Page 1

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No. 104

News Navy The

Newspaper of the Royal Navy


Published first

Navy pilots

flew 200 g‘mercy’ sorties

and The

Royal Naval Association

Royal Naval L



Telcnhone 16ll6 30 ROYAL PARADE. PLYMOUT r. Telephone 6654) Promotion orders a speciality, write for special details, etc., and be assured of personal attention to your requirements.

T/mrsday of the month








the spell. in weather in which few years it cold DL?RlN(i would have been considered impossible to fly at all, Naval helicopters recent


have undertaken many “mercy” flights. Pcuplc “snowed-up" in homes oil" the mall! toads virtually impossible to reach by normal transport in the abnormal conditions prevailing. have been lilhltll to hospitals, or to friends who could look after them. Food. fuel and fodder have been "dropped" or taken to houses. farms and lields on a very large scale and. showing how badly the West Country ll‘.h‘ sutlcrcd during the freeze-up when compared with other parts of the country. R.N. Air Station. Culdrmc. Cornwall. flew I66 sortics. involving 156 hours‘ flying. whereas R.N. Air Station. l.ossiemouth. (which in ptcvintts arctic conditions have tlovm in-.ui_v more sortics than other sl.ttioit_sl. has flown only four sortics.

training value, but has been most demanding. Looking for lost sheep from the air in an apparent wilderness of snow was. as a pilot froth l.ossic-

involving nine and .1 llying. mainly delivering

has been ordered

A SUBMARINER IS TO BE CHIEF iwcapnns (Naval). Ministry POLARIS EXECUTIVE Supply Admiralty January by TW’0 interesting appointments implementation ‘A wonderful supply at the


and Fleet Electrical Olhccr. llome Fleet.


hours‘ and fodder lur animals. l"rum l{.N. Air Station. Yeovilton. Ill \t)filt.'\ “cu: flown (two and a half hours‘ thing) delivering food to cutntl Vlll.ll_.'L'f\'_ I'()Wl~IR R!-ZSTORED ln .\'orthcrn lreland when electricity was cut oil and it was impossible for men to reacli the damaged lines by any other tnetltod. workmen were tlown in. the lines repaired, electricity l's‘\l\lt\.‘tl and the men flown out again. The work has. of course. had good

wield the deterrent

the announced on weighty decisions taken at of the de22. It has been stated that as a lirst step in the Nassau by the Prime Minister and cisions reached at the Nassau conference between the Prime Minister and the of Polaris Kennedy have focused President of the United States of Anterica concerning the 1 President 5 world attention upon the Royal Navy. missiles for submarines of the Royal Navy. Rear-Admiral ll. 5. Mackenzie. C.B.. l).S.(). and Bar, D.S.C.. has been selected as Chief Polaris Executive. The second appointment was that of I945 for further successful patrols. LAMBE. widow of .-'\dmir;il |W"i°_" the Wielgilna of the deterrent H.l\l.S. Thrasher. one of the most Rear-Admiral F. Dossor. C.li.l-I.. to of the Fleet Sir Cltarlcs Lambc. '5)‘ |ll|'~ ¢‘0|lfll|'.\' I3 30 d¢$‘'°"d "P9" ll“ be Polaris project ollicer in the succcssfttl British sttbmarittcs of the was First Sea l.ord for l'.‘ N=I\‘.\‘Ministry of Aviation. This appoint- Second, World War. sank more than who 0mC|1|”.\' »"-l|'¢9‘Cd “till ment. made on the nomination of the 40.000 ton». of enemy shipping. and months from May. I95‘). and who had ""5ll hi!‘ W59"Wl“ bl: l" .B_Tl‘l5l‘ §“h' _“‘°3P°" First Lord. by the Minister of her olliccrs and Inert won two \'.(s.. l0 |'L'll"Cl“l§'h "1411 iil''P0l|\lm¢n_l ()0 Aviation. will enable the closest pos- mm [)_s_()__ two [)._s‘_(‘g_ and six account of tll health and who died in "l'-H'||W‘- mffmlcd b)‘_ Bflllfill 0ll|t‘¢|'* August, I960, unvcilcd a photograph land Incn. with a British warhead and sible liaison to he m:tint:tinctl between |)_g__\h_ Ulltlcr Brilifih C0nl|'0lthe Admiralty and the Ministry of Since the war Admiral Mackenzie of her husband in the wardroom of It was stated recently in the Home Aviation. has been Conititztndiitg Olliccr ot‘ the |H..\l.S. Vernon on Janttary 31. Before the unveiling. Admit-;.l Sir of (‘ommons that four or live ntlclcar Rear-.-\dmir;tl Mackcnizc is :t sub-' Uttderwatcr Detection Establishment marine specialist and has .\cr\'cd as at Portland. commanded the di:stro_\'er Alexander Binglcy. Cummandcr-in-lsubmarines will be built. the kccls‘ Portsmouth. said: "Cll:lt’lt:\ { being laid in I964 and lhc firsl Coming Flag Oliiccr. Submarines. since July. ll.M.S. Chevron. been (‘hicl Stall Olli- Chief, Lambc was a wonderful person and limo service in I963. and each subl‘)6l. Rear-Admiral Dossor is an elecandSubmarines. Olliccr to Flag be very proud to have lll\ .m;irine will. it is expected. carry the trical specialist. who has been serving lcer lcommandcd the llo}'s' ‘Training Estab- Vcrnon can their wall." same number of Polaris missiles as the portrait on as Chief Stall’ Oflicer (’l'cchnicall on H..\l.S. (iullgci. Admiral Lambe was at one time cx- .-\tucrican submarines. that is. I6 in the stall of the Commaudcr~in-Chief. ccutivc ollicer of l-{..\l.S. Vernon. caclt ship. Portsmouth. since July. NM. VAST lil.l~Z("l‘Rl(‘.-\I. The new Chief Polaris l-‘..\cctttivc. l-I.\'Pl-iRlP..\'('l<'. who has been iii the sttbniarittc branch since I034. has. on more than one Rear-.-\tlmir;il Frederick l)ossor 0L‘C:t\l\ltl. I."(pf4.‘\\t:tl the opinion that cnlcrcd tltc Royal Navy when lie Britain should ltavc nuclv.-ar sub- transferred front the civilian stall of marines and the l’t)l;|!l\ missile. the Director of lilectrical l£tu.'.incering after the end of tile Second World C0.\lhl.-\;\'l)l-Cl)li..\l.S. 'I'llR:\SllF.R War. Rear-.-\tlmiral Hugh Stirling MacAppointnicnts since the end of the kenzie served in live \'llblll'.tllnCS be- war include Acting Electrical Enfore being given his lint command. ginccr on the staff of the British AdH.M. Submarine H.-83. in April. ll)-ll. miralty Delegation. Washington. Actbut he is known primarily for his suc- ing Supcrintcnding Electrical Engineer cessful war patrols in command of on the stall of the Director of Elecl-l.M. Submarine 'l'hraslu.-r. when in trical Engineering at Bath. Electrical June. I‘)-ll. lie‘ was awarded the Olliccr of the carrier H.M.S. Triumph. l).S,().. followed six months later by Supcrintcnding Electrical Engineer on a bar to the award for hravcrv and the stall of the Director at Admiraltv. skill. lle received the l).S.C. in llath. Assistzutt Director. (ittidcd were

half food



‘:.':.::f :‘.r:.“i‘:.:“ ::::::t: '.‘.'.::.:'."2.:‘.::.°.: _

Commendation llll-it-' Petty Ofiiccr Christopher Lt-~lie (‘ros\man. I).S.M.. ll.l'I.M.. llits receiver] :1 Commendation from the Queen for brave conduct whilst talting part in a series of live escape trials from ll..\l. Submarine Tiptoe at depths of up to 260 feet below the surface of the Mediterranean. ('.l’,(). (‘rossm:tn. who lives at (imlortlt. Newcastle. has hecn 22 years in the mbmarine branch. With l.t.~(‘dr. I.. Hamlyn. R.N.. (who tCt.‘L'l\Ctl the 0.ll.E. for ltis work). he lctl a learn of Naval volunteers in'a series of lush to prove new equipment .uttl lL‘\‘lllllqllL'i. lie was tltc senior rating in the team.

H.515. Dreadnought. the Royal Navy's first nuclear submarine is now _on her trials. The second, the Valiant. is now under construction and a thud

mouth remarked. "as diliicult as looking for a needle in a lta;.-stack."

unotvm-,-_ foo: hours‘ tlying. llchcoptcrs from Portland flew 19 sortie‘.









" -.1...‘ x..-- .-r"' -.‘__. ILMS. Szllislrurp‘. the nirt-raft direction frigate. which recommisxioncd last October after a long relit. has quite a new look about her. The addition of {I solid mainmast to take the new air-warning radar has altered the outward appearance of the ship cunxidcrably. Salisbury is at present serving in the Home Fleet and is expected to sail for East of Suez later in the year. '


















SENIO ERVICE The Perfection ofCigor¢tu.





Eniton Llrut. (S) H R. Bcrridsc. R.N.tRetd.l Royal Naval Barracks. Portsmouth l’et.: I‘:-rtxmouzh 22151 (Eu. 72l9l)


Febniary. I963


Hunger will Dolphin be dominated

Assault on




the Editor

by Polaris Submarines?

postal order for 85, and it renewal fonn for I963. l must tlianlt you for prompt and reliable supply of "Navy Net-vs" and I must also congratulate you on rnaititaining—or should-I say-—rai.sing the excellent standard of your paper. even though I am merely one of the “youngsters” referred to in the October. 1962, Edit orial. I am. in fact. at a grammar school their joumcyings around the world men of the Royal Navy have seen. at preparing to enter a medical school. first band. incontrovertible evidence of the need of men, tvonien and children at the Festival Hall. His Royal High- after which I to join the Navy. for more food. People living at starvation level. and even more people getting ness. after mentioning that about half which will beintend in about eight years‘ the world's present population was time. the wrong sort of diet. abound in all pans of the world. lR,—l enclose


0 Britain is to have the “ultimate" deterrent-the Polaris missile. How tbis will affect the Royal Navy-— vvliether it will mean more. or less. surface ships. more. or less. men. etc.. under-fed or badly fed. said is still it matter of conjecture. but it '°°'ifV 59”.‘ their relevance to our future prosperity either t often wonder what will remain of "The of these roblcms is would appear obvious that an enlarged ° 3 .""3_‘"‘ “PP” ‘"3 ‘mic “’ cl.‘ '3 '5 and urgency very and ti clearer understandthe present Navy which l admire so illustrated c (‘act that the t considercd that some 300 million mg stability. clearly b_v Navy will be the result. of the kinds of help which Wm world's much by the time I belong to it. It is inAs Polaris is for purely deterrent people are living at starvation le_vel make a to population expected rmmcn 1 ' "C n C: . ° thC t d-fl well be integrated with the other crease from just under 3.000 million may purposes and relies for its success on and another L200 million suffering forces by then. although it is really being carried by ships virtually im- from malnutriti_on—the Freedom from Scmmuy the Unmd Kingdom Com_ in 1950 to just over 6.000 million in three forces rolled into one now. with possible to locate and destroy. it would Hunger Campaign was launched b)’ ll)‘ mittce stancd a campaign to mobilise the year 2000." After saying that the year 2000 was the Fleet Air Arm and the Royal seem that the possibility of putting the Food and Agriculture Organisation of .missile in surface ships can be ignored. in only 38 years away. the Duke went on Marines. Almost all the \\5lr'l1lllll combatant "Statistics to It follows. therefore. that niic|earcan make it look as e campaign is base ont h e ,acts -. say: _if food productiort is in fact keeping ships will be gone except for. perhaps. powered submarines which. with their that the under-fed or Ms‘ M vwr-1° ahead of population increase. but they Victorious. who will be on her last vast range and ability to go for years .n°°d "Si b°.‘° if l"°‘°m k."°wlcdgc that been has is commission. Of cotirse the beautiful project practical. viithoiit rcfucllittg. must be built. llut two factors. ln the first place ignore is and worked mil. properly the main increase in food production lines of the "llttttles" will not ht: secn carefully of what size’! And how many are ""l‘ry “re ‘ P” m h‘: P‘ ‘m' to both ofitsa parti- is taking place in Europe and Russia. then and even the “l)arlings" and needed? cu ar commun:t_v_an a so to poten- North America and Australasia. areas "lllackwoods" may be scheduled for It would seem that the Government lt'I 5oo Local, c(),\|_\u1'r[-:1-:5 which have a high standard already: scrapping. and perhaps ll..\l.S. Dolhas decided to build a number of subUnilcd m:iriries to carry Polaris. These whereas in many regions where the phin will be dominated by Polaris lhc ‘l’m'g ."[ mm siihziitirines. together with the missiles. kmgdom commmcc nr mc rrcukim "ti h‘ 'l Worll Frc'dint is on ti low dict. food pro- nuclear stibntariucs (what a liuniblc population from llunver ‘ ‘ 1‘ ‘, ‘, ", ne.\t .\l.m.h. will require millions of pounds. (fan from Hunger Canipaign—therc arcl \\eck duction is lagging behind. Secondly. and forbidding sigltlll. l mttsl wait and sec vilttil c\.vl\cs.— the figures would look ti good deal the country allord such :i huge outl:iy‘.' now nearly 500 local committees in the l ctC.. l’5U'l'l.'R|-'. .\ll€l)l('0. ’l he Royal Navy feels that the United l(ingdom—began work on a worse if thc_v were based on an ade- Yours. 0'; LAS-"NC v’“_b-E WORK Bl;Xl.l':Y. (Name and .idtll'css stipcountry cannot allord not to provide it. nation-wide programme of ittformaquate dict for all. plted to Editor). Funds are not being asked for temtion and education. designed to spread IN Sl-IR\'lCl-I IN I968 VITAL I'll-‘FORT : wider and acciirate knowlcdgc_ of the porary relief. however necessary that United but the often be. KingThe Prime .\lini.~.tcr has indicated problems. :1 kcener appreciation of may “The first thing that I would like funds Committee dom is asking for that as a first step. four or live subto emphasise is that the Freedom LADY BINGLEY IS used for will which be conpractical. from llunger Campaign is not iust marines will be built. the kcels being (C‘""i““°d r""''°"'"m“ 1) of which will lastbe work GUEST SPEAKER ‘structivc laid dottu next year. and the first ship a niur-.ill_v Iiiudtible idea in a good lt would appear obvious. therefore. ing valtic. The projects approved. and cause. It is a vitally necessary intercoming into service in twill. The that will submarines of HF. Annual General Meeting: of numbers carr_\ing‘still approved. help people hcing national ellort for the benefit of the number of missiles carried in each the W.R.N.S. llcncvolcnt Trust. Polaris must involve more men for.to help themselves: to increase their future population of the world.“ the Prime Minister thought. he the Navy not only the siibmarincrs energy and improve their ellicicncy. His Royal Higlincss then said: "The Portsmouth Command. will be held I. To the actual production costs must as we have known them over the years. and thereby to add not only to their campaign has four things to do—l. it in the Duchess of Kent Barracks. be added the cost of training and main- but extra men of all categories. it own wealth but also to the total pros- must survey the areas where food is Soutlisca. at 3 pm. on Wt.-ducsday. also seem desirable that. some- perity of the world. and establish whether it is February I3. Admiral Sir Alc.\:inder taining men to man the submarines would inadequate The second stage of the United King- due to malnutrition or to undcrniitri- llingley. (‘i.(‘.li.. O.B.E.. will preside. and their weapons and for the various how or another. the Exchequer must tind adequate funds to provide for the dom Committee's work was inaugur- lion: 2. it must settle on an acceptable and Lady Bingley will be the guest ancillarics. speaker. All W.R.N.S. personnel. Where is the money to come from to ncw commitment vvithoiitcutting downlzitcd by l<l.R.H. The Duke of Edinthe Navy's traditional role. in June last year. In his speech (Continued on page 3, column I) present and past. will be welcome. pay for the extra commitment? It can- on not. obviously. come from the present Navy Vote. Our forces are spread soniewhat thinly over the oceans of the world and it is unthinkable that the surface Navy should be reduced. America. 7th Frigate Squadron. H..\l.S. Redoubt. May Bl. at Bahrein Notes (i) The term U.K. Base Port means the port at which ti ship _ma_y for Foreign Service (Middle East). normally be expected to give leave and rclit. Portsmouth (C) indi- U.K. Base Port. Portsmouth. PRIMARY ROLE REMAINS cates ships administered by Portsmouth btit which will normally ll.M.S. Lowestolt. March 2|. at ChatAmphibious Warfare Squadron (F). Navy is alive to the ham. for General Service Commis- .ll..\l.S. “essinn and No. S A$aul| The. Royal refit andfor give leave at Chatham. sion. Mcd.lllome. 23rd E.S. U.l(. 51].. June 7. at Bahrcin. for Foreign necessity of having ti. Polaris sub(ii) As ratings are normally detailed for overseas service about four marine force and confident that it can Base Port. Portsmouth (A). Service (Middle East). Anipliibioiis months ahead of commissioning date. and for home service about run such .1 force ellicicntly. but the Warfare Squadron (B). two months ahead of contmissionin: date. this should he btirnc ll.M.S. '”izcr. Starch 22. at Devonprimary role of the Navy~to maintain in mind when preferring requests to volunteer to st-rve_ in a port for Home Sea Service. General ll..\l.S. Diilrymple. June til. :it Devonits freedom to move forces and Service (‘ommission. February. port. for Home Sea Service. U.K. particular ship. about the scas—rcmains the supplies l‘)6-l. llomc East of Suez. U.K. Base Port. Devonport. (iii) It is emphasised that the dates and particulars given below are same. Base Port. Dcvonport (C-M:iltese- H..\l.S. Kent. Jttne Z7 (tentative date). forecasts only and may have to be changcd—perhaps at short for Home Sea Service only). at Belfast for Home Sea Service. notice. (Continued in column 2) (iv) Ships in which Locally Entered Cooks (S). Cooks (O) or Stewards lI.M.S. Lynx. March 22. at Cltzithtint. General Service Contmission. Octofor trials. Cotttniissions May 30 for ber. l')t'i3 (tentative date). llornel are to be borne in lieu of UK. ratings are to be indicated as General Service (Iornmission llomcl . East of Suez. U.l(. Bast: Port. Portsfollows: (A)-—-All Cooks (S).Cooks (O) and Stewards: (ll)~(‘ooks South Atlantic :ind Sotitli Anierica. | moutlt. (S). other than one P.0. Cook (S). all (‘ooks (0) and all 7th Frigate Squadron. U.K. Base ‘ll..\l.S. l.ondnri. Jiitic (may be deStewards: (C)—-Cooks (()) and Stewards only; l)-—-('ook.s (S) layed). at Wullscnd-on-Tyne for only: (E)~l.eading (‘ook (S) and Slcisartls only: (F) —~(‘ook» (S) Port. Portsmoiith. ll..\l.S. l.eattder. March 26. at Belfast. Home Sea Service. (‘icneral Service and Stewards only. for Home Sea Service. (icncral (‘omruission October. I963 (mav be Zlnil lE.S. L7.K. liuse Purl. l)evnnSUBMARINE C().\l.\l.-\.\'l) Service Conixnission. May (tentative d::l:iy~.:d) lln'tte.'East of Suez. U.K. pilfl. llase Port. Portsmotitlt. date). Home Mt-il. 21.1 lE.S. ll..\l.S. Alliance. February at (‘h_.it_- ll..\l.S. Rhyl. l‘chriIary 2|. .it Ports3 Edinburgh Road. Portsmouth llasc Port. Portstnoiitli. ham. for Eleventh Stibmarine l)ivi~: mouth. tor General Service (‘omll..\l.$. llcrry llcttd. June. .it (‘l-..it|t.im. ll..\l.S. sion at Singapore. Phone 2735] l)eco_v. April 9. at Dcvonport. for trials‘. llllxsltltl. .\led.,'llomc. 2.‘\rd l’..S. for (ien.:r.il Service (‘outuimioit .\'o. 700]! Squadron. Jun: it-:nt;:tivc operate the lollowin: Otttcial Express service ll..\l.S. Oracle. l-'chru.iry at llit'i\'L‘!l': U.l\'. ll.i.~c Port. l’ort\ut.iutlt IA). llnttr.'y‘.\lcd. Zlst. l§.S. LKK. llasc head. for First Submarine Squadron ll..\l.S. 'l':irtur. tor service Personnel EVERY WEEKEND date). at R.t\'. Air Statinti. Citltlrmc. 2t-. .tl Devonl"ebru;iry Port. Portsntnutli. (A). at l)cvonpi-rt LEEDS l.l".-l'.U. \\';i\:7. 47/6 port for Home Sea Service. (iencral y'll..\l.S. llcruick. .-\pril 9. at PortsBRADFORD 45/6 ll..\l.S. Cattltaltit. l:Cl‘l"l!:tl‘}'. at l'0-'>l'~" Service ('ommission. .\l;iy. llt)ll'l':."' mouth. for (icni:r:il Service (‘om- ll.\l.S. Kt.-pp-.-l. Jun-.'. 'l’ranxf-.'r to HUDDERSFIELD 41/6 Sub:n:ir:nc' for Second mouth, SHEFFIELD 39/6 Middle I-I:istr\‘.'. lntlics (Ill months). '; mission l|.am-.-..\led. llont-.-il-':ir East. . liishcrv l’rotc.'tii-ii Squadrnti. UK. at Squadron Plynioutli. NOTTINGHAM J2/6 llast: Port. Rnsyth. Home Sea Scr1 ‘)tli Frigate Sqtiadroii. L‘-.l\'. Base LEICESTER Zlst ES. U.l\'. llase Port. l’orts~ I vice. 27/6 Il.M.S. Aurorhs. .-\pt'il. at Pttflstttittlllt. NORTHAMPTON 11/:it| Port. Devonport (B) mouth. First Submarine for Squadron lii.st.s. \'it-torious. Julv '1 General LIVERPOOL 44/6 Chatll.M.S. at Chichester. l’chrtiar_v. and ponsmmnh No. I Assault Sq..! Service (limniissiori. liust of Suez] HANCHESTER lI..\I.SA. Aluin 4'1/6 hani. I..R.|’, coniplentcnt. NEWCASTLE~UNDER-LYHE M]April I‘). at (ixhrziltar. for Foreign‘-; Home. UK. Base Port. Portsmouth. STAFFORD 33/ll..\l.S. DevonBulwarlt. at February. (;[;N|-;R,\|, Service (Middle East) Amphibious -ll..\l.S. WOLVERHAMPTON 19/Moon. July 26. at llahr-.-in for L.R.P. complement. port. Warfare (B). Squadron BIRHINGHAM 11/6 ll.hl.S. Loch Killi-sport. Fchrtiziry l..at ll..\‘l.S. Zest. March I. at .\l;ill.1 for 'll.M.S. Russell. Foreign S-.-rvice (Middle East). COVENTRY 15/29. at April Singapore for Foreign Service ‘ll‘£|f trials. Home Sea Service. Amphibious Warfare Squadron (H). WARWICK 22/L.R.P. complement. BANBURY I9/6 East). Captain (F). 3rd Frigate ll.M.S. llartlund Point. .\l;irch I. at ll.M.S. Scorpion. April. at ll..\l.S. Cavalier. end July. at ChutDcvonport. OXFORD ICISquadron (A). ham. C. & M. party. PLYHOUTH Reduce to C. & .\l. party. JOIfor Service [Far Singapore. Foreign -3. at Broadsvtord. ll.M.S. lehrtiziry EXETER IIINo. 847 Squadron. May 7. at R.-N. lll..\l.S. Blackpool. August. at ChatEasl)(l)J. Reduce BRISTOL to C. and M. Portsmouth. IT/I ham. L.R.P. complement. Air Station. Ctildrose. for llottie Sea ll..\l.S. Murray. .\larcli 5. at Rosyth SALISBURY I/J Party. WORCESTER 15/6 Service. (‘ommando Squadron. 1No. 829 Kent Flight. ntitl-Aiigtist. at for Honte Sea Service. Ind Frigate I2 (tentaGurkha. ll.M.S. Fcbriiary GLOUCESTER 15/l R.\‘. Air Station. (‘u|dros':. for Squadron. U.K. Base Port. Devon- \\’hir|\vind. SWINDON tive date). at Soutlunipton for I8]lI..\l.S. Puma. May. Portsmouth. I Home Sea Service. General Service CIRENCESTER 2|]port. Service. ('oniuiissions Sea Home ‘ Commission. October. l').‘u3. For HARLBOROUGH L.R.P. complement. I5]March ll..\l.S. 7. at Ursa. D-cvonport. Service (iencral for I963. April. READING IllH..\l.S. Kent. Wcsscv. for General Service Commission ll..\l.S. Centaur. May. at Portsmouth. PORTLAND Ill! Cornntission. Middle Ftist/Home (I8 ' L.R.P. complement. (Continued on page 5. column I) ‘LONDON lrom PORTSHOUTH I3!‘ West Indies/Homo 8th Frii=a-lc u.x. am Frigate Squadron. months). ‘LONDON from GOSPORT ISISquadron. U.K. Base Port. Devon3;.“ pm-;_ Rogyth my °|.ONDON lrorn H.H.S COLLINGWOOD I4]P0"H..\l.S. Manxman. February l-1 at ‘By SOUTHDOWN MOTOR SERVICES Ltd. Chatham. Steaming crew. Home Sea ll.M.S. Grafton. March 8. at Portsmouth. L.R.P. complement. All these rervices will relic the fotlewin route Service. Local Foreign Service from . : KM. for the convenience of Service Pc March l2 ll.M.S. Hampshire. (tendate of sailing (Far East) (D). Banach, Eoirney: Royd Sellers‘ Home Club. H.M.S. Belfast. February I5. ill tative date). at Clyde for Home Sea Queen Street.‘ !t.N. aonodu. Unicorn Gate: Service. General Service CommisStanley Road for H.M.S. Excellent: Hilrea Lido. Devonport. Reduce to trials crew.



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l _EEll_N|l lllll


Lax.‘ «















... .

























































At your service

Ceshom. Homer: Hammett Rd. Forehorri.

N.B.—'l'o al‘ ships visiting Portsmouth: Special facilities to meet

your partlculartravelling requirement: can be organised at short notice. Write phone or call TRIUMPH COACHES 3 Edinburgh Road. Portsmouth Phone 273Sl

Daring. mid-Febriiary. at Dcvonport. Increase from C. & M. Party to L.R.P. complement. H.M’S. Eskimo. February I‘). at C owes


sion September. Home/East of Suez. U.K. Base Port. Portsmouth (A (Maltese) for Home Sea Service


for Home Sea Service General Scr- No. 829 Hampshire Flight. March l2. R.N. Air Station. Culdrosc. Home vice Commission. May. |9(i,‘l. Homel Sea Service. General Service ComMiddle East (I8 months). 9th Frigate Squadron. U.K. Base Port. mission. September. For l-l.M.S. Portsmouth (8). Hampshire. Wessex. ll.M.S. Plynioutlt. Febriiary 2|. at 5 l!.M.S. Jaguar. March I4. at Cha_th_am. for General Service Commission. Devonport for General Commission East of Sucz,~‘Home. Home/South Atlantic and South


U TISS It 80118.12?


13 Clarendon R0ad, Soutlisca

Tfrphorie 21515


TA great and exciting I96.‘

NA \'\'





H.M.S. Striker

.-ltlmiml of the Flee! Earl Mmuttlratlert was to have been the rcvirwirig (II]t<‘r.'r HI fl pu.i.ii'n_i:-out particle of R.rl.F. air-en-tr cutlets r¢'c‘¢'Itlly. but was pft‘l'i.‘Il!('(f by fog /rom [lying to the R. A.F. Initial Traiiiirig School or South Ct.'!‘Ilt,')'. TIu- /allowing Incnrigc was read to the C(ld¢'l'S by Air Vice-Aiurslial P. H. Iloldrr, A ir Ofiiccr (,'mrintrtmliIi_t.' No. 25 Group. HE Ro_v:il Air Force has been in the news a good deal lately. The loss of Sky-bolt has hit the headlines and the Jcreminhs are saying that manned aircraft and even the Royal Air Force itself will soon be out of a job. This. of course, is nonsense.. "As a s:iilor I remember well what a they are by no means finished yet. The body blow some people lelt it was to ‘V’ Force. even without Skybolt. will the Rog.-til Navy when we lost ottr continue to spearhead our deterrent battleships. But the Navy found it still until the late sixties and there will had more than enotigli exciting and still be mau_v important world-wide worth-while things to do. And so will jobs for the 'V‘ ilombers in the conthe Royal Air Force when the ‘V’ ventional role. llotnbers finally disappear. ()f course I-I.\'Cl'l'l.\'G JOBS "Nor should you forget the many and worth-while flying other exciting on jobs in the Royal Air Force. jobs which will last as far ahead as we can (Continued from page 2. column 4) For example. the low-level see. remedy. By this I mean that the extra 'l'.S.R. 2's. the tactical strike reconfood must be acceptable to the taste naissance aircraft of the future. will and religious convictions of the people. can on well into the seventies. here will always be ti need for It's no good saying that cattle will improve the protein diet in a Hindu manned fighters in the fighter/ground country. for instance. or that pigs attack roles overseas. Vertical takeshould be raised by Moslcms. It's like off fighter/ground attack aircraft. such the Hawker P1154. will come into suggesting that the English would do as better on haggis: 3. it mtist survey and service in due course to replace the establish the physical problems in the Hunters and should. apart from being way of producing any acceptable re- the greatest fun to fly. greatly increase of air support to the medy. Soil conditions. climate. pests, the effectiveness world-wide. irrigation. drainage and general agri- Army “Then there is Transport Command cultural tccltniqucs all have a most imwhich spends most of its time rushing port;int hearing on results: 4. it must around the world from one trouble set about the difficulty of getting its ideas adopted in the face of ignorance. spot to another helping to put out so‘llnish-Fires.‘ The importance of prejudice, superstition and plain hos- called this force in containing Commiinisni tilitv. and looking after our vital interests cannot be overestimated and that is SIIORT 'l‘F.R.\l POLICY "l am quite sure that many people why the Government is spending millions of pounds in re-equipping it with looking at this problem willrbe won- the latest types of aircraft such as the dering wliy it is that we cannot simply VCIO and the Belfast. transfer the surpluses from one area Al-'l~‘l-3C'l‘l0N FOR COASTAL of the world to those areas where there COMMAND are delicieiieies. This is possible and it is being done. but it is essentially a ‘‘Finally. there is Coastal Comsliort-term solution practically and mand. for which as a sailor I may In the economically. long run be allovted to declare ii special affecsolution be for must the people tion. Coastiil Command has and will proper the of bulk to grow the food they need continue to have a very important in their own areas and to pay ottt of pan to play in the protection of our their earned income for anything extra shipping. By the way. I hope you they need." realise that airmen have every The various local coinmittecs in the reason to be grateful to sailors! It ljiuted Kiitgdoni :ire raising funds in is the sailors of this world who many w;iys——juniblc sales. dances. provide. in the form of ships. targets t.ilks. films. bingo sessions and the like. which very often cannot be found Readers of "Navy News" Ships‘ weland hit by anything but manned fare committees :ind so on wishing to aircraft! help in this \\orth-whilecampaign can “So you can see there is a great and obtain information from the Freedom exciting future ahead of you as the from llunger Campaign. 17 North-‘ crews of inanned aircraft in a proud uniberlanil Avenue. l.ondon. W.C.2. .ind essential Service."

No. 87






NATO now has own ship


N.A.T.0. anti-submarine and oceanographic research centre at La THE Spezia. Italy. is henceforth to be paid for by all the member nltlons of

N.A.T.0.. including Britain. Since it was opened in 1959 the centre has been paid for by the United States and managed for the Supreme Allied Commander. Atlantic. at Norfolk, Virginia. by the State University of Pennsylvania working through SIRIMAR (International Society for Marine Rweitrch)—an ltalian nun-profit-making company.

This means that N.A.T.O. now has its first ship—thc 2.000-ton former ltalian cargo liner Aragonese—which is used as a floating laboratory by scientists working at La Spctia. The Arzigoncsc was built on the Tyne in I948. N.A.T.O. leaders hope to improve the scope of the centre's activities. UNITED ST.-\'I‘l-'5 A recent report in the .-\nicrican publication. "Navy Times." makes many highly favourable continents on the




L'NL‘SU.-\l.LY l-‘IN!-2 CON'l'R()l. Other points noted aboard the llcrmcs were the tlillcrent tempo of flying operations due to her size coinparcd with liorrestal. (‘ontrol providcd by the .semi-autoniatic (‘l(.‘ in Hermes was 'unusuall_v fine" according to the commanding otlicer of Vi’-

7-1. The British otlicer flying with VF74 Squadron was given one of these suits on his return to Hermes. Conimcnting on his performance the commanding otlicer of VF-74 said: "Once he got the hang of it. and the knack of operating the equipment. he re-


O" 1'
















K-16 1 C

1 f

ships Lcvriston. Upton. Wiston and Wolvertoit. all of the End Hincswceping Squadron based at .31.



.(,)"‘"d -5.


C°'"""" (""Sg°w'

Salisbury. Queer Maidstonc. Br-t:-nmm

N953. Aides-dc-Camp _War_rtor. J 3. 2". ".!.‘.~.°;::::3..!°.:’s ‘“'ll:‘.'.I. ‘2-';*.:* B=rm.ud:-. .v-ctorwus. ...i.-....'.¢i‘-.m;m...i.-.oM. i'i.ii‘.:~'i...m.i Corunna. Alamcm. _Viso. Tyne. tt..\i. Jutland. IE mmmm “mm hm hm‘ w .~i.»..i to in:

Capt. ‘ t).|l.l:..

S. R. 1c ll. l.omtiaitd-llobmn. ( R .\'_. in I|lL'L'G\l0fl to Capt. A,

White. l).S.t.'.. R..\'.

(‘at-it. t(.'onimodo.-c) D. Mcfiwcn. R..\'.. in iuceexszon to Capt. R. C. \\'atki (farii. t('ummodorel J. L. Illackham, in !"€~'°“'“!‘ ‘° ‘-'*'°‘- 1- "3 7- ”'°“"-

H.M.S. Lochinvar. North 0ucensa visit to the Balferry. had to cancel n_ 1......“ 95¢. R‘ The ships January. to lt_L“tn lt:_1\' c were to iucgcsuon Cam: 6. ‘t’. (liar, t5.S.(_ R’ \'l.\llCll l-lensburg for exercises in ice. but there was _t_oo much iec the Cant. i. s. :aiiiiu'c:. ii.N'., i'n'iucccsi whole of the lxtel Canal was frozen In M C ‘“'"'- Th‘: "'5" """‘_"3"‘f°"Fdlmlfllll Capt. ii. A.'.-Liaiiin, o.sic..‘n'.'i~i. to the N.A.'l‘.0. mineswceP in I! centre cam. r. P. H. Green. n.N.. in s cm I 6 Wm“ I N m “M "mcd "'3'" J""‘’‘"Y '3 ‘l capi.’ 6. 'H. Nui-aorta." 01.8.. I, —~

a car on




you're going to be, you'll need





arrival. Buy 1 new Hillman. Humber. Sunbeam now from E.M.A. Ltd.. Portsmouth. If yours is an extended posting. take advantage of our special export scheme—you buy at export prices. Let E.M.A. make all the :irrangements—export formalities. insurance. shipping, everything. Call at our showroom or write to us today—your car can be on its way tomorrow: or waiting for you when you dock! Or it. can be purchascdvon the home delivery plan for use in this country before you sail.



ca“'°‘ Loc Albion. Ark Royal."°""3.',iii;°“' illisport. N EW NAV-4' ::.*::::~::. .‘.*.*:r::;-..:~.r::. :;:;. .::.::'~:...::' -t.V:n i:id.Mur:v. bran. matidcr-tit-Clii-cflotemflag being trans« A.D.C.S. S«:t§rpioii.glLi:' e rpool.rlfipolilii. c Lynx, Victory Girdle ‘from g



OSTC.-\RI) photographs of the following ll.M. Ships may be obI tained from the Editor. “Navy News," R..\'. liztrracks. Portsmouth. price 6d. .‘ the role you ll.l\C ass each. \'ohIL.l1lf'lCllldCS postage. Tlieseus.‘ Bulwark_. Ocean. Eagle. an

_sutcess in

taking part in the exchange were Sub-Lieut. R. H. Lee. R.N.. of 892 Squadron. and Lieut. J. lightning. Southerland. U.S.N.. of Vi-'-74. 'l1ie two oflicers



_V_ W; "3 "'5 "P "‘.‘m"”’“ i“_hr" ' ‘ .["l‘]'‘: m‘it-rmN. A hm‘! 8,. u_ l_ 'i:'being ”r.ii.i\'.imiii llinglcv .~_'

quite successfully.

ll..\l.S. Hermes. One U.S. otlicer flew in a Sea Vixen while one tnember of 892 Squadron flew in a l-'-til Phantom ll with VF-74 Squadron aboard the .-\merican carrier. The U.S. officer noted the “surprisingly short and swift" kick from the Hermes‘ catapults. “Only through constant attention" was he able fairly quickly to master the variety of dials and scopes in the Sea Vixen.

Great News !



Warfare Squadron. Mediterranean. The duty of this squadron is to carry the first wave of troops of it landing force and disembark them on open beaches. For this purpose Striker is fitted to carry I0 tanks and tip to IS Vehicles. Small landing craft are also carried to ferry the troops from ship to shore. The ship's displacement is 5.000 tons [full load) and her overall length is 347 ft. lleam is 55 ft. Her complement is about I50 oflicers and men. The second ship of the Royal Navy to bear the name (the first was an escort carrier of I942 which was returned to the U.S./L in 1946). the ship's Battle Honours are Atlantic. l943~-t-t: Arctic. I9-14; Norway. I944; :ind Okinawa. 1945. As may be expected from such a name. the ship's badge is a flash of

experiences of American aircrcws operating from U.S.S. liorrestal with



AIRCRAFT RE!-'UELl.ED During the exercise, Operation Pokerhand." iii in refuelling with four different types—two aircraft, all British and two American—was carried out in "daisy chain" formation



Please forward details of your House Purchase Scheme

mained in very positive control of each intercept‘. wouldn't ttirn it over to me until he'd placed me in a good firing position on the bogey."

STRIKER is tank-landing H.315. ship and is part of the Ainphlbiotu

"'?_-f,.‘,‘_R-‘E’ m‘(:ff;o,,’-m@_D‘,"A"f,’;‘f,‘{.;l,{",‘.3"" Gig}:-ml’-1"-F"‘*','“‘§‘nl'."-‘J’:-*:iN Iixctuuvn to

Cent. 1. E. Lu-iniloo. IN.

Shcmcld. Newfoundland.

Talent. Palliser. Explorer. Porpoise. Redpole. Gambia. Tiger. Russell. Dainty, Protector. Undinc. Defender. Dartington. Carron. Whitby.

E.-istbourne, Torquay. Mounts Bay. Belfast. Hermes. Armada. Yarmouth. Lion, Hartland Point, Leopard, Token, Chichcstcr. Echo_ Loch I<';1d;|_ T¢nby_ Puma. Blake. Excalibur. Troubridge. Rhyl_Camperdown.Obcron.C:1chelot. 3|a¢|;pool_ B¢rwick_ Di;;mond_ Acheron. Layburn. Scarborough. Sea Lion. Falmouth. Ashanti, Brozidsword and R.F.A. Tidesurge. '


H I L L M A N through







5 MA L1-D G|.°'v° Road 50;“.

snug]-3.; Id" MR-rsmoun,‘ 232“


A ‘game bird’ to the end


February. I963


N the forenoon of Tuesdzty. January 8. R.F.A. Tug Warden (Master 1''. R. Murray) left Plytmiuth towing II.M.S. Pheasant, which had been in resent at Dt.'\’0I‘Ip0I’t for :i nuitiber of yr.-an‘, to the West of Scotland Shipbrealting Yard at Troon. In H.M.S. Pheasant were one officer ‘two days despite the heavy seas (.'s‘ub-Licul. (SD) (8) R. S. 'l‘hont:i<. the cold. standing by the unlighted RN.) and 14 ratings. 1_drifting hulk Pheasant. The passage down the English Chan- '_ The crew were transferred from to Pheasant by helicopters nel was uneventful, but on rounding I.and's End the wind freshcncd to i based at R.N.A.S.. Culdrose. under the Force 8 easterly‘. On the following day ; command of Lieut.-Cdr. G. A. Bagnall. cottrse was set for Hartland Point to 1; R.N.. during the forenoon of Saturday get some shelter from the North Corn- 3 January I2. The tow was reconnected ish coast. prior to carrying out the in- lin only fotir minutes and assage iszis; tr.-iition of crossing the Bristol Channel -‘set for Milford Haven. uring tltci to the southward of Lundy Island. On afternoon a transfer of mail and stores I clearing Ltindy Island at 10.30 gun. the was made to both Pheasant and Warsea was found to be far too rough for den by a very gallant seabo:it's crewl 7 a sale crossing and the tttg master de- front H..\f.S. Falmoitth. eided to return to the lee of the land.' During the following morning. the‘ The next 24 hours proved cold and‘ weather moderated somewhat and uncomfortable but safe whilst cruising; course was set for Troon. Apart from between Trevose Head and l~Iartland‘i a rough passage during the night of. Point. At l0.30 a.m. on Thursday Sttnday;‘.\londay. the remainder of the January I0 whilst turning off Trcvosc ,trip proved somewhat uneventful and. lleatl. the tow unexpectedly partedg Troon was reached on Tuesday morn-.'riaving fouled an underwater obstruc- ing. January IS. After unloading the towing crew proceeded as soon as lion. The chapel in Il.M.S. Maidstone possible on a well-earned few days leave. HELICOPTER LIFT H..\l.S. Pheasant had proved to be After Warden had prepared a fresh bird to the end. tow and three unsuccessful attempts a game Pheasant was built by Yarrow & Co. had been ni:ide to reconnect. the naval Scotstown, March. I942, to May. personnel in Pheasant. for their own Ltd.. I943. and was originally rated as rt safety. were evacuated by helicopters sloop of the “Black Swan" class. btit t).\‘l¥IR.\lA1lU.\‘ hal been recetied that the to R.A.l-‘.. St. Mawgan. The ship was ti-taming tine I-cert ad\.«n.'v:tI to the um: in I947. unclassified as a frigate OWARDS the end of the long conversion of lI..\‘l.S. Mnidstnne at Portsdrifting in a safe south-westerly direc- was t)l’h.cr tit (‘Incl AttiIt.cr talc: l'(‘II) lftill L975 Her tons was displacement Artilcer to K.id.u I-Jcc-neat Clue! Adm: tion aii.;i_v from the‘land. After a very mouth Doeliyard. opportunity was taken to build a new chapel in the ship. .\I.V l~hT9-I5 I). J. Clark. of had and she a complement load) and the Rev. R. W. Richardson. .\l.A.. Chatplain, Royal .\'a\y, then Cliaplain good hot meal with the Royal Air I92. to Aerial: Chief Engine Root: Artlflcn .\t.\' t-M475! l-’ P. (mien. MN tratvzl J. D. of the “yar Force. the crew returned oti board designed the layout. MN M. .25 ll. ftoirntt. MN 7l.‘L'(Itn A. Adams. R.F.A. Warden off Padstow by fishing Dedicated to St. l\'ichol.is'. the-family waiting for it sttbitiarinc to vessel. l.ady B. Good (Skipper A. A. furnishings of the chapel include three return to harbour. Fuller). where they spent a very good .istf\ arson’ rt.‘ t-ezitiul-.'.st\ xissiir i.‘.\mi.nI line stained-glassisindoiisdcpictingSt. A brass tablet of simple dignilietl In (‘hid Petty (Iflirer Raillo Electrician Nicholas. a submarine at sea and a design has been erected to the nieiitory .\I\ .\‘).'~.‘~to I). I. I-.l:to:t. lu Ctm-I hhtnnngllt Arl-tlrrr ‘of those who lost their lises lit the Mrs 54:73: W. l. Itrarier. .\I.'< l-‘ta?-S.\'S I-.'. P. I939-45 war w h i I c seniiig in HILST H..\l. Yacht Britannia i ltlldfl. .\tA M-“Ft G._t'. .stevuri. submarines in the .\IetI:tc.'r:iiiean ' was on her way to m. where she attached to ll..\l.S. .\latdstone. will embark the Queen and the Duke .\lIlZ¢I'. xx t\_2I373'l:. c. Adams. tax 7't‘.tIl2J N improved non-latindrv wipethltpcl “its dedicated on July *°""" “- -“""°"*“'of Edinburgh. an Injllftd British sea‘md ““.” .°""‘" “"5 bu" "mo" 29Th‘ visited Rothesav. “hen the ..\I.S. DAUNTIJESS figured in the man. Joseph O'Connell. who had been duccd to Service outlttters by II. R. The lesson wasship read by Capt. J. A. R. “ h V‘ S W) F r '...'tsbH ..'r'er...'£t5 New Year Honours List in the "‘.“"“J "‘ 3 h°'J°" °"l’J°5'°“ '“ h" of oi x¢.«i:i~' o lbolot .\I. iGrt.'eruilI. six am; .\IX D.S.C. and Bar. R..\'.. Captain person of Chief Wren Phyllis Otter. his ship. s.s. Glenmoor. on January 6. s; w_ II I)o«ton_ .\l\' Ii‘-3-tllts P. w. um“. Lt ml I. S,’.\l). Third Submarine Squadron. i I r :i who was atsardcd lltc British limpire “‘“. '"_ I-‘. l and the service was contliicred by the Br:t.innt.t v.liti.lt arrncd at Tut on i)...,._.,,_ six -.(i3;..-. 1; to ,,,m,_ “X i-twist» .\lcd;tl. .,u;,-r,‘; (. ; “‘"“mfl‘ ‘\l''‘\'' W‘ L‘ ‘\R'‘\‘‘ l "-=“,r- -‘I-V -\M"‘.K I hrsr--tr. BC" (‘liicf \\‘ren Oxer. Category Steiiard J.lI'lll:lf}' 25. collars do not require l.iii:'tl-.-rintt. m’'‘‘‘''''"' ('h.iplain. O‘(.‘onncll said that the ollicers and : r°““'' IO). trains the New lintry \\‘re:i ‘ma lm'""“”‘”‘ rm tsquadron .\t\ ‘lnl.\T t‘ is Im.-e. Seven miles north of llcl_cns‘btir3_:h, Stcoiirtls t()). In March sllt: will have crew of Britannia had been very good rtII(_'hI_c_l‘I:::t‘Iio Super\i\nr “' ”"““"' “ '‘'‘‘’‘* n‘ '‘ on the Liareloch. is the biibinarinc ; completed 20 years‘ service in the | to him ;lflLl saw to it that he had i:verycollars "Sta-White are il\';tllill1lt."Squ;1drnn Bus‘-_ serving in mg to Cltlet Couinnuleatloii Yeoruan \\'.l{.7\'.S. thing he wanted. mfillllm lh|'¢¢-‘ 5|lv'l€‘~‘"l“l'|t2 0|‘ IN 73900‘! K. I)a\>¢.\. J.'\‘ 7-7l'.'t>3 A. D. II. In ‘Squadron are sortie L300 ntliccrs and ,(io:rhtnt, IN l-SKWH II. C Ilayles, is all that points or cutaw:ty—and mm. and neat-|y 3 quart;-r of thc In (‘hit-I Petty Olin-r Wrltrr 5*" 51 personnel have moved their families .\I.\' 79II‘l‘ I. A lliisnn. .\I?\‘ .\'i.7-‘>7 I-'. J. I“-‘t-‘¢““5|’." A“ h¢‘<‘l‘ “'9-'“ ‘"1-"3 .\l.\ 7717'"! MK l~-‘(I“tnnltll‘-. K. IIo.\h.rm. wipe over with a soapy cloth each day. in 1)”; part nf 5.~..i{.m,|_ _\'Q\\' A. ( oolc. Readers who are unable to obtain imrtrried qll(ll'It.‘l'\‘ are under conTo (‘Mel Pelt) (lflirtr Cnoktfi) .\I\ til-tr-‘-It l-.. I. t’h.ir!cs\norIh. SIX 72‘l°~l tlte collars front their Service oiit- gstruction in llclcnsburgh..ind the total I‘ Ihoms-in. .\I\‘ N-UN! J. R. Itoddv. will shortly .\I.\ M'.'I.r7 ti. llutlm. .\I.\ 252095 I). llarrison. litter [service





i windo tained glass Advancements




depot ship’s chapel “


Mtskiifisn EMPIR-‘ED










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"".'.“r°"°.‘_' -




Li l ‘ . -"5 :)“"' : 3c_n {W-1‘-.‘

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l:!"'1-‘_: hh‘:-"‘;mc, ."-J R.zl-flif .‘;."d' ilfotlp.










3::l‘r:_‘:V i















MN '."l‘Sh 5. J lIiM.ttt.l.

Yo Chief Petty (Illirrr JX 77mm II. Dnnmote. IN 75857! R. G. A. .\'iinn. IN 20200»: J ll. Fettutck. IN lNtM.I \\'. li. Tyaclt. J.\1 xlfmo I. I). In-inc. J): lo2'~.‘4 R. J. Nicholson. J\ ‘Mutts A. Noble. J\' IP10.‘-I2 W Ittiimionr. Ix '.'t:t‘h P. I) nYl'.ldlH¢I'C. J! 711453 P. J .\'.tsto,_ ‘N §V§‘VTo J. Brown. J.\' Mt-2|.) I’. J. lanihcrt. IX It-29‘! J. A. \l.tiilJi\r.ts. JN M273-I J. C. Burgess. JX o-it-000 'I


ntifa|c-y should tlsiril c pI I) the! m:isupp vi to



to case or three for

direct at 4s. 3d. each post free. if they mention this paper.




-:tmount to


On Sundays transport is prosiilcd to morning service in HMS. .\l:iidstone from the married quarters.


In \Ia\leI’~\l-\rlIts

\IX 7-l‘lItl.i (E


’l.l'ffl|I‘fl_ .\IN 801225 I.


In Stores Chief rem Ollierr IV) .\I\ .\7ZWti A H ‘s.’ l.i't'.'Ii-t.



To Cltlrf Pelt) Oflirer Steward I K .\‘ll'77 I‘ Rests In Chief Pelt) Olliri-r Cookttll XIV T-t'J.“h II I‘\.ins Tn (‘Net \|r I-"liter tttlit I I V .\I"w.\ R I. Iu\_ In Chief \lr Httrrtllt I IV .sWt..: \\' I‘ret.

1'0 (‘hid \lr1'.tt-.iitISlIt I t\ .\M~W2 I! W (‘tinker \rIin-: (‘Mel Electrical htlfirer ( URI I ‘F\ N‘7’~ts't\ J. A Svtlc.

“To I’ IrI‘.‘\'

To Chief Flerlrk-lantktfll M722‘ I’. J. tinller. l..‘I7N SDI!“-






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Issued by h'..\f. Forrrr Saving: Camntirru


t.,...u our














of pilots‘ think that they llerhert. Sawyer (I785 to I788). irobably cut through some of Capt. Richard liislicr. ll.t\l.S. Winchelhing nets while bringing ships sea (I792). Commodore Rupert ie dockyard." said a spokesiuan George. H.M.S. H ussar (I792 to I794). ritimc Headqtttirtcrs. Pitrcavic. .-\dtniral George Vadeput (I796 to iddcd that he did not think that I800). Capt. Robert Murray. H.M.S. hing Vessels realised that they Asia (I800). Capt. John Erskine Dougontravening port regulations by las. H.M.S. Boston (I801 to I802). rig tratlic to and front the dock- Rear-Admiral William Charles Fahic. nd were liable to a line. The CB. ll82l to I824). Vice-Admiral Sir en would be asked to restrict Thomas Harvey. K.C.B. (I839 to ctivitics in the dockyard area. I842). Rear-Admiral Arthur Fand. If they did not co-operate shawc. C.B. (I853 to I856). and Vice‘urlhcr action would have to be Adniimt Sir James Elphinstone =|'¢slErskine (I895 to I897). Readers who may know of the Aitstr;ilia'.s‘ Dc- existence of portraits of any of the A. G. Towtiley. tinister. has stated that a num- otlicers mentioned should get in touch Oberon Cl:t\S subrtiarines of the with Rear-Adrniral Pullen. Navy are to be sold to lia. No confirmation has been Admiral of the Fleet Viscount y the Admiralty. (‘tinningham of Hyndhope. K.T.. .S. Centaur Visited l.ivcrpool (‘i.C.l).. O.M.. D.S.O.. and two Bars. was 30 on January 7. ziniiary 3! to February -6. -———





I 963

Friga_te’s 75,000 miles) during commission H.M.S. CHICHESTER TO HAVE FACE-LIFT

January I8 ll..\l.S. Chichester. when l-l,.\l.S. Chicltester proceeded to paid oil at Chatham. after a com-.sea on Christmas l).t_v in reply to an mission of 22 months. spent largely SOS lroin the f’:inamanian tug Inglis. on the Middle and Far East stations‘. .\'o trace of the tug was found. and the Comtnissioncd in April. l‘)6l. under se:irclt was ;ib:indoncd at sutisct on the the command of Cdr. (now Capt.) 26th. The feelings of the ship's comR. A. tiilehrist. Royal Navy. the ship' pany can be imagined when on rctttrtt was quickly in the public eye when to llong Kong on the 27th. the Inglis she stood by the Lowcsloft trawler was found at anchor oll Kowloon. Frandor \\llt.'tl the latter caught lire otl Apparently the whole thing was a the i\'ort‘o|k coast. This incident; hoax. the SOS having been sent by the iicettrrcd during H.M.S. Chit:hester's: crew. who had mittined and forced sea trials~un ltcr first day at sea. in’ their captain to return to harbour: the fact. The trawler linally sank after position given in the SOS was over 200 miles out. and the tug arrived back lt.ivin_g been gutted by the lire. P. Cobb. R.N.. addressAfter trials and the Portland work- abottt 12 hours before H.M.S. Lieut.-Cdr. ing the ship's company of H.M.S. up H,.\l.S. Chichcster spent July in Chichcster. Tlte majority of the Ingli.s‘.s Narwhal N

_, '


and around (iihraltar


part of





N arwhal recommissiotis

both lined and

‘flung stop" force standing by to pro- imprisoned. After leaving Hong Kong a period ceed to Kuwait. The ship returned to (Continued from column 2) Portsnioiitlt on Jilly 2‘) and sailed for of exercises followed. including the Kuwait three weeks later on August’ Iirst time the four ships of the Fourth Kong—where she had Capt. fl’) 4's harbour inspections —~two 30. l‘l(il. Frigate Squadron operated together. sea and ll..\t.S. Chichester arrived in Kuwait 1 After tltis ll..\l.S. Chiehester returned ports in Japan. and Buckner Bay in ()l;inawa. These calls. together with on September 7. and frotii then until to the Middle East station spending major and minor cscrcises September 30 was Air Defence Shipi most of February and .\-larch in the s-.-veral and Naval Gunfire Support Ship for Persian Gulf. At the end of March she lasted until little 2‘). when she arrived the Shcikhdom. She uas relieved by "arrived in Aden. where she took part in Singapore for the last time. The next ll..\l.S. l.landall' and after a fortnight in Aden Forces‘ Week. before return- "ortnight was occupied saying goodbye the many friends the ship's comat .\lonib:ts:i—~;i most enioyable visit» ing to the Far East in company with to all had made. bitt time was found to pany ptoeectlctl to the Far East station. l'l..\l.S. .~\rlt Royal. arriving back itt retain the Far East Soccer Cup which arriving in Singapore on i\'o\-ember Singapore on .-\pril ll. the ship had held since Easter. It was 4. l‘lftl. VISIT T0 JA!'A;\' iinally "don:tted" to H.M.S. Cavalier ('IIRlSI'.\‘l.»\S DAY HOAX’ .-\fter a sell‘-tuaitttenance period. just before sailing. in deference to the The nest high spot was Christmas itt H.M.S. Chi.-hester’ set oil on her old saying "You can't take it with llong Kong. where tlte ship stayed travels ag.iin. During the next tun you." ll..\l.S. Clticltester left Singapore on frotn December 22 to Januar_v it. tttunllls she visited Sitbie ijlay. a U.S lulv I6 and arrived in the United though this in its turn was interrupted Navy base in the l‘htltppt_nes. l-long Kingdom on Aitgttst l8. having been awa_v 363 days—the "longest out" of any of the Squadron. After leave. she began running with the Home Fleet in her first commitment mid-September. October. at H.M.S. Barossa. Singa5) column (Continued from page 2. being a visit to Sotithend. which was a pore. for Foreign Service (Far East). great success. This was followed by 2-tth l:'.S. (A). Exercise ".sharpsqitall" and then a ll.\t.S. Relentless. September 5. :ti' ll..\t.S. Kemertori. October. at Aden. month at Londoitderry. A week's visit Ru-._\ll\ tor trials. Cotnmissioni for Foreign Service (Middle liastl. ‘to l.eith, the port of lidinburgh came March. 1064. for Foreign Service’ ‘lth .\l.‘S. Squadron (ii). next. and the ship arrived back in (Far l",ast) frotn date of sailing. 3rd No. 839 ILQ. Squadron. October. :it Chatham on December 12. and began R.N. Air Station. Culdrose. Home lirigatc Squadron. Transfer.-‘. to 26th preparing for long refit. Sea Service. Wasp. fZ.S.. December. I954 (A). LIVF5 SAVED ll.\l.S. \'id'.tl. September 5. at Chat- H.M.S. Mohawk, Niwentbcr ll (Ten-

.M.S. Nanrbnl (Lieut.-Cdr. Peter Cobb. Royal l\'av_v) reeontntissiorted at

Devotiport on December 6 for service in the Second Submarine Squadron.

Narwhal is a submarine of the Por-5 tin as one of Narwhal‘s most cherished poise Class and like all submarines trophies). ll feeds on fish and inolluses, this class has great range (far more. and. notwithstanding its habit of rethan any surface ship) and is capable‘ maining motionless the surface of remaining submerged on patrol any- for several minutes. isupon an active animal. where in the world for many weeks at 1 ''It is found in the Arctic Seas of :t time. both continents. but is so rare in the There have been two previous Nat-. parts near the Bchrings Straits that the whals. The first was a torpedo boati natives have dread of destroyer which served with the Grand ‘- its visits." a superstitious Fleet and fought at Jutland. and the and 67 ratings of second was a minelaying submarine theThe live officers present Narwhal hope that they which was lost during the Norwegian will not remain motionless on the surcampaign in I940. face for too long or exotic excellent A CH!-IRISH!-ID TROPHY quantities of oi|—or for that matter Kingsley. in his “Natural History of have to wit a superstitious dread into \\'h:ilcs." describes the narwhal as a the natives of the Bering Straits: they "whale some 20 ft. in length. possess- look forward to a commission based ing a tooth about half the length of on ll..‘-l.S. Adamant at Devonport. At it's body (a fine specimen about l0 ft. the moment they are working up in long is displayed on the front of the l Scotland. based on H.M.S. Maidstone.



DRAFTl1\il(i}hiFi0Rt«:cAs'r (cont’d) i


l ‘


tative datel. at Barrow for Home bath. for (ieneral Service CommisOn December ‘.19 the small party Service ComGeneral Service. Sea Base Purl. sion West lndics. U.K. who were on duty over the Christmas (Tentative I964 mission January. Portsrnoutli. period were instrumental in saving the East l|otne‘.\lidd|e (I8 date). ll..\l.S. Loch Alvie. early Septenih_er.| lives of the two survivors of the 9th months). Squadron. Frigate at Singapore. for Foreign Service‘ Admiralty Titg TID ‘)7 which capsized Portsmouth. Port. Base U.K. [Fat Fast). Third Frigate Squail-just abcam of the ship whilst engaged mid-\Tovem.\'o. 829 l.ondon Flight. in berthing an R.F.A. They also figured ron l.-\). Air R.N. date). [Tentative at ll..\l.S. .-\nolelon. ll..\l.S. Flocktnm, ber in the attempts to save the other three for SerGeneral Station. Culdrose. It..\l..S. Cbilcompton. September. at crew members. which were unfortunLondon. H..\l.S. vice Commission. (Middle Service for Foreign Aden. ately of no avail. l \Ves'sc.‘(. (E). .\l.!S. Squadron t:...n. um During the commission H.M.S. I0 November (Tenll..\l.S. Aiat. Devon-. ll.\l.S. lflster. September. at (‘hiehester has steamed 7.000 miles. of for flirkenhead. tative date). at which 55.000 were East of Suez. port C. & .\l. p:trt_v. Service Service. Home Sea Foreign (Tentative H.M.S. Chichester is due to rell.\l.S. l)ido. September I7 l‘l6-l of date from sailittg—M:t_\'. date). at Glasgow. for Home Sea emerge frotn the yard. after an cxten- I 24th East. Far [Tentative dale). Service. General Service Comnits-. sive "face~lift" in niid-l‘)(i-t, when only i 3 IA). siutt. .\ovember. East of Siiczll-lome a very few of the present commission at November. Loch I"-ada. ll..\l.S. ll-lth months) 22nd li.S. U.K. Bose will still be with her. (Far Service for Foreign I Singapore. Port Portsmouth. liastl. 3rd Frigate Sqitadron l.-\). ll.\l.S. Parapet. October lS. at RahThe Rev. R. W. Richardson. .\l.A.. ;-_-in for Foreign Service t.\liddle ll.\l.S. Defender. Nov.-mber. at ChatChaplain. Royal Nav_v. is to succeed Fast) .-\'nphihiotis Warfare Squail-. ham. for ll'l;Il!~. ll.\l.S. l-Zastbnurne. December 3. at the Venerable Archdeacon J. Arnirim ll‘). O.B.E.. Q.H.C.. Th.l... Rnsytlt, tor lfli|ls‘_ Commissions for strong. C.B.. t|.\I.S. ('aprit:e. October. :tl (iihr_alIR. Chaplain of the Fleet. on March I5. tar. for Local Foreign S:f\‘tL‘:.‘ Home Sea S-.-rviee. February l*)(y4. l7th Frigate Squadron. U.K. I R I’. complement. Bits-.: Port. Devonport, tt_,\t.§. (fiissandra. October. at Portsmouth. for C-e:‘cr:i| Service (‘om-;tt..\t.§. Zulu. December tm:I.\' ht‘ 51*-"T llttssittll. llotite:'.\led. Zlst ES.‘ layed). :it (ilasgow for Home Sea. Service. Cottttttissiotts for (ietteral l7 K "its: Port. Portsrnottth. Cill‘l‘l!lllS\li\h. February. tt_\t.S. Penelope. October (may be r S:rvice l*lt’i~l tntav be delayed). .\liddle East‘ ll'.‘l.l\‘:lll. at Newcastle. for Home l Home (I8 months). ‘)th Frigate Sea S.-rvice. 20th t'-'rieate Squarlron. I Squadron. U.K. llasc Port. Rosyllt. [KR llust.‘ Port. I).-vonport.












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nlhn tn the Services-ulrnetiu tltroulbottt Grut INK


I-'ehru:ir\'. I963

Paravane trials entailed much hard work


him. the future held little prospects. I owed a lot to him for the

TRIP TO CHANNEL ISLANDS (In his last article Neptune, who joined the Royal Navy as a young seaman In I904. told of his service as First Lieutenant in one of the first Asdic destroyers. ll..\I.S. Wessex and of the receipt of his appointment to command

the destroyer H..\‘l.S. Tarpon).


experience that he had helped so much for me to attain. My relief arrived two weeks later. Although my own prospccts were quite encouraging. I felt so very sorry to have to say goodbye to the ship's company. I was indeed proud of all those with whom I had served. and appreciated their loyal support. without which. I would have achieved all that I did.

T was getting towards Easter. I915. , The sidwniarincs and (nth Flotilla Asdic and the Home Fleet had been , destroyers. were zlertcd from dawn to



engaged in Combined Exercises with 1» tlusk. until finally. as the line of battlethe Meditermnean I-'Ieet. The night ships led by H.M.S. Nelson proceeded before the Fleet sailed front Gibraltar up Channel. they were attacked by sub‘

for Home Parts there were many fart~ marines from the Plymouth and Portswell parties which. towards midnight. ‘iiiouth Commands. converged on H.?\l.S. Campbell. the‘ On dispersal of the Fleet for Easter I joined lI.M.S. Tarpon at PortsFlotilla Leader. where linal handshakes leave at their home ports. Wessex ro- mouth on May I. I925. whilst still a took place and congratulations ‘cecdcd to Chathatn. where the ap- two striper. I was fortunate to be extended to those of us who had ,tain‘.s relief awaited our arrival. It was relieving a very old friend of mine. received appointments which might. fa sad moment when our Captain left who already had shipped his half eventually. lead to responsible posi- ‘the Wessex. He had been in command stripe. which made me feel rather 'l'or three years. and had seemed to be junior for taking over the command tions. Sailing at an early hour. the fact that part and parcel of the ship. It was» of :i destroyer. However. I had the we were homeward bound did not h.ird to realise what it would be like sati~.f:iclion in knowing that I was t:ikmean any relaxation from exercises. .witliout him. :ind. unfortunately for. ing over from :in ellicicnt olliccr. 4



ship's company of H.l\l.S. Tarpon in


lieutenant. my duties. except for the'w-hilst at the same time. to miss the midday break. kept me on the bridge. sinker mooring buoy. Fortunately. 95 whilst the commissioned gunner and per cent. of the attempts to cm were the seamen ratings worked with the successful. It was with a deep sigh of relief that I could relax. hoist in the experimental ollicer. Each run withlhc p;ir:iv:incsout \v\'ilS.P5lr:“'iln'~'5. chase and rccov-:r the :1 matter of trial and error. The p:ira- l drifting mines. and linally weight the vanes had to be hoisted in and adjust- mine siiikers and return to harbour. ments made and the trials called for with the upperdeck literally cliiltercd the utmost patience and perseverance: up with mines. mine sinkers. and wires nothing was skipped. Although fre- 3 galore. which took :i whole day to sort quently late in returning to harbour..out. The valuable experience gained it was not deemed any hardship. as it .' proved that we were still "Sailors in was generally possible to feel that the Making." some success had attended our efforts. VISIT T0 GUERNSEY It may be asked. what were we trying to achieve’? This may be briefly Tarpon was now in continuous explained as: (I) To tow paravanes at demand by the paravane and the speeds of 25 knots and above. and at mining experts. Whilst adiustnicnts the same time reduce the strain in the were being made to paravane equiptowing wires. (2) To design equipment ment. I was fully employed by the which would automaticallyoperate the Mining Department. It was. therefore. vertical and horizontal paravanc varies. with a thrillof pleasure. that I received to proceed to as the speed worked up to 25 knots and my sailing orders. .



"W“ Class



destroyers. Tarpon,


three similar destroyers and two "P“ Boats. H.M.S. Winchester. in which I had been Number One was still ComD's ship. and when making my mander official call. I found Commander (D) to be none other than Charles Pcploc. for whom I had acted as stceragc

ll‘ 1'.“ Iv‘

when hammock‘-nian. shipman in 1906. We

he was a midserved together again on King [Edward VII. I90‘)-ll. he as a sub-lieutenant and I :is able scaman. and later. as leading seaman. So here we were again for the third time—lie as Comniandcr (D). and I. one of his flotilla commanding ofliccrs. who was about to be promoted to


I O I 1



The Vernon Flotilla consisted of two

?9'l. M $'€’s".<lKi '.Pl9i2ft ."S5'9ilY‘





0 0 c




depth charge trials. under the supervision of the .\lining Commander. l~l..\l.S. Vcrnon. A change was as good as a rest. The trials were to extend over a period of a


above. After many trials this was successfully achicvcd. the operating mechanism causing the paravanc to dive deeper. and the angle of tow to decrease. and the most important point. the tension in the towing wire to be decreased. Thus. the answer to what may he termed phase I had been

week. I arrived off the chzuincl leading into the anchorage of Guernsey in Lieut.-Cdr. the late afternoon. It being low water the entrance to the channel was not produced. MAID OF ALL WORK But this created another problem. very inviting. Rocks appeared to be l~l..\1.S. Tarpon could very well be much more complicated. as it became everywhere. However. the cliaunel was termed a "general purposes destroyer" necessary to reset the position of the safely navigated. and we came to or. maybe. "a maid of all work." She mine cutter. and the float. which indi- anchor in the evening twilight. was fitted for minclaying. and in addi- cated the position of the Whilst preparations were being made paravane tion. had powcrfiil winches and below the surface. This had to be on the following morning for the strengthened davits and fairlcads fitted redesigned to ensure that it remained experiments to commence. I took the for the purpose of carrying out high on the surface under all conditions of opportunity to call on the Governor. speed c.\'pcrimcnta| trials and tests for speed and weather. The only way to '2Il1(l explain the reason for 'l‘:irpon‘s p:irav:ini:-.. Her torpedo tubes were test these nioililications was to lay out presence oil the port. available. for the firing of torpcdos. by mines and cut thc'n at various speeds. The trials were to be carried out in classes from the Torpedo School. at ccrt:iiii depths. These cxpcrimcnts an area shown on the chart as "llurd ll..\I.S. Vernon. extended over quite :I long period. but Deep." about six miles north of the At this time. intcnsivc experiments were finally. successful. ("askct l.iglithoiisc. It was a deep were being carried out with a larger cavity in the ocean bed. a long narrow TRICKY ()l'l-IRATION and new type of mine. and with parastrip. having depths up to R0-I00 vancs developed for towing in excess The operation was quite a tricky fathoins. The chain cable on Tarpon's of 25 knots. in all types of wcatlier. one. larpon. iii the tirst instance. acted anchors were not of suflicient length which nieatit raising steam in all as a minclaycr. Usually three mines‘ to reach the seabed at that depth. so. boilers. on most days. These experi- were laid in a position clear of shipping before leaving harbour. the port cable ments were much more interesting channels. To ensure recovery. the was connected to the starboard. than paddling out to the Stokes Bay mine sinkcrs had to be buoyed. in Furthermore the anchor could not be area with classes for firing torpedoes. addition to the mines. These when cut. dropped in the ordinary way for a and when the weather was too rough would drift. and would rtecd to bcldeptli of K0 fatlioms or more and it for tltc recovery of torpedoes. to racovcrcd quickly before mine would need to be lowered by the cable remain snugly in harbour. merchant~ship reported a drifting mine. . holder. Having laid the mines on a "line of l PR()BI.E.\IS PATII-INC!-‘. AND to enable them to be cut on 1 bearing" PERSI-I\'I-IRA.\'Cl-I The first day of the exp-.-riments one run. Tarpon had to stream the '. I and my ships company. had an paravancs vccr the towing wire to the i l"“"‘"'~'d 4' f'~'“’ l"“h"-"‘“ b'~'r‘‘’‘i ""3 active and interesting life. which kept correct length. and proceed to seaward desirable position was reached. The us on our toes. The complement for for turning to the cutting course. and only raiigcliiidcr on board was a \\'cymouth-(‘ooke. accurate perhaps up to upper deck duties allowed only 16 sea- get steady at 25 knots. men. a C.l’.(). ('oxsw:iin and two petty gy this mm. ‘he any bum-S ",3,-king a _inilc. but as it \vas_misly the Casket olliccrs. A lirst lieutenant was not the position of the mines. were corn-ll-lllhflm“-“¥‘ W0" ‘“"i'l"l"““"’¥'d [Wm allowed in the otliccrs‘ complement. so plelely out of sight. and at 25 knots. view. :ind so it became necessary to the executive duties were undertaken it was very necess:ir_v that the marking rely on dead reckoning and soundings by the (‘oiuriiissioncd (‘-unncr (T). buoys should be siglitcil at the earliest not an easy proposition with a cross The experiments and trials and tests possible niorncnt. to allow the course tide of hclwccii live and six knots. were usually carried out in the linglish m be ;.dju5h_.d R, UN”-C um L-u"j"F_ i llowevcr. the sounding machine was Cli:itincll. in the vicinity of St. If they were missed. then the whole l producing good results when the wire Catherine's Point. It was. therefore. a ‘(,pCmum, “—m,m gm“. 1,, he ,-Cm.;,[L.d_ l carried away. There was no alternative fairly long run before the area was I was generally tensed up during the but to turn back to sight the Caskets, rcaclied. as speed was restricted to I2 cutting run. I had to be guided entirely and shape course once more on a line knots. until clear of Bcntbridgc Ledge by eye. and endeavour to have the of bearing. l)uring this operation a buoy. To make full use of the time paravanc float in a position to bring new lead and wire had been fitted to available only 30 minutes were taken “M mine mum-ins buoy wnhgn the the deep sea sounding machine. and for the midday meal. Having no first orbit of the paravanc sweep wire. (Continued on page 7. column I) .

isnmwsmsiir O

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Tlioro comes a time when every sailor goes shore-sido good. Roll on, you might, say. But just. weigh up for It moment. what. it. means. All the now have to grub. gear. lonvo, quarter and so on tluit comes be paid for in Civvy Street—und that's a very different. part of the ocean! Si-nsihlo saving is the nnswi:-r, o.~:peciull_v when you've a family to think of and ti house to buy iioiiiedny. By starting saving now with Liverpool Invc:ilmetit-Building So:-ii-t_v you can tnlto cares of the future. L.l.l3.S. fltltlti ri gt-ucrouii iiiterci-it to the money you save, Income Tax piiirl-—rintl when you do start, thinking about your own house, your 1..I.lt.S. savings could pay the ih-pm-it and help you get. priority for n nmrtgngo. ll'liynot fill in the coupon below and semi it to us for porticulara of II‘§'al.,'"gfl and Loan Sclientc for ltrgnlur .*s‘ur'lor.~i“ mid our brochure wliieli will .'llt0lL‘ you (lint as for as .~iui-t'ng.~r are conccrnrtl L.l.I.l.S. have got I‘l.‘(Tf'_ljf,l[rig sli lp.-I/tripe.



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to carry out


NA \'\'




PUMA HELPED TO GET TRISTAN READY FOR THE ISLANDERS New road named after ship which was holed in the process) and (BY N.-\\-'Y NEWS CORRESPONDENT) one of the ship's inflatable life rafts South in the all the world knows. the lonely island of Tristan da Cunha a taste of things to come when stores .-\tlantic was evacuated in l96l because of a volcanic eruption and the were to he landed. inhabitants of the island were brought to Great Britain.



A I)II"I"ICUL'l' .\IAi\'(l-ZUVRE The islanders. grateful for the assistance given to them. nevertheless When the stores were due to he were not really comfortable amid the landed the swell had risen considerhustle and bustle of modern life. and ably and it became apparent that the hankered to return. when report' use of boats was not the answer. SealC‘"""‘"°d l"““ P339 5- °°'“““' 5) were received that the island was manship came to the rescue and Puma habitzthle. lllt\ titue we located a depth of 80! In July last year a party of twelve was moveb until she was about 400 "Getting stores ashore was no easy task" fathoms and lowered the anchor onto islanders and Mr. H. G. Slablclord. yards oll shore. The whaler was 50 off and moored shore a jackyards the seabed, of the Ministry of Agriculture and stay was run from the ship's stem to ing the landing part_v- commenced. Fisheries. Colonial Otlice Depart- the vvhaler. and from the whaler to a By this time the sea had really started l)I-Il"I'Il (TIIARC If TRIALS ment. went to the island and confirmed W/'l' mast which stood on top or a ilo get up and the only way to get the The depth charges being manu- mi“ it many was hahiumm small clilf. This was a very dillicult ,party oil “as with the life raft. It had .' 9" timt. were und t: r sus l actur e d a I thtt -. : H _‘V S Pun” manteuvre in the prevailing on $"p“'mbLr -1 weather Ito be done, however. and it was done. picion for depths up to 30'.) feet. whichi-t(‘; t. I). II. N. \l~ll'.. D.S.C.. R ';l conditions. but it paid dividends. with the landing party getting soaketl I’.\R'I‘\' of 35 Royal Marine tilti\.'tIlllL'lllL't.I \\IIll the depths “nod Cumain In lltc meantime the landing party and the life raft collapsing on the last cers and other ranks assembled at in. A shot rope 5-in“‘,nm,“.,, for 1-mm“ and an“ a X.l_wa,s experimenting was the Infantry Training Centre. Royal divers ‘cry plcu‘:Int pa‘-gag‘. of five days had not been idlc. It had been decid- journey. I-‘ortunately the wltaler similar to that used by ed that the most valuable assistance standing by attd rescued the last of the Marines. Lympstone. Devon. on m..- i.sland—its 6.000-foob they could otter was to blast a new Fall)’. 28 for killing-up and initial January .-. ive-in wt l a se I. over d_._ chm ‘ road through the lava to the ne\v _e -'1‘. .; re‘ "Ln pi“ We sailed that night on one shall training before sailing to Norway for w.-i_t:ht sinker attached —to lalsc It to beach. and the peace of the day was after warning Tristania of the under- six weeks cold weather warfare train“ I-‘J-(-0-“'5 GIFT-5 tlte seabed. This acted as a guide for few minutes by the water obstruction. It took us live ing and exercises nearly I00 miles inpunctuated every of October I the depth charges to slide down. On the evening During weather the side the Arctic Circle. electric pun“ dropped anchor otl the sounds of the explosions as the party days through the worst the bottom. conu_.\|,,s'.. an reaching In the party were four instructors blasted had experienced since she com[1 the rubble. and removed ship fu7e the blown the Tristani;t, :md on glow made. in a sculcmt-nt_ tact was from the Clitt Leaders‘ Wing of the look 3ft and a lot of very hard ntissioned. recovered deck. l-inch depth charge small lobster boat that spends most of work. buthours l.T.C.R..\I. The 30 volunteers for the the party succeeded in its eutne up completely squashed by thc,its time fishing ml Tristan. The boats task REPAIRS AT GIBR.-\l.TAR cottrse are accompanied by a Naval and the road was built. It has and the lathoms mail 80 to (-180' at of which tool; water supplies pressure been oflicially named Puma At (‘ape Town the ship went doctor. They have been selected from now lt.l. These trials were continued! Tristania brought back cases of lob- Road. into dock for a propeller a long list of applicants. capable of straight and week. the the for tails ster Captain ship's throughout change and it was then discovered marching at least [0 miles in rugged The visibility being good. no further eompany—- a very welcome gift. itt addition to one bent propeller. hilly country with their weapons and I).\.\I.-\GI-I TO SCREW that. in much hadn't done as volcano locating. The ditliculty was experienced The ship managed to land most of tlte ship also had several small holes equipment. with the the position necessary depth {damage as was at first feared. The left London on February 4 They bottom. in the were they Fortunately the via the and. as the stores main island's continued. jackstay for the IfliIl\ to be 'lish-canning factory (the and sailed for ltergen from Newcastle fuel in the located empty mostly it weather continued deteriorate. to remained. But one cause of an<iet_v 5 source of income) had been buried will could tanks. con- upon Tyne later the same day and not, Repairs the decided her to to move ship r\lllN‘l|L'-ll ilk‘ 3"‘-‘l‘“" W3" l““'¢"~’d ! under a_ sea of lava which. in addition. was bc undertaken on the station arrive at Finnsnes on February 9. veniently. berth. the trouble Then easily to the seabed. there was greatihad formed a new beach. The old original and the ship was sent to Gibraltar. With the assistance of Norwegian ‘the volcano had thrown started! The it. be to considered in cablezheaclt up was recovering always ditlicu|t_v at St. Helena, Ascension Army instructors they will carry out calling of rock the ll¢i“'¢ a of 10 right alongside bk"-‘“ boats. pinnacle hm-l for "01 the ltaI.ardous llI3*l&‘-"till landing l!o|dL'r Freetown and Batlturst en three weeks of intensive training Island. under the it and cable. It as of was the ship way only such even more got port route. in a weight new one presented but which will teach the volunteers how to Of it. all the into head of steam screw full with in ploughed a difli;-u|ti¢s_ by heaving live. move and light in cold weather uncharted in the rock luck! One short in spells. ‘|‘hL- fin; mm-c y.-_.; to put _\ landing on the cable holder. and Arctic conditions. After further Atlantic Ocean had and oll whole we to take steaming sltmly ahead to help p;.r;_\- ;“|m;-c and mi; was ;,¢L-umptic-t-,. exercise in the area the Royal Marittes anchored divers After hit went it. we lllc Wcltihl “'31 "W 3"‘k'l‘°" “'35 ed the nest morning when the First will return to the United Kingdom on full side Cavendish all tons and three .M.S. (2.600 the over A. I’. Crosbie. reported H. (Lt.-Cdr. l.ieutenant .\l:trch 22. recovered. crcw ltilll hi“! left Portsmouth on the at bent load) to blades January 30 20 landed with tips. angles over. men. qlfllf 'liUPon's Royal Navy) ended 28 for service in the Far East. which ottr week exciting with (ictling the party ashore was a of 90 degrees. H..\‘l.S. Victory is to be re-rigged The destroyer recommissionetl at It was decided to sail that night for passage back to Portstttottlh tn the ditlicult operation and was only September I0 last and is with Italian hemp instead of sisal. The teeth of a south-east gale. accomplished with the aid of the Cape Town and now the must difiieult Gibraltar onFifth Destroyer Squadron. ship was last re-rigged I6 years ago. islanders’ famous long boats (one of part of the whole operation—retriev- to join the (To be t‘t)IlIlHllt'(’) _.









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Flag Oflicer H.M .S. Whirlwind ¢"'

Aircraft Carriers III-I






security guard for Premier

Flag Oflieer. Aircraft Acting Rear-Admiral


I). C. I-'.. I". Gibson. I).S.C.. has been connected with the Fleet Air Arm for nezirly all his service career. llorn in t9l(i. he transferred to the Royal Navy in I937 as an Acting SubLieutcnant from the Royal Naval He first went to the Reserve. destroyer H.M-S. Wanderer and was afterwards in I-I.I\l.S_ Nelson. In 1938-39 he trained as a r\'aval pilot and during the war fle\\' fighters from H..\l.Ships Ark Royal. I-’orniidable. and Aiidacity. Since the war Admiral Gibson. who has more than 3.()l)(t flying hours to his credit. h.is' served as Air (iroiip ( omniandcr in l'I..\I.S. Tliescus. Iicutenaiit-('omm;iiidcr (Flying) in ll..\l.S. Illustrious. and Commander (Air) in lI..\l. Ships lndomitablc and (i|oi_v. Uthcr appointincnts hcld include those of t.'oniuiandcr (Air) at R..\'. Air Station. Ciildrosc. Captain of RN, Air Station. llra\sd_\‘. Captain of II.\I.S. Dziiiity and Dcpiity-Director or Air \\':irt'are at the Admiralty.


.\I.S. Whirliiind. (Cdr. .I. K. I.esse_v. D.S.C.. R.N.). wearing the Broad Pendant of Cdre. J. E. L. Martin. I).S.C.. R.N.) provided the security guard for the meeting between the Prime Minister and President Kennedy in I New Providence. Bahamas, front Deceniber I9 to 22. Communications facilities ‘J for the Ministry of Defence were also provided by the ship. A Lyford Cay. where the talks were SECURITY ORGANISATION held. is an ciicliisive club about I4 Altogether ll$ out of the ship's miles from Nassau. where the ship was bcrthcd. Nothing has been spared in company of I94 were enip|o_vcd at Lyford Cay. A perimeter’ guard of 36 (3 making Lyford into a liixiirious haven working in three isaiclies of I2: for the rich (the ttirf on all Its fail‘wttys‘ of ilic golf course sszis‘ imported ‘fi(.‘llI|"lt."i at check points in the grounds front the United States). However. ,and a Royal .\larincs lioiisc guard of 12. formed the backbone of the was little time for golf. even ll _therc tit could be atlordcd there iias a job orgaiiisatioii. Iii additiori. two telephone exchanges. including the Prime _of our}; to be done. 5 .\linistcr‘s. were maniizil. and the Corriilllltllicitlltllls‘ Branch was kept busy 'I'lII". 'I'.-\I.l\'S with the Minister of l)cfciice's trallic. Prime the .\lInistcr and the Presi- A boat patrol was also provided. This dent Iivcd in separate ltottscs ttbout lull produced fairly (.‘DIllplL‘.\ orgaiti.s:iIllll yards apart. cacti with its own tli‘.‘l‘:.! diflicultics. as there was only private beach. .\lost of lltc talks were ‘limited accomiiiodation available. Mr. .\IacniiIIan. President Kennedy and Mr. I)ICrl.'I'II15ll(El' at held in .\lr. .\lacniillan‘s hoiisc. "Iiali I-iirtlicriiiorc. there was also the rltai." The rest of the delegates lived ship's routine to be considered. For Ronald David Fornioy. Marine. in the Club House building. about four days the ship's company licard R.M. H5883. -I2 Commando. three-quarters of a mile away. such pipes as "Lyford Cay Port Watch Royal .\I'.irines. Died December Security arrangements for the meet- to breakfast." this particular event at I2. 1962. ing included sealing oil the area: 0915 daily. However. this was after Richard Jennings. Marine. R..\I. floodtighting the perimeter at night: no long lie in. but followed an "all I923}. 42 (Tomniando. Royal and having a system of "pass checks" night on" at L_vfo.'d Cay and an early Marines. Died December I2. for anyone intending the talks. The morning bits ride back to the ship. I962. American Secret Service provided This ride took over hiilf an hour: I-ICAUSI-I of ill-health. Vice-Admiral I’. W. Gretton. I\'.C.B.. I).S.t). and (ierald Keirans. .\Iarine. R..\‘I. facilities for the Prcsidcnrs civilian transport was used throughtwo Bars. ().B.I-1.. D.S.C.. has had to relinquish his appointment as Deputy l694I. -I2 ('ommando. Royal .safety. out the opcratioii. and the bill for it Chief of Nasal Staff and Fifth Sea I.ord. .\Iarines'. Died December I2. I962. Since the \\:ir hc li:is hccii Assistant \‘icc-Adiiiiral I-'. ll. Ii. llopkins. Walter Grant .\lacI"arlane. Ser('.li.. I).S.().. l).S.('.. has been Naval .-\tt.'iv.'lic. Wiisltiiigton. Naval geaiil. (‘II/X -I743. 4.’. ('oni':Ippoitttctl to succeed \’icc-.-\diiiiral .-\s‘si.st:ini to the First Sea Lord. mitmlo. Royiil .\Iariiies. l)icd (iretton. to date IaniI.iri.- .‘-(L lk‘nflIt'IIittttlL'I.l the c riiisc I‘ ll..\l.S. I)ecember I2. I962. To replace \'ice-Admiral llopkins ‘(i.ltllhI;t. (Iii.-I’ of Stall to the .'\t.ltl'lll'.Il. Frctl Stewart Powell. .\Iiiriiie. I o i tl t Scrsiccs .\lissIon. as Flag Olliccr. Aircraft ('airicrs. British R..\I. IIOI7. -82 (.‘oinmanrlo. (':ipt. I). (‘. IE. I’. (iihson. l).S.(‘.. has Wasliington. (‘omniodorc. (ii.Ippl_e Ro):il .\tarim.-s. Dieil I)t.'l‘t.'ltIht.‘l' been appointed to date laiiiiarv 25 in Squadron. at the time of the atomic I2. I962. the acting rank of Rear-Ailiiiiral. Il°«‘l\ iii the l’.'ic tic. In April. |".‘.\'. Iic .lolin (irahain Gillinghani. [tom in |‘)|2. \’icc-.-\dmir;il (irctton I liccaiiic zi niciiihcr of the liiipcrizil .\larine. R.\I. 20270. 42 (‘oni(ollcgc and from August. joined the Roy-;.| ,\‘_.c_\- in t')2(r. iiiando. Royal .\l:irine.s.Died DeWbl. until his Iippoinliitcnl (IN Hill‘! was it\\‘.'lIt.lL't.l the l).S.('.. in -ll..\l.S. ceiiilier 24. I962. l)Iirh:in in I936 during ciiicrgciicy S_c:i Lord in JaiIii;ir_s. l‘)ti.‘.. he was John Ileiiry .\It‘CtlrIlllt.‘l\'. Enll-lag ()tIiccr. Sca Titiiiiiiig. upcr.itiiIn's in l’:Ile.stiiie. gineering .\Ii.-chanic lst Class‘. ('i'I\'X 914569. ll..\I.S. .\Icssin-.i. NI-‘.\\' I~‘Il-"III SI-I.-\ LORI) l)I".S'l'R(l\’I-ZR SER\'l(‘l-I Died "t.'Ccllll)(’l" 24. I962. tie had outstanding seriicc in Vice-.-\dtiIir.il Hopkins joined the .\IaIconihe Derek Lucas. Electrical in the Second destroyers early World Royal Navy in I927 and qualified as Artilicer Apprentice. 055ltt(l. command had his first War and In an Oh-Icrvcr in I03-I. Duiiiig the war II..\I.S. ('oIIing\vood. Died Defrom l.ondon- he cross-traiiicd as a pilot. III: took ll..\I.S Sabre operating cember 3|. I962. 5 ziwardcd the part in air operations at Dunkirk and dcrry. lie was later Vi ().It.l:'. for scrvices at this time and he ‘in Iioiiiliiiig and tighter operations on We l’ir:: broke out in ;iit otlicc at l:Ul’l siihseqiiciitly coinmandcd sc si e r at the Dutch and ltclgian L‘u.isls. Italian Soutliwick on Jaiiiiarv 3|. l’\irls- 1 (lL'\‘lI‘t|_\‘t.‘t’\‘ engaged in convoy i Soinalilaiid. Iiritrca. It .I t I I c of moiiili. l:ltrt‘ll£ttll and I’ortch-.-stcr tircoperations. In 1942 he was awarded .\latap:iii. cvaciizition of Crete. riicii were called and the tire was I).S.(). while coniiiiaiiding ll..\l.S. l10l't‘ll‘l:lf(.ltllclll of Tripoli and during qiiit:kl_\' piil out. \'er_\' little da:ii;i;:c J Mcnibers of ship's conipany of II..\l.S. Whirlwind checking the credentials the Wolverine in .\lalta convoys. Army support in the Western Desert. was caused. of a visitor When still one of the Navy's lie was given the iiiiincdiatc .i\\.Irtl scvcral the D.S.O. for an attack on a was expected to conic to about £490 yoiingest coiiiniandcrs he led escort groups from Londondcrry and .Gcrm;in troop convoy when in corn(i\‘il\‘iillI paying). Dinner was cooked out there daily. while in ll..\l.S. Duncan di:stro_\'I.:d l mand of 830 Sqiiadroii [S\.sordtisli) in an empty millionairc's lodge being several U-boats in the North Atlantic. December. I‘)-ll. During this period he received at b:ir Vice-Admiral Hopkins‘ was with the lt\'L‘tl.‘ ‘I hisof lodge boasted a quarter of to his D.S.0. and less than a yc:ir later British Naval Air Mission in a I_iIile marvellous white beach. which was splendid recreation after earned a second bar to the Order for Washington from I942 to I‘)-(4 and -I:7{_|}‘ hours siatcli-keeping "up the further succcssfiil attacks against then joined the American Fast (‘arrier sci' e i' _ al Task Force in the Pacific. where he siibniiirines, \$§|\'. was present during the recaiptiirc of \\"licn handing over the keys of this ‘I _— the Pliilippines and other major desirable chunk of "real estate." the T‘ actions. k is agent casiiall_v rciiiarkcd. "An ollcr of Service since the war has iiichided t-5(I.li()tI dollars was made for this the Instructor at the R.N. Stall College. other day. ()f course. I turned it down he the on changes Flag Greenwich. Assistant Naval Attaclié following flat. but if an_voiie gave rue a cheque announced been List have by the (Air). Washington. Coiniiiaiidcr (Air), for 75ll.()()t) dollars. then I‘d accept it." ILMS. Tlieseiis. He flew in operations Oh well. it's nice to feel like a Admiralty: C. Rear-Admiral Giles. .\l. off Korea :iiid then became I)cpiityActing iiiillioiiaire. l).S.O.. O.B.l3.. (i..\I.. was promoted Director of Air Orgitiiisatioii and to Rear-.-‘\diiiir.Il to date .laiiu:ir_v 7. "I'll.-\.\'KS I-'lt().\I I’ltI-‘..\III-IR Training» Acting Rciir-Ailiiiirzil I). A. Will- Ilc hecanic Captain (D) of the 3nd the ship sailed for Bermuda at l).S.(.’.. was promoted to Rear- Trainiiig Squadron at I’ortl:iiid in .t7o(t on Saturila). l)ccctttbcr 22. and iams. I953 and then became Director of Air ,‘;tfI'l\’Ctl during the forciioon of Christ- .-\diiiir:il to date Jaiiiiarv 7. are produced by Gale & Polden ('oiitmodorc I. I._ T. llogg_ I)..S'.(‘.. Warfare l)ivisioii. He then corrifiiias live. ‘the four-da_v watcli at Limited for the Royal Navy. §|.ilord (as had been c.\trciiic|_v hard uzis promoted to Rcar-Adiiiiral to mandcd Il..\l..\, Ark Royal and liritaiiiiiii Royal I\'aval College. Dartfor those concerned. but there date Iaiiiiary 7. gnork May we 5 upply your requirements Rcar-Admiral G, I. .\l. ltzitfoiir. nioiith. l’roiiiotcd to R(.':tl'-.'\tltIlll'.'Il in the general feeling that soiiicthiiig [Has of these i mportant Mess items? worth while \\;is being done. Iitlorts t‘.ll.. l).S.C.. uas placed on the laniiary. l‘)ti(t. he became I-‘lag Otliccr. I-"lying Iiaiiiiiig. iii St.'plCml‘L'f. l‘)otl, I'c\\.Irdcd by the following extract Rctircd I ist to date Iaiiiiary I5. and E. Rear-Adiiiiral C. Pratt. C.lt.. was and l-lag Utliccr. Aircraft ('arricrs. Samples prices of these top from .I letter from Ilic Prime Minister placed (‘II the Retired List to datc lZtllll;tt)'. l‘)t-2. He ‘was proiiiotcd to |to ( drc. .\l;irlin: quality cards will be sent by \'icc~.-\diitii.II lll October. l‘)fi3_ return upon request. I "()ncc .'g.iiii the Roi‘.-II .\':Ivj.' h.'Ivc |.IiIiI.I:j.‘ I7.

3511 fitrniuriani


IT-Eewafih cTses_Fifth


Sea Lord to give up post










‘of '

flfl) ->2»:->_‘;';»; ;:_-:-:<—: tr} -3'”

Flag Changes



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,l'L'\ptitttlt.'(l iii a iiiagniticeiit is;.g.- to an llllltl\tt.tl call upon them. I have been iiiiicli iiiiprcsscd by the smart bearing of all ranks‘ \\ltn have been ciigagcd [In protection duties over the last few plans and also by thewhich ctl_IcicIic}' of the .sIipportiiig services ‘_-on pt'ovidctl."

In fairness to you MUST

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.1. has becn reported that Princess. .\larg;zrct and the Iiarl of Snowdon will be present at the coiiiniissioning ccrcmony of H..\l.S. Hampshire. the guided-missile armed di:stro_ver (6.200 tons. full load) on Cl_\'t.lC\l(lL‘ on March I5. Her Roial lliglincss launched the destroyer at John IIrown's yard on Io. l‘)(it.







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..\l.S. TIC]-IR ((':ipt. P. W. W. Graham. D.S.C.. Royal .\'av_v) antl wearing the flag of the Flag Ollieer. Second-in-Command. Far East I-'leet (\'ieeAdmiral J. ll. Frewen. LIB.) arrived at Singapore on Deceiuher It) on return front a meniontlilc three-month cruise to Australia and \'ew' Zealand. The ship was to time spent a week alongside in Singapore. Late on the night before arriial. however. orders were received that the ship was required to einbarl-t troops at Singapore the next day and take them to llnrneo. Immediately after arrival alongside. all efforts were directed to this end. The qtiarterdecls. instead of being prep.ired for the :\diniral's farewell The ship sailed at 2245 hrs.. and cocktail party, was boxed in with ‘course was set for Borneo at 27 knots weather conditions which could :I\\l'llll;: and sidescrccns as troop aceoinniodation. as was the after ehd ‘lli'll't.ll)' have been kinder. with :i cairn of the boat deck. So much canvas The heavy rain.storins. which hail should at least li:ive made the Army .in:ide the afternoo,i rather oppressive feel .it home. although they may have lhad cleared. .\lan) of the troops slept been tlisappointetl not to be able to ion the upper deck under awiiings. dig aiiti-flooding trciiclies. All boats l FOUR 'l'll()l'S.-\.\'l).\ll’..-\l.S escept the sea boats were landed and The ship's galley served over their places taken by a variety of 4,000 itieals on 'l‘tie.sdu,t'. an almo.st transport iii».-liidiiig nine l.and-Rovers. continuous service ..slarting with 10 trailers. iiiiir I-‘erret scout ears. one t breakfast at 0530 hrs.. dinner at tractor and two water hoissers. About I000 hrs. and high tea at I500 hrs. -50 tons of miscellaneoiis Army stores. During 'l'ue.sda_v night orders were including ainmunition. were also emmiddle of January. when the United Kingdom was covered in a blanket of snow and ice. this pltntograpli. calling barlted. with extra fresh provisions greeeived to land the Cireenjtickets. less In in the "Navy News" ofliee. It is of ll.M.S. Tiger (Capt. one eompaii_\‘, at the small Oil town of to mind waving palms‘. warmth and sunshine was received and camp he-ds_ .\liri. in Northern Sarasvalt. antl course I’. W. W. Graham. D.S.C.. R..‘i'.) wearing the flag of I-‘lag Oflieer. Second-in-(‘omniand. Far East Fleet. saluting the flag ; ' of the Flag Oflieer. (Tommanding-in-Chief. Far East I-'Ieet. on leaving Singapore. last December. AND ONE .\l()Nls'l-IY iand speed were accordingly adiustetl '1 he troops arrived during the men:Il"l’l\’t: there at first light _on 2" man:-Pain -1 . mo with iug and consisted of the 1st Bn. 'Wednesday. The (ireenjackcts. (ireciijaeltets ILieut.-Colonel ll. (2. their associated traii.s'port. were landed Sm.-eiic_s'. .\t.('.). elements of H.(). in a misce|lany- of cllieientl_\' rtin boats ('omp:iny, 42 Commando. Ro_\-pl ,provided by Sarawak Shell Oilfield-s .\larines'. ti sm.ill detachment from the .Ltd.. whose represct‘|l:iti\'es seemed Qucen‘s Royal Irish I-lussars. and one "only too glad to see the visitors, The then weighed at H130 hrs.. and monkey. making a total of about (:50. IIREI-I of the Royal N-.ny‘s It was tinderstandable if some Green- Iproeeeded to I.abuan. in British North “'l'rihal" class general purpose jacltets had slightly dazed expressions. iliorneo. it being fotirid convenient to frigates are due to commission in as most had come ti-ttl miles by road iearry otit the quarterly ftill power February. one at Southuiiipton. one at and tail from l’cn.ing and some had trial en mule. Cowes and the third at l)evonport. On arrisal "at \"ictoria llarbour. even been engaged on exercises near The tentative date for the cointhe Thai border oiil_v 48 hmirs pre- l.abu;in. the ship went alongside a ‘flllfifilttlllllg of ll.l\l.S. (itiiklia at viously. llics .lll thought they were wooden jetty and diseinbarl.ed the ‘Sotithanipton is February I2. .-\ftcr a simply rnosiiig to Singapore to stand rem.iinin_e soldiers. Royal .\l;irines period in home sea service she is title by and sit ii-.-ie soine\\h;ii surprised to and nioiiltev l\‘-l’lli.‘ll w.is last seen to start a general service coiuniission find lllL'll‘ls'.'l\L's .,'l1'tihing the gang\v.iv m.ilting tic\s friends in :i neighbouriiig of I8 months in the Middle l-Tast and of ll..\l.S_ Tiger. zilthougli it was not mcri:h.in: ship) and also the rest of Home I-leei, the first time in their lives. :is they had the transport and stores. 'l'iger's own ll..\l.S. lisltimo is title to coinniission been t:lt'll‘t:Iii.t.‘t.l tor an exercise only Royal .\l;irine tlctachment was also at Cow-es on February‘ I‘). llcr general list: inonths prcsioiisly :ind this stood :landed to taltc over the guarding of service cotiiniissiori of IS montlis will both sides in good stead. |tlie airlicld t'rom :i party from ll..\l.S. be spent on the Home Station aittl During the d.i_\- the planned relief Cavalier. The Admiral landed and .\liddle East. of \"lt.'t'-:\(ltllll’:il Freisen by Rear- flew to Brunei for a conference .intl on The third "'l'ribal" to commission in 2‘\dmir:il J. l’. Scatcliard. ('.B.. l).S.('.. his return at I930 hrsx. the ship sailed the month is the 'l’artar at l)e\oiinort uneventful '.".?.~ltnot return an as Hag Otlicer. Securiti-iii-('omniarid. for on Fcbrtiary '36. Her l8 months‘ Far Fast Fleet. took place. passagt: to Singapore‘. it was all over. Royal Marines of 42 Cotiimantlo general service commission will be who were forming part of a river spent on Home Station. .\liddle liast aml West |iidies_ patrol in Brunei

‘in lsea.














Three Tribals to commission

lship ‘


iBlackipo:l.’s exciting §i§i-T thalfzir T

East Commission


ships visiting the port upon their normal occasions. three large liners hadbeeii chartered and served to accom-i lll-'. first three months of ll.i\l.S. BIacliipooI's Far East Coinniission have inodate \'lsilttr\‘ to the (iames. liach been months of movement. interest and excitement. The following article day the wharf at which the ships were was written when the ship was in the Maldive Islands. in the Indian Ocean. secured was thronged with sightseers. and on the d:iy that lllaclspool .south-south-we.st of the southern tip of India. opened to visitors over ltt.lltltl people '1 he "Whitby" class £l|'lll-sUbl't‘l:trltlt.‘j frigate arrived :it Singapore on Oeto-‘ On November I‘) the ship joined the came aboard. her 22 after :in tines-entftil passage,tlag of Flag Oflicer Secortd-in-('ottiBt.ACKP00l.-B()R.\' from the Utiited Kingdom. Three niand. Far East Fleet. in ll..\t.S. ‘tiger The Chief Petty Ollicers and weeks were spent carrying out at doe|s'- oil the Australian coast. :intl after ing. during which the ship's company Iexcrcises with her antl the other Otlicers held a reception on .\'oveniher l moved into ll..\l.S. Terror ashore. amt lescorts. c n t e r e d l-'rem:intle on 38. This was attended by about I501 friends made during the first week the enioyetl cooler conditions and sivirn-lN0\'C|ttbCr Zl. ship had been in l-‘remttntle. amongst C0.\t.\t0NWt-I.-\l.‘I'tt CAM!-IS them being an elderly gentlemen who organised expeditions into tht. jungle. ¢3*t5s‘fl}' i|“'4|'l<-‘ll VNT 30 -‘\U‘-'.‘was born in lllaekpool btit ilk‘ and on rettirii reportctl that they had; had an enjoyable btit very strentioirs |I'IIl|1I PT0\'L'_d W hsf 1|” lhilhltilsl l‘s's‘tt‘ when he was fotir years old. Hi: was i ‘hoped for. The main ltlll'.\Cllttl‘| of the thrilled to be on board a ship lime. Corninonwcallli (‘iaines was supple- such a close association with his birth- ; ‘SI-=\-‘D A-\'0“"’-R ("kl-5'~“*‘5 mented by the gcnerotis and friendly,place. i ()ii Noveinher it) the ship sailed for hospit.ilit_v extended by the citizens of On November 2‘). Sir Fretlerick ihe 2.,‘it)()-inilc journey to i’reinantle.ll’ertli anti l-'i'einantle. :iiid it was not Samson. .\layor of Freinaiitle. and Western .-\ustralia. A full prograinnie long before the majority of the ship'si (‘ouncillor Williain Steer. .\l.iyor of of exercises was carried out during the curiipziiiy had made frie_nds ashore. Salisbury. Southern Rhode_si;i. who The of the brief and but well-staged memory a very ltl-day passage was in Frcinantle for the period of the I :iiid of the (James Christriias visit opening ceremony was paid to interesting ('omnionwealtli (iarnes. lisitcd the in atlilcics feats of the the is competing just island. This ('hiistinas lslaiid will long be ship. followed that ithe days south of Stiniatra. The warships sailed front Freriizititlc Here the locals arrived in force to remembered. The citv of Perth had on December 2 and carried otit com-‘ tit-Iconic the three ships of the sqtiad- inadi: extensive aiiangcincnts for the bined exercises with the .-\ustr.ilian 1 ion, and during a five-hour stay parties (ianics and. arnon-,: other things_ ;i new Fleet. .-‘\t'tcr two days lllackpool and were condticted round the estensivelriililetic stadium and a magniliceni the remainder of the British ships [‘llI.ts|\lt.tlL‘ rnincs. played soccer :iiid Y swimniing pool had been built. tiirrietl north\\ards for Sin-,:.ipore ;ind.' 3. :iiid atlmiretl the view oil The port of l~"rem.tntle was titled‘- alter won 5 carryittg out escrciscs ittt p.i~\.I‘_.'L'. lslsing i isli (‘ove from the heights with shipping for the (iaines 'l he coin-i reached thcre oit December I0 ;ibove. .-’\t the same time ships weielbiiied sqtiadron from l.',is'.. Atistralizti I".-\Sl‘ RL'.\' TO BORN}-It) open to visitors". and a gratifyingly and New 3/.e;i|.tiid totalled 13. iitttl 5”} the iatldition to lllltllL't()ll\‘ board. mei'ch‘.tiit; large number came on The ship's stay in har'rio:ir was shorter than expected. rind on the} afternoon of \\'ctliiesda_v the lltli. HOME CLUB sailed again. this time for llortico. where stores were urgently needed. : Queen Street. Portsmouth (Portsmouth 2423!/2) l The (‘oniinaiiden 3rd ('omm;intlo' THE CLUB FOR ALL LOWER DECK PERSONNEL Brigade. Brigadier l-'. C‘, llarton. ().l%.t;‘.. R..\t.. and elements oi‘ his EVERY SERVING MAN AND WOMAN is A MEMBER 1 stall were embarked for the trip. The (Ex-Serving Men 5 Women Eligible For Hemberttiipi ship tirade a 2‘)~.l;not pa.s'sage. tirst to :1 position oil Ktiching. where the Single Cabim, Harriet! Quarters. Bari. Restaurant. Blllllfdl, TV Lounges, Locker‘ Facilitiesfor Reception and Danni Brigadier attd his staff were embarked into a minesweepcr_ and thence to Port Victoria to land storesTHE FAMILIES‘ ANNEXE IS NOW OPEN and refuel. At dawn on the I-tih a short patrol in support of offensive AND AVAILABLE FOR YOU AND YOUR FAMILY operations ashore was carried out. and Complete With Ovtn Lounge and Bar Restaurant and Children‘: Play Room Blackpool arrived back at Singapore Phone N865) (Entrance in Havilie Street for Christmas on December 16.


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Remember You Really Do Buy Better at Bernards


C. H. BERNARD 8i SONS LIMITED 6-8 Queen Street, Portsmouth Cliailiam, Dei-onpori. Portland. Falmourli, Grintiby, Di-at. llarn-irlr. ll:-Ii-rtrburgli. Dun/‘i-rmlinr. Lamlonderry. Giliralmr, Vallelta aml Slimm. Malta. and at Lossieniaulh. Arbraalh. Abborsinch. Braii-ily, CuIrt'm.r¢'. Corsliam, Gorporl, L_)'lIlpSItlI1(,ll/arrliyDown. Yeai'i'Ii'an r1mlI’mili' Head Oflice: Anglia h'ou.ii'. Ilani-it-Ii. Ermv Bmiirlri-.i


Port Sudan was earmarked as the ase for ll)

N.-\\'Y NI-‘.\\'S


from Alexandria



l-‘ehruar_v. W63


MANY PROBLEMS IN BUILDING UP BASE (in hit Jnnmiry article Capt. ll':ii,i,-littold how the fall of France moved the true BI‘lIf.\fl spirit mid lioiv H..$I..‘i. Fortittidc. at Ardrorum. of Wllftll he was (mi:-i-r-iii-Cliari,-e. bi-mote. iii addition to an active operational base. on imU,!It¢'iul "Iriiiriiii_i,- .ii'Itool' for the rlit.riIiary Patrol Service.) I-‘0li.\'D that as one activity passed out of Ardrossan. another arose to take its place. thus demanding the constant attention and concentration olg my statt. There were many small naval activities scattered about S.W. Scollantl. and for convenience were placed on the books of H..\l.S. Fortitude for pay elc.. and many establishntents depended on the base for drawing naval


stores and


As every cllort was being made ltljllh: military :iuthorit:es and Horse tlefctisivcly equip all merchant ships. (Board. I obtained permission to reto enthle them to ctlectivcly tight the cruit young lads, and form a (iermiii Submarine and aircraft. (lidei Corps" using the b'.irracLs as with ll.Q.- A local committee of ladies. made wen: ;nr.in_eeinents (Liptain. Defensivclv l-Iquipped i\ler- 3 and gentlemen was fortned. and funds’ chant Ships, Glasgow, for the crews ; to the extent of over .t.'.lUt) were raised. ll..\l.S. I-‘ormidahle in I9-l2. The carrier took Admiral Sir James Somenille. the Comitiander-in-Chief. Eastern This was required as it cost £3 per I-'leet. Io Colombo. Formidable had been repaired after being badly damaged in Ma)‘. Hall. during the defence of to Ardrossan to come down iiistruction in the use of p_vrotoehnic.s' head to provide uniforms, Licut.-(Iil:.= Crete and other explosives. For this purpose-.A. 13. Way. M.B.E.. R.l\'.. soon hadl a large field zttljacent to the North i the lads looking smart in appc;ir:Ins‘i-' .-\t|:itir.il Sir James Somctville. on‘scarcli was ptit into operation. lust as velopcd. and a first-class commercial the making of good sailors. Shore was reqtiisitionetl. pass-.ige to Colombo. where he was to darkness was falling and l-‘ormidable port. having a main ictty along the‘ So once again .-"trt.lross.in was plus‘hccnflll.‘ the Flag Officer of a newly- was about to reioiii the convoy. the eastern side of the harbour about A NEW‘ APPOl.\'T.\ll-‘.t\'T coiistittited Pacilic Fleet at one of the plane was spotted close alongside. 2.500 ft. long. with :i minimum depth in: its part. which would help The year I942 opened with the out- most critical .rinds ol the war. But ‘llie pilot was rescued and the alongside of 23 ft. On the soitth side were coalini: berths L030 ft. long. ‘look very black. but the nation was now H.i\l.S. ormidable was acting as daiuagcd plane hoisted inboard. One Sunday afternoon I decided to having :1 minimuni deplli of It ft. All to the convoy as far as Freeb()i\ll-. l’l-LMPORARY NAVAL ‘*inspired with confidence by its great escort town. go tip to the flight deck and watch berths were equipped with modern IIASI-lb AND PORT l’AR'l'lE'o fleadcr. Winston Churchill. l had the operations As I arrived in the cranes and water points. and adiacent ibeen N.0.l.C. .-\rdross:ui lH.i\l.S.§ I939-I945 GOOD TRAINING wings. a single-s:ater lighter was inst .wcrc large warehouses. There was no for nearly If. years and} {l-'ortittide) about to land. but the wheels hit the ‘tidal rise and tall. Labour was plentiD) when wonderful its The was long and tedious !seen development voyage d:ck too far aft. The supports fill and cheap. and entirely Arab. Capt. II. I-'. \VI:[:l'|l. ().B.F.. duties of I942. Forn'iid:iblc's were two-told the end at is-udtlcnly. Jaiiuary. R.l\’. (rt.-td.i criiniblcd and. looking like it horse l The Sudan. being a "condominiuni." I my relief arrived, and I was appointed The aircraft pilots on board had had; 4 on its knees. the nose of the that is to say. a country governed by talling little opportunity to gain experience’ ;iircr;il‘t hit the deck. the propcllor two states iointlv. i.e. Britain and in "take-oll" or “l:inding"on the tlight im i h a a ml and swept along the deck. Egypt. produced coniplications. The \‘:\'t.‘l_s' of a carrier. so although part of cariiethe deck plane caught fire. The pilot flags of both iiatioiis flew from all imiiitauiing faith. and courage of all lcollcclcd some uniform and the escort force. Formidahle was de- and unhurt and unruflled. The _(iovemmcul utliccs and buildings. those that went down to the sea lfl lached from the convoy from dawn alightcd. carrier party. :i|w;i_vs on the alert. brought 1 ships from the Clyde. till dusk. Aircraft were flown otl to tire Formi en passing Iroug a e. ,l.l.\ll'l'l:Il)AC('OM.\l0l)ATION the foziiii hoses into use and qttickl)‘ I I c-mm--s m and carry out anti-siibrnarine patrols. thus the tire out, The town was under the adminis“mas mm hid bu" my [0 enabling the pilots to gain valuable pill (haniiel it was decided bv the tration of a llritish resident conimisexperience. ‘mu ("‘rdr°“‘m' Tm‘m' lrvmc prulccl l l‘0A.\l WITH ('0\'l-2Rl-',l) ni:r.iltv. that the live Paddle .\lincnaioner. It was exceptionally clean. The convoy had stood well otit ‘mu that had operated so This incident had its funri_v side- and well laid out. A high standard of sweepers the Atlantic: the weather was bad: the






intei -i








:::.°,.,::‘.‘:.":'.“...*.:'.:‘.‘;.:::.«-= Ad-lmc .


l..:,.:f“. ’otl‘Stltl:tt'1,. lzed Sc:i.w_ tropi c al joi ieddtlhxe £|\l6(|!‘l’:l




successfiilly from Ardrossan.



ini l : ‘ t :l " g-hl $ hc,l : J::,‘ l € c yi‘:' \ ‘ 3:" I in direct gig he mire”! 'k'l,m-‘_ cg‘ "take-otf" and “landing" operatioiisl tlie laugli being ' with of the hoses and I got sent:3:c;m)“ln'-cl! slain“ extremely hazardous. with thei linefull force. its about -to and carrier

E to‘


hygiene was maintained. The mosone quito had been exterminatcd. and w.-re v ; regular inspection carried out of or falling rising - he without inFreetown was reached houses and buildings. (ieographically either to or from_ the 50 feet as she climbed the crest of the A_rdross:m. “kc-n :“_m_m“ M mm were ‘wL_‘_p.n,_ the Tail of is-.u.-es and then plunged down into cidcnt. Formidahle completed with the port was well inside the tropical 1' | lll3h0l' L If:C“il.l :~M_ me "I oil and embarked additional planes. belt. and the heat was intense. with Shmp‘ for W-hm: ’“.c'y.l hm! hm": the trough. Bu.‘-K‘ from (irccnock l-lotill.i operatini: Sir James Somcrville was frequently which were flown on whilst the ship flittle rainfall. they |’s.sDt)ll\ll)lC .-\cconimod;ition for naval personwas at anchor. Within a few hours. t area :in its approac es. l ow.3 aw:i_v in one of the patrol aircraft. ‘i('l_vi.le ‘. , 5"" C’“"‘T CORPS FORM”) number at 2 l:slX‘illltl.lhlL' had been detached _from ncl was distinctly limited. Otlicers :t ihere l was. taking passage in Ocean‘ There were quite minor mishaps. bin no planes were . Ills‘ s‘-"|\'0_\' Ind \‘&Illt-‘kl T0! (UPC limit ; lived in hotels. whilst the ratings occuAs the general orgzinisation of the Convoy lO.B.) bound for knots. with p:tr.iv;tnes otit. .pied several small hntigalows. the luse \A'.ls running smootlily .ind L't‘lll"i;Illt,l other distant ports ll..\l.S, For-i lost One pilot had a narrow escape. .it ‘property of the harbour company. A plcte liaison had heeii estalvlished with iiii.l.ible was wearing the tlag oll His plane was reported missing and a arriving there on Marcli l0. I9-l2. ‘detached bungalow was occupied by were

be fitted with r\.i'A. guns and


as :::.:::.:_= in '















on me.




\se'i;c lflvlllk Freetown!

Pl.l-Z.-\S.-\.\'T CAPI-I TOWN No time was lost. l-'ormid'.iblc colitpleted with oil. and proceeded on voyage to Colombo. leaving me at

ll women members of the East African Defence Force. who auggmcnted the conimuniezition branch L for cyphcr and coding work._‘_l'he port (ape Town to join a cotivo_v sailing lwar signal station and W1 slillltlfl for the .\lidt.l|e East. Cape Town was 'were nianiied by naval ratings. very pleasant. There appeared to he abiindaiicc of food. frtiit and an tlooers. but l did not appreciate li;iviii_c to cool my heels for I2 d;Ijs‘s' ’.isv.iitin;.- convoy. However. I ioiucd ()l cotiisi: l try to. l’-ut iiiv [i:ty's not ctioiittli to the Norw.--_.-i.in transport llergeiisfiirtl. she was very much overcrowded with .s;t\‘c :iii_vtliiii«,-. I b.-twe.-ii-deck ventilatioii. and no That’s what I thought when I was yo ur age .st;itcr \\.ts ‘rationed. The voyage lo_ until someone showed me the Progressive Suez took tour w.-cks. Under "hlackout" conditions at night. the heat hcSavings Scheme. 1 only had to put as idc £3 l\s.'c.'l tlL's‘l;s was terrific. a month by Naval allotment but when 1 leave Port .\‘uil;m. h:in_e in the middle of the Service next year I can collect £855. the Red sea. was dillicult to reach as tli:.'c was iiifreqtierit water tr;it:.sporl. Sountls too good to l)(‘ truc. \\'lit'rc'.s tlic t‘;itt'lt .7 evctitually had an air lift. and No catch. And if] had died at any time my arrivcsl there on April 2-3. l‘)-ll. ll had taken me two and a half months \\'liit'liwill _vt in take? I to reacii my t.l¢sllll.lllOll. Oti disentwife would have received the whole £855 l1.If'Islll)! on the airfield l was met by immediately. You see. it’s :1 Savings I’m going for the pension. I’m all lined .-\tl‘iiir.tl ll.tIit'.i\. lilac ()lli.:cr Rctl Scheme and Life Assurance rolled into one. sea. and the naval ()Ilicer-iii-Cliarge. ~ with for and an a job already, extra‘ ‘Hi: .-\.liiiir;il hail been on an iti~' up Siiiiiptrsiitg you liatlii't sii,-in-tl nit tor '2'.‘ yciiixs‘ inc: tion tour. and he wished to meet 1 pension to look forward to when I retire me st'rvi<'c :' helor; r.:t:iri'.iii_e to Suez. l was if and the wife for The Prcparatiie I-‘lat: ‘close up‘ provided i ll.i\c met him and I felt When I had done my nine years, as I had that I had .it least made a good ini- ready for "('ulour.s" at I'ort Sudan happened to mc—well, it’s the kind paid premiums for 7 years, I could have Port War Sign-.il Station. I9-I2 pression. and as events turned out. l drawn £234 to help set me up in Civvy security we all want. l \\‘.is liappj. to feel lll.ll he had confii Until Italy came into the war in Street. Now, after 22 years‘ scrviccs I Shall dence in m_v ability. The take-over from m_v predecessor I‘)-80. the lllll;lhll(|l‘.l\ of Port Sudan flow do you set about all this? have the option of taking the did not take long. and I had a feeling ‘_had had :1 sheltered existence. but £855, or if I don’t need the Ask the Provi-.' that. in organising this base. l was Italian forces occupied the adjoining That's easy. on cash immediately, ti pens starting.-. Ltltttosl from scratch. becaiisc Iterritory of liritrea. ;\b_vssini;i. and ‘ of the‘ details for Life dent In-an of £i72* a year when I retire the local harbour authorities. until lltalian Somaliland. From there they lril I my coating. had rather dominated my ‘launched a few air raids. and naval from civilian work at 65. Progressive Savings Schei-ne..Ipredecessor. who had been employed forces from the port of Massziwa by the liarboiir company in :1 some- were a menace. ‘For niemlm: q/ "I! ll’.It’..\'.S. tit: The aircraft carrier H.M.S. Eagle. what tumor grade. -.AS!0€lA'l'loN or l.0tIOOII I’rn.rioii is [I49 a_i'ertr. with :1 destroyer flotilla. soon 'I\JR‘O‘I.', tiuiuo accounted for nine Italian destroyers HIGHLY I)!-IV!-Zl.OPl-ID and eight submarines, whilst using -HARBOUR -- —Send this London, E.C.2coupon to 246 Port Sudan as a centre of operations. harbour The the was one now only of Scheme the Progressive Savings Please send me details in the early part of l9-ll :ill the in use whicli gave the Sudan direct and Italian land forces had been overName the Sea. had Red It to access super- come. . seded which had been the Sualtin. Address The Red Sea was declared a t!lOlI| for centuries. and eombat area. which principal seaport enabled it to be I was now derelict and unoccupied. used freely by American shipping. Sudan Port convenient most a was oeitt ...i~ti~t' A birthday or Rating and natural harbour. highly de- i (CoItiooedoIpo¢e lhcolonoll Q



I save!








ofi ‘


pn.ovioEN'r urn .







- - -- - - -

.. ....... ....................................... .....................................




- ""

- - - - - -

.. ....................................................................








February. I963




NAVY l’\'I{\’l'S

most important


the Ro_val Navy had given the world in the fields of Sea Slug. Asdie. Radar. the Biiceancer aircraft saying that these are miles ahead of anything th:it any HE main guest at the dinner on other navy h:is got. January 25 in the Guildhall. Portsl.\‘IP()R'l‘ANT PEGPLE mouth. held by the Plotting and Radar He went on to sav that the standard Instructors. Gunnery Instructors and young men entering the Se_r.gice_ was Torpedo and Anti-Submarine Instruc- of tors‘ Associat.ions—P.R.l.; (LL. and excellent and that they need intelligent T..-\.S.l.. for short-—w:ts the Com-; lc_:ii_ler.ship whiclithe lnstriictors were giving. The Admiral concluded: "You miinder-in-Chief. Portsniouth, Admiral 'ill'C a very important section of the Sir Alexander Blngley. Other guests were Capt. H. L. Lloyd. most important Service of the most imR.N. (H..\1.S. Vernon). Capt. J. G.. portant country in the world»-and that‘s quite something." Wells. R.N. (H.M.S. Excellent) When the first of the P.R.l.. G.l.. and Capt. P. J. \Vy:itt. R.N. (H..\1.S.- 'l'.A.S.l. dinners was held in Singapore ' Dryad). last year. :1 statuette of the "three wise BETTER PROSPECTS monkeys" was presented to the chief Mentioning that since the war the guests. To mark the first dinner in this l'\'avy has been at a low ehb financizilly ; country similar statiiettes were preand has been short of money and 1 scntcd to the iuain guests. As reported ships. he said: "I believe tli:it the pros- in the January issue of "Navy News." pects of the .\'avy now :ire much better the motto of the three wise monkeys than they have been at any time since is "Near no evil. Sec no evil. Speak no the war. I shall be very surprised if. rcsil" :ind refers to the during the next few years. we do not l’.R.|~. and (.i.ls. respectively.‘l'.:'\.S.ls..| see :i swing in defence policy and i The statucttcs were presented by sp-.-iitliiig tow:ird.s the Navy." (‘.l’.(). R. Burns. chziirmaii of the .-‘\d:uir:il llinglcy referred to the lead Dinner ( ominittcc.

I '





Naval “Port “Parties ‘

(Continued from page I0. column 5) 1; (manned by Eg_\‘pti:ins. under their

‘own officers who were ever ready to Port Sudan was then used principally resent what might appear to be an for landing cased aircraft. An R.A.F. "ordi:r"). They were distinctly antistation was established in the adjoin- Hritisli. When two motor launches. ing desert with a large landing fitted with Asdics arrived. these. too. ground. The American planes were had to be fitted in with the instructions serviced and tested and flown olT to. for Seaward Defences. whilst the the .\liddle East. Boom Defence. now nearing compleThe non-combat mentality had tion. needed to be titted in. to operate taken a firm hold of the bulk of the in unison with the l-Ixaniination Vessel iiihabitrints. whose chief concern _:ind Port War Signal Station. appeared to be financial gain. It was For mincssiecping. two this mentality and lack of co-oper:ition .sl;id.s" arrived. These would "magnetic be of no that l was determined to overcome.I rise for seassard operations. as the The prestige of the Royal Navy and water in the approaches to the port respect for the white ensign had to ,\\-as far too deep for moored mines to be re-established. operate. but magnetic inines dropped in the harbour would produce ti very T0 REPLACE ALEXANDRIA The |:ite Admiral Hardwood then = serious situation :ind to operate "skids" ('-in-(‘ I.cv;iiit. was greatly concerned inside :1 crowded harbour would have at the fall of Tobruk in June. I942. been almost impossible, Nevertheless Alcsundrizt and the harbour had be- Stidanese were trained to handle them. 'l'RAl.\'lNG OF SUDANESI-I come viilnerabli: to air attack. The lrciid of events in the Eastern MediterThis brought tip another problem-— ranean had become very grave, Port Ih:it of siting niinc\s:itching posts. Sudan was to be ready to berth any gCtl!l1[‘IllTll_L‘ the ni:ccss:ir_v instructions ships he deemed should be removed‘ and the training of personnel (Siidfrom the dangerous position, in which ancsc). To assist me in dealing with .’\le.\:iiidri:i llarbour had been placed_ Sud:iiie.se olliccrs and a large number If the Germans Ii.id succeeded in of Sudanese personnel. the Governorcapturing the Suez Canal, then Port -(iencral of the Sudan (Sir llcrbcrt Sudan would be open to attack from lluddlcston). conferred on me the rank the north. and with the liidian Ocean of at ".\lir:ilai" in the Sud:ii_t Defence infested with Japaiicse submarines. Force, which was the equivalent to .\t;iss;iwa might be occupied with the Brigadier in the British Army. On .l:ip:incsc Naval Forces. Thus the Red many occasioiis it proved to bc useful. Sea could easily be dominated from To complete the fr:imcs_sork for the north and south. defence of the port I decided to train These were the liks'l}' Problems lhill all naval personnel. both ollieers and l “mild ht‘ Ciills-‘ll l|l"0n I0 l'1|C¢- Till: ratings. men and women. in lire-fightport was in a state of unrcadincss. :ind iug. bomb damage :ind anti-g_:is meait came as a great relief to me when sures (observing that the Italians did a ('oniiii:iiidcr was appointed as Exc- 'not hcs.itate to use gas in Ah_vssini:il cutivc ()tlicer. to assist me and I was and for the loc:il doctois to teach First ficc to coinnieiiec planning. which .-\id. Ii.-id to be combined with training of A plan had been devised for buildSutlanese personnel and civilians, ing a naval base. using the empty :ierocmpli-_\cd for n.iv:il duties. plane cases. This had been siibrnitted to Hag Oflicer Red Sea, Were these I-I(2YP’l'lAN I)lFFlCUl.'l'Y iii.-ccss:ir_\".’ lt' so. could they To run zi port without “Port Orders" nicasiircs be completed in time? These were the \\:is :is dillicult as trying to steer a ship ivitlioiit a rudder. (‘ltaos and ineffi- questions of llte minute. Surely any for the defence of Port cii.-iii.:,\ “\iuld rc.su|t if a number of-.ine:isures Sudan and for action to be taken ships were siiddenly based on the port which would enable l>l.M. Ships to be without such orders, lnstriictious were in an emergency. and to find nu-tit-d to weld together the duties of hcrthcd for valuable _m\':i| the (‘oiiiriianding Ollicer of the Ex- spttcc wouldstorittg be ltistilied——eveu if the ;.min;.iion Vessel. Port War Signal stores. _\'[,||inn. and the (‘oast Defence Battery need did not arise‘! :irise—\shen AlexBut the need did H..\1. .\l.l.. I00-I. at Port Sudan. andria was evrictiated. (To In‘ rmiliitiwrll in I942 ‘


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February. I963


Increase in Newcastle’s


membership} Portland has CHAIRMAN f new H.Q. ASSOClATl0N TIIEHONOURED l



Patron: H.H. The Queen

Ii"§“'°:“:!'.°'"":’:'7w'lteti .(i : ' “ -h‘ 1"“-‘i""""' : ;"' : ‘_-'_|lllilllllflllIIlIlllllllllIllllllllllllllllllllllllllIllliIIIIllllllI!IIlllIIIllllllllllll!llllIIIIiIIlltillllllllllIillillllllllilllltfllillfi I_i‘_“"i'den°l “C22 "('3 “M;':“‘i’ [is 0°_ shopping _


News from the centre of


hang in the RlGll’f taint. miles front the

centre of

.\'(‘l-I again the Portland Branch of the Royal Naval Association Annual General Meeting of the ,has had to move its headquarters. In Newcastle and Gate.-alte:td Branch future the branch will meet at the of the Royal .\'at‘:tl Association was ‘Clifton llotel. Portland. l "dd i" D"'''m'"'' 9‘ "" h''a"°h h°"d' December the Portsntouth In “"*' i"""""" ‘“°'°h‘i“' ""“""'”.; llranch entertained the Portlattd-crt ' the branch had a Clll'i\llll;l'i 'n



L'Cll has been said. and written. about the outstanding Service career of Admiral of the Fleet Sir John Cunningham. We might now. with advantage. consider .lohn Cunningham as a titan. Those who were privileged to be close to hint acltnitwledged not only the friendship of a very great man. They enjoyed. also. the aflectiort of a

is the llincktep llranch of the Royal Naval‘ Assitciatirtn. Not much news filters through to the "Navy News" office concerning Ilincttley. but the recent animal general meeting proved that the hr.tnch is. really. very much alite. ‘the meeting was opened by the clt.i1riii.tn. bhipntulc J. Mcigb. and the l\I';ttli.‘l\ main committee report stated tli.tt alteitdancc at the to ordinary lllCt.'lIi'tgs aitd tlte one extraordinary ntcctiitg ltad been average. Uiirirtg the year the branch had welcomed .i nctt- vice-president in the puss-it of Dr. J. P. Finnegan. .-\p.oi front the usual .social activities ! the hraiich'.s annual dinner was held’ last March :ind the following monthl two delegates had attended the anntial coiilcrence in London. when the Sntcthwick Branch Standard was dedicated in September. llincl.le_v was well fC[1l’L‘.\Cl'llCtl :ind a large contingent also is-cnt to (‘ovcntry Catlietlml when the (‘oveittry llraitch dcd:i:.itcd its Standard. sea.

perfect gentleman.

Sl.‘(7CF.SSl-‘Ul. DINNER 'l he artittial dinner-dance in October proved to be :1 great success. both, ‘

It has been written of hint that. he had the hardest bead and the softest heart in the world. He was the personification of the greatest traditions of our country —a man in whom discipline was deeply instilled. but one who was. at the same tinte. a most considerate and devoted champion for all those to whom he was able to extend a helping and friendly hand. Perhaps it might not be out of place to recall just two small incidents which. unknown to him. were witnessed by one of his closest friends. Some years ago. John Cunningham. while inspecting a guard of honour in a Northern town. noticed a forlorn and rather ragged bystander. ‘the inspection over. Sir John walked up to the man and. after talking to him for several minutes. pressed a pound note into his hand. On being asked why he had done this. the reply was. "lie is a human being and he looked so lost and sad." On another occasion a very elderly man. supporting himself on two sticks. was standing by the entrance of a West Country church when John Cunningham. accompanied by the l.ord Mayor. and the Comntander-in-Chief. arrived for an important service of dedication. As Sir John entered the church. this obviously infirm onloolier asked whether he too could take part in the service. John Cunningham irnnterliately replied. “Not only may you take part. but I will be honoured. sir. if _vou will sit next to rite." Side by side they entered the church. and sat together throughout the service. There are countless other examples which prove the truth of: “he had the softest heart in the world." The Royal Naval Association. will ever remain in his debt. He did much for the ideals upon which the association is founded. and it will help many to know that less than twenty-four hours before he died he asked. “Is there anything I can do to help my association?" lle Wilt a very great man. His passing leaves a deep feeling of irreparable loss in thousands‘ to whom his ltintlllttess. help and humanity brought such happiness. llere indeed was a man who. "walked with kings nor lost the crtitimon touch." A man whose greatest memorial would he a determination. in each of us‘. to further the sanctity of the spiritual and hittnan ideals for which he toiled so relentlessly. and unseltisltly. throughout his life. In it. M.


,-- run

l : tin to Portsiiittittlt. visitors .

fast and furious and the R..\'. (ret.). being present. considered that they eitjoycd themTributes were paid to all who had selves more than they had cvcr'don: helped in furthering the interests of yslllflllg previous visits.shoot has been A ntitntlily postal the branch. partictiktr mention being and between Stet-cnagc made of the Secretary. Shipmatc 'l‘hirlteanis aitd Portlaind Branch wcll. and the "fathcr“ of the hraiicli. other branch Shipmate Dcnton. who is always on .anil "ll" teams. Any hand to take the helm and steer the wishing to partake in this competition get in touch with Shipmatc "ship" through dangerous svaters. should lloth these otficials gave stirring S. J. Barnes. 34 Potiiitl Piece EstabPortland. speeches and the tremendous applause ' ll\'lllIlL‘lll. Nests" is indebted to Ship"Navy which grcctcd tltcm showed the‘ remate llariics for details of the No. 6 spect the shipmates have for lheni. Area Trophy for small-bore shooting. It was disclosed that the |The “.-\" team of the rticnibcrship went tip by 20 ovcr_the ‘lll".ttlCll won the trophy Stcvctiag: with 456 last year and branch funds had risen points‘. \\'clw_vn Garden City accordingly. were second with 302. Stcvenage "8" third with 2%. Rot-stitn "A" obEl.lr‘.CTl0.\'S itaincd 2-42 points and \\’elw_vn Garden I ('itv "B" obtained 230. Tliirlwcll. The Secretary. Shipmziti: Mathews. captain of Shipmate f and the Cltairntan. Shiptttatc Finch. "ll" team. received the 1Stevcn:ige Shipmatc Coc were re-clccted for a lhigliest scitrc medal. further two years. New-l_v elected com- i Presctttatioii of prizes was m:tdc M’ mittee members were Shipmatcs (irigsK. Jones. D.S.O.. D.5.C.. 5 Ru by. Blyih and Sharpe. As Shipmzite Barnes says. “What The branch unanimously voted idea it would be if all :l.t’c.li Sltipmate I-"inch as a Life Mem- la grand ber of the Association in re- Ehcld such a shoot and all cventu.il cognition of his work for the branch. -finalists shooting it ottt at Bisley." ‘A vote of thaitlzs was accorded‘ Shipmate Robinson for the work be has put into the varioits social activities which he ruits and tltattlts were also extended to the siib-conimittce which organised the very sitccessful l.:tdics' Night. 5’









". was


branchl ‘

:l.lL'\tll .'(,‘l.lf'. .







INSTRUCTORS \\'A.\'Tl-II) Ill-’. East London (South Africa) t Cadet Two of the Gosforth Sea Branch of the Royal Naval Assol headolliccrs recently visited the iciation started I963 with ti bumper quarters and asked for instructors to "aquac:ide" on the Bulfalo Riser. teach scamanship to their cadets and [ More than I00 craft. ranging in size the chairman would be pleased to Efroiti sculler's skitis to 23-ft. oceangoing yachts took part. the whole accept the names of any volunteers. being organised by the East Shipmzitcs everywhere. and in par- l_allair ticular those in the North-East. will London shipmzttes. a mock be sorry to read that the brzinclt Vice- 1 One of the high-lights was t't‘.‘.tt.lC of Prcsidcnt. Sltipmate Anderson. slipped ‘naval battle. Great play was underwater aspect ot’ naval waron the ice a short wltile ago and hurt ,the his back. and will hope that he is soon ifarc. human torpedoes. frogwicn and .dcpth charges. In this prescntzttion the out and about again. IIIllllllllllllllllIlllllIIIllllllllllllllIlllllIIlllllllIIIIllllllllllllllllllllllitfi 5lllllilIZllilliIIllllllllllllIIIlllllllllllllllllllllllll Border Power Boat Club. the local SICK NOT l-'0RG()'l"|'Er\' tS-:a Cadet Detaclimcnt. the De l.:i 'l he sick were not forgotten and dur'Salle (‘ollegc Sea Cadets. the Naval .'-, 2‘ ltenevoleitt was the a grant year ing ‘Otlic::rs‘ Association and the Royal tii:i.lcto otie of the shipmatcs. iNaval .'\s\'ttCl:tllntl ioincd forces. i\CA .-:tr.cis lot the year were €'(L".ttl as lol1.... iii..ri_ .\tiiprit.iie A llrtitn; iicc-chaiv l ‘ ii.i.u.\ii:s',s'i‘t:i) ni-:coii.sTio.\'s mm \. mic »\ lbontts \ts.‘t€lif\ Rhtrtritatcl .\li.l.l’r .--i treasurer. Sltipnttic ll. Dunn: .|\\l\I.‘ I The llt;tll'l procession took place in itvt- ~('.'t“Jl't'. Stiinnnte J. .\leigh: -oeiat secte- 1 \‘i-i-mic l-. Dean: assltianis, Shinto;-es so that boat owners‘ could cm .id;irkness t-'.. llcrP. Welfare. Sliipmre lr.-. and toxin; lttlztlic full use of illuminated d:cori‘\‘ll. (-|'ll‘1It['fC_ Ssrititntaies l‘ .\l hl.(.iilIiwa)-. A l'.nitc. (3 lurker and J \\'.tll {tlltlll\‘. Afiersvards they anchord to

lirt.iitcialI_v aitd socially. At tlte Rcttn.-ntbr:ince l)a_v service in the town. the branch laid a wreath! during the Armistice service and joined in l'lltlt.'KlC}'.S tribittc both at the Ciarilen of Remembrance and in the p.ir.iile through the town. In l)eccnib-.:r the brattch visited (‘osi:nti_v shipitiatcs for a social gathertng .-\t the end of the year Shipmat J ( .\lid.|lclitn was nontinalctl as ntentb.-i pl the i\‘;ition:ilCouncil. = ‘

l i ‘






' .

PENSIONER SHOT IN FACE Supervising, llailifl of the Nottingham Cittirtty Court. Mr." Walker. was recently shot in the face when -.t:ti.-ntpting to save a plaintiff. Mr. Walker. a pensioner Clticf StoI»..:r. has. in his Clticf (‘lerk's_ lll-'

words. "the heart of :t lion." llc' “'l'{ll\l allow no threat to prevent him trout carrying out his duty :intl he ziltsxtss did it conscientiously and well. “the ;\'av_v should be proud of hint" . Uri l.ttittar_t' ll he was still very ill and lll.I\' lose the sight of both eyes. ;


bright background

tor the

entertairirnent. The Fast London Branch. which : was not formed itntil last .-\ugust. no-.v ihas 47 full members and they. and their wives. worl;c'J treaieiidously hard in organising this most .successt’itl aqmicade. Altogether there were 23 items. starting with a sp.-:il.‘toat r.tcc and winding tip with a lirctvotlts dis_




Buried with his war-time comrades




April. '.\'s-ti-Jadrttn

I9-l2. when




Japanese e

y l

o rt


.ll..\l.'s'. llertnes and ll.!\l..-LS. Vani_ pfrc cleared 'lrincontalcc a (l mused out to sea. itt view of tltc danger of ‘II ..\II‘ ‘air attack on the anchorage. The two The only decent way to eat fish and chips. .\lcmbi.-rs of .\'cvtton Abbot Branch at their "Tr;itttps" Night" supper islt'ps were caught some 65 miles front coast. however. heavily bombed front the newspaper whilst sqiiatting the and sunk. Ratnsgate Branch of the Royal on the deck. Sliipiitate "llob" l’l}a'lt:tlll‘ the tenth llcrmcs \\".h ittf Recently "scrutliest" the Naval Association has suffered \\'.'ts adjudged traiiip l)itntli';i l-lead and stopped briefly for cold the recent had been losses and he said that he during living in a iiiernorial scrvicc, .-\t Disisions zt L grievous 5 spell. An er-cltairritan of the branch 1a "scran-b;ig" for the previous week brief accitiittt of the action was given in order to get into the right condition. and and his wife died and so did the viceN e\er_sonc )ultlC(l in prayers and a certain evening recently a number of disreputable intlividitztls vverci mooted have been \':trious' cliairnian. suggestions ll_\Il‘.ll\, to be seen creeping along various back streets of Newton .-\blmt in a The es-chairman was Shipntatc C. a "Hintfuture for evening. including a when called oll but in. called were .'\\‘ part of the scrsice. the a.s'hes of condition. The police were llawkcr. who was a foiinder-member tvcry decrepit '‘l-1|f4|'1llL''' ‘l""L"' “V "l1~'l"5‘ that the nieatt-looking individuals were Ill('|'L'l) sbipitiates of . ithe late Cdr. (F) l’. H. I-. .\litcltcll. of tlte Ramsgatc Branch. The vice- it was‘ discovered Abbot llranch of the Royal Naval i-\\\t)l‘l‘-llilltlendcztvouring to f Despite the atrocious weatltcr the 5 R..\|.. were cttntntitlcd to the deep. Me chairtttan. Shipmatc Roberts. was :1 thc Newton unobserved. I New Year's live dance vvas well alteri- had been in the t"I‘cvioii.s Hermes when members ot' the Kingston Branch be- get to the hranchis "Trattip Night" Supper The event proved most popular and his wife and Sltiptiiatc Hooper and ded. A welcome visitor was C.P.O.‘slie was sunk and before hc_died in fore he went to live in Ramsgatc. he expressed :i wish that llotlt shipmatcs served throughout cveryoitc joined in the hilarious fun. .\lrs. .\lCt\:l.':Il. Those who couldn't Sittalc. from ll..\l.S. Ark Royal. a ship‘ .\lay. I962. oit two he might be buried close to where she the l‘)l-S-l8 war and were both at the lShipm;ite "Pete" Winsitr and his band dance or sing were compelled to p.t_\ ‘tthiclt the branch had visited } occasitms before she sailed for the Far 5went down. llis widow took the ashes Battle of Jutland. They will be greatly iprovidcd music for “Hands to dance :i forfeit. Su P er. in the form of fish and chi P s. 5 East. The New Year was welcomed in i' to llcrmcs when she was l.'t.sl in missed by Ramsgatc shipmates and and sltylark." and speciality items l’ortstnouth_ lwere provided by Shipntatc Palk andiwas taken in the only decent way»- la very jolly manner. friends.

Ramsgate loses two













NAVY Nl".\‘\'S

February. I963

Auxiliary service fills one of navy’s needs


HF. vacancy created in the post of Flat: Ollicer. Submarines. by the appointment of Rear-Admiral II. S. Mackenzie as Chief Polaris l-Iseeutive will be filled teniporarily b_v Capt. .\‘Ql'lRll-‘.5 hating been made concerning the newly formed Ro_val .\'a\al E. J. I). Turner. l).S.0.. D.S.(‘.. R..\'.. Ausiliar_\* Sen icc (R.N.X.S.), the following coiiitiii.-ms inay be of interest. who hoisted his Commodore-‘s’ broad In 1952 when only the Western jeoiild be expanded arid takelon tl_iis pendant in ll..\l.S. Dolphin on Powers had the atomic bomb and thclduty and. to more in kceping_with January 23. A permanent successor is C.\|1t.‘Cl'..‘(l ! Soviet bloc had a considerable suh- its duties. the Service was accordingly marine fleet that could be used against n;-named the Royal Naval Auxiliary to be available in about four months‘ our sea lines and a very large air force Service. “"J.=-. mines in The men and women needed for is only the third occasion in capable of laying air-dropped this i\'a\".tl commiinieations. traiisport the history of tlte British Submarine otir port approticlies. the Royal plotting. and many other clerical and general Service t_h;it a C()il1l'l‘t(ltl()rc has h._-td ‘.\fiiiesvatcliing Service was formed. A year later the U.S.S.R. had tlutics, need not be fully trained lightthe appointment of top suhmariner. Commodore Ernest John l)on;ilil- .stnrli:d making its own atom bombs ‘ing men of the regular and reserve son Turner trtinsfcrreil front the Roval land at the same time the Western naval forccs_ liitrollcd locally from the .\'aval Reserve to the Royal Nztvyin Powers joined together in the i\'.A.'l'.O. towns near the Pbrts in wliich they work. they can live at home. and _he has‘ been a subzitariner alliattcc. In the years that followed. an built tip thereby reducing the us-.ial feeding and fin-t: he first ]t!lllL‘(l ll..\l.S. l)olphin ‘uneasy balance of power was until in about I95‘) rt state of "nuclear :iccomtitod.itioit problems. and morein April. I93‘). ip;irit_v" had been reache_d_, During tltis over they start vtork with a good WAR-'l'l.\ll~I P/\'l'R()l.S 'period of build-up. military experts know ledge of their local area. of an lnv I‘)-$0. as ti |i::tilcnant. he s--.-n--,-.1 forecast a futureof war consistingnuclear The old skill of the "mincts.'itcliers" as l.i:iison Officer of the lirench sub- [opening phase devastating will still be preserved. for the mining of followed a b_v Rtihis. c.\eh.inge period operating front Diintlce ; ."narinc_ threat is still a very real one. on _nnne-laying operatioiis in .\'or. ‘survival. Since I959 Western niilittiry have veered more towards \'Ol.UNTAR\' ORGANISATION wt-gian waters. for which he was awarded the D.S.C. and the Croix-de- ~"nue|ear parity" maintaining freedom Royal Naval Auxiliary Service (itierre. He then served in H.M. Siib- from "all-otit" war. with the _con- is The truly voluntary organisation: all marine Clyde and was appointed to his -sequent need for more convi.-ntion_:tl area free to attend training as often as in order to prevent Communist tirst command. H.i‘~l. Submarine L23. 1“ -‘lllfil. I942. Later the same vear and to keep order in the they wish and to resign if they find he the learning of new skills too mtich for to H..\l. Siibrnariiic more obviotis "hot spots" of our them, Peace-time training is conducted commanded her during ltroiihlcd world. -l_! and locally. normally on one evening per dozens of successful patrols in the l week. ln war time the Service becon_1i:s ONE OF NA\'Y'S NEEDS .\fediterrane;in. for which he was awarded the D.S.0. hi this concept of warfare one of the a fully paid itnifornied orgaiiisation lnperzited b_v the Royal .\'avy. in l-‘)4-3_'(‘0.'llt'tt0tlt'Irc was at ‘Royal .\':tv_v's requirements is for an Turiier H ..\l.S. l\ll‘|§1 Alfred and in April. lorganisation to be set tip in ports that During training and centres are i‘)-l5. was appttlnlcd to H..\t. Sub-l control either mcrchzintmen or naval situated in most of our ports and exercises designed to rnarini: Allr:i_v._tlien building :it Bir- ships’. and it was decided that the competitions itenlieatl. Appointments since the war Royal .\;tval Minewatcliing Service improve the standard of skill are held. ll..\l.S._ Ganges. the stibniarine ll..\t.S. Amphion: Commander. S!.\l ;__.











-c ‘

‘‘encroachment forces



.lrd Snbniziriiie Squadron at R0lhcs;ii.‘_ .ind Coniniatider. 4th S‘/,\t sq.;;,dmn. ‘

b“‘°d 31 5l'd"Cl'- New Sotitlt Wales. Allcr Promotion to captain he I Scrved as Naval Assistant to the Admiral Comnianding Reserves and

ills" C“""]“'"‘li"l! Ofliccr. lerror. at








He has commanded ll..\f.S. Dolphin and_ been Captain of the lst Suhmariiie Sqiiziilroit since l).-ecniher l‘J(»l.



Expenses incurred in travelling. train- l.ogi.stic.s: (e) Small craft- this ining or attending exercises are repaid. cludes handling and navigziting small A free uniform is provided and the power craft. The job includes llllllC' Service not only teaches a job which watehing afloat. ferry crews. boariling, can niaterially assist in the (lefcnce of harbour craft and boats‘ crews. Both

the country should there be zi >\\ilT. but men and women are needed. Previous also gives the opportunity to meet new ‘C.'€pt.'rlL'll(.‘C would be of great help. lricnds and to lllI.\ both socially and‘ .\l|Nl-ZWATCIIING on duty with the Ro_v:il N;iv_\‘. The Service is open to men and lnstrticticm is given to all nt-anthers women between tltc ages of II and (i0. in ininewatcliing and this incluilt-s the Jobs offered include ta] Plotting-—a use of Rfl‘ sets. simple cliarttsork and job suitable for men or women who plotting etc. This work is carri-.-d out would keep the Port Plot. etc.. up to ashore and afloat. Interested persons should apply to date; lb) Commtiiiications again snitablc for men or women and tliitics the Command Naval Auxili:ir_v Otlicer include working R-"I" sets. telephones. of the area in which they live. (Tom-switcliboards. visual sigiialling antl ‘» n_i:ind olliccs are situated South and possibly teleprititer operating: (L_‘l‘l‘.;tst l.:ll}!liIll(l. Olliec of the (‘omTrttnspnrt current driving licence is mander-in-Chicf. Portsiiioiitli: South iiecesstiry and dutit-s incltiilc driving ,.-ind West England. Ollice of the Corncars. lorries and acting as despaitch in.indi:r-in-(‘hiet'. l’l_vniotitli: .\'orll‘t riders. Afloat transport is needed in ,lingl;intl. heotlaiid and Nortliern harbotirs and ancliorages :ind any Ireland, (mice of Flag Utliccr. experience in boat liandling would he Scotland and i\'ortltcrn lrc!.ind. lan itd\‘ill1l2t}ZL'i id) .-\il.'niiiistr.itii-it and Rosytli. _




NOVA SCOTIA Auriga tl.ietit.-('ilr. .\l. R. “ll-*0". Royal Navy). an ",-\“

Class‘ subntarine of


placetnent (full load), with


of 60. which


\"-'l‘“"""'"""l|'0|lRs‘ |.lt.l..

Ions dis.


'l'- 'Sr“u":¢¢k-:.‘,:il\ ¢;._-l:(’~‘il§::r’

'l.l‘ ’_\ kn J" “om”! 0‘ I b E R"l.\'-

coniple-i built h_vl

at Barrow. 1944-46. and which recoinin'tss'ionedafter a relit in HM. Docltyttrd. l)evon- ! W"- on May 3|. 1952. sailed mil -l3"'|“'-"’)‘ 7 l0|' l0|‘l-‘ittn service with the J 6th Submarine Division based on llaliftis. Nova Scotia.

e N“

I L re turii‘n-I'r0ma«



number of years Pakistan naval cadets have tinrlcrgone their initial with the conDtiring the "hotiie leg" of her com. training at Britannia Royal Naval College. l)artntouth. but niissioii. .-\urig:i has spent a large part vi.-r.sion of l’.i\'.S. llahur into a cadet training ship in l96l. the officers of the of the time working from liaslaiie. in Pakistan Navy will in future no longer use the college for that purpose. Scotlanil. or from l.oni|onilcrrt. in To mark the cvcnl crests have been [from the llritantiiti Royal i\':tval Northern lI't.‘l.tll(l. :ind has paid A\'is|[c, excltaitg-.-il between the college and iColle;:e. I am scnditig _vott it phototo ltl;tl'l) of the (‘tide ports}, and the college crest as a small ln .-‘\tt;.'iist Auriga was pre.s'cn: with‘ l’.N.S. llabur and extracts of corre- 'graph ." W. 1. token of our good wishes. H other stihiiiarincs‘ alongside the spoiideiice between Capt. ln his reply (';ipt. llasan said: D.S.C.. Royal .\'av)'tlepol ship ll..\l.S. .-‘\d;int:int during a Parker. ().B.li..Olliccr of the college. ""l'h:ink you vcr) much for your letvisit to l:(2llll()llllI. Frottt there. again .('omm:inding wishes which you ter and the in t.‘t.\fllpi|ll_\' with Ailatitant atid two and Capt. .\l. llaszin. Pakistan Navy. have extendedgood to its in the task of other submarines. she went to Osln ('omnianding Olliccr of l’.N.S. llabtir. training of our olliccrs in P.N.S. below. on :i live-tl;i_v visit to the Niirwcgian are ptiblishctl l am also thankful to you for capital. i sending us a photograph and the crest FINE YOUNG 0|-"I-’lCl-'.RS [of the Britannia Royal Naval College. Capt. Parker wrote. “The passing- il)artntouth. as a token of your good ’ otit this term of the remaining l’akis: wishes. ollicers at the college marks the: "The fact that we are now able to end. temporarily we hope. of otir long start our own training of junior oili. :|\\0L'l:tll(tllwith the training of Pakis- ‘. ccrs is nniinlv due to the guidance and naval oflicers_ Sorry as we are to ‘assistance which we have alwavs so' l).\l|R.-\l. SIR \\’ll.l-‘RI-Tl) tan the last of many fine young oiliwillingly and so readily received from \\‘()()l)S. the ne.\t Cottiin;iitilc.'-in- see iccrs go. l would like to take this the Royal .\’;tvy. livctt though lllt: : ('liicf. Purtstitiiiith. will hoist his flat: of wishing yotirself and l’.ikist;in .\'av_v opportunity would no longer send in the siilimarine ll..\l.S. Totcni on votir succ-essor.s itt P.N.S. liahnr every cadets to l);irttnotitlt. we in llahiir l"s.‘l\!'llitY} IS. on t.iking up his £t[lptiin[- .stli.'Ct'ss in the role you have tisstitnctl rnent. ;\\’Ulllll continue to draw inspirations -troiii that great institution. _'llie flag of .-\il.'niral Sir .-\le\;inder llinglcy. \'.lto is being relieved bv FL"l'lJRl-I C0-UPI-IRATION Adzitiral \\’ootls‘. will be struck at sunset on the same day. the new (‘oin''I am confident that despite the matider-itt-Cltief's flag being transabsence of our ofliccrs from Dartferred from Totem to Victory on mouth. the specialist courses in U.K.. ll-I toilinfint officers have been anpoimed March l. .N'..\.iI Aides-de-Caron to the Queen from :ind the many Commonwealth and lAnttIl)' 7. in uicccwii-n to the otticen stated: international exercises in which our Capt. I). (i. Cluttcrhitek. R.N., in succession ships take part. will continue to main(Commodore) M. H. R. Moore. D.S.L'.. tain otir bonds of association and Cant. S. R. le ll. lomlurd-lli\lMon_ C.\'.0.. friendship with the Royal Navy. R N in succczistur‘ to Can‘ A I. R. ..\l. ships l.cvi-iston. Upton. Wis- t).ll.l... "As a token of our links with the wtiite. I) (':p:. ton and \\"olverton. all of the End Britannia Royal Naval College. I am R..\‘.. in uiccemon to ('.w:. R. C. Watkin_ R..\', .\lincswceping Squadron based at Capt. (Commodore) J. 1.. arranging to despatch a crest of P.N.S. H..\l.S. Lochinvar. North Ouccns~ ." Babur for the college. R..\. ferry. had to cancel :1 visit to the BalP.N.S. Babotir is the former British 'l'. I’). Herrick. D.S,C.. tic in January. The ships were to have siicccsiion to Cam. 6, 'l‘. 5. Gray. I). anti-aircraft light cruiser. launched in Cant. J. A. (I. Henley. I).S.C.. R.N.. visited Flcnsbtirg for exercises in ice. l‘)-t2 and completed in January. I944. siieecwon to Capt. A. Davin, ILN, but there was too much ice the (hot. 1. S. Sltitlner. lt.N., in succession to at Hebburn on Tyne. In 1956 she was D. P. Mansfield. R.N. of Cant. whole the Kiel Canal was frozen sold to Pakistan and refitted in PortsR..N'_. 1. ti. I’. in Sn-icatl. Cum. rucceuion to over. The visit was transferred instead Capt. II. A. Martin, D.S.C.. I N. mouth. being renamed Babur on July to the N.A.T.O. minesweeping centre Capt. P. P. M. Green. l,N.. in iucemion 5. l9S7. She was renamed Babur Capt. J. G. Watlon. IN. to and lasted from January l8 at founder of the great Cent. 0. ll. Nicholle. 0.I.E.. l.N.. h after Babiir. the OR





C_in_C in submarine











Caiiad frozen t'{1§‘Int.












95stend -


tucrruiuo to

Capt. J. Ii. l.annlon. LN.

Mogul Empire.



Alan Nelson Item. of Lee-on-Sotent. and Francis Drake. of I-‘arch-am. two members of the Royal .\’aviil Auxiliary Service. with Il.M.S. Victor) in the background. Both are Chief Auxiliary men of the Portsmouth Command and are qualified skippers of R.N.l\'.S. craft




Dark, delicious,

smoothand satisfying. Have a glass or two today. Try ttlno WATNEYS PALE ALE; CBEAK LABEL BTOUT; RED BAIl.IlEL—WA'1‘NEYBKEG


NA \'Y

N l-'.\\'S

Februttrv. I963

H.M.S. ODIN GETS A NEW RUDDER R.N. (Wirel ess) Reserve Birmingham made appointCrippled submarine quickly Flcct tanker history applauded throughout Royal TIIE Harvey returned to operational duty BirmingNF. Friday morning recently a telephone message vv-as received in Devonport Dockyard from Admiralty. asking whether there was I! dock available in which to put H.M.S. Odin for examination of the rudder. The previous day the submarine had struck the bottom whilst carrying out exercises in Portland Bay. Her rudder was jammed hard to starboard and she had been towed into Portland for examination by divers. Consultation within the yard re- equipment. but by am. the following vealed that No. 5 Dock could be made I-'rid:ty. after a somewltat hazardous available and as Odin was an journey dtte to fog. the rudder important operational submarine. it arrived from Chatham. The damaged w:is agreed that she should take rudder h:id in the meantinic. been precedence over other ships. The removed from Odin. now in dock. Admiralty was thereupon informed TEA.\l SPIRIT that No. 5 Dock could be m:ide available the following Tuesday. Luckily the structure housing the Exzimination by divers showed that the rudder undamaged. Dimensional rudder w;is a "write-otl" and a new checks was both rudders showed to one would be required. But where identical tolerances those set out in could a spare rudder be obtained the drawings. Thisto all quickly’! To manufacture Q new rud- concerned. The only encouraged problem now der. complete. would take several was would the cross-head line up with months and the Flag Otlicer. Siib- the link arms on the rams? The only marines. could ill afford to have the to check this was to try the new Odin out of operation for such a long way rudder up in place. By 4 o‘clock on period. the afternoon of its arrival the rudder was shipped and it heartened everyone RL’l)Dl-IR BY ROAD to feel the team spirit. as all the trades The only rudder readily available concerned joined in to help the man-handle t h e heavy was one titled in the Ocelot building at labourers Chatham. and in dock at the time. haulks of timber to make the Towage of Odin from Portland to supporting gantry. which had to take Devonport was imniediately arranged. the weight of the rudder as it was Chatham Dockyard were instructed to released from the crane. The cross-head was tried and linedremove the rudder from Ocelot and dispatch by road to Devonport, as np perfectly. new link-arrn pins being soon as possible. Dcvonport were to the only new parts requiring to be dock Odin on arrival and change made. the old ones Iiaving been rudders. All these decisions were unavoidably mutilated during the made by telephone :ind the plan was removal operations. The whole work in operation by 3 p.m. on the day of of reconnecting the rudder. checking the initial inquiry. for operation and replacing the Cltatham l)ocls)-';ird had to dis- structure in the vicinity of the crossconnect. unsliip. pack and arrange licad. was completed by the following transport for this awkward piece of Tuesday.

Section Otliccr of and Nuncaton since I951 and his riicnt is the i\'aval (Wireless) Re- district. Licut. (L) S. succeeds Cdr. serve was accorded its greatest honour on December ill when Cdr. l.(l\\‘l0l‘I as Section Otlicer. I-'. ll. llumphris. 0.B.l-3., \'.R.D.. ham and Nuneaton. Lieut. Harvey R..\'.R.. was promoted to Captain. joined the R.N.R. in March. I953. as The promotion followed the award an R.E..M.2. carried out his National of the 0.B.l-1. in the Queen's 1962 Service between I956 and I958. being Birthday Honours List. and the pre- deniobiliscd as an L.R.l3..\l. He was sentation of the award by the Queen. rated P.0.T.El in I960 and promoted Capt. Humphris was the tirst otliccr to I.ietttenant in l06l. of the R.N.(W.)R. to be promoted to Nottinghant Training Centre has Coirinicinder. and is. of course. the pride of place as the first centre to refirst Captain. He was Commanding cruit women into No. 3 Wireless DisOlliccr of No. 3 District for over I5 trict. The new Birmingham premises years and has played a great part in are considered suitable for the trainits post-war development and history. ing of women and a \V.R.N.R. tinit is 'I he No. 3 Wireless District feel par- being set up. At the moment the centre ticularly proud. but allied to this feel- is without a W.R.N.R. otlicer and ining is one of regret. for Capt. llurn- quiries from ex-Wren ollicers who phris was retired front active duty on | would like to take on this duty would December 3|. A farewell party was be welcomed. Any ex-Wren communigiven in his honour in the Birmingham cators who would care to join the unit Royal Naval Reserve canteen when would also be welcomed. Applications tributes to him were ruadc. should be made to the R.N.R. ComIn congratulating Capt. l-Iumphris. munication Training Centre. 275 the Commanding Olliccr of No. 6 Broad Street. Birmingham l. Wireless District signalled "Heartiest congratulations on making Reserve NEW TRAINING CENTRE history" and the Cornntanding Olliccr of No. 2 Wireless District considered The new training centre was opened it a great feather in the R.N.(W.)R. by the Lord Mayor of Birmingham on cap. October 9 and is a real showplacc. livery facility for training and a large ANOTIII-IR l’R().\IOTlON canteen have been provided. MemenCdr. H. J. Lorton. who was pro- toes from ships and establishments are motcd to that rank on December 31 being acquired. Crests of HM. Ships succeeds Capt. llumphris as (‘out- Chichester. Wizard. Northumbria. manding Ollicer. No. 3 Wireless Dist- Urchin, Drake. Pembroke. Vernon. rict. R.N.R. Cdr. I.orton has been Collingwood and Roebuck have already been received and a few more have been promised. Any “Navy The Comntanding Otliccr. H.M.S. News" reader who has any memento Dolphin. who is also the Captain. First to spare should get in touch with the Submarine Squadron. Capt. E. J. D. centre mentioned in the previous paraTurner. R.N., has been appointed graph. Commodore. Submarines. in succes'I'Iie “Ship's Company" at present to Rear-Admiral H. .\Iacken- stands at 3 ofliccrs. I Permanent Stall sion who has been zie. appointed as the Instructor. 41 ratings and 2 prospecChief Polaris lixecutivc. tive W.R.N.Rs. Royal Navy's


into service


HE R.F..-\. Tidespring. the first of two new Fleet replenisliment tankers ordered for the Roy;iI Navy at the llehburn-on-Tyne shipyard of llawthorn Leslie (ShipMessrs. huilders) l.td., was accepted into service on January I8. The ship is of improved design for support of the Fleet and rcplcnisltmcttt of supplies at sea. She is airconditioned for service in tropical and cold climates and specially strengthened for operations in ice. Her all-round capability has been enhanced by the provision of a helicopterlanding platform and hangar. She is designed to carry a mixed cargo of fuel and is fitted with modern handling gear for transfer by jackstay and dcrricks. Her double reduction turbine machinery was constructed at Messrs. Hawthorn Leslie's St. Peter's Engine Works. She has an over-all length of 583 ft.. a beam of 7I ft.. and :1 draught of 32 it. Her complement will be IIO R.F.A. otliccrs and men and there will be additional accommodation for the Royal Naval ofliccrs and ratings borne in


A sister ship. the Tidcpool. launched on December ll. l‘)(iI‘..



G. W. Gay. R.N.. until recently in command of H..\l.S. Sultan. at Gosport. is to become the Deputy Chief Stall" Oflicer (Material) to the

Flag Otlicer. Submarines.





iwituri In







.\l_A.‘l which

who fought at Jutland. who was serving the next gun to that at Boy Comwall won the Victoria Cross aboard ll..\l.S. Chester and whose hands still bear scars from the flashback of a gun in that battle. :1 man who was mentioned in despatches and later won the Conspicuous Galliintry .\ledal for his service in a "Q" ship. and. for service in the Baltic. was awarded the Russian order of St. George (Fourth Class), has-, at the age of 73. finally severed his connection with the sea. Mr. William I-lantilton. of llull.t If he had his time over again. what who joined the Royal Marines in would he do‘! "Join the Royal Marines I903. has ended a long career at same as last time." he says. ''I'd never in all—33 of them being spent have lasted as long as I have done _50 years in the galley: of a veritable fleet ofl without the strict training that I retrawlers. cooking for hungry crews on ceiscd then." (“Trawling Tirncs.") their way to and from Arctic waters.




sea—3( .

British Beer-


After leaving the_ I922 he went trawling .in f a three-year break in merch.int ships "I didn't care much for the big ships" —he has been ministering to the needs of Iishermcn ever since. .\lr. Hamilton has long been Hull'-


poldest sea-going





‘would still he tishing had it not been for a fractured knee sustained tliiriiig 1 a White Sea voyage some time ago. .

Canadian Flag Oflicers

Ii.-\R-.-\l).\llRAl- ll. l‘ Pullen. R.C.i\'.. of "Big Hill." Chester 3 Basin. Nova Seotia has been. for some ;time. engaged in the search for portraits of the tlag and senior naval oilitcers who were responsible tor the lllalifax Station front I755 to Not. IS!-ll.\'(i boats which followed -lle has had \‘onsider:ible ‘success. but large sho'.t|.s of herring up the ' there are still II which are missing. ‘their names. with the dates when l-'irth ot Forth were causing dillicultics to Royal Navy ships using R0s‘_\'liI I they were rcspt’Itl\Il'Pl;' for tire station dockyard during l‘.|l'|llLtf)'. The boats !in brackets. are~—(.'apt. Sarnuel blarwere fishing up-river from the Forth lshall. l'l..\l.S. Nottinghant (I756 to Bridge and at times their nets were .l757). Capt. Joseph l)cane. H.M.S. stretched right across the channel. .\Iermaid (I766 to I767). Rear-Admiral "Some of our pilots think that they [IIerbert. Sawyer (I785 to I738). have probably cut through some of ;C;ipt. Richard Fisltcr. H.M.S. Winchel(I792). Commodore Rupert the fishing nets while bringing ships sca into the dockyard." said a spokesman George. H..\l.S. Hussar (I792 to I7‘)-t). at .\laritirne Headquarters. Pitrcavic. Adiniral George \’adeput (I796 to He added that he did not think that I800). Capt. Robert Murray. H.M.S. the fishing vessels realised that they Asia (I800). Capt. John Erskine Dougwere contravcning port regulations by las. H.l\l.S. Boston (I80I to I802). impeding traffic to and from the dock- Rear-Admiral William Charles Panic. yard and were liable to a line. The C.B. (Hill to I82-t). Vice-Admiral Sir tishermcn would be asked to restrict Thomas Harvey. K.C.B. ([839 to their activities in the dockyard area. I842). Rear-Adntiral Arthur Fanhe said. If they did not co-operate shawe. C.B. (1853 to I856). and Vicesome further action would have to be Admiral Sir James Elphinstone considered. Erskine (I895 to I897). Readers who may know of the .\lr. A. G. Townley. .-\ii.str;iIi:i's De- existence of portraits of any of the fence Minister. has stated that a mim- otlicers mentioned should get in touch her of Oberon class submarines of the with Rear-Adniiral Pullen. Royal Navy are to be sold to Australia. No confirmation has been Admiral of the Fleet Viscount given by the Admiralty. Cunningham of Hyndhopc. K.T.. H.M.S. Centaur visited Liverpool G.C.B., O.M.. D.S.O., and two Ban. from January 3| to February 4. was 80 on January 7,


l dockyard trafiic





It's brewed in the good old British way!





’”¢7?’7/ / .



They can







enjoyed throughout the


beers, all












to N. Atrlca Mediterranean are:



February. I963


Caprice make

men TRUNCHEON RECOMMISSIONS AFTER 45-WEEK REFIT URING the forenoon of January 7 the Admiral Superintendent. Rossth. news of ant and ship's officers. carried out the followed

lllassifiedAdvertisements SITUATION VACANT


A tttrrrut tn-roItrt:.\'r1'Y my be. auiitn: I 4...,‘ |‘[n'[¢\L\g Ur: Aqufafxc c.gm\,.g,,v [c. y quite: young men as mare-tlme. representatun uiim. For many these apgiiuiiimcmt , hate led in permanent whole-time urarted post. uum. We shall be planed to arrange an intetuevt tor )ou.—Wnte MN. N».




An ideal wheittr


that: looking ahead. I001‘. ad\.|nv.e aver three mm at we we of inlttr-N. .\tur':.ixu remid the in the null or dt-.ith,——Wrire tut Iu:.er In the l'rit\ident lie Asmllntuc A\\ttrct.l." London Ltd.. 24!: ltinniipstutte. nation ot l.l‘mIttt’I. l..('.2. ROYAL BARR \(.'K\“ PORTS.\’A\r‘i\l. The «run Imm ttnlh lll nlt‘('ll‘ dais, Prue 7 MI. obtainable tram (Bale .\ l'u:drn Ltd.. ldmbuttth l-tiud. l'urt\mo.ut-t. l’t'\l tree. FOR .\‘Al.l-Z HM-62 "1:lle'\ I-‘ightlne Ships." Other Nasal t~onli\ and Ships‘ l'tti~ti-xr.ipti\. But No. .\' N. 85. 4


ll...-ii." otlicial of 45-week rettt end the a marking inspection lII"I.\' ll.M.S. Caprice (Ct:lr. J. R. which had been enjoyed. thoroughly. by all those who had been on board. Alston. R.N.) left Sydney recently. SIQIJIII. For most of the relit the ship's com- marched down to the jetty alongside too oflicers. one leading seantttn and HOUSE TO LET six young ratings were left ashore to pany had been living in H..\t.S. Coch- 1 the submarine. There. together with a few before onlookers who the cold braved but Donibristl-.-. at shortly ran: find their own may to Brisbane, where tl0L‘Sl-I l'UR(TltA§l: Wlnt l.It-‘II ASSl'Rfor cstablisltrncnt rclit that a few moments to watch the cere- A.\‘C‘l»2. Pt0PCll)t.'\ up to 60 ye.m old etinbze. of the end the they were to meet the ship. I001; Adnnct: alter three years. An ideal wncme was closed and olliccrs and men mon_v. the ollicers and ratings wit- tor thine Iookrnr ahead. Mounts repaid in event By now. this will seem to most moved the uessed and of the lack H.M.S. Cochrane. the hoisting new to of tor leaflet to Provident Lite death.-—‘-\'rirc Naval readers. a very ordinary form of .A\\l\:iAtIt\lt London Limited. 240 Burn-pseare. and bv addressed of H..\l. were Ships Duncattsby Ensign of expedition. The Australian Press composed l..C.2. l.ondon. Commanding Otlicer. l.ieut. P. R. and radio. however. seized on this Head and Girdle Ness. R.N.. who was then piped After dinner the ship‘s company Broadbent. incident as a remarkable piece of MISCELLANEOUS on board. news. The fortttnes of these nine men marched to St. Andrews Chapel in HE fishery protection frigate The wives and families were then AJAX radio controlled taxis, 24-hour senicc. were followed with keen interest by the dockyard for the commissioning Pornmouth ltio lines). H.!\l.S. Palliser. which is normally to much-needed collee and 'l‘el,: lttltnoss. 35.13314 CAP ship: out or present. I'M. based at Port the Australian public through the service. It had been hoped to hold the entertained Edgar. South Queensbiscuits and were able to see through each. nlus pouaxe. Send stamped addteued media of national and local Press and service on the jetty. beside the sub- the ship. enretope to: list. Shine‘ etuts tptaoueu, an) ferry. was one of the Royal Naval dnixtt. 29/tad. each. Blazer batten wire or ships involved in covering the route radio. The ship‘s arrival in Brisbane marine. but the weather conditions After the which is due to work-up. coloured Iilk). Alto car batters. metal and this impossible. conwas the signal for an invasion of made the Royal aircraft taking Her (chromium). any design in coloured enamel. of end on March 2. the commission will the‘ and warm was with 32 6d. complete chapel all sequently tirtinu. l‘mta:e t-ma of sorts questions. reporters asking .\‘laje.sty The Queen and His Ro_val be spent based on D-.-vonport. I23-6 Queen Street. Pornnot about the ship. but about the nine welcoming in contrast to the snow outFlightless The Duke of lidittburglt to Truncheon. a class submarine. in r side. which had been falling at inter- was LIMTITZD. 2.. wandcrers. .A. Sell-drive I962 lltllmant from Canada on January 3|. built in H..\l. Dockyard. Devon- MI, per day. or {H ueekly unttntited.—t'--rtu Other liiglr-lights of Capricc's vals for several days. The Palliser was on a norrnal fishery tport. between November. I‘)-42. and mouth 232M. Australian visit were bus trips to the The Rev. J. F. Walmslcy. assisted May. l‘)-35. IIOUSI-]IUl.D El-TECIS AND l\(Z(2A(il“. patrol and was responsible for an mined and tuned and shipped. \\‘hite stored. Blue .\l o u n t .i i n s from Sydney: 300 miles to the south-west of the Church of Scotland Padre. it Co. Ltd. l:t'I London Road. North End area Iceland. CM‘lt:tllll0tlS in the form of bush conducted the service. This was brief Junction. Portsmouth. Phone 6322i. IN simple. bttt nttverthr.-less the , uallxing in the Blue .\lottnt.iin.s and a trip by xshalcr to Green Island. l7 .liymns were well sung by the now, HERE was a fire at a cable compound in H..\l.S. Vernon on tntlcs oil the entrance to Cairns. l thawed ship's company. A lt‘|\ltlL‘ the Barrier Reef. This \\:ts .\tost of the otltce-rs‘ and ralutcx ;.lanuary 3l.Thc tire was C.\Illll:lll\'llCtl. psirttettlarly notcimrtltv in that on the families had left the area. so verv tew gafter bttrning for almost two hours. by l islattd there is the only aquarium in lattcndcd the service. _and lhmc who ‘naval tire parties and Portsmouth the world where the fishes are outside ldid were alrnost invisible unil-.-r their , ttretncn. No one was hurt. but a numher of drums of rirbhcroid cable in the tank and the humans inside. llte‘heav_v ovcrcoals. taut. biiug an observation chamber on’; After the religious ccrentony. the the open-air compound were d:-. the scithctl ttrriterncatli the pier. .ship's company fell Il'l again and ‘slroycd. . Vacancies for Constables exist in the Admiralty



a score

of Il..\l.S. Truncheort. thus














British warships I ’Sweepers to clear channel '“"“ f0’ ‘““S5"_‘g° ithrough North Sea minefield? FI'Cl'lCl‘l submarine *


of the British. \\'t.-st Gmiiiint British forces will be operating from I and Danish i\':t\’ies are to co- utid-May to mid-Jttl_v and it ill include Sllhmzlfiflt IIFN the _l:'rench ioperate this sununer in clearing mo the Royal Navy's first tninehunter. Rfltlllfl “M |'¢P"l'lfll mi-Nfiilltt tin ‘channels through -it Second World War ll.i\l.S. Shottlton. fitted with the latest 120037)‘ 33- C3251 3753551! Wflfsllivslntined area in the l'\'ortb Sea using mine-detection apparatus, and ships joined in the search for her. For- it)an'tsh. German and Dutch bases. _of the 2nd. 5th and ltltlt Mines\\ccptunately the submarine surfaced some Preliminary sweeping is being done by iing Squadrons and of the Fisher}: Protection Squadrons. They will be stipthree hours after the "Subsunlit" pro- the Germain and Danes. The channels are being cleared to ported by H.M.S. Reclaim. eedure had been put into operation. She was unharmed and the crew of enable the G.P.O. to lay telephone RESERVIST-MANNED cables from the United Kingdom to about 60 otlicers and men was safe. SQUADRON Reqttin. on an Anglo-French excr- Borkum. in Germany. and to Fano. in cisc. dived on the morning of January Denmark. This will be done by’ “"3 The 2nd M.S.S. Fishery Protection her Alert. H..\t.T.S. cable due and to signal 27 position newest was ship. (Squadron _and H..\l.S. Reclaim are» the in considerable 28th. As was the areas There are no signal at noon on .based at H.M.S. Lochinvar. Port dewhich submarine and North Sea are rescue pro-, Baltic received the Edgar. and the 5th M.S.S. is based at mined force. World War into clared Second ccdurc came areas_ ll.M.S. Vernon. Portsmouth. The Hub the been M.S.S. will be manned by Royal Naval and deal has and although a great 't'he carrier H.i\l.S. Centaur Frigate H..\l.S. Plymouth sailed from achieved since I‘)-$5 the hazardous reservists as part of their annual trainof clearance continues. l’l_vmouth. the destroyer H..\l.S. Agining period. court and the frigate ll..\l.S. YarThe Esbjerg clearance has been Th‘! Ritlhl RCV- -\ll’t!- C- D- l:'-|.V- nicknamed Operation "Clear Road" mouth sailed front Londonderry. whilst the frigales I-l..\l. Ships Ursa. former Principal R.(.‘. Chaplain and whilst the Borkum clearance will bel Falmoutlt and Bltickwood and the Vicar-(ieneral for the Royal Navy. known as Operation “Cable Way." R.l-IA. Tidellow ioincd in the search. and well known in Portsmouth. where An inquiry will be held to ascertain ,he was Chaplain to the Portsmouth for a numb:-r of_ years. has the rt;;t\‘un Rcquin did not report her position. The exercise was taking place been appointed ]‘l:ll'l\lt priest of St. Alton. Stalls. some 350 miles west of Ireland. '


l(.‘ommand l.lohn's.


Initial appointment will be on temporary basis with prospects of permanent and pensionable service. Commencing pay of entrants is £550 a year. with nine annual increments of £25, making a total of (.775. After I7 years’ service a further increment of 0.5 is awarded making a final total of £800 a year. Uniform and boots are provided. There are good prospects of promotion. Candidates must be of exemplary character, between 2| and 48 years of age. at least 5' 7' in height (bare feet). and of British nationality. Prior to appointment they will be required to pass a medical examination and an educational test (unless holding a Service Certificate of Education). Educational tests are held quarterly in Portsmouth. Devonport and Rosyth: and at Londonderry. Northern Ireland. Further information and application forms


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Please post a copy of each issue 0/ "Navy News" to NAME ADDRESS o--eononeoeo--oeoeeoeon -






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February. I963

ICED UP IN SNOW Squash trophy SECRETARY OF R.N. first FOOTBALL ASSN. at won HOLE 15 HOURS FROM TO 1959 Antarctic mountain scaled

Royal Marines from the Ro_s:1l .\'av_v's ice patrol Protector. and the Secretary of the British Antarctic Survey. the hitherto unsealed 9.tl0ll-loot Mount (Z-.1I.tdr_v. the highest “'0

rounds of the o_vaI Naval Squash Rackets Association produced :1 real upset. ship. II.M.S. when (Tadet R. .\l. Bawtrei: heat the have climbed No, 4 seed. Capt. A. A. 'l'. Se_vn1ourmountain on

slvt h Ice‘;

H" ‘d"".‘,““"",-" J"" "'3 ,"'f.,.,.,

‘('lI-\\'(:t‘‘rue 11'.s11t>.stu~‘tt' f, esce o 1. tent o :1 owe 'lhe\ were forced by the s'ttdde_n | where they had to stop for :1 further charige in weather to leave the summit I three hours in’ :1 second snow hole healmosr immed1:1tel_v. and descended tore the weather cleared as suddenly as the bltuard had begun. and they were able to return to the base camp 44 hours after setting 11ut. A signal from H..\l.S. Protector received in Admiralty \tl‘_s's‘ the p:1rty was fro/en. exhaufled hut trtumpb:1nt. '





gunners thought about


Navylaunchmakes the last trip

.\l().\'C those ssatching the weather most intently during the last week-end in January were the‘ the Third Submarine Portsntouth Field Gun Stall. Squadron was based at Rothesay. Willi training due to start on Febdepot ship was stored by ruary I the Field Gun ()tliccr. l.ieut. [the D. R. W. Cowling. R.N.. said. "We "pullers" which used to make :1 threestill h:1ve several inches of packed day journey from the Royal Naval via the Forth :1nd Clyde snow and ice on the tr:1ck: at the Dockyard nioment it is :1 toss-up whether we C:1t‘.al. This method of storing ship start with drill or .sk:1ting lessons. ceased wlien the squadron moved to However. we are getting the surface F. lane. but it was fitting that the last clear so that we can start imntediately vessel to make the journey from Grangemouth to Bowling before the the weather lets t1p." Out on the track digging out canal was closed to navigation on De3! was a launch front H.M.S. lliter:1ll_v). together with those mem- cemher bers ol the crew who had already 1\l:tidstonc. of ll..\l.S. :1rr_ived. were the ltrsl and second .\lidsltipm:tt't Scholield. train-.-rs. ('.l’.O. R. Pennycott and l-I\‘mouth. the target vessel att:1chcd (‘.P.(). P. (iausden and the P.T.l.. to the squadron. was in charge of the l'’.(). V. ltarrie. all deterniined to get launch and his report tells of the the l"!-.‘~ crew away to the best pns~ ltI:tX‘._\' people who came to take photosible start. with :1 view to bring back graphs of the “last boat." At one the three cups to what. they believe. point all the children from :1 school is their rtgltllul home. ll’|yntouth and c:11ne to cheer ltim and his crew as Fleet Air Arm pos.sibl_v have other they passed. But things were not so views.) pleasant throughout their journey. Ice Inside the lield gun shed the picture on the surl':1cc and rubbish which had gallery of past crews. which was been tipped into the canal combined started last year. still has many blank to make the passage a tricky one for spaces and Licut. Cowling would be the midshipman and for Petty Oflicer most grateful for :my photographs Wilson. his Coxswain: and the 20 from pr-.-vious years which es-Pompey bridges :1nd 38 locks to be worked field gunners may have hidden aw:1y. kept their crews busy too.







.3"_"'tl';-mllh_"’l,l'B‘l:t";”lE:"“"\:,“fiRrcs" _


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Cltiel O/lice: “'03l.l)Ol.lI‘ll0 Grove. London W2.

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Rl.'N.\'l-IR-UP AGAIN l<l;1d luck to Fox. runner-up for the. second year in succession and cong1:1t1tl:1tions lo Bawtree. who won the championsltip at his tirst :1ttcmpt. without loss of






knocked o11t in the first two rounds of the championship proper. was won by l.ieut.-(‘dr. O. T. P. Carnc. who beat‘ C.P.(). J. Binks in the final.

Make your first "Port of Call" for Dancing: The Savoy Ballroom Radio Band Every

ton taste in layer


By appointment to the Royal Danish Court. the Royal Swedish Court and the Royal Greek Court ,«II:r'“" ‘ v.

9 in Britain.

in the I20 hurdles. (l-3.7 see.) was in line for :1 "ll" international. Barnes, is in :1 position similar to that in which l’.(‘). Ilo_\’cs found himself prior to the Who .s’e:1son-‘:1 good athlete. but needing :1 hard winter's training, to take him into the next higher class. lle \\1ll ttot get the chattce this year. 1 To help balance the scales. P.0.i l!o_ses and C.P.O. Ellis can be, expected hack in the United Kingdom] soon. It will take them some time.! hosscser. to get rc:1ll_v "sports lit" again. :111d too much must not be expected of them. Willi the Combined Services. Universities Atltlctie Union and Amateur Athletics Association match‘ fixed for Alexandra Park. Portsmouthi will see the three m:1in Service meet-‘ ings nest summer. The N.1v_v and Inter-!s'cr\-ice Clizimpionsliips will be at the \"ictor_\' Stadium on July l0 and I7 respectively. The Combined Services matcli is on July 20, The latter match always includes :1 large number of current intern:1t1on:1ls and is :1 tnost attractise





((‘ontin1ted from column 5) l.ie11t-('omm:1nder l-'. J. Harding. R.N. (1.-iee-ch:1irm;1n). :111d Mr. L. Wilson tseeret:1r_v) led the many representatives of the Portsmouth Football

A.ssoci:1tion_ and the Royal Naval l-'ootba|| Association was represented by l.ieut.-(‘ommandcr .l. l-'. Ennis.

R.N. lretd.) tsccrctziryl. Cdr. T. 5. Trick. R..\'.. l.iettt. ll. .\‘liddleton. R.N.. and l.iet1t.-at-Arnts R. ll. Cooper. R.N.

(retd.) .\l:1n_v other associations :1nd clubs were represented and there were nt:1ny

floral tributes



Wire—Writ1.&or phone. Portsmouth 32275

Tlll.l-ITICS news is scarce in snow-covered Britain. but the little there is raises the que.stion—what's to become of the 1\'-avy Athletics team next suntmt-r'.' 'll1rc1: athletes who between them. scored 28 points in last year's Inter-i Service ('h:1mpionships. will rtot :1v:1il.1b|e this year. ‘they are Steward .\leadows (ntile :1nd three miles) who! is now :1 civilian. P.O. Duttonl (hammer. shot and discus). oil to sea. attd l’.O. Barnes (I20 and -$40 hurdlcsl. oil to sea. Dntton was ranked No. 5 in Britain in the hammer last year (I8-tft. Jin.) :1nd. possibly. could have m:1de a full international team next summer with the year's



whether a Submarine-—Destroyer—Battleshipor Aircraft Carrier OVER so SHlP'S DANCES CATERED FOR LAST YEAR


csperiencc. Similarly. Barnes. No.


Ship’8 Company Dances

President. Rear-Admiral Sir Anthony Miers. V.C.. K.B.E.. C.B.. D.S.O. The plate competition. open to those




presented by the





t\'l11-n you're back in clvvy life you will be glad you took adv:1nt:ts:e of the “Save wlnlo you Serve" plan. Rogulru-, sensible saving now with tho westboui-no Park nultdlne Sort:-t_v could add up to 11. deposit. on rt home of your own and will holp you to get priorzty tor your ll)0l‘U!:tL't'.‘ whr-I1 the time l‘0lnI'.‘l. s:1s-int: on lltspostt .»\e1-ounts hrtve been especially designed for this purpose and :1: present yield -l:".. tree of Income Tax. .~\ltt-rnattvely you can open it Share tnvestmr-nt account and earn interest at. 3.'".. tree of lncome Tax. Ask your Pnyntostor now for full details of the scheme and send now for :1 copy of the \\'u:ttbourne Park Butldlntt Society brochure.


andlmc :and later comntanded ii"





l)R. l~I_ W. B1.-etham. R.N. (rtd.). : referees were appointed‘ for. the l"..'\. “hose mime was synonymous with (‘up :1nd l-’.A. Amateur ( up ltnals. 1\'tn_v football for some 36 l lll-I l.()Vl-2|) 'I'lll-I GA.\ll-I med "n January 20' "Rd 72’ after N‘-o'.':' squash seven .\'cars' ille had been secretary of the Royali Queries concerning the game were had. sence. on the previous day. won I-‘ootbttll Association from 1923 sent to hitn from all over the world an exltausting live-game match against 11\'1n_v 1 until I959. :1nd his advice w:1s av:1il:1blc to all. He Lieut. .\l. Walsh. ln the l-'irst World War he w:1s pro- loved the game. thoroughly understood In the linal stages. played at the it. :tttd was :1lw:1y.s rc:1d_v to pass on U3. Club. London. Bawtrec was to .moted to mate. In the Second World his War he was for :1 time on the stall great love and knowledge to all cattse further upsets. In the semi-linal 1 (‘""""'m""r'""('"°r'P"':Nl‘"‘5l who were genuinely interested in the he beat. comt'ort:1b|v. the holder Air Station game. N“. 1 Wed. sm,g_ LiL_m_ (D) L R_ At his funeral on January 25 the i .\l.1chrth.1ntsh. lle recctsed the M.l!.l;. whih__‘ W“ {N his mm‘ in Services {mn- respect with which (‘dr. lleetham was In the other semi-lin'1l licttt F D held was reflected by the large numtall. .I: ._ .\lr. R. V. Stokes. An_:1ntlior1ty on the laws of Assocui. ber who attended. president of the ll:1n1p.s'hire I-'ooth:1ll M. W. Blake. also :1 Navy hockey Association represented the l‘ooth:1ll J S50 pl:1y1:r. found his touch immedizilcly -w- 0 “L or"-"mu of "0' the Referees Association. :1nd Dr. I. .\l. -.\lcl.:1ehlan. “H, “wk ‘he fir“ mmc H“ cvcncd ctattonrand eh:1irni:1n cl1:1irm:in of the Portstitotttli liootball lltc score '1! then built l(-‘"“""”'”‘': "I the hmlhnn Asmcm‘ Club. represented the liootball Assoup gm“, lads in hum wmuining . ciation. rt. v.ru.s or tmportattl lt‘I.tlL_ es. an gunk“. hm F0‘. wim immmimblc m_ ‘t\ (Continued in column 3) trieving. ntanaged to pull them round ill was on his reconuncnduttnn that in his favour. In the limit. Bawtrcc initi:1lly proved too severe and it was not until the third game that Fox got into his stride. but after :1 long. hard struggle. dttring which he saved two match points‘. he went down. SOUTH PARADE 1




§';;f‘n‘:::',_;r"n’_l‘?:n.qu;:::r.‘::;::;"_§Jp!' i R oyal ab(:l'""‘"s'

Adelaide lslanrl inside the Antarctic Circle. '1 he). were 33-year-old (apt. Terry ; rapidly to 7.500 ft.. where _visibility ft. and their tracks Wills. Roval .\l1lflllC's. of llos_c. St!»-.;\\‘:ts down to sex. .\l:1rine Terence Mc.-‘\ul1ll'e. ol ;were being obliterated With the hillRurgess llill. Sussex. and .\lr. John -/ard still raging the part)‘ dug themselves into :1 snow hole for shelter and (ireen. o| ,\non. Hunts. After setting out from :1 hase c:1mp l used the Union Flag as :1 door. It fro/e m:1i11t:1ined by H..\l.S. Protector. thelsohd :1nd_t‘he_v sang :1nd joked for IS three nten climbed into dangerotts : hours starting for _the stortn ab:1te. snow conditions :1nd m:1de the li11:1 :‘I'o keep their spirits up they :1 so cut l0~lioui ascent in :1 night assault. cut- l the ice walls of their shelter ting steps ;1nd hztrtd-holds in :1 sleep ice ' picks. making :1 colourful cl ect :1_n tl1e commem from .\l:1rme face. ll1c_\‘ reached the surnmtt Ill severe ice bli//ztrd and decided to re- .\lc.-\ulillc: "If we stay ltctc lttllcll t,1in the tluion l-'l:1g'.1s protection dur- longer we must remember to change the ssallpaperl ing the descent.


1923 Commander Beetham dies


ot the New Nun Commute; by Gate .1.

Paid.-ii l.llI|t|¢\I.r Alder 11.}.-1.

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