gov/ii. NAVY
N Navy ews
Tolcplioneibdstil Be assured of closeand personal attention to allofyour Uniform and Civilian requirements
No. 79
Write for special details and advantages of placing your
The Newspaper of The Royal Navy and The Royal Naval Association
Pulilis/ied_/it's! T/mrsday of the month
H.M.S. Albion retu 93 0 conversion to |:e‘
30 ROYAL PARADE, PLYMOUTH Telephone: 66543
Price Fourpcncc
9.“ for
commando duty
ll._M.S. Albion (Captain F. M. A. Torrensl).S.0.. D.S.C., A.F.C., R.N.) returned home to PortsSaturday. l)ecember 17 after service in the Far East.
HE aircraft carrier
mouth on She has been nominated as the Royal Navy‘s second Commando H.M.S. Albion at Aden in April. carrier and conversion work will begin very shortly. Commando carrier she l9_60. As in the will Commando troops give Her homecoming marks the de- their mcnfolk who had been away for
parture from Royal Navy front-line service of the Scahawk. Sea Venom and Skyraitlcr aircraft. which have bccn replaced by the Scimitar. Sea Vixen and A.E.W. (iannet. During her 5'i'.000~mile voyage— her last as a conventional carrier Albion visited Yokohama. Japan. and on that trip she sailed through the Formosa Strait. almost within sight of Communi-it China. She also visited lnchon. Korea. Since she left the United Kingdom in l-‘chruary last Albion has. among other duties. entertained King Paul of the Hcllcnes. given helicopter assist-
greater mobility. usefulness and enable them to be fully self-
yc:ir and were entertained with cakes. jellies. mincepies and other Christmas fare. and received presents bought ten and twelve thousand miles away. :i
U.S. CARRIER H-M-S" 1:°°_Pa"‘ -FOR 12 MONTHS Recommissions supporting
£90 million United States airTIIE ecItI)dmt?Ifiss:“iniI‘."l|3’Ifta craft-earrier. Constellation. which
A. R. Aldous. R.N.. CapCAPTAIN tain 3rd Frigate Squadron. has been
holding a last exercise with the ships of to numerous foreign ships. the 3rd I-‘.S. before leaving the station ance exercised with N.A.T.O.. C.E.N.T.O. in H.M.S. Cardigan Bay. and S.F..A.T.0. Fleets and. apart from After a few dliys in Singapore. CarJapan and Korea. has visited Spain. digan Bay and St. Bride's Bay will Malta. Sicily. Greece. Aden. Singapore. leave for a cruise including Townsville the Philippines. Hong Kong. Ceylon. and Pacilic Islands the New CalePakistan and Kenya. donias. Fiji. Samoa and Hawaii. She has also experienced the H.M.S. St. Bride's Bay will return to
and launched in October last year. She is L047 feet was expected to commission in Feb- (o.:i.) in length and has a beam of 252 has been spent on the South Atlantic was severely damaged by feet. Her complement is next. ruary just over and South America Stntion. H.M.S. fire on December I9 and at least 50 officers and men and the number 3.400 Leopard (Cdr. P. S. Hicks-Bench.R.N.) shipyard workers lost their lives. of aircraft she can operate is 90 to I00. arrived at Portsmouth Dockyard on There were over 4,000 men. mostly The Forrestal class are designed to December I to pay-oil. civilians, on board when the tire broke carry Terrier surface-to-air guided lnchided in the 50.000 miles covered out. scattered the offices. storemissiles. among while visiting the South Atlantic was mess rooms. ctc.. and small rooms. a call at Ushiiaia. in Tierra Del groups had to be contacted and got Fucgo. most southerly port in the out from every part of the ship. world. She was steamed l.l00 miles The tire started when jet aircraft up the Amazon. the farthest any H.M. fuel sported from the broken of ship has been inland in Brazil for more a tank. and. striking hot metal.valve caused than I50 years. while another high- an explosion. light was her visit to the Seychelles. a Men.miidc their way to the flight legendary site of the_ Garden of Eden. deck. from which LAG Oliicer. Submarines. Rearthey were rescued Nameship of the latest class of anti- by crane lifts. and many Admirnl A. R. Hi.-r.let. I).S.0.‘. more jumped aircraft frigates. the Leopard recom- into the water or escaped through l).S.C.. It-ft London Airport on missioncd for further service on holes in icy the sides. I December visit R.N. the Subto ship's Heavy snow December 6. made the work of rescue and tire» marine Squadron based at Sydney and for talks with the Royal Australian tighting very dillicult. At one time it seemed possible that Naval Board of Canberra. the ship would sink. He left Australia on December I2 Constellation is one of the six and visited the Submarine Squadron Forrestal class of attack aircraft at Singapore on his way back to the airriers and she was laid down in United Kingdom.
iTtii-ee of a kind”
llltl0 Novcniber I0. ll.M.A.S. ATQuickniatch. who engaged
local exercises. located a 60-foot tn-. i. E donesian prau broken down about [miles from llorsbnrgh l.iL'_htlltlll,sc oily ffiingapnrc. She tiuicltly took the craft ;in too and has ordered l the (‘onifiiiziziiler-in-(‘hit-f to procect to SingaI pure ltiiads. llirce hours later the praii toundcrcd a squall. but all the occupants were recovered and li:inilei.lover to [he -iinmigratiun authoritieswhen l|.M.A.S. Quiclmiatcli arrived in Singapore Roads. It will he recalled that ll.M..‘\.S. Qtiickmatch with H.M.S. (‘:i\-cndish took part in the rescue of the crew of ll.M./\.S. Woomcra near Sydney in November.
September. I957.
typhoon and tidal-wave .season in the Singapore but Cardigan Bay is exPacific. peeled to continue cast-about via the More than I.000 guests visited the Americas. returning to the U.K. in ship on arrival at Portsmouth to greet April.
Royal visitor to
'l' :2 ceremony at the Royal l\' Air Statioii at ('iilu.lrosc. (‘orn\\all. on December It». tlyiiig badges were lprcseritcd to lilcct Air _Arm helicopter on completion ot their training. by H.R.ll. Prince (‘hula of Heforc the presentation. Prince ; (‘hul:i. wh has a wide reputation as a Naval historian. inspected Divisions and .il‘lerw:ird\ took the salute :il .ii ‘marcli p ist. ll- lives at Trcdthy. near l llodmin. and a Naval Drzigonlly licli-l copier landed in the grnltlltlx of lltx" home to ll'/ him to Ciildrose for the ‘ occasion. -
Three :iiri.'ral’l carriers of the Royal i\':ivy (‘\L'f\'l\lH].' to-.-clhi-r in the .\lcditcrranean. l-'rom top to bottom are ll..\!.S. llcrints. ll.\l.S. Ark Royal and ll.\l.S. \'ii-torioiis. The three 'slli|h are under the oneralioiizil control of l-‘lag lllliccr .~\irt-raft Carriers (Rear-Adniirnl R. \l. Siiieeton. .\ who flies his Ilaj: in ll..\l.S. Victorious
January‘. I96!
Navy News
[3 r) I 1 o I i.ictII. ts) II. R. Berrldgc. R.N.(Reid.). Royal Naval Barracks. Portsmouth TeI.: Portsmouth ’.‘.235l (Ext. 72I9«l)
HE lreels of two more general pari- a radar-operated fire-control system. pose frigates of the Tribal class two 40 mm. guns and anti-subniarine mortars. The Tribal class frigates are were laid on December I._ The first ship. which _will eventually the lirst to be designed to carry a be named the Zulu. will be built_by helicopter. the t is rare indeed to have oppor- Alex Stephens & Sons Ltd.. _of Lintcontribution to a house. Glasgow. Parsons Marine Turtunity of making a worth-while cause and to find that the bine Co. Ltd.. will supply the steamvalue of one‘s gift is doubled. turbincs and gearing and Yarrows Ltd. Such an opportiinit now exists. On will provide the gas turbines for this page 4 will be foun an article con- vessel. cerning the proposal to build an The second ship. later to be Annexe to the, Royal Sailors‘ Home christened Mohawk, is being constri_i..~ Club at Portsmouth to rovide tem- ted at the Barrow-in-Furness shipthe second year running. the porary accommodation or men and yard of Vicltcrs-Armstrong: (Shipcyst] Marines have won the their families. Ltd. The machinery for this builders) The need is great. The Editor has frigate will be built by Viclters-Arn_i- annual Duke of Edinburgh Trophy In been personally involved when famihcs strongs (Engineers) Ltd.. _who will an arduous test of combat. instrumensometimes with seyeral sniall supply the steam turbines. and sblii and endurance. children and sometimes in appalling Associated Electrical Industries Ltd.. A_ team of I2 ofllrxrs. N.C.0s. and marines from 4i Commando weather have had nowhere to sleep who are building the gas turbines. the of the and can testify to despair some Ships of the Tribal class have_a stan- Royal Marines youngest unit. I‘ormed of the people coneemed. dard displiicement of approximately only in April this year—scored a total distance from a It is easy enough 2.500 tons. a length of 360-feet and a 07- 2.055l points in the three-phase —to harden onc's heart. to say the beam of 42 feet 6 inches. competition. people concerned ought not to allow The propulsion machinery consists Among the tests completed by memthemselves to get into such a position. of a combination of both steam and bers of the team were those in which but the fact remains that these cases gas turbines. The steam turbines pro- they had to march five miles and fire do arise and very often too. It is_ all vide power for normal cruising and rifles. carry a team male 200 yards bever well to say that ‘the authorities manceuvrin and the gas turbines. fore firing_. surmount an obstacle course wil do something‘ but we of the Navy operating t c same shaft, will give before firing Sten guns. and run three are a proud people really and when immediate power for high-speed steam- miles on the track. something is wrong we like to help to ing and getting under way in an The team will be presented with the put it right. emergency. Denny Brown stabilizers trophy by the Duke of Edinburgh at the Palace in February. His Everyone knows how generous are also being fitted. Buckingham Navy is and here is a chance to help Their armament will comprise two Royal I~_Iighness instituted the conithe men of the Navy. 4.5 inch guns in single mountings. with petition in I956 for all those units of How? A sum of under £25,000 is rehe is Captain General. Colonelwhich in-Chief. Colonel. Honorary Colonel quired to build an Annexe to the Royal and families Club for Sailors‘ Home or Honorary Air Commodore. another then is if that sum produced £4I.S'l0 will be added to it and work started. on an estimable project can It needs no mathematicalgcnrtis to see IELD-MARSHAL Sir Francis W. therefore that a gift is almost doubled. Fcsting. G.C.B._ K.B.E.. D.S.O.. lR.—Re photograph entitled If two-thirds of the men of the _Navy Chief of the imperial General Staff. “Another Horse Marine" there is or would proniise to was the inspecting officer at the were to give pic-World War iiniist_i:il to_thc give Ills. per head. the required sum passing-out parade of Britannia Royal nothing would be available. If every man gave Naval College. Dartmouth, on Mon- I gciieratitin in seeing either Naval or I0s. there could be a working capital day December I9, when he presented Marine ollicers mounted, in fact it was the custom for the field olliccrs to be of immense value. Prizes to successful niidship- so Queen's at the frequent reviews and landing All that is needed to make this men who will shortly be joining the parties we citercised. appeal a huge success is for two or fleet as acting sub-lieutenants. I am delighted to see the present three enthusiastic men in each ship or Royal Marines have retained the establishment to get together and find from column (Continued I) I am mystified at the shzibrziquc. _but means to bring the appeal to the GIVE GI-INEROUSLY. Usually. insignia which appear to be a iii:ijor‘s notice of all on board. _Givc everyone the chance to ‘double his money‘ and when appeals are made. the expression crown over the Globe and Laurel. the target will be reached in no time ‘Give until it hurts’ is used. In this whereas the letter says the otliccr was Also case all that is wanted is the price of a a at all. in the saddle The chaimian of the Management box of matches each week for just over the sword appears to Coiiimittee says all money would be at year. And for that small sum hun- frog and yet the hilt is clearly facing forward as though it is worn in the required by the middle of I962 over dreds of people are going to bless the Sam of those who were serving Browiic.——-C. M. BLACKMAN twelve months away ('.ilt_houg_h he (Rear-Adniirall. Bishop's Walthziiii. wants to know how much is going to In be given by February next) _- Icn shillings a head is not much. is it? (Continued in column 2)
t_.euer.i 10 the Editor
‘Northampton Riggers’ trained in Agincourt
was very interesting to read disposal. lR.—lt was suddenly decided that H.M.S. December issue an outline in
Royal Marines
win Duke of Edinburgh award
Agincourt (Boscaiicn III was to be used as a harbour training ship for in addition to being a drafting youths ship for Boys lst Class. Consequently on January I2. I905. {I00 youths in all shapes and sizes. dressed as Scamcn of the Royal Navy. arrived at Portland to join their first ship, H.M.S. Agiiicourt. This was the name mostly used by these youths because it was thought (rightly so] that it added to one‘: dignity and preeti The name Boseawen III was despised by these youths. tip-and-coming During the period under training. January-May. I905. the Agincourt. proceeded to Portsmouth under her own steam for docking. She was docked close by "Excellent Steps" Tidal Ilasin._and on coniplelion coaled ship alongside the north side of Tidal Basin, an At the end of I90! it was decided to the coal having been brought to the withdraw H.M.S. Northampton and jetty in railway wagons. After this H.M.S. Cleopatra from the Scagoing evolution. she returned to her anchorTraining Service (Sail) for youths. who age at Portland. where she remained were at that time joining the Royal apparently iiniil I908. Navy between the ages of I63 and I7}. On May 5. I905. the first draft of They were commonly known as North- youths from H.M.S. Agincourt were ampton Riggers. or nouers. Whilst dispersed to ships of the "Particular "'l‘lieir Lordships“ were trying to make Service Squadron." H.M.S. Ariadne up their minds what to do with this (flag). H.M.S. Haiike. H.M.S. Crescent class of new entry. the numbers at :iiid H.M.S. Royal Arthur. for sea Chatham Barracks had accumulated to training. NEPTUNE f h over 400 souls. awaiting ne
of the history of H.M.S. Agirrcourt and its iiitlmate fate. written by J. Y. T. However. as there is a little gap. I am endeavouring to till it. The Minataur and Agincoiirt did not part company for good in I887. as they _were together again in I905 anchored in adjacent benhs in Portland Harand were both carrying out the boii_r. duties of harbour training ships. H.M.S. Minataur. then named Boscawe_n I. was used to complete the trainin of 2nd Class Boys drafted from .M.S. St. Vincent at Portsmouth and other ports. whilst H.M.S. Agincourt (Iloscawen III) acted as a drafting dcpot for them as they conipleicd their training and were rated Boy Ist Class in readiness for draft to ships of I-‘lcct on return to Port-
:hedChanne1 .
$Cl'| ¢9l'( ;)lSl )'
iEiAr<"r‘rNr: i«"iiri"i§i:AsTQ Yours
H.M.S. Agincrinrl (Bust-aiven Ill) at Portland-—l905.
zit Portsnioiitli \\llll Sleaniiiig ('re\v. S ratings are normally detailed for overseas service about four months H.M.S. Dunkirk. May 24. :it DevonU.K. Base Port under consideration. ahead of commissioning date. and for home service about two months port for Geiieral Service Commisahead of commissioning date. this should be borne in mind when preferring sion. Home/Med. (22 inoiitlis). U.K. H.M.S. Vidal. August 9. at Clialltam for trials Commissions September Base Port. Devonport. requests to volunteer to serve in a particular ship. I2 for General Service Commission 25. at tNote.—Por!.rmautIi (C) i'iiili‘care.r sliips adiiiiiiilirereil by Porrriiioulli but H.M.S. Broadsword. May West Indies (24 months). U.K Base Chatham for General Service Comii-liich will normallyrefit andI or give (care at Cliiiiliaiii.) mission. HorncIMed. (23 months). Port. Devonport. U.K. Base Port. Portsmouth (C). H.M.S. Puma. August 22. at Dcvonport SUBMARINE COMMAND (2l months). U.K. Base Port. Ports(see mt‘) Soutl H.M.S. met‘ Walrus. February. at 100mouth. [So I Chatham at 30. H.M.S. Z March R.N. Air 6. at Scorpion. Flixhl. May Commission. Greeriock for service in 3rd SubGeneral for Service Station for I.F.T.U. Lossicmouth marine Squadron. Port. Devonport. Base U.K. months). Home/Med. (23 H.M.S. March for 7-. at Blake. Clyde H.M.S. Arh Royal. August. at Devonll.M.S. Oberon. February. at CIiatPortsmouth (C). (See note.) Port. Home Sea Service. Recommissions port for General Service Ciiiiiiiiishiim for service in 3rd Submarine trials. for Malta at H.M.S. for General Ursa. Service ComMay. sion. ilomeIMed. I24 months). U.K. August Squadronconsideration. under U.K. Base Port mission, Med.IHome (24 month). Base Port. Devonport U.K. Base Port. Dcvonporn H.M.S. Whirlwind. May 30. at Rosytli H.M.S. Dunrlns. September 5. at GENERAL Il.I\iI.S. Peturd. March. at (‘liathamfor for trials. lfommissiiins July II for Rosyth for trials. Coniniissions trials. Service. U.K. Base Port. Home October 31 for Home Sea Service. ILM ma II. ll)-~ March 20. at Singapore Portsmouth l(‘). (See note.) Under U.K. Base Port. Devoiiport. H.M.S. for considcratioii. for Foreign Service. (Far East). H.M.S. Bulwark. September. at Singasion. Med.Il-Iome (23 months). U.K. pori: for Foreign Service (Far i-last) H.M.S. liastbourne. April I2. at H.M.S. Ashanti. June 6. at Glasgow Base Port. Dcvonport. Chathani for General Service Comfor Home Sea Service trials. Rc- Il..\l.S. Barrow. September. at DevonH.M.S. Iettleaxc. January ii, at Portscommissions February 27. I962. for HomcIEast of Suez (20 port for Trials. Commissions Decemmouth for General Service Com- mission. General Service Commission. ber. for General Service Cummissioii months). U.K. Base Port. PortsArabian Seas and Persian Golf! HomeIMed (24 months). U.I( Base mouth ((‘). (See note.) Home (I2 moiitiis). U.K. Base Port. Port-—undcr consideration. Chichester. April I3. at ChatH.M.S. Crossbow. January I7. at H.M.S. Devoiiport. Iiam for General Service CommisILMS. Cornnna. September. at RtKyllI Chatham for General Service Coni- sion. HomeIF.-ist of Suez (I8 H.M.S. Scarborough. June 6. at Portsfor Trials. Commissions November. mouth for General Service Comfor General Service Coiiiiiiissioii months). U.K. Base Port. Portsasc or smou or. mouth (C.) (See note.) mission. llonicllliled. (I8 moiitlis).: Honielblcd l2-I mouths). U.K llzisc U.K. Base Port. Portsmouth. Port. Rosyth tinder coiisidcnition. lI.M.S. Berwick. April I8. at Belfast agunr. . anuary .3 at .. oilsfor General Service Commission. H.M.S. Diimpier. June. at Singapore H.M.S. I.l)|'¢'¢\lI)rI. September 26. -ll Service General for Commis- Home/hlcd. (ZI months). U.K. Base for Foreign Service ll-' East) n_iouth Glasgow for General Service (‘onision. Home/South America and Port. Portsmoutli (C). (See note.) H.M.S. F‘-lllllllllill. July. at Wallscnd-. iiiissiori I-lomcllllcd. (I6 moiiihsi South Atlantic (24 months). U.K. U.l\' liaise Port. l’ortsiiioiiIli on-Tyne tor (jciicral Service CoiiiBase Port. Portsmouth (C). (See H.M.S. Loch Lomond. April I8. :it niissiiiii IIoiiic.’.\led. (I8 inoiillisl. *Il..\‘I.S. Aivnc. end of September. at Chatiiaim for General Service CoinIIOIC.) U.K liaise Purl. Devtiiipiirl l (‘lnitliam for Trials Ct)Il)lIIl_\\li)I'l~ mission. Home/Arabian Seas and H.M.S. Belfast. January 30. at SingaPersian Gulf (I5 months). U.K Base H.M.S. Loch Killisport. July. :it‘ end l)i.-ccmli.-r for General SerFar East. Service. for Foreign pore Honic/Med 1'.‘-I Port. Portsmouth (C). (See note.) Rosytli for trials. COI'llI'lll\s'llII)S; vice CommissionBase 899 Squadron. February I. at R.N. Port. Purl» nitinllisl U.K Tiger. May. at Dcvoiiport for August for Forcigii Service Air Station Yeovilton ‘for H.(). ILM5 mouth (C). (See note.) Em.-t), General Service Commission. Home! Squadron. East of Suez (24 months). U.K Base "~M-5- ”3l|’)'"|Pl'-'- -lull‘ l3- 111 Di-‘V09’ 9 H.M.S. Hardy. September. at Cliziiliani H.M.S. Diamond. Februar 7. at Purl. Dcvonport. l"l'|”l l0!‘ Gt-‘|lh'fi|l $t‘FVlCi= Cullllllivl for trials. (Iiiinniissiiiiis October for Chathani for General Service Coni- H.M.S. Carysfoot. May. at Singapore sioii. Persian Gulflhlcd. l2-I moiitlis).l llmm: sou Service. U.K, Base Port. mission. Med./Home (23 months). U.K. Base Port. Dcvoiinort. I _|)ct-mipui-i. for Foreign Service (Far East). U.K. Base Port. I’ortsnioutIi (C). R-Nml)" 3” PF“ H.M.S. Curltlu. Octob-.-r. at Soiilli;iiiip1 "[7 8'5 s‘l“‘!d"“"i 24. Portsat H.M.S. Trafalgar. May (See note.) lion. ( iiltlrtise. for 0\‘er~;c:is Service m" (N. (;.m:m| 3-gnicc (-.,,n,,,;,‘.§m, mouth for General Service Corri(H-M-5 '\"l~ R0331” Ilziincl.-\r:ibi'.iii Seas and Persiaii ll.-.\I.S. Anzio. February 28. at .\IaIt:i niission. Iloinclhlcd. (Z3 moiitlisl. for Foreign Service. 706 Squadron. July. :it R.N. Air Sta-V Gulf (I8 uioiiIh.\l. U.K llasc Port. U.K.~ Base Port. Portsmoiitli. lltlll. Ciildriixc. Int‘ Atlvziiiccd i-lying : Rosytli. ll.i\l.S. Trouhridge. February 28. at ll..\I.S. Jutland. May 24. at Cll‘.lll‘|{lll'l Tfilllllllll lI..\I.S. Alert. November. t-.1 Singziporc Portsmouth for General Service 1 for Home Sea Service. U.K Bast.‘ , for Foreign S-:r\il:c. l’;:r l7‘.:.I. Commission. lIomc_.'\\'cst Indies i -Port. l’0fl\'I‘ll0IIIll (C). (See note.) ~Il..\l.S. .\liilI of Kintyre. cud oi’ July. '
lllllllllll lll_ll TRIUMPH COACHES 3
Edinburgh Road.
Pbenelflfl iuuuletuwl olunrnpuutcrvicr near wutun on mos ... on eiutoroiin an I-IUDDERSFIELD
iLEICESTER ~l :>E'i'Frl§l'gi An fiegflfc*D"L"°”If nANc3E51'5n
2}; mg
-Z: 2,,
#16 1.‘;
.5;.*,*.t,*g:t.3,.....-.~.-,.. 3;; gI3c1lNGHYAH —=-
g'Iiii; '55’
'g{'J',.?,li,T"°GE5"' 5:33
[g’.{§D‘5' § ,' “ "‘ ;;g_ there services
:5?‘ ..‘:;:":‘°" '
3" ,1}:
will take the following more of Service Personnel: lt.M. convenience the for All
aonoeks. Eortney: H.M.S. Vernon: Rn-rel Sealers’ Home Club. Queen Street: R.N. Borroclu. Unicorn Gate: Star-iley Rd. for H.M.S. Excellent: H.M.S. Phoenix: R.A.O.C.. Hilreo Barracks. Coihoin. Homer: Yown Quay. ioiebom. Also picking up or H.M.S. Ariel at cbceper mic.
N.B.—To all shi
Visiting Ports-
mouth: Special elllcies to meet your pai-sIculartravelIingi-equlremerits can be organised at shor notice.
Write. phone or
dock. -
pol? n(?ede?rTlaSyervicca('i ihli?l;~ .
gifiiona. lHCg.Il':OlI£l’¢ {(24 n:gnt(lé;.
Coi ; i I i i i s si o i ‘ S ervi c e Generzal gar Aagwmic ‘:20 monflg fix “as;
Edinburgh Road.
Phone 20947
NAVY ROYAL OF THE SHIPS Il l THE ,WEEKLY WASH H.M.S. LEOPARD gilllllllllllllllllllllllIllllllIIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIIIIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll E
HERE must be many readers who. like the writer. have to use their cars daily for commuting I.) and from work. With the continuous wet weather. and the resultant filthystate of the roads. is maior problem is how to lteep one‘s car clean. We all have our own methods and the following notes may help some of you. at least once per week regardless oi CAR WASHING weather conditions or how clean it The least tedious way of keeping a looks. Drying can either be by spoon.‘ car clean is. of course. to pay someone or cliamois. else to wasli it. t\l:iny garages these As to polislies. after a lot of experiwell with wash days are equipped ence I no longer use polish. .\I'.' an the arclt ol macltiiics. usiially variety seems to survive quite well and lotil.\ which spray water on from both sides quite bright and clean without polish and overhead. This eqtiipment is stip- at all. but I tniist ciiiplirzsise that it is posed to use some sort of magic foam washed properly every week. If you which is subsequently rinsed oil by do prefer to use polish. however. a clear spniy whilst the operator tiscs a word of warning: paint takes as much fleece glove to move the dirt. in my as six months to harden properly and experience the claims are exaggerated. it is not to be over enthusiastic in 1 whilst the fleece glove is "often dirty polishing a new vehicle or one which so that the paintwork is frequently has been newly painted. scratched. ANIMALS ON THE ROAD There is another variety of washing equipment. sometimes used by garages. Readers would be surprised if they 3 which can also be used by :inyone with knew how many serious accidents inzi hose. I mean the flexible brtisli type; volving injury are caused by (.ll'lVt2t'\' of washer wliielt is fed with water from who brake and swerve to avoid cats‘. a garden hose. This is available with a and dogs. When one is confronted by an anifoam attachment which feeds quite a ..\l.S. Leopard. name ship of the good foam through the brush. The mal on the road one must. unforfour “Big Cat" Anti-Aircraft 0Nl‘lR.\|.\‘ll().\' lI.I\ been re.'eiietl tti.-i it-.r" snag with these. I find. is that one tunately. he hard-hearted. The best hicl t l\'c.'i the to have :idv:iriu'd Frigates. (the others are Jagiiar. Lynx loading of foam tablets is barely stilli- drill is to sound your horn: by all Pettylolloium: ttntu.-r or ('tiiel r\rtili.ct rate. anil Piima). was built in H.M. Dockcient to cover the car. Property used means apply your brakes. btit never To Aetlii: Cltlet “eeliaiilrlati the result is excellent. but. unless you swcn'e. the animal avoid you if it KN IIZZPQ7 l.. J. Hill. KN ltI‘0.~'.'i (i. .\|. _\'Z|l'Ll. Portsniotith. being launched in RX I5-ltifil \\’. J.i.‘«-l‘\. KN .\‘.\“.\' (I May. 1955 and completing in Septemare careful. a streaky cllcct is produced. can. and it often will if you sound your bcr. I958. After a lot of experiment my own liorn. Writer Clilet Ollter To Petty Remember. by the way. that if yoti method is to wash the car thoroughly The ship's displacement is 2.250 tons MK ti.H.‘$.l I’. J. llenncuy. be it must reported. once a month with a bucket of warm run over a dog. standard: she is 340 ft. (o.a.) in length To Chlel Radio I-Jettrlelan to cats. ltowevcr. does ‘this not. apply water containing at shot of ordinary MK 83466‘ It. A. main. MN '.'I.1.‘.t.t ll. ll.. :iiid her beam is 40 ft. She carries four MN SHJKII It, It ‘lliomihon. .\l.\ Relioit. household detergent. using a Spontex REPORTING ACClDl'IlV'TS tit-toot lt. I). Youne. .\l.\t‘ tnaittlltt l-.. liin‘. ‘-1.5 in. guns in two twin turrets and two 40 mm. Bofors. It is possible that the MK SHKII 'l. 1i\'c)'. MK §3.\t\9-I ll. llulland. sponge and rinsing oil with the flexible Many drivers make q_iiite a song and To brush. hi the weekly intervals I use the dance Clilel Petty tlllrer secondary armament may be replaced about calling police to the scene brush only. without detergent. (i'll.il1t-ran. IN l.‘~hl.\‘_= by IN 157:»?-J l. t "Seacat" surface-to-air guided I’. If. \’, \\'i-xlhuiisr. IX I-‘i'.W' I. ll. RlLl'l.lY|lcolumn in 3) (Continued should be \\'(lSllL‘tl‘ car a Incidentally -on. IN tttizls 5‘, R. it-m.-s. IN 71:31.25 l) .\ 2 iiiissiles. ltldiiwu)‘. l.\’ l.‘~ll'5t-.' I. K. ll.\ll'l‘.“. Ix It-twit: ('oinplemcnt is I95 to 205. |) .\l ],\' sit]?-i \\’. J \\' hntiili.‘
THE 7-
ROYAL NAVY 0.‘s"l'C.-\Rl) photographs of the following H.M. Ships may be obtained from the Editor. Nwvv Ntaws. R.N. Barracks. Portsmouth. price 6d. each. which includes postage. Theseus. Bulwark. Ocean. Eagle.
Centaur. Glasgow. Kenya. Newcastle. Albion. Ark Royal. Loch Killisport. Diana. Tacittirn. Daring. Chevron. Zest. Vanguard. Murray. Cumberland.
Scorpion. Liverpool. Apollo. Lynx. Salisbury. Shetlicld. Girdle Ness.
Maidstoiic. Newfoundland. Warrior. Victorious. llritaniiia. Herntiida. l)c.irl-ne. JX l.‘r.tt7~ \'. .\h.n\_ 'lhc~c are \lIlt\\‘ designed pi'intaril)".(-m.m Alamein. Vigo. Tyne. \\'h;itt~.\ri, ix llvt|.‘M 1. R lla~.\l.i~\, tna. .l.\' l."2li‘ F. l’. llll‘p‘>2lll\, l.\ .'«I|l.‘h\‘ (3 ll ‘lot the piotcctioii of coiivoys against Jutland. Talent. Palliser. Explorer. Keir. IX W-USN R .\l_ l)i\nn. IX l.‘lZ'Itl (i. \ aiiciaft hut they are designed also to Siniriettnii. .l.\ l‘!-Mil (2, ll. lot.-an. JX I‘!-7‘t| Porpoise. Retlpole. (iambizi. Tiger. R. \\’. l)ovit‘.ini»:. l\' l."5l-I R. l. Kriitl IN serve as .i utcdiiiiit type of destroyer in Rtis_se||. Dainty. Protector. Undinc. ltilti-I.‘ l-,. \\'.iicrvi.-tili.l.‘\ t.n.l<5 5. l (iit~Is.ms_ ollcitsiss: operations. Carron. l)eleutl-er. Wliitb_v. I);irtiiigton. IX t.'-".7I It. A lloiun. IX I.‘t-72t- ll, le.it1.l Of all-s\ eldctl L‘tttl\‘ll'llL'lltlll the litistbourne. Torqtiay. Mounts Bay. l\ I -7-I‘: K. R ('iirti~. J.\‘ I552I(i I-. (‘. tirainect. J.\' l“(IH it \\‘_ tt.iheiti'. J3 lf‘i"‘N- -l.eop:ird class are tine. coiiifortahle llellast. llcrtites. Armada. Yarmouth. \\’. (i. Ru\\€ll. JK l.‘lS2l R. (i. 'l'ti:\.i\|:u\.f Lion and llurtlaiid Point. JV .\ll'.'l7t1 A. I). \t.'.tlLer. Ix l5t)=n.t .\. ('.: and capable ships. -
I llailc). IN H7ti2tJ \\’. l. 'lixi:riiii-.\. To Ctilrt linciiit-rrliu: tttrrhanlc KN ‘HHS-5 I), ll. 1. ll!-iurii_ KN ‘l'.‘lZ .\ l. rzirmihrn. Rx strut t). ti'Lc.irr. RX .~'=:7lx
K): 1 I) J. I’iimmell. RN 84044! J. \. lohnu tttSldt l-L. ll. J--tin. KN votof G. A ltrooirt. KN ‘N139 G. T. l‘ KN tstitfti,‘ .\'. Nornizin. KR li:02'7tt A. l l'oiind. RX I0‘tlll( I~'_. \\‘ilti.\m\. KN Hollis (3. I \\'lniit..n, xx 077!»I. lll.i;l;. KN oath‘! ll \'. lriictitaii. l\'.\ 7‘-"ii-l.\ l‘ l .\lt‘l’\’\tl. K\ "M242 R l‘ “trite. KN <sn.~T2 It (I. Rinlt. xx Itvtot. l l{t'l‘t'tl\. xx I-h.\‘Nl) (3 \\' .\li.iipc. l\'.\ *u:~N \\'_ llult. XV ‘unit I ll.ill. l\'\ 'l“'i'- l .\l_ (i l Puti-
'|'o \t.utrr-:it-.\ri::\
.\I\ Mtlltt‘ N.ti. l l.i\l.-t I‘ii urine (‘li‘rY Iiiigliir Room \rtllit'er \lX 7lHlI2 R l. :\ti:«i:_ .\l\ .'iIi.\'l It A .3 \-.'.-.i! .‘-IX Tuisu it \ Ru. .\t\ "i~:»\.i; : I) \V. .-\\kc\\'. MK .‘hI\\<t I). lot. MX '.'~l'|7 I . l. ll. 1. llt-in_ .\L\L v.‘.‘r.‘ l). 'l t.i.i:::li.isu C|i‘e2 Shipnrletit Artitirer ! i To.\l.\. '.‘<_«nit~t -\ l.. t tC\tlCL'. .
"—and hunger not of the belly kind that‘: Banislicd Will! bacon and beans. But the gnaw rig hunger of men for A ham: and all that it nicans."
CASSAR 8: COOPER Cable "Shipassurc" Telephone C.2-1226 (5 Lines) 8.E.A.‘ cnd all Independent Companies Agents
(fltlel Ordnance .\rtili:rr : ToM.\rtlni: *i.t.t<u I" I .\tn. .\t\' i..'<'t.‘
To Clilell-Ilertrldan six minus I). M.
Rule. .\l.‘{ lwtiftos J. ‘.\tnt.hct. .\l.\ l-'. \\’. ('. l).itA\tm To Ski flrrlh Clilel Pelt) Gflerr
‘ l. D
‘ .
.\1IlP:‘ili ‘
MK 5t-7K.t ti. I’. It. ltaittictor. .\t.\ (-(l2lti I-', \\’. I Gardner. .\l.‘( tilt-M5 I-. (ilcdttill. To Stem Chief Petty ottirrr t\‘i Mx 554$}? R. 1. l:r...l:e._ .\l\ "ll‘-~ It I‘. titles. To (‘met Pelt) ()!lit-er (‘oak hi I 1 I titx lt7t>.\'l0 R .\Li).
To Chief Petty Otlirrr Cool. IUD MK Mtim It Aticrnetiu. To Cltiel Radio Conatutinlrztion .\upt-riimr IN 'i'lti7ll l-{.1 (;.-ulll-l.j\ 5:11‘- ll. \\'
caiiiim: HUME iirfi.£A vs.» WI YOUR WAY OVERSEAS-:"_ Wherever a new
you're going to be. you'll nee.t a Cal‘--Oil arrival. Buy
Hillman, l-lumber. Sunbeam now lrom E.l“l.A. Ltd. Ports-
mouth. ll yours is an extended posting. take advantage ol our special export sehen'ie—you buy at export prices. Lct E.M.A. make all the arrangements—_export formalities. ll'|surance. shipping. evcrytliin-. Call at our showroom or write to us to-day—your car can be on its way tomorrow: or waiting Or it. can be purchased on the home or you when you dock! -delivery plan for use in this country belore you sail. ‘
l,_ I
To Chlet tfoiiiiiatinlt-.itlon \‘
JX bttzifil R. l)t\u:i
Easy Payment
; .
llarrrtt. .\l.\' ti<T_<l.< \‘. (‘. t).il\. .\I.\' h.‘-woe» l K. Leiiili, MN asttsti .\' ti. t'nur. .\l.\ MWM \' A. \‘ .\l.\2 .\‘T.'.v- R. \\ilwn. .\l.\' .\‘7.‘.\t I‘ M. Ryan
To Chlel Wren
I530! ll. l.. (‘hc\tiiie. Tn Acting (.'hlel Alrrrzilt \rtilieer t\FI l.IF.\‘m-iiw. t) Miitiu-ii. l.:l.\M-Kitil
t. ('
through B.A.S.
.\. (i
iTu Afllll ("Md }'.ln'Illr.Il .\lllIiI‘fI l.\itl I I ‘l‘.\h'5.‘fiZl U. 5. Taylor. iTn Acting Chief Electrical .\lerliaiilri;ni Hlri l.'l‘.\'5l30tt-I ll. (3. lltt.?t.'. .Tti Chief Radio l>‘.lt-(trldari t.\lrt L. 1. i. ldiitttiito.-i,
I-'.‘\':£b(H'-ll 2.soo ‘ed that he had for| : his tobacco with All six minesweepers later visited "superior (front 3 Rnngmm. The Burma Navy had (Contiiiuetl from coliiiun 2) I e the cans: ol 't:r- Clearly hectt looking forward to the if the‘ are involved in an accident.‘ :'ort. disp:itchcd :i stxlcl. \'I\ll and made to Unless someone is hurt. or there is a tobacconist. and ill no entci't:iiti the many rirrangements Over 2.500 visiting ships. tdelinite case of dangerous driving or: tin ol tobacco .iiitl ill‘ ol inhabitants visited the in ships I'll: drunkenness. provided you have satisl’l£tll\L‘tl. a om.-le zilternoon and many more tactorily cxcliaugcd names atid L‘ beginning til .I very‘ had to be turned away. H..\l. Charge Brewers Of E it I\ quite tlllllt.‘t.‘t.‘\\:t|')'to call tiddrcsses ritooii which. for thci t|'.-\ll:iitc\ _L'a\'e (I l'CCt.'pll0ll l-I'll‘ FARSONS llL‘\ ol ll..\l. Ships, oiliu.-ts. vlti-.-ti 1 the police. In tact. it" you do they are‘ olliccrs and petty to be rude to you for wastlrkely quite rtiiigton and ('liawton.r otliccrs on tli-.- p-.-tty l-Irnbassy lawn. in Malta. I ing their time. ight of their thrce~tlay ()n l‘.‘:I\'lI‘lg Rangoon the ships gave ein M()‘l'l‘0 I They can be eri a d-.-inou~lr.'ilion ol iniii-.-swccpiiii: for I the henelil ol lliirnia Navy olliccrs. ll is the overtalzcrs who provide ill) Al .\ll'I.\l0Rl.-\l. I |k.f.,,c work for the undcrtalters. they left. the Burma Navy A. i=.. l‘hy 50 olliecrs antllpreseiited them with .i niagniliccnt. the llurniese Naval silver dinner gong supported by two" nmander. the Senior: teak elepltztltls to coninientorzile their? .\liitcswecping Squ:it|- visit. in ivh:it the Senior Otiiccr The (‘oiiimaitdgr-in-Chief Home der R. W. l-l:illitl:iy.ti-.-scribed {H rather inadeqiiate ex-tlilcet. Admiral Sir Wilfrid J. W. Navy) laitl :i wreath :it change. the Burma Naval O|licers' II I Woods. in il..\l.S. Tyne. l'l.\l.S. (i:ui1- f 3'31 WM’ a\lL‘m0I'I:i|. On, Mess were presented with replicas of- —.bi:i and four other \\'.tl’SlllpS visit.-it; l former lapanese the ship's crests. a ltotterdam fioin .N'o\.-inl_~_._'r 2| to 26., was
nrj -
E.M.A. ‘L'ro. Grove Road South
Southsea Tel. PORTSMOUTH 2326i
good chance for the Royal Navy to help. itself
appeal to
the men
of the Fleet
need for temporary :l('t.‘(llllnl(|tl'.lfl0nfor naval families Portsmouth has been apparent for many years. but 'I‘lll-I taking into consideration the reduction of Chatham and the fact that 90 per of the Chatham ratings have at
selected Portsmouth as their Welfare Authority. the demand is bound to increase considerably in the future. 'l'he provision of married quarters. for accommodation against his f;iuiily‘.s Family Annexe to the Club. provided Ceutralised Drafting and. of course. return. but without success. that the necessary capital can be raised the reduction at (‘liatli;iut. means. inWhere is his family to go‘! 'l'lte wife. to build. eqtiip and furnish suclt alt that tltere are ito special burdened with a as evitaltly. (or more) .-\itni:.\e. couple arrangeincots at l’ortsmouth for tlte young children. has to lrapes around "Hie suliscipient nmnint: and maintemporary aeeomiuodation of l-';imilies. following tip advertisement after adtllt: \'U.\ll’l.l-Lt\ll'.-.\"l Ul' i‘l'.'.'\lliRUl\'t-. ll()L.3l'.. (.'ll.l.l.'\t.llA.\t tenance of the Annexe is coitsidcred ut:ui_v families arrive at l’ortsutouth vertisement but. ltcariitg of the to be :t practical proposition. \\'lll('ll IS Al).\t l.\'tS'l'l-JRl~Il) BY 'l'lll-I ROY.-\l. .\'A\'.-\l. with itowhcre to live and have to spend the disreplies are always [ll-IN '.\'( )l.l-I.\"l' TRL.'5'l' lit ll! ‘nu-: lll-INl{l-‘l'l' ()l-‘ Atilil) l'Z.\'uiiserable days chasing around for—- ‘children. "We have no aecoittutodaAl’l’E.-\l. T0 Tllli I-'Ll'IE'I' ;llL‘1Il'llt'Igl_\‘ almost-—itou-esisteitt houses. tlats or tion for children." Welfare organisaSt-lI\'l) (IRI-2|-1‘l‘l.\'(3S 'l‘lllt()tJ(:ll 'I‘lll-'. "N.-IVY As funds he for used caitnot public rtllllll‘. lint“ -‘ind so on are contacted and very such a .\'I;W.s l() ALI. xav.-ti. Ml-Z.\' wiiiaiu-:vi-zit ‘nit-:v AR!-1. I-‘OR an appeal is beiitg ntadc purpose ‘lltc ittaiit sufferers fiont the existing tentporar} arrangeittents are made but to the Fleet. ('oinntaitdcrs-in-Chief l A ltAl'PY ,\.\'n (.'().\"l‘l-2N'l'l-It) vi-:.\it. lack of leutporar_v accuittmoilzition itt the licart-breaking search has to go on. and Flag ()tlicers are being requested Portsutoullt are the wives aitd cltildreit How much better if the wife could to lend their encouragement and stipof "iton-natives" when their liusbands ltave to where she knew a place gone port to the proposal :ind Commanding aitd fathers :ire at Portsmoutlt temportCuntiniicd from column 3) Written uudertakittgs to make a donathat. she and cltildrcn at the rate. tltlicers are being requested to bring :irily or in ships at l’ortsutoutlt for would beany comfortable until permanent the appeal to the notice of Welfare appc:il _cvery consideration, N,w~.' tion should be forwarded to the leave periods. refit. or oit return from Nt«.\v:~; is convinced of the need for Contittodore. R.N. llarracks‘. Portsaccommodation could be found. ('oinniittees. Foreign Service. It iniist be many years since such an such _temporary aecomntodatioit and. ittoiith. and in order that the .\l.‘in.'igeThis example is not made to rend Take an example. A nt:in wlto has how generous the Navy can ntcitt (‘omittittee can decide \\lIlt:lt had his family with hiui in .\lalta rc- your heart. It is. unhappily. happening appeal was made to the Fleet and this knowing feels sure that the necessary Caslt scheiue can be afforded. the ('|tairiuan turns to lingland. lleing a sensible every day. Sometimes‘ the man is at present one merits the consideration be. of the (‘onunittcc asks that either coitwill be forthcoming. person he makes arrangements for his fault. sontctimcs the wife is forced to aitd help of every man, There is itot a lributions or iiitdertakiitgs should be in the Navy today who ntight not family to return before him so that he act independently of her husband man sent before l-'ehru:iry IS. EA RLY .-\CI‘l();\‘ can help them to pack and to clear tip there are dozens of cases cver_v month find himself in want of suclt temporary The actual building of the Annexe all loose ends himself after the family where help is needed. llut. whatever accommodation unless it be a man Actual contributions should be for- would. it is estiinateil. take a year and has left. Neither he nor his wife ltave tlte reasons. can one wonder when the with his own house in Portsntoullt who all contributions would therefore be families in UK. to whom tlte_v can go time for re-engagement comes along is in ltis last couple of years in the warded to the t\lan:igcr. National restuircd by tlte middle of I96: at and. naturally. as he has beeit told that if the wife endeavours to persuade the service. Those who are now furthest Provincial Bank. The Hard. Portxea. the latest. he is likely to be drafted to an estab- husbaitd against remaining iit the away from Portsittoutlt may he the first and made payable to The Royal Sailors‘ Home Club (.-\nne.\e Fund). (See liilirnriril mi [ltl_l.{t.' 2) to benefit front it. lishmcnt in or near Portsmouth. hr is service‘! Although public funds cannot- be In order to alleviate this distress and going to be drafted to a Portsntoutli based ship. he requires accommodation try to meet this important need. the used for the proposed Annexe the in that area, .\lanageiuent Committee of tlte Royal Trustees of the Naval Central Fund Sailors‘ Home Club. Fleet Street. have iindertaikcn to provide £30.0tltl N0 ROOM‘ ‘SORRY Portsntoiitli. under the ('bairmansliip from the Naval (‘cntral l-'und. provided As this man is a wise and forward- of the Commodore. R.N. Barracks. the remainder of the necessary capital individual he ltas written to Portsmouth. is prepared to undertake has been pzuaranlecd. In the early many p aces in and around Portsmouth the task of building and running a stages Establishments in the Portsmouth Command wcrc approached and have contributed. or promised. £9,070 to date and the Royal Sailors‘ Home (‘lub has contribtitcd a further 122.500 to the project. Thus a total of £-H.570 . . . is already available. ‘
.\'.-v\'.\i. ‘Ml-Z.\'. g
At your service
HOW MUCH IS REQUIRED How much more is fctflliftltl? 'l'wo seheutcs have been prepared one. to provide Rtl hcds would cost £64.95!) and the second. to provide 64 beds would cost £52.-€00. To procced with the larger scheme tit dilfcrs front the smaller only in that it would have it Tourth storey consisting entirely of cabins) a further £21330 is required and for the suialler one the requirement is
13 Clarendon Road, Southsea
ii.-.t-phua: 21515
The S8-bed schenie is the more dcsirablc. not only because of the greater accoinntotlation it would provide. but also because it would be more econoutical. since it would require no more administrative work aitd would Cost little more to run than the ti-t-bed scheme. In both selieaies there would he a ioiinge. a restaqgint (equipped with high chairs) and :i children's playroom. There would also be an otitdoor playground with sand-pit. swings. etc. The present facilitiesof the club restaurant. own bar facilities.television
Complete in every detail
and available in a wonderful range of designs are obtainable from the
l05c Commercial Road.
Tel. 26040
(Near to Sainsburys) SOUTHAMPTON:
Ppund Tree Road. Tel. (Next to Richards Shops)
Tenns to members of H.M. Forces
billiards room. telephone kiosks. hair-dressing salon. bookstall. tailor's all would be available to shop etc. the Annexe. roont.
ACC().\I.\10l)ATl()N CHARGES As stated above the Managemcl"' Committee considers the running ar utaintenance of such :in Annexe to a practical proposition. but the accor ‘modation charges are considered to I ost reasonable. Iltey would be a pio.\imatcly (\\'_ (id. per night for ca ."adull and half price for children :4-I2 _vcars of age. 'lhcre would l no charge for 3-year-olds and undt for whom cots would be provided
lt docsn‘t take long for the word to get what very good around the ships tailors Willerbys arc! Sailors who do care about clothes invariably go there. Suits. coats. sports clothes. uniforms from Willerbys. all are first class. And an allotment sclicme ifyou wish. Our Mmil It‘])l't'.$l'IlI(Ifl\'t'.tI't'.L'l'lIlll'f_l'riril the Fleet at porls ofrall at flUIllt'(mil on-r.n-av If_i'im'tI like to know more about ll’illerl'r,i'.\‘. see eillier Mr. GIlIlfltIL't’.or Mr. E. ('mi_i,IItluII. |1'flt‘flm'.\'l /If i-i.riI.s- your e.rml>li'.rImirnI. Alternatively. drop us a line. or call in at any of our liranrlli-.s. We .r/talllie pIt'a.rt'i! to Iel you have a /iilzlergiiiing detail: of ll’illrrli_vs .r rt-ltilst-rrii'¢' for men in the Imry. .
. _ _
used. VlSlT OUR BRANCHES AT: Since the iilca of an z'\nnc.\c w first mooted building costs have risi Renauit Distributors. Ford, Morris. Standard. Triumph 5. H-ltman Dealers East 3. Wear Street. Portehcster Phone Cotlum 76434 and as there is no guarantee that cos -4. will itot rise ftirther. :ind if the Anne: Paulurovt: Motors. ISIZQ Co-mam Phone Road THE AUSTIN 501-tlhlmPton PEOPLE, is to be a siieccss and ready for use MORRIS DEALERS. London Road. Pornbridge, Hilsea. Phone Portsmouth GOJIO the earliest possible date. it is esscnti WOLSELEY 8:TRIUHPH, G RENAULT DEALERS. Fnttnrt Road. near Rex Cinemi Prion i: Porn rt that contributions or undertakin STANDARD. AUSTIN DEALERS, 9-t/I04. thtmerstcn Rind. Phone Porumauth 20939 should be sent without delay. RENAULT DEALERS, 8/H, Grove Road South. Phone Portsmouth 32569 Individuals. as well as ships at PAGES GARAGE SINGER DISTRIBUTORS. AUSTIN DEALERS. Narthgate, Chiuiester Phone Cl establisltntents. are urged to give ll MAL SERVICE TO THE SENIOR SERVICE ALL FACILITIES AVAILABLE ‘OR TERMS. lN5URANC€ WE ARF "XPF."T$ AT EXPORT (Continued in column -8)
NA \'\'
January. 1961
M.ll.l-I. t.\lilitar_\‘) Admiral Sir Alexander llinuley. all present the Counnander-in-Chiel.l Instructor l.icutcnant~('omtnanderL Mediterranean. is to relieve Admiral t _.\_ ll. (‘. llristcr: Captain A. G. Sir Manley Power as Commandcr-iu- llrmvn: Lieutcnant-(‘ommandcrs (i. B. (‘|axton. J. (3. Corbett. A. T. .l. Diboll. Chief. Portsmouth. next October. \'iee-Atilmiral Sir Deric Holland- D. W. l-'. Elliott. \V. (i. Endcan. A. .l. t-:. |.. Kellaud. G. (1. E. Martimthc Flat: (i. Rosie. t\. C 0:’!-3| e I a ton. ; e t.crra_r_tc:u. ."ivy am Sir Alexander Blllglt) ltl Jum Rm“ Red Cm“ .\lcmber (Isl (‘lass’). Miss l;'. J. 'I'lIe New Year llunuurs in- M*'l\'i'.V-Q-'\-R-N-N-5 eluded tlte following: l\'.(.‘.ll. thlililaryl
ta ‘l 1_c;cornc the (anunanvd:ir«itt}(‘:;tcf. :4.-\}»<is.l
(ii Rl’m",kI$t»:t.
l ‘
Ill pr:-\|suI!t.1l pretty.»-tmt. .mn.\u.' ts. 1|“.
H.315. Daring. leader olithe Second l)estro_ver Squadron
Destroyer Squadron liafter secondsteaming 350,000 milesl ...t..s7"i§t7£..ift§§'"&i?,f;i‘ —
"""*"“ off ‘ t ‘ $ ‘ . ' : f ; ‘ . ' ; . . E . ‘ . ' . ? "“"' pays
Vice._, M_,":_‘,“ U" mnc m ¢..Mw m_“\.._ Jul“. l..u_IrLttLe Durlacltcrz \ tcc—.-\dnural Sir St. John ,h.'.\c I‘ccn cmtlIIn'.<d Rv.:_L:||taltl Joseph l )’l'\\'lllllI-(.ll.l-Z. (Military) (ll-‘..\'lik.\l. t.t.s‘I l W0 _vear.s- ol much sea time and a nide variety of ports visited has set the Vice-Atlmiral William (ltllll-ft)‘ l Sntmatr Specialists. —(’Jr. in (';IN.: I). V. M. I l" C“ ""‘“"- "- "- "A ”“""“""l tune for the ships‘ ol the Second l)c.stro_ver Squadron “ho are non paging '-, ('ra\st'ord' \-‘ice--Xdmiral John >.l .\ ltls‘t.‘\‘. ('. II. II. \\'.1kc-\\'.\lK(‘t_ M l. ull al'ter a General Service Comlnission in the Mediterranean and at home. N l.'.tllI.':thlL'l‘. ll‘luseur.' l, l. hlLItltlI_ R. t‘ (‘. (ircenl.-cs ll’. 5. llC.Il('. C It. it-mt-m.'m.t:iti.-. 1. The ships commissioned in early I959 and. after working up at Portland. joined 1' (‘.ll. (.\Iililar,v) tcmnlctun-(mill, the Mediterrattean Fleet in the summer of that year. The)‘ arrived in the United Lxcnt.-(‘dr. lu (‘dr.: 3. I‘. llnlln. \\' ll. M .\laiur-(iettcral .\l. (‘. (‘artwrig:ht- Hnmfim D J. l:Zllt|lll‘|.tl\-‘II. l‘.. l. R, l‘l-.:.1t_ I. 1960. Home Fleet "
l ‘.l'tlhL" !l|‘|"l I|‘!‘:wI\‘t11.'..tI{‘Il:l'l.‘l::‘?l':'l:‘1§M:i:nll hJIRl.(.Ilfic"
"“”‘ "" "‘
c.. u. Chatltam-based
(‘arcw-Ilunt. R.N.). a ship. lltts steamed an e\‘cn greater mileage th:m l-l.t\l.S. Delight and spent $triltc’§'"“".""205 days at sea. in the course of which (>0 rcplcnishntents were carried out. Not all the linte was spent at sea. however. and 31 dillcrent places were on April Kingdom to join the visited. one of the most popular being conunission of the Second I This 1. "WI lm. ’~" ,oggcr. tllcllnsunl|(.$::"""“" in-. A. \. I).-nits. R. .\. ll strn, .\l. U. Destroyer Squadron must sttrely ranl. ; Iceland and Cyprus patrols: 281 days. H“"ll’“|'S- F“l“'_ \_‘l5llS ll‘ lllc l1|5l _~ 5ttt'},Lutl l{L_.l|’-.’\.lllllll‘.tl\ \\. l’._ l..l»,'N‘_,'.' , Ni rndcwm. .\_ L l“‘u,‘W ,.v “-_ "“‘,‘“l‘ '“"‘l°,i', l'"'"B “"1 l0 3 "WY Rear-.-\dmtra|slItuclun.-n. II. M. ‘ft-hes". ‘I. C. Evans. (3. Y. as one ol the most varied for somcjor nine months. have been spent :.t i|t'l|\'C .\lclnt 're. (n. Plnlh P‘s: t'0mm|S<|0fl\t t‘ M Ntanscuh I) l Nlcxcoun years. Their activities have extcndcdlsca. > \ 'Ico'p|" R. .l. lflflltkls. I.1 l'. lt|\\lLll. R. l-.. )3 \‘ A H,-“M “._ L (.am.;_ ii“;-"__m mm‘-. u_M_s_ cnossnow from Izmir in the east to_ Iceland \‘ J. (‘ts-kc, st. la I. \\’cm\\\. Sm-.-ctun. R. li. Wasltbottrn. |)AlN'l'\' Il..\l.S. in (-_.p..; n__ ll. the west and from Helsinki Ill the; 1 Fnxlnrrr §pcclatIsts.—('dr. ”_“_5_ Crmsbo“. (cd,_ D_ "uy_ (.\.0. K_ R. llI{'\k-0{|\. J. l’.. llycr-Smith. {north to fripoli in the south. Over 1. Ci. Wells. ll.M.S. (Capt. Dainty }_\‘cl ‘t\'|r{2 It. .\. ('. '. 'l\‘n R.N.). in spite of a rather shorter com( “"lm“"d‘r( "”"lR, \(\'. 20 patrolg on Cyprtts and Iceland have I l).S.C.. R.N.). a Portsntoutlt-ha.sed mission than the Darings yet spent i I (|'.\i......., dr. :Rl..'. rcs!c,\' )_\\’ 3_ bccu t,-;.rri.,-d out_ More than 350.000;s'hip. \\:t\‘ guard ship at (‘owes this} 257 days at sea. She made many ta 1ll(l'V. | u atrctt. l. _L“-I-~ t‘. .\t. in (3. M. ;tt_.-rsgxtt;....._t-. I-. miles have been steamed by thciyear and alter steaming 58.000 miles friends. chiefly of her own sex. in the " : l';K‘ lt""l‘.‘.' 2 .' . ..'‘n' . 5;-.{"' . ‘.‘-;’.' . ;.;“ '§.';i:‘;}?: it" ‘-‘I'!4”"~ -"~ '-- ".'--r<"~'.- Rand good- i this comntission ended up with a very I3 countries that she visited. and in Hutchtns: lus'trnct_or (aptaut A. l:. Suppl) ;.'..a‘s.¢}.-t..t;.f', r-.'i;_ ;..t squadron and operational in 2| ,popular visit to Hanthtlrg: over 9.000 the many N.A.T.O. and other excr: R. I’. 1-.~m.J I-. K. tum...---. <'. c. n 3 will \’l.sll\‘ were made to 40 ports Jt|lllt\'lt1l12 .\t Is‘-s H. M o ore. gum‘. and 5.000 codcincs have been ciscs claims to have sunk 5| imaginary llll |[9. ,aspirins countries. R. Captain _\_ R_ w_ ”m“_ Rc_d,,_ ._icm__(-d,_ mm A W. H, ()..-\.R.:‘_‘l.l\'.S.: ; i In the British Isles. apart lrom t swallowed by the ship's company. submarines. She fired over 4.000 proman: ( olnncl N. (‘. Rncs: (:iptautsi\\'-uts._t9.o. u'I_.r-‘m. l_'. _l. ltlhlhtunc-llttrt.‘, leave from Portstnoutlt. Dcvon- Winner of two of the Mediterranean jectiles. some to such good ellect as giving \\'. .-\. Steward. R. S. 'l'ul'neIl. .\_ I; port and Chatham. ships of the squad- l-‘lee! gunnery competitions. she has to win the Mediterranean Fleet A.A. '.s e am-. urn. ‘aswe 6run have visited Aberdeen. Campbel- I had her share of exercises and prac- Trophy with them. Not content with ' ; ~ . “i =. (’o . one -. inn}. ‘non: ommant.. rs. I-'\j0l_ Cowes. (irecnock. lnvergordon. tices. I_lII H. being only sailors she also won the to_wn. "'*'“"" "C‘—'"""*=" A. I). (‘.-in-cr. 1. (i. Cotter. t-:. H. l-""“"l‘°"l- l—°“‘l““d°""Y- N°“'P°" Platoon Competition. HMS. CrossDELIGHT “_M_5_ Car. mar. tmu. to K, Rev. (E. A. Clark: "ml I-'. J. Dttvlcs. R°5Y"‘- R°lh°5“5' how. after paying off at Chatham. is gchs-eta. C C P H M g I. HamlW. (Cam ommandcrs Ddigm ( -Li“-"‘_(.d"r'_‘-‘__ m_“,_‘ mm L L .hwI__ :1 {LS23', ",‘;‘-fl R. (utggall: ’°“‘“‘3 "‘° 5"‘ °°‘“°V°'5““‘““°°° M.B.E.. D.S.C.. D.S.O.. M. l:. Lashmorc; :n. K.l:ItIcocl:. cock. ( A Johnson. Dickens, H.M.S. BATTLEAXE Q‘ C --Cur. Ina t.: Mel ‘ DARING ll.M.S. 'lt.N.). achieved a squadron record by (5'(“L) R. M. Lana. Patrick wlmcn. t=..‘u. Martin“ l.°'“.l" H.M.S. Battleaxc (Cdr. J. E. Maid-. l:. (I. .\lt:I'l’¢l.l¢\N.Surgeon Commander _s;u,g_ |_i¢u;_.(°a.-_ N _s;.,"_ (-4.5; rt. 3_ sum“ ll.M.S. During. the leader (Capt. operating her Asdics for l.2|5 hours. l'_tcstr-n C. I’. Mills. C.B.E.. l).S.C.. l-t.N.). Like other ships of the squadron a well. R.N.). the other Air Direction (D) I‘. A Pear-tc; Sturgeon lieutenant. P. I). (3. rush. I. .s. I-_ Rawtins, t'. "’1. ““""°" (‘onunandcr J. S. P. ltawlins; lnstrucsteamed more miles in the last three number of these hours were during the destroyer in the squadron. travelled .\l.uor to llcut.-(‘ntonel: R. \\'. O. Collis, months than in the Iirst year of her big N.A.T.0. exercise Fallcx which over 20.000 miles in the last six months tor (‘ommandcr 'l‘. R. Smart: ('otnI. S, Gourll)‘. R. P. Carter. -. -. 5‘ It. ‘the her well into the Arctic Circle of her commission. many of them in J H‘ Llllm-‘ ('‘‘m‘lm lollowintt on-motion; hate been made. first commission. Of the 23 half a million lltl\ll'I£I\. to date. lkcrmls-r ll, I!!!-U: ports visited. Palma. Majorca was above Norway. She was no stranger to Iceland waters. Over her supply and voted the best run ashore. with llrctncn 3 these waters as a lot of her time was meals were served by with coming a close second. ()ne member of spent on Iceland patrol: these patrols secretariat stall’. ll0.000shoteggs down by the ship's company is reputed to have contributing considerably to the 62.000 them. Nine targets were drunk over I00 barrels of beer in the miles steamed during the commission. thc gunners and the Asdics pinged Nineteen foreign ports were visited. 600.000 times. H.M.S. Battlcaxe. :1 course of the commission. H..\l.S. the 5th lDaring tool; part in many exercises. one (if the linal ones being Pompey ship. also joins huth N.:\.T.0. and ‘national. and Wilhelmshaven where a firm cntcnte Destroyer Squadron for another steamed many of her 64.000 miles on was struck with the West German General Service Commission. .
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Oi savc
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January. 1961
H.M.S. Bermuda as birth of a nation
NA V Y MEN REACH TOP Cl.I.\lBlNG party lauded by heliA copter front ll.M.S. Protector. the
Royzil N:tvy’.s ice-patrol ship in
SIX WEEKS TO REACH GIB. sailed front Deyonport September l6 for the MediterI_]..\I.S. Bcriniida leg of her General Senicc Ciinititissioii. The fact that the ship took on
nearly six
weeks to reach the Mcditcrninean. and went there via the west ctfzisl of Africa. was not dtie to bad navigation. btil because the first foreign commitInent was to :tttend the Nigerian Independence Celeliratioiis. Some of the six members of the a reception held ouboard in the Nigcriaii ('ouiiiiirnity in l.ontlon. who evening. which \v:is practically washed were guests of the ship for the trip. out by a torrential downpour. It rained donned their most colourful robes as heavily from about 5 o'clock in the rc:iclicd warincr evening to about 7.30 aiitl wrecked :i soon as the ship clinics. The eight days from Dcvonport lartzc ainouiit of the dccor:itioiis in the to l*rcctuwn passed quickly with nor- streets of Lagos as well as cancelling mal activities incltitling potted sports. the rehearsal of the Searchlight Tattoo. lttg-of-war. judo. pistol shooting and in which Ilcrniuda's guard of It)() for the more energetic circtit traitiiiig. strong was taking part. l-'rcetowri was reached on September JUJU MAN'S SUCCESS 24 and the 1'.’ hours in harbour were devoted to switntning. sonic sightLater on it was lc:trnetl that the Oba and drill for a seeing gruelling of Lagos had paid a large stun of pcriotl the Lagos Royal (iiiard. money to the Jo-Ju men to keep the rain at bay dtiring the Independence .lA(.‘ls'S'l'AY TRANSFI-ZR Celebrations. and it must be adntittcd liermtidtt left Freetown after dark that this form of insurance worked and steamed on down the west coast of like a charm for the remainder of the Africa. and in the early hours of Sep- visit! tember 27. he:ivi|y disguised as an l)ttring the second day of the visit illegal diaiitond stiiuggler_ she carried there was a National Pageant on the out a night encottnter exercise with the racecourse. more ollicial calls. the Lynx :iiitl Pttma. ship was opened to vi.sit.s of school After sunrise on the same day. the children. the rehearsal of the SearchCotiiinandcr-in-('hicf. Sotith Atlantic light Tattoo took place and parties :iiid Sotitii America station. Vice- from the ship went on trips to Mobil Admiral Sir Dyiiiock Watson. K.C.B.. Oil Refinery. |.evct Brothers and a C.B.lE.. transferred to the ship front Nigerian brcwcr_v. The third day Lynx by jackstay. The Lynx and Puma broitght more tours :ts on the first two then departed for Port Harcottrt and days. and in the evening the ScachBermuda proceeded to Lagos. light Tattoo was held. This tattoo was The ship arrived at Lagos early in one of the biggest events ever held at the morning of September 28 and Lagos. and deserves s ial mention secured to hand and stem buoys in because the raising o the National the harbotir. practically opposite the Flag at the end of the tattoo marked centre of the town. H.M.C.S. CoIttI‘Il- the birth of Nigeria as an independent bia was secured to buoys astern. the country. flagship of the Royal Nigerian Navy. The tattoo started at lt)..'lt) at night H.M.N.S. Nigeria. was alongside the with the arrival of H.R.H. The Prinjetty quite close. and the two Inshore cess Alexandra of Kent: and for the Mincswccpers of the Ghana Navy were first hotir consisted of variotis events herihed alongside Bermuda's port side. very similar to those of the Royal The first day :it Lagos was marked Tournament. performed by the Royal by a large number of official calls and r Nigerian Navy. the Nigerian Army.
Antarctic. has attempted to scale the hitherto unclinilied Mount Puget. mountain in South Georgia. highest l'wo previous expeditions have failed to get within ten miles of the mouiit:tin liecause of the iliflicult surrounding terrain.
The Protcctor‘s expedition ptit ashore in _l)cccniber and consisting of a .\'av;i| otlicer and 14 Royal .\larinc other ranks under the leatlership or (‘;.;st;.in V. N. Stevenson. R..\l. of l’l_vnioiitli.
made their latitling at (‘ape l)iirii|c_v on the south west coast of South (icorgia about ten miles from .\lount Pagct.
Reports reaching the .-\daiiralty stated that after three days dillicult climbing over heavily crcviccd and glacitil territory. :rii ;ts\;tttll party corisisting of ('aptain Stet-ctison_ |_i.,-mg M. K, llurlcy. R.N. of Kciisiiigtori. l('tlr. and (pi. llL'\‘L'f‘lL‘_V Todd. of l)-.irliani. siiccccdctl last Tticsday in scaling the west peak of .\lount Paget. a height of 9.565 ft. where it Union flag was crectcd
on Rt
\'ice—Admiral Sir
Watson and the Chief Justice of the Federal Supreme Court.
the Nigerian Police and massed bands of the Nigerian Army and the Royal Marines. The last act before the finale was :t splendid mock battle with infantry. armoured cars and 25-pottnders and :in unlitnited ainotint of thunderflashes and blank ammunition. which thrilled the vast crowd of 20.000 or so who were watching. Shortly before midnight the finale started with the entry of the four (itrards of l-loiiour. each l(lt) strong. which were provided by the Royal Nigeriati Navy. the Nigerian Army. the Nigerian Police and H.\l.S. Beriiiiida. The (iuards of Honour marched raeross the arena and formed tip 'oppo.sitc each other on two sides of a square in front of the Royal Box. At the saint: time. the third side of the isqttarc was formed with the massed ‘bands and smaller guards of honoitr rfroni the Royal Canadian Navy. the yllrilifill .‘\l'lll_\‘. the Gliarta Army. and 3 the Rhodesian Arm '. while in the rear of them the per ormers from the earlier events in the tattoo were niassed.
2.000 ft.
of the Falkland Islands Sir Edwin Arrow-smith. K.('.r\l.(i. H.M.S. Protector is the guardsliip of the Fttllilitnll Islands Dependencies and in this role tto-operates closely with the "fleet" of the Falkland Islands De-
pendencies Sttrvey tF.l.D.S.)-—thc Royal Research Ships John Hiscm: and Ber- Shackleton. The survey maintains
the stern. which was lent to niirda for ferrying people to and from the shore. Before sailing the next day. the (‘aptain. Captain A. I). Robin. l).S.C.. R.N.. presented an engraved telescope on behalf of the Royal Navy
evening and after spending nigiit in :i pit dug in the snow rcjoincd the rcniaindcr of the expedition the following morning. When the whole party re-embarked by liclicoptcr in l-l..\l.S. Protector. commanded by Capt. I). N. Forbes. l).S.('.. R.N.. they were w-elcouied on board by His l€.\cellcttey the (ins-ernor
the the .
Britain‘s Antarctic bases on the mainland of (irziham Land and near-by islands. and at Halley Bay t(‘oats
MOVING (.'l'IR|‘Ir\IONY In the centre of the hollow square there was a Ilagstall' flying the Uttion Flag. and just before midnight the simple but very moving ceremony of lowering the liritish flag aritl hoisting the Nigerian tiational flag started with ishort prayers’ said by representatives of the .-\nglic:in. Roman Catholic :md .\l usliiii ('hurclics. The Uuioii tl:ig was then struck to the strains of the National Anthem. and on the stroke of midnight the ‘
Nigerian National flag was raised as the Nigerian National Anthem was played. and the vast crowd cheered. The next day was a public holiday. ,and the liidcpendence Ceremony, at
l'l.R.l~i. Princess Alexandra 1 represented Ilcr .\l:ijcsty The Queen. was hclil dtrriiig the foreiioori. in the evening the Nigerian Exhibition was ‘opened lit’ the Prime Minister of Nigeria. and llerniuda's Royal Marine detaclinietit ptit on a display of arms drill. Stind.'iy brought art acrobatic display by the R.A.l-'.. itnincdiately followed by a w:iter regatta which included races for racing and war canoes both very spectacular. colotirfin and noisy events. There was also a pulling race between two of Bermuda's whalcrs and H.\l.N.S. Nigeria's wlialcr in which the ship's company just beat the wardroorn and Nigeri:t‘s whaler came in third. After the regatta had litiished. Princess Alexandra steamed round the ship in her launch on her way back to Government l-lotise. .\londa_v was a fairly quiet day in which the ship's lst Xl soccer team played a loc:tl Railway Institute and were bc:iten 2 goals to 7. The opportitnity was also taken to send a hanyan p:irty to the beach in the "African Queen." a splendid veteran creek mail '
What we want is WATNEYS BROWN ALE: more people drlntt Wotneyo than any other. DAIRYMAID STOUT: sweet. satisfying. Inexpensive. HAMMERTON STOUT: brewed with oatmeal and glucose tor zest. PALE ALE: bright. clear, very relreshlnq. DRAUGHT RED BARREL: the bitter you can E
ll..\l..‘s'. lleriiiuda open
to iisittirs at
with thunderbox to the Pririie Minister. Sir Ahubakar Tafawa Balcwa. ()ti ()ctobcr -l H..\l.S. liertnuda sailed front Lagos aitd arrived at Victoria. South Caiiicrooiis two days later. Victoria is one of the two ports of the Smith (';tuicroons. an ck-Ceriiiaiii colony which has been adtnittistcred by (treat llritain since the first world war, and run! year is dttc to decide. by plebiscite. whether to bccoine part ,of Nigeria or to join with its other tieighbonr. the (‘aiiieroons Republic. steamer
I-‘ .\l-.tdcri:t quick lccttirc to his wife on the workings of a (tin. Mk. 23 turret! l:lll)t.‘lli|l. .\ladcii':t. was reached oti October I‘) and four very pleasant qtiict days were spent in this rather hcatitiful island. The Ist XI soccer team took on the local Maritimo Club. bitt hccainc rather perplexed by the locals who kept producing reserves on the licld. :iiid consequently lost 2 goals to 7. The ship sailed from .\ladcira on October 23. piled high with wicker cli:iir.s and baskets. one of the chief exports of the island. and arrived at (iibraltar two t|:i_vs later.
ISANAN.-\S AND R.-\l.\' l'i(3l-IR RI-ILII-'.\'El) llauanas. and the heaviest :tririti:tl llcrc llcrrnutla took over from Tiger rainfall in the world are the two most who was lioriicward bound. and on notable aspects of the country. but in ()ctobcr hoisted the flag of Rear spite of the rain it was found that the Atlniiral It: I). I’. l)rcyer. ('.ll.. ('.l3.I:'.. weather was far more bearable titan 'l)..'$. the Hag Otliccr Flotillas that at Lagos. especially at Betta. the r\lcditcrranean. adtiiinistrativc ccittrc. which is 25 miles The following day llcrniuda sailed inland and 5.t)t)t) feet above sea level. for Oran in Algeria. arriving there on The local British residents were most October 28. It ptitircd with rain ditriiig kind. and rc:i|ly put tlicmsclvcs out to the first day. httt bucked tip after that erttertaiii the visitors in their liontes and those on board ltad a taste of and at their club. nice sonny North African some Activities onboard were confined to weather. The French Naval liasc is a an "open to visitors." a reception and most itiipressivc modern one. and is demonstration for tltt: Prime still under construction: while the a Minister. who was obviously highly town of Oran is also extremely modern delighted in his tour round the ship in with a large number of skyscrapers which he saw foam making. bofors and brand new buildings. On November 2 the ship sailed for brcaktip firing and firings of the Royal Marines‘ small arms. l-le obviously Malta. being played ottt of harbour learnt a thing or two. bccatise during by a very large and impressive band the reception on the qtiarterdcck that of the Foreign Legion. who came evening he was discovered giving :1 rlown to see us oil.
I96 I
Th Dartmouth Training
Squadron visits Spain ‘MURDERS MOST FOUL’ HELP TO PASS
.\loroccan lunch. couscous and all. and something we shall not soon forget. Ottr host was the owner of the (ionvery savoury too. The great event of the cruise (other valez y liyass bodcga. and the old man th:in (‘apt. l-’.’s inspection of Vigilant) (over 80 years of age) insisted on was to he the transit of the River‘ slmwiutz its ziround himself. a thing [BY OUR SPECI.-\I. CORR!-lSl‘0Nl)E.\'Tl (itiadalqiiivir and the visit to Seville. :ipp:in:ntly he rarely does these days. With that in view. the three ships set except for the most important of now scents traditional th:it the l)artiiioiith Training Sttiizidron slips iii an lcclaiiilii: patrol between oll front (iihraltar. but only two got visitors. and autunm cruises. Vigiltiitt was chosen this year, but Roebuck was not idle. for she went on the l'.xi:rci\c l-allex. to Seville. for Vigilant had After seeing all the great barrels and a p:irti:il We in Vigilant were told by those ;siona|lv and also for the way in which ‘.place it is. No wonder the cruise liners , brcaktlowii. necessitating her rcttirn to tastitig here and there. we sat down who had been on these Icelandic we had made our own fiiu instead of here. It is what we call :1 good (iihraltar. This was not entirely the at a huge t:ible in the sunshine. As run ashore for sailors. l)rinlt_s and tragedy it niight have been. for it gave this was heavily laden with bottles of patrols before that we should stiller muting for it to he tnade for us. i eternal boredom tip there. tlte weather :irc cheap. the_pcscta is In our the ship's company much more time. sherry :iiid plate after plate of attr:iewould be awful. the food had. in the favour. the elunate is F-ootl. the iirts and without \o many distractions. to tivc small eats which the Spanish call Tlll-I .\ll-INACE OI-‘ Gill. I love its -what more can you want.’ “l:ipas." we did not have to force ourprepare for the inspection. evcnt_ it turned out itiitch better than- When the autumn cruise really that. We eutcrtaincd ourselves nith Roehiicl; :iiid Wizard had to hear selves much to get started. We had the loati of the local Wizard thi'ce Roehtick. began. ships. After an hour‘s good fL‘lltt\\'\‘lli[3. ‘stadium for a sports day. at least a the brunt of the very friendly welititcr-m~.-ss qtii//cs. a murder mystery and headed for (iihraltar. Vigilant. jdozcu teams going along to use the come this uonilcrful city of Seville evcryoiic wanted to get on his feet to over the S.R.l-L. iii the successive epiThe of of sortie Bay provided liiscay sodes of which the coxswain was tpitch. The British community_ pro- gave to the British sailor. For :i start. uialse :t speech of Iltzttiks. and we left its usual tricks. and it is alwavs such lvidcd the buses for a free trip for we were bcrthcd alonttsidc. right close in a bla/c of light. The singing on the foiilly nnirdcred. the petty otliccr a lovely surprise. after rough. sullen cools‘s throat cut in ghastly fashion. those who wanted to see the sights oi to the busiest streets. This is :itt ad- way back in the but \\‘:l\ iininhilaited seas. suddenly to burst out into calm ll1i: chief (i.l. \ll'tlll_l.'.lL'tl. llf \\‘i: l't;ttl ithe island: soinehody had the fore- vattlage when you do not have to think .'iiid lusty. and siuisliine oil the of coast Spain. fthought also to put crates of bee: of boats to get back to the ship in the .\ow we are home for Cltrixllttiis, stayed in those parts any longer. lots Our faiiiilics. knowing we were ;aboard in case we were thirsty. In all l early hours of the morning more customers were on the list to go.) and wearing :i stnug and virtuous look ()iir diet was improved by the fresh ‘going to (iihraltar. gave tis Christ» [our travels. how kind these British I things don't rc:illy start in Spain until bccaiise of till our presents atid have forgotten nobody. The ("us-toms men fish the traivlers lzept passing on mas shopping lists as long :is your tcominiinities v rove to be towards us almost midnight. so we had little money to spend sat1 ors., Again. drinks and taxis were cheap. even cotild not take the smile off our board. and the weather. on the whole. arm.ourselves. on the natives friendly. The ftill story faces. except for the odd pint. was reasonable enough to allow us to Gibraltar is a menace so far as pay VISIT T0 SI-§\’ILl.E will never be told of exactly where the eat it. are concerned: the shops are packets sailors got themselves tthosc attracCasablanca. a thriving port and Besides. we felt we were rloint: .i so attractive and there are stich lovely mysteriotis narrow Moorish worth-while job looking after the things to buy. .\lany try to persuade naval base in French Morocco (just tively. streets simply invited thcinselves to be trawlermen. Their gratitude towards themselves that they can shop just as call it Morocco from now on). next IN What is explored). is certain that for we entertained whole its two days. had a us was most mzinifest. and they well and more in U.K._ but mainly. once again. through the efforts cheaply good time. looked pleased to have us around. our families are inclined not to beof the British community. But we For our part. we came away with a lieve this when we come home THE SHERRY COUNTRY mention in tltc same breath the good .-.\t.S. Protector (Capt. l). N. heai1y admiration for these line handed. Anyway. they are eniptyalw:iys We of will American several flamenco saw Forbes. l).S.C.. R.N.) recently dancing and the groups here .seainen who. far from home. do it thrilled to have something brought inside of and elsewhere in a great many Spanish pubs. passed Port Famine. south of Puma otir voyaging who tough job cheerfully. from abroad. have invited us to use their clubs and but. more than that. we visited the Arenas on the Straits of Magellan. The No one woiilil deny he was elad to The suuatlron paid a visit to the to join in their dances. Nevertheless. famotis Cathedral of Seville. and a few opportunity was taken to pay tribute relief somehow our arrive. yet see we Canaries last March. but then it was a-. was natural. our own senior ratings joined in the party to the memory of Cdr. Prittglc people did felt that that month in Icelandic 'l'encrill'e. This time Palmas was most for us, particularly a bus tour of which was being ollicially greeted Stokes. the first Commander of waters had beeti interesting profes- otir port of call. and :1 wonderful the city each day. ending with a the City Fathers in that loveliest I-y of H.M.S. Beagle. who died in August. places. the Alcarar. Tourists pay lots I828. from the effects of hardship of money to visit this splendid old incurred while surveying the western Moorish palace. relic of centuries of shores of Tierra Del File 0. Moorish rule in Spain. and here we The Captain. the ships Chaplain were royally entertained and con- and three officers flew from the Producted around the remarkable Hall tcctor by helicopter to the grave. of the Ambassadors at no. expense to where a short service was held in.thc ourselves. presence of the British Consul and Then there was the bits trip to Embassy oflicials. Capt. Forbes laid Jcrcz. the sherry country. and that's a wreath on the grave.
by Starting an
Allotment with Bernards through Bernards not only Uniform, but civilian: clothing and outfitting requirements may be obtained together For
Roebuclt—-a fast i-\nll-Slll)!l|'.Il'itIt.‘
l-‘rig.-,atc-—w:is built
destroyer in I9-ll-43 and converted
as a
present classification in I952-S3
to her
AREFU, Nowfi El i.
with przictically every other need of the Serviceman and his family.
Departments include Uniform and
Tailoring and Outfitting, FootSportswear and Equipment, Furni-
Civilian wear.
Television, Radio and Electrical
Appliances, Record Players and Tape Recorders. Fancy Goods. Toys and Games, Cutlery, Rings, Watclics and Jewellery, Lingerie and Knitwear, and a Chocolate, Biscuit and Flower Order Service. Purcliascs may be made through any Bernard Branch and credit is allowed without charge excepting under Hire Pllfclltlst.‘ agreements. Full details of Bernards Service will gladly be given on request at a Branch or tlirotigh l-lead Ollice. A
Single Allotment
Year Resolution.
with Beritzirtls should be your New
—For You Really Do Buy Better‘ at Berna:-ds
C. H. Bernard & Sons Ltd. 8
Wherever Il..\l. ships go the men of the Royal Navy throw :I party or two and. if possible. children. particularly those who are sick or crippled. are specially catered for. At this time when children‘.-t parties are being n_.m, it is Children were entertained by interesting to record that about 50 children from the Singapore Home for men of l!.M.S. Tactician. With the willing assistance of the ship's company the children, despite their handicap, managed to see the inside of the submarine and were afterwards given tea on board and at him show. The care with which their guests were treated is apparent in this photograph of Dawson and M.E.l Nye helping a crippled child over the gangvrny watched by E.R.A. Whiting and M.E.l Haigh
l.eading_ _beanuin
Queen Street, Portsmouth Telephone 23535
Other l.fram‘Iir.r a.'.'—-C‘/itit/imii. I)(vuiipnrr, ll’:-_i'muirIIi. Purlluliil, Mil/arr!Ilmwi. Deiil, Skrt,-Iir.i.r. (iri'iuih_t'. l’riIIi'lIri (IIIII .S'i'i'¢-Iiiii, .\ItiIIii.' uml rt! Lu.t.ri'rmuuIIi, Abholsirirli. .-trbrumh. Hr(l|t'iI_l'. ('iiIilm.t¢-. Worlhv l)uwn, Corxliam. l.ym/mmir. aml Il.M.S. Dolphin. 0[,'i'rer.r' S/l(Jp.I'tll I’IymimIh, Pornrmoiilli and Soiitlimiiplmi
Head Otlice: Anglia House. Harwich. Essex M:-niben I .N. T./I
Telephone 880
NAVY i\i'l’.\\'S
years in office andri Thirteenmissed meeting Januar
Iiiivim: missed iiii.-cling for I3 unless prevented by illness Ni-'.\'tIi{ duty is the proud lioztst of Sltipitiale Lieut.-Ctlr. .l. l.. lltttes. R.l’\'.\'.R.. the _vi.-ars‘
cliuirnian of the Croydon l)l’:lllL'll oi’ the Royal Nztvul Association. Sliipniate Bales took ollice as chair- olliccrs with whom he has worked in:iIi iii I-'ebriiar_v. I‘)-lit. and he has held duriiig the past 13 years. expressing his ollice without :i break ever since. He gl'£Illlllt.lC to the liardcst workers. viz... has also held the otiiccs oi 'l'riislcc and the 'l're;isiirer. Secretary. \’ice-Chairl’tiblicit_v Olliccr. nizin. Welfzire Olliccr and Standard in a farewell letter (as Chairman) to Iicarer. "All h:i\-e done good work and itlt:l'lll‘c'l'S of the Croydon branch. kept your interest in the forefront. Shipinzilc Hates paid tribute to all the Your tinances are scciire and on the upward trend. tlianks to their cll‘orts" he writes. He also thanked all the nieiiihcrs for the full support he has rcizcivcd from them over the ,\'c:irs. In wishing sticccss to those about to take over control of the branch he said "In lil_\' opinion \\e have one of the liiiest brziitclics in otii' Association not in iitiiiibcrs but in siiic:t'ity" and he 1t§'|[1'.‘2Il|.'(l to all IIlL‘llll‘L'l’\' not in ollicc i to support the new ollice liolders in .
gm EPRESIDENT PiiAisi§:s yAiii3”iiANc”13i ‘ _
Good Financial Standing
lll-I third annual dinner dance of the Wear (Suitderlund) llrunch til the Royal l\".i\':il .~\ssoi:i:ition \\:1s‘ held in the 'l':irt:in l.ouni:e of the l".il'.itine llotel. Siintlcrlimil. on l)eci.-inber 2.
‘exert mi)‘.
.‘\llltlll'.! oliieials and guests were Rear-.»\tliini:ilR. J. M. lltilto .'tlL‘.I prcsltlcttl: Dr. R. 'l liuhron. l\i.tilCll president: .\lr. .-\. l..ttll:!ll.lgL‘. vice-prcsideiit: sir. i‘. \\' cliaiiiiiziii: .\lr. .-‘\. Joliiison. imiiicli cli;iirni:iii: Mr. R. (ilcdhill. northern area i:li;iiiiii:iii: Mr. I‘. (flarkc. ;irc.'i .sc:rct:ir_v: Mr. A. lidinuinlson. l\t':tIlt.‘lI .si:cri:t:iry; and Mr. R. Kirtlcy. treasurer. 'llic l'\‘.lE. Stibnutriiiers were reiixcsciitcd by their clitiirnizin. Mr. J. 'l'own.s:iid. Trihiites to the sticeessful ivorkiiii: oi the bi.-ineli were paid by Rcsir-Ailniiral lliitton and Mr. I’. Waite. in P.tlllClll.‘lf the inspirini.: \\t.‘ll.llL' work ziiid the liealtiiy iiieiiibersiiip and llll:tllL‘l.‘tl .st;indini: ol the liraiicli. Dr. R. S. 'l'liuIiroii eoxnpli'nie:ited the l.t(llL‘s' section of tlic lsraxieli on their clloits in oiiztiiiisiiii; the v.irioiis eieiits since their iiiaugiiiatioii. tic iias proud of the Wear hrancli and of the ‘yotillifiil spirit oi‘ the lower dz.-ck——;ilw.-i_v,s looking for a quick one" \llllI.'ll was the spirit that had put them where thev were. and which he was pletoctl to say. still prevailed in tile liranch. Cliairman Andy Johnson in c_lain}iiii: the \\'c;ir llraiicli one of the most Dl'0-gl'(.‘S>t\'C in the R.t\'..-\.. .
Cheam’s good year
all branches greetings ‘INof seiiilini: the R()_\'.Il Nimil Assoeixitioii. to
,nieiiiber.s'. the Clio.-ttm jl’:trk hriinch "scribe"
to members to stand by motto and to continue to take an active
oisliini: them every success in 196! and hupint: th:iI they all get plenty of new
untl Worcester says thitt I960 has been a pretty successful _\‘t.'Jl'. l‘in:inci;il|ythe hrancli has been able to keep up with the tide and credit is due to the able and shrewd handling ol" the funds by the treasiircr.
. .
(‘licani likes to think it is one of the best bmnchcs in its social activities and in Sliipmate Stanton the branch has a lirst-class social SA.‘.L‘t'Cl:|l'y-0l'l|3 who puts his heart into the job ——with IN LIGIITI-ZR_ vr.ii~t just two aims. to make social events Could it bc_"0ne-Eye" who said _he sucecssful socially and lintmcially. couldn‘t see his way clear to sit with Meetings throughout the year have the lot! table “Zomhies?"_ been extremely well attended no matter And what connectio_n with thi_s had the t of thousands of co-operation people I note passed to the Cl1aIl’fl1al‘|..\Vl|lCll.when -, what the state of the weather. miles member has sick a away. helped intercepted by the |'lI'c.\'t(lCt‘ll. read: The cliildren‘s party was it great been revealed the London for dull (S.W.l3 on "‘l'r.idi.our by your lot.:sttct:css and the branch were able to outstanding example of unity of the Royal Naval AssociaSigncd loot. Juniper and One-Lye." have :i niiinber of yutlltg guests who do and comrade.-ship which. with the t on. of lI.M.S. \'a.\liaIn. ll {not often get the chance of going to crew The member. who. although 67. is Portland-hitsed mine- ‘:i inshore still actively eiigagcd in his job in the sweeper. wins entertained on Novem- part_v. On laiiiiziry I-l there is to be the Merclitiiit Navy. was sick in the Queen ber I7 by the l'IlEllIl)¢I!iat the Bridport isoeial and preseiitation night when the Mary's Veterans‘ Hospital. Montreal. Branch of the Royal Naval Associa- iprcsident presents cups to tourn:imi.:nl (';inad:i. The braticlt .s‘cerctary received tion. Darts. skittles xind refreshments iwinners-. Tllt! Mayor. vice-president that letter November 26 on :1 the saying for most paved :1 enjoyable way ':ind Padre will be present. This‘ is the A simple way to raise the initial deposit tiie member was llllVll)[: serious trouble evening. iniiilit when (.‘lii:am and Worcester with ceased his had almost One for house. Make Another visit naval out own a took eyes. on required Plzicc buying your ll’:irk can be hosts to brtinehcs whose to function and an operation was November 26. when l8 nieniliers .-l : Iiospitality has been enjoyed during the monthly allotment for the purchase of TENTH Issue ncec.s's;iry to save the other. petty ofliccrs‘ mess of the Royal year and :1 big attendance is expected. Upon receipt of this letter the Naval Air Station. Yeoviltoii. visited i 'l'lie aniiuul geiicnil meeting will NATIONAL ssvmas cnnrmrcmzns. Here are some exambrancli secretary wrote to another the branch headquarters. On this ituke place on January 27 and the ples of how your money grows by the purchase (by member of the London tS.W.) bI’=InCl| occasion. four incmlicrs oi‘ l-l.M.S. ollicials expect to have ti ftill muster who is now resident in Ontario askini: went down to Britlport to allotment) of him. it" possible. to make arrziiiiienieiits .1l.\'\lSl in decorating the skittlc alley»- ‘of sliipmatcs. l Scvciioaks branch paid a visit to to visit the sick s|iipin:ite and to assist fa most generous gesture. ltitn. if ni.:cc.s.s':iry. “llilst he \\.'I.\ in E (in this occasion, the Britlport ship- i(‘li~.-urn for the last dance. and. iudginp the nliotograph. the visitors enjoyed ltospiltil. llilltlvls’ were "out of touch" and the 3S bv The ()nt;irio incinber rose to the ‘petty ollieers won the skiltli: niatcli lll‘.‘lIl\‘.'l\'t.‘S oec:..sioii and \\llll no delay wrote to ‘by 2| pins. Refresltnieiits were sup- j l):inces are to he held on the last the (';inadi;in Legion in .\lontrcal. The : plied by the liostc.-ts. tifter which every- fS‘;itiird:iy in J;iiiiiai'_v. l-‘ehriiziry. .\l:irch PRICE PURCHASE oI' the l\l'iIllCll “'|'0|b‘ hi“-‘ii Pl'0|“l’1ll-' «\1Ii'|"ll oiii: adioiirnetl to the bar for :i iiiusiczil and April and incinb.-rs l-\5.Ell'" i I5]icoitsid-.'i' that it better |i:ilI‘-:i-i:ro\i.n'~ ttliat the iiieniber in liospital would hi: ‘worth cziniiot be (Il\lZIlI'lL‘t.l. } visited and assisted with anvtliini: 1 \\lllL'll iniizlit be iiecessziry whilst he interest in the branch in an endeavour to niak_c it the "llagsinp" of the Assocutitin.
Dinner Dance at Wear—Front row: Mr. F. Wade. Rear-Admiral Hutton. Dr. Tlmbron and Mr. R. GledhilLBack row: Mr. R. liirfley. Mr. A. Johnson, Mr. G. Gibson. Mr. A. Lnngridne and Mr. A. l’-‘.dmunrlsoIt.—(By courtesy of the Echo.“)
ll Giicywork helped member-i
sick in Canada
House purchase
523 I55 524 Ills £5 55 You will have bought certificates which will now be worth about
was it
A letter has since been ri:ceived l ; front the sick shipiniite stating: that he ;lt'.ts litid llti: opi:r;tlit>tl l‘l_\‘ uni: of the linest eye stireeoiis in (‘ziiiatlzi and that I he liopes to be out of hospital in three i .or four weeks‘ time. A most liappv coiiclusion to what ieoiild liasc heart a \cry serious olii.-lit. so i:ir lroin home. was thus‘ rcacltctl in ti matter of tl:i)'s- i\u\'cinl\er '.’.t'i to 5 ll"-“"l'IlV':l‘ I.‘ and sl-.-vilil coiifoiiiirl :illIliiw: ulto \JI\‘ llt it 'll:'Ru\';il i\.'iv:il J’) * .'.-\ssoci:itioii is inst anotlier exeiise for a Meinlii.-rs of Sctciioziks branch during their visit to ( lte:iui and Wiirccster 1 "h.‘l\/i."lI[3_” l’:trk. il'lioto: ('roydoii ’l'iin.~s.") '
You will have bought certificates which will now be worth about
i l
Presentation to
N0. ii AREA
Chairman of MEETING AT NEWCASTLE No. II .-‘lreti of the Royal .\'nuil National Council ll TheAssoeizttion. .\lesil:iiiics .-\nders'on and I-inch assisted by Sliipnitite Robt\'orlts‘. Durhitin and \L'l‘\¢tl
WING to tlte lic.1lth_v state of the ,\'nrthutIIherlund) lteld its last meeting You will have benevolent fund of the Durh:in~. ?in the .\'ewezLsIle and Gzttesheud li certificates bought Branch of the Royal N:iv:il Associa- lbruncli liettdtiiturterii rind it “its it which will now tion. the branch was able. over Christ- Ehighly successful ttfiiiir——36 delegates I be worth about £276 to make gifts to elderly and in- 3 or representatives attending, ; firm sliipnizitcs. Such gestiircs arc :il-' Rear-:\dniira| R. M. J. Hutton. wavs appreciated by the recipients. [1ft.'$l(lt.‘l'Il of Diirliain l‘l‘;tllL'll prcsiilcd l'o coniinemorate his fifth year in ._:iinl the cliairin:in of Neuuistlc and as chairman of the national ‘(i:llv.'.\llL':l(l. Sliipmatc R. l-incli. welcouncil. !s‘hipiii:ite l-‘rank Wade \\':ls ' eoined the dclei_::iti:s. Tho cnmcci on your Savings Cei-titicntes is free of Income presented with :1 pewter tanktird at thi: l Shipniate Finch stressetl the need for (‘liristmas "smoker" on De- even iiieater co-operation between ‘fox and does not. have to be dcclarcft for Income Tax purposes. ;br;iiieii's ccniber 2!. The presciitntion was made I liraiichcs and threw in the hope that Stnto Cort-iticotcs nrc gunmntccd. fliiviugs by the president. Rear-Admiral Hutton. wlien Newcastle dcd.t::itcd its Slanilxird is no need to mention what a in l')(sl full stip:~ort \\uttltl be forthIn-ii: ii‘ hgi ll..'l!. I-‘urea .'>‘.ii::’i-as ('-u::mi'(h'.r. l.0m!i.i.' S_t|'_;‘ stlcccss tlizit p:irticul;ir function was. coiniiig troin all braiiclics. l i
insiiit. l'\‘e\\c;istl-.- and (i:itcshe;i.l branch is no\\ going itllcittl with preptmilions for .-\iiitu:il Dinner on Jantiary 30. At the this stage it is not known \\l1Clllt:|’ the funetion will be :i lllililL‘l‘ftlZlilL'Cor just diiiner but. wlizitevcr it is. there is one thing eertiiin-~—it will be up to ill.‘ tisttal Newcastle stutidzinl, llieie l\ lu be it dziiice. in ll..\l.S. (alliope zigtiiii. on i\l:irc|i 3 rind the coiniiiittcc is very Iivi.-ly and ttctivi: in making the necessziry airzinizeineiits. Sliipnizite llcnton is‘ iiiakiug special ellorts to part ineiiibeis from their iitonc_\. _
January. I961
Able Seaman ‘flies’ his at masthead
WAR-TIME in signia SUB TO ..
RlTAIN‘S oldest operational submarine. ll.M.S. 'l're.spasser. re. _,turi'ied to Portsmouth from South Africa on I)eeember 22 to give Christi mas leave and then dc-equip for scrapping. after I8 years‘ service. l.aid down in September. l‘)-ll. at \’iL'kers-Arnislrongs at llarrow. she was latinehed in May. 1942. and comw pleied in September of that year. Under the command of l.ieut. R. M. Iiavell. D.S.('.. R.N_ (now (.‘oitint:tniler. retired). she conducted nine w:ir patrols. and ranged front the North Norwegian Sea to the Far East. Apart from attacks on enemy shipping. she earrtetl out a number of special operaltt)l]<. laid mines :ind was part of the covering force for the invasion of
sea-going ships
years in
()R'l’\’-'l‘W() years in the st':l'\‘iL‘c: iielty to see her steaming out of the “snperior“ tissessitienls as an able ,harhour on the start of what was to .s.e:iuian eoittinuously sinee I923: pos- he her l:ist patrol. Parker wa.s sent silily the only person still serving eti- 1 instead to ll.M.S. l-'areham and stayed titled to near First World War inedals: ‘there minesweeping for two years and I2 _vears- in*one ship: AND Till-I 1- nine months before she sank in S|iein:i ().\'l.Y RA'l‘li\'C I-2\"l{R T0 "Fl.\'" -(‘reek as‘ the result of danizige. HIS OWN I. Sl(:.\'l.-\ AT THE He was sent home in the Malson .\lAS'HIl-I.-\l) 0|-' A Sllll'--stlch is liner Mariposzi (then riiiining as a the proud record of .-‘LB. H’. II. troopsliip) in I‘)-l-I aiul joined l-l.\l.S. Parker. now serving in ll-..\l.S. Carti- ttileiiaim. :i Riser class I'rig:ile. which ‘was later renamed lt..\l.S. Strtill. and perilowii. "George" Parker. a Londoiier from was still serving in her when she Cainherwell_ joined the Navy as it helped sink four stihni:ii'ines in one l\o_\’ second class in .\lareh. ltilti. and i1 patrol while acting as part of a support completed his training in ll..\l.S. group. liiipie_-_-nahle at l’|_viiioutli in Wt‘). lle i A Rt-I(.‘t)Rl) is helieved to he the oiil_v person still I ln t)eev.-mher. I‘)-35. Parker se:vin_e who is entitled to wear First ll.M.S. St. Kills when she Iirsl eoiii\\'oili| War medals. He served in the llouie Fleet in eoal-liiirniiig ships liiiissioned and linally left her in Deuntil W22. the eliange from coal to oil ieemher. I957. when her ship's comp:uiy transferred to l-l.M.S. Camperheiiig the biggest eliange. Parker eon- down and ll.M.S. St. Kitts was plaeeil siilers. during his time in the Service. in reserve. Twelve years in one s‘l'llp Except for three months in 1920. is helieved to he a record in the Navy. when he went to Cliathain to do :i When Parker serves in a .ship. a gunnery eoiirse. Parker has spent all copper ball is s‘t.'t.‘lll’t.'tl to the top of i the his time in s'e.i-_«.:oiu;: ships‘. inaininast. The alleged story of lle joined l-l.M.S'. Repiilse in I922? this is that Adiniral Mriunthalteii and took p:irt in the world eruise of ’. sueeested to the captain of ll..\l.S. AilileSeanian the Special Service Sitiiadron. cerParker respleiideiit with all his eantpaign medal *6 St. Kitts that I’-arker’.s' ship .shoulil tainly one ot the liigli-liglits of his have a distinguishing mark. and the e:ireer. Parker's nest foreign coinmis- ‘ copper hall was made at Chatham Il.M.S. Redpole was towed front One thousand seven hundred and sion took him to ('liiua for four years. I l)ueky:irtl for ll.M.S. St. Kitts and t'orts'mouth on November l6 lo a ship- one men ]l)ll1I:ll the Royal Navy during serving in H..\l.S. Vindietive and I was transferretl to ll..\l.S. Camper- hreaker's the period July to September. yard. ll..\l.S. Cumherland. returning ltonie : down with Parker in December. in I92‘). when he joined the_deslroyer. I957. lt..\l,S. Tempest. his happiest coin-‘ He says that the Navy of today is mission between the wars. although itot as good :i.s the Navy he knew when they had the iinenviiihlc task of hring- ‘he lirst joincd_ although he admits ing hack the hotlies of the victims of he doe.s not like change. and in his the R.l0l disaster from France. opinion the modern rating is getting 1 "soft." YORK llA'I'l’I.l-I ENSIG: 5 He served on normal engagementsIn the early ‘fills. Parker spent three until July. I952. and sinee then he has 1 years in river gunhoals in (‘hina and ‘been on special N.C.S. engageinents some time in battleships of the Home faulhorised the which Fleet. He joined l-l.M.S. York in I036 now allowshyhim toAdmiralty. wear the Long’ and was still s‘L‘l'\'lll_l1 in her when war Service and (loud Condiiel Medal and tiroke out. When she was sunk in I‘)-80, .hars'. in addition to numerous eantat the Battle of Crete. he was one of a paign :ind war medals. Navy readers party left onlioard to man the guns. will he iiiteresteil to know that he has :ind was there for eight weeks. they been eontiniiously assessed as were unable to eel their hetldiiig_ so "superior" as an able seaman since when the inainniast was shot down. I913. l‘ tL‘I"Itt\\'L‘tl the battle ensign and He leaves the in November. used it as a _nillo\v. keeping it its a twit. amt will go Navy to live in Braeknell. souvenir until after the war when. by Berkshire. devious ways. it eventiially found its I! it mil ltlmivii il "(ii-rir_er"' ix 0 into the in Whitewar way miiseum I miukrr nr not, I] he i.\ it irnulil lie inhall ‘lr'n'\II‘ll‘L' In r‘ulr‘IiIuIe trim] Ihe (‘in.-‘\t'lei ll..\l.S. York was linally stink. I.-Imr .lmi'i' [mi from his ".\mnIrt'.\" Parker went to Ras-el-'l'in to ioin iluririy Iiii ltPIt_L' pi-rim! iii iIirI_\'-fret‘ |l.M.S_ Imperial and arrived on the i .\Iii[i.i_ ,
’ |
Sicily. Since the war she has operated mainly in the Home Suhunirine Squadrons :iiid has heen based on Rothesay.
l’orlland and Portsmouth. In September of last year. Trespasser. now under the comniaiid of l.ieiitenaiit .-\. l). 'l'urvi|l. .saited front Portsinoiitli to take part in exercises with the South African Navy and R.N. ships based in South .-\fiiean waters. ()ii her rettirn to the United Kingdoin this “old lady" had steained sortie 200.000 miles during tier lifetime. lteeause she was one of the earlier T
Class. Trespasser was never fully modernised. and apart from a snort mast and
improved radar. her external
appearance is very similar to when she was
lirst completed.
ll.M.S. .\lan.\inan. the fast minclayer. is being converted into a HeadSupport Ship for quiirters and Forwardl—l.M. at Dockyard, niinesweepers ilialhani.
tntlllll I 1 -l
"Want ‘ttl7¢" in
minesweeper squadron‘
104th visits Burma
camp. the memorial simple wooden cross
staiiils heside :i inaile lrom railway
sleepers by the
convent with the .\lothi.-r prisoners‘ themselves to eonimemorale Superior is not an event in the‘ the thous:inils- who died from the indaih routine of every sailor. but it‘ humanity they sutlered while imdid ltappi.-ii lo ratings" front three '[1l'l\(|llt:tl in Burma. The cemetery is
I-IA in
iiiiitesweepers ol the I0-lth “ine- being well kept. Meanwhile at Bassein. H.M. Ships swet-ping Squadron visiting: Burma. at
Woolaston. Punehestoii and Wilkiethe end of October. The sisters of St. Jo.s'-.'pl1's Convent. ston were being well entertained by Moutmein. were at home to the Navy. the Burmese Navy and the sole Briwhose representatives for he ocea- tish resident. In an exciting football sion faced the afternoon with soon: match against the Burma Naval Base the representatives of the R'oyal trepidzilion. Conlidenee was not in- team. creased when the Chief Engine Room Navy won hy 6 goals to 5 .'\tllllt.'t.'l. who was the principal 1 2.500 VISITORS guest. discovered that he had lorgotten to hring his tobacco with him. All sis niinesweepcrs later visited the Mother Superior ttroai l,.tne:i- Rangoon. The Burma Navy pad -hire). hearing the eaus-: ot 1.-r clearly been looking forward to the gnestis tll\t.'l)n‘llit\l’l. tlispatehetl :i sister visit and made many :irr;iiigements to to the nearest tohaeeonist. and iii no entertain the visiting ships. Over 2.500 time at all a liii ot tobacco and ‘((1 ,ol the inhabitants visited the ships in iigateltes inat-.'ri;iliseil. ta single atternooii and many more this was the heginning ot .i very‘ had to he turned ll..\l. Charge Brewers of BLUE LABEL. HOP LEAF, CISK LAGER, LACTO. away. :mo_\ahle all-.-rnooii whieli. tor the l d‘.-ktlaires gave a reception for PARSONS STOUT. THOSE ttne beers. all available .hips' companies or ll.\l, Ships lnlllters. chi-.'l pull}. otlieers and petty lloughton. l)artingtoii and (‘hawton. on the l{mh;iss_\ lawn. .ln Malta, are also exported to N. Africa was the high-light tit’ their lllfcc-tltl_\" ()n leaving Rangoon the \hips gave .is'it lo .\loiilinein jzi d-:moiistralioii ol miiiesweeping for ‘ They can be enjoyed throughout the Mediterranean area the henelit of lliirma Navy ollieers. t\'Rl-ZATII LAID AT .\lIi.\l()Rl.-\|. ‘lllefore they left. the llurnia Navy Accompanied ‘by 50 ollieers and l presented them with a magnilieeiit ‘atings and the lhirntese Naval {silver dinner gong supported h_v two Regional (.'ontm:inder. the Senior -teak elephan1s- to eoiitnienioriile their t)tlicer ltl~tlh Minesweeping Squad- -‘visit. ln what the _Scnior ()tt'iecr (Commander R. W. llalliday. described as rather inadequale_ exion t),S.(‘.. Royal Navy) laid a wreath at change. the Burma Naval Ollieers' the 'l'haiihyu7ayat War .\Ieniorial. On were presented with replicas" of the site of a former Japanese .the ship's crests.
It's brewed in the good old Britioh way!
Cl’ Hi9Ki2£
January. mi
NA v v N Ews
Red China 1S building ,
mate area in which the submarine is known to be lying. It then sheds its
airtraiiue and rocket motor and descends into the water by paraeluite. SING “ numb" of t-"mm. Ru“§;m , $:ilt\v;iter;iettvate~‘. :i_ hitttery to provide mh_.“.".in“ H‘. m."m‘_‘.pL,,._ H“. A, iiiiderivater potter. lite tlll\'\'lit.‘ lionics (1,;m.“. (y(,m,,,u,-,5“ Na‘... 35 ,.,:p"m.d . on to ;i -uhtii;iriite hy ineatis of an to he liuililitig nine siiliiiizirities .ilt‘“"“"““ ""'""~'°~
Slizinuhzii. Red China is knoiui to have 1
[)|s|u()_£;,\L5 llllfllhfll’ (If RtISVillfl-llllill\lli)lHLll'illl‘S' Thc ,\';i\-3' has rcccnll-,' Q31".'., 0' "W “ 9'3“ I" 5°|’Nl'-m:irl.i:i| another large hatch of wari The R.(‘.N. is now titling for ._i;5,m_.»-..i_ 'ri,¢,,-.; inciudc [hc ' -’\<diC (DUHHUEI 50”“? 515 ll ii .' iD¢P”1 and North \V:ishiiigton KNOW“ in l|‘iNlS1|“3ml¢ Pilriilllt-‘¢) in “W C:irolina. the world‘s last two ellective TYPC '5 ffitlaic C"=3°°'“~ battle-cruisers the Alaska and (iuant. Th‘! 13789 d¢$"'0Y¢|' iflld" Wm“ -‘\- the cruiser .\-lanehester and a number L“ i‘ "'°“’ ""d‘"' mm 3‘ N""r"'k- Vi“ of subinariiies. escort carriers and ginia. She is likely to be the first of .,-;,,,5',.,“_,-. the class to have ASROC. This is a LI
siirftice-to-underwater missile. Once a "'5"-\' The siibinarine has been detected by the prc-Will" built Crlltstjr _Gll|S¢Pt”¢ hh|‘P'-S A9050 UK missile latitieher is (i3irib:i|ili has now coniinissioned t_or hi’ Chic‘ _"_'“l5 "ti" *1 ‘“"l*“' "'3'" i” L" 5"°".“' ill|l0_m3|liCi|”)'"fcd" Will‘ ll"-‘d 51313 "N3 “"“ €"‘-i""‘°d-_5h° €0mPUl¢|'S- \_V_h¢n_ ||f0fl|€ mlfr ihulltlh 4” 1"“-‘*¢'" stlc travels to it position in the approxi~ eventtially carry 5.3 in. and 3 in. guns.
Petty (mice: Cuttes seen with the Station Fire Crews after the presentation of the Pyrene Challenge Shield by the Flag (llliccr Air (Home). Vice-Admiral Sir Deric Holland-Martin. K.C.B., D.S.0.. D.S.C. and Bar. to Royal ;\'aval Air Station, Ahotsirich. The shield is award ed annually to the R.N. Air Station winning the Home Air Command fin [:ig|1iing(_‘omp¢giuon,
Flora from Montary greets Puma at Devonport
SHIP’S 43,000 MILES IN 11 MONTHS §'lt‘,.°t§'“J$.°.§‘.‘3".fi.'l‘.$.".‘.". 2'§.countricsi § . t ’ 3 . l t ‘ § ?‘ . i { 2‘ two friendship between the quayside from the Hills of the Kings in the puma ALIVE Devonport Dockyard December heart of the Salinas Valley. puma 0
was on
19 to greet ll.:\l.S. Puma (Commander mountain lion. an animal fierce and 1, Marriott. R.t\'.) on her return after brave in anger. shy and gentle in ." an eleven niunth cruise during which peace. she has sailed over 43.000 miles. As l-'|or:i could never have lived The puma. which has the naiue of eontiortzihly on board ship. l’:iigntoiiFlora. \-.-as preseiitcd to the ship one 7.00 agreed to give her a home \\llt.‘l'L‘ of the lour_Leop;irtl cl:i\s aiiti-ait'ci:ift tshe could be seen by the ~.hip'~: com- , frigates by the citizens" of .\loiiti:ie)'. patty and be :illo\\‘-.:d to visit the ship 1 C:ilit'orni:i.She arrived in Britain only on \‘|'34.'CiZIi 0CC;itsit)ll$. On her way out to the South .-\tl;intie I two days before the ship sailed in January and few of the ship's conipaiiy and South Aincriczi Station |‘l.M.S. l* had an opportunity of seeing her. Now Puma entered every major port on the Z out of quarantine. h0\\cVCl'. she was West African coast from Dakar to the 5 brought from Paiignton Zoo for the Cape of Good Hope and later visited shi ‘s arrival. Maiiritius. Madiigasear. Mozambiqite e punth was presented to the ship and ports in Uruquay. Argentina and as a result of the etlorts of Mr. John Brazil. in all she has called at 3| ports Steinbeck. the author. after he learnt in 23 different countries or islands. l-‘amilies of the ship's company went that ll..\l.S. Piinia did not possesszi trophy head of the zinimal “lime name on board the Puma in Plyinoutli Sound to take p:is's;ige up hfirhoiir and among: \ilC bears. them uere some of the eleven children horn while the ship was :i\\:iy and S\'.\lll()l. ()1? l-‘RI!-'..\'l)Slll'l' .\lr. Steinbeck got in touch with until then not \CCll by their fiitlieis. iriL‘llti\' in .\lmtterc_\‘ and as :1 conxe.-‘\t'tei' :1 four month relit. }l..\l.S.’ qtieiiee :i fiii'iii:il iemliitioii \\'a~. DZI\'\L'ti Piiina will spend :i t'ttrthi:r three hy the Sll[1t:l\'i\tll\ of the i:oiuit_v that? monthx in the Home Fleet hetore re“llie people of .\lonterc_\' County invite I CUll‘Illll\\i0lllllg in Aiigiist. I .
N EW & U
°"’°"“‘ "°' SO.UTHSEA
Ships’ Company Dances A
-(: fli@ilT ngineeringCollege. Manadn‘I:..-in
Royal Navy was present in force on December I7 at All Saints‘ Church. lianstead. for the marriage of Lieut. Christopher John llarrix‘. Royal Navy. son at’ Mr. and .\lrs. E. E. Harris". 8 Springwootl Road. Leeds. 8. to .\‘li:.s Angela Bcrridge. second daughter of Major and Mrs. I-I. J. Berridge. til" 32 Wilmot Way. Battstead. The bridesmaid was Mix-4 Hilary Harris. sister of the bridegroom. and the best man was Lieul. Peter Stone. Royal Navy. friend of the bridegroom. The service was conducted by the Rev. Frederick Scholield. The guard of honour was composed which the bridegroom is now serving ‘the
Make your first "Port of Call” for Dancing: The Savoy Ballroom‘ Radio Band Every
Life is pleasant ‘
U '
:6 0 home
S]'I;lCiI>ll$, rirchitect-tlexiiziietl fatiiily htiit_i;;i|u\\'s l’(‘)R'l'S.\l(‘)lI'l'lI city centre ()!li_\‘ .3 tniles fast rtuiil. tail and
_ .
P U RB R0 0 K
zit haiitl lixcellciit shops, SCiltiHi\' zuitl churchesiittheviciiiity ll2titiL'l'll Jim c 3 till5 centre !ltZt1'i)‘. :.- )L‘t rootus. rrev: ) um , I. chic f lt'\ 1
9'3.» M'~'"t§=‘£'»'~'5 3*‘-1|i=|i*1¢ 1 '0!‘ rm//,b.’.'.‘;'."i-forI.'.'.:.‘i9i.',/I/:1-:.~'t' ii'rz'I: of N'oI:¢JOHN C- NICHOLLS: I-TD-t 1‘1|Zht‘fl-*0“ R030» 1'="1m£.'10"» 0
1 1
i)\lS taciiitics
Wire-—Wrlte—or Phone. Portsmouth 32275
whether: Submarlne—Destroyer—-Battlesbipor Aircraft Carrier OVER 55 SHIPS‘ DANCES CATERED FOR LAST YEAR
'.t'ct.: COSIIAM 7923:
" .
P l
WOLSELEY a MORRIS DEALERS. London am. Porubrtdge. Hilsea. Phone Portzmouzh soaio STANDARD. TRIUMPH, & RENAULY DEALERS Frattori Road. near Rex Phone Porn.-nouili 7.7061
T’lil’E“A"l:JvS=lM'lNm5‘:E“OPLE,Soudiampton ttoao .
Phone Corinna 15224
1|?ED;\ELAE!tl.ES’.‘S94é|l?:.Ia-Ilmeraton Rs<;a-1. Piano Pcgiimauih 20535969 .
Januarv. I961
classified Advertisements 0. ll. IIIINARD A SONS LTD. are always happy to consider purchuina second-hand swords. with or without outfits. and any olllcers within: to sell should write in the lira: instance to Analia linuxe.
llanvleh. Fxcx.
IIOUSI-ZIIOLD li'.I7I-‘I-ZCIZS AND IAGGACI-‘. stores moved. packed. shipped.-White at (‘o. Lrd., North End Junction. Portsmouth. Phone amt.
CAI’ masons oi’ R.N. ships. out and Drcsenl. supplied, Also crest; and b':ucr hllllfi lo nny (ireenburnlt Him. l.ul.. 121: Queen tlcslan. Street. Pnrtsnmurh. ——
5 ELECTRONIC Vacancies exist lor competent engineers to worlc on the electrical proving ol a variety ol prototype electronic equipment developed in the Laboratories.
A sound knowledge ol circuit lundamentals is essential and experience ln matting measurements to specification is highly desirable.
Aadamlc qualifications would be an advantage but are not saential lor the right man.
MaltersIPrecision [some machining experience is essential] Maintenance Fitter/Turners
Please write ager.
Machine Tool Fitters Electronic Mechanics EIectro,"Mechanical Instrument Mechanics Electricians
the Staff Man-
_From in hexlnninn in I905. from the
lI.M. Balloon Flthxry days of 0011!’! early I'I)imt experiments on Famhorough Con-rmon. it has flown Ihm'Il.lI llltv run. adding a scientific and technical knowledle. aidinu and adtlalnl the aircraft inctttury and dcianln: and Latin]
Superannuation and sick pay schemes * Assisted transport scheme * Further Education facilities * provided for married men living outside the Harwel transport area. or assistance given with House
nlrcnlt and of many types. “'1: den’! Ylll Join the hand ol (,'RAl’l"SME who. roacthcf ‘ill! the a\’ir.'nli\l( and lcchnlciant, have 'ar\'cn this Iisralsiixhntenl a uor1d~vn'lle reputation?
INSPECTORS required for
RADIO. RADAR. COMPONENTS 8- ELECTRICAL ANCILLARIES AT BROMLEY 8. WOOLWICH Varied and.Interestlng work with opportunities for galning valuable experience and further training
Prospects Pay 257/6d.—2T2[6d.
Excellent Promotion
(with prospects of further progression to 297]6d.) for
Skilled men
5-day week
apply. stating experience to:
General Fitters Turners
Aquila, Golf Road; Brantley, Kent
lllccrricians Painrcn Acm Enelnc I-lrxrrx ‘
Aer-1 .‘\Irlramc_ I-‘irte_r.~ Aircralr Electrical htters Aircraft Instrument I-ritcu Filter Armourers
Maintenance litters.
llllfnsll UNITED AIRWAYS require a
Applications In Royal Aircraft I.\K.lI‘inl|IIRfll (Industrial Personnel). I-‘arnhImuxh_ llanrsuur telephone Altlcrshui 24-lol (cu. Iv). lor ar1WInI_
A l'lIl.s’l‘-Cl.ASS J03 IN 11!}: (i.P.0._ Men N.-tucen the area at 20-35 are required to work in Central London on installina and
(NNJ apparatus and Tl'3l|\l'l'Inn_taintainln1 telephone older up to the no qt 4!. stun equipment. men, in NiSlTUA110.\' «tiered for man and smile ll the CIDCTICIWC have be accepted, lhc_y will ratc service. Man’: dulics nrdcncrilundyntan. suitable. and the wire usual domestic duties mommes. which is particularlyis (9 lbs. N. F‘? neck rit(‘no-tmrncina pay (rec atremoom. occuionll cwninx work, lln~ 11. £12 0d. ina to lurnlshod coluac. mm electricity. coal and good Men who show ahililyIn proarcu viill be elven Apply want-. Near l’n:\lur. and lllaclrpool. opportunity to quality lor Technical Olllccl every R. Gray-_ "I)imp!c.x," (iarslana. l.:in:aon which the salary t‘ [600 a scar. mm: posts 3 re. to £1459. further promotion it available. ly in wrmne autina axe and experience to: CHIEF REGIONAL ENGINEER (Ref. SIDZA 0(3)). Telecommunication Rcaion. lnndon I-'!.AT‘LI~2T. sell-contained: pun kitchen: suit \VA'T'ER L00 BRIDGE ITOUSI-'.‘ quiet natal ump!c.——'l'ci. T’0lI\nI-lillh 13746. \\'ATTiRl.i')l] ROAD. L0l\'D()N. h.E.T nicnl.
explanatory booklet and application form to:
Industrial Recruitment Ollicer, A.E.R.E., Harwell, Didcot, Berlts.
We need: lmrrumcnr Makers
quoting ref: NOM/NN.
OF THE‘. “LAI)RA‘_|'0IlY often called.
The successful applicants will be those with good training and experience. and who are willing to train for a varied and interesting range of experimental work. Several of these vacancies are with the National Institute for Research in Nuclear Science and the new establishment being built nearby at Culham.
Please send for
TEST smr
Vacancies Instrument
something about Every Man This Day Enjoying His Double Diamond!"
l-lqmpmcnr and Survival other to be at (ialwlck Alrpon. The applicant must be luily elncrienc-ed in all aspen! 0! this vmri: and be to lrcture and chcclt trail on this wbiecc. able rhe appointment would auil retiring perry to Personnel Manner. Ilntldt omgcrL—flpnly Al|'\II)$ l.ld.. Gaturiek Airport. liorley.
TRAINING IN l?.l.l-‘.Cl'RONIC3. As you know. the best way nl learning a complicated equipment, it by lault-ilndlntr. trouble-shoollna and systematic inspection. Moreover‘ technical inlormatlou Ia easier to absorb when linked -rm
day-Io-day practlcal_ application. We have \‘Jv:Il|_d¢! for rpcn Illh I basic knowledge 0! eleclncal crrcutls Io train as loapcctura on Electronic Teicconununlcatlon apparatus. Cornmcncma WISE ill) .39. 0d. per 42;-hour 5-day week. Day rclcue with pay for apnroved conraea
is a learure ol trainlna. For lurthcr detalla write or call on Personnel Manaacr. Standard Telephone: in Cahka Limited. North Woolnich
T.ooIlon_ I5.Ifi.
Physical Training Instructors NAVY NEWS
January. I96!
Junior Naval Airman C. R. Clilford receives his Certilicatc of Protieiency from the Comnlandint: Ollicer of tile Royal Naval Air Station. Yeoviltott, Capt. W. C. Simpson. ().ll.l-2.. D.S.(.‘.. R.N.
HERON FIRST OF : ' + ' . i l THE M ARK ..t:f;r..:<::‘ li. lt;il|._ 1
C. R. (‘ltllnnl -untl l-..\l..-\. I. Sllepllenl eompletetl the | Cutlhe‘ of illstrltctioll and “ere .\l|CCc\\''3" .'“ ll" ""“d “.5! '5" l"i"°h"“*‘”‘ I "“""'"“" "W J.“ "*="“"‘*“"!l= Nan’-ll -MS. Ilcrnn. the tins:-I -'\!r “5" “P '".''‘°'- 3'” R-"-‘ -“"“" S"'"“" M Y.‘'‘“'"‘.""' S""“'r“'l' " ' ( "."“.|c- !.'‘“."‘w''. ”"'“r' Ill!-5 scheme has proved so ~'l1cu's.\ll“ “’~" Niwill l'.~l=IhlIshnlellt to run a lllotor cycle training scheme under the till it is hoped that other Naval All‘ Smlium Wm “dam IL mhpl.cL_5 or the R.A_C’/A.C_U‘
Five Of
Our shows the latest class of ph_v.~.ical training instructors to qualify after a course ill’ 23 weeks. Taken th tr tlle Superintendent of the School. Capt. .|. Perks. C.B.|-2.. l).S.C.. Royal Navy. they are seen front left to right: ll; ck row: 1.5. llihherll. t..s. Fostt.-r. 1.5. Pike. Middle row: .\.n. llessey. Lipp. A.ll. Will-tins. Front rim: A.ll. I)ra1.:c. A.ll. At-l.-rill. .\.lt. Mitchell. l..S. Scott l'he l’.T. branch is urgently in need of new qualitiers. To become one you have to be under 25 years of age and he passed for Leading Seaman. It’ you are a Seaman and think you have the aptitude. why not join the branch whose wo than as someth' aa I in IN ut s an cl is Ii’lch Is in great ml.- to o ller to 'l'd"'d:l.’.' demand to keep the lnen of the modem l\.tvy -. .tit.
_Far East Fleet Visits Hung _ -
A to
F.ndowment illusirimons from Mr- Dlldlc)’ slcyllv 374. London Road. Portsmouth. '[’hont: 6055i. C AUS1 RALIAN MU I UAL PROV'Dl"N1 SOCIEIY ~
Jelephone M,\N\ion Home 243:
13.16 Kim: \\’Il|$trccl. London. l€.(‘.«t.
Esubl--t-ed '34‘?
sllarcllolders. All
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.{.":..t.'3'%i:‘Mi?:E:.i l " ...tS?...E' l t : profits belong
The pmrmw or the conccnmlliun was the annual rest and recreation Alert. wearing the flag of the ('ontmander-in-Chief. Far East Station.| Pcflukl ’Wl‘|'t'll_ 55 til“-'" k"~|Ch Will’ in Admiral Sir John David Luce. K.C.B., I).S.0.. 0.B.E.. preceded units 0t’ "0113 Kong In the cooler weather of East Fleet into Hong Kong on November 5. Arriving: Will! lht‘ (‘hit-‘Cl of relaxation were ll.M. ips ulwark, wearin the the ot‘ Rear-Admiral M. Le Fanu. .B.. l)S.C.. 3 "-'|' ~‘"¢“l|°U$ It-‘U-'|’L'i‘3-'\' Kind Crtliws. Far East Station. Cardigan Bay. Hartland and .97 fclicl from the heat amt I-‘lat: (lflieer palm, Capri" and c,,,.,_ Am, 5,, conjpgny V...-, H_M_A_5_ v.,‘np;,,, humidity which prevails throughout H.M.N.Z.S. Rotoiti. H.M. Submarine Teredo and the Royal Fleet Auxiliaries mfi“ 07 ll“: FIN’ East Station. Fort Langley. Fort Charlotte and I-Iddyroek. Present in the Port was H.M. SIGN 0"‘ THE TIMES Ship Cavalier. Embarlted in H.M.S. Bulwark was 42 Commando. Royal Marines. The I-‘leet'was joined on November 6 by H..\‘l. Survey Ship Dampier. It is .1 sign or um um“ that for the lirst lime in many years no pulling was held. The years since the r._-_..._..I regatta war have seen a steady rcdttctltln in the number of polling boats in the Service: lirst with the introduction of , the motor cutter as zt seaboat ill big . ships and latterly with the appearance the new lnotor whuler in modern , , I l'l§..Ilt.S .lntl dt..\l|'nyt.r.\. Vlhllt. nu. latter boat can he used for pulling and is under oars under certain conditions. it cannot. or course. compete on level terms with such pulling whalcrs as remain. The annual Fleet sailing match ill-‘Jliflsl lllc Royal Hong Kong Yacllt Club was held on November 6. The races were sailed in the club's boats. which included Dragons and "1." Class. and it an indication of the improved recreational t'actlities available to the Service. both at home and abroad. that
tsi e I-'21:;
ratings tillcluditlg innior ratItIt:~‘l were found to be capable of ltulltllinlz colnpartltively s'opllisticated raciltg craft. So large was the tlutnher so
ol it-onltl-be llelmsmeu that a rationl \')'.~.lL'l'l) had to he atlopletl when select l1 ; log the team for llttx estn.-m—.-ty pt1pul_-,r , eunlp-.-inn-e amt social event. The tilt)"
lly uslllg
cigarettes with every till. box of tilt! tips. Ri'/.l:l Ro||ing_y Outtit and Rizla Papers you can enjoy
With :1 llantl-made cigarettes that are lresllcr. more s;llisl'_villg and the tohatco Llt0lLL. And With Rt/la yollr l-lller Tips your cigarettes wlll be cooler, smootller and
Ask any tobaflonisgfor,
H,]\/[_S_ [)A['V]P|ER
Arm )'.
2:...;:;:' : :::"2....:r‘tat: surveyini: Approaches .
H. at G. SIMONDS LlMl'l'liD
l’0R'l'SMOU'l'll PLYMOUTII -
’ V —
_., l;
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list your Tohaccunlst for
the Wextern Singapore covered all area of .\qtI;lte miles and 2(l miles of coastline. Three days were spent on u smalll survey of the ttpproxtelles to ’l'tlmpall where considerable chullges have occurred tlllt: to shifting .\;tlltl.\. One sand spit hatl moved over one mile in cigllt )'C:tl'S.
Printed and Ptltvluhed tor and
CC0ll0mtt::tl. I00
|’.l"ll‘..\l|tl’.R and Uetoh-.-t saw th: cutltilltlutioll and eolnpletiotl oi the L':t\l CUZINI of M:l|:ty:l survey. The area covered from Ktlantun to Dltlltltltl 2.200 \qlIil|'L‘ tuiles plus 45 miles .
Simonds beers have been enjoyed and appreciated since Nelson stood on the qtt:lt‘lt.‘l'dt.‘Cl>2,and todtty. the top favourites in the Navy are 'l'avcrn Ale, Milk Stout and Berry Brown. They're good, strong been; —all of them! Have some today!
tttatlc tvlth
highly mc“_5__ rut l,.,x;,,L_. m,_.._.ung “M ‘,,g;,,,,-scd by H.M.S. Bulwark between a team from li.M. Ships Bulwark and tlurtlalld Point. and one from the _Hong Kong Amateur Boxing r\\'\‘0L‘IZtlltlll and the
llps. you can s-.tve enough tollztcco to
Rl/.l..-\ l-llter
nlake 20 extra
cntletl with tile [ll'C\"..'lll:tIl0l‘l of thci 1 "'l‘:-nkurd" (which holds some two g:tt- I 59°” ll‘ ""3 ‘~'lt‘lUFi0l|* Ch!“ 0" Nm,L_mhL_r l,,_
behalt at the NAVY News Committee by (Sale I: l'ull.len Llntltcd. Aldenhot.