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Navy News

Royal Naval Uniforms

BERNARDS OFFICERS’ SHOP -lo COHHERCIIL ROAD. PORTSMOUTH Telephone ICIIG 30 HOTAL PARIDE, PLYMOUTH Telephone 66543 Promotion orders a speciality. write for special details. etc.. and be assured of personal attention

Newspaper of The Royal Navy and



to your


and Foamboclv


Royal Naval Association


Telephone 6454‘

Pricc Sixpence

T/ltH'.s'(/(I_l»' 0_/ the mo Hill


No.10‘) JULY, 1963

CASUAL CLOTH ES : With a Diflerence! ~k Today’: styles and labrics including the new lerseykn-'1:

l.lliillllllllllilllllllllllillllllllllllllllllliilllllllllIIIlllllllllllllllllllllllillilllllllllllIlllllllllllllllllllllllfllllllllilllg {litllllillilIillillllllII?Illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllflllllilllllllllllllll



Admiral travels 6,000 miles——and misses ceremony .M.S. \"lC'l‘0Rl0l.JS (Capt. P. M. Compston. RN.) recommis-' sioned on June 29. after a refit in H.M. Dockyard. Portsmouth. i which has lasted for just over a year. and after sea trials in home‘ waters. she is expected to sail for the Far East in mid-August loI rt:lic\'c it.M.s. Hermes. *l 'l'hc I-'la_e ()lliccr. Aircraft Carriers. Rcar-Admiral D. C. E. F. (iibson. l " nets t’i.(l0() miles front H.M.S. Ark Royal in the Far East to attend the rc-l coininissioniiig ceremony. but bad weather on the last few miles caused the} ’I'wo Whirlwind helicopters" of 846 Naval Air Sduadron tly in: over the magnificent mos que at Br unci. North Borneo. helicopter he was in for the last lap to return to Ycovilton and he had to This squadron. together viith the Wessex helicopters of 845 Naval Air Squadron. embarked in !l..\l.S. Albion. Britaink second commando ship. last l\'ovi.-mbcr. for duty on the Far East Station and. since December last Ytar tinisli llic joiiriiey to Portsmouth by car. missing the ceremony b_v about an the ship and her two helicopter squadrons have played a major part in the North Borneo operations‘. Although the hour. The /\ilmir;il's journey was not to Ark Royal another 6.00:} miles- squadrons are normall embitrltcd in Albion they have also spent part of the time detached ashore. The helicopters. ideal for flying: o oils in the thick jungle of North Romeo. have fultillcd numerous tasks. including tactical w.isti:d. lmwcver. for he took the op- on June 30. and police. logistic support. I’l'(‘(|lllIIls'ifll1C€.casualty evacuation and flood rcllcf. At present portiiiiity to look around the ship. Built by Vickcrs-:\rnistroiig~: at deployment of Ir .-\dmiral (iibsou started his flight back Wallscnd-on-'l‘ync, l‘).‘l'i to I‘)-ll. the two squadrons are based on shore at I-inching. Sarawak. where they are helping: the military force and the local police H.M.S. Victorious was virtually rcv built in H.M. Doclt_vard. Portsmouth. 1950 to I958. Her original displacemcnl was 29.l00 tons (full load). but is abut M35‘ [-2 last of the famous Second World War “Hunt” Class “fast escort vessels" modilications as an experimental antitiring the re ll. the flight dcck— ,¢n-ice with theRoyal Navy. ll.\l.S. Brocklesby. paid of at Portsmouth siibmarinc frigate, Since then the Victorious was the tirst carrier in llic I on in June Zl. The ship. which in March celebrated the 22nd annivi.-nary of her ilrocklesb_v has been part of the l. 4 “‘II.‘’ -'"l‘I‘-"I iSccoiid l‘l’tg;Ilt: Squadron at Portland. available for disposal. .\'()'l'lll'IR famous ship mlmc I‘-"" tlrlfllllzllCl)l‘IIllIl5§i0|'|ll'l£.“lllbe E“ r'""‘ II" 5"‘ “‘" N“ '"'‘'''‘'d "N 5"cI.'glIm.md-I°.Ca-‘Cr The llrocklcsbv was launched at I Yarborough. whose family crest \s-.is.=Illl|0UtlIl Ill" Pill"-‘lllill lilfik IRIS Int“ ilnkc '“""II‘ “M” ""3 -"-""“II' I-°"“d"' '-'I‘“""I .5”. I ll"? C-'|">'l"i! 0"‘ Oi "l1|I5 7*‘? ll“? lltgnccr MIpcm<,n‘c liirltcnliczid in September. I940. iind adopted hi.‘ the ship. of be ~wI"CI' W-‘II conimissioncd in March of the ‘follow-I The Si.-Nillilifcraid: action against N-lml|'illl!v' U|'|tl'~‘|’\\'iil¢|’ W‘-‘€|P0"$ I'l“""~'“""I""'“'h°‘I' u






Bow. 3; 1I§.‘ 3 "Id{“_i : "3 rm“; :"Bfi.‘f.’“













‘find-mn:51’? £,m'.l..m_I'f'°r,‘l‘,§ii u Her is derived from um fln|gk||_-\b_\' Hung owni,-d by Lord ma I

of ‘-“llml|’-ll ondunc ‘AI_k‘Rm_'l "L 5l."l‘y"."d °(l.0..5cEI$ In (S‘|*‘IlII‘."l I(."°°R“"lI.‘






\~'‘ 5;

»:onun;ind in

ziigiiiccring ship of this






live Mess-crsclirnit I091: in l’l:.'mouth‘l5*l1|bll$l’lm¢nlship. last commanded by the Dicppc raid of which she "llic Sotiiid; still bears lhc scxirs‘ oi diiniuge c:iused l.icut.-(‘dr. K. llzirclny-Brown. R.N.. by giiiilire: escort duties in thc|li:is steamed over 300.000 miles and .\leditcrranc;in: bonibzirdiiicnts oflliiis been under w;iI~' for more than ‘German buses in the iiastcrn Adriatic I 30.000 hours diirin her service. of her and the defence of ;i i.‘ottvo_\' against During thc last vicious E-bo;it zitlack oil the iE;ist'lin;il commission she has felt the co:isi—tlicsc were only the highlights rain of the Clyde. the sun of the Canaries and linzilly the hospitality the Brnckli:s'bv's war service. the Danes during a visit to Put into reserve in I046. the last month. six years later extciisivc _

Ia 5) Iof


during the

. rclit to clfcct improvements to the r\l'.‘llllL'ffill'lC‘-ll\ill1£lll'lCNorth 56:1. whcrc fitll air living_:iccomn1od:ilion, Rc:“__Admiml R. HEN ARMAMEN1. conditioning has been installed. lluwlgins. the Director of Marine The nets ship will be 372 feet in. linginccring and. Chief Naval L length and Ilil\'C a beam of 4! feet. .‘ r_‘ :c.$ .c m c d mi, |_1| 1 giicc ii 3 Owner pr“ “Ill be armed with two fully :tiitozit ll..\l.S. Sultan on June 28. he told m;ui.- -1.5 inch guns. two -30mm anti-J the nieclizmicians that most of those‘ _'r‘r‘.l't -tins ;iid it lriplc l'l1tI'l't.‘llt:t.l~ ' ‘now traiiiing in the Royal N:iv_v \l-‘III! have to delve into nuclc:ir_ propulsion Sm, “in “N, ‘_.;”.r_‘. u \\Ic§tl;‘nd W3“, : DHIRAI. of the Fleet \'ist‘ot.tnt b'~'f‘"‘5 II“-'}' I°‘“"~' ‘he S‘""""'°' "ml II.“ llL‘ll.’tl[\lL'f for :iiiti-siibmarinc Uulies.I llcr coinplciiiciil of I7 olliccrs and 245 Cunningham of llyndhopc. (‘um- I l’L‘ni.irl;s' did. not 1|PP_IY °"II" I0 lIl05'~‘ "1




shiplctipcnliagcn of






numerous actions



to the lliicciinccrs. Vicaddition I3 Sta ViK_s‘n The prcvioiis name. a l0I'IUu>'- will C:H'I'\'3"“ “til” Wtifillilfld. cruiser. distinguished .hcr.s_c|‘l ii_ndcr lflftllllsl’ l|S!_l1l¢l’$ “"""*'-" I‘°I"'°l""”Admiral ill ll“: l'"lI-‘ill 5"’ l’l§|I|l’ Y'3“'5 in the





II--‘I-5 I5UR"’\I'U5 (I-000 '0'“) ll) Lad)’ "mugh "ink with w_:I~ ldiiiicliirtl will mile so /\le.san- fircnn we?‘'- 94"“__d “I” 8"‘ Biiiglngi. der Ilingley. (i.(.ll.._O.B.i;_














lllc 5“b"“"'"¢ 5°l""°°Ofliccr of the The Second World decks and in died June all War. I2. mess on .iir conditioiiiiig L-,mh|;chmcn1_ (‘;.pi_ (L F_ A‘ 'I'r¢why_ 30|‘P¢“'“\‘"5lI ‘P1'“‘‘'R.N.. said that the numbers training (.4 plmmgrripli u] !I.M.S. l.i-mid¢'r._ He was buried at sea on June l8.,;it ll.M.S. Sultan had reached :1 record Ilw tin: of III!’ rlaizi to he rrmimis-,his body being committed to he tlccpjnf 700. A second storey for the iiucli:;ir school was envisaged. from H.M.S. Haimpshirc. xinm-«I. u/rpr'rir,i on pay.-c I.)

ratings will cnjtiy the latest ‘standard mander-in-Chief. Mediterranean. dur- I at Irving ai:coinniod;ilion. including ing the early. diflicult years of the I



















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photo::r;iph iif ll..\l.S. l.t::ll|(lcl'. first of the Leander class general


SERVICE §ENlOR0fCig-ircttc Luxury


frittitlcs. of which 13 are to be liiiilt and isliich isas commi.ssioncil tit Belfast I'.t.sl .\l:trch. The l.e:mtlcrs have the same hull and substanliiilly tlic .s;iuic stcaiii lurliiiic ruitchincry as the \\'hitli_v class‘ of friualcs. but are of ‘.I revised and ;idi':trIced;dc~'il:n and will fullil a composite zmli-sulmizirinc. ziitti-aircraft and air dircctioii role 5 A




"""""""""""""""""""""""" --

July. I903

NAVY i\'F.\\'S


N 1.-ws

Victor of Matapan dies The A GREAT LEADER I

Ftiiiiiii luui A’) II It lturidec. R N (Rt-rd.) R--yai Nasal llarsaclu. l'm'.smou:h Vlrt I'uitI~imiu‘.h I:i5l (I'M 7Il‘}-U

After Italy surremlered. Admiral (‘iiniiitigham met the ships of the Italian Fleet oll llilerla and escorted l).\llRAl. of the Fleet. \'iseuurtt Cunnirigltam of Ilyndltope. K.G.. G.C.B. them to Malta. on September ll, ().\l.. |).S.().. and mu Bars. who died on June I2 at the age of 30. oili I‘)-(3. sending the following telegram to “l{.\-'I\’ years ago this month. after the collapse of the Axis armies pI'()lt:Ihl_\ be reniemhi.-red hr.-st ll) all Second World War ollicers and inert the Adntiralt_v. "He pleased to inform in North Africa. the beginning of the as ".-\.B.“ \\ hen he was (Tomiiiander-in-('hief. .\ledilerram-an Fleet. during the Their lordships that the Italian llattle real light to penetrate the "soft untler- early part of the oar. is hen the reverses suffered in lloiile Waters hail denuded l Heel now lies at anchor under the guns Fortress of Malta." belly of the enr.-ni_\." as Sir Winston the Royal N-.i\_s of much of its lighting power and the enemy forces far out- (of IntheOctober. I‘)-33. he has appointed (‘hurt-Itill so aptly put it. has begun by weighed those of Britain. I-l..\l.S. and (‘oiniitodore liirsl Sea as Lord. .1 post he held lot Rodney The Ro;.al :\'1t\'_\' had lost valuable the imasiun of Sicil_s—()per~.ttion R..\’. ll;iriacl.s. Chatliam. prc.‘eileil nearly three years. ships and men and was virtually his 2tpp;tlIlllllI.'l‘ll “lliisli_\.“ Admiral of the Fleet. Viseotint as Rear Adniiral (I)) In the I’-ght of the (lraniatic develop- "alone" in the light. but the courage in the .\Icditerranean. :("iiniiingliam of Hyndhope was a ments later in the \.\ar. especially the and lighting spirit of men like Andrew Iii he became the \'i-.‘c Ad- ’great man. a great leader :ind one to Ianiliiig iit .\'ormands. the irnportancc llrowne (‘unainghaitt vtas unintpaired. ntiral I037 ('omm:inding Battle (‘raiser wlioni (ireat Britain owes a lot. A kindly than. .-‘\dmir;il Ciiiiningh;iiit of the invasion of Sicily may have been somcviltat overlooked. but was also a brilliant organiser and one Squadron and Second-in-('ommand. -.\lediterranean and sublll?RIED AT SEA Operation “Iliisky." benefiting from devoid of fear. Ile set an esamplc to sequently Deputy Fleet. Chief of the .\’;ival the experience gained in Operation all around him and inspired ollicers Stall .\lorc than (-00 naval personnel at the Adntiralty. "l'orch." the landings in North Africa. and nten alike with a conlidcncc and I In June. I93‘). he became Com- ;escortetl the body of Admiral CunI was of iai-neiisc ';mp:ir::ince.scaled the a feeling that. come what may. Britain ‘lllill'l|.l'.'l"lll'(_‘l|l¢2l'.Mediterranean Fleet. ningham from the Royal Naval Barlate of Ii.-ilv and in fact llitIer's' (icr- could not lose. the late Admiral of the racln‘. Portsmouth. where it had rcstcd succeeding sscll. and as knotsledge provided lllilllfv since .\londa_\ in the ll:irracl.s'(‘hiirch SI-‘.R\'l-ll) l)l.'Rl.\'G (Fleet. Sir Dudley Pound. isliich was to prove invaliiahle for the 4 ‘HIRE!-I WA RS ! Admiral Cunningham's unrivalled of St. (ieorgc. guarded by four ollicers. siibscqii-.-nt landings in Niirtliertt lle sass active service in three oars. 7 l.nowIedg-.- of the .\l:dil:rraiiean stood to South RLtll\\it_\' Jetty. ll..\l. Dockl-'iancc. .‘\l-.ist iniportant. it virtually him in good stead and his abilitieswere yard. for transfer to ll..\l.S. ll.‘:mpfreed the \l:diterran:.m coiitoss from for he \cr\'ctl with the Naval Brigade in the Boer War. comntanded des- amply demonstrated in the crippling shire. tno|estat.on. »ot' the ltaliatt Fleet at '|'aranto. the: A tiring party of a commander and The late Admiral of the Fleet. In a matter or SS lll}\' an island troyers in the First World War, and (battle of Calahria and .\l:itap;in. and (1-3 r.itiitg.s.lcd the cortege from the Viscount Cunningham on board his Ill l0,0-(ll) sqaare :t:il-es \\lll'l ;i popula- his name became a household word in gtlie homhardntcut of Tripoli and barraclss, attd this “as follosscd by the flagship. Il..\l.S. War.s'pite. during tion of -l.0l)0.()'.)2) within .il'nost a the Second \\'ui'ld War_ Royal .\larines bands of Portsmoutlt \"alona. the war .stoite's-thmw of the lt:ili:itttll;tllll£ll‘I(lf Born in Dublin. \’is‘cotml (‘ironing- ; and H..\l.S. Ciiiitiit:inil. St. Vincent. and still) tlte Italian .-'\'av_v still a ham clllt:.".‘I.l the Royal .\'avs as .i cadet pl:i_\ing funeral matcltcs. imnusdi.-itely. Others l'l'IRS()NA I. C0 UR.-\(i I-I in I897. .\lost of his time in the present were l.ord ("arrington povierlul force of ships. iszis com-‘i Service in front of the gun carriage (.'ill'f_\‘lllgi was small The in after his illustrates ships. spent follossing had story to pletcly o\crriin. Ilie platuters the collin draocd with the Union: (First Lord). ¢‘\dmii':il of the Fleet selected for being coiitniaiitl He his cotira d:.-stroycr has personal on t;il.e into acotint not only the Ll:lCtltlll1z!.‘ in l:l:tl! and the Adn'iiral's cap and sword. S_ir Algernon Willis. Admiral of the I908. in H..\l.S. “hen the bridge Warspite .-iiini-.-s but also the Italian I-‘lcel. Had the cotlin “as Rear- I-leet Sir Philip Vian. Admiral Sir Follotsing l-lc l.i:iiti.-nant. as was. in lire a from under shore comship cante that fleet intervened it might have‘ Layton. Admiral Sir Admiral R. .\l. l)icl.. the insignia (ieollrey mattd of ll.l\l,S. the batteries. shells on As‘ isltistlcd outScorpion overc:iiiscd conside-r.ible dilliciilttes‘. l)alryniple-Hamilton. AdI-rcdericl: bearer. of hreals‘ in and war later of his stall lhead he l')l-t_ some instinctively‘ of I-leet n'itraI Sir W. Whittvorth. \’ice-Adthe Admiral The late reomniandcd H..\t.S. in Termagant the ducked. The Admiral. unperturbed rcmiral 'l'. Baillie-Grohtnan. Rear-AdI‘.-\l.l. BEAR}-'.RS Viscount Citnningliam. ('onimandcr~ l)over Patrol. in the markcd: "If they're so near that you taking part miral H. T. England. Rear-Adntiral ;n.('hic1'. in his report after the‘ and Ostcnd raids, The pall bezirers were Admiral of; I. O. (I. Hayes, and Rear-Admiral .have to duck_ there's no point in doing ciicccssfiil landings. wrote: "Ol the Zcchrttgge Ilctween the wars he was Captain ‘(L ‘the Heel. Sir Casper John (Firs: Sea ll. (‘. l.yddon. navies. I can only say tIi:it I never wish (ilh Destroyer Flotilla. and l:itcr Viscoiint Cunningham “en! lo jl.ord). .-‘sdmiral of the Fleet. Sir] Following the insignia hear:-r and Both the (l)) to coniznanil better tl)) Ist Destroyer Flotilla. Wzishinglon as head of the .-\dIttiralt_v '(ieorge (':c;is_v. .-‘\dmir:il Sir Wilfrid' some of the family mourners came the Western 'l'asl.' Force under .-\dmiral Cillllaiii Ilewitt (l;'.S.N.) and the F.a.stcrn 'l‘.isl.- He was also Captmtt-in-(‘liargc of the delegation to plan the North .-'\fric:i \\'o.ids' t(‘ominzindcr-in~(’hief. Ports-A main escort of seven ollicers :ind 530 ilcstro_\er base .it Port l{dg;ir- -H..\‘l.S. landings. but in the autunin of I‘)-ll motttlt). .-‘\dmir.il Sir Rnyston \\’rightI Royal Navy ratings and Royal I-‘orcc. under Admiral Ranis;i_\. per-Q Columbine. A period on the America ~he returned to the Mediterranean. He (Second Vice—Admiral Sir ranks. formed their llll.'lL‘t.'1l\‘!DlTlC(l tasks in aj West and Indies Station Vi followetl was promoted to Admiral of the 1.lullll (iourth Sea I.ord).. I-l..\l.S. Hampshire r crs -I It manner belitting the highest traditions. when he was ('hief of Stall attd Flag Fleet in .lanu.'iry I9-I3. and became .\"icc-Admiral F. ll. E. Ilopkins firing a saltite in iii any lighting service." Admiral to Sir Walter l(Fifth Captain lfommander-in-Chief. Cowan. Sea Mediterranean Lord). l.ieutenant-(ieneral England's greatest .\dmirals. As soon The capture of Sicily by sea-bornc_ iror the M. time. second the C. naval planning Cartwright-T:i;.lor (Com-; as she “as clear of the harbour. and furccs showed. once again. the value; C0.\l.\lA2\'l)l-2!) ll.M.S. R0l).\'E\' Rmnmel’s to ntandant (ieneral. force 'opcr:itions stop Royal .\l:irines).and south of the Nah Tower. the body of maritime pmser. I in command from Appointments of Tunisia. Vice-Admiral Sir lgetting away (ieollrey Barnard. -was committed to the deep. ']'h,- i-“(up ii] in} [‘l(H|'(‘f' -lllt: llflllfilt people must never torget. tor a single instant. that this island of ours relies‘ upon sea |')t)\-l.(.‘l' for its very existenceto guard its shores. its trade routes and to support its allies should their Notes (i) The term lf.l's'. Ilase Port means the purl at which a ship may ‘ Zlst lZ.S. LTK. Base l'orl. Ports-' Mans auuamntcaisi Nowm. existence he lltreatened. We have a be expected to give ieave and refit. Portsmouth (C) indi- i mouth. norn'Iall_\ ber (tentative date), at Ponsnmmh, line .\:;n-;.-, with powerful. modern cales ships administered by Portsntottth but which will normally H.M.S, Parapet (I..C.T.). October I8. for Home Sea Serviez. lst Mis sltips. manned by men second to none. relit .'iml,“or give leave at (‘h:ithani. llahrein. I for at Service Foreign Squadron vice Bronington. U.ls'. but. under present conditions‘. with As (ii) are normally detailed for overseas- service about four (.\lidd|: ratings I-last). \\‘';tl'lZll'C Base Port. Rosyth. ! Amphibious the world in its state of unrest. hasel utunllts ahead of eonnnissionlng date. and for home service about Squadron (I3). ll..\l.S. Caprice (l)e.stroycr). l\'nvcrnme enough.’ Inu months ahead of eominissioning date. this should be borne ll..\l.S. London ((i..\l. Destroyer). R0\)lll l..R.I’_ complement. lwrftl Moderii ssaiships are costly things in mind when Prelerrintt reque.sts' lo solunleer to serie in 22. at \\'allsend-on-"lyric. Il..\l.5. Bulwark ((.'oinrnani.lo Ship). October to build .iiid to man but it must .iluays December 3. at l)evonport. for ‘ he rementhered that uithout thcm 1 l lm lit tt 1 the‘(i lites t itid pirtieultrs h (iii) Z '; t :1 lI'l. gisen u. '; ‘cc sstu :1 Home Sea Service. Foreign Service a fireat Britalit could not exist. forecasts only and iii.i_v have to be c|Ianged~perli.ips .it Home Fast of Suez. UK. Base l’orl.l (I-'ar l-East). notice. Portsniniitli. ll..\I.S_ l-Iastbourne (Ai'S frigate). (iv) Ships in which l.l\‘-‘£tll\' Entered Cooks" (S). Cooks (O) or Stc\sarLls Il..\l.S. Barrosa (AiD Conversion). December 3. at Rosytli. for trials. are to be borne in lieu of U.K. ratings are to be indicated :ts ' October 25. at Singapore. for ('ommissions for Home Sea Service. follows: (Al-—r\ll ('ool.s (S). (‘ooks (O) and Stewards; Ill) ('nnl.s Service (Far Foreign March I7. I‘)(i-l. l7th Frigate SquadEast). 24th E.S. (S). other than one l’.0. ('ools (5) all Cooks (UI and all (A I. ron. U.K. Base |’on_ [)3-\-.mpon_ Stessanlsz tC)—-(‘ooks (0) :ind Stewards only: Il))— Cooks (S) ll..\l.S. Penelope t.-\ S Frigate). 0cto- l H. .\l.S. Zulu (G.l’. Frigate). Deceniber only‘. (l‘.l— -Leading Cool. (5) and Stewards only; ll’) -('ool.s (S) her (may be delayed). at .\'ct\c.tst|c (may be delayed). at (ilasgow. for and Sletsartls only. for llome Sea Scnicc. 20th l;fl{.'(llL‘ llome .‘ca Service. Commissions for (ieneral Service Conimissioii. l‘ch‘ll.-.\I.S. Relentless (A.-ZS l‘r:g.ite). Sep- ‘ Sqiiadron. LCK. Base Port. DevonS'l..'B.\!ARl.\'F. SI-IRVICI-I 3 Edinburgh Road. Portsmouth pull. ruttry I964 (may be LlL‘l;|\'L'll). t-ember 5. at Rosytli. for trials. ("omPhont Inst ll..\l.S. .\lolI.i\sls‘ l(i.l’. l7.'i;_ .cl. N!“ ll..\l..‘i. (Hus. September I0. at Ilome;.\lidd|c East. Oil; t~‘rii_-;.ic mission .\larch. l‘)ti-t (under coris--.-iiib-.-r I3 (ircenocl. tor service :.'l the l7irst tinay be d.-(axed). .it Squadron. U.|s’. llast: l’ort. Rt)s_\lh, Opeiatrtriitoitewing; omeiatfixpiestscrvicc 3 sidcration). for Foreign Service (I-ar tor Service Personnel EVERY WEEKEND llarroiv. for Home Sc.i Se-r\:cc. lI..\l.S. (.'uolt S'tihtn.irine Squatlioii. (Sui'\e_\in;: Ship) l‘i.t\l) from date ill sailttt-_:. ittl litt(ien-.'r.il Service 47M t (Eta: (‘ominissimt Janll..\l.S. .-\leitle. S".‘plcttt'Dct' I3. at December (under t.‘tlllsl(lL'.';tllt‘lll. gatc Sqiiadron. Transtei to :(»:ll I-T.S.. 454 or-zADtOP.D l‘)(i-1. Ilontc-.\l:d.llc Sisth I-..:st. relit. I-or 9th of Place nary. Riisttli. coiiiplctcs comntissioning under conl):cernbcr. l‘)(i4 t.-\). li 0'6 HUDSEPSHEX D L'.K. Base Port. Subni.ir:nc l)tsision. lrigatc Squadron. siditralion. For Foreign Senice (Far Nil SHEIHELD ll..\l.S. l.uelI Alvin (A S l‘ri;.'.it-.'). SepPortsmoutli IlO'l7lh'GHAf‘l 1216 K‘). ! .\u\t.'t‘l1l\.'r. liasl Pacilic) (A). at ll..\I.S. Iiptue. ea.'l_\ tember (i. at Singapore. tor I-on.-igu 21l‘6 HICISTER No. 829 Liinrlun ntitl~§s‘iivcniFlight. .\l.ilta. complete Ielit. lo return to 1ll.M.S. I-Jingle (Cartier). early JanuService (I-'ar liast). 3rd l‘rig.ite NOR YHAHPTCN I2,‘her (tentative date). at RN. Air United Kingdom tor scrvzec in l’lfsl 44/6 ary. at Devonporl. for trials. INERPOOL I.-\). Squadrori Station. MANCHESTER (‘iildrose. for Ilome Sea AIM Submarine Sqti.idion_ (iettcral Service Coniinission. ll..\I.S. Appleton. ll..\l.S. Fliielsturt Nt.-wCAS‘l'LE—UNDER-LYHE J6]Service. (iencral Service (‘ommis'ov-.'tit'ner 7. lI..\‘l.S. at Devonlloiiie,‘I’.as't Alaric, of Suez. early June. (('..\l.S.). Septeniher 9. at ltalirein. STAHORD sion I96-l (tentative I964. relit. For Second U.K. lanii.ir_\. date). Port. Dcvonport. Ilasc VVOLVERHAHVTON port. completes for Foreign Service (.\li¢|dIe liast). Il..\l.S. |.ond.in. Wessex. BIRMINGHAM Submarine Squadron. Il.M.S. Grafton (A/S Frigate). .l:inua l ‘lib .\IiS Squadron (IE). COVENTRY Ajas tA_-S Frigate). Novemll.M.S. Osiris‘. December I0. at Bar- ?H..\l.S. Vidal (Surveying \".i:p). Separy 2. at Portsmouth. for trials. VVAR\‘VlCK ber I‘). l“llll.t:llllc(l(l.for at Home Sea . Coinrnissions for Home Sea Service. row. for service in Third Sttbrnarittc BANBURY tember II. at Cltatltam. lor General Service. OXFORD Service from d.ite Foreign February 27. Zlllli Frigate SquadSquadron. Service Commission \\ est Indies. PLYHOUTH of U.K. Base Port. Portsmouth sailing .\l:t}'. I‘l(i-S (tentative I U.K. Base Port. Portsinoiitli t(‘). EXETER dale). l‘-1lrl'i;l\l. 2-ltll B3. (A). (C BRl5lOl. Dido tA'S litigate) SeptemGENERAL “ll.M.S. 5 SALISEURY her 17. at Glasgow. for Il.intc Sea Ill..\I.S. Loch Farla (A S Frigate). iH..\I.S. Brighton (A.S lirigalel. Janul VIORCESTER 5 ary ') (tentative date), at Portsat Service. General Service ('oiiint.'s- i .\'-ivemher 28. at Singapore. lot’ l-urll.M.S. .\Ii.-on (l..S'.lI.). July ...’i. GLOUCESTER ritoiith. (ieneral Service (‘omuiisS\V|NDON sion. Nos-emb.-r. East ol Suez ll.-me I eign Service (Far liastl. 3rd Frigate llahrein. for Foreign Service t.\liddle I CIRENCESTIR ston. lzast of Sue/,:llome. 25th (I-t montlis). 22nd E.S. U K llasc S Sqtt;idron(.’\). East). Amphibious \\'.irl;ire SquadHKRLBOROUGH i Defender lfscort Squadron. l.‘.ls'. l‘l.l~c Purl, .ll..\l.S. (l)cs'.rot-er). .\'ovcniPort. Portstnoittlt (C), ronlll). READING her. .it (Tliatliain. for trials. (in Rel’ortsmouth. VORTLAND No. 759 Squadron. llll_\ 26. at R..\‘. ill.M.S. Clrilcompton (C..\l.S.). Sep‘LONDON (tom PORTSMOUTH Ill‘ senc on cotiipletion of long retit). (Continued on page ll. column I) Air Station. llrasuly. l':Iot l'r.iin:ng. tember 23. at Aden. for I-orcign IS!‘LONDON (rem GOSPORT Service (Middle lias-t). ')th .\l.S II Hunters. ‘LONDON (mm H l’l.§. | COLLINGWOCD ICIll.;\l.S. Cavttlier (Destroyer). end July. Squadron (E). $[RVlCES Ltd. 'By SCUTHDOWN HOTOR atCli.'ithant.C. & .\l. party. ll..\l.S. Hampshire ((i..\l. All their iemen -nll take the following route ‘No. 329 Kent Ffighh July so :u . O C Sept-enthcr. Change classilic.ition of (or the convenience of Service P:-itonnel: R.M R.N. Air Station. (‘ulilros-.-. for ; service. General Service (‘oiiimisEorrcdt Ecttrtev. Re-yal Sailors' Home Club‘ Home Sea Service. (icneral Service sion. Honiciliast of Sue/_ U K. Base Queen Street RN Banach. Unicorn Gate: Stanley Rd. for HMS Elev-llerit: Hiliec lir.‘o. (Tonimission. October. I‘)(=.‘~, Ilome! Fort. Portsmouth. Coshorm Home-s: Harmon Rd. iarrherii East of Sttt:I.. For ll..\l.'S' Kent. (No. 819. Ilttntpshire l-‘light. SeptemWessex. her. Change cl:is's'ilic.itimiof service. N.B.—'l'o all ships visiting PortsGcneral Service ('ommission. ll..\l.S. Kent (0.1 I).-stro_\er). .-‘\itgiist mouth: Special facilities to meet II. at llcllasl. for Ilome Sea Ser- No. 829 ll.(). Squadron. October I. at I your particular travelling requirevice. (iciicral Senicc ('.imrt1iss'i.in. RN. Air Station. Ciiltlrosc lloinc ments can be organised at short REMOVALS and October. 1%? ll.i:n-.- Fast (-2 Sue/. Sea Service. Wasp. notice. ' U.K. Hts‘: l’i)'I. l’i\.’is.'nt\;t1li(( ) lI.Nl.S. liemerton t('..\l S.). ()c:uh-er I. \‘Vriu- phone or en" ll..\l.S. Bhtclspnul (A S l-r:g.:lc). llalircin. for Foreign Scrv -e t.\lid;llc PACAIVG F0 R .S'I/II’.lII'.‘.v\r"/ TRIUMPH COACHES I_R I’ 'l:li .\I.‘S -ll (IE). I§.ist)_ (’ha:h.irn, cum-\.ig.ist. Squadron W lrirpliiilie ()l'.':tl‘.'tll ll..\I.S. ('a.sandra (I).:stro_\er). Octo3 Edinburgh Qtcutd. i‘or smoittb

'& ‘


















Lurtil .


h(i)n::i‘i'i.“.s‘l'(.;l:cgc.:sll‘ '







at‘. ‘

l ai lsitrii plihi ifetl






iii“ iltgiiiiiixil ixcllvl ilc-fltl lctptgrull3::



















l .






ror)t. .















At your service









Dlione 2735i

ll..\l.S. lv sler I.-\;S l5r.g:i:c). S:pt-.'tt‘tb.:r. .it I)-.-vonport. ( all ,\I. party

13 Clarcntlon



her (7. at Portsmouth. in: (iencral Service (Tointnission. I-lmuci'Mcd.


Road, Soutlisca


N.-\ \'\'

July. mi:













lR.—lCiit-lmcil 3-pu “lll lind it remittance for the renewal of my subscrip-‘ tion for ".\':iv_v l\'ews." You are quite right in assuming that I enjoy readiiig the paper very much. In C.hL' you iiiay be interested in a‘ ni.-moriul tu tllfpt‘ am! nivn of (1 pm!‘ news item Ironi (';iii:id;i. I am sending l'Ftl and. fully !t.'\liIf¢'ll um! ’t'Y‘I';.'l,’t'l!. ii ‘

you the following information. t\lr., in u iIr_v tltlfk or (iv.-wits-izli. rlmc In I-"meat ("ll;ippy") Day. a life tiicnt-I the Royal .\’m-ul ('ulli-er. (iris-rm-:'t'Ii.] her of the Lord Nelson I-lranch. N0.

(.8, of the Royal (,‘an:idi:in Legion. ct-leliratcd lti\ Olst birtliday on .\I.ir.~li 3|. We his comrades in the legion. expect that he will n'I:ike the c«.-ntiiry. , "ll.l|\t\.\'" \igl‘.L‘(l on in the Royal .\.i\'_\‘ llx LI lioy. aged I5. in 1887. and! to "Pompey" to ll..\l.S.’ \\.I\ sent l)ciIlus [tit]. .-\i the age of IS he wasl ilraltetl to l|.\l.S. ('lcopatr.i. .-\fterl 22 years‘ service he was discharged‘ "L I was qm-R. d-hnmfld m find Il..\I.S. Terrible. He later lrmii a very bad mistake in the May issue I scr\'ct.l with the Royal Canndianj of “Navy News." 'I11e article is the Navy in the First World _War. one concerning the visit of H.M.S. in thefriends Two of my very best Anzio to the scene of the ship's work l.ord Nelson llraneh (incidentaI_ly_ I.du,in“|"_.",",u;and;,,g‘_ personally can claim credit for The article stated that H.M.S. our branch the name l.ord Nelson) Jervis was lost at Anzio. but I can are "Happy" Day and ‘‘Fred" Witt-I assure the writer that such was not the comb. 22 years a Royal Marine. case. The Germans thought that they had stink two destroyers on the even250 YEARS Bl-Z'l'Wl-ZEN THEM ing of January 2}. I944. As a matter of ‘these two gentlemen. hale and; fact they broadcast that they had done he:irt_v. are really enjoying their years just that. W But, please make it known that Jervis did survive the war. after picktime. ltlany an old R.N. ship passes ing up the few survivors from her in review. "Happy" at 9|. “I-'red" at sister ship. H.M.S. Janiis. who was 80 and I. th:_junior. at 78. and the only following Jervis after completing a crock. derelict really. and should be bombardment of the shore batteries scuttled. make an age group of almost: that were causing trouble to our 250 years. troops and landing craft in that area. Some time ago a letter in one the Vancouver newspapers stated HIT BY CLIDI-IR BOMB the ship in concrete at the Boys‘ The Janus hit amidships by an Training School at Greenwich was- aerial torpedowas after breaking in tlie Cutty Sark. When “Fred" asked half. went downand. in a few minutes. My me about this I stated. definitely‘. that old ship. the Jervis. was hit about the the ship in question was not the Cutty same time by a glider bomb. The bomb Sark. unless placed there recently. off our bows. just forward of chopped of the name you this" _Could obtain breakwater. ship and mention it at.a later date in theWe sttttled otir hammocks. etc.. the "Navy Ncws."'_’ Also. if into the jagged holes in the forward present whereabouts o the very- mess deck. closed the W.llCI'llglIl doors famous (‘titty Sark.--ll. l;. BROWN. and hoped for the best. Vancoiivcr. This was done after we went astcrn [By mi l:.l)l'I()It.--I rammi mm‘ mi to pick up the survivors of the Janus. H.M.S. I).-dim in the n-cords. In We then crept hack to Naples. going

H.M.S. Jervisl not sunk at Anzio ‘

§Eédf the”Navyivbll



‘.2: 'r‘.§l£°..'.'.‘.°i.".-‘r ...."°l'.'-3'2? §"°..§.'l'°.-f‘o.§’.l '









l\m'|L.d m‘p".~.|,_




-"""".""‘!." 17'" (,'‘’‘'‘'’'‘‘'''‘'I' H“‘‘' \Lh5t'.‘]-lII'I'l\'t.'tl at (iibraltar only just ‘”".'l ‘\l"""[' ‘”"l “""“' ’I’‘' ‘'‘'’l-‘'' in time. for the bulkhead was begin""3"" f‘

Tlw ('u!L\‘ Stinl. Iris! 0/ "If /(lI!t‘(Dlt.\




rlippurs. /mi‘




“Ch: On

h-md ‘Ind





(Continued in column 3)



Scorpion. Liverpool. r\pollo. I_ynx. .S;ilisbiiry. Sliellield, (iirdlc NL'\\.

l\l;iidstoitc. Ncufouiidl.iml. \\'.irrior. Victurioiis. llrit:ixini.i. llclllllttllt. ('oriinii;i. .-\l;iiiiein, \"i;.-o. l'_\nc. Jntlaml. ‘l.ilenl. l’;illi\cr. lixplnier.

l’orpoi~.c. Rcdpolc. (ianil\i.i. 'l'igcr.! Russell. l);iinty, |’rotcctor. l'iiihiic. l)et'eniler. l)artington.(arron. \\'liithy_ liastboiiriie. liorqiiay. .\lount\ Hay.


Looks stiff but with semi-stiff comfort Three modern styles:—Long or medium points or cutaway

licltasl. Ilcriucs. Ariii;ul;i. Yarinoiitli. Lion. llartlniid Point. l.cop;irtl.'l'okcn. (liiclicstcr, liclio. l.ocli 'l‘.‘u.I.i. Tenby. Puma. Blake. lixcalibur. Trtiiihridgc. RlI_\l. (';imperdo\\n. Oberon. ('.iche|ot. Dianiond. llensick. ltlzickpool. .-\clieron. l.a_vburn. Scarhoroiigli. Sea Litm. Fitlnltllllll. Asltattli. H|'tl.Id\\\'(1l'd.


4/3 each

3 for

with the new

non-laundry service collar

l_<ceps Wl-iite—AIways Immaculate !

lhmotoring history

OSTC.-\Rl) photographs of the following Il.M. Ships may be obtained from the Editor. "Navy News." R.N. Barracks. Portsinoutli. price (id. each. which includes postage. 'I'liesciis_ Blll\\';l|'k._ Ocean. Eagle. Ccntziiir. (ilasgow. Kenya. Newcastle. .-\Ihion. Ark Royal. l.ocli Killisport. ‘l)iana. Tlllillllfll. l);iring. (‘hey-ron. Zest. Vaiigiiard. .\lurra_\'. ('iimberl:iiid.

Sta-wfiite the newest easy

being Ashanti. l-Eskimo. Gurkha. Mohawk, Tartar and Zulu). was built in l{.M. Dockyard. Portsmouth. being lnunched by Lady Holland-Martin. class

R00 TES make











;;‘ii'7¢iu’l,lll‘lii‘.¢l!W‘;;I‘i3I)i{ri;!Il:hgill Ilmt

.S. Nubian. ship of the H "Tribal" claim. (the others of the

V!-IR 250 N.A.A.l-‘.l. stall’ and ofliciiil-s gathered together at Portsmouth on June 14 to honour Mr. A. S. Knight. 0.8.!-1.. Command Supervisor. on his wife of Admiral Sir Derik Hollandretirement from the Naval Canteen Service after 46 years’ service. Mr. Knight Mnrtin. li.C.B.. DS.0.. D.S.C. nnd Bar. wife of the then Flag Otticer Air retired on June 30. (Home) on September 6. I960. and During a memorable suppcr Acting Home Fleet Superintendent. completed on November 22, I962. dance. Mr. Reginald Elliott. Canteen being appointed Fleet Canteen Super'_'Trib:il" class General-Pun Manager. H.M.S. Mercury and Miss intendent. Mediterranean I-'lect in The trigaies are designed to fulfil Pauline Grainge. a shorthand typist Ma)’. I939. He was at Alexandria until lpusc all the functions of from N.A.A.F.l. Headquarters. pre- September. l9-42. and was then posted ecoiioinieally sentcd to .\tr. Knight. on behalf of the to Durban as Naval District Manager. frigates rather than to haveinan outperformance any N.A.A.l-'.l. staff. a miniature model In February. I944. he was attached to standing of meetbut role. capable specialised greenhouse, suitably engraved. it not N.A.A.F.l. Headquarters at Super- ing of antifunctions main the escort being possible to present the actual intendent. N.C.S. Warehouses, protection. anti-aircraft degreenhouse which had been subscribed In August, 1947. he returned to the »-uhmarine fence and aircraft direction. These to bv all stall" in the Portsinouth‘ Mediterranean Fleet Canteen versatile ships have two funnels and as Command. A bouquet was presented Superintendent. Promoted to Senior undertake duties formerly undertaken to Mrs. Knight District Manager in September. 1949. by destroyers. Mr. Knight joined as a Junior he served at Portsmouth until January. Displacing 2.700 tons (full load), Canteen Assistant on Febuary 8. I917. I952. when he was promoted to Nubian is 360 ft. in length (o.a.) with at Aldcrshot. transferring to the Naval Command Supervisor and posted to of 42} ft. Her grins are two side of N.A.A.F.l. on October 2!. The Nore. returning as Command a-4.5beam in. and two 40mm. Bofors A.A. I920. He saw service in HM. Ships Portsmouth in December. She has one Limbo three-barrelled Sandhurst. Diomede. Cairo, Princess I9 depth-bomb mortar and carries :1 beliMargaret. Royal Sovereign. King Knight was made an O.B.F.. in copter for anti-subniarinc reconGeorge V. Vulcan. Benbow. Cornwall. theMr. New Year Honours List. I960. IIRIKSLI IICC. Douglas. Berwick. Ercbus. (‘omiis.l Norfolk. Bellerophon and Furious. In September. l9.lfi. he Wits promoted to Warehouse .\Ianager. Home Fleet in April. I937. he was appointed l





* * * IF UNABLE TO OBTAIN:— Please write direct to the manufacturers




ilttlesiirge. Striker. Plyinoutli.


Hillman IMP. An inspiration in light car desi n. IMP has a rearH. R. DENNE LTD. (NH) aluminium die-cast. camshaft engine... 875 cc giving 42 bhp, mounted. Major-(iciieral ll. l.:inge. Inspector- 'a comfortable 75 mph, and a touring fuel consumption of 40-45 mpg. 33 ROTHBURY ROAD,LONDON,E.9 (icncral of the Royal Swedish Coast Tel.: AMH 1056/7 .-\rtiIIery. visited the Portsmouth IMP has independant suspension all round. Carries four with room to Group l‘lC£l(lqlI1lI’lL‘I‘.~i antl Royal spare. Gives estate car convenience, generous luggage space. And IMP :‘ .\Iarinc Barracks. Eastncy. on June 25. has no greasing points, it is easy to service. slashes maintenance costs. News" ‘ " G0 ‘M?0' Can ll '5" l“ R“-“" IMP SALOON (508. l. 3. from column 2) (Continued Sliipmatcs llygalc. Nice and llou-les \._' "Y " mmon‘ IMP DELUXE £532. 4. 7. protliicctl tuo floats for the carnivals. .\__Ifc in dmk There 1 "' were “_ dry .‘ ()ne of the floats was of .'i Iisliizig ‘y """h°"' ‘md 1'“ 1| PT0l=Fi”‘l]mL‘ 0 I I! l\'t‘|' P |'0Wm‘ b°""" "cw ON A Commemoration) vessel. suitably minted "Queen of thc IL‘ on tic iames on Augu.st4. I91‘). _\1 sic" ;nd_ mm .1 '1] ; s ;' Order a new Hillman. Humber. Sunbeam or Singer. now from E.M.A. I-t0 for delivery at your destination whether you be comlng Portsmouth, illlllt‘ 'Cl CiC. ICS. 0i1lS. l00 PIC ] _gp[;[)'¢d_ Fcnfly P371, home on leave or on your way overseas. We make all the arrange“°With the co-operation of the R..\'. Cflfi 59]] W“ “W? 3 _P¢lll' 0"_lCC|'. tl rniy. or w IIL the ments_ md Rv“_ (.m,c‘,rS omc;-r_ of Tllnrnton 1.





...i;a£1".'.‘r"r‘l..§l'.’,l‘.‘..'1i‘8?;2.'i.",-'." .




:;?5;;°*.;“;f"§;‘_;*;§ *-;;<' " §“‘ I.é'."“. ‘'l‘i'_‘° f°‘:L‘lL"' ....









Wimp. ;pccm:‘me u\1\t l uutm

l -‘:3?! ‘

f':5|s1"-lnl.?<.‘(|.¥}Cl'\'lCCS :n ttlllltlll \ '_Cli ovler boiits. (littrges, E ‘_cllr:'/c‘:il 'St‘lic“.sl ‘i ili‘>:srs:c;,r£p§ii‘y;cv:§re”l:§E:i: wick,‘ i;;lywc?cCvf 'Rbmi l@tlgEddha ii“! "3 ra:c1|_:ul. _









Ilcatli. the other float advcrtiseil the Royal Navy. the Royal Marines. the Woniczis Royal .\';i\'al Service and Ii)“;-L-n _-‘\|-_~\,.n._]r..'g Ru)-;,| _\.';,\-H] \'ursini,: Service. aml. tlce'or.itctl \\i:li ‘laps and posters looked very effective the Royal Naval .'\§s(VCl;tlli\ll crest -.l.«p|.iyctI on thc :ront of the float. liicrc \\.is .:l\u a shop i\l:iil.m rl;\;irr.ir*.g_-ctl by the hl.lilLll. .tIlli ‘.;~;iT.i_\ctl it-. the (Zuccrs ()Il'i.'cr. -'\ Roj...l \.i'..:l l)i~pl;i‘.' \'.m ‘A l\ in :!‘.-.':n.l.:::.’c and '__‘.t'i'.’ pr-.'.:t [tic':~... he .'ru'.u:x. _



L(. lDl.£l l[_1 §hCtV£§\\»;ll '1l()‘ll‘-'C|"l"' II1 Cpi‘"1789 c ket Of ""3 “-11


1 C















“'39 Pl’0C_°‘-‘*l_0"- Tl": I“'0‘-‘C$$l0n "k‘i||'l)' it mil? 1” lmillh and “T15 from llrttlgc to Czitloglin Pier. l._oitilt\n (ll¢'l‘¥'i!- -‘ml


AT NORMANDY l..-\.\'DlN(§S H ’ h J ,- 1-om? ‘H F

lfc firulizu:llT‘l'"l5.filc3"h; d"':r‘,“‘:‘) il,.o£:‘.‘, L.:2d"::fon°l;uit::, ‘v_cr.“ua.

d ‘




Bi']l\lf:._l.1:3 pgnmricll ‘









ll..\l, King (Eco:-,:c V's barge uas ill wk.” mt follovieil by contiiigciits from all scr- I l happened to that grand ship after all ~.:-.'t-<. t.'t‘lll‘lt.'ClCtl iiitli the sea including jthzit. Yours. etc:-E. 'I'. GREENthe Royal .\'.iv_\'. the Royal .\'a\';il Sl..-'\t)E_ ex-Able scum-.m. \\'.tl\s'ortlI. Reserves. Royal .\’:::ioii;il lifeboat ’ S.lZ.|7. lllsllilllt. (‘o.ixti:ii.tril~ 'l'r.iining Sllipi, ‘ll [The ii-rilvr Ir quit.‘ r'orn'i'!. ll..\!.S. l‘l\lll'llllL’ll. \I'.i \'.‘t\'tT~. .17‘.d ,\li_'.'.'.::'_t:l;- 3 }¢-ri-it Irmluvt up in I‘)-J.‘l.— tum '

We will have a Self-Drive Hillman awaiting your arrival anywhere In the U.K. Write to us today or phone Portsmouth 2326l.

Grove Road South




.\l.ii:iic .mti.

A‘. .".'tl'i'mr.]

Portsmouth 2326|

July. I53.

NA\"'t' NEWS

EFIRST LORD OPENS i BRITANNIA HOUSE 2i New quarters for rating at Gibraltar





_\e:trs' endeavour by the

Gibraltar Natal 'l‘nist and those



associated with it came to Iniiténn on 1 .\la_\‘ 1 \\II('n the First Lord of the .-\dmir:ilt_t'. Lord Carrington. perIormed the openint: ceretiionv at Ilritannia House. (iiliraltzir. ssht.-re I6 fittitilies are now housed in a liltiek til neu tlats_ ‘l he lirst lord. alter tiittiitg: the tape on the t.-nti';'.iicc hull. sprike to all -the teiiaiits. ;tnd l.:ids' t .ir:iu;.:toii ;' pltintcd .t litbzsciis tree to mail. the oec.'iston.


Thc t]..ts, ssliich are on .-\d:tiir.tlt_s' ground, ssere built under the "liisestor \'clie:iie." in tshicli the (iIl‘l'.tll£lr :\':iv:il lrnst is the imestur to the tune of some I."-27.(XK). ‘lhe (iihraltar Naval Trust was The opening ceremony. l.eIt to Cdr. A. G. Watson. R.N. origin;ill_\ established in I040. out of right: t(.'oninianding (lflieer. ll.M.S. prolits from the Naval Cinema which. Ronlte). Lord Carringtt-in. Lady alter a sttnlt.'\\'l"l:IIchequered history of Carrington and Cdr. .I. II. M. Cole, over 30 _\e:tts. not sold in W60 and. 'R.N. (Base Supply Oflicer) civilian now a commercial although The Church of St. Christopher at II.M.S. Condor at Arbmath venture. is still known as the Naval‘. Gibraltar. This was ripened in I93! 'I'rtist ('inciii:i. The sale of the cinema ’ and originated as the result of the enabled the 'l‘ru.stce.s (the personal enterprise of :in olliecr ilien Olllccf. (iibraltar. the llasc serving in the (iibraltar depot ship, Oflieer and the ('omnianding ()lliccr. ll.M.S. ('ormorant——Payni:tsti:r l.iettt...\I.S. Condor. the naval air station tvto miles to the north of At-broath. is not an active air lield with all the noise l'l.M.S. Route) to had. ""5 "‘”¢h' (,'dr_ tnosv Capt.) Thonizts llurst Trust needed housing project. and bustle that are associated with the usual air station. but is a training establishment. and Irom all —-who pledged a large suni_ of his parts 'lhe foundation stone of the new own money tit Great Britain the men who are to play sue I: an important part in keeping eflieient the aircraft of the towards it. |_:ttcr. in I940. Navy. come httildittg \\;ts Iatid bit’ the Princess .‘ to learn their jobs. um Base Suppls‘ ()llieer. l'a_\master For some. the training is a mere‘.ilor claim. tsith pride. that they has-e'tion given to apprentices and junior Royal tslien she visited Gibraltar in '(‘dr_ (late Capt.) John Douglas Wales tour months. btit others stay for two the loveliest church in the Fleet All'if‘.llllI1:\' under training. (Tonl'irm:ttion l:Cl3Ill‘.lI)'. l‘)(iZ. Rogers established the Trust Fund. years, Leading rates and petty ollicers Arin. classes :ind so on, the ('liap|ain rtins During the 30 years‘ life of the do their qualifying courses. Nztval AirAs one enters the main gate the lirst a Youth Club. the attendances at‘ (‘0.\I.\iI-ZMORA'l'l()N PI.AQl3E cinema successive Ilase Supply men are trained there and. at Condor. thing seen is the church. dedicated to sshich in A the hall entrance plaque states Olliccrs gave their services free as vary from S0 to I50. The cltib the aircraft artilicers complete their St. Cliristoplier. Only last sear the 'ri.i. proved that tlats the be occupied may managing trustees. It is to the services to be so popular that it is long training which started in ll..\l.S. church “as enlarged anti then dedi-' hoped to build a permanent naval and serving ratings Royal of all these ofliccrs. and in pztrtictilar place for hv cated by the (‘haplain of the Fleet in the club to meet. Fisgttrd. Marines and their families. Capts. Trust and Rogers that the the of l'l..\l. The Thousands naval of presence ln adtlitioit. courses ranging from Queen men will existence of Britannia House is Although (fondor is but a small part Mother. the Naval Cinema at attributable. "litstriictional Teeliniqtie" to "Busiof the Royal Navy those there feel Inside the church the is one feeling ness .\l;tn:igeiiient" are carried out. that are contributing at valuable or lightness and colour. Most of the part they to it. Likewise those connected RA'lI.\\'.v\\' STATl0.\' (‘llAPl..-\l.\' littings inside the church ssere made with the church realise that they are ll..\l.S. It and (‘ontlor it is not sur1-roni all this activity it \\ill be hit: a small p.trt of the family of the that those in the air .station prising ohsimis that (‘ondor is a "p.'itislt" \\llll (‘hurch. but by PRAYING together of are their chiircli. proud an on \'tind.t_vs (and other days. too) and L"s't.'l'<L‘lt;tl'lgEllg populatioii, llte ln some parishes the rcoplc are tlten l’|,»‘\‘t'lN(i together during the tli.ipl.tiii Illa) soiiiet:mc's feel that his their church ot .ind ssill do proud an)» week. the iiitltiencc of the (‘hutch tub is rather like being cli.tpl.iiii of tor it that to it. thing is except go reaclies out itito every part of the lsin-,:‘s ('ioss oi l’.tt|tlington. lot the int the Condor. The clitirch case in normal isorls'~;t-day lite riianj. changes make life dillicult at is uell is used. lt not some~ as regarded times, ()t'ten :i young man is just beginsvliieli on thing only on Sundays goes iizng to he .i useful nieinhcr of tlic eoni~ niuuity \slt:n he has to lease to .t.irt .tn" ollcts nothing during the week. lli: .ilt‘t..'sll i.-i another sli:p or est.ihl:sli- There are \L'l'\'lL'L‘\' every.’ day. llo|_\" li.ip:is:n is .ttltt)llll\lL'r¢tl regiilarly and Peter llelliwell. ()rdin;ir_r Seaman. iiient. P/tlS644l. ll..\l.S. ‘Trafalgar. llosseser. ('ondor is .i busj. place' quite :i levt sscddings take place. Died .\la_\' I3. 1963. Ill'S\" \'(lU'l'H CLUB and on; tsliere the (‘htirch plays an, James William Ilinson Hardy. In addition to the religious instruciiiipitrtaui part. Those in ll..\l..S'. ("on-; Natal Airman l.st Class‘. I./I’. 944955. ll..\l.S. Ark Royal. Died .\I'.t_\' 30. I963. l.ieut. Paul Austin. Royal .\'avy. II..\I.S. Hermes. Died May 3!. ‘

Loveliest Church in Fleet Air


l-‘lrtgi Snpplyi


onlyl ‘




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lictttiiig ReIre.it,

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(‘amp (iutncmcr.

honour of the Llueeii's birilitl.i_v. llie saint: evening the ‘hand pl.i_\ctl for .t llritisli recep~ lion gisen at Sl|r‘\l’l-'. at \'crs;til1cs. and peiloriuetl the c-.-r.'moi:y tll

()ii lime .\' the ham! ',i!.t_\".‘tl in lltc \'.illc tlcs ( l‘lt‘l)llk'\ in the ('li.itc.tii tll I:I\lli'.lll)‘.‘l‘l;'..ll <.-i-.iii;_- .i p':rt't~rni.ii:..'c similar it that g.:t\c:~. the pi-.-stovis |‘e.-.t 7'.‘ltC.:l 1:1 the t.“s‘.ll:ll'.‘. .:::tl t('uit!?it-.ietl in eiilutziit -ll

Bank invites you



Retreat on three occasions before large ertiotls. The lirst iiiiportant cngagenient of the hand \\as to have been at the British linihassy on June (i. but the reception ssas cancelled becaust: ol the death of the Pope. The next day the hand p|a_ved for the British litter‘Ken-ices" parade held in the .\'.A.'l'.0.

l-’onI;tinchle;tn in

crowds of week-end visitors witnessing the llcating Retreat cerenionv in the Cour du Chcval Blane. where the Napoleon said _goodh_vc _to E_mpcror his troops before embarking {or eitile in Elba in I814.





Shirts for all occasions

ll. in I-'r-ance. |1erforming the eereiiitiny of Beating



(Continued [mm column 3) cobbled (‘our Ovale adjacent to the Salli: des ('oIonnes, On Stinday. June 9. the band niarchcd through the town of I-‘ontainehleau in brilliant sunshine.

School of Music Band in France III-I Ram! and Driiiiis‘ ol the Royal T .\larine School of .\lusie spent week. June -I

(‘arrington speaks"

of the tenants. Left to right: ('dr. A. O. \'l'-atson. R.N.. C.I’.(). (I. I-1. Licence. Mrs. Licence. Mrs. luppen (partly hidden). (.‘.P.(). R. A. Tuppen and C.P.0. R. 'l‘riiiibny

John B_t not-. Ru_ral Navy. ll..\l.S. IIt‘t't'Ilt.'s‘. Died May 3|. I963. I-Iric .\lels'en7ie. Petty Oflicer. P/.l.\'. 830709. ll..'\l.S. Cochrane. Died June 5. I963. Cordon Keith Bartlett. Stores Chief Petty (lflieer. PIMX. 74-H04. Il..\l.S. Hermes‘. Died June 9. I963. Admiral of the Fleet Viscount (Tunningham of Nyndhope. ILT. G.C.B.. 0.M.. D.S.0. and two Bars. I.l..I). Died June I1. I963.






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Hospitalischoohas l\'A\’\'

lnly. I963

The Royal Boathouse iI '?:"_N' l l 1.‘,












he boys of the Royal Hospital School. llolhrouli. returned for the start of the Summer Term on May 2.

.'\\l-'llll.ll, \\-ho




lltlt'Il€tli:tlt:l_\‘ settled down to prepare for a lntsy term. The new boathuuse had heen completed. and on May l-I Rear-.-\rlmiral I. W. 'l'. lleloc. l).S.(‘.. Flat: (Itliccr. “ednay. came to (".l|’t’_\' out the opening (‘crctItt)n_\'.






particd by the Director of (irecttwich Hospital t.\lr. ll, l). Satnuell and the llC;tt.llIllt\lt.'f t.\lr. N. A. York). was greeted with full ceremony and in~ spcctcd the (iuard and hand. paraded on the l'0lIt.l\\‘Zt_\' :J(lj:It.‘t.‘l1l to the boathouse. The boys were drawn up in the hoathmtse pen and the Director called upon the .-\dmiraI to open the boat-

Lieut. W. J. Brett. of the I-Zire Naval Service. shows the way when it comes honse. :1 ceremonial key being handed to kissing the Blarm.-y_Stotte (note the distance to the path below) to the Admiral for this purpose. ClI.\N(§l"S AT THE SCHOOL afterwards Rear-Admiral Beloe talking to some of Beloe Rear-.-Xdmiral giving the order to launch the boats proceeded through tlte boathouse to .315. ORACLI-I (Lieut.-(Tdr. J. B. Hervey. R.N.) and ll.M.S. Totem the pen. vuhere ltc addressed the (Lieut.-Cdr. B. 0. I-‘orht.-s. R.-.\'.). two submarines of the Firsst Squadron. ‘the addition of the new hoalhottse I He told the boys‘ that he had. in f:tct.i School and expressed appreciation will be A great asset and permit this llmm over the Royal llospital School 1 recently paid a courtesy visit to Cork during the Whitsun holiday. that. despite heing involved in a heav_v pleasant pastime to develop more and had a particu|ar_ly line view of it. 1 On the day of arrival, the Com-l progmmme of expenditure (the tnod- rapidly: it is hoped very shortly that‘ it is hoped that hetng able to p;trti- manding Officers were received by thci The ships‘ companies of the subernisatton of kitchens and addition of thc Sqlmol will utsu tt~_n.-c its oun eipate on this memorable oecasion.;l.ord Mayor. Mr. Sean Case)‘. \\‘l‘|0;tt‘I;trlttt.‘\' were looked after wonderfully new classroottts. both of which had section. spur the boys to even greatenvery kindly came on board I-l.i\l.S.‘\\ell h_\' e\'er)'one they met throughout Hill‘ been completed recently. and cxten~ eanoeing aclneventenls tn the Awartl Scltcme. later the same day to meet the their stay; the very thriving (‘ork and }()r.tele sive moditieations of the boarding AWARI) S('III".MlC otlicers of both ships. (‘ounty Branch of the Royal Naval houses‘ dtte to begin shortly). the ..-\s's'ociation being especially kind in -_. At the end of May a large section Board had ttevertlieless been able to arrangirtg a most successful dance on give their sanction to the building of. of the boys who were participating in the first night in harbour. this new ho:tthou.se. so emphasising the Duke of l-Idinhurgh Award Anotlter much enjoyed feature of the importance which they attached to Scheme. together with others from the visit was a coach trip of I60 miles both liast and West Sulfolk. put on :1; the activities which spring from it. .‘ round the lovely countryside of West Tlte eneour.ig.ement of sailing and display in Ipswich tor the visit of His! (‘orl;. organised by the Lee Valley boating activities among the boys was Royal l-lit_.-,hnes‘s to the county. llranch of the British Legion. This 'l'hi.s- event was held at Thurleston a part o! the general aim to foster and tour. which took place In perfect develop their self-reliance. it qu.iItty .\l\'l(lC|'ll School. lpswiclt. in glorious weather. also included stops :tt two gener.tl|_v desirable in all bots and oeathcr. hotels whose proprietors turned out p.trllClIl:trl)' in those front the‘ Royal; 'lhe scheme which is :1 pcrs'on:tl. to be ex-submarine Chief Stolzers. llospital Scltool nlto. itt tnatt_\ cases. cltallertgc from the l)ttl»;e ofl ' “Stcve" Donoghue. who many readers lidinhurgh to any boy or girl tol made the Services their career. '\vi|l remember as the one-time draftAdiniral lleloe then inspected the measure himself or herself :t_u:tin.st‘ ing Chief Stoker in ll.;\l.S. Dolphin, new boats and other boats which had standards at L'.tL'll stage ot .I\\:tl'tl~‘ .pmvcd to be the msner of the been draun up on the slipuay and was well displayed and all sections of ,()\\cn\Itineha Hotel: and Mr. Sullivan called upon the boys to lattnclt them. this competition were seen by the illl llaltimore. who. although of an hefore going afloat himself in the Duke during the atternoun. E earlier generation. Soon confirmed that lloys competing tor their Silver School's motor-cutter for a run on the the had not forgotten the most imporRiver Stour. where he watched the r\\\'.||'t.l. and also sortie for the coveted .-\ward. were fortunate enough itant ingredient of a good subtnarine school whalers. Fireflies and 1-5 run ashore-—h_v producing large quartl{.N.S.r\. dinghics sailed and handled to tall: to the Duke. who was especil ally interested in all their activities. titics of free beer. by the boss. i













Not so easy for others. t\lanaging money is muclt the same. Some can. Some can't. But \\'ll(‘lltt§t‘ you're with it or \\'ltL'lltt't‘you’rc not, thcrc’s no question ahmtt an account at the I\li(ll;tn(l Bank. It will sitnplify your own money tnanztgcmcttl. right from the start. l"inil out how we can help you. Ask for details at a (‘tlll‘.'\'lllt'lll '.\litl|;tn(l Bank brattclt.








P.C.74 goes to rescue of in Portland Race

Julv. I963

submarine damaged

ciidcavoiir to take the submarine in



moving at slow speed. was rolling and pitching much more violently than the submarine. Ilowever. a heaving line with wire attached was got across successfully and all looked well. When the submarine gave a heavy roll. The rating with the eye of the wire in his hands lost his balance: the wire. with a large shackle through the eye. slipped out of his hands and became wedged between the hydroplanc and hull of the submarine. What ti predicament we were now in! Both ships were bobbing about like corks and it was impossible to keep one's balance. The submarine was completely helpless. at the mercy of the sea. and P.C.74 secured to her by the wire jammed by the hydroplanc. thus limiting Ih: mano.-uvrability of my ship. I-l.M.S. P.(‘.7-l.



[CmtIiImiII.k' Hit‘ .\‘!nr_\' 0/ his corn-r, Nrprmir. ti-Im joined the Riiyril Nm'_\' as n Yaiuig S:-uiiimi in I904. It’tlt. in I927. in cuninimii! 0/ II.M..S'. P.C.74 or I'orIImiIl. In the Julie I'.i.iur I\'¢'prmic wrote of III: A/.5" wnrlc ciirrirrl on! by Ilia‘ ship mid of the silt! uI'i'mimi It [mi he war called upon in can y out tl biirinl at sea.) LTIIOUGII I had not known the Commander whose body had just been committed to the sea. I had at feeling ot great personal loss. e.s1:eciaIIy as I turned Il.M.S. P.C.74 on a course to take its back to harbour and saw the many wreaths floating on a calm. restful sea. with a cloudless sky overhead. Such ti ceremony is not experienced frequently in II_.M. Ships. It was very notteealile that it feeling of awe had entered the hearts of all the ship's company. P.C.74 reverted once ntor_c to normal instructioiial work. {here were ups and downs, periods of frustration. but oti the \\ltolI: the progress of each day of training .~\sdic Operators (today known as Sonar Operators) could be viewed with an inward feeling of szitistkietion, .-\t sea I was very happy witlt my ship. She had a good ttirn of speed and was c:t\_\' to handle even if she did roll

tions. Asdic contact

was soon

rcgaincd during

lost and

the exercise, At the scheduled time. live minutes before the end of the exercise. P.C.74 flopped engines and commenced "tapping hull." In a short space of time P.('.7-t was lying beam to sea. and rolling vcry violently. but I dared not work the engines tintil the submarine had surfaced. Meanwhile. time was p:I~siiig~tivc. I0, IS niiniitcs c\ct.-ssivcly, llui on returning to and no signs: of the !~tlIVm:tIInI:, liarhour and hcrtliing III the I’;-nus I-fxplosixc cliarg-es were now tired when :I strong westerly \\lIItl was as a signal to the submarine to hlowiitg. I often had quite a few-‘ surface. but there was no response. attxiotzs Inomcnts. I was‘. indeed. very much al;Ii'incd. Altltnttgli as I ltavc stiitl ttzitttiitg 'Ihcn. after 20 minutes of great programmes were tisually‘ carried otit anxiety. and with PC.7-3 rolling at a without inislizip. I liaul one partieolzir datigcroiis angle. the sign alin a ii exercise which might have had tll\- observed quite close to Portland Bill. astroiis conseqttcnces. I had been a flashing lamp calling its tip and :I scheduled to exercise with a stihiiiariitc signal was received which read: ‘'I‘ of the "R" L‘liI\\‘_ and these \L'\\L'l§ liavc hit the Bill. .\ly steering gear is were very fast tvbctt sohiiiergeil. "Area out of action.“ It certainly relieved had been allocated for the my tension to know that. at least. exercise. It was at large area. exlciidiiig was afloat although in diflictiltics. well to the westwaril of Poitlaiid ltill. IN THE ‘RACE’ embodying practically the whole of West llay. Tltc day's prograiiiinc P.C.74 procccdcd at spttcd to provided for three runs each of one invcstigate._ _By the time I got to hour's duration. the submarine being within hzulin distance. the subunrestricted as regards course and marine had drifted into that turbtilcnt speed. Two runs were carried out stretch of water. cast of Portland Bill. satisfactorily. the stibntarinc siirfacittg known to all mariners as "The Race." at the end of each rtiit. Tltcre was a where. indeed. a heavy sea was runmoderate sea. with ;i strong sooth- Iiing. "I lie day was now well advattccd, wcstcrly‘ wind: It haze hung over the The stibniariiie was in an awkward land. hill the visibility was reasonably and iinconifortablc position and ungood. As regards weather conditions. able to use her engines and there there was no cause for anxiety. were not many hours of daylight left. I signalled to the Captain-in-(.'harge. CONTACT LOST l"ortl;ind. and requested the immediate The subniariiic submerged for the assistance of :1 lug. Mczinivhilc third riui In accordance with instruc- prepziratioiis had been made to not


How OI’




I try




P.C.74 l)A.\IAGED Fortun:Itc|_v. the tide was east-going. which carried tis aw-riy from Portland Bill. Another wire was quickly prepared and I decided to make another attempt. I backed P.C.74 close to the bow of the submarine and just got another Iittc across when suddeiily‘ it big wave came rolling along: the stern of l’.('.'/'-t was lifted high in the air and the next moiitcnt eraslicd down on the solid strticturc of the suhInarinc‘s bow‘. splitting the plates of l'.(‘.7-3 rather badly under the poop. bill fortuiiately above tltc waterline.

SAILORS IN l'IIIi MAKING By NEPTUNE It was dillicult to use the engines with any speed to l'lt:tntI?ll\'fL' freely and it was with much reluctance that I decided to give up tltc attempt. The fouled wire was cut through with an axe. P.C.74 stood by the siibiitariiic until the arrival of the tug. It was nearly dark. but we had now drifted clear of the turbulent Race and the tug had little dilliculty in taking the



I’.C.7-I returned to harbour. It was now dark and stormy‘. with a strong westerly wind. Our berth was the oIItside windward berth of the Pcnns and P.C.74 appeared to have become quite petulant. and bcrlhing under the prevailing weatltcr conditions just added to the experiences of a very trying day. \‘.'hat a relief it was to "ring oil" the engines and relax.

I save! But my






ll..\I.S. I'.(.'.7-I Ii crthctl in the I’cnn.s at Portl-.Ind in the occupied by II..\I.S. lleather.


the ship‘s eoinpany had worked selected for a commission in the rank splendidly under the most trying of mate. and dangerous conditions. 'I'he_v. F.-\RI-ZWI-Il.l.S too, were plcascil to be able to I returned to Portlaiid from relax and have a meal :I\ it had been quite illlpu\\lbl¢'to thinkaboiil (‘liristmixs leave in line fcltlc. My loud during the day, It is under relief arrived and I turned over my such coiiditions that British scanien, conimaiid on .laniiary I8. I91‘). Again are seen :It thoir best. A spirit of there was the ordeal of saying fareloyal coiitradeship prevails: there is well to members of my sliip's no spoken word. but there is an? company who had served me sg well atmosphere of complete under-‘ for three weeks under two years, They standing which is felt instinctively‘ had helped me to gain great by all. eiery man ready to accept experience. personal risks to help overcome- The late Adniiral .\lurray. who had dillicullies as they arrive. Experience : been my Divisional Commander in is a great teacher. How to act when : the 6th A/S Flotilla. when I was First a In'.shap suddenly occurs cannot be Lieutenant of H..\l.S. Wessex. was learned front a book. In eniergency now Ilie (':Ipt:Iin of the Anti-Sulr we are all guided by an unknown marine School. ll.!\l.S. Osprey. at power. which makes many realise Portland. When saying farewell he that however many years of our expressed his pleasure at the good lives we have spent at sea. we are. appointment I had received. So away one and all still "sailors in the I went on foreign appointment leztvc. It w-as fortunate that I was able to making." The outcornc of this misliap was a complete the arrangements for my court of in Iiiry. which I attended as son (who was now I7 years old) to hat the actual lindings take the examinations for entry into a witness. were I never knew, but shortly :iftcr- the Royal Navy as a cadet (Public wards the commanding olliccr of the School Entry) during 192‘). On Friday. February IS. 1929. I submarine was relieved. The damage done to P.C.74 was not very extensive set oil’ by road for Plymouth. and and was quickly repaired at Portland. nearly met my Waterloo. (To be continued) without holding up the training pro.

gramme. As the year I928 was draw-in to a close. I began to think of the uturc. I had been in conimand of H.M.S. P.C.74 much longer than any of my predecessors. In spite of the waywardncss of this little ship. I h:Id managed to keep her out of any serious trouble and enjoyed handling her under some very ditlicult conditions.



Advancements t)NFlIl.\lAIl0N I'I.|\

been rccened that the totkw-in: time been aountru to the

(‘Met Petty Umeer rate That’s what I thought when I was your age To ctikt Petr; Ollcer I.\.\5-tstio R. Ftanaetian. Ixituott D. F. until someone showed me the Progressive Kcatine. lxti-H9Nl |'.. \V. Harden. I.‘t'l‘0|74 A. Robinson. Ixbst-ON It. I. Iknnrii. Savings Scheme. I only had to put aside £3 lX292*77 R. 6. Beck. l.\'J2‘)2‘Il 05'. I5. Iliumtlion. l.‘€bb082.I B. /tun-trv. lxM.0.|a‘) a month by Naval allotment but when I leave I. T. R. Coates. I.\t.-in:0< (1 A has. To the Service next year I can collect £855. Minter-at-Arias A NI-IW AI'I'0lNT.\Il-INI‘ .\I.\b'tI-to?! E. \V. Ford chlet Salliaalicr Sounds too good to be true. Whcrc’s the catch? There were still a large number of ToI.\ti20.l.‘tl V. C. C. l)cbcnh.ini olliccrs Yo Cblel Pelt) Olllcrr Writer had. Iincmploycd. My worry No catch. And if I had died at any time my AIXSMZRZ P. I. Denchan. .\I.\.\ol-IO‘ I’. A. been “Will I become one of tlIcm'."'l Mclntoxti. .\t3\’it77I4I I. K .\trm.k. or "Shall I be condemned to what to Store: Chlet Pelt) Otlirrr t\'I wife would have received the whole £855 Wliiclt will you take? .\lXtc'I02t~'8 I. I) .\Iilcui .\I.\'.\'I‘l‘9.l A. G. would be :1 living deatli. appointed to lnxiicr. a reserve group of dc.stro_ver.s‘."'. It to stores Chlet Fem Olti-er (SI immediately. You see, it’s 2: Savings C. M Blake. I’m going for the pension. I’m all lined was just :i question of “nail and sec." to.\I.\'I\'75.IS4 Scheme and Life Assurance rolled into one. Chi:-I Ollrer Cools IS! Petty and with such thoughts in my mind I .\INt€.‘2~llI L. T. Collins. for a job already, and with an extra proceeded on ('hristm;is lcmc. To m_v to Ctilct Petty Olllrrr Cool: :0! Supposing you hadn't signccl on for 22 years K. Fraser. service? joy and delight. my doubts were to.\lXt<':'.I£4b Aetln: Chtet Engtae Roma \rtlh'crr pension to look forward to when I retire great set at rest while on leave h_\' the’ .\t.\:02.<on2 I-‘. G. (‘tutu-in»n .\l\r-X2907 R. G. .\tx*I0:27| I’. and the wife provided for if anything rcccipt of an appointtitcnt When I had done my nine years, as I had (‘.uicI-ton. GI-dlrn. as .\tNxx7m.I A S -\l.ltlIc\h\ivrI. .\t.\.~a7<ios J. M C‘. Izllioit paid premiums for 7 years, I could have it’s the kind of "l.icutcnimt-Coiiiinandcr in (‘om- To happened .\ctIn: (Jtlel .\IrrhanIr‘.an of"l'l‘.‘.Vf.'S. niand" Stornicloiitl. a llcct drawn £234 to help set me up in Civvy II. I’. Nicholtx |;\‘.7lIl‘9 A G_ KX.\'JSl75 we all want. security the tlth of destroyer l)estro_\cr' KNHIITIITO Sutton, 1 ll Sritiili Street. Now, after 22 years’ service, I shall Chlel Artllitrr lo Shlpurlxhl China the Station Flotilla. on , .\IX.\!Il<‘I‘I \\' G.) Uta)’ have the option of taking the How do vmi set about all this? What an uplift this news gave me!« To Chlcl Blarlurnltll (E Ihomson. the need I don’t if £855, or I felt that it was a very great honour" In\1N2~'.t.I‘l.‘ Clilel Ordnance utifirer \rI|n: That’s ProviAsk the easy. cash immediately, a pension to receive such an appointnient. .\I_v _\|,\-in:u|< R I ltaincii \t.\-iliilu W. W. hon dent Life for details of the; greatest anihition was to he realised. In (‘titer I‘.nllltCt'tIrII: \Intr.ui:c of £t72* a year when I retire uvufi It also gave me great pleasure to know KX\'l2ll\I \\’ ll ltudrr K\.\i2|2-I S‘. It from civilian work at 65. Progressive Savings Scheme. that \7nI|H.t (' ti -\t!ttnIt_ Kxflruy-Ii) I would he again on the Cllltlzl t-\1|.m,-i_ I ll Station. where I had served for two Tu \I:tlng Chtcl lilrrmral trtltirer ‘Fri: IIIIIIIIICIJ Q] I/Ir ll'.Ii'..\'..S'. [In \l\'.\‘77'N R l(I‘l‘ctts \l.\“t|I‘I-3 \l \ ll LIFE ;.cars as ordinary ~.-.-.Im.III .iiid ihlc '.\t...e_ .\txi»I<w-.~‘ t‘ I tit-n.ti. .\t.\"7t~4~‘ R. I’e'Iniuii II [: 1.19 (I ran ASSOCIATION or LONDON and I where had seaniait. received \vs.. .1 loundo¢lI77 Liuirlo .








r I I I I I


Eli-ctrtiat \lrrlI.inlu.in ctlcmirugcmcttl and the opportunity’ In,\I\.\ ~4.\l\t.'tiIeI I- Noon for leading \t.‘.'Itt'I.Ill. Now I In Chief l"lectrlcl:In to Send this coupon to 246 London, E.C.2 "I waspass ‘_" \t\sU‘4I.‘JI ll \.iteiio a licutciiatit-cniiiiiiaiitlcr of four, Io t‘h‘I-I Ratlio I'l|ettI’Il‘l-‘In Please send me details of the Progressive Savings Scheme I years‘ seniority .\liich watci li.id- \IV‘II‘tuIt I lino. .\t\'Jott,-in N. lincll. under the flowed Clilrl lo Radio .§taI>er\l~or bridge during I Name l.amkiIi Ik2‘|.‘ltt-I \V. F. I I-. Jxmltltz of IlL':ll'I_\ II _\‘t.‘;Il'\'. .\l:Iny; Ilcndcnon period I changes had occurred. .\ly Address............... Cltlel \Irrr:Ill \Iec|iaii|rIaiI 10) ambitions.j InI Arline I’ A Rainer -I-.\’x'I'~2‘47 I in tlinse far-oll days. were. perhaps to I In Chief Alr Fltter t-\I-'.l I rise to the rank of warrant olliccrl I tt«'.\.‘.\n\2W R Proctor. I ‘t-‘\.s=is‘M (3. I. I‘ ll l'It‘bert. I.tI-‘xiii:-mi’; \'.tt me or Rank I\pp'.el‘\y. ...NN Age next birthday I and. indeed. I had risen to that rank In Chlel Wren (Writer ll’)! mm—--nu-.1.-:—mm-—1mmm-u——nun-mununmu-——--—-—-:11:-u-m-u—mu_u—— before I had the honour of being ln'.'t»2! I. M. Raicn



— - - - - - " "' " " - - "

" " "



....................... ..



...... ..



N .-'l V Y

July. I963

N F. W S


Ill.|li|l1li2ll'l|I||I|lIlllllillillilllllillillllllll l=llIl'I||IlLllllIllllllilllllilllllilllllIlliIIlllllllllllIllllllZlllllllllllllllllillillillllIZIIillillillllllllllllllilllllilllll2llIllIlllll.|llllIllLl!



.'\ memorial service for Admiral of 's:tw si:rs'i‘.:: in the Second World War the Heat Viscount Cunninghani ol" in R.F..»\. Store Slllpi (,'ii_\' ol l)iepp::' llynilhope will be held in St. Paul's and Fort Diiqiicsiie until posted to Catliedral :it noon on Friday. July’ ll. ll..\t.S. Aretliusa as (‘anteen hlaiiageri


of the war when he until the later Rear-.-\diiiir:tl I. l.. T. lloga. l).S.C. served at thepart Naval Depot. Lyness. and Bar. is to he Flag Ollicer. Hed- i Orkney s. way. and Admiral Superintendent. l ll.i\l. l)oeky.'irt|. Chzitliaiii. in succesll.Nl.S. Tartar. the Devunport Docksion to \'ice-.-‘\dmii'a| l, W. T. Beloc. built "l'ril)al" class General (?.B.. l).S.C.. the appointment to take :§'£ll'(J Purpose Frigate ((‘dr. B. C. (1.! ellcct iii Deceniber. I963. ; Hutcliings. R.N.). visited the l'nol of ('tlr. (i. M. Fletcher. .»\.M.l.i\l:eh.l-1.. ‘London from June 24 to 23. for M.l..\l'.ir.l-1.. R.N.. of Southdoisn ‘llttlttplltllll by the Borouglt of Road. l-Z.i.st C‘o.sh;im. was m;ide an ihiiicliley. The adoption continues (l O.B.lZ. iu the Birtliday Honoiir.s, “(or ‘link with the Navy begun during services rendered to Coiiiiiiodore the Second World War when the prel\'av:iI Dr.illin_i_:." (Tdr. Fletcher was a vious Tartzir was adopted in I‘)-ll and survivor from H.M.S. Manchester kept supplied with ‘comforts’ during and spent three months as a prisoner the war. of war in Italy. The Royal Naval Supply 0llicers' Annual I)inner will take place in the l'aintcd Hall at the Royal Naval College. (iieenwich, on_ Thursday.

carrier ll..\l.S. Ark Royal and the guided tltlssilc ¢lestroycr ll..\l.S. l)cvon.shire together tor the lirst time recently in the .\ledilcrraiie-.in. ll.M.S. I)cvonshiri.- has since returned to Ptirtsrtiouth

phntni:r:iphshows the aircraft



GALLA TRY AWARDS Took lighters along unknown, winding

I. Representative supply ofliccrs of the R.N.R. and from the (‘unimonwealtli ')Zl\'lCS are being otliecr of ll.M.S. Chawton. one of the invited as guests. All supply ollicers two ships initially sent to Brunei and. are eligible to attend the dinner and r by improvisation and leadership. junior olliccrs are most welcome. The cost of the dinner will be 42s. played a vital part in assisting 42 Cominando and the H2 (iurkha (including wine at dinner). Overnight Rifles in furthering their nii|it:ir_\' aims. accommodation up to a maximum in He worked almost without sleep for 80 can he provided in the College at the first week. showing a line display an :iddilititt;il charge of 6:. Applicaand the ranks of other HI-Z actions of nflicers. ratings and Royal Navy .01‘ “-_,,“,‘,.a and k.3d,:,si,ip_ tions sliould he matte to the Hon. Decemlast rebels Brunei Royal .\l:ir-iru.-.s during the initial lighting against Secretary. R.N.S.0s.' Dinner. c.~'o Four niiclear-powered submarines S.D.O.(i.('. R.N. ('olle_ec. (irecnwich. ber. when hostages were rescued shortly before they were to be hanged. has S.F..ltl_ enclosing cheque for 43. or been marked by the tint gallantry awards to he made as the result of operations for thc Unimj sum; Navy wflc launched on June 22—three. the against terrorists in North Borneo and Sarawak. 435. Polaris submarines 'I'ceuinse|i. Daniel Awards have been announced as 1 Mr. C. S. Hardy of llulalins Road. follows---l)istingnished Service Cross W.” in command of “l." Company. 42 Boone and John Calhoun. all 7.000 Portsmouth. received his 40 years’ —l.iciit. David Orinond Willis. RN. Commando. during this :“sm,“_ To tons. and the attack submarine avoid casualties among the hostages lone Service Award on June 24 at Bar to the Military Cross~~Capl. and the loczil townspeople in Lim- Flasher. 3.750 tons. the N.A.r\.l‘.l. l‘lL‘1l(lQllfll’lCl'S. l.ontlon. John Jcrcmy Moore. i\l.(‘.. RM. Mr. R. A. L. Cohen. O.B.E.. Chairman Distiniztiishcd Service Medal--Petty bang he had to approach in the unariiiourcd lighters using the minimum of the Board of Management pre- Otlicer Patrick Mechanic Engineering of tire. sented .\lr. Hardy with :i Hi-Fi Radio- John Dennis Kirwin. of heavy lire from With gram. Since I9-16 Mr. Hardy has Military Med:Il—('p|. William John some I50disregard rebels at a range of 30 yards. worked at the N.A.A.F.l. Warehouse. Lester. R.M.. and Cpl. Robert Croft Capt. Moore and his company stormed l’urt-.moiith. Ships in which he scr\_cd Rziwlinson. KN. their position. causing the enemy to CD were ll..\l.S, Fox. (Northern Russian Mentioned in D¢\|I:IlClI¢§--l.l¢lll'C0l. the behind tie: in disorder. leaving Waters). (‘omus. Cairo. W:IfSP|l¢- Ernest Robert Bridges. O.B.E.. R.M., who had been expecting to Viitdiclise, ltarliani and Rodney. Hc ll.lL‘lll. ll.irrj-' .\lucklow. R..\'.. ln- hostages'llie ('ninmando Company liang. 1 striietor Lieut. (ientlrey Colin (ieorge, \tlllL'l'L‘tl the loss of live killed and sit il<l..‘~'.c.. R.N.. Cpl. Angus Arthur wounded. hut throiighoiit the assault i(';iineron. R..\/I. and Marine Bryan and during the subseqiiettt clearance. .-\ll~ert Underwood. R..\l. Capt. .\loore showed coolness and Most of these ziwards rel:ite to the cour.ige.


shallow rivers HOSTAGES RESCUED

.* l'.0. I-Zngincering Mechanic Patrick. Kirvvln—won the Distinguished Service Medal




lhe Men ol



l.El-‘T l’l..~\Cli OF SAFETY Petty Ollicer Kirwin was :1 member of the crew of one of the two lighters and when his craft came under heavy rebel lire he left the safety of the




and administered their own lund since I922. Dur;ng that time £3.ll4.032 has been have

.’\ll0ln‘lt‘!‘.[ if _‘.’0'll wi.sli! (pls Lester and Rawlinson ciicli ()iiz' .\’.\':_i.1 .\!;i.ii.t:~:i‘.s visit your Ci\ttlltl.illtlL‘tl a section ol No. 5 Troop. [42 Cuiuinaiiilu. in the assault on l.iin- sliip or shot‘ .<:.il ion l‘t"'.Zlll'.tl‘l_'.' |h;in;.-. ("pl lestcr tlaslied forward as’ 0!‘ it‘ ).'n:i':*-> H. :i.iti'.'-3. ths-_\"d isnull as his open river cialt came" l under fire from a range of 30 _\';irds :iud he :.:l.1t! to ('.lll .i.:i~l set‘ I»'0u a! | his instant reaction iiispired llls section, _i,-nttr (l.'t‘.'l i:un:r'. 'l'hi-:."ll take :ill charged straight tnwurils the yoiiroril-:ri‘or.suit..t'n;Ll. lt!l.stl!‘E,‘ ieiiemrs :ind’over-r.ui their position. Cpl. Raulinsoii was \-.-ounded by clntlies. .s'l1oo3,.sliirt.s' and of hueksliot lired at close range early coiii:so.t1iiifoi'ii1s,allt,ai1oi'cdii1 ~



Children's Homes; and £387,025 for training and finding


in the action. Althoiigli in i_.'.reat pain he siiccessliilly led his men through



High Street.

Brompton. Gillingham Kent

i._o<;AL OFF|_CES

a.uiT;iarsuéci. Chstham

sioplord Place, Stoke, Devoripori

I06 Victoria Road

North. Souths».-x

grasped his aiitoinzitic engagetl the rebels‘ him-


-weapon and i sell at very close range.

expended in grants to serving and ex-serving Naval men. their families and dependants who were in necessity or distress. £522,874 to kindred organisations

RNBT maintains its own Home {or Aged ex-Naval Men in Gillingham. Kent: and the Naval School o: Motoring. Portsmouth, where Naval men are taught to drive and service motor vehicles.

...bul. ordered from your ‘i\'illorli_v.s' .\':tva.l .\!an:i-,:or. this superb .spoi*L-z coat. (.‘ll1l)Otll('Sall that is :'im‘.~‘t in Loiiiloti tailorin-:...:ind you can pay by


Lieul. David “'iIIi-5. R.N.. won the l)istingui.shetl Service Cross

night of Hill December. I962. when a Company of Royal .\l;irine.s of -12 Conuiiando sailed in two Royal Naval


the l‘-.no.-it. tmtlition. with a.

service to match the tailoring. \\'illei‘h_v3.\';i.'.'rI.l .\I:1n:t:.'er'.s will he -.:l;id to tell you all :1'.)ouL it. when tlir-:,"i-e next :Il)0:l!‘(l.'.or you (‘.121 drop us :1 line or call in at ans’ of our l)t'.1ll('ll(‘3 for :1 lvatl-rt do.~'t-t'ibin~.,' Willi-i‘liy3 5L'!"-‘lt".‘ to .'!t'.‘!I in the Se-i".'ii:e.

to czirry out an assault on

Liinh:ing_ S.l.".l‘n\".lk. where live L‘l\'ll'.;tltS were held as liostages h'_.' the rebels.


llli.-\\'\' FIRE The two lighters were under the command of l.ieut. Willis. whose task included the n:u.'.‘g.itio:i along 16 miles of unknown. winding. .shallow rivers. When he closed the bank to land the assault (‘omni:indo:. his craft were heavily tired on from prepared positions. his co.\sw:iin fell wounded at his side and another .se:im-.i:i was shot on the bridge. Licul. Willis took the wheel himself. took his craft aloiigside and. having landed a proportion of the assziiilting Maririe; and seeing the remainder were pinned down by rebel lire. moved his-:r.iftlo:i:t.1tlic:landing where they were able to di~.enib;i.'k. Capt. J. J. .\loo.'.'. Villa won the Military Cross with the |{o',',il .\l.irine.s in action Ill_.!.llRsl terrorists in .\l.il.iy;i.

, 5.:





‘J. aw

W. 3. Lester. R.-.\l.. i\lilitary Medal








intense lire and cleared the rebels from his side of their carefully prepared l‘(l\lll\Yll. Agaiii lighting his way ihroii;.-.h lieavy lire he attacked the enemy on his flank. putting them to tliglit. He then followed up the retreatin;.: cu.-my into the iungle and o:ily after lie was satislied that the ll~_.'.l|l was over allowed himself to be ev:icii:iled. l ie~.it Miicklow is the cuiniiiaiitling

28-30 OXFORD ST., LONDON W.1 Royal Parade. Plymouth tit Cornnwclal Road. Port-mouth 5 London Rd. North End. Portsmouth 223 llihli Slr-,-ct, Cliatliarn 20 Above 31'. Soulliiniploii 41 Gordon Street. Glasgow 12 North B.'l£llfIL‘. Ediribiirali 52 Cor'it==-.-rcnil Str.-».-l. Dundi,-.: 20 Hlfli‘. S!_r-Jet, Ballast


tartori to the serv.eei—8van:.‘iu throughout Great Britnln


July. I963


Half YearlyPromotions





HF. Admiralty has announced that the following officers have been promoted to the ranks stated to date June 30:



and Secretariat Specialists Scalar-n Srlreialhln Cilr. to (‘.i:at.: A. H. \\'el~tv, R. R S I-isrirt. ('dr. to (‘uni 1 ll .\liirr;ir. ('. ll. llamrner. ti, We-tl.ile. ('. J (‘iii-inini.-h.irn. J. (i. Iuniriiis. .R. M. Young, R. In ltirrest. A. (i lait. I. (2. R0h([l||t(l.| lieiit -t‘iti. to (‘sit : l-'. l-'. l \\'.iiren. R. (3. S llnfq-_ Sir l'r':rr Ami-n ll. \\'. I-.', llullins -llavskrr. J. W l- .\lo:r‘.i-n. l). 5. Smizh. (i. A. (i. .'\'¢‘\l\Ilt. lt\|'ldCl'\t\l\. A. S. linpci, l.iciit~('ilr. in t'dr' R It V. 0. II. R. |ll‘lf\|I'll)f A. 0. ll. l‘hitlip_ \\‘. I R. I’. w hize. l. t It l .\".iiilr\, .'\liIrrish. limr.t.ii-iii.-t'di.tnln\1r (‘iii t) Roe. I) l. -‘ l I. St. Animo- i\lJlC, I. .\l. ()ii.irendi»n. R. l. t‘uir:e. l. llrriu-n. .\I t‘ I-veteran. Ktild, 35. A. ('. (Tu‘ elt. l. A. I Sledlcal Slater. I l ) .\t. lallllflfl. It. ll limeuortlt. W. l'.ilrnrr. . (lit. to Sen. (hm: I‘. J U'.\lt-.ii.i. I‘. It. Reynolds, J l". l. "Ion. l). R. Retlell. .(i.Sen. l‘. S. l'ltliCl'. S. lniiie, R_ 5. .\l.t'ium. t' \\'. (irecninit. l‘. (3 M. For. .\I t‘ ll tit .\~.:n Sen. l.ii-ut.-(‘dr llerbert. R. F Limtvrrt. ii A. Riiwan-lltiimsiin. .‘~l. ll-nvt.i\. .\l ll. '1. I’. lusrll. Licluon. 1 .\l. Mart, R S Acat. J. l‘. (ldell. NIl't\lll.IlI. l’ .\l t‘. \\‘.iters.'l). .\tv.\'iitt. _ll. Fnxlneer Svrrlalists ('t1r.tiv ('.m: : \t A, \\'i1m:i. I. R. lleuelhn, llentnl San. Car. to Sen (‘.int' l lliinirr. Sen. R I .\lit‘Lrmi-ni. S l-. ltanon, lieut.-(‘dr. K R .\'rrdh.irit to ban. t’dr Gixluin. S. J. l.. 1 ('. -('di. dr: to Iii-in .|), l; lI.ittrn_ K. ll. Deniion. l.. I’. Sill. Rout .\lnrZnes R Si.‘-Ifllll. K. V‘ llndim. A (I I Vii-iron l (‘.|n:.t .‘-lain! l) A l'.irivr. II N‘ l‘t\.~pfr_ .\. I. llriwsii_ ('. \' I’ (‘ii-udcit. t‘ l Sartdlc. I’ llaxlct. I) Slt.illo\«_ I’. ll Mail. I) l l ('_ \\'.ll'\|If\ ll ll lnnwn. (i. V. lt‘."ll'\. I) N. si..-.ci y ,










t'..m: (i. H

Vi-.irer-Ilium-|\. I’. -’\

-('tlt ll‘ ('ilr (' l \\'. (‘illhf D l.‘ lliirrhes. H I”. \\‘ilti\.J .\l.l -, K I. \\‘.iiil, .\t t; M--berlci. H. A strange.

Visual Ate‘P


.\leiiihers of the ship's eorupany of ll..\l.S. Albion. led by liitrr pilots of 8-15 .\'av:il Air Squadron. l"urr_\ Dance on the flight tleelt whilst tht.- ‘tip was operating oil the coast of North ltorneo

W l S

rlaneini: the


Supply and secretarial §p¢rl2li\l\

Borneo Coast Grey Phantom makes seventh






('.p:.. I. .'s' tii>dd..rd_ I-.. \\'. l.lil\.‘ _


ll. ('4-1-K lietit-tili


(By IIii' Ri-r. .\'urI .,('Ht'\l my attempts to gain. and then

I T liillrr. R to File: N llmhen. l I \.‘icrh.in. I. ll (Uirlitl. l) .\l.l£‘ hold. the attention of my coni:rei:a|e:iri.'i:i I \l. llttd. Service in tion at a Good Instructor ll'|\ll' (‘in to lost! (‘-«N: (T. l.. Broad.‘' ll..\I.S. Haven. I used as (2. .\l Nines l.. i a visual aid one of the warm. aromatic ti-mi tii—u~..t'dr. to tm:i (‘itr.: W W llockley. lllar-i:e\_ l‘. U .\:an‘.er. l'. hot—cross buns which the chef had

Friday Woodhritlge

members of 845 Squadron on hoard.l those few did not forget their past \ledkiiI that morning. .issoci:ttiotts with the Royal N:iva| Airi Sen. t"dr to Sen t'.in:: R 1‘. Mn’. R. P- produced That service was going well. beyond I’. \\. ltlmund-on. I". ll. \Ne\-.on Station :it Culdmsc. Hclston. ('orn-- rhIlll"\, l‘t!H¢\It'l'. R. S. t'dr.: ~(‘dr Sen. to Sxn l.=ni: dreams. and during the \\all. when it came to l\l:iy £- J. t). Stewart. J. (i. ll. Sheppard. K I’. my wildest scrnmn I found every eye intently ll. 1. A. ll.ihri, l. l-. Ryan. l-li:lstoii‘s l-‘urry Day-and during the ()'H\rnr. lixcd tipon me. lirst dog Lieuts. Willis and Rowe led Dental Sen. t‘di, in sign t‘.-:it.: 1. ti Inseritate. My day was made, however. when inenihers of the ship's conipany in the I Ssirn Lit-iii -(‘di to Sen. t‘dt.: H. II. Mnnntnl. afterwards one of the lads came up to ll. l'n\rIl('. l-‘urry l).ini:e and completed, with! 1.Royal Marines say how much he had enjoyed the lI.M.S.l_ -('o!ivnt-I to t‘i-tone!‘ I. '5‘ "Il’ll\On increasiiig etlicicncy. one circuit of the ‘ l.ieiit servicc—liis lirst for at good long time. .’il.iii-1 to l t('Itl -I u:u:ie|' l M Stetrm. flight deck. Plziyittg for the dance was (’:Int. .\l.iiui I I’. l-'. Ldv-.ird\. R. ll. I beamed. the band of the Qttcctt'.s Own High-‘ (‘ir.ini. l'.in(ii.ni~.tis_ \\’. tt. Mamet]. Then he said: "Was that :i liot~cro<.s landcrs. Lietit. Willis was ;i “natiir.il"‘ him you had in your hand during the l'll(I\'I.\'l0NAl. Slr'.l.l".(T1'l()N.‘l for this event. as not only is he the lollonine nrmltlolul Ieleetloru hare been sermon'."‘ I said it was. "And was it Hclston ~horii-arid-hreil. but he also made [or oentnotluci to date Deeernber 31. I963. a real one. sir?" I said of course it seamen Specialists had thi: ilonotir to lead the Cur. to t'.int.: H .\l \\‘. l'.iruuh.\ruon-Rot\cru. was. There was :i p.itisc. and then: "l)o Furry Dance in Hclslon in Writ. ll. ll. Kent. A (i, \\’.itson. ('. A. Johnson. sir?" I \\'. Nanner. you want it. l.. S. \\'sles-Stu-id. I) R. On .\l:ty 9. whilst anchorcil iii; A de G. Kiteliin. S, l.. .\lcAtdie. R. D. llriinci l3:i_v. Stan Stennct lot‘ the Black I (E. luv. 1. \\'. I). (Rink. 1. () Roberts. and White .\lin.strcls) and ;i (‘ombincd ‘. l.iciii..t'ur to (‘or : II S. Bennett. C. _II. It. ll:iruovd_ l) .\l. A, ll. llnmlllflfl. I. 7'. I-nher. Services entertainment party visited 3| I. 5|. 0. \\‘..II. G. l. livers. F. )1. Steel. the ship to present his variety slioww .\l. l. .\l.inn. N. l" l'.nii:etI. \\'. R. l. Mylrie. A. t \Nl1€l\lonC_ N. l. Mann. P. B. Gmtrian. "Ritllttg High." The serve t‘. A. Snell. I) l. ltatlitan, t‘. 1. Nichol. iii show the I ll. Fiddian-Greene. l1:ini::ir.;l J.M. W lsliiinn. ho_ur the utter was_hcli.l .\l. J A. Mancaii, (I Andre-I. R. l’. lleaih. hit the as stage. using 1. It Rumble, I), I-. Mace. Ii. R Anson. G. M. K. Hreurr. .‘\‘. J. \' llunt. Sl’()N'l'ANEOUS APPI./\l‘SE DMIRAL of the Fleet l-Iarl Mountlinglueennx (Mt Spednlldl R. T. ll. Rae. to t‘.ip:* I For batten of Bumia. who was exIt was the l'trs1 pcrlorninncc of thi: R. N. Dnirt. II. S. Hullmllatld. ll.Cruddag. R. L. to relinquish the appointment show to be given to the R0_\‘ill Navy Yniinl. pected lie-iii-(‘tti iii t‘iti_: I3. W. Ward. N. C. of Chief of the Defence Stall some since the party started its tour of 'lllKl'lAlU, ll l l.. F. Cotilthavr. Service units in South-liast .-‘\si;i. It‘ \\'. l \l.u'nI. A l' \l.itthr:w. M \\'. R. .\'iclIul.‘l\. Itime next year. has expressed to the ('4-bl‘, (Z lhi-.iitrs. Ii. M S : Government his is-illinigness to conll Kuhn A was also the first live show to visit thc I‘ I Rariri. J. tiuvddtild. I) I". \\'tndriJrr. l tinue in the appiiintnient for another ship since its contntissiiiiiiiig in‘ Robbins, ll.) tipeelaltstu year. August. 1962, The ship's company I-Zntineerlne in t‘api: ll. R. Bates. E. l. Gillltt. car. The admiral. who was 63 last month. showed their apprcciatioii and cnjo_v- t). .\l. l-.nrl.iI. lot-iit-l'dr to (\lr. ('. R, S'm.iIlry. C. D became Chief of the l)cl'cnce Stafi in merit by their thunderous :ipplaiis'i: \t. It l‘.-ton, 0. N. French A. C. 1960. after being I-'irst Sca l.ord for llodekinsiin, I and spontaneous. somctiincs \\‘i.i\ 1‘. ll \\’itlti-1. R. C. Corlctt. A. W. almost live years. .\I.l'Is. Joseph Power tlelt). t'roni Newport. Miiniiiiiuthshire. and Kenneth l c\pcelctI. laughter. .\'ii:r~i~iirnr. Richardson. of London. bring Stan Stennet and his ('oiiibined Sr:I’\ice.\ l-Intertainnrent party from Lahuun to entertain the ship‘s coiiipany ol lI.M.S. Albion while .she wits‘ at anchor in Brunei Bay. North Borneo. I-‘rout left to right. on the canopy ot the motor-ho-.it. Stan Stennet. Kris Ken (also from the Blztclt and White .\linstrel Show). Kim Browne. Andy Reed. Brian \‘osti and (Tlillord llenry

Phantom of the Borneo (‘o:i.~at" has since made her seventh trip to Borneo. run with the list l primarily a trooping(tun lln. The Queen's llighliinders (plus bands) as passengers on the outward journey and the lst/7th (iurhhas on the return joumey to Singapore. The comni:iitilo ship docl.cil zit N the June issue of “!\'avy .\'eiss“ Singapore on .\l:t_v I(i_ relerence was made to Alliion‘s sixth visit to North Borneo~ "H" M RR‘ D“'\CI" since urrivini: on the Far East Station 5 in Deceiuher last year. The Altlioiigli there new only a less ,
















for another year to




H.M.s”."owii:N tNVEsTtGATEsTHF


UNDERWATER MOUNTAINS Ship steamed 38,000 miles in 260 days



20 ililtcreiit natioiis will be co- fhciicons in dcpths of over 2.000 hydrographie ships. operating until |‘)(i(i. thc Owen con- frithonis. some 2.500 square miles in i\".ir_v‘s_'.ll’l'li‘c(l brick at Plymouth on June I-I tioiieil investigations of the Carlshcrg the centre of the ridge were surveyed alter nirte months spent on surveys; Ridge. the vast range of submarine followed by about l.ti00 square miles I tilt the ls'eny:t coast and seientilic; riiountaiiis stretching from near the in the "l'oot|ii|ls" to one side of the t1 work connected with the ll‘llt.'l'Il:lIl0tl‘.tl islanil of Socotra to midway between ridge. It was the lirst time such dethe Scyclicllcs and Ccyloii and then tailed s'tir\'c_\'s had ever been tlottt: in liirli-.in Ocean l-Expedition. ('omri'i.intled by ('dr. l). W ll1l\lLIll'l. ahoiit I.000 miles east of .\l;td:ig:tst::tr the middle of the ocean. More recently during operations R..\'.. \lIt.' has rt.'\llr\'L')L‘tl suiiic L800 :ind curving so-.iIli of South .‘\ll’lL‘£t to L\qIl;ll't.‘ miles of sea from l..imtt to-i loin the better-lsiimsii .\lid-Atlantic iiorth~e:ist of Socotra. ll..\l..'~i. Owen found a small trench over H.000 feet wards the Somali border that li.is‘ not Riilgc. been siirvcyctl .s‘iu:c IRE-t when deep. some 2.000 feet deeper than the .-\dm£r;il \\'. l‘itI.t.silli:tiii (‘risen .iltcr neighbouring llat sca hctl. It is believed llI.'(il-I ARE.-\ 5UR\'E\'l‘:l) to he the ilccpest part of the Arabian ttliorii the ship is n.iined l.llIL'L‘(l ‘hurts of most (ll tltc cist '.tntl| In the course of her worlt. which in- Sea. Of the 260 days since leaving the 5 south .:o;isl.s of Africa. One of the lc\\ clutlcd the tracittt: of the nortlt-wcstcrn |ulli.‘cr\ to survive Adiiiirail l-'itI.\\illx.ini limit of thc (Hirlsbcrg Ridge. tltc ship United Kingdom in September. I962. it)“.-n's five year coniniissioii in t|ii:’c.-irricd otit two s'urvc_\‘s cacti some l the Owen has spent 290 tlays at sea his 83 .:lt.irls' I (-00 miles from land. lly mooring and steamed uearl'_r 38.000 miles. ‘. .ire;i s;iitl .illerw;trds that were "tlr.iwn and coloiir-‘tl with drops? I ol blnotl

..\l.S. Owen.



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W-\lS'l‘ l)l-IE!’ IN SW.-\\ll’S Ctiiiililiiiiis during the present sur-' vey were tortiinritcly easier for tltc I42 iillicers ind men on board ll..\l.S. Owen. .i|thuttgh the ship was often lct": with only ;i sltclctoii crew on board as most of her ship's comp.in_v » t were :twa_\' for as much as twelve hours at a time tztking soiintlinps in shallow inshore waters and often working waist deep in the muddy waters of mangrove swamrs erecting over a hundred shore marks. In the lnternzitionzil Indian Ocean Expedition in which about 50 ships

S 0 U 'I‘ II S E A 9s









(')\’lZRlllSARD—aftcr Padre Jones had been dropped by helicopter to the deck of Il..\l.S. \\'oodbrit|gc llavcn-— .-\.li.: "Th:it's a dramatic way to come aboard. Sir."

Padre “Yes." A.B. tconlitlcntiiillylz "Been up :ilolt to h:tvc a word with the l (iovcrnor""








Ships’ Company Dances Submarine—Destroyer—Battteship or


whether a



Make your first "Port of Call" for

Portsmouth 32275 Dancing:

The Savoy Ballroom Rad'o Band

Every Friday

July. I963









., ~










A fomtntion of Wessex Commando helicopters





(iannet .\lark 3's and -t's. with the Tamar Bridge in the background

Culdrose, largest station in Home Air Command, has much to show at [Chief Annual Air Day iSir

St. Paul’s Anglican Cathedral, Malta, urgently needs funds

Appeal has been launched to'rcp;tir.

ntaintain and endow tltc raise money for the presen'ation;C;tthedral so that both its fabric and Tof St. Paul’: Anglican ministry may be preserved atid Malta. and the Archbishop of Canter- I established, £l2.000 has been contbury. the Bishop of Gibraltar. Air'miited to the reconstruction of the Marshall Sir Walter Cheshire. entire roof which is already in These incltide the large Nubian crash ‘Sir Maurice Domtan (Governor of progress. The British people in .\i:tlta tenders. fork lift trucks. crattcs. trac- lthe Island). Admiral Sir Gu_v|havc already done itittgniticcnlly in tors. three-ton lorries. utilicons and ‘Grantham. Sir Harry Luke. Admiral : raising the substantial stint of nearly Doric lloliand-Martin and cars. and tile Appeal is now being ()\'Al. Naval Air Station Culdrose. Cormsall. commanded by Capt. P. The School of Meteorology trains ‘General Lord Thurlow have signed made to a far wider public. Beale. R.N.. is holding its annual air day on Saturday. July 27. ollicers and ratings to m:in the naval Ethe Appeal. The Appeal goes on to say that the ('uldrose. the largest air station in the Home Air Coiiiiiianrl. is situated one weather stations afloat and ashore. The Duke of lidinbiirglt and Sir;Cathedral enslirincs memorials to all mile south of llelston and some IS miles west of I-'alrnouth. and a variety Wren oflicers and ratings tiitdcrtake \\'insion ('hurcltill have taken the.ihose who died in defence of .\ialta of squadrons are based at the air station. flying aircraft of different t_\‘pes.‘« this work ashore and a number are on flcad in contributing to the Fund. the war. and there must be the stall of the Weather Centre at l The Appeal states that over 100 many who would wish to see such including Venoms. Gannets. Wessex. Whirlwind and Hitler helicopters. The largest squailroit at Culdrosc.'ltclicopter pilots fl)lng Whirlwind? ('iildrose. which maintains a 24-hour '_\‘e.trs ago. Queen Adelaide built. at l mentorials preserved. There are her own expense. the very fine church lothers who have regularly worshipped or in the t\'.o.-3. tor that matter. is 8-3‘) aircraft or proceed to 706 Squadron. service throughout the year. in Wrens. fact. well knovtn to thousztttds oflin the Cathedral or who have l'amily carry oil! a variety Squailrott, who fl_\ ilte (iannet Mk.3 ‘where they learn to fly the bigger .'tll- of duties at in Culdrose. working the t.‘l\‘lll:tiis and Service men. on airborne carl_s-uariiitig duties. The ‘weather Westlaiid Wessex helicopter in connections with it. section in as drivers. the transport training of aircrew. both pilots and ‘thcanti-siibmarincrole. IIHPORTANT ASPECT R00}: DAMAGED aircraft as ntcchttttics and observers’ who fly the (ianncts. isi The School of Aircraft Handling at squadrons carried out in tltc lleadqiiarters ‘Ciiidrosc carries ottt the task of train- radio technicians. in the ComntititiDuring: the war Malta survived a Th?“ ls, “"'~’ll‘" 3"‘ radio lhc Department as czttions Al‘p°“l' after operators, which the relentless in ll“ lilight at ('uldro.se_ long seige by a ing personnel the exacting work ofi enemy. Tlte "‘°'“'°"°d. '." air crew transfer to operational flights liiioving aircraft with speed and safety in the messes as cooks and stewards. Cathedral was damaged. though not C‘"h°dr."' *5 m.‘p°'“"" l° ""3 Brlmh ‘in the limited conlincs of an aircraft * and as stores assistants. typists and for einbarkatioit in carriers. ;. has bu," mmckcd,C0til'tCCllt‘)l'lS with Malta. Abandon1-0du). Other categories incltide dental by another equally relentless encmyi"‘°"' °f ll": Cmhcdml “'°"l‘l l’.°. 3 No. till Squadron fly Venom and ‘carrier's flight deck and hanger. In the ‘ writers. (iannci .\lk. ti aircraft. The squadron past. when aircr:ift were comparatively 1t\‘St.\l:tI'll\'. educational assistants. and a beetle which has so scriousl' l’°°". m°'l“m°.’“ l° ""3 l°"l$ 3""-‘h ’ radar plotters. h l“'° 'll " "" assists in the s\ork~up of ships based light and easily moved. the flight-deck dainageil the roof iintbcrs that iheyt’° i-“l'°"‘h ‘P M“itsi-i-t at Portland and I.otidondeiry by pro- 1 party could gather round aml push became dangerous. The Cathedral 5‘ Ih?” l"_“l‘" "°Sl°‘_-’l LARGE STATIC DISPLAY viding aircraft for trials: /.‘”li".""" 1 machines around. Today, however. Culdrose has zi lot to show the has been closed and the roof dcmol- "33'°- r°" 'r l.l‘° 0‘ with aircraft weighing f5 tons and 1° 80- " '“.'t?-l“ ishcd. Services are being held in the P18“ “'°'5'‘!P “*5 that "HlC0Pn:R P" OT _rRMVI\_(_ Al’ gcncml lmblic °" ‘"“" I I "‘ Day be taken the British as ¢VI(l"l‘lCC ittorc the operation has to be carried c,_\-PL A large proportion of the work oflout by tractors :tnd mechanical _well as :t flying display which will At least 9230.000 is required to (Continued in column 3) .Il1Cl|ld(‘.' aircraft of the Royal Air the station centres on liaiidlcrs. Force. anti the Royal N:l\'_\'..(l large trainin~. All lf.IlllIll' o nava ici~ static display is being arranged which “Rh “('"”'\(' ls‘ carried oil! at, l-'irc lighting also plays an tin- will include exhibits provided hv the ('ttldrosc. Students start their training in 705 Stittadtoit. where iltcy lirst learn portant part in the s_\ll‘-ibus_ _of_ tho.‘ Society of llritish Aircraft (Tonto lly tltc slltitll llillcr helicopter and School of Aircraft llantlliiig. lratnccs strtlciors. then graduate to the Westlanil Whirl- ’ :trc taught how to light all types of tire tsind. ()it completion of the course. iand the methods of resetting air crew they gain their wings’ as helicopter ‘ from crashed aircraft. The School trains all motor traitsspecialist pilots. In leisure wear as with Uniforms the high quality of llaving achieved "wings" standard, ,port drivers in the Navy. holding a the Dllnls either train as Commando ‘pool of 3.‘. different types of vehicle. Bernards production is beyond dispute. «












“'-“’M.‘_b° l"'"°'l'“‘l






he{l i c optc;' pilpt copterLpilots notii










Dark Horses win Field Gun Trophy






i\ «I TV


.._.__.....pt-In an







I I ....










Wren Air Mechanics‘ working on a



' i




'0 of the three lield—gun trophies went to the Plymouth Command this‘ year after some of the closest finishes in the Field-gun Competition at the Royal Toumantent for several 1 years. The issue was in doubt. almost up to the end of the Tournament. but the “dark horses.“ Plymouth Crimmand. bcat Air Command by two points and Portsmouth by eight points. in the Aggregate Time Cup Plyntoutlt took 5'.‘ min. 24 sec. for the 16 runs. beating Air Command by less -‘:19 than half a ntinutc. Air (.'ontnt;tiid’s time being 52 min. 52.4 sec. Portsmouth ('ommantl trailed behind with an aggregate of 57 mitt. ‘.’.‘)..'! sec. ‘ Tltc Fleet Air Arm retained the Fastest Time Trophy with 3 min. This tittic was 6 see. outside the record time of 2 itiin. 54 sec. set tip last year. Dcvonport and i’ortsmoiith were not far behind the Air Contm:iitd‘s time. Dcvonport clocking 3 min. L8 sce.. and Portsittoutlfs best tittte was 3 mitt.



6 sec.

in fairness to yourself you MUST

The last time Plymotttlt Command won the Field-gun Trophy was in 195‘). Last year Plymouth was first in the Aggregate Time Ctip with .1 time of 49 ntin. 57.6 sec.




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Farinetoit Portxittmttlt (‘o-train T0232 -

(Continued from column 5) were no longer interested in. or concerned for. Malta. Contributions may be sent by ordinary 3d. letter either to the Treasurer. HAFM ED. Floriana. .\ialt;i. G.C.. or to Lady Dorman, The Palace. San Anton. Malta. G.C.. and marked "For the Cathedral



squadron of _six Federal German mincsweepers arrived at f_’ortsmouth A


June 26 for :t

five-~day visit. _






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July. I963



ARELESS SMOKING CAUSED FIRE WHICH THREATENED THE PORT Getting Tripoli back tonormal In hindered by air_ raids .

received front Admiral by L.C.T.s. on the lighter jetty. This ll.Ir'-mail.('.-In-C. to i\'.O.l.C.. Tripoli: was being handled by the ttiilitary "l ll.t\'t.' much pl-.-asure in sending yoti forces. The petrol was no: in strong the following: The Prime Minister jerry-cans as used by the (iermans. ssisltes to convey his congratttlations to I but thin tin cans. CtItt”s‘.‘([l2cT‘tll)'.many the T ripoli party on discharging nearly tins were leakiitg. and tile air covering two thousand seven hundred tons on large area was laden with petrol l-‘ebru‘.iry l-t." This signal was indeed ivartour. Yet the men were smoking. appreciated by all concerned. It was .scentingl_v having not a care in the the reward ot good teamwork. which world. and unawari: of the great danembodied the salvage party. the stall ger they were creating. and unchecketl [IN (Mi, Mi niiilli. arlirlr on Some Ti'nipmor_v i\'avol B(l.\’t',f, Capt. Witt",-Ir! coriIi'Iim'i the story 0/ the rt-hrihililulion of tltc Admiralty bertliing ofliccr. by the ollicer in charge. until I called 0/ the pin! ol Tripoli a/Icr r'I.s rupture [mm the enemy in lurmury. [94].] pilots. and the exccptionall cllicicnt his attention to the probable result. I sea transport otlicer. his sta and the knew that similar risks were being ..\‘l.S. ANTWERP. carrying stores and equipment for use of the naval party. had been discharged. at other discharge points. quantity and variety of tools and equipment when mustered were extremely meagre. totally inadequate for the great rnilitary otlicers and stall engaged in task til the rehabilitationof the port. which httd been so eflectively sabotaged by the enemy forces. before evztcuittion. discliarging stores from the transports. l..(‘.T. ON I-‘IRE, Apart from discharging cargo. and As it port party. wewvere indeed put to the test to devise ways and means to produce quick results. The search for exAdiaccnt to the berth on the enemy material. stored in fishing villages. yielded excellent results. This. together with the loan of tools from thel "W dtilmct‘ 0' llk‘ PU” 4|“’i!"E¢m¢N5 Spanish Quay l..T'.C.l29 was dischargRoyal Engineers. and their valuable help in rebuilding piers and jellies was a godsend. Colonel Arntltage. R.l-3.. was’ had to he made for accoinntoda-:'ing a mixed cargo of petrol and tion. amenities. shore leave. watering our fairy godfather. and oiling. escort vessels. discipline fantmtittition. and. this was being \\'.iier transport was practically‘non- radar. and had a number of day and to be _:i u_seful exercise for tlte defence and many other things. including regu- istacked on the quay. At It p.ni.. HM Cilslclll. the Base Assistant Engineer night lighters available for instant organisation. lations and methods of dealing with [as I though I might relax. it was reAs the days of February passed ii"; ngcd. of Row. N“... ‘,c,,.onnc|_ ported that l..T.C.l2‘} was on life. I ()tl'ic.-r h.id located live c.x-enemy tugs action. ‘the ceiling of the barrage was and reiuireil them. but. owing to the i 3.000 feet. which made interception of qiiickly by. intense activity was taking and that of the .\lercli;int .\’avy. lltTlltlt.‘(ll'.llL‘l)‘ conimandeered :i l5-cwt. truck and proceeded to l..C.T.t;‘). lack ot coal. they could not be put into enemy planes over the harbour prac- place in Alexandria. loading and preFortuuritely the fire had been extinserviee until coal :irrivcd in the second tic;ill_v impossible. They had either to paring ships for convoy to Tripoli. l’Rl'Il’.-\Rl-.\'C PORT ORDERS The guished. Once again I cautioned the convoys consisted of t6-plus. with coiivo;. lromAlex:iitdria.Tliirlydttmb be intercepted before the attack it To the of the cover aspects litany lighters had also been located. and : sutlieient radar warning had been given Army otliccrs about smoking. situation. orders needed be to port I had not long settled down for were put into immediate service. The I or to make contact when the enemy and. in addition. produced quickly Tl-IMPORARY SOME NAVAL very Dzunietta niulor-boats that had been l planes were making their "get-away." some rest when at 2 a.m._ l was of orders a set to cover awakened by a terrilic explosion. and separate port BASES AND PORT I’.-\RTlI-IS traiisported across the Western Desert. Smoke canisters were distributed along .thc of of the the sigtialman reported that it had masters proceedings tow-ed the dumb lighters to and from the breakwater and three scarchlights I939-I9-l5 jhlercliant Navy and the crews. With occurred on board L.T.C.l'."?. On the transport. mounted. by many operations and conferences reaching the scene of the explosion I ithe mineestablished The Royal Navy AIR RAIDS t taking place during the day. there was found that. although the commanding H. F. Weight. O.B.F.. Capt. the harbour posts to cover {not a mintitc to spare for writing up olliccr of I29 and his crew had the The transit from ship to shore was watehing R.i (retd.) area and outer anchorage. Convoy essuch orders. Except tor the executive tire on board in hand. the interior was paintiilly slow. but with the arrival of cort destroyers in port took station in otlicer. there was no other oflieer of gutted and ,~mm.|.jL-i-ing_;.nd up: petrol ciizit and additional boats from Alexan- the and an outer kept anchorage. t.lft.I stores were rapidly built up. destroyer escorts, Tripoli harbour at I ¢‘l"~‘|"\?'_‘t-"3 '0 “’l!"_"'' l Coll” d°l¢S31'l°l:ind amnitinition which had been watch. anti-submarine Asdic listening that time could accommodate at the the duties of drattiiig out the orders. I I qfackcd tin the quay were on tire. The lIllL'n\l\‘c euem_v air raids commenced A coast defence I8T2 of must only '20 ships of varying dratights. lh'¢|'¢l\"'&' Sl"¢""_m3I"_.\' l|0|"5_{|l l“Sl‘l- small~arms ammunition was explodearl} in licbrtiary which greatly rc- pounders had beenbattery and the set up. Cdr. Best. the Admiralty berthing oili- b°l“""" 1”’ ."“‘l‘- ”‘ "°"‘9'l'"E W-‘nling. and bullets. and tracer ammunidiieed thi: rate of disclizirge by night. had been which defence boom nets. iion were flying in aIl.directions. By when as many as live r.‘-.id.s occurred cer. and his stall. had by book or crook orders niyselt. raised the sunk were being by enemy. to get moorings laid. for berthingships the side of the ammunition stack duriii-__- the hours of darkness. and A 0(("‘S'0'\ GREAT replaced. ot the convoy. ahead and astern. as were 40-gallon drums of high-octane By this time. the "Defence ComAs described earlier. the Spanishgpetrol. and there was no naval fire mittee" had arranged for the coThus. within. a few days. quite a there was insuflicient water area. to ordiii.iiion ol the three Services. The resp:ctablc defence organisation had allow many swinging berths. Further- Quay had been severely tlarnaged by ; lighting eqttipment available. The one Aruiy mounted 48 heavy 3.7-inch and been set tip before any attack had been more. somc of the deeper draught the enemy. small craft and concrcte.and only ttig in the harbour. H.M.S. 48 A.A. Bofur guns around the peri- made on the harbour. The first raid ships. had to be anchored in the outer blttcks having been dropped and sunk I Brigand. was quickly on the scene. meter of the harbour. The R./\.F. was in the nature of a recoiinaisance anchorage. to be lightened before they alongside. Yet this was the only quay.-iand towed l..T.C.l2‘l across the barsupplied a balloon barrage. erected and no bombs were dropped; it proved could enter harbour. Other ships able at which moderate-draught shipsfbourand beached her.














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Some daniagcd and half sultiitergcd -hips in Tripoli llarhour, I9-U. (l’hntu.—-Imperial



War .\l1l\t:ull|l

i.liscli;trg.-d. A big cllort WZISJ "l he fire on the quay was now hi.-rtli. and then moved fartlicr into the l"ll'.tt.lL' by the Rosgil liitgittcers. and l1}"il\\ltllllll'_.' serious propoitioiis.aiid wa. harbour. to allow ships that had been .\loitd;iy. l:L'l)l'l.l2tl'_\' l5. it was reported ettdzingcriitg s.s. Robert .\l;tcrsls lightened in the outer attcltoragi: to ito be ready tor hi.-rthiiig ships. On the‘ hcrthed only a few hours earlier and .it'teruooii ot‘ the lollowing day it was loaded with c.i.~‘.i:d petrol. lit the meanenter harbour. Convoys wcrc timed to arrive at the tl-. tied to berth .s.s. Robert .\l;icrsk: time. the sea tr:ii:.sport otlicer had entrance of tltc swept channel tliroiiglt .i|oni_:sid:. She was loaded with cased ‘ arrived. and with .'t s:tt.tll patty shifted the minefield at lirst light. and the petrol. "l he pilot had a tricky task. as her berth its tar away from the lire as times of ships entering the channel he had little room to m:inn:iivre as lpossible. The small party and l conthe staggered in pairs. as there were only he nosed the bow of the ship cauti- centrated two pilots avztilable to bring them into ously between the bows of the wreck octane petro to sa ety wit 1 e iu ets harbour. and only sut'licici.t tugs avail- s..s (‘iiula and the Spzinisli Quay. As from the small arms flying fast and and exable to deal with two ships. A convoy her wires were secured it marked the l'C a maciine-guii of I6 ships arriving at the entrance of completion of another tremendous po e soun e the channel at first light. given ltick elfort on the part of the Royal Engin- in action. After a great cllorl the petrol and fair weather. cotild be expected to eers and the salvage party. it was. drums were renios-ed. An Army fire be berthed in the harbour of outer iittdeed. another great occasion which squad arrived to deal with the tire. arichoragc by dusk. .\l;iny of tltcsc unfortunately was marred later in the Also the senior otlicer. Inshore Squadconvoys were attacked by submarines night when an incident occurred whicli don, to see what was happening and. and enemy aircraft whilst on p;iss:igc. lpl;ti:.'d the safety of the ship in while talking to me. be way knocked out by a piece of falling metal. Quite a number were su..k or badly jeopardy‘. dziniaged. tshich made the bcrthing During the day. Itirg: quantities of (T0 In’ rimtilrrtiall cased petrol were being (ll5ClI;tl'§_1L'(.l arr.iui_:i:mentsvcry dillicull. to eitter had to he






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onlrulling tl_I':tll': of highftlirijitils. t(l!tedc:i|r‘tridges.asithey ,


l‘.«\R(il-l'l' FOR Till-I .\'l(}llT The s:ilv:ige party continued lltcir work on svidcniiig and deepening the ch.iiini:l throughout tltc day and night. .-\ se;irelt|i_eht was used lor illumination wliil.<.t lltc dangerous work of the divers continued. relying on radar warning of the approzich of enemy aircraft. llowevcr. the air raids grew in intensity, the gap through the blockships ecamc rt regular target for the night. which impeded the work of the salvage party. Furthermore. ships had to be blacked out. often several times during the nigltt. which inevitably slowed down the rate of discliargc of stores. At the l1'.'_t:lllnlll1.t of l:Cbrtll)l')’. when the h.irhour was completely blocked. I had _L'lVCtl General Montgomery a ti-_.-tire ol 4.10 tons as a div‘: ilischarge. ‘but by l-'ehrti.'iry N. the liiziircs l»\'.'ft." well .|i'|iI\L' 3.000 tons. {in liebrtiztrv lb.


:Order . . . . . . . . .




Renewal Form







l'lcrrsc post a copy 0/ each isriic of

"i\'ui'y News" to

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u o - o


I i-m'l.i-.r lit-rt-ii'i‘1li nmm'_v orilcrlpnrml 0rdi.'r/rlivqrw i'tilm' I05. 1-i-:'ni- ll iiil'ncri'o.'i'ori or I3 i.i.siu'.t inc il'l(ltrl_Q prirtitcc. I Cimirm-nrr ..(Month) II mi-mhrr 0/ R.i\'. .-tiim‘.'t.'tiiui_ p.'i'iiii- smrc Itrttiicit. .






























ice.........-.-.----.u.-up ..u.ooo-.--..........-.-.--........ a..........-non....o.....--....-.-

iiimympte siéafn?49,p00 NAVY NEWS

miles during commission BEER—8/-













anti there comes tlte necessity for more and more tanker trallic to get tlte oil away.

HEN ll.i\‘l.S. Dalryntple returned to Devonport on Way 29. she had been away front the United Kingdom for 535 days. during which time she had steamed 49.000 miles during the 309 completed days she had spent at sea. During the period September I96! to .\lt.ty '63 the ship had called at I6 ports in 1-8 countries. The ship. commissioned in June l9(il ! sport being "sclf inflicted." was a under the command of Cdr. ll. R. 'vcry happy tinte. Hatlicld. R.N.. sailing for the Persian Along the southernmost coast of the Gulf in September. Some there are Gulf lies the Tl'lJCi’.tl Shcikdom of Abu who call it the “perishing gulf" but. Dhabi and it was here t_hat Dalr_vt_ttple looking back. ntost of those who cont- carried otit new surveys ll'I waters likely plcted the commission, this period of to become more and more important its surveying. witlt all entertainment and «the vast new oillields begin to yield

The Ruler of these new riches. Shaik bin Sultan. left his “beau Geste" like fort. and with his entourage. spent a day at sea in the ship.

SIC NS OF WEALTH Signs of the new wealth in Ahu Dhabi were beginning to be apparent when the ship left at the end of her second season there. Alone and foreign looking. foursquarc and bleak on the desert shore. and detached from the traditional Arab barrasti and mud dwellings. had nttishroomcd the "Abu

Dhabi Hilton" hotel. Thirsts are good in the desert. and none more so than Dalryntp|c's. btit those on board jibhcd a bit at beer at 8/— a can. Sntallpox was reported in Abu Dhahi in I962 and the ship's Medical Oflicer v:tccinated some L200 of the local population in two days. The ladies itt this ntmtbcr would (not bare their flesh to the infidel :'doctor. and their robes had to he slit before insertion of the vaccine. an expensive way of doing things. httt successful in that the smallpox was


halted. In the spring of I96: the ship worked oli Cyprus :tttd the ship‘s cuttipany ltad a chance to see Jcrusalcnt. the Dead Sea and Tel Aviv.

Painting H.M.S. I).-tlryntple in Khor Kuwiii Gulf



the-‘entrance to

the Prsta


dusk ATabout

evening zl Wesses helicopter. I-‘ox Trot front 845 Squadron. was to return to ll..\l.S. Albion front a tttissinn ashore. it hen it developed an electrical lire attd had to make an entergency landing, The only available site to land the aircraft “as a football lield in the centre of Kattipong Bunan Gena. about two miles front the Indonesian frontier. Unfortunatcl_v_ a football match was honour and sat cross-legged oti the in progress and it was with some rc- floor while glasses of local wine were luctance. possibly fear. that the pilot. produced. The refrcshmcitts having l.icut. N. Hudson, R.N.. enforced an been consumed. it was "oit with the dance." Sarongs were supplied to ptit early close to the game. "Fox Trot" was soon stirrottttdcd by over their trousers. sashes were proone

Rl-IPORTEI) AS EGYPTIAN Back iii the Red Sea in September. 1 I962. the ship held it "Red Sea (iardcrt Fete" in aid of :i Plymouth charity. The "Beau Geste"-like palace of Sheikh bin Sultan. Ruler of Abu Dhahi Because of heavy seas shelter had to be found iii the ice of one of the islands off the Ycttten coast and the R.A.F. revillagers and both I.ient. Hudson. vidcd foi-their shou|ders—-and hells for ported the ship to be an Egyptian war- the his crewman Naval Airman their ankles. ship activi.-l_v cngagcd in tltc Yemen and White. were urged to stay the night. rebellion. BUT NO FOX-'l'ROT with a special invitation to attend a (Continued from page 2 colittitn 5) ‘ Returning to the Gulf_ a deal of dance which had been arraiigetl for As if this were not suflicient. it was dilfcrence was tttadc to the surveying that evening. (Told drinks appeared. to- tltcit found that their partners were to H.M.S. Cavendish (Destroyer). Janu- No. 800 Squadron, .\larclt l7 at Rt\ round by regular and frequent airAir Station. Lossicmouth. General; mail drops by local squadrons of the gethcr with coconuts. and in return he the tnen—and not cvctt the prospect ary 9. at Rosyth. for General of one fox-trot for the “Fox 'l'rotters.“ Service ('omtuission. Buccaneer. Service Comtttission. East of Such“ R.A.F. Unfortunately. not even the cigarettes were handed around. The aircraft was repaired early llomc. 25th Escort Squadron. U.K. ll..\l.S. Rothesay [AIS Frigate). .\lari_:h. R.A.F. could help during the long ‘SNAG’ PARTY ARRIVFS next morning and Lictit. Hudson. his at Portsmouth. General Service periods Base Port. Rosyth. the submarine spent surveying Shortly afterwards. a "snag" party aircrewtnan and the "snag" party reContntission. West lndies/Home. 8th mountain range known as the Murray H.M.S. Falmouth (AIS front H.M.S. Albion. having turned to H.M.S. Albion. out at sea. January 9. at Dcvoiiport. for l-"rigate Squadron. U.K. Base Port. Ridge. During this survey scientific in- arrived been flown in another Wessex. and They carried an open invitation for Portsmouth. General Service Commission. East struments were towed astern and it the invitation by to the dance was ex- anyone in the Albion to drop in at any of Suez/Home. 25th Escort Squad- H.M.S. Caesar (Destroyer). March. became necessary to reinforce these tended to them also. An examination time-but prcferabl not in the middle Place of commissioning and type of ron. U.ls', Base Port. Devonport. shark attack against when tnstrunicnts the fault showed that it would not of a football sen-icc—-under consideration. ll..\l.S. Aisne (AID Cottvcrsion). the sltipwrights were getting short of of be possible to eticct an intmediate rcJanuary 9. at Portsmouth. for H.M.S. Lincoln (A/D Frigate). March. timber in repairing the fairings. and the invitation was accepted The Commander-in-Chief Portsat Singapore for Foreign Service General Service Commission. East The monotony of the Murray pair. with ntuch pleasure. mouth. Admiral Sir Wilfrid Woods. of Suez/Home. 25th Escort Squad(Far East). 24th Escort Squadron R_it_lge was relieved by a Christmas After supper the Naval party rc- will open a new ten-pin bowling alley (A). ron, U.K. Base Port. Portsmouth. visit to Karachi. paircd to the dance. The crew of "Fox at the N.A.A.F.l. Club. Portsmouth, H.M.S. Corunna (A/D Conversion). H.M.S. Galatea (A/S Frigate). March. Trot" was accorded the place of on Thursday. July 4. BEER RAN OUT January 9. at Rosyth. for General at Wallscnd-on-Tyne. for Home Sea Service. 3rd Frigate Squadron. transService ‘Commission. .\lcd..'Home. Back again in the Gulf. surveying 26th Escort Base fer to 21st Escort Squadron. U.K. Squadron. was carried otit around a scorched J964. December. Port. Rosyth. Foreign Service. rocky i.sland~ Sir Ahu Nu‘air-and it -o H.M.S. Striker (L.S.T.) and No._3 September. I964 (date of sailing). was there that the ship held a Sports Far East (tentative date) (A). Assault Sq.. January l4. at Bahretn. Day. Despite the heat and the clouds for Foreign Service (Middle East). H.M.S. Chichester (A/D Frigate). of sand at every step by the competiAmphibious Warfare Squadron (B). April 7. at Chatham for trials. tors. the only thing to mar the en‘ H.M.S. Cttrysfort (Destroyer). JanuGeneral Scrvicc Commission. McdJ ntcnt was that the beer tent ran Homt. June. 1954. 3-7“! F590“ supplies. bit! this was jtidgcd by some ary 15. at Gibraltar. for trials. Service under consideration .\lay 8. Squadron. U.K. Base Port. Ports- to in not berm-c mm. and my. 1964. mottth lC).lA). /o tainly if any records were broken. be H.M.S. Cavalier (Destroyer). January "-M-5- |'3|l|’)‘8|II\ M/5 Fflsilitl. /\P|'|l they international or merely Persian I6. at Chatham. Increase from C. & 20. (lcnlilliw 4310- 31 G|‘¢¢l!0L‘ii- Gulf. they were more likely to be on W hen you bank with the M. party to L.R.P. complement. for llontc Sea Service. 3rd Fttgttlc bccr consumption than mnucys /o you get service H.M.S. Palliser (AIS Frigate). JanitSquadron. Transfer to 26th Escort ;uh]¢tic_ 1’ all the Westminster has a the line. ary. at Rosyth. l..R.P. contplcmctit. In curly I053. H_M_S_ [)3];-emptc Squadron. December. l96-1. Foreign H.M.S. Ulster (A,/S Frigate). JanuService (from date of sailing) Far went to Kuwait for surveying. and the London. This has Branch at 26 East. ary. :it Devonport. increase from C. and sporting facilitiesof the in consequence, well been open since 1772 and & .\l_ party to l-.R.P. complement. H.M.S. Duchess (Destroyer). April. at 4 Kuwait Oil Company wcrc vcry much |l..\l.S. Aurora (.-US Frigate). Janit5i"l!i|l"“'C ii“ F‘"°lt=" -‘3€Y\'iCC (FM ‘appreciated. This survey was ttnfortuwith the kind of financial you i3ilS|)- 34"! EWWI squadron. ary (tentative date). at Clydeshort cut natcly by a dramatic dash to the Bank has branches hank. for Hotttc Sea Service. Ind H-M-‘S. Lion (CTl|i5Cil- AP|'il._ 3! the .\laldivc lslands: there to stand by meet with in the l-rigatc Squadron. U.K. Hast: Port. Dcvonporl. Scrvicc under coiisidcr- in case or lrtitthlcs emerging from the which are at your at Portsmouthand Portsmouth (C). ation. U.K. Base Port. Dcvonport. internccine differences current in the ll..\I.S. Russell. (.’\_!S Frigate). H.M.S. Hermes (Carrier. April. at islands. branches in other towns service also are over l-'ebruary 13. at Rosytlt. (‘onions- Devonport. l-.R.P.Complcment. The commission finished with the the and sions April 23 for Honte Sca Service. H.M.S. Albion (Commando ship). , completion of the survey of Cyprus. .1 S/M Target Ship. U.K. l‘lilSt.‘ Port. .\lay at Portsmouth for Honte Sea ii). that was begun some 30 years ago Westminster Bank operates abroad a worldService. Foreign Service from date and has been progressed in the interRosytlt. H.M.S. Scarborough (A/S Frigate). of sailing (Far East). U.K. Base vcning years by ships en route for Ifyou would wide system of agents and l-'cbruary I3. at Portsmoittli. for Port. Portsmouth. United Kingdom after seasons in the like to know more about our service to the Senior trials. Home Sea Serv‘ic_g_Conttnis- H.M.S. Vhitby (A/S Frigate). May. at Persian Gulf. sion, April to. I96-1.;-,lfl_lt_l3rig;tte Chatltam. General Service Contmis-‘ "l‘h_e’ttsu:tl hottieward call at Gibralwrite for the booklet Squadron. U.K. Base Port. Devon- sion. Sotilh Atlantic and South t:ir'was the occasion for embarking a ‘Wcslmhirlcr Bank to Her America-'Home. 7th Frigate Squ:td- Barbary ape—Simon—now safely deport. ll..\l.S. l)aint_v (Destroyer). February ron. U.K. Base Port. Portsmouth Iivercd to llfracontbe Zoo. In his 27. at Portsntottth. for trials (To short sea passage to the United King(C). Rcscrvc on completion of long !l..\i.S. Anzio (l..S.T. and No. I dont he overcame initial bouts of sea refit.) .-\ss;tult Squadron). .\lay. at Bahrein. sickness. but no dotibt. was as pleased H.M.S. Whirlwind l,-\ S i‘rigalc). Foreign Service (.\liddlc East). as the rcmztinder of the ship's company l-'ehru:tr_v. at ('lt;ttltam. for (iencral Atnpltibiotis \\’arfare Squadron. (ii). to gel asltorc once more. Service Coinntissiott. W llttllttfiv ll .\l.S. l)ampit.-r (Surveying Ship). A FF.W STATISTICS llotttc. 8th Frigate Squztdron Li.K. .\l:ty. at Sitigaporc. Foreign Service ltasc Port. Poi tsutouth ((‘). (liar iittsll. (Cl. During the period :iw:i_v from Engll..\l.S. Ashanti ((i.i’, lirigzttcl. l‘chrtt- .lI..\l.S. Llandalf t.-\'l) Frigate). .\l:ty_ land art area of L354 square miles was LIMITED ary. ll l)cvonport. (icucral Serviccl at Dcvouport_ l..R.l'. (Toitiplctttcnt. surveyed. and for those interested in ('omittissiott. llotttc,-'.\li(ltl|c lE.ist. ill.M.S. Delight (Destroyer). .\l;ty 28. statistics 9.953 tons of fuel were used. S.W.t Brandi : 26 Utlt l-rigatc Squadron. U.ls' liasc i at Rosylh for trials. (To Reserve on 9.833 tons of w:iter. 8.000 pints of rtint (Telephone:Whitehall 502:) Port. Devotiport. were drunk, 72.000 cans of beer were completion of l.ong Refit.) .\'o. 820 Squadron. .\larclt 3. at R.N. H.M.S. Puma lA.A. Frigate). May 28. ttpcncd. 44.37‘) pounds of bread were E.C.2 Head Air Station. Culdrose. (icncnil Scr4t at l’ortsmouth for trials. eaten. as well as 195.307 potinds of Service Commission. July 30. Home] potatoes. 54.000 pounds of meat aitd cicc Commission. For il..\l.S. Ark South Atlantic and South America. 3.764 tins of baked beans. During this Royal. Wessex. 7th Frigate Squadron. U.K. Base same period the ship's company was ll..\l.S. Bastion (l..C.T.). .\l.zrch 5._.'tt Balircin. for Foreign Scrv:cc Port, Devonport. paid £98.-l6l.

Bl:tE:l'li\lGi FORECAST






i .






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Oflicc: Lothbury, London,



July. I963

Garden fete produced and funds fun IHJYAL NAVAL ASSOClATl0N THE

0(.'lAl. evenings. crib matches. “thosi-" operas. visits to garden fetes, tombola and ladies’ nights have been the order of the day during the last month in the Newcastle and (i‘.tlt.‘s'ilt.‘:ltl lirancli of the Royal Naval A ssociation. 'l'ht: garden fete was in the grounds’ quarters’ Club. the Newcastle mentat Slierburn Hospital in aid of the ‘l1.:rs would like to reiterate Sliipnute hospilil funds. Shiptnates lilyth and .-‘\ntlersori's retnarlts that the closure INCORPORATED BY _ROYfiL CHARTER (tray were Aunt Sallys. $hipm;ites- was caused by branches not supportPatron: H.H. The Queen llroadbent and Sharpe. dressed as (iziy ing the vciittirc. Newcastle says incint';ivaliers. sold the tickets for “sis halls hers were uariied what would happen apiece" to knock their hats oil. and if more support \\‘:t.s not lortliconiing “Ui\'l'l’Y LOYALTY l‘A'l‘R|O'l'lSM CO.VlRADl£Sllll"‘ Robirison did the btiskiiig. and they pose the question -it‘ the lt was a very good brzincli cllort \slllL'lt .cltih had been kept open. could any altorded both fun and t'tinds. 'br.mcli promise any more visitors? It The president of the branch. ls the opinion in t\'ewc;istlc that the ‘Capt. (iiiy Matind again won the crib National ('oiincil is doing a good job match. Members think that he ll'lll\'l ur.der ditlicult circtimstrinces. "Navy News‘? for the lirst correct have had secret practices during the The future programme of the branch JIn\WL'l' to the following question weelt. iiicludes a trip down a mine. a dinner which has been sent to the branch. .\t¢mb¢r_~; of thc Cockcmmuth dance in ii night club on the coast W114“ Wt'|'t‘ lhtfl Pli1C¢- lhc dale and branch need have no tears that Ship- ‘and. or‘ course. the annual trip to naine of the ship during the Sccond*_,";uc --10¢» Riddim now in 3 pic... liaiiiborotigli. WWI‘-l WM‘ 0" Wll_lCl‘ Pi|l“-l¢l“0"'l"“ castle hospital is lonely. Newcastle and was caused when it was announced (;;.r¢g|.¢;u1 branch has 3 [013 of ship8 ll. t_:rocodIlc had got ‘aboard "mtg; who visit him 3; r¢gu|-_”- in”,-. that :in the ‘ N the past West Ham has been put on the map in consequence of 1 football during The crocodile WLl\'|y;I]\night‘? and hctp N kwp him fin gum] leiiiii. but this year. the jubilee year til the West Ham Branch of the Royal shut and later skinned by the butler Naval Association. the sliipiiiates think that it is their branch which will bring and the S.B.A. One of the West Ham ipirgm West llaiii to the notice of the world. SUPPORT H)“ COUNCIL a long search the Derby ‘members to get in touch with hopes The branch started oil the year by.’ The West Ham sliipiiiatcs hope that some of his old shipmales Branch of the Royal Naval the controversy centerRegarding through the: procuring new club prcniiscs. They are branches will avail lheiiiselves of the aiiswer. on the closure of the Head- ‘Association has found new head*ing 3 splendid ones--»-bar. lounge. hall large club when visiting l.ondon. A litre to §qlI:ll'l¢l’\' at the Sir Robert Peel Hotel enough for 200 people to dance coni- the secretary will mean that he and, in Purl: Street. near the Midland t'ortably_ corrimittee rooms and all the the committee will see to it that the ,St:ition. 11:ere is seating accommodaotlices. The entertainment and sliipmates refresh-' necessary gave necessary tion lor about 60 and. with bar and a willingly of their time and various ments are laid on. On Whit Monday the branch had a piano. which has been decorated skills :ind the new headquarters were the good offices at the RV. visit from the Middlesborougli ladies .throi.igh C0Lu_:C"oN DOUBLE” entirely redccor;_itcd_. S h i p m :i te and KM. Careers ofliee staid’. who have an dthe occasion was a most success l u I “Nobby"(larlt being in command. For the second year the luc_:il corin‘decorated the room with pictures of Ews from me Blackha" and one. cil asked Lifethe branch to organise Coastal Branch of the Royal: Shipmates Edgar and Joan Reed modern naval ships. etc.. the Derby 1-“O HLNDRED GLPSTS boat Week in the Borough. Last year. TVIWII ‘ ‘hill the branch at the Spurn 5 rnembers feel they have been fortunate. r\-“ofllflun -\_l|0*\ "39 represented On .\l:iy ll Alderman Doris Smith.‘:is apprentices. the shiprnates were Items of naval interest for their membership point ¢_-cl-cmony-' cnjuygng lhc any and -\l4I!~'0f of West Ham. otlicially opened quite pleased with the total of £58 branch has an InC|'CiL\Infl hlliflnllllfl 3'9 Wtinfi 3 “"-‘'3' the ceremony rind the \\‘.il'nllll of’ club would be appreciated by the "'3' “it'll “ml 30? l!ll€‘*|* llwfmlllltlt-'Jlitit this year. as fully fledged Life-'l=""3l shipmates tit’ Derby. Socials will be interest in "‘l‘°‘i"|!‘ and 5°‘-'5“ friendship from all those Ptesent. enjoyed the opening night. Sliipniate boat Week urgani.ser.s. the total was: :l(‘ll\‘illI.'S. held in the new he;idqti.i.'tcrs on July “-'lh‘*- d€PUl)' president of No. I ; HIS, A wortli-while job for ;i l‘l. .-\ugust lo and September 20. Till-I ‘SPOR'l'l.\'(i' WORLI) Recently the branch .*\te.i. was present. as was Slll[1ll't:tli:‘\\lIlli:cause. The car trip on .\lay I7 was a most .uere used by the R_N. and lit the “sporting“ world the Blackcltatrniari of No. l Area. It is intended to hold the annual i'_\'ixsou. event and the branch Padre. Several branches sent along rtieirihers dinner-dance in ()ctober. but this time‘ Recrtiitirig Stall Otlicer for a recruiting liall darts team are having zi successful eiijoyablt: the Rev. 'l'. D. W. (icorge. priest-itiand West Ham were happy with the] it will be held in the new premises all drive. run in the league and are at present til" Kcdlcston. made the visitors tliought that everybody else was. No. l. Plashct Road. l-I.l3. The dominoes team are chargewelcome joint-second. and condtictcd an in1 nestling at the bottom of the table and very h. ""“' ° ‘ tour of Kedleston Church. lt()ARDl'-IR snor In the niontli _that the new premises the reporter states that it there is no,.ter.-sting 'lhe branch padre is about to leave have been in action. 22 new full mem-' West Ham is ollering :1 small prile soon the team will pro- 3 the Derby area in order to take up the hers were eriro|led—:i very good start. l —-;i three-ye'.ir subscription to the. ‘ “WC l0 "UCli'=l'S-" l0 |'¢V€ |'l b-15')’ 9 , The branch ‘post of head of the English Departwas represented at of the new Sunderland Comprefor No. II Area meeting. It :ment Barnsley licnsive School. For three years he has 1 via: a very interesting meeting and the been a p:irt-time lecturer in English delegates congratulated Barrislcy on at Derby Diocesan Training College. the refreshments. .\tr. George was ordained in I940 and lll-I Royal Naval Association in. .5 °°“°h'°“d “f ’hll’"““°5 and served as a chaplain during the war. “mm. and we “-egminskr : friends went to Durham on June I5 to being mentioned in despatclics. He will support a Garden l-‘etc rtin jointly by .be missed by the Derby shipmales. 3 h I. h _. the Church of England Children‘: den. of an. b,,_m,_.h_ shipmuu. "mm," llome_.s .S_ocict_v and No._ll Area of the (Continued from column 3) :\ssoctation. It was 'a line day :ind a ; g,»;‘,_._,._ did 3. H", 3:, of 55_ ll" lL‘l°- ‘"9 "a service at (‘hrisl Church. F.ritli. The P5‘!""'”5C'-l I An arcadclegate for many years. he li°*“_l ‘-'“““l 1 was well known to ni:in_\' no meeting‘ Pmlll‘ {Wm “'l_“Cll W?“ '0 5‘? ‘ll-'|'*?d- branch cli'.iirman. Sliipmate Skcdgc. .“ All branches. in particular the ladies ‘carried the branch Standard and the was mnmlclc wmmm him‘ At the creriiation service on May 30 ‘ll ll“? l"'3'“Ch¢‘- P“”°d "W" “‘¢|3l“- cotlin was covered with the White “'-1‘l5|l‘°"a large contirigcnt or shipniaies uere : ‘~Ifl_d "'~'-“IV linsigri. More than 60 wreaths testilied “W bfancll S l'1|ll')'¢1'Tl." m¢°l!“S to the high esteem in which Sliipmate present. including the deputy president; N.,_ [ _.\n-_1_ _§mp,,,;uL. A “Mt.” was poorly supported. only ll turning Lee was held and his death leaves It National Council member. Shipmalc. UP 0|" Of 0"~‘|' '00 m¢l"b¢f‘- ll WI‘ 1| sad gap in l)artt'ord's ranks. C. Wheeler’. the cliairnian of No. I ,|ively meeting. with many tlls't.'ll's\lut‘lS' During the list war Sliipmati: Lee |servcd as an Ordnance Artilicer. Area, Shipmate ('i. Nixson. and several ; resulting in several decisions. representatives from ni.in_v branches. lniainly at home and on the New LED A i\'L’RSF.S DANCF. Station. The shipmates of Westminster} Zcaland Branch wish to tliank all those who I_ Tl!c_hr:mCl_1 is glad _to welcome_ back ‘attended the scn.-tee. f in circulation Shipmate E ll..\‘l. Submarine Tapir is expected loin" ‘ 'l.:admgton. .sen.. after his lllllL‘s's‘ in to arrive Lll Portsmniitli on July IS I 'hospital. At one time Sliiprnates trotii S_\'ilnc_\'. Nets’ South Wales. She , liadiugton and .\l:ison uere in adjoin» is returning to the l‘niled Kiiigdtitii tag beds in liospital and led the nurses via the i’.iciliL'. Pearl llarbour. West ("rust of the United States. l".in.i:iii. il'(lll','s'lt\ll (l:ini:iic;i) and the .-\/ares, lll€.\' the sliipiiiates of the |):irl; lord Branch ol the Rt)_\“.Il .Vav;il ..-\ssoci-.itioii met on r\la_i 27 tlie). ;I|l‘:lI'(I. with :i priiliitind shock. that their genial host. Sliipriiatc S. .l. \\'.[ l“Jat'k") l.ce. of lhe Plriunh. the: .branch headquarters. had died the! lpreviiius evening. He had been offers the facilities to all Ex-serj hospital [or some I0 weeks. but reports‘: [had indicated that he was improving..vicemen and their wives and Ex-servicewomen Only -ll years old. "Jack" Lee was? t and their husbands for £l per year. mainly responsible for the “recourZ missioning" of the brancli. ssliicli had bceti in stispcnsiori lur some years. In 300 bedrooms from as little as 8/- per night single and Q fcorivers.ition with Sliipniates 'l'hornp6/- per person sharing, (most witlt constant hot water and Steele. he otlercd tliel ;son and central heating). lhospitality ol his lititise for meetings at no charge. an otler tli.it was readil_t . Dining Rooms. Cafeteria, Fully licensed bar. Lounge. ‘and gratclull} accepted. i’rorn that Billiards and date he played a pmriiittent part in tgcllillg the branch into its present A spirit of comfort and camaraderie. . and social :iusitiott— one of lllll2tllCI.ll the lc;iiliiig or-__'.inis.itiuit~ Ul l).ir::ord PLEASE WRlTE details and to: and district. Sliipmatc l,e::'s li.ird unrlt; rind The assistaticc in iiiany \\;i_\\ contributed largely to the stceess or the brancli. THE VICTORY EX—SERVlCES CLUB which was the winner of the Don W.2 Street. -.\lurray Trophy lor two successive years. with an ever-increasing meniliersliip. He leaves a v.idou- and an A PERFECT CENTRE FOR SEEING —rich and smooth ll-year-old son. to whom the branch LONDON extends its deepest .s_vinp:riliy. Also near at hand: Cream LZ|lI'!l Stout :2 minutes from Marble Arch) The luticrzil. attends.-d by 20 branch —:iiiirmtli.diirkand mttstylntt Rod llarrel \t'nt.nt-5'5 Kci: members and m;in_v niottrners. took —l3t‘!taln'.-4 llrst mid ttirerxiost lsei: liltt er. IDEAL FOR REUNIONS place at Brook Street Cemelcrv alter (Continiied in column 5) —-




Who skinned the crocodile? 1 I

























lieadqiiartersl R...\l.l




“Give thatman .







0 f ‘improvement



a Watneys Brown P)

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Jul .' ma gllllllllllllllllllIIlllllllIIllllllllllllIIllllllIIIllllllllllllIIllllllllllllllllllllllllIIIlllllllllllllllIIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll ‘I


Entertained Submariners





an unhappy day for the Royal Navy I3



September I-I. I942. was a most unhappy day for the Royal Navy. Within l\l\cl'tl_\-ll)lll' hours. one cruiser. Il..\l.S. Coventry. two ¢lt:slro_v ers. ll..\l.S. Sikh and II..\l.S. Zulu. plus several fast motor-boats were lost by enemy action all Tobruk. I had been on board Zulu only thirty-six hours when all this happened. On September II, as coxswain of experienced dive-bombing attacks will to the guns. Being so busy. it only Tank Landing (‘raft No. I20. I was know w hat we went through. Some of faintly registered when a voice said: lying in Port Tcwlik l-larbour. un- the Stukas were titted with sirens “She's gone. boys." By now it was getting dark. and. loading merchant ships with stores which screamed like lost souls as they and amuiunition. designed to help the ; dived on us. Helping the gun crews on after a farewell sortie. we were left ‘lttgltlll Army, As soon as my craft‘ the upper deck. my sympalliics were lalone in the .\Icditerranc;tn. Out‘ the engine and boiler-room ‘i thoughts turned to harbour and soul] was loaded we sailed to Alc.\andri.i. with On arrival we were briefed for a crews. Our guns were cngag-in«,: all the we were to get another shock. The was naval authorities in .-\|csandri.‘i irispecial ta~k. We were going to be time, and as a passenger. drafted to ll..\l.S. Zulu and ll..\l.S. impressed by the crew's etlicicucy and formcd us that the harbour was ,Sikh. together with a contingent of morale. also by the line scariiaitsliip of closed at sunset. and so we had to Royal .\larine Conirnaudos. Our aim our captain. who dodged continuous while away tltc night as best we could. I-‘ortunatcly between the (‘roome‘s uwas to try to invest Tobruk. held by attacks. crew and us survivors friendship was ‘the (iermans. and try to fuin the Il.M.S. (.'()\'EN'I‘R\' l.()S'I' instant. and cups of steaming cocoa harbour as a ba<c for enemy supplies. this our captain bombing. During The landing-craft men would also kept our spirits up. that broadcast to shortly say very the next morning we ercpi Early endeavour to board some R-boats in anti-aircraft support was arriving into Alexandria. mourning the loss of (German tank-landing craft) and. if the Now '. of H.M.S. -‘J .~n....3.--:4 .-Kc Coventry. shape line ships and fine men. Did anyone successful. to steam them back to We did shock. in for another Some of the shipniates of the Cork and County branch of the Royal Allied territory. After being briefed. we came blunder? Was there a leak somewhat but a sight- where? No one knows. All I know is Naval _Association who entertained members of the ships‘ companies of we split into two parties. and boarded sight Coventry fire! abandoned. and on So much for that by great good fortune and God‘: Submarines Oracle and Tntem when they visited Cork at Whltsun. the Zulu. which sailed immediately. II.l\l. anti-aircraft support. Rather than will. I survived. outside the hostelry of Mr. Su|livan—him.self an er-submarine Chief A REAL OPERATION leave her as a menace to navigators. Stoker— in Baltimore. Cork. (See story on page 5.) Some time after this ill-fated By daylight on the l3th we were our captain eased speed and sank her operation I learned that my twin well into the Mediterranean, and. with torpedoes. brother had been a prisoner of war in As the of again. were the forcnoon. working speed we captain up during WINS Zulu had all hands mustered on the the last of many bombing attacks hit Tobruk on that very day. On November 20, I942. l..C.T.l20, HE Portland "A" team were mess deck. He then proceeded to tell us. Although it was a direct hit. to which I had returned as coytsmiin. the winners of the 56th Division us what his ship. and the men on it causing a very severe list. there was foundercd. and so I was a survivor of the National Short Range Rifle were going to try to do. On nearing no thought of abandoning ship. Our twice within to weeks. i League. live bronze medals being rc- Tobruk. the Royal Marine Com- guns were still firing while the Ll. those who served in ll..\l.S.i scnteil as the prize. Result of the mandos and landing-craft men would wounded were brought up on deck. Kent from ms to i945 will be’ small-bore contest with R.N.A.. be sent ashore in ’l_ulu's small boats and no one showed any sign of panic. glad to hear that her successor isl Stcvcnage: Portland "A.“ 472; and join up with the Lon Range While Zulu was stopped and listing nearing completion at the yard of Stcvcnage "A." 452. Portland now Desert Group. That was re main we sighted a small ship. and. wonder his-ms. Harland 8: Wolff. at Belfast.i lead Stevenage by 8 points to 2. task of the Commandos. while I and of wonders. it turned out to be the It is hoped that the commissioning. Stcvenage ‘'8'’ obtained 384 and Port- my party were to endeavour to board British "Hunt" class destroyer Crounte. ""°"'0fl)' Will he llflfoflned at Bella“ .f land ‘'8'’ returned no card. and the and capture any R-boats sheltering in ZULU ABANDONED that Our Tobruk. emphasised on August I5. Admiral Sir Charles captain in this section is Portland. now UNITED States Navy Court of Sizing up the situation. she came it would be a real operation: two Madden. Commander in Grief. 6score points: Stcvcnagc, 4 points. Inquiry. after it had heard I20 Home Fleet. has accepted an invitation destroyers and a few motor-boats alongside and we started to transfer has concluded that the to be present on the occasion. As a against the fortress of German our wounded to her. Then. until our witnesses. ’lobruk. Satisfied that everyone knew captain ordered “Abandon ship.“ all Ifailure of a piping system probably sub-lieutenant be commissioned thehis job. the captain dismissed us, and men on the ship stood fast. As soon gcauscd the loss of the nuclear subpreiiotts Kent. the first of the l0.000those not needed for night watches as we were all on (‘roonte we shcered imarine Thresher on April I0. There Ion "County" class cruisers. at off and made all possible speed away were I2‘) men aboard the submarine turned in. ('hatham on June 25. I928. All through the night of September from the now-sinking Zulu. Bombing when she sank. The new Kent is the third of the The court asserted that the basic 13 we steamed at full speed and at still went on. and those of us who "('ounly" class of guided-missile ships action stations. with Sikh in company. were able helped to get ammunition design of the Thresher class is gootl. and will be under the command of I—'. never say good-bye in the! Scarchlighls and tracer were reported (apt, John G. Wells_ Royal Navy. I)ispl.iciitg 0.000 tons .-.ud armed \\lIll ‘At'ttll'c\s'—vse always meet 3 at about 5 o'clock in the morning. Seaslug. Scacat and a Wcssc.\ heli- again." This remark by an Instructor gi\ing us the impression lhat the l.ong copter. the ship contains many to his class was brought home to the Range Desert Group were getting to revolutionary Tcatures. not the least reporter from the Bedlington Branch blows at Tobruk. Our Royal Marines bc.ng the propulsion niacliinery. which of the Royal Naval Association now manned their boats and very combines steam and gas turbines to recently. shortly were lowered and sent away. produce 60.000 h.p. and a speed of He was present when Shipmate \\'hat happened to them. I do not over 30 knots‘. "Slinger" Woods. of the Newcastle know. ‘
























and (iateshead Branch. met Shipmate REl’L"l‘A'I‘I()N SI-ICDNI) T0 .‘«'()NI-I "lack" Weighill. of the Bedlin ton anxious to Branch. It was the first time that 1 ese The new Rent is most get in touch with the otliccrs and men two had met since they were doing who formed the ship‘s company of _their boys‘ training at H.M.S. Ganges the last Kent. whose reputation in the in Class -I in l‘)26— -nearly forty years Meet \\.ts second to none. After ago. .\L‘t\itlu for ll years as Flttgsltlp of The Bedlington Branch has outthe China lilcct. Kent had a line grown the accommodation available record in the Second World War at the Howard Arms and has had to before she was broken up in Rosyth change its headquarters to the Red in I9-t7. Lion Hotel. The move was decided All those wishing to renew acquain- upon when Whitley Bay Branch visited tance with the new Kent should write Iiedlington. Conditions were cramped to:~~ Old Kent Association Ollicer. for that occasion. but everyone enll..\l.S_ Kent. c/o (}.P.O., I.ondon. joyed himscl f. :ind give full particulars of service in The Newcastle and Gatcshead the previous ship. Branch recently visited Bedlington and In addition to compiling records of it was during that visit that Shiprnates old Kents. the ollicers and men of the Woods and Wcighill met again after new ship would like to trace photo'

graphs. trophies. pictures. ete..<that are connected with her predecessors.

Both destroyers were now being shelled and bombed continuously. and at about half-past live we received a signal front Sikh saying she had been hit In her steering compartment. We at once tried to go alongside and get a low to her, and twice. under very heavy fire from shore. we tried to connect up. At our third attempt. 1.\C managed to secure to Sikh. when. horror of horrors. a shell hit the towing wire parting it. and causing several casualties. The captain of Sikh. seeing what happened. and noting that both shi s were drifting shorcwards. gave Zu.u the order to retire. This ou_r captain reluctantly did. While working up_ to maximum 5 ed. we could see the Sikh drifting as ore. and being heavily so long. shelled. but her guns were still answering back. Imagine the boost to morale that gave us! Now on our own. and steaming at full speed. all on board realised that. being a lone ship. we would be the target for any aircraft or surface ship. Sure enough. over came the Stuka MOST interesting relic has been dive~bombers. which subjected us to placed in the "Navy News" merciless bombing. Anyone who has archives through the kindness of Cdr. W. R. Bull. D.S.('.. D.S..\I.. R()_\'.ll Navy. of Bridlington. Yorkshire. It is a programme of the River Procession (Sea Services Commemoration) hel l on the Thames on August 4. I919. lR.—With my enclosed order form in which well over I40 boats. (barges, for future copies of “Navy News“ lnuncltcs. picket boats. r:tc.). took part, I would like to ask you if it is possible. Cdr. Bull was then :1 Petty Ofliccr. through your publication. to get In ((T.iptain‘s Coxswain) in the picket touch with some of the few old shipboat of the Naval Olliccr-in-Charge mates of mine. of one ship I'll never of the procession. The procession was forget. nearly a mile in length and was from The ship was the "Tribal" class l.oudon Ilridge to Cadogan Pier. destroyer II.M.S. Afridi. I joined her (hclsea. and took nc:t.'i;.' an hour to in the .\lcditerrancan as a boy in .\l;rrch. I939. She was one of the first. pass. ll..\l, King (ieotge V's barge was if not the first destroyer. to carry boys. followed by contingents from all scr- I believe. I was on board her as an ordinary xices connected with the sea including the Royal .\’av_\'. thc_ R0}'Ill‘i\lLl\'lIl se.iman when she was stink by divel\’L‘sCl’\’L'§_ Royal .\'a::on;il l.llL‘l7(‘.ll hornhcrs oll !\'orw:iy in May. 1940. At l:isu':u'.e. (‘tn-.\tguards Training ships. the time (‘apt. \"i.m was in command. Yours, ctc.. G. I’. I’Illl.l’O'l'l‘_ 20 l'I\llt'IIl‘.t‘It. Sea \':o'its. and .\lcrc.z:tt:lc .-\1mor:ilt Road. ll\‘llll\l\l'-". .\litldlesex. .\l.rr.-rte Jill‘.






members of the Harley branch TIIPZ of the Royal Naval Association A active part in the last ntonth took an

llorlcy and Crawley. Sliipimtes llygale. Nice and llowlcs produced two floats for the carnivals.

affairs of

One of the floats





vessel. suitably named "Queen ol the blolc" and. armed with a stirrup pump. spectators cit route were

gently sprayed. Willi the co~opcration of

the R..\‘. and R..\l. Careers Ofliccr, of Thornton Heath. the other float advertised the Royal .\'avy. the Royal Marines. the \\'ontcn's Royal .\'aval Service and Queen .-\lcx.indr.i's Royal Naval .\’urxing Service. and. llL'C0f.tlL‘tl with flags and posters looked very ellcctive the Royal .\'.ival .-‘\ssociation crest d.«pl.i_vcd on the trout ol the float. litcrc wis also it shop window’ dup'..:j;. ar.'.rnget| by the hrnncit. .-.:‘.d u.L:~p1.tycd iv. the (Htrccrs Olliccr. .-‘\ Roj...I .\.n.:l l)i~pl;:y \'.m '.‘-.t\ in ..tfe7:tl.mce and ‘__‘.t\'.' g:L'.:t pict~t:.'e tr Ilse -.'-'£".\ti\.



You may have said it yourself. But, consider. You will probably never have a better opportunity than you have now of putting some money aside for the future. You enjoy good pay—with no ovcrltcads—and all tltc facilitiesof the Post Ollice Savings Bank scheme are yours for the asking. What could be simpler? -Make saving a good habit. Save as much or as little as you like, but do it regularly. Keep your money in the Savings Bank as long as you possibly can. You will find that it soon mounts up and collects intcrest—ready to help start you up in the trade you are now learning in the Service, or for furnishing your home when you get married. All the details of the scheme are in the leaflets illustrated here. Write to me personally, and I will send you a copy of the one that applies to your Service:

Air Chief Marshal Sir Hugh W. L. Saunders, G.c.n., i:.ti.t:., .\l.C., D.l-‘.C., .\l..\l.,

Chairman, H.VI. Forces Savings Committee, 1, Princes Gate, London, S.W.7 l.'L'.n1f‘,I'”..'-I.I‘.-urv.S‘..~i1-:_i-x

Ci v':":.'.'.'r't‘

go this is Local Foreign Service!

NA \’'|'

July. I963


l '.-'.'l||llIlIIIIlllIllllllllllllilllllillIIlll|llll||l“llfllllllll|IIllIlIIEllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllIllIIlIllllillllllllllllllfllllllIlllllllllllIlllllllllllllllllll1


drive out th: old spirits carried asliore l during the illilllxtttlll. purify the l\l.'ll‘ltl\‘_ propitiati: tl:e good spirits and. in general. ni.il.e sure that plcnt} I of tlltllcs lay [Il:lll)' of eggs b.'t\\c.-ii. .\la‘,‘ and ()clohi:.'. .-\l'lcr xllllxtil ultcn tlic Miisliiiis hail‘ held their L'L'lL‘ttlilllit.‘\. l‘|t\.tl\ llu\\ N Satiirilay. Way 25. ll..\l.S. liceboard .\l.il.ij. s;iinp.iiis driven by .\l a r _\ t o n ll.ieut.-(‘dr. (3. I-'. l Ollillthtlklsl “ere sent to take ashore large party from .\l.ii_\ton. :\round l \\'al\\_ui. R.N.l anchored between the l:-. of the beach thin tiny islands of 'I".tl'.uit: 'l'ul:tn:,: llcs:ir' ll” perimeter with harnboo poles luinliin: llutti:rin~_.:' ziriil 'l:ilang Talang Kcchil. olf siiiitli-iu-st coast of Sitrzmak. (In at their lips were placed at lll-I'oot~ Iioaril “as Mr. Tom llzirrisun. l).S.().. llllL'l'\‘.Il~'. to ward oil evil spirits., ().ll.l-'... uorlrl authority on llorneo. 'Il1.itelieil hut. and i:liair~. \lll'futllltll.'tl coinrnanrlcr of the irregular forces the dancing led by the all-girl "h.iuiJ" i which \\':tlt'(l the horder against the playing on their gt-rigs and druni~.I llrunci rebels. and Curator of the Various .\l.il.iy and I)_vak dances‘ Saraual. Miiseiuii in Kuchinp. The were perforincd and the \‘l\IltI{s were‘ for his \‘i\il—-the Semah invited to ioiu the shy girls in a-. reason three-step t'oru.ird, three-step backl"csliv:iI. .' .1. refreshment ward shuttle. Liquid llach year. hundreds of turtles the islands. stopping at each of the A scene during the regatta at Trinconuilecin .\larcli. with ll..\l.S. Lion (Capt. come to these islands to lay over a flowed freely. The party were enterI. I.. M. McGt0ch. l).S.0.. l).§.C.. R.\’.). which acted its Guard Ship. in the hundred eggs each. Tliey bury these taincd by their singing and the extremities to plant another altar. background. Lion was in Japan visiting Nagasaki. Osnke and Kobe at the O.\'l-'.-SID!-ll) BAT'l‘l.E in the sand, crawl laboriously back natives were amused by their cflorts an article on her \l\il will appear in “Navy During the previous few days, some end of May. and it is hoped that into the sea and take no further to twist to the slow-beat haunting News" shortly interest in their ofispring. Conse- rhythm of their music, In this friendly turtles had already laid and on quently. the eggs are easy prey for atmosphere under the stars with the completion of the eneirclement snakes and lizards. and sharks are warm sea bree/e rustling the palms. Matylon anchored again and landed ready to deal with any newly hatched it was easy to forget that Indonesia a party of IO. armed with [50 eggs. babies who make it into the water. was in sight not many miles distant. The residents. too, were similarly To prevent this decimation and try The local people. though. are equipped on shore. but ihe ensuing to preserve the dwindling stocks of normally very conscious of this battle was perforce one-sided. as the I‘ is like a breath of fresh air to get back into a naval atmosphere again" this world's turtles. Mr. Harrison's threatening presence and accepted the invaders just had to “in. They remarked Vice-Admiral R. Shelley after reviewing the Sea Cadets ot‘ men incubate a proportion ol the party's attendance at their festival as symbolised the new turtles forcing ward oil the for threat to at their way ashore and their own the 125. Hamilton. Ayleshury. on June 8. on the occasion of the olficial eggs and take the young turtles to sea. an omen least a year. ensured that the coming opening of the new headquarters and the celebration of the unit's Zlst 'I lli:_\ tag them. too. so that knowledge All through the night the drumming “crop' would be bountiful. (it their movements may be enlarged. birthday. It was by no means a walk-over. The new headquarters in Waltonlin order to attract grants for the reAt present. no one knows where they continued. and in the morning the go between leaving the islands one rituals began anew. In ti confused howeyer, but after a series of t.‘ll:.tr5:c§iSlrcCl were opened by Mrs. Shelley. inainder. 'l hanks to the generosity of day and returning to the very same procession they went round the beach and In -1 mél'5¢ Of rusgcr liwlilcfiliinveilingthe nameplate and plaque the local people the Corps actually speck in the ocean seven years later with the headman making various exploding eggs and impromptu war~ ‘carved by one of the instructors. raised more than this minimum it remains one of Nature's mysteries. incantations before planting :in altar cries. they established their beach- Chief Petty Ollicer (i. l-Iaston-Bassett. One ex~cadct of the Aylesbury Unit The remainder of the eggs are sold at the south end. This resembled a head_ A swim soon washed off even who also carved another plaque inside was Able Seaman Charles Alan asltore at a low fixed price so that all large bird table with a thatched roof the most adhesive cgg_\-.\:ind_\' mess the building. Sutherland ‘lihosc death at the hands riiernlr.-rs of the community can afford and held rice. eggs. fish. soap. tobacco and the victors were ready to polish The Vicar of Walton. the Rev. J. 8. of pirates while he was serving in this nutritious delicacy. and a live bird l'or the spirits. Next. all a glorious Malay "makan." eaten Girling. Unit Chaplain. dedicated the l-l.M.S._Barrosa was reported in the entered their boats and H.M.S. native style with the starboard hand. building. March issue of “Navy News." PROPITIATING THE SPIRITS they Maryton up-aiichored and accom- while seated on a rush mat on the Present at the ceremony was Capt. The :innii:il Semah Festival is to panied them on a circular trip around noon R. Casement. Captain of the Sea Cadet Corps and Secretary of the Council.» Others present included Capt. R. C. RS. Gregory. wife of ViceAdmiral G. D. A. Gregory. Medley. Unit Chairman. the Mayor and Mayoress of Aylesbury. Coun- Admiral Superintendent of H.M. cillor H. Poolc and Mrs. Poole. and Dockyard. Dei.-onport. laid the keel of Dame lean Davis. Commandant of the fourth warship to be built in the the W.R.N.S. The unit's Commanding dock_viird since the war. on June I9. Olliccr is l.icut.-('dr. S. E. Manchcc. The ship will eventually be named The lieadqiizirlers‘ cost £-3.760 to ('leop:itr;r and will be an antibriild and equip and the (‘orps itsclli snliniiiriiic frigate of me l,c;indr-r clue.was required to raise the tirst quarter 1 (aboiit2.700 tons. full load). 7











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the flick of a switch Cdr. J. I). Baker. R.N.. will be able to the ship's company of ll..\‘l.S. Lirsa with music from Iittht classics to the 3 recent hit tunes. He will be able to select front over 4,000 titles. recorded on 90 _minutes of continuum‘ each 2 ll_l0 Following n;._-onlllteltdaliiiilsover llte "0 "IU\‘|t‘. ting cunlztine in a p usttc cassette an stored in a specially dc-slttned year: lrum our clients‘. we now '10‘ '0" “*9 3" “°3arrange and administer more Natal At a ceremony in l)c\‘onport on ‘l‘il"S “CC”! Fciih Mid ll“: 100 UPC‘ 0-’ 1 motor insurance than any other Iirm ‘ : June [7 H.“ 5_ Ur“, y,L.‘_.;,n.,c me fin! recorded music. of l-.n,yc,_\-_ I. ln tlianking C dr. Moth. ( dr. ll.il.cr We t.IldL.1\0lll' to obtain the most ;‘ ship of the Royal Nat) to li.ise inexpensive preniiunls together with , Rcdittine music installed and was said. "The service which has just been C-\|-‘V-‘"'-‘nl P0liL'.\' s‘0ndili0flS: also we | ollicially "adopteil" by the Rcditiine installed in my ship has proved to be .i l1lI|'\UL‘ 11" I-‘litllm. thus saving you .sert-ice of Redilliision. (‘dr. 8. C. very cllective and pleasing ntcans of 1 .\lnth. R.N. trct.l. general maniigcr of increasing cllieicncy long and tedious corrcspoitdcncc. Redilunc l.td.. presenting the Articles I To clleel the b_e.~t quotation. please ‘WC ""5 §\i|n1c. atlslrcfis. u! Adoptloil to the ('apt;iin of the ship. Cdr. llakcr also l‘CCCl\'Cll on tsi:h::ll‘ . , I “ ‘C ""5 ‘ ‘ ."'°“‘ ". ‘ if his sin P a ‘‘ll‘ W tie for the p litchasc ‘ S‘ claims. no claims bonus or ctldorsc- of it dingliy in the \\’cst indies .



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*5‘ “'"' P'°*°"' Rm‘ "“°"'~“"s ' men held their tenth annual reunion at Portsmouth on June 22. and Rear-Admiral Sir Joseph Henley (I-‘lug Officer Royal Yachts) was . . _ principal guest. l« y M 1; Ad _1 H I . : M'5C‘-LUWLOUS that. radio controlled mi-. :4.iii-m -4-mc¢.— “tamed more mu" 33.000 mu“ duh , , "1 I I our 0 r A us ‘ NIr’ M ‘In d and present. llh I |



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Vacancies for Constables exist in the Admiralty Constabulary. lnitial appointment will be on a temporary basis with prospects of permanent and pensionable service. Commencing pay ol entrants ‘is £585 a year, increasing by nine annual increments to £820. After I7 years’ service a special increment of £30 is awarded making a final total of £850 a year. Uniform and boots are provided. There are good prospects of promotion. Candidates must be of exemplary character. between 2| and 48 years of age. at least 5' 7' in height (bare feet)_ and of British Nationality.'Prior to appointment they will be required to pass a medical examination and an

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i—li’_fiYS|CAL Navy man takes honours TRAINERS WANTED


July. I963




.«\. J. Clark. of ll.\l.!s'. Ariel. itiore tli:in helil his own and was the onl_v of the Britain team to «in any major awiirds. l-lying to t\'.iirobi our i\l;ire_h 2'.‘ .'t _\_ils. and 52 out of 5) at (:00 yds. The “Mt. ".;.,,di,i.m_.,. A 1 I 1, "ugh mt. .-\frie;ins won the ittateh. "ml-"rm. "f c._mdid._m_.\ con“. {mm me llt;tl‘Cll was shot on the tollowiiig d.i_y ite\t call was at lsitwe. about _e,_.mm," m.;.m.h.and "mu. 3‘ no rum," against KL'tl_\;t and ll:.'.tll\l.I at an, a_ltithe ML‘. ,.,,|,,,m.(.,s [mm mm... b,an,_.iu.,,. little of 5.600 feet in extremely ditli- A-I0 miles away. where the (LB. team _.,t",,,m mu .",,.|if_‘,-_ p,,_.wn; ,.,_.m.|mi.,n.,- cult weather eoiitlitiotts. Scores all shot a tnzitelt agairtst South ..'\ll’ICIl :ind ,,_.q"in_. mm "mm ;nu.n,‘“.d in "mtg, round were it)“ aitd did not iii.ilt-.- the tlte Rhodesias. Great Britain won the him: as ph_“.;‘.a' “aim.” if "M n|n.._,d_,. best of tour openings, .\'ext day, how- match with a record score—-‘only eight scaiiien must transfer to the Seiiinan lever zit i\"dola. iii a tttateh against the‘ points separating the top scorer from local citib and the South .-\fric:in team the bottom. Prior to the Test Match a llrancli. The l’.‘l‘. Branch ulTL'I's‘ an interest- twho travelled tip speei:ill_v for the friendly ittatch was shot against ing and retsarding career to those ntateh). Clark seored the hiiiliest aggre- .\lixfuIira and South Africa and Clark interested in pliysietil training antl gate of the day» a possible at 200 was top scorer of the British teatti i\ith I02 points out of I05. sport. l'li_\sie;i| trainers are eliargetl I tsith the responsibility‘ of keeping (cummmd r""""”"m"” WINS G0l)l)l-IN 'l'R()l’ll\' Sltt_t\s' eonipanies lighting lit. and training and eoaelting ships‘ teams in ll:tlit)l‘.;tl Slltlfllllu as'soei.iiioiis_ and After further frietidly shoots at the \;iiii-its sports. 'I he duties vary isitieli are invaliialtle to them when I ii.insli).'i. t\la/abiika and l_i\'iii_estone. the lI.'.It1l went to Szilishiiry in time to eonsiilerabls. from training juniors they leave the Service. in the traiiiiii-.: estahlisltments to being At the tttoitieitt e.\-phisieal trainers Like part in tlte l’ederal .\leeting. ('|ark senior coach to the Navy s\\'iittinin_t: are employed at the follotting met with great success here. isintting team. but \\ll1Ilt.'\'L‘l' the task it is ftill Seliools: litoti ('olle«_.-e. Winchester ’the Service rifle ehampionsliip and of :ieti\itv and interest. College. Paiiglsourite N :i ll 1 i c ;i I being riiiiner-tip in the (io\'ernor"the itiiiitber of Special Ditties College. Bradlield. l-(lug.-'s llruton. (ienei’.'i|'.s Prize Competition. ln additl’.l'.l otlieers required has recently Repton_ and St. John's College, Others iion to this he won the Godden Trophy iiiereased atid tltere is now a great :tre now physical-editeatioit teachers for the aggregate of 900 and L000 t\|‘|]'Int‘lllllll_\ to get ahead in the l’.'l. in appoiittnteitts t\\'L‘I\L'.t\. and sortie _\d~,. alter a tie shoot with another Branch. are employed in tile persoiiiiel depart- member of the British team. After the Federal Meeting the team l.\'\'.-\[.l '.-\Bl.E QUAl.lFlCATIO;\'S ments of large industrial concerns. Only those who are prepared to get Ilew to Bloemfontein to take part in During their careers most P.Ts. really lit and devote their the South African “Bisley." Once physically ollicials or time to physical lilness and sport again Clark had a successful meeting. gain qualitieations as coaches which are awarded by should the highest score of the day apply. and applieatiom should inaltiiig ((.'ontinued in column 2) be made through eoiiiinaiiditig otlieers. in the Test Match (which Britain lost to South Africa by four points) and being runner-tip in the State l‘resident‘s l’ri/e—eqiiivalent to the Queen's l’t‘i/e in the English Bisley. Another Test Match was shot at S.ilisbiiry between South Africa. a l-'eiler:i| team and Great Britain. which (ireat Britain won. Clark‘s score was Guaranteed All Wool Excellently Tailored the third highest iii the team, 1

T:}I:;lfi:.“l:;“i:‘£:l;;'};:_x;‘nL'i“m':' .




















OLYMPICS Rl-IPRESI-Ii\"l‘ATl\'E ('.E.R.A. Clark is a native of Southanipton and joined the Royal Navy in I945. He started competition rifle shooting in l953 and since then has represented the Royal Navy with all weapons (rifle. pistol and submacliinc gun). shot for England in I958 and represented Great Britain in .22 pistol shooting at the European (‘lnintpiotisltips in .\lilan in I95‘). at the Olympic Games in I960 and in the World Championships in Cairo in I962. His wife was Leading Wren Julia Boiighton. who s at for the Navy XX :it Bisley and was tlte only woman ever to have represented the Navy in the litter-Service Long Range Mateli.

£8.19.li. £12.12.0.

All sites In stock, perfect fit guaranteed, Availablefor cash or on allotment account.

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l)opo:-‘ll I\(‘(‘Gtllll.‘i hiii'i- hr-on esper-lall,\' (ll‘$t:.'lt--tl tor ttii.-i puri>o.s-- and at pri-:~'(~itt :s'it-id-ll ‘_ lneontv 'l'.t.\' paid by the Sm-ivtv. .'\llt'f'lIilll\'(‘l_\':.'riti can open it ishiire Invi-stxtient account and (".tl‘lt interest at It; ltlt'tttllt' 'l'.i.s tvztiil. Ask your Pnytnnsti;-r now for {till details of the seltmite and sent! now for a copy of the \\'t-stttoiirno Park ttiiildtiu: Soc-it-t,v ill‘UI‘lllll‘1',

0-tblishcd |')' R0l‘€fl


by Capt. (ieorge Cooper. R.N.. who senior ratings from the (‘import side was serving with the cruiser l'I.l\l.S. lot the harbour at ll..\l.S. (‘ollingwood lixeter when it was sunk by the I in the tiiorniiig and in the afternoon. Jap;ines‘c in the Java sea itt Marelt. at R.N. Barracks. l’_orl.sittotith. I‘)-J3.

addressed ollicers :irtd senior ratings (‘apt. Cooper. who retired from the 3 front various other t.‘\'l£ll‘|ll\llll'lClllS.


held per annumt. of 20 per eent——25 per cent if the price includes Purchase Tax-—ol' the recently at Hinckley, the loc:il Deposit branch of the Royal N‘-aval Asseci:i- total} you want Naali to advaiiee (although in soiite cases a higher deposit is tion performed the "Crossiiig the required). l .ttte_" ceremony—a feature of the Up to three years in which to pay till’the balance. carnii-al which was greatly appre- Free the CI.l\Cl' where all arrangentettts. including eoittprelieitsive ear iitsurance. eiated by all who saw it. The Sea are etleeted through Naati. This means that no further lll.\'l1lltl‘IL‘lllS are payable in the etent of death. Cadets from H..’vl.S. Aina/on tHinckCost of the tirst year's Ct)llll'Il’Cllt!ll.\l\'t: insiiraiiee leyl assisted the Hinckley sliipinates‘. premium on the car can be included. ‘I he social secretary made most of For those goingabroad.'proteetion.at e.\ception:t||y the equipment used. ineltidiiie topl lots rates‘ agaiiist three-i|tiarter.s ot‘ the li:tbilityfor li.its. ra/ors. etc. | l’urelt:ise Tax and Import Duty in the event of Shipntate S. lopp \\.is lfiitigv . preinature repatriatioii. Fur iiiaii_v pupttlttf makes Neptune and Queen .‘\;‘ilfUtlllL' \\.l\i of ear the rates are L‘-1 for British ears and £9 for Shipinate A. 'l'hom:is. Shipmate N. foreign cars. Vernon was (‘Ierli of the ('oiirt. the Doctor was Sltipinate l". (ioslitte and i\'aali Will l~‘in:iiii:c the B.'irher Sltipmate J \lttldleton 0 P.ll!‘l‘/lll.\t.‘(Ifl./it‘ cur (lIltItlII_l't'.\'Il1tlifllitlllt‘('t‘\‘\tJt'i('\‘ coco the 'l.itiiities' were Shipiiuites l. 0 ( mlipri-/Ieri.sii'e imimim‘i' [II't'lIlItlIIlmt I/ie car [or Sleigh. K Roberts. (3 |’.irlter and P flu’ ]H'iI _n-ur Write or Robinsoii The Bears Sliipniates l’, "'*'P"°'"-' '°-‘ 0 Pllft‘/lll.\L' Ttl.\‘ mirl Impurl Dill)’ (‘over C°""°"" 9' \let-illiyt.-\. ll_ l)iiiin and \' Kirln 0‘ ~‘ ' /t’t'muriu/tie/rtiiglilrlirtim-t mid rrmixir Credit Services. i \\t.'5\. assisted ht eight Sea (‘ailt-ts i‘m.rn‘mtri' in Him! mu-\ if you me NIAFI, London.S.E.lI 'l he branch tias auartled lhiid Tel. Réliance I200, potter! and the cur IlU\ In ht‘ /I'llII\/t.'I'Prize for its ellort~;in elfort ttliieli Ext. 757 rt-il IIt'fi)I‘t' you /lure /iiii's/ted /’rlVl'I'Il‘:,' xlltlus \\ll.'tl can be doiie men tll the immlmi-iii.i iii llL‘.tll l-'.ogl.ii'td.


('hir'/ t’),I.'i‘ce: \‘.'esthoitt'iit- (?i'm't-. Lontlott 'i\'.'.3. ‘.~'i'--:-t <l\ iii:

t‘.t.urn llt 'll'l‘. i,..t.t..;,> l..t-'7-rirv:-'. l|l'~ iv I \- ts‘ \!li_tll~ _'-4n'.llll.|llIl-lii-, \inlIlll"’t~l \\--..l:ii:.1 \\iI.'.lll.'l_,'. .\ i.:- ‘lIn' i-.




ll:--tern-s l'\(’l'l'l|L"J..':llll_tNt' :iri' 'l't'It~li't' lit\'.~.'itI-‘till's.tt'.'J l|"l l"!it\.ls'J


‘ .'


Youth Carnival


F]? S ;


.t!.~mPn~r oftiie Btllltlllla Sn. :r!it-s .-ts.r7r‘:tili.oi:


CO/VSC/1.7‘ /l/AAFl


As well as in GERMANY. GIBRALTAR,SINGAPORE. HALAYA or HONG KONG Lower hire-piirehase charges than are usually obtainable (at present 6: per cent





RI-ZN‘ Rosemary Curtis. serving in R.N. Air Station. Abbntsinelt. ha.-; been selected to represent Scotland in the Women's A.A.A. Championships at the White City on July 6. Wren Curtis tolds the \\'.R.i '5. High Jump record at 5 ft. 21 in. This season Wren Curtis has had the following successes in tile the high jitinpwlst. (5 ft. 3 in.). West of Sentland Women's Championship: 2nd. Overall (lst. High Jump. 5 ft. 3 in. iii the Scottish Women‘s Pentathlon ('li;iinpioiisliips: lst. (5 ft. I in.) when representing West of Scotland v. East of Scotland and lst. (5 ft. 6 in.) in the Scottish Women's Championships.

When you‘t-o hack in ctvvy life you will be izlnd you took adviitiutize at the "Suve while .\‘ou Serve" plan. Rellulflru 50H8ibl0 saving now with the Westboiirno Park Biitliltni: Society could add up to a deposit on .1 home of your own and will help you to not

\s~l'I~ t'\‘l'(‘t'tl *.‘t'.’.Iiti¢i.titi.'\'li.tti~- :ittil lit-piisils ll 'll!-

the Sun" IS‘.



I up-.. _\ vtztiirt \: Iti --i.:.'i\

in It

Crossing at Hinckley



llalc l.tI.l..


the Line


900 sailors at the hands of 2‘ sadistic Japanese guard. told vividly in the I29 pages of “Ordeal in the Sun." provides 2 I thought-provokingaddition to the vast .‘ sea of literature detailing the of the war in South-East Asia. .In collaboration with the authorand DMIRAI. of the Fleet Sir Caspar journalist Dennis‘ llolman. lhci John. the First Sea Lord. made it drainatie story of lift; with Yosliida farewell visit to the Portsmouth Coni'|'otnanao in the l’.O.W. camp at mom! on June 26. Maeassar in the Celcbcs is recounted The admiral addressed olliecrs and


also at Chatham. Portland and Malta

priority for

in I957. vias senior ollicer of l.\'avy ' the British contingent in the camp and tells of the great personal problems which confronted him atid his men under rtiglitmarislt conditions.

THE SUN’ naval oflicer‘.s story of ABRITISII the sufferings‘ and humiliation of, some







t-cti.i!t of the Nun‘ .\'iws r‘.-nititittre hi

t‘-ate I P.-..t.-.1 lini.t..l Aldeisriot

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