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Royal Naval Uniforms BERNARDS 0FFll3Ell3' SHOP 40 COHHERCIAL ROAD. PORTSMOUTH Telephono: um 30 ROYAL PARADE. PLYMOUTH Telephone: “$43 Promotion Order: a speciality. write for special details. etc., and be assured of to your

No. 94

personal attention

Navy News The


Newspaper of


Royal Navy

and The

Royal Naval Association

SPRING Call in and

III the delightful new Spring outfiu, Sports Sui“. leiiure

Jackets and cnual Ilaclu.


Whenever you have



I’iibli'.s/red/iirsl T/mrsday of Iliemom/2

APRIL, l962


consult BERNARDS who really do tell and understand good clothes.






-_-v‘ .

Higher retired pay and pensions li(il7l.AR Service men in the Royal Navy. in common with men of the other armed forces were due to receive a pay rise from April I of about 9; per cent. The rise will be made in two parts. the second half coming into force on April 1, I963. Pension and retired pay rates are also increased and these increases. too, are effective in two


trip home

years continuous service Al’-‘TER ll lllld fabulous v0_\agc overseas.


home from Singapore of 22.000 miles. the frigate ll.M.S. Crane (Cdr. A. M. B, Button. R..\'.) arrived at Portsmouth on .\l:u'ch 30. (‘ratio was first comniissionctl in I9-l3 and her first Captain. Cdr. R. Jenkins. R.N. (rct.) was one of those who boarded the ship at Spitlicad upon her arrival. The frigate has been in the Far liast since August 195! and the nearest she got tn the United Kingdoiii was Suez in l‘)5t'i_ The journi:_v home has been a rcniark.ihl.,- one and the ship has s’llt)\\ll the llzig to niaiiy South Pucilic islands including Tahiti. Toiigri. Raroton-,:;i in the Cool; lslzinds and Noiiiiika. last visited by :i warship in I739. the caplaiii of that ship being iizuned Bligh, At Tonga the crew saw :i tortoise. still flourishing. which was presented hy Captain Cook. The 20-year-old frigate will shortly he placed in reserve. hut it is understood that ii is tinlil;t:ly slit: will again he used by the Royal Navy.

The increases apply to all otliccrs cxccpt \’icc-Adinirals. Admirals and Adllllfills ol the l-'lcct. The ncw hasic rate ol pay from April I this year for a l.iciitciiaiit~(‘oininaiidcr is to hi: £l.?.32 per aiinnni. increasing to £l.277 per aiiniini from April I. l‘l(i.‘\. .-\ Special Diitics l.i\t Olliccr of l.icuten;int's rank is to rccciv: lZl.04‘J. rising to £1.10-l next year. The new rctircd pay and pension A Petty (ltliccr of the scanian brzinch on R.iic ‘A’ (the liiglicst cate- rates apply to otliccrs. retiring on or gory) will rccciie Ell I35. 9d. per after l'l.'l\l'lt;|t'V l this year and ratings week tiioiu April I this year and discliargcd on or after January 3l. El} 9s. (id. from .-\pril next year. A but lllU.\L' leaving the Service lieforc Chief Petty ()lliccr's pay goes to April I next year will receive only £l4 35. (id. per neck this year and li:ilfthe increase until that date. l-‘roni L'l5 ls, lIL'\l vcar. April I. I063 such ollicers and fillings A model of the new assault ship now being built for the Royal Navy hy A leading Seaman with the lowi:st will receive the full ainount. Messrs. llarlimd and Wolfl. l.td.. Belfast. Of iipproximzilely |5.tltl0 tons disExaniplcs of the new rates of reqlliIllll\,'itlll|ll\ will receive £8 95. 9d. placement. this ship will carry landing craft which can be launched by HE follmsing Royal Naval air per \\L'€l. flslllfl to [9 2s. next year if iircd pay arc **l.lL'llll!f'l.ll‘ll'C()ntnl.|In.lCf stations will be holding Air flooding cunipartnients of the ship. thus lowering her in the water. so on the ‘srcvcii-_sc.ir.-.r.‘il¢3‘ and these with It: years’ .scrvicc over the age of Days during i962 on the dates uten- that the craft can he floated out from the stern. In addition to tanks the anionnts are £9 l(is. per week this 21. £54.‘ rising to 11850 with 19 years’ assault ship can carry vehicles and about 900 men with their cquipnient. Special l)ltltL‘\ List tinned: year I'i\'lIlf.: to £10 His. next year it on ss.'l‘\'lk't.‘. A I It is iirirlerstood that she will be fitted with Scacat close-range anti-aircraft Ycoviliiin June 30 I.icnt-:n;int-('onim;indcr with tho: minithe “iiinc-\c;ir rate." ‘guided wezipons. 'lhcre will he :I helicopter platform. 'lhe ship will be able Ahhnt.siiit'li July 7 mum lli years‘ rci:l;on.ihlc scfvicc and serve as llcadqiiarters ship in an assault area. 'l'tnder.s for a second Brandy July I4 under ‘l years in the rank. ictircs with assault ship are being invited. Liissiciiiiiutli July 21 {Flo per year. lncrcnicnts for addiCuldrose July 28 tional _vc;irs service are at ll\t.' rate of Ariel Aug. ll H2 “is, :i _vi:ar for the first four years. til!» :i year for the next nine yi:;It‘s and UNDAUNTED has just H0 it your for the next live ycarx. FAR-AI).\llR.»\l. C. 'l'c;iIr:. and ratings under lf;tll‘tlltg at Divisions. 'l‘crniina| remain three at grants Chief C.B.l'I.. Stall (lllictr .iiid took the salute :it the March Past. coiiiplcicd a four-niontli rum in tinics the annual rate of retired pay, ll.M. l)ocl;_v;iril. Ro.s_viti. and will (Adniint.-ttrationl to the (.‘omriiander- Altcrwairds he met AJAX l52. the of the of rates new Exaniplcs pencomplete her "workirig-tip" pro- sion and approximate tcrniiiial in-Chief. Port.smouth. visited ll..\l.S. newly passed out l)ivi.sion. and spoke grants Dituntlcss on March 6. to them in their classrooiii. gramme at Portland. for 22 are--Abli:Scainan with ratings The ship rccomniissioiicd at PortsHi: iiispcctcd the ship's company After rounds of the lislahlislinicnt. service and £2 \s'i:i:k lls. 4d. years‘ per lll-Z lmom defence vessel ll..\l.S. mouth for Home Sea Service and as Rear-Admiral Tcale met the \‘V.R.N.S. terminal of Olliccr £400. Petty grant Barlield hat; relumed to Rosyth The lll'\‘l U-boat built for the West Olliccrs in the Wardrooni and was the Master Aiiti~Siih:ii:iriiicShip based at Loiiiluiidcrry on April I2. 1960. with 22 years‘ service £4 -ls. 4d. per following: a recent profitable visit Gcrinzin Navy since the war has been ciitcrtaiiied to liinchcon by Supt. l3_ M. with [658 ‘gram. .-\ ('liicf Putt)‘ to Scapa l-‘loo. After the Monte Fleet C0lllllll.\s‘lt1Iti.‘Ll at Kiel. l)riniiinuiid. 0.ll.l3.. M.A.. \\'.R.N.S. Apart from fulfilling this major role. week Slit.‘ also coiitlucted trials on new Olliccr heiiig pcnsioticd after 31 years‘ iisit to Scapa last year one ship rcwill receive £4 l5s, 4d. per portcd h:t\'ini.', lost an anchor and Barcqlllp'tli,‘lll and tool: part in several service field was dctziilt-it to retrieve it. i\..-\.'l'.(). e\erciscs. This entailed wccl; and :i terminal grant of £74.‘. Workiiii: oicr :iii arca li:illa mile sti:.iniing some -l2.352.Z miles in IS ll.-\Tl().\' Al.l.()W.-\.\'(‘l{ months a very high figure for llozni: .\qlt.’tfC the ship recovered eight l.\'('Rl-'..-\Sli ancliors cacti weighing tlircc lt>tt.s; Sczi S:r\'icc. Nuts’ that the 20th Friiiate Squad'l'lig-re is to he no ziltcraiion in the one 30 cwt, anclior and one 20 cwt. ron has l1:L‘ll foriiicd. ll..\‘l.S. Un- li|lL'\' of Marriage .-\llow;iiic.- but. with :iiichor‘. ‘till! it. of two inch chain ll'.llllllL‘tl is tr;iiisi'crriiii: to the Sccoiid cllcisl frtini April l. Ration .-\llu\s.tIiL'L‘ cable’. Still ft. ill‘ one and a half inch c.ihli:; ten anti-torpcdn nets and ti l:l"l_L':Ili.‘ Stiitadron. of which she was has gone tip to (is, 6d. p-:r day. a ll'l'.‘llll\L'l'trom I954 Io I953. She will large collection of llll\CL‘ll;IllL‘t‘ll.lS he I'L‘ll\.‘\‘lllg ll..\l.S. Whirlwind as l’l..\l.S. Leopard (Cdr. l’. S. llic1;s- wires. The anchor \\lllClt she originally set leader in inid-April at ('liath:im and lli:acli. R.N.) returned to Porlsiiiuiitli Capt. l. l). Mclaiiglilan. l).S.C.‘ on March 30. Leopard. it will hi: rc- out to rccoi.er~-hcloiigiiig to |l..\l.S. Royal Navy. will take over from the niemhercd. liiadi: a dash to Tristan (lit .\litir'.i_v rcmaiiis sonicwhcrc. howpresent (‘oiiiinaiidiiig Olliccr. l.icnt.- Cuiilia when that island was evacu- ever. in the cold waters of .Scap:i atctl. (‘dr. .-\. A. (3. Harper. Royal Navy. l"lo\\'.


UiNi)Aui~3'rEi3""r0 BE






















































—-ADM_l_ltAL VISl'l"S H.M.S. DAiiisa“E§s_







AFLOAT sUPi_>( i1i T SHIP -.--.—






.,,__..A,:..... 1 .

3"‘?xx .-.1


‘f"‘.‘W _.l.,:‘ SENIO SERVICE ‘ills Pulxctiun ’




An ;irii~t‘s impression of the new fast llccl f't.'|'lll.'lll\ltlltl.'lllship. of alioiit l5.lllltl tons gross. lieini; llL‘\l::lll.'(l for llii.- Royal ;\':iv)'. A fentnri: of the ship \\lll lie the |it't_s_ in.st'.i_l|i:d to niine the _i\idc varu.-t_v ol ariii:inicnt.s. viciiizillini: and ll:H‘.ll slnrcs (‘llll)'.lfl{I‘ll. to and from the holds. lhe ship “Ill hate ‘.1 liclicupti.-r plalforni In cnztlili: the lrziiisfcr at sea of light loads.

Cigar: ti: Luxury


Rocket visits Waterford

Navy News IE

I) t 1 n I

IJCIJI (S) II. R, llcrridstc. R.N.tRetd.).

April. I962



IR.-—l)uring the month of I-'ebru-gllowe and (_.‘.P.O. M. Sullivan. who ary lI..\l.S. Rocket paid a courtesy went to pension after the last war.

Rout Naval lLttrack\. l't‘tN'|'K'II!l! 'I’('l.: Porlsmuitth IIISI (En. 72l‘|4)

lhe oldest member ol thc_part_v was visit to Waterford. I-fire. It is believed she is the biggest ll..\l. ship to vi.sit;S-caman John Kenny. who mined the wzttertord since King lidwartl \'ll Service i_n I89‘) and t-\'.ts sc:_il_lo the lllack Pnncc tn C_ork_ for trmntng. llc visited the port in I90-1. Through the kindness and courtesy ‘E""°‘l “"‘l="also53"‘ '" ll)“ P'_'1-'- 5°“ Ill Agutcourt N a world in which values o.’ every‘ M Duh]-In l;,,,h:m._‘. ‘,";.~.;:.h_ ,(,m._. 01* Floweraind Minotaur. llc took part in the conceivable kind have changed so: M cx_nm.H| mm. Mm hm not Sccn,a_ntl and M .h__.\,_. ship‘ rm. }.,_._.m_ very considerably over the past thrct: “M leave \\.uertord when ,1!) dccad.-s. the word "lmmutahtlity" has m.‘.m.du| H gpcciul VNL -Hm ;ln)..\¥‘.'tS on km? l1II‘."“"‘I \’”.‘”“l 0""'E:“ Mc" become almost a “dirty” \\ortl among ritirnbcrctl l-t. some of whom had andra visited the city. In l‘)l.\ he was back as ,3.” people with lixcd incomes and. this 5c,,,,_.dm.f_1r Th... Fir“ Licm._.m.m_ [_i‘_.m_ _\1_ _I_ (transferred to the Royal l’lt:el Reserve. being a Naval paper. the emphasis. is ol course. on pensions and retired pay. Rogerson. R.N.. greeted us on arrival The cnsl of nearly everything has and alter a frietidlv chat turned ‘us. increased thrce- or four-fold over the over to a petty olllccr and a chief. A’ "5 years but the one "Immutable" fact is petty ollicer. who were inst as friendly. I showed the around and us ‘ ship They the rate of pension or retired pay Entrance to the o alled city of Wei- llai-Wei. North award-.-tl to ratings amt ofliccrs at the then took us to their ln'.‘§\".'S. v.hcrc we were treated with the ut'nost kindness‘ time of their release from the service. I An excellent case can. of course. he and gcncmsity. of beer canned and We we partook having served in I'l..\l. Ships Devonmade. by reason of cost. why the penIR.» —It was interesting to read of the‘ the which. not must to rum forget altd llcllcroplton. sion oncc awarded should not he the men from \\’ci-lltii-Wei. I met I think his opinion of the cause of like the "o|tl~timers." was "splicing of cost this but question changed. of them when the on serving many OI-' Cl-IRMAN the c.\plt-sion is as near the trtith as | A1" SURRlI.\'l)i-ZR should not. it is considered. be the mainhracc." (‘tuna and Station. for vouch their can I-'l.l-I!-Z‘l‘ it is possible to get. The danger of On behalf of the visitors I would criterion upon which pa_vrncnts of recllicicnt service. and It was a loyalty In I'll-3 he was rccallctl .tnd served smoking in prohibited areas ls‘. I am tired pay and pensions should be like to thank Cdr. A. S. Morton. to serve with them. I served .plc:tsurc R.N.. the captain. Licut. J. .\l. Phil-' in the Suttlcdge and then in Ben ma afraid. ignored by many and thus. by based. on the (‘Irina Station on three occaA man. during his service. gives _a lips. R.N.. and all those who were so ('hrcc when she was sank. being com- sions. My father was there dttriug the their scttselcss attitude. cxpnsc their shipmates to unseen peril. I do not mended tor gallantry. After being l!o.\cr Rising. and certain amount of service to his kind to its. two son on my We would like too. to thank the rckitted he joined l*I..\I.S. Ramillics think that Mr. Ilampshirc. quoted by countrv. I.et us assume that the value occasions, Aycharbce in your l\‘ovemoer issue. of that mrvicc. in the form of _a shipwright. who visited the hospial ‘and was serving in her at the time of is A which enclosed. if photograph could construe the loss of llulwark to pension. is equal to IX. whether his whereill.one of our members. aged 95,. the surrender of the German t\'av_v. memories back tllav pttblishcd. bring The mention of lien ma (fltrcc brings to the men of Wei-llai-Wei. who enemy action. service was in the twenties. the forties was are I would like to add that it was :t back memories. as I was a young or titties. it would seem appropiate the plt-asurc of returning of deprived IN SI-IRVI-ID DARDI-I.\il-ILl.l-ZS scttman in H..‘\I.S. Vengeance and. pleasure to have served with that the value of his service was that to their hontcl.tnd.—(.'Hll\'A RAN- great .samcl.'X. As one who reads. "Navy News“ after returning from East Africa. we GER, (Name and address supplied to James Stait in Bulwark and “till his brother in H.t\l.S. King Alfred. lt vtottld seem. therefore. to a logical every month and enioys Neptune's were in Port Said “hen that famous Editor.) I would like to record here what man. that if “r\Ian A“ and "Stan 8'‘ articles very much. I wish to say commander. Cdr. Sampson was often almost caused a similar disaster during gave the same amount of service to that avnongst us was I..v‘Scaman H. mentioned for his daring raids by the last war at Tripoli (l.ibya). Here. their country then the amount they .\IcGrath. aged 83. who was with the plane over the Turkish lines‘. Yours. I regret to say. smoking when handling rcgcivc as pension for that §t'.'r\’tL‘C Naval Division in the Dardanelles t:li.‘.- I’. HARRY. \\';tterfortl. I-fire. petrol and explosives‘ was virtually should be. more or less. equal. amt was commended for gallantry by \\"|i.tt is the value of X.’ the Admiralty. Jack Ware. who was ll..\l.S. Victoriotts returned to lR.—\\'ith reference to the corres- condoned by many military ollicers. On the night of February Its. I9-I3. To buy a sptcilied amount of goods in I-l..\l.S. New Zealatttl at the H-.-ligo- Portsmouth on April 2. re "l.ns's of Il..\I.S. Bulpondence in say I930 the cost was £X. To buy land battle. and Tom Lusky. who was uarl-t." it was good to read that .lamc.s l..C.T. I2‘) was discharging petrol and I960 the same amount of goods in serving in the armoured cruiser Argyl (‘ustorn otliccrs found I-3 lb. of Stail had survived that awful tragedy c.\plosi\‘t:s at _the Spanish Quay adraccnt lo a ship lully ttonld cost —say< BX. This is a fact when she was stink in I‘)I5. were also opium in |l.M.S. (‘rune when she '—lllS stttlering must have been very of the party. Two more were P.O. bctthcd :tt Portsmoutll on March 30. terrible. an "immutable" fact. (Continued on page 3. col. 2) There is a body of opinion in this country. both ex-Service and non-exService. which considers that it is only right and proper. and just. that eqttal service. whenever ll might take place. Notes (i) The term U.l(. Base Port means the port at which a ship may I ll..\t.S. Kctncrton. end .\lav at South- 'll.M.S. Cttvertdish. end luly. at slionld be equally recognised. be expected to give leave and rclit. Portsmouth (C) tndtIt is to be hoped that the Governnormally ampton. for Foreign Service (Middle Gibraltar with Trials Crew. Comthis which Portsmouth but will normally East. ment will cvctitually accept misstons end August at Gibraltar cares ships administered by rcltt leave andlor Chatham of the "lrnututa~ at give opinion and get rid for General Service Commission .\lcon. Jttne l. at .\lalt:t for ll.§I.S,. As and detailed for ratings are normally oveneas service about low bility" idea. and lie all pensions (2-1 months). 5th Destroyer SquadForeign Service (.\Iiddle East). Am85 months ahead of commissioning date. and for home service about retired pa_v to a percentage say phibious Warfare Squadron. ron U.K. Base Port. Rosvth. months ahead of two and tuturc this should in the of be borne cite. current contmissloning cent. ll..\I.S. Redoubt. June I, at llahrcin. rll..\l.S. Lion. July 3). at Devonport per mind when volunteer to to in preferring codes. requests serve a particular pension for Foreign Service (Middle l3ast).l for General Service Commission (24 Lt-t it not be thought that those now ship. Amphibious Warfare Squadron. months). U.K. Ruse Port. Devon(iii) It is emphasised that the dates and p:trticular.s given below are forc- lI..\I.S. in receipt of retired pay or pension Protector. J:tr..: 14. at Portsport. easts only and may have to be chungt:d—pcrhaps at short notice. bcgrtitlgc the amount future pensioners mouth fo( General Service CommislI..\l.S. Tartar. August H». at Devon“Ill receive or are envious of them. sion. Falkland lslantls and Antarctic SL'B.\IARlNE C().\l3lA.\'D ll..\l.S. Blacltpuol. April 26. at port. for trials. ('omniIssions. Feb'Ili':y do feel hn\vr:v:r. that the value F.l.D.l (24 months). U.K. Base Port Chatham. for General Service ruary for Home Sea Service. (‘omof their service was commensurate ll.\I.S. Odin. May. at llirkcnhcad for Portsmouth. Coruinission East of Sucrlllome missions March for General Service First S/‘M Squadron at (iosport. uith lltt\s'.' to be p:nsio.-icd and that (IS months). (uh Frigate Squadron. lI..\'l.S. llighhurton. June I5 (TentaCommission. l‘I0l'l‘lC;‘.\ll(ItllC Fast (I8 ll..\l.S. Crarnpus’. mid~.\1ay. at Portstlr.-y sh.-ultl not be at a disadvantage. tivc date) at Chatham for Home Sea U.K. Ilasc Port. Portsntoutl't. months). 9th Frigate Squadron U.K. mouth. for service in First SIM Service. Crew ex Clarbeston. 50th llasc Port. Devonport. H..\l.S. Victorious. April. at PortsSquadron. Portsmouth. .\l./S. Squadron. U.K. Base Port. lI.M.S. Salisbury. August I6. at ll..\I.S. Auriga. .\lay I8. at Plymouth mouth. l..R.P Complement Portland. Devonport for Trials. Commissions for service (I) in Second S,‘.\I Squad- lll..\l.S. Nubian. April 26. :tt PortsJune ll..\t.S. Owen. I9. at Devonport tnouth for trials. Coninusstons tor September 27 at Devonport for ron. Plymouth. and then (2) .scrvice General for Commission Service Home Sea Service October 9 Home Sea Service. -tth Frigate \\llll Sixth S.’.\l Dlvlsltlll. Cztnatla. Indian Ocean (2-1 U.K. months). General Service Commission. DecSquadron. Transfers to General ll..\l.§. Turpin. early June. at PortsBase Port. l)cvonport_ ember for Home. Middle Esat tltl Service Commission. April. I963 mouth for service with Fifth S/M 5 June Ports 28. at months). 9th Frigate Squadron. U.l{. ll..\l.S. Torquay. (2-1 months). U.K Base Port. Division. .\Ialta. for mouth trials. Commissions for Base Port. Portsmouth. Devonport 3 Edinburgh Road, Portsmouth ll..\l.S. Aeneas. June. at Portsmouth Home Sea l7th 4. Service. September ll..\I.S. Aginenurt. May I, at Portsll..\I.S. Parapet. September I. at for service with Second S)'.\l SquadPhone 2735i U.K. Base Port Squadron. Frigate for mouth General Service CommisBahrein for Foreign Service (.\liddle ron. Plymouth. Devonport. operate tnetollowing otltcia: Exantt semu sion. Honte'.\IctI. (24 months‘). 5th East). For Amphibious W.irl'arc ll..\I.S. Olympus. June I5. at Barrow tor Suvrce Pertonrtel EVERY WEEKEND ll..\l.S. I):-light. June. at Rosyth. InU.K. Iiasc Destroyer Squadron. Squadron. for service with Third SIM Squad(1/6 LEEDS to Portsmouth. Port. crease trotn C. «S: .\l party (SIG BRACFORD lI.M.S. 'l'cnb)'. September I I. at ron. Faslane. L.R.l’ complement. ll..\I.S. llarrosa. .\Iay I. at Devonport fill HUDUERSFIELD ('hatham for trials C otunusstons for Home Sea Service and Foreign ll.M.S. Appleton. June. at ,\lnrth.1m. 31/6 SHEFFIELD GI-ZNERAI. JIM NOT‘ltNGHAl‘l Service (Far East). July. 8th I)cs-‘ for Foreign Service (.\Iiddlc liast).|‘ mid-November at Chatham for 27/6 ll..\I.S. Casaiandra. April. at SingaLEICESTER llomc Sea Service l7th Frigate Squadron. troyer 22!NORTHAMPTON lI..\I.S. classiAshanti. July. Change I pore for Foreign Service (Far ll..\l.S. .\lessina. May I. at Gibraltar Squadron. U.K. Base Port. Devon4416 LIVERPOOL of tication ‘Jth service. Frigate port. East). 8th Destroyer Squadron. MANCHESTER For Foreign Service (Middle East). NEWCASTLE-UNDER-LYHE Squadron. General Service Com- ' lI.M.S. I.ondonderry. September I2 at 845 Squadron. April II). at R.N. Air Warfare Squadron. Amphibious STAFFORD mission. llomer’Middlt: East (I6 Station. Culdrose. for Home Sea ll..\I.S. “aidstone. May I. at PortsPortsmouth for General Service WOLVERHAHPTON U.K. Base Devonmonths). Port, Service/Foreign service. H..\I.S. mouth for Home Sea Service Trials. BIRMINGHAM Commission. Home/Wt,-st Indies (24 COVENTRY Albion. Wessex. months). 8th Frigate Squadron. U.K. Ctcv. U.K Base Port. 80!port. Steaming WARWICK R.N. Air at I7. July Squadron. H.M.S. I DevonI. Kirltliston. at Base Port. Portsmouth. April Rosvth BANEURY for Station. Lossicmouth. General for Home Service. 50th< Sea OXFORD port. 846 Squadron. May 8. at R..\'. Air ll..\l.S. Pellew. September 20. at PLYMOUTH For .-\rk Service (‘ommi.ssSon. Royal. U.l<. Base M/S Squadron Port. Station. Culdrose for Home Sea Rosyth for trials. ('ommissions for EXETER lluccancer. Portland. BRISTOL Home Sea Service November I5 for Service-I-‘orcign Service. H..\l.S. 809 Air R.N. I‘). at July SALISBURY Squadron. H..\l.S. Lanton. ZI..\..S. Pension. Albion. Whirlwind. 2nd Frigate Squadron. U.K. llase. GLOUCESTER Lossicmouth. Strike ll.Q Station. Dulton. I6. ILMS. at April Singa- ll..\l.S. l.Iandafl. May It). at DevonPortsmouth. SVHNDON lluccanccr. Squadron. lor l.‘.0th .\Iincswccping port for General Service Commispore CIRENCESTER Il..\I.S. Cantbrian. September 24. at MARLBOROUGH Local Service. ll..\l.S. Alliion. July 17. at PortsForeign Squadron. sion of East Suez/Home (20 l)cvonport for lrials. Commissions RE/«DING Service! Home Sca mouth for \\ hirlwind. I7. Ch:ttat lI..\l.S. April 6th months). Frigate Squadron. PORTLAND at Devonport. January I. Base U.K. Port. Service, ham for General Service CommisForeign ‘LONDON trom PORTSMOUTH U.K. Base Port. l)cvonport ‘LONDON ‘rom GOSPORT Portsmouth. (Continued on page 3. col. 1) lndicsrllomc West sion (24 ll..\l.S. Flocltton. .\lit.l-.\l;tv. at South‘LONDON Irom H.H 5. months). Sth Frigate Squadron. ll]COLLINGWQCD ampton. for Foreign Service (.\lidd|e Ltd. SERVICES MOTOR U.K. Base Portsmouth. SOUTHDCWN Port. '81 F.:tsl) Tentative date. ll.l\l.S. Loch Alvie. April 25. at Chat- II.M.§. Whitby. May 34 at Rosyth for All these sen--cc: IV!" take the following more for the convenience a.’ Service Fenonnt-I: R.M. ham. for General Service Commistrials. General Service (‘onunission. . O O banana. Ecstncy: H.M.S. Vernon: Ro1ulSa:lon' l‘I0ll1L').\IltldlC East sion (I8 lulv 26. South Atlantic and South Home Club. Queen Sued.‘ R.N. Barrodu. months). 9th Frigate Squadron. U-mom Gate: Stanley Road for H.M.S. Excellent: America/Home (2-1 months). 7th H.M_S. Phoenix: HIIINI lido. Corhnnr Homer: llase Portsmouth. U.K. Port. Frigate Squadron. U.K Base Port. lo-m Quay, for-chem ll..\I.S. Yarmoulh. April 26. at PortsPortsmouth. N.B.—To all ships visiting Portsmouth. for General Service Com- ll..\I.S. Loch Fada. May 2-1. at Chatmouth: Special facilities to meet Mission East of Suez/H-om: (24 ham. for trials. Commissions June your particular travelling requiremonths). Captain (F). 6th Frigate 26 for Home Sea Service. 3rd Fri. be short at ments can organised Squadron U.)-C Base. Port. Ports- gate Squadron and Foreign Sc:vi:c notice. mouth. (Far East). September. lI.l\l.S. Brighton. April 26. Change ll.M.S. Dainty. .\l:ty Ill. at PortsWrite phone or call mouth. Incrcasc from C. & .\I party PA C KING FOR SHIPMENT clztssilictttittn of service. 6th Frigate TRIUMPH COACHES Squadron, General Service Com- to l..R.P. complement. Telephone mission East of SuCl[l"l0ll'lC (2! ll..\l.S. Cbilcomptnn.end .\lay (_Ten_tn3 Edinburgh Road. Portsmouth 21315 tivc date). at Northam. for Foreign Phone 2735I months). UK. Base Port. PortsService (Middle East). mouth.




we‘-c‘.5ItI‘ll'tl'J.llllllltl ‘canip_aigti."l‘)t);-I904














iiiiAFT|iftiForuaCAs'f;voUiTNExT Strif‘



lfllllllllll TRIUMPH COACHES


.. ..












At your service



13 Clarendon Road, Southsca


A ril. 1952


wanted by Blockhouse

H.M.S. Berwick


submarine branch of tile Royal Navy is looking forward to the TIIE niissionini: of its first nuclear submarine. H.M.S. Dreadnought. but it is


also looking back to the past “ill! the starting up of a submarine museum at the subniiirinen‘ headquarters at (iosport. l’or1\niouth. which. since the inception of Holland Boats 6l years ago, has been the traditional home of all thine I! tio have sen‘ed in the branch. The Submarine Museum will be liloekhouse. Gosport. who is cohoused in the lteadqtiarters at Fort ordinating the etlorts of the museum lllockhouse, :ind will be managed by a committee in assembliiig :i representacommittee headed by Flag Ollicer tive exhibition of the submarine Stthtnarines (Rear-Adntiral II. S. branch history. which began with the l\l:ickeii/ic. l).S.(). and liar. D.S.C.) launching of llolland lloat Ni). I it) as its lll‘.\l president. The cur:itor is October. l‘)t)I. to be Capt. J. V. H. Van dcr Ilyl, D.S.C.. R.N.. who is a retired siibmarine ollieer. A collection of interesting papers (Continued from page 2. column 5) and ph.»toi_.:r.ipEis‘ zilready t.‘\isls at Fort petrol. -'\t 2300 a Illockhotise. but more are Iteeded. as |.it|.'n with carined well as “solid" e.\hihils as gifts or on tire oeetirred on l..(‘.T. II‘). but was qttiekly under control. The suspected loan. about which



the militiiry otlieer had been wiirned. l-l.\lllllI'l'S i\'El".l)l-ll) Nevertlicless at 0200. I-'ebru.iry l7. a the staff of An otlieer on Flitg terrilie explosion occurred on L.C.l'. (Continued from column 3) “We l. I)l.ltie. .\lN’<‘-1-U5 (3. K. l'iir«ev. ;. Otlieer Subiitarities comments: I1‘) iihich c:iught lire. .'xr..-mi; I). \V. ‘t'uun»t. .\t.\;.<:ii:.«. (I M kl‘lt)\\' lliat it hit of old s:ilmi;irine.'s lixplnitiiig zins of petrol and small liclduiri. must liave tultcx‘ and models in their arms zinuuiiiiition set tire to a large ().\'l’lR.\l.-\'lI().\' has been re- In Stores Chic! Pelt) Dtlirer (V) homes \\’lllCll tlie_v might like us to dump on the quay side. It \v.ts some .\l\Ts‘)5Sl C. Barclay. cened that the to|l_o\viiii_.'. have been have. but to save ti sudden deluge of llt)lll’\ before it v.';is uttder control. to stores Chief Petty (nicer ts) the Chief Petty ()Ilicei or (l\J\_':tIlCt.‘tJ.lU .\lX.\‘<lr»2l \V.l Knight, ‘aslitrays niade out of the tits! Holland (';isu;iltie< in this case were small Chief Artiticer rate: to Chief Petty Ollrer Cooks (St boat‘ or iv.-iglity parcels contiiining but the bl;i.r.e could have easily brought to §'hli-t Room .\rtttiier t'.n:iiii.\i-tin: .‘~lX‘.‘I'tT.\tfi Ii. llillineham. .\l.V77|lZt It. .\ periscope\ from the First World War. about an air attack. Siuoking c:iu:.ed atxxtrz-t< (: t‘. tt..ntm.:. .\tx.s‘7n:- .\ r" ll.inc). .\l.\'.'-tl-tso l. I). Stiiekte we are hoping that people \\llt) want the e\plo~ion. ”iIltttt\. .\t\It 771 I). l't.n:It. a\lN\"fAti.\' I) in Chief hhlvnright .\r1illrer M.\'.-i$S.‘t)l A. J. \\'0:‘dEttll. .\lX\‘*'.‘i.u to help its will write first." Such incidents frequently occurred \\’i-ctn.in. .\l.‘L ..\’7'.'.\' L. \V. S Rovic I). \v_ llttlmrluttt. .\i.\.~..w.7i t.. (J. 'I..giuu. lack of xcillsllllcss‘. (Jl\‘Cl[‘)ll|’lC siihmiiriners from II. J. .\l.\'.\.\'-i.‘l‘) 1. hear .\t.\'t‘iwit In to Len. Prior. Chief Joiner throii_eh lliipiite ta w. 1. .\l‘).l“~‘D2 six {R742 (‘..nii..m. w.iu.c:_ M.\'.\t)2MN D Loft. with fCllL‘\ in their attics is the Cap- or supervision. Yoiirs. ctc..——Sl-llP- .\l.\£r-Mirth: l). J. .\ll€l'3llt.‘lt]. .\lX-i.\'.\ri'.'7 K. \\‘. tain Subiiiiiriites. Isl Subutarinc .\l.~\’ll-Z. R.N..»\. [Name and address wet-i-. .‘-t\s.s.~t(.9-) C It. it ti.-iitircy, .‘-IN.\"'i‘77< to Chiet Ordnance Artifice: G. I‘. Miiilihv. .\lN~.\’.\7.‘*I I‘. lItlllnL'\l€)‘. .\lXS.\tti’7.‘-t S. G. ('01. Sqttatlroii. ll..\l.S. Dolpltilt. F0“ supplied to the Editor.) MN ‘.75 G. .\l.K;n. htxsxssts R. \\'. .\t.in- To Aflin: Chlcl Electrical Mcrhanlrian .\t\ss7n:0 I.. ll. ltri.l.riet1. L'1tll\'L‘ \\;ts



H.M.S. (‘ook. September. at Singa ll..\l.S'. Jlztwlintt. J:inii:iry 2|. at Rahrein. for Foreign Service (.\1idd|e pore. for Foreign Service (For Iiast). Atnpbibioits \\';irfare SquadI:'axt:l'acilic). H.M.S. l’ic.-ton. September ('l‘entative full. (late). at Clizitliam for Home Sea ll..\l.S. Kent. January (may be delayed). at llelfast for Home Sea Service. Vernon M-‘S Squadron vice Commisll-e;icli:inipton. U.K. llzise Port. Service. (ieneral Service sion. -.\l:iy_ Home-‘East of Suez (24 l’ort~:nioiith. months). U.l{. llasc Port, PortsH.M.S. Cziesar. October. at Singzipore. mouth. lor l‘orei:.:n Service (Far East) 8th H.315. Lowe.-;tnl'l. January. at ChatI)e.~.lioyei Sqttadron. ham. for General Service ComH.M.S. l.incoIt't. October. at mission (24 months). U.K. Base pore. tor Foreign Service t’:ii Port. Portsmouth. East). 3rd Frigate Squadron. Il..\l.S. Beniick. Janii:iry. at PortslI..\l.S. l.och Lamond. October. at mouth. for (‘ieneral Service CommisSirigap.ir.,~ for Foreign Service tl~'ar sion (24 months), U.l{. Base Port. liast). 3rd Frigate Squadron Portsiiioiitli. ll..\l.S. Striker. November 15. at _Gib- Il..\l.S. Una. January. at Devonport raltar. for Foreign Service (Middle for General Service Commission. Warfare SquadEast). Amphibious Honie/West Indies (24 months). 8th


Frigate Squadron.


to Auto: Clilrl hlechaniclzn K.V.\’4‘ltvQ R. Marl) lilder. KNTTII-2: .‘-1. (i. lI.impion_ (' ii.-iiii::ti.irit. KX.‘tS‘lNt2 R, I‘7l ll. Deuiloe. KNMTSZS A J. lllaltc. K KX.\mltI2 R. I) (’.tmc.'on. K.‘£77l‘..‘.'t I). l’. l.ivueri.c. KKK!-27:3 J. ts‘. Iodee. KNn.\'i.:s‘.~l l’. .v\. -\l.ni. KX92-lot‘ A. \\'. .\ii.let\otti-rt). l\’KU|!iI‘- \\'. J. Sinoiilt. KI\$Ii\'2b7 S. It. Iliorii. 10 Chief Inlcctrieizin .\l.‘<.~3.“|l=ri \'. ll. l'.il:n. .\lVs=.tT2l .\l lee. .\t:\'.st74os J. Cooper. .\t>.7t)7<t3 K. lemme. ‘lo Ctilet Pelt) Otticer Radio lileetrlrizin MXS.\'05l7 F. If. Liltlcuood. -\lXtt.“-‘Sit J. ll.ick. .\l.\'iti‘Ni-tl IL A. “l'|\JIltl\. M\‘)t)_NiU'.‘ T. R. ltiicti. .\lX.\‘r-I-I21 I. Ncition. *\l.\2s'>ttt2 ll. (E. Porter. It-l.\'tIt|5.U.i I) Stacey. lo Chlet Radio Communication Supervisor IX tftn.-tr. \‘. Smith. l.\:a5t77 J. I-.. \\'cllon. J\|ril~l5I) J. Miilhiillaiid. ‘In Chief Pelt) (ltlieer Cook (0) .\t\T').=t)0ri J lti.'oJ.'. .\l.\92'I:lt L. (mic.-i, M. '.".'lttlti |{. (‘. \\’chb. To (ftilrt Communication \'eoma.i l.‘(6to2T7 l Riindte. l.\l'.'T.‘3t R. S. l'in.ti. l.\tx.s.‘.~t2 \\' Ktrkhnm. JX.‘s«th«t.'~.‘~ (I. J. l'idi:Ie)'. JNTIISSJ R. (icuritc. txszu:-rt A. ll. I-2 .

.\l.‘2*li.‘4!l!i J. Ii. \\"tllut'I'ts,


.\l’IlII Chief Radio l.'.lretrIc:tI Artilictr

.\tx.~'.~‘7-N7 R. A. ttmtmui. Atxssstios C 1). Jones. .\l.\'t¢t).|7-17 J. Bell. to Chief Air Filter Ml-2) l’NS‘ll°tl L. J‘. Grew. FNSIIFITI R. \\' lltilvlutd. ‘to Ctitel Alt Filter (0) l'.\i.\‘\.~t.<§7 C. II C. Lloyd. ‘In Chief Electrician (Ur) I-'.\'SSMnt R. Rcadmnn. l"N3‘lZJS A. (‘. .-\IlCt't. l".‘\'llI'.l.'W8 A. 5. \VtllI. .


"Rotlte.sa_v" class. modified type II’. tinti-submarine frigate. lll-I

ll..\l.S. Ilemiek. was btiilt by Harland Wolff l.ttl.. llelfa-it. being lziiiiii-lied on l)i.-cemher )5. I958. and eonipleteil on June I. I96I. OI 2.560 tons full load. 370 feet antl 4| feet beam. the fo.:i.)_in leii_etli liCI:‘.\I.'is carries nine otlicers and I91 f;tIl3l'_.'\. .-\ltiiot:;.:li lrisieiilly similar to the "\\"lllll)_\‘" el.iss. tnodilieations in layuttl as .i fcsllll of experience gained wit): the "Whitby.-" have been incor]')t)f".tlCtl in the "kothesziys." The present Berwick is the eleventh to bear the name in the Royal Navy and the badge is a black bear with :1 gold cliaiii stattdittg in front of a tree on the top of a green mount. The field is white and the ship's motto is "Victoriae Gloria Merccs" (Glory is the retvard for victory). 'I lie "\\'liitby's"and the "Rotlies:iy‘.s" are u:iiii:d alter seaside resorts attd coastal tovins.


Suitiani. To Sick Berth Cli'.et Petty Ofirrr

M328‘-Ifi—t0 I’. Brayshnw. .\I.‘(Mi22l)J R


H.M.S. Grafton. mid-Nlovember. at H.M.S. Gurkha. Janiiary. at Soiith- ‘lhomns. .'\t.\‘it5t.l-to I). J. t~‘r.i\er. .\lXtt7o37t) l).'l. lZ\.iru..’vt.\'sl7~t:7B l) Maittennori Cliiitliaru. l..R.P. complement. Service. Sea for Home ampton Mailer-at-Arlnl Conttttissions. March. I963. for Gen- ToMNTti76l7 H.M.S. Leopard. November. at PortsG. ('li.ii'lton. r‘-l.\l729fi.‘W T. G. eral Scrvice Commission. Home. ('hitt‘;'lt. hlX7.‘9.‘5.‘ J. hhndc. .\IXTl29Z-I I’. J. mouth for General Service ComP-‘lXV7b76‘)'.> C. Ricliwood. MX1I$'I7‘I Middle East (I8 months). Ninth Fri- .‘\lnt.\h. mission. South America and South I). II. C. Winduat. Atlantielllome (24 months). 7th gate Squadron. U.K. Base Port. To Arttu Cltet Electrical At-iticer Rosyth. Frigate Squadron. U.K. Base Port. MXSS7h.‘h L I). lludden. MXRSSQQQ I. A. H.M.S. I-Lsliinio. Fcbruriry 5. at (‘owes Portsnioiith. 5136077390 R. C. Brain. MX304993 A. 5. :"-une. for Home Sea Service. General Scr- Chill. ll.\t.S. lest. November. at Malta for vice Commission. April. I963. To Clilel Petty Ofieer trials. llorne Sea Service. lxtoiwn D. Kelly. l).'tRM‘.'ri G. Litllthufll. Horne/.\liddlc East ()8 months). 9th J.‘s'Sl%.‘b ll..\t.S. l)uchc-«is. December. at PortsA. l-'. l.ittc'. JXtoo7‘I.< R. J A. Base U.K. Port. Squadron. Frigate R. }Ib\0t'|. JXH9947 G. E. JNIQLWZ l'htll|m. mouth. U.l(. Base Port. Portsmouth. .\Iertcr. JXISOSBD J. llibhy. JXSKIIXJ D 1'. Portsmouth. R. liennedv. J.\bIt)2S7 I). G. H.M.S. Decoy. December. at Devon- H.\l.S. Ti-oubridge. Fcbriiary. at Davis. JNIS-IOKG JX292.)7l S. W’. Stzcland. J.\7l2N‘? l)JVIC1. port for (iencriil Service CommisMalta Under consideration. L.R.l’. l). J. Wood. sion (24 months). U.K. Base Port. To Chief Petty Olen I-lnxlleerllg Dlethank complement. Devonport. K.\'tt°Ih.W. T. E. llenderv-n. KXll.\7$I9 A. ll.V‘I.S. Loch Killisport. Fcbritary. at F. E. (ittlllnl. KXIISJISII Chat.'itK“I'Il§. December. at Il..\lS. Diamond. for Foreign Service (Far |.. J. Kinl.KXtl60l.l-I Singapore KX877lw ll A. Challis. Kxtttiohll liam for (ieneral Service CommisKXTOZOII R. Iloban, Ktlzfizlgt E. F, East). Captain (F). 3rd Frigate am U.l{. Base Port. sion (24 months). Squadron. Chief Petty Olen Steward Portsnioiitlt. H.M.S. Maniimnn. I-‘cbruary, at Chat- ‘tol.X3tiItt_l_l II. Taylol. LXSSMIOO A. W. Finer. H.M.S. Diana. December. at Devonhain. Steaming crew. Home Sea ScrAetlu Clilet Radio lvileerrii-at .\tu-hnldnn viec. Foreign Service from date of Tol\lN'lb'D-ll‘)‘I. port for General Service CommisJ. Jnckuun. sion (24 months). U.K. Base Port. sailing (Far East). Chlet Petty Oleer Writer Dcvonporl H.M.S. Scarborough. February. ill ‘loMKX.‘-K426 A. H. H. Green. hvl.‘(Sfi|)£'?S (7. !l..\t5. Carysrort. December. :it GibPortsmouth. l..R.l'. complement. llarrison. MXSJISJJ J. R. Ihomu .\l.\'ttt.)7&‘iS raltar. l..R.l’. complement. Local ll.-.\I.S. Alert. February. at Singapore. (Continued in column 4) Foreign Service. Service (Far East). Foreign December. l|..\l.S. I-Iastliourne. at Il.\l.S. Chichester. February. at Chatl..l{.l’. complement. Rosyili. ham. l..R.P. complement. II.-.\l.S. I);impii.-r. December. at Singa- H.M.S. Bulwark. February. at Portsmouth. I..R.P. complement. pore. for Foreign Service (Far East). OSTCARD photographs of the u ~vnr-‘ac following I-I.M. Ships may be obhairiitzml. Sliipniate Philpott I~I:t‘rct:tr_\') Shipniate .\lurr.ty (icie-president). tained from the Editor. “Navy News." iiptnate ":ll|lp\l|l|'t.‘. Shipniate Anilersiiii and three of the sisitors at the R.N. Barracks. Portsmouth. price 6d. l-Slh liirtlttl;i_\ party gr each. which includes postage. ;\\lto is :i i\'ation:il Ciittticilliir. Others rill Theseus. Bulwark. Ocean. Eagle. Centaur. Glasgow. Kenya. Newcastle. .p:. excnl were Sltipiiiiite ".ltimpcr" '(.'iilliiis from (iilliug.-h;im anil SliipAlbion. Ark Royal. Loch Killisport. Area 2 Secremate '|om Aspiey. No. Diana. Taciturn. Daring. Chevron. from :ind I-olkestone ltiirv slitpmates Zest. Vanguard. Murray. Cumberland.

E. f'ti‘iIlo.’k. .


GUMIIIE HOME (III LEA DN YOUR WAY 0W.-'llSEAS.9 you're going to

be. you'll need a car on arrival. Buy I new Htllman. Humber. Sunbeam now from E.M.A. Ltd.. Portsmouth. If yours is an extended posting. take advantage of our specinl export scheme—you buy at export prices. Lot E.H.A. make all the arrange.-ments—export formalities. Insurance. shlpptng. everything. Call at our showroom or write to us toda -your car can be on its way tomorrow: or waiting for you w en you dock! Or it can be purchased on the home delivery plan for use in this country before you salt. Wherever









Ill-I I-lth annual general iiicetim: of Ashford (Kent) hraiieh of the pat Naval Association. when the to: ofliccrs were re-elected for the iting year. was quickly followed by 14th birthday party. nine 60 members and their ladies ‘nded the party. during which at :e iced cake with I4 candles. made .\lrs. G. A. Philpott. wife of the rich secretary. was cut by Shipinatc

.V. Dyckes, of the Chatham branch,



il (,';interbury.

:1 hose pre\ent had :i deliglitfiil .surprise. for diiring the evening Vicep, csidcnt Shipmzite Don .‘tlurr:iy pre\'t.'lllI:(J on behalf of Mrs. Miirrav. who could not be present because of illness. a heatittfiil sliip‘s compass. The "Messdeck Dodger." in his rcport. mentioned the welcome given to a new member. Shipmate Ronnie Lewis. from Hiinwoith branch. describing him as a "real live spark." and the thanks of the Ashford meiiibcrs to the ladies who. as always, put on a t_!l'. wonderful spread. Ifl ll‘-

Scorpion. Liverpool. Apollo. Lynx. Salisbury. Shctlicld, (iirdlc Ness. Maidstonc. Newfoundland. Warrior, Victorious. Britannia. Bermuda. Corunna. Alamein. Vigo. Tyne. Jutland. Talent. Palliscr. Explorer. Porpoisc. Redpolc. Gambia. Tiger. Russell. Dainty. Protector. Undinc. Defender. Dartington. Carton. Whitby. Eastbourne. Torquay, Mounts Bay.

Belfast. Hermes. Armada. Yarmouth. l.ion. Hartland Point. Lcopard.'I'okcn. Chichestcr. Echo. Loch Fada. Tcnby. Puma. Blake. Excalibur. Trotibridgc. Rltyl. Camperdoivn. Oberon. Czichalot and Blackpool.






HUMBER. HILLMAN, SUNBEAM CARS E.M.A. LTD. Grove Roadflsoutb Southsen TeI.: PORTSMOUTH 2326!




Apia. I962


Hazards of work of the Nore”Dcfence Flotilla during First World War .,






. .


(hi article 12 r\’EP'I'UNE. who (‘Iliff‘I‘(‘tI the Service in 1904. mid 0/. his. proniotiori_rn lVarranr”Rnrtk and [our rriorirlir [rm-r 0/ his pronioiiuri to "/lrtirtg More." and six morrt_I_is lalcr .\'!l" was 0I7[J0tltIt.'tf to IL.-ll.I.1}. No. 2.

tIrrrt_ccri _mrmtli.r


old.) as First Llt'llI('Il(Irlf. l‘lI'.\f World War was tlim in Ilic Non: l)l'fc'.'7(‘l' when they were resting in dry dock. 'I‘ scented that I was fated to join my ships, during the war at any rate. ll..\‘l.S. Mettmbnat to Actaeon. the depot ship. :1 tedious journey by rail to Sheerness and a lung trip by to report for duty. I was informed that 'I'.B.2 was in dock at Chathrim. This meant a long wait for a boat and over an hour's trip up tlte Mednay to South Lock. inward end of tlte brow. As a tall Docks. "A" and "B" patrols were On tlte way tip I passed the ol my old ship l-l.l\l.S. Bulwark. She and regal gentleman crossed it. he was the most dangerous mainly from had been stink. with terrible loss of greeted with the shrill notes of the ntines or SM attack. btit a constant tradi- watch was needed to deal with "tiplife. on November 26. l9l-l. in circum- lioatswain Whistle. as hc_was stood and-run" raids from single aircraft stances which have never been tionally piped abroad. wltilst I tip at dawn. The only means of defence satisfactorily explained. It ntadc ntc rigidly at the salute. He eyed mc the were one or two Lewis guns. tccl very sad at lteart to know thatso and down and said “So you are word. tollIn spite of conlintiotis sweeping. the ntany of nty old shipmatcs were lying new No. 1.“ and without of shipping being sunk by mines there. somewhere. in_ a watery gr:ive. walked forward to his cabin, leaving was heavy and. indeed. so were the It was an opportiimty givert to me. ate in a perplexed state of mind. following day ltc inspected the casualties of the Norc Flotilla. "A" unexpectedly. to pay nty last respects The and scented pleased witlt the Patrol covered an area extending front ship. to my late comrades. The afternoon was well advaitccd by ctioris I had already made. I wondered a poiitt north of the Downs to Kentish Knock Light Vessel. including the the time I located 'l'.B.1. 1 round that “Have I penetrated his armour?" I was to relieve an Acting Sub-I T.Il.2 was one of tltc early "Oily approaches to Tongue Light Vessel Lieutenant who was delighted to sccl \\ ads" capable of ti speed of 20 knots. and Edinburgh Cltaiirtcls. "B" Patrol b0ll‘-'l'- Th‘: mill" covered an area Kentish Knock Light l inc. and anxious to get away. so the "W1 '7 RUNS 0" 0"‘! turnover was executed quickly. He zirinament consisted of 2-12 pr 12 cwt. Vessel to Shipwash Light Vessel. inwarned me to look otit for squtills. as guns. and 2-18 inch torpedo tubes. On cluding the approaches to the Stink the Captairt was rather a Martiuct. and completion of the rent she proceeded Light Vessel. Harwich. and Black I was the sixth No. 1 to be appointed to Stangalc Creek. and joined up with Deep. Vessels on this patrol were in tltc Norc Flotilla for duty. constant danger of being rammed by in nine ntonths. The H.M.S. Actacon. ship. parent vessels of the Harwich Forces. as they However, this news did itot depress the of Stanntoorcd at entrance was had bccontc accustomed to emerged at high speed without navigame. I old with the hulk of the Creek. tion lights. "C“ Patrol was relatively dealing with problems as they ar_ose. gate warrior connected across (Actaeon ll) The Wardroom was cold and dirty. easy: it covered the area inside the The the two forccastlc by a bridge. The incss decks were mticlt the same. Channels to the Non: Light Edinburgh acted school as a torpedo The Captain had :1 small cabin under old ships Vessel. and commanded depot, by repair the and forecastle tltc the break of Capt. E. C. Villicrs. R.N.. who was interior of that too. looked grim There was only one watch on board also Captain D. N_orc Flotillas. Cdr. SAILORS IN so_ after a talk with the Co.\s\vain. Munroe was senior ofliccr of the THE MAKING I decided that on the morrow. all flotilla in command of 30 l\'.E. dchands would concentrate on interior stroycr Electra. NEPTUNE decorating. The rclit was to be coinDANGEROUS PATROLS pletcd within a week. when the Captain The Norc patrols extended over a During the period I served as No. I was due to return. wide area. covering the War Channel. of 'I‘.B.2. I had a fair santplc of all ARMOUR Pl-ZNI2TR.\’l‘l-‘.l)’.' from a point northward of the Downs. these patrols. coupled with escorting I had received prior notice of the to the Shipwasli l.ight Vessel througlt particular ships as far as l)ovcr. and which a great volume of ship- forming a screen for battleships of the date and approximate tintc of of the Captain. so when a taxi was ping passed daily either to the north or King Edward VII class. then desigseen to be approaching. I. and the south. whilst many others entered the nated as the “Wobbly Eight." Boatswain's Mate took station at the Thames Estuary botind for London These ships spent most of the time mi

"Oily Wm!"







it..\t.s. Actaeon with H..\I.S. Wttrririr (mctaerin in at theibowsv in Stangatel

Creek. Sheerness. l9l-l-I918 had safely reached harbour normal sunk. A few montlts afterwards H..\l. Destroyer Coquette and T.B.ll shared patrol duties were rcsiinted. Capt. Villiers had been experiment- the same fate. T.B.9 was cut in two by ing with ti ligltt sweep which ntigltl be a vessel of the Harwich Forces. tiscd by motor launches. driftcrs and T.B.ll3 and the gunboat Spcy were other small craft. and T.ll.2‘. had both stink iit collision and I-l.!\l. Deplayed an important part in these ex- stroyer \’olttirc was wrecked in a periments. The idea of using a spar tor gale. having grounded on the Northdcpth-keeping purposes had enta- East Singles Bank. In addition 'a nated front my Captain. and it proved tttitttbcr of ruincswecping trattlcrs and to be completely successful. The sweep drifters had also been sunk with over was put into production and many 300 czisiialtics. Such were the hazards and dangers hundreds issued. It was known as the Actacon Sweep. In addition to this. to be faced by these ofliccrs and Capt. Villiers invented the torpedo net ratings serving with the Non: Defence for merchant vessels. the experiments Flotilla and Auxiliary Patrols. There being carried out by a cruiser. l.ater was no glory in fighting unseen deathCapt. Villicrs was promoted to Rear- dcaling mines and torpedoes. or in being rammed and sunk in collision. Admiral. There were no engagcntcnts with an FLOTILLA "G" DUTIES enemy vessel wltcrc courage is often On returning front patrol at the end buoyed tip by the excitement of battle. of June. l‘)l(v. I learned. with rather Many were cltokcd by oil fuel as they mixed feelings. that I had been ap- struggled for tltcir lives in tltc darkness pointed to I-l.!\l.!s'. Aciacon Additional before they were drowned in the cold. of the Non: l)cfettI:c cruel waters of the North Sea. They as Matt: Flotilla. and my relief as No. l of died for their country unheralded. By 'l'.l3.2 had also been appointed. There were Ito headlines in the papers. I had the distinction of being the no radio recorded their bravcr_v. btit first Hate to be appointed for "G" they were heroes. one and duties in the Royal Navy. I there- a fore felt very proud of the recogniSuch losses brought sadness to the hearts of their llotilla-mates. and altion of nt_v gunnery ability. My Captain was angry. as he tltoiigh they themselves were aware thought the duties ought to he corti- that such a fate might be theirs, even bined with those of No. I. How- on the next patrol. their morale was relief arrived and I took high and they honoured those who ever. my and ioincd had given their lives so that others my duties as Mate swinging at their moorings. in Sheer- up might live. ness Harbour. but put to sea occasion- l-l.M.S. Actaeon on July I8. l‘)l6. ttlly: I was‘ thus able to gain ex- Giinitcry. conducted front a torpedo (To be corilintwrlItt'.t.' nmritli.) like school. "red was a to showing rag in perience station keeping and l was awarded my watcltkccping certificate. a bull" but forturt:itely I had very Eictil Adtttiral Villicrs iii the Contrary to all expectations I got support frontthat were to come. He on with my (faptaiit very well indeed. trying tl:t_\'s' I had gaiitcd his confidence. and he left indicated that he tvantcd art organised me alone oit the bridge for long shoot front every vessel in the flotilla new Royal Natal Wireless in the shortest possible time. Furtherperiods. Station ivltich coiitiitcncerl operating, more. I had to cstend my activities to the island of Mriurititis on February the vessels of the “.*\u.~;iliary Patrol" on PR.-\(.'l'lCl{ FIRINGS l5 was citrrintissioned on .\l-.trch I9 as It was whilst on an escort job that as well. This was a tall order. in fact a ll..\l.S. Mtturitius and the ('i\il Lord it occtirrcd to me that. although I had big problem. for an ollicer whose of the Atlmimlty, (Mr. C. I. (Irrr:ink was that of a sub-lieunow been ncarly six months in the equivalent l-2wing)_ was present at the commisflotilla. no organised practice firing had tenant. But when Admiral Villicrs sioning and mining ceremony. taken place. I said to my Captain: stated what he reqtiircd of me I tried Situated in the southern Indian "What about a gunlaycr‘s test?“ "Why. to appear undismaycd and replied. Ocean. ll.!\l.S. Mauritius takes over sir." yes." he replied; "I will suggest it to "Yes. The Norc Flotilla consisted of 30 or the task which up to now has been Cdr. .\lunroe." perforittcd by ll..\l.S. ilighllycr. the This he did. and it brought forth an more T.B.Ds.. T.Bs.. "P" boats and Wfl’. station in Ceylon. 'lhc transfer order that all boats‘ in the flotilla were gunboats and the Auxiliary Patrol con- became necessary as :i result of the to carry out "prize liring.“ .\l:tny of sisted of 36 .\l.l.s aitd approxintatcly t'orm.ition irt I950 of the Ceylon the boats put a barrel overboard with a eight paddle iitiiteswccpcrs. 30 traw- Navv and the subsequent Royal handing over lcrs aitd 30 driftcrs. I had no stall’. no flag on it for thc gunltiycr to have :I cquipntcnt :utd no otlice (except for to thc (‘eyloncse of all Royal Navy shot at. but I siiggcstcd to my Criptain property in that country. that our division ought to set an ex- my small cabin ilotvn on the Orion (‘rider the contmtutd of Cdr. I). l.. and so. for a tiutc. I had to play ample and tow targets for caclt otltcr. deck) and check the accuracy of tire by spot- ct lone hand and devise a pl.iit which I Syriis. Ro_v.il .\'.ivy. the new station nliich \\i|l form a most iiiiportaitl ting overs and shorts witlt a rake. and will tlcscriltc ltitcr. link in the Royal -.\‘avy‘s world-wide recording r;-.ii_ccs and guiil.iycrs' ordcrs. CASlJ.\l.'l‘ll-fS radio chain. has up-to-d.itc ;iccoiitntoThis was done. an analysis ntadc and l have already recorded that \'L‘~\".'ls datiou for the coinplciitcnt of close a report sent to Cdr. Munroe. lie was the outer patrols const;intl_v stood tipoit Ztltl olliccrs and men and will greatly lll‘IpfL'\‘s'.‘tl and took it to Capt. of of destruction by the tiiisccii include at hospital with full tnctlicztl Villiers. :ind a utoventcnt. witliout my in ilarigcr mine or torpedo from :i sub- facilities for botlt natal pcrsoitrtcl and knowledge. was put irt motion for nty cucitty ntarinc. In fact. the first casualty of their families. appoiittntcnt as l‘lotilla Gunnery Olli- the flotilla had been l-l..\l. Destroyer There are nearly I00 married ccr. sutik Recruit. by torpedo. Later T.ll.l0 quarters. a well cquippcd school and. Meanwhile. the Battle of Jutland struck a ntirtc and 'l'.B.l2. whilst at- on the .southcrn coast of tltc island. a occurred. The "Wobbly Eight" put to 1' '"W- -W‘ lcftvc c:tmp_ltas__bccn _l3uil_t site sea. screened by all available vessels w.:"‘;‘ t. .l"...‘.'l‘*t.lC“ll’-...'.°-'.“ of the Nore Flotilla. to iittcrccpt any tcf. good-will basis. the number had in- Japanese scored a hit on each shi_ (icrman ships endeavouring a break- : in creased to 30. when I requested two the two large floating docks. btit through to the south. llut no luck cantc am more. Cdre. Bonk said: ‘'I cannot trade stiperlicial damage was caused. our way. When it hail been confirmed ind with you on :t good-will basis any bombers got away without an :t that the remains of the German Fleet on. longer; put your cards on the table and shot being fired. (To be continued next month.) ilcg I will consult my C.-in-C."

nlr:|vct'lhcless .








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Hartland Point Hans Andersen

‘VIXENS” INVADED ABBOTSINCH l'llllSl\' st:irt to the year at Abhotsinch has included an invasion from Northern Ireland and the temporary residence of half a squadron of \'i\‘ens. l-‘acct! with the need to lit certain adays. although a few Sea Hzissks. iiiiportant iiioditieations in a Sea Sea Venoms and (‘iannets pass through Vixen sqoailion. and with an almost its hands. Aircraft are also stored at impossibly short period out of tile a high degree of readiness for squadcarrier in which to do it. the authori- ron use. and lastly. old aircraft are‘ ties planned to rriake a joint R.N.A.Y. accepted and stripped of all useful llelfast"R..\..-\.S. Ahhntsinch attack on items before they depart for the scrap the problem. with Ahhotsinch as the merchants’ melting pot. The latter job venue. Planning started at once. and accounts for the large niinihcrs of old accommodation, stores. modification aircraft that can be seen parked in kits. tnachiiiery and transport were laid groups about the airtield. on to allow the operation to start with In order to complete the primary a swing. task there are three test pilots whose ¢‘"l\’ ill“ 1| ¢''’ ’"“'¢'l‘fl¢f Sml‘ Will} job is to put the aircraft and its equip{Kill 1|||‘~'*fi*“_tll|l!-' 1”“\'s'tl_ Ihrougli its paces and see that .\lediterranean. carrier in the 1-‘ wmking L.urr,_,L.m. hvfon. aiiciews. sun-tanned and salt-cakcd_ the aircraft are allowed to go to squadlooked with horror at our pale faces. rons. The amount of tlying is theremuddy lioots —and the Paisley fog-~— fore very small when compared with and rushed for the lirst ferry aircraft. a training or operational airlield but hacls to the south and sunshine. it is sutlicient to keep the three pilots husy When :i batch of aircraft comes l"E\\’ G001) DAYS through together. everyone just hopes and that the weather will be in They were lucky! .\len at Ahhots-X a prays inch have nothing against the Scots‘' good mood when the tinte comes for the flight testing. or the locality when it comes to runs ashore or other outside interests. In fact the Glasgow area has more to oller INTENSE ACTIVITY than llluul. but when it comes to weather -well. it would be hard to The weather prospects were not too find '.i more changeable and less desir- lhriglit when this latest hatch of airable are:i. particularly for flying. craft arrived, and for three weeks the llciiiiiied in by high ground to the .Viscn li:ing:ir and workshops were a north and south. the Clyde v:illey is‘ scene of intense activity. lines of obnotorious for its lingering fogs. viously miicli-used aircraft contrasting on the west coast of Scotland it also 1 “duly with th‘: "gm; 31.,-;..nin,_; n.,-w receives tls fair share of rain and high “N, ;,._-_-ml, mum in. hcunt winds. so hctwe;n these two evils there ,_.\-._.n.“.t,,:rL._ ,._-mm numt.‘-r.-, Hf ms.-L-t‘ l5 "N "“'Ul‘ *P'-'90 ll?“ {UT t!l‘"'-l d1|)"-- ; dcniands were made. and midnight oil altliougli they do happen at times! 0 “ l burned in large quantitie,s'~hnt evcntiithe tlyiug side there is another problem. ally on schcdulc—the lirst aircraft as the civil airport :it Renfrew is close was completed. engines reinstalled. liy us :ind imder non—emcrgcnc_v con- weapon systems tuned up :ind it was ditions it has priority for aircraft ready to he test flown. followed soon liiovernents_ after by the remainder. l-‘ortunately The task at Ahhotsincli is. priniarily. the we:ithcr was not too unkind and the nioditication and modernisation of after a few an\ious days the llying was Naval aircraft. mainly Sea Vixen now- ._-onipleted and the aircraft were ttssay,






Cl.I.\IIlli\'C party of three, led by

‘L I

1. \I..\ l.icut.-Cdr. .\lalcolm Ilurley. Royal Point at the Hans Andersen party at the Rallies .\'zny. has lioisterl the White I-Znslgn on llotel. tl’hoto.——\\'. Y. C. Lee. Singapore) the top of the 8.000 ft. high Mount Liotiird. a hitherto unclimbcd peak on Fatlier Christmas. ‘J leading seanian and got the patients singing and .-\deI-aide Island all’ West Graham from the ship. playing games. They were given halLand. south of the Antarctic Circle. The next party was for 251) and was ‘Ioons. sweets and fruit. and l‘atli:r With l.ieut.-('dr. llurley were Sgt. held in the Rattles llotel. A petty Christmas tthe chief stokerl gave Terence Sparke. Royal Marines. oflotlicer electrician spent all the fore-i every child a present wliicli had been Plyiiioiith and .\Ir. (iordon .\lcCalluni. noon wiring up the Cliristinas treel selected hetorchand. "l he of (ilasgow. l.ieut.~(‘dr. Biirlev andtilluminations and about 45 members .presents were very good ones as the Sgt. Sncake are mciiihers of the ship's of the ship's company turned up to. ship's company Ii.id been most the Royal Navy's lce ltclp with the party. The .sehedu|ed| generous with its subscriptions‘. of W"‘P3|",\'_ l’3|“'“l 5l"l‘- ll--‘LS. Protector. at entertainers diiln’t turn up. so. When it was dark en-oiigh. cartoons nothingi of on British ha.ses intlotli. llartland Point's singers came, were slimsri and. to the s'.i.'pris-: of present a tour the Aiilarctie. and .\lr._.\lc('allum is to the lore, Two great favourites with the visitors. when it was time to go ineinher ol the British Antarctic the L‘lltltll't.‘l\ were "Jingle llells" and. they found that tliey had h:cii at the "This Old Man." and they didn't seem f hospital for four hours. 5|"_\’I-',\’~ 5“_l‘P\‘F}|lI'.: the cliniliers were Royal to mind how many times they saiig ' ln case any Nivi .\’i ws .'c;id:rs iu the Far l?.ist ll'.l_L'lll like to _L'I\'.' a .\l:irittL'\_ Iron) the ship and two llrttish theni. lcuttts which A week before (‘lirist'ii;is. a small. party. or help at one. or take some ‘~‘\'"?_‘“'“~' _-“l"‘k',\‘ I-llttl earned their eqiiipinent across ll miles parts‘ of si\ went to the Woodhritlcc children on a "h.iiiy.ui." or it the I 0| \Itu\\ lo lllL'.l't'Itll of the iiioiintain Hospital tor .\lcnt.illy l):licienti readers of this article elsewhere have .-\delaidc on lA\‘l.tlltl. .\lonnt l.io- ( |i:ldren, lh: master at arms ;ind the a lllll: s'p'.i.'e cash. the zidslr.-ss ot the : range lard is the second highest inountain in “ltiitler" led this team. and it to.-tied llans .-\nd:rs.-ii Club is l'.t), lloit 1 lit-‘ '1|"S~'. out to he ;i r.i'.her lie.irt-hreakiiig time. .‘..\‘l.i. Siiig.ipo.'e. I‘ Men of ll..\l.S.














many of the children were in a had wa}. hut there was no doubt that the party tiad gone down c.\ti'eni.-ly sscll. as



til’ of the list in the l\'o\'emher. v ttltil. Captain's Ollie: l'I\aiiiiuation for l‘ett_\ Ullicer with 85 per cent. was I./Wren .\lar_v Atlain, of 691 (':itlii.-art Road. ('rosshiIl. Clasttmv. She has no“ lieen rated Petty Oflicer Wren. l-or the past _\ear she has hccn the Writer thhorlliandl to the .\l;ijor(ieltetttl. l{oy.il Marines in l’oits':noiith. Prior to this. she was the p-ers‘on:il, .stciio_g:.iplici' to the (‘omni:ii:der-iu(lizct. .\lcd:tcrraucan. at his headquarters‘ in .\l.t|ta. In her spare time l’.O. Wren .-\d.int takes an interest in many of the activities of the \\'.l{..\.S. Unit. l-Zastney. ssliicli includes swiiiimiiig. iille shooting, temiis and hzidniinton. She also .\lar_\ .-\daiii. now ;i l‘L‘lUllt_.Zs to the Portsinoiitli Wren (liiist;.i:i l-cllosssliip.







'l'l.\ll-I 0|-' Tlll-ZlR I.I\'I'L‘s' the poverty. unemployment and hunger in South-East fhslil. sailors‘ lt was decided that llartlantl Point have a chance to think how lucky they are :ind how well otl coinparcrl. should give a party of its own and, with the local people whose country they visit. It is easier. soinetiiites, to l initially, it was planned to give one ignore the unpleasant and unhappy things that are seen. but at other times I in the :\rm;id.i Club. l-l..\l.S. Terror. sailors long: to do something to help the people. without appearing to give llowever. the chief cook heard that charity which proud people resent. :i hospital which had no ;there _was Last Christmas. the ship's company 3 tory in Siiigapo.-e. and it was for 2.00:) r, plans tor a (‘hristmas party. This was of Hartland Point decided to assist.c|iildren. As can he imagiiied. this ,the St. .-\ndrcw'.s ()rthop;icdi.: Hospithe Hans Andersen Club which was quite a liaiidful. and the scenes i, l:il for Children. and on Drceniher 22 organises children's parties for tinder- j were pretty chaotic at times. hot the about 3!) from the ship went along .eliildrcn had a really good time. Rain there and they gave the children the privileged children of Singapore. There are 25.fltl(l children in Singa- ' kept the party within the hall. hut ‘time of their lives. Those who went pore who are classified by the Social entertainments were laid on and pre- ‘said they had not enjoyed themselves Welfare l)ep:irtiuent as under-privi- ; sents were given. so much for years. :ind the aim l-lartland of the Hans] l’oint'.s team acted :is lcgcd. The children were all cstremely Andersen ('liih. which was founded in f general helpers. most of them dressed C hecrful and happy in spite of the fact l‘l5l<l. is to bring some happiness and I as pirates or L‘lowns_ guiding colour to‘ that many of them were in plaster, a sense of being wanted into the lives the occasion. Piian Noor .-\isha. and there was no ditliculty in gaining of these youngsters. of Singapore's Head of State. worked, their contidence and in making friends. Many of tlicrii are orphans at hard distributing pres-.-nts. assisted hyl The party went round all the wards government homes and private instilttlions. and others are from very poor Q families who are just eking out an i existence. The institutions and the parents of these children spend every cent on rice and the other necessities of life. and so are unable to give their ehiidren anything in the way of toys. PARTY FOR 2.000 The first of the parties in which l'l..\l.l). l-lartlalnd Point was interested was at the social hall of a large fac-

lmll}, lll,‘-‘laiieiit ll'tL‘ttlc“_.ry1hing








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Rating or

Age next birthday....;......................


SIXTY-THREE MILES WALK DURING NIGHT :5 Urchin took up challenge URING ll..\l.S. Urcliin's visit to Grenada in the West Indies in I~'cbruar_v. the Adniinistrator of the Island was telling the captain, Capt. T. T. Li.-win. M.V.0., D.S.C.. R.N.. of how. in I926, a certain celebrated gentleman had walked round the entire island. a distance then of 57 miles. in under 2-! hours. With six Royal Marine young officers under training in Urchin, this was a challenge which Capt. Levrin immediately took up. No time was wasted as. on the following morning. the six young men surveyed the route from a l.:ind-Rover. planned :ind prepared during the afternoon. and after being interviewed by the local Press. set off at I730. dressed in "banyan" rig. boots, straw hats. and carrying only a few essential items stich as foot powder. clastoplast. spare llREl-I members of the ship's cash. sock s. barley sugar. cigarettes and conipany of H.-.\l.S. Solcbay. A.B. The plan was to walk r_oiind in an J. L. Roberts. froui Atterton. Liveranti-clockwise direction. using the cool pool. A.ll. ll. Whitley, from ll-arrowate of the night and saving the easiest and I-Ileet. .\lech. R. S. C. Court, from section to the end. Southsea. recently found themselves providing competition to the "pop" HILLY COUNTRY stars of France. Splitting into two groups. the three On arrival of the ship at Bordeaux smallest and the three largest. a crack- during blarch. a roving reporter of ing pace was set. covering the first 2| Radio Paris (the National station) miles in 4} hours. Things now began awaited them :ind the group. called to get tougher and. after 40 miles. two “The Journcymen“ taped a version dropped out suffering from stomach of "The Savage" in a seven minutc cramp and a sprained ankle. After recording spell made in the mess. several weeks in Urchin they were. by which was rushed to the studio for Royal Marine standards. compara- transmission to the French at I300 L.T. tively unfit. and. of course. there had Great praise was bestowed on them been no time to train. Grenada itself. by the producers of the programme. a most enchanting island. is of vol- which is no small reward for an canic origin. and the road was, in amateur group which has taught itself parts. prctty hilly. to play during the present commission. with 40 miles behind them. the time In view of this latest success a new 0230. the remaining four plodded on. department ma_v be formed to deal blisters. a twisted knee. aching muscles. with the expected increase of fan mail Only an oee:isional stop. a few min- from their continental followers. utcs at a time. for refreshment. Five ll,M..‘s'. Solebay arrived at Bordeaux miles from St. Georgcs—bome—at about 9 :i.rn.. a third dropped out. One on March 7 for a live-day visit. mile later a fourth. a twisted knee. fell accompanied by the remaining ships Destroyer Squadron. by the wayside. Now there were two. of the First Of these. 2ll.icut. Douglas Brand Finisterre, Saintes and Caniperdown. finished the course. a tot:il of (:3 miles. in 17!. hours. fresh as paint. 2.(l.ieut. Peter l.anib was only half an hour H.M.S. Dauntless won the Interbehind. Unit Hockey Cup at Portsmouth by Now it only remains for the very co- defeating l>l.M.S. Dryad in the final received operative Chief of Police. Colonel by four goals to nil. The teammembers John Holly and his policcni:in to beat plenty of moral support from the new record. Urchin and her Royal of the Ship's Company who had Marines were front page news. and travelled from Burghticld to see the match. local interest was certainly aroused.

April. I962





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The First Destroyer Squadron. The three in line abreast



Saintes. Solcbay (leader) and Finisterre. Astern is

First Destroyer Squadron to pay off

MALTA SELDOM SEEN DURING MED. LEG leave their home ports pie-war, piping days of peace, ships used INfortheForeign and halt’ _veaI'\‘. During the commission of about to





island. The three front-line ships returned to Malta for a few days before the Squadron left for home in accordance with the programme. We sailed to the sound of the pipe band of the Highland Fusiliers who gathered on Tigne Point to play "Will Ye No Come Back Again" amt the roar of low-flying Shackleton aircraft of the R.A.F. with whom we had worked so much. His Excellency the Governor (Admiral Sir Guy Grantham). the Commander-in-Cbicf. and many others were afloat to say goodbye to our Squadron. After an uneventful passage with a short stop at Gibraltar for Christmas shopping. the ships arrived at their Home Ports‘ on September I4 to give everyone a muchneeded spell of leave. More work in dirty weather ofl Scotland in October soon brought us back to reality but after only two weeks of this Solcbay and Saintes to undertake were again selected escort duties for the Queen's tour of West Africa. After some rapid cleaning up and repairing of storm damage they sailed on November 6 for Las Palmas in the Canaries. They joined H.M. Yacht at Takoradi and with the Yacht paid visits to Monrovia. Freetown and Bathiirst. Finistcrre and Camperdossn had meanwhile been involved in numerous exercises in Home Waters in very b:id weather. interspersed with visits to _Ports in U.|(. All four ships. after joining together at (iibraltar for a few days. made their llomc Ports in time to give ('hristm:is leave. which was a notably more restrained period than the last. Since Christmas. l')(il. we have been together more or less the whole time and have spent the three remaining months of the commission in exercising hard. with visits to Le Havre. Bordeaux. and Bilbao to keep our hands in and to prove our stamina.

the whole time on the station to which they were sent and a destroyer squadron worked together. in the main. as a unit. The following summary of the commission of the First Destroyer Squadron shows how different things are today. The four ships of the First Des- and fro to Florence and Piza where we troyer Squadron. ll.M.S. Solcbay imbibed the local culture. (Capt. J. Smallwood. Captain (D)). Finisterrc sailed from l.cghorn to H.M.S Finisterrc (Cdr. C. J. Balfour). join the other two in dock in Gibraltar H.M.S. Saintes (Cdr. M. J. Porter). whilst Solcbay. after a short visit to and H.M.S. Campcrdown tCdr. G. T. Naples. returned to Malta. Between mid-February and July the Risdon). will return to their home ports for the last time on April 8. Squadron took part in exercises with 1962. During their two-year General National forces and in Mcdflcx lnService Commission the ships saw ser- victa. an exercise with French. Italian. vice from the Persian Gulf to the American. Greek and Turkish forces. West African coast and visited ports in The outstanding memory of this period was the Royal Tour when nearly every country between. After the usual work up at Port- Solcbay and Saintes acted as Royal land. in cold English conditions. the Escort for the Queen's State Visit to Italy and for the Duke of Gloiicestcr's Squadron sailed for the Mediter- tour of the war graves in Greece and ranean on Trafalgar Day. I960. _A in Royal Yacht. very rough crossing of the Bay of Bis- Turkey the these months the ships of cay made the climate of Gibraltar and theDuring Squadron visited Naples. Ancona. the first sight of the Mediterranean Venice. Athens, Volos. lstanbiil. sun all the more enjoyable. Two weeks were spent in Gibraltar. l'/mir. Barcelona. St. Raphael. Calvi. Marghcrita. Villcfranchc. F.lI)'l. tidying up the ships and carrying out St. Mcssina. Marseilles. Alnieira. daily practices before the first foreign Corfu. visit of the commission. .\lalag:i. There Tunis. (fagliari. Skyros and Cannes. we began to feel the lvletliterraneau THE KUWAIT CRISIS mood as the ships worked "Spanish Then in July the knife dropped. routine" (the whole routine was ptit back one hour!) and many ni:idc use when the Kuwait crisis blew tip the of the opportunity to visit Granada First Destroyer Squadron (except and the famous Alhambra palace. Solcbay who was alongside refitting) From Malaga we went to work was dcspatchcd to the area. They the aircraft carrier Centaur again. operating with the French anti- escorted the Sucr Canal :ind. via Aden. submarine escorts based on Toulon. through TOPS IN G UNNERY These exercises kept us on our toes to the Persian Gulf. (All three spent All four ships will return to their long periods :it sea in extremely hot although one or two runs ashore in weather. liinistcrrc especially. They Home Ports for the last time on April the city were possible. tlivcntually. having taken a month over the did not see the .\lcditcrrancan llglllll‘ 8. l‘J(i'.’. after a memorable and very journey. we found that “jeiu:l of the until shortly before the Squadron re- enjoyable coniniission. The highlights were of course the l\leditcrrancan." .\lalt;i. a base we turned to U.l-C. In the iiieatitirnc Solchay was de- Royal tours but we did riianagc to were destined to see nnicli less of than fentling the far-flung outposts of the sweep the board in the .\lcditeir;iiu:an we had thought. limpirc by visiting Corfu (cricket Fleet Gunnery Competition in ti week and ginger beer). Venice (sultry quiet moment. We have dressed ship (‘llRlST.\l.-\S l\' .\lAl.TA romance). and Dubrovnik (Yu_i:osl;ivia overall about 36 times. stezinictl Just before Christmas. W60. we ciilturc againll. During the visit to thoiisands of miles and lost only three made :i Squadron visit to Palermo. in Corfu Soli.-bay was visited by ll..\l. bachelors in foreign lt has Sicily. and on completion returned to The King and Queen of Greece. The been a full commissionports. and we have .‘\lalt:i for Christmas and the New Crown Prince and Princt-s‘ses of worked hard keeping the ships guYear. This stay in Malta is still Greece anil Don Juan. his wife. all tllg. lll rctttrn they have Likcn us shrouiled in mystery for most of the daughter and sort. Don (':irlos. of wherever we wislied and have never Squadron. except for \t.)l’llt' organised Spain. oho were liolidaying in the let us down. skylarks on Manocl Island. but we eventually sailed after the celebrations with most people onbo;i.'d. in body if not in spirit. . weeks exercising After :1 couple of in the .\l:ilt:iarea the Squadron split a the modern and is fate such and. up Navy. we were to see little of each other until months later when we left the Station. lvl..\l.S. Solebay paid the first warship visit to Cyprus since that island became a Republic and was made most welcome although bad weather curtailed the visit by one day. Some libcrtymen had to rejoin oil the north from


they spent


you'll enjoy living in

of the island after



long journey by

ship all ay. During this time ll..Vl. Ships Saintcs and Camperdown had gone to Gibraltar for their periodic docking but Solebay and Finistcrre met again when the Flag Oflicer Flotillas. Mediterranean. flying his flag in H.M.S. Bermuda. took a small force to Leghorn in Northern ltaly. Most of this visit was spent travelling to and

jccp chasing




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A New club at Rosyth



-.-.t,-,_. 3. v

NEVV club for naval ratings and their families was opened on March I by Mrs. A. R. Hezlet, wife of Rear-Adiniral A. R. llezlet, (.‘.B., D.S.(). and bar. D.S.C., Flag Officer, Scotland. The club known as the Forth Club, is situated in what was formerly the junior ratings‘ billiard room of the ROS_\lll Fleet Club at Rosyth Dockyard. 'l'he premises have been decorated trance to the lounge. She was preand ftirttished in excellent fashion and sented with a bouquet by live-_ve:tr~old now offer a lounge. bar and small Shelley Ctitts. whose father is a petty dance floor. There are excellent otlicer in H.M.S. Duncansby Head. Mrs. Hczlet. who was accompanied cloakroom facilities and a powder room. M:iny oflicers present at ‘the by her husband. was introduced to opening ceremony felt th:tt the (tub members of the committee and signed could compare favourably with any- the Club's visitors‘ book. 9- F- Rthing they had encountered.




t '

ll..\l.S. Centaur, which is expected to reach Portsmouth in


H.M.S. CENTAUR ON WAY HOME Centaur is expected to Portsmouth next month, having return H.M.S. her “East of Suez.“ time. and the ship's company is looking completed to

forward to cooler weather and leave been well earned. Christmas was spent at Mombasa. where helicopters of 824 Squadron were engaged on Kenya flood relief the ship left Aden on New Year's Lounge and cocktail bar of the New and Capt. (i. W. D. Sp_riggs. Day for the Far East. R_N,. Commanding Olltcer of H.M_.S. Club. (Photocraft Picture by Morris After a very pleasant week in Hong Allan. Dunferntline.) Cochrane. presided at the opening Kong towards the end of .lanuary The of cost converting ceremony. tlte premises had been 123.000. he said. and he hoped that the Club would be well supported by ratings. their wives and families. It would be open year marlts the 50th annivetsa ry of the Royal FlyingCorps. which was to all ratings stationed at Rosylh or formed by the amalgamation of the Royal Navy and Anny Wings. and in other local naval establishments pioneer Service atmten will be attending many functions being organised to and should become a first-class social mark the anniversary. In addition to special displays being held later in the ceittre. summer. a Service of Remembrance is to be held at the R.A.F. Church of St. Capt. Spriggs paid tribute to PO. Clement Danes in the Strand on Sunday. May I3. attended by survivors who Joe Cox. ll.M.S. Dttncansby Head. served in the Royal Naval Air Service and Air Battalion of the Royal Engineers who is chairman of the first commit- before l9l2. and those who llew with the Royal Flying Corps. tee of the Club. of The whereabouts some of the The of the Adntir:tlty is hopMrs. Hezlct wished the Club every first few Naval llilflls Wit“ lfiliflcd in ing toSecretary hear fromthe men who. 50 years success and declared it otlicially open |9t2 are known. but there :ire many carried out much experimental by cutting a ribbon across the en- more with whom contact has been lost. 330. work front the first Naval Air Station at Eastchtirch. Isle of Shcppey. liclplllllllllllllIllllIIllllllllllllllIlllllllllllIllllIIllllIIlllllIIIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIllllIIllllIIll||||l|||||l||||||||l||ll titg to perfect the country's first seaplanes. the first ship-borne aircraft. and some of the lirst mechanical flying aids on military aircraft. The possibility of having :i rctinion of the early Naval llycrs to see something of modern aviation in the Navy is being consideredproviding. of course. the l')l'.' pilots can be fotind—«and special welcomes will be given to pioneer Naval airmen at Fleet Air Arm "Air Days" later this year. Even after the formation of the Royal Flying Corps in May. t')t2, the Royal Navy eontintied for niany years to train its own pilots at Eastchurcli. but today the (i00-acre site of the birthplace of Naval aviation is occupied by an open prison. Only the flapping corrugated iron sheets of 50-_ve;ir-old Admiralty hangars facing the Kentish ni:trsltl;tnd remain as reminders of the historic Naval developments which ;took place on this airfield. bill it is hoped that stillicicnt I912 prc-R.F.C. pilots will be traced to recall attd relive the days when they set oil on crosscountry flights from the Isle of Sheppcy complete with spanner: and a “*5. -a.._ When ll..\l.S. Woodbridge llaven and ships of the I0-lth .\lines-weeping food supply to cope with the frequent which arose. Squadron visited Tltuiland recently. an opportunity was taken to visit the emergencies of the One very Iirst t‘-':tval pilots. K:ll1t‘ll:lll:ll)tl!‘l(‘chit-tery outside llangkok. As can be seen from the photonow living in (iloticestcrsltire. recallsgraph the graves are well cared for and the visitors were impressed by the having flown Mr. Churchill the 16 aura of pt-acefiilness in the cemetery. miles front (iravcsend to the Isle of (irain in one of the very first scaplattes. The flight took just over an hour! Twv Pilots who scivctleithcr in the .\':tval wing of the Royal Flying Corps or in the Royal Naval Air Service are requcstcd to write to the Secretary of the Admiralty. giving brief details of their SOUTH PARADE service.




26 the Commonwealth ships assembled for "Jet 62" at Trineonialec. from l’ort.-anouth—a leave which has Trincontalce will he rementbercd by many readers and for a few days it took where the spell of cool weather and on almost a war-time atmosphere with the harbour filled with carriers, the "run as-bore" was thoroughly en- cruisers. destroyers. frigatcs and fleet joyed. the ship arrived at Singapore tlnlebrtittry I for a fortnight's self- replenishment ships. maintenancv: period. The squadrons. 807 Sciniitars. l-'t‘)3 Sea Vixens. 8-WA A FINE START (iannets and S24 helicopters. were disThe exercise began on March 2. :tnd the to various airftelds in for the next eight days the carrier task entbttrkctl Singapore and were able to keep tip forces and replenishment groups were flying practice while the ship repaired spread out across the Bay of Bengal. some of the wear and tear of over Canadian. Indian. Ceylonese. Malayan. l0.000 miles already steamed this year. Australian. New Zealand and British There was a good programme of forces all took part in this big exerand on a replenishment day. when sports and_ some members went cise. the ships of these countries were astip cotintry. The sembled ‘Jungle-baslung“ ovcr a large area of sea. they Royal Marines disguised themselves as made a line sight. again and disappeared commandos On March I0. the fleet assembled into the magic for a week. at the Island of Lankawi oil the On Fcbrtiary I9. Ccntatir sailed front Malayan coast. for a combined Singapore. embarked her aircraft and weapon-training period, but Centaur‘: set off for the Ceylon area where fly- part in the exercise was over as it was were carried otit with lltc time to head west for the long voyage ingcxercises lndian carrier Vikrant. On February honte.










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Orltrr Branches


Machinery damaged by under-water eruption .515. Protector. the Royal Navy's ice patrol ship. has reported that there has been :i vast volcanic eruption underwater in the Sandwich Islands‘. about Stlll miles from the Antarctic Circle. and that some of the m;u-him.-ry has put out of :iction when hundreds of small pieces of floating pumice stone were sucked into is ater intakes. The ship r.-portal that tlititis:in.Is ol" ;.:ciier:itors :ind some other square miles or the Scotia Sea and‘ sonic of the eruptions. said the Suttllt Atlaiitie just outside the‘ ship. tool; place in 32-8 fathoms of Aniiretie Circle were covered with | water. but because of the presence of slreaius of pumice dust tliotisands ol"so much floating matter }l.M.S. ynrtls long. Pieces of pumice were : Protector was ttiiable to remain in the tlo;itin_e to the surface up to three feet ' area and had to steam into the South across and up to 20 miles from the Atlantic after collecting large qiiantil't"l:I\tllll|tt‘I area of t:oncentration I5 5 ties of samples for analysis. miles north-cast of Zavodovslti Is-l Protector is commanded by Capt. land. The sea-bed eruption was bc- Robert Henry Graham. D.S.C., lieved to be very recent as the ship .\I.V.O.. of Guildford. Surrey. reported that the floating matter smelt . strongly of sulphur. Water colour green and a



n't.‘icliineJ'y. .


W3‘ The ceremony of the handing over of the bell and bugles

H.M.S. Protector neared. Z'.ivodo\'sl:i Island. large Clouds of steam were rising and a "moderate when



taking place.


Ill-_2 ‘nuclear-povvered submarine.


M.-\Cl{ll\'I-ZRY STOPPED Maiority of the piimicc stone being mouth from March 23 to 30. thrown tip was floating. but pea-size Commanded by Cdr. John F. Pagan. pieces were suspended in about I5 feet Jr. USN.. the 3.500 ton attack subof water and these caused the stop- marine, 252 ft. long. has a crew of page of the ship's evaporators. turbo-i nearly 80 olficcrs and mtn.

but moving ceremony held recently board ILMS. Bermuda IN(Capt.short M. G. R. Luinby. D.S.0.. D.S.C.) Hamilton. Colony of Bermuda. a


l.ord.ships_ it



unlikely that

the ship would have the fortune silver liugtes. presented to the rsltip by the colony to visit the Colony againgood during her to the colony for safe-keeping. Iifetinie. It h.id been decided therefore. The picture shows the Royal Marine board. at least until the end of the that it was an appropriate time to reBuglers who have just relinquished present commission. turn the silver bell and bottles to the the _bug|es after a linal fanfare. by Spe;ikiiigtirst.(';ipt.Michael Lumby. Colony for safe keeping as a reminder them placing on a wooden grating. :i war-time submarine ace. reviewed the of the strong bonds of atleetion while above them and in front of the close association the ship had had with between the Colony and the otlicers gun turret is the solid silver bell. Also the Colony. Referring to the long and and men of the Royal Navy. and on disp|ay.are the_ other magnificent useful life that ll..\I.S. Ilerniuda had .until such time as another Il..\l.S. pieces of silver winch have been pre- acliievcd he continued by saying that. llerintida might be laid down. sented to the ship by the colony over although the ultiniate disposal of the the years. these are being retained on 1 ship had not been decided by Their 'l’ROI’IIII-IS ACCF.P'I‘l-'.l) The trophies were accepted on behalf of the Colony by the Speaker of the House of .-\\-senibly tSir John Cox) in the presence of tifteen membar. The band played continuously bers of the House of Assembly and from 8 p.m.. and we twisted even more legislative Council and their ladies. Also present was Lady ('onyer.s. widow than we did last snninier! of Sir Reginald (’onyers who. when now and again we would Every of the House of Asseriibly in BY R UDY.-‘\ R D OTTER sneak into the adjoining rootii and .‘s'pe.iker ll)-t7_ had presented the bell and buglcs Wt) lilthy tramps entered the saniple the lirst-class bullet wliieh was to the ship. l.:iuuhton-.\IattIiews Wren block ‘ good enough to delight the hungriest Sir John niade special mention of in ll..\l.5. Sea Eagle. I.ondnnderry on of epieureaiis. the great pleasure that had been felt Junior Writer Robert (‘arr cluickleil in the the night of March 9. ()ne tramp wore (‘olony when. lllll’lII_E the war. a dull clerical collar and has shirtless. with joy when he won a carton of they learned of the building of :i new the other carried a huge “b:i:i-the- fruit in the rattle. but immediately :i llerniuda. Referring to the fact that crowd of starving tr.impesse.s desceiided llertiiiida was the seventh ship to bear bomb" placard on his back. Together they swziggcred to the bar on hiiti and pleaded for .\OttlL‘lllttIg to the name he said almost a linndred and ordered a couple of drinks. Then, eat. _vear.s had passed between the sixth still bristling with contempt for this it .-\ltogether was :i trementlous niglit. and seventh llerniud'.i‘s. lle expresed world. and down bomb-bl.isti'ng on they sat many of us would like to see a the sincere hope that Their l.ord.~.liips the floor and exchanged inferiority iep-eat perforniaiicc: so what about would not allow a hundred to pass conip|e.\cs Trafalgar Square had it you fiin-loving Wrens of ll..\l.S. between the seventh and eighth Sea I-Tagle. eh‘! nothing on them! llcrinuda's. ‘I he first tramp was Writer D:ivid Morris. the second unrecognisable iudividiial was me. your reporter. And we were aiiiong dozens of dislievelled "l;i_v.tliouts" who attended the fabulous 'l'r.imps' ll.ill—.i niiilti-costtiiiied spree tlF}.[.Illl\£Ll by the Wrens of ll..\l,S. 3 at

solid silver bell and the in I9-t7. were returned

‘Tramps’ invade wiéiis Quarters

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lll'I\\'lTCIIINC “I'll.-\.\ll'I{SS' I.../\\’riter Wren .\t:ir_e;iret Charter, \\'.is at the cntrztiiiic to greet us. and; .\l;ire:iret is the kind of female who: could look oiitstaiidiiig in any rig. but | as .t trainpess she was pzirtictilaily sweet and bcwitcliing? \\'rt-ncliing iiiy bloodsliot eyes ofl' .\I.ire:iret. I s:I\\' an ungainly shower of lratttps :irid tr;impe.sses Sllllllllllg‘ about. and then I spotted Margaret: ;ig.iiii_ absolutely breatlit:ikin_c. as she l ooretl on to tlte floor and Iloaletl. around in the protective arms of, l..l\Vriter llriau Waleroft. ; C'.l’.0. Writer I-‘retlerick Woods was} there too. living it up. At first glance , his sickly green face made us wonder; if the tiriie had come to lay otl the; beer.-but a second .scrtitiny revealedi that he was wearing a mask. so wej sobered up and hurried back to the:


Apprentice to go to the Palace

PPRENTICE Kirkman ol Grenville Division. I!..\l.S. Fisgard. has gained the Duke of Edinburgh's Gold Award and in due course will visit Buckingham Palace to receive his medal from His Royal Ilighncss. In the course of his eitaniinations App. Kirkman won a Distinction from the Royal National Life Saving Society in its Award of Merit. He also made an epic canocing trip of 55 miles of the Tamar in full flood. This is the first time that the Gold Award has gone to H.M.S. and Kirknian is only the second Artiticer Apprentice to be so honoured. llis award is the fifth (iold Medzal


for the

Royal Navy.

outs iron LIEAVESO? A.







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April. 1962






General Secretary visits No. 8 Area

Portland branch of the Royal Naval Association entertained ttttl TIIE ‘members and guest_'.' its annual dinner and dance .\larch Ill. during at


which Sbipniate '1‘. Hair, who recently gave up the chairmanship of the liraitcli because of ill health, was presented with an inscribed tanliard on in.-ti-.ilt‘ of all the members. Among the guests were Rear- The pleasing ceremony of j1rg's-,':)t/tdntiral ll. R. Law. O.B.l3.. D.S.C.. ing "finnnty" ll:iir with a t.ink.'i:d. in the Flag Otlicer Sea Training, the apprccuitton of the services he !~..ii| Chairman of the Portland Urban l)is- given the branch. was pt'Tfi7i‘lllCti by trict. and Mrs. Benticlil. together with Atllttirttl L:I\\'. Sliiptnali: llair was quite representatives of the llridport and overcome. bttt soon recovered and the Weyinouth branches of the associa- tankaril \\';is‘ tilled and retilled and tion, the RN. and R..\l. Association. passed around his many friends. Wcymouth. the R..-‘\.l-”. Association. After an excellent meal the rcst of Weymouth. and guests from l’lyrnoiith the was evening given over to dancing. and London. and Shipinate Clougli and Mrs. \\'hiniThe chziirntan of the branch. Shipmatc Jones. proposed the Loyal Tozist hiirst gave an excellent version of "‘l he and read a telegram from li..\l. The Twist." Queen. Shipmates Jackson. l’owel|. Jones, l.ieut. A. Heron. R.N.. the branch Wilkes ami Babb are to be congratuPresident. pmposcil the toast of the lateil on the ctlieient arrangements they Associzition. Lieut. Whimhurst, R.N.. made. The "'l‘ophill"members appreciproposed the toast of the guests. which ated the long. long trail home——it gase was responded to by Rear-Adiniral them a cltance to recover from their Law. exertions. ‘

Young. No. 8 National Council member. and Shipniate Warlt. President of the Area. General Secretary who is in the centre of the picture


Conference ’62

HF. Secretary of the 126 Committee. or Delegates. cti-.. after the Annual Shipmate A. G. Woontolt. 30 The (.‘on|'erence on June 23. and he appeals Poplars. Bramley Road, London. for the retom of the form he sent to N.l-4. has stated that all branches of: them. the Association in the United Kingdom After the Conference :1 buffet tea hat‘!-' ht?" lold V-‘hill fl|’l'=||1l!_¢m°|1l\ has been arranged at the Duke of h=t\'l‘ bf-'1-‘ll made for ll"-‘ Eflleflillflmffll York's Headquarters. at the rear of the N..‘\.'.s llcadqoarters Club. and this is to be followed by ;i (‘irand Dance and Social cvcning complete with cabaret.


DRUMIIEAD SERVICE I-‘Tl-IR years of steady steaming the Sunday. June 24. there is to be Skegness Branch of the Royal a On Driimhead Service at which a new Naval Association has grown from :i Standard for No. l Area will be deitilrigatc to a battle-waggon. and with cated. The Parade will assemble at the continued help of all shipniates it will continue on a straight course. Welliiigton llarracks and will march in the Horse Guards for the service “Raggie." the branch reporter. .says:* at o'clock and then return to "It is good to hear the steady patter of theeleven barracks for dispersal. The canteen feet on the mess‘ deck—it reminds me ot the measured tread when ‘Up at the barracks will be placed at the disposal of those taking part in the Spirits‘ was piped." parade and their friends. The HeadThe branch has been showing the quarters‘ (flub will. as usual. be open. flag around Skegness and district by as will also branch clubs such as means of socials and lilm 5lltl\\s. liattersca. Lewisham. West Ham and through the work of members under I l‘.imw.‘ortlt. the direction of Shipmate Toyne. The l26 Committee hopes that boasts of a lively comple- everyone attending the Conference will Skcgness otlicers of and comntittcc and at l avail themselves of the hospitality ment the helm is founder member Sltipnnitc being provided and, equally import;1nt_ W. ii. Riitford. The scribe is Ship- that they will find it possible to remain mate K. Williams. who. it is said. is in London overnight (or. if living near, the only matelot to ptit a fender out return next morning) in order to stipto stop H.M.S. Royal Arthur bumping. port the Drumhcad Service on the The treasurer is Shipmate Jackson. an Sunday .



ex~Royal Marine.

Anyone requiring information


The Ladies‘ Section has put in a the arrangements the 126 Committee lot of good work and the members is making should get in touch with its thank them sincerely for their efforts. secretary.

are on

either side of the


N referring to his first year as President of the Bridport branch of the Royal Naval Association at the annual general meeting. Admiral Sir Gerald V. Gladstone. G.B.l-3.. K.C.B., spoke of the wami spirit of comradeship he had experienced. The chairman of the branch. Shipmate W. M. Pcrlitt. said it was the wish of the members that the Adntiral should continue in otlicc. in his report the chairman thanked the members for their support with llair with an inscribed special reference to the work of the Rear-Admiral H. R. Law presents tanliard. (Photo by courtesy of Warren and Rod l.til.. Portlanil) secretary. He also spoke of the ntany social events which had taken place during the yc;ir_ saying that the highlights were the visit to West Bay of H.M.S. Yaxham and the annual reunion al the Festival Hall. Shipmate J. A. Richards. the treasurer. said that tile Bridport branch had again made contributions to naval charities and the branch funds were Ill‘: first and only branch of the N. B. Daltl. R.N.. and A. licnnett. satisfactory. .\lcmbership had increased. btit there were still zt number Royal Naval Association in Esq. Capt. Thomas is the first life of ex-naval men in and around Brid- Australia. the Queensland brancii. at member and he was one time .\’.ivalport that the branch would like to see Brisbane. was inaugurated with six Olliccr-in-(flizirgc.llrisbanc. become members. members on September 7. I961, and it The secretary. Shipmate R. P. Jones. Box ZIOOW. (i.P.0. lirisbanc. says that now has a membership of 40. 0l"l-'lClALS The president of the branch is the members "down under" have not The lnttowing officers vicic cteciril: l’ii-sidcrit. Admir.il‘.S'ir Gerald V. Gladslnnti me-amt- l.ieut.-Cdr. H. R. B. Smith. .\l.B.E.. forgotten Commercial Road. or Union R.N.. and the vice-presidents are Capt. Street. yet. anil sends greetings to all R. M_ -,-_ .m,n,_ L,»m__(_,,‘,n¢, M R‘ om E. P. Thomas. 0.ll.lE.. R.N.. Liciit. branches of the Association. (fmdr. li. \\'. \_\'oodrutl: chairman. Mr. W. .\l. Pertitt: \t\'C>\hJIlII|-In. Mr. l..'J. Roche: secreMr, M’.

. ii


‘Down unders’ do not" forget Commercial Rd.

gen?‘ (,_-i‘gIr;;ht:-(gin \(';'r--rig-_=ti-';-fir--I[;=c~‘rl._

Finstifify had as


ACH year finds the I-‘insbury Branch of the Royal Naval Association in a better position than before this state of affairs encourages Hliose who work so hard for the good of the branch and of the .-\ssoci:iton. 'lh-.-re are one or two new faces in the various olliccs as a result of the Aniiual (icneral Meeting. but the "old faithftils"‘ are still "roped in" for




R. N. Fast: social secretary. Mr. ur)‘. J. .\lcl).m:ld: treaiiircr. Mr, J. It. Richards: committee. Mr. J. li. Jones. .\tr. t‘. R. Shaw. Mr. R. V. R. ('ollin\. Mr. R. Poole. Mr. C. \\'.'ttcrs and .\tr. I1. \\':tnt.'.

‘The Law’





The Annual Dinner on February l7 regarded as about the lincst that l\\'il\' -has been held. Shiprnatcs_ wives and friends totalled H7 and the meal was The presentation of the compass to the .-\sIil'orii branch. tshipinatc Standcn c.\cclli:nt one in ideal surroundings (chairirtzini. Sliipriizite Philpott (sci-retziryl. Shiprnalc Murray (vcic-president). an with tirst-class service on all sides. Shipiiiate llaiiipsliire. Shipmati: Aiiili-rsiiii anil three of the visitors at the The branch had "The Law" as Hill |llt‘lll(l:l_\ party guests of honour this year as an who is a .\'.itional tfouncillor. Others .;ipprcciation of the valiiable service ptescnt were Sliipzuatc "Jtnnpi:r" rendered on the occasion of the (‘ulhiis from (iilling.-ham and Ship- Standaril ilediczition. In addition. Shipmatc Tom Aspicy. .\o. 2 Area Secre- mate Wltccler. Ntitional ('ouucil repret.ir_\' and sltipinutcs froitt l'olls'cstoni: sent:iti\.'i:. the Area l)cput_v President. .<.utl ('.-interbiiry. Shiprnate liatcs. representatives from Those present had it delightful sur- the ll‘.".lllt]llilfl‘.'f\' Roll. South—Wc.st prise. for durini_.: the tZ\’Clllllg Vice- Lnnilun. Stzininore and iilstree. Wettiof lll~'. l-tth annual general meeting ; l'icsidcnt Shipmatc l)oit .\lurr;iy pre- blcy. iinlield. l-Idaionton. T\sickenI sented the of braitch Ashford (Kent) on behalf of .\lrs. .\lurra_v. who ham. and from the Royal .\larines tilt-‘i when .-\.'.sociation. Royal .\".rvaI could not be present because of illness. .»\.ssociation joined in the gaicty of 1 sanie otlicers were re-clectcd for the I ll bcaiitiftilship‘s compass. very line evening. followed by ensuing year. wits quickly The branch Social Committee hopes The "Messdcck Dodger." in his rcthe 14th birthday party. purt. mentioned the welcome given to to cash in on the wonilcrftil spirit that Sonic 60 members and their lzttlics a new member. Shipniate Ronnie was abroard that evening and has alattended the party. during which a l.e\s-is, front H:inworth branch. des- ready planned an outing to the coast large iced cake with H cantllcs. made cribing him as a "real live spark.“ and in Julie and :1 dance next September. by .\lrs. G. i-\. Philpott. wife of tltc the thanks of the Asbford members to Any costal branch that would care to branch secretary. was cut by Shipmatc the ladies who. as always. put on a entertain Finsbury in June should get in touch with the secretary. J. W. Dyckcs, of the Chuthant branch. ivondcrful spread.

A surprise 1 for Ashford;


All hands to the


The two big problems






April. 1962

Casualties-f‘?l“.‘l Aircraft

through the American Communication Centre. delays occurred due to the

American orgztnisation. It was imperative that a British Conimtinication Centre should he established and this was accomplished in less than three weeks. and. as the weeks and months passed. :1 tremendous amount of ciphers and signal trallie pass:d through the British Centre adinirably controlled by Lietit. Wzilsli. R.N.\".l{.

extra work thrown on the



of the .\!onrr.i' .S’mrVv. ('opl. ll'tiiclil. who war the FIRST I‘R0l3l.lC.\l ()\’l’.RC().\‘ll'I .\'r.'rior ifririili .'\‘rii'u! ()17ii‘t-r on the iilriml u/ .\!.ii:rrr. rlrv .liuj.,-t- Iv.-ire prcpirrrii by Al Mzinus there was :1 large American Ihe .'lIIl(’fl(‘tlIl.\'/mm n'lii'i'Ii to 1‘miriiim' the war ii;-riirrir Jirpmi. Ioltl o/ the hospital. splendidly equipped pr.-prirritiriri ii] (Iii: lln'rr'.\li r\'rii'u! Crimp iri:.l Ilic rt'a:l_v rn\i.irrii.'i‘i' of Hit‘ iiiilitary of capable dealing with L500 stretcher A iiri'i'1'r'tirrr.) llli British l':1citie I-'li.-et. now Task Force No. 37. had sailed front L'litlii on cases. and it was to this lio.s'pital that (In his pn'r:'uirr



.\l:ireli 23. I945. :iiid reaelietl the combat 1.onc. till’ (llillllllfll.on .\l:trcli 26 the casiialties oi" the British Pacitic Fleet aiiil were engaged uliuost continuously. lionibartling .l:tp;incsc island linses. or were dealt \vith. bill it quickly bcc:1mc bombing them from aircraft llimu oil’ front the carriers. .lapaiii.-se aircraft; attacked the Fleet releritlt-ssly with suicide bombers. 'l'lll£ M.-\.\‘US STORY Many casuzilties‘ occurreil. in both pcrsoniicl and aircraft. Thus‘. two prohli.-ms arose which the by autltoritics at .\l;1uus were called upon to deal with. l-'irst. personnel (".lsu;|llics Captain ll. 1-‘. WAl(3ll'l' .\(‘('tln(ll)'- those of aircraft. 0.8.1-2.. R.\'., (ret.) i\le:inwlii|e the (I.L'll\'llli.'s‘ and re- senior Aincricziii olliccr of the Air .spotisihilities ot the British naval party ['Ul'\.'L'. llowcver. tlirougli the good l1.id expanded rapidly. The cllieieut liaison of Cdre. lioak and his Chiet":app.'irent that there wotild soon be an liaiidliiig oi" the Fleet mail hail always Stall (Jtlic-.:r. Capt. Day. agreeineiit;.,w,,].,w_ After coiistillalion with been ess.:nti.i| tor maiiitainiiig :1 high was reaelied to set tip a British naval lle:idq1iarter.s :1t .\l':llJillll'tl.: and slaiidarti oi morale. We were tortu- air otlice :1t Momote. to work in .‘s’ytlney and in liaison with the Amerinat: in having the services of Lieut. liaison with the American otlice. can Commodore :tiid Senior .-\inerican W. Burgess. R.i\'.\’.R.. who was :1 .\ledic;tl ()tlicer. it was decided to set NA VAL AIR ORGAN IS.-\'l‘l()N (i.l'.(). e\pert in civil life. as "Fleet :in Air Casiialty Cleataiiee Service Mail ()tlieer." By :1rr.'ingemeut with Lzinding \trips'an1l lay-hys were allo- tip between .\ianiis and S_vdue_v. under the Ctlre. lloak. :1 large area of the cated. We \vere able to tise part of ti direction of the British Camp Medical American .\lail Ollice was taken over hangar for servicing and ntinor repairs. Ollicer. Surgeon-Lt. A. D. Mitchell. and organised to deal with the large Two huts were to be used for the re- R.N.\".R. qtiaiitiiies of letters and p.'t.’Ccls' :trriv- ceipt ot‘ stores. and in:1ils for onward For this purpose. several planes int: by air from Sydney. 'l‘hes’e were ;tIi-.p;iteh and the Aineric;m Transit were iuade a~.ai|;ible. and six nursing rapitlly sorted and t.lisp:iti.‘lted forward {Camp was made availztble to accom- sisters were sent forward from Sydto the combat zone by .-\tuerieau 'mo1l:ile British ollicers and ratings en ney and aceom:itod.1ted in the Ameri:iircr;1l't. route to the ships in the combat zone. can hospital. the only place where Tlitis was laid the foundation of :1 women were allowed. This mtichla the hurry to get :1 naval party from Sydney to i\l;:ntis. little thought purely British "i\':1val Air Organisa- needed service was soon running ellihad been given to likely air require- tion." adininistered by the Senior lL'lCllll_V'. so problem one. mentioned ments. At Momolc. situated about l5 British Naval Ollicer. and efliciently above. was .siicees,st'1illy dealt with. miles east of the inain base at Loren- controlled by Lieiit. Coles. R.N.V.R. Running in parallel with the need Whereas in the initial stages all for casualty clearance was the one for gua. :1 large American airtield had been constructed. but the administra- Vi/.’l' comniunications. telepriuts. servicing planes brought forward by tion \'.‘.l\ mainly tinder the control of :1 ciphers. ete.. had to be dealt with .




The American ('hurch.

.\l:inu.s'. The cliurcli. which would hold 1.009. built of wood cut l'rom the surroitiitling jungle


and cltibs. good mess- i llowevcr. as these huts were very ing 2.lL'Ct)lllll1t)Llilllt)|'| for ratiiigs. a i or-_.-:iitlj.' required. I p.-r.sti;tt|.-tl the splendid up-to~d.tle cool;lioiise. ice- (‘ouiziiotlore to inspect the British eream niacliines, and.cver_v possible caiup. alter which the two additional buts were obt;tin-ed‘. “But." said the ztmcnity. I returned to .\lanus greatly irri- (‘o:uiuodore. “no more tiittil I know pressed. hoping that I could gain the what your tiii.i| l'1:t.|llll'L‘lllclll.\ilI'L‘likely support of Cdrc. lion}; in startiiig nego- to he." 'l'hus he opeiietl the door wide tiations for a "t.ike-over." The one tor an otlicial request which was drawback was the seaward approachj quickly produced. it had long been the desire to obtain to the island. Ferry carriers would need to anchor :1 long way oti shore. and siitlicient accommodziliou in Mantis to the planes transported on a lighter- provide a cookliouse and set .separ;tte (which was :t\':tll;tl‘llt2) to the one and messes. and victual the British peronly jetty on the isl:1nd.b in other sonnel from stores now available in advantages. which were many. made Fleet train supply ships. it had already this snag appear trivial. been possible to obtain rum. The British ratings were becoming tired of Tl{l)l0US NI-IGOTI.-\Tl().\’S .-\:iieric;iii diet. and were pleased to The negotiations were tedious. but hear of an impending change. the "take-over" was finally agreed. and. l)l-Z.-\'I'll 0|-‘ PR!-ISIDI-1t\"l‘ together with the Anierican construcR()()Sl-IV!-2L'l' tor commander. i paid several visits On April l2. I9-I5. the news of the sudden death of President ,,. . Roosevelt came as :1 very great shtick to the American and British personnel. The President had been regarded by all with very real affection. A memorial service was held in the beautiful church. which had been built with timber obtained from the jungle. The church had accommodation for L000 oflieervi and ratings. and was open daily and used by every Christian denomina-





..but ordered from your Willcrbys Naval Manager. this superbloungcsuit cmbodicsall that is finest in London tailortng...it.nd you can pay by allotment if you wish! Our Na.vi11 Managers visit. your ship or shore station regularly-or it‘ you're :1 native. they'd be glad to call and see you at your own home. They'll take your order for suit. coat, leisure clothes. shoes. SlllI'l.3 and of course,unit‘orms. all tatlorcdln the tiuest tradition. with :1 secviec to match the tailoring. Willcrbys -.\'av;tl Mitnagers will be glad to tell you all about it when they're next aboard: or you can drop us a line or call in at any or our branches for a leaflet describing Willcrliys service to men in the Service.


B.P.F. in its first sortie had remained in the combat zone oil Okinawa for :1 period of 30 days or more. being constantly attacked by Japanese bombers. They withdrew to Lcylc for the purpose of replenishing stores. ammunition and provisions and to relucl and obtain a nccdful rest for



28-30 0X?0RD ST., LONDON W.1 82 Royal Parade. Plymouth 111 Commercial Road. Portsmouth 5 L_ondon Rd., North End. Portsmouth 228 High Street. Chatham 20 Above Bar. Southampton It Gordon Street. Glasgow 12 North Bridge. Edinburgh 52 Commercial Street. Dundee 20 High Street. Beltast 253 Main Street. Gibraltar filter: to the service:-Branches ttti-autlwiit Great Britain

ships’ companies.

British Camp. Mantis. being

Commodoiie.AiLet't to inspectedwlliyl-Aiiiueiricnn R..V.. British

commanding Book. U.S.N.. Commander. Naval Base. and Capt.

right: Capt. H. I-'. Waight.

units. Cdre. .l. E. A. C. Day. U.S.N..

But this (lid not mature according to plan. The Fleet anchored a long way from Lcytc. with no opportunities for shorcgoing. There were no amenities available as had been found at Mantis. Admiral Rawlings arranged for a distribiitiou of beer from the N.A.A.F.l. ship to the Fleet. The re-

American Chief of Stall’ plenishmcnt operation meant working the ferry aircraft carriers. H..\I.S.s ings and equipment worth some day and night shifts. and the Fleet Striker. Arbiter. Vince and Unicorn hundreds of thousands ol ounds. The sailed again for the combat zone on from Sydney. before they took oil native: who had original y inhabited .\tay l. for the combat zone to replace planes the island had been transferred to N0 SHOT WAS FIRED destroyed. They not only brought another group. So all was set for the planes but vital stores and personnel Fleet Air Arm stall to move in. and As the Americans advanced through to replace those tinI'orttin:ttcly killed later it was commissioned as :1 b;1se.= the Central Pacilic. groups of islands under its own commanding otlieer. so were by-passed. One of these was the or seriously wounded. problem two had been overcome. Carolines. in which was situated Truls. FIX!-Il) AIRCRAFT A ISLAND By the end of M:ty. I945. power From there on the night of April 2‘) CARRIER boats and motor transport had arrived two bombers set out to attack Manus. the Air Arm used The American from Australia. together with person- They had no ditlieulty in locating it. for servicncl to man them. This meant more because the Aiuericans never blacked larger hall" of Pityilu island ing and repairing planes. First it was men to be fed from American out the base. and the lights compared agreed that the British. too. could use sources. and more huts for sleeping well with those of Blackpool of peaceit. but here again. as with the Ameri- accommodation. The original otlieial ful d:i_vs. Coiiseqiiently. the Americans can hospital. the Americans felt we request had been for eight htits. On :1 were caught on the wrong foot. The were crowding them otit. and hamper- good-will basis. the number had in- Japanese scored :1 hit on each ship in ing them in their own activities. But in creased to 30. when l requested two the two large floating docks. btit only addition to Pityilu. they used “Ponam more. Cdrc. Bonk said: “I cannot trade superlicial damage was caused. The Island" as an overtlow repair and with you on :1 good-will basis any bombers got :iiva_v withotit an angry flow repair and servicing organisation. longer; put your cards on the table and shot being tired. (To be continucd next month.) This was situated some 1‘) miles 1 will consult my C.-in-C." N.N.W. of Mantis. As the question of servicing British ‘EVERYTHINGFOR THE NURSERYplants was most urgent. I requested permission from Cdre. Bonk to be EXCEPT THE BABY’ allowed to visit Ponam island. It was AGENTS FOR one and a half miles in widili. surrounded by :1 coral reef which exSilver Cross, Wilson, Marmet, Montford, Tansad, etc. tended :1 long way oil’ shore. The runBUY YOUR PRAM AND NURSERY SPECIAL CONCESSIONS OFFERED way extended through the centre and of entire length the island. NEEDS av NAVAL ALLOTMENT TO SENIOR SERVICE FAMILIES On landing. l was met by the comBABY-LAND BABY-WORLD manding otliccr. who took me on a 6 Grove Road South. Southsea 303/S Copnor Road. Portsmouth tour of inspection. The island was virPorts (Phone: MI24) (Phone: Ports 263l6) tually zi ‘fixed aircraft carrier. Around the perimeter were well-equipped WHEN YOU NEED PRAMS AND \vork.sliops with machines and tools of NURSERYWARE—YOU NEED US every description. electrically operated. There were a church, hospital. cinema.




Irresistible’s last fight I




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ilu ilflemnrizun

A R I)Al\‘l-ILL!-IS! What memories‘ that name brings back to the soldiers John Ivan Jenvey. Junior Seaman 2nd Class. P/065l48. ll..\l.S. and sailors of the First World War. To one man in particular March I8 Raleigh. Died February 4. I962. each year brings hacll not only the shot and shell. the excitement and horror David William Williams‘. Shipof war. but also the loss of a line ship—ll.t\l..'s'. lrresisliblr.—s'unll by enemy wright Artiticer 1-st (Tl-ass, action on that da_\. -l7 years ago. l’/.\l.\'888689. ll..\l.S. Vernon. The mart is .\lr. .l. A. l.out:|t. of uerc about ii to I0 miles up the Died February [5, I962. llzreks (ireen. near llorsham. who Straits when we started firing: in fact? Philip George Lanlacr-.lft. Artifi\\.':S a survivor from the battleship. we had the Narrows in view. ccr Apprentice. 063222. ll..\t.S. 'l he following is a letter he sent to his l-'isg:rrd. llied February 22. 1962. Sill!‘ HIT ulfe from the Royal .\.';tval llospilal. Austin (lrntside. Petty (lflieer. "We kept on tiring until about four Malta. ill .\l;rrch. lll|5. “here he “(is .l/.lX66l697. lI.l\l.S[.\l. rccov-.-rirlg front wotrrlds rec;-ivetl in o'cloel.‘. when something very heavy Died February 23. I962.Ampllitm. struck the ship. which l guessed was the action. Francis Collins. Radio Operator "We entered the l)artlaue|les in com- either a mine or a torpedo. .\'o sooner [st Class. l)lSS93tll06. ll..\l.S. party with seyerttl other ships about had it struel; tilt: ship than all the Afrilrander. Died Msirch l. I962. noon on March Hi. I think we were electric lights went out. There were a the third group to mal.e an attack. we good many near me. :md we all ran \I. ere all prepared to malre a big splash up on deck. blowing up our life-bells (Continued from column 2) that day. so were very exeiteil. We as we went. lly that time the ship hatl taken a list to starboard and on board the Queen Elivabetll to steam was rushing tip the exllaust have our wounds attendetl to. and front there were dispatched to the pipes from below. "We threw all the pieces of timber Royal Naval Hospital. .\lalta. oil the we could lind merboard. so that we hospital ship ‘Sandam' and hope to should have something to hang on to sail for honte soon." when we made our linal plunge. Frorlt there I found myself on the quarterlI.\cel|ent prospects for these deel; the fort side. The shells from a the forts were pouring down on us.. l-‘. as is reported. the Admiralty but we (lltl not care \L'l')' much about Choose traditional warship names that just then. beginning with "V" and "W" for atom subruarines. I wonder whether Rl:'.SCl.'l-El) BY I)!-ISTR()\’l-ZR "To our intense surprise we saw rt they will dare to resurrect "hate class" We are limiting for a number of young men n.-lines like Vindietivc and Vcnomorrs. destroyer coming alongsitle. We soon The to assist in carrying out functional testing Navy has always had a freakish and de\e|r-ptnent work (‘It .1 wide \-trrely ol ,startcd to hoard her. when the order habit of naming ships after the less electronic equipntent. 1 hey will be nnen full lwas man for himself." ‘livery given with her amiable human qualities: in this cen<\!!)' encoura;-etncni tt.i-rung loge the slightest excitentent or panic to progress to lingineering grades. we have had. among others. fatal the .-\l| left shown. as tury ship was A good starting \.|l.ll’_\ will he paid to men llrazcn. Hatughly. Surly. if going on ‘liberty leave." Shells Arrogtlril. There with either .1 basic lnowlctlee ant.l experience is something to he Impulsive. uf elevlrunit: circuits or education to ()..V.('. were bursting around us very thickly said for Furious and Terrible. either or (i.C.li. 'A' letci in .\l.tllt\]l’lI)3ls.'S. by that time and it was getting rather of which I prefer to the ambiguous l here are excellent stall lsenelils In operation. warm. The next thing I rcntcmber was Quail. l have al\\ay.s‘ thought it was hit. l was still on board the asking getting much of ratings to go round Pleate write in detail to: ‘lrresistihlc.‘ but I at once slipped over with Dainty or Pansy on their caps: the side. and was eventually picked up fortunately The l't-rsonnt-I .\lanz:t-r it is a very long time sint:e had time all that yr By destroyer. by there was :i ship called Virgin. lneil‘Il.l.l()‘l'l‘ llR()'l'llERS left our ship with the exception of the dcntally. the Americans have a sub(London) l.l.\ll'l'l-ID captain aml commander. marine by the name of Aspro. l:ti;CtI were the we "l-"mm tleslruyer lilstree \\’a_v. llurelumnood. llertu [With ltChlln\\'lL'(lQlllL‘lll\lo "l’ttneh."l (Continued ill column 3)


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held uuarlrrly al lI..\I. I)-».ln.od~ hum(.‘().\ll'!\.V\' is Prepared to .\¢;ent mouth. |)clo:1port and Rusylh and at the R .\'. .“l"ElllL'-1lt(I“ lrom ntm-(‘ommtvooned Perm.-met .\l.Y. l.0flI.l0lltlL'l’l)', Northern lrela.-id. In 'rhtr to train to: the position ot Ull-Lice:-.ee Sales rrltotruatron and applreatrtrn lorms tan be oh.'~t-nnatrer. A tr.nr-nne rcrmd at three n-avnths till lainrd lrom the ('lIrel (‘on\l.:t"-e. Aumtmlly he xixm: rhrt I\ In add ton to those who are (‘onsI:bulary_ Queen Anne'\ Man SI. 1, available to ..-.t.'n out an f.'.\',T. ('our«:_ 1: may lames's l’.urk_ l.t-nd-an. SZW. Sen e perhe of tn:rre\t to .\rvp't.ant\ to know that lll2,\ wnnel uixhtntz to unite apptrtatttun \ltutIltl do ('onmar.y l\ ncarlv hU'.'. manned by Pcrwnnel so through their (’omru.indr.~tt: tilIt.t-I, in lmm the Rmal .\':nv. .l\rvnlreants should he accordance with .‘\dmii.xl:)- Heel Urdu It-uI.*.'I. married and in pm-exsrorl ol .1 current amine are


lrrerrte. It l\ mu.-n~ .11 that an lh(‘\( (\\.'|\iI.l<‘tI.'t.: this r\w::rt-n .\t-.. he lren on .1 Sales career. l.\‘5l‘Hl'(.'IUR lrtlttlretl at RoSl‘.’\ llt-.uc_ Road All /\t!D5t;.’Inl\ may If required alter their lrarnin: t‘en1:e lhde l’.t.'\ ('tr:nc.'. lIr'tIlI‘ll. initial l:.uni:1t: rcrtvd to carry out Relzel l)u::es. (‘Ll-.z\N l)R|\‘lN(l l|t'l-N I; l\;\t \'ll.\l the p--\::t.'n at an (til-lt.en.c S.Ile\ .\l.t.-lager Kmlhlfllgc of in:ern.tI (l'll’1l".i\:1tVll X‘.-‘.|':.".t‘ and nrrlmrr-. rn\t.‘n.'t:on.1l e\rertcr:.e .t‘7\ ~t‘ltr:e c’.Iffle\ him it L'|‘l‘d t.'I‘ll1H'lfn( .t ..


l'€ll\7\'ll. p.tl\ (olnnl: l_ and de\i:.tt\‘e_ .'s'..t:tmt; \.li.Zl\ ll! per luck o't:\ -..'n;Ill lurng .tc.t\-rirraoctalrtrn. lhose who are -lli\H|.IIl\C. Amt!) lll \\tIllIlL’ to Ihe. .\e.r(larY. rnrereszed ctmttd request an .-\ppl:catron l'o:m Ruxl‘.-\ tl.R.). 52 (lrtmenoi tlatdrru. lnadon. .

.i 1liEf:thc.'_\Allh free

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Instructors are required in the Aircraft Service Department Training School for instructing on Electrical, Radio and Radar Equipment for the "Belfast" Aircraft which is initially going into Service with R.A.F. Transport Command. We are particularly intercstcd in hearing from near-retirement R.N. personnel who have had experience as instructors and in Aircraft Servicing. Assistance with housing and removal expenses available to successful applicants if married and resident in Great Britain. Applications. which will be treated in strict confidence. should give details of qualifications, experience. age, etc., and should be addressed to:



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April. I962

Four events won by H.M.S. GaugeS THE SCORE FLATTERED SCHOOLIES but H.M.S. St. Vincent top in sailing and cross country Bonus marks gave EMPIRE MEDALS tor Branch centres. Davies and Hill. clinched matters and indeed made the

annual fixture between the Instructor Branch of the Royal Navy and the Royal Army Educational Corps was played at the Army School of Education. Beaconstield. on March I-I. the Naval “Schoolies” winning by I8 points to 3. A cold wind worried the spectators more than the players. and conditions were good for fast. open rugby. Both teams tried hard to keep the game open and some exciting. it‘ scrappy. play resulted. The Instructor Branch opened the scoring with a blind side try from their right wing (D. Etheridge) after a break from a set scrum near the Army line by the Navy scrum-half. B. I-lay. Glyn Thomas. the Navy hooker. who captained the Instructor Branch team. added two penalty goals and the left centre. M. Davies. ran from halfway to score a splendid solo try just on ha|t'—time. The Army had c.'irlicr kicked a penalty goal so. at halt-time. the instructor I-lrancli led by nine points. After the interval the Army. with the wind behind them. came into the III-I first match of

victory to the

HONOURS FAIRLY EVEN Ill-‘. Il..\t.S. Ganges v. Il..\tS. St. Vincent games were played at Shotley on March 10 and on the whole the games were fairly shared between the two establishments, Ganges winning four. St. Vincent two. with one drawn. In the basketball. Ganges. with J./ whistle came with no score to either Seaman Steel. a youth trialist for Inter- side. This was not the end. as St. Vinnational honours in their team were cent decided very sportingly to chaltoo good for St. Vincent. and Ganges lenge Ganges to an extra ten minutes could have scored even more had they each way. The home team accepted not taken so long to get going and and found the necessary energy to prehad they avoided a large number of dominate. .I./Seaman Bradshaw scoring fools in the first few minutes. two goals. Whilst Ganges hoped the crosscountrv team would be able to do AN ICXCI-'.I.l.ENT CAM I-‘. something spectacular on their own After the heavy defeat of the course. they knew well the qtiality of the St. Vincent runners as a team Ganges rugby team last term it was to find that (iangcs had the having already beaten them on three surprising better back division and were at least pI"\!Vlt\tl\ occasions during the season. equal in the forwards from the beAs the results show. this team again of the game. The lirst score proved superior to the Ganges side ginning but they provided the intlivitlttal win- went to St. Vincent when they kicked a penalty goal after several of the er in J.i'Scaman Mars-_hall in a new record of l‘) min. 48 scc.. I2 Ganges team had been caught offside. seconds in front of the lirst St. Vincent Ganges soon equalised after a short period on their 0pponcnts' line when junior. The shooting was extremely close a line kick put the hall right in the and only It points separated the two corner for a Iineout. Rather foolishly. St. Vincent had a somewhat loose line teams. and threw the ball in short for a -‘ In the soccer. St. Vincent shocked Ganges forward. .I. R. 0. Saunders, to Qanges with two early goals and Ganand dive over the line. ges were struggling desperately to sci7c In the second half. Ganges came adapt themselves to the conditions and very close to scoring on a number of keep St. Vincent otit. I-lmvcver. their 0L‘C:tsiuttS but the St. Vincent defence morale was restored when the St. Vincent goalkeeper made an error to give held out. An excellent game to watch. The sailing had to he postponed Ganges :1 goal and by half-time the until Sunday forenoon because of the scores were level at two ciich. Thu‘ excitement was intense. with Ganges lack of wind on Saturday. In this race. were easily the winners on having the advantage of home stip- St. Vincent points and also provided the individual P0l'tL'l\ numbering close on 1.800 winners of the cutter and whaler races. juniors. Soon after the interval. McPherson RESULTS of Ganges scored with a tremendous shot and gradually the more experiBasketball: H.M.S. Gunter tint H.M.S. St. enced (ianges XI wore down their \'iII.ent .‘~I— 6. .23 Shooting: H.M.S. Ganges heat H.M.S. St. opponents and two more goals settled Viiiccnt .‘Rt—~S?.l. the result. even though St. Vincent (‘mu Country: Ill»! 5. St. Vincent but (mm vs -1.17. narrovsed the margin with :i late goal. ii_.\i.s. Socrcrt lI..\l.S. (Linen heat Il..\I S. 5:. Vin-



Illi Home Air Command team. Instructor Lieut. R. M. Kerry, B.Sc.

(Royal Naval Air Station. Arbroatb). C.P.(). I-‘. T. Sigley and P.(). A. P. V. Edglngton, with C.P.O. A. C. Abbott as reserve (all from Royal Naval Air Station. Yeovllton),beat R.A.I-‘. Technical Training Command in the semifinal of the B.B.C.‘s competition. “Sporting Chance."

The result of the closely contested game was in doubt until the very last question when C.P.O. Siglcy answered the "Third in a Row" and gained the bonus marks which gave victory to the sailors. Score was R.A.F. Technical ‘Training Coiniitand. 42, Home Air Command 45. This tense semi-final was broadcast at 8 p.in. on Wednesday. March 28. in the B.B.C.‘s Light Programme. and ineans that the Home Air Command team will meet either R.A.F. Germany or R.A.F. Bomber Conimand in the final. to be broadcast on Wednesday. April It.



SPOR'l'I.\'G ST. \"I.\'('T-INT The (iangcs hockey team started



llorke): |I..\I.S. Ganect heat

Vincent 2


and the goalkeeper was called Ganicrs upon In make his first save within a


minute‘. Gradually the team settled down and started to play together btil still. in the first half. St. Vincent were noticeably quicker on the ball. However. ttcitltcr team had any real shots at goal even though they bothtgot the ball into the circle. In addition. a number of solo runs were made but these were thwarted by the goalkeepers who were always ready to come out to meet the attackers with aggression. In the second half. Ganges got on top but still could not score and the final

Five good reasons why

A.M.P. POLICIES are best sellers!

1 J.

Rosin: Draw 0.

|l..\I S.

S‘!-— 40.


Il..\I,S. St.

Vincent treat


PRESENTATION was made on March 7 at the office of the Commodorc. Naval Drafting (Lythe Hill House. llztslemcrc). before the ship's cotiipany and civilian stulf by the Cmniuodure. Cdre. R. Iltirt, D.S.0.. l).S.C and Bar, to Mr. Albert Edward

Sniithers. The ('ommodoi'e presented Mr. Smithers w_ith a fotirth bar to the Royal Society of Accidents Safe Driving hledal for over I4 years safe

linal It

a new


in a

look somewhat llattering.



was a

very good spirit.




British Empire Medals 'I‘W0 handed by Rear-Admiral A. R.



Ilezlet. C.B.. I)S.0. and Bar. D.S.(?.. Flag Otliccr Scotland. at an imestiture held at Admiralty House. Rosylh, on March II. The recipients were Engine Room Artificcr J. Aitchison. now serving in H.M.S. Duncanshy llead. Rosyth and ex-C.P.(). R. I-2. Mayer.-r. 239 Queensferry Road. Rosyth. Aitchison

awarded the B.F...\I. while serving in H.M.S. Hartland l’oin_l. "The engines in his charge required a large repair and maintenancc cllort to keep them running and. on his own initiative. he worked long hours. day and night. to keep them running." said the citation. C.P.0. Mayes was awarded the 3-I3-I“. for outstanding zeal and devotion to duty \vliile serving in H.M.S. Dolphin as a works study recorder/analyst. “He not only earned the respect and contidence of his and were unlucky not to colleagues but of all the otliccrs and game more several occasions. score on ratings whose work he had to Two break-away tries by the Instruc- was part of thecitation. R. Instudy." R. was

TUBORG ton taste in layer By appointment to the Royal Danish Court. the Royal Swedish Court and the Royal Greek Court

driving. Actually Mr. Smithcrs has now over 40 years safe driving to his credit. but he did not join the Society's


l’revcnlion ot‘ Accidents Scheme until I‘)-I3.

Mr. Sinithcrs has been engaged for niaiiy years as C‘ommotlore‘s personal driver at the Navtil I-lcatlquarlcrs. He lives at 30 Hatchetts Drive. Woolmer llill. llaslemerc. and has been in Admiralty service since l‘J»lll.

Manadon wins Plymouth Command I-l..\l.S. Sea Eagle very close Drama Festival rtiiincr-up with William Douglas Reluctant Debutante." this year’: Drama Festival live Home's "TheLicut.-Cdr. J. W. Bailey. produced by INestablishments in the Plymouth followed by H.M.S. Raleigli-l-"isgard. nd the was a

Royal who performed “Witness for the ProCommand took part Naval Engineering CoIIc:c_. Manadon. secution." hy Agatha Christie. prowon the trophy with its Il‘l'iI'I comedy. by Iristruclor Licut.-Cdr. J. G. “Ste -in-the-Hollow." by Donflttb duced I-‘inn. Mac onagh, produced by Instructor Other establishments that entered Cdr. I-Z. C. Fenner. for the festival were the Britannia Royal Naval College. Dartmouth. with an original play. “The Hawesdale . VERY LOW PRI-ZMIU.\I RATI-La‘ Project." written and produced by Instructor l.ieut.-Cdr. R. I. Currie‘. and Q t.;\RGE ANNUAL BONIISFS ll..\l.S. l)rake with “Off the Record." by Ian Hay and Stephen King Hall. I’AlI)~UP AND CASH LIBI-ZRAI. . produced by Licut.-Cdr. ll. 1). Wans\'.\l.UI-S



AUSTRALIAN MUTUAL PI-IOVIDENT SOCIETY Tel: MAN 243l (I0 lines) 73-76 King William Street. London. E.C.-3 ASSETS EXCEED £-825,000,000

Bellamy. of the British l)_rama league. was the visiting adju.\lr. Cecil

dicator for the second year. The Commander-in-Cliief.

Sir Charles .\ladden, K.C.B..presentcd the Drama Trophy to the producer of the Royal Naval Engineering College's winning entry at the end of the final adjudication on Saturday. March I7. in H.M.S. Drake.



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"Navy News" to

L‘.‘iI.liI ot the l\'.\\\' News L‘.-::ixii.ttc.; by (i.ii.; .1, 1'.-1.1.-,-. t,im;ic.1_ ,\:.x,-:.:;_ig_

























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