Page 1


. . . .


There’: more than moon the on .f.. when clwocing a really good con. Pattern. Colour. the nouns: nylcrondu are all to ho Iound now in






N0. ll3


Navy News



Newspaper of The Royal Navy and The Royal Naval Association Pub/(‘sitedfirst


Royal Naval Uniforms

BERNARDS OFFICERS’ SHOP 40 COMMERCIAL ROAD, PORTSMOUTH Telephone 26”‘ 30 ROYAL PARADE ,Pl.Yl‘l0l.lTll Telephone 6654] Promotion orders I speciality. write for special details. otc., and be assured of personal attention to your requirements.

Tliiirsday of the month

Albion contini _e%s_lt_e_ry vital role off Borneo

Price Sixpence


‘Topping up’





INC REASED REBEL ACTIVITY HF. new Federation oi Malaysia. uniting Malaya. Singapore and the territories of Sarawak and Sabah (North Borneo) was proclaimed in September. I963. but with it came no relaxation in the "conl'rontatiiin" by Indonesia towards Malaysia. but an intensification —and with this an increase in the rebel activity in Sarawak. October s:m- ll.,\l.S. Albion (Capt. long Jawi. the direction in which the (Kill!) .\l;iiiden. .\l.V.().. l).S.('. and rebel band were suspected to be headliar. RN.) coittiitniitg her vital role in ing. As :i result within it few hours the the lioritco uperatioits. with her tWo_ ‘(iurkhas pounced as the rebels slid sqtt.idi'oits zltc Wcsse\ helicopters it! ,into the trap [8 of the hand were 345 Sqinidroit and the Wltirlssittds oil killed and 0ih_L‘f\' ifllllfL'\l~-_‘il1h"~'£tl|i-'_nIl) 1 8-Sb Squadron still based ashore iit E tlte (iurltltas iiicrcascil this to 38. lite} Borneo and engaged in intensive ll) iitg operation was pttlllltlllj.‘ one of the I rttost siiceessftil yet carried ottt by operations trout dawit to dusk. At tlte beginning of October. oncpl ‘the security forces and certaiiilv oitc ‘ the most spectacttlttr. Ffttlll Albion the largest guerrilla haitds ever to titliltrati: across the litdottesian border |oll the coast to Long iawi near the InllIl;l\.'l\I.‘Ll tlte Laittpong at Long lawi ;£l('Illi:sl'.ltl border was a distance of 250 iii the Third l)i\-ision of Sai‘a\vak —thc miles much of which was completely







The amount of food. stores. ammunition. oil fuel. etc.. required by ll..\l. ships at sea is coIossiil—Arlt Royal's oil fuel capacity is sortie 5.500 tons‘. and this huge amount does not last very long when steaiuins: over the vast distances in the Far East. .-\Il ll..\l. ships are norntully supplied with the neecssztry stores and fuel by I-tityal Fleet Auxiliaries while under way and it big fleet of tankers and other supply ships is kept at Singapore for carrying out this‘ task in the Far East. Here. in a recent exercise. the carrier ILMS. Ark Royal and the frigate H..\I.S. Salisbury are about to replenish simultaneously while under way from the R.l-IA. Retainer in the South China Sea. Retainer. displaces approximately H.000 tons. Ark Royal (53.3-10 tons. lull load) has a complement of well over 2.000 with lroitt-ltrie squadrons embarked. The aircraft direction frigate Salisbury. (1.350 tons. full load) has at compleincnt of just over 200

division in which an 845 Squad- itnchartcd hilly juitgle terrain. roit detachment :tt.'lllI.'\'t!d outstanding A S'I'i\RTI.lNG INCIDENT success itt roiiitding-up a rebel hand in September. .\t the tiitte oi the Long With the increase in rebel activity. ocean bed uaittg lIIld¢I'\\'IIICI' explosions Jami att.'tcl>. ll..\l..‘i. r\ll‘|ltlll was in l the Wltirlwiitds of 846 Squadron split and nicasuring tile echo pattern from ilruitei ilav diseittbarkiitg R..‘\.l-I up into two detaelitttents one detachthe bottom. This work will be carried Wltirlniittl .\l;irk X ltclicoptcrs to’ iticnt being based at Sintaitggang. ini lll"..\' they left Portsntouth for the .-\llI:ll’Cll(‘ on October H. the ship's out in company with the Royal l .ihii.in to enable the 3-15 Sqiiadroit dc- the Second Division of Sarawak. and 11 l Researclt Ship Shackleton. tacltiitciit tlteie lu he tran~.t'crred to the other remaining at Kiiching in the l company of the Royal Naval ice-patrol ship. II..\I.S. Protector (Capt. .\l. S. (lllivitttt. .\I.B.l'I.. I).S.('.. R.N.l. hope to find some of the sunshine they DANG!-IROL='S SURVEY Sarawak tltc ittaiii trouble spot and First Division. } at home this summer. They will arrive during the Antarctic summer A Royal Naval survey party. led join up with 8-“: Squzidroit and the One of the more startling lllClt.ld:nl!'i line and for weather that ski and of the many operational missions carare hoping some so reinaiitder of 845 Squadron. they can sunny play by l.ieut.-("dr. J. B. Dixon. R.N.. will hours. travel south in the ship and will be Within -35 minutes of the news of ried oiit by the squadron occurred late deck hockey during oil-duty oil it will he the l’rotector's ninth sea- landed to carry on the detailed survey But they can also expect some the attack being received on hoard. lone afternoon when the Simanggtiitg ll..\l.S. .-\ll‘Iiott with the \Vi:ssi:x of 845 detachiitent were completing deploy- the vtorld's worst ssetttltcr on the; son in Antarctica. She has undergone a of the dangerous coastal waters at embarked were steaittiitg at high speed ment oi troops of the lst/l0thGurkbas. passage south from the Falkland refit and a large storing prograntinc at Graham Land. The Protector's two helicopters will to Sarawali. At first light the Wessex A “cut-otl" patrol had been placed in lsl'.iitds'—:tnd a lot of hard work when; Portsinouth and is ready for it sevenon board were llowit oil to Sibu from the jungle close to the Indonesiait they arrive in Antarctic waters. which, ittottth period away from normal shore play an important role in a ioint British Antarctic Survey and Royal where they hopped to Song and then to border where it was believed a rebel about half of the 250 otlieers and: t':icilitie.s. Beluga. joining up with the Wessex band was catitped. Because of the ratings on board will be seeing for the ll..\l.S. Protector's work includes Naval investigation of the South the continuation of Lt survey of the Sandwich Island arc in I964. helicopters already iii the Third Divi- rough terrain the only method of get- tirst time. sion and nlticlt had been rushed to the ting the troopz into position was by scene of the attack roping them down on to a pinnaclebottom of. the_ engine and so; Whilst in hill. the hover airthe typc hooked up the ziircratt. This prevented RI-IIlEl.S IN TR.-\P craft being tlown by the senior pilot the ltelicopter from rolling iitto ;t 500-‘I ltt1itteili;itel\. iiitils'_of the lstflnd sutiered a s'everi: power loss and sank foot vertical drop. l;tlritlll;llt:l‘y' zi (iuiklta Rillcs were I-tted trout llelagzt [to the ground where. as it happened. second helicopter ‘-\‘.Is at hand and by i soiitlt-cast of by sheer luck a tree stump iaiiiiiicd into practising his own particttl.ir vcrsiong into Clll'i\ll poo of the Indian rope trick tttc senior 1 7?.‘ pilot was able to climb up into the -11 .i_. cabin and return to base. Since thel :iceii.lcnt occurred late iii the no recovery cottld be ellectcd that day and ti (iurkha patrol was lifted iit lot _eu;ird the ttircraft. The next day a ntaiittenancc crew. was tlown in and began stripping the; aircraft of as much gear as “as l’l0~i~‘ sible so as to lighten it stitlicictttly it to be lifted out by ;i llclved-ere heli-. l comer of the Royal Air l-orcc. (in thc' l fotlosviitg ittoritiitg all that required to be lifted oil was the rotor head. which


% ”t3‘ti6TEcTofi—§iifs'—"’



















icmovcil by one of the sqii.it|roit's helicopters nith its \\iitclt_ and then the \'-lliilc .iitcr.ift was cartieil front its prc~t


<.ir:ott~. _

testing pl.ice.


l)l'l('K Rl{l’.\IR Jlilt lite tl.IlllLI_‘.!‘s.'(l .tircr.i:". \\.ts llt‘\\ll .-\

li miles to l-it_-.:‘p.illi. and alter some of the fastest repair work ill the ittstoiv of the sqtt.til:o'.t. the .lII';'«’i|i>I was ":ebiiilt." the fault eoirccted .iiiil' .tleu again the lollowiitg atteriiooit 71' hours alter its i;,:no:iiiitiousi llilli. 1 The intensive tlying il.:iit.inilcilof the ‘. I sqiiailiotts. and over such iittittvitiitg; _country. can only be aclticyed by an} ; extremely high \lilIltl‘.tl'Llof .ii.'cr.ift seijviciit_e. llowcs-er. this \\.ts a ».‘l'l.lllL‘ll'_.:i:; ltltiowii at the squailton and ship‘. .ll.'; personnel one that was “t.. iCltt1Illk'cl'lItg accepted anti one that was beaten. of 545 (.\'olc.—-S;ir;i\v;ik is divided into five’ divisions. itiiittbcred froiit west to cast] sitttlc



: a...






lurlshzt guard post at Song. itt Siirmsttk. where Wi.-ssi.-K helicopters Squadron hate recently been itpcrutint:


_ '


Navy News lint


N I". W S

Nos ember. I9ti3

ElllllllllIIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIllllllllllllllIllllIllllIIlllllllllIIlllllllllllllllllllIlllllllllllllllllllllllIlllllllllllllllllllIllllIlllllllllIllllllllllllllllillltillIlllillillElllllllllllilllllllllllllg ,

lknt i's) ll R. Berridye, R..\' tRrtd.)



tttl ,

Rmail Nnal ltarracks. Portsinouth le1.: l'ni:\innoth ISL‘! (i ll. 72!‘)-1)



l)e\r~nll..\l.S. Munt:i;:u i portI joined l.iiiiiclred ..ml in _t')()_‘~_ Site .it

l‘ the auliual meeting of the Royal Nznztl Benevolent '|'rust at the

Mansion House. London. on October 3!. at which. incidentally, Admiral Sir g Alexander Bingley succeeded Admiral f ot the Fleet Sir George Creasy as 9 President. it was revealed that expendi— .. ture for the year ended June 30 eaceederl the income for the year by o\ er





\\;is tin

v.‘0n)t‘l)lssIt)tli.‘tl with hm d“3"'


the end.

1 I“‘“ r‘'”‘‘,“';‘’_'' :3“


3*“ °‘“"" l"“‘”‘ ‘ “r' N“ "‘“ “‘ "" otltcr "'l'li:it‘s not the \\:i_v to spell



taken oil and site rcinuiiicd ll..\l.S. Moiitzicii until she went on Lunily lsl;ind.—— Yours etc.. l3. \\’|l.Kl.\'S().\l, .\l.B.E..


and the


ex-Petty Otlieer. Czirdili.

healthy state of affairs. p:irtieul:irl_v when it is remembered that the deficit on the previous ye:ir‘s running was also over £20,000. The ‘this is not


lR.-In the October issue of ".\‘;ny News" the name of the ship ll.\l.S. 5 .\lont:i;:u is tltis‘-spcllcll in the ettcellent anicle on page l3—"()n ii Split \':irn'.“ :'l'here has no "e" at the end.







individuals in the year just ended was nearly £148,000. The total income_ was £l9-3.820 and the ‘C222'86s' In -add“ 1.0”” cxpmidlmrc tion to the sum expended on relief to individuals, the running costs of the

I;"iIiIur.».\Ir. ll'i'ILinu=it. it urember of the ('rirrii!] Bnmcli of (hr Rmul ;\"at'al /t.i.wr‘i'riIimi. i'.r Iiiurilrrl for }ii'.v letter. I\'i'!i'I‘¢'m‘¢' to the .\'i:-.'v !.i\.'r l from [90] In [906 slimc I/I(' ~I'i:'p'.r The‘ ship our ltlltlnv irirlrmil rm l "mum am,’ "W “N, Eu’, 0, \h.m‘r|”“,"_ ii'Iirm' fum/‘Iv Mllllle‘ um '—,"i .''.’-i.''

cost of relief to


I Mflnmwl‘

Reg-ulzir Forces l:‘mplo_vntent .-‘\ssoci;i-


tion. the 'l'riist's lnvalided (l.l'l(l Dis- htg9'.'.':...: The ("ivil.l.onl of the -\d:r.I.':rlt\'. zihled .\len's Special Scheme. the This photograph will no doubt bring back memories to those who spent some of their early _\e:ir.s at the Royal I Mr. John lliv. i\l.l’.. \l~liL‘\l .\l.ilI:I grants iniide to Homes and Institutions. from October 3 to 7. l)iirin_-_- his striv iiml general (I(ll'l'llillSll’Illl\’Ccosts-—:ill Hospital School. Greeimieh. The ship on the right is the I-':iiue. The Editor is inrlelitetl to Mr. H. E. llrimn. of Villl(‘0lI\'I3l'. for the photograph. In the July issue of ".\".tvy News" Mr. llrouu :isls'ed tor the name of the ship and .0i‘|lhe island lie ltc.ird the views of slumeil considerable increases. readers quickly provided the zmswer. In a recent letter to the Editor Mr. Brown stated thzit his old Friend. Mr. iuutliorities on the spot about current "Happy" Day (9!) entered the Royal Nzivy at Bristol in 1887. It would seem. therefore. that the ll..\l.S. Dedlus problems concerned uiih the runCAN .\'A\'Y DO MORE? mentioned in the letter published in the July issue was‘, in fact. the drill ship lt..\l.S. l)aedzilus.then based at Bristol ,do\\n of ii:iv.i| tlicililics. is the N:iv_v doing till it should for the ’l'rii.st'.’ The men of two \v:irs~ «and their families and depcnd;ints—arc our respoiisibilitv. 'llie Welfare State secs to it that these people hzive food and ti Notes ii) The term U.K. Base Port means the port ai which :t ship mu)‘ ll..\l.S. Searlioroui.-h t.-\. S. lirigrite). ll..\i.S. Kirklistrin ((‘,.\l.S.). l:fltl of root over their heads. but Clftltltllr stiinecs often arise when the State ennnoriniilly he expected to give leave (Hill relit. Portsnioiith (C) indi- l’el\ri:.i:_v if‘. .it Portsmouth. for Mzitch (tcitt.itive Llillt'l .it PortsSeixice. lst not help. and _this is where the Sr. _; i csitcs ships‘ :id_miriistcred by Portsnioiith but which will ll0l'tl'l1lll)' trials. Home Sci: Service Conimis- moutli. for Home Lul'\li:-‘C VI)“. relit ;ind'or give leave at ('h.iih.ini. R.N.B.'l‘. comes into the picture. .\l._'S. Situidfofh sions. .-‘\pril It». |7th l-'rig;itc Sqii;idroii. ills’. Base Port. Desonport. (ii) As ratings are tlul’ttt‘.tll_\’ detailed for overseas service about l'oiir Rosytli. The Navy man is provcrbmh. months ahead of coiiiiitissionini: _(l1l'It.‘..5lnd for home service "_“__-,~_ whirmind ‘A 5' r:ri'L.:”c). ll..\l.!5. (hichester (A. l)._ £mL.m“s_ Ev“... vcm. klrgc Sun“ of “"""l‘ -" “i U“‘”""“ "W ”"'l" about two months ahead of eonimissionini: date. this should he t-1-tsm;.rv I3 zit (‘hzithiim for (‘iener;il money are donated to very svortltv Service ('unlIl)_l“l<‘ll-‘lll“mCi’ borne in ntiit_d when preferring requests to volunteer to serve in ii g._-,-vi“. (*,.n,,“i“i‘,n_ wt.“ Indies, gieiierul c,mS,_.._ and fin.“ Hedi. is due to those EN ll0lttcr\VL'\t Indies. Xlb l-'rie;ite men who pleaid and work for such .. It it n. and (iii) are p.irtieul;irs given L:_K_ 1;“... pm,,_ p“m_) t,_.m“.S‘ hm rare‘). docs one Sec Spam _eqm,dn,n_ is‘emp onl) and fll-l_\ have to he changed -perhrips .it short m..mi,_ (C)_ ..dm,cs-- [Or the NM...-S own Tnm_a “ uh H .‘-‘"‘ “T --_*".E '?°.“"°-. Trust which. over the past 40 years. r,.\_ u,_\1_§, ,.\u.-.,.~_. q_ jun“. irrigak-)_ C #1111» kl-55"‘-|“*‘" N ‘”"'~°(iv) Ships in which l-oe.illy izntcrcd Cooks (S). Cooks (O) or has mm_1,_, gums 10 indmdmh of '8 {W Home 5” utcl-‘dL_hI_mk_ my (iencrul Service Cl‘l)‘|tttl\\lt\t.).llomel Stewards are to be borne in lieu of U.K. ratings are to be indi£3.‘.’6l.807. has expended £407.78! on Ind Service. U.K. Fiigzitc Sqiuidrott. F.ltSl of Suez t l4 months). L.k. lime eated as follows: lA)'—All Cooks (S). Cooks (0) and Stewards: training rind employment and mode Base Port. Portsmoiith. (('l. Port. l’ortsinoiitii. (C). ill)» Cooks (S). other than one P.O. (Took (S). rill Cooks (0) rind grants to kindred organisations rind H..\l.S. l)aiiit_\' (Destroyer). all Stewards: t(')- Cooks (0) and Stetvrirds onlvz tl))~(’ool;s, ,\gim_-om-1 (,-\,‘|)_ (‘.snu,-rcion), children's homes of £638,928. IS) onl_v: (E) l.e;ulirig Cook «SJ and Stewards onl_v; tl-') (‘ool.s : 37. ;it l’oi'tsntoiitli tor t.'i.ils‘, [lo RC-' April 7. '.it l’oi'tsiiioiit|i. (iencral SerThese iirc very l;ir1.:e siiins of money vi._-;_- (kviiiniissiurt tl’li.i~t-d). llomel (S) and St-.'w.irds only. }* sc:\e on complctiort I‘: long relit.) rind l’C\‘Cttl. as nothing else czin. the .\led.;’ llonte .\letl. 27th Fscnrt SUB.\lAR|2\'l-Z St-IRYICE lt..\I.S. I-‘alntouth i.»\.:'S. Frigate). Jllfltl-l No. 820 Squadron. \l.'lf(ll 3. :it RN. numbers who have needed he|p~—;ind U.l\'. Btisc Port. PortsAir Station. Culdiose. (ieneral ScrSquadron. [07 ‘ll G¢"¢"‘-ll have been helped. 3'3’ .9lt.M.S. Tiptoe. early November. at D°"'9"_P°l" vice Corrintission. For H..\l.S. Ark moiitli. (A). Malta. refit. H“"“-'/§l°d-/ To to return tl..\I.S. Lion i('riiiser). ‘\Pril T“. -'=! Ships and est;ih|isl1ments—:iiid United complete Ro_v:il. Wessex. 5"°”30”‘ "<"‘-'“”C }ji“"“-':'i~'“*l for First _“l: service in Kingdom individuiils are urged to keep the Dcvonpurt. Home Scu Service. [7 K. ll..\t.5. Bastion I|..C.T.). .\l;irch 5. (ll L.ls. [Lise Port. .Squ:idron. Sub"-“H-inc Sqmd,-on_ Base Port. Devoiiport. (C). Rt\_V(tl Nuvzil Benevolent Trust well in Htihrein. for l-'orr:ii:n Service I .\liddle (C). port. mind when considering the form in ll.M.S. Alaric. November 7. at DevonlE:ist). Ainphihious \\';irf;ire Squad- ll.M.S. Whitby (:\.,-’S. l-'ii;::ite). April F01’ I which their chziritrible bequests Sllllll 2) at Poiisinmiili. l-‘oi-eiim Senice f'|||I_ rm, '3 701.' tzkc. rnl end':ivour 1 reverse the f ..‘l’n-. l-'.r !‘_::t d.t' f \ if fl "|_¢_«'ilU1| *’T‘lZl\‘‘-| ‘; _t‘-'' (’‘'"'*'"'l "‘‘“'5' o’""'‘' .D‘-".""'!‘.b"'." m- ‘” B317‘ 5‘-''’‘''W (-“'“‘“"‘“’""r. ‘‘'‘'3‘." S‘'‘'‘‘' "_,\]_§_ |_,,,_.i, |.g;||;,p.,n (A. _s;_ t?.'.,;..:.-)_ row. for service in lli:rd Suhinariiii: Il0l‘l’lC’3vlC(l.;'l‘lt‘li'llL',l;£lSl of Suez. “'3” _‘______'___ '.‘"l‘'”‘‘:’'‘ (“Ir .1350’ “Jill t“"“rl Squadron‘ 30”] Escort Squzidrou. U.K. Bose Sqttttdrttn. Aprfl ;,1Si|1g;1pnn_- I-'urg-ign Se-rsicc (A)' Port. Portsmouth. (C). Fur li.ist. It-th Frigate GENERAL Il..\t.'s‘. Striker tL.S.T.) and No. 3 "-"'5-.‘.""“ ‘5""'5'."'“.S "‘.'P’-.-“*".“” Squadron. l‘"“"1"" “"""“"" I'M ll.i\l.S. llemies (Currier). .-‘mill -'11 ('.‘” Assault Squiidron. .l;inuiir_v I-3. :it ",31_g_ [_,,,.d,,,, ((;__\1_ Dcsu-m.c,)_ L"‘m'l""""""'\l' Btihrein toriiorcign Scrvice(\‘liddle Njrgmh Devonport l R l’ (‘omplcment '4 “iv” d. ,3 c 3 9“ '. y.“ _"5°," ,_'l. -'11 ”“g'/l -"V r““ ((*p;:‘.1.)\1..h9 '' "P"'~ lI..V|.S. Redoubt (l..C.l.) M-H rynm for Homc 5” _g,_.n-,¢¢_ hast). Amphibious \\.1rt'.ire Squ:id-- tit (ilaisgmv. (iL'l'IL'l'ill Service Com''°"- (5)Biihrein. Foreign Service t\lidille Gr.-ner.il Service Commission. April '“l“i“"' ”‘"l‘T" '\“‘lf”" E“‘“ ".9 E£ISl)- I\"\Pllll’l0“5 Wflflifil-' ‘timid’ I96-1. Homefliast of Suez (l8 it..\l.S. Cr-.ivst‘ort (Destroyer), ];inu.1n~ ‘ Uh’ ""“""" S‘"”'d’°"‘ '’°“- (F’months). U.ls'. Base Port. t’ortsI5. at (‘ihr:i|t:ir. fir tri: I‘ (‘ It all ““‘° P""' 3 Ed'"b""3h R°‘d' P°'“m°""h }““3‘”“ ll.M.S. Albion (C l.)ll‘ltl1Ltl'ltlt\ Snip). mouth. Service Phone 27J$I lI.M.S. Loch Fada (A./S. Frigate). Mug.‘ ;it l’orts'moiith_ for llome Sc.i 8. 27th E.S. U.K.' H..\I.S. Zest 1.-\. S. l5ri;:.itc). .\l:irch ll. Home/.\led.. Mn)’ ‘~ iv -v om'I: Se‘ nine" H ‘S-: S ow .-i .\l;lt: i‘ I. -





F0l|ECAST—Y0lf[l. NEXT suit?







P"’."°”la'hfh'.isiscd .P' thntlthe dates


“‘l ll“"“;l"“‘i “J” .r\L.url .Il]|l.E( .:!iine.p-“Ml.ll‘!(Q-}\\1mi t)lI‘|_H‘ _l-)









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Ifiort 3.": cvon or )r ri:i s. -n r; _'. ||__\,|_§_ Lhndan’ (_/til). |-”g_,[c)_ 3]“) N-Ill.:t.lt’tItI. "-31.3. Mohawk i'l'lR3lC), “L-C zit l)evonpoi't. l..R,l’. coinplc:i*.ent. .\'u. 800 Squadron. .\l.irc|i I7. at Novenihcr 2‘) :it Barrow. for Home '19“ J" if 1 e 3 ~"°’- “'5' J~l\l-N< ‘”“.v ~. -. -. -. -. ; inwt L5. Fall’)-1lII~ l-\~5Air Si.iuon. Sea St.r\lt.¢_ l.ussiu.inoiiih. SLTHLL (om-. port |)c‘.0np.m (iLtlLt'.1l H5410. \1.4) (u.ner.il 26 (tentative Ll.iIlC). at (ireeiiocl_.. for Service Contitiissiun. Btlt.‘t.‘£Il|CCl". missimt [:chnm,y‘ |o(,4_ Home; H ‘us’ C_ l. ‘ _« J, “(WC 5°“ -‘~"“~'c- 3"!“ 1‘-‘Wt -‘“"-"P ‘'.‘‘f"-‘_' lnereiise from .\1iddlelE;ist(l7nionths).‘JtliFriezite 16. :.it (_h.ith.im. ll..\l.S.(':ie~:ir(l)estro\cr)..\l:irch is. (. _gquadm,,‘ J;,,,m,._.. “(,5 ,,..,,m,,c Squ_1dmn_ UK-_ mm, P0" Par” & M. Parts’ to l-.R.l’. compleiiicut S‘__r\,iL_c Far M Singupmc Fmcm‘ -1‘ ~' d ate). |:oft-|L~" v,~.-WM | f W" i 1--its i‘ [ motith t(,). Itzist. Imh lzscort isquuitmn. (AL sailing) l-ar East. u,y|_5_ Q-39,5“ ri)..,1,-Oycrt. g(,\.c,,,_ lt..\t..S. Ashanti (G.P. Frigate). J:inii- H Mg G,"a“,a M 5 ,;riL..uc) ‘inch =8 -«r rim new ".’°*"“"*"’um. um». c-om.-.-mm. Rusuh. an 2: at i>e.-onnon. G°.n~'r=i' ‘w......;..r...;...~.r~.;. :;.a.... trials. ('l‘_o rcscru: on vice Qtlplntlfisltlfll“l0nIt:,’hlIl.ltll¢l§:i$l, gcmcc n_M_5_ gut“-,,k ¢c0n,,mmi., ship). Ro.syth_t'or 'm;mc.“¢d/ («unlmi“im_ 9th l-rigaic sqiiiidron. U.l\. Base coinpletiiiiiiifloiig rclit.l December 3 M Dcmnpm! rm. '.d H.‘".“‘'i' .\1 ci" i '\-'h -/1 55&0” g ran‘ iquil .'. ,'., P0” [)¢yonpon ,', -°r‘“° Q. Fll"'tlCl oi‘ Plllllil \l't\' ‘R H °"“" ‘N S I: N‘-'l~" ‘""""~ =" U.ls. liaise Port. Portsntotith. (A). l at Portsmouth for trials’. Cicncrttl from date of sailing). (Far East.) 'll..\t.S. Corunna (/Ll). Cons-er.sion).’ li..\I.S. Rothsay t.-\. S. .\l:irch Frigate). Il..\l.S. Eastbourne (A.-‘S. Frietitei. J;inu:ir_v 30. zit "Rosvth. for (iencrzil, .‘.(v_ at Portsmouth. (ienenil Service Service ('omn_tission. .liil_v 30. llonicl South Atluiitic :irtd South Aiiiericai December 3 :it Rosvth for trials Scrvi“ LL (' onimission. H ome"t-'..tst 0 [1 \\ ‘ I 1 _H Q -. .. “"’\' ‘”‘ l“"“‘”‘ Commissions for Home Sea Service. Suez (I6 months). ‘.‘lst Escort Squad-l ljlfllu.-,i5_A.U.L_ nus-¢ gm P.ut_ t)r.~mnSqu;id.ron_ l‘ebru:ir_v l8. l7th Frigrite Squad-,' ron. U.K. Base l’ort. Rosyth. 1'-K };N."[£‘.n'p‘.;‘;,}muih ‘ml (/L15. rt't;..ttL). ].tl‘llI~ 5" 329‘ kg" l.|":hl_ _\“”‘.h (“June ; H..\l.§. [V '



M} '“.‘"“h‘)‘ 'C0l1'l t'l SSll.‘3l . l-io‘nrc"'i\‘li':-il ]? it--~criori-'>~~or1v-r*-W .' . ...,...._.' , , ' . ...,;f.(.. ;:::j:,.,,:,‘ .§,',;;;,:_ 3‘


...:::.:.:..:.:.'::. ..:':.'r::*;..v.:°



























































g:'MARLBOROUGH E”:J‘3c‘é;“TER :5?1$.':i?qD ‘LONDON lrom PORTSMOUTH --

eLoNDoN from Gospogf HIHSI


15,; 251-


\\i:i::mi';:i.‘.‘.?' ‘i§.;k..,,',_i‘ 'ei;:l,»,:i:(;f.' ~
















l5]: I315 ls/_ [4]-

‘By SOUTHDOWN MOTOR SERVICES Ltd. All dine ti-m':ei will ink: the {el.'om'r-ig route for the urrvenienre of Service Personnel: ILM. Bum-ecie. Eottney: Rayal Sailors‘ Home Club: Queen Street. RN. Barracks. Unicorn Gate: Stanley Rd. for H.‘-‘.5. Excellent: Hiltea tide. Cozhcm, Harries: Harrison Rd., Iarel:cni_

N.B.—To all ships visiting Poresmouth: Special facilities to meet your particular travelling requirements can be organised at short notice.


B‘\“IcgP}gr_l-'_D“‘|‘;“l’."rz _









I I (‘ ‘K lllfly lt) i..R.i complement. : Fur Eagt‘ 24”‘ Elsi ‘Cl ll..\l.S. Grafton (AJS. Frigzitc). .l;inu» l..\l.S. Dido (.-\._lS. l:t'l[1:llL‘). Chtingc cl:is.<itic:ition of service. (‘aenerul I ziry ;it l’o_rlsrnoiith. for lt'i'.Il\. (‘om-' East of Siii:/r missions tor Home Sea Service. 2'“ E5*'*‘” 1 "m9 (l Fcbritiirv 27. 20th Fri 'utc St u:idron.'. : Ul" B“‘‘‘ I’‘‘"- P‘"“‘. 5‘i‘““"“"'. U.K. l)~.i'se Port. (C). '“‘’“‘h- K )ll..\l.S. Defender (Destroyer). 6, tit ('h:ith:im.for trials. [To reserve‘ "--‘l,-53 -"W R0!‘-|' ‘Cd-'rl£‘Tl N-'t‘|‘|“', _








(Continued on pzttte 3. column I)




















clussitieutions of service. (ienerzil Senicc (‘oitimissioit.

Slervice Ctczi_m}‘'‘”‘‘‘luniission

At your service






completion of long rclit). "“_'\)‘l0l“ -11 D°\'0“P<‘Fl "0 l‘1'l‘Tl|€U'.v' : No. 706 Squadron (Biilisark l’-’li;:ht).i 4- ll} €011"! 1I~'_l’0rl 5I-‘|'\iCc- fiicnvrnl .lZtn|l£lf)' 7 at RN. Air Station. (fuld- ' Scrvicc Coittlitission. -'\l1t:USl. llttllit" l‘-_.-ist of Suez. UK. l‘l1t\l3 l’o.'l.rm‘; 1:...» tr...-.-gm, 5..n.;_-._-_ \\r,_..,-L1! DC‘-'*‘"l‘(‘T1H..\l.S. Brighton (.-\.,S. l-riezite). .l;inu:try 9. zit Portsirtoiitli. (ienenil Scr- ll..\l.S. Russell (.-\.«S. lirignte). I-‘ehru-’ vice ('on'Intission. Home .\lcil./5 or}: l3. til Rosvth for tritils. (‘ontmis-,

It SON 3.1.1’?



Write, phone or call



'. _' ‘_‘ l0l’Ll}_.l'l _‘ Oil _~ _from (ldlt. §LF\lU._ '


Palltser Ml-5 -'”_R°5l-‘ll l«-R;l’_- C0l'“l"¢l“'~'“l-i ll..\l.S. Lister (.’\.1'S. l-rtgzite). .l:inu:ir_vl




RE.\l()\'.-\I,S and WAREll()USl;\'G I’.-l('1\'l.\'6 I-‘OR .S'IIIl’.)ll:‘.\"I‘


ii»nr-_-ism it Site]. 30:). l-Is-xrt‘.

Lil\'. Stllllliirtitl. mouth. (C).

li.ise Port,


Ptiilts-‘ S.‘.\l\. :

llirget ls'u\)llt.

Ship. ‘UJE. liiisc l’iirtt,I '

(:‘L‘lol1d0l1 R0d(]9 Southbcd '






r"l"Pl'""l' 21515


_l1ovcrnher. l963 Letters to The Editor


lR.——l vias interested to see in your p:il :irid. tliziriking him for all lll.ll he. tletolier issue ".\lond:iy morning: had seen and heard. s;ud t|i.it lie ll;ttl' in the l"lt:et sixty _v(':Irs ago." I minder he;ird nollirng nhout Siind:i}.'. iind it you have lll';If(l the description of supposed tli;rt they did nothing on thiit l ".Smi.l.rr riioriiirii: 60 _i-eiirs ago" as. if driy. The m.'itelot gougled at him for It‘ not. it might interest (3) sonic (it your moment ;ind then started: "Do ttulllltlt: readers. A rri.ilelot sv.is \ltt)\\lllt: his t:ivili:in on Sunday! Lord love ‘cc. its like this p;il round the ship and. just helore lhe‘ ‘ere. We turns out uhout ';i|l'~p;ist live. decks: then we civili.in ssent '.I\lItll't.‘. lie tiirned to his their we scrtihs the e|e;ins the hriglitsvork: then we clcrins the guns; then we ';is;rhout1 selves. l0 minutes to clean our tli\'i.siot’ts "Their we goes to the hour :ind st;iiids up there ;r whole N completion of the N..-\.'l'.O. while the cziptziin goes round and looks : the ship. l .iitturiirt exercises wliich st:irled on :it church. Then “Tlien we rigs the Uctoher 3 and tinislied on October 25. cliiircli lllld the. of the biggest fleets to visit‘ we goes to the one Rosvth for sonte _ve;rrs disctissed the piirson gets up and gives out. llvrnii progress of the exercises. rind the 254. Art thou weary. rirt thou lzinquid. otlicers ;iriv.l ships‘ coniputtres met on‘ rind l jumps up and s;l)s 'Yris ivezirv l;rngriid.' and l gets l-l d:i_vs' ;in tlllnlllllll husis. "lhe lltllltl'|t.'I’ of ships in the, I0.-\ for tlt.it." :\'..-\.‘l'.(J. tlcet was 30, Nine were This niii.-lit .iruiise some of the old-' trorii the Ro_\;il Nov). and there ssere st.igers like m3.‘.se|t'. Yours. cle.. tise ('.iri.idr.'in ships. three Nririieizizirt. R()\\'l ,v\f\'l) l’.. S'l'()l\'l-TS-Rl’. S. ('dr.. tour l).inrsli. tour trench and tivel R.N. (l{etd.l tll,.\l.S. llrit.irIrir.1. l.‘W3l‘)-5|. .\l.ii:lier.il‘clt,i\'ortliern lre|.ind. Netlicrlarids. ‘





































C ommzindzint General

lll-I suhniarine depot ship ll.M.S. T.srar.isi..... built by Messrs.


t Sl Nzlvy League Ccrclnony lluid ,



Navy League's



llurliind & Wolll l.td.. llelfust. being down on .\l'.i_v Ill. I919. launched on November 30. I940, and completed on l-‘eliruziry Ill. I942. ller over-;ill length is 653 feet and her he.irn is 7(l teet. l)ispl;iccriient is l(i.500 tons [full load). 'I he ship's company ‘.ll'l(l repriir st;itl tot;il 520 and the depot ship can h;tndle about six soliirnirines at :i time. The equipment includes (I foundry.

nnnuzil rerelo|l.issiri.: line been ids.in.cd to the ( hie! iiiony eomnieniurzitini: the lliittle of l'e'.ri lI.ti.er ..r thiet .\riiti.er r.r'e 'l'r:if:ilg-.ir took plziee on Suridzry. lo (fhiel Petty llltlcrr ix trtstii \\' t \\‘c:stw, Ix ‘H252-I (‘ October 20. and the scene in 'l‘rrtl".ilg:irl p_mm....,... ix 3-iztr.-i it Mutter. lx IMITI-tl Square was described for Home Service \\'hire, l.\1 ntIs.tr.t l‘ l \\'hrtin.:. W A Brian Johnston. Tlre .-\ man. I\‘ T'nIll§l_ I .\l listeners by iv |?7:7.\' t l\ ll..\l_S‘. I):iinpir.-r tSirrve_virie Sliip].‘Il.\l.S. Iveston t('..\l.S.l. Julv. iiti I-Linden, IX .s'tstIo7 I) (' I (‘ro.id. l'3‘’‘’‘. address was given by l.ieut.-General stwitr. I. .\ ll.iierri.in.: IV (; ll .\l.isnird, lrinc l.:ilSirir_::ipore.l-oreii:iiServr.'e Devoriport. Home Sen Service. lst’ ix T4113-t x J_._Ls.in. IX '.'l2‘W .\I l‘ Unis. Sir .\I. C. (‘irrtnriizht-'I‘a_vltir. K.C.ll.. .\l»'.S Sqtrudroii, l.'.ls'. ll.ise l‘ort_ ix |«i7i.s-J t)_ .\ .\trm.iv. IX Tsultz I) W (‘urriniiindunt-General. Royal Marines. ll-.irl".ist|.l('). litters‘. p;rtterrtni;ikers'. copperstttiths' Strut, IX ru.u‘i7: I). J. .\l.itih.i-.isc, IX 7i.i)H‘l ‘illld the service conducted ll.\l.S. 'l'roubridi,:e t.-\.i'S. I-'rig:ite) Rosyth. by the Rev. and I lllenkinsorl. sliipwriglits‘ shop‘. light Lind lie.ivv lune ll. :il .\l:r|l.r lor tti.tls. (ictteral,’ll..\l.5. I.eup:tt'd l.»\,r'.-\. l:tl',;lllL'i. July lu “aster-:il-\rnu Williulns. Vicar of St. Martinirkusteii riirieliine shops; torpedo ;irid electrical Service (ornmissioii. Scptenihcr 7.5 .'it Portsnioiitli. l..R.l’. Squadron. six _s;Jt.|<'.' t'. H. t...ircs.. .\t\ 1: H k \ in-the-Fields. .‘ilt_\<4' I ll .\..retir-iii. lloirte .\led, llorire‘.\led. 27th lis- ll.M.S. lirsu l:\.‘S. I-rigzitel. July. til llendexson. .\lX (hi 'l'r;il'.ilg;ir l);rv itself. .\lond:iy. shops; rind sirbrriaririe rep.iir Licilities “""" ‘"""' ”‘"' """ October 2|. .-\driiir:iI Sir .\liclirie| or’ :ill kinds. enrt .Sqti:idr'oii. U.l\'. ll;isc I’or't. Devonport. (ii.-rrer'.rl Service (‘uni- 1"MN .‘¢‘l‘.ll I). ll. \\’.it\.Irt l'ortsriioirth. l(‘l. mission (l’li'.ised). |lonic,W. lrtdres. .\t.r}n;ird Dcllll)’. (i.(‘.ll,. (‘.ll.lE.. .>\d:iin;int's facilities include recrea.5, K M “M hm uni“, (-we ll..\l.S. :\lll.lI) tl..S.'l'. zind .\'o. l l llotne.‘\\". lntlies. Stli l-'rig:rte Squad-J Mx 7‘l‘N-I .\. I|i»|u'r'-HI. MN \‘l“‘ 5‘ (3 l).S.().. was tlte tlistineuished ll1|\‘£Il‘ tional spaces. biithrooms. ctc.. in cori.-\ss:iii|t Squrtdron. June 1‘! :it roii. UK. llnse Port. Devonport. c.ist.iw;i_v selecting records for "Desert: tr;ist lo the soinewli.it cr.iruped conH‘ NJ! J 0! P the .§tlblll.lfltlt!S she thliierri. loreien Service t.\liddle tt..\i.ss. r).-.-....si..r.- l(i..\l. |sl.ind Discs" on the Norrie Sen-ic¢_ ditions in ..\;,°.t,',,,,_' li.istI. Ariipliiliiotis \\‘.irf.ire Squad.-\llg.usl. .it Portsriroiitli. (iener.il Ser-A to urine (‘tilt-t Fnxlne Kimm \rlilir¢I ‘, :\dniir.i| Denny was in comnizind ol "niotliers." l<s(D l.. ‘II MK ‘l\)2‘tHl ll leisttlitin, MK vice (oriiiiiissiori tl’|i.ise.ll. lloriie‘ the Ll.lfL'l;ll-l carrier Victorious tlurin_t: ron. tlll. lrcliumr l-'..ist of Sue/. li.l's'. ll.i~e Port. Portsll.\I.S. \lessirI:i (l..S.'l'.) and .\'o. 5 the Second World War. was Capt. II. R. B. .l:invin. l).S.(.'.. In (‘tilt-t .'~'h‘D|\II:hI \rl|Errf ruontlt. .-\ss'.iult Squridron. Jrrne l‘l. .'it (lili(’onirn.irider-in-(’hiel'. llorne l-leet and .\.l).C.. R.V.. is to be promoted to I .\l.\ 1"~ts‘T'. l) H’|' lfflfltlll. “V \“7«l'I_| V-' J s“'I:l M.\ H .ir.tsiii.iu. six t(i.l’_ u_.;,(-,_ r.i|t;ir tor l‘utL‘tt.'_tl Service. Middle ll.3l.S. 'l':irl'.ir l-Z.istern Atlziritic in the post-\v;ir yerirs. Re:ir-.\dmir;il to date .l:inu;ir_v 7. I064. l"rir_:;itel. .‘\tlL!lIsl. |_ 1 n,..._t¢..‘ s‘t||_‘r.\'V I). .ss( in‘ I) R. .\titrurt. .\|x l-‘.ist. .-kiiipliilaious W;irt';ire Squadill l)i:voriporl. (iencr:ilService (‘oni(‘Mel Jolurr rnission tl’li.isedl. llonie W. Indies‘! In,\|\ ion Ill). \tlI\‘\ K. ll. \\'.itrctIslct. .\l.\' T‘.\'(l| lI.\l.S. l)ui-liess (Destroyer) lone l*)_ llorrte/\\", liidies. Stli l‘rig‘.ite Squ;id- I R linker. i l'u \et|ne (‘hlet 0ri.ln.inu- \rtllirer M Recoriiiiiission ron. U.l-C. ll.ise Port. Dcvonport. Singapore. W. ll\\\.Ilfl. tl’h:ised). l-ioreign Service tl‘:ir lE:ist). 3 ll.!\‘l.S. Vuliizirt ((i.P. l-rigutel. .'\lIt:ll\'l .\|x Iio:£=< K. .VtJ.l)7's"l it. t. 1'~ttli l~'.s.'ort Sqirudrori. (A). l’orts'riioirtli. (iiL'llI.'t;ll Service (ll ll’lt.iscd). llonte. ll..\‘l.S. F.\iiiriiith l.'\."S. l’rig:itel. lune.‘ ("umrriissiori .\lltltli"l:.l\l. ‘ttli l'rig'.ite Sqtnitlron. lr.irrs'.er to I-is|ier_v |’mte.:tion g\- Tssut‘ _s i IIé..o.‘ UK, ll;.se Port. Portsirinritli. (ll). i.. (‘hit-t I.lrrlt'it_'l.lII Sqmidrori. llorrie Sczi Service. L! K, H n‘ I‘ \ tt..\t.s. rum. Rosytlt. l‘rn::ilel. t.-\.,‘S._ L ._ ll..\l.S. I'roti-ctor llce Patrol Sliip)_‘ Arigust. .ll (li.itli;ini tor trials. _c;;M'..i.-, six ui7«i.ir'. w, ssh...-.-. a Service (‘onirnissiorr.l lo scitn: (‘Met tuiitu t-1i.-critur .\nn'...-. lune .ll Poitsriiouth. (ierierul Ser-‘ (iencrnl "" "‘""" ' 5 "““"“" vice ( ominissiori_ |loiiie*S..»\. & S./\.. Noveniher. llome!lZ.ist of (‘Inlet Rartln I-Ilrrtrleian lo tllrilislt Anlrirctic Terr'iturie.sl. UK. llottte/Med. Ziitlt Escort Sqtuitlrun. My 31.122“ I B. Kiplriie. U.K. lluse Port. l’orts'rnotrth. (Cl. llusc Port. Portsinotitli. to (‘hid Radio !s‘upen'uor IGI Ix 7oo0a< A ('. .\|el«.Irum. I.00KlllE Good looking. The clean lines have an ll..\l.S. Omen l$t|t'\'t,'_\'iltt: Ship). lune. ll.M.S. .\leon tl..S.ll.). Septernlier II_ (WI Raidlo Clild Siipenlsnc In ;it llzilireiri. I-X-reign Service. i\liddle zit l)evonport. for (ienernl Service unobtrusive elegance. the car is beautifully ix ,s-Vi-mm. I t)‘!stie.i. IX !€Tl~l2‘3 I. Bentley. lZ.ist. .-\niphiliious' W;irl.rre Squad-r In Ski Brill’! Chlcl fell) Oliett Coniiiiissiori. llull'lC"l.t§l of Suez. proportioned. J r. .\l.\ms. Ms 774-ms H T. l7.K ll;ise Port. l)evonport. rort. ttt). llflllllllllli Superb. Magnificent roadholding plus ""' " ll..\l.S. lllaclswood l.-‘\./S. Friizzilc). ll..\l.S. Jaguar tA..-\. Fri -rite). Septem-‘, "nmfl M” '“"m' “mu “M the stop-on-a-sixponce safety of front disc brakes. her at (‘h;itli;rrn. Service l"lilx. lune. zit Rosyth. l..R.l‘. (iumpletnerit. 1 sfm-i R. ).I. lock. (0) (omriirssion (l’li:irsed). lloiite/S..A. Il..\l.S. l’l_iruouth (.=\./S. I-'i‘ig:ile).Jur1c, GOING Plenty of room in the capacious boot. And M ~-‘‘r ~‘ s '\./lloniethA I.s s .-s 7ll| FriLit zit Devonport. (ienerril Service (‘oin(I)! plenty of go for long journeys: the 1.8 litre engine l ‘hi l Akcnl 3! In lcl gi.7_,,..' i .,_f' U.ls. ll'.isc Port. ; nirssion (l’h:isr:d). Hontc/lE:ist of I gzitc (~,_ A‘ gives 80 mph plus. Portsrrioutli. Mr tut. Fitter (( (Title! ). 1.. Sue: 'llornc’l€;istof Sue‘/. 20th liseort l~'l’X. I)tl1t2t._|. l l).ivies. I ll'X. 'llIi7(i‘l RIDING Room for five—comfortably. Very special Squndroii. U.K. llnse Port. Devotil).ivies I’. I l‘ltiIuti, l."l.\£ !l|.'l‘il.'l R seating. a very luxurious ride. The tacia is padded. In Chlet Alr Flller l()I porl r.vt=x. suuzz l. T. |'-Inc-t. the floorthicklycarpeted. Il..\I.§. l)i-.in:i tl)estro_ver). June. :it' To Clxlet Altman (Alli Devoiiport. (iencnil Service Coml.'l'X. imftm K. ll. (‘ouun SAVING Hillman economy. Hillman reliability save mission Il'h:ised). l'l0ll‘|C/liilhl of these days :ire.:ipp:irenIl_v..‘lo (‘Islet Altman lI’hot.I you money. No greasing points—so_ maintenance \\'. Smith Siier‘|loriie'l-I;istol Suez. Zllth Escort connoisseurs not only of rum hiil_ I ‘IN. suits-i NI-ilretrlcal filcclunlclln (Nil .\etln¢ (‘Met costs are lower. And the price is sensible. Sqtrutlron. U.K. ll:isc Port. Devoti- also of iee—cre:im. for rulings ot“ InI/ix guru? t), .\t.-. .\ M..u...:i. Saloon £743.13.9 (£615 plus £128.13.9 p.t.) ll.Nl.S. llellerophon considered the‘ 'lo (‘Mel Radio Electrical Slctli-Ililt-‘ldfl (“H port \\’c\in.uitti ll I. -tl‘I'H X [II ll.\l.S. (':uiiliri:ui tl)estro_vcrl. June. ut .ice-erenni served on the menu daily. Convertible £843.19.6 (£698 plus £145.19.6 p.t.) ‘lo ('tilel Radio lllrclrlclan t\lrI ('li.itli.iiu. (rent-r;il Service ('oniriiis- ';'.md riiude on l)t);lI'd by the ship's Estate Car £798.13 1 5\ \'-|:'_“ K. llamitmri. (£660 plus £13a.1.3 p.i.) sion tl’li.ise.l). llonie'l-"List of Sue/i’ iciiolss. so good that they persuaded llonie l‘.t\l ot Sue/. 2‘Jtli liscort :the Supply Ollieer to enter the icein KL .\;itiun:il Ice-('re:iiii (‘oniSqiintlrori l.'.K. llnsc l’ort. Portsrnoutli. petition. ll..\I.S. I):irint'. tl)estro_ver). riiitl-July._ The result wars that the suntple of .rt l):vonport for trials. (To reserve ‘ice-cre.iin niised by Cook (S) P. ()S‘|'(‘.-‘\Rl) [ilioto_gr.iplts of the on completion of lone relit.l lluh.-r. \\'.|\ .iw:irded ;i l)iplom;i in the . following I-l..\l. ships inziv be ll.\l.S. l'nrl:Iunted (.-\.lS. Friezitel. lee-('rc.ini .‘\lll1|llL'L' Nutionril leefrom the Editor. “N;iv'_.* hletvs. Jul{.. .it (.ilir;i|t:ir locul l’orei_en (‘re.uu (‘onipctition held in October t;iined RN. 8;irr.1eks. Portsnioiith. price (id. |in l{otlies.i§'. lsle ul‘ llute. Service l..R.l’. ('oruplernent. each. which includes postage. lltcseus. lltilssnrk. ()ee:in. l'.;ltLlL'. ('ent;iur. (il.t.\t:\l\V. l\'cnv.r. .\'e_sv_c.istle. h;,\vL- joined. l\'oborl_v is better uu.itr~ ':\lhioii. .»\rk Ro_v:il. Loch Killrsport. 1‘...-.| to do this than (';ipt. lliisli." Two tone cotours Chevron. Tzicittirrt. il)i.iti;r. l);iririg, overriders ti wIn'tew.iII tyres eitm 'l'h-_- hook cont;.ins clinptcis on p:i}' -‘\ ‘-ill” he 1'5-'hlC' l‘“"‘l Curnl1erl;irii.l. llest. \’;ingir;ird. .\lurr;iy_ Mn] |,n.m..1.'..n. the \.lllt|ll\ sp.'ci.rlrs.iThere are 15 other good reasons for changing to a Super l-‘5~‘0.ftm"1. Sliellteld. (iirdle l\ess. trustxsortli} lltills \\llll1ll lli: S.-r\i.':. tit: entry Mtnx. we'll show you all twenty. See us. And be convinced. {t.'}Ztll.tllt\tts tsith an outline «II the Mn, iS;ilt.shirry. .n.tlt_l I .t R onson V-_.tr.t ‘“uidsmm__ Nw.fmlmm"d_ w.m.im._ sclinlursliip nnil res:r\:tl L.ttl.‘l\lllDs. Victorioiis. llerruudzi. llritainttin. :t V;tt‘;tll:ttttL‘ I'tttt.s mt ht :tttrl the tiu.iiiei.il .r~st\l.ttts.‘c tor .'-.. ._~hol'.iis. iiml :1 Useful clupter on ll\l\\ H ('orurin;i. .'\l;irnein. \"i_eo. Tyne. i"‘lLl'“ T.ilent. l’;illiser. ‘Explorer. go prepare tor :1 N.i\.rl e.ircci‘. \:ir;ill;ime tloe.snt sum (3-_.mts.~,._ R‘.-.tpo|._~_Protector. '[h-_-r.: is it clizipt.-r devoted to '|h: Lndirie. . or ]._.;,k_ or ,,L.cd . Russell. l);unty. .‘\tllllll'2lll) lllll.'l'\lt.'\\' llonrd. I'olloi\ed l)el'erider. Dtrrtingtort. (.';irron. Whitby, lw ;tnt\lltL‘l" on lite on 'llte lll”ll.tl'll\l:l: of \veek.s'. .-\iid every t l I-Tristhotrrne. 'l'orqit;r).'. .\lounts ll;iy. R-oval Ni|\'£tl College. Then come e\clu.si\e \":imll:iriiccon Bell:i.sl. Herriics. .-\rrn;rd;i. Yurrrtotitlr. ._-h;.ptcrs- on Joining the l'|-.-et. ('lt.ir;icl.ion. llltfllillttl Point. l.eop;ird. Tokeri. turn the ll:unc tip for rer rind l.c;idership. the .\':iv.il l'r:idi_\ou l-Ieho. Loch l~:id:i. Tenhy. .\';i\';i| (‘ostortts rind lion and lbr ln hetucc 'l’iini;i. lllnke. F.\c;ilihur. 'I'rotibrid1.:e. GROVE ROAD l.:tll}1llZ|}.'L'. nith no opp.-Irtlix on .\'.iv;il C;ieli:iOberon. Czirrtperdoxvn. |Rll_\'l. hooks north reading.-. No wonder any smok ttluckpool. llensich, l)i.iriioiid. SOUTHSEA Well written zinil well produced :ind Sen .-xi.-licroii. Sc.irboroui:h. l.:ivluirri. uho :ili'e:idy ouns :1 p illiistnited. "lliw.' to ltecome ;i N.iv;il rl.ion_ l-‘iilmouth. .-\sli.inli. llro;idPortsmouth 23261 Otlicer" will he of \soriderl'ul \.ilite to I “ill be thrilledto get :1 \ sword. R.l~'./\. Tidestrrize. Striker. l’|-,'..ll ti.-1.-s interest.-il in lll: Ro_v.il Navy (‘liri.stm:is. There are -l[ mouth. ll:irros;i. Virago. l.l;ind;itl. ..s :i career. Ztlltl p...'en‘.s. too. \\‘:ll kind l clioose l'i'-mi. Here are .s l Nuhi.in. ll.iriipsliirc_ (iurklni and.i it ir\\..l-.:;.lilc.


U.\'l*ll{.\l\T|(I.\' h.is been lCs{'l\CL’ '.li.it the



FORECAST (c0nt’d)























""”~' ; ' : ’i).-sin...-ri.,‘°.§';J...fi":.





“'..‘.\"':‘:'..-57‘.-".‘lT".1'i"‘.C?5f§'23'%x ' § ;‘\§' ” -,i:-' . ;..l. ll.’-_' “ "<~Kl,\;-".fifi‘}L"]"' ( 5' , {."t‘,:' :i,’,‘';,“'



"_3l'§ ;.'j\~‘;-.}.\‘.;—' Q —;‘;,';'{fd';_-_.',\ '_.:‘,,..,-.





“am Slllll '

Iul I\‘et\lu: C|JIl:-ll |?lff'I'll[I Agllieer .'i_ “I fl.‘fgf",.,.‘(,.,g'..








Sqii:idror_i. '







why you should change to‘ HILLMAN SUPER MINX



















l-I}’-‘I't'_m‘l- -’\t‘_0llU. l«.\"'»‘i-







Lihm‘ .




llutlurid. iii...-,,..;w.














Noveinnlier. I963

V.-\\'Y .Vl-ZWS

nfsifrikes Typhoo with ship alongside.


without steam



--‘ex’.--44‘-“ .' :..*-er.» i\'in'_\' int i; Jilin.’-in .\'t'.iri:.-at [In his fla'\! iiitit Ir, .\'r-prmiiz who ;'oi'm'iI Ilir Royal in 1904 and in 1929 was in cuninmml of I!.t\-LS. Slt)rIm‘li)urI. it r1¢'.tlrn_vi'r of rini' l at that time was the decisive factor. Iiiglitii l)c.sIro_vcr Flotilla on the (.'In'nri .S‘mni'ort. (old 0] ll .ri'rn'on.s i_vpIi.ioii. .:':ir- lame nmmmg hum. ‘I had been ad~ However. l could neioicc in the fact vised that it would be impossible to get ing wlnicln the .r}iip'.i fun-iiiiist liiid been: broken 01] an brnlge lL'H.'l.] rc0” the wan‘ I had ‘he choice (if two ll“-' t‘!¢\L‘lll L‘n.‘\\'. To cclchzatc the occa- that my sonn could perhaps inn sortieand the taniily tradition. cvils. wait for a tug and risk damage ..sion. when Slonnieloud entered har- spcets uphold on" hour. a long pa) ing-otl pennant was let prove himself worthy of holding the to fix the ship's position: Stormcloud was enveloped in :1 dense screen of spmy alongside, or risk damage getting King'.s (‘oniinniisasit-it. and rain. and with a driving. howling wind of I50 knot.-i. it would have been the wall. l decided to take the latter. ‘lily. to the aecoinpzitninnent of three difficult to judge what headway was being made, whatever speed the engines "the ship's companv went to stations ‘hearty cheers. The crew had been on l'l.i‘\(.'I-ID ON Rl-]'|'lRl{|) I.l5|' and whilst I. I dreaded oil" special of the h-ilf "moving out Iezndline ;:'or vi: its was question. lmc ‘.1 “in” for gt... amt _t were turning at. and the use of it ll..\l.S. (‘onncord arrived at Portsthe and the lll.'llll'lt.‘tl 0 “Preserve bridge. of neus, tit: diitynncn eluted .it was p:.‘st‘cc: the thought of piling up on shore: I remembered the prayer. iannd month onn .\'ovcnnber 21. I93". .innd l the room to engine went chief I in eiiginecr of the which, heart, repeated. lnome. sea." the front my Lord. dangers , turning was disch:ir_n:cd to the Retired List on fnnll to the to "in reatliiness engines pint but l ln.i:i‘.‘ur the w.is last ti‘.-. The eased.’ It was my following day. p.nss.tge. the follow‘tin_u day. I then thoniglit that Shortly ;.{i._-rw.irtls‘. the rain it when was rung down astem_ speed he lt alw sad noi‘nn:il. s I felt to lcavinig returned to xezy t I had said gm-d-h_\c for net‘ to the tlnc wind veered. its velocity lessenned rapidly Inn: elated. the on telegraph. l lll.:i was h:'ing- i White l-‘nsignn. It was not so. lnowcvcr. so smart. I tliou_-_-lnt and it became evident that the .storm presented a most fascinating picttn.-c. All was now set. I gave the order. Eh-er and the in, m_\ naval L‘.l'.L'Cl' to .nn't abrnnpt end- ; but I could not foresee. tlncn. that the had given its linal kick when it had’ llrilliant sunshine. blue §T§lL'\_ forernost aft~-llold spring "Let junks and l.ct goforward ~ll:ilfahead starboard inng. It is as well. pcilnaps. that we are‘ day would aiiiti: when l would he rebrought down the forcinast and with it panoraiuic view‘ prodticed by go unable to look into the future. however called to active service. and c\‘entuthe W./T. :u:rial. thus breaking oll all sainnpanis. as they sailed on‘ drifted with It was a tense] astcrn Slow port." brilliant our plains Illa} be. It l\ .l trnic N ally return to Hong Kong and become tattered sails inn all directions: ships means of cotnnitniiicatiotn. the stern btit surely. Slowly. moment. l .-\s the wind subsided and tlnc rain discharging cargo midstrcam and the canine up into the wind: at certain ! saying that: "\\'hat tnan proposes (ind (‘aptain Superintendent l)ocky:nrds. and take part in the recapture of the ceased. so did the tension on our nerves ferry steamcrs—.steaiuing rapidly be- annount of coaxing with the engines disposes." I turned over my command on Sep- port front the lapaiics-e. decrease. By H31) hrs.. the stin was tweeit Kowloon and llong Kong. was necessary. bnnt Stornicloud was joitncd H..\l.S. In due course a letter informeil itnc shining. the wind had completely using halt tember 30, I92‘). and Portsntotntln splendidly. APPOINTED RELII-IF {responding on Ih:nt "My Lords (‘ornnnntissionners of the dropped and it was possible to survey -astern port. for short periods. The (‘oncord for passage to with titted a Storineloud was quickly the havoc that the typhoon had caused. the mooring October l. I w.ns'p;ti'ticti|a:'lysorry to i\dnniralty" had approved my being illuminated searchligltt and rethe foremast dockyard. by Several ships had beeit driven ashore new ‘linen came my leave my loyal and helpful opposite placed on the Retired List with the oil the quarter. buoy the anti-piracy patrol. while wreckage of all descriptioin was I stinnned duties on l-‘till -’nunnhcr. l.icnin.-( dr. l’.. W. ll. Sim. rank of conntnanndcr. aind L'X[‘.'I.'\\&'\l the “Let orders spring go .Iinal relief crews()llicc:' of ll..\l.S. Sterl-t their appreciation of Ill) sen vices to the l(' o nnnnnnanding strewn over the harbour. ()n shore. A signal was received that Stormcloud both engines." astein the houses had been blown down. and for the Eighth Flotilla had left and. thanks to the ling. later, he was 'pr.\ntotcd to com-. Royal Nnvv -,:al|.intly _beh:.\ed hoard ll..\l. Ships on United Kingdom stzitl. the berth was cleared :innanilcr and captain. We had indeed! What of the futttrt:'.' l knew it would lllr'll'l_\' roofs lifted oll. aind the roads litEcngincrooni .-.ntl (‘ainhrian and fn'ienni.l~. and tnnnfor- I need tn great cllort on ll'i_\ part to settle tered with many of the Chinese sign- ('oncord.Cleopatra tension was relieved. and we been ver-.' good ‘quickly. on relief was taking passage t agaitt. He was down and adapt mj.sclI to the role of a -forlnmatcly we nevc boards which usually dangled outside that my easily. the .sccurcd buoy to cnnergetncy Concord. the business premises. Storincloutl lnad board ll..\l.S. the night ‘captain of ll..\l.S. lialatcs when she retired naval olliccr. '|hc i:ontnntr_\sidc of 'and rennnaittdcr the during Less than three weeks after the the scarehlight was used to help other i\\;ns torpctloed off .-\lex;indri.i iii I‘)-ll. inn -.\'osetnber looked grinn. t:spci,‘i.ill'_. come through llnc ordeal, with the loss 'l he counnliy and the R.v_.al Navy lost a ; as l stiive_vci.l my tlnnee acres of ;.:roinnd. of her forennnast. which could be re- typhoon. another warniing was re- ; vessels in picking tip their moorings. ccived. In this case quite a dillcrcnnt l with ovcrgrt-.\vn Incdgcs. ditches very gallannt ollicer atnd gentlcnnann. placed easily. Stornneloud for problem was presented. lt had Ill\\‘;l)S -been my ambition E blocked. and weeds growing in the lon-_; wall ! was berthed alongsid-.: the outer SAILORS IN to spcciznlise as a gunnery otliccr: I had gravcl path. | without steam. basin. of the dockyard M)‘ son, who was sertinng his firs! GIFT SERVICE and all the qtnaliticacxpcrieitce MAKING Till-I gthc having her boilers cleaned. The warnthe clips of this wafer-lighlt tear in ll.t\l.S. lircluns. was being but tions. inn executive .\Ill1jL'i.‘ls, Ho Q;un¢ OR over halt‘ :n century the well- ing was received in the late ;it'te.-noon. By N I'IP'I'U.\l Ii were kept hard in the closed posi- traiincd door home on Chrislnnas leave. thus gixing known lirm of .\lessrs. C. ll. Ber- and the wind began to rise rapidly. l on. the hard to Haron Stornieloud House. binding Inc the opportunity to deal personallv nard & Sons. Ltd.. Angliai When door the was opened. I was resumed ttnli-piracy Stormcloud the been arranged by with a “sailor iii the makiin-,:." Signals wich. have been operating :1 gift ser- wall. It had but be allowed old to too to quality. last the 23. 1929. vessels September on patrol siee which has stood the test of time King's Harbour Master to move 1 was his weak subject. I &|lllL'l\l_\ pmof lieu olliccr had served in I ti gunncrv Ont the before recominissioning. l duceil a Morse key and lamp and b\and. for rt number of years. this lirm from alongside to their ctnncrgcncj-' one sctcral and inn appointtmcnnts‘. \\“.t\'} 26. rewas a of signal Septennber the time lnc rcluini:d ln ll..\l.’s'. lil’Clltl.\ has produced an attractive t';tl1n.lt\Rtlc. moorings. but only a few tugs tvcre night "ll-'7‘ kttowit as .t day" a inlei‘~ ;.'tint:nct\ lo ittstrtietionts This year's catalogntc illustrates the available. After tn confi:ri:nce witln til) ceived giving me l he was expert at re.ulin_e .\lt-r.c_ ;m.| nlitccr. l from on raise :1 steamship decided to pass;n_ee it was cept had .: _t.1llt‘tl i:it-nnnili:n<_-in llltj.1s.tll\l pentwide range of gifts. plus a siipplcntcn- chief engineer. l nintt it \\.ns had l‘.'£il \llsas to had rm Kong. .-\lthou1.:ln the Hang if .\li.:ii;_-liai and boiler. tug itannls. .t:'.tl ln.-tl Ln few other nt-fcs on l nary service for e'llnls'i1l.IiL‘s and bis- steam in one her hoannlcd in had this tlisl a\ ti-at -‘.l\.'\l kl4-ski-tlil. l tintpirates was time steam t the pected ziust ~':.il st:;:::t.ti:slnip n: cuits annd no tl'l.2!lll1.'l’ of the faniil_v nnot arrived by n d.iwn lnn.‘n the at the line l take iinterceptcd 0:‘ ‘:t\e gltost of; tip I needs to he neglected. ‘llne customer :|\';:il;|l1lC. l wotnld attempt to get .nw.t;. _p.issc:n~,:cis'. she altered resistaticc. 27 icas: but .'.\iice:ili.itctl AN I-I\‘l-I.\"l‘l-"Ll. ‘t'Ii.\R course as t on [ml Septenniher scning 2ll‘l'n‘.Itl can he assured tlnat his under the power of one boiler. At 2300 hrs. the chief engineer :c- ‘for the ltias llav area. when on tho mssittg the llL\‘.'\s.nl’j. t‘\.tt'Illll;tllt\ll\ for 1 _\c;t1‘ W2‘) had hccii an ct.-int!-..1 The gifts will arrive at the right time antd Wlienn the of the contnn:nnnd flee: and ;n captain l.iglithouse. t!.'s'.ro)er'. one tor nine. I had |'C;Ill\L'tl lll_\ gr..~.;i,_-.: that the recipients are not going to be ported steam available. .-\t that time ltlialantg said all this he §llL'CL'C\lCll. was on hailed. I peaceful !l'l was wall the annbition. by hcintg llppqltltlcgl 1., mm. irked by having to pay (‘ustoms Stormcloud was bumping him escorted l to Nevertlteless. board. side. lt niay be thought. that. having tnnand a fleet dc.stro_\er. Tlnenn. when duties. or receiving packages broken violently and. on the seaward llaibour. of ::nt.'..nce Hong Kong .ii:hic\t:i.l so much. lt was rather stupid feeling almost on the crest ol the wave. sannpans and junks were stri.-aiiniiig past illh: iii the post. to retire voluntarily. but I haw fclutcd nny sight failed me. After nnany an.\ionns PAYING 0n-‘n-' The donnble-page advertisement in on their way to the refuge harbour. P nust how much it was against my own . weeks. weighing tip the situation. I had this issue gives an idea of range of Lying close as-tern was ll..\l.S. ltridge-al This was the last of the patrols with wishes‘. but the coiitlitioii n!‘ my eyes! taken tlnc plunge and requested perwater. and on the starboard quarter, gifts avrnilablc. .-...























retire. and. as the tear Cami: to :iin end. l jointed the "liowlcr-hat contingent." As I930 dawned nnt_\ prosl'*s'C1\ looked vcry dint, but my .\’e~.t nttnssnninl to



ROYAL NAVY SPECIAL PERFORMANCE at 4.45 Tuesday December 3| Special

Concessions Gives you an opportunity to see the old the West End of London



year out in



rcsolnntinn was. to :.ik.- ti.-ps '_,~ Ctlmi‘ "‘.\\L‘ll- \\it|n connntncrcial "kt1.~whow" ;::ttl play lll‘. pant lt‘ zit; '~,-.1 .»; tnnj. alnilttj. ll1.tL‘l‘sll c.n:cc:.





l£t\'COURAGlt\(; TOMORROW’S SAILORS NIVNIIJER nl II.\‘I. ships ln;n\i.A close li:ni.sunn with Sen Cadet units. a


THE BOX OFFICE London R031! Mllls HOUSE, l5leW03'th Mlddlesex .



Telephone FULham 3333 '9KlZ5












provided by


the Fleet. the .‘\l.l\lr.lll;lll Mnisetnin of Sydney. :n: Venerable .-\rcltdeaconn R. W. l{iclnard- all .nninn.n| spcctrnens collected we for scientilic irnvestigatio sort. ().ll.(‘., M.A.. will preach at St. preserved returned to Sydney t ('lnurch_ ll.t\l.S. Pcrntliiokc. w-lnein the party ’ 3.\ovcnnbcr on Sunnd;n_v. November l7. The


- - — - ‘ - —

l°=N.i.iI3.x:.. In. .9.‘.s'l'.='"t'."“ .t-!.. .\é~">....n~~

l’cr.stiiinnel Services. l'lu:n. in April. the veliicles ciitraincd for Alice Sprint". T Ro_val .-\rthnii ("lob was decorated anndt Ml-I.\lll|-'.RS (ll-' l’.\R'lY ufl have course on olliccrs the now petty All those who took part are set“ thcse two most comfortable rooms in which to relax during their leisure in llle l'ut)lllt Snnbmarinc Divii" hours. A superb new squasln court l‘:I\L‘tl itl 5)'tl"L')’- Tlls‘ “ll|L'|' '“€"l' Liclll. T. J. 510-U10. KN. was bnnilt durinng the .summer and is \\'s'rL' D. llur‘ vet another indication of the lintcllrum (‘lb-'.~ls‘I'. l-itlll. l{l.ord Nutlicld‘.s gcttcrosity to the R.t\'.t24l.from(iuildlord.Sub.-l.* I‘. S. Woitlttingtoin. RN. (23). wtServices, 'llne front of tlnc chapel. too. has home is at present inn Naples. lilhecn painted a light stone colour to S. .-‘\. lennininus (Rh). from Nova Set (lit. from Pcnicuik. ; distinguisln it fronnn the other buildings .-\.ll. J. Robb/\.ll. R, Sliipniiann. lr in tlnc catnip and a new oak door and 23-year-old 'lhe e\pednlion's plto porch add to its beauty. 'llne new l)oncastcr. \\'.nrdroonn starts to rise c.nrl\' itn tlu:,graplncr was «ll!-_\'car-old ('.R;itl.l-Eli New Year :nnd llne l’ett_\‘ ()llicen.s"l".l|iolt.lronnl)IIlI1In. The party camped on an island be ‘ Dinning Hall and Servery will sion on the lake sh_ore wltilc carryitng t cottnpletcd. the stnrvey. Traps and collect: .

Clnaplain of


§I)VClllhff. I963

X’ A V Y


N If W S



Navy's latest frigate. ll..\l.S.

Dido. which commissioned




on the has now

September I8.

settled into her programme of testing and tuning equipment at Portsmouth prior to going to Portland in the New Year. While on passage from Glasgow to Portsmouth a Whirlwind helicopter jopemting from the Royal Naval Air 1 Station. Culdrose. took the photograph l‘which illustrates this article when the of the Lizard. itship was some miles The previous holder of the name

"Dido" was the famous 5.25-inch _llgltl cruiser whose 10 battle honours the scene in I-‘onion cemetery 5 give :1 good indication of the part she and I.imhourne were remenibered played in the Second World War. She was lirst commissioned in I‘)-10 and shortly afterwards was adopted by the town of Bolton. This link was maintained throughout the war years and '.l p-.-rpetual memento of the liappjs relationship between town ni‘..! ship exists in the form of 3 silver lt'\Cl3t“u\'l pre§entcd by the town in June. I‘)-$3. and now held on board the new Dido. ‘l .\‘l).\\‘. (letolier l.V. I963. dawm.-il a dull i.-re} niiiritinu. setting a mood It is hoped to renew this‘ liziit with on the ltt)ll(l;t_\' island of (ilIL‘l'l|\t.‘_\ almost reniiniseent of those dull grey Bolton with :i visit t'ion~. :?i.- :.~*.\::'.s da_\s of 20 _\e;irs ago when its lattes ran: to the tramp of (iernlan jaelthoot.s. .\l1t_\'\‘T in the near I'u:u:e. lront the piettiresqtie ltarliour of‘ l-‘our thousanti of the local people OTHER \'lSl'l'(lRS \t, Peter Port. the sleek grey .slt;ipt: of attended. while the Weltrmxicltt prothe frigate ll..\l.S. 'l'orqu;iv loutttcd. vided p.ill-hearers. i::i;ird. tiring party Other important visitors ti- ll..\l,S. (‘ont(ierman and liven the so on. Dido will be Vice-Adinirnl Sir Robert llll't\ll‘-.'_ll. the morning mist‘. :1 hoat li m;iiu|;int the lent his presence to -' lilkins and Capt. A. F. St. (E. Urpc:‘.. could he nttule out le;i\'ing the .sltip l and ;ippro.ieliing the linrhour. e.irry- i oeeasion. The Iuneral made :1 great built captains of the last Dido. who on thi: islanders-. who sent will be visiting the new Did.» on me :i eerentonizil party to com- impression ‘MK! wre.iths-_ one was inserihed Niwentber S. inentor.ile ('|i;iiyl1dis l);i_\“, .in event in some lix-meniber.-t ol the old Dido who the liistort ol the isl.iitil's' oeetipatiott simpl;-‘ ''l min a little girl to zinotlier would like to look over the latest which is proltihlj. little ltnown outside ’litlle _i:ir’l'~ tl;itld_&‘.“ holder of that famous name and tiiiernsex. liverj. ;._e.ir stllek‘. the Illllll\'L'l'\'Ill'_\ ll..\l.S. has been liononreil. lhis’ year it was l‘I~:.‘~. the erniser ln compare the old with the new will liave the opportunity to do so when (l‘..ll‘.l‘tll\ .i::d the destri-:..'r ll.\l.S. ll..\l..\'. |'orqii.i_~.'s privilege to attend. the ship is alongside at Portsnniiith lllltl\.".illl.' were sztttl. iv; ertemje In the quiet. tree-girt c-.'nteter_v. in on Deeenther N. anti all 1.-\-llidos .iet:.i.t otl the (it.innel lsi.irds. lhe the pres;-n.e I‘: the lsl.ind"s (iovernor. will he w eleonte on hoard. liist lltnt (I‘.l'.‘l't‘sU\' I-met-.‘ it! this \\.'t\ the sertiee ei~::ime::eetl ox-er the ini-

Torquay at Guernsey for ‘Charybdis’ Day






ltt oriier that some ides. r"“ I e.iitied of the llllllllV.‘t‘~ in:::ri. tisit the ship. otlieers and r.itin_e- L the old Dido who wish to t.'" it upp<irltlllll_\ til s.'Cll‘it: the l.tl.‘vl ii. to join the Royal Nix‘) sitoulii wrii; to the l-irst l.ieuten;int. ll.M.!s'. l)itIo. giving an indication of wiiet‘. lllt.‘}' served in the previous Dido and the rank or rating tliey held at that time.

nthezt ll imdies were '.\..siteil zip o:'. _:ii.ieiil.itelj. '-peg‘: i...i-ies. ll.i:t3so:d In the s.iti'iii-west eiust nt lite tsl.iitd. lllt\l|ulZlL'~\ n.i\.il sen‘ i:s and the ln:§r l".'(l lIl‘l".' :.l.:itlitt‘ d.ses enaltlud eoloiirtiti \'..in its nl e\-S-.‘r\:ei: the. ':hi-iities to ideiitilj. the men. :\s or;;;inis.itii»iis tl.~.iti:i; in .I l!_tIlll hree/e. the d;i'.s p.issed. more bodies were .‘\s “ls‘e\'i.-Elle" tolloued "lhe l.;ist ‘.\.tsllL’tl up. until in Ltll I‘) were reeox ered. ineludiiti: sortie on the Post." the sin: l‘l't'l\C lllrntlgll the iteigltitivtiriiiy. islands ul llerttt and clouded §l\_\ to e.ist an utltttttttt glow \1:irl.: :ill were lllll'lt.‘\l itt l‘oulon eeme- on the wreaths laid :it the i:r;t\‘i:s‘. to keep tresli the memory of tnen of the :er_\. at St. Peter Port. (iiieriisey. he (ie:r1t.ins nt.ide an i:nporl.inl Ro_\:il .\.i\;. who tell in zietiott 20 e.:e:tt.'-n:.il iwuisiivtt ot‘ lit; l'tIttet.:l. years ago.




l)etail~'. of the z-.rr;itti.:entent~ \ isit will then he l'or\\'.i.'dtt‘..



frigate ll..\l.S. Dido. Iluilt by Yarrow & ('o. l.td.. Seot.stoun. (ilztsigim. Dereniher. I959-September. 1963. the new ship's displacement is


A £75,000 ‘Rest’ opened in Singapore naval base


snull tee lot’ the hire



about .’..70|'| tons (full load) :ind her



. -

_ ‘





4")? A.


eoniplement is 262


)>'} view


E‘ us

The Rest his :1 sp.ieio-.:~ res: ‘cool lounges and l'.ieilitie.s tor hillizirds. ‘snooker and tahle tennis. and. at the% lend of the day. he can retire to :i.. air‘ cabin and ti lUIltl"Zt1i‘i“.‘i' lcoltdilioncd the lorwiird seeing look to and with now: greatly wish I ONLY was you : bed for :i very modest chart.-e. : Sir Admiral wrote liefiire for lll_\‘\t‘lf \'l‘l'_\ long." eoulpleted Sailors’ Rest Titus. within halt" :i mile of 't-i- s':tEp' l);i\id l.uee. the First Sea Lord. who. as (‘omnitutder-in-('liiel'. Far East. was or est:ibli.shment. lll\lL‘;t(l i-: the l." :ielivel_v co: 't‘t’llt:tl in the initial stages of the proposal put to the Trustees of .miles =r c.'~.n to Singapore City. the .s the Ru) Sailors‘ Rests to build overseas for the lirsl time. :iml this em:our:ttl' v.-ti pleasattt t'eere;itioit :i.'1t: ini: rm-ss.IL'e was read by the (ieneral Seert.-tar_\ of the Rests. l.ieut.-('dr. l-‘. .\l. ‘enjoy night's rest. ion; i'ri»t:: th: t:"‘.;t'. l{.N., at the dedication seniee oi" the Ru_\:|l Sailors‘ Rest. of S.n;iue. l'.('.(‘ the Exist. at Sin-,:;ipore. in the tr.nal hase. on October 4. .__ I he ide.i of liuildiitt: ;i Sailors‘ Rest I that Li speei.il lleet ttind li.id heen .it \ing.ipote Iirsl e.iir.e up \\llI.'ll l was opened so lil.tl those on the spot could eoiitiiiastdiitg the l‘.'ll' l;.ist I-leet. l leel that they h.id .i Personal part in ili.tu,;|u it \\_|\ ;i splendid seltettie. ll: helping towards the coal. .-\ltltoueh it .s-eeined to me to till .i loot.-felt \\2llll, had been opened uni:-' ti week or so 5 tor eontt'ort.il1li: aeeiimniodiitiott ilt lhc helore. there was. :i|iently. an en.0 ll.t\'.ll h.ise for the ships‘ eoinpanies of. eonragint: amount ot deposit. He also N ‘o *~= the (ietteral the to A‘ the 2. .\'eeret;irt.' '5 \“.‘ {'27 presented the lleet where they can spend the King Tlierr ('IIIlIl'~ :1 lllllt' \\ll\'ll l‘\'l'l'_\' sailor goes \ll(Jl't'-\'ltlL‘ for good. Roll on, l‘-l_L:lll in eoivl .iiid ple.is.i:il surround-I sL'L'Ulltl [\'.l_\lllt'!li lroin t‘l~;~. uiiilmiit the long li.itil into Siit;:.i- (ieori:e's liiad tor S.iilo:s. ;i clieqneyou nii-_:lit ~:i_\‘. llut just \\'t.'l|_'ll up for :i iiir-tin-tit \\'h:it it tttezitts. All the tor t._".(l(l(l. at-:ir. Ii-;i\-i-. quarter and so on that r-mites l-‘rccni:iti':4 now have to grruli. pore cit). be paid for in ('i\'\‘_\‘ Street ~-—:util lli:il's:t \'<-ry (lllTt‘Yt'lllpart of the or-1-:tnl ".-\i:;.'ie \\'esto:i's .\}iilors Rests‘ are‘ 'l he cos: c! the Rest is some .'.'liIllllt\ll\l\ ..'ipreei.ited throtii.-hoiit tL75.()0U. tow.iiiis wh:eh the .\il:nir.iIt_\‘ Seiisililr s;i\'iii;; is the ziiiswi-r. i-st-i-i-izilly when _\‘(-ii'\'e a fatitily to tliilik iii" and ii liutisv tn ling.‘ .soiiiml:i_\'. l_\' st:irttiiv_: .s'a\'itt2 now with the l{oj.‘.il N.i~._\. .ind lllls new one is ('enti.i| l'llll\l 'n..s dott.it.:d L'lI.5lXl. liivrslnirnt lilllltllltfl‘ 5'4-t-it-l_\' you r-an l£tl\".‘ l‘.tl‘l.‘ of the l|Ill|l'(‘. ide;il‘._\ p!.ieed -.sli:te ll will ltenelit lite‘ ism.-.: ti-.-uiizefi. l-mid tor ( S.lllt‘l'\. l.i\:-riuu-l l..l.l2..\' mlils ;i -_gi-iii-nitis iiil:-ri-st to lllt‘ llt()llt'_\' you -':t\'e. lnt-onie Tax \,|:l\\l\ itl on: h:.: .-st se.i—g.:otiii: tleet. -.l0.()(|1t and the t l:tn.i l-ieet luh an \\lH'll _\uIll ilu stztrl lliiiikin: ltlnllll _\i-nr own liottsi-. _\'oI|r lit»: ll.\.ii'tl ul .'\tl.tt.'..tll;. is tttiisl '_.:r.ilL‘- iitterest-tree l.~.i". Hi L‘-3 Mitt. Other pain!-~.ii.il l..l.l2.\‘ szisiii-_:s nnilil ti:i_\' lllt‘ ili-pr-sit Zllltl liclp _\'i-ti v_-rt l|i'l||l'll)' for :1 i.:l 1.: Miss Ag.-ties \\'esto:t's lrizstees f.:tll\ li.i\e ii.-e" :2‘ tile ly. mm". p.'i‘..ite .iviti to those .-t ls':ng.: tveor;.-e's load s'.:3~~e':.:‘ets I:t4il’l!_'fl'_'t‘ ll‘i.u mr [ill in (hr 1'4ill]J’lIl hi'!u:t' mu! .s-rut.‘ 1'.‘ In in fur [nrri'ii‘ul:t.'s of flu‘ l.\: .\.iiliiI‘s and the \.i'..il ('et‘.tr.il l ‘il"ltl.'i\llt|lll.ttlc|i~l‘1liltl.;l_IIn stteh .: ".\It:‘i'u'_‘x Irml Iuiini _w’i‘/Ii'Iri-' [fir Ii'i’_'__'ll/Ill’ n\-ll'lli'lIls" (J/iil ml! lirm‘/illri‘ ;t‘hl¢‘lt l~.\ l.l{\ \.\ll-..\ll\" sh i.i' um! flu." rt.\' fllf Il.\ \'tI;‘I'n‘_‘\‘ '.lI:‘ t‘<i.'r': run] I..I./n'..\'. /iu:'i' 13/)! l.l\ :slt senile pilsxtltlt‘ .‘t I-ii’ l tort now on. in pl-.'.is;iItt s'.lll'.\lI:l\l: "‘l['iltII‘_‘ si‘iI;ts/A-l]Iv'. the l?n',:hslt. ol ieittiiitseeiit lll‘_.:s ..-!:::i 3 Hut c9t':.-- I.-..i-sii-~.¢-r-'. Bi.-.!:tt-at Le’: S: l“l.l~l-ll l"l'.\'l) ()l'l'..\'l-II) Gilurivt °l.'.C"Z H73 53. Vtfttwtl 5'.ler!. C L.'0llltll)\ltlt.‘. the s.iilor and his Iniitily. W.C.'.‘. London Ofice. I.Iocr.!n thine. Ni)’. Halt). \;.-.ii:ist the luelgdrop ot the p.-.ieh l and lrieitds will lind all the simple _‘.[: mln r of Tit-: I.’ut't'«lI'i._,' .‘':-'.*.r:’''’ r .l*~'~ -i'~i.'.'i..vi and primrose l-’.l«,'illlL' ol the new huild- and UllC\\lll||lli.‘;tlL'Ll pleasures‘ that i l I I T - - Z 1 - :i~_; _i large (\Ill1|1.tIlli' of lt;t\‘;tl ollieers, Aggie \\'eston's set out to provide.‘.iI‘.tl |’.tlit'|gs mingled with representa-l plus the niipreeedeiited provision of ii 7 ‘1 6-M-’.'. rd l-:0-alt.-re -'1 Ih;ilI' stun...'—s to: .'s‘erviee::. emnpetiiion-si/e Olyntpie llll\sl()!l£ll’)'l tives of other soeietites tttltl .1 host of loe.tl lt‘iL‘tttls' tol d.ird llt¢lt\llh.'ll‘iCllll swimming pool. ..............rwi/. ::n.'.c: .-.0 hear the l Lu: tlllieer. ('omin:indini:-in- \lll0t\llll\ tiled and surrounded by thief. l.ir l-List Heel. Vi.'.~.'\tlittir;i|« \|"'.lCl\“.is \‘k‘l'&tlltlLl\ tiiizrislied with com- y. i'llq"E '. sir l)esznond l‘. l)rei»er. express his tortahie cutie chairs and settees. Close I Aaansss pleasure at heini: .isl.ed to open the hj. .ire the sn.iel. bar and soda foun-. I wi:liin there and lew intorntzil lain are but :i steps new Rest and. tiller an l'Ilt‘\lllt£ service of tli.in'i;sgi\iitg.' ‘ind; lI;idm:uto:i and tennis courts ssliieii he Cooking ashore in Surim alt.his (fool; tI\'.'fl dei!-e.-.'. t\.".. -\i‘.:n':..‘. l).'er:.' .it:io:i::eeiI e.in us: tor n.v:Zii:~.;.:. p.:j.n:;_ only .'| Shun, of 8-15 Stiiiailron. and .















































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November. I963

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Queen Street, l'()R'lS.\lt)UI'lI: .\1iltt.tt)' limit}. ('ll.\|IlA.\l',.3-I .\l.irtit. ICII.t\.‘C. l)l:\’0Nl’0RT;8 Castletown. -t'OR'l'l.ANt): I4‘) Cleethorpc Road, GRIMSHY; $4 the Slntntl, \\’.iIiiier, DIEAL; 63 Churizh Street, lU\RWl(.’ll; 47 \Vc\l Clyde Street. IIELIENSIIURGII: I2 Kiikgate. l)UNl-'lER.\ll.INli:The Shore, INVER(3l)l([‘I()N'; -I3 !s'tr.tnd Road, LONI)0NI)I‘.RRY: C.ttltci.|r.tl Suuztre, 23.‘/7 .\I.itn Street, GIBRALTAR; 26 South Street. Valetta and ls The Strand. Sliema. l\‘lAl.T.A. And .it l.osslemnuili. ltrbrn.iili. llnmdy, Culdrose. Conbnm. ll.M..'~1. Dolnliin. I.ytttpstrine. Worthy Dovin. Yemiltun .ind Poole. Ollit-en‘ Slums at I'()RTS.\IOUTII. 40 Cnntmeri:i:tl Road (Tel. Ibllb). l'LY.\lOUT|I. 30 Royal l'itr.tdc (Tel. Mn.‘-U) and $()UIllAMI’TON. I20 I-'-/I“

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No. .\. I).tinti|\ in.idc

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l9(,'7 .l.nt-nile (',\e.t-s—-’Jtimor (‘h2mpion.' A unmlerliii titiulel Int Iviiys and girls limit l|- I4 _\e.tt-.. W’ [mine .tiitl 22: wheels nuke this an e.is_\ bicycle in title. Alltnelxse mo-tune Iilneklred or hlitcltrltlttr tinnh with irtiitehmrt rittitlr:u.irdNnrth Rtxttl raised li.irti.l!eh.iis and roller '('\Cl lmtltes as .ir. i|tertt.tIi\e. I-"tee-viheel (|blI7lt\


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November. I963

FINDING THE ‘BEST BUY’ FOR THE ROYAL NAVY Director of Victualling spends over £10 largely responsible

for meeting house- ntantifacttired for trials. This is where wives‘ criticisms of the uncertain the ctistoiners c:iii help enormously. qu.'ilit_\‘ of domestic sewing threads by Nothing is more frustrating to the getting it British Standard agreed. scientist than to pttt in a lot of .\lorc indirectly a copy of each developmciit work and then flllll he specilicatioti prepared is passed to the gets a cursory customer opinion to British Standards (fommittcc for pos- evaluate. It is not unknown for an sible use. tnodilicd. as a British article to he apparently successiiil dur[TlI!;' .m_\'irl.A' "An rtrmv rrmrrlit-s (in Us .stnniiicli" ir iillrilmtcii In i\’opnlmii_ it is unique in design. Each garment Standard. ing trials and then to cause a bowl rind rillliiiui.-Ii it i.i-. pr’IIlll[’.\. sir:-rrliiiig the mtulo,t.-y too /or to .m_v that ".-t mrvy must be standard in colour and etit and The ()Iv.u-rrrr writer went on to of protest from the Fleet when it .mil.r rm its .l‘IUIH(l(‘/I." I-,ll'H' can he no dmrlvt I/ml of the 'l'ii'iri Pillars’ of made in a size range which Will lll describe "the Marks & Spcnccis‘ nest goes into general service. l’rtistr:ition (fimti-nr, pay and [mu]. ]‘ll'Il[\' ol ,i.-out! lnml pla_v.i- it lrt-mt'rtilou.t part in , to_day‘s sailors‘ (they are taller and of laboratories to test such things as apart. this can also be very expensive nminmining (hp momlc of H11‘ .\'.ii-_v. For \‘('(H'.\ the mm ID] the Niivv liitw “l't'lil, | slimmer than their previous gi:ncra- 'stri:tch and endiirance of socks (with and the cause can often be tracked 1'] not Ii"/tr lit-Itliiig (‘Ut'!\.\'. t‘i~r!ui'nIy udnytiulrly rim! with the I-ml that could ht’ llcll-bottomed trousers. for l meclianical feet) and the flavour of hack to trials not carried out under proi'r'ili'iJ iini."i'r t/ii‘ /vurtirtilur i-orrilitiults in Ir/iii‘/i tlir sirilnr lrrrs. uni! toiliiy. Cxitmpltt tl1II}_v' bk‘ nliulc _lIrI h)‘ food or profess'ori:il ligiircs test- ‘the stipulated operating conditions or with mmli-m im~iImi.'.i of [1I¢'[?(lftlffUIl. .sIuii-iii-4'. run. his /um] (‘UI.lI[1(l'ft i with Inuincrous dillcrcnt manutactitrers I ing the new lavcr for the chocolate not closely ol\sct\cd. Ilml mpplii-ii’ mmslii-re. 'l'Iii~ /ulloii-iii_e itrltrlv Irv u "lt'Hll‘l'T of the slut? of Mr : t‘\'s'I' Ills: &'c:irs. all working to .-i cake." The Director ol \’ictit:illiitg'.s l)iri'i'!ur U] i'ir'Iiiir!Ii'rr_e iNu.itruli-s the am’ um.’ ulri'It.'imt ii'.'iii'It rm‘ _cii'i'ii to ' |‘fL'L'l\I: \;‘t's'lllCi|llt‘ll. : l)F.'l'l{R.\l|.\‘l.\'(iTllli Ill-ZSI" llL'Y I statl of scientists carry out all food .\'i'i'irii; that the inert of the .\'iri'v iiirvr the lvixst (hit! IIl(|Ill‘\' run l|Il\'.] and mess-trap rcsi:.irch in a new , To retiiru to the more normal rim l.I'l'lLl-I l.l-.l- l' 'l‘() (.‘ll.\l§«'('l-I £.'It|.tlt|tl l;ibor.'itory biult inside Ro_\.i| of business. bityitig est.iblishi:d pro“ lll('ll'."‘. the pulilication of the Constinters‘ .-\ssocialiou. tells its In his need for specilieatioiis. the (’l.'i.'cncc \;ird at (iosport. lhis up-to- ducts. llclorc a i:ontr.icI is placed. members almiit goods avtiilalile in the shops. compares makes and prices Director of \"ic:ii;illing is more on a d.i:c l.iborator_v is‘ ;ipp.'opii.itc!_v from coinpcttng n'..intit.icon samples and recoiuinentls llest liIl)s and \':iliie-for-.\lont-_\. The phenomenal success with the .\l;irl.s & Spcncers. A writer site where the .\'.isi's food interest turcts are ;iu.il\sed to determine the !par of this \'t'nllll'(""l't:;l(lt.'f\lIlpapproacliirtg the three million nIark—shims‘ that l‘l the ()I’\('I'l'l'f recently ilesciihed goes right lrick to the il.ivs whctl best 'nu_v. lJii:i:tg .iit:il_\sis even the ._-‘,1-n in gtmm-stie speiiiling. goods are not sold by the tlll-\lu::IYl\'and eomiiier .\larl~is ik Spcttccrs' spccitications as ships‘ biscuits were lll.Ill'.ll.:Cl'ill’l.'kl in ;\x'tL‘llll\l\ do not kttots whose protlucts‘ eials which tell people nothing about the actual properties of :1 product. ;"lc;iviitg little to chance. covering such the _v.ird and the salt iucat produced Vtltc_s :irc li.iutlliug. l'o avoid prcjzitlice. of gpcmtgng by the l)ireetor ll:t\'L‘V to guarantc_e the ‘l.!Ul‘ll'£'il'llll_lJ l details its stitches to the inch. scam from .iniin:ils slaiigbtcrcil there. lhc |l;ibels are removed anil a batch of ‘\’ictu;illing is domestic inultiplied one qu.ilit_v of a tin or peas whether it is pirckcriug (‘feed ptickcr and the tc\tile laboratories fL'lll.'llll near the ‘s.implcs' is tlistiitgiiisiictl onlv by ],um|,,,,t m..u,;.m1f..|.|, I-‘or food atone :scrvcd in a ship wedged in .-\nI;i.-ctic 'inltercnt pocket") and the size of the -ccntrc of the tc.\tilc inilustrv at lloltou. ‘alphabetical code lt.'ll.‘t\ in dcsceniling the bill for the Royal i\';iv_v (excluding ice. or off Kuwait." Siitiiltirly. lhangcr loop." The .s.iinc could equally l..iiicashire. order ot price. the cash §tllt\\\’;llll.'CS for the large .' uniform clothing must be suitable for be said about Victiisilling l)ep;irtment To 1.ll.‘.Il with food testing only. not m,mi.L.,». win, do mu cut in n1css'c.s),'lliIf(l wearing in the range of climates specitications. For :i seaman‘s black NI-I1-ll) TO BE lN\"Ei\"I'()RS la book but a “little lil~r.ir_t could be runs at sis and :i half inillion pounds in which it is worn. llcing "iiiiiforin." leather shoes it runs to tluee loolscap The Victualliiig Department scien- ‘written about the inlinitc variety of a year. He also has to provide clotlung. ll\l\. in aililition to testing .s:iniple.s of l problem-; connected with loud prebedding and mess traps‘. As this cstablislicd pioilucis. also have to be servation. The food we eat is accounts for nearly another four inseiitors to meet the .‘\‘avy's' iinique basically :iniiual or vegetable in its millions pounds a year. ll'ltii'/ii’ for necils. ln siibinarincs and small sliips. :ra\\ stile. l‘rom the moment it is killed the Navy is vital. ln spending this bread used to be iinobtainahlc once lor picked it begins to il.-tcrioratc. inonci the \-'ictu;il|ing Dcpartiucnl is liiiiitcd stocks from shore were ttsctl '\\'h;itcver is done to preserve it front continiiall_\ conducting cstiiiiiitations that ou\\.irds merely slows tip. Putting :2 bakery into s‘tu;ill ships‘ down moiuciit im ll'Iir'i'li." lines and over the years the process, lls edible lite can be was otit of the question because of has developed sophisticated techspace and inanpower limit:itions. There ‘,grc;itl_v prolonged if it is caiiiied or niques. which would no doubt be fully were two possible approaches: to keep 'dch_\ilr.itcd. or. for soiue foods. cooled appreciated in the otliecs of the bread baked ashore fresher longer or lor froren. bitt ivliichevcr method is (.‘onsumers' .‘\ss'oeiatiou. tind another way of baking bread adopted. deterioration to the point ll’Iiii'Ii." confines itself to testing. without the conventional bakery equip- where it becomes inedible occurs after from products already ollcred on the a predictable period of time. ment and the baker's skill. Both have market. a selection of interest to its For the snike of sweeping simplicity. been developed. Preservation is sucmembers. llefore the Director of cessfully achieved by freezing. This all the _vca.s'ts. moulds. bacteria and the Victualling gets to the testing stage. has limited application. It needs rc- like which cause deterioration are he has to Ip('('iI)‘ to manufacturers trigerated space for ilie bulky manti- linked together as "bugs." Some are what he wants. not for selected items, factured product and the penalty for lclhnl. some can cause ditlerciit forms but for nearly every item which he every cubic foot of refrigerated space of gastro enteritis. some he low until buys to meet his special needs. In the is nearly zi cubic foot of machinery, conditions are right and then breed food range he must have products The food experts at (iosport. under like rabbits. In the food laboratory which. in addition to the normally Walter l,ci: looked at the cake mixes inciihation and refrigeration tests accepted commercial characteristics. will keep in extremes of heat and cold on the ru.'irl.ct (just add water) and are used to chart their l'ieli.ivioiir in applied the principle to bread. The tcmpcratiirc and climatic extremes. experienced in the varied world-wide climates where ll..\l, ships operate: as Wrens dealing with customers at the clothing store. R.N. Air Station. Lassie- .result is bread ruin, or, in popular The manufacturer. of. course. tries to the Diiily '1':-Ii',t:rup.'i put it: "his statf vernacular. instant bread. This can be get rid of them during processing. but mouth carried on board as drv prcmcasured if. for example. can seams are slightly sheets. For stewed steak it lays‘ down .ingrediciits and made by anyone who faulty. bugs have ;i nasty habit of which p:irts of the carcass m:iv be ,can‘ follow a scqticticc of eight simple linding their way back into the tin used. the weight of actual meat which §instrtictions‘. The writer was recently Ithrough the cracks and may eventuhas to remain when the gravy is Zunahlc to distingiiish between bread lally lead to such disasters as blown \'l’hen you take into accotittt that drained olf and the permissible limits from mix and the coininercial product. ‘the number for one contract could he of fat. l Another recent development is the :300.ll00 carts "(ll\il\lL'f" is the right The purpose of specifications as Isubmarinc sleeping bag. One special ‘word. contract documents is to say exactly -feature of the requirement was that what is required and to delinc agreed person using it could get otit F00!) l'AS l'l-IRS methods of tests to be applied. To in.stantly. This has been achieved by Devices such as spectrophotoallow a mantifacttircr scope to ctit a new n_vlon zip incorporating ;i release device. .-‘lnothcr novel mctcrs‘. polaroructcrs and extensocosts with new prodttction methods. specitications :ire baseil mainly on ifcature (being modilied in later ver- mcters are criiployeil. btit one thing macliiiie can do is to tell us what tests and. for clothing isionsl is the use of patented adhesive and footwear. zilways‘ require coit- pails to hold the sheets in place. These lfood tastes‘ like, To overcome this. trcsist the sort of lateral pressure im- ttasting panels are used to assess these formity with a standard pattern. on them when sleepers ltlss and lsubicctive qualities. 'l'he_s .irc used by .\l:iny refer to British Standartls. The \"ictu;illing Departinerit not only -turn. but come away e:isil_v tinder the scientists as l:ibor;itory instruments‘ to evaluate Lisle ch;ir;ictcristics. Anyrnakcs use of British Standarils but 'vcrt'ic.il pressure. sometimes helps to establisli them. I .-\ll so:ts of research org.iiiis.:tions one \\ith .:n otdin:tril_v tliscriruinating can be trained to reict accord\\’illi:imll\\f\_\‘lll. in charge of its tc.\- and commcrci.il lirms hclp iii the tile laboratories. is chairman of a titim- dcvclopiiiciit of protot_\pes. :‘\lter ing to a spcci.ill,v developed tcclmiqiie her of British Standard panels attd was ; laboratory tests. small ipi.intities- arcl ((‘ontittuet| on page 9. eoluiiiii I)

million a year on food and clothes |lionsl,


















lusing lquick







You may have said it yourself. But, consider. You will probably never have a better opportunity than you have now of putting some money aside for the future. You enjoy good pay—with no overheads—and all the facilities of the Post Oflicc Savings Bank scheme are yours for the asking. What could be simpler’! Make saving a good habit. Save as ntuch or as little as you like. btit do it regularly. Keep your money in the Savings Bank as long as you possibly can. You will find that it soon mounts tip and collects intercst—ready to help start you up in the trade you are now learning in the Service, or for furnishing your home when you get married. All the details of the scheme are in the leaflets illustrated here. Write to me personally, and I will send you a copy of the one that applies to your Service:

Air Chief Marshal Sir


W. L.


Ci.C.l!.. X.ll.lE., M.C.. D.F.C., M.M.,

Chaimian, H.M. Forces Savings Committee, 1, Princes Gate, London, S.W.7 Inurd by HJI. Fnrrrs Suiting! Conrmitlrr

This picture gives


idea of the huge stores necessary for the bulk stowage of food for the Navy. An aisle in the Naval Victualling Depot at Botley

Three Pembrokeratings


Noveniher. I963





climb Kilimanjaro



N ufliei-r and live young ratings-' cupped summit behind the school. The fruiii II.;\I.$. Peinbroke have iust tinal of these etpeditiotts is to the returned front :I t'iitir.~ze at Iizist African stiiiiiiiit. 10.400 leet. and three of the Outvizird Ilound .\loiintain School ail ratings were siieees‘st‘iil in re.ieliing it. I.uitoIiito|t. I-I0 niiles from Nairobi. Although the zieltizil route to the sumLdr. 1!. II. .\loseiith:il.who is to be mit is not technically ditlieiilt and in-

volves no rock climbing. the ctteets (II the height are keenly felt Jhove l5.000 feet. and nioiintiiin sickness and extreme exhtitistioii were common. Three and :1 htilf days are spent on the iiseent. and for the liiul climb. the parties set out from the s'L'It0oI's' nioiintiiin litit at 2.30 ;i.iii. By the end oi‘ the d;i_i'.

the nest eoiiiiiiaiidiiip. otlieer of H.M.S. Royil .-\riliur. the R.\'. Petty 0tIieers' School. :it ('orsli;iiii. 1tCIL‘Ll ;is an instriietor and S..-\. Doiijzlzis Slade (22). oi" Ilristol. Stu. (iordon Meiklc (IS). of l.owestot't. Jnr. Sin. Peter Llewellyn III»). oi Hereford. Jr. Ck. Peter Harisoii rim. of llotuislott. iiiid Jnr. Wtr. :\l.tn \Vilsi-ii H7). at I)rong.iti. Ayrsliir.-. w:re students on iii: eotirse. wlixeit eoiiiprisetl (i0 boys‘. tliree\]I!.li'Ii.'f\ ol sshoiii ss.-re :‘\trie.iiis. '1 he hof-s were split tip into [IitII't\IS ot seven or eight ‘-\tIlI the r.'iees cqtlilll) ilivitled I'li.- ;i\er;ii:e tip: \s.is' olderf tli.i:i lit it oi the n.iv.il p.iiiv .ind Peter j lle“.-lliii \s.is one or the yoiiiigesti I ever to h.i\e eoziipleteil the course.

ttlillly had been on their feet for over I7 hours and li.id been exteiiJed to their limit. I)lII'Il‘Ig the second of these tiotis. the stiid.-tits have to spend it night out iiloiie in the bush ;it ziroiind H.000 test. lhe_v .ire e.ie!i '.tlIt‘lC;liL'LIl :- \.‘;lTI1pttli.' positioii .l qi:.irter of ;i mile 5 :tp:irt ztiiil hate to build thetiiselves :i' r.iiii-prim: hivoii.i.: oi‘ brniielies and ‘ grass’: they are ',:l‘v‘£l'I only two ii'.;itehes‘ Is'lI.l\I.\.\'.l.\R() (‘I.l.\IBIil) to light their |ires_t'or supper and ‘ I-':ir front drirzliiig min and .\'oveiiiIier Inns. II..\I.S'. Ark Ru_s:iI t(':ipt. .\I. I’. Pollock. .\I.\'.().. I).S.C.. R..\'.). tiring a salute as she passes the .~\diiiir:iI‘s I-‘lat: til Ileaulieu I’oiiit. Sinizapiire. The fmnils of the palm trees iii-.ikc a suitable A iiiril oi" the 24—tl;iv course was. I'JX‘L‘ZlIslll\i. .-\t other times dtiriiii: these spent in three espeditioiis on .\Itiiinti"'-‘3’*"“l"‘”‘ '"‘“l “ll~'l‘l‘ ‘”" ‘l""“ mi frame [or the carrier. (53.3-I0 tons, full load). btiilt Ii_ii Caiiiiiiel I.:iiriI & Co. helm.-en .\I:i_v. I943. and I-‘eIiru:ir_v_ I955. KI|I:n.iiij.iro. svliieli rises to its snow-l inoiiiitziiii eiises.ol During one the e.irlj. expeditions. .-\l:iii Wilson w.is iiiiltiekjs‘ enough to llllllllllllilliIlfllllllllllllIllllllilllfllillillillillilllllill 2 be taken seriously ill with piieunioni:i on the inoiint.iin. II: iv.is \.‘.'Il'YlL‘tI'l.I\|WlI 5 III-'. First Sen I.0I'|I. .-\diiiir:il Sir on it rope stretch-er se‘-'er.il tlioiis.iiid i Diiviil Luce. (§.(‘.II.. l).S.().. ().It.I{.. feet by other hot s. .ind ilt:fI tlossn to ; “'0 Wrens with Irii-niII_v voices’ the .\Iilit.ir). Ililsptidl iii .\i.iiiolii h_s .iii i\\L'IlI tn .-sea in the nuclear .subiii;irine lI:n‘e been i:liiisi:iI to intriuliici: .~\riiiv pl.iiie He h.is :'-.iil_i :eeos'ered. l)ri-zidnouszlit t‘i-um I)emnport (In .spei'i;ilI_\ reeimletl ere;-tings froin but w.is iiri.i'nl.- to Liite pin :11 the rev (Ii.-tnlier 3|. .-\diiiir.il Luce ilI'I'i\'C(I tit Plsiiiiiiitli isives. iiiiithers. mi-elliezirts 1| nil iii.iiiid~:r oi the eours.-. ' with their record re-, .-\p;irt trorii the expeditions. there ; for ;i visit to ii;iv;i| ships and ::st:ihli.sh- friends. totngetlier I0.00I'l olliet-rs and men of‘ are :i ssid: v.i.'ii:ti. oi .ls'il\lII'.'\ iii the F ments in the urea on October 2‘) after ;quests‘. sehool tor i:iere.isiiig .ii;iliti :iiiil plI)sI~ 1 tr;ive|liiig overnight from l.oiidon. Ile §tI1e Royal Navy and Royal Marines} received bi.-;igii;iriI;iiid biintllroiii \!‘|'\‘imt_in lhc F‘-Ir |“.:I~l and Ill: ciil titiiess. iintl \Ie‘\“.'Inptllg iiiiti:itive. The sii:d:iits Like it in turn to met -ii.si.s. I)l’;lkC. the i<.i\'. ii;.rr;i.-i;s.i=\nt'-rcl-r~ The \\'reii "diss' jockeys" :ire Third its c;ipt;iiii of their p;itrols and. 2t\' zit !I)L'\'tIII|’\t\rI. when he :irriveil :it the’ Wise Motiiit ii.iv.il tit School. Ilouiid te.im ().'Iieer i-iimis.-iii .-\rtus'. w.it.rs'..s‘..* lieiidqiiurters zinv t)iitw:ir.l work. iuiti.itive_ s-.:lf-eoiilidenee and tor discussions “III! the ('oiiiiii.ii'.der- of .-\rle,\ Reetor)’. ne;ir (kiveiitrs. and self-re|i;iIiee tire .i:iion-,_:st the qii.ililies’ iii-( liiet. Plynioiith. .-\diiiii';il Sir .\‘i_i:el l.\‘-j-'e.ir-old Wren .-\ni-. Morris. uI' ‘\\'Itli.‘II the course hopes to develop. filleiidersoii. K.('.II.. U.B.li.. .iiid his ('lopto:i Road. Str.itt‘ord-oii-:\s-.ixi. i st;i|I. I .-\rtiis is serving ;it 'lliird I’I.I-‘..\"I‘\' OI-' (3.-\.\I F. I)tlI’ifl'_4 the iiioriiitig. he visited the I-Listleigli Otlieer ;iiid joined the \\'.R.N..‘~i..l Wren .-\nn Morris‘. of Str:itI'ortI-oncarrier Iizigle tiiid the com- three ‘;iirer;it't The village of Loitokitok is very )e;irs zigo. She Iizis zi brother tit Avon. who with "Third Oflieer in Dflmm‘m Huhmrk Sundliiirst. Wrexi Morris joined the I-Zliubetli Artus. W.R.N'.S.. of much in the wilds. 80 miles irom the 5“ '"""‘h‘ "3" “ml i‘ " Arley. near Coventry. will introduce nearest town. On the pl.iins close by. ‘ the with L After Itinehing I :iii eiiormoiis .i:iiotint at" ;.:.inie to.itiis i opt.r.itor in II.ht.S. Ct)IIlt‘It..v. ('hristni-.is messages‘ to oifieers and .._.LllIt.tli.l .‘ 0"“ M D‘“mp“" ' \"p‘”mwdLm She has .i brother in the Rovtil men in the Far East and in_ the free. and i:ir;itle .intl zehr.i is.-r: ;iliiiost (3. I). .-\ (irei:or_s'.' wood. \'iee-:\diiiir;il ).|l'(I. Antzirelie ‘L. too eoiiinion to iiisite e.i:ii:iieiit. He- i(‘.B.. l)..'~i.().. the First Sen Lord visited. ‘I,'”m""“ U__ i_ plttttlt. hiillulii. hippo. Jilecllth. ;i wide «|l..\ Fisgtiid. the R.i\'. -.'\IIII‘lC¢I'\.. v:iriet_\' oi’ hiiek ;irid l’!I.tII_\' smaller truiiiiiig est:iblis'liinent and ll..\l.S.! tinimiils were seen. Those who \\‘.tIIIL'(I Raleigh. the nevi entr;i'_s' triiiiiing est.ibto see lion h.id to visit the Nairobi lishinent. both :it Torpniii. National l’.irk. the First Sen Lord On This is not the kind oi" training pro- went toTIIIIVSIIEI)‘. the KN. H.i\I.S. j:ct that can he tind-.:rt.ikeii very tre- (it.lntlCl'_\' Range zitCaimbridgc. Wembur_\'. and ulsol thzit but there doubt no is qiientl_v. the Iiiigineering College zit .\l;in:i- : this course. and indeed the whole trip lldon. “here divisions. Ile‘ he provided the most i'n.|gtIiIIs.".‘III :iiii.l l liiiielied with inspected .\I:ijor-Cicner;il i\’ It. Dreiidnonght in silhouette v:ilu;ihIe e\pv.-rietiee tor these Influ- ; t.iiismir. D.S.().. lI..\_I.\'. cloud ('omm:inding l’l,\‘-, :tmI stinlit sea during l iiiite }.'otini_: itieii .ind one that they still in:-.iiiist (iroiip. Roytil .\I'.irines ‘and’ recent trials in the English (.'h:inneI no quickly torget. the zilternoon with 43 ( oni-; I spent ' in;indo. Rt\_\;II .\I;iriiies. ;it Stotieliotise , \





First Sea Lord"



disc jockeys






‘i l























FiNijiNG THE ‘BEsTiii3tiY"' potenti'.il





Later that d:i_\'. he eiiibnrkeil iiil H..\l.S. .-\d:iiii;int. ship ot II1L'i £1"-l).000. (loud 1 Second Siibniziriiie depot i t.I.ltlI'l th.it;bMrd D“_“dmmgm K an oi t.ieir .s;il.iries~ Sniiihoriie. R.N.).

loss JI in prndiisv. \s.lLtIllIIL.IlI_\ sorrect (I.lI.I.igl’0lItId\ tor the I:.i .isier isorlss alone in '.i cubicle in: the)‘ s.ivi: the s.'tVsI\ I special ligliting nrruiigenieiits‘ I'|IlIII_\‘ IlIIIi.'s 0% Cf ! ii.-iitr.i'.ise the Ct\lt!ttt’\' of the Ioo(l.l ' 1 \'II-IWI-ZR5 IN I-’.\(‘l'()RIl-ZS and K.-.i.'ti.i.-is .ire noted ininiediiiiely The elotliiii-_; experts .idopt :i tltse‘-‘lxslitil ‘s\lIII iieighuiiring tasters is I not .ill.issed "I here tire seven IAISIIIIQI. dillereiit leeliiiiqtie. Most II‘.LtlIt|I(lC' p.tt'i€ls. e;ieli isith its‘ out: spL‘t.'l(tIIi!L‘.\' lured i:.irmet‘its require .it some st;i_L:c 3.‘: V M hi‘ “-EEK arm, apPoin,",,"| hiim.in IlItIt\'ILItl‘.|i skill. oi dillerent the :ipp|ie.ition {till the to enip|«-iiri-_: i-'ii.si Lord of the Atlntirully. s'.3lIsllt\‘Ii} oi lzisters to p:irtieii|:ir A girl £I.l_\'tIl’i.‘LttIIIlIg in .i tlietors inns e:isiI_\‘ iiineliiite J sleet: oiit oi trite. Jellietie. I).S.(I.. M.('.. started :i series‘ tl.i\otiis Ili: t'iii.il resiilt is the heat hiiy- but or it rn;iii'.it;ietiirer still: no eye to his til’ intrtiduetory visits to ships and’ in the Home (‘om-: ever: zittei plieing ;i Ct)t‘|II’3tt.'I equ;ill_v protit m.iri:i:i imj.‘ be tempted to establishments 29 he “as in‘ iii~.poi!;irit l.ilmr;itor_s' work hzis‘ to bi.‘ skimp iii pl.ii.-es \\i'tL‘fs' it ’v\i)tIlsI not he ‘iii-.inds. and on Oetiilier the Iinished 1 the Portsiiioiitli ztrezi. \Il‘li\.‘ \.i.-iiples troiii v.triotis deliveries imniedi:itel_\ iilwiiiizs llis tirst Call \\;|\ In II..\I.§. SI. to the diilereni depots iII'C t:ikeii to _e;irinent. Ilie .insis-: iere is \'l\.'Itl.'tl' culled \’iiieent. the tr:iiiiini.- est;ihlis'hmeiit .il in; I_\I\‘|f,1[‘\I'ic\ in miike sure they‘ ling depzirtiiieiit irisp-:etors \'l\|IL‘t.I II..\I..\'. ;.ii:t.i::i' ii: i|ti.iIit_\'. It‘ they do not.l vieiiers in the t’.iet.ir;es. "I he sieiser ‘(iosport Ltlitl tlieii lie the tint: li.is to Like luck the is-ho|e= kiioiss preeiselg. s-..‘i.i'. sliould he in I)iLIil_ .-‘site: ltineli he \\L‘ttI to II..\I.S.l it.-liters or .'IlIt.'iII£III\'L'I_\' extend the‘ the guriiieiit and is :.ii:1:li.ir isztli the l the i\;iv.i| I''.leetri:.il 3‘ ‘,!ttti'.ii’l!.'.' p.-iiotl. Soiiietinies II is npprosed s.iiiiple it: ::isp:s‘:s linislieil (‘olliiig.-tsooil. :it l‘tireh;iiii and inter the .\2tl'l'le L .i,-ipi.i;iri.iie to ;ie.'ept the delivery at .i zirtieles ;it the l:t.".i‘.'} .i:id is .iIso .ihle Seliool (iosliiser ;\ii.:e Not long Ltgti £|I.i‘-00 to .i\'erse._- the .ietu.i'. rii.iiiiii.iet::i_i:‘it.ij. he visited Il..\I.S. Siiltnii. ;it Wlill‘; ts.-rti. o1 IV.IlIt.’IL'\\' bee‘ \s;is reiceteil lproeess. .\I.iriss .\ 8;)-.-n.;.:.'s o:l,'r .i tip port. isliere he li;id diseiissions In-eiiise Ii-. inisi;il.e the lirm li;id; here to r.itii:;.:s e:i:;ilo'_.ed ii: \IiIp' the l‘l.ig ()IIie:r. .‘\tI!IIII".tII}' liiteiv:e\\; l uaippetl it in p.iper iiiteiiiled to pm- rooms. Ili.:ir irispeetim: is not e.i.'ried l Biuirtl, ‘the First Lord \P.‘l’lI .\loii.l.ii' :e'. !lI.I.'lIl:U.'I} liom corrosion. llie; out to the s.i:ii: tleerec in t.i.'t.ir:es. tr.iiiieit -.is m e g U es I M I“ e Cmnmmde r In \'sV.'I‘i'I\lilII iiihihitor h;id got into the_ but all their \stlk'\ I’\\l'!sttIiittIIt. .‘\(lttlit’;il sii i:~.e.it 13.000 north of entitled hI.'ick- never to seli .iii .irtiei: siiie." :.‘i:'- ii.ise tliiet. I\'.C.II.. lv:rr:s-s ssere rejected. ‘they new the sliglit.-st siisp:e.o:: tE:.i'. it :s t.i::l:}. \\’ili‘rid \\'.io.ts. (3.817... | I).\.() I-‘lllltl to lie of ;ihtiorni.illy l0\'. or sub-st.ind;ird Wlititever the sssterii e'lI!Dlt\)‘.'\I. no .iei.l:tj. and the Ct'tn1ltlL‘|'t.‘I1|I cunning: process is not sullieient in these t.'lI'- inspectioii sg.s:e:i‘. is p.:r:ee:. l)::riii:.' rescue . L‘-::)1-i.ti:.'s,'\ to protect the COII~'stItI‘|L‘l" the p.ist ,v.-.ir eo.':ipl.iints .ihoi;t 200 ::.ii:: iii: t.~i!i.il ilnngers of botulisni. sep;ir.tte iirtieles l'|.t\i'.‘ Iv.-er‘. investiii .\IoiiseIiuIe lisliim.-,-hozil e.v:iipl.i::i:s.ire As ,i 'es:iY'. of this tliseuverv. the ivliole ‘,_.!ZtIL‘tI. lit the i:‘..i'o." Inst ii skin-iliier ulin “LII ll~Ili||t1" s:.is.vi-‘- pioiliietioii oi" this lirm li.id getittirie‘. the .tl.‘I7 is put iii.-2:‘. ri_i:ht 1.. ‘ii; e\.i:i~.iiied hi one of the reseirch ;is qiiiclslj. .i- sm.:'.e .l .:.i.-J .i:;i.irt- for er;i_sIisIi. tun air-seii rescue heliii-npters [min the R..\'. Air Station. .iss i. ‘tIii|‘:I‘ lietore tiny b.iteli was iii;-ii: slur: i .Iili"-lL'sl tor szile on the iioriiiul cuttiAny shoplseeper will iiilinit you ('u|tIrose. joiiietl the seaireli. 'Ilie tirsi lielieopter. pilot.-tl by ciitiiint s:ilisI'_i all the cusioiiiers all: l7‘s'.’.!ti iii.ii'o.et .-\bo-.it L‘-80.000 svuith the time ltimeser h.ird you try. but. ',l.iei:t I). Hiiiiiie. l{.?\'.. cre\tiii.i:i Iil-.i THE I 's)l'.Cl.:i t'E’.i.5S, CIll.\IIE.\ I{D., of s‘ i'l"..'il p.-.is tiere iinstiitnhlc for :i|'ter It.';ItIIIIL' this outline of the 3 .\ii. .\I. .-\llertoii. toiiiid the skiii-.li's:r. II t'- .2 us: h.-s'.i'.i\: of he ivy t.'\)IIi.lII1IIIil-‘ I)irei:tui ii!" \ietu.iI|in-.:'s efforts. ’ Mr. Tli.iiii.is \\'illi.inis.and pieketl him v.i:'i 2. I’ iiiicro-oig.iii:snis \'iIII('ll ‘-\\::!.i .'I.i'.: C.t’l\L'_I triitihle III you III.l_\ :i-.:ree he tries at Ie;ist. lo 'tllII ol the \L'.t in the seoop. Llllti tool-; ..i.:~i'..-s lites: .ire iiisi r.iiid-.iiii ex-l plezise most of them must III the him to I’ei'/.iiiee li: ‘.s.is itotie ilieii \\\‘I\.' tot his ot.l.'.iZ little. .i _t..'~ si.ii;i.e .iri:liiiii-lie puts llIt.'i

tfniitiniied front page 8. col. 5)


Fond-Es ‘PRESS


Squ:itlroii.Bto fix on














I‘Rl.\"I’L\'G RI-ZQL'IRtiM[-1;\"I’S OI-''I'III''.SI-IR\'I('I'IS







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With thelntest m:tL'I1ittCI'_\‘. in at ne\v,iiiodem Dltltti. \\'Ct|Cl1iC\'C(lstttiidtird of \\'0rls't'tI;tt‘lship \\ hieh ciiniiot be SI.lI'Dil.\'$t.‘tl.We would ivelcoiiic ;i visit from mu and the opportunity to quote for your printing minimnieiits-l;irge or SlI'l'.llI »—~\sc think you will be pleaistiiitly 5tl|’pl'I$t?d. .-\.s'k for at representative to cull. '


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November. 1963 '

lower timbers. riders and pl;inking~not dealt with in the l‘)20's have been the subject of repairs which have progressed coittinuously. The heavy repair work in the vicinity of the keel is nearing completion. although there is still it wide .\Tl-Z.\'Sl\'l{ repairs during the past decade have averted the risk of belt of defective structure extending li..\l.S. Victory collapsing in its dock at Portsmouth Dockyard through I around the ship between the completed rot and deca_v discovered in the early l9S0‘s. In the course of restoration. in bottom repairs and those llf‘ldCl’l.lKL‘ll which the serious bomb damage of the last war has also been made t:0od._the I in the l‘)l0's above the water line. Lord Nelson's day cabin has been furnished as near to its state at the time 'Rep;iirs are proceeding continuously. of 'l‘ral'-algar as it has been possible to achieve. Special purchases of timber have To mark the end of the lirst phasel mouth llarbour until I922. when the had to be made atid immense pieces of of the work. the Board of Admiralty Jstate of her timbers had become a oak and leak have been cttt. fisliioncd gave an ollicizil lunch on board the ‘matter of grave concern and she was and titted by cr.iftsmcn with tools ship to members of the Advisory placed in the dock she now occupies similiar to those used in building the Tcclinieil (‘o.'nmittee. of which Pro- on the site of the first graying dock original ship at Chatliam l)ock_vart| in fessor Richardson. in the world. Essential repairs were 175‘). On three occasions the Victory Sir Albert K.C.V.O.. is the chairman. on October completed by I928 as a result of a has been sealed and fumigzited to re25 as an acknowledgment of their public appeal for money. Masts. yards. diice the activities of death-watch contribution to the restora~ rigging. striicttirc and accommodation beetles. v_aluable were then restored. The decks and tion. it has been recently decided to enline above the structure deep-water FIRST GRAVING DOCK tircly re-rig the ship in ltalian hemp also received attention at the time. and the task will commence at the end The Civil Lord of the Admiralty. As a result of the anxiety felt some of this month. Needed for the work Mr. John l-lay, M.P.. and the Fourth l0 years ago concerning the condition will be 34 miles of hetnp. three tons of Sea Lord. Rear-Admiral R. S. of the ship. the Victory Advisory spun yarn. 300 yards of old canvas and Hawkins. represented the Board at the Technical Committee. originally 224 gallons of tar. lunch at which the Commandcr-in- formed in the 1920's. was reconstituted On the question of furnishings and Chief. Portsmouth. Admiral Sir in I955. Wilfrid Woods. G.B.E.. K.C.B.. D.S.C.. _Since the reconstitution of the com- decoration. research undertaken by the mittee. the rot and decay. revealed by Advisory Technical Committee has presided. The Victory was bertlicd in Ports-.a survey, in the lower parts of the involved the examination of books. pictures and models in consultation with the National Maritime Museum. the Victoria and Albert Museum and individual experts on ships and life at sea at the time of Trafalgar. .


A e note-in skilfle dress.




Bell of the last Kent handed over



.M.S. KENT (Capt. J. G. Wells. l).S.C.. R.N.). the guided-missile armed destroyer arrived at Cbatbam on October l7. and was visited by ll.R.H. Princess Marina. Duchess of Kent. who launched the ship at Belfast two years ago.

Princess Marina met the ship's company and lunched on board after undertaking a totir of the ship. Higli~liglit of the programme on Saturday. October 1‘). was the presentation of the bell bought by public subscription in Kent for the last ll.M.S. Kent. scrapped in I947. Since then the bell has been kept at the Royal Marine Depot. Deal. Colonel F. 8. Grant. R.M.. who commands the Royal Marine Depot. Deal. formally handed over the bell to the new Kent. in the presence of two


'l'RAI-‘ALGAR APPEARA.\'Cl-I Lord Nelson's Great Cabin has. as a consequence. been painted in a pastel shade with gold leaf on the beading and pilasters, while curtains in pure silk-have been rovided. The Day Cabin has been urnished as near to its state at the time of Trafalgar as possible and the committee is now cngaged in giving it "a |ived-iiiappearance" by the provision of charts. inkstand. writing paper. telescope and boat cloak. For the Dining Cabin. still not complctely furnished. a table has been made front a model originally constructed at Devonport about I800. it is in four sections in order that it can be stowed in the hold during battle. Twenty-two dining chairs are to be constructed to the pattern of the live chairs in the Day Cabin. which were used at sea by Admiral Charles

guards. one provided by the Deal Depot. the other by the ship.

Afterwards the bell was dedicated at a service conducted by the Bishop of Rochester. in the presence of guests from various parts of the country. 0Tlll-ZR l‘Rl-Isl-ZNTATIONS On completion of the geremony. other presentations were made to the ship-—a pair of Kentish horses. east in steel and chromium-plated. from the Association of Men of Kent and Kcntish Men: four silver bugles from the last l-l..\l.S. Kent: the regimental plaque of the Queen‘s Own Bulls. the Royal Kent Regiment. and a silk White Ensign from the Fair Maids of Kent. which was subsequently hoisted with full ceremonial.

>>: I


Hons: Kong and Malaya

AN EVENING 0U'r”‘w1TH THE WHALEY TWISTERS (BY A YCIIARBEE) ‘YE got the iiiessage.” l'ni still bemused. bothered. beuitehed and bewildered. deaf and sulfering from astintnatisni, but I've got the message! And what is the iiiessage? That the youngs‘ter.s—and those not so old—know what they want. and when they've got it. loud and strong. do the_\' let themselves go! The message also tells me that I'm zi square—a real .square—bul. in my innermost heart. I have the feeling that if age and it waistline measurement greater than my chest did not prevent it. I would liked to have let myself no and joined in the fun. To the intisic of Ricky Dean and From the above it will. perhaps. be gathered that your correspondent had the Vigilanies. a group which has been been to it “'l'wist Session" and. even in existence for about two years, it‘ he didn't exactly "dig that cr:i7_v about I00 couples lliing tliemsclves stull." he Iil0l'0llgill_\' enjoyed himself. about in careless abandonment during coupled with a half-concealed wish the general dancing. The one thing that stood ottl during this part of the that he wasn't qtiile so ancient. On October 2‘) l was privileged to evening was the seriiiiisiiess of the witness the limits of a twist conipeti- dancers. There were few smiles. hardly tion which has been running in the any talking (it would have been imposagainst the background of the Whale_\' Cliih. the All-Ratings‘ Club in sible ll..\l.S. Excellent. for the past live twanging guitars. drums and the wceks‘. The heat winners. there should singer). and yet everyone was always ha\'e been live couples. but one couple anxious for more. The dancers never either h:id cold feet (impossible. I left the floor—po.ssib|_v in case they would s:iy) or had been drafted. gave missed a dance. The Twist. the Bird. the Shake. the an exhibition of dancing (2') which would have hail :1 Dancing Dervish Bosanova. the Mailison. the Hollyspellbound. (Continued on page ll. column 2) "

Elphonstonc Fleming (I77-t-I840).

About 300.000 members of the public visit the Victory each year.


Meet the Spartans. ll.i\I.S. Ark Royal's popular guitar group. whose nautical sartorial line even the Beatles‘ might envy! These young skilllers. whose stage is often the carrier's 720-foot-long flight deck. are led by I8-year-old A.B. Ivan Wagorne. (right). of Maidstone. a radar plotter in the operations room. Not only is the group acclaimed by the “I'eslrlent" audience of 2.300 ship‘-5 company. but their talents are known to hospitals. hotels. etc.. in Singapore.


—?T |',<I z\‘i»-


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A line action photograph of the “l.eopard“ class anti-aircraft frigate. ll..\l.S. Jaguar. Built by Wm. Denny & "TOE Lid» Dl"“b3|'l0fl~Jilllllill‘ hi“ 1! dl*Dl=lt't'|l|t'lll Of 3-530 Imls (full load): her length is‘ 140 feet (o.a.) and her beam is 40 feet. Complement is 200. (In October ill the ship was at .\lotnba.s:t. In addition to Li.-opiird. the “nitrite ship" of the class. and .la:.-iiar. others of the class are l’iiiii:ianti l._vnx-—all "bit: eats"

Nmemher. I963

.\' A V Y



Sailors’ Christmas letters are in safe hands ! S stuteil iit t|ii.' \-\u',:tist issue of “.\':iv_\ News" the :\nii_v Postal Service took over the despateh to ships and estalilisliiiients aliroail of all ni:iil—lt-tters. ' parcels and olheial eorrespoiiilenee. .-\lthoui:h there nere irrittttini: delays‘ to the tirst leis thus of the new procedure. caused h_v ;transitiiinal ditlieulties and errors l)_\ indivitluztls. the .«\diiiir-ally took quick I steps‘ to llW.'|’('t|lll(.‘ the problems and it is mm stated that the new amingeiiients are worltini: qiiielily and elticit-ntI_v. ! l’it'teen miles or so north of Loiidoii. uiilo'adin;.- of the mail lszigs into and ‘at lttglis liarraclss‘. .\lill llill. the t'roiii the |orries_ there is very little ..-\rniy’s Home l’os't:il Depot. Royal iiiatuial l'l.itltllll‘l'.l of the bags. in the.I iliiigiiieers. is sitiiated. A litllv opera- huge soziing ollice there is, overhead. l tional iiii|itar_\ village. with a Ilk'.’ll;tIll- a system ot iiiono-rails. titled ssith l cal liaiitlling s_\s'tett) that is second to coiiiiiiiioaislj. iiioviiig; coloured |iool.s‘.7 j none in ltritaiti. has heeri liandlinu the on to sshich the hzigs are placed | .»\riii_s's .iiid R..-\.l’.'s postal seriices green tor letters. hliie for parcels. _\'cl- 1 tor lll.t|'t) scars, and those coiiccxiiesl lim tor iriszircd parcels and red for the i in this must iiiiportaiit ssorl. l-list," pride "tinal letter l\;i_-.1" e.irit.'iiiiini: registered in e:ttiiig mail to its destiiiatioii satcl: items and despateli instructions. .-\si with the least possible del.i_s‘. L‘.Is‘lt lt.i_-_' .itr:\:s ahrive its suirtiiip‘ .points. llt: trout. r.-l-.-as-.-s the mail and 'I'ltl-I .\'.v\\‘\“S .\l.\ll. sort:n_;: h.-;.:::is. 3 ’l he taking over of the N;isv's mail presented eeitaiii ilitliculties. Ships are SI-I(‘l RI I \' ()l’ .\l.»\lI. flat -407%‘. -r‘ ltoreser on the move and tip-to-date from R..\l. Air e. elting tor regarding t'titure mose- (oiipled nith the eelerity with which I survivors’ _inents is of paraiiioiint iniportanee. A the mail is \i'IllL'\l is‘ security of the ()ne of the eheerliil, ellieienl 'special section was set up isithin the mail. .-\t caeh st.i;.-t- at‘ the proceedings. \\'.R.A.(‘. sorters at the Arms’: ltoiiie Postal l)epot‘.s orgiuiisation and from the time .| hai: is made up. say. Home Postal Di.-pol at Mill Hill stall .speei:ill_v trained to deal with the in C-riinsh_v or (artiste. for Mill Hill new job. l‘l:isit:;ill_\‘.Ur ciItlr.s‘.e_ the sainc to the moment :\|\le Seaman or Pie. letter. the bags of mail are signed for ill-Z.\' the Spanish coaster Juan Ferret (682 tons) fuunderi.-d near ,ai'raiii.-eiiieiits apply sshether a letter Smith sits slossii s|'tti€ll_\' and reads his at every stage. lhe Arms Postal Authorities take every possible care l.anioriia Cove. ('orriuall. in the early hours of October 13. the full to see that mail is not tampered with rescue orx.:anis:ition of i.‘o:istt:t.|;irds. police. lilehoats and air-sea rescue. “cut Lil :iiiy_st:igi_: of its ioiirne_\irii:s from. into action. but because of the lack of detinite news as to the ship‘s siliere-' say. Mill Hill to Hon; lsong. or elseatiouts. the rescue operations isere held up for nearl_v four hours. \\ here. "I he coaster hail h.'i\.itlcast an SOS I’ The third factor sshich eniei_ees from niessai.-e sliort|_s atter 3 :i.rn.. giviitg it visit to Mill llill. apart [tom the her position as near l_and's lirtd. .-\t speed and security aspects. is the userdassii the l’e:ilec lifeboat sass bodies; riding one of peisuiial sersice. those in the sea oil I aiiiornzi and. as search = l('ontinur.-d front page It]. eul. 5) in charge are k'Ul'l\liIllll_\‘ lf_\lt'tg to timl parties left for the spot. ni-embers ot ways and means of iinpr-wini: the the l_aiiioriia rescue team foiiiid three‘ -,:iill_\'. the l.oeoiiiotion, call all these Service. Those doing the actual sortsurvivors on the elit.'s_ Wlieri the ship i:_\ratioiis what _sou still, the names ing. bagging-tip and despateliiiii:. and heeled over the three hail been hurled meant nothing to _sour correspondent. those L‘0l‘|\'c_\‘it'Ig the niade-_up bags to into the sea. hut inatiai:ed to keep to- but what did come throiigli in this the various doelss and airports are gether and to gel to the elitts. "the splendid eluh s\ as the ohsioiis pleasure imbued with this lt.'(.‘l|Il|: of ’|’X..'|"‘0ni|| eaptain ol‘ the coaster ssas picked up these young people or.-re getting from _service—they have :i respuiisihihtv to by a Iilehoat. He had eliiiii: to some their ellorts. It was good to see it those to whom the letters and parcels svreeltaiie, youiigsters imliilgirtg in honest. clean. are addressed. and this responsibility The coaster carried a crew of IS. good fun. allliotigli l \\oulil liase liked they carry out with care and etlieicney. The I'L‘ttl;Iltilt)t.: ll men tsere drossncd. to have seen this pleasure on their The Admiralty. hlse the other use The picture shosss a Royal .\’av.'il faces during the actual daiieiii;.:. Services. realises the tremendous ini\\’liirlssitid helicopter from R..\'. Air pnrtanee of mail to other-rs and men. Statiori. (‘iildrose. lli\\'L‘t'tt'l1.' over the TWIST ON ll().»\li‘.l) SIIIPS and co-operate. I0 ll“: 7U"- “llll ""3 Spanish vessel. lool.i:i;; tor ans s:irand the (icneral Army \I‘v'tl.'\ I: occtlrrctl to me that i‘e:ul,ir Post Otliee in the Milt‘ -Wll Wt-'€‘*l)' 'l'\\'ist the sessions on ripper iiiorriiitg delisers ot letters and parcels decks of ships would he more accepts Those serving abroad 1"-In IT‘! .ihle than Swcdisli drill Ut‘ ph_\sical assiiretl that their ('ltt"Nmt|\' Ill?!“ It at training exercises. praeliserl on the and. in tact. niail :it all times. I‘ In upper deck of a carrier. I feel sure safe hands—lhe sale hands of Jiiiiies. R.l-2.. in part of the Ship Division of the Ariiiy Postal Depot. li.\lltl-IRS oi the ‘loyal Indian that the energv created \\ottltl he conscious of their i:_reat |’t.‘\D_t)l‘|'st-. to Capt. R.l\'.. l)ireetor of Service (fiinditions and N;l\'} tloll-I‘!-37) ('lub held their enough to move the ship. Please do‘ l‘Ieel hilitie-a—antl that their 0nt'.aIlI.I is Suppl)‘ Ditties I)i\ision ol' the :\dn|iP.IlI)‘ and |.ieut.-Cilr. .l. A. Wade. anniial retiiiiori in l_oridon on October not say that it “otllsl he improper for to itel the mail to its destination. R.\'.. the sorting: and despitteliiiii: zirriiiiueiiients for nasal mail 5 and vsere ver_v pleased to sselcome, men to dance with men. for altlioiieh safely. with the least possible delay\-’iee-.-\dn'ii'ral B. S. Soman. t.\'.. Chief men svent along to the ladies last I is for .-\h|e Seanian Siiiiili iir of Indian Naval Stall. and Mr. K. night and asked for the pleasiiie of a l’te. Smith. hut silieieas lt.l‘.l’,t). ti‘)lor_ at Singli. Acting llieh ('ommissioner for dance. when once they got on the tloor Aden can he iiienioriscd and a letter so liidia. as guests of hoiiotir. the partner iiiight as siell hase tween‘ he placed into its approlioth guests made very iriterestiiip: in another room for all the notice tlie\' .:uli|ress'ed pr_iate hag in a matter ol a fraction speeches sshicli stressed the friendship tool; of e:icli othcr. ol a second. mail lor ll..\l.S. Noiisiieh. llii: ]lltlt;L's tor the lssist lirial sseie co ti.l’.().. means that the position‘ the_v felt ltW\;trtls all sslio had served in the Ri\_\.il Indian Navy and its .\lr. (‘harles Htocls. Mr. Don ('ollis'i" ol' the ship must he asecitaiiieil liefote reserves. .ini| .\liss .\l.iui'ecii (in all holders the letter can he placed in the appio~ ‘l he csciit ssas ssell attended and‘ of the gold nieilal Ior \l.tlls.‘itl).‘. 'l|i-:,\ priate l\ai__'. there “ere ttt.ttt\ p;:rsot‘.;tl rezitiions had a hard ioh to piels the \\lllIlt't‘\. ilo o\ct’s‘otttc this ilitlicti|t_\ seit.ii.ilc il'lte\' lot st\|c. .tl'l1s‘Il_‘,.'\i old sli:p:i1.ites. i \\erc lou'o.iti;_' gimtl t.tClss hasc heeii piosided for navy and halaiicc. rhsthrii. coiiipatihilits iiiail_ L't\\-.'t‘l|'lt: c\'e:"_. ship and \‘i hen sou lvaiik \\illlthe ll .\l.*i vou -__'et service lliiielitnrt it dr R l.. ‘eitioj. iiictit |\_\ the eoiitcstants. 'lhey atitliutits. It th-:ii hecoriics a simple ti.irtions»\\illiatiis.R_\ t. the ziiuilirieil foziiid all this til the uiiiiiers .\lr iii.ittcr. \\lII.'tl iit.ilsiii;: up a hai: tor .ill the line. the \\"cstiniii.s'ter lltlts tl t}'pe—lI "ltotliesai" .i.iss litsl-.'.tli.' Bennett and \liss Stiiilc-_. Rtiniieis- -\ilcii. ('hiistniis Island. ete.. to grah .iiiti~stIh:iiariiii: frigate. sails for lri ltraiicli at 26 London. This has up isere .\lr. l"i:ld .iiid .\liss .-\_\ies and all the in.ii| tor ll..\l..\. Nonsirch from from ('li.itlia.:ii attcr .'ctit on .\‘ov_ 7. .\lr. .\l.'Kierii.in and .\liss lieglev. the tact». and place it in its coiitaine: in coiiscqiieitce, ivcll heeri open since i772 and liur oiitss aril ilcspatclt. "l he letters tI'l;tl'ist.'kl “c“o (i.l’.().. “hit the kind of lltlt‘lttCl;tl you l.oIiilon." ssh.-rcver posted in the the Batik has lmiiiclies meet “ill! in the ! lfiiited ls'iii«_.-iloin. are placed in easils ics'oi:iiis.il\leliaes at the satioiis snit(iicses h.i\'.' .i “ate selection oteiiihleiiititic e\s:Iler_\ and ;II‘- .i't:;:ct \e li \\'l‘tlCl't are at _vour .11 l’urt.siiioutli -.inil otli.-cs tlirouulioiit (ireat lhitain. ,iiii,: :.iti;:e ol other i:ii'ts {iv ( hr strtias. .~\iii-iii; tliemt and “hen lllt\sL' Imvzgs Anise at one of scrsice his also are over hraiiclies in other toxins‘ the Loiidoii rail or air terriiin.-s. the I-‘OR \\'().\ll"..\' the an il .-\tttt‘- l.:lsL's i|\t.'t‘ I


;iiidi\id_iial ships diir_ini:






i'l.1ie Whirlwind helicopter‘

Sttion. Cultlrose.





Spanish coaster founders ’*‘



Chicl‘ of Indian i\‘a\';tl Stali Reunion











SERVICE for Service People



;1lon~__' _\Ei\~_v




lltt_\‘t'tl:lt‘ls‘t.'i, is,



iliwiii Sets‘. Ssicaters, Stretch Sliicks. Skirts. Briiiicli ('o.i'.s_ l.ingerie. Silk Ss.‘ttt".t.'s'. (itoses. Sl0Cl(l|l‘__‘$. l’ert‘i:ni: FOR .\I I-I.\'

Faiic_v \\’:ii.stcoats-.



Slipovers. Service lies. Dre.s‘.s'ing (_i0\\‘ttS. Shirts". l’_\jainas. Slippers. Socks. Resersihle

Gloves. [Electric Shzi\'cr.s, Cull Liitks. Send for our fully illustrated czitalogue ivhicli is post rm.-

l).\\' .\Nl) .Vl(.’ll‘l' Sl~IR\l('l~Z -\t .\lill llill. ssheri: stall are on tltll‘. ‘dag. and night. st-sen ila_\s a steels. the aim is for :i t\\ o hour clcaraiice. 'l hat ,is to say. that all mail is. ssithin tsio hours of its arrival in the .-\rms' Sort-




in_e. (hliee. nailing in

has for the Iirst for reaily igoiissard liansiiiissioiiopportunity Iiiial to its


the despatcli

about our service to the Senior Sersice, write for the hooltlet ‘ll }'-.'ii.'.“i.r»'.'t'i‘ Bruit‘ I0 Her ;llrrj¢'.<l}'_< Slit/z.s'




flag}: A/V\


.\ i revealeil



N;l\'_\'. Next, ;tl\\’;l_\‘.\‘ l’l_\'inout 1,260 \\";ilc.s). l"iii.ill_v, iliruii;_'li-nit liii-__rl;iiid \\'esiiiiii~.ster liaiil; oper:tte.~; :ll‘lt‘0;tLl tliroiigzli .i \iorldis ltlL‘ s.\‘\lL'tt1Uli;l:.‘.'L'|llSand corrc.s'poiidctits. Il'_vou imuld



recent visit to liiglis ltair.iclss two or three most iinpoitaiit

factors. First and toreniost is that 's:veryntic coiicemcil vsith the mail is :


;eiiileavotiriIi; to speed

it on its \\'av. ()lil "\\'esterii" tilnis used to etiipliasise mail must get tliroueli." This i is most apparerit at Mill Hill. and ssith | iiioilerii iiicaiis of trasel. the old pliiase |is rims "llie iiiiil riiiist izet tli:oiii;h ipiieslj: l (lite iitiprineiitettl has :llI'L':Ill_\ | lieeii reiiiirleil. l‘nr the tirst tune i air mail for Sim.':t|iore is hi.-int: despatehetl tniee :I day. Other iiiiprii\eits are in the iitliiiu. -\|t...: trim‘. the .rc1ii;il l.‘,iil.:i-_- and '



Tuitors uml (lnllrllrrs /or the


.\'iii \'

22 THE HARD, PORTSMOUTH. Tel: 2l35l]3 27 OLD BOND ST., LONDON W.l. Tel: HYDc Park 2276:’? ’JlIlur'”l I..’m/'m~,-h PI‘. Ivor.-.il‘i t 'r':.i:I.w.'ni lliii-.'i.iiIli I.l|t‘l]‘INlI‘ l!..u'i' .\’oi4rl':r:ri.-prim I/anuw l)..'frrr::v:4.'li ('n.‘::sir.'.' ('¢.'n:li.-rlri ll'iI:rl:«-\.'. l.l7t)(IsrItlitui.l I..ri..'.u:i1rui- Cihmlrirr ,\tr..’m I




.\'..-:-i- /i’r.r/I.‘/1.‘ :6

ll.1yniarket, London, S.\\'.i

t'l'e!ephonc: \\"hiii.-lull 502:) ]/y.;..*' ()_//';'.'t-,' it



l.otlihur_v, Loiitlon, l"..C.:

Nrivemher. I963



The youngsters enjoy

Bedouins get together ej privat

Navy Days at Portland

HE first reunion dinner of officers- well be imagined. there was plenty and men who served in ll..\I.S. to talk ahout. The function, so well i ‘, Bedouin at any time during her three- organised by (‘.P.0. (Towes. ably 'year life. I939 to I9-I2. was held in‘ assisted by his wife, was a great lll.M.S. l're.vident on Septemher success and one observer rernarlted: Five oflieers and about 30 of the ship's r “llow alllirertt they all look after Zl and unrehearsed rarely lsl.l’,'\' are quite yearsl" ;eontpany. together with those attract public attention. Nevertheless. ‘who could be spared and a limited; each month of the year. and ;number of those widows who could in especially from .\larch to September. : be traced made up an assembly of I50. tsonie school is enjoying its personal (By Inst. Lieut.-('dr. Gregory Clark. RN.) The originator of the dinner was Portland. ll. ("low-es. D.S..\l.. who was ACII Wliitsuntide. the naval base at Portland is “at home" to the general ; "Navy Day" at ]C.P.O. the rethe Christmas the ship's torpedo instructor. Richard Martin Cossey. Radio public and over the last holiday period more than l7.000 visitors were nel- l Aftertroni "Can 'qus-sts you the (iuests included the widows of sehools_;irrivc. corned hy the Royal Navy. Operator. 2nd (‘lasts (Tl. Pt! visit to warship a a in arrange two comniandirrg otlicers. Mrs. ‘ship's Port- please There are certainly many attrac- .rory training or “work-ttp"' 973502. li..\t.S. Sheba. Died lifth form: of 40 "My their for hoys‘."' before .-s. Mrs. ll. I. and joining bust my the waters‘. h-esides lot’. .\le(‘oy Portlaiiil. tions .it iland September 3. I963. Naval visit to wvould a the of appreciate all in the them. Air sons Naval is zsquadrons accompanied p.irts the Royal world._ Air Station and a itself. there Mrsfi; Williaiit Joseph Hold. Radio Opera‘whose in a trip occasions naval naval are Such has three. special which one oIliccr.3 .I r .\lc('oy ll..\l.S_ Station. ()spr:v. tor. 2nd Class (C). P1055461. this considerable involve which and .\l.iriue otlicer one‘ one a ptIssll1lL".'"."()lll' Royal H..\I.S. l*‘ore.sl Motif. Died Sepoperates two squadrons‘ of helicop- T-events ‘held is l):i_v :1 l'orce Iiavrng elaborate ;iml r('adet about .\.ival the an enter to l{o_\.il reli.-arsing flotilla. planning. local l'oitl.ind's ters. tember I4. 1963. the : Secor-.d l-‘rrizate .\quadrori. cornprising l0I",!.ll'Ils;llltl[‘l. T here are. however. ’sllt|tll‘-'. Altlioiigli the boys are all (‘olle;.:i:. l).irtr'noutli. Howard Terence Edoririls. Leadint: love would a da_v (Lid.-ts they The 'l.i.is't ..v\rrn_\ rniriialirre 3 throii_eh~ was other l)a}.'s" Loyal proposed by ":\'avy well as‘ niiui-.-rous eight warsliips as Electrical .\lei:h:utic t:\|. |.fl-XX “Uni: be this (‘all .irr:illgctl'.'" the at ('.l’.(). "llre in ll. ('lo\\'es. l).5..\l.. sea. the particular Sltrpl out and inlhesc. of rnv year. ncwl‘, coiunrissioited de~tro_ver.s 893833. ll..\I.S. .‘<ie:rh;i\\lt. Died that inlorrns me your months. and pupils R. Her J. and siiriirrier (Xipt. ('oinp.in_s" hy lrieites '.\llls'l'I do ;i period ol prepara- Zspring September I4. 1963. and “Absent ‘tiower. l).S.('.. R..\.. Treior Ivan Richardson. .\irt-raft ——-- tr l‘rier1ds" by (‘dr. l-'.. .-\. S. .\l.irrners'. .\rtilieer 2nd Class. l.f.\1 956357. l).S.('.. R..\', The two ollicer speakers ll..\l.S. .-\riel. Died September ‘were tirst lieiiten.ints of the ship. l4_ I963. (‘apt. (ioiser. lrott‘. l‘ls‘t) to H42. and, Donald Herbert Tindli-_\'. Peny ,('dr. .\l;inners at the tune of herl (lllit-er. I’/J.\ I-l78Il. ll.,\I.S. i ~_.-allartt last action. Ariel. Died Septeltther I7. I96}. Ronald James I-'er;:us'on. l{n2ineerSINK I.\' ('().\'\'()Y int-. Mechanic l/c. HR 9797!]. ll..\l.S, llcdouin was sunk in :1. Il..\l.S. Albion. Died September .\l.ilt.i convoy in June. l'l-1.‘. miriv of I9. I96). the ship's corupan',' beuig picked up. I-"rank H:rrve_\' Siinpkin. ‘by an lr.'ilia:i lio-.pi'..il ship s:x hours l.ii.-ul. Royal r\':n‘_v. ll..\l.S. Sealtawk. after her \‘ll‘.ist!l‘_.! l Dietl (lt'tul)t'r I0. I963. A Scottish piper entertzirried the cnrnparijs' attcr dinner .i. l. as‘ may ;






iln flletnoriam











(('ontinued from column 3}


c\s‘.:iic:lt pr.icrise i:i spottiu; a s-.ihrii.iri:ie‘speriscope a most tlitlicult feat and the -_'t::r czcws cari p.'.ictis‘c tiriii; their .tllll~slll‘ll‘..il'IllCmortars and -ltl-rum, llotors .iuli-.iircr.ift guns. The l‘0}s' have their dinner on the mess decks with the ship's company though it must he admitted that there are always one or two in the party who near-hy stations. Portland-h;ised heliare not very interested in eatiri-__-~— even look on the job of taking vitetl on the calrnest d;|_\\‘_ llirt as the after- copters noon's exercises continue even these supplies to the l‘L'lCLIj.'.tlr.‘TL'Ll village: and i'arnis_ T his recent work fascinated hojss inan.ii:e to lind their "sea-lo:_:'.s" the hoys: "|low m:inj.' missions were and their faces lose the soinewltat "\\'h'.it kind of supplies were greenish tini_.:e. Indeed hj. tea-time tlie_v tlown‘."' taken‘."' “lloiv did the farmers arr-.ini.:e are ra\enotisl_v huni_.-r_v and with a trait that would become a seasoned sailor. for landing strips'."'- ~and. from the more technically fhinded. ‘‘\\'hat is the they make their w;r_v below to the pipe power weight ratio of a \\'|iirlwind'."' “H;tnd.s to tea." \\’hilc returning to harbour the party “\\'liatis its useful lite'."' “\\'hal is the is given .1 conducted tour of the ship fuel consumption \\hen liovering?" and by about (i p.m. the vessel is hack OUT-',S'l'l()N 'l'I.\ll-I alongside in Portland s.i_\ini.: g.:ood-bye Sorneliow; .satisfaetor_v :in.swer-r to a tired though very appreciative were given to these questions and to party of .scliooll1oj~‘s, When circum- a l‘ost of others by the pilot guide, stances preclude a day at sea or where ; who mzmaged to conceal his ap~ a mi.\ed parts is involved. a conducted l proaclting exhaustion in spite of 3 tour ahoard one of the warships in the faltering voice. Thankfully for him. liarhour is often t’c.itured. the the was relieved by Quite recently. 45 boys from the arrivalpressure of to take the hay; ('.('.l’. unit of (‘l.i_vesrnore School. to dinner transport in the ship's eonipan-,' ll|.indford Forum. visited Portland. By the afternoon the lhe morning was passed at the naval dining-hall. had improved and the boys ;iir station. where they were welcomed weather able to show their skill with by a helicopter pilot and after :1 short were pistols and ritles on the range. wliich tall. on the function of "choppers" in.‘Ctlllllllitllkls a rnai_:ni|icent pmoranrrc the modern .\.ivj.. the p.irtj.' saw a tilm I of the Dorset coastline. lilll\if.IItr'li.: the de'.eloprnent of this view yet another naval occasion \'Cf\.linlL‘ ezatt. Then out to the lrarr,-.:ers. So -.:nded of the scores that are comttfor‘.wli-er: the l‘t‘_\\ were shown the duller- typical ‘ll l’ortl:ind. The _eener.il p'.:'oli.‘ ent ljspes of lielic.-piers in service. the place the .\lllD\ and meet. \\'hi:lv.ind. \\'cs'se\ azrd \\r'asp. L'nfor-~ c.iu certainlj.‘ "see men“ on the ollicial Navy Days, turratel_\ the we.-.tl:er was lt\.\ had for -the hot the youth of liritttttt sees the wo.".s'. :in_stliiii-_.: but "cine:-_.-crrc;."' ll'_s'rrri_.:. sol ol the Royal .\'avy on ;i more rntima'.e the lhtjss had to he content uith basis. Last year almost l.lltl0 schoa‘. e\.i:riir'.i:i__' the o "e: er;enc_\" heli- 'l.'lUl\llL'l'l were privileged in this w.i;.'. a copter on the l.iridr:ie strip. its eni_:.ines. warrned up and ll\ priot read‘. to take? ligure w it i c h has :i|re.itlv been equalled lllls jseat‘. and it preserr the crat: into the air sE~.o'.rl.l art trends continue well over 3.l)tltl ;.:e:ic-. occ-.:r. I school children will have en;o_vev.l their .\ll-IR('\' .\ll.\i.*il()\‘S mail "pris.-.tc" Navy l).ij. at l'.1rtl.i.".-.l '1 he versitiirtjr of llt.'.lt:llc'tvl‘ls'r’ in hv the end of l"(t3. ire‘. tlr~_.-_lits was \l\'l\ll‘. demon-1 ‘tier: lt.'t‘C\ l'ul\‘.:sl‘ir=.: tn».-:~n..»~_s r~.:. H‘-l .'..:h:s .-cs.-:se.l Rrn.'m'eJ. or O nltntltlfl, \: i:'. the lo:-.~- cold shell at the tr. l!i— lrnrrs isdliclilrliill \:r: :.'1'.t:.'iv. .)l \\‘_all L‘: c‘ -.':i.' .I.'.‘ at \-us.-i"\:' '-. ll’~'~' outs

3 ‘



Any Question.s'.' Boys of (‘layesmore School (‘.(‘.I-'. inside the hangar

lt..\'. Air Station H..\l.S. Osprey at



of Britain's oldest steam iengines still in rise. Could my class i see this locomotive and have it tour of llltc base while they are eantping at lSw;ina;:e during the surnmi:r'."' ".\lv l school would like to adopt a warship. 3 ls this feasible and could ‘a visit to the i l ship be arranged'.''' So the letters Ilow in. from every type of school and lirtirll \':tl'l0th‘ parts til the L‘uunlr_\'_ I from schools in Southern [;'ny:|and. the |.ondoii area and even from the .\lidlands and the North. If possible. something is arranged. although it may not ;ilwa_vs be what the school wants. When no warship is available either for a da} at sea or a visit. it often happens that a tour around the naval :iir station can he ullerctl and for C.(‘.l-'. hoys a lllklll in ‘.t helicopter or an afternoon on ll..\ll.S. t)sprey‘.s ritle ran-_.-e. This avoids disappointment and ar the s;tnte time it shows the visitors a far : wider held ol n'.iv.iI acltvites.

hthl.‘ has












(‘R.-\(’l\' 0|’ I).-\\\'.\' Of course a tl;Ij-‘ at sea is the most popular attraetioii especially it the sve.ithcr' is kind. it means an earl} >l.Il'l for the school. as warsliips of the Second l-'ii'_.:aIe .\'qu;u.lrori operating on iilail} C.\t:l'r.‘l\cs le:ive the harbour at '.-'..‘~I) :i.rn. I-rcquentls the ships take part in anti~suhrii.'iriiie e.\ercises and in 1 this task they are assisted hy helicop, rcrs lrom ll..\l.$_ Osprey. The use of ‘helicopters in ariti-stihinarine warfare arose from the ilevclopiiierit or the L ntrciear sirhrnarine which is capahle of ‘high tinder~w;ite: speeds’. This mearit speedier methods of detection so that great stretches of the ocean could be searclied quickly and elleclivelyr -just L the role for a helicopter. llein-,2 lextrcnielfs‘ mobile. it can lower its -C.ll'\.'l|l1l'_.! device to sea level. a process known as "c|ttnking." carry out its. electronic listenin~_.~s and speedily move to new areas it’ required. i\'ew roles sl.‘lll.tllvl new techniques and a new i:rid::sl;inding: between the helicopter : pilot and the warships in eorrip.irr:.‘.Iiaisozi can he the i llow etlective thrs sclior-l|vo{.s see for themselves as the to the eventual C\S.'l'Cl\,'§ proc.-e.l “l.ill." lo add realism l|..\I. \t1l‘lt't£ltltlL‘s act as the iirrd.-r-water menace and I‘.'.t\.tl rct aircraft tron‘. the l{o'_..il Nasal .‘\i.' \'tati.-.n at Ycoviltori \lllltli.tlL' erremu‘ pl,i:i.-s This gives the warships‘ loot»;v

to open an account Lloyds Bank you will lttll‘C :i pers-o.~.:il account which gi\'e$ you afrrll ban}.-irrg .n:r:'ice. You will be able to make v-.'in.x vot' m~:co.su: A CL'S'l’O.\ll;'R of

allotntcnts of pay direct to your account and you will ha-.‘e the full use of a cheque hook. l-‘urthermorea wide range of speci-.ilis.-d ser-rice-s will be at your disposal when you need to use them. Asl: for .1 copy of this booklet it has been wri't.-u especially for you and it contains :1 form of ripplication to open an account. (Iopies are av.iit.ihle at our branches in the vicinity of .\';ivaE and l{oy.tl .\l.iri:ie Estahlrslirnents or you may obtain a copy by writiu;.; to: —

O}-'l'lClilt,l.1.(‘l'i’D§ ll.\N.'-I !l'.!lTl 3), ltill tIU'v'RT, IO l.U.\'.ll.\Rl) hill! 1 l, :o.s':io.s, r..t:.3.

l'l‘ttl,lt‘. RI-'.l.:\T10.\'S

I's‘.\T (ll l





l('uritinuetl in column 4)

ziccustomcd to the usual lll'.’t‘C'_-‘ mis< sions of the rnaeliiries in ;issistr.':.: tll sea rescues or in lakirie sick patients‘ to distant liospitals, The hlariket of snow ishich pzirzilvscd road transport and isolated nianv Dorset vi||:ig.;es and farms was ;i new ehalleng.:e to the lichcopter and lmtlr literally :ind metarllltltlcitll} it “rose to the occasion." To-_.-etlrer with R.:\.F. helicopters‘ in



cuter-K I


In fairness to you MUST


yourself see

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Portsmouth and Southsea

Nlel'.ol'v" -333-rs-all ca::.s'..-zictirin t3 .1 major do n brezitcthr-1u:ti.!t3rustzcd construction r:i'.-.s_; rrreat r zrtrenztti wttli. Increased freedom tlt\;.'out., larzer w‘:.~.13-.v.'s arr: Eu-xu.--,' ttlnsrs. .l:iii.\' i‘


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November. I963



point of the weapon system /-'"

(‘I-I S(‘0'l'“ is the title of a recently ronipleled live minesw-cc-ping operation carried out in Ireland by the Scottish-based Ind .\Iincsw'eeping Squadron. Taking part in their third live sweeping task this year were ILM. Ships. l.t~wiston (Cdr. P. W. Greening. R.l\'.. Senior Olliccr. 2nd “ineswco.-ping‘ Sqtiatlronl. Wolu.-rton (tl.i¢-ut.-Cdr. A. .\I. G. Pearson. R.N.l. Wiston ll.i¢u|-('dr. W. II. II. .\Icl.eod. l-LN.) and Yarnton (I.ieut.-(‘dr. J. J. R. Oswald. R.N.) and the riiinc-sweeping support ship. ll..\l.S. Reclaim tl.it.-ut.-(‘dr.t C. I". I‘. Simpson. R.N.). The five ships sailed from their were passed. arrived at Aisiiretri the. home base at Port lidgiir. near lEdin- following day. This liord is surrounded biirgh. on Sepleriiher ‘) under the by siiow-c.'tppcd miitiiitiiitis and the eoinmrinil ol (‘.ipt. ll. 1. Ariderson. excellent weather on arrival shoised t'.ll.l‘... R.N.. who svas eiiibarked in to adi.iiit.ige the iiiajestie seeiier_\- with ll..\l.S. Reelaiiit. '1 his operation was‘ \\hieli leeland abounds. 'l’sso davs‘. swcepin-,: was stitlieienl to complete the initisiial. tor three reasons. l-irstlv. l\ tlioiiglit that no eo.ist;il iiiiiiesweeper‘ task :ind .i total of four tiiines were" has previously petietrated the "ltlue swept. Three of these \\ere siiiii. hv. i\'t“L' hisht" Ur visilctl lceland hclilrc. sliip‘s rille lire. but the toiirtli was Keeoiidiv. no suecpiitg ol inooreil live heaelied l\_\' the lll\'lll_l.! te;i:ii lrnni iiiittes haul been doiie for over Ill ll..\l.S. |\'eel;iini and then exploded. seats. and. t'iii;il§‘.. it was the lirst time illie sire and power of this espiosion that ships not on t'isher,v-proteetioii left no doubt as to the elleetiveness duties had visited Iceland since the ol even .i '.‘0-veir-old l\;irii;icle~ ll-mile limit dispute be-,:.in, The encrusted mine. the success ot’ tli:s_ \‘.t-ct.‘Piltj.: tasls eoiisisted ol clearing up-.‘r:ilioii was .'t boost to ever‘,'oiti:'s small iiiinelields sown with inor.ile and high hopes were held of two controlled .iiiti—s:ibiii.iriiieiiiiiies at the sweeping lllt|ls.' llllllt.'\ in St:\tllll\» entrances to the liyia and Sevdliis l:lt\l’ll. .-\l.ureiii. the second l-iords, ‘I his \\.'l\ undertalsen at the request of the leel.indii.‘ timeriirizeiit. landic town. like Reg.lsj;ivi's. was a-,:.iiii sery C\[‘ctts’i\'c. but by this time :i verv large number of .iiii:itciir anizlers li.id Vi5 lJl-'.(3Rl’.l-IS ROLL the ships‘ comThe p.iss.ige to RL'fv’hl.l\'lk bcgaii .ipp-.'ared aiiioiigst p.inies. lisliing with gear rringing from talntlt eiiougli. but by September II a 'lltL' most sopliistiezitcd rod and line.‘ ttill gale \\.is blmsiiig oil the so-.itli to a few t';itlioiits of "piissers"‘ string.‘ ecuist of Iceland .ind the sis eepers .:ri old hook and ;i {an Kev as it} ‘-\ ere perto: ining some incredible \\ci;:hl. \\"orih-ivliile results were: I ltcsc Ht‘s‘tl-1|lltl-.tll.Il'l'llnlllIl'lachieved .'inl|t's_ by evervoiie .ind lisli became ships. isliose d:spl:icenient is only 450' it frequent addition to the sliips’ tons. are very lively \\llL‘t‘I they meet, The ships sailed for Sevdhis 45-loot wzives and :i wind of Force. menus. Fiord on September 20 and at 2|0‘) eight. The inaximiini roll recorded by‘ that evening in position (it; degrees 33 the squadron was 55 degrees. However. niiniites nortli. |(i degrees 27 minutes no serious damage was sustained and west crossed the Arctic Circle: withthe ships were alongside in doubt the lirst time that co;ist;il.s l out by I500 on l-‘ridav. September I}. had penetrated so far north. This "














Part til‘ Weapon Direction Room. ll..\l.S. Hiinipshire. “any people are by now familiar with the external appearance of the Royal i\'av_v‘.s new “Count_v“ class guidcd—missile di.~stro_vr.-rs-—-their clean lines. streamlined funnels. the Scaslur: launcher alt and the helicopter pIatl‘orni—hut few. however. have seen the interiors of these remarkable ships. Hampshire has a standard displacement of over 5,000 tons, a length of 520 feet and a beam of 54 feet. Her armament consists ol‘ a Seaslug guided-missile system (twin launcher). four radarconlrolled 4.5inch guns forward and two Seaeat close-range guided-missile systeiiis. I-‘or anti-submarine work the ship is tilted with the latest sonar equipment and a helicopter carrying “dippini.-," sonar and homing torpedoes. She also has the latest air and surface warning radar. The Ilampshire‘s propulsion machinery consists of geared steam turbines‘ for normal .'vlt.‘:llItil‘||:.with gas turbines to provide additional boost for high speeds and for getting under way quickly. She is commanded by Capt. R. White. C.B.E.. R.N.



moment was :iccoriip;inied by .1 most exciting display ol the Northern Lights. a phenomenon seen freqtientlv thereafter. The’ Squadron arrived at Scydhis Fiord on a be;iutit'uIlv clear. sunny morning. steaming between



massive moiinlaiiis which rose up steeply from the water's edge. One .M.S. l.F.WlSTON (Cdr. l’._W. l morning's sweeping revealed tiriGreening. R.N.. Senior Othccr. were no longer any ilt:l|'l|'!il_\' tb:it there and Second Mim-sw~u.-ping Squadron). re-: .mines in this .irea :i further aftersisitcd the tiny I‘i||'-Ittl‘ 07 I-l-"*5" noon's elteck sweeping eonliriiicd this t'(‘llll_V' the northern ; on ‘By \\';t)’ of cnnsoliiliori the more in- ton. Hess‘. Access to Loch Ness is via lhr» Etrepid of the ships‘ companies sscnt (Zaledonian (‘anal and a coastal u_iin_elmountaiiieeriiig and this was as good:t sweeper is the largest type of shit? |_|‘| it way as any to pass the time in ii the Service to be able to navigate this town svlierc the iisiiril l.tt'lllllCS were wiitcrway. The ship last made this soriiesvliat limited. joiirnev in August. 1960. As Loci) Ncss is :40 lcct_:ibovc sea :\;\'()'l'IlF.R BAD I‘ASS/\GF. the passage of 15 miles has to level. linislied. now .-\s the operation was . lug m;.d.,- ihroiigli .1 series of locks. of in the sailed for l.er\siek. .the ships which there are six in all. These locks the 23.. Again on September the are only .1 few feet lotiger than "[1"-;..|in«_; it" siniiewherc lietw eeti lSllL‘ll;tlltl\. \\'e;ither was had and after an uncom- ship. so it was a tight squeele. Shetlitnds the and Ice .iIId fortiihle p.iss.ige. wltieli included :i i A pilot was eiiiluirked to give advice The l:.ll.'ll‘C\ nine between il-‘ores: gale The week-end was spent in RL'\is‘ land Slietlaiids the List. force arrived and :issist.iii-:e and his Hit1hl4|"}' his i.ivils. but avid sliore-:.:uini: um mil at Lensiel; ziiid collected its lirst mail striiiglitlorssardriess in getting tsishes put into action was :1 source possible o\sin_i: to the high cost in most two weeks oreRe}-lsi.ivils le;ivin_e iitntiseiiieiit. When not in of lltiI‘l_L's' in Iceland. .\lost people con~ ‘I lie same afteriiooit the ships the general lu.‘l,s the ezinal is mirrors and lined themselves to sliup[‘t_:t;.' for Port lid-,:.ir and .irrived the §\.ttlC(l uiittling. tions and \.ist tt'ilt‘lll‘L‘ls ot .\llL'$'P\-‘sin l‘ol|o\\itt:.: ;il’tei'iiooii. A true lligliland sselcoiiie .i\\:iIlcd rugs and {its liats and leclaiiilie until- l The up-.'r.itioii \-..is :i l.'l'e‘.'ll experi- the ship .is she Itl.tt.lc her approach to lens were brtiiiglit b.ie_‘s to the _slitps. lettee ssltieli those who took part \\‘:ll Pier .it |.e\siston. A Pit?“ letttplc l.i.uson \s.is .ilst| .:t.'lllL‘\'Ctl “tilt the that fact the and forget. quickly leel.ind:c co.istg'.i.ii'ds “hit 111-!“ llll-' no il.'iiii:ii:e\\;is stis!'.tiiii:d by ant." of llte played and a large crowd of local ‘Itirousllttl ~,:iiiibo;its \sh:cli protect and eritoree ships in the severe weather experieitced h.ibii;mis gailicrctl to give a ltall the leel.ind:e ltslIlll‘,1 :e;:;i!;itiu:i~. lltes I once ;ig.iiii eoiili.-riied the excellent iseleoiiie. llie pier was only of the ship and so head and were L'\l.'L‘i'l‘.L'h\ ll'.('llkli) and an Ice- sea-lscepzni: Lltl.‘tllltCs Oi the eti'.ist;il length stem ropes \\cre secttretl lo L‘t.\ll\'L‘lllL‘ttl l.lHtll\.' liaison utlieer ss.is .:lV[‘|t‘3l'liCtl to .ll‘.lliL'\\\ .'L']‘L'f the l‘.lZll*s\ of the Ioeh. the Ktlllittllitll tor the diir.i'.:uii ot the , trees on o;ier.itii\:t. Nu (‘,-\ltIiR-'l‘()SSl-iRS lite First Sea Lord. .-\tl:tiir:tl Sir ‘ I-I‘ 'l.l\ .\ll'('lI \ .\ll.\‘l"$ l-‘RY l)1l\l(I Luce. (C.('.|l.. |).S.(). and liar. ; .-\ ver_v fiill |'\l't\_L'l'llnlT'IlL‘ had been ho lt\.'e".‘ \ttlt.'tl il‘l iis lllsl Llsit Hi iU.ll.l'T.. visited .\l.tritinte lle:idqii;irte.'s. ;irr.uigetl by the local Comniiiiiitv on ()etob-er 17th. iiieetin-,: :\ssoci.itinii, the liigli-Iiglit of which |‘\..,;, | jmil on Ss';‘lc'l1tl‘L‘r to and utter l’itr.;ivi-.~. ollieers of the Seotlaml and was ;i “('eleidli" ta llighliinil party passtllt: tliroiigli tlie l)::tiii.irl; Strait iseiiior and dance). for the whole sliip‘s oseriiiglit. during which tun teeneres iNi\rll'|'.‘l’ll Ireland Coiiiniaiid. eiviiipaiis-. This \\as such a success‘ both siiles that ri dance “as on ;:irr.oigeil at short notice for the t:e\l evening. which the iiiiiiority ol the Two ‘ship‘s eoriipziiigr attended. Also being held during the visit were the Glen Urquhart llighl:i'nd Games. The ship was invited to enter teams for various events. but owing to the lock (it opSOUTH PARADE portuuity in a coastal mincswccper to SOUTHSEA practise such events as tossing the caber and playing the pipes. the invitations OSBORNE RD. were regretfiilly dcclincd. On siib. SOUTHSEA sequentlv seeing the size of the competitors in the tog-ot~w:tr. this was AVAILABLE FOR ALL clc:irl_v xi wise decision. The visit lasted two days and during that time most of the people of Lewiston visited the ship. .\l;tny stories \\'cl'C related about the Loch Ncss Monster. whose favourite venue oll Urquliagrt whether a Subrnarint..—Destroyer—Bauleship or Aircratt Carrie Castle was very close to where the ship OVER 50 SHIPS DANCES CATERED FOR LAST YEAR was berthcd. but unfortiin:itclv it did 32275 Portsmouth Wire—Write—or phone. not put in an appearance. The ship left Lcwiston to the plainMake your first “Port of Call" for Dancing: livc airs of a specially composed The Savoy Ballroom Radio Band Every Friday lament. "l.ewiston‘.s Farewell to Loch Ness.“ played on the pipes.





isinee s'\l‘~:‘l|‘ iviozisl_v_





...tiut. oi-dci-cit from your \\'illci'li_v.-3.\'avnl Manager. this t-ill|)t3l'lJ overcoat. embodies all that is finest in London tailortni:...anil you can pay by allotment iryou ivish! Out‘ .\':\val .\lt\t‘l:\',.'(‘t‘Hvisit your :~'l1l|)t)l' zsliorc station l'(‘l.'1ll£\l‘l_\‘ -01‘ if :.‘ou'i'e .1 nat.ii.-c. t,licy‘d be glad to call and sire you at _i/iiitr ritrit limrir. .-Xsk them to sliosv you Willi-i~l:,\-:4 t.‘Xt.‘ll.lSi\'(.‘ Cronitiies. Ctieviotir amt 'l‘s'.'--oils.lioth t'c.iil:.' to i.-.'e:it'and m:u‘.e to mezi.-siirc. Uniforms. lmlmze stilts. l0l.‘illl'0 ‘.'-'('.'\l‘ and

outtittii1e.too!Willi:i~lv3':sNaval .\lrtit:t-.'ei‘.~; will be glad to tell you all rihoiit. it. \'.'l1(.‘tl tliey'i'e ll('.‘-ll. ."t.l)0.’t.l'tl2 or .\-mt can drop us it



call in at any of


lIl‘:tlt(:llCSfOl‘(llD(1llt:ltluS('l‘ll)ll)1.: \‘.'illei'h_v.~s :s‘ei'vit:e to men in the SI3l‘\'lt.‘C.




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tailor: to the Set-rlou-Irancttu throughout Brut lrttall

viii? A big atteiiilifice at [;0yAL NAVAL lCheam’s Silver Jubilee t\'ovenilier. I063

N.~\\\' \l-.\\_‘i


Ill-'. ("beam and Worcester Park man of the ('li.'am Social Club and llrancli of the Royal Naval Asso- 3 .\lrs. (‘i-lliiis. After a most delicious dinner. cleciution held its Silver Jubilee Dinner on October 5 and there were N0 gantly served. the cliziirman. Shipmatc l-'. W. .\l;ittlic\vs. Fhvc the Loyal 'l'oast guests. Arming llti\SC attending were the :uid read it uicssage from the Queen .\l:iyor of Sutton and tflicaiii. Alder- congratulating the president. ollicers INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER niatt l). l’. Tliomas. .l.l’.. and the I and biancli nicnibcrs on the occasion. Patron: H.M. The Queen Mayorcss, Mrs. M. Vauglian. the GRO“I‘\G '\“"'“m"Rh"w president of the branch. Mr. Richard Sltzirplcs. (l.ll.l'I.. M.(',. M.l'.. :tnd' The president spoke of the 25 years‘ COMR.-\DESllll"‘ l'.\'l'Rl()'l'ISM l.0Y.\l.'l'\' “UNITY .\lrs. Sliarples. Supt. Rthlc. of "W" lllsliirv and ciitlcavoiir and of how the Division. Mctropolitzin Police. .'ind'hranch llittl wcatlicrcd zi lcaii period \lrs. Rosie. Shipniatc llarris. was now happily growing. In thc chziirmziii of tlic liasthoiirric llranch 2 past si\ uioutlis to new nicuibcrs lizivi: ind .\lts. ll.it’l'l\‘. Shiptriatc ll:irrisoii.:bccii cnriillcd. tkuiiiiiciitlirig the stood -ecrctarx of tlic lizislboiirnc llr;incli.fwoil. done by the branch in helping \lrs. ll.ll'l'l\i|ll and .\liss li;irb;ir.i%tiicir less-lortuiiatc couit'ailcs_ .‘-li‘. I-larrison. and ,\Ir. J. (‘olliiis. (.‘li:iir-'Sli:irplcsstated that it lillcd in many 1 of the gaps left by the Welfare State. I At this stage in the proceedings there was a p:‘cscrit;itioii of bouquets to thc .\layoit-as and lady guests. There Nig|iting:ilc" when site was :..‘com~ was also a novelty gift for every lady pzinicd by liandiiiastcr I lt. \\. l’locl. in the shape of a small hand fan. from Deal. lii proposiiig "Our Guests" tlic The Massed llands folli-wed a S the lieadqunrters of the Ro_v;il ch:iii'iii;iii \iclcou_icd them. tlianking Suite, "Castles of Britain" by l.;iurii: .\':iva| Association at Lovver Sloane the .\Ia_ior and .\la_vorcss for their Johnson. Street has closed down and area dele- interest in the liranch. ln welcoming of .‘\‘i§(‘iIlillIt\l' the llie_l’rcsident tates can no longer have the use of the Mr, and Mrs. Sliarplcs_ he said that HE intention was to honour them: in fact they honoured us." This was then (oinmandani introduced the heard after the annual reunion of the Royal Naval A!-\tN.‘iSIli0l‘l at the General Royal Marines to the l\llfl' venue for the meetings. the area .iltliougli the Pfi.'\ltJCll’l was it very bu.~._\' the .ecrct:ir_v has found it necessary touslr man he always uiaiiaged to liiid lime to Festival Hall on October 19. It is hardly necessary. think. to say thiaudience. his introduction In .tic liospitality or individual branches attend the l\t.Illcll liiuctions rind. iii the "‘them" and “they” referred to the Royal_ Once‘ again till the President ivelcomcd guests Massed Bands of the Royal Marines. under l.icut.-( olunel l~. Vivian Dunn. mentioning the Mayor and Mayorcs ‘or the area meelinga. and the 53rd _:rcctiiig Supt. Rosic and Mrs, Rosie. tencral nice-ling was held on October tltc i.'|i;iii':itaii tliaiikcd the SuperintenC.\r'.0.. 0.B.I°T.. |".R.A.M.. R.M.. the Principal Director of Music. Royal of Lcamington Spa who had been \I 21 at the Red l.lon. Epsom. the head- dcnt for lll\ help in the past wltich had Marines. “stole the show." putting on ti faultless perforniance. Aiiiiii-.i this 3-park helpful during iiinilc the riiiiiiitig tit tlti: p;ir;iilcs go |ll:ll'Il'l'\of the I-Ipsom Branch. The bands concerned were those present. Somewhat of a philistinc my- Conference and referring to tht the distaiice of the some (‘i-iisiil.-riiig in .\lIlt)ullll_\ of the Porisnioiitli Group. Royal self where music is concerned. the absence. because of ill health. o‘ iranclt delegates had to travel. the 'llicic was a welcome for Marines. The Royal Marines School Scenario portrayed to me lllc wind and Admiral of the lilcct. The l-‘ail of ( orl iccting \\;l\ well attended. A spcci:il the friends fromspecial liastbournc. \\’lieiiof Music. ll..‘~‘l.S. St. Vincent. _witli the waves. with overtones of joyous- and (.)rrcry and .-\dniir.il Sir .-\lc.<;indei iotc was niadi: of the liolkestouc dele- ever ( licam and Worcester Park has the addition of the Memorial Silver ness. and as no victory can be attained C. (i. .\l;iddcn. -.;itc. Sliipiiiatc Attics. who appears visited liastbotirric. the lliJ$|'\ll:llll_\ without suffering. the music brought Admiral l’arham also niciitioriei i:vcr to have missed a meeting Trumpets. no extended has been trcincndoiis and There is something about a reunion: this out as well. together with tlianks- that next year the l'cstiv.il Hall will nattcr where it has been held. the Clicaiii iiicriibcrs were glad to be unfortunately. not be available. bu the smiling faces. the joy of renewing giving when the strife was over. Cdr. J. Kcraiis. l).S.O.. M.l’.. R.N. able to return it in sortie small way. association is the Reunion hold it A an reto newcomer to of the hoped the friendships. “togctherness" Rctd.). the area president w:is present After tliankiiig Mr. and Mrs. Collins whole alfair, seems to infect everyone union. Syd Marks. accompanied at the possibly at Croydon. He felt that i ind also members from Maidstone. for their support and friendship the with happiness. This feeling is most piano by an old favourite of those would be a mistake not to have :- iilliugliam. (,'liatliam. Temple Farm. cliairriian thanked the committee. the apparent wlicu the reunion is one of who have been attending the reunions (‘enotapli Parade and Reunion and tht illllllglltlllrllt‘. llorlcy. Dorking. Ladies’ Section. and specially Shipin hall seemed the of Miss Kathleen the the same 0'llagan. opinion Scrvicemen. past. I’oll.cstone and Croydon. niatc "Les" (ioodwiii. the social secre’u_rlcy. he Parliam referred what Admiral audience it the Finally guessing The Royal i\'av;il Association Re- kept thipntrite .l. Dyckcs represented the tary. for the great efforts everyone formation the First Maritimr the how of wonder would do I next. many union has. in the main. two purposes. \latiorial Council. had made to make the evening a great in from whict. of Foot if I864. they Regiment l"ir*sl. the getting together again and. people went away wondering of business discussed lot was Quite a siicccss. secondly. the honouring of somebody. could get a tune out of a stirrup has come the present superlative Roy... ind inaiiy views on current affairs of 'lhc .\la_vor responded for the .\l;irincs Corps and in lcavin_-.- lllt he I\\\t\L'ltIllitllput to the floor. The visitors. x j-lllg llU\\' much he and thc some battle. or some ship. This year pump‘! 'llic ll:i.'.‘lioli.i::Singers live young platform to the ('ontni:iiid;int (ieucra l'C.‘t~lll't.'l'. Sltipmalc Knight. of Epsom. .\ta_vorcss cujo_\cd being ainoiig men the accent was on the Ro'_.‘:il .\larincs. Next year the Corps celebrates its men who devote much of their leisure he mentioned the p rescue: of (iencr.s‘ aivc a good report of the area finances of the sea. It was not his lirst visit Campbell R. llardy. President ol it present; altlioiigli there is not a lot and he follows the activities of‘ tlic lcrccntcnary _\'ear and it was thought time in raising money for sp:istics— Sir respect. the Royal Marines Association and .if money in the "kitty." there is cer- l1fl|lli.'ll with great interest. appropriate that the Royal Navy were listciicd to with great should be the first to salute so im- The singers‘ rendering of Negro another ex-Royal -.\l:irinc. Sir Johr. ':iiuly enoiigli to keep the area out of Ill-L-\l)(,)l.'i\RTERSLOSING portant an aiiiiivcrsary. And who Spiritiials and songs well known to the Lang. late Secretary to the lloard ul be red. tlianks to the generosity of TOUCH 1' Admiralty. he area rlclcgiitcs and. of course. the better to do so than the sliipmatcs of audience left nothing to be desired. Genera! Royal. |l'L‘.t capitation. the Royal .\':ival Associatioii. the The man of the odd ode. Cyril The (‘omniandant The I-irancli secretary. Sliipmate in the Marines President lot thanking in his well-known style. soon II. C. I’. Cot‘. then spoke of the Assom.'ijorlt_v of whom served through the Fletcher. RESlGi\'li\'G SECRICT.-\R\' and the ol privilege experience be “wiili“ him. I'll Second World War. some even in the had evcryoiic ciation in its early days. its recognition Shipniatc l.icut.-Cdr. J. l.. llates. by the Admiralty First too. and who had worked and bound some of his stories will be zittcnding the Reunion and in taking and the granting of the the afternoon's salute the of at t.N.\-'.R.. Ccnotapl-. Croydon. kept braiicli :it meeting a repeated many -tlic Royal (‘hartc-r. ll»: stressed. also. fought with this superb body~.soldiers mentioned that well Parade. but struck in order. are a plans good nccting time for to come. a long and sailors too. the br.irich'.s concern at Headquarters The next artist was Cavan advanced for the Tcrcentenary Cele- iotc of despair when he informed losing touch ivitli them. and he I-'.X('l-Il.l.l-3\"l' l\Il.7SlClANSllIl' O'Connor. accompanied by Kathleen brations which. in London. will tala 'l'|t\~t: pre~cnt that the area honorary forward ‘tlioiiglit it would be a Hence the remark which starts this ()'llagaii. Sailors are always apprecia- place in July. Plans are also beiiig pre- ..:crct;iry. Sliipmate 'l'. Asprey. _of lit the gcitcrzil sccrclriry. step and others. article. ‘those present were honouring tive of a little sentiment and (‘avan pared for celebration; in the pro- \laid.stonc. did not intend continuing visits to br:in.:hi:s from time to is secretary for the coming year. the Royal blarincs. but it was the O‘(‘o:‘.nor L:li\‘.\~ just how to .~L‘t\'C it vinccs and abroad. time. (icucral Cartwright-'l‘a3lo: stated A very sutisiaiitial tca \\'.i~‘. provided excellent mtisiciansliip of the l00- ll[1. During the danciiig which folloivcil will Londoners that h another the which llraiicli. for -e the "inade" the which band lip-.oiu cveii' 1 _v strong the diiincr ;i well-kept surprise was PRF('ISl().\' of WORK the .’\l:issei: its opportunity licziring n.-.-ting expressed apprcci:ition._ mg. 'lli.- iirgaiiiscrs had laid on _a ll.iiids the 'l'crcciite:1:ir': before Celellt.‘\l that the itttctulcd it is niccting. the first moment. l~'roni with; The .\l:i<<.-d llands then came into very show. :It‘.tl it talciitetl show it ‘cabaret will for brations. Beat Rctrca: aniiual on lftlll they the iiiecting. general the Richmond Robin at being orgaii—:ind‘ their own. :i_u;iin. with three items. loo_ and iiiiicli i:iito_vct| by all lune. the llorse (iuards l’ar..d.thillraiich the on held at will be Croydoii fziufarc what an org:iu!—:iud a from; ".\l;trcliing with the Royal t\l.'ii'iitcs." occasion of the C;tr:.i‘::: ( i.'::cr;il'.\ lhosc p:c~ciit. iii ttc\l. ltiiiuziij. -‘ic;it|qu;irtcrs the Mcmori:il Silver Trumpets. with the .\El.vc.' 'l'rii.'npcts iii the body il’riiicc Philip) bii'tlid.i_v. to the finale. the w-liole evening was a- of the hall. was excellent. The marclics. crcdit to all concerned and those who‘ had been heard b_v those in the SPLl~I;\'D|l) ('()~(ll'l".R.\'l'l().\' were imalilc to be present. inissed a audience on numerous ccrcnioiiizil The General stated that there had occasions during their service. but great treat. l .-‘\ most sticccssful dance arrangctl Upon the arrival of the president of never. it is tliotiglit. on :1 more splendid been talk that with the disappear}li_v the social ~ccrct;ir_\'. Shipinatc the association. Admiral Sir Frederick occasion. The Royal Marines are ance of the battleship and the big took place recently at the llli i\"t-wcaslle and Gatcslicail ‘.\lotl':itt. '|';i\crn. detrichinents of Royal Marines the R. Parhani. (i.ll.l3.. K.C.ll.. l).S.().. second to none in the precision of their \\’liitle)' Ilny. everyltniitch of the Royal Naval Asso- llcrkclcy Admiral of the l-'lcet. Lord Fraser off drill and this fact was cxcniplilicd b)‘ (fnrps was trio for from the Navy. ‘one t.‘l‘llt‘}lllt:_ him or herself. The "This is not true." he said. Ht: has ciation has been having a husy time of sccrctarv. North Cape. (i.C.Il.. K.l.l.l5.. i'\(lllllf£tl; the .\yloplior.c players. The piece was Sliipmzitc llurlwcll. \\'(t\ Sir Royston Wright. K.C.B.. l).S.C..l called "llainniers in l-larniony" and recently visited the Far East and late and the "diary" for the coming l cspcciallj. pleased bccatisc. lot the witnessed the close co-operation \\ colts rippvars to be pretty full. the Second Sea Lord. I.ieut.-General the perfect cscnition of it revealed ."iimptcciitli" time he learned tli:it ltc was supported Sir Malcolm (‘artwright-Taylor. mziuy hours of practice. The third and conirridcsliip which exists. "the the local R..-\.F..v\. top ticket seller in the St. Leger K.C'.ll.. ('omm;utd.int (iciicral Royal- Iiclpiiig of this iiondcrfttl rcpast was Ro_\ul Navy and the Royal Marines in tlic liattlc of Britaiit parade through :\\Lt\ ‘lll';l\\'. or_u.irii~cd by Sliipniatc l)cnton. Marines and members of the lloard of I the Post llorr: Octet. "The lluntsii:en" are operating as one force in Newcastle. lt was a wonderful morti'Ihi:rc is to be anotlicr dance on at with a moving ccrcmoiiy ing very and Szirawalt. llc “brokcn“‘ went llorncn the it. the and ’Eci:cc loved on : ensign was Admir;ilty. :-.\'ovcinb:r S at the same place. in in Eldon the Ncw.'.istlc Ccnotapli Mtirincs that to form llril;mni.'i." mastlicrid "Rule in the of an Ron: ‘c fulluttctl "Royal at the to say person llionour of '|r;ilalg.'ir l).ij.'. The did Robinson a Sliiwiiat: Square. 3 the hzilancerl of Then. conducted by lilzindniastcr J.‘ .\lEss lot.-.-:~. llutnc :ic.‘oinp:inicil by iiiipurtant part Nzivy from .\cwc.'a~t|c ~t.it:s: “We llic in of work job good c.irryin_i: the for defence of llll\ .\l;istcr<. the iiiasscd bands played a‘ Katlilcct‘. (J'll;i;.:.t:‘.. llcr songs were required all hope Ill'.ti tiic slsippcr gets lllfll\L'll the stall. St.iiid.ird. minus hl‘.tllv'll and lllU.‘l'l:\I\ :ihrn:id."i our Syrnplionic Scenario. "Victory at Sea" listened l.\ with rapt attciition but. ciiuittry ri dccciit car next time and does not li.id {ll.‘.ll'lll.I1l to wliicli tli: forgolteit The voice or" Robert resonant by Ricliard Rogers. This was well prissibljs. tlze liigliligltt of her cou,brc:ik down on the way. \\'li.it with lliston introduced the l'in:il.: during.‘ l.:i\L'. received by the 2.000-odd sliipniatcs. tribiition was the siiiging of "the ltliat zittd getting li;iinmc:'ctl at crib. which the Standards of the various 'll‘.‘.> liaviug a real rough time lately." hr-zinclics of the Associaiinii iitzirclicd _-..........-.-uiouu.---o-v...uo.....-........... Vl(‘lC-I’Rl'fSl|)l-INT l.l-IA \'l-:8 into position behind the b.'inds. The 'l'lie Newcastle and (‘iatcslicad storniirig and liolilin;-. of (iibraltzir formed the basis of the tribute to the ;l§r.'iuch recently said farewell to its Ill-I llctlford llrrmch of the Rn_v:iI- vcr_v popular vice-president. Sliipniatc Royal Marines. lhiglcrs zinil drummers (Delete as approp:';.it.-‘r marched through the hall and their ;\'uval Association is at present I’, Anderson. who has taken up :i new ROYAL N.-\\-‘Al. ‘.\".»\\-‘Y NEWS’ precision and sniartness evoked con- fully occupied in the lnter- position at Tunbridge wells. in a grnltilztlions from everyone. Never can .-tssociatiiiu (iarues League. trying to stirring speech .Slupui:ite Aritlcrson rcPORTSMOUTII the Festival Hall have rcsouitdcd to emulate the siiccess of last year. when czillcd tlic liistory of the as<oCizitioii I’Ir‘i:\c rm.’ c.‘ Lrlf‘_‘.' of null ium‘ 0;’ ".\'..'i_'.' .\'i"r. .'i» such lllflfclllng and playing. which the branch won the trophy. The Bed- and the comradcsiiip he has found in touched the hearts of us all. ford llranch is part of the llcdford it. The president. Capt. (i. Mauiid. -.\'\.\lt‘. All the artists took pa. in the United Services Chili and. as can be R.i\'.. presented Sliipmatc Hctclier dc. Finale. (‘yril Aimii: \\ .g an imagined. friendly rivalry is intense. .-\iidcrso:i with a suitably inscribed Visits were made during October to tankard. and for Mrs. Anderson there e.\ccrpt from King llcnry \, Doreen llume singing. beaiitifiiliy. "Rule. the Slough llrniicli and the Wt-l\\'yn was a bouquet. t\cw-castle 5.'t_\\‘2 "The" llritannia" and Cavaii O'(.'t-:::‘.o: sing- (iartlcii City llraiicli: both cvcniiigs .branch ncarcst Tuubridge \VCll\ I mg. :".n.- Iu~ruIi'fIh mmt¢'j.‘ (IFrfi'r/[tilt/iii’ ("'.."("..1i".'t'.‘/lit’ l'tlfHt‘ /0i‘. sliould grab Sliipmatc Andcrsoii ing “Abide with rue." being very enjoyable. Ivvivic ti \iiIv.ic':'ipti'uIi for I.’ .f\.\flt.'.\. i'm/u.-.’:'/:_,-,'r.n.'.:_-,c. Chaplain of the Fleet The Very Sliipmaics of the branch are eagerly ‘quickly. for he’ a "good ‘un." Ct7IIl!llt'l!(‘t' ..(.\loiill‘i) Reverend Thomas Crick. assisted by awaiting to know the identity of On the Suiiilay before 'I'r:if:ilg:ir H I.'ti'ruf.‘i'r "I l\'.\‘. .-l\\r|t'."rt.'I'ut.‘. /’H"t'.:-i‘ ~.'..'.'¢’ lt'r.n.'tfI. (iortlon ltudd. led the, "i\'cpttuic." ivhosr: n:iv:il t.'.li’L'." has ‘Day illg hraiicli went to |)utli;ini ('ity ltlie Reverend to support the \‘e.i (';id.'ls. _pr.iycr and conduct.~d the \l.'tll\'.Il.lt‘il. been ltc.-ni_\ followed. '




The RoyalMarineBandsmen





‘steal show’ at Reunion




.\'o. 2 MEE TING AT











;AviNG A. VERY .






.- v




Renewal Form































ItEt5l~‘Ol{—[) Xi‘"Tii~:n' GAMES TROPHY



November. I963



Blackhall has


‘Big Drip’

actzuistion of the Blacltball Branch of the Royal Naval Association A isNI-SWcharming This the wall of the club wall clock vihich hangs on



the branch by Mrs. .\lcGlen and family in memory of ;Stoker Daniel t\lcGlen. who was lost in l94l. when serving in ll.l\l.S. Ileri.-Hard. during the evacuation of Crete. l The president of the branch and hcfore the ship iIlfl\’l.'tl"(tllll not :1 Shipmate (‘r;ii:;:s' send their _ereetinits word to the brattelt. [to the (';terttarvon liraneh ot tlte A'l'l'I-'.Nl)Al\'(.'l-IAT l)l.'RlI.\M .-\sst-ciiitiott and tli:tnl.s for a pleasant evening spent in the Caerttztrvon Ttvelve tnembers :tttcnded the tshctt they were on tour. |'l‘ral'al;.-ar l)ay paratle at l)ttrli;ini and. 1 llL‘:1tlL|llill'lL':s svticu tt..\t.s. Rt\lltt:s.'I_\‘ pilltl ;I visit lonee aeiiitt. it was a lip-top parade and ‘to the port of llartlepool reccntlv. a’ service. (’ottt:r:itul.'ttions lrotn lllaclw number of the ships company paid rt hall to all who helped to provide the ,visit to the lll.icl.h;tll (‘ollii:ry. Not teas. Only six Association Standards stll|‘?lsltlgl_\'. there were tto voltinteers were on patrzttle. and this is-its a disto take up eoaliitiiting. l_di:..\l.tlZ) ‘tlpptlllllnlcltl. The nttmbers of ship-.\lcl’hee and ii. .\l. Beck visited the ltllitlcs seemed to be down. too. lll.iel.li.tll llr;titch's chili and appeared The lllaeltltall reporter ends his to enjoy themselves very ntueh. It was screed: “('onte oit. Shipmates. rally l I protitable. too. for l.tlt:.i\l.tF.) .\lcl’ht:e. round if possible :tt these functions Il who won the lirst house at tontbola. antl let the people see that we of the The reporter from lllaekhall says Royal Naval Association are still that the menibers of his branch h:tve Royal Navy and proud of all our great a "big drip." The lirst the Royal traditions." Naval Assoeizttioit members knew of Rothcsa_v‘s visit. was when they read in the local Press th:tt a party were to ’visit the colliery. The reporter asks‘ ‘'that the “high-ups" should inform '1 local brattehes when a naval ship is Old Court llranch Sitlin the of The sen icc o f tliztriltsgisini: and blessing to visit their area. It brztncltes are told N Sunday. October 20. Trafali:-ar “Kent silu-r Messenger") (Photo: Iirancli's the iuhilee year the lloral badge of the .-\ssoci:ttion. mts a littine clinta\ to of an intpetttling visit. the members Sunday. the new Standard of the will do all they can to make thel Pcnarth Branch of the Royal Naval visitors welcome. The Blackhall \.\sot.'i‘.IliuI't vtas dedicated at 3 service Ilranch was read)‘. willing and able. held at St. Augustine's Church. httt everything “as all cut and dried Penarth. the service being conducted by the Chaplain of the branch. the Rev. I. Buberry. Prior to the service :1 par.tde was held through Pcnartlt. attended b_v the N:I\:ll' the Royal Ill-I silver jubilee year of the Sittinehourne Branch of and members of the British shipmattes Court Association was sery littinely celebrated on September lit at the Old thc R.A.l-‘. Association. Sea Legion. T has been the policy of the Rhondda Branch of the Royal Naval ('adets from local units. A.T.(_'. Cadets. llouse. Milton Reeis. with a goodly muster of noiuhbourint: branches‘. at 1| service of tltanltsjgivinu and blessing. Association to hold mo charity concerts each year in aid of some charitable Wrens from ll..\l.S. Cambria. Carditl. been in aid of the Smallpox Fund. or the local and many local cotttieillors ol the By the kitttlness of tlte ('ottnei| .'t 'activities and is tscll l.not\it in the cause. I’rc-vious concerts havehave all been sitccessful. but the concert on l’enarth Urban District Council. for the coittiitual support given Sea (Tadct unit. and they floral carpet tlepicttng tlte l‘I;ltl).:L‘ ol .\l:trsh:tl of the parade \s'.'ts Liettt.the aims and ohieets ol the October I6 vias in aid of the Freedom front Hunger Campaign. tlte Assoeiatiott in lltt\\L'l'\ had bcclt (‘liairman for tltc night was Sitin- one of the survivors front ll..\l.S. *Cdr. J. D. llovsard. l).S.().. R.N.. i prepared tor the oceztsitttt. and with Association of §\’alcs._ and if there are any Atlmirriltv Liaison Otlieer. Cardill. .\ttieh credit lllllsl go to Sltipiuates mztte "tired" Belmont. one of the the stttt i:ivini: the tinal touch «it ;.-lory. the service. cotitlttctetl by the Rev. W. (‘ox aitd \\’lt;ittonl tor the hard \\t\l'l£ pioneers of the charity concerts :tnd ‘other survivors‘ in the assoeitttion. he The saline was taken by the Cliairniatt Bear. was also in :ippreei:ttioi't of tlte illtal tsent tllltl this ittemorahli: \\llt‘ has :iltt.tvs worked hard to make Iwttllltl like to get in touch vtitlt tltein. of the Pcnartlt Urban District Council. tliem».sticce.sstttl. Sltipmate liclmoitt isl Tlte occasion liappcited to he the- .\lr. W. R. Jellcott. J.l’. Area No. 7 ('otineil P.ll'ls\ stall. “ho had pro- I. occasion. birthday of the oldest member of the of the Associatioii was represented by duced sttelt .i lovelt setting. ,br.tneIt. Shiptnatc "l.iel." Jones. \'t'llt) the Area ('hairm;tn. Sltipmatc E. llriineltes :ttteudiit_t: the service were tsas 73 that tl.ty. When Shipniate Rttssell. antl the Area Secretary. Shiptroin \l.iids'tottc. (iillittehant. (‘hittBelmont aiiiiotiiieetl this fact. it tsas niate li. ll. Walters. The armed guard liaiii. Wltitstithle and leinple l~'::rnt. i.-reetetl. n;ttnr.'tll_\. with tittisical was supplied by‘ ll..\l.S. Canthrizt. and Slit-oil. with their \t.iiitl;inls itt support ltoitoiirs. the parade wcs led by tltc St. Patrick of tlte Area St.tnd.trtl ;tittl the Sittitt;:The total proceeds of the concert I’ipc Bdllll. Cardill. botirtte St;tntl;irtl After the detlieation the Colours and amounted to £40. Thanks are dtte to Mrs. \l.iri:.tret lltvtiltlziie. ('lt;tirm;tn| The branch F. tirttnch tltc Rev. Yco. .\l:titlstoite t\'('l-I the agaitt Ptttlrc. and Branch (‘ommittee and the Enter-i Stitndztrds were paraded throut:h the til the (‘ounct|. and tttenthers ol the I the 30 .\ssttt'i'.Iliott cttittliictml the of some the Ru_\al .\'a\':tl service tamtitent ( omnitttee. “ho had xvorlted totsn. after tslticlt a reception was ltcltl. ('t~ttnei|. were also present and. alter 3 withi the cere‘ttott\ .'lllL'l'lll‘.'tl.t st\t‘i:tl gather- ht-ld its annual ltarst-st festit-.tl at its lpeople sang the h:trve.st hymns {so hard. and to the .ll'll\'l\'.all of stltom and is Ilottsc It that known the at feeling. llridue “-'l[,:I|lll’ ht-zttltiuarters hm] tiaived their fees. l-Zveryone Ill}: ztl llte l‘l'.tt‘ti.'ll lte.ttlqt::trlers itt littsl clubs other and \‘itttlhostclries hold and Winner of J0. on a zuzain ;Hotel St-ptcntlter that the slandztrtl of entertain\'treel .ll.'.lL‘t.’(l llie ladies til the br.tttt.'lt rtrtwttlctl ‘coach-loatl of old friends frtini Petit- l.tr events in .\laidstone. bttt the Matil- ment \\.I\ very high indeed. slttflt: Branch of the Association leel e.\t't:llettl lea. .iitil alter tlte broke llousi: were in attenilztncc. .iit Some of these old faces‘ .tl'L‘ seen; that it sets the standard. T was announced during tltc Annual presentation of a ht-uiitiet to tlte TRAI-‘ALGA R R If.“ EM ill-IR!-II) The of harvest. the is it after and Ptodiice pleasattt t:t\-‘Ch to} year ye.'tr ('lt;tirnt.tit of the (‘onuetl bv Wreri Reunion of the Royal Naval much the and of times hear refer the tltetti was .tt to variety. by many. Sex-.ell_ tlte yotitti:est nteniber of the On 'l'r:tlalt:ar Sunday it parade was Association at the Royal Festival Hall loaded the whiclt the "old took live hits is club. on wltich somt: \L'itl’\ old hranclt. tribute was paid to tile theld which was also attended by the that No. 3 Area had won the Standard their tirtters" back residence. to back now They (‘otincil for their i.-citertisity. and also Iloeal units of the Sea Cadet (‘orps l3earer's Competition. the anti the occasion. ol the so Also were certainly enjoyetl .\l.t_sor present its has tsltielt kept ‘under the command of l.it:ut. 1. Price. Second place was taken by No. 8 to tlte branch. their the .\Ir. J. J. did who ladies livans. (founcillor were tnwn. Capt. young head \\L'll tip ilttriitg the last 25 vents R.N.R. After the parade It Tral'alp.:tr ; Area. is bran-:h. festival .ittettdants. harvest of The .\l.l’.. the one Wells. it shipniatc without .t brezik. Day service was held :tl St. Andrew's 0.li.li.. of Pentof the H l-‘lg-tclter. the residents and events llrigztdier Altliouglt miss stttttessltat tleplelctl l‘.l).. tslto. as .tn honorary shiprtiatc. broke House look fonvard to anti tltc Church. Tonypandy. the service being \'icc-Admiral Sir Michael Villiers. in numbers the braiielt still has many conducted the (‘h:tpl;tin of the Ii.(.'.B.. 0.3.!-2.. is to be placed on the proudly states tltat he has never missed matron was full of praise for the won- branch. the by lRetired List to date November 26. Rev. J. Loyns. derfttl time given to her residents. this occttsiott itt ll) _\t.'ttI's'. The organisation of the event was l greatly title to the hard work of the branch chairman. Shipmate "Ted" HAT the llIt:lllt)l’_\ of Lord Nelson llollands and his very able committee. is being kept tsell and trul_\ aliie is l nlace took vthich shown by an event Ill-I ncssly lorittetl branch of the at the small village ot llumbam Royal .\'av:tl .-\ssoci-.ition at Thorpe. in Norlolla. on Sunday. | 'llcmel Ilentpsteatl held its lirst dance October III. This tillage i\.is the btrtlt-place ol on October I2 and over I30 sltiptttalcs. Lord Nelson. and his memory was 'their ssives and lricnds were present.‘ EMBERS ol the Morley Branch Ilertlortl. t honoured b_v tlte unveiling ot a bust l Representatives from of the Royal Naval Association of the latnotts .tdintraI \\'ltlL‘ll had been Stcvenai.-.e and .\Iolesey Brant-lies were attended the annual parade and represetttcd to the eontntunity by the ; also present. .'\tll"t1lt‘;Ill_\', the tttt\.'eilittt.: ssas Cill'I'll.'(l [ A natttieztl :lll'llll\'DllL‘I'c ssas apparent union on October I9 and our llorley 'out by Sir Solly 'l.tti.‘kerin;tn. M.l’.. itt lby the nttntcrotts Hugs and bnntin;:.- correspondent says they all thoroughly bell. port and sl;ll'h0.Iftl lights.‘ enjoyed themselves. He went on to the Nelson .\letnori.tl llitll. Prior to this cereniony. tlterc lt.td been :t service llilchelts and boat hooks used for de- say: “I think the Show at the Festival Hall was contrary to its intentions. in tlte local church at which the les- 'enrating the dance hall. A httinortiits rentiitder- of "tolls-4 namely the Royal Marines honoured sons hatl been read by Admiral of the l"lecl. Sir (,'as'par John. (i.C.l3.. and lack ashore" was provided by Ship- us" instead of us honouring them.” Guests with the members of the (‘dr. ll. (irenfcll. RN. m:tte Carter. who sang some ol .-‘\| Hurley Branch were the local Careers A contingent from ll..\l.S. (ianees lolson's s'0tt)!s‘. The "Wltite l’.itsigti" dance tsas a ()tlieer and his wile and they agreed wtts present at tlte ceremony. as were represctttittives from tlte Royal Naval climax to the varied summer pro- with another non-member of the Association branches ul \Vells-ne.st- grainnte which ittelttded a day's outine association who said: "Never have i the-Sea. l-Likettltzittt. Cztttterhttry and to Portsmouth anti social visits to seen anything lll\'C it." Branches all over the United KingI.eainington Spa. many braiteltes. dom would be prottd to have the lRoy:tl Marine bands at their parades up and down the country. bill it is MOTOR INSURANCE FOR THE ROYAL NAVY realised that finance and circumstances iollowvn; recommendations overtne years -tom our :tt¢-nu we now ldlVlIfllll¢f more Na. do not permit of this. motor insurance than any other firm ol broker: llnrlcy Branch has already obtained We endeavour to obtain the most inexpensive premiums together with excellent one new member through the reunion :onditioM from reliable British Offuc-.1 A.A, End R A.C approved and the reporter says: “I think the To ellect the but quotation, please .t.ite the lottowtny. more we show our Standards. the Nnrni.-,address, age, and rank, Drivin;-, experience lull or ploII1I0l'lIl|I(I‘II((‘_Past elatrm. oi N. Claims Bonus or endorsements. Present or out lniurancc Company Hake year c.:. value more liltely are we to bring into the registration cl vehicle. Any driver or Owner only. It taltinz ur abroad fold those ex-Service men who. perAll enquiries are dealt vvi'h prornntlv A Cover Note can be «sued bv return or lclllowm haps. have not he:trd of the :ts‘sociatelephoned enntiiry lion." _oas







2Penarth Standard l dedicated




at the


Floral carpet for Sittingb0urne’s Silver Jubilee 1 RHONDDA RAISES £fi40“FOR FREEDOM FROM HUNGER



lilo I


Pemhrohe House residents

I attend


Harvest Festival I



Bcarcr's Competition










l .




HAMILTON JONES 8: COMPANY Mortgage and Insurance Brokers 47 EDGEHILL ROAD.

GLASGOW Telephone KELVIN 4517

ll.M.?s'./M. Ocelot. which sailed from Chatham on lilting out trials on November -I. returns to Chathzim on Novetnher ll. ber lli

sailiiti: again




”r‘nii:7§inc‘ VISITS MALTA N Av v


N i;

Nan rmlier. I963

.-‘_'~c¢M: -

Successful start to the invasion of Sicily

it up.'. ll'iii'gi'i.', who n'i'irri.' in /92‘). um <'iili'i-..' up for \t‘Il'l(¢’in the .S'eiwiii' ll'urIi1 War. Iu'i'n_t_- ii,",'m.r‘z:.'.-.:' .'-\.".t‘.‘.\' ./\'iii'ul (I/Iii":-r in (.'har_i.'¢'. .-lnlriuzritn. Purl Stiiliiri am.‘ that tin" Port of Tripoli ll‘/lt‘N it was cnpitircit’ from the (ii‘m:i:m m Jmiiiiiry. I‘/-I3. In May. I943. hr trax r.-p[mi'Iiti'it' ('up!iii'r: ,/I’lim.s) an the J!!!” in] tlic l'i'cc-.-lillnirixl,Mcltir. r:.a:.r.':.\.’."t.'¢' /or the Iriiiitirig ol laiirlirig cru/Ls’ cri'n'.r. mi'tI:ui1 0/ tum iii’): 1,’. ctc.. in pri'pirI'aliim for the assault on .S'i'cily.] 0800 on June 20. I943. Il.M.S. Aurora, wearing the Royal Standard. entered Grand llarbonr. Malta. ll.\l. King George VI stood on it special plnttonn. mounted in front of the bridge. so that he could be seen by all. The bells were *'i'*-r‘ ‘A; ringing as only the Malta bells knew how to ring. Every vantage point was occupied by dense crowds ol Maltese men. it. ..:"—-A women and children. while ll.. ships in harbour were dressed overall and manned by their ships‘ companies. It was .-\uror—.i entering Grand Hiirhmir. Malta. on -June 20. I943. with lI..\l. indeed it moving sight to see these loyal Maltese citizens. cheering as they had never cheered before. Their hearts were King George VI on board overflowing with joy and enthusiiisrn as they endeavoured to show the King how deeply they nppree later! his thoughts for them during the period of their great ordeal. and more so. this‘ unexpected visit. following so quickly after the siege accept the risks-—thc die <ioii ‘.\'.t‘\ Ys.‘lL‘Ll\Ctl :ind I could relax. had been raised. 'llie population were wildly happy and their cheers gave ready expression ol love and loyalty to the ‘decided tothere could be no tiirning .I went to the otliccrs" mess in |.:t<win cast. King. back. 'l'hc weather during the after- lcariv. ttastion to enjoy a good meal. This was the tirst time that a reigning ‘less the necessary lnitli and m:itcri:il USE FOR OHIO noon worsened. hut in the Mediter- ; Capt. lidivztrilfi. Chief of Stall to Vicehad visited Malta since were rivriilable. partictiliirly laboursovereign To extent partly SLll‘l’7lCi’).'s'tl ;raiic:ut the wind has :i tendency to ‘.'\tlllllt’(ll. .\l:ilt;i. Joined inc. and after l‘,tll. ()iily one day was spent at saving cqiiipnicut. How diticrcnt to wrecksa great in the Grand llarbour wcrc gilrop after .\lllltlu\\-‘ll. 3 a general ct\It\‘cr\';ilion he quietly said l\lalt;i. but the King did not spare the methods of otir own armed forces. med. particularly the wreck of the? llavini. an rissiitilt landing crzift :tt ;"‘l‘lic .-\diiiir;il ha‘ in.tructcil me to liiimclf and all parts of the island For them any stttldcn project needed famous tanker Ohio. as many my tll\|‘lt\\il.lI had worlicd all through {see that _\ou go to bed iortliwith and securing were \l\‘ll¢tl. Although this mentor- in an cniergcne_v was usually “lllood vessels as possible abreast of each ltiic night of July it .t\~l\llng to berth get some ~|c:p." and a young olliccr zible Vlsll was so short I experienced and sweat" for all concerned. other. in sequence of Fleet number<. I l..§.ls‘. in Slieina l‘l:ll'lltIllf. liiicli cialt Iw;i~ ilctziileil to ;iccoiitp:in_\' me to my the great honour of being presented without causing any undue overlap of ;ll;l(l to be virtually led into its berth. ‘i\‘i'il'. and to \t.‘\.' that i turned in. l)-DAY l-‘IX!-II) him. the to greatest thrill it gave me the limited fairway. It the weather lt Wtts‘ no easy task in the dark as‘ ot lt:ippincs'.~: that l had ever felt. ‘\\'Il.\'l‘ .\‘i:x'i"." It W.'I\' announced that "D" Day had very deteriorated to any great c.ttent. ll‘llIl\_\' of the coinmtiilditig otliccrs As the King left harbour on board for the invasion of Sicily w:t~‘. to be I ~i.:p: like it liti: llllltl l.itc the {olsituation would have Itl’l.\'I:l't. "t'ailed to list! xtttlicictit speed and were .'\lll"t)l;t on the following day the fol- July 10. 1943. By the beginning of aasditlicult places as many as 200 ves- ;qtllt.'l;l)' blown to leeward. lloncvcr. lU‘.\:ll}: inorniitg. and what .1 joy il w;t~‘ lowing signal was mztdc by the Jtily all the troops and equipment to selsin some abreast. Alter {by (W00, July 9. the a\l:ilt;i .»\rm:id:i ;to hear or the great ~ii.'ci:s's‘ oi" the Governor: "At the close of a never- be embarked on the convoy of land- closelywere secured packing Grand Harbour I iwa: "all wt" for an orderly departure |a:idiii_e~. with little 0|1[lt\slllt|l'l. The to-bc-forgottcn-day in the history of ing craft were on the islzind. the carried out the same procedure in land. the wc;ithcr having initdcratcil. por: i-t .'i)r;icii~e had been captttrcil these islands. the Armed Forces and beaches had been allocated and were Sliema. Fortunately there was a large lthe exodus from Grand Harbour and occiipieil by nightfttll of the the people of Malta and Gore organised under the control of the oilcr moored The port of the centre of that lcomincnccd in thc afti.-rnoon. ‘original landing day.ii.iv;i| humbly with Your Maicsty God speed. Beachniasters. A new oflice had been harbour. and inwith base with the helpful coThe signal for slipping hail been ..‘\llflU’3lLt. an Italian We are deeply sensible of the honour allocated to me in the l.(l€t.‘Lll’l‘i operation of the captain many I..C.ls. ; prcarraiiged anti \\.i~‘. made on the in- ‘a lsirgc harboiir. was enptureil after our beloved Sovereign has bestowed Bastion. overlooking Grand Harbour. were secured on both sides of his ship.: glfugtiong ot' (.‘dr. Whitney-Sinitli ltc;iv_v lighting on July l3. on llli fortress by this personal visit and two additional R.N.\’.lt. otliccrc The great {actor on which stic- from tn_v otlicc. l was zitlozit in my‘ .\lc;itt\\hile. my duties had ca<cd Malta still stands in the van of joined my stall. All was set to colit- cast: oronefailure while depended was the 'I..(.‘..-\. and .\fl[k‘l‘\‘l\L'tl the slipping of t.'t‘ll\lLlL'lZll‘l}' and :i thou_i:lit passed the torce: of the United Natiom‘ in mencc cml\.'iik:i:ionof personnel and weather. which was beyond l:tmi;in _c.i.'h group. It was ;iii imprc:.~‘i\-c ~.i_i:lit tiirottgli Ill} mind -"\\"h;it nc\t'."' lt the (‘ciitral .\lcditcrr.mean. As in tltc stores. control. Convoys were iiiaking ready to ace eo m.in_v lziniling cr;tt't. Lccpiiii: w.i. not long before I knew. past llll\' colony has only one intento sail from port; Cihl and w.:~t in cl.~~c \l.'tlli\ll in "l inc .-\lic.iil" in the‘ ()it the ct.-uiiig ul July to I met tion never to {alter in the service of Malta. some coming from .1: far e..«t- .'cl.i:i\cl'_.‘ xtllitillit water: of ('ii.iiiil _\ilm::.iE l’ower and .-\ilmi:.\l R.ints:iv S(l.\ll-'. Tl-I.\ll'(lR.«\RY i\'A\'.-\l. Your .\l:ijcxty." ward as my former port of Tripoli. l l;tilli1tlt'. B.-\Sl'fS AN!) PORT l’.-\R'l'll-IS .i-ii one oi the lv;.i.'ltc~_ .-\iluiir.il Power












The rendezvous was south-czv-1 oi '.\lult:t. The coitiinrindcr-in-Chief had by .-‘ls July .'ippro:ii:hcd i\lalt.i was decided that if. on account of weather. H. l-'. Waight. (l.ll.l{. (':ipt. I the teacliing peak of activities. livery ; the landings on Sicily had in he c.illcd R..V. (rcld.l sqnzire inch was occupied by troops 'otl'. he would be able to reverse the or war m;iteri:ils. and landing cnift convoys it’ 24 hours notice was gitcn. and other shim crowded the Grand July I0 w:t< a firm date. l’.mb:irk:i-iThe hour of landing had been timed Harbour and Sliema. The .-\nicricans lion at .\l:ilt;i cotttiiicnccd on July 3. :for 0300 on Jilly 10. it w.i~. rc.:li~cd wanted an airticld :ind. with some rc- ,'l'hcre we're ove: Ztltl lziniliin: craft to ithztt if the as-iaiilt was delay-‘ed. chill lttctattce. permission was given for gload with \iill'L's and ciiihaik permit- }for :i short time. it miglit lia-.-.- Rctlutts them to construct one on the nearby ncl. .-\s the loadini: and etnlsarkation l_COll\¢t.lUCnL'_L‘\i on thi. g.':.i: ..ri:;»!i‘:l~island of Gozo. The time rivailablc was eoinplctcd. each \‘v:>scl proceeded ions operation. was limited but. in characteristic style. to :i prearr:inged berth. securing head .4.‘J~ A l-‘A'l'El"L‘l. l)E('ISl(t.\' the .-\meric:iiie. starting from scratch. ‘and ,'i:slC|'l'l. with bows pointed toWorld War picture ol' l):tllll.‘\lll|)'~ ancliitrcd in the upper were able to tly otl all types of w;iri|~' the harbour entrance. The At noon on July 9 it was i~loi\i:i;.- .\ reaches of (iranil llzirliuiir. .\l:iltii inacltincs within l3 do l-’ottun;itcly :l‘lL‘I'lll\ were niimbercd to tigrce with hard front the nortli-w"cs:. r.ii-ing.: u l \\‘;I\‘ able to supply landing craft to the order ot departure. The berthing xhort choppy sea. "limit Hits the l.i:.-~i \ I't)t'(ill Jtlli \i;:~.'.:t‘.iL-::.il!\ c\ci::i|. ll.‘ I‘ltl.'lL'll me ferry perxonncl. tools and material. pmitii-ii: were quite ll!ltlflllDtlt\\-No liottr that could be :i.'.‘eptcii tor rc2 lxick to the club and |1.'lL'l>. lI'I_\‘ little did the niilit.ir'_.' p.-i~oiuie' to which made this project pouihlc. The mziiiy were nceilcil th:it risks hail to he versing the convoys. A dec Eon lllttl l‘.Ij.I. I then Ll‘.L\\'ll .\ilunr;il R;imv.i\ Antcriciim never tackled zi project un- taken. to be made. Wh:it would :: ‘be.’ I‘. wtie r.-.ili~e th.it thev were in for .i ''b:i~h- what i: \'-.t\ .-ill alvoiit. "l'Iiin;:\ are not ing" when once clear int" the lliIl'l‘ll".lf. ‘the coiiiiiiamliii-,1 otlicers were youiig giviiig to mt: likiiig Jit S_\r.it.‘tI\c and .R..\'.\’.R. liciitciiaiitv‘ and the \.‘h.‘\\\ we \\.'in: you to go l'orw;iril and were R.i\'.V.l{. r;itittg<. 'l'lie_v haiil ;i Z~tr.ii_cht-.-ii thingx out." he \LllI.l. Tliit tougli job liet‘orc them which siltttl be- C\;‘.l.tll.'tll\‘ll \\:I\ ~.itt~I'_\iug to inc. l ,c:iinc apparent av they cleared the A .\'l-Ill" .-\l’I’()l.\"l'.\ll-'.Nl' and passed into a cottfihcil 1 -and aiigiy tea. l t.-lcplioncd the .-\ilinir.tl\ secreAs the last tlionp were slipping in tarv at midnight and was inforincd (‘ittind Harbour I proceeded in my 7 that :irr.ingcments' had been cancelled. l..C..-\, to Slicma Htirboiir, ll;tllllll)!i So. with rclitetatice. l unpacked my :ig:iiiisl zi licail sea and \\'.'t\‘ ncarlv, ling. .-\t ll.-l.‘ on the lollowiiig day. (,)l'i'oursc I try to. lint ill)‘ p.i_\"< nut ciioiigli to .w;impcd. l-loivevcr. we made it. and; when I \\.i\ at an l..S.'l'. beach. l rcsailed the rcmaiiidcr oi" the convoy. ceivcd an i:r_cciit telephone call. The S:t\'c ztiiytliiiig. »'l|icre were no tlllxllups‘. no ilcl.'iy~. .‘\tlnlll.tl'~ ~-eei.-t.ir_\ iiillirntcd me that and by siinsct. cvcry cr:iI't “in clear .~otiicthin_e had gone wrong at z\ttgiist:i That’s what I thought when I was your age oi Malta. plunging their w.i_\'. as dark- .Il‘iLl that the Coinm;itidcr~in~(‘hict' h:itl until someone showed me the Progressive neu descended. in conipaiiy with iiiiu- app.-iittcil me the .\';i\.il-l)lliccr-iitI had Scheme. to aside only :ilrcd.~t in‘ other ships. completcly ('ii;ir;.'c. .-\iigit~t.i. l \\.ts to proceed Savings £3 put dnrkciicd. towards‘ their objective the withoit: delay to join a ilc~Iro_\cr that a month by Naval allotment but when I leave i coast of Sicily. All I could do now wa. ii.id been lying oil for ;in hour waitthe Service next year I can collect £855. to wish them “God \[l»‘Cl.l" and a suc- ing tor me to ioiii her for p;t\\;I]:C to cexsfttl landiitg. '.-\ugti~t.i. l was in \llt‘rl\ :iiiil shirt so. Sounds too good to be true. \\"lici'c's the I I had been \\'t1[l\'l!l_I.‘. under tcmion collecting a ‘clean xliilt of Cltllllci and gczzr I joined ll..\l.S. l.cil“\\llll0tll ;i brcaik for -88 hours. willi- my \ll:|\lll}: No catch. And if I had died at any time my Wliich will you take? .'oiit Rlecp and fceiliiig mysclt’. hap- biiry tut pauzigc lo .'\llgll.\liI. wife would have received the whole £855 ili;iI.;irdly. on biscuitv. Now the ten(To In’ <'«vnii'i:m'd) I’m for the it’s a Savings going pension. I'm all lined immediately. You see, I939-I945

A l Rl~‘ll-Il.l) ON Gll'I.()


tire-Sccoiiil >







I save!






Scheme and Life Assurance rolled into one. up for a job already, and with an extra Sll])[)()$ltt_'J_' you hadn't signed on tor :2 years to look forward to when I retire’ pension .~ct‘\'ii‘t{’ and the wife provided for if anything When I had done my nine years, as l had happened to me—well, it's the kind of paid premiums for 7 years, I could have drawn £234 to help set me up in Civvy security we all want. Street. Now, after 22 years’ service, I shall lllI\\' do you set about all tiii.~.' have the option of taking the £855, or if l don't need the That’s easy. Ask the Provicash immediately, a pension uitnfl dent Lifc for details of the of £172* a year when I retire Progressive Savings Scheme. from civilian work at 65. PROVIDENT *["iIr mrmi'It'r.r of the LIFE I '1-risioii ix _£ 1.19 (I year. ASSOCIATION OF LONDON #1‘ LIHITID Ioundedllrr

fl \







--Send this coupon Please send Name Address.



to 246 London, E.C.2details of the Progressive Savings Scheme . . ...............-.............

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n '


Mlittirii My llouse. Viilcttii. in l943. (Photo:



liiiprrittl War

)_\\\’ News

Nos ember. I963




Ch..\‘l.I-I. W. R.

('ullicutt with his ftiniilyafter the pres;-ntaitiiin

‘Source of

H..\l..S. Inger and ll..\lb. llemics im :in ('\l‘.‘l'(‘l\t.‘ in the Mcdittrmne-.in. ll..\I.S'. lli.-nuts returned to l’or1~iimuth on October 23 after her trials in the .\leiiit:-rrziiii.-inn. during which \hc made :I counesy \'i\il to Bareelnnu. The carrier “ill sail for man: cxefciscs at the End nf Nurcnlbcrt returning tu Portsmouth in time tn give Christntus il::I\'c


and wonder’ Oclnhi.-r IS in ll..\i.S. l)r;iki-. ON.r\(llIIil':l| Sir Nigel lleiider-ton.

('ninm:inder-iii-(IIIief. I’l_\muutl'I. pro:-. scnieil (‘hicf Engineering Mechanic W. R. (‘:ilIic0tt.ii ith the British Empire Medal :lW:ll'dl.‘d for \'€f\'il.‘l“i while in “JV '5'. \\’oi)dhriiigi.-ll:i\‘i:iion the Far

East Stzttiun. | ( li..\l.li_ (';tllieoit. nmrrieii. with two: .~-nix and :i d:tti_elite:. il\Ci Ill i’l}'llli\llil'l .illi.l is iii the middle at illx "tii'iii-live"


('ii..\l.I’_ (".illic.v:: inizied \\'tiod‘mitt;-e llzt-.en in Jun.-. l"!vZ. “lien the

in ilucl._\.-.itl li.ii1d~. tor‘ relit ..nd. \\llt.‘ll the ~hip \\.i\ up:i:iliuii.il. hint p..ii till ;tii'.i--p:r.ic_i .\per:i_l1nn~ nil llnrtlcii. Under iiillietili climatic condilions, short of llti.'ll. zind hitring In "iitirse" the L‘Il;.'il'IL'\'.(h..\l.l-'.. (fiillienll \\.;i\ :1 \'t\lll'i;L’ nl itispirution and woitiler In all iihn isuiked :Ii0llgSldC him. 9}" his iiiv;iri:ihle eheerlulness and encourzigemcnt ht: contributed to t.h_e_:tbilil)' ..{ inc ship in u\'i.'rL'i\l|‘IL' licr ditiieulties f and rv:m.iin liilly oper.-.tiott:tl. Alter ll hrtet‘ <p;lI Ill \lll[‘| sziiled ltgiiltl lu linriieo. this time British nu \\|1cl';liIt\:l\ in \ll|tPt‘l'l tit ii>:ec\ in Iirimui :t:iiI l..thii.in. (mu: .::.iiii he iltii .iIi «\lll\l;tllllll'tj.I titi‘ to L‘il~lll'L‘ th.-.t l'l|\ men ;It‘u\:tlctl .2“ lllttl the-. '.\'.'li.' tallied upon to dd. mil 1:‘'.lti{ he lll.tTl.&‘|ii_\' ..mttil\:x'..~ii tn the









may not he the l:iI‘;.'e\l -.\'.l\'_\‘. but it is still the h{,'\l ni:inn::d. the but led unit the’ must ellieieiit N;t\'_\ \|i inn Hill)’ lzilte Ir.-urt. li l~ \liii the N.i\'_i' iiliieh is‘ the .-im- .-f all." with time imnls (Eipl. I'_H(‘ W Bush. l).\'.t), .iittl tun ll.i.'~. i)_\,('.. It XX, '.'l'l\l\ the tint .'Ii.:pt:.' til i1|\ l\.~.~’-. “lluxi tn |i.~.'.~'.11; Lt .\.t'.;tl tllltcer" ((i_-t~ret- .\i!.-ti N l ll\\ill. |.:d.. 2:» 1. .1 imtil. .ttii!.'.'~~.'d ‘tn t"i.' «.ltui~linutlie .\.t\.li ;...-, ,.; -_.n|_,-. xiii.» :n.i..:!i.'er til‘ tn'.'t:t\.'it\\\_" |n .. tar.-xmixi .‘\\lill.l.ll \:: i{t\_\xIu|l \\i’i',:ht. K.('.ll.. l).’\('. and Bar. .\'eeund S-.-:1 Lord ‘.iI'l(i ('Iii;l ut' N.iv;il I’cr\nl’ltlL‘l. etnnriieiids this ewelieiii imuk tn lmys illitl p:tl\'ltl\ alike. Hi: \:t\\ "II is 1! le\tbunL in that it tells gun uhniit the nteeliuities ul' |itinltl_l: the N;i\"_.. but it is also an ;til\'eniiire lmnk in tlizit it i.'l\\ li-.-litre you the i;.¢i\ .-ihutll life in the .\'.i\‘j. mice you h;m.- ioined. i\‘nlmd_\- ix lietier qu.ililied to do this than (Kim. liihh." ‘Hy; lmul; Cnlliitillx Ciiilpltlx till pa)’ Jtlltl prniimtznii. the \.llltlil\ \]\.‘»2.tll\.l' 1i.it‘l\ “liillll tit: \:rii;:. the eiitri l".'}.'tll.llli\tl\ \\lil'l .i:i mttliite til the \.‘l\itl.ll\ill[7 and ic~::\.'t| t.ul:i~3iipx. ilie llll.tlNi.il .t~~'.\l.tllC\.' Int .t|l\i ~».'liul;.g.. and ;t tt\‘.'Iili elmpt-;r ml lmu. ;-.i picture litr it N.i‘-.il txireel‘. "liter: ix :1 cli:ipi:r deintctl tn "lit:

|||-j Rmnl






~i-2tt.:§‘; \~.\;,_>



.\il:nir;iiti littenieiv llntird. tullmieil lw ;lIli|lilL‘I' on life

‘lhe llrit.inni;ti Riiszil NZIVLII College. 'l|ien come L'il1t[)lL‘f\' on Joining the Heel. (‘h.ir;ieter and |.c:ldt:l'\lllp. the Nzmil lfillll-‘ and N;t\';il ('n~iutn~. and lion i.Llll;IllllgL‘. \-.ilii :iii app.-iitlix on N.iv:il b|N|k\ iinrili tenilintz. Well xvritteii and “:11 ;1ru¢li:eei| and l”lI\ll'2IlL'l.i.“limit to liecimie .t .\£.tv;t1 t)tl'u.'u.-r" “ill be of iwitilerliil\.i1iie to all hn_\'s llllL‘FL'\'l'..‘tl in t!i: l{ny;t| N;iv_i' ..~ It eztreer. and p.t.'.-iitx. inn. \\:ll tintl I li :m_;l': Lhic. mi



Seven presents to please friends who already own lighters

petrol li;_-liter can be it lu_\;ti and ll'tl5l\\0t‘lil} eontp;iniuii. lint it e;tn‘t

Rimsuii Varttlliinies in the picture are:


ninteh :1 Roiixmi \';ii‘;tli:ime. Because it \":ir;ttl:tine runs on i‘»lll4lliL‘. :1 s;t|'e. eleun. ttisteliee gas. 'l‘|i;it‘.~. \'.h_\‘ ll \':it':itl;ime due.»n‘t .\llli‘it‘L‘. or smell or le;tl.. OI’ need |lliill'__’ ex er_\' couple nl‘ \\‘L‘t.‘l\.\'. And every one has the e\eltisi\e \';it'ntl:imecontrol that lets _\ou turn the tlumc up for pipes‘. l)o\\'n for Clg:ll‘L‘llL‘\‘. ln i‘tCl\\CL‘ll for cigars. No wonder (lll_\' sinoker. even one iiho tlit'c£ltl}' nuns at petrol ligliter, “ill be thrilled to get it \';tr:ili;tmefor ('hri.~'tni;ts. There lift.‘ 41) model» to clzvme !'rnm, llei‘e:i1'e se\ en.

I.\\‘indni:1sti:rinsxttiiteliminiiiin,63,3. .-\ eonipletely iiinilprnof gas ligliter.

tested on Mount Ilierest. Other liiiislies: Cll_'__'il'lL"llll‘llL‘ti,litmdstitclied

htillzllo, (i2"_'-.

l l

2. Stiiriirc in golden li1tisli\\itlicn;tnielled decoration, 63,‘-. Other golden or bltiek liiiishes from S‘)_/'6. The lightest. most feminine lighter you could give. 3. Ladylitc in chromium, ,'-, in

golden finish. £.'5.5.0. Sleek, elegant. sopliisiictited. 4. Preniier in chromium, 7'/','6. (;i\‘L‘\' (IS m:in_v as 3.000 ii!_.‘lil.\‘ on one lilling. Other linishex’: elii'omii:m. enamel.

eroeotlile. littiidstitelied l~ull}tit- .~I\in l’i'nin T3_(s. 5. .\duiiis—»:tll the \'tti':ill:nnexixxue.» in it new. .i'/i'mIt'r Sil:l[‘|L‘. Tliree ltt\lt|_\ golden linishes l't'nm 8‘)_"(=. 6. \\'inillite lmttde in W. Gerni:tn_\) in

eii;_'r;t\edchmiiiitiiii.49;’(».\\’iiiilprnul'. l’i':ieiie;il. One of the tmigltest gm li<__'litex's _\ou can buy. 7. Queen Anne, £4.l9.6. A sitterplated iathlc lighter in classic 51} le. Six’ othei‘ di~.tinetive designs from 72%».

ONSON 4H1»--.!.ti. |i.uull:.i'.: and uhlc \'.u.a!l.ii.1r ~'._-it-~ limit 87, b


Donkey witness

November. 1963

at the

surrender of Linosa

IR. It gives me great pleasure to write and thank you for the pleasure I i have derived from reading "Navy News" and especially the articles by Capt. H. l-'. Waight. ().li.l'I.. Ra '. (Rt'td.). and it is this month's issue (October) ; that has prompted me to write to you because at the end of his article he‘ mentioned the surrender of the Italian islands. l W.‘t.s. sir. at the time .1 Leading l.ieut. Jezryca telephoned the island's‘ Seatuan tl..R.2) on board ll..\l.S. outposts to bring in .s‘cattercd military’ Nubian. a "tribal" class destroyer personnel and tor the three hours I, and I was the coxswain of the sea plied the wlialer between the jetty and boat. We had been in company with Nubian with Lil prisoners. comprising the rcrnainder ol the naval formation the island's‘ garrison. at Pantellaria and Lampedusa and on Meanwhile the landing party. the night of June 1?. we. in Nubian. scoured the island's basin and were detaclied on our own. to proceed small ruountains. immobilising the to l.inos.i to present to the garrison guns and carting otf the ammunition the unconditional surrender terms. to dump in the sea. Nubian closed inshore at 6 am.. Four hours from the time Nubian and whalcr the lowered. I Sunday. sighted the island. l.ino.sa had been coxswairied the whaler ashore in rendered completely inotfi.-nsive and which we had two otliccrs. l.ieut. we were steariiinr: away with the dc lie.-ivior I’. ll. leaves. R.N.. from despondent commandant sa_vin;:: "It Andover. and Mr. E. N. Read. R.N.. hangs heavy on my heart that l from Porlsiiiotitlr. who was our have lost." only to he consoled by lt.ili;ui-speaking warrant telegraphist. my mate in the low-angle director's and II r.iting~:. crew. LS. Harry I-Ivans. with the‘ \\'c piillud ashore towards the jetty remark "So did Rommel. von with white tlags llyirtg in the bows axtd .-\mini and von Paulus, so you're in the \\‘hite [Ensign aft. .-'\nswering white good conipany. mate!" tlags sprouted from the island's .signal I must add that our captain was blocklioiiscs and. as we approached ('dr. i). ii. llolland~.\lartin. l).S.('..‘ the telly. two Italian olliccrs ran down R_N.. who was later to receive the the beach with a white sheet stretched l).S.(). in Nubian. I have never sailed hu'Iw«'~'n thunk or none inlu action with :I lincr or l il'r ‘. t; in and it" y u d i rint thi.‘.. 1'ruu~:r: .\1INU'l‘l-ZS I-‘OR that TRI\NSH':R Martin reads this‘. because l should Mr. Rt.-ad commandeered a donkey like to say “Tlianl: you. Sir. for the and rode through the armoured conlidence you gave us‘ all between iiiacliinr:-gun posts to meet them. l-'ebniar~,'. l‘l4l. and December. .



iii: Ll gll t i fltit







837 Course (The l’irate.~.). I-Even their magnificent records

l'E S’ R

/\d(I‘nir.t‘l pllull:ttltl-



were soon

~_.\ to be broken





‘BEST H01‘/IE P0 RT ‘R U N’ IN U'K'


l‘l43.";T' l ": .'s'(il('CC$:i\"¢)'c('tiltl":€"lIl‘:.l\‘L‘IiI‘:’|‘:lga ".hliI.;inl{o)‘:lrf:f1ehusvintlaetini.-‘iii "llIl;ui:il:rft‘l:iiltiiiiflilililnmt:hilii;|iii" l‘|‘\‘u\Nl"lilt.‘[nl!t\«iii:-j


("mm (‘LN “mlmrmc l'l.i\l.S. Utter N. .l. , h ("”'°"- R-N-l~ 5"“! "W l"‘Tl’*"‘¥‘("JW ; '0 d0 bun" ma" ‘he RN‘ '“ 2 r°‘“m' "N-" '“""d [M m“ mnck H‘“‘S‘ Romml ”'m"‘.(.dr' 3' (L use cli.i||en_L'ini! the Allied bombers," ~—You-i. etc.. I. A. S.\ll‘l'll. lti ..I’ .(.l).. R.('..\'.l. t';t-d l.\luut|l.tltts thr. «lid 1-basin and the obsiatlt. course has been broken. '|' the Cmnlmmkuu msci). admm|_.d_ End AWnuc_ D‘,m.;Ncr_ Riwr Mwm ). Ag tin; ii.-tam was nushcd to 1|"; ship 0lllt.t.l's who in thr. past r was reduced to 8 min. 2‘? see. by 85/—r let!) Ur “mm! J‘ mu md M Scplcmhcr‘ W.(). Read spurred his mount towards ll.M.S. tCdr. .l. K. remember sweating round the clill and 1 (‘ours-: tthe l’iratc.s) in Jirl_v. Their pun ll-rthcd in th- li-art it th- ‘ll’. the l.rnos'a village. where he met the priest Lessey. l).S.(_.. R.N.)_. a type-l5 hrst- gchasm course in_ what was then’ liowever. was \’lI\I‘r[-|“.Lud_ in an time of about f) leading a procession of most of the rate frigate. sails month 840 (ourse a anti-subr_narIne for trials‘ alter relit on November 30. Will be surprised to hear that this time Noniadsl had reduced the tune still showered M H“. INN‘ hmpiulily villagers. upon them. further to it min. l(i.5 sec. The siibrir:irines‘ crews were overThe Pirates scored another success whelmed with kind invitations :irid by obtaining the liighcst-ever course found it dillicult to do justice to all the for the lilack .\lountains trek otlers. Visits ;;iver;ige were organised to llristol -an 2::-..... .ot _l7t's.i points. 'llri.s record. too. fell ‘ linginr.-s‘ l.td.. l’r_v's and Sons. qiuckl_\' to lltc Nornads. who promptly Siddelee the ltristol ltrci-..:iy. and tree ;\corcd :i t.’nllt’s'c average oi’ It-lots‘ and tickcts were .iv.ril.ib|e to too theatres. to their [‘ll'C\'ltItls oil ypoints. Tlus. added ciueuizis and to lJ‘.ttlt.‘c-.clc. ‘record-breaking rtin of one second to During the week the two "boats" over eight minutes for

l .i l[t'f:| lhlil ilil kltssll













d'°"df"l "''’‘“h" which ha‘ b"" °"P"i"'""d mi“ d d m nu! {"1 ", IE










tftls. .



































airecord tt1Itt.l\\'|llltn






l"'“ h-"' n

;“.:“:_rL_ '



m"‘v‘;‘\_‘I.('‘lie &_:cL_|"l‘m‘ ‘pm":'m‘; 3" (aka: -'



l ‘Ij..:l I

the obstacle course. ineant that they had accomplished the unique achievement of having their course number at the top of three out ol’ tour record boards. Then. when all thought that it w:is impossible to break any more records. 8-$3 (‘ourse tthe Perishers). returned a still better time of 7 min. -86 sec. for the obstacle course.



()\’l-ZR £100 'l'() (,‘ll.\Rl'l‘\' On June I. to celebrate the anniversary oi the famous naval battle. H.M.S. Royal Arthur was "At home" to the public for the first time ever. Over 2.000 people visited the establishment and thoroughly enjoyed all they lll0l.0(il(‘i\l. survey of a remote saw. Rear-Admiral J. M. I). (iray. Central Australian lake was re().B.lE.. the Director-General of Traincarried out by a party of eight ing. performed the opening ceremony cently and tliercafter the members of the Royal Naval otlicers and ratings. who 4.500 miles during their ISpublic were free to go where the) covered espedilion. 'I1ie_r captured pleased. To entertain them there was day animals. collected other speeinieris. art air display. free-lalling p;iracliuphotographed the area and made notes lists. zi "crossing-the~l.ine" CL‘rL'tllntL\. for the hr.-netit of r\ustralian several static disp|a_vs. even an ob.st;u.'lc-course rim. luid rnanv stalls scientists. l.e;idcr ol the espcdrlioti. to Lake at which they could spend their .-‘\iii.o.|eiis. RUG nrilcs nest of Alice _iuoiiey. The proceeds ariioiuitiru: to ~springs was an ollicer lroni |l_.\t.S.M. £333 were sent to naval charities. labard. I-I-ye;ir~o|d l.icut. H. M. l':orn Jersey. llc took White. l.\ll’R0\'l-'..\ll-Z.\'TS part in a sruiilar protect to the rain The year has seen lll2lll_\‘ itttprove» loresls ol Soullicrn ()ueensl.ind l.ist rnents to the camp itselt. In l'Cl7rtl;tf). year. the iieu.-ly decorated l’ett_v Olliccrs‘ the party left Sydriey by road on and .'s'hip's ('onip:iny liars were October |‘l. cariiping out for two opened lw Rear-.-kdriiiral R. A. J. nights on the \\.l_\ to Port Artgiista. ()v.scn. ('.ll.. the l)irector-(icuer.il of Hr-utlr .’\tI\lf.Ill.I. uliere rnan and l’er.sonncl Services. 'lhen. in April. the \cluclcs entrained to.’ Alice Springs. Ro_val .-\rtliui (lob was decorated and Ml-l.\llll’.l{S Oi-' l'r\R'l Y now the petty otliccr.s on course have All those who lutlls part are serving llltcst: two most comfortable rooms in which to relax during their leisure in the l-ourth Stibmarine Division, hours‘. A superb new .squash court based at Syrliiey. The other rneiiihers was built during the summer and is were l.ieut. T. J. Sloane. R.N. (ll). vet another indication ol‘ the late from (‘lie.stcr. licut. R. l). Hunter, il.ord Nutlir:ld's generosity to the R.N. (2-5). from (iuildtord. Sub.-Lieut. Services‘. I’. S. Wortlirrigtoii. (23). whose The front of the Chapel. too. l'|.'|\ liouic is at present in Naples. l.-LR./\. lbcen painted a light stone colour to S, A. Jeruunus (So). from Nova Scott’-.i_ it from the other buildiiigs .-\.ll. J. Ruhh tlfil. from Penicuik. and in the camp and a new oak door and 23-_ve.ir—old A.lt. R. Sliiprnau. lroni porch add to its beairty. 'lli-.- new l)onc.ister. 'l'hc cspedition‘s' photo\'o'.irdrooni starts to rise early in the grapher was 40-s'c.ir-old (’.R;rd.l-llcct. lNew Year and the l’ctt_v ()tlicer.s" l-Illiutt. from l)nhlin. ‘ l)inin_i: Hall and So.'rver_\' will soon be The party camped on :iii island or on the lake shore oliilr: carryirtg out completed. the survey, Traps and collecting equipment were provided by the The (‘liaplain of the Fleet. the .-\ustr.ilian Museum of Sydney. and Venerable .-\rchde:icon R. W. Richard- .ill .inim.rl specimens collected were son. ().ll.(‘._ M.A.. will preach at St. preserved for scicntilic inve.stig.itions (icorgr:'s (‘|iurch_ ll.r\l.S. Periiliioke. . when the party returned to Sydney on 1 Novcriibcr 2. on Sunday. Vovernber l7.

Remote Australian lake surveyed

British BeerTRY A

FARSO It's brewed in the good old British way! ALL

llristol they were a popular centre of attraction. (liganised parties looked round the .subinaiincs daily .ind at the week-cud the public thrunged alioard in their hundreds. in the lttiltd ol mam“ a subrn.irincr oill linger memories of what must surely be the best “llonii: Port Run" in the United Kingdorn. spent


FARSONS Brewers ot BLUE LABEL, HOP LEAF. CISK, LAGER. LACTO. FARSONS STOUT. These line beers. all available in Malta, are also exported to N. Africa. They can be enjoyed throughout the Mediterranean area

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TERROR, NAVAL BASE, SINGAPORE 27 Tel. Singapore 5048. Ext’n 9|4l (Established Wei‘ Hai Wei. N. China. 1927)

Naval Tailor to Royal Navy, Royal Malayan Navy and Royal Malayan Naval Voluntary Reserve. Admiralty and Government Contract. hi!‘-triird cm: Recomnzendcc by

Ila; Omar Ct.n:mant'.rig in Char-I in: East Heel

Price List




_...,i.,-,_,,---_ Latest of the Royal .\'a\'y's “Cuunt_\"' class flllltlfll-l'lll\\llcile~trti_\'ct.~‘. H..\l.S. London, after leaning the shipy-.iril of Swan. Hunter & Wiehzim Richardson

Pension» 3CC0n:lm°'


dation. commission 84 good salary. Course g ivcn_ ._



Wzillsend-on-'l'_\'ne. last month for her sea trials. 5i\lt.'l' ships ll..\|.S. Dcvnnshire. ll..\l.S. llzimpsliire and ll..\l.S. Kent are ;ilre.ii.l_\ in (‘()lIlllllS\l0n :;I‘l'Itl mo others. Fife and (ilaniiireiin. are under (‘t|ll\Irlll‘Ilflt|. .-\l the right is



‘Capt. J.

C. Bartusik. l).S.('.. R..\'.. on the llfltlflt.‘ til’ the new destroyer. l.iindtm's displzicenienl is about 6.20!) tiiiis (full lmuli and she is 520 feet in _li.-nelh (ti.-.i.) with ;i licani iii’ 5-! feet. H ‘-r ciiiii " lenient is 440 ‘ ifliu-rs ’llld nit-n llcr guided we'.ipiins consist til" one tiuin l;lll|ll‘lICl' all for St.‘.'l\l||g sliip-to-air ii.-iiidcd llIi\\lll.‘\ and two quadruple liiunclii.-rs for Scziczil elusc r;ini:e ship-to-air l'lIl\\il('\. Fitted for Wt-stl-.iiid Wimt-s helieiiptt-r. The ship uill hc commis‘""'°'l sit the Wzillseiiil \'lll'll un TlIIJl'\d:l\'. \'ii\emher I-8 and ‘tier 3 short " cruise mil arrive at Pnrtsiiioulh. her base putt. on .\'ii\'emher 25. guests at the (‘0llltlll\\l0nlll1: t'ereninn_v “ill be \'ii'c-Adiiiirsil Sir Peter ( K.B.l‘:.. ('.".. l).S.U.. l).S.('.. \\ llu \\:|\ cap]-,iin uf the pr;-yin“; [_(|nd¢)n iluriiii: iiit-iilcnt iii I94‘). and .'\l(lCflII:|ll Sir l)t-nix ll'u\(‘t)ll. (.‘.B.l-2.. l.l).. representing the l.iiriI .\l-.i_iur and (‘nrpiirzitiim iii" Liinilon



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m.:R‘_fl-ION .._.\nMnpc.. hm bu," : laiinched by the ltiiyal Naiy inKi-n_v:i. \\ I1('l'l: hEli('t)pIt.'l’\ from the air-.

"'9 ''“’"'~‘'’ “""'"P‘- “h""‘ ""5

""'l.000 T°;cf,:°;' r :“g:' l i ' c ‘ : ' ; "= f ; " g' c ""' ) ‘ , " ' [ ' & . __lb0m of the in species left


the world.

area on

“M Rh.“ To “mm, “W “M. d_, lnoi bccoini: ciiniplctt-lg.' i:\iinct. .2. lbrct-ding herd iii‘ ahmit 60 of them i~I wcing lmmmrwd [0 mt mm_ M my

I_8_.00U»sqii;irc-niilc llllllilnill park

.“’“ '3

.‘ '*;'.“.i,= '.‘;.‘3.?:*'::‘’:'*!,,:‘::::§'-... _


I ;






whose duties will involve using a wide range of electronic equipment to carry out special tests on mechanical and electrical the use of oscilloscopes. noise and Examples vibration analysers. strain gauge equipment etc. The work is interesting and varied and would suit a man accustomed to using but with an interest in equipment mechanical and electrical engineering. The successful candidate will be aged between 2| and 30 years. must b c a bl c to write I .d reports an d it wi.“ b c d esira bl e tia , t uci_ he holds an H.N.C. of equivalent. A pplicants write for a summary oi conditions 0 service and an application form to: MW Queen‘ Engmeermg work" BEDFORD






















is 3. an LR‘-7l0f‘Ll’. _c.illcd ”.ll‘l'lll-fl in')'tl)bVh.l an. cxpctlitziiii Tl"-'K't.liy:l \‘. R“h‘-fl_”-||'§C.\’3' 5" -ml‘-'1 ,



lope stands about

lniir lcct



at the ‘


bl't)\\t'l. with .1 \\l‘lllL' tail. and .i ilistinclive clicvmii~sli;ipi:ilsil'lDL' ‘across the lorchc.itl.


l l


Scrvlng mval p ersonnc' should make “pp licwtion through their Con‘-mandini: Officcr


Nhtiiildcr and has tiio-liml-liin;: horns. : is reddish


Admiralty Constabulary, Admiralty Empress State Buildings, London, S.W.6



5°W"¢m°U"’ l”""'lA"P°" Ch'I=l‘hU"<"- H05“

The Ch|ef Constable




obtained from


npcratiiiii bi:c:ius'c heavy min ri:i:t'iit|_\ has llliltlc it iiiipnssihlc lo iiiuvc llli: _



can be



llltf ‘l|’lP- -Wil ‘ f_|"' l'9'‘1°l_l}l‘P "5_l"l'g5¢_d M’ W12! l0|"l~¢§l flight. .it 1t:_t|SS8 i1d.i[i_iLilli“ l during-”.1lthe '~l0P|: “‘-I“ I.'‘*-0\¢F{I





'ill'llm(ll\ hy l'\liILl. Tun \\'i:ssi.'x helicopiers from the Ail. Royal zirc ferryiing ilic :inim.'il<. to 'l‘s;ivu———;i iiiiirncy inf about 200 miles. The zintelnpcs .irc

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November. I963


4 flack row: Lleut.-(ldr. .\l:tckenzie (l-‘.R~.'0.).

Capt. t‘. ll. 5. Wise. M.B.E.. R.N.. chaimtan of the Royal Navy Cycling Amieiatiriit. presenting R..\‘leeh. I-1. Wooley. the massed-start champion. with hi~ nitmiut: truplI_\. R..\leeh. Wooli.-_v was second in the I2-hour trial. covering 233 miles 825 yards

The Navy riders win their first Inter-Service title

'1' the beginninx: of the year it was forecast that a busy time was ahead for the Navy ('3 elists. This forecast was an under-statement. for every weekend of the season has seen the Navy rider in action on courses all over the country. This keennesv brought its revtard when. for the first time. the Navy came out on top in an inter-Services championship. The event was the 50-mile time trial. and the winning team was I’.(). (P.T.l.) R. Beck. now at the School of P.T-. l..S.A. (S) 0. Bryce. now in ll..\l.S. Eagle. and S.B.P.0. (M) A. Fowler. of R.N.

Hospital. l’l_vmouth.

‘these three riders dominated the.I Navy Cll.tlllpl()Il\lll|'t\ and. in partiettlar. Beck was vlttlxlatttlilltzuntil lti.\ duties at the Rt)\'.tl "tournament upset his train-; ing routine. He won the title at It). 25* and St) nlllt:\ of titue-lrialiug and, inl winning all tuur events that make up the tract. oruniutu, was :t clear oinncr of tlte traelt title :I\ well. Owen ltrvee won both the [00 tniles and 12-hour titles, and in won the hill climb. ‘the tuassed-start cvcnt wax won by t{.Met:h. (Air) E. Wooley. ul ll..\l.S. Osprey. who is something of an expert at riding the Lee Clltitltl thctl tor the race.


(ll.A.\'l.A.S. Quibero—n).

Navy wins Far»East Inter-Service Championship after ten years The star of the gala was 05. which was rt good. hard game. the OR the tint time in to years the Royal Navy won the inter-Service ‘‘Steve'' Barnes (H..\l.A.S. Vendetta). Navy winning by 9 goalx‘ to 7. In swimming championship in Singapore who. swimming in beautiful style. won the wcond. and deciding game. and. for only the second time in t6 the I00 and 200 metres free style in against the R..-\.l‘. at l'l.M.S. Terror. years. also won the water-polo near-record time. This lad has done the R..-\.l’. side was beaten by 7 goals

grouping by




“Give "thatman a Watneys Brown '9?‘

tum—out was the best for some years. with It runners representing the R.N.A.C. Bournemouth had the first man home over the four-:tnd-:t-half-mile course. but good grouping by PD. Mel-‘adzean. E. A. Fagge. L.Std. Wealherill. P.0. Morralee. A. A. Rosier and R.l’.(). Brennan enabled the R.N.A.C. to gain second place in the team result. Plaeings: lst. Southampton. 60 points: 2nd. R.N.A.C. (South). 74 points: 3rd. Eastlcigh. 82 points; and 4th. Bournemouth. 9| points. R.N.A.C.'s next fixture is at H.M.S. Dryad on Saturday. November 16.

against Brighton AthleticClub.

Navy deserved 4'



wet and drizzly weather INOctober I6 the Royal Navy

When you're lmcl: tn cl:-vs‘ lttc you will be glad you took adv:intar.;c of the "Save tvhttn you SL‘t"v'v:" plan. Regular, sensible saving now wltlt tho Wcstliozirnn Park nultdlnr: Society could (\tlill1l)l’)a tlt-no.-tit on a home of your own and will help you to net priority for your tuot't,:.n:e \\'lt(‘It.the time (.'0rt1r'.'~‘o. Sm.-l::.: rm Deposit .-\r'rnttt'tl.\' lttt\‘r- been especially rlv.<ti:nr'-rt for this pur— ltlL‘UH'lt''l‘tixn:t1ilb,\'the Son-tvtv. .‘\llL'l‘n;tll‘-'L*lj.'you at hr.-.~.-.-ut ,\'It-ltl-ll amt pose .s’h.\rtl:t.'.‘t::~l.ttl.L'ttl. nceouttt and earn interest at 31?. Ittcorttt: ’l‘a.\' paid. can open a



well-deserved victory over Oxford University. after being one goal down at half-time. The first half was hard fought and keenly contested. The University scored first through an own goal by the Navy right back. but the equaliser came quickly after several near misses. lmrie being the scorer. Again the Oxford team took the lead when the Navy centre half failed to get up to a high ball. allowing his opposing centre forward to head a neat goal. Woodgate equalised and halt-time came with the University leading 3-2. In the second half the Navy team was well on top. e~‘.peeialIy in midlield. Goals came from Fergttson (2). llrown and another from lmrie. learn scored

The -Van




satn!-uri tl.-tntlnnl; (i.v.».lmn L\ftCll. Cuslex I.\lr:et:rs)_ ltn-on (Shel-


(Frat tllcttcrunhonl. (\Id«‘t\>. \\'tt|un\.»n

ltnne tttrnm).

.\l.lt\ltJll ((‘ulI:n


for full tlctails of the scheme and send copy of the Westbourne Park tlutldlug Society brochure.

\\»‘n->.lg.ttc t(\v|ltti.:‘.\.v.\tl)_ (i.w1(lin,; (lt.u_..:n!«g

(Continued from column 1) hill climb Bryce lowered the existittg time by exactly 4 seconds.



l).-nrtl. l'l'l'.3II\.vn (.\lct.'tt:\l

In other inter-Service events the Navy teams improved on their previ~ !l!.~m';vr of the Bztitdirxg Socictfe: Association nus performances by finishing second Chief O/lice: Westboui-nc Grove, London W2. in lmth the massed start and the hill Itraavh ()fl';.-u_- Aoilonl (Kent). llourru-mouth, (‘mydon, l~l:utbottrne, l.-.ttnu, New:-m .\t-I--it Newbttry, st. Allmm. Suutlnmplutt, Suttthettd. wuourunt. tvurounu. xv attvncleo lh-'uu.:u..ut climb. but in the track events the lack of specialist riders prevented any imthe country. lieserves exceed t:‘.’,:'i()(),0()0 A.~'.~;ct.-« t'X(‘('L‘(l l:-t2,000,00() provement. ztllhough the measure of defeat was much less than heretofore. Shari-~ :|tttl Deposits in this Society rim 'l'rustt-e lnvt-.~trn(-nts



A.li. E.R.A. llolton (lI..\l.§. Lion). l..S. Stnec (captain. ll.M.S. Terror). S.lI.ieut. Ta)‘ Ee Goh (ll..\l.S. Lahumum). Middle row: S..»\. (S) Freeman (l|.;\I:i. Hartland Point), S./Lieut. Lunn (P.R.0.). Surg. Cdr. (D) Fletcher (chztinnztn). 0./\. Smith (ll..\l.S. Lion). l’.().('k. Chang (H.M.S. Terror). S./Lieut. Wait (ll..\l..-LS. Vendetta). Front row: 0.8. llentianv (ll..\l.A.S’. Vendetta). 0.S. Barnes (H..\l.A.S. Quiberon). L.Ck. Bruce (H..\l..\'.'I..S. Otagol. 0.5‘. llralier lll.M.A.S. Vendetta). 0.5. Boon Quee (K.D.. Singapore). Lieut. llerron (ll..\l..-LS. Vendetta)



for a



BEST r\I.l.-ROUNIHIR AllThe l.0ll_l:‘l)l\liIl|CL‘ Best Rountler 'lruphy was won by l..S./\. Bryce with an average speed of 21.304 m.p.h. over the 50. I00 miles and I2] hours‘. and after ; eavon-long struggle.1 during which utany personal best perfonnauee» were recorded. :utd the I0tuilt: record tell twice. S.ll.l’.O. l-‘owler 3 :. .1 e-.une out on top in the short-distance r ‘. best all-rounder with an average of! On the way to his title—l..S.A. (S) 0. 23.702 tu.p.h. tor the I0. 25 and 50 Bryce during the hlll climb miles. '| his was only .(ll-1 m.p.h. better than the \‘t:L‘utltltll:tI|.lh'l:'CC. bmkcn by ghc comhinalfion of {kc}; Ihc I0-nyile r='C0td- and C.P.O. R. Carter. who covered the tn uddili-tn In Wlltt.‘l'I fell lIt'\l to Bryce in 24 (run. digmncc in 3 h,-_.,_ 1 mm 13 _.,cc_ 1" mc 43 see. and then to Fowler in 24 min. 40 se(.'.. the tandetu 50-mile record was (Continued in column 3)



eonsiderable racing in his home state to 6. Stars for the Navy uere the old championship. Fifty per cent. of the swimming of New South Wales and \‘l|()Wt.‘t.l that combination from United Kingdom learn was supplied by the ".-\us<ies"| when lit is :1 wvimmer to be reckoned teams‘. ()..-\.I “Ron" Smith and l..S. from lt..\t.A. Shipx‘ Vendetta and with in any Clztis’ of Cttlllpcllltull. 1ohn Slaee. l’.T.l. These swimming «recesses. followQuiberon. and had it not been for As last year. the l'L‘\'ttll w;n in their support. the struggle might have doubt until the final ing the wituuug of the inter-Service whielt the rela_v. been even harder. attd meeer ehampion~'.ltip\'. and Navy won after an exciting race. in a boxing running a very close second in the new record time. Final result: Royal and cricket. \'L't.'t'lt.\ to eonlirrn Navy. 71 point»-: Army. 63 points; lathleties that the extra etlort being pttt into R..-\.l".. 55 points. the orgattisatiott of naval sport in the the water-polo t:lt.tt‘npion- United Kittgdott). is beginning to runners _In winning ship the tint game was agaimt the show dividends‘ in other p‘.tt’ls' of the N October 19 at Southampton. .-\rrrt_v at (itllman Barracks. Szttgapore. world. the Royal Naval Athletic Club (South) competed in the cros~;~eoun_try race against Southampton. liastleighi :‘ and Bournemouth Athletic Clubs. The


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Brown Ale —rich and smooth -

Also ncarat h.'tnd: Cream Label Str-~u —smooth.darkand sail.-stytnx Red Barrel \\’nt.nc:.':+ Kerr .RrltAt.n'-r tins: and toremost. kt.-.3 timer.

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