit. but also a Prestcold refrigerator. it Ilendix "Gyrttnttitic" washing machine. it Trieity "Marquis" cooker and it set of non-stick saucepans. The whole prize was worth tiiore than £300. Not only was the prize a wonderful surprise for ~Wren Larsen httt tor-her mother too. For Frida has arranged with I_ItIicIItiel that the wonrlerfulltitchen ‘i shall be built in her parents‘ Edinburgh home. -



Size ‘H in. by ‘)3 in. and capable of taking 64 postcards. the albums contain I6 leaves itttcrleavetl with strong white transparent paper. ltoiind in hlite covers. blocked with the figitrchead of H.M.S. Victory in gold. The leaves are held by attractive light :md dark-blue tassled cord. ‘=

tII_v post ‘


1'6 I


3 Ideal for collectors of this popular series of postcards

\'A \' Y




G )4


I'ortsinmitIi -l‘!e.isg urits‘ Wilson, "I.u.t.t." I itri:l



Royal’ Navy

with others lrom Australia, New Zealzind, India, Triiieomulee lliirlioiir during Exercise “Jet 60"

.'I|’?f‘0lnIll1CI'Il\ arc )t'.1h i-I a..e




I-’oriii\ ol annfieaiiiin and eotislitiom or .iiV:\iint~ flK‘flI It-vrti ( liiel Ami-iii:in.c itllieer. .\iiil-utarice Setiiec. liltii (irnic. lliiirlitou.

‘Travel tilloviiinces paid. Free pcn\iotI and sickness hem-tit.

re iiiiidc ot

with lull under -ill Ylillttll to do \lltll in-tk uiieit Ts. -:d_ plus e\ti.is_— L‘) u to

tlrniriit lin"'\r~. itliiucalii lit and

I-Li-Service Sigarils l'cr.s-oiiiicl with experiof tclcplioite L'.\i.‘Il.lllilC svsteiits are Pakistan and Ceylon in ollered opportunities to install private autoittatic telephone eutiipmeiit on \‘;ll'il)ttS contracts in the London area. "

( liaid.

BRl(3lII(|.\' »\.\llIl'l.\\'L'|I5| Il\l('l'. |I\l\llI,.' til Ir.iituti-.' ‘\Ilt'ilTC, lurthrr euctmi-1'.



Commonwealth naval exercise ends ;Sir East Far Singapore in

\\'. ll.









Some of the ships of

.\ \’\'ll)t)Wl'!lli:s~(‘.l‘.(t, II ntthlflfl a ‘.:.i.\l icliahle Nixon lo be his hoiiscliurer ti-r .1 t-ii;-.. irzilovi in (hard. Somrtvet. A pct-.~n in i:- .t health. round zihiiit :t|. iiiitii no riitiuiitiraiitcs. non~sit.oLer i-ielcrrcd, To :i i'ci~.i:i wllinaz to do the unit. \honnmL'. etc.-inmii. KINIKIIIH and Il\.'|\lIlT|)€ tor one n~..1n I can otter ti quiet and Loiiilurtahlc home and 13 Mr iiccl‘. Instr-.ieii

l"'l;’RNlSlll-Ill ACCO!lM(lD.\Tl0.\'. use Litchcn: short periods: nduas still): rusnziziblc.-— T:I.: Portsmouth J37-$6. FURNISIIED llttcc-roomcd Isl‘-i’C|' IL". I.-tuner. l‘¢Iil|'l)\NIl. kitchen. bathroom; gs: tire. min meter: all L‘iln\cnit.‘llCi:\'. Rent. [3 Ss.--I7 Green Lane, (‘ormur. Porisniomh.

Gerald Gladstone, G.B.E.. K.C.B.) For further information write to W. J. forces from under the iwere \ L‘(Iitl;lll.\‘. v l-‘lag Ofiicer. Sceoiid-in-Command. Far lll-I tenth anti largest of the series of Cotiiiiioniieallli Naval exercises I31“! 5l1|lil‘|1 _(R¢:lr-Atlmirill V. Sttimlzird Telephones and Cables C-3» IIIL‘ FOR SALE C0‘-‘llm 113.0». “k't1t!D-5-C-). held :iitnu:ill_v in the Far East has ended. Titlting part were ships‘ and Limited. :iirt'r:tI't front Aiistraliii. ('e_\lon. India. I':ilti.sttin. New Zetilutid. .\l:iI:i)':iand force under the Flag Olliccr Contsun»: urn. (in cm)’ ierins or c:I\h in" can t-us‘ Persiinnel .\lan:iger. Indian Fleet (Rear-Adntiral iitaiiiliitg. United Kiiigtloiii. complete kit to make iour own rL'sIItJ‘l‘l-|)\:l:4 the I Kent. l4‘ootscr'.i_\'. Sidcup. stytcil cal-met. 5‘l\ Mi. “-3-”llcaiiiiliilli Some -10 iiarslups and ll) llect Cuniiiionwealtlt force was tested in "\- Ch“"kr“"°"m ‘md ‘he K“”‘°hl lb I"S. ML: .\lon:iieh -t-«need force under Capt. (D) 29th Destro ‘er or telcpltoilc l7()0t~et.'i_v 3333 ll-'..\l. “-0. Tin. \ -iin. elliptical:itilo-elirinirer. hd.: D2 nunl‘)s aiixiliurics were Ill\Oi\L'\i in the exertrade \l>t'aI.tr. protee-I viarfare. 70%. ed. S. «arts. B. Salimi. 2-umlliil, altle :imnlitu:r. (Capt. sqiiadron P.N.). 4‘ cise. which cnintticttced at tile Ite:.:tn- tioii. ll'IXllt.‘$Wl.‘L‘I‘IlI'li:and carrier operaand 9d. initial I7‘. I\J)lIlt.‘t|I ash Interviews ti-3 l.\'\, or alsti lie cart ;irr;iui:ed .it was provided I) find l’0\t i.\reLs. I‘) ning of I-'ehru‘iry. in addition to air- ,tions. was staged in the Ilay of Bengal letAn()0 opportunity ‘id lo.’ I\:.I:ii.'.l~K\, New Soutliiuzte if preferred. to give senior olliccrs of all packing uatli llh. This 0|lt‘l. W‘-“”“A¢ '\ cr.-iii from Ceylon. India and Britain. ‘and the approaches to Coeliin. ('rln|[\Jl‘l)'. h2lt3 lloniloril Road. M.uior Park. Known ollicially as Jet till. it was ‘l\'araclii. Singapore and Trincomalec. participating nations the opportunity l'"..l.‘.. 'lcl.: ILF trL|0l.’3. take tactical command of a large unique in that the Royal .\l:il:iyati .-\,s’s‘enth|ed by Febrtiary I‘) under the 5 to I-Il.ECl'R0.\'IC ASSIS l'.\ .\‘ T number of ships under conditions of overall continaiul of the Navy took part for the lirst time. I\ required in’ the Prodiiciion Group ol the ‘the exercise in which the combined in-Chief. Far litist Station (.'\tIll'lll"‘.lI‘iitoderit war. Atomic EIICTK)‘ I\L|lhi\l‘il)' a: (‘toilet Hall. _






Seven from Ah/lanadon in” the:

are P535



Devonport Services

at//1ram e/ectric

cr.ri'5p£rIs e




I I'll winter at an end and spring have had very full lixlure lis:s 551001? 010W I/1/VID’ here our eoirespoiitleiit at the iitatcltes being played agaiiist S.-nice BJRBIR Royal Naval Iiiigineeriiig College at ind civilian teams. The lst XV tcaiii. toiitiilctrli safe. Nerd: no ivrotiui-iii.iI \'ntll. iu\t .\l;iuadon has been looi.itti: Intel; to while not being as siiecessful as was i-lit; main hither or in those cold inoiitlis at the end of the lioped at the ltegiitiiiiig of the setisoii. trim to barber. Eslidine '-’-ht‘ uintrul xwitsti. has been able to take comfort front old year. -.il lrimmm: uetiori tor neeklioc Ii.1Ir. rIlll\I‘i(U Just liefore the college went on ‘the taxi that it has had seven ‘of l 1: run hair and dull‘! ulutc mi-J‘, Iii.-irnie i‘I.ntie with w€ti.iltisezisuitzil leave. it large parlv of their numbers playing regularly In: s'..l '.:t'.t‘ toinpierc MIIIV approx. tilt oi i‘l«..- t-.-tit tittoi-.: :id.iptor and nt.\uliin: ollieers. their \\l\'L‘\' and girl liienils l)cvottport Setwices, Of these, \i\ li.nr..niit- \iiu:. tor 2.11 den and In munllili went carol-singing tiroiuitl Plytttoutlt have played for the Na\ y in the iii:c:- ‘, tun me nix ot l.\i'-. (lnli girier: ii-l.l\).ri l'lc..sr .id..I I u arr. vkc. .s.iint.icuon nitarantced or .ind as a result a large sum of money Service chrinipionsliips. movie)’ refunded. It is the time of the inter-term All-IAV DGIESTID SUPPLIES LTD. was sent to the World Refugee Fund. I leave the of the Manmloit last wt-cl; and During the competitions Drill. .\‘.\.l. I7-I-I. (it. Undeibaiili. Stlxlspoet barof resound the to hearty one course joined :1 party appren- grounds the in Calcdoiiia tices front lI..\l.S. riicking front supporters cheering Iroiit the their teams to victory in the six-;i~ (.‘:iii'tii:oritts. imitating yeti TRANSISTDRISED iliIIl.ti.l_\.'|\. The li;ise for oper: ions. isltltt ltocltey. seven—a-side Rugby. and VOL TA GE IIEGULA TOIIS was the Rotlticntiirdus hut near Avie- the football contpetiliotis‘ during the nmre_ parties of live spending two "dogs." Model ihown I lor the control on a 25 ilavs :it a time rnoitiitaiii walkiiig and Volt D.C. generator tor use During the coming Easter leaie on rrcralt el'mtii':ii;.:, Uiiforttiiitilel)‘ the weather period "eoirilriiied colleges" a closer than RGLUIIDOFI for the tits! two days was poor btit extreme: ,..bv:twcen 2_I all things considered Ilie week was hockey team will be visiting Westerii oi tenipcnture ‘F011! and Berlin to play against l -60 C to +70 C both c\ltilaratiii_i: and strenuous. "I his term the xarious college tezints i.'\l'lt‘I)‘ and coiiibincd Services tennis.






The work

mainly associated uiiih the mainCoiiipiiiei and l):ii.1 Luimcn. but

the sue;euIul eatididate will he eneouitiiicd to Kim eircricnec in the ntaentenance ol the

.\‘oete:ir I-Ltcctrome lnxrriiir-cnlatmn :t\\.rx‘i:l:'tl

uttti Rl.'.h'ltIl\_ I-'.\:e:i\i\c Il.‘Illll.'iL'will he gnen in l.‘\C ;:\t\e.t of tlic autk. x:i.:u-Jxiti: ~t~e.::il train-

ituiiiilactitters‘ uoiiis. Candiduites must hanc \ct\ci.l :i rceoziti-ed tippceiitienhip or had coiitmrat-lc tmliiine and nrcieralvty should hate hat! some e\iV.'tienci: iii "In one oi uoik. Possession iii an ordinanNatiiinal ('crtilie:itc ma)‘ h: an .'id\.i:it2iice. Ssatari with the se.-i‘.c lint tat .1-.:e tr.) to t.‘iZ.‘. rm. ine .'rt

(‘onlrilmloiy Stipcrannu:tion_ Stall llotninit Selien-.e,

:inptie.i:l.in ll‘!l'Il.t1ih\IlnRre. leicncc I‘ \'u’.Z‘2;'l.iit), III Reerinttiteni tttlicet. l'.K..r\.l~I.«\.. l'rodii.ii.in (Storm. \\iiids;.x!c Send pmitard tor

\\‘orl\. $ClI.|lIL‘ld. Sraseafe. (‘unit‘ctl;ind. (‘Iosine date : 25in Amii. limo.








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.\ \’.\(.'A.\'(.'\' t\i\l\ for :i .\hipxecl\er iIi!ceuieal) tor the R..\'.R. l)luuori .ii t‘.mliil, Duties C0lI\I\l oi watch-trccpinit and cltcitical maimienance in the C.M.S. Jtlaehcd to the Dirtsion; 5:-day wccii of 45 hours. Staitiriii basic

.\l\X radio controlled unis. ’.‘-1-hour *€l'-i~‘€'1';-:_; |'oii\n:outli 353.‘! -3 lion lilies). .

Priority xii-en tn c\-R.N. of iioUst:iioi.n rzi-‘r-'r.t:r$ uiut n._\t:(;.\(_:i; Electrical Branch. Admiralty \l:l\iu:t entplo\'- \:oi'cd. nioicd. packed. shtrt'cd.—\VIim: -'- I 0. mcnt hencl'its.—-Apply to Still tllticcr. Il.M.S. |.td.. North End Junction. Porisinouih. Phone


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Engineering Company of ex-Royal ‘Navy skilled craftsmen as Fitters, Turners, Milling machinists, etc. Good working conCareers in

ditions and rates of pay in 4Do!y Personnel Officer-



An Ideal tcltemc for time i'L'RClt.\Si_t. advance after three Years looximi alie.id. I00“... ten-Ild In EWM MUtII:RC\ oi mternt. at low r.-ii: Write tor l_e.rtlci. "Ilic lions: ot ilca-.ti DI IIOUSI-I

llorndeao. llaiiis.






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good electrolmcchanical or electronic instrument experience. Interesting and high quality type of work in congenial surroundings. Vacancies also exist at the new establishment nearby at Culham and the National institute for Research in Nuclear Science and applicants with

will be considered for all three establishments should they so wish.

Married men will be eligible for side the Harwell transport area.



Please write for further information and forms to

living out-




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A ril. I960


Three finals watched by thousand spectators

by the rugby final. In


S the Far East Fleet concentrated in Singapore late in January. the opportunity was taken for the ships and squadrons to compete for the Fleet rugby. soccer, hockey and boxing trophies. The dates on which the matches mostly of l’uk:ilti‘s “Kiwis had a cotild be played were dictated by magnificent battle in the semi-tinal ships‘ movements. The draws for the against Belfast. whom they beat 9-6 rugby, soccer and hockey tourna- in a iiiagniticently hard fought game. ments therefore looked a bit odd. eaclt On the other side of the draw, 'I‘crror's having three first round matches. two XV rallied twice in the last ten minutes quarter linals and two teams receiving of each of their first tw'o games against Inshore Flotilla and Centaur byes straight to the .se_nii-finals. There were some fresh names too. to win tltrotlglt to the semi-tinal.where Centaur. Belfast and the Ist Destroyers they met their Waterloo at the hands were new to the station and the of the 9th (.»\ti_stralian) D.S. recently-formed l0th Submarine In the hockey toumament. whilst Squadron, Teredo. Ambush and Tacti- the Ist D.S.'s powerful team had an cian. and the Inshore Flotilla. com- easy passage to the final. Centaur‘-i XI prising the Woodbridge Haven and the had three _close matches against the ltllth .\liriesweepcr.s who recently ar- 8th l).S.. Terror and Belfast. The three linals on February l2 rived from the Mediterranean. were also competing for the lirst tiittc. were watclicd by over two thousand There were several very close games. spectators. The Centaur's soccer and In the st)CCCl". the 8th l).S. had :1 hard hockey teams both proved too good strtiggle to reach the final. beating for their opponents. winning 2’. ~0 and the lirst l).S. (2 -l) and Belfast (3-2) 4 l agaiiist the lltli US. and lst l).S. respectively. on tlte way. The main excitement was provided In the rugby. tlte 3rd I-IS. consisting -u





to lie



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three losses breaking even. games were drawn. R.\'.B. INTl'IRPi\RT Eight teams entered for lllts conipetition_ three of wliiclt are front ships in the dockyard. The knock-out is being run with a loser's Plate Competition as well. Both the main competition and the plate are in an exciting stage. The Royal Naval Supply School are through to the final. and Hartland Point "A" Team are one of the other semi-linalists. The l’.O.s’ mess have reached the linal of the Plate Competition.



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boxing talent provided at the Royal Navy Open Boxing Cham-



the Royal Naval Baracks, Portsmouth. gymnasium on March 30 augiirs well for the Navy's chances in the Imperial Services Chantpionships. _


Royal Navy Championships provided a splendid evening and PortsThe

mouth took four titles. Home .-\ir Command three. Nore two and Plymouth one. RI-'.Sl.‘I.'I‘S

Fl)-In-I:Iil: .\1.l'C T. \\'Ct:It\ l['\lfl\IlIOIllIII I-c.ii .\.II. M. hilt:-r i.\‘urci_ |I:int:IuI~m.-Iizlil: I). IlIII)t‘l’ItT\ l.\'tittl heat. l..i-f. \. ('liil-ils (I'Ull.\II1s‘tIIlll, I-‘i-:ith¢-renclghtz :\,II. R. lee (l‘orumouitii but .\l.IE I). licr tllomc I-'lcctl. Lichlni-lzht: I‘.\. K Rt|l'I.|lJ\IV.'I (Home Air (‘iiniinartill beat .\I.irinc K. ('.irtcr Il'ttfl\l'lIt‘lllTll I.l:ht vielter-weight: R1) 2 .\. Pltcthy (Portsiiioutlit beat .\l.iritic I’. \\'illi:ims(Note). \$'r|ter-height: l..l(.l-I..\I. \\'_ Jarvic (llome .\ir ('oinni.ind'l beat (‘out I. llamilton (I'orL\mouth).

cars at:


Light middle-weight: .\I.iririe (I. Cliippcndalc

Telephone 62999

(Plvmoiiili) but S.:\

KARTlNG?—CERTAlNLY-GIVE US A CALL! Printed and Publistied tor and

K. .\IilIer ti'ort\moiiih).

.\IlddIe-weight: I‘.()_ l). ‘Diorne tllomc Air (‘omitundl lw:.it S.:\. I). Keogh (Portsnkiiitb). Light heavy-weight: R. Dryden tl'otL\muuihl beat :\.II. R. Gleesoii (ltomc I-‘teen, Ilelu-wright: Marine R. Sanderx (Plymoiiiti) heat AJI J. Wilson iPoriunouiti).



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just try this new way of smoking —perfcct cigarettes made to suit your preference in flavour, size and strength. It's the

HOCKEY Coaching Course was held in the Barracks Gymnasium on Wednesday. March l6. and was well supported from R.N.B. personnel and ships from the Dockyard. It was conducted by three Kent County Hockey Coaches. led by Mr. Soper. the Secretary of K.C.H.A. The Course consisted of theory in the Gymnasium and practical in the grounds of St. Mary‘: Island. It proved to be of good value to hockey players of various standards. especially the demonstration of the offside rule and the ditfercnt types of obstruction.








(moan AGENT)

See also


very bad. The .season‘s results have with the wins and been

HE None Command has played five games this season and one was cancelled owing to bad weather ing along. The dinner was attended by the in January. The results. although dischairman of the R.i\‘.R.U. (Far East appointing. with one win and four Station). Surg.-Capt. (D) S. R. Wallis. luxsts. were no reflection on the and the president of the Naval Base standard of play by the Command side. R.F.C.. Capt. H. G. Sotithwood. The Royal Navy in Chatham team In a short speech. Siirg.-Capt. Wallis thanked the organisers of rugby on has had a very full season with two the station and particularly C./Sgt. R. games each week. except for a short Blackwell. R.M.. for his hard work spell in January when the weather was




hon. team secretary of the Naval Base R.I-'.C. this season: hard work which contributed so much to the enjoyment of the rugby itself. He ilten presented C.l’Sgt. lllackwell with a The R.N. llockey l\'nock~0ut Comtankard which hail been purchased petition. l‘)5‘>;'(i0_ was won by No. 42 ifrom the subscriptions of nearly lifty Comiiiziiiilo who beat the Naval Air rugby H players who hail represcnlcil the luimsii theidumm the w.N“L Station. .-’\rbro:itli, 4-3.

held. followed the Fleet rtigliy liiizil on Fcliriiziry I2. One hundred and ciglity-eiglit rugby players. referees. org:iiiiser.s :ind followers atlcittlcd the dinner. which was held in the Johore Hotel. Johorc llahru. A I0-course meal of Chinese chow wzni served and over it thousand pints of beer helped the even-





Emil .Smli‘m as


hard and fast game the 3rd l~'.S. heat the 9th D.S. by a goal to nothing (5—D). The result could have gone either way and. indeed had the Australians had a good kicker they might have won. The Fleet boxing tournament provided some good entertainment for all those who watched. The Fleet trophy was won easily by Centaur. whose team had been trained hard and well by PD. Pearson (P.T.|.). The oiitstanding boots were N.A. Gilbert's win over L.E.M. Sealey (Terror) in the welter-weight and z\.B. llle:iney‘s (Belfast) win over -’\.B. McGuire (Centaur) in the middle-weight limit. The Commander-in-Chief. Admiral Sir Gerald Cilzttlslonc. (i.B.F... K.C.B.. presented the prizes at the boxing linals which were held in the gymnasium of the Royal Malayan Naval Barracks. The Fl:ig Otlicer, .‘iecond-inCommand. Far East Station. RearAdmiral V. C. Ilcittt. C.ll._ l).S.O.. D.S.C.. presented the rugby, soccer and hockey trophies. The lin:il sporting event took place on l-'ebrii:iry l3. Eight rating helnismen competed in R.N..'s'..-\. tliiighies for the .\l.il.'iyan .-\re:i Cup. A closely contested race was won by l’.(). (‘ollin.s_ of Caprice,




OPEN |0a.m.


l0.3O p.m.







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