Page 1


Royal Naval Uniforms






4° 50353551 *0”. '°"3”°V"l 3°






T-loot-one uso Promotion, orders I speciality. ’

No. I07


Royal llavy

The Newspaper of The




and Foambocltr BERNARDS MAN'S SHOP


write for special denile, ate... and be assured of personal abtantion

T..,.' , ' , “’' , ‘' . ,‘}.' , ’I‘' : ' , :,' ,',.,,,,., Including jerseyluim

and The


Royal ‘Naval Association

Telephone NI ll

’°"°"“""““"'"“"'°"“' Telephone “$0

I’ublished_/irs! T/rurpsday of the month


Price Sixpence






To cost £20m and; be ready by 1968 I


stated by Lord Carrington. First Lord of the in the llouse tit‘ l.ortl.~i on April 24. that the Guvemiitent ha (lecided to develop Ftislane. in the Care Loch. as the British Polaris siilmiarine base. I bnxe when the it and I\’ ix e\will work \l.ll’l Ii'I|lllC\il.lli.‘i_\' iilll\hCdthere. Stirs-ey will be based sttittoiied toor otlieers and men peeled that some 1.700 getlier with their ttiiiiiliesx It i\ expected lilill the bziie will be completed by l‘l(it'l. , In zitldition to the Pt)i.ll'i\ b.tse 2|; Careful considemtion W.|\ given to. NW ;,m~.;.mL-m d-_-put will be com I .1” [ltl\\li'liL‘ sites in the United King-! O sllugtctl at (Toulpoit on the ezittern tloin. but on bnltiuee the developinent I ..h.ir¢ 0|’ |,.ich Long, ;ibuut eight Illlii:\ ot vL"XI\llllg‘ submarine operating | :t\ it fast ininel:i)'eI’. by rittlti and I3 niileei by ~ii.".| from I fiieilities at l';tsl;ine olfer» the greatest; ll..\l.5. .\lanxni:in Il.ieut.-Cdr. A. L. CIW.\(ll'I. R.i\'.l. built between .\‘l'.irt-h. I930. and June. l94I.('on\'i.-rted at a cost comniiu.-tinned lint I-'ebru:ir)' zit Challlam as it forward support \hip for euiistal iiiinesneepers. I l"'.ixl;ine. l ill-i“'-llllillflv of £l.tl00.000. Stuntman will be able to act as "mother\lIip" to a squadmrrol lllilI¢\Wl.'l.'|)El'?iand. with her enlarged in M; q,m.m,_.m gm F-gm |_.m_1 gait] | CONSTRUCTION COSTS L‘;lpIl.‘il_\' for storing food and _\upplie-i._:ind her ability to trnn:il'er these while under way.’ her squadron VH“ be able l he openiting base for _the 1 that to remain at sea independent of base assistance [or eiiimderahle periods Ito)-iil N:ivy'.~. Polaris stibiititriiies 1 The pmvi.‘i‘,nal csfi,“._“c§ pm lh‘. l\i.‘.‘ti\ I0 be nC€ll' dl7'~'P “v'3tL'r I“ \‘fi¢r c‘)\[ uf developing [h¢ base and lhc cw‘ Iluvisalionnl 3'-'~'¢“~ 3"“ ‘" 5° “ iissticiutcd armament depot in between '1'




















zismciated no distance from th‘ L

dgzj 1;‘ _' -| d‘ hclwircln'?:ri2Jlifliiii0n":lll' ltio2l;nTTl?iii::

:inriii:i-iwiitdcnot-" it rt





for construction work. The First Lord stated “Civil: stall employed at the base an ;irin;tn\cnt. depot will probably number about -100. of whom about half are expected to be recruited locally!


S ub



Answering ti question Lord (‘:trringHP: United States Niivy authorities ton stated that between 500 and l.000 "F-R5‘: Wm "9 N‘ 1"_“"Y "'-'3‘ ‘El * local people wotild be engaged during are still searching anxiously for “milk D0‘-'k3"“’d 3''“ Y‘'‘"clues which may lead them to the eonsitrnetion period. 5" “'9 “'5” “"-I‘ ="""'||_“¢'-‘d 0“ "l""' In the Home of Comruont i\lr. 0rr- cause of the sinking of the US. "7 "10 H92 "'59" 5‘~‘°"“"‘i and Ewing. Civil Lord of the .~\dniir;tlt_\'.,nucle:ir submarine Thresher. which -"""i'i'“'~‘ "?"d' \‘l‘.llct.l that the cost of the base \\';I\ diuippearcd on .-\pril I0 with the loss N0|'¢h¢|’" tluaflffiv P|l|‘9‘W'¢- I‘ -"P"“°""“"‘ included in the total of £300 iiiillion of I29 crew and technicians. hzlid: "The decision has been reglched for the Polaris progrztmme. The deep~diving bztthyseaphe Trieste "¢l=|'°““"!'- “ 1“ "°‘ |"’“'b'°- """'.°“‘: Wui l'9f0U2:hl lmm lh-= V-'¢~il C0‘-N I0 is help ti,_\i_s. xuiusroxi; 3| ¢\eI'I-‘IW FY03?‘ vease ezipzi eo going ownt e tine _‘*~ able ill 1!“ lPP|'0P|’|al9 “N” Wm‘-"°'“ and a halt’ to where the Thresher lies ' shit“ I0 Inlerysl and accommodate the some :00 miles on Boston. Once the ‘ has been IIu_mb€I' of Willflh ¢_‘_P¢'-'l¢‘d- stressed positit-n of the Thresher Fashnc H "1 Q" il;l.\'L' definitely Ioe:ited._ the Trieste may be rilc.llilV1li.lllllilofllltli f“ hm -m“ Briuhfs wt” bc m um ‘hul mt ("M W" N Md om what “med i has the iuined inst ti Ucivy regarded as lL'l"(t tn_gt e en -_ _- ihi. tragedy, i. " "‘i|“%"'|‘md 11 Trieste. however. can only be used 011.“ 33 R05)'lh- |‘- Pllmlli’ 3* the unable to get necessary tmcc the wreck has been found. oI_beiin_: Search vessels continue to probe the .\ilID\ this year. " .n .1|\l. bepossible areas» 'l¢icVl.\'ltll'l in Oi an (Il'l'_lVl.‘l. 3)’ L‘t|l'. lhx over ll in“ lowgrcd thg 8_00O \:¢|--—;ind _: ._ "mh "bk “’ “ " “Ci "‘ “ 5°” "30’ and special train to visit the dockyurd. directly the sunken \tIblll:ll'illc is n“clc:'r in ship wppon Tilt‘ P|"'C¢9<_i9 [Wm N‘-|'*'.V D1155 8“ *0 found. Trieste will be sent down to I (Continued on page 7. column 3) nzivtil ehzirities. tilm her. _




imwgigl: 0‘l;¢f;I;i<:":='"='a'i'l*li ‘












Drezidnouight. hating




at I7 and arrived at

I-‘iislane. in the Garelnch. on April 24 for the start or her miiii-up.

Although she is joining the 3rd Stihnizirinc Squadron. based at Fnslune.

the new siibmaritie is uiilikely to take part in the squzidroirs nurm;il :ietivitics. Her ca lain. ('dr. 3. I’. P. Sumsaid: “During the next borne. two years we are coins-. to have a pretty full programme. There wi|l_bc 3 certain number of vi\its—-sliowtng the fl.ig——but no ‘round the world trips zirc planned.


Rt-_\'.il i‘l.tv_v will be hosts‘ "'.° l’“b''l'' "" m‘ [‘‘”‘‘“''"l5


pleted her trials. commissioned




d‘“°‘ um



DATS l'urtl=iud—Whilsun Bank llo|Id'~|YJune I. 2 and 3[)"0nJm‘-‘\l|t!l|$l 311911 “l‘l|tl'J!/I\l|.k‘lN 3- 4 '-"Id 5. |’°|'l‘m00"l‘*iW WT D="'t‘"P°|"\'i\\’.-\l. AIR DAYS -




1S:::,l::’:' J ]:,|]r:,c 6' Lossiemoiith ‘Juli: I4. -




3.-away, ]u|_y go_ cum.-,,5¢_ ]u])- 37_ L“


Salem, August |()_

8|;-llI:t(il't‘|I'l _-‘mu ,M2;' d 5mn€' _ ":_f“r£‘°':‘"“Tr: _"*\:r‘l"‘?‘{‘h |*":‘ d°"l;‘:‘-{‘!' l ‘1‘“__i”' “ J ‘;;):m:‘m‘u:‘h d"' : _|‘“f"d yeéicr slomfi 23.9i)01[Ili:t|pic lI'*t‘1llI';'nd“u‘6k"lip'hcrtduuc‘ ate G'_‘l"'_¢ 1 _Subm:"inc .







dcci“mniLi‘.houli(li it“

‘in thi|:Iseafri:h._she‘ th: on_lly

if I-,h° ;'rh'rdx‘lSm:‘m"';':: 5'9‘-"',dlr‘m'b" i:“‘ba';;d n“"";.°n }°i"b""{‘~' M-‘ f ‘ ! d' ‘u‘:“'c I)n:_' ; :d: “nl;;:l'_ar nizirinci .


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V-1~P- Transvtort to Faslane

Royieuwivr .

_._7 '




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The mode of travel for \'.l.l'.s to and from Fthizllllt.ll..\l.S. Mziidxtone is the uhip in the li:irlir:round_



Navy Ni-wi_s l-i_si i on

|.n.i (S) ll


COMPLEXITY’ OF WA S ii? "E‘Ql‘Ji $‘i5:ir'sers'cil’ POSES PROBLEMS qualifying; "9:

R N tlirul.) \t.




Rout‘ N-I\.Il< llarrinl-. -rl\7l\l1l4‘llll|

'ltl ‘..'l’i)rism-with I:‘.‘»I (I





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fret: giatiiitics-tit the rate of £155 for l" each on a short-service» commission. and for those niininiitni pensionable service: for grossing complexity of new warships coating into service and planned theretheis a ycarlv pension (at currcntl for the Royal Navy in the future means that more l-Electrical Ollicers are tales) of [545 with :1 terminal grant of l Raymond William Winterllood. the N the \'a\_i' I-Istiiiiates (I963-6-ll [ Marine Isl Class. R.M. ZOIZG. needed. As it result. new entry regulations for electrical and electronic spet'lal- ll‘l(.“l)'i.ll'i;l; ‘rl nt.\nEl‘t total ll.M.S. Whirlwind. Died .\Iari:h Royal Navy is slioiin to have a ists are being introduced for qualilied men betvieen 2t and 39 years of age. of 26 coastal craft. consisting of too Oflieer entrants will be given seniority "credits" on entry lrased on 9. W63. the “me he “M “K and his mu“ and Borderer Bi-ave boats. fast patrol Peter Iiitchner Scott. Ordinary Seain outside industry and additional seniority for their:.uium retiring age still _. experience previous 50 be as a] Brave Sisordsrniin. and one seaviard “adtmzc quammmons. man, P/056l8I. H.M.S. Coch53 and l.ieiitcnant-Commatidcr a 1 as rane. Died March 16. I963. patrol craft engaged on "'l'rials' and of 3') and 2t (‘omm;imicr_ who As years titan a qualities an example. age ihclitecn 0 t ‘Huird Putrl-raft T'l." an dI6David (Tlarlie Fairneallier Garland. mm "2 basic Ollicer of lilectrical have three Iirst For time. one the Siib"credits" they will enter for ‘[lft‘l\'lllCtl as a no and seven fast patrol boats “in Reserve Siels-Berth Petty Ollieef. PlM.\' A degree or degree entries under this scheme “ill be given! I8 (l) for will remain and qiialitications: so I.ieiiienant live etc." Most of these craft are years; months. An oflicer ssho 9I65.'l6. l!.M.S. Condor. Died on equivalent in electrical engineering— .up to a year's senioritv credit for qualities Morel: 20, I963. or more old. "and up to l suitable acadeniic with in science qualifications. engineering .or maximum the for eight years’ ientry )3“ in th craft c The value of these revioiis’I Malcolm Crossland. Marine. R..\t. Graduate (2) membership seven sears‘ .seniorit' for the will isiihjects; into as "'credits" Navy come l7745. 45 Commando. Royal out is so obvious that it seems high electrical “Oil. in Electrical of suitable Institution Engineers experience half and six with a ilthe I.ieulenant years‘ Marines. Died Miireli 20. I963. time that "The Little Ship N:ivy‘: ssas of Radio gained since the age of 2|. Institution British the of :or seniority. resurrected. If we are ever again to Pant Charles Toinbs. Engineering These oflicers will serve ashore or or (3) Possession of a §l-Ingineers: Mechanic 2nd Class. I)/06-It'll). light a star with "conventional" i\-c_aeither National afloat. on ship-borne or airor equiva-, Diploma fl-ligher COS'l'l.\' I".0UIP.\Il:1!\"I‘ ll.M.S. Golderest, Died March pons a large number of these ships will This will involve electrical in lent equipment. subjects. ibornc 13. I961. be required in a hurry and will need ithcni in major repair. maintenance. into in now coming new ships many trained to be of to men I)enn'ni Beckett Stnkoe. (‘hiel large numbers ttials uork. and iilevclopnicttt. design electronic and equipl-'I.E7\'lBll.lT\' 0|" CAREER Electrician (A.). I./l-‘X 834272. use them, So long as ships of other for well account installed may Il.l\I.S. ArieL Died April 4. I963. "pc. “rt hog“; hum ii “m.|,i sum um; anient PR().\lOTlO.\' of‘ “l Pl will ""3 There he 1013' a VIN 50 great tlexihiiity P" ¥'s"“~ the small craft are also needed. the .||P I0 Gerald Leslie llannaford. Chief : Successful candiilatcsf ollered. the Fleet do this Before \\lll and increasing career ioining tlicy ssarship. Radio Electrician (A.l. l./l-'.\' mm‘. ..._ in i‘;,_~[_ in \.g¢“- of [hg pm.“ }the i shnrtbetween l‘ able clioosc will a be l\‘as-at "l to to a at t'tl“ll"“L‘"l training )t.‘tll'.\ s'|"“l‘l'~"‘ up ll“ml‘l‘"lt‘" ; merchant ll..\l.S. Ariel. Died 834272. increase in the naval :ind I(vj a commission til»:-.-trical or i_§¢,,m,;.,m §.;|,.,.,|g_ “in i-'_|._-.-m.-;.| he numbers service of the (live-year) [reflected in i fleets of potential enemies. April 7. I963. ‘['h.ss-c L't|n)tl'll\‘§ii)n_ L;cm._.,mm_Z {M like ()lder lo carried. :(lllls".'rs‘ pensionable p,,.,m,m,n the-'year ships cigflghic in the cost lt m:i_v be argued that Acting Sub./Lieut. Tudor I)-avies. \\lll for live who I: }(‘.imn-mitt].-r on enter class "Battle" in anil initially gaining eight years‘ dcs(ro_\crs‘ is :"l)aring" :1.-Iation to the life of these vessels Royal Navy. ll..\I.S. Seahanlt. of sshich the sciiioritv (for the l-Electrical extending be new opportunity tsso _\c:irs' one given or jtcarrying sery high. that they are cspciistsc to .()llicersi are being replaced by the ;their service to It) years or of convcrt- "credit" svsteiii of ttttlsiilc ¢.\pg'fic|1gc maiiitain and to run. btii the training the It»-year pensionable scheme. still count). Further protttotioti will be \illllt.‘. as \\t.‘ll .is the punch thcv could tl"ltlCd'""“|it' ll€\lF|‘.)s‘T\ Will) =||\Z-' ing to ll..\l.S. Alilcriicy. tshich has been for I by selcctioii_ further riividc for comniando-typc raids_ 1 thing bctsscen six and eight lilcctrical l'l'h_erc will be transfer opportunities to perinanent 1 In other respects I-ilectrical Ofliccrs i serving with the (ith Submarine Sqiiadto :.It:ici.s on s,'t‘it\l;ll and other shipping. "ills"-‘IS t‘ml‘i|ll-t‘llfor ll"-' "~'l“~"“'-' careers on the Navy's Supplcnicntary have the same ailsaiitages of pay and 2 ion, based at llalifax. Novzi Seolia. ll‘? ll)’ then) l-'"'-ll-‘T s'_“”} niiilc m‘“_ at must surely and so on. for the best qualilied ——on toiiiiarriagc zillowaiices cnioved bv the the past Ill months. rctiiriicd to ll..\l.S. caiididzitcs or s|'l:.‘Cl;lllvlllItll'I. lhl‘ ‘lzlectrical im¢\m,,_.m_ “.,,[h.,_._h,i,_. illnlphin on April '.‘I. -V-‘)3’ tlic ticiieial List. Tlierc will be ta.\--(teneial list Otliccrs. It riiay also be argued that thcirlmll ht‘ 5=t‘s‘<‘l‘l'-‘ll "ll" iiiiliirmicc and. being small. the: ‘ ‘ inability to use thetii in toiigh se.is.1 this — but on make tlicui a doubtful :iss'.'l. 1 ,. ._ . of rcciirtl these! score .2 look ill the -hips in two \sars \llu\\s thcsc November I.) (tentative date). at Notes ti] The tertti U.ls', Base Port means the port at vsliich zi ship may 'll.\|.S. Loch Aliie (A;S Frigite). Sep- I ments to he ins-alid. Sea Service. lcmhcr fi. at Singapore. tor Foreign ; llsirruw. for Home normally be expected to give leave and refit. Portsmoiitli t(') indiWe l'i.i\c some very line. (General Service (‘omiiiission JanuService (liar liastt. flrtl Frig.-.ic catcs ships administered by Portsmouth but which ssill norni.illy could but Rmal in: in the .\'a\_\. -hips Squadron (A). .ir_\, WM ttentzitivc date). Home} retit and-‘or give leave at ( ‘liatham. do viith lll;ill_\' more ships. l'lie present.\liddie Fast. 9th Frigate Squadron. (ii) As ratings are normally detailed for overseas service about four "_;“_5_ A W i “um "' 3 "5' I-lm“‘°" and ccrtriiiily frigatcs day dcstro_\ers LXK Base Port. Portsmouth (C). ninnths ahead of commissioning date. and for borne service about ‘I. at llahrein. September (('.M.S.)._ hate the tire power. ctc.. of several two months ahead of coniinissioning date. this should be borne for Foreign Service (.\liddlc liast). ‘No. 829 London I-‘light. First World War and Second \\_’orld in a her (tentative date). at R.N. Air in mind nheii preferring requests to solunteer to serve ‘)th M,‘S Squadron (IS). War ships. but are not too niany eggs Station. ('uldrost:. for Home Sea ship. particular Dido ll.M.S. (MS September Frigate). Our basltet‘? itito ships one being put Sets-ice. General Service (‘oniniisIt is emphasised that the dates anil particiilars given below are (iii) at tilasgovs. for Home Sea Serthe l_7. oceans are spread very thinly over short sion January. Wt»-3. ll..\l.S. l.oiidoIt. lorecasts only and may have to be changed perhaps at iice. (ieneral Service Coiiiniission. of the ssorld- could not squadrons of \\'esse.s. not ice. November. of East 5tl:‘.’I.[ll(Il"I‘lC (l-l last patrol boats. such as the "liravcs" (iv) Ships in sshich Locally Entered Cooks (S). Coolis (O) or Stessards months 22nd E.S. U.K. Base Port. II.:\l.S. Aiiu (A_.'S Frigate). November help to redress this state of atlairs? are to be borne in lieu of U.l( ratings are to be indicated as I‘). at Birkenliead. for Home Sea Portsmouth (C). follows: (A) --All Cooks (Sl. (‘ooh (O)and Stew;irds:.tB)-—Cooks H.M.S. Clitleonipton t(.‘.M.S.). Sersiee. Foreign Service from date Sepoi’ .sailing~ -May. I964 (tentative (S). other than one P.0. Cook (SI all (‘oaks (0) and all 23. for at Aden. Foreign tember (A). Stewards: ((‘)—~(.‘ooks (0) and Stewards only: (l))—Coolts (S) As stated in last month's issue of date). Far East. 24th Service ')th MIS East). (Middle -Cooks (S) and (F) found Steviai-ds‘only; has been Cool; necesit (S) only: (E)- Leading "Navy .‘s'c\ss" tll.M.§. Loelt Fadii (AIS litigate). (l-I). Squatlron of the and Stessards only. paper November. at Singapore. for ForBill)‘ to increase the price ll..\I.S. ((i_.\I. l)'estroyer). Hampshire and .\'o. 5 (l..S.‘l‘.) .\Ies-sina 'll..'\l..'s’. This is a regrettable to (id. per copy. eign Service (Far l’.ast). 3rd I-‘rigate classilication of Scpleiiiber. for 7. Bahrein. ('haiigc June at Assault in isill .\lA.\' I) Sl.."Il.\lARlNE C0“ necessity. but the increase price s Squadron (A). Service (‘ommisservice. (iencral Amliastl. (.\liddIi: Service I-iircigii enable the paper to maintain the stan- ll..\l.S. Caeliiilot. May I7. completes ill.\l.S. I):-fender (Destroyer). Novemof sion. L".K. Sue/. llasc llonicgliast (ll). Warfare Squadron phihious dard .ind site and. on occasions. prober. at (‘hatli;im. for trials. (To Rein the area and :ll.M.S. Vietiirious (Carrier). June I2. ('Iydc working-up Port. Portsmoutli, duce special extra features. ioins the 2nd Siihmariiic Squadron. at Portsmouth. for (jeneral Service No. 829. llanipshire Flight. Septem- serve on completion of long relit.) No\'i:niPlymouth. bcr. ('l'i;it)gL' i:l;iss‘illC:tllt\n nf scrvic;-_ H..\t.S. Kirliliston (('..\l.S.). ('onimission East of Siiezjllonic. her. at Portsiiiouth. for Home Sea lI..\t.S. Aiiroehs. .\la_v 13. completes (ir.-neral Servii.c ('oiiiuii.ssion_ Base Port. Portsmouth. U.ls’. Service. lst .\llS Sqii:idroii vice svorking-tip in the Clyde area and ll..\lS. Lynx (A-‘A Frigate). lune I3 No. 329 H.(). Squadron. October I. ;it l-lronington. U.K. Base Port. Rosytli. joins the lst Submarine Squadron. at (‘liatham. General Service (‘omStation. ('ulilrosc. Home Air ll..\'.Service. Portsrnntitlt. lll..\t.S. (‘apriee (Destroyer), NovemAtlantic and niission. llonic:Soutli Sea \\’;isp. Il.M.S. Allianee. May 28. sails for 7th her at Rosytli. l..R.P. coiiiplciiient. South Aiiiericri. 7th Frigate Squad- ll..\‘I.S. ((‘..\l.S.). October 1. l_\'enierton Submarine Division. at Singapore. ll..\l.S. Buluarlt t('omitiando Ship). ron. U.K. Base Port. Portsmouth. Bulirein. for Foreign Service (Middle via the Cape. Decenibcr 3. at Dcvonport. for ll..\l.S. Dalrymple (Surveying Ship). 9th East). .\l_s'S Squadron (Ii). ll.‘.\‘l.S. Aleide. Completes rclit at I-Ionic Sea Service. ('oiiiniissioiis for lone til, at l)i.-vonport. for llonte (Tassandra lit ll.!\l.S. Octolate lflln Sea Service. l,'.ls’. Hasi: Port. DevonSeptember. (l)i:stro_ver). Rt\s_\llI (l-‘at’ East). 3 Ed nburgh Road, Portsmouth l7. ber at Division. (icneral for Portsmouth. (vth Siib.-narine Prion-2135: ll.\l.S. l-Iastlmurne t.-MS Frigate). port. (’-W"-"NW0". llunw“-\1c<i. 5=""*‘E Dec;-nib.-‘r 3. at Rosytli. for trials‘. it ‘ti it: x .\I;' ll..\l..'. B oI'll:'uE H II 0 nil in nu Ilst L'.l\'. l:.S. Gl'..\l'.R:\l. Base Pmig. Port, ll’! SIVVIG: Pll.I:lIt'll‘llEV.ERY-’&E'EK'E'fi‘; (‘oninussioiis for lloiiii: Sea Scriicc. m“"”‘\I.xrch I7. l‘)(v-l. |7tli Frigate Squad'71‘ “Em ll.\l.S. Ciirlvha ((i.l’. Friuatc). .\l.i\' for l)'l.il\ ”~“-5- "5'”|P¢'| !l--( -l_-l- QClt‘l‘¢f 15. I run. L'.K. ltasc Port. Dcvonport. 0. ('li;:r‘.gc c:l;issilic.itioii ol s-.-is-ic ._ll..\l..S. lseppel i’.-\‘.S lrigalc). ltinc. -‘ll H-IlITL'itl. lor l‘t‘.'t.‘ll_.'3'l S-.-rvicc ll..\l.S. 'I.ulu ((i.I’. Frigate). Deccnib-.'r l'r.inst‘cr to Fislicry l’rot'.-ction ‘lth lirrgatc Sqiiailroti. (it-n::.il Scr-I J9/6 siiunsto Anipliibious \‘e'itl'iV.lfC (may be d.:l.iycd). at (ilasgoss. for \'qn.id.'on, t.'t.[s'.. Base Port. Rosyth. ( oniiiiission. Middle l-Inst. ; szcc »'-til-ll ""1 l ‘l. llom: Sea Scrvicc ('oniiiiEssioiis for lloni-.'. l,'_l-(. llase Port. Rosytli tli).l lloziic Sea S:-rsicc. NonrH.sMP‘roi~i' 22;. (icticral Scrvicc Comtiiissioit. Febll..\l.S. lisltiiiio ((i.P. l'fl1.;lllL‘l.’.\l.l_\' 6. ‘ll..\i..‘\. .\leon _(l..S.ll.) l:il_s‘ Zfi. :it ll.\I.S. Ilariwsa (:\.l) Coiiversiiin). Mia LIVERPOOL .it mi .'u;ir_\'. I‘l(i-t (may be delayed). ; _. ' o _r .i. an. Squa ..istl. .\t:ddle lZ;ist,‘tlomc. ‘llh Frigate orL.gn Scrvi..c(Far hast). --nth l:.S, nip l ious Squa roii (tLl1Ll'.l "rtgate. 5‘[A;fogD (A). ron (B). Squadron. U.K. llasc Port. ltosyth. ( t1n1mIs\lt\fl. Middle East Ilomc. . WOLVERHAMPTON I No. 759 Squadron. July 26. at R.N. ll..\‘I.S. Penelope (A,-S I-‘i-ig..i¢i_ Q.-m. ll.M.S. BIRMINGHAM Cool: (Surveying Ship). U.K. I-lasc Port. Portsmouth (ll). COVENTRY Pilot Air Station, llravi-d_\'. 'l‘raining. her (may be delayed) at Newcastle l)et:embcr (under consiitcraiioii)_ ll.!\t.S. Tartar ((i.l’. Frigate). .\l:i_v_ (V. WARWICK lliinters. for Home Sea Service. 20th Frigate Place of commissioning under con(‘hangs elassitieuiitin oi‘ .scrs-ice. BANIURY end July. Squadron. l}.|s'. Base Port. Deton- sideration. For Foreign Service (Far General Service Conimis'sion. lI..\l.$. Cavalier (Destroyer). I at ( hat_ham. (‘. & M. party. East l'.iciIic) (A). Home.~‘\\'. Indies. U.ls. llasc Port. pgfl__ j: 1: , Exam ilt..\t.S. lsent ((i..\l. Destroyer). July “Ms. London ‘G M D” Devonport. mt tiiiisToL ll..\t.S. Eagle (Carrier). early Janu30 R..\'. 7. at for Ofimhu. 21 M date). (ieneral No. 347 Squadron. .\lay at (tentative .*_\i r ary. at Dcvonport. lor trials. (icneral Service Sea Service. Home Sea l-tonic lor for Home Sea Service. General 5;“. l Service Commission. l-loniezliast of Station. ( iildrosc. '_j 3,G|_oucp_§1gn :1: I003 (tentaOctober. Commission. Coniniziiido Squadron. Service. viee Comniission Jziniiary. lllb-t l Suez. early June. l‘)(i4. U.)-Q. I-Lise of U.K. Sue/. live date). Ht)n‘lCfE:tsl : 1' ' \\’hirli.sintl. Port. Devonport. l‘ltllll{'v'E;.g[ .,{ be_ilcl.i_vedl. trriay Portsmouth Base Port. (('}. ll.M.S. Puma (A.-‘A Frigate). \l.iy.l Suez. U.ls. Base Port. Portsmouth, (A/S Frigate). ‘H.M.S. Illaclipool Portsmouth. l..R.l’. coniplciuciit. iu) PORTLAND ""“'s' “"h"“l‘ l(’~P- lllltlillcl. (Continued on page 5. column I) 't°N°°N='°""l’°'"'§"°U7" .it (fhzitham l..R.P. tomI3!‘ Autiiist. it.si.s. Leander ms Frigate). xi...-. ISI‘LONDON lrorn GOSPORT plentent. Change classilicatioii of service. Zlst lroni H.915. ‘LONDCN Escort Squadron. (icncral Service I.Vo. 829 Kent Flight. niid-.-\iigiist. at COLLINGWOOD I4](‘omniission. llonic .\lcd. l.‘.Is'. llasc l R.N. Air Stzitmn. ('uldrosc. for. av :OU‘l’HDOWN MOTOR SERVICES Ltd Home Sea Service. (ieneral Sersicc Port. Portsmouili l( ). All these tr-nncrt will mine the ltllcwttif route Coniniission. October. I963. l-‘or fol the rovoi-ii ener of Service Paton:-et: R.M Redoubt (l..('.'l'.l. .\l:iy St. at Il..\I.S. Club. flar.o:l.i Eottney: Royal $Oll0’I' Home H..\l.S. Kent. Wessex. llahrciii. for lioreigti Scrsicc (.\lidillc Queen Street: RN Aarrodii. Unicorn GerrEast). Aiiipliihioiis W.irf:ire Squad- ll..\l.S. l'lster (.-MS Frigate). SeptemStorirey Rood lot H.M.$ Eaeellerit: Hilttd tido bcr. at Dcvonport. C. & .\l. party. Ci-nrioiii Herr-in Harriiim Rd. Inigho-n fun (F). l..(.‘.N. 60.). June I. at llahrcin. for ll.M.S. Relentless (.-MS Frigate). SepN.B.—To all shi 5 Visiting Portsfor trials. ComForeign Scrvicc (.\liildlc East). .-\in- tember 5. at Rosyth. mouth: Special acilities to meet mission March. I964. for Foreign \\’arlarc Squridron. yourpartieular travelling require- No.phibioiis Service (Far East) from date of at R.N. Air lime 4. 700 Flight. short be at can ments organised and sailing. 3rd Frigate Squadron. Station. Cultlrosc. l.l".T.V. Wasp. notice. 'l'r:inst'ers to Ztith lS.S.. December. H.M.S. Centaur (carrier). June 5 (tenWrite phone or call IDM (A). P.-ICKING FOR SIIIPMENT tative date). at Portsmoutli. To SepShip). \'idaI (Surveying H.515. TRIUMPH COACHES count as Port Service until operaTelephone (ember 5. at Chatham. for General ComService General tional date. .l Edmburgh Road. Portsmouth 2,5,5 Service Commission West Indies. U.K. of East Siiciilloiiie. mission. Phone 2735i U.K. Ba-e Port, Portsntoitth (C). Base Port. Portsniouth. ‘




'3 (“fl-“‘,cr"af:mi :‘l,;','i‘g‘R-uf.,.-ii his .











Liltt filriiiuriaiii

rticnrsli i i .















|service_.electricaI _


















Y0!‘ EX. s; llll Jll. l\""l‘

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ls-\lIilil!lc llalfill. :<l.iIircii \. li rhl-ko_reigti\Scrr\{‘icc‘ISliddfic f_)cto:b:r 15.‘

:t.:, §‘Ii_ange \.'.lit\"il‘l lL';l tt'lI'l.i‘I‘l\’t:lI'\’lLScrsitcl


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“.'a| ;cnd_‘n‘n':.‘;?\cn"£'














At your serizice







13 Clarendon R0ad, Southsea

‘ll_t'l NAVY NEWS



Ihe palrtt tree from l’.S.S. livans about to he "piped on board" ll..\I.S. .-\lhiurI.

PALAVAR PAI.-.\I tree was the link which joined the l't.S.S. livztns l('dr. John Shanahan. lF.S.a '.l and 846 Naval Air Squadron (l.ieut.-Cdr. Dan id Burke.

Caledonia claims a record


R.t\'.l U.S.S. Evans was acting as station Ullfl‘ as a “V” class intermediate bardments followed. She assisted in ship in Hong Kong at the same time Il.t\|.S. Virago was ‘built; tile sinking of the .l'.tp;tnese cruiser VISITS .b)' destroyer. as 846 Squadron. embarked in H.M.S APTAIN D. N. CALLAGHAN. LOCH Swan. Hunter and Wigham Haguro. Albion (Capt. C. D. Madden. M.V.O.. R.N.. estimates that "inmates" of Richardson. l.td.. first commissioning Alter conversion H..\l.S. Virago MURIA I).S.(‘.. l{.N.) was enjoying a period of ILM5. Caledonia must have walked on October 25. I943. but between I950 served in the Home Fleet from I053 rest and recuperation there. some 13.000 miles in recent weel_Ls. and I952 was converted at Chatham to I955. when she was placed in S0-mile President Kennedy's (‘dr. Sltanahan and I.icut.-Cdr. taking up into a fast A.[S. frigate oi‘ 2,100 tons reserve. In the autumn of 196! she walls On Wednesday. challenge. .M.S. LOCH F\'NE (Cdr. P. R. I). with two 4-inch guns and two J0-m.m. was reeommissioned as leader of the Ilurlte met one evening and during took 300 artitlcer I0. apprentices up 1 conversation discovered that the ship Kimm. R.I\'.) on passage front Bolors A.A. gums. Second Division of the l7th (DartCaledonia H.t\I.Sthe and challenge and the squadron had a common illombay to Mombasa recently. called The ship's A./S. weapons are two mouth) Frigate Squadron. She proemblem. At some time when the U.S.S. is claiming a world record for the first at the little-known Kuria uid triple-barrelled depth-charge vides afloat training for tuen under Evans was in Japan she h:td "acquired" 'man home. I7-year-old Ivor Milne. Islands. a British poxscsuion since mortars. Her length is 363 ft. with a training in l-l..\l.S. Raleigh and also a baby palnt tree about 5 feet t:t||. and who covered the distance in 7 hrs. 7 1854. when they were ceded to Queen beam of 35ft. Complement is about provides commanding desigotlicers_ Victoria by the Sultan of .\Iusc:tt. since then she has been known as the min. 200 otliecrs and men. nate with ship-handling experience. J. best time second was The by The four mountainous tree" which he ‘I islands. only H.M.S. Virago joined the Home “palm ship. squadron. Third min. hrs. 28 8 who took Stokes. of which its is of much time lie one inhabited. spends some 20 Flcct on first commissioning to cover deployed hrs. in 8 44 Shirtlitf miles oil the south-east coast of the passage of Russian convoys and AS MENTIONED IN THE ashore. adopted a palm tree as its was apprentice J. emblem and this appears on the tail- min. .\lusc:tt. at the bottom of the Arabian contributed a torpedo attack on the in the Several ofliecrs took part The object of the ship's Scharnhorst which led to the sinking‘ APRIL ISSUE, THE cones of their helicopters and on the Peninsula. Oflicer. walk. including the Medical visit was to investigate the condition of the German ship in December. pilots‘ helmets. Surg.-Cdr. 1. Dow (53). who covered of the inh:tbitattLs. to provide them 1943. She was involved in the Tirpitz PRICE OF ‘NAVY NEWS’ the distance in 13 hrs. 44 min. The with a certain quantity of stores and; operations and support action on IS INCREASED TO 6d. PALM TRI-II-I AVIATORS executive otliccr. Cdr. T. Hay (45) provisions to supplement their normal _I);t_\'. I9-I-I. Service in the East Indies AS FROM THIS MONTH took I2 hrs. 46 min. The walk started diet of lish. and to render what involving action against Japanese con-5 As a result. the gig of the U.S.S.‘ at 7.15 a.nt. and those who had not medical aid might be required carrier forces and shore bom-J Evans came alongside tlte jetty where] returned within I6 hours were brought After Loch Fyne had anchored. a \'oys. H.M.S. Albion was lying recently and i home in a bus which followed the boat took the Captain with the First‘ (‘dr. Shanahan formally presented the’ walkers. Lieutenant (Lieut.-Cdr. L. Sloane. palm tree to Lieut.-Cdr. Burke. In At the prize-giving on Easter Mon- R.N.. of Plymstock) the Medical return. the squadron welcomed Cdr. day cops were awarded to the Ollicer tsurg.-Lieut. M. Bailey. R.N.. Shanaban. Lieut. “Hap" Ayers (Exec). 1 divisions who scored most points in of Porchestcrl and too Stores Ratin s and "the committee" of l.ieut. "Gerry" I the walk and in the wardroom. after (S.P.0. (S) T. Hogan. of Plymout (iershaw. Licttt. "Jim" Dotighen. and the otlieial ceremony. Cdr. Dow was and S.i’.0. (V) .l. Caddy. of WimEnsign “IIrot.l" (‘onklin as honorary presented with gt "silver" boot. as the borne) ashore to see what help was, members ol the Noble Order or Palm 'oldest man to complete the t.‘t\lII'\¢. needed. The was accompztnied 'lrec .-\vi.ttors and hung about their. .\lrs. I). II. Lang. wile of .\l;tior- by Major R.party ('andlish. late of the necks the palm tree insignia of the (icneral D. B. Lang. who had pre- Grenadier (iuards. and Order. sented the prizes. made a brief speech otlicer on the stall of tlte Senior t\'aval i The otlicers of the U.S.S. Evans then in the wardroom. She is an American Otliccr. Persian Gulf. had lunch on board ll..\l.S. Albion and in a broad accent she told the and in the evening the squadron otliccrs otlicers: "I just want to apologise for I.I\'l.\'G AS FOREFATIIERS DID were entertained by tlte ship in the nty President's ever having ntentioned The headman. with a party of Atucrtean Club. a 50-mile walk. islanders. met the boat as it arrived at the beach :tnd a heated discussion on stores requirements took place. While the First Lieutenant and the Stores ratings returnt:d to the ship for the provisions. tltc rest of the party In fairness to









accontpztnicd the It-::ttlnt.tn to a small. \'erj- primitive collection of rock-built

you MUST see

huts. where the R8 irthabitztnts of the island live exactly as their forefathers have done for thousands of years. After the doctor had done his rounds. the party returned to the beach. and joined other rnembers of the ship's


COMING HOME ON LEAVE OR ON YOUR WAY OVERSEAS? company in rt lllttsl enjoyable hanyan party. The ship sailed that evening. to the EITHER WAY YOU'LL NEED regret of all on board. \\ho haddecided it was the best picnic spot in A CAR ON ARRIVAL the Middle East.

PURBROOK CHASE near Portsmouth and Southsea Nteho1l‘s cross-wall construction is a major design breakthrough.its rugged construction gives trreator strength with increased freedom of layout. larger windows and luxury fittings. JOHN C. IIIIIHOLIJ LTD : Fltilmbm Rd

Exterior colours are coordinated to blend with the landscape. The 196! NicholleHou.'se—envted 1 by all. copied by I few but. equalled by none. Portsmouth : Cosbam 70232 : Fartnxton




photographs of the POSTCARD following H..\l. Ships may be ob-

tained from the Editor. "Navy News." R.l\. Barracks. Portsmouth. price 6d. each, which includes postage.

Theseus. Bulwark. Ocean. Eagle. Centaur. Glasgow. Kenya. Ne-_wcastle. Albion. Ark Royal, Loch Ktllisport. Diana. Taciturn Daring. Chevron. Zest. Vanguard. Murray, Cumberland,


Brown Ale —rich and smooth Also nenrnt hand: (‘ream Label Stout —.~moo'.h.tI.'\rkand .~.".ti.-:t‘:.’itt;r ltr-ti llarrrl \\‘at nr-_v.~‘ Km: —BrSt.'t:n‘.~ ilfhi anti iu:'en:o.~:iice: bitter.


Scorpion. Liverpool. Apollo. Lynx. Salisbury. Sheflield. Girdle Ness. ;.\laitistone_ lN‘ewfoundiand. Warrior. Victorious. Britannia. Bermuda. 1'C0l’tlI'll'l:l. Alamcin. Vigo. Tyne. Jutland. Talent. Palliscr. Explorer. Porpnise. Redpole. Gambia. Tiger. Russell. Dainty. Protector. Un(_linc. Defender. Dartin'_.'ton. Carron. Whitby. 1 ,l-iaatbornc. Torquay. Mounts Bay. gllelfast. llcrmes. .-\rm:td:t. Yarmotttlt.

Lion. l-l.trtI.tnd Point. l.cop.'trd. Token. i (‘itieln-stcr. Echo. Loch I-‘:td.t. T::nb_\'.

:l’uma. lliztke. lixcaiibtxr. Troubridge. I RIt_\'l. Camperdn-.tn. Oberon. Cachclot.

Diamond. llerttick. ltlackpool. ’.»\clt.'r.-n. l.aj.*ln:rr'.. ficarhtwrotzglt. Sea

Order now

a new

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documents, insurance. shipping, taken





Jaeli'~t:I_v lraner of A. Taylor.of the C.C.l-'. Godonstoun from |l.M.5. L’rehin to ll..\l.S. Maldstone



A DAY WITH THE ROYAL NAVY WAS THEIR PRIZE :....;E1'°.:::::;.:*":a';°*’.:::;!:..:’:.:‘:::.:::.:':;'.



' .


whc" "'~“'§' C“"“'"“' ‘""’l"°d 5" Adm "fl"-‘""lv'- *5‘ l"|DP.V' I"-lllfltb div With’-"I-’€d In P"'~'P5|'t for Ihcir lunecsl comnli-a~iun-marriatzc. The luck)‘ «is. seen leaving the destroyer at Aden. uere granted ll l'ortnight‘s leave and flea lllllllc to the l’nited Kingdom lmm .\lalla. at their own expense. on April ll. 'l'l'te_v were to be married on April I3. Th rat’ 3; -r A.B. I)‘ ‘I (-hum" (or spuldingl: /\_B_ "m Johmmn wt. IL". John Patching (M sum)“ Culdmkn: LS. Ton’, spam“. (or EaM_ huumfl: ‘fight. ““‘h_ Dmid Page ‘of Phnmmm: and M_E‘L Mick Rom“), ‘or l‘.ambm_mmh. Hank). In the view" ‘hey are‘ reading from lmunm ‘U mp: (-hum". _'"h,N0n_ llatchinu‘ §pa‘h'"_ Top It" R Room.“ hm rim" is

5'.‘ Ni"I'i"a':_: §m_“num'i'I_‘c')‘:

‘Scott aids trawler’ \



n..\t.s. Scott.

.\'.i\:. \ttf\L'}lll;_: ship.


the'Rn_v;tl “us










‘ Nan’ at the Schtmlbovs and ‘n (‘Ct-‘ (‘Am-‘ rs (N B0/\t~tt) C g,|.'-;,, u;,n_ (;|,,.m,,,_'[hc 5;“. “.3, we,“ .' “in, “ S ' ‘ "M ‘\'”c ( "“"“' '-""l"l" ""“h‘"""l ;[§[hf_- |_~,;,.¢ {from (mnlnnsluznt 5-cltool recently , ,~ llll. l"c|}\ were gun \.l,l’. .: After lunch the buys toured ll..\l. Went a “eel. in ll..\l.$. .\lan.lstone. (l.l_\ utter cullec on arrival. fullcmed Suhtnarine \_\';ilrus. Then came tea, l'he l‘\u_\\ item to sea in the (‘lytle u good look when a specially made ""5 c_:iLe rer"‘"l"“"“ll"S the .-\t_l- cnnling the winning of their DFIIL‘. zlur. nus and had a trip tlemoltshed ti} on |lllhClIC\.lhl_\' 53.0” mg wlnc.i .\l;utlstnner:.\:tt‘nIt'l;tll0tl. in tmru t_\ n ‘.. “as lnt by three ‘" " "“““" "-'lItinte. from one \.tl'.‘n. ‘lu\l'[‘Ctltlt:.S the week l)u:ing on board the boys, jwhn “CH? impressed with everything ,thc_v xau. hzul opportunities of making ‘i:u‘lN:n_\ tr.ms.‘_c.-s to and fmm the .a;cn:np.i:t_t::n_- trigatc. ll..\l.S'. Urchin.


1', l:'a‘l.."."_.'




















jltlfi .tf.0I-lit








:1. t l { r' : _ \ ' _ l t : u l _..\. .iLtlstt\nL.



_‘j'l_"""'l"" |t‘:lI:'.'t\_ ‘qt|:llI.__\Illg “'f’_""k'









llltli Oi lV.‘llt.‘\‘L't.l lI.l'l'lL‘ '-'¢“i-




Slllfi licl.i:ul tn ('.t:npbclIu\vn. she xmsl R-Nu “ll” llldilr _D‘~l‘-' | ¢_\‘lll\L'llL'll by ttl\lrllu.‘lltlll§ from .\'uv;ilih}“' h'~""‘ '“l“‘"l3 ”‘"“ ll-M--‘L ll'.‘.I(lqll;trlL'l"i in Seutltnul. to go at tile 5( uldrme since March 18. Lvas reziul Hi the l-rench lishing traulcr 7'~"“'°'°,d “'‘‘m "*9 "9" bl’ 11.!“-'lW"l’lCY (iausmr. ulticli haul hrnkcn am”, gojoperatntg trum R.Y\‘. Air Station. lIt;iL'\ Iltlllll-\\'.‘~.in! the lslc of .\l.in. l-'u.'.m.il iileitlilic.‘-.tm:t umzltl lt.'t\e« ;i\\.itl zit) llll|llL‘\l. lite li.l_L' ()llicer Air lliutncl Lilies ‘in I!-c uxiutc .-I the llume Air ( nnunund 'llte LES. nuclear submarine Sen (inn ( :c\v\ puhlii: run at l,cc-vn- Wolf l\ at present in ll..\l. l)ucL_\.i:d.l . Vulcnt on May 3-1. il'ort~ntnntlt. int n \secl.\ \‘l\ll. fru,-)1 tun-Cy

n..\i.s. l)re.'nlnmtgltt. and the Polaris pmgmnmwl

: 1 8‘ illiwulltboq 1 (}Izt'(()r:I3:hi?al\(“tint‘h-iitiiiiic:rn"'2:l schoolgirls‘ I-‘iitfbition ti::I?t| .lai1nart' wnitil ..








w. l.. C. lsaite. A..\l.R.l.!\'..«\.. R.!\'.. showing the winners around Admiralty Floating Duck 58.

stim Lieut.






for Service People

i S


\\'hen you hank \\ ith the \'\'estmiustcr, you get service all along the line. First, the Wcstntitister has at special t\’:1\'y llranch at 26 ll:l_\‘m:ll'l(Cl, London. This ltas hccn open since 177: and is, in consequence, “ell acquainted with the kind of financial problems you meet with in the N:t\‘_\‘. Next, the Bank has hr-.mches at Portsmouth and Plyntouth which are always at your service (as also are over 1,200 branches in other tmrns throughout linglaml and \\'ales). l’inall_\', the Wcstntittstcr liank operates abroad tltmugh :1 world“ lllL' :e_\'slcm ul'n<_.:cnts and corrcspomlcnts. ll.‘\'t)llxvuuld lilu: to know more about our service to the Seninr 5t'|”\'lCt', “Tilt-‘ fill’ ll"-3 ll0"lil'~‘t 'll}'.\!Itt.‘:;\'I<'r l)’tml' In llrr .llujc_rt}-'5 S/rips’

} Nearly half of the ship's company of 240 in ll.M.S. Protector. the Royal Navy's ice patrol ship. are ‘

volunteers who requested to rejoin the ship for her present commission among: the icebergs; and penguins of the Falkland Island Dependengies. Ke nest of all to 0 back

mm Could “ ”"”'""“"'(“"1"

. '


(R. _.l





L | M | 1' E p

';-v) I1 () H ;All ‘ _'_ S “ '_ t ; 1‘ cl, I tlllttlll, l}nttr ) I mm -_-3 l ‘:\' \h'"'-hm 3°") U"1€'”"m



\.,_.,_.. ;m,_._.NL.d in WC vi exploits ll..\1.S. .-Xtncthyst in the 1 I l I R“" ]“"*"°'" U4 " I xmnhl like to collect photographs 5 '








nL'\\>sp.-.pct' cuttings

ill!” IPt'“l‘tl




“ill? “‘0tlN]k‘lfItl1t:

and 3 1 WlI.'l ier or nut tmj: renter can t me p‘ mt.‘.-—Yi‘:t.'\. etc. I). s. (EARDINEER. I-SA l{l".':nl-l 1 c St {Le --t. Ston-hi a. mm-,‘








.\n_ Mm .\..\;.l :‘\tr St;tt;nl:'nn cmtum l.’t n.,\:.s. A.-K km: in the hi l l'.‘.'!.:l'.':: \‘ .\l.‘. 4. ll l"' _




inizitl R.\’i Ari.’ iSh;ttit1it.



‘' ’ _


lllttlll re-tilt-llini: en


from lluznher

(‘ntn:n..:nl t\'..l:.mt) ‘l .'.12iu.'l'\.


your home when you get married. All the details ofthc scheme are in the leaflets illustrated here. to me personally, and l will send you a copy of the one that applies .




3H5‘-"*"‘l.‘§‘=‘.i',: ='[!"Ji’







aha“ M

good habit. Save as much as little as you like. but do it regularly. Keep your money in the Savings Bank as long as you possibly can. You will tind that it soon mounts up and collects interest—-ready to help start you up in the trade you are now learning in the Service, or for furnishing




‘°3°“‘5""“~ ,


A" Chief Nlarshal Sir ,



(;.r.n.. K.iI.l



‘V. L. ,


.\:.c.. n.r.c.. .\1..\1..

Chairman. H.;\l. Forces Savings Committee, ‘. '7 1.‘ Princes Gate’ London’ '




May. I96.)


fst target—towing boat -....‘,\


ll..\l.S. l-'cncer







(Bay Charger


above). H.M.S. (lay (‘hariotecr and ll.M.S. Ca)’




survivors of a class of I2 short motor torpedo boats. Their designed speed was 3.1 knots and upwards. 'lhey are now used at Devonporl as target-towing boats. This picture will no doubt recall the “Small Ship Navy" which did uuch tine work during the lust Ivar. are

Bmrrtwc iF()ll{l EflClANSV"l‘l.(cont’d) lanu-l".MS-








t I



Ill-ZN the arduous task among the icebergs of the largely unknown continent of Antxctic: Illorrs. the ofieers and men of ll.M.S. Protector (the Royal Navy‘.-.' lee Patrol Ship) lind relaxation in various forms of improvised sport on the frozen Sean. In the picture ahovc. with Protector providing the luckclotlt. secured to the pcrmancttt ICL‘ shell‘ which from \lm.'c to shore at the or the l.:luhcut l-tord. .-\dc|;nde Island. :i lfltllllllll game is tll progress and :1 keen golfer. (‘.P.(), Spencer Dunn. of Wliitchuteh. ll.mls. gets in xome stroke practice with .| black ball. The ship's echo \\llI|'ll.l‘-fl’, incidentally. recorded that the depth of water their "ice stadium" was 1.400

whmwm (AES Frigate). l (Continued from page 2. column 5) l-‘ehruary. at Cliatliam. tor (iencral -fton t.-\,'.s Frigate). Service Comttiissiott. W. Indies’ ;try 7. at Portsmouth. lor trials. llumc_ Stlt Frigate Squadron. l.’.K. ( omtnissions for Home Sea S':rvicc. l‘lllS'.' Porlstnouth l('). March 3. 20th l-‘rigzitc Squadron. ll..\l.S. Port. I Febru(':tr_v-rl'ort (Destroyer). ) l7.K. li.t\C Port. Portstnouth ((‘). at (iihr:tlt.tr. for trials, l-"ore":-.1 " ary. ll..\I.S. Striker (l..S.'l‘.) and .\'o. 3 Service (nttttlllxsiutt fl-‘.lr l-List). Assault Sq.. J;tttu;u_\ H, at li.:liretn.j early Mziy. I06-l. '.'-8th [Escort Squadlot l"orci_l_:n Scrxice t.\lidd|c l-Int). ron (.'\). Atnphihious \\';lrl';nre Squadron (B), ll..\l.S. Ashanti ((i.l'. l~'ri,:.ite). l>ehrull..\‘l.S. (7'.n'alicr (Destroyer). .l.Itl\lill')‘ or)’. at Devonport. (ieneml Service I6. at Chatham. lttcreasc from C. & Commission. Homc,'Midd|e East. M. party to l..R.P. complement. ‘Jth Frigate Squadron. U.K, llasc ll..\l.S. Brighton I‘.-\»'S litigate). JanuPort. Devonport (B). ary. at Portsmouth. General Service No. 820 Sqnndron. March 3. at R.N. Commission. [East of Suez/llomc. Air Station. Culdrose. General Ser- eel. 25th Escort Squadron. U.K. Base vice Commission. For H.M.S. Ark In the picture on the right H.M.S. Port. Portsmouth. Wessex. Royal. Il..\vl.S. Cavcndidi (Destroyer). Janu- H.-“.5. Bastion (l..C.T.)_ Marci) 5. at Protector is being brought alongside the ice shelf and in the foreground is ary. at Rosyth. for (ieneral Service for Hahrein. Service Foreign the harbour-master Mr. Penguin. Conitnission. East of Sne7,v'Honte, Warfare (Middle East), Ainphihious With his line); to the ship he m;l_\‘ have 25th Escort Squadron. LLK. Base ll‘). Squadron been his disgust at the inPort. Rosyth. ll..\l.S. Rothesny I'z\'S Frigate). .\l;irclt trusionexpressing or. rtt;t_vbc. he was "c.utttcra- 3 ll..\l.5. Falmoulli l.-\ S litigate). l.Itlllat Portsmouth. (ieneral Service conscious" and wished 26, to show on ary. at Devonport. for General ScrWest Comtnission. 8th lndies/Home. 5 his still’ shirt. vice Commission. East of Suez," llase U.l-i. Port. Frigate Squadron. ll.M.S, Protector ls expected back Home. 25th Escort Squadron. U.K. Portsmouth. in the United Kingdom ahoul May l5_ 3 Base Port. Devonport. ll.M.S. Chichester (A-’D Frigate). lI.M.S. Aisne (A,/I) Conversion). JanuMarch 26. at Cltatltam for trials. :lr_v. at Portsmouth. for General (ieneral Service Commission, Med./ Service (‘ommission. East of Site!‘ Home. lune. I96-t. 27th Escort Home. 25th Escort Squadron. U.K. Squadron. U.K. Base Port. Portsllase Port, Portsmouth, mouth (C). (A). ll.:\-IS. Corunna (MD Conversion). H.M.S. Caesar (Destroyer). March. at January. at llosyth. for General Ser- Devonport. General Service Comvice Commission. Med./Horne. Zlil mission, Home/Med. 27th Escort Escort Squadron. U.K. Base Port. Squadron. U.K. Base Port, DevonRosyth. port (A). ILMS. Palliser (A/S Frigate). January. ll.-.\l.S. Lincoln (A/D Frigate). March. at Rosyth. l-.R.P. complement. Of course I try to. But my pay‘: not at Singapore. for Foreign Service to Il.M_S. Aurora (AIS Frigate). Jannar_v. (Far East). 24th Escort Squadron save at Clydebattk. for Home Sea Ser(A). vice. Ind Frigate Squadron, U.l{. ll.M.S. Cnlntea (A/S Frigate). March. That's what I thought when I was your age Base Port. Portsmouth (('). at Wallsend-on-Tyne. for Home Sea until someone showed me the Progressive ILMS. Ulster (AIS Frigate). January. Service. 3rd Frigate Squadron. Savings Scheme. I only had to put aside £3 at Dcvonporl. Increase from C‘. J: transfer to 26th Fscort Squadron. Naval nllotzucnt but when I leave M. party to L.R.P. contplement. a month W64. Foreign Service. December. ILMS. Scarborough (A,/S Frigate). the Service next year I can collect £855. I96-t (date of sailing). Feltruary I}. at Portsmouth. for September. Far East (tentative date) (A). Sounds too to be true. Where's the catch 2-’ trials. Home Sea, Service Commission, April 2t, (964. I'll}: Frigate Squadron. U.K. Base Port. Devon- The Flag Otlieer, Air (Home). ViceAdmiral Sir John Hamilton. K.ll.E.. port. Which will you ILMS. Dainty (Destroyer), February (‘..B.. presents prizes to apprentices at wife would have received the whole £855 Yon nee, it’: n Savings 27. at Portsmouth. for trials. (To R.N. Aircraft Yard, Fleetlands. on Pm some for the pension» Pm Reserve on completion of long relit.) May 22. Scheme and Life Insurance rolled into one. ‘



t geneath

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I save!






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pension to look forward to when I retire “"5 ‘VH9 P"°"'id°d ‘'0'’ if anything hnppened to rne—well, it’: the kind of security we all want.

iCl"VtCC? '






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Age next birthday



| |







BACK AT PORTLAND UGLY DUCKLING’ H.M.S. P.C. 74—once a decoy —hunts the submarines


Ihi the April r'.i.s_m' of "Nm-_v .\’rii'.i." ;\"¢’pl‘_llIl(‘. who iiiiiiril the Ro_\juI .‘\'(l|'_\' or u _\'0IlIt.t,'..I(llHl(Hl in 1904 rim! who had llt't"II. one u] Ihe_[ir.tt "Mrr.l¢'.r." riiI_iI ii] rrirtls i-urrird out with ipci-iii! mim-.i iii Ihi- Mi-ifili-rrmieun ii:Iii'Ie'lic.mix in t’llHlIlli‘llIl!.‘./ II.M..S'. Tiirpoii iii I926. Ill I-Fhriiirry. I927. he took coiiiiiiuiiil ol )f.)l!..S'. I'.(.'.74 ii! PnrIIiiml.| N arriving at Portland on Febmpry 4. I927. I _found H.M-S. P.C.'M secured in the Penn's. I was not lrnpressed at my‘ limit sight of her. She_.was distinguishable froiii i'i"nie'reliaiit ship only byvtlfe White I lcarncd_. afterwards. that she had ; tiinc play an important part in train’






it.M.s. inc. 74;hullt .

Progi-lauitime ‘White and








the hull and engines of .1 “P" boat. ing ofliccrs and ‘ratings in the techThe in ms llndef dcsigitwas War lhc superstructure having been added. l nica] methods of hunting. modltied while building to act" as initimarlne decoy vessel or “Q-hoiit." It was expected that on account of herwith funnel the beThis fact 1tlIlltI\'Illp$.l together gave me inspiration. shallow‘ draughtftorpedoes tired by U-boats would tinder-run her. She was employed as an anti-submarine training to represent the appearance of a l cause I. too. had a more recent link ship. 1927-I929 merchant ship to invite attack. as her | of hm.-ing been First [_i¢utcn;.n| of specific duties in l9l8. when she vi'as'ia pioneer Asdic destroyer for two KING F.l)W.ARD \'II when the re- the proximity of the area in which the as she seldom_ went to sea. btit_for designed as a "Q" ship. were to act _ve:irs. and gained experience. which sponsihilitv was all mv own, sailing exercise was taking place, In such I’.C. 7-1. berthing on many occasions the A./S. vessel had increased was a hazardous operation. as a decoy ship. Iwas proving to be useful. However. with i:lo\cl_\' rccfed latcen sails tolczises, and hid- my httpcg and ambitions. were centred collect stewards and watchkcepers responsibility for the safety of the Below the superstructtire. BERTHINC HAZARDS den from view. a 4-inch gun had been 5 returning from leave to Bincleavcs submarine, and appropriate signals. mounted on each side of the tIcck.; Pier. at tltc Torpedo Depot. Later b_v explosives charges. instructing the The canv.-is-covered domes. originIN SAILORS screened by gunports which could‘ If lieutenant. anchor submarine what made. as a to do. were again. keeping all_v used in the pioneer destroyers.‘ be opened rapidly. In addition.l she watch the of the exercrisc its H.M.S. Thunend was nearing on had beett replaced by streamlined bridge rut-: MAKING screened by the high gunwhalc the .soiithwarned be derer. during could to remainsubmerged. metal ones. which increased the many severe By NEPTUNE either side of the deck. a battery of: in the winter months. and i On the other hand. by use of another draught of /\./S. craft by approxiwest gates mounted. throwers were later still. lighting the elements as l' signal with explosive charge. she mately four feet. but P.C. 74. for exdepth-charge the trom amidships to towed battle practice targets into and could be instructed to surface. extending poop. pcrimetttal purposes, had been filled Of 31 "I'I‘“""‘8 which other under F_I9CI C°ml"|3l_"-I depth chitrgcsitm out of llie a with one that extended seven feet OF TEST. Nhnvss I» Ch¢"5Il¢d "ICU And The ! ‘k-5"'0.V'~‘_f ‘ht; were held in the ready position. below the keel.-Tliis increased the Hue" To "EARN would lead P.(..7-I to It. I release gear could bi: operated from that me Having got accustomed to the hazartl of bcrthing considerably. The I here in so ihc tsridgt-_ Portland _Portland Harbour had pl.i_\'cd a general‘ routine of exercises. I was water in the Peniis was sliallow. parwas._back I “'51 \'-'Il'~‘|'t‘-' H=||’b0|1|'. Shit’ big part in my career, I had indecd'detailed to carry out experimental ticiil;ir|_v at h:ilf-tide or below. II.M.S. l0ln€4I ml’ Although Asdics were not available in wis. l’.(‘.7-t was lntltctl vii.-it is as "npucr" (Northampton rititzr-‘rt Heather was nearly aIwa_vs berthed I “I Ills‘ W3“ On‘? with deal an to attacking, h-‘IfD0ll_|'!~||_l"P05¢equipped at the Ice and .se:tw'ard end of the \\'clI the I310 sI|\m¢II mm‘! In fitted with stibmarinc. She Ws}I'Id. was enemy Penn in which I’.(‘. 74 was to secure. turbine engines.‘ and oil-fuel boilers. i dt-'\t'|’V‘|fl_tl "W ‘Um SW5" '0 ll l‘."_l“t-'_" taking up at least one-third of the Wm, H q,c,_.d of 21 in 33 gnm.-_ “high of the-I I-Ii.-ct. “The last place on (md s width. With a light wind it was relaearth and others unprintable. “tutu be quickty ;m;.incd_ tively easy. but with a strong westerly I had sampled the elements under I l wind one needed a great deal of luck l«IIVI\5 Wu“ THE PAST _var_ving conditions as a youth. sailing as well as jiidgeinent. ‘there are two Aittiiiiigh P.C.7-4 would not win :i.‘pinnace‘s crew of H.M.S. Agincoiirt. adverse factors to contend withprize for outline. or smartncss in ap-‘battling ashore under sail to land rirst. giving the llcatlicr :i nudge, thus with an iraseiblc Irish pc.-irauce. and was often referred incurring the senior oflicer's dis' as "The Ugly -l)ui:kling." the duties coxswain ofa whaler. when. in H..\I.S. pleasure. or. second. hitting the bottom now assigned to her formed a linl: with a stretcher. if one did the wrong with the seven-foot dome. thus inwith the past. Whereas. :isa "Q" ship. thing. We in the crew were all curring the wrath of the Captain of she acted as .i dccov for and he just scared us Osprey. To get into the Peniis at all. now sllc was fitted with Asdics and l still. Then later. as a leading St2.Il'1'l;tll. fairlv high speed had to be used. I could hunt for them. and at the same P coxswain of :i whaler, when in H.M.S_ 3 suppose I was Iiicky. In tltc whole of A view of Portland Harbour, I927. my two years. the dome never totichcd been "a sailor in the making." but I trials with .1 submarine which would the bottom. but I did give the Heather still had much to learn. Mv destiny be 3 test of nerves. as well as opera- a few nudges. fortunately. however. hail completed full circle. What les- tional equipment. The submarines when the Captain lizippcned to be sons would Pf. 7-I teach me? Tech- instructions were to proceed to a posi- on shore, nical subjects could be learned tion ofl St. AIban's Head. (live to 2’ ‘is STATl().\'-KEEPING throiigh the mL'tlItlfl'l of le;turi:s .ind periscope ilepth——and proceed on (I \\'lien the lottg-cottrsc ofliccrs were books, but the "kiiois-liow“ of dealing stc:id_v course into \\’e_\mouth Bay. " 92' with the i:lcmcnts was often Icarncil P.(‘_ ‘.74 [nut to proceed to :i Position nearing the end of their cntIt'.<c. ll..\l.S. in \\'c_vinoiith Il:i_\'. antl to proceed Heatlicr and the two "I"' boats acted through bitter cspcriet'icc_ For the ptimosc of .-\. 5. training. I :it l2 knots on a reciprocal course to as a convoy and were screened by the I special areas were zillocatcil in \\'e_s- '‘~ the stibmarinc :ind to keep Asdic con- four tlcstrivvers and l’.C. 74. This was I moulh l<la_v and the English L'h.inuel. tact with it. liead-on. until it was im- the realistic t_\pc of exercise which I well to thc wcstu.ird of l’ortl.irtd Bill. pcr;ili\c to alter course to avoid :1 col- appealed to me. Not only did it help I ‘lltc limit of each area being laid otl'.lision_ The ncrse tension on board to give .-\.'S. cspcricncc. btit also to I ion the charts. .-\ \scL'l.l_\' bulletin was‘ the _submarioe was. perhaps. much niaintain one-'s cflicicncy in stationI issued which inillcatcil the nature of I lltc kxsetcisi: taking place. the name. or niiriibcr, ii.‘ A. S, vessel and subI 'm;iiinc and lb: area allocated. with I time of lL'I‘ttIL‘l\t".l\_ ‘I he e.\ercis‘es, C l\:lrlL'(l-* for bcginnczs. the §lll1l‘l't.ll’ll1C‘_ H













V ‘








€129' ‘k"§’si'QJP0l .





'l|\\\C(l bulls




am! whilst


later. .-is t:\;‘:'Jl‘.'llL't.‘'.'..:s gained. still lt|\\Ill_L' bulls the siiliznariitc cortImziniliog ulli er -.-..~zilil .'ill'.'r ctitirsc jat his il;s.‘::tii\n_ lot‘ olliccts to iqu.iliI_\’ in .-\. SI. .:lltl liiglicr rzititig.-~'._ illtti cor:i:n.in.!in;.: iilliccts of sub.ttt:irines were given ;: trct: lianil tot ‘.illcr t'i\ti:s-c .:t svtll. 'Iltc procciliirc for carr}.'in_-.: t‘lIl these excicisc. hail to ix‘ stricllv .»h-' sciscil. \\'licn once the subrnarmc had ldivcd. the i:i\nim.inding otliccr of the A48, vessel was entirely responsible for the s:tIi.‘l)‘ of the submarine with which be this operating, On reaching the rendezvous the .’\.;‘S. vessel signalled the details of the exercise to the submarine. The .-\._'S. vessel ‘hoisted a black flag close up_ and when the siihrnarinc signalled "Ready to Proceed" the black flag was tlippctl. each vessel started stop uatclii.-s‘. reprc-cnting zero hour. i



'|'|,..n- t'O|]|I'\‘ it [into wlii-it (!\'Pl')' sitilor got".-3 slioro-siilii for gooil. Roll on. _vou iiiiglit t-'t|_\’. But just. tvcigli up for it iiioiiient svlint, it iiiennit. All the to Isl now gruli. L-i-iir. It-in‘:-. qiiiii-tor um! :40 on that eoiiti-s be piiiil for in Civvy Street--niiil that 8 it very iliffereiit. part. ot the occult! Si:n.cilili- i-inviiig is the nnsvvr,-r. ('3-l})l‘1‘lt|ll_\’ when your vo a think of tllltl it lioti.s'o to bii_\' sonic-iIu_\'. lly t-lll|l‘IIll;.£ 2-,~ii\'irit: now with I.ivi-rpool Itivi--itiiii-iit Biiililiiig Soi-ii-t_\' you (‘fill ttikir cure of tlic futitrc. I..l.ll.S. iiilils ii gt-iii.-i-otiii iiiti-rt-.~it to the lll0l'lt.‘_\' you SI|\'!'. IW?0|"'~' '1“-‘-' iiiiiil -tinil \\lll'll you ilo stiirt tliiiiltiiig iilioiit _\'()Ill' own ll()llts'l'u _\'U|Il‘ l..l.Ii,.\'. .‘-tl\‘lllt.'ti ('UlIlll pity lllt.‘ ili-pmiit iiiiil help you ;__-i,-t priority for it







Ill I.l.-T.-\Pl’lNC lhe A. S. \c<scl renttiincd stopped ll'Iii; not fill in flit miipmi Iiisloir rim.’ um] {I In it.» for [N‘U'ftt‘ll[(Il‘.'t of Ilir iI'liii‘li and brocliurr .\'rii'lur.-r" our for live minutes before starting the ‘-.'~'/ii-i'iii/s‘ mid Loiiii .\'rIium: for Ifiyiiliir IF”! .wlmii- you (Iiiil as for as mt-i'iig.s are cuiienriicd L.I.l3.b'. liars gut I hunt. attd. ll\c minut’cs b-.-fore the end ol the exercise. the .’\.,-S, vessel again r i'r ryfli[rig sli i'p.sIuipc. stopped. and the hull was tapped with Hud omen: Investment Build-non, Lord SI-ed. Liverpool. 2. .a hammer. until the submarine stirGluoovr Omen: Inn St. Vincent Sim-I. C2. London Office: Lincoln ttouu-,N-pti I-tolbodri W.C.2. tfaced. 'll'ic tapping acted as‘ :i guide .lI¢ri.b(r of Tlic lliiililiiiy.$'uci'zli'ra .-tuoriiitiiin Ito the s'ubm;irinc as‘ to the :tpnt't'lJilmate position of the .’\.,‘S_ vessel. It‘ was during these periods of tapping Plan lend me full drlilill and literature the hull, that P.(‘, 74 pill on her worst about your im-«iment turn to: bcliziviour. as it t'reqiicntl'_t happened that the siibznarine toi-k much longer stavici: NO............................RANK than minutes to siirfzicc. during which time. l’.C. 7-: even in a ntndi:r.ite sea. rollctl at an al.itmin,~: angle. and with BUILDHQG SOCIETY ADDRESS much iiolcticc. It sontctintcs occurred. that .'l merchant ship ui.-iild p.:\§ tltroiigli or in ,






....... ..

.. ...............................................






g ‘



the forehridge of ll.i\|.S. l‘.(.'.7-1 while hunting at submarine. Asdics in operation.

greater lll.tt't on the bridge of PC. 74. ‘keeping. both during the exercise. and vet the responsibility was mine. At itllL'l'\\;if|l\.when returning to harbour. the precise moment. I gave the helm cair_\ing out equal speed m:init-iivres. order to swing the ship's head to starAlthotigh P.('. 7-3 could not use the boaril, qtiickl_v fiillowctl by the re- sttittdaril amount of hclni used by she ‘-\:is as Vcnsiliu.‘ as a scrse order. and we passed the marine t'airl_v close on the port beam. , lady to a touch of the helm. and bemuch to the relief of all ci-ncerned. havcd l"Cit.l.llllllll_\. It was with a feel'lhc .-\. vessels att.ichcd to ing of pride. that I received a signal ll..\I.S. ()sprcz.' consisted of a division from (‘onnnandcr ID) “i\lattietivrc of sIcslro_\'crs. I-l..\t.S. Tliriister (Coni- well esceuted.“ Surely enough the mander l)). Torrid. Rowena. and "Ugly l)iiekling" set a pattern for the S;ilnion_ The senior‘ officer alloat was de.stro_\crs to follow. I was experiencin commanil of H..\l.S. I-leather. quite ing the thrills of a full and active life. a large ship. but an odilmeitt like I’.('. 74. In zidditinn. were I’. S‘) and ‘()RG.t\i\‘I5l-I A CONCERT PARTY‘ For several years Wcymoiith authP. -t() and some small l'r_v. used almost c.\cliisis-clv for C.\ptlt‘lt'l‘lL‘l'lltIl piir- oriltcs iiatl organised a carnival to post:-‘i. ‘the tlcstroycrs were bcrtlted in raise funds for the local hospitals. and well-sheltered water. inside the long all n:i\al establishments at Portland coaling jcll_\'. whilst Heather and a helped in mane \\ll)'\‘_ The A.,lS. group of oddmcnts were bcrtltcd in I-‘lotill.i had thi: task of organising a the Penna. zintl were very much e.\- concert party‘. To my tittcr surprise. poscd to the almost ciixttiniiotis strong I was not requested to organise it. but westerly wiiiils‘. 'I’lies'e conditions did (Continued on page 7, culuiiiii J] not atlcct li..\l.S_ lleathcr very much.


=-A'NEVER*-ENDINSC on-7 1,“? -\Vt\V\'- NI-TWS




Inshore Survey Squadr0n’s vital work


the llroails and deepens i A S dusk front. three stiizill

lights begin to stand out along the ever. is not limited to t.‘ottst.irtl re.s'e:i isliile-anil-yclliiii-paintedsliips turn into the iiarrim siirvcys Recently a survey of the ,,S.-. .t-titratice of (ircat Y-.irriioiith llaseri and steam slosily up the River Yarc. 's'ounil of lura \s:ts iitiilcrtakcti in com.\ group til’ lrtiiilerttten glatiee up :is t llc_\ glide past. shout the odd ribaldry p:in_\' \\Illl ll..\l.S. Sliaclslcton and lllts Rear-.-\dniiral R. V. llrorlsni.in.- .-\(llIll[:ll David l.. T\tcl)ntialtl. and carry on surtim: their nets: the r&'ff_\ltl);lIlllCfl assess their approach. and season one ol the Scottish west coast ('.S.l.. ('.l.l-2.. (‘.ll.I-'... \\.t\ prozntitctl l .S..\'..asstitiicil duties .I\ (‘omm.uidcr- nail on the (Zorleston side until they tire clear. Turning: inst below the road l“"l"' “l” l“' V”"‘Pl'-'lL‘l.‘ \l”\"-‘.\'t'dWeek-ends arc usuallj. sp:nl in the L. \-'.._-_-.,\dmir;.t to it;.;.,- April (L \'ic:- .ui~('hiet. lE.S. Naval Iorccs. liurop: hri_dl:t.'. they _come aliingside the main jetty in \':irt:iuuth town centre and nearest coninicrcial port. "this is popu. .»\rl:nir.il llrocl.ni;in entered the R.t_v.il t(‘l.\'('l.‘S.\'.-\\/'l-lURton April 9. ll: «pitch on their upper-deck lighting. _\ we in 11127 amt trom |‘l.‘-X to WE‘! l'CllL‘\€tl .-\dmir.il ll l’. Sniitli. U.S..'\'..i For the people of Y.irnioutli_ this tl\so 50-|i.p. l‘;i\ni.ins giving Li speed: l.ir \\lllt both the crew and the local he was Assistattl Sccli.'l‘.If)' ls‘ lltc l‘”\l' who \\lll lalsc over as i\..-\.l.(). arrival in three ll..\l. ships causes no ol ll knots) are also comnioti. but here ""i‘l""l‘- "Y “fltltillg out ol one |1l.IL‘.' lot’ several necks at :i time ll‘..lll',' Sea I.ortl. .'\dllllf.ll of the Meet Sir Supreme .-\llicd (ommanil-.-r. .-\tl.tn1ic. cm» and m, ‘,,._-wt-_.g,’.,,,‘ it i, gmiccd 3 the similaiity cnils. are made: local se.i c.irlels Likcn t_rrend_s Roger ll;iclsliotisc_ He was sulisc-‘ (’o:tini.irider-in-('liiel. .-\tl.ititic. and I‘regular routine. is liich li.is liappcricil Inf 'l'l'RN ON A SlXl'l-‘..\'('l-' trips at one port. the local lootquezitly Secrctitry to the First Sea l.otd. i (‘oniniandcr-iii-(‘liicf. l}.S. .-\tl.irilic many nights previously The lttsliorc‘ .-\ilniir.iI ol the l-lect Si.’ liudlcyf I-leet. .'\tltIlIl'.tl .\lcl)ona|d c.itnc lrotii Stirs-ey Sqiiailron is busy is-orkitig on. :\ c.'ip.iciiius bridge with .'l central b.i|| li:;ini \llit\\'fl round the ship .tl Pound, In I‘!-l.'\ he bccanie Sccret.ir_s the .\lcditcrrancan. ssh-ere he served .the approaclies to Yarnioutli once plotting table gives almost ;iIl-round the tint as (‘oniniandcr. U.S. Sistli l-leet. i visibility‘. l‘rom here tltc v;ii':able-pitcli 2 to .‘\kllllll'.ll of the Fleet |.ortl again. _l-'ttRl-Il(2.\' \'lSll.‘s b.itten. tlicn Supreme _.—\lliei| (om-; H.M.S. be controlled can airlopropcllors the csperinicnlal llroelslesliy. BIG ll().\ll-I-\\'.-\'l'l-IRS"I7-\SK Once a year the si.iu:idron pills .i-.s~.i-,r i "unit.-r_ Soiitli-lizist .-‘\si:t. and con-1 .~\. S. the" and iiianociivered slii;i' rnatiexilly. I ;\‘ovember. built between trii_.:ate. its surve_\ttig gear and .stc;itn~ across The Royal’ Naval Stirseyitig Scrvicc to turn on a sixpciice. tinned in this appointnient when Lord 1 | will be I‘t.ll. ||t_l‘), and holding April. has. niati_\ couiiiiiltiients llirotighoutl .-\tnidsliip.s. on the upper deck. there tlic North Sea tor a loreign visit. In Mountbatten was Viceroy of India‘ : and paving-_oll' ; the world. htit one of its biggest tasks‘ is a chart room with a large main plot- ml‘: "W lllfvs‘ \lIiDs spent live remarkand later (iovernur-(icncral. W47 W‘ a paying-otl ceremony dance during the week conimcnctng F is in liotiie waters. :\-lost n.iv.il ollicers. l‘t-lll table (with ample space lor plot- able days at Dttisburg -—l50 miles up tint: the mcnilier ol I : little 3. previous .-\n_s have met surveying shi s aliroad: ting and cottiputing the siirvcyl. and the Rllllltf.‘ This year they liopc to lle remaitied Secretary to liarl attend wislies to who ‘\ltl[1'\ company olteti itt tiut-ol'-tlie-way where space for the stowage of instruments penetrate into the Zuider Zee and .\l.-uuthitten when the Litter L'\)nl' 1 with the ('i.i\in ltitlclt should ° g‘! visit the Dutch holiday town 01‘ [tom-n_ tlieir need is obvious. but tar fewer and the main 978.-"D79 radar manded the First (‘riiiscrlSqu.idroti in .equiplutttliltl. (i.l'.U.. s\\_itn_ .\t..y ll) c'ii realise the very real problem posed‘ ment. There is also room (in the corner Despite the relatively long period, tlie .\lcditcrr;inean and tor I05! and; 3|. by the ciiiist:intl_v eltanging under- zidmittcdlyl for the ship's ollice. “P'~'"l at sea or anchored tar out in I952 he served in the Adniiralty as; Secretary to the l-‘ourlh Sea Lord. ‘.~\d- The Old (Cordon Boys‘ Day ssill be water conliguration along the easli I-‘orward of the bridge. below the seaways the ship's companies of Inshore Survey Squadron tum; nural llrockman tsas in the .\tedx_ter- held this year at the School on Whit I coast of l-Ingland and in the Tliames :i mess deck gives accom- tlie_ llorecastlc. a reputation for contetitriicrit. achieved raticaii Fleet and Allied Mcditcrrane.in Monday. June 3. and the annual in- estuary. 'l'lie task of keeping pace. modation in bunks for H junior (‘otiimand for I951. N53 and I954. spection on Saturday. Ju|_v'27. Old with these changes is comparable with‘ ratings. The sliip‘s galley and wireless .\lisdcmeanuurs are uncommon, and in _\t-_.e_ N55. he became Secretary to (iordon I-toys wishing to attend One or painting the Fortli llridgc once an otlice under the bridge are both ample Dunrshment iii any kind a rarity. the the First Sea l.ord and since June. both of these events would be more area is linishcd it is almost time to for their purposes and directly :ih:ift thought of a draft has an immediate |-is-i, he has been Principal Stall‘ than ssclctitttc. 'lhe Bursar at the resurvey it again. The tluctiiations met them are the Wardroom and ('.l’.O. and .s:ilutar_v cllccl in most cases. Part of the esprit dc (‘Urp.i which ‘qtiy-¢r in thc (‘hid of Delence Stall. l School would be glad to receive I1 in sortie cases are enormous: a Not and l’.Os'. Mess. has been built up over the past four be pre- large-scale chart of the approaches to. IIIWHHN. (‘-3-- note from those intending to over




‘ ‘







pli ccs





Rear-Adiniral R. S. ..¢m_ ‘inc “Mg should quote Scliuol ie to be a l.ord (onimissiori-:r oi’ the; but. during a I962 re-csaiiiinatiori. :i Adtiitrally. Fourth Sea l.ord and Vice-3 n_uniber. (‘ontrollcr in sticcessioii to when ll..\I.S. Shellield was first 5-loot depth til" water was found. Admiral Sir .\licliacl Vtlliers, K.(.lt.. commissioned the Ladies of Sliellield When lull-scale surveying was re().ll.l-'... the appointment to take ellect presented the cruiser with a Wliitc sumed after the l9.'l‘l-45 war. live in ()¢mb¢i-_ I963. Adtiiiral llawkins l-Znsign and Union Flag. both made til 72-foot motor-launches were comjoined the Royal Navy as :1 suds‘! In silk. "the White Ensign became the tiiissioncd as survey vessels to work I928 and alter quahfyrng at the l{.N. ship's ltattlc Ensign. ‘l‘liesc_ b'.ittlc- around the east coast of ‘England. l‘:tIgiti¢cl'il‘tg ('ollt.‘3_€. Kc.\'lr~Im- and scarred colours are to he laid up_In Known as the East (‘oast of England serving in Il.M. Sli_tps Iron Duke and Shellield (‘athedral at morning service Survey Unit, they pertornied stalwart Resolution. he qualtlied as a_siil_iniarine on June 2.1. lt is hoped to invite as service for seven years. form Dover otlicer in I935. He was l-lotilla [jin- many as possible of those who were to (irimbsy. Age. however. overtook gmcgf (miccr of the lltli Submarine concerned in building and lighting the them in I957 their replacements F“)‘fi“:l in I043 when this group to be present at the ceremony. As began to take shape in the shipship for midget submarines were. preparing accommodation is limited. admittance building yards. The three ships of the l‘l57 |‘rom their attack on the lirpil/. will be by ticket and inquiries should lnshore Survey Squadron, at it ticll..\‘l.S. of until I050 lie was Captain be addressed to l.ieut.-Cdr. R. 0. it. came known in I‘t(il, have hulls with inshore St. Vincent. Since May. W62. Admiral long. R.N.R.. West Lodge. 307. basically identical lliwliins has been ('l_ii_ef Naval _Engiu- Western Bank. Sliefiield l0. niinesweepers; their propulsion units eeriug ()tliccr in addition_to being the |)ii¢._-tor of Marine litigitieerrrig. Be-l Two l_F,.-\,R, ships. the El Qaher l twggn H3! and [936 Admiral llaw-> kins represented the Royal Navy at_ and El liateh. arrived at Covres on mghv football on seven occasion-. Ill- .-\pril}l|. riiter-Servicc niatclies. The third Matapan Dinner. held (Continued from page 6. column 5) 1 Vice-.-\dtiiiral Aiiiizir Sorcnssen by the Plotting and Radar Instruc- instructed to produce it. I was comR. Nor. Navy. visited l'ort.snioiIt!i on uirc‘ Acsuciutitin. was held in the pletely out of my depth, and was "" Purtstlttitlllt. on Marcli (goitdhatl, 30. April realls worried. but nevertheless fell It was :i challenge. and decided. not




years comes trom the fact that-. every ‘l'll0USANl)-MIIJ-I RANCt-I man in the squadron. seeing a 60.000Nornial diesel fuel carriedggivcs a lon tanker rounding the l\'.\V. Shingles range tit L000 miles and topping-up is course up the usually necessary only once a tort- _h_uoy andhasshaping the lhanies. personal .satisl"action night. "l that he. his rncssmatei, l"!°W|'}tl A petty ollicer cosswain. and an I-Z.R.A. and I4 junior ratings are nor- and his ship have helped to make that mal complement. 'l'he lirst-named is p:t§_s:tgc safe and possible. the three strips of the squadron are always a reasonably experienced sur- ll._M. Ships. Echo. Egeria and Enterveyor who becomes the captain's right-hand man in survey matters. prise. The cztptain of an inshore survey craft is a licutenant-commander lclizirgc .surve_vor or assislzitil surveyor are m lst class). ll may come as a surprise to others that such small ships are conitnanded by such relatively senior otlicers. This is due to the large ONTRARY to popular belief amount of independent surveying leaders are not born but nude. which each ship may be expected to declared Nlaior-Getieral I). 3. Lung. perform during the season. often re- General Ofleer Commanding Stst. quiring an ollicer with considerable lligtrland Division and Didriet when siirveying experience. The lirst he addressed artilicer apprentices at lieutenant is either a lairlv junior H.M.S. Caledoniii on Easter Monday (IS. lictttetiaril or an S.l). ollicer. and presented the prints at the emits. the liishorc Survey Squadroifs base l Iisliment's passing out parade. "Of course some are leaders more port is Chatham. and the three ships usually return for relit and leave in late than others btit no one is any good at November each vear. By late Fehritary it unless he studies it. Never has they hope to be at sea again. bttt during leadership been more important than the winter months in (‘hatliani drawing it is today especially in this machine I llfllllll‘. 10 _:t_CCcpt _il. bought books on the chartsrof the previous ye-.rr'.s work age. ll is now even more Amateur lheatricals. but all to no has to be completed. This is often than ever that human important leadership use, and time was working agaiiist me-_ done in the Sqtiadron's Base Otlicc should ride out ahead. The world is divided into two groups. the leaders ‘('0-0PPOR'l’l‘NIS'l'S‘ I-‘0R.\l|-Zl) ashore in Chathani Dockyard. Early in January. the orders (or and the led. and you belong to the By a sheer stroke of luck I was. liytlrograpliic iristriictionst for the leadcrs'_group." he told the asseniblcd introduced to a local concert party coming season arrive. ‘these usually apprentices. who \\ct‘c prepared to help. if t would have order of priority wliicltl undertake to raise a similar number criablcssome the year's work to be planned I.l-IAl)l".RSHlP AND PRl\'Il.l-iGl". of .sailors prepared to work with tlietn. “You are studying leadership beAfter the winter eales a Wliereas. I had been unable to raise out rtitiglily. thorough examination of the tidin- lcause you are being held tip lo the any enthtisiasni amongst the .-‘\..’S, burgli ('|iatinels the narrow deep sea rest of the Service as leaders. Leaderl-‘lotilla previously. as soon as the route to the Port of London -is inan- ship. however. carries -an awful lot of news got round that several young Any slight shill in position of responsibility with it but of course you ladies would be in the party. I was datory. the depths in this channel could be also get privileges. The funny thing overwhelmed by eager volunteers. tli.s:istrous to the deep-draught ships is that the more you take your responRehearsals were started in the naval that use it daily. and any such change sibility seriously the less time you canteen at Portland. and everything have to appreciate the privileges you must be detected without delay. went with a swing. The Yarmotilh survey has already get." A new name. "The ('o-()pportun"l think all us in the Sen-ices at ists_" was coined for the party. liven been mentioned this is also a yearly some stage or ofother study the great I had to do :i turn. Quite a few ratings task. In addition the notorious (i00tl- leaders of the may be claimed to be able to pla_v an instru- win Sand: and their surroundings are Service leaders orpast. They not. But ment. and I was able to provide quite‘ cliceked and resurveyed regularly. as. how often do we they may the recognise greata few from the local pziwnshop. ll indeed is most of the Thames Fstuary. ((‘oIttnued on page I6. column 5) borrowed drums and a piano, and in! The work of the squadron. howquick time had a reasonably good. and very entliusiastic jazz band. and: the .\layor of Weymotith arranged for‘ the Alesandra Palace Theatre to be put at our disposal. (To be runlirumli


not born









Lloyds Bank open in H.M.S. Victory & H.M.S. Vernon



Have your allotments credited to a bank account. and the whole business of budgeting and matting payments through the year becomes so much easier to manage. Regular payments can thenbe made for you as they fall due—by Standing Order. Or you may pay bills swiftly and securely through the post —by cheque. A free booklet, written specially for you. is available at either of these otlices. It explains many ol' the advantages and services you can obtain through Lloyds Bank —.such as interest-earning deposit accounts. cliequc-cashing facilities at other Lloyds Hank branches and the provision of 'l'r;ivcllers Cheques and foreign currency. H.M.S. VICTORY

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(Continued front plat l. column 2) addition to maintaining all types of conventional submarines. In his announcemcril the First Lord said "Rosyth will. of course. relit


Polaris siibmarines as well as the nuclear hunter-killer subnizirines." :ind Mr. Orr-Ewing. dealing with a sinegestion in the House of Commons to the ellect tha_t the expenditure would increase fears about the etfect of the programme on conventional naval forces. stated there were economic advantages tl'| amalganiating the administration of hunter-killer submarines and polziris submarines in the same base and the possibility was being examined. He also went on to say that "The Adminilty was examining a programme for increasing the intake of technical personnel.

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also Chatham. Po rtland and Malta





Mar. I963

sailing from llultg Kong for ; au;i_v. The ship altered course. and the Saii.-oii on April I‘. ll.?\l.S. Lion speck i:rai|ii;illy grew larger until It‘:-pt. I. t_, .\t, Mcticoeli. l).S.0.. ilinally it turned into a lifeboat with sis l).S.('.. R.?\'.} received a signal stisiniz ffhincsc in it. The six men were \ut|"er- r that the l’aii:int;otian ship .\'.ilion:tl ; int: from e\haiistion and esposiirc. btit. l N




lire about 200 miles Iconsidering they had been drilling for H\\£t_\' and had been abaiidoticd by her over three days without food or water. view. .\lost of the crew had been ;the_\‘ were in fair shape. Their boat.‘ rescued. but six were itiissing. believed surrounded by sliarks. was waterlogged to be adrift in :i lifeboat. A itumbcr jaml no longer scaworthy. ‘I of ships and aircraft “ere searching for The siirvivors uere taken abo:ii'tl l | H.?\l.S. the boat. and Lion joined in. Lion and placed iii the sicl. ‘ lhc ft\llu\\ll'lg morning, .it about l\a_\‘. where they quickly regained their INK). .-\.ll. Raj-moitil Sntitli. of Salis- strength. 'l wo dais later sis \er3. grate-~ l‘l|l_\. \\lltl was keeping .I lool.-out ful (hincsc ucre landed in \':iii;oii. lhtoiiitli powerful l\IllUClIl.Il\. siglited front where thc_\‘ returned to ll-me it while sp.-cl. in the \:.‘t .ihoiit si\ I'IlilL'\. Kon-,: hi .-iii. was









ll..\l.S. Albion operatim: off North Borneo

A.F. HAD HONOUR OF ;R. DECK LANDING —"l O 'A1bion’s work in N. Borneo CHARMED THEM ALL (Capt. ship. The survivors taking the first line


ll..\l..‘s'. Lion


ixiiaég PANEGO(lSH

istein of the ship, and with anotlier 450 lccl

is igvfrsy M. in. tl.M..S._ Albion, to bingapltzrc t"ro1i_il11 znttihuprei.ite-\st"c)elt visit ally (Iezicsscsi thtirkcdsqwuadron .oni',. (l.lCltt{i;C}l l'. to Hone .tt_tin|i5c hirlto [ll'l)t.lllt.C A. llLrIshU’. R.. ._l and 846 \lt..tnlIflg .



n',.m.ri._|'i ‘

|duémuns i'lIl‘“li;ri~‘i i-"'5'; ;ircpoflcfi‘ ,'S:,i£.[:,n,?'°:;::l‘: .









$01 ’AI)R0.\'S

ll..\l.S_ Albion and her helicopter

.M.S. Eskimo. the Cones-built “'l‘ribal“ class frigate (2.700 tons full load). had a most welcome visitor on a sunny day last month when Miss and mt “mm. has I“ "._1m|mc it “"0 Panegoosbo. a 23-year-old I-Lsltinto. rm". ,ung"._1gcs)_ had hm rcmmcd “pretty enough to melt an iceberg." {mm WC“ Mrrica “hem She had ban charmed all on board. I-or hm. nmgwinc g.m"_.ri"g .:ind lecturing on Arctic life. After touring the ship and talking ;< 5;, ,; to many of the ship's company. Miss Pancgoosho autographed pliotograplts 55 I-.mn;. ma ‘MP3 of herself for the various messes in the ship. company with ease and told questioncrs that the Eskimos were very c.\cited at having a British warship after them. She intends to write [named Admiral of the Fleet -Viscount about the ship when she returns to (‘unninghaut of Hyndhope unveiled a iOttaua. plaque at the Church of St. Nicholas. Miss Panegoosho lunched with the R.N. llarracks. Devonport. on April ;captain ((‘dr. 1. Ill in memory of Admiral of the Fleet i R.N.t. and the oflicers in the want Sir Rhodericl; .\lc(irii:or. ; room before returning to London. -


\\’()RK OF

L'I‘ll0UCll ll.M.S. Albion Colin Madden. M.V.0.. D.S.(‘.. R.N.l. Britain's second commando has been in commission for only eight Miss Panegoosho. the editor of the months, she has already completed her 3.000tli deck landing of the commission. Two helicopter sqiiadrtinsare no_rm- 20 as H.M.S. Albion was returning 1. ; .; i kI. ;



alongside their boat





e s so as


wind) Sqttadrnn tl.icut.-( dr. D, Burke. knots of \\.llltl along the line of the R.N.). llowci.-er. it was not a normal flight deck. l~'./l.ictit. .l:icLso_n made l 't1:I\:tl helicopter which gained tlic.oite l'lln over the SllI[‘l._\VCI'lI tliinini} honour of the 3.000tli landtng——bt_it round again and then cantc_in Io a Pioneer aircraft of tile Royal Air make a- perfect.landing-—coniing to Force piloted hv F.[l.l€tll. Jackson. a standstill within 300 feet front the : ., "I ‘N R‘/U" s‘l"‘“"°"' -



squadrons were actively engaged in crushing the Brunei rebellion and X45 Squadron provided invaluable help during the disastrous floods which affected North Borneo in Jantitiry of

Between mid-December. early January. her helicoptcr squadrons flew almost L200 sorties. whilst 845 Squadron flew more than tftl hours in Lilting. food. fuel oil and medical supplies to the llood-stricl.cn areas and in ev;u:iiatini:. villagers suffering from c.\posure and. at times. near-starvation. this year. I962. and



_. "'\l"D ..

3l!.:‘((:)‘!;i‘DC'l"T|Es .



The landing had extra significance lin that the Pioneer aircraft is not btisieallv designed for carrier deck operation. while ll.M.S. Albion had 4 all her “ti.\ed \\tng' facilities removed during her I961-62 con\'cr.sion from a comentional aircraft carrier to a commando ship, This was done to provide additional valuable space in order to inipros-c her commando role








The 3.0tl0th landing took place in Brunei Ba). :\'orth Borneo. on March

Q; ‘iii. :3; i,p_.Jib _.r{‘;/J )}3'>/." ,:’<*.’ ’*. -‘vli



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satisfaction and keen attention to your

requirements at

Submarines cruise


the ice

British subntarines, ii.:u.s..""' Two Porpoise (l.ieut.-Cdr. P. G. M.‘

Herbert. R.N.) and H.M.S. Grampus tl.ieut.-Cdr. P. R. Compton-llill. R.N.). recently completed an exercise An l..C.A. from ll..\l.S. Albion leasing the ship to land a Land-Rover consisting of a journey under the ashore at Brunei. Arctic ice pack. During their five-week cruise the two boats were at times probing more than 30 miles under the pack ice to test and evaluate equipment. Describing the trials as "very satisfactory." the commanding ofliccr of HOUS: PURCHASE LOANS UP T0 H..\l.S. Porpoisc said that his submarine remained submerged on one DEFERRED occasion for 26 hours. The subniarincs surfaced for "brc:ithcrs“ in holes in the ice and part of the trial was to rTZZTjjTZZTj1jZZjZZZjjjjj I ascertain how freqttcntly these holes I Please torward details House Purchase or Scheme your I appear. The holes were found by the I instruments that were being tested without obligation | and also by looking through the periscopc. The water around the holes was | Name& Rank.. ..Age much brighter. | Address.......................


Great News ! IMMEDIATE SCHEMES l00‘3i




GALE & POLDEN LID Edinburgh Road, Portsmouth Telephone 22052


ICI-'. 50 Fl-IE1‘ THICK The ice. ishich could be heard


"rumbling .'ltl(l‘],:f'tlill'llll§." was. at times. 50 feet thick. but the tliickness varied consider.ib|_v. ll.-.\l.S. (iramptis .sntl'c_red minor :i tlarttagc to the outer casing of her ‘conning tower Mien .1 block of ice A



isniashed agaiiist




I I i ' | I '

....... ..


............................................. .............

......... ..







I I . I I I '



.-\irnr.ui Tuell donating blood while ll..\l.S. .-\lhion





iBRi(i)THiERiiiMEETS Bnioririiiii




IN BORNEO the hot of Borneo morning. IN unusual l';miil_v reunion toolt |



P.(). Smith helping out at the children's p;trt_s held



board ll..\l.S. Albion at Hong




recently. C.l’.(). Ronald .l.eon;ird Corpse I36) was flow-in by


‘Rebellions—parties—blooddonations '



from the aircraft carrier l|..\l.S. Ilernies to meet his brother. (.‘.I’.(). Harold William Corpse (3-8). of 846 Squadron. The meeting took place on the helicopter dispersal at Labuan. North Borneo. the main centre of air activity in the aftemiath operations ;of the Bninei rebellion. ('.l’.(). H. W. (‘orpse is the Chief [Air Artiticer of 846 .‘s‘aval Air normall_s- enibarked in ll..\l..‘£. Albion. The squadron has. hosscscr. spent much of its tinte in Borneo since the Brunei rebellion hrokc out in December. Its job has been the tactical and logistical support of Army units ashore and in particular 42 Commando, Royal

work—Albionis there


'became top priority for the Wessex aircraft of £45 Squadron. Tons of food. fuel and oil. together with medical supplies. were flovin in to the flriod-stricken areas. Troops had to be ev:icu;iled \\l'Iilsl civilians sutlering HI-ZN lt.M.S. Albion t(.‘apt. (‘olin “adden. .\l.\'.().. I).S.(‘.. R..\'.l let't from exposure and. at times. nearPortsmouth on November 3. I961. to relieve ll.M.S. Bulwark as the Far starv.ition_ m.-re flossn to reception East commando ship. the ship‘s company expected to spend Christmas in lareas ssliere the Army and GovernSingapore and the New Year in Hana Kong. Ilossever. sshilst the Albion was nient services tool. over. M:irincs_ steaming east across the Indian Ocean in early December the Brunei rebellion (.‘.P.0. R. l.. Corpsc is the Chief Air C.l’.(). ll. W. Corpse (right) of brolte out and the ship proceeded with all dispatch for North Borneo. Thus Artiticer of 803 Naval Air Squadron ll.M.S. Albion greets his brother. Clristnias was spent at operational readiness‘ oil the Borneo coast and it has equipped uith Superiuarine Scimitars. C.P.0. R. L. Corpse. of lI.M.S. not until February 23. I963. that ll..\I.S. Albion tinnlly entered "Fragrant at present embarked for at peneral Hermes. flarhour‘f—themeaning of the Honk “Hung Iiong." )NI‘IR.\l.l\llt),\‘ rm mu received zr...: nu. service commission in the Far East in ll4\t' been .sd\.n.td to the (inlet “_,\|_f,‘_ “tn-nc§_ During H.M.S. Albion's thrcc-ssecl. Albion'.s brought the total I l'eu)tollomnn H..\t.S. Albion was tirst to arrive on Uflicer or (‘hurt Aiutitet rate : visit to l-long: Kong. the ship's" eonipany blood donation by R.N. ships visiting the station in December and was "'“’ ""‘i"' enioyed the many and varied land re- Hong Kong _since January I, I903. to 7' 0"‘ followed :¢ppro.sim.1tely :1 month later IN, .‘tiIOI7 \\'_ ll. lhonirvs-in. IN. ‘pt.-1 nmsnedl attractions of Hong Kong and almost 800 pints. A. .l_ Pain. ).\'_ oolttifi A. S-umrea. JX_ tiltinThere can have been few occasions. by H.M.S. Hemics. The two ships Whilst H.M.S. Albion was operating o. J. imeim. t.\. snow It. Watson. ix. arm: ' if its surrounds, Nevertheless. there was in the history of the Fleet Air would h-we met in the more con enial any. , nt-“v'C|' am)’ l=|'~'l\ 07 \'0lU"l'~"~‘FS it‘, l‘¢lP "‘ !h¢ Btm“-'0 ="'¢3'- "W ~"h‘P "ml l"~"' when" two brothers i





Advancements 3 t




i7' 5 i"iiii"' i ..‘.' Ai ' c . 4 2(2I < (i.'\hiJ1iii'ii§. mu. ix. .







have served. of Singapore entertain the muny_ u_iidcrpris-ilegcd helicopter .sq_u:1drons«-845 (Wessex) J W P mas-_: the same “um on the Fm. Ea“ had i, "N ha.“ fomhflroublcs muhc ist,_i;,_t‘.nmms. I 775-.i2.m Intel! 1) msus ( in. Lum Mm “cm mm“! M hm“. fhllmgn '5» 3°39’ '11 W. I.'ivgn.”i.’\‘. iriis-.4‘i A_ L; station in_ two _t’ront-line squadrons. station which caused H.M.S. Albion‘: mg \h|fl_ .) the senior rating. ! II’ l ' ) y,‘ l “ ’ l ; ii’. programme to be changed. ‘H.’ B .ieut. tr. ur c. .._.)-acti. l tn,R_ .-,~k"n'"_ ’_\‘_ ,’m.-_. i_ '51,’ lrtletirs. A s.L.C(.!_.§S".l._| F\.l_.N|. [close support of the military forces is, 71:44.; i;_ (,..._.m, 1 from the (apctushorc there. Between lvso lllIlldl‘cd_b|\)‘\. December I4. 1-, “_m,_.,__,,_, . ( ollinson training Centre :i_n_d from H62, and J;'muar_v 8. I963. hclIHx_ 50.9‘; q_ r;_ 3,-_ 53;,-.,,"‘ _\gx_ ....i.,,._the Hong lsong Sea school visited the eopter sorucs were flown l._l68 mm the \\'ade. M.\‘, b'0I7D7 o. it. sac-mi. ship on various days.‘ Perhaps the most jungle of North Borneo. Without this to Cum rém oum‘ Wetter successful event. however. was the helicopter support by the Royal Navy. Mx. maze. R. ll_ ll. P.rtmer. childrcn‘s party. Two hundred and the rounding-up of the rebels who ‘Io (‘hlcl fell) Ola-r C00‘ (5) sixty‘ children were invited--—-I50 from tool; part in the Brunei rebellion .\tx. H45? (2. V. Sheer. the Boys and Girls" Club Associzttion would have been an extremely ditlieult To In-tlu Chlet Ilnelle Itoon Artlleer of thing Kong. the remainder being if not inipossible-—t:isl;. MN. F‘7Ul F. (‘olnum MN. 90:”) l.. H. families of locally entered personnel .\I.\'. Xhl*7Ii,‘ l’. C. Donner. MN. l~'~77h3 Minln, I WORST Fl.00DS IN Ml-Z.\l()R\’ N lteuiolds. M.\‘. M7422 K. P. Salt‘. Albion in Over very many years Bcmards have developed an unrivalled «although on the day there M.\. 70”} A. P. Hinrins. must hzne been ncaicr 364). Ht)\\‘C\'€f. During mid-Jantiziry. whilst Britainl Io Acting Chlet flechzlicial Service to the Royal Navy, both for quality and personal service. there vicre more than enough amuse- uas shivering under the worst ssintcr I-;.\. i-M-w K. .\Itl!rr. Kit. 9027!! W. liaisments to keep them happy (aeroplane she has lsnoun. North Borneo was cock. Through Bcrnards it customer may obtain his Uniform and zieles. train rides. a pirates'_ case. see- sullering the worst floods in living At-it-ix Chlet urduncc Art-‘leer Civilian Clothing, and also practically every requirement of ~..sss, ‘slides. etc: not forgetting trips memory. follossing a sseel; of almost ‘To.’-IN ‘lI|‘rs.‘ G. S. MN. ‘3't‘i7:tl hlieplictd. round the harbour in the ship's landing continuous. torrential tropical rain. \\'. H. .‘-I. Hckiiliile. .\I.‘t' Hi'.'N-M t‘.. H. his family and selfincluding Foot\lX. I--l."l77 .\l, .\l.it\h.t!.'. .\l.\. H7“ 2 crafll and. as should he the case at any Tens of thousands of people uere Patler. F. T. .\lnu|d. chiltlreifs party. more than enough made desolate. livestock-sscre ssscpt svcar. Sports Goods and Wear, To Chief Artllrcr Khlpnright (nod none was left. lioucvcr. as the away and food stocks amt property Radios, Electrical Appliances, i.-5717:» t, t‘. \\‘eIlm.sn, \t.\’ ‘DC76 .|iili.licn had been supplied \\llll paper i lost. damaged or dc.stroyed- —and this l. A|,\'_ \\’. lli-inns. .\lX .\tIl‘t7 R. l.'. ".nhl_\1Il.4ll. Fancy Goods, Toys and Games, only weeks after they had been resist- In Chief I-Engineering \lt-cltallc bags tor landing the excess. lll cotmnun vvitli all other Royal ~. ing the aggression by the Brunei rebels K.‘\'. Nllifl-1 G. M. Rnnitldt. NX. FM"-‘O3 Cycles, Cameras, Ladies wear, \'a\;il ships ishich visit llong Kong. no wonder. therefore. that the .ship‘s \\', L. S l'h-llips. K.\'. l-KSFWI \K'. Jones, R. I)_ Powell. MN. l.‘l7.‘Z J. Jewellery, Rings and Watches, rneiuhcrs of the ship‘s conipany of the company quickly rallied to donate to KN. lsl7"."3 Il.IlI. KN. h‘2.i'I3 M. l. Carter. Albion ssillingly donated blood which the Flood Relief Fund, The weather Nursery Furniture, Clocks and at is badly needed for use in the ('olony's conditions for flying operations ssere To Aetlnr (‘hlet Hetlrlal Artlleer i«t~a<M C. G. Hmnron. MN. I-‘77<tt Chocolates, Biscuits and Floral 's‘crviee and civilian hospitals. This is! appalling and essentially precluded R .\t.\. A. Press. .\t.\'. MTTIIJE M. J. C. Part. .\l.\'. 'll"‘77 C‘. A. T.il|‘t:t. carried out on an entirely voluntary flying by Ii:u:d-wing aircratt. Bouquet Service. ‘basis. cach volunteer giving one pint of But the helicopter was not so To Acting Chlet I-Electrical Mechnnidan blood. 1 here were almost 200 donors. restricted. lt could creep tip the river .\t.V_ i-tn‘: I). t), ttnstrc. .\t.\'. 723%: G. A. Where customers prefer not to l)«srioiari. of sshom a large proportion have pre- valleys or between the cloud and the pay cash a Credit Account may viouslv gisen blood to the Red Cross. jungle top. :ind could hover or land In Chief Iileetrlelan MN. l\li‘:it- K, \\’ \Ii!ler. .\l.\‘. HHWS I in otlicr parts of the ssorld. ll.M.S.'as required. l-‘lood relief immediately be opened for settlement by AdBauett. .\tX. Mil-:02 t‘.. 1 Sutton.








' H m:]h"' ktr uklnvl $1_l|lc|‘J’I‘'fl 2:31.

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MN. ‘I02!-3: R. It. (arm. : To Chief Radio Electrician MN. l\‘l.‘!il). I. .\’c\-tmn. MN. ':'l",Tl l). Reid. .\|.\'. ‘Ale-I‘: R l. l.t:h.int. To Chief Coiuinunlrations Yeoman IX. I-It-J2‘ ll, \'m.LueII. 1.‘: ‘ 7444(- A. Sayers. l.\'. (>0-(l}.‘i l". J. Green. To Skis Berth Chief Petty (lllker M.\‘, ‘.‘t~‘o .\t. Deccan. To (‘Met “'l'rl 54317 A ll. R .\lm:el1 I(‘.uee«=n —t‘--oh mi). tII*t9 .\t H. L‘. Milt-an t('.utcror)'\Vriter It'll). No"?! l). l‘. C‘. lloxd t('.a:erury —-Writer din, Itkil M. tj. llarme: t(,‘a:ero:)— Cook (5)). To Aetlni: (‘blcf Mm-ati utlficer (.u:i l_tl'.\ In-‘i"l:l R. J. llaltt. To Anti: (‘Mel Aircraft Arllficcr tfl)

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I-‘. (2 \\ rirhz. To (‘Met Air filter Ill) 1 ‘IX i~n‘.:‘.: .‘-I. W. Pike. To Acting Chief Radio Electrical Arllfxrer Hirl L-'l‘.\.' ‘I02:-t'~ l'. R. l).I!‘h. LIIX ‘ll“il

l). R. .\liIlen. L.l.\ M757-I l:. C. L.m::r..:. To (‘hlet Rsdto liteetrlrian Ml!) L,'l-K h")~‘l7 L. 5, .\l. liaison.


Telephone 23535





'N..ts5v fVéw's

,'.. a}.

EIGHTH ARMY Enemy left port area of Tripoli a shambles j





inning to i.I\.'ll\‘Il}'. A

air IiIlLI\ and siihniarine most ti:ie.viiit'ort.ihlc night §v.s;is' spent at sea. h-.it i'. was possible ‘to Lind c.irly tlie tollossiag morning. .-\ storm had completely tsaslied away the hre;ik\\.iter. the j:tl:es hail been smashed by lhtttthcts. and the ll.tl’l'l\\tlf. open to the lieayy wt-.itlier. was strcu it with wrcclss’. (In laiidiiig. I met the .\'.iv.il ()tli.'t:r~ in-('li.irge and t‘.ie Senior i\';iv;il ()lliccr. lnsltorc Sqtudron. with whom I would he in close coiitaet. alter the l occupation in Tripoli Once agairi. the [/H li:\ [)!r'I'lUIl\ ur.‘u!i'\ ('up!. II oi;-Ii! Iim rulil ii] [hr Ir:-IL iIum' ul slrilrrutrln '2tL‘.'\ were all mine .-\ three-Ion lorry imil I'M! .\ruIirn. rtl Imili plui 1-\ u/ It‘/lltll Iii‘ um Ihr .\'uiiI! Ulhirr m (‘liirrgr l|llt|C.lli.‘tl to l’.idre Ilootli. Hr: 1:mmir_-.' 5 I‘N.i. hr niti mtnmrizl luv vi‘/Mr! In I/ti‘ ('.-in-(‘.. I.<'t'mrI.' (II ‘lI.I\I been ; “till ;i leadiiig st-.iii~..iii driver. and an .-fl¢'t'.rn'(Irr'rr "I'M \/u'riu/ \¢‘III(s’”l -.ib|.: s;.iiit.in b.itm.in. 'lhev were prewhich had hes-n. l.e\'atIl t.-\rIm'.r-at Ilarmmdl. Ill-i sitzttlalglrom (‘.-in-('.. read to me at inirlnight. m.iiIe further sleep inipossihle. so I alloweil ‘my im'-.iginationto' run riot., Vet’) little nt.‘\\_s as to the Pfttttrtn Ill ¢."!~‘""-5" "1!-‘ S(I.\ll-'. "I I-'..\lI'l)R.\R\' .VA\'.~\l. Western I)I.'\t.'h hart filtered thr'-ouglfanil my thoughts centred on the ports II.—\SI-IS .»\.\’l) PORT l‘.~\RTll-CS hetnist Tohrult and Iii.-ngliali. I939-I915 It was a relief to rise. and Like steps lrustiation ol the lirst order. With by to arrange a quick and easy turnover dilliciilty. the car was coaxed back to r-'. 1 II. Waight. o.n.i-'.. Capt. oi the base, This prctscttlcd no p.'ttl‘IlL‘tII. I .\lersa .\l;itriili. viltcrc. utter n_ti_icIi R..\'. (I'eId.) l was surprised to lind the lIL‘\\~ that I argiimenl with the military aullioirtics. ; uoitlsl be leaving the base ltad ;i|re.id_v l we were ztllowvtd Iv titles‘ t"¢I'\\i1t:¢ III -I spread. By tti_clitlaIl. a I'arev_.sell party Ii-cyst. truck. loaded with stores tor. h.itl been organised. at viliieh I was Tohruls. arriving there bruised and .p,irlng In movi: forward on the liturl't|_\ZIll_\' eiitertained by my st.ilI' and battered at siindown. We were warmly How. Padre Booth readily agreed that sselcomcd hy the Naval 0llieer~in- I many civil dignitaries. nl} st‘ It and secretary were sselcome to I took off from the airlicltl .it an Charge. and given accommodation tor l share the lorry. early hour on .laiiiiary 5. I‘?-I.‘-. lor the "night. Navy House had been ,\;¢‘-_.nd¢i;.. and sync" | mm-lu.-d down : hlit/ed many times. one part was rool- ] A TIN l'l~ZN;‘i.\.V’l after d:irk it was pouring w-ith rain 5 less. the other. leaning sideways. ready ‘; We loaded up with Llpprosiinatcly and the port L‘t|m[‘IICIt'.'l_\ blacked out. in .,-ollupse. However. we were glad to three weeks‘ prtwlsintt ("hard which made it rlillicult In oht.iin ‘ accept what shelter it provided._ I had fully expected to obtain trans- water and reserve petrol. I received at .icco:nmod:ttion. _purt to the lorw-.ird area easily. but. valuable hint Irom an Army ulliccr. I




The author sIln'e_\‘in;: the blur-kerl entrance of January 2.‘. I9-LI.








The following morning. I reported to the ('ommandcr-in-Chief. and was warmly welcomed by (‘not I‘. K Enriglit. R.N.. an old friend. who was now "Captain of the Fleet." No time was lost and I soon found mysell in the presence of Admiral Harwood. He informed me that I had been appointed Naval designate. Tripoli. which port I was to take over immediately alter its capture. He quickly gave me an outline of the obieclive ot‘ the tiighth Army. and then instructed me to contact the main Naval Party “X" assemhled in Alexandria. awaiting sea transport as soon as the Z||'IDI'(1\tltt2IlC date of the iraptiire of Tripoli could be given. I was to be kitted up with b;ittle~ dress. and the necessary kit and implements required in the desert.






om...-as-n _,-, rum



;F'{. 4"

‘nu-usvou II I Inn



.... 4

driver. killed


‘;._.,._'_.:.=.v_=_, ‘


TFIIPQJ maaoti-1 9-Iowma

to see that my up. and report as quickly as possible n-at--o-urumce IQI when "Ready to Proceed." to overtake on-u s.-—-..-nu s...-.no—-. 4 c, the advanced part of Naval Party “X" in--in-us.‘ H. mm J -.>~.s 0| our-1 p somewhere in rear of thc liightlt Army. \\’itliin three days. I reported to the ' An unusual drawing of the harbour at Tripoli. showing the demolitions (‘.-in-('. Ile at once spotted that I was and wrecks which Capt. Waighl and his party found. not wcarim: my medal ribbons for the First World War. and he instructed me much to my dismay. I was informed who pointed out th.it. as there would to obtain them and to wear them that there was no immediate prospect be many Army lorries on the road. always. l~'inall_v he wished me tmotl or ro:id or air passage. Whilst taking :1 we ought to have an autlioritative disview of the many wrecks within the tinguishing mark on ours. otherwise. luck. and to get going. harbour. and the devastated buildings. we would he forced into convoy. A A G RI-CAT A l)\'I~I.V"I‘URF. I observed shipping _rnovemcnls taking (_'ommodore's Pennant was cut out in At first light. on or about January place and. on learning that it was a tin. painted with the correct markings. for and secured to the radiator cap. It I0. I‘!-I.‘-. I departed from Alexandria. convoy _undcr escort. in company. with my secretary. l.ieut. : llengliazi. lconsultcd the N.0.l.(... and certainly did the trick. non. R,N.\’.R.. with car and driver. ; he held back an escort vessel to allow Starting ofl at lirst light. less than {Ur dc‘lin;llE("‘ ”nkn('|\\'n_ To m¢ it 2 us to take pzisstigc. 50 once again. my 2-8 hours after arriving at Bengliazi. we









great adventure. A||lll|L‘lil|l=lll\\ent well as far as .\lcrs:i Matrult. a AT BI-'..\'GllA'I.I inuch-battered port. where we had a The voyage was extremely rough. meal of “hard tack" and -.i shzikedown. leaving for Tobruk at first light. The i and on arrival on ltenghazi. ii few d-.iy.s road was full of shell-holes and the later. in the late afternoon. :1 signal





reached Biierot. where the rear Army was cncrimped. by late afternoon. but



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to share his encamp-



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only stayed long enough to refuel. stretch the legs. and take refreshment. By sunset. we had reached the miter periphery of 3 large enemy minefield. the convoy and decided to choose a spot to Ieagucr going was rough. and then. when only was received instructing dawn. up for the night. Whilst doing so. the until haul oil I0 miles out. it big end went. This was and escorts to senior officer of :i Tank (‘orps detachment rnenl.

Gieves and Bakers Naval Branches. Just ask for our representative. or better still call at one of our Briinclics


The Secretary THE VICTORY EX-SERVICES CLUB 63-79. Seymour Street. London, W1 A PERFECT CENTRE FOR SEEING LONDON (2 minutes from Marble Arch ;








car and secretary was also


Iiiiislied up with a sut-_--song. lliis W.“ ;i despatcli rider llL'.ItIs‘tI us oil. and I piloted us back into szilcty. comratlesllip ol thc highest order. The following morning. while pre-l It was here tli:it I took over the Irom ('dr. paring to brancli otl across the dcs‘ert._I .-\dv:inccd Naval Party to pick up the line of advance ol the (‘owlet Thomas. R.N.. and coilI-Eighth Army. the comimiiding otllcer formed In the movcini:nis ot XXX oi the [kink Corps noticed that our,('orps. moving fori\:ird intniediately battles to!‘ which we were cyclorry was not titled with a comp;iss.|thc 1 lic was surprised to lind a nasal unit witnesses) of Bene Ulid. 'l'.ir|uina. and without any means of steering a com- ('astc| lteniio hail been fought and pass course and at once _s-applied om: “on. on loan. had it corrected tor d\7\"l..llIl.IIl. R01“) 10 .l.R",("_J "PEN and fused to the lorry. Ilus was indeed , I \\’e were lcagiicrcd up five miles “g“d“."d_ _,\nL.r 3 mp me, high mugh_ \1,.n_\ Irom ( astel Benito. on_ the night of “hi?” II N!‘ h==I|'"t"-I l:I"l|if"_.\‘_ 33-_ “'43ground. strewn with niassive boulders. that Ir-null had bccn tr-imurcd. '-and and other stretches where the grnttntl was damp and hoggy. in which we "'1" ll‘C_ ¢"'5"‘.V “F”? l_“_1|_".V ‘IINIC-I “"3 '01!“ b¢."0|“l~ several occasions. we were stuck on "'10, ll'!P0lI V-‘IN fortunate enough to contact a New lrcc I0 _=Ill- ‘-"Id &'4If\'- ll‘l"|=“‘- !t‘°P-5. '-I_fld Zealand division setting up camp for '=\‘¢|')'Il"“$ 9" “'l|5'¢l‘- W¢|'¢ I‘-|¢l"l! the night. and we ioined tltem. Dark- into the port. The Italian naval bar(less descended quickly. ‘ind through- racks were located. two miles out from shipping centre. Although out the night there was intense quiet- the ness. and not a glimmer of light damaged. and the main drainage comwere anywhere. although many hundreds of pletely blocked. these quarters occopied hy Advance Naval Port men were entximped. My diities were now to start Party A BREW OI-' Tl-IA in real earnest. We had entered Tripoli at l0.0 am., "First light" was the keyword of all activities. The night had been intensely and some of the buildings in the cold. and within a short time there liarboiir area were still burning. the were hundreds of small petrol tires enemy having made every etlort to aliglit. made up of old tins. partly tilled : render the port unworkable. While Party "X" were settling with cind saturated with petrol. Water was soon boiling. and a brew of tea. down in the ltaliaii haracks. I. with the smoky. and without milk or sugar. was .-\dmir:iIty Bertliing Oflicer. and Salavailable_ Then followed :1 short spell vage Olliccr. commenced a preliminary to attend to the wants of nature and survey of the jetties. piers. and parcamp was broken and we proceeded ticularly. the entrancc of the harbour the breakwater. Here. to our on our way indepeiideiitly. ()n January I8. I9-I3. contact was .dis-may. we found it to be blocked made with Naval Party XXX 'completc|_\'. by eight ships and other Corps. and 86 Area (iroup. (iood oddmenls. nliicli presented a Iormid~ fortune was still with us. for we had ahlc. problem. On closer inspection. it was found that the centre ship was by-p;_is.set_lintothc encampment and were mainly concrete-lsiiitt and as it was enemy-occupied territory. running We had. liowevcr. been observed. and (Continued on page ll. column I) '





.|.R|N“I V01‘, l o

Tripoli II-arhuur



Te lephone:

Lrndoll Plymouth Cburium Ilknmxmh lhulmoulll Ihrh F.-linbutgh I.(n.Iooil.-pry Alglm (.';.hmlu; I'.i‘-wpoot Sanrhmrprim Ilumaur ("mantel ('aw|'bnl.-r II':'rrd«-rri-I flu-rkufnuu ('.Imbn'.ee







H.M.S. Auriga at’ Newfoundland


llll.S'l‘ carrying out search and -As vmll as sampling the local hosrescue-duties in comedian with pitality and generosity the ship also the Queen's visit to Australia and cricket. rugby. soccer and even New Zealiind. H.M.S. Cavalier (Cdr._ ‘netball against the islanders and found W. G. B. Black. R.N.). recently paid that they were just as strong in this it \\.lt to the Fiji Islands. field too. However. despite losing at After three days in Suva came the- lcricket and rugby to the strong Fijian real high-light of the trip when a tour .ship‘s teams gave a good of some of the outer and less _frc- account of themselves and the games quented islands was carried out. visits were thoroughly enjoyed by all those being paid to l.evtilta.Savu Savii. Lorna who tool: part. Loma and Moala: The Fijian rcptita‘I-‘Ll-ZAGLI-2'5‘ ANTICS tion for hospitality is world~famous No account of the ship's stay in Fiji and the ship‘s company soon learned that it was quite justified. Elaborate, would be complete without mention of the ship's- pet monkey.‘ welcoming ceremonies; with the serv- !‘l-'lc:igle.", Since there are no monkeys in_ Fiji. ing of the iiationaldrinlt of kava‘. took’ place on each occasion. to'be followed r"Fleagle'_‘ attracted great attention§‘a'nd_ antics seemed to fascinate ‘the by rnagniticent displays of singing and lhis dancing. In Loma l.oma El feast was islanders who came to_ look round the served which was of such dimensions ship. (‘rowds of excited Fijians, young old. would gather to watch that even I86 sailors were temporarily astonislied. (Continued in column 3)










Naval Port Parties

(Continued from page l0,eolumn 5) ivey,



I. '

H.M.S.‘Anri:a."".56 the 6-thtlstiilltll-airine pm...

Scotin, seen arriving at the United States Naval Base at Argentia. Newfoundland. in mid-March


_was found that some


p".”T°d' as!gc"“;1]_"J“" °h"‘ . " 5' ( "] ‘ ‘é’°’°b§"" l"_ “fcrc

(Continued from column 1) essential to clear the entrance “ "N "T 0° 3'"“p5 "Fleagle"eating or merely playing. He quickly as possible. the Salvage Ofliccr made cvcrv effort to commence diving d'5‘°'°l‘d M” 3"“ 'h°"- 3"‘! “'5” contributed in no small way t_o the operations: and to commence blasting P"°°‘”“.'°" Md '° b° “kc” ‘'h"‘"3 success of the visits and for may of the islanders was. in fact. the main it w;i_\' through the concrete 5lliD.‘Ey '"‘P°‘-'"°”dawn the followingmorning the tirst The Area Commander. Colonel thing by which_H.M.S. Cavalier will be convened a provisional remembered. explosive charge was tired. Trollope.-had Around the liarboiir everv jetty and i meeting of the Port Executive Com- .‘.'y.h".¢ “'5 ,5."'ll'. WE‘? 3l‘l'3Y {T°'.“ ""3 """"? “landsv ll‘? 5l"P.-5 bollard had been destroyed. and l mittee at 5.0 p.m.. and here. the reports craters. many feet deep. and 30 and "of the siirvevs made throu hotit theI“'h3l¢|’_W33Wnivwllh 3 P3"1".'?f “V5”-t0 feet wide. adjoincd each other along day were discussed. and pans con- .Mid‘h'P.m‘”' 1- ’- Blackhaint RN" the full length of the jettics. Small sidercd for immediate application, to "" '-‘h3"8°- ‘0 "'5 ,5m-1" '5l3l'.'d 0‘ craft had been stink alongside and enable the port to be opened up and Mbcnillmv 3.50"‘ 3,""'¢5 3°“lh'W°5i 0‘ larger ships stink in the approaches. , repairs eficeted. This was essential to -,W"'- “W '51“”d '5 W°""H*'"“°“5 fol’ while the main arm of the breakwater. lenable convoys of stores. petrol and W3 'lr¢'W‘\'l‘¢l'5- bl" 3l"1°"8h "0 fin‘ which was built to give niaxinium{ammunition to be rapidly discharged? walking was seen the trip proved most interesting and an unforgettable exprotection from the sea in bad, on arrival from Alexandria. weather. had been breached. Two officers. upon whom much perience for all who took part. For a week. the party lived the everyday life «depended. h:._d already commenced ! of Boony vrR__‘ps FOUND lactive operations. These were the! the villagers of Mbengga. an island ‘. I l l-l'b dl where electricity has not yet arrived "' “"'-""5-'~ d‘ “ “" m” l‘d'"p'“"‘" Whitc.l Olliecr. Lteut. ‘Salvage later it vias found that l_()-ton concrete R.‘\'_\t‘R‘. and the Colonel in com-5 and outhoartl motors are the only form l niand of the Royal Engineers. The of niachinery known. They accoml""“*’«“~ ""-' “m ‘‘‘"'‘”3' 5“? ! Roiiil Navy had to rely on the loan panied the villagers on spear-lishing and help of_ the Army and hunting expeditions as well as i of '3" I technicians. a most experienced and exploring the island and even learning : ; t. to speak a little Fijian! Here.‘too. ctlicient body of men. oil-fuel and all tanks the sabotaged. were impressed by the warmth blasted. During this preliminary stir(Tn he cotitiriitvd) an generosity of the Fijian people. -







b,"_“:l‘_-‘ ""‘l“l_"'°_” ‘l’":" '_‘|‘_f‘“.‘f.‘ 5“ ‘h‘: _l"‘_l_°.‘_l:;'l‘_l .’]":"°“ ml fin‘ "_"d :i““| :‘‘'f

'}:";;""*‘ “'1-hlL‘r°‘ 5"“;“d ..








itCanadian Royal: Navy out of Halifax, Nova




Mail ‘on the dot’

and became accepted members of the


H.M.S. Cavalier returned to Suva for fuel on February I7. before sailing for a period of maintenance in Auckland. New Zealand. '


Grace. the Archbishop of HISCanterbury will be visiting Chat-

.M.S. DALRYMPLE (Cdr. H. R. Hatfield, l-l.N.), which has

recently been (‘II'l')’lIIfl out a survey in the Persian Gulf. reports that on each

of the three week-ends which were spent on the survey ground. mail has ham on Saturday. May 4, and Sunday, been dropped to the ship by R.A.I-‘. May 5. He will be staying at Medvray Twin Pioneer aircraft. House. as the guest of the Flag OB- On the last occasion it was generally cer. Medina‘. and Admiral Superinagreed on board that the aircraft‘; tendent. Cliatharn. At I030 on Stinday. May 5. the pilot had missed his true vocation and Archbishop will preside and preach should have been driving fighter at Sting Eucharist in the Royal Dock- bombers. From a height of about 60 yard Church. This will be a combined feet he managed to release the mail so naval and dockyard service. and there that it almost parted the hair of the will be no forenoon service in St. coxswain of the ship's motor-cutter George's Church. H.M.S. Pembroke. which was waiting below.

that day, These mail drops were a great The Chaplain of the. Fleet. the Venerable Archdeacon R. W. Richard- blessing‘ and did a lot to maintain morale on board. son. will also be present. on






easy for others.

the same. Some

.\Ianaging money is much

Sonic can't. But \'.'l1CtilCt' you're with it or \\‘llt.‘Ii1Ct‘ you’rc not, thcrc’s no question about an account at the .\li(llan(l Bank. It will simplify yotnj own money management right from the start. Find out how we can help you. Ask for details at at convciiicnt Midland Batik branch. can.















I The nflicial Opel‘-'ng of the Stockton Royal Naval Association ('luh. Left to right: Shiptuate l.. G. Langstall. Shipmztte I-I. Waite thranch president]. Rt-ar-Admiral J. l.. L‘nwin (area president). Shipmate I". Waite (branch chairman). Shipmatc J. Ray nor (secretary)


example of faith. generosity and hard work has been given A bySTRIKING the sbipenates of the Stockton-on-Tees Branch of the Royal Naval

Association. New club premises‘. costing £l7.000. were ofleially opened last January. only It years after the branch came into being. In l‘)5'.'.’scven ex-Royal Navy men Newcastle llrcwcrict l.td., tltc proceeds ymct regularly in a Stockton hotel to from the sale of the original club and Itall; over the "good old days" and more help from the members themthey decided that the hr.tuclt Slllltlld selves. acquired :1 site and started on have its own home. the new pr.-nuses in William Street. I 1 As the result or pcrmtml contribu-k Stockton. ‘lions. a v.triet_\ of lllttlld)’-fitlxlllgi l.\ll'tlSl.\‘(Z Al’Pl-IAR.~\.\'('I-I events‘. and much hard norl»; :md' The tlt.'\\‘ club C0ll\l\li of two main perseverance. the new branclt had sullicient money to buy :ttt old house rootm on the ground tloor and one on the ltl'.s’l lloor. The building has an and equip it as a club. imposing cxtcrnal appearance and in of the Royal .‘\':nal Axvociation. Left to right: Shipmate (Kent) Presentation at .-ship‘.-4 wheel to the that this propcrtg. had only ‘Illt: Realising l.. (J. Murray (vice-president). Shiprnate C. Philpott (hon. secretary). Shipmate Capt. I). Mnctntyre (president), a temporary life. the branch. with frontlobby is a ship's bell which came the light flcet carrier. H.M.S. ('dr. Aitlten. Mr. Ii. 3. Ratelile. Shipmate 0. B. Lewin. Shiprnate E. Standing (chairman) and Shipn-rate A. Anderson linancial backing front Scottish and (ilory. The lounge is extremely comfortable with easy chairs, etc., and the bar, a feature of the lounge with its‘ bevelled front and back tnirror. it most spacious. One of the members. Shipwill all agree that this is really the mate Alan Todd. has created an most generous and magnilicent gift attractive mural in an appropriate that has ever been presented to us." naval design. attd he asked Mr. Ratclillc to consider The ladies are well c-ttcred for with I-"ll-IR searching high and low for himself an l1(It't0l’1tI’_\ sltipmatc. IS _H:'.Il'.\‘ For a ship'.s wheel to compowder room and cloakroom l'aci|itit.-.the 40 who atlcttdcd the l Among Pl!“-‘ Ill! rufflishinlfl "7 5'5‘ ‘'-“¢‘'‘-" “*9 i birthday cclcbrations. were guests from 3 Ill-'. first chairman of the Sherhorne Branch of the Royal Naval Association on the libel floor and there is a comA.-thlord (Kent) Branch of the Royal; the (iillinghant. l-'olltstonc and to years, Rear-Admiral C. II. For. ('.B.. died mittce room \\'illL‘ll, later on, may be its the and for president past Naval Association found unc—int ( hatham llranchcs. adapted as a cocktail bar. on April 2 at Sherborne. aged 89. Awrhford tour. The premises‘ are heated by an BRA;\i(.'Ill-;‘s‘ T0 \’lSl'I'S At the funeral service in (‘astlclon engines were built itt (ilasgow and the automatic gas-lired system which enThe nhccl nas presented at the; branch‘: l5th birthday celebrations on 3 Bctncctt Hay l0 and May I7 Church. Sherbornc. on April 6. ship- coal we were hurtling came front West sures a comfortable temperature. April 6 by Mr. I‘'.. ll. Ratclillc. area! r\s'ltl0I'd llranclt members are touring mates of the branch were present. to- Port. New Zcaland. 'l'o these factors, Tl-INTI! AN:\'UAl. IJINNER manager of the Hastings and East the l-‘en Country and the Broads. They gethcr with the branch Standard. "lite coupled with the skill of the captain Sussex Building Society, and came will stay at Great Yarmouth and visit service was‘ conducted by the Rev. W. and crew. we owed our victory over The Stockton Branch recently held of disaster. the had We coach. branches a great reception its l0th annual dinner--a most success~ Carroll. hottorary chaplain by from (:5 High Street. Ashford. shipmates in other Admiral when the of old returned to Sydney. ful occasion. The branch president. ship premises belonging to the Society. It is This is quite a new idea and everyone branch. who spoke highly Her gurvival had given rise to a surge Rear-Admiral J. H. Unwin. and Mrs. well over I00 years old. baud-made in in the Ashford Branch is hoping that Fox's keen interest and support of the teal; and believed to have been sal- it will be a tremendous success and branch in all it< activities‘ ever since it of pride among the people oi (ireat Unwin were "piped on board" by Britain and “K! Efl\PlT¢"will be followed by other branchet. was inaugurated in l‘lS|. members of the Stockton Sea _(".tdct vaged from an old tea Clipper. Admiral served l-‘ox Dublin. and Roma: in two Norwich l.owestol’t are Monkstown,('outtl_\' again Mr. In making the presentation. Unit —~tltc T.S. Fortitude. from H.M.S. I897 and at which Ashford educated l-‘osten, I808. Stubhinttton Calliope the shipmates Ratclitfc said the wheel symbolised branches to this lieutenant. After ('ceil time R.-ar-.-\dmiral the l-‘archant. as catch a two llouse. unity, purpose and friendship and. Ill will be “standing-by to (Continued from column 4) H.M.S. years in the Andromeda in the Medaccepting it. Capt. Mztcintyrc. tltc lteaving lines when Ashford come to Henry l-'o.(. ('.lt.. cnlcrcd llritanuia. at l).trtmouth. in I885, and itertattean he became lirst lieutenant avenged the Amphion at a cost of (Int branch president. said “I think you tie up alongside." after two years then: went to sea as a of the boys’ training ship H.M.S. Im- oflicer and four men wounded and 0"“. tuidshipman in ll..\l.S (lrlando. l-'la;:- prcgnahlc at Devonpurt. ‘Ibis was sltgh_tdam.1ge to his ships. from Will to I904. He afterwards ship Atmraliatt Station. in ltltlil. Given a shore job because In I889. when Admiral Fox was served asa lieutenant-commander and had broken down. Admiral his ltcallh Fox was only I5 and had trattslcrrcd to H.M.S. _(’ommander itt destroyers based in charge of a naval base in it", Firm Branch oflicials for the present year Calliope, he was at .-\pia when only tnhomc waters‘. ’l‘l-2l.l-IGRAM from the Queen of Forth. In WIS he was appointed thanking the members 0|‘ the are: Chairman. Shipmztte A. Orton; his ship survived the disaster caused He was promoted to port captain in to ll.M.S. Powerful. the bow‘: training Hint.-hley Branch of the Royal Naval vice-chairman. Sbipmate A. Thomas: by a hurricane. ‘lb:-:e American ships I9l2 and became Captain-in-Charge ship at Devortport. Association for their good wiahev in secretary. Shipmate J. C. Middleton. and three (ietmau tne_n-of-war were of the Branch War Co||e¢c.('hatham. mute l.‘t| people LAST COMDIANI) welcoming her back from ,her Jlinckley Road. llurbage: treasurer. SAN‘ FIRST 3"", Australian tour was read on the Shipmate ll. Dunn: social secretaries. His next appointment was as‘ Senior in he command of ln I913-H was occasion ol the tbirlannnal dinner of Shipmates F. Naval Omccr. Clyde District. and mm Dean, D. Frost and "’“TSMoU""'l;'m'5”" the cruiser ll.M_S. and Cotnmanding the branch on April‘. light Antpttion Otlicer of the Kingstown Years :I.lt_crW'JIrd_~. Whcn he W:I\‘_ tilt the ‘third Destroyer Flotilla. based when the branch held its first S. TOPP: welfare secretary. Shipmate lD“"l°I|'¥l Area. where he served until annual dinner only 30 were present. E. P. Herbert: committee. Shipmzttes only :$Ul'V|Vttl§ othcer from ('alll§‘P€.- on llarwich. At daylight on August 5. I922 when the military forces were but on this oCc:tsiou. the third. the P. .\lcGillivr:ty. G. Parker, A. Payne Adlllifal F0‘ R‘-Hdi "”-_“-5- (;il"|l‘P'¢ l9l4. Amphion. with the 20 destroyers evacuated. Ikvrtstttoutll-hull! Shit‘: ll" of the Third Flotilla. were carrying and 1. Wall. number was over I00. was a It is interesing to note that it", out a search and four of the destroy- military Shipmatc A. Orton. chairman of llte commanding oflicer. (icngul hraltclt. presided and the vice-chain ers sighted, and eventually sank. the Sir Ncvil .\lacready, and Admiral Fox German minelayer Konigin Luise. man, Shipmztte A. Tltomas acted as both lrishmen were the last to The search was carried on. but break the link between toastmastcr. (‘treat Britain when on the return course near the and Southern Ireland. In proposing the toast “Departed scene ol the lionigln l.uise's operaShipmate.s‘." the Rev. E. W. Plall. Admiral For retired in May. I922, as appropriate) (Dclctc tions. Amphion struck a mine and with the rank of rear-adntiral. honorary chaplain to the branch, asked but tlto,s'c present to remember the passing was sunk. Altogether I30 men were continued to serve at Kingiltlwn until ROYAL NAVAL ‘NAVY NEWS’ of the chairman of the Association. lost in the disaster. Capt. (as he then the end of the year at the request of was) Fox had drawn the lint blood H..\l. (iovernment Sltipntalc F. Wade. PORTSMOUTH and the and suffered the tint casualties ot and naval atttlturities. He wasmilitary Shipmatc J. Wart. No. 8 Area made Pirate put! rt t (my 0! crtrlt t'.\\!l'f ul ".'\'rtr_v New\" to' the First World War. president. and guest ol honour. pro(LB. in June. NIB. posed the toast of the Hincklcy Nutr: AMPHION RI-IVI-INCEID branch. and spoke of the good work being done by the members’. The resCapt. box ‘was’ injured during their ponse was given b_v Shipmat: J. €\[Ilusion and after discharge l'rom« Mcigh. hospital he joined tt..\lS. Undauuted.i The secretary ol the branch. Shipanother light cruiser. ln ()ctobcr.l9l4,l is who also vicematc J. Middleton. I rnrlmr Itrrrwitlt mmtry ortlerlpmlrtl rrrtlerlcfteatte t':t.’u¢' I0\. when on patrol in the North Sea with ' ll..'\l.S. Centaur (Capt. P. (L Sharp. cltairmatt of No. 8 Area. proposed the tour destroyers. lour Cicrman des- l).S.('.. R.N.l. which sailed at very I-rim: (I ittl-wriplirvrt for I.’ t7t\lI(.\. ittt-Itttltttg pmtrtcc notice for wrvicc East of Su-:7. toast of the guests and Slupmalc troyers were sighted and sunk alter an short .,l Month‘. C ~(|IIlIIlrIl('t.‘ 'l'. (I N. Stubbs. a vice-chairman of F-or had itt l-'ebruary. is due to return to Ports(apt. hour-long cngagemcnt. mouth on May It to pay oil before U "i(‘Hl,'¢" n_l R.v\'. .-ltttnrltlirrlt. picnic‘ More Ilrmtclt. N;-. 8 Area and secretary ul the .........' (Continued in column St entering doclcyard hands for at relit. Ltchlicltl llranch rcplicd.



Ashfmd gets wheel 5


5hiP’3 ’*Calliope’s escape from Apia


in 1889 recalled by death of Sherborne’s President






..:,;;~;‘r.-....; the (jllgén






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. . . . . . . . . . . . .



. . . . . . . . .





o .



Renewal Form



o o u - e e .



. ...........an.- . . .



. . . . . . .





. . . .


. . . . .








NA \'\'

May. I963


Molesey branch to have its own headquarters i

Ill-I subject most frequently talked about at the annual dinner dance of the .\lUl¢.~l:_\‘ Branch of the Royal Natal Assoeiiition. which was held on I 3 April 6. was the new headquarters antl club-house. the hranelfs 0\\n premises. which was to be opened at the end of the month. .-\d:tiir.tl of the Fleet l.ord l-‘raser tut North (".tpe. president of the lttolesej-' lhancli -.t..< "in conirti.tnd" on this :ti.tst L'll‘lI\:-'.t,lViL‘ o.'t:.tsio:t :iri h-_-st Lord ted up by s; evettiiig. l'r.t~er at the end. as "Iltej. get better The tank-landing ship ll.t\l.S. Antio L'\'L'r_\' year." I (5.000 tons. full load) has a conithere oere R? sttt'p:ti.tt-es. their '.\i\'es plenient of about US ollicers and ...".tl tricnds .1! the dtuztcr. and afterF.l.lF.\'l.\'(I that the Service has 1 men '.s.ttt!s sltipiiiates frnrti litlgisare. Sla:tbeen too silent for too long. the llernel llIl‘.'C .t ll d llenipstcatl “SlIt'rW0t)tl and Arnold Branch area lasted for lll:ll‘I)' it long \u.‘s‘l\'. ol' the Whilst on board. the Lancers ltr.utc'tes ‘s‘.tlll'.' tor the dance and tltou;.-ti ilte latitlitigs tltetiisclves \\L‘fL' .\':ital Ass-ociation has sponlto_\al in all the activities. even ship‘s during: tw t\t;2.tlll\‘.'tl .'s'liipti:;ite a cttttiplete success. Within the tirst 22 the tirst edition of “The .\'ottin;:I the olien ltot season, tetttpcraturcs .111: s;cr W. \. l'l‘ll ll.\l.S. Antvio ((.‘dr. A. hours. 3tt.t)0() tiieti and 3.000 veliicltts Nziial Review. l9S3"—a first- } l the I00 iserc over (lI:),‘.t’t.‘t.‘S contiiiuousl_\' .li.tt he Eimiscit‘ a “as Pl’t\i.\itl'l1. Topper. R..\'.l. no“ at \ic.'c landed but. tltcrcaftcr. the (Eerof Itlfl pages‘ cont:iin‘Class production I’. mark. Scots the as (ireysl just Royal l.tc::t. L‘liL'\l Ship:ii;'e srce-prcsid-:t‘.t mans. hating reco\t:red front the articles on the Nttttinglizini ‘the present running coxiiniission is all did \\llCI‘I they isere entliarked int: llt[\‘(l'.'\l'lll~'..'t‘llg prtirmsetl the toast ‘liniiiches of the Association. the thlll on-r. Since Janttary. I962. the ship October. ' ltlllldl sliock. niade the Allied advaiicc the Aden at ship They joined t\l llt'..' gttesis in \\hls'l't .\'t\. I .’\.'t.‘.t Sea Ctldl.'l\’. stories and :has been altttost t.‘tItlllnl.ll)ll\l_\' iii the after the ship had spent a welcome I»: a tedious‘ one. Before the Allies finally (‘lta:rrit.tn. .\‘liiptii.ttc l.ie:tt.-('dr. l. l.. -Nrtttitighiim illus1r‘.itions and fort.-iiords by lhe l‘ersian_ Gulf and those iilio have days at .\lonthasa. :ind remained on ltrttkc tltrouglt. ltavirig been held at the ltlatcs Y‘-.'[\llt.'tl. l'it‘|'Lt't;: that the hntrteh ,Lortl t\l:i_\'tir of the ('it_\'. Rear- gserved on hoard can tools" back on a board ttntil the ship sailed from bridge ncar An/,itt that is now depicted iiieetttigs “en: .t\ \-.-.-ll attctided as the iAdiiiiraI R. St. V. Slierhroolte. \'.C.. hard and \\t.‘ll-(lt)ll(' ioh. oti the ship's crest. the destroyers Bahraiti in for last her niitl-February d.:t:ter. of .-\t the eonitiiission. the heuittiiing ltmtls‘. Jen-is and lnglelield and the l‘lie brancli cli;tirrii.tn. .\'hipntatc C.B. Rear-Adritinil A. l). Ttirlesse. the ship carried the troopers and tanks exercise and the long trip to Gibraltar. cruisers Spartan and Penelope. tsilh W. l-'. BtlL'lslfl[.lllill‘llproposed the toast or the t7th.3tst t.anct.-rs and they The main of the tttany assault craft. were lost. "Rt:\‘ie\\.' FIRST VISIT T0 ANZIO purpose rot the :\ssoci.ition and. in spealtiiig of board until continuou.s'ly the editor. "is to interpret the Ereriiaiticd on l'R!lSEN'l'ATl0NS TO SHIP tlte new club premises. hoped that all says Utitm Said and Bahrain, ls'uwait. June. when during except of the Naval Associzitions‘ .ind feelings members ssould give this new ventttre j ship had an interesting: and enter- Aden can hardly be called good runs To commemorate Anzio's visit. :1 and aid the niagnitieeiit pitblicis gto their earnest support and mate it a '» isort. of the Sea Cadet break \isitini: ls'ar:ichi and ashore. so everyone looked fortsztrd gold medal showing the Maid of ilttlllitlg Corps." club of itliich to be protid. to the tirst visit the ship has made to Anzio. a statue found in Nerds villa The editor goes on: "Rt:)_{1lI’tllng the 'doc|.itii: at Boiitl-ay. Anzio. Three days were spent there at Anzio and a suitzibl inscribed of the Naval Associations. ‘feelings’ N EW Y0l3_\‘C M lr-IMBFRS during niid-Mtirch and it was obvious scroll. were presented to t e ship. perhaps I could sum up by S:t_\‘itlg NT-II-II)l-II) that the ship was most welcome. With Also during the visit the welfare they object very strongly to the Rome 30 ntiles it “as not only assay contntittee presented ti sum of money ‘ Lord liraser replied to this toast and assumption that Britain is not a firstthat of the surprising coniship's‘ titan)‘ to the Santa .\laria Gorelti Orpliaiiagc said that he ltoped tlte new premises potter, and they believe. \\l'l()lt.'found tltemselves there instead of pany and a small party went to Route for an that Britain and the (‘oniwould help in bringing in riiore .seri-irig lll-IN ll.M.S. Dunltirit (Cdr. An/io. which. had as a resort. ll0lltl‘.|_\’ aiitlieiiee with the Pope. and c.\-serving mcnibers of the .\'.'tvy ,monwealth can still lead the world if C. R. A. O'Brien. R.N.). returned not, at that time. life. come to frilly The visit isas certainly one to and. in particular. tlte youtiger ones. inllljl b_\ \-'IflIlL' of their itnl'orgett:ihle' to l)ei-onport recently to pay otf into In siininier, Atilio flourishes as a rctiiemhcr. but the end of the cortias th:'_\' isotild he the bziekboite of the teapertences in l‘)|4~|8 and again in reserve after completing at 22-month El').‘W-45. when with tnan_v coutrades pitniniissitin. the event marked the neat ;_tnd cheerful resort. l-laving seen mission was too near for the ship's club in the ftiture. llc closed his speech iiitii :t “de- Isslto did not return lhe_\ willingly uri-' passint: hut of the Service of the last tiltns of the landings of Jaituziry. I‘)-H curiipariy to \'-ant to slit)’ longer. tat.-lters' p.tr.tde" and tlte branclt sec- ttlertooi. the task thrust upon them to of the “Battle‘’ (‘law destroyers‘. Four —after iihich. of course. the ship was After lite days at .\lalta. the ship its‘ recosery is tto niean feat. sailed for (iibraltar. Aliead lies :i long retary. Sltipziiate l~'_ R. Prangnell was provide the hope for peace. happiness ships of the class hate been converted rtainedmarched before the Adniiral of the fztnd prosperity for their cltildrett in a 'into radar pickets. but the classic .\'tncleen .\'r.-ars’ ago there is.is Very relit. ending iii the atttttniti. tshett the little left of An/io. This is liardly ship returns to the Gulf on it li\cd Heel to receive a leather brief’-case :is lbetter world. and they are sure that dcstrtiyer lines l:t'.l\ 1- been lost. "Join the NIl\’_\' and see the tsorld" sttrptisiiig. as the battle in the An/ion forcigti service t.‘0ll'lllllSSl0l1. the br.tricli's toLen of tlianlts for all : the new generation will respond to the the hard siorlt he has put in for the rstlnlt call. will defend the same ,ti.is fully justified during: this linal l\ctt'.'lil of the branch and. in p;irtit:ular. ‘objects. still still otter that traditiottal Ieotiititission. The ship's_ C0tltD(.ln_\'. the tsori. occasioned by the new club- ‘lead-.-rsltip. that is not the prerogative t\\'lllt.'ll joined in Slay. l‘)(tl. iisited ports on both coasts of South (Continued in column 3) l house. Antcriea. an oiltield in Pataizonia. exercised with fotir ditferent South .-\tiieriean naiies. with L‘-.8. t\'a\_v. ships in the ('a:il~hcan and passed! through l‘oZlt lite l’.:ri;-.m:i and Kiel‘ (';itt.tls, P LA N l-'l-Z.-\Rl.I~‘.SS 5All.()RS ! wonrti tooxiitc titro During the last '_t'ear of the com-i mission Dunkirk was attached to the; .\letlitcrrarie;trt Flee: carrying out‘ tcscrcises and \'l\tlll‘|1: ports. the tttosti lllustratioti of l3.\'D()\\’.\tl£Xl' /\SSL‘ltA.\‘Cl-I with bonuses for a popular being Venice. Trieste andi Beirut. \\'lii|e tn Trieste 25 ollieers and male life age 35 next Dolortiites. No in the sscut men ski-tap "'8 had had DlL‘\'lt.\ltS experience. but. _


Too ;


WITH VISIT T0 SCENE OF l joinedi LANDINGS (§iltr:ilt:tr.i




M lANz t








iSC|1lL'llll‘K‘I'. ‘the









“Give thatman a Watneys Brown !”

Profit &Protection for Naval Officers




rafter three days. fearless sailors, llll some cases‘ \Hlll 'neards streaniiiig in: the tsind. could be seen rtishittg down ? the slopes and. to the local

experts‘: l'troi.cn.

bones tiere A full. ltappy and interestiitg cortintissioti: rent.tri.ahle. as there was no relit to slow do\\:i the tempo. Thirtysix ports visited-— from Valparaiso to Villcfraticlie. and front (‘:trt:igen.i. i new \\'0flt.l. to Ctrtageita. Old \\'orld. In all. 65,000 miles were steamed. with very few eltaiigcs among otliccrs and

anta/enient. no




Also near nt hand: (‘ream Label Stout. -*.\lt‘.t‘iO1ll.(l:ll‘Rand .~':-.tt.st’ytttt: lied llarrt-l \\'atr'.t‘3‘.~‘ Keir —1ti'£tttttt'.s tin’. and .'()l‘t.'lllOt-.'LRex hitter.




in mi

tuition." 1']


INC!-Z the Portland Branch of the Royal Naval Association moved into its nevi‘ headquarters there have been several social events. the latest with oflieers from the local Borstal establishment. One of these ofltcers presented the branch isith a picture of "The Battle of the River Plate." a gift. which was

TOTAL sun PAYABLE Ai AGE 60, say


The tttenibers of the Portland Branch are looitirtt: forward to visiting shipniates at .'s'wana1:c. and also to the Royal 'lo:trri:tnit:nt. The stttztll-bore shooting competition beta-eeit Portland and Stcvenagc is both ‘still iti progress. Atsixtltc moment Portlatid teams are points ahead of .‘ite\'cnage. The .\larch results were: Portland “.-‘\." -:70: Stevcnnge 3')-t: Stcvenagc 458: Pnrtlzitid 327 "B." points.


from column


of all those who have more H-bombs. or jets or missiles. or money." The lion. ll't:.t5ltl'Cl' of the Shertsottd :uid Arnold Branch. 1. .‘sletc:ill'e.Esq.. 32 Hightield Grove. West Bridgford. Nottingham, l-\t3'.llll be pleased to send a copy of the "Review" to anyone interested. The cost is Is. plus postage .of l0§d.



..£| 555

BONUS ADDITIONS utiuniiny: current banur





of the branch.

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PROFIT ..£1445 .......

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llllllltlllll-llllllltl :iitiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiti iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiifii




May. I963



and Merchant

R._N.R. filling

in two evenings and using a third for boatsvorlcand shooting: he would find the Sea Cadets. and Girlsf Nautical- Training‘ Corps on parade on another two evenings and. yet again. could see the Royal Naval Auxiliary Service detachment exercising on another evening. On Saturdays he would almost certainly see the M.S. slip for a local training week-end at se.i or for a few da_v.s" cruise to some liuropcan port— —in fact, the equipment and base are put to very full use for all kinds of naval traiiiiiig. After isork is done. there is a \sell~appoiiited canteen lor use on board, and social functions are arr;iii_-_-ed for the .ship'.~; c.imp.iny and their |'rieud.s'. The l)i\'is'iou has a l.icuteii:itil-('omiiiziiider. R.N.. Stall ()tliccr and a team ot active service or pensioner ins'triic~ tors. but it is the policy that a large iiieasurc of the trainiiig is carried out by the Reserve ollicers and petty otliccrs of the l)i\-ision. many of wlioin have had considerable t.‘.\['N.'rlt.‘llt.'L‘ and

HE Royal Naval Reserve is a reserve of ofiicers and men who are trained in naval work in their spare time. partly.hy drills at a local headquarters and partly by short periods of training in ships of the Fleet and in Naval The Navy depends on the Naval Reserve to provide the additional oflicers and men required to inun the ships in rest:rve and the large number of shore stations required to be set up in the event of war. There are ll divisions —l.ondnn. Sussex. Solcnt (the subject ol' this article). Severn. Cardifl. Mersey. Clyde. Tay. Forth. Tyne and |.'lster. ll..\l.S. Wessex. which is stationed in the Inner Dock at Southampton. is i E the headquarters ship of the Solcnt Division. lts position. within sight of the ()cc;iii Termiiial ‘ted the gr.-.ii ocean liners, inakcs -.1 li'.ipp_v link hL'l\\’L't.‘!l the Royal and Mere '1 Navies and it is titling that the Royal .\'avy's tirst line oi‘ IL'\t.‘f\'L‘ should h: so closel_\ asso.'i:it-.-d uith it iiiercaiitile port. The Solcnt l)l\'l\littl s-..is loriueil in tr:iinin-__purposes. altliough the boilers ‘l‘l.i". but os\iii_L- tn the ottlbreils ol ; have been .'eitioved. The Wessex is 300 ‘oar \\‘;Is not est.i’o|;shed at Soutli.imp- l I'eel loiig. Sb‘ feet in beam. with a distoii until I‘!-t7. and since that date the : ‘Division has been iiicre.i.~.iiig both in I placement of l.-t70 tons. The tlL‘\\ ship men and equipmeiii. l-"min small beW52 —a brilliant C‘»'l'CHlt)Il\‘ ginnings the Solent l)ivisioii has today attended by senior naval otlicers and reached a strength of about 300 otlieers :civic and port otlicials. To ll..\l..S'. l and men. in addition to the Section of 50 Wrens. The l)ivi.sion as a whole Wessex fell the honour of heading the are qualilied. R,.\'.V.R.l flotilla of I71 forms a locus for Naval Reserve R.l\'.R,at ttlicn the I953 Coronation Naval lN'I'RlCATl'I TRAINING for Hampshire. Dorset and a ships Review at Spithcad. when she flew the The trend in the Royal Navy over lpart of Wiltshire. H.M.S. Wessex is ywtlag of the Admiral (‘ommanding Re‘one of the youngest csiablishnients of serve; Hm the past 20 years has been to diiuinisli was mwcd rmm me ‘hip the R.N.R. During its formation many ldocks to take i the purely scaman rating and to gather her otl anchorage up dilliculiies had to be surmounted. and I Lee-on-Solent. a preponderance of technicians. and tltc’S0lcnt DlVl.\‘lUll were indeed forThe Wessex has been very well the training programme |'or both the tunate to receive such splendid cofor her present duties and Royal Navy and its reserves has. equipped from the docks and port contains the latest training equipment therefore. become increasingly more lopcration aiithorities at Southampton. i lor instruction in radar. wireless. tele- ; intricate. This presents many problems for reserve training. for the memvisual grapliy, signalling. tclepriiitcrs. WI-ZSSI-2X—;\ H.M.S. WARTIME ClCCll'lL"ll and mechanical bers have also to contend with their engineering. Sl.0()P civilian occupations in addition to an anti-stibmarinc. .scamannavigation. The Flat: (lllieer. Air (Home). Vice-Admiral Sir John Hamilton. li.B.I-1.. C.B.. "Hie original headquartens ship was ship and gunnery. On the dockside ever-increasing training commitment. welcomes the Air (lflicer Commanding Flying Training Command. Air the destroyer l-l.M.S. Zetland, She was there However. a great pride in Britain as are large buildings which are Marshal Sir Augustus Walker. li.C.B.. C .B.l-‘... l).S.0.. D.l-‘.C.. A.l-‘.C.. when followed by the frigate H.M.S. Dcrg. used for drill. gunnery training and a sea power second to none and also he paid a courtesy call on I-‘I-an Olficer. Air (Home). at Lee-on-Solent on the name being changed to Wessex in also to house some of the the honour of belonging to the fraterlarger equipApril 9 nity of the sea are spurs which conMay. l9‘l_ and in June. I952. this ship ment. was replaced by the present H..\l.S. stantly remind the R.N.R. that the CRUISI-3 l-‘R1-ZQUI-INT ellori is worth while and that the use Vice-.-\dmir'.il w°s5°x'r°r"'"].y John l-lamilton.' Capt. P S, Beale. R.N.. The l)ivision also possesses a coastal of spare time in such :i manner is in K.B.E.. (‘.H.. the l-‘lag Otlicer Air l command of R.N. Air Station. ('uld- 5“ me I-Bl‘.'°l‘ Swan "'33" °""V"'”'*'d (Home) otlieially opens the Royal ? rose. on May 7. in succcssin,/i to Capt. ""° " "“'"’"3 "°~“‘l 3" ll” R"‘y“' mincsweepcr. H.M.S. Waisasli. which fact being "twice a ciiitcn." The etlicicncy of the docks and liaren- is used during week-ends for training‘ Naval "mum Doclgyard.l'ortsmouth._Her Rut 1 it l.us.sIi.ttt0ulh on .li_\ D5 \: (-_ lltrtostl. R_N_ ; fut dcm‘ms"_~um" and in sczimanship. comniiinications-. gun- bours of Britain is a measure of the gmcs nery and mincswccping. There are cflieiency of the Royal and Merchant frequent cruises to foreign ports. and Navies. and H.M.S. We.sse.s is proud the ('.M.S. has visited Norway. Den- to be bcrtlicd in one of the premier mark. Holland. Belgium and ‘France.- ports of the world. The Royal Navy the vessel being entirely manned by would welcome an even closer link ..o_r3:.‘Iu ll'III I'l Reserve otlicers and men. with the Mercliaiit Navy. both at calling at ll..\l.S. Wessex home _and abroad. :iiid a cordial invitA visitor tlurini_: the week would liiid i\lcreh.iut is extended to anyone who finds defence work teams at in tl1e:liiniselt‘ in the port of Soutliampton Navy certain gun battery on days", the f to visit ll..\l.S. \\'e.sse.\'. .






























British BeetTRY A



themoney!” You may have said it yourself. But, consider. You will probably never have a better opportunity than you have now of putting some money aside for the future. You enjoy good p:iy—withno ovcrhcads—and all the facilitiesof the Post Office Savings‘ Bank scheme are yours for the askiiig. What could be simpler’! Make saving a good habit. Save as mtich or as little as you like. but do it regularly. Keep your money in the Savings Bank as long as yoti possibly can. You will tind that it soon inounis up and collects intercst—rcady to help start you up in the trade you are new learning in the Service. or for furnishing your home when you get married. All the details oftlie scheme are in the leaflets‘ illustrated here. Write to me personally. and I will .send you a copy of the one that applies to your Service:

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also exported to N. Africa

In Malta, can




Air Chief ;\'larsh:ilSir (i.(‘.lt., K.ll.l



W. L.


.\|.(.'.. l).l‘.C.. .\l..\t..

Chairman. l'l..\l. Forces Savings Committee, 1. Princes Gate, London, S.\\".7 Iii.'n'J I-5‘ II..\l'. I'r-rent Sit-'i«i.:i (-<"'ll«'ll.'-'-‘.' CH1 ‘MC 25

May. I963


Ziaebrugge -,l





R. -











lilassi.\iisci:t.L.iN'Eous fied---~A~dveiI ftisemen-ts"~;~-riousi:s







Ill-'. l28th Miltesvseepiltg Sqtiadruii UXURY Plus"‘is' how the new. of the Royal Netherlands .\'avy ll-'I”\' Royal .\'a\‘_\‘ and Royal lrisited the Firth of Forth from April illl-fl-Qflolllltl .~.A.A.I"‘.I. Mzirine veterans vi.-riled Zeehruggtt 23 to May I for the purpose of Club at ll..\l.S. Dolphin. Gosport, has on April 2'l'tu marl: the 45th an- luercising with minesvieepers of the [been ._ 'l he Rosario Club has been specially nisc-rsar_s of one of the First World 3 Royal Nasy. The Ro_\:il !\'clherl:inds i\‘:iv_\- ships designed with men of the HeadWar‘.-; most gallant actions in uhich ll Victoria (‘rosses were min in the 2} concerned are the co:tst:il niinr.:~ quarters. Sirhmaritic L'omm‘.ind. in hours the cngagcuient lasted. Ntiitldstijk. (iicthoorn. mind. sucepers 'lhc \'ClCf;tll\' took part in the sea .lloogr.-seen and Nitardcn. 'llicse On the spacioiis ground floor of the boiiibardinctil and assaiilt on Ice- lships of -SI7 tons (lull load) dis’- mo-storey building is at large and airy hritggc on St. (icorgek Diiy. April 23. placcnicnt and 150 feet in length. restaurant \\llll scaling for I00 diners— Will. which cllcctiscly hloclscd the have a complement of three otliccrs. a colourful contrast to the former catitonal from Hrttgcs. and it ssas si.\ including the comnianding olliccr. tecn block which was formerly Iiouscd months before the Germans \r\f.'l’C able three chief petty olliccrs and 2.\' others. there. to use it freely. and it was 25 years In aidtlition to the ollicial calls. On the first floor there is a sun




\.l\X tadru slttlulltsl «nae l‘cl; l'orism--ulh .l.‘.U.".-I tlvsu linesl. CAP IIIBHOSS. ships nastflind prexent. lie. fall. [this |\-I-stan-, Send stunned adlltruttl ‘



iiiitsi: l‘lRI‘tl\.\'l-I ssitii Lin: l'ri‘!Is'ltic\ up In no inn “:4 mgr;-:5, tr '. .'\d\.iri.c Alter three years. Au tdtal I-rt :h.s-ev lrsollril ahead: Mm Iilirr -. Nil)?



lnimiiesi .rm tenant} in rs:-nr .-t iii-.rih.~~\\'rite tor it-..r‘.cr‘i.i lite Am-;urmn I"l tr-«don l.r'inirtd .;,_-,3“. zqjd‘ ”m_ mu" Md“. mm. W i “" """""“"‘“''-""""“~ L‘ 3sttlvlflnl still. Also Ldf ludlcs. metal tchromium). am’ design in ..ulr-med enamel. cnnlnlctc urrti luimrs. llfh. Pusurc run. (iRl.'l'..\‘lll.‘R(ill'S l.‘l—Ii Otictn Mira, Ports-




list. -\lI|l"\'




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ll\(iG.\Iil>‘.‘ tucked and shrpnttl \\‘luie'

mired. mused and Co. Ltd. I20 Londrvn Road. .\'utilt l'nd' Junction. l'i‘ll\ft1t‘tIllt. Phone trt::|_ j ll0I'§E r-t'iuritssi; An ideal s,tiem¢ r..,. those lo-ilin: irhead. I00‘. ndiance alter three-


\€II'\ at lint tilt Iflt¢t£\l. Mortgage-Q repaid‘ tn the esent til death. \\'n‘ie tor leallet. "the.

llr-use Assured."



ol London London, i—;.r 2:.

the l'rond¢nr lite Ami.-



Hishnpsxatr. K

Clnssilltd Advertisenients may be

placed at:

Gale & Polden l.td.. 'elson lloiise. I-Idinburgh Road. Portsmouth. as well as at the Royal Naval Barracks. Portsmouth. Private Advertisements. 3d. per vutrd: minimum. Zs. Trail: Advertisenientst. 41!. per word; minimum. 4s. Nam: and addi-¢-so; of advcrliscr l

made for the lounge overlooking the Solcnt. it quiet. were ssiis linally cleared. ';It‘f:ltl]lClIlCl‘llS NAVAL Iutiucits. i-oizrs. I to be entertained during their wood-panelled bar and a television nour. Among those viho attended were 1he um) Ir-om truth to present l.lA\\ E .\I9l'T|l. t'apt. J. C. Aiincsley. l).$.0.. R..\l.. slu_\'. 'l'he ll..\l.S. Lochinvar messes room. All are furnished in soft greys. Price ‘Pod. (jbuinxble trom (late A l’rIlden' who can-ie to the United Klllgllttfll were open to them: there was a junior blues and reds. l.td.. lidintiiinti thud. Poriunourh. Pmi tree; Australia. his former rates‘ dance in Port Edgar lilect the amenities arega especially from Completing lid.-3 WCILR (llllffi-RF:-‘:’u\-. "" ‘ “ and both another the with activities room. complete ”""""""; Navy .p.,,,.,,,_...,',. 3.,,,f',_"' mechanic (a_nIcen: o_tlicer_ Nethcrlands_ §0t.‘lIl n1ug‘at~cou|pgn"cgch from ( anarda. and .\l;l]t\l"(tclll.‘l':tl ollicers played skittles with the Julie-box. and :t games room. 3 ad|'effi_\¢[n¢n[. t‘. It. \V. l.amploiigh_ C.l!.l3.. l).S.('.. 3 l.t\t.'llll1\‘:tl' olliccrs and ti couple of The Rosario. to which wives_ and Box Number. 9d. extra. Girls from the Windmill 'l'lte:itrc who took part in the assault as :i'footh.illnialches were played one of girl friends vsill be welcomed. it the Ro_\al Marine Ollicer andsshoisnow in comic nature. There was also :i eighth ratings’ club to be opened by lunch with the Fleet Air Arm l-"ield The inclusion of any advertisement l'rcsitl_cnt of the Zcchrriggc tlvtflltiluncc at the llritisli Sailors‘ Society. N.A./\.l-‘.l. in the Portsmouth Com» (itin Crew and attend at public perfor- can“... be gm.-,m¢,d_ "or ,-._..,,.,n. 'm:tnd during the past two years. luvser Place. l.citli. l'Ililll\.‘t.‘ on Mu)’ 3 “hen th_c .\layor of A\\t|t.‘l:tllt.l‘l'l.‘ ,;b;m,~ at-c¢p"_.d fur any tn-0“ ll.t\l. Ships Dtintlas and kcppcl Ciosport. Alderman I-_ hm-|i;tl|_ or omi“;.m.s_ the salute. took the party to Zcchrtipge and l

hclorc it









hiuuphl them l-acl. on April 2‘).


""f"'!]'.u‘I’m:‘l::§ had;

F. N. Grant. R..\l.) to ssatcli :1 parade I and hear the hand as in reward for his; letter-writing and enthusiasm to join nu (‘in-p... " "" h‘-'!‘“‘‘ “l'‘''‘ “""'*' R» irl Mir" ‘it! in: 5 _

"I‘)‘“"l "1""! tliliccr. (‘;trtim_\‘0timscllmi ihl utiiiéi be ni;irecn."3 hat. I ,



Paul is too young even for ;i .\lariI\e Cadet. but the Royal Marines nevertheless sent him a cap with it frientll) note asking him to Lecri it clean



The result wits further letters and the fact that Paul has forsaken his toys. and rcfiiscs to be parted from‘ his "marten hat." liven \\'lk:nhe went Itllu hospital to have his tonsils out the hat had to go ssith him. (‘oloncl was so inipresscil by Paul's letters and the ho_v‘s obvioits ctitliitsizisiii about as '" '.h" R“-“'1. M“""“ "'3" h‘ M“. mvitcd him and his parents along try Deal. tl’:itil's great-great-gre;tt-grainrl-; l:rthcr uas in the Corps at the Battle}




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want to


Vacancies for Constables exist in the Admiralty Constabulary. Initial appointment will be on temporary basis with prospects of permanent and pensionable service. Commencing pay of entrants is £550 a year. with nine annual increments of £75. making a total of £775. After I7 years‘ service a further increment of 525 is awarded making a final total of £800 a year. Uniform and boots are provided. There are good prospects of promotion Candidates must be of exemplary character between 2| and 48 years of age. at least 5’ 7' in height (bare feet). and of British nationality. Prior to appointment they will be required to pass a medical examination and an educational test (unless holding a Service Certifiate of Education). Educational tests are held quarterly in Portsmouth. Devonport. and Rosyth: and at Londonderry. Northern Ireland.


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IIOWTO R.*\'l'l-IYOUR SCORE if you iictcd all 10, go straiglit out and buy it l-lcrald. You deserve one. 59: )ou‘rc well on the \\'a_v. Test-drivc at Herald and get 10 out of IO. l-4: only fair. Have a iiord \sith your StandardTriunipli dealer. 0: buy stiniciliing else. The Herald's too

l.‘Out$Z(!.lll1lf0l’n1.\‘.all tailored in the tine.-;t trulttion. '-\’ttll .t F(‘t‘\'iL'c to ttttitcli the t:i'tlot‘tni:. Willcrliyis .\';u‘;1l .\l:tti.1ger.-. will be i,-laid to tell you all about. it, when they're next. nlioru-rt; or you can drop us 3. line or call in at any of our branches for a leaflet. describing Wlllerbys service to men in the Service.



good for you!

Still save money Generous tax concessions are still available. \"i.s'it your Standard-Triumplt dealer and ltil\t': .1 trial drive in it llcrttld. Or, i_'l‘_i‘oir'ri'jec/iIi,t: in an ¢‘l'('Il more .i‘parti'ng mood, try the Triirmpli TR-I (2138 Fl‘, /10 mph, xuloori car cunijiirlx) or its .i'Itt(1//t'I‘[)I'lJl'/l('I', the Trirmipli Spitfire 4. See your Standard-Triuniphdealer today Or write for details to Standard-Triumph Sales Ltd., Export Sales (European

Division), Coventry, England.

28-30 OXFORD ST., LONDON W.l 82 Royril Parade. Plymouth 111 Commercial Road. Portsmouth 5 London Rd.. North End. Portsmouth 22!! High Street. Chathani 20 Above Bar, Southampton 41 Gordon Street. Glasgow 12 North Bridge. Edinburgh 52 Commercial Street. Dundee 20 High Street. Beltitst 253 Main Street. Gibraltar hllorl tn the Servleu-It-neon tltr-toll:-iiiit Gent Irituo





OW that training is well under way and there are little more than titre necks beliire the start of the Royal 'l'ouriiament at Earls Court. the running tintes of the Fleet Air .-\riii tield-gun crew are dropping steadily towards the three-minute barrier. ‘this barrier has only once been broken on the rather slow track at ll..\l.S. Ariel. the track record being 2 min. 59.8 sec. set up in I96I. but if progress to date is anything to judge by the I963 Fleet Air Arm lield-gun crew has a good chance of beating this record. The crew has given ttso public on May I6. 24 and J0 and June -l. and the bigger the attendance. the l.it\Pl.l_\‘% sn fur. hutli blessed ssitli lttie t»se;itlier. tiiid .ttlend;iitt.'e \i;is :ipprosihappierthe crens viillhe. lzurlier in April tlte Fleet .-\ir Arm ni:itel_\ 500 at e.iclt. Uittler tlte stitntil.ition ut the t.'l'\I\\‘Li\ cheers. crew \'l‘,N$‘tl St, l)tiits_t;u1'* “It hiitne ("re-is R/IVC the spectators .t 3 llllllt ;lllLl‘ll’.tIllltlg centre tor blinded etll) sec. tun ull April -8 and .i 3 ittiii. Service nieit Lil Brighton, to ni.iint;tin 3 see. rtiii on April I3. both ol’ these the lone cuittteclinii the Fleet Air Arm lveiiig their l';istes‘l rtiiis ;it the crew has had with the ltottie. The next public run. on May Milli)‘ old triendsliips \\t:lC renewed will iticlude a visit by sit tm'el_i' . .ind quite :i few new ones were inzide Wintliitill Girls. the crew's mascots and the tezinis ;ire ltiukittg lunsgtrd to this _\t::tl’. and it is hoped to make _\'et seeing the St. l)iinst:itiers ill their another "l'aste.st run" for the ;innu;il stininier .:;ititp zit H..\l.S. .-\rie| |:ut.'\ls. I-‘iirther _puhlic f It‘! .'\tl'_.'tts'.l. ulaiittirtius runs will take place at ll.Nl..S. Ariel I t(nntinued in column -0 I

lll1ls:.iliL'itl-gtlll 8.!



st.vmcenti“t;oxantTieitf ‘

















(‘rtissing the chasm

the “Run Out." R.l-C..\l.lAl Benclield. ltlie crew's youngest nieiither). l..A..\l. l.-\/l-3) W:it.son. l..l'I..\l.(.-\) Stralfiird. l..I-'...\l.t,\l Loughlin. The remainder in the picture are getting re;iil_\‘ to send over the on

gun barrel





(Ciintinucd [mm column 2! , tniiitini: so tzir, we expect to slmw uh.Recent ss-eek.s with tlteir ilL“.l\')' r.iin. .7 "m" "r"'“‘ " ”‘”“=‘ "7 l“‘‘ 4'‘ '4-""'

sermttsly il.tli1|'K'l'L'd tr.iintttg :ittil ;( ‘l‘.'”' 1”“ .""’" R“.‘"~” "’“""1"“°‘“ " -tin epidemic at tmisillitts I"Il1|(ltI matters l's.s.urll lur "ls. “.M‘L.. hm d‘_.§pm Hm wlback “Mk l_mm luni. I; to I'_‘-), ‘_.\,,,m,m.‘ Jud U“. _.,L.“, mg in gm“, ltl\li.'\l‘|'lIll. llttll,V.-3 ‘see. was set up [in WI». It)‘ the .-\ir (ittttiti.tttt| crew. -hart h.ive








An assault

has been conlC0f|l5|Wl‘d ‘mm P“!!! 7 tiflllllllfl 53 llL‘iIf the Field-(inn Mess ztnd ‘if I'll" “W? ”"*_"”k'-‘‘' -I “W P“'l"'*-‘~'k' est leader of till time I refer heie .it ; tzist sstirk-tittl tor the crew. Next yc.tr. ; 1.;-_NL-, in mu 1_..r._] jcm, ('|,,i,;_ 1-‘... l rims over the ;iss;iii_lt_enttrse ssill torni ‘naps tun often we think tit‘ Our Lord ‘(In ttetn _o! the Il‘.tlllIllg schedule and “, mug and 1,,‘-§,,g_ uuw um-., b.c,,u,_._ it to illtlp. is hoped. prudtiee yet ;in- {an “L. ._-..,,,;d,_.,. Hg," for in, qu;.mi,_-, l;t\ '.l I-:;idei '.' lle |t.td thtit htiitiing Ie.il. §\‘"'¢l “W -"" (i“""“i“'d l¢'~""'lhe lieltl-(itttt Otlicer. lieut. lie was :i tough disctplin;tii.ttt when ;,\ltch.iel 'lVfl\'(l'.tlll. R.N.. s‘;ij.~t: "It the 1 He li.td in be. If you want .i sl.ii to crew ttt;iiiit.iin the progress .sltnwn in 5 follow, His is not ;i b.id one."






*1" *1


.Va\')' junior

The ll.M.S. St. Vincent team. containing the Roy-.il champions won the I963 Royal Navy "A" (I5-I6 years) 'l'roph_r and Has I .‘ sewn d'in thc “B"tl6-I7 _\e.ir\ .‘)'l'rop h y .-.i;_ood perl’iiriii : “der I iii,-lh e mu comi large numbers in the opposition. Back rim: Kclson_ l.'.l'e. C'.|_Vle)'. Young. 1 Centre run: I’.(). Woolcott, Willington. O'Brien (R.. ', champion). Mannion 3 lR..\'. champion). Russell. Staiiics (R.N. champion). Sherrat (R..V. I cltztittpionl. P.0. Nash. Front row: Jones lR..'\‘. champion). Nichols. Capt. A. R. Aldtius. R..N'.. Black (captain) lR.N..and I.S.B..»\,_ champion). l.ieut. i "hi" R“\" D‘""'‘' T‘''”m ' ‘-



‘ I












'l‘.\Sls' altttnst Arlurint: the of the


any is to be undertaken by ships R0_\al Navy‘. the Royal Danish I\':n'_t. and the Federal German : N'av_i',¢'n clearing: channels through the :niinetields laid by Allied aircraft craft along the coasts of (ierniany. Denmark and llolltind. It is estimtited that at least l4.000' mines‘ were laid in in acoustic 2tl'Il.i pressure mines. The British ships will be known T.1\'i2 Force 33‘? and will he cuntltttzitided h_\ (':ipt. Harry J. Attderstm.












lttnignetie 'C.H.E..



:('utinterme:is‘ttres :


As well asin GERMANY,GIBRALTAR.SINGAPORE. HALAYA or HONG KONG _"_‘,"“r. .H'M'S' 5"".' _ ' " “"“‘1' _ "*" Lower ltire-purchase charges than are ttsttully obtuittablc (zit present 6} per cent "_' N.is.il Port .tt _l3.ise ..Uv."lIll‘s._tI.’. the pct mmum’_ DcP0sit of 20 per cei_it—25 per cent it‘ the price includes l’urcli:_Ls'.e T:n—ol‘_the want Nazitt to :idv:itiee (altltuttglt in smite cases :1 higher deposit is “,M‘.m. -Y;m“‘m_ “.ul.u_mm' UMNL

l hcq




Regmm sensible saving




Society could ndd up to :l tti~p-.i.-sti priority‘ for :s'0ut‘ ttturtimite when the :l1lll'i'tlX'llL'-;_ S:i\'tItt: on I)i-posit ;\l'l‘AItllIL~h.i-.'t- ll"L‘l‘. l'»"iV" l.Ili‘.'lll'.\l‘.1ll"tlfor Lhlii and at ‘prtxscnt _vl«.-ltl 1:‘. t‘re<- tit" t:im:itt-'l‘.iv. lit-t'tt:itt-.--.-ty :.-mt ( .in tIpt':l .

ltivestzitt-tit. zicc-mint and












‘M’ “ "mt ;h._"




'.'! 1' |.



tern com‘ or the \\’t_-_-s'.l)()‘.l!‘ll«\-t‘.u K lilllltllit-I sot lk"._'-' Ul'U<‘lI'.ll'\'.

ITiiilzi-.h't1i‘i:.i);‘ ,i~\.1,-lnflwi _








5‘ .





‘Hi-hlh“: _








ll": .'-I-"rt’)t'r I)!’ .'5't' Ii"i,"'tl.'r-.7 5'»; .‘e'.'u-; l nt.t.r.‘ .-('l:ti"/Oflti‘t'.‘ \\ t~.<tlm1t!'tt.- (tt‘o'.'i'. l.nntlnn l‘. .13.





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i. i-‘II t?:t-'. l‘X' -‘I. .\t -'-' V: \‘ ‘t .\-ltlttt l :K"lIi), l'- I'lf'lt"'t l_ 1'! i\tI it \'i- .;tt.t:,: .\ .i;--t.- i«-- f:i.' -‘:.'vi~. \\~‘~|tHt-l, ti't:l.-L \lhi;ts_ ,\.itttlt.itii'-tun I .

A5_g..tg; t-xi-mail !.'41.000.000 $lt.i' .i:i-.1 !lt'pu.«tiL.s' ttt Lill.-s .-'m '


-il"ti ‘






Rr-s»'i"s'vr:; t'.‘:i'--I-rl £,:3,.';0o_00O :--t .tl'v' ‘I':'ti.atv-v litut-.:tnii~tit.s _

l'tinie.t .HIJ l'ii.‘-iistt-‘J In: .tft.!





Kl‘-'5'?-' -“.~'_3”"‘i l1‘ 11'' ‘it i~\er ships" f “H“j ')‘r“‘”n‘ 1 ,5‘ 5 iv‘-~'



null ‘_"‘ -""L\ ti‘-..‘it\‘.‘.:Iil llllti L'ft.“.\s WI” ti'.Q .ulup: ;t "titut1‘r.t.‘}-li.'\.' s-..ilL" to pre-! sent lees iv: ll."-.‘i~ h.-tztg; brivkett l\_\ the‘

f‘ 0"‘








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('-mitiiitte tr.

















.\:t:ili “ill l-'in‘.tttcc .



i¢tept..;n¢ co;


cm...-.it., at


CrodII$«vI=fl'“\~‘~F|.London.S.E.ll Tel. RF.Li.i.1i:e IZOD, .



"'7 ‘f"’ “""“I"’”""”f""'"’-'-]"*,""""”~"‘~' P?"""""“"" ( ,

3 l

Ext. 757

2 .




(Lil: .£ l‘.-Zil:tt l‘ll|=l.‘J, Rider-Ii.~:.


uIIt;m'/Itwxtzu :.r.r..-u'm.'i‘..' /Jr‘.‘.'r!I:tHl (Ill mi.‘ rm‘


I’nrt‘!unt' Itl\ um! Im;tm.' l)tttt' :'.'n't'r Js'i'tIm:.'ttt"iI;- I: t':;'.':.' Him 23:‘. itI:.I Ir.-mitt ,-,. t,,,,.(. ,-,, ,,.,,\, N ‘ ,,,., ‘.1,. ‘ ., ‘A7 ' ‘ /.‘t' /m\ /it‘ it! t'm’ ,".-I\.'.'-/ (I/‘.. -v1ri,Ic.r,-(~,/ ,7,‘-/"mg y.t_v/ hm; /;',;;‘\,'_»_ t_,_,',;_r r tmtiilmt-Itrs (ac ‘











be included. '






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preiitatttre repntriiitiiui. I-‘or mziny pupul.ir nuke. til" czir the r.ites zire !.'-l for llritish e.trs and :1‘) iii:

rttks the mitt.-s\\-;.'pert ::tt:ti:ii:s-.er.--.ss uzll lav: in the tzpp.-r pzirt ut the -Eztps. wit the .-netnes will he op.-rztt-.'tl I. ts‘. l':Zl‘..'vi.‘ .‘-vrtzrul (r.tslt lieltttets will i‘.‘.’.|'.Z‘.‘ .tll e\Nutltt1:.: min: tmrn .I«_.



S‘UL 7‘


the car


llttflilttst.gt)ltl.g.lbl'|u.ld.['|rulL£lItIll...t:L‘lF.s:\t:t)tl.Ill, ‘:lLl"i|)(t‘l‘|E‘l ri;ul)",|i[‘| .'




premium on

d‘-i mtg C -

5“""r.“ °“"'m°"'*"“'"° ""‘“r""‘:° .

ships tit‘ this squ;.umn_ tltsisitut tn ssltteh the-. l"..‘liItl}1. zirei t l.i;. ). .\lnntrus-.: .\lers-.-'_.‘ tl.iver- ; "mm" Ihmnm ‘LNIJIML “'”"hh' |h._-

means: that no fitrllter iiis‘t'.ilttte-tits: '.t|’G.[‘l;I)".lbiC. in the cyent tI_l‘t|c;it|i. Cm‘ "I mc "N

cllected through Nnuti. This‘




"'” ‘mmm


ll\lt'l'('€l zit ill". tree of lltcumc 'I'-I.‘<.

P‘\yIlt't5ler now t‘o1't'ttll tlc-t.'til=; of the SC‘1(.‘Ill("tPt 1

Ask Your


."I‘.t r;m.s-.i



3‘"_“ ‘ind




R"\‘R‘ S0l"u)R0‘\ |n ;.t|.J,'ti'.m_ the 10th .\lincswccpinL: sqtzadrmt. ;.n :lllll’cl_\' R.N,R, squ;.d., .

now “uh “W wM”mm_m_ pm‘ nmmh" an 2| tiuin.- tit‘ -.-uur t)'.\’:l and will help :.'utI to ::e'.





, fi',:‘i,l,‘_,"' “‘Ncrm"' .

When you're back tn ctvvy life you will be shit! you took ads-zintace of tin» ias,“.c whm, you Scn_L_.. uh"



i _


the Cttfllllill. Mine lHnmel. who is also












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