N Navy ews
Royal Naval Uniforms BERHARDS 0FF|llERS' SHOP 40 COHMEflClAl. ROAD, PORTSMOUTH Telephone: 26l I‘ 30 ROYAL PARADE. PLYMOUTH Telephone: 6654) Promotion Orders a speciality. write for special details. e:c.. and be assured of personal attention
to your
l:l_0~.l 9.5
of the
Royal Navy
and The
Call in and son the delightful new Spring outfits, Sports Suits. llinaro Jackets and casual otaelu.
BERHARDS MEN'S SHOP Whenever you have a clothing requiremen: (oruult BERNARDS who really do sell and understand
30 ROYAL PARADE. PLYMOUTH Telephone: 66543
Naval Association
I’ii/)/i'.s'/zed_/irsl T/iiirsdu_i-' of the month
MAY. I962
good elothu.
l\F/Iaidstone can ‘Mother’l i HOMEWARD BOUND ‘
Nuclear Subs
niotlemisation and cOni‘crs'ion prograninie which has lasted about three and a half years. H.M.S. Maidstoiie was reconiiiiissioned in ll.M. l)ock_vard, Portsmouth,on Way 1. .\l;Ittlslt|tlI.'. built by John Brown & Co. |_id,, ('lydcb:in_k. l93(. to 1938, is now alile to act as :1 nuclear siil_~Im:irine support ship in addition to iiiaiiitaiiiiiig siibiiiaiiiies of all cl:iss'es' including. of course. the Porpoise and Oberon chisses. (‘uiiiinziiitled by Capt. C. B. liettierstuiie-t)ill.c. (‘.B.. Royal Navy. bmc- made ll" :-nvrrnlwri at the for the p;ns:ige north. the ship. which "l3l1'~'l'5- M°5‘l'5- R“‘l*"‘& l!0“_ll’l-'- l_l1|5 has :i tll\['Il:tL'L'l'Ill:llIof l2..‘l80 tons (full MCI! Pftwtllcd 1" ll“-' l~‘"‘.U"L‘|-‘Hills l-'I'l-IR
load). will be stationed at Fzisliinc D‘3l"3"_l""'-7'“ “I ll‘? ‘l"l'." "ml “hm ll“: iiiode_l_l U” "H. (;;m.im.h_ model_._s cxh:iiist_ is This fact indicates that Dreadnonglit. Britain's first nuclear-HI "'" "." "" ° pom.-rcrt submarine. will be llL er_. uo.ir m "It (Wydc when ‘hr mm“ mm soioiirnnorti o the llere seen leaving Singapore on the last journey of her eventful career is‘ the 2-I-_vear—old cruiser. H.M.S. Belfast ll.tl_:slttp Maidstone_w.is the Home ofMeet. ‘Nfiw 3' we end of the War Coniin;indi:r-iii-Chiet. .' —on her way home to join the Fleet RcM.‘I'\C. Belfast was cmiiiiiissioned just before the start of the last war and H.M.S. ;\l:iidslottc \\i'tll relieve (mm 1956 um" mks.” in Iund by three months after completion was mined in the Forth. necessitating :lll'tl0'lt complete reconstruction. Among her H.M.S. .-\tl;iin:int at Fiislane as them‘. dockyani in 1953‘ war-time tasks she provided cover for cunioys‘ to Russia. attaclted enemy shipping targets‘ In_ Norway’. took pill’! depot ship of the Third Siibmarinel in the Schiirnhorst action and supported the Army in the capture of Cacn. ‘During the_ lsorean _\\:ir Belfast will and relieve Adiimaiit Sqiuidroii. steaiiii.-d some 82.500 miles on the Far l-'.-.is1 Station and has spent most of her time in the trar I-.;is1 since the war. H..\l.S. l‘t-rtli as the depot ship of the
)l'i|I~it.'(.l_l lL‘
g,-rhl j r f ?II_\"'”"B"4l":"‘ l_l“l"' “ " Lht"tg;;‘"‘:l‘.l_‘ “_”"r:, \-“,‘ul_l-" l""."';'_". "l"d."""l>
goingl ‘
H.M.S. Hermes commissioned
Siibinarinc Squadron at Des-import. ll..\t.S. Forth is to go :i iiioderiiisation and conversion progniniiiic at H..\l. l)Ock_\':ird. Chatham. similar to that now in .\l;iidstni\e.
under-l complctedl
’B1G"if1§ES ’ii\iMi'3“}§Y FOR TH
.M.S. Hermes recomniissioned at Portsmouth on April 24. The recommissioiiing service was conducted l~‘l-iW I-I.\"l'l£RNAl. CHANGES the Rev. 5. .\‘lc(‘arraher. M.A.. Apart from :i lattice foremost and hy ailtlitioiial siiperstriictiire iimidships. Chaplain. Royal .\';ivy. order to attract young doctors into the Armed I.-orces. the Gorerninent has ; there Will he opportiiiiities for reDuring the cereiiiony .\l;iior- 1 the esteriizil :ippe:ir:ini:e of ~.\l:iidstonv: the advice of the British .\Icdic:ilAssocnilioii.vihich stated that new l_ir -t.'lll])ltl_\'ll'tt:llt in zi i:i\-ilian cap:iut_\ tor the D. Scott to accepted ‘(icneral (E. presented of (tillershow de:i| does not :i giciit naval medical otlieers. a silver ligiire of .\lereiir_v to mark l qualilied young doctors in adequate numbers and of good qiialitg would not be I‘ retired ship tri-iii when she taken in ence was could he olfered a substantial lead or er the reiiiiiiicra[1 but also be-cn ;[|l[||,\||tlcctl th;.t h.ind. but heti-.ccn decks. hlthough the coiineetion between the carrier and : forthcoiiiing unless they they could expect as doctors in civilian life. :iiid zinnounced new rates of L';ItlL’lsl‘Il]‘ls. e:irr_\'iiig coiiiiiiissioiicd :ill the PFL'\‘ll|tt\ \\tIrli's'll0ps' and ameni- [the Roytil Corps ul Signals. The tioii which are a considerable iidviincc on those now iihtaining. 5 rant. and with p:i_\' and itlltl\\’:|llL‘cs and ties such as laniidry. cinema. ete.. are Clllllflllltll of Viclgers tShipbtiilding). ; p:i_\ In liiliire the rank on entry into the Surgeon l.ientcn;int-(‘oiiimander (D). E I"i|.\'""-"ll “l l“l““" l“"- ‘‘''ll 5” coinpany built the ship. pre-‘ still :i\.iilable. considerable :ilti:r:iRo_\':il .\';iv_v after registration will be L‘-t lls. per day. rising by 2s. per day 3 uttered to mediczil stiidents who liars: tiuiis liave been tirade. adding to the senled zi silver bowl to the ship. Several hundred relatives and iSnrgeoi'i l.ieiiten;mt. and promotion to alter ciich year. Siirgeon Ciunlnzinder p:iw.‘tl Wctjlltl -\_l-ll i.-tlieieiiej. of the ship and the com- friends‘ 1.5 l-ls. the attended p;if:il1li.' sLltt:ntt:_ will he Iltlriitlttsccl or [‘;¢u[¢n;m[.('9n1n);,ndcf will igiml fiiirggoii CuIttn1:iIttlL‘t' (D). recominissioniiig tort ("ll the crew. which will number ceremony and many were taken take place after live years’ per tlit).l'|.\|ll[.: by 3s. per d;i_\' .ifter each It. doctor entering at the pre-iegistr.iiiboiit Silt). the ship by their hosts. They i.c.. aissiiiniiig entry at age 25. at the two _ve:irs' scnicc. Surgeon Captain and lit!" Nléltls‘ 0i ll!‘ %'1t"‘5¢TCapt. J. A. R. Troop. D.S.C. and around The new rates of pay. which are tlar. R|‘_\'lll Navy. the present com- saw the Commanding Otlieer. Capt. age of ,‘lti,:ind to Surgeon Commzinderl Surgeon (';ipt;iin (D). £7 per day. D. O'Brien. Roy:il Navy. assist his '.;t:b basic and do not iiicliitle marriage I I “U l;"38. Q.‘ niamliiig otlieer of H.M.S. Adamant. W. GR‘“"" (0"\SUl‘T""“r allowance. will miike doctors the Arraiigcmeiits for the assimilation will take over command of Maid- wife in the cutting of the commissionof serving otlieeis into this career It has been decided to introduce the richest men of their rank in the stoiie on her arrival at Faslanc. which. iiig cake. structure will he aiinoiinced Sll0fll_\‘. grade ut’ ('unsii|l;int and there will be wardroom and should do much to if \L';I lfltlls are siicecssfiilly completed. The new rates of pay are efleetivc better opportunities for eliiiical c.s- rcdttce a shortage which could he as I\ esperteil to be in the fourth week The Admiralt;.' state that |"tl(lll)' as 80 in the Navy next year. ,from April I and replace of .\l:i_\'. recently iinnuiineed. The second hall ‘H().\l Ii. SW1-It-Tl‘ H0.\ll~Z' W0 Chinese. serviiig in l*l..\l.S. of the increase which was to have been 1 A gas turbine for generating piirllelfast. now on her way to the {paid on April I. I963. will not be‘ poses. the llfsl of its kind in the Royal Uiiited Kingdnin. h'.n-e been detained p'.i_\':ible in adtlition to the new rates. N.i\_\. has been instzilleil during the re- on charges of attempting to smuggle lE\:imples of the new basic rates THE tit. Wlien gencratiiig. the _25 ft. heroin and opium. 'llie v;il_ue of the are: Surgeon l.ienten;iiit :ind Surgeon L'\ll1tll\l pipe is raised lrom its hedldriigs sei/ed has been cstiinated at l.ieiiIen:inl (D). [3 ltls. per day. on the Iureeaxtle. A model of this litr- I over £7tl().00t). lslllgctill l.icuten:int-Comintinder and
Opium in Cruiser
l 'l05|-‘ipL‘t’icl t.'c.
IIF..V H.M.S. Tahard commis- S. Mackenzie. 05.1’). and Bar. l).S.('.. sioncd at S_\'dnc_v on March 27. the Flag Ollicer. limit .-\ustr;iIi'.in Area. His Grace. 'I'ltc l.ord Archbishop of Rear-Adiniril G. C. Oldhaiii. C.ll.l€.. Spdiii-_i. l)r. Hugh Gough. .\I.C.. con- l).S.C.. R.A..\’.. Capt. R. Parker. dlIt'lt.'ll, the lilcssing of the ship. and R.A '\'. (rct.). (I t.‘llI.'t"'.ll Manager of« aiiiniig those present were the Flag (‘ockatoo l)0ckyard. the ('oniinandi:r. l Otliccr. Sulimzirines. Rear-Admiral H. I Founh Submarine l)i\‘i\inn. Cdr. l’.l ‘
R, Wiiud, I).S.(.'. and Bar. R.;\'. and
the faiiiilics of the iilliccrs and ship's : 5 t-iinipany. On this warm siiiiiiy ;iiitumn:il! exciting the cereiiioiiy \\.is history in the iiialting. for l‘IL'\‘cl‘ before had sul)Ill;tftllL‘ of the Royal Nzivy conil'tlis\lt)l‘lL'\l in .’\tl'slI’1|liiI at the end oil zi long retit in S_vtliie_\. For I5 lll0tllll\' i 'l';ih;iid li.id been at ('uck.itoo Island l)ne}._\';iitl. the first of three sixhmzirines of the l‘Ulllllt Siihinarine l)l\lsit'|ll tu~ do so. ll..\l.S. Tiiinip has now t;ii.en
al ‘
l)uiin-_- the rclit meiiibeis of the i.‘tc\s got Lt\\2I_\' on station leave to see .'\ll\ll'.lllLl. Sonic visited the Liold (‘oust of Qiieeiislund to study the nzitixe hil.ini-clad feinnles. while others \l\liL‘tl the aborigines. the Snowy Moiiiitiiiiis. the Blue Moiiiitziins. the ( entr;il |\l(Ill'I‘i of New South Wales. Mellwiiine and llrisbaite. So much ti';iv.elliii;.: was done that one dticl;_v;irdlll.ttl :.l.'ii'cd to the refitting crew as "'li L llxcilulttlcrs." In ti:tiir:. limscier. tiznelling will
ll..\l.S. I;ihli:iril ciiiiiinissiiiiied at
b_\diie_v .(.h‘.S.\\'.I
‘.9: ttll
The lkrfut-on olCiq.irut¢
l\_\ \'.".t. 'lhe nine incliides tisits tu \‘;irioiis pm i’.x.'. lL t\l‘.tlltl\ and New I/.e:il.ind , \Hlltl.‘ \‘-illlslllll for the R..-\.N.. R.\_/ \_ it.-\.A.i~,. and l{..\'./..:\.F,. li.i\e 1.» he
‘ ‘
PA.‘-7KE‘D .
Navy ‘i\ews E
or I o I
Liwt IS) II. R. Elerridxc. R..\‘.tl-'lctd.). Royal Natal Barracks. Portsmouth TcI.: Portsrnouth 22JSI (Ext. 72194)
May. l9o2
“GETTING TO KNOW YOU...” Iirittcn b_v_a young rating of the Royal Malayan Navy lfltcr. THE IOIIOWIIIE recently received by the Heet Clearance Diving Ofieer (Lieut. M. G. was
Gilhmo R-N-l in Singapore. It is reprinted iust as he iirote it. not to raise a smile at his slightly unusual turn of phrase (remember English is a foreign language to him). but to point out one or too morals. Firstly. how sad it is to hear that me the best you can, so I one my any member of the very friendly thank to you all. Golden of Victoria's 75th is the this IR.—As Queen Anniversary ; year Royal .\lala_van Navy should hold the "Beside working in team with Asian, the still who at in v\c.$ haven't I how were present being Jubilee, rionder I-‘.'\'I-'. all met them. many are 0Plnl\‘|'| that the English treat them it is my first time to work in team in who i that year (I887)? Nasal Review held at Spitbead those 'Do~gooders'—those with English and I (ind it far more "very low." this‘ or do ‘Don't late how obb:ttcr and happier to work with you At that time my father. the Secondly very gratifying to go around saying of the end otl Sheerness at how and this so on._ serve Admiral W. Stokes-Rees. was Senior opinion can be dis- all. As I heard from many Asian said: ‘You ought to do that‘ ‘l') 4. when we get to know one ‘It is no use to work with the English pclled The term ‘Do-gooders‘ does not _in- Stall’ Ollicer of the Cambridge. the in I-l.!\I.S. Lieut.-Cdr. I was a another better by working and play- because they treat you very low.‘ but cliidc the members of religious bodies. Gunnery School at Dcvonport. and and the on was Implaeablc qir.irterI said it is not true. because I had ing together. These men and women. dedicated the Conqueror. one of the small deck heard the time and a at Signal"I am very sorry to leave the team. work in the team with you all and I and "half-boots." was the turret drill people. do good ‘by example from Bul$lIi)Ill—-"Ills: the man on bridge but I can't do anything to stay in the am the most junior rate in the team ship. precept and are tar removed tcrrilic has wark a Hearing gone." team. for the Royal .\l;ilayan Navy but I was treated the same as any For the Review Conqueror was the ‘Do-gooders‘ who. in all manner and Ilulwark I the looked up need me back. other senior English ratings. of ways. would. if they could. restrict brought up to a working complement explosion lifethe vanished. had Calling away “If I have not come to work with “To the Fleet Clearance Diving and sent round to Portsmouth with the liberties of others. into boat it I to and we jumped got you all. I won‘t have so much know- Ofliccr I don't know how to express Such people would ban this or ban the Commander of the Cambridge. the scene afterwards--the soon ship diving today. For you all my thanks to him. that: prevent. by lav-'. lhc S-')lC_ 07 Cdr. I-Iuntingford. in command and was about three to four cables lengths ledge of "So I say goodbye and thank you was so kind to me and also had trained certain foods and drink and consider my father as Executive Oflicer. Also to the Fleet Clearance Diving team that they are doing good if they can on board. as passengers. were the away. not from a Swiftsurc. the ship in which I was for all the training they give me. wreckage captain's two sons and myself. then Apartof the some prohibit something or other that they aged We be ship was to seen. vestige "Excuse me for my writing and also ‘serving at the time. eight. thinli is injurious. survivor but Irresistible was my first sca- for the rudeness to write on a simple As the Conqueror was one of the may have picked up one I-l..\I.S._ All reasonable fair-minded men ." “in" the line. she was not I cannot remember. going ship and I joined her in I912. paper. From and women will consider lltttl lltc ships that the time it rumoured It at was She have been struck of must by one to have guests on board. so doctors and scientists have established allowed but the of work no coitwas a spy. those shore-based we three boys were discharged to the torpedoes and I a connection between excessive smokthis firmation of was ever published. must say I was sorry to see her sinking. Thalia. Capt. J. R. E. Patterson. an of the I2 ing of cigarettes and lung cancer. The old commander We learnt that one We. in Swiftsure. were steaming 3 of my father's. for have: eminent men of these findings survivors was on the forccastle just cables length from the French battlethe duration. heaven-sent a given the ‘Do-gooders' I still have vivid recollections of before and went below to the mess ship Iiovct. As we entered the Narrows the restrict and opportunity to try when the Fleet was dispersing. a dcck to get his cap and that was all: at about 2 p.m. she was the Iirst of folk. other rcme.'nbcrcd———an cxtraordiriary the line. Suddenly we saw a vivid A_n_d| "tangling" match between one of the personal liberties of mm we hear them trying to pl't\llIl')lll"live-niasters." Agiucoiirt or Minotaur escape. flash and a ball of red (lame. That was the sale of duty free cigarettes to thci and a "thre:-master." Hercules. I I knew Capt. Phillips and (‘dr. the end of the Bovct. and by the time Ill-‘. order for the second large free‘ I that fact well. V. Yours II. duty The c|c.. Pcnrose very Rnylll .\'avy. “assault ship" has been giien to we reached the spot where she was hit think. much to the detriment of their lravcl who all I-';irnh:im. R.N. to available Cdr.. (rct.). tobacco is all we passed were dead members of John Brown & Co.. Ltd., Clydebzinlr. jib-booms and lore top-gallant COATES. flying doesn't limits outside the three-mile the crew. their hammocks and move- The contract is understood to be (‘or masts. which thrilled me intensely. all. influence these people at able deck objects. I do not think that about £7.lI0(l.(l00 and the work will ROWLAND IE. Yours. etc. to tobrtcco The issue of duty-free there were any survivors. about four years. Building will S'l‘0l\’ES—REES. ('dr.. R.N. (R:-td.l. The poor marksmanship of the continence in about too months. the utlicers :ind men of the Royal .\Iag.'ie:'afelt. Northern Ireland. Turks could be seen by the fact that Navs is :1 tradition which those in The first of the assault ships. exis a true. it llicre could are. value. of loss hit of the Irresistible. pected to have :1 displacement of not even lR.— The report the Navy they ll.M.S. Irresistible and .\Ir. J. A. which was a standing target. and they I0.00I) to l5.000 tons. is being built (us who have abused the privilege. .l.ouch‘s letter published in the April let two destro_t::rs come alongside. As by Messrs, I-larland ck Wolll. at but to the thousands of others this bc is one to issue of "Nat-y N-:is~.“ brought back ‘far as I kiimv she did not lose any of Belfast. tr:ul.tioual privilege Home in s:iI'e-,:uarded. Inczdentallv. ‘many uiemories to me and must Iiavc :her crew. Yours. ctc., E. S0\\’liRllY. (‘ompartnicnts in these new ships Iiromlcy. can be (loaded. and the ships are thereidonc. too. to many thousands of men. \‘\'::tcrs. the duty free allowance rum lR.~ I have been reading _vour l I have .1 sketch drawn from memory [The sketch sent by Mr. Sovscrhy zbv lowered in the water to enable to no more than ten cigarettes a day .\larcli edition and saw an article bv ‘.h_V Lieut. 0. Wace of lrrcsistiblc's last would not. unfortunately. reproduce in lassault craft carricd to be Iloated v.li-:n slior:-based and 20 mt dill’ l out of the shift. “hen ;.noai_ No: ;i very great number James Stait on the loss of lI..\l. 'light. I-lc was on the bridge of H..\l.S. suflieientdetail to be used. Eu.)
Assault craft for Clydebank
‘take .
is it'.‘
Talking of ‘Do-gooders.‘ it would
that the most vociferous of them have never been smokers. They have seem
Comniission. Home-)\\’cst Indies (24 U.K. Base Port means the port at which a ship ni:iy,ll..\I.S. Albion. July I7. at Portsnormally be expected to give leave and refit. Portsmouth ((') indi-E mouth for Home Sea Service.‘ months). litli Frigate Squadron. U.K. Foreign Service, U.K. Base Port. Ilasc Port. Portstnoirtli. catcs ships administered by Pnrtsnioutli but which will iioruially I l Portsnioutli. ll..\|.S. Pelleiv. September 20. at rclit and/or give leave at (fliatham. Rosyth for trials. Commissions for (ii) As ratings are normally detailed for overseas service about four 'll..\I.S. l.ion. July 3|. at Devonport Home Sea Service November IS for for (iencral Service Commission (2-I months ahead of commissioning date. and for home serticc about it out altogether. but we will do so mtmlltsl. U.K. Base Port. Dcvon- 2nd Frigate Squadron. U.K. Base. two months ahead of commissioning date. this should be borne in as a personal matter and not because Portsmouth. mind ishen preferring requests to volunteer to serve in a particular port. some 'I)o-good-er’ thinks we ought. ll..\l.S. Cavendish. end July. at H.i\l.S. Cambrian. September '_‘-1. at ship. Dcvonport for trials. Commissions Gibraltar with Trials Crew. ComI am t_l'HI[llJI/It'll’ ivil/r /irriplr-'.i (iii) It'is emphasised that the dates and particulars given below are forcat Dcvonport. January I. end August at Gibraltar palm. bur rm! ii-irh their plm.rurr.i. casts only and may have to b: cbangcd—perliaps at short IIOIICC. niissimis Tin-tr is imrrrlfrirrg mriou.rI_i' boring tor (icncral Service Commission ll.;\l.S. Picton. September (Tentative (iv) Ships in which Locally Entered Cooks (S). Cooks (0) or Stewards about mrm-Iimli' cI.ir’.r Irallpinrsr. date), at Chatham for Home Sea (24 months). Sth Destroyer Squad are to be borne in lieu of U. K. ratings are to be indicated as follows: (/I/rIm.rt' llu.\'Ie_i'). Service. Vernon M;S Squadron vice ron. U.K. Base Port. Rosyth (A)- All Cooks (S). Cooks (0) and Stewards: (B)— Cooks (S). Bcachanipton. U.K. Base Port. other than one P.O. Cook (S). all Cooks (0) and all Stewards: (C)-— ll.M.S. Torquay. August 9. at PortsPortsmouth. Cooks (O) and Stewards only: (D)-(.'ooks (S) only: and (E) mouth lor trials Commissions for —Cooks (S) and Stewards only. 4. I7th lI.M.S. Delight. September. at Rusyth. Home Sea Service. September Increase from C. & .\l. party to U.K. Base Port Frigate Squadron Smith and Atlantic South 26. lulv CO.\l.\lAl\'D SUBMARINE L.R.P complement Dcvonnort. 7th months). AmerieaIHome (24 ll.M.S. Tartar. August I6. at Devon- ll..\l.S. Dainty. September. at Portsll..\I.S. Odin. May. at Birkenhcad for Port. Base U.K Squadron. Frigate mouth. Increase front C. & M party First S/M Squadron at Gosport. porl. for trials. Commissions. FebPortsmouth. to I..R.P. complement. ll..\l.S. Grampus. mid-.\Iay. at Portsruary for Home Sca Service. Com24 Fada. at ll.,\l.S. Loch May missions March for General Service ll..\l.S. Caesar. October I. at Singamouth. for service in First SIM Commissions trials. for Chatham. Commission. Home}.\Iidd|e East (I8 pore: for Foreign Service (Far East). Squadron. Portsmouth. 3 Edinburgh Road. Portsmouth Service. 3rd Home Sea for June 26 8th Destroyer Squadron. (A) months). 9th Frigate Squadron. ll.M.S. Auriga. .\I-.iy I8. at Plymouth Phono ITISI Serand Foreign Frigate Squadron U.K. liase Port. Dcvonport. Tenta- lI.i\l.S. Lincoln. October IS. at Singafor service (I) in Second SIM SquadSome: vicc (Far East). September. ouratotnu tottering Otlelat Enron tive dates. (8) pore. for Foreign Service (Far ron. Plymouth. and then (2) service (or Service Personnel EVERY WEEKEND H.-.\I.S. Iiemerton. May 30. at South- ll.-.\I.S. Salisbury. August I6. at East). 3rd Frigate Squadron. Tentawith Sixth S/M Division. Canada. LEEDS fill ampton. for Foreign Service l.\‘liddlc Devonport for Trials, Commissions tive date. (A) lI..\l.S. Turpin. early June. at PortsBRADFORD 45]‘ East. (5) HUDDERSFIELD September 27 at Dcvonport for ll.M.S. Loch Lomond. 0ctobcr"3l. at IJIL mouth for service with Fifth S/M H..\I.S. Chileompton. end May (TentaSHEFFIELD for Foreign Service (Far 19]‘ Singapore Home Sea Service. 4th Frigate .\la|ta. Division. NOTTINGHAH 11]‘ tive datc). at Northam for Foreign Squadron. Transfers to General East). 3rd Frigate Squadron. TentaIEICESTER )1/5 ll.M.S. Aeneas. lime. at Portsmouth Service (Middle East). (E) tive date. (A) Service Commission. April. I963 NORTHAMPTON n/. for service with Second S;i\I SquadJune for .\I:ilta I. |l.M.S. at Mean. LIVERPOOL «IL (24 months). U.K. Base Port. ll..\I.S. Striker. November I5. at Gibron. Plymouth. HANCHESTEII an Service East). AmForeign Warfxirc(Middle raltar. for Foreign Service (Middle Dcvonporl ll..\l.S. Olympus. lune I5. at Barrow NEWCASTLE-UNDER-LYHE J6]. pll:bl0LlS Squadron. (B) East). Amphibious warfare SquadSTAFFORD for service with Third SIM Squad3;)Il..\l.S. Parapet. September I. at WOLVERI-IAHPTON ILMS. Redoubt. June I. at Rahrein. 19]. ron. (B) Bahrein for Foreign Service (Middle ron. Faslane. BIRMINGHAM 11/6 for Foreign Service (Middle East). For Amphibious Warfare ll.M.S. Grafton. mid-Nlovcmber. at East). COVENTRY 15)GENERAL Amphibious Warfare Squadron. (E) Squadron. (E) Chatham. I..R.P. complement. WARWICK HIIANIURY III‘ ll.M.S. Barrosa. May I. at Devonport H.M.S. Protector. I '.l .- It. at Ports- I>l.!\l.S. Cook. September 3. at Singa- ll..\l.S. Leopard. November. at PortsOXFORD I4]. for General Service Commismouth for General Service Comfor Home Sea Service and Foreign mouthFalkland pore. lor Foreign Service (Far PLYHOUTH 30(Islands and Antarctic mission. South America and South sion. EXETER 2|]Service (Far East). liily. 8th DesE'.ist.-'PaciI‘i:. (A) BIISTOL I114 F.l.D.l (24 months). U K. liaise Port ll..\l.S. Tenhy. September II. at Atlantic.-Home (24 months). 7th troyer Squadron. (C) SALISBURY II) Portsmouth ll.M.S. Agincourt. .\lav I. at PortsFrigate Squadron. UK. llasc Port. Chatliam for trials Commissions GLOUCESTEII ISIPortsmouth. mouth for General Service Commis- ll.Sl.S. Highburtorl. June I5 (TentaSWINDON ll!mid-November at Chatham for CIIENCESTER 2|]. tivc date) at Chatham for Hittite Sea sion. HomeiMcd. (24 months). 5ll'i Home Sea Service. 17th Frigate I>l.M.S. Zest. November. at hlalta for MARLBOROUGH ts). Service. Crew cx Clarbeston. Sllth trials. Home Star Service. Destroyer Squadron U.l( Base U.K. Base Port. Devon READING ll]Squadron. MJS. Squadron. U.K. Base Port. H..\l.S. Duchess. December. at PortsPort. Portsmouth. (A) PORTLAND III} port. ‘LONDON trom PORTSMOUTH IJIC Portland. mouth. U.K. Base Port. Portsmouth. ll..\I.S. .\lessina. hlay I. at Gibraltar ll..\l.S. l.ondonderry. September I! at ‘LONDON lrorri GOSPORT For Foreign Service (Middle East) il..'tl.S. (liven. June I9. at Dcvonport (Continued on page I‘. column I) ‘LONDON lrotn l>l.H.S. Porlsmnitth for General Service for General ('omniis.ion Service \V:irl':ire COLLINGWOOD (B) 24.‘Squadron. Amphibious ‘By SOUTHDOWN HOTOR SERVRCES Ltd Indian Ocean (24 months). U.K. |l..\l.$. Maidstorte. May I. at PortsBase Port. Dcvonport. (C) Ml these rerweu ail.‘ rose the [odour-Ir: route mouth for Home Sea Service Trials. for the convenience of Service Personnel: R.M. . Steaming Crew U.K Base Port. ll..\l.S. Appleton. June. at Northam. Borrochs. Eottney: H.IbL$. Vernon: Royal Sollon‘ Rosvth for Foreign Service t.\Iiddle East). Home Club. Queen Street: KN. Bovroch. Unicorn Gate: Sriiriigy -Id. for H.M_S E-cetterir 846 Squadron. May 8. at R.N. Air Tentative date. (E) HM.$ Phoeri-‘r: Hilton Lido. Coshom Homes‘ Station. Culdrose for Home Sea ll..’lI.S. Ashanti. July Change classito-vn Quay. Forehorri SCl'\'lCCIFOI‘Cl it Service. H.M.S. fication of service. ‘Jth Frigate N.B.—To all ships visiting PortsWhir wind. Albion, Squadron. General Service Commouth: Special facilities to meet II). Dcvonll..\l.S. Llandafl. May mission. Home/Middle East (I6 at requireCommisfor particulartravelling General Service your months) U.K Base Port. l)cvonport ments can be organised at short (20 sion East of Suem-Iome Port. (B) notice. months) (uh Frigate Squadron .80l Squadron. July I7. at R N All and W ' U.K llase Port. Dcvonport Station Lossiemouth. for (‘ieneral Write phone or call Service (‘omniis-fan. For Auk Royal. PA C'KI.\'G F0 R SIIIPMEIVT H..\l.S. I-‘lockton. :\lay Ifi. at SouthTRIUMPH COACHES LTD. Buccaneer ampton. for Foreign Service (Middle I'r'rphnnr iIl(l9 Squadron. Jilly I7. as R N Air 3 Edinburgh Road. Portsmouth East. (El 2].’)! 3 Phone 2735i lI.M.S. Whitby. .\l;t_\‘ :4 at Rosgih forl Station. Lossicmouth. Strike III) trials. UL‘I'lt:r.tl Scnicc (iiiiiiiiission, I Squ.idrun.lluccancer,
aliiays considered smoking a dirty habit. but now. they feel. force can be used to prevent smoking. We smokers will. if we are wise. reduce the number we smoke. or cut
Notes (i) The
iiiifiiiiiiifi TRIUMPH COACHES ... .. ..
At your service
13 Clarendon
Road, Soutlisca
May. I962
. _,
Fourteen years at the SHIPS OF THE ROYAL NA VY H.M.S. Diamond No. 78
Trafalgar Services Club in Tllfi Edinburgh Road. Portsmouth. is perhaps.
well known. he should make way
younger man. During his l-t years hardly a part of the club. with the exception of the well known front. has not changed. Within the limits of the funds at its disposal the committee of the club has endeavoured to keep the Trafalgar smart in appearance. comfortable and well—equipped. The restaurant has been modernised and re-decorated. bedrooms have been improved. better lighting installed. :ind so on. in all this work the wisdom. energy and time of Capt. ltrocltman have been available. a
well known to servicemen as any other place in Portsmouth. For 56 years it has catered for the junior service man, providing sleeping accommodation. meals and snacks throughout the day and night. For the past 14 years the Comptroller of the Club. the "man behind the scenes." the man ultimately responsihlc for all that goes on. day d.iy. in its allairs. W215 Capt. C. W. .\lll.[.l0f\' .‘s'l.l-il-Il'l-IRS ltroel.m:i:i. O.B.lE.. Royal Navy (ltcttt_I. He has now retired. feeling‘ Well over :1 million mcit liave slept lll.Il at (.7. the time has come alien‘ at the club tlttriitg the time in the interests (ll. lllc "Tral" as it is‘ llro.:Lii1:in was at the hello and Capt.‘ as it guide to the amount of work involved. during l‘l(i| 71.736 slept :it the club and l(it)..‘»7_" hrealdiists. ltlllL‘lll.‘S‘ and suppers uerc served in the res-l .\l.S. Diamond. a “l):iring“ taurant. not to mention tens of (‘lass destroyer of 3.600 torui tliousantls of hot and cold hever:i_i:es (full load) displucernent. was built by anti sn.'iel.s. John ltrovrn & Co. l.ttl.. Clydcbank. During his last year the Complaid down in l949. launched on lll~‘. Victory Pliiyers presented l time) flood lights and have the being _now lll~'. ll-tun _\':lt.‘lIl Bclniore. ouner troller uas responsible for introducing "The Giuconda Smile" by Aldous" basis of essential equipment which June I-l. I950. and corttplctcd on .\lr. 'l'. W. M. Steele. of l'phaiu. a rule permitting Si:r‘-ice pcrsonttcl to Huxley as its for the 1962 any company could rightly expect to ‘Feliruary 2|. 1952. entry friends (male bring or into teniale) llzlnls. which represented the Royal rest:iur.int. lottnge and television Royal Naval Drama Festival. .-\l- have available, lt was only because a modernised l)iamon_d is. fitted _.\'ow Nut‘) Sailing Association in the llucnos the in the did not though Players ligure chosen theatre that was this to l()..'lt) dillicult play_ tip “Seaeat" surt:ice~to-air guided pm. daily. but Ait't.‘\—Rl0 dc Jnneiro race earlier this I _mtli_ honours the list much the are essential basic they that built was equipment that they must see niixsiles. guests leave year uith coiusiderable success. was with them. Aiiother innovation richer for their for the and and ellorls and future titted. members of the uasl (‘l’t:\H.‘tl hy t.ieut. Timothy Sex. R.l\'. and of ll“ (‘l’lIiris;n_.;_ pmi,-g, "dl"dl' will ll“: ! The destroyer is 3‘l() ft. (o.:t.) in that 50'~‘l'5l-Y wives ll“! i0 "3350" use the club between Silk!‘ (skipper). of Send. near Waking. Capt. the hours could ful to the present members for the length. 43 ft. beztut and carries :1 of 10 am. and 4 p.m. cator. Mr. Michael Since. G. .\l. Wheatley. R.:\l.. of Elaine)‘. The attendances on the first three work they have done. which was coinplcment of ."-l).\‘. The present ship l.icut. Peter Paliard. R.‘\l.. of r\l\'¢I’- daily. unaccoinpanicd by their more for the future than for is the lilteentli to bear the name. The stoke. l.icut. Terence Martin. R.N'.. of bands. provided they were able to nights were disappointingly poor. but (ll.‘_§lgl‘lCd this I962 production. badge is a silver diamond on a red Salcotuhc and Sub-Lieul. William establish their indentity if asltcd to the final adjudication night enThe Society is to hold its Annual lield and the motto is Honor Clariscouraged a large gathering. Anderson. R..\l.. of Windleshant. when do so. Capt. ilrockman was awarded the Having produced a revue imme- General Meeting at 3 p.m. on Tues- sima genima (Honour is the brightest it made the non-stop lourney of over in the Birthday Honours of diatcly after Christmas the Society was day. May IS. in the Victory ‘theatre jewel). 5.500 miles from Rio to the United O.B.E. late in starting the drama play. In fact and all in or about Portsmouth who Kingdom. The yacht arrived at Ports- I958. The Battle Honours list is a long Cdr. A. 0. Gilbert. Royal Navy the play was not decided upon until have any interest in the theatre are mouth un April 20. one of I5. including Armada, I588. (Retd.). well known to many Service- the end of January and two months cordially invited to attend. Mr. Steele tlew home after the Crimea I854-55. Greece. l9-tl. in and the the PorLsmouth rehearsals for man insufficient area (he were was his to Rio race in order to manage The will insummer Mediterranean. 1941 and Malta programme Olliecr in charge of General Mess. work necessary to produce a diflicult clude farm. lectures and films well as as Conv0_\'s. I9-4|. Barracks. Portsmouth. 1951-53. P la The iourncy home—dcscribed by R.N. until towards "working- rty nights" comrecently was the Supply Victory Players have made plction the skipper as “trouble-l'rcc"—-tool: and the o long term refit. which The previous Diamond was a desReserve Oliiccr. for flats two Fleet. "sets." Portsmouth). enough complete 50 days. Lieut. Sex sailed the yacht has been put back in certain respects troyer of 1.375 tons. built by Viclterstaken has the duties of board. installed reover a cue-warning CompArmstrongs at Wallscnd. She was across the South Atlantic until within by the last two productions. and few troller of and renovated odd the Club. in (warSecretary paired sunk oti Crete in April. 1941. a few hundred miles of the African coast where he picked up the SouthFast trade winds. The crew experienced ZJJIIIIIIIllIlllllllIlllIlllllllllIllllllllllllIIllllllllIllllllllllIIIIlllllllIIllllllllllllllillIIllllllllIIlllllllIllllllllllllllllllllllllllfi alternating conditions of calms. oppressive heat. equatorial squalls and as
Players not in Honours List
’I¥hc .
Indian Oan cake
Nortli-.-\tlantic galcs.
GUMIIIG HUME UN L Ell V5.9 0!! YOUR WAY OVERSEAS? you're going to be. you'll
need :i car on arrival. Buy a new Hillman.Humber, Sunbeam now from E.M.A. Ltd.. Portsmouth. If yours is an extended pos:ing. take advantage of our special export scheme—you buy at export prices. Let E.M.A. make all the arrangemenrs——cxport formalities. Insurance, shipping. everything. Call at our showroom or write to us car can be on its way tomorrow: or waiting for you w en you dock! Or it can be purchased on the home delivery plan for use in this country before you sail.
Naval Airman Timothy Whitebread. of Princes Risborough. Bucks. cutting his cake which was baked for him by the ship's bakers‘ of ll..\l.S. Centaur when he celebrated his Zlst birthday on board in the Indian Ocean recently.
OSTCARD photographs of the
—l‘\‘ last meeting 4,.-jjglm | Iv ('ommittcc of No. 6 Area ple:l following H.M. Ships may be obtil‘ the General Secret:tr_v. Shipmate I’hcx'h:im and .-'\incrsli;tin shipeoiiizng taincd from the Editor. “Navy News." I.icuten:tnt-(‘onimanrlcr M sit l I a c teiid .l licarty invitation to all place. RN. Barracks. Portsmouth. pricc 6d. oflicials of two 2 on “in each. which includes postage. liouevcr dlstaiit. to he Area. Shiprnate .l. Bates (Chairman) tum; ct Thc5¢us_ But“-at-k_ Ocean. Eagle. .
together ‘with
Shipntate “‘l'om“ Asprey (Area; The Centaur. Glasgow. Kenya. Newcastle. Seen-tar_\). Another nelconie visitorAlbion, Ark Royal. Loch Killisport. i S h was p in :i t e John l)_i|tes of ...,-;..i . Diana. Taciturn. Daring. Chevron. ('h:ttham. ing .tt'lct Zest. Vanguard. Murray. Cumberland, 'l he topzc of the meeting “as Shipmatscor ion. Liver ool. A ollo. Lynx. .'\\\t\Cl;tlC .\l e in h e r s h I p. .\l;tn} ; He also Salis ury. She icld. irdle Ness. LlllC\l:tl!ls ucre put by mciiibers and the ex-.' Maidstonc. Newfoundland. Warrior. Bermuda. Victorious. .l sncittl "gct togectlici" tlurui:.: these '-tcrc .:tm\cret! by the gttcsts.' .tltl1lt£tl E Britannia. llic l)ori.iiii: rucmhcrs “ere \uI\ he ttttp:‘C0l'l.ltll'll1. Alamcin. Vigo. Tyne. mg. l.IL‘ttl_ Jutland. Talent. l’alliscr. Explorer. '_L!.tllt\ill‘,l committee ooultl l~;- pleased to we the vixztors and all. txslslctl it hraoelics llllL'fltlll!_t..' .i_i:rccd that the niecting -.\.':s uell §tl.‘s:tl:t\ Porpoisc. R_edpolc. Gambia. Tiger. t'\L'lll \\oulv.l ttulil-.' the chair- ‘uurllt '-\llllt.'. Russell. Dainty. Protector. Undinc. -_--.;-_.:. the ( !ii:sh.iiit and .-\meish.:iii llic l)orkuig_- _*iec.'ct.irj.'. on b-.-li.tlt ’\1.-K.-t|; Defender. Dartington. Carron. Whitby, Sltiptttale l‘. .l. l’\';tns. 3l(i oi .t \lt:l‘)lll.ll|.'. has .is‘».ctl that .lll_\'l)llL' lltc Na: Eastbournc. Torquay. Mounts Bay. t[1\lt.‘.".tl Ro.:rl. tlit-slt.ii'.i. or ii-»"lt“-\lit7,! .i t"j.r:l Rzcliartl tfiliiigi.-rt.‘ (;r_.\-.;.._- Belfast. Hermes. Armztda. Yarmouth. ‘ca \‘ccret.tr_t_ \’liip:ii.':te l: W. \\'oi~il. who ll\'t.‘ti in l)orlxing until. .\lcl\'ell.. l.ion. lilartland Point. Leopard. Token. .-l The \‘ol.c_ lr\'.l:_'!l24_'.-.tl.v‘.\_ l""~. .::ttl who ‘.\.'.s .: Pelt} Olliccrf L'~i.tl)ltsl)ClllCllCSl¢l'. Echo. Loch l-‘ada. 'I'e_nby. e at iii-.-.r if’!-13) In :':l zri fiwi.-it ~.i.tli l:::‘.‘. t‘.7L‘ill.tVI'.s Blake. Puma. Excalibur. Troubrtdgc. ul .c;i Oberon. Cachelot. Rhyl. Campcrdown. and
ll'.tllt.‘ will muster at Britannia 2.30 11,111.. and still march to El] licadeil by the hand «if the Slc:ttll';tst Unit oi. the Sea nrps. .-‘\l'ter the service rets uill he provitlcil at the .il Army l)r.ll Hall and there
\\’aterinJ \
and lierwiclt.
SUNBEAM CARS E.M.A. LTD. Grove Roadjsouth Southsea Tel..' PORTSMOUTH 2326!
.‘\'AV’\' NI-?“'S
Expensive American
cars are
ridicul0us—in America
for ::rt_vonc ‘.\Il0 uould not lpull Ill\' weight. but for the petsott: il~Hlll i:ti:i.itivc. the road front rag-. to | can be very swift. lhe people illtllttfi ivliole a are very friendly and eager to learn about our nay of life: land just as eager to show us theirs. ‘no roont
(IIY WRITER T. R. .-\. MOREY. ll..\l.S. CRANE)
IJRING Il..\lS. Crane's seven-day visit to San Diego I was one of the few lucky people on board who were able to see a good deal of the country front the area around our part of call all the may north to San Francisco. . Coverttt: this journey of about 500,gct prac:ic;ill_veverything they need in} -miles by car was quite an experience I one 2~h0p—lhe Supermarket. These and I soon bec.une ziwairc of the‘.shops :irc huge buildings and sell f.-.nt;i~'.:ic lrallic wltich travels on the ‘ .in_vthing front a leg of pork to a bottle‘ Scotch. all t.lcp.t.'ltl'lcnls being sclf-' vvondcrful liigliways of the States. The main liighwnys are <ttl\lIalI‘iCI\'I(.'C. .\l:iny of them open until in our .\l.l with between two and fourlnine o'clock at night. including Sun.-.9i-* -3’ lanes of trallii: going in each direction 1day. and have huge parking lots outA scrumptious cake for a member of the serum and his supporter. umt |nt!\'ln1_'_ at an average speed of side. a snack bar and in the more. about (15 miles an hour on tltc ll1lll(llI.“l'llil(IL'fl'lstores. a restaurant. or fastest lane. I began to realise that! "‘ ro III‘. wedding of l.e-adfng Wren i"" rtdiwlmn not much too cxrcmivc. are II. M. Juletl and R.I-‘..M. T. J. Altltoitgh the quality of iiic,i‘n.-ii71*“ Such 1' mil“ Ill dmc 500 at all. To siutis seemed better than in linglaitd. I<'laIter_v. both serving at Il..\l.S. I“-'9 Wm‘ “*‘l“-‘ziittl the hygienic way in uhiclt it is :P¢‘|'l1i'P* 0“l)'_ ‘-PCCII Falcon. Malta. G.C.. took place on ll"-' film‘ FCIIIIIW‘ «'1 lml‘-Cfllll Cnttlfic sold. unsurpassed by anything I March 3!. at St. Pauls. Anglican to reand comfort of ease ‘,_-C,-._ many more people scent to dim: I nta.\'intui_n Cathedral. Valletta. Malta. G.C. ducc fatltgttc. III-I Aldersltol branch of the Royal during the week than in England. The uedding ceremony was conNatal Association has recently The car in tvltich l was riding h;uI?.'\lI the‘rest:tt_trants. snack bars and ‘(Ill\.‘lt.‘lI by the Cltziplain of ll..\l.S. enjoyed some t cry happy social l-'alcon. the RC\'_ John Scott. R.N. pu\'lt-lVtlll0Z1 geiir-change. power ~lcci'- (“Soda l~ountains“ that I ate in were of all \sall_;s Among the many guests ziltettdittg occasions. mg and bfllkgg and 3 power-;t.~\l$lCtl ‘,\\(‘.‘Il‘p.'lIl'l\l“tl‘L'(Iby people ‘of and the life. of dress in On .\l:irch ‘:2. In :'t1:‘:‘lll\L't\.:ttd wives were the brides :-.nd bridegrooiifs {mm (gut \t:.i,_-it [liq ._tt-it-er could move manner siuallc: did not seemltn ion-ns ,parenls who flew out front the UK. had it|c.is of doubliiit: IIICIF iiiottcy. slightly in order to stretch his legsyihe exclusive for the occasion. The bride's brother for they went to it tc|e~re.-iiitlant: of while still concctttratiitg on the l'(‘2t(I._il'llJlllCl' even in the nt_ost_ this is notltruc who is an Ii..\l. serving in ll..\l.S. the l.'l'.\’. show. “l)oul\le your ‘lltcre were many European cars on;rcstaur;ints. :iltlt_ough tliem'of Llaitdatf also ntanaged to get leave to ntottey." "I he hr.-incl: \IL'L'-(It::t.'lll:tll. the bit; Cm“- M08! Americans. tho road but it is dillicult for lattend. The (‘omntanding Ollicer of 5I|IDi'1]ulc R. J. Watts. presented to hold their imn on the big frecvvztys \-‘0mPIi“" that I_h1~‘.\' H‘-'\'¢|'_l.!¢! enough to eat uhctt dining out in England. lH..\l.S. Falcon. Capt. A. W. F. llughie Green with an iiiseribed and the only -._-lling point for these I found out the reason for lsutton. l).S.L‘. and Bar. R..\'.. also Bosun's Call and Chain, l.'nt'oriiiiiately can is their very low petrol cttn- and soon this. I attended. no meiiibers went on the shots. i\_ot once was able to finish “,,,,P,;‘,,,_ .c\‘cr_\'lIttng that was laid before me. R.E..\l. Flattery is a member of the The next occasion “as on March 3] tltc smallest not in the enter Falcon XV and Rugby FARR-INC PROBLEMS Leading when the branch held a "'l'r;inips‘ or Wren .lulelf has always been a Night." Prizes to the viinning I r.uup." With almost every family having; staunch fact a great deal Shipntate “Bert" Atkins and winning In ' supporter. .i car. and many having two. the_probof their courtship was carried out "Tr:impess." Mrs. Iris Woods. were lcm of parking and highways is one TRI-).\lEND0l.'S C0.\lI’l:.'I'lTl0.\' j attending rugby matches and rugby Nescntcd by the television star. Arthur of the biggest headaches. Every resl was impressed by the tremendous; elub functions. English and his wife. taurant. supermarket. and even every competition in everything that is going, ....~.5 Another cnioyablc etching: was the school. needs some parking space. if on. This is necessary to keep every- A new summer blouse has been one organised by Associate Sltipnttite they :irc to receive arty custom. lit the .one producing at a fast rate all the approved for wear by W.R.N.S. i1 5. Buck to the Royal llospital. (‘heltwig cities such as San Francisco. l'l'l'.lll_\' ;consuine.' goods which have become ratings during summer lIl0l‘llIl\‘ in J sc;t_ where members ucre \tIpL‘ll‘I)' says are being found to I:Il:rL'Il\L‘p.irk- part of the .'\.'l'lt.'rIt.‘;In nay of life and, this L'l|lflllI'_\'. It is :1 sllttrl-sleeved. i etc. CllIl.'l’l.IIllC(Iby those gi.ind old gentleno sp;ic:. A whole park in the centre ‘to keep a high rate of \'-iteclsed coal style blouse ntade Ill-'. I-'.ditor has often been as’-‘ed iitcn- -the Pensioitcrs. if this beautiful city was removed. illl ‘The problem of getting a good job of white and 'l'er_vlcne/cottott edited to include reports of llirlhs‘. An event still to come is the .-\itiiit:il tailcrground car park willt raiups when leaving school is ever iiicreasing. around the collar and sleeves with Engagentents. and .\larriat:es' whole the into built. it. ;utd llall on May 26 at the Rcdziit Drill .2o\\n park :'l'he :\nterie;in education system. blue. The picture Sllults I,dg_ “Ten Deaths in News." "Navy in its with back on top, out Hall, Aldcrshot. The Social Set.-retarv. every tree .which was explained to me by nty Wendy Walker of Here wearing the Details or will notices be such lrlglllzll position. Shipntalc Watts of 32 .-‘\le.\.;iitdr.i Road. iyounger cousin who is in the Senior new style blouse and a new pattern accepted at -ld. per word. Minimum Aldersltot. or the Secretary. Shipntate Wltcn I arrived at my destination. Illiglt School. is Very different to the court shoe in plain leather with a 6'-‘. H. C. Crocker. of 93 Gloucester Road. ante 70 miles south of San I-'r.iitcisco. ‘English. and to obtain the good jobs. medium toe and at heel not e\ceednillt Items‘. remittance. vhould extend. on behalf of the brnriclt. a .n a small town of about 30.(l()0 .w|iic|i I touched on earlier. a boy or int: 21 inches which has been introreach the litlitor by 20th of month cordial welcome to tttetithers of brattpeople. I soon began to see many girl must stay at school at least until duced for near by both ollicers and preceding publication. chcs wlto would like to attend and other dtllcreuees between vse linglish ‘they are I7 to graduate from Senior} ratings. .support the Aldersltot tttetttbeis. and the Antericans. When the ltttusC- ' lligh. uife docs iter shopping. she usually Children do not start school until for week obtains enough at IL'II\Ii[hcV “fc six _\~¢;,;.-, nt(l_ the pr;-_-wing a this in and stores the refrigerator and 1 gm,’ t-9;”. twin; qpcnl at --t;;mt,_-r. "Ice Box." This ot course is in com- F;.,.m{" if mt I,-_,,»¢,-m ,_t¢;;,c_ The "W" “I131 llliml’ I3"l1lI‘h I‘“"“-""““ curriciiluiit also differs considerably. 5"! lh’-‘ \liTIk‘Ft'fl»‘¢ IS '-I"-3 -‘\l"'-'Yl%‘~”“ great Clllflllllsli being placed on athletic ‘p:tst:m':s .'lll(I practicttl sttbiects. .\lost :study on ;ic.identic subjects scents to !take place at home in the evenings. l\\"ltcn the children finish their day's Of course I try to. But my pay’s not enough to tschooling the sight of them streaming out of school is again very different save IIE Corntttaitdcr-iit-Chief, Ports- tfrom that in England. They all have _That’s what I thought when I was your age mouth. Adritiral Sir Alexaitdcr I huge quantities of books tucked under until someone showed me the Progressive Bingley. K.C.B.. O.B.E.. visited 1 their arms. scorning the use of attache ll..\l.S. Dauntless on March 27. He cases or satcltcls. and a great number Savings Scheme. I only had to put aside £3 was accontpanied by his Flag Lieute- of them get into their own cars and a month by Naval allotment but when I leave nant. Lieut. V. F. S. Trinder. R.N. drive home! the Service next year I can collect lle inspected the ship's company and railings under training at Divisions. NATl()NAl. IIEALTII SER\‘lCF. Sounds too good to be true. Wltcre’s the catch ? and took the S;ilutc.:1t the “arch Ii.\'\’lI'Zl) No catch. And if I
1'.?;.:‘3.“?.:“‘.§.’.‘..".‘§Il‘:.'L:‘.“. '.‘.~. ‘t.'.‘.'.‘.*‘. :.°.
PARENTS F LEW ‘TO MALTA No for Aldershot
i2"l‘l‘l II'Ij|l l'l
Births, Deaths,
Comntander-in‘-Chief visits Datintlcss
I save!
had died at any time my I found that the thing tthieh the wife would have received the whole £855 Which will you take? Americans must envied about Great You it’s :1 Savings see, Britain was our National Health immediately. uardroom to meet the \lv’.R.N.S. I’m going for the pension. I’m all lined s_\-stcnt. Illness‘ is the .-serious and Scheme and Life Insurance rolled into one. (llliccrs. attd was‘ entertained to consistent worry ot' all but the luncheon by Superintendent E. .\l. up for a job already, and with an extra hadn't signed r)tt for 22 years’ Supposing you richest Anteric-.tns. I-Zverylhing has to Druinmoztd. O.ll.l’.., .\l..-'\.. \\'.R..\'.S. pension to look forward to when I retire, be paid for and insurance is expen- service ? and the wife provided for if anything sive and the premiums becoiue pro“(hen I had done my nine years, as I had hibitive when one reaches; the age '*"~-for 7 years, I cc "'!'\nl'I"N‘d t of about 55. There are a tremendous ‘paid premiums number of doctors. nearly all of -drawn £234 to help set me up \\Ilt)l'ltare specialists in one or two Street. Now, after 22 years’ servi fields, with very few G.l’s. as it: have the option of taking the EST FROM ltnou them. I was told that Presi- £855, or ifl don’t need the dent Kennctly is trying to introduce. cash immediately, a pension at spstent \IllIIl:It'to ours. but he is‘! of £172’ a year when I retire meeting tremendous opposition. lll-ZN ll..\l.S. Ilernick \I\Ilt.'lI Athens during April. eiulil riiitfront the latter \llI‘|It.‘\.'I ntyt from civilian work at 65. .-\p.irt CISK LAGER, LACTO. ners front tire ship attempted to rim of .~‘\iucr:c:i and the ' For nti'Iulur.i o] (It! ll'.I(’..\'.3. I/Iv DP LEAF, impresvioit ’;1L‘flL‘l'.lI \ the origiuztl tttar-.itltou front nliiclt the ‘.‘\l'Il'.'l'IC.lll§ is that their st;i:til.ird of /’rIi.i:'i)Ii tlno beers. all available // to (1 vrur _(,‘l.;t] nuiratltoit races of today take their fruit; :~ itig.-Pier tIt.'iit t\tl.'\'. .i:td that Il€IIlll.,'. 1 to N. Atrlca !ZI1L')' c.:n Iii: hi-zit-r than ll\ on the lit: at the eight coinpletcil '.i~- I6 monc_v tlzcv get. lhcy appear to be- —-Send this coupon to 246 Bishop to Mediterranean area l3llIL‘\ i.‘t\ill’\‘..'. Ilicy \‘.C.'L' l’_() \\‘.i.i.i:ti "big" l‘L‘\.'.tll\t.‘ their country I\ ’oi«,:‘_ Please send details of the Progress Kerr. l{.id.o ()p-.'r.‘itor llr:.i:i I).I\I\. .«.:td if you \\‘.tttl to sttl'\‘i\‘c you have litcrc ;:pp::ircd to be to titiztk “'o' .\IltI\i1IltllI.ltl Pltillip ()'.~.ett. ()r.I;: Past, 7 After mtntds of the establishment the Comrttander-in-Chief visited the _
.\i:.im.iii Ro:i.ilil .-\1I::i .i:td is-.'.iitt.i:t J.i:tt:~' Bull.
:\p;‘rc:t:§.'c .-\rtiti.'c.' Bruce
\I I.l.\I ‘Z, Il.'.".\t.‘l. \\.l\ \:~i1tti;_' -‘i:5i.':: :. the tirst r.itt:t;.' at ll,.\l,.\'. ('t‘II: o..t:t xlllltj Us :31; l-.t'tli III‘:-IJ xi; KI‘ \‘»i‘t\;I to ‘»‘-in tltc (iold \lcd..l .: il):i?-.c -'l l.ifiui‘i::g_-it's .-\\~;::d. [OIL
." _
l€.‘.I‘l’1flor Rank
....................... ..
generosity resulted in
A visit to return
the accounts received since H.M.S. Bermuda returned to l’ort.siiiouth. 1,‘Rt).\l occasion which. the visit last l~'ebru:iry to the island of Bermuda ii-as an
those iiho iiere privileged to be there is ill not readily forget. '11:: hospitality the oflicen and ship's company received wits. according to one report. fantastic. On l:i:hl'l.l;tf_\' 9 after a bi:atitil'u|l_v'on this occasion could cert;iinl;.' not calm and sunii_v passage across the'h;ive been surpassed. ”'“'5' B"r."'"d“ ml Throughout the visit Mr. and .\lrs.. A“;"‘.“‘the Colony from which she takes her i Caleb W,” the l in 1 to i. es. in.in.i_,i. ; l name and bertlicd alongside in the . “.m-m.,§- (‘hm in ”m,.-"“,, m._ ; '_' 1,. "‘ ; ganised outings and p;irtie.s for the ' ".' ." h_|l'f ship's Ctltllpttlljs. .\l;inj.' clubs cxtcndcd
“l“_‘"" td .‘]\""_""i ll)‘“£‘_-“‘.rld"__.?'I'.S, lfim‘ ”"w
evervoiii: ll?“i’;Cfl‘l'l‘l’rrlfztscn h-V "he 3 hoiior;ir_\‘indineinbership r‘{"‘.‘l‘"|: m“ “J5 mi’ ships h-mm tt.l'l Free Port but 'C°mp“"-V Slitltllv of mmlmuy -p“-ml: -it remains aksmalll .
portion of
together 9
mu new
were ‘tiat were
abl; todaccept
the invitations i
FRI!-'..\'l)l.Y Rl\-'Al.R't' On
Siinday. February I.\'.
from the ship the Bermuda Rifles tor the |:iltcr's .-\tlltlt1tl Church Parade and marched from the ship. which was herthcd in Front Street. to the (’:itliedral led by the combined hands of the Royal .\larines. and the lterintida Rifles. The Speaker of the House of .-\sseinbly represeiiliiii.-. the Govcriior. took the Salute. This l':ir.ide was the start of a very frieiidls riv;ilr_v both sporting and social which ensued between the Bermuda Rifles and the Ship's Conip;iii_\' throughout the visit. ()n l-’elirn:irg.- Ill a most impressive and inoviiig ceremony took place on the Quarterdeck til the ship as the ship's Silver Bell and four Silver Bugles presented to the ship by the ('olon§‘ in I‘)-t7 were returned to the Speaker of the llouse of -'\ssembl_\' for safe keeping until such time as another l-l..\l.S. Bermuda be coinmisioned for service in the _l{oy':il Navy. (See story and pictures in the! April issue of "Navy News."
tingent of I00 ratings joined with men of
to attend and all the Belles of the l.sl;iitiJ were there to welcome them.
flaw rm mt H“! Cumcm 15 '. ot ere the Sltlps of the \\ est Indies Squadron and for ships of the Ru:-‘al Canadian? Tombola is extremely.’ popular in l rating won £90 and l l aiidone N:iv;. which exercise in the area. At the time of H.M.S. Bermuda's others 3.70. Visits by coach tour or by l t:.\'ii.u.=srivi-:'PARTY visit there were several Canadian private car were arraiiiged to St. i (ap.tal. the 1 The Royal Marine Band was the former ships present H.M.C_.S. George. Caves and Devil's llole.‘; busy throughout the visit and Bon'.i\-'enturc. It was with these ships;Chr_sstal '
& ‘
Two of the nt-.in_v children who
..\l5. Belfast is ending her com-f In l-'ehru:ir_v the ship visited mission with ii trip home which l’en;ing. otl the north-west .’\l.'il:i_ ii will take her more than half-miy coast. followed by a trip to Vish:iltthe world. ilitipatnam. India. where the lndian kept round i The cruiser. Britain's largest (nearly Navy were most liiispitablc. The last they l5.000 tons full load). is expected to i week of l-‘ebruary and the tirst ten days reach the United Kingdom just ;it'tcrI.iii ~.\l:irch were occupied with the mid-June. The trip home from Siiig;i- :iiiiiii;il JET exercise after four days in pore. she left for Iiiigland on .\l:ircli1 lriiiconialec. Ceylon. 36. lakes in iloiig Koiii.-. (iiiain. l.’c;irl l3\ercise "JET 62" \\ as followed ‘IV ..I Harbour. San Frzincisco. Seattle. most hectic period prior to the l-‘lag V;|ltC\)tl\'L'f‘.and then back throiigh the Ollicer. Sccoiid-iii-Coniiiiand‘s ll.irl’;iii;im;i (‘anal to Triiiidad and then hour lnspectioii. which commenced on | home. Since ('|iristin;is. spent at Singapore. i ma“ l-l..\l.S. Belfast has been far from In January the ship went to Subic M‘ ‘ I ‘L mm "'0" 0 "‘ 5 "ll Bay. an .»\meric.in base in the Philip-l It is hoped to be able to include in pines‘. On the l‘ltli the ship had her the next isstisc of “.\;iv_v i\evss" Sea Inspection oil Singapore. followed reports of the :icti\-itics during the long home. by :i self-in;iititeii;ince period. -
f""5'- IS_"r‘_:"°r. W". ““rd_‘ _ d Tm’ itlle.i“_\";m{', ‘"3-"T “fnl _p_‘l"—"‘ ijoiirne}:
H.M.S. Bermuda
great source of pleasure at ‘ chicken and salmon lunch by the the Children's Party held onboard for Bishop ol Bermuda while several ltinderprivileged children on l:t:bNX'.Il’_\' (‘hiet Petty Ollicers and l’ett_v Ollicers ill. These children eiijoyiiig an csiwere taken Deep Sea Fishing l\\hii:h ? lItItt\ll\'Cl§‘ memorable ti f t e r n o o ii which culminated in the firing ot incltide Rum Swiules and Girls!) ->< w\\‘'§f'l iballoons b_v compressed air from the "0300 ‘N cl"-rs guns of "Y" Ttirret_ Later on the ll.\t.S. tterinuda returned to the igroiip of entertainerstroin the leading isame evening. the l{o_\~al Marine Band Beat Retreat in Front Street and many Dockyard at Ireland Island at the end 5 Hotels visited the ship and‘ gave per- hundreds of people crowded the area : iiientertainers ot the week and after a quick Paint 3 tormances »—these Brothers. to watch this nostalgic performance. Ship sailed into Hamilton, the ‘chided the famoushisTalbot During the week the Annual AngloIslanders (‘:ipit:i|. on fs':iturd:iy. February l7. Hubert Smith andSteel (‘oral Band. Before American Parliamentiirv Conference The ship for many years past has ‘and the Shell Talbot Brothers donated took place in the Bermudian Hotel CIIJMCJ ucmcnaous generosity from 5 leaving. theLP. and several otlicers attended the records to the ship. the people of the Colony of Bermuda ;nearly .200 and trophies and funds presented to‘ Possibly the greatest attraction was. Annual Dinner. the ship have amounted to a sum of however, the Ship's (ompany t_)ai_1ce I-‘A.\'TASTIC ll0SPl‘l‘i\l.lTY about £ltl.0tl0. It was particularly l given by the Royal Naval .-ltzssoeitition On Friday after a fantastic week of tittiiii-.. therctore. that the ship should 1 of Bermuda and held in Hamilton be ahle to rc-visit the Colony before 4 Hall on Monday. F¢hl’llLll')' I9. Sonic liospltality the ship slipped from her berth and sailed maiestically aw-a.\'. llll'.tli_\' pa_\'ing-(Ill and the generosity £ 350 of the ship's Conipainy were able Crowds lined the roads to wave goodbye and the Band of the Bermuda Rifles were paraded in front of the Ro_v:i| Bermuda Yacht Club playing
that ll..\l.S. Bermuda exercised the following week and several InlCfCSl|l1S and iiseliil exercises took place with (‘.iii.id..iii ;iircral't from the United States .-\ir l-orce Base and Naval Base on the Island.
jsomc ratings
entertained to
were a
l‘0flglt‘):lCl )tl*lE)c:C-l ':n'l i igijlit iikhdilfereitii ‘
Lang Syne
...but; ordered from your WillcrliysNaval .\tanagei'. this superb sports coat. embodies all that. is finest; in London tailoring'...and you can pay by allotrnent. it’ you wish! Our Naval Managers visit: your ship or shore station regularly
you're :1 native. they'd be glad to call and see you at your 011']! Ironic. 'I'hcy'tl take —or
clothes. shoes. shirts and of course. uniforms. all tailoredto the finest tradition. with a. service to match the tailoring. W0 nevi I-‘asst Patrol Boats by \\'illcrbysNaval .\t:inagers will Vosper. Ltd.. of Portsmouth. be glad to tell you all about. it. with Bristol Siddeley gas turbines have been ordered by the Royal when they're next aboard; or I)aI1lslI N'.iv_\'. can drop us a. line or call With three marine Proteus engines you these boats have a total horsepower in at any of our branches for ol l2.75tl and are capable of more a leaflet describing Wlllerbys than 50 knots. They are armed with 41! mm, Bofors guns and torpedo service to men in the Service. : tubes. 1 The design is :i combination of the PAY BY ' British Royal Navy Brave (‘lass l-‘ast Patrol Boats and the Vospcr private venture Fast l’;itrol Boat "l~'erocity" which are also pouered by Bristol S;dde|e_v Proteus engines. IF
BRIG woons
FRENCH SHIPS AT PORT EDGAR llltl-IF. l-tench ll1lll'.:s\sCi.‘:K'l’\ .'iiit| an :iii.\ili.irj.'. the :\lcncoii. the ('onim;ir. the (i;iri3_-liano and the (igzilc. visited Port lidga: at the end ot .\l.irch to take part in e\cn.'ist_-4 with ll..\l. .\lincs-.\e.-pcrs b.is-:d in the l‘ii:li of l‘oith. 'lli: ollicers and men of ll..\l.'~i_ locliinsar and the ltltlth and ilst .\lineswcepiiig.- Squadrons under the oierall comiiiand of (Hunt. R. i\'. Watkin. l{.N.. “ere hosts to the French navzil personnel. uho numbered some 200.
wii.i.i.=RBYs 28-30 OXFORD ST.,LONDON W1 82 Royal Parade. Plymouth 111 Coniniereinl Road. Poitsruouth 5 London Rd.. North End. Ports.-iioutti 223 High Street. Cliritliani '20 Alto'Ii- Bar, Sotitlintiiptan -11 Gordon Slieet. Glasgow 12 Noitli Bndoc. Edinburgh 52 Comniorcial Street. Dundee 20 High Street, Bi.-llast 253 l.'l:iin Street. Gil.ira|t.ir ‘tailors to the Services-Erancnet ttiroiieheiit Great lriuut
Drifter turned into
ting Gunnery School
a Floa PRACTICES REVEALED POOR GUNNERY STANDARD Umpire. Promoted to Lieutenant at. stopped. same rate of pay by
I-I.M.S. Actaeon July I8, l9l6, I had to adiust myself. not ONonlyjoining to the environments and traditions of large Wardrooin. but also on
to some extent, was embarrassing. “Mate” of that holder The rank the was a product of the Lower emphasized Deck, and In those days, appeared to be rather a stigma on the holder. I soon learned that it was an unforgivable sin. to say “Good morning. Sir” to a senior otlicer at the breakfast table; one had to eat in strict silence, and mind one‘: “P5” and “Qs," remembering that discretion was the better part of valottr. However, once away from this We were lent four Hostilities Only early morning depression. my Ratings from Chatham. whom we thoughts were quickly diverted to the quickly trained as Recorders. problem in hand. which was a big In the meantime I was trying to one. After an interview with Captain obtain a towing vessel. and was given Villiers to discuss ways and means for the loan of H.M. Drifter City of Hull. the carrying-out of tiring practices. The target had been prepared on a I put to him the need for a Gunner's slip‘-ray. which was located on Mate for the Flotilla to assist me. and adjacent ilurntwick Island. so all was he promptly made a signal to the ready for the fray. So testing time had arrived. Would Gunners’ School at Chatham. The second point I raised. was that my plans be successful? If they of stores and eqtiiprneiit. To have flopped. I would be stink forever attempted. at such a time. to obtain more. City of Hull. complete with my Admiralty approval. wotild probably gtinnery staff on board. and target have taken months. I therefore towing astern. steamed out of suggested. that as the equipment harbour. and for the first day. required would be ruled as "In excess anchored near the Edinburgh Light of Establishment." I should have his
mixing with many senior otlicers. This,
to make out the Demand
Notes. and that he should countersign
them. In view of the tirgency. he agreed. and no question was ever raised by the l)oel._\;ird or .-\rm:iment Stores Atttliorilics.
ractice over. I proceeded on board the senior M.L. and the Commanding Officer and myself carried out "Equal Speed" manoeuvres. These practices covered approximately three months and I was then free to study just how regular gunnery drills could be carried Sights. and Control Officer's Orders. out in harbour. and tune up the The whilst I acted as procedure worked very well. Some- efficiency. times the run had to be on ZF.|’l'F.I.|N RAIDS account of a mine breaking surface. The period I915/I6 had not been a rifle fire. which was sunk In this way. all vessels were met in quiet period for Sheerness and the their own patrol areas until. _the surrounding area. Many Zeppelin exercises were completed. The Drifter raids had taken place. In May. l9l5. City of Hull. with target anchored lI.M.S. Princess Irene. had blown up off the Edinburgh Light Vessel each at her moorings, and the casualties night returning to harbour on mentioned in a previous article. were S:iturday‘s for Coal. Water and Pro- spread over this period. Attacks on visions. and out to sea again at first London itself had been very severe. and the Anti-Aircraft Defences were light on Mondays.
School. on adjacent Biirntwick Island. using old searchlight casemates
to accommodate Loading Teachers etc. At a convenient spot. my
Gunner‘s Mates (now live strong) laid out :1 .22 Rifle and a Pistol Range. under the direction of C.P.0. Morton. who had been promoted.
Whilst all these activities were taking place. I was pressing for the City of Hull to be returned. and made a permanent Gunnery Tender. and after a few weeks my efforts were successful. Transporting men from the Flotilla backwards and forwards to the island. had wasted a lot of time and reduced enthusiasm. The City of Hull became a floating negligible. gunnery school. She curried 4-inch FRANK REMARKS During one of these attacks. just B.L. and Q.F. and l2-pounder before daybreak. a Destroyer on Loaders. Dummy Shells and Fuses. The gunnery staff had a really tough time. whilst vessels of the Note “A” Patrol sighted a large obiect Gun Sights recovered from T.B.D. _
1921-1961 Forty
Vessel in readiness to rendezvous on Patrol the following day. if tides. weather. and other conditions were suitable. after the War Channel had been swept. it had been arranged for the practices to take place on a rising tide. from two hours before high water to two hours after to allow drifting for unswept mines. I and my party. boarded the Sheerness llarhour from Stangate Creek, during the I9!-t-I8 war. The ship in the foreground is the Acttleon boat boat or torpedo torpedo destroyer to tire. using the drit‘ter's F]o1i"us' “,_.,c pttt to little in- almost on the surface of the sea. On casualties. and a Deflection Teacher dinghy. The Gunners’ Mate acted as C°m.c“icn,_.c‘ which was much closer investigation it proved to be on the bow gun. Range Taker: Recorders, Ranges on .mp,cL.;;.,,_.d_ -1-he firings comp].-,i¢d. Zeppelin I..l5 with engines out of Funds were raised to award prires action. The crew were taken for every possible kind of drill the results were analysed. The “Fall prisoners. and an attempt to tow efliciciicy. and finally. for the Gunof Shot" had been recorded. by use of the ainhip was made by an i\I.L. layers at target practice. ('or’t‘Ipctiti0nS a Rake on board City of Hull. An of ever‘ kind. iitcltiditig .22 rifle and analysis chart was made out for each but it sank on Margate Sands. vessel. with my remarks as Umpire. By the end of l')l6. ottr night. pistol s tooling every quarter. follow ed forAn overall report with charts was lighters had come irtto their own. and by target practice at sea, were warded to Admiral Villiers. I was very with the use of tracer bullets. arranged. For training of olliccrs. a \\';trleigh frank in my rctnarks. ‘I his report was practically tinniliilatcd the 7.eppe|in sent on to (‘omntander Munroe. Fleet. But by this time the (iermans Spotting Table had been o‘nt;iiucd. Senior Ollicer. lilotillzis with Captain had developed poweritil bomber and set up on the riiain deck of Vi||iers' remarks. and for the report forces. and London and south-cast Actaeon I. .\ly otlice oit the opposite to be circulated to all Commanding England was bombed b_v day and side of the deck (a disused head) was Ollicers. night. Sheerness. was the tirst town to rigged as a 'l'ransniitting Station. as The practice had revealed. in no be bombed by day. My Chief built into the .\I Class destroyers. It uncertain way. the poor standard Armourer. on duty in the Dockyard was with great pride and pleasure. that at Gun’.-; Crews and Control was killed. He was a great loss to the I watched the growing elliciency and Oificers. It had to be taken into Flotilla. and particularly myself. Later enthusiasm. and felt that in whatever consideration. that the Oflieers were the Drill shed at (‘hathttm was ship or destroyer. these otlicers and N.R. or R.N.V.R. without ex- bombed at night: inflicting a large ratings might join they would perform their duty with credit. perience. whilst ntore than 50% of ittirnber of casualties. “llostilities the crews. were Only" These frequent attacks. strengthened l’R().\I()‘l'I-II) TO I.I|~IUI‘l~'..\'.»\i\"I' who had scarcely any train- my hand consitlcrably. There was ratings. ing (This llI\t) applied to the cult- quite it different atmosphere in the Ill October l‘)l7 after ltoldiitg the tlititms prevailing in the second Flotillti. and an etteeritess to learn; rank of '‘.\late'' for three years. I was World War). the "Kiiow' How" of defence. w hctlier promoted to acting lictilcnant. Wltat If the l~lotilla was to he an ellicieiit attacks were from the air. or from a dillereitcc this second stripe made to lr.iiiiing medium. to feed traiitctl ' the sea. With the help of .-\dtitir:t| me. not only iii the .»\ct.-.t-iui \\'ardpersonnel into modern destroyers. Villiers and his magic signature. I room. but with I-‘lotilla ()lli.‘~.-rs as somcIliiii«_.: very drastic needed to he was able to acuqire. tltroiiglt various well. done. lllL‘\L‘ ollicers and men were stores tlcpnrtrncnts. all the in.strucThere was no liitztneinl gain. As ittdeetl. "Sai|or~‘. in the .\l:ikiitg." My tioiial equipment I needed. a mate. my pay was 9s. per day and unbiased. .\lticli to my regret. the l)rifter.! plus 2s. messing allowance. plus Is. report. completely based on the records complied. was "City of Hull" was required for for gunnery duties, in lieu of coldly received by ti few Commanding duties. so I set tip a miniature Guit(Continued on page 7. column 3) Ollicers in the Flotilla. btit it was warmly welcomed by both .-‘\dniiral Villiers, acting as Captain (D) Com. . niandery Munro (S.O.F.). Whilst the report was being circuin a lated. and digested :1 few more weeks were spent at sea. carrying out shoots front .-\uxiliary Vessels. These craft only carried one gun which might be of arty calibre. and a new tecltuiqui: was needed. The 36 motor launches were a separate problem. and dealt with home at the end of the programme. These were armetl with I3-poundcr guns. of from a type which neither the Gunner's Mate nor myself. had ever seen before. Permissioii was obtained for four .\t.l-.s to berth daily alongside Actaeon |I—for Armourers to strip (near Portsmouth and Southsea) down the guns, for all to see the blend _of town -and country—ne:ir the sea. I-‘mt mad. rail I'.'ltI has KEHNINGTON LAKE, LONDON, 8.E.1I! mechanism. and establish how it 'I1te_p_ert’ect facilitiesat hand with excellent shops, schools and cliutchcs in tlic \l\2llltI)'. worked. and for the Gunner's Mate Organisation For coniplclcinfornralion,please write or phone to devise a system of gun drill. JOHN C. NICHOLLS. LIMITED At tltc end of the week. the four rirmerbert Road. Farlington. Portsmouth. Tel: Cosltaiit 70312 .\l.l..s proceeded to sea. with City of Hull. to carry out a shoot. This
Years of Service to the Services
still in
Naafi has taken a bold step the front ranks of
'into progressive
with the
installatioti of an electronic computer in its modern wareltou-.'c at Krcfcld,
I.inkcd with punclicd tape machines and a battery of tcleprintets, the computer produces intlcnts, invoices and stock figures; solves aritltmctical problems in thousandtlts of a second; cuts out tedious clerical work and provides valuable iriformation at the time it is most needed. Another type of computer has become Naat't‘s "I’a5-master General" and will progressively take on more routine duties dealing with warehouse stocks and issues in the United
One more example of Na:tfi’s aim to keep in step with the Rocket-age Services.
.H.M. Forces’
you'll enjoy living
I-'l.'~LI. SPI-IICI) .-\IIi-I.-U) Within .1 few days. :1 (itinners' .\l;ite arrived in the person of Petty Otlicer Morton. at that titne the Cr.iL‘K Rifle and Pistol Shot. of the i\';tv_v. lie was keen and ellicicut. and together. within :1 few days we were going "Full Speed Altead." I had had training in Naval Storeltecping and in a very short time. I obtained Target Rafts, Sails. Timber for repairs. Towing Wires. Stop Watches. and even a small portable Range-finder.
plans ahead
Oflicial Trading
M._i_v. l‘)§‘.' ‘
N \\'\' .\'l-fW§ i
I “
‘V. "
\’ici:-.-\dniiral N. I-'.. l)enniii2. (‘.B.. .-\diii';r:il Sir Laurence Durlacher. K.(‘.lt.. ().lli.t-'... l).S.C.. \\a.s placed on ().l!.l".._ is to he Chzei i\';iv.il Supply the Retired List to date Jaiiiiary 26. ice-.-\ mira Sir U in _ancaster. to i-, \"‘°"'\d"m"' SJ R°'““m “m‘m' K.lt.L’.. (‘.ll.. llti: appointment to K.('.ll.. I).S.('. and Bar “as promoted talie etlect in July next. Vice~.~\dn1ir.il to .'\tll'lllf.ll to date laiiiiary 16. l)ennin_t: \\illv continue to hold his Hutchinson. ll. Rear-.\cliii'.r:il ('._ ;present appointment as Director of (‘.H.. l).S.().. (l.lt.l'... \i:is placed oii.N_,.,-_,| in1,_.ii;g,~.,,L-‘.7 Retired List to d:iti: l:iniI.ir_s 27. Cup!‘ J. “I D. Gm". 0-"J1" Rn‘; I). A. Iteicrenil the Spear. ().B.I...‘.\ M h__. pmm‘“L.d [U Rm“. __\dmiru| .'\I..-\.. R..V.. \\.i.s zippo ntcd "”:to date July 7 and to be L)IfL‘Clt\f-‘ llt‘“*"-'7.‘ (l'3l‘l3"“ l“ “"5 Q“"°“ "‘?(ii:iii:r;ilnl Training in siiccessiiiii to‘ tioin I:iiiii;iiy II in .succe.ss on to tlic;v;L-‘..,.\.i,,,,,-J1 N. g.',_ |iL.ndL.r“,n_ gig” R°‘¢“-"‘d H 1- N‘ P‘”"">- L"-'3"i0.B.l€.. the appointment to take M-4‘--~ R-N in Jul-. next Vice-AdnI'ral Sh’ PEIH’ I)2IWflZl)'o ‘ n (' | K'(.‘v'”" ("a" ""s‘C" “"5 placed to R‘'"''‘‘‘‘ Li“ I" d‘‘” F°h'”' iiiarider-iii-Cliiel’. i\li:diterraiiean. ~
;iiidv.Secretl.iri;it’Otlici;r lin .[S‘tIl.\‘t.‘SSt(tl'l
the lifty who attended the pltst-Jet dinner in the
‘"r“ lg”
()l'Iii:er.s' .\le\s. II..\l5. Terror, Singapore
Monkeys have pride of place in Petty Oflicers’ mess
Wise l1:-k":'It‘lt .' r‘('-l}:.ll Cl.|;l Sitailutfi ll|..:.(‘\.l.tI:: l
1k‘l L's'l
Capt. J. 5. Raven. B50. h ' R_[)_ -‘ (”'‘"d ”"‘“"“ been and Clasp. R.N.R.. was appointed in .s..\i.i.i:.i-:.. Royal Navy. has (oniiiiodore. Royal Naval Reserve. promoted to Rear-.-\drriir.i| and apof the Engineer-'’ Olliccrs' Mess in the form of the with ellecl from Fcbriiziry -i -n suc_|pointcd Director _. .,_l 1. r‘"mn.g D.'v”l‘m ‘mu H“ Three Wise Monkeys. It wili be re‘‘‘‘'m.”. cession to Commodore .l. \VlI:tym;tI‘|.'mR membered that ol the three wise Cliiet Naval Engineering (~_fl_l_-M D_S_c__ R_D_ and OlI|LCl', monkeys one has its hands covering RANK its ears. the second has its eyes Rear-Admiral it. C. Martetl. C.B.E.. Rear-Admiral I-. F. Ponlelt. C.a.. covered and the third has its mouth is to be Admiral Commanding l).S.(). and Bzr.. l).S.C.. was placed covered and it was thought that the 35. date List Retired to the April ttl RC'~‘|’lliling!on and Reserves lnspeclof The dinner was such an outstand- [monkeys could well have an allusion !l.0lTIi\'G and Radar Instructors. I in succession to Vice-Admiral Sit Instructors. and Torpedo inp stlccess that manv present hoped to the three branches in whose honour Dr. R. H. Purcell. C.8-. PIa.l).. 1 Gunnery C.B.. Alastair hwiitg. K.l¥.E._ l*'.R.|.C.. the present Scientilic .-\d\'l\cl and Anti-Submarine Instructors. to- that it will become an annual event the dinner was held. viz.: llear no ellect take Ill the appointment to to the Home Ottice has been appointed gether vv'tlI Special Duties Olieers of as a post-Jet :ictLvit_v in the Far lizist. I evil—the T.A.S.l.. See no evilAugust nest (‘hiet of the Royal Naval Scientific these three branches. nearly so of with the hop: tli.il other stations will I P.R.l. and Speak no evil-—the (‘i.l. Miniatures of these mementos were Capt. II. C. l._vtliIon. 0.B.F... R.N.. Service with ellect from March l2. them in all. celebrated the end of‘ lolluvi suit. A permanent memento ol the presented to the [our guests of is to be promoted to Rear-Admiral He succeeds Dr. H. F. Willis. C.8. I-Zxercise "Jet 62" with a dinner in the tod;il¢ July Tnnd to be Rear-Mmitéil Ph.D.. .\t.Sc.. who is leaving the Petty (|tlieers' Mess |l.M.S. Terror.‘ occ:is.‘on was presented to the Petty honoun ll’Cf$<'l\"Cll- "0""-' All C0mm3*"d- "1 Admiralty to become a Scientific Singapore. on March I9. ‘I he guests of honour at the dinner succession to Rczir-N-lm-"rill W 5- -3 Adviser in the Minisirv of Defence. Tighe. C.lt.. the appointment to take were (apt. G. O. Roberts. R.N. (C etlect in August next "r ""“““"°7"‘ Rear-Aclniiral R. S._ Havyklris is to; H -.‘I So far as can be ascertained. only one gi "iq(,i_ ht Chicf .N“V“l E"g.‘"c°""g, Omcgi other sliip—H.M.S. Sheflield-hasever in S““'°“.'“" m $Iri.'\lC.l'.Zlfl(.lI'LI'$ Royal Naval Nursim: had a stainless steel hell. H": CB“ l"B‘E" 5“"d‘"5' Tl“‘"““ CST 'Navig.iting Officers. On 9th .\tari:h_ at a service attended Service in success-ion to Miss ll. i:;,i,_I;,;,c,_ (jiii.' (‘,,,,,,.¢n. take month. .\lori:. (‘.lt.F_,, R.R.C.. vsitli ellect lroni cerl. and representatives ol’ the fol-§ ._ '=“‘l"-"““"i"F "~‘ eltect thiscontinue appointment to ”-M-S‘ by the Ship's (‘omp:in_\'. their wivei Hays-kins Rear-.«'\dmir:i| will l-orest .\l.oor. would look l\\IC¢ ‘at the and families and representatives of lttls H. IWC. Navgcs were lowing p,.“cm_ um’; as his to hold present appointment 0| Messrs, Firth Vickcrs. the bell was l--" mu‘: ‘‘ Royal Caiiadian Navy. the Royal 53 m“? ""°""“'°‘ mi Director of Marine Engineering. hm‘ traditionally dedicated by the Rev4'1. Australian Navy and the Royal Ne“ :\dinir;illy fact. that :s «here the Navy 3 most erend (i. D'Aguiar. Vicar of Darlev. 7_culnm| N.W)_ and the otliciating minister lor the Admiral of the Fleet the Earl; . land-locked sli.p .s located i Mountbatten of Burma. K.G.. look} ()ccup_siiii_: some "tilt acres ol the. establishment. .\l:\N whose whole lite was the~ West Ritt.iii: oi’ Yiirksliirc. TU miles‘ Follossing the cereiriony the t_:ttc\!i the salute at a pzissiiig-mil parade at; has died at the early i Royal Navy liroin the iicurest sea miter. and ltti \\C|'C eIitert;iini:d to lunch. and it -s‘ Rritaniiizi Royal Naval College. l).irt- age ot S3. understood that there are a mimher mouth. on .-\pri| 9. {miles from the nearest sinihle lowni til lit.-(‘.l’.(). (‘ieorge ti. Bell. D.S..\I.. potential c.iiid.d.itcs w:i.‘t.u_e to ,'llllll'ltIt!lllCl. ll..\l.S. Forest .\limr.I Cam. I’. N. Buckley. l).S.0.. R..V.. who joined the Royal Hospital School. il.lt.'lllcll.tlll( ommziiiiler J, .-\ .'s'hiittcr- "cliristen" the hell. is to be promoted to Rear-Admiral Cireeiiwicli. at ll years ot .ige.:iiid who ((,'imtinuc¢l from page 6. column 5) 3 \\-ortli. R..\'.. is one of the several (and to date July 7. and to be Director-iri:tircd in 1948. died on April I5. A ‘the ttt.‘\\L'sll N;i\..il Wiiel-.-ss Stalioiis iii ('iener:il ol .\I;inpoui:r in succession;"n;iiive" of Portsmoiith. yslierc many spei-Ialist. As a lieutenant I gained the United K:n.'dom. [ to \'t\.'C-.'\(ll}'lll'iIl Sir John l.:inc:isteI'.lof his relations still live. (ieori_:c- llell 2s. per day lr.is'Ic pay. but lost the 3rd (oniinissioneil u."I Octoher., K.B.l’... (‘.ll.. the zippoziilment to take i will be lIIl\\i.'tl by a large number ol me.s.ng allmvance. ‘thus I was l‘Ilill. the est:ihl.shment recently be~| l friends. etlect in July ne\t. creil.ti.-it at the rate nt Ila. per day. came the proud possessor of a ship'_s| 54 4» per week. with ii r-.iii-iy large bell is-.tli .i dxilerence. "llifls bell. manumess hill to pay at the end at the tactiired and presented by .\li:ssr.s month. ‘the overall pay vsus less Firth Vlclters Siiihrite Steels l,td.. ol than that of :t C.l-l.R..-\. But uslSliellii.-Id. is ttt.t(lc ol Stayhrite Steel. l »lam: as I could manage l Vtzls very tlt.s method ol inziniilacture is in- l .‘ in that instead or being happy to have the privilege of.’ teresting \ scrrin-.: my counti-_i in in. R4,,-aii ii I\ spun and sirctclied --iii much the‘, Dedication til the Bell ’s:ime \\‘.l_\ as potter} is in:iutitai.‘turedl i a\a\‘_\. lhe Navy had been sliakcn yen _scvercly. by the hlowiiig up oi ll_.\l S. :Bltl\\lITk. Priiicess Irene. i\‘;it:il. \'an-,‘i:ii:ird aiul (ilzitton. lli.s led to ihc gstringeiit introduction of "(‘oid.i¢. ‘Rei_:tiI;_itions'." These \\crc much too} eoiiiplicated to be dealt “till by‘ Oiily" personnel, as ihcrc i"llosti|it_\ so were iu:iii_\ lsot numbers with the! aiiiiiiiiiiitioii. So :i Registrar! i,s'll1:lllCl' |\\:I\ esiahlislied in mi ollice. and the! icttlftcfi c:ircl'u||_\ checked with A.l-.().si necessary action taken. I had illltll ;this time. had a (‘liiel (iiiniier's .\l'.itc. : primliitcil to \\:ItT:IllIollicer. who took (‘'9'
‘Ship’ seventy miles from
I[,r3:g:,.flo::‘‘Hi..,:E,a,?;.m?,:d§:::f7.lkgififi "‘_1*':tp‘::IIll.] C‘ ; t f l N ' I lIl..\lfi9. 0Tcrrorl. _‘ _
l‘ eeii hill-iv rlq{"I|gJl“mI1’ (‘)mcRri‘.l tcféliml lt)“E)‘t,!lL“ti;lI'lL‘ .\Jl£.|l |l:\)l:"'l‘l:'c(~lIlo.:‘|y'|IQti -[‘:{g‘0m".¢,I, I"ndcé-l;\c,,;mM',dcrRc§, '
N"r_'h' "‘f"gll"d°
D-S° M D I °
Sailors _in the
responsibility tor ships complying ‘the \\lll'l ('orilite tests l
SOUTH STREET, VALETTA, MALTA Cable "Shipassure" Halt: B.E.A. and all .ndeDendenv Com -annex
Telephone C.24226 (5 lines
Agents roi
Try our Easy Payment Plan
I‘)lll. uheii return;ing to liarhoiir after it practice shoot. (ummandiiig Otlicei of I l>t.|t5_ lituiitillctl as we passed. "Congratulalions on your appnintinent as First l.ii:uti.-n;int and '(i' oi’ tt_M,sg Proserpiiie," this caused my heart to iluiter. Later I learned from Admiral Villiers. that she “as a protected cruiser lilting out in Bombay. lot scrsee in the Red Sea. He asked me if I wished to stay and I replied in the negative. {hit I knew I could have stayed if I had so wished. Admiral Villicrs and (‘dr. Munroe had iziven Due l0 our I003 association with the me tremendous help, .crvicc.~ we can otter our expert advio I felt sad at the tlioiiglit of leaving. I but on the other hand. I had spent on at motoring problems nciuding our If. years in the Flotilla. I had niade Home or Export detiverv ~cheme.s. a siiccess of my uiidertaltings. and kite“ I could turn oV\‘:i an etliciciit Plan now 0 ensure -hat your car I.\ a guunerx orgaiiisatioii l felt my new he Quayside when you dock. Arrangeappoiiitment. was a call lot’ action to tackle perhaps. another meni~ made Io' detvverv anywhere Ito me. l proliieiii. you purcliase your ear Irom us l
LONDON itOA.) CA.-1i3eKi.ev DURKCI‘
Pliurii-. CUIIl“t"»t'| .l-H3 llil mini ESl'A3LiSr-IEO Hill
“av. I962
An ‘Aggie Weston’s’ for
Fleet. provided _for financial
but owing to stringency this number has had to be cut.
is H..\l.haveNavalits Base Singapore Royal Sailors’ EXPERIMENT Rest. Although there several service clubs in the city of Singapore. IN TRAINING there is such accommodation in the Naval Base itself. experiment in training has AN Sailors‘ Rests. known familiarly to been carried with apprenthe sailor to
"Aggie Wcston's." are situated in Dcvonport. Portsmouth. Londonderry and Wcymouth in the United Kingdom. and a hotel has recently been purchased in Lossicmouth. Scotland. in order to provide transit accommodation for families of Naval Personnel serving in the Air as
Ships of the N.A.'I'.0. fleet during Exercise “Dawn Breeze VII." near Gibraltar. The exercise was jointly sponsored bv the Allied C-in-C. Channel and C-in-C. Eastern Atlantic Area. Naval and Maritime air forces from Canada. France. Netherlands. Portugal and the United Kingdom took part. The picture shows part of the N.A.'l‘.0. fleet. In the foreground is the British cruiser Bermuda and the carrier is the French Clemenceau.
presents medal
lll-I llenry Leigh Carsluke Medal for Ubst.'l’\‘t‘l'\'. awarded annually for the best essay on a subject dealing with the work and development of the Fleet Air Ann. open to Observer Ollicers of l.ieutenant-Commander‘s rank and below, has been awarded to l.ieut.('dr. J. G. Grindlc. Royal Navy. The subject chosen was “The Fleet Air Arm of today needs Robust, Intelligent and Mighty Trained Air-
Ill‘: recent f-'!lt.‘nsi\'c N.A.'l'.O. tactical and anti-subluarine exercise. "l)a_nn llrceI.e." showed by the alert and precise execution of _orders dunng high speed tactical manoeuvres the line state of training and unity of the 5...-\.l.O. navies. The safety of our own country When it is realised that ilritish. Canadian. Dutch. French and Portu- clearly lies in the success of the comgucsc ships were involved. it is a mon dcfencc of the North Atlantic matter of congratulation that the area and N.A.'I'.O. must continue to difliculties. such as communications. be one of Britain's primary reare clearly being overcome. British sponsibilities and, where so many and French tankers have been re- diverse clcmcnts make up the whole. fuelling ships of other navies under constant practice is needed. as in the way. while aircraft from Victorious exercises "Dawn Breeze" to enable and the new French carrier these elements to work smoothly. and Clemenceau have been "cross- the collective alliance to be welded operating" from each other's flight into an effective instrument for decks. mutual defence.
Station there. Mission Halls with social amenities have also been built in liridgcmary. Hants and St. Bttdcatut. l’|_\'mouth. .\'aval Housing Estates. The Rest to be erected in Singapore has been designed by .\le.ssrs. Swan and Maclarcn. Architects, of Singapore and will contain 50 or 60 cabins. a restaurant. billiards and music rooms and lounges. and, if funds permit. .1 swimming pool and tennis courts. Financial assistance towards the cost of the main building is being given by the Naval (‘entral Fund and King George's Fund for Sailors. and further gifts will be welcomed by the General Secretary at 31 Western Parade. Southsea. Hants. The original plans. drawn up after Lieut.-Cdr. F. M. Savage. l-'.C.C.S.. R.N.. the General Secretary of the Royal S:tilors' Rests had flown out to Singapore in 1960. on a fact~linding mission following representations made by the Commander-in-Chief. Far East Station and the Chaplain of
tices from ll.M.S. Caledonia. the Royal Navy training establishment at
The experiment has been carried out in an attempt to develop leadership and responsibility in the apprentices and to prepare them for the responsibilities they will have to face as Petty Oflicers in the Fleet. l~'.Xl’l-Il)l'I'l0.\'S Capt. R, H. l’. lilvin. ('omm.utding Olliccr of Caledonia. who is a training expert. devised the new scheme. Senior apprentices at Caledonia this term were the Iirst to take part in _the new cottrsc which lasted for ten days and was held at the Army camp at ls'u|t}braggcn in Pcrthshirc. While living in the camp the apprentices had lectures and discussions on such things as the human aspect in their relations with other peoplc—-with special emphasis on how such matters could affect their Naval careers. They also went on e\'pcditions in the Perthsliirc Highlands and carried out other activities designed
develop :1 sense of leadership. Capt. Elving told the apprentices at the spring passing-out parade on April I6: "I believe it is most im-
portant that we should do more to prepare you for the responsibilities you will have to take on when mu complete your apprenticeship. I believe you need more preparation before you leave here and more e.\periencc in the human aspects of the tasks which lie ahead for you." crews." The new course is the only one of Licut.-Cdr. Grintllc's last appointits kind at present being run by the ment was as Senior Observer. No. 824 Navy and it is being watched with Squadron embarked in H..\l.S. LTHOUGII the of olficers and the requirements now participating will automatically great interest. "It could lead to men on primary leaving Centaur. services. is the Iinding of a suitable job. the necessity to find a roof for be included and will thus gain a head changes in training techniques for the The medal. which commemorates l.ieut. llenry Leigh Carslakc. Royal their famiIy—and today. more than ever before. most of those leaving the start under the save while you serve apprentices" said Capt. Elvin. ln scheme. l‘)S7 he was in charge of manageNavy. a pioneer Observer of the Fleet service have family responsibilities—isa major problem. Air Arm. was presented to l.icul.-Cdr. Considerable thought has been house on the completion of his The actual details regarding the ment training in the Royal Dockyards (irindlc by the Flag Ollicer Air given to linding ways and means of service. The uncertainty of “here he making of an allotment. the applica- as .\lanagentcut Training Ollicer. (Home). Vice-Admiral D. P. Dreyer. [assisting the service man to buy a will settle has probably deterred many tion of the scheme to W.R.N.S. COMBINED OP!-IRATl0.\'S olliccrs and men from purchasing a personnel. the adding of interest on house whilst still serving. but with savings accounts. ctc.. can be found in The prizes at the passing-out parade the advent of married quarters and A.F.O. 24l8/6| which gives the were handed over by Ltcut.-(icneral furnished hirings the necessity to broad outline and a recent order W. J. R, ‘Farrier, General Otlicer purchase a house whilst still serving which linaliscs the detail. Commanding. Scottish Command. has to a great extent, been nullilied. stressed that it Was "Save While You Serve" is a wise General Turnerthat the three lighting The big problem of tiuding and and scamanlikc very important to ensure Services should precaution get to know one purchasing a house upon leaving the a house of your own when you go another. They were becoming more service. however, remains, but this outside. and more dependent on one another problem can. to a great extent. be than they had ever been in the past. overcome whilst the otliccr or man is He felt that practically all operations still serving. of war in the future were going to be Detailed discussions with the Buildcombined operations. allecting all ing Societies Association. which rcpBy appointment to the Royal Danish Court. the Royal Swedish three Services. a very large number of buildrescnts Court and the Royal Greek Court "You should try as hard as you can tng societies throughout the country. to get to know the soldiers and the vague“ and other large organisations such as NE of the main ofl-duty occupa- airmen." he advised the apprentices. the Halifax Building Society. have tions of the men of the frigate "Find out what sort of human beings taken place. and an agreement where- and minesweeper base. ll.M.S. Lochinthey are. They may be slightly ditl'erby all service mcn—-Sailors. Soldiers var. at Port Edgar. South Queens- ent from you because their upbrim.and Airrncn—_may be assisted and ferry is watching the building of ing has been dillercnt. This will encouraged with the establishment of the new Forth road bridt.-,e—a fas- make the work of the three Services :1! home. after serving the Queen and cinating busincss. For the benefit of old cllicicnt if the nation has to go tltcir country. all over the world. has Port Edgar hands. the bridge crosses more to war." been reached. the base just up-river of the Fleet Canteen. Al)\'lCl~I Gl\‘l£~.\' ll..\l.S. l.ochinvar (Captain R. C. As far as the Navy goes-_ the Watkin, R.N.) is the frigate and ruineschemc can be aptly summed up by sweepcr base on the south bank of the the catch phrase "Save While You Forth at South Quecnsfcrry. At us the Mine Countermeasures present Naval allotment .Scr\‘c;"' a normal to HEN the United States Naval Flotilla and the Arctic and l-lomc la Building Society. participating in Divisions Task Force under Rear-Atlmiral of the Fishery Protection the scheme (and you have about l5U‘ Paul lluic visited l’l}‘mouth during societies to clttiusc from) \\I)i|c cm; Squadron are based thcrc. April, 35 U.S. Naval Otlicers met for are serving. will bring you the followWatkin has the dual title cocktails Captain in the elegant and ancient ‘I ‘ ing benctils: of Captain. .\linc (_'ottntcrmc:zsurcs Rcfectory Room at the lilackfriurs la) an undertaking by the Build- (Home) and his flotilla is composed Distillerv of (Ioates & Co. tl’lymouth) ing Society to give special eon- of the Slst .\‘lincswccping Squadron l.td.. the l’l_vmouth Gin makers. sitleration to any application “hi.-h (H..\l. Ships Shoulton. Bronington. It was in this room. the oldest room and the l0()th for Brinkley llrcnch|c,\'). an advance: you ma_v make in Plymouth. dating back to I-325 (b) the building society concerned Mincsxseeping Squadron (ll..\l. Ships when the distillery was in fact a will accept a written promise of Lewiston. Wiston. Upton. Yarnton l)ominic;in monastery. that the 102 civilian employment as the equiv- and \\'oolv¢.-rtou) and H.M.S. Reclaim Pilgrim Fathers gathered before emalent to actual employment. for as Forward Support Ship. The Flotilla barking in the hl:t}‘llu\\cr for the New llte purposes of a mortgage on the is mainly occupied on mine counter- World. trials but occasionally measures house of your choice; (c) tltcy will advise you on the manages a foreign ‘jolly.’ WHEN ASHORE VISIT THE housing situation in the area in USI-II-‘UL BONUS which you desire to live, on the range of prices appropriate to your The Fishery Protection Squadron. means and the likely advance, and with Captain G. C. Leslie. 0.B.E.. in they will assist you throughout the command has four Type I4 Frigates negotiations for purchase and (H.M. Ships Duncan. Malcolm. Rusloan sell and Palliscr) in the Arctic Division 69 and four Coastal Minesweeper: (HM. PAY BY ALLOTMI-'.N’l' Ships Wotton. Sobcrton. Bolton and The long-established Naval allot- Wasperton) in the Home Division. (D. HAMMET) mcnt system fits readily into this The commanding ollicer of H.M.S. worthwhile scheme. and the building Bclton holds the title of Superinten- Open from I2 noon until 2 am. socictiesthemselvcs have agreed that dent of the British Herring Fishery
House Purchase Scheme designed for the service man
TUBORG ton taste in layer
Olliccrs U.S._Nava| in
Pilgrim Fathers’
CASTLE STEAK HOUSE Castle Road Southsea
'pérsohn'el already rhaltirig whiel_i- confers ‘the .us'eful allotment-'to 6'rii:, of the.socie'ties
"all Naval a'n'
on‘the holdé‘r.
bonus’ of ‘
One hundred from frigate have stood at top of Leaning Tower STILL HOPING FOR VISIT TO TOWN
is smite time since IT.\'en.s" but the ship and
from ll..\l.S. Scarborough appeared in "Navy her crew have not been idle. We have been to Gibraltar. Malta. Cyprus. Tohruk. Sardinia and Northern Italy since last November and visits to many i\lediterranean ports are planned before Scarborough returns to the United Kingdom in June. The ship commissioned in June exercises before going on to Malta. l‘)oI and the tirst four or live months Our tirst week in the .\lalta area was \\cre spent in Home \\'aters~-Iceland a real jamborce for those who like and ;\'orway being inc|uded——-but big bangs and gunnery. We had half from .\'ovcntbcr the remainder of the the embryo Gunnery Otliccrs of the _\car passed quickly for us and Navy on board for a week's practice. included a brief visit to Falittoiitli to In all we tired nearly 500 rounds of work with the helicopters from 4.5 inch ammunition. and our car R.N..-\..S'. ('uldrose and a trip to the plugs‘ were almost worn out. Bay of Blbtiit)‘ to act as rescue ship This week was fullowetl by two or on the route of the Ro_\.ltl Flight to maintenance and preparation for our (jh.ina. A dockyard period in Devon- R“)iIl liscort duties. We also had port. although of great assistance to lime to play a lot of sport. but more the ship, was voted out much irnprove- of that later. Malta was in the throes meat on Iceland by a l'orts'ntouth.ot' an election while we were there. btit all scented to pass oll peacefully. Ship‘s (‘oinpany. lluwc\'t:t'. we moved round to Ports- and tile Island has her own govern» mouth in lintc for the ('hristmas mettt again after being without one l.ea\‘c. Only a \cry small number ofifor live years, l)iiring our stay we the Ship’s ('ompany were on b0tll’tll\\'L‘ft: ltonoured by visits from both for ;i very cultl ('ltris'[m;ts'._ but the true the Commander-in-(‘hicI'. .\lL‘tlilct’traditions of (‘hristmas Day were ranean. .-\dmira| Sir I)cric llollandnl'1sur\'cd_ \\"c held a (';iro| S;-rvic¢ on l\'.(‘.li.. l).S.().. l).S.('.. and board. and that was followed by a day the Flag ()lliccr. l-lotillas. Rearof trying to eat more than was Admiral J. l-'. D. Bush. t).s.(‘. ll.M.S. Scarborough. the Whitby class anti-submarine frigate. under helm at speed. humanly possible. Our guests‘ for the day‘ here two American officers and ROYAI. \'A(Tll'I' l{S(.'0R'l‘ four ratings from the U.S.S. Charles F. On February 26. We made a Adams‘. which was visiting Portsmouth rcnde1.vous with ll..\l.Y. Britannia oil at the time. Malta. The Royal Yacht had Her Nobody likes leaving their homes Royal Highness The Princess Royal lll.I~I Seaman “Butch“ Munro of ll..\l.S. .\laIeoIm is a perfectly ordinary} and families. but on .lantiary I2 we MISSEI) Tllli BOAT and embarked. to her we escort were of like his chums in of most sailed with our leader. H.M.S. sort chap and Stornoway that evening was‘ her visits to and on l-'antagus'ta normal ashore. Three hours worth of drinking until nine run Berwick. for six months in the ll..\l.S. .\lalcolm returned to Stormienjoying a in and Limassol to 'l'obruk.: Cyprus. o'clock (chucking out time up therell. three hours worth of dancing until way and anchored inside the harbour .\lediterranean and now we felt we We did much oi‘ not ttcr see Royal midnight. and three hours worth of tar) taking his girl friend home. And so with a vicious Force 10 wind howling. were ready for anything. Highness. who was kept very busy. it came to pass that at 3.30 am. he was strolling happily through the harbour Just as she anehored—"Wtioosh"—— but we had an e.\ce|lent time playing wben—"Whoosh"—up went the distress rocket. BARGAINS AT GIBRALTAR tip went the distress rocket .ig;iin—and cntcrtaincd being by Now Butch is not the sort of llot baths, dry clothing. and even a yet another ship was in trouble. But Gibraltar in .lanuar_v is a splendid games and numerous Army R./\.F. units. matelot to miss any sort of trick and pmsi_:r's sausage was most welcontc. "Butch" Munro missed this one. the change after weeks of English winter The weather was kittd to us. and when promptly volunteered his services to and it was a very relieved quartet who time was 8.30 p.m. and Hutch. as you and a rough passage out. The sun in the Wardroom bewailing their might have guessed. was still in zhc England was enduring her second lot the Stornoway lifeboat. To his surshone throughout our visit and. after ol snow for the winter we were swim- prise. they were in fact short of one ate. pub! six days of quite hard work. the in brilliant sunshine oll lovely or two members down with ‘flu. his ming appearance of the ship was better sandy beaches. The other thing none offer was quickly accepted. Oilskins. than ever before. The Gibraltar of us will about this trip are scaboots and gloves were quickly sliops were just as full as ever of all the orangesforget large, easy to peel and donned and at 4 a.m. oil’ to sea went sorts of so-called bargains. and many It was a great privilege to escort the lifeboat—including Butch Munro. of us left there armed with new tran- juicy. The victitn in this particular case the Yacht and sistor radios or cine cameras feeling had the chance we are lucky to have was the Swedish coaster Ofelia: to do so. It is easy to that our money had been well spent. how much interest is generated bound for Liverpool to Gothcnburg It all depends on how kind the see the gone aground by Royal Yacht when one saw the she had unfortunately Customs men are on our return to crowds that down to see her in on Fladdachuain. a small and rather came the U.K. exposed island north of Skye. By the Famagusta. Bernards of llarwich has been a name synonymous with service Front Gibraltar we went to La the arrived lifeboat time the scene. on We have now arrived back to work Spczia in Northern Italy. Our quiz with the Fleet oil’ Malta and we starti most of the Swedish crew had to the Royal Navy for over 70 years and today all that experience is the that the title team proved on way managed to get ashore by liferaft and of "llrains of the l-'it'th Frigate Squad- the second half of our time in thei sat with what few personal possessions available Mediterranean. One of the most: to you. ron" certainly belongs to them. had to salvage, managed :they striking things about otir Iirst few The lifeboat decided that the southl.a Spezia itself is not one of the months Bernards offer a first class Tailoring and Outfitting service for out here has been the achievegayest or most interesting places to ments of our soccer team. We never west corner was too exposed to the visit, but it is a splendid centre for all thought they were anything out of weather and proceeded to the north of Uniform and Civilian clothes and the island where all but four of the sorts ot' other activities. There were the but have in they ordinary England. the daily bus tours to Florence and CFCW were picked up. The lifeboat other departments through come to life ottt here. and are un-; for Stornoway and llutch many Pisa. There are now over a hundred departed beaten by any other ship. Most of our! demonstrated to the fellow members of us who stood at the top of the other teams are renowned for their; of l'Il\ crew inst how "Kyc" should be wltich practically every requirement of .»\ to\\er. leaning eight spent part_v than their |\ru\\c\\'.lmade. five days at .-\osta as guests of the entliusiasm rather of the Serviceman and his family l Italian Army Ski School. and returned. NO l’Rl'l.l-Z .\l()i\l-IY VISIT T0 SCARll()ROL‘Gll'.' strange to relate. with no broken the Royal l\'.i\;.'s may be readily obtained on a single .\leanwhi|e bones. ‘they enjoyed themselves What of the ftittirc? We return to l-‘isherv Protection Frigate u..\t.s.l tremendously. as did others who went l‘ortsmout|i. all things being equal. in ; .\l;ileolm (Contmander .\l. A. Tihhy. account. up daily to .-\hctone in order to June. htit before that. between cxcr-I Royal Navy) had sailed from Stormilaunch themselves down precipi'vus .cises', we have visits planned to many way and arrived oll I-'l;ttldacltuain 25 Branches at Home and Abroatl, .\lediterrancan slopes completely out of control. ltnnwti nu; miter uf Island just about the same time as a We did not leave l.a Spczia without p.irts_ We hope to be able to tell you Force 7 wind! ()nc look at the giving some local orphans" a cliiltlr-:n's_H,f our m,i.,g,- in 1|“-‘c yslggcgg in our Ofelia. which had. incidentally. :a Mail Order Department at Head [t.ttl_\. it was splendid to see lots ollm.“ _\;,_..“1,_.1;L.r_ “ml to; hope that grounded at l'.' knots. was enough to small l1t\)s. all dressed as sailors tflmcr flu, rum," |mm,_- “,_- may dispcl all previous hopes of enormous I Omcc and lmqucm “Sits by Cxp":rl' cliinhing out of the "l’i|'1|lI-“I ('i""‘3" ‘,man:tgc ottr much looked t'or\\.ird to‘ sums of ]‘t.'lZt.‘ money; and Malcolm enccd rcprc.s‘cntatives to outlying and rushing lt\\.l\. to the entrance to VM1 M" _s,-w,h.,m1,g|, h, garb...-.s1.g|,_ 1 anchored four cables oil shore. do it all again. Two ligures were observed moving home and overseas ensures l)i:nmo.‘k. iabout the upper deck of the Swedish ports at R. ll. l.ieut.-Cdr. G‘:-V-\.":R" ~"\-"Hakka a member of the Ports- ship and it was assumed that they that iR.N.V.R.. 11 Bernard customer is never out Front l.a Spelia we moved on lt)'tllUttlll Naval (Sliding Club._ _to_okE were part of the crew. In fact they .-‘sranci llay in Sardinia. where we second place Ill the .\ltd|and (ihdmg turned out to be two hshermcn from of touch. jointed up with the rest of the Club's sailplane race at Long .\lynd.l:m .\l.l-.V. who had gone aboardvto l"help." and due to the worsening .\lediterranean Flcct for concentrated.Shropshire. over Easter. weather their own boat had been unFor a truly personal service and able to take them off. Malcolm . VERY LOW l'Rl3.\llU.\| RATIES rcscucd them by the rather novel absolute reliabilityat all times it will reward YOU to open an account reasons means of towing a lifcraft by seaboat and manoeuvring the raft alongside with Bcrnards and full details of the service will gladly be given on . LARGE ANNUAI. HONUSIES the Ofelia. Nest problem was to recover the request. . LIEERAL CASH AND PAH)-lr fotir Swedes fro_m the Island VALUFS remaining where with no shelter and in severe gale conditions then existing. their . NO ONIEROUS RES'l'll.lCl'l().\ are chance of survival was very slim. Malcolm proceeded round to the lee 8 23535 Street, . MODERN ADDITIONAL llli.N'l3l-‘ll of the island and oil went the seaboat news
~‘T3iitch’ Munro joins the lifeboat
llhy YOU should allot to
. i
Five good
C. H. Queen‘
best sellers.’
73.71, King William Street. London. E.C.4 _
ASSETS sxcr~:'t:o‘_:4zs.ooo.o'ao
V 2-.
again to nose its way into a sheltered cove. "Expcd" training came in very helpful here, but the Fish breed 'c_t_n tough and inside ‘all an hour the. four, survivors were being _whisked__sal'ely ‘back to' Mutggtm. .
BERNARD & Portsmouth
.soNs. LIMITED Telephone
Olin-r_branches al: Abborsjncli, Chalham, Devonparl, Weymaurlr, Porrlaml. Deal. Skegqen, Grimxby, Loruianrlerry, lflelegufiurgh Duujérmliuc, Gibraltar, Vale-Ira" and at L0-!.tft’€I_7_t0llf’I. Arbr I ..,BfalWI}’,..CllfdIf0S(,_lVOI'lll_v .SlI_'eI _;_ Malta: Ipltin.‘ Oflicers‘ Shop: at Plymouth. Car 1. Lyn_ip.rrogie, l_’eqw‘_Iron and Il.ll.l‘.V ‘. '._ L Po_rr.rn urfr'a:ul_S_ourlti1nip,r9n.' 7 .
1I€0dgfllC€_.'Arigjia yH_ou:e. HdfI'l€h,. ligseg. _TeIepIione'228l. __
Japanese surrender made
May. I962
I had hoped that he would have been :tble to have met the British ('omntandc:-in-('ltief. Sir llrucc I-‘raser. who had plaiiued to visit Mantis early in
Manus base redundant
.'\lll.'.ll‘il. (apt. A. C. Day. U.S..'\'.. the Com-
utotlore's Chief of Stall. was also to ('.«\l"I‘. IlI{.\'tR\' I’. R.i\'. W.\IGllT. 0.lt.E.. By (ret.) be relieved. 'I'ltis was :t blow to Ilritixh (In his Ilirct‘ fir‘-"'(ilIV {IIfi('lt',\ Cri;iI. ll‘iii',-lit. u'I:.i lI‘(ll Iltc Siviinl llritisli i\'itrr,i'l Illlcrcxls‘. and to me personally. because Oflircr (ill the itlmul nl x\’fllIll.|'. the Iiiige lune [H'e'fltl'ft'd by the zlIm'rir'uii.t /mm these two ollicers had p|:iccd at otir it-liirli I.» rmitiiiiir the war rI_L'uiI.'lI Jiiprm. Inlrl ii] the rrmly m-oprrittinit u] I/tr‘ Llisptuztl the whole energies of this t_.-i.int Antcricait base. On July Zl Cdre. Unit.-il .\iuI:'.s Nut-_v and ii] the arrival 0/ the !Jn'ti.tIt I'aci/ic l"Ii.':'i.) Httak wrote to Admiral Sir Bruce HE British Pacific I-‘lee! (Task Force No. 37). having left Leyle on .\Iay 1. l‘i':i\er: I945. was again in action a few days later in the combat zone ott Oltinzivta. Sir. «As I leave my present assignand was in action almost daily until May 25. ()kinawa had by then been par- ment as Commander Naval Base tially occupied by American l-'orces. and it was decided that the B.P.l-'. should .\laItus. I feel that I must express my be released to enable repairs and replenishment of stores to be undertaken very great appreciation and pleasure either at Sydney or Manus. that I have had in the assistance given 'lwo sortics h:id been carried out. Taslt Force No. 37) sailed from Mantis me by Capt. Henry F. Waight. Royal caclt appro.v.imatcly of 30 days. with a under the command of Vice ‘\d N;i\_t'. llis experience and familiarity with break ol only live days at l.cytc. The Rawlings. again wearing his tlag in advanced base problems has Itelpcd ships needing major repairs. docking H..\I.S. King George V. and relit sailed for Sydney. some 4.500 The Fleet train had increased in iittnteastirably to smooth the way for a satisfactory accomplishment of the miles dislttttl. whilst the retnainder retank in hand. It is hoped that between turned to Mantis to replenish front the ‘rat: MANUS STORY the two of tis we have been able to Fleet train store ship and rest the perassist iit servicing the British Pacific sonnel. By The British Fleet. Sir Bruce Fleet. The climate at Mantis was hot and H. F. WAIGIIT Captain It has been a great pleasure to be bids farewell to Commodore .\tai-tin. U.S.N.. the American Base C ornmartder. sticky. boots and shoes and blue clothO.B.l:‘.., R.N., (ret.) associated with Capt. Waight and all Rear-Admiral Douglas Fisher. I-‘lag Officer Fleet Train. hi on the left. ing turned green with mildew within olliccrs of the B.P.F I shall treasure 48 hours. On the other hand. there was this memory as I proceed to my new coupled with the intensive bombing where accommodation had been an abundance of amenities: concert numbers. and had been joined by parties were organised in lmplacable H.M.S. Artificer. a modern and up-to- duty. It is my belief that the Il.P.F. has and boinbardmctit ol‘ the Japanese booked for me. This. I thought, was and .-ltssistance. and American ollicers date repair ship. It was not known at done a grand job in the support of the inainlaitd. which had annihilated the V.l.l‘. treatment. intended for someone and personnel were entertained. Japanese Navy and Air l-‘orcc. brought else. However. I was assured that there the time that the B.l’.F.. as then eon- Allied cause in the Pacific. With my kindest regards to you. and the cruel and treacherous rulers of had been no mistake. The Iirst ollicer would not return to Manus. best stituted. for the continued success Japan to seek terms of surrender. TRUK ATTACKED I met in the cltib was Cdr. Robertson. So. on July I6 the Fleet. now Task of wishes E. forces.—J. CommoBoak, R.N.. who had been inv executive ultiDuring this period of rest and re- Force No. 37. rcndezvoused with the doreyour VJ DAY US. Commander Naval ccr at Port Sudan. so we had much to plcnishmcnt it was decided to call the American Task Forces in readiness to Base .\I:inus.Navy. In the I relieved meantime. w.t'\ by talk about. blutl of the Japanese still occupying the commence active operations against Cdre. C. F. Martin. Capt. .\I. H. livcleigh. R.N. It was with Although island of Truk. So. on June I0. I945. the mainland of Japan. It was generally U.S.N.. had rather a dillerent outlook i :t feeling of pride that I turned over to .\Pl”()INTl-ID T0 IIONC KONG Rear Admiral Brind. wearing his tlag expected that the war against Japan than his I him and base. predecessor. a gaincdl well-organised quickly parin ll..\l.S. lmplzicable. sailed from would continue into I946. and the or- his I land been requested to report at l and he will. of etlicient stall and enthuwas good a most pleasant tictilarly Mantis with Task Force No. lll/I ganisations at Manus and Ponam were the Commander-in-Chief‘: ofice at under his command. It was. in essence. being extended with that in view. 0900. and here I was met with I The British camp had started in a a (‘onunonwcalth Force. consisting of handshake from Cdre. I-Evan: hearty Carriers‘. cruisers and destroyers. New small way. but it had now reached the l Lombe. Chief of Sta! to the ComZealand and C:inada were represented status of a base. "a base within an nuinder-in-Chlef. He said: "Where in the Cruiser Squadron. whilst Aus- American base." with goodwill emando you think you are going?” tralia was represented in the Destroyer ating from all ranks and ratings. “Home.” said I. “Not on your life.” l‘l('lllll2lS. said he. Then a signal wu produced AMERICAN COMMODORE Trtik was successfully attacked on informing Admiralty that 1 "Special HON()l..'Rl'-ID June I-t-I5. and the Task Force rePort Party with Capt. Weight as It was. therefore. with very great} turned to Mantis to await the reN.0.l.C. will be sent to Hong Kong." assembly of the British Pacific Fleet. pleasure that the news was received? Thus. for a second tinte_ my dieaim Admiral Rear Cdre. Fisher E. J. been Boak. that had U.S.N.. Douglas «had been shattered. The vision of ii (R..~\.F.T.) had. during the rest period. awarded the American Order of Merit. l few weeks relaxation in delightful Syd; transferred his flag front Lothian to but it was accompanied by the finey had been eclipsed. To have been Montelaic. his relief that had been news appoin:appointed to such an important post ? On July 6 the ll.l’.F. (now to form ted. was. however. :t very great honour. I therefore took oll that night to rettirtt to Matttis. where I reported to Rear Admiral Harcourt on board H..\I.S. lndotnitable. .’\l'f2ll'lgL'IllL‘lll'i were made for me to take passage in A simple way to raise the initial deposit money I the carrier ll..\l.S. Venerable. 'Ihe events of the next few months will he required for buying your own house. Make out a recorded in the "Hong Kong Story." giving details of its recapture and remonthly allotment for the purchase of TENTH ISSUE 2. habilitation. NATIONAL SAVINGS CERTIFICATES. Here are some exam(onttnodorc J. E. Book. U.S.N.. who did so much in helping to build up BASE RI-'.l)L'.\'l),A.V'I Island. receiving the .-\merit-an Order of I ples of how your money grows by the purchase (by [be British Naval Base on Marius t\Ierit"l9-t5. Nuts to end the ".\Ianits Story." lty of allotment) the surrender of Japan the British to work with. and the British "take- siastic olliccrs. R.N.R. and R.N.V.R. N:tv.il llase had been rendered redunover" of various czimps and activities I elected to join H..\I.S. Orztttje in the dant. and to make things more dilliharbour. where she was used as it cull. the .-Xmcrieans proceeded ztpace. suddenly ended the depot ship_ to ;iw.iit a sea p'.ts.\:tge to "|.ea\e-l.end Agreement." CIIAIVGI-LS IN THE AIR Sydney. htit my dream of an ideal l-tIt was with the utmost pride and joy shalto were trip day Sydney rudely Changes were very much in the air. lered when all that I learned later that l.ieut.-Cdr. PURCHASE PRICE .-\dmiral Fisher sent to services shipping for me and said Worrell. R.N.R._ my hcrtliing ollicer. ISIthat the Commander-in-Chiet’ had Sydney were abruptly ended. had been awarded an O.It.I-i.. whilst With the assistance ol' my late asked him to let me know that he my secretary, Licut. Yeadell. R.N.V.R.. ohtaiitcd American I a colleagues paswould be sending a relief for me early had been awarded an .\l.B.E. My reair in a to by Sydney transport sage in Atigtist. Admiral Fisher had always commendations had borne fruit. I5. Mantis on leaving plane. Augtist been very kind and helpful to me. Here. then. was genuine recognition ll you an ft. l2.0t)0 the "Coral when over up ‘I his was a good time to be relieved. of the very valuable services rendered in whilst the I Sea." seat. co-pilot's The British base was now in its stride by both otficers and ratings. who had You will have .-\ttlcc broadheard. Mr. :le:irl_v. quite and and workingelliciently. was shortly formed the initial British Naval Party Ill tiougltt ettrtlfieatu to be commissioned as H.M.S. Pepys. casting that Japan had surrendered. (.\I:intIsl. particularlv to the R.N.R. I could now look forward to some As we flew over Sydney just before and R.N.V.ll. it was an honour to whleh wlll now relaxation after six years‘ active opera- midnight the lights blurred. and there both these arms of the Royal Navy. £l38 £l66 be worth about tion in many parts of the world. but were lircworks by the thousand. Sydcelebrating V.J. Day. things did not work out as I had ex- neyOnwas Buccaneer Deck Trials are due to i0l|Cl'IlIlg down I was met by a pected. However. as I now knew I would car. and conveyed to the Naval Club. start in l’l..\l.S. Hermes on .\t;ty I6. soon be turning over the tune. which it had been my privilege to create. You will have I took the opportunity to accept bought eertlttcatu Cdre. Martin's Invitation to tour which will now the American base. It was it model of productive eficleriey. I perfect lie worth about organisation. thorough in every detail. There had been no stinting in SOUTH PARADE the supply of equipment. tools or . . . SOUTHSEA personal. What a lesson it could have taught the Admiralty. OSBORNE RD You will have . SOUTHSEA C.-IN-C. ARRIVES bought certificates‘ On August 5. Admiral Sit Bruce AVAILABLE FOR ALL which wlll new Fraser, C.-in-C. B.P.F.. touched down be worth about £345 mu at Montote Airfield in a violent thundcrslornt. He was met by Cdre. Martin and myself. There was much to talk about. and whether I Stibmarine—Destroyer—Bac:lesnipor Aircratt Carrie. after being entertained at ltinch by the OVER 50 SHIPS’ OANCES CATERED FOR LAST YEAR Commodore. and the storm having The interest earned on your Savings Certificates to tree at Income cleared. I was able to have a chat with Wire—Write—or phone, Portsmouth 32775 hint in the Commodore's garden. He Tax and does n_ot. have to be declared for Income Tax purposes thanked rite for all that had been done. Make your line “Port of Call" for Dancing: Iaviurra C0l‘l.lfiCl|lA03 are State guaranteed. and said that I had always been a good The Savoy Ballroom Radio Band Every Friday pioneer junctuned by ll..$t. Farce: Saving: Cummitte.-. London S.W.T 1 be dropping ol the atomic bombs. :
Commander-in-Chief. ...a.
sad. I
House purchase
...;.......m mamgmm
Ships’ Coinpan._y Dances
May. I962
NEWi LONG-TERM LOOK FOR INSTRUCTOR BRANCH byservice opportunity by May A sixteen-year pensionable commission is introduced regulations applications by
Oflicers not included above and November 30. I962 will who. already have over 5 years‘ commissioned have a last to apply 15. I962.
RENEW APPLICATIONS Ofliccrs whose requests for permanent commissions under the old have been held over should malte fresh 15, I962. HE report of the working partyvqualifted otlicers will be accepted for May There is to be another order atlcctset up by Their Lordships in direct entry to the Permanent List, ing oflieers whose short service coml96l, to review the future tasks. size subj_ect to a year's probationary missions end after November 30. and structure of the Instructor branch service. I962. of the Royal Navy has now been TH!-I SUPPLEMENTARY LIST In order to ensure that the revised considered by Their Lordships. In addition to the Permanent List arrangements for credits do not The Admiralty endorses the decision there is to be a Supplementary List adversely affect those now serving. the made in 1956 that. because of its which will consist of both graduates seniority of all officers who entered special res onsibility and role. the and non-graduate oflicers. All entrants the branch within the last three Years will remain as a Instructor will be accepted initially on the 5-year will be reviewed. separate branch of the navy and its short service commission. breakable title will be unchanged. The prelix "Instructor" for rank titles is to be after 3 years. After 2 years‘ service. retained. but branch symbols. "List those ollicers who have not applied. been selected for the A." "List B." "dagger" or “non- or have not Permanent List may apply for a I6dagger" will cease. Michael Leonard Fo rs rl y It e The Instructor branch has always year pensionable commission counting of the from original entry. point made a most valuable contribution to Petty Ollicer (Air). L/FX 8869-57. ofticers apply Alternatively. may tog H.M.S. Centaur. Died March 27. the etliciency of the naval service service‘ short their extend 5-year 1962. and Their Lordships intend that the for another commission 5 John James Barrie. Radio Electendency to broaden the role of the A further new point. years. of details trical Mechanic lst Class, P/M Instructor ofliccr should continue. the is The Instructor branch will continue which will be announced later. which 964485. ll.M.S. Victory. Died of a scheme by March I7. 1962. to man the weather services and there introduction branch Instructor the in commissions Eric Lloyd Shaw. Shipwrigllt will be no change in its role in the suitable otlercd be to ratingss Artilicer lat Clam. I)/MK 90692. may meteorological sphere. of their last during the ll.M.S. Duncattsby Head. Died year GRADUAI. RI-‘.0RGAN|SA'I‘l()t\‘ ments. March 27. I962. decided to have Their Lordships The basic time for promotion toi Harry J. Cocks. Band Corporal. of the asl cllect a gradual reorganisation Instructor I.t.~(‘dr. will be 9 years R.M.B./X975. R o y it I M a r i n e branch and after a careful review, the at present. but seniority credits willl Depot. Deal. Died March 30. 1962. future size of the Instructor branch in future be made in respect of! Anthony Summers Calvert. Radio has been lixcd at about 600. of whom academic qualifications. as well as Operator 3rd Class. PM 982092. will be about two-thirds graduates. civilian qualilications and experience; ll.M.§. 'l'errur. Died March 30. The Admiralty. in order to improve I962. SERVING NOW OI-‘I-'I(.‘ER5 the career prospects of the branch llert Walker. Marine. CHIX 5007. Order! Fleet The recent Admiralty intend that. in tllc long rim. the PerRoyal .\larine Depot. Deal. Died manent List. all of whom will be t(»3t),'o2) gives details of the applicatApril 5. l962. graduates will comprise about 265 tions of the new conditions to olliccrs. includirtt: 8-3 senior olliccrs. currently serving: on short service 'Ihc rest of the branch will bi: coin- commissions. Opportunities will exist posctl of olliccrs serving on a new 1 for Instructor ollicers now serving: on Ifv-\'ear ensionable coniminious and 1 short service contmissions to a It‘ for l a pensionable career. either on liter short sc rvtcc commissions. ().\‘l-'IR.\l’\’llU.\l h.u been reccnrd that the The planned size of the Permanent 1 Permanent List or for the new lo-year Iollowmz but been atluncrd to the (‘turf List will have the ellect of enhancing: pensionable commission. or to extend PHD‘ Uthccr or (‘met Aruticcr rate: ‘In Chief Pelt) Olleer career prospects to the extent that half their short service. JX I38-I50 R. ll. S. LS b77.lI~'4 I. V. llnburn. To be eligible to apply for either White. I 92950 G. 6. Howard. IX lwt-II B. the men holding the rank of InsurreWells. IX Io20S5 J. Caxton. 1): 567466 H. 6. tor l.t.-('dr. entering the zone of type of pensionable commission an Lynn. IX J7lh')3 L. How. IX h7t01O D. at Manden. IX 8040‘? P.G.’ lune. IX Hol-18 M. F. promotion to Commander, should ollicer must be able to complete for Charliclt. IX I02?-IS W. Donaxhy. Jx to)s7_t normally be promoted to Conimander. least I6 years recltonablc service A. A. Atatt. l.\' too-H7 C. (3. Fulton. Ix I-isssv II. J. (‘nrezory-Jones. IX M171? 5. Entry to the Permanent List will retired pay before the age of 48 and \‘~'rilh|. IX lMt'|77'(i. ll. Ford. IX l.").i77 continue to be. mainly. by way of a have at least I0 years of his commis- J. A. Brumrard. IX 750-!!! G, A. Foster. IX transfer. from of the date sion to otlicers run commission. S. K. lllmic. IX 2‘i2‘3.‘h G. S. \l-'. service I60SS‘) R. short Ix Ir.2s.t0 N_ l:. IN lhI70.\ Fl\l|Cf. being considered for transfer after Only graduates may apply for per- (2.-rhutt. l.\‘ lt.:S4oR.I-1.J. l..In-me. Kcmmtct. IN 7-iftm. R t‘. Roche. IN t-1.<II=5 I-.. I-‘ Attczt. J.\ about two years‘ service. There will manent commissions. J. (3, l-"outer. l.\ Sb-I727 I. C. llurm. KURT-lb service comOtliccrs whose short also be a limited avenue for transfer IX Ital‘)?! I). ll. Itaihcr. from the new I6-year pensionable missions are due to terminate before l'n Store-\ (‘hit-I Felt) Olfieer IS) .\l.\ I-ml-ill R. l.. (B. .\lc(.‘r:ndtc. commission at the I0-year point. In June 30. I962. are invited to apply by (Continued page I6, col. 3) addition. a small ntimber of highly May I5. 1962.
illn iiilemnriam
l l
engage-I ,
of; |
olliccrsi .
buy it this afternoon
Zippy new l 147 cc engine Independent suspension all round 25-ft turning circle Garage maintenance once in 3,000 miles 72 driving-seat positions 93% all-round \isibility Rigid steel-girder chassis Adjustable steering column
Beautiful Italian lines Choice of coupe, convertible, saloon or estate car.
dollars. Choose the beautiful new Triumph Herald and .wm'. Low capital outl.t_\'. low fuel biI]_s_ very low maintenance costs. Generous tax concessions are still available. Get the details now.
See your Standard-Triumph dealer today or write for details to Standard-Triumph Sales Ltd., F..\.port Sales (liuropean Dmston). C()\t2.'tlr)'. England.
§3'@'£:a:I, ’."
A uzosntlusr uftl.-e Le) lam! .\!utur.i Group
Why, Bernards I course of
AssoCiAT1oN’ ii-riioviu. CHARTER
Patron: H.M. The Queen
Cape Town branch membersi stuck in pack ice
Some of the ladies of the Women's Section of the Seaham branch. and members of the branch. at the .\niiIversar_v Party. (Photo: \\', Oiigtitred. Scahani)
Over £3,000 in the bank
30. the Vice-("hairrnaii and his wife attended the State President of the
Republic of South Africa Garden Party in Cape Town. Shipmate G. W. lladdon. the Vice-
PARTY was held recently to mark the first anniversary of the Women's Section of the Sealiam branch of the Royal Naval Association. Although ( hairman of the hranclt reports the there are only I2 members have done remarkably well in their eflorui South African Navy and Arms’ is to misc funds for the buildingthey fund of the branch. these and expanding rapidly no days. During the year they have raised £3.000 in its bank ttccuunt tau-;;r._1-; doubt many readers will be interested new club premises, and negotiations are under way for the buying of land ,
WESSEX AND WHELP TO COMMISSION .'.‘.'. i“"£‘i‘.‘.'i.i'.i§f"il lf.i?l". il;3l‘S;. li§“£7li'f‘l':§:;‘i?*:3lid';“Fii3l'i.:‘§.‘3'=i;.‘:»"r.*«'i‘=.'iE?1-§‘E ,.
enjoyable and extensive trip to Europe and the United I-iingdorii. which have been out of commission at -A: :},¢n;:1,;n;..c,,3,3,. A l-‘TIER the Vice-Chalrrnan of the Cape Town branch of the Royal Naval an
The branch hopes to be settled in during I96} and is looking forward §i!\'cr to that time when. it feels. its membership will increase. with greater opportunities for both work and pleasure.
§l'. 3“.l'.‘.‘.I-"i‘I;"i. “‘.'.r.‘.l’.-°.3i 33' . §f.'.‘i._-;‘“.?.'“.iZ’.i‘ §‘.‘.3‘. “§i.'.‘i~.“.';‘i‘.lZ{-°i‘.‘}53.‘.‘L~‘“l.s’-i.‘.'}.‘}. '. ".’.-“‘i'-“‘li' 3
l Association has returned to South Africa. He has expressed a wish to thank those branches be was able to visit. both here and in Africa, for their kind and into helicopter carriers for Tumcr wh.i_ owing turned welcome to him. siihmarine limiting. The cost will be work am] in 1";-_.uh_ found mi; lihout 3.()0(l.fl0() South Africiin Rands ncccssury, Shipmatc A_ Aldcrson has In a most interesting report he information from him of his exliihtitll .l.;l_.l}U(l.(l(‘llll. The three new mkgn over (in; onerous duties of nieiiizoned the hospitality extended by perience. South African frigates due for delivery q;crc(;|ry_ l-l..\l. Ships Leopard and Jaguar when On March 29 the branch was before I96-t are to be modified The Scaliatn branch. ivliicii is they were at the Cape. His report represented at a memorial ceremony to enable them toalso c;irr_\' helicopters. making favourable progress. has over was dated April 4 and the Vice-Ch:iir— held at the Scott Memorial in Cape mart spoke of HMS. .lagu:ir‘s mercy Town to commemorate the 50th untiltrip to .\l:iiiritiuswhich had just been versary of the death of the famous struck by a hurricane. The branch explorer and his companions. The " ‘llli Coventry branch of the Royal l’rcsidi:ttl. Vice-Admiral Sir Nicholas ceremony was instigated and organised all those who able lie to were iby Naval Association held its Annual (‘ope-maii. Commander-in-Chief. South by the Naval Otlicers Association of L present. (ieneral Meeting at the Club in Atlantic and South America station Southern Africa. The dance on the 3rd was at the Liricolri Street and there was a full was on board. The ship also took llt-I month of March was a hectic. W est Ham Town The Roy:il Marines Association of Hall and the part in a publicity film called ‘Honey- South Africa tool; on the task of bl" "'°“1 "'-l°-""h'° °"°' l°" ll" of honour was Alderman S. gtiestlattetidattcc. "Tom" Wvatt was again Shipinate moon Holiday.‘ .' organising a Reunion Dinner of the members of the West Ham branch of the ‘hint \ “ of C“ ‘hm’ 1'“ Dem") l elected as chairman and Shipmate ll..\1.S. Protector called at the Cape survivors of ll.i\l. Ships Dorsctsliirc. the Royal Naval Association. President. Shipntate L. Hates. the‘ "Fred" (iood was elected as Secretary recently and an invitation to the Cornwall and Hermes which were was a grand dance on 3rd March. at Uulrmm Sliipmaie A. Woonton and in succession to Shiprnate T. Jeplicott otlicers and ship's company to attend sunk in nearby waters. A considerable visit to Finsbury on the lllth and a National Council Member (3.. who. after serving the branch since the branch was extended. number of South Africans were on visit to Hanwor-th on the 24th. These Wheeler. all from No. I Area. and‘ I955. resigned owing to pressure of Two shipmates of the Cape Town board the ships. The dinner was held three events were thoroughly enjoyed their ladies. were present. work and a new appointment with the branch. Shipmatcs Raines and Spar- in Cape Town and some of those The President of the West Ham Coventry (forporatioii. from of attended who all came in South the parts row. were 5erving Branch. Lieutenant H. Shipmate "Alf" Jackson was elected Africa African Antarctic Rcsezirch Supply R.N.V.R. and Mrs. Cullerne-Pratt. as Treasurer in succession to Sttipmzitc The Cape Town branch is growing Vessel. "R.S.A." on its maiden were also present. R. 'l'yler who resigned, reluctantly for three two the South. The and each was or new to at ship meeting vo_\-age Among the many branches which business reasons. He remains on the late in leaving the ice belt and was sliipmates are welcomed. In addition were represented on this occasion llranch Committee doing useful work. and in termed ice ollicizil for the pack stuck approxi- to what may be Stanmore. Entield. Edgware. I The branch is being very active in were semi-otlicial functions at which the mati.-ly two weeks. Finsbury_ Chcam and \Vorccs[cr Part; planning events for the months to branch the is branch represented. As reported in the national press and Edmonton, whose "boardingieomc. especially as it is Cathedral month. cach socials small holds the United States Ice Breaker Glacier party" included Councillor Mrs. Rita i Festival Year in the City. The Carnillraaivlcis successful was sent from New Zealand to the Recently a very Smythe. the Mayor of Edmonton. and val Committee is busy with preparathe home held of at (Barbecue) was 'R.S.A..' but just before the rescue her husband. Councillor J. Sni_vtlie.:iions to make a good show for thc is be There to Bowes. a Shipmatc both of whom take an active interest 5 Godiva Carnival in June. vessel reached the area. an underwater in the Royal Naval Association. disturbance cracked the ice and the special Ladies’ Evening on May It 7. Annual Dance on the and July beleaguered research ship was able When the West Ham branch visited , branch and his wife Chairman The to force its way out to the open sea. Finsbury on ltlth March. themembers British of the returned to Finsbury the ship's wheel Sliipinate Raines is the secretary of were among tlte guests the Cape Town branch and the mem- Ambassador. Sir John Maud. at a which West Ham had borrowed to bers were hoping to get first-hand Garden Party to celebrate the Queen's adorn its new bar. it had been given an extra polish and an inscribed plate had been fixed to it to prove who Annual General Meeting or Shipmate E. Webb. Treasurer of were the rightful owners. the Durham branch of the Royal West Ham branch. returns the The Finsbury evening. as well as borrowed ship's wheel to the Fins- the llanwortli evening a_ fortnight Naval Association left the “crew" much as in the previous years. to -nic brunch Annual Dian" was bury President. Shipmate H. Mason. later. left nothing to be desired. WW “I we demmu" of shzpmule held on March ill, the guest of George Watts to New Zeatand. honour being Rear-Admiriil R. M. S. where. incidentally he is now happily C.B.. of the C.B.l;‘., Hutton. president 7 lll-'. . Newcastle and cmeshead settled. his place 0l'l.l.lI¢ Committee he said how In a area. witty speech 5"“ I’-Allen by btnpniate “llitf" branch of the Royal Naval publish their free dates. and tlie.h“5 he was to be still associated iproud Assoi-iation certainly get around. summer attractions of their resorts. in 5 R""l"‘”"' after had -40 with sailors having years which accounts in no small measure. District branch of Navy News. The Editor would be. A‘ ""7 "me “' g‘""g '0 f""5‘ ""5 and llalling at sea and retiring in I952. "‘'-‘"‘l‘‘'’‘ “f ”‘° l""“"“l‘ “"d- i“,‘l°°dfor this thriving community in the Association is pleased to do this provided too much 1ilois Naval the Royal The popular vice-president of New- still “afloat" of members of the Association north-east. Sm“ is not “km up’ because of although. and (iatcshead branch. Lieut.ifrom No. It Area. are looking forDuring the past couple of months castle has and shift work. bad weather it [ward to a sunny day on April 2‘). members have had their Annual Cdr. I’. Anderson. R.N.R.. responded not been very active lately. Spring and belialf of the Association. He Sunday. tor on that (lav the (ieiicral Meetiiig. had a ‘Stag’ dinner. on summer are around the corner. it is ‘O mentioned that No. It Area was now ;l'res:ilent of the Durham briinch. and the branch hopes to gone down a coal mine. enjoyed :1 the hoped. in the largest area [neet a t trmlno 3 m I'Slii'pin:iie l<e:ir-Aitmiral R .\l. J. most Stlt.'L's'\‘.<.flll Annual Dinner and other branches its heartat entertpin 5 Hutton. C.ll.. (‘.B,li.. has invited said fiirewcll to ll.i\l.S. Calliope at ~and paid tribute to the iintiring cllorts. quarters. The llonieward Bound. I ANY old of Shipmate l-‘. Wade. National Coiin- I rflidlfll! in .—\~.s'ociation members to Slierbixrn a dance held on board the famous old Street. High llalling. “ml =“'0|"'d lilflmnttllilm N-'1-"~'"l'.‘ llousc. Diirliam, of uliicli he is cil Cliairinan (Durham branch). and; There was not too good an attendship. Imet in that city to consider the . _\1;N._-,1 Re:ir—Admiral lliitton. Shipmatc : 'llie trip to the Rising Sun Colliery Anderson also spoke of his associa-l ance at the recent Annual General branch of the_ llie proceeds t':Il\4:(l t\ ill be shared .'l0"[|1"50fl was an experience, When talking tion with the lielfast hrancli and gave‘ .\teeting. Shipmate W, Meopham re~ i'“‘-fin"? -'\“lN‘|=ll||"|- “hi the l)iirli:iii\ liranclt and tier:,'h(0"l|”-l_|lE5 in the chair for another period ahi-iii the descent before the visit. mu‘ 0" "R iwrl‘ Or we mains “ll-' l‘i'“"“4'i 5~'~'l'¢li|')- -\l|'- “ houriiig youth clubs :iiid. ':‘.lVCtl a line and Shipnialc ll. 'l'liwaitcs became _‘ several horny-liaridcd sons of the sea atleziiled the iiicctiiic and gave .|;i\‘. the doiiitlliiii: ltltlLls of the vice~cliairinaii. Sliipmatc Harris rewere \t:t:ll to blancli when told that items that the :\~\o:I:I- hrancli “Ill get :i iniieli needed boost the On April (i the braiicli held .1 ‘mains as treasurer. but as the secre--idetiiils stoiiiziclix were tisiially left at the top! ‘ll..\l.S. (;illiope" (lance. jt.ir_\ is _leaving the district for :1 lion stoo tor. and what this r-.-.ii:.icil ppm‘ arc guitii: ahead of the Spurn .\liipm;ite Berry, and old subniariner. :'l‘:irewell 5 llead \L'l'\’lL‘t.‘ on Whit Siiiitlav said he preferred the deep blue sea the old .\lllP._$tl loiig the home of the cotiple of years. "leelers" are out for I ie was :i meeting R.N.R. l_).l\'t&2t'Ill in the area. is leav-la relief. very ent.iii~i:i\t:cj .Shipiti:ite R l;_ Heron. the R .\'_lt T. to the deep black coat face. Members tiiid result as :i one .i braiicli has been iepreseiitzitive. who has had Li hiisj. mg the lyric and the RNR head-l The menthers ol the brziiicli are \\cre grateful to Sliiprnate Andrew are being tninslerrcd to a-looltiiig Iornard to meeting sortie of [formed in llltlllll'|‘_.‘ll-Ltlll. with an iiirtiai winter and bioiiglit ~lle‘L‘ttlll to ru;in;. .\loll;itt \\liu organised the trip and. quarters 3.‘ 3!» l.in.l.i-.ibteill\ ricctl} \\lll rL'Dl'c‘\'.'lll the hraiicii .tl the l:iiid based depot. Altlioiieli tlie occ;i- 'tlie seaside l‘ll';tllv.‘lti:\ tli:s sunimcr. l K‘ " after the visit. at a iiearlvy liostelry. was :i sari one in some respects 5 Any seaside branch liaving a free date ltiis mini er \\tll iiicrea-e rapidlx .'|\ .\imu..| ('on"ereiicc glasses were raised to the men who «ion. the severance of an as~o~ lt\l‘l \\ll:L‘lt they would like a visit from kziouri Nleiubers of the Assoctit on will be for _it nieaii_t earn their living in the bowels of the ciation \\lllt.'ll hail L'\t\lCtl for many .-the llalling \lIlp.'llilts.‘\' should get in I: \ecret:ir_v of me new bi.'i:icli is pleased to learn lliil the N.itio.-izil earth vczirs and nienibers will miss the siulit -ltltlCl‘l with that branch (‘li:ii.'iti:iii. Sliipiiiiilc Franlt l.\lr_ R llowlex. 5‘) Saint Silas Sqii:ir_i: The No. H Area ‘Stag-' Dinner was of the old "Cally Opey." this fact did- The llaliiiig reporter has made :in ~l.or.ells. Biriiiiiigliziin and the met-tins: \\';u_|.- has now recovered from his in. held in Sunderland and the lucky II! ‘not mean there was no cnio_\mcnt interesting suggestion It t\ that sca- ;t_1l.'iL‘e l\ the Robin llnlel_. Slr;it- itltspnsllltlll :ind \\Ill be gcttiite around were able to make the trip reported On the contrar_\'— the dance was :in_sidc braiiclics who would like to gtoid Road. ll.ill (irecn. l'lirmi:igli:ini;Iliebr.'iiichi:s of No ll Area at it a lirsbclass show in every respect. lenlertain "ii'il:ind" braiiclies lmiglit 33iiiiqiialitied .\'ttCt.'L'5>. lt.‘t|ll.\L'lL‘llll0tl$l_\ as ever.
io prcssure.oi
gets ‘Coventry 5 ready for
Festival Year returned Finsbufiry/“’.smv'i~/heel by West Ham Thereli
Ciilleriie-Pratt.I ,
Sub!-nariners .
ibadlicr. '
l'}h_-'"l '~"‘lL'l’ “lllt:'l[branch l3:c‘t\ltl_c‘.\‘
! :('otincil
Mar. I962
N A \' Y
N l-I W S
Admiral of the Fleet at} Molesey Annual Dinner:‘. SURPRISE PRESENTATION TO .1. SECRETARY
The vice-chairman of the branch. Shipmate S. S, Emmens, proposed the of " HF. Holesey branch of the Royal toast of the Association. Admiraland Fleet Lord Fraser responded Naval Association entertained 8| -spoke about the falling oil of young members and guests at its annual ’membcrs and what could be done dinner and dance on March 24. about this st:tte of alfairs. branch. the of The president Lord Fraser then made it presentaAdmiral of the Fleet Lord Fraser of ttion of a pen and pencil set to the‘ North Cape. (i.('.B.. K.B.E.. honoured Esecretnry. Shipntztte F. R. Prangnell. the branch by his presence and other This present from all the members of guests were the vice-president. l.ieut. ithe branch vtas quite zt surprise. I.loyd-Armstrong and Mrs. Lloyd- llonqucts were then presented to the: Arrnstrong. No. 2 Area Cltairrttan. . ladies. Lxeut.-(‘dr. J, l.. Bates and .\lrs. After the dLnner coaches bringing-. Hates. the (‘ommanding Otlicer T. S. | members and wives front branches at Steatlfztsl. l.icut.-('tlr. l5. (3. .\lerrcdc\v. lidgware. Willesden. (Kimberley. ().li.li.. l.l’.. R.N.R.. and .\lrs. ..-‘sldershot. llersltam and Walton .\lcrrcdc\s. tip to 230 tarrived. making the numberuntil midTlte chairman of the branch. Ship- ‘who enjoyed dancing. etc.. mate A. Walker proposed the toast of night. the guests which was responded to by 1 The toastmasler and M.C. for the Lieut.-Cdr. J. l.. Hates. ;evening was Shipmate F. R. Prangnell.
annual dinner of the Royston fl‘Hl-I and District Royal Naval Associa-
First-ever Naval Dinner at Fakenham
Ru_s.ston‘s annual dinner.
crowd at
T)aslt’itig Whfigergeants
National Council Member praises
wished the branch every 'I congratulated ladies ‘
the ellort
their in splendid presenting the branch with the Standard and also everyone concerned with the branch in the achievement in raising funds for the new club and headqutirtcrs. He also hoped that he would still be up North when the new lIc:tdqtt.trtctS on
held. The President I ?Capt. Lainu. (.‘.B.F... R.N. was in titan. Mr. R. H. Seeker. and members wmm'md' Visitors from llertford. ‘and their guests. In all. 64 sat down Stevenage and S-anzston were present. to dinner. The principal speakers were the are opened. HE Fakenham Branch of tlte 1 The toast of the Association was‘vl'resident. the Chairman I-'. Ellington. With decks cleared for ;tt.‘lIt\l'l the I. HI-'. Annual General Meeting of Royal Naval Association was live ro osed bv ('o|oncl l’. ll. l.;tbHon‘ §'”“'"" D‘ H‘ D‘"“ and f).ll.l~‘... .l.l’.. President of the the National Council member for the the Blackhall and Coastal branch dance went with a swing. Many years old last March. and to tnark the anniyersary l"als'enham‘s lirst-ever ‘local llr;tt‘..h of the British l_cgioit.t area. Mr. I-I. C. Knight. of the Royal Natal Association was .sltipm:ttcs_who profess not at dance .'\'aval Dinner was held on April 9. who said he was very impressed well attended and the seeretztry ‘were delimtely seen on the floor, some .\lr. referred the to Knight strength ‘ ‘even attcntpting the Samba. .\'eser Rear-Admiral ll. G. Thurslicltl. the .-'\ss'oeiat:on's motto. and by the. an increase in ntetuber.ship.' ‘reported l'll'itllCll the L'§pCL‘lilll}' Cllllfiltltffillg so many "Dashing \\hitc president of the Branch. was in the \--_-fy [fig-m_]|y,' spif;1 “high cxiflcd I-I. :1 presented liadingtott Sttipmate from fair in were seatltcbrttncil. any chair. supported by the branch chairtinancial statement but. !serge_ants" been vmtquislted in one healthy very tlte He also that praised of took mg and behalf ,-\sst'tc‘lilltttfl ;port. way on One was heard to remark boat was pushed out.“ cv_enmg. "no regretfully. well fore the with to of were the ttppnnunity presenting "lve lost. my steam pressure." .\lany branch with two trophies. made from area and National viewpoints forcibly The ballot resulted in two new faces and varied were the versions of "The wood front ll..\l.S. Britztnnia nnd,put whenever the occasion demanded. on the committee. Shipmates Reed Twist." but luckily there were no wood from the last Rt-pulse but one.l ‘the welfare and social sections and Grim. A start has been made on the new slipped discs. "There is no truth." .\lr. Seeker gratefully accepted these l were praised for their continued good said a member of the Social Comon behalf of the branch. work oitlt those members who were Club and l-leadquttrters :tnd the bttild- mittce. "that the Twist was named after The toast of the Royal .\'tt\‘3-' Mlfiisick or in need and mauv National ‘ing is expected to be open in lttne. that Committee. We would only l\\isl day Blackhztll hopes it if you happened to turn l‘-'*‘P‘~“Cd 5" it Will)‘ "ml “"‘""l“t!:ch:trities' \\crc supported. Three very Another bigRed your b:tcls'." Letter Day for the 5)’ mt‘ R‘-"5 C}‘“" 5l¢Pl?'-’““‘"- successful dances \\cre held during: will be :1 ‘l’'-‘*'~‘i! “~“-l1-- M--'\-- “l'“‘ ‘‘ -‘\d‘‘‘'"'“l'5'‘‘“' the year which stttistied hotlt young ;hranch. the Area and the Association as a sottte changes" were is September It». when the branch “ll “"5 Cllllwl‘ "1. E“l$l"“‘l Sh"l”‘»' “f ‘and old throughout the district. A visit General result of the Annual ()ur l.;tdy at Walsingltitnt. live miles. to the pantomime early iii the new smfidnrd “ill be dcdimlcdi lm.on_na_ :. ‘I I Meeting of the Bembridge branch of ‘“,"‘"‘ l."l"~“l‘:‘mwill be sent to all branch H‘ "““ 4“ was a great success. when the illtttl the Royal Naval Association. Ship-i cnaplatn dunng the last war. ‘°"'"5"cltildreti and their mothers hid ‘secretaries in dire course and those at ‘l \'ct'\‘ been has who mate "fed" Hermon. lllttcltlizill fcel sure shtptnates trorn service in ll..\l.h. Ceylon and with 3 L,mm_uhlc mu |.'l'l-IOUGH the number of its formed mt Ruin‘ '“:””‘N‘ “C mcnmmcdi llit.‘ Secretary since the branch was near and far uill support them. I "or ‘ind the lltottsltt comittll UP in I955. and recently has acted too as llis plcasitre ;tt_b-etng sczttcd opposite \;.l\.\. in me dinner was once .‘ members is less than hitherto. the attnttal The third M, dmc m_ ‘INN -_ temporary Treasurer. retired. He has it torttter Slnpnmtc. .\lr. ('h:trlcs" ., ‘again a huge success‘ and the demand Rye branch of the Royal Nit\‘ill and tor the Sea loperatton support ;.-\ssoci:ition ntaltes up with its earned the grateful thanks of all the ‘sharp of the l-iast Anclian t\'e\\s- Ladet wttlitn the district for tickets cxccetlcd the supply. Un- lenthustasnt. orgatttsattons r, members for his hard work. p.tp..; Lo. lite reply on behalf of tilt. mm ah“ pmkcdi The outstattdinrz‘ fortuuattely r.the National'. thairinan. ". were \\.ide. .tnd ltts “Ill. At the annual dinner the branch Sltipmate Arthur Rouse. SUL'l.ti St.‘l'\‘1Cc was given by l.icut.— ,_.\,‘.m M mt Wm. hcmg the (otmitittee chairman for the past three i( ttl1‘l."ll'.l:‘l(lCl' R. J. .\lcC;tnd|es's_ a Fleet; .. “l. .u"‘. "W. Mace unable to attend. The guests of president. Capt. E. H_. Wethcy. ('.l<l.l?.. I'M‘) .'""‘l“ linison.“"" for of otliccr attached Air Arm duties the taken has over were l.tcut.-('dr. .\lcDonald R.N.. was in tire chair and the branch years. ihonour L"d‘-“"5°“ ? ”"‘.""‘ “’_l_h° l3stablishthe duties Central Wood"l’hil" to Fighter Admiral Sir Edward Parry d Hrs. .\lacDonald. Secretary and Shipniatc should llte see renewed .1” coming year Rm.nhum_ I,-H.-. R M We“ the M ford becomes Treasurer. Sltipmate men, In his speech l.ieut-(‘dr. .\tacDon:tld and Lady Parry were present. social _for etlorts Vkimr‘_.. “M pmmmw by llarold Butler continues as President: ...”K_ knowfttttctions to improve and Shipmatc Gordon Mustchin as “K pcm. 5.-;,,_],,},,,_ y,,;,m_.h honorary ,orgamstng f“€"d-‘-l‘|P “llll 0ll1C|'{ treasurer. :tnd replied to by .\lr. E. N. § ltfllllc ‘ma ('lta'.rm;tt‘I. throughout the area. (treat_er I A "boarding party" front Rein- 'n,..m_ .-h;,i;m;,n 0;‘ [he [:;.g¢nh_.m ,br;utches would be made to get the lndces t (‘.iun._~j|, brtdge‘s sister ship. R_\dc brattclt. |t;m'.h have already decided mm .ol the branch together ntorc. as their paid a visit on April I.‘\. ‘lite hosts illis\lc.'ttbcrs dinner fllllsl hecnntc an .tnnual continued support tor the branch was were delighted to see their guests. and |esscntial for its well being. alter the business of the meeting was gt-_-ng, over. everyone ettjoycil a thorottgltly
oas .
'i uchcrc,
ifiillf ,-‘\dnttr.t1Thursticldrcplictlilltcy
uRetires after seven as
prcScI"“_;§l'll|’)K'l'lttlC -
acluitty—. ‘
good evening.
day for :
hard work of the faithful few of the Dartford branch of the Royal 'l'lll-2 Naval Association has produced results of good order and the 90 who | .
-ii ntended the i
for Service
lirst dinner and dance of the branch will testify to this
The Dartford branch was forntcdlhandful b: g:tn_to attract new mentafter World War II but support has bcrs. selected tor quality Last year the branch showed prowill be held this year at Chesham. dwindled and only it handful of mct1t' lluclasu. on Sunday. May 27, and at bers kept the branch alive. But tltifi grcss in all its activities attd I3 new _‘nt:mbc.'s were enrolled. The good, th‘s event the Standard of the has continued in I90! and lot Chesham and Antersham brattch will date there have men eight more new be dedicated at the Parish Church of enrolments. There are sescral tnorc . St. .\Iary'.-6. awaiting the br.tnch’.s "prcss gang." 1 ‘lhe Cltesltttm and .-\mers|t;itn ; The .\l.tyor of l).irtt'ord. Cottncillorl l".t.tt1L'll is one of the smallest branches nflfklnll h|'=|"t‘l'| 07 “"3 R‘’.“'' J. S. R. Wise. proposed the toast of; in No. 6 Area and it is hoping for Naval Association had the‘ the l);trtford branch saying he “as big support on th:'s. its "great day." pleasure of a visit at its last meeting dc --‘tied that the .tssociation was} The Rally Committee of No. 6 Arc:t and the ("ltes‘h;tnt and Atttcrsltattt ship‘ of the General Secretary. Shipntatc con 1-; back to us right and proper. Lieutenant-('untntamler .\la.skell. pl.t.'c. Ilc c.utgr.ttula:cd that branch :t:.ttcs cstettd it hearty ittvitatiott to all trophy awarded to the braticltcs. ltoisever distant. to be together with two ollicials of No. 2 on tsitttiin-, Area. Shipntate .l. Bates tChairman) most etlicieut hrancli in the area. present. 1 TATE“ The secretary. Sltipmatc l_tcttt. J. N. The parade will muster at Britannia '-"id 5hlP|“5"¢ "lflfll" -“-‘-PFC)’ visitor Waterntan. R..\'.V.R. s oke of the Road at 2.3!) pm.. :tnd will march to Secretary), Another welcome 07 in look» social work of the the church lteadcd by the band of the ‘VIN 5 ll 5 P l" 1| l t-' -lllh" l).\l\'¢'~‘ ‘ tng aftcr ysidosxs and orphans. disabled Kizieston !s‘tc:ult'nst Unit of the Sea ('lt=Ill|=Ifltand all those in trouble. '1 he toptc oi" the tttcclittg was (‘adet Corps. After the service rcfreshmcnts will be provided at tltc _.\...—.i.-jmt; ,\| .,- m h ._- r . h tp_ _\t;my He also mentioned that he hoped that lcrrttortttl Army Drill Hall and there questions were put by members and lltc cs~Ser\-ice representation at the D these -were .tll\‘-\L'fL‘tl by the guests. .t:1ttu;tl Scrszce ot l(.'tttctnlir.t:tc: could‘ ‘.s to be it \ttL‘i.tl "get together" during lhe l)or$.tng members \\crc yerv he trttpimctl. U ti-.c c\t.'!ltlt_L'. l). ()'\'ttll:\'.t:t. .i l.i::t:t.-('tlr, l). l " 1' nr_g;nt:s:lt',: Cttltlllllllcg‘ \\t‘llill l"“ pluasctl to \L‘L‘ the stsiltirs and all agreed that the meeting '.s.:s -.\ell ]ir.'s:t.'.‘l‘.l prup.~s«.-tl the tu.t~t o: the: UH .r ttly .t\s‘.\lL'tl it branches lttlC:lt.lI:‘._Ettciutlcd (opt. alto e'.:.«:s R.| C) '.t- be present tsottltl ttotif~.- the clt.t:r- north ‘-\il:lL'. ‘The l)i~rl.1ttg.: _\‘ec.'ct.:t'j.'. on bcltait \lcls'cll:tr. (‘.tp:.tt:i §ttper:nt-ctttlcttt of I"!do :2-._ i oi the t hcsham and .-\n:ctsli.:m ‘r\r.t:‘.clt. Sliiptnatc l‘. J, limits. Rltu of .t shzptttatc. lt.ts .:\i.t.‘(l that anyone the N;ition.iI \c.t 'l'.'.nu.ng S Stool at Pl \lcl\':il.tr. .\l.s. R:ch:tttl (if.t\‘t.‘\:.'!ltl. .::tti ('.tpt. 0 (Slittgct). ll;-t7-.!t.mtpste;:tl Rthttl. Lliesh.tt:i_ or 's:to'-sittg .t l'_\r:l of the tmt.l. in in-tfs .\lcKell.tr sp.t'r.-.wt ht~§ l)orl.ing \'o. r. Area Sect;-t.trj._ Slitptnatc l-' W. \\‘oot!. who lived 00 ‘vi The \‘okc. long:t‘.c.-.tYow_ l"“\. and who '.\.;s J Petty Otliccr‘ c~t.ih|i~lt:n.-tit til tt'::uf: j.tV‘l'.i‘ts Eur izfc ¢- F
Annual Rally of No. 6 Area Trill-I of the Royal Naval Association
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Enterprise to visit Britain? us. THINKING or GOVERNMENT FROM SEA IN EMERGENCY
Ma .
marine fleet and partly by the expanI955 of Russia's oceansion since going merchant fleet.
.-..,...../.__...,.,......._. -z.-1: A‘ "- ‘-“ 2 -..
:2:g§; .
POLARIS TYPE? It is unlikely that Russia yet has an equivalent to America's Polaris submarines in service but one such submarine is probably under trials may be expected to commission HE world‘s largest warship, the build one new national command ship and in the near future. As was stated in 75.000-ton nuclear-powered air- each year. What a tonic it would be Parliament recently. she now has some craft carI'ier U.S.S. Enterprise may for British seapowcr if the govern- nuclear submarines some armed visit British waters in September this ment decided that the Queen and the with short-range. and surface-launched year or early next spring. ller visit Cabinet should go to sea in an missiles. will be part of a tour of Northem emergency. A force of small landing craft has I-Iuropean ports before she joins the been built up btit the Soviet amphiS0\'ll{T .\'.\\’.\l. STRl€.\'GTlI Sixth Meet in the Mediterranean. bious concept is very di:iereiit to that In recent months the Soviet sub-i of Britain Aboard the Enterprise will be some or America. Russian .squ:idrons of the new Vigilante marine Ileet has decrc:ised from about phibions forces are intended am-. for boinbers. 'lhcse siipersoiiie aircraft 450 .siihni;irines to -300. '[ he reason is "1c:ipfrog" operations in support of. are the first naval aircraft designed ‘that numbers of old boats have been‘ an The new .\lolia\ik lillits to her future element. :irni_v :isliore~ratlier on the lines from the start to deliver nuclear rscrapped and since 1957 the emphasis of the Salerno and .-\ii/io landings in t\e:ipo:1s_ llombs are relczisctl from :1 has been on quality rather than the last \\ar— but on a smaller scale. chute in the tail. qtiaiitity. _lle:ivy equipment would be moved in mcrcliant ships. HF. sixth of the Tribal class of‘ uiortzirs. Slie_ will be equipped with C()\‘iIR.\'I\ll7.\'T l-‘R03! SE.-\ NEWS OF This year the i\l:iriinsk canal systeni general purpose frigates \\'.I\ \~..iin:n_i: radar and submarine detecwill be finished as the last link to- launched Perhaps because of the President‘: ES OTHER NAVI and named .\loli:mk at the tion gear of the most modern design connect the Baltic and the White Sea. B'.trrow-in-l"urriess naval bzickground. the US. Governyard of \'ickers- and carry it Westlaiid Wasp helicopter BY tnent has recently given great enTliougli these two seas have been Arntstrongs (sliipbuildcrs) Ltd., on for aiiti-.submarine purposes. couragemeiit to the supporters of at DESMOND WETTERN linked for many years by canal. the April 5. The i\loliawk's propulsion maritime strategy. new system will allow ships tip to the The ship was named by Mrs. inachinery will consist of both steam Up to £35 million a year may be Similarly. the number of cruisers is size of destroyers. and including large Villiers, wife of Viee—.-\dmiral J. .\l. and gas turbines. The steam turbine submarines. to move between the two Villiers. C.B.. O.B.l;'.. Fourth Sea will provide spent on equipping ships to take the now about 20 and these are power for normal cruisbeing seas without being .seen by Western Lord essential structures of government to (Chief of Supplies and 'l'r;in.s-I ing and manoeuvring and the gas armed with general purpose missiles eyes. A similar canal system links the sea in an emergency. The first ship to and Vice-Controller) and the; turbine driving on to the same probe selected is the cruiser Northampton for use against siirface :ind air targets. Baltic with the l)on River and thence port It is significant that our own Seaslug into the Black Sea and also with the Reverend A. C. Wade. .-\.K.C.. vicar. peller shaft. will give immediate now in h:iiid at Norfolk Navy Yard. of St. .lohn‘s Churcli. Barrow-in-I primer for liigli-speed st-:;uning and ll and in filth of the the sixth ships additional (‘abins I30 River for into the an Volga Virginia. flowing Caspian. Furness. conducted the rcligiotisigetting tiitder way in an emergency. officers and civilians have been added new "County" class may be capable In view of the existence of these service. and :1 complete library of war plans of use against stirfacc targets. The canals it may well be asked why. from i\('COMM()l).-XTION FOR 250 The Mohawk, whose standard dishave Americans also developbegun installed including blueprints for time to time. Russian missile des- placement is about '.‘..SUt) tons. has a A high standard of living accomsurface-to~surf:ice of naval ment a certain pre-determined operations. nnd submarines are moved htill of 360 ft. and a beam of 42 ft. troyers nioitation has been achieved for the The ship's communications system missile. the Chzinnel. through English 6 inches. She will be of all welded. ship's complement of thirteen olfiThe number of Soviet destroyers is will be linked to the national warning around In the past two or three years Soviet prefabricated construction and titled eers and 237 ratings. All manned and this total is also lower I00 in touch and will she keep system naval manpower has been reduced- with Denny Brown stabiliscrs to compartments will be air condiwith the hour-by-hour movements of than some previous estimates. Con- but without any serious effect on the reduce rolling. tioned and bunk sleeping will be siderable emphasis is being put on U.S. warships all over the world. The anti-submarine strength of the fleet. Numerous non- Her armament comprises two 4.5 provided throughout. The ratings‘ in forces Soviet the and tactical receive strategic ship can effective ships. some about 50 years inch guns in single mountings. two messing will be on the cafeteria information from ground. sea and air naval press. Recently. l was told by old. have been scrapped. 40 mm. guns and anti-submarine system. Ruge. who retired last sources and display it so that the Admiral as head of the West German President and his staff can take swift autumnthe Russians invented a whole Navy. decisions. The ship's quarterdeck has been convoy action which was supposed have taken place in the last war strengthened to take heavy helicopters to and in an emergency the President in the Arctic. During the action numerous U~boats were sunk by Rtiswould be flown direct to the ship. surThe second ship to be converted is sian forces. But :i check through that archives showed the light carrier Wright. She is now in viving German hand at Puget Sound Navy Yard. only one U-boat was in the area on date in question. She was on a Wasliington. and the work will cost the patrol and her log noted £9 million. Her sister ship Sziipzin may minelaying the tlistant sound of depth~charging. soon follow. of internal Soviet propaMr. .\lcNaniar:i. the US, Secretary This sort ganda is designed to boost the morale of Defence. recently told Congress of the men in the escort ships which that it was tentatively planned to li:ive been the Cinderellas of the Red .
Mohawk launched
TH/R8 7'/NG
The Boyd Trophy presentation is The ‘ouilil-up of escort forces has due to take place in ll..\l.S. Protector been brought about partly by the on May 23. growth of .-\meriea‘s tiiiclear sub-
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Royal being present. There wasn't a dull face in the riltole crowd.
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The branch Annuzil General .\lectin: was presided over by Rc:ir~ Admiral F. Hutton, (KB. The clt:tir~ man. Shipmzttc L. C. Cltubb started in his report that the I'll';lI'lCh was in .1 sound lin;tnei;il position and thanked the trcimircr. Shipmati: E. Page ilf‘It.I the secretary. Shipmnte W. P. Connclly. and all members for helping to make the branch really stable. Shiprnttlc R. Meadows. was elected vicechtiirman and the sei:rct;tr_v tins rcelected. Culithester hopes to be more "in the
:tIT:tir 28.
tilts :1
year. The firs! dzincc .tnd Ss‘CI;ll on April
‘..°.".;':.""*.=.7i ‘t:::.t.... “t:::t.";- .3: -
sr.cL'rtin‘ or-'rrcr.it
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DRIVER/AI IENDANTS hour weekl -neluding first-aid
whom he spent very enjoyable ings when he stats dorm
the position of (ll!-l.i;ert.e .\.Il(\ A of three lfltlnlhn utll training .\larta_aer. to be anreri: IIlI\ it in period addition to lIltKt who are hrunch with aiatlable to carry out an E.V.T. (_‘oune. It may even- be ot interest to Applicants to knots that this it nearly 80:; manned by f'ei\urineI in the nest Company lriim the Royal Naw. Applicants shoiril be prior to appointment, Izdueattivnal cum rtatmm married and in poiteuion ot a current drum: A.'C Iltlt-I quarterly at ILLI, Dockyardg Pun‘. ROYAL It la licence. .VA\'AI. BARRACKS. PORTSenentlat that all those cttmtur.-iinr: this ptnitinn should be keen on a S.rlt\ (litter, mouth. I)€H‘DI"1‘l‘l and Rmath and at the It..\‘.' \10l!lIl. The «Inn (‘um hrrlh In n-.--r-i Man. fill‘ Applicants tnav be rr.-attired alter their .\I.\‘. Lrjndiinderrp‘. Northern Ireland. htrther Price 7i_taJ. flhtainat-le from (‘ra'e .'. Pntden initial training period to carry out Relief Iltitiei. irrlonmttnn and apr_tlic.ittori (mm; an N ob. I.tt.I.. I-,iSint-itirxh Road. Pitmrtioirth. l‘-i-t tree. The Dcnition ot an 0|!-Licence Satet Manner tained (mm the (met Constable. Adm.rati\ "su r: l.t\ t»:e—trr-: A tst.o-on II()\0R"—we en we ‘. 5 .1 .'tuo.'t.trton." Stanley Street. Singapore I htrain
The eecrelnry sends greetings Shipmzites of Plymouth
tn-tr. I-eec
\'ACA.\'CIIiS FOR C0.\'SI'ABI.FS e\:I'. in tht" words ||llI‘I or vttthnirt t\lllIlI\, and .|'\\ smite!triitltmx to tell imittlil write in the rim tmt.mye Admiralty‘ (ionstahtrlarv. Initial app:-irttment HI Anrrlia llttuse. llarvitch. Lun, or to the IIII he on a ternporary baits tutti |'V.'(np¢.'!l ii: .\'ar.iI Potts to contact the lI\‘.aI hI.I"\" ll’afl\IKl' to permanent and perrtionahie \ent.e. (frvmntenctnr p.t\ of entrants is (‘$0 per attntrm. ,lI()l'SF.Il0l.I) Ill‘!-‘l>‘.(,'TS .\\lI B\(i(3HilZ with nit-.e_r_innir.rl rrtcre_mentt of 1;.‘ maklrlr a‘I\:o.'ed. mined and packed and trrirtnril \\ lute total ol r..i.‘. Alter It )ear.\' terttte a luriher. A ('9, l.td.. I2!) I.-tndun lliud. .\‘nl'h Lt-d increment or 12* is aturded. making a ltnal luncttun. I'ott.smotrth. Phone t.l22| :ut.il UI t.lt00 per arrrturn L‘-nilnrm and boots are rusted tree or nurse. There are good Dt'0\|'K'L‘l\ I II()l'Sl'I Pl‘R('lIA$l'7. An ideal \CI1("\f Irr of promotion. (‘andidates must be between 21 than-c looking ahead. llltl‘.'. atl\.tme .tt'er lI|!fC -"N1 ‘lite.-rs (‘I are. at leait 5 It. 7 in. in t'ear\ at lovi rare or ‘interut. hltitrsaaex irp.--it Iltllhl (in bar: lectl. of Ilritlth natipnalits and in the c\tt'lt ul death. ~\\‘rilc tn: te..net “the or exemplar) character. ‘They will he required? Ilotrse Anured." tn the Protidcnt lite AssoLot-idun |.tsI.. I-lrt ".\h!‘n late, In mu a medical and edtreational eiaminaiio-t ictatittn ol I.tinI3“'l. TLC}.
If any S'nipm:tlc< are holidztyittg in the vicinity they \M‘llI(I he more than welcome at the Co-op Social Club. l'.\I,'lIIll. Lion Wttlk. Colchetter. every lirst rind TIIIS COMPANY Is prepared to accept Applicationt Irtim non-(.‘iintml-tinned l'emmnel third I-'rid:iy of the month. in tor
or any n to .r
ptcparattim ot \i:l'teme\ tor .IIIIl'll_ l1‘l0uttII|:_ initallation and close liaison nith la.t-tn pct‘-‘-*>~ nrl.—-\\'.'ite ruin: details of experience and t1 e reaspns at to oh, you think wit can till lI'.l\ flhtlkln, I0 I50! NI), SI "Nan News" lttttritma‘
Ilarr.t."a\ are dim
minimum. and ea \ punt:-nt asailattte. Dual Controlled Htllmaft and Ilturu ,A.-to liars. Qualilled lnitrttctii-.ri carrier -ith it a road thmmettcinc salarv lt‘ am.-‘I p.m. eiety day, rm (‘.ird~tl Roar), SITUATIONS VAC.-'lN'I' iorether smith .1 PCTHIOI1. plus citmmiuii-n, -and North lirtd. I'tItl\m\lIrIl1. 'l'eI. h27‘3. Ire: li\Inl accttmmodattmt. Those who are It‘? I.\'[lEflESl'lSG and remtrneratite pm-ti-in MUN radio controlled l3\l\. 2-I-limit x:rt.ic.—Leeri man to head department of large ur:ai-~.i- interested should reuuett an Alinllcailtltl l-’i~rm'. Tel.: Pomnioiitli ,l,<lll;-t mm tines). lion selling (til Booms (inflatable anti-nutriti--n trorri the (ialleon wine Compam Llrnilrd. devices) to oil Companies, llairbour and ('ana'. l'rrntry Chambers, 3: Trinity Square. London.‘ C. II. BFZRNAHID I SONS LTD alt .-‘nan happy in ct-niidt-r ptirrhastng xe.'imil.lt.tprl .\tlII'K\fllI€\ at home’ and meneu. l)IlIiC\ tn.-lude l..(.'.3.
supper of the Colcltester branch of the Naval Association this year was a remarkable atlair, nearly 200
HE annual
Mt).T_ Tut antl leuum other cnmentetit purltt
postcard for booklet and application form
245. Building 329 A.E.R.E., Harwell, Didcot. Berks.
Labour Branch ref. H
May. I962
H.M.S. Owen had no salt
sltowcr of stones. spears and arrows. Efforts to trap it were of no avail and so far as is known it is still rituning round the island. This episode: ..\l.S. Owen (Capt. G. P. I). Ilall. seems to have weighed heavily on the I).S.('.. R.'\i.) has recently been small band of Rtllilflxofl Crusoes. ‘, in the extensive out carrying surveys Indiau Ocean. Three tide-w:itchers. Able Seamen Phillips and Hutchinson and .\Iechanic (E) Jones. put ashore from the ship in the .»\ldabra Islands. were found to be in good health and excellent OT much news has come from the spirits. having successfully completed Malta branch of the Royal Naval -35 i.l.r\s' continuous observations with Association of late, but this does" not the I’o\horo' tide-gauge. 'llic\ coiifcvsetl. however. to being iuean that it is defunct. Far from it. Social life in Malta is only what the miglity glad to see the ship again. tltcir Il1I.f(l\l1lp\ having consisted mainly of people themselves make and branch boredom. a shortage of reading socials are given a good start before IlI:tIL‘fltII. a lack of variety in their anyone turns up--so to speak. The diet. and what they considered to be last social was a "'I'r;impv-' night out" I where the food was free and all the an inailcqiiatc supply of beer. Their diversions had lain in repel- "tramps" imaginable turned up. Tliirst The sailing dinghies arriving on board II..\I.S_ Dunkirk. Note the case 0! handling and stowage. ling Itt\':t\tun by hordes of laiid- was quenched with the finest vintage crabs. f;il\ and mosquitoes -a pastime that Marsovin could produce. Bus trips to the bcaclies will start at whieih they had evidently acquired 3 6 9 for weapons a again very shortly. There the members some \I.lll —using maclicte. a woodenspear :ind bows and and their friends can swim and sunconveying his brancII's apprecilocal bathc in the warmth of the Mediterfrom constructed arrow. ation uf A_vi:|iarhee's article on the flltllcfltilx,(History does not relate the ranean sun. and share ice cream with exhilarating sport. of Royal Naval Association in the March etlicacv of these against the smaller the sand flies. apart from a few enthusiasts. little I issue of "t\'avy News” the secretary of 1 The Malta branch is of headqiiarters mosquito.) type ‘Is known. is Gliding. The reason it is lthc Scvcnoalts branch of the Royal N the Jtlnutlry issue of “Navy News" Another sport of which they never at the Vernon Club. Valletta, and little known in the Royal Navy is Nay-at Ag.v-ociation wrote the following reference was made to a new sport tired was the daily chicken hunt. To meetings are held on the first P‘-‘I’ possibly because people think that story which he swears is true. mention was made supplement their Service rations the Thursday in every month. Members previous experience is necessary. ‘this At the last meeting the chairman of —-Sea-karting—and of small sailing dingliies. comparable Island manager had kindly presented newly arriving in Malta have only to is not so. Pilots are trained ab iniiio. the Sevetioaks branch told the mem- in some ways to the Go-karts. but them witlt a chicken——alive. Before go to the Vernon Club should they ‘ The Portsmouth Naval Club r bers of how. whilst he was in hospital. which are well designed craft with they could prepare it for the pot like assistance in settling in. Associa- holds gliding sessions onGliding S:ltttrd:i_vs.‘ he persuaded two to join the Associ- good sailing qualities. easy to launch the bird had run. Thenceforward it tion members in ships that call at Sundays and certain Bank Holidays at * ation -tlie doctor who attended to and rig and to stow. had made a habit of appearing at Malta can also find the date of the next lt..\1.S. him and the doctor's son. both of Ariel, Lee-on-Solent. The Seventh Destroyer Squadron the L‘.i!t‘ip for a fleeting instant before social occasion. to which they are whom are ex-Royal Navy. has taken up the new sport and cacti The Club held its Annual General raciiig away into the jungle amid a always welcome. of members the One the to listening Meeting on April 9 when the retiring chairman remarked "Well, we ought ship in the squadron has its own secretary. Mr. P. C. Davis was . to be all right now with two doctors dinghy. the sail numbers having the presented with a tankard in :ipprecia- in the branch." The branch Padre. the number seven in them. tion of his work for the club. The new The simplicity and speed of these C. Bunch. ex-Royal Navy. lI.M.S. Devonat December. II..\l.S. Decoy. Eskimo, February 5. at Cowes secretary is Instr. Lieut.-Cdr. L. D. 1 Reverend his craft allow many, short. fast races to corner by the fire with for Home Sea Service. General Scr- Vine. of H.M.S. Vernon who would‘ sitting in putt for General Service Commisbe sailed in an afternoon. giving a vicc Commission. April, 1963. like to hear from any naval personnel his half pint of bitter, came out very number sion (24 months). U.I{. Base Port. of people the chance to get with. “If they can't cure you. Home/Middle East (I8 months). 9th who are interested in taking up gliding. gently Devonport. (A) away sailing. I'll bury you." l-rigatc Squadron. U.K. Base Port. lI..\t_S. l)i-aniond. December. at ChatThe padre generally sits in the one Portsmouth. (B) hani for General Service CommisThree submarines of the Oberon The Flag Officer Air (Home) will place and never says a word. and to sion (24 months). U.K. Base Port. Il.M.S. Troubridge. Febriiary. at Portvmoiltlt. (A) Portsmouth. Under coiisidcration. prevent prizes to apprentices at R..\'. hear that from him put all shipmates class are to he hiiilt in Britain for the Royal Caiiadiaii Navy. present in (its of laughter, :\ircr;ift Yard. Fleetlaiids. on May 9. II..\L's'. Diana. December. at Devonl..R.P. complement. putt for General Service Commis- II.l\l.S. Loch Killis-port. February. at sion (24 months). U.K. Base Port. Singapore for Foreign Service (Far The hcadqu:irtcrs of the Flag Olliccr. East). Captain (F). 3rd Frigate Middle East. Rear-Admiral A. A. Devonport. II..\l.5. (‘ar_vsfort. December. at GibSquadron. (A) Fitzroy Talbot. D.S.O.. was transferred raltar. l..R.I’. coiuplciueiit. Local Il.M.S. Miinxman. February. at Chat- from Bahrcin to Aden to date May 1. ham. Stearniiig crew. Home Sea SerI'\5tL‘Igl'l Service. vice. Foreign Scrvicc from date of I Il..\l.S. liastbourne. December. at (Continued front page ll. col. 3) sailing (Far East). (A) I{Us_\'ll). L.R.l’. coniplement. II.M.S. I)-ainpicr. December. at Singa- II.M.S. Scarhoroiigh. Fcbriiziry. at "In (‘lilct Pctl) Olliccc Radio l>‘.lectrlcl:m l'. i. Minn. .\t.\ .w.z«»o ii. N lI us s--2--sz I’ortstnoiith. I..R.I’. complement. pore, for Foreign Service (Far East). MN 36415‘) R. S)|.c\. .\t.\: 80437.! D. R. II..\I.S. Alert, Iiebriiary. at Singapore. I tum.-. (.-\I I'Il\t\. To \ctinc Chic! I-Intlrtc Room Artlflecc Il..\I.S. Murray. December 13. at Service (Far East). (A) Foreign I .\t.\; mine: I. w. Ilolt. Mx sssoi-a 1. Commissions for trials. II.M.S. Chlcltcster. I-’ebru:iry. at Chat- Kiminan. MR 537570 I-I. I. Ilayhoe, MN Rmyth. ‘“2l7‘l I.. I). Beat. MK 857624 I). G. Ilunlcl. for Service. Home Sea ham. L.R.P. coriiplement. I'cl1riiar_\' 28. MK 557650 A. Iivcnsun. M 953336 A. J. Znil Frigate Squadron. U.l{. Base ll.M.S. Bulwark. I-‘ehruary. at Ports- Iltakc. “X 38I47l6 C. B:il<‘Y. M.\' 85.*9‘H Ii. II. MM 708088 R. S. Wcsiwood. MK llnm. mouth. L.R.P. complement. l'ort. Devonport. .‘t!l7l4lt>J M. T. II. Richards. MK 857520 II. I'.. \\'. ll..\t.S. Bastion. January 2|, at Bah- tI..\I.S. Ursa, March 7. at Dcvonport (ladder. MX R5717] G. F. Knowles. Acting Ctrlcl Electrical hlcchanletan rein. for Foreign Service (Middle for General Service Commission. To.\I.\i 7li'N.\8 J. T. Educ. East). Amphibious \‘Varfaie SquadHonielwest Indies (2-8 months). 3th To (.'Iilct‘ Rltllo CotlltiilllcatlouSopcrvlior .
I ll
Sport of the
[so ~
l ‘
IX 712193 3. G. C. Harris. IX (>1?-(IRS L. (Ii) Frigate Squadron. IX 57150‘! I). R. Forth. IN SW72! 1). L. Ilottcr. ll.xl.S. Kent. January (may be de- II.M.S. Leander, March 26. at Belfast. IX H2656 K. Miller. IX 760002 A. I. iuilcrson. aircr. layed). at Belfast for Home Sea for Home Sea Service. Commissions To (.'II|cI Pcll) Olllccr Wrllcr Service. General Service Commisfor General Service Commission. | six sums II. It. l~'. Ilnvtin. .\t.\'-s.<:I>_=7 J. 1. (IlII‘€ II. sion. May-_ Home/East of Suez (24 May (24 months). U.l\’. Base Port. Iu .\clln: Chlct Mcchautclau Illtlttlltsl. U.K. Base Port, PortsPortsmouth. (A) ‘ KN so-Isxs J. .\t.-our. RX 891460 0. A. mouth. llionipvon. KN X47416 I. I’. \\'li)'tc. li..\I.S. Blake. March. at Dcvonport. ; In Stores CIIICI Pclly Ollltcf (V) Il..\l.S. I.(I\\CSIOII. January. at Chatfor General Service Commission g .\l\ K*.\'t>S2 (T. I). \V. Goldsmith. I-IX .\'-tbfltti limit. for General Service Com.\I. MN tI7‘t7.:J I’. I). Nicltulls. Ruhcrtcson. (24 months). U.K. Base Port. Devon- ‘lo (‘hlcf Pcll) Olflccf Cook IS) titissltltt (24 months). U.K. Base (A) port. SIN 371040 II. II, Il.1ri:l.t)'. MK I¢“l700 P. G. Port. Portstnouth. (A) MN XJWI7 T. Ila)‘. MN Shlstttli I. N. Il..\I.S. Ilartland Point. at Singapore. R0hlfI\0l'I. Kiuit, MN l!l3S6l7 I. \\’. Utrcy. MN 77200? ll..\t.S. Bcnvick. January. at Portsfor Service (Far East). (A) It. L. I). Usher. Mx Tttatn S. .\t.'ttrme. inouih. for General Service Commis- ll..\I.S.Foreign (Thief Petty (Jfllcer Cook (0) London. March (may be de- lo.\t.\' 70I.Wl J. C. Carpenter. simi (2-S tnonths). U.K. Base Port. for at Cltlcf lo Sltlnwtltltl Arllficcr Wallsend-on-Tyne. layed). Portsinouth. (A) .\IX 75'I‘lI N. Ii. Iliihlvs. .\I.\§ 502620 J, E_ Conimissions Home Sea Service. ll.-.\t.S. Gurkha. January. at South.\nchnon. MN S‘l7.*m II. II. Webb. .\I.\ 302001 .-\. I‘. Moon. July (tentative date) for General Ser- "In arnplon for Home Sea Service. Actlnx Chief Radio Elcclrlnl Artlticcr vice Commission lloriie.'East of (‘oinmis~ions. March. I963. for GenMX 35507.1 I) J. 'llm.iitc\. Suez (24 months). U.l-C. Base mm.‘ ‘In .\ctln¢ Chic! Ordnance Artlficcr eral Service Commission. Home. MN -\'.'l7‘M2 I‘ I. ('.'intclo. .\I.\ 77.\‘l's'.% J. A. Portsmoutli. Middle IE-.ist (I8 months). Ninth Fril'.iinc. MK sssidi A. it. Ward. Chief Petty Olicer Iinlluccrlnc .\IccII:IIt gate Sqiiatlron. U.K. Base Port. ll.\I.S. Berry Head. March (tentative InK.\ .\l4LI.l-I-I I. .\ItlvilI€. RX b‘l20l0 A. II. date). at Chatham, for trials. I{0s_\'lll. (ll) \Iitc~. futt.
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country! Try a glass yourself. Today.
10 Chief Alrnu IPIIOTI IN M6102 K. A. Jones. In \¢-tln: Chlct lntcctriral Artifiict (MRI IN slits? C. II hood. I-.\ 35779.’ J
u u 9
What we want-
l‘.\ n70-I73 I-‘. I-Z. Johns. F.\' SDOLW D (i:ccr:.
I-N 7I22t‘J P. I-‘inins.
l ‘
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the velvet-smooth aiisiver to :i desert-dry thirst. No wonder it's the most popular brown tile in the
‘[0 Chief Alt I-‘ittcr (Ali) IX 78.1522 K. A. Pearson. 'lo (‘likl Airman (AID
8/-. being
Couiuiertrc l/ rm-miner 0/ R..\’. A \.im'i'uir'mi. please state Brmich.
n-u-....o-.a---u Iloolocooloo:Intol-onocoononoteoooolenou
In hick Ilerlll (.'hk-I PHI) oiiim .\I.\Z 87537; G. I.. .\olIl\\. .\I.\ SSTZII A. Ii Il.it. ‘. In chi.-r Wren unfit K. I. ltarkcr. tiiteeorv. ('oo\ (S). t In Acting Chief Aircraft Artltiecr t.\l-.t l.\ u':ni-M s. J. tuttdotx. .\rtlf:icer (OI l ‘to Actlit: Chic! Alrcrttt (N M>90h-I S. J. ltocklnl.
to (ftilct Conununlcallcmu Ycotnan l,\ TIL‘.-<20 R. S IIn1.‘.Ill. 1.‘. Sstilrili R. R. U. l’r:rneII.
‘NAVY NEWS’ OFFICE, ROYAL NAVAL BARRACKS, PORTSMOUTH l‘Ii-me post a copy 0/ each issue at
1" (‘Met
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WATNEVS anowiu!
ll.-ukcr. MK xx?-um C. .\|. \\'.ilto:i. Pcll) Ofllccr I-Ilcctriclan \t\ Shunt I). I. I'ccr;ini.
What he
In .\ct|n: Cltlcf Electrical .\rIlIiccc .\I.\ .\s7r»:.t I). I., llull. MK has-rlli \I-‘, I‘. I‘.
To .\ctta: Ctilct Electrical Mechanic t.\tRi I X KIti7tl.\' R, I". \\'illi.tln\_ In (‘lilcl Electrician (AIR! IX t~iNlo.\'2 I’ W 5\I\uIttlJ. EN .\iu5I_¥ I \IIlt1t»!('f.
"In ('Ii|eI Radio I-Ilcelrlclztu (HR)
ix .~.<r.27s i-. inc.
\If1.I on l\II.IlI at the New
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.\t\v~. L‘.i.-xtiii:tti:e I‘-. (iii
lli{t)\\'.\'.v\I.l-I: l’.\l.l3 .~\l.IE: ll~\\I.\liii{l'().\' S'l't)'tl l': I) \li{Y \I \ll) S l'()U T .
1, 1'...J..-i lrin.:...l. .\l.Itiizi.::