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Write for special details and

advantages of placing your PROMOTION ORDER BERNARDS





N0. 71

N-‘ivy N«W5 The

Newspaper of The Royal Navy and The Royal

MAY, 1960

Naval Association

Pub/is/ledfirst T/ziirsday of the month


BERNARDS OFFICERS’ SHOP COHHERCIAL ROAD. PORTSMOUTH Telephone Nil‘ 30 ROYAL PARADE, PLYMOUTH Be assured of close and personal attention to all of your Uniform and Civilian requirements

Price Fourpcncc

.M.S. UNDAUNTED RECOMMISSIONED .5 Invasion Day memories





.M.S. Undaunted. commissioned for further scn'icc in the Home l-‘Ii--.-t on April 12. under the command of Capt. D. H. Mason. R.‘\'. The first mention of Undauntcd ll.M.S. Undauuted's conversion w.i~ appeared in the .\'a\‘y List in I79-l. completed in July_ W5-l. Until I958 -when the llicnvcnuc was talzcn from she was employed on trials of .-\'S the French oll' .\lartinrquc. lhe vessel Equipment whilst based at Portlanil .was renamed l-l..\l.S. Unilaiiiitcd on with the Second Training Squadron. as account of the gallant service rendered well as taking part in several big Fleet in effecting h_cr exercises. Faulknor {by :1 Cap: In December, I957, H..\l.S. Uricapture. The ship did not remain in for was daunted's connection with l’re-.ident l the Royal Navy thelong and_shc Brenvenuc Eisenhower was renewed when. at very :sold in l795. But name !still remains as the ship's motto. short notice and in heavy weather. the l The present H..\l.S. Undaunted was ship was ordered to sea to patrol part -built as a "U" class destro_yer by of the route over which the President '('anime|l Laird and launched in July. was flying on his way to the Paris I943. She was completed by March the Conference. As an expression of next and sailed to form part of the thanks, President Eisenhower pre"Home Fleet. taking a prominent part sented an atiiographcil photograph of :in the "D" Day operations when _she himself to the ship. The photograph 1 took General Eisenhower and Admiral was formally handed over by the 5 Ramsay off a grounded warship and American Naval Attache to Britain. ion a tour along the Normandy Rear-Admiral Robert W. Cavanagh, ;beaches. General F.isenhowe_r's per- U.S.N., at Portsmouth on October ;sonal standard is still retained_on I7. I958. 1 board as a memento of this occasion. H.M.S. Undauntcd joined the Sixth November, 1944. H.M.S. _Un- Frigate Squadron in March. I958. with ilaunted sailed to join the British which Squadron she remained for two Pacilic l-‘leer, where she remained until cars, completing a Mediterranean] H..\l.S. Undaunted. Note the'ltcIi-' the end of the war. She saw active ome General Service Commission copier platfonn aft service during the American advance during that time. The “Wasp" helicopter underwent up the Pacific Islands and she took part in the o rations off Okinawa and flying trials from the ship in November Leytc, In arch. 1946, she returned and December, 1959. home to Dcvonport and was paid ofi After a work-up at Portland Uninto Reserve. daunted will assume the role of Master In t952. H..\l.S. Undauntcd was Anti-submarine Ship at Londondcrry. taken to Cowes in the Isle of Wight The purpose of this is to provide a and was completely transformed by modern Anti-submarine vessel perSamuel White and Co.. from a des- manently in the area which will control troyer to a modern Type 15 Anti- the_ exercises taking place there, and submarine Frigate. Her guns and which will act as a demonstration ship torpedo tubes were removed and re- for courses visiting the Joint Antiplaced by the most up-to-dale Anti- Submarine School. submarine weapons. Most of the internal arrangements were radically from to assisting save a man altered to make way for new sub1111: Fleet Tug H.M.S. Brigand. laid in drowning the sea at Newhavcn marine detection devices and now down in I937. and which has spent on August I6. i959. and afterwards little of the old H.M.S. Undauntcd many of its 22 years‘ service in the news that the Royal Naval Ban-acks at Chathnm are not now to be restoring the man to consciousness remains. except the hull and main Mediterranean. has now finally paid handed over to the Army has been received by Naval personnel everywhere by applying artificial respiration, propulsion machinery. offand is tobcsold. and relief. Not with delight least pleased are those serving afloat and likely AB. Rodney R. Greenland, PIJ. to have their ships refitted in Chatham Dockyard which is. of course. 959075. who was, at the time sewing in H.M.S. Camperdown and is now remaining open for business as usual. sewing in H.M.S. Dolphin, has been The Nore Command will cease '0 awarded a Testimonial on Parchment exist as such on March 31. l‘l6l. with Resuscitation Certificate. There will be a small ceremony when. In a strong westerly wind and in at sunset. the Conrmander-in-Chief's a rough sea with four foot swell. flag will be hauled down and the Com.-‘LB. Greenland swam 60 yards to inodore‘s broad pendant will be struck. Mr. John Freeman who had disapThe present captain of the Royal HE United States Navy celepeared whilst diving with aqua-lung Naval Supply School. Capt. II. S. brated the diamond jubilee of Spittle. Royal Navy. is expected to re- its subrriarine force on April It. equipment. Willi the assistance of Mr. C. J. lievc ('onuuo(lorc L. W. l.. Argles. These figures can mean only one The following signal to Comthingl).S.('.. and assume command ol'_ the sublant was sent by the Flag King. Mr. R. (7. King and Mr. K, G. A.B. Barber. Greenland saved the new l-l..\l.S. Pentbrokc. that ten times as many people now know Ofliccr Submarines. Fort Block- unconscious man. Greenland The buildings in the main part of house: Holgcr-Neilscn artificial respirationthat Senior Service give the “On the occasion of the diamond and the present barracks will house the the man recovered in 30 minutes.‘ same R.N.S.S_ and. in addition, will provide jubilee of the Submarine Force of tull enjoyment ziccorriniodzition for ratings of ships the United States Navy. I extend refitting in the Dockyaril. All the ac- to you. on behalf of the officers every time. commodation blocks (except Duncan) and men of the Submarine Branch of the Royal i\'av_v. an expression will be in use. The area north of Terrace Road. except the R.N ('cntral of our warrucst admiration for School of Giokcry. the (iuardhoirsc. your magnificent achievernents \\'ardroom North (the old Wzirraut durim: the past 60 years and our Olliccrs‘ .\lc~~I. the _i:ymu.'isiuru and sincere best wishes for the future.“ H..\l.S. C‘entaur was com‘ the swimming: hath. is to be taken l-IAEN nussroned at Plymouth on Sepover by the l)ocl.y:ml. tember 3, I958. her commanding The old (iunner\' .School_ which is otlicer. (‘aptain ll. R. Law. ().ll.l-C.. mm the Supply Sclrool. is hciui: re[).S.(‘.. Royal l\';i\'y_ forecast that tained and the ('ornmodore‘s house there would never be a dull day during will h-:cnrtti' the new residence of the the cornmissiori. (‘aptain of the .'~iiippl_\' School, Since that day the ship. which The \\’,R..\.S. are expected to move OR over 200 _vi.-an the Royal Vic- steamed 80.9l6 miles before the end out of East (‘amp into another part toria Yard. Dcptford. has been of the foreign leg of the commission. of the harrxiclts. and East (‘amp and the main .-\dmir.rIl_v victuullinr: and has visited places. experiencing St, .\l:ir\-'~ (but not the married store depot but. by June. l96l. the the heat ofmany the Persian Gulf. the quarters there) will he put up by the major functions of the yard will have pleasures of Japan. the hospitality of (‘ommander-in-Chief for disposal. been transferred elsewhere. the Australians and taken part in (\\lling\\ooil.or a large part of it. is A recent Admiralt_v invc,stiga'.ion. exercises in the hlcditcrranczin. the to become :i school for the l)ocliy:ird into the task of the yard showed that Indian Ocean and the Far East and Apprcrilices. some economy could be clfccled by few. if any. of the days can have been So although the functions will be the transfer of functions and the dis- dull. ditlcrent and the area covered posal of land and buildings vacated. The carrier returned to l’l_\'inouth on BEST \lll1lllL‘l'. ll..\l.S. Pembroke will go on small of Only a very the April 26. almost exactly :1 year after portion and in many ways will look much the yard acreage will be retained by the lcavirtg for the foreign leg of the comWELL MADE WELL PACKED sainc as it does now. mission. Admimlty. ‘






Smaller area and different functions






Never; Dull Day




Will Britain ROYAL have Polaris— CANADA Missiled Founder members

Navy News F. o l r o u Licut. (5) ll. R. ltciridcc. R..\‘.tRctd.7. Royal Naval Barracks. Portsmouth.

-EDITORIAL he rfisu1iL.of| ‘\\‘8llltl"IlP£F(ll'f‘ll).Llltlailtiie.

of the Sea



of the conferl’cndiii_g_ the outcomehave not been ence. British tiaivlers lishing in the wai-r oll lc'l-and in bccn "my whim‘ ‘mm: fishing under naval protection. Asked if the Navy would protect British traivlcrs if it was decided to fish within the 12 miles limit claimed by Iceland. Mr. Hate. the British Minister of Agriculture. replied "We accept the three mile limit. Whether the Government will give protection to trawlcrs is a matter for the Govcriimerit to decide." kc man of th' Trawl-r A it has said hoped to renew fishing up to lccl:ind's four miles limit "under the protection of the Royal Navy." Where do we go front here? Great Britain appreciates Iceland's peculiar problem and is willing ‘to .






l Dl’ur|ianteIit



\ ':LlS


private arrangcniciii with uiifortunately Iceland appears

come to a

her but

to give no coiisideration whatsoever llritai'n's problem of producing lisli for the coiiniry‘.<. lift_v-odd millions or to


the livelihood of Britain's traivlerritcn whom. for a century. have been llSlling the water oil lcelttntl. In other words lceland is saying "We with you." are all right. Jack. to How long can the Royal Navy continue to "protect“ her tisheriiien on what is considered by Britain, to be the high seas? The sooner it is realised by lceland -—and for that matter any countrythat Great Britain wishes to live in and yet will aniity with all countries continue to iiiaintaiii the inliabit:int_s of these islands. the sooner uill this rniccruhlc biisitte\'sl$ct)\‘i:l‘. Can the rulers of any coiiiitry rc.ill_v ground imagine that if it new lisliiiig miles was found to t.‘.\lSl three or four oil Great Yarmouth we wouldother countries unilateralIy—prcclude from fishing there? That's not the British way. Unless the laws of the _sca are altered Britain has :i right to lish what has always been considered the high these seas. and so long as the people of islands eat fish. that right should be ,


debate in HF. Sixth sulmiarine Squadron \\tl\‘ on the dropping of the 1 i.-‘it i ‘ '* I -1 ,''n I955 t " l"’ i- till‘"*‘ llliie Streak nuclear missile .\lr \\'at- ‘ °"'_ ,. tor the Royal of l)et'uice. ..\'('I'VlL‘t..‘\' ?sulniia_nnc ‘ C "use uh" he had "shed "I" ‘(".'."'d“"! ‘\‘"3" -‘\d"‘m|")' J0 make 5"‘ urecnt 5l|"l.\' 01' I llic first three siihmariites were the requirements for a British-hiiilt l.-\~tute. Alderncy and Aiiibiisli. l‘our siibniarine capable of (‘lll’l')ll'It: the f}'i.‘;tfs l;itcr the saute boats were back in Canadian waters, but presenting it Polans-type nitsvile. of the rather dim-mm ;rppc;rr;rrr.;¢ as they siibiiiiirines _Niiclc:ir-poivcrcil kind _produced_in_ America and each hm] -411 bccr-r ruudcrniscd, £20 Thc dcpm g|rjp_H,M_s_ Afnbrcsg-— carrying I6 missiles would cost million and as it is estirniitcd that ten .35 ;, gmnc frigate in mg Canadian or twelve such submarines would be [NM-at Duck)-ard gr H;r|ifar;_ This required the total cost of submarines §r_|()ck-yard wag cqabfishcd in 1759 by '“'“"‘-“' ‘““"“ "° -'‘’“U‘ the “mob and It Is now the manor -"“’ bit“: fl’? 111° R-C-N- J" 3'-Ml‘ -"_“li|' _ ‘li_¢ """ °'“""‘*‘“5 Slim could lie “rm ,r ,5 rhc nmsr mmhcfly ycar round or, am Nrmh Anrcm-an conrincm appreciably reduced if eonvciitionally :18 l1|T8'~"" u is used by niost_of the big shipping and llincs during the winter when the St. "¥'r»‘-||'''_lS ‘'7 "10 '*‘|’l‘°|5~‘ C'“55 "*?‘“"d to earry——say four-— of the L;,“»,vcn_-c is shur am: m i,_-,;_ h_uilt be_ "“5‘i'1'~‘\'The Submarine Squadron is centred northern end of the dock“W " 5“ ‘ " 5 “ll “, ';i.'d. 'l' tc adiiiinistrative ofliccs are *7 “ at 90 feet" in the basement of N, '-‘!‘“f lhill Ill}: Adnllfilll)‘ '5 lolaris l'lll\‘Sllt.‘\ -rm Cumnlund buiM;ng_ when the sidcr. lirstly. whether ““‘“ °°“'d b“ °‘"”""-l h-" “ml fir?“ dual duties of Canflaglaiit and CancuL‘-RING


kl:i soI:. .\linisIer


inaiiitained. Such action could mean hardship for the Royal Navy. but our men have shown for centuries that they do not flinch from hardships. and the sea ,

training and experience could prove of







R SlI_SI Mu). I960



























H.M.S. .\i_iiemey arrives alongside. H.M.S. Ambush -..‘ the inboard vessel Bonaventure in the backand H.M.S. Astute is next to her. Note groun



Navy News Appreciated


lpurr ,

l‘*“Y_¢fCd Suhmar:nes——_siich

‘around tlhe lH*,‘l '-‘_“‘/‘3|_'1‘l:""l5(i‘l‘dl':d'l;:liS“-‘fl'L‘,'‘:“ l ‘;-’ i?.ll\l\\' lI _






v-rr-in-«I bv “‘L".'?§'i‘.""‘.‘.’i.".‘i‘.“'only ."'.‘i“i::.'_four:.':;:::'"‘:‘iétii." l.-\dniiral Pollen, R.C.N. g workshops

SC(lt'.'t.‘L' marines to _carry

H. F.




and stores are n 11“. distance away and here the R.N. a worth-while proposition. §~2l‘lt)l’l the As it must combine to provide me R_‘(-_~_N_ with their various needs. bY”‘° l jllbnlilrlflcfi nu, squadlmn E,,L.im_.cr is R_N_ whnc years. it is own the Elcclrlcitl Otlicer is R.C.N. and have herb'~‘r‘“'° ""3 ‘-'"'-I “r lh“ d‘-"""‘- they have both iiavics represented on "“""'¢ their stalls. Siibmariiies of the Squadron cover W i_ lot of territory and usually get to as well as ports visit several U.S.‘Dorts the West Indies, the _Bahainas and Bermuda during their I8-month ' In addition they often manage a stay. Ofmlll 5_l|’-||t-}l -11 l“- ‘-‘‘-M''‘ I trip up the St. Lawrence or to ports _





exp_ectcdth.it .\llltl‘}- land be ‘.‘\‘l."""'“.5'r""'!'"‘l“”""'9}‘F"“fi‘ _Br_it.iin _\\ill tliat unlikely not--rm-nt-s>,I!~'<| gut‘; _


all-E P-“fl_"|'!|! 'l "(I3l Sl 1E_ l )‘-'

Ll.mh'l:b1lt ilhfCEl:a%anllfrom oxlfil gthelgkg.I513“) Shell O









lR.—--It would be appreciated if ishe remained in t.‘t\lllI'Ill\\lulI for long you would for\\ard my copy of laftcr lt<‘)'7." Does any reader of Nsvv Niixs “Navy News" to my new address. "Navy News" continues to be a know what has happcncil to Satellite is there anyone still living who source of interest and enjoyable rcad- and ing out here. and praise is due to you served in her'.’ Yours faithfully. and your stall’ for making it the J. l.. l<lA'l’l3S. increasingly popular paper that it is l.ieui.-(‘dr.. R.N.\".R.tRcltl.l. becoming. Would you be so kind as to inform 6 Riglw ('lu.~e. Croydnn. sell a photome grap a uni or tie series "Ships of A the Royal N:i\'_\'." Oflicc of Flag ()ll'icer. NAVY NEWS Second in ('omm:ind lR.—\Vould you kindly let me liar Fast Station. I.-llt .-ill-mu u'Iiii‘h will lulu‘ (:4 pm!my ricxt annual sub_whcn _kn_ow (‘llfu'.\ .liu.\ Iinvi prrIiIm‘.'i!. ]'I‘l('t' .\'v. (iil. scription l\ due as l have forgotten iiicliiiliiig [)U.\Ill_L'I'. Baum! iii .\Irnu_i: when I last sent am! I should not him‘ min-rx. Ivlnrlu-il iriili the [iyIlr¢" like to miss any copic-»-._ I look for"4'I'4/1'1”--‘I-53 l7t'Wr_\'- I/u'li'iii'¢-.irire ward to my com‘ ever)‘ month. i'ii!i'rIi'iii~i'i! irilli iIrim_i,- ii‘hiri' tram- Thank you for the good work put pariwr pupcr um? Iicli! Ivy ii tii.r.s'li'il into it to make the N.\vv Nr-.ws such good reading to all ex-Navy men. I cord: -Editor.) 25 years. Wishhave been pcnsioned ing you every success. H. S} IAVF. 2 .\larslial Road. Waterloo, l’oolc. lR.—Thc following is an extract from a letter I have received front Major E. R. Davidson. 4\l.BiF... son PEN of the late Shipmatc Davidson. lR.~l shall be obliged if you \\‘lll "My father served in H.i\l.S. Sate|lite from January. I894. to August. kindly help me in getting pen pals I have hc:ird that my father was from the Royal Navy. _l8‘)‘I. I am l7l_ years old aml attend the informed that the Satellite still exists on the lyneside. although technical high school. I wish to have somewhereand now high dry. I wonder if there pen pals in the Navy C. .\1. Shah. is still anyone living who served in her whilst she \\:i~'. atloat'.' l doiiht that llox 852‘). i\lomb:i~:i. Kenya.

tick)’ whefthcrlyou







received a distress call Tanker Volvatclla. The master radioed that ii fireman was in considerable pain and the Loch Lomond. which was 20 miles away, closed at full speed and was on the spot in 30 minutes. The Loch Lomond's medical olliccr. Surg. Licut. J. B. Gornall, R.N.. vi-as sent across to attend to the sick nian— a Chinese. He gave cmcrgcncy treatment and afterwards the Master. Capt. Moss. who comes from Sundown. Isle of Wight. expressed his thanks for Loch Lomond‘s prompt assistance.


H.M.S. NATAL IR.—~l am anxious to contact any survivors from the cruiser H.M.S. Natal which blew tip in Cromarty Firth on December 30. l9I5. and would be grateful if they would get in touch with me. All letters will be answered. Yours faithfully. A. CECIL HAMPSHIRE. Soiithbournc Gardens. Easlcotc. ‘.6 Ruislip. i\lddx.





" ..\l.S. St. Brides Bay. July 18. at ll..\l.S. Diiiniond. October. at ChatSingaporc. for l-'orcigii Service (Far ham for trials. (Comniissions JanuEast). :iry. l‘)6l. for (icncral Service Med./Hoiiie. ‘.‘-l Coniiiiission. H.M.S. Wizard. Jilly I9. at Chatham months four about service for overseas detailed ratings are normally months). U.l'i. Base Port under for trials. Coniniissions September months about two service home for sea and ahead of commissioning date. consideration. I3 for Home Sea Service. U.K. Base when mind borne in be preferring should this date, commissioning of ahead H.M.S. Caprice. September 29. at Port. Devonport. ship. in particular ii to serve volunteer requests to Singapore for Foreign Service (l-'ar H.M.S. Cassandra, July I9, at ChatEast). hani for trials. Coniiiiissions July H.M.S. Solebay. June 8. at PortsSUBMARINE C0.\tM.\ND for General Service Coni26 for l-‘orcign Service. Far East. ll.M.S. Crane. October 12. at Singamouth, M “'M's' Mdde‘ A-US“-St’ Dew“. mission Home/Mediterranean (21 ll..\l.S. Brave Swordsniiin. July. at pore for Foreign Service (liar East). Subniarine l-ifth for service in UIK Base Port Pom. Portsmouth. for trials anil Special H.M.S. Plymouth. December. at 3 Edgnbmgh Roam pong“-rgugh Sqiiadron. Devonport for trials. Commissions Service Squadron. U.K. llasc Port. "mum. "on. 10"., April, 1961. for General Service Portsmouth. GENERAL "_“_S_ 1.-inmflrc. Junc 3' at chmham Express Service onratolhclclliiwlnltllclnl tlonic.'.\lcil. (23 Coniniission. for Gcltcrill Service Commission. H.M.S. Koppel. Atigiist. at Chatham '°' ’""" ""‘""‘°' “"'" """“"° ii..\i.s. Llandalf. Mai,» 1. at I)evonmonths). U.l\'. llase Port. Devonfor Home Sea Service. U.K. llasc months)(21 CommisService Ucltcftll for port, III port. l’ort_ Portsiiioiith. Base Devonport. U.l-c. Port. (23 Suez sion Home/’l:':i.sl HUDDERSFIELD Loch Alvie. Aiigiist I6. at H.M.S. Leopard. December 6. at ll..\l.S. Dei-onllasc U.l\. lort. "_“_s_ p,M¢F,o,' June 9” M Dc..°_n_ Portsniouth for General Service for trials. (Commissions Devonport ... 1:: 3: nor port for (iencral Service CommisComniission. Homclsouth Atlantic 25;. 27 for General Service September LEICESTER and {ll 2. sign Humc/South N0. 3'4 Squadron, hid)’ /\tl;|Antic U.K. Coniniission) (Hoiiic/Ariibizin Seas and South America (24 months). for Overseas America months). South (12 U.K. Base Port. I’ort.siitoiitlt. R.N._A.S. Ciildrosc. and Persian Gulf) (I8 months). 1:: 3: :3 3: Base Port. l)evonport. Service (H-M-S Hcrmcs)U.K. ilasc Port under eonsidcratioii. -.ll.MS. Anzio, January. at i\lalt:i for Service (Amphibious Waiat Rosyth for "_;“_s_ at PortsForeign 3, 31. May Orwell, Leviiston. ll.;\l.S. August in 2:: I: ‘:1 farc Squadron). ar rvice o l‘ or mouth. for Home Sea Service. U.K. re. 5 H.M.S. Loch Irish. January It). at llase Port. Rosytli. H.M.S. Chaplet, May 3. at DcvonU-K‘ H.M.S. Londondcrry. June 28. at No. 893 Squadron, September I, at Rosyth for General Service Coni:3: ii: ii: if: mission. Honic!Ar:ibian Seas and R.N.A.S. Yeovilton for ()vcrsea.s Cowcs for General Service CoinPersian Gulf tltt nioiitlis). U.K. Service (H.M.S. Centaur). 1‘I— PLYHOUTH Base l’ort. Devonport. ers- ll.\l.S. Centaur. September, at Portsuse or, mon ._~mouth for Home Sea Service. H.M.S. Whirlwind. niid-Januriry, ill l96l). for General Service CommisRosyth for trials. (Commissions December for GenPm‘ B“: U'K' PortsJune II It..\t.s. Ilemies. III 2.8. at C0"?- cral Service Coinmissioii) (llomel H.M.S. Battleaxe. Janiiary. at Ports.-‘~'VI=~' (2-l liast of Suez) (22 months). U.K. iiioiitli for General Service Com"W!" forllonie,Mediterranean 1H- mus. Decoy. May l7 at Devonport cmewcesm 33 mission, mission. Mcil.;'Hoiiie (24 llliillllhl. Base Port. l’0rlsI1)t)llll1. lS[-; MARLBOROUGH 1.) I 7 J I-,1 C f,‘ "V ”' ‘’'‘‘.'‘‘'’‘'‘"E ‘T months). U.K. Base Port. Ports- ll..\l.S. Caesar. September. at Rosytli U.K. Base Port. Portsinoiitli. ""‘.‘IIIREADING , llase U.l\. loit, Service. Sea Home l5]for "mum PORTLAND Niiveiiibcr ll..\l.S. (.'ro.~islJow. Jaiiiiary Ci\mn1l~‘.\l0ll\‘ for trials. Dc‘-Dunn”. General Service (.‘oiiimi.sioii_ .\lcd., 8 for Foreign Service —l‘:ir liiist. ‘i -I ll'lI)t1. A ll ust l(. at ll “.5 '“m"' M 24' Pm:apfl'-5‘-'r"“~ Home (24 ll‘lDIllll\J. Place of cortiH.M.S. Shoulton. end September at All these xeri/ice: mu take inc (anon-‘n: route 97 Furclgll -_ niissioiiiiig and UK. Base Port 1'-J5‘ l‘ort~inoutli_ for Ilome Sea Service. 0 f S‘U9/~i }_ 10"“-~ for the convenience of Service Perscnnct: R.M. Cm]lml“’0"1} g'n .1 ‘I-.L. ‘I .1 I“. ....(lt .lt,.pi. 5am1cks.Ec:tney:H.M.S.Vcrr:ort:Ro;raJSailcrx' H \IS .rq.i.t) tinder eoiisidcraiion. U.K. Base l’oi’l. Rosytlt. Uh “WP -lat, i)l'l. P ortsmout h ,-__ H omc Club. Queen Street. R.N. Barracu. for F omhn S,“H”. u_~_Jr E,ht)‘ 8l3 Squadron. October I. at ll..\l.S. llelfiist. l’chi'u;uy. at SingaNo. 5 at I-'vne loch ll\ls‘ July 2- Rosytli --_ _s _not 3: R.N.A.S. Culdrose for Overseas used pore for Foreign Service. l’ar East. H “'8' muh M ;‘E 3" “ mmsmomh ocnix: (.omniission (iciicral Service tor ll..\l.S. 'l'rouliridgc. I"chrii;ii’y, at Cosham. Herr-ct: Town Quay. Foreham. Also llcrines). Service Commissions (ll..\l.S. Scptcnibcr trials. for Persian Seas and Home/Arabian picking up at H.M.S. Ariel at cheaper rote. Portsiiioiitli for Geiieral Service at October. Duchess. ll..\l.S. early 2‘) for Home Sea Service until Base Port. U.K. Gulf (I8 iiionilis). Cotnniission. llontciwcst Indies N.B.—To all shl 5 Visiting PortsPortsnioiitli for trials. (Coiiiniissions l9(il. Then General Service April, Devonport. mouth: Special acllltles to meet (24 iiioiitlis). UK. llzisc Port. Portsl‘)(il, for General Service Commission. Home/East of Suez January. mouth. 2-l .\led .) l loiiic. months). U.K. llasc Port, Ports- ll..\l.S. Lincoln, July 5. at Glasgow C'oiiiini.ssioii. your particulartravelllng require(22 for Home Sea Service. Rccommi.sments can be organised at short iiionths). U.K. lliise Port. l’orts- ll..\l.S. Cook. end J:inu;iry. .it Singamouth. notice. 1960. for Foreign October, pore for Foreign Service. iiiouth. sions “J15, La,-r,um_ jury (._ M‘ Rmf,¢“»_ ll..\l.S. Diana. October. at Devonport ll..\l.S. lllaki.-, end Jami-.irv. at Clyde for lloitie Sea Service [llooiii De-tr 5t‘|'\l¢~‘ ll”-1|‘ I11!‘-ll Write. phone or can for trials. llomc Sea Service (futuJ;lllllSll')'i tCoiniiiiuioiis for trials. for at TRIUMPH COACHES Tyne. Lion. I2, July ;ll..\l.S. iiiis\ioit~_ Jiiiic._ l*I(il. tor (HIlls‘l‘.tl l‘)(il, for (icncral Service 3 Edinburgh Road. Portsmouth No. 825 Squadron. Aiigtist lfi. at R..\'. 5 (ieiieral Service Ctllllllllssltlll Home; ~ion_ .\led. lloitic. 2-1 ll)i\t‘lIll\)_ U,K, ; Serxice ('i~iitiiii~~ion, llnni: .\lcd. \lL‘tlllt.‘:':'ZtllL‘;lll (24 months), U.K. Phone 10947 All‘ Slillivlt. (VIM:-‘~v‘. for Overseas (2-l ntott'.li~|, ll.i»c Port, l)e\oiipo.'t. “.I~C Port. |’oiicniouih_ Service til..\l.S, \'iettI-.ioiis).

AS lllll lflflllllll TRIUMPH COACHES



iiieitociroiib :‘H°E1r_r_:§r.gHm... NO:' l’H}Al?§‘1_PTON 'fi'xN“c' .ER

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;,€k|vNEé::nF-r-~o a_OAVREx;l<l:lKY gigtrggtfigr


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£55 gr '


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$4; gigga. (; _ awr; § : . ‘ r g_. , I : c E’...)_




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it for?’ Gcnfir-il Sdrvicc l’0l’lsnli)lllll‘ .












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MIV. I960

SHIPSor THE R0 YAL NA VY No.5 ; TQRQUAY gcziusesg

Motoring Notes

4.- H;M,.rS-

Lack of_ skill -accidents TRAILING. FEET SURE SIGN OF INCOMPETENCE and gone and the worst fears of those responsible for road safety h:I\‘c been fully realised with a further increase in road c.isualties. Strange to relate. although the casualties this liaster were higher than the same perirtl last year few people s.-e:ii to realise that the average figures e\er_\ week are higher than those quoted in the lieadliites over l~‘.;ister. l'iifortiiiiatcl_v the toll will go on iiicie.isin-_.- until we niotorists wake tip to the fact that it is our own lack of skill and t'oretliouglil in driving which L'.'iuse.s the accidents and not the roads themselves, .-\S'l‘l-'.R has

of using the front brake as well as the back one. Far worse than failing to use the front brake are those numerous riders who when they get into ditlieulties immediately ptit both feet on the ground and vainly try to stop their niachine with their shoe leather. This’ is a very conuiion trait and a most dangerous one which can get one into real trouble. ()ti any niacliine. whether it be a moped or a (:00 e.c. twin. the only place for your feet so long as you are riiovirg at all is on the footrests where you c:iii operate the pedals‘. ‘l‘r.ii|ing feet :ire the .siire sign of an to



develop the





A.\'l'l-l~‘Rl-Zl".’I.l-I ['01 those who use anti-free/.e in their car radiator. now is the time to drain this out. l‘lus‘h oiil the cooling systetu and refill with clean water. All their lose aiiti-t'i'ee/e solutions inhibitingproperties after a few months and the old solution should not be saved. 'I’lie best place for it is down the drain as it will be quite useless next winter. A recent unfortunate experieiiee with a garage prompts me to remind you that the recommended tyre pressures are for cold tyres. If you have run any di.staiice at all I can assure yoti that if you have yotir tyres checked at a garage sshilst buying petrol for example. the pressures will not be correct. Pressures increase during running by as much as 5 lb. and very few garage attendants appreciate this. From wli:it I have seen many car owners have their tyres far too hard an_vwa_v and il_ssould pay them to ascertain the correct pressures and keep to them. E. A. M.-‘\RSH.

.\l()'I'(IR C\'(.‘l.l". BRA Kl-IS Just as in a motor car. the m.i.\imum braking effect on a motor-cycle. seooner or moped comes from the front and not the rear hra'a‘e. The majority of readers‘ seem to be scared still of using tllc front brake. so much so that on maii_v scooters it is commonly found that the brake spindle has seired tip through lack of rise and the l\t;|I\c doesn't work an_\'way. This fear of using the front brake iiiay arise lroni ap;\reh:nsion that it will cause a front \\hecl skid when cornering. So it may. but then no experienced iiiotoiist \\ould dream of using his brakes on a corner and the iiccessity to do so inerel_v shows a shocking bad judgment of trallie conditions. I would strongly reeoiiimend all riders


'Windmilf,igirlsto racebarracks]

.t\l.S, 'l‘orqu:iy— another of the Whitby class anti-.subniarinc frigales~—was built by Harland and afternoon. May 23. and the public will Wolff, l.td.. at Belfast. he adniitled. Launched in July. I954, she was It is considered that the naval men in May. I956. Her displacecompleted stiff M ha\'e opposition for the (iirls are most experieiieed in this men! is over 2.80!) tons (fitll load) and length 370 feet new. e.\hilaraling sport. but the men her dimensions are are looking fot'\\ard to the chance of (o.a.l by -ll feet. S reported in the April issue of; competing against them. Whitby class frigates :ire fitted with l-‘ield (‘nun Crew. propelling machinery of high power. [he l’_Uflfit'll0lIfll "l\'avy News." :1 team of Wind- which will be taking part in the Royal They are capable of over 30 kiiols on mill (iirls challenged in team from the Naval Barracks. l’_ortsnioutli. to a; loui‘nameti_t in June. will give a I only 75 per cent of the power required run during the "Karting" competition and the; deiiioiisti_‘ation course! This is a "sport" in by older destroyers of similar dischallenge was accepted with enthus- ot the alternoon. moment. "(iirl.s" "ll:|CC"\g'nI_ iasm: Mm ; ' “n ; m pm The contest will take place on the iav- ll) H.t\‘l.S. lorquay was recently Barracks parade ground on Sunday the Windmill Girls adopted by the citizens of Torquay. _Aeeomp:_inying The ship is commanded by Cdr. will be Miss Sheila Van Damm. the well-known motor rally driver. B. ll. G, M. llaynham. R.N. ~




yvhi c h. upltoltlle km,:v5_ _l_










»p‘\'--a v~-





Some of the cast of Il.M.S. Ganges in its present ation of “You. too.

/1/QR E






Ganges wins cup with “You, too, can have a body”

f or right from the opening curtain. this farcial thriller went ahead with clockwork precision before a most appreciative audience made up front all sections of the cstahlislinient. The presence of the .-\djndicator was for5. ll. Ill’. .\lll:|lt.’llr Dramatic Sm-it-t_v of ll..\l.S. Ganges l(':ipt:iin igotten as laugh followed lattgli with .\lackeiirii.-. l).S.().. I).S.('.. R5.) in presenting the eoiiictly thriller. the enfolding of the three acts. “You too. can liave it limly" (sirilten by Fred Robinson). found their efforts This enthusiasm and appreciation must smrtlmliile :iiid successful in the recent .\'orc ('oniin:ind I)r;uiia Festival. ucri: shared by .\lr. llell-.irii_v who in 1‘! his subs-cqueiit suiiiiiiary of the perl-ioiii .\l.iicli __,_ to _‘vtI. .\li‘, (‘ccil confessed that he was so llcll.tlll_\‘. the .'\tl|lltlls'.tl'.|t‘ vis:te-.l vari- R.X._ the piotliieer, had already given formance eiilhralled with the esccllence of the illls C\l.ti\lt\lllll.'llls of the ("t-iiiiiiaiid‘three p.ifoiniaiices of this play to l production. that he ceased notein tii:ii_ and :1 was with sum: trepida- "full ltoiises" of Juniors, but the taking and s:it hack in his chair to tion that the (tan-_.'es' I'1.i_scis antici- .-\iljiidie;tti'oii perfoiiii.iiicc was sortieenjoy the play to the full. pated ills \:sit on the esciiiiig of .\l.uch illlllt: different. Such coinplimeiits ;Is ll. said. He need not have worried hone‘-‘er. 2U_ Instructor l.i-:iit.-('dr_ llirry l’.ige. coupled with iiuinerotis zefeiciices as to ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘""" *'"‘ d""“- -‘l the quality of the set. brilliant indivi3 heff neniher of the .-\ssoctatioii as a of appreciation for the many :.\lasonic Hall, l’ot'tland Square. and ..-\.,-r dual peiforiiizinccs and the splendid hunt work he had put in for, they should s'oiitact him and liiiish otl | T; teani-work behind the scenes. réIi\'s‘d of (‘ranges for the Cniiimaud -r.nieh. the club and the lls wt)‘ .thc day's visit properly. “id, the hopesFestival (Tiip. And these hopes The hrancl) "scribe" says "l)on't get I as in I):';|,n‘l;| n. that because Pottlattd l)ock- mam were indeed instilled when on the ltlie idea NEW SITE closed as such that it is all quiet hose ,following evening at the R.N_ liaruyard Chairman of the Council said here. As a i\’:ival‘l3asc Portland isiigraiil Hicks. Clizltliatn. at the close of the the llanwortli branch of the ,busier than ever and visitors can heithe {l3c<li\'lIl. lllc G‘-1|1t£s'<' l’l1l)’k‘T‘3 "-"5" had always responded to gallonfrom sccmi: the latest ships and all‘ Ciali iplaccd first in the Command. of the Council and had .the ‘ts that go to make a good. Pullil The second place was given to the displays ‘cry helpful. This in ttirn had iintercsting “Navy Days." i lkoyal Marines Depot. Deal. for a by them many friends who would At West Country smuggling play “Haul There is be to another social and I the application for a new site It 3 ti‘ ‘for the Shore" by Jean McConnell dance on 4. June club and headquarters with the ; fun .and in third place was the R.N. Hosln his the l’ortI;mgl It lpital‘s production of "An Inspector concluding report vpnicnt of the old Air Park live minute hfi§l‘} Calls" by J. B. l'rie.stley. correspondent suggests a _the present club stands. branch chairman's daughter. ’walk on the common with .1 view of to tli 'Ilie last night was attended by the 'l.angford. presented a bouquet }all the ships in the liatbour~—noti Shipt Commander-in-Chief, The Note, and the llorstal liistitute and! l s_|t;m|ing, I.ady Durnford-Slater. and Lady lite‘ l)urnford-Slater afterwards presented . hop-_-d to [‘||-;._-[ many .h;p,n;m.,~ t Verne l’t'isoii—_wliieli might reiiund the ;.m;.m an \\'im;.,...1;.)- fur Mm ;visit_or ot the llf'llL‘s he was "not found the Nore Command Challenge Cup iected to be the last “liitland5‘“"-' l I’: to Instructor Lieut.-Cdr. H. Page, R.N.. l to be held in the barracks I llic branch is niaking a trip to p|;,-- taine the producer of "You. too. can have l has so many memories for tho“- mouth for the (onfeienee and the Alllill 4| l"0(l.V-" Ciltllllzllll Divisioii. ‘ladies are going for the sltoppin->_-_ ,\p;-i


comm: IIUME ‘aiftta vs.» an mun war UVEBSEASP Wherever you're going to be. you'll need a car on arrival. Buy a new Hillman, Humbcr. Sunbeam now from E.M.A. Ltd. Portsmouth. If yours is an extended posting. take advantage of our special export schcrnc—you bay at export prices. Let E.l"‘l.A. make all the :irrangcmcnts—-export formalities. in

shipping. everything. Call at our showroom or write to us to-d:iy—your car can be on its way tomorrow: or waiting for you when you dock! Or it can be purchased on the home delivery plan for use in this country before you sail.





"“_f"‘l'l"t'l"l'l'll—""'—"l%:li7'E"'7_l-‘ l"| ‘














HUMBER. HILLMAN, SUNBEAM CARS E.M.A. LTD. Grove Road South, Soutbsea Tel. PORTSMOUYH 2326!



.\'.»\ VY NEWS

_\|;;_‘,_ |95o

The Women’s Royal Naval Service is twenty-one years ol THEIWAR


Distinctive niche in naval history

HE Wonten's- Royal Naval Service has T being celebrated by the 3,250 officers

of age. its Zlst birthday is and ratings at present serving. successors of the first recruits of the uneasy summer of I939 of it force that was to gain itself it distinctive niche in Naval history for duty ashore and afloat in the First World War. April It is recognised as the oflicial strength of sortie 75.000 with officers date for the anniversary. but functions serving in over 50 branches and to mark tltc occasion are taking place ratings in over 90 categories—some in Naval Commands at ltonte and demanding the highest degrees of overseas during the year. In London. technical and professional skills. Her Royal Highness the Duchess of Kent. wlto is Chief Contntandant of OWN CODE OF Rl-ZGL’l.ATl0NS tlte W.R.i\‘.S.. will be present at a The W.R.N.S. has served as a model held in he St. to .lames’s for similar auxiliary bodies formed by reception Palace on May to and attended by other European countries since the several hundred serving, and retired war atid in I‘)-I‘) it gained a p;:t'lll;tl‘lL‘lll olliccrs. place in the peacetime structiire of the It was in April. l‘).‘~'l. that the late Royal Navy, Much smaller now titan Dame Vera l.;iiiglttott t\lattltews was in wartititc. the W.R.N.S. with its tittappointed Director of the re-formed compromising ui1it'orm_ feminine yet \\'.R.N.S.. which was, of course. iinmistal.ably Naval in cut and style. pioneered hetweeit H17 and I91‘). and is still unique among the women's set about the formiilable task of laying services in that its members. while the foiindations of its future organisa- they ltave their owit code of regulation. The lirst Wren— oflicial service tions. are ttot subject to the disciplinnumber l-—rcported the following ary Act of the male service with which month and a nucleus formed of an it serves. organisation which was to confound 1 those salty cynics who doubted tlteir worth to the Royal Navy. The comparative handful of













of 2| years ago in the soil hrintmcd hats of the time. sporting non-committal ll..\l.S. bands. was to expand by I9-I4 to a peali: women


atmosphere. it is estimated that the firing point was 'l'yut'a Tam. near the Aral Sea.



TfM—§Andrew attendsNew Zealaiid W.R.N.S. uniforms. Those on the right

Day celebrations


BY l)ESMONl) WE'l"l‘ERN l;‘CEN'l‘ reports front America say that Russia launched a multistage ballistic missile over the Pacific on Jzinuary 20. The missile was said to have had a range of 7.760 miles and was intended to land in an area south of Johnston Island and south-west of Hawaii. it was accurate to within two kilometres of its target area. Soviet ships. several of them were rigged and painted as merchant ships, tclcineired the ntissile's trajectory. and the water contact of the nose cone was recorded by radar, optical and acoustic equipment. The one from linal stage of the rocket disintegrated and partly burnt tip on re-entering the earth's


The present Conintandnnt \l/.R.N.S.. Dimie I-I. lloyer-.\llIler Alter ll years of continuous exis-« tcncc. the W.R.N.S. has become an integral p.irt of the Navy. lt attains its majority with an already established tradition of its own and an assured future as the youngest. but certainly the most charming. member of the large family of the Royal Navy.



The late Danie Vera Laughton Matthews.

Today. members of the W.R.N.S. serve in 25 different categories in Britain. Gibraltar. Malta and Oslo oit

domestic. secretarial and technical duties. With their uniforms of the latest materials and living in attractive

quarters with first-class messing. they are worlds apart front the volunteers of the First World War in their heavy serge skirts worn nine inches front the ground and issue of stout boots who accepted meals of bully beef and plum duff as the normal course of events. They are linked. however. in their fierce loyalty to the Royal Navy and its way of life.

Her Majesty Queen Victoria and a number of chiefs of the northern Maori tribes of New Zcalund. By this Treaty the Maoris acknowledged their submission to the British Queen. and Her Majesty gintrnnteed their possessions her them the of British ewxahn heroine: act, enyuponvvc sujectstwns, British Colony. and Swan, closely since that dew the cc,-cmm-,.y of H.t\l.$. steameil homing the Union Flag at >w;Vm;mg. or the on we I th T‘:t' s ccomcawc-csi:i[~‘_ =2 :I,_' in New Zcaland_ At the original ceremony. llte Treaty “m "gncd by C-“‘“' w'"'am Hnbwn‘ with country sincRN" mprficnnng his Queen and made a similar visit New Andrew (Licut.-Cdr. G. J. ,_. it. scent. (‘Il'l .irri\.i| at \\.iitangi ,. at present serving Tollcnhanl. R.l’s.). I. LLl'l.ttl'll) ll‘l‘lpfL$Sl\t.. Scl inland ; ,. Sm“.d r on was “'m m‘ l.‘“'"h-Swmannc from in Australia. sailed from Sydney on H""‘°the headland stood the Treaty “".“"'"d°d February 1 for New Zcaland on a six- dc“ “ml '" f'°'"' ‘“"°l""3 d°““ l° week operational visit. Her date of the the great lawn where fore_shore. ‘1 "mu in New Zcakmd waters was ccrcntony was to take _d to coincide with that 01-the the military In the centre of the lawn. floodwhich she was invited :0 place. on the tlag_st_all' in company with lit. stood the great ""3 T’°“‘3' iinits of Zealand and Aus~ been To seaward. in the .signi.d. had Hm l\.m,i‘_§_ of Russell. the live I. ‘ I_ momin, of Fcbnnry picturesque bay ""“"“|‘il‘5 1315' M ‘‘"d““'‘ off 5 a A" °“"“‘"°d 7-000 “““.""‘ all‘! of some 150 miles north with tlteocezisiitn ‘and me Cr“ i 5. C r lztiropeans attcttdeil M: otlicials including the H \l'\,Z5‘. R'm,.llN cswncd by ‘he many ltiglt Lord Cobltain. the :‘_‘ "[1 “ " Romm “nu (iovcrnor (_iener:i_|.New ”'5‘”“" Prime Minister of 'Zealand. Iliglt Commissioners and Antbassailors of many coiiii i rics. and several lti i'ltranking Service Ollicers. In the opening stages of the cere-

hr‘itihLsNand 1;:-ivilegdes

an: pi-otection.inan;l extetIli’dedd‘to

H.M._A.S. Kanicre followed by .‘-\ndr'ew. _















_l"“":‘nd ‘lg lhc.Nc\\' w,mmm‘i °’_“‘c‘ fl’°' .“'h'f"'~' m‘Effit: itihde mndez\'otis lite ‘shit:

byw"°.°5 ‘‘“‘'’9‘“' ‘


Islands ll!‘-ty Mwuxnd '



-\.‘Z'§' '





"—and hunger. not of the belly kind that‘: Banislied with bacon and beans, But the gnawing hunger of men for A home and all that it means.






Cable Sliipzssurc Telephone C.-1226 (5 Lines) Agents for B.E.A. and all Independent Companies "

.\l()S'l‘ successful coffee party was held by the H.t\l.S. Vcrnoll branch of the Royal Naval I-"riendly Union of Sailors‘ Wives on March 31 in the cinema of ll.M.S. Vernon.‘ . As well as the more usual "bring and buy“ stall an “Easter stall" proved a star attraction. and all goods wcrci sold before the end of the including the datlodils which. spring greenery covered arches and trellis work. ornamented the stalls! Sincere thanks are due to all lllt.‘l‘I'tbets and friends who so geiierously patronised the event and to the stall’ of the establishment who rigged the

Colonel (i. l’. D. Pcasc. Royal t\l;iriitc.s. who was formerly second-in-contiit:iitd of the Royal .\larines ilarr.iclt.s. liastitcy. has been awarded tlte Rttytll Huntane Sot:icl_v's‘ Testintoitial on Vellum for his work in resetting a youth front the sca at Eastucy last September. Richard




Sixtyfour pounds of cake 4_


party_——| with]



salute. speeches by several of the distinguished guests. and finally the Royal Marine Band of the R.N.Z.N. "Beat the Retreat" at sunset. At 2000 the crowd gasped as the ships lying at anchor were suddenly floodlit. looking most impressive on the now dark water. Andrew had managed to provide herself with an outline illumination from stem to stem. whiclt almost stole the show, Against this background there was a Maori concert and liiially the oIl'ici.tl party left after the National Anthem at 2l00. Despite the brevity of the visit which naturally litttitcd the opportunities for recreation the Ship's Company were able to cnioy several periods of “hands to bathe" a luxury normally denied to them in the slttirk-infested waters of Sydncy~and :1 few lucky ones were able to take advantage of the world-famous big-game fishing activities in the Bay of Islands. Andrew sailed independently for Auckland on the evening of February 7 feeling that lter brief visit to Waitangi had been a fitting prelude to another much-anticipated visit to Ne-.v Zcalaitil.




ittony the (iovcinor (icncral was given a typical Maori welcome and he then tool; the Royal Salute before :1 Naval (iuard of I-loitoiir. 'I'ltere followed the ceremony of hoisting the Union Flag whilst the warships tired it I2-gun

“lI:"i:i.l:l2l"2:"»$'fi'.’.é:£‘f".:’l.‘:’i§ thithi‘e_"w_' pori;g';""lin}i"mil certetttt' i ‘ ) ny' s ;‘ v _;i s ‘ p gtormcd. ‘:_ Scé*0nd'l’_1:_qll_‘l’i’[')‘li_’$g the i'\fldl:cW‘h'ttl to‘ 7ea|aitd "".'l}; _”‘f' _7""_"'l"”“.S‘-ilf_"’"‘.b°"~ .


“in vogue" l9I7.



Try our Easy Payment Plan

willingly. The speaker at the general meeting on April 6 was Mr. Lightfoot of the City Parks and Gardens Dept. Much interesting information was obtained on a large range of flowering plants 66543





and shrubs. and colour slides were used to show the more rare .speeimcns.one

26] |6 Fvruiti-3 E\'EN'l‘S 3 I469 Will all members please note that 830 our garden party will be held onhone

Wednesday. July 13. instead of on July 6 as priittcd in their programmes. Sewing parties still continue on the l2


Kirkgate, Dunfermline, and at Helensburgh, Londonderryi.3

£5 p;mitr.isniy*hco C§;,iEainr;t0thlollS:,dy, l:.t we ‘Id:




H..\l.S. Vernon——all members Wt)‘ \\‘¢l~‘~‘t'm‘3







Culdrose. Worthy Down and



Dolphim: -



May. 1960


Have YOU a personal problem







Sixteen years





Royal Navy

Jiilm Liigliili ll'lllhe plcmrilI0 (lIl.\M'fl'your qiicm-.\. /I .)l(i'IIl[)(‘il (l(ll[l'l'.\.\l'tli:m'clupc will Iii‘ iippn-i‘io!i-rl. .

“IlIE.RR(_)R’i making suits for‘ the i





“Y R LIIHIARI) ()'l'l'I-IR in the tIntu:c. but. ‘if you were to be recalled for Active l.v\.\'l\'S for the suit (Iharlic the trousers lit inc perfectly Charlie I left the Royal Navy to Pension. Service woultl of course get you ‘ll pay you next week Charlie on i\'ovcniber 3. l9Stl. full rate of pay appropriate to your! A rise of Pension was given from rate and and would‘ l-Ior ('harlic Chan-—re:il name Chan joined the ship and sailed to [England qiialitications. November -I. I958, which of course earn increments to your pension. “Chi Kong—is H..\l.S_ Tcrri-r's cclc- from his native Shzinghui. However. lhl\ was only the start of I did not receive-—yet 1 am on the depending on how long tailor, and a very popular you ‘_ '. N_ mood in the Singapore same reserve——lialJle for recall as was desm _._cn.c_ Y9" wmlm um draw rcquircd serve in ‘HM. others who served a few seconds -wur pcmim‘ and your my mgflhcn H.l\L'._ Hc swings into action (llll’tngil_ll'l_Lt.l siibstqiiciitly Mounts Bay. Unicorn. Ships longer. dinncr_hour. usu:il_I_v_accoinpanicd « by two iissistzints. and it is exceedingly H.M.A.$. Quccnsbo rough and l-’A.\lll.\' TRA\'El.l.lN(; Again those who did not complete 1 their full time for pension (being |.:xpENSES ‘to ignore I aces an d n o man‘ axed up to perhaps five years before sin: ave e. is even more I ictit o lllt _. I "‘I""' "'“"s' l 1"" "".'“I‘.'-V I"I‘"'"“ l with lI:utlt with his work. seen many things." he their normal pension date) they. I take [M "'“"s' ‘s"I‘“h““k‘ Charlie Clrin son of 1 S“lltlUllll'l§l‘f it. if “axed” to pension on or after great pride I am in """I'Ii°d quancfi ‘ma "5 I ' is ‘I successful tailor Charlie l\'ovember 4. I958 would receive the was I ""“"I° k'"'“ lea" """I'I3 "’ “cl 3 now llc assistants and I? increased rate of pension as also ’I°" ‘ one month. so iflhave not got myself f’ If roin omc. i.i..iu.~i. us at in .,l_t-I_~ iw,\ 5 fl-H I" S.Hts-Iii ri.. _..i Lr ts would those men who may have spent find u 5.’. “uh ‘I '9' la“ in c"mmm 'hcn,.l\\i|)' in llonga few days in cells or prison. causing: ;had Icarcd that one Japanese hoiiih~yc.ir Iic will open he.i shop ml h‘"° """" '" is scannini: the "":w-ould bc ciioiigh to destroy the entire E kung. and iitreatty their date of release to be delayed. MI R‘I“id‘I"‘I° lI""I° if they all liutltllcii together HM possibilities of .\l;il;iy.i with :I feel very strongly about this unla while. short Chan (‘hi Kong. the \;|l'nc nmlI_ fair treatment. which no one can deny. | cyc_ giving pitrliciilar il\li~ll‘lL‘\'\lllsL‘ I S In “in u U I P'n.m' uni luizil.I in 5-. (‘hi rl w:, ‘I; ~1. -I ll l .-. t; l- ':1t~nIi in I I I and I would like to take some further; "_ ‘hi'5 i '9 "K cl“ L Ireland lheii she l:iter (l.ondtinderr_\). action in every possililc way throughl will I-.' -. ‘. down quii.l>.ly -. T 1'oin me at (’uldrose in Corliwall. scttlul \llll lt'c.i\tlfL~ the pile of (harlie lll llh ii.w sur-g ni_v .\l.l'.. etc. '1 mm H." (H -. ii " e e ‘ raveit: l'0llll£llll_L\. -._' has lILsw|\:(l from Ad l liis Can you please tell me if it is ‘I5'que,'is-in l\l.l_V|l'l.|lLs ttstiinonnils llL_ llc_ liked Ycmfl m lmrmd m 5 there. but hc likcd ll even better to inir.i|~. Ciptziiiis and Loiiinizinilcrs. 3 I quite in order for me to do this. or lnpmw‘ or do I only get expenses‘ rxlitlltl and watch the tailors at work. \\"h:it glowing things they say about direct me where to present my cunt- |Cornwall. my family from Ycovil to Corn-I and within a few months Charlie him! l.il.c tlicse: IIll1tt'tlWul'ltll‘|}1. cliccrplaint through Service channels in the for wall? otlercd to give them a hand. Laugh- ful. honest. coiiscicntioiis. ready to first place. URl:\'(i March the Midlands If from Heron Scato move you but young Charlie please. willing to take on anything. a I undenlood there were two Pension refused. ingly they Wireless District of the Royal liawlz. and have an c.\pcct:incy of six [kept asking them and eventually they man of many virtues, a real asset to Clauses. A and ll. I never seemed to months‘ service at Scahawk from the- sighcd :ind agreed to let him partici- the Navy. his prices are most reason- Naval Reserve had two "jollics" and have any choice. an open exercise. .“ in their activities. Charlie lost no able. an outstanding success Am I. as ex-Service. liable or not date of your family‘s first move pate Londondcrry) or from the date you ltinic in proving his ability, and his Would Charlic be tcmptcd to join On Saturday. March 5. the Birmingfor any further pension increases? ham Section hi:ld its eighth :innti:iIdinCould you please inform me also if join Scaliawk whichever is the later. services were gladly accepted. He another ship in the future? “Oh. no!" ncr in liirmingh.-im. Over I00 members entitled to refund of your stayed with the tailoring f.unil_v for he laughed. “I would like to very there will be any discrimination be- )'ou will be much of course. but l am married and their guests had a very happy tween the low and high pension rate faniily‘.s fares and excess biiggagc seven years. evening. The principal giicsts were charges from Heron to Londondcrry now." in case of recall to Active Service. SAILS FOR ENGLA-.\ID So saying. he picked tip his testi- l.icut.-(‘ilr. (i. l.owdcn (Stall Coni1 am afraid I can only confirm to Scahawk up to the amount it would ()llicer to A.(‘.R.) and Mrs. Al I‘) Charlie heard that ll..\l.S. monials. excusctl himself. and hurried manding that you are not. as the regulations have cost had they inovctl the distriucc Lowtlcn and Licut.-('dr. G. liuss. R.N. plus 50 miles. Belfast was looking for a tailor. so he away through the Mess. stand. entitled to the new rates of from Heron to Scaliawk (Rt-Id.). Yoti will also be entitled to Disturbpension, since they only apply to those ance Earlier the same day the Nottingham Allowance (£50) and a similar who went to pension on or alter and Derby Section carried out its anproportionate refund of the cost of l\‘ovcnihcr 4, W58. nual duty of providing radio coniYOU ML‘. of course. perfectly cu». inm-ine any furniture you have. There munications for the Head of the Trent titled to represent the matter to yonr' are certain coinplicatioris about the The play. produced by Peter Cort. for the sixth consecutive year. This amount of furniture you may niovc Meniber of l’:irliamcnt. but l was a modern comedy "The Moor- involves the timing by radio of more it would be better lll‘.\l. to write to. from a inarricd quarter to a “Selected ings" whic_li had _a nautical flavour. than 70 crews over a course of 2 The Si:crctary of the Admiralty (i\‘aval ' Place of Residence" and thence to ii ms 'I'm“"Iks' ‘.mlI'"g miles with less than :1 tenth of .1 (:I""‘Il"“'"g. Ill-I Ilanibam Trophy. awarded to place of duty which arc rathcr ditlicult Pay llranch). Queen Anne's Mansions, to the cast. ‘Mr. Stzuncs second scp:ir:itit;ig some of the crews. the “fine” or an "mm M, Com_ wl_nch he praised explain in :1 letter. If you have :1 J:une.s'.s Park. London. S.W.l. amount of your own “and Roy“ Na"! Drama pesfini said that he had_ truly enjoyed a dc- An cxtiinplc of the R_escrvc combining They will give you really authorita- considerable lightful presentation. public service with training. livc information on w-hcthcr anything furniture either in your Married has this year. be“ won by we Royal Qnartcr or in stun: somewhere. I ad- Naval Air Station. Brandy. with their can be done about your case. vise you to see the Officer in Charge production of “A Man's House" by You will not. in the normal John Drinlmater. be entitled to any increases in pen(Continued in column 3) Running closely behind in second place was ll.M.S. Ariel l with their pcrfonnancc of "A llrcath of Spring" b_v Peter Colzc. Eight Air Stations comtpctcd for the IlIt'ophy. also l-l.i\l.§‘. who came third with their {Caledonia ‘rformancc of "The Hole" by N. F.

.\'l-LW RATES ()1-' l'liNS|()N

lsion that arc made




\i.'crc-h'I"“I‘!. fe-llow









ltlil iletlilth



lll‘ICll‘CI'IlItllI I s I I i I i I IClrIrIli-I h‘ b___" _"'._"‘.<

.I:I"Sc;:.I:,:(, _







Iicn cniI|oys hnp. i‘, l‘_t_ ;h. P







hlinitlt-r Ming t-‘;“;I]"\. ii; l§I':.”L‘;h‘_:,- ‘lmd III“. lIu:nmI“.














l1‘l!§"_C1llPl:V:tl'in§!ll.l\l:.l:fi.S.tliguiisi. I reIfIlecLs

born 'nI SIllI'Il"l‘l'I'llI1; v-'irsI :3‘!







he -l\.ll.(:.ll'k‘Ll'. licc.iti.s:. to

l\.i_\.il us‘







































firama festival better





Spring and your New Suit


Fifty years ago \vc started sonicthing that became su_cli



Simpson. The lidjndicator. Mr. (icoflrcy Staincs. commented p:irticul;irlyon the general level and production which he


considered year.

feature in the life of the Serviceman that we make no excuse for issuing this

players were backed up by a very competent team of workers bchiud the |.sccncs and. in spite of having to com'petc with the plumbing zirrangcmcntsl The

the first IS minutes of the pcr- i lduring kept the audience aiiitisctli lforniaiicc. from beginning to end. innit intcrcstcdYEO\'ll.T();'\'

We make fine clothes and stock accessories of quality

\'eovilton's choice was “The C_liall; Gardcii" by Enid Bagiiold. 'l'lic:idiutli.cator gave credit for the great deal of lroublc taken with the production and admired the simplicity and delicacy of the set and pl'0lC§§l0l‘lill-luulslllgmake-

The service that we now offer is so all-embracing can

up. He

shop with us

singled out First Olliccr Jane Witncy as giving xi wonderful pcrforniancc and Second Otliccr Rita ilrown for her beautifully controlled per-

requirements available to you, whatever they may be. account with US will help to solve ALL

and find all your ONE

better than last

ABBOTSINCII The entry of l-l.N.A.S. Abbot.~ii_icli was Noel Coward's "Blithe Spirit."


that you

was even

your Credit facilities either by Admiralty Allotment Order are always at your disposal





SPRING TIME and LIZ.-\\’lE arc .\)'llOll)‘nl0tIS; add to this .\‘cw(‘loilics and you have all the ingredients for :1 HAPPY ll0Lll).-\Y GOOD CLOTHES ARE MADE 57


_» "


Gilt certificates in every packet


formance in the ditlicnlt role of the quiet companion with a criiiiiiial pzist.


CULDROSE R.N.A.S.' Culdrosc



!original play specially written for th; _occ;ision by the l‘ir.<t Licutcn:int. 'l.iciit.~Ctlr_ Reginald Kcislcy. The adiiidicator complimented the


HEAD OFFICE : l’.(.). BOX NO. 3 HAY STREET AND roizrriwo STREET‘ PORTSMOUTH Phone 24251 (3 lines) GRAMS: NAVSERGE, PORTSMOUTII I. l('(ll ll Edinburgh Road. Portsmouth Trafalgar Services Club. Edinburgh Road [;,.a,".,,m a, an p,‘-m.,-pa, pa,” and m.c,.5(.a_, _



First l.icutenant upon his play, which well up to the stantlard of some of the Brian Rix C0f1'tC(llL'~ prc~cntcd at the Whitehall TltL‘:1lt‘L‘2 in fact hc i looked forward one day to seeing the of Reginald Kcrslcy iii |ighl< outside that same theatre.

(Continued from column 2) of the Pay omc¢_ tr you can wit mm """‘" ’I°“ p'I,°p°“‘I W



‘Extra Size


‘was I A. FLEMING 5. Co. (Outfitters) Ltd. lnanit: .





lo lcatliv: c.i'.i:

GUARANTEE OF QIIMJTY: The makers of Kensitas wanna. in“ mm. dab

l-'I Il.tIE8a‘lI:.TtlBAt3t!iI:Il I'lI0IlItI EI$

:'\l';Up“fi:;'“° ti

.“°. [Tc

:.‘c',!l ,nl:,° 3?'°¢xlI?c.: gls ’;.’(,"l,"I'\‘::l'Il I)t,cII

titled to. and perhaps advi~c you what, 1 moves of your furniture will leave you ih-a~t out of pocket. I .



Ti.I.el alaini elo:\

. I

lorl'REElt.l|,~iliu:ti.i'.c:l 10-pace can book to J. Win A Son: lt.il.. M. In 1I0.25I on simi, tum :.c.i.',.








' I I

I ' '



Bloc‘ ca 'l.‘Il1lllI'Jll‘







Record re ipt f Ch th Within N D ari_d Air Arm. Apprenthe the barracks

49 [$.13


hibitions display stand»; including Fleet l)ot:kyard tices. Engineering. Meteorological. Recruiting and general items of Naval interest attracted large crowds to the


"W"-. HF. Nasv I)-ave held at lhc lIllllt.lI'Cl1\‘ fun fair was exI 2.‘ ““|‘ end on ‘r dunm: flu km" popular and the creche which 10th. Sunday l7th. and trcniely l lsaturdziy ‘mum by lm_mh‘_r\ M the .\Iondav Itlth April proved even more WM \ “wk '

-""1 popular '3 "cf'.n'



attraction than


tot:il recorded zitlendance r'g'"': Wm‘ 'w'"“0 "mi ""3 rcccipl‘ Wm also Cl!-‘Ml!’ " "-‘Will lltturc. _In the main the elements were proviilentially kind and although a clizll brcc/e prevailed each day. the absence of any rain tindoiibtedly lieliicd the


ll.M.S. Shoullon. a coastal Nlinesuecper of the "Ton" cla-«-425 tons (full load).

ONE OF THE ‘LITTLE SHIPS’ VISITS operating THE UNITED STATES ling“ Coastal minesweeper’s crew enjoy American hospitality change to

becoming ilc-litiniidilietl.

p:I.\'Ilc:Ir§".: ‘ : 1 1: , t l \ , C ; \ ‘ , “ ‘ _ l ‘ l : l ' : “ g ii ‘packed audience There .








numerous ex-




also each day to “mch the mcn.l dimlay This sliowed juniors from ll..\l.S. was


foriuatioii marching by

prccioon W.R._.\'.S..from


Depot. Deal.

between the





the Marines

lield-gun competition Royal Naval and Royal a


from, spent Fort l.aiidcrt|ale. Florida. on the way north to Norfolk. "Baron strangproved to be the order of the day-- with very many thanks to the barons concerned. Cliristntziv and leave to tliosc who wanted it——in Norfolk brought a cortifrom the Key West plete climate. front the nineties to hclmv lllS—Shoiilton'.-i “lirst ever" contribution to Ni-\\'Y NEWS euven the freezing. A large number celebrated. whole perioil since we left the United Kingdom last .~\u|:u\t. .-\t the time Christmas on board some even re-l there was some doubt as to when. where and for how long “I: Here going. ineruhcr doing so. but zi friendly doek_v:irrl iualey put us in the picture. and we siilisequently W:\SlIlNG'l'0N sailed frorii Portland for the United States on August 26. On passage for llcrntud:i_ we were man. l’:ir;t;:u:tyun. N on egian. Early January saw us in \Vas‘hitt1.Creek. French and Dutch. iihile ton for a week's rccrcatioiitil visit.‘ escorted by R.l-‘.A. Surf Pioiieer. others have reniarked on our ex- which hag proved to be our most which bolli fed and fuelled its on frecellent English (not to worry. enjoyable one- guided tours and quent occasions. Apart from llermudzi, "Brunt“ and “Scuuse." the "l.imey" dance»; specially laid on being par-_ the only other port of call on this iv generally considered ticularly remembered. The tours inaccent 3.000 mile passage from Ponta l’h_vsie:il 'l raining lnstnictors rehearsing for Chiithziiu .\':tvy Days". cluded the George Washington .\lonuDelgada, in the r\’l.0l'c\’, where we "just cute"). (Photo: Peiubroke Studios) We sailed from Norfolk for Key inent. the Lincoln Memorial. the spent a short twenty-four hours. The island of Sunshine anti Coca- West on October S, spending two Pentagon and the White House. and P"l‘ll'-' ll‘ (ll-'\-‘lllL‘ that :i visit tn1.\l;irines (‘udet ('m‘P\. :i Phvsical Cola. known to some as Bermuda. days in Cllilllt.‘-iltlfl. South Carolina. ciilmiiiateil in a visit to the Heart- Chtitlizininvoiiltl prove worzliwhile. ‘training t.lL‘ll’ttlll\lr:tllt'in and mo fin;.1._provided us with a fortnight's paint- on ihe way. Key West (the most qtiartcrs of the F.li.l., which was both llie (l|\_|"ll£Iy given in the in;iin’to L-“L-h my was the beating retreat the continental in southern the city ing ship and swimniiiig; despite Hf ll“: tlUs‘i&)'iIrtl. included the and ceremonial sunset by the Royal heartening and chastening. hilfill in northern U.S..-\. the most or city latter, when we s:iilcd on September We rettirncd to Norfolk to oper- firing of anti-siibmariiie weapons. Marine Bands of The Couim;iuder-inislandis looked Cuba). on an ever-growini: 2| for Norfolk. Virginia, we ate from there and from Yorktown usages of infl:it:ibleassaiilt craft by Chief, The Nore and ll..\l.S. (ianges. remarkably like a smart British land reclamation very nearly keeps until the beginning of March. So Royal .\l:irine _C0llllII:tntlt)$ and a From all ;|L‘t.'0t)l‘tl\‘, Chathain Navy C.M.S. pace with the demand. It was an ex- far as we know we are the first British Chinese pink "incident" to portray Days were a great success, anti very pensive port, largely because it is warship to visit Yorktown since pirate activities. As usual, thew items many letters of appreciation from the ACCENTS "JUST CUTE" so isolated—.\tiami. the nearest city General Cornwallis was there on a were well received by the visitors. public have been received. miles is 175 of few occasion away any consequence, a less auspicious Shoulton only spent to days in years Florida the Keys. Norfolk on first arrival. before steam- up back—certainly we received a far warmer welcome than he did. ing oil to the south. It was, however. RESORT NTER i\ll i\.\Il--\Vl Mid-Nlarcli found us for a few long enough for us to make firm Some of the shirfs company visited brief days in New York-the temfriends with U.S.S. Bittern, a ship very similar although slightly smaller fabulous Miami. and with the new pcr:iturc occasionally rose to 20“l~‘. than ourselves; she was to act as our pay rises it seems likely that this while we were there. The biiterly cold host-ship ihrmighoiit our stay in the will become a regular winter resort weather apart though. everybody enfor R.N. barons. States. ioyed the visit. and made the most Ouifistay in Norfolk was also We sailed from Key West on of the sight-seeing opportunities—thc long enough for us to discover that December 3. after a very pleasant Empire State Building and the United a British sailor in uniform is not seven weeks in the heat and humidity; Nations Building in particular. widely lmown—we have so far the bars and cabarels, open until I-‘REE 'l’lCKE'l‘S been niis-taken by some for Ger- 0-I00. proved to be a siiccessfiil antiWe had by this time losl Bittern. who had been with us everywhere except Washington. as she had been deployed down sotith. We were however. very well looked after by the United Services Organisation in New. York, who (among other things) provided iis with rt number of free tickets to the Broadway shows. We have now been operating from Newport for three weeks. and we find this a most enioyable operating port. This part of the States is very much like the United Kingdom: last week for instance we had snow, fog, rain. houses and bungalows sleei, gates. ice and four fine days. Architect The rcm:tindcr of our programme near PORTSMOUTH and GOSPORT is still uncertain. but it seems likely that after returning to Norfolk we WITH OIL-FIRED CENTRAL HEATING shall be arriving at Portland during from £2,250 Freehold £l I5 the second week in .ltinc. A week



'1 Life is pleasant I




home I


deposit 64/- per

Writefordettiilsand illustrated brocbu re and JOHN C. NICHOLLS LTD. week. Portsmouth Farlington

















whether a Submarine—-Destroyer—BattIeship or Aircraft Carrier OVER 50 SHIPS’ DANCES CATERED FOR LAST YEAR

Wi‘re—Write—or Phone. Portsmouth 32275 Make your firs: "Port of Call" {or Dancing The Savoy Ballroom.

Radio Band

Every Friday

EVEN establishments in the Plymouth Command entered for this year's Dranta l"cstival_ two of them -—H.M.S. Fisgard and H..\l.S. Raleigh; ——cntcring a combined team known‘

the Fisleigh Players. The six plays prodticcd were niidertaken in widely differing conditions’ both _as regar_d_s personnel and the material conditions of staging, htit despite this. or perhaps because of ii._ the result was it remarkably interesting and worthwhile festival in which the entertainment was so good and} so varied that the winners were in doubt right up to the last moment. No one envied tlic adiutlicator her task. but Mrs. Daphne l-evciis of Usford was equal to the occasion and the Command Cup was handed to the Fisleigh Players at the end of the final /irformance in H..\l.S. Thundercr. only one mark separating them from the runners-iip—thc Royal as

Naval Barracks‘ team.


wha+ wants is

wnrriuavs Bnovuiu! Watneys

the velvet-smooth :inswer to :i desert-dry thirst. No wontler it's the most popular brown tile in the Brown




country! Try :1 glass yourself. Today.

What-we ward









Writer rating to serve in

Two hundred miles for commissioning service



(‘onlirmation has heen received that Wtr. t‘. W. Hicks. at present serving: in the oflicc of the Coinntaiider-in-. Chief. ttie Nore. has been selected The I{..\'. Sick Berth Stall‘ Associa- from a large number of volunteers. to . SERVICIC has held at “I"arcwell" address to the shi ‘s com y; Adiiiinil Sir Cliarles Laiiihe. First Sea I.ord. is at |)l’L‘.s'ctlI sick in liospital. tion will be holding its 15th annual; serve in Il.M.S. Dreadnought. llritain'.s ctty. Il..\I. Docltyard. Clt:itham.‘eoined the large lie was stated to have had a heart reunion dinner and dance on May 16 first nuclear sutimarinc. on Friday. April I. in the tll'¢S¢nt‘_Bi‘m-jiny of whoiu travelled some 2()ii I attack. Ilis condition is now s;iid to in Southsca. The cost of tickets for Wtr. Hicks is the tirst rating of his iit' the Commanding Otfieer of II.i\l.$.in]ile.s to be present at the ceremony the dinner and dance is l7s. (id. each. branch ever to serve in a he s:itisfactory. lliirtlnnd Point. Capt. I’. W. many of ihcm it was their “N” \'ice-Admiral W. J. W. Woods is to Dance only tickets are -ls. single :ind A stores assistant is also to he in-‘ |).S.C.. R.N.. the ollicers. the Ship‘siopportunii_v ‘(I \'i<i[ ch;.,h.m,: mm ellorts which they made in an ;.,' be the nest Coiuiiiaiiiler-in-Chief. 7s. (id. double. cluded in the suhmarine‘.s complement. Company: and. a large number families and friends. to ask God‘s.were_ no doiihi_ ;.m,,-cckucdn I’l_\moiith. llc will succeed .-\dmiral All Sick lterth ratings and ex-Sick Berth ratings are lIl\lIL‘l.I to this funcSir Richaril ()iislow in July. blessing on the Ship and all those The families were entertained to tea on hoard and they also had the Rear-.-\iIiiiir:iI I". II. I-I. Iliiplains has tion and full details may he oht;iinc.l iiho shall serve in her. opptii-. been :ippointeil I-lag ()tlicer. Flying from the secretary. Sick llcrth l’.O.; The service was conducted by the tiinit)‘ to look arouml the thin and in li\‘ Rev. V. M. Norris and the Rev. see for themselves their lnishaiiils“ l'r;iiniiig. in slIi.'L'L's’slt)tl in Rear- Variiliaiu. 2‘! Riverside .-\ienue.l .'\LIIl‘llt'ilI I). R. I’. ('amhell. 'I'I'l'.'4‘ W;illiiigtoii_ l’arehaiii. llaiits. (L. C. .\l. Ilealcy. For hotlt CIl1tt‘lI;tltl€y"IlUllli:>"for ih._- M“ 15 mum“. tl.M.S. llartl:ind Poim |._-fr Chmi: inarkcd the ciiliniiiation. to some appoiutineiit takes effect in Septeinhcr. l The Ilaruicli Ninzil Force Ass'oci.i-' Rear-Ailniiral I). .l. Ito-are has been lion will be holding its l7th annual} .L'.\II.‘tll. of a long and helpful assiicia-.li:im towards‘ the end of April for Malta. calling at Portsiiioiiih en mm.-_ appointed Chief Stall" Utlicer (Tech- reunion dinner at the Crown Holcl.l Ill’. Conimander-in~C‘liief Ports- iion uith the ship whilst she _was mouth (Admiral Sir .\lan|cy Powcrl the later stages _of inodernisation. eventual destiiiation is thc Fm nicali and ('oiuiu:ind lingineer Otlieer llreiver Street. Piccadilly. W.I. ouj Iljer I. The cost of tickets will be and the captain of ll.M.S. Vernon, ‘the captain. in the course of his lzast. (‘It.IIIC stall of the Coininander-ii'i- October Chief. Plyiiioiith. in succession '0 Ios, .\la|e friends and relatives are (Capt. M. C. (iilcs. ILN.) tool. pail; Re;ir-Ailinirzil R. l-'. Siorrs, to take invited. Details may be obtained from- in an lfastertidc passion recital given!‘ effect in June. Mr. F. C. Tllulllputlt. I-l Siiniiyiiicde by the choir of ll.M.S. \-'crnon at $1. Essex‘. George's Church. Portsea. last month. See Capt. S. Ii. Post is to be promoted Dl'i\'C. Ilftlftl.Naval choir of received 34 Vernon The N.A.T.0. Chaplains held a to Rear-Ailiiiiral to date July 7 and to be Chief Stall Ollicer (Teelinical). conference at the Royal i\'aval Col- musical support from the orchestras of the Portsmouth Music Teachers. . Portsn1outh_ in succession to Retir- lege, (irccttuich. between April Adiniral N. IE. ll. Clarke. The appoint-I :ind 29. Some 30 representatives Southsea Amateurs. and the Royal Marine Band. S reported briefly in our last meiit is to talse effect in July. He is to attended. The oratorio is in two parts—the ‘Hie Amiy Art Society is holding its issue. Il.1\I.S. Alderney recently he Coinmaiid lileclrical Olliccr. Ports\\ ()‘ hundred and si,\t_v Royal 29th e.\|iibitioii during October at the first describing the events in the life; spent six days in San Juan, Puerto ; mouth. in contiiiuation. Institute. South Ken- of Jesus from the Last Supper to His .\larine ltandsmen will lteat : ll..\l.S. Albion (Capt. I-'. M. A. Commoiiuealth mcm second and the and arrest. of All ranks the Army, Roy:i| betrayal oi: the Horse (iuards Parade 'I‘iirreiis-Spence). was visited when the sington. Ba” ‘anal ”_ _hmm__|n The criicitixion. and llis trial Air Force. past or part. and Royal on .liiue 2 in honour of the birtlidav ship sisitcd .-\tlicns in March by ll..\l. Navy R.i\’.. Mount. G. Cdr. C. Instructor tended traditional Aniencan liuspi- ‘of _His- Ro};.| ttggimcg, uh. DHKL. 0} present. periuaiieiit or temporary. inay King Paul of the Ile||enes_ who is an .stihinit and conducted the was choir. works for consideration. talitv and there was a series of lloniirary .-\diuir:ilin the Royal Navy. Intending the at c.\|iihito:_s should apply to take a singing p;irt last. ollicial parties. Good will and good will under the The King uas accoinpanied by his son. for liaiiils of one of to ‘I he llonorary Secre- moment due to the illness particulars ’. iiicc iou o aeiiteiiant-(‘ooiicl I‘. V. Csoun Prince Const;iiitine_ "“‘" ""“°"- '" "'°‘- "‘* soloists. the I\|'I\ The Capt. fiociety. Army tary. ounii. .\l;it'ittc‘s. iii.- l)in:Ctor of Ro_\a| The Flag ()tlicer Aircraft Carriers. The programme was arranged by liilvsards to of the Grove. is A. J. after such that ship King Daldy. one “as _\[“,;u_ Rear-.~\diiiii;i| R. .\l, Sinecton was the padre of HMS. Vemon—-the Rev. ¢l““P““.V- It!’ |'“"“° “‘"’V'~‘Yv"'“"“~‘d Midd.\'. The ceremony will begin at (i..‘l(l p.m. flying his llag in Albion at the time Tediliiigtoii. and vicar of St. A. Watson. B. Limited to are \’ieken-Annstriiiig and \\‘III consist of inarchiug and of the visit. build a new passenger liner for the George‘s ('hiirch-the Rev. D. K. on board absent over leave. ti maicliing. Too I-‘rcnclt Frigates. Le Bordelais Shaw-Savill l.ine and the Jameson. signal was sent to the Commodore keel-laying The Corps‘ :ind I.e Boulunnais visited London i\leinori:il Silver This produced took place :it the Navril back." is ceremony "Harvey from April 4 to 8. Coiuinissioned in Yard. Truiupcts. with the bands accompanyl Ni:\veastle-upon-Tyitc on April him?’ "Can see the reply, you N55 they are aiiioiig the first ships 28. The name of the will play tltc stirring naval ing thci _ i _ i I The Royal Navy was only four new ship is l ".Siiiiset of a class which numbers I8 vessels. he Niirtlicrii Star. l-ler overall as a finale. behind the Royal Air I-orcc points length‘ mainlv ttevoicil to anti-suhinarine will be 650 feet and her cross Iiln|]:~||:c ! which won the lnter~Servicc< Smallduties. 33.000 liltls. \\‘lIIl ti crew of apprnii-‘ llorc Ritlc Hhootini: .\l;itch. lieut. ll..\l.S. Centaur has produced a fine iuatcly 500 the new ship will carrv I ll 51- Orr I”--‘I-3 F-WI-'”s'"I,l \'--15 l}‘l" "Cruise Book.“ Any oilicer or rating appr_osiinately l.-ltttl nusseiigcrs at .'-I \’C0TL‘|' "97 ‘ht? R054” Nil"! WU“ \\'llI't 1 iiho has served iii the ship during the serviee speed of I8}. knots. The 200 points. The Royal Air Force l‘f~"»'l‘-‘i wilt?’--=*‘.t«‘1l -~!\l'- ‘vwitlxl like .1 Noatlicrii Stat uill hill in partiicisliip :\C0rC\I 'i'.8Sl points, Royal .\'avy 7.877. copy should forwrird the sum of l5s. with the South.-m (‘mas and the two Army '7.85l. Regular Ariny tn Tits‘ IitlitUt'. Cruise ltook_ ssill m.iinI.iiu :i rcuular 7.8-t2. Royal Marines 7.827 and R.-.\'.R. Cflllilllf. 7.500. ‘grated Roiiiiil—tlic-\\'iirlii st-rvicc,

H.M.S. HARTLAND POINT SAILS niimbcr i (”(];).fi;;‘i‘;:1



















Massed bands for

“Can you him ?”



% ‘

yketrcat ‘






""‘l"“‘_"‘,-‘ .






”‘|‘~f '";‘5}L'\II







!'l‘erriiorial inte«l



Stand-easyllanilwaaiiei-are niistaikesl tieifil deaf children

II!-I big-hearted generosity of the sailor is proverbial and where children, particularly nlllicted ones. are atlectcd. he is always ready to give help. Peter Hziyman. the seven-_vear-old; son of C.l’.O. Hayman. the of the Chief Petty Ofliccrs' Mess in; lI..\l.S. Vemon. had the misfortiine of being born partially deaf. l’eter'~; father who. naturally. has interested himself very mtich in his son's disability. decided to use the I.cnt period i‘ to help l’eter’s friends at Peiiliate Road School. l’oitsmoutli. who were in a ’similar position. Some of the children at the presentation of deaf aids. Chief Petty Ollicer The Chaplain of II.M.S, Vernon. Ilaynian is seen talking to his son. The padre and repri-.sent:itive.s' of some of the Reverend B. A. Watson. was conthe niesses look on. sulted. and together with C.P.O. Hayman. organised a series of collecting boxes in the various messes ii‘. the establishment. The Vernon Divers decided that they would not swear sutliciently durFOR LIFE AND _ENDOWMENT ASSURANCE WITH ing Lent to make :1 fair contribution. so they ate prodigiously and the small LOW-PREMIUMS—GOOD from the sale of their stamiprofit LIBERAL CONDITIONS easy rolls proved :1 considerable contribution. Naval Personnel normally accepted with War and Service risk covered The typists in the central pool gave AUSTRALIAN MUTUAL PROVIDENT SOCIETY a halfpenny for each mistake they Head Office or the UNITED KINGDOM made. Deliberate mistakes brought 73-16 KINE WILLIAM STSEET. LONDON, E.C. anuisemcnt to all concerned and, of course. helped to swell the kitty. Assets £4000.000.000 Such happy methods produced; For service in ah} Portsmouth area contact Mr. W. D. Stcyri. 374 London Road. PORTSMOUTH, Hunts. Telephone No. Portsmouth the results and the total amountcollected from all sources was £75 125.. which was used to buy four deaf aids. Two rooms in the school have been . . . equipped with the new “l.oop“ system and the children can tune into the loop with their special hearing aids, The: great advantage of this system is that there are no limitations of the child's = ls BDNBJJV movements, and the partially deaf can be taught alongside other children. Representatives of the Vernon Messes attended a Stll.’tII ceremony in REMOVAIS which the Captain of I'I.l\I.S. Capt. M. C. Giles. presented the he:irPACKING F0 R SHIPMENT ing aids to the lieadiiiistiess of the?‘ l'cZctllion-.school. Miss Siinpson. in the present‘: 2I5IS of the Chief liducatioii Utliccr -.-l Porlsiiioiitli Mr, lt:ii'ii;iiil_










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May. I960

2-1 hours the stencils were made. the news was tlashed to Cyprus and

the Blackfoot tribe though ._»\den and than it i know it the

Deluge of fuel _oil leads to appropriate name for minesweeper squadron



little. had cignt

THE NEW CI.\l.\ll(‘K The Blackfoot Squadron has derived a great deal of fun out of their gimmick over the last IS months. (_luite apart from figuring proiniiiently in several highly successful p;trtics—children's and otherwise. each ship has its own lllackfoot tlai: l.ind a few to spare since it soon became known that




'l1te sign of the “lllackI'ottts."

HY should all the eccentrics have been reserved for the old Navy‘? Tlte ships figuring in this they make splendid trophies). in the might be small but tltey are by no means insignificant and in an age when. apart from 4'l““" “*9 D°l“t"‘1 7"’ "‘""t=" '~"'°-'f:~'- lcourse of a full power tri.tl en route story submarines. ships smaller than frigates tend to be taken for granted by the rest of the fleet. it is as ronc freely acknowletlgcd their superior ‘from ('_\prus to .\l;ilt;r two lllackloot all agreed that from a ;(‘..\l,S.. l-‘iskerton and \laryton were well that the “profe.ssional" Navy. with its multitude of specialist ollicers and ratings. should be made ipcrforrnauce purely non-engineering poirtt of \'lt.“\ ‘erig.r_t:crl in a race \\lll'l three ('..\l.S. aware. from time to time of the existence of the non-specialist “ainateurs" in ininesweeper.s wlto take a tltey were ahsoltttely b It was from the ltl.\‘tlt Sttnatlron and were gfound that the words Black l-'cct caiuc t:radualI_v overtaking the leading ship great delight in trying to outsmart the Fleet at its owrt _t_:ante. and more into the daily vocabu- which had got off to a good ~.t.irt. 'l he This involves original and sometimes tinconvcntional thinking anti it was 't-ngined. The Deities. Walkerton and {moreand after lary a while the captaiti of too. with .lll \lt\[‘I\ out :tnd griétitz like perhaps because their minds “ere so accustomed that they lint agreed to Wilkicxtort. were the latest type with Wilkic put his t"eclin_es into writing and the mud, were in very close company illlflm the Red lntlian name of Bl..-\(,'Kl~'(l()'l':ii ttante which they have mm enclosed bridges ;rnd a slightly dif- proposed that from now on the in line abreast‘. it app.-.-.red that tlic:r made known front Portsmouth to llong Kong. rlerent eharthouse and wheelhouse squadron should L‘lll'l\lL‘tl ihclf "'lli.: ispeetls were ideally rnatehed and that The ships concerned are coast.rl’_’ lilackfoot Tribe" in protest ttgaitht uthey tvould take the lead to_t:cllicr. of the I0-llh mincsweepers Mint:-5 soaring bills for paint and cleaning |Suddcnl_v one reported odd noises sweeping Squ.dron. which until regear. He further slIggL'\lC(l that the lwhich might involve reducing speed. cently. formed i:tlf the lnsliore Flotilla ships ntiglu be able to get at least Back came the reply in :1 flash frotn in Malta. 'I'heir purpose in life was to some fun out of their distress if they the other; "bteatlv boy. United we carried a "Black Foot" badge on their ‘stand divided we ltop it," The phrase patrol round Cyprus to prevent funnels to show that they belonged to stuck and has since become the smuggling of arms. with the intervals taken tip in mincswccping exercises the tribe. Tlte badge he suggested. squadron motto. called l)ragc.\'.s. (icneral Drills, lnshould consist of a triangle to repre- : THE "CR.-\7.Y FISH" sent the (ireek letter delta (for the spections and occasional visits. ‘l)e|tic engines) upside down and n Back in August. I958, wlten the Shortly aftersnrrds Fiskcrtoii broke red bccatise all were agreed that they [her port engine. and as there wa-srt‘i Anterieans went into the I.ebano.-i -were b— awful. The inside of the Ia spare in .\lalta at the time a starfour mincsweepcrs were on patrol in ltriangle should be white to represent Vboard one. to run mtern for going Cyprus, while the Flotilla Base ship. ‘ the colour of the wooden decks before lahcad was titled in its place. This gave Woodhridge |laven_ and four Othcr.§V ltlic ;irrival of the engines. and in the her an odd sort of perforntancc since were in Turkey for a l)r.'igcx. lnstrric- ; 3 lcentre was to be a large black foot~ lastern revolutions were strictly limited. tions arrived for captain. lnsliorc l big toe forward for uniformity. Flotilla. to take Woodbridgc Haven, In terms of speed she might have been ‘The idea was very favourably received tat a disadvatitagc. but you Should and four sweepers to transit the Canal. ‘and was. with great enthusiasm. forThe fotir which went all belonged to seen her ‘turn to port! As it Iditivc warded in authorities to Malta. higher the 10-tth Squadron: they were Walk[happened her tribal name had always crton with the Squadron Commander (Juite by chance. Lullington had on lbeen Crazy Fisk and for several 5'3 board a sub-lieutenant who krtcw of months die certainly lived tip to it. (M.S. 104) on board. Wilkicston. an anthropologist who had lived with Being thoroughly topical. they changed Lullington and Kildarton who fol-K. '. ‘-2.. ‘u... *9._ .4-n. ...'» 'the Blackfoot Indians in Alberta in their funnel insignia to give her two lowed on rt few days later. Of these. two were Dcltic and two Mirlees lCanada. In reply to a request for in- right feet. ll..\l.S. r\laryton—the "Blackfoot" sign is just visiblc on the funnel. arrangement. However, as far as this story is concerned we need only note that they were fitted with English Electric Napier Dcltic Engines in place of the less powerful but more docile














Wlllilll-I IN)

“E CO? For some time after leaving Suez the tiny force did not know exactly which way to go; were they going to Aqaba to back up ihc British paratroopcrs squatting round the airfield at nearby Amman or were they to go to Aden‘! Until instructions arrived the ships steamed slowly south literally sweltering under the hot August sun. Nobody knew what life would be like in a C.M.S. under such conditions since these were the first of their type to sally forth into the Red Sea. To add to their discomfort of living on the mcsstlccks. where the tcniperature for days on end was between 95° an.l I00‘. and the inevitable water rationing. the ships had to contend with a l stern wind which redttccd the breeze to almost nothing. In such conditions it became necessary to wear as little its possible to prevent prickly heat. -.o most people went around in a pair if swimming shorts and left it at that.

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that feeling of assured confidence in the know-

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Tlll-‘. I)ELL'GF. It was during these hours that our diesels. protesting at so much slow running_ decided to rebel. As the morning dawned each of the found to their horror that [sweepers itheir upper decks and stiperstrttcttirc were covered in a mass of tiny specks of tntburncd diesel fuel. Throttghout the day the deluge continued with ever montcntuin_ especially in the Deltic engined ships. until by that evening great drops of black oil were swimming round on the water that the respective bullcrs were running over the wooden decks. in a vain attempt to salvage tlte wreck of what had been 2-! hours before their pride I land joy. F.vcrythiitg was done to try to stop the fall out. including increasing speed: btit so much oil had collected in the funnels overnight that _


Fincrcasing ,

the faster the speed the bigger were the drops which came out. There was only one way to end it and that would have been to stop and open tip the funnel and give it the sort of clean that both their position and the time available made impossible. Shortly afterwards news came through that they were to go to Aden. but the damage had been done. Hence for four days the decks. and thus the soles of cvcryonc's feet. were a dirty. oily black. '


THE BLACKI-'00'l'S During the weeks that followed in Aden much discussion took place

formation. he supplied

Il..\l.S. Wolvcrton. great deal of 5 information about the Indians and the Several ships made Blackfoot more that was heard about lhcni. the ittorc appropriate it seemed that the stamps which were used for everysquadron should adopt the tribal .thing -from stamping strangers‘ to the name, To mention a few the Black- !papers of Cyprus lishiiig boats but foot were the horse Indians, never de- nobody knew about that. In one infeated in battle: taller than most Red famous night in Gibraltar l)iifton was lndians they had a great sense of assaulted by two members of the 108th humour and courage enough to make Squadron who painted red to¢ nails them the most feared of all tribes. on her black feet. She didn't appreThey were great scalpers. always on ciate the ellect that her change of sex the look out for_ and ready to collar. had on the rest of the tribe so she the itinerant gun runners. How well painted them otit. On another. in this fitted in with the ship's activities Cyprus, the then leader of the l08tb. round the coast of Cyprus! There also Hotighton. woke up one morning to arrived a splendid coloured photo- lind two bl:tck papoose feet on her for having stolen graph of an Indian chief in full rc- ftinncl as retribution galia and the news that the present i\laryton's Blackfoot flag the week Blackfoot chief boasts the splendid before. Until last June. Blackfoot ships have name of Chief Shot on Both Sides. MS. I0-t himself at that time was an been paying off in Malta and their ex-Naval aviator. who. if not actually ship's companies flying to Hythc to shot on both sides had at least been Commission one of the Dcltie. enclosed bridge types. It is known that shot at on both sides_ To the general delight of everyone. at least one of them had time to get some weeks later. when all the founder tribaliscd before Commissioning and members were back in Malta. ap- as she was detained for three weeks with engine trouble in Portsmouth proval came front the comm:indcr-in- before sailing for the Mediterranean. chief for the badges to go up; "To be worn as long as the oil flowed (Continued on page 9. column I) a




May. I960



Visitor t0_Third Submarine Squadron appeal Royal FUN IN THE

BLOOD DONORS’ GENEROUS short. Despite the RESPONSE desperately tremely short notice. the sick bay





was swamped with volunteers, and HOSE in ll..\I.$. Condor IR.l\‘. tile target of 50 pints was exceeded l.il-lsl).-\\’. March 29. was at red Air Station. Arbroath) certainly by 30 pitlls. letter day for the Third Suhdid not live up to their crest last l-Ixecutive The Cdr. Otliccr. ntarine Squadron. Not only ttas the month! The Condor——thc large vulI’. B. W. llarbcr. l).S.(‘.. was relieved new Services Club in Ilelcnsburgh ture of the Andes (Sorrnrltmnplun April 7. by (‘dr, T, S. S;unpson., completed and ready for business. _t,-rvpliml would not. willingly. tgive on of its ltlmul. but those in H..\I.S. ('tlr. llarbcr left with tltc gootltstll of; but the squadron was to be honoured the entire ship's compatty. .utd they; by the visit of Il.R.ll. The Princess (‘tmdor did. in no small mt-atsurc. clult the to open An appeal was received from l)tItt- wish him (and ('dr, Santpsoit) every| ,\Iarg-art.-t. their itt new success appointntcnts, | and to pay 3! \isil to ILM. dec on April .\‘ for blood of tlte ('ondor's entry in the llomc .~\ir. Adttmant arid the Third Suhm-.trittc Rhesus l‘ositive and "O" groups Rhesus Ptlsllll-‘C as the ltospitals were (‘ommand Ritlc meeting achieved sev-3 Suttadron. ctal sttcccs-.cs. .-\..-\.3 Sazgcttt won the! The club. provided by the (‘hutch ("lass and lltc (illll )'.'Illl\ of Scotland lluts and (‘atttccn (‘omS.R.litl shoot, .-\..\l._‘\ .\l.tl1ing won lltc "()" mtttcc at a cost of £lfv.<l(‘vt) ttj-l.(ltIt) of‘; ('l.iss. lhc \\'.R..\’.S. (hatttpiottsltip this was dottatctl by the .-\tltttit'alty \\.is twn by (‘hicf Wzcn |’cg1c:«Stti:tlt. and ~;-3,(l:Itl by King (icorge's l:llIltl' .utd runner-up in the Junior ("ham- for S.ttloist_ has long been ncedcd iii pionships was Wren Phillips, Coxtdori the (iarcloclt area, ('onstrtIctcd itt also won the ('hcj.1csutoic (‘up lcatttt what used to he the old parish church. in the centre of llclenshurgli. the club ctctll. is of the most up-to-dale interior ..\l.S', I'lnu-r tl.ieut.-(‘dr. l'. I-Z.‘il’I-II)l'l‘l(l.'\''I'R.\l.\'l.\'(i design, containirtg single cabins", a Thorpe. R.t\'.| her-:ttttc :t l.atttl(me of the fe;tttt:cs of the training gt-.me.s ltall. "IV room, locker space. ing Ship. lttfttttlry. user the ttcek-enrl of .-\irct.tt't .\lcch.tniciatts and Air- and :i lC\lilI!fiIlll. March 26127. Hits ship. unique itt having been craft .-\rtiliccr Apprentices at Cotttlor» P1,.-\OUE Ui\'\'l-'.ll.I-II) in continttous commission sirtce I937. is a week‘s- E\pt.‘tllll0ll 'l'raining,! From the time she stepped off the took I50 olliccrs and men of the 5th usually done itt tltc Ii.-st or second ll.ttt.ilion_ ()uccn‘s Royal Regiment term. The practice iii the past has, train at Ilelcnsburglt to her depar(‘l'..-'\.l for an ovctrtigltt cruise itt tltc been for the lixpcdition Training tog ('h:trtneI, landing them on a hostile be done at (ilcn l‘:\'ls'_ but this term, coast so that they could tlcstroy an it was tlccitlctl to vary the procedure.‘ early waruittg nuclear post, and then Mentbcrs of 35X .\lccltanici;uts' re-embark the lmllstlttttt. (‘lass and some of the Cotttlor (‘anoe 'lhc "hostile coast" was Dungcncss. Club. led by l.icut.-(‘tlr. Keane and Honour. On completion of the L'.\t.'l‘t.‘lst.', A.,\l.?. Sidey. left by road on Sumlay. l l.icuI,-('oloncl J, W, I’, l.lcwcllyu .\larch :n, at l)83t), Their destination who escorted ltcr to inspect her guard ling as many as possible to see and tllllicer (‘omtttattdirig tltc llattaliott) was ('orpach, at the South West end} of honour drawn up front the l'hit‘t| 3 meet ltcr. lltattkctl l,icut.—(‘t|r. Tltoipc and ships of the Calcdonian (‘anal and their Submarine Squ:ttlrt_m. before procompany for their work attd hospi- intention was to canoe up the canal. S|l.\'ER IlR()0('Il to the Services‘ Club for the ccedjng tality. l.och and Loch l.ochy traversing The tour of the .‘\l.l.llll.l|'ll included olltcial opening. Ness. up to luverncss and return. Her Royal Highness unveiled _a the fottndry where a mould was were beset by adUnfortunately. they (Continued from page 8) plaque commemorating the club is being poured and where Her Royal vcrsc weather conditions and cottltl opening and made a tour of its Highness was presented with a silver she had tintc to spread the gospel in only reach Fort Augustus. as Loch amenities on completion of which the brooch of a Porpoise class -illblll-Ill“. the very heart of the red V territory. Ness was exiremcly rough. owing to Royal ear transported her. in spring ntade in the workshops: the bakery. :t strong north easterly wind. The sunshine along the gaily-decorated a torpedo flat. the Electronic .\IainFUNNEL Cl.| MBERS expedition members, and particularly lochside road. to I-‘aslanc. the Third tenance Room, and the well deck those of the club. were canoe Since its inception, .1 great many Subntarinc Squadron's base on the alive witlt the activity of torpedoes different stories have sprung up as to universal in their praise of the scheme, H.R.I{. Princess Margaret inspects Gareloch. being hoisted. decks being scrubbed wltat the Blackfoot means. A lot of attd are all determined to achieve a dish in the galley with (.'.P.(). Cook In the limited time available the with a mechanical scrubber. shipthese have found their way back to success in their next attempt. which Princess was shown life on board a wrights at work, a l’.'l‘. rope climbing (5) Baldviin the Squadron and the one which is scheduled for next term. depot ship and a subntarittc during d:sp|_»,y and shallow w.tter tll\t.'l\ in cattsed most antusemcnt was seen ill- The gunnery stall" at Arbroath are turc from H.M.S. Adztntant. the a norntal working day showing a wide their gear. The Princess" also \l\llt.‘tl tltc Maltese l’re.ss shortly before the engrossed at the moment in the pre- Princess had an event-packed sche- cross section of activities and enab- mess-decks. tribe left for Singapore, It was wlten parations for the Queen's Birthday dule. a Minesweeper goes to sea s-he rolls; Parade. which, by kind permission of She was met by the l.ord-l-ieuArbroath is held Council. being llurglt so much tltat you cart walk up tlte tenant of Duntbztrtonsltirc, Admiral in the town on June II, The local Sir Angus‘ (‘unninghame Graham. fttnncl all good stuff, Early last October it was announced Territorial trait of the Royttl Artillery that eight C..\l.S. and Woodbridgc has consented to tire a 2l~gun salute llaven were to he Iran.-zferred ll) and the Lord-l.ieuten:utt of Angus. Singapore. The eiglu were to be pre- Earl Airlic. Kill. (i.(‘.V.O.. K.(.‘.V.O.. dominantly the ltltth Squadron. with .\l.C.. will represent Her .\laicsly The three replacements frottt the l08th so Queen, that all should look exactly the same. ..\l.S. Rothcsay (Cdr. J. B. D. Two of the I0-lth ltad open bridges .\liller. R.N.l. the eighth Whitby and the other. Walkerton. the old chief class anti-subntarine frigate. was prohimself, was left behind as the result visionally accepted into H.M. Service of Command changes. Thus the on April 23. at the shipyard of her Tribe's one time arclt enetrty Gordon Reginald Allen. Engin- builders. Yarrow and Co. Ltd.. of lloughton (Colonel I-lough of the Glasgow. ltlllth Cavalry. as she was nicknamed) eering Mechanic I. P/K.983S7Il. Scotstoun. Modifications to the original design. ll.M.S. 'l'ync_. Died Ft.-hruttr_v 2|. hecante the new chief Blackfoot and resulting front extensive experience I960. in the process there was much tomawith earlier ships of this Class. have Robert Batcmnn Oswell. Petty bawk burying and smoking of pipe D/.I.\.89097l. Il..\I.S. been incorporated in the internal layof peace. Sitttilar celebrations accont- Olliccr. out of the Rotltcsay. Tlte very sucMarch 24. I960. panicd the conversion of ex-troopers Dntkc. Died Donald I-Idward Lister. l.dg. Tuc. cessful hull form. which ltashelpcd Dartington and Woolaston: duly I’/1.939405. make these ships manoeuvrablc and Dperator. christened Darling Arrow and Flcccy Contn. ll.l\l.S. Catmton. Died March 27. able to maintain high speeds in heavy For over 150 years Slllt()Slts tine l-t-t~r.s- have \\’ool. seas. ltas been retained. together with I960. twin screws and rudders, Victor Detthurst Wharton, THE TRIBAL GOSPEL gone down well, ttllottt or a.s-lion-. 'l‘otla_v conI-l..\l.S, armament Rothcsay's Marine. RI\l.I5-I31. R..\I. Barr.tcIt.s. The squadron made the 6.000 mile StMo.\'us beans are better than e\'et'-—.s-ti~ott,»__v, sists of two 4.5 inch guns in a twin “arch 27. I960. Died Plymouth. voyage front Malta to Singapore in ntounting and twin 40 mm. A.A. guns. Kevin Nuttnll llenp. .\l-arine. full offlavottr. Try sotttc brewed, ltcatttilitlly two groups with the minimum of fuss. anti-submarine For there two use are RM.l63Sl. R..\l. Ilrtrracks. |’l_vSix went witlt Woodbridgc Haven and triple-barrelled ntortars and tire tor! .\larch mouth. Died 28. 1960. today two followed on'tltrcc weeks later. Richard James "aI"l'l'Is\\0rllI. pedo armament comprises two twin knows how main the Everyone group Chief Petty (lllicer. P/.lX.l3~l63Il. and eight single tubes. the other Woolastm but two, l-l..\l.S. Rothcsay has a length of got on Il.t\l.S. Victory. Died April 3. I960. and Maryton. have kept very quiet 370 feet and a beam of 4] feet. The Brian Dowson. Ldg. Radio The about their trip, Captain Inshore Cumn. Operator. I’/SSX305666. peacetime complement is nine officers l-‘lotilla got a bit perturbed when he and ltlt) men. Girdle Ncss. Died 3. II..\I.S. April discovered tltat they ltad found their I960. way to French Somaliland at one Lieutenant .\'ell Jutttes Ilnmiltun. point. but they arrived on time. full Royal t\':tt',\'. H..\l.S. Fulntar. Died of stories about being able to sail April 24. I960. home across the Pacific, and that was Alan .\lcC:trtlt_v. Petty Ollicer Air the main thing. Filter (Alli). I./l"X.8I-I553. ll..\I..'9'. The Squadron with its Base Ship is Heron. Died April 6. I960. now settled down in Singapore and Mark Leo Singleton. Petty thanks to the Commodore, Naval Oflicer I./'FX.670-I68. ll.M.S. HF. West Ham branch of the Royal Drafting. who has worked miracles Heron. (Air). I960. 6. Died April Naval Association was visited by from the drafting side of changing Best. Marine. Thomas Anthony Brewed to Harlow branch on April 9 and both the ships front a Local Foreign Service East- hosts and visitors enjoyed .1 very splenR.M. Barracks, Rt\l.I592l. Commission at Malta. to a Foreign Died April II. 1960. did evening. Service in the Far East. everyone is ney. IU‘.'Al)l.\l(l, l’0)l’l‘SIl0Ll'l‘l|,l'l.\'.\lUIITII I-ITO. Marine. William Robert Bayliss. Although West Ham's committee happy for the change of scenery and R.\l.l5'l29. R..\I. Bttrrttcks, Easthave asked for more active support more miuesweeping and visits in place 1960. Died II. April from the members. the desired client of the Cyprus Patrols. and to places uey. Radio Peter Shaw. Ldg. Henry has not yet been produced, but the which most of thcnt have never seen Mechanic Elec. (A). I./FX.893770. ofliccrs are still working hard in this before. And of course there is always 1960. 14. Died ll.M.S. Heron. April direction. the pleasant duty of spreading the Farrant. Paul Marine. Two serving members, on leave Tribal Gospel. London R.M.F.V.R. RMV.20343-IV. from- Gosport for only a couple of In May. H..\l.S. Plover will be I960. Died Unit. I7, April days, visited the club on April 22, and operating with the R.M.A. Sandhurst. Frederick Reverend llemus. The landing 60 cadets on the Cherbourg Chaplain (R.C.), Royal Navy. the committee. giving full marks to Peninsula for an Initiative Exercise- H.M.S. Drake. Died April 24. I960. “Mac” and “Mo" for their interest. them up at Caen the following hope that members living nearer will emulate their example. ay.










Another Whitby for the Fleet

Slit fllentnriant


The Royal N(wq’s choice since 11305 !









alas. l96l‘l"



DAINTY COMPLETES FOREIGN LEG Ship can be proud of her record

Shipwrecked crew became cannibals THE LOSS OF THE NAUTILUS

Why did the rescue ship turn back?

ldtiring the night


eonibination 1‘ was I030. April I. South Slip Jetty. l’orts1'Itoulh Dockyard was crowded of hunger. cold and thirst. lly the with a large number of wives. families and sweethearts. A Royal Munne tiiorning of the 7th the survivors were J.\(‘K (BY l)L’S'l'Y) band was providing the music. a Naafi stall the tea. Il..\l.S. Dainty (Capt. in a bad way and saw little hope of .|. G. Wells. D.S.C., KN.) was securing alongside having returned from service rescue until the return of the whale HE of evacuation loss Crete the of of and the the Gluucesleri tragic story the national in the Meditennnean. Her name had just hit the front pages of b(,;,,_ by which time many more and 20 will for of the ever Fiji nearly probably eclipse years ago many would have been dead front exliauspress when she had temporarily left a large l\'.A.T.0. exercise to land her Naval other have in of the occurred Mediterranean. that that tragedies pan lion. Hopes were taisixl suddenly Navigating Officer. Lieut.~Cdr. C. J. Howe. R.N.. whose daughter was senously His in hours of Nautilus the the loss of Sloop including Majesty's early M..." a sail was sigliled on the horiill. She is now, we are pleased to say. making a splendid recovery. of I807. this the of The story January 5. shipwreck. lull: sigltals of distress were immedimorning In February H.l\f.S. Dainty had had been made in that island before howcver. is worthy of a better fate, for. in addition to a tale of hunian.;.k-1y hoiq.-it from a temporary mast returned to Cyprus, Many old friend- the ship was homeward bound. Dainty endurance second none. it includes rmcaif the few autlientiezited cases of . [pm pm. i,“.,, M up [,,c\.i0m|y and ships were renewed. especially with the arrivedin Algiers on March 16 in com- cannibalism in thetohistory of the Royal .\:iv_v. e\er_\one's delight the ship bore |to 2nd Parachute Regiment to which the pany with other ships of the Second Nautilus" (IS guns) under the corti- :do\\ti on the rocks. A boat was ; ship is atliliated. While paratroopers Destroyer Squadron. Algiers had preniatid of Ctiidr. l’.. Paliiier. Royal towezed oliieli appionclieil within spent some time in Dainty. Dainly's viously featured in the world's news the Mediterranean Fleet Curzon-llowe and lheii to the amazemen were in the niountains. living with its insurgents and barricades. Trophy and the Fisher Cup. In the Navy. was detaclied fioiii Sir ‘I lionias pistol taiige. under canvas and exercising with the However. if anyone felt the least up- world of sport the ship's‘ football team 5 Louis‘ Squadron in the llellespoint ment of all turned round and niadc Januziry 3. i807. to carry impor- l‘:IL'l.' to the \lllp_ uliich tlie:'etipoii. regiment. The ship went alongside in prehensive about this visit. such a won the cup for cruisers‘ and below. on tant despzitclies to l’_ng|.ind. ()ii leaving tnade s.ul le.i\iiig the crew of the Fam:igu<t:i. (Surely Dainty is the feeling was soon dispelled. A very in squadroti 1.'ttlllC\' her SPUfl~lllt.‘l‘l‘ Squatlron the wind was fresh .\atttilus to their fate. largest \\';Ir.\lllp ever to li:ivc gone friendly atmosphere prevailed, wartn have been well represented and her ‘the the iiorllt-east and all went Hopes wliieli had been so high were alongside hi this harbour. which de- hospitality was extended to the Ship's outstanding boxer. .\I. I5. Miller. won >l':o:ii mands a high order of sliiphandling.) Company. there were visits to places his weight in the i\led Fleet .\'o\'ices‘ ‘well until the evening of the fourth . dashed and despair set in. The ravages A party spent a few days skiing in the of interest within and outside the Boxing Championship and has since ,\\licn the sloop was till the island‘ of thirst now forced some of the Troodos mountains. returning to the town. a dance was laid on by the been runner-up in the featlier-weight iof Anti Milo: here the pilot they had lweaker ch:ir;icter.~; to drink sea water {been employing surrendered his with the consequent results of madship invigorated and sound in limb. British community and a heavy sports class in the R.N. Open lndi\idu:il Two broken skis were the only casual- programme fulfilled. in return a chil- Championships. ll.M.S. Dainty had :L’llilI'1:»‘ as he ivzisigiiorriiit of that ness and in many cases death. So ties. An interpart cross-country race dren's party was held in Dainty. and completed the Meditcrraiiczin leg of i part of tli_e coast which they were then passed the daylight hours of the 7th, By niidniglit the whale boat was also held. A hundred competitors nearly 100 children arrived for pirates. her commission with a record in which apprmicliing. Nevcrtlicless, in iiew of the ini- returned. but with no ineaiis of passtook part on :1 gnielling track under an aerial railway and an enormous ollicers and men can rightly take pride. ‘portancc of the despzitclics. Cdr. ing any water through the heavy surf: a high sun. Finally the underwater tea in the w:irdroom. From (iibraltar to Portsnioutli the ll’aliiier decided to press oti without they brought. however. the welcome swimmers found some interesting As Dainty passed through the Straits ship hauled against some of the to pick up another pilot. He news that they had nianagcd to pieces of pottery off the ancient into the Atlantic on the cold drizzly heaviest seas encountered during this waiting left .-\nti Milo at stlttset on the fourth charter a large vessel wliicli slioiiltl Cyprus lowii of Szilaniis. day of Marcli 25 it was perhaps time conimission. Soon. however. it waf- (and shaped his course for Cerigotto. rcaeli the rock by d:i\\ti. The ship retumed to .\lalta early to take stock of her acliievenients. l(l30. April I. D ms was securing in Mareli to take part in a local had left the .\lcditerr:uic.'in as l‘)5‘)/(i0- alongside South Slip. Wives, faniilics [now better known as Anticythera. By Dawn broke anti no rescue ship L‘\Cl‘\.‘i\c‘. The opportunity was taken to cliampioiis in Surface Gunnery and and siveethcarts were waiting on the tiiiidniglit the wind had risen to gale appeared. There had been no food force and was accoiiipanicd by heavy friends that Bombardment Competitions. winning jetty. Reunion and leave lay ahead. say goodli,\‘c to the m:in_v or water now for four days and rain and tliundet‘. The ship was close it was rlecided that unless some reefed and a good look-out was kept. food was eaten all would unShortly after 0.'ltlt) on the fifth in douhtedl_v perish: accordingly in brilliant dash of lightning showed the young man. who had died during island of Cerigotto dead aliead about the night. was chosen as food for : a mile distant. The Captziiii "being ’ the rest. though many had no power sure of his position" ordered all po~.sleft to eat or .siv:iIlow. In this consail lo be set and went below iible nection the follouiiig renuirlt.-a made to study the chart. ilardly had he left it few years later by a Naval Surthe upper deck. however. when there geon are of interest. was a cry of "llrcakcrs alic:id" and "l \\ell reiiieiiiber the iiielaiiclioly almost ininiediately the Nautilus look event and particularly from one of the ground violently. the survivors being drafted on board the ship to which I belonged the ’.\'0Tlll;\'C L’.\‘'l'l{lEl) fellow l~.°c.'iiiie riiy p;itieIil: lic \t lirst there was :1 certairi zuiioiint pooi ct-iiipl.;iiii.'ti of no pain but that \\'lllCll .'-.' .onl'ii~ioti but the olliccrs tiuicl.l) :i:n~c lroiii the horrible recollection Ec'l.'.iill4.‘tl control of the men and order iof his l!.'i\in-_' tasted htiiiiziti Ileslt to \\.:s i.-stored so that Lieut. Nesbett. the senior ollicer who survived. was Ipresetxe his life. 'llii< preyed so on his llllml_ that it rendered later able to write to Lord Coiling- deeply wood "happy am I to say our gallant him incapable of performing any ditty. and when l saw hirii sinking crew left nothing untried which we under the lli:;l\_\' load. I felt it my imagined could save us-all cheer- duty to order him to the hospital that ‘fully obeying the orders of the lie might be inv.'iltdcd and sent home." ollicers." Ily nightfall the Captain and First Shortly after strikirig the reef, the l.ieiiteiiaIit were anioug the dead and main deck was burst in and the lee dawn oti the 9th those left alivc bulwark overwliclnicd: seas were at breaking heavily over the vessel and deterniined to make yet another atthe sole chance of safety. and that :i tempt to leave the rock. They decided very slight one. appeared to be by to build a raft from the wreckage but the boats. Accordingly they were got by now they were so weak that the ready for lowering. but only one. a task proved to be beyond their powers. small \\'ll(llt.! boat. managed to get in the afternoon the whale boat apclear of the ship. the others being peared on the scene again with the news that there \\;is no chance of suanipcd or stove in on the rocks. After pulling clear. the wli:ilc boat rescue that day as the Greek lishcrnicn \\ith a crew of It) on board set course refused to put to sea iiutil the weather for the island of l’auri (Pori). some I had iitodcrzitcd. 12 miles distant. in an attempt lint the sti:vi\o:.s‘ sttflctlllgs were Of course I try to. But my pay‘.s not enough to to obtain help. i\le;inwhilc. the main. nczirly over and on the iiioruing of save anything. mi/zen and forcm:i.sts had fallen. for- the l0:h, the sixth day on the rocks. That’s what I thought when I was your age luiiatcly forming a gangway on to they were taken oil by four Greek the rocks on which the Nautilus had fishing boats. who had put out from until someone showed me the Progr-es sive grounded. By this means the ship was the island of Cerigotto. Of her crew Savings Scheme. I only had to put aside £3 abandoned. without further loss of of I22, only 64 were saved and this a month by Naval allotment but when] leave life and the crew huddled together number include: the 20 rescued by the Service next year I can collect £855. on the rocks with no food and very the \\ hale boat. little clothing. Sounds to good to be true. Whcre’s the catch? with the dawn they managed to (7()L'R'l' .\l A RTI A I. light a fire with the aid of a small I No catch. And if! had died at any time my The)‘ eventtially reached Malta :ind barrel of powder that had been wife would have received the whole £855 solved from the wreck: a tent was a Court i\l:irti:il was subsequently \\"luc i i in"II you take 9 built from the sails :ind clothes were held at (‘adiz to enquire into the loss immediately. You see it’s a savings Pm going for the pension becausethere's dried. These duties tilled the daylight of the Nautilus and to try l-icut. NesScheme and Life Insurance rolledinto one. another valuable right with it—l can get a hours of Jaiiiiary 5 and the bell. the senior surviving officer. and Supposing you hadn't signed on for 22 years cash advance for the full price of a new night fell on the small group of crew. In its findings the Court stated no sign of help arriving. "that the loss of the sloop was ocSCFVICC : house. Pm all lined up for a job already, men with During the night. however. the tire. casioned by the Captain's zeal to forWhen I had done my nine years, as [had and with an extra pension to look forward which had been kept burning. was ward the public dcspatches. which to and the wife and family safe in our own observed by the crew of the whale induced him to run in the dark tempaid premiums for 7 years, I could have ivliich had nianaged to reach pestuous night for the passage bedrawn £234 to help set me up in Civvy home-well, it's thekind of security we all boat. Pauri. On the morning of the 6th tiveen the island of Cerigotto and Street. Now, after 22 years’ service, I shall want. they pulled over to see if they could Candia; but that the sloop passed have the option of taking the How do you set about all this ? render any help to the survivors. They between Cerigotto and Pauri and was were amazed to see so many left on lost on a rock on the South West £855, or if I don't need the That's easy. Ask the Provi- the rocks, but were unable to help part of that passage, which rock does cash immediately, a pension dent Life for details of the much as the eastaways' greatest need not appear to be laid down in of £172‘ a year when I retire lf“. ..o water. and Pauri had been found Heathct"s chart, by which the said from civilian work at 65. Progressive Savings Scheme. was to be very barren with only a little sloop was navigated. " For member: rain water in the holes in the rocks. "Tliat no blame attached to the conof (It: W.R..N.S. (lit However. a further to men were duct of Lieut. Nesbett. or such of Pcnriari is £1.19 a rear. or LONDON §;.AsSOCIA‘I'loN embark_ed in the whale boat and the the surviving crew of the Natttilus. twurlo vow-doctor! Coxswain, a man by the name of but that it appears Lieut. Nesbett and (jeorgc Smith. was‘ instructed to make the Ollicers and crew did use every for (‘crigotto to obtain help for the exertion that L'll'c‘lllllsl:lllCc‘S could reiiiaindcr. :iduiit." Please send full details of the Progressive Savings Scheme Uiie iiiig-lit have tliought tli:it this l.l-ZI‘"l' TO ‘I'll!-ZIR Nafnfi cuIrnonuuu-nruuuuunuunueuuuunnnonu--n-nuuouunuu--u---nu...uoannluuuununn--nu I"/t’|'E l Ir;i_L'cdy would have cast a blight on AddfC3§ OnolllllllolltIIOIOIIIIOIIIIIIOOOOIIlllloleliunannnla-aaoauloblana-rInuunanr-ItIn-nolorIlloootllIllollollolanoeu-racernu-neurones--u l L'riforti'inately the wind increased the use of the name Nautilus in the to i_.-.ile force again shortly after the , Royal i\'.'ivy. but this \\:is not the case. U ldcp.i:tu.'e IIIIDOIcanIeunlllaII:-Octal--ooulololoolvuInnoulonnnltunfllIorluuuunn-can nu-uunuuu of the boat and by night- No fc\\e:' than the ships‘ liave borne I'.ill was were once more breaking ‘the iiaiiie sitlu‘ l.\‘ll'7. the last l'e:n_i.Age neitt birthday... Rating or Rank. \. ‘me: the incl.-. ht"-c‘Y.ll men died \\‘ltl in N32. a













j‘m fi


- - - - - - --u


- - - --



. . . . . . u................





In Indies West visits TrainingSquadron

the air and under-water activities at Abbotsinch


MEMORIES OF _TROPICAL EVENINGS AND 0. 663 Gliding School recently omcially opened by the Commzindzint N Air 'I‘r-aining Corps (Scotland), Air Vice-Marshal A. I). Selma)‘. C.l!.. of the BEAUTIFUL BEACHES Bay which surely has world‘s finest beaches with pound- l).I".C. was

one a


activities, underwater swimIt was planned that the C0n'tmat'l- aqua is‘ fast .M. ships‘ Venus. Urchin and Vigilzinl have revived the old Training ing surf. waving palm trees. blue becoming otte of ilie most ming Cruiser habit of visiting the West Indies in the Spring of each year. skies. everything to add up to our d:1nt should arrive by helicopter from prominent activities- of the F.*(t’lil). R.A.F. Turnltouse. inspect the guard organisation in R.i\'. .-\ir Station. been. The long periods of sea in idea of :1 Caribbean holiday. and at very successful cruise it h of hoitoiir provided by the Duntfries Abhotsinch. line weather were good for the training of Cadets and Midshipnten. while Al-TER 'l'lIE P0()I.S Wing of the Air 'l'raining Corps. folthe $hip‘s Company went to work in bare torsos producing an e.spcns1'veIn this country-_ the British Sub of lowed the :m Gliding inspection by looking sun-tan. Club has led the way in club the long trip across Aqua Again and Course C.1.le.,: and Instructors. The Bay of lliscay was rough. to (iren:1tl:1. Urchin to git. Vincent Atlantic. :1 brief look in on the Cape. training programmes, :1rid lllc s;1n1—: l).S.O.. that D. Williams. A, St. Lucia. Captain to Vigilant Pooling training mctltods ltave been adopted Vcrtles for fuel. and their we came. seeming to reduce otir numbers con- and Otlicer. the inforittatiort Contntanding found :tfter\vards'. R..\'., we siderably’. but when (iibralt:1r loomed that these rather smaller islands had alongside at Santa (fruz in the! R..\'.A.S. Ahbotsinch. should then be by Abbotsiitch. along with .111 the other major clubs in the country. lhc Canaries. No wonder the ltixtiriotis l tip we all bec:1uie rc:il sailors again. Glider in to tttticlt Iatinchcd entertain a trouble Sedbergh to to The Rock was right tip to form as gone training is based on "watcrniansltip" cruise liners come here! A free bust school. the (Mr visits the us. were oflicially by spiced open and the first three tests are pure :1 "rabbit-run" and the Indian traders enabled us to see most of tlicl trip this inclement weather. the Due few to :1 Carnival. days island of Teneritlc :ind we made up: Main Street made their usual approachiitg swimnting tests. using ntask and tins on cancelled. The Combefore when the was Lent. people really our minds that when otir pools conte' programme for the last two only. Such traiiiirt-,1 packet. l’urcli:1scs were safely stowed let their hair down. the inarrived tom! and ritand:1nt by :1nd tests ensure that in the even: of :1w:ty against the time when the‘ tip we shall return to the C:1narics in of had t:ikc A h:is been :1 place feature to hangar eqtiipnient failure. or some iiritmsmtt otir (‘ruise spcction (‘itstouis and lixcise riicn wotild cast as rich toi1ri.sts_ . of for the numerous baityari parnurnosc. specially cleared incident. the person involved has the their appraising eyes. at the end of the landing cricket of Occasional and. games is school to pro- ability and cortlidcnce to complete the The object of the the cruise. over our triiiinpliant ties‘. The procedure was to look football were local played against vide glidcr training to Air Training dive or swim witltoiit loss of life or closely at some lovely small island in shopping. found that but sides :1we oitce again the (ircrtatlines, spot ;1 gtlltlcn ls..-.1;-it (‘urns Cadets up to “IT” Licence star.- valuable cquipmcitt. cltattce side stands a good Squadron and send :1 boat ashore with :1 score dard, which covers training up to $l'l0 It is hoped to have the tI\t: of .1 N0 RAIN FOR A YEAR Take the of beaten, being Cape of the :1itd contpiction or so of “b.uiy:tttners" in ltoliday standard Ilying deep static water tank in the near An uriusual place to visit these tlays spirit and attire. They ltad to iitakc \"crdes'. tor e.\aiit_nle. You would not \\\lU lll}!lll\. future. but in the nicantiuie .-\bbu:sis the (‘ape Verde Islands wliicli used tlteiiisclvcs as comfortable as that think :1 l’ortugucse colony cotild who school normally No. not possinch shares the Paisley ltatlts with in.to be an importaitt coating station.l ible for the trounced our cricket. they ‘play have yet Turnltouse showR..‘\.l". night. iutprovisiiig. local branch of the Scottish Sub .~\qti;i operate from Now. lltouglt Shell and ('ablc and iug iititiatitc and being contains side some likelydilliculties wltich outward.soitte been experiencing gtiml Club. During the coming year. an Wireless hate bases there. tlte llritish bouudcrs. Tlioitgli the places were erieketcrs :ind then told us that tltcy transhave tcnipor:trily and elfort will be ntade to attempt (‘onintuiiilv niiriibcrs only 25 instead chosen licc:ittsc they ltitikcd tlcsertcel had had no chance to play the game‘ lately Ahhotsinch. ferred their operations to adv:1nccd diving expeditions to kiiowit of tlte 21):! of former tunes. The‘. and free of litu1t:iri lt:tl1it;ilion_ r|.t[i\'c\ for two years and that their side was| tvith the result the lliat on Sundays wrecks. using the Station's .\l.l~'.\". islands have li.id rto rain for over :1 seemed to appear from tiowltcre :1rtd getting old. Soccer was no bcttcr.[ :1ir of full is space above Abhotsinch year_ which accotintctl for tlte hleak.‘»' proved most friendly. bringing rum ()iir men said tltcy really cnioycd the‘ gliders. The two scltools have four :1rtd appearance of everything and the and stems of b.iit:1nas'. gantc and ran out losers l3 goals‘ winches. four 30 cwt. trucks :ind six of this Portugtiese outpost. l gliders of the Scdbergh. Slingsby poverty That tlti.-_v stole everylhiiig in to nil. sight is neither here nor there. In Perhaps the foregoing will make Mark lll :1nd Kirby Cadet types. "Tmntny The Toreador" ((‘olnmi (‘mtintv .\lAl\' BR.-\('l-I Sl’l.lCl-ll) this way :1 Chief Stoker is supposed people think that such a Cruise is? The schools are delighted with the l3.\tr.nv.i|.-.nt(.|, Tllll'llll)' Steele. Jarret .\lunn., J.llll('\ "llnne Soldiers" ((1 luiirl (‘tut Atlauticr ‘the long trip across the to have lost his camp bed while he ‘illl pleasure, This is not so. Otir role’ accommodation availiible at Abbots- Sidtiq-_\ John \\‘.1\m~_ \\1|lr.1m .\lclodr.int.I. \\'.1r to Barbados was cnlivcncd by :1 is that of tr:1ining.:ind a large :1moiiitt inch. They occupy one-third of :1 lloldcli. ('ortst.iiicc T1-stcrs "I-‘ollutn A Star" was still sleeping on it. session of irtter-sltip Tonibola for of trainiitg h:1s been done. Yet we‘ hangar togetlter with all the hangar Cortitds with Songs. Nnrin.ui \\'mlori1. June wlttclt :1ll otir iitodern scientific nteans R()lSlNS(l.\’ CR L'S()E‘S lSl..v\Nl) hope you will forgive us if our prin- otlices which they use as crew rooms. l.:ivcrick. lcrrv f)\'\Illt‘ll\.fl‘ “'llIe Stranglers of Bombay" (C1rtcrit.iHs‘1vt‘cl llorrittc Ailsriiture of eomniiiitication were ritobilisctl: l and lccttirc stores. rooms dances of memories on are MclodI.uit.i, (iu_v Rolfe. Alan ('1it|il~q-i--mi. 'l'obago was to be the ace spot for cipal also by the news tlt:1t C:1ptain(l‘) had schools the At from "Uldtll. "Sink The flisrnarrls" I('ii i-.1Jan bathes only and operate present tropical evenings claints it to as particularly h:iny:ins_ fourth Naval War Melt-tlr.iiIi.1_ ls’:-nnet't f:1thcr tlte for become :1 Scopc) safely on Sundays. but shortly will operate beautiful beaches. l).iiu Each Robinson Crusoe's island. \\'3rtter. Karel Sit-writ-L "lino. be More, tirite_ an event celebrated by a few afternoons well. as together Saturday Prison lliiitcsqiir. l't-in Sellers. Stretch" Wny We say goodbye to Venus. for she with lireworks :1t dusk. This put us in ship had a beach allocated and cortisummer camp of two week's Wilfrid ll_\'dc White. Lit. Fratcr. "North a passes out of the Squadron for a duration. West f-'ronllct".t(.'olour) Adventtue .\let.>practice for tlte birth of the Royal petition was keen to btiild the best while. Roebuck and in. comes drama. Kenneth Mon.-. l..1i1n-it ll.i:.iIt, llerlx-it Prince in honour of which, in tlte camp. Unfortunately choppy seas Loni. "The .\'nn'u Story" t('nl1-uii Rt-I1;-it-11s SUB AQUA ACl'lVl'I'll-'5 v:isty dccp, Venus litcd a royal salute prevented our landings. so we reDrama. Audrey llepburii. l;dnli t:1.1ns, Pct.-r With a growing interest in sub f-‘inch. and we all spliced the main-brace. turned to Grenada instead where llarhados has become more pro- Operation lleacltball was staged. Spt.‘f0ll§ than ever in these post-war organised with .is iituclt iiigentiity of Normandy I9-I-t. When years. for it is now well known among as Overlord American and Canadian tourists seek- the Supreme Commander. Captain (l-') ONFIRMATION bu been received that the beachthe ashore to went inspect front their own sunsltine following haw: been advanced to the Chief away ing found the he falling herid. Petty Officer and Chief Artiticer rnte:— enemy hard winters. This lovely island Chief Engineering llfcehnnle To fronts and logistics so delights in Naval visitors. Ilie R.N. back on all rum F. J. Chapman. RX 91554. R. Walker. RX punch was ptit into ‘?0ll!fi$. W. F. Toomct. KN 93848. and M.N. League. organised :1 dance good that :1 time. in his ltand no To Master-at-Arlns for us and a beach picnic. botlt highly 31 Lee. MK 767-800. successful events. btit how could ()iir stay in these paradisial spots To Chief Petty Officer they fail when they provide suclt had so far been otily :1 cotiplc of C. C. I'l~c_v.\N'.JX J.«‘i57‘3l6_ E.JXE. P. lleathr-1.. ltrlfil". \\' | Dark. IX I-15534. charriiiug girls as dance amt swim days, but Trinidad where we wcrc.to Mon JX l~l3‘I‘)‘I. S. \\‘. JuI1e\. JX l.‘-l‘Itv2. do some sclf~nta_intenance was :1 visit S. If. 'l':1)l1>r, .l.\' IS-t';ti0. partncrs'.’ of live days‘, The Mariners‘ Club. rtin To Acting Chief Mechuuician A single account with Bcrnards enables a customer to N. KX RX L. J. l'a_vne. ti~t‘1.W0. A, ltoit, ll()I.ll):\\' \\'I'II'IK-f'I1\'f) hy the .\fis‘s‘i0llS to Seamen. put on R03l)t)ti. F. 978-85. E. RX Turner. obtain practically every requirement of his fantily and sell‘ The ships of the Squadron. after a dance for us each evening where To Acting Chief Orrlnnnce Artiliecr situated brancltcs or tltc Direct l)c.s'p:itcli A. \Vr\odl1,-5'. MK 7'llil9l. coitvciticntly through days of hard work. went their own some beautiful friendships began. ToJ. Stores OER! Chief (V) .\l:1rraPetty to bus trips way, for :1 holiday wccl.-citd. Venus There were daily .I. ll. Self. MX 58029. Department at Harwich. To Storcl Chief Petty Oficcr (5)










provide that


Better Service




W’ Calvert. “X 8-l')l?§6. To Chief Petty Oliccc Cook (S) J. (.'4rnpl'\c|l, “X 5S776_ \\'. ll, .\|X R4526

Uniforms-describedby a high ranking olliccr as "the best in Naval Uniforms"; impeccably tailored Mens Wear in the latest up to the minute styles and cloth


To Chief Petty Oficcr Cool: (0)

Mideley. .\l.‘{ 741-ll‘). Supt-nisor A. ll. (foe. JX 371768, G. Dixon. ix’ i-'t)2ll-I. J. W, lidue. JX 37lJ.'~2. C. II, Brown, J.\' 7lZD6-f. To Acting Chief I-Cnzic Room Artificcc N, J. 'l':}lor. MN "It-tst~‘5. R. (i. Dickie. .\l.‘s' t<0.‘h72. l). CftI\\lJlld. MX‘il6t)29_ I). A. .s't.1nn.ir1.l. M.\' R-tJ|I.‘t)_ (S. A. .\la\\c_\‘_ MN S-lZ‘lZt1_ (E. l'JHl\, MX 542933, (3. \V. Snt'r.b.‘. .\l.‘( li'.l.\-I04, J. I. llantiltott. MK 9097M. J R. West. MN N2‘?-$3. C. l'. Turtle. .\l.\ ‘S-l2‘I.‘-l. l’. Rcntt. M.\' 342937. ll.

To Child Radio

Chief Electrical Artiflecr 'I'o_AcliiI: (1. V. Cadnuii. MN h-l.'~‘}6-I. J. C. MX X57.‘l(1. H. J. Jude, MN 05320. To Chief Electrician V1’. H. Pogson. MK 766-109,

designs and Outfitting and Footwear departments abreast of current trends enable the “dressed by Bcrnards" custontcr to really feel and be better dressed. Additionally,Bcrnards offer the facilities ofa large departmental store while providiitgatrulypersonalservicctlirougli brancltcs and widely travelling repre-


To Chief Radio I-Zlectrieiau

seittativcs. A credit account may be opened for settlement by Bankers Order or Monthly Admiralty Allotment and purchases may be ntadc at cash prices excepting on Hire Purchase accounts, where only 3 small additional charge is made. Full details of Bcrnards Service will

A. l‘. S».-arm. “X R3500-l. To Acting Cliicf Radio Electrical Artitlccc I). A. Verdun, MK 8556.15, To Chief Petty Ofliecc Writer M. J. (iilbr. .\lX 8.57776. To Chief Petty llflcec Steward (3. K. Wiieht. l.X 7787-ll. To Slelt Berth Chief Petty Olccc ‘

M:Irtin_ .\l.\' 5S‘I.‘i.‘. Acting Chief Aircraft Artilieer I. ll. Duke. L/FX 669724. To Chief Alt Fitter lAEl A. Dix-in. l.rF.\ til73l5. C. .l. lfobb1_ A. (E.


l.;f‘.‘( I0-L575. To Chief Air W, Staple.


To Acting Chief I’. J. T. \\'.irren. L/I-"X 7ls‘9975_

To Action Chief I-Jcc

I Artiflccr (Air) 663538. To Chief Radio Electrician tAic) A. C. ll. Vcrtue. LIFX 550065. To Chief Electrician tAir) ’l‘. .‘s‘ot~Ie, L/F.\t i<|7t_xu. (3. .1

llaldwiri. t..rt

I). ll, \\'illI.1nts_ l.,'l~‘)( 7;‘)3_‘tl_ Tn (‘lticf “rel: lfiturcs (V)! II. ll. l"ms.'cr. 22526.

The Duke of Edinburgh visited last month as Captain-General I .\lalta ot tltc Royal Marines. During his visit :1 large-scale amphibious exercise took Pluck‘. The "Commando Carrier."l l*l.M.S. Hulsvark. took part in the ' exercise.

I7-year-old Windmill Girl I.uc_t Winten. as production at the Windmill Theatre. has grey eyes and coppeheoloured hair and

\’ivacious' recent She are

35-in.. 24-in.. 35-in.


appeared in


H.M.S. Dainty sailed from Portsher nieasurememg ntouth on April 28 for a Fishery Protection patrol.





To Chief Airman tAIll

at a



gladly be given

representative or


Head Office and

Really Do Buy Better at Bernards

1 C. H. Bernard & SonsLtd.


6-8 .

Queen Street, Portsmouth

Milford Harm, Deal. Skrxnnrs, (1'rint.1b)', Lamlomlcrry. llrltrtiburgli. Dmifrrmline, Gibraltar, Valleuri «mil Slirma. Malia: am! at I.o.uiemonIIi. /ffhlolllll. Ablialsincli. Brain!)-. Keir. Cl!/lIID.\r. Warlliy Down. Corslinrii. L ympilane mirl Il.M.S. Dalpliin. Member: l.N.T.A. Oljicers‘ Shops at I’I_1'mouIIi aml Parnmoulli. Head Oflice: Anglia l-louse, Harwich, Essex Telephone 880

Ollirr fJI(lll(',lt'.l at: Clrallumi. lkvanporl. ll’r)'moruli, Portlumi.


Mas. I960

Ladies’ section provide



simple cases of unemployment needs, through sickness cases. to pension queries. In all instances the cases were brought to a UR correspondent in the Don- satisfactory conclusion. Despite the soniewliat limited caster branch of the Royal Naval resources of the branch. a consider-




from the



on matters are proceeding on an even able aniount was disbursed welI';ire—:i considerable sum being keel. all members lending their weight

voluntary contributions from

to the oars‘.


hers to the "(iood S;miarit:in"box. Rll-‘Ll-I CLL"B most active and play a predoniin:int Patron: I-LH. The Queen part in the general activities. After their well-earned promotion On Sunday. March 20. I2 members to a higher league last season the attended the dedication of the Stan- section tiiiislied fifth in the new dard of the Bradford branch of the league. A very noteworthy ctlort alRoyal Marine Association and those though the club secretary suggests who :utended reported that the cere- that it may have done better still had mony. organisation and hospitality match cards been shot oll’ before the were first class. b:ir opened. This suggestion was Some Doncastcr shipmates were countered by one of the leading lights present at the lirst annual dinner of who claims that the only way he can the iiarnsley branch and enjoyed ii‘ score a lllIt\lllllllll is to wait until _really good dinner and entertainment. he can see llltcc targets and then aim at the middle one. l..\l)ll-‘S SE(."l'l()N S(l('l.\l. Sl€CI'l().\' 'l'he very important Ladies Section of the oruanis-.itiun is now‘ The social section is an extremely back to full strength now that four‘ busy onc.. “hat with indoor ganies. of the iiieinliers have done their! ciizillt-n_ee lll.tlc‘llL‘\_ t-me:t.iinniv.-tits at ollicial fuuction~. children's summer duty ttmartls the R..\'. W.R..\'.§. ot' the future. Three boys outing. annual dinner. etc. Friday and one girl were the suin total of nights are becoming widely known their elfiirts. Congratulations to the in the district and this. in ttirn. ts lucky parents. tending to increase branch memberThe ladies have enjoyed a most ship. The facilities enjoyed are dtie to successful season financially and their the generosity of the branch hosts. efforts have brought in a more than the Queen's Own Yorkshire Dragoons welcome contribution to the general and it is felt that these excellent facibranch funds. As a reward for their lilies ha\'e contiiluitcd in no small efforts they propose to spend a long way to the success. Shipmates Bartlett. Gaw. Paton. Henderson. Siinins, Ruddy. McCann. Jamieson. and Arneill admiring week-end in “The Smoke" later in plaque presented by Belfast Branch of the Bumta Star Association. (Photo-—Belfast Telegraph.) the year. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER

Welfare and social activities











by headquarters’ shipmates

Belfast’s thanks


WELI-‘ARI-I SI-ICl‘l0N section has been most 'l_'he wc_lfare active this year. lhe cases reported

When sailors get


lose two stalwarts


The Hcits Branch of the Royal Naval /\.\>.\0Cl£tll0ll has sutlered a great loss by the death of two shipmates. The Branch Chairnian. Shipmale J. l-'. W. Charles passed :iway on April It), at the age of In‘) years. Sliipniate (‘harlcs entered the Royal Navy in l‘)tI7 and served until his retirement as ( liief l;'.R.A. in 1934!. He was re-called for service during the Second World War. during which time he became a prisoner of war in Japanese hands. He was it founder ntetnbcr of Hcrts. Branch. and for several years he was \'ice-Chairm:in. but at the Annual General Meeting this year he was elected as Branch (‘hairman. The R.N..-\. was Shipmate Charles‘ main interest. and the loss of .1 grand "Skipper" is mourned by the branch. The branch is also deeply grieved by the passing away of its Branch Standard Bearer. Sliipniate J. S. Wilson. l).S.;\t.. at the early age of 54 years. on April ll.

DEATH OF POPULAR MEMBER KINGSTON MEMBERS TALK old times drank to these yarning Pl-F.ASlNG little ceremony took satisBranch affairs OF THE PAST progressing "youngsters." whether they be Kingplace recently the Headquarters factorily undcr the direction of Shipover



of the Belfast branch of the Royal Naval Association when members of the local Burma Star Association presented to the Belfast shipmates a plaque to m:irk the friendly relations between the two branches. An example of the practical way in which one branch can help shipmatcs of another is revealed by the thanks the Belfast shipmates have expressed .,io the Secretary to the Council. Shipniate Licut.-Cdr. Maskell, and Sliipmate Wheeler. for their interest and sympathy for a Belfast sliipmate and his wife. The nine-year-old son of Sliipmate Logan has been in the Westminster Hospital for the past months and the help of the two mentioned above. together with the friendly approach of shipmates ‘zit Headquarters. has been much appreciated by all at Belfast. _


Secretary T. Brown. and. with the re-decoration of. and modifications to. the branch headquarters, it is hoped that 55a Great Victoria Street, will prove even more attractive to shipmates and all belonging to H.M. Ships visiting the port. The death of Sliipmate Capt. (S) Oliver McCutcheon. V.R.D.. has been reported and many who knew him will join the Belfast shipmatcs in mourning the passing of this valuable


and popular .sliipmatc. The Association can ill atlord to lose men of his calibre. "Jackie" llaniilton. well known

ball. secretary to

among the followers of the oval

has resigned his ollice as the Northern Ireland Rugby Association. and his many friends wish him a well-deserved retirement.

Something to write home about!

ston's. legitimately or not. NGUI-LS were loosened and It is a matter of interest that Kingmemories came flooding back as 3l0n attended the dedication of the tales of the old days were told afterl branch standard of Staincs on the day a meeting of the Kingston and Dis- war broke out—Scptember 3. 1939. trict branch of the Royal Naval A lot of the members disappeared Association the other evening. during the war and a number were Who started it? Was it Shipmzite lost to the Royal Marines AssociaBill Downer with his “When I came tion. One other loss. says our home during the war ."‘.’ (He was reporter, was “our barmaid at Ceres one of the “girls" from Roedean. Road to Shipmzite Bert Ranisay, a Brighton.) Or was it Shipmate George former vice-chairnian." Burbidge who joined the branch in Among those present who drank I935 and received badge No. I3? to Absent Friends was the present Whoever it was a most interesting prcstdcnl. Shipniate Cdr. J. J. C. Hewitt. and shipniatcs Chairman Jack exchange of memories took place. Kingston branch was formed in (Jimmy) (ireen. fomier chairman Bill July, I935. with headquarters at the Downer. George Burliidge now viceRoyal Oak. Richmond_ Road. King- chairman. secretary. Harold Chapston. the founder being a retired man. treasurer. Ernie Dcndy. former Naval schoolmaster. Shipmale F. vice-chairman Jack Creasy, welfare Lord. He has now gone aloft to- ollicer Alf Comfort. former secretary AWARD!-ll) l).S..\l. gether with other founder year John Beard, standard bearer Albert members. shipmates G. Harris. No. Baker. social secretary Harry Baker. "Tug" as he was allectionately Albert 2. W. Heath. No. 4. L. H. Coombs, Groombridgc and Tom Bow- known by sliipniates. entered the No. 6. Jack Towner, No. 7. I-'. Cros- don who can be forgiven his Rl\_\';tl Navy in I924 and served for bie. No. I0 and A. Evans. No. 12. regimental waxy moustache for his l2 years, He was recalled for service Number I3 may be unlucky for. ready smile and the scribe. A. W. at tlie-outbreak of the Second World some but not for Sliipmatc Burbidge. Hcrriott. War and whilst serving in_ ll.i\l.S. Plans are being made to make .\lignonette_ as a stokci‘ petty-ollicer He was recalled to the service in I939 and came through to reioin the; l9(itl, l\'ingston's silver jubilee year. :i was assartlctl the I).S..\l. branch at the Civil Defence Head- memorable one. Shipniatc Wilson had been Branch quarters. Ceres Road. Kingston, Standard lleaier since I‘)-$7 and also Mr. T. W. Bates. in his eighth term served on lltc llraiich .\lain Coiiitiiittcc. where Shipmate the late George Bonsey had the branch moored after as cliairnian of the Gosport branch of He was an "i:\cr present" :iml a being bombed from pillar to p0Sl. The the Royal Naval Association. died on familiar figure on ceremonial oceaonly record salvaged was the initial April I4. Branch members. led by .\'l0n<. members entry ledger. Vice-Admiral Sir William Agnew. the As a typical Sliipmatc. "Tug" will be Former Chairman Sliipmate Bill president of the branch. attended the greatly missed. but his outstanding Downcr's reminiscences took him fuiicral. devotion to the R.N..-\. will oc reincinback to the Sunday mornings when he bered with gratitude. used to find George Boiisey holding Three Aiiicrican ships of the CoastBoth Shipmates Charles and Wilson "mess meeting" in the Barley Mow. guard l'ract_ice Squadron will visit were laid to rest on the sanic day. and Bill Downer spoke of the time when: Portsnioutli tor a live days visit begin- a nntnb-,-r of l-lerts, llrancli shipniatc~ the branch was over two hundredl ning on July 1. ' attended the ftineral service». strong and needed seven coaches seventeen cars to take the mnnbers to ‘ a Jutland Rally and when the branch had its own dance band led by Ship-l mate Reg Pantliou. with SlllpItl1ili,‘i(:'ct.;. \\lio iespotiilctl. t'cfcrt'ctl lo tits‘ Stevens “'l'arpot" on the tiruni.-‘. The tnipoitance of the ;tsstN.‘t.tllnll. .





Foundations were well truly laid , llillt

The tricrpciistrr Rnnmr: (‘nth-I ——ll'tHt or irtthmtt a ll fmliiiirtd

Wherever you go _vou‘ll be proud to own a Ronsoii. Each

lighter is prccisioii-engiiieeretl and handsomely finished.

Choose your Ronson t'rom the

wide range at the .\‘.-\.-\FI.

soci:il secretary \v.'i.s Sliipmalc 'I.lie trust to the \'l\lltH\ was prollollidge and the president of the‘ by the branch L‘lI.tlllll.l|l_ .‘}l’tlp ll!-I foiinder nieiiilit-rs of the Y\'ew- ‘ posed branch was Cdr. Varley. the inventormate \\’, ti. I ;iii:_~:iilgc and lll replying of the Varley valve fitted in midget ton Abbot liranch of the Royal .\lr. ll ll, (iiililmn_ \ice-chaiiiiiaii in submarines. He was welcomed back; .\'uvaI Association have reason to be: Newton Abbot llibzm Cotincil. deputiin 1947 by the mayors of Kingston; proud of the tiny they laid the foiindri- \lllg for the k‘lI.tlllllllll Mr. A. ll. \\'. and Surbiton and by the Steadfast: tions of their branch. for. formed ill: l:.tl\\'tIIlll‘. who \\'.I\ siek_ wislicd the Band of the Sea Cadets. I I957 with 40 members. it has now H0. 3 zissociation c\'ct'y siiccess, After the dinner there \\.t\ d:inctn;'. CHILDREN OF THE l|R.\N(.'ll The branch held its third to the music of Peter Winsofs orchesBranch members in those days- dinner and dance on Marcli In when : lia. came from as far afield as Stainc.s.l 88 members, wives and friends were The lirancli is holding :i ca." treasure Mortlakc. Addlcsttinc. hlolcscy. 1 present. hiiitt on the ttftctitooit of .\la_v El and Hampton. Hanwcll. \\'itnbledon. I The toast to the association was pro- on l-iid.i_v evening. June 24. the Ruyal Stilton. Clieam, Epsom, liwcll. posed by Mrs. W R fiilht-r'. tl"|‘|'"" l.\lariIit- Volunteer (‘ailcts |’:ircnts‘ Twickcnham and Richmond. King-zsing for her husb;ind.(It|r. Gilbert. \\ho_l -\\\nt.'l:tlItillfront l’lymoun._ ;.h..u; in <.|on could be the mother and father was |l‘ltlI\[‘lt)\‘t.‘tl and the pi; dent .I: ‘niembeis are c\pcclctl_ .iic n.tyin;_- tn.:of any of these branches and so those I the bsaiicli, ('.:p!. l:'_ t‘. l‘:t'.toii. R.\. _bi.iiieli a ~o..'i;il \l\l|‘. .



World‘s greatest lighters and Sfl(ll‘(’7‘S






May. I960

.\'..\vv NEWS

Portsmouth takes up the challenge%BACK ON NINETY-FIVE AND STILL RUNS FOR THE BUS carlyl I-‘chrii;1ry ilsritttvrt




Full programme for C/ream and

iu:iny visitors from other

!br'.1:te.‘res". Slripittate Vie Hebdoit died.


T is about time tlt.1t l hoisted my ifiil. .-‘tlas. we hate been icliiscd an age or‘ 34. P-'mliI|}l\ iltittin Hi‘ my hraitcli tti|l'e.\ten~ion for the List d;tiree oi" the He be rentembered by Ports-~ bc_serew1itg my tail! is :1 great pity as we will which se;1soii_ , Since his the br:tttelt ltad its little set ltave invited it cottple of biaitcltes services oit the eoinmiilnioinh tor l'-..\l|ii’.RS of tltc Poztsittotttltl It would be interesting to hear _ot' {ice and in the eiitcrtairtntcnt held, back l:1s_i September we _h;iv~.- triad: along. biartelt of the Royal Naval I some more of these good old shipHcltilon a-;..- in an m.,- ._~tulsEgre:it strides and have climbed back 'I he annual I)initer and Dance was ’ :\.ssoei11:ioii have been rather inlet- mates. s’l‘|i)\\'s’_ no st-at 3 gr-._-at ciyntgdiun and tlpAlll_L‘ ladder and, once again, we are the most suceessltil we have ever li:td. estctl to read iii the last few issues ol : during the past year a great producer iL‘ll]I.)_VIl'lg \\'Cll'i|ilL‘lltlL‘t.l ntcctiitgs every I 'l he mayor and ittayoress attettded. as LIFE .\ll'Z.\‘lIlERS and very happy meetings too. did our president. Richard Sltarples, the N.\vv Ni_\v.s' of elainis by} too, branches at li:iviitr_: the oldest Itlittll-‘ During the past few months PortsWith the contiitg of the better; and his wife, The two viceber (iit age! iit their l1l’.Ill'.‘ll. and now_‘ inotith has had the plertstitc of thei weather and lighter evenings‘, the; LADY .\ll-I.\lllI-IRS pre.sidents_ Ali.lerman W. l.. llasted, ‘ hate their staked Portsitrotith claim, of the Corrtm:1rider-iii-(Thief. the)’ shipriiates look torward 011: publicity dritc. which t‘ltll't"-P-. and 1\'orritari .lo~s‘Pl'- (7-WE-. eompaity lite l’or:sittotitlt -ltipitiate coit- Po.-tsnioiitlr l.'\tll1lli':Il Sir .\l;1nley -lt‘ ‘t‘~‘l"!! ittaity ultl faces‘ during prrblicitv oflieer ptit so inticlt work “V79 ilk“ l’“"'-'“leerued is Sltipittate l.. Rieltartlsoii l’ower). the :\diitir:1l Strperiitteitdeitt branch visits to the sunny south into, has not. tip to the itroitteitt. 'l he Nilflfill 3* \'k‘l.\' lllllullilit‘ 3“ 1'19 who still be eeleimitirte his ‘litli birth- tRe;1i-.r\diriii;il ). ll. Uitwitti_ .1itd the iit’.ttlL'ilc's \\ltn pmpose to visit l’n.'ls- ii”;-_-.1 inc dc...-.-it L-ii.-_-i_ wt. in... pro. hm; es-otlieio otlieeis. they are most in this .‘\lI‘.£ll\l nroiiili sliould tlF1\p.'i line to the seere- one new sliipmate and two L-\.\\'r,;m geiicrorrs bertef;tetor.s to :h.: br.ritclt day _\e:1i'. and :1 sexy ("oittittodoie ol the Ro_\:tl Naval ll.1ris 9'4 ‘I spriglitly lie too. o see him ritu- raeks. the Viscotiirt Kelburii on taiy so tlr.it_ the enteitziiniitciit eom- who are joining as full ttieittb.-rs. li1|"llilllll1WCl1l~k&‘1\\‘9Tl'lW¢|ll"3¢W5l niiir: for :2 bits Lifter \t'.1tt:!tEiie :1 foot-' separate nights at their tllL't.'lillgs'. ,llltll_i.'i.‘ can its soiitetltiitg up for li‘lt.‘ltl ant ;1w;iitiiig the result of Iravirtg itvolin :1]! its activities. aitd take p:1rt in ball match does no: ine.1ii that he has .-\s a result the branclt is proud to ‘tlusin-_; the visit. latlies as full nteiitb-.-rs-_ t 95...; 51 “.mlbrairclt life as much as thei: public been atixioris to get quickly ;t\\‘:i_\ after be able to name theitt as duties will :illow them to. ‘have It great inlitience on tisall. :1 dis:tppoiittiii_i: iitzitelt. but simply tlr.1t becattsi: they did the braiteli llnlltttll" Chezittt aitd Worcester Park would We t'o1ind b:tr cxtciisroiis :it our he does not remember his age. lite iitentbeis‘. by becoming ‘tl‘It'|llllll_\‘ branch dart‘-' :1 \ ‘r’ gtil like to eoiigrzitriltite Wliiistrihle on "Ritchie" itever misses :1 toitiiightlv E \\"ith the year well under way both soei;1ll_v winning the l)on Miirray Cup for the either winter and iiieetiitg. or suiiiiiter. 3 itcwly_fornted cotttriiittee has got into‘ Shipiiizite H. ('. Stephensoit_ pre.si- Tits‘ last two \\ere e.\t1'e1ttely s'lIs.'L‘Cs'S- second year runiting. Congrattrlations. times when is he‘ most there a pzirade its .stridc and arrangeiitents of both.1leitt of the l)onea-ater branch of too. to Sevenoaks on being rttniters-tip. _will be fotirtd somewhere in it ntzirch-l Assoeiiition and Club activities for‘Roy;il .\’:1val Association has askc-J‘ ing along. He has rtevcr yet been. the year are going well. SOCI.-\l. ACTl\’l'l‘ll-'5 the assistaitce of 1\'Av\' NEWS inl known to ntiss :1 Reiitentbranee Sun-3 friends of his who was: We are looking forward to a full . . day Parade at the r\'a\r1l War .\ls:mo- w o _:1ve :1 rea y -cn oiitg a great ; inva ide tom the Service in I94‘). and successful year in the social field e_ rial and as those who kitow gob sirtee they took ofliee and who Anyonc having any knowlcdgc -sf. and once again we hope to enjoy tltc ntouth will renienrber. half past nine plait things to cotneudtiring P.O. (‘yril ("Oosh") Wood. hospitality of Eastbotirne on the oceaon Sotithsea Front in Noteniber can was l..R.l. should o P,/.lXi55———-. White o eomsion of otir annual outing on June 26. be far front eontfortzible. 011 ort e :.:ister miinieate with pi.-riot. t3||_ Shipmate Ste hcnson. Unfortunately this clashes with \\'hitIt is to be hoped tli:1t Shipntatc “M mm “mm rem“ l'lte branch deeply regrets the p:ts- 47 Morley Road. Mr. stable Dedication. Ricliaitlsoii will be setting tltis good. sing of :1 very well-kiiottit .sltipiit:1tcj\\'ood‘s' last known address wtts Sherme We have a very worthy delegate exaiitple for many more years. 2 one who must have been well'horne ('ott:1ues. Dorkins. attending the Annual Confereiicc in President of the Royal .\':i\ttI .~\.sso- the person of Shipmate Cort. He is It ciution. His death took place on :gre:ii braiielt worker as treastircr and 'area delegate and he does good work 27' supporting the hard working social minil 1) rcw tvrts also president of No. I Area and of the South- secretary at dzritces. Tlte success of all otir social events l7R correspondent front the west London Branch of the Assosmall ntcastire to the social Dtlrlslllt: brrinch of the Royal ciation. and his interest in its altttirs goes in no Shipmate Vie Stanton who Naval Association reports that the secretary. was very great and hk advice most is tibly supported by his better half. promise of line tteather ahead has valuable. been conducive to the social activiLleut.-Cdr. L. ll. Mnsltell. His (and her) stirling etiorts are appreeizitcd. ties. R.\l.R.. general secretary to the greatly A party front this branch will be Visits to ’l\\iekeitlr:11tt and Piirley Ill-IRE have been some “tips and dorms“ since news of the Portland Council. referring to his otim great the Jutland Rally and hope are on the list of forthcoming events branch of the Royal N-.tv-al Association appeared in these columns, but< personal loss. mentioned that dtir- attendingthe ltospitality of the Chatham and members are hopiitg tltat the the branch is now once again on an even keel. the ten years as vice-president. to enjoy ing i Admiral Drew rttiuscd oitly one Gunnery Instructors. s-hipnratc who orgzinised the s1recess- It had been hoped that Portlzrntl Tlte .s11ittiiter ntoriths are usually 3 fttl Summer Children's‘ Outing last would have had its own General Council and nteetlng never headquarters close season for social events but at missed at meeting of the House Com. year can be indtieed to arr.-inge one h_v now but have unfortunately things rnlttee ot‘ the Headquarters Club. Chcam we like to keep thcnr going. again this year. not gone smoothly. The Admiralty hence it l-‘lanrtcl Dance in July with The braiich will be siippoitiitg the of which lie was ehaimtan. of the branch nice l:tn1l. :1 plot dedication of the local llritisli Legion g;1\e Vice-Admiral Drew was buried at bar extension. The date will be pubfiiritls rolled lit and tire br:ineli DU!’on June l.‘.. St. Helens (Isle of Wight) Parish lished later. _-ltasetl :1it ex—arnty building, The social secretary asks me to say The Social Secretary reports that Church and a large contingent of Plans were drawn tip and stibrtiittetl the monthly daiiees have beeit qriite , Naval Association members. that the braitch would like plenty of Royal the local council gave its blessitti: zi success tltioirghoirt the season and .1n1l the ehztimtan and secre- warning when invitations are sent to including no taries of No. I. Area and London the branch from otltcr branches. more will be held tiritil the but the (town rind eo1intr') planners‘ are in great demand during could be proved an obstacle .ttlltllI1n. annual dinner of the Royal (S.W.l Branch. Secretary to the Coaches It is hoped that the aerivities within overcome. Building on that plot of General Council and members of the summer months and it takes :1 branch Loantingtott was held Spa little time to get organised. the branch will enable it to help the land was stopped for all time. in the Manor House Hotel. and was. the local branch. were present. PAT COB Kitcltener lloittce at Lottestoft. Tltis was indeed a setb:iek—a plot by over [00 shlpntatcs and of land. a building laying in sections their friends and relations. on the ground cotttpletely useless to The Guest of Honour was Vicethe branch. and no pemrission to .-\1lntiral T. B. Drew, C.B., C.V.O.. proceed. R.\'., a vice-president of the AssoThe building had to be sold resulting ciation. who proposed the toast of in a loss to the Portland .shipm;1tes of the branch, to which the branch president. (':ipt. C. A. ‘I. Chatwin, D.S.0.. over £l0(l. Members and ladies. however. R.N.. responded. The other guests iitcluded: The rallied rtzund and with eo.1eli drives‘. llraitclt jumble sales, socials and the like the g Rev. J. C. Dunhani. .\l..-\.. branch is llt)\\ once again "out of the illoit, ('h;1pl:1in: Sltipittaid Nell Fletan associate member who has red." helped the braitch with caterThe ittt‘-iithly meetings are still being ;gre;11ly S the numbers wishing to attend held at the Porthintl Arms in Forttiites- ing for variotis social events. the ‘tVlicn you batik with the you get: Cltildrerfs (jliristntas chief 22nd Party the anniversary dinner and well on the tirst Thursday of each service all the lirtc. the \‘Vt.‘5il11itl5i.0l' antongst them: Mr. J. Tilley. the dance of the Iluntvorth branch of the ntoittlt. ichttirrttan of Leriiitington Boys‘ Club Royal Naval Association on April I9 has :1 Branch‘ at. 26 ill health .\lel.ettitoit to Owing Capt. who works 'inan.1gei1teiit committee. were too many for the club headthe of has bad London. This has been open since 1772 and to give presidency tip with the branch every ye:ir on the (|ll€|l1El’.\'s the function was held at the the branch although lie is still attend- Wltiisun Fete: an olliccr of the local Village Hall. in coitseqtrcitce, well with the kind all our uiectings to give advice and Sea Cadet Qorps, Shipmate .l. Wark. ing One ltundrcd and thirty-live sat guidance. The new president is Lietit. of liitaiieiai chairman of No. 8 Area. R.l'\'.A.: you meet with in the down to dinner—the principal guests Heron, ineinbers of local Associatiorts :1nd the Batik has branches at Next, being Councillor E. J. l’aiilint:. Chair- The l‘e.rtl;1tt1l shipriiates extend a the local press. itt:1i1 of the Council and Mr. Hunter. Portsitioutlt and which are at. wcleorttc and their to hearty .shipntate.s‘ Amongst those present were so 1\l.l’. service also are l)t‘£tnClleS The president of the branch. Ship- faittilics visitittg that part of the coun- ,ii'i:11ty t'amili.tr faces iroiii other branyour 1,200 and ii the Portto ches in Area the that are going it almost any in:tte l.lt.‘lli.'Ctlf. .\lcCabe was pleased try in other towns and l:ritd the social Whitsttn. at .-\rea 1\':1vy 'l'L‘iL‘ll‘Ii'lli:ti art l):iys gathering. :ind a to aririouriee tltat the .secret:iry, Shipof comradeship sense the \Vestiiiinster Batik operates abroad ittzite George llills ltad been ittade ‘Ir secretary reniirids tltent that the branch ‘woitderful is social and dance the :2 at ihelpetl to make a most enjoyable life iitentber of the Assiicititiort as :i3 lioldiiig a \\‘0l‘l(l-\\'l(lC systcirt of ttgeitts and '.\lasonie ll:1ll_ l’oitl:1_itd Stitiare. and ‘etettirtg. token of :1pprcei.itioit for the titan)‘ should contact hint and liitisli oll | ‘lire :.i..-ial secretary-. Sliipmate If you would like to ltttow more tears‘ llilrtl work he |i.r1l put in for they the day's visit properly. ‘,”.ll‘i‘_\' iiinclt perforiited a grand ditty the br;iiteh_ the club and tlte :1sso~‘ about our service to the Senior write ‘I he bi-;,ii¢ti "serihe" says "l)oit't get I as to.1st_tri;1stcr and the Branch Clint!" c,;,“,,,,_ for the booklet. ‘\\’c-strniitster Batik to Iihe idea tlt:1t beeaiise Portland l)oek- 3 man. bhtpnmte _(_-. Bcckford. pmNI-Z\\' SITE i yard closed as snclt that it is all quiet. lW‘~-‘\l Ills‘ 1-0\'-Tl ll‘-‘Fl imgl, |'°«’Hl lt‘l|5' Her‘ The Cltairtttatt of the Council said ltcre. .-\s :1 r\':1v;1l‘ll;1sc i’ortl;ti'id is ’ t!T-|"“ l“‘“‘ "'37 -\l3|l¢*lY lhe Qtlccfl. that the llantvortlt branch of the than e\cr and visitors can be t the t:s‘"¢Fi|l S¢¢1'¢l‘-lrlr’ “l ll“-‘ -’\““' association had always responded to ibusier sure of seeing the latest ships attd all eiaiioii, and vice-presitlenl R. C. front and the Council ltad requests displziys that go to make :1 good. Pulliit, l.l’.. who h:td been prevented been very helpful. This in ttirn had interesting "Navy Days." by illness front attending. tirade ihent many friends who would After ilre dinner there was dancing There is to he anotlrer social and the application for a new site support to the Frank Rrtwlings Trio. and the for the club and ltcadqiiarters with the dance oit .ltine -l. fun was fast and furious. devclopntciit of the old Air Park illC0I1ClU.t.llllgllistCp1‘il’lthe I’ortl:1nd It was ziriother grand event in the correspondent suggests :1 lt\'t: tttlllulc history where the present club glands-, of the branch. and a credit The branch chairman's‘ d.nigltter., walk on the corttiiton with .1 view of to the little stih-coiitntittec of three: LI M ITED the in all the ships lta1botir—~iiotiIfihipiitates Beekford. Lewis and Coral Lzingford. presented :1 hottqtieti the liisiitute Br'mrcIi.- 26 llorsial and *l5iiteit who forgetting S.W.1 .\'(ii>)' to Mrs. l’;ttiliiti_:. . it. organised l’i'isoit—tvltteh rentirtd the ntrght it is hoped to meet iit.irty sltipriiatesl Vc_rn1: Head t5.c.2 of the he times was "not tound .i.t at Cltatltattt on \\'ltitsuttd;i)' for whall visitor is expected to be the last "Jllil£Il‘I(i‘ouL" ‘i Petty O_tlieer j‘.liitt" Coates capbe held the is in Rally" to lt:irr:icks; 'I he bi:1it1:li itt.ikiit_i: a trip to I’I:.‘- t.tiitet| Kiiigstoniau in the I-CA. vvlriclt has so irtany iirentories torilios.-zntoutli for the ('onfcieiice and the Antateirr Cup final at Wembley on of the ('lt:1tliaitt ilivisioii. ladies are tlttlllg: for the slioppitte. :\pt'il 23. Ht-itdon won '.’—-I.


ll at the










year. Ar l ltg.-ktztntl








‘r Adcarlcd-sot -



“““,.“'° ‘lam-ll °f- ‘PIcc-


ran: buildirg but could not i "'23


socmi: ACTlVlTtES 1



Speciallyifor :tt:gI\‘Chls thel t.‘l ‘l!t:l'lil’tLllttlt:&1l_Ctlmfllil cctracilri t finfold Ports-l better


get permission





;"I'll!-I DINNER



was not

large enough for Hanwort/2 Dinner-

SERVICE for Service people


along special Navy


-"iitall_v, through




Ha_yniar'ket, is,

acquainted problems

Plymouth (as nearly tltroirgltont England



\\’cstini1tstet', First,


Chatham, always Wales).


-.\'Iajesty’s Ships’



i'i(l)'lllill‘kOi,London, Lotltbury, London,



Nore Commad shuts down A LONG AND SUCCESSFUL EXISTENCE Fl’!-'.R a long and successful career in the shooting world the Nore (‘oniuiand Rifle and Revolver Club has closed. l)uring its esistcnce its meinbeis h;ive won every tropli_\'_ollered at l_ltsleg.’ for i:ener:il cotttpetilions, winning ingitiy of them severzil times’. .\l2tll‘_s' illustrious llitl‘llL'S in shooting lizm: been iiumbered zuuoiigst Its r:inl.s'. "lo llillllL' .'i leis": Lieiit. Swire. \\'hu wtitt the ()ttci.‘tt .\l:If)' three times and represented l‘.ni:l:ind in the ()l_vtiipit.‘ (i;itties' of l‘)~l.‘l and I952: l';il Dorling: l.ieut.-('dr. "llonzo" i\lole'. Sub.-|.i-tut. .\l. l.. Jolinson. and Oils‘ who niziny class :is the greatest shot the country every produced. C.P.0. l-'. E. .\lorton. (i.l.. the only in:in ever to win the four Gold Medals; _'l'he (triind .-\ggft,'g:llt.‘. Service Rifle Aggregate. Revolver Gold Medal and Revolver (Sold Budge. He also reached the highest position of the Navy in "Tlie Hiiiiilretl" by coming tliird_ lll I95‘). the final yetir at liisley. the te;uii. :ilthoii_i:liweakened by mtiity of its top line shuts‘ being drzifted to other (‘onit'n:iuds'. did very well. wiiining zinioniist other events‘. The N;ition.i| l..\l(i Cup and The (‘heyes'



The (‘lob had :i thriving .22 side :tnd has done well over the years. the highlight being the :innii:ilmulch against W_ ll. Smith & Sons in l.ontIon. an :tsso.'i:itioii of 30 vezirs. In the .\'.s_t<_.-\.' {lfltl i\'.R..«\. I95‘). i\l;irl.sni;in liiiilge eiititpetitiiim_ cxck-[. lent results were obtiiiueil in which the Note (‘i-iiimrtnd won the N,S_R_A_ N;ition:il Roll of i\l:irksm;in Shield "A." the tir-at N:i\':il ('hih to do so since the Shield was first awarded in

Willi. The W.R.N.S. also took it healthy interest in .22 and nlthotigli their _

lltll'tll|i.‘t’s' :ire snizill sprung :i siirprist: when nslsetl to take part in the Ports(Contiuiierl in eoltitnti 2)

May. I960

STRIKING club andrevolver



Basketball Club T HE lltisliir of the 1958/59

first limited in September. I958. at the start season. by a few keen hut inexperienced players who practised with it football in a converted hospital ward. Only one out of the original Il1(.'lIllJct'.\‘ had ever played in cmiipelitive basketball before -—the retiitiinder had only taken part in iiiakcshift carries with very few rules. The (Club's l‘ir,st seiison was. as can this st.-iisoii but even so h;.\v.- m;.n;.ge-rt 5 he expected. ;i verv deiiior;i|is'ing one. to lltlltl their min. To date It. not or i()lll of ;t lottil of 26 i::itne.s ]"llZ|)'Ctl. 3| iiurnes |i;i\'e been won \\‘llll .in *only four were won, and they did not ;;gi_:rei_.:;ite of L0]; points for and ll‘): come till the very end of the season. ;ii:;iinst. "lop \CiIrt.‘l\ have remained Not only were defeats :i regular :is for last setisun; 3.1, Stretton 5|‘) the btit in in several games 2‘) giintes. R. Jen-itt I35 in to games, oceiirrenee , the (i, (ieorge ll: in It) g.intes, lcillll were completely ;iiiiiiliil.ited. The ll\'.l|tllll_\‘ of lost niitelies lizive most noted result being the delezit by 3 'l'e.iiti 3 been \'ers' h.iiil fouglit lLit'..es .tlltl hive l-l..\l.S. ('ollingwood I12 7. tln this gzime (‘olliiigwtmil set ionly been deciili-it hi rug or two tip a new record for the l’\\fl\lllUlllll.h:tsi.cts. .-\titntt_u these li.ii-e been the ‘liii;il of the l’.iitsiu.vii:li ('i-iiiin:iii.l & District l.t:;ii:ttc.) The club tinisheil up the se:ison with 'l’l;it«.- (‘i2iroetiti'oti iti \\'ill.'iI lite ('|uis (.‘onimotlore l.. W. l.. .-\rgles. l).$.C., of R.N. lliirnicks. (_‘h:ith-.mi with the the t'ollmsiiig ;i_e:.:iei:.ites: Plziyeil were ll.I."{'\\\\l\‘ ilelt-:iteil ht Portliinrl successful amirtt winners of the ('liili. In the loreurouiirl is the -.\'iition:il Roll It». won -3. Lost 22. Pts. lo: (:52. Pts. l.\i.l‘-'.Il llzis.‘ .“l Iti, A lllIlL‘\Hll'lll\' iichieventent this Aest. l.3‘l7. Top scorers for the (‘tub of Miirltsiiian Shield "A." (Photo.—-Petiiliroke Studios.) .\I. Strettoii 22!: in 2.! i:.itiies. sezisun “its the (‘tutu (‘;int:iin. Sick “etc: R. Jewitt ll} in 22 g:iiiies_ (i. (ieorge llerth Alli.-tiiliitit .\l. Strelton. being ‘Hi in Ill gnines. .st.-leeteil to reuresent the Portsiiioutli This sctistln. limvever. the ("tub has Niiral ('ornui:ind for uliicli he has fzired uuieh better. The local lezigiie received his (.'onim:intl (‘oloun-‘. was divided into two divisions and Next season the Club is hopint: to therefore the te:ini did not have to face see more represeutiitives. ll” ‘”“"1!'~'r “l’P“silioii of last se;ison'.s lit the nietiiitinie the iiienihetsltip has ‘ J. R. of Wineliestcr. Miillender. l()tlieer title league. increased Lind :i "8" team has been l The llelniore sailed from Portsnioiitli the has Club been formed which is hoped to be -.-ntered in Unfortiiniitely . to Victoria Docks, London. where she lverv lizird hit bv injuries zinil sickness the lezieue next se'is’on. is being shipped to Bermuda. She I lll-I I2-ton. .sIoop-rigged. ocean racer iirris-cs there on May 20 and th follow. Ilelniure. tent to the R.i'\'. Sailing‘. ing week sails for New Coir Association by Mr. T. W. M. Steele. neetieiit. the following week. ii famier of Upliam, near Southampton. 'l1ie first 200 miles of the Bermuda left ll.M.S. Vernon on April 30 for the race are :!Cl'0!iS the open waters of first stage of her juumey to America the North Atlantic. where lot: is to compete in the 635-mile Bermuda’ often experienced in mid-suninier, race and afterwards the Transatlantic‘ and next l'olIows I60 miles of the race. Gulf Stream with its variable current lielinore is to be manned for the races‘ and squall)‘ weather conditions. Nziviil Mzirine and :i crew .skippered by a landfall must be made mi l~'inaIly. Cdr. Erroll of Ilruee. R.N._ by l.)'lllltll:- the low. reel‘-strewn island of Hertoll. The other tiieiiibers are Cupt. (‘r. N. muda. The nice is‘ held every tvbo Wlieiitley. R..\l.. of l.ynipslone. l)es-on‘. years and is expected to attract at l.ieut. M. (i. C. 'l';tnuer. R.N.. of l\'ewleast I50 starters this year. ton r\l'il1ot. l.ictIl. 1’. M. S. l’:ifl'ord, : The by R.N.. of .-\lverstoki:. Lieiit. J. 'l'. P. Sex. ‘tit. is (I S.‘wac it l’: ‘ '"st of and sand. R.N.. svnting. Petty race across‘ the North i .38: Atlantic from Bermuda to_tlie Shaw‘ of from column l)en(Continued I) lightship off the north-cast tip .' llASl.:‘\R ll.»\SKI'ZTll.-\l.I. "A" Tl'I.~\.\l mouth Command W.R.N.S. Postal nitirk. It is expected that lltere will be Rim: R. .-\rnold (scorer). W. .v\. ~‘l1|t:uire. J. .V:I~lt. (3 I-il'.t:iI|~.5- "MittLeague by being unbeaten and obt:tin- soiuc 20 other competitorssou. W. I-Iley. ing the highest ;is'er;ige. lly the titiie tliiil llelniore ziirives .-\t the :tnntt:il |ll‘c\L'l‘.*Itlli\\R of .32’ back in Portsiiioutli in L'Llll‘_s' :\tigiistl5i|lifiI:3 Co G°0|'t:l‘- WI“ Sill)--l«i¢l|L Villltthilno “- Stretton (Captain). S.Il.(.'.l’. 0. 'l'crI'_\‘. R. .ll'\\lll. :i\s';irds the (‘tub ('h;inipionsliip wits she will have covered more than 5.500 Sitting: on gr-.i~es: 8. Ray. J. l)oui:hett_v. t miles. mostly under racing conditions. won by ('.l’.(), E. (3. Fraser, (i.l. was



i i

Yacht will sail 5,500 miles before returning to Portsmouth ‘.


Londiln. -






' l T :Il l ' l S l l i : l ' l : C nice‘. \Il’t'£|t 1l SL‘t.l ;§'_‘§00'i,‘, ’i,‘c -















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30 ROYAL PARADE, PLYMOUTH. Telephone 66543 40 COMMERCIAL ROAD, PORTSMOUTH. Telephone 26ll6 8 ROYAL TERRACE, ‘NEYMOUTH. Telephone I469 Head Office: Anglia House, Harwich, Essex. Telephone 880 and at 16 South Street, Malta. I8 The Strand, Sliema. 255/7 Main Street, Gibraltar. l2 Kirkgate, Dunfermline, and at: Helensburgh. Londonderry, Milford Haven, Chatham, Lossiemouth. Arbroath. Abbotsinch, Kete, Brawdy, Culdrose. Worthy Down and at H.M.S. Dolphin.

May. I960

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Road th Chse pen Cyclis GAVE PARIS Sailor





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Terms l'!‘|tD(El'I’JlC.' (‘omtilt Limit. (3, IE, \’. Mon.

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is .1


lta-,:. "'.\


‘that man) Scnicc olliccn and men ray too much ta\. A retired ln.on'c ’la\ Utli.-er |\ pic““|""“I :r\.1:ed to .'I\\t\| you with \i\|ll in problems.

tS'TlZ\V'.\RD. rtiarricd_ JII-HI. r\~R rh) Cttntlnn (hill (‘lttln \\'iIc In I




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XL.\ .rnt.



mu... .-o.-itrolled I-‘I\l\,' 2:.n.\nr \cr\I.e.—Ic.,: l'or:mmiiIh .‘.‘i,ll.’~i (mo lI:iL'\) Il(ll'.‘'Ilt)l.I) I-iFI-‘I-ZCIS AND mic .\ ('o. tn¢u_ in.» u, I-.t'ltcd_ ~hit*rc'. ‘tilil. I'lh‘ll¢ I'.ll|.I

“|l\(:(..\(.[-. _



III( II do you think a sztiliir would -, Nutllik 3II3.Iit‘tl l‘.‘-':Iu:preler riding: it hike or it trip to I I’;tris'.' FI'RNISIll~fl) \t‘(‘tI\t\ttlD\lIl).\: I 1\\l;l.l. S;r;i- _;_- to \.l_\. ten rtt::ttlw.'r» ol the l-:.-~, S.-nth-.ea. me RII\II\'lL I‘.|IIl. c:c_; "t I. \3‘:1alter te .: p.tti. g‘l:‘.\ ol 5| \l.\‘_ lI::ntc~ clim-; the hike ltlill .\NlI ttItlZ.\Kl~'\.\I’. Ilrltei n':;t!\ Il rcAlliuttis capithlc III taking 64 pint rid: ulen Ilritaitik I.llL‘*l ;:n'cr.i:l "‘.\iz‘-iiiuflw c'.Ir(Is of "Ships of the Royal N1!‘-)'" carrier vmtcd lc ll.:\rc .11 the cml I l‘(“C. IItll-"\'.'!LI. l'.\rclI.tm_ Il.t ‘ct-i‘.§. “my bu ¢,|)|uim__-(I [nun |h¢ .\I'.tI’eli. Editor at Its. 6d.. including |)lhI:ll.'.ESix \.\lt\ nt..cltiIt.'x and Inn Lttideitts The ulhunt-I are htiuntl in still blue l'o|!ov..-tl ;i \\a:td-.-ritig course along the covers. blocked with the lit-.urehe:td MISC IiI.I.A.\E()US |;.nc\ of Norrttatidy lltroiiglt I-Ilrelzit of Il..\I.S. Victory in twilland I-'cc.Intp_ of Betietlictittc lame. up I|l)l‘§I~I Pl}RCll.\SlT_ .\It ideal wltcmc tor Irimc ti-oluni: ahead. Imi'.. .tdian.c .tltcr mice tlte steepest hill itiiag.-inahle to come 7 itean at hm ran: it! Inlc.'\’\I. .\Idtlv.'Ih'C\ reto |'L‘\I for the night at the little vilI:n_:e : lratd in ctent ul death Write [or lcalkt. of St. Pierre en Port. and the tint l.|\It.‘ .-\\\ItIet!." to Illc l':.tm|cm |_i|;_'"]I1I."".t||l\4: II is midi.-rsioml that the Itaale class oi r\\hI.‘lal3utI I.tirIdo:i mi Itil.. m‘mNm' :tItd of lrenelt cooking wine. to cover the remaining kilo-f The last. day was a sad one as all L...-..i..n. l3.(‘.2. destroyer H.M.S. Armada is to lie sold. Next day produced quite a few ver- _nIetrcs to Lillchonnc, remained ol' tltc trip was a morn.that but‘ \lt'Il1\' of the right road to take 3 After ninch explaiiiing the party ing: ride alongside the Seine, under the \t)ll|L'Il0W tltc L'}‘CllSI\ :tll arrived lirst m:tn:u:t.'(I to convince the Madame that brand new suspcn.-'.ion bridge across at St. Valery, a town of war scar~. and til really did want beds for ten for tlte tlte river :it 'I'aItc;ir\'i|le. the longest then at I)tIt)tI\.'\‘IIIL‘, and so another day ended but span in Eiirope aitd a breathtaking ;ni1.:litbefore the yointger lttt:l'|'lI)i.‘I'~. VT sight. into I_e IIa\'re and art unsche()ne printus .\lu\I.‘. a pile of tins ‘not (PORTSMOUTH) from the \ictua|lini: department and ’the party had made tlte locals revise duled tour of tlte l)ocl>;s before getting the restrained back on board in time lo take over two long Iti.t\'c\ of bread prmided -t ‘their opinions of of Careers in the .il'teritonit watch. feast to ~.‘ttist'j.' tlic littitgrv and ettotigli Briti»-her. skilled craftsmen as conetc. Good .









Vii i i-'3’. I»i.i‘C.?E;


icizwii z-Elli!








ditions and rates of pay in Aooiy Personner OfflC8'-




tiitest handy hook on flags which has come to my notice is Tin‘ ()IIn'ri'¢-r'x Book of I-‘ltigs. I. (). Iiitriii‘. I-'.R.(I..$‘.. tun! ptiblislictl by I‘ri'tlt'ri'tL II’urm.- it‘; ('4). Ltd. (5.t.). Small cnougli to he carried in the pocket. it eotttains over 400 illustra.tions in colour and 74 in black and white and describes the flags of all nations as well as those of many international organisations and the house ~tIags of shipping coinpanies, air lines ;and yacht clubs. l-"lags have always been a fascinat‘ing siihjee_t. and from the text which the illustrations the ‘:tL'i.'t)nlp;ll1ts.'S reader cait learn what "transforms a mere rectangle of coloured cloth into .m emblem to stir the spirit of a ‘- nation."



Fitzherbert Road,

TRANSISTDRISED Vol T‘65 R56 "L A 7033 Modal shown II for the control or Volt. D.C. generator tor use on nirerak. Regulation dour than


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l. lilcetrical ./\i1iIicers anti Radio Iilectrical Artilicers can continue a career with the Heel Air Arm. siihjcct to ihe_nece.ssar)' qtialifications and ~a.-lcction. in the i\'a\'al Aircraft Repair 0rg:inisatIoIi_ as a Technical CI;|\~. (‘trade Ill Ollicer, with prn\[K'L‘ls‘ of conlirtnation in the Grade and promotiott in the cxpattdlng lield of Natal .»\irerat'I Electronics. 2_ \'- '-ncics c\ist in the London. I’0rI\’l‘lI0llIIt_ IIelI'a.xt_ and Ruth :lI'\‘£I\. \pplic ls must he ltritixli \tIl\jcc1~. aged 24 or over. ll:l\'c \cr\ctI it r_eco;:t'.i<cd .t|‘l;lI’t.‘l1IIL‘t:\IlI|)(or L't.|lll\‘.Ilt.'I'llI, obtained Ordinary‘ National Certificate tor .'t|lli\;tICtll) in lilcctrieal IZii;:inec'.‘iIt-,:_:ir1tI have it good knowledge of elec-









I"iliIIt.'.\‘llll}: career


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zwtoii siios. (mm LTD. AIJIETOII ROAD DEIIY '

.\‘ui:lr.trexperience is not

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postcard for details to the GROUP Rl’.CRI.'|'l‘.\lliNTOI-TICER (I6-36,065). U.K.A.I£..-\.. .-\.li.R.li.. Harwell, Didcot, Berks. I’le.t_~e .\ClltI





airborne radio. Instruntents and electrical





Farlington, PORTSMOUTH

large CIIEMIC.-\L. liLliClRl(_‘AL. Ml-LCII.-\.\‘lC,\L or MARINE! and will be required to take full responsibility oit shift for the operation flux research reactor and ancillary plant.





}l~,'1.bctw¢crIoxtremci ol temperature trom ---60C 10 +70’C






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.\':tl.try range is front £6-30 per_:IIittuIn (a'cd 24) to £750 to £375 t.\'ation.il rate). Adtniralt_\' eittpogiiicnt CUIlTL'f.\ iitclttding paid sick leave cntitletuent, live-ilay week. I8 working da,\'.s p.Iid annual IL';|\C. paid puhlic Il0II(I;i)\'. Adilition.tl|_\ eonlirination in llte grade autotnat ally carries with it full peiision and ~tiper.1nntiation rights tinder the Got‘-.-rnntcnt sclienie. alternamcly entitlement to a gI'IIIIlIl_\’ :l!l>CS after live years‘ continuous tettiporary sen-ice. -I. Applications in writing with full details and stating order of preference for service iii the London. Porisinoutlt. Bath or Bcllttsl areas. should lie addressed to the Secretary of the Admiralty. C.I:'. Branch li U H). llnipire

3. The annual on entry. rising certain hcnelits.



Hotel. Bath. quoting C.I‘..tit)3'l.‘.“).



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urilrr/i'IIt'qII¢' l‘iIIlIL' M-, pmlitl t'*"/'H IMl1:\t' ’I(‘I't'I'l'.tl.IIl'-,IlttrIlt'_\‘ cirihrr. HI<'l-'I<1III.k' _


IWI-'3. IIU-\ms't'IIPIWI 1"’ (‘nnnnpm ‘I] Imriirl-«'1' n)" R..\'. .Imu'iciIiuII. ]’I¢'(l.\L' stole Iimm II. _






































Rcnlun Di“,-;bm°”_ ford. Horn‘. 5"nd_“.d. fnumph 5 Harm". Dunc“ East. 8: West Street. Porieliester Phone Coshtm 7643-t ,,AULsG“°vE Pwmmw Mow“. THE AUSTIN PEOPLE, Southampton Row. Phone Coxham 75211 PORTSMOUTH WOLSELEY & MORRIS DEALERS. London Road. Porubridge, Hilscx. Phone Porttrnoutlt 603l0 STANDARD. TRIUHPH. 8- RENAULT DEALERS Fraztori Road. near Rex Cinemi Phone Portirtto-.r.!'. 2706! SOUTHSEA AUSHN DEALERS. 9‘/lot hmmmon Rant Phone Pommwm 10939 RENAULT DEALERS, an-I. Grove Road South. Phone Portsmouth 32567 CHICHESTER PAGES GARAGE SINGER DISTRIBUTORS, AUSTIN DEALERS. North,',.\te. Chithcster Phone Ch‘:h:-.tcr ‘I344 WE GIVE FERSONAL SERVICE ‘TO THE SENIOR SERVICE ALL FACIUTIES AVAILABLE ‘O1 TERMS. NSURANCE & ROAD TAX WE ARF "XPF"'I'€ AT FXPORT


'l“he Royal Navy hockey

team which


the last itttcr-Service


lioclsey match




('ominani:I ground

(l'ltiitu: l'eiiihroi.i- Stiitliiis.)





the Royal Navy


I half a cltancc. The Royal Navy .\'l of l"t.W/(it) had 1 an average age inueh _voiinger than‘ tot malty years past and inzitty younger ': players had thi:ir lirst itllruilttctiun the 1959/1960 season was tirst-class hockey. All the llt.‘\'i'CtItllL'l'Si lntcr-Service lloclsey acquitted themselves exirernely welll won by the Royal Air Force. The R.A.l-. side beat the Amty I—0 and and should. if they continue to im-' the Royal Navy -l--I. lit the Royal Navy match against prove their hockey skills. as the R.A.l’. the Army. played on March 23 ill h:ive done. form the nucleus of a side .

Royal Navy hold Army to a draw



Chzitham. the Royal Navy


The RN. \\'otnen's netball chant» pionships took place recctttly in the gyninasiiini, R.N. Barracks. Portsmouth. The various command teams were fairly evenly matched and some exciting games were played. Portsmouth had the stronger side

The Inter-Service Netball Championships took place at Aldershot on March 28, when the Army were host Service. The W.R.N.S. did not shine in these championships and were relegated to third position: first and second position being taken by the W.R.A.F. and W.R.A.C. respectively.



Naval Allotments


VOLVO saloon...’ TAUNUS Saloon 2 dr. TAUNUS Estate BORGWARD Saloon T.S. SKODA Saloon SIMCA Saloon D/Luxe FIAT Saloon ‘I I00’ D[Luxe FIAT Saloon ‘S00’ GOGGOMOBIL ‘300’ Saloon SPARES READILY OBTAlNABL

ill .36! .16 ill ,l34.9.3 £| ,l16. I 8.4 £l ,31s.5.Io £144.l7.6 £154.l6.0 £872.10 £525.6.0 £467.41

standard equipment on all of the above vehicles and many other extras are included in the price. BALANCE nisposrr


See also




2 yrs. range of used

Kingston Rd.,

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one were


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the Civil Scrvltfio l'olkt. Iauriullun, Art. r|c.. and d<i.ti:\- the I-It'll-‘I16 benefits at our Adviany and

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llulldllll. Commerce.


Appointmciin lkpmments.



lt's surprising how ziristocrztticz Jack is these days when it sontes to buying a dog for a pet. Quite often the dog chosen has such high breeding that if it could talk, it wouldn't speak to yiny of us. Unfortiitt;itel_\'. the dog cannot speak. and therefore it can't tell Jack ltow it should he carcd for, Don't forget that sortie high bred dogs are very particular about what they e.it :ind just because his master is very keen on tripe and! onions, it doesn't necessarily folloo-i that little Boom will thrive on it. Thinking along these lines. a group of keen dog owners. met on Weilnesday. i\larelt 2. and decided to form a Kennel z\ssoei:ilion with :1 vii:\'.' to promoting an interest iit t|torough~ bred dogs. The Secrehiry of the Association is Sick Berth l’.(). R. S. Liptrot. oil R.N. Hospital. Haslar. whose home’ address is 22 Ma_vlielt.l Close. Red Lion F..state. Stulibington.




2-‘V-ll-o--—v '

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T I in P

I’ E'-


Pp!):23» ll t.t|Sl!s' .\lllllIXG lll Hill GIT! in: than diiuiiibcsl Illll ysrul rm--trris and future

if you




l)0N'l‘ suppose there is l matelnt who can honestly say that he has never been in the “dog huuse"— ntarried variety especially. And how many times have we decided that a sailor‘.-i life is it dog's life‘! On the other hand. of course. it's just possible that the dog. shaggy or olhcrviise. wouldn’t change places with Jack

Printcil and l'ubIislieil for and



NA VY NEWS READERS E 1 .......... ,,h_ ‘'‘:‘''1:;_':_, and news for every "...___"“""' [I not HERE NEWS’ unbltlatu 'NA what-eehs(l)entry fi""'.._:'_,,. to I worthwhilecareer; (2)quicker promotion and hlxkl’ =L"..“"‘ y."_‘.,'1'='...... '-,___-_-_"-__1___ pay. or (3) I corn let: change of occupation. How these :-_::‘I_____ new and he eoinfortahly-ls he eve-d—ul‘ely end: may ,_'-:-,_____ *',__-'_-.-',__-;,-I explained in I brilliant new series of l'raeti_eal (Tanners '_;_‘_‘_;7;-,___ $__ Boob which The School of Canon is dim-ibutlng free ::-__:*_-_-_-__-- 9;;-;~I___ of charge to men and women who feel that. given the lvffljv facts and practical help. they. too. could en|oy iuees security. independence, and greater personal satisfaction.

The prizes presented to the weary Greenwich team by Adniiral Sir Robin l)urnford-Slater. K.C.B.. the (‘oitimaiider-in-Chief.The Nore.


‘”-"*3"-*‘ “"5 ‘*5’


The four semi-finalists were Royal Naval College. Greenwich. H.i\l.S. Ganges, R.N. Barracks “A." and the surprise team of the com tition. H.M.S. Nepiune. Greenwic and Neptune won through to the final. and after a very exciting match Greenwich won by one go:il_ onc cor. ner to








Just try this



holders. Air Command. who were second with two wins. Nore Command were third'with one win and Plymouth failed to win

H.P. Facilities


close which could acquit itself well in the‘ to victory and a win would have hcen years to come. The team owed nuiclt a lilting farewell to the Non: (‘ont- to its line team spirit huilt tip under mand (ircunil, The Navy was the first the steady leadership of l.ient. Brewto score and during the lirs: ltalf .i ster (R.N.F..C.). ahly and loyalty suptriumph seemed almost certain. During ported on and oil the lield by the’ the second half. ltowever_ the team's senior Navy players. l.ieut.-(‘drs. striking power declined and with less llantlyn_ i\l.iel)oiialil and liarclay-' than It) ntinntes to go the Army llrown. scored an equalising goal. The Army was heard to contntent that this was the best Navy team they had played against for years. In the match against the Royal Air Force at Uxbridgc_ the Royal Navy's tactics were to score a number of goals in the early phases of the game_ before “SIX-ASIDE" competition was the more experienced R.A.F. side had held on March l6. at the Nor: time to assess the Navy's possible weakness. This policy almost paid oll. Command ground. Chatliam. and was For the first third of the match enjoyed by players and spectators the Navy Xl were quicker on the ball. alike. Twelve teams entered and were as more accurate in their passing. and Shore Estahlisltntents more direct in their methods, but follows: H.M.S. Ganges. R.N_ Barracks. gradually the R.A.F. inside forwards Chatham (three team.s). R.N. Supply of Douty. Nugent (Great Britain I952) and Scott (Great Britain I956 and School. Royal Marines, Deal. P.R.O.R.i\l. Ships iii the Dockyard: 1960) began to assert themselves with H.M.S. Hartland Point. H.M.S. their Indian style of game and show Neptune and what a great trio are. They were Blackpool. H..\l.S_ Jaguar. taking a quarter 0 a chance and H.M.S. The standard of liocke was quite good and any lack of was re-


championship. for the first time for five years, taking the cup from the

any games.




winning all their matches and the







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