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40 COMMERCIAL ROAD, PORTSMOUTH TelephoneNI It E0 ROYAL PARADE, PLYMOUTH Telephone66543 Promotion orders a speciality. write for special details, etc., and be assured ct personal attention to your requirements.


N Navy ews ,.._~



of the

Royal Navy

and The


Naval Association







conventional uylu.


fully shrunk 59/66. Teryltno Ilaclu Gveys—ClIu:lu—Cavalry Twills

Walhable and usual

Full range!



30 ROYAL PARADE. PLYMOUTH Telephone6654!

I’u/)/i.s'/Ic'£/_/iI'.s'! T/1ur.s'du_t‘ 0_/'1/lemon!/r

JULY. 1962




N2Wy’s biggest 97




'VfllIlllllIlllllllllIlllllllllllflllllflllllllllllllll '1l:.ll!|l!lll|llllill[llilllllllllllllllllllltllllllllllllllllllIllIlllllllllllllllllllllllllillfllllllIllIllIlllllllllllllillllllllill!Illlll||lll||lllllI|Illll!1lE

cruiser home STEAMED OVER 75,000 MILES IN 17 MONTHS

Navy's largest cruiser. ll..\l.S. Belfast (I-8.930 tons. full load), built by Messrs. llarland & Wollf l.td.. Belfast. between l)i.-ct-rnber, 1936. and August. I939. returned to Portsmouth on June I9 after nearly three years on the Far East Station. ntostly as flagship of the Flag Otlicer. Second-in-Command. Ill-I Royal

Since the ship rccontmissioncil at tccrtain ("hint-sc on board who unSlllt.'..lPtll't.' in January. l‘ltil. llcltast being charged with being in unhmful t( .rpt.ritt Morgan (iilcs. l).S.().. ().ll.l-1.. prtsxesslull of drugs irt the cruiser on (i..\l.. Royal Navy) has steantctl over the high seas in April. ll..\l.S. l!r:It'ast is to take the place 75.tK)tl miles. equivalent to 3} times in the Home lilcet of ll..\l..‘s'. llcrmurla ‘round the \\01'l(l. On tlte Far East Station the cruiser vthe flagship of the Flag Otlicer has operated with the ships and air- lilotillas (Home). craft of l} other countries and has cU\'L'l'Cll the oceans from Japan to /\tts'tr;tlt1t and from East Africa to the


This _\-car Belfast has cclchratetl Her Majesty's birthday three times and received a message from The Queen cortgratttlating the ship “On achieving what may well be a record." The tirst occasion was at Pearl Harbour on the Queen's actual birthday. the second \r\;l\ Ill Victoria on Canada's Victoria Day and the third time was at Pattania | on the olhcral birthday. June

photograph til‘ ll..\‘l.S. Blake tiring her six-inch guns. The ship's main

armament consists of tour .si\-inch guns mounted in two twin turrets. which are cll'ec1irc in the surface and anti-aircraft roles. The rate of tire of these guns is twenty rounds per minute. eighty from the l'our guns. more than l\\lt.‘t‘ that of any previous cruiser.

A recent

Stockholrnliad an all-British)

Fleet Air Arm



Saintcs replaces Cheviot and Concord

visited by l’lai: Ollicer lilotillas Ill-I Battle Class destroyer ll.M.S. (llornel. Adrniral I.indeman. C.-in-C. Salutes (2.325 tons) arrived at of the lztuyal Swedislt Navy. and by a l)ock_\‘ard on June Ill. having .51. Submarines Orpheus. ‘\leidc large nuntbcr of submarine otlicers. Rosyth The three Commanding Olliccrs been toned from Plymouth. The for Special Article by amt Tuciturn accompanied other .also had the honour to be presented Saintes is to replace the two old visit Home Flcct of the on units a Flag Otlicer Air tltome) l to Princess .-\le\;rntlr;r and His .\l;tjc.sty destroyers. ll..\l.S. Cheviot and “.315. to Stockholm during the British (IverConcord, nhich have been bcrthcd in lsittg (ittstav. and pictures seas Fair from May 14 to 30. the Dockyard for the past few years Stockholm had an all-Britislt look—and used as training ships by ll.r\I.S. (il-I.\'|-ZROSITY OI-' CR1-IW N0 SL'I\'B.»\'l'Ill-.\'G thc streets were hung with Union lacks Caledonia. the Royal Nin'_\' training A Chinese l'-.imiIy in Hunt: Kong Like the rest of Europe. spring establishment at R0!s_\lll. and the shops tilled with British goods. has reason to be grateful to the British sailurs—ol'tcn accompanied by scented to have by-passed Stockholm The two destroyers have been used ufliccrs and men of the ship. The a dccorativc genuine Swedish article—— so the trip back through the beautiful therefore fitted in very well with this archipelago lost the additional interest for training engine-roont arliticcrs and ship‘s company has paid for the cost artiliccrs on niachiuery of building it house and settling in a background and there was no excuse usually afforded by the bcllcs of ordnance for anybody not to cnlov lltemselycs Stockholm sunning themselves on tile maintenance and ttlzIchitlL't_\' operation refugee couple with their eight 5 courses. Over the years the engines in spite of the high cost of beer ashore. islands. children, Oflicers and men have also that they had really had on these ships have been regrrlurly saved £250 to pay for the training of l-‘ccling SAL'.\'A BATIIS their money's worth on their one stripped and then put together again a guide dog for the blind. N Admiralty team has been sent to 'l he \ttl\m.tt‘lt‘Ics were berthed along- annual visit abroad. 'Alcidc and by succeeding courses. H..\l.S. Saintcs Malta to discuss‘ details for the The journey home from the Far Swedish Naval Barracks on Tacilurn returned to Plymouth and has two boiler rooms in which the liast might well be regarded as the reduction of the main base in the side tltellolmcn and struck Kastell quickly to Korsor and Aarhus apprentices will work. up went Orpheus commission. Belfast of the forward base. island to a highlight operating with the Swedish sub- for a bricl but pleasant operational Cheviot hind Concord are to be dislctt Singapore on .\larch 26 and since The team will discuss with the Malta an cntcnte baths Sauna the base. contact with the Danes during Excr- posed of. but it is not yet known what that date has visited Hong Kong. Government the phasing of the cuts marincrs sharing Patricia. in the .submarine depot ship. cisc “lute l-"ire." their late will be. Gtrant. Pearl Harbour. San l-'r:rncisco.' which will be necessary. and in the barracks proved a popularScuttle. Vartcorrt-er. Victoria. Esqui.-\n announccntcnt by the (‘om- and most ctlectivc nteans of getting m.rnlt. l’;ut:rm:i. through the canal. and 'rnander-in-(‘lticl'. .\leditcrrattcan. says over the previotts cvctttng's r:ntcrtarnon in Trinidzrd. the last call. apart that the decision to turrt .\lalta into .r meat and one of the ltighltgltls ol the THE Imm ;r \ltUl'l stay at l’l_\'tnouth. betorc lornard operating base. is a llritisltl visit \\.ts a “barn rlancc" attended by’ l‘.rrtsmonlli_ ;Crovcrntncnt tlL‘L‘l\ltlll and means that St! llritislt submarine ratings. ;thcrc will be _suhstanti:r| reductions in lhe hunts’ here not open to the l'.\'l..v\\\’l-"Lil.l’()$Sl{S5l().\' ‘the numbers of inert rcqnircd. Unolli- public in dclcrcncc to the custorn of l'hc return of the ship itself has been cial sl:tlI:n'It.‘tl1\'. have put the number the Sxsedish .subnt.trinc .scr\'icc. but \n:llL'\\ll;|l obscured by the arrest ul ;in\'oI\'cd to be about 5.000.






Axe to fall in Malta




1’ 7





friurtlc ll..\l.S. Loch In.sh (Capt. l. (3. Raikcs. l).S.('.. R.r\'.l. returned to l)t:\'onport on June 20 at the end of an Ill-ntonth cuuunission. tnusll_\ spent iii the .\litltllc East. l)urin): the cornntissirnt the ship has -slcantctl over 50.000 miles. visitinit 'nt:tn) ports in the l‘cr.si;tn Gull. liast lll-I

\l‘riv.':t. lntlia. l'akisl;ut and the islands oi the Indian (lceutt. l)uring the time spent in the l’crsi;m ;(iult' a total of 353 native rlhows were‘ ‘searched for illicit lratlic. l the from Marines l{o\al ship were; for .\luscat l;|lltl'.,'i,l ashore at t:\CrCi.\L‘.\[ armed forces. and_ with the Sultan's rncrnbcrs of the ship's company visited} (_)ucIl;r. l’esh:rw:rr. l.ahorc and the‘ Klt_\l\L‘l Pass \\hiIc the ship was




with the jet blast tl':llt;'t‘ltll‘ in position. a ltuyal Nan llrrccattcer. dressed irt ht-r :l':tti-ratlizttion n'lt';tr- coat. is poised on :1 catapult til" ll..\l.S. llertnes. l‘t.".ltl_\ fur t;|lu:-nll. tl-'urthcr plmtur.:r:tplrs of Fleet Air Arm aircralit. l':Il’|'ll.‘l'\and the nurk of the ILN. .-\ir Stations \\ ill he found on pages 7 to I0.)



\\ hen the ship LI.'ll\’L'4.l oll l‘1_\'rnouth l about |‘tl tt:l.IIl\'t.‘\ and friends of the‘ \ll|[1‘\ \'u:11[\.Il'h\ crnb.rr'kctl tor p;r\s.rg.-V no lr.r:l~our, liIj.'t:llt.'t ‘-Hill the ('om-:t~.tn\ltn;_' ()1l':ccr .|lltl lixc c.rrlc:s at the (urls' \.rtrt:c.rl luiriirn: Ship l.oeh‘ lush l':u:tt Nu:tlt.::ttp'.o:1. \'.h:ch has

".Ltlttt‘l..’tl" ilk‘ fri-,:rte.


SEN lO\R' ERVICE Th: t\rlu.tron ul

cu’.n.m p_,_,“"y

'=n-us-:.uauu....................._,,,,,_,,,_ _




_\llI_ELt. PA-CKIED,


Navy Netvs E

or t o n

Lieu: IS) II R llcrinttrc. R N (Reid )

-l."_'J’: ‘L33




He’s ‘a real


behalf of the crew of ll.Nl.S. llarrztge. but I think that I can quite safely include. without an_\ fear of contratlicliun. all the article in the June issue of ".\'av_t Ni.-its" linen who are now serving or who have sencd in the past few years‘ on the { lR.—-l was interes'ed to read the lloum Defence Vessels in Greenock. —"llot\ ttise should at killicls ht-'."' The lift‘ on hnzxrd lhcfis‘ Old will- tl.t‘.iculty whatsoever. no matter how 1 I would sti_.-gcst: ti) lle shotiltl lt.tve resporisihrlity‘.' In my days a Killick;'burncrs can at times be very iincoiii- much personal irtconteiiicitce it will .-‘\.l).. than 2d. more was three day oi the paid per kuotsletlge a practical fortable. the work is h:ird and tnvari- cause hiiu. .\lr_ Dyer will always do the lithihad l‘)()1s' to and one in titles the know pass should \‘¢'»'l~l.)' lie V-lilfll‘ "Rs." (ii) “'-|"v Pill!‘ J" Hill.‘ I310 ably filthy. but the) are happy ships his utmost to hclp_ Apart from tslt.tt instead of fortnightly. this business of ti): road: be able to take covswain L'.il mtiil lcst l’.ttl (lite. he does for us. he aiso visits and helps In these days of enlightetiinent. and that‘s the main thing. of too much drink—not nr.-ct-ssaril_t of .x p--ucr boat or a boat under sail. the nature in much the same stay the szck. aged :i-,:e of‘ Owing to their _si/c and drunk:-tint.-ss—this talking assay of cars zitttl l‘itr: it kttmslcdtze of chart work. \\|llI lads leaving school at thestantlartl of their work. these ships obviorislv and tnltint ashore. their educational the and |5_'l(t. consent tzi:') should have kuo\.slcdt_:c ; He owner's grad the without We all know that to otler this iit.in be high enough to take the lack ntatty of the amenities enjoyed general ‘letting down‘ of the Service of his ship's organist-.t:oit. and the should libraries. i.e.. of the l-lcet. the rest by ‘:t gift as it tokeit of our gratitiidc duties of a Captain of lop. (iv) He l-I.'l'.l..R. in their stride. I would stig- TV would not take place." N.A.A.F.l. and canteens. rooms The above remark was made by a should be ever ready to accept respon- gest that training estahlishnicnt-.s etc.. but. believe me. nobody is coin- ‘ttotild Dlllv entliarrass hint and posto give this question serious_sibl_v hurt his feelings. btil if you could man in constant touch with inert from -sibility. to make a decision and take ought -tind space to print this. even in all all three scrsiccs— he is an cs-service the initiative. (v) He should be wise 'corisider:ttion. I think that if this test planning. know for all junior ratings labridged form. it would let allhintthat titan himself and he gave it as his cnough to know that he must gain the was compulsory he Show deeply we appreciate considered opinion that in these davsi confidence and respect of those under before being drafted to at seagoing Hi TRIBU ;is doing for us :irid would like to sa_v. of coriiparzitively high wages for the‘‘his supervision and never to give any‘ship. the problem would be solved. We are sending you this letter hoplh.irik _voti Mr. Dyer. you are a real 5.,-n-i._-cs. the yttttitg sailor. perhaps ‘order that he himself is not able and I The youngsters could then concentrate with few responsibilities. tinds his willing to carry out in eittereeric}-'. (vi) I upon the professional test. without the ; ing _\-on will print it as a tribute to a ,r.ritleni.in." l). R. l.. BISHOP. lE.T.l..R. hanging likelman whom we all feel deserves somebulky fortnightly pay hurtllntl '-I ht‘l'-' 1 He should be conscious of the {ZlL‘l.i shadow of the in his pocket. takes a drink too iiian_v. when asliore on dutv or leave. at home ::t chip on their shoulders.~Yours.‘recognition for all that he has done l and does tltc foolish things which or overseas. that by his actions. or ctc.. Si-llP.\l.-‘\Tl5. R..\l.A. (Full namelfor the men up here. His name is J (‘aptain J. F.. Seotlaritl. l).S,('.. R..\l.. C. Dyer. lie is a civilian who 'is to be prontoted to R::;ir-Adntiral to bring sltame to him and the S‘:t\lCL'. or those of men under his control. the. and address supplied to the Fditor.) I.\lr. he borrows on the strength of the nest prestige and dignity ot the Royal Navy i Iltv I-Izlilnr.-—.-llrliorrgli _vorrrr_t:rIvr.t lives in (irccnock and he devotes. l ldatc lu|_v 7. and to be Flag Otlicer. ml /5!!!) ought to he rllllr‘ in fu/sr‘ l/t¢' % should think. practically all of his ».\liddlc liast. in s-.:cc-.-ssioit to Rearfortnight's pay and is thus constatitlv is upheld. ‘I:'.T.!..R. in their .t!rr'rlt-. r.\[)rr/t'It(‘r(l spare time to the welfare of other Adiiiiral A, A. l". 'l'alliot. C.ll._ l).S.(). in debt and. iitayhe. as a result. "flop" Il'l\l!ll(‘lnI ()”l(‘t‘f.\ inform me rlrrrllpeople. He keeps us supplied with and liar. the appointment to take things tth-ich he has obtained on litre: .-\.\ll~ll'l'l().\".’ \\'lll-IRE IS uirh is not. rrrrlnrrrrriulrlv, (Ire mic. books and maga/ines. arranges all our effect in August. l')(i2. purchase or through his allotiit::nt. l was surprised to read that ratings l"lu- Iminhrg rtlrrIv1t'tIiumiI.t Imrr quite ‘ sporting li.\:iiics and he linds accomIs this trite‘! Are the voting men who find themselves in trouble so lacking tight shy of passing lltc simple test of rr ftltlgf ,-pr-onl. .-lri opporlrrriilv f.t'inlt)(l:tllt\l) for any married inert joinll..\l. Ships ll-erwick and .‘s'c:irin moral tih:c tltat they have to spend l-i_l.l..R. Wlicrc is their pride and aru- _g'f\‘r'Il In t-t'r~r_vmrr in r;uuIi'f_v uurl up In ing the ships. whereas without his help on their t'ortriight's pay in :i weekend and hition'.’ Has the greatly increased p;iy 60 per ('(’Il.'. ril youtlit Imve primed. or ,many would still be searcliing weeks borougli rettirncd to Portsmoutli tlti: ,Junc 3) after live months on then spend :he remainder of the (ort- amt allowances deadened the zest for Irure been t'.l'('Hl['lI [mm I-.'.T.I..R.. Iri'- l later. if anybody has any problem or .\leditcrrancati Station. night feeling sorry for themselves‘? the pronioiion and willingness lo accept /on‘ lmvr'ur.v the e\rulrli.slrim-iii.) ‘I he point of view was mad:: that sailor was not so stupid as the speaker ntatlc ltiin out to be. and it was pointed out that in civilian life many men-_February 28. for Home Sea Service. ([8 months). Ninth Frigate Squadyoting oties at that were p:iid Notes (i) The term U.K. Base Port means the port at which a ship may ron. U.K. llase Port. Rosyth. (B) mortthlv. but he still stuck to his point normally be ex pectcd to give leave and refit. Portsmoutli (C) iridi- 2nd Frigate Squadron. U.K. Base i ll..\t.S. Port. Dcvoppnrt. Daring. January. at Devoncates ships administered by Portsmoutli but which will normally and produced Iigurcs which bore out ll..\l.S. Carysfort. December. at Gibport. increase front C. and M. relit andior give leave at Chatham. his contention. The highest number of raltar. L.R.P. complement. Local Party to L.R.l’. complement. "flu!s." cars taken and so on coincided (ii) As ratings are normally detailed for overseas service about four ll..\l.S. Eskimo. I-‘ehruary S. at Cots-es Foreign Service. months ahead of commissioning date. and for home service about with pay days. Sea Service. General Serfor Home His .irgtiment seems to be proved ,ll..\l.S. Duchem. January 3. at Portstwo months ahead of commissioning date. this should be borne Commission. April. l‘)(i3. vice and the question arises--is the fortmind when preferring requests to volunteer to serve in at particular) mouth. for Foreign Service (Far llotitc/Middlr: East (I8 ntonths). 9th East). 5th Destroyer Squadron. (A) nightly payrucnt a necessity? Wit-.~ c:inship. Frigate Squadron. U.K. Base Port. not men be paid \vcckly'.' Weekly pay(iii) It is entphasiscd that the dates and particulars given below are forc- u_M_5_ Diamond’ hm,“ 3, M ChmPortsmouth. (B) ham for General Service Commisments would. of course. throw another casts only and may have to be clt:irigcd—-pe”'‘'P‘ 3‘ -‘h°” “°ll°°burden on a branch already working in which Locally Entered Cooks (S). Cooks (O) or Stewards sion. Homclhled. (24 months). Sth ll.M.S. Plymouth. February 2|, tit (iv) Ships l)cvonport. for (ieneral Service to capacity. but on the other hand_ if U.K. Base are to be borne in lieu of U. K. ratings are to be indicated as follows: Destroyer Squadron. Commission. East of Sue/{l~lontc there were fewer defatillcrs. the (A)—All Cooks (S). Cooks (O) and Stewards: (B)-—-Cooks (S). Port, Portsmouth. (A) (24 months). Zlst ES. U.K. Base Service would gain and individuals other than one P.O. Cook (5). all Cooks (0) and all Stewards: (C)- H.M.S. Diana. January 3. at DevonPort. Dcvonport. would be spared the awful emptiness Cooks (0) and Stewards only: (D)—Cooks (8) only: and (E) for General Service Comport of :i "blank week." ——Cooks (S) and Stewards only. mission Home/East of Suez (24 ll..'H.S. Rhyl. l-‘ebru:-ry 2|. at Portsmouth. for General Service Comit would be interesting to find otit 5th Destroyer Squadron. SCI! S¢-'|'\'|¢¢- 5”) FUSIIW Sill!-10(0)). months). C0t\l.\‘lAND SUBMARINE mission. .\lcd./Home (24 months). what the average man in tltc service ll..\l.S. 'l’i'ansfers to (ieneral Service ('om- "_M_s_ [_ondm.,d,".,._ October 2. M l2. at Barrow. Jtily 0l_unpu.s, 23rd E.S.. U.K. Base boil. Portsthinks. Would he like ;t weekly pay-i for service in Third Submarine r mission. ll()fl'lC_rEil.Sl of Sm‘! 94‘ Portsmouth for -General Service mouth.(.-\) menl'.’ The great ntaiority of months) November. U.K. Base Port. indies (3.; Con-,m;5.,i0n_ Homc/vi/cs‘ l-‘aslanc. at Squadron_ their alter men should not be made to P“"'5"‘°"'hU.K ll.M.S. Troubridge. Fehruarv. at Portsmouth. 8th 23. months). Squadron. at Frigate ll.M.S. July Turpin. of niinorilv a Malta. Under consideration. l..R.P. arrangements because ll.\t.S. Btu-rosa. August. Change of ponsmoum .\lalta. gasc pm-L Division. at for 5th SIM itho czittttot look after their money coriiplemcnt. classification of service. Foreign H ‘Ls. Loch lomond October 8 1' August I4. at Chatand their senses, but if this law abid- I lI.t\l.S. ()iLslttuglit. Loch Killisport. February. Ill fol’ Service for 2nd S/M Sqttadron. at l ‘.°“'i"'° "fir. Em)‘ 8"‘ Dcsm‘-"cf ll.h_l.S. ham. the like would change. ing riiaiority l l)evouport. 5‘l"‘“l'““-‘(l for_ Foreign Service (Far Singapore East). 3rd Frigate Squadron Tenta3 then perhaps a little cotild be done to hast). Captain (F). 3rd Frigate Iliglihurton. August. at‘ mt date. (A) at Ports- ll..\l.S. reduce the ntimber of silly young, ll..\I.S. Aeneas. August I6, Squadron. (A) at: Cliathani for Home Sea Service. lLM_S_ Nuhian. Ocmmr 9 at Porw 2nd for S,/.\l Squadron. mouth_ the to who. according tools l Crew ex Clarhcstun. 50th .\l.rS. ,5. Service. ‘ll.M.S. Manxntnn. Febrtiarv. at (‘bat"mum (M Home .ca Dcvonport. are bringing the good name of the. hani. Stc:imirig crew. Home Sea ScrZR. at Cireenock. Commission. Service (iencral S-.-rt.ce into disreputc pay day aftcrr ll.M.S. Otter. .‘\lI;:lt.\l for 2nd S,-‘.\l Squadron. at Devon- H -3- l’-r-ML Scrum er |- 4‘: l)t.’L'L'f'l)bCl‘ 5. Home Middle East l vice. l-'oreign Service front date of ‘ pat dav. sailing (Far East). (A) llahrcin for Foreign Service t.\lidtlle . (I8 months). Ninth Frigate Squadport. ‘ll..\l.S. Scarborough. Febriiarv. ill ll..\l.S. Anchoritc. Scnlentbrr ‘)1 at 1 Fast). For .-\:nphibious Wtirfarez roti. U.K. Ilasc Port. 1 Portsruouth. l..R.P. coinplenteiit. Singapore. for 7th S‘.v.\l l)ivision_ at I Squadron (E). lm "--"-5- (".'""- $°f“?"“‘°' 3- 5*‘ -‘“'":'='' : ll..\l.5. Lincoln. October 17. at Singa- ll.§l.S.. Alert. l-’chru:rry. at Singapore. Sineaporc. ILSLS. Ntlrttlttll. November in. at l'”"“'F“ S""'°"‘ ”'“" pore for l-orcign Service (Far l‘\)l'Clgl) Service (Far East). (A) “ll r'.'""" ‘Al’ Devonport. for 3nd .\‘..\l Squadron. l’_:ist). 3rd l-'rig.itc Sqiiadron. (A) ll.hI.S. Cliicbester. February, at Chatat l)evonport. ll..\l.h. I)-.unt_v. early S.-pte.'nh_er. at ".“_S_ 5"_“m,_ _\.m,|_,mhm, !5_ M Gib liaiit. l..R.l’. complement. ll..\l.S. Trttnehcou. Dec-:nti*cr 7. at raltar. for Foreign Service (.\liddle ll..\l.S. Bulstarlt. February. at Ports;it S.'.\l for 2nd Squadron, .« Ros_v:h. m""'° 5“""' :; : ritonili. l..R.P. eontpleriieut. 3 Edinburgh Road. Portsmouth ll. ..r u..\i..s. l‘enli_v. Septciiihcr Devortport. ll..\l.S. 'I.cst. .\l;ireh l. at .\lalt:i for Phone I1J$l Cltatltam for triais Contniissions H “g Gr,"-mn mid_\rm.cmh" J! GI-It ‘I-IRAI. trials. Home Sea Service. ‘V {N (i. Change Ashanti. Service ll.M.S. ; liily l..R.l’ complement. Opnattlhe toltowtng Oltlclal Express Cliath:iui. tilt) Squadron. March 5. at RN. Air to: service Ptnonncl EVERY WEEKEND classitication of service. ‘llh Frigate ll..\l.S. Leopard. November 22 at Station. Culdrose. for General Ser-rm "’”' “on 3" ml‘ (iencial Service CortiLEEDS Service for General Squadron. P‘t)l'lSf‘I).()ll‘ll’l Victorious. vice Coriirnission. 45)‘ BRADIORO (It) l‘..'rst llonte-.\lidtlle mission. (.ommission. South .-\mcrica aml I on MUDDERSHELD .l.a"_“_ qL_p,cmbk_r H .1‘, South Atltinticgllonic (24 months). ‘ \\'csscs. months). U.K. liasc Port. Devoti3916 SHEi¥lfLD am worrmcwm Desonport. for trials. ( oniritrssturis., -I-lh Frigmc qqmdmn U K Bu“, -ll..\t.S. l_..’rsa. .\larclt 7. at Dcvonport. portlli). zm LEICESTER for (reucral Service Commission. lilll Squadron. July I7. at R.N. Air- February for Home Sea Scrs-ice.[ pm. nuNORYHAMPYON ., _. ._ Homcrwest Indies (24 months). 8th Station. l.ossien'ioulh. for (icneral ff" «is '-. November. at .'°*"".-"> u..\r.s. llrnington. LIVERPOOL ‘"""“'*_*-*"“ on Frigate Squadron. U.K. Base Port. i-msicotsrttt Service. (icucral Service Service Commission. For Ark gcrvigc 50”‘ ;;_a rm. Home lIonte_Sc_a Huh, urNEWCASTLE-UNDER-LYHE Devunport. Commission. March (tentative dale) Vfg: girkjisfin Royal. Buccaneer. nisnrrono ‘ltli H..\l.S. Jaguar. March I-1. at Cltatham 291809 Squadron. July I7. at R.N. Air} l-lorttt:/.\liddlc East (I8 months). wotveiii-IAHPION rm SIM-t1NGHAH for General Service Commission. Station. l.ossiemoutlt. Strike H.0. Frigate Squadron. U.K. Base Port. 25!covanrnr Atlantic and South l)evonport. Tentative dates. (ll) w""“'° 5“""" Home/South Squadron. Buccaneer. Home Sea ntWARWICK tl..\t.S. rgiiew, September _2o. at (24 months). Seventh rm Scrvicc. a/maunv America I tuoxrorua to "““_s. Lo“cstol-L mnumy 2_3_ at l-rrgat-: Squadron. U.K. Base Port. ll..\l.S. Albion. July l7. at PortsJOIPLYMOUTH '\°"°mh°' 'Portsmouth. mouth for Home Sea Service‘ Chritham. for General Service Coutzilzxerett 8*“ im arusrot Foreign Service (Far East). U.K. ~“d "3““ 5‘l""‘l"’"- U-Kmission. .\lcd./Home (2-1 months). tl..\|.S. Blake. .\t;ircli. at Dcvonport. In SALISBURY P‘m‘"““’lh' Base Port. Portsniouth. for General Service Commission ‘th Dcstrover Squadron UK Base 25/GLOUCESTER ll..\l.S. Whitby. July 26. :tt Rosyth. !ll..\l.S. Lzirulir.-an. September 24. at (24 months). U.K. Base Port. Devonpm.t_pnm,’.m,mh_(A) iaISWtNDON urfor trials. Cotttrttissions "_“'S- Gurkha‘ hnmuv 29 (-I-cm“_ CIRENCESTER Devonport for (icncral Service $‘0tt’tlI)l'ssl0t). port. (A) I5! " MARLBOROUGH for .-\uterica'i at South .-\tlantic :ind South l)cvonport. January Ii“: D__"c)_ at Southampton for ll..\t.S. llartland Point. at Singapore. IIIREADING llt)t'ttt:". Coiutitission. Service I eral I for Foreign Service (Far East). (A) 7th Frigate Home (24 months). rm rorituwn rm l-iast of Sue; r24 months). ‘LONDON from PORTSMOUTH Squadron. U.K. Base Port. PortsBerry Head. March (tentative ;tl..\l.S. is.-— ‘l.ONDON(romGOSPOR1'_, llase U.K. Destroyer Squadron. mouth. date). at Chatham. for trials. Comntision. llomcr Middle East -Lo~:oN from u.n.s_ l’oi't.Portsriioiith. COLUNGWOOD 241. ll..\l.S. Lion. ltily 3|. at Devonport j SERVICES Ltd MOTOR SOUTI-(DOWN ‘By for (icneral Service Commission (24 ll..\l.S. Repton. Sept.-ritb-:r (Tentative All their services at" tale lltl‘ tbufllvlftr mm: date). .it ('hatlia'ii for Home llome'.\lctl./liast of Sue/. months), for the convenience of Semre Peuon-ict- R,M . ‘Service. -.:rnort \f S Squadron vice l U.K. Base Port. Devonport. Ecncrli Eoitney; H.M.S Vemorr Rorot So.loIt' : Port.‘ Br.-.ich.uitpton. l'.K. Base ll..\l.S. (.'avcndisli. end July. .il H:-me Club. Queen Street: RN ltavroeli Pi\|'l\'I)t)ttll). Un-tom Gate: Stanley lid. (or H.M.S E-:-Hr-ti (iibraltar with Trials Crew. ComHMS Phoertotz Hilteo Lido. Cotham Hornet missions end August at (iibraltar ll.\l.S. Delight. Septentbtr. at Rosttli lawn Q1101. foreborn Increase from C. 8: .\l party toi for (iericral Service (‘oriimission N.B.—To all ships visiting Portsl..R l’ conipleinent llom':,'|§ast of Suez (I8 months). 5th facilities meet to mouth: Special l..’.l~L. Base ll..\l.S'. Caesar. October I. at \‘ii1::;t Squadron. l)estro_\er your particular travelling require1 pore. tor Foreign Service (Far F..ist). i Port. Rosvth. short ments can be organised at lt.t\l.S. l'urirun_t': August 9. at Ports-' Stlt l)estroyer Squadron. (A) notice. ntotilh tor trials Commissions for ll..\t.S. Dauipir.-r. December I. at ‘ tl‘ai Service for L Forcigri l7th Siiigaiporc. 4. Service. Home Sea September Write phone or call It PACKING I-‘OR .$I!lI’.lII-.'.\’7' U K ll.isc Port | littsll. I.’\) Frieale Suttadrort LTD. TRIUMPH COACHES ill..\l.S. liastbournc. December it Dcvonporl T""l"""'° 1 3 Edinburgh Road. Portsmouth ll.M.S. Salisbury. August I6. at ; Rosyth l..l{.P ‘)t)l[)lL‘tt1‘l‘ll. '-‘l-3'5 Phone 2735f l3. at. Devonport for Trials. Commissions ll..\l.S. Rosyth, for trials. Commissions‘ October 2 at Dctonport for Home Rot it Nasal ll.irr.I:|.~. Portsmouth let: l'ttn\Inouih INS! (Lat 'l2I‘H)


































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At. your service









CL“ Cndon R0a(l3 Soulhsca -







thank-offering: for tire victory over the Frencli fleet at La llogue. the Roy at Hospital :it Urcenwiclt “'.l‘\ fotintletl in I69-l. by William antl .\l:tr_v. Zl\' .t liotne for It:t\':II pensioners. ln atldition the children of seamen happenint: to he slain Here to he Itiaiiit-.iinetl aiitt ctlucateil. but shorttige of money pretenied this IIL'ill1: done until l7l2. S


Advancements In (‘hit-f l'rtl) Ullicer l\


s...-~_ I\


‘slit: I


To eeleb:a!e the Zfillth anttiversarv of its birth. the I{o}.il Ilospital School. llnIi\tnUI.'. near Ipswich. held a celeliratioit luncheon on June 23 at ultich the ( t\ii I out of the .-\dmir.ilt_\'. \l:. (I I. 0::-I-'.s:It§_-_ (I.li.l§.. .\l.l’.. piL'\l‘.i."\i. Ill :22. ..i.:L-trtticctit luiiltlitigs sell the school :tlong~ \\l‘.’ell lt.t\L' i sul; the |<:~.e: stout in Stzllolit siitc: the mitt-l‘),‘-(Is.


wt xv J\ ii.~.::st ll. : .i\ ':-a I‘ I .It I.'im...it-, JV t\ 2: I-*‘:.'t-'-‘:t_ is t<.:=< I llull. Jrs .t:~::= I) 1 i .».ir..:r_ t\ ssttu \'_ ll. l'.\t.'(J.L‘. ta I--t.‘r-‘I I ttntttcr. t\ I.‘ ti I’«V.'tii.I. ix 2ot:.sI It I :--:‘m I .\'n.i-.:c. Ix 7i:“~a t. W. .\tu.ti.tu. t\ l:t‘.‘I »\ I. l'.ml. Ix :.u.o‘< I). ‘t‘ \s' .\t .\tt(3.w~. l\' lfllll I‘. ll .‘izrcl.1X|<‘tstIll..l(. tiiltieri. t‘s‘ I.s’t%I L. S. (7. Supteton.

5I’I.l".i\'I)ll) GIFT l'reviously the school was in the historic but cramped quarters at (ireenss-ich. but the gift to the .-\dmiralty of 900 acres at llolhrook To \ctln: (‘Intel Slechanklnn K.‘s' h7?."N l-' A. l'hst.ttvlc. KS 53132‘! K by a tea shipper grateful to the Navy I'f.ItIKI.\ll. KN H‘ltt'I.'lb I. G. Ilcy. for defending his ships in the First World War enabled the present To (‘tilt-I Petty Other Steward LN 2‘!-S‘! F.l!. Dormer, LN 7$}‘05 B. K. aceomntodatioti to be built. (itlflfl. I X 751856 R. \\'.nt\un_ Celebrations to mark the auntIo Stores Ctilel Petty Ollicer (V) versary began with a parade of the t\|\' .\| ll‘)-‘I R. I. Ilathtf. 660 boys in the school and it march ‘I'o Stores (‘tilet Petty Oflleer (VI MK .\'.'Ifl3ilJ I). Ii. (YRCIIIY. past at which the statute was taken by ;\t‘Ilflll".Ilof the Fleet Sir Casper To (‘tilt-t Pt-Iiy Other: Cool: IS) .\IX .\"I)‘I5| E. A. N Putt John. G.C.B.. the First Sea I.ord. 10 “Ill:(‘Inlet Engine Room \rtlf-:er (iuests at the anniver.s:iry luncheon t\lV ss's‘.u: T, A. lleneith.m, MY .‘s"Tl.'?0 included civic and Service heads of In \\'. (Bardmer. “N ts"7tiltt I-.. A llacon. MX l~'\7h‘J1 II A. Mason. MK Stttillfl R. I)_ I-itatu. tttnll)‘ organisations coiittected with the MK ‘N‘h4‘ I. ‘I. I).|visnn, MK Tlllhfi .\. II .\ school's history. and ti rcpresentatise l|»Im.Ird. MN H.s‘s5.s,‘ R. I’ .\l. Gtlmour. MK RearH‘"‘1|I .\. M. Iltumlcrl. .\I.\ 387542 R. .-\ i gathering of ()ld Boys led by Ihntertt. SIN .s*'7t-ti‘ II. I). Wilkerson, .‘-IX .-\dinir;il Sir Sydnev I-iew. the senior -\|liF>'I7 l). K. Connor. surviving naval Ilolhrook scholar. To .\eiIne (‘Met Ordnance Mtlficer The school's Band performed the t\l.\ .s.sT7.t< R I. Stood. .\t\ xss-is: p \' I It..tici:_ .\t.\: 357315 I. 8. Pier. .\t.\ siu-Is! Sunset Ceretitony. the salute being .\l \\ f\t('\Clt\. taken by Mr. N. A. York. .\I..-\.. the Hezidtnaster at llulhrook since I956. To (‘Met Engineering hlerhznlt‘ K‘. 5'-Z'.“Il U. N. (it-osltcar. KN 04li°.\' W’. I (In Sunday. June 2-3. the (‘l’tapIaitt Mu it. .\ N.--sh. KN sstosn it. (.-llins. K Venerable Archsit \\'_ I). of the Fleet (the |'.ttm<‘t. xx .s'4r.w. st .\mti. KN It l)uvsn. K); siuoze It Jordan. xx ttzxnl deacon .l. .-\tmstrong. ('.ll.. O.B.F... S W. ll.irn.ud. RX ‘sitlltn \ llriges. KN I Q.ll.('.. 'lh.l..l CUlltlllL'iL'Ll a special \\’ t.it.-c.| MN: I I) .ss=<:s .\ \\'..i:. I-(\ NV l‘"\"l \\' R llotn‘. KN shlhtltl N. .\hi'- eointtieiiioiation serxiee at the school. I

|:tt\rr. K\ Il.\«lJl S I’, \\'tlIr.im.\ To (‘hit-I ll1elln l>'lg-etriciait M\ RTE‘-ll R (3 little. M'\' \‘"'-H 'i{ ll 1».-:-~. MN .v-:1»: I (I ti...-:«.c._ .\l\ -ao:'~:_‘ It \ lime‘ In (‘hid \hipvul:ltt \rl'Iirtr .\I\ \U“'\ K




l.i:tt1-..'i. “V \II‘''5 I)


of the two “Lay” Class of boom-defence vessels designed and built since the Second World 't’t'ar—the other is the invaders. Hoses. sticks. brooms. ll..\t.S. Laymoor. The “Lay" Class barricades and numerous other weawill. eventually. replace the ‘trar-timewere brought to play. but it was built "Bar" Class. "From gliouliai. _eha.iit'e5 and long- pons no good: the "GucI;ies" meant to These vessels are approxiniately the /«'.i.-,i:vI,v In-um‘.-3. stay-and they did. /llld things that go bump in the same size as the "Bar" Class‘. but their lifting capacity is very mttch greater ni-.-lit." LII-‘fl-ID IN THE AIR titan the bow lift of 27 to 70 tons of all happened whilst the ship was On the second night in Guayztqiiil. the “I'tars." of romantic country visiting the five such creattircs. thought to be called .-\ccommotIation on board has been Ecuador. at a place called Guayaquil. “(‘iorril;1s" swooped dowit on designed for either naval or civilian H.M.S. Loltdonderry was at anchor "Smudge" and he claims that he was ntantiiiig ll.;t)‘hltrtl has two otlicers a short way from the Yacht Club and. ztclually lifted in the air. and _‘-4 ratings) and includes s:p;tt'.tlL' needless to For some of those on boztrd. the say. each night the ship sleeping and dining spaces. was bathed in heavenly tloodlights. held nothing but charm. |i"(itICiiicS" Il.\IS. l.a_\burn and ll..\l.§.‘l.aytlslnttway lights and yardium groups. land the poor little dumb creatures moor were built by \\’m. Sitnons & Yes. until night fell and had fallen foul of a hasty swipe ('o. i.lll. l.;t_\tlttMIl' was accepted by the thelleavenly? “0uckies." "Cookies" and "Wee Smudgc‘s broom were carefully Royal av_s' on l)e:e:nber *1. I95‘). and Beasties" appeared. These creatures tplaccd on :t piece of cardboard and H_.\|.$. lavbtirn was completed on swooped. dived. weaved and fluttered placed on show in the canteen. ‘these July 7. |t)(i‘.). around the ltcavenly lights. etc.. and incredible “things." however. reIn addition to minor salvage work the in the lightest area. covered. itimped up. fluttered their and the tossing of net sections. this the Quartermaster. quztrtcrdeck. appeared to be the wings and live or six fully tledged class of hooin-defence vessel can lay centre of attraction. sailors scurried for cover. and maintain the latest types ot "Siuuilge." the quartermaster. was \'.irioiis "llu//es" went tountl the rttrderwater amt siirfaee boom denot friglitened or worried he was just lo\sct deck. Some thought that the tences. tirsl-class llttltlfttlgs and naviterriticd. lle reckoned that he died the .\t.trIi.ms had finally landed others M.-\RI'I'l.\ll€ I It \l)l'I'l()t\' 1_'.ttton.il buo_\s. i\l~'.tll'l of .1 Iltotisaritl bites every time lltt‘tl_L:lll that the l’.qtiatlorians' had ita Since the clusttie oi the (iieeimich he went oit v..itch at ni~_.:ht. “Stntitlg.-e" -new t_\pe of secret \s‘e:ipon. .\l.i_s'be ili\\;\tl.ti to I36" the school has been land his opposite numlaer "Slt:irI.e\" \\.I\ inst that .\lother t\'ature w.tsn't the .ul:iin:isIered l‘} .‘\tillllI.Ill}'I v..iged a toiir-day losing battle against .p.irtieularl_\' fotid of Type I2 tri;:.it»:s. tliroui.-'n the (iieetmicli llospital "I rust. and tlnoiigtiout its Instor_v it has pre-I txgil June on took All ('I€R|-I.\'lO.\'\' place tradition. maritinie servett a sttuttg ID in Truro Cathedral. which tun. l'. the s..'itttt‘l t:ntli:rt.tI.'e a simple antl also coins: r-I n.i\.:l l|.tIlltll'_.'. .llltl special hritluctl almost Zttlt _\e.irs. .i::.m-_'t-.trei'ts ax: l'.l.lLiL' to cttaiwle boss ttl‘.l(lI.' a ctmttectioti ltt:l\\L't‘lt (import ..\l.S.

Layburn is





its-Iiieli ‘of






‘to \rtin: ("Inlet I.‘f(UIC3l \vtItt:er ‘IV \~'\l‘ II R Kr:tt‘:', \l\ \"l\‘-1 I‘ I‘ C \I.ls.\.<r':‘ \l\ ~.“v-sit I l.ls\.ti-;-_ .\I\. -‘‘‘‘Is I' \. Innis.



Royal Na-.‘_\. .ilthot:-,:h all

and lrttro. .-\ tablet was titiveiled in the ('.ithe.i:.- he: to t.Itr‘i|\t.' thei: own future. ‘.1 I) II: 'l1li\ coiiitnetttorating (.t;\i. Samuel ' .\.l-mss-on Is €\.'\iltClL'sl to the sons of dral 1" \t|iII: ('hicI RJIH l'ln‘trir;Il \tI‘t:in-r se:'.u‘-'.: and past ollicers an-.l inert of- \\'.tlli-.. R..\'.. and his crew "who Ms‘ .,-_.~cx \ \ PL... | the world in ll..\l.‘s'. To (‘liirf Radio ('nlnmunEr.IIlon Sour \'~ur ] The Rn_\.tl \.ivy. Royal .\larines atid cireutmiavi-,:atetl \ l{o~..il \.t\.il Reserve, and other .si:.i- l)o1;-liin. July 26. l7t\(- to tune. I703 I'\ "'\s|'I‘ .-\ .\l.i.K.n_ .l\ "til" t I’ -1 Im. l\ P-NI“? (K .\.ir:tlrt\ who discovered Tahiti." t.i:iii-.: llI't‘-. Iu \rtin: f'h'*r! llrctrlczil \letlI.initi:in "I he tablet was llll\‘L‘IiL'tI I11.‘ the I .\ i.Ii‘::k proportion of the boys of .\l\. "at :'I J. .\ (i.-i.l~:: lloibrool. School choose a Sertice (’o:nin.uitler~in-(‘hief I'l_\'n1outh (‘ontIn (‘lI‘rl ('n:l-tnluniratinn \'enm.in In I‘l(rl. of the I23 who left iiiaird. .-\tlrniral Sir ('Ii.irIes .\laiI.le:t_ i~‘.i.. it .\l 't.nt.-2. J\ it t\ tstr-tut Iteiore the uri\'.:ilitt;.'. (‘olotzel 1?, N. \ (i.v:t.:3r. I\ {Vii-.-. \:‘-.‘.n.', IV Tlflii r‘-I entered the .\let'eh:itIt Navy‘. and \\.’x|lj.'.irns ot ('.irtt;triIoit. Si. (‘olu:uh. It I .\litishti!l. IX ‘.\'l“Zl (' tltti I\ VIII" H C l\ ‘\l1i-I ll l'.<\|. IV ‘.\'ll|'«.\’ K *. inotlier 23 jointed either Il..\t. Dock- Dcpttt)-l.t:tttcttattt tor Coriiwall. told l‘ l llcitiitts. IX ‘sl\‘.‘l| \ K: Ell‘. ' \.lI\i\. the .'\I’ttt}' or the R..-\.l-I All how he had found the (';iptain's per(‘Inlet fill:-er NIL ttrrtli l‘i-Its In the school near a tlit\‘:tl sonal log at his home and. Ilt'ItllIl'_.! ‘sl\ lIo:_‘.‘ lVt\)'s at .\l\ "TF3" \. l. \\.12i ll that there was no nteittorial to Capt. riiiitortrt. \ I \ ltiinu .\t\ s'.:su: I) t In-"“.~ ‘»:\' -.‘I:sI \\ It It:-J. \t\ Twit‘: I R. ;,.,-c._ _-,g\ ....:;.













Wallis. :tsI.ed the (‘atltedral authorities to put up a tablet in his rnernory. The (‘ointnander-in-(‘hief said how happy he was to perform the unveiling zand remarked on the tremendous aehievenients the seamen of those da_v.s made. In a way it was a long time ago. but while he was in New Zealand he saw the marks on the trees to which (‘apt. Cook attached his hawsers on his I first voyage. and this seemed to bring discoveries closer. i these The Bishop of Trttro. Doctor I. M. Key. gave the dcdiczitory prayer. .




outstanding value in Life Assurance consult

AUSTRALIAN MUTUAL PROVIDENT SOGIETY King William Street, London, E.C,-l. Telephone M.-\.\.sioti llottse 2-l3l ll0 lirtcs) ASSETS EXCEED £4-l0.000.000 u


.lA.'L\.pv-~-_ 4.)






photographs of the 'P()S'l'('ARD lollm\ittg I-l..\l. Ships may be obNews."

tained from the Editor. "Navy III e human eruotious experienced R.i\'. Barracks. Portsmouth. price 6d. Standard of the of dedication the a in Vents" waters. the deep “Riding on cacti. which includes postage. Submarine Old (‘omrades Association is of deep significance. and it brings Theseus. Bulwarlt. Ocean. Eagle. surface." "Failed who to eoturntles with those lies in close spiritual them Centaur. Glasgow. Kenya. Newcastle. this occasion was presented in the‘ and the \\"e_s'moutli branches of the Albion. Ark Royal. Loch Killisport, dedication of the Standard of the Way. I British Legion t.\len). the British Diana. Taciturn. Daring. Chevron. mouth branch of the Association which ‘ l.cgion (Women). Royal Air Forces Zest. Vanguard. Murray. Cumberland. I .-\sso.:iation. the Association of Scorpion. Liverpool. Apollo. Lynx. took place on May 20. the British Red Cross Salisbury. Shellicld. Girdle Ncss. Twenty-riinc Standards were on W.R..\'.S.. lhlaidstone. Newfotindland. Warrior, p.ir:ulc. coming front the Submarine Soeiet_v and the Sea Cadet Corps. Victorious. Bermuda. Britannia. Old ('omradcs .-\ssociation.s of Dorset. SAl.lJTF. l).\l|RAl. TOOK \'l(.'l{-A Corunna, Alamein. Vigo. Tyne. London. Essex. Portsmouth. ChcltcnThe parade was headed by the band Jutland. Talent. Palliser. Explorer. h;i:n and West .\lidlands. the Royal Naval Associations of Weymouth. of the Royal .\larines. Portsmouth. Porpoise. Redpole. Gambia. Tiger. Portland. Bridgwatcr. and the service. held in Ilol_v ‘trinity Russell. Dainty. Protector. Undinc. Ilridport. Portsmouth. Salisbury. Sltcrborne. Church. was conducted by the Defender. Dartington. Carton. Whitby. Truro. 'l‘wiclu:nliam. Fromc and Venerable S. A. Platon. Arelidcacon Eastbournc. Torquay. Mounts Bay. ‘1'co\'il. the Royal Marine Associations of Wiltshirc. assisted by the Reverend Belfast. Hermes. Armada. Yarmouth. of Poole and Bournemouth. Ports- J. Fulton. M.!\.. Chaplain. Royal l.ion. llartland Point. Leopard. ‘Token. mouth and Torbay. the White Ensign Navy. of Il.M.S. Osprey. The lesson Chieliester. Echo. Loch I-‘ada. Tenby. Associations of Bath. Bournemouth was read by Rear-Admiral II. S. .Puma. Blake. Excalibur. Troubridge. and (Thristcliiirclt. and Exmoutlt. the .\‘lacI.cnzie. l).S.().. l).S.C.. Flag I Rltyl. Camperdown. Oberon. Cachclot. l Blackpool. Berwiek. Diamond and I Dorset Ex-R.N. and R.t\l. Association. Otlieer Submarines. Acheron. 0 lhttsc who liaw:


Wherever you're going to be. you'll need a car on arrival. Buy a new Hillman, Humber. Sunbeam now from E.M.A. Ltd.. Portsmouth. If yours is an extended posting. take advantage of our special export scheme—you buy at export prices. Let E.l*1.A. matte all the :irr:ingements—export formalities. insuranee. shipping. everything. Call at our showroom or write to us today-—your car can be on its way tomorrow: or waiting for you when you dock‘. Or it can be purchased on the home delivery plan for use in this country before you sail.





calms IIOME ill! on man my UVERSEAS 9







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5,000 hours steaming

0 forth into the world in peace: he of good courage: hold fast that which 3 is good: render no man evil for evil: strengthen the fainthearted: supporti the weak; help the afflicted: honour all men; love and serve the Lord, rejoicing in the porn er of the Holy Spirit."


With those words the Reverend ‘rnouth. arriving December 12. having C. E. Paterson. r\l.B.E.. M.A.. blessed left the United Kingdom on October the ship's company and H..\t.S. 8, 1960. A good "shaltc-down" cruise. n-l.ondonderry when the ship was coniCONCRETE JUNGLE ;c-'-1 missioned on July :0, i960. And what On January l8. I961. the ship a commission! l-ioni as far north as Greenland‘s sailed for l.om.londerry and was given 5 icy mountains to as far south as the | a wonderful time and made most vvcl- 1 Magellan Str:iii'. from Malta and Iconic. Then followed a three-week I Naples in the east to lEsquim:ttrlt and ‘trio in search of the cold with H.M.S. 1 Vaiicoiiver in the west—-7'/'.‘).‘\t) miles. Ark Royal. ’lhere were long dc-icing during which the screws‘ have turned I sessions and cold feet at night during 3tt.ttt)O.()tt(l times in 5.037 hours of this period. but those on board felt tom it-xii‘-_ a‘ main ste.'iniin_e. The ship has crossed. ev'cr_\thing was worth while, the re-’ the Atlaiitic four times. been through _ward being a visit to that "fantastic. :I_._.__;:‘the Panamti ('an;il three lttllC\'. crossed :concrcte jungle." New York. the equator twice. spent one-third of. The ship's company became tourher time at sea. and visitcd_5tl ports ‘ists. seeing everything that :i good! ‘tourist should. They tried to keep up‘ in .1.‘ ditlerent coirntries and islands. with the pace ashore. and did a pretty TR.l\l)l'l‘l0r\'SUPHELD good job, but many were glad when ('‘dr. 1. S. Primrose, R.N.. and the the ship sailed on February 20 and; olliccrs and men of H.M.S. I.ondoii- they could get some sleep. WEST lllltlES HOME l-l..\l.S. Londonderry then returned. derry have made friends wherever mi--so: INO .!‘\l onl then. United and the a Kingdom have ;to Ihlflfl helped quite min‘: they have been. ‘L03 few people. have been shown tremen- f.\tay t. 1901. she sailed for the West .v:,tt5 dous hospitality which they have en- liidres. relieving H..\l.S. Ulster at To TAL HILKWGC deavoured to reciprocate. and in every Ponta l)elgada. On to Bermuda where 1 ; 7?-55° indies. West (lllicer. Naval Senior the of tlie traditions the CA..<l-I-'1-fix. _.o-respect upheld H. S. ('. l).S.(‘... i('oriiniodorc Shand, Service. The frigate is due to recom- f joined the ship. ntlssion again for a General Service The complete Special Squadron Lhavc eaten l'.’8.|36 eggs. 58.772 lb. a sea- l Acapiilco, by followed AIR .\_lesico. L()ND().\'DERRY NOT ('omniLssion on the Home and Wm! side resort with "just about ev'cr_v'- then made passage through the Mag- Qof bread, have put in the Post Ullici: Visits to nunierous islands followed. ithing. from the Indies Stations on October 2. filthy rich to the just ,ellan Strait and spent 37 hours in the Savings Bank [H.207 and dealt with divers being sent down at St. Kitts to plain rich and the just p|.iiii tillhy.“ Pzitagoniari clianncls. The Squadron .2! ditlererit currencies. FIRST S'l'()P .-\ZORl-ZS of the .\l.\’. wreck the and locate .try San Diego and lisquirnaiilt. ,thcn riict tip with the ('hilc:ui .\'av~y After Ifl.tl's and work-up. London-.' Silver Arrow. Tvventy thousand visiin the form of the cruisers (Yliiggins the at looked and Bridgeover tors ship the Alorcs } to was first -, trip d('.'t’).s and Prat. and the subniarine l":\i\'TAS'l'lC ll()SI‘|‘l'.-\l.l‘l'\' of l’ort Barbados. after Spain. town. Gibraltar. then on to 'l'encrill'e. son. with whom there was a successbe the is to supposed Evquintault where the was ‘lrinidad. front frigate picking up :iri appendicitis cave before the ships eutercdr 1:_d“._".d prank 1-mhua (‘Md exercise ful ('aiiad;i that to nearest linglish outlet which i thing him sewer to neat a ‘, "parked" a (neck riierchantnian and taking l'llectrieian.l'/.\lX759l)9l.ll.M.S. e showered "'**‘P*"=é'“‘to Casahlancri. was the nest port of {was not Londonderry air. Kingston. has. and the hospitality the Leaving \'_;ilparaiso sqllt-tlftttli “-undbfiduc "Ham 1);", May 7 .|ariiaica. was another port of call and upon the visitors was titterly fantastic. Gill. for (riiayaqurl. followed by r '7_ I96; ‘made oblitheir social effort In to meet an the in took the Queen's Medithere the of ship blue waters part Into the foot[an 0,", Lani‘ g.-'ng;n“.,;ng wltcrc.|.ondonderrys gations and so as not to disappoint JCat:1gena. terranean, nipping into .\‘;iplcs to dis- 5 llltllttltlv‘ Parade. ml. ball team beat Lion's team one to N (-la“. D/K 3 “,_.c;.,an;c crnbarl; one of the ship's coritpanyi Bacl. to Bermuda where. on July. those who had invited itieiii to their Bttttli lt) Bermuda and then Trinidad. 937993. |i_"Ls‘_ "u" 0‘ K-im‘rc who developed appendicitis. The ship l ll. ('ommodore Shand was relieved homes. even the duty watch was sent Dominica. Sf. Vincent. the (irenaDied ‘\k“.26_ I961 L. .\l.iitin. ashore. it is stated that even the dines. St. l.iicia_ was at Naples for four days. tying up iby (foriiriiodore J. E. West Kingston. Key “-imam '0"c"mha“.. Leading Oflicer of the Watch borrowed live alongside the L,'.S.S. Des .\loincs. with l).S.(T. the and their l<lahaina and the ('ays Cook (0). Pl“ 96080.'l_ |l..\I.S. whose ship‘s company Loiidoriderry ! On July 25 Londondcrry sailed for dollars from the Supply Otliccr. in an return home to Portsmoiith and lc:i\e. \'erularn. Died .\‘liI_\ 30. I962. the cruise to which everyone had been attempt to bribe a local night watch-I soon made very good friends. (Jerald Anthony l’o_v1er. Marine. Not‘ ALI. |~'l'.\' .\lalt.i followed and then. ;u:corii- looking forward. Througli the Paiiziriia man to keep an eye on the ship so R..\l. 18284. -llrd Coniluando. ll lll.t_\' he iliought by the unco.~.st ol that he. too. could go .|\llt\i'L'. partied by force nine wuttls en route ("axial and up the west Ro_\:Il .\l:irim.-s. Dictl .\l:i_v 30. \".ittcoiI\cr and their .\loiite.'ei. in llllll.tlL'tl that the whole coiiirnissioii to (iihraltar_ the ship made tor Ports- .-\uicrica to \'.rricoiiv-er. Saliua ( 2:1 in I962. ‘(‘.rliforni.i. whcrc ll..\l.S. l’uin.i had had been "leave." but life in a lrigatc Trevor .-\sliton. Eitgitieering \lechabeen presented with ;i live piintzi. Long l is not one of complete relaxation. As nic. Ist Class. PJKX 907053. Beach and San Diego. too. were stop- I an example it can he stated that during ll..\l.S. l.aene:is'. Died June -1. ping plarces. (ioing south. Salina (‘ml l the short time the ship was with the I962. and Pucrto (‘orinto in Nicriragiia. ?Spccial SqtI:ulr‘oit ‘)7 exercises and‘ James Edward Elletstiti. Ahle Seaback through the l‘.iriama_ stopping drills were completed. man. I'll ‘37l977. ll..\l.S. Hartl-or the statistically minded it has at ('itr;ic;io._ and then on to Triiiitlad l land l'oirtt. Died June 6, I962. ibcen calciilatcd that during the coniagain. .\lartiniquc and l’ucrto Rico. It was while I.ondontlerr_v was at mission the I4 olliccrs and 223 men, ‘



































Pucrto Rico that the ship had to hasten avvay to Grenada to attempt to shift the burning liner llianca F. The liner was tuned into deep water. where it sank.


lIl'RRI(‘.\.\'l’. ll.‘t'l'l‘ll-I 'llic ship .i:ri\eil lmcl; in licrriiirda on (lctohcr 27. but on Nrivcriilvcr 3. she lldtl to sail to lirriisli llt‘lltll2I.t\ to Assist the victims of llirirrcatte llatttc. A lot of good wot}. \\.i\ done tlieac. .tlt\tl‘,Z the L‘n.isZlit‘.c'. \\ll'.lL‘ l|..\l.S.




in lteli/e itself.



dorii-_; sterling





arrived luck in iterniiida on .\'oveinhcr lo. and then : started to get herself ready for the (ioodwill Tour with the Special Squadron, consisting of H..\l. Ships ; l.ion. Leopard. l)uril;irk. R.l‘..-\. Wave Prince and. of course. herself. Sailing front Berrnuda. the ship m:u.le for liuenov Aires. t.'.'tllltlt_.' at 'l'rinid.id to refuel on the way. aiidi ‘Cliiistrniis was spcttl at lt_.-'\.. and the r witty after Boxing Day l.oriilondcrr_\' set 1 j oll for Rosario. 330 miles up the River ‘Parana where New \'c.ir's l).iv was‘





to open



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Joining ll..\l.S. l_ioii again the two ships anchored oll .\l;rdryii. which was origiiially settled by in small haiul ofl Wclslt people. and Welsh is still 1 spolten by a few.


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estate Cilf.

A menilrer of the L¢'_l'[(ilIl(IAfutuu Group



N A V \'

Ten millionthbooking

of June. the Union ATJackthe beginning Club (opened July I.


t.\lcssrs. .\lcF:irl:ine.Bovill and Dune).

slaying at the club whilst attending a reunion in celebration of the 60th anniversary of the signing of the peace at Verecniging on .\l;iy 3|. who



I907. since when its doors have never been closed). recorded the tenmilliouth service man to “book in.“ The picture shows the Comptroller I902. and who were some of the of the Club slrziking hands with C.l’.O. original members of the club when it I5. Wright. and handing to him the tirst opened. .-\lso included {I fl! R.lE..\l. W. G. beilrooin tickets recording such a notable event in the life of this well- ('oIhoun. llrlr. .\l. Watson. Royal i liuown si:r\'ii.'e ruen's' club in thcl :\rti‘ller)'- (PL 1; “¢lU?l‘5|'"- R--‘\-F-3 ll” of the (.lul). Wiilerloo Ro;u|_ London. RL's'ttlL'l’Il‘Sttptfltllctltlttlll Included in the group are three .\lr. .\l. l'. Young. :ind the Hall l’ortcr. vctcrarrs of the South .-'\fric;in War .\Ir. J. Simpson.






ll..\I.5. Scarborough. the “\\'hithy"class frigate which has

just joined

the llonte I-‘leet after service in the .\let!iter-


Frigate has served in all parts of

the world in five years SCARBOROUGH JOINS l

'l'l|lR‘l'Y I-{Nt)'l'S Sc-arboroiigh. built by .\less'rt. \’ickers-.-\rrustrortgs' at Newcastle. wa-i |.iid down on September It. I953. launched by the Countess of Scarborough on April -1. l9.‘-5 and corri.M.S. Scarborough (Commander I‘. W. Buchanan. Royal Navy). returned pletcil on May ll. I957. is a First Rate to Portsmouth from the Mediterranean on June Zl to give leave and to Anti-Submarine l‘rigate of 2.50!) tons lfull loadl displacerucnt. and she is reioin the Home Fleet. "l he iinti-submarine frigate started Yacht Britannia on her visit to Cyprus designed to operate at speeds of up to her present General Service (‘urninis- and Tohruk in .\lL|t'L‘h. and in Ma) :r about 30 knots. sion on June ti. 1961. and the latter p:irt,V of 80 otlicers and men from the ln peace tirue the ship normally half of that year was spent with the ship and her sister ship ll..\l.S. carries nine otliccrs and ISO ratings. Home lileet. apart from a ruonth when Lowestuft attended an audience given. but at present site carries‘ extra oilithe ship was detached for I-'i.sher;.' in St. Peter's, by the Pope. ccrs and men for training and experi..\l.S. SEALION. under the command of Licut.-Cdr. Derricli. Royal Navy. Protection Duties‘ off Iceland. followed H..\l.S. Scarborough was lirst com- ertce at sea. made two operational visits to Santa Cruz during May. Santa Cruz. visit a to missioned for trials‘ on .\la_v S. 1957. One of the first of her class to he situated on the south side of the island of Tcnerife. is 2| busy Free Port. 2 port bySailing froruBergen. Portsmouth on .l3|I1tlill_\' and since then has seen service in all built the frigate is armed with two of call for cruise linen‘ and lmnana boats. not to mention the tankers fur a 12. 1963. Scarbororrglr joined the parts of the world. ln I958 she was in three-harrelled anti-submarine mortars‘ large oil refinery two miles south of the city. Mediterranean I-lccr at .-\rranci Bayi the .\ler.literranean. detached to and modern zsnbnuirine detection The first visit was spent mainly in forest. Soon everything was enveloped at the end of the month. having‘ help at Christmas being island the equipment for use in her primary role. the chop. of S-_im.i Cruz, which do not in cloud. and after about l0_ nunntcs visited (iibraltar and In Spezia en! ltritish bomb tests. In the during autumn of She also has a twin 4.5-in. gun turret. open till I630. as the Spanish cu.storu r the road burst oiir_inlo the lirutllt s_un- route. While in tire .\leililerraue:iuther I95‘) she flew the ting of .»\drnir;il of ;i rnos'l up-to-ilzile grin direction of Siesta prevails. Only those who had f shine autl a hrrllraut blue sky. lhe ship has taken p.irt in several} the Fleet. The Earl of .\lountlI:itt~.-rt \_\\lL.'lll. and .1 twin -to-mm. llofors‘ i'lCCL‘s\ to private or hired cars man-.countr§' had changed cornpletely: just e\ercises, often with ships of other} of llurma for a visit to the (il\.‘;tl anti-;urcr;ift Iuiuruting. Newer ships of need to see much ruore of the island. xolcaruc rocks of many and varied .\'..~\.'l‘.0. countries. as well as ptiyirrg Lakes via the St. l.awrcnce Si.-;iw:i_s, the Wlritlry class are being titted for Sirnta ("rut has in truth nothing more ‘ colours with steep clitls and screes is-isits to runny ports. including .\lost of I96] was spent on the far guided missiles to replace the llolors in inter than any free port provides 1 caused he wezithcr erosion. ‘I here was 'l';irauto. Istanbul. Athens, (‘is-ita F.:rst Station. ruounting. um-.\|i.-m in inc \\‘(||'ld_ 1 no vegetation .save small alpine plants. Vecchia (the port of Rome). BarceDuring the second visit a coach was Soon after leaving the clouds :1 stop lona. Palma and. of course. her base. lii:eil for two days. so that all Cmllsl was made for lunch at :1 small road- .\l;rlI;i. rn;i.l.e :i tour of the island. This proved \lllC cafe. the local wine lteing :miilROY .-\I. I".S('t)R’l' excursion. rise woitlixshile for this the ,;ible to mint be giving tasting. in ;i l 'l he ship \\'.ts hiiuirureil to escort. wine the that was being . suspicion Tlll-‘. \'()l.CANO | "ll‘\L-ti in a bucket at the back of the l|.R.ll. The Princess Ki-_\‘.il in ll..\l. At l.:igun;i the bus turned oll zzlon-_e cate. The ne\t stop was the volcano. the ; high. The last major eruption was lzi I'\lV.|l.ll'l/il. :i road that runs along the top of the central range. climbing road descending into the original I during the with ceulur_\'. htu there hate wide and been lava lions since. one as reccutl_v ci_Iutintrousl_\' towards the area known crater which was‘ I2 milesand in the as l‘)llS. as [as (‘;ir1'.ir.l;is. leaving behind the 9.000 feel abose sea-level. tro;\ii:.il vegetation an-il entering a pine .c.-utre an impressive peak 3.000 feel II.-\.\'.\.'\',\S I-"OR I-I.\'Gl.A!\'l) The north side of the island is the ‘main b.inarr;i privilucing area and as ’ g llir as the eye can see then: are green ; pl:rnt;it_ions irrterspi,-rsi-cl with large rwatct’ reservoirs. and stone cliziunels for carrying the water to the plants. and then even three miles or so a packing station from whence the hunclres are taken by lorrv to Santzi . . . (’m/ for tr.insporr:ition to liurope. in


Sea Lion visits Santa Cruz WAS THE WINE MIXED IN A BUCKET?



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Make your first "Port of Call" for Dancing: The Savoy Ballroom Radio Band Every


p;irticrrl.'ir lillglillltl.

took the bus to La l.a-.:una ziuil couipleteil the circle before dropping down again into Santa ('ru/.. During the two tl;r_vs‘ cvi:r_\-uncl in the ship. except for zihout live. tirade the bus tour and cservone agreed that it had been worthwliile, even tlroirgli one hits broke down ncces-sitating a three-hour stop at the lunch cafe. It is recommended that any other ship visiting Ilie island should take a hus trip: the tourists will not be disThe

return road





VF.SSEl. which Azilongside the

has been lying; wharf in Cape Town for flflll’l_\' ten years was condemned at the beginning or June and went to Davy Joni.-5'5 Locker ofl Rohhen lslanr.l—now a penal settlement.


particular .slIip- the Adcl:i;ir—- I at one time faruous as it



home from



manned by a (ierman by the nameof Otto Schneider. who beat the Royal.\‘av‘_i' by slipping out of a German porli in I‘)-15 and arriving safely" in Eire. Schneider then set ull for South


PURBROOK CHASE (near Portsmouth and Southsea)

The perfect blend of town ‘and country-—ne.Ir the sea. I-’a\_t road. rail and bus taciliues at hand with excellent ahops, schools and cliurclres tn the vicinity. For rimrplrle in/iirmation, please write or phone


JOHN C. NICHOLLS, LIMITED fitzlieitucir Road, l-‘arlington, l'ortsinoirtli. Tel: (‘osluini 703.12 _


Brown Ale

.-’\rueriea. sirhscqtrcntly making the long passage to South Africa without any trouble. He set up in the coasting trade. doing very well. and the .-\delaar was sold to some South Africans for delicious. about £lS.00(). The South Africans had business ruisforttrncs and the vessmooth and sel was sold soon after it was hoiight Have a. or two for H.500. Since the sale the Adclazir was never moved until she was taken out to sea Try relax WATNEYS PALE ALE: CREAI LABEL STOUT; and sunk. She just rotted in shame DRAUGHT RED B.\Rl1I".L







satisfying. today. glass

July, I962


Newcastle at birth of branch new RIIYAL NAVAL ASSOClATl0N MAYOR ATTENDS THE

Wilson and Campbell. “Joe is getting on fine and hopes to be home snort." A Newcastle member in hospital being visited is Shipmate Wood. HE Newcastle and (iatesheadt The Newcastle Branch is thriving llrlnch of the Royal Naval Asso- ‘and membership is still going up. All ciation vislled lledlinglon on June l5 tiieetlngs are very imich cruoyed. to support Shipriiate l-‘rank Wade. the. National Chiaimian. when he Ianncl-ied the nevi branch there. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER In his opening remarks the National Chairman said how proud he was that Patron: H.M. The Queen No. II Area was now the largest in; NE of the first duties undertzilsen the country. and went on to deal \\lllt' by the new .\l:i_vor of Aldershot. the various items that would be of iiscl (‘uuncillor S. C. ll. Gibbs. was to to the six founder rneinbers. attend the Royal Naval .«\ssiiciation is braticlt of the new The cliairmaii llall on May 26. liost" of the “mine Shipmatc Tiirncr. Among the 350 members of the lledlington Terrier. which will be the Aldcr.shot Branch of the assocutioii headqiiaricrs of the branch. Shipmate and guests were Sir l.-Iric Iirrington. Nicholson is the secretary and ShipCouiicillor mate Ord the treasurer. Shipniatezs .\l.l’.'. the Depiit_v i\la_vor. Keddie. l’riestm:in. Scott and Slsettleburn form A. W. S_vnioiids: lnsp. C. It. the Rev. of the Special Constabulary: the cnmniittee. N. S. .\lctcalfe. Branch Cliaplain‘. and lisli" tradition since South Africa beShipmate Anderson. national vice- Sliipmatc Arthur Lcgg. Natioiial came a Republic. the Cape Town re- president and also vice-presideiit of Council Member and lion, Secretary ma_v interest readers the Newcastle and (‘iateshead llraiich. of No. 3 Area. R.N.A. it. of "i\avy News to learn that at thetspoke of the work done by the NE of the most active of all Royal Naval Association branches is one South African Naval Base. Sitiions- Natiniial Coiiricil and urged every Shipmate l.egg presented the Stan| some 6.000 miles away. viz. Cape Town. Always something !~l.‘l'lll\ to he town. which is well known as braticli to send a delegate to the annual dard llearer's Cup. won by the Alderhappening there and. what is more. for the information of branches at home. "Spooky." on Jitne I0 ships in the general meeting. Shiptnate Thirlwell. sliot Branch at last year's annual rethere is someone good enough to keep the editor well infurnied of these harbour were dressed overall in secretary of the Newcastle Branch. in union (Shiprnate Waits was the Starihappenings. honour of the Duke of Edinburgh's a very witty and absorbing speech. dard Bearer) to Shipmate J. C. stressed the comradeship within the Ridgcon. Chairman of the branch. In a letter dated May IS. the vice-lzinti-siibniarine and bombardment birthday. The Aldershot shiprnatcs paid chairman of the Cape Town branch exercises. Whilst on the subject of Simons- association. At the general meeting the branch town. many of the old Navy will rereferred to the visit to Cape Town of The Area Welfare Otlicer. Shipnizite tribute to the memory of one of their the chairman. Shipniatc Cyril lack- secretary. Sliipmate Dennis Raines. member the R.N. Africa Station Club Harper. and Shipmate l)eiiton. number. Shipmate J. Leaver. who man. and Shipniatc Fred Mortimer gave a talk :ind film show of his ex- in Simonstown which was the Warrant treasurer of Newcastle Branch. each died recently by attending his funeral, and their wives from Oranjemund in periences on the South African sup- Otlicers‘ and Chief and Petty Olliccrs‘ spolzc in their capacities. and after- the cotlin being covered with the south-west Africa. ply vessel “R.S.A.“ to Antarctica and Mess before the take-over b_v the wards Shipmatc Wade formally branch Standard. Shipmaie Leaver Oranjemund can boast of only 20-_of the ship being stuck in the pack South African Navy. This building is handed over the meeting to Shiprnate joined the Aldershot Branch when it and he will be greatly rnenibcrs. but they are extremely I ice. now being modernised. including a Turner. the new founder chairman. was first formed active socially and whilst the branch very smart bar. and was opened Her Majesty The Queen was then missed. SAIL IN .\lE.\lBERS PUMA is only two years old it is already formally on June 8 by Rear-Admiral toasted and another new branch was H.M.S. Puma arrived at Cape Town H. l-l. Bierman. Chief of Stall. South born. building its own hall. sea at the beginning of June on her third African Navy. who is the branch Sliipmates Wilson and Campbell comrnission on the station and ollicers vice-president. A new mess (for South visited a Cockermouth Branch shipGOOD LADIES I-L\'E.\‘lNG crew were entertained in the African Naval Personnel) has been mate. Joe Riddle. who is in a NewIn the same letter it was reported and headquarters. A party of named Southern Flue. after the South castle hospital. After a good long yarn th:it the Cape Town branch had just branch N Wliit-Sunday. June 10. memheld a very successful informal social R.N.A. members made a trip from African minesweepcr which was sunl: they left with a promise that other bers and supporters of the EdgCape Town to Simonstown in the Tobruk during the Second World Newcastle members would pay him a evening for its ladies which was frigate. visit. "By the way.“ say Sliipniales iiare Branch of the Royal Naval ar. attended by I26. It was such a success A life member of the branch. ShipAssociation had a day by the sea. gothat the Cape Town committee has ing to 1-Zasthourne. been obliged to organise another. and I niate John Hart. of Port Elizabeth. this informal function is on Septem- who was invalidcd otit of the Royal The shiprnatcs of the liastbournc with wounds received in severe Navy llraneli provided an excellent tea for ber IS. ll..\l.S. was Crete. at Southampton The annual dance is to be held on the visitors_ and this was followed by The of» was headed by the’ with the paratlc PL‘flt‘Il\‘sl0l‘l lucky enough. cittcrtaiiiincnt which wan‘ July 7. and in his report dated June the cornnnnding otlicer of ll..\l.S.l Sea Cadet Corps’ an evening-'s Stezidtast Kiiigslon much appreciated. The lidgware riieinII the vice-cliairnian says that all, al received and their driirns the Band. in take to ship Jaguar passage bers would like to say how grateful tickets have been sold. which later in the Elizabeth. Simonstowii day to from soaking Port put NI).-\l_ii"I'l-ID by thunderstorms. them At the general meeting on July I3. they are to the liastbourne Branch. the of for action out who has A ceremony just emigrated shipmate the annual r:iIl_v of No. 6 Area. of Dr. R. H. Stoy. the astronomer. is to The lidgsvare Branch Standard is been that had "Retreat" will who live and South Africa near beating to to be dedicated on Siinday. Septemlier give a lecture to the members on the Port Eli’/abcth. is being put in touch’ Royal Naval Association. was held at l plariiied. I6. at St. .\lich:icl's Church and a welsubject of astronomy. navigation and with Sliipmate Hart and the Cape Clieshaiii. Bucks. on Suiiday. M-.i_v 27. The dcdic:ition service was con-. come is c.\tendcd to branches to be At this event the Standard of the its applicat_ion to the Navy. Dr. Stoy that iintlcrstands !Tosin vice-cliairinan the‘ present with their Standards. Those the Vicar of Clicsliarii. has given permission for a party from (gheshun. um] ,\.m-nimm unmch of ducted by Rev. liric J. Arnold. and the dedica- wishing to attend slioiild coinriuinicati: the branch to have a condtictcd tour lSliipm:itc Hart and Shipmate l’. li. the Association was dedicated. tion of the Standard was perforrned by t with the secretary of the lidgsvare of the Royal Observatory on October ‘llutson have been longing to start a of 250 nii:ni- I muster There was :i lilinibetli. branch Port at the Rev. Charles ll. R. ('ocup. ().ll.l-‘_..l llranch. Shipmatc (i. W. Cook. 5. when the stars.-’plaiiets may be seen new hers and. including Siandarils of tformer is assistance In beingaddition. Chaplain of R.N. Barracks. 77 \y.,1\L.‘.. (;,.,..c_|;dg..;,rc_Middic,c(_ In adv;int:ige. 26 there were other org.'inisations. resident Thomson. J. I\lr. a Chatbam. and ll..\l. l)ockyard. Ports()n June 6 sliipmates of the Cape given to Chcshani the As Standards on parade. Towiti the London. C:ipe mouth. The lessiin was read b_v Cdr. by Town branch visited the luxury .of [East srnallest is the :ind Auiersharn . Branch is Jackson. R.N.. |’resideiit of "hotel" liner. R.i\l.S. Transvaal Castle. branch. .\lr. Thomson endeavouring in No. 6 Area. this was an cxccllenlil I; London. East (.‘hcsliain and Amersham llrancli. for a conducted tour of the ship. The to start a branch at and reflects great credit achieveinent l A Royal Navy. too. does not forget the PRINCE l’lllI.lP‘S BIRTHDAY on Sliipniatc l‘. livans. Chairnian of MARCH PAST Royal Naval Association and several it Without his ctlorts branch. the HEN the Chcshunt atid Walthani ideas of Alttiougli there are all sorts nieinbcrs went to sea in l'l..\l.S. After the service the salute was have been possible to hold would not llraiich of the Royal Naval J:n_:iiar. amt witnessed aiiti-aircraft. of the so-called suppression “ling- the rally at Chcsliatn. taken at a march past by Cdi. Ii. L. Association held its dance on May I’) lJ.S.N.. Barker. accornpariied by Prior to marching to the l’.ii'i»h there was an added attraction. for Church of ('heshain. the parade was Councillor Mrs. l-lorence Clarke.‘ No. 6 Area held its Darts Knocloout Council. and inspected by ('dr. I5. I.. llaiker. of the ’Cliairinan l5.of Chesham Cup l-'in:il. There were over 200 tIlI.‘tlll‘re_vcr. President of No. 1 licrs Sliipinate United States Navy. and guests. is ho included Associa6 Area. tioii inctnbers from llerlford. StevenTea was provided for those who Ii;i-J‘ age and Bracknell llranches. taken part in the ceremonies. and new aftcrw;irds The llracknell "A" and "B" tv:.itns Sliipinate lirii: C. |\'niglit.' contested the linal which. after an National Council .\lcmber for No. ti; Area. paid tribute to the Chairman of . exciting tussle was won by the team. "I be winners were presented with Ill-I Malvern Branch of the Royal Chesham and Ainershain Branch and: the cup :ind their medals b_v .\tr~i. Naval Association met for the first his small party of shiprnatcs for acl-- (iiiesi. wife of Mr. (iucst. a promiiient , time in its new Headquarters. the ing as hosts of the day. I (‘heshunt jewellcr. who had doiiated with showthe it is to be hoped that Tudor Club, Malvern. on June I, and ; the ing of the Royal Naval .’\\\‘t¥Clltllt)tl_~ cup. there was a good attendance. in the ('liiItern ltiitidreds. there. WINNERS (‘l".l.l-IBRA'l'l-I Shipmate J. H. Brown. branch tlag be will an intlux of new menibers lo: chairman. welcomed to the meeting the local branch. and in this conuec-I The winners celebrated their worthy Harrison. at present on tion the Sliipniate name and address of the win by christening the trophy with .i leave after service in ll..\l.S. Terror. well-known tiav_v beverage. The The chairman also welcoriicd as new branch Hon. Secretary is Shipinatc R. I runners-up were not to be outdoiie and members .\lrs. llempstead. Mrs. Jun- Bennett. 8-l .\lount Niigent. Chesliatn. did the same with their cup which had tlucks. ; and Mrs. Wrens) (foritier geroen been donated by the Cheshiiiii and Ruddall. who received tissociulion Waltliam llranch Cliairiiian. Sliipinatc Whori you're back In ctvvy life you wllt be glad you took advanuiiee of the badges. R. Tuckey. (Continued from page I3. col. 5) "Save while you Serve" plan. The chairman praised the good The guests of honour for the evento vice-president Shipriiate L. Regular. sensible saving now with the Westhottrne Park nulldlnir attendance and hoped it was an made the Chesliunt :ind Waltb.iiii Soviet 5- could add up to a deposit on a home of your own and will help _vou to get tiugury for the future which. with the McGowan in appreciation of his hard ing were area in the olliccs of vice- lllranch's new ('hairinan. l.ieut.-Cdr. |Jl‘lUl'IlZ-' for your mortgage when the time comes. of members. could he a work for thechairman co-operation since the area Ilempel. R.N.R.. and Mrs. Hciiipel. chairman. Savtnie on Deposit Accounts have been especlally deslitned for this purpose very happy and successful one. He was first formed in l-‘chruary. I936. The success of the evening was due and at present _vlcId -1:", free of Income Tax. .»\ltcrnattvel:.' you can open a share referred to the membership figures. l ‘the presentation tool; the form of a largcly to the work of the Cheshunt free of Income ‘Fax. lriveistinent account and earn interest at. coiisidering them to be encouraging. silver tankard. suitably inscribed. .\lrs. l :md Waltham Social Secretary. ShipAsk your Paymnster now for full details of the scheme and semi but asked that ex-naval personnel in l the district should be encouraged to .\lc(iowan was presented with .i niate E. Ctiampion and his helpers. and now for a copy of the Westbourne Park Buildlni; Society brochure. this fact was recognised by the shipbecome members of the association. bouquet. A social evening followed and every- males of llracltncll Branch. who The members were pleased to hear thanked all thi: Clieshunt ineinhcrs for frotu the sick visitor that their vice- one present enjoyed a grand evening‘ the fine evening. hoping that there it is hoped. will he followed by president. Shiptnate A. W. Penibcrton. which.other such functions throui_:hoiit l would be a repetition next year. SOCIETY BUILDING was now making .\atisfactory progress. many A l’erhaps next year more liranchei It was proposed that a further visit the area. Mi-mbi-r al the Biiildiria Societies .-lssodation from No. 6 Area will enter -they will should made l’cmbcrbe to Shipmate Chief O/ficc: ll-'est,bourne Grove. London ll/.2. l-l.I\l.Subniarines Porpoise. Rorqual. be welcome. ton and that he should be given a St. Athens. Newton Abbot. Neiirbury. ma-ictr O.tf.ce:: Aahford (Kent) .B0lll'l'lt.‘flID1.llh.Lutori. small gift from the branch to show Oberon and Alaric and H..\|.S. Bouttianiptoii. Southend. Woodturd. Worthlni: a agencies throughout. the country. its appreciation for the valuable help stone arrived at Bergen for tliree-day, A Russian guided-missile destroyer Assets exceed £36,000.000 Reserves exceed £2,300,000 and loyal support he has given the analysis of N..-\.T.0. exercise on} was sighted in the linglisli (tuniiel, l June 30. Shares and Dt"_.'?0Stl3 in this .S‘uci'et_v are Trustee !ni'estmcti.'s branch. I otl l.ittleli.implun. on June I5.



New look AfricaStationClub‘‘porter thinks


Day by the for Edgware


Thunderstorms did not Area Rally




I ‘



l ON

Malverri has







“EYE§ OF ’.“I£.


N I‘ V Y



‘V S


Pioneers of 1911 blazed the trail to Taranto and Bismarck‘ plaltcfi. 7 .'Ill\l|lp\' with

Septeiiiber 22.


123 otlicers iiiitl





‘.\;Il‘Ilst\ll. story of i\':iv:il Aviaition from its earliest days has been one of "up\‘ and downs." initiative. frustrations. bravery of the highest order. and Two \'lC'l‘0Rli\ CROSS!-‘S rmiunce. Sub-l.ietit. Reginald Wariiclord of Roiiiaiicc iii.1y:ippe:ir to he a strange word to me in connection with an arm the Royal Naval Air Service gained


ol the lighting forces. htit from the time when the Wright Hrotlicn otlered to the Victoria Cross for shooting down ai sell their patent for the coitstritctioii of aircr'.it't to the Admiralty. and this Zeppelin on‘ .|iil_v 7. l‘)l5. and in! otter was turned down became the .-\tJmir:ilty wax “of the opinion that that Ntwcnihcr. l‘)l5. S.;'Cdr. (now Vice-= Wiltlld not he of any practical ii~:e to the Naval Service." right up to now. its l /\dt'l1ll’1|l) R. ll. Davies. again of thef tlevelopiiiciit llLl\ lie-en full of tntercxl. R0,\‘£tl Naval Air $C|'\'i¢I2. gilinttd lltcl Iseeonil V.('. of the Service when he} f"“"‘ “N M“ “'5' '“ landed his 51 '“»‘(-(v”‘-5 -""4'Pl5"‘° “'8'” Sopwitli Caiiicl aloiigsidei which had craslied on thel lmiii the big hiit|tl~tip til the Rn_\';il ;f'm”‘.“'r l fmm‘ N.iv.il Whig of the Royal l‘l_vliig ('orp ‘ ‘S"l'.""k.“ l 5 H l‘ l"""'I (\‘"“'‘t1 W‘ "‘“‘'l‘ I-“°" and the Royal :\':ival .-\ir Service I W" EU“-"’i’*"}' "~'C_“L1"'Wd “ll” the U'.tl)\lt.‘l tn the Rnvnl Air l’ori.‘cj l)‘-|P" Lr J ‘‘o H“! A". ’\r.m P‘l."l‘ f‘"‘gm “"”‘ lost 50.000: (tilt.-ii. iii l'll8. I" R"); NJVJ A" M'm°"‘ l.‘‘M‘ 1'” R"!-'3' -’\|l' l'*‘l'¥'L‘ In ""3 "Milt? 0" utliecrs and men. 2.500 aircraft and’*.'hiircli. had been set up and Lietit. }.im;,;n_ I tI‘;tl' I00 ;irIield '.It-r-d tliroiigli-I ., KN" ‘kw










l,‘,n.d |h.“:xgi“ ""d"\' Y r‘:dhlp!ul"c1*.“lid} , 3. H,“ .w" ‘...‘)‘.‘hd'“g,. 1"? ‘I; in‘

"fl |‘.' l , “I .““"V“"l".“ °[d'_" "N"?

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‘shun hmhm hm“-“"d m°“- "‘”“’¥l‘ "‘°”'| me J ‘NH "We" h"J\'¢')' 11"“ ”'"~‘lT l"lll3Ill"¢- IIWJ dt'*' he-liiiid-tlie—sceiic~. strtiitttlcs l)t!l\\L's'|l‘”o"‘ castle .-\t'ric;i.l the ot H.M.S. hattlesliip pm. fnmmm,n\ “.hi,_.h Wm,” have "W NJW md Rm.“ Air '_.“n__c hcmcm i N“ at zmchm ship the \\.tt\ for men and tnoiic_\‘. to d4'“"“'_"-I i\:i\'al" r°‘_"- !'~'*' "'3' ‘“|_}'- W" ‘ Aviation hut in all >' only it: Secoiitl World War Mien the Sisord--' H": R"3""l H”'"5" ( “rm “'35 f‘"m°d'i l“''”“ "' “'fi‘‘'l\' I" "W 5|"llill :iircr:il't lrutii ll..\‘|.S. llltistriutix \‘ll.lllt.'l”L‘d the ltalizin Hcct tn 'l:ir:intn. ctiiiiprising Naval and Military \\’iItg%; (3.-\RR\'li\'G .-\ 'l’U.\'(.'lI' lh__.n,h\, "luring "E mu“: of "IL. I :iiid_nava_l nircrzift tool; part in _:i l-lcetl ‘ml "mt D"""g 3''‘? UV” '50 5"-‘IN’-\‘ 113° Admiral «\'B"\0|1 '3" “'5: N.l\'.tl'\\'1If in the .\lcditerr:iiie:in. ( I used to cry out for more frigate; the crippling of the Italian ‘chips at “I “"3 "¢_°l— ll“-iii)’ lhfi H‘-‘F1 -"5" M.it.tp;iii, the tlztiiiage to the “l\l"ll'.|I’\.‘k. fl '*"‘ "Wd l.m_"“‘”‘-‘ _'.'”-‘,‘ *3)“ “J "‘""~' .—\riii can provide the "eyes Mitch. lroiii the priiiiilivc planes to_ the '00 lit-‘I31 "'ilk‘kltmih ilfldvllc tlk‘l'I1Jll\'lf2tICt.l iii the last war. can llItl\li.‘lll ziircr it cmtiiig ulniust :t\' llilllllchllltl tilt Short $.27 in a ;took hiplaiie Mllllxl ‘c;m_-3, ,,,;my mminm uf .-‘qua,-,_. m;|,_., A line view of the flight deck and "island" of lI.M.S. ‘four mm,“ M 3 M ..“--- dL_m,m,‘_r 7 the about at I0}. in bot“ aircraft the Scimitars. lined in Sea Vixen: are Hf the mt. and the “mg uc. 3; Thosi.-_ m_.¢;m_ .-,;,m¢ up IN“. I‘ mmmcc imkcd knots ot and those nith folded wings are (iannet.-. t cyinotit i. -2. VJ. I “W, 3 --pum.h-- which fur ‘.,“.n.d, that I '" ""4."‘€ “‘''i~‘'‘ *1 “"'°'~‘ "Wt 5" N'='*°"'* dfli" Tiii: Pl0.\‘t-Zl'ZRS ; NW3‘ He“ /‘"5 ‘ha! ‘h-C "um."-‘en:and It W'l\ iii ‘\lareli l‘)ll that the four this comprised 5.. 5c.tp ..lflL.V. l [-1..11, Otiur r on true I» tie .u.roAir Am, 91 ...¢,_\e ,, hkg|}' in .1.‘ I r .5. .|i;_mm Euw he "Spearhead of thc N:tv)‘."A, b’ t_ _l ; lqdf ; “ In \IlL the present Heel Air _.-\rm ts‘ hot ;i slllldnw ol its former sell hut it. _ R N‘ “cm R ....s..... .,'...i V J.l.Illl.' '6 t h i_: R 0).!i V I _.i\.i' \ R-N“ “cm. A. M’ Longmom. RN. °‘“‘°" “““ '"°" °”" """ 1 --ml New I‘ I Gcrmrd RM! . p-m y M‘il “’ "P"‘_'° -""1 '-"_-""-"'~' t.;.u1_ .Lmdiii, L.u.. h"_"°. -‘“"1°“ '5' ‘i. 5.,‘ They were )0I|lL'¢.l zi little later by Lieiit. _‘ltl\LlllIutl\ wk} 5 (mg ..it [[,,“,"a" M", "R own.‘ or l iisliittgton R M A (i Wildiirin‘.. own 00 3 “ '-.d mm" 9"" ‘I-Q _.. to 5 ' "H nmmmnm _. |"f‘"’"'-N50" '0'!“ “H N January of this‘ year the Inter- P"°"‘d"'ll ¢mU¢|“ Bclore the end of that W3" (“L Ground. "' d'''''''d 5"“ R'm""' : tlvin -_ Oliver Schwziiin. R.N.. had made‘ lltc service Ilovercral't_'ti-ials‘ Unit than tol|.v.siiit= P:ti:~‘\ and Dicturcs After the presentation of a silver f°""'°d ‘“ ""“5' A"'l'l‘°°'°"'5°l°m' of mm: ot the Royal Navy‘: airer-.i|‘t_ casket to the ('oiiiiii:iiiding Utlieer. ..| I _' “'h“'h " and air stations which. of Capt. R. H. l’. (':irver. (‘.li.l{.. l).S.(‘t. "_ lx cxtri:m::l_v s'ltetcli_v. points‘ Royal Navy. the ship's company f" "” " h""“"‘h n:ce<sit_v. out !ll1l\i"lI.lll\V.'|).ll1L' potciiti:ilitie\'ol 'lll2lft.‘ilt.'\l lliroti-.:h the l\l\\ll iiilli Iixcd the Ll'.tll. llcc.iuse the pressure til "UK “N ; “.1 Mr «rm ‘L ‘ b_‘|'”‘ V H,‘ " ‘cthlltttll acts over the tsliulc iintl.'r\l\lC ot the craft e.\tii:tiiely lt\\\ t[1!L‘\\lll't.‘\' are reqttircd to support the ‘\\L'lgl|l. It i~ tor lllts I’L':t\ull that the veliicle can t_r;i_vcl over water and lillltlt llie low lnctiiiii or this an ciidiioii PROVIDE THAT BETTER SERVICE L'Il.lhlL'\' very high Rpccdx to hi: ohlaiiieil over miter. nave tlr;i~_.- at .‘ ~.. .A .ir.i.ouiii obtain l ‘pm. mug Mnuw m"_nmL_m_ pr:tcttc:t|l_\ every rcqtiirentetit (it his l;tnii|_v and .~.cll through § .\l.\.\'l.\ll'.\l I00 KNO I5 coim:iiieiit|_v situated llflttlcltch or the Direct l)t.“.\D:llt.‘lt llicu: qiialittcs c.tii li: txtiliwtl hi l)L'p(It‘lt!lt.‘l‘tl at ll:ir\\'ich. the three servieex in l'll:I|l)' \'uZ|}\ l'ii:l'oriit>--—dcwi'ilietl by a high rtiiikiiig olli:-cr as “the lies: '\lll,‘llll‘t\\Il\ .n~.iiilt and fL'\'.l:‘|;!l}. .tlltl lthltxlt cromii;..'. t‘\x'7ltIl|\l ;tl\.'t' Ell Naval t‘iiit'oriii.s": lnipecc.i'oly tailored i\leii',~ \\'ear in the ‘i\‘.l\i C.tFl:uIll‘__'. .‘Illll\lll1Ill.IY:I'lL‘\\.tll.IlL'. .













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"llie Hf’"":c”n "_V°h'°" ‘ship _"_""'7‘ _“.h°‘_l’_5§"' p °"°"__[?¥' tf""'“'_l _lh.‘ *""'°r“l“’ "”‘hl‘"‘ -






























iiiili l‘it.t'll.ll'Llhi.ii.tlil-..s _.i LU.\l0lllt.T‘lU .























an \.'.I

l.ite~t tip-to-tlie-iiiiiititeat)Ie> .'ll‘.\i cloth t!».'~.i;_'ii~ and ()ut~ __' :.:itl l't\0l\\'.';|l‘ LlL'[‘Ill’li:it::ii~ :ihre:i.xt til" ctirr.-ti: '.r".'!itl,~ emililc tlic "t|r»:.\xc.l 31} ller:i:ml.»" ct1>toiii-er to tea!!_\ lee‘: Zllltl he liettei


.l-'l\l ~o:i.ih.:.v_i ree.ivcr)' are ~.i.i~c or |t.‘i.' pt-sxilile u<e~. lit the .\‘.t\...l ‘iii pirti.'til.ii. tl lti“.\ ~-:::n\ gmutl t|.‘\"‘~'ll .i xlizp \.\lltL'll can ::.i\:i .i' lllt\llllllIll tit llltl 'y.:i.i:\ in ,_~,.;m_;«_ 1.» Hit: it)-_‘5 knots '.\lllL'll li.i~ 'ti:e.i Jtli liziiil l-‘I so long; (l\.~:-'.\.i:-.-i .-rt": ,.i-_l\'.‘ltt': llk'.|l£"Li .t\ Lit .t~ ;““~‘is .l\ \l‘.t;\\ .|ll\! .i:~.' i‘l!:?lV: “tfr:‘.:i:" 't‘\. .i ..

.tl.i\-:1 n; licl:ti~ni.:ii. I it; ttnrltl \ tux! ll.v'.::.‘.' :1! \.iti:iti.-i~ R»: \.l ';i.-.~ |'il\l m:ii_'il::;ti iiiiee iii.»iitli'~ in.il .i'. ll.\l‘\ -\tiei .l ‘(lll','|ll.Ill)ll'.lL‘lltlL‘tl ‘.i\ .l p:i:.- re»-.-.:i.'i: l1‘..tL‘lltllL‘ with .i lllL' oz ~.i1l!.‘ Ill fin-.ir~ it ll.t\ l‘.'Clt tlciclogwtl mi.» .| W“: \'.l(.'L‘\\ltll et.il: .-\ttcr o;i:i,." iI\Cr -lllll lIt|tIl\ ll i~ It I'.\ ci;i ~;i:et!~ til over till l\ll«‘l~ .i:i.i \ l" '.t.i\-e\ up to 3 I-:c'. in he j,!ili t).,- :, mt: ,.iiitl m.ei'v..i\.- tl‘.‘l"lt‘22t'l.tKlt\' fit szmiictl and the ll'5.tl\ l Hi in» ;~::» _

‘pared it~c|!

tlt‘:>~..‘Ll. .'\.‘.i‘.ll7.lUilLl‘.i'\_ li.‘ll‘.;ll'tl\ i~l‘.;i the l';iciEi'_i:~ til‘ it large i);;i:-.:*:i::;:i:.i! >101‘: uhilc



ev.'iltt.'ile tit: \.'.'uii.i i_.'ciier;itioii ul crzilt. It I» liogieil thi: lllt.‘\'.' tiutild iiieltitlc ~iich er,i:t .I\ the Westlaiitl .\'l{.v.V-2. llic Vtclter» \'. the llritteii Noriiiait ('.('.2 .iii.l l).-i::i‘.'~ l).Z. .-\t l‘rcs\' (lt.'tl1t|l’l\lf;llit\ll\ diiriii; lune. till ('ov.c&. tli: SRN-2. (i4 tcct long. 37 tons. look jotiriizilistx in the; roomy -l.‘.-sealer cabin. lined with thick carpets. at between 50 and (it) Kltnlx. From the passengers‘ point of view there would be no discomfort when crossing waves two to three feet high. I and adequate soundprooliiig of the cabin has been achieved.


F.A./\. ADVANCEMENTS To Ania: Cllet Ali-I1:l'l Artllcef (OI LILX. 51245! I’. 0 "late. TI Chic! Mt Filter (All! I]! X. 33286} (3. \V, Btu’!

IJIY. Klfltutl

M, Rnlmtlle. M. J, lkillaftl. I/TX. IIIABQI I./l'.‘(.‘|3I?l7‘3 K. F. llailhilrn. LITX SIM“ E, 5-inner. l _



orezzetl for settleiiieiit l1_\

lluiil-:er.» Order. .'\tlttllf1tll_\‘ Allotiiictil.or Post Ollice S£l\'lll‘__‘\ Batik .~\ccotttit. and ptircli‘.ise.s iii;i_v be l1l(tLlL‘ at c:i.sli prices, exceptiii; on llir-_~ l’ul'Cll;t5L' accounts, where only a small iidditioiial charge is tiiiide. Full details of Bernztrds Service will gladly be given on request at a branch, to :i rcpresen'.ativc or llcad Ollice and Rciiieiiibcr—You Really Do Buy [letter at Bernards.



zr;v.elIiiin i‘e;ire.~.-ii-

.-\ eretlit account iiiziy he







l.l'l.ll_\ p:rxoii.i’. L‘..‘ll‘iTt\tl'__'ll lii';iiiclie.~;iiid




T 6-8 Queen Street, Portsmouth, Haiits

Telephone 23535

Clialliani. Di-rim/mrl. N’;-yliinulli. Purl/uml. Dml. Skz-gm-.n-. Gri'ni.th_v. !.omIoIidcrr_v. Ilelt-n.ihurgh. Diirifermlinc. Gilirallar. Valli-ua and Slit-ma. Malta: and at l.n.i.t-i't-muiiili. .-trbraalli. .»thhaI.ii'm-Ii Bramly. Culclrose. Cariliam. L_i-mprmm-. l't-urillun. Poole. Soiulianinmn ()iIu-I hrunrhai




Dolphi'n..0flt'rt-r.r' Sliops at Plymimtli aml Pimsimmlli. iflmd Office: Anglia House. llaririrli. l;Ii.m_t';___TeIrpI_iiine 228l. and H..\!.S.

l ~ W






July. I961




to berenientbered

Air Engineering training at Arbroath .M.S. Condor. Royal Naval Air Station. Arbroath, was conttttissitinetl in June I940. The Air Station is the fourth "ship" to hear the name "Condor." The lit-st H.M.S. Condor was a nun-‘vessel of 780 tons built in 1876. The

steel stoop of 980 tons launched in 1898, armed with six -t-in. quick-lircrs. She came to st sudden end. floundering: in II Pacilic gale in 1901. The third H.M.S. Condor also had a violent fate being wrecked off L0“ extol"! in Nov:-nther I914. She has an united lrtuilcr. hired by the Adtitirttlly. The fourth ll.i\l.S. Condor is less‘ to qiizilifv ;iir tneehmtics for ll\l\‘£IliL'C‘ likely to sink. being built on the rich merit to lL‘Itdill}Z rates. or l’ett_v ()tlietiith of the Angus coastline. Diirini: eer. l’re-eoiiiniixsion courses in the the war _ve:irs "(‘oiidor" \v:ts the home latest ;iirei;it't LIl'Itl equipment :ire given of mitttv .\'t|lIlllll’l\n'~‘ hotlt operiitiotiul to peimiiiicl iihoiit to join \t|lI;ttltt\l'l\ tllitl tr;iiiiitii:_ iiiiil iii;iiiv of the .\’;i\i\ or ships. \\;ir-time 0l1st.'t'\L‘t\ \\ei'c tmiiteil .it .~\i‘hro;ith. .‘\|RI-"ll-Il.l)S'l'll.l. 1291-1!) AIR l~I.\'(ill\'l-II-ZRII\‘(; TR.-\lNl?\'(i The ltllllcltl :it ll..\l.S. ('oiiilii:' is ln 1‘)-56 "('orii.lor" hee.uue the horiie still in eoiistuiit use. in:iiul_v ti; emu:iiier;it't. irieluihni; the ,ot' giiieruft {tl|lliL't.'t' tr;iiriiui.- \\lllt.‘lt \\.t\ §iuiiiiie.itioii ti;iusl'erreil from tls \\.'tt"IltllL' home ;it l N:ii_\'~. ":iiiline."751 Si.|ii.ii|roii_ lnixeil .\'ei\c;i~.tle-iiniler-I _iriie. Strilloiilxliiie it‘! I ee-oii-Si-lent. ‘I he ~t:ition h.i~. l‘-H‘ lIliL‘ll'\l\L‘ opei;itioii.il ;iriil ll)itIg r:‘.:iu- ‘.irza.‘:.it‘t of its min. .i l)iuiiirIie .|li\l .t ill}! eontiniieil, liimever. until the ‘SL3! l’iinee. ‘lheve nireriitt :i:e ii~eil for -.iilvetit of the jet nee ni.iile the air- eotniiiunie.itioii work unit to give tl_\in;.: lieltl Ut'l\‘ttll£Il‘lC for this role. '|lie lexperieuee .'iui| przictieul tlL“'l1i‘l't\i!.I,\I;ition's major tzisk now is to tt'.rrtt Ijtions to the ;iu'ei.'it't iii.iiri:eii.iiii;e the ziir engineer [‘L‘:\t)ttl1Cl of the l-leet t:.iiiiee~. Air .-\rtn. Since eoiiiiiiissioiiiiii: iii l‘Mll_ l_on_e courses tire given to .-\ii‘er;iI't |l..\l.S. (‘onilor has t'or_i:ed liini liulis .-\rtitieers. :inil .-.peei;ill_v .\(.'lt,‘L‘lL'l.l i iii‘ iuutiiiil rexpeel with the lo.-.i| rtitings. (lL‘\lltlt.‘(l to he .’\ll'CI.|ll people. '|h-.- t\\ent_\-first £tlllll\L't\.tl_\‘ .\leeh:ittIei:ins‘. Shorter t,'t‘ttt\L'\' .ire of the .t\\t\t.‘l;lll\\ll mix iiiurlieil l.l\l given to junior rulings lacing lllxttuglcd ve.ii' ii) the |VlL’N'.'lll.tIltHlof the l:eein the more l‘1l\lC iu;uiiteii;iiiee lecit- ‘iloiii of .-\ihro;ith to the Ship‘: iiiqiie~. ;inil other eoiirses ;ire tlL'\lj:llL'll ,t'iiriip.iiiv of ll..\l.S. (‘oiiiloi'. second

was ii




l‘roh:thl_v the Iiest reriieiiihi.-reil :iirer:ift oi the Fleet .-\ir .-\rm—tIie S\\orillish—the"Striti1.:-li;ti:."—-The ship is ll..\l.S. Ark Ro_v:il. the 1937 \l'r\lutI. sunk so iu;in_v times Ivy "l.ortl Hairs-llim“ iinil t..'\l.‘lllU:Ill_\ torpeiloi.-il olt (iiliriiltzir .\'ovi-mher l-8. I9-3|

Heron’s primary task is to

June I8. I94“. Since that il;ite the priiiuiry lllfik of the Station l'llt\ heeii to trziin I-‘ighter Pilots for the Fleet Air Arm. The types of :iirer:it‘t in which these pilots have been lI';lillL‘t.l include (il:iili'itor. Skim. l:lIllllitl', lltirrieziiie. ('or<;iir, Sen I-‘i'rc_ ..\l.S'. llL'lt\tl_ the Rov;il .\';i\".il lo the .\l.’i)i\r iintl people of Yeuvil \\’iItle:it. llelle;il. Sea llornet. l-irelly. Viiriipire. .‘\Il Stutioii. Yeoviltoii. held its lb)‘ the (':ipt.iiu Lind people of ll..\l.S. \'eiiiuu. Sen \-':_\en, :iniur.il Air l);i_v on June 30. ii-hen Heron. ll..\l.S. l-leroii the parent -.t.itiuii \’iI\l ermvtls lloeketl to see the stiitie The Capt‘ (':ipt:iin W. C. for the tiirerzift iscarriers‘ Sezi Vixen I zinil Il_\ini_.' ilispl;i_\s put on hy the oili- Siinpsoii_ 0.8. l).S.().. Ro_v;il .\':iv)'. .\'qllZlt.ll'0ll$. The t'L‘\lLlL‘lIl sqtizitlroiis :ire eers. irieii :inil \\‘ren\' iiho «mil; in in mzilting the pre.\'ent;itiuti .\;iid: ".-\t 7(i(i and 89‘). i\':iv:ilAir Sqiuidron No. [his \lilll\‘l1. act in sonic of the niost this Stiition. set in the heart of 766 is for the tr.-iiriing of l\e.:iitit’iil p.iits of Iliiglutid. SUlI\L'i'.\L'l. “C ezirry otit the tr.iilitiiiii i the Sea respoiisihlc Vixen £lll't.‘t't:\\\‘, In l)eeeriiher l"til. to celebrate 21 of King Arthur. only our lixeulrhiir .-\ni:ill;ir_v l.'t\l&\' ll1L‘ltlLlL‘ the live ,\‘e.'ir~ of frieiiilvhip iIl'Itl good will. in Ii;is :i ino:‘e potent thrust .iuil ix held’ ittlilllllg of Direetioii ()lllt.‘L'l\ Lllltl the itllll pence. hetueeii the Air poised over the earth h_\ the .iireri.-in ivur co-ordin:ition of the l’lcet's requireStzition zintl the limit of Yeu\il. an that vie ll".IIll here." iiients for :iirer';it"t within llotue I8-in. high silver heron mix presented ll..\l.S. Heron lint t:t\llltt)l\\lt‘l‘|t.‘tl \\’.itei'<.. In recent _\'e;irs tlte hiive been leiigtheneil illltl l‘ttII\\;t}\l \tti.‘tlgto i_vper;ite the new _eeiiei;ition th_euetl A Firestrcttk infra-rcd homing air-to--.iir guided ttIi.'i\il(' helm: tilted to oi ;iiier;ilt. Vixen on board ll..\l.S. Vietiiriotis.



Fighter Pilots '

[ 1





SERVICE CBC 6‘ ‘SC. (1.9 ‘

C‘.')1.D ‘ .

Cc?!‘ Q‘

63.3 4'.


for Service


\\"hen you batik with the \V'estruinster, _\‘ou get service all along the line. First, the \\”estminster has .1 special I\';ivv13r;tr'ieliat 26 I lziviiiarket,London. This has been open since 1772 and is, in C0n!aL‘qltt.‘|'1Ct.‘,well aeqtrairited

with the kindofliimnciulproblems you meet within the

Navy. Next, the B-.itil< has branelies :11 Portsmoutli and I’l_vmoutli wliicli :ire:il\v:i_vsat your service (as also are over 1,200 braneliesin othertowiis iliroiighout lingl-.ind and \\I':tle.s). l'"in;ill_v, the \‘."cstminster lizuik operates zihroziil tlirou 8 h

ivorlil-iviile svstem of :i exits and corresportilents. Ifvoii would like to l<no\v more iilsiiut our service to the Setiior Service, write for the hoolzlet ‘Westiiiiiister Bank to Iler i\l:ijest_v's Ships’ :1





Ro_\;il .\’-.iii;il .-\ir Stiition. Alihotsitteh T lll-I itt 1932 h_\ the Ro_\:tl .~\ir I-'oree who used it

Sea "

opened :lS an tiirtielil ”t.‘:l¢it[ll:Irlt.'l".~iof No. 602

mt-4 lirst as the

lt fivlliiiu from the llitllllt,‘ iii‘ [hc t.i.~L that the \\or‘l; \'.1llC\ in iriteihitv Siitindroii. Ru_\:iI .-\ll\‘lli:Il'_\' Air Force iiiitil. on the otithrezik of the Second .iiiil there ;ire time». nor iii~t.iiiee. iI' ;i|l World War. it hei-:iiiie t‘u|l_v operatiomil. Aiuonust the \:iriel_v of the ziiierutt Iioiu :1 ~iiir.iilr‘on neeil eerpertoriiieil here h_\ the Ro_\:i| Air Force :it that titiie mis the training: of .\':n:iI t.rin lllt‘lllllt.‘;tlttlll\ titted ls.-ftigg _i _i_-in-ii Tiirpeilo Creiis. tl.tlL‘l \\llL'tt \\ntk lt.t\ tn gu on night l'RI-ISBN!‘ ’l'.-‘\SKS ;iuil il;iv to meet the Klk'£tlllll1L'. The geogrripliitxil pmitiori of the ‘Z|llllL‘ltl_ hoitever. iu;iile it iilezil for .\'oi\. in lwil. the t:r~k ;it .-\hl~ot~iue|i. .\lo~t of the ll_\lIl_L' from .‘\l\lVi‘l\ll!Cll i t .\';iv.il purpiuex‘. ‘I he deep \.\.‘tlL'l' ot ix t'iuiit'oli|: is le~l-t1,\IIt;.'. ;iu C\LI\.‘llllt.' joh iri uliieh l the for \\;I~ ~iiit;il\le ("Lute herthiiie ii) To ueeept new ziircrtilt from the .rirei.it'l ziie put tliiotiizh ti \ltillgt‘ltl I ;iii'er;it't ;int| carriers. front there it \\.|\ i tit them with the l.ite~«t 4 \L'llL‘\ of texts hetoie lieiiig eeititieil .I\ t only :i ~|ioit trip by \\.t.lt.‘l" up the River iiioiliticitrons iiutl tlteii test-Il_v tlii-rii‘i'ii]t_v \L'l\lCL‘I|lVlL'. With ruoileiu. .ill(Hut lu Alihiitsirielt. \\llL‘.'t.' tl.ini.1;.'eil hetore delivery to other ~hip~ .‘tll(l like the Sen \'i.\eu thi~ :iir.:r.it’t eotilil he repziiretl and te~t C\l;tl\ll~lltI'lL‘tll\ tor siitiziiiroii \i:r\'|L‘e. ‘ \\t..'ltlllL‘I’ll}.'lllL‘l\ is :i l\\'t"tI’I.ltI jiih. iiiiil the test prim .\ Ilimri. 'lhu\'. in Septeiiih-er I‘)-:_‘-. the (ii) To lIti|'lL‘t.‘l tllitl niotlernise ;iirer;il't ..\~i\i¢ti hi. _i iti-_-hi it-.1 “tut-iii-i_ uiilielil \\Ll\ ti.in~t'errei| to the lrleet \\hieh have heen in \(|lI2l(lll‘ll Kc-'\tL'.' l Air Arm, pro\‘iilini,: ;ieeotiiiiioil'.itioii for mine tiuie. iiii) To ~toi'e :ii:er.iI'. .ii ll|(5Ill.\' SI\'ll.I.I~Il) '1'!-I(‘ll.\'l('l.-\.\'$ for tour tll\Cltll‘.tl'l\t.‘Li t'r'ont-line \l|ll.ttl' it high tlegree of re.iiliIti:u for tiiture i lhe tli;.:ht lc\lltt_t: of :iit'cr.it't is. of l’t\l1\. tl1£lll'liL‘ll;tt'tL'L‘ t}ieilitie~ for e;ir'- thc. .-'\nd l;i~tI}'. to s.il\.ii:e |I\t.‘ltll p.irt~ iuilv h.iIt the ~tiu_\‘. .»\ nioilerii tiL't\ in the ('l_vile 1ttl(l§l\L| s;il\.r;_'e ;iuil limit] ohxolete ;ii:ei.it‘t lvetiue tliej. .:IL‘ I i.iiri:i.iltcosts :is niiieh :i- ;i tle~tro_\er xtoiugi: unit tor zilmut NI ;iirer.itt. \t.\l(l ;i~ ~ei.ip. ‘ tlltl ltelore the Seeiiiiil World \\'.it. and ittlthl til" the cmt is devoted to the i l1lt..'l'll_\’*tlL'\L'lt\]'lL‘tlcontrol. ueaipoii iinil ‘

l‘ol'\k\i ‘




'ii;ivi_ tioiiril ~}~tern~. ‘the more emuiPll\.. ted the iuiiehiiie the mute is the Iieetl for ltl1.:lll}"~i;lllL‘£l ls‘CllI!l;'l;tI'l\ to



inziiiitziin ;intl service it. Jtllll the


of the penonnel tit Abbotsinch lull into this e:iteg.:or_\'. The L'lt}.'ll1' eering. eieetroiiies. ortlurinee. r;ii|;ir rind iii~trurneitt:i| tlep:irtment~‘. :ill must inspect. repziir lllld m;iint;iin their mm p:irtieul:irp;Itl\ of catch tiircrtitt if it is

99 ¢


eoiitituie in service as an etlicierit lighting iuziehine. In I963 Ahhotsinch will cease to be it Naval Air Station zifter just 20 yc:irs untlcr the White Ensign and 31 years flyiiig. However. it does seem that the (lying tradition will continue almost aircraft carrier- urihroken when Abhotsinch become: l the new civil ziirport for Glasgow. to

Nuiy Brmtch: 26 Hnymarket, London, s.w.r Head Oflice: 41 Lothbury, London, ti.c.2

Weir Helicopter .».

The first Westland


to land

ll.M.S. Hcrmca’i—June 1960.

on an





A Gannet is FLEET AIR ARM IS an Airborne THE NAVY Radar Station Air Power contributes to





HI-I Ro_\;rI Nani! Air Station at ('uldru\c. (.'nrn\i:ill. mu eomn|i~sinned as ll..\l.S. Sezllumk un April 17. I947 it is situated on the main Linml peninsulzr marl (.-\Jflli3l. Inn and rt hull‘ miles from llelstnn and within easy re:u'lI l»_\ mad l'ruIII :t large proportion til" the (‘nrnish hnlid:i_\ tmuts nml lit-zrcltes. ('ultl.'use “us the lint .-\i.‘ St:rlinn tu rem.-i\e the freerlmn ul' ils luratl llnrnugllz this mus in S:-ptetulier. I953. t)n Julj. IR ('nltl'me will he npen tn the public. lllh ml] -.:r\e the Zfitltl ntlieer~_ l.llllll,:\ .mrl \\'.R..\.S. .ll'l t‘|‘t‘i‘tilIlltl}'tn shim “hit the) ilu on llnx large nit stuttntt. itlltl ltullt xlulte zind Il_\;n-,1 d:spl.ij.~ will be melmled ill the ping-r.rrnrne, hmee l‘)~1'7 ( llltlil\\t.' ll.‘|\ iimlettakelt m.in_\ rlttletettt lush irtelritlrttg zilrnmt exert‘ upezutir-tt;il zmil lnnttntr: rule. 'l'iul.i_\' the pririmzv Cnttccttl of Culdriue is‘ the Ro_\;il \.i\':il HeliL‘-tplet Scltiml and the “nil.-up ul upe:.itnm.il llelienpter \L|tI.ttl!t‘l‘.\_ lllL' xelznul l.'.Iill\ unil ‘.m.rrrlx "mites" tn ne\\ pzlutx Itelure cu:t\ettttt1.' them in the tteu turbine puuvetl \\'e~~e\. In

Efliciency and Economy (By VICE-Al)MlR.»\l.

I). I’. l)RI".\'ER. C.B.. (.‘.B.E., D.S.C.) 'I‘ is 50 years since the tint! experiment with nirenilt in the Royal .\':n'y. and though the Fleet Air .-\rrn went through a period of uncertnirity in the I')2tls. during the last war and since it has none from strength to strength and is non clearly established as the spearltcnd of the Navy. Gigantic developmerits h;n'e taken place in aviation during: this period and the aircraft carrier rs mm the capital ship of the Fleet. '(:r'ilies til the Rn_\;rl N;n.'v point In etlei:ti\'t-nes-. uf ;:ir power emttrihttles’ tlimzmxhin-,: nnrnbers of \l'tlP\ without tn elltexeney and eennmny in the l-leet. ietltietinm in perwnnel but Iliil tn nbserve that .1 xingle llelieupter Sqtt;rd- 1 RI-I.r\l)Y 'l‘() l’l.AY \'I'l'r\l. l'.>\R'l' run. m.rnner| ;x!‘rl supported by um.‘-‘ Only .1 privilegetl few can \\'iltlL'\\' tittlt at the nnmlter of ntlieerx and men lmrne in .| tlntrll.i nt nine t.lC~l.'O}L‘l’\ the .lL‘ll\lliL'~ at t‘rnnt~|ine sqti;ulrun~ nt zhe tliir'tie»'. em. with modern uper_n:iin: trmn their parent ;iiret.itt equipment. \t'.'tf.'ll tor .inil \ll'|l\’.' Kill‘- e.rt'riers. lint the :mnn.i| .-\il‘ D.ij.s ill.t£'IllL‘\ ;l\ etleeznelx over an .ire.r til. p:'u\ltlL.' the puialie with .in opportunity to glimpxe the prngrew‘ 01' develop~e.r ten times as ;.:ze.:t. ut ;xir..'r.it't. xtezipnns and equipI3qu.tll:.'. the pt\‘.\et tn \ll‘llsL‘ river ment \l.t|lOI‘l\ nslmre. where the \'.i~ll)' ittet‘e.ts-.'<.l £l;\l.tlll.'C\ has rixcn ment in .u: ttr;irn:t:ie:zll\', .-'\ l‘{t‘.Ili\l(lL' truth .I l'.rcl.in_e tor the limit line is held zznrl inrttleship threw live tons at explmne where much sit the training is done. wine lilteen I‘I'lllL'\ nltereus it linecnrteer The l-leet I.-\ir Arnt is clear in its xtllllttlrflll e.in deliver the equivalent ul purpme and is re:id_\' to ['_|l:l_\' its \‘ll(|l lens tit" Illt‘l.l\.tl‘ld\ ut znns cut '1 N1‘ in er p.irt mm the other services ltl prer;tn;.-ex of lIl.IlllllL'\I\ at l'llIlL‘\. werxing the pe;u.'e in all parts til the lit tt1.iIt_\‘ other \\‘;1_\\, the gr;_tter. xmrld.


the .|llll'\lIl‘lll.tilllL‘ rule the \\'ew:\‘. L‘.tt'l tind. lix .im| xtnke the enetn}. .\'.ll‘lll.ll'lllU. by tl;i_\ or night. mtlnmt ;i~s;~t.im'e ltinn uther ttl'|ll\. In the. ('nrnttt.mtlu ml-: llll\ l.ir;.'e helzeuptei can e.u:_\‘ up lo I" tu|l_\ .'Ill'IlL'tl‘



Luge qunrttitiex of

The Flag Ollicer Air (Home) \'lCt.'-.'\tltlIi|“.|I I). I’. l)re_\er. ('.li.. ('.ll.I{.. l).S.('.


l‘i\etI-nine tlying at ('ulrl:me i\ ntznnly L‘tVll¢t:lllCtl \'..:h the (-.innet Airhuine liurly \\';unm;,g .iire:.it't and

the zinereus are trained to operate this eornplieutctl ;u'rer;il't before cmh:irl.in1,: in ziirerntt Czttflcts, 'lhe. (i.mnet. |'M\\\L'lC(l lw l)nul\le .\l;imlr;i tnrhu-prop engines. is an r;id.ir \l'.tllt\I‘l capable of detecting huth zur zmd \lIll.lC'.‘ l.m_:el~. |'ll.Ill_\' nnle~ (ll\l;tl‘ll from the llect, In .ItltllilUl't.‘ aumther ~qu.ul:un ut Venom and uitetztll (Lrnnet {mm Ui‘L'l‘.tlL'\ ('ut.tm~e.

airborne‘ ‘






l"I.|(5ll'l' I)!-I('l-R H-1.-\\l TR.-\l.\'l.\‘(S A The School of .-\iier:rt‘t h.I\ been zit (nlilrnse for ;r ntttnl‘er of year». 'Iln~. unit tr.u'ns utlicers and l men in all ;t.\pI..'i.‘l\' of carrier sleek


Royzrl .\'u\‘y Sea \'i.\en—~.i tun-seal clay

night :ill-ueutlierlighter. ('-.m curry four Firestrerrl.‘ euirlerl tltl\\iIt.‘s'. and

nperutinnx. :1 most irnportnnt task, in the etlieieney of :1 taxi; force zit \CiI so much depends on the etlieieney nl the carrier's flight (leek le;iIn. : 'lhe .-\ir l):I_\‘ :1! ("txltltns-.' will he: xuppnztcd by other l-leet .-\ir .-\x‘m, ‘

Seimit.ir and HllCC.lllCL'l' Stations strike ;rirer.it'l uni! Sea \’i\en :\llx\:.ither lighters all \\r|l lie rm slime. \\’urlil \\'.‘iI ll veteuiiis. the S\\«\:tlll\ll. llllttlL‘;lIlL' ;int| Spiltite “Ill .Il\u tn.iLi: their \ener.thlc ;ippe.i:.tnee. W63 i\ the tilttcllt .mIti\ers.ir§ til" .\l1ltt.rry .'\\l.Iil|Ul in (i:e.it lirit.iIn. It is \\'t\tlll) at note that the :\dInrr.rlty ('\i.ll‘Il\hC\l an nit section til the N;l\'.tl Stall lll I'M‘). and _tlt.it lll .\l'.i.'eh l‘)l l. the tint n.n;i| [1ilul\ xturterl tr.iin1'n;_v.. four ntlieetx fmtn t\\’L'l I'll) \‘u|un~ teen! \'.r\'. Cll.tlll_.'L‘\ h.ne taken place \in.;.- those tl.l_\\. and \\l'|ll\l :ittet.tl'l‘ nl llt.:t \rnt.i;;e .tti.' nut .t\.Ill.|lVlt.'. R..\',r Air *it.i:znn (ttlilmse \\ill Like g:e;it pride in ixeleiitnxttg; in its .-\|t l).r}. ‘


at the men \\l1u were cunrteeterl

with \.i'..:l \\x.i!:un in thme p-Lnneet-

ing \l.;_\\.





Rt.-|:r\:ttinn time nu the [light deck nf H.,\l.§. \'ielririuus. The ztcrnplunes on the \l£tl’lItl:I|'d are (izumets .-\.l-I.\l'. t.\irhorm.- I-I:trl_\ \\':irnin;.-l and the llelienpters are \‘ohirluimIs.

helicopters greatly

increase both the attack and defence capabilities of modern Naval Forces. Now equipping the Royal Navy's anti-submarine squadrons in increasing numbers. the "wessext" is among the finest helicopters zwailemlc to-day for this important duty. Turbine-

powered. and carrying both‘ detection equipment and often-


A Scimitar being launched from a carrier. The Vietrcrs-Amrstrongs Seimitnr is an interceptor lighter and strike aircraft capable of extremely high subsonic speeds at low altitudes

sive armament. it can search and strike s-.-riltly and surely operating by day or night in any weatlter.conditions lrom either ship or shore bases. The smaller "Wasp"-- also turbine-pot-:ered—-is ideal for anti-submarine operations from escort vessels too small to

accommodate the "Wessex". As demonstrated in rccenteva|uation trials. it can operate successfully. even in moderate seas. lrom a platform only 26lt. )( 2tlt. In commando carrier operations from H.M.S. ‘Bulwark’. "Whirl-.-.~inds" are giving vital niohillty, enabling shock troops and supplies to be put ashore rapidly in remote places. and sulase~ quently providing it last. direct transport link between thetroops and their parent carrier. Soon the larger "‘.‘Vcssex" will bring c-'.'en greater striking power.


(as against 10 in the "Whirl'.';ind") or twice the amount of


65 W£.S‘fl/t//0 the great name in HELICOPTERS WESTLAND




lncolgolnltflfl Soundtls-Nov Du-I-on. ll:-Ito! Helicopter Dnuion and hwy Amman Du-rcn





'__,,.-air-r -



()SSll-I.\llll"l'll most northerly ol the l{n_s;il Naval .\ir St-.rtinn.~. and was coimnissioiicrl as ll..\l.S. Fuliiiar in I946 when tail-o.-ii oser froin . the Royal Air Force. Until l‘Nil ilic main task had been 'lcvcl strike concept l.Ill\l this Station ..-,L....J the oper;it:on;il tr.iining of N;n.‘:rI bcriig most suited lor opcratiiig this Fight.-r Pilots but. \\'llll tli: advent ol .urcr.ittt the l\'-.is'al Air Strike Scliool the lliiccaiiccr and the specialised w.is inziugurated and the liiglitcr ‘lask training required for the modern low- was moved elsewhere. Talging into consideration the (Continued from column 3) excellent weather factor. the one-;mdThe nearby town of Havcrfordwest :1-half miles inain runway and a provides good shopping facilities and ‘ modern recovery system. it was natural entertainment and close ties are main- that the Station should have acquired tained with the local civic auth_orities. .\lastcr l)i\crsion Status last year the Over the years those serving at only Naval Air Station holding this l{.N.A.S. llrawdy have been able to title. assist in adding colour and a naval l The task at l.ossiemoiitli is tl.is-out to riiaiiy traditional cere- ‘a vital prnnar_s one. coiisisting of the transmonies”. in particul;ir. the volunteer t'orni.ition of pilots straight from has ;i notable part in students with played ;band in only basic flying traiiiing local pageaiitry. This is :ill the _._ into etleczivc operational naval more’ suitable as the l.llllL'L' of .\l;i_vor of ‘aviators: this is achieved by the iiiAccommodation blocks. recreational rooms and dining halls at R..\'. Air Station. llrawdy llas-crfordwest carries with it the title slritclnrs of 7‘\S and 70-! (Hunter) and 1 of "Adiuir.ilof the l’nI't." ‘7,‘-(. iSciinitar) .\'qiiadrons. which tolgethcr coriiprise th: .\‘:iv.rl Air Strike WORK-l‘l’ IIASF. Scliool. One of llr.rs\'dy'.s' assets has ::lw.'tys been the .'iv;iil:ibilityof air-to~;iir and 2 l$U('(‘.\\'l-II-IR I. l". T. LINIT < air-to-ground tiring ranges in the ri:::ir ‘ (‘orisisteiit with the recent method vicinity. This‘ has led to llr:us'dy being of introducing new nasal ;iircr.ift into used in the past :is a nork-up base for Service the formation was of the .accomriiod:rtion buildings were corn-. front line Naval Air Squadrons. In ’ lliicc.incer Intensive l-‘lying lrials Unit. for ollicers and ratings‘. As‘ a! this connection. it is‘ interesting to lpletcd 'result. Brawdy is already modernised; note that (‘aiiadian :ind Indian {designated 7007. l-light. in the Spring of NM and whose task is almost as far as living conditions are con-‘Sqtiadrons have worked tip at lii:i\s-tly. ceriied there is none better in ‘I~'or a long period. all l);irImouth Tcomplcte. 'I'lirou:.:hout the summer .N. Air Station. Brawdy is situated in the beautiful country of Pembroke- shore establishment, A Cadets received their first tlying this powcrtul lou~|evel Strike aircratt milel shire. widely known as "Little England beyond Wales." It is only a feature is the excellent siting of the, experience over the l’cinhrol;eshire '--the latest addition to the Fleet Air inland from the picturesque coast of St. Brides Bay and about seven miles civil living quarters. which allows inosti countryside. Since helicopters were will be app-cariiig at the of St. Davids. Britain‘: smallest city. cabins and messes to enjoy pleasant‘ Iirsl used for Air Sea Rescue the majority of Air and Navy Days with a display at the The airfield was built by the R.A.l-‘. I did not. however, comrnission as .vicws' of the open countryside presence of these machines‘ at llrawdy gculniiiiating in I9-$3. for the operation of ll..\l.S. (‘ioldcrest until August I952. good open-air recreation has proved of imnieasiirahle value not ‘.‘s'.l‘l.A.('. Slime at lfiirnbtirritigli in "Halifax" bombers in support of the at the time of the Korean War. and space. The junior ratings-' blocks are only to airman but also to civilians September in t.‘0tl]llllCllt|ll with 766 Air Offensive in Europe. It was trans- it was not until then that it began to close to the spacious and well- and mariners of varied nationalities‘. Squadroifs Sea Vixens‘ and 736 ferred to the Royal Navy in I946. take on its present shape and status. cquippcd main dining hall and galley. Now. Brawdy is on the threshold of Squ:idron'.s Sciinilars. and in l95l runways and hardstandand I958 large-scale adjacent to the N.A.A.l-'.I. area where a new life. The face-lift it is now 800 and 803. our front-line Scimitar Retween_l952 'all the normal lake social New lheirecoiistrtictioii took place. activities are being given will enable it to deal with squadrons‘. are currently embarked in iugs were strengthened to The modern Station also has 200 an intensive flying task and the Fleet their pzircnt carriers‘. H..\l..S'. Ark Royal more types of aircraft which hangars. technical buildings‘ and stores provided. married had been introduced. The Air Station were built. and magniticent new quarters. Air Arm's latest aircraft. and ll..\l.S. Hermes respectively. to the ncisly qiialilicd pilots graduating AIR!-‘ll-ZLD IMPROVI-I.\lEN'l'S ‘from the Strike School will complete their lirst ship-borne steam catapult More improvements to the airlield launch and arrested landing as part of itself are now in progress which will their initial flight in their first frontshortly enable all the latest generation uof aircraft to be operated. The Air Station's task and complement still be AIR l).-\Y building up to a far greater level than ever before. and further accommodaRcpresciitalive of a bygone age. the tion blocks are also being built. last Fairey litilmar. still in [lying trim, including one for 200 W.R.NS. (whois rims ;ippropri;itcl_v resident in the have not previoiisly served at llrawdy 3 listaiblisliriiciit hearing its name and in any numbers). A considcrriblc with other veterans" inltliis. together increase to the ritimhcr of niarricd lcludiug the Swordlisli. Spitlirc and will also be inade. iqiiartcrs ...bul. ordered from your lliirricaiic will compete for the crowd's The Station is vrll equipped for all I .itl:ctinn with their present day jct Wlllcrbys Naval Manager. this , sporting tastes amt ilrawdy teams take ; \.'illllllCl']l.|rl\ at the ll.!\l.S. l-'ii|in.ir superb lounge suit. embodies all [hill in many lochl competitions with Air Day on July 2|. 'lhis' function success. In addition to good t.h.1ti.~r finest. in London tailor.itlords the g.-ncral public an opporthere are tennis courts. tields. pla_virig ing...and you can pay by ;i squash court. rifle ‘tunity to uudcr.s':.iiid the aims and range. land 3..icht I drtliciiliics involved Ill the i\pCl'.tll\lll allotment if you wish! Our and even zr nine-hole golf coiusc.= ‘at large and iimsy jet .iircr.rlt in all .\tav:tl .\t:i.n:i5.:ci-3visit. your ship "lite Station also owns a l“o|klm;rt. types ot svcallicr by day and niglit. and the t\'ullield gciicronsly given by shore or atation regularly-or lto sec at close quarters the results liiist. R.N.S..-\. l-l-ft. diiigliics and .icliic\ed lroni such intcnsisc flying it‘ you‘re :1 mttivc. they'd be .l motor boat. l'cinhroLcsliuc itself I tiainiii-_.:: also ln witness l'.o-.s Ulliccis. glad to call and see you at your provides iiuliiiiitctl scope for wallsiiig. ,S’.ii|or‘ Jlhl Wrens marl. tugcthcr as .l shooting. lishing and other icc:c.i:io:~.s'. am: home. Tl1e_v‘ll take your ‘tits!-t.‘l.iss learn to gct our .urcr.it't and there bcaclics arid an: splciirlid rnariy order for suit. coat, lei:-*urc the high op.-r.itio:t.nl t.i:rcr.".ss to .\ Sea \ iwn ti cluster of of scope for iiitt|c.'—\s.ilcr J-in, and 1-in. liiuiicliinzz plenty rockets ucuinsl lnllks. ‘\i.l:l\l.tl\l rcquzicil for th: \.ns's pat! clotlics. slio-3.4. shirts am! of swstlllllltlg and sailing. (Pliolo by l'l|lll'll‘\_\' of "l):ii|_\ 'l'clc- in i:i.imt.iiiiin«_- lltc l1.i!..n.': at pm-.e: Ill C0tl1‘5D,ll!ll{Ol‘tttS.I\lllziilorcdin (('ontinui.-rl in column 4) _:itc l‘r.'c \\‘.irId tuilas. gr:iph."J the 1tt‘.t‘.<'. tixulition. wltli :1 Service to m.\IL‘l‘. the tzillorin-.3. ‘.'illc:'h_\'.s .\'.i'.'.ii .\I. .nc:oz'.s' will la‘ 5713-] to lt'll you all a':>ot1‘. it wltozi tl1o',"i‘o l‘.-.‘.\'L :t‘.vo.1: : or _-sot: can drop us .1 l'::i-3 or mil in at :r:::.' of our hr;uiclio.; for 11 10.11!-rt t‘.c.su:':lii ‘.'1I1v:-tig.-.-. .-’-‘:".‘ic-‘. to :n~::t .'.'l t':2~:- Set".'icc. ‘-






il';.__i ,.rg§ll_ W









The Navy in ‘Little England beyond Wales’ is on threshold of new life CAN DEAL WITH THE LATEST NAVAL AIRCRAFT

















.7 ,


28-30 OXFORD ST.,LONDON W.I 82 Royal Parade. Plymouth 11! Commercial Road. Portsmouth 5 London Rd., North End_ Portsmouth 23 High Street. Chatham

20 Above Bar. Southampton It Gordon Street. Glasgow 12 North Bridge. Edinburgh 52 commercial Street. Dundee 20 High Slteol. Ballast '53 Main Street. Gibraltar '

.9521}. The Buccaneer k designed for tilglispeed. very low altitude long range strike duties tr






July. I962


War with Germany is over and the Old Crock goes to Action Stations I

shoulders with the water breast high. The operation was great ftin. Singing most of the time. the men waded to and from the sltorc through the warm sea. It was a real pleasure to see this heavy work carried out so cheer-

(In liii pri-i'i'nu.r urti(‘lr'.v i\'¢'puuic. irlm r'Illr’H'(f Ilir .S'i'ri'in' in ()t'IU/tr‘! 1904. mid who u'u.\ [7fl)HIUIt'i‘l to ".\fitIr'." inh.\t‘qtlt'Ilff)‘ In I.i'rim'Ituitt. lt'tt\'. iii NIX. uppniiirt-if or Fin! [.ll‘llft'!lllllf mid "G" in II..\I..S'. Prmi'rpi'itt'- it criiiirr [mimifully and satisfactorily. line the \l'ItlfI\' nf lie! If! .llrriidi'l ---the .\tmit.s of l‘rrim. .-I/tcr J3 t‘oim'r'IrIi'i'¢' iii'_i.'Iit\ at wit the (‘ii/miiii til I’ruu'rpiii¢' hm! to _L'U to .-Iilcii in Il7'¢fr‘f to loin! ll fur_:,-c iimiilirr til .Srm’ir- li‘o_vs rim.’ ivliitc rrililrgi who o'er: ill.) OI-'l" 'l‘0 AKABA I)l-'..\' was under the adiniiiistration of the Indian Government and was .Coiu.'uand had (I‘.‘t.‘l(I'.'l.I to stage a Proscrpiiip was now ordered to procnttllttcrl in a rather spiisiiiodic war with the Turks. who occupied the Yemen military operation with a view to capceed to Akaba at the northern end of territory opposite. It seciued to strip and go on h_v mutual consent. At any turing the port of llorlcida about ltltl the Red Sea. where some ditliculty rate the Turks viitliheld their lire every morning to allow a comoy of lorries miles north of I’-eriiu. Indian troops had arisen with the Arabs. to proceed frutii Arlen to gather fresh vegetables and frtiit. I do not know with horses. mules. equiprucnt and Akaba had been the headquarters of ishait concession the Turlts' received in return. stores were embarked at Aden. and. Lawrence and was now occupied by of the German High Sea Fleet had with the support of the cruiser During our sta_v at Aden there had a large force of Arabs living under been rumoiirs of an armistice. In fact. niutinied : followed the next day by I-l..\I.S. Juno." proceeded to the Red :5 5 canvas. The Arabs only recognised some tireworks were preniattirely the news that the Turks had sur- Sea to make a surprise attack on the “(iold-.-n Sovereign" as due reward oil by the Royal Air Force on tile- rendered. The war was moving Hodcida. for services rendered. and owing to strcngtli of the rumours. rapidly to a successful conclusion. some delay trouble had arisen. A tiou as to the progress of the war was ACTION S'I'ATIO.\'S Early in November. much to the French sloop had been sent to sort out limited to a daily bulletin broadcast by delight of the .ship'.s company of It was with great surprise that a the ditliculty. but as the French were the Admiralty. Mails came mainly by Il..\l.S. Proserpine ti signal was re- signal was received to intensely disliked by the Arabs their sea and were four to six weeks in, ceived to suspend the Perim patrol proceed’ to llotleida "Pros-erpine forthwith." As presence added fuel to the tire. transit. However. the news broadcast,‘ and on November II the most soon as steam was raised the ship As we steanicd up the Gulf the was encouraging front the Western wonderful news (‘amt-—Gennany shaped her course north. We on board sloop weighed anchor. exclianged Front. Syria and I’:i|e.stitic. The Arabs had signed an armistice. The cipher still did not know what the Aden courtesy signals and proceeded to undcr Lawrence of Arabia had occumessage had arrived during the late authorities had in mind and we were The Author paid a Visit to Cairo sea. ()ur arrival scented to cool the pied I)amascus and Aleppo. whilst evening. and was deciphered by the kept guessing until just after dawn. whilst II.M.S. Proserpine HHS air. although .303 bullets were movGeneral A||enb_v had Cziptiired the Captain and myself. The Captain when gun fire was heard in the disdocked at Port Said. ing in many directions. We were told maior part of the Turkish Army. cleared Lower Deck and read the tance. "Action stations" was ordered that it was a gesture of welcume~~in I-Iarly in October. as all the ollicers; nit-ss-age about 2200 hrs. After and the speed increased. Shortly H..\l.S. .luno turned the duty of fact our short stay was most pleasant. and ratings of Proserpine had returned ; giving three cheers. the ship's comThe (.':iptain and Shick exeliaiigcd guard ship over to Proserpine and we from hospital and new Seedie boys; pany made merry throughout the were left to get on with the lllb OI courtesy calls. The Yeoman of Signals had been recrttitcd to replace those: night. making arrangements for rapid trans- had contrived to make tip a flag to SAILORS IN who had died. the ship sailed again The reaction next was— morning to‘ port of stores. horses. mules and represent the National Hedjaz and THE MAKING resume that exacting patrol of the, What happens now'.’ Our thoughts. ammunition from ship to shore. limo this was worn on the boat which Perim Straits. On this occasion. how-; iiatnrally. wandered homi:ward.s. btit sailing for Aden. brought off the sheik. Thus good By NEPTUNE ever. we were printed with buoyant our hopes were soon shattered. The will was immediately established. optimism. As cacti day passed. news of Turks still in occupation of the Before Proserpine sailed from ANI.\IALS HAVE TO SW!“ fresh victories were received. Yemen territory refused to surrender. Ak:iba the Sheik presented the Capand to keep us on otir toes an occa- afterwards visual signal communicaThe horses mules and a presented A R“ ISTICI-I SIGNED sional 6-inch shell was lobbcd over tions were made with H.\l.S. Juno. great problem. Proserpine’s Engineer tain and myself with a beautiful Arab Then. on October 29. I918. came the hills into Pcrim harbour. Although still ignorant of what was Otlicer located an old German "X" head-dress which I still hold as one of the astonishing report that the crews Unknown to the Captain. the Aden happening. we were ordered to pro- lighter in the harbour and skill and my most valuable possessions. cccd close inshore and silence some patience coached the old to LEAVE IN PORT SAID machine-gun nests which were holding work. Another problem engine was the up ships‘ boats attempting to land weather. From noon until some time The success of our mission was ammunition and food supplies. This after sunset. the wind rose to al- reported to Aden and pcrinission order was quickly and effectively most gale force a nasty sea. It requested to proceed to Port Said to causing carried It out. was only necessary was decided to Thames and August. l9l8. when the commence disenib; k- dock, and give four days leave to each tire three to -I-inch shells and all ing horses and mules .it tirst light. 'I he watch. This was approved. last sea-going ship to bear this name resistance ceased. So this old crock of drill for this was on a trial-and-error How grand it was for all. to get was stink in the North Sea. nine ships ti cruiser. salvaged. as it were. from basis'———in it worked out very ashore and relax. sleep in a comfortwere commissioned as ll..\‘l.S. Ariel. practice the scrap-heap. played tier part nobly well and caused a lot of fun. able bcd. and partake of reasonably OR over 21 years I.ee-on-Solent: in action. Boats were now able to NA.\lF. REVIVED was regarded by the thousands beThe horses or mules had to be good food. We had been away from into harbour without fear of blindfolded and more or less hauled civilisation for some months. in a proceed longing to the Fleet Air Ami as their After a lapse of 24 the name further years attack. spiritual home. Part of their training Ariel came to life once more in the a into the sea by the steam cutter. terribly trying climate. on a poor diet, It was now possible to learn the assisted by sailors who took station on and no leave. This break was like a had probably been carried out there: this time as a shore Royal Navy: their drafting was organised at I.ee and establishment story of the operation. Indian troops the rear haunches of the animals. breath from heaven. It came to :in at Culchcth. near Risley had been landed on a tee shore. under 1'l'he animals. of course. were very end riiiich too quickly. Again the to all in naval aviation it was the in l.ancashire. Air radio maintenance cover of darkness. with only 24 much frightened. but with the aid question arose. “what ne.st"'! We had cradle of the Ntt\‘)'\ air world as sue‘ had hitherto been . training which hours’ rations :ind amniunitioii. to of the cutter and a few swimmers they not long to wait. A signal was received Itnow it. 1 carried out at the Naval Air Royal attack and capture the port. The were driven inshore and well taken directing Proserpine to return to Today l.ec is the home of the Air‘_ Station. l.ec-on-Solent. transwas Turks had been taken by surprise. but care of. One. however. swam out to llodcidzi to relieve lI..\I.S. Suva F.lectric:il School with the appropriate’ ferred to the new Ariel in October. they held on tenacioiisly until Proser- sea and was drowned. as gu:irdslup_ 1 be news did nariie of ll..\l.S. Ariel. not I‘)-t'.'. broke their resistance. The Iletwccn July. I777. when the firsti for our pine finally The still damp spirits we were landing of stores was carried (iradiiallv the task grew. and in Juno had tired ti few 6-inch shells. but out at night. within the Ariel was launched on the of The pleasure. viz. on lighter anchored rcalms_ June. 1952. ll..\l.S. Ariel which by ceased tire on account of the free Cairo. a to inshore close and the sailors waded pass danger now had become the Royal Navy‘; Air of I the Indian troops. blasting ashore with boxes and cases on their (Contined on page I6. col. 3) lilccirical School. was transferred to Worthy l)own. near Winchester. to the air station previously comrnissioncd as ll..\l.S. Kestrel. After seven years came a further inovc. (‘ouccutration of the Home IIE Air Station at Lee-on-Solent} Air Coininanil had reduced the task has long been a training establish- of the Royal Naval Air Station and ment for naval aircrews and other: barracks at l.cc-on-Solent. At the same naval personnel. (In July 30. l9l7. it: time there was an obvious need for .' and more niodern buildmore space "‘ I\a\ officially opened under the name ROYAL NAVY of II..\l. Naval Seaplane Trainingl iiigs for the Air lilectrical School. It School. Lee-on-Solent. to train pilots. was therefore decided to transfer the school to l.cc-on-Solent. This raised for anti-submarine patrols. = Wtien the Royal Naval Air Service the issue as to uhetltcr the nante of rind the Royal I-‘lying Corps :im:il- the establishment should remain as ll.,\l.S. l);icdalus which it had been painatcd on April I. l‘)l8. to form the since l‘>.‘~l\'. or to be renamed I-l..\I.S. Royal Air Force. the station became Ariel. The Board of Admirrilty directed the property of the Air .\Iinistry. lfnder the Royal Air Force the train- that the name should be Ariel and ll..\l.S. l).iedaliis slmtlltl be the ing of iiaval observers began in July. ‘that l‘J2|. in what was then the Royal Air- name of the headqiiartcrs of the Flag Forcc Seaplane ‘l'i'aiiiiiig School. l.ce- tllliccr Air tllomcl. on-Solent. This training continued TIIF. l‘Rl-ZSI-IN'I‘ TASK until Ianiiary. I932. when the head.4. quarters of Coastal Commatid. Royal, The tasks of ll..\I.S. Ariel are many Air Force. moved to Lec—on-Solent. and various but the main task is that Since .\l:ty. I923. the name of the air of training officers and ratings in air station had been the Royal Air Force radio amt air electrical maintenance. Flying facilities are provided for the School of Naval Co-operation. but it was not until 193'.’ that any large scale receipt. test flying and despatch of building programme was put into naval aircraft modernised at the Royal In all branches of the Service discipline and team work are esseiitial to success. effect. It \vas in this year that construc. Naval Aircraft Yard. Flectlands. One And not only in the Service. It applies in civilian liiulertakings as \\cll. The tion of the airfield. hangars. workshops naval air squadron is based at I.cc-onSolent and provides communication and accommodation buildings began. work of the (Io-operative I’erm'.ineiit litiiltling Society is a case in point. facilities between air stations at home This Society provides easy and profitable methods of ll.-\.\'I)F.I) OVER TO NAVY and abroail. Communication aircraft and s-.iving. On May 2-1. 1933. the air station was flying in rind out of H..\I.S. Ariel Invested money is used to make advaiiccs on mortgage to faniilics who want to handed over to the Royal .\'avy amt ..ilmost daily include helicopters and buy their homes. There is no better exaiitplc of mutual co-operation of conimissioncd :is ll.i\l.S. I)'.tL‘(lltIll\‘I four-cngiiicd Sea Herons. both. and bccainc the licatlquarters of the. l"II-TI-IE.\I UNITS Home Air Command. The resusSrml f(Itft‘l_)' jbr i/rrtri/5 of fin’ Surii'r_)-'5 Sc‘f1‘i¢'(S. citation of the name was most: Altogether. I5 separate units carry appropriate. The nominal depot ship. out their functions under the local con- Illlllllllllll of the Royal Naval Air Service in' trol of the Captain. ll..\l.S. Ariel. l‘)l5 was lI..\l.S. Daedalus. ..\lany of these units are responsible In the 42 years since it was first for their task directly to Admiralty Deopened. the air station at I.ee-on- partments. It may well seem. thereSolent has experienced many changes. fore. that such a heterogeneous collec.\’ow the iuain task of the establish- tion of small units acconinmdgitcd in BUILDING SOCIETY ment is once agai nthc training of one cst:ihlishment would be almost NEW OXFORD HOUSE LONDON WC1 naval personnel. although the present: impossible to administer. Certainly it In Imam rnti all tins mm principal t25I.totl.|00 lulu at it: lIitl‘r:| sictetlcs lmrlitm mm in IIIIIIII ll tilt Sttllly lie liutte tutitrmtr training carried out at l.ce-on-‘I presents some ditliculties. but no one THE SOCIETY IS PARTICIPATING IN THE ‘SAVEWHILE YOU SERVE FOR A HOME YOU CAN OWN’ SCHEME Solent must bear little resemblance tot can doiiht that ll..\1.S. Ariel is a live the original. I clllcicnt and happy ship. I





H.M.S. Ariel—spirit of the air



Ri v cri SHIP










Worn togthe










The day that the their swords




Japa ese surrendered V

ALL ENEMY FORCES INTERNED (ht his article in the Jmtc i.\.ru<' ul ".\’ut'_t' i\"('ti'.\" (.'upmiIt ll’rr"_i,-lit role! of to llnitc hang and hit rip/mintrrtmr as Captain Nr_tv_y tlura-rum u] the Royal Arrprrrtitcrtrlr-lit 0/ the rurmur rlt)t‘It‘\./rlrrft 0/ the (.‘uImt_)‘.) I-2PTE.\ll‘lER 3. 1945. was it day which will long be remembered by many of the civil population on the island of Hong Kong. for on that day the_\' were able to witness the Japanese Army Forces (now disamtcd) march down to Victoria Pier. to be transponcd '.It:ross' the harbour. for internment in the prisoner of war cages at Kowloon. The general excitement had simmered down. and the local police had returned to duty as had those attached to the Dock yard. On the Kowloon side of the ltar- yard could now undertake to do minor hour. however. the Jztpancsc still had repairs. My chief cause of anxiety was now to be retained to help maintain “Law and ()rdcr"—a most curious situation. the dock. with the caisson stink in the Cdr. Palmer. Chief Construcllowever. by September 5 were sutlicicnt British military forces. tor. sent divers down who reported available. attgntcntctl by Royal j that althouglt damaged. temporary rcMarines front the Fleet. _to support‘ pair could be ctlccletl. which would the take-over of the atlmiutstration ol 3 enable it to be pumped ottt and‘ Kowloon. by Capt. J. A. S. licclcs. floated. \Vl‘lilsl this repair was being carried R.N.. Commanding Otliccr of ll..\l.S. indomitable the spoke flttent 'out a large stock of wood fuel was .lap;tnesc). He set up his headquarters obtained. and when steam was raised in the pumping station boilers the in the Peninsula Hotel. Willi the entire Japanese forces in- caisson was successfully floated. and. Rear-Admiral Harcourt reading the surrender terms. Admiral Sir Bruce Fraser is seated on the left, and in the centre is .\tajor-General Panlma Kuei. of the Nationalist China forces tcrned, it was possible to proceed with with some ditliculty. towed to a slipthe great task of rehabilitation of the way at Taikoo dockyard. North Point. whole colony and harbour installa- When the divers examined the seal Thcrc were good workshops. cr:mcs.|ammunition ni:ig:i7.ines and the com-'antmunition. naval and victualling lions. without risk of enemy action. for the caisson at the entrance of the and storcrooms. btit here again. there l mnnication centre. nccditig an armed stores. and what help could be given was no coal. bill it would be of great guard. 1 to the dockyard. H..\t.S. Resource was After the preliminary survey of the On September 9 Admiral Sir Bruce ‘ already taking care of the Taikoo yard naval dockyard. it was possible to rut: HONG KONG STORY use when power could be Fraser. C-in-C British Pacific Flect.' and it was therefore decided that Consitlcr the re-engagement of Chinese By SMALL VILSSELS DOCKEI) arrived wearing his flag in ll..\l.S. E l-l..\t.S. Artifcx. a splendidly equipped stall. As this entailed taking lingerAcross the harbour at Kowloon’ [)uke of York. Owing to the serious- .repair ship. should secure alongside Captain H. F. WAIGHT prints of every applicant and these there was another commercial yard: it E ness of the oil fuel situation he called the otitcr wall of the tidal basin and had to be checked. it was a lengthy 0.B.E., R.N., (ret.) an integral part of the dockwas quite a large one. but the largest I a conference to discuss the problem. process. In the meantintc. several dock and most of the machine shops; Oil tankers were scarce. and scattered yard organisation. hundred Coolics (men and women) it was found that the bow of a hm] hm," km,,_.yc,_[ nu.‘ 1'h,_.,c “,_.,.c;vcry widely over the ocean. It would] Hitherto. submarines. and later provided by a contractor were allot-.ed dock. Springtlale. had been bcrthcd inside the dockyard gates. to be ent- wreck fouled the cntrancc over a two other quite good-sized docks in‘ therefore take some time before a distance of six feet. bttt the salvage working condition. and. with an steady supply of fuel could be over wrecks inside the tidal basin and ployed on a day-to-day basis. had acted as boosters by supplying abundant supply of wood available. diverted to l-long Kong. The rate of pay was to be one dol- party very quickly cut it away. in addition to the naval dockyard on the pttmping station could operate. So, lcurrcnt to the dockyard power station. lar for men (abottt ls. 3d,). and 80 STORAGE TANKS SA BOTACEI) i'l'his would now be done by H..\l.S. cents for women (about Is). but the the thing Kong side of the harbour. within a short time. au.\i|i.try vessels! ‘ at were being docked. In a way this was fortunate because. i Artifcx. tltus rcleasitlg submarines and snag was. in the absence of Hong ‘was the commercial yard (Taikoo) had 3 caisson which the With the survey carried out up to although normally there were large ll.M.S. Sprintnlalc for other duties. Kong currency. ltow were they to be North Point. to the slipway was date. it was possible to Although capacity tanks available for storattc. Whilst surveys and planning were paid? Owing to a shortage of food. been towed. the with a ship on approxiinsitcly the resources available they had all been sabotaged. so the de- :taking place. the day of the ollicial they readily agreed to accept one bowl undamaged had dock. been damaged and a for docking and refitting ships. when lay in obtaining supplies gave me the surrender of the Japanese army forces of flour and one of rice per day. as a the stocks. was rapidly approaching. The ceretoken. with the promise to pay in cash large ship stink alongside the bar- once coal was available. Until it opportunity to effect repairs. ll.M.S. Montclare. wearing the flag t tttony had been fixed to take place on when currency was available. The bour jetty. 'l'o provide ctirrcnt to arrived. progress would be relatively ‘ ll“: ‘llP“‘3|)’5- 3 Submaflm W35 slow. bttt it gave myself and specialist of Rear-.-‘\dmiral Douglas Fisher. lsunday. September I6. I‘)-85. at Japanese had left large stocks of these ’0P¢|"-ilk‘ *C|5\lTL‘ll 311 31" lull-‘*9’-‘"1 PlC|'- ‘Ind lhclolliccrs time to continue the survey Rear-Admiral Fleet Train. with other :(io\-ernntcnt House. The surrender commodities in the dockyard. "C01 TI-‘Pint’ ‘h'P- H-M--9 R¢_‘m"°¥‘-.on the Kowloon side of the harbonnlships of the fleet traitt. had arrived. :was to be accepted by Rear-Admiral GREAT PROGRESS hcltalf of the ‘VH9 3Wt!"'~'d 1“ 03")’ (‘UL Wllh lhciviz. piers. jellies. electric cranes. rail- As these ships had now become te- (‘ccil llarcourt. on the of the re- way cltgiltcs. boats. fuel tanks and dttndant a conference was held on 'Hrlli§ll (iovcrnnieltt. and Atlmiral Sir salvage party. Sutlicient supplies of diesel oil were aid far of this as it yard. as other installations. On Stone- board ll..\l.S. .\tontclarc to discuss :l3ruce Fraser. Commander-in-Chief. fortltcoming front fleet auxiliaries to habilitation ;many availwith (To be umlinmal) equipment l\l'.llltl tltcrc \\ C TC l.trgc,ways and mc:ms of disclt;u'gingi cuttcrs keep the power station in the dock- ‘was possible. yanl in action. lt therefore became able. possible to test all electrically At the back of llong Kong was operated machinery and supp ly a i: situated the Aberdeen dockyard.inunder fact. reasonable amount of lighting. Cdr. Admiralty control. This yard. Natslt and l.ieut.-Cdr. (F.) .\lcl)on;ild « had been enlarged and improved by were making great progress. It was 1 the Japanese. It had two small docks. possible at the end of one week's‘ but only one caisson. The docks could occupation to declare that the dock- take a destroyer and smaller craft. “



thcrelccntre. ‘



generated.‘ i







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Annual Conferéncef .





‘in I961 still held and an increase in subscriptions was inevitable. 'l‘hc dent's recommendations would be sent Ill’-I twenty-fifth Annual Confer- to all branches by the end of Septemence of the Royal Naval Associa- ber. ‘UNlTY‘FORGOTTEN tion was held on June 23. 144 delegates Sir I-‘rederiel: went on to say that being present. After the delegates had stood in as a Vice President of the Association silence for one minute in memory of and as president of an Area. he had shipniatcs who had "crossed the bar." listened to many discussions and it Shipmate Charles Wheeler. No. l Area appeared that too many had forgotten Nritional Council .\iembi:r welcomed the word "unity" in our motto. "We tlte delegates to London and he hoped are all on tltc same side." he said. "and that they would take advantage of tltc ,eonstriietis'e eritieisiti should be welarrangements itiade by the No. l. L‘. iconied." He hoped that the conference would be carried otit.. and (I areas. ideliberations Shipmate Fraitl; \\’.idc. i\'.itional :itl this light. without personal differ("otineil (liairman told the conference iences ohsetiriitg the main object of that owing to the continued ill health the conference. of the President of the Association. 1 The chairman of the Standing 1 Ailiiiiral Sir .-‘llexander Miiddcit. Ad- ,()rders (’oinniittee reported that 38 miral Sir l'redericlt R. Parliaiti would ;nintions had been received. of which i it!» had been accepted. Of the three preside. iinolions of urgency received nonc Sir l-rederiek's first duty was to intri-duce Sir (jlillord U. Jarrett. the were accepted for debate. of the Central London branch of the Royal .\'aval Association was attended by I95 The annualand dinner.-and_dance Secretary to the Adiniralty. who. in I The election for .\aiioital Council sliipniates their friends. A good band and entertainers iiiadc the cu-ning a very successful one. (Photo.opening the conference. said what a Members for Areas 1. 3. 4. 5 and I4 I Crainc. Roche & Co.. 30 Chiltern Street. London. \\'.I) as fo|losv.s: Number 1 Area. privilege and honour it was to do so. Sir ('litl'ord hoped that he would be lshipmatc (‘. Wheeler: .\'o. 3 Area. as acceptable to the conference as was Shipmate A. Legg: Nix 5 Area. Shiphis distinguished predecessor. Sir John ;m.ite ll. Brandorn; No. 4 Area. ShipLang. He said that the Board of Ad- mate 1. .\la_s'; No_ 14 Area. Shiprnate iniralt\' was sscll aware of the :icIisi- (‘. .\laxwe|l. the ('hairui;in'_s report its‘ circulated ties of the Royal i\‘a\a| Associatioii. ; to the delegates was carried. and. add- i(‘oa.staI Branch of the Royal woiild_ at least, hate been .\I-ZW SHAPE OF N.-\\’\' his l-‘. Wade to report Shipmate ‘Association and it is beeoiiiiiig in- ;Ipp|'(‘|pri;|l|.'_ He referred :o the new shape of the ing had that Trust reported the_l-‘iaser ‘fl,_.,,.5;“21_,- char "ml um _“,ung._.r Navy and its new ships :iitd new 1.-mule Ihrcr children. nine S'l‘.-\.\'l).-\Rl) i)t:t)i(‘A’rios' prams to ‘generation is mm shiissing an interest‘. rnaterials‘. Our lirst guided missile ship Associatioii. ‘from the N:iv;il Royal and he-coming members. "p m.“ .| r ,_. a d-in n U ''n d Sm". .-.1 " ,“m Si"m|‘”d d"d"‘”'“"phm 3”‘ was in \Ct'\tCt.‘ and the new general three children about The first were to. \'i.5A ftheR ll\'-'-l ; ; ;.. ; purpose fri-ale. ll..\l.S. Ashanti. h.id "i" ‘ i recently saied up the 'lh.imes using l d pas-tiirbiitc en-giites and being navimviitg to the contractor niect- ; in‘-itation is extended through “,\'a\-y i |l'l't‘- 1'-_‘iS¢\‘s find Illflflnfl"10-‘it-' l"¢‘*'-‘"3 115l'~‘m- R-N- (|’¢‘|Il-ls gated b_\ iniIir'ct control. ling with tiiiaiteial ilitlieiilties. but the .\'i:ws" to branches in other areas who I km. “on M, in all new ships the conifort and happiness of the ship's eompatty ssas ‘.i.mnn Mldiu,“ P ‘another i.ontr.ietor.is ready .ind able. putt er an ac .i wood li e. -_ and two coiisideration. of know those intending to be present llrandon. ;. major \It‘t-‘-tm'3~||it'||lS. ".\l-any you." ‘to c;|rr_\‘ on with the work sslicn the 110 1 NEH) ‘L R“"" 3'“! Lhe continued. "would hardly recognise i SPPPORT. branch solicitor gives the word. .0" ".'Cl"R5 l3"'P""“'5 bl‘ -'\l't1l|5l '51; was not puggiblc [hie ‘\‘(-;|r for the ; .\le(imsan. a lighting ship in-board. No hamthe oficmd The ‘O ghipnmms .l.lShCll in is report said‘ rr.oc'ss. and meals supplied from a mate l.. ______ibianch to be present at the anniiall Before the dinner a t_elegraiti that sent to Her .\l;l]CSly espresstafeteria." poi"; CL-rc,mm3,-_ mgungccd mch : had ; . ‘Spurn 1 rmm ml (cominum with the advance of science the at notet :i certain ac‘ o iiscip ll‘lC‘ ;3,-¢;.,- by [gun Amt (',;m.,h\. flnn~h--_'lllt_.' l e area's continued loyalty. and rfltciettcv oi‘ the Ro_\al .‘-'~\‘y. had at some nieetiiigs. ll_e asked the ii_iein- Wlieelcr who presented the Pensions ‘hm wmr ygmm-h {on}, tL‘P|)' Trnttt the Queen. were read to },'l('illl_\' iticreasetl and. in p;issin_e. he. 3..-.-s to support their elected oflieers Stlit-(it\ttllllllis't.'v report. Sliipinate M113 “,,_.;,m_ for “h;._.h',h,_. “mum of the ;|\\L‘n'|b||:d 5hipm;.icc~_ The |.._\;.] s.-.:d he had noticed that although the local and tlitlltlvll-ti. lhesc otlicers are \_\'heeler stated it “as sery necessary n[;,,_~yh;,|i gc nu-mi;-d_ itoast was proposed by ('apt. H. J. The |_;,d;¢,' 3.-d,'..,, ,_-..n;;m,,_-,~ in Mtirphy. R.N. fretd.). president of the iii.iin strength of the T\‘.iv_\' had de- doing. voliintarily. a job for the ,-\sso- ior br.iucltes' to :ts.‘(]l.l.ttlll‘lld;ttlqll:ll’lCl\< ireased. the nicmhcrsltip iii the Royal ciation and nientbers should seek to ’o{_their_henevolcnee actisilies; 1",;,kc progfcsg and rm-cm“. hr-|d _-, Aidebiirgh Branch. to the lhunblc ml‘: which “.;,];,;cd {'3 17s_ (,d_ After dinner a presentation W33 \'.is.il .-\ssoci.itioii had. albeit only help them_. _l’ut into practice onelected lite tollowing \\’_ere hoard discipline and you will soon Standing Orders‘ ( oiitiiiiltee for the d:ghtl_s-_ iii-;re;ised. u ‘my “Sc!-“I “ddmm, 10 me fund‘. ‘(vfimimmy on page ”‘w|__” S.\\-'. ;\‘i.s-on. ellicieiit and and hate areas Sliipmate ensiiiiig happy _\ear: In eottcliisiott Sir (iiliord assiited loud lhe 'or.in;hes. it. was \ihipni.:te .\l.ij.. lll.:lil.il'Il. Sec:ct.irj.'s report the coritcretice oi" the sii;\;to:t .i1‘.il .";'sl wishes lor the ftitiire ::o:ti tiic lti~.i.'d accepted. as was that oi .\'hipi::.ite (‘. \liip:ii.itL' 1'-“L livfitilh‘-’1~ Md 5i“l" nt.i:e llates. (fro_\di\it. I('iiittiiiued in col. 3 E ii.‘ .'\d:iiir.il:\'. in the ptesidetttial .iddres.. .-\dtIi'::‘.ii 8'-r lreilcici. l’.irhani rezerred to the l’:es:dent's adtlress List year sasing that he had spoken to Admiral .\l.idden. .-\ilinir.il .\ladden. told Admiral l’.irha:n that the reniarks made *


EPROGRESS 1:-".:.’:.'.. 'i:.°":;:*


AT BLACKHALL Presentation .53T5%%.2“ii§.i;';"..22?‘3'23£‘i"l§.3f5?i“J'1iff.iZat No, 5 Area





lidelaycd i.';id‘i.‘]:lt.i‘t‘i ;i"s”ui\

,(_".( cmn,i'nM.m{l'x j " r “[1l,m:'';“_r.[m.‘ " hr.L":y:‘L.‘L2:_.r‘f.i:::{‘i -|—“§mm.r {.‘\m.I:.m] .














\l\lL|i‘\l '[t].‘t|h ”lii,icii”niiiilii*LdiL:‘\”i\-"’*‘I"‘fl_"'l'-"1 '35” l’“'¢":;::'a9‘Bf.':"l;:' “¢|' ° d(-3l"i_ l h ' ,; '













l(f(‘l l!lC|l. Sliiphe lhad ‘s‘l?l t.‘(l l‘l';l \L‘l 1t.‘§{ll'ltlra’rc.'is i nd Ilhe Seer:-t\ary of

















l i

l i

V ice-Admiral Sir



inking the salute. 'l‘lie We) mouth

branch is led by (Photo.—-ll. H. Bell)

Twenty-nine Standards at Weymouth Dedication csperieneed the vents" in deep waters.

Capt. R, l.. .\laeltenLie-Edwards.

i Vice-.-\ilittir:il Sir Sidney Raw. ] C.lt.. aim is President of the

,l\'.ll.l-2.. :


National Siihiiiarine Old



Assoeiatioit. attended by Rear-Admiral 3 ll. 3. .\lacl»;en/ic. Rear-.-‘\dittiral II. R. 1 l_.i\v. O.B.l3.. D.S.C.. Flag Ollicer Sea i ‘l raining and the .\layor of \\'e_\'- i tiioiitlt. Alderman W. Ii. \\'.ird. J.l’.. tools‘ the salute at the marelt past. led ‘by the Weyntotitli branch of the .-\ssociation under the leailersliip of its President. ('apt. R. l.. .\laelten/ielidssards. (‘.l3.l-2.. l.P.. RN. About 500 members and guests were entertained to tea in the Sidney Hall. ssherc they acre aiiersvarils addressed by Capt. .\laekenzie-Edssard.s. who ,

hiiinaii eiiiotiiitis esperienceil \\lll1 the dedication of a Standard of the “Riilini: on the Submarine ()ld ('omradcs Assoeiatioii is of deep signilieaiiec. and it brings them in close spiritual ties ssith those eoitirailes who "Failed to surface." lhis occasion sias presented in the ‘and the \\'e_\'moiiili branches of the ili-ilic.itioiioi the Staiidaril oi the \\'cy~ British Legion t.\len). the British inoiith branch of the Association sshieli legion (Women). Royal Air Forces took place on May 20. ;."\ss‘ociatioit. the Associaition of Twenty-itiite Standarils ‘scrc on 'W.R..\‘.S.. the British Red Cross parade. eomittg from the Submarine Soeiet_s and the Sea Cadet Corps. Uld (‘omrades Assoei:itiort.s of Dorset. London. lissex. Portsntouth. (‘lichen- \‘I<‘t?-M>WRM- TOOK S»\I«U'I'Fliatn and West Midliinils. the Royal. ‘llie parade was headed by the band iiuclentent ivcatlter. The weather preNaval Associations of Weyinoiith. of the ‘loyal Marines. Portsmouth. the Royal Marine Band from in Portland. and the held service. llridport. Bridgisater. Holy 'l’rini't_v beating "Retreat." Portsmouth. Salisbury. Shcrborne. Church. was conducted by the In spite of this dis:ippointment. Triiro. Tssickenhani. Fromc and Venerable S. A. Plaion. Archdeacon however. everyone was in great spirit. Yeos-il. the Royal Marine Associations of Wiltsliirc. assisted by the Reverend which is always the case when "Old of Poole and Bournemouth. Ports- 1. Fulton. .\t.A.. Chaplain. Royal Ships" meet. mouth anil Torbiiy. the White Ensign Navy. of ll..\l.S. Osprey. The lesson The Parade .\larshal ssas Lieut. F. Associations of Bath. Bournemouth was read by Rear-Adriiiral ll. S. Triekey. Royal Navy. of Il.M.S. and Christchurch. and Exmouth. the .\laelten7.ie. l).S.O.. l)..‘5.C.. Flag iosprey, who did a remarkably line Dorset Ex-R.N. and R..\t. Association, ()lliecr Submarines. ijob_ 0 those ssho lttive





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Home again after years in the Mediterranean H.M.S. Sea Devil to pay off l)e\il——"S" Clitss, _suhniaritie. 850 tons. S2 oliicers‘ aitd inen——is home from the .\lediterniuean. Ciittititziniled by Lietil.-Cdr. R. G. lleiislip. R..\'.. she arrived at the It Sulmiarine llase at Gosport on June 4 to pay oll before disposal. Althoiiiih one of a famous wzirtinte Cl.iss of hoals Sea Devil jtist iiiissed the l.t\l war; having been commissioned in April 19-35. and heing in .\l.tl:.i on her way to the Far l-last on, \‘-J l);iy. She \\as conimandetl then‘ Ivy l.ieiit. D. W, Mills. D.S.C.. R..\'.. How Coniniander of the .\laltalvased depot strip /\iisonia—iliis liappy coirtcidence giving rise to :1 unique “I-"its! and Last" dinner in Sea Devil recently. ..\'l..‘i.


LONG SPELL IN MED. .\l;rlta was to prove a happy home for the "Devil." as she returned in April I954 and has been based there ever since. becoming a well-known name in the Mediterranean. On lug after eight years she had the longest unbroken spell of .\tediterranean Service of any llritish warship there. and her crest of a l)evil's head breathing tire can be seen somewhere in almost every t\lediterrancan port. "S" Class submarines fought a heroic battle in the Mediterranean in the last war. but with the passing of Sea l)evi| there is now only one in

Vice-Admiral Henderson The sinuous pattern made by H.M.S. Sea Devil aptly features the isuhmarine's name.

operational service. Their open conning towers have given way to the

lcav-I sleek


tins of the fast post-war subiiiarines. Sea Devil was the first it is hoped not the last llrilish warship of her

unveilinii conamemontive stone at

H..\I.S. Excellent


opening of the

Amrourt-rs‘ School at


‘WE CANNOT AFFORD LINES OF DEMARCATION IN SHIPS OR IN TRAINING’—ADMIRAL pleased training{using Navy today ships New Armourers’ School at training. training already unveiling Whale Island building. Admiral went



to see this

say. "l

most of weapon am

inaintcnance in Whale lsland. In the of we cannot allord name. lines of demarcatiott in or in We have started the of weapon After a commemorative coinprehensivc The Home Air Command Naval inechanicians to enable them to mainstone on the front of the Dratiia Festival for 1962 was won by Admiral Henderson and the senior lain both surface and underwater the Royal Naval Air Station. weapons and it will be from the ll raivd y. lCl-I-ADMIR.-\[. N. 5. Henderson. otlicers inspected the interior. armourers trained in this school that of Director-General 0.8.1-3.. C.B., weapon mechanieian candidates will MODERN FACll.l'l'IES \ Training. opened a new Armourers' The new school is of single-storey emerge." School at H.M.S. Excellent on May 31. Referring to his inspection of CerePrior to the opening ceremony. construction with a workshop floor tuotiial Divisions, the r\dniiial said. Admiral Henderson inspected Cere- area of 4.300 sq. ft. and provides “Whale Island is still the envy of the monial l)iv'Lsions and look the salute modern facilities for 120 seanian Navy as far as siiiartiicss. drill and armoiirer ratings trained for semiat the march past. training is concerned. and I :riii sure maintenance sltilled duties on sseapon D.S,('.. G. Wells, J. Captain Capt. this new school will play its part in of ll..\l.S. lixcellent. presided at the installations. The old school. which maiiitaitiing this liigli .si;indard." He to the new. is a condemned opening ceremony and introduced stands next concluded hy complitnenting the :\dmiral l-lenderson to ‘the senior building and will be deuiolislied. l‘ortsiitottlli l\';ivy \\'orks' Departtiieiit otlicers present. including Rearon the \'plL'llLlltl design of the hiiiltlimz NEW 'l'R.\lNl.\'(} P0l.l(‘\' (lllltfll Sl;tlI ,-\dn)ir;t] S_ l)u\\¢il'. and the up—lo-date laciltties it Otlicei t |‘eelinie.rli to the (kuiiitiztiitierv 1 ln :1 speech followiiig the openitri: prositletl. .iii-( Incl. l’oilsinouth‘. (':rpl. ll. ll. cereriioity. .-\tliitii.il llL'lltlL‘l~0ll \.|l\l ‘l'()(ll..'s' l‘RlvISl-I.\"l'l-II) ‘lluglies, t'.tpl;tiii ot |l,\l.S. ('oliiti;.--‘ that the new \Ch<‘l‘l etsiiicitles unit the ()n contpletion of the opening cere‘wood’. and Mr. A. l:'. tliatieiton. adoption of a new ltaltlitli: policy tor .\lanar_.:er. l’ortstiioiilli Navy Works .-\rmourer raliiigs‘ in that ssliereas in iiiony Admiral lleuderson was prethe past all seamen gtitiiiery ratings :\i.'llit‘tl with a set of tools made by l)ep.'irttnetit. ‘l he opeiiin:.: ceremony was preceded were trained as armourers. in future; .tllllt\tll‘s‘l~'i under training and tlieir he a slioit t.-ligious setsice coiidticted. only :i selected 30 per cent. would he‘ insti rieloi :5. by the Rev. \\'. ll. S. (.'li.rpinaii. ‘trained. I-’ttrtlieriiioi'e. this policy The .-\t.Imiralt_v's _\'ictiiallin_t: Depot ()_li.l-2,. .\l.:\.. (ll;tpl.lll’l of ll..\l.S. 3 would he L'\l.L'llt.lL'\l to the lT.\\'. ratiiiizs liseellent. coneliitliug with the hlessiiig and a selected propoition \\Utlltl he at (‘ltaiidlers Ford is to be clos.-tl on of Sea Devil .sliorll_v before the Mlllrllilrlflt.‘ left .\lalta. of the liiiiltliiig. ‘siIiiila.'|_v trained in this school. 'llie' .S:pte:iihcr 30. .



(lllicers and









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\l:i_\ General \lct:lilt;: til’ the (‘ht-lli.-nhzmi and West .\litl|;tntl-i hrzmrh



in ..i:rr not an

I- \' I’. (‘t-utxr. It


2‘: nl -.:~.:c:r\: in .-\npl:..ml\ in ltmm lll.|l Ills

til the Sulmitirine Old ('miIr;ules /\\\t)t.‘l‘.lll(lnmus ti ucll-tiltemletl lutteliiiit t.~mx-.lm I‘ nratls Hi’; manned hy |'et\.innrl :.-..-xi inc Rm..t .\'.n). Ann1i..in:\ slwiitil it \\l|l(‘lI mu ilistinutiislit-tl by the visit made to the branch by l.icttl. J .(‘. B-.t\t¢-r. run! .it'.II lll rt.-xstuitln ill .I stttrtnl IJtt\i:‘.L' l'..’~i.\‘.. uhn. ml hehztll til’ the ('mnItl'.II1tlin:.: Oflieer and sliip'.~. eunip:in_\ til’ \(llAC. ll :\ '.\\€nl|.ll that all :.'ii-\r .nx.\=ilct:r‘-L" [31‘\illI‘n shniikl be keen llfl .l sales (‘alert l'.§.S. .-\ltrah:im Lineuln hail ni:nle lhe lung journey from Holy Lueh in l"c rc-ttmrd alter their: ms m;-5‘ in r‘&'t:v<l :0 c.iu)- nut Rcl;cl l)u:xr\ present to the branch a! ship's crest and phtllfllll”-lvh 0f hi‘ *Ub|l|1|l'lfl<'1 M an (ill-l,i..en.: sliln .\l.in.u-rt |,ieut, Baxter is the .\li:ilic;tlOllieer ldeseriptiun of the space .'l\.'|llLllVlt.' for h it .I toot! mniniencine \.i!.ir\ »:nrr:.‘:rr math .1 l‘cn\mn. nlm mmniiuiun. and ((inlil ('re\\) til’ U.S.S. Abraham l.in- l hunks. etc. tree Inine .i;uvm:1im!.uiuti. ‘Ill-inc vino are cvln aml his sisit and the pI'L‘\L'l'll;lll0l‘l The ('liellcnh.1m branch has many‘ imcrntnl should rcuuui an Ant-lir.i:mn l‘-‘rm

Electronic Instrument Mechanics Opportunities

exist for men possessing a good basic knowledge of valve and transistor electronics to carry out fault diagnosis, repair, test and calibration in the advancing field ol


nuclear electronic instrumentation. Applicants should have several years experience of electronic equipment servicing but a good basic l-<nowlcdgc_ enthusiasm and ability to learn new techniques are equally important. Much of the equipment is of new design and. where appropriate, training will be given to successful applicants. Married men living beyond daily travelling distance may be eligible for housing and this will be determined at time of interview. A lodging allowance is payable whilst waiting for housing. Working conditions are good and include sick pay and pension schemes. An application form may be obtained by sending a post card quoting your name. address and the reference EL/INST/NAT to the

iIndutil1leill_\ the highlights of mlmtograplis antl interesting sum-enirs iron: the Galleon \\'ine ('unin.uiy- limited. (ll.Ifl1l‘{'Y\, 3: lnnau .\qu.ue, Lundun, lhe evening. He was llllpI’t,‘\st.'Ll both in its heatlqtturlcrs and recent‘ Ilnmu .l'._l, by the evidence of the rapid griwrtli ':|t.l(llll0l‘I\‘ include :1 crest and photo-l oi the branch and the illlcrcslillg ex- graph of H..\l. Submarine Odin. :1 .\llSCELLANEOUS llllVll\ in the eltthrmvm. crest from ‘l'hernmp_vlae. :i plmtuitraph lhe ch;iitm;in of the branch. .\lr. lrnnl Rorqiml and a crest from the. ACE lIRI\'l,\'(3 scmmt. ntlrr r‘on.~en-...mi‘ i('mIr\c and .\I 0.1‘. ll‘\l. lur ilime nith \hi‘l'l uete


.-\ssoci:iliun at Le llavre. A. T. Warne. thanked Lienl. Baxter i \l.Ii hcrt: «penal lrtm\. KM)-;iV-ynti-7e.irt1. (ul[vi the \[\lCll(ll(l crest aml. its .: eeslure , Visits have been made in the Welslt ? lewnn trum Shin or llarracks. Otulilicd Instrucon l):l.Il tlinzmzled llillman and A Jr) can I‘l the l\r.ineli‘s .inpicei;ilmn. he pre- .hr.ineh and in the new llirminghani n.rc .\ m -‘I rim till t‘.mlill R-uul. .\‘ta.-in sented lieut. ll;i\ter. “ltu hail l‘-ten hraticli. and the branch Slaridartl nus l‘.~'rsn~..~ii:h. lrl. 02752. \X r in cunzmllrxl :.i\n. 2-I-hum l('l\'l\’€ llll.Illllll|\ll\l_\’ elected an liutiurary in L‘\l(lCl‘lL‘t.' built at the lztnneh of U lrl. ..snil-:x'.h Hit: .1 lrvm lmn), nieml‘i:r til the l\r;inell_ with his lapel .ll..\l, StIhtii;ititie Ocelot and at the ('. H. l"'.R\ \Hl) LII). art .if\\.:\~ i~.:i|;:e and lllcllll‘L‘r'~lllD cartl. ll ix he- iledicatiun til" the Dorset hrancli Stan-. h.ir~..'u in .l-.-nnlrr&' 5().V.‘\' n:tt.h.uinx: srmntl-h.ii~.il licveil that Lienl. ll.i.\ler is the tits! _tl.inl at \'.'e_xim>iitIi. :\\\r'nf( mm m \l:illt\ul i\lIlI|!<, and any tltli.¢-is ‘ vmlmie in u-ll sliuuld tune in the llt'\l in :.m.c The hrzineh has [‘H‘\t.‘lllC|l plmlu-2 fut «e:ting_~ l'nitetl States .\'a\y nllic-.'r to i .\n:!i.i llwuxr. l|.uui;h. lucx. Ill II‘ ‘J1! hu|il' this tll\llllI.'llt\lI. Nasal Ports in kU71iJ\'s the lt‘..il l\r.in.h the 'l‘.S. ('lieltcnh;im to ~er.u\lis l‘fi.t.‘(|‘(.'\l' RllllStD\s'. shins [Lnl nr rite,-~cnt, I‘!-d I..iler. lieul. B;i\ler e.'l\'e :1 shu:l (‘;iilet~.) \\'lIlL'll slimlltl help in .'ultl ll’ ratlt. \!I|[‘.\' .rn:\ umuiucs). an» uni;-ii. hill cmiipreliensive lull. un his sult- ‘truly n.iutical ll.i‘-'mlr lu ils lIL':ILl-lIv rd r...:: llI.a/er luden tune I‘! ct-,‘.vu:nl l \l\lI .ir h.id:rx. metal ttlir.‘miitml_ H _u!|.i iilarinc and his Lilk \I.".l\ illiislraletl h\ ‘qttatlers. l or -en in ..v'«-tired en;-ntcl. mrnn’eir mzh liz'~t‘lllt.' ewellent Pillllplllfils uhieh he l'.v\l.tlIC en GRllNiIl.’R(}I|'\. \, :3 ml i. (_l:lEf:| \-.rec!. I‘-it ‘fltllllh ills description \\;is 3 1.-.iw: in members. Admiral visits Shellands










Labour Department. A.E.E. Winlrilh. Dortliesler, Dorset


Il(Il'\l'.ll0lll I'll-'|'I>C('T. r\.\l) lI\(2(2 HSIT surnl, miurtl and rucltd .I-'\|] \hlD|‘-{Kl \\h :r

L'\ll'L'lllCl)‘ ellli_elili:tlitl;.'. Ill". I-'l:t:: Ollieer Scotland. Rear- .\ t.- l'.l, lill lumlnn R-nul. .\av::li ltd :he \.lFlI‘lI'~ items of spci.'i.ili~-.'tl equip’ ; Adttiiral A. R. Hctlcl. (.'.B.. l).S.(). ]ll.'l.I:t‘n, i'l~mni.vu:h l'hu::c n€.'.‘l ment to he found in xuhinarines til’ the } ll(|l'\I'. l'l'R('II\§I". .-\n ideal \.hetre for .-\br.ih.im lincnln lj-'[1k'.;llltl the life on ‘and Bar. l).S.('.. visiletl the Shetland‘ llll‘\\‘ Zn.-kt.-is' .i.‘tc.id I00‘. _td\.in.r .i!'.n ihrrr l"(‘.llll. p.irlicttl;irlv nit those long silh- Islands during June. He left "1 r’s:.u:r\ trt :d scan ..: ltI\\ l.I!t.‘ nl inierc-t \\'rx:c 'l:e .i:h I-V! it-.itlrt “|!:c tit urn: ILSLS. .\l:ileolm l(.'dr. im-r_-.-ctl L‘|'l.li\L‘\ which were an essen- jun hmirtl J\uu:ri!' the |'ri\\idrnt lile AwnIlnmr tial upelatiutt in modern \lll\l‘ll:tl’lllL‘ .\l. A. 'l'ihb_\'. R.N.) on June I2 and .i.itmn nl lundun l.:d 2-34. ll: htiineatt. sertice. arrhed all l.er\\icls lhc folltming I nndnn. l: (' 2 \\\’\I. |l\RH \CK\'. PORTSROYAL 'l he zmtenilies ;i\‘;til;ihle for the ntnrnintz. \IUl?lI|. 1hc stnrv lmm hull.‘ in present d.l\\ .\l.ileulm left for lishery protection Pm: '7 Ml, tliu.u‘n.ihlc tnvm Gale .\ Puldrn crew \\'crc must llYl|'ll'C\\l\'k‘.and those and cuycretl







Pnu tree. with nienmries oi‘ the snnicwhal duties on Julie M. hill the ¢’\(ln'll!£ll l.xd l'tl-nhnreh Road. Pnmmnuih.and Natal t)!Ticcr'\ Sword uuitu in \\'A5'll-‘ll, for Li two-tl:i;.' informal visit. ;-...x' ernwtletl izretv-spaces in the W5. l.‘s mrzdiziim. -I)euils in that NIL 32 ‘'.\'.in and others were astunndctl by the returning lu Rnsyth hy air on June in. sun," R..\'. llatt.n.lu, Porlsrn-iuth, .







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Vacancies for Constables exist in the Admiralty Constabulary. Initial appointment will be on temporary basis with prospects of permanent and pensionable scrvicc. Commencing pay 0' entrants is £550 a year, with nine annual increments of £25. making a total of (775. After I7 years‘ service .1 lurthe: increment of (25 is awarded making a final total 0‘ £800 a year Uniform and boots are provided. There are good prospects 0 promotion. Candidates must be of exemplary character between II and 48 years ol age, at least 5‘ 7' in he:ght (bartfeet), and of British nationality. Prior to appointment they will be required to pass a medical examination and an educational test (unless holding a Service Certificate 0‘ Education). Educational tests are held quarterly in Portsmouth. Dcvonport and Rosyth: and at Londonderry, Northern ireland.

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Annkrss I ni¢‘hi.u' Iirtmrirli mmir_v uri1'¢‘r//-mm] arzirrlclirqiir u.'I'Iu- Sn. l=rr'n_t: 1: mhtnipriuii /or I2 i_um-5. im'lm.'in:; pitstzlgr Carilritrrrcc. l-\lnIlll1l II IH('INIlt"’ nf R.N .-lruu i'iitz'im. plnmr shite linimh .





July. 1962



Three years’ Search for plates which once belonged to Lord Nelson

TUBGRG ton taste in layer


fax. l\'ova Scotia. on (1th September. I939. It .s-.-eins that the black boxes that these were stowed awa_v in were probably OR the past three years the Senior Supply Oflieer of the Royal i\'av:il returned to England after the llarraeks. Portsmouth. has been engaged in endeavouring to trace a number war. but inquiries in llalifax and of silver dinner plates which once belonged to Vice-Adniiral l.ord Nelson. Ottawa and in the United King'l’oent_v of the 23 plates—-now over I60 years old——have been found. doiu have not produced any the followed over the statements were wotild that It scent plates were up dclinite trace of them. voluminous and Lord correa to originally a presentation very ye:-rs if any rcatlcrs‘ can throw any light with many carried of how on record Nelson. but a they came spondence upon the whereabouts of the missing. retired found. ollicers. be authorities. could his pensioner plate they are requested to inform the’ into not possession \'ariuu.s survivors of and the It was at lirst thought ships Senior Supply Otlicer. Royal Naval plates were ratings wlicrethe been and the that had sunk. a presentation to l.ord Nelson by llarracks. Portsmouth. Borough of Portsinoiitli. but no trace abouts‘ of 20 of the plates‘ have now It is of interest that His Honour of any such presentation could be been establislied delinitely to be as Judge Block Iias very kindly lent to found. either by the Admiralty or by follows: llritannia Royal i'aval Col- ll..\l.S. Hermes a very similar plate. the Portsmouth authorities. lege. Dartmouth: Adrniralty House. which bears the following inscription: In I895 the plate.s.whieh had been in t’l_vmouth: Victory Museuin: H.r\l.S. "lltts Plate is one of a set which was the Lord Bridport Collection. Were Pembroke: ll..\l.S. Venus; ll..\l.S. preseincd by the Committee appointed soltl and subsequently they were Drake; (‘.-in—(‘.. Allied (‘hanriel to manage the Subscription raised at; ()tlices'. R..\.R. Division. Carditl‘. l.loyd's for the benelit of the Wounded acquired by a Mr. Osborne lii l‘ll5 .\lr. ()'llagan presented the R.f\‘. College. (ire.:nwich (two plates): and the Relatives of those Who were 23 plates to the Navy League on con-i ll..\l.S. l.ion'. l-l..\l__S‘. Sea Eagle: R.N. killed in the bombardment of (‘openrlitiou that the Navy League raised the: 'l'roph_v Store: l-l..\l.S. St. \'iiicent'. hagen on the 2nd April. l80l. to Vice RN. Barracks‘. Ports- .-\dmiral Lord Nelson. ls'.ll.. Duke of sum of 2.300 giiineas which was to be; Wardrooin. given in equal proportions to the‘ mouth‘. ll..\l.S. Dolphin; ll..\l.S. llronte etc.. in testimony of his brilBritish Red (‘ross Society and thei lliundcrer; ll..\l.S. Vernon: Royal -liant and gallant conduct during the Order of St. .lohii of Jerusalem. In thei .-‘tustralian Navy: and the Cunard‘ whole of that nicmorablc .-\ction." event rather more than that sum was Steamship Company Board Room. raised and was so distributed. MISSING I’I.A'l'I:'.S NA\'Y G1-ITS Tlll~Z.\I The following is the position conIn NI‘) the Navy l.cague_pre‘s;-ntetl; cerning the ttllSSll|g three: one dinner plate e:icli to 23 presented to l-l..\l..'s'. ships. m:iinly those which were flag- ti) Originally Courageous. It is feared that this ships at the surrender of the (ierrnan mtist have been lost when the (Continued from page It. column 5) Iligh Seas l-‘leet. The actual ships ship was torpedocd on l7th Sep- A few days after our return to which received these plate». were: tember. W3‘). as there is now no Il..\l. ships Queen lili/abcth.Revenge. of any of the trophies! llodeida. having had to anchor in the record of a violent sandIron Duke. lntlcsiblc. Rcpulse. Birmwhich to that ship still' bow (‘anal because belonged storni. a signal was received stating ingham. King (ieorge V. llarliam. in existence. being (‘arilitl’. Marlboroiigh. Calliope. Herthat l was to be discharged to .-\den, ll..\l.S. to (it) presented Originally cules. l.ioii. Conragcoiis. (‘oh-ssiis. | without relief to iiwait passage to the allocated and later .\larlborough Miinitaiir. Orion. (‘I-eopgitra. linipcror United Kingdom. For I'll) part it was This \"ernon. H..\l..‘s'. was‘ to of liidia_ (‘h:itliam_ l.ord Nelson. Sydgood news but my consciciice \\;is safe for in stored custody ‘orely troubled :it leaving the ship's ney and Carmaiiia. andl Portsmouth in depository three noticed When it was some company in such a way. Theirs‘ was a in was unfortunately destroyed records of the grim prospect. The Turks had years ago that the Blitz in l‘)-tl. the the Port of in the plates wliereabouts surrendered so it was just a m:ittcr of l-l..\l.S. to incom(iii) Originally presented Trophy Catalogues were very 5m,“-in; "jg n;.g_ is that the known It Rcpulsc. plete and inaccurate. a search was more valuable trophies of H.M.S. begun. RETURN TO UK. were landed for safe Rcpulsc As a daily service had been establ-'¢\l.Sl-I TRAILS custody to the Naval Store lished between Aden and llodeida I Olliccr. l'l..\l.(‘. l)oek_v:trd. llaliMany false trails and misleading was soon on passage and was traits‘lericd to a ship about to sail from Aden to United Kingdom. On arrival at Marseilles. I secured a passage overland via Paris and Calais to Dover, where I arrived on February I8. I91‘). I proceeded to report to the .-\dmiralt_v. where l was informed that l was to report to the ;\'ava| College at Greenwich where I ought to have been some weeks earlier. This news came as rather a shock. I was in need of rest as my vitality was rather low, but 1 was only allowed 24 hours to go home and


By appointment to the Royal Danish Court, the Royal Swedish Court and the Royal Greek Court u-..‘.lm,.:.:,




Sailors in the





Greenwich. My luck was out. I reached Greenwich the following night in a snowstorm. A taxi was not av;iil'.ible. so l trudged to the college with ni_v luggage return to

my shoulder. guided by a friendly policeman. The hall porter directed me to my room. which I was to sliare with another otlicer. Ilow pleased l was to be greeted. at that early hour. by l.tctllt:lt;|lll \\’hiblc_v. who had. in his early days been Adniiral llcatty's messenger, and later the co.\swain of his barge. We had much to talk about in the days ahead. but :it the moment I needed sleep. for within a few hours I would commence intensive study.




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RI-II-'l.l-ZC'l‘l()i.\'S With the war over. 1 had been :ihle. during my passage horiie. to retlcct upon the part played by the Royal .\':iv_\'. Our ships were vastly superior in iiiiiiibers. but the (ieimans had built their ships for a battle which would probably t:ike place in the .\'ortli Sea. which method. taken ship :tor ship_ gave them an advantage as deiiionstratcd at .liit|and. The (iernians had also realised the trcriieridoiis stirkiiig power of the Submarine. whilst the British ideas of AntiSubniarine Defeiice were cleinciitar_v. and night actions‘ at sea had not been seriously considered. 'l he British Empire (as it then was) had to thank God for the tenacious courage of all olliccrs and ratings and their devotion to duty in action. It was due to this. that the morale of the personnel of the German High Sea Hcet was completely shattered. and brought about its surrender on November 2t. 1918. How proud the nation should be of those who served in the Royal i\'avy in those far oil




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