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GIFTS For the

discerning man appreciative lady. not forgetting .




thechildron.Cataloguogladlysont request. SO MANY BRIGHT IDEAS AT on





Nnvy News The

163 JANUARY, 1963

Newspaper of the Royal Navy

and The Royal Naval Association



40 COMMERCIAL ROAD. PORTSMOUTH Telephone 26Il6 30 ROYAL PARADE. PLYMOUTH Telephone 66541 Promotion orders a speciality, write for special details, etc.. and be assured ol personal attention to your

Pu/7/:'.s/redg/i/ts‘!T/1ur.s'c/uy of the month




nears completion DREXDNOUGHTHampshire AT SEA

Speeds higher than expected

.\l..S'. l)I{li.\l).\'(ll'ClI'l‘. the Royal .\':Ivy'.s first nuclear-ptiwcrcd submarine. began the lirst of her sca-going trials on December I2. ‘the first 2-8-hour trip tsas to carry out machinery and m.tnn.-uvrability trials. and the submarine did not submerge. ('t|r. l’. S-.unbornc. Royal Navy. the suhtn.nine's (irst commanding otlicer. tout. the £2().()t’)0.()00 ship to sea in .\lorcc;mil\c lla_\' from tltc Barrow-inl-"urn.-ss yard of Messrs. \’icltcrs~

Armstrong.-s. The submarine had a full complement of 88. and on board

for the trials were 20 scientists and cspctts‘ \\ltu ltavc been building the ship during the last three-and-a-hall’ _\'t:.'trs. The

(‘ommantling Ofliccr said



Artificer 1 commended



(March. Hampshire. second of the “Count_v" Class Guided Missile-Amied Destroyer to be DH). is now nearing completion in John Brown & (To. (Cl_\¢lL‘l):lltk) Ltd. yard at Glasgow. Her sister ship. H.M.S. Devotrshire. was commissioned on November 15. Other ships of the class now building are Fife. Glamorgan. Kent and London. It is anticipated that llampshirc will have her initial conunissioning ceremony about the middle of March and will be seen in Portsmouth .sbortl_s afterwards. The “County” Class (6,200 tons full load) are equipped with Sensing and Scacat ship-to-air guided missiles and have very modern zlnli-submarine. radar and communications equipment. Complement is 440.

that during the trials the submarine tn.mu:uvrcd very well in conditions HE Commander-in-(‘hiel'. Home far from idcnl. and achieved higher Flcct. Admiral Sir Wilfrid Woods. li.C.B.. l).S.0. and Bar. has contspcctls than cspccted. tncndcd Shipwright Artiliccr First l~2X'l‘E.\'SlVF. TRIALS Class Dennis Dick for his "outstandE\li:nsis'e trials of all kinds will ing leadership and devotion to duty" whilst serving in ll..\l.S. Battleave now take place. but when these have been completed the submarine will when the destroyer collided with the H..\I.S. Ursa. join the 'l hint Submarine Squadron. frigate shipwright Dick is now serving at based on liaslanc. where H.M.S. N February I HMS. Belfast (Capt. W. R. D. Gerard-Pcarsc. M.V.0.. in School PortsControl the Damage N the same day that H.M.S. the Submarine Maidstonc. Depot mouth and the Commander-in-Chief‘: R.N.) is ex dot! to arrive in Dcvonport to pay ofl for a rclit. and she Dreadnought. Britain's first nucShip. which completed a long rr.-lit Commendation was presented to him wlll lllclo pro Iy,reduce to Operational Reserve. last year and can "mother" nuclearBelfast is the largest cruiser Battalion. now stationed at tscrlohn. lear submarine. was leaving Barrow at t{,,\l.S. of his the in School the at the start of her sea trials. the powcrcd submarines as well as con- wife and son by Capt.presence now serving in the Royal_Nuvy~and ts Germany. were embarked at Amsterll. Swann. A. ventional types. is stationed. dam and home in the ship throughout Admiralty placed an order for a third four still retain the triple to only ship of Ofliccr Royal Navy. Cumtuanding nuclear submarine. The builders are the visit the Belfast. fired to (i-in. These were ship together entering guns‘. School. the harbour to the skirl of bagpipes Messrs. \'ickers-Armstrong: (ShipThe (‘onmtcntlation reads: "Battle- as a broadside. possibly for the last the time in the Royal Navy. during the instead of the custoniary Royal buildcrsl. Ltd.. who built Dreadnought axc was extensively damaged during and are at present building the Valiant. period with a new Marines Band. a Collision at night with Ursa. A sec- ship's "work-up" Like Valiant. this third nuclear subThe hospita|it_\ shown to the ship tion of the ship's side was opened to crew: at Portland on September I8. throughout the visit was on a lavish marinc will be entirely British the sea and the adjacent compart- I96... scale and the local R.N.R. Division. designed. These two will use reactors mcnts were flooded. fouled with fuel IN SCHARNHORST ACTION Headquarters. l<l..\i.S. Caroline. were based on the Royal Navy's prototype oil. and strewn with wreckage and the full cruiser load) tons The (l-1.930 particularly generous in arranging at Dounreay in Scotland. contents of the provision rooms. She parties for all members of the ship's The Dreadnought is based on an "in these dangerous and unpleasant has had an interesting history. was‘ severely damaged by a magnetic American hull design and uses an l'l'llll\' hours of joining the Far conditions. the damage control party mine in the Firth of Forth in I93‘) and comp;m_v. American reactor, During her surface Bl-ILL WORTH £2.00!) East I-‘lent. H.M.S. Albion. the showed calmness. courage and a high this necessitated repairs which took trials this hunter-killer (anti-subof professional skill in carrying herNavy's second Commando ship. which degree she but then until I942. Before acquitted the Silver leaving. ship's marine) exceeded her cxpcclcd surface took the place of Il.\l.S. Bulwark out its duties. s-clt' very well in the Scharnhorst action Belt. which was presented by the speed. (which returned to Devonport on OUTSTANDING l.EADl-‘.RSll‘lP and later on at Normandy on D Day. citizens of Belfast in I938. and is December I7). was steaming all Since the war Belfast has served valued at 92.000. was returned to the Dick was a member of "shipwright Sarawak whilst her helicopters flew the damage control ll..\l.S. Bulwark returned to Devonand l corn- mostly in the Far East: she fought custody of the Lord Mayor for “safe party or -80 Commando into the men mend him for his outstanding leader- throughout the Korean War. For the keeping" until such time as the ship port from the liar East Station on Deinterior. cember l7. past six months. however. the ship become; operational again. and devotion to duty. When the insurrection broke out in ship "His ctforts under ditlicult condi- has served as Flagship of the Home ltrunei. ltosal Marines of 42 (‘om- tions and for a prolonged period Fleet ‘she assumed this duty on her maudo were flown to the area from a large part in the containment return from the Far East in July. played film.-.tp.~re and during an action agztinst of the flooding arul the restoration of I962. taking over from ll..\l.S. the iu~ur_L-cuts li\‘c Contmantlos were llattleaxc to a scaworthy condition for llcrtnuda. T.-HE killed .t!‘(l sis others were svottlnlctl. return to harbour." \'lSl I‘ TO NAMI-I CITY Scs.-ml ships ol the Royal :\'avy to the lirunci-S:traw;ils'this relatively short period were sent l)urin-,2 (Continued from col. 1) .\‘orlh Borneo area. including the in Home \\’atcrs. she has taken part in cruiser ll.f\l..‘a. Tiger. living the flag lligltlatttlers to the area and acted two lilcct lixcrciscs and paid visits to of Rear-:\tlmiral J. l’. Scatchard. as commuzticalions‘ ltcadquartcrs ship :\tt1\'lCl'(l:tl‘I‘I and several ports in the l)_S.(‘. and two bars". l-"lag Olliccr. oll lirunci. United Kiugdoni. culminating in a Sccnml-in~('otumand. Far liast. who Other ships which went to the area highly successful visit to the city of had .mmnctl that appointment only were the dcspatch vessel. l-l.M.S. Alert. Belfast. where she was built some 25 OF TH E a less hours before the ship sailed the mincswecpcr support ship. H.M.S. years ago at Harland and \\'oltl'.s yard. lrotn .Singapore. The destroyer H.M.S. Woodbridgc Haven. and the mineThe ship enjoys a very strong (‘avalicr tool». Iucn of the Queen's Own swccpcrs H.M. Ships l-‘isltcrton. liaison with the Royal Ulster Rifles Chawton. Willtieston and Woollaston. and a detachment from the II (Continued on col. 2)


O‘ to reduce to

Operational Reserve


Royal"1\7Iarines killed in Brunei





Jl i

-l l






SENIO ERVlCE Tbs firltttaou ol

A line photograph ol' ll.M.S. Nubian. one of the "Tribal" (‘lass General Purpose I-'ric,atc.s (2.700 tons full Imtd). liuilt in IL“. |)ockyard. Portsmouth. Il.\I.S. Nubian was commissioned on October 9 and since that date has been undcrgoint: various trials. She is due to join the Middle East Command in April. The "'I'rihal.s"—.-\sl1anli. Esltimo. Gurkha. Mohawk. Tartar. Zulu and Nubian were designed for general duties t‘orim:rly undertaken by destroyers and each will carry a helicopter for anti-.subm;Irine reconnaissance. Cutuplcment is 25.}.



Cigar: tI( Luvuuy




Navy’ Nu-svs For It)! Lirut (S) II R lleriidgc. R.!\(Reid Rosa: Nasal llarracks l‘v-rrsiiioutb Iel. l'immirvuttt 22))’ (I'M 7Zl'M)



News of next home job would be a great help


E5'$'IT0l{lAL URING the past couple iif months or so a number of oilieers and men have died in the performance of their duty an oflieer and four ratings in lI..\l.S. Centaur. xi: otlieers in two aircraft which eraslied. and live Royal Marines serving in 42 Commando during. the Brunei operation. We remember. with gratitude. these men and otter our sympathy and condolences to their familiesThe dictionary defines "duty" as "that which a person is bound. by any natural. moral or legal obligation. to pay. do. or perform: forbearance of that which is forbidden by morality. Iau. iristice. or propriety." The titlicers and men of the Services do not. however. pay much attention to dietionary definitions. To them all. right down the centuries. there has been a job to be done—it has been their job to rlo it-—and they have always got on with it. usually with humour. sortielimes. with a sailor's prerogative. with a moan. but always the iob has been done by those responsible because. had they not done so. they would have been letting down their nicssniates. their shipmates. or the fleet in which they served. The word "duty" (apart from that which they have to pay to the Customs and Excise Oflicersl meant nothing to tlicm—-it h:is alivays been a iob to be done to the best of their ability. During long. cold. \vet and lia/ardous watclics at sea. in peace or war. the men of the Royal Navy have carried out. and are still carrying otrt. their "duty" with the utmost ellicicncy but. unrorrunziic.-l_v. it is not until some tragic event takes place that we stop lo think of the other side of the picture. Perhaps we think too often of the "pleasure crui.se.s." visits to the beautiful and romantic places of the world. and not often enoxigh of the essential exercises and training which have to take place. and the many calls made on the men and ships of the Roval Navy. When the wind is snarling around the house. when the storms are hatlering til the window. when the ice :iiid snow make getting about :i little an-l.\\ard think of those. in all parts of the world. doing their "dirty." in eonrlmoris perhaps a thousand times wor-.c than most of us ever c\p:rience. ((‘ontinuerl in col. 2) —-

Please find enclosed subscliplitin form and remittance. If arnuunt enclosed is mnre than the annual subscription. please give the balance to a sa'table charity. You may wonder why I ask you for A nephew of mine living ill DenN.-tvv Ni_\\s seeing that my address mead. a Second World War veteran. is l.cthbridge. -\lbcrta. Canada. First. -sends‘ me a local Portsmouth paper I'm an old "Flatfoot." I ruined the and N.-tvv Ni-;\vs every now and again. .\':ivy in December. I900. and did my The last NAVY Nt-.\s.~; contained an training as a boy on the old St. Vin- article about the Tiger. and as it so cent and. with 80 other boys commis- happens. ti 300-ton. 3t)-knot destroyer. sioncd the battleship London in June. Tiger. was one of the boats I served in I902. for King Edward \’Il‘s Corona- after taking my S.(i. Course in (905. tion Rcview. Then "Up the Straits" We were attached to the Home for three years. Afterwards I went to Fleet and. during night manieuvres. Whale Island for gunnery. Three and April. 1908. she was cut in two by the a half year. followed in destroyers. County Class cruiser. Bcrwick. iusi of? and then I went to the Australian St. Catherine's Point. Isle of Wight. station in the old four-funneller. the Thirty-six out of a reduced crew of cruiser Powerful. 54 were lost. including all the ofliccrs. I took my discharge frorii that The Commanding Ollieer was I.ieut. station in December. l9ll. ‘Things- Middleton. whose father was ti \’.C. were "dead." and there was no chance from the Indian Mutiny luckily‘. I of promotion. and the Admiralty was was not on board. having been transgranting free discharges for seamen ferred. with othcrs. lo a river t.‘l:|s‘s' with more than eight \e:irs' service destroyer. the Derwcnl. We were in the same "night action." but oil Portprovided they joined the Reserve. An older brother of mine was then land. here in Lethbridge and I wanted to 'l'h:it‘s enough about “shop." I join him. so after working in Sydney soldiercd front here with (Tanadian until .\tarch. l‘)l2. I worked my pas- infantry and was in France from Octosage back to England on a White Star hcr l‘)l(i until the spring of I‘Il8. cargo ship. the Georgie. and then on a cattle boat. i\R'I'lCI.I-"S ‘RING A Bl-Zl.l.‘

Service ratings sening GENERAL abroad would appear be

Yours. etc.. .\l/\l-TA (‘name and to at at address communicated to Etlilflfl. disadvantage when compared with fB_\' I2-(II-It.II‘.'"‘TIlL' "r\’rn‘_t.' .\'i'ii'.t" Fleet Air Arm ratings and sub- rmri’¢'riIrmil.r Ihur [he pm.sr'IriIi!_v of mariners in that the General Service irrlrmlrrcirrg a trial S(‘fl('IIle’ wlirreby ratings do not know their neiit draft mIirr_r:s .ieri'iIig mi Frireign S(‘I'l't.(’t‘ rm.‘ before leaving the foreign station. in/urnrcrl of their rreiv ilrri/ii In-/ore On return from abroad some of the Ierii'i'rrg the Slulimi. is wider m'lr'I'e personnel involved. not having homes c0ri.iidi-Iriliuri.) in (ht: United Kingdom. are put to a great deal of expense in accommodating their family. etc.. until notification is received of the whereabouts of the next draft. The reason for this lack of knowledge has never been clearly dctincd and comments would be appreciated.- .' IR.-It would appear that the third “London” of the 10th will commission during I963. As I was serving as tr boy. lst Class and later as Ordinary Seaman during I913 on board the battleship London. Paul .l.A.SJJ.l-'.X.D. Grinia. Actint: Petty (miter Cook. I-I/l..\' I wonder if there are many ol my old 583850. lI..\l.S. Diana. Died -shipmates about today‘? Our Captain was Thomas Webster : .\‘ovenitier I2. I962. ]Kemp and the Command-.'r was Kll.l.l-ID IN ACTION ,llenry Paul Ritchie. The latter was The following. all of 42 Cotil- the lirst naval V.(‘. of the l‘)l-I-Ill war. It would be ti splendid I:‘.‘sI|II‘C if we riianilo. isere reported killed at ljnibang. Brunei. on Deeenilier old boys of the battleslilp could I2. I962: g asscnible when the third lomlon W. C. .\l:ieFarl;ine. Sergeant. 'eornri1issioiis.—- Yours. etc.. W. R. BULL. l).S.(‘.. l).S..\l.. ('omni.rridcr. Royal .\I'.irines. Chlx 4743. G. Kicrans. Royal .\Iarines. R.\l. ! Royal Navy. No. I Sea llree/es. 70 The Promenade. llridlington. Yorkshire. I69-I7. I F. S. Powell. Royal Marines. RM. IIIJI7. R. D. I-‘ornioy. Royal .\Iarines. R.\l. Itilllll. R. Jennings. Royal Marines. R.\l. l I923}. lR.—-l wonder if you or perhaps a Navy .\'i=_\vs reader could supply The llritish Empire .\Icd:il awarded rue with the dialogue of that old tiie.ssto Mr. I. Cawte. Wardroom Mess Scc- deck pastime "The Priest of the relary of H..\I.S. Dolphin from I936 l’arisli‘." I can remember most of it to l‘J(i'.’. was presented to him at Fort but am afraid I have forgotten how it starts.——Yours. etc.. C. R. TRIMBlockhouse by Rear-Admiral H. -.\Iackeii2ic. Flag Olliccr Submarines. .\l|N(i. 365 Blackpen Road. Sidciip.



Zlit illrnrurizuu

to muster





When I have linislied with .\'-rvv r\'i:w.s' and the local I pass them to (Continued frrim col. I) another old .\la\-y "sweat." Ihis man There are times. it is true. when was a striker and one of the survivors “diit_v" is a pl:-asure. When th-: sailors front three old foiir-fiiniiel cruisers get together and bring a little hap- Iorpcdocd in the North Sea ~iii IOIF. pincss to those iinfortiiriates who I think. (Could this refer to the sinkabound in all parts of the \\(VI'I\l. the ing of the (iresscy. .'\boiil.ir and lloguc sailors look upon .i party to orphan Scpleiiihcr. |‘Jl-i'.'— I'd.) lie and I children. a helping hand to someone rreally eiiioy rcadirig about the .\';iv_\-, in distress. and so on. as a "duty." but ‘and some of the .-.pcci:il articles h.i\c I. (‘ARtr duty which gives them. and the re- "rung a hell" or two.— I-I PENTER. late r\.B.. later Cir./Sgt. cipicnts. so miicli pleasure. We others not of the Fleet. have a .\Iajor. Ctriiatlitin Black Watcli duly too. and that is to uphold the "From bell-bottoms to no pants‘ at all." sailor in all his efforts and to see that. [The balance front .\Ir. Carpenter's .sr,,iuId disaster come upon him. his remittance was forwarded to the Royal Naval Ilenevolcnt Trust.-—»liri.] Iaiiiily is looked after.


An old messdeck



iiii.\i«"i‘i1\ft‘.‘ i«‘oriEt“.\sT

v (DUB NEXT Sllll’

mission. .\ted.iHornc. 23rd E.S. Il.M.S. Lowestoft. .\Iarch 2|. at (‘hatNotes ti) The term U.K. Base Port means the port at which ti ship may ham. for General Service ('onimE.sU.K. Base Port. Portsmouth (A). normallv be cspccled to give leave and relil. Portsmouth (C) indision. .\tcd.IHume. 23rd U.l<. cates ships administered by Portsmouth but which will normally ll..\I.S. Tartar. February 26. at DevonBase Port. Portsmouth (A). rclit and or give leave at Chatham. port for Home Sea Service. General iii) As ratings are norriiully detailed for overseas service about full!’ Service Commission. May. Home.’ ;ll..\l.S. Tiger. March 22. at Devonabout months ahead of cuiiitnissitiiiing date. and for home service .\liddle East (I8 months). ‘Jtli | port for Home Sea Service. General lino months ahead of eiimiiiisslonirrg date. this shiiald lie home Frigate Squadron. U.K. Base Port. E Service Conunissioii. Febrii;rr_\-. in mind when preferring requests to volunteer to serve in ti Dcvonport. § l‘)t’i-1. llomc,/East of Sue/. U.K. particular ship. II..\I.S. Trouhridge. Febriiary. at| l‘I;Isr.' Port. Dcvonport I.-\). Illl) It is eriipltasised that the dates and particulars given below are Malta. l..R.l’. complement. Local ;ll..\I.§. Lynx. .\l:1rch 22. at (‘h:ith:im. forecasts only .ind may hzive to be changed ~p~.-rliaps .|l \lI0l'I for trials. Commissions .\la_v 30 for Foreign Service. notice. (ierieral Service ('on'iniission Home] .\I-unsman. Febrirary. at (‘hal(iv) Ships in ohzch l.oc.rll_v Entered Cooks (S). Cooks It)! or Steuards ll..\l.S. South Atlantic and South America. ham. Steaniriig crew, Home Sea Scrare to be borne in lieu of U.K. ratings are to be indzcated as 7th Frigate Squadron. U.K. I-lase vice Local Foreign Sersicc from follows: t.-\)——.-‘ltll Cooks (S). Cooks (0) and Stewards; (B)--Cooks Port. Portsmouth. date of sailing (Far liast) tl)). is}. other than one I’.O. Cook (S). all Cooks (OI and all Stewards; (C) -Cooks (0) and Stewards only; ID‘) Cooks (S) H..\l.S. Chiehester. February. at Chat- t ll..\l.S. Leander. .\larcli 26. .iI Belfast. for Home Sea Service, (icncrtil only: lEI—-l.c.id".ng (ook (S) and Stewards only: (M (ooks (S) lram. L.R.P. complement. at Devon- Service (‘.ommission. May (tentative ll..\I.S. Bulwark. Februar_v. and Stewards only. date). llomc/.\Icd. Zlst I3.S. U.K. port. L.R.P. complement. ll.-.\l.S. Crossbow. lantiazy lfi. at SUIISIA Rl;\'l-I (‘(I.\I MAXI) llasc l’o.'l. Porlsritoiitli. Il..\l.S. Grafton. end February. JI C|iatIia:ti. Reduce to trials crew. lI.\I.S. Artful. IiIIlll.ll'_\. at D:vonport. ll..\'l S. Bastion. ¢lI..\I.S. Russell. April. .it Rosyth. Porisriiotith. L.R.P. complement .il January fll. at for Second Stibmirrine Squadron L.R.P complcmerit. r n. for Foreign Service t.\lidtllr:‘lI.3l.S. Zest. .\l:trt:h I. at .\I;ill:i for 7 l’l_v.'n-.mtIi. ‘ll..\l.S. Decoy. April ‘I. at Devonport. trials. Ho:ne Sea Service. E ast) .-\mpliibir)us \\’.irt:rrc ll..\I.S. Alli-anee. February at ("hatfor General Service Continrssiiin rimlF). ll..\l.S. llartland Point. .\l.rrch I. at Iiam. for F.l.'v.:ntli Submarine I)I\'l"rlI..\l.S. Home .\lcd Zlst E.S. U.K. llase Alert. laniizrry 2-3. at SingaSingapore. for Foreign Service (Far Pm. sion at Singapore. Dcvonport (A). pore. Foreign Service tl-';ir Easll (A). East) (l)). Il.\‘l.S. Oracle. Febriiary .it liirl»;ciib '*' lI..\I.S. Ursa. .\larcli 7. at Dcvonport. II.-.\l.S. Remit.-Ir. April 9. at Portshead. for First Sub:n.irin-.- Sqiiadron lll..\I.S. Gurkha. laiiuary 2'l>(rnay d:layedI. at Southampton for Home for (iencral Service Comniiss on mouth. for General Service Comat Portsmouth. S::;i Service. Conisiizssrons .\l.rrch. mission I-lum-.::‘Mctl. Zlsl. IE5. U.I'(. West Indies I-Iomc. Sth Frigate H..\I.5. Cachalut. Fehriiary. .it PortsI (‘om:iiisService for (icneral l')(i3. Sqtitidron. U.l\'. Base Port. Devon- ' Base Port. Portsntotilli. mouth. for Second Submarine I H~.imcl.\lidt!lc sion. F..ist (I8 Ill..\l.5. Amiio anil No. I Assault 54].. rltirt. Squadron at Plymouth. months). U.K. ‘lth Frigate Squadron. ll..\I.S. Auroclts. ApriI.at Portsmouth. ll..\I.S. Hampshire. .\I:irch 12 (tenApril I‘). at Gibraltar. for Foreign (B). liasc Port. Rosyth Service (Middle East) Amphibious for First Siibniarine Squadron at tative date). at Clyde for Home Sea 829 Devonshire No. I-‘light. lanuary. W:irf;=.r-: Squadron (B). Purismnutli. Service. General Service CommisGeneral Service Coniiiiéssion for sion S-.-ptember. I-lome:‘Ea.st of Siiel. H..\I.S. Scorpion. April. at Dcsonport. H.r\I.S. Devonshirc. \\'-.~sse.s Change GENERAL U.K. Base Port. Portsmouth (A). Redtice to C & M party. service. classification of Ports3. at ll.M.S. Duchess. Ianriary 829 .\larch I2. .\‘o. Hampshire I-‘light. ll.\I.S. Puma. May. Portsinoirlh. mouth. for Foreign Service (Far II..\I.S. Devonshirc. lanu;ir_v. Change R.N_ Air Xtation. Ciildrosc. Home l..R.l'. complement. classification of service. General East). 5th Destroyer Squadron. Service. (‘ieneral Service Sea (‘omService Commission. Home .\led. to 24th lE.S. April. I96.‘ mission. September. For ll..\l.S. Il.\I.§. Centaur. May. at Portsmouth. U.K. Base Port. Ports-imiith l..R.l‘ conipleiiicrit. I l. Wessex. llanipsliirc. I. ll.M.S. Loch Klllisport. I‘:-b.'u:ir_\ at tl.M.S. Jagiur. .\tarch I4. at Charltanr. ll..\l..S. Redoubt. May 3|. at Ilahrein lI..\I.S. l)i-.ii'nund. Linriary 3. .rt ("hatfor Singapore Foreign Service (Far for (iencral Service Co:nm..ssron.' for Foreign Service (Middle East). Iiani. for (icneral Service CommisEast). Captain (Fl. ‘srd Frigate sion. \l~.'d..'Home, 5th l)cstro_\‘er Ilonieifiouth Atlantic and South Amphibious Warfare Squadron IF). Squ:rdrontA). ! Squadron U.ls'. Base Port. Ports- iH.\I.9. Anierica. 7th Frigate Sqiiadron. Ilroadsword. February -I. at mouth, l'r.irisI'ers to 23rd F..S. FebU.K. Base Port. Portsmouth. (Continued on page 3. col. ll Portsmouth. Reduce to C. and .\l. l'tI;il'\. l‘lti3 (Al. Party. ll.\l.S. Diana. l;inuar_v J. .it DevonFehriiary I5. at port. for (ieneral Service Commis- |l..\I.S. Bllfllsl. evonport Reduce to trials crew. sion I-lomc-F.ast of Suez Sth De- I mid-Febriiary. at stroyer Sq;i:id.'on. 'l'ranslcr.s Io Z'.’nd -ll..\l.S. Daring. . from C. 51. Increase & D.-vonport. r-in}. E.S. I-‘ehruaryv. UK Hasc Port. Party to L.R.P coniplcuniil Dcvonport Il..\I.S. Canibrian. Ianuary 3. at H.M.S. Eskimo. Febrriary I‘). .it (‘owes I)-evonport. for General Service for Home Sea Service (iencral Service Commission. .\tay I‘)-53. Honiel ('onvms<ion. Home East of Suez. .\I'.ddIc East (I8 months). 9th Transters to '.".‘nd E.S Fehruan, Frigate Squadron. UK H.i<c Port. U.ls' H.isr: Port. Portsmoatli Portsmoiitli (Bl Il.M.S I.alt-stun. lamr.ir\ 7. .it (‘hatliam. for Home Sea Service. .'lrd \l'S ll..\I.S. Plymouth. Fenrua.-x II. .it and Des-onnort for Cicneval Service Squadron Vice Ki.-l.stn;, I,’ K (‘omit-.ssion East nl Siielrliome. Base Port. l’ortl;rnil I’/ICl\'I.’\'(I FOR .S'HlI’.lH:‘N7 SO? Squadron. Linuary I-2, at R..\ -\;r , lln-I FS “K Rise pl’! DevonIr rplmn Station l_nssir:mo.itl'i Str ke IIQ ; “till Sqriadron. lluccanzer llomc Sea ll..\I '5'. R.i_vI i-.-hrii;i.'\ .‘l .rt Ports2l.'iI.'i Service. mouth. for Gen-.-ral Service Corn,



Edinburgh Road,



Opllatella ortouiiig olnuat Elan-I service or service Pnionnet EVERY WEEKEND IEEDS 47/‘ BRADFORD 4$I6 HUDDEIISFIELD I] I‘ $HI’H‘tt’I.D 19/6 Norriuci-«AH 12 M LEICESTER 27 I‘ ..

















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Commander-in-ChiefA-to be SHIPS OF THE guest at Instructors’ Dinner R.F.A. Tidesurge


N January 25. the Ratlar Instructors’

Gunnery Instructors‘

.\'.\_vv NEWS

Plotting and Tltc dinner on January 25 is intended Association. to foster :ind perpetuate this liaison.


well as to say farewell to the Commander-in-Chief. who has taken such a close and abiding interest in the activitiesof these branches. The three associations between them provide the key men who direct and tire the weapons of the Royal Navy. They aim. of course. include exService members of these branches. as the Coiiiniander-in-Chief. PortsOther guests at the dinner will be mouth. the (‘:ipt.iins of the three Portsmouth The ltlL'.l (or such a reunion. the SL‘l100l\ which provide and train the first in llll\ country. arose out of a men of the llranclies and dinner held in Singapore on March I‘). where these \\'c:ipons ;issoci;itions have their I962 to promote a closer liaison bel'I:S|1t.'t.'lI\‘C lioiiies. These are Capt. twccit ni.im of the olliccrs and senior P. J. l).S.C.. Captain of ll..\l.S. l'iIlill}‘,\ oi’ the executive branches of Dryad\\‘_t;itt. llltc .'avigation and Direction the units of the fleet East of Suez. School). Capt. J. G. Wells. D.S.(I.. (‘aptain of ll..\l.S. Excellent (tlie Gunnery School) and Capt. H. L. Lloyd. D.S.C.. Captain of H.M.S. Vernon (the Torpedo and AntiSubmarine School).

Association and the Torpedo and Anti-Submarine Instructors‘ Association of the Royal Navy will hold a combined dinner In the Guildhall. Portsmouth. Admiral Sir Alexander Bingley. G.C.B., 0.8.!-‘... will be the Guest of Honour. This will be one of his last engagements before he hauls down his flat:






No. 86

-. A



fpi.3iEgTpi{ wanted


Royal Heel Auxili- the mobility of the fleet. ALTHOUGH aries do not fly the White Ensign. essential the fighting and sea-going are even more

THREE WISE MONKEYS they are an integral part of the Royal The tradition. started in Singapore. and with the emphasis‘ on Navy. will be perpetuated of presenting to the four guests of honour. replicas of NFIRMATION has been received that the lure been advanced to the Cruel lolldwifll the Three Wise Monkeys. This symbol (mice: or Chiel Ariiricer rate: l'ttl1 has been appropriately adopted as a To Aetlll (Intel 19! Ron. krttleer token of the three Associations when MX 8823964 B. R. Fell. MN 8S7.ll'.' F. \V', S. combined. it. of course. stands for: llramlev. MX 857755 (7, ll. l‘|.u-ii, MK it-ti'ut.u T'the Inquest on the five victims J. Paleman. MX 9021*: J. l). Pope, MN (i. “Hear no who died In l'l.M.S. Centaur on evi|"—Torpedo Anti- l;hT75: 1). F. Abcrv. Subniarinc Instructor. "See no evil"— To (inlet l>‘.ulIIeevine Meehnte November I9. the lnry returned it verIl.ttdm.In. K.\' lMt‘|l R ll. dict of “Accidental death. caused by Plotting and Radar Instructor and KN SVITJ7KXS. 753027 \\'. .\\hinn, KX S.ItItJcn0I\, in a high-pressure steam “Speak no evil"——Giitiiicry lnstritctor. itvio-Ill l.. J. lnnc\. RXM it‘-t'.'_<‘_' N. lluelvet. a_ defect

IR. v-I have been trying for some lime to get a photograph of the old ll..\l.S. Sultan as she was during the war at Portsmouth. with shed: on the decks. etc.. btit although I have tried almost everywhere. 1 have met with no



Can any reader of “Navy News" help me in my scarcli?—Yours. ctc.. C. W. ll.-\RRlS. Lyddington. Nr. Uppingliam. Rutland.


XX .'t‘|Kll.\ I). I-‘inch. K.‘\' MUNI A (itilliths. KX ltb2.ll$ G. Cllcshitc. RX 3‘rl7:MIJ ll. C.




To Aetllll Chlrl Methlnlcllu

KX .‘l_‘52.lb G. L. Htlilcll. To (Stale! Shlvtvrkbt Avtlleer MK 'JlXl2ll A. 1.. Pike. To Aetlax Chief Orihuee Artlllcer .\IX 0022:.‘ K. (3. Bo-ten. .\tx -to:mn. R. (2 lbcll. six 902.16’! M 1. Smart. To Aerial: Clliel Electrical .\riltleer


etliciency of the fleet than ever before. _R.F..-\. Tidesurge was launched at Sir James Laing & Son Ltd.. Sunderland. on July I. I954. Her displacement is 26.000 tons (full load). The ship‘: length is 583 feet (overall) and her beam is 71 feet.

Tidesurge and her sister ships are designed for the support of the Fleet and replenishment of its supplies wliilst at sea. They are both fast and capacioiis. and fitted with the most Pine-" The Coroner (Mr. F. A. Maxwell modern handling gear for transferring food. stores. ammunition. oil and jet Wells) commended Sub-l.icut. R. aircraft fuels to ships needing them, Shiffner. R.N.. and Engine Room Oil cargo can also be discharged at Artificer B. T. Jolly. for their clforts high rate to ships either on beam or to rescue the five men. He said that the two. willtoitt any axlcrtt. while steaming at high speeds. protective clothing. made brave Tliere are two other ships of the

ll..\l.S. .\le~.-iina and No. 5 Assault Sq.. March. I964. for Foreign Service June 7. at llahrein. for Foreign Scr(Far East) from date of sailing. Ilrd vice (Middle East). Amphibious Frigate Squadron. 'l‘r;iiisfei's to 26th Warfare Sqiiadroti (B). l:'..S.. December. l‘J(i-J t.-\l. to get into the boiler room. "Tide" class. the Titlcflow and Tidell.M.S. Kent. June 27 (tentative date). ll..\l.S. Loch Alvie. early September. MK 00:17: T. J. Stevens. The oroncr went on to say that a reach. A third was named the Tide at Belfast for Home Sea Service. at Singapore. for Foreign Service To Oriel I-Ilretflelal large number of people in the ship. .-Mistral. but was later taken over by General Service Commission. Octoll-‘at East). Third Frigate Squad- MN Nilotttl ll. Pcten. MX WWII ll. I-arlc. from the Captain downwards. did the ltoyal Atislralian Navy and reMK 862406 N. I. Treaty. MN srniot R. A. ber. I063 (tentative date). Home] ron (Al. Batter. MK 759314 R, A. R, Dunn. MK everything they could to try to effect l~l.M.A.S. Supply in September East of Suez. U.K. Base Port, Ports- ll..\l.S. Appleton. ll.\l.S. Floelitton. tt'J.‘.8l7 A. M. Paterson, MN 35671} A. R. a rescue. asl. mouth. H.M.S. Chileomptort. September. at Connell. MK H2980 G. S. lay. CNN Radio [Electrical Mechalltlll ll..\l.S. Dalrymple. June (tentative Aden. for Foreign Service (Middle ToMKAdlllt 'i'60.lI2 P. \V. Fudze. date). at Devonport. for Home Sca East). ‘lth .\l.,«'S. Squadron (E). To Adlai Chit! Rldlo Electrical Artllctr Service). U.K. Base Port. Devon- ll..\l.S. l3l~.ter. September. at Devon- MK SS3‘J7I D. C. (iiln. ..uy (Inlet To Radio Cotnunnleailon Sunvhlvor port. port. (I S: .\t. party (under conJR 'i'h00.l-I S. A. Harman. JX 3'-t<‘.‘l4 J, N. ll..\l.S. l.iiiidon. June (may be desideration). ltilder. l.\£ 754035 6. R. .\nueiuio. IX .v.‘oH-i lziyed at Wtillsend-on-Tyne for ll..\l.S. Dido. Septcnilicr. at (ilasgow, (3. l-'._ J. Hooper. JX Tlbfvtvl Y. R. \\i'oollev. Couunnnleulon Yeoman Home Sea Service. (iencral Service for Home Sea Service. General Ser- ToJSChlet ‘H2718 R. A. Dettcniy C--iitxiiiwull October. I963 (may be vice Cotiiniission. November. East To Ski Berth Ctnet Pelt) Olleer delayed). East of Suc7/Home. U.K. of Sue/llomi: (N months 22nd BIN SSIJSO G. Nichols. Base l’oil. Portsmoiitli. Petty Olteer E.S. U.l-C. Base Port. Portsmouth. ToIXChief W. Ii. l.:imberi. IX lit.‘-u.t R. D. 37104-3 ll..\l.S. Berry llead. June. at (‘li;itli:im. J): W. Metreii. IX tunmt 2927:) third. H..\I.S. Parapet. October l3. at Bah- J l-‘. Glynn. IX D.760407 for ll'l:Il\, W. (2. thick. 1.‘: for reiii. Service (Middle 500%? JX l5'«‘lll A. J. Foreign (3. Coleman. .\'o. Ttltlll Squadron. June (tentative IX Jd-W2l J. (T. CICV. JN °Z‘32‘lh East). Aiiipliibiotis Warfare Squad- lidIr.utJ(. date). :it RN. Air Station. Culdrose. J. F, M. Our, IX ‘MIMI A. ll. J. Hunt. IX ron ti‘). M7046 J. I). lrvine. JX TTSOKS J. l-’. .\le.iid. l.F.'l‘.L?. \V;t\p. IX l62‘S-t R. J. Nicholson, JX MM‘! 9. ll..\l.S. \'ictorioi.is. July ‘I General ‘ll..\l.S. Caprice. October. at Gibral- l'.irslc)‘. JK ‘H2370 D. J. l'l.itt. IX Ssloto for l.ocal Service. tar. Foreign (2. \'. Powell. Service Coniinission. East of Suez" To .\l:\ter .\i Arlu Horne. Length under L‘t\ll\it.lL‘lZlli0ll. l..R.l’. complement. .\l.\' S0'.‘lhl I). E, Niirinn. .\l.‘\‘ 64.0710 l’. (‘i. ll..\l.S. (‘a~~.:indra. October. at Ports- l.en-ion. U.K. llasc l‘orl. Portsnioittli. .\l.\ 7t-aux A. Sievuri. for General mouth. Service ComTo §loI’r\ Clxlet Petty (Miter (VI ll..\l.S. Vidal. Jitly. :it ('liatli:im. for MN S6l.l55 R. S. Coulhett. iitission. Hoinc,(.\led. llst E.S. General Service C‘0l'Ilmis\‘intt. West ‘In Store: Clilel Fem) Oflieer tS) indies. l'.K. llzisc l’oil. l’0fl\’llltllllll. l,'.K. l<l.isc Port. Portsixioiitli. .\tX \'|‘I‘-'5 G. R. l’t.int. Cblrl Pelt) Ollieer (‘not Is) To ll..\l.S. at llarowa. October. ll..\l.S. .\loh:i\als. July ttn:i_v be deSinga- MK .‘i7tlhltl t. A. M. lruc. pore. for Foreign Service (Far ‘to cater Wren (Writer! ((3) layeill. zit liarroiv for llonie Se.i Service. (l\'llL'3£ll Service (‘oiiiiiiissiiiti I l;'.i<tJ. 24th l7..S. (.-\). l0'lM2 E. Shaw. (‘hlet Wren (0nIt'ten .\\\l\tatIll Wherever you're going to be, you'll need a car on arrival. Buy /\llt::l~‘l. 1%} (itt;iy be delayed). ll..\l.S. Penelope. October (may be To7:011 L. Munniriiu. I new Hlllman. Humber. Sunbeam now from E.M.A. Ltd.. Portsllottic \lidi|lc East (IS Illiltlllh). ‘Jtli ilelaycti). at Ncwczistlc. for Home To .\etlnz Ctilet Atrentt \ti-rlunirian (HT) mouth. lf yours is an extended posting. take advantage of our Frigate Sqtiutlron. l.'.K. lluse l’ort. Sea Service. 20th Frigate Sqtizidron. L'l'X SI‘-'12! L. F. 'l‘)\on. To Chief Alt Fltler (0) UK. llase Port. Devonport. special ex port :eheme—you buy at export prices. Portsiiioiitlt. , M77110 R. l'r.iii. l.‘l-‘X Let. E.l“|.A. make all the :irr:ingemcnts—expot't formalities. inll.M.S. Mt-on. Jiil_v 26. :it lialirein for’ ll..\l.S. Keiiterton. October. :it Aden. To Chlcl Alrinan (.\.ll.II surance, shipping. everything. Call at our showroom or write Foreign Service l.\ll\ltllL‘ Fast). for Foreign Service l.\liddlc East). l.i'l'X *>tll722 N. J. Niitiall. l 'l'X ‘RUST R. Tliorflmort. to us t.oday—your car can be on its way tomorrow: or waiting Aiiipliihioiis \\‘:irfarc Squadron Ill). 9th .\l. S. Sqiiadron (lit. l>‘.|-ertrteal Artltlrer Radio To Chld for you when you dock! Or it can be purchased on the homo ll.M.S. (':iv:tlier. end July. at ("hat- .\'o. 829 l.ondon l-‘light. tiiid-.\’ovemI A delivery plan for use in this country before you sail. ham. C. & .\l. party. her. :it RN. Air Station. Culdrose. l.'l‘.\I 00260.‘. J. l-‘omit. I/l‘,‘( 6i.‘X‘|l7 S. ltirreit for General Service Conimission. To (Yhlel Radln liledrichn (AIR) ll.M..S. Blackpool. .‘\ltgll\l. at Chatliattt. l..R.l’. cotnplcnicitt. ll..\l.S. l.ondoii. \Vcssc.'<. 1. IN Holt.‘ D. \r\‘. 'l'hoiitnuiri. No. ill‘) Kent I-"light. tttitl-Atigtist. at ll..\l.S. Loch Fada. November, at R..\'. .-\ii Station. Ciiltlrme.‘ for Singapore. for Foreign Service (Far Home Sea Service. (ii:iier;il Service East). 3rd Frig:ite Squadron (.-\). (‘oiiittiixsioin October. l‘l(i3. For ‘‘ll..\l.S. Ajax. .\loi.-ember ttnziy be dell..\l.S. Kent. \\'cssi:\. l;i_vcil). at llirltenlicad. for Honii: Sea ll..\l.S. RL‘lL‘tlllt:\\. September 5. at Service (liar East). .\l;ircli l‘l6-S (tenOSTC.-\RD pliotograplis of the Roxttlt lor trials. Coiiiiiiixxioii l.ili\'c date). 2-ltli E.S. (A). follotting ll.M. Ships may be obtained from the Editor. “Navy News." R.N. llarracks. Portsnioiith. price (id. lions. Ltiiinos and homing _to‘rp_r.-ties. each. which includes postage. ‘l he last two of the six ships in the URING the nine months the sh Theseus. Bulwark. Ocean. Eagle. class are being completed to a tl Mediterranean. in the spent Centatir. (‘ilas ow. Kenya. Newcastle. tiillercttl design which will iticorporatc officers and men of H.M.S. Brow Albion. Ark oyal. Loch Killisport. ham sword collected £250 to and a helicopter landing deck and a Ira buy Diana. Taciturn. Daring. Chevron. i::ir which will split the boiler tip- a guide dot: for the Guide Dogs ft BUY A Zest. Vanguard. Murray. Cumberland. g;.t;._-s in two. necessitating twin funnels the Blind Association. Scorpion, Liverpool. Apollo. Lynx. abreast. The collection was started t Salisbury. Sheflield. (iirdlc Ness. C.l’.0. Jesse Grieve and he was sui Haidstonc. Ncwfoiindlaiid. Warrior. STATES UNITED by all the 234 ollicers and me Britannia. Bermuda. ported Victorious. The heavy cruiser Helena is to pay in the ship. Corunna. Alamcin. Vigo. Tyne. £250 was for The from present: cheque ntl into reserve the Pacific Jutland. Talent. Palliscr. Explorer. ROOTES OVERSEAS DELIVERY PLAN the (iencr llt.. Micliacl Nail. her Sir sister to leaves only Fleet. This ships Gambia. Tiger. Porpoise. Rcdpolc. St. Pniil and Los Aitgclcs in the Paci- Manager of the Association and Protector. Undiiie. Russell. Dainty. MAIN DEALERS FOR tie and the Newport Mews in the former gunnery otliccr who h: (Tarroii. Defender. \\‘ltitby. Dartiiigton. HUMBER. HILLMAN. Atlzintic as the surviving all-5.-iin gcrtycd in Brmulstvortl. by Cdr. S liastbourne. Torqtizty. Mount_s Bay. SUNBEAM CARS cruisers in commission. The l-lcli.-na iPcter Anson. BL. Royal Navy, Cor llclfzist. Hermes. Ariiiada. Yartitotitli. E.M.A. LTD. is being replaced by the missile cruiv.-r manding Olliccr of the ship. Lion. llartland Point. l.cop:ird.'l‘ol;cn. Grove Road South ll..\l.S. Brnatlsworil st_ea_metl Sl.(ll (kiliinibiis. wlticli has. recently coinEcho. Loch Fada. 'l'enh',»'. Clticliester. visttn Southsoa pletetl a conversion wlticli gives her an miles during her e_oinmission. Puma. Blake. Excalibur. 'l'roiibridge. and Yitg Rliyl. ('ainperdov.'n.Oberoii.(';icliclot.1 Tel.t PORTSMOUTH ;”n};”11g-n1 of Tartar aittl Talus Sill" Spain. Greece. ‘liirltey in ends comniission The slavia. antiAsroc and missiles Fcbr ;';,_-L-.1.‘-:iir 2326i l)i;imond. ; Bcrtvick. B]...-1.-p.m]_ i in will ttltcn she probably go urj; siihniurine missiles. i.»\elicron. l.:iyburn. Sc;irborott;.:li. Sea rclit. Despite the Royal i\’:ivy‘s t.lt.‘Clll!lll1.' Lion. Falmoiitli. .'\\llZlllli and llro:tdstiortt.



paii ed

‘i -'A~vi.=.-‘I

eaiiim: IIOME bit WI Yllllli WAY OVERSEAS?













General drills, like regattas, spirit of friendly rivalry

January. I963

aroused a



who ri:r«rt'it' Iliv Rnvii! 4\'lll‘_\‘ er (1 \'0tlIl_tI,' .tmmmt in October. /904. cniiririiutr his _t!or_v. In 192-! he is the Fin: l.Il'lIl't'IlrlIlI of ll..‘il..‘i'. ll’r.rsc.r~om' 0/ the [int .-l.m’it' u't'i!rtiyrr.i).

E.\'l~IR/tl. drills. uhcn carried out by ships of a large fleet. like regattas. aroined the spirit of friendly rivalry between ships‘ t.‘t)llIp:Il'|l('\'. The executive ofiicerv and Captains of TOP‘. cgged on by the Chief Buffer in large \ltlp\. prepared. unofficially. for e\'t.‘t'_\‘ evolution they could think of during: the dog matches of the previous night. lint men so. it was easily" possible to he caught on the wrong foot. llicrc '.\;is. therefore. an air of ex-lciscx‘ also proved to be of great value then under the command of Capt. citcmcni and anticipation as the hands in training ollicers of the watch in dis- Andrew L'tiiiningham. who had been stood ready for action in the various tinguishing between a good echo or a my divisional lieutenant on board parts of the ship. On the bridge the woolly one. and a high or low Doppler I-l.M.S. llawke in I905. t‘aptaiii and I-‘.xectitive Oflicer. sup- ttine. which would indicate whether the The entrance to the Penns was very ported by the Chief Yeoman of Sig- range of the submarine was "opening" narrow. which produced a tricky probtent for commanding oflicers when .1 nals and stall’. gazed intently on the or "closing." These exercises did not affect such last-nioving tide was running at rightmast and yards of the Flagship with telescope and binoculars. whilst others a large proportion of the ships‘ com- anglcs to the entrance. When once instood by the signal lockers in readi- panies as did gunnery and torpedo. but side the Penn area. destroyers had to ness to bend on the flags. giving the it did call for intense concentration b_v be warped into their berths. as sea purport of the drill to be carried out oflicers of watch. operation and room was very restricted. Each Penn as they were hoisted from the bridge lookouts. for it was upon them that had its own fuel and fresh water conthe safety of the ship and their mess- nection. which made the work of reof the Flagship. (‘onimunications depended. plenishment very easy. The Branch. inatcs of these results excrAcross the Firth lay the Rosyth although relatively small. excelled in To enable the clliciciicy. whether in peace or in war. cises to be analysed. certain rules were Dockyard. where an abundance of ll.M.S. Wessex dropping depth charges—l924 naval which stores laid for down the the were meant of so attacking indeed "The destroyer kept. Eyes ’lhcy were and submarine. The destroyer. as she miicb to first lieutenants. To gain pos- Flag." and ll..\l.S. Wessex visited great speculation amongst the ollicers Fleet.“ .-\ forcnoon at general drill was ftill proceeds into the "kill." streamed a \cS.Slt\ll bf them was no easy matter. Sundown. in the Isle of Wight. and of the (ith Flotilla. Some expected to of pleasant C.\L‘llCt)lClll. and tlioroiiglilv small e|ectricall_v-operated explosive because most of the items would be took part in the local regatta and other qualify as Asdic ollicers. My captain's rclicf had been appoincnjoj-‘ctl. It could be termed either a charge. On arriving at the position declared "ln liaccsr. of listablishnient" festivities on shore. .'I very great stumbling block. Diploted. btit there was no new appoint"xliakc up" or a "shake dm-.n." What- where depth charges would be tired. l-I.‘\’.-\MlNA'l'l()l\'Sl‘i»\SSl~Zl) mciit for him. l.'nfortunalcly he was ever term was used. it cotild be \liltl an olliccr pressed a button on the matic ivays and means had to be ‘l he ship then proceeded to Ports- ’now otit of the promotion (one. and that it was needed after a long spell bridge and exploded the lowed charge. thought up. so that the right approach or leave. or jo_\-riding. “Showing the At the same time a calcium light would could be made and a personal call on 'tllt)lIlll for several days. just long \\'cssc.s proved to be his last active dcbe thrown overboard from the stem. the head of a department helped con- ‘enough to enable rue to take the c\- stroyer command. It was hard for him. l‘la':." ‘the submarine. on hearing the explo- siderably. (icncrally. in the end. the amination in torpedo :iiid Stgttalx to at the age of 35 to 36 with no prospect ASDIC I-'..’\'l-IRCISI-IS sion. would tlischargc a smoke candle items most needed were obtained by become eligible for a dcstrojrer coin- of promotion and an uncertain future. mand. l was quite happy about the He was an expert in the tlc\t.'uyct' When the periodical gunnery and to the surface. The relative distance torpedo c.\aminaIion. but signals. was world. and I had to thank him for the torpedo practices of early summer. between the calcium light and the SAILORS IN I had gained whilst I was much stiller than I expected. 19.‘.-1. had been completed. the Fleet smoke candle. together with records espcrience To pass in morsc signalling l found his First Lieutenant. proceeded to the Firth of Forth. and to kept by both vessels. would give an TIIIE ;\lAl\'l.\'C continue with wlial now had become indication of success or failure. niysell in a large room in the Portsmouth ll;irracl.\ Signal School. to- FIRST |)I-BTROYI-IR (.'0.\l.\l.-\i\‘l) by N El"I'UNI~‘. the most impt-rtant exercises. ‘lltesc BASF. l'()R'l' I-'.I)(‘.i\R ;\'A\'Al. zgctlicr with more than ltltl signal ratwere to develop the use of .-\\dic \L‘fL‘i.'ll It seemed to give him great pleaall the C\Il|l'lll‘l;lllt)Il. take to same l)iiring the summer months ships of of tlc\lrt\}Cl"\. and to train the operaings. sure when he sent for me and gave tors in rapid detection of suhinarincs. the Fleet anchored or moored in the lir-at lieutenants. which enabled them lNo time was lost. I had a yeonian to me the glad tidings that I had been endcavouriiig to pass through the Firth of Forth. whilst the destroyers to augment the most inadequate allow- write dovtn for me. I was just scared appointed to the (lc.\lro_\'er ll.M.S. still. I had never attempted before to screen undetected. and attack ships of bcrthed alongside the Pcnns at the ance approved by the poi-«ers that be. Tarpon in command. I could hardly read morxe at the \pt.'L'tl it was then tlic lvlcct with torpedoes. lltcxe c.\cr- Port [Edgar Naval Base. which was believe it! What was equally good SM.-\ LI PA Y I’.-\('l\'I-ITS made. It “as a grc:it relief to know news was that Tarpon was attached lidinburgli was only one llt\ur'§ 1 that l had succeeded in iny ctlorts. and to the Vernon Flofilltl. and I would jouriicy away from Port Edgar. 'lhis it was a pleasure for me to know that operate front Portsmouth. my home great city provided rcla.\ation. gaicty l was the lirxt liciiteii:int e.\-mate to port. atid liospitality to olliccrs and ratings qtialify tor a dc\lro)‘ct' comtiiand. To he vmilimual of the Fleet during the week-ends spent A rendezvous was made for the in the Firth. according to the desires of Fleet sonicwhcrc in the linglisli (‘Thanthe vziryiiig personalities of such at large ncl. and once more carried out intennumber of men. But the pay packets sivc Asdic exercises on passage to the were not very large in those days. and Firth of Forth. and on this occasion many could not allord a night in town. Admiral W W. Fisher took passage in For my part I was content to hike Wessex to see lirst-hand Asdics in I-IFORE the Royal Yacht Britannia left on December 7 for Fiji and abotit the countryside and through the operation. He had a reputation for benearby Dalmeny Woods. During the ing very stcrn in outlook. but \\c found the Royal Tour of Australia and New silent hours I studied torpedo and sig- him to be of :i very friendly nature and 'l.L-aland. Rear-Admiral .l. .‘. C. nals in anticipation of completing my a good lllC§\Ill;lIC. llenIe_v. l"|=It.: (lfliccr Royal Yachts. CMtl‘l'lltl£!Ilt)l‘l to qualify me for a deThe remaining lttunllis of the :iutuinn_ visited the Royal Portsmouth Hospital the Fleet operated front the I-'lrili ol ,and continued ll -“I-_\'(‘:Il’-tlltl tradition : stroycr comniand. l About iiiid~Julv. I024. the Fleet and Forth. So once again the dc-atro_\er.s by presenting to the hospital a lflotillas proceeded on independent “ere snugly bcrthcd in the l’cniis at (iltristnlas cake. lhis \‘e:ir's cake tr.-is made by ‘cruises for the purpose of "Showing Fort Edgar during neck-ciids‘ in harthe Flag." The (ith Flotilla visited Hull hour. for the Fleet was continuotisly P0. Cook Alan Jones. who has been and Liverpool. Tlicsc visits were very at sea during the neck. lt was really responsible for the last six cakes prepormlar. and at each port it was non- a most interesting sight to see a com- scnted to the hospital. The l9 lb. cake DEVOTED ESPECIALLY TO THE stop entertainment. depicted the Royal Yacht in blue icing plete flotilla back out from the Pcnns and had it Royal Yacht hat-band During these visits I gained much in the reverse order of Fleet numbers PRINTING REQUIREMENTS social experience in etiquette. which and proceed stern first tip the Firth. round the sides. OF THE SERVICES proved of great value in later years. keeping station until the flotilla The Commander of the llth Division leader emerged. with the signal hoisWe can undertake all your printing. chose me to accompany him when ted. "From Single Line Ahead. Speed ollicial calls. This was both a I2 Knots.“ when the si nals were speedily;indcconomie=illy—fromaService making hauled down. the whole olilla was privilege and a pleasure. history to your personal stationery. already in station. It was an inspiration THE SOCIAL GRACI-IS to all junior otliccrs. to see how the at l.ivcrpoo| it was found an of iuiiuoeuvring and station keepJournals—Recruiting Brochures that()nit arrival great civic ball had been organ- ing liad been acquirctl by the coniProgrammcs—-Information Booklets ized by the l.ord .\l.i_vor in honour of manding otlicers In l)cceiiibcr. 19'.’-3. Make these yourself with the easy to assemble kit. all parts shaped, 'Invitation Cards—Christm-.15 Cards our visit. llic number of otlicers car- thc fleet tIl$[‘lt.‘ts‘.'ll to home p ricd by destroyers had been very much give (‘liristiiias ici\c. and prepare for thick soft supple bullhlde leather Menu Cards—-Visiting Cards t\\'L'l"C\lilll.tlt.‘tl. ('riiitil l‘):.'.5. atid it mi»; soon obvious [hc Sprjnp Die Stainping——Letterpress that lllt.'l't: ‘Mix a shortage of males. ('aptaiii tl)l ‘cut out an S.().S. stint- Ct Photo Lithography l nioning all t\lllCL‘t'\ remaining on board to attend. I had never attempted to M \\’itlithclatcstmachinery. ina new, modern dance in my life (except the sailors" l t —









plant. we achieve a standard of workman- hornpipe). lloucvcr. it was an hich would be cannot w ship stirpusscd.We been received. So. clad


FR 0

2'; M 5

which had in full-dress ca; welcome a visit from you and the oppor- uniform. but feeling very nervous. l CISK LAGER. LACTO. and in (itiildhall arrived the at ioincd tunity to quote for your printing require- with the io_\'ous' throng. Fortunately proeero. all available ments—large or sma|l——we thinkyou will the floor was crowded. so my imper- KICK be pleasantly surprised. .-\.~'.k for a rep- lcctions appeared to pass unnoticed wi Atrlca by the lovely partners that came my C<'l'JflOJH .II't.'.l resentative to call. ‘.\:t_\'. It was an experience which I intended .\\'t\tllt.l not occur again. and in zirrangcd for tI£tllClll_|: lessons at the Oi earliest opportiinity. Dancing. l cotild (‘a social :iccompli\‘luiieiit (ii a \t.'L'. was which I iiitciidetl to acquire. llithcrlo tlt: my time and energy had hceti cntircl-_.' cr devoted to my prolcxsioii. ~¢V_.. Farlv in Attgltsl the (nth l-lolilla split lit‘: THE I-ORCLS l’Rl‘.$$. CRIMIEA RD.. ALDl.R.\'ll0T.IIANIS. TILL: ALDI RSHOT 2|2"3.‘S up for further cllorts in “Sliouing the T: .


CH4, HQ 26




..,._,.._.._ ‘___._


Agincourtr-a "Baltic" ('l:t.s.-5 destroyer. now designated as a Fleet Radar Picket


lstating that the Royal Fleet Auxiliary iGrcen Ranger was being towed by a tug against heavy seas and high winds ofl Hartland Point and eulties.

following account by Midship-' "All sit ships‘. with the aid of more man B. Phillips. R.i'.. of helicopters. made an intensive search ll..\l.S.; hecdescribes of the area for about lour hour.-s—by' Agincourt. graphically a HE


in dith-



"Agincourt sailed an hour later leav. tie week-end in November last and which time it was very dark and all brings home that portion of the Naval hope of tinding the missing man. l.ord ing six men still ashore. The eightpnlyer which runs "l'reserve us from Windlesltam, alive. had faded. Four mI|e~long narrow channel of Milford the dangers of the sea and a ships then left the area. leaving Haven was succcssl'ull_v negotiated security for such as pass‘ on the and Agincourt to search the even though weather conditions had‘ worsened considerably during tlte day. "P0" their lawful occasions." 4 sea-bed with underwater detection 5 By now the wind had risen to severe --0" “W .mL...m,un of [:ridJ}._;;tpp;irattts til the hope of ltndtng the ‘gale force nine. the temperature had' of the helicopter on the botNnvcmbm, |6_ H_M_S_ dropped to zero and the rain showers‘ Wren Air Mechanic R. Toy—subject of the winning photograph ((‘dr. (2. J. R. Elgar. Royal Navy) had 1 ‘°"‘had turned to squalls of bail which iust completed a tiring week of left any exposed tlesh bruised and eises in the Southern Irish Sea and was t LI-IA VE CANCELLED stinging. There was no shelter for preparing for an overnight trip to‘, those of us on the bridge. and after :1 and week-end in peaceful Scotland --11,: wind and 5:3 inc.-,_.;,5ed steadily four-hour watch. it took as many a the l-nth of Clyde. At 3.-t7 p.m.. how. o,,cm.'gh1 and at dawn on Saturday. hours afterwards to thaw out com¢V'="- 4"‘ 505 “'35 "°°°'V°d f"°"‘ a near gale blowing. Agincourt plctely. "I H-M-3 H°"‘“‘-‘5- 11“: I3“ laid a Danbuoy on :t probable under- ' "Agincourt made good to knots to AVAI. Airman (Photo 2). N. R.‘ The lroplt_\' goes to the photol¢|'.“‘“h “"3 d¢5"’0l"9"_5 D“‘3h'~‘-‘5 Emdswater contact and made for Milford llartland Point she was prevented /\tl‘"*-“ll” 3"‘! "19 frlllalcs of Swanage. serving at grapher responsible for the picture. H'.tven—-the largest natural harbour in from going faster by the very real “ml L\“"‘°““{l S‘-""'h‘"°”8l‘ in °°”'f'ithe world—to refuel. She secured -danger of hroaehing to in the llC1l‘s'_V ‘the R.N. Air Station. Culdrose, is the judged in November of each year. to Dim)’. miltlc 70? the Pembroke Dock at I0 dollovving seas. By this time another lirst winner of the new Peregrine have the most topical. original and piction of the helicopter 4“ '“3'X”““"‘.o'c|ocl; that morning, and it was de- isignal told us that (irecn ‘Trophy to be awarded annually for. torial qualities for display or esRanger's possible speed. lcitled to remain alongside for the tow rope had parted and she was drift- ;the outstanding naval photograph in hihition purposes. l "llelicopters front llermes went on‘night. before making for the Firth ol lflg h€'Pl¢55lY it"-V'1!|'tl>‘ lhc |'0<-‘ks oil ‘the pictorial publicity tield. The Peregrine Trophy was pre- For his sttbicct Naval Airman GosHartland Point with seven men on ahead and picked up four sttrvivorsiCl:u'd-: on Sunday. before they had been in the water 30‘ -.H“w‘_.\,L_r_ W: “N. “.‘_.n_, "N um board. The race to save (-reen Ranger-wentcd to the Admiralty earlier this ncy chose 20-year-old Wren Air _\ear for competition among photo- ‘.\lccbanic Rosemary Toy. of l’orthml|“||k“- -'\l mi‘ U"‘‘-' "W “'l“d “'35 M allowed one peaceful evening over the was lost. "When Agiucourtarrived at :t|"lprmtl- graphic ratings by the directors of the Ieven. "blowing her own trumpet"-r\“'~"~' 5“‘ ""11 “K ‘W -“MC “i'-|‘.wcek—end. for at 5.50 pm. all leave mod.-r;uc. The temperature. l_towever.j Wu, g'u[h_'cllcd_ 1-jgtmh W.-rc nude 1., |l'llI|ICl}' lt).30 on Saturday evening maga/ine "Practical l’liotograph_\"' and or so the caption of the picture as's'ert.t during practice with th: voluntary '(ireen Ranger was hard aground with bears the ship name of the old Naval W1“ ""1?-' l !-"-l_ H50“-'_ In-'C7|"t= “ml recover those men ashore. and .a alr-:;ul_\‘ band at RN. Air Station. (‘uldro.se. large list to 0Ct‘;t\‘lotl.Il \.‘lCtt)lls rainstorms made .,lc;.n, V,“ miscd 3‘ quickly as as the heavy seas- ..-\ir Station at Ford. Sussex. where the pm. I broke over her. port RN. School of l'ltotograph:.' was WC H-"Iv H”I‘l¢i|‘-1|"1.-‘ltgmcourt approached ,located sihle. A signal had been received, Among those tiwarded ccrtilicates of for ntany years until being to within 600 yards of the shore and Interit for their entries were l.cadittg illuminated the wreck with scarcit- .moved to l.ce-ou~Solent. (‘ollc_\'. oi ll .\l.S. ('entaur: lights as required by the coast-guards 'l‘wcnt_\'-four of the crew of ll..\l.S. T1 .-\irman li. |.e;iding Airman l’. Dale. of RN. .-\ir Appledore lifeboat, The illum- tllulwark. which returned to Devon- Station. antl_ l.ossiemouth: leading Airination continued tor four hours, port on December I7. had made n\;m Kl. Daniels". of ll..\l.S. .-'\rie|: and to get married before Chief .»\irm;m J. .\l. Thorne. of Il..\l.S. lftlflllflurd on page 9, column 2) _:irr.tngemeuts ( ltristtttas. ll-I\cellent. -










“lwith i




B"""‘Ck-E l=N'kfl0Wn_P0-5|“alongside






[IR more than I20 years during the to cartimcntorate the scltool‘s years at l9th nnd 20th centuries. the huild- (ireeu-.uch. and the boys for whom it ings which now house so many of the had b:cn their Alma Mater. C msmmc um. “.;,,,.,I [0, boys‘ founded .,,jg;,,a||:,The tablet. which is of bronze. is [M the com or geanjgn gm, ygm-_\ bc. oval in shape. and has been beautifore the death of Queen Anne was the .t'ulI_\ executed by Mr. William Sharp-I ‘ington. ol’ Kenuington Park Road. latest news. l..nt year. l‘)n‘.‘.. marked the 250th London. S.l-1.ll. The design is suranniversary til the fountlalion ol the mounted by the Arms of Greenwich Royal llospitat School. and on llospitnl. and the date of its foundal)ec::nber I7. in the Caird Galleries tion is low. and beneath the inscripcrttrancc at the National Maritime .tion are those of the Sir William ._\1m._.um_ [ht p“.scm H¢;,dn,;N¢r_ M,-_ . Boreman Fouttdatiott. thus preservingé N. A, York. .\l.A.. unveiled a tablet I “"4 l'l«‘l\"’lL‘ “"54the history. indeed. is concisely; erected hy the Trustees‘ of the Museum l = recorded In the text of the inscription is hich runs: ’»’r‘r'>9'0'

:12;:";.'::*'::::‘°.:,'.::‘":,:*:‘ .;;:.::. ‘












I save!









F O (.1: l‘ L O W l: R 5'1 R V 1 9- It »









'‘''J‘’‘‘‘'''''‘’’‘' H" '”’I‘‘’’'‘’'"‘ at a yr]! of fltmcr-. I)I,v.'tI [ram the ...:....I .,,....-m_ (irritation: or “-‘


ROYAL HOSPITAL scttoot. The buildings now forming the’ East and West Wings of this Museum were begun in I807 to wife would accommodate a Naval Orphanage founded in I798. The Greenwich ‘ c eme an _




this in l82l to form the Hospital School. which remained there until I933. when it moved to its humc Suf- i

hit. /"" ‘-'"J '1' ll’-' "-”’*“"'/‘ht ""!"""' null ant" nu-ndgr. (‘ml-'\«‘ P-1_'-"It-‘Ht. the Jute that run it uh them Jc/u..'n'J' and .l.'.tu' the rev! to tn. roll is



up to par oh. untnul .';i.' at

tour m.-mow ln not

h.m.Nt' your |"'¢'.lJl' J"kl'll,lI utt--.




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I l‘ L I3 .



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L I I) -





But my

£855 Savings

mun)" xiierc


it’slI :1 into

e nsurance ro

you hadn't

signetl on







Satttucl: the Admiral-l’rcsidcnt ol the Ro_\‘:tl Naval College. Rear-.-\dmira| .\lor_e:m Giles‘. and the artist. The V Head Ho_\ and the Deputy‘ l-lead Boy represented the school of todav. and .Rear-.»\dmiral Sir Sydney 'I-‘rcw. K.ll_l7... (‘.l<l.. the “Old lloys" who ‘attended the school when it was at (‘r'enwi‘h. L D the ceretttottv. thc guests 3 zithourned to the Board Room to parttake of old .\l'.ideir.t and plum cake. t and to toast the school's next 250


‘$4’o’o’o’l’O’¢'l'O’t’J)O’I’¢’I)’t‘»’»’a’I3;’}A j.'e.1rs.



For mnnbrrs of the ll'.Ii'...V.S. the I’:-miorz is £1.19 aymr. ‘





-Send this con

How do you


‘sassocut-non twtirlo -



almut all this I’

That’s easy. Ask the Provident Life for details of the Progressive Savings Scheme.

or Lonoou


to 246 Bisho 5 3 ate, London, E.C.2----—————————————-—I details of the Progressive Savings Scheme


Please send me I Name .................................................................................................................................. l ..

' 1 I NNRating or Rank Age next birthday ' ammmmmmmcrumm-mmmm-1mmmmmmm-—mu—-nmm-—u—mmmmu—mmmmmmg

‘l ! ‘


security we all



\\'hich will you take? I’m going for the pension. I’m all lined up for a job already, and with an extra pension to look forward to when I retire and the wife provided for if anything happened to me—well, it’s the kind of

When I had done my nine years, as I had paid premiurns for 7 years, I could have drawn £234 to help set me up in of Sir Ilnrcntzln l"ount.l:Ilitm attended the . Street. Now after 22 years’ service’ I 3 ll \: school. of taking the i have the ‘“ .-\min_- thos- pr~senl at llt‘ c-re- l£855, or if I don’t need the‘ I the Ehairman ‘the 1 cash immediately, a pension Trttstees. the Viscount of ; f\luseum's' £172‘ a year when I retire ‘Runciman of l)oxford; the Director 1of (ircmmiclt Hospital. Mr. ll. D. from civilian work at 65.


:2‘ . Ih[t’‘=r:t*ndred".s‘ '.~"en:‘ l‘lcai:l‘aa:s;;«»|brgo|;9i r ; -‘"'~"~-'" ‘l"‘L“ ‘M--"""""”"" rs' ii‘ oil Csiittiiiiii “h""""’ "mi """""""'” r"" ":""'“ “""


have received the whole

isnthnnediatc.-‘liLiy. fY;)u


I try

That’s what I thought when I was your age until someone showed me the Progressive Savings Scheme. I only had to put aside £3 a month by Naval allotment but when I leave the Service next year I can collect £855. Sounds too good to be true. \\'here's the catch E‘ No catch. And ifl had died at any time my

:Z.'1“i.5'.:.i’l§service Supposing -5:\| l.'.‘:“'2‘.‘.':1?.t"1’:’J..f2§.“"lRoyal I’ \




’o'p»‘vr/2-tXI¥9a ¢4'd’IJQlf ‘#9-'ov"






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Jantiarv. I963

here g Wing tmosp

Sombre Victorian

original beauty




THE SIMPLE LINES OF DOCKYARD CHURCH l.Tll0L'GIl the Royal Dockyard at Chatham was first founded in the middle of the sixteenth century. there was no special Dockyard Church until 1808. The reason was because the original Yard was next to the old Parish Church of St. Mary. Chalham. and even when the site of the Yard was moved in the seventeenth century. it was only moved a few hundred yards to the other side of the church. The Dockyard. and for a long time ‘were. no doubt. all designed in prothe ships in the yard also. used the portion to tltc church itself and the Parish Church for_public worship._ as whole interior painted white and pale did the Royal Marines when_they lirst duck-egg green and gold as was the occupied their _barracks in l7_79. custom in the Ixth and early l9th Rather before this. however. the ships centuries. in the Dockyard started to use "church ships" for their worship. the Revenge \'lCl‘()RlAN CHANGFS and the Bristol being two of them. During the l9th century. however. It was decided at the_ttirn of the to increase the numbers that eighteenth century to build a special no doubt Dockyard Church for the use of the could be accommodated in the church. Dock_vard and all naval and Royal the ground floor was gutted and new Marine personnel. The present line pens and fittings in the mid-Victorian church was built in couseqtience. in style replaced the older furniture. But splendid style of the period. in ,the gallery that runs round three sides lot‘ the church was left alone. These 18 S. galleries. incidentally. which are so striking a feature in 18th-century SPLENDID PROP()R'l'l0.\'S churches were deliberately included as It is indeed a very fine church. Like part of the design and form a harall churches built in_that period it monious whole with the rest of the relies not on decor.ition and ornate church. If they are removed from a fittings for its effect. but on_its simple church of this period it always looks lines and s lendid proportions. It is odd. just as if galleries are added to church. that always looks neither too ong nor too short. neither too narrow nor too wide. neither too 0 high nor too low. but just right. The ln mid-Victorian times. then. the windows. too. are large and dignified whole ground floor of the Dock_vard and. as one would expect. just right in Church was remodelled in pitchpine. their proportions. that varnished gin er coloured wood (‘hurches of that period were nor- our reat used so much mally very plain on the outside: only for c urch fittings. All was done in the a jolly little bell cote over the great excellent joinery for which the Dockwest door rises front the roof. ()ii 3|‘ yard has always been. and is still. dark night as one sees the church renowned. But the design was cramped through the surrounding trees. it looks to get as many people in as ssible. often like the htill of a grcat ship riding land harmonised neither in simplicity above the tree tops. nor in proportion with the beautiful Inside. the church is very light and lines of the church. Finally the three cheerful as befits the House of God. large windows at the east end were And when it was first built all the lit- filled with opaque and coloured glass tings. altar and pulpit. stalls and pews in geometrical designs. and the whole


V.’-' .39





zidnliedicval .

The bright and

cheerful church of l>l..\‘l. l)uck_v:ird, Chatham.

Tireless men Isle of Man

church was repainted in brown. These two last changes. of course. altered the church from a light and airy building to the more sombre atmosphere the Victorians thought more suitable.

enjoyed visit




.M. Submarine Tireless recently paid a visit to Douglas. Isle of In recent years. however. there has been a steady attempt to restore the Man. and were most hospitably enterchurch to its former appearance and tained hy the people of the island. should have been in beauty. First a simple altarpiece to H.M.S. Artemis match the overall design of the church company. but the weather was too was produced as early as 1904 with a rough for the two submarines to very fine statue of the Risen Christ as remain together alongside. and she its centre-piece. Then a rearrangement returned to I>'l_vmouth—thus inissing reduced the appearance of crowding a most successful visit. Nearly 3_t)tm visitors walked through rotind the altar and. finally. a few ycars ago. the is hole was redecorated tthe submarine in two three-hour sesin the original light pastel shades of '.sious and it great deal of interest in -the visit was sliovtn by everyone in green and cream. The flavour of the Dockyard Church -the island. the visit the During ('ommanding is once a run bright and cheerful and Oflicer the Lieutenant accompanied its beauti ul lines and proportions are once again in their proper setting of ;"-P colour and light. A good deal remains to be done on the ground floor of the church. hitt ideas are being considered ; taking the next step in restoring a very fine and noble church to its, fortitcr beauty. '



fof .



Their expeditions included conquering the highcst peak. Snacfcll (over 2,000 feet). from which the tisual view was obscured by cloud and mist. The map at the summit indicates that climbers ought to be able to see England. Scotland. Wales and Ireland front the summit. The Engineer's Department. nobly led by the Engineer Oflicer. ponytrekked for more than 24 miles over rough country in the southern half of the island. though most of the trekkers had never ridden a horse before. There were no serious mishaps. and lots of aniusing incidents. It rained all day. but everyone came back smiling. The people of the island are keen sportsmen and. perhaps because of the Totirist Trophy races. every eligible lad has a motor-cycle. fit.



().\lMOD[)Rl-1 R. llart. D.S.0.. D.S.C. and Bar. who has been Commodore. Naval Drafting, since November. 1960. was relieved in by Commodore R. C. P. app_ointi_nent “ainwright. D.S.C., on December 15. Commodore Hart is retiring from the Service. The new (‘ontmodorc. Naval Drafting. cntcrcd the Royal Navy at R.N. College. Dartmouth in May. I927.

" y


though most of them had never ridden a horse before" Governor. Sir Ronald (jarvey. and Lady Garvey to the opening of the new WHY 0:



Little ‘Theatre in Douglas. The theatre is the work of the Amateur Dramatic Prior to specialising in Gunnery in Societies of the Isle of Man and it is [938 he had served in H.M. Ships hoped to produce plays there revuis absurd to think that the English Revcngc. Resolution. Suffolk. Hood. larly. This enterprise is typical 0 a are lacking in talent for languages. Acasta and Royal Oak. After a period who iiite of are people independent To learn at foreign language nothing in Whale Island he was appointed to the "mainland" or their social and more is necessary than a reasonably H..\l.S. llittern and in Decrmbcr. 1939. cultural development. retentive memory and the right system joined H..\l.S. Cardiff. serving in that of training. LOW INCOME TAX ship until April. I9-tl. Joining lI..\l.S. Scylla as Gunnery The Isle of Man has its own citr- The old systems of language instrucOflicer in June. I941. Commodore rency notes. The Manx people have tion are at fault, in the old days one had Wainwright saw service in Arctic their own code of Income Tax and to learn the grammar before tacklingthe Convoys and North Africa and. after properties taxes fixed by the House of text. this is eliminated by the Pclman a short period in ll.M.S. Drake, Keys. their "House of (‘ommons" method. You learn French in French. joined ll.M.S. Jamaica in Novcmbcr. and the Committee of Tymtald. the German in German and so on, in this I943. remaining in that ship and being Upper House. The lower income tax way educational psychologists say that awarded a D.S.C. for the action in is one of the many attractions the the barrier of your native tongue is island offers. Each year the constitu- overcome. which the Scharnliorst was -‘sunk. is read in the old Manx language ‘Hie Pelman method teaches you to Since the war Commodore Wain- tion from Peel. the Hill. near on ’I‘ynw:iIf read. write and speak the language of wright has served in H.M.S. Excellent. western side of island. the The old completed the Staff Course and been language is akin to Gaelic and is your choice in half the usual time without translation. English is not used. Staff Gunnery Ofiiccr to Rear small of spoken only by a proportion Admiral (D). Mediterranean. The Pclman system of learning lanthe people. guages is explained in four books. one After completing the Joint Services for each language: I-Z. ‘ERG I-.'T‘|C PU RSUITS StafT Course he went to the (iunncry FREi\'CH. (3l~IR.\l.-\.\' Establishment at Teddington. comSome members of the ship‘s coinSl’Al\'lSH. l‘l’.-\l.l.A.\‘ manded ll..\l.S. Actaeoit (October pany were quite energetic at tunes. I/"III rouriei in Afrikuiini um.‘ Uulut I952-.\|arch I953). ll.!\l.S. Tintagcl 7 «-1 -at You can have a free copy of any one (‘ast|c. and Zephyr ((‘;ipt:iin lD)l 2nd oi these books by writing for it today. 'l'r;tining Squ;idroii_ Service as l‘(tS'l ‘l lllS r«'ttt-'.t-' ('0l’l'()\ 'l()l\;\'t'— .‘\\\'isl;ttll Director of tltc Gunnery PELMAN LANGUAGES lNSTiTUTE. l)ivis§ott .tl the :\tlmirally followed and I53 .\'orI'u'ls .\lansfons. \\':gniure St.. in September 1955 he was appointed in London. \\'.I conunaiid of Dcvonport Gunnery Please send details of l’clin;tu iiiclltod School. of learning (‘omplcting the Senior Officers‘ War I-‘rcnch. (ierrnan. Spanish. Italian Course the new Commodore. Naval '('ra is out three 0/ rliaw) Drafting. became Chief Staff Ofliccr to Name the Commander-in-(‘hief, S o it t h Atlantic and South America (June. “Nobly headed by the Engineer 1959). and in August l?6O became ofieer" Director of Naval Recruiting.


Your capital Increases by § in 7 years.

For example £300 Becomes £400. PURCHASE PRICE 1 5/-


Value at 1 st and of

4th year

6th 7th year year





bought by allotment

lrrut-if by ILM. Fun-as Sat-ing: Contmitlre


..................................... ..



NA \'\’


The Hundredth Second M/S Squadron










T used to hi: said tli:it as smin as heen :ill -.v.itehed .'los'-el-_.' over the prewinter came to Seotlanil it is-oiilil ceding niontlis. he far too rough for niitiesweepcrs ln iiiid~0etoher. King: Olaf of Norto venture out to the open sea. This .way paid a State visit to Scotland. the of winter commencement year. during which the squadron was preproh-.ihly coincided with the end of sent at an assembl_v of ships held. summer leave. but the priigraninie of ll“ his honour oil Rosyth. lly lltlsl '

the lotlth Minesweepini: Squadron time the squadron was :ilso boasting reniaiiicd as varied and far-flung: as .its new tunnel emblem—;i lion ramever. l.'ptiin was recalled a day early clasping a key—synibolising the from summer leave to assist in the‘-pant .iinlocking of Scottish waters by the searrli for a crashed Buccaneer air-‘ iniiieswecpcrs of Port Edgar. cr-.il‘t till Lossiemouth. whilst (‘entex \'Ill kept e\er_vone hiis_v niinesweep- 3 The NATO Exercise “Cherdragon" in: in the .\lor-.i_v Firth in the lirst tfound the squadron based at Cher; hour-,1 and l.e Havre in company with two weeks of September. Dutch. French and ‘sweepers (‘o-op.-ration with N.-\'l'0 counter- tlllrtllj: the mid-partBelgian oi‘ November. parts has been the tirsi priol'il_\' since How did the exercise go.‘ Well. like iiiid«\ept.-niher. “Visit exercises" to iiiinesweeping exercises. it went. ('opeiih.igen and Den llelder in- illlusl Cr.-ascil kiiowledge and hro:i<lciieil tltc ’ The retit season fast ripproaclies. outlook. lliey gave the lucky titres a and Yariitori tl.ieiit. J. l. R. ()swald. chance to enioy (‘opeitliagen and RN.) left for the north zit the end of: visit .-\msIerd;ini. only two hours by‘ Noveniher. wliilst the reniziinder. train l'ro:n l)en Ileldcr. By this time Lewiston t('dr. R. D. Franklin. R.;\'.J. the squadron had etleeted one of ‘Wiston tl.ietit.-('dr. J. V. van den those iiiyst.-rioiis changes whicli hap- Arend. R.N.). Wolvertoii tl.ieut. P. A. pen lrorn time lo time in the Royal jll.iil_v. R..\l.l and Upton (Lictit. E. ll. Navj-. \\lli.'ll the "I00" tag was lost ‘Orme. R.N.). spent two busy weeks and hecaine the 2nd M.S.S. It does ‘operating out of Portsnioiilh and Portlziiid. inak: lite so t.'t)lIlpllL‘:tlL‘(l. ‘


,_t‘.‘o'-/ .


Wlls‘ seen




change also


Il..\l.S. (’:i-sandr-.i. fell overboard just after dawn on: a lfo.-buo_v has dropped. Tliere was a hetivy sea running. but a heli[all ".scr:iiiilJled" Il.M.:\.b. front was Melbourne. three miles :iw-.i_v. and iiithin nine minutes‘ the helicopter had copier vvinched him to safety and carried him to the Austriilian carrier for me ll.‘:ll trealiiienl. With Hudson in the sick bay are the rescue helicopti.-r's pilot and the vrinchnian

niorning. Fortunately. he


('ll.\.\'Gl'I 01-" ('.-\ l"l‘.-\I\'S An. ith:r

Junior st.‘:l lI-J11 l)arid lludson. I7 (of Tanghzill. York). of


occurred in the sailors used the .-\rm_v‘s rill: r.im_:e early (lctolver, whcii Capt. R. C. Watkiii. Is‘.N.. relirtqiiislied his post :iiid later some took part in a night es-ercisi: with the Arnij.‘ on the ltock. as (‘.ipt.iiii. .\liiie ('oiiiitcriiie.is‘iires : 0|’ sshat still lint it was. :1 good The other inain :itir.iciions of (lloine), on relief Ivy Capt. B. J.‘ dinner es-\\ attended the number Writer and RI-Z('()Rl) of titers ratings ;.‘-}..,.-¢.'' 111;, in mu ‘.3. m.m-mi; (iihraltar uere. ol course. the ( lll’tsl.-\ni|.-rsoii. R.N. lle \\'2l\ given a most the mark til Portsmouth the 75th 30 .\'ovemher annivers:ir_v to at on of the ‘opinion ship‘s coiiipan_t of -mas sliopping and the local \\.iteis'. siiicere l.tl‘.‘\\'Jll lw :ill ships as he 0 |’ the 215 :\\\tIl‘i:IIlttll. j ||_3|_§_ _\.-gm,-.,,, ”,;¢.m_.(',g,_ R_ J_ sailed ilown the l-'ortli in his “do-it- ltounrlinr: ot the Riiyal .\'-.mil Writers‘ Ilenevolent ()ld liands coinplaineil that neither the liinetion. oho successful attended Iltls their and l’t.'lll‘.I|’l\':ll)l_\' guests gnu-iiihers ll;-; h. |{,_\‘,i. nlicn the \ul)l‘lI‘.|I'lI‘Il.' shops nor the bars were tip to their yours-.-l:" -..i;lit. whose fortunes had ~90 were retired rm-Inhcrs and i:uv~t~ '-"Id 115 “ctr r\t'liN' 5="it'¢‘ "H""l’t'r‘ ll\lll'(l (:iii.-:iI:;irtor est-rcisi-s uillt lltr: old st.ind.'ird. but for the _\'o:in-ger ‘]{__\_|-'_;.. _\'.,.L-...i,.-r_ ;—-IZ per cent of nlioiii in-re l.e;idini: Writers and Iielovv. iiieinhers of the ship‘s coinp.ins. tor l“ l-'5‘ that the .suh-. is-horn this was the lll'\[ visit to ‘l‘”*' i" No one vvlio attended could fail to|'l"hc yoiiii-.:stcrs~ or the coinpar.it_ivei _s.iilcd each day at ."[‘|.lll. and‘ (iihraltar. the Rock still exerted its old he impressed with the liappiness cat the voiingslers ~joined in ._-‘plum 01 n iiiarine occasion. .\lenibers. some well over 80 coniinission or two ago and while the I ‘lld ‘ml “mm '””'.l "W" ""‘l""='-M‘ " magic. And it’ (iihraltar is the _i:.ttevi-.iy l"0‘=lf-I"!-'"L' ttl *l‘\"'l “lid ‘-‘'“*3''' to the Mediterranean. one must espect ,_ve;irs ot age. were thrilled to meet "old 'iins" were re-living the a‘ fair number of tratlic :iccideiits_ ln of former days. and in a tliev were. at the same time. catching l l""!"‘°"l “"~" 5"’-"'1'-°‘l~ in soccer Clizilleiiges were 1h¢| matches the fact. the sailors h.-liaved L‘l(ll'L'IltL'l)' matter of live or six hours. the names up'°n the "mdcm NM.” and local by well. regiment. of ships wliicli have been out of the ).‘mng\.k,r‘.‘ “cm not SID“. in Somerset ornvsall Light i.\'av_v List for almost half :i century. om “W Mh.M‘mm.S and '.m“ibi¢ dig. the Royal:iiiil_( lll.0(ll)-'l‘lllRSl\' wivi-is .-\:r lsorce and other ships. to \\.tl’lll up the ship's sportsmen :i ~. A bull light in l.;i l.ine.i was ,hl.iod iiiatcli was Iirst arr.iii;.'ed he- aiteiideil lay a fair number of servicelll’. second oi’ the two new I-‘leet T ?tween the men on ration allowzincc :iiid men inelinling a few sqiieaiiiisli Naval Replenishment tankers hr the victiialled iii.-nihers of the ship's Olliccrs who were dragged along hy Royal Navy was launched on comp:iiii_.'. .~\p:irt for one victualled tlicir lll0('|tl'lllll'Sl)‘ viives. The strong Deceiiilier II. at the Hehhnrn-orimember with a broken hand. and the llritisli eleriicnt in the crowd tlt.‘t‘_»' have Tyne .sliip_v:ird of Hawthorn Leslie First Lieiitenzint who narrowly avoided accoiiiited for the fact tli.it the hull (shiplitiildersl I.ld. blood poisoning. casualties were got elieered in the last tight “hen the The n;imiii_e cerenioiiv is-:is perslight. The victiialled inenil-iers won inatzidor lost his trousers. forrneil by Mrs. i\lacka_v. wile of Mr. two goals to one, which may prove When the time came for ll..\l.S. J. i\l, .\l.iek:iv. a Deput_v Secretary of‘ ; fsomeiliiiig. especially as the goal .-\cheron. loaded with diit_v free goods, the ,-\din:r.ilt}'. rzigainst them was scored by one of to leave the siiiiiiy Rock for log The Tidepool ——lil.e the Tidespring. their own side. hound England. it was \\'llll real regret. is-hicii was laiiiiclicd at the same _vartl However as the sun broke tlirou-_.-li the (DTIII-IR SI-'.R\'l('l-'.S AT SEA earlier this _ve;ir is of improved di:-‘ clouds over Dcvonport on her return. sign tor support of the Fleet and re-. P.ir:i:s of soldiers and airmen came and with the prospect of ('liristni;is and pleiiisliincnt of supplies at sea. She‘ flto sea in the sub.-n.irine. l~Ttlorts at leave that much closer. spirits rose. will he air conditioned for service in Idepth keeping by the (‘olonel of lhe' And it sliniild be placed on record tro;aic.il and cold climates and ; |Soniers:t and ('oriiw.il| Light lnf.‘intr_s' that the live ciistoms olliccrs. -ah.» .speci.iIly strengthened for operations ~|on the t'ore~plaiies ;ind an R..-\.l-'. jostled with the television and newsin ice lle .'ill~roiiiitl capability will he ._fotlicer on the :il'ter-planes produced! paper reporters on the depot ship it Cllil.|llL'L'\l by the provision of a helisome sliglitly rihald comment from the she came alongside. nere. on the and li:in_e:ir. copter Linding pl;itt'orin sailors lliey had relieved. .-\hoiit halll whole. extreni-el_v consid-:r:ite. She is ilcsigncd to carry a itiixctl Cargo oi‘ fuel ;iiid is titled with modern v__.. lizitidliitg gear for transfer by j;ickst;iy and derricks. ('.l'.0. Writer C. Slteen hands over the 75th .-\nniver.s:ir_\' Cake to .\Ir. J. R. Liddlt: The double reduction tiirhine I ; rn.icliinery is being constructed at I of the streanilined. Messrs. ll.I\\'lll0l’|'l l.eslie's St. Peter's were tossed about occ.iris. seas. pull‘ advantages [Engine Works. She will liave :in over- and anchorages were visited in incin- iiiielc;ir-age ships of the fleet. all length of 58} feet. zi h-.-am of 7! ories still fresh. and and .-\l)\'.-\.\'Cl~2~.\ll-I.\"l‘ leet. and :i draught ol 3?. feet. ller names were recalled with pleasure [or cont,-ileincnt will he IIO R.l7./L regret when tl. was discovered that The (iiiest of llonoiir was the otlicers .irid men and there will be someone had reaclicd his List anchor- Stall Otlicer (.-Sdniiiiistrtitiiinl on. additional ziecnniinodatioii for the l1|t1‘5l. the Stall of the ('oniniander-iii«('liiel'.F idea with Ro}.'.i| N.I\‘:s' olliccrs and rating borne But dont run away l’ort.snioiitli. Rear-Admiral (3. [L5 in war time. bold that it only the “_old and who Tealc. ('.B.I-1.. who. in his response to, welded Tidcpool was laid down on \M_'f.: renewing friendships ill the toast of the vi.sitor.s. thanked the’ l.)ei:eniher -l, |‘l(sl. the dim and distant past. lsar trom it. .-\ssociatioii on behalf til" all the guests for the splendid evciiiiig. and for they .opportunit_V to say what :1 good iohl the i\'av;i1 Writer has done and is still ! doing for the good of the Service. lle imeniioned that advaiicemcnt in the lhranch was receiving attention at the At the moment advance-' ment was slow. but iliis fact was not being treated with complacency b_v "'









Wsecondias? l




replenishment tshipinaies ship launched

























Great News !







, Pu" forward den.“ of -


pu N ha m sch cm ,

I | ......................................Age.........

*‘l¢l|°“¢ °l"£“'°" Name & R:II'Il<..... Address”




' l




_______________,_ __ """'----‘

...... ..


A‘N'A' "NSURANCE BROKERS) LTD‘ 23'), LONDON ROAD, WATERLOOVILLE. HANTS N Waterloo"!!! 237‘ rfiltbhon" -

Their l.ords'hips. To mark the importance of the is aw-er)‘ long or 3 lower dec' :issoci:ition—:isp endid cake had been baked which was

‘evening--75 years tlime prreseéiovatedl to‘f|“"nc' gnteilidfiit _of the Sii peiro_v:i t



:iv:i an



I I I |

airs:-zsrn-zn-so or-was lit tlianking the members of the AW)L_in“.un_ Mr‘ J‘ R. Liddlc Said l 'l-' 'dl'k 'l l'ld f


how pleased he was at the kindness which had prompted the members to remember. amid the joyous atmosphere of the party. the children of those less fortunate than themselves.








t‘li)e“HI:irLi:i .fLw-tii ldl'!1Cc\:ln1d‘.cl(c)l’“l’Il;cl:l:|:l.






The Scarborough’s lively and interesting commission



..\I.S. Scarborough arrived at Portsmouth to pay off into rctit at the end of her present General Service Commission on l)eceiubcr I2. The ship, a first-rate anti-submarine frigate of the Whitby class comiiiissioncd at Portsmouth on June 6, l96l. under the coiiinmnd of Cdr. I‘. W. Buchanan, Royal Navy. of Titchlield. Hampshire. An afternoon Visil to the town of The summer of that year was spent at I’ortl.ind where the ship was worked Scarborough while the ship was on tip to battle ellicicncy. Apart from a her w.iy to Iceland \\';ls ruined by l‘.lll inonlli on Fishery Protection duties wc;itlicr and the Sliip's (‘onipaiiy as :i and a week at Bcrgcn. the autumn was whole was dcprivcd of an opportunity spent with thc lloinc Fleet and the. to endorse the l1l\lL' of it small l'|.lIlt.l hccii s.-nt from the ship L‘iIllL‘tl :it Portxiiioiitli. I)cvoiiport. who li.id c.ir|icr ship to hclp scl.-ct .\lI\\ S.'.irl‘.oioii;_~li Rosyth and l'il.lllll‘lllh. ‘l‘)(r|.






A I~'..

splendid photograph of H.\rl.S. Broadsword turning at high speed. This photograph gained beading Airman Colley (Pilot. 2), of Il.M.S. Centaur, a Certificate of Merit in the annual competition for naval photographs

DMIRAL of the Fleet Sir John



N my opinion the visit of Broadmord to Izmir has been an outstanding success. and Broadsword and her ship's company we would like to .." wrote Cdr. see again and again B. .l. 3. Andrew. D.S.C.. R.N.. the Senior British Ollicer on the Stall‘ of Commander-in-Chief. Allied the Forces Mediterr-anean‘s Representative at Imiir. Turkey. after the Fleet Radar Picket. II.M.S. Broadsvrord. had spent live days at the port. (‘dr. Andrew went on to say: At 0900 on a particularly beautiful. calm and sunny Sunday morning. Broadsword t(‘dr. Sir Peter Anson. Bart.. R.N.) secured stem to the sea wall opposite the statue of Mustapha Kciiial Ataturk. This is 2 good berth for showing :i ship off to the public. Brondsword looked extremely smart having. I iindcrstantl. just completed her Captain (l))'s lnspcction—-or does she :ilw:iyslook so ncll? "



In the evening of blonduy occurred the highlight of the visit. The British residents gave a party for 50 ratings at the Bornova Golf Club. A number of charming girls of all nationalities were rounded up (no mean feat in Turkey) who. led by my I6-year-old daughter. went on to a series of gyrafroiu a_ spot-drilling tion_s :i



G.C.B.. M.\'.O.. DJ... a former First Sea Lord. an oflicer liked and reall who knew him. died December I3 at the age of 77.

.-ipected by


Admiral Cunningham ‘oined the Royal Navy in I900 as a ‘adet retiring from active service 48 years later having reach the very top of the tree and having rendered signal service to the Navy and to his country. In the First World War he served in the cruiser Berwiclt. the battleship Russel stink in 1916. and in the battleTRICKY TACTICS cruiser Renown. Promoted to flat! Broadsword lost the football match rank in I936 his first appointment as against the Turkish Nav_v l—~5. It was Rear-Admiral was as Assistant Chief :i good game despite some tricky of Naval Staff at the Admiralty. Turkish tactics such as (ti) roducing no fewer than 37 men and lie ding sub- BROUGHT OUT KING IIAAKON stitutes at the drop of a shin-guard. On the outbreak of the Second b_ d .k .h .| U, d 1., f |. 5 u. "‘


"ranging "twist to


from the Consul General that the Director of the Buca Girls‘ Orphanage had called on him to express thanks for the children‘s party given on board. i-‘ifty children were entertained. and the Director said they had never seen such wonderful things. done such wonderful things or eaten such wonderful things in their lives.

for the Commanding Officer and 60 otlicers and ratings to visit Ephesuswith myself as guide. After nine visits I am less inaccurate than I was. It is quite impossible to remember nearly 3,000 years of history. so no questions were allowed. 900 ‘An orderly crowdtheof aboutaftervisited the ship on Sunday



"Knees up. Mother Brown." I have seldom seen a ship's company behave with such spontaneous gaicty or with such good nianners.

INACCUBATI-I SHOOTING It was this party which inadvertently laid the foundation for some pretty inaccurate shooting on the boar hunt next day: nevertheless this was reported to have been it succcss— —if you can call it that with one bozirlet in the bag. Ilowcvcr. an outing spent in

lovely country was enjoyed. especially by the individtial who fell asleep NO OLII-1S'I'lONS in the sun and \\ as practically lIll|7.'l.lcLl All protocolic activity “as left until by the target of the day. Since the ship left. I have heard the .\lond;iy and I therefore arruiigcd the

\h'orld‘ “liar a(“)\,cfl . _fi i a cofi g rgi n gcai r fn (""‘""““‘”‘F the-Wc¢5n¢Sd=I‘v‘ CV¢IIing. Bro;id-

w(:i-'''''~‘'‘" s _h’itcs:Adr:i 43"“ i ral .




On and in 1940 brought King llaakon of sword gave an excellent At Home Norway and his (‘rovernmcnt to Briwhich was well attended by Turkish tain in Il.M.S. Dcvonshirc. In I941 he and N.A.'I'.O. dignitaries and the was appointed I-‘mirth Sea l.ord and British community. Ceremonial awn- had to deal with the submarine ing. flags and flowers set a high stan- menace. dard of decor which was much In I943 he became (.‘ommandcr-inadmired. Chief. Levant. with the acting rank of Admiral and received the surrender of the ll:ili:inNavy. In ()CIt.‘ihc_r. I943. Admiral Sir Wilfrid Woods. Com- he succeeded Admiral of the I-|_cct Sir iiiiiiidcr-in-Chief. Home I-‘lcet. who is Andrew (‘iinningh:im. now Viscount to become the Comtuziiider-in-Chief. as (‘ommandcr-in-('liicf. Portsmouth. in February. visited Cunninghani. .\lcditcrrane:in. and his coiiiniiinrl. lI..\l.S. Duchess (Capt. E. A. S. Bailey. the operation and adminicovering DePortsmouth on at Royal Navy), (Continued on page 9. col. 1) ccmbcr I8.

.\ll-2l)l'l‘I-'.RRA.\'ICAN 'l.l-LG‘ .-\ftcr giving ('liri~tni;is lcuvc .it I’ort.~.iiiouth the ship s.ul-cd for six months’ service in tlic .\lcditcrr.inc.in, The highlight of this part of the corti|l..\t.S. when inission came Scarborough was honoured to escort H.R.ll. Princess Royal. embarked in H..\l.Y. Britantiia. on her visits to Cyprus :ind Tobruk. II.M.S. Scarborough took part in exercises with elements of the AmeriFrench. Greek. Italian and can. Turkish Navies and acted as hosts to Dutch and Israeli ships visiting Malta. A series of visits, covering all aspects of Mediterranean life. took the ship to (iibraltar. l.:i Spczjai. Malta. Cyprus. Tobruk. Istanbul. Athens. Taranto. (_‘ivit:i Vcccliizi (the port of Rome). Barcelona and Palnia. On the sports fields the ship's teams generally gave a good account of themselves and her soccer clcvcn reached the semi-linzil of the Mediterranean Flcct Cup hcforc being beaten by H.M.S. Battlcaxe after c\tr:i time. n N qunc ‘mm m ‘-3,. .|,;,._ Day. ticularly at this stage of the commissioii. the ship's company worked hard in the many N.A.'I'.0. exercises. played hard on the sports licltls. and lived hard and well in the flcshpots and Ctlllttral centres of the Mediter_



“ORE EX!-‘.R(7|SI-‘.S After giving leave to the Ship's Company on her return to the United

Scarboroiigli was Iionoiircd by :i visit by the (‘oun:c<.s of Scarborotigli. who launched the ship in I955. Since then the ship has taken part in national exercises in the Clyde. the English (‘h:iniicl. oil the Scilly Kingdom.


Isles and in the North Atomic and in N.A.T.(). exercises —tIic most important of which was the large scale exercise "Riptide" oil the coast of Portugal in which live aircraft c.irricrs and 25 escorts, plus several subECENTLY H.M.S. Cavalier embarked families and friends for a day at marines. took part. In all these excrof the ship‘s ciscs H.l\l.S. Sc:irboroiigli's primary sea. In point of fact there were only two families of members visitors who came role has been in thc riiiti-siibniurine company. but friends made the number up to over I00 field but she has also been able to on board on it fine sunny morning. what after was practise gunnery and has frequently The ship. gleaming smartly after alongside at I800. her rclit. slipped and made her way generally described as an exhausting fuelled and stored at sea. down the Johorc Strait to sea for but thoroughly enjoyable experience. SCARBOROUGH IlOSI’I'l'AI.l'l'\' gunnery trials with an unusually “AR sER‘ICE Between exercises the ship has colourful complement on the upper Whllc visited Rosyth. Loch liuc. Cork. ‘.dCI.'k. I-'ortun'.itcly the weather wnsr Built at Cowcs by J. Samuel “'5! Campbcltown. I-‘on Willi’;im_ Scur‘kind and the tropical rain held off and (_0-A- 1“ l943‘_44- (-3V3ll¢l' l.ondoudcrr_v. Bangor. uiilil iIllL‘I' it bullct lunch had been s‘omniiss_ioIiciI on .Scplcmbcr_ 7. I944- borough. and HCCL the for Rothcsziy. Fisligiiard. l.ivcrpool. Home service with served on the weather decks. Shortly the convoys Amstcrduni. Dcvonport and PortsRiissian uftcr Iuncli the visitors saw a 4.5 in. f-Itw service with surfiicc shoot and then the heavens in early I945. The ship then went to mmm,_ the I-‘ar East station until paid ofl During the i‘l('tl"IlL‘ l"|cct gathering opened. driving the guests below into Sltc :it Dcvoiiport in the ;iutunin tlic I-‘iftli ‘reserve in Scrvtcmhyr. I‘)-I6.I954. where they \\cri.' quilc tlttiukftil to rest. (Il..\l. Ships ti did not min for |ung_ [mu-(_-\~cr. and rcniaincd in reserve until Jilly. for Frig:iti: Squadron llilml Ills" lid“-‘n In Bcrwick. Ursa. l.o\\cstoI't and Scarsoon everyone was up on deck oncc "ml “IN in this mix coniplctcd borough) here very \tlL‘L‘t:\'\ltll on the ;”_.;.;n m mm-[1 um firing of ;. p;.u._-rn l_ii1odernis:itioii. 1 957. sports field and won the Fleet rugby ‘of "Squid" utiti-siibnuiritic bombs. (';i\'.tlicr has hccn Iiast of Sue! since :iiid Iiockcy tropliics along with several lliis ulwziys riiakcs a spcctaculzir disI957. cruisiiig cxtcnsii-cly six-ti-sidc and individuiil trophies. play. There were one or two cnv iousrficptcnihcr. taking p;irt in m:iny n;ition:il :ind While visits to /\nl\'lt.‘f(i'.ltll. Cork gl.itiL‘cs 11 H“. ,-“immcn who “-._-.u .iiid 5.l‘:-«‘\-T~”- <‘M‘'L'l‘t'‘ 4“ Pill‘ “I "W and l.ivcrpool and all the other ports over the side on this hot day to rcluivc been most succc.-xtiil and enjoyIiighth l)c\'tr0)‘cr Squzidroii. ciivcr tltc hotiihs. The present \.'t\lllllll\\l|\Il.\\'hiclt coin- able. undoubtedly tlte liiglilight of the { S'I'I-'.F.RI.\'C TIII’. SIIII‘ nicnccd in I)cci.-nihcr. I‘)!-I. iiiidcr the Izist leg of the coniiiiission has been A little later xi queue of young coiniiiund of ('dr. \V. (I. B. Black. the call to the Inuit of §C:Ifhi\rtit|gh‘ is the last on the Far The weather was not vcry kind but the iiicu foimcd up. in only Illsl ni;iii;igc- Royzil .\';ivy. I“ lhc °V¢"“‘l‘°ll“l"'t1 l‘“‘l"lli'“l.\' "I the luhlc oidcr. outside the vxlicclhousc to F-_-“F ‘l*“l“f‘. lWl*‘“' v‘l‘°for“'““'“‘ further townspeople of .\‘t.'iI|'l\nru|t:_'h mg”; ;i "liavc a go" at steering the ship l1nitcd_ Ringtltiiii “.},;c},_ it "my 1,: mtg‘-d_ 1h,_-3, an moilcrnisatioii in tlic \lIt|'Itl‘It‘r of I963. than made up for this, \'.‘L‘Il‘It.‘tl to do quite conipctcntly. Thu: whole ship was opcti for to inspect and great inlcrcst was shonn HOME CLUB SAILORS’ ROYAL in the galley. where they .\':i\v the hands ; Queen Street. Portsmouth (Portsmouth 2-t23l/2) serving tlicnisclvcs with dinner. using the new ciifctiiria system installed durTHE CLUB FOR ALL LOWER DECK PERSONNEL in the and rclit. room. the engine ing to which one small boy returned at; EVERY SERVING MAN AND WOMAN IS A MEMBER least three times. dragging unsuspectIE:-Serving Men 3 Women Eligible For Membership) with him to explain. ing cngiiiccrs Single Cabins. Married Quarters. Bari. Restaurant. Bluljfdi, TV Lounger. Lockers During the return journey theFacilities ’cr Reception: and Dance: weather improved and everyone wzisi up on deck to see the ship bcrth

Guests ‘steer’ the ship _












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guests’ _

Il..\I.S. Ark Royal. whose place on the Far East Station has been taken by lI..\t.S. Hermes. reached Plymouth on December I6.

THE FAMILIES’ ANNEXE IS NOW open AND AVAILABLEFOR YOU AND YOUR FAMILY Complete With Own Lounge and Bar Restaurant and Children's Play Room Iiriirance in I-lawlie Street, Pl-one N855)




Pension after 32 years can be £9 25. a week

. '

":e=‘.*<;-gasps‘ *.-'* s t«,_







lll-I J\dTlIll'£|ll_\' recently announced the reintroduction ol the “Siiitli-I-‘ive" engagement (to complete 32 years‘ pensionable service) which has been for some years. For the ‘benefit of readers who may be wondering abeyance_ hm! this affects them. “Navy hews" put some questions to the Director lost General of .\laupower in the Admiralty.


ll'linl it In-liiml Ilt(' f('fIllr0(lllCllt)Il of the .5'i'.ttli-I-"ire rii:.:agenicrit." Dir-.-ctor lieneral of Manpower.First. we want to give to those now in the Service. and to those considering entering the R.N. and the R..\l. ill the future. the chance of as

Arc lllt'It‘ any .ipi't'i'nl mmlilioiii." Men have to be fully fit and certilied as capable of carrying out the full range of duties of their rates. afloat as well as ashore. They must be ready to take their turn of foreign and seascrvice and cannot up-.-ct any

possible to ;i lifelong career, ciinccsvltitl on ;tt.‘i.'t\lIlll ol lll‘.‘tl' age, And secondly. so much time and And it it is litllllltl that a man is etlort l'l.ts to be cxpetided in prodiic- getting past his job. he may have to ing the highly trained and skilled leave before the ctid of his engagesenior rating of toilay that it is ob- itictil. sioiisly in the Nat-y's interest to ret.iiii sonic ot tlicm a little longer. El-"I-'l{(_'"l" (l.\' .-\l)\';\.\'('l{.\ll~I.\"l' It the .\itIlt—l'iii’i' open It) ¢°i‘rr\‘mii'f’ llmr ||‘l/l‘llll\ iillrrt flit‘ pnii/n-tn of Yes. provided he ha.s completed 25 _\'lHlIl},'t'I' uteri.’ wars‘ rcckonable service. But. of In the lirst place. the younger men branches do with near as


themselves will now have the chance of a long career in the Service. We do not pretend that there will be no effect on advancetnent. btit we have looked into this carefully and are satisfied that any delay in advancement will be small. For example. in the Seaman Branch. if as many as 30 C.P.O.s were to re-engage every year for live years. the average age of advancement would rise by only six months. This is not very much. and is more than ollset by the longer PI-ZNSl().\' NI-IARl.Y DOUBLE-ID career opportunity. In dealing with Wlmt are (lit arlvrtnlogcr 0] rr-:'rt- applications for Sixth-Five we shall ,i-rigiitt: /or it Si.itli l-'i'i'i'." keep a very close eye on safeguarding First. continued employment for rca_sonable advancement prospects for live years. and. secondly. a mtich in- ratings on otltcr engagements. creased pension and terminal grant at (The /I dniirallv Flrcl Orilrr ri'lr'rrul the end of it. Both pension and ter- to is A.l-‘.0. 237.i,’62.l mituil grant after 32 years are very nearly double what a man would get H.M. Yacht Christif he retired after his 22 years. as you mas at Kingston. Jamaica.spent can see from this table: 22 Y“"5 27 l'°‘"5 33 5°-W‘ £ 3- ‘l5 5- ‘l5 S ‘l C.l’.0. Pension 6 ls 3 4 '5 4 9 7- 0 Terminal Grant 7” 0 0 L03‘ 0 0 l‘“9 0 0 i. 2 it P.(). Pension 4 4 0 it I 0 Terminal (irant "55 0 0 95“ 0 0 ll“ 0 0 3 5 0 4 '6 0 5 6 0 Leading Pension Rate Tertttinal (irant 5” 0 0 7'33 0 0 983 0 0 some


rcvctlgiigclncltls than others. In branehes which have over-bearings or in which advancement is likely to be blocked. re-engagement will have to be restricted and then. naturally. preference will be giveti to the men with the best Service records. The Admiralty I-'|eet Order gave an indication of present requirements. but the position could change quite quickly and it is always worth applying.


THE CAVENDISH RE-COMMISSIONS day ship lirings Carysfort to refit at Gib. refit which had lasted for AFTER year. ILMS. Cavendish a

eommissioned at Gibraltar t‘ or further service under the command of Capt. D. G. Parker. D.S.0., D.S.C.. A.F.C.. R.N., on September I7. I962. The

commissioning service was conducted by the Dean of Gibraltar. the Very Reverend G. S. H. Worsley. M./\.

On completion of the religious ceremony. the ship's com any were addressed by the Flag Olicer. Gibraltar. Rear-Admiral E. N. Siiielair. D.S.C. He told them and their guests that the ship was built at (‘l_vdebank. being launched on March I7. I944. and completed in December of that






(Continued from page 8) station of American. French, Greek. Italian and British llccts. dockyards and bases". was possibly without parallel in its sire. In May. I‘)-ttt. he again followed Sir Andrew as First Sea Lord. becoming the lirst Navigation Specialist to achieve that high post. Sir John was promoted to .»\dmiral of the Fleet in

A hectic

After two years on the Home and East Indies Station the ship went into reserve until I956 when she was '


(Continued from page 5) during which Appledore lifeboat

City of Plymouth to look after

Ill-I Port Library. Devonport. and the Plymouth Command Naval Ollicers‘ Library. formerly housed in the R.N. Port Library. St. Auhyn lZ.ii:.l. Devonport. have been transferred to the City of l’lynioi_ith Public I.ibrarie.s'. The I0,000 books in the two libraries. which are mainly of :1 historical. biographical or naval reference type. are being combined with the l0.000 naval huitory volumes already In the City Library. to provide a centre of naval historical research and reading in the soutl1-west. The new combined library is to be known as the "Mount Wise Naval History Library" and will_ be C_-“PC"!~l¢‘l under the aegis of the City l.ibr:_irian. The Moiint Wise Naval History l.ibrar_\' will in due course be hous_cd in the main extension of the (.ity Library. Tavistoek Road. l’l!‘"}0l'l,ll (yet to be coiiiplcted). .\leamvhile. it is housed. temporarily but well. at is) North Street. Pl_vniouth. Which is oil Ebrington Street. Plymouth. l-‘.t\Cll.lTlI-ZS FOR RFSI-IA RC“ The Library is open to all i\';l\‘;Il and Royal .\larines personnel. whether retired or serving. and to all Devonport Dockyard personnel. There are facilities for reading or research at the Library. or books may be taken_ away. It is expected that borrowers will normally limit the numbers of books taken from the _Library to two. but every consideration will be given to bona tide requests for larger borro\vings for Naval History Prize and Staff (‘oursc reading. research and other purposes. Books may be borrowed by post. the I City Library payin the out postage and the borrower t e retiirn_postage.t Requests for postal borrowings and} written inquiries should be addresscdt to the City Librarian. Tavistoek Road.

King William Street. London. E.C.4.

Telephone M/\Nsion House 243! (I0 lines) ASSETS EXCE ED £440.000.000


extend New Year Greetings to all serving with the Royal Royal Marines, and the Womens Royal Naval Service.


All the books in the Library will eventually be rebound by the City Library and a catalogue issued to all major ships and establishments. btit this will take time. Meanwhile the books have been shelved in alphal betical order of author.



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ceetled in getting alongside the stricken ship. btit was unable to take anyone oil. and attempts were made from the clilfs to secure a brecches buoy to the wreck. This latter attempt was at last successful. and at a quarter to three on Sunday mornI‘)-I8. ing this signal was received by light: i'.I\Il seven men safe :ishore~very ASHES T0 Tlll-I Sl-IA :many thanks for the illtimination. it On l)eceinher 20 his ashes were was a great help.‘ Later. (Tdr. Moore. comtiiitted to the sea oil the Nab R.N. (retd.). Inspector. H..\l. (‘onstTower front the frigate l|..\l.S. Rhyl gtiards. sctit this signal to Agiitcourt: in the presence of Mr. John Cunning- ‘Your presence oll shore on Saturham tsonl. Adiniral Sir Alexander da_v night was a great comfort to those Binglcy (('omiiiaiider-in-(Thief. Ports- working on the rocks. and the illumouth). Vice-.»‘\dniiral Sir Michael mination provided by your searclilight Villiers (Fourth Sea l.ord—rc re» was of the greatest value throughout senting the Board of Adniiraty). the operation~many thanks.‘ Frederick Parhani Admir:il Sir “Agiiicoiirt immediately turned into (President of the Royal Naval the teeth of the gale and headed north Association). Rear-.-‘\dmiral R. B. for Scotland at the IIl:t.\‘lltllItIl speed Lynch. U.S.N. l;\'aval Attache). Capt. witliotit damaging the ship in the J. W. H. Bennett. R.N. (representing heavy seas. Slow progress was made the Navigation I)irection branch). up the lrisli Sea all Siiiiday at about (‘;ipt, I-Z. l. llruen R.Nor.N. (Naval live or six knots. At about It) o'clock .-\ttache). and l.icut.-Cdr. L. H. ‘on Stinda_v evening the Olliccr of the .\t.isl.-.-I|. R.\,R. lSccretary of the Watch exchanged identities with a Ro_\.il Naval .'\\st\..‘lltll()l‘ll. large ship that had remained on the I-roni I‘)-IN to 1958 Adniiral ("un- port beam at a range of about five ninghain was ehairtiian of the Iraq miles for the previous two hours. The Pctroleiini (‘oinp:iiiy. He was Vice- ship turned otit to be the aircraft Patron of the Royal Naval Associa- carrier Ceiitaiir. and she remained in tion. hasmg been President until ill sight tintil 1 o'clock on .\Ioiiday mornhealth compelled Tiim to relinquish ing. Later on .\loiiday morning it was the otlice in I-ml. learned that soon after losing sight A memorial service will he held at of her the ('cntaur had sutlered an the (‘hiirch of St. .\I.irtin-in-the-liiclds e\plosion in one of lter boiler rooms. which killed live men.‘ on l.iiiu;iry l7.



over a

'GoVernor of Gibraltar spent a at of the and saw sea with the anti-submarine mortars and the closeanti-aircraft armament. modernised by Viclters-Armstrongs rangc As Cavendish neared the end of her List. and served with the Sixth De- trials another "CA" Class destroyer stroyer Sqiiadron under the command arrived at Gibraltar. This was lt.M.S. of Capt. .l_. N. Kennard. R.N. This Carysfort. which is to receive the same first commission after modernisation. modernisation as Cavendish including and the following one. were spent with the addition of :i new and larger the Home and Mediterranean Fleets. superstructure aft. As ('aryfort steamed past Europa Point the types LONG REFIT STARTS of "CAs' met. old and new. side by She completed her third commission side. The new-look "CA" is certainly under Capt. P. U. Baylcy. R.N.. in more striking than the old. However. October. I95‘). and was immediately there are many who mourn the passrecommissioned and served on the Far ing of the classic destroyer prolile. East Station until July. I96l. The ship then proceeded to Gibraltar to begin Two I6-year-old dockyard apprenthe long relit which has now been tices. Jeffrey Barnes and Peter Norvill, both at Cliathani doekyard. made an completed. The trials necessary after the long accurate scale model of HM. Subrelit have now been successfully com- marine Sibyl in I2 weeks and prepletcd and the ship is fully operational. sented it to the Submarine .\tuseiiin of During the trials His Excellency the H.M.S. Dolphin.

ly practically every need of

the Serviceman and


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‘-OW.-\Rl)S the end of .\'overnhcr. l l.i\‘l.S. Cavalier. (('ontmandcr W. G. ll. the flux: of the Black. Royal cscrcising with ll.M.S. Tiger night and willing to stay nuicli longer? l-‘lag Officer Second-in-Contnttind. Far Exist Station, was on the way to ltad we encouraged tlient. ‘fhotigh we.‘ I-'remantle for the Empire Games. when she was suddcllly detached to render say it ourselves. it was a good show} medical aid to a man sick in the l'niled States Ship Horizon. with varied talent. not only from The Horizon was carrying otit an made in get a light jackstay across in the .ship's company. but also from‘ occaiioz.-.r.tpli:c survey in the Southern order to obviate the rough h.iiidling 42 and 40 Commandos when “C had Indian ()cc.tn over ;I 1.000 miles that would be rteccssarily entailed in them with us. a se;ibo:tt Operation. away. A popular institution in the ship l.eai.-ing the fleet at 1315 on Mon- .-\ltltoiigli a line was sent over, the has been the “Bulwark Clarion." a day. November l9. after disentbarking gear proved too ntiicli for llori1on's newspaper which undertook to give us the Adntiral who had been visiting small crew to handle at the distance the world news. but contrived at the the ship. and reftielling to capacity that prudence dictated. so C'.ivalier's same time to convey tasty slander. with front R.l-'..-\. Wave Ruler. an hour scaboat was lowered. no stzindards to keep tip except inter- and a half after the receipt of llte The transfer was effected quickly est. It ran into over I70 issues. but message that aid was needed. course and the patient. although buiitpcd should have been choked in infancy. was set for the rcndc/votis at 23 knots. slightly in the movement from its only excuse for continued existence l Horizon to the scaboat scented none SP1-'.l-If)—23 K.\'0TS was that it gave us a laugh now and the worse for his trip when he arrived then. and aittttsentcnt is a precious liven at 23 knots‘. :i thousand miles in the sick bay of the destroyer commodity among sailors. | tzikcs a considerable tinte to cover lll.()()l) l)f).\'()RS As I write there remaiiis only one and ftirtlier niessages from ll0l‘lI.ttll more eitcoiinter and that is with tlie§did nothing to alleviate the concern There were plenty of volunteers on Customs. We ltave grown so accus- that all felt about the patient whose board to donate blood and between tomcd to haggling with eastern mer- internal h.ientorrlt.ige was not fill- \\’ediiesd.iy afternoon when the patient arriycd and I-‘riday evening when he cl_iants over the purchase of our "rab- 1 proving. hits." that we shall argue with the .-\t I401) on the Wetlnesilziy the was Linded :tt l-'reiii:inile, ;i total of men. whatever they charge usl United States ship was sighted. 'llie sis pints was iranst'iised_ liycisc for our fabulous gifts front the East. l swell Vo’.'ls’ quite high. and llori/on. The 2.000-mile journey had not A final ivord: Good luck to Albion. an es-ocean going tug was proving been in vain and Mr. 0‘('oniior. the .\l;ty she fare as well as we have done. ditlicult to handle. An attempt was sick man. had a very much improved s.'h.tnL'c of tccnvcfy.

Hong Kong best

(BY OUR OWN ('ORRl'TSl'0.\'l)l-I.\"l') HIS will he ll.-.\f.S. lliilw-.irk‘s last contribution this commission for ll..\l.S. Albion. our relief. was met at Aden with three heartfelt cheers. coiiipletely unrelii.-arsed. and now she is carrying the torch which we feel we have carried with no little success for quite long enough. ‘low that we are back in the United Kingdom and have tasted some of the delights of the climate. I wonder if there are any who wish they were still East

l-I;iSun. gli.sli 0

I suppose all carriers are busy ships traversing 2.910 fascinating miles of and ltiilwark has been no exception. East Africa. Somebody else. legitiBut it is about the real lngli-lights. like mately. shot an elephant. but we full story out of him runs asliore. that you and your readers haven't had the Vcl. will want to hear. Then the BBC featured an account l.et me tell vou. once and for all. of our helicopters being lent to the that of the places we have visited in best. game warden of the Tsavo National our travels. Hong Kong is tlte il’ark to engage in an elepltant count. Sailors are happy here. for. it! 31 |‘l his was unusual work for the Royal liiindred yards froitt tltevship‘. Navy. btit we enjoy the tintisiial best absorbed into the exciting life 0 t c of all. are forplace. and things like work domestic gotten. not to mention our ‘ROB YOUR “0PPO”' bit shabby \\e a [r()ultlcs, felt Besides these occasions ashore. We leaving llong lvsong at tltc \\':tfl1|"E °_ iliave had our moments on board. lliirrieaiie Wanda s approaclt: ¢\C|'.‘ E ll.i\~e you heard of the Vicarage garden ntaii lack among us would have leapt fete on the flight deck‘! The thcnte was 1.; give a ltttnd. Rob your ‘0ppo"' and. by the end‘ has rcD0|' 1 C<_! \\'L'$li!l'll..'\ll.\lfilll'.l ;ot' the afternoon. he certainly found i on in previous letters to i\:iv,\‘ NI!“ himself out of ockct. The side-shows ltome from This is definitely a “home 'were all might have found on the for the ltritislt sailor. which is not stir- ‘visxtragc you lawn, with a few extras like so there are many that prising, seeing T is apparent. front the number of booltntakcrs. "Oggtc_"iniporttinzttc who tltere settled kiit and our kitli of letters received. that many men in _catiii.; c.iiiipctilion.s. shooting galleries lt0II1I:from welcome aiiytlting the Service own dogs. either as pets of jaiid roll the penny. It was a tttost the family or. in many cases. as watchfor no change jg-eiieroiis hzirtd-over. Tlll-T l.l0.\' R.-\.\' Our fund to buy two guide dogs for the times that the husbands was Ne\t to Perth and Hunt: l\'*“‘.“ “C ‘dogs given. are zmay front liimie. and Yendis. our for the blind went over the top? fccnllllllclltl .\foitth:isa. and that not ;wiili tznn collected in an afternoon. "Dog Reporter." has been asked for only for the flesh-pots of the town. We We now have £601} in all in tlti: kitt_v his coruiueiits on Lead Training for had |lf'.:.tlll\L‘ll liiis trips. taking in litiitDogs. charity. (We had. when this was drgd, oi" sqiiare miles of Kcityzi. to the written. He says that the first step in Lead By the time this article ’]‘5;.-.-.s i\'.itioit.'il Park where the wild lfilffllllg .i dog is by just putting .’I appears in print it will. no doubt. have :9. :itiiiii.i|s iii the n:itttral stan-‘saw us -been disbursed.) ll..\l.S. Uplo II. :I “l'on" class coastal minesweeper of 425 tons (full load) light collar on him and leaving it on and left us alone. llte lzlcctriczil Defor leiigthciiiiig periods over a few .-\n undoubted success this commisis 27 displacement. (fiinipleiiterit "W 3|‘ took it day's o_Ul|"tl partitteiit been the ship's concert party days. When you tind that he does not of the sioii has comforts all the with part, mind liaving it on. attach an old lead with their show. "lteyond a Joke." modern s;it'ari. and their approitch ;'l‘liis was put on :it Singapore. Kiiwait -.iitd lcaic hint to run ahoitt to get the was so noisy that the elephant and Land the feel of it. After a couple of days i,-t-ri!l_v K-eycltelles. but it wasn't until the min organiser of the lion ran to hide lllL'ltl\t:l\‘t.‘S. iwc reached .\lontbas;t that we had (lub thus all the pieces of the take hold of it and fufloir the dog. If .§iirls' dcnt:tttdnot so But those trips were he sits down and refiises to lllu\'C fall into place. i the benefit of a real professional stage. E. ii. iii.: (Lieutenant l|t1‘33|“' Upton and pltysiqtic as. say. On each of two nights two shows were ing on initiative often you give the lead a light tug. do been’ Games. has and left Orme. dancing Royal !\'avyl. the; supper of half dozen a the assault iitade by and the manageiitent said they in commission for six and a haIl"vi.sitors rather surprised at their1 not pull on the lead. but walk back to |given r'....'. our fellows who. hiring native porters :could have provided audiences for mm “M "“'l“ " “"“' 0"“ h‘ '‘‘*‘l‘’‘‘ but the musical at for chairs the fwltere ship's opportunities prowess years. ; of and mules. got to within Still feet The show that having it collar and lead on is not . more evenings of that sort. the siiiiimit of Mount Kenya. 'lhey isvas so voeiferou.sly received that we company to visit the name village of ('o.vtsw;tiii was fl.'|l'l'Ol-\l_\' beaten by the a form of punislinicnt. the [int of would have gone all the \va_\'. btit 'had great difficulty in persuading the lfpton. near Andovcr. have been few t\':ivig.itin-g Otliccr) and l’:iss' the Par- IIt;iit_v stages Is over. icel. and made them determined to The next step is to get a friend to their leave was up and we have a first house to depart so that the second and far between. On i\’ovcmber 2‘). however. aitlimprove the .st:iitd.ird of l\\l.\lll'lg on strict (oiiiiitandcr. could begin. call ltiitt front a short distance away did occur and 20 officers; board. Allie supper was esccllciit. opportunity Some of the helicopter pilots manand r.iting,s went from Portsntiiutli to? A visit to the “local" at Upton whilst you are still holding the lead. SHOW A TWAS GOOD and when the dog goes across follow aged to get hold of :in .-\riuy safari: of ltlte llurstboiirne Tarraitt village show that of this to served only trips .-\nd we remember Kuwait where vilierc the local (iir|s' him aitd. by putting a little restraint l.;iiid-Rover. camp beds and all. and ("tub welcomed kind do intineitse can of an amount , in it got as far as Lake \'ictoria. itlte audience was still there at rttid- "W the lead, he will soon get used to l‘1|”."~ itwod. -Vlilny of the locals never even on l.ady ('uthbert_ wife of Vice-jkiiew that there was -.i ship named the idea. Admiral Sir John Cuthbert. C.B.l£..3 after their village --they were MAIN-I A I-‘USS fret.l, who latinched the ship at tlieienliglttcned. The lessons should last only a few ] yard of Thorneycrofts. Isle of Wight.§ The party thoroughly enjoyed the. minutes at a time. because the average in I956. has maintaiiied a close visit and the otlicers and men of the; puppy's concentration is limited. If liaison with the ship ever since. She-ship hope that the village people: you find that he is being stubborn and [lives at Hurstbournc 'l'arr'.int and is,enjoyed seeing them. chewing at the lead. do not indulge in SOUTH PARADE } a battle of wills. as you are likely to your previous good \.vurk_ but I spoil SOUTHSEA make a fuss of him and let him have a game. It is also inadvisable to try OSBORNE ROAD to train a puppy prior to. or just after he has had a meal. . SOUTHSEA ()iice you have got him used to being on a lead. then comes the nest AVAILABLE FOR ALL whilst stcp—lraiiting him to obey HAT a fascinating volume is the I962-63 edition of “Jane's All the otit lll the street. A dog you that pulls World‘-. Aircraft." compiled and edited by John W. R. Taylor. I-'.R.llis1.S.. i away towards aiiytlting that attracts A.R..-\e.S.. and published by Sampson Low. .\l-arston 81 Co. l.td.. at £5 5s. I his atteiition c:tn be a danger. When you first \l.tl'l takiiig him out Over 500 superbly produced pages Xl5 research aircraft. has continued whether a Submitrine—Destroyer—Battleship or Aircraft Carrier with hundreds of photographs and dia- to make history by exceeding its dc- for :1 walk it is a good idea to carry :1 OVER 50 SHlP'S DANCES CATERED FOR LAST YEAR grains ttlicre are nearly 600 new illus- i sign objectives of night :it 4.000 m.p.li. rolled-up newspaper. and when he slralimlsl covering every type of air-«and a height of 50 miles, .-\notlier starts to pull give ltiin a Ii;-fir tap on Wm.-—Write—or phone. Portsmouth 32275 ‘craft. sailplanes. drones. air-ciisliionl"s'peed plane" mentioned is the the nose. at the same tiitie saying 'vcliicles'. guided missiles. rockets and t U.S.S.R.'s I-I.l(i(i. which has set up‘,"hccl." ft is anta/iiig how quickly pupMake your first "Port of Call" for Dancing: :'space vehicles and aero engines. dc- l their major speed and height records. pies get used to walkiitg at your side. The Savoy Ballroom Radio Band Every Friday 1 light the eye. fill the expert with ad-l .-\ pltittogrztph bclicvcd to he ihc [3_|r,(, If and when you let hint off the lead iiiiration and cause the casital reader is included in the Soviet _e.,-.,-tion_ for a rttn in a park or on some waste to wonder just ltow far man's inAn aeroplane Wll'Clt. the editor con- ground and he does not come back to in this geiiiiity can go complex field. i sidercd. might put Britain in the speed I you. or starts to rim oil, it is :1 ritistake is The Planes Jane's :i work of refer- I race. is the Bristol I88. stated to be ~to chase lifter him. as he will think encc indispensable to all seekers of designed for prolonged flight at speeds‘ that this is a new game. so call his facts concerning aeronatitics, of tip to Mach 3, . naiiic and when he stops and looks In his foreword the Editor refers to This edition does not contain :in round. start running (or walking) in a year crowded with progress and ex- ".-\irships" section. but in recording the opposite direction. Just as much a citement. mentioning that vertical this fact the editor states that both as you do not want to lose him_ he take-otl without the use of rotating .-\mcrica and Russia are still studying does not want to lose you. \h'lt|l_1i has advanced from a research lighter-tlian-:iir flight. Letters asking for advice on the feelito a proven. practical concept Sailplanes and gliders now have a care of dogs. ctc.. will he answered section of 30 pages on their own, and if addressed to Yendis, c/o The liditor. nique. He takes. as the aircraft of the year while the "Drones" section is shorter A stamped addressed envelope should lltc Hawker P.ll27 tactical fighter. by one page. I} pages. instead of last be enclosed. “which has proved convincingly that year's I0 are devoted to air-cushion home . the vectored thrust system can com- vehicles. The "Guided Missiles. Roci bine supersonic flight and vertical take- kets and Space Vehicles" section. now from ott capabilities in an aeroplane. with- contains 53 pages while the “Aero out any sacrifice of military potential." Engines" section runs to 76 pages. This last section includes details of celebrate the end of her present GREAT STEP FORWARD of the mighty engines that will some commission. Il..\l..S. Duchess held In of the high-speed flight writing power the space launchers of the late a dance in Portsmouth on December 5. (near Portsmouth and southsea) editor states that the North American I “sixties." when ntiilti-inillion-pottnd During the dance a cheque for £150, The perfect blend of town -and country—rtear the sea. Fast rn:td._rail and bus with tail-first its delta )\'8-70.-\. wing thrust and rockets" 150 ft. tall will no raised during the coniniission. was facilitiesat hand with excellent shops. schools and churches in the vicinity. contigtasttion. matched to a highly Ion-.-er seem staggering. presented to the l'ortsittouth Branch I’--r rr-nipfrlr information,please write or phone advanced integrated ropulsion sys.-\ll in all this new edition of tlie of the Guide Dogs‘ for the Blind JOHN C. NICHOLLS. LIMITED tem, represents a step orward as great l’l.i-i:s l.ine's lives tip to the high re- .-\ss‘ociatioit. Yitrlieibert Road. Farlington. Portsmouth. Tel: Cosliarn 70232 as arty in aviation history. ll..\l.S. Diicltcss recoiitniissions for piiiition deservedly earned by its preThe X8-70.—\'s smaller brother. the i.l::essors. fiirtlter service on Ltiitiary J. '


they airs.











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January. I963

Hitch-hikers froze in ]Dorset. their tracksjfiibraltar and

Enginceriiig Mechanic

John Holland (27) of St. Hudcaux. left November 27. They on ‘made very fast tiiite indeed as on two jnights‘ it was too cold to camp and

STOKERS WIN :they straight “We tried get locked in Calais." they RACE TO GIB. lourselves lsaid. All the hotels the shirt. they persuade police give went






could not to T was a pretty quiet trip. though ;lllL‘lll accoinmodation at tltc local jail at nearly got shot once." This cuttiit w;is full. “we just walked around ‘as hike the tnent sunitiietl up ‘(';il:iis all night." They arrived back ten-day l made by we of ll..\l.S./M. Aeheron's at Devonport on December 5 two days sailors from Devunport to Cibraltiir. ;;thc.'id of the submarine, with Acheron. dtie to visit (inbOX0 AND COD]-IINES ral'.ar in November. it was decidedllti: scaiucn. Able Seaman Edwin to send two seamen and two cnguiecrfrom" hitch Wilson (27) of Andover. and l-Ilectrical hiking ing mechanics l)e\-onport. This was to be Lt race .\lcch;inic Brian Birch (23) of Hasleagainst time with 20 points for the tirst incre. left Gibraltar on November 26. team to (iibraltar. and live points each In an attempt to emulate List and for post cards sent front Blots. .\tabbutt's achievement they made for l.ourd::s and Toledo. .the U.S.A.F. base at Rota in Spain. “



were unable to hitch a lift to Eng‘but LII-'1' T0 \'ALl-‘NCIA 'land. As they got farther North. the There was no shortage of volunteers lweathcr became progressively colder and at 0830 on November ll the first land it was quite an ordeal for them to pair set out. They were Able Seaman ‘strike camp in the mornings with their John List (23) of Southsvold and F.lec- ‘tents frozen as still as as a board. trical .\lechanie Brian Mabbiitt 127) of .\loralc reached its lowest ebb in Snrbiton. They carried rucks:tcks'. France vi hen, having h:id nothing to eat sleeping bags‘ and a tent. Each had ‘tor a whole day and no lifts for two. about £7 in cash anti a sealed enve- they brewed a strong cup of oxo. all lope containing £20 in travellers they had with them. added six codeines cheques between them. They also car- .apiecc and had at really good nights ried passports and a chit showing their sleep for .1 change. They found [Engmission in three langtiagcs. Deciding land shrouded in fog when they landed Dover and finally arrived back on to go all out for a quick time the two hitch-hiked to Gatwick where they got .board Achcron in Devonport fotir lift in a chartered aircraft to 'days after the stokers. a Valencia. Victory. therefore. was gained by I A certain amount of difficulty with {the stolzers over both legs of the conthe Spanish police on landing was ttest. although considerable credit must sorted otit by the pilot. They then set go to tltc losers. The men all looked off to hitch the 600 miles to Gibraltar. lit and sunburned and none the worse This was not as easy as it may sound. for their enforced exercise. All eight as to give lifts in Spain is illegal and ratings will be given inscribed tanltards they had to rely on tinsuspecting totir- 7by the Commanding Officer to contists. Their one awkward moment mcmoralc their feat anti it is hoped to occurred one evening when they were .rcpcat the hike next time the subsearching for a camping spot. Unwit- lniarirtc visits Gibraltar. iingly they strayed on to a military ; "We'd do the trip again tomorrow." airport and were challenged by police. was the linal verdict. "But it would be They were about to rtin for it when more fun in the summer." they heard the sound of bolts Clicking. which froze them in their tracks! What might have been a nasty incident was averted by their chit in Spanish. which explained everything. The police were very amused and showed them a more suitable spot to spend the night. List and Mabbtitt finally reached the subOW long would it talie—if one m:irinc at Gibraltar at I340 on Novemcould or wanted to—to multiply ber 2| having spent about £4 each. .999.999.999 by 999.999.9991’ An inistzillation has recently been installed TEN DAY.“ TRIP the Naval Store Department of The stokcrs. Leading Engineering |H..\l. Doeltyard. Portsmouth. that Mechanic Michael Drew (26) of Ex- lean produce the answer to the above mouih and Engineering Mechanic lquestion in one-hundredth of a David Brown (22) of Whitley Bay. lsecuntl. Ntirtliiiniberliind. lett Dcvonport at l On November I‘). Rear-Admiral Sir 1030 on November I2. They hitch- John Walshaiii. Bart. ().l3.E.. the Adliiked to Southampton. aided by the I miral Superintendent. started the initial publicity the seamen had already had run of the new Punched Card Accountand sailed in the ferry to Le Havre. ing Installation. equipment centred ‘I‘hc_v passed tlirotigh lllois. Lourdes round a computer which processes and Toledo as planned without major ~inlormation p r e s e rt t e d to it on incident. although their log made punched cards. The machine reads aintising reading and arrived at the ‘these cards at a maximum speed of 800 siibniarine at I240 on November 22. a minute and has a "memory storage winning by a narrow margin of time icapaciiy" of 4.000 figures and letters. and gaining maximum points. They The computer is linked to a printer £l7 each. spent approximately which produces issue authorisations. of the second the For trip. two stocks reports and all manner of doculeg stolters. Leading [Engineering Mech- ments associated with stores accountanic Brian Sansoni (25) of Parkstoitc. ing at a maximum speed of (:00 printed lines per minute. -



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SPI-II-ZDII-IR HANDLING Stall savings are espectcd to result. but the main gain will derive from the handling of transactions and jspeedier llllk‘ comprehensive reviews of stock u levels. The system the Admiral inauguraNUHBER of “.51. ships already have a close liaison with Sea Cadet ted will. in due course. maintain comunits. and in some cases the unit has plcte stock and expcndittire records of Home 75.000 ditferent articles stocked adopted the name of the ship with;'in the docltyard and will control rewhich the liaison has been formed. For example. the Sea Cadet units at ceipt and issue transactions to the of some 4.000 daily. Slough. 'l‘.S. Lion. and at Tiverton. l tune One big saving in time will be that T.S. Hermes. have very strong links with the ships after which they are.,t.ills of stock will be immediately apparent and the time-consuming rcnamed. l In both these cases a regular ex- views by clerical staffs of stocks held change of visits takes‘ plaice between will be avoitlcd. the ship and the unit. to the very great I ltl.00tl TRANSISTORS benefit of the latter. Hired front International lliisiness Other examples could be quoted. Klachines l.td.. the l.ll..\l. Type 1401 but there are also :i great many Sea is housed in one of the finest (‘adct tinits which have no such computer la_\outs in the country. The rooms are liaison. though they would like to,ilittctl with sound-proof tilcs finished form one. The Sea Cadet units at in rcstftil colours chosen by the statll Avoniuoutli. 'l'.S. liiilerprisc. Neath and lit shadowless and Port Tttlliot. 'l'.S. Fitctitiittci‘. tubes. ‘I heby atinosplicre of the rooms 'Iin\\h.'itlgc. 'l'.S. Nelson ll.tdcit. and is iliernmstatically controlled to en-i l-'lect\\ood. T.S. (‘oi-liranc. :ire most sure that the l0.000 tiny transistors are ;ni.\ioii.s to form a liaison with one of not dantaged by wide lliictiiations in ll..\l. ships‘. ('omiii:iiitliiig Olliccrs of ships \\'ltn‘ tcm;icr:itiirc. would be prepared to help the Sea The fifth of six fast patrol boats be- 1 (‘adct Corps in this way should write to the Captain of the Sea Cadet‘ ing btiilt for the Royal Malayan Navy Corps. Grand Buildings. Trafalgar 1 by Vospcr l-td.. (iosport. the K.D.Sri Square. London. W.C.'.’._who will be -Trenggann. was launched at Gosport pleased to provide full information. ‘on December l2. ‘


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New branch in


January. I963





N Saturday. December I5. some 30 sifpniates. including ivelctime visitors INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER from Sunderland. Spennynioor. l)urliani and Newcastle. gatlterrd in the lounge of the Commercial Hotel. l"err_vhIII Station. ('0. Durham. to be specPatron: H.H. The Queen tators at the launching of the Ru_\".tl Nasal Association's newest “.ship" in .\‘o. It Art.-a‘s "Squadron." The Area President. Shipniatc Re.tr- , tlieretore. invited him to "do the Admiral R. S. Hutton. C.B.. C.Il.l-1.. 1 ii.-edftil" and he felt proud and D.S.O.. wished the founder nicriibers j honoured by that invitation. As area and the new branch a long and happy [delegate for the lrisli Area he had had commissioii. and said how much he I to inatigiirate a cotiplc of new enjoyed working in and for No. II branches in that part of the world. but Area. where joint activities were such he had not previously had the honour an important part of their tradition. in No. II Area. although he had been ' ‘audicnce that the present tiianpowcr He then called upon Sliipmate I’. I pr.-sent at the inauguration oi" the of the Navy, about I0f).D0t), was Anderson, Natioiial Vice-Presideiit. to : tiew branch in Bedliiigtuii not very alniost c.s;ictI)' tltc same as it was in inaugurate the new branch. I long before. the iiiid-I‘JJOs. Wl.\'(:ATl-Z ‘Rt-ZBOR:\" DI-IATII OF l-'()RMl-IR PR1‘-3'05‘--VT Shipmate Anderson expressed the; HIGH QU.-\l.lT\' OF Ml-I.\' [satisfaction which he and the rest of‘ He spoke of the incrilciilable lost As president of the Admiralty Iii- the area members felt at the titial cuiii- I which their Association had sustaiiied 'tervicw Boards he said he foiitid that that new "ship." whose keel days previously by the death of «the quality of men enieriiig the Ser- Iliad. he of discovered. been laid by’ some their Vice-‘l‘atron and Prettlvicc was very high indeed. retnarking members of the now-d.-tunct dent. Admiral of the I-leet Sir John I-I\Rl.\' I50 shipnialcs‘ and their P059‘-I hit Rk'i||"-‘wllllfiil w- K- C 3 that out of I53 boys interviewed re- Wtttttate Branch (at least sis of whom Cutirtingliani. As‘ if that were not for scholarships. the top hov would be members of the tiew brziiiclil. enough. his worthy successor. Adguests attended the annual din- G|’3l¢¢- mt? Vl\-‘¢’l"k’‘-l'-l¢"l 1'‘ ner of the Cosport branch of the bl”3fl¢h- and in T‘-“‘l‘t"‘dl“S “ll l“3h“”:w;is the son of :1 chief pettv otliccr Hc said how sorry felt that : tiiiral Sir Alexander Madden. had eve_r_vori_e of this the In Decemtoast. Naval Association Rear-tum] on guests front a pupil a conipfcltcnsisic Royal {been compelled within recent weeks. ber 7. the chief‘ guest being Rear- Adtninil Mc.\liiIlen remarked that the ‘ 5¢hm,]_ vente eir a e. t because of continuing illness. to retptiiate -ran Admiral M. A. .\IcMulleu. 0.B.E. R033‘ NW)’ Sllll hi“ 3 l"'3m¢l'“l'~‘l|5l The dinner was followed by danc- hard-worltitig area delegate. from ' liriqiiish the ollicc of President. It (I-‘lag tltticer. Admiralty Interview role to play in the modern world. He ing which was thoroughly enjoyed by completing the task he had set himself was good. therefore. to know that he felt that no one really believed that all present. Boards). at least four years ago. Fninlt had. had been able to hand over the watch would nuclear ,rver of war come. The .\layor and Mayoress Gosto such an able and devoted member I for but had it. Fairto I-'. we J. and Mrs. although (Alderman prepare port of the Royal Naval Association as hall). Chief Inspector and Mrs. the Navy‘: most serious t:isk today Admiral Sir Frederick Parliam. and he H. V. I). Hallett and Shipmatc and was to provide for the smaller “bush felt sure that all members would give Mrs. H. Plunkett (representing the tires" like Kuwait. the new President their fullest pos Great Britain was losing the right Portstnoiitli Branch of the Associasihle support. to have bases abroad and the ships of tiont were ;tl50 presetil. Such support. he said. would certhe Navy were "little bits of Britain tainly include such unpopular yet N0 NUCLEA R WA R scattered throughout the world.'_' imavoidablc moves as the already anThe Royal Navy was becoming a In proposing the to:ist to the Royal Ill-I Newcastle and Gateshead branch also considered that the ex- nounced increase in annual memberwith but force mint] of chairrii:iii the .-\s-sociatioii ship niodern I branch of the Royal ;\:iv:II AssoNaval ship subscriptions. He gave the reasons of Naiioiial ('oiinctI sscrc the w.ir~tinie than sonic I.. rcfngates bigger ipenscs ();tkIe,V. the tsraticli. Shipmatc ciatian have had a very busy month. ;not excessive. It was the opinion of for the increase and stressed that misthe latest and of guided ni-.irlsed that the lieadquartcrs the destroyers many associations already charged the highlights being a visit to a desmembers of the branch that Ills“ the old sile as as and being big tlcstroycrs hrancli was now p:iid for_ with; and at the National Council knows the linaticial :'nore than teti shillings and that the being troyer present the class cruisers. hitting power "launching" of .'I new branch. the branch in a good linzincial position increase was. in any case. less than of state the Association better than this “sttizill treof was ship navy" he looked forward with eonlidcnce to. A party from H..\l.S. Duchess individual branclies. and while sitin- th: cost of three beers or a packet iiieiidoiis. the future. of cigarettes —not much to pay for Adiiiiral .\lc.\lulIen reminded his visited the branch headquarters and a mates of the calibre of Shipmate An- such a line Association. ‘the toast to the guests was pro«reciprocal visit was made to the ship derson and Wade are at the helm. lby club members. Hospitality was the Newcastle and Gateshead branch Is LA RGI-I M E.“ Ill-ERSHIP of the day on both occ;ision.s. content that the Association's ideals Shipmate Anderson reminded his Members of lltc hraticli also visited will be fully upheld. that they all belonged to ‘ licrryhill where. in the absence of The Newcastle I're.sidi:nt. Sliipmatc audience the linest in the Asso.\:liipin;iie "I-"rank" Wade. due to ill- _Capt:iin_G. Maund. D.S.0.. R.N. trct.) :\'o. H Area. ness. .’s'liipni;ile I‘. Anderson duly is showing a line tlair for crib. but he gciaiioii. with the largest membership any area and with over two dozen latinchetl .I new braticli. In his iiiaugur- seems to be meeting his match with 0. ll Area of the Royal Navzil ‘ation address. Sliipiiiatc Anderson re- some of the lads. “How about ‘tickets.’ I of the keenest branches in their AsAssnciziticin covering what nitilhl sociatioii. TIic_v had. too. a very active Ierrcd to the Associ:itioti's motto and Sliipmate PrcsEdeni‘."‘ be tcriiictl the he:ir1 of I-Znglind. \\ ar-the coiiiradcsliip ssli.cli he had found A sub-coiiiniittee comprising Ship- Area Council. He stressed the imporssicksliire. Stalfordshlre. -.\'orthamP' niatcs Roliitisoii. lilytli and Mullet. Itancc of each word of the R.N.A. their lirst public appearance since in the Association. llIl‘|\lll|"E.Shropshire. Leicestershire and motto: "Unity. loyalty. p:itriotisni and to look into the being formed a contingent of the lias_been Rutlantl. 2:-ined at new lmlnth 0" appointed RE.-\l)\' TO PAY ;\lt)Rl{ positton_ regarding new premises. Ness- comradeship." Nnveuilier -l with the inauguration all Derby branch of the Royal N:lI'tll£ greatest pleasure Association led the parade and IIl:lI'L‘ll; Sliipmate Anderson is a National tcastlc is very happy in its present in It: said he had the the (‘aniiock Chase branch. the new Ferryhtll itiatiguratitig past at the Derby war memorial on ‘Vice-President. :i tncmber oi’ the glicadqiiartcrs. bit! it feels it must look Jtrancli The iiew branch lieridqiiarter_s and congrzitulated the Cli:iirtltc Cistle Inn. North_.Street. 31'!‘-lS_C'» Remembrance Day. and although the lN:ition:il Council and Vice-Prcstdetit to the future. The siibmariners had their .'\lIllll;ll mati-clect tfiliipmate White) and the weather was bitterly cold over 2.000 ‘of the Nesscastle branch. and at the town. Sliipiiiatcs Arbriggs and last (icncral .\lecting of the branch Dinner last nioiiili. and a must suc- Ellonorary S~.-cr-.-tar_v-clcct lShipm;itc are the cliairmaii and secretary respec- people watched the salute taken by the all sliipiiiatcs tliotiglit that ;t siiiall iti- cessful one it was too. Shipmatc Woodalll on tltc success in foundmayor of Derby. tively. ing the new branch. which. he tell At the "Iatiiichtng CL'|’L‘l'l'l0ll}' con- , A wre;itb was laid on behalf of the creasc in annual subscriptions would "DOHY" (519! 30! his photograph in ‘rsurc. would quickly takes its place ducted by the area secretary. Ship- branch by two serving members from do no harm to the Association. "lite the local newspaper and it is said that ’ in area activities and go from strength ‘he has now got a lilm star complex. itiatc .\lon;iglian. accompanied by the the Derby recruiting otlice. to strength. The branch held a ver_v successful area cli;iirtn;in. Shipmatc Stubbs. lticniThe Area Chairman (Shipmate D0.\lATl0.\' T0 LII-'EBO.~\’l' hcfs frnfll I.ichltcld. lllosw ich atid , social evening on .\'ovctiiber 23 and: (iledhilllexpressed the good wishes of I-‘UND l.e;tmington branches were present. the zittendance was gratifyiiig. A local the Area Council atid his own tWe:ir) newly formed vocal and rliytbm group * The :inni_ial dance on board ll..\l.S. branch to the new "ship" and said -~-The Presidaiits~-re;ill_v itiip essed I new Calliope raised £6! for the club funds. ,that if there was anything with which those present. The address of this l = £|0 of which was promptly despatclied Itlic new branch committee required Ill-I Bedlingtoii Branch of the to group. which the Derby shipmates feel l Scahani the llarbour Lifeboat liuiid. help they had only to ask. The ChairRoyal Naval Association. recently At would be appreciated by other dance an invitation was issti-.-tl the has moved its headquarters vman of the Newcastle and Gateshead branches in the area. can he obtained lformed. l.tctit.-(‘omtiiander by D. Houseiiiaii. Ilraiicli (Shipmate Finch) also ex‘ to a more central spot in l!edlitigton— bntnch from the modernlsntioml Derby secretary. extensive for three R.I\'.R.. I-'l't-ZR an branch members to ’ tended the good wishes of his branch The Howard MarArms. Betllington I88 J. W. Cole Lane. Uftoti. Canibrian commissions at; Sliipniate accompany H..\l.S. Northtimbria on and otlcred some helpful advice conket Pliice. Bortowash. I on l)crb_s'. her Spring Cruise. lI..\l. Dockyard. Plymouth. ;certiiiig Press publicity. I l)iic the of etlorts to the untiring cs-service and personnel Serving January J. and in particular Sliiptiiatc Principal guest at the cotiiinisston-. may be interested to know that the Ord. trcasiirer. Sliipniaie J. PriestDerby branch meets ittfornially at the IT. ing cereniony will be the Minister welfare oflicer. Shipniate D. Dolphin Inn. Queen Street. Derby. 'n:iII. State for Welsh Affairs tl.ord Scantlcbury. Shipniate A. D. Nicholaccotnpanied by the _l.org.l M:_i,Vor and. every Friday evening and visitors will son. secretary. and the vice-cliairiiiaii. I.:id_\ .\layorcss_of (arditl. 'lhe corti- be tiiadc very welcome Sbipmate Lietit. Ii. (iurney. R.N.V.R.. iuissioniiig service will be conduclcdz "Sunset" and "Reveille" were the young branch is .s‘bowing signs of he ihc Lord t\-l.'t_s'or'.s' Chaplain (the; real progress. by Shipriiate W. Turtier. and -isittlltdcd Rev. Cation W. C. Thomas. .\l:r\.l. the parade marshal was Shiprtiiile I. I the Spalding Branch ‘Ihe .-\rchbi.shop of Wales has \vritt_eii Pytuis. A proportion of the cull.-ctjnn I of the Royal Naval Association I;w.is_ a special prayer for the sh_it’- “‘l"}'l‘ donated to the British Sailors’ ;vr:|s only commissioned on .\larch 2 1.,‘ m m;m:.- close coiinections “Ill! Society. Ill-I llanworth Branch of the Roval year. it has 76 members and on \\':iIcs After the niarcb past 200 people ;0ctober II. at Mniiltiin Parish Naval Association passed another The .-\dtiiiralt_v Regional Ollicer for l Church. its Standard was dedicated by took tea in the village hall. the caterWales lRe:ir-Admiral M. S. 'l’o\s'ii.s- milestone on Nos-ember 3 when the Cl'll’.QUl". for £50 was presented the Bishop of Grantham. the Rt. Rev. ing being carried out by the (‘o.-iimitend. C.ll.. D.S.O.. ().ll.F... D.S.C. and Deputy President of .\'n. I Area. Shipto the .\-layor of (import l.-\Ider- ‘,Anthon_v (liter. The Bishop gate an 1 ice members :ind their wives under the Bart ui!I also be present. and l.or«'l niate Arthur Bates. ofliei-.ill_v opened flu-gtin will inspect it guard of liotioiir the br~.incli's new headquarters in Park iii:iii J. F. Fairlialll by Junior R. address and the service was conduclctl iL"'_|'_‘1|l’ls' L‘.Vk'‘ ('7 Mr‘-_ T“-‘s‘tlds'll. the \\'n0Ll. on behalf of th.; otliccrs. by the R,_.,._ P. A_ B. cm’. vicar M i wile of the branch cliairnian. front l|..\t.S. Czuiibrian before going Road. Hanwurtli. Shipuiate llales was stipporteil by zjiitiior scatiieti :iiid junior electrical .\louIton. who is also the branch lion- 1 The vice-president of tltc branch. on huarsl. K. metiib:rs of the Are;i Council. the niecliaiiics. for the Northcott Hos- iorary chaplain. II .\I.S. Cuiiibrian (Cdr. .j(‘outicillor I‘. (i. Stavlcs. was in hosl~'iind. The Btlsltlll. the Mr. and pital \\'iiig Appeal Cuiincil. will the local R.N.I of (iaitisboroiigli ('h:iir.'ii;in llatikziis-vii, ;pital and unable to attend. and the sliortly )t‘lt‘l In tliaiikiiie the donors for the gift jNottitigli;itii llraticlics of the Asso- Eiiicriibcrs of the braiicli. :tnd others. llotiic lilccl before service cast of A. Ii. llunt.-r. .\l.P.. and ni;iti_v s'liip~ -.-\ldcrtii:in Fairliall said that the ;ciation were represented. Sou with uric of the tlt.‘\\’I)' foriiictl niates frotii branches in the area. .wis.‘i him a speedy recovery. creditable all the The Wisbecli Cadet hand was Sea as more served cheque tea of the After tli: was Corps b_s Royal N.ivy., escort squadrons op-.-iiiiig. the dedicatioii ccrcnioity over. the ih_- |-_..h._-c oi the br.iiicIi. to ssliimi most of the iiiiiiors live outside Cros- tied the p.ir.id:. and at the .s;iIutiii_i:. lliase were Couticillor T. H. Seatou .n.:si big occasioii of the branch was HMS linicorn. the l3ll-_\'c;tr-olil lllt‘\'.' who ss:re able to atlezul extend porl. aiiiiiial dititicr. which took Capt. A. R. Aldotis. Royal N.ivy.l t('hairiiiati of the Spaldiiig L'rb;iii ttlic Iirst "ivoodeii wall" Iic:idt.tii;trtcrs ship of their cr;itctul tli.tnks. The ladies have on October 30 when over ‘NJ the T.t_s Division. Roy:i| i\'av:il Re- made the club extremely cosy and cziptaiti of lI..\l.S. St. Viiicctit. es- ?(‘oiitici|). Councillor (3. W. .\l.ichiii [place I sliipniatcs :iiid guests indulged in l"l.|\‘.tI serve. recently moved to a new bcrtli attractive with curtaitis. table covers plaiiicil that the money was part of the 1(('h:iirnian of Spalding Rural (‘nun-I lreniiiiiscciiccs in ;i really nautical lscc r\'oveiiiI\cr issue of "Navy and so on. and that etlorts are much proceeds from the charge made for ‘icill. Councillor J. Cutlibcrt l('liairriiati News"I. is still good for man)’ ."¢1"5- :ipprcci.it.-d bv the ship:ii;itcs of the -atliiiissinn to the St. Vincent Fire- ‘of East Iilhvc Rural Council) and \Ir. .tlt'tlI.\\’pllL'fL‘. works .\'igI)t. .C. .\l. Tcnnesoii (branch president). branch. (Cutitiiiued on page 13) lays the Admiralty.

SCATTERED THROUGHOUT THE WORLD’—ADMIRAL R.N.A. Gosport looks forward! w.th confidence .

‘pletion iforriier





conv.-fleséfince I ’t‘tl‘l "St.‘rt:)lt§“tIl‘t’lC~'.spre-






TNEVII’ BRANCH: TwoitIiousari—dlorder

FOR No.8

AREA watched in bitter cold


int’ -











Bedlington has headquarters


H.M.S:. Cambrianl

commissioned Att.3l5.













Spalding Standard is

§St. Vinccn-ticheqtielthis for Mayor’s Fund












Jannar '. I963






’s DIES Stluadron PAT RON _VICE -il l —


-=:::a=’f<w--1 i





_) .'

766 Naval Air Squadron converted to Vixen aircraft in 1959 and since then the Vixens of the squadron have flown 10.000 hours. The photograph shows Vixen ‘H7. with Lieut. J. l-'. Hall. R.N.. and Lieut. D. Brown. R.N.. landing at R.N. Air Station. Yeovtlton, after the t0.000th hour.



‘Saracen’ men


(Continued from pllli 12. column 5) The chief guest at the evening was Capt. E. Bush. D.S.O. and Bar, D.S.C.. BOUT 80 Suhn-iartuers and guests R.N. (retd.). and among others present i were present on December ‘I when were Councillor G. W. Machin. J.P.. the Dorset branch of the Submarine chairman of Spalding Rural Council. Old Comrades‘ Association held its Major G. White. president of the annual dinner and dance at Weymouth. Spalding branch of the British Legion







D. (.:ti.I‘tl‘tiltfllt:lt'll‘."(-T.E‘.li....st.v.o..

The late .-\tltlIir'.tl of the Fleet Sir John it, DJ... \'ice-Patron of the Riiyal Naval Association and its President from I950 to l96l. (See page 8)

president paid tribute to the work of the ofiiccs and committee men of the branch. naming Shipmatc W. R.

Stratton (secretary) and N. Myer! (trusurer). He mentioned. too. that the branch membership included five former members of the W.R.N.S.. among them being Shipniatc Greta Andreasson who was responsible for the evening's entertainment. Councillor l-', J. Stagles. branch vice-president. proposed the After dinner the President of the and Councillor 'l’. H. Scaton. J.l’.. honorary and Councillor toast to the branch. Captain R. L. Mackenzie- chairman of Spalding Urban Council. Seaton replied. guests Major White proposed Before dinner a brief ccrcniony was, the toast to the Edwards. ().ll.E.. J.P.. Royal Navy. Forces to introduced Captain M. Lumlcy. condttctcd by the branch honorary which Capt. Bush Fighting responded. In his D.S.O.. l).S.C.. Royal Navy. the chaplain. the Rev. P. A. 8. Cory. response Capt. Bush referred to the Guest of Honour. who replied to the Vicar of Mottlton. Sunset and Battle of 'l'ral‘algar and the great Reveille were sounded by Sliipmalc W. tradition of tltc toast of the visitors. Royal Navy. Shiptnatc Turner. Captain Lumley. the Captain Shipmatcs J. Pyhiis and R. Boutlc T. Nicholas of the Boston branch was Superintendent of U.D.lE.. Portland. is piped "llands to dinner." the "Still" present and conveyed good wishes himself a siibniariner who commanded ; from the sliipmatcs of his braucli. the and for on" toast loyal "Carry ll..\‘l. Submarine Saracen during the when the lormal part of the function war until it was lost on a war patrol About I00 relatives and friciitls of and he and his crew made prisoners was over. The branclt president. Shipmatc the ship's company of l-l..\l.S. Scarof war. C. M. Tenneson. presided and the borough (Cdr. P. Iiuchanan. Royal toast-master was Shipmatc R. ll. Navy) were taken to Spitltead by tug NO MEAN FEAT

X1EEiT{t3 ihavéT1\T£iVy

RI-'.Sll)l-I.\'T NASSER of F.2_|pl has transferred two tninesweepers, the Twcddle. on December 12 and ft.‘llIHll.'tl to It was not known generally that l Tor and Darfour. to [unit the nucleus of the Algerian Navy. Both vessels Replying to the toast of the branch Portsmouth in tltc frigate. The ship is have a varied past having began life as American-built B.Y..\l.S.. being Saracen. under the coiiunaiid of proposed by (‘ouncillor .\lachin. the? paying oil" for rum. origin:il|_s ll.Y..\l.S. 2l7S and 2041 in the Royal Navy during the war. Alter (Taptain l.uttiIc_\‘. sank two U-boats. the war they and seven of the saute type uere transferred to F.t:_vpt. One was ,t\su tlcstroycrs and -10,000 tons of i“ later lost alter an internal explosion till’ .\lersa Matmh in I950. It is likely ‘shipping no ntcan tcat Ill l0 titon'.lis that when enough trained iuen are ready Algeria may purchase more isar-‘~ol war patrols. L Russia. ships from "ltrother Siibnicrgcr“ l.. Roberts who served in Saracen and was taken .\ll-IXICO NEWS OF prisoner with Captain Lumlcy made the journey to Weymouth from That there is such a thing as the NAVIES OTHER Aylcsbiiry to meet his wartime Mcsican .\'avy may come as a surprise skipper. to some people. lint recently the BY United States begati transferring 20 Among the other guests was Shipto war-built fleet minesweepers WETTERN DESMOND mate L. Antill. Chairman ol the Mexico. This represents a major inDorset RN. and R..\1. Association. since naval Mexican in strength. crease parent body of the Dorset S.O.C.A. 30 numbers fleet only the present A tribute was paid by the Chairinterest in fast patrol boats. the U.S. all vessels of to the types. Nas-_e has recently brought two for- man of the Dorset S.O.C.A. service ward from reserve. They are now Ladies‘ Section for its splendid NOR WA Y based at Little Creek. Virginia. in the br;incli‘s social activitics_ Two 6‘)-ton last patrol boats Cap- attached to the Atlantic Amphibious able of a speed of over -:5 knots with Force. They are to train Seal (Scatheir British Napier Deltic engines land-air) teams in giierilla-type have been purchased from a Norwe- operations and Allied personnel in gian shipyard by the U8. Navy. "unconventional and para-military Their armament and electronic gear operations." Though one P.T. boat will be fitted in the United States. tl-‘.l’.H.) is still in reserve a third is in In all. l\'0rway is now building live commission in Washington. D.C.. as destroyer escorts, l5 stibmarines. live part of the President's security guard. ORE than 750 men and boys and motor craft 3t and torpedo All The new Polaris missile submarine patrol from Naval Associations and Sea million. of £42 at giinboats a cost depot ship Hunley is to relieve the Cadet Units throughout the north-east be to by completed these vessels are Proteus in the Holy Loch ori Febru- marched through the streets of Durtleet :2 will and give Norway late l9(i7 ary IS. The latter will return to the ham City to a special Trafalgar Day is States United The of ‘)3 ships. United States for a refit and may then service in the cathedral headed by the the of the cost pro- go to Rota. Spain. where a new bands of the llartlepools and Wallsend paying hall Polaris squadron is likely to be Sea Cadet Corps Units. gramme. formed. The occasion was the first big naval CANADA parade in the city and after the service The lirst of the new Mackenzie many of the men and boys "took to class destroyer escorts. the name ship the river" for a spot of rowing in some of the class. has been completed by of the River \\'car's most beautiful Canadian Vickers at Montreal. She is surroundings. Restiearlier the similar to basically During the service. which was con70with armed is two and class y-ullL‘l1'.‘ ducted by the Dean. the Very calibrc and two S0-calibre three-inch Reverend John Wold. the Sea Cadet guns. |.imbos and homing torpedoes. Corps Colours and Royal Naval Asso'lhc last two of the six ships in the the nine months the ship ciation Stantlards were laid on the class are being completed to a spent in the Mediterranean. the altar. The address was given by the dillerent design which will incorporate oflicers and men of Ii.M.S. Broad- Rev. Gordon Birch. chaplain to :i helicopter landing deck and :1 han- sword collected £250 to buy and train H..\l.S. Calliope. the R.i\.R. training gar which will split the boiler up- a guide dog for the Guide Dogs for ship on the Tyne. takes in two. necessitating twin tunnels the Blind Association. After the service the salute was abreast. The collection was started by taken by Rear-Adntiral R. M. J. HutC.P.0. Jesse Grieve and he was sup- ton. who wzis acconipanicd by RearUNIT!-II) STATES by all the 234 otlicers and men Admiral Alan Layboiirne and other ported The heavy cruiser Helena is to pay in the ship. naval otlicers. oil’ into reserve from the Pacilic The cheque for £250 was presented Commend from members of the Fleet. This leaves otily her sister ships to Sir Michael Nall. l3t.. the General Wear branch of the Association took St. Paul and Los Aagelcs in the Paci- hlanager of the Association and a form of praise for the 28 memlic and the .\'e\vport Mews in the former gunnery oflicer who had the branch who went Atlantic as the surviving all-gun served in Bro:ids\\‘onl. by Cdr. Sir hers of the Durham and must have "dug and cruisers in commission. The Helena -Peter Anson. BL. Royal Navy, Coni- to great lengths entertain their associates to deep" to is being replaced by the missile cruiser manding Oflicer of the ship. 3. or two ll..\l.S. Brozidsworil steamed 5l.000 it tca. (‘olumbiisu which has recently cortipleted a conversion which gives her an miles during her commission. visiting This was tlioroiighly enjoyed after .ii:iiamciit of Tartar and Talus stir- Spain. Greece. Turkey and Yugo- their quick march to the catheilrzil Try u.l.~30 WATNEYS PALE ALE; i.'l{C‘lU'{lli' missiles and Asroe anti- slavia. The commission ends in Febru- (which they declared oiitpaced even CREAM LABEL STOUT; .su|'vii;iriiie missiles‘. ary when she will probiibly go into that of their own cotinty regiment. the Durham Light Infantry). RED BARREL—WATNEYS KEG Despite the Royal Navy's declining rctit. ‘


Durhani’s big naval parade

Broadsword collects £250 for guide dog lDL’RlNG


Brown Ale

Dark, delicious, smooth satisfyinc. Have glass today.

N A V"



.l:inuarv. H63

N I’: W 5

Ardrossan ta_kes_o_n great






(In his two previous ar!i'clt'.r. Capt. Waiglit. who iva: appointed Ntival Ofliccr in (‘Iim_t,-t', /trtlrossan. on the outbreak of Iio.ttili'tit's in I939, wrote of the bttiltl-up of the A_vr.tIii're porn. the setliitg-tip ol lI.M.S. I"or!i'Iiult'. and of tlie of perrartnel problems will: ivhicii he and Iii; stafl were faced in the lrtiiriitig and of the eflortx nmde to put the whole area on to a ivurtinie footing). the end of January. 1940. Rear-Admiral Campbell. Flag Oflicer. Clyde. ATwas relieved. Furthemiore. the Clyde Command was split. Admiral Tronp was appointed I-‘lag Officer. Glastow. to be responsible for shipbuilding. Clyde, lilting-out and repairs. and the defence of the upper reaches of the whilst Admiral Bertram Watson was appointed l-'I-up, Officer. Greenock. defence. responsible for all operational work in connection with seaward the asst-nibling of convoys. providing escorts and berthini: arrangements at

the Tail of the Bank. and controlling the movements of vi.-ssels. inwards and oiituards through the hooni entrance at Greenock. with this new set-tip. Ardrossan military formations. marching. shootand other Ayrshire ports were under ing :uid lobbiiig live hand grenades. the administrative authority of Flag I To complete the deiciice system of Otliccr (ireeuoclt. and it was agreed tt]‘c Ayrshire coast. :ttt\iiI;tl'_\' coastthat I would act as liaison olliccr for lguards were recrtiitcd and trained in Admiral Troiip in connection with the seinapliore and the Morse alphabet. was patrolled night building of ships and repair work and the coastline day. Observation mines were laid takiiig place in the Ayrshire dock- and oil the entrance to the harbours of yards. Admiral Troup had the reptitation of being rather difiicult. He came down to Ardrossart more or less to SOME TEMPORARY NAVAL he weigh me up. and afterwards BASES AND PORT PARTIES the leave to be content to appeared 1939-1945 responsibilities involved in my hands. by I had his constant support in all that Capt. II. F. Weight. O.B.E.. I did. R..\'. (rt-td.) Mcanwliilc. on land the “phoney" war contitittcd. although losses at sea were most serious. Norway was overrun and in May the same fate befcll Ardrosszin. Troon and Ayr. and obserHolland and Belgium. These events vation posts established on shore. '1 he produced a feeling of dismay which Home Guard had erected road blocks. was increased at the fall of France. During the "phoney" period the MI!\'I-'.-SWl~§l-ZPlt\'(i I-ZASI-ID British Government. in its efforts to activities keep the spirit of France alive. made In the meantime the naval mineswecping. anti-submarine niany promises. one of which led to of and providing escort vessels the transfer to France from Ardrossan of a group of fast anti-stibmarine I for convoys continued at an _everof trawlcrs only a few weeks Uclorc : increasing pace. The daily sweeping France collapsed. Thus four trawlers l the buoyed channel was a great strain with the then most secret Asdic instal- on the trawlers. Five paddle steamers lations. were a gift to the (icrinaus I were rcquisitioned on the Clyde. titted handed to tltcnt. as it were. on a plate. ; tip as iiiiiiesweepers and based on Ardrossan. This was a great help as i "IIACKS TO THE’. W.\I.I.“ the cliauuel cotild now be swept at I In June. I‘)-$0. the country had. 11 to 11 knots instead of from 6 to 7. Iieutenant-conimander w a s \ indeed. its back to the wall. The partial dcstruction of the Expeditionary appointed for the adniinistration and Force with loss of guns and cqtiip- operation of the niincsv-‘coping. which ment led to the formation of the Home helped very much to reduce the load The complacency wli_icli had of responsibility resting oti my (-tiard. dominated the country during the sliottlders. I was "plioney" war. and the dismay induced At the end of July. I‘?-ll).and reby the fall of the Low Countries and promoted to acting captain _




Torpedo Still

in II.M.S. Fortitude in 1941

wooden jetty. but fornightly. targets for German Shell Mex Petrol Tanks, and Refinery ; the very long there were no vessels aircraft. much damage and loss of were very vulnerable. just a shortttunately. as distance from the dockyard. The secured alongside, they were easily life being caused. On the night of May 7. 19-tl. the only protection was a complete and quickly swept ittto the water.


"Black Out". It was with great anxiety that I heard the planes pass overhead. and then witnessed from the signal tower. the bombing of the ammunition factories. Judging from the tires which had been started by the bombs. it did look as if the Germans had been successful. but apart from the exploding bombs. no other explosion occurred. It transpired that the huge blaze which was taking p|;.o¢ \.,-;,q t

Germans decided to bomb the Ammunition Factories at Ardccr, some live miles South of Ardrossan. At that time. there were no A;'.-\ guns mounted in Ayrshire. nor were there any night fighters available. so bomb-


ltad to he endured without hope of retaliation. ‘llic whole of the valuable and useful docltyard ports on the Ayrshire coast. and the ammunition factories_ were completely open


(‘0MI’I.ACI".t\'CY DISPIERSI-3D As a result of this raid. very little

real damage occurred. bit! it had one very important ctlect. It dispersed. once and for all. the complacent attittldc of many people. who had thought such a raid could not happen to us.


certainly shook the autIioritit.~.i


for defensive measures and ;i Balloon detachment was posted to attack. in Ayrshire. with _H.Q. at ArdrosThe aircraft came in from the Irish coming from several hayricks. Al Irvine. a large number of iii- san. and a decoy lire established on Sea. turned just north of Ardrossan for the attack on Ardccr. where the ccndiary bombs had been dropped on‘ (Continued on page 15, column 3)





Inspectioniuf Wrens in ll..\l.S. I''orliludc—I94l


The trtic Iiritish E appointed as Naval Olliccr in Cliargc. It had been a dillicult post‘ spirit had been aroused by the stirring. .-\rdro\s.in, to hold \\llII only the rank of words of .\Ir. Churchill. At tirst no central. or cvcti local. comtnandcr. The (haiincl Ports of Portsniotitli. llouie (itiard orgaiiisatioiis but “Action was iicccssary." Atland l’lymoiitli uerc badly hlitzcd at Ardrossan a iitecting was convened the end of I‘)-t() and early 1941. and iii if] uith the managers of local iiidustry 1 “its decided to move the and. as a result. the managers ot the of Western Approaclies to Liverpool.» llarbour ('onip:tny._Dockyard. SltclIi\\'Iti|sl the liirth of (‘tide was in be Mex and (anniiig I‘aclory undertook: used by a large part of the Fl.-¢z_ to raise one company each to form a |.;.r_g..- ._-.,m-‘,5-.. w,_-re 1“ he u“cn,},t._.d h‘-|"1|I|l"‘- Mill" 3| C“”‘l’1““:'“'41? 10 ht‘ I at the "Tail of the Iiank" and escorts f\"'""~'d 1'1 “W I'“‘”‘ “I l"""""‘- 1'0"" itr-Hidcd from the I)cstro)'L'r I-ilotillas. T FR O M Hm’ -'\.\I'.-\s s v in as the" in IV“ it it; la" E S B E H T L L All available rifles in the .-\rdross:in Naval Base and patrol vcsxcls were to M-1;‘-in. in .,..“.d ,,,.;d.,..,bh. ', m be issued on loan. and the naval gun- [rich nery ttl‘ill‘llCl0l'S acted as instructors _\hn‘-In-,_ -‘\l ('=II"nh-'ll0“‘|1 the‘ -'\"li-SUh- Brewers of BLUE LABEL HOP LEAF CISK LAGER LACTO ‘“""‘3 ‘hc °"°"I"3" “'h"“ ' “"“ I“ act, teiuporarily. as Ilonorary ('olonel. mariiic Iiistrtictional Base was cstaband at I.;iinIasli an I-I.\aiiiitia- FARSONS STOUT. These tlna beers, all available lislied. H0“ E CL’ \Rl) RI-I.»\I)\' “as introduced. and .-‘tncliorage Ltion lfittliiisiasiii was intense. A .32 riflc tlI.l\‘.Ii olliccrs in charge “ere ;ippuin- to Malta. are also exported to N. Atrlca rattgc and a liand-grenade raiige \\crc .tcd to each port. uliicli relieved me the Medih.-rr.zne:iri .vrc.t. constructed and traiiiiiig coiiuuciiccd U: ‘.”.NdL.ruML_ n_‘[mn‘ihm“. mi They can be enjoyed throughout France.



“'5 bI'eWed good old British



(;,;rn1;.‘,,i 5uh.n;:-ii,,ci Rd“ ;,ir,,¢,;‘f,_ jg.-;._‘ ‘,§.'.,‘r'tj.“('j1\;.,,i.'..;1 {mii m;; .




livcntually llonic (iuard



me“. MU “um ‘mum m









'H,ht' I“ ‘‘


otliceis tool; over. llniforiiis. rillcx‘ and 1- ml. aniiutuiition were supplied and the .\'I(iIITI.Y AIR .\'I'I‘.\(‘KS t'\j.r-sltifc Ports" ItttItlslt‘i.t! ”.lI|.lIlt\I‘. of ‘ becxiiiic "Hie (ix'lllI.|t!s zi-.t.ir.: soon for (iIl.tfLI the lloiuc \\.l.\ r.-.‘i.l_\' any .01‘ this cliziiige iii the tlispositioii oi"; cin-cr«,:ciic'_.'. "lite n.i\.tl inslrticlnrs uou turned 'iEie fleet. and .-oiivoy asseiiibly areas j t‘.i.~:r attention to the \\‘r.-its "lite-rt: (.\t‘.~.cti_ti.-iitin‘. ships at the I.tll oi" the “cf: ltt\~.\ over it htindicd ot tltcsc. li.tul. .t:'.tl the ports oi (lrcciiocf-. and uitl: live olliic-crx. ‘I'3ic_t ucrc t.ti:glit (i t~_:.v.t '.l.".l.I other .it!_nt.‘.-iit pong,” i


Ct II. M. 26

January. I963




Advertisements road t0‘0Iassi'fi'ed is Boxing a sur e long life in sports world SITU/\'l'lOi\‘SVACANT



A] \\' I-(dill control rd tarts. .‘-t-hour lcl.: Portsrttouih .l*.ll.l/4 ltwu lines).





RIll.Bl)\s. slum ml“ or present, I rid. Cti\trA,\“l' is pictured in I.‘ctK‘l ,(?\l' each. plus piisute. ‘tend uanit-red sllll.lI(\\KI.| App:ic.iiions from min-(‘rmmiuioned l'etsoni-tel enscliiped for list. Sh m‘ crests in aimesv. any -ii tr.iin tor the position of (ll'l-Li.eri:e \.i.e\ .‘*'ar-d. e.i.h ltlaier biidxes iwiie or ‘drum. .\l.iri.irer. A period of three months Illl nus


ludles. metal cotoiircd enamel, lchrontriinil. my desixn uimnlclc with tiitioirs. lliod. I’-mane curl. (‘il-H-.l’..\'llL'RGIl‘S. tzi-to Queen Siren. Pornrnoutb.


he risen: “Ill in addition to tho‘: who are



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to carry out im E.\'.T. Course. I: .-i-..iy brunt of the critics‘ attack. Stop bos- Available of interest to Applicants to know that this be II nearly Ml’; manned by Personnel ing and then the rugby men had Lompany I-'.Sl"lT[-I the deliiiite resurgence of novice boxing entries this year. we still better watch out. 1 submit that the trorn. the Royal Navy. Applicants shou'd be and in t-muessit-rt of a current driunit .IIl)l'Sl€I|0I.l) IIFFIECTS AND IIHZGHZE have our perennial problem of a shortage of open class boxers. It is in critics are. willingly or unwittingly. married lls‘_¢D¢t. }II is essential that all tho-e l.‘(‘l'lllIil[lll'|I‘sullfll. moved and mixed and stunned White fact that. year by year. fewer novices continue in open class boxing. pmiioi-i should be keen on a Sales (‘nicer MK (‘o. I.id.. I1!) London Road, North lznd attacking the whole essence of human this after their Junction. Portsmouth Phone b.l22l. All‘ Applicants may N: requiredRelief Several reasons have been ut for- other sport the boxer is in there to win. life~—a formidable opponent. against initial Duties out period to training cart)" Il0l'SI'Z Pl,'RCIIA§l'?. An ideal scheme for the Sales or (Jll-Licence Manager an that no which. as position yet. history proves ward to account for the lack 0 entries. He knows that over ‘)0 per cent. of looking ahead. I00’; advance alter three carries with it I mod cornmencine salary those at has to: rate of interest. Mariners repaid won. man ever :st-an For instance. (ii) much publicity has botits are won on points—hy hits loeether Iiilt .1 Pension. plus commission. and of dfllhw-\Vl‘l|C tor Inner, "lhe the cunt in 3 So let's stop mincing words. Redtice tree lillfll accommodation. Those who are illiwis: Assiirrd." been given to the age-old controversy scored on the target. This. then is his in the Provident Lite Assoshould miuest an Application Form London in Ltd.. I-lb llishomxdlc. of whether. front the point of view of primary preoccupation. to score the injury factor if we can. Compili- interested Galleon Wine Contpaiav Limited. icilllfln from the (.‘.2. London. I. rubber under foam one-inch-thiclt Chambers. '2 trinilir Square. London, sory injury or ethics. young men should be points. The strength of the blow. the ‘HOW ABOUT SWAPPING? S:-lots‘ vihitc Plaster I4-ounce canvas? gloves? encouraged or even allowed to box. knock-downs and knock-outs are inI|f|Il|\I'l'fl\ vunied for Youth Club Amateur Let's make for eyebrows? strip made circumstances. to cidental to this. In most Shuii_ we'll send 4 mini ot an old ship. and lb) attempts have also been and for our lhJlII\. tor repairable tmuticn and iumnctl. see our games MISCELLANEOUS force ti bill banning the sport. and it is a tactical error to make damage stringent rules Please turn out that old rear and write to: that players stick to them; but for re) hand-to-hand combat was a com- the primary objective. "A'l'l11N‘l‘l0!\‘ RADIO £l.£C'l'Rl(.‘tA.\'§."- Hot .\'o. N..\'. 84 sake let's to not try goodness mon thing in the old days and it is NAVAL IARRACKS. l’0ltl’SSave money! Build Inur own tflt|\I\l0! ROYAL human a l‘be recognised pattern \IOL'1"|I. sion liom hulls I0 present dart. Km all withDetails udiol. pockets. suppress to lllll M UST FIG HT I-‘AI R LY argued by some that there is now no lrom Gale .\ f'iI‘tten nhiainahe 7/ad. llnllen 1l'nce lrorn l-U Elecironacs. out obligation behaviour. Control it. yes: and Southbrae actual service requirement to romole Pause to consider the training of a of WJ. .Ltd.. lidiribiiien Road. Portsniouth, Post tree. Dine, Gt:-mu, the recognition and rel/-control hosing to ftirthcr the pro essional boxer. His actions are conditioned to teach it. but the suppression of :i lighting skill of the sailor. reflex probably more than any other of leads to explosion in successfully recovered, making it pos- had been reinforced by :1 l-‘loiilla of why. then. does the Nav_\' continue sportsman (except perhaps fencing volatile matter siblt: to design an antidote. This was A./S. Motor Launches. These I had to promote boxing and why is there it which is‘. in ntaiiy ways. a parallel). another. unknown. direction. and this achieved by lilting Kango Hammers. to base at Troon, where I requisidecreasing rcsporise? The boxer has no time to think out or is iust not good common sense. in the fore peak of Sweepers. The tinned a large condemned railway [deliberate a move: he sees a set pillHammers electrically operated. struck i building, and converted it into living N0 PLACE IN SOCIETY ltern and reacts intmedialely. He steel plate, pro-‘qll.ll'lCl'§. with ball) and rest rooms. a specially titted llic reasons put forward for the lkrtows, too. that a llagrtint foul will sound waves. which spread r for the use of crews coming oll p.itrol. latter range front the sublime--- disqualify lttm—pt\s'sihly at once: in- (C0“ll'1‘-'¢d 770"‘ Pilllt N. collmln 5) ducing out through the iiziter ahead of the] However. shortly ilflcr it hail come "Sailors :ire not so tough nowtidays" \lll‘lCll\"ClV that he must light /m'rlv. ‘the hills N.l.:. of the town. ll the Sweeper causing the acoustic tlct-it-c into use. the command of “(‘oinl-iiiietl to the ridiculoits. "It's a criiilc. not on!)_-het.iu.se it has been druiiimed pclml “mks hm‘ been ‘he urge‘. me to come into action. and explode the'0P¢|'3ll0“5“ “'35 l|’1"‘$ls'"¢¢l lmm brutal sport which has no place in time him. but hccaiisc. even if he Germans would probably have Md 3 mine Sir prematurely, modern society." The first reason lwantcd to he c:in l'i|l’Cl‘v' control a ree min! atlen. ear-. riiira to l will tell the if action. flex ssilhdrawit would soon be pro-‘ referee boxingintentional The .itid Trainin Centre was llcltdqttarters '. foul» dcliberalc. "rc-that soil poiindcrs hail cvcr bccii on the at lnverar -. at the head 0 Loch I-‘yne. little damage. l me “nd Clyde‘ ceisiitg end" with some of ottr young play is almost non existent in and remote most As ‘he use M “ngncm. “",_c\ by ‘'m"m'°h°‘ “‘ will referee bv Sub-i attacked was 'amatctir riitg—lhc soccer .being constantly : hnstcrs‘. ‘the Germans increased so did the : ma been rpsnrma l -. To those of us who earn our daily ‘tell it different t:ilc. wrv bread spoitsoriitg sport i\vc'rc too but- I It ltas been sulintittcd that to he transferred to the tered now to actually plriv, of course). }L'llL‘l\lll':l}_:L‘\' all the worst traits in man J and he decided to adopt ii_iain|antl. i' n ‘ ‘um ‘O the second reason is c.ilciil:itcdto send “Ind [hm sm"“"""g " d"r“". the 3 lroott for hcadqtiartcrs ant li'.Il|lll"lg —\t first they were quite unsatisfactorv had lit been fitted ltumati ethics. tr.iw-lers The of menace. of oil into cynical laughter.‘ velopiiient its peals !. h_ ccntrc. U‘ -" sccmcd life.‘ walks of in all of "civilised" of the other (‘onsidcr sortie heydav boxing. I ntcl .-\dmiral .\lountliatlcn at developed when tthe it private argument hooligans‘ l-mg thpanics. lhcrc's rugby and in°." .“"° "Fruit 1 ‘ | tr 1 “ ,1 3' .nl '. h .’ '-;-:' and well enthusiastic. trained .; soccer 'l‘ They or gciitlcntcii). by played dccidctl to game friendly discussion. it was on nty stall. who was :i {mm and lb“ B°"““l' lthe g-:tltlenicn's gaiiie played by for the “"“‘,rcqtiest permission Atlittiralty On going to sea. :o °p°r‘”°d Diesel expert. “’ “°"‘°"°*‘H“ ‘mm "‘° ““'*'°“°‘ "‘°Y hooligans). or hockey t"l.ook. Mum. ‘“"S knock" "mm' blink‘ I-‘*"‘°i.st.t.. Flotilla to he b:l<l‘.‘tl at Belfast some trials, he soon became supervise staff 7-.and other activities of thrill :iiid the .-\rdross:in uitheard :i almost at .a c:irrying training lacrosse— mention not teeth"). to no at Ayr. So. onct. in charge had Stoker the that laware ToM. and was pride for or :1 plcusurt otitlct ]ll\'t.‘nllt: the most miirdcrous cowardly. “shiv‘_‘it rar_or again. Belfast _was to We-nelit from litot received any training. other the if been scents. has which ever you give day. delinquency personnel trained by Androssan Lowestoft Drafting Depot had COMIHNED OPERA-I-IONS sticker! fair a chance. a you're chap legailiscd. stall. assumed that all Stokers would have it The in Anti-Submarine the Patrols the and of the decline spirit face it. bill let's basing One can go on. :1 knowledge of Diesels. ln view of North Channel in and Clyde approaches. reflected (To be en/iriiiimf) be would to seem argtintent abotit boxing invariably‘ conveyed of allziirs. I held the l..l.. state jlllls centres around two main criticisms- ‘modern life sonteivhcre. the Stokers in the "injury factor" and the "ethical ad a s on course 0 instruction. ta Dhslnh A BLRNINC ltspctil." the same time. I wrote to the til little Going .3! tl_eeper. a group i Cotttmodorc. Lowi.:s'toft. and suggested THE l?\'.ll.'R\' FACTOR """-""-"' "“"""'-“ "°'""starliitg 5| two-week Course in '" l '°",“'l-““" makfi ""7 ‘"9 Diesels" for Slokers iittciidcd for 9"“, " l”’P"" l.ct‘s t:ike the iniury factor liming enthusiasts lend to be sortie- I class aitiiiteur “ticlt. It would seem |__|,_ sweepers. with which siiggcstion that the amateur almost more than M asked‘ wliat taken aback when the metlicos l‘ *l"‘l"'-‘l-l So the olliccrs at the Ardrossan Base bring their heavy guns to bear. They “*9 9"’. "P" M‘ " talk about "the br.iin boiincint: one more responsibility to their Vacancies for Constables exist: In the Admiralty Constabulary. ._ .. but ask : of at-ziiiist the spltcnoid ridge." the Initial appointment will be on temporary basis with prospects -‘ = tlri crsottnc t e rcsut 0 ivtic qiityoite who has boxed. and pla_\'cd‘ _' """'°l-V °f p‘~""l'!'l‘"=l""' "‘“"°',‘,"' '.“" soccer .is. say. :i ftill-back. Which is to tltc eflicieitcy of of permanent and pensionable service. pay ol front ‘‘l a "l'°“m‘-“ in he less keen on- a thump niziiiy .\lineswccping “H, ."‘°'“ '-"""'°_l"' entrants is {.550 a year, with nine annual increments of (25. had become. Fortitude ssell-padded S-ounce glove or tlt.it of .1 ‘°"'3"‘"“°"f;irc;is. ll..\l.S. " "' ""3" ‘“" lfi-ounce ("plus" when it is wet and cr:liin:l .n a~tivc ; ll't’ n t service a further a total of £775. After I7 “"h ‘-"ch faster “W ’”“‘I" hall. ‘""' lraiclliitg mccer "“"“‘“°. ntuilily) 1"‘ increment of £25 is awarded making a final total 0.’ £800 a year. front a point-blank range. or unavoid- ‘“h",'- “'h‘'”‘‘''' ‘l h‘ l“"'""“ (“ndjfor the Auxiliary l’:itrol. covcritte .iblv headed Lifter it has dropped like a theres no holds barred there). w'ar.sm;m.\, subicus Uniform and boots are provided. There are prospects o‘ bomb from about 40 feet? Perforated sport—or sex (repeat the previous PARADI-IS AND DISPLAYS Candidates must be of character, promotion. lyntpattic ntcittbr.incs tpuiicttircd car brackets if you must)——w-e're stuck Thc Royal Navy had bccomc very drums to you. chuml'.‘-swinimcrs are with it until ll picnics the Good l.(1l't.l (bare between 2| and 48 years of age. at least 5' 7' in l""l“?l" of the -‘\"dll"-' with the their them in teens. Eye lt) '-‘him!-‘C ‘)‘*l'~‘"1populations .'aniiliar with popular and of British nationality. Prior to appointment they feet). il.im:igc'.’ Try a hockev ball for sire-— more. tllr: Cl~'l1‘l‘C-'“l‘ ‘i‘Y- '0 3 13ml,"-" towns and villages of Ayrshire. and ll lils p:rfcctly. 501' .lC-<50‘ *l¢t=-’t"-‘- lh'~"¢ c0n‘pc"l“l1!t'L'qlll:\l$ were received from local will be required to pass a medical examination and an educalnciilcntally. rugby li:is long held the im01|VC< Rm‘ l"U“s‘**¢tl hi‘ t'‘'")' "1?" l (‘otiiicilz-t. to take part in parades and a Service Certificate of Education). tional tes: (unless laurcls for the highest itiitiry r:ite pcr : in the slrecl--':vcn the spectator sa_tis- mhcr ;“_~m.ili¢5_ which had bun player pl_:i_\ing. and if the cartiliigesllics these instincts by itleritifying him- organised to boost up Natiotial SavEducational tests are held quarterly in Portsmouth, Devonport hero-—and d il chosen his Week with War end and lsclt‘ splays. to Weapons were placed soccer ings. turn pla'_.ing and at Londonderry. Northern Ireland. and 'n"_.;¢ rcqucgls ct-cm r¢;u_t.'|_c- aim. -.-nil lh-:v't| go h.ilt'-way round the Saturday tiftcritoon in the centre of a (Doctors please pardon the . soccer cro_wd leaves nirtloiibt as to the plied with, A lorry was rigged up as moon with which this is borne 0l|l.V;] Baulcghip and many kinds of Further inforniction and application forms can be obtained from non.) You may say that \vc‘vc str:is’cd;w¢;.pons were put on View. Aslcrn As for deaths: collect the statistics The Chief Constable front the ethics of boxing. This is not i of [ht 10,.-V rnafchcd a contingent 01‘ on small boat sailors (it will you). motor-cycling and motor-racine.lso. I am convinced that itthe com-lwrens from the base—:is smart and London, S.W.l Admiralty Constabulary, Ilfllllflfillcflik-icntbod). uf ,\m;,z.,ns ag any in etc. Boxing comes otit by contpirisonlpetitive factor in man. be lnther men or naliire. w_itli all mum,-_t-_ t was indcuj t-cry pmmj as a sure road to longevity. Serving naval personnet should make application through their (and of m.:,,,_ lziccompanying complexity ‘ Commanding Officer. THE ETHICAL ASPECT '-li|“8="l- '“"“ 5'’ h““‘'‘'l'-‘’ .“"':°l’"-"I In addition to the Pill'£|(lC. l \\lll1 II l0l hnn-owgd fronj thg Admifalty an cx. It may be countered that it is not for Wlllll ll l§. not t.‘lDlltlC(.l cellent film. entitled “The .\t;istery of the actual statistics of iniiiry to boscrs of cellophane wrtipping. the Sea." It was shown in the largest which is the concern Rather it is the RUGGER NEXT"? local cinema. It was full of exciting stay in which tltcy arc inllictctl. i.e. dethe oldest and incidents in particular the activities of liberately and "lcgalli" as an essence Boxing is probably of the sport. Here we come to the most "pure" form of sport there is. convoys and escorts under Air Attack. second criticism——ctliics. Like any lt has. iinfortun.ite|_v. to bear the main which held the audience spellbound. What. do you intend to do after you have finally downed your last tot.’ All and made we. in unifomt. feel very have to lace or had enough at "l2" are finishing their "22" proud to be serving under the White who this problem. and particularly proud of .-ono.-.-o--........--............-...-u. Ensign. ....~o-a.----.........o....ooo-.... At 40 you may be pensioned from the Navy. BUT WE CAN OFFER YOU the .\lerch:int Navy. ANOTHER ENGAGEMENT AND ANOTHER PENSION. When FIRE is sounded off aboard you race for NU-SWIFT. It does the ACOUSTIC MINES COUNTERED lob efficiently and in record time. You will have been trained in fire fighting When the Germans discovered how used NU-SWIFT. which you know as "PATENT 7272". (Delete as appropriate) successfully the LL. Sweepers were in andSELLING IS A l“lAN'S JOB, requiring self-discipline. which you already have Mine. they the Magnetic countering ROYAL. NAVAL ‘NAVY NEWS’ plus a strong personality. WHY NOT USE YOUR SERVICE TRAINING at once introduced an acoustic device. TO MAKE ANOTHER SUCCESSFUL CAREER FOR YOURSELF? in embodied ii Magwhich be could BARRACKS. PORTSMOUTH one C.P.O.. We have a number ofex-Chief and P.Os. in our organization netic .\line. or :1 pure Acoustic Mine. after 29 years‘ service. lolned us in I947 and earned £4,659 last year. Thus another serious problem arose. I’Ir'm(' pm! (I rnpv 0] rat‘/t issue it] "i\'rl ry i\'rivs" In he is now our Technical Director! Another ex-Chief P.O. did even better to device acoustic designed The was NhMli From experience we know that ex-R.N. Chiet and P.Os. are most. likely to be activated by the noise of a ship‘; and we want more of them. IF YOU ARE AN ENGINE-ROOM CHIEF Al)l)Rl‘:Ss‘ prop-.-llers. and so timed to explode succeed. OR P.O. ABOUT TO LEAVE THE SERVICE write to Mr. W. Pearson. our as a ship or sweeper passed over. or Manager. who will be only too pleased to advise you on a adjacent to. the position in which Sales Training I rmrlinr lieu-ii-i-Ii HlllIl('_\‘ iirrl(r.'pmriiI nrdrrIt'/tr-imr vulur Ss. bring profitable and interesting pensionable career with Nu-Swift. We don't. say the mine had been laid. In the case of a iiiltwripriiiii [or I.’ i'i.im's. inr'ImIm,i,- [)i'Hftlt.'(’ all will earn (80 per week immediately. £20/£25 per weelt is more like it during it might account for the Sweepers. .(Monthl Cmnrrirrirr rapidly increasing with experience and hard work. your first few months destruction of more than one. with the loss of many valuable lives If rrii-rri/irr of R..'\'. .-luiiriiilinri. plr'air- sliirr llriiileh. NU-SWEFT lNTERNATlONAL LTD.. ELLAND. YORK5 Once again, one of these mines was nun.-.no-....un.ouo-nun.---uooo-uouuuu-I Inoueoooc-noel:-oonloeonn






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‘1I‘l'l 0l l 0l,l L‘1l:l "El"raini(il !1 S\I.'l i\ul‘"




good exemplary height




| ‘fervour





. . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . .


Renewal Form




. - - . . . . ..






































All Air Command battle in Navy Cup Final R..\'..~\.S. (‘uldrose 2. R..\‘..\.S. l.osnn'emouth l Navy Cup Final. I962. (A.~soci:ition Football) was played on I-ilgin (‘it_v's ground. near Lossicmouth. on Deco.-nibcr 5. and was noisily and eiitliusiastically supported by’ almost the whole of the Royal Naval Air Stzilioit. l.os\iemouth‘.s cstablishntcnt. Right front the beginning it was, on level terms and prevented from obvious that the match would be hard being so only by the tettacity of the foii,-lit: both teams played slrnngl)‘.l good (‘uldrose defence. Both teams had played well and no quarter heing asketl for or given. Lossicinoutli was relying on l.awrence. fought hard, and the Air ('oinm.ind their centre-forward. who ltad bttilt tip. selectors were impressed by the reputation for scoring front any siirling displays of Crirxsliind of a position in all the previous rounds. ln Lossieinouth and Watson of ('uldt-o.sc_ lcatih —-(fuldime--N..\..\1. Hie.-gs, this niatch Reynolds of Culdrosc P.t), R.li.A. l..l(.l3 ltitittett, M. Totlltll. Wilson. this Lawrence. a was seldom left grand I \.A. Reynolds (e:pt.I. .\'..\, Lister, N..\, centre-half of holding a. ||eissnii_ l'.0. llture_ I-‘ St. Rm/ens. l.,l{..\t a good case i ‘otcvurt. l.S..\. (ireenshields. l0)\i€l‘ll0ulll good centre-forward. lfach team took tlte ball into tlief NA. Stalk. l’.O..\. Jones (c.spt.), |,,F,..\|_








‘ '


("MIL l..Ck. Andcnon. l‘te. Murray. l'.(). opposing defensive area where. in-f l'“'“lII‘hl. l...\.M. l'.().l'. Jones. variably. by quick tackling the attackv N. \ .\l. Lawrence, Smith. L.l:..\t. (ireen. S..\. was broken up. liaeh goalkeeper in I liiistie. lhc tillicials of the nutch from the Rosyth turn made excellent saves. lliggs ufl Hr-I Ch. l'Ir1tbr_ (lurk. Lines. (ttltlrnse appeared. at times. uncertain] m-‘I1. were-~Refcre<. (LY. Morris and (.‘.l'.t). ('ooper.




huiricd his clearances. whilst




) ‘



. »



The ll.\lS. Seabawk tR.N. Air Station. Culdrose) soccer team celebrate the winning of the Navy Cup. The team beat ll.M.S. Fulmar (R.N. Air Station. I.ossii.-mouth). in the final. played in I-Ilgin City's ground. by two goals to one

inter- ‘New Look’ for Navy Hockey

Stark in the other goal was very cool. It was after 20 minutes. when the 5 deleii.:es had things well in hand. that Roberts. who led Culdrose and had been continually challenging the opposing goalkeeper. followed tip a shot front Lister. his left half. which the goalie was only able to partially three services compete in the Inter-Services Ski-ing Chamyear clear. and was able to nip in. shoot pionships which take place late in January each year at St. Moritz. Tennis hard and true. and register the first enter for two run. a a Downhill. The Slalom race. which originShIlom_and .'llltl .ill-important goal for his team. ally tested the ability of a skier to descend quickly through trees. consists of large number of “gatcs" through which each member of the team must pass. "l~'.\' l-IRYTIIING IN HAND" a_ 'lhe Downhill a straightforward tinted descent on a racing “p'Lste" of The tirst half ended with both teams about two mics with a vertical drop of 2.000 ft. ‘I11: running time llllil year still lighting hard. The captain of the was less than Ii minutes l.ossictnoiith side was heard to say To be expert it is essential to start periencc than any of this year's h:ind—there‘s in is well "liverything young and with this etid in view the trainees. and bccatnc undisputed Navy This to need to appeared no worry." Royal Navy team that has just started last year. be more than true. for. right from to train at Kitzbuhel has an average (‘Iianipion For a month this season. the Navy the re-commencement. Lossiemouth age (23)-well below that of previous and combined Services Rugby team attacked with great determination and years. An ex rieneed Austrian trainer lose their talented wing forward. Licut. at times came very close to scoring. will be available to train the team I. llighton. Royal Navy (R.N.C. ('liristie hit the foot of the post with which has hi h hopes of giving the (.ireenwich)_ His love of ski-ing has a hard drive. and Lawrence grazed good run for gained him experience in the Alps and Army and R. .F. :3 the cross bar. In addition Culdrosc their money. But thevery main aim of the from Spain to Iceland. and fortunate in being able to Royal Navy Ski Club is to concentrate Dolomitcs was now a cltance to train for the Naval scranihle the ball away at times, either on providing the invaluable racing ex- Ski team. Being one of the heaviest by good or lucky goalkecping. and for skiers our young perience per- and fittest members of the side gives Against the run of the play. Cold- haps win both cups in two years time. him an excellent opportunity of makrose. who had been penned in their There is no doubt that the potential is ing a big impression. own half. were allowed to break away there and the sport is becoming inSurgeon Licut. C. J. M. Maxwell. and. the ball passing from Roberts to creasingly popular in the Service. Navy (l.T.C. R.M. Lynipstone). Royal (ireenshields. the outside-left. was St. Moritz will continue at Training travel as a full member of the taken goalwards_ and in ii linal race where the championships take place on will team having skied since he was nine. for the ball. (irecnshields was just January 30-31. :ind with the title of honorary phyable to heal the goalkccpcr and inThe tcom of ten includes: Licut. \'lt.‘l;Il'll crease llte ('tildrose lead. (i. (i. Neilson. Royal Navy (H.M.S. Both Sub-Licut. l. A. Campbell. Vernon). Captain. He has skied for the Royal Navy. who claims to be the l.OSSll‘I.\l0UTlI PRESS Navy before and was well placed in oldest Sub-Lieutenant in the Navy. lt still appeared that l.ossienIonth the Downhill in l96I, and Licut. P. Maclnncs. Royal Navy had every ch.utce. They were continttDolphin). have represented ally pressing and always on the attack LAST YEAR'S NAVY CHAMPION tlt..\l.S. the Navy before and will clearly beneand. as was so justly deserved. LawBorn in Austria in l944 Ordinary tit from this experience. rence. fastening on to :i loose ball. Royal Licut. P. made no mistake in reducing the Seaman H. King (H.M.S. Lion) skied ). Wh05€ L_ossicmout until he came to live in England at Navy (R.N.A.S.. l1ffC'.|f\. has taken The final whistle went with the the age of IO. As an unknown quan- parents live in Switzerland and Northerner‘s' still attacking. the home tity he joined the Royal Navy team full advantage of the situation a season. His brother crowd on their feet and yelling their in I961 and had an unlucky season. hardly missedthe R.A.l-. has skied for team on. well deserving to have been However,’ he now has more racing ex-' Three skiers whose potential is still to be put to the test are

navy team for

services ski-ing championships The




Inter-Command matches held at the end of November were an unquulilied success‘. the standard of hockey displayed being the highest which has been seen for a number of years. Home Air Command completed the "festival" with the best record, having defeated both Plymouth and the Royal Marines Commands and drawn agairist Portsmouth (‘ommand on the last afternoon. The Navy Selector produced two Chief Petty Otlicer Carter (Ganges) sides from the players on view for in goal. found the resolute form which the Navy Trial held on November 24. he displayed against the Indian Air .\-lany new faces appeared in this Force XI in October and should be gatnc and it will be interesting to see a worthy successor on these perforthe Navy XI for the current season mances to Harry Prescott tYeovi|ton) llte regular programme of who is leaving the Service in January. once ntatclies is undertaken after the Electrical Apprentice D. Often Christmas Leave. lncvitably there will (Collingwood) who last season be a "New Look" about the side. played at inside left. occtipicd the A XI Commands’ Combined left half billet and gave a very played the Royal Artillery at Eastncy promising display. He must be November 25 and the game seriously considered by the Selector on resulted in a 4-2 win for the Com- for one of the wing half positions. mands Xl. Sub-l.ieut. Wilson (Dartmouth). Licut. Simon Cook (41 Cdo.) COACHING COURSE and Surg Licut. (DJ Mark Blake On January Is no fewer than tvietoryl gave the visiting defence a eighteen of the pl:i_vcrs who took pan harassing time and with further prac- in the lnter-Command matches will ticc together. these three players should become a formidable trio. (Continued in column 3)

TUBORG ton taste in layer

Willis-Fleming. _


By appointment to the Royal Danish Court. the Royal Swedish Court and the Royal Greek Court >


laeut. Yeovil-

Clarke. Royal Navy (R.N.A.S. ton). Sub-Lieuts. N. A. l-ranks. Royal Navy tH.M.S. Bulwark) and C. W. Httntcr. Royal Navy lH.M.S. _Redoubt]. Thc_v have showed considerable promise in training and being some of the youngest m_einhers of our should be the future. team



investmcitt for

(Continued from column 5) be attending a "Coaching Course"

under tlte direction of Mr. D. _L. Brownlee. the Southern (‘nu_ntics

llockcy Association. (Thief Divisional

Coach. lie is noted for his enthusiasm anti hard work and he is sure to impart these qualities to those attend-


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the Navy Xl in action for the first time this season olien they meet llampshire at Eastney. bully-off I430. This XI will not he annouiiced ttntil after the "('oachint: ( nurse". One very interesting listnrc which is to be played in the Portsiitoiitli ('otiim:ind is the match between the ('oiiihincd Services atid an l:'ng|attd Xl at l-'.:istncy on Fi:bruar_v 2. bullyoll l~l.‘\ll. Admission will be free and this “ill be a rare opportunity to see players who are "England possiblcs". (iivcn good weather conditions. hockey of :i very high standard

laiuiziry 20


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