BE SURE...” oi
nu: clan service wherever you
. . .
high class clothing in the right styles and at the right prices.
News Navy The
Telephone ‘I543
Royal Navy and The Royal
of The
Royal Naval Uniforms
Promotion orders a speciality, write lor special details. ct:c.. and be assured ol personal attention
Naval Association
to your
PUT/!'.S'/l(’(//!‘I‘.S'I T/mr.s'c/a_t»' of the l)l()Ill/I
HOKRD OF ADMIRALTY Unified control for all three Services
CHANGES ‘WILL BE FELT MAINLY IN WHITEHALL l'l'llthe selling up of 3 Ministry ol Defence-I) Day i.s April I next—undcr a Secretary of State for l)i:l'i.-iicc. the Board of Admiralty. together with the Anny and Air Councils. will cease to exist. A Dt'l(!lll.‘L‘ Council will be established under the Secretary of State and will exercise the administrative l control Ptcviiiusly exercised by the Board of Adniiralty and by the Ann) and Air Councils. .
‘Ila: Dclciiec (‘niiiicil will consist iii’ the SL‘L'ft."liIT_\‘ of State. llnziril of .‘\(lllllT£lll}‘. nltliiviigli .\t.itc. ( liicl ul the l)i:lcnce Stall. the Chicls nl Still. the (‘Incl §s.‘l‘.'lllllIs.'ti.'L'fl£IIlttitles urcltn l1C>L‘ll.lll_I_:L'Ll, It is lcuriicil thin the titles “l-ir.s’t Sen |.nril" :\tl\'t\cr to the H-t-erctiiry of Stzite llllll thi: l’crni;iitciit Lliiiler-S-.-cit-t.ii_\. ll‘ W’. 'I ll: .\linisli:r of l)i:I'cnec (tit present I'illC. be felt h)’_ the t\llli.‘Cl'§ .ind iiiciiul E '. .\lr_ llinrii.-ycrut't). Chief of the l)-:- the Sers'iecs_. lhc sep;ir.itc identities I ‘ lcnei: Stall t.-‘\v.liiiir;il of the Fleet Eiirl t_Il the Services :i_ri' in he fiTL'\L'l\‘C(l. "1 ". \lniiiith.itti:nt iiiiil the Chief Scieiitilic tur those responsible tor the L'k'llll".|li b‘ ll‘-ll -Ill b‘"l_l-ll"t-,\‘iy,',¢r (gt, _s.,]|_\v ’/.u¢1;.;i-mun) will he iirg-iinis:itiiin tor ilctciicc TL'i|\lll§' ;m— I tliit the liulitiiu: spirit at the m'‘”‘''‘ “l""l‘ “’"“'“‘ ""3 °ll‘'3‘'‘'-‘ “ml r-spuiisihli: lur thi: entire defence of i‘ prcei-iii: ‘inilividii.i| mtin in l\.ittl~ d'rI\'es'm".' ‘ml uuinen of the i\‘;is'_\' its 15H Hm nir !. i lzirgels lrum his |n_s-:i|t} lll\' unit or his sqii.ulmii_ l'r.iiliiimi isfi”. ""“"T"‘“' ‘ ""9 "“- ‘ml, “El ill‘'l'lIl-Z l)l-II"l-I.\'(‘l-'. COUNCII. M“ l" he ‘lull "Uh '" ll“ :i \'it;il ltictnr and must he DfL‘\Cf\'Ctl. 4 'l'hv: ni:iin iib'c'ts oi Ili- ii-is ".s-i. Wcsciitoticcs. , or P'°b"'bl-V ll" M“ ''“'"“'l'‘’"'and (.‘"m"'l M". Wm“ v up" arc to the all p0.\'\Ibl_V. for many years. the only; iwu_ \ldi:\‘ scrs-icc m-dc.-clwc um. p““C\,wim“ul immnmg of Mme‘ ll”. H" m"‘ of lb‘ Fl‘-"l “ill ‘:‘"m"“ "IT ‘Sccrciaiy aiiid ll-ll)f.|lC til the Xerviecs ’ '"""' -. cllicicncy On the Service side he will have the and “'9 P'°‘"'l Q""".-‘ | ‘" "' ri 'r b" I. ll 1: hctw -n ti sir kc ( h'°' ‘'1 me D°r°"°° sum and "M" “‘3“l""""‘“"3 A‘lml“‘ll3' l""“’"'~" l the him will be the three Service chicl's- of the ti ‘' :1‘ V.‘ ill b "0"" the 0.'"m‘ l ii-lion‘ it Miinr $cl’Vl‘t:\‘_ .. R“ ‘he ""5 ”°l'~‘“t'l‘ ( 0l|"l‘ll I i dcfciice neitera Ilc it It.‘ :l [|\[r||cIl|||l§_ ‘_ lllflcflil tcrnis, llI\_- .ilsii itcctl -piircl) Illllll..IT_\ ._ ‘ma H“ l""“m ( h"" "I me A" ‘Sufi’ l in be exuiiiincd in ri:l.itiun tn tivrcign lhcsc (‘liicls of Stall continue in be: Lllld llcr .\l:iii:st_\ on the m'c'.isiim of -.i visit In the Home l"li.-cl .-simic _\e:irs Jflu. and nit;-ii misc cennuiiiiu [l0ll\.'_\‘ the priifessiiiiitil heads of their iiwnl She is uccimipiiiiicd by the then (‘omnuindcr-in-(‘hit-l’. :\(llllll’:ll Sir John . . issiies. pnlitictil Scriiccs .i:iil rctziin their right of A. S. l-iccles. and Prince Philip The is ceiintviiiy, ll object scciind;ir_v .|\'L'C\\ In iIi«.- Prime Minister. is not possible in say how cciiiiiiiiiy is Tlii: ntlicc. ill pri.-si:nt cscrciscil hi(lit the ;:l\lll1|I\ side the Sccrctiiry ul to be clleetcil. or how _niiii.'li. but with ihc l,nrd.s (‘ummissiuiicrs ill the Ad\i.iic is nssisicil by three Ministers was liist hclil h\' thi: l)lllsL' l|l ;niir'.i|t_\'. Sum L,Mrc‘;m"dmg m the 0mL,L_\'.i "ME aflwfin Chang“ imwmam R ‘thL liini, run, hi. L\|ll\lLl|.l'.Il'llL, lllL ('l:iri.-ncc. l;iti:r King Willi-.mi l\‘ Ilc ,_H ‘V3 "F l_ F. "5 ‘ I ‘N d "1 c ll‘-ll‘ ° “""""° |3°“‘-"'3' °""‘“““’0" I “_‘ Scs:ri:t:ir\‘ iii" fstutc will hi: rt-spiuisihlcf rcliiiqiiislieil the ollicc in I328. stir.-i..:_i ‘Wm the hi‘ ="‘!“?“"“¢l i for ;i htldgcl iii \0Il'lL' i‘:.ixxi imlliim. The zieccptziiici: of the title la) llcr “ii M ‘NH’ N ’-'r'- use Ur“ iind for .ibiiiit 800.000 people. li;ill. ll‘ b',“'l- ill" lclllzilh “l il (‘-51‘ '‘ has given the N.i\-_s- git-iii \\lll l_us_c llIL‘ll’ right of .ii.i.css in. ,m.rcmcd ha“ Nlinisicrs and U, I“ mo 3 .: Sk_rm__c\ Jud M“ L_mhw :[Ill:Zl\'lIl'L'. The Lord Hiizlt .‘\t..lllll|’ill-H 1-‘ llls‘ l’|’|"W -‘lint-‘ll-‘|V for Pcrsiiin 1 Gull lrigatcs. t _vc:irs. except . ll!-I 600-3i.~ar-iilil title of Lord High tl:ii.:. an iiiiclinr in ycllnss on :i red .intl the eunimissioii will be til’ twv. t will be llni-.'n. with the Adniiral will he ussiinied hv 1'""M"“ “inns divided lcizs by ;i pcriuil SI-IR\l('l’,§ S'l'll.l. Sl-II’AR.»\'I'l-I ‘I'll: Quccn when the ltmircl ul Ad-; Riiyiil Stainiliird. on ullieizil Uls‘t.'£l\lul\\ l" l“‘"‘L' “'3'l°l"'The ciiiltpusiliun \'ll‘ the next .\i.i\';il ‘“fY'“¢ lllll’:lll_\' disappears iinilcrlhe ni.-vs ccn- zit sea and ill I:\l:lhll\l‘lIltL‘llls' “W '“l'-‘ lllill (‘N l'"_““3 lllllfl l-_‘ tr;iI ori:-misiitiiin lnr ili.-l'cncc. lliis big "\llithk“llp" in_ Wliitcliiill .\li|l'IiIgL'lllI!lll l-lu.ir_d and its il.i_\--tn—il;iy l sslicii lllt.' Qiiccii p;i_ss an iillicitil\‘l\ll. l"l1L‘lll‘-'|'\\lll llill. tur qiiiti: sonic time :it any : \\0l'lslll_L' will be siiuilar tn ut the -“lllfil lllcllll-l|"S Pll‘-"1|t=°-“ ‘\\iIll he spent CilnllnllUllS'l_\' 0VL'f§l!il$.‘
bf‘ _d5°‘.f{'|‘:ll ' ‘ : {d_ : ' ‘ ' ‘ ' ‘ R [‘)'_r"_n'__ '_:m;ll.‘ up} “'_d "call-‘ (;_‘;r:‘L_:“\ cL_‘[j‘_Ili‘"";"cu‘;l'l_““‘;l‘h_‘l‘:,_
"""‘.l'_*"‘j‘l l_“
l|lL liis‘-sliip. ""‘:'_""l_‘_"'l‘_' ‘;'."l_'. If‘? P"“"‘l‘}l“'l‘. -
”"".n°l"'"Fc Hm.“
iinprinii: cciitral eiiiitiiil
‘and civilian.
comniitmclntsil IP¢5‘0‘lLlfL‘C"-J rifles l\t|llL"‘v‘ L'.ll‘llliIl| l\i.'qtlt::‘ll\§I:‘Ll in :h'l3''l'-‘l'‘’''‘
J‘;-' l"""“;"l”F"‘ll
_l"""‘"' _
So I engthened
't.'t3l'|l 'i|‘l cuntrnl. \';~t\‘tllg\-\llt)lllt.l._lll
sitl xiii. I‘t'Il&_\v.I_l"r'-l jd 5"“-'f"
L d H’ h Ad l i3liijcsl_\ ‘
-I-he"m"_,r ’TlllllEIllllIllilllllillilllllllllllllIlIllllllllIIIllilllllllllllllllllillllllll!|_I!||llllllfllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIl|ll!L|l1ll1l"E
;> "1 5 '<
i“m__ of .._\-an. .\'i.-ins" uill contziin an ;it1icli.- li_i llic (uniiiiiiiliiri: Niiviil l)r:it’tiiig isliicli “ill be of interest. not nnI_\ In all ratings. but also to their liiniilii--..
is to h: in:iint;iini:i| .intl. ;ip:irl lrum
iirucnl tip.-r.itiiui;i| rcqiiirciiiciits. ll is the intcntiivii tu reiliici: the Ilill‘ length at ctich lurcigii lei: tn .ippru\|ll'l£IlL'l) eight ll‘ Ill months 'llii: liitiil ‘time ul the liireign legs i J‘ (i.S.('. .ltl(ls(l ti-3.-ctlici. iiicltiiliiig p;iss;i_uc tin-.-.-s. uzll iiuri:i:ill§. not i:\ec-.'i| I8 lllilllllis .'\lti|litL‘l iinptirlntit cli.iii_uc l\ sliips \\lll he T'.'\'|\Illllll\\:tlll..'\l in tltree st.ii:i~s I‘) .ih-.uit t\tlL"lllll'tl ii: ‘iii: ship's minp.iii\ .it ii iiinc. .inil tli.-s: st.i;.:-cs \\lll ts: .it in:cr~..iIs at .1 l\'\\ Zll.‘lllll\‘_ ;inil|i CL'llilL'\l on the
‘.4-. .:rI.:‘;*»fl:. -. ' i
._ I
it‘ ,.
("l RRl{.\"l' (i.S.('s. \’(l‘l Al-'l’lf('lI-ll) ('iir.'ciit ci-mmissiuiis art‘ not .|l‘ lcctcil h_s tlii: eliziiigcs. but the cli.iii-gcs lllix_\ he tipplicil. in isliiile or Ill p.iit. jtu sliips rcciiiiiiiiissimiiiiii ;ilte' Limi‘ill'_\' I. I‘|r»-l [lie rc.i\iiiis l0l the cliuiigcs .irc ; ltlircctivlil; II) Ships 1ll'C in he retitled .~\s lriim July 2‘) the Army Postal Strvicc tunls‘ user the desputch In ships and ever} tisu zintl zi hull _\‘l.‘£lTS instead or cstulilishiiicnls '.iliri):idof all niziil. Icttcr. parcels and uflicial. The picture shmss l\\tl _\e;irs; I2) tiini: bctsseeii t‘l\'L'l\L'll\ \Vl".ll'\ lIiis_\ “llll mail at the llniiio: l'nsl:il Depot ‘.ll Inglis l'l;irr'.iclss_ Mill Hill. ditilts is shiirtciiiiig iiiiil the trend I'hi- Ilt.'\\ zirraiigcnicnt will ensure the M.-curil_\ of all mail and. in iii-.itI_\ cases. niiist hi: ;irri:st:il. and I3) thi: iiicr.::is» iii:i_\ iiiczin ii shortening of the lime hot» cum pustini: and dclin.-r_\. llie ing cump|i:\it_i of ships m:ikc~ ll Si.-ptt-iiilicr issue of "i\':u'y Nc\H-" will cunt-.iiii detziils of tho: :irr'.uIi.-i.-iuciils lll‘.lllt.' nu.-ci:ss:ir_s to nvoiil changing tli: isliulc lr I to spi-i-il lcttcrs s:ilcl_s to their di-stimition. ship s L't|lll[11lll_\' at the sums: lllllt.'. '
August. I963
Navy News
iln flletnnrimn
l- in um I.u~uI IS) II R licrtidge. R.N(Rctd.) Royal Nasal liarracks. l’ot'.sn'.c-utll Ial.. PIVll‘!lIl‘1J{l\:::Sl(lat. 7.‘Il)-t)
El)l'I‘ORIAL t)\\' does the
Tracey. Acting Leading: I-Innineerini: Mechanic. P/K. 9-H746. H..\l.S. Dolphin. Died .\Iay 24. W63. Norman llenry Sapsfiiril. Able
John Gerald
concept of
the‘: ./
last month. That the proposcil changes are striking and til min: I’L'\'pt.'L’ls regret1ahle~ who can \i\tt;tIl!~L' the dctnisc of the title. the lloard of Adntiralty. without certain regrets—-cannot be denied. but how \\ill they allcct tltc ollicers and in-.-n‘.’ Promotion of ollicers will not be atlected except for those promoted to flag rank whose promotion is to be "approved" by the Secretary of for Dctence. .-'\dv:incement. training. ilratting. welfare and so on will continue to be dealt with exactly as they are dealt vtith now. 'l'he Queen's Regulations and Admiralty Instructions will become the Queen‘s Regulations and Defence
l'l.l.9-8-llllll. lI..\l.S.
llatupshire. Died June I2. I963. Alan .-\rthur Gnssop. (.'orporaI.' Royal ‘Marines. R..\l.l5-ltllt. R..\t. 'l‘raInini: Centre. .\'e\u~:istl¢upon Tyne. Died June I7. 1963.
(lettuce tIrt:.llll'~:tlltIlt of the cuun-I try atlect the Navy"? This question mu-t have arisen in the minds of‘ everyone count-cteil nith the Service since the White Paper on Central
Organisation for l)el'enci.-
e a in a n
faces at the
llospital Scltool circa l9I9. The ship in the background is ll..\l.S. Fariic. Process of being broken. (Photo: Phipps. Cattord)
Royal Cri.-nmsi_eh then in the
THE SHIP AT GREENWICH SIXTY) i YEARS AGO WAS THE FAME (:;rI‘het.'ldi'l\ls\1pmantl l('l Royliil ‘gas enclosellpriyclege cd. .,]5when "_‘ . ' l ' l " '|';.‘‘" ‘g'“ “fl‘:3 l £ " 8""l’£“C “l"”.{;T'"‘__d“"(‘ _ "_ .‘::"l,;'l“",‘n‘; hoIc‘—\~'cl:':,;I'“_':n:‘gt"o':,l 3&0‘bgvcunn“: w.‘S'mrpcdg:d “fbnhrin°“_'w‘,"“‘c|
1n§Ict;Ise '2!) oar! glilotograzb abgroupzof
of It to haul doon our boys Instructions. Council ines. on. vs tc e s i on t e‘on is moorin osp a tome as a oy. years 0 of the likelihood There is no integra- tarmac was ll..\l.S. I-‘ante. In the picture she is in process of being photograph “as taken 5 The is no There tion ot the Services. I returned to Greenwich in Dl"'"‘£ ll'€_ _Y(-‘ii? 190' Wc_ Com-l 1 d _. _Ch.'. ,_\i R Md ‘ "3 question of sailors. soldiers and air- pleted our training l9l9 as a lieutenant for navigational on board l-amc-— D' ‘ °men being dressed alike. coiirscs.---Yoiirs. etc.. J. C. SWAYNE. square Slltp dnll—and. we had to_ go '5 V B over the mast-head every morning.i _°"'_' Commander. R..\'. (Retd.). Drayton. '3. C0-OPI-ZRA'l‘lON V_' " : D’ Portsinouth. There was no_ "lubhers Coshani. Why the change. then? The answer. had l‘? 3.“ °‘"5'd° 3"“ “.""" ""3 ml‘ |IIii- Iziliiur ilmnI..r Cdr. Sn-a_vire for’ simply, is “Co-operation." The Army me); rigging. and woe b.-.-tide the boys 0;‘ limit ii] the ]’7’ltIi'0;.'f(1pII am! for. “A ‘_tIiir m-M d “a I“ needs the Navy for transport and who happened to be the last one up hir Ii-In-r. ii-Iiitli (IIl.K|t‘(‘r|” the query‘ “I” if ml 1 0 C‘ ail “W needs C The from the sea. Navy riu‘.u‘iI Irv II. I'.'. Brown. of l"ancmn'¢-r. .support and last. one down. advance consolidate and to the Army the I 'I’IIb/it/rr'd ul ".'\'uvv I _a Force Air can The Irom bridgeheads. b ran -new attcs up. at t \v.1s d unng my p-snot‘ o r h oys‘,.\'i-in." "iv lfiilnr a ll) I’l(1lllsS' at am. tn 1 and. mpport by lire power. transport I904. We ‘were the tint batch ot'_ boy-s,training at (‘irccim-ich_th;it we were "Inuit" _t,,, 1,5, ,',;,,.,..,..,,-,,_.‘. ,‘,,,‘., ""rccottnaissancc. In other words. each to leave (ircenwtch .Schoi_il to yom tltc ; able to help "Colonel (:l.)(l}' tl_v his the miiir mlij.-.1, rri.-It'll.-Vie lhr. Service has its own job. but co- Fleet direct. My age --—I) years. box kites. lhey ucre t)IIliY\lrtIl 4:] NH‘ mm] "Rmiil" ts/trn ]m;in-lit'ting Services is three all bctueen operation My tirs_t three ye:irs_at sea were in (three large black canvas l\o\-type n-fi~ni‘ii_-.- Io (ircc-iin-id: Rn:.;.tl Hor¢_-ss‘L‘l)ll:|l if the job is to be done thc .\leditcrranc:in I-It-ct Com- 3 kitcs~ suspended on: :|l'm\".‘ the other, :,ii‘ml .s‘,] _
dl"’_ 1'-Eh 71° 'r"h"_‘“
C0C[:\'~':}I‘l I<. .
JII I)‘ i.i.m;'
Alan Robert Ford. Able St.‘;IIll;|tI. Pi'.I.952~t2l. ll..\l.S. 'I'crror. Died June I8. I963. Eduard Robert Charles Nightingale. Petty Oflicer Steward. P/l..\'.896993, lI..\l.S. \'ictoriou-a. Died June 2], I963. Reginald Jellcry. Lance (‘orporal Royal Marines. 1‘..\l.10'l'l7. 45 Cdo. R.M. Died June 23. I963. John lleeley. Petty Oflicer Stcoard. L/l.X.85-H99, ll..\I.S. Tartar. Died June 23. I963. Peter Bennett. Electrical Mechanic llc. P1052309. ll..\l.S. Vidal. Died June 24, I963. Peter James MeNaI|y. Acting Leading Radio Operator. I’/.l.972839. ll..\l.S. Mercury. Died June 25. I963. Sub Lieutenant Michael Dennis
Cooper, Royal Navy. ll.M.S.
Hermes. Died June 28. I963. Aetini: Sub Lieutenant David Edward Arthur. Royal Navy. Il.M.S. Hermes. Died June 28.
I963. Robert Allister Scott. Engineering Mechanic llc. l).K.I91S3lll. ll.i\|.S. Redoubt. Died July 1. I963.
Leslie Robert Scott. Natal Airman 2/. l.l066695. ll..\l.S. llermes. Died July 3. 1963. Derek I-'aber Elliott. Leading: Electrical “ecltanlc. P;‘.\l.969097. ll..\rl.D. Decoy. Died July 8, I 963.
iTIiXt='1‘n\—"‘7ii"”1=0It.Et;t.-.i\s*r-I isforit i1\iI<2i.\’_'1‘—TSil”tT' —
Hence the new dclcnce organisation. The necessary platitiittg cannot start at a bridgehead it must start at the top. right at the top, 'I'lt-ere must be someone who. taking into consideration tltc vievis of the Service chiefs. the views ol his political. economic and scientific advisers. can say: “This is the answer. and this is the \-a_v it is to be acliicvcd."
UK. 39‘? POT! m¢<1"S ll’): POI’! 31 Wltlvil a ship may No. 829 ll.(). Squadron. October 2‘). at Il..\l.S. Corunna (.-\:'D Conversion). (C) indi- I R..\'. Air Station. ('uld.'o~c. llomci January 9. at Rosyth. for General normally be expected to give leave and retit. Porlsniotitlt Service Commission, .\1etl.'Homc. Sea Service. \\'.i.sp. eates ships administered by Portsmouth but which “ill normally Zlst Escort Squadron. l.‘,K. llasc ll..\l.S. .\lnha\\k t(i.l’. l'riy:.itt'). .\'orclit and or give leave at Chatham. Port. Rosytlt. vcntbcr 2‘). .it ll.ttIt\\\, for lloiitc Sczi (ii) As ratings are normally detailed for overseas service about four Service. General Service (‘ommis-'tl.M.S. Striker (L.S.T.) and No. 3 months ahead of commissioning date. and for home service about Assault Sq.. .lanuary I4. at Bahrcin. «ion January. WM. Hontei‘.\liddle two months ahead of commissioning date. this should be home (‘llA.\'Cl".S I.\'E\’lTABl.l:'. in mind when preferring requests to volunteer to serve in a East. ‘)th Fri).-zule Squadron. UK.‘ for I~‘orci'gn Service lhlltltllc l{;tsl).« ltase Port. Portsmouth (C). } Ampliiliious Warfare 's'qu.:dron (II). particulztr ship. ("hanges are inevitable. of course. (in) It is emphasised that the dates and p.1rticul;ir< i.-ix:-n h:-low are ”__\|_s. Aj-.i,\ (A S Frigate). .\'ovcm~ l!.M.S. Car,-5-ton (I).-ti.-0..-.i_ ];,m,. and in the long run the new forecasts only and may hznc to be changed pL‘l'I).tp\ at short- her I” ln't;I} be delayed). at Birkennil.-;inis;nioii l'l'l.t_\ atlcct the men of ary _l5. at Gibraltar. for trials. notice. the l'lCcl. but at the moment it would liead. for Home Sea Senicc. I-orcign I Service under consideration May 8. ll‘) Ships in uliich Locally Entered Cooks (S). Cooks (0) or Stewartls Service from date of s.iilin;.' .\l::v.i I'M:-l. seem that any cltanges there rrtay have intlicateil .be as of to lieu l.‘.K. are in borne tol-; ratings :rc to be i :,J)" -ll..\l.S. Cavalier (DcsIro_ter,). lanu.ir_v to be \\lll be lelt only in \\"ltttchall. 4 mu)‘ L” tIl)Cooks (S), (A) All to. at (iltatham. lncrcasi: from C. & Cooks an a (0) IS). other than one I’.(). Coo’ ('). :1 I’ I.-. i M g F -,. .) .\l. party to l-.R.l’. complement. -Cooks (S): Stewards: (C) Cooks (0) and yitewards only: (D) .,l|.M.S. Palliscr (A1'S l‘rEi:.itc. Januonly; (E) -l.eading Cook (S) and Stewards only: (I')- Cooks (S)? rig" 3-m.\,icc (‘FM EM) 1"] Frigmc ' ary_ at Rosyth. I_.R.P. complement. and Stewards only. (M. ll..\l.S. Ulster (A/S Frigate). Janitll..\l.S. Defender (Destroyer). .\’ovemary. at Dcvonport. Increase front C. ‘ll..\I.S. Dido t.-\,-“S Frigate) SeptemSUBMARINE SERVICE her. at Chatham. for trials. (To Re& .\l. party to l-.R.P. complement. ber I7, at Glasgow. for Home of rclit.) serve on completion long 3 ;lI.\l.S. Kirkliston (C.M.S.). Novemll.!\rl.S. Otus. September 10. at Service. General Service Commis- jIl..\l.S. .\iovcm-lD¢"1|'¢‘)'t‘rl. ("aIPI’i<‘¢ ber (may be delayed). at Portsnionth. Greenock for service in the First sion. November. East of Sue/, Home l..R.l’. her at Rosyth complement. for Home Sea Service. lst :\l,S Submarine Squadron. (14 months). 22nd l:'.S. U.K. liaise -|l..\l.S. lluluark t('omm:mdo Shi ). Squadron vice Bronington.'. 3 Edinburgh Road. Portsmouth ||,.,\|,§, ,\t;-id;-_ Scplcxjlhcr I3. at; Port. Portsntotttlt (Cl. 3. at l)i.-vonport. or llase Port. Rosyth. Flu-mel7J5l Rosytli, \,'0n]p]L-:¢\ min‘ For Sixth ll..\l.S. Chilcontpton (('..\l.S.. Sep- t l)cccml\er lion): Sea Senicc. Foreign Service ||.,\l.S. IA-S Russell l:fl}!.'tlC). Suhtttarint: Division. tember 23. at Ad;-n_ for Foreign oprrntetlcteltouirig otttriattnpuuservlet it-‘ar I-‘.;isii. February 13. at Rosyth. (‘onionsll..\I.S. Tiptne. early .\'ovcmbcr. at let unite Personnel EVERY WEEKEND Service (Middle lfast). ‘lth MS S t.-\ I-Iastliourne ll..\l.S. I7rE;:atc). sions .-\piil 23 for Home Sea S-.-rsicc. Malta. complete fk'lll_ Io return to LEEDS Squadron (E). 4716 , S;’.\l Target Ship. L'.K. llase Port, ERADFORD 45!‘ L'nitcil Kiui_:tIom for st.-r\:cc in l' ll..\I.S. Hampshire ((i..\l. l)eslro_\crl.' Decctnhcr 3. at Rosyth. for trials. for Home Sea Service. 1 Rnsytlt. HUDDERSFIELD 4II;‘6 Sttbttmzixte Squatlron. September. Change classitication of (‘uininissions SHEFFIELD 39i’6 ll..\l.S. Alarie. .\'me:nl'\-.-.- T. at Devonservice. General Service ('oinrnis-. February IR. I’.-'th l‘rii_.-ate Squadroit. ll..\l.S. Scarborou::lI I.-'\.S. l7rii:.itc). NOTTINGHAM 3116 U.l\'. Base Port. Dcvonport. I’-.-bru:ir_v 13. at Portsmouth. for LEICESTER 21!‘ retit. for Second sion. I-Iome/I3.'ist of Suc/. l.’.Is'. llasc completes pnrt. NORTHAMPTON 12(ll..\l.S. Cook (Sttrvcying Ship).§ trials. llontc Sea Service CommisSulmtarinc Squadron. Port. Portsntouth. LIVERPOOL M16 December tntay be delayed). Place? sion. April lti. l'l(.-l. l7th l:Il‘,:£tlL‘ ll.I\I.S. Osiris. Dccctnber I0. at Bar- No. 829. Hampshire l-‘light. SeptemMANCHESTER 4m of commissioning under coltsidcra-1 Sqtiatlrott. U.K. Base Port. DevonNEWCASTLE-UNDER-LYME MIber. Change classitication of \t.‘.’\It.'C. row. tor service in llnnl J3.‘STAFFORD 5°-'\'l~‘C ‘Fm’ l‘?1I%l/-‘ port. (iencral Service Cornmission. Squadron. l WOLVERHAHPTON Aurora (A."S Frigate). l.inuary_ BIIIHINGHAH lI..\t.S. Kemerton t(‘..\I.S.)_ October 1.: "C! '~'. ‘ll..\l.S. bugle (Carrier). early lanuar'_.'. ; at Clydcbank. for Home Sea ScrCOVENTRY gm. 5,_.,.‘.i‘_.c I51,-duh. |.;uhn._.;,,_ I.-0,,_.;gn Cl-'.Nl-IR.—\L WARWICK : =-_l |_>cwrynorI-_ for tn:-Is (:"-'n'~'l5lll vice. 2nd Frigate Squadron. l.‘.ls'. East). 9th Mis Sqltiltlfntl oz). BANBURY Base Port. Portsmouth IC). Ilmiie‘I_;ast_ OXFORD ll.3l.S. Kent t(i.M. Destroyer). August "_“_g_ Cafiandm ([)cm‘,).cr)_ Ofl0_' Service ll..\l.S. (Destroyer). February PLYMOUTH I2. at Belfast. for Home Sea Serher I7. at Portsmouth. for (iencral. 5"°"‘ °‘”l3 ‘l""°' HM’ l"l" B"‘°l 27. at Dainty EXETER Portsntottth. for trials. (To vice. Gcneral Service Commission. Service Commission. Home .\lcd.' Pm!‘ D"'mnp""' BRISTOL of long an saussunr October. I963. llomc~liast ot Suez. 3]“ E_5_ U-_K_ BM‘. pm... puns, ll..\l..S.Cral'ton(ASl-ii;:at:)..|.inuarj.- Reserve on completion am WORCESTER 2. at Portsntottlh. for trials. ('o:nmis- I refit.) Portsntouth (C). Base U.K. Port. nmuu,_ GLOUCESTER sions for llorne Sea Service. Fchrii. ll.\l.S. Whirlnind (.-‘\.S Frigate). ll..\l.S. Blackpool (A S‘ I-irigatc). l!..\l.S. Parapet (l._.(‘_‘l'_). ()ctoh;-r |g_ SVVINDON February. at (iltatham. for (icncral CIRENCESTER ary 27. 20th I-ngate Squ.i_dron. l‘.ls. at L'|iathain. l..R.l’. colitM Bnh,.cm_ fm. i.-‘m.iL.n 5-k.,\.i_.c August. Service (.'ommissiun. W. Indies,’ MARLBOROUGH “N ""”- I’-‘"""“”"‘ '9 it \«..i.-' (.\liddle .»\inphii.i.{i.. l:'asl). plcmcnt. READING .lI..\l.S. Brighton (A S Frigate). Ianu-‘ llome. litli Frigate Squadron. UK. ll.M.S. Ulster (A S‘ Fri-,:ati:). SeptemPORTLAND squadron (F), llase Port. Portsmouth (C). 9- Civrwr-«I %‘mi~‘c Commission. ‘LONDON lio.-is l‘0P.TSl"lOUTH t(i..\l. II.M.S. l.0tld0t1 .'tt l)t:\'onpt\tl. (. & .\l. part)’. My bcr. l)cslrt\\'(:t,).i ll.\l.S. Asllzlnli ((i.l’. l‘ri;.::itc). l:(.'l‘.'tl‘LONDON lro.-vi GOSPORT October 22. at \\';tllSCIltl'\\l)"l:\‘llt'. I:--"l “l 5m" ll(‘"“'- 35”‘ I‘--‘~““’l ll..\l.S. Relentless (.-\'S l‘rti:atcl. Sep‘LONDON Irom H M S. at Dcvonport. ticncral Service Sqiiadroii. L.‘-.K. Base Port and place 5 ary. rm }1.,m,_, 3.,-;. 5;;-r.-5.-.._ (;,,.,.,_.,;,i :51-._—. tember 5. at Rosy th. for trials. CoinCOLLINGWOOD ll,’of cotntnissioning under considcra-_ Commission. Home Mithllc Fast. \-it-c Commiggion ]_;nu;;r_\'_ |o(..;_ mission .\larch. l‘)(i-l (under eon'By SOUTNDCVVN MOTOR SERVICES Ltd_ ‘lllt Frigate Squadron. l_‘.K. Bat‘; ll*‘"of Soc/. U.I\'. Base l’ort_ All the-.e trrrict: VII" re’-e the following mite sidcration). for I-‘orciitn Scrvicc (Far Ilonte,-‘East |l-.\l-S- (‘zm-mli~h IDc~trvvcr). lnnu-’ Port. Devonport. (or thr <on.r.i-cnce 0.’ Service Ferxonnel: R,M, Fiioi Sid date from Portsmouth. sailing. East) ll..\l.S. Zulu t(i.l’. Frigate). l)cceml~er Banach E¢!!t"7' Feiel Sailors’ Home Club: -tr)‘ ". all Rosylh. for General gate Squadron.'l‘ran<1'cr to 2(»th l5.S.. No. 829 London l-‘light. October 2-3. Quem Stu-ct: RN Barracks. Unicorn Cote: Service Coininission. liast of Sue?‘ i (may be delayed). at (ilasgow, in} at R.N. Air Station. Culdrose. for Stanley Rd. for H.‘-'. 5. Excellent: Hitsco Lido. December. 1904 (A). Home. '.‘5tlt I-Zscoit Squadron. U.K.+ Home Sea Service. ('ommissions for Cozlinrii, Homes.‘ Harrison Rd. foreltem Home Sea Service. General St-rsicc ll..\l.S. Loch Alvie (.-\,S Frigate). Sep(ieneral Service (‘oiiimis.sioit. FebBase Port. Rosyth. Commission January. I‘)(i4_ H_,\t_$. tember 6. at Siiigaporc. for Foreign N.B.—To all ships visiting Portsruary. I964 (may he d-.-laycd). (AS ll..\l.S. Falmouth Std Service London. Wessex. (Far l;'ast)_ litigate l:r.ig:ttc).‘ facilities to meet mouth: Special .\liddlc l;'ast."Homc. ‘Jtlt Frigate for’ 9. at l)evonport. t.-‘\ D ('onvcrsion). ll.M.S. Barrosa (A). .lanuar_\' Squadron U.l\'. llase Port. Rosyth. your particulartravelIingrequireSquadron. Service Ct\n'lllll\\l(‘ll. Fast (iencral l|..\l.S. I-‘lnckton 25. ll..\l.S. October for at Appleton. Singapnic. ments can be organised at short Squadron. .\l:irch 3. .II R..\‘. (C.-.\l.S.l. September ‘l. at llahrein. Foreign Service (Far liast). 2-tth 15.5. of Sue/-llomc. 25th Escort \' No.Airtilt) notice. Station. Culdrosc. (ii.-neral Scrron. l'.l{. Base l’o:t. l)c\onport. (A). for Foreign Service (.\Iiddlc East). Write phone or call ll..\l.S. Penelope I.-\ S Frigate). ()cto- ll.\l.S. Alsnc (A I) (lint;-rsi.\i1).' xicc (‘onu'.ussioit. I-‘oi ll..\t.S. Ark ‘ltlt .‘v‘lg'S Squadron (IE). Rusztl. Wessex. TRIUMPH COACHES Il..\l.S. Vidal (Surveying: Ship). Scp-' ber (may be delayed). at Newcastle‘: January 9. at Portsmoutlt. lot for Home Sea Service. 20th I-‘rigatcl (icttcral Service Coinmission. i-T.i<i ll..\l.S. lliastion (l..C.'l'.). \-larch 5. at tcntbcr I2. at ('h.ith-.un. for (icncral 3 Edinburgh Road. Portsmouth for liahrein. l’oieiy.n Service Service Commission We-t Indies. Squadron. U.l\'. llasc Port. Devon-I of Sue/illontc. 25th Fscort SquadPhone 273S| (Continued on page 5. column 2) l P"”UK. liasc Port. l’o:t~rnoutli (C). ton.'. l’...~c I’o:t_ l’i':'t-ini~i::li. NOI':fi ii) The
Cooksktos £tll(.l”Slc\\':It'tl!s;
lllllllll lllll
Ami (iitltl éfii Il;".:‘ "‘,l\L."l'”m' Nm.L.n“;(,_.l:l53 ."l"g:,,g“p‘;,c_ f(l,lrl'il:1:,_" '
. .
August. I963
No. 93
llatitpshire. -.t :.',ltitlt'tl-lllissllt‘. Slnps ol this class have three .'tI.ttn destroyer. (6.20!) tons. full load). roles Ill eseurt duties with a task lvtas built by John lirosstt it (‘o. group: ll) ability to bombard in .stI.p} t('l_vdel):tnk) being laid dmsn on port ol land lorees; and (3) poliee ..\l.S.
.\l:trclt 24. I959. launched .\l-arch I6. duties in peace titne in any part ot l96I and comtttissionr.-d on March I5. I the world. ..\l.S. Leopard. the anti-aircraft i963. I ‘the; have a very powerful :trm:tand on endurance which will frigate. was in collision with the I The other live of this "(’ottittjs‘" The Plymouth (‘om’South African Navy ittinesweeper ‘class are the Dcvonsltire. Kent. give them a considerable capacity for ntand Field Gun erew—the “Dark I on .lul_s- 27 during Fife and (‘-lainorgan." of the competition at l~Z:trI‘s operating on their own. The guns are exercises ofl Cape Point. lour 4.5-inch (two twin turrets for('ourt proudly display their wardl :tnd there is a twin launcher aft Ordinary Seamztn lhomas Bolton. the inter-Command trophies I lof H.M.S. Leopard. tsas kitted. Tltcre for Seaslug ship-to-air guided missiles Challenge Cup and the Aggregate I l were no other easttaltics. and two quadruple launchers for Time Challenge Cup—as. headed by l Both ships had datnagc to their I eat elose-range ship-to-air missiles. Lietit. l). J. Lovell. R.N.. the Field ll the holed beloss l I hots-5. Leopard being Gun Oflicer, it marches through I I.\'lF.\lBER of American ntidship- ' Ql.’lClIiI.\' UNDER WAY water line. I H.M.S. Dmlte. I-‘int Trainer of the T I men are to undergo training with ‘these super destroyers have COSAG. team stats C.l’.0. J. Mint. (in the I of first The the Navy. Royal group ,propttl.sion. (combined steam and gas right is “the biggest tidd_s' oggy in in nine the. to are a likely join ship turbines). The gas turbines are used to the world ('.’)." in front of which I Far East. sitppletnent the steam power for high(‘ommodore T. E. Barlow. l).S.C.. ssill be from Six of the ntidshipmeti speed \s0t’lIi and enable ships in t).\l |RM,\'lt4).\ lt:|\ been ieecuctl that the congratulates the team on their line N:-val l -’\s"-Idsnw I-I _-\IIII:Itw|i~. httrhottr without steam to get under Inlliltlifll ll.l\f I-err: .ttls.m.ctt to the Chic! llhc i performance. while on the left of the ; I l‘ctts tlfliecr rate or ( htct .\fltlls'Cl’ rate. .\l:tl'_\‘l:1llt.l. the U5. t.'qttt\‘;tlclll to gut)’ in_s|;tn||)' in an cmcfgci-1cy_ picture is Vice-Admiral Sir Nigel 5. The Air ('ommand team won the In Chkl Pelt) (Miter IX lhlltli R. (' N, Rolnnsun, IX hflllll .liritanni'.t Royal Naval ('o|le-_.-e. and tlampshirt: is 5201 feet in length Henderson. K.C.B.. 0.B.l~I.. the l“ time (‘up with a run of \ M. Moore. J.\ ITWJ‘ K .\.is.t:c-tttookcs. three will be trotn N.ts'al Reserse I (over all) with a beam of 54 feet. and Commander-in-Chief. Plymouth. IN ‘\‘t)li.\' (i. I’. (ialtirt. J "ll"--l I. Mittlittr. three minutes Otlieer.-;' Training Corps. the cotttpletnent is 440 olliccrs and l\ IMNKT i\_ J, l. l'imell, J.\ 022521 (V. 5 (' (i llunn. IX It-2300 K. W. lnzIis_ J.\ 3'.‘ The N.R.().'l'.(?. operates in many men. 0|.‘ (3. 5. the. wlttte. IN American universities and goes a step The present Hampshire is tltc sixth In \l:ster-It- has “X 7l.‘t'|lb N, A. \\' I'ct'tltIId. .\l.\ X0tt'l‘|l further than the (‘onthiited (‘adel of tier name to serve in the Royal l‘. (3. .\, ilaldatn Force in British Schools in that train- IN;tv_\'_. The fourth one. :1 twin-screw, To (‘Inlet Pelt) tilt-er Welter MN Titthtt \. tteelcit. .\l\ tux‘?-I.\‘ J lluiltl. Iing is more advanced and instructors lotir-tunncllcd cruiser of 10.850 tons, .\lR".‘n?t l.. l tllncr. .\l.\' I larc serving naval personnel. Midship- with fottr 7.5-inch and six 6-inch guns. To Stores Chic!‘ Pelt) Olin-r IS: MN 7.03121 l. \\.'. Atltrsion men joining the Navy from N.R.().'l'.C. lattnelted at lilswick in I901. was sunk l.\‘.-\l. milestones were reached last In (Title! felt) Oflrci Cook ts‘! ‘units have equal seniorit_s to Con- iit l‘ll(t with the loss of her crew and .\‘-I7-th‘ l‘. \\‘ Yr-tics month in the tires of three of the toSIX tetttporary Naval Ae:tdetn_s' graduates. l.ord Kitchener. .\c-tin: Chlet llneltiemou \rtltit'cr M\ Hliihhl K l |RoyaI .\'a\I_v's "T" class .suhmarine.s.I MK ‘lfllllilt I’. \\'ivt-sltitrd MN '.'t\.ttl,‘l R .\ Iiaftlvsttt. .\l\‘5IlZ‘l3 completed in I9-t-8. and each with» tHalls, 1' 1; ;. w;a._si,- [mid [n-ficf l. ltmn. MN 'N1Z.‘t‘ it \s. ("rant Chlel \lech:nlclaI rating. that, |,¢caw,~¢ of 3“ ._,pp._m_.m Iheeond World War battle honours Inl\'.\.\ct|n: Ill.’-37.! ('. .\.'.oI_ credited to her name. initceessibility, and because of thel oflicially In (‘blcl Slllttlritht \rtItit‘t-r Herthed at Fort Hluckltottsc alter a I .\t.‘< ttfitxti t' A. tittist-ntum. .\t\ III-mu emphasis which has been given to l- Ourel. use of machines in the Oflice of ('ont- Dlt\\’2t_L'C from Australia across tlte Ii‘ 'Iii ullttg ('ltlel tlrtlrunte \vtittcrr tttridorc. .\".tv'.tl l)r:tl'ting. at l._'tthe Hill. l’.tetl'te and tlttottglt the l’;tttam:i ("anal .\lV V023") ll \\ (i.v.tsl.or.l In (Thlel linelnceriue \ireli.tttli' near llaslemcre. drafting t‘I0w'.Id:l_\'°s is is ll..\l_\_ laptr. noss selteditled lor l ls'\ .\ftTi2l J R ll.ittLvrt K\ \‘il:ll \\' ll an impersonal. soulless business. I‘disposal. (otntnanded b_s l.teut.-(’dr. Nldilllcuy I>:\ '.s'tit:o w I (‘.r..\. K\ x':~I'~t Some ratings‘ have thought that l). ll. Lorriiner. R.N.. she has been ‘it I)emtis_ K3.‘ -iit:s.s'tt \ |- ti'te.u-.. t<.\ -\ l|.(i .\l.(itc.:t't those responsibh: of tlrafting tell the_\' serving ssttlt the l‘utI!lll Stthtttaritte I “U33 In (‘hlef Electrician .\l\ .'t'ritl‘l|tt R. I’. Rt-ltittsttit .\lV 7“lW.'< (' ssere dealtttg not with inert. but \sithI Division at .‘iytlt1e_\ and in ltcr last ‘\\’chster. MN ‘.'tl"‘ l. ltakcr. .\l.\ xstftrt cards. .-\s articles in "Navy t\'c\\'s" ‘cotnrttisstoit has encircled tltt: globe. lw. I .\t.\' .s-mot: it it t sum. ll.l\'t.‘ pointed out. this zissttittptioit isI .\. ‘.\t.\ x'it|M: t.. tt-met. .\t.\ .s'¢I:‘ t. t-' I-'I\'t{ Yli.-\RS AWAY llrnec. I ver_s strong indeed. Altltougli fair 'l he ’l.ipir. \r\lllL'lI sank in (ierman In .\ctlst: (‘hlet Radio lilerlrit-at \rtttici-I .\|.‘\' ‘itllili R (i il.itIctt drzittini: is a science. it is a science L3.-boat lirstl oil her on Nortsas In Chlt-I Radio l-Ilcctriclan coupled with the utmost regard .\lx I)t‘2".'tt .\ Sent: in I‘)-l5. left the I patrol tlt.,- cqllillll} of treatittettt tltrottgltout operational In (‘hlel Radio Suoertisor (fit \ l' l\ .\'.\«l‘itr. ( \ men's careers and. so tar as pi|\\tl3lL'.I (‘titted ls'ingdom lo hyoeeed to I L‘; rt“s0=lhtlitlll l .\I.ittlt.-sss ,\l U'l|tl€ t1.lV ‘\ll\U.tll;t ss;t_\' ol the .\lediterr;tnt:;tn L‘llt.l~'.I\’0lll'lll','to .\.'lll\l}' tlte lll(ll\ ttlttal's ti: l‘h'S. ht (‘ll I ‘lo ('hiel Ratlln fittprrslsm I“! her ship's present JX tart‘: K. R \\httcit. IV stst:-ssisltes_ live hase tnztrried .-\tistralian rl \ I Read \.'t\tllp.ttlfs. ln order men of the Meet may (‘Net (fummonlcatln: \¢-ittttuii \i\ and .tre remaining in :\tl\lt';tll;t inl.\ girls ants? t. I) ltetttcs I\ In-H: l l' lure sortie iile.t ol the ssitri. insulsetl an expiry ot lllL'lf L'llgltgL'lllL'Ill\. I) l:i1t.ltsls.l\Tlfiii Kill: \ and the e.ue talsen in this tsflfis. the \i'clt Berth ('lilel l‘i-tt,\ tlfliier l-rotn ( tiso other .sttl‘- 1::\1X.\".i‘l(' I X) \\llttI,‘tJs ( orninutlore. Navril l)r:tltin-__-. lt.tsI' ittarittes ol the el;tss—~tlte satne (‘Mel Wrcti 'ltt IR.l'.i ll‘.llt.tlL‘tl ;t selterne \\ltt.‘fs.’l‘|)‘. thottt lltits-t .\l (i (' lrenelt.tnt .‘iml ltttlor tsere timed even tour months. a pant or‘ glue: lti (‘hit-I H reit tRct:ttl'.tIin:> their last \'t[\;l'_.'C to on ‘ l Kine. p.-tt_\ otlieers trotn ship». and est.thltslt- ;tss.t_\. to \s-tin: (‘hicl \lrrr.ttt \t'IiI t-ii\t'b's l-';ts'I:ine. .tt I ttx _s'.trd ments in the United Kittgilottt can ta.-asst It ti \:.. ‘, t l.\ .\“‘I VI Both were in action in the liar Fast ll \I \\otItl|.tItL.l spend a tla} at |.ythe lltll lltlllsc. lite helore \'l l)a_s and the 'l’rertelt.tnt. I In (‘ltli-t Altman t \Ili ltrst p;i.'tj- of ll visited the olliee ot i’\ .\‘tsrtxUl \\ tiers built at (‘lt;tIh;ttn. ssas respottsihle tor tol \t-tlill (Ihlef l'lc_eIilt-at uttticer t\lrI ( onirttodore. |\as'a| l)raltt'ng. on July I I IN hh‘”‘5K of R S. llrndttsu.-I the the cruiser |0.000-tort sinktttg I3. and were taken through the sarxotts l "to ('ltlel lilertrlrlan (Um during a patrol in lllljs’. l‘)-15. j I IN Mint‘) Is’ it llauttns I t\ st t-L‘ otliees. tho: work ol each heittg cs-I Ashigar-.t lise torpedo hits on the (' l' ("arcs pl.titti:d to them. they uere en-I. scoring Ra-.ll¢t litcrtrlrian t\lrt I ToI. ('hlrl l\ .\o".\".‘ 5 (E l'cit\ eottr;tI_:etl to ask any question tliey Lipztnese slttp. lxked sshieh ssere fully ansssered. Slight d.titt;tge was t:.tttsed to the These llt.‘\\ short “aeqttaintatteesltip" frigate ll,.\l.S. Blackpool. at Portssisits tstll do much to ollsel ans llltlttlll. on Jul) I7. when an oil-liretl prejttdiees and erroneous ideas \\l1t\,'ll stose e.ttti:ht tire. IMP has a rearHillman IMP. An inspiration in car e\t~t llt1t_\' 875 cc mounted, aluminium die-cast. overhead camshaft The Royal N;t\'_\ Ritle ‘learn sson and :t touring fuel consumption ()5l‘(‘.-\Rl) [1lltIti\;:r:tpl‘is til the giving 42 a comfortable 75 lists. w..I;.-rut J P. the liuttlssatt ("up at the litter Services ‘ lolltming ll..\l. Ships ttt:t_\ be oh- of 40-45 mpg. IMP has independent suspension all round. Carries four l‘I\llt.‘f. R, will he gttztrilshtp tor meeting .tt l‘lI\lt'_\'. the lirst .\.tv_t sie- '. I Iained front the liditot. "Na\'y News." with ("mses Week. Attgtist 3 to It). 1 tors" slllCs' l‘)-ih. room to spare. Gives estate car convenience. generous Harraelss. Portsntoiitli. price (rd. space. And IMP has no greasing points. it is easy to service, slashes \\hieh includes postage. jeaeh. ts mttut Theseus. llttlss-:trk. ()ee;tn. liagle. maintenance costs. Go IMP. |thWInt.‘I ntltttlltltl. ettn\’ctsmtis_ st.t.ipptttg\. &l~s Irttriations.) for aeeotint slight l’|'.‘ll'.'lls‘l:tl. -may !C‘entattr. (ilasgtm, Kenya. Nets.-:a.stle. IMP SALOON £508. I. 3. i Alhiott. Art; Rotal. Loeh Killisptlrt. IMP DELUXE £532. 4. 7. (‘hevron. 'l':teiturn. l)i:tn:t. l);lI'llll_£. ................-s---u.....u............ i I Zest. \’;tngtt:trtl. M ttrr:t_\. Ctttttherlxittd. A CAR ON ARRIVAL I
IlatndoU.S.‘imidis. n. £3I
train in R.N.
méiiiefs visit I A
Drafting I THE ROAD Authority I amonglall
Ii00TE8 make
tht.-I I
motoring history
with the new
. s tu t-i.
design. engine
Renewal Form
en/1)‘r1ft‘uiIt iswir u] ".\'i.'t‘_\’ .\'e'ti'i" to
l.i\'erpool. Apo|lo_ l.yns. Order Shetlield. (iirdle Ness.
.\taii.l.s‘tone. Nat.-.....,.tt;....i_ t,v;.ni.,r_ Vietoriotts. HI.‘ftt‘Itttl'.t. I Britannia. Corttnna. r\l:ttncin_ Vigo. Tyne. I, Jutland. Talent, l’.tlliser. lisplorer. :I’orpois'e. Rcdpole. (Zambia. Tiger. -'Rllsst:ll. I);tinty. Protector. Unilitte. Deleniler. l):irttngton. (‘arron. \\'ltith_\'. Iliastltottrtte. Torqii;t_\. .\lount\ li;I_\'. l
‘lleltast. llertnes. .-‘\rin:tda. Y;trntouth_ I ion. llartlztntl Point. Ieopzttd. Token. (hiehester. F.elto. l.oelt. l-ada. 'l'enlv:-'. ‘l’ttm;t, lllake. l-'\e;t|tltur. 'lIoiihrid;.:e. Rl1}.l. ( ;ttnp::tlo\sn, ()heron_ (‘.ts'he|ot. i liertttels. l)i;trtto;tsl lilaelspool. .-\.'lte:ot1. l..'t_\htIIn. St.tilvor'ott_t:lt. Hm l.ton. lflxltttotttlt, x\\l2.tIIt:_ lirtxttisssord. R l'.\., l'Idesnr-_.::. ‘stzii-.e:_ l’l_\:‘.t.~ttt!t
I rmlmr In-rrwirlt
urtlrr 'pmmI nn.’t'r't*hrqrie value 103. I.‘ itsurt, tut lrttliiig pusrt.'_t._'e.
Ive-Hts; ll trilttrriplion for L'utti.-Iivtti I.‘
ll /m‘ntbi‘r ol li‘..\'. .-titnwrlinn, plmrr
Brrmrlt. ................
Hillman, Humbcr. Sunbeam or
Portsmouth, for delivery home
on mcnts.
or on
Singer. now from E.M.A.
your destination whether you be coming your way overseas. We make all the arrangeat
Self-Drive Hillman awaiting your arrival anywhere in l We will have Portsmouth 2326i. Write .
a new
.i:id \tIl~t..I:
the U.K.
to us
Grove Road South
Southsea Portsmouth 2316i
Ships ordered out wall of flame
August. I963
to Harbour of
esc 3138
‘Unloading History’ llii hit pvt-i iuuv niiir arIi'tIi'r on S:-nic 'I‘t-iitpirriirv .\'ai‘ul Bt‘H't'.|'. Capt. lt'iii:.-iii told «if Iltr l‘lIlItI'l'l[7 ii] II..‘iI.5. Fiirtilittli‘. it! .4rrt’!ii\\tirt. it! Hit‘ ltt't’ttttliIlL' Hi‘ (In Sniiiiil ll mltl li'iir, ii] the l‘tl\t' (til l’mt Siuiiiit and the l'i‘,t-i'iirit'ii_i; of the rt"/Iuliililuliuii of /llt' port ii] I-It-[Hill ii/trr it hm! !’t't‘It ruprtirrrl from tlic t'llt’l'li\
Juiiinirv. I‘!-«'3. lit the limo tum‘ In‘ told I’! the tin-. carrier! by i‘riri~lt'.u .siiinImii.' It/It'll iiltirittdilig t‘ri\i'd [ii-Iml. Ivhitli~ I/in'iiIt'm'tl lItr' port. and iii’ ilii-_ .$riu'i-I Uyitcr, lnshori: Sr/iitrtlruii, iiliu imi Lliuzlsril cut! by it pir'ct' ii] Jiilliliy in
i\larch.iI9-I3. The ship
was |.’l'll0L'(illthe Senior Naval Ofiiccr. Inshore Squadron. had been knocked 3 ll..\I.S. Dt.'l’\\cllI.the "Hunt" class destroyer. built in I9-1|. was damaged at Tripoli in broken up in I9-to out by falling debris caused by the tire. he was not seriously hurt and soon 1 from regained consciousness. Having removed the drums of high-octane petrol was obviously delighted zit-Turcby wcrc dun-iaged b_v near misses. out to rescue members of the crews the danger area. the Army tire lighters. with foam containers secured to ‘Churchill. made and on Fcbriiaryj On the night of March I‘? the worst who had jumped overboard. their shoulders. soon had the tire under control, although the rat-tat-tat of the progress a and signal to say: "Tell attack was eitperieiiccd. The harbour I went afloat in it motor-boat. the exploding small ammunition caused some concern. The very serious tire. .24. 1943. sent and outer anchorage was crowded with on approaching the bows ot' s.s. are unloading history." they ,them the had .\'a\_v Royal caught rate. alarming at an have spread which might of the _cmpty trans- .\lala_v;in Prince I was hailed from the inany ;.shipping._ the After investigation an sad by tale. II without lire-lighting equipment, very PROGRESS “ADE anchored in the otitcr.lorccastle and warned to beware of DUNS being considered the tire. the of responpersonnel the cause Army authorities into The month of March opened with a anchorage. and during the day a illoating mines. As we :ippro;iclicd sible were immediately sent into the forviard Army area. of IR fully ladcn ships liadicloscr an object pissed the hunt, and horizon over all liclds of opera;t'air Widening and deepening of thetot‘ the smaller oil-fuel tanks had been ‘i ions. ".\lont_\“ was well satislicd with arrived and the last two had been it appeared to be creating a how wave. and channel through the blockships pro-[repaired by the _Royal Engineers continued increase of the rate of, bcrtlicd inside of the harbour inst by l€.\p|osion.s could be heard which were the ran 6-inch along pipeline cccdcd apacc. until it reached I25 tcetia coal was bcconiing sundown. In addition. escort des- nt_vstit'ying tintil I reached the and ‘discharge had in width :ind 26 feet in depth. 'l‘hislls’;irani:inli .\tole. Water supply The Clierrylczit and] troyers. corvcttcs. whaters. mine- rdcstroycr H.M.S. Dcrwent. She had {more_pleniit'til. could not be increased until s.s. also been restored. and numerous [King Kwang dclivcrcd oil and water; swccpcrs. I..('.'l‘s.. lugs. and motor- {been hit below the waterline Giovani Batiste could be removed watering points for L.C.'l's, and other to the ships in harbour, and a deep- launches. oilcrs and water tankers the engine room. and was making craft had been established. water rapidly. Fortiinatcly ll..\l. l'iig or pivoted. Work was concentrated on small occupied many berths. water berth for oiling and oilcr of arrival the With the I ltrigand. damaged :1 few nights before. the patching of seven large holes well established been on the Karamanli had I)lRliC'l' HIPS O.\' SHIPS been repaired. and was in the below the waterline. It was .1 ha/;ir~ Chcrryleiif. and water tanker Ning jhad dons task piloting heavy. large ships lswatig. and with :1 stock of coal buildThe weather was overcast and vicinity when l)cri-sent was tut. ve.sseI.s of escort the servicing ing up. quickly got alongside. through the channel and. with only a 1land SO“!-I 'I‘l-ZMPORARY .\'A\'Al. It was not the sort of night that Brtgzind misty. much became of ships convoys Derwcnt slipped her cable and was moderate cross-wind. entrance or exit PARTIES an attack would be expected and ;l. PORT AND BASES I misminor been had a grounded by H.M. Tug Brigand on ;i was impossible. It bad-weather condi- simpler. There etl'ect made. that But remark to was 5 I939-I945 she arrival of Cherr_\'lcat'. sandbank for safety. It was now tions eiiisted when it convoy was due hap on the tltc AA. afterwards. imntcdialcly guns that the enemy planes had by there was no illlCl’l'lllllV¢but to direct had collided with the convoy ship .s.s. l _rc:iliscd had tire. Fznciny planes got opened Part ul the commodore to remain at sea. Ozarda. but little -damage had H. F. Waiglit. O.B.l-Z. Capt. to attack. withotit hav ing {dropped circling torpedoes. through occurred. where he had to be ready to resist §D:r\vcitt's crew were landed and radar. detected been R.?\‘. tretd.) Iiortunatcly by 5 the end The tonnage discharged by ‘.accom:notlatcd in the base messes. attack by aircr:it't or submaritic. the AA. the crews hail just taken gun had on increased. iwliilst the commanding otliccr. (‘dr. outer anchorage being crowded with‘ot' I-‘ebriiziry their action stations and night tip in R.N. (now .*\ the eriipty ships of the previous con- average. to over 2.000 tons per d:i_v. Wright. 'Royston been and h.ivc must l’.lcctric:il intensive .\lolc. bariiigc number vov, rc:id_v to sail for Alcsaiidria. spite of enemy air raids. The had been littcd out. and .i ctlectivc. but. be that .is it m;t\. dircct i’s‘ir Royston Wright). proceeded on ‘worksltops at raids hadiof mostly which February. during ll..\l.."i. li'.i.ston to .issttt‘nt: comescorted by the ships or .'cp;i:rs could be tinder- lllls ll.ltl bccii tll.ttlL‘ on two Eic;i\il_v board twidc zangc liivc had aircratt 35. hccni inight. was brought in the incoming convoy. lwtlcr clc:i:i;u-g or the- iailcti sIi:ps .!.'lti tlicv wt.-rc on lirc, mand of the ilcstro_vcr L‘\c’Ul'is, :uci:id:u-__;i.llsL'l'l. five .-\..-\. gunners plus Isddittonal l..('.'l's. and llglttczs destroyed by lltc vcsscls set on lirc were ss_ : from stem to stem. .sni.illcr llt:!i.‘L'l_\ ships. bunting while "loaded with cased petrol and had arrived from Benghazi and bcrllts probablcs and two damaged. l,\/arvara channel the to overThe through crcws liaving jump ships‘ swept for them had been constructed b_v the , the R.A.l-‘. lighters had accounted for gmineticld to the outer anchorage li:id: board. !s.s. Ocean Vo_v.tgcr. loaded with :i balloon barrage Royal I-ingiitccrs and berths for thcjanothcr seven. The inclicctivc said before lire-Iigliting Z'l1l\.'ll cargo ot‘ petrol. bombs. animiihas been and to al As widened bccn straiglitcitcd as be the; to quite iiition. oil. ctc. lioth ships s"t\llltllllC\l to ships of convoss had been increased f proved of width two miles. while the l4tli' cqtiipmcnl was .i iniutts qtt.tnttl_\. I00 cum pcr burn ftiriotislv. and llllL'tl‘l'ltlIt.'llil\ by the Admiralty bcrtliing olliccr. ,c;isualtics were nearly I-'lotill;i was clearing a Under Ill'.'~L‘ c.rc:iiu~t.-iiiccs the tires t.\I:tlc\\\CCpitig shot down by our own gunlirc. drums of petrol wcrc blown up with This north-west. dealt .tl‘l|l be in large not the could ships to route :l1L‘\\' R-‘IDS /“R of l*Rl".Ql—l':NT i From J.:uiiar_v 23. the day into the air and L'\ploding, ’l'ow.irds of the \\.t:ttL‘tl section b-.-rths to take .\l.iIt.i the were allow .id|:iccnt ,‘would By I-'cbrtiar_\' 2| there were I? large occiipatioii. lllllll Feb.’-.iary 28. I‘!-3.‘-. * convoy to he ilctnchcd oil the cturaitcc l‘lTL'\.'.|llltt\tl\ Inf their own'ct\ .tnd tiiidnigltt. llic lirc on \’.i:\.ir.t .ippi:.ircd ships hcithcd and discltnrging cargo. ,5‘) transport had entered the harbour Ito Tripoli. thus giving it additional cvcry .iv.iiI;iblr: pow-cr boat was s':nt3 t('ontiniied on page 5. column I) 'l'liis lcft little room for dispersal and 54 had sailed. plus escort from the niincticlil: andduring the lircqucnt air raids.'vcssc|s. The Prime Minister. Wiitstot: {protection .\l.ilt;i could join‘ lcmpty sliips trozitthose from Tripoli. escorts. and imincdiatcly outside of Tripoli l llatbour. [ ('omm:inder-inAdmiral llarwood. (‘hicf. I.c-vant. had visited the port at the beginning of the month. and was very pleased with the progress which, SOUTH PARADE and at made. to sec had been tirst_ . SOUTHSEA . . made tot hand the great cllorls being restore the port to a very high 3 OSBORNE RD. standard of ellicicncy. : . SOUTHSEA General Montgontery visited some. of the ships of the l-tth .\tinesw-ccpingi AVAILABLE FOR ALL Flotilla and sotnc of the transports... When you bank with the you get service and later. inspected the base work-~ ' 9 the \'i'e.s'tniinster has a the line. all that: otlicers :ind ratings telling shops. they were doing a line job. London. This has Branch at 26 Although hardship and short; in consequence, well whether a Submarine-Destroyer—Battleshlpor Aircraft Carrier rations were the order of the day. and I been open since 1772 and air raids were the order of the night. ! OVER 50 SHIPS DANCES CATERED FOR LAST YEAR with the kind of linancial you morale was high. and every man was; Wi‘rc—Write—or phone, Portsmouth 32275 proud to be serving in this front-linci the Bank has branches meet with in the port. Make your first "Port 01 Call" for Dancing: at your which are at Portsmouth and SHIPS The Savoy Ballroom Radio Band Every Friday PRIORITY FOR in other towns branches service also are over Tripoli was used as the port oil the and cmbarkation of hospital cases. and the hospital ships l.landovery Castle ,' :1 worldWestittinstcr Bank operates abroad A classic of secret service in Russian waters and Dorsctshirc were used for this_ would purpose. It added to the ditlicultics of is idc system of '.lgCl1IS and for the :islCiE._"\'\§’ii;it could be .s'iuiplci".' water transport. as the "Z" lighters" Make saving a good habit. Save as‘ much like to know more about our service to the Senior ierrying stores to the shore had to be used. The embarkation had to be ; or as little as you like. but do it rcgtilarly. Service, write for the booklet bccausc treated as a priority operation. ; Keep your money in the Savings Bank as i sick 'll'cstmi'n.t!i'r b’inil: to Ilrr hospital ships. with wounded or long as you possibly can. You will lind on board. were not allowed to rcm.iin harbour overnight. anchored in that it soon moutits up and collects intcrcst—rcady to help start _vou Weather wntlitions added to [lie up in tltc trade you are new learning in the Service, or for furnishing problems, If adverse weather arosci after cmbarkation had taken placc.. your home when you get married. and lltc pnssiigc through the bloclsship All the details of the scheiuc are in tlic leaflets illustrated here. Write channel was considered dangerous. to me pcr.sona|l_v. and I will send you it copy of the one that applies sailing had to be cancelled. and the 1 sick and wounded had to be discharged to your Service: to the shore hospital. Every priority, LIMITED had to be given to these ships. The‘ W. L. Sir Marshal Chief Air piloting "in" and "out." and cnib;irkaS.\V.t Bram‘/i.' 26 l\.l .('.. \l..\I.. (v.('.ll., K.ll.l \l.( tion. had to be carried out between: tirst light and two hours before snu- I t’l‘cleplionc:Whitehall 5022) Chairman. ll.i\l. Forces and arrive had to sct. Hospital ships l’..C.2 London, Han! I. Princes (late. London. S.W.7 leave the port on the same day. This I 41 problem arose on several occasions. I 1.;-1.-Jli; Il..\!. I"-ir..-. .5 ,--:":- ( The intensive air raids slowed down I the rate of discliargc. On the night of: March 7. li..\i. Tug Brigand and s,s..
icon_voy A
{the _
I i
S0 l,T'I‘ II S EA *8
l’0l’Ul..-tlt B.-\Ll.RO0.VlS
SERVICE for Service People
along Navy
l‘la}'l1ltll'kC(, is,
Ships Company Dances
Navy. Next, alwaiys Plymouth t,26o (as Wales). l"inall_v, throughout England through correspondents. lfyou
.lliijr.<r)"s Slii'ps'
WESTMINSTER BANK llstyniarket, London,
Saviitgs Committee,
V i
NAVY .\'I~'.WS
O ut’ HOLIDAY OF A LIFETIME Lord Mayor—! Albion’s 1 Harmoivv" iiievit;ibl_v to Three hundred Cadets ex-Navy makes £210 humming. tntlttltlg brought ——visits Subs visit Gibralt in Belfast ar Singers tul H
atidierice The Brothers St. John. with their now renowned act. the lirst part of the sltow to -_i N December. I962. the Ilrunei rebel- hilariousconclusion. lion thwarted an attempt by the l introduced the The Albion Albion II..\‘I.S. .sIli of p'.s company III-I.\' II..\l. Submarines Sea I.iun lsecond hall of the show with "'l'heri:i IIICN II..\I.S. Belfast wearing: the flag ot’ the Admiral (‘muiii-.inrlini: on a variet_v show. The more lput and Talet visited Newcastle front Reserves and Inspector of .\'av:il Recruiting (Rear-Admiral II. C. Martell in Sara- lis iiothing like :i Song"—-llllack and!' Communist activities recent May 2.! to Ztl. one of the lirst persons l\\"liilc Miristrcls. w~:itcli it?) 'l|_‘ll\‘“"-‘Kl (.'.Il.. (‘.ll».I-I.) sails from Pnrtsmoiilh on Saturday. August I0. she will have on which caused an earlier ducking to he ollieially received on board was 131-’ “-Ward:-3' N-eh! Om with the hoard three hundred Cadets ur the (‘ornbined(‘utter Force and Sea Cadet (‘raps to be cancelled. prevented a I'\llJil10~" rpcriod DLIIYCC Uitltsl 1||'!\-l V0¢‘-Ili~l$- i on what Ior many of them will be the holidu_\ til '.I Iiletime. Alderrii-an "l.'ltI'_\‘ Simm. It was his lint second ol the concert party attempt day in oflice as l.ord .\Ia_vor and it was to show their sersatilily. But. third E The ship's band provided li-_.-lit musical In the cruiser llfldsttlltltltlgl betore the show both most appropriate that one of his lirst post relit trials before -_.-oing into re-l time Iuck_\—:tnd on June I3. I4 and teritertairiment duties was to visit one of H..\I. ships. ‘I5. serve. they will be niaking a round. Out" was presented :and during the interval. "I-Iver_vbod_v for he was a seaman torpedoman in the l passage to Gibraltar Cuff) ing out trainat the r\'av:il Base Theatre. Singapore. First World War. becoming a petty iiii_.-. and :i variet_v of tasks in the ship_ A good attertdaricc on the lirst night r otlicer before he was demobilised. 5 in which they will undertake ;is far as; houses lollowed on b_v packed lwas 'I'vriesiders are tradition;ill_v lricttdlv jllltt reriiairiini: two niglits Adtitiral flosiiblc litany of the full duties ol and cheerful lull; and the waves nienibers of the ship’: conip;io_v. the lionoiired and Lady Drcyer wliistles from the decks of ships buildwith their presence on the ing relittirig as the submarines steamed ‘occasion l MARCH 'lTlIR0l'GII which last The were nigltt. proceeds. river their berths Corthe I at to up POR'l'S.\I(lL"l'II in entirety to-tlie Naval Base l 'l1ie Iollnwing oflieers have been poration Qiiay. together with tlte welChest. reached the Si1I|Sl_\IIlg lappointed i\'av:il Aides-de-(‘amp to. The boys. aged sixteen to eighteen come lrortt the "(ii:ordies" wherever .(-ll‘.||"ll.\ l years. Qoiue lrom all parts of the the Queen from July 7. I96]: the sliips' comp:inii:s went. sliowed that total ol L'3l0. ('apt_ W. J. Parker. O,B.I‘... D.S.C..t United Kingdom and include the band the tradition is still well to the lore. MUSIC WITH \’.\RIIi'I\' .R.N. in succession to ('.ipt. N. t.. .-\.' of the Tootirig and tlzilham Sea Cadet l).ince halls and buses were free to‘ .\ l).S.('.. i<.x. iiiiit. 'l'hey all report to the R.r'\'. the siibziiariiiers. and there were The show had a distinctly musical :1.-it.-ii. II. R..\'. l).S.(‘.. B. Jativritt. R, Capt. B.irr.icks :it I’urtstnoulh on the d:r_\ be- ; Il'I.lll\. both aslrore and atloat who béas. biit. iievertlieless. with considerI‘. I’. llaker.‘ in succession in (Lipi, tore sailing to draw tropical nriiloriusj were \.lll when the two ships sail.-il ible v.iriel_\_ ‘lite \\';irdroottt set the R.N. .md to be accotnriiotl.iIcd overnight alter rive splendid days. ‘show oli to a gooil start with “llie il).S.('.. S. (irzittari-(‘o.r;ier. t).lI.l-‘.. hetorc rriarcliing tlirotigh the streets of (apt. the ()tltcr 'l.iblc" lyrics ('.ipt;iiti's' M.-\N\' \'lSI‘I'(|RS the music l{.N, in sitcccssiriit to L apt. I). (i. l’.irtsrnoittlt to the doc.l._v;rr.l in theg’ t.'tl'l.tlItlll:1 t.i;i.c.rl .I\ traditiorial tiiziiincr to ernbark in the .‘\t low water the brow was pt‘:- sivitclied treqri.-:t:l_v .i:ir.l .ibroptl_t with ('|:ittcrbttek. RN. itt R..\' l).S('. ll. (apt. l‘cn-_.-e!l_\. gilttlltlitlttltd by (';ipt.iii: ll. (. ciprtons. but this ilrd not deter th.: e\tr;icts‘ troni most ol the \\L‘ll‘isl'ltWHl .\lcl-‘wen. I). J. Sliaiid. l).S.C.. l{..V. visitors. horn: 5.00.’) people looketl o;, lllt's was tolloweil by a meet- succession to ('oriiiii.-doic (Ill Usliaitt. the lieltast will reiide/.ir.-rind the ships on the .S'.iturd;i_\ and ing by our ( h iplairi. lalin Scott. with l)_'s'.(I. R..\. (‘onimorlure T. Ii. llirlow. l).'s('.. voiis with the eleven coastal trimeSuridas loiirs were organised lor 24:’) an "old tlanie" which led to rather school children and cadets :ind 40 uncertain reiiiiniscences in "I rr:rncm- R.:\'. in s:tcc.:ssio:t to( om1i'.ud.ric I. l. sweepers of the Ro'5';il Naval Reserve Divisions nianited entirely by resereliildren lroin ;i city lionti: came tor her it well." The I’-'.ilcons. who also llliiclsltarn. R.N. I) RN. S.('.. I). Viircerit-.loii.-s. (';rpt. one atlertioori. cori- form the section at the ship's vists_ ritostly new entries. In addition. .i riotous part) ll:rrrc's. siiiurni: enormous quantities ol jelly dance band. had ever_vorie‘s lect tap- irt succession to ("apt ll.-I). and ICC-L‘rc:ttl'l. Six children from the ping with their triil_v pt'ofessioit;tl l).S.(’.. R.r\'. Capt. II, R. lI_ Newton. t‘),S_('.. R.\.. ltosal \'ictoria School for the lilind "struniniiiig" wliilst "llzirtnoiticas in no in succession to Capt. J. ._\_ ( llen|:).' rie_i:oti;ited the steep slopes and vr:rI R.r\'. I ll..\I.S. Belfast leaving (iuani in .I).S.C.. 6 9‘ ; tical ladders very successfully. r April. I962. with paying-on Capt. A. J. (‘;iwthr‘;i. l{..\«'. in siic-i The siibniaritters‘ football team from colurim It l('otttinued cession to Capt. (i. ll. Nicholls. pennant Il_s-inz. after about three beaten 3 0 by the local was For ten there the past _vc:trs _\r;trs on the Far East Slziliurl. DurI{..\l.l-‘.\-'.R.. and the cricket team was in the cliari_e.irti: room at the Cricket iO.l3.IE.. R.r\'. been that the has rurtiuur :3 Royal ing: the eriiiser‘.s last commission. soiindl-. thrashed by the Newcastle match mas have contributed to the‘ Capt. B, ll. (‘h:impiori. .\{. take to Marines are going part in the .l:tuuar_\. l96l. to June. I962. she llrewerres. but both games led to ver_s sirli:n;iritiet-.' downt';ill. 'I'lir: water-polo I-in siiceessioit to (apt. .l. E. I’. Sltteall.‘ 1 Triurnaiiii.-nt with LI lield~i:un steauit-it nearly 75.000 miles corisisial parties: the barrel of beer‘ team had very little st.irnin.i left for RN, iir.tterialhas alas. nothing: (Iipt. F. V. llarrison. R.N. in siicces- crew, but. .its nrzitch on the last da_v til the visit tfontiniied in column 2) '.sioii to (apt. I’. I’. .\l. (ireen. ll .\ lst.'tI so far. most o.‘ the riiirieswecpcrs will carry 5 and they lost I would like to suggest. lliroiigli the, .1 small niiiiiber of Sea (‘adets A riiediiini ot "i\'.iv_s News." that sotiiei prrigraiiittte ol exercises is planned tor coris:der.itiori be given b_\ the "powersl the p;iss.ig.'e to (iibralttir. where the that be" to the idea of the Royal‘- ships :iii: to arrive on \\‘edncsd.iy. .\larines a ver_\ active part tnotl .-\u_i:rist l-l. t('ontiiiiied lruttt page 2. coluiiin 5) i .\lay. at Portsriioiitlt. for Home Sea that theytaking are not alre.'id_v doin-_.- a! I from Service. Service Foreign l W;irt';ire l.\liddle liastl. Aniphibioizs line job in their own displ;i_v iri tliej I-'.~\(‘lI.|'l'II-IS All GIBR.-\I.l AR t(‘aiitiiitied Iroiii page 4. column 5) of East). U.|s'. Base‘ (Far sailing Sqiiailrori It-‘D. Royal Tournament) as a tield-;.iin‘s“ l to be d_ving.v dmvn and Ocean Voi:iger l Port. I’ortsmoutlt. .\'. .-\t (iil1r.ill;it. the llcllasl and the R IT. at .\l;ircii 800 .\'o. Sqitarlrou. crew. w |\ lwrttm‘: less tiercel}. so I decided S lI.\I.S. t.-\ at .\l:i\_ l‘rr~__-atel. \\‘liitb_\ l li.i\'e hecn led to believe that .il R.N.R. ritiriesiseepcrs will be joined .~\ii ‘s'..ition. laissteiiioiitli. (rcneral that we should .rll try to get some rest. ( li:itli:inr.(iericral Service (.s|Illtlll\-‘ Service (omriiissmn ltiiccaiteer. l'll'.llls.ll ol the Rt!_\;tlr h_i ships ol the 7t|i Miriesiscepiiig one time a and he read} tor action a;:;iin at daySoutli sion. .»'\tl:intic South and .\l.triiics. known as the Royal .\l.iririi:: Sqtrailioii train the i\lediterr.incan II..\l.S. Rlllllcfillyt.-\ S l:ll‘_.".tIL‘). .\l:ircli. light I-Ionic. Ant.-r 7lli l'rig;itc SquadPurlslt‘li\tIlll. (ieneral Service i iii Artillery. did take an active part irti l-leet. l'or the ntiitesweepers visits to I had just l’:muv'.'tl in_\ boots. wlieri. l.'.K. Base l’ortsrii.urtli' l’ort. ron. the lield-gun rtui. as recentlj. as l'I25.l Spauisli ports. (‘cuta and Tangier are Coriinrissioii. Fndies llonie. sill: if‘). .Il !i_s)- tiiriiiites p:ist midnight. it terrilic Frigate Squadron. L’.l\'. Base Port. II..\l..’s‘. Anziu tl..S.T. and No. I ‘hm itii. it... diswiiiiiiiicij ism-n ih._- ;tl;ttlt1_r.'tl.\\llllt:;tt‘lCX£ll:tltj._:t:tlllitcllttlci e\;\n-sroii occurred w-liicli threw me to Portsnioiitli. _i-eorg:iiiis.itioii ol the Royal .\larines';it (rihraltar will take place between the door. "lite whole building which l .-\ss;iiilt at llahrcin Sqiuitlroit). .\l;ii. the llellast and the S.S. Dirneia on a tools place. (‘-.ii.-s:ii II)estroj-er). .\t.ircli._ li:isti.' comprised "N;iv_v House" roekeil ll..\l.S. st-n-in istttititc l~'oreir__-n llie advent of the Ro_\:il \l;irines cruise to l.islion .ritd .\l;itlci.';i with Place of coriiiiiissioiiitt-_: and l_\p.' or lie.ivil_s. and doors and sliitttcrs were (Ill \\'.iil':ire Aritpliihiotts Sqttatlion service under considczaliuri. taking part as ;r llt.‘ltl'gttll crew would. ROI) sclinol children on ho;ird lmrst open. revealzng it tremendous ""“'S‘ ')3""I’i'-‘T l".l”"¢.‘l"‘.-' Sl‘ll"l- I lccl. civi: ;i shot in the arm to. lieltast returns to the United I-(iii; II..\I.S. Lirtcolu t.-\ I) litigate). .\l;ircl1. '::l.Il'~' In Ill.‘ sit). .\I:i_v. at Sin_eaporc. I-oieii_;u Service the lie d-;.-.uii run. Yours. etc. I) W dour and disembarks the (."adets it at ‘iiri-_.v;rpore for liorcigit Serticcr .\l_v li:st thoughts were the Sll.\\\'. Pelt) ()llicet. Portstttootli liastt. I-ttli [Escort Squadron‘‘ tliat East) (C). l’lynioiith on August 24. crteriij. must have carried out aiiotlier I) -lI..\I.S. I.lanil-.tlI t.-\ .\l.iv.J I-ri_e:itel.~ (.-\t. 1tIltL'\, and had hit the barracks. but .\i..rt-ii.’ at Devonport. l..R.l’ Ct‘nlDlL‘tlIUlll., the q-aickly reported that ti..\i.s. (iztlttttttl l.-\ s I-‘ri;.-ate). at \\":illseiir.l-tin-T)ne.tor llontc Sea II.\I.S. Delight lI)estro_\et). .\I.r_\ 13., (lceaii Vo_\a_eet had blown tip. ss at Rosytli for trials, [In Reserve on \\‘li.i: a I liastettcd to lllL'r Service. 3rd l~'ti~__-ate Sqii-adron. trans- : fer to ltitli lzscort Squadron. l)ecenI- : Cort'|Plt:llutt of Ion-_.' relit.t rool ol r\';iv;.' Hoiise to gather an tier. Iw.4_ Foreign Service. Septem- II.I\l.S. Puma l.-\..-\. I-'rig:itc). Maj.‘ 28.. overall p:c‘.i:re ot the harbour. to help at Portsniotitli for trials‘. (ieneral Guaranteed all Wool Tailored ber. l‘lIi4. lroru d.ite ol siiling. l~';ir Excellently rue niake w‘i:ites-er decision I deemed Service ('oniniis‘s'ion. July .'-ll. Home‘ Fast ttentative date! (.-\t. P.O. Uniform Suits , llCs‘.'ss.|l:. Sottth Atlantic South Aittericzi. and I) t.-‘\ I7ri1_-zitel. _II..\I.S. (‘hit-hester Il.\RBIIL‘R i\Ill.A'I.I-I April 7. at ('h:rtli;irit for trials. 7th Frigate Squadroti. l.‘-.Is' Base Port. Devoiiport. the blowing up of Ocean \’tl_\'.I'_.'~'f‘ tieiieral .‘s'ervice Coinrtirssioii. \lct|./ Hoiiie. June. l‘|(r-t. 27th I-Tscort II..\I.S. I-Iuunuth t.~\7S I-rigate). Jone. trad ripped liiiiidreds of cans ol petrol Traiisfer to I-'islierv Protection .‘\qtt;idrnii. L'_K Hase I’iIil_ l’t\ttsinto the'l'It\1II :rnd the sea was Sqtiadron. Hoiiie Sea Service l.'.K mouth It I. t.-\l. .r'.i-_,-lit over a large area. To make Base Port. Rosytli. the force ol the II..\I.S. I-Iur_i~:iliis t.-\ S I-‘rt-gatcl. .-\prtl tl‘..Iltr.'ts worse. All sizes in stock. perfect fit guaranteed Availabtc Ill ttentative date). at (Bree tick. 'lI..\l.S. I'rolet'tor lice Patrol Ship). e\pl.isrorr had split s.s. V:irvara into Jnrie. at Portsiiitiiitli. (ieneral Scrfor Cash or on Ali otmcnt. Account for llonie Sea Service. 3rd I‘ gate two parts. and she also had spilt ltcr vice l-'.i|k|:ind Comriiissiori. Islands: Squadron 'l'r.rrrsl'er to Zlith I-iscort cans or petrol lit the sea. Varvara and Self Measurenient forms on ICQUES Squadron. l)ceemb.-r. Wt:-t hireieii and .-\nt;irctic lF:ill.l;ind Island ()c‘c".t"l \'og..iger. sepziratcd by .i_ppro\iI)cpeiir.lericies). L'.l\'. Base l’ort.l lI't.Ils.'l‘- two cables the cans o! petrol: Service tlroiii date ol sailittgl Fat Portsnioiitli. iorired lorccs and the surface of the East.‘l"t.ltll' was liercel_v :iblaze_ with Il..\l.S. Duchess ll)estro)erl. April ’‘II.M.S. Redoubt ll..('.T.). lune. :tt Hahrein, Foreign Service (Middle ".tlll.'\ sortie hundreds (ll feet in height. 3 (under consid-:r:ition). at Singapore East). Amphibious \\'arl;i.'e Squadliiriliermar.-. the wittd had increased ; for I-‘oreirgn Service (Far Fast). 2-lth ron ll’). Escort Squzidrori and veered to tire nnrtli-west. which (opp. Keyham Main Gates! June. Owen II..\I.S. Ship). lSur\-eying tfruiserl. Lion 1H..\l.S. at April. meint that the iii:iiorit_v of the fully at Dcvonport. for (iencral Service Branches ar.:- Gosport. Chatham. Portland. Portsmouth 8: Malta Devonporl. Service under considerladen ships and man} of the escort; Ciiinniissiiitt. Middle l;':ist’.\led. vess.-ls would be cttveltipcd in this : atiott U,K. Base Port. l)evoiiport. UK Base Port. Desonpurl. \s.ill ol tlame ;is it moved s|owl_v and lI.\l.S. Ileriiies l(':rrrierl. April. at II..\I.S. Blzickwnotlt.-‘VS l‘rir_.-ate). June. li:lL'1'l'.lL'\\b\ across the harbour. cutting 1 l)es-oiiport l..R.l'. Cotiipleiiient. In fairness to :it Rosyth. l..R.I’. compleriient. across the line 0|" .ipnro:reli to the Il..\l.S. .-\lbion lC\\llltI‘l;|tlt.'U Sliip). set the
R.M. Gun-runners .’ .iz..\'.l SIR. -
. '
iiiide “Wet
fs,'.tL'll.\t'l a
general signal
irrizriedrzite. l to all ships‘
proceed out of ltarhour. i:id.:pe:id.:ritl}. pa;.-ing due regard to own sa2ct_v No pilots ttvailabl-:." 1 l
\s I \\.tlcltctl twistrtig and Ill
At‘ your service
ol these
ItI‘If\lO\':\LS and W.-XREHOUSING I’.-lC'KI.’\'G ["0/t SIlIP.lII;'.\"7
13 Clarendon
houses at
big shipsr tiirnin-__'. eitvelopcd at‘
tlam-.:s. it made me feel ill l"v«:n when they had clearctl the wall} at lliiii: there was the dillicttlt citatinel to ti; tic; '.i;iti:d. If. by ill ltick., [lac charincl was blocked b_v one of these ships it would be eal:iniit_v. but the risk had to be accepted. 8) the 5-_r.rc: or (iod. niost ships cleared the‘ ll.t(l‘|'J'.:r. but a lctv grouttdcd on sandlll-'l'r;\. ti-_.-lrtrrig the tire siiccesstiillv. rIr- /vr- ruiit.-‘rim-ill lt't'rt.‘s
you MUST
T t le butre 2l"|"
Portsmouth and Southsea
Ntcho‘it‘s cross-wall construction Is :3 major deslizn rugged construction glvcs izi-eater strcnttth with Increased freedom or lt\5'0I.II.. larger windows and luxury‘ mtlrurs.
Bungalows from
freehold lreehold
I-Zxterlor colours are co-ordlnatcd to blend with the landscape.
The1963NichollsItouse—~cnvlcd by all. copied by it tew but. equalled bynono. ‘
JUILV 1'. .\'l('ll()l.l.\ l.'l‘ll.' l'itz!is-rt-rrt It-li l'.iriti,::riit I't-rtsriiuttlli (‘t--tiaiii 702:1.’ '
Au ust. I963
A car crash occursat the start of 10,000 miles journey Passage to China in H.M.S. Carysfort
Hit the [ulIoii~i'ii_i: rirIt'¢‘li-. tin‘ .’.\IIi in ihr ti‘rlt‘.\’, .\'rpIurir. who inirirrf Ilia‘ Ruin! .\'m'‘\' in I904, rniitiiim-i rlir \i'U!'_\‘ in] his nriml r'un':'r. Lmt nimtlli Inwruir of the (in! IIIIHIIIH or hit .\4'I'l'H't'. in t'llIliIIItlIl(l'ul II..\I.S. I’.('.7-I. uml ul hit (t[!]lulIll!N('llI. in rmiinmmt. of fI..l»I..\'. .S'(mriirloiu!. rz fin-I tI(‘l!I‘n\'t'r u] (hp Kilt I)r'ilrri_v¢-r I-‘I¢m'llo. \t't‘i‘lIl;' in: tin" (‘limo Strilimi. (hi l"ri(Iai'. l“i'Ivruon LI‘. I939. III.’ 3:’! of] by mm! for ,'1)HlrI.'lIIi and. iii Ilt‘ .ut_\'t. "m'rirl_v me! Ill_\' II'tt!r‘rlim."]
Ill-I winter of I929 “as a severe one and for a week or iitorc before I was due to proceed to Plyiitouth to join Il..'H.S. (‘ar_\ sfort for passage to China. the roads had been frozen and. in places. were dangerous. P"i“" I" “"5 “at” II..\|.S. tons. full load). hoilt by I’almer~. in I9l9, carried lltrec -3-inch guns and [our 2|-inch with scorn. idea of the treated I had superstition of Friday. February I3. always torpedo tithes in pairs. She was sold in 1934 in I which in vivid was dream trapped But during the night of I2-I3 I had a the car would have St)Illt.‘l'.\:IllIlt.‘tI. cccdcd hv r.iil_ to join l-l..\l.S. (’.ir_\'s- 1 age, lll\ cvcs had hccoinc troiibiesonic. and alter awake all. Iind, a car which was on lire. It was a great relief to However. it completed it circle atid lort at Plyuioutli. to coiiiiiiciicc the .iiid I could read only with dilliculty. was but a dream. crashed. head-on. with the other car. lU.000~inile \'o_v:tgc to Hon: Kong. A R().\l) ACCIDENI‘ My plan was to leave my home at! Am I siipcrstitioiisi’ .\l.v answer now. IN (,‘(l.\l.\l.-\.\'l)OI-' S’I'()R.\lCl.()lJl) which had come to rest by the roadto road bend. run! to We)’-l Alas. on rounding a Dcnniead. Hampshire. by We arrived at lvlong Kong on April after such :i dream and nctvc-t';icltitii_: leave down the coast road, I found. ininie-9 side. motith. where I had arranged to is Yes! I". I92‘). and arrtiiigcniettts were made the car for disposal. and proceed with ldiatclv across hy line of advance. at I. arid the driver of the other car. experience. There were quite ;i few olliccrs and ‘ilor destroyers to exchange coiiiniandordeal with this of skid. lint Unhad in rail the come i through a to car large Pl_vnioutli. luggage by process my taking passage to join the ships l ing olliccrs the lolloising day As‘ what man proposes, God sometimes l'orttInatcl)'. I put my foot on the hrake only minor injuries. and shock re- ratings on the China Station. I.ieut.-Cdr. Sims. Stornicloud was not rceoniniissioning. disposes. I started my journey in good pedal and from that moment. my life .action. .\I:.' c:ir uas seriously damaged. 'R.N._ was to take over conimaiid oi’ the takc-over did not take long. l.icut.spirits. The roads were tricky. but the was in the lap of the gods. My car so. obtaining help. from a near-by vil- H..\l. Destroyer Sterling. and he was ('dr. James. whom I was relieving. New Forest was made in good time. stewed broadside on. mounted the lage. I carried my luggage down the be in my sub-division. l.ieiit.~(’dr. turned over 11 smart and ellicient ship. Ringwood. Wimbome. Berc Rcgis and bank at the roadside. and was soon hill to a waiting taxi. The driver would to Sitwcll. R.N.. was to take coniniand of viith :i keen and enthusiastic ship‘s the hill. leavSo. risk round the not the and rear driving on were me up spinning _behind Dorcliester comp:inv_ of officers and ratings. I But for my luggage on the rear grid.‘ ing my car by the roadside. l pro- :1 river gunboat up the Yangtse River called remainder of the journey was short. on Capt. Mark Wardlaw. R.N.. A PLEASANI‘ \'t)\'AGl-I "Captain D" of the 8th Destroyer The voyage was very pleasant. The Flotilla. on board thc.FlotillaLeader. commanding olliccr oi ll..\-l.S. (_'arys- H.M.S. Bruce. I learned that I was the fort. Capt. Maitland Dougall. R.N.. senior lieutenant-commander-in-eoinwas a line. eflicicnt ofliccr. kindly and ; mand and that Stormcloud and Sterwould comprise my sociablc. Whilst on passage. he gave all rior to my joining Storm: on I re ofliccrs the op oriunit_v or handling lifehoats to re- 8th lilotilla had been split. and most Carysfort. cover lifebuoys for drill purposes. etc. of the destroyers had been 6IWi|)' 0" l~l..\l.'$. Carvsfort had been in reaistc mira tit serve and conscqucnllv she was in a Ciina 'lation. rather dim condition. ‘l'he.raiings tak- the new _(Zoi_iiniander-in-Chief. dcing pzissage were not interested in icidcd that. in ltitiire. every ellort the desto sniartening-up the ship’s :t|'lpt.‘:tr:lnt.'I.'.‘|tl he or internal cleanliness. ‘l he shi D was troicrs. lirst y in ong 'ong loacciistom the commanding otliccrs to operjate as a I-‘lcct Flotilla in company with the ('ruiser_ Squadron. This decision SAILORS IN rm: -m-u~<: » the flotilla proceeded to Mirs By NEPTUNE
wheels.i -
sub-i.:ivi :’ioi l.
i ling
tlftlpnpll g
dtitachegl SCI’!-'tCCBl|'I n/i\;:!ny p:;rt\s‘vol' tllilc .
made‘ (i:-|oncenl't‘rate
E.’ . ‘ , ;' . 2‘ . ".‘ E 155211}1f,i ‘ i f l 3 ..‘ : ”..' . 3.“‘ i * I.' ! ‘ . ' l . i lpurpose.
5, B:iy_ only a short distance from Iltmg Kong. Several _\vccl.'s were _spenl. carry.-iiig to 1,: at (_‘.,].,,nt-,0 {M _t(. },m_;.-\ um] [hc wanted the ship painted lriiiiillfll} “0Tk!“l;'l'D '-‘-X¢FC|M=$- _Il|d|\;K.Itt-II l captain truck to kcclson. I agreed to dcputise Ehll“ t-‘i”'l"L"-I0|" dill‘ illld "£19" '|“"t!* l fur the [ire] |icut¢n;||1[_ “I10 had hcqn IUIIOMCCI h\'-L‘0IllI)lflL'_(l. IIUIIIIRI SIIUUIS for lhc ncrmd nm ,1“? hf. day and night. at_i_d Io_rnedo A_ttacks gm,“-Cd i,_.;,\.cThe was in port. captain told me his I “C”-‘ "Fldc 0" "'9 I‘|”h §-I'll!"-='l' 5'-l|'i||I' wishes. and asked iilictlicr it could he | 79"» I’"'i|I_I‘.-'- KC!“-'|'flI d_|'|ll§ WCFC C.\L‘r' done. I agreed to attempt this rather _t‘!“~‘<l- ¢“d|"l; Wllh ‘-I I'I"ll"‘-I Rt-'t1€lll'-|tall order. if he would cut otit normal _I I19"-T “"5 "Q dtlllbl lhill IIICW “flllv rotitinc and give me a free hand. With |"8‘||D ¢RC|'C'_5¢S _“’¢l'¢j W-"'5' "_l|Wh this suggestion he readily agreed. \\l1lCl‘l l "°‘~‘d‘_" ""0 ':Ci1Dli1|fl D ‘-1114 3|” ( Umwmild mean working all day on Sun. Ittztlitlllitt OIIICCFS lltttfil It:|\'¢ lclt lhttl day. I had a heart-to-heart tall; withilllc ;‘“‘"d‘”d_°f “""3"?'}CV “I ll“: 3”‘ the ratings. and told them that I had I |'|0IIl|§I had Improved -niinvmcls and inlortiied the captain on their behalf i ll“? SIHD-5 C0l]'|P'-‘"165 mil") d'=$RjW'-‘U ‘-2 when .
ll..\I.S.‘lIennes',“lii-s'tRoyal .\'av_v ship to-‘he s-piaIl_v designediiiis-an ‘aircraft carrie .._.....
April 9. I942. h_\ Japanese aircraft. A I934
sunk oll
Ceylon on
I save!
little rc|a.\atioii returning to wuuid Ru mg in}, ¢|.m¢_ What fun it was. to see these ratings “Will K0"!!.' i -""‘*3ND»\-VCRON A CARRIER chairs and stages: never had I seen men I I“ D|'it¢l|C¢‘- 11 “$15 "01 lulmd D09‘-Iltlc work so happily. The job was linishcd W I-“CD WC "0l|"3 l0l:‘-'lh'3|' 3*" lht‘ in less than 31': hours_ viatertinc cut 'tinic: there were requirements which in. and the dratiglit ligurcs painted. {needed the services of individiial dc\‘lhc captain was very pleased and coit- ltrovcrs. H..\l.S. Hermes. the tirst Roial gratultited the men on their concerted |.\'a\_v ship to_bc built as an airci‘at’t cllotl. E c:it'rii:i‘.had mined the llcct. and a des-
I try
But my
§a.{‘2l .‘i.‘£§."".i“..‘.','.'i.‘.}"‘:".°ti..?""t..lil1il' ..' '
That’s what I thought when I was your age until someone showed me the Progressive Savings Scheme. I only had to put aside £3 a month by Naval allotmenthut when I leave the Service next year I can collect £855. Sounds too good to be true. \\'liet'e's tlic ratcli? No catch. And if I had died at any time my
had to be in constant attend0|l.ll'\'G .-\'I' SI."\'(iAI’(lRl-I ance when at sea. il\' she was. almost Our next port of c:ill was Siiig.ipoi'c. .c\cr_\ day of the neck. ll_\ing "t)Il" This visit was quite interesting hccausc . and "On" the flight deck. needed coitwhole the received \\'liicli talu-I’ will you the part of the wife would have \\C “etc the second ship to he oiled 'L'CIlll'.tIL‘(l ctlort on from a distant-control terminal. The pilots. In addition. dcstroicrs \\t.'lC rcimmediately. You see, it’s 2 Savings Pm going for the pension. I’m all lined oil tanks were I0 miles from the oil- ‘t.|llIft.‘tI for anti-piracy patrols along Scheme and Life Assurance rolled into one. and the large llC\\ floating ‘the south coast of China. particularly point ing and with an entra dock which had been succcssfu||_\ ;III the region of the pirates‘ laiiiiitis up for a job already, you hadn't sigiictl on for 22 years tovicd out from the United l\'iugdom. liitlcout. Bias Ba)‘. service.’ pension to look forward to when I retire The oiling point. was situated on hoard . Mv sub-division. Sturnicloud and I had for if wife and the as nine provided anything a tanker. secured ahead and astern. Sterling. were detailed to attend on When I had done my years, .lI..\l.S. llcrmcs during flying c\crfor 7 years, I could to me——well, it’; the kind of with the hosts close inshore. happened Situated about two cahlcs tip river. lciscs. The Fleet Air Arm was then in in Cnvvy set me drawn £234 to we all want. security the Caiiiseivav. which across iits infaiicv and there were ten aids to :was I 353" servlt-"=9 Street. Now, after 22 Straits of Johore. conttcclitig pilots in those days. They had to learn How do you set about all this? have the option of taking the Johore to the Malai Peniiisiila. This the hard way. by experience. coupled causeway was left intact by our forces. with courage. Hence the reason for £855, or if I don’t need the That’s easy. Ask the Provi- when rctiritig during the last war. and ‘having two destroyers in attendance. a cash to be or great help to the iii- ';With only a light wind, the aircraft proved for dent Life details of the on-on retire I when of £r72* a year l .Iapanesc. :\lthough the coil- : found it dillicult to take oti. even with steaming at 30 knots. Under from civilian work at 65. Progressive Savings Scheme. .struction of the Singapore .\'aval Base ?Hcrmcs Ihad been coniincnccd in I925. there i\llL'Il circuiiistaiiccs. planes at times had not suflicicnt lift and the pilot was the Il".R._\"..‘>'i tlir ‘was little to be seen in early.‘ I92‘). ‘For nicmbtrs il iiIit'ortunatclv ditched. -.ASSOCIATION OF LONDON The night prior to sailing for Hong Ptrisiori is £149 a year. VoundclII11 LIMITED To deal with such incidents. StormKong. we. the ollicers entcnaincd the captain at dinner. \\'l‘liL‘Illclutid was stationed on a line of hear""' Hermes. with London, E.C. Send this coupon to 246 proved to he a very lhipp)‘ evening for 'ing abaft the beam of Cables‘ astern. I Please send me details of the Progressive Savings Scheme us all. l.aler each of its had to produce iSterling one aitd hall’ a trick. The captain stumped us all. by aliotli destroyers had steam for full I manned. with a livName hanging from :i pipe merliead by his lspccd. the whiiler I otlicer in the boat. and the boats feet and a glass of beer. whilst drinking Address. I to lower the upside down. I doubt whether any manned in readiness whaler instantly. If a pilot was ditched. I trooping trip had or has hcen happier. Storniclood proceeded at full speed to Unfortiinatelv. I had a secret worry. NN Rating or Rank......................................................................... Age next birthday (Continued on page 15. col. 3) mmuimmm—n—nmu—mm—-mm—mu—o—mmmmmm-o--.u—i—u—mmc—u—umn-mmmmnmm During the last IMO weel.s of the voylll't'I\t:I' .
paid premiums
immediately, pension
. ..........
N’ \ \ Y
r\u'.'lI\l. I953
Alliance goes to via the
THE ROYAL NAVY IS Singapore trip ‘ TO THE PUBLIC. ‘Changes inevitable but efficiency remains’
the hits‘ and dinner of t[ .\l.tdeir.t food. \\lii:iiiii .ictu:il fact is s'te.i'p;. c-_:_.- and Clllps. lllls was orgartrscsl iv} the British I cgrori out of profits trout uiiitcr torntmla eveniitgs for the rich llrttislt tourists at Rs-i.l's Hotel. Another atlractiori \\;t\ the soccer m.itcli at the local st.i.liuui \\llls.'lt attracted a croysd ol over 700, .\ popular titan on the lielsl was the is-is
..\l.S. .-\l.l.l.\.\'('l-I cnmtttanrlcd by I l.icut.-Ctlr. A. (3. A. Pogson. ll.l\'.. left Portsmouth at the end (if May to begin a l6.00tl-ttiile voyage to Singa. pore. Alliance. cottimissioned in February. spent two months working-up in Scottish waters followed by a month referee. .\,l again those interested in the Royal .\'av_v can see sortie of the ships M W in u,y1,5_ tyotphin giving 16,“. .c'sccllcnl_ for which. through their taxes. they have paid and see a little of the men and preparing for this long voyage. i l3IrtlIr}c.lron\ Alliance next visited t);il;ar. in who man the fleet and the work they do and the conditions under which they 51.. it "0... 3,. 50"". M’.-;¢._m .,.,g,_.n_ “"1 U‘ N 1'" work and live. The Royal Navy is host at both Plymouth and Portsmouth Her lirst port of call was l:ttl'lt.‘ll:|l. Wl'"!~'d_ Of l"¢“°h l"'l'~'"'*'g V¢f.\' ¢‘P¢'"‘ over August Bank Holiday week-end to the great British public and to all those capital of the beatttiftil island til;*‘_35‘5' ill “ll: I-'0“'|'-3|’ Ol _ll1L‘ 5'-|_l|5|f1I interested in naval atlairs. Madeira. The "nrtlives" are more than ,~"W'~‘~ Nevertheless. two internzttroiial What can the visitors sec’! Apart'missiles tor long and short ranges. [.-tend”, out of pm high.|;gme of mg t Desert. titzitclies were played. against gtrom airer:tl't carriers. which are not and titled with the latest radio. comls‘0L‘s.'s'l' E the French and the Senegalese. :tnd tlic Eavailable because of operational or municauort and electronic equipment 3(‘:ipt:iirt ssas ltll¢l’Vlc\\¢t.l oti Ratlio ‘other requirements. the thousands of and the ltltisl modern detection paraDakar -all in French. too. visitors will be able to see a good pheriialia necessary to combat botti .cross-section of the Royal Navy of aircraft and stthniaritics. L'i\'t)l-IR.\'l'IA'I'lITltl-'.\'l-I "Old-timers" uridotrlitedly scoll at guided missile dcs('-.tpI. A. Woodilietrl. ('.B.. .\t.\'._0.. Alter l); Alliance c\cr'ciscd with lloday cruisers. "destroyer." as Hampshire gtroyers. conventionally armed des- the name6.000 R.:\.. \ prornotcd to Rear-_-\d:iiir;tl tons in displacement dcpotris over Navy tttltl‘ _e.i_rried out .troycrs. trigates. submarines. thc to date July ti. l‘J(s.‘l_ and. in addtion. a scrics'tftill loadt when they think of First R¢;..-..\dmim| [L ('_ |)m-am, (',fl,_‘\(_.'It:llllllt.' trr:il._s in the vicinity of the Qships. etc.. til displays niarltcd interest to botlt World War and even Second World l).S.(!.. I).S.('.. was placed on the youtig and old. calctilatcd to show the War destroyers. 1\l“i|ll“' l“ i1‘'"' 1 L‘ l'|‘"';'. W4“ 4|“ R 'lir'd List to date June 5. W63 Tartar. one of At PI_vmoiti_h coriiplcsity of the modern equipment The Viscount lieI- hm’ ‘U9 toPinto some of the most modern the seven "Tribal" class generalborn. ('.I!.. l).S.(?.. was placed on the r\llI:mr:s'_ “Ill spend two months in i,litted wars-liips in the world. p!tt'p0\’c frigatcs. can be seen. These with R.-tired List in (late July 8. l9.’i.l. .-\trtca_e\erctstog lrlgates. descended from a line made the At|‘.in_tn:. but Capt. J. l.. Btttcltmart. l!.N.. ssasf Naval 6'0"‘‘.05 Dl"s-rnoviin famotis during the Second World War. have time to_talse in visits to to promoted to At Ports:utitrlh.lor instance. H.M.S. have been designed for general duties July 8. |‘J(i.'l. and appointed to be.5ttiioitstossn. (ape lmsri. is open to visitors. This formerly undertaken by destroyers. and l)urhan before carrying on Admiral Stiperirttendent. H.M.‘l)ock~ g class guided-missile dcs- Their displacement is 2.700 tons (full yard. l’ortsmot_r_th. in succession to;tohtngapore.\vhcre_shetsdtieon()cto- "Cotitity" and they have a capability of Rear-Admiral Sir John Walsham. Bl..lber t0. the fartiiltes of the ships truycr is St‘! feet in length and (‘.tt..£.. the appointment to lake eoriipariv \\ill be tlying out to ioin liltetl viith Scaslug and Seacat guided meeting the main escort functions of ‘ them ;i do)’ or so later. ellect in January. I96-l. ‘
(-l$I-*1l9“_S""}‘84‘l- Qilki"
i ‘
l';'-lU1Ilt‘|'- /\ll|'~|"5's' h<l|\'I=tl }I‘l||tls'f ll? int’
\'i\'ll‘llll.\ lsflttlll '\'lllp§_Ill datefwill
t’« lH:ttnpshirc
:iriti-5iib.'n.trirte protection. :tnti-.iircraft defence and .i:rcr.ilt detection. The Fleet radar picket ll.MS. .-\i.stte is open to visitors at Paristttoutli. this class of ship cart pick up. hold and light enemy‘t. At I'l-,-mouth the destroyer H..\l.S. Decoy
be seen. A "l).iririg" class destroyer. she can be used for recoutiaiss:iticc and act as ztnti-stibniarinc or anti-ship craft. All sliips today are a niass of radar and other clcclrnnic equipment requiring ollicers and men of the highest technical and intellectual order to maintain and work them. PROFITS I-‘OR NAVAL CH.-\RlTll-IS At Portsmouth there are I5 ships open to visitors (and others may be seen in docks and basins) and at Plymouth there are similar numbers. Displays at Portsmouth range from static displays of equipment used in ship»: for nticlcar defence. damage repair, etc.. to Judo displays. navigation and aircraft direction display. exhibition of cookery. underwater warfare to search and rescue displays and comparable displays are on View at Plymouth. All in :ilL Navy Days provide a wonderful insight to the Navy of can
today and.
at the same
time. visitors
bask in a feeling of having been generous. for all profits are devoted to naval charities. The sum of £2l.000 was distributed from Navy and Air Days receipts in I962. How does the Royal Navy compare ‘ today with the navics of other powers‘! Gone are the days when the Royal Navy was pre-eminent in its numbcht —it is still second to none irt ellicieticy bill in the words of .‘\(ltltil'lll Sir I Corunna arrived in Rosylh John Moore. There was a civic Wilfrid Woods. (‘ommanIer-in-Cliicf. on July I7 for the lirst time since ; reception at the (‘ity Hall at sslttcli l’orlsmouth: “The Fleet and the ships I ‘she left the Port [5 months ago alter 1 the captain was made an honorary which compose it have changed out of all l’t.‘C0).Illllillt. but we hope to ‘etrtensive relit and modernisation inlcity councillor. Il..\l. l)ocls'yard. Rosytb. to convert H.-\ parcel of tovs were given as :1 show you that the traditional elliciliter for duties as a radar piclreltgrlt by members _ot the ship's ency of ships‘ companies is uncliaugcd tt.'tll'll;3.tfl_\' to the sick children in and is tnatchcd by tile cscellettce of ]d._-ctmyer. ll,-.\l.S, (’oruttii;t has seen \‘L‘l\‘tCL' on |)uriter:tiltrie and West [rug }|o<pit:tl' their tvcapons and cqtiiprnent." (Continued on page Ll-. colutttn 1| l tlltt: llutllc. Kl.-tliterrzttiean and Mrdille slttittly .tltcr .llr'I\‘.Il. |-'_;.s-t Sl.|litItts and has steamed 3tl.t)tltl‘ ‘miles ttltc cqtttvalertt of lssicc roitnd the ssorldr. During the conittiissiori so she has exercised with units ol the i.-\ritertc;trt Sixth Fleet. and both llls.“ l French anti ltaliati Navies and lias W, s‘-access" .is .i radar pclsct ltRll)l-‘.(£R()().\l§ I-'l.U\\'.\' Iltl.\ll{ can
Wlitle she has been :isv:i_\. she li.ts ‘\'l\llL‘d l’o.'tttt_:;il. .\l:tjorc:i. ‘ill\‘ .\l;ilt.i. lt;tl_\. (ircccc. l_ihy:i Ail.-ti. The 'lask Force leaiiiig harbour Kenya and Spain. High-lielits ot the ip.-riod spent .ibio:itl included ‘\llIt'lt~'. isltcrc otie~tlirrd ol lllc ship's cott‘.p.iny donated blood to thc (irccl. Rcd (‘hiss |or tirtdcrprivilcged people in; f-Kenya. a large number of the ship's: compaiiy \\‘L'lll oti safari into the; gain: rcscrses and pliotograplicd big Iiiirieline linislied its second lll-. Second Minesweeping Squadron has just gariie. \\'li-en the ship “as dclaycd lrom too-tttile-vsitlc svteeping last; this year. natnely cleari a -I5-itiile-long by .returniri;.- litirne because she \\.tSr channel in tile North Sea oil Borkuni in Gcrniany to enable the (i.P.(). to lay required on the .\lidd|e liast Stntuiti. too new telephone cables to tire Continent. The squadron. which is the Itonte- several men due to Dr: m:Irri«.'r.l \\s‘rs' liascd operational niittesiyeeping squadron. consists of ll..\l. Ships Leysistoii specially tlooti liomc lroiti .\l;tlt:t t('dr. t’. W. (ircening. R..'\'.. Senior Otlicer. 2nd .\l.S.S.i. Wision. \\'olu.-rtoii. A ltighlt siicccsslul livc-day sisil L pton and Yarnton. It is normall_\ based at Port Edgar on the Firth of Forth. paid to L: (‘orttrt:i. in Spain .~\. hut ltir this operatioit. known :ts "('-able \\':iy'."it ssas based on the Dutch nasal trenieritlous reception was go cit to the liase at Den llcltler. «here ll..\l.S. lteclaitii tl.icut.-('dr. C. I’. I". Simpson. sltrp. R.-prcscttlziliycs til .i ll‘_.'ltl' R.-.\'.). the diving aad niint-ssscepiiig support ship. ltad set up a l'or\i:trtI iriliritrt rcetiiicrtt wcrc L7tlllLIl'lsL“sl operatirmal base. The vthole operation “as under the conittiantl til (':tpt. ll. .l. from (ii‘n.':i|t;ir and tool. part in .t Aiiderson. (‘.lt.|-L.. R..\'.. sslio niatlt: his lteailttuartt-rs in ll..\l.S. Rct’l‘.tllll. Ccltllltlll) at the tomb in (icIt' SIT‘ Also t;il.iii-_.- part iycrc ll.\l_ Ships Arni “lit-rte thirties."‘ ltc|~ lliissttigttitt ;iItt| Sltcralott from llt: ‘tit lllcls ..n.l tllvluf-s.'_\‘s.'lc' crash liclzncts. 3 .\l_!s.§.. llryzltbiirton I'.'ott_i the 3tsl and cycrsorie had to :i lit: raclsct. 9 .\t..‘s .’s.. and l{ rtiiriesssccpcrs it‘. spite or ii-.-tri_e June and July bad.\lotitrosc. .\lcrsey. Warsasli. lll'.tlll'.‘\ \-e'.itlter was :i trcqttctit oc.:u.'rcrtcc ;uu.l r and Kilzitorcy lor txiryirtg periods of this s|ll.‘ll c.ttts.'d brc.tLsliIwtis to thc time. is-lto all played a vzilttalile part tiitticsssecptrtg :.' wliicli led to the in e;tsiitg.- the load on the Royal Nay-'_.'s turniii-__- out or" the sivccp-deck crews sweepers, this whole task group. at titiriietitioiiahl-.: hours or Ill: llif.'lll. islticlt ts.ts ucvcr fewer than seven The ell.-ct that this had on the ttiorc was detiionstrated when ships at one linte. was under the comtiizind of tltc~.‘~ictiioi (llliccr. Ind .\lirte- on-.' able sc;tiii;iri tit Lcisistoii. on being ssveepirig hquridrt‘-ti. in H.M,S l_css'is- sh;tl.eri tor a night \\..tls.'ll. tsulsc up with .i st.irt and hegaii bttrrosyttig luti lltc First Mitielitttilitig Squadron. under his pilloss slioutriig “\\'liere's cunsistitt-,2 of ll.M. Ships Shoultoii the loop. it's gotte'.'" ll rctil.-Ctlr. N. \V. l’.irl;i:r. l{.V.. \\'l".l-ZK-l{.Vl)S |.\ l’()R‘l' Senior Olliccr. l:ll’\l i\ltticliutitirti_.-. Sqitadroril. llrirtltlcy and llr~.-ticlilcy A task Cycle sll Flt lti|trrs' s\scepitit_.'. also tools part. tvurking ill the cltaitticl lotlosyed by a day in liartiour tol-vrlieri lllL‘ so-ccpers were ll‘.|Vlll:: tli.-tr tossed by a tttrtlier -83 ltoiirs' swe-:ptrig. gave all ships the yscels-end in. rest periods Il)crt H.-Id-:r. l-’orturt'.ttely Dutch beer lll7CIi TASK its both cheap and -good and. being a 1 Prior to the arrival of the task ‘naval port. it was in pleniifiil supply. force. sweepers of the Federal Ger- The more adventurous in search of nian i\'avy had already swept part ‘more sopliisticated night lit-: went to of the area and laid the navigational .-\rttstcrd;im. which is one and it half hutI_\\. However. this still left :1 Z hours away by train. total of over l0.0tl0 miles to sweep. 1 As in the previous live sweepirig‘ ioperalion "('_le.'ir Road." which was‘: in -IS-mile taps—236 of them. The safety precautions iii the ships. completed itt .\lay this year. the whole in the event of exploding mines. mad-: task was finished ahead ot scltctlttlc. ; tinal "linisli "lliis acliteved vias :1 titiconilortablc. couditiotis by at sea lrvitig } The mess dccks were out of bounds. or bust" ctlort by all rcrtiatitirig ships because they were on or below the svliielt lasted tor 54 hours. this sortie ' “S M-... water line. and so ships' companies began ssith bad weather .ind :1 large. radar of of hreakdoss-its. but the The doiihle-bedstead h;td.lo sleep in hantntocks or (in camp beds in passages and flats. All those we-atlier tritprovcd arid the ysliolc C ll..\l.S. Aisne. the fleet radar picket. is clearly shoisn in this unusual on sv.itclt had to wear protective tread- roperati.-t: wus Iittisited with one week 1 i picture of the .-hip 1 gear wlucli took the form ol l-‘leer .~\ir 3 in lurid
Second over
M/S Squadron clears
ten thousand miles
...liut. ordered from your Willi-t'liy.<iZs';t'.'al .\l:l.ll:l‘.;t‘t‘. this super-ti.s';ioi't.s' coat t,'Il'll}0tllL‘Sall lll1lLlSltl'l£.‘.~‘»l. in Loridoti tailor-
iti1.:...:1ntt you can pay lij.' IlllOllllL‘ill it‘_vo'.: wi.s'ltf
Our .\';i'.'.tl .\l.ltl;t'.(t‘t'.s‘ vt.sit your .ship or :~'l‘t0:'r.‘.s' tmt'l_'.' or if y'o'.t't‘s- it ziativi‘. tltc_\"d he Lrlarl to t-.111 ttllxl soc yott it! _y,.,m (J{"y) 1;.-,_-.-_ '1"m._\--1; [akc yott 1' oral:-t‘ :‘or'.~'tttl (‘(1.11-. lr!i.~'tll'e ciotltv.'.s‘. .~"riri-.‘.s'. .slitr't.-' and of ('Oli!‘$t‘.tll1llVt)l'll‘lr€.all t.ti1o:'(-rlin the tinest l.l‘.l-.lll1t):l. with n. .s‘e:‘y'icc to match the t.-ttlorine. Willi-t'li_'.'.s' .\'.i.~.'.tl .\'.:et'.s' will he -.:I:td to tell you all about it. .
t'.‘ltt‘!t tit-.-_'.”:-o .'l\‘Xl. ;1lio;ti'd: or yozi ('.l:t drop us a line or call in at any of our lll‘.tl'l(‘ltt‘-S for :1 li-.t:let tl'.'S('l"llrlll‘-.1 \\'illct'liy'.<i .serv:c-.~ Li men til the >‘»ct~vicc.
28-30 OXFORD ST., LONDON W.l 82 Royal Parade. Plymouth tlt Commercial Road. Portsmouth 5 London Rd.. North End. Portsmouth 228 High Street. Cltatham 20 Above Bar. Southampton 41 Gordon Street. Glasgow ti’. North Bndqe. Edinburgh 52 Contmercul Street. Dundee 20 Hiqlt Street. Belfast Tailors to the suu.ay-iunehu throughout Glut Brtuin
H". .I' -
August. I963
u'..._4—d:-15.... _
1 '
. “‘
ll..\l..’s'. Tartar. a general purpose frigate of the "'l'rih-.II" class. There are (Surlshu. .\l0h'.n\|s‘. Nubian. Tartar and '/.uIu. is open to tisitors Portsmouth
of this elnss—Ashanti. F.skimo. PI_\montII and Gurkha is open at
"-vi-%. JO-l.A.4all Malta. Frigztles exercising class. and ahead
In the foretzruund is ll..\I.S. St-arlmrouuh. ““hIlh_\" are l'rsa. fully converted I'rom destroyer. I.mst-stott and Berni:-ls‘. lmlh "Roth:-s:I_\" class. Similar ships are open to usnors hoth at l'o;tsmoat!t and l’l_\muutlI.
g’. '
A division of Ro_\:II .\':I\_\' submarines works with the Ro_\al Canadian Navy. Here is H..\ .5. Law (Juli ol r\|t|erne_s renee. she Is open to usttors at Portsmouth
Afloat support is an essential requirement in the Rm-al .\':n_r today. Above is the fast I1eeI repleni.shmenI oilerTides‘prin;:. A sim Iar ship. the liilcpool. is on view at l'ortsmouth.'l‘ide.sprin;: is at l'l,\mouth
Alnonu the ships
to he
seen at
all are open to l’_l_v.' n Inuth (nut visitors) are lluer. Belfast. .-\tlamant.
'i'_\‘ne. l)eeo_r. 'l‘enh_\. 'l'orqua)'.
\'enus. Wiiard. l'reh'uI. l‘lsIer. Aeneas. Otter. ‘fart-.|r. .\lurra_\‘. l)alr_s'mple. Dundas. lirinton. Llan-
dall and R.l-IA. Tidespriluz.
Among ships
open to \isiluI'\ at Portsmouth is Il.\I.S. .-\isne. a destro_s er of the "Later Battle" class. eomertetl to a lleet radar picket. Other radar pickets are Anineuurt. ll-arrosa and Corunna and three "Weapon" eIass——l!mads\mrd. Crossbow and Scorpion. The most prominent feature is the 965 radar. tiest'riht.'tl as a double hedstezul
ll..\l.S. Yarmouth. ‘.1 “Rnthes:I_\‘" class anti-submarine frit,-,ate. leading ll..\|.S. Blackpool. :1 "\\'hilh_\" class anti-.suhmarine frigate and lI..\l.§. Llandafl. a "."i'.|lislmr_\'" class aircralt direction frigate. Llandatl may be seen at Plymouth. The Ro_uIl .\'av_v has a lame number of frigates. |nan_\ nl' \\hit'lt are converted t'rom de.stro_\ ers .-
"l)arinz:“ elasts de.<itro_\ er. seen between the |.imho three-harrelled depth-charge nmrtars of lI..\l.S. Bemiels. In the background is the Queen F.lil:lI|¢'Ilt.l)eeo_\ is open to visitors at l'l_\'mouIh
lI..\l.S. l)ee0_\‘.
f.‘ -."‘~‘.“§-'.
:35'+“'-----V "‘
"'-'£"""'=.a.:!§:-3!? ‘
u --
Il..\l.S. Jaguar. :1 "l.eopard" t‘I:Is.s' anti rerafl frigate of 2.520 tons (full loadl. Others are Leopard. l._\'m: and Puma. These ships‘ are designed primanI_s lor the protection of t.'0nHt_H against aircraft and can also sene as tlestroyers in ofiensise operations
The submarine depot ship Il..\l.S. .\I;titIstum' has:-it at l-'aslane. is capable of supporting: not only eonu-ntioual submarines but also nuclear-powered suhmannes. Her ilisplueenn.-nt (full load) is some I4.0t)t| tons and she can aeemmnmiale os er L500 otlieers and men
Augusl. I963
N A \' ‘I’
N F. W S
Ihc l:I.IidI3d-I||i“i|r (ll-'~|I'D.\‘er. is upcn in visitors at Pm-Ismuuth. Of 6.200 Ions (full Inad) displzlcclltcnt Ihc nus “(‘uum_v" class (others are I)n:\unshirr. File. Glanlurmnn. Kent and London) are arulctl \\ilh Scusluu guided missiles lnr lmu: rang:-s and Scmnnt \\ rzlpuns [or shut! ranges ll..\l.S.
lust anli-subnmrinc lrigznlc Il.\l.S. Winml IlI:I_\‘ be seen at I);-snnpurl. (H 2.880 Inns (full load) \\‘iI:m| is lul|_s conw.-rlcd from deslr0_\'er
Amum: Ilu- ships nl
nprn lu sisilurs
(hnkhzh _\"h‘."i‘.'d- I_\i\“‘._ R"”"_.‘:“_ \'uI:u.:c.'. |.:a|L-stun. Iliullhurlnn. \'a\h:un. ilrusn: Ssumlsmun. .\':Irul|:|l. il in-less. 'l‘:Il|‘\ H0. .-\l(|crno). Rzmlr ll:-ml and nu-‘..-\. 'l'idr-
.~\ disision of
A model «if one uf llu: Imp new assaull lzmding ships In-inu Imill fur lit: .\'a\_\. Th:-_\ will he mmml l‘L':|ril'ss :Il1li illifcplti and “I” he of ;Ippru\im:ilci_\ 15.000 tons liispi:l('(-. nu-nl Ifull lmul). 'l'In-so ships :m- In v:-rr: I:-ndmu craft “Inch can he lzmnchz-(I h_\ flmuling: o:ump:Ir1nIcnls nl’ Ihe ships so Ihznl Ihc rrafl can he final:-d «mt from Iho st:-rn _
\\ilh.\hips of lhc Rmal
Royal .\':u-_\ submarines is based in Sydney. New South -“Halts. and Vulrksi .A\usIr-alizm .V:n'_v. .-\hou.- is ll..\l..‘i. Trump against lhc ban-kgrcnnnil 0|‘ 53 due) Bridge
ll..\l.S. Shcllicld. uprn In \isilul"s ul Porlsmuulh. She is the hcmlquairicrs ship of (In: Cmnmmlun.-. RI:\I:r\'c Ships. Porlsmouth I)i\isinn
ll.\l.S. .‘\¢ Ihc sulunurim: dupol ship. is "pull to sisilnrs at I);-mnpurl. Of I(o.5lm [ans (full load) shl: nurm:II|_s h:m1l|v:s up no si\ sulm1:|riucs.huIuII ucmsiuns this munhcr can he im'rv::N:d
‘W .1.|[.u\-..-..
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The "Tun" class mast-ul mint-succpcr lI..\l.S. Wilkicslun is similar to lhe Lzllrslon and lliuhlmrlun. which are open to visitors al Pnrlsmnulh. l)ispl;n-inu 415 Inns (full Iuzull. lhcsc ships have an cmnplcmu.-In of 27
» .
.1-4' Incsllnlztlvlv: ulluc durum: -
llu: rcu-nt Ilnmcn rclu-Hum. lhe l'hc rmum-.uu|u ship il..\I.S. .-‘llluun prou-d H) be uf hclicnplcrs uf 845 Suuznlmn (\\cssI.'\i and H46 ."iqu:ulrm1 l\\'lIirl\\imls| ll:-vs alums! i.2lll| snrlirs hcIsu:cII Inidl)(.'t‘(‘ll|l|l.‘|'and early .|'.muar_\‘ I
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nm~lc:;|r-pmscn-d sulmI:Irim- lI..\l.S. l)rc:IdmIlI:.:hl is Faslzuu-. She has
lmsul al
rumplc-nu-nl M’ II ufliccrs :md 77 f:IIill:.:\
NA \'\'
:\lll:u\I. I963
Penguins’ find ‘Hell ‘Camp’ .l"iI l §6
_some very
interesting f.i:Is
future home and the I‘tltl.s ashore.
lll~'.C'I'lC ltl."I‘ oizc.\.\‘isi:t) rs h,"_.- "M. w_ “W: in 3 forced-labour camp would he a “Tlie next couple of days were rest cure after Royal .Arthiir." How r.itlier hectic but well organised. Intromany times" has this been said. at tot diictions to the (‘ourso ()tIiccr_ Cour-.i: ftime. by the "old hands" who have 5('liicf Petty Otlicer and among ourbeen to Royal Arthur. striking l'ear'scIves by means‘ of "Snap ‘I'.ilks," and dread into those others for whom These I think are an excellent idea and : the awful prospect looms large and 5 :i first-class lead-in for the two twentylnear. I.urid and gory tales know no minute lectures. l.ikewist.—. I think these ‘bounds to describing the horrors of i are also a good idea. because as well the obstacle course. the agony of the as giving one an idea on what its like “ell! and chasm" and the ultimate to nutter for a length of time. it also terror of the Black Mountains of lets one know how much work is itivolved in preparing for :i lecttire. repute. Are these tales to be believed’? Can I “The liinergcncy Drills I enjoyed it really be that bad’? Certainly no one 3 immensely and also the Pltvsieal can expect to go to (‘orsliam hoping‘ lidticatioii. although I don‘: itiiiik to sit back and take life easily. Nevcr- stillicient time is allowed tot ctuogiiig thclcss. so many petty ofliccrs dread , for the latter. the prospect: liiipiiig that the evil day "Tlie lectures that we had. especially lwotild never arrive and yet at the end the Sea Power lectures. were very of their time liaviiig enjoyed it. good and I think es-i:r_ibody enjoyed the rocks in the l'oregroutId them. I ('.\Nl)lD ('Rl'l'l(‘lS!\rZ "'l'lie Obstacle (‘onrse and Cliff and definitely call for teaniwork E\agger;ition'.’ There's nothing like ,('hasm the word straight from the horse's [on the part of everybody. but I think mouth. The latest course to pass out llltc le:ider.s ot' the teams play a big was 833. which adopted the name of part in the success of the runs. "l‘in;_il|y the Black Mountziiiis In "The Penguins." On conclusion of the course. everyone is invited to write a my opinion the greatest ‘gut puller‘ candid essay. being as frank as he ,ol them all. btit definitely well worth tiniie the sounding with the ship her- likes. in wlticli he may criticise ilic etlori, any self as well as the two boats. The aspect of the course. A typical “To conclude aiiyoiie who comes to essay Protector paid us two visits during the is that by I''\) Dennis I-liiiit. Ro_v:il Arthur wiili .in open mind and season. during which the Quest was of ll..\l.S. Ariel. is just one tdocstft eii;o_s liinisell must be either TIlI.\' > chSLl_\‘ hoisted for much-needed repairs to ciioscii fill fttlldum lrottl the WIIOIC ;sick in the head. or he shouldn't be ll“ 59¢‘!-lilmafic‘-I hunt Wm!‘ ‘W 5,‘-“" | course and is unaltered iii any way. l wt.-:iring crossed hooks." veyors concentrated on triangulationt i-on ;. ycf) “it. 3,“: “.in'd\- day in ! (By Lt.-Cdr. J. 8. Dixon. R.N.) ‘WHY NOT \'(ll.l'.\"Il-II-IR?‘ I903. IIIV‘ aim Chit riir Riwiii Ill-I “hert)ic" age of Polar exploration is long since past. but though work work using the ship's two in the Antarctic no longer hits the headlines. there it nevertheless l which l'"'0V¢d themselves to bc'.—\rtiiiii- arrivediat ll..\t.S. Ariel. StiI;'ver_vone on the course reiterated 2| ‘-‘l350l"lk‘l)'l"Vi!lU1|bl¢lnllttS|’0l¢llirsi reaction was one of alarm and the remarks for various l’C;t\‘t|ll.\ systematic programme of scientific research and survey work steadily being. despondeiiey as at this time I was they here reluctant to come onsthe pursued year by year by the British Antarctic Survey under the direction of ExAC_l_ING WORK nicely settled in an |iistrtictor.’R.A. course and yet. on concltisioit. tliev Sir Vivian l"iich.s‘. This programme has worked ing up all standing with her bows} (ir.idu;il|y the chart beg:in to take ’bi||et. However. after asking my étll I-‘ttluyetl it. False propagaiid;i'.’ The graduilly down Grahamlaiid from the buried deep in .1 large tloe and having= shape. as line after line of soundings tfricnds in the l’.()s.‘ .\Icss for their .other L'\s;|)§ are in Royal Arthur to be read and seeing is believing. Pernorth. and is now starting on areas to go asiern to get clear. was eotiipletcd by the ship and boats. Iopinioiis oit Royal .-\rtliiir I came to concliisioit that the draft o;isn‘l haps even better would be to ask the which are beyond the reach of and the positions of rocks were fixed .the bad |)()('l-il-ID IN l('I-I zill. Litter one "old hand" iicxt time he citibarks on and the deep channels 'la water ships owing to permanent shelf ice: with ziitollier l’.O. from his liirtd descriptions. to "cut the future research and exploration will. The‘ Argentine Islands were still in; dcline:iti:d. Exactiiig work, partieiilarly "Along Ariel we eiitraiited zit I-zireliatii. arriv- ‘llitllfltilu and in all honesty to tlierefore. rely more and more on air fast ice. but it was decided to get as? as the area contained many needle-like say .it 3.20 at llerc ('ltippcnli;im sslictlier the -ing end or the which at of the of rock. could well lie whole course. he support, (‘om-eniently Illc close as possible to unload somei pinnacles 7 we were met tij. the .\l;ister-:ii-.-\rms in it. undetected if between It the left full of Adelaide Island is .1 gap was really enjoyed western ;iii.swer I! essential stores .ind mail. and to return I black (’on~'.ii| ‘it and for the shiny 7 "Yes." lines of tliosc at as ice piedmont. which makes an ideal with the remainder of the cargo l‘.llI.‘Ii soundings. This was brought miles Royal .-\rthiir think ls‘ Artlitir he Ro}.il it will lie. home its to us when exzintiniiig :i shoal gave airfield. but I00-foot-high ice cliffs \\ll_\' not voliintci:r'.‘ in the season when the ice would have front the ship. oltere previous soundits edge make a landing impo.s'sible_ broken illll. Reicliitig the ice edge. the sliowii teii t.itlwms_ but from the sea. exec t at the ship rammed it continually at righti tiigs Ii:idthe bottom rose alarminglyi_ suddenly western tip. where a arge base and air angles until she had cut a dock were established two years herself in which she was firmly held: from 80 feet. and emergency Iiill ago. tltit the very rocks which permit a for over half her length. but an ice.iastern was ordered to bring the .ship landing csteiid well to scawrird in the anchor was laid out for'd as a safety sliitddcring to it hall with a bare nine form of reefs and islets :ind a thorough precaution. 'l'lii:ti the dog teams‘ from‘ feet of water under her keel. and the‘ hydrograpliic survey of the area was the base c.inte galloping over the ice thrc.itetiiiig light green of ;i d.iugeroiis essential it ships were to continue to tow-;ird.s its to collect their stores and rock close abcaiit. supply the base in safety. provisions‘ while we jumped over the G.-\l.ES AN I) lll.l'I.7..\ RDS So last _ve:ir two surveyors. myself side on to the ice to stretch our legs. and P0. Milnes (Surveying Recorder .-\s the season wore on. conditions ('.\.‘ilPl{D IN ROOKI-IRY First ( lass). together with a specially for hoatisork deteriorated, Initially boat (named Quest adapted sounding More heavy pack delayed the-ship: sunsliine and flat calm seas combined after the ship of Sir Ernest Shackleto niake it pleasant Work. p;trtictil;irly oil the of Adelaide west coast lsl;ind.i ton's last expedition) joined I-I.M.S. if the bowman did his job and My but site reached the base there on Protector for :i season's work during December diiccd a constant stream of ltot drinks. and 22, we were .it last in the southern summer. The specizil clothing provided was survey area. This pack ice hindered : The Protector sailed from Ports- the start of work, and freqiiizntly. excellent and we seldom felt cold. mouth on October IS. and. after the before she could get to an area open, tliough at first the temperzituri: was not S:ilv.idor Batliurst. .it (iibraltar. calling ‘ to start sounding. the Quest‘ often below freezing. lltit as the pack xi’... and Rio de Janciro, arrived at Port enoughhave \ ice the swell ocean disintegrated c.i_me would to push and tti;iiio:iivrc lter Stanley. I-‘alkland Islands on way from the the in west. temperature tell.‘ ‘The Penguins‘ at the Old Base (‘amp at (,‘\iiii_io_i in the lllack .\liiunt.iins iec I sometimes tloes. with tltroiigh November 30. Here the survey party’. the sun shone less and less freqiicntly of the side the most crew over on the now comprising nine otliccrs. ratings LIIILI a fresh breeze often whipped tip zi ice their the to adding strength bo.1t's| and Royal Marines from the Protec.\le.ils during the tiny were ii:isi_v sea, Sometimes the spray would lor's' complement. transferred to the tcitgine. cooked in the boat. and in the even- lrecli: wlicre it landed on man and Royal Researcli Ship John Iliscoe for ing and it would have to he chipped we retttrncd to the John Biseoc to boat. while the the area. to survey off before the ticcttmtilzited weight be Protector was employed on seismic be hoisted for the night. But soon we came dangerous. Finally. at the end. had to move ashore tinder e:inv;is.{ work farther north. we required one fine day to ; accompanied by the Chief Otlicer and . of .\-larch.the survey. but it was not to; launch from the John Biscoc. to‘ complete M.\.ll-ISTIC ICEBERCS continue the survey while the ship was be: there came five days of continuous I-‘roin Stanley we steamed to South :tw;ty. The choice of camp site was very gale and blizzard. at the end of which foriiiing in such zilirniiiig Georgia. South Orkneys. llopc Bay, restricted owing to the necessity of new ice was and Deception Island, tiiiloading secure boat moorings in its vicinity. quantities that it was deemed prudent for the ship to leave before she was Ill-I Royal .\'aval Air Station. Ahbotsiiicli. Ill.-.\l.S'. Sanderliiig). pays off on cargo and relief personnel at each: btit a reasonable place was found out beset for ilie winter. 2 October 3| this year. but the Ccretiionial (‘Insure took place on July It). and base. After leaving Deception Island rocky .-\vi;in Isl.tnd_ just off the The called all the bases at on ship elills. As the name sitggests. this island. in a Special Order of the Day. the Flag Officer Air (Home). (Vii-i.--,.\dniii-3| sir the John Biscoe entered heavy ' her last north. the picking tip way is a poptila: breeding place fort ice 30 miles fl0l'IIl-\\'CSI of ; John G. llamilton. K.ll.l-2.. C.B.). referred to the line wort. carried out by all mail before the outgoing long who have scned at Abbot-sirtclt. numerous .'\f‘ll£Il’CIlC birds. and th.:' Argentine Islands. For those of rm“ 1” who had not been in ice before this] camp was in the middle of an Adelic E Releiriiig to the sadiiess ;ilw;iys felt the Sqiiudrutis ivlioiii it has been your I-.ill.l.ind and Islands. Montu.tdi.o when :i ship p.i_vs oil the Special Order privilege to support. pcnguin nmk‘.r'V_ which made it‘ Prc_ | home to was :i thrilling and inspiring 30.. on Southampton .\l.iy encc; glorious weather. no wind and sencc felt through all live senses--1 "For twenty years the main task says. "But .i good iiaiiie ;il\v;i_vs lives found where that we our experiences‘ on in our Service and fortttn;itely_ of this Air Station has been the supnot a cloud in the sky. and from they look delightful. smell LlboftlllT.lbIC.; _. I. 1 ’ ‘“ V’ l horimn to horizon stretched :1 vista sound hideous. attack viciously but many a good ship's ti.iriie is revived in port and maintenance of reserve ilater years to cart y on the great tradiSI dauling white flocs. broken only’ aircraft for the Fleet Air Arm. In ltion. I much that occasional Antarctic. the and and In .lfl hope this vital l'.t.sIi you have stood close liappeiis to p.irticiil:irly‘ majestic iceberg is H..\l.S for when it there is no such tliingi Saiiderliiig c towering rocky peaks of Grahamsurveying. llfl‘ behind the I-'ront Line who have lionoured held in and to the cast; but. most surprising as a Sunday or a iiaiiie. high regard depended on you for tlieir support. Air Fleet Arm and by throughout the You. and those who served here 6] all, the ice was alive. groups of Every day wlien weather permitted the no one more th;iii by the personnel of 3 before you. have rendered his sertough and inquisitive little Adelie boats were away sounding. but when ‘ rushing purposefully to it didn't the attractions of one‘; vice with unfailing elliciency. I know you have been sustained in nspecl this great red monster so sleeping-bag were irresistible. and life in their there then be would of world. no sign fitdely invading camp spent a period afloat in a rubber life‘ this work by the kindness and and until well forenoon! This the into into on suddenly taking fright diving HI-I first oflicer ever to be raft in the rough _wiiite_r seas of'Iltt: friendship of the civilian community routine for crack and between two flees. sometimes meant working everyg appointed as Surgeon Commodore Atlantic in his investigations into around you." where dotted about in two‘: and :1 fortnight without a break. but one is Surgeon Captain F. W. Baskerville. ,prob|ems connected with survival at‘ The .Admir;il's Special Order rethree's, seals lying and basking or two days of bad weather inevitably C.ll.l-1.. R.N.. the present Deputy l sea. ferred to the civilians who had served grossly in the sun with scarcely the ensued of which. we took full Medical Director-General of the He has been in charge of the Royal so loyalty and so well and ended "To energy to lift their heads to look dis- advantage. Navy. In future the Deputy will N;ivy’s Air Medical School for two ‘ all ollicers and men and to all civilians dainfiilly at the ship as she slid past. In lanuziry we were visited by the always hold the appointment of periods‘ and has been I'riiicip:il Medi- in H..\l.S. Saiiderliiig I wish to crprcis And all the time the ship. with her American icehreaker Staten Island. Surgeon Commodore. Ollicer of the aircraft carriers rii_v gratitude for :i good job. well and liidoniitable and Ark truly done. It is the lighting units’ of engines at full ahead, mzinceuvring who invited us all aboard for a hot Surgeon Commodore Itziskerville and meal. shower (the dates from take of c'onst;intly to appointment advantage every May I3. Ru_\'.ll. During the war lie served as Her i\Iajesty's I-Ieet who have bettecrack between tlocs. and pushing them Later on. the John Biscoe returned. l‘lo.l) is a specialist in aviation medi- :'.| surgeon lieutenant in the cruiser litcd front your work and it has been gently .isidc to make headit-;iy of per- and we moved back aboard her for the cine aiid qualified as :1 Fleet Air Arm Siisscs in the South Atliiiitic and your proud boast never to let tlierii haps two knots, but occasionally com- List two riionths of the season. to con- observer in N53. Two years ago It»: .‘<‘orwc-grin wilers l dosstt." -
ill I
al all
Aiiiioisiiicii to Pay off
at end of October SPECIAL ORDER OF THE DAY
the’ us‘
"§_'“f"_“'”" “"'_“¢r',
“h‘r" '_"‘l’ll'{'3 F" §"mp"r‘d{V"I“_ __
b_3fk_ _'h°
lcal |\’|1lIgI:ZlnCC,V -
~:\t9 II\‘c I963
Fleet Air
\’__N E W 5
-‘\' A \'
Lee-on-Solent Home of the has many duties
AEROBATICS AT AIR DAY DISPLAYS 'I‘ an ll|l|ltll'ltl:: i-'.sitiir would find. tucketl in behind tlte Iiouses tilt the st.-:i-lroiit. ll.\l.S. Ariel. the airfield which was the cradle and is now the horlte of thc I"!-:i.-t Air .-\rtiI. Here is based No. 781 Squadron. the coniiiiuuication squiidrou ol the Royal .\'a\y: t-ttuippctl with Herons tfour cni:':iie.s. I3 seats. I7(l and Ilt-ions ttiso crtgities. sesen seats. ltitl m.p.h.). lt flies pzisserigcrs on tirgciit iouriieys all user liurope as well as iitairitaiiiiut: the "Clipper" scriicc lictuccn nasal air stations. On lpcal flights. particiilarly to and from ships at sea. it Wliirlssind helicopter is piloted. curiously enough. by the nt:tn isliii lieu the identical aircraft at the Suer. landings. No. Till :ilso has two jet aircraft. a Sealiaul. and a \'-auipire. and is the uuartlian of one of the two l't.'Ill:lltllll[: Sisordli-.h: consersion of pilots front sin;:le- to twin-entzine rating is another tasls of the squadron. The Royal Naval Aircraft Repair Yard at l"li.-i.-tlaiids also uses the aeriidronie for testing and dispatch iif aircraft which liave been through its hands. This flying. of cours calls for a full-time IIll.'lt.'tIl'tlltI|:it.':llseriice. which is provided also for H(ltlicer tlloiuelt Coiiiiuamltr-in-('hiel‘. Piinsiiiuiith: l-‘lat: tltlicer. Submarines: The ultimate trim of all the training. whether of dying or ground ereus——to get the aircraft and the mm to R3 in 3 and the Queen's Harbour Master at Portsmouth. carrier—tlius foriuini: "The eyes of the Fleet." H.M.S. \'iclot'ious t3S.0t)0 trins. full load) has a complement of 2 200 ()n the perimeter of the aiilield will aircraft .isail.ihility and saving to the the Nutty-‘s latest Buccaneer. The huge searchliglithe found worksliops. classrooms and taxpayer being considerable. About no aircraft targets at considerable ra rig: and height, Ihe flight declt is over 775 feet long. The _ing r.i .ir can l.ihoratorii:s which are the eqiiipiiiciit ltltl aircraft nioseuieitts by road and carrier was built by \ii:lters-Amistrontts. I937 to I94]. being: virtually rebuilt in lI.!\l. Docltyard. Portsmouth. I950 of the Air Electrical School. .-'\ii'ci‘.il’t. sea are cllcctcd by the unit zinniially. to I958. She has recently completed a relit of over a year and is expected to sail for thc Far East to replace u_M_§, lod:i_\'. carry a mass of i:lcctt' and togetlicr viith the transport of about Hermes later this month. electronic equipment and to iii;iiiit;iiii_ 800 engines and S00 miscellaneous this the school trains mechanics iltltl loads. If :i flying accident occiirs problems which arise if an aircraft connaissancc aircraft. flying front the. ('ontrastiiig with this precision flyit year including Wrens) and artilic-.-rs .\l.A.R.'l.S.U. goes to the scene and abandoned in mid-air. Air dccl; of a fleet carrier. can. with the aid 1 in will be an acrobatic Tiger Moth. (I00 a year) and provides promotioii carefully collects the wreckage, which has toinbethese ' have to crew. vicar and of radar. establish the and a Swordfish and Spitfire to stir nosdays. of of the the bacli to it and hangar brings 350 women men courses for about a mass of equipment which is enemy forces. or air-borne. at talizia in the memories of those who sea; of uiore senior rate. In ziilditioii. Accident Investigation Unit. Herc. carry the responsibility of the Safety Equip- long range. enabling the still remember the war years. another 350 men attend short courses teams of engineers endeavour to estab- ment and Stirs-ival Training School. strike .:tll't.‘l‘tIl'l_ on deck to go lI‘ll0( An R.A.F. Transport Command which bring them up to date on par- lish the cause of the crash. a task The duties of the school are threefold: trnniediate action. (‘oniet of the type us_e_d to carry naval ticular modern aircraft equipments. which is often more complex than is in conducted. conjunction personnel and families around the (iiveti this manpower it is still ttt.'t.‘L's-I those described in the best detective iresearch ITEMS TO BE SEEN with into R.N.A.l\l.S.. new equipment isorld. will also be appearing. sary to ensure that their efforts are‘ liclion. steps are then taken to ensure arid the improvcntent of the old: the On Sattirday, Aiigiist I0. visitors will A higlidiglit of the display will be not wasted and. to this end. the F.quip- that the failure. whether of man or olliccrs and ratings who are respon- be able to see only some of the ll;I\tll the live eiectlon from it jet aircraft ment and Trials Section, in close machine. is not allowed to occur sible for the mziintenaitce and repair in service today. since others taking on from the runway. to deliaison with the research est;ibIish- again: the eshibits room. which dis- of’ ejection seats. immersion suits. inwill necessarily be occupied on duty. nionstrnte the l0Vl‘-lC\‘tl capability of in-..-iits and industry. Chcclss the r-.-- plays the iiiaterial and results of some like |it'erafts' and the are but the Buccaneer low-lcscl strike. the eiection_seat. liability of equipment and ensures that of the more important investigations. lflalahlc air while in their duties. ittairted crew Sea \'i.\cn night tighter. and‘ Those especially interested in getting: lighter. holds lessons alike for those who it can lie maintained. in of the trained use equipment Scimitar are (‘.\:lnl[‘llt.‘\‘ of those that} a closer look at some of these aircraft iiiaintain nasal aircraft and those \\ ho garc in survival 43 hours and techniques: tshcrc will he ili.-moiistiati.-it iiithe air. OTHER SERVICES ;shmild visit the static display. ll_s them. of sums or winter rain in the New A di.spl:iy of fotiinitioii iierohaties there ssill also be exhibitions of model l?l.sei\here in the establisltment the l for said be l-'orest are to :i good setting lI()\'ER(.‘RAl-'l' TRIALS will be given by R.A.l-'. Jct Provosts. ‘him “ml 3l"¢“"-L llllldml “CIIPOIN. l\‘;ival Aircraft Maintenance l)t'\'t‘li\psurvival. itt on which nasal pilots are iitili:ill_v uietcoroloitical forecasting and stirliit-.-r-S‘-ersice co-operation is es- the practical lraiuiiii: ment Unit plans the servicing of new All this elforl and its results trained. and i\';iv.iI lliiiitcis from l.os- C vival equipment. This list is hv D0 .iiicr:ift types and. tliroiighoiit their cniplilicd in the Hiiwrcriift Trials quire control and co-ordination; siemoiith. These latter aircraft c.\h:iusIivc. and |I..\l.S. Ariel. life in the Servicc_ stuilies det'ei:ts and Unit. which l\'_t\lilllCLl jointly by the which is effected by I-‘lag 0liicer.l travellittit from the North of Scotland I0 MCI’ UP Wllll m0d¢|’l'l llm“ and ilillicultics as they arise with a Niivv. Army and Royal Air Force and and U.S.A.. Air and his stall. He flies] and buclt the saute day especially for third only to the view to improving the ni-.iiiitcn.iitce iiivcstiizatcs the zidapuibilily of this. his (Home). can boast .i satellite in orbit! flat: in a "stone frigate" just} the event. schctlttlcsl the development of new modem iiiveiitiou to \\'.lT'llkC uses. the liiiundary of the airfield. j testing techniques and tlte study of Saititilcrs-Roe NI and 2. \’icl.ets- outside perpetuates the original tatigiie and its effect mi coiiinimcnt. Armstrongs l. 2 and 3 and Britten- which H..\l.$. Daedalus. of the R.N. life are tttttottg the other activities of i\'nlIl‘l;ttl ('.('.l as iscll as Denny 2. the I name. ‘ station air at Lee: his is the have 'I'li;imc.s \\‘itlt'f'htl\‘_ undergone mediate autliority over the activities this unit. The Naval Air Radio trials in home vsatcrs: Installation Unit works out liois clcc- L'\‘;tllI:tlltttl of all the R.N. air stations in the in preironic equipment can be used and tropical and desert trials are l'nitctl Kingdiiiii. made accessible for serviciiig: the I piiratiori. ‘llic Royal Naval School of A account with Bcriiards enables a customer to obtain tcsttlliny: desigtis [3l‘0Vl(lC‘ the basis l’liotogr.ipli_\‘ is Navy-mtinncd and and self of his THE (?03l.\lA.\'l)0 SHIP for prodiiction. The I-"light l)eck geared to train the ratings who service every Machinery Trials and Training Unit .and operate aircraft and flight-dccl: ll..\l.S. Ariel. under the situated branches or the Direct guidance of. is responsible for all trials of catapult cameras and process their products‘.i and arrcstiitg-gear lll(lCllll'lt:f_\ in air- it also trains all the photographers 3 Hag Ollicer. Air (I-Iomel_. _C0l‘ll|'tl)lIlCS. niciit at Harwich. safe ctlicicnt and the muclt to opera-I craft carriers as well as conductiiig the rcqttircil by the Army. officer as “the best Uniforiiis -described it
sudetectcart. deal with
\lrllie_all'L't":l.lI. the
positioit high-speed
aircraft _
im-I .
single practically L‘t)ll\'ctllt.‘l‘lll_\'
through Despatcli l}s‘[7tll‘l-
by high ranking in Naval Uniforms“; lutpeccably tailored Men's latest up-to-the-iiiinute styles
Wear in the
and cloth designs and Oiitlitting aitd Footwear departments abreast of current trends enable the "dressed by Bernztrds" customer to really feel aitd be better dressed.
Bcrnards oller the facilities of a large Departmeiital store while
truly personal service tlirouglt branches‘ and widely travelling reprea
A credit account may be opeued for scttleiiicnt by Bankers’ Order. Admiralty
; A-__._
Allotment. or Post Ollice Savings Banlt Account. and piircliases
._,,_%-__ r
Sea Herons of the Communicating; Squadron based at \'l'_\':lI'|t.‘t.' of stores between the iarioiis air stations in engines. Each engine develops 245 Ii.p. and consumes I7tl nt.p.h. at altitudes between 4.000 and ltJ.tJlJtl feet. muiit loatl.
Lee-on-Solcnt. The Sea Herons. used primarily for the con-| the United Kingdom. have four de Havilland Gypsy Queetii between I0 and I5 gallons of fuel per hour. Cruising speed is 9 Ihe aircraft can lly quite happily on three engines at masti-
personnel who (hie day. recently. a tropical tiiiil tlccid-.-il to fly into an :tltl‘\|lllL'
the coast to the west of the ‘lion of aircraft. but what ;iirc.':ift and For "tirc-brigade" diities. on’ .tl.'llt:ltl. at healicld Park. is p;gr| ti: H,\l..'s'. Ariel. Here is fouttil;whieh our \"ictori:iii torbezirs isoiild the l<o_s;il .\'.-ival Air Medical School, 9 have sent :1 giinboat, the Royal Nasy Scirititar aircraft of the Fleet Ai: -\rm. isliich. with the aid of decompression -, now has the coiiiinzindo carrier with “till the result that the .\lobilc -\ir- and cotitprcssioti cliantbcrs. selects‘ its essciitial brood of helicopters which craft Repair. Trttnsport and \.ils.i-tic" pilots and observers for high~:iltitiidc;c.iu l:tnd troops almost regardless of, Unit has a repair team at this inoiiieiit tlyiiii: and coniliicls l‘c$t.‘itl’L‘ll iin stir-fterrain. The ltelicopler can also be’ working in Nairobi: others are now \1\;tl cqiiipiiieul. clothing and tech-fhififll l" “ml “l“°mlC 1'70"‘ 3| ‘"1-Ill! in action at Singapore (Sea \’i.\ciil .im| iiiqucs: air crew receive instruction in ! ship aitd so carry out anti-siibm;irinc; Montevideo tll.i\l.S. Protcctor'~. heli- lirst aid and in the ntedical aspects of and other duties almost anywhere. For 2 copter), the resulting iniprovcmcnt in .tltc me Ill oxygen and of the many ntiirc serious ciiicri:cns‘ies nasal re-l
-cliool which operate it.
may be made at cash prices. excepting on Hire Piircltasc accoiints. where only a small additional charge is made. Full details of Beriiiirds Service will gladly be given on request at a braiicli. to a representative or Head Ollice and Remember You Really Do Buy fietter at Bcritards.
C. H. BERNARD & SONS LIMITED 6-8 Queen Street. Portsmouth, Hants
Telephone 23535
(‘IirrrIirmi. Drroripurl. I’nrtIuml. Deal. (Iriiiirlvy.!um!r'rr_i-. /I(lr‘Ill'hlt!,t.‘]I. !)iiri]t‘rrIi!iiir'. (iihrrtllttr. VtI”l'Il(l um! .\'Iii-mo. .lIiilIii.' imil ii! l.r7.\.t‘ft'lII0llI,l. .-lrhrmitlt. Brriu'rl_\'. ('ttldroir. (_'or.iImrii. L\'IH]J\llJIll'. Ymi-illoii. Poole. rind H..\l..S'. Dolpliiii. ()fiii'rrs-' Other hI'tIIlt'Ill'.\
.\'hop.i' m .PI_vmnuIIi. I’orI.imnutIt um! Sotilltriiiiptoti. IleailOtlicr‘: .-tn),-lt'a Houir-_ llriririrli. I;',r. ']‘rIrpImm* 2281.
N.-\V\' .\'l-IWS
August. I963
hi k’
jvcrsa_ It
C u
iarc the
f too. that there
iuenibers in ditferent branches of association who could provide ziccominodation for members wishing l 0. 7 Area of the Royal Navalgto Vlxil that part of the country but Association. comprising (ilouces. who uould not wish to take part in tenhire. Worcestershire. llereford- the eschatige system. ‘shire and South Wales. added to the3 If there are arc:i secretaries or number of branches in the Area on branches interested in this exchange July 8 when a new branch was formed ho|iil;i_v \_\‘\lCl't1 they should get in touch with the area secretary of No, 7 at Aberavonand Port Talbot. The area chairman and the area .-\rc.i. F. H. Walters. I3 ’I'_vlacelyti sccrctar-y visited the branch at its‘ Road. l'.in_\cr.iig. Rliomlda. (ilani. lieadquarters at the Four Winds Hotel.‘ .-Kberavon Beach. and numerous questions were asked of them during the meeting. most being answered to the satisfaction of those present. The iiiziugiiral meeting closed with a concert has been received that the being given by members of the branch. The membership of the branch Banbridge and Dl.'sIl’lCI Branch of stands it is 300 and at already hoped ftlie Royal Naval Association. formed increase this to number considerably .onl_v at the end of last year. has in the near future. Negotiations arc already obtained its Standard. which in progress whereby the branch will \HI\ dedicated by the Rev. W. V. Font, shortly acquire their own headquarters . ('liaplain. R.t\'.. of ll.-.\l.S. Sea l-Zagle, in the form of a club-house situated f on June 23. on the new sea front at Aberavon. The service. well :ittetidcd by l br.ttlcltc~. of the association from over Rll0.\'l)DA CLUB T00 S.\lAl.l. t a wide area and by other local organiThree years ago the Rliomlda w.i'.ioiis. uas conducted by the Rev. l llranch opened its club-ltottsc at 'l'on_v- .\'. R, ll.imi|ton. i\l..-\.. rector of Sealpandy Sqiiare. 'l'onypandy_ and since patrick l'.irish. and the Rev. J. W. [then members from all parts of the (to/zci. tllltll\lCt‘ of llinbridgc Non*country have \'l\llC(l the club,_ Ratings; Siiliscribziig l’rcsbytcri;iti ( lltll'..‘ll. read trout Royal .\'avy ships nhicli have. llll: lt.'\\l\l'l\. ‘tho I-iail of Rodcn prcseiitcd the visited Carditl have :tl.\o been critertaincd by the members. The club is St.ind;ird \\lllt.'ll “JV carried by Sitinfully licensed and open seven d.i_vs a in.ite J. ll:tt‘\lt;t\\‘.the branch secretary. week, but larger premises are required .-\tnoti«_.: those present were Surg. ('dr. to accommodate the members and'l). Bennett. R,N.. Mr. (‘. (‘rci_ehton. mcir fl-km]; and -.-isgim-5_ ,\ ng\~ sitc l (‘lt:iirin;in of the local Urban ('otincil. has been obtained and a new club-I Mr. R. J. Weatlierall. T0\\n Clerk and house will be erected at :1 cost of about i t“L'fllh'--‘f\ 07 ll“! (‘0l|"Cll£55,000. This. it is hoped, will be: ('dr, A. I). Baird. R.N.. of ll..\l.S. of opened in February. I96-t. j Sea l-Iagle. took the .\llllllL' at the march When the last No. 7 Area meeting past. A ssreath was laid on the war is-as held at llromsgrove it was Sllg-;lllt:lllt!l' to the memory of former Lzestcd that an exchange lioliday t ~lIIr‘t“it1t'*l‘lic lltitibriilgc Branch hopes to be :systcm should be introduced la member from one part of rcprcsctitcd on August I when lcountrv could arrange to spend liis..-\ ot the Hcct lzarl .\lount— lholidays with another member from batten presents the l.iniiv:id_v llrancli ; another part of the country. and vice I with its Standard to be d.:dicatci.l. '
K. K...
CO.\lR.-\DESlllP "
Year-old branch dedicates Standard
Ky Waterford Branch of the Royal Naval Association entertaining some of the ships‘ companies Il.M.S. Ships Gurkha and Virago. (Photo: Olaf Deevy. Wziterlord) ._‘
Members of the
whereby! they‘-'el|
B N1.
‘SHIPS Virago and Gurkha paid courtesy: visit In \Vat(_-rfturd for (bye?!
g?fi;'t;§t;:i:. :"t%.i.‘;.£.g:*;'*;.:“.°:. 't; :.'.:"..:.:.r.'.:.:."+'.;:'. '.'.-; :r:.3l1i 'l .-‘;’i‘.'.?.“.§.‘.'.°.g
M ore M eett ngs
"ah 5"." sum“. “Id I'M“. uupmm of me‘ Irish Naval Reserve. These were piped on board \'ir'.I;:n and erected by Cdr.'~ ':('h:itli:iiiiunder the coiniiiaml of l.iciit. 4 Osborne. Captain of ll.M.S. Virago. Antoiii: the party was the hortorar_\‘ .(iiit|d;tril. R..\l.. amt tltc Sc.'t (;ttlcl\ of the Waterford Branch of the .\'-aval secretary Association. Shipniate' Royal the Training Ship Anson. with their; Ill-I change from a monthly meetI’. Barry. HE Standard of the Dartford otlicers. Licut. Battison. R.N.R.. l.ieut.l_ ing to a t'ortnii:htl_v meeting of the Cdr. Osborne. and Cdr. Lewis. Cap- pay off. the coxswain said it was onlyt branch of the Royal Naval Hewitt. R.N.R.. and I.ieut. l)c-(iraatl.t llartford branch of the Royal Naval t.iin‘ot' H..\l.S. Gurkha. and otlicers. lilting tli;it the tlag should go to the fciatioii was re-dedicated at Dartfurd R.N.R._ marched via the High Sticct I\\\HL'illIl0|'I has resulted in iiicreased called at lllc (‘ity Hall and were re» Waterford llrancli. as the secretary of Parish Church on June 23. the vic:ir.tto the Church. :liIt.'lltl:Inl'l‘\.more interest in branch cetvcd by Councillor (irillin. hlayor the branch had served in the third the Reverend Rutl-and ll. (iriflin The [);u-iford branch Standard and social nflairs and more opporof W.itert'ord, lit the evening the new Virago in WI”. The secretary or the dufliflll ml‘ '*|-‘|"'lt‘¢(Standard bearer. .’s'liiptn;ite \\'. Pear- ttinitics lur enrolling nevi members. Mdlv‘-‘I’. Alderniziii T. Brennan. paid ‘ branch suitably replied and so did the The parade lornietl tip at the l‘t-Iflt-‘l1 son, with Shipmatcs llarnes and Over} .-\n active social committee has his respects by visiting both ships. M. Sullivati. tcliairnian. Sliipniatc ll‘-‘éldt-tl|4lt‘la'I"i. ill l.0\\|i~'|dStreet. llmlcl its escort). led the massed Staiidards ol tiioiiglit up \\.I_\\ and incans tor the "f ll" Alderman llrcnnan had an iiticlc.-“°"‘b°"" .l"'*“‘.°l‘ “'-"T ll” the l’at'.idc ‘.\l;lf\ll2ll. Sliipnialc l’. C. l \\'¢t|ing_ |_¢wi5h;un_ Sid;-up, (‘ms-don_ eiiteriaiiinietit of visitors. Visits to W1“, ,.cn.,_.d ;,, me First World Wm. guest». for the evening in both ships. Wells and. headed by the band of the (iilliiigliam and (irccnwich_ with con.- iieigliliiiiiritig hranclies :iud coach out.\laiinc Cadet Corps and who was in H.!\t.S. Sullolk at‘tlwroushlytrim-nslhcnmIv=~. from each branch swelling Ill'_.'\ have proved to be most popular. \q_“];V..;i...;t;_ $ut;.|_icui_ [)g_\-lg-_ [rim Sonic ol’ the ships‘ coznpanics were tthe numbers of the local tncmbcrs. Sliipiiiaics and their l:tt't’tlllL‘\ are Naval Service. is a nephew of the late ¢"l‘-‘H’-“Wt-l bl’ lhh‘ hfllncll in the iliaving an all-day coach outing to (‘hi.:t‘ siotgcr j_ |_)o_tv|c, ||_._\t.5_ Shamrock (‘ate, a sing-song going on illflllllllill atid l.aiiciug on September \'lC.-\R'S AIJDR I-ZSS until |l.30 p.ti_i._ It was hard to part I. .-\u applicatioii for 40 tickets for '1'.-m._-Litre-_ ' The took the Vicar of $1.‘ account such a trtendly :ind ciigoyahle Rugby and soccer game. l’.iiil's shipwreck as the theme of his the .-\nniia| Reunion has been f.!fZIl'tls'(l. arr it--d ;nd tl ere wer‘st 1 ti address and his recoinnietidcil lt\lL‘t‘lL'l‘\ "H": “ On the second meeting of the mpmlcr 5]“ “ml ‘r read he it it. to the as was thought «month. the fourth Monday. bttsiness 3" “"""3 me" {mm “ ‘”"rr‘"d sortie ol the finest glass in the 'h°"'7 linest of and account shipwreck. panic lis being combined with pleasure. for or area who would like to join the world. and to the local bfcttcf). from ever peril. delivery has 5:,“ gws ,“.,;,,d [mm r the meeting ‘there is a social bmm_h‘_‘mq_ mm” ht ‘mm. than \,_.c‘_ He then draw written. 1 to proceeded pa" 5-,”; Bunch of R", nmban. is a small one and ‘cvettin-,2. and visitors are always welcome._lhe branch‘ PRESEN-I-A1-ION 0!: I.-LAG St. between an Paul and his‘ branch‘: success over the :in:il_ogy and there is an intention to combittc the ‘come. There is :i gootl bus service travellers present-day companions The coxswain of H.M.S. Virago Waterford and (‘ink llranches. I’. Royal Naval Association. of the; -[1:i\l "'l'lic Plottgti" in l.owlic|d Street life's \\lllt road. along out : ciupliasis Branch in mg (in; of mg}, [cg the rungto :1 presented Waterford l Barry. of l Ratlifadden Villas. Water[lag only live tttitttitc\' walk from the and of associ:i- . town Rrancli on behalf of the captain and ford. l-fire. would be pleased to reply rang. dafls comes‘. ueadcn centre. like the Naval .-\ssoct;i1-¢m,_-mt," Royal “mg in am 1"“, ice“, 5. 't_tons was i ship's coinpany. As Virago is about to to any inquiries. Tlll-I I-I.\lP'l'Y Pl..-\Cl-'. that Whilstable had taken . "0“fmentioned = 4 min. 2 sec. to After the service the parade inarclicil 1 score 1.001. 5llt;'l.'tl‘.Il‘.‘\ of the Dartford branch back to the bratich llt:Zttlt.|lllIflt.'l'\. tltc do not like the look of the t In the pnscmc of “.1-Vcs and r,-iwdi lot the sliipmatcs. the guest of honour j Wllllt‘ 9" 70"” l‘¢l!‘$ Wk‘-'“ ll!‘ Milli" placc in their lieadqitarters andempty have Itthc British Vice-Consiil. Mr. asked ".\';ivy News" to inform the 0‘ “W (0t"W|l 0"“-‘L‘-"n and Mrs. Coleman). and mcmman. Strmut branch that it has the Don bers of the sliip's company of H.i\l.S. After dismissal. the ISO or so cs- ;\lurra\ lroplty only on a temporary ‘Wliitby. which was paying a visit to I sailors were intertaiticd by the Dan- l1lt\I\ that empty place at Dartlord Durban Branch scored ford sliipniat-.-s. offers the jl)urban. the 'll.t\ to b: tilled! facilities to all Ex-serl.O0t in 3 min. 2 sec. Lu‘
0’ c.
lot’ Asso-l
§Ro_\.i| -
\V.iJtei‘t‘ (ilasis Fuclol-\‘.Vln't;ikc(t:s crystal
following unique
and their wives and Ex-servicewomen and their husbands for only £l per year.
Q 300 bedrooms from as little as 8/- per night single and 6/- per person sharing (most with constant hot water and central heating). . Dining Rooms, Cafeteria, Fully licensed bar. Lounge, Billiards and Library. . A spirit of comfort and camaraderie.
for details and application form The Secretary THE VICTORY EX-SERVICES CLUB 63-79, Seymour Street, London, W.2
l.ieiit. Thomson. Midsltipnian llull.. ;P./‘Oflicer Batchclor. of H.l\l.S. Wliit|h_v. acted as judges and looked after ltlie interests of the Wltitstable ship-
lmates. Shipmatc "Roy" Brcverlon.‘ of the branch. threw tlieg
'calcd .»\l'ter the service the parade .v\i|l ni.iich past and then proceed to ,llls' |.i-cariio Ballroom where tea and HlPi\'I4\Tl'I5 of No. 6 i\rc'.t (Bed- i:lll\.'fl.lttl|llt.'l'tl “ill be provided until rnrmhi" Bmkin1:h:ltlI\lIll‘t.‘. ()1- .~ pan
itirst dart and. by a fluke. says the ."‘i\';iv_v Ncsss" reporter. got a double ."and. by a bigeer tlukc still. threw, tli. double_~ om._.. to ltiiislt the lLl_... Hordfihire‘ ‘km-m,d‘m“_ 'hmungdon_ (iR.\.\'l) i'\i.\\Al. ll.-\I.I. isliire and Berkshire) are looking for! TSED [0 "E C00“. l'ro:n 7 p.m, Mecca llallrooiiis wilt to the weatherman providing : None of tltc l)tirban li:.'.tll'l plats excellent weather on Sunday. Septcm-‘ talxc over the ctttcrtaintiicttt in the ‘darts regularly. but they all said: "We her l5. for on tli-at day No. 6 Area is tori-.i in .I grand tiaval ball. l:ll’.\l'L'l;1ss used to be pretty good. but havg not -to hold its annual rally and (‘\'l'l’_\llllllfl artists are being. etigageil and th.: p|a_\cd for years." Perhaps it was the points to the altair being the best ever ciitertauiiiiciit should round oll \\ held. I stcadying influence of the local beer. priI:iti\c\ to be a uoiidcrliil da_\. the .-\rea Sc‘er::t:ir_\. S. E. Davis. "t\'a\')' News" congratulates Diirb.-.tif ’lhe rally “ill take place at 0 its win line and looks forward to Stevenage and the Presideiit of the Sliallcross Crescent. llatlicld. llerton .rccciving early news of the results of .-\\ci;ition. Admiral Sir Frederick 1'.-rdsliure. asks that br;inclie.\' inform the other legs. Parltzint. has consented to take the him or their reqiiireiiicnts as soon as The Durban llrancli meets on the salute atu.l inspect the parade. possible. ‘I he cost. which is being sub;l$tSl Friday of each month at the! The parade will niuster in Steven- ‘sidiseil. is: ten 2s. 6d. tea and daticc ?t\lcrc|iant 0flicers' Club in Aliwal age Market Place at 2.3() p.iii. and is. tut. Parties of I2 or more for tea ;Strcct. and :2 cordial invitation is '; alter the inspection will match to St. and ilarice. 53. per ticket lintry for extctidcd to all association shipntates (ieorge-'s Chtirch where the Statidard ‘both tea and ball will be by ticket. lof Stevenage l'lranch will be dedi- l onlv ,sliouldtlie_vevcr visitfloutli Africa
(2 minutes from Marble Arch
for tlgThree months home getting retiring chairman
Au ust. I963
.\'A\ Y
HE Colcltester Branch of the Rtual Natal Association now has a nevi chairman and a new treasurer. Sltipmates F. .\tcCill and R. Clubb. respectively. At a well-attended social i.-atht.-ring the retiring chairman. Shipmate L. Clubb. was Vrevaented with an inscribed silver tank-ard and the retiring treasurer was given at cheque for the excellent services they have rendered in the branch. Branch membership is still very etition. the linances are in excellent April 22. I963. il..\i.S. Tapir N_ good and attettdanecs at meetings I.'t'Il'l(llil(lll. sailed from Balmoral Naval Depot. l:.i\e. if anything. increased since the l Recent social events have been con8_vdne,\‘. the base of the Fourth Subincrease was made in subscriptions. .Iined to local activities. in particular. lh.inl.s to the weekly branch cont- ‘darts matches. in which the branch marine_l)ivision. tor (iosport. home retirement. It was a cold morning .tlssa_vs' seem to lose the match but and with stormy weather approaching the alvta_vs win the gallon of beer. It is “llcads“——the entrance to Port Jackmust be a psychothou}.-ltt that there son-ohen to three cheers from the reason tor that. somehow! spare crew lined on the jetty. the strains‘ of Scottish Iantents t'rom pipers Ill-I Didcot Branch of the Royal C.-\l’.~\ClTY CROWD I-I.‘(Pi-ICTED on a rocky ledge overlooking the Naval Association which “as I harbour and_ Hag (lthcer-in-Cliarge for the in hand East Australia‘: band playing: the inaugurated at the beginning or Wall Preparations are ‘annual .—e is still going .stront: and now has a ".sausage-and-mash" supper. “lgraven A" advertising jingle. Tapir membership at over 50, including two land it‘ last year's event is anything slipped and proceeded. As she sailed Tito girls from a p_arty of 50 blind Asian children who \is'ti.-d ll .\l.S. Albion at btngapori: recently. being wi,-ti.-om;-d on ho-.mj_ lady members’—ntembers in their own lto go by another capacity crowd of out of Sydney Harbour she was 4 :200 be The Jack can In addition is small expected. “Jolly there the Submarines Trump numa right. by escorted Choir" its is "messalready rehearsing and labard and a tly past by aircraft ber of associate tnembers. among ; numb:rs"—-with maximum ‘deck the whom is a YOUNG ex-soldier. “Pop” of the Royal Australian Air Force of of is decorum. it course. Attwool. now 82. us with streamers (toilet of will that the honour Mess nights and committee niglits guest ro s‘ PARTY of S0 blind Asian children visited H..\I.S. Albion recetttlv As of the Lord vice-presidents. are held in the Territorial (‘amp (lob :be one very rough crossing Tapir Alter ya she prepared for M.-a following a six-week retit period in _s'i.iu-apor-. on the tirst and third Tl1tlrs'd;t_\'s in the l.’\lporl ot Colchestcr. who has just re- arrived in Tonga for what proved a After a walk around the hangar the esamine the crane and other items ol month and members of tire Assc\ci:i- turned to this country after being High very pleasant three days. bcinggivcn for Rhodesia and a very warm welcome by the trxcndly children were taken up to the night the comrnaudosltitfsllittbl-decL t.'t|IItp. tion in the neighbourhood at any time (‘onintissioner deck by the ships forwzitd hit. \\llt.‘I'C ment. 'l'hcj. inspected and went mode .‘s‘yasaland lor the past two years. are assured of a warm welcome. people of the island. I it was not possible to get sutlicicnt ! All shipmates who plan to travel The next port of call was Pearl they new able to wall. arottnd and {one of the ship‘s Wessc.\ he|tcop‘.:rs_ land also had a ride on one of {hp names to organise a bus to go to the -to the East (Toast during the holiday lllarhour. the tirst time-as far as lllight-deck tractors. The) ‘returned to l-loyal Tournament. but two who did js'.‘:tst\n and who would like to break ‘records show. that an English sub- 6 of for hours lmarine 1thc hangar by the alter lilt and alter a couple has visited Hawaii. Here there go, the chairman. Shipmatc J. F. !their journey tirst was a rousing welcome complete with ltuttcrs. and the treasurer. Shipntate ;or \o will tind a welcome any receiving presents of sis;-ets. left the P. l.c .\lcrcicr. had a most enioyahle ;or third Friday of the month at the band. leis and llawaiian liula-hula lship to continue their tour til the l 'hranch lieadquarters at the Co-op. girls. As‘ soon as the ship secured docl>.)'strd. tvening. lS'ocial l.ion Wall;. Club. live 'l'l1L‘rc were more than <0 \\!llll1g American the is in base. .l. branclfs the Bu/‘lacott .'s'bipmate ,-Hawaiians rushed over the brow to welfare representative attd he is more “E fin‘ of 3 “mired numb" of 1 volunteers from the ship's .-.unp.iii_v to H. the captain. l_.ieut.-Ctir. than willing to assist any eligible pery.-om", doctor; '0 1,, gr-mgedlltiiik alter their small guests. so that R.N.. with a passionate §ho"_“n.i“, commi“iom rm, dun. 3. c_ach child had his or her own ;_-aide. son whether or not lie belongs to the embrace and to put a lci over the head naval shore establishments in this i‘-'~"~'l‘ ‘~'l"l‘l Ctlllltl 5PL‘i'l~ l‘-"t3ll‘~ll- N’ ill! Associattiott. of the trot sentry. '1 he branch runs bingo sessions on Pearec_ Pearl country and over.seas. Surg. l_i¢u|_ sailors were able to describe t'u- m.<o‘_. Harbour and llawaii were enjoyed by Colette Cecilia Green. R.\'..aI'ulIv and|")int=~ “hich their suv~’t~ could -tniv (Continued from page 7, column 5) :1 50-50 basis‘ with the Barn lhcatrc all the ship's company. largely as a highly qualilied doctor. will carry out “till”“'"‘‘t‘W‘ l"~"'lr lluilding Appeal Fund in the Bart! l theatre at Didcot. but it would seem Although the number of ships today result of the overwhelming anti un- all the duties of her male cuunter- REsl.'_1. OF |_A(.K (H. (“RE small when compared with the ‘ending hospit.ilit_\ ol the .-\tnerican parts. except. of course. that she will that the bingo cralc is wearing oll. for attcttdzinccs have shown a big drop inavies of the United States and the ltusls .-‘\lmost all of th: clulihcn wcr: lmrn not be appointed to a ship. She is the l indeed. is. said that the jU.S.S.R.. the Royal .\'avy rcvctttl_\'. it cannot be woman to he comntissiuned as -.1 f with sight. but bcc.'im: hlu-.d tlu.-u;.-h when and com i-..x.'m weather keeps people out of a very powerful force. I-IA BL'l.l)L'S SAN l)ll-IC0 medical olficer in the Royal .\'a\_v‘malnutrition and lack ot care. ll'.L'\' and tiuursl Tioiued with the Commonwealth for more than I0 years‘. will uescr recover thcu st‘__'itl. la-.;t. -t\ nv.irvcllous. If Pearl ilarbour was is massive 'r\'..-\.'l'.(). navies the result Surg. l.icut. (ireeu is one tit" only 1 was obvious to all. they ..:.~ no-.i ‘.\,'!| San Diego was labtllotts. (lttcc .n_:;ittt live women to wear the gold lace ol’ i(‘|‘isL'(i .t!lL'l'. olllccrs and men were shown fantastic olltccrs ol the l<o; .\.n_\. lhc other lhe org.tni~.ittou “lllsll i.~nL.s the 'l.ind .utd generous hospitality by them is an eutu'cl_\ \oluuI.<.:\ one. Your are ~cr\'in;.- .is dental ntliccrs. hosts". ll.S.S. sulimarinc base .-\meric;in Her antbitions lic ill the Iicld ol is one of the'l} local .li its l-'I\'l-I '|'ll()l'S.-\Nl) SIIIPS ‘\‘almou was host suhm:uine and all orthopa.-dtc surgery and she contcsscs which are supported in the King. from her captain to the most to a love of the sea and sailin_i:. and : Naval Base ( hatity ( best. It \l 8' Thu R.i_v:t| .\avy is composed of her grew junior ratin-_.' could not have dotte more her reasons for entering :ltc Royal‘.-\lhiou recently ilonated £210 to the some (~00 ships in all classes from ()\'.A\l. Naval .-\ssttt'i'.|li0It hrancltes do ‘-\tl}'.'ll‘llli' 'Vav' ‘tin Charity ('hl l U t. l‘|‘lll' k l l Crtllscfi. to make the sta_\ memorable. I wil :ire: "Ti L “ E’ tiic -.~n'.:icommando ships‘. k‘:tl'fl'.‘I'\'. was ( alifornta of No. II Area rallied to the’ Whxlc in opportunity plctely ditlcrent and gain contact with lccctls trom their concert part-. l‘lI't‘\ll.'k' submarines. minc~ frigates. tlestrovers. Los to House for to on summer felt: at Sherburn ever_\onc go up branch-cs‘ ot medicine which l could tron, "livv.-r_sboily Out." wluch was auxiliaries. etc. The Cum- given sweepers. June l5. aml the organisers. promi- monvvcaltlt .pcrtormcd at the .\’.i\.il llasc lll'.‘.:lrt!. number about 320. Angcles to see'\\'alt l)isncy‘s "l)lsttc}- ttot see ttl L‘l\Ill:Il'llite." ships by n¢-.t antoug whom is Rear-Arlrnlral U.S..-\.) land." This was immensely enjoyed Iescluding .\..-\.l'.(). ships short all too llutton. president of the l)arltam the U.S. Navy about cscrtonc and a day was ol and l.ti-30. about this childBranch and clerk to the governors of to see the t.‘nlIl‘t,‘ t'attl;ts_\ is on for a total of This 2.350. getting the House. can. with justice. claim that The U.S.S.R. ex- tcns’ (and adults‘) \\oml'.'t'l;ind. 5.000 about ships. From San Diego Tapir lrasellcd tht-_v did a good job, The sun shone cluding satellites. totals‘ about arty brilliantly and attracted large erouds. '.‘\.'.’(i0 ships. but this tigure is. neces- south to Panama and had an uncvcutIt will be made known at a later d.itc~ tiul and interesting passage from the‘ of somewhat art inspired guess. sarily. Pacilic to the Carrihcan. -staying for how much linancial assistance vsllll to look at a breakis interesting it .\'o. I l Area and Its ; two da_\s in Cristobal. in the Canal accrue to of Out of classes certain ot ships. branches‘. Zone. 5 up all two carriers. aircrat't ‘lo except Trinidad was the nest visit. where Slupmate "Dick" lleron. welfare’ or C0n1nlt)nV\'I2:|lllt N.A.T.0.. in otliccr and standard-bearer is up and |:ire everyone tool; the opportunity of of L808 Ottt destroyers hands. U.S..-\. steel bands about again after a spell in there listening to the inevitable the all navies. of and I‘ri;:ates and watching the unbelievable con-‘ dock," and was present :it the Annual are about I00 in the Royal Navy. (‘ont'crcnce. tortions ol' the exponents of the art ol has over 7l0 and the the U.$..‘\. just limbo. Some of them can even get Shipmates of the branch who work : U.S.S.R. 440. in the ne:tr~by prison still continue to’ under a bar In inches from the ground. nuclearOf submarines. excluding do tlteir good works. They belong Leaving Trinidad. the .submarir_ie U.S.A. the of which ones. powered Ponta Delgada. In a recently formed motor club and are in all travelled northforto the of 828 out has a preponderance. last visit. San otlcring to take aged and intirm : navics. Great Britain has 44. U.S.A. San Miguel. pcoplt: out for recreational jaunts. Miguel is a very beautiful island and I50 and the U.S.S.R. 453. time other than at the end of .1 The Russians evidently do not in- at any long passage home. those on board for mines: blockaded be tend to by P. S. for:uerl_vl Shiprnate Cramp. would have liked to stay longer. Here the of 2.412 out Royal mineswcepers. of Leicester ot‘ the Branch 3 \c4.‘l'Cilll')‘ a large number of the ship's company the Royal i\'av;il Association until his‘ Navy has I72. the U.S.A. 218 and last-minute presents that had been sudden illness a few mottths .1]:-\. isfthc Soviet Union. in rullnl-l llS"TC‘- got the titnc in Australia. during forgotten L000 is and rnakiiig satisfactory progress On July I5 H..\l.S. Tapir entered (The ligttres are taken form ".lane's .i’ortsmouth now .m "out-patient." attending hos- ; Harbour to go through Isllitl three times a week for ther;i-[Fighting Ships“ (I062-63). New iC"ustoms before going ttlongsidc pcutic trcatziicnt. which is proving : building. conversions". scrappings. elt.‘.. H..\t.S. l)olpliin to be met by wives. 'n-.-u-.-licial. -may account for slight variations.) sweethearts and families. Home at the .cnd of nearly l5.000 miles‘ passage lfrom Sydney and the end of 20 years' service. During this commission Tapir steamed nearly one-tlurd of the quarter-nullion miles that she has (Delete .is .ippropri.ite) steamed during her life. She now has ‘I\'AV\’ NEWS’ ROYAL NAVAL .1 tew more months service in borne waters bclore going Into ltnal retire'
l)lDCOT_T‘l(_).W-HAS :logical OVER 50 MEMBERS
Blind children visit Albion
I oIl'l ‘l ,Jit'tg
1 NA\/vi DAYS
igrect |l.0l’l'ln'tCl'.
Good sutillort for Fete
lllt lttlttyl
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I'ii-rm‘ Inn! at <‘Up_)' of cm It iuur of Nutt-
I I Iucmlicr
n] R..\'.
rm .
v milrr '/mum] rm.'rr
Iii-iIt,:.' :1 mlncripliuli far I.‘ mm-x, (_'umnri-m e
lltere’s nothing like It GUINNESS
.................................. --ss--u-s......o..
Renewal Form
’r'/trque voltie 10$.
Imlrru: postage. .
iiom on.
lilcscn members of the R..-'\.i7. Paracluttc Display Tcatn will malsc a free-fall descent from a Transport ('ommand Argosy at ‘).000 feet. trailo ing coloured smoke until they open their parachutes at the R..\l. Air Station. ('uld.'osc's Air l.).:y. on July 27.
Adniiral Sir Irvine (ilcnnie
on -..
N A v s’
M N, 1953
thinghwhiicli ha not changed since the i
ll..\l.S. Adamant at Gibraltar. The only
is the Rock itself
‘Old Hands’ shocked at Gibraltarlmt:::;[ TSC;§§gNvIVilgf;5g on
.-\usoni:i's crew hzid hzid tour iitoiiths' i extra training and iiizuuiged to pull "'3 l'¢d"“_' c¢m““3 Shll‘ 5d“""‘ attend to win. The "Old and Bolds"i 0"‘ b°"‘l""'d'“"" l"!"‘l0"“""'"-'d proved that there was ;i spark of life ""3 C399 wffllh 3°ml’="'d' left by winning the "biiniiy-liup" r;icc., Ill“-N-‘l|1‘t-‘ much to their own surprise. wlii'lc;""~"" Rim“ 0" -l°'3'193''d 20‘ "53'0 3“ 0P'~'|'3l|0|18l “Ml bout 5*‘? thc_ Lieutcnant-(‘omni;inders' “'9' 16mu“‘° 18' “" distinguished itselt by res-olviiig in """"‘-',“ i"P°|'=|l|““"l "|‘“_ F F0’ “"3 tight circles on the starting line.
round" by Rear-Adiniral D. B. L:iw.~during all hours prepnriiig and loudiiig the Flag Otlicer. Siibmurincs. who was torpedoes for przictice lirings by the submarines. to meet the ship zit (iibraltiir. At (iibrultar the ship was met by "I0" PRKJ5 L‘ silo” W-'0 tlilllflnls W110 llild "l\ilCh'llili¢d" across Fr:ine¢ and Spain.’ arriving.l Many of the ship's compziny toured 5 bfilnrc _lh'~‘ 5l"_P- Wllwll llllll Sallcd from the Rock and St. ‘.\lich:iel'.s (‘us-cs. but : the United Kingdom on June 7. the shops. once :1 "must" for cvcr_\'- ! ‘Pl||'P‘N' 07 Oblalnlnn replenishment. 'l'lie squttdron “W:iterm:iiii:i" visiting (iibriiltnr. were not up to, out maintenance and giving POPUIAR TRIPS czirryini: -.1 Most .m: .is held on the d.i3. following the ships things cxpectatioiis. “mun, mp‘ “UL. mmc M Mnlugm ‘ham k_.:“.c_('-ans and om" rmmnmies arrival. the Miscelluiieous Division :is in the United Kingdom. J°"°’- ”‘° “”,"° “"“Pl'3>"t3|"FV|"'d““F‘“°“ml"l'“““" Md. czisilv winning the Divisional Trophy. favourite "rabbit" seemed to he!-"“Ym" the schzirnhorst was previously The limit item was :i water-polo match Spanish dolls. but most people crossed ‘ being particiilarly appreciated. Many 3 .“'5'-‘llc “f m‘ “'°'“ “" b"m'1""°". between the depot ship and the stib- to La Linea or to Algccinis for 5"” '5 30.0 [cu m"‘* .5“""‘ ‘"‘° °m°°" “'l‘° l°"3“.l '.".‘ l"“‘.V'."” marines. during which ('dr. Mc(iwire since thc_\' were clictipcr in Spztin. mm‘ ‘''‘l‘'‘'‘'‘“. The sqtindron pulling regzittii was “nd Spcm mm“ h“"“ 3" 13"‘ ‘in beciimc more popultir than the ball. “"d h*'5 “f 4'"“-l‘ "‘”"“"‘°'“ ‘M mck 5"‘ “ML l“ " 3"“5(“"3" and. it is said. drunk hall’ the water held while the ship wzis at (iihr;ilt:ir.l 0f SW?" the Cock being won by the "C‘1lAhl_C in the Nutlicld Swimming Pool. 0" "*'"S " '0 l ° I ', "*'l'"_l1‘The onlv people who did not “do" Jacks." trained by l.ieiit. Hclben. this “'3” 3"°°iFd bl’ 4 S” _‘- ‘“‘° -°"-"W?" the sticky. clinging mist which l‘L‘(li.'fill (iermiin Navy she \Ii':.tS reGibrzilttir were the torpedo rindicrcwwus chiillcngcd by tliellttiiiiltoti littcd iiutl modilicd for :i training role. ordnance parties. for they were btis_t't('Up crew of H..\l.S. .-\ii.soni;i. btit. al- ldrupcs Gibrtiltzir when the wind is in the cast. This delayed sailing for It‘ when the Schzirnhorst carried out couple of hours. but evcntu:ill_\ her buiiib:irdment cxcrciscs. ti liaison Aduniant and her brood set course for lczim from tltc 95th Amphibious l"lj.'mouth. the trip hotne being l.'ll' Observations Rcgimciil. Ru y:tl t livencd by a concert on the well deck. :\rtiIlcr_v. performed spotting duties. ---'2 2:12.... used during which sortie tinitihihileil tzitid "the (';ipc Wrzith rtingc has been itflltllll \ hy N..-\.'l.(). ships several times in unprtntublel talent emerged _
..V|.S. Adamant and seven subiiuirines of the Second Submarine Squadron recently paid 2 visit to Gibraltar and “old hands" were shocked at the changes they found. the youngstersn were probably .tiiipp_v with trips to Spain. and the elieiip drinks, but those whose first visit it was for many years. had nostalgic memories of rip—ro:iring “runs." and were a trifle saddened at the change to a typical tourist centre. During the trip out. Adamant carried out numerous exercises. ineluding tiring her “main armzimcnl" ‘.'0-ni.m. Ocrlikonsl The seunien were busy preparing for :i "will; ‘
°""“d"'1-'-t_'_l‘M'5' ,M"".‘.‘“'d' .
_Tl‘¢ '“°"“l"§'0l l :!¢_‘l'iP'j_]dCl:JT|l|f§ i|.K;'t'|l1_l"lP|l‘<f|‘|l
°l“f‘' ).75_
f0mC¢|’S ilgd
. ‘
.l |
rccciil _\'i:;ir>.
(I--l iidtiihtir-.:li mil
ii: in The Duke ll..\l.S. H.M.S. Britaniiia :il (owes during the Press on July 25. Cowes Week from Aiigiist S to 8.
l)t1l|'tllllt-i\»':l_$-"Al I-loine" to
n i
I'll‘ *—
British Beer TRY A
ARSO It's brewed in the good old British wayl ALL
FARSONS Brewers ol BLUE LABEL. HOP LEAF. CISK LAGER, LACTO. FARSONS STOUT. These fine beers. all available in Malta. are also exported to N. Attica They can be enjoyed throughout the Mediterranean arc.)
”;,.//i .// ” / \,
You ll‘I(l}‘ liuvc said it yourself. But, consider. You will prohzihly never have :i better tipportiiitity than you have now of putting some money tisitlc for the future. You t2|lj0_V good |'lil_\‘~~\\'tlll no overheads —:ind ull the facilities of the Post Oflicc Savings Haul. selictiic tire _\'uiir.s for the asl-ting. Whtit could be .simplci".' Make .s‘:iving it good llllbll. Save its much or as little as you like. but do it regiiltirly. Keep your money in the Saivings‘ Biuilt its long its you possibly can. You will tind that it soon niouiits tip and collects iittcrest-ready to help start you up in the trade you are now letirning iii the Service, or for furnishing your home when you get married. All the details ofthe sehenie are in thc leaflets illustrated here. Write to me pcl'SOll(tll}'. and I will send _\‘ou ii copy of the one that applies to _vour Service:
Air Chief Marshal Sir lliigh W. L. Saunders, (:.('.ll.. K.ll.|
l).l.(".. \l.\l..
Cliairman. ll.M. Forces Sittings Committee, l. Princes Gate. l.ondon, S.W.7 T; s'r.‘J .'I'.' /l’. U. I
ir. in
.\.l-.‘‘3 '- C
lilassiiigllildvertiseittiehltgi. in c l0seEi specialise Navy ght years _Agr£1_.______4_H_
N A \‘ Y
N‘ E W S
fopening paflltchltlp.
tllt: clock. t';iilc~s' : behind and the gttttlc \'.".‘7ttL‘ll to be
;:Il;tL‘l;L‘tl AJAX t.u!n- .--:~:rol._rti unis, I-'-riou: u.-:n.c.— ltl‘ l'u.-txr:-i.~ii:h won. He :.:.t\i. 1 CAI‘ RIIIflU\\' .tl rrt-er‘-t, lih hit llurtlen tor tour lt\\\Cflllt! .~’i.\’es 'tt\ t“<-3‘ taut, rrd .<tldlt\\!.‘d HE Ro_\al .\’a\_\* ('ricket Club has and. “till the ticltl \i‘TL‘.ltl out. the l-'l’l€R nearly eight years‘ cuntpiauiicxi 4:1) been hating Nllllt: exciting litiislu.-s Naiy '.\.tnletl 35 run» in the l.l\l 30 l‘..llIf\ (VH7! u.'4 tinunus on-r~.'e:is seriiee H..\l.S. (Hydmtmcs) t‘.it£t'r\. metal this \t".t~titt and one of the lllthl e\eit- minute» “till ili:ee l’\.tl\tl'l'.‘lt to conic. \\'mitllIritlt:c U‘.tt‘en. it l.m'lt class t.-mniel. “'1' l‘..!\: v.i:.:r‘.."c\ for 'u'l\ -|.i‘v.'(il ing was the l‘l0\l.' littish of the match‘ \\'i:it .I print tll\f‘i.t_\ ol calling :-.tttl frigate built by Smart. lluiiter & Wigr K \llJ .\iti.i-:'('iii"s"' a.rt:.ur.r.' ooh lllll‘l'\ Cl2Ih‘"iC t. l’t.’:L- : a;:.iin-4 the llampshire II at South- rtiitiiztig h:l\\ccn '.ticl~.t-ts. the List liaiii Rll‘ll.l|'(l\tllI. ‘v:lll\t.'lItl-till-I-)ll('. {.1 ..l €\[".'t't‘tl.‘(‘ -ii ti;-dratilte \)\L'lll.llIl ol c-the! or t.iui:t\.i.-nits. ;-iiipttin un .Itil_i. -l and 5. -tliree l\.tlillltZ'1l '.\c‘.c run out and iltc ht-tiit-i:n .\l'.iy. I9-H. and Uctuher. |I()\\\‘ IIIll'\'I-I Uli\R\\ll\l' l\'l.\\'l'I.S. l1'\l'l‘.'.’.tl‘l_ l't::«ri~i ll:-:~e paws are rcriti.n-t-vii and rrri~ ".('..t .;:r-. \re.:.i.l .'.t'cs it ll.uupxli:rc ll batted lirs! .‘in.l. at Naif. tiiiish.-ti ll:l‘.t.' .':ln~ short ol’ their l9-IS. but Cult\'t'I‘lt.'(l into a Suhnitirine natal Nix. :t.'t.‘ uin.t:t2e \I'l\l CJH) wry cm.-it l.t!l'\ ul lit~t. ftvuiitl runs hartl to get. ll~.::ile_\' target. ('.ir!c~~ ~corctl an e\.‘cllciit 6‘). Depot, and Repair Ship aml l'tt‘l;Is\i- um \l.ll()l n I'itH'i~‘ \\l) tt\t;t;\(;t‘. .\-zh excellent c.:ii.:.i.ou\ ol ma \'.-iircl. iii--'-rd .:n.t .".I.l.L‘|: .t-wt! \l'.:|\{‘rt.l White ltlltl (iilunt 'noi~.lctl well, llltltlpsillfi.‘ RC\llll\ ti! e.ii'l)‘ iTl.llL‘llL'~ \ter:~ .i lit-d as a .\linesm:t.-per Support Ship .\ (.~ I:. -4-r\i.‘c and stall locilittn no l.-v R -_ .\..,-m tad Write. ‘phone or call Bur limping|it.'Ll.ll'L'Ll a: 'i.iEt‘~p.i~t three at l'l5 tor lie with l\'iti;:'<. Scliool. (’.in:erbtir_i': .in N60. returned to Portstiiuutli on iii:-..:x. ‘t,"t‘l.\7l1i.tll|.l'Pt.'i:{‘t-\.-l. ln-nt l'er\ann¢l Ollierr. BIA hazinHI)\ \I. \\\\l. lH|tR\l‘K.s'. l‘(lRISS ((':iplc (viii, The .\'.i\_\' Xl baitetl (olltzztc. l'.int:'no:iri*.e. non July ll. lave. llatton ('rnu. Luuulun ecrip: \l()l III. ll:r nu.-ti ltom huib tut day, poorly. only .\lo)'laii'-Jo:ics (33) and li_\‘ four ttll‘l\Z tlefealcd by the very llonnslon. -‘cl-ddtt-an i,sI\\’Airport. l:£l.'1tlll'.‘S of the ship's Ct\l!lpilll_\' l'r:t:- r-it!r tit-zn (‘mic;‘ll‘\{nl .\ t-.»m¢-n JIM ltd, nl. 4302!. ltlinbittxh Rviid. l’nr'.\rt".i*i:ll’l. l'ii-2 ittt. port Robinson (36) slimsiiig any sort ol strong (‘liartcriiousc XI: and won a boarded the ship at Spilltezid and til-.l.l-I)RI\l-'. CU! llIRl£.— I. .\t A lid.. ltirm. and the Nay)‘ team was .ill out ‘ splendid victor)‘ oter l Zingari. re- sailed in her into the docltyard. kt-an Stain l)e.ilt:\. (ii--ie ttcatt. .s.~uthit-.. lur l35 at ten past six. covering from I? for 5: Worcester Woodbridge Haven lett British t ll’-ittutwuth :=:i.i;. The Navy were lIlll1li.‘l\_\' not to lake: College. Oxiortl. won at Oxford. but waters in September. I955. for .\taIta. HOUSE PL'RCll.-\SE .i wicket before close of play. When; beaten at Portsmouth. She was at Port Said during the Suez It pays to advertise PURCIIASE \\l'l'll LIFE ASSURthe match was resumed on July 5 crisis. (\Dl§|'i'llCLl otf Cyprus during the ll0('Sf. \\‘CI-'.. l'lA-pctlth up :u on scan om ¢t.,;mg_ NI-i\\' Sl-ICRI-fT.»\ RY Ilampshirc went for quick runs A-.lunte alter three years, An ideal 100". that in island and 0ctoin the columns of eniergeitey on ‘ scheme lvr thme lt\'AlflR ancad_ .\l¢-ring: ieaelting 1‘)-3 for 9 at lunch (.‘~lo_\'lan~- Car. R. ll. Martin has been ber. I95‘). left the .\lediteri'.uican tor: repaid in unit in den ~\\‘mttor leaf‘-ct tn Jones. 5 for 68; Stevens. 4 for 59). siiccccdeil as honorary secretary by the Far East. NAVY NEWS ]l':m:tltr.I Lil: .-\ur\‘:.i. n of London Lu-rm¢u_ """““‘|-"‘- ‘*'“""“- 1 ‘ 3» M. It. llarvey. Britannia Royal She supported the l20th and l0-lth ‘,Cdr. GA .\ll-Z St-IF..\Il'.D \\'O.\I' .N.i\".il College. Dartmouth. and as Mineswceping Squadrons clearing; the The Navy uerc left to score 15-1 in ltonorary treasurer by Liam. R_ B. mines lct't from the Second World 310 niinutes. hut Foster (67) .'ind;llccl, ll..\l.\‘, Collinguood. The cap- War in the Balabalt Chann-.-l. iiorth_ ll-.‘Vl‘rlL')' (46) ezne the team a gootll (Continued in column 3) of Borneo and has taken part in escrcises and cruises. visiting llotig Kong. Bangkok. Malta and India. , H.M.S. TERROR, NAVAL BASE, SINGAPORE 27 In December last year and in Tel. Singapore 5048. Ext'n 9|-tl January of this year she assixtt-tl in. (Established We. Han Wei, N. China. l927) the Brunei operations. The ship has sailed nearly .1 quarter of a million miles since she was built. Naval to
(Continued from column 2)
tain of the Navy X1 is Licul. W. 1.. t-‘oster..Royal Marines. The team this year is rather on the young side but.
inexperienced. The centenary of the Royal Navy
no ntcans
Cricket Club was celebrated by a very successl'ul dinner held in the House of Commons in April. The guest honour was Mr. H. S. A|th;im.; treasurer of the M.C.C., and among: many distinguished guests were Mr., S, C. Grillitlt. secretary of the .\l.(‘.(..'.. j and Sir Leonard Hutton. ,
Royal Navy, Royal Malayan Navy and Royal Malayan Naval Voluntary Reserve. Admiralty and Government Contract. Price List on application _
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While Sterling followed. and took up a line of l.')C'Jflll].!. _
welcomed. Low-cost driving lessons arranged. FIRST-CLASS SERVICE. Buying or selling. Fair prices. Telephone and our Representative will call on you. We will always buy back your car. should you be drafted. at a lair price. and settle any outstanding H.P. if required. OUR REPUTATION l$ FIRST-CLASS. We keep it that way by STRAIGI-ITFORWARD MOTOR TRADlllG.
I40 GLADYS AVENUE (opposite Alexandra Park) Tat. Portsmouth 61-t'.‘I
height. circled rotind for a short period and eventtizillymade a perfect landing. The pilot was shaken but uninitired. and was tlying again the next day. Capt. James Campbell. R.N.. was in command of Hermes titid.-allhoiigh
mice. he reonly nietnhered nic l0 years later when he was l-‘lap, Olliccr. Gl:tst:m\'. 1‘).‘lS-_‘~‘). lli: recogiiised me inimediatelj. \\ hen l reported to him for duty. l met him
.1 if. _—}‘ -{T1 l 77;.
once or
PIRACY P:\TR()l..‘9' On completion of the series of il_\inp exercises. niy Sill)-t.ll\'l\ltil'l\\.'I\ lie|:ailed forofanother iittportant _dut_x. but working Ct)lltIt.‘lI\'Cl). m: iinxieail .
by return
ialiialilcs. and completely lootetl the xlllp. tr.-uisterriiig the loot to Clttitnc punts; and gelling ;l\\;t)‘ easil).
.‘\llll0llt:l) ships
.hate \\’,'I'. only one Chinese opt-r.i'.or l Iwas carried. The l'lll'$ll'.‘\w-.-r-: kept \\'.‘ll l -utlornictl about cargoes. p;mcti;:t-rs’ ;:n;.l p;it'ticiiI.trly the \\‘, I" ;\‘.tlllill3lt.‘\.who was put out ol action zop-.-rztlor. ‘netore the tal-tc-over" was \-t;t_i.-ell. It “in that the pirates had highlt etli— | :ci-.-nt hc.u.lotiarters. both .it llongl lliong and Slizingliui. and were alile to pick and choose their c‘;tl'_t:(\L‘s. fl]: In: t‘mtII'iim‘t/)
Royal lliiitipsliire Rc;:inii:nt pre~entetl a silver tiger to ll..\l.S.'tlp\lllfc on July 20. (‘.ipt. R. White. R..\'., (ominantliitg ()llicer of the (iuitletl Missile l)L‘Sll't)}Cl'.'.t.‘C:IPlCllthe trophy front Brigadier P. ll. Brown. Colon-.'l oi" the Rcgiiiient. The
Head Office: Portland House. Stag Place. Victoria.S.W.1 Telephone: Victoria 9477. Cables: Airtrade London
very active. partictilaily hetiteeti Hong Kong and Shanghai. The pirates joined ‘.1 ship as passengers and. when in the viciiiity of Bltts Ila}.
produced by Gale & Polden Limited for the Royal Navy. May we supply your requirements for this important article? Should our 1983 sample folder and price list not be in your possession, a copy will be sent are
on an nunthcrs I928-2‘) [marked as opposite lanti-piracy patrol. l)ui'tng
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~k Any make or year of car supplied. * Special H.P. arrangements for the Roy: Navy. Naval allotments
The days were long. and the duties exacting and there could he no rel.t.\;ttioit during the exercises. lvto iii_ci~ dents I clearly recall. .1 plane t:iLuu.on went straight over the bow and "ditched." Unfortunately. neither the‘ plane nor the pilot was ever seen again. .-‘tnotlter plane, knot-.n as J "3l‘." .t narrow escape. The pilot when eox_n- , .im: in to land on the flying deck mts- 5 E judged his distance. Observing his ferror. he started to regain height. but his starboard wing hit the funnel of Hermes. and the wing was turned tipmirds. Fortunately, the pilot regained
The Chief Constable
The ONLY Car Firm
(Continued from page 6. column 5) effect a rescue. Hermes carried on her
course. can
Vacancies for Constables exist in the Admiralty Constabulary. initial appointment will be on temporary basis with prospects of permanent and pensionable service. Commencing pay of entrants is £585 a year. increasing by nine annual increments to £820. Alter l7 years’ service a special increment of £30 is awarded making a final total of £850 a year. Uniform and boots are provided. There are good prospects of promotion. Candidates must be of exemplary character. between 2| and 48 years of age. at least 5' 7' in height (bare feet). and of British Nationality. Prior to appointment they will be required to pass a medical examination and an educational test (unless holding a Service Certificate of Education). Educational tests are held twice a quarter in Portsmouth, Devonport and Rosyth: and at Londondcrry, Northern Ireland.
Further information and application forms
Estimates for patterns not illustrated in our folder can be supplied on receipt of full details of your requirements. With over 60 years‘ experience in the production of printed matter for the Royal Navy and other
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GALE & POLDEN LTD Edinburgh Road, Portsmouth I'~3/0;:/tone 22052
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N A \' Y
August. I963
consistent performer
N I’. W 3
ALBION SPORTSMEN TOOK FULL A ADVANTAGE OF REFIT PERIOD A Communicators and Royals sweep board at Athletics and Swimming f‘|tt'.iinin_u _,..
i\l().\'(i the most iinspeelaeulzir t:\‘('nls in -.m_\' athletic ehniiipionships are the shot. discus and himiiner. (fonipelilnrs in the mile race and so on are often household iiiimes. .\'et the three events mentioned call for skill and slniiiiiiu. which can only he obtained by dedication and truinini: ()\'t.'t' iiiuny years. One oi‘ the most consistent pertoriiiers in the shot. discus and h:uniiier is I’,(), John l)utton, ;i piI_\\iL'.li
:ig:iinsi the [)out.i;ird XI. tiislriictnr. ltn\\' sv:r\'iIt_u zit llie ships |tnCki:_\' tenm h.u.e also ~in.iile their mark by losing on!_i' Nov the R.i\'. Seliuol ot i’ii_vsic;i| Trtiiiiiiii: ll.M.S. Mliiiin :ind_i gmm.‘ N” M H_ The C,id‘,_.u.h uh. l.ii Portsniontii. l’.(). Diilton joined recent \I\ weeks in J“, cmniug ‘U mt. i-“,6: pluwd I) l the Royal .‘-'.i\'} in I‘!-87. but did not tititil W57. lie sl.||'i his athletic Nat;
P()R'l‘ continues to be :i muinr :u'ti\il_\ in the life of the full (IP|Jt)I'I|]nIl_\' the ships career ,,,;,“.i,L.\. mm (,_ dnmn l_ [wt :1 -H“. bingzipiire to test their skills iii:-uinst other ships and tenins. Ihe ship is ptirtieiilurly proud in II\ since l‘t.‘hl'lI.lI')' i this 3‘; .\ItlZ) Hind “t;,h.,.p.,|‘, mm, in“... Hi“, hm um. is H. His best pertoriiiziiiees zire with the soccer te.iin. which this so fur played so t':ir scored 5‘! goals zinil has been _t,,li,__.n,hiL. ‘l,L.‘_.c_“: played [3 ,n_,t,;i,L.\_ 'i;iinnier. and in N62 he \\;is Iitth in 12 g.mies. non 2.1. draiwn 3 and lost ti‘. plating tor the Siiignpore Joint Ser- \\tIl't ‘D. lost 3. he best British pcrtorinziiiee position. I-':is't growing in pupul:irily is golf only tun tlt.IlCi\i.‘i liuving been lost \‘li.‘L'\ ,\I. hve iiieiiiheis ot the .-\lhion it eleventh iii the ind best (‘ommmilowei ‘I-. the 40 with some players nnioni: 5' -, tleek. A second-hiind .s'et ol‘ gull" eliihs. .\e:ilth perloriiiniiee position. His best K'I’\i'Itl;li pert'oriii;iiii.'es :ire: tltiiimicr. .pureh.ised hy the ship. is r;ireI_\ to In ‘.\-t .‘i in.‘. shot. 4.‘ it llf. iii.'. iseen in the sports store “hen the shit tiseiis.It. l.‘~7 It. 7 iii. 5 is not :it se:i. I?\"l'|-1R-SI-I R \'l('liS ('Il:\.\Il’l().\' S\\'l.\l.\ll.\'(i AND .~\'l‘lll.l-I'l'I(‘S i i .-\inoiii.- his other perforiiiuiiecs he uni‘ l)i\ision ('onimunii:;itions The i Mziriiie |)et.ichineiit spo:l~ .\".i\ the inter-\erviees it£tttilllL‘l’ chutn1 Rt\)Z|l i uon tor W58. W5". I960. l‘|(i| and i "eoinhiiie" snept the hosiril ;it tlii. ‘Nil. He was the Roizil N2|\'_\' |i:iiiiuihieties meeting and :it the ship" tier ehuiiiriioii iii W53‘. I050, l‘l(yti_ ‘s\\tIl1tHillgi::i|;i- <hoth of \\hii:h welt “ml. and shot L'iltltltpit‘ll ltttit). keenly contested. Although neither W61. N62 I003. and l'l(i.‘\. discus eh:ims:iw event tiny Uttlsltiitdittg pct- .non WM and l‘|(i.‘v. iirulll N57 to t'oim:iiiecs. they were both llioroiigtit) W62 he has the Rom! .en;'o_\ed by spectators and p; Vzivt in this represented event. He was i’urtsalike. Perhaps our grezitest :idniir:itioi- niuiith (‘niiiin;ind hziniiiier ehmiipion goes to the s‘c\‘eti ratings who entered in N57. |‘3."" and 1%]. and Norc: for the “Three Mile" in :i teiiipenitiirv. (‘oiiiiiimid h;iniiner. shot Itlldl diseiis 3 A line action shot of Petty Officer of '33 degrees F. in Win”. P,()_ Dntton ,I Dutton putting the shot at the RS. :h;inipion of events sporting full A programme . Championships at the "Victory" in column 3| llerines. (Continued H..\t.!s’. ‘were p|:i_\cd zigninst stadiuni on June 29 l ‘eiilniiiiuting in an exciting ttoodlighi soccer match on the No. I (ironnd at V I-l..\t.!s'. Terror. The ssinin.-rs‘.' H.815 .-\|hiuii. 3 I.
Shirts for all occasions
i:l;iss |i.M.S. l’.sLimu. the I'rii:;ite sziiled for her hfsl |t|fL‘l].:ll tit eseiy price leset. Tailored just cmiiniission on .lti|_\' 2‘). She mil he i tor _\on in exeitiiig new ‘with the ‘hh Frigate Sqiuidroii in the itesigiis unil .shade.s. i .\Iiddle liust for uhout one \e;ir. (‘ollzir attached. from 39, I I .
(Continued from column 4|
.V'¢-iv illmrrulrcl Ira]/rl Mrs. .-\. .\I:idden. wife of Capt. C. I). .\l-adden. R.N.. Commanding Oflieer 1 rL.p,csc,“¢d um (‘unlbjngd S¢r\'i\_'c_\ in iiruiluhlr ii/um requnri. of ll..\l.S. Albion. presenting: l..R.O. Beiire with his cup for winning the t 1i)53_ i9(,i)‘ mm and iI)(,3_ one-length breast-stroke r:ice—one of the [5 events at the ship's swimming: tic M5 bu." immmcr .,-hampiun fur 31%|’-h Hampshire (I957. ms and ms-ii. and |‘)(iZ'.t. F.Ct\’lCI'll t Suliolk (WM 3 (‘aunties tl‘l6t and |"6'.‘) and .2," .\'uiiihern (ounties t‘t(».‘i. This consistent pertnrnier repre‘-
that «Give man E. '7) Brown a Watneys
Iiumiiier with a thrust at I7‘! it. 4 iii.. ;l|tt.i when representing the .-\m:itcur
:ig:iins‘t Lough-
.-\Ihletie Assoeizition
horongli (‘ollegc
plueed seeoiid
“till '.I litl’u\I\ til’ I75‘ It. X in.
‘)TaiTHE lor.s‘
Royal Navy
Tel. 1|35l /3
I.-mil-m IiI."1"tlI'.f/J I’i'imuuI/ii /hull.-urn lI'rim:-ulli Iiirrpoo‘ Hath .SnuI'/iumpiuli H-[Nov Dulmiimlli (rm:-yr." (‘.0-iiv':rr.‘rr |l'm.'/-iml.-I 8-.1:-A.-nhiir-I l.miil«m¢IrIrv (iihmlrm Jfallu
'7" for excitement to
i,_,.u|'¢-‘ I2»: «I
to ---ii--an--~:e 50!! O‘ trio. .ii-E t-""1 I‘.
ti.v.It that com: i.iu~1, llil‘iIl|'I.‘ Ru.‘ on ti ;'v.-i‘ to-.! '.or.r.h.‘
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When yo:i‘rc t).'t(‘i*s' tn r-ta".-y me you will he ;:l.i<t 3.-'ou tout: :tti's‘.tH1.l'.!\‘ of tin"S:ivewhile .vnu Si-i".'i-." nI.ui. Rt".Tlll1ll”. Sensible s.'i.'.'izi;: now is-itti the \\‘i-::tbn:ii'no l';ir'.< Hltiidtttij S0f?!Cl:»' Fmthl INN uti 10:1 th‘tV1s‘tt on it timii" oz’ _\'n:ir u‘.-.'n .tii:t \'-‘Iii Eu-tn you to in-1 Driortty for yoiir ii:or't:::i::i-wht-ii the time mini!-~'. Sn-.-in:: nt‘. Iteimstl .~\i t-mint.s' ha‘.'(~ i)('t‘tt t-snot-tztltt‘ li.t‘:st'.!t1'.'ti tur rm. “Hr. and :it IH‘<‘h(‘!|l» _\'ll‘ili-1:‘. It|t't)Ht(' ‘I‘:i\' |i.1tdh:.' the Sui il'l\' :'\1tt'l't‘.:ttl‘s'i'i_\‘_\'m; pow tutti Upvll :2 :§h;ii'e lii\'e.s'tiiii.-tit aiieouiit and (':II'H tnI(‘l‘I.'.\l at :2. '. i!‘.(itl!1l"i'él.‘$ innit.
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Stout. Aim iii-ar :\Lti:ini!:CrenmI.:ibc1 -—.~im(mt ti. dairk and S.1lL1:if,\'In2 Bi-d H'.|t't't‘i Wntncys Keir —ttrtt.-inrs limb and foremost Rot: bitter.
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behalt ot the Nu-r .\‘ws
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