Page 1

New Navy

Write for special deceit: and advantages of plotting your





Newspaper of The Royal Navy and



BEIINARDS OFFICERS’ SHOP CIIIEIOAI. IOID. roamioiirii Talophoooi ‘MIN 30 ROYAL PARADE. PLYMOUTH Be assured 0! close and persona acoantlon to all of your Unllorm and Clvlllan requlromenu

Royal Naval Association

Price F ourpenoe

Publishedfirst Thursday of the month

No. 74 AUGUST 1960


Two fine

join Fle_eLth_e ships?








improved ‘Whitby’ commissioned



lint visit to THE for live years hy

Russian port " a ship ol the Royal Navy took place this month. when Il..VI.‘§. Apollo Arrived at Leningrad on July II for a three-day call. '.She is couiiimiieii by Captain L. D ‘ Elllp-ion. R.N. When the Apollo sailed from l.enin grad on July 23 for Portsmouth she carried to Britain the British Coiinei|'i C\l‘lll"lllttIfl of Mt British p.iintingi. lo.ined his 66 niiiseiinis ;ind piisuite yiwsners and s'.ilued .it more thin tlt It has been on display ‘ii imillions. __'. Moscow zind Leningr-.iil. The exhibition "llritish l‘.iintin: l720- l‘Nv0" representing :i periol from lloe.irth to the present d.iv has been on \ll\Pl.l\' for .i month in e.ieh All lllL' XMU Rtl\\t.tl'l i.'tlti.'\. lll \‘ii._'u\.\i'_ where it \\.t\ hung in the Piishkin ihluseiiiii. it ss.is seen hi. l7U.iNItt


W0 the ships have joined the Fleet during the last monthThe Lion the second |l..\l.S. Lion and H.MS. Tiger class cruiser—lhc third and last of the class the Blake which will come into service toss iirds the end ol January next year—-and the Loodooderry is an anti-submarine frigate of the improved Whitby class. HHS lion i(.ipl I, I1. .‘s's‘oll.ind,I I-at lteiity. son at the !\dniir'.il. .



RN.) vus coniniissioned at Sw.in~w.is present .it the si-iiiiiiissioning Hunter .ind Wigham Richardson's service. W.illsi-nil on Tyne yard on July 20 in H.M.S. l.onilonderry (Cmdr_ l. S. _f.. the presence of ii Lirge party of dis- Primrose. R.N.) was commissioned at iingiiishett sisiiors which lllL'll.lt.l€tl the (fmggg on [ht um, day as [.i]_M_s_ (‘hit-I iii the l)L'lt'IlL't.‘ Stilt. .»\ilmir;i| hm,‘ gut‘. git 'rh,_. mmmgmuning ot the Heel l;.iil .'\touiit'u.itteii. thlluieeremony was conducted by the Vicar told the utlners. r.itiii_us .inil t‘ll'I\'l'i,.f H,.|.,i ]’nn,i\- (hm-_-h_ rtmct-_ ihc L'==L‘~l~ llt-It he was the o:1l\ wilt-N W” R.-it-i.-iiit t liiil.-s l't§.‘.'\i|ll. .ll'l\l it ss.is siirsisitig tli.i’( llrltl serseil tll the old “>|{Lh~'~i is-, 512,: _\‘_”}iuu]-l_' l)”"“h)f H1 lion vsliich s\.is .-\iliiiir.il Sir l).I\'lsl:] sumlcp whm_._ l_m__ [hf Mulder‘. His‘-|lltv"~ ll~|.l1~l"l‘ J‘ “W l‘-””'-‘ '1 Sir Litiii.-s .\lilne i|l'lLl l..ids \lilne. .'inil lit”--ml i.llfL‘L'lUf\ and \iUl'l'll.' of the men who h.id built the ship. H.515. Lion iii sersice next year people. .\ll-. N A I)l-‘SI I'R(|l ll..\l.S. Apollo_ it List minel.i_\'er if INDIE-3'3 HVR W3‘?-‘VT told the Moiinth.itten ship‘s lzirl the Home léleel. Visited Oslo belore The .\l.iyor and M.i)'oress ol ‘”"‘l"-‘"3" "l ”“"l‘ 5”“ ""5 '“h'"'“.“3 going to l.eningr.'id. "W P|"‘UdL"‘ "~'"‘° “l lb‘ N*"'l' L""- I.ondonderry. ('ouni:illor and .\lrs. illi Admiralty announced the lol- I lnstruirtor Captain C, R. Darlington. The Apollo was one of the force at but I hope you will never have to J. (i. Colhoun. were also present. in the Flat: list. to R_N.. who is to be promoted to In- R.N. ships led by the aircraft C.IfflCI' lowing changes eniiil.ite the l.ion's b.ittle honours." V. striictor “lent-Admiral and to be il.ite July 22: me {mm h""“"“ mu!" I'"".‘ ”"""‘: wc.‘"".'g ‘he “"3 _M H‘: V. .‘\dmir.il Sir (ierald I (‘il'.idstone.. Director of the l\".is'.'il Education Sci'- (omnmnder-in-( hicf. Home I-lect. lo t\'_(‘_n._ in; bu-n p|;.._-at 0,, am .,.,,_.c In ,uCcc§m,n 1‘, lmmmm, Rap « « ms in-me. (i_fl_|~j_, Aanm-_,| 5.‘, I _.\dm,,_.| Sir John Hcming. K‘B_E_ go to l.eningr.id in October, 1.355. M ti“, Rm“-._| ‘Acting .llCf\. ‘ some time .i Soviet squ.idrori .in;. other Ro_\.il N.i\_\ ship. Power. K.('-H. CB liq: l).S('.. the .|pp\|ll'|ll'l'lCl'Ilto tzikc ellect '"-"'~_h 1 .\l.inle_v l * P ‘ *' ["1 ° ‘ h $~ l).S.(). and Ihr. ('onin\'.indi:r-in-Chief. on Osiliibcr _t_ {If ‘I ll‘ ( lll -r ill llii.‘ Delence si..rt }::1\".‘ sisited Portsniiiiith. lh‘ ‘hm bl ' the gun room "Lilly" he Lmnc‘ tun “ H“ ‘S’ to ‘m‘°m' l'iirtsn\oiith. is promoted Admir.il. and li.id “.ippriipri.itei|" ssheii the old Lion i Re.ir-:\diiiir;il R. .-\. lissiiig. ('.B.. the third of the is Londonderry s h_is been promoted to Vicel).S( one being hriiken up .it Rostith to-l‘ 0 U‘ -'"d ch“ l“ {"9-""~" wh'"‘5' '"‘l"“"'~"J :\ilmir.il. gether “till .i siii.ill picture of the old 410*’ *‘"'~‘€ '‘ lt h.is also been unnoiinced that \\‘”‘t-‘ ‘l'-'“''"*'‘‘' ‘h'l"‘Vice-.-\dniir.il R. l‘. S;insl.irs. (‘.B.. is the Cl.h\ name RUll'lt.‘\.l)'i.' new ,.i goo _q§“:_|_|4§ A _\||§['“n.; siieeeed Vice-Adniirnl Sir Nomi.in other two ships ol this class are to ilhe The ship's iii.iin and seeiiiii.l.iry ‘.the Yiriiioiitli ind the RoIhes.is'. .indI t).itiiin. K.('.B.. ().tt.E.. next October :is ( hiel N;l\'.ll Fngiiieer (lllieer. .iini.imi.-iit h.ise .i tot.il tire passer ‘it is expected that sit. more of this Iii \"ii:e-.»\dmir;iI S;ind.irs- will continue 800 shells .i minute. ller guns are four L‘lJ\\ will be built. ‘ to hold his present appointment as \II‘InCl\ .ind six three-inch and these of (H 2.500 tons and c.ip.ihli.over; l)irei:tor—(iener;il Doi:Ly'.irds and Lift lolly ‘.Il.lli'In1.lllC and radar conwith two in addition to the up» All the talking in tho world won‘! convtnco trolled. The niziin armament is 30 knots‘. the ship is zirmed i.\l.iinten:ince. Bofon. -80 .ind mm. two 4.5 Chic‘ NH.“ guns of Fngmccr Wimmcm mounted lorsi.;iril in two twin turrets, will lilkt is I clgarotto amokor that one brand to better than another. the‘ The Oflieer. The present Londonderry :ippointment e.ii-li of the four guns lirinii 20 rounds pcr niiiiiite llie .\C\'0I'|d.tl’\' ;irm;iment second ship to bear the name. the first etlcct in ()etiiber. lt'I a matter or personal enjoyment. And the reason why Another promotion and appointll.l\ the sezy high r.i’te of fire of l20 "being .i sloop which sersed in the IS-eeond World W.ii'. ment that has been ;lfll'ltllIfl\‘L'\.l is ol rounds per gun per minute. Senior Service have grown In popularity In that '




tli‘emW‘ehscti .


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W R-TIME COMRADES "fiivia IN THEIR ‘OLD "no ||.M._$. Dolphin. was called upon N Jul; 8 ll..\l.S, Trenehant to carry out an unusual and pleasant under the eonimiind ol Lienl. dn_t_y. llie l‘l.lfl ()tliei:t' 5uhni.i_rini:s. Rear R. E. l".ngl.ind. R.N.. and serving in the Filth Submarine Squadron based Adiiiiril A. R. llellct. l).S.0.. D.S.C.. .





pooplo onloy thorn.

.ie.-onip.inied by Cdr. R. I-'. T. Tibh.ll'ts_ t) S.C., R.tN_, Lieui.-Cdr. M. S.

Chambers. l).SC.. R.N.. Lieut.-Cdr. R. ll. Read. l).S.C.. RN. (Rtd.l. l.ieut. I’. Cullen. [).S.C.. R.N. (Rich and I.ieiit. (i. V. Taylor. R.N.R, tRtd.). embarked in H.M.S. Treneh.int zit Spithend for ;i short dive in the Solent before returning in the si|hm.iiine to Fort Bliickhouse. Admiral llezlel was the tint Commanding tlflrer of ll.M.S. Trenehiinl. and the occasion has it reunion of ofieers who had served with him in the Far East during the Second World War. .-\l| oi lier ss.ir—timc iitlieers must still li.ise sisid nii-iiiories of the many siiccesstiil \l[‘I'.‘l'.IlliIY'l\ carried out by ll'l.‘ll\.'ll.llll iiiil no \ltll.Il'|l .i nuniher. \ll\h .is the siiilsing ill the l.ip.iiii:s-.h:.iss eriiiscr .'\sll|LZ.|l.l. were V'RG'~'A TOBACCO AT [Ts 3557 isliilst thus were otIi.‘e ;ig.iin at sea together int! .i! the stihseultcnt r.'ockfig‘; ugpg g‘|_L p‘c“w t.iil lull)’



\ isitors to Treoehanl uhool to sail.




.,_""V 4“-.\



August. 1960


Navy l\"ews E


White Flgmaykindle flame of hope for World

I) I r 0 I

LIt‘ll'. (*3) II R Iicrridtze. R N (Reid)

l(;v..i! Naval |l.irr.i;ks. Porisrriouih I'cl: l'o:tsti'.ou:li Its-III (list SW4)

El)|'l‘ORlAL is privileged publish N with l\'i.ws this issue supplement the to




Navy today with a foreword by the First Sea Lord. Admiral Sir (fa-.par John. It will he noticed from Admiral

state of the

John's article that it breathes a spirit of quiet confidence in the future of the

Royal N:ivy—a confidence which


sltzire. .\'.wi' .\'is\v.s would like to see more ships---a wish that no doubt Adntirzil Joltn would also like to see fulfilledhiit he is in a position to know tlte costs of providing these e.\tr:i ships and the state of our inanpo\\er_ We cannot ;il\v:i_vs have all that uc want. There is a woiidcrful future for the oflicers and nteit of the Royal Navy-a real future. but this future is only available to tlte very best. The second best has no future whatsoever. Pay and conditions of service are excellent. The way is wide open for the young man with drive and intelligence to reach the very top of his profession. and in acliieviog the heights he will -have had an interesting and worthwhile career with opportunities to see the world and its peoples and help. in no small measure. in presen-ing the peace of the world. For although any navy ntiist. of necessity. be an offensive arm. yet all right-thinking Englishmen will know that the Royal Navy's primary purpose is defence of our islands and theCommonwealth and the life lines upon which we exist and also for the defence of peace. Once again the Royal Navy is showing itself' at Devonport and Portsmouth to tile public. Young men—go info the yards :ind see the sleek rttoderii warships and the keen young oflicers and the men who inait thcnt. Then measure yourselves tip against them and ask yourself: "Am I good enough for the Royal Navy?‘ if the answer is "Yes" then see about it lhrutlgh your schools and so on, The Royal Navy needs the right type




BY DliS.\lOND Wl3"l'l‘lERN VER since this cofunin first started It has dealt almost exclusively uith warships and the oflici.-rs and men nho man them in overseas nnvies. But while in the Western World we must do whatever is possible to maintain peace and freedom. preparation for-war rentninson issentialty negative policy. We cannot impress on peoples in the Far East or Africa that the Western way of life is superior to that of Communism unless we are"prepared to make some positive moves in support of our belief. The White Fleet means little oril.ater it is hoped to provide ftirther nothing to most people in Britain htit hospital ships. stores ships. landing it‘ ruay provide that spark which will ships and even an escort carrier to kindle a flame of hope in all those opcr:ite helicopters. places in the world where dise:i-se. Financial support comes front stzirvzttion and ignorance make life a civilian sources and already several living death or at best an eternal British industrialists have pledged their struggle to provide the iiiiiiiiiiuiit help. One company has promised to required to sttpport life. supply a chicken processing plant to What is the White I~’li.-cf? In the combat food-poisoning dangers and words of the man who first dreamed another has promised large quantities of the idea it is "it new concept for of a prefabricated building material waging peace.” which will make anything from school Comntandcr Frank A. Manson to- desks to complete houses. day serves as the Chief Public Informa- In a recent speech in London Cdr. tion Olliccr in the U.S. Navy Head- Hanson said: "There is something quarters in I.ondon. But the idea of about this plan that suggests faith in the White Fleet caiite to him itot long future generations and the indestructafter the war. He put the idea down ibilityof ships. I have said many times on paper in art essay at the U.S. Naval that I have no illusions that the White War College. In the essay he proposed Fleet will bring peace in one sweepthe formation of a fleet of ships which ing ntoventent. Peace can onl come would visit under-developed areas of a bit at a time. but one step orward the world and provide technical is worth while and I am confident that assistance to improve the standard of the White Fleet is a step forward."







elementary education. agricultural nutritional training. improving standards by variations in diet and raising the quality of crops, teaching sintplc engineering techniques. earr ing out medical research where certain diseases have held sway for generations. providing hospital treatment for severe cases and vaccinations and other'fonns of protection. for various supplying electrical power projects. providing road and air transport where needed and generally helping people "who want to help and become sclf-supportthemselves mg.‘ In addition. ships of the Wltite Fleet would be available to help in areas stricken by natural disasters such as storms. floods and earthquakes.

especial y -

INTERNATIONAL SUPPORT Already the idea is gaining international support. The U.S. Goverii-

agreed to hand over the ntothballed hospital ship Hope and this ship will shortly sail for Iitdoncsia. ntent has

Cdr. Manson hopes that an L.S.T. will be ntade available so that areas rentote front deep water ports cart be visited.


Edinburgh Road. Portsmouth Phone 20947

oimato ttiotottoivinc Oftlciat Enron timer

for service Fcituiinei EVER‘! WEEKEND










43!‘ “I6














us .u


From Fart.-ham


services will convenience or





All their






rule the



Sen-cc Penuioel: R.M for the Bdlfflfll. Eoslney: H.M.S. Vernon: Royal Savors" Home Clua. Queen Sum: R.N. Bouadu Umcom Gate Stanley Rd for H.M.$. Excellent H.M.S Poor-our HAO C.. Hiiseo Barrcclu Ceshorn. Ho-net lawn Quay. falchom. AI-r


or at

HI-1.5. Ariel




N.B.—To all ships visiting Portsmouth: Special facilicies to meet

your particuiarcravellingrequirement; can be organised at short notice. Wr re. phone or call

TRIUMPH COACHES 3 Edinburgh Road. Portsmouth Phone 10947

IR.-1 have read with interest your editorial in the

July issue particular.

of “Navy News" and. in the paragraph commencing “the Battle of Leyte. when the Japanese three hattlt.-ships—none of the lost United States battleships took part in the sinking of them.“ According to “The Battle for Lcyte Gulf.” by C. Vnnn V}’oodw:trd. the United states battleships took part in the sinking one of the Japanese Ii:ittIi.-ships. of.The hfusashi was sunk by U.S. carrier-bome aircraft near the San Bernardino Strait and was. inciden-

tally. the only Japa.nese battleship to have been su_nk entirely by air attack up to that time.

The main Japanese force under Vice-Admiral Kuriia in which were‘ six battleships was defeated without the aid of the American battleships. A most interesting account of the baitlc. short and easily understandable even by those without a knowledge of naval battles. is contained in Captain Donald Macintyre's book “The Thunder of the Gun-—:i Century of Battleships" (Muller, 3Us.)).

Breakdown did not spoil day



Visitors will ‘hear’ last fired at


months). U.K

Base Port. Ports-

iitoutlt. Il..\IS. Diana. .'ovemher 22. at DeS ratings are normally detailed for overseas service about four months venport for trials (Commissions Jaiittary I7. I96). for General Scrahead of‘ coinmissionlni: date. and for home sea scnicc about two months vice Commission. .\led.iHome. 24 ahead of commissioning date. this should be_ home in mind when preferring: months), U.K. Ila-‘e Port. Devonto volunteer to serve in it particular ship.

requests mouth for Home Sca Service. lJ.K. SUBMARINE COM HAND Base Port. Rosytlt. Ii.M.S. Alcide. August. at Devon- Ii.M.S. Brave Swordsman. end August. port for service in 5th Submarine at Portsmouth for Home Sea ScrSquadron. vice. U.K. Base Port. Portsmouth. Ii.M.S. Finwhnle. at Birkcnliead for 893 Squadron. September I. at service with 5th Submarine Squad- No. R.N.A.S. Yeovilton for Overseas ron. Service (I-I. M.S. Centaur). Ii.M.S. Tlpfoe. September. at DevonCentaur. September, at Portsport for service in Ist Submarine Ii.M.S. mouth for Home Sea Service. Squadron. (Commissions December for GenIi.M.S. Tiibitrd. September. at Malta Service Commission) (Home! for service in 4th Submarine cral East of Suez) (22 months). U.I(. Squadron. Base Port. Portsmouth. Ii.M.S. Taclturn. October. at Portsmouth for service in 2nd Submarine Ii.M.S. Caesar. September I3. at Rosyth for trials. Commissions Squadron. November 22 for Foreign ServiceIi.M.S. Seraph. October. at Chatham Far East. for service in 5th Submarine SquadIi..\I.S. Shoultoii. September. at Pensron. mouth for Home Sea Service. U.K. Ii.M.S. Tupir. October. at Malta for Base Port. llosyth. service in 4th Submarine Squadron. Ii.M.S. Alitric. November. at Devon- Ii.M.S. Rhyl. September 20. at Portsfor Honte Sea Service. Contport for service in 2nd Submarine mouth missions April for General Service Squadron. Commission. Home/East of Suez GENERAL (23 months). U.K. Base Port. PortsIi.M.S. Piiriipet. August 5. at Malia mouth. Service. for Foreign II.M.S. Kcppel. September 20. at ChatIi.M.S. Loch Alvlc. August )6. at ltani for Home Se.i Service. U.K. Dcvonport for trials, (Commissions Base Port. Portsmouth. September 27 for General Service Ii.M.S. Caprice. September 29. .it Commission) (Home/Arabian Seas Singapore for Foreign Service (Far and Persian Gulf) ()8 months). East). U.K. Base Port under consideration. Crane. October I2. at SingaNo. 825 Squadron. August I6. at R.N. lI.\‘I.S. for Foreign Service (Far East). pore Air Station. Culdrosc, for Overseas II.1\I.S. Forth. October. at Devonport Service (H.M.S. Victorious). for Home Sea Service. U.K Base Ii.M.S. Victorious. August I6. at Port. Devonport. Portsmouth for General Service Commission. East of Suez/Home Ii.M.S. Duchess. November 8. at Portsmouth for trials. (Commissions (I9 months). U.K. Base Port. Portsittoiitlt. January 3. I961. for General Service (‘ontnti”ssion. Med./Home. 2-‘. Il.M5. bcwiston. August 31, at Ports.


Battleships at Leyte

The Yamashiro was sunk by torannual outing of the T.A.S.l. pedoes from numerous United States Association this year was in destroyers in the crowded !f.T_. boats and but a most enjoyable Surigao Strait. The I-‘uso. already one. The day main item of the day was a damaged by torpedoes. was fired on visit to Fitriidny House in London. by United States cruisers and battle- The coach taking the party left ships and hits were observed on the H.l\I.S. Vernon at half-past eight and Fuso after the battleships had opened should reached London at clevcn fire. the Fuso sinking some time later. o'clock have but owing to a breakdown It is not known which United States near Guildford was :in hour late. The battleships scored hits on the Fuso. disappointment of the passengers was but West Virginia. "Tennessee. Caliat appropriately enough fornia and Maryland opened fire. The alleviated —a local liostelry. “The Jolly Sailor." case of the Yamashiro and Fuso is the coach pulled alongside at interesting as they and their tupport- theAsluncheon at Putney ing vessels enabled Admiral Olden- Bridge. "mine rende/.vous host." Norman Little. dorf to succeed in fulfilling the an ex-'I'.A.S.I.. was waiting to secure gunnery zidniii-.il's dream of "‘I'-ing" the mooring lines. the enemy's column. In spite of the late piping of "Up cannon Yours. spirits." and perhaps because it was IAN E. CLARK. rather late. it was more than welcome Crossways, and settled the stomachs and nerves Trimdon. so badly shaken by the rough passage. Co. Durham. Faraday House proved to be a tremendously intercsting building and (By Editor.» Mr. Clark is. of although time was against the party. AVY DAYS visitors at Portsmouth will have an opportunity of course. quite right. but it niusi be the tour of the electronic section made pointed out that ;it the time the Yama- mentbers stop to ask question after observing the firing of one of the .sliiro was stink by Admiral Olden- question on the operation of so vast cannons of ll..‘\l.S. Victory. last fired. destroyers. the Fuso was also and complex at system. probably. at the Battle of ‘Trafalgar. dorf‘s The ('ontiiiental l;‘.\ch:iiige was ties! hit. but had not been out of The cannon was tested at Whale actioit. The Fuso pressed put ladies on accom- on the list. with its 2.500 Island in December last and found to panied by the cruiser Mogami and and this was alinost tooyoung much. The be safe for use. eventually came under fire from thought of all of tlteitt talking at once The crew of 13 will be dressed in Oldendorfs cniiser and finally came made the mind I-toggle. After taking the rig used during the time of Nelson. the turn of his old. but modernised tea in the l.adies' (.'antccn—an exbut instead of a solid shot of 24 Ib.. battleships. During this confused perience not to be forgotten in at which. with a full charge. could pene- period both the Fuso and the Mogami hurry-—the party reluctantly left the trate 2 ft. of oak at L000 yards or ill were hit repeatedly. the Fuso being home of Telephonies and were whisked ft. at 360 yards. the "shot" will be stink about half an Iiour after the away to H.M.S. President. of papier-machc and the powder battleships had first opened fire. The evening at the Palladium was be "charge“ will about I} lb. It may sound like splitting hairs enjoyed by all. including the artistes. This will create quite an impressive but this particular part of the battle who responded to the high spirits of has been referred to as the Overture. the members in an adniirable manner. "hang.“

lllllllllll lilllli AIDRAFTINGF0“ ECAST




Ii..\lS. Diamond. cnd November. at Chzitliam for trials. (Commissions February 7. I96]. for General Service. Med./Home. 24 months)U.K. Base Port under consideration. Ii.M.S. Plymoutli. December I._ at l)evonport for trials. Commissions April II. I961, for General Service (23 Commission. HomeIMcd. months). U.K. Base Port. Devon-


Ii.M.S. Leopard. December 6. ‘at Portsntoiith for General Service Commission. Homclsouth Atlantic and South America (24 months). U.K. Base Port. Portsmouth. II..\I.S. Loch Irish. January ID. at Rosyth for General Service Commission. Hontc/Arabian Seas and Persian Gulf (I8 months). U.K Base Port. Devonport. II.-.\I.S. Battleaire. January 17. at Portsmouth for General Service Commission. Mcdjllontc (24 months). U.K. Base Port. Portsmouth Ii.M.S. Crossbow. January I7. at Chatltam for General Service Commission. Med./Honte (24 months). Place of commissioning and UK. Base Port under consideration. II..\I.S. Blake. cnd January. at Clyde for trials, Honte Sea Service Commissions. June. 1961. for General Service Commission. Ii.M.S. Cook. end January. at Singapore for Foreign Service. Ii.M.S. Belfast. February. at Singapore for Foreign Service. Far East. Ii.M.S. Tronhrldge. February 28. at Portsmouth for General Service



(24 months). U.K. Ilase Port. Portsmouth. 700 7. Flight. February. :it R.N Air Station. l.os.sienioiitli_ for I.F.'l’.U. Ii.M.S. Whirlwind. hlarclt. at Rosyth for trials. Ii.M.S. Anzio. March. at Malta for Foreign Service. II.!\I.S. I-iasthoume. April. at Chatham for General Service Commission. llonie/F.ast of Suez (20 months). U.l(. Base Port under consideration. Ii.M.S. Clilchurtcr. April. at Chatham for General Service Commission, Homcliiast of Suez (I8 months). U.K. Base Port under coitsidcration. Ii.M.S. Bervvick. April I8. at Belfast for General Service Commission. Home/Med. (2! months). U.I(. Base Port under consideration. Ii.M.S. Loch Lomond. April at Chatham for General Service Commission. Home/Arahian Seas and Persian Gulf (I5 mouths) U.K. Base Port under consideration Ii.M.S. Tiger. May. at Devoitport for General Service Commission. Iiotiicl East of Suer. (24 months). U K Base

Port. Devonport.

Ii.M.S. Ciirysfoot, May. at Singapore for Foreign Service (Far East) ll M.S. Trafalgar. May. at Portsmouth Ior General Service Com-

.mi.ssion. Home/Med. (23 months).

U.K. llase Port. Portsinoiitlt ll..\‘I.S. Dunkirk. May. at Devonport for General Service Commission. Home/Med. (22 months) UK Ilase Port. Dcvonport. II.-.\I.‘i. Iiroadsivord. May Contntissioning port under consideration. For General Service Commission. Home/Med. (23 months). U.K Base Port under consideration. Ii.M.S. Scorpion, May. Commissioning port undcr- consideration. For Commission. Service General Home/Med. (23 months). UK "356 Indies Port under coitsideratton.



SHIPS or THE ROYAL NA Vi/i motorist is never No. 57 H.M.S.

The tf


many yards. brought the car to :i safe halt. This is :i well-known trick which works. so that next tiiite any of





i i





ijust‘.’.‘l...'.3ireleasing i"i.?5Ii3fif'l Tf-.‘"li ,.}li.§"§l§try3§ii" i




try tlie_ bral-.cs and again. but do it quickly before the eiiiergeiicy tlI.‘\'L‘ltVl)~i too far. Another precaution wliiclt always pays dividends is to look in your driv- I ing mirror whenever you put your ! brakes on hard. The chap behind you i may be caught unawares and the quick _l glance behind may give you the I chance to pull forward out of the way I before you are rammed. This precaution paid the write_r only recen_tlyi when a lorry skidded sideways behind i him. By the time the lorry arrived the 1 writcr‘s car was well out of the way in the middle of the road. ..\l.S. Hermes (Capt. D. S. Tibbitts. of can. course. on a corner Braking j R.N.) was built by .\lcs~.rs. .-\rmbe disastroiis. The experienced driver strong Whitwortlis (Slupbuilders) l.td.. 3 and always enters :i corner slowly Barrow-iii-Furness. drives through on the ciiginc~“.~low She was laid down on June 21. I944. in and fast out" is the policy for safe launched by Lad (then Mrs.) Winston cornering. Churchill on Fe rtiary I6. I953. and \ E “ \R§H she was accepted for service in November. I959. Known as the Henncs (Modernised) Class. to distinguish her from the Centaur Class. of which she was originally a sister ship. she was of 22.500 ions standard displacement. Her length is 744] ft. (o.a.). and her overall beam is I30 ft. Draught is 28 ft. She can carry 45 aircraft. Her total compleThe Naafi girl's_ traditional head- ment is l.-400. band is soon to d_isappe:ir and with 'l'he ship's angled flight deck. steam it the familiar beige cotton overall. catapult. mirror-landing sight and _3-D The old uniform I\ to be replaced IW-13"’ millics hf" 551 TJIC 0l‘°|'i|I|"“' by a trim, new. blue dress in a mixture =|"Y- EVWY “I011 has MC" mfldfi 10 of nylon and rayon. ensure that accommodation for oiliA special feature of the new uni- ccrs and men will compare favourably form is the replacement of the cm- with any other warship. and she has broidered Naati crest by a marc:isitc_ cheerful. well-lit messes with comfortbrooch in the shape of the new Naall able bunks which can be device»a symbolic "N" in the form during the daytime so as to provide of three interlocked chain links maxiinum recreational space. on behalf of rcprescntiitg the three Services. l_n the in accepting the ship builders. Capt. case of the brooch ttie "N" will be the Adiiiimlty front her surmounted by the symbol of the Ser- Tibbitts said: ‘'1 am very pleased and ’



month's article last L'l‘ll()l.l(iH dealt _with lh_e frigliteningtrcnd in road accidents in Home Air Conimand. this trend is not confined that to

Command alone: it is a general trend. Readers may have noticed that of the t.liree cxantples quoted. two were due to skidding and it seems fairly clear that many accidents are a direct result of inability to judge, under constantly changing conditions. just what is going to happen next. Lack of anticip_ation and judgment are surely the biggest causes of accidents.



ROAD CONDITIONS Many road users are tempted to follow the national Press in blaming the roads for accidents. Poor old roads. it is never the motorist who is at fault. Readers would be quite shocked if they read some of the excuses entered in zircideiit claim forms. “I braked and due to the road conditions I skidded"; "There had been a heavy storm and when I braked my wheels locked and I skidded into a lorry“; "Dire to the weather conditions the road was greasy and I was tinable to pull up in time." How refreshing it would be occasionally to read: "I am a bad tlrivcr. quite unable to judge when my car will skid on a wet road. and I have no idea what to do it‘ my wheels lock when I ptit the brakes on. As a result. entirely due to my own negligence. I struck a lorry on the other side of the road." But no motorist will ever vice relevant to the unit with which :idinit his faults. the girl serves: the Royal Navy

I-laviland Sea Vixen allweatlicr lighters fitted with liircstreak air-to-air niissilcs. Westland Whirlwind and \Vcsscx anti-submarine helicopiers and a lliglit of Fairey (iannct meiitl. Dc

Aiihoriie E:lI’I_\'

Warning aircraft.


New look for a new decade

.-\i the resumed inquest on the four men who lost their lives when the Naval liberty boat was in collision “gm mt m.;,,,,L.,. “fading in pom. mouth harbour on May 13 a verdict of accidental death was returned. Coroner. Mr. David Childs. The said neither vessel would give way and he warned the jury that they were not entitled to consider who was to

collapsed] blame.

Later he said the question of who was to blame may be considered in

other quarter\‘.



new I.ord l.icuteii;iiit H:\b|PSIIIRIi'S who will succeed the Duke of \\‘elIiiig-

is to be Lord Asliburton. who liies at ltclien Stoke llousc. Alrcsford. l.ord Ashburton has been .'I \'ice-Lieulcnziiii of the County since wit. and he takes up his new appointment next month The Duke of Wellington. whose home is Strallield Saye Ilousc. between Basingstoke and Reading. retires on August 2|. when he will be 75. He has been Lord Lieutenant since I949. and was Lord Lieutenant ol‘ London from I944 to 194*). after serving in tlic Grenadier Gu:iriLs from 1939. 'l‘lic Duke of Wellington will continue in oflice as Governor of the Isle of ton


Lord Asliburton is a magistrate and has been a member of Ilzinipsliire County Council since INS. lie is (-2. and devotes most of his time to public allaiis. mainly in Ilampsliiie.

The average pay for r.i:uiu:ilworkers in British iiidiistry is more than £l-I a week.

proud of H.M.S. Hernies." The builders. the designers and the the alba- workmen are very proud of Hermes.

DRIVING TRICKS crown. the Army crown. or Force. A few days ago the writer had an tross of the Royal Air there will be_ a interesting chance to test a technique Aboard ship too. of braking on a slippery road. Dc- new look. Male stall‘ are now being scending l)r:i_vtoii Lane on Portsdown issued with a smart nc\\ jacket in light Hill he was faced by another car grey. climbing the hill with insullieicnt room to pass and the road very wet and

pery. First



and it is with the courtesy of Messrs. Armstrong Whitworths that we are able to publish the cutaway picture in the supplement in Illls issue. The last Ileriiies was also built by Messrs. Armstrong Whitworths between January. l‘)l8. and Feliriiary. I924. She had an overall Iengtli of 598 ft. :iiid she carried 20 aeroplanes. ‘the aircraft complement ot Hermes includes Superinariiie Scimitar Strike lighters (nuclear and cannon arma-


of the brakes caused an immediate front-wheel slide across the road, which could have piovcd awkward. However. by releasthe lint time since I947. one ing the brakes to regain steering conof ILM. Submarines visited the trol and immediately reapplying them. and repeating this about six times in port and city of Nagasaki in last June. '11:: last submarine to visit the port was H.-.\l. Submarine Alfmy.



pltotographs of the IFOSTCARD following H.M. Ships may be ob-

tained from the Editor. "Navy News." R.N, Barracks, Portsniouth. price (id. each which includes postage: Theseus. Bulwark. Ocean. Eagle. Centaur. Glasgow, Kenya. Newcastle, Albion. Ark Royal. Loch Killisport. Diana. 'l'acitiirn. Daring. Chevron. Zest. Vanguard. hlurray. Cumberland.

Scorpion. Liverpool. Apollo. Lynx. Salisbury. Slietlield, Girdle Ness. Maidstouc. Newfoundland. Warrior. Victorious. Britannia. Bermuda. Coriinna. Alaniein. Vigo, Tyne. Jutland. Talent. Palliser. Explorer. Porpoise. Redpole. (janibia. Tiger. Russell. Dainty. Protector. Undine. Defender. Dartington. Carron. Whitby. Eaeibourne. Torquay Mounts Bay




has been received that the H.M.S. Teredo. a modernised "T" tollouing have been advanced to the Clue! class submarine. belongs to the Tenth Petty Otlicer or Chief Artitieer rate. Submarine Squadron based on Singa- To Acting Chief Engine Room Artllerr fi)J678 A. J. S. Gralum. MK M4760 pore in the Far East. The Command- I}. MX 766873 I‘. W. J. Taylor. Watkirnun. ing Otlicer of Teredo is Lieut.-Cdr. MKS.661771 L. A. MX Raine, MX 766847 1). (3. ll. J. S. F. Burragi.-_ Royal Navy. and lllackler. MK 801665 R. S. Cullinl. MX 773323 667754 D. S. Allen. A./C.P.0. 1. Gibbs. (‘.E.R.A. Grace. I‘. lhteniaii, MX Master AI Arlt and C.P.0.M.(E) P. Williams are the ToMK BOISO-I P. 1. Foster. senior members of her ship's com- Tu Acting Chief Ruin I-Lleetrical Arliit-tr


HOME (IN LEA VEP ON YOUR WAY UVEIISEASP Wherever you're going to be. you'll need a car on arrival. Buy 1 new Hlltman. l-lumber. Sunbeam now from E.M.A. Ltd. Perumouth. If yours is an extended posting. take advantage of our special export seheme—yoi.i buy at export prices. Let E.H.A. make all the ari-angements—export formalities.‘ .nsuranee. shipping. everything. Call at our showroom or write to us to-day-your car can be on its way tomorrow: or waiting for you when you dock! Or I: can be urchased on the home delivery plan for use in this country be are voii sail

MX 83.‘-$60 A. G. Gisiiiig. To Chief Pelt OER! IX |ti.l-197 I-‘cathcrxtone, IX lS35‘J7 J. K. O\ettori_ .l.\' S3l67l C. (3, lletlurd. To Chief Engineevinig Mechanic KX 9.I00$ A. 13. Cox. K.\' |I7.\.‘l A_ W. .I. Mccreadie. RX 97-:65 L. St. l.cd;.;r:. To (fluid Painter MX 802592 A. Johnxton. To Acting Chief Ordunrv Artilirrr MX 52315 R. willeocks. To Arlill Chic! Ekttrkal Artilicrr MX 3573.16 1. A. Ct.Illi\_ .\lX 80.177-l J. II.

The visit was thoroughly enjoyed by Tercdo‘s ship‘-. company and by the inliatiitants of Nagasaki. More than 5.000 visitors walked through Teredo in the two "open to visitors" days. Tercdo‘s football team played the local team from the Mitsubishi shipbuilding yard and beat them 6—l. One instance of the intense interest which this Visit aroused was the local Tiler. television programme which covered To Chief Electrician the arrival of H.M.S. Teredo and the MN 844025 1. Gould. MK SU'.'6l D. exchange of calls between her Com- Elliott manding Otlicer and the Mayor of To Chief Petty Oflccr Writer ,

MK 832470 I}. ll. Sllllflxin, r‘-IX SJIZJS ll. IE C. Taylor. Ur ‘CUa 1. IIMU . To Chief Radio Communication Supervisor nfifiTF€‘6 7fi7§oeia-reunion the Festival at Hall J.\' ll-I-‘U5 A. II I-‘.iirlc_v. IN 'llZ7l0 T lion and other local organisations. Cheam and Worcester Park will be‘ (Lirdner. IX 7l2lCi6 J. I’. Jone‘-'. JX "H1595 A ll I'r.itt_ IX 77Sl|>(J W. H ltutkc The general conclusion at the end present in force. To Chief Communication \'e-noun of the evening was——"\\'c must ltave IX '.‘*I2R(il R. N. Jones all this again soon." .\'()T YET FIX}-II) Tu Acting Chic! Aircraft Artifice: I) llupkiiis. l.lF.\’(i(i‘IS5: I’. I \\'r-nttcn, A coach load of members of the The cups :ind trophies presentation L. A. I) K l-‘rcinzii. I fl-.Vr'.!.‘)_1.'~~$: branch. their wives and friends. went night has to be fixed yet. This is the ‘ .\l I-.\'lU0I'I‘t: A. Hughes. I. ./l3X$l.\\Ub: (i ll 1)/tr. to Plymouth on June 25 for the one night of the t..‘l".\'ti(i‘I7‘l$ when Cheam year annual conference and they wish. extends to other branches. Tu Acting Chief Airrralt Artilircr (t): I‘ (i. l‘tI\lt.‘f. I./I:X(v6\‘,l.N’Z publicly. to express their thanks to The honorary treasurer. hhipnialc To Air Fitter (Al-‘.1 Plymouth branch for making siiclt Cort. attended the Annual Conference II.Chic! S. l.0IU. LII"X.\Z.‘.-l.‘.\. .\t, J. ll.-nc. splendid arrangeiiients for entertain- at Plymouth. The branch members l..'I-‘X7857-3')

:itid Belfast.









in the



Air Filter (0) will get full details‘ from Shipniate ToI-‘.Chief ll. Day-ie. Lll-‘X77. ‘-2 (‘ort through the branch news letter. To Chief Airman (All! but it was cheering to hear that I8 I5. Lamb. L/I-‘X67065I Admiral Sir (‘lcmeiii Moody died at new branches have come into coni- To Chic! Airman (SI-It J. Todd. L/I-X72007!» niission but disturbing to know that Her! on Julv 8. lie was ti‘). To Chief Air-Inn (Phat) I-l had paid oll. l). J. livers. I./I-'.‘(3_\S2ti7 The delegate from t‘hcaiii could To Chit! I-‘Jcrtririan (Air) not get a scconder for a motion rcK. C. G. Warrendcr. t..'l-'x.s.'.xi<-.~ H.M.S. Lincoln. fourth of the g:irdiiig publicity for me ,-\\\(t(IlIIit\|) To Acting Chief Radio Electrical Artitiur ( Mr) I). \\'. ltarric. l.II"XS,‘TIdl. Salisbury class aircraft direction and it appeared that interest wanes To Acting Clair! Radio Electrical Mcthanitiaii I frigatcs was accepted from her builders after the lunch reces~._ If this ie .1 (Air) on July 7. fact it is :i pity for. in fairness to It .\lcilor, l.,'I .\E-:(~2I.»Z.







Last of the ‘Red

Retires Marines’,

Au ust. I960



FIFTY-THREE YEARS IN THE CORPS Three marriage ceremonies in one

day—none legal

|S('Rl~Il-2'l'. but soiitctiiiies t'.‘\lI’clIll:l)' personal iiixcstiuits. ptit to refitt.-.ces' from the Saintonge and Gironde (lL'p:|l'llIlt.'lllS of France helped to lll1I|\L' possible the fatiious “(.'ucklesliell llerocs“ raid in I9-12 by Royal Marine

canoeists on German shipping at Bordeaux. Did you do your courting along tlte lie was among the first to be conibanks of the River (iironde? Was missioned in August. I915. under Sir there a favourite spot among tlte Winston Cliurclii|l's "Mate Seltemc" Colonel Samuel B-assctt, C.B.E.. R.M. hiislics where yoti knew you would be -—the first provision in the Marines for iiiiohscrved? Where did you go for prontotion front the ranks to otlicer diatcly recalled for service and pro——and his first ship as a subaltern motcd to colonel the following year. your riverside picnics’! The intelligence oflicer responsible was the first Dreadnought from which PROUD .\l0Ml-INT administered by the R.N.B.'I‘.. for elderly ex-service nicn. Pembroke for these enquiries~thc answers he believes he was the last olliccr still Bassctt‘s moment Colonel proudest enabled the raiding force to be told serving. At a ceremony on June 27. ComThe chance of fate soon afterwards -when he played the piano with the ol places :ilong the banks wlicre they Chatorchestra full Marine at Royal modorc l_. W. l.. Argles. D.S.C.. could hide during the day—lcft the probably helped to save his life. He Concerto. hant in Bach's Brandenburg opetied the new bowling green proService last nioittli after 53 years‘ con- was sent on a special course to Deal. llis rceolleetion—an introproudest vided by the welfare comtnitlee by tinuous ntau's service in the uniform but was hurriedly withdrawn to join Mountbatten a young Earl sending down the lirsl wood. the cruiser Isis because of a scare that duction by The of the Royal .\larines. of then H.R.H. Duke Windsor. to The woods were supplied by the He is ti‘)-year-old (folonel Samuel the German Fleet was at sea. The he had whom Prince of with Wales. St. t\lary's Island Czittleeii ('onimittcc. ltassctt. (‘.ll.lE.. whose home is at cottrsc. he afterwards discovered. was meetings. Recently subsequent There is no doubt that the new lteaconslield Road. Claygatc. near for officers to undertake special tasks tnany he received a message from the Duke green will provide the elderly residents Kingston. He was the oldest serving on the Zecbriigge raid. Three other wishing him enjoyment in his retireof Pembroke House with a considerRoyal Marine. tlte last of the old "Red officers promoted from the ranks who ment after service from private to full of the Naval HE men Royal able amount of pleasure. l\larines"—the R..\l. Light Infantry were on the course were killed. Barracks. Cliatham. through the still on duty and had worked with He afterwards joined the Royal colonel. His unfulfilled ambition—to be still Welfare Committee. continue to show the Naval Intelligence Department of Marine Forces in the Aegean. where The Royal Navy won the United because of his knowledge of Russian serving when his grandson. now at their very great interest in Pcrnbrolte Admiralty for 32 _\'car.s. The Bordeaux raid was only one of he was detached as a staff captain to Pangbourne. joins the Royal Marines. House. the Home. administered by the Service Challenge Cup at Hislcy on hundreds of similar operations for the Army of the Black Sea. It was There would then have been three Royal Naval Benevolent Trust. for July 7. beating the R.A.F. by I0 points and the Army by 36 points. wltich (‘oloncl Bassett and his staff there that he met his wife Zoya. a generations of the family in the Corps. elderly ex-naval men. provided ridvance intelligence. He set White Russian. whom he first saw up the Inter-Services Topogmpliical barefooted among the refugees. l)ep:irtntent. an organisation that was TIIRI-II-I to provide detailed information to MARRIAGI-ZS IN ONE DAY planners and force commanders on He next met her when. in charge of the terrain. beaches. geology and soil a camp for l5.000 homeless frotii cover. For their first ollice. he and Russia oti the Greek island of Lemtwo others were allocated :i disused tios. he called for a volittiteer to help, lavzitory in .‘\tlllllf:tll_\'. but before the Ill interpreting duties. He married her end of the war the stall of several on l.Cml‘lus'. first in a tented church llii‘ll\'lllll\ of many itatioiizilities were of the Russian Orthodox Church. next ‘tower! in colleges in Oxford. on hoard a i'aval cruiser and finally Now tlte holder of aivards from at a civil ceremony. «inns coiiiitrics. including the Russian Later he was to discover that not I‘/arist order of St. Stattislaus with one of the tltrec ceremonies were legal. 's‘-.vords. ('olonel Bassett joined the but Somerset House. when he applied Rovzil Nlarinc Light Infantry as a for a titarriage allowance. ruled nriv:tlt.‘ in .\larcli. I007. after running‘ legally all that was necessary wasthat, in-. I"-‘IF from a school at Wimbledon tcntion and that by three t"t‘l:II‘l'I:l[:C9« ".'llL‘fl.‘ lie was being ediic:itcd for a iti one da_v he Itad more than proved -irccr III the cltitrclt. his intent. A certificate of marriage (§l£.\'l'l.l-i.\l.\t\'JACK was accordingl_v issued. '(iL'2lllL'lll.tll Jack" he quickly beAfter service in the .\lediterranean. canic called in the aiislcrc barrack he held appointments in Naval Intellirooms ot the R_.\l. l)epol. Deal. by gence Departntcnt and as staff Otlicer his coiiiptitriots. many of whom could (Intelligence) at the Cape and also at h.ire|_v reail and write. hecaiisi: of his ('o|omho. He was recalled to his lslli\‘.l.ll.‘tl_L't.' of langiiages and for pre- Intelligence duties at /tdntiralty at the Officers of the tenth Hermes with their guests from the ninth one. simitttg to lecture the Colonel in charge beginning of the last war and when he retired in April. I944. was immeover the Latin of tl'lc (‘orp's motto.




SERVICE for Service people \\"li¢-it you lianls with the VVestmiitstcr, you get st-i-vii-o all along the line. First, the \\’i:-stiiiiiister

has a S])L'('lill Navy Branch at 26 Hayniarket, Lomlon. This has been open since 1772 and is, in coiisr.-iliicitcc, well acquainted with the kind of financial problems you meet with in the Navy. Next, the Bank has branches at Chatham, Portsmoutli and Plymouth which are always at your service (as also are nearly 1,200 branches in other towns throughoutEngland and VVales). Finally, the Westminster Bank operates abroad through it wot-ld—wide system of agents and correspoifdeiits. If you would like to know ntore about our service to the Senior Service, write for the booklet ‘Westniiiister Bank to


Majesty's Sh-ips’

Survivors from ninth Hermes visit the tenth IT IS NOT ONLY BOYS WHO SHIP SAILS FOR MED.


Although activities are basically in character. they are combined with domestic subjects. citilenship and the share well as as boys. GIRIS. sport. Girls can learn about history love of the sea which is this and tradition of the Navy. ships. island's heritage and this love can be winds and tides. morsc and semaphore. indulged in with the aid of the Girls’ sailing. boat-pulling. canoeing. swimNautical Training Corps. an organ- ming and so on.

isation open to girls between the ages of H and 20. The Corps is one of the three constituent corps of the National Association of Training Corps for Girls and its aims are to foster a healthy open air life and to give girls. in their spare time. the companionship and pleasures of a nautical training.

One born each minute

The Corps is uniformed and cadets wear a smart navy uniform similar to that of the W.R.N.S.. but with the


distinguishing badges. One feature is a week's training


annual on board T.S. Foiidroyant in Portsmouth harbour. Herc olliccrs and cadets live as a .ship‘s company. sleeping in hammocks and learning boating, sailing. signalling and many other nautical activities. The Sunbury and Walton Unit has recently taken over some premises in Walton and named their new "sl'iip" Ship Undaunted because it _G.N.T.C. r:v\\:lnis st, ,




.M.S. Ilcrnics sailed from Portsmouth on July 5 for Gibraltar and is now engaged on trials‘ and exercises in the Mcditerrimean—the first time for 20 years that -.i Hermes has sailed those waters‘. It was in April. I942. that the previous Hermes was stink by Japanese fighters off Ceylon. Many survivors had a re-union on board the new Hermes recently at Portsmouth and a most enjoyable re-union it was

indeed. Hermes spent June alongside at Portsmouth. but the stay was not without incident. It was a very busy month. During the month the first Wcstland Wessex helicoptelr cycr to

nappen to ;'t’i'i‘eLc"'1it'tn‘gs."rite? .s'tmpty_ very much in_ the minority ‘and ‘llie <fitid it well nigh tlllpuxsllllsf to ‘|llL‘l'\.‘\:

LANCING out of his small public house one lunch time the publican Ration .-\llowattce lllt.‘Ill:ll|l\' of was delighted to see a coach draw _up. Itlic lll:|ss‘L's ssho appear to regard serhimThe first man inside introduced vice life as being :i ititie to lisc self to the landlord as being in charge lhusiiicss with "Ito calls after midand he whispered that the occupants idiiy lsriday thaitk you"» —otliccrs and of the coach were from .3 mental §men alike. sad to relate. home. but that all were quite h:irmAnd what is to he done aliiittt this I less. He said the inmates had been Tiicre is so much else to do. problem. saving up beer bottle tops for the so much paper to push round amt round in ever decreasiiig circles (with past year and that they would tray for their liquor in that medium but the the inevitable ending). The incredible landlord was not to worry-—he would thing is that this state of atlairs is be settled up when the coach left. very largely confined to the U.K. only Good business was done and when —\'astly dilleretit from the .\Icditcrthe inmates had got into the coach. ranean or Far East. etc. We require all thing-: spokesman for them asked for the named a sltot in the arm»-:ind——.'is officially bi in :in organised service such as ours Island on July 7.11:: yacht, Whale The landlord said that it was £10 9s.. start at the top then TIIIS must come the Navy Royal to (I'or_t.sbut in the circumstances he would C‘,-resented from the top .so “come on my Lords. raced had prior Electron already what about a hit more practical settle for £10. in the race round the II l)ivi.sion in The spokesman then said "Oh! good 4 Ca haclzirtg." -have you change for a dust-bin lid'.’'' 1 Ty[hip of Meon Maid. run by ll.l\l.S.. -.‘slt)Rl-‘. 'l'lI.-\?\' l'l-I|t'l‘L'ltl3I-Zl)— itctl to ll.M.S. (‘ollitig-siootl. -





Navy Brmicli: 26 Ilaymarket,London, s.w.i Head

Oflice: 4.1 Lotlibiiry, London, E.C.2



Vii‘-Ciel‘. Portstituth. mi .,,:,t. '







gllllllllllllllllllllllllIllIIllIlllllllllllIIlllllIIllllllllIIIIIllllllllllI||||llIIlllllllll|||IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIllllllIllllllg _

Have YOU (1 personal problem






1. '

ASK JOHN ENGLISH I Joli/i I;‘rt_t,-Iixh will he pli'a.retl to omtrrr your qm'rt'i~.r. A itrimprd rttlilri'.\.\t'rI i'm'¢'li)pi' will hi‘ rippr¢‘irtl¢'tl

WE.-\Rl.\'(£ OI-' SQUARE RIG I, as with nto~t others of my fellow


GENER.-\l. SERVICE .\lEI)AL I I have a feeling I might be entitled to the General Service Medal, I served :ibo;it’d I-I..\I.S. Unicorn from I951 to I95-I. I took a sports party from Port London to Port Swetenhant by bus_. and all of us were armed as we had to I be close to the M.ila_v.in jungle. occasion which I feel may mal-ze incl entitled is when I was in charge of escort and prisoner. I took them frotn Singapore to Kuala Lutnpur. then again front there to ('h:ingi to the .-\rnt_v Detention Quarters. We had to go through the jungle by tr.iin and travel overnight and had to keep watches as we were passing through dangerous ground. We were all fully armed with rilles etc. It took well over 24 hours there and back by train. If I am entitled could you infornt me of the ntunher of the A.I‘.().‘.’ Perhaps you could inform tne to whotn I should apply. I am in the Recruiting Service. I lmrc looked ittto the qtittli/it'rttiint.\ ltiiil IIUWII for the ttwitril 0] the mcilttl /or ,\errt'r‘i- in Mitlayir ¢/llI'III‘l,' the pi-riml 0/ the I:-III¢‘l"I.'l'II(‘y there and [ind that the qtmli/iraliort [or the rm-ttril win "our ilit_v',s _si-rricc tuliiirc (III dirty in the I’:-ili.-ration of .$litlrt_vit cniplnyrd its an liiri-_-,-riil part u] the .5.-i‘uri't_v


sick berth ratings. dislike intensely the prospect ol \\c;iring square rig after three or more _\cars with the privilege of we;irin;.: the much-valued lore and all tig. 1 I e.uinot deny that my feelings in this re~peet could be compared with 2! thme or any person who feels that he is about to hecorne the subject of a ‘r bre.n:h of conttact. ‘-‘ "I -‘ I am also a\\':trc that this feeling is almost certainly shared by our allied D.'£llIL‘lIL'\. to wit. writers. sttpply. cooks and .\I\'\‘i.tId\. In view ol '1 Iteir l.ord\htp.~ declared policy of itnproving Service conditions. ;1tl‘lpl_\‘ unpleinenled of late. is it not pimihli.- to hope fora "reprieve" in this H..\l.S. Bulwark with No. -12 Commando. R..\I. (Licul.-Colonel I-'. D. Crombie. R.1\I.). arrived ofl Singapore on ntatter of t‘ig‘.‘ June ‘I. About :1 quarter of the (‘onun-.mdo—:ibout I50 ofliccni and nien—M-re dist.-mbarkcd by helicopters of With ever} respect. and anxious not 848 Squadron. The rcmziindcr left the ship when she docked '.II the Naval bu-ac. Tlle Cotntntindo is to he based to ollend. can John [English advise at R.N. Air Station. Sr.-nibawang. during its stay in the For I-In.-it whether there is :iti_v legal basis whereOn her arnval at H..\I. Naval Base. Singapore. the ship with Naval and Royal Marine per.-.nnni.-I lining hi.-r by 'l heir Lordships ittay be respectdecks was greeted by the pipe band of the 2nd Gurkha Brigade. fully petitioned to consider :1 stay of “e.\ecutiim"‘.’ I ll;t\'t.' yet to meet any hhlfllllltlc of the .\\.‘1lIIIilI'l and other branches not concerned who does not feel that it looks and i.\ incongruous for It sick Anthony I-Irncsl Strange. Naval service at the invitation of the chairberth till) to be dressed in sailor's rig. Air Mechanic I (E), L/l".927J36. man of the Newton Abbot Urban II.M.S. Fulmnr. Died June 10. I960. I riittttut u_-.:ri'i- It'IllI _\'ottr vt't:it'.\ about District Council at the Congregational John Edmund Throsscll. Eng(Iris. lit the I950 .wI.I-'.(). in WIIICII this I-'ort‘er. Church. Mechanic I. I)/K36-I249. ineering cltitttgi‘ win tIIIllUIHICt'tI 'I‘lti'ir LardIt ivimlil .\l'('"I /mm what _vini Il(It'(’ H..\I.S. Russell. Died June I2. I960. Then on July to. with founder alttps .\IUI(‘tI.' "tlti: tItII'llIIIU_L'l.'ii] the new told me that mtil chairntan Shipmatc R. Rendle and Michael John Bird. acting LudClint ll lull/uflll IA tltitt it is it smart. I /i'i'l tliitt hailyou do not qiritli/_v Shipm-ate chairman W. G. Langridgc you ([ll(lIIfil’tI llt¢' Coming Engineering ltimilv iini/tum iit.\tuittl_\' ri.'i.'u_gIit'.\abliMechanic. C/K. as escorts. the standard was at tltc ()flt'i‘er II.M..'t’. Unimrn 9-H823. H.M.S. Centaur. Died June ax t\'iiruI by i-.t'ti'niliit_g Cla.s.i ll tminiling Standard of the Newton service held for the laying-ttp and wimlil Ititi'i' (lI'V(lII_Q('tI /or the mi-iliil to l2, I960. rim‘/‘urn: to all ftl'IlII_'.:.\ lirlow Petty he itii'uriIi'iI. IIoivci'i'r. if Abbot branch of the Royal Naval dedication of the Torbay and District not Robert Walter Mnxted. En- Association was on display UI_Il(‘t'f. the .\tittti_i, siititrttteu (mil i-Ittiri-l_v ltttppy about tlii'.r, Iyou are lltrcc Sun- Branch lIritisIt_Linib|ess [Ex-Service .rti_t,-_gi'.tt you Mechanic the lmrcr ili-(‘ls whole I. (.'lK.9-II'l5J. gineering ii] its (1 ('I]I('l(‘Ilt‘_|' days running recently. ()n each occa- men's Association standard at the ink the Re-criiiting Ofliccr to apply to II.M.S. Centaur. Died June I2. sion, the standard will Altllltl to _i,-rim." If you really think the Dircctar bearer. Ship- ('Iiurch of St. Mary Collaton. of Navy /ICCOIIIIIS [or an I960. olmtit it. you ('llIIII()I. .tttri'l)'. deny that ofliciiil ili-ci'.n‘ori. mntc R. Dolbcar. carried the Stan- Paignton. Henry Devlin Mc|\'ird)'. En- dard with the .-mtartncss required of On June 24 the Newton Abbot .I'(]Il(lI‘(‘ rig I\ mm'li .tmttrti:r than the I rcgrrt that I ('{t'ItIl0! quote you the fun‘ and it/'1 n'_i‘. ,lUIs' worn by junior mmilwrr of the f¢'It’|'(lItI zI.I-‘.0. SIIICC gineering Mechanic 1, P/K.9'I0886. his position. branch entertained at its headquarters H.M.S. Centaur. Died June I2. riitiitgx. I] _\'(lll can picture imy lIl|'l.\l0Il A.I-'.().r. are r‘liLr.ri'/iril rc.rtri'i‘ti'tl. The first occasion was at Plymouth about 42 visitors from the Royal I960. of "nii.ii*i°I!imi'om" rutiitgs in for: and for the conference and the parade the Marine Cadets Parents‘ Association. I to pension (fifth live) on Decemtilt rig. and runtpure it witlt it tIII‘lJIOIl her goI7, I96l. Junior Kelly, Roy Engineering Am I the ritufollowing day. The second occasion l'I_vtnonth. The occasion was a most of _\¢'<imi-it in .titttitn' ‘lg’. tltc IIIl'lt'lt down bonus of £250’! getting Mechanic H.-.\‘I.S. 1. P/IL979500. was when. with Shipmate W. G. enjoyable one and on leaving the l have had sev.\murl¢'r iippi-uriini'i: ol the latter is Centaur. Died June I960. I2. eral l.:ingridge. the branch ehziirman. the visitors presented the branch with two .mrcl_v i'cr_v iiiiirkcil. I .)'ll0llI(I make it same.dillerent answers but tiotte the John Electrical Hillion. Anthony standard heater attended the civic engraved brass plaques. quite clear hi-r: tluit I hall /ram a "mis- Do I get any increase of bonus on Mechanic (Air) I. l.II".‘i.9l5l0-5. t'ellitri¢’im.\" lirurtclt. mtil Imve no bias the new schcnti: that starts in April. ILMS Heron. Died June 12. I960. in /itrimr U] tlu' .\t'itmt'It.' Michael John Anderson. Naval I960. Your ii-nti'titi'iu: tliut 'I'lti't'r LorilAimuln 2. I._lI~‘.976II7. H.M.S. Ark you go to petitiiitt on D('('¢'I7III('I' _\III[)\ arc i-mmm’Iti’it_i.- any lirericlt 0/ I 7.I]I‘l6I. Royal. Died June I-I. I960. _\-uii will ili'/int't¢'l_v f('('('I|'(' the ii-ntmit It ii] t'inir.\i- IlI€'(II'l’t'l'l. .IllI('(‘ John I-‘orrcxl, lilcclriczll Mech£350 ;_-riiitt. in tltit it pttyrtlvlv iltiriitg Iltllllllly (lI‘tIIII IlIt' I’t_‘.: yirtt wruilil IN’ ltlte fHIl‘t!lHI'II pi'n‘nil "oi tthmit fin‘ anic I.-\ir) I. l.fI"X.89S505. II.-.\I.S; ('lIlIII('tI lu t\'l‘tII irtiix i'm'lttiIi'il in the .-‘\ricl. I)icd June I7. I960. ||'IlI('lI ttiirtril on April 4. I957. rimililtutix of _\l'l'I'I('l' _rutt n'i'ri' 0lli'rt'tl You trill tIl\¢I ri'(‘i'i't'i- the new rtIIt‘.\ 'J'.llIIl.‘\ Slater. I'.(). linginccrintz in: l('( rtiltim-iit. I .\ll_L'L'('.\I ul.\t) Iltii! _vimr of pi-mimt imil ti-rntittitl gritttt fl(I\'IllIlt' .\lech-.init:_ I','KX.927Z-l. H.515. _\t-.i't‘/ttttq ,\I(lIl'HIl'III I/tit! n't'iIi'r.\. .\l'(tI(',\ mtili-r the Sultan. Died .lutte 23. I960. pity coil.» ti-ltlclt i‘imti' itttu iiuixtiiiiti. i mil. \ imil .\l'I'I|‘tlI‘(I\ In (I innit Iitlnard ('har|cs Enoch Palmer. (li'\IIlil‘ Ill(' ('IItlll_I{(' it qttllt’ utttI‘tti'. I fruit‘ in: April I. l.e:nIint.t .'s'c:utr.tn, l'l.IX.S66667, I. min ii,‘ \¢'Il'lfllftlIlIIg\. Wllll ltitil gum! II..\I.S. Victory. Died June 24. I960. ptinpt'¢’i'\ of H.'Iltl'Il(I‘HIl'IH II) pelt)‘ AND (Tlilfortl Hurry (irilliths. Radio (l_llIt'(’I‘ Iii-/inc Jiiitriiiry I. /96! (the dimElectrical Mechanic (Air) I. HF. “Son ct l.tunicrc" now taking on ii'ltt'i'li the ('lllIII_L':' i.\ to In’ (‘ontl.lI-‘.96!-I95. Il..\I.S. Heron. Died /tlvlcill uni.‘ trltn ilimt_i:r'il ilttu .\qtmrc' place nightly in Portsmouth Dock- June 15. I960. rt'_-,_- .\tIiti_;'ltt itwut‘ lIi'i'iitt\i' tlti'_\' (Irr- _vart.l is art event which sltould ttot be Ernest Jolim. Able Si,-anion, missed. Ii'rIi'il it. /.IX.2t98-I3. H..\l.S. Forth. Died Do not be put-off by the foreign Your .\i-imtvtt Iftt‘Il(I.\ mit_\‘ tltitil. it itt('uit_g-ittiuit for .S.Il’..-l.\. to IR‘ tlrt'\.\i'il title. It just means "Sound and Light." June 26. I960. Spencer Ralph. Electrical MechThe nightly spectacle is the history in \uit'iir‘.\ rig. I'll] t'.\ it Hit)’ li'.u so for zinie 2. I’/.\‘I.967-t9l. H.M.S. Girdle in sound and light of the world's most .\ti:l.i-n. t‘.lt'(ll'I('l(lII\ mtil iiilutrttf‘ Ni.-as. I)icd July 2. I960. The I|(‘tII'III_'J of Ilu' ulil (Jlitu /II famous warship attd of the men who ('oIin lIcnr_v Grimmer. Able Scatim't'inm. if im_rtltitt_-.:. hm ntutle in served in her. with particular refernuut. I’/1.957075. H..\I.S. Vzttigttnrd. itppi‘iI- iIiIJ'i'I'i'Iit /mnt, rtIt:I t'tt/criiar to ence to th: one man who helped to her famous -.-\ilmir:il l_ori| Died Jul)‘ 9. I950wit \llt[IIII(lI('\. In fin! we mi‘ tlti'ir tnake ! t\'t!I\Utl Ronald William Smith. Engineerl'i,'lltIl\I'll! not lllt'lI lIt'tIt'r.~. 1; it lIt':lI ii-n.- i/mt \|'(' in the .\Il)'?[7l\' } \'i-.itors tintl ll'tctt‘tsel\'e$ not ]It\( ing _\|¢_-cliunic |_ P/K9786-I6. II..\I.S. I’roIcetor. Died .Iu|_\ I0. (Hill xiii’. lwrllr lvrittzi‘lti‘\ ri‘uli\i'il we mi‘ : wateltittg a show httt .seetningl_v. wtthtil.’ \(l'l1II\ nttil tlntt wr \lIrIllltI hi’ out them being aware of it. actitallvi I960. taking part III a piece in lustnry. priitigl ill ii’.

The] I










Zln tlliztttnriam


Newton Abbot standard works overtime









CRACK NAVY SHOT PICKED FOR ornithology. prcvintlsl)‘ only OLYMPIC winning! getting shortly after cliaiiipiottsltip Olympic TEAM typist living Nor-; It is lucky for watches then). 3 in 'aniI \ttl't-lmlttltittc gun event». married He is the service _revolver the Games to ex-Wren Julie three years running. Houghton. who is now it sccrctziryl For such an aceontplislied lI\(tI'li\' .\l'I0l'llI:ltI(I in South I" I-'.R.A. (‘lurk has :tn unusual wood. ‘man.


represented the N:ivy;Iiohhy sinall-bore rifle. service rifle. pistol tlte birds that he ,

Lucky for birds he only watches

the velvet-smooth Watneys Brown amwcr to :1 desert-dry thirst. No wonder it's the most popular brown tile in the country! Try a glass yourself. Today. .

tiiigiite Ronni Artilicer .\nthon_\ ('l:irIi. of ”0II_\DI’()tlI\'

I lllil


llzh .\it-nuc. .‘)lIIl’Il‘_\. In-an §\'ll.‘(':L'lI to represent (-real HI'II;IIll in the rzipttl-tire pistol ctcllt at the t)I_vtnpii~ (i1llIll“~ in Route later this )l'Z|l'. In the tuna: U'I.l|\ at Mme) L .l:.l<..-\.‘ ( |-_.rt._ who |~. 35. topped tlte scores ol

the ()i;.ntptc ])U\sIi.‘lll.'.\. lhe National Sin.ilI—llor-.- Rule Asstvctzitioit -re~'punsihle tor the Joint Sltootittg ('on1tntttec lot (‘treat Hfllnltt describes (‘lurk ax .t "n:ittir.ilttt;it'i.~nt:t:t with :i wottdertttl teni;ti:r.iu::nt Ile t'L';‘ic~cIIlL'('. the I3.l\'. .l\ .i \tII;tll tmt-.~ p:~'. it shut in the littropeau ('lt:itttpint'.~Iiip~ in .\Iilan Iilxl year .tnd

WATNEVS Bnowiut .


Illlhal-we want-



C.E.R.A. (‘lurk-~_si.-rvict: l‘L‘\ oli er clnintpitni for three _\‘cars










C-in-C Portsm Block

--——.' __,_








August. I960










HE mil) "pt~rson“ ssho scented at all tll\\-L|ll\lll.‘ll at lhe opt.-ninu ul tizc itcn ('ltit'f l'e:t_\ Oflicens‘ and l'c:t_i tliliet-rs" block in the Royal i\i.i\;il l2.irr.iclss. Portsimiuth on July ll uzis "llustcr" the harraclss Iiulltlog

'llie siimptuously appointed Chief

the iucleiiieiit \v\L‘;llllCl’ the ||D.‘it.llf.: cereiiioiiics had to be held in the ‘all sited itlltl "lluster" so far ‘iii‘.isclt"h\‘ ‘llli“s\lll}.' his conil\i\‘c'.ln:tt and his ll.tll\llL'f lt.iv.l ltt l..1sc liiiii .i'.s.i\. ’l Etc lieu‘ L"-:ttU.l)tltI block was opened tv. iii: (o:iuii.in-.ler—iii-t liicf. l’orts~ iiioiitii I -\duiir.i| sir .\l;iulcy Power) in Ill: I‘IL'»'.':t.‘t' or .i ilistiiiciiislieil L'.lll'lCl" mi‘ N ctiicctw. (.l’_()s. .Il'ltl l’.()s. tiiur .si-.cs .ind their triciids. Auioiii: tho-c nrcsciit. in .lLltlll.lt\ll to the (fontu.o.lo.e flte \'is.'outit Kelbiirii. the prcsciit ('omiiioilore I noticed RearAdiiiir.ils J. Y. lliompson and A. .-\. F. Talbot. his predecessors in that appointuient. A prime mover in the proicct who could not be present l.. (S. Evans who \\.is \’ice-Adntiral ( (oiiimodore of the barracks was when the building was lirst planned. After inspectini: the giiard :iiid after the Reverend H. 5. Fry. (haplain of the Naval l3.tl'l';lL‘ls'\‘. had delivered a prayer. the (‘omniander-in-Chief referred to the new builtliny: as a milestone in the progress made regard-






acconimodation for otlicers of the Royal Navy. and lle mentioned that the Naval barracks, which were opened in W03. replacing hull; and :u:commod:ition ships moored in the harbour one of which was H.M.S. Victory herself. and reminding his audience that i’Illl'l0lll:l‘Ithose buildings. put up nearly (>0 years ago were then considered to be the last word in accommodation for men of the fleet. Indeed, they were considered to be so luxiirious that questions were asked in Parliament concerning the cost of them. virtually no change in those buildings was made until after the end of the last new men



after the war to repair certain biiildinizs which had was necessary

suffered from bomb dziniage and two blocks. Anson antl Howe. occupied

by iunior ratings



first fiii:.ites' dcsiizucd to carry a heli‘ copter for iiiiti-siibinarine purposes. l,il-.e her sister ship the .-\sli.inti. wliicli \\.'Is Litiiiclicd l.t\l j.:.:r. the (i:irl».li.i's propiilsioii ::i.:.'ii:ne:v ‘.\‘llI consist of a combin.ition of both steam and gas turbines_ lhe stczuii turbines will provide power for noimal cruising and in.:itu.-iivring and the gas turbines. l'l[1L‘i'.'tllll_L' the same ,propcllcr sliaft. “ill give iiiimcdizitc ipowcr for high speed steamini: and llli second ship of the new Tribal getting under way in an cuiergcncy. The design of this iiiacliincry. which class of General Purposes Iris:-ates was launched and named Gurlilia at is remotely controlled at all powers‘ 3'the shipyard of John I. Thornpcroft was evolved by close co-operation : and (‘o.. l.td.. Southampton. on ;betwccn .-\dmiralty. Yarrow .uid (‘o. l.td.. and Associated lilcctrical lndus‘-July ll. The naining ceremony was per- tries. 0 The ship‘s complement is expected ‘formed by the l.;id_v ('arrington. wife of the First Lord of the Admiralty. in to be about l3 otlieers and 237 ratings. the presence of ll.R.H. the (‘rots-n Air conditioning has been installed in Prince of Nepal and otlicers of the all major compartments such ;is_thc llrigatle of (iiirklitis. The religious enclosed bridge. the large operations cit {rs service was conducted by the Right room and all living: spaces-. AccomReverend Kenneth E. N. l.aniplui.'h. modation and amenities for the shiP'* The Conimander-in-Chief entering the new block. .\l,A.. Bishop of Soutbtintptoii. The company will include hunk sleeping. of cafeteria messing. power points for band of the It was not easy to discern accurately He considered that the cost of military which was takingBrigade part in the personal electrical equipiiicnt and the requirements of the future aml it about £40ll.000 had been well spent ‘(illl’l.l‘lil\'. :l*)t'i0 Royal Tournament. was also labour saving electrical cleaning was not until I955 that the picttire and he finished his remarks by saying equipment. became clear enough to go ahead with what a privileize it was for him to present. The (lurkhzi. whose standard disThe Tribal class will be the first new accommodation for senior ratings. open the Trafalgar Block and what a placement is approximately 2.500 tons-. frigates to be fitted with Denny Brown it was for the (‘.P.O.s. and will privilege be of aIl~wclded prefrabricated stabilizers._ SHIPS MA'l'I'F.R MOST P.Os. to live in the homfort which construction. Special attention has Four previous ships of the Royal The Commander-in-Chief also they so richly deserved. been to the prevention of cor- Navy have borne the name Gurkha. referred to the fact. and asked those The Commander-in-Chief and all rosiongiven in the hull which is 360 ft. in The third. one of the famous Tribal present to remember. that the right ithe flhests then toured the new Block llenpth and has a beam of -82 ft. 6 in. class of destroyers of the Second place for men of the Royal Navy land afterwards were entertained bv I World War was lost through enemy was in ships at sea and that it was ‘the new occupants. Admir-.il Power (‘AN (‘ARRY llEl.lC()l"lTIR bombing during the Battle of i\'arvik only after the requirements of the cake to celebrate the a l Her armament comprises two 4.5 in l9-10. The fourth was .1 destroyer of sea-going-fleets had been met that ‘the christening. guns in single mountings. con- the Laforcy class which wits re-tiamcd Just one sour note, A most superb ,inch money could be spared for shore a radar-operated lire-control during construction as a tribute to the establishments. building has been erected and no ; trolled bytwo 40 mm. guns and anti. tim: fighting qiialities of the Gurkha Admin” Pow“. mngmumcd we cmcmc has been ‘pared in [ht by a U-boat architects and builders on the erection :ni§hi['|}:§ and decorations, And yet the] subniarinc mortars. The latest mark regiments. lt was stink duties in the warning: radar is also being instal- during convoy escort of such a stately and suitable building "beds supplied are old iron hedsteads stating that it would accommodate —somc sadly in need of a coat of l ed. She and her sister ships are the Mediterranean in .l:inii:iry.l‘)-ll. I74 C.P.0s. and P.Os. in single cabins paint-——:ind mattresses almost as h:ird A pity- just that and _anothcr 30 in overflow dor- as the bedsteads. niitories. ha‘porth of tar! i




Alseconil Tribal is








;ciittini: ’




Q“---—--if Royal Marines ‘—i-—.—

Life is pleasant





holiday attraction




Architect designed houses bungalows near PORTSMOUTH and GOSPORT

WITH OIL-FIRED CENTRAL HEATING from £2,250 Freehold £|l5 deposit Write for details and illustrated brochure and 64/- per JOHN C. NICHOLLS LTD. ‘















Ships’ Company


whether a Submarine—Destroyer—Bat:tlcship or Aircraft Carrie: OVER 50 SHIPS’ DANCES CATERED FOR LAST YEAR

Wire—Wri'te—or Phone, Portsmouth 32275 Make your first "Port 0 Call" for Dancing The Savoy Ballroom Radio Band Every Friday

DEVONPORT—(new Rest iust opened in Albert Road) PORTSMOUTHL-(Edinburgh Road) and LONDONDERRY—{Foyle Street) provide comfortable accommodation. modern restaurants. TV n

for thousanils of visitors on the Kent ci‘:ist- the Royal Mzirines Scarchliizhi l‘;iiioo takes place at the R,.\l_ Depot. Deal.‘ on Thiirsday. Friday and S:Illllt.l;l_\'. 'Ju|y 28 to St) aml on .\lond.iy. Tuesday and Wednesday. .-\iigiist I to 3. A


lllllll Slllfllls’ iiisis



home I


Petty Ollicers‘ bar.

Married Quarters Rosters at Portsmouth

and games


and many other amenities.

See "LSHORE AND AILOAY" ‘or details oi‘ Christian Ietlemishipi.

Head Office:-3| Western Parade. Southsea.



HE state of the Portsmouth Port Married Quarters rosters on June 29 shows that. for ratings not entitled l to priority. there is an average waiting time of 5} months. l On the date mentioned the date of i application of the Chief Petty Olllccr at the top of the general roster was February 26 and the estimated waiting time for such ratings was 4', to 5; months. For Petty Oflicers the waiting tintc was 5 to 6 months :ind for Junior Ratings the waiting time was 5', to 61 months. The numbers on the general roster Ill were 74 Chief Petty Otliecrs Petty Officers and 347 Junior Ratings. The Married Quarters Oflicer also maintains a Priority Roster and the numbers on that roster on June 19 were three Chief Petty Ollicers. seven Petty Officers and II Junior Ratings.


Carrington. First Lord of the Adniiralty. accompanied by the Naval Secretary. Rear-Ailntiral F. R. Twiss and the Principal Private Secretary Mr. P. D. Nairne, visited the Flag Otlicer Sea Training at l'ort!;ind on i July l5.


increase lot lourln succesutc VCJI.

ow orr.-m.ums





bonuses proud: nuisundinr

nuovimcnt satuc.

lltustutiom from Mr. \V. .'utl|e) Stern 37-O London Road. Portsmouth. l€iCl"l’t0!\s?‘ Portsmouth t-OSSI.

AL'STRAI.lA.\‘ MUTUAL PROVIDI-INT SOCll'ZT\‘ 73:76 Kins \\'iIIi.iir Street London l:'.(.‘.-I. ‘lcleptionc -\ilItNsson House N823

At your service








13 Clarendon










Rear-Admiral N. E. II. Clarke. C.B.. modore l. C. C. llenley: Captain has been placed on the Retired List W. J. i\lunn. l).S.().. O.ll.l;'.: Captain 4 (Acting l{c.ir-Ailmiral) R. V. Brockto date July 8. Admiral Cl:irke has held several man. C.S.l.. (‘.l.l:'.. ('.ll.li.: and important appointments in an eiigiii- Captain (3. ll. Teale. (,‘.ll.E.

ecring capacity. He became Deputy Director of Doekyards (Administra-

tion) in 1957 and from January to September. I058. he was l)ireetor of Fleet Mainteiiaitcc. Since November, I953. he has been Command Engineer Otlieer and Chief Stall Otlicer (Technical) of the Stall of the Commanderin-Cliief. Portsmouth. 0

Rear-Admiral K. St. 3. Collins. C.B.. ().ll.l-2.. l).S.(‘.. has been placed on the Retired List to date July 8. Qnalifyiiig for hydrographic duties in N25. Admiral Collins has spent most of his service in the Hydrogmphic service. became Assistant Hyilrographer in I95] and Hydrographer of the Navy in June. I955.

Rear-Admiral W. W. H. Ash. A.M.|.I-Z.t-‘... is to be Deputy Director of the Electrical Engineering Division (S) of the Ship Department. Adinimlty. in succession to Mr. J. C. Thompson. C.B.E. The appointment is to take effect on November I. Admiral Ash was an electrical fitter apprentice at H.M. Dockyard. Portsmouth. from I922 to I927. and after qualifying as an electrical engineer at the R.N. College. Greenwich. and serving in a variety of Admiralty appointments ashore and afloat. entered the Royal Navy as an electrical specialist with the rank of Commander in 194‘). O

Rear-Admiral G. B. Tcale. C.B.l-‘... is to be Chief Statf Otlicer (Administration) on the Staff of the (‘oinntander-in-Chief, Portsmouth. in succession to Rear-Admiral R. W. Pattard. C.B.. C,B.E. The appointment is to take cllcct in Aiigtist. A P art for one short P eriod during the early part of the war. Admiral Teale was ~.ecretar' i to the late Admiral of the Fleet Sir Rltodcrick McCirigor from 1938 to I955. O



Rear-Admiral to Captain ti. 0.



promoted date July 7: Irving. O.B.E.: Comwere


County hockey player for H.M.S. Ark Royal R. t.. S. Holman. who recently joined H.i\l.S. Ark Royal as a coin machine operator/mechanic for the naval canteen service. was P resented with an inscribed silver Pt-ncil by the l‘.:ist Devon llockcy Club before he left for his home town of Exeter. llc is a life member of the cltib and has played hockey for his country. He now hopes to have the opportunity of playing for his new ship.




following otlicers have been appointed Naval Aiiles—ile-Cainp to the Queen from July 7. I960: Capt. M. F. Andrew. ().ll.lE.. R.N.; Capt. The


Germans giv Dri -



H. N. C. Willmott. l).S.().. l).S.(‘. and Bar. R.N.; C‘ominodore R. \V. F. Nortlicott. (.‘.B.t5.. l).S.().. Capt. K. Williamson. D.S.O.. R.N.: Capt. J. Howson. D..‘i.C.. R.N.; Capt. M. L. Hardie. D.S.C.. R.N.: Commodore G. F. M. Best: Capt. ll. (‘. Durant. LARGE number of the townspeople. accompanied by a German Military l).S.0.. D.S.(‘.. R.N.; Capt. Ci. ll. greeted H.M.S. Daring when. accompanied by ll.!\l.S. Crossbow Ashby. O.ll.l;'.. R.N.; Capt. W. A. and ll-and tl.M. Submarines Talent and 'l'hermop_vlac. she entered Bremen. the Stewart. 0.ll.li.. R.N.; Capt. K. M. Free llanseatie City. in early May. Syinonds. D.S.C. and Bar. R.N. Bremen is a city of very noticeable tries-the most notable being the ditlerences in architecture. ranging Brewery run and the trip to SoumcnA. M. R. has been front the modern concrete and glass linna which is a fortress island at the Jatlnly Mr. Principal Private Secretary city centre to the Rathaus and church mouth of the harbour/the Finns appointed the of the Admiralty in which are in the typical and charac- proudly call it the Gibraltar of the to _FlfSl Lord succession to Mr. P. D. Nziirne. M.C.. teristic style of the Hanscatie build- North. who will become an assistant secretary ings of 400 Wars ago. The ship's company of Daring nite at the beginning of August. The friendliness and open hospitality Helsinki as the number one run of During the war Mr. Jatfray served in of the German people was most the Commission. marked and visits were made to the the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve. SURPLUS WOMEN Borgward Motor Works. the Kalle One thing that must be mentioned Hag Works and the local docks. is the fact that there are about 57.000 Many of the visitors sampled the surplus women—admittedly no one local “hot dog"—a sausage about ten seen with about 30 women in low inches long sandwiched in a roll was but it is rumoured that many did very about two inches thick. The local well! beer was brewed with typical teutonie of the Ship's (‘ornpanv thoroughness and was very good and of Athenumber Daring underwent the iiniisii:i| cheap. When the ships were open to visitors experience of a Sauna bath-—a most assed over the gangway refreshing steam b:ith followed by very over 4.000 HE request for the rules of to Daring a one in one afternoon. cold_water. this could be repealed as "Uckers." recently published. t)aring‘.s next port of call was reqnired..’l1ie operation was combrought forth the following from Mr. Helsinki. which was holding a Btiy pleted with one being beaten with J. W. Lee. of Kelly College, 'l‘;ivistock, British week. and many British goods birch twigs -—the result was that not l)evon. only did one feel cleaner than ever were displayed in the shops. The request took his mind back The hospitality of the Finnish I V some 30 years when "Uckers" was ;i people was literally the end [no pun No. l sport in the fleet. in those days intended)—it ranged from a dance for the rules were always the same no 500 ratings to :1 tennis party for four. matter what part of the world it was Visits were paid to many local indus~




various tests and trials were carried out and the Ship's (‘onipany ‘took part in nrany interesting activities-—:i Soccer 7-a-side Competition -a series of teams tindertaking Sherpa activities in the hills and a S_hip‘s Dance. The ship spent the Whit week-end at (ireenock and many went home for the week~cnd or to

(ilasgow. After Campbeltown Daring spent almost

week at Lock Eribol-~scven miles away from th.; pcarest bar btit still some managed to make Sinoo Cave Hotel. others just chased sheep over the hills. Exercise l-‘airwind V was a very storm-tossed ellort. btit the exercise zi

completed. Daring sailed for Bergen and then to Devonport for suininer

leave. H.M.S. Daring. name ship of the l')aring class destroyers. is commanded by Capt. C. P. Mills. (.'.ll.lE.. l).S.C., R.N. She was completed in l:I.‘l'tt’ll:tl’y I952 and is the sixth ship of the Royal Navy to bear that name. Of 2.810 tons standard displacement she is 390 feet in length (o.a.l can steam at over 30 knots. and has :i complement of l8 otlicers and 276 ratings.

Single Account with Beruartls. will enable to purchase your you throwing accident Fatal and most Clothing Requirements always picked I other items, too at Navy sports


for a Start was made after six but the teams never moved a done counter. That "work" was by four men from the audience. beforehand. Your opponent could be knocked oll a square if you threw :1 number that would take your cotiiiter to his square. "We never double banked a counter so that the opponent could not pass." Mr. l.ee goes on to mention a few details. Teanis dressed in ftill warpaint. On meetin-. teams always gave their war cry. vis ting teams first. and then came the most important p:irt of the ritital——the massage. The massage. ten minutes of hard rubbing with Iiibricating oil on all joints. The massage was repeated when a man got his counter “home." Mess played mess. ship played ship. and the eventual fleet winners would be towed around the ships of the fleet. the trophy raised high for all to see. In cold print the game may not sound exciting. but the dressing up. the ritual. and the rules. simple though they were. carried out to the letter. made "Uckers" contests a real oceasion.



. .

. .


lll-I Pitt Street AthleticsGround at Portsmouth was the scene of {I most distressing accident during the lirst Royal Navy Youth Athletic Championships on Saturday. July I6. l.ieutenant-Commander if. D. P. Davis. R.N. (ret.). the Chief track Judge. was struck on the hack of the head by a hammer during the hammer finals. A safety cage was in place but the hammer sailed over the top of the net.

The victim of the accident was taken immediately to the Royal Portsmouth Hospital just opposite_ the ground but he died on Monday night. July I3. At the inquest on July 22 a verdict _

of accidental death was returned. The Portsmouth City Coroner (MrP. H. Childs) told the young thrower that he hoped that. the accident would not spoil his life. “The best way to forget this is to work as hard as you can."


Abbotsinch 15,000 AT

AlR DAY N Saturday. July 2. the Royal Naval Air Station. Abbotsinch was "At Home" to more than l5.0lJ0 local people. Last year when the Station entertained the public. the “outdoor activities" nere bathed in brilliant sunshine. but this year the organisers were less fortunate for. although the \N.':lllll.‘l’ was line and warm. the low cloud base caused the flying display to be amended. Nevertheless. much of the display was both spectacular and amusing and certainly the “custoiucrs" felt they got value

before but also tiiigled with a feeling of well-being. these two excellent visits After took to the hills at CainpbelDaring town at the end of May to recover.


The customers got value for

money at


Part of the Static t)ispIa_v and a section of the crowd at Abbotsinch. and riding drop performed by the Scottish Para- ship. letting oll balloons chute Club. the \\'.R.N.S. Display in the Sanderling train. which was in which consisted of 20 girls dancing the fact the Farm tractor in disguise. horupipc. along with the Judo Club towing some suitable carriages. and Sub Aqua (‘tub demonstrations When the activities of the afternoon were great attractions with the crowd. were over and folk had refreshed The children. hundreds of whom themselves with tea for stronger fluids) went home near to being asleep on the Royal Marines Band of Scotland their feet. thoroughly enjoyed sitting Command “Beat Retreat" and perfor money. in a mock-up of a Sea Hawk and formed that very impressive ceremony Apart from the llyiitg display-— trying to land a model aircraft on of “Sunset" which brought to a close which was not iinnaturally watched by the deck of ii model carrier. see- Abbots-inch's most profitable and most of the crowd +the Parachiite sawing. swinging "sailing" in a Viking 1 successful Air Day so far.

For Beriiards provide the facilities of a large departmciital store together with a truly personal service and departments

include: Uniform and Civilian Tailoring and

Outfitting, Footwear, Sportswear, and Equipment; Fancy Goods, Toys and Games, Cameras and Cycles, Radios, Televisions, Record Players and Tape Recorders; Electrical Appliances, Furniturc, Nursery Furniturc_ and Baby Carriages; Cutlery, Watches, Jewellery, Rings, Lingerie and a Gift Service for Chocolates, Biscuits and Flowers. A Credit Account may be opened for settlement by Admiralty Allotment or Bankers‘ Order and purchases may be made through any Bernard Branch or Head Officc. No claim is made against the estate of a customer in the event of his death. Full particulars of the Bernard Service will gladly be given on request at a Branch or to Head Otlicc or by any Bernard


RememberYou Really Do Buy Better at Bernards

C. ll. Bernard & Sons Ltd. 6-8

Queen Street, Portsmouth

Otlirr Brunclii-.i at: Chullium. Demnporl. Wrymrmrli, l’urlIiimI. Millard Him-i. Dral, Skegnrss, Grimihy, Lomlamlrrry. Ilcliviibiirgli. Diui/i-nrrlinr. Gibrallar l’nIl'i-Ilaumlslirma. Malta: andL0.\'.¥f('IM0llfIl,Arlrrtmfh,AhhnI.ii'urIi, Bra ml_i», A’,-1;" Culilroir. ll’urlIt_i' l)uu'Ii, (.'iir.iIIum. H.M.S. Dal/iliiu.and I.T.(.'.R.i\!. I. rni/1.iruIir', illrri-ilirrt LN. T.A Oflfrr-ri' Slmrn al I"IrIiioIIIh riml I’0rl.mtmuli


Beer was three but Helsinki trip was a real treat

shillns. a


August. I960

Trapped under




Sl'|'IClAl. Order of the Day. ‘.‘ issued by the I-‘lag Otlicer. SubRear-Adniiral A. R. lleitlct. itnarincs. July 26. recalls an exploit which ion reamed Victoria Crosses for Lieut. l. E. Fraser. R.i'.R.. and Ldg. Snin. J. J. Mngeunis. On July 26. I945, ll..\t. Submarines Spark and Stygian with midget Submarines X.l3.l and X.E.3 respectively in tow sailed to carry out an attack on the Japanese heavy cruisers Takao .and Mynko aiichorcd in the lohore T Strait. X.l3.3'.s target was the Takao and after considerable ditliculty and after being trapped beneath the cruiser owing to the falling tide. X.E.3 :lllIlll1I1lI.‘tl to attacli limpet mines to xtlic ci'ni\er's bouoiii. .\’.lZ.l's target uas tlic .\li'tiko bu‘. delayed her coniiiiantling oiliplaced her charges as close as ieer I pt'ts\Il\lC to the 'l'ak:io. The attack was a complete sucCess and T-altao was severely damuged. She would have sunk had she not been lying in shallow water. The citation awarding l.icut. Fraser and Ldg. Snin. Magcnnis their Victoria Crosses stated: "The determination and courage of l.icut, Fraser are l.dg. Smn. .\l:tgbt‘l'g‘II1| :_Ill praise ennis displayed very great courage and complete disregard for hi; own ,

Many experience a ‘Sauna’ bath


I-'l'l-IR an eventful passage from Portsmouth to Kiel in dense fog, ll..\l.S. llcnnuda (Capt. A. D. Robin. D.S.C., R.N.), wearing the tlag of the Flag tlfliccr Flotillas. Home l-‘Ieet (Vice-Admiral Sir Charles Madden. llt.. C.B.). was joined by the tninelayer ll.M.S. Apollo (Capt. L. D. I-Impson. R.N.), the destroyers lI.M.S. Crossbow (Cdr. D. Hay. RN.) and ll..\I.S. Daring t(':tpt. C. P. Mills. C.B.l'I.. D.S.C.. R.N.), the frigate ll.M.S. Blacltwood (Lit-ut.-(.‘dr. C. F. H. Munro-Faure. R.N.), and a Russian Riga class destroyer tv:ipt:titi not listed) for passage through the Baltic to Helsinki. llie escort proved not unfriendly and radio and PrI.‘s\t'Ilcll were in C‘-i‘ '.!ltl indeed found the forriiation quite dcncc during the otlicial ceremonic-:. ;ihu:u;.:eItic: on ztpproacliitig l’inl;ind parties and sporting cvcltts that sitti-he sigiialled "llnn \"oy;rgc" in inter- sequently took place. i:.ttinti.tl code and dis.ipp::trcd over .\l:iny fortiial and iIit'oz'iii.il entertainincnts were given both by the the lion/on. he ~.qti.id:on arrived oil" Harntaja /\tllb:t\<;ttl\Vl’and his stall. and by :h.light at 0830 on May 20 and fired a l"inns, whose hospitality was c.\trcn‘...y National Silllllc of :1 guns to the generous. l)l-ZAR WIIISKY Republic of I-‘inland, Ships entered The cost of living was found lo_lic harbour in bright .sunshinc_ a pleasant .-onrrast to the fog experienced en high com arcd with that in Britain. route. and bcrthed in two groups right Whisky, or example. cost approxiin the centre of the town. mately l0 shillings per nieasurc; beer The line weather continued through- three shillings a bottle and as one out the visit which had been timed to oflicer painlull discovered. bacon and coiiicitlc with an exhibition of British eggs for break ast in a first class hotel Lowe of Win-Al, Cheshire. nith I Finnish seven-_vc:ir-old at a and back him 23 Industrial Design and the appearance knocked shillings party on board ll..\l.S. llcrmuda at llclsinki. Nevertheless fared of l)anie Margo: Fonteyn and Mr. sixpcncc. very many ' imlicatcd and this was how kriouti Michael Sonics dancing as guest artists well ashore ll long not exactly H for the puhlfc. Tliey l on many o.‘casions more by the number of attractivt: girls rook part in a wreath laying ceremony i .:go this \\.l\ \\.'|llctl but ntl\\.l\l-l.}\' the ‘ at the llallcl. Helicopters took newsreel of the waving goodbye from tltc jellies when at llietaniemi and afterwards received .bircli twig trcatmetit precedes treatarrival and exceptional coverage was the squadron left than by the \i~it~‘. to great admiration front the crowds as ment by wonicn with hard brushes and given to the visit by the Press. Mem- shipyards and breweries. ni-arched through the main shop- ii is Slt'i.'\'s‘Ctl that they are termed they The Royal hlarine lland prmcd .1 ping area of Helsinki with ttvo "l.adics of the hath" not for their bers of the Ship's Company featured frequently in interviews on television great asset in the Flagsliip and played platoons of seamen from H.M.S. Ber- beauty but for their physical prowess muda. and H..\l.S. Apollo and H.M.S with a scrubber.


.-.B. ill




This ritual was aptly described by a senior member of the British Coinniunity in Helsinki who said, "To the l-‘inns. the Sarina is a religion. Personally. l‘m (‘hutch of England and I don't see any necessity to change it." The Sauna. however, was responsible for resuscitation tnany whose staniina began to flag during the latter stages of the visit and was very much appreciatcd by l-l..\l.S. .-‘\pollo'.s crew who had to tiiid a second wind {or a visit to the l:illtll\'l‘l Naval port of Turku from .\lay ’_‘7 to 30 after the remaining units had departed from Helsinki, A total of l-t.l)t\t) people came on board when all .\ill|li ucrc open to THE "SAl,"NA" visitors, The children's parties. held mainly in spite of the climate the Finnish were a great sticccss and peoplt: enjoy their swimming and for orphans, often bathe in unusually cold condi- a busy and enjoyable week soon came tions. Many ofliccrs and men indulged to an end. in a "Sauna" bath which is taken by Bearing in mind Finland's policy of strict neutrality and its proximity the Finns once every few days and is compulsory in the Finnish Navy once to the Russian border it was thought by many that the reception every I0 days. The Home Fleet Guide book describes it as “an exhilarating would be polite and rather cool. experience taken in at room the tem- Instead. we in the Navy found true and sincere friends. received a perature of which has been raised to wami-hearted welcome and finally about I15 deg. ccmigradc when the body is subjected to mild fla cllation left with much reluctance and this is ollowed vsith birch twigs happy mcniorles of one oi‘ the most by a plunge into the lake, or in pleasant visits likely to be encountered in any commission. winter. rolling in the snow."

Bermuda's Royal Marine detachment. The programme was rather full to allow many sporting activiti¢s—a golf match proved particularly enjoyable. played against Helsinki on a delightful course in a parkland of pine trees on the outskirts of the town. The setting was most attractive and the condition of the turf remarkable remembering the ground is covered with ice and snow for seven months of the year. This match was drawn and the results all round were even with the exception of water-polo which we lost. and the football against the l-'innis-li Navy which we won.






You'll enjoy your shore leave all the more when you know you're well dressed. Suits, coats, sports clothes, unit'ornis—i'rom Willerbys, all are first class. And you can pay by allotment ifyou wish. Our natal repre.ren!atire.r regularly visit (Ire Fleet or parts ofeall at Ironic and t)|’('I'St.'(l.!'. Ifyou'd like to know more alumr ll"ilIerlzy.r,see either Mr. Gutrrixlgc, or Mr. Dunkin, wlicrt next he visits your t’5I¢lb[l.l‘llI7l(Itf. A In-malt’rely, drop us a line, or call in at any ofour brancltes. ll’ shall bepleased to let you have afalder giving details of ll ‘illi-rb_r.v _rp£'t'l'(lIscriice for men in the um'_i'.











Bl-1l.ll-IVE it may not generally be that it is possible to bequeath ones eyes for this purpose so that eiren the. poorest among us power to leave :I lurvc it within our to nianltind." Pl'lt‘cles\i_lt.'gac)‘ So writes the Commander-in-Cbict‘. l’ortsmout.h (Admiral Sir Manley Powc_r) when referring to cortical gratting—tlic modern surgery which makes it possible to arrest threatened. blindness and sometimes to restore lost sight. Admiral lfowcr says that so ninch support is given throughout the Navy to funds for the blind that it is clear how uiuch synipatliy exists for these unfortunate people. and he points out that liuinan eyes. removed shortly after death, can be preserved for


subsequent use. In calling attention to the possibility of naval personnel assisting some

blind person when the owner can have no use for his eyes. the Conimandcr—in-Chief says ''I realise this is not a form of charity which will appeal to everyone but there must be many. like myself. to whom it does


An oflicer or rating who wislies to assist. after his death. someone threatened with blindness. should carry a signed statement in his pay book and should infomi his family. or his e.\ccutor. of his desire.



you get the best clothes of all at


by allotment if you


28-30 Oxtord Street. London. W.1 82 Royal Parade. Nlyrnouth 111 commercial Road. Portsmouth 5 London Road. North End. Portsmouth

41 Gordon Street. Glasgow 12 North Bridge. Edinburgh 52 Cornmorclal stroot. Dundee

228 High Stroot. Chntham 20 Above Bar. South.1mDl°"‘

12 Main Street. Gibraltar

20 High Street. Belfast

._:__j.-indbranches throughou: Bn‘:cin__.:______. -




completed a commission on the Far East Station. photographcd passing under the Forth Bridge. (funimanded by Capt. ll. R. I.-aiv. (l.B.li.. l).S.('.. R..\‘.. sin: is ntm The aircraft carrier ll..\l.S. Centaur. which recently









.-s- .4 v 1'


.s' i-zws



Royal Canadian Navy’s totem pole for H.M.S. Excellent

‘POTLATCH’ FOLLOWS PRESENTATION ANY colourful ceremonies huye taken place at Whale Island ou.-r the many years Il.M.S. Excellent has been in cxisicncc, but probably one of the most colourful will take place on July 28. On that day a Totem Pole pregiant totem pole presented to sented to H.M.S. Excellent by the Her Majesty the Queen on the occaGunnery branch of the Royal sion of the BC. Centennial. Canadian Navy, will arrive and will Capt. ii. 'I'. G. Mzitlgwick. D.S.C.. be set tip on tlte lam) in front of ilie C.l)., R.C.N.. cut a eercnionial first front the pole at Thiinderbird wardroom. The presentation ceremony is to he followed by :i “not- ; I’ark_ Victoria. II.C., on May 1. I95‘). latch." tigures to he caivcd on the pole Until a few years ago the gunnery were in the best of Pacitic Coast training of otlieers and senior ratin-,:s lndi.in traditions: :1 Thiinderbird, .t of the Royal Canadian Navy “as car- Killer Whale and :1 Speaker. ried out in ll..\l.S. l;'.vee||ent and THE THUNDERMRD nlieii that navy reached a point in its development where it .started to _'lhe‘llitiiiderbird:'I‘hcniythological 3“ 4IPD'-‘ilfi 41% lflltmflafll carry out all its gunnery training in.l"I-‘d in ll": Of SC\'L‘Yi1l Canada. it was thought appropriatefchttractct‘ 0TlL‘~l" and that some tangible recognition t)fil\\\';ll.‘ltlll tribes, was di\'Pl5l3'*-‘ll the part Whale Island had played in lffllllcfllll’ =15 3 "l3mllY CF05!" On the development of Canadizin naval totem poles. Ilttiiiderbird lived on the t,snow-capped mountain peaks and gunner)-_ The response to an appeal rttiitlclllt-‘*1’!-‘ll1lt‘tl ‘I0 ll}-‘ Sea to hunt Killer ‘"115 illlflbllwd In at the end of I957 was _l«|b'l""l“l3 money coming from the many serving t lllt‘ llilfihlllg of the terrible eyes and and retired gunnery ollicers. gunners. I l_h""*l'~‘1'_ 10 ll"? 139315 Of his wings. -" ’>«~ H 3 -'0nnL‘~‘li0fl bfilwccn lightordnance oflicers. ordnance gunnery instructors and lirst-class ;ning and the martyrdom of Si. Chief Mungo .\lnrIin superintcnds as Capt. F. T. G. Mndgnick. R.C.N. _\V hm i;;irb_-.r;., W;; nm 0 f gunmn and niakes the tirst cut into the lug which became llosaqami. The Chiefs great rm‘ “ho hm‘, “finned ;H tzrand-daughter. I6-year-old Shirley Hunt looks on. lslantl. course. with 'gur_iiire.) I‘he Isillcr Whale: This figure also IN FORM C.~\:\'Al)lAN In addition. 14 sailors of Indian Hosaqami was cnibarked in iappears frequently on Kwalsiutl totem and i? derived from the actual H--V-C-3 Kootenay, :1 destroyer blood. dressed in their respective Many suggestions were made as which is a sinall-toothed escort of the Fifth Canadian Escort tribal costumes, will form the close the form the presentation should talse. Silyercd drill boots, a silver whale fairly :ihtindant in British Squadron which. with the senior escort from the ship to Whale Island. bell and the like were considered. but ;Columbia's coastal waters. The Killer‘ ship. I-I..\l.C.S. Gatineau in company The actual presentation will be the idea of a totem gained ground Whale, like the Tlitinderbird. is a sailed from H;ilifa.s on July 20 for followed on the rt






















because it was Canadian in form character in some of the Kwakiutl and its symbolism could be very Onsln myths. and in this case reprethe sea and its creatures. easily applied to the relationship be- sents A Speaker: This figure usually reptween personnel of the two navies. The totem is symbolic of associa- resents a man addressing an audience. tions between pcoplc, by blood des- He holds a_ staff denoting his cent. by :ill'iliation, or adoption and 3l1ll\0_|’IlY. (Chief Martin carved the Miingo Martin. Chief of the face in such a way as to represent Kwakiutl_ a- federation of Indian 3 "130 t:‘-_IV§nt; orders—:i man, as it tribes on the coast of British Colimi- -were. tr.i_ining other men.) People 5 likenesses can-cu on micms bia and Vancouver Island. was com.uere sometimes depicted with circular Ilosuqami—tIIe Totem I’ole from missioned to carve :i 25 ft pole. Inter- lm°l"hi—an appropriate Symbol for llritish Culunibizi. carved from one nationally famous preserver of this‘. dramatic art of his folk. he ererited ,a gunnery instructor. solid log of cedar stood. in essence. therefore. the pole


the United Kingdom. A small part of Whale Island “gr.1dnates," olliccrs and men. accompanied the totem pole to England and the actual rcsentation will be made by Cdr. 10 n W. McDowall. C.D.. R.C.N. '

"potl:itch“ by lawns. A "potltitch" is a Canadian

barbecue and in this case the gunnery element of HMS. Excellent. ofl‘ic_ers and men, are providing roast pigs. hot dogs. and the like.


:Sh0uIton’striaIs were mostwl successful

|'t‘D§’L‘sents the_ two Navies‘ common of lighting over the seas. liar-latte based tirmly on the service rendered by the man in authority. the

from I.ittle Creek, Norfolk (Virginia), Instructor. to Key West. Montreal and Tennessee, LONG TIME LOOK AT LOG and one ofliccr and twelve ratings For his elaborate art. Chief Martin went to Washington to line the foyer of a theatre for the premiere of "Sink ‘h. at -"‘the Bisnt:irek." 0°11 08item scc Whale. Then I cut on an IIIG HLY TRAINED I)l\'l-IRS not whale. I-Ie insisted mm N. : The ship's team of live divers (inbe blessed in accordance i ndian ritcs_and attended to this .!\l.S. Sll0L7l.1'()!\’ (Lieut.-Cdr. tcluding Lietit. A. J. Fiitcher. R.N.) ‘Will naming it "Hosaq:imi." K. D. Vieary. R.i\‘.) arrived home :irc among the most highly trained ‘P°'.“""-1llYthis was the name given a totem by at Portland on June 24 after most in the Navy and they earned great "l ancestors. It implies -‘l"fl8n's_ successful trials‘ in .-\llll'l'it.".l of a new Ipraise from U.S. Navy ollicials for l “"9 ovmer that ‘the is ti man of integrity llritish device for detcctiiig under- llhcir skill and ingenuity in yaryiiig ’" ll” 50°-‘it'll’. and that he keeps an conditions. They had to work and dive water objects. account of his “potl:iiehes" the warni waters of the Gulf of Il..\l.S. Shotiltoii is :i co:ts't:tl nutte- in Mexico :ind in the icy conditions oil llmughoiit the years. swcepcr fitted with improved mine the coast of Canada. covering the .\leastirements of the completed warfare equipment which is now_ to widest Wcm Pole are as follows: he inst;tlled'in other of lI..\l. minc- ditions possible range of diving conlength 25 ii. 4 in. and lizmirds. swcepcrs. Site is one of the smzillcst base diameter 3 ft, is in The engine room staff of the ship ships in the Royal Navy. with :1 peace- _al.so top diameter 2 ft. 3 in.’ special eonniieiidations time complcmcnt of less than thirty. ‘for received their cllicicncy in rtiiining volume 164 cubic feet .ind slic lias bccti in Aineriea and Shonlton “Tight 3.608 pounds. throughout her long cruiseCanada since Scptember_ last year :i remarkable acliicvenierit for a ship There is also a heavy steel base tlenionstrating to the L-..S.N. and of this size. R.C.N. sonic of the latest ttriiisli mine front ashore. nomtnlly fully supported Ettlzxtc and everything associated with has been designed with a coiintcrnicasiire equipment atid cottWhen the ship left American waters t‘§'=||”lv' C51‘: 10 it as "subdiiciing siile-by-side trials with equis:a- ; the U.S. (.'omm:inder _keep Test Opcratioiial ilietitenarit-proof" as possible. The lent U.S. eqtiipineiit. and I-Ivaltizilion Force that .st:itcd <é|\'1I'.!L‘ colours have been achieved has Iler "tlcmoitstr;ilion cruise Shotiltoii had made a coitsigiiilieaiit proper liidiaii pigntcnt:ition_ coicrcd the whole of the eastciii seathe and science to ‘lfllllllltlll art of \\;l~: transferred to the lll¢_ lNtlc_ hoard oi" North .~\ii\ei'ic.i troitt Is'c_v mine I |iiiiiting_ ltztst Coast in ll..\l.C.S. New Water\\'est :he most southerly por'.— —to ford. and it has _occupied a temporary scotia the most llalttax. No-..i bl-'-'IlI llhl outside the entrance of itortlierly (’:iti;idiati naval base, It the \\’c-iimns Division in ti..\i.c.s. incltitled visits In Net‘. ‘foils. \\';isliSt.idacoii.i, R.C.i\'., ll:irr:ii:ks. ll;tlifa:s.' AT iiigton l).('. ttsherc the ship's coiitp.'iti_\' ('"""~‘l!~' t’-‘fwnncl of the East Coast spent ('|iristiii:isl. the iiotoriuiisly badhave protiiled ti large slab of .\'us~i I-‘ASTNEY ucalltcr area ol .\';irr.It!~'I|N‘ll Ba)‘. .‘~i:.it:a eranilc. carved as follows: and the exotic city oi I-'ort l.:iiidei'da|e. Ill-'. .\I:iss-.-ti llands ol the l’s\il\'t "iiit.s' Tutttst mtta ahcrc Sliniilloit is helieved to liavei motith (irotip. Royal .\I.irines'. and ‘teen the lirst lI..\l Ship to call t ll0S.\Q.\.\ll is colourful \'ineeiit. l'Rl\‘l\'1l‘l'I to THE OFFICERS \.\'l) She was also the tirst Ilritish war- ll..\l.S. St. gave a HIV or ii..\t.s. [2.\'CtLI.LI:NT .iip cs-._-r to \'l\ll Port liverizlziiles oti ccreitioity ot lleatiitg Retreat at the



tlflip} flat t<l)ter_u







The Royal Navy’s choice since 1805 ! For over 150 years SIBIONDS lino beers liavc gone down well, afloat or ashore. Today Sl1\!0.\'DS l)(.‘ClS are better than ever—.stroiig, bcatitifullyhrowetl, full of llavoiir. 'l'r_v :-tonic today !


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in tin: oi l-l(‘I-.RS .\.\'n .\ll;N uF Etc S.\\’ coast ot l-Iorida .ind titete. Royal .\l.‘irill.'~ ll.irr:u'l.s I-‘iistticv on Illl-'. t;t:.s:st:iu' IJR/t.\‘(‘ll or I is es~.:r_\\shere. the s".ip's :onipti\y ltilg. ti. 'l|te R.-\;iI Xlarines as ilL‘L'lIt.‘ll. tin; RUYH. l,'\.\'.\l)l.\.\' .s.\\'v h.isp:t.ilit) ht scre given e\tenst\t \'II:»'l'l:l|IlL‘tl the l.tIItl Xlajsoi ind l'\ in\i.\ii.sioit.\iiu.~.' .\.\'l) .\l‘I'RlE('l.\I'lU.\' ‘ic .-\mcricaii Navy .iiid civilians oi‘ .\ not-t l..\‘ll.?RY or noon Dtiriiig a leave period .it the l‘L'_L!lll' (-(lI'|]Jf,|'.l't|"oi l’.vi=.sinoii:lt. who \\.'re‘ and -miiuiiisitii- .\.\'l) \',\|,'t.'.\ltl.l; aiiig ol the _ve.ii sortie ot the ship‘s lll‘.ll.'(i to mtiicss tlic ccicitioiijs. IR\l'\l\ti l‘)lU-l‘)(i0.“ coiiipiiiv tiasellcd up to l..“t'.t| miles :i‘.c li.llI.l\"is\ \\c:c itpcit ll‘ the l‘lti‘l:s’. I.'\

SIMONIDS Brewed to



I2lZ.\I|l.\‘I7, l‘tlII'l'.\'.\ltll"l‘II. l‘I.\‘.\lIII"I'Il. IZTU.


Condor can ofler activities

August. I960


forty“ different sporting

MOUNTAIN RESCUE UNIT ALWAYS ON CALL ..\l.S. Contlur. llciiig rather hclter sited than most of our Air Statiims in that it is only too niilex from Arhroalli and I2 niiles from I)undt-‘e. must also he the best equipped for extra-niural activities. Recreation IS available. tlirouglioiit the year. in some -I0 dillerciit forms. both on and off the establishment. AC'I'I\'l-2 CANOI-I CLUB Ski-ing. once known as a rich nian‘s sport is available in season from The Canoe Club is very active at Condor. All equipment required by l'l..\I.S. Condor. Apart from some the ski-er is provided in the Club. I’.B.K. twowhich caters for experienced as well eight locally constructedalso two Tyne seater canoes. there are as novice ski-crs. (ilcn Slice. :1 well and .| kiiuwii ski-ers' rendezvous. is normally folding boats. :ilso two-sealers Slalom single-sealer t'olding the venue. and the Club ollers plenty Tyne Canoe. The Canoe Club members oI' scope and receives lots of enrange far and wide over the Scottish tliusiasm. countryside in their search for new Sailing is perhaps the most popular waters of the outside activities at Condor. in local to canoe. and have competed competitions. as well Apart from sailing races on other as beingcanocing represented at various instrucsailing clubs‘ home waters. lllls ES tional events throughout the country. carried out at Rescobie l.0i.‘h. ll milcs (iliding takes place on the airfield from the camp. Boats available are six Olviupie dinghies. 3 l-lft. R.N.S._.»\. at week-ends and most evenings subservice dinghies. and one Enterprise iect to weather conditions. As racing dinghy. The Sailing Club boasts R.N..-‘LS. Arbroath is a contact air:1 very tine Club House at the Loch. field. and not available for night flying. whicli was built by volunteer labour there are very few restrictions in that il\\l\lL‘l.l by some Aircraft Mechanic- respect. A Royal Air Force Gliding llllh and Apprentices during their Unit, No. (-62. fully occupied at the moment in the training of Air General Service Training periods.




STATE or THE NAVY TODAY Supplement) opcration:il llcc!

p. iii of

((‘ontinued from

Subniarincs in the ;.n_- of the l'urpoisc_ ".-\." "T." and classes. Since March submarines of the (lberon t.‘l;t\‘$ practically “rc'p.-..is" of the l’orpoise cl;iss—:ii'e beiitg launched, It is expected that I)rea(lnoughl-llrit;iin's lirst niiclcar-poivcrcd subm.irine—-will be operational by 1964. Members of her crew have already been selected and have undergone training with the United States Navy. It is expected that a second nuclearpowereil submarine will be ordered this year. Experience has shown that the



subniarines, (there will

be eight of them) with their high

speed and exceptionally good llt'.tnuL'u\'r‘.tl)llil)'. are extremely valu-


Sailing at Rescubie Cadets


able in the anti-subntarinc role its well as against siirface ships. Slightly larger versions of the Porpulses the Ohcrons (eight of them) are being hum um, Wm be coming into service during the next two years. These two classes are able to operate continuous submerged patrols in any Inn of thc world and may have high underwater speeds and



accommodated at This unit is on call at all times, and 1"“ ll.‘ “"1 l"""‘ "“”‘-"l “I” “ll ‘°VL‘l'-ll .-\rbro:ith. occasions. usually about t)'.1ll()! MOUNTAIN RI-ZSCUF. UNIT It is intcrcslilltz 10 "0"-' “'3' Chi“ Facilities for rock climbing and fell Al’ l"l“¢|' w- R- MK'Cibl'0" W5“ walking are provided by the ‘Moun- ““'“"l¢d ""3 n-l':-“- 5" ""3 |'l'€‘¢'fll taineering Club on day and week-end Queen's Birthday Ilonours for his expeditions. All equipment is provided “'”"l‘ I“ °"“"'-""5"" “ilh mi‘ '-"lib by the Club and from Club volunteers The ncwlv formed Condor Motorigreat diving depth. the Mountain Rescue Unit is selected. Club is gaining rapidly in str-ngth of‘ numbers. and has recently two GUIDE" “"S5"‘l'- TRIALS SHIP re’ ‘IV!’ -“'“"~"‘fUl T1‘lll¢\- 'l'l"~' Club Of the ships engaged on trials and Sponsor. lnsir.-l.ieul. C. J. Dunniclitl. ;m;,,;,,g p,.,b;,[,;y um am: most in ‘hc ".085 V l 4‘ 1"-i"'°§ l"°l""°‘ 0" RRIHY I0 public eye is the Guided i\lissil_e Trials [\'il\‘illi!ll0I\ all lIlll.‘fL‘\lt,‘(l persons. including the 5hip_ (;i.-|d¢ Nae, but of considerable ; Club members. interest too are the two high-speed all ;i Fstziblislnuciil. 'l'r.iining llcing type experimental submarines. Excaliactivities at ll..\l.S. ('ontlor. are very hur and I-Ixplorer. These are silh‘ well supported. but thought is ‘marines employing high test peroxide the of to con~.t;inll_\ gnen provisions for their propulsion machinery and diversions and attractions to they are believed to be the fastest new time. occupy spare submarines in the world. Among the lleet support ships is \'lSl'I'()RS 'l'() CONIJOR Maintenance ShipEscort .\l;inv ditlerent nationalities have at the Ilartland Point. and she is expected one time or another been seen within be the forerunizer of several ships the conlincs of the Air Station. The ‘to will increase the operational statioii has its "residents." the lndi;in ;which of warships. l.lllll):\ lIll\lt.'l’_‘.IUlII_Ll the .-\ircr.ift lavailaliility Since the First Lord presented the .\lcch;iiiici.iiis‘ Coiiversion (‘mine or estimates the than M the four ilie Pettv 0llicers' Air Filters‘ Course. Guided .\Iissile I)cstro_vers-the In addiiioii linloncsian and (icrman I)evonshire—h-.is been launched. ‘ratings. and a party of llrazilizin Air This class of ship—lhc other three ;.-\rni ratings under Lieut. Helgio dc are Ilatnpshire. Kent and London I-"aria have undergone courses. —seem to be uell out of the "desThe Flag (‘llliccr Scotland. Vicetroyer" wurltl. Their displacenient. .’\tllllll”;tl R. H. Wright. (.'.ll.. l).S.('.' full load. is c\pcctcd to be 5.500 paid a short \'l\tl to ('onilor on July (I. tons. and toured the zicconunodation and .-\lso launclicd are .-‘\.shnnIi and .\ training area. The (‘omniantl Instruc[tor Olliccr. Instr. (‘apt. Ii. T, W. Gurkha the tint of the seven new The Flag (Illieer Scotland (Vice-'Adniiral R. II. Wright. (.'.ll.. l)S.C.) inspecting the guard on July 6 ISnivth. .\l..-\. lIl\0 paid a short visit "Tribal" class General Purpose Frilon Julv 5. gates. The names of the others are I-Eskimo, Mohawk. Nubian. Timur and Zulu. Here we have frigates of (Continued from column 5) '.’.ll(l(l tons (full load) litled to pcriod~.-- it liar. been for one hundred a helicopter and to be armed carry with years. i.c.. about lU0.000. "Se;ic;it" guided I'IIl\\lll.‘$. Tliroiigliout the centuries the Royal AIIICRAI-"I" Navy has fulfilled all the duties it has been called upon to perform. It will Aircraft in the tleet are the do so in the future for it has line most advanced in the worldamong and front and the of best seamen. ships line Naval air squadrons planned to Ofcoursc I try to. But my pay’s not enough to The Royal Navy offers. to both its ll_v Scimitar tighter-strike aircraft otlicers and men. a line career. A already have them. Ark Royal has a save anything. career with a future second to none. squadron of Sea Vixen all-weather That’s what I thought when I was your age Only the best is good enough for the fighters and more Sea Vixen squadService. but. to the best the Royal rons are now being formed. until someone showed me the ‘Progressive Navy has greater pl'0.s‘pt.'Cls today than The low-level. long-range strike airSavings Scheme. I only had to put aside £3 time in its long history. Pros- craft. the N.z\..W. has completed at any a month by Naval allotment but when I leave pects of tinding out about the world trials in Victorious and a production the Service next year I can collect £855. and its peoples. excellent linancial order has been placed. rewards. and the opportunity. not only These three aircraft are all capable Sounds too good to be true. Wherc’s the catch? of serving the country but of helping of delivering both nuclear and conNo catch. And if I had died at any time my to preserve world peace. ventional weapons in the strike role. The Sea Vixen is also the first Naval Which will you take? wife would have received the whole £855 aircr:it't at sea armed with the FirePm going for the pension becausethere's immediately. You see, it’s a Savings strcak air-to-air guided missile. another valuable right with it—I can get a Scheme and Life Insurance rolled into one. Ark Royal has a squadron of cash advance for the full price of a new (iannets equipped for the airborne Supposing you hadn’t signed on for 22 years’ house. I’m all lined up for a job already, early warning role and these aircraft Sc-.r\'iCc:‘ will replace the Skyraiders in other with and look forward an extra to had pension I as nine When I had done my years, carriers. and the wife in to and safe our own family I .'lhc “'i.‘\\L‘§ helicopter. which can paid premiums for *7 years, kind of all it’s the home—well, strike as well as hunt submarines in security we drawn £234 to help set me up in Civvy all ivezitlicrs. by day :iiid by night. is want. Street. Now, after 22 years’ service, I shall l(illl‘ ol the ten ships of the still undergoing trials and will shortly I-low do you set about all this? have the option of taking the I-'ishcrg.' l’rotcclinn Squadron visited replace \Vlllrl\\'llltl\ at present being That’s easy. Ask the Provi- g (irimsby as a complete squadroii from used. £855, or if I don’t need the 2| to 15 to receive a sigiial cash immediately, a pension dent Life for details of the ,July In the guided missile field trials i honour. t-icon of the medium range missile. Scaof £172‘ a year when I retire ti Progressive Savings Scheme. The (irimsby Borough Council de- slug. liave been and are still being from civilian work at 65. cided to confer the Marching lirccdom I) carried out in the guided missile of the ‘ Fur rm-mbers 'lIia whole (‘oiintv the to Borough ll’.Ii’.JV.S. (It! Q] ship (ilrldc Ni.-ss. \'er_v .s'.itisl'actory in view the of squadron protection ASSOCIAYION 07 LONDON results indeed have been obtained. l’en.n'on is 4‘ I49 a rear. LIHITIO founded III? now being :ifl<ir<letl by the ships in Scaslug is now in production and Icelandic waters. trials of the Seacat. its close range uhich visited the Ships were port -Send this coupon to 246 Bishopsgote, London, E.C.2 counterpart. are also proceeding frigates Duncan (Capt. H. II. ithe satisfactiirily. Please send lull details of the Progressive Savings Scheme llrackcn. R.N., captain of the squadI I ronl. .\Ialcolm. Russell and Palliser. It is interesting to record that I I ‘the coastal II'tlnC'.s'\\cc[1L‘l‘§ Sobcrlon. although the Royal Navy has had to her position as the largest I Address Wasperton and Wottoii. :md relinquish I I in 'l1urc ntinesweepcrs Squirrel and navy in the world. the number of I the otlicers and men is approximately the Wale iful. I I The freedom ceremony took place same as -~:ipart front actual W 1| I’ I Rating or Rank. I on July 23. (Cuiitinued in previous colt;-run)





I save!


Honour for

complete Squadron

copld have



- — - - - - — - — - - - - - - - - - -


.-nu. ............
















IVINE Service viill he held on board Il..\l.S. \it-tury (Ship) in lI..\I. Dt)L‘li_\’:tI'(l. Portsnioulh. iii 11 am. on Sumlziy. July 3t. and the service will be open to members of the public and re-

Candlesticks with Italian


generations. Ilelston in

Cornwall has bcett famous for

Somerset-Ward. The doeltyard will be the public at l0.3lI ti.m..

its antiual Floral Dance but since I9-l7 the toiin has been put even more on the map by the building of a large air station a mile or so away. If you join the crmul of holidaymalters “ho stream down the main road to the l.lI.;lI'd you will see this large station on both sides of the road. It houses over two thousand natal personnel. including nearly three hundred ullicers and the largest Wren unit in the i\'av_v_ A short dis-

tance aviay are tvso large estates of married quarters.

service will begin at It

of Capt. P. N. Hones. l).!-i.t'.. k..\.. arrived in the Pool til" I.unilnn on July 20. for a six-day visit. _'I'he ships were the aiiti-siilvmarixie frigates Roebuck. Urchin and \’:gil.i:i: and the ocean mineswcepers Jewel and

Althuitgh R.N.A.S. Cttldroselnamcil


Chapel‘ of St. Peter and St.


Paul at R.N. Air


Acute. They

Station. Culdros

miralty. “as originally in the Ger-: foremost are the many men and The civilian organist. .\lr. D. W. man ship "Spreewald." captured in; women within the station. then there Mills. lives nearby, the I-‘int World War and renamed; are the families living nearby. llclston Within the last few years the church Il..\I.S. Lucia. .\lany of the church; parish church is some distance has been licensed for marriages and fromi from Il..\l.S. Godwitl the married quarters atid so the chap- the reading of bzinns. Already a numIittings came The tllinstock). six candlesticluh. l:iin finds himself responsible forfbcr ofwsedtlings have taken place bearing the crest of the ltalianlministering to the families. It Eslhcre and scarcely a week goes by Navy, iiere given to the lint chap-3 obviously impossible to visit thes'e,without several banns being read. In lain in Taranto during the last quarters regularly so a parish paper.;sueh a place like, this with a large The standard eandlesticlits. origin-| the Cross and Anchor. is puhlished‘numbcr of men and women serving ally in Rodney. uere presented byl quarterly and distributed to every together marriage is obviously quite a H.M.S. Vanguard. Within the last; house. business and it a good thing that the two years a new electronic organ A short time ago :1 Parish Com- chaplain should be in a good position has been installed. munion was started on Sundays at to give advice and instruction. There The church itself is dedicated to l0 and parents were invited to come are. also many welfare problems and St. Peter and St. Paul. The notes their children. This has been .1 most days the chaplain finds himself out with the b:ick of the original dedication. great success. The children help in the visiting quarters to solve difficulties. service sziv "this commemorates '2 service and have a ten minute instriicthrough the keys of St. Peter the need tion on their own at the end while the Z of valid orders and valid sacniments chaplain talks to the rest of the conand through the missionary zeal of gregation. It is interesting to see that St. Paul (reputed to have visited a number of railings are beginning to

in the best position possible. on the edge of the parade ground beside the accommodation blocks. Inside it is beautifully decorated with furniture to match the white walls. On either side of the altar there is oak panelling which was originally cancd for the chapel in H.M.S. Rodney (1930-31) in which both the Reverend Hyde Gosselin and the first Captain of Ciiltlrose. Capt. G. C. Dickins, served together. The work of adapting the oak to a new building was no easy task and the vicar of Newlyn. the Reverenil A. G. Wyon, gave his professional advice and supervision. Shipwrights Webber Cornwall) the command of Christ. attend this service. There is a ood and Blight carried out the necessary ‘Preach the (iospel to esery creature choir formed from oflicers and s its‘; work. The chapel serves a large parish. company and this sings at Mattins it The bell. provided by the Ad- really two parishes in one. First andl lla.m.




"Live Crocodile catTeil unpuiliifr diversion

GAMBIA AT BATHURST Hll.ST on her way home from the Far East and South Africa. Il..\l.S. Uzinibia called at Hzithurst for a farewell visit to the (‘olony from which she is named. A gr;-;.; \.\-clcontt.‘ awaited the ship. and the tittnibians‘ had arranged .i programme of entertainment of considerable scope and variety for all on hoard. This incliiiled trips up the River (iamhia in the Governor's yacht. displays of native dancing. dur‘.~ ing which a man performed a fascinsuccessfully Led by the Royal Marine detachment and the Gambia Police Band. the most ating dance platoons about to march through Batliurst disguised as a sheaf of hay. A party of otlicers and ratings also? prior to departure. Seven platoons next year. and during the eighteen went crocodile shooting one e_vening.l sailors. led by the Royal Marine de- years of her life, the Colony of and managed to bag three. using tachment and supported with martial Gambia has presented some very fine time-honoured method of shining .i| music the (iambia Band. silver trophies to the ship. light into a likely. spot and shooting l marchedby from the ship Police through the H.M.S. Gambia sailed for Gibraltar at the reds of their eyes. One_of the town to the cricket ground. Here. His on June I9 to the rousing sound of victims was only stunned. and its subExcellency the (_io\ct'nor. Sir Edward Hausa farewell ta performance by sequent introduction at at dance in: Windlcy. inspected the parade. and aa bugle band which lasts some two the Bathurst Club (led on a string) afterwards ('apt. W. J. .\lunn formally minutes). giving three cheers to the pn)\‘et.l an unpopular diversion for handed over the ship‘s trophies to send-off committee and a very smart those who had not spent the evening. His for safe E.\cel|eney keeping until guard of the Gambia Field Force in the swamps! is there of the name. who were also on the jetty. ship Life in Bathurst gets going late in l H..\I.S. another Kianibia. the lirst of her The ship arived at Portsmouth on the evening (usually well after iiuo Extended Reserve July 4. I0 pm.) but proceeds at :i pace until name, goes the tirst glow of dawn. The ship was of great interest to the many sightsecrs who thronged the ietiy. and apart from a “free for all“ afternoon, parties of chiefs. Members l).\llRAl. Sir Wilfrid Woods took up his appointment as Coninian¢ler-inof the Legislative Council. and l l Chief. Home Fleet. at it simple ceremony on board H.M.S. Tyne on Jul) 6. numerous local organisations toured l He relieved Admiral Sir William Din is, who is being placed on the Retired Lint. the ship during her three-day stay. A great success was the children’: The permanent headquarters of the Allied Commander. Atlantic. His party. when over a hundred and fifty Commander-in-Chief. Home Fleet. is headquarters during that appointment ’ from the poorer section .of the com- at Northwood. l.\liddlcsc.\l. but there were at Norfolk. Virginia. He now munity were provided with'two hours is no doubt that Admir.'il Woods will takes over another NATO appointol' fun and food on board go to sea with the Home Fleet as often ment-thzit of NATO Comniander-inAs a concluding gesture. to marl: as it is possible for him to do so. Chief. Eastern Atlantic. the close :ind friendly,association beAdmiral Woods was Flag Ollicer. Admiral Davis left H..\l.S. Tyne in tween the ship and Gambia. a parade Subniarines. from I955 to I957 and a car towed by oflicers shortly after the was held on the cricket ground in has recently relinquished his NATO of handing over his comthe centre of llathurst on the morning appointment of Deputy Supreme ceremony mand. _


of the Dztrttiiuutli TrainFlV'll):PZ‘sbips hquadmn. under the coiniiiziml


its first foundations. The church stands

open to and the



‘after it local farm) was opened in 1947 the church was not \'ompleted until 1943. Until then the present pay ollice was used for church services. ()u Sunday. March I4. I‘)-til, the new church was dedicated by the Venerable Leonard Coulshaw who was ('liapl:tin of the Fleet at that time. The Reverend Hyde (josselin iivas the chaplain and he had watched the church grow front

the dockside.

The service will be conducted by the Chaplain of II..\l. Duels‘yard. Portsmouth, the Rt-vereml W. II. Brierley. 0.8.!-3.. .\l..-\.. R.N.. and the address will lie given by the Reverend (.‘;innn .-'t. I).

crests ll llI‘.|lt_\




ir.iinin_e the Royal


Midshipmen and Cadets of Navy and Commonwealth .\‘.isics~ tll seamansliip, navigation. guniierv .in;l anti-submarine warfare. During the visit. Capt. Hones paid official calls on the l.ord .\t.i_\-or -f London, the Resident (inventor of the Tower. the Chairman of the Port of London Authority and the Deputy Master of Trinity llouse. Midshipmen. cadets and ships‘ companies. in their programiiie. in.-liuled visits to Lloyd's. the Stock l-Exchange. Ceritrtil Criminal Court. a number of breweries. newspaper otlices. Billingsgate Fish Market, Trinity House and —to give them a waterbusman's holiday—a day in a tug on the river!



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VICE-PRESIDENCIES FOR. the Annual Conference put by the FOUNDERS South-West London Branch. and

worded as follows: "To mark 25th IR.—I otter my sincere thanks to all anniversary of the Associationthe(I960) those shipmates who answered my this conference the President request for inforriiation of founder and the Nationalrequests Council to consider members ("Navy News"-—Deccmber. the otter of a Vice-Presidency of the I959). I think that I replied to them all. Royal Naval Association. to those few but if I did miss anyone I offer my stirviving members who founded the apologies. original l\'ation:il Royal Naval Old The result of that request for in- Comrades‘ .—\ssociation. in I935." formation culminated in a Motion for This. as you will know by this time, was rejected by the Standing Orders Committee. so it appears. shiprnates. that nothing will be done to honour

IN MEMBERSHIP IS THE ANSWER TO PROBLEMS the R.N.A." The motion Motion No. 9 was

titlenient. Assessment and

(By A. G. LEGG)

deal of ground covered at the Annual Conferericc held AGRI-2A'l' June 25. Pressure Ply nioulti space precludes fuller article and the at






Awards. On the recommendation of the Finance Committee Ernest Nicliolls and he were appointed Auditors for the ensuing year. The following were elected members of the Standing Orders conimiitee for the year I960-(it: Shipmates D. Alltim (Hcrts); H. G. Webb (Torbay). W. Clifton (Twickenham); E. R. Smith

hfilcf. Sliipmnte A. G. Legs. regrets the brevity of his remarks on the motions. The business of the Conference subscriptions the following increases started with Standing Orders commit- should be noted: Sales department. (I.incoln). tee report. Sliipmate Rogers. chairman ._£298 increase; R_cuiiion. £64 increase; of the Standing Orders Committee. income from investments (Gross). ().\'I.\' ONE MOTl0.\' CARRIED Of the I8 motions submitted to the reported that 120 delegates were pre- £246. On the expense side the following conference only one was carried. sent. 1 here were also present some 60 visiting uieiiibers and ladies. This was decreases should be noted: Salaries Motion No. 1 was proposed by the first conference at which the ctc.. £ll8 decrease: ‘Travelling ex- National Council "'I'liat the 1963 congeneral public were admitted. He re- penses, £I38 decrease: Printing. ference be held in No. 8 Area and ported that 42 motions had been stationery. ctc.. £1-$4 decrease; Annual accept the Area's offer to meet all received by the proper time: of these. Conference (I959). £384 decrease and expenses in excess of £400." The Secretary to the Council preI5 Iiad been irielridcd in the agenda for Income Tax, £.‘»4r. decrease. "lt apdebate. 24 were not admitted for pears." he said. "that Headquarters senting the motion said that he had

sptele."i ding

meeting of No. 8 Area at which the motion originated and was si certain that financially a conference in I{I".ADQUARTI-ZR’S CLUB l.e:imington Spa ‘would be a success. The Hon. Treasurer regretted that He was assured of the support of the such a happy position could not be Mayor and Corporation of Leaming-

debate and 3 Iiad been returned. not being in proper form. The (‘oiifcretice then proceeded to elect scrutineers :is follow: Shipmates Clifton t'l’wickenliam); Allum (Herts); Beasant (Sniethwick): Wilts (Hanworth), who then retired to check ballot papers for the election of Natioiial ('ouncill0rs for Areas 1. 3. 4. 5 and H. The result of the ballot is shown at the end of this article. ‘the tiiiriiites of the Third Annrial Conference were adopted. On the prtipusilititl of the ltridport delegate it was agreed that future mintites would be sent to branches as early as




A.">S()('l.-‘\'l'l()NACCOIJNTS The .-\~sociation accounts were pres-.-nted by the lion, 'l'reasiirer. Shiprnare lleale. who lirstly made reference to the passing.‘ of \‘icc-.-\dniiral Drew. a \'iee-l're.sident. whose coiiiisels had greatly helped him and to Stiipniate tteale during the time he had been llon. ‘treasurer. Referring to the AssoCialiiltl accoiints he said it was most gratifying to report an excess of income over expenditure for the first time in ten years. He warned that this state could only be maintained by an increase in membership. It should be noted that although l"llCllllIL'l’\lll|'I had increased it had not increased in direct ratio to new braiiches that had been opened It would appear that older branches generally remained static. Referring to the accounts he pointed out that apart front £I20 increase in

down to




pos- attended


Increase in barreceipts shown


'I‘IlI<'. "FRASER T Rl?S'l“' 'lhe cliairnian. Shipmatc F. G. \\";ide. presented his report as published in the agenda and he also reported on the position of the “Fraser Trim." ‘the trust arose from ‘moneys donated to l.ord Fraser on his re_ti_reiiieiit as President of the British legion. The trustees included the Chairman of the Royal Naval Association. The Royal Air Forces Association and the British Legion. The annual income of the trust would be in the region of Lt 50 and the trustees had decided to award anntial scholarships to children of disabled ex-Service men Royal Naval A.ssociation—'.’. Royal Air i-mu.-. Associ:iiion—-2. and British Legion -2, ‘the liiial details would be available to 1l\-&t1ClitllOl‘IS in the near future. 'llie ltritisli Legion would take oier the adiiiiiiistratioti at no cost to the tttist. 'l'lie Secretary to the Council's report was presented as published. Some exception was taken to that part of the report relating to increased siibscriptions but it was generally agreed that the Area administration needed overliatil. It was argued that the NAVY l\t.W.\ could be a greater asset to the Association if only branches would worth while contributions make


proposed by

ference instruct National Cotincil to amend Iiv-I.-aw 8 (a) as follows: ‘The adniiiiistratioii of each branch shall be vested in a Branch Main Committee. Wl'llL‘l‘ shall consist of the Chairman. ViceCh;iirnian. Honorary Secretary and Treasurer of the branch. and not less than three other members. all of whom. except in the case of new l‘It‘Jllt’.'llt:S. must have been members of the .Association for not less than six months: the number of committee Members in each branch being determined by the branch at a General fleeting. The President and Vicc-President are ex oflieio members‘." The National Council supported this motion. The President said it was an excellent idea and commended it to Conference. Exception was taken to the words “for not less than six months." The motion was lost by a small majority.

body else.

I think. quite candidly. that a motion of this nature. to mark a 25th anniversary. could have received a certain

of syinpathy from the Standing Orders Committee. and have been allowed to take its chance at the Annual Conference-—after all. it was not going to cost the Association anything. "Once again. shipniates. thank you all. Yours sincerely. G. W. NIXSON 90 Woodmzinstcrne Road. Streazham S.W. I6. [I umlr-r.imnd that in accordance wirli Article I4 0] the Royal Charter and rule 5(¢1) of the Association. l’i'c'r--PM-.s'it!¢'ir!.r rirr mriile as shall be INCREASE (ll-' SUBS(TRlI"l‘|ONS it’:-rided by the r\’rr1r'onrrI Council. -—E[)ITOR.l Motion No. ID was proposed by Wcstniinster br:itich. "Tliat annual subscriptions be increased to 10s. per nieinber and that the money be divided as follows: 55. to Headquarters. giving them an extra 6d. per member; 55. to the branches." In proposing this motion Shipmatc Brixic made a very sincere speech on behalf of small branches and the the last report to the “Navy assistance they would get if the motion ‘* News" from the Durham branch was carried. Main opposition to the motion caiire trout either larger of the Royal Naval Association. : branches or those branches that auto- few of the members have paid a visit niatically oppose any increase in sub- to the Stockton R.N.A. Club. “A lot of trouble and not a little expense scriptiotis. The motion was lost. 6?. voting goes into making these inter-brunet: against. 49 for and there were 24 visits and it is a pity they are not better supported.“ writes our reporter. absteiitions. Motion No. It was proposed by Shipmatc "Dick" Heron once again llartlepools and (‘rook who critici7cd attended the Annual Conference and the R.N.B.'l'. aliiioniling where R.N.A. he h:id with him. for additional supbraiiches were established. The port. the hzird-workiiig secretary. Shipriiotiori was lost. only the mover and niatc "Johnny" Iigglestone. The trip secondcr voting for it. "sliook" the branch funds a little. but Motion No. I2 was proposed by it is not very often that the hardest Torbay and asked that a Public worker in a branch (i.e. the secretary) Relations Ollieer be appointed b_v is recognised. headquarters. The motion was lost. The branch is arranging for the only two voting for it. first time. for a seaside trip for the .\totion No_ 13 was proposed b_v yotitigstcrs of meriibers~—to take (‘heam and Wor,ce~tcr Park br:incli. place at the end of August. At the "Thzit the National Council implement time of going to press it appears that the following contained in the rules. it will be a great success. ‘Objects of the co-operation of all Tickets have already been bought br;in:hcs lll .iii endeavour to bring into for the Anntial Reiiiiioii and the the Association rntich-needed meni- branch is hoping to have a good turnbers :ind possibly integrate other out of iiientbers willing to_iii:ike the .\‘av.il Clubs wiihiii the .-\ssoci:ition‘." long journey to "the smoke There being no secoiider the motion The l)rirh;rm branch "scribe" con"fell" cluded Ills report with the wordsl’l?BI.l(‘l'I'\' "Wakc tip No. II .-‘\re;i —whe.'e arc .\totioii No I-I was prriposed by vrmr branch t1tilcs'.'" liridport braiich "'l'h;it the National measure


in the Headquarters (‘lub‘ton and their great interest in the accounts, The c'(L'css' oi‘ expenditure .‘\\'\UCll|llUl"l. over income was H.535. This was 1:97 (‘onference was assured by Sliipm:itc less than the preceding year. He said Young, National Council member for that bar receipts show £435 increase No. 8 Area. that the Area was so keen but there was a decrease in hcdroom to have a conference in l.eariiington. receipts of £174. lhcrc had been no that the iiccessary tinaiiccs would be abnorriial rise in expenditure. Catering at headquarters well before the time t.‘.\|'Ii.‘Il(.ltltlI’t!had risen by £38; ptiblicity of the I963 conference. and critertaining had risen by £55. (in hciiig pill to the vote the ritotiori _Rcfer_ring to the publicity and enter- was carried. three delegates only taining it was pointed out that this ex- voting against. Motion No. 2 was proposed by the penditure becanie necessary due to the very clo.-e liaison there existed Isle of Man delegate. who asked that between the R.. J’ and other Asso- "Resolution No. 3 of I959 conference ciations and Agencies which inevitably he rescinded to enable conference to be the ft.‘[1fL'\L'lll.tllOll of R.N.A. held in Isle of .\Ian in I962 and thereentails ofliccrs at coiiferen.-es and meetings of after alternately in London and the those various bodies This is worth- proviiiccs" Shipniate Legg. chairman while ptiblicity. of Finance Committee. strongly oppoi\lt'. ll. Nicllnllv lltt: /\~‘r\tici;iti0n sed the motion on the grounds that Auditor. :insivering qlIk'\ll()l'IS on the economically it was unwise to rescind accounts said that the 1600 allowed 2 inotion that was framed to save for income tax pltt'pils-.‘- covered all money. He estimated that a conference eveiittizilitics. ‘the £35‘! loaned to in the Isle of Man would Cost. the Ediriliurgh from Alexa tder .\laddcn .-\ssoL'i:iti0n sometliing in the region of Fund was iitirccovei.il\t..- _.; titlint-mrgtr ‘.'|.(l(l(l. The motion was lost by :i very large had closed dowii dc.-pl'_. in debt and the Association had no lien over the l'II;llul‘ll._\‘. ‘ other private Cfcdltiirs. (‘I-‘.-.\'O'l'APll l'A R.-\l)l-Z impleiiient the following conllc cxplairied tli.it 3 per cent. .(‘t_itiiicil Motioii No. 3 was proposcd byltaiiied in the rules. ‘()biects of the Defence [Bonds would he rt:-iiivestcd to obtain a more realistic return for the Twickcnham who asked "Tliat when Association. the Conference was held in London "Rule 2. I';ir:igr;ipli ii) To advertise investment. Auditor fees. lie a~.~urcd the Confer- the Annual Cenotaph Parade should the objects and activities of the Assoheld on the Sunday morning follow- cintion by arty lawful method that may ence. were governed by the number of he accounts dealt with and intricacies ing." This found little favour with the commend itself to the Association and. the kindnesmttiid assist and distriwas iii the delegates rejected. publication. p;iriicrrl.rr. by met dealing with those accotitits. ance of the Conimander-in-(.'hief. -8 was proposed by bution. either by sale or without No. Motion Ile thought that on the whole the Newark who asked the ('ont'erciice the wish of the late to charge. or both. of an /\.ssoci;itinn iPt)fl\‘ll'|0l.IlIl. Association itccuiints were in good il*'r:iiik Stocks, uht. \\:I\ invaliderl that when a small branch was iotirii;iI." agree fellle and would iniprove with an unable ‘from the Service as a Striker Pelt) to afford to send a delegate to was lost by :i considerThe niotioii advance in iiieiiihenhip. (‘i-iitereiice. such braiicli may request ' able iii:ijoiit_v (‘oiift-rcnce were of the .()lIicei- with war wounds in Starch. The position with :cg.ii.l lo the Club to be represented atiother branch that the R.N..-\. \\'.'|\' well ll9I9. and whose widow npprtiiiched by llllc chairmiin of the Shellie-ld branch accounts was now in ;‘tIt)\.‘c'\\of review and not be liable for pooled fares, ls.-rved b\ N\\'\ Ni \\'-3. the Royal Naval As~riciiitioii_ to by the Finance and House (oiiiiiiittecs This motion was Ion by a large Motion _\'o. I‘ \\.I\ proposed b_t of buried and Ill: felt stir: tli.i: improvement at sea was carried out. 'I'he feeling of the (‘outer- lL‘\\l\ll:Illll‘.';tlli.‘l1. "'lli.it the sin: of lie majority. could and would be tirade. 'l'lic tlcccasctl died on .\l.ircli I7 eiice was that the application of lhe R.:\'..-’\. diaries lie rcdticczl .'tt‘.tl the and llls body \\'il\ creriialed The Coiifcrciicc coiigrattilzrted the motion might lead to a certain atiiouiit price to be about .‘-s. (id. each." Fiiiaiicc Coniriiittce on their effort of abuse. 'lIie part dealing with printed On Itiiie lit the (‘oiiiiiniiitter-in As only ?LlV delegates were dissatisduring the year and tinaniiiiotisly fares would have to be the subject of tied with the pn-writ di:irv the moliiiri (‘|iicI's stall motor boat look the approved the 2lL‘Cill.ll1l\. :l'll0tIfttt:t‘s to Spithcad and after a a motion to revise Association rules \N;|\ ltlsl ishort conirnittal st.‘l'\'It.‘t.‘ conducted bi Motion No. (i was proposed by l'l'INSl().\‘S Rl'ZP()RT N.-\TI().\'Al. {If l'II.E('l'I(rN Reverend ll W. Bricrlci. ().B.li.. Twickeiiham who asked "That Massed ithe .\lE\‘lBI'IRS C()UN('ll. l96t)l6l Icliaplaiii of the rlockyartl. the weigIite.t Sliipniate Wheeler presented the Standards at annual parades be disconPensions siib-coiiiriiittec report. The tinued." Tl'i~- riioiion was lost. Motion No. I .-\iea.- —.\lr. C. II. Wheeler ‘rum \\':|\ cotiiiiiitted to the sea ‘lb-.' widow. three sons and a daughter .ind cases dealt with during the year were No. 7. pro oscd by Coventry. asked llidgwarei ic-elected. No. 3 Area.classified as follow‘: .\Ienibers. 50 per “Thai (Ton erence approve that only Mr, .-\. (i. l.ei_:g (Battle)-rc-elect-.-d .\lr 'I'. Smith. chaiitiian of lie ccnt.'. Widows. 23 per cc-nt.; \’oii-Meni- members of the R.N.A. be allowed to No. -I Arca.———.\lr. J F. May (Ply .SlieIlield llraiich at the -\ssoci:itior‘. The mouth) in place ol ;\lr. H. (i. Webb. were present amt wreaths were cast bers_ 27 per cent lie tliaiikcd Branch attend the anntial reunion Secretaries and We-|t';ir: Otliccrs for nltilliitl was lOSl. No. 5 .»\re.iI.—~.\li. H. W ltraiidoii Tho l'L‘lLtll\C\ of the late striker pet|'. their prompt action in dealing with .\lotion ‘lo. 8 Wits proposed by tl).igetili;imi not contested. l'iiop- :otlieer and the lllL‘t'l‘llL't‘\ of lht cases and wished to record his thanks Coveritry and asked “Tliat persons prised lrisll :\t‘c.i. ‘l.lL'llI_ (El (' r'\. Sllcllield llfitlltll were very gr.'itcfiil It to the ltritish Legion for the assistance over 65 be admitted to free member- .\la\wcII. .\l.li.l€ tllell‘.'ist‘- 'lll place of those who had Iielpeil iii iiiakirig the given in P|'g'p.|f.IIl\ll‘l of Appe:tl.s--En- ship without previous experience of \Ir. J. 'I'h:.tche.r. :rrr;ingcnicnti. ..



Coventry branch. “That this Con-

The business of the 1960 Conference LEAMINGTON SPA -TO BE VENUE FOR 1963


those of otir riienibers who started its otf 25 years ago. As the iiistigator of all this I can only say that I am sorry that my efioru have failed. and oller my very sincere thanks to my niessmates of South-West I.ondon Branch for giving me their support in getting this as far as the Standing Orders (‘oriiiiiittcc. It would appear that I owe no thaiiks to any-
















PROGRESS OFITHE WEAR BRANCH Very healthy building fund l.\'(.‘l-I its iiiaugiirzitioii. the Wear hraneli has outstripped all expectations in its progress both in ntenihcrsliip and in its eudeziiours tu proiidc a lliiild-

int: l-‘und with an

eye to the ftiture.

Advances in the uienibctsliip field are now lc.iditi_c towards the 700 mark. and its tinaiiccs are by no nieans inconsistent with this progress. with a building fund in e.\eess of £5.()tl0. Willi club prciiiises to be proud of. the Wear branch are also to the fore with the spirit of coiiiradcsliip that

nautical fashion. A paternal eye is kept on the cadets in the town. assistance being rendered in various ways. and in more fraternal fashion to a sister movement in the north-cast. when the submariners in the area were invited to hold their

identifies itself in


monthly meeting in the club preuiises.

This gesture was tiiucli appreciated and :i sttcccssful tiieetitig of the North East llranch of the Stibinariiicrs’ Association was held under the chairmanship of Tom Tow nscnd last 'l'liursd:iy.

C(lMl.\'G I-I\'l{.\"l‘S Wear branch chairman Andy Johnson has now completed his crew for whaler detail and training is to start in the near future when other branches


in i\'o_ ll area will have to lovk to their laurels; The cruiser ll..\l.S. llcrniudzi paid a .s'i.\-day visit to Sutidcrland from July I-l. She was wearing the llag of Vicc- ‘ Adtiiiral Sir (liarles .\laddcn. Flag ()llicer I-‘lotillas (llonicl. llcr captain‘ is Captain Alistair Douglas Robin. who in 193‘) was in ll..\l.S. Kelly at the same time as Lord Moiiiitbattcn. Some of the crew were entertained at the branch headquarters. Another coming evctit of great importance to the brancli itsclf. however. will be the dedication of branch standard early in September. when it is hoped. to "show the flag" in .


no uncertain ni:uiiier.


It is not true that "Doctor" (Hoot) Gibson's Sunderland dental surgery has been besieged with "patients" for the finger and thumb extraction treatment in the hope that they are supplied with the same "mouth-rinse" as he gave his last patient.

The dedication of the lirst standard of Wliitstable branch. (By courtesy of “Kent


Thirty standards at Whitstable dedication




branch of the Royal Naval Association. In the presence of some 300 specta'tors and nearly 30 \lZtnl.l-'lI'tlS representing 25 brzinclics of the R.N..-‘\. :ind branches of the British Legion and Royal Air Force Assticitllitttl front Kent, London. Surrey and Sussex. Whitstable's first Standard was dedicated at zi dronii head service on Westtiieads recreation ground. llic niagnilicent silk standard was hand-made by Ii\'e I-.idics' attcndiiig the needlework class of Miss ls. lidtiards. at Sledway College of Art. Rocliester, l and is worth 250 guitteas. The service was eoiidiieted by the in the Ro_\‘:il Nzivy I met some of the \"er_v Reverend T, Crick. forincr Dean finest (‘liristian men you could ever of Rochester and (liaplain of the hope to meet." Fleet. and the Reverend S. Franklin The chairman of the Wliitsttiblc Vicar of St. Alplicgc. Park, branch, Sliipmate H. Pittock. and the The inspecting ollicer was Admiral president. Sliipniate ('ommander I). S. Sir l‘ll.lll'_\' .\loorc who congratulated E. 'l'honipson. also took part in the the Whitstable Sea ('adct (‘orps for service. their sniart turn-out. :ind presented Aniong otlicrs watcliiiig the service them with an cllicieiit pennant. In his address the Reverend Crick were the Principal of the ,\lcdw-ay College of Art. .\lr. (‘_ S, l'la_\-cs. the had ladies who the tribute to lpaid G. W. \'ice-Aduiiral Councillor I’. Packer (Cliairnian. Portland U.l).C.. chairnian of Wliitstahle l.'rban (‘ounit "l ‘made Statidard: the arii sure ll. llcron. Crawford. C.B.. l).S.C. (Flag Ofliccr Sea Training). Lieutciiiint J. ll. Dand. and would be ver_v hard to find one more cil. Group Captain .\l.l’. tl’rcs'idcnt. Portland branch. R.N.A.l and Mr. T. W. Hair tCh'.iirni-.in. Portland beautit'ul.“ The Standard was Mr. Leslie ‘l'lionias_ said. he l’0|'ll4|m-I-) Fortunes Wt-‘ll. Warren Rod iv. Ltd.. branch. R.N.A.). (Photo: Admiral Moore and (iroup (‘aptain a symbol of oitr duty to the Queen. our country and to (ind and he then l)and took the salute at :i niiirch-past declared: "In my many years‘ service after the ser\'icc_ '

Two hundred at Portland social

CHEAM HAS A FORMIDABLE hard make the those who work PROGRAMME conference it should have so a success

Nev7sT;om the North-East


"all day" support. It is the opinion of Cheam shipIll-IAM and Worcester Parkbranch went to Eastbourrie for the mates that the Conference is not deannual outing and the visitors wish to signed as a meeting of old comrades unwell for some time, He is looking but a conference to discuss ways and express their thanks to the Eastlit and well again. bourne branch members for their means to improve the Association and At the July general meeting Shiphave to put it upon the pedestal it so richly hospitality. Arrangements grand this Editor YRITING the to 200 people enjoyed a full been made for another visit next year deserves and this can only be achieved mate Lt./Cdr. P. Anderson. R.N.R.. ChairR. Finch. month. Shipm-ate was elected vice-president in place of evening of organised entertain- when Cheam hopes that the losers by all-out effort by every branch to Gateshead Newcastle and of the man ment by local stars. followed by trophy presented to them this year take an interest and to send a deleShipmate R. Andrews. Belfast shipAssociaNaval of the branch Royal mates will be interested to read at dancing. on June 4 when the Portland may be “won” by I-Iastboume. gate. The number of branches not the in weather said the that tion. branch of the Royal Naval Associarepresented was too great. When north-east was back to nonnal—rain. this election as Shipmatc Anderson is d to social and Wi b I and o n c m overseas branches from Hong Kong. a past secretary of their branch. He tion held a dance C:|nlb¢l'Vc:C_ll Finch Editor The Shipmate assures Cheani for the visited branches Portland stim- Rhodesia and Malta send a delegate was also a founder member of the coincide with the first of the had its share south has the that lately. successful. mer dance which was very it reflects badly on the home side. Bangor Branch and a National viceNavy Days. 22 as hailstones as with on big July The Silver Jubilee of Chcam and The branch has :1 formidable social prcsidcnt. He is at present attached “A thoroughly good evening“ was in which the mar-rowfat lay peas. will be celebrated to H.M.S. Calliope. how the chief guests. Vice-Admiral programme in front of it. There is to Worcester Park winter's like snow. gardens I963 and plans are being made W. G. Crawford. C.B.. D.S.C.. (Flag be a visit by shipmates. ladies and during TICK!-l’l' Wl'I.ARl) In his report the "scribe" referred it make to a memorable year. The Southsea children It, to on September Mrs. Crawand Sea Training) Oliicer The last general meeting was also A "stag outing" at West Ham follows Standard will be re-dedicated at a to the return to the branch of its ford described the function. president. Cdr. Hr. Row. who had been a sad one. for goodbyes had to be on September I7. The first dance of special service. Among others who attended were the I960/61 season is to. be on Octosaid to Shipmatc Turtle, a stalwart DisUrban Portland Chairman. the who has left for other shores. and to ber 22. There is to be a Ladies‘ F. trict Council (Councillor Packer), Shipmate Clasper. the vice-chairman Section theatre and dinner outing on Bridfrom and many representatives and ticket selling wizuird who is goimi November It and a dance on NovemBlackand to Darlington. It was also learned port, Ycovil. Sherborne. ber I9. and of course there is the more Vale branches of the Associa- reunion at the Festival Hall when who has just retired after 26 years in that Shipniate Cook was in hospital. tion and other local organisations. Shipniatc Bugg was co-optcd on to the Rowil Navy. Cheam and Worcester Park will be The general conclusion at the end present in force. Admiral Sir Alexander Madden. the committee in place of Sliipmate of the evening wase-"We must have K.(_'.B.. inspected the parade and took Turtle. The Wear branch is holding its NOT YET FIXED { all this again soon.“ the saline at the march past. dedication ceremony on September 4 After an excellent tea the band and Newcastle A coach load of members of the The clips‘ and trophies prcsenon , U. 6 Area Rally was held at had been invited. but hrancli. their wives and friends. went night has to be fixed yet. This is the ‘ Thame on Sunday, June I2. and gave a great display of counter- unfortunately this date is the date of to Plymouth on June 25 for the one night of the year when Clicaiii what a wonderful tum-out there was. marching. finally Beating Retreat and the hranch's annual trip to Sealiouscs annual conference and they wish. extends hospitality to other branches. Nearly 500 shipmates and friends performed the Sunset (Jereiiiony, This and as the hotel. buses. ctc.. have publicly. to express their tlianks to The honorary treasurer. Shipntatc joumeycd to Thame for the annual took place in the High Street which been hooked it is expected that only Plymouth branch for making such Cort. attended the Annual Conference event and everyone enjoyed every ris the widest slI’L‘Cl in England and a few of the Newcastle shipniatcs will was watched and greatly appreciated splendid arrangenicnts for entertain- at Plymouth. The branch nicmhcrs moment of the day. be able to be present, crowd. :i .by large ment in the evening. very will get full details from Shipmate There is to be an evening trip on Capt. R. C, Medley. O.B.E.. D.S.O., A and convivial even- August 26 and Sliipniatc ('oc hopes (‘ort through the liranclt news letter. R.N. (Thanie) was in coniinand of the very li:ippy btit it was cheering to hear that I8 parade which was headed by the band ing was spent at a local hostclry. to be inundated with :Ip|tli\.‘;tlii.\tis'. new branches have come into coni- of the T.S. Steadfast Sea Cadets‘. Attendant upon the Admiral were Shipmatc Branch has donated .'l Adniiral Sir (‘lenient .\loody died at mission but ilistttrbing to know that Then came a company of Sea Cadets Shipniatcs I‘. lioivdcii. president, and beret for the staiidard bearer. Fleet on Jiilv 8. lie was tr‘). I-l had paid oil. It has been decided by the nienibcrs from Oxford and Aylcshury followed W. I’. ll. Young. chairman. of Thame The delegate front (‘licaiii could by 20 standards and nearly 300 sliip- Ilraiich. Sliipmate W. Fryer. vice- at Newcastle that any \ltt]‘ItIl:tlt.' who -prcsident of No. 6 Area. Sliipniate appears at the Club "iiiiproperlv not get it sccondcr for a motion re- males. The parade marched through the I3. Kltigltl. National (‘onncil member. dressed,“ i.c.. without a badge or an ll..\l.S. l.incolri. fourth of the garding publicity for the Associatioii Salisbury cla.s.s aircraft direction and it appeared that interest wanes town to the recreation ground where ,.'o. 6 Arc:i. atid Mr. S. Doilwcll. Association tie. will be lined the sum frig-ates was accepted from her builders after the lunch recess. If this is .i the service was conducted by the 'cli:iiriiian of Tlianic Urban District of ls. which will go to swell the Dedication Fund. fact it is a pity for. in fairness‘ to Rcvcretid C. A. Strcddcr. M.A.. R.N.. l (Touncil. on July 7.

thoroughly good evening





Area rally at Thame








TO i[.,ET7‘hR




August. I

EDITOR Trying to make bricks without straw THE



lR.—l read the contribution in the June issue regarding the number of men actually participating in sport in the Service with some interest. It was generally accurate though one cannot. of course. he too certain about such statistical assertions as “only one man in 30" play games. There are of course various reasons wand bringing the sitiizition somewhich go to compile the background what more down to e:irth—theamount of this sorry state of affairs and. as of time which can be allowed each swimming was specifically mentioned man for swimming training at H.M.S. in the article it seems sensible to start Collingwood is approximately half an with that. Extraordinary as it may hour per fortnight-~sucli is the conseem although their Lordships exhort gestion at the St. Vincent baths which the llcct and all others to pay proper they use. and due regard to the importance of ()uc might well contend that the Il.M.S. Crane (1,490 tons standard) a frigate (ex-sloop) of the Black Swan class. swimming. they have done nothing Children of Israel had a much easier for a considerable number of years task in making bricks without straw to make it possible for effective train- that the men of the fleet have in eniug to be carried out. dcavouring to become proficient at One statistic which is both factual swimming particularly as so many of and pertinent is that the average dis- them spend so little time at sea. The rather more far reaching. and tance tliroughout the United Kingdom ovcrwliclniing. The first night. a recep- of any Establishment from the ncarest I think. equally disturbing reasons as tion for ship's otliccrs in the traditional gcisha style was given by the Service swimming baths is 42 miles to why otlicers and men pay so little iiiterest to Service sport. are as Governor of Aichi l’ret'ecture and thefollows: Mayor and Corporations of Nagoya. Other functions included football. PRESTIGE SPORT nigby and tennis matches. opening the Sport in the Royal Navy counts II ship to visits. and a lunch and cocksplendid run ashore” is the] colourful dress. sang and danced tail for very little -when compared with aboard. The whole visit was opinion of the ship's company of much to the delight of all present well party —say—the Army and R.A.l~'.—it is covered by the local Press and and pictures (all their own work) ILMS. Crane after its recent Japanese Lakshim lfandit. generally regarded as being a reasonsgf-yicc§_ mtcvision \_/naya in for cruise. It is. perhaps. very expensive. them were given by exchange able way (biit entirely subservient '0 (.ommissioner for High {mm on 191}, mg cmnc India dcpaflgd was all visit to for the of small but that Japanese the usual bars nutty and all other service needs) of maintaining the at in w¢I[present for Kiu;.._ ;, commissioning Nagoya gcppu toys. ports was very worth while. Or N0. llldllln fitness and a certain amount of team Squadron. and known CC|'Cl'l'I0fly fcsofl hgliday Japancsc A strong friendship also grew beH.M.S. Crane sailed from llong at the Royal Naval spirit. 7. July Navy: on 5p;,_ This may. of course. be the right Kong in company with units of the tween the ships‘ companies and H.M.S. Crane. the seventh British -’\||’ $1=|l|<‘"-_3|'=|WdY-_ American sen'ice men stationed ashore 1 Far East Fleet on May 26. NU. 300 5‘lU51dW_" N "W fir-‘l 50"" ni:inner in which to regard it. that is of that was tirst comwarship name, Passage north eastwards was to the extent that crests were iiiissioned in April. I043. She took l‘5‘”'"‘. .r'3h‘°' 5‘l"‘“"“". l” b” entirely a m:ittcr of opinion-butdevoted to intensive exercising. with exchanged. '~'\‘mm|“N’m‘d [29 ll“: "lulu" _N51V)'- what is not a niattcr of opinion is that of in the invasion in Sicily July. part hands closed up at action stations l~l.M. Ships Cariligan Ray lllltll I943. and until the Normandy land- “ml "‘_1”'k5 11“ 'mP*‘“i““ 5l°_l’ "1 “'3 we should indulge in "prestige" sport when ships passed through the Crane sailed from ('hinhae on June 3. of the l)cfence_l-orces of (i.e. lnter-Service lixtures. etc.) without she which mug at was ingq_ expansion p;,,;_ Formosa Strait. However. on May 29 to rendezvous with the Fleet the ensuring that our representatives have on convoy duties and car- l"dli1- Th}: Sfituildflm CK"‘S|51S Of 503 employed of the Third Frigate Squadron following day. units NTCNI“ and 3”" 3 “'°'k“_P an equal opportunity to give of their htfensive anti-siibmarine H1":*’k out rying detached to Chinhae. Korea. After a further day's exercising the p;mo|g_ were it best through training and playing toas a Squadron at period the arriving following day. Fleet entered the inland Sea at Slflfld l‘-'Y_l0 ¢ml?fl|'k !" lfldlils 5'51 gether as have the Soldiers and Airthe British She Pacific Fleet joined “fill lt is said that Chinhae is the Nichiyama on passage to Yokohama We know. without being experts is :it present men. [lug of 1945 and 3; which bcginning carrier_ Korean Riviera. but although not and Kobe. Great crowds lined the nmdcrnhcd In the Umlcd on the subject. that as things are this Pacific the war really comparable. a tremendous narrows of the northern entrance to ta'in arI in t e o "Wiois simply is not so today—-and has not i “'71'01-! :' " "‘“'"S' spirit of welcome made up for any watch eight ships steam by in line This is the l.N._S. \-'il.r.inl fcx been for :i consitlcisiblc number of discrepancy from the "real thing." ahead blending with heavy industrial‘ paid on in“, rcscnc m um cm] of H..\t.h. Hercules) which was launched years. Many arties and return parties for haze which dimmed the morning in 1945. Work on Hercules was sus-- This aspect of the situation is further recommissioned in I946 she was ' both ol icers and men were held both tight, when one conipares the 300“ ‘Incl’ ht‘! lilullcftlfls bill amplified P°"dt‘d for service the Far l')5|. on August. ashore and afloat. Sport Yokohama harbour was entered in “'""k W315 1’°‘l"“¢I-1 "1 -‘\P|’||- |9§7. status of the Naval P.T. Branch with has and steamed Station East over soccer and rugby nouns! the Nnvalld-.ink and misty weather on June 9 when she was acquired by the Indian that of the Amiy P.T. Corps. Whereas macs and on 30‘oo0 mos“), Palm]; the former operates as best it can with Academy (the R.().K.N. Britannia and dc 'rture was ctleetcd on the bombardments otl Korea and Royal Naval College) with heavy l5th a ter a trcuicndoiis whirl of She l\‘ completing at Messrs. a “(‘inderi:lla" importance attaclieil Japanese waters. losses sustained by the Royal Navy. entertainment. to it from Their Lordships downwards, i Harl:ind aml Woltf's yard at Belfast u,nm.,;._.;(,n he, 5-ht. sumcd ',“.§c,“ A children‘.-5 party for I50 A day's rest at sea was most wel-‘ -and is expected to complete next year. the latter fttltctions wholeheartedly .i. in l95.,_ M M“). 5-|~ngupm.‘. orpli-.ins and infants was held in the conic on passage to Nagoya where the The Squadron will be manned and) a part of the British Army with .in traditional Naval manner but with Crane arrived by herself on June l6. niaintainetl entirely b_v liidian Naval «important task to pI.‘ll't)l’lll"{ll‘loperaThe llooui Defence vessel. ll.-.\l.S. ollicers and sailors. While all the tional role for the maintenance of ti dilference. Before their departure Being the only warship present the the children. garbed in traditional reception and liospitality ashore were’ l_aybtirn was accepted by tlii:_l-loyal :ivi:ition personnel have received their physical well being and morale. It is indeed uiifortiiiiatcly true today Navy from her builders. Simons- basic training in lndia. they have Commisl Luhnity. [_[‘|__ at Rcnfrgw on july 7, ‘received advanced training in aspects that many members. both of Naval Air Warfare at Royal Naval sioncd and otherwise. of the P.T. The second ship of the new Tribal Estiiblislinients in the_ United King- Branch liiid it desperately ditlicult to Class of general purpose frigatcs dom. Certain Technical Personnel preserve their ideas that the job really counts for something after all. On was Iuunchgfl and namgd Gurkha at have also been trained in the United many sides there is ample evidence John I. Thornycroft & Cu. Ltd.'s yard, Kingdom. that they are in fact the only ones Southampton. by Lady Carrington, The Squadron is commanded _by who do think so. wife of the First Lord of the Admiralty. Lieut.-Cdr. B. D. Law of the Indian NEW)’. on July ll. Bl-ll-IR Bl-'.l~'()Rl". SWIHMING We find at this present time that in the Naval monetary stalzes the requirements for recreational facilities are the strongest team in the league —thcy hold all the others up one! We must. perforce. ensure that there are can‘T teens to drink beer in (Wclfare'.) before we can allocate funds for ‘. facilities to play games on or in. We must indeed give greater priority to beer drinking than we do for swimming facilities! 'l'liis. again. may in some peoples minds be the right order of priorities —but hardly so next

Japan expensive but a splendid run _
















that it consumes its fair share of the FIVE MILLION


GUINNESS enjoyed every day There’: zzotliizig like a Guimzess to wet the Bos1m’s to/tistlc and yours too. —



Iit‘t'tl l







go’-\,.r:.~'use4 :9».:;.-,.s:.2 -.:v.ea~.e¢-apt-.:x=s9'.soi-noises-.:tmi.~:'.-2 1-:;.r:'.;i-.:1*.:1-.r\3 THE NAVY ESTIMATES

inkthc ok;,,.‘.‘...?._

(yp¢mtcd|alPCfflll endcd.,l"(°_|flEd








perhaps. whifii by some sad misclianci: of fate. they lind them-



selves at sea. There are of course many olliccrs and men who really do care about

to ilhcsc things. they simply_liappcn and the

much ininority ’befind very it well nigh impossible pii:rc.' in

lthc the


Ration Allowance mcntzility of


who appear to

life being lvicc rl1lls‘lllL'\s' with "no



nine to live calls after mididziy ':|'ll.lZIV\ tliank }ou"» —otlicci's and linen alil.c. sail to relate. And what is to he done about this problem. There is M) much else to do. so much paper to push round and round in ever di:creasiiiv,: circles (with the inevit:iblc_ cutting). The incredible thing is that this state of zitlairs is very largely coiilined to the U.K. only ——vastly ditlerent from the Mediter-.....i ranean or Far East. etc. We require in the arm-——:in<l—a.s all thing-'. Lady Power. wife of the Commander-in-Chief. Portsniouth. otlicially named ain shot an organised service such as ours the 11-min ocean racing yacht Electron at Whale Island on July 7. The yacht. at the top then THIS must come launched at Bosham on June 25, was presented to the Royal Navy (Ports- start from the top ——.so "come on my Lords. mouth Command) by the Nutlielil Trust. Electron had already raced prior wlial about a bit more practical to her naming ceremony. She was third in Division II in the race round the lsle of Wight held on July 2. A sister ship of Mcon Maid. run by ll.M.S. backing." Mercury. Electron has been allocated to ll..\l.S. ('olliugwood. Mtlltl-‘. 'l'lt.«\N t'l-',lt'l'L'Rlll-II)as








“hag P.0.


Atioqr THE


l~'El)ER.\L (§0\'ER.\'.\IENl' OI-' NIGIIRIA



SENIOR \\'ARRi\NT OI-‘I-'I( I'R Cliurcli past Derry's clock and along to inclement weather condithe Royal Parade was. I am told. a tions. once again the Vernon Rli0l!lRIZt) l’()R a'l-ZRVICF. IN Illl. Rti\‘\l. most impressive sight with the massed branch of the Royal Ntival Friendly .\'l(iI.RIr\.\' NA\"\' on contract for tour IiVlll\ I5 months to rcotiraiiise the pay .' i: Standards [lying in the breeze. but I Union of Sailors‘ Wives‘ Garden Party of l€\00m.I:ni:C wstern and to iiixttitut .iit cou|dii‘t sec ntuch front underneath had to he held in the cinema of the r.-iiinin in their revised dllIIC\ and to iir.-.li--i.iitc BY “DOLLY GRAY" the normal duiici ol .1 Jiiim-r $l|[‘t‘l‘p‘ t):li.i-r. estalilisluiient. Ihc itlliccr wlcctcd should be under the ave tit T was Friday, June 24; time I530 hours. The Admiral of the I-'leet‘s my bowler hat. Vicar Service taken the The 50 and mini mm: held the rating 01 t i-I was by Guard wits ready. the band just wheeling into position when the first of of the majority Liiekily. greater tiiticer Writer In the Rn).-it .\':m, I’ClI)' iii St._ Andrews and the sermon came the 200 preteratilv have had oi deChitin‘ rain drops fell. It strengthened into a downpour. The Commander-in-Chief straight .. .s.tioiild were not mt expected the heart of the Chair- tcrrcd guests and ciinc.-icn.-e ot (.'ani:iin‘~. t.‘iI'i.i~ \\i‘Ii\' arrived. shook hands with the waiting officials and. turning coinniiseratingly man of from rain and high winds and other by in a larire Naval E.\t.'lbli.\h!!'t‘nt. the Reverend the Branch. to the Guard and Band. said. “I'm very sorry about the weather. you chaps. everybody spent a crowded but en- Salary :i:.-oriline to experience. 11.3.1: Iii PresiJoe Piggott. Treggenna May, £1.38-t tinctudimi lnducemcnt Addllliltll. (ii..but one just can't avoid it!" “It's only a passing shower. Sir.” said the PD. dent of No. 4 Area and the new ioyahlc afternoon! II-Inilt‘ of _Om:-third of aarrcrate ‘.Al.1l\ \Iltllll',! of the Guard. Everybody smiled. “Shades of Captain Bligh.” Background music was provided by total service. Oulit allowance iii no tit-t~i.it National Council Member read the leave the Band from .R.N on full pay. liiee P:I\\;iuL'\ lt'I' .-tl..tr Blitcjacket the John brilliant Citadel Sir the At sunshine. 'I'lic President. CunningLesson and despite all pretttoiiitions and tulle. Income Tax at lI‘\\ t¢..ii iii.B;irr:icIt.s. ham. in the uniform of an Admiral markers of the R.N.B. Boys‘ Brigade disaster did not befall us. Quarters at low iciit. (‘tiitilteifs .'IllU‘.\..lh'\’ um:c of the Fleet. stepped from his car. were marshalled into position by the Guests included the l.;idy.\I:iyorcss, .-cnarated. The Last Post and Reveille sounded Write for application to.-ii-.« .-imt ti:::t:t-i |‘.tIinspected the (‘iit:ird_ passed .1 word or Chief and Petty Oflicers of the Gitard. by buglcrs of the Royal Marines Mrs. .I. G. Horton. and Mrs. I5. N. Iit'ul.Ir\ -t;i'iIii: briefly ave. uit.i.'it:.. two with the Olliccrs and walked into Despite a rather hectic evening the iadded solcitinity to an alreaily solemn Currey, Vice-Prcsidetit of the Ports- exrlcncnci: lo the /\|'\[\\II'|II’I)k'!ll\ the Guildhall. The .-\nnu;il Confer- morning found its all there and we‘ ocasion as wi: the many iiiotirncd 1 mouth branches of the Union. who I-ederal Piitilic Scriicc foniriziuit-ii. H .\ i\\eniie_ l.oiidon, \\‘t.' 1 it. ence I960 was on and at that moment got oil to an excellent start. presented the prizes for the competi- hcrland the passiiig of the gallant few. R.l/2. As \vc marched up on to the I-Ioc. the sun came out again and remained tions at the end of the afternoon. \'0l'R FIiTl’RF. C4\R|'iI'3R'.' I\((‘II\'tlI i-:*;~«-tcleared and shoulders with us. Seven days later it still had heads “llh \\'iIlcrlt)‘s llte I.IlI\‘f\ : tl‘:lI NEW SIIlI'.\IATF. Winners included .\lcsd;iiiics llass. ItlIllIIt.‘\ lcauiu: forces the be tiaiiii-it to and with we went straightened, a not r:iincd!_ I-‘ollett. Millitcs. Diaper. Plunlccit. Salcsiiicii and .\Ian.ii:cn, oi Rem On leaving the church I behind the in "best bandsmcn blasted to a swing Plymouth Guildh:ill. abroad. Nornul salary uh-Ic I'Iawkins_ Bartlett and Tom- travelling Huggins. and and naval anpoininieni tie that the cariin lull |‘Cn\|i‘tI world." a the wore and Vcrgcr shell in I9-tl by enemy bombing Iiii. Boiiqiiets were presented to Mrs benei-olciit \chemes.~—\\'rite I‘! .in.-it-., medal»: and promptly collared him for painstakittgly rebuilt retaining its iltl Ill (iritlitln. & Company Horton Itil., Willeihy and Mrs. Elaine by Currey TWIN BROTHERS roiicntum London W1 Court Road. membership. original exterior. with a very modem Vicarv and Lesley Dale. The Standards took up position As we emerged into the sunshine Al'I'l.|CAIION$ are invited tmm i-.ui-.-.»ii-.and beautiful interior. was the setting. SUM.\lER OUTING mmioned officers to manage on I-.cii.rs in the of side each the down the to another Annual Conference came to pathway Outside flew the White Ensign from soiittii.-in hall of the country r\".plI.';lll'Il\ II the London Cenotaph. which was pre- Memorial Steps. The President. the an end. Many people work very hard _The Tea Committee and Competi- be married and ptctctalvly under H. and in of : current drninii lklflu.‘ -\t‘t-.i ..iiI. sented to Plymouth Branch some Commander in Chief. Admiral Sir each year to ensure the success of tion Organisers are to be compli- pounuun will lie .«i't an initial iiaiiiini: pcrit-.I ailll\(‘Il years ago, flanked by two llousc flags. Alexander Maddern. The A'dmir;il the Conference wherever it might mentcd for the hard work they pitt be reuiiircd on certain occ:ni‘i-in In do t‘. relicl duties. and when INl‘l'Il0l|‘\.I to be specially sent for by the General Superintendent. Commodore Sir Roy be held. and we of Plymouth in during the day!-and sincere 0! ol a .~..‘ ni:iit:it:cruill ta: provided with :i Secretary. and hoisted by a smart Gill. and the Secretary to the Ad- thank the Association in general for thanks go to the Pctsonnel of H.\f.S. menciiiit salary. plus cuitiniixxioii amt Dctts. Liunit IC.lJT|IlI$\XlIlIIOflwith free clc.iii.it\ \'.|‘. bunting tosser loaned from the Signal miralty arrived. The President went giving us the opportunity to worlt as Vernon who gave its so much willing coal and culic will he prosiiled '1\f‘I‘lI..I H‘l|\ I down tltc Memorial wreath Here and the hard to the that end. as rest to help. School. xhotild l‘c iiiadc lo '|Iie (iallciin “in: t I.il must not forget the General SeeOn this occasion. the sun did shine Tllllllh (‘liair.t~cis. 32 IIIIIII) Suiiaic l.»ii.t.-ii. During Friday aftemoon the Eu- carried by twin brothers of the Roy's sign disappeared and a hiirasseil Brigade anil preceded by the National retary and his staff who toil like :ind an afternoon drive. followed by I;'.(‘.3. Rl~'.§lf\R(.'Il I..\ltt)R.\‘l()Rll'.\‘ Ill‘ III}: Secretary on searching for it. found Standard. with :i very sttiart escort‘ beavers cach and every year for thisl a _lour of Pctworth I'lt\lI€t.‘. tea at 1III>l (E R.\I. l'.l.l~'.CIRI(? ('0. I.ll).. \iik Ill wasl that Leslie .\I-asltell seeing that it provided by Plymoiitli Ilrancli, purpose. and then .1 visit to the Tiger \\' .\lIIl.l’.\'. Midhtirst have L\ Li. Thanks to all who participriied the l'oy l’actor~,- at DlL‘IllfL'st|UL‘ Diirford :1 man In iuirlt.\Ill)l)l.l‘..\lix. looked a little too grubby against taken down to him. on the cutting I-l L.‘CIlll.IlIIl1I'.!.lll\l The march down to St. Aiidrew's- I961) Conference was a great siicccss Mill foriticd the iiiaiii part of the .iliv’uit. ‘lliix IlI\t>l\I.‘\ \CIlIIIH tin and ~‘l‘fI.l iii-.' the new House flat,-s. had had it a \ncci.il grinding u:.:.niiie l\[‘KV:l{.lIl\ Nlhtlllhl taken down and an ex-Chief yeaentertaiiiiiicnt. A coach li:\i: \sIIlIC ni:inii:iIiJc\ti-iitv. ai bi‘ s..m.it\i- irl :ifteriioon'.s t.’iIiI‘tatiiiii\ on ll'l\llIIll 5-~ri'c r.'i-man. member of the National trip through the .\lcoii Valley rcadiitii mental) lniiinlvilirc iil illllhllltll-. .llILI the dctivti il rounded tip the trip. Council. was dhobeying it in a bath nxtcm is i:\u:.‘itial. 'l't.aitiinc “Ill be ltl\l'1l. Inn is I \l:|II zipniiinlment cairtiiig the IMIVAI \I-III at the Grand Hotel." FUTURE I-ZVENTS Driiilcreu Pleau: anti!) iii \\.'llIlI;'to the Szatl \\'tl.'2JUAlI). rising p.uiicii.iu stalagtites and stalagmitcs and to The next General hlectiiig will be olManaitcr (Rel and II..\I.S. EXETER experience act. or tclcplii-iir .\lt\i-id sample the fresh cold water from the on September 7. and Mrs. Crichton I2!-2 (Ell. 55). Saturday momin came and prowell. will give a talk on Guide Dogs for cecdings opened wit a speech of welof Pinu Ta’ was Malta of the The_Sanctuarv old shipmates the Blind. Sewing Meetings continue come by the Lord Mayor of Plythe had the visited next and party Naval of the branch Assn-; Royal mouth and when, during his remarks. as usual in the Captain's Hotisc on of to a pleasure wishing happiness has what wondered he spoke of a little ship for whom ciation must have the last Wednesday of each month. AJAX radio controlled i:.\'i-. It-in-ii: srivtc. —1cl I'iIIl\mnttlh Hill»: (Inn liiicsl newly spliced Gozitan couple who in recent the whole of Plymouth. the whole of happened to the branch .‘€l>III()l.I) I'll-‘I-”lr‘.(?I.\' AND II \(£li\(iI-I IIOI we_re_ lust leaving this glorious England. the whole of the free world months. All k well however. It stored. ttiincd l‘.n'\ul. shrI'tV:il. \\ ltitc .\ (‘i-. l.iil.. .\‘uith liiid liiriti.-ii. l'.ri:ui.iii:i I'twit¢ had waited, l-l.M.S. Exctcr. struggling happens that the energetic programme building. MISCELLANEOUS of Xlendi 6322i. The call was next port home front the Battle of the River arranged by the Entertainments Coin[)0 \'()lJ PA!’ T00 .§lL'Cll 'I'.\.\'? It Is a fact lll)l.'Sl-Z lft.'ltCII.\Sl‘.. /tn llI(‘.Il s.Ii Plate. badly battered across three .niittee has taken up the “scribes” Bay and the Grandmaster‘: Tower that Service orticcn and men pay too those lookinii altead. I00'.’- Ktvlialu‘ where luitch and a swimming party much many :liousand miles of ocean. and of the 'spare time. in. A _rctircd Income 1.1: Ollicer 5 pre- years at low rate of llllt.‘lL'\l \ a couple of hours. Then p_ared to :\\\l\l you with war tax problems. paid in event ol dc.iili.»—\\'iie Following the Annual General used up visit very audible sigh of relief which rose l.ii.-iii. 6. li. V. Moss. "I110 llouse A\\uIt:¢I." lit the I‘Ii-uiliit to the Church of St. Iflm\ modi:r.iii:.-—(.‘nnsult above the rooftops as she dropped her llltlclllli; was the annual dinner and came a S0 St. \'iitecnt Crescent. Ilorndean. /\w\:i:ition of London Ltd. 2:1. tti~ii.-ii-.~.tc. :<l..\' .\'.R.. .}I'|I\. l Liindun. l..(‘.'.'. hook in Plymoiitli Harbour. he moved dance at Rabat and this was a greater George in Victoria. of A Cathedral visit St. to the Mary |~ the Conference to thunderous success even than the previous year. missed whilst the party! Rear-Admiral D. II. F. lletherington. could not be applause. Tilt.‘ (.'omm:indcr-iii-Chief followed .l).S.C. and Two Bars. l-‘lag Olliccr. were in Victorizi and the climb up with another stirring "oil the cull“ Malta. was Guest of Ilonotlr. and he the bill was well rewarded. Leaving (‘tow the party returned to effort. and even the President. bless was acconipanicd by Mrs. IIcthcringMarsaforn and. after a quiet glass of‘ his heart. said that Plyiiiouth-nianned ion. beer or cup of tea the final call of The branch president. ships were the best in the Navy, Careers in of The Conference then got down to Rear-Admiral J. E. Cooke and his the day was to look over the probusiness and we were treated to some .wifc. together with the chairman. gress of the building started in May. skilled craftsmen as Fitters. Turners, the church of the Rotunda of I952. his Easter and Charles wife. Shipniale very lively exchanges during the deetc. Good conmachinists, hates and "the motion has been lost" the coiiiitiittce and over 30 sliipniates in the main square of Xewlzija. A became altnosl ntecliztnical on thi: together with their wives and friends complete new church is being erected ditions and rates of pay in new inand the is around it one the and made the braved elements present Secretary's lips. Only one motion stictercsting to see how this is being cccdcd. Has the quality of the evening the success it was. Personnel Ofi7cer—— Apply whilst the church still done Now branch that the the present meets at "motions put" declined with the pas- .\lanoel Club there is greater scope holds its services. LTD. DEVELOPMENTS slllfl years‘! social The event was most recent The Secretary to the Adntiralty. for mess socials and dances. etc. Thrcc Fitzherbert Road, Farlington, PORTSMOUTH Sir John Lang. was an interested spec- very well attended and most siiccess- ;i barbecue at Dclimara Point which tator front his seat on the l’resident‘s ful social evenings were Iicld in the was most successful. Grotto and an dance was held in the right hand and he made a very short club cinema. but cticotiragiitg spcech to wind up A day lotir of places of interest in the proceedings. the island included a visit to the preSWINGING ALONG historic temples at Hal Sallicni. The In the evening. when a siag party Roman villa at Rabat was an interestof Senior Otlicers and National Coun- ing event and as this year is the l9th cil members joined the party at the centenary of the shipwreck of St. Paul Plymouth branch clubrooms the place ti visit to St. Paul's Grotto in Rabat was crowded to capacity. Two large was most significant. Lunch was taken LTD. A. E. HAYTER & SONS rooms. each complete with bar and at Buskett Gardens and then the rest orchestra vied with one another to of the day was spent at Ghain .4 _’_,~.... cater for the guests. There were re- Tullieha. freshiitents in_qii:intity provided by The day's tour was obviously popul‘lynioiith's Ladies. who really ex- lar and Shipmatc Toni Raymond was celled themselves in their efforts to asked to arrange more. In response please. The Otliccrs” cars were due at Professor Joseph Borg ioined the 2230 but they all seemed loath to branch for an outing to Gozo. leave and even the Lord Mayor was From hlgarr the party went by coach to Xhagra and visited Ghar Ta‘ twenty minutes late leaving. The Sunday Parailc took place in Ninu (Antltony’.s Cave) to see the r
















Round of social activities in Malta











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Navy Milling




!PORTSMOUTH’ Engineering Company ex-Royal working factory.





Renewal Form



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August. I960





the Gold for the first time. In recent years the has this in 1959 it was won by Cdr. Hewitt for Devonport Services Sailing Association; ihe previous year it was won by HE annual meeting of the Associii-1 mile to the finish. For most of the_ lnst. Lieut.-Cdr. Hedges for Devontion of Service Yacht Clubs took] race Andy Copeland had been in thc port Services‘ Sailing Association. and place at Seaview. Isle of Wight. on lead. and now these two embarked‘ in I957 it was won by Portsmouth July 9 and I0 vihen some good sailing on a rare battle. with three other (‘ommand Sailing Association. Long boats also in close company. Hewitt may this run continue! was experienced. The boats used were the Seaview just got home ahead of Copeland. CONINGHAM CUP t\leriiiaid class. which provide very with Fighter ('ommand (R..-\.F.) and the Royal Marines Sailing Club close, level and exciting racing. Racing for the Coninghani Cup followed ()ii the Saturday. racing was for the astcrn. on the Sunday. This is an I And so the Royal Naval Sailing inter-Service team event. in which! Ro_\';il Ya.-lit Squadron (told (‘up—an event in which each Service club Associatiori. which does so mncli for each Service has a team of three enters one crew, There were seven the sport of sailing in the Royal Navy.‘ boats manned by a crew of three. The Navy helmsmcn were Hewitt, Naval cluhs among the 24 entries. A Mooney and ('opel;iiid. and the team good sailing hreerc gave soiue excellent sport and most of the races were as a whole had high hopes of reversvery close. ing recent narrow defeats at the hands’ ot the R..»‘\.F. ltl fact the Army proved In the lirst heat the Navy was to be the_ wiiiner.s. beating the Navy: represented by the Ro_val Marines by 20 points to wt and the R..-\.l-‘.‘ Sailing Chili (Major Fiirloiig). mouth (’onimand Sailing Association, h_v 22} I7. of vivacious Windmill Girl Pat Patterson in mid-air r,_iicture Neither Cdr. Hewitt or Liettt. Cope- llitgll.-§pl‘r.d action (l.lL'tll. Willis) and Norc (‘omniand splits in a can-can. Born March 13. I939. Pat became a Windmill land could reproduce their Gold Cup’ iri';i lumping Sailing .»\ssoci:itioii ((.‘aptain Haynes). (_.irl in December. I956. after nearly two years with the Bullet Miiiitparnasse. lorm. but Surgeon-Cdr. Mooney She Only the former managed to tinish in was "Windmill Girl of the Year" in I959. A brunette with eyes. sailed well the tirst three and thereby qualify for to litiish third against the her measurenients are 38 in.. 2-8 in.. 36 in.. and her recreations are green N order has been placed for the swinirning. 1 the litial. installation of an electronic com- R.A.F. and lirst against the Army. and slotting. cycling Surgeon-('dr. .\looney representing puter for the purpose of mcchanising: Devoiiport Services Sailing Associa- ollice work at the R.N. Store l)epot.l tion iinished third in the next heat Copeiiacre. \Vill\‘.. which handles3 but was disqualilied on protest. while electrical. radio :ind asdic stores for; the R..\'.\’.R. Sailing Club could not l-l.M. Ships. 1 do lietter than fourth. The iuacliine installation. which isi In the third hcat Licttt. A. R. l). expected to he delivered within two} Copeland tllome Air (‘ointnand Sail-3 years, will include magnetic tape‘ ing Associatiotil sailed very well to. units as well as facilities for reading liiiisli Iirst, while ('dr. llewitt trepre-f and producing pllllL'l|L‘tl cards. .-\n up-' sentiiig the Royal Naval Sailing: to-date stock record of the ‘Jl).0Utl‘ dUCll‘." [lit in’), sigtlcd Ihg pdpcn Association) was lucky to sqiieere‘ or so dilferent patterns of stores into the liiial by being placed third. at the depot will he kept on magnetic sealed the envelope and lls after the second boat had hecii dis- tape_ as will lists of components for the best of luck. Iniqualilicd jr_u_edi.itcly on le.i\iin: the xiirgery. my each of some l.3t)Ll dillerenl types of S a small lN|_\‘. liiiats had a lasciniitiiiii for me. and I would frequently trierid opened tlte envelop;-.which was radio and asilic sets to be titled in i stroll the l-Z.‘i('l'l"l.\'G RA(‘l{ dockside at Sw'.tn.se‘.l trying to biirriiw. or steal a loan of not. yet quite stuck dowtt. and ex, ships. of the small hlI:ll.\ which were tied to the stern of the The tiiial was ;i most exciting race.‘ The machine will work out com-.‘(me schiionen aiiiiiictl the contents. Yes; lie was 33,‘ many in those days. were a common sight. At an early with the issue in doubt right up I expressed at "H ""l”'Ml ‘“°- ‘“‘l.'’' 33plcte lists of components needed ‘which. age the last moment. l)ick lvlewitt was twliich may run to several hundred desire to go to sea. _"What are we going to do about ‘h""’“ “T 5““l-, “l l""‘“"-" ;"1'l'~l P90"?One day l was taking my usual appear that the'doetor‘s ioh was to over the litie at the start and was items for a single sell. look tip the "Put another hgure three in front .\f recalled. but he slowly worked his stock record to contirm availability. stroll round the dock and approached mrn. mu mu "Emmi L.mmimm,.1 "W “"'*' "l“'-“l" ”‘“'~'- “ml 3 lill-"1": way through the fleet of nine boats debit the stock record. and prepare ills‘ \lilDtk‘|’ of a l_Wt‘l'lll.|\lL‘\l schooner accortliilg to the questionnaire before untii he was lying third at the last printed invoices for the items to he called the John Sims. "l'd like to go him. the acceptaitce or reiection of “""."""" ”"' “V” "“'l*i"“ ll Wild to sea, Sir." I \.lltl, "\‘i’cl!." \.lltl lie, the L'.Ill\ll(l.|lL' being the t'I:i:ri\t:.iti\‘c -"»“"-' m;irl.- with :i good heat ol about a. tlL's|1'.tlt.'lli:tl to the ships’. "( -III ‘mu s'no'n."' "Yes Sir," l replied. of :he .\.nal .-\uthorities. So theitlu he continued in the next issue.) ; relying entirely on what I ll.Itl seen i_nothcr doing at home. and. judging trout the small wooden galley on the deck between the iiiasts, l Ctiitcltulcd that nothing but the ttlaiiiest food could be prepareil in such surwon

Fine racing at Seaview





computer for



Going to sea fift years ago How a boy added inches to his chest to join the navy i i:'I: 1:'. hcldl ‘





boy." he replied. "Be at the .shiphroker‘s ollice at 10 o'clock tomorrow inorniiig." 'l'h:inking him. t liastened home to my





RENlI: lé)ZP:/OUS -

roundings. "Very well. tell



parents. l-‘atlicr



surprised, but motlier—she cried. "Very well." said father. "if you iuakc your lied you must lie on it." I


signed on at 30s‘. a i.ionth. lint after one trip with a cargo of coal to Guern-




sey l returned home.

If you roll your own cigarettes. here's how to get I2 extra cii:iIri'!li': from a 3d. packet of RIZLA papers. Crumple a cigarctte paper and place on machine


enough tobacco to make I2 ('.\‘If(l eigarrlli-5 at a mi! of 3:1! as

shown. it will



cigarettes for 8d

By using iu7.i..\ Filter Tips. you not only save enough tobacco to make 20 i-.\'rra ri_-.:an-rte: with every 8d box of I00 tips, but you also trap a l:irge percentage of nicotine. tobacco tars, ete.. amt can smoke more in consequence. Note: for a Cooler smoke always tap cigarette

(Tll' l)U\'-'.\‘\\'.\ltt)S) before sinokiiig.


.l(ll.\'lNG 'l'lll-I NAVY I settled for a while in the otlice of l a titiiher inercliant. but the call of the sea still persisted, until. in 190‘). a friend called Poole and myself. decided we would try to join the Navy. .-‘xrriving at the recruiting otlice. we were received by a sergeant of marines with coloured ribbons tlyiii: from the cap band. "Well. what can 1 do for you." he said. In unison we replied. "We want to join the Navy." "Oh do you?" he replied. and. looking at Poole. he added. “You're all right_ I think. my boy." Then looking at me. he said. “You had better go home again and lattcn yoiirself up a hit. come back in three months‘ time." Poole was a well built lad. whilst I was taller and wiry. We were very disappointed and decided to walk to the .\lumhles Coastguard Station where we knew they soiuclitnes took recruits. "What do you lads w;irit'."' said the Chief Petty Olli-.‘er on ditty. "We want to join the Navy. Sir." "Oh yes; have you got your parents‘ peimission'!" "Yes Sir." we replied. although in fact we had not even told our parents. "Very well." he added. "Just come inside and answer a few questions. llow old are you‘! Wliat school did you go to‘! \\'li:tt .st.ind.iril were you in? etc. Of course you'll have to get two references." he added. So. armed with the iic.:ess;iiv doctrments for the doctor's cxaniiiiatiori and our p.m.-tits‘ consent. we procecded hack to Swaiisea. The required I chest measureiiient for a boy of I52 I was 33} inches. and l /.‘m‘ti.' l l not make it, llowever. it would i






OPEN |0a.m.




‘ _

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[minted and t'uti:.filied for and


. tielutt ot the Navy t\iw.\ (ummiiiee tiv (axle .'.- l'oldcii limited. Aloe.-.iot '






‘ _

l0.30 p.m.


Supplement News Navy __,..





‘We want a compact, balanced Navy and we shall l li soon possess it’ F

FIRST SEA LORD ON THE NAVY OF THE SIXTIES Quietest ‘killers’ yet built ll[~.' year I960 is a significant one for the Royal Navy. Besides the exit of the last of our being the start of a new decade. it battleships. the Vanguard, and the entrance of a new fonn of maritime power. the Commando carrier. ‘lite tasks of the Navy today are vir- have to work with other friendly tually the sriiiic as they have been for navies. the last 20 years. ‘the main change is In the cold war, which is the tli.it we iiiidcitakc lll‘.|tl_\' of lheni in day struggle between liast and everyWest close cotl;ibor;ition with allies. This is and where the weapons are propaone of the m;iiii ways by which we siihversion and distiirb:inccs_ hope to prevent another major war. gilfltlil, has an ever-iiicreasini: part the Should .stti:li :1 war ever break out, we to l\';is'yVisits‘ and ;i~;sist:iitcc_ both on play. realise that we can only exist as :1 land and at by the Royal Navy are n:itioii h_\ uniting with other countries now so wellsea. estahlislicd that they are of the West. This, of course, applies only given publicity when they don't not only to the .\'.ii.-y but to the Army happen. and the Air Force as well. In smaller emergencies‘ -that is. for QL’Al.lTY AND 0U.-\NTl'l'Y exaiiiple. the sort of fighting which can so quickly spriiig up anywhere if ContThe Navy today has to strike a niiinist siilweiisioii and nzitiunalist tizilance to meet the requirements of all feelings get out of h:ind—the Navy these three rules. It also has to keep :ig.iiii has a task in which it will often pace with modern tlL'\’clt\[‘Ittlcllls iii the

KEEPING PA CE missile age and be able to stand tip agaiiist the latest and best weapons of a possible enemy. This require: large sums of money to be spent on scientific research and technical developiiient. but we must at the same time keep a htilauce between quality and quantity. Qiiuiitity is. of C0ttrs'i.'. as much dictated by voliiiit;ir-,- rccrtiitniciit :is



Ql5ll{'l'l-18'!’ Kll.l.l{l{ Sl.'l!.\lARlNl-Z‘S The pattern of the Navy of the 60's

is now beginning to emerge. The core is the aircraft carrier, such ships as the Ark Royal. Victorious, Hermes, :ill carrying aeroplanes with tremendous hitting power and a variety of uses. such as the N..-\.3‘) and the Sea \'i.vteii. Round this we have the smaller .sl1l[‘Is'.

modern escorts such as the Whitbs's and the new l.e'.iiider Class. Just launched and coming into service in I962 is the Devonshirc. the first of the Hampshire Cl:iss_ which will provide the main guided missile elentent of defence for the Fleet against air attack. In addition our new class of stibmariiics. the Porpoises and tltc Oherons. which are now ;ickiiowledi:ed to be the ‘iliietcst killer Slll‘|ll'I:Illl'lL'\yet built. :ire rapidly coming into service. In the aiituntn of this year. on 'l'r;ifalgar [).iy. we shall see the |:iiincliof the lirst of our own nuclear-powered subnitirines. the Drcadnoiight. For taking quick and etfective action ashore in all parts of the world_ we now have the Coniiiiaiido carrier. the first of which. the Bulwark, is in the Far liast. To support her the Amphibious Warfare Sqinidron. consisting of l..S.‘t"s. and l..(‘.'l's._ which have recently been relitted and ;lll"t.'0tldl' tioned. is also rictise east of Sue/.. The three new cruisers, Tiger. Blake and Lion, with their treniendoiisly poueifiil qiiicltliriiig (i in. guns will all he in Cullltlllsstttll by .l;inu.ir_v. two. In addition. we llil\'C zi Ci9ttsitlv:t‘.ihli: mincsweepiiig force. and an ever-cspziiitliiig lleet of support ships, oilers. supply and amiiiiinitioii ships and rcpziir ships.

This photograph was taken on November I8, I959. before dinner on board ll..\l.S. Victory in Ports-. mouth docliyard. The then First Sea Lord. Admiral (now Admiral of the Fleet) Sir Charles Lanihc. was cliairiiizin and the occasion was one of the periodic iiieetint.--a for discussion. From left to right: Vice-Admiral I). I-2. llolliind-Martin. Rear-Admii-.il J. G. llmilton. Vice-Admiral J. D. Luce. Rear-Admiral N. A. Copenian. \"ice-Admiral L. G. Durlacher. Adiiiiml Sir Peter Reid. Aiiiiiir-.il Sir Charles Lanibe. Admiral Sir Robin Durnford-Slater. Admiral Sir .\l:inle_\' Power. Admiral Sir ‘Richard tlnslow. Admiral Sir (':ispar John. Adiiiirzil Sir William Davis ’


A lt.r\l..-\.\'(‘l£l) ;\'.-\\‘‘i' We know what we isant. Notwithstanding liiiiitatiuris of riianpowcr and mone_v—iiliich apply to all three Ser\'iccs—we shall soon possess it: a compact and balanced Nat)‘. as

malie it. and deployed iiorldiiide. I take it as one of my most important tasks to keep that Navy actiie and i'er.s'alilc. You will see depicted in this edition of "i\'.ts-_t .\'ctss" a cross-section of this Na»). in which inziny of you modem

as we can

and ot which I hope you are as proud as I am. (.'.-\Sl'.-\|{ J()ll.\


.-\iliiiiralt_\ :irtist‘s impression of ll..\l.S./.\l. l)re:idnous:ht (above). Bril:Iin'.s tirst nucleanpoii-cred sub:\ll

marine. iihicli will be launched ll..\l. The Queen on by ()ctohi.-r 2| (Tr-.ifaI::ar Day) next. l)re:idiion:ht iiill be capable of high underwater speed and will have a Iunt: endurance. Oflicers and men have already been trained. and are continuing training. for their work in l)reiidnouuht. An order for a second nuclear-powered subniarinc is expected to he placed soon. The picture on the right is of H.M.S. Chichestcr. one of the live “Salistiury" class of Aircraft Direction Frigates. These ships were designed primarily for the direction of carrier-home and shore-based lircr-.it't. They can also serve as a lighter type of destroyer in ofl’ensive operations

An unusual photograph of ll.M.S. Tirelcss. The welded submarines of the “T” class were “convcrted" and have had an additional section of about 20 feet built into them. Tiretrss was riveted and the additional section could not be fitted but she has been rebuilt on lines similar ‘to the American “Gunia)"' tyne (Greater Underwater Propulsifl


Although. no



longer pre-eminent in still has vast fleet



._ _. .


Can share burden to I o






T is a natural feeling.-,—particularly among those who reiiiember the huge fleets of the past—to compare the size of the Royal Navy today with those fleets, and for the inference to be drawn that today’s navy is a small one. In l‘ltllll.bI.“r$ of ships and in e_omp;irisoii with the fleet_s_of the United States and Rthslit it must he ackiiowledged that Great llritain no longer occupies the pr-:-eminent position she once held.

". "


however. two or three factors which iiiust be taken there are. there





Secondly there is





of the other countries of the Coiiiiiioiiwealtli. virtually non-Cxtstcnl two


three decades

N.A.T.O. The Rtiwll Navy is a part—:t great part of that organisatioii. The third factor is the increased c:ip;ibilit_vof shim. A fourth factor is the cost. The ini:ri::isr:d capability has meant increased coniplcxitv which. in turn. has meant vastly increased costs. It follows that the sharing of the burden with Commonwealth and N./\.'l‘.O. countries means that the n;ivie< of the free world can be disposed throughout the world in the most :idv.int:igeousmanner. All the eggs are not in one basket




STILL A \’AS'l' l*'l.l-IET What is the state of the Royal Navy triilziy? It is still a vast fleet -—greatly increased tire power. speed. iiiiinoeuvrziliility and endurance-and althoutlh the 35.000-ton giant battleships of the post no longer reign supreme it is last becoming a litiiiirigetteiiiis fleet capable, with the allies of the free world, of defending those things we hold dear. When the First Lord of the Admiralty presented the Navy listimates to Parliament in February last. the strength of the fleet was:

ll ..\l.S. 'l'orquay-—an anti-subinarine of the Whitby class. Most of the ill ships of this class hate now joined the lleet and they are ctiiisitlered to he the most useful class of .s1ttall ships yet put into service. The operations room is the tinest ever put into a small ship

(3) Operrilional or preparing [or .1-rri-ice in tht‘ Op:-miimiul I"lr'r'I—l47 ships of all classes. (b) Sliipr cligugvd on trial: and

I:litIII..."‘ K

-""""-"a [an





“"‘ v




‘i We t .


trainiire-42. (C) I"I¢'i't mppurl ship: and ail.xili-


(d) Ships in ri'_u'ri'i', iuidergoing long rest. nmili-rrii.\oti‘uii. 4-!¢'.—338. Of this large l'orce of 574 ships at number have been disposed of

electronics sys



the llllt Admiral or C3 the tactical siti since the First Lord made his re- the sky for mi port but modern. more eflicient Admiral of units. have taken the place of some batten has desi: can-icrs as th. of them.


H.M.S. Punia—one of the [our “Big Cats" of.the Leopard class_anti-aircraft frigates. Can be used its a medium type of destroyer in ollensive operations. Others of this class are Jaguar. Leopard and Lynx -..






:trtist's iiii_pre\sion of the Ro_val_Navy's fluitlctl-lIli\\ilt.'tit.'\ll'O_\’t.'l’\‘—DC\'0l|Sllll'l:.llainpsliire. Kent An lhe l)c-vonshire launched Pt'lllt'L's)'

:iiid l.ondun. has AIe.\andra at llirkeiilieailon June Ill. These ships will be armed with the by beaslug for long ranges and Seaeat for short ranges. The three main roles of lhis class will be escort lil.Ill('\ tutti :i task group. offence t)pt'rtlllI.Ill\' as part of :i task unit of light forces atiil police duties in peace little in any part of the uorld. 'l’liey will have an endurance uliich will allow them to oper:ite t'or long periods on their own

guided tnissile

N0 BA'l'Tl.l'ISllll’S Now that Vangiiard is no longer part of the Navy, Great Britain has no battleships and the operational ticct at the time the estimates were presented consisted of 4 aircraft carriers. l commzmdo carrier. 5 cruisers, 20 destroyers, 34 frigates. 2 despatch vessels. l fast tninelaycr. l ice patrol ship. 31 subnizirincs. 37 ntinesweepers, 4 co;i<.t.'il craft and 7 landing vessels and the ships engaged on trials and training were 1 guided missile trials ship. 3 destroyers, l7 frigntcs. 2 suhmzirines. I4 mineswccpcrs. 3 K‘o;ist.i| craft and I kind-

both Plyntoutli and Portsmouth for the August Bank Holiday week-end Navy Days which are to be held on Saturday 30th. Sunday Jlst July. and Mon-


ll..\l.S. Bimiinghani (9,l00 tons standard) is now in reserve. Built in

Dcvonport dockyurd and completed in 1937. she has of the Southampton class. Sis1er ships Gloucester, Man-

chester and Southampton during the war




da_v August


At Portsmouth 20 ships “ill be open to visitors including four H.i\l. Can-.ttlian ships. At Plymouth the number of ships over which the visitors may look is H.



Tyne. Centaur.

Apollo. Gtllllllifl. Sttinles. Battle-

Crossbow and the submarines Talent. Tally Ho. Trespasser and Trenchant “ill be among the ships open to visitors. At Portsmouth displays include


Engineering. Electrical. Cookery. Royal Marines. W.R.N.S. Communicatioris. Search and Rescue Display. Diving and Torpedo Firing Displav and there will he a

Gymnastic Display. and Cere-

monial Amis Drill by Royal .\l:trines. Royal .\larine bands uill play daily and the Royal .\larines bands of Portsmouth. Home Fleet and Air Command will Beat -Retreat and perform the lovely sunset ceremony each evening. A special item at Portsmouth will be the period drill and the tiring of one of H.M.S. \'ietory‘s (IllIIOIL

that I know 01 Of the live the Lion (thn

July 20)


button" cruise the last convex be built. The I the Belfast. I! the last of vvh extended rcscr the year.


The destroj the First Lord 7 Battles. 4 wt ing vessel. Although class The carriers in the op-.-ration fleet ships are reall are Ark Royal. lleriiies. (.'entaur and placement the Albion (which will be relieved by thousand tons Victorious. when that ship completes "D"s wliieh se her current retit). The Commando at the beginni carrier. Bulwark. may have a sister their speed. ability are alt ship in the near future. The air defence system installed in more so-—th;ir llrit;iin'.s latest carriers -Victoriotis Among the s and llcrines—proviiles the best air tioned are Da defence radar in the world and is axe and Caes-.= stated "to combine early warning and Coming to l high discriniination of an aircraft's of all work" position in plan and height siinul- of the fleet g lancously." given by the A eoinplex and senii~;i:itoni:itic and in Marcli aircraft frigat [lay class at Salishiiry cl frigutes and 2 (I0 \\’hitbys_ Navy Days, all profits from vetted from which go to naval charities. pro- class). mises to be an even better. bigger The two and brighter show than ever. Alert and the t>t‘l.lilt‘. Far I Stations respc The Fast .\l The Painted Hall, Royal Naval College, (ireenwiclt. has. after has often fl three and a half years‘ work. been Comniander-ii restored. A special pltotographic Protectorexhibition to illustrate the way in already com; which Sir James Thornhill‘smaster- in Antarctica. piece has been renovated is on until Tut September 21.




NAVY NEWS Sl.‘l'I’l.l-IMI-'.NT

numbers Great Britain Vl l E§T5§T_..§}5_¢l3.§5T.9‘RR1ER







3.-F fl -. ....: .>.. '.‘.. -:.f~.'..~. 5 ufiaati‘. o ‘SS 1. ll..\l.S. llerntes t22.S00 tons standard). Britain‘s latest aircraft carrier. This cut-away diagram sho\\s—I, carrier-controlled approach heacon: 2. director: 3 '2 3. catapult: 4. CPO's dining hall: 5. side-ganguayz 6. cable deck: 7. hangar deck; 8, main deck: 9, shipw-right's shop; 10. vietualling otlice: ll. vegetable kitchen: I2. beef screen: I3. cooks‘ kitchen: I4. potato store; 15. seamen's mess: I6. inflatable life rafts; I7, twin hofors; I8. director: I9. crew's dining hall: 20. middle deelt: 2|. cold rooms: 22. aircraft tyre and tube store: 23. ratings’ washplaee: 24. library: 25 air bottles for deck edge lift; 26. T3 pe 984 mrlar: 27. pilotage position: 28. compass plattomt: 29, admlral's bridge and command planning mom: 30. flying control: 3|. operations room: 31. uplal.-cs: 33. deck edge lift; 34. port side light: 35. side entrance to hangar; 36. laundry: 37. “A" boiler room: 38. "A" engine room: 39. “A" gearing compartment: -10. .\'u. 2 ntaehinery compartment: 4!. stores: 42. air neapon assembly space; 43 telephone exchange: 44. machinery control comparttnent: 45. uptake: 46 Int.-.s\: 47. soot removal plant: 48. "ll“ hoilcr room: 49. engineers‘ store: 50. auxiliarymachinery: 5|. mechanics‘ nIt.‘\‘\: S2. naval store: 53. crew's l:I\:tluI’it:\: 54. (‘I'(l\ mess: 55. battery charging compartment: 56. 27 ft. motor whalcr: 57. spade type rudder: 58. directors: 59. inflatable life rafts: 60. arrester \\ire'~: til. lift: 62. deck-landing mirror: 63. crew's mess: 64. aircraft control: 65. passages; 66. seimitarx: 67. aircraft and boat crane: 68. hinged aerial. (Hy euurte~_\‘ of Messrs. \’ielu:rs-Arntstrongs (Shipbuilders) l.td.. llztrrms-in-l ttrncw.) 4


collects and dis-


arntation, enabling the


to see at a


nation in any section of .|cs around him. the Fleet Earl Mount:rihed the radar of these e finest in the world. our Type 984










A '



cruisers, the Tiger


Lion commissioned Britain's latest "push-


and are.



ntionnl type cruisers to

other three cruisers are Bermuda and Gambia. ieh is to be reduced to re ltmartls the end of ll.M.S. Ir ( RU-51'-R5 yets O[1L‘l’;lli(ll'l:ll when I spoke were 4 D.tring<. eaptms and 5 "C“ class. ed as "tlestroyers" these ._


Girextensire tll e I;‘\'ess—r—]:he am? hguid;;-d-

oeapontriassi.' esi carried out tiring-.~ with the Seaslut:



iy ligll! cruisers. in dis:y are only about .1

less than the "C"s and -rved the nation so well ng of the last war. and endur.mce and hitting "host



those sltips. illipt of the el;t<<e< menring. Agincourt. ilattle-



The Westland Wessex helicopter which ntatle its lirst tleclt landing on ll..\l.S. llenncs during June l:L\'l. Desigttetl prittIariI_\ for airtisubmarine duties. t.‘:ll'l'_l‘ltl): special search etptiptneut and strike weapons. (‘an ttccottmtodate. in atltlition to a crew ot' too. ll passt:tlL'.t.'|‘.\ and liaggttge or eight utretclu.-rs


the frigates »thc “ntztitls of the tlcet—~the "e;.'i:s" :re;z: emphasis has been



this C|.'t<\

(4i‘ LcOpn;dLCfn<1_"“: mack S“,_,m)"

km hem








_1m.mf. dm___.i‘m 3 nn!i_‘ubnm_,inc mg;m_5 4 B|_1Ck“.omk_ 4 mm Mg


and 5 Loch

tlcipatch Surprise——nre employed


East and .\ledi:etr;tne.1n


iuelaycr is Apollo which



flag of the

rt-Chief Home Fleet. the lee Patrol Ship—h:is aleted five commissions m

to page 10


.llIllllIllllllllllIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIlllllllllilllg lll-C tlm.-e_"Tiger“ glass cruisers (Tiger. Lion and Blakel mil all be eontnttssion lay .l:Illlt:ll':V. 4‘ l9ftl. .-‘lltltough these ships were laid down I9-ll-42 was on them in l946. In



work suspended it W:l€.df.‘(‘I(ll.'(l to complete tltem. but they [054 were Hrlu".IlI_\"dl's‘l’lltIllll('dand then cunslrttctcd to standard displaeentent is 9.550 a new dt\I§:ll. fhetr of lons anti they have a In




ll..\I.S. Tiger (top left) was the lirst to be completed and she is now operating in the .\lediterranean. Her main armament is four six-inch guns. mounted in two twin turrets. and the rate of lire of thew guns is ntore than twice that of any previous t'|'ltist.'l'\. lI..\l.3. llelfast (bottom lel‘tl—the R0_\':II t\':n‘y‘s largest ert.ti~er—i.-t of lI.S0ll tons tstttndardl and she carries I2 6-inch. eight 4-inch A..\.. and I2 40-mm. A.A. guns. She is" at present serving on the Far East Station.



«tr .4): *





Gone are the Giant Battleships l il

‘LlllllllllllllIlllll2llIllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllflg

Sea Vixen-—:_i too-sealer day and night all-weather lighter now in service The Hill‘! the ( four

Ro_v:il i\:ii'_v.


I-irestreak missiles. I-‘iited to tire 2 in. carry and 3 in. rockets

lI..\l.‘i. l’orpoise~onc of eight of that class. The new "Oberon" t:l:I.\s'. eight also. “ill sliortly be coming into service. The quietest attack siihiruiniies ever lioilt



impression of the new Trib:iI class general purpose fri-,:ates. There are to be seven of the class and their designed displacement is 2.800 tons (full load). These ships are capable of meeting the main escort functions of anti-subnizirine protection. anti-aircraft protection and ziircraft direction. Fitted with two 4.5 guns and a threebarrelled Limbo. these frigates will also be able to tire the Seacat close-range sliip-to-air guided missile. Will also carry a Iielicopter An artist's

ex-Netlayer. titted for service in l)i:Ps‘nili:ncies. Ilas already spent live sezisons

ll..\l.S. l'rotector.


islands I-'alklan_d the in .-\ntarctic:i

. ,~

ll..\l.S. Defender.


IiESll‘0_\‘¢t’ (2.800 tons standard) (if the Daring class. Others of this class l)eeo_v. Delight. l)l;IIllt)llt‘l. Diana and Duchess


l)aint_i'. Daring.

The l{o_\':il .\‘:i\'_v has a large nuiiilier ol_' niinesiieepers anil the photograph shows‘ ll._\l.S. .\l:irytoii——one of the “'lon"_cl;iss'. 'lhe_se ships are built to provide the lowest possible iiiaunetic attraction for action against iiiagnetic iiiines. (If 360 tum; standard they have in peace-time complement of 27

There are I1 "lilziclusood"class. T3 pe I4. anti-subiiizirine frigate-.s in the Royal Navy and ll..\l.S. Russell is shown :|l)[)\'C. (if l.l0() tons (slamlarill I‘-I~t1l:Icl'nii-iil. were built in prel'aliric;iteil sections zinil are ilesi-,:iied for a mainly :iiiti-siiliiiiarine role


ll..\l.S. L'nd-aunted. one of the eight "U" class Fast Anti-Subniarine I-'rig:ites (fully converted from destroyeni). Undaunted and Grenville (lhc L¢=Id_¢|'l aft. are lined with a helicopter I ndnont was uit y iimme have in complement of 175 to I9 Cu. Ltd“ at mrkcnhnd and W”. hid down in SeP'e|-nbef 1941, |gun(-fled in July IN} and completed in March IN-I. She was converted in I952-SJ by 1, §,mu,| whgge 5, co_ Lu,‘ Cowgg.

plllfgfla 0l'e:.700 tam? (ll',ullCIoad)




subnii nneshilestroirers-I-anditepeii-b:l_i ps Wl1It'.'l'I.‘::l|‘tllttlfirlaltt envy

The Royal Navy has a number of Depot 5hips—tc_>r o ii all but the most serious ol‘ breakdowns. H.-“.5. Triumph.forme 3 an airerii t _e:irner. is Ill]: com‘: Repair Ship. ll.M.S. Ausoniii. pictured above. is 3 Heavy Repair Ship at present based on Mnltn ‘












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