long career Boards THIS
year's Selection
Boards tor the Second Open Engagement will take place in HMS Centurion in May. Eligible W0s, Charge Chief and CPO artllicers and nonartilicer CPOs and P03 who have volunteered and are recommended will be considered by the Boards. including some Extended Service personnel making special application. Signals announcing the results will be released in three parts as soon as possible after the Boards. and not later than June 10. More details are contained in DCl(RN) 41/87.
MARCH 1987
irm ine on
High—tech p/an
goes ’live’
New scaled statements will go out directly from HMS Centurion addressed individually to all members of the naval service, mostly at their Service addresses. At the same time payment will, as previously, go directly to banks.
"The ships named in these articles were naturally very upset by these
it means that in future naval personnel will be responsible lor checking their
allegations," he told Navy News. “The people named
in the article have been investigated and have
only have about
in a thousand each year, which is a much smaller percentage by contrast with similar and i groups in society think that shows that our youngsters have a lot more sense than some people are crediting them with. one case
Ccnturion. where all the calcula-
Lp\(Phot) Stuart Antrobus.
New round of early releases
DETAILS have been announced of categories in the 1987-88 prcmaturc rclcasc schcmc, involving ii maximum of 50 people leaving the Service carly. The scheme. similar to but plus to thc Navy's needs, where the prospects of continuing “in smaller than those of the last ycars. invilcs volunteers in ccrtain categories whose skills now in much reduced arc demand in the Service to apply for release by March 30 ncxt ycar. Under the cvcr-prcscnt constraint of a ceiling on the total of naval pcrsonncl. there is again this year the need to examine carefully the Navy's rcquircmcnts and the people and skills on the books. The schcmcs announced in 1985 and 1986 asked for volunteers from a variety of branches with larger numbers than rcquircd, Thcrt: are also some skills which are becoming surtwo
"You can say ‘What about all those you don't know about?‘ I don't think there are many. it must be obvious that it is much easier to get caught in a tight-knit society like ours. Most offenders are turned in by their own shlpmates Turn to Page 32
Pay data for Ccntraliscd Bank Payment (CBP) will continue to be supplicd by units and ships to
vehemently denied any drug use. "The matter is still being
"We will have to look very closely at the ramifications of these accusations. At the moment all we have are wild allegations from an unknown source and that is a poor basis tor a lorrnal investigation. “There is no need for me to give a lecture on our drugs policy here. Everyone in the Navy knows how seriously we view drug abuse and how severe the penalties are. "We have never denied that we don't get the odd in an organisation case of 60.000 people with over half oi‘ them under 25 it would be remarkable it we didn't. We are. atter all. a reflection of current society. no matter how stringent our checks are.
payroll system.
NEW-STYLE pay statements will be in the hands of sailors starting late this month, marking introduction of the Navy’s changed
NEWSPAPER stories last month with shrieking headlines such as "Drug parties on the ocean wave" and “HMS Junkie" are just that junk. says Captain of the Fleet. Capt. David Dobson.
looked into. The Sun newspaper has not produced the dossier mentioned in the article, from which might be concluded that there is no further lnlormatlon to pass on.
C»’z.W'.’).f'/zlfrl in your! font}! F.l.l'JJilifJ 'rl.‘ll'-J
ristul haul; lira
'J.Jll:)iI7.llll -Jruu ’.t'.'.’u;. !i'iJ '1-;'.l 3/ 2.. -
it;J'.'.ut ._m-J i\{‘_i‘Jli‘J'..ll, ‘tin-Jill-J up the rear lJ 2: .'lu‘jv_li, lien tan] l'i'.1‘J>‘lil :iIlLl ‘J -
'l l.
Picture: HMS Ark
tradc" employment art: much reduced. On the other side of the Turn to back page
tions will now be done using updated computers. Local pay offices will no longer check statcmcnts. although they will rcccivc duplicates so that they can deal with qucrics locally or, whcn ncccssary, direct the ‘inquirics back to Ccnturion. New tcchnology will allow swift intcrrogation of computer pay files. and faster rcsponse to queries should be possible.
Back-up Thu: new arrangement will allow calculation of pay. dcduclions. i.'ill(JWilllCL‘.\'and allotments to include cltangcs as late as possible in the month, says Centurion. Pay statcmtznts should normally be in the hands of sailors in the last few days of the month to which payment rclatcs. Back-up procedures will be brought into effect on the odd occasions when this does not
The new statements have all the essential figures but are
cxplain Centurion. Later. some changes less dctailcd.
and enhancement may be made in the light of cxpcricncc. Previously. local pay offices calculated amounts to be paid and Centurion produced the pay statements and distributed them to units, whcrc writcrs incorporated any recent changes.
Subsistence Anothcr
new introduction of a
feature is the
payment in the middle oi the month to anyone who. at the end of the previous month. has a credit of more than £40 in respect of latc-rcccivcd inputback pay. for example. Bccausc of this additional payment. complete with pay sttttcmcnt. there will bu.‘ no casual payments except in cmcrgcncics. Advances for subsistcncc will not be affected. Work on producing a modern payroll system adapted to naval nccds started about thrcc ycar.-; ago, and a range of systems has been studied. including ihosc of the other two Services. the Civil Service and a commercial firm.
Trials involving some 5,000 -individual accounts were carried out last autumn. bcforc the new system wont "|ivc“ on March I Turn to back page
.s',\vY stéssis. MARCH
This will make ltlie ayes
THE ROYAL Marines Searchlight Tattoo at Eastney has been saved by an interest-frec loan from King George‘.s Fund for Sailors. The money comes from the old Vernon Searchlight Tattoo, funds for which were handed to the KGFS for safe keeping when that event folded three years ago. The deal meant that the KGFS gave the Royal Marines £l.7lll] to provide a financial platform on which to base the East ne y Tattoo, In return the Royal Marines will donate profits from the Tattoo to the KGFS.
light up!
NEW LINKS Tlte move establishes links between the old tattoo and the event staged by the Royals
ALL EYES were on attractive TV star Leslie Ash when she visited HMS Colingwood to accept :1 cheque for £2,000 on behalf of Great Ormond Street Hospital for Sicls‘ Children. at Collingwood held a 24-hour For Leslie. star of ITV's sponsored sports night to raise fast-moving "C.A.T.S. £1,200 towards a £2-million Eyes," the visit was her body scanner appeal by Queen first to a naval establishthem.
entertained to lunch by leading hands from Mechanic the Training who raised the cash by School series of money-spinning a was
including a ten-hour. lll0—milc relay around their parade ground. Climax of the campaign was Ll s|edge—pull from Fare-ham to
(ireat Ormond Street
tribute presents to children, The journey took three days, and as the naval team
passed through major en
tribute to tlle
unsuspecting asked
to con-
and the sutilnrs were welcomed in every town they visited. Meanwhile, the POs' Mess
marathon AN EVENT to raise funds for the Arthritis and Ftheurnatism Council made members of HMS Renown
port up The
crew .
really sit-
8.000 times.
sit-up marathon was organised by WEM(0)1
Laatham who presented the £217 proceeds to the Council's regional or-
ganising secretary. Lieut.-Col. J. R. Mason.
Thirteen-year—old Kerry Jackson, the daughter of POAF.M(.\i) Jackson. was presented with a lluffvs dog and
pass book
building society
to a new account which
has been opened for her.
presented by
Record for KG FS grants
ssslmntlng llltl lengths
Capt. Keith Sutherland. General Secretary KGFS and previous Captain of HMS Vernon. to Col Roger Learoyd. commanding officer RM Eastney.
Alexandra Hospital. Portsmouth, The marathon, organised by P0 Southall of the Application School and PO Carr of the Technical School. included squash. darts. snooker and pool. 3 El 2‘
Marines at Easlney have raised over £900 for the Paediatrics Unit at St Mary's‘ Hospital. Portsmouth. They are hoping to raise another £700 towards the purchase of an electronic blood pressure machine which the hospital needs urgently. Their latest venture was a raffle at the Verge Inn. Eastney Barracks. which raised over £500 for the fund. 3 3 Cl Members of 810 Naval Air Squadron jumped in at the deep end to raise cash to purchase an electric wheelchair for the teenage daughter of one of their colleagues. Over £350 was raised by a sponsored swim. during which each team member swam at least fill lengths. And Licut.-Cdr. Mike Knowles outshone the rest by
Proving is
hit with mechanics at HMS
Collingwood. Leslie Ash signs new
Sixteen students of the squadron‘s No. 28 Operational Flying Training Course staged 11 sponsored pull which raised over £200 for the Maclnillan Nursing Service. They rowed two whalers and a safety boat from Cotehele Quay to the Barbicun in Plymouth. The craft were provided by HMS
Sailors from HMS Roth:-say went to great lengths to raise money for their chosen charity. the Aberlour Child Care Trust, by a sponsored
beard-growing contest.
Their efforts. combined with funds‘ from a sponsored
ride from Rosyth to Newcastle. raised £1,200. The money will go towards eonverting a disused garage outside the Trust's home in Dunfermline. into a soft play area for eight youngsters.
presented a
cheque for £3,460 to the Portsmouth area of King George's Fund for Sailors The money was raised by events throughout 1'1.“-"i and the cheque was presented to the area chairman. Commodore C J. llowzlrd. by Mrs. Judy Backus‘. the wife of Capt. Jake Baclsus. on helmlf of Dryad.
Licul.-Cdr. Dan .‘\‘icolson is fur the l.lllIt.ll)ll route en .\1arathun Running for Kiln: George's Fund [or Sailors and the Sue Rider Homes. Lieul.-Cdr. Nicolson. front the Admiralty Research Establishment at Southwell, Portland. plans to match his effort in the l‘)S(i marathon when he ran for his ship and helped raise £2.000 for three charities. This year the London l\1ar.tthnn is being held on May Ill.
autographs for her El
'3 under-
privilegcd children were made special guests of HMS Hecate when the survey ship visited Montevideo. Uruguay. They treated to a pirates‘ party. a tour of the ship. video films and a s1ap—up lca organised by PO“/EAs Brooks and
ANNUAI. grants given by King Geurgc'.s Fund for Sailors, the central maritime charity. climbed to a new record in I935. A total of over £1.-1 million was distributed to more than 100 nautical charities. funds and trusts. Since nearly all of the IV: million seafarers who took part in the Second World War are now over (it). most of the money went to the elderly or their
dependants. Future applications to the Fund are expected to continue an upward trend. as today's sailors lace adversity as a consequence of the major decline in the merchant and fishing fleets.
The Hecate is on a seveninonlh deployment to the South Atlantic and is due to return to Devonport in April. 3
£10,000 gift
to Service
RF.CRlE.«‘sTlONAl. and welfare Wrens of HMS Sultan collected over 200 toys, puulcs and games for children in the care of the NSPCC. They were donated by the ship's company and civilian staff at Sultan. An appeal raised £120 which bought a selection of new toys for the Solenl Group of the NSPCC.
SEA DOG BID BY ACHILLES HOW MUCH is that doggie in the lifebuoy? Quite a lot in this case, as it's a highly trained guide dog owned by the Regional Appeals Manager of the Guide Dogs for the Blind Association, Mr Tony Castleton (left). Mr Castleton was on board mas Achilleswith his dog, Nero. to collect almost 2200 raised towards his cause by the ship's company during a recent
funds in the Navy have received it £tIl.()()l) boost from the Services Sound and Vision Corporation (SSVC). The money was part of a £lZS.l)l)0 donation the Corporation ntade in the three Services. It forms the surplus of budgets used to support SSVC_ which is always handed back to the Service welfare funds. The .\avy's share was donated to the Fleet Amenities
£6m. boost for tactical trainer FIERRANTI has completed (I tn million contract to modernise
Speed Tilvtiwl "‘°_ "°"“_" T“""°' ‘"0 5°l“‘°‘ “‘ (A577) 3‘
§‘)‘,“Iff.""" °l’““"“‘“" "M5
" The ASTT is used for the '
board. However. in
position. bearing against requirement. across the period July 1985 (first figure) to October 1986 (second figure):
36: Med Tech, .\l.»\. + 2. l-90. 8l:DSA. +l-3. + 2; D Hyg. 2. + l; EN(G), + 19. 48. 31; RON, 76; 2. CQA. 3, ~
(Thoughts from the departing Medical Drafting Officer)
There is still a large overhearing in .‘vfed Techs. notwithstand-
ing l7 having taken premature voluntary release in 1985-86.
professional cross training.
and For the P5. the key date
the last remember is May 1 chance (with the present P —
to take the POWren's
Provisional or to have applied for the LWren‘s Fleet Exam.
Cross-training will start in September and. once the exam results are known. Drafty will begin the process of issuing
draft orders to courses so that all CW'ren \VTRs (P) and below get through the RNSS by Easter next year. It's a tight schedule and room for manoeuvre will be limited but drafts will be spread as best possible in such proportion to cause the least disruption to establishments. Some Gs. of course, will also have all opportunity for cross
training. ilowcver. details have
yet to be finalised and courses are not expected until 1988. On the advancement front, prospects could hardly be better for the writer and yet too few are making it through the Fleet Exam. The result is wasted opportunity and too many gaps in Drafty‘s plot for LWTR.
Studying No-one underestimates the
difficulty of study while holding down a busy job at sea or ashore. especially in times of manpower shortage. but exam
does open the door to and greater responsibility and this year will see rewards a POWTR putting up his rate while not yet 23. However. cross—training of the P5 will have its effects on the number of POWTR's Qualifying Courses the RNSS can cope with and, this year. after the two l’OWOCs in the Summer Term. it is unlikely that there will be another until May 1988. Course places will therefore be allocated on Basic Date seniority and in conjunction with advancement forecasts. For stores accountants, not only has OASIS transformed their life in the naval air stations success
The position of the Clerical and Quarters branch of the QARNNS is much the same
lyfvresh-cut in Guernsey,
flown direct from the grower in handsome white
b0-‘“->.’0.a'U’ P"~‘~"*~°'"<T“0” Great Britain and address -
Eire with yourpersonal
Sovereign Flowers are available allyear round.
l ' I
the problem. this financial year has seen the hosTo
although recruiting has been
employing agency nurses: pitals has worked well and there
discontinued and their future
that the arrangement might be allowed to continue into the coming year too. Developments in the future’? ‘line first will be that brought about by DCI 335/86 which
And the new man? Wellknown to many of the medical fraternity. particularly front the Rf‘-'.\lSS or ll.\‘lS Royal Arthur Lieut.-Cdr. Peter Wcllings who takes over as Medical Drafting Officer as March's Navy News hits the stands.
3. PM --:--.n1. LECTURE P&G‘TIP5 i‘-...vt A L-.--i.-—-n g_ PRACTICAL »\f'rn:r\'l'iaN fl 'U\\1i_1\' ;n= y-":i7.;.4& -r;‘.-u.~.t-on--s 3f"\lFll17<-1.;
Around 24 per cent. of the branch find themselves in the RNAS‘s and of these under half are directly involved with the
RAF system. It follows that we need to build up experience on the RAF system and to this end three
currently serving
with the RAF at Wittering. Odiham and Scampton: the RAF. for their part, have three sergeants at Culdrose. Portland and Yeovilton. So the cry is. if you're a POSA with RAF CSS (the old #72) who would like to be lined up for future exchanges with the RAF, then get in :2 C240 and register your interest.
Cooks Continuing
senior rate opportunities. there is as ever a need for qualified cookery instructors at the RN Cookery School, Aldershot and the RNSS. HMS Raleigh. It goes almost without saying that the available pool of qualified men rarely dovetails exactly with the drafting plot and that the currency can only be strong if there is a healthy bank of
(9) '
their last
instructors in reserve. notwithstanding any advantage to the
individual of the qualification itself. A steady flow of potential candidates is required to keep the account solvent and. impor-
the theme of
Send to address below. Also 24 hr Answerphone. For morelhan one order use separate sheet of paper
keep the Navy quota Army instructor Course
topped up. it's therefore good news when supply officers identify suitable leading anti PO cooks and recommend them accordingly —
and it the earlier the better can only help when a volunteer jogs the system along. There's a spirited team in the —
tea boat?"
(with apologies
produce 36 fully fledged cooks and caterers (including six Wrens) and in the New Year
HMS Sultan became the first establishment to receive a former cook (a Wren) in a caterers billet. And the trend will gain momentum through the year. For the future. Drafty acknowledges the importance of all getting a full experience across the catering operation so that professional skills are developed and the best preparation for advancement is afforded.
Inajor stronghold at Aldershot: if some would stay forever —-
only it were possible! Still with the cooks (and caterers), it's timely for a word on the branch amalgamation. not so
much because there has
been a dramatic impact thus far cooks and caterers have continued to fill source branch rather because real billets change is well nigh. The first new Cook Part IVs emerged in October last and, by the end of January, 45 were on the Task Book trail. Also 1986 saw six qualifying
Refinues Cooks, again, but this time
bringing in both much and junior
the stewards: and in demand, senior rates. male and female, when the call for worthy candidates for retinues never falters. Drafty needs the widest choice when launching the selection process and the more volunteers and recommendations received. the better! Don't be shy. there are
challenging jobs
at sea.
home and abroad and if you reckon you're up to it. have a
to you know
chat with your DO, get your DPC up to date or put in a C2-it]. Finally, the subject of first sea drafts is always very topical with Part IVs who look forward to the time when they can put their skills into practise in ships. Not surprising then that Drafty turns a keen eye to the period the
boys spend
ashore at the end of their Task Book training and adjusts first sea drafts as necessary to obtain the best for all. increased demand from the writer throughput has brought their initial sea time down to 18 months while less pressure on stores accountant billets has allowed an casing out of 24 months with the same being available to the cooks too. Did you know that C2405 new
automatically lapse after two years? Or that a Q40 does not cancel or alter a DPC. instead simply amplifying the prefcrences already entered? Important because Drafty is now firmly locked into the OLADS computer system and you
should make sure your preferences are up to date. The action is with you!
l Selivery required by tone) Monday) I (Not l I enclose Cheque.-'Poslal Order lot E _-T l I or debit my Credit Card No: | l
The second is the concept of a branch of female M.-‘.5. This is only in the planning stages as yet and details have still be but something to approved he on the watch for.
Computer System plays a large
choice of flowers,
altered the notice period required for married female QARNNS from four to nine months and which comes into effect on June 1.
but the RAF Central Stores
2 002 Red Roses £17.75 D 20 Freesias£9 05 D l [[1 D02 Mxd Roses £11 05 [J40 Freesras 912.95 I D10 Pink Carnations£8.15 E] De Luxe Mixture £15 25 ADDRESS (BLOCK CAPHALSJ I YOUR NAME 8. l l I RECIPIENTS NAME 8. ADDRESS: l
and to accommodate the deficiencies adjustments have had to be made. Ships are at full strength but many establishments have had to accept dilution and most of the gaps have been borne by the two UK naval hospitals.
5_Y'.LABL'5 Fen. \~.'Ri'r€R Cross-Tammie:
l"""""""'__""'-___l NN TICK BOX: l E] Single Red Rose £3.95 [:]10Mxd Carnations £3.10 l | |:]1 D02 Red Roses £11 55 |:] 20 Mxd Carnahons £1105
Make someone pleased you read this ad today
large proportion of the underbearing in the other branches is at junior rate level
the Dental Service Wrens. numbers appear to have stabilised and the most significant change to them has been the transfer of dental hygienist training to RAF ilalton.
door opensthe BY THE TIME you read this, CBP (Centralised Bank Payment) will have gone live. pay office staffs will be easing into the "settling in" period with the computer in the driving seat and no doubt WRNS Writers. having well thumbed the DC] outlining their future. will be turning their
management has yet
The introduction of the ZOE had a significant impact and nine members of the Medical Branch were selected at the first
Shortage £....:L_-,.
reality, it
is manning shortage which has dominated the scene in most areas of the Medical Service and it is of interest to compare the
MEN may come and men may go but drafting goes on for ever and that even applies to drafting officers. Yes. it's all change for the Medical Drafting Officer. Chief Nursing Officer Jill Last, who. after some 21 months in the hot seat. is shortly off to sunny Gibraltar. ‘All right for some.‘ it could be said: ‘Nothing ever changes!‘ Well in fact quite a lot has changed in her time and the end of an appointment is always ideal for a review of events and it look to the future.
| I
THE CURTAIN falls later this month on the last of the Third Flotilla Royal Marines bands. A farewell concert, staged in Portsmouth b the only remaining FIM big ship band. the sma I hand of the Flag Officer, Third Flotilla. will be staged on March as In the Guildhall.
Then the band will lay down its instruments for the last time and In future embarkatlonswill be performed by other Royal Marines bands. Formerly the ship‘: band of the int HMS Ark Royal. the small band of the Flag Officer Third Flotilla left the ship when it decommissioned in 1978.
Active service The band moved to HMS Hermes. then HMS Fearless. and saw active service during the Falklands War in the hospital ship SS Uganda. During this time the bandsmon carried out their traditional war role as medical orderlios.
handling many of the Falklands casualties. returning to their instruments to take part In the victory parade to welcome the Govomor. Sir Rex Hunt home in the June.
Swan song From its base at HMS Nelson the band has travelled the world, embarked in aircraft carriers and amphibious ships of the Third Flotilla. Last year they took part in the Global 86 del t,llti A tll ndthof’" °" d
u.3.iiZ"é?.'2t i‘1.’nil'§ i.l‘.'.2:'.l'...‘i.‘.' A,
3 M3,,
song ma band ,mb,,k,d In the
ships of the Dartmouth Training Squadron deployed in the Mediterranean. holding eoncerts In city hall: and public squares and festivals along the route. Proceeds from the band’: final performance In Portsmouth will go to the Lord Mayor’: Appeal and other local charities.
NAVY _'...-
the Orange Torbay: submarine ALL 130 of HMS Torbay‘s crew paraded on dockside to hear their commanding officer, Cdr. Rob Stevens, read her commissioning warrant on February 7. The White Ensign was then raised and the Torbay became part of the Royal Navy. A far cry from her relatively The latest Trafalgar class
killer submarine was commissioncd at Vickers Shipbuilding and Engineering Ltd of Barrow-in-Furncss. I-ler role will be to seek and destroy enemy submarines and surface ships and she is equipped with the most
sophisticated technology help her do this.
is armed with Suhliarpoon. an underwaterlaunchcd air flight guided missile that greatly enhances her
ship capability. Tigcrfish wire—guided homing anti-surface
torpedoes and
the latest in
underwater detection equipment increase her deadly effectiveness. Silence in operation is essential. and with the specially devcloped insulating tiles used on the American space shuttle and improved noise reduction systems. Torbay and the rest of her sonar
than the
earlier Swiftsure class.
The Torbay whose name has links with William of Orange. is to be based with the 2nd Sub-
marine Squadron at Devonport. but first she is to complete final trials off the coast of Scotland.
primitive famous predecessor.
this submarine will be able to operate for years without refuelling. Heat generated in the nuclear reactor produces steam which is used to drive the main propulsion turbines and turbo-generators. It also makes
enough electricity to supply town of 50,000 people.
, ..
/’,‘,r _
3 ‘
\, \
.‘ fl.
Twe sides to the Ganges star NEWS, MARCH 1987
IN REPLY to Chris Skillern (January) I must protest at his attitude to HMS Ganges.
there from March 1937 to June 1938, and apart from it few isolated incidents was very happy there. The discipline was hard but fair. We were being trained to be members of the Royal Navy, not the Sea Scouts. Frank Shaw, Beckenham, Kent. I
was a
tough and direct, in the main fair and compassionate. They prepared us well for the rigours of the war to come. Come on in, join our Ganges Association, and wear the badge with a new-found pride.
For those interested, our membership secretary is Mac Brodie, ll Elder Close,
Tilehurst, Reading, RG3 RWG. Tony Story, Tiverton, —
to me
that the
use for to use it as a
would be
AS ANOTHER Ganges boy (I920-21) I would not agree with Chris Skillern that there were no good times to remember. I still recall the anticipatory pleasure it gave me to plan the expenditure of my weekly sixold-pence pocket money: one postage stamp (compulsory letter home). three paving stones (two-inch squares of rubbery bread pudding), one glass of lemonade. There were also my brief moments of glory as class S. button—boy on the mast, Donovan, Goring-by-Sea. West Sussex. —
Ganges boy (September
I933—November I934) I was saddened to read Chris Skillern's letter saying he found no good times there. For my part I expected life to be hard, and I was not disappointed. but I found a lot of good there. The instructors
tain compensatory allowances. has been raised on many occasions since the introduction of the Military Salary. The Military Salary in 1970
0 Widest choice ulrtew models
boys R. Bracklng leaving. (ex-CPO), Gosport, Hants.
to be
The problem of charges which the divorced man faces, and the expenses he has to bear on behalf of his former wife, together with ineligibility for cer-
an old steamer. I am sure that none of the 40 odd was the least bit sorry
sympathy for your correspondents “LMEM" (November) and “Singled Out" (January).
have been selling cars to thc Forces and ttttziched personnel for over 20 years. We know your requirements. we know the pitfalls. we have the answers AND we have the cars! And with the current weakness ofitic pound. it makes sense to buy from the UK. Here are some reasons why more people choose Natociirs for the best in tax free cars.
Sheerness. and left
I HAVE much
...HEliE’S YIHY Natocars
the developers would welcome such an aim. I feel sure that many old boys would come forward with exhibits. T. A. Hardy, Colchcster. —
Ganges" correspondence,
all to
higher UK.
speciliculion. Direct supplies olliurd. Audi, \'olksw:igen,Austin Rover. Peugeot. \’uLI.‘th;tllOpel. PRICIZS Tax lice, keenly discounted Q -
additional bonuses. The pound llIl\' weiikened by over 20".; in the last year against the I).\l. making UK. priced cars even lggttcr value. \'u|u.ibIclfiltlt.‘-lflprice on your present cur vihiiicvcrthc niakc. I‘-'.itoc;irs‘ unique personal loan scheme including lower interest D.\I loans. 3 FRI-‘.I-I personal insurances [worth over £300 in —
as a
trainee there in 1935-36 I feel that a greater honour to the establishnient would be to give the name to a new ship or submarine. As a submariner for 20 years I knew many seamen, bunting tossers and sparkers who went
through Ganges, make it
Armstrong, Havant,
why not Harry
Difficulties of the divorcee
T. K. Willey, target. Porthcawl, Mid Glam.
WHAT an excellent idea to "save a piece of old Ganges" by preserving one building in which to house a permanent “museum" of items associated with boys‘ training at Shotley Gate.
REGARDING current correspondence on target ships and the preservation of the Ganges
site, it occurred
HOW I agree with Chris Skillem regarding the saving of HMS Ganges. I spent the most miserable year of my life there (1921-28). The great day came when we were on draft to HMS Marl-
...russr5~ sizsrwm-r we 5léN'.’ IT was var M5 site. I '
f IS rmscu me UP7JlfE.eE
Last of the
returns from
23,000-mile deployment South
Old boats for sale HM submarines Walrus and Oberon have been sold to Humber Shiprepairers Ltd. of Humberside in a unique deal which will lead to their refurbishment and resale. It is believed to be the first time :1 private company has
bought warships from the Royal Navy for resale. The two submarines paid off
in December and their fortunes were in the balance until HSR came forward.
SCRATCH CREW Since the boats‘ crews had atlready been drafted away. :1 scratch crew from the First Submarine Squadron sailed the W:i|ru.~'. up to liumberside early last month and the Oberun a week later. when refitted the two diesel ».uhmarine~. could sell for as much as £25 million, iiSR gained good experience of submarine refit when they tackled ii.\i submarine Otter. completed in January.
Sealion ends her odysse
. HMS Seallon returns to Portsmouth to end her livemonih deployment to the South Atlantic. P-cture PO[Phol) Rada' Thomtitson
HMS SEALION, 25 years old and the last Porpoiseclass submarine still in commission, returned to Gosport last month after a 23,000-mile deployment to the South Atlantic.
Which Sailor? Britain’s leading maritime charity, King George's Fund for Sailors, wears many hats. As the central fund, it provides for the relief of poverty and distress among all seafarers, past or present, whether membersof the Royal or Merchant Navies, the Fishing Fleet or the maritime support services and, —
of course, their dependants.
Over 120 Funds and Trusts look to us for financial help each year. All must submit their accounts for scrutiny, so that the money goes where it is needed most. We finance homes for children and aged or infirm seafarers; support schools and training ships; aid shipwrecked fishermen and their families; help widows and orphans of two World Wars as well as the Falklands Campaign.
depend entirely on you. A donation or a legacy could make all the difference and would be a fitting tribute to seafarers who have given But
such faithful service
to our
The deployment, which took her to the Falklandsvia Madeira and Ascension island, lasted 139 days, of which 109 were spent at sea. After two successful patrols, the Sealion sailed from the Falklands to Chile via Cape Horn and the Patagonian Canals. The first British submarine to visit Talcahuano for many years. she was hosted by the Chilean Submarine Squadron and given a warm welcome.
representative of the Royal Navy Submarine Service was A
invited to take part in the Chilean Submarine Service's annual award ceremony for newly-qualified submarincrs. Lieut. Richard Ecdlc. the Se.-tlion's navigating officer. took on the role. made a speech in Spanish. and presented RN submarine badges to those
recently qualified. The badges were presented in
at the the traditional manner bottom of a lot of rum. After an enjoyable visit which also included a football match against a Chilean Navy team. the Sealion sailed for Valparaiso. where the crew livcd ashore in hotels in the resort of Vina dcl Mar for ten days over the Christmas —-
A number were invited home
Encore for
KING GEORGES FUNDFORSAILORS The Fund that cares for all seafarers ltlhesham Street. London S\\'.'l.‘{XXI’. Tel. Ul-235 liiii-l. .\‘t't:tltsh(?i'ft'ri'.' S. V. (.'arrtcl-t.(Il\'de SL. (ilasguw (il -SLN. Tel. 04 I -552 4743. Reg (Iharity 226446.
British a most
enjoyable time despite being so far from home. A soccer match played in
brilliant sunshine resulted in a 2-0 defeat by the British Embassy in Santiago, but there was consolation in the ensuing barbecue, bus tour of Santiago and shopping in a traditional Chilean market. New Year was seen in twice by the ship's company once at 2100 to coincide with the celebrations at home in Britain and again at 0000 for the Chilean festivities, when a 30-minute harbour display of breathtaking fireworks heralded the start of 1987. Later on New Year's Day the Sealion sailed for the Panama Canal. then on to Antigua for a nine-day visit. when a large number of wives joined their husbands for a winter break in the Caribbean sun. The Sealion's return to her home base of Gosport was followed by a short leave for the ship's company. She returns to sea again next month to take part in Perisher training in the Clyde Exercise areas. —
Relief from cramped conditions below for the crow of HMS Sealion. under way in a placid sea and under a sunny sky.
photo competition SO SUCCESSFUL
for Christmas dinner b expatriates and all ha
photographic competi-
tion at HMS Collingwood that it is to be repeated on the base open day in June. On the theme of "Lines" the Contest was open to t:\'ery0ne working in the establishment. The black and white category was won by LMEM James with Mr Derek Turner runner-up. The prizes in the colour category were shared by LMEM James and P0 Thacker. inspired by his success. LMEM James has now left
Collingwood to begin a photographic course at RAF Cosford. before becoming an LA(Phot).
SAILORS are being taught the lessons of the Falklands War at HMS Raleigh In a new emergency trainer, named “Havoc." Once damaged. the ability ot a warship to
depends to efficiency. expertise ship‘: company. survive
a large extent on the and confidence of the
The South Atlantic conflict in 1982 showed the need for more realistic and stressful
damage repair training. The new generation of Damage Flcpalr instructional Unit (DRIU) has been built by Voaper Thornycrott of Southampton. The Havoc consists of compartments arranged on three docks. fitted out to warship specifications. The unit. when training officer is Lieut. Malcolm Booth, can roll to a maximum of 15 degrees to port or starboard and has built-in hull damage sections to provide realistic incidents under flooding conditions. Electrical damage and smoke can be created for extra realism by Havoc, which is controlled
by eight ratings using computerised hydraulic systems. it also contains some iaaturu found in submarines, so the unit will be used for training all sailors. At full capacity it can accommodate 6.000 rating: a year. at around 30 each day. The first Havoc. sited at HMS Raleigh. Torpolnt. was officially opened by Mr Roger Freeman. Parliamentary Undersecretary of State for the Anncd Forces. Two further units will be sited at Phoenix NBCD school. Portsmouth. and one at the Scottish Command NBCD School. Flocyth. STUDENTS from the NBCD team. HMS Broadsword battle to plug a gap in the bulkhead of the generator department all part at their training in the new Havoc damage repair unit at HMS Raleigh. —
LAtPnot) Koo Johnson
£3m. nnues HAUL
\.-'\\'\' NI \\'*»'. \1.i\R('H 1‘i\'
N.-\\'Y Ni-\\'S. \l.-\R('li 1‘-".‘<‘
Graves visits
plan by Legion
sliot wins
top photo
AT THIS end of
successful season of an expanded programme of war pilgrimages in support of the
(iovernment—funded grantin-aid scheme for war wit.low.s, the Royal British
l.egion's Pilgrimages Depa-
has announced its destinations for this year. They extend from I)cnm;irL to Sri Lanka and from l-'r;inee to rtment
Hung Kong. and include HurITI-I. Japan. Thailiind. India and
North Africa
by chunks of bread. this snowy egret was persuaded to linger long enough on the casing of HM submarine Opportune to allow LS(S) David Martin to take this prize-winning photograph. SUFIHOUNDED
his egret was captured on film while the boat was in mid-South Atlantic. The picture won first prize in the 1986 Sea Swallow competition. the first in a series of annual photographic competitions organised by the Royal Naval Birdwatching
was a
event. with 21 entries comprising 55 colour slides. 45 colour prints and 18 black and white photographs. Overall standard was very high and there was a wide variety oi subjects entered. Second place was taken b Capt. S. D. Mayl NM or HR
Discovery (black-browed albatross In colour). and third was LA(Phot) 11m Hall of the Fleet Photographic Unit (southern skuas at nest in black and white).
wlll be an engraved tankard and a years tree membershln of the RHBWS. the latter prize also going to the
year's competition. the closing date for which is September 30. First prize
Society's emblem.
Entries are invited for this
Wiir voidovis who have not before heen able to visit their husbands‘ graves can do so under the grant-in-iiid scheme at only one—eighth of the full eiist. and if esen this is too much the Legion will often make up ilie difference.
photographed on board ship and should consist oi
monochrome and colour
prints (negatives Included).
in addition. anyone is eligible to travel on ii pilgrimage at the full eosi. e\cn though they are not Legion members or do not have .i specific grave to visit (but priority will be given to those who do). The Rlil. has a wealth of experience in organising war graves t‘lIlgi'Ill’I.'tgt.‘\, and groups are normally escorted by one of its l'i|i:rirnage Department staff for further information eon-
colour slides. They should be sent to The Chairman. RN Birdwatching Society. Dene Gottsge. West Harting, Peterslield. Hants. GU13 SPA. or
Entries tor the competition. named alter the should have as their subiect any seabird or any iandblrd
Danae Sniffles the through
Ligc. Miiidstone.
War Museum friends get
royal patron
l)l'l-Ll-IN l-iliraheth
ski in the Nova Scotian interior. ulihough other sporting arrangements were curtailed by the freezing we:ithi:i'. cold by even Halifax standards. to
lfimeser. the l);in.ie's vi.irdrooni ni.in.iged an .ippe.ir;inee in the local press as a result of their eorispieuoiis p£ifliL'i|‘.tliI|li the annual S'l‘z\.\.-\\'— in l-'t)Rl..-\.\"l‘ whaler race
liravi:l_v lors.ilting vsiirni clothing in the lilil/Jttl eonilitions, they
turned up lvoating rig
Siuseurn She
crossed the finishing line third out of fne alter covering twice the distance of any of the other ss‘ll.ilI.‘t\ i:;irIie.' in the deployment the [).in.ie, in coitlpail) with the West (iernian l-"(IS Rheinl:ind~ Phall and the Dutch l{.\l.\'lS Trump. left Plymouth to battle through appalling weather to the Azores for ;i refuelling slop. All three warships suffered minor damage as" ii result of the battering of Force ll storms The
Other patrons inelmte the Archhishsips of Canterbury and Westminster. the Chief Rahhi, the 1.75 Amhzissiidor. and the iiigh (‘ommissioners oi Australia. (‘anada and New 2/.i:;i|and
i:iluiardi;iii~si\le and with anipli:
iielore niiiking for Halifax. the trio rendelsoused Zlll miles north of ll-ermudii with the other two vessels of the squadUSS 'f':i_\‘Ior and HMCS ron and the tanker r\\sIiiIl>\liiil.‘ l.i'.'s‘3*i .\it)niini.‘_hel;i. After having lived up to their "snillle" nieiin.-ime in .'*-‘ova Seotia. the squadron left the sniivi.'sturit‘is in head for (‘unlihean sun —
linp;ri.il “tar
i5.'ie:iiis' Ill.Iu_L'lif.iliUlIeereinuny at the museum on l"e':iru.ir) 25
=‘-i.I..:'-y i'Oii*not, Riuu
.I_l1lL‘L'L.l to heeome p.itron-in-chief of the Friends of
Mother has
haven for HMS Danae after winter storms in the North .-‘\tl;intis: had hzittered her and the other ships of Standing, l\'zivzil Force .-\t|antie. It was the first visit of the .\"l'.-'\.\'.-\V|“()Rl.:\N'I‘ de[1lU)'I'liL‘i1l, and the warmth of the welcome more than made up for the low temperatures. M;in_\.' sailors from the force took the
Kent Mliilli
freezing gales
ll.-\l.|l-'A.\. Nova Seotia. proved
l’ilgrim;iges Depiirtineni. Royal British Legion \'il~
fsfeiinwhile. the .\finistei for the Arts. Mr RiCl'I£tfLl Luce. has given the go-ahead for phase rum and three of the museum's
ITS not often that a share base gets the chance to lorm international affiliations but now HMS Daedalus has —
from Brazil. She's pictured here at her home In London Zoo with Daedalus ratings LAEliis Hick Loizou (left) and Steve Smith. The adoptee in question is a Brazilian taplr named Eva who got to know a group at Daedalus sailors when they spent a long week-end at the zoo to resuriace the tapIrs'
The sailors from the air
station at Lee-on-Soient will be seeing more of Eva as they plan to carry out further projects at the zoo later this
£ili.5»million redevelopment scheme. The work will provide the museum with new galleries, .i new entrance
and cafcterizi and other public facilities. Work should he finished by the end or the year
Open Day at Inskip
on beerand N/'\\'\' .\I7.\\'fs‘_ \1.-\R('H W3-CT‘
Hb.»\|.l-‘ dict for
hur ufchncnlntc;:m!;1c:m of beer :2 day nddcd variety tn the xmm-wh.n h.-mic the crew of the sail training yacht Dushcr on the N87 Gihr:tltnr-tn-'I'rinid;u1 (';trihd;N1 rnuruthnn. 1711: llwtrnng L'rL'\.\ V¥'.l\ ('.xrxtvl\c.u1 tll mni~J.mu.1r} Wxltt |'hcn nun: the Iurtgu-x‘: Icy. wt :1
[U H,
nu-;,g;c xupplnfl \uPph_.mU" H“. CHl11pu\lTL' ctm:|u:n»in-hnm'n
:V1HLL I;I 1:) hr‘ _‘”nLpf,. _‘ ; u ‘I
; n
" “Y
hr‘-"M "mi fwd‘ “U” “W1 Vcg. ran nut.
l|_\1S']"‘g' |)_,\h,_-r wl our {mm (iihr:||t.Ir en route fur thu:
LEFr: ship"-.a'e5 cetebrate on HMSTY
the u:u'u.-ptmn u.‘ her ~JLIP[‘L‘|’ {mm the Juml fscrvrccs S.n|tng Centre. (‘PO Dan .\'.':3.Iur_ \hc vs.-n cruu-ed In ufftcurx JHK1 men from HM xhxps Ark Royal and HIISIHI '
Severe TIN.‘ {int Icg of her Journey In the (';u1;af)' |\l;md~ lwrnvcd lhu hztr-.la:\I purl bL'C.ill'\C nf thu: xt:vL'_rc wcuthcr n:nndIl|-_vn\. slurmtnrct: l() winds
Hts; lr.ltt\.tI|.I!1ll\' \'fu!\-l|"|)’.. mth nu «mp mt::udL't| lwfnrc .:rru.nl m the Wcxl lmtusx Hus mum! .1 prugr.unrm- wt mtmnlng mlh vmtrr u»r1»uInp |lUlI||tl1:lL‘dlU{I\-L‘ g.:l1nn~. .1 tl.u_\ In («net .1” cnuktrtg .tnd drunkmg nL'cd~._ \\'.nInng .. n .1
cluumtng \»\.t\
u..:I;-r r.m nut lhc
As the fresh [nod "ICU lU”1L'd W W9 \"""l““”“ packs. plus chncuhtc and mm U! hurt.
\\\\'\i'\\\. \l-\i{l'Ii i‘3\‘
AFTER 33 years‘ service in Royal Navy ships. iaundryman Mr. Kang Shik Ming has received the Testimonial of the
Captain in Charge Hong Kong Mr Kang was presented with the testimonial by Capt. C. J. Freeman. commanding officer of his present ship. HMS
Brilliant. A similar testimonial has been presented to Mr. Lau Wing Pa for 25 years‘ service. He received his certificate from the commanding officer of HMS Herald. Capt. P. J L. Kelly.
Left the HN? or something? Want to drive or dive —
Then why not join the Royal Naval Reserve? We have new Minesweepers and Patrol Craft; we need your training and experience. as an olficer or rating, especially (but not only) if you were a Bridge Waichkeeper. Diver or RO(T). We need men and
(including nurses) without previous Service experience too, even if you don't live near the sea. Keep in touch with the Royal Navy. go abroad, make good use of your spare time and be well paid for it. Aged 16-33 (under 45 with former RN service)?
details. Captain P. McLaren RN, Office of the Commander-in—Chief. Naval Home Command HM Naval Base. Portsmouth PO1 3LR Fill in the coupon for
Please send me full details of joining the Naval Reserve. (Inquiries from UK residents Nnmo(Mr Mrs Miss]
Royal only).
.\'A\'Y .\iF.\\'S. .\l.»\RCli 1957
PEOPLEit iota NF W5 (‘JCT
3' l X Royal N1l\'_V |ieiiten;inteonitnanders serving on exchange duties in liaiifriit. t\'o\'zi Sct‘ti:i_ took up oars to make their presence felt in the port's ilililtliil\-Vhziler Grunt I’ it CL‘
CWEM(O) Sid Molyneauit
As this picture shows. the lirilish team .itltieii it touch of class to proceedings by while turning up in limiting rig fI'iIttscr\_ wing collars and how ties .IiHl toasting in chanipagne the other 11 tennis Ciiiliing was unnecessary‘ as the tenipt-t.iItire was .i|re.itiy seseriil degrees l‘l.'l|l\5 freezing
Second service
Fl-Z\V Rl.'I.ES lite
has few rules, liiit practice beforehand is not allowed and e.itii ie.mi must include the unit's com-
for Sid
lieiit -("sir Richard Ayers. the only engineer in the team, was afforded the prisiiege of "tirising" ().irsmen were litoni iefti lieut (‘tits Druid (‘anti-llu. “iirtln Langford. John Farmer. r\flIl'I0lt_V Woolstun, and John Byrroft. The} liiiislied it L'l£'\lllill3l{‘ sesenth. Pu(t..'p MA ‘as Ma
Hose Scot
.-'\l'~'l'F_R no fewer than J5 years‘ reckonahic service in the R(‘I)'ill Nrivy, (‘Wi€!\i(()) Sid Molync-aunt has received it second clasp to his Long. Service and (‘mod ('ondtict Medal.
Tagetlierness under the [Vavyk umbrella
Long arm
The picture on the right was taken after the passingotit parade. where Sarah was holder of the Pauline l)o_\'le 'l'i'iiplt}' for "firtiwess on the puratie ground while main-
of the
taining ieminity."
Wt)i'Tl Tim Wt-hti is sersiiii‘. at Dattrtitiiith where he met Sarah liefiire she hegun her three-month course to qualif) as .i WRNS officer She ]i\ii"IL‘\l the Niiss six years ago and has worked iti the p.i_\ offices of
ARREST at an alleged burglar has won the Commendation oi the Captain of HMS Osprey for AEM Christopher Bolton. Christopher. who serves at Osprey. was awarded Capt.
Christopher Craig's
cst.ih|ish.itt:nts, incluiling
that of the
married at Newton .-'\hhot and. after their hone}moon. S-.ir:ih ioiiied HMS Raleigh for .‘l sesen-month course for supply officers. Tim nioses to ll.\lS Tenier—
mendstion tor his vigilance and subsequent action which is thought to have saved a neighbours property and to have prevented a successtul crime.
noticed a person leaving the house which he knew was unoccupied. Suspecting a burglary. he gave chase and stopped a man who. it is alleged, was in of stolen possession
4?‘ ‘-4
detained the and escorted him to his man own home where he retained control until the police
Third Oftlcer Viv Price
Portsmouth in June Anotiier \\'R.\'S ;iw;trtiwinnct at Dariniouth was Third Officer V'i\ Prlfe, who won the iii-their l.ott .-\u.itd .is the best .iil-toiinii officer cadet on her I-i-week course \'i\, whose father is Air Vice,\f.irsh;|Il Riihcri l’ttL‘L'. I\ an |n\f[u\'fl|I' officer and has ioitted the staff .it HMS R;ileii:_h .—\nii when Xlid Andrew lhiillie [Lisssed out of the College. the p.ir'.ide brought back t'll.tlt_\ memories for his grandfather. ‘ii-_\.e;ir-old Mr. George Baillie. fieiirge, who u.'iiL‘hCil the [‘tUL‘t.‘t‘tlin]l‘. is .t toririer l'l'i wiio senetl in the Nat}. for -31' years. including it spell at l);irtmouth .-\fter the paratle he toured the College. piiying particiil.'ir zittentiott to classes in the g}t‘iltl.t\lt.li‘lt The (‘oliege's l"Tis ni.'irked his visit by presenting hint with ;i P'l'l's luidge to wear on his sports kit during work-
College honours for Caroline
FOR the mat time a member at the WRNS has won the top student award on the RN ststt course at the Royal Naval College Greenwich. She is First Otticer Caroline one
WRNS otticers
at on
only two a 56-strong
course for mid-career lieutenant-commanders and commanders. First Otticer Coates has now left Greenwich to loin the start ot the Commanderln-Chlei Navel Home Command as e chiet officer.
Andy Hainnett Syuibol Sweaters. Bun-tau.-n Factory. Gslston. Ayrshire .
KA4 Bill-'.Tcl: 0563 820213.
.-~:..-:::.. :-.
\\'hile sersing in the cruiser HHS Durban. Sid tools [nut in the esacuation of Singapore hefore the Japanese i.'ilte-oser in l‘i-12. liis subsequent sessels included ll.\l ships .\fontcl.'ite. (‘ontg-st. Sirius. .\'i:wfoiintii.ttitl, l'ntliiie. l).‘irnpier. ('.iriiig.in li;i_s. (ilassertoii and \'ia.toriotis As .i "promised man" he li.i\ tiie right to l't.‘fT‘l.tii‘i in the Sersice until he is .i;:eil ti.‘ For the past 22 years he h.is l"-CL'l‘l at HMS (‘ollingwood where he has been Itl\til\t,'d with the ("illitriioiis lL"l‘1illtl ptogt.-itntrie
SARAH and Tim are sharing the umbrella of the Royal For the day after ;‘\’:is-_\' in more w:iy.s than one Third Officer Sarah Barnard piissed out of Britannia Royal Naval College Dartmouth. She became Sarah Wehh hy marrying Tim.
Christopher Bolton
who ]UlnCLl the Nas). shortly after the outhreal. oi the Second ‘Nitrltl \V.'tr. \s.is pre» sented V-tilt his avszird its the (‘hit-i .\'.'is.il Fngtneer Officer. \'ici:-.»\dmir.il If. I.. 0.
Navy News'.t?;.-:-.:i-;~i-.1:‘;;
almoral Knitwear by Symbol
Other RNSC prize-winners included Lieut.-Cdrs. N. P. Smith and W. M. Covington. and Surgeon Lieut.-Cdr. R. J. Clark, all three oi whom took Director's prizes for outstanding work. Lleut-Cdr. B. F. Fellow and Capt. P. A. Reynolds RM won the Director‘: commendation for meritorious performance.
farewell Rl{;\R-.-\i).\flR.-\l, l.inie_\ .\liddiett>n stepped lnicis into the cockpit to hid farewell £I\ fl.I_L'_ Officer .\.is.il .-‘sir ('onini.iritl \\'hen he left his H0 at RN air station. Yeoviitoti. he was towed out. \l.'Ii1Llii"i_L' in an old Sea liiiwlt ]L‘l fighter, one of the first t_\pes of :iircr.iit he flew early in his career M-itise power was prosideil its his .iir \lilUUf'I L';tpl.iIr‘i\ and serttivt heiitlquiirters stall. Atlmiral Mltltllciiin. who is retiring front £tClI\L‘ sL‘l'\‘ls'L', was presented with it rtiiulel fielil gun on his farewell sisit to ll.\l‘i llaedaius The replica llitsl heen built oser two months h_s ("PU Shiner “Tight. New l"f).\'.-\(' Is Rear.-‘\dniira| Roger Dimmock.
ddii} from the nurse!) to .tn_s .ii.'drcu in l’ K or lreiand li1Cll.'d€)0l.'t own special message to shot: that _\uu haw your lined one in mind
ltrsh flowers
Trouser trials
Turbu/ence ahead!
nearly over ll{l.-\l \‘ oi tire-resistaiit .\o llL‘.i\lL'f V-Citllll and lii_L‘_'llL‘i'
completion Ihis he
ill|l'..'ll.:l should
iii.iniil.ictiiri:d iroitt .i l'i'litlL’Tl.ll .t|'L' ilL'.'lfll'l§
tiu.tlii_\ [cold
1 blue sluced
blue for
unif-iritti now
the iIl.tlt.‘li.ti li.is
it is
DCt (RN) 5 a7
lmpreuion 3'0""
EASY-CARE Trials hate begun in HHS Southampton and at llong Kon_t: of two east.-care materials vshicli could replace cotton satin drill in white tropical uniform
p|.icernent tliosc of
of n_sliin stockin_es wool njsion i‘iit\.
Specialist qualification badges
Royal Navy sport hy the Voluntary Sports Subscription scheme, the stated aims,
money is
For the first time in the seven )t:.tts oi the schemr:'s L'\is(t:t‘IL't.', subscribers are being asked to increase their pttyments iruiii Zllp per miir1ll‘i to 30p Hie stated purposes of tiie \t,'ltC1'i1C are C to Iils.'fL‘.i\t_‘ sports grants and lt|.1l‘.\ to ships coiitiiiissioiiirig; O to gise direct fin.inci.:l assistance to (‘oniniarids and areas. 0 to increase .inriu.il grants to
recognized sports associations. O to proside more generous
support for serving internatioiial sportsmen‘, and
contribute towards the funding, of spiirls-tIi'lL‘Ill.!lL'ti O
capital firU]t‘Cl\ not prosidccl from public funds.
in it iiitttli
.»\ii aniiotincenicnt s.i_ts that
in.iini.iin the fund irt credit it has recently been nccessar) to hoitl dovon expenditure on the first four purposes. and to suspend contributions to the List purpose altogether To l't.'\L'i's'.' this trend and to ensure ili.it future incorne ml‘. achiese the iit_'L'L'ss.ti_\ lcscl rein
eoniinitniczits. the RN and R.\‘l Sports (‘ontroi lioard has decided on the increased stihscriptioii At the same time. the scale oi grants to ships newly eoinmissioniitg will be doubled: from
pending on
£l.tll)'£7titi (de-
the size of the ship's
in sick of the importance oi the fund to Royal Navy sport, new eiiorts are to be made to encourage contributions from the 64 per cent of eligible personnel who at present do not
Commissioning grants.
£25,102; commands and areas. £63,625; sports associations. £ii)-i.ti'.'S'. international sportsmen. £13.53]; capital projects. £17,601); bal:int:e. £l3.6l5. DCI
4 B7
Chiefs N.-XHES are listed by branch of those candidates selected for promotion to chief rate to meet expected vacancies arising in the promotion _\ear which started on January i i‘JH7 Any shortfall will be met by bringing forward in May the reserse selections \'ac:tncies will he filled as they occur in order from lite li_si.s. DCl(RN) 3237 IA Munster
Road. North End. Portsmouth. "ants P02 ‘IRS Trlr hone i0705) (i907ll
BULK ORDERS ‘~i.ik i-rdrr \i\lt‘lJl
.\ .\l
sJi.ll-\'LiC Ilisl}"1In.’i'.\lli'>i.1|"i lri.l:ti..ii.'.i'Ur.1':r ‘slcnso Mhtsh sup-rib range or (llIl'.'I‘I.lt'll'J st‘KIlplCl'C Jrtails on plat me sour piiiirrd eainiciiis Iiidisiduiii ur..'rr
I~"-i'HL'Jt.i!‘.' .inJ Vt rren
has been made but to maintain
in its first six years the schemes raised about £2-3ti,I)l)li, and allocations are listed as follows:
tor ---..r
°’l9lnal text Should be studied.
|r.iu' srntl
bging ‘lkflfl Ihg fun
more A .\l.-\J()R contrihutiori to
Lfgfstruciions service, the °wnf>t;t' in action
Sport needs
in the i1LIilUi.Is.‘lLiiiL' of off: sers' \lls".lltlL'r lxttlges, iii‘ wire to be replaeetl iii. cottoii is \i\t.t|\L' Lice \Nlli\.'il is less suscepiible to t.irnisiii:t_u introduction tsiii be progressise. starting, this _\L'.ti’. lor the Ro_\.i| .\l.irincs. .i smarter and more comfortable coinhat shirt ssill be introduced this _\L'.tf, .ts sseli as ilte re-
liein; intro-
that tlicse gariiierits still he sill-ttlL't iii .ippc.ir.i:icc .inil more tiutaiiic that the .ill~cottoii patieriis. as well as .i.'t'cptiiIg lirere~i~t.iris.\‘ ll'1.'-tliik'i1i 'l'ri.iis for No it shirts and trousers ii!ili'lUf.it.lUfI.‘Ll from f\.'t‘.I\ll'\ for use in stihiriariiics and interim are eontiituing. reports stltfgvsl that the nt.iteri;:l should be acceptable
with No
and Wrens concerned will be essential.“ There will be a r equirement for a limited number of WRNS writer (G) ratings to crosstrain in pay sttitis. Future employment for Writers (G). both before any cross-training and for those who do not cross-train is assured. DCI (RN) 1? 87
Aim at this "egl-"Of to give arflflfure ‘. 90
.-\n .t|icrnati\'e easy care n1ateri.il to replace blue drill in ‘-hurkiiig shorts is also being trialled. .—\ decision on the introduction of new rttaterials will be taken this year. with introduction oi garments in I08‘). dependent upon the availabilityof funds. initial introduction is planned for late this year til ;i s--neck heavy wool jersey as a compulsor_\' item of uniform in officers' (‘lass l and ill ratings' outfits. .is .1 rt-placenicnt for the round neck \L'l’\lttt1 The terse} ssill also replace the current l"l'U.tLl rib pattern in \\'R.\'.\' scales Ratings ilrcssetl l."i (‘lass ll utiiioint will continue to sseai the round-neck sersion
complements over a three-month period from January 1988. "This will be a period of some turbulence," says the announcement, "and the co-operation or all heads of departments, divisional start.
The aim will be to train all WRNS Writers (P). with the exception oi WOs(WTR)(P) to the same standard in (G) skills as they have reached in (P) work so that they C3" "" complement billets as WRNS Writers. Savings in complement: identitied from the introduction or centralised Bank Payment are to be realized by March 31. 1988. It is intended that bearings in establishments concerned will be corrected to the new
H trousers
E--riiiai .i;tept.ii‘.c-c tii.i!s sliouid he iiitiosiiiced pi’-'i:tL'ssl\cl's from i.ite l"\" \li-.riiu.iiii:. sep.ir.i:c tri.-.is “iii l‘e_eii'. c.trl_\ this _\c.tt of both sliirts .i:iil tr-I'.ts.rsr1ti.lL‘ frottta l‘!k"l'sl i\Il.‘*|i --F c-vii--.". .i.'itl
p--l_\ss.it'r .\‘itit«-i._g"i
FUTURE arrangements for WRNS writer categories are announced. with training changes required tor employment in a Unit Personnel Office.
Hang gliding THF. Sl7.R\'l('l-'.S hang gliding championships will be held on South [East Wales i'l_s'in;: sites between July 2‘? and August 2. based at the Joint Services ll.Itt_|: (iliding Centre. (‘rickhovscll JS announcement dated February 8
"Can I twist your arm?"
.'\'F\\' uniform badges are now being introduced for able and leading rates following the W85 announcement that RN and WRNS ratings in the Supply‘ and Secrr.-tariat Brartch Category are to dispI;i_s- their level of quaiiiication in aecordartce with the approsed Your-tier system. Badges for (‘l’()s and Chief Wrens on Scale A pay are to be phased out and replaced by :iltr:rn;iiii.es. and there are interim arrangements for able and lending rates who still retain the suffix CA. Badges" for other ratings remain unchanged.
gruei —
experience will
place at Service units in the l.IK. including H515 Dryad and
take RM
courses are being held by a number of saddle clubs. Full details, including dates and prices. are given for those snishing to apply for courses for I987-R8. Just one warning to those keen to keep their seat: “It is important that students attend
13.’ 87
Cold award THE CITY and Guilds of London institute has agreed that the award of its Refrigeration Techriici;in's certificate is appropriate for all artificers who hase successfully completed the course at ll.\lS Sultan. and passed the ADFRIG examination. DCI (RN) 6387
.-\l.l. THRIEIE .‘€ervit:i:s are being invited to enter teams in tlte Welsh l_tiI)(i a gruelling mountain race held annually in Snowdonia. This year’s date is June 7'. The race starts at sea level .it Aher on the North Wales coast. the course being one oi’ 31 kilometres crossing nine pealss.
.-\s the
announcement s.i_\s. "it is a strenuous event and eoinpciiiiirs need to be properly trained Total entr_s' is limited to 35 lise of them women. teams DCI (JS) I1 87 "
Salvage prize A S.-\l.\'.-\(il€ .'iw.'ird has been made to HMS Anglcscg.‘ ior to the frsliirig sesscl scrsices .\lill-ird Star on October 31.
Ills"-3 Announcement dated
encio:‘.-’_= crr.-cue
PO tor £9405 IUK and MP0; Pa,a:-I-210 Cc-rrwand Cashier L.KLF
Ftetum to. Soldier
Parsons House. Ordnance Road. AIdershot_ Hants GU11 2DU.
Breretanr blasts big mine in
Scapa I)1'Rl.\'(‘I
I-"low InIIIclIIInIing and seabed clc;Ir:II1I:u HHS BL'l'L'll‘Il nI:III.-d ‘A German L’-hn;II minc Tfillllv. of L'\Pl\\\l\L'.
:\x no I-III:III} IIImcl.I)InI: \lll‘Il‘l.lfll"|L‘\urn: knIwIn III lI.IIc
l‘L'KlL'll’.llI.'\! Sc.Ip.I It Is lhInu_u|'1I Ihr ltIIu}.InI IIIIIII: vI.I~. hltiilglll I:I by ll\l.ll \lYI.‘.I.lll\ .IlIL-I II hrnkc
flee: from IIx ~IIILL'r In IIc.Ir pcrfccl \.'l‘ll\llllI\ll\ Ihu '~\|l'l.H HllI)L' \~..I\ lIu'.II«:I| by l!llL'L'-\[ll.ll'lL‘Y\ml .1 mI1uIIfll.III.l III IIII; unfll] II! IhI: .II1clmr.Igc \'.'IIIl.IIIg uIIIh mu nthcr xlllpx HHII1 lhc llL'\\ (‘uI'IInIIulurc \1InI-r ‘~\'.II \'I_-swclx l|IIlIll.I. ll.\l.\ _\l.I\IIv:I .InIl H515 KI-|lIII_.;II-II. .InIl Ihc llII:II L'l.I\\ T\l('.\'l\' IIYHH ('IvtIcsn1I»IL‘, Ihc |lII::I'II-I1 cl;-.IIuI| Ihrvu I.II;\I-Ilnux, .I IlrI‘.l gInu:IIl Inmu. .’_IlIIIIlrII'.Il llL'l‘lI\ .InIl \L'\L'f.ll .1\ null .l\ mu nIu.IIInI: l\uII_\~ IicInI.II1 nIIIIc HI-I fIr\I l}L‘l.llL'l).ll‘ll. l.IcIII llI|l \.;I:Ih. \ll\L.‘\l llll Ihc l'llIl'lL' III p|.Iu.' .I Jlh pack of pl.1xIII:
l'\[‘lI>\|\IL' IIII ll‘ (.I\k' lhc Il‘..III:I' \\.I\ sII..'I'-~fLIZlj. III:-Il, sh.IIIcIIII_I: Ihc \-u.IpI!:l
Illhl llU!l\lH.'Il\ II! pzcccs II.I1;lII:I_I: up Ihc llrcrg-IIIII\ f.IIIII!I Hum of luv IIId:I.IIIuc
~l‘ll[‘ In hur «Inc: lc.I\Ing the RNR III
lust _\I:.1r III IIIIII the llL'\t f|.III'lI.I A Ml». H pr.IcIIcI: lllfPCllU_ fuund Ihc \.lHN.' Il.I_\', u..I~ pru\I:!'l'lL‘d In the 1.) ncx-. .\lu-.I_-um. III .IccnInp.Ir1} 1hI.' 9-pllllrc Cnginc .InIl gun». prc\IIIu~1_\ pru~cnII.‘d h_\ HMS llIlIlc~.l.II1.
"HI: shxpx \-H.'l’s.' I.ILing p.IrI in Ihc Third .\l('.\l SI1II.IIlrIIr1\
\‘IIu.IIlL'\ -‘*7 \\'hIlu In \'u.I;1.I Ihc Ilrcrcl-In uu—nIIlIn.IlcIl.1 clwuk-Ilp IlIII: IIII Ihc urucl-I nf HMS RII).Il ().Ik, xunk l\_I .I (}crII‘I.In \IIl\rI'I.IIIIIc III h'\L‘YL'l\L‘,
1")” l)|\t‘)’\ \\I.'l'L‘ .Il‘l-: In! confzrm Ih.It lhI: vsrcck. .I »\.Ir _I'_r.I~.I:, ll.!\ IIIII hccn I.IIIIpcrcIl “uh by U7l.lUlll\Yfl\L'L.ldncrx The sllllh rcturnud In Rmyth III mks part In lI'|TL‘T-‘slllp coInIu-IIIIIIII~. Includlng I-.\crcI~.I: .-‘\uLu.IId. IIII: flghnng. I_lcmIIlI— lI\|n\_ \l'lI>«Illflg .InIl \L‘.l \Uf\l\.Il lf.'IIl]ll'll.',, c.Il.c h.ILIIIg and .111 .I\~.IulI cuurxo:
.\'.-\\"i’ .\'F_\VS. .\l.-'\RC'll 1987
Removal expense
anomaly angers
\\'ll\' should ‘.\'O.s' and chiefs be entitled to retrioval expeitses for twice as much furniture as l’(').-s'.’ is
becziuse f’()s are supposed to have half the titiinber of people in their f.imilies'.‘ So asks a wife in a letter to T\’avy News.
PO's wife
repl_v outlining the official position acknowledges that the A
present furniture removal L'\pi.'nses system contains
.inori1.ilies and is “less than perfect But it also points to ;i rule which shows how some people might prove lucky should there happen to be a hit of spare room in the van This is what the wife wrote: "My husband was recently given a draft which will entail us moving from one end of the country to the other. We own house and intend our own buying another at his new place of work. "Although i realise we would have to pay solicitors, estate agents, and surveyors out of our own pocket. 1 at least thought the Navy would pay for the removal of our furniture. "Since looking into the regulations my husband has discovered that, as a petty officer. he is entitled to move only till) cu ft. of furniture, whereas (‘PCs and warrant officers are allowed lllli cu.ft. "I should very much like to ltiiow why the .\‘.ivy discriminates against us in such a way. Are the petty officers and below supposed to live in only half the .'Il1'ii)ui'll of space and have half the number of people in their f.ititilies" "
officers do realise that the present system of furniture removal expenses contains anomalies and is less than perfect. .\'egotiations are under way for the introduction of a revamped scheme which. if accepted, will benefit people in the position of your correspon-
"llowev'er. it is unlikely that
negotiations will be completed in time to assist your correspondent. and her best bet is to note the following extract
from BR 8587: "if the amount of furniture actually conv'i:yi:d is more than
the entitlement but less than the capacity of the van used, payment may be allowed in full provided that the claimant turnishes a certificate from the removal contractor that the vacant space in the van could not have been used and a smaller van was not available."
Century celebration
Oh, rather!
Fancy meeting
you here!
KIM VALLANCE tound there‘: no getting away from even though she is based younger brother Steven 8,500 miles from home. While Kim chose the Royal Navy as a career, Steven followed in lather‘: flight path and opted for the Royal Air Force. But both have recently tound themselves not only In the Falkland islands but also working in the Joint Communications Centre there for the British Forces. Kim is a Wren radio operator and Steven an RAF senior aircraftsrnan. Their lather. Chief Technician John Vallance. is based at FIAF Cotteamore. Lite in the Falklands is busy for the staff of the Communications unit. though both Kim and Steven got the opportunity to see something of the islands they help to defend. —
REVAMP "('onsidering_ the expense to sshicii the .\.iv_s are putting us. I
think the least they could do would be to inose all our iieloiigings for us There should be no discriinination as to rank and r.itin_t: in such niatters This unfair regulation .ind .in is should be cliatiged l'li;it is how the wife coiicliides her letter. So, are the teg_ul.itions unfair" Says the reply, ".\l()D staff
ceremony range
The Top Quality of personalised primed shirts
sAiLons'i:"i'iiLnnEN's soc—iEiY
home and through residential care.
widow: are and for homes
.ippreci:ition over
NULL NIX 7IJ. ‘Id. 95.1 ‘.3131
Parrot-I. Hot Mandy Ouuan Elircovrn,
Pic Ouom Mother
I042 Dale Street. Craven Anni
Shropshire ST? 91011
Tel. Craven Arms (058821
2103 & 2502.
Tllli R(')Y.v\l_ .‘s'.ii|ors' Rests urg:int1.'itiott has plzins to spend thousands of pounds on the kinds of accommodatioii wiiich, after thi: war. seemed to be no longer required l..iry.e-sc.ile premises were sold. but there has been a renewed need for accommodation at l’ort1.in\l .ind Rosyth .-\t Portland another I-lU,lll| is needed for improved facilities ;it the new Rest, but the Rosvth venture is likely to cost I-1UlJ_fKll| An important part of the Rosyth aim is in provide 1| haven for wives visiting husbands based there.
and decor.
Building plans expand
nu been helping the children of
often used to take me on board ship as in young girl.“ To mark the occasion Miss Smyth wore the ermine cape Queen given to the home Alexandra's Court. Wimbledon by Queen Alexandra for the oldest recldont to keep during her lifetime. Min Smyth never lost her love at the sea and is widely travelled. She spent her working Illa as a violin teacher alter studying at the Royal College of Music and later became a member of the Wimbledon Orchestras. Hot secret? "I've had at very but i don‘t drink happy lite or smoke so that might have helped i"
British Seaman. orphaned or tell in need since 182i. by mean: of financizi support to widows at
Lonely aged nufnrvrx
WHEN she celebrated her 100th birthday In February Min Ellocn Smyth, a resident for the last 40 years in the Soldiers‘ Sailors‘ and Airmen‘: Families Association home tor officers’ widows and daughters In Wimbledon, know the family was coming. But she was completely taken aback when SSAFA arranged for Loading Wren Jean Barlow and Able Seaman Albert Doo to help blow out the candles on her calte. "lt was A wonderful curpriso to be in contact with the Navy after all these years." she said. "My father was honorary vice-admiral and
'l'llIiR.‘-"R.\f community centre at Harcourt married quarters in li;ipp_v \';ille_s, lining Kong. has been reopened after conversion and refurbishment work. The ceremony was performed by Mr ‘fee Jun Nem. who has been the centre's hLll'f‘llLll1 for the last eight years. having serv ed the (fhina Heel (‘luh for "U _ve.'irs hit this one evening he handed over custody of the bar to the (‘aptain in (‘harite llong Kong (Capt. (‘ W (lotto). allowing him the privilege of drawing the first pint. Work at the llaircourt centre made possible by funds wzts from the (‘tuna l-‘leet ('lub_ and
has also been marked down for a centre to serve naval families during the day. and single sailors Ill the evening. in lhc -.pint of loundet Aggie \i\'eston. the annual {cptitl says: "There is much that we are hoping to do. but the ability to expand is consttainetl by the finances available 5-lay we call on your help and your support in prayer The report also expresses gratitude to those who have helped. including King George's Fund for Sailors and the Sailors’ and Fleet Amenities l-‘unds "
profits help
\'~'llli.\' (barge ('hief David Johns and his wife Diane returned to the l'K from the llermuda base HMS Malabar, they presented a cheque for £Z.‘)lJIt to .-'\letandra House. the Royal .\'asy‘s short-stay residence for Service children at
St lludeauv.
Alexandra House. whose patron is Princess .-‘\Ieundr.i, is well known to Diane from her work with the Helping Hands organis.ition in Plymouth. During her husband‘s two-anda-half _vc.irs as dockyard manager in Bermuda, Diane ran the Malabar souvenir shop. ll) tradition she was allowed to donate profits made during her time there to ;i :.'h;trit_v' of her choice. and she chose .-\le\at'idra llouse Up to nine children under Iii be accommodated at can i‘\|exandrai House. which also provides d.i_v care Children can be accepted at short notice and in circumstances calling for tenipor.ir_v lusts!‘ ance for parents Help is not limited to l’l_vmouth— based families. and the house mother can be contacted on Plymouth 36521)} by any Service parent wishing to use the
.\'.»'\\'Y .\'E\\'S. .\l.»‘\RCl-l I957
Residents want to
spruce up
quarters l5 TIIERF. it growing demand for residents of naval married quarters to he allowed more freedom to improve their homes‘? One resident who thinks so has written a long letter on the subject to l\';is'_y' News. First of all he described the "penny-pinching eutbacks" and "slapdash repair Jobs" liroiight about by’ lack of finance, causing frustration. he says. not only' to the families but also to the estate wardens and staff who have to plead "lack of cash" for being unable to do more. There is no intention. he says. to knock the staff. who he l‘t'lIl'\L's are doing their best against the background of fiit.inct.il restrictions "\\'ouldti‘t it be one possible solution." he writes. “for the .\lt) occupant to be given rriore of .I free hand with regard to intertial decor. thus bringing us into line with |oc.i| authorities who allow families tnore scope to make a nicer home for thcriiselses" "The restrictions at present imposed on nasal families towards home decor are. to say the least. stiff. the itiipressioii being “i'oii ll\l.‘ here. but don't alter aiiythiiig it has been like that for _\Cars is it not time for .i change of attitude towards the families living in qu.irter\"" The correspondent a leading writer serving afloat \ttti\'C\lL'\ th.it there are some l.i|'tltllL‘\ who abuse a quarter to \|ls‘ll an extent that they have to be charged for their neglect '
assume" he goes
"that those families are the rtiirtority. and therefore the iii.i;otit_s should not be made to stiffer the satire restrictions "'l here are families who vsotild like to do various things to their quarters for itiiprosellit‘t‘ll. instead of knocking on the estate warden's door every tiriie something goes sstoiig "there are niiiiterous callers .ibi-tit double glaring, fitted kitihetis. instilatiort and the like :\diiiittedly' these cost money. hut if f.imilies were staying in one area for .i length of time. work of this n.ittire may" just be worth considering for one thing to sase on fuel bills "Sonic Service families uiiiuld like to display their do«iii,
talents in showing what a nice home should look like. leaving mayor problems to the estate wardens. "Surely it the present \'ictoriiin attitude was stopped. allowing pcople to do more for themselves with their own money. it would ease the financial burden." The reader adds weight to his suggestions by‘ pointing out that "a lot of families, including myself. find themselves committed to stay where they are lising. due to children's education He also says he would like to see greater opportunities for .\l() occupants to purchase their homes. in .i way similar to local "
skimp hofiday
Don't on
insurance AT THIS
of year lots of people are thinking about holidays. .\lany' of them, p.irtis:u~ larly those going abroad on package holidays, will wisely be arranging travel insurance cosering medical expenses, personal accident. personal effects. caiicellation and curtailment This wide range of cover is usually ideal for a L‘l\lltiif‘I holid.i_s-maker but for the Sersice— ttt.m it is incomplete because the small print of the normal policy does not cover cancellation of a holiday for Sen.-:c reasons tinte
Tltose who want to insure against holiday cancellation for Service reasons should ensure that the policy contains wording along the following lines‘ "The insured. being :i member of HM Forces. having arranged lease cancelled due to the (.‘\lgt.‘flCtL"s of H.\l Armed Forces. V-sill be reimbursed by the underwriters for any unrecoverable payments for travel and accommodation if the pUllL‘}’ does not contain and most a clause like this don't appropriate cover can sometimes be obtained from a local travel agent or insurance broker Those who have diffi'
Duchess boosts Faslane aerobics I"/\§l.AiVl'I RN Wives‘ i-\.\so('lalion received the good wishes of the Duchess of York for their sponsored aerobic session which resulted in nearly £700 being raised for the Royal Scottish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty‘ to Children. Twenty wives tools part in the event. all of them completing it full hour of strenuous aerobics. As their classes started only lust August, when they managed just five minutes. this was reckoned very
good going.
Class members have been meeting three times I week (us
well in once I week for the wives’ Association) and their instructor is I naval wife, who trained in London. In reply to an invitation to attend the sponsored event. the Duchess of York. regretting than she could not be present. said that as a naval wife she wished them I very successful day in their dtorts to rnisc money for the charity. O Any naval wives in the area not already involved are warmly invited to join in the activities of the Faslane RN \i'ti'lv-rs‘ Associalion.
finding this special type of covet’ might like to inquire at the following brokers almut coverage possibilities for themculty
st.'l\‘C\ and their families. Bryan iirnck. ‘J (‘romwell Crescent, Worcester. WR5 ZJW (Tel. IN05 353692) ilayntzin Jackson insurance lirokers. Petcrsfteld. llants (it'll 3.ll. Robert (Ti.-l. ti7.‘4t) M4222 Hamilton. .\-linel insurance lirokers [.td. .\linet House. til-ti} l.ondon Road. Redhill. Surrey". Rlll ll.l. l'l’e| (17.17 72511 (Iiitt 233)] l’ Curran Ltd. listi West Street. ltireham. llants (Tel. 032‘) 2.152-HI). .\'aati insurance Services. College House. Upper College Street. Nottingham. .\‘(il ‘lil' (Tel. I161]: 41 l‘)‘Jl i. There are seseral reasons why Sets-ice leave dates can be changed at short notice. including the raising of security states and last-minute changes to ships‘ programmes So Sc!‘-ICC personnel who do not want to lose the money invested in their holidays should make sure theyare fully L‘t)\C|'Ctl as then: is no comps.‘nsatIon zivailzilile from public funds in normal circumsl:!nCt.‘s.
There have also been cases where Service personnel have been taken ill or been injured while on leave in foreign countries. Many“ of those It'|\‘(tl\'t,'tl were iI"|\ulflt.'lt:f‘ill)‘ insured or not insured at all against medical. hospital. and repairiatiiin expenses. These expenses be enormous. easily can amounting to many‘ thousands of pounds. Those going on lease outside the UK. including people travelling under the Concession farepaying or indulgence schemes (and their families). are strongly" ad-.—iscd to take out adequate insurance against hospital and medical expenses. Equally’ those people stationed overseas who take leave in a different country" from the one in which they are based should ensure they have medical insurance.
.\'.-\\"t' .\T\\‘S, MARCH I937
"What we want is real money over the pay table
lIlIt'1E'IlEl‘fl brush—up on se|f—he|p? WHILE much of the Navy goes down to the sea in ships. some sailors and all the wives find themselves on dry land. And the lives of those be it ashore centre. where possible. on home including the joys private or married quarters of decorating and removals. Items on our Familes pages this month reflect the deep interest in such issues. with considerable feeling, a leading rate (serving afloat but obviously dreaming of home) asks if more scope can be allowed for internal decoration of quarters by the tenants, Why. he asks, cannot people be given more of a free hand in such work? Less of the “Victorian attitude" would also ease the public financial —
burden, he suggests.
The drawbacks On the face of it, his case looks good. But are there drawbacks? Well, one family's purplewalled heaven may be another's psychedelic and could mean some radical Hades redecoration when the occupants change. Even deeper problems could occur if some intrepid do-it-yourselfer came unstuck during an ambitious spate of wall removals. And if tenants were allowed to pour cash into costly improvements like double glazing, what happens when the time comes to move on if they cannot buy their quarter. So perhaps the situation is not as straightforward as it might look. All the same, many —
people will sympathise with responsible tenants seeking only to improve the surroundings in
which their families live. isn't there room for a touch of compromise here? Meanwhile, a naval wife points to what she regards as an anomaly over furniture removal expenses entitlements. even asking if POs and below are supposed to have smaller families (and so less furniture) than CPOs and above. Doubltess reward should accompany promotion, but this must seem a strange rule to many. and the official view agrees that the system. now under review, is "less than perfect." Perhaps it is a minor matter compared with some on which a higher priority would be placed. But obviously it niggles in some places. If recollection is correct, it was the AFPRB which said that sometimes it is the small things which can have a disproportionate effect on one's overall view. Little things can mean a lot.
not these ruddy l.0.U.s from Centurion!"
Praise for Gannet's beavers Gosport TRIBUTE has been paid to the work of volunteers from HMS Daedalus and HMS Sultan in helping towards assuring the future of the only remaining British sloop of the last century.
in our February edition. the Gannct now looks to be heading for a secure future after many months with her fate in the halancc. Following a decision by the Maritime Trust. the plan is to restore thc ship in Chatham and than display hcr to the public. From lhc Royal Navy's" prcscnt ll.\lS Uimnct at l’rr.-stvock airport in Scotland. the commanding olficcr (Cult. K. I). .'\-laclticnzic) writes that news about a sccurc futurc for the ship is wclcomc. [Explaining that it was not just the decision of Maritime Trust that has siivcd her from a watcry grave: or the hrc;ikcr's yard. he .-\s
prcdcccssor through
the Gannct Society. and their co-ordinator. Mr. Graham Davies. has kept us fully informed of the significant progress over the years.
".\‘ly ship's company join
thanking the
society chairman. Mr. David Muffctt. and its stalwart members for their invaluable contribution to Great Britain's naval hcrilagc, and we wish them every success in further vcnturcs."
The Gannct
mid-Victorian warship, fully rigged barquc but with steam machinery and screw propulsion. Later she was employed for 57 years in the Hamblc River as an accommodation ship for Cdr. C. B. Fry's Nautical Training School which closed in 1967. Restoration is likely to cost around £2 million and contributions to the project would be welcomed by tho Maritime Trust at 16. Ehury Street. London SW1. was
a as a
"A dedicated hand of voluntccrs. the Gosport-hascd Gannct (lh7l'l) Society havc for the past four years given up much of their span: time and applied considcrahlc organisational. research and craft skills to cnsurc that such ii secure future for the ship was possible.
Daedalus. Sultan their inspiration and guiduncc, voluntccr tcams of artificcr apprentices and Part 3 Trainccs from HMS Daedalus and HHS Sultan ha\-c also hcavcrcd away at weekends chipping. painting and fabricating l‘urthcrmori:. R.‘-' cstahlishmcnts in thc arca h.ui: also applicd thcir skill to lahricaling materials to the cxacting rcquircmcnts of historical .iccuras:y. ".~\ny act-kt-nil visitors in thr: ship in rcccnt _\c;irs could not lail to ht: impressed by lhi: huhbuh of activity and the shccr dnsc :ind dctcrtnination of thc (iannct Society mcnihcrs. “Although thc main aim of thc socicty has hccn to restore the Gannct to her former glory. thc rclcntion of the ship at (iosport for public
"Working undcr
displ.i_v, post-rcstnration_
In this cnd thc \UC1L'l_\ making .I supporting C.t\C to
cflnrf in the .\1:intimc Trust "Thc t.lt..'L'l\lt1l’I to complete l’L'\lttf;llltIll at Fhatham. rathcr than (itvspnfl. has. thcrcliitc. conic .is ;i sad hlms to thc sucicly and Volll, of course. curtail thcir luturc ll'l\l|l\L'l'1lCl'll. It is :i mc.isurc ol their LlL‘kllC£lI|llll and contmittticnt. houcvcr. that thcy arc zilrcady planning to maintain close links with lhr: ship, and art: casting lhcir cycs around for othcr maritimc pnuccts to support in tht: Gosport ztrca. "Thc prcscnt HMS Ciannct. located at thc Scottish lntcrnational airport. Prcstwick. has maintained a closr: link with her illustrious
Picture Mu-rm Charles
CHATHAM Hlotorlc Dockyard Trust has launched a new firm called Hooter Ropomultors to continue the ancient craft In its traditional home. The 200-ynr—oId Ropcry. plctumd here. has been completely refurbished. at a cost of about £3 million. and the first order: have been coming in. Mn Paddy Nouham. the Chairman of Kent County Council. which lent its financial support to the two-your protect. performed the opening ceremony. A short ro-commlulonlng ceremony In the Ftopory launched the new company. out up by the Dockyard Truot. Ropomaklng began at Chotham In 1618 and the present. refurbished Ftopory was built In 1786. It was operational until the RN Dockyard cloud In 1983. The lorgoot building or its kind In the wortd. tho Flopory In more than 1,o00tt. long and 50ft. wide. The Ccmbrtdgrboood contractors
Slndall spent more than two yours refurbishing the Ropory. overhauling and repairing many of the structural tlrnbors, cleaning the building and made it safe from insect and fungal attack.
Local labour
to com-
plate the protect. including many eitdockyurd employees who proved Invaluable In being familiar with the use of large sections of timber: incorporated in the repairs.
The contractor: also repaired the old Spinning Room Bulldlng. Throughout the work rope manufacturing continued to be maintained. Among the first order: for the new Ropory were thou from HMS Victory. which was bulit and outfitted with flags. all: and rope: at Chctharn.
Peacock andWStar|ing deploy South
BEAUTIFUL Western Australia was the destination of two
ships of the Hong Kong Squadron in a "minideployment" giving excellent photo opportunities for LA(Phot) Vince —
HM ships Peacock and Starling first called at Geraldton, then Fremantle. where their visit coincided with the exciting linal stages of the America's Cup
Bunbury was another
w.A. port of call before the ships returned to Hong Kong via Ball
(South Java)
HMS Starling (above)
dip (right).
Do wn Under for the Cup HMS Starllng's bridge top an excellent vantage point from which to view the America’: Cup yacht races on Fremantie. The spectators Included a British Consulate party. members of the team syndicate ot the British yacht White Crusader. representatives of the British community and local guests. A
happy group
Right: Enjoying
the America's Cup final stages: FlO(1') am Glen. AB(u) Jim Snowden and HO(G) Eric
Princess? mission During visit to Fremantle. Princess Anne visited the Flying Angel Club. run by the Missions to seamen. of which she Is President. Ratings from HM ships Peacock and Starling. berthed close by. were able to make use of the club's extensive facilities.With the Princess are (left to right) LMEIMM) Alan D urgh. Mne Buck Taylor. RP Phllllp Amos and Cpl Chris Bryan. Left:
to HM Allied and NATO Forces and their families We
make your revel arrangements. whether it be Coach or Package Holiday
Ferry. Air. Rail,
Ourliornnanuonwlruuayounuusuestms-Iuwugu brig-hsulllghls an “ anu\9emeachooidddren's!I9flhchetsandbe.:ev‘metact-o: DFDS. Salty
Forces Concession Fares wm: Lane. North Sea Femos. Olau Line, Fred Oison, Seaiink and
Norfolk Lune
concession rates on
Plus the least expensive insurance pf8|TIUl'1'I3 available worldwidg 4 Inglewood close. The Nyellrnbers. Bognor aegis, West Susse: PO21 ALA Telephone one 257041 (4 lines) Telex 255371 uuu 427 -—
A look at work behind the st: Royal Naval Museum IT'S NOT all dust and hushed voices down at the Royal Naval Museum. A place of conservation and learning it may be, but there's no room for pomposity here. The team of experts who run the museum. led by director Capt. Ray Parsons and his deputy Colin White, are busy filling the galleries with a feeling of life and
The exhibits
are as
conoemed with the everyday sailor through the ages as with
Above: Lesley Thomas, museum registrar. keeps a record of every ltornthat is donated betoreltlsloggodontheoomputor makes some adjustments to a dis Cunningham and the Battle at Ilatnpan. Below: Over 20,0tX) photographs and 10,000 documents are stored in this room which to earetulty regulated for temperature and humidity. Guy Ktlrnlnster looks after all the photographs and albums, making turn may kept in good condition.
dry military history. Letters,
photographs, quotes and sketches bring the ghosts of sailors
long dead to life again.
itself has been going since June I911. the brainchild of a Mr Pcscott Frost, an Admiral's secretary and a ship enthusiast His hoard of naval relics. including the finest onllcction of warship figureheads in the country, became the backbone of the new Dockyard Museum. The
King George V and Queen Mary gave the royal seal of approval by visiting and presenting items, and in 1930 the King ripened W. I. Wyllie‘s great
Kilminster, the photographic assistant, files the photo-
graphs in non-acidic bags, and will often make a copy of an original for reference and display Loose photographs mirposes. stored in cabinets, but Guy can
doesn't like to break up albuinsso these are simply stacked on shelves. In the collection or 20.[IIl photographs there are some early
examples including glass plate
negatives, lantern slides and Dagucrroiypes. Any nitrate film is quickly returned to source as
this film, made between 19(1) and I930, can spontaneously combust! As well as the museum's own staff. a team of outside specialists is employed to help conserve and add to the exhibits. The wonderful collection of figureheads are
being restored
and re-coloured to look their glorious best. The work is done by a husband and wife team of Trevor and Ellie Ellis. Trevor is an expert woodcarver and strips the figurehead back to the h:irc wood, fills the holes, treats the wood itself and rccarves any damaged areas Ellie then takes over with her paintbrush and adds detail and colour. (‘live Knight builds beautiful miniature models and has made several tableaux of important events to
help bring history
Much of the museum's work goes on behind closed doors. The displays are, in Colin White's words, "merely the tip of the iceberg," Each item donated to the museum is photographed and recorded in a book and on the computer. It is put in a brown box which is labelled and carefully stored in an attic room that has unifomis check-by-jowl with fireanns, and houses the belongings of such famous old salts as Lord Louis Mountbatten and Horatio Nelson himself.
The museum's latest gallery is the Lewin Gallery which was opened last year by Admiral of the Fleet. Sir John Fieldhousc. It is named after Admiral of the Fleet Lord Lewin. Chief of Defence during the Falklands War and a driving force behind the plans for the new gallery. Here all the drama of the Falklands War is recorded with miniature models of the ships. both Royal Navy and trade, that took part in the campaign. and some larger scale models too. There are also two visuzil displays. one of which shows a photograph and gives details of every ship in the Royal Navy at the press of a button. and another which shows different areas of the ship and explains the work that is done there.
panorama of the Battle of Trafal-
This oomplemented HMS Victor_y_ which in l933 had been brought to her present berth close to the museum in Portsmouth for restoration. In July i938 the new Victory museum was opened and most of the Dockyard Museum exhibits were moved to the present site. Since then the store of treasures has expanded into more galleries and now occupies the ground floors of three Georgian siorehouscs. Even the floors are historic. being made from the timbers of apturcd 18th Century French gar
Below: Colin White with one ot the drawers of medals. Great efforts and personal conriectlona at all the are made to find out the his! rnodala, for purposes.
The modal collection is Colin White‘; particular pride and joy. Any medals are gladly received. particularly if they are accompanied by it photograph and brief history of the man who won them. They are stored in drawers and exhibited in rotation a marvellous record of human —
Nicola Scadding, who is in charge of document conservation. sends rare examples away to be de-acidified and strengthened. and ivheri they are returned they are sandwiched between acid-tree card and a UV filter. All the documents are stored in acid—l‘ree bag and it is hoped soon to record them on microfilm. Surprisinyy it is the older papers which have remained in better condition than the later examples. Before It'll} paper was hand—made of rags and linen and had its own inbuilt acid-free huffer. However during the lndus~ irial Revolution wood pulp paper with impurities that can't he removed was introduced, and this is much more difficult to conserve.
photographic oolleetion
in the same store as the documents. lt is important that the room is kept at the right temperature and humidity, as too much moisture results in fungus. ‘and too little makes the paper very brittle.
Lott: AB Re
In the new: behind a
Below: In th
NAVY NliWS, .\l:\R(.'ll I987
Right: The tigurehoad of HMS Asia which was restored last year shown here stripped down to the bare wood. and tar right. after repainting. HHS Asia was the flagship at Admiral codrington
and took part In the battle of Navarino on October 20, 182?, the last major battle to take place under sail alone.
splendid portrait by Thomas Hudson ot Admiral Sir George Poooclt who conquered Havana In 1762. This is a roan! acquisition for the museum which bought the painting with the Left: A
assistance of the National Art-Collections Fund.
Below: Alan Goodeari. research assistant, at work with some of the unitorrns. The jacket he is holding belonged to Capt. Arthur Cochrane. tlrst commanding otticer at the Warrior.
Photographs by Bob lrwin ot J. A. Hewes. and LA(Phot) Tony
Thomas of the Fleet Photographic Unit.
Flint ot HMS Victory studies a large-scale model of HMS Invincible min Gallery. Admiral oi the Fleet Lord Lewln was a driving force ting up the gallery which concentrates on the Falklands War. attic storeroom technician James Anderson sorta through some at the museums collection at swords and cutlasses.
Moor to this than meets the eye THE MUSEUMâ&#x20AC;&#x2DC;S most. exciting new acquisition is a letter signed by both King Charles [I and Samuel Pepys. it is a husinexs document appointing .1 certain John Ruxuell as hnatswain to the Princess. The letter makes very interesting reading as it reveals that the previous hoatswain had been dismixsed tor emhenling.
Captured Russ-ell's appointment was a special one made in consideration of the fact that he had recently been captured by the Moors while on the King's service and cnmpelled to pay his own ransom,
The letter will join the museum's collection of Stuart naval documents, including those signed hy James II, Prince George of Denmark and the Lord High Admiral.
Exhibition it is planned to display all thexe documents in the Stuart section nt a new exhibition due to open in the autumn. Entitled The Rise of the Royal Navy, it will cover the period 1-4&5-i793 and will trace the development of the Navy from its humble Tudor origins to the the age oi Nelson. eve of its finest hour â&#x20AC;&#x201D;
N:\\’\' NEWS, .\I.r‘\RCII IUH7
Slow but sure 22s for fly 'l’Yl’t-I 22s are the largest and most powerful of the surface warships under construction by the Royal Navy. Leo Marriott in the fourth of his “Modern Combat Ships" series. has given a complete appraisal of these vessels. their history and future. design and function.
Type 22
Vivid view of tactics I (iI{ .\II'R Rri).il .\.i\'} rIffiI.'Ci' (_'liiis Miller has tcanicil up with his I‘lIlIIlL'I. (‘Ill I).i\iil .\IIllt:i. III prmtticr: vsllai is rlaimed to be "the first a|i»i.'n-siinipassing modern naval l sariiirialion oi i.s.irf.ity_-_ ships iaciisx out‘“l‘ l"l""‘-""l' ("““"m“"' ill‘\I|I\t."s
Afndrnr Naval (‘mnbaf
text book of
photographs, but easily digestible one. and
facts and an ii
mine of information.
\i‘v'hr:n the Labour Govemmeni was elected in I964 there was :i r:omp|i:ii: reappraisal of Britain's role in the world. It had been clear since the Sue: ('risis in I956 that Britain was going to have to reconsider her "Mm," ‘H 3 “mld_w|dL. p“wfl and with ml. Change in “,m_ mflmcnu me rule “I me Roya] N_.“.). and "K. nmun. “it ‘he ship‘
required would radically.
base to
\,H.“._ p,._."_.nu.d
l-i‘liiIIlt‘, VAIIII IlIIIl\lfl‘ll\ of full-
slow and it was not until I972 that a general outline of the design was complete and a contract was placed by the Ministry of Defence with Yarrow shiphuilders for detailed
The first Type 22. HMS Ilrii;idsvsorii_ was launched in i'~l7(i. and was the first British warship without a gun as pan of hcl’ "15"" 3”“-'”“9"I- hcf '-I9"-‘"39 'cl!l""8 ““ "'""3'lc
‘Y‘"~‘"‘5~ lxwsng imuvncd dunng 1|“; FiillililfllhW3’ hi"? I’-‘*1 I" 3 version winch will carry a gun. The Iirroeets will be replaced by American Harpoon surface-
.\’A\"t' NE“-'S. MARCH i987
:1 Books
5°§3 CO 3-CD38¥ 3it(D EQ)3 5"W 7?S39iQ) 9: I
BRITISH naval plans to
in 1854. raters to
a scheme by Thomas Cochrane, the retired Admiral Earl Dundonald. cochrane's scheme Involved an assault on the Russian naval base of Kronatadt in the Baltic. He
proposed to the Admiralty that allied troops land under cover or a
smoke screen an innovative tactic at the time and that "sulphurous craft" would belch —
out tumes to overwhelm the defenders and cause panic in St Petersburg (now Leningrad) 16 miles away. A committee was formed to consider the plan. and advice was sought from the most eminent scientist at his day. Michael Faraday. He confirmed that Cochrane's
correct In
"Burning sulphur
will provide
N.-\\'Y .\'E\\'S, MARCH 1987
CALLING om f-a.otu.E7oud'1.trornP0A(A:-1)‘r.Non9orL P01‘ Moos. HMS Duooulus. Luoon-Solurl. Goaoort. HNKI. onaounng suu Wlvua and gun tnonus wolcorrla
HMS Corrluull I339-42 Auoodatlon unnuul ruurl-on on bouro HMS Pvuu-dorl. Sulurouy Apr-I11 Iruunoulo Sacnlury. E A Lunqlord. Woulrury. 1 wurun Svod. Lunnurn, Korl HEW 201'. HHS 50000: 13446. Rounlun arvbr. nr. Cluwu. Got-V3‘ HJ Hobl.
O'1o:riroSW25PU.Forl:dwtu.oor1tudMr R Royuu. 30 Coneul Hul. Uoour Nonuood. London SE19 101'. no
Alr Gunnon Auuoclatlon: 23 lE 1 §
Fighting Gloooootur Club 1939-41. Thud
Pryrrlouanmuu-y23.cnrun1I' Rol 51 N-chain‘ Choral.
Stowurd Ctuurlord. 22 Third Gurduns. Durnbracl. Gluugow G41 SNF (tel
rounnon l'I u sol-noo u:
I200 Trout: avauuola from John Slalom. Prulldunl. 20 Barlo Gurdonu. South Ocxondon. Euuu: RN15 SOP
uvunoodlovAanl2slromtI3ou:lhuCml Service Chm. Grnl soonund Vurd. London SW1 Lur1ch,arIr1uandupoo-dnutlor. IDOL1
[lo mas Paladin: Over 60 rn-amuara attended urn-ur-or1ctr\r1nrulmaLJnnonJac1:Cli.io:r1 Janury Shoornutos from one: Pduss oosvo-yon. HMS Domuumro and HMS CoI'nwuluboul1ofi0od ThoAGMvvIba "ed M: curly Suf"\P'|Q|' Anyone ash-ng to yom mu assoc Alon §7\3u|f_I Contact Frat) Parity
13 Syoonnurn Road Br-oqwatw Somerset TA6 GOD lllr OI‘?B~4?l64|)
Iliad to oonua Mr Bluu Sarnmu, 21
HMS Swuot.bI1ul:Tho 20th raun-on w-Io-o Wuy Halal. Minder broug'1of1ADrI2I-25 Fovou1atsocnu|dR hold :1 the Murton
I8 Churdlfiulou. Tnrylord. wincnosw SO21 INN [l'.u| 0962-713776; RNA Hoopltul shorboma: Al suit and pabanu umo wore I1 U1! houcnul amrlg U11 warwouldbuwulooI'hou!l‘IuunruulrounIo'1 Fo' nouns contact Mr: D in April Scone!-old, The Bungalow. wmng street, Buxxud. Bod: LU? 9111’ Ho-:-Iv“o_ L
7) U01 0525-?‘ Old luuutrlunu Auaoclutlon southam Brunch: Thu AGM and rourhon val was place IO Iho R-oyll Sailors Home Club. Doom Slraol. Portsrnoum. on March 14 at 1300 For oouilsc-ontactw W Gnrrmu,134 Barrxstxiry Close. New Muioon. 50-l‘7Qy KT: 585’ [IN O1-949-4l45] ‘rho Cornbmad E: Sonrloou Aaaocluuon
All on-offlourl. und rungs wil DI wvloomu. Conua mo Om-ctRNA MrH C B-rown,&0DunloyFloud_Durvo1. .
Glou. GL11 SPF
Mus Shdffluld (Duo) roumon oonnrmod
Romlllurvou Ior noun In Mr! A N|cC1uflorw, 61 Blly Luwn Avunua. Lough Pm. Hruvuri.
Hurt! P09 SHL Flam Air Arm Aauocluflon:Yocmnon Ind
Dorl. live cl‘ hum an-Wronu, ut the nuuguful
Hounouona Furl-meat’ Club. wrsora Mun rnuoongs ml an hula on Inc mm: Tuoudu ol auoh monm. uumng ul 2000 Al an- AA porlornol mood to pin HMS Jackal: Rounnon to on hold Su2ur—
.‘D0OurI:IrnodrughtonMay231%T,aos1lI7 per head Furthol oouurs Iron Boo Hutton. 1! Burmucnru Drrvu, >+olor\sDur-gn (tel
day. Mays Fullooludsl‘romHu:oldKa|d'1ul|.
Hamplon Cour! Avenue, East Melony. Surroy KTB O30 Ex-CPO Tel F Huquu. 75 Woodland Onvu, Anluby, Hull_ North 58
Alruufl I-lundluru und usuoaulod of?-oars
unthowcyrnoum Slruvuay March 28
WdIlon:L.uy1ng-up undouécuhoflol ma ufuo'u bull I: hang urrungodtor Iarlnqor oun1uul'rw1'IorulWonor1uI'\ourEd90.G|0u. HHS
Cor1'vwul(lol 0579-502$)
lltrrulaos aooloornu For dotulls cofud Lnut Ponce 0'1 Rosyih Haul Base on 4310 HMS Anblopa: 196? ruumon wnl lune blocs at the Fbol Clua, Dovonood. born-aoo
Sorvvcuut ‘lO30urn lnIh0Chufd'1olSl N-chains. HMS Drune Achrur-co nooficuoon to wuuoy Wl!0I'|. Hurrouourrow, Culnguon.
lurldsroun-.11n;)l-urv1odlorApI'1l3ut20O0 In the Un-on Jack Cluo, London Ladies und
Jooi and
H Cuvullar (Flral commlaulon Iblldfl: Roun-on ll Bngnlon Juno 20. 5-‘tomato: not Aroudy on tho rnuunq nu should conlud Nor Roonaorx Tn:-nan. Halbfl. 0:901! OX9 IPZ (Id. @677-382) HIS So:Kh:Ayvur1dProsMIdtbrundIoV u raunon of Ihu RNA is hopnng to
HMS Soon-I.
ax-A-nor-roar: cl
Hohduy Cum
urhara mu uvanl
would Luna pluca Ina! mu your Ccmuc! lha nor
Huctcuy, Ayrvura
WI Brandu moat.
I4 Mucflud
RN Commando Aaaoclutlon unwuul rounan und Lam wll luau pluoa u the Huflon Halal, Qanoon. Scotland. onMuy1e
FIN Cornr-nunoou and bouoh pumoa wl Do urwuua-d ut Ina Omdoor Eaucunon cortru.
Ardour-ny_ Scotland lnqonnuulofi Fuoanoa_ I3BroacMu1.urGurduru.Hurufiu|d.UI1:r\o9a. M-om. U89 ON. (Isl 089-582 3656) nus suvugu: Thu Mm ruun-on ml bu hoIdu:maYownHuI.Bl.non—on-Yronton Sutunluy. April 11 Al wulooma Contact Moi Bugaun, 7 Wordsworth Avunuc. Suvudhnoolu. Buflon-on—TroM. Sum (|al M83-2137M) HHS uvorpool Auaocluuon: Tha Iounn unnuul ruun-on wl oa hula on Soluvduy, Junu1J v1 mu P03‘ Moss. HMS Nobon. vommoum For ouuua contact Sacarulary John wants. 2 Road, woruuloy. w Mounds ova sx.l (tol 035-I-71064:. HHS Onrlvlllu 1917: 50-your raumofl on Oolooor 17-131937 Foraouuoanua Ta-d Saul tlol OMB-62B39:orwr-uutoe_Bngr'i\cx1 Road. Hofshurn. Won Sunni: RHI3 SDE HHS P0119009-a: Any at-Panolooo Iurvl~ v0I’Iorral.ulrvouIrlorvutudu'IurourIonr1ux1 you unouid oonuu (with no) mo Saaaury cl‘ mu RNA Brunch. Jlfix Wlhunu, 396.
Lymum Road. Bloch-pod (lul 025.3-H157) NMS Wuuounon: MOMS
Hang Kong
rounonlubIonrIl.'\u uxlho Oooroa
1P1. or tulupnona Mam 321560. HHS Stygian: Mr Don Pnlclnurd wurls Io hour from my unomoun and an of HMS
HMSHoroururdwiDoholdu!T'\oR-Uyul FloalCkaa.Dwonoa'1.onMurch2I!a:7:)o Sty-gun wununq pm.l'oIowodov1Murcn29byuMotr-omg Cr-ollonhum on
ol Brtdllngiorlz A rrulvury woo-Iona in! be hold in and-rv-won cm Juno I9~2l. Al anuumou um lnonds wohocu-nu Enquiries to Mrs Eiloun Youd. 25 Bolgruvu Road. DI ton HR Endurunoa Auoclnttonr A Fun-
Havurfiola Guroons. Kur. Sunny. TW9 308 Also those who survoo n HMS I..amur1lon. no wv-non Humcun-u yup u oorruany w-om trumlurvodvmol'lIhuuI'u.hor1'1DodInLrvotpoolIn
HM ahlpu Bonuvumuru und Horuurard (1941): A roan-onol ourwvors uno lumnlunol HMS Bonuvunturu and of thou roscuua ol
purbmluny lnoia. Conan, Hotuuuao. Jacuon
DruAo.11(X)|0tov~0dDyubu1‘!o(burulho ur1d17.OnmauoondduyurnumorIulho Fluyun Road. Dovoroon. lrorn
Gnflon Cub.
oontuct ax-Vwaiuuu mm.
Hurnoursado HU10 7HN.
would hit to
Io unand mu ruunlon in 23 wrxalaoonama. to Hunrusmulo mt. Glououoar Rood.
HIS Dornoch: A raun-on has boon Drnooua lot Ihnol curnourvy of tho Iorrnar Flout mruu-«our Oornoch. mm! oflrharn wuro horn Gruulur Munchauw und Livonnool Thou -ntorautad pbusa ooruct Norman Huvnun. 4 Ron Bruu. Mouby H-ll V-NV"D0O' LIB GJX
HHA5 Anne: En-AB P 51 (Booty) Krvi. 24 SI Cooorouh way. Portucu. Porurnoulh. who was nannnq in HMS
Gomuu1D55—56 wrung Fur Eu!
L31’ 35153“ (flonlrill, 1945): Mun:
194345) ma v-599.-u.11BrIy'IonAwuo. Asruoruan-Muruoy. Sula, Quururu M33 5HF (bl.081v97344&).wou.kIisu&:houboI11 old momutuu wan u new to u out-Iooulhur Hlls Mawcuatla [I954-65): Ron (Poly)
wwld Ito Io hour horn
Portunu ol 8 Thu Inlundu. DIVOfllly_ NoI"U'lAl'll NNH ADE. HUN I10 I) oontuu um-ona who was in lhu anolna mom dual. 308 maaa HIS Bunulck (19-lo-ll): Bomurcl A (Tw-unky) F-hwy at 131 Donouiur Rood. Ln-ooltur LE4 GJN. would I-uu to hear lrom my ol nu old uhlurnuluu HMS Noluon (W39-45): Honor (Bach)
Bunon uno cc-urn PIOAIO umh Io 113
Runhum Wly. Frrnon-on-SCI. Es-D01 UC1a Couruo. HHS Vernon, 1962: Dunn (TIN) Junluna. Cor. (med). an Lury Pun.
Bruoa Hoovv. Bun Bryunl U13 omar
07OEr26555I rohroncu 25!‘!
Donollhaoourloiooorulucthirnon 28. 1987
oobolubonu on Mural
Duncan 1964-45: M! J H
Tuylor lo:-RM
Paaruon. ol 54 Mobaumo Avanuu. Oovur. Kati CTIG ZHU bl KIM-202835) wunoslao
7']. H: Shaw HMS Culadonlu I962-la: Waupon modwuuum who quulmud u.! Culaootu Donavon Junuury 1962 und Junuury I968 uro and to contact Churha Duns, I Hllvlow, lJplooon,8ndpor1. Donor DTo AF-‘F (Poworflocx 2165) re Woupon Mochurauunu Auuocunon 2531 unnnnruury rvurvan wouncuhoulu: Will vao Sign Roburbon lcuooululwno lulu uanurarrocltlo Ragulunng
who union in HMS Euolu acct. purbculafly soumon
to oonuct with
vlalnrv UK Iov
mm old
frld-Hly would waloorno Ihornubs
Whurnu. 395
nu Jaot
LY‘U\um Road. Blactaool (tot ozsa-44157) Sid Shlnnor: Arthur Hooves. arr-l..AM(AJ_ would no nova of Sad Saunnor. on-L.AM(A:_ wruosorvodwrr.-urumina-cesqdn-nHll.l shlou Tucker and Trurnpotur 11943-45: und Porsous (194546) 021-154-6335. 20 Colour! Road. Station 875 7AA Tutlootfl Hcro Pouav. a:~Sl.oi.or. would
Moms{5r1oMn),v‘nu Osoou-na.MuryFunIm
HBsRooo|umon(1ioO4J):ThaoJoughn (Joqa)ol137 Monloornary Rood, launch. Sullolh. would I-ku Io contud uny old dun Mu-mu cannon
Gannon 19:37-8 HIS Loloton: Mr 0 Butt! ol 89 Victor
wouiohkalotraaaarnarusolhutucvurawrao Iorvod wun hum I1 mu I1 1961 (Isl
0482-228343). nu mu-hr
Hlcsllono-n19-I2-|6:MvA GnfIit.'1s.u-
Lnq $10 08 Pu-ty. or 158 Bryn Om. Wrun.um.Oaryu.v-culdlkulohiaukorn unyonu of
upocuully Lag Sta:
and Jordan oi Brutal um Jonruon
cl Hul you Hus Euglu
(Anon Docombov 1965;;
Dmu. Shaw. Olmum 00.2 TYE would I-ha
oeus (1940-45): Any many: phone Ron Suvaull ol 7 Brookmurll
Avoruo_ Lnun Thurrodt. Guys. Esuux not D375-38.2792). ouptuully Armur Wulhundga. from Lonoon
NUS Culadonlu: Mr Ranuld Gal. 40
Wulsh HIS Kulvln (1942-45): Ex-ERA Kan om
would III In hour from und
Harry. Curl, Doug
194950) HMS czoooarn 195053. orunna I953. HMS Obdurutu
D790-B22664) ‘.953-56.uIIdurlyO|'I0llfloOdbyhImwfuluu'I (bl.Ls? 403 and
Ina Samoa Tho Chuu. Suaund Avovuu.
W-uliord. Euuux Tol Widfiord 762153 I-III uuhmurlnu solona. soonu Docu-
L81’ 3506 (Full Euut INS-Ia): E:-AB Enron ol 43 Show Houuu,
1948 nm: Log Sn Hobby zlrd. Gnonocl. and 510 Frank Jurxaoa. hourd of n
luul Mr S oontuci piano
Bu Novllu Rood. Pouounuvun. Sun-
BN9 BPH (lol Pouounuvon
2037) 3troud5uacnootu:‘l‘lvuyurmurulrw HllSSIVIr\mrn.Huwl:uB31uMry.Nov. 50111 ulvvvoriury 0! ma oornrruuanorung h ‘IB83:RoutxaRao-arnurId5IavuChurrvIofi 500bIl"4:IO!'l93?d511'u.K1ur1dDtutI:l|.kIl would Hula houtvurnduusmuluuwwtu oll:'1uSouCao-Icarouundthuunuwtuhos rouruon-nmuu C.orIuc!CWEM(Fl]Haoaru. HMS Cohngwood (Isl 0705-51510:! hIz)I'llduur1\unyulr<:uouuul'I1Irltl'\.Ic!ors sox
,utonau.unooootuu nurruur\oLlout.—Cdr RNH (uommunong
lSOCl Juflray rwor o!hour).Pu-ilold.vunDarBruan.B-uluy,nou
A Home from Home for Sailors at Aggies
Sxroud. Glou GL5 TBP (tol 0-I52-770607)
When Aggie Weston loundvd hcr Rests ova-1 lllll ymrs ago she saw the need lot «\"HntT1~.‘ from Hr)r1'11'” u.'h\'t\‘ ‘§.}l]Ul"'s u.-nuld land :1 wvlcmnc and tnrnp-xnmnshtp Thu Rvsts have changed over the gear-. but tlww pf‘ll'lClpl\'S sttll hold guod Come and scv us Yuu w0n‘t hnd any hour but ynu wt]! land -..nmc:hlngth.1lu.1ll man‘ than mnkv up for that Further lrtlorrnatlurt can b\‘ r)11l.3lm'dftnn1 flu(lcnurul Sccu'l.1r\_.'. 2.-\ South Stnwl.
NUS Orton; Mru Nelda El‘-an Duqoula. I8 cuanou Stnol. Sarlurbn Purim. Soulh Aunruhu. 5044.
trying Io
trocza ho! brulhur.
Royal Mannoslur12y9«uvuur\dwuu.nH|o|S
Orion dunno no second wort: wur HIIS Horn Mr Edwin I-larhnqml-1, 1 St Luonurdu Close. Bunouo. Harvard. ruocuod by the IM: 0'! Kulamutu allot mu uvlcunbon
olGrauco.w-uuldl-kuk)oont.uc1urryorIuumo sorvodinthaflaroutthnhno
llyulury budga:
Tm-0-dos" Swu-nu Luna. Bovvbr1d9u_ lulu ol Wlghl, PO35 5S‘l‘_ is noolunq mlorrnubon uzxmt u rlon-subsuntrvu FCI lF-"ire Control tut Gun”) on buhu. at u CF05
widow lrldaumuld: Mu
Jayne Duvius
Nuunnrl, noar Chullurlhu.-11. GL5-4 BAD. -I try-lr1g to contact an-Wron Vuru Bard. who wuu bndtumuld ut hut rruthulu .
(‘iospnrt Hunts P012 IE5
Khadtvo lumull: Mr
Huron. I2
Roal Sai ors’ Rests
Comm: Road. Davyhulrnu. Urmsinn. MMchuslor. M31 JYJ. rosourcr-no ma loss of the shin. would was to contact WRNS survivors Irlah plan: Mr Put Sw-annoy. 41 LaunLoouonS1ruot.Du1:-n2.wr-orsr-orlodnorol lhu MIMIIHIO Joumul of Iraand. would woloorno .n1o"1-man uo-out the Saar-urn lrlsh Dostroyv Fbulu 0' ma RN, I923-35 :Mr J W Mount 93 Bouflra
Rlnlun Hand. Chudwol St Mury. Gr:-ya. RIH6 lHD_ would like to COMIC! Any P0830’ urth u may ol Am-urul Bounya rnossooo Io
thauhnouoorrvunyolHM5l_u)n_utl:'\at.lmu ol ma Gorrnun Flour: surrender
Fulruy Swordfish: A.rrcru.'( No WS856 is hung mslcrad at Srrulhullun Musuurrl
und AnlormuNov Gura'1ur_ T4 RAF Wutbunurrt. Ppsmch lP7
tun most welcomed
by pl
Wulchorun; Mr D Klnsl-1. 6 Fool Dnvu.
. DNITZPE. xutryng Dlonuluu Opiuvanon. by Csuruld Ruutrlqu uncut mu Wulchorun Irulijrlqa in
lY)RT$.'v9()U'T‘H Cam-d-.-n H-n1 Don-n xm--1 [)9 \'()‘.'\'H )RT r‘\.T-'1'! Rn-id FKSI AN! R()‘1‘t'TH ('.m'lI,(vrk} H -1».Hrn\.'.P\ R.-xl "47-"» Tull Hm-1 ('-(')‘.*'a5'\"Il~1‘.T Rnmm-9 ml. lnmrngc Ian.- \'l'.()\.".I.Tl_>.‘u T)-v COP..ip' llxhursln Pl YMOUTH '5! Hudvau: Rum! Fun"-' {Kirk H41 5! flmdraul lf.!r.'Irl5c-9 0:11;! v
copy or --cmoomu
on HHS Daclordulwa; Mr Jim Fruul, 26A
when ha noon
Red, Yellow. Pink, Grey
ADULT SWEATSHIRTS £7.50* Pink, White. Red. Yellow or Grey
Sizes: Small, Medium,
Large and XLarge
corwuyuncu tor
Wu loooou: Mr Ed
Sizes: 22, 24. 26. 28. 30 and 32' ‘Prices include U.K. postage; for overseas (including Republic of Ireland) please add 10%. Payment by International Money Order in £$lerling please.
Red. Yellow or Pink
.'\'umb(r ora
to be made
payable to
to a
We -II\u| mmulururr uncnguu-.2 Rcgulgtuin 'nnul luuc ('.Il'.\ ul E.‘ 2* um! xundnrd chum at L.‘ 25 F--stag: ‘Up Spec:-ll dncnurlu Iv! R 5 Annuaz.am,(n.k11‘n.u, 5:: $..»u-. l'r..w;n and ;.urv« on A[‘f‘«w:llzIII'l ¢rtd.t u.-dx n.L(;*‘.<d '
rmnaluyoru Harumun. wuhhrnun. Luttonu. Apollo, Anualo And Abdul us noon-porutu In u
unocdotau uboul tho boohlul
Sihcr-Pl.ulu.-d Cull £II.50 224.1. Gold-Plulrd Call II-L50 Polished Brlltl & C0998!‘ CI" £7.75 Nickel-Plated CIII 17.35 lngunng (I pct line u! up tn 1! lcltrrs and spun luplluls cnunt at It Mull Add flip plnugt. etc We ulrr. ut Icium -I! pin! 14'!mum J lmu (I (uh udc)
Please allow 28
hlxronml notes. and
Supplies from: Business Manager, NAVY NEWS, HMS Nelson. Portsmouth P01 3HH. Cheques and postal orders to accompany orders.
PRESENTATION CALLS (Regulation Pattern) ‘make really great GIFTS or AWARDS
with Ndmt. Rank .i' rnuxngr lgirfnerul. ._xf1crr.')' INGR.-\\'ED In prummnon box with mardw-lg Slim neclvcham.
hour trurn any old IrloI'rIu‘bu.
ml. 021-475-6023:-oulcnano
Lacy Hogum (1941-42). nu
Ind HHIH3 I040 102:k(19C3-44) (1945): (Ghoul Ogden. 21 Donna!
unona room aunt who
rornamoers rum.
no no oonud old |h¢rV\uloI from HMS
Amon HMS
Maul. of 244
And luuool Arldoruorl
at-prmzuu Aluo 22
HHS Hovounu ‘II-I5: John Nuwton. ax-AB I-‘Ion-onu 1945 now runny in New Zuulund.
Cockbu-rx PO Box 067, Somoru-at was 7130. C000. South Allncu HHS Wotnoubr Fabmury I2. 1912: ilk E W Vumon. 507510610091 Rood, Thotvul, wurnngton. cnosvuru. would no no eoruuct Any
canunuvov-on noun, Srwrllnu. would In In oomud B-I Nuoay) Duy. Fruoaa und Kun O‘ or uny omar rnamour ol ma outuav-norm Tal srwm-la 555366. WRNS Duchuuu of Kort: Burradu (19049) and Anton cabin. soumauu: Lwran Mury Ellzubuln Tuylor (nun Mocorrnachl. would In no contact Shuiu
cnrluct Nu old
MIOQHT. uoulahxulornurlru-1'ILCKM. Couculo. or unyonu who knouu rum HMS sunornarun. ax-Hills Duy(Fui-Euul
und mutt: b Frurnurliu una P0117‘! odors ht Morwloolo Iliund A-bomb Itstl. wnuhaa Io lruca Arthur Glbtn. who wus Dofw-lg in HMAS Anzac
Mccumy (ABET)
cm-Icy Avonuu. Mouton,
Dom. MN. Fun-ry Wants. Furry
.\'.-\\.'Y NlZ\\'S. .\lARCll 11:57
Golden days ahead for Portsmouth A GREAT welcome awaits‘ sailors. young and old. in the newly refurbished l’ort.smot1th RNA (RNOCA) Club at Lake Road. which celebrates its Golden Jubilee on August 22-23. welcome is also extended to delegates attending annual conference at HMS Nelson on June 21. who will find the old club premises changed beyond recognition. to meet all tastes. from weekAt zi cost of £l75_fi(itI it has end dancing to coach trips. to been given it new lease of life. inter-club activities. the club reflected in a growing memberA
of l.tII) The spacious.
elegant Iflltflur can now conilou.gbly scat over 4m, and offers every facility. including a private bar upstairs
holding small reunions family celebrations.
for those
social programme
Search for tales of Yeovilton l\ll~'.M()RlES fo the first commissioning of RN air station Yeovilton in 10-31] are being sought for possible inclusion in it book being planned to mark the st;ition’.s Stith anniversary. The Society of Friends of the Heel Air Arm .\iuseurn at Yeovilton would be grateful for stories and photographs from that time. Please send them to Coniriiodore W. J. l-‘lindell. Society of Friends of the FAA fviuseuiii. RN air station ‘fcovilton. Somerset BA32 .sll'l'
for serving and es-serving members of the .'\';iv-y. the WR.\'S. the Royal Marines, their wives, families and friends. and new members are welcome. Portsmouth branch commissioncd at the Mother Shipton pub in Twyford Avenue. on August 22. I937. Members subsequently met in a wooden hut in Pitt Street. Unlike today‘; club facilities the old premises offered a bar made from planks and wooden crates and drink was served from a barrel. Such milestones will be recalled at the anniversary celebration which will also be marked on Sunday. August 23. with ti ceremonial parade. following the rc-dedication of the branch standard at St .\fiiry's
age gap
at Yeovil
As‘ with all successful clubs. Portsmouth RNA depends not the facilities it so much on offcr\. but on the quality of membership. And in this respect the branch has been fortunate. boasting many who have given years of dedicated service. Shipmate Bob Pearn. branch president. joined in 19-18 after
wartime service in destroyers. Since then he has held every office and is proud to have served for a time as Parade .\‘larsh:il of the association. before handing over to Shipmate Alf Woonton. the present holder of this office. Shipnizite Arthur Otley. viceprcsident. has been a member for .13 years. During the Second World War he served in HMS Foylebanls and retired from the .\'av-y as a deep-sea diving officer in HMS Reclaim. Branch secretary and stan-
dard bearer.
John also boast over three W'hite, can decades of service to the branch, John served in ll.\‘l ships Hood and Iron Duke. ft is thanks tn the loyalty of such men. and many others. that Portsmouth has expanded and has it headquarters which is today worth well in excess of £l75.fIl). The branch is now twinned with their "oppos" in Ostcndc and many happy visits are ex-
changed, not just with colleagues across the Channel. but
throughout No 3 Area whose meeting they recently hosted. with branches
The branch has twice been awarded the Briggs Dirk for recruiting the most members in one year and they aim to win it for a third time. in brief. they have a lot to celebrate in their (Holden Jubilee year There is. however. one sad event to report. The club raised £-tfli last year to repair damage to the Nav-al Memorial at Southsezi. but \':md:|ls' returned and mindlessly repeated the act
‘Reverse decline’ of Merchant (‘().\'('liR.\ over the decline of the Mcrclitint Navy was the subject iif ;in open meeting held by Leominster briincli. lhc meeting was convened
before .1 (‘ninth--ns debate on the iti.itter and was addressed by Mr Keith llest. .\II’ for .-\ng|esi:_v He told the branch that the nicrchant fleet had dropped from l,ril-I l'K-owned vessels Il‘i N75 to below 5!!) llrit.iin had to act inimediutcly to reverse the decline. he said Norton Fltzwarrcn hU\lI.'tl No. -I .v\rea .iiiiiii.il general meeting. .ittendv.-d by represent.iti\es iif 27 branches There was a standing tI\.Illtln for out—going .ire.i secretary. Shipmatc Vera Bell. who is replaced by Shipmate (ieorge (‘hatficld of Tiiunton branch l-iollowing the meetin_L‘.. te.i and sriaclts were provided by the Lidies of .\'orton Fit/w arrcn \'ltipni.itc ‘l (i.i||;ighcr. .\.ition.il ('i~uncil member for No. If) /\TI.’I presided at the conimissioning of Slit-lmersdale bi-.iricli After the ceremony the
following \lit|‘ft'l£llL'\ were i:lt:L‘li:tl iilficcts \\' I-Vcnncy (ch.iirm.in). R L'll.illl’11;ll"ll. R siirer)
.\lc('iiiire (viceThom.-is tin.-.i— .inil (' Abbott
(secretary) of Larne branch. Northern Ireland. have no itlV]L‘t'llt1fi to being "under the thumb“ of the Lidies. In fact. they are proud that ex-('l’()(W) llefty Apslcy was elected cliairman. and Wren Ruby .\lc(‘.irthy, vice-chairman at the branch annual general meeting. Members of Leicester branch are lionouieil that the branch is
WITl{ more than at 70-year age gap between their oldest and youngest members. Yeovil can truly boast that they represent all ages. By coincidence. the branch
affiliated to HMS Jupiter. The branch is already affiliated to the l’()s' bless. HHS Nelson .\-lembers of No I Area. are pleased that (‘apt Keith Sutherland. secrctarjv of King (ieorgek Fund for Sailors, has accepted their invitation to beciinti: .ire.i now
Howell. l(l Skipton ('|osc.
.\-lereway. .\orth;impton
ORB (tel titvti-I-(15357) Mcnibers of Wakefield raised {Zoo in help bu} therapeutic equipment fol’ .i new day care
president User '/‘Ill incmbcrs front more than 41) branches plan to attend the Double Seven (‘ommittee family get-together weelt-end on April 2.:-Zn. There is .i reminder from Northampton to survivors of HMS Laforcy that the annual memorial service will talue place at All Saints Church, Northampton. on March 34. Further details front Shipmatc R. ('.
Topping gift for Brave
THIS magnificent headdruu of an Indian chief is destined to be one of the trophies ot the Type 22 frigate HMS Brave. The man wearing the war
bonnet In this picture in Shipmata David 0'F|ynn. secretary of South Ontario branch. who commissioned it from Mrs Barb Bradley or the Six Nations Indian Reserve in Canada. it is hoped to present the head-dreu to the Duke of York. Llout. Prince Andrew, on his forthcoming visit to
and the [)cpuiy Lord l.ii:titcn;int of South Yorks, Mr. I. 5. Porter. were among the
guests l-'ollow’ing the ceremony a
elderly at Stanley Royd Hospital. Shipnmte Fred ('h:inibcrs.
for the
National (‘ouncil member for No II Area. presided at the commissioning of Denrne Valley branch on January ill. The (ieneral Secretary. Capt. Jim
presented by
local brewery" towards the cost of the branch staiid.-ml Despite freezing weather was it
turn-out for
the annual general meeting of Mltchiim. Mordrn and Wimbledon branch, ;it which Shipmate Fred Ticchiirst w.is elected ch:iirm;in Rriincli public rel.itions‘ officer. Shipmatc l’ R. Thompson, would like inliirntiition about the Battle Ensign worn by ll.‘vfS Jamaica in the Barents Sea in 19-12. lie can also provide information about the HHS Jamaica Association if those interested write to him at the Royal British Legion. Zr: Marks Road. .\litch;im. Surrey (‘R-8
Brldllngton branch is "coming along nicely”. with .i vtcady growth in membership ‘lite
Conibined Services weelt~end held in liridlingtiin in June is an event to which the branch look forward. Visitors in the area are assured of a welcome at branch hc.'idquartes_ the rtiorc so if they call on the first 'lhursd.iy of the month. A year after commissioning. Rayleigh in lisseit dedicate their standard on .\1.i_v lll. Details may be obtained from Shipmate George .\‘le;id. ff.’ l-‘riern (iatdcns, Wicltfiird. Essex A flag day organised by Bletchiey raised £6-tit for n;is-at charities, £"3.H7 tif the total being raised by the branch standard bearer.
able to celebrate the birthday of the oldest member. 90-year-old Shipmate Arthur Sims. as well as that of the youngest. IX-year-old Andrew Stapleton who is serving in ll.‘slS l-'.u:ter_ The annual general meeting w.is attended by 68 shipmates_ the committee being elected with the exception of Shipmate Bill Tiffin. ‘who stepped down to be succeeded as treasurer by Shipmate Pat Collings It was reported that the branch has donated Llllll to with the local charities. and cancellation of Yeovil Air l).iy branch fund-riiiseis plan to have ;i stand and .3 l'usser's Rum raffle at Yeovil l't_‘slI\.'i.l of was
Following the demolition of their headquarters. ('he.<.terfie|d branch
the first Tuesday of the month at the Chesterfield Snooker and Social Club. llolles Lane now
meet on
Members of the l'S armed were among guests at Klngsbury and Kenton‘s annual "Up Spirits" for residents of the Royal Star and (iartcr Home at Richmond.
particularly get helping hands was
1:: rim-borsha are r~‘nc: (I) From sorwig and ii--Rh. RV rid WRNS ta) F-um i:X’I'1 rtorestoa 1'‘! RN and RNA Putter: Pru'orv."cc val be given to mass
from Aldcnlizim branch in distributing the tots. and they thank the home‘s matron for providing the visitors with .i
Ari-ry RAF
110 MM <X7|'DdIZI't1
Eiioutiant bar and soon: taoutzos loom tor smal ship and strata: runtziau
telephone FAREHAH 28075
The Portsmouth Royal Sailors’ Home Club
Sweatshirts ernbro-dared with ‘ivo colour RNA logo FREE brand! name 21-day deirvmry Larroswool. Acrytc
March 3| 1967
K‘l)i"‘P"10!'\’,I'\-3 Ila-ts ‘cit
.1};-ruza to
by at-tn the M
All mambo:-I III iiroicomo to llilfid
XJG-EH13. .VBB SILK SCREEN PRINTED TO YOUR OWN DESlGN «mm order 20 sh-r‘-st rui.rIou-3-rm.
by Mach 5 196.‘
The RNA obituary column now appears with the general obituary item which this month is In Page 32.
The branch
cinch-ultu-out .
For run inrormai-an paoaqe cniuct
SPRINTPRIN7}’. ‘£97'Prnuvrtavn 50-cruuSrId.Suv&! Snixzmuin buvuvrdiifllflsfafl
Holiday llluflofa
§eH-catanrigHanets.marsoamdshops.Filyequpped.Co|wrTV_h-logo. oookei'.Ir'on,etc.|dealloravisrtbytamityorgir1lrieno. BINIIIUII 2 PERSONS OR CHARGE FOR
.%.-.x.,/ .>7z2/ 55 Clannrc Parade Souths-a P05 2l{X Ponnnouth D705 SZIIIS ("at
II. Ixcmcd hat, AA and HAL" lute lhmhlt and larmly riaims vnlh imkl and thinner en suite, cnluur ‘IN’ and In making laciliiin Lnccllcnt p-nirmn fur scalrinni and enrcnammrriri Jean and Edward Ir)
welcome at
THE KILDARE 82 North Road East
Telephone Plymouth (0752) 29375 AA
Corrrlonabka. attractive, well appointed (single. double, twin or Iamly]
Rooms mm p-ivate showers also available. with king-size English breakfast. at very reasonable rates Tea and coffee making facilities in all rooms
COLOUR TV FULL CENTRAL HEATING Very ooriverientry sntiated tor Railway Staten. City Centre. md within easy
N.-'\VY NEWS. .\I.-\RClI I937
.\'A\"i' NEWS. .\I.-\RClI I987
EDUCATION EMBLEY PARK SCHOOL Rom.-icy, Hampshire S051 621-:
Telephone (0794) 512206
IND!‘-.l"F..\'DE.‘-‘T BOYS’ SCHOOL FOR BOARDERS AND DAY BOYS .»'\gc_d It-ll-I Good general education in small friendly school. Good facilitiesfor sport and Duke of Edinburgh's Award Scheme. Siimi: Scrvicc Bursaries available. For prrispcctus
the IIc:idm.1.~'.tcr
A co-educational |.A.P.S. Sdtool for children
aged 3-12 with boarding Iaolrtiesfromttieageofs. Si‘tuatedontheedgeoItheNewForestwith lovely grounds. the fine 17th Century house offers a warm and friendly
atmosphere. Modemteactirigblockotlerslacilitiesforsmaflclasseswith individual tuition and use of computers. an room and science laboratory. TUITION SCHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLE Escorted travel to London and Haathmw Further Information and llluatratod proapoctua available from the Haadn-ilatraca. Tole
NEWLANDS SCHOOL Seaford, East Sussex Telephone (0323) 892334
Newlands was opened in 1814 and.
its foundation. the Headrnaslers family. There are 250 boarders and day children aged 7-13V: The boarders sleep In the main building and are supervised by the Headmaster. his wife. and tour Matrons. one of whom is a trained nurse The school is surrounded by 15 acres or land. of which 12 aces is set aside as playing fields. The grounds include an all-weather football pitch incorporating 3 hard tennis courts and basketball court There is a large indoor rifle shociti range. carpentry workshop. Home Economics room. and the Music ntro covers the tuition of a wide range of instruments. Association football. rugby. hockey. cricket. athletics. netball and tennis are the pnncipal organised sports. Boys and girls are prepared for the Common Entrance and Scholarship Examinations to all Public Schools and to Nowlanda Manor, our own Senior School. Newlands undertakes the responsibility for all travel to and from the School. visa applications and transport to Heathrow and Gatwicli (only one hour from the School). We also arrange for families known to us to welcome children for half terms in cases where relatives or guardians are not available In addltlon to the Service Granta. a Iurthar generous reduction In boarding Iona II glvon. Proapoctua and further lriton-nation from the Haadmaatar. have all been members ol one
THE SCHOOL OF ST CLARE PENZANCE TFI18 4JR A G|rls' School of the Woodard
Co-Educational Junlor School Bo
Girls 3—18
boarding and wee fy boarding
begin at 8 years of age.
Wide mecca of GCSE and Mevel subjects, together with a number of secretarial courses The school is set in oeautitul gounds. overlooking Mounts Bay, and provides ample ooporturtry for a wide range of extra CUfTlG.llaf actmties and Fun advantage is taken of the surrounding countryside and coastline. s irls over 14 are encouraged to participate in the Duke of Edinbur h Award Scheme more is a strong emphasis or: music. drama. and dance. Glf with parents overseas most welcome Weekly board: ss.-ble for children from RNAS Culdroso. 10$‘. reduction In tees for chi ran of Service personnel Prospectus from the Headmaster. Ian Haflord. MA. PENZANCE 63271
IIIDEFATIGBLE BOARDING SCHOOL FOR BOYS Beautifully located in 28 acres on the shores of the Menai Straits. lndofatigable is uniquely situated to provide an excellent education for boys together with the development of their character and sclfercliancc. Many proceed to the Services. O
Modest fees
maintained in line with the Services Boarding School Allowance
uniform which is
the new GCSE
help with 0
Most boys join at 13 for three years. though two and one
courses at 14 or 15
may be available as space permits
preparing boys for
fees 0
already in operation
There are some bursaries available to
Boys wear Naval
examinations to be taken in 1988 Wide range of outdoor activities including mountain
walking, orienteering, canoeing. rowing
and sailing plus usual games
Further details can be obtained from:
Captain Headmaster.
N.-\\'Y NI-IV\'S_ M.-\R(‘ll IUH7
Trust gives Christine
cookabflfly thanks to the RNBT. S()Ml-l'I'lllN(i'S cooking down at the Moores’ in Portsmouth her plight they gave (hrniine .i many ot‘g:tn\. including the Young mum ('hri~atine Ifitli towards sirelcton. lungs. eyes, heart rind grant purehai-.ini: .\ioore (28) was at her wits’ —
end when tier old electric stove htiikt: dtiwn. (her the years ('hrixtine, who
xufleix from .\f.trf;itt S_vndrome .itid I\ only p.irti:illysighted, hurl girl med to her old cooker and ltiieu where all the Controls W'l‘fC
She had found ;i new one she liked hut .it £‘»fl) it w:i~. well out of her price range 'l‘hL-ti the RNHT ~..ived the d.i_\ When the Trust di\cnveri.'d
Childaid AN‘ ex-Pt), whose wife committed suicide after a long illness, has received over H.000 from the RNBT in help meet domestic costs and clothe his three children. The money was especially needed after the man decided he had to give up work to (‘are for the children. now aged 14, I3 and rline years.
the new cooker l-or Christine the C.'i\h was a life xaver ax the new cooker hm. lzirgi: diizital read out which she can easily control without having to lean dangerously over hot plates to see wh:it'x going —
And the knohx have been highlighted with orange fluorescent colouring to mriki: them stand out even more. Since acquiring the new cooker Christine has become her more confident about
cooking "A\
partially sighted
person he very difficult and I can now look forward to m:iny yuan of \t_'fV‘It.‘!.' without the worry of bank loans, which l was having to t,‘til't\tdCf In buy a new cooker." (’hri\tine \.'lIll. And it's good news for huhhy well .-‘\\ .'irt RN chef he as welcomex ('hri«tine's new found a
tnlL‘i’L‘\l in
two~yc:ir-old \Ul'i
for any Nlgfh oi the lllnL‘\\.
The Marian z\\~oci;ition was set up hy |'\ilIIL‘t1l\, their f£ifY1ilIt.‘\ and doctors 18 month\ ago to give advice about the Syndrome. 'Iheir .'.I(ltl!C\\ is Marftin Axxoeiation. Department nl llixtoprithology, St (ienrge'\ Ho-.pital, Tooting, l.ortdoii SW17 URI‘:
eoultini-_ he
xgiyx it'\
cookery riuipped
hlood ve\\c|s_ It w:n fll’\l dexrribcd by Dr Marian back iti l-‘WI The 5_\'ntltttmr' I\ h.'Irtl tit dirignirxc because there I\ no \['N:t.‘ifIt.‘ laboratory text for the condition ilfltl symptomx vary from one penort to another. Harfzin :iffct:t\ ('hri\tine'\ eyes and hczirt and now her
H .
('hri\tine I .\!.irf.in \‘\rttimirtc ta .|l'i in hertled tli\«tVltll‘l’ which '.lfl{‘l‘l\
THE FINBT ta apanding over 21.130 a ivaati more on granta this year than last year. At the and of January the total axpandituru on grants to individuals. air-
ciuding annuity wards.
[$40,022 compared with £478,172 the pravioua
yaar. This rapraaanta craaaa of £81,850
inand a
waairiy equivalent at
21.190. Aa reported in Navy
Nana in January the inctaaaa In grant value and caaaioad la due to the huge increase In applicatlona tor tiriancial help trom air-Serviceman who aarvad in tha Second World War, known a the Battle at the Bulge. The FiNBT'a caaoioad Ia incraaalng as wall. It: grant corrirriittaa gave 144 more grants over the put tan rriontha than It did the nine VII! If.
Mandy '5 tr/}0 is blooming lovely I.‘-'ll(l'l’ll) L'\plnrL't .\1.ifl\l:l_\~-in. \|-ltU\L' Lillie: Ker‘-ex with the l'leei Air Arm. |\ lurk from 'l.rri/.ini.i lull of tli‘.IlTl.lllk xtnrtex -if llt.'f e\[‘edtti\ttt to the \lttl’.t l'l.ite.iti lhe t‘nll:ip\e of her C\Pl.'\l. tron to|1e.ii:ue l'.itil $.iinx'~ur_\. ililYll'l_L‘ the ftf'~i week. on the tttounhttn muxt rate .i\ the tttu-xi 1lfIIl"l'l£tl|L' lle h.ni to he c\.u'u.rtetl ‘ix luritl-Rmer to .-\ru~h.i and Il‘.L‘ll lty .lIf to I).it us 's'.il.i,irrt. utter-.' tloclnrk tll.IL‘,l1\i\L'tl etth.iu~ti-»n .itid \.ir.il .rttd ‘t.itteit.i| inlet lions lie had in u.irlitir.iu ihitli the C\[\t.‘(lIlitIii and return to the 17K ,‘-Llhtl), who \h.i\ in her third ‘_-r:.'it reading i'L'o_i_'r.'ipli_\ .ti l)liiltlL'L’ l'rti\L'rs1t_\. v.?ien the et.i\i:tlitton \A.i\ \!-l_1YL‘£l. ttt.'itt.u'_L'tl lu ~..i\L' L‘~t||| lII\oV.il'tl\ tier e\}K't1~v.'\ but the trip wzix In that
l‘.tl.if'lLL' ztnttl R.‘-lll \tL'[‘|‘t'\l in with the mftlitt--rt.il L30“ \l1L' ilL’t.'\lL'il [h|\ um thy \g‘KIlHtl little in three j.c.ir~ the RNHI hurl «lfcrur! .\l.mtl\ I21). flf'l.tflL'|.il
list I-_i[lll."L"lfl'lllll_)'“ ll1r\‘L' \L‘.it\ l‘L‘f|'l'L' xht: “AK .il'\lL' to Like I‘-Ifl in .in eqierlittun to l’.i\lL'l:l (Err-'.~itl.itttt. thanks in the RVHI .if‘.tl other n.ix.il tram»
l'hi~ time the e\pe-littntt went in l'.i\l -\fttt.i tn ttiake l‘\ll.i|'1l..il \llltl]t'\ wit the \h1t.t l’l.tte.iu. C'~l.tl‘ll\lllfl_L' .i t,irt‘.p ~:Ze ‘~|5fllL' ‘-flow rrtL'trL'~ up .\l.tiitl_\. who u.i-. iexpurisihlc for the t'\|‘L‘&l|'liUl1\ t‘fiI\i\ltill\. ‘~\.i\ llll-itl\t‘tl in .1 prutett tn ~ttnl\ the ._ft."".'f.i|‘l'llL'.ll f.ittttt~ lllflllk'l‘iL|flL'the _.'rnu.tli and rep» l1‘tlli\'-l'-‘J \tILt_’..'\~ of the .:t.int l)et‘.d:--~et‘e.’iu- J:-izttxt-Iiti. pl-llll
Taking the strain THE BATTLE OF THE BULGE
Applications for assistance to: Grants Committee, 2a Tipner Road, Portsmouth, Hants P02 80R. General inquiries: Head Office, High Street, Brompton, Gillingham, Kent, ME? 502
.\l'l'l.l('r\'l'lf)NSfor Lash help will \.I|l'llIlil.lL'til flml-l the l'{\l5l [III at lL'.t\l .'Il'ilIllit.‘l' lL'l't \t'.if\_ xix ncu. h.in.ii.iry li'c.i~.lt[t_'i, Mr John l'.tlUI'.ii'tl‘w, lt.i\ v..iiriv.-d .‘~ipe.ilttn_t: xhortly after t.ilttt1_i: tnet ht\ new post, .\lr l‘il\\.lfLl\. cl l'lt'L‘t t'ltit'I' .\letliL'.il .-'\\\1st.ttil. u..itnt‘tl fll1.1flLl.tl ilt‘lTliIlt\l\ on the lruxt were unlike!_\ in «luv» up for .'I tit-g.idv llr.‘ mldeti "ll l\ illlpCf.Ili‘-L‘ ih.it the Trust should rii.iint.i1n i lteiillh lTl\t'\'lf‘liL'f'lf puitfttlio .itttl tL‘Ltt_i'ni\e that for the f~ItL'\L‘t'ahle future R.\'ll'l will he iie.i»i|} llcperitlerii upon the re_t:til.i: and \-et_\ high lL'\el of \tl[V;‘(tfl ll ft,'tt.'t\t.'\ from KIli_L‘ (iL'I‘ti'L"~ l'utiil for S.nlor\, fift'L'fl\h1\'llll:-spitzil. the l{_\' \ .irtd .lli4 L'.ilII|l‘.\ front Mtil) and .'\-':i\'\ l‘f_Lf£il'll\§il|Ill'l\ .*'\\\iK’i.'tlL‘tl with the R.\'ll.'l xinge l‘J',".7_ \1r I-ilunitiix ll.i\ l‘L‘L‘l‘l t'lt:itint.m nl truth the ('l:.iIh:im lmutl thrittttrttec and thrl'etnl‘rnLe liouxu .\1.iri.i_i:erticrtt ( hrtitittttee He left the l\‘rrj-.:3 .\'.:\_\ :|l'l .‘\[‘fll ]U.\»t_ .iftcr tortipietiitt: I" \c.il’~' xcr‘-tee “'l"lte lruxi mu-t t'4\i‘lil1Ut' tn- he _m't'n.'t--tix in iltnwe ;‘tL‘\e1‘.'.l‘. in I'lL't'tl and t't1\itit' ll.1fltl\ are .n.ni.il~lr~ to rm-ct tire lflCl't.'tt\lllt' ilt.'iii:il'itl\oi the iiiturt'." \.II\l Mr l-rl\.s.ird~_ ;~:t'itited tight
\'.-\\'‘i’ .‘\'l-\\'\] .\l.-\I{(’ll WM"
thc Rnyul _\'.'n_\"-» mic in thc l-'.1|l>.l.mtlx W.ir hm hccn Ll».-tl'u.‘.1tv:tl at HMS
l-‘m:t.i I-‘or-.;.tlt spent mnc months designing and \NL‘.t\-|tl~:: the t.tpc~tr} .tl hut :\rti~t
and Air I):i_\'.s ;t_t_::iin prnvcd :2 rcsnumling sitcccss nu-r:iI!. Dcspitc (lLl\'t.‘l'.\'L‘ weather for sonic of thc L-\'L-tits. thc cnmhinctl surplm mutchctl the pr;-Violas" )'<:;tr\ I'L‘L'(|ftl incnmc. —~
p<|\~«|l‘|L‘ l‘l}muulh, l'nIl-
t'\t'til\ .Il
in--uth, l’urtl.ind, Rn~j-tli. ('tilt|ru~t-, It-c-nn~.\'n1c:1t l’n~~tmt'L .m.l Yumiltnn It» tlzxtrihtiliim, agrcctl h_\ the: LIIIIIITIIUCL‘ at lhL' .\'.n-‘\ \\'t'cLx lruxl .unnu.il mu;-tirig and Latest
thc '|'ru~tt'c~.
Naval Fhaaritics tlh*_‘\lliI, c->IiI;~ri~ir1i.: King (‘H-urtzt-N I-Lint! f--: .\'.u|-I:~
l)ukc wl Ithiihtirgh ml! \i\ll llw \'ul-tr} \'t‘r\n.‘L'\ (‘hilt in St-_unuin Hticut, l.umlnn un \1|l\’| 1.‘ l’.'i.'1u' Philip ix tutti-ui iIIt'h:x‘f n.‘ '.hi: \.'i.'t-vi} l\z~r\it'-cs) \\\t|tI-IllI71 ltt! .\lt'n1ivt-ix u:«l1u.'1_y_ tn .x:t-.~::tl xli uilil .i}vpl_\ fur .: ti_|>.s'. tn the tit-:1.-r.i| \1.n1.i_t:cr_ thc \'iclur} \'.'\.i_:-. ('lti", rt} "-3 H"-_'_*-I!)-11:: xii.-ct, 1.m..!.»-: \\'\_‘ Iii} Illl
\\'R.\‘§ llurtuunlcrtt Truxt 1.'4,.‘~4II)_ l-h:::l .-\:r Arm “CliL‘\:)lctil Ilruxtx £~1.‘”". Ru_\.Il .\l.irmc.w HL'llL'\nllt_'lil I-untls .t»l_.‘~<I|. Sn‘-vtitl Si.-.1 Inn! illll, .intl the Rcgular l-‘nrccx limpln_\ntL':tt .'\\\u-Ct.IliU!l£l||_-100 Fleet and Commands £l1,.\'lll_ uoniprmng ('.'Jpt;un of the Fleet £.‘~2,nllll and (‘urmn.intli:r~in-(‘hmf .\’.'i\.ii llumc (‘-mttrmiitl £3.10’ Donations £."*.i|'H tn (‘nil Scrxicc llcncxulcnt l-‘um! and :5!!! In K-vrtzxtt War .\{c:nn.'i.xl l'Li::nl The hulance of £79.51!) um». KIIVKLICA! in .ip;sm\:n1.ttc proportiun tn the profits cnntnhututl h_\. the .\'.u_\ and Air l).i}~, .t\ tnllnwx. I"().\'.-\(‘ £111“). l'()S'l’ £2.01". I-'()S.\'l £l,7Fil. l-"(D l‘l}nmutl1 £11,250, F0 l’nrt~tnuuth £I|.Z5U. l'h-ctr: ucrc cnt1gr.itul.|t1nitand tlunkx tn cu-r_\u:1L‘ who ;\l.i3.<:.i .: ;1.|rt ill N.n_\ and .-\i1'
t\ .5
It \\-.I\ cnnnnixxinncd in l)L'cL'mhcr 1'lHi lay the lurntcr (ltptultt «If HMS Iialciglt. Rnnuv .-\tlmir.:| llnfim llnmn
£~tn..‘\IIII, Rn_\'.il N.n.il Huntsmlent Truxt L"-5H,,‘-ml, l’l::ct .'\lllL'lil.llL'\ Fund L"-l‘!._‘4HI.
Thu unrk lTlC.l\llfL‘H tcn ft.'L'l h_\ scxcn Jllt! tlcpxtx \}tnltn!~ ml the .\'.|»_\' .iml uthcr l'll.IfIlilTlL‘ -cr\1cL'~. tugcthcr \-nth IIlI.IgL'\ .:ml xuggustium -if the l\|.l|I\.|\ lllL'l'it\L'l\C\and the c-mllict, 'l1tc
.-\s .l result £22l|.llIl Hill more than in 1985 \\'.t~ .l\';Ill£IhlL' fur tll\lTll‘lllIUll tn i.'ll.lllllt.'\.
.\1l5..'\1()Rl:\l. tap;-\Ir_v
I.-\S'l' Yl-‘.:\R'S
MAKING a splash as they turn their attention from the skies to the roads are students 01 29 Operational Flying Training course of 810 Squadron, based at FIN air station Culdrose. The young officers held a sponsored car (and motor-cycle) wash in aid of the Macmillan Nursing Fund. At the end ol the day over 130 vehicles had passed through the "washing Iine" and more than SZ200 was raised. Here. Lieut.-Cdr. tvor Milne. the squadrons senior observer. takes his chance among the foam and sponges ol over-zealous cleaners. Picture.
LA(Phot) Ya?!
Thu xcntcc ul tlv:tl1c.|tmn in the u\t.ihlis|nncnl'~. Roman (ltthuhc (‘hutch was \.'lV[‘lt|lll.'lL‘kl by thr ('l1.tpl.iin of thc Hrct. lhu \'L'n, Natl Inncx, Ihc l’rim‘ip.iI ('h.|p|.un (‘liurch uf Scotland and Ftcc ('hurcltc-.. thi: Ru». Sun} \\'i1|i.irn~, .lll\l thc l'nnuip.il Roman (Xith--Inc ('h.ip|;iin, !\1nn~1gnnr Run lirnwn .-\mung this gucxtx ul hnnmtr thc .'Irtt~l and thc Hag \.\.ts ()flicL'r l’lyxnuuth,\'m:~.v\tlnnr.tl Sir Robert (iurltcn.
Analytical visit
l)URl.'\‘(i .i
l0l'url\ITlu1tlll'i k'\[.'Ihll\l1l"l1L‘l‘H\_ lhc ])m_~¢. ti-r \\'lv1.\'S ('urnrn.iml.mt Kclw) l"lclt'ltut Hxttctl thr N.n.tI Wcxpuris l'n.il~ and .\\\L‘\\Hlk'll[ .-\ulh-mt) .Il thc n.n.il l‘.t\t.‘ Hie urg:u1i\.itmn L‘lll[Vl1I_\\ \‘«'rcn v-uapnn .in.il}~tx mnru and l-‘luv! .in.il)~.t nfticurx th.m .tl'}_\ uthcr C'wl.th|i\hlTlt.‘:'|'l .IlL'-I
\\\ \i \\.\, \l\R('l| ]‘i\_
DO YOU NEED IT? 'lill-’ _\iiun;:. xinglr l’t|:Il'I. I.ilu .-\\\lIf.lli\'L‘ i\ l\.i»ii'.iil_i .ilmiil ilziihnilillllull i!i‘}‘;':iil.lIii\,tt'IU\I _\llllIlt: ;‘L'UPlL' (ii! iii‘! hint i!i-Iw:‘.il.lllt\ |'hcli'Ii-ic. In llii_\ lllc .l~~iil.ilti‘i: l\ .i hit likc lli.\:ii_i‘_ .i iimf l.i-J. ishcll _\nii iiiiil'l imii .i i’.i.' ii‘-.'\l'l_
~..t'.i\ItiL':‘. \h i‘|iiiU\\l1ik'.'l'. I‘:
"IL'IL‘f«-It. ":iiiu‘\i:
~ui.:.lli’x '1
l.‘1'.' i.'i:-...i.'
--i.'. it
\\\I.Ir'.Hll'¢' [iii lhiiw viilli ili'p¢'nd;InI\. I‘ \-~.i l1.i\i‘ i‘.- p 5lili|I'l\ Illci: ...’i .l\\lil.I?i~.C I ilr
Ii:'ili'|_\ ii-.'
‘.l.i' \t'i\i\\'. !lfl.||.\'..I[ piiwi uill l\i' H'|.li!t. i..i: xi-ll: »i.»-i
PROMOTION! T4Shll'iS SW'£‘al5hir'iS Hooded Tops, Ties Embroidered Sweaters and Sew-on Badges
Pennants. Single-ls
rials, Scarves Sports Bags and Holdalls For fVUcP'i:.'ro and once list Contact
A S PROMOTIONS Heels 33. It Itacbioras Lute; London £17 an 13:01-63 3283
Weekend Savers
Fully inclusive rate from Friday pm till Monday 9am. (Group ‘A’ Car) Ollm ll".{lIJ(lP_\'.ill”COlll5lOH(i.i|'1liti1CCover Vi'\l .t7i(i iirilimitoci ritilmito '
’§l3 §l §i
Iii?) 331:; :53I": 3.
THE NEXT Commanderin-Chicf Fleet is to be Vice-Admiral Sir Julian Oswald. who is to be promoted admiral to take up the appointment at the end of May. He also becomes Allied Commander -in Chief Channel and
l I
Commander-in-Chief Eastern Atlantic Area. \'ice-Admiral Oswald. who is at present Flag Officer
line?) 0 lit vii (Joana) 4
Third Hotilla and Commander Anti-Submarine “farfzirt: Striking Force, succeeds Admiral Sir .\'icholas Hunt. who is to retire. As a lieutenant he specialised in gunnery and his commands have included lI.\-I ships‘ Yarnton. Bacchante and Newcastle. Among other ships in \-'«f‘l.ICf1 he seried w;t.\ the .V.i1.'}'s last I'1.lIIIL‘\I’IlP HHS
—2s1 1
|1'It(21085l. 3
(uses) a
ira(a 1156) a. Lwlltlt)
IOWIIM) in (Isaac) 31 Douua(u)(uI) I69. 6 I 23? LIlI(I)(II| Nil I03 POI!‘ LNII) Int (22555). Nil L IIILK I) P0'IfiOflII) Dry. 2) LVEHOIII) niaaaoi. 3 n0wIIa(n)(al)— Dry Irl (21235) Nu 2 Lvtfinxaui P0‘It'l'l—irir(fm7s5) ll Lvrrn—Dry —
Shore appiiiiiimeiits have included Captain in charge of the RN Presentation Team and Captain of BRNC Dartmouth. His appointments in MOD have included Assistant Chief
u1(2l5D5).6. LIA-20¢
Dfy_ 1. t.CK(cA) 315 N.) Doc)t—ini(1s2eo) 12 Lt:K(c)— 135
S27 N-I. LIIA (1335).! DOIA 115. 2 POAIQUI 231. 6. LAEHI) 364. Int (24106). 1. 1'), PoA¢I('!1.) LAIQWLJ 374. t. POAEQRJ Dry. 1 W) us. 4. POA1An)— 152. 344. 2 254. 4, voiuu) :i. LMADO -—
LA(|£)-1r1t(:)oIa5)1POA(PMO'l') 322. 1 LA(IIE1'l an ni1_ roanln) —ory.1~iu.roacuu—394.:i —
POWRIN CK 3%. Nil. LWREN CK(c) 212. 2. PONIEII DMVO 234. Ira (13335) Nii_ Nil. POWREN DIA LWIIIN DIA I31. Nil. 520. Nil. PONIIIHIADAII) 446. Nil. POWREN LWIENUIADAR) REG «I90. Nil, POWNEN R8 222. 1. K52. 1, POWREN SA LWNEN R0 (nt (1 5 BS). 1, LWHEN SA 126. 2 STD 451, Nil, LWREN POWREN TEL LWREN STD 523. Nil. 4%, Nil. (TB POWIIEN 55:). Ni:. LWREH ET8 286. 2. 350. 2 POVINEN WTFI O Int (18286) 9. LWREN WTN G POWREN WTII P 225. ML LWIIEN WTII P Int (20 6 65). 3. LWHEN W73! 5 D Nit, POWREN AEl|(Il)—432. MI. sis. Ntf. Penman Lwn N anus) D LVIREN Nll. AEH(Fl) anus) 183. ML 310. NIL POW EN AEWWL) LWIIEN AEIKVIL) 219. 3. POWREN Int PT 600. Nil. POWIIEN WA WA 3 Ml. LWREN 11-1116 B5). 5 (27 36). 787. N11. LWREN 1, POWREN IE1’ NET 425. 1_ POWREN PHOT 625. Int (5285). Nil. Nil. LVIBEN PHOY Int (4 11 Be). Nil. POEHG) POIION Int (16206). 3 309. Nil. LEIKG) —
thoroetertor Fowl-‘(EN ETSriubieonrun
points awarded to former LWHEN
ED'rSAa have been carioaaad The roller (or POWREN ETS has been doaaryi rriormoroad Mica the amaioarriaraon and it
oorla-dared the time is right to reinatata Iormor rr)or1 porn to those 0:LWREN ED TSAI antn a basic data prior to September 11964 1'horalora.1rio roster tor POWREN E15 II noa ooe-aurig as a Normal'r1ootor.aI defined in BR 1066 Article 03212
is now
‘f'hoBaa.icDatoaquotodto1thoWRNS in
toiiomng categories.
have no eaarnrnotiolw tor the next higher rate. are looked in accordance with BR
Chapter ?2
472, Nil. POWHEN HT 605. Nil
388. Nil_ LWREN HT PQWREN 1:1. 577 Nil
Anon (1950. 1971). Arnaznn (1975. 1065). AnnuaAriiorornoda (1971, I001),
Alaerlty. Alamoii.
Angauay. Antelope. Ararim, Aaolo (taat mmalayar). Apolo (frigate 1972. 1975.
155). Arwll Arathula (1910. 1977), (1972. 1980). Ariadne (1973, 1 ), Ant Rayfl (who carrtor1D56. 1970). An: Royal (1906). Armada. Ari-ow. Aanana 1975). Auriga. Aurora (1971. 135).
Ar onaut
(A1972. vorioer.
Beaver. Balast. Bermuda. Bony Head.
Boriiivtcti(1982.t&).&ubfl. (1971. 1962). Badrpool. Baunvood. (1961. 1909). am Raver. Bauer. Bravo Boruerer. Brave. &azer1. Broom. Brvilon (INT, 1972). Brtlarl. Bfhhl (1973. 1%). Brttuiraa (1968. 1971). Broamwurd (nootrvyor 1962). Bi-oamaierd (Mmte 1979).
Brnrmohrl. Bunny. Bimirant (1955. 19 )Caenalot. Cambrian. Carnparoown.
Vice-Admiral Slr Jullan Oawald Defence Staff (Programmes) and Assistant Chief of Defence Staff (l’i)lii:_\' and
lle timlt up his present appointment as Flag Officer Third Flotilla and Commander Anti-Submarine Warfare Striking Force in September, 1985. Succeeding him in these
Don't believe the rumurs!
several disconcerting rumours pertaining to pay and allowances. They are as follows: 1: Separation pay. It is said that this is to be done away with in preference for an allowance called "Seagoers' Pay,‘ payable to all and sundry. I HAVE heard
This will work on a three-year sea draft set-up. In the first year you would get nothing extra for being at sea. then during the second year part of the allowance is paid. It is not until the third year of a sea draft that the full amount is payable. How many people actually do three years sea time? How will
These rumours horrify me. and I wonder if we can know something about them. LMEM. Gosport. "Don't believe ill-founded rumours" is the official reply to this one. To correct any misapp-
rcfits or maintenance periods affect the allowance and also
leave, i.c. the 30-day qualifying
for separation pay? 2: Kit upkeep allowance. This is also to be phased out. it is rumoured, in favour of a scheme where a rating goes to Slops and signs for replacement kit. The cost of this would be borne by the rating. albeit coming directly out of the rating's pay account. 3: Travel expenses. These are to be stopped!
changes, several improvements
and adjustments to Service conditions have been studied. One of these comprises a pack-
age designed specifically to recompense those now spending
rehensions. Navy News was told. the current situation for the pay
at sea. too early to
It is give details of how this form of pay might be applied but the proposals are designed so as not to disadvantage seagoers in receipt of Separation Allowance and at the same time to introduce improvements for the single
allowances our correspon-
mentioned by dent is as follows:
Productivity Separation Pay
and “Seagoers‘ Pay": Since the 198] Defence Review it is widely acknowledged that greater
emphasised that these proposals have a long way to go before gaining approval. In the It is
meantime. pay no rumours as they are invariably attention to
demands have been made on the Navy both in terms of increased productivity and in the transfer of manpower from
Klt Upkeep Allowance: KUA has recently been studied. There is no intention of having
shore to sea. To compensate for these
exchange system operated by the Army. However, KUA is part of the
a one-for-one as
universal MOD-Treasury review of all allowances which may result in adjustments to the rate of KUA. Travel Expenses: Travel budgets do limit the amount of duty travel but where journeys and detached duty are authorised the allowances remain in full and there is no change.
beautiful spy SMILES cartoon (December) took me back over 40 years to when HMS Kent
THE was
given a
the job of bringing reindeer from Russia as
Albrr'ghton’s naval link
the Commanderin-Chief Home Fleet. Poor Olga (the beautiful spy), as she was christened by the a
company, had a rough time of it. because the whole trip was in atrocious weather conditions. and the Kent was not noted for stability. I wonder if there are any of those who volunteered ('.’) to keep her fed. watered and safe who will remember how their cushy number turned into something of a nightmare.
Due to their efforts, Olga was delivered safely and intact. even if very unhappy, and to the best of my knowledge spent the rest of her life being pampered in W. E. Edinburgh Zoo. Armstrong. (POM HMS Kent 1941-45), Old Basing. Hants. —
REFERENCE the feature about the JSOP (December). the Shropshire village of Albrighton may be tucked away almost as far from the sea as you can get in the British Isles. but it is no stranger to the Navy. In 1942 was commissioned the Hunt class destroyer HMS Albrighton. named of course after the hunt of that name.
To this day. those of us who served in the ship still enjoy cordial relations with both the hunt and the village. As well as the recent presentation of a scale model of the Albrighton, a replica of the ship's bell hangs in the council's
meeting place. Douglas Clare (secretary. lst Destroyer Flotilla (1942-45) Association). Newent, —
from the album found In a derelict house In London. Do YOU recognise anyone?
Royal album turns up in
RARE copies of two royal letters from the Kings of Norway and Britain have turned up in a Second World War photo album abandoned in the basement of a derelict house in London. uncovered by a builder. demolishing the house, who gave it to his brother-in-law. HMS Nelson joiner Dennis Cade. Convinced the album would be valued by its owner. or his The album
yo_ti_r unit:
Your own drinks machine offering high quality drinks at 10p per cup. A genuine way of raising money for unit B.
appointment. _____________-_1 To: Mmtpax. Frccpost -111, Banbury, OX16 7QH :1
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and where by eitherphoningus on FREEFONE MAXPAX or simply by filling in the coupon below and well phone you to book an
I YES. I like the sound of your offer. l___l Please arrange demonstration and tasting. I with fill/cleanmachines to C. Simple, easy about l\-vlaxpax V ‘riding Systems. CI Please tell I coin operation and total mobilityfor when .\Ir/.'\lrs-’.'\li.ss/.\ls I rcstationed. unit gets your Position I available I). All MAXPAX products are (Irnnp.tny I NAAFI supplies. through .-\tidrcss I We can arrange a simple demonstration of theMAXPAX system at a time and placewhich I—«—» is convenient for funds.
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A large number of armed forces units are now t_1sing_Maxpa:>_;_Drinl<smachinesfor their “in-house” drinks. Maxpax can offer the following benefitsto
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DSM and Frederick Wilkinson. Mr Wilkinson, who left the Navy at the end of the war. was serving in HMS Glasgow in 1940 when she was involved in rescuing the crew of HMS
Imogen. COMMENDED Along with other sailors in the Glasgow AB Wilkinson was commended for his action by
Admiral of the Fleet Sir Charles
Forbes. The album also contains a copy of a letter from the King of Norway, dated May I, 1940. in which be thanks the captain. officers and men of Glasgow for rescuing him, the Crown Prince. their government and gold from the mainland. Later in the album are two letters awarding the DSM, in June 1945 while F. Wilkinson was serving in HMS Calder. and the Bar three months later. Another treasure is a letter to AB Wilkinson from King George VI congratulating him on the award. Navy News has so far been ...
awarding Bar. belong to two
unable to track down Mr Wilkinson or a member of his family and Mr Cade is now anxious to hear from anyone who can help find the long lost sailor. Ring him on Havant 472159.
memorial to sailors striking memorial has been erected by Vancouver Naval A
Veterans‘ Association. dedicated to Canada‘: sailors and to British Columbia maritime
It incorporates the widest sundial in the world, and includes a compass rose with four granite blocks marking the points of the compass. One of the services held there was in tribute to the Canadians who lost their lives in the Battle of the Atlantic.
Dolphin salute A 2l-GUN salute was fired from HMS Dolphin to mark the anniversary of the Queen's accession to the throne on February 6. Lieut. John Millington took the salute as the firing took place from the 3 lb Hotchkiss guns on the south easements of Fort Blockhouse.
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ix l1I1IllL'L'llllt1urn .ill'.'l'~i in the ili'\'r.'|iitirr1i'r1t rrl ilii-~.c'l~i'IuHit‘ and IllIL'ICd|' HllI‘lll.lllllI.'\_ lrr nilililiiirrIll lll‘\\ lllL'IIllllI'\(lIuiri-.Ir'tii‘Iiiiii, lIlt'IlllIlll1..',the I.lll.'\l "lii;.:Iiiti-II1" i'\|>r.'rIr~i.‘,\\ i- (1 I1‘ |lI'll\'Il.IIIl}1Jtl|lII|llt'Ill.'ll\l\'L‘II'lIll1|}1Il-IIII.‘\lI}1|'lllll xi'r'\'iii‘Iiut|lII1i'N.1\'\'~\llI>lll.lllllt’\. lliix in\'irl\'i-s .1 iiiriliriiriiig('xp.1rIsiiiniiliirir' I In‘! ‘-iiriipiirl Iii-p.ir'lir1r.'rrI. \\'llI'l.lIl irt1rrri-iIr.1Ii- Il'llllIl't'lllL‘llIin |IlL‘ Iirlliiwirig .ltt‘il\.
I't"il‘lIll\II\It‘Iii: irmiiiliri lll_l.‘ lI'lt' iIi'\'cIii|irrti-iil iil siilirr1.1Iiiii' syxli-iirx .1rril
l11tII\'l\IlIJIlIl‘lll\llIt'\lllIirrirrrtlriirrri.‘.1I‘lii'~.Iilc~ri:I1~l.1g.:i.'x.inliimrixtiiiiliiiii.nrril 1I‘I"lI_L‘_|]"I.IIl|.I““L-I\ILL-{ILL-‘Il‘.' l .It' I \IlI‘I1ll]lI|1' n .i-L1]I\iI]\-LIE‘-(.5 \i|liIn: irrliii'rn.tIiiiri ll.'\llIIilllI tiiiiiin i\‘iili'\'.1:ii'It iiisiiiiitcx,.i~.~.igiiingpriiirilii-s..1rriliIL'liI1ir1gIIri'
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('Il'L IllL'JI iii‘ iii-.1piii1 ~i‘_.'\Icrrr\. |llL‘IL'|-lIlI\'\llI'lll.ll'IIlL'I'l.'IJIt'(I. I'.\|\k'Tlt'IlL'l.‘iil r.l\|lI|llIIl.'l-IL'I.lll'lIIriirlil xy-»tt'IIl\ nmllil Ill.‘ t|\\'IllI,
|1lIll l'\I.lI|Il\II('lII(‘.lllI\ |ii‘iiiIiii.irr_i: tIL'IilII('l.Ialril tl|l'll|lI('IlL'l‘1\I\‘l.'Imriilliiiiikx
int (‘i
L'tlItll1I' \lIIllllJTl|11.'\.1riil mg .1lI.i\pi'iI\iil lIIt'il[|t'l.IIliIIIJlltllIt.lIt1it‘ll.‘llli
iillii-I |rriiiIiii'I-. llii- }irriIii';i.1I Il.'t]llIH'lllL'llIiil IIIr.' lull ix lIlt‘ilI1lIll‘;‘In lI'.m~.l.1Ii' t'tllll}lIL'\ Ii-iliriiml il.1I.1 rnlu t‘a\lI\_' irriilcrxtiiiril ii|\IririIiiin~._ A iii-cvss.rr'y |r.1i'Ly,riiirriiIItl LL].|‘\ Ix Ill xl-linrril pr.ri Iiml t'.’\l‘t'l'lt'Il(v iil Iltl\\ rrriiilvrrr lli‘l\'dI t‘t]lIIl‘ll'lt'IIIand \\_'s1i'rrIx \\tllI\ .1iiiI IlllL‘l-I'l'I.'lll.'. .-’\ll |l()\IIIl.lIl\.ll(' iiprrl Iii lll1'Il .ii:i| \\'(llllt'll,.1IiiI i.1I'r'§' .1ir .1IIr.ii'Ii\'c p.it'L.1_i:i'UI \.rl.irt .rnil llllltIIIIUIl\, rm Itrilirig r'i'Iiii.1Ii'iiii t‘\}|t'Il‘iL'\.nlruris .ippiii}it'i.1Ir.‘. Itl this I‘t‘.llllIIllIi'iir‘r1i'r' irl I-Ii1_i:l.1iri|, LIll\l' Ill _t‘,UUlI innsllirrt‘ imil |I1t' llllltlllt‘ siviivry nl lIlL' l..rlw I)INI.IIkI. Ill irililitiiiriIll L'\u.'Ili-i1I \virrLiii_i:iiiirililiiiirxnriil iIt.iIIL'rt_x:iIi_t: |iII|\. in‘ rim iillcr i'\u.';itiiiI1.1l NL'('lIl'II\' iil i.'rrr|ili>yrIii'rrl.lurwil llll Jll irrilrr I‘UUI\ .ilii-nily~.Ir'ctiI1irr_u Iii Ilic L'lltI iil II1-.'u'rrIirrt'. for further details and an applicatiorilormplcasi.-1cli:pli0nc: Mr. I). J. Strcwart,
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A CAPACITY l,5ll(l crowd at HMS Nelson saw the Navy boxing squad emerge beaten but unbowed from a classic contest for the Combined Services Team
Championship. day the Army were too strong for the Navy to overcome. hilt the young team of boxers. three of whom are only 18 years old. tested till the .-\rm_v‘s resources of skill and On
Navy started badly viilh flyweight All Tony Martin (HMS Nelson) and l)iIt'llttnlweight CK Dave Pope (RNAS Culdrose) losing their bouts. The
Then there was the bout of the evening with featherweight _Mne. Colin Day (HMS Centu-
rion) staging astonishing covery against the Army's Lance Cpl. Lesbircl. Lesbirel opened the first round with a barrage of blows leaving Day dazed by the onslaught. But in the second he gradually started to work his way back into the match and. by an
the third, wildly cheered on by the crowd, Day turned defence to attack and with a devastating series of punches won an aston-
ishing points victory.
This marvellous contest raised the spirits of the Navy side, and two more victories followed with Mne. Dave Robb
(Commachio Co.) regaining
form and outpointing Mark Miller, and light-welterweight MEM Brian Kearney (HMS Defiance) giving a really skilful
Kevin .\1a.s'on. .\l[’..\l Colin Ilouliston (HMS Sirius) as one of the youngest squall iiienihers ltttd a tough fight ugaiitst F.rrol| Holder and the was knocked down in second round. SEA Gary Bonser (HMS Brave) put up a good show against the ABA
light—midd|eweight champion Tony Vclinor but was finally beaten.
the time Iiczii-_t-weight i\lne. Gary Sanderson (42 Cdo.) took the ring the Navy were trailing 6—3. But the big Marine was determined to maintain his unbeaten record for the season, and did so with a points win over the former West German title-holder Paul Davies.
FINAL RESULTS Flyweight: J. McLean beat A. Martin. Bantamweight: G. Hewlett beat D. Pope. Featherweight: C. Day beat A. Lcsbirel. Lightweight: D. Robb
Miller. Lightwelterweight: B. Kearney beat K. Mason. Welterweight: E. Holder heat C. plouliston. Light-middleweight: T. Velinor beat A. Bonser. Middleweight: I. Studwick beat D. Phillips. Light-heavyweight: D. Coylc beat M. Ford. Heavyweight: G. Sanderson beat P. Davies. beat M.
FIGHTING FIT WITH the Hong Kong tour and the Inter-Services approaching. the last two meetings for the netball squad have been very intense and six matches in two weekends have led to much iinproveil fitness. The match against British Telecom at HMS Nelson gave the \VRNS it 40-23 win. but the Isle of \\’iglit were tougher cmnpetition and, aliliough there was some strong defensive work and good shooting. the WRNS
lost 28-29. However. the second team gave the Isle of Wight reserves .1 good hammering, winning 30-‘). Some hard training paid off with a win against Wey Valley. but Somerset County beat both the first and second teams and reminded the Wrens that they still have some work to do before meeting the Army .'ind WRAI-I
MARSHALL OF CAMBRIDGE (OUTSTATIONS) LTD. Have vacancies from time to time at RAF
Day (left) on
his way to
classic victory Lesblrel.
the Army's
Sultan triumph HMS Sultan's boxing squad extended their unbeaten season by
winning against Cambridge University in front of 600
The final result of 5-2 did not truly reflect the good standard of the University boxers. The bouts were hard fought and exciting to watch. and the crowd were particularly vociferous when the Sultan boxing coach. LPT Clive Barnes left the security of the ringside to take part in a light heavyweight bout. It was Clive‘s first bout and forgetting the finer points of
that he is instill into his
three rounds measured
he launched himself at his opponent in a flurry of blows. contest went
and the more approach of the Cambridge man
eventually paid off. A special bout betwen MEA
Paul Pratt and Richard Blair. of Gosport ABC was particularly exciting and after three rounds, Paul Pratt chalked up his third win of the season against Blair, with a majority decision which also won him the best boxer of the night award.
Wrens’ victory run halted .
IT WAS sixth time unlucky for the WRNS shooting team at the inter-Service Smallbore Rltle match held at RAF Uxbrldge. The team were trying tor a sixth victory in 3 TOW but the WRAF just managed to squeeze into the lead by two
The ilnal score was WRAF 1,925 out at a possible 2.000, WFINS second with 1.923 and WFIAC third with a score of
1.898. A top Individual
by Third Officer Kate Plno (HMS Neptune). who only dropped three points out of a possible 200. earned her the Tait Trophy. The Newcombe Trophy for the best aggregate score went to LWren Anne Smith (HMS Nelson), who also won the WFINS medal. The Ritlemen WRNS Trophy which is presented to the Wren contributing most to the WRNS smallbore shooting was won by P0 Wren Francis Kay (HMS Daedalus). score
AIRCRAFT FITTERS (All Trades) GROUND TRADESMEN m/f SUPPLIERS for work on both fixed and rotary wing aircraft and the company would be pleased to hear from personnel due to leave the Services and interested in taking up employment with them. Write enclosing details of Service career, experience. and qualifications, to:
The Senior Administration Officer Marshall of Cambridge (Outstatlons) Ltd. Shawbury, Shrewsbury, Shropshire SY4 4DH
OFF LICENCE MANAGEMENT NO PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE REQUIRED Ifyoure pla1".ftl1'tt_I]lOI£:.i‘rIEthe service in the near future. and aqed 30-50° IT Davies are now looking for couples (preferably without dependent children or pctslto maiiaoe some oftheir80 off liCF.’!tC(‘.S in London and the South-East On appointment to your OWII. branch, you will be paid £110 p.‘.'r. (approx ipius FREE acconiinodatioii.COMMISSION and BONUS. ‘.'rlorl:ir.c:hours are 102 and 58.30. Fiill iraininc; is; g1‘.'t_‘tl during i.vl‘.:ch you will be working front home on sickness holiday ft"llI.:l so a car is esseiilial. 'l‘ra:iiinCt5-idlLl!"y' is Ll-I5 p 2-.‘ with travel expenses
For further details please contact: Telephone01-681 3222. daytime. 03-I2 241-12. 1.30-5.30 pm. 7 Aberdeen Road. Croydon. Surrey.
IN TWO consecutive weeks the senior men's voI|e_\h:ill team found IIICITI‘-iClVL'S up agziiiist the only ll|ltlUft.'il.lt.‘tI tennis in their division of the national league.
Opportunities exist
In the first encounter at Leatlierhead against Aquila Leatherhead. the Navy team took the first two sets comfortably. But in the next two sets Aquila found their rhythm and finally won the match 3——2, despite a Navy comeback in the final set. The following weekend the team travelled to RAF Italian to play Aquila and the RAF. Against their old rivals the RAF the Navy went down 3—0. but the match against Aquila was a two-and-a-half hour marathon with Aquila just coming out on top. 3-2. In the last match the
beaten 3~——{]
Aquila. With the annual exodus of the Royal Marines to Norway the
forced to field
severely depleted team in their South West league matches
against Amesbury and Stroud at
the Stroud leisure centre. Despite this the team had a comfortable 3-0 win against Amesbury and debut players PO Mark Burnfield and Mne. Ron Clunas made useful contributions. League leaders Stroud proved a
more severe test
than a match for the depleted Navy side who went down 3~tl. were more
WRNS matches The WRNS team was also depleted for the match against (‘olchcster and Chelmsfortt. They got off to a good start
Chelmsfurd going two sets up. but eventually lost 3-2. Colchestcr put up :1 good defence but the Wrens had a resounding 3-4) win. The following weekend the full squad got together to take on Loughborough students. Officer cadet Leonard travelled up from BRNC. Dartmouth to bolster the attack in place of POWFT Redgrovc who was injured, but Loughborough won
Turbine Engines Aeroplanes li Rotorcratt Turbine Engine Electrical instruments —
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ELECTRONICS TECHNICIAN To take charge of a well-equipped electronics w in the Department of Chemistry. The duties include responsibility for maintenance of both electrical and electronic equipment. design and constniction of specialised electronic equipment and modifications to existing equipment and the super-
technician employed repair and maintenprimarily ance work. The Department is equipped with a wide range 01 scientific instrumentation including
vision of
a on
spectrometers. magnetic instruments. spectropholometers and chromatographic equipment. The successful canmass
probably hold an HNC or equivalent in the field oi 8I8ClfD' nics and have wide experience in the design and maintenance oi complex electronic equipment. Salary on the technician grade 7
didate will
scale: 29.713-C11.005 p.a.. start-
ing point depending on experience and qualifications.
Application forms from the Personnel Office, University of Warwick. Coventry CV4 7AL (0203 523685) quoting Hot. No. 25!'l'/86.-'99. Closing date 19th March 1987.
VOLLEYBHLL the match 3-1. For the match against Sacre Coeur adviser technical CPOWTR Milburn made some tactical substitutioits. POWPT Redgrove and POWPT Carlisle were brought back into the team and both played a steady game to help the Wrens to 3——l win.
Daedalus double HMS Daedalus completed a league and cup double in the Portsmouth Area Volleyball competition when they beat a strong HMS Collingwood team 3-0 in the final of the cup. The Daedalus team were clear leaders of the league and are unbeaten in any competition this season. HMS Collingwood were last year's winners and runners up in both championships this year. Lieut. Webber, secretary of the RN Volleyball Association. presented both trophies to the winning team at the end of the cup final at HMS Nelson.
OLYMPIAD Fl..~\(} Officer l’urtsmouth's the first Olympiad Cliullcnge trophy U-IllL'll will be contpeteil for by local naval teams three times .i year. \Vren Suzanne Neuboltl, captain of the winning team. was Pl't.‘\t.'llfCd with the trophy lay Capl. Chrotopllcr Cli.ii'l'lbcrlen. ller side IHILI scored a resounding victory over Naval Home Command in the Olympiad which consists of fiveteam
a-sidi: football. volleyball. netball. deck hockey and tug of
re-training courses (3 weeks)
WEST SUSSEX Education Department
Lecturer Grade II
Salary: Scale £8,595-£13,656 +
2282 l,w.
Lecturer Studies
possible Aerospace
as soon as
ll in
Avionics. Application form and further details available from The Principal, Crawley College of —
Technology, College Road. Crawley. Sussex on receipt of s.a.e. Completed forms to be received within two weeks from the data ol this advertisement.
AT the Hong Kong International marathon WO(PT) Keith Cawley (HMS Drake), returned to defend the Veteran title he won last yean Though he is now 42, W0 Cawley ran a marvellous race to retain his title and come fourth overall. The first three places went to invited international runners. Ueut. Chris Floblson has been in tremendous form recently. competing at various top class meetings with considerable SUCCESS.
At the East Klibride Festival of Road Flunning Senior Race. Chris always looked strong and finished last to take second place behind International John Robson. A week later, at Stirling, representing the Scottish cross Country Union the annual match against N. Ireland, Scottish Universities, Civil Service and Scottish Banks, Chris won the Individual title and led his teammates to an emphatic 45 point
demanding, hilly course at the Inter Counties. he ran extremely well to finish in fourth place. And
on a
WINS over Cambridge and Oxford University's and Combined London Old Boys extends the Navy rugby squad‘s victory march to five in a row. In the midst of the harsh winter weather which claimed the annual fixture against Bath, the RN side have found sparkling form in preparation for the interservices matches. At Burnaby Road. in ideal conditions, Cambridge
fielding ing one capped England eleven blues includ-
O'Connell wins the lllato Cup
old Scott Campbell has made his mark in another way. The Glaswegian writer from the Pay Office at HMS Nelson has been selected to play for the Pompey reserve team. Wtr. Campbell joined the Navy in 1985 and spent a spell at Royal Naval air station Culdrose training with the Naval Air Command football team. which helped him to develop the skills that have caught Alan Ball's eye. His debut for the reserves was delayed by the flu-bug that hit Portsmouth FC. and he is due to play his first match against Watford on February 28. "I'm very pleased to be playing" he said, "it's good for me and it's good for public relations between the city and Navy. But most of all I'm pleased for the people who have helped and encouraged me."
RN Scotland Table
Tennis championships. LMEM Bob Adamson of HMS
Charybdis played quality table tennis
beat -15 and win the to
individual title. The team from HMS Cochranc won the team event. with the Charybdis side in second
Christmas XV.
for the
Navy started well snapping up second phase ball and, after only six minutes. from a maul just inside the Cambridge 22 metre line, The
worked a clever blind side move and inside feed which put Paul Livingstone (RM Deal) over for the only score of the match.
Perfect On it
perfect day for handling eager hands which the Navy dear as they
a was over
JAWS 4 PORTSMOUTH RN and RM Course Angling association hold some good fish but not many could match this l9lb monster taken from Sultan Moat. CPO WEA Matty Matthews (HMS Coilingwood) landed the fish which has since been verified as the
Cpl, Bugler
polo playcr Lieut. Richard
trialist, provided the first post-
player and
TWO of the Navy's brightest footballing stars have been rewarded in different ways for their considerable talents. John O'Connell has been awarded the Nato Cup for individual achievement in sport by the Sports Control Board. a marvellous climax to a highly successful career in Navy football. Cpl. O'Connell is surprisingly the first soccer player to win the award. lie made his Navy debut in 1975 and since 1978 has been a regular first choice for the Combined Services side. He is captain of the talented CTCRM team that won the Navy and Jubilee cups for the last two years. and also skippered the Royal Marines, Royal Navy and Combined Services teams throughout last season. Running him close for the NATO cup were the canocists POAEA Mike Smith and LAEM Clive Barrcll. marathon runner MT1 John Stephens. glider pilot PO John Smith and
largest pike ever recorded from this prolific water. Matty, a former Navy coarse angling champion.
has asked us to warn all would be swimmers in the moat that the fish was very healthy when returned to the water and that it has ex-
tremely large. sharp teeth! Picture: Lieut. Ted Peck.
crossed the Cambridge line on three further occasions but converted to drop the ball each time. Superb cover tackling and pressure reduced the Cambridge
scoring attempts to two penalties and a drop goal all of which failed.
Oxford A week later at Oxford the Navy completed the Oxbridgc double with a 13-9 win over the
University. Oxford. fielding
much stronger side than that which lost 37-l'l' to the RAF. were determined to gain a vic-
service side. Another display of solid scrummaging, a mobile breakaway trio and committed tackling by the backs gave the Navy side enough quality ball to see them through to a comfort-
over a
able, though not comprehensive
win. The bad weather led to some rescheduling of matches and the RN v RF game has now been provisionally booked for March 14 and the Combined London Old Boys was played in
Another perfect
day for rugby
disastrous for the Navy side whose over eagerness died from Navy mistakes and was
young Pompey team made up of reserve and youth players. The Navy goalkeeper Tony Miklinski (HQ Commando Forces) was unavailable for the match which gave Naval Air Command goalkeeper POAEM Keith Bloxham (HMS Osprey) another opportunity to show his worth. The first scoring opportunity fell to the Navy after 20 minutes when a header from Steve Johnson (HMS Collingwood). was just saved by the goal post. Ten minutes later Scousc Benson (HMS Daedalus) headed the ball home. After just five minutes the young Pompey attackers equalized. but a well-taken goal by Bob Brady (HMS Collingwood) took the Navy into the lead again. and the final score stayed at 2-1 to the Navy. The Civil Service fielded a strong side of senior non league players for their match against it
was a
the Navy. and it was clear from the start that this would be an evenly matched game. Tony Miklinski was back in goal and was
in action. SA
Steve Riley (HMS Centurion) made a welcome return to the Senior side and played an influential role in midfield. The Navy took the lead in the first half following a well judged chip by Sgt. Tiv Lowe. (CTCRM) to PO Bob Brady who gave the keeper no chance. The Civil Service piled on the pressure but some calm. constructive play kept the Navy team ahead. and the score was still 1-0 when the final whistle
blew. The first of the Royal Navy South West Counties Championship matches was played at Pcnzance. Cornwall were keen to avenge their 1986 defeat and the Navy team was stricken with the flu-bug. CFCRM players John Rich, Shiner Wright and Phil Kay were all unfit to play and Tony Miklinski and Budge Rogers (HMS Heron) were suf-
fering badly. The Navy played well in attack and defence. urged on by captain Tiv Lowe (CTCRM). It
his well driven free kick
To stand any chance of winning the South Wcst Counties
championship it was essential that the Navy should beat Wiltshirc. Henry Millington was
able to field a strong side and was glad to welcome back LPT Leigh Tongue who has been out of Navy football for several years due to injury.
by Phil Elliot (HMS Scahawk). kept the Navy in
ext. -H924.
A try
touch at 4-6, and five minutes into the second half they took the lead with a quickly taken penalty and slick handling along the backs allowing Danny Boon
(HMS Dolphin) to cross for a try converted by Mike Whining-
(40 Cdo.). The Old Boys kept
up the
pressure and the last 25 minutes of the match were nail-bitingly close. With literally seconds to go a penalty to the Navy gave
Whittington the chance to take the Navy into the lead again.
It was Leigh Tongue who got the Navy off to the best possible start with a goal within the first minute, and they continued to dominate play in the first half. The second goal was scored by John Rich who completely out jum d the Wiltshire keeper. ith Leigh Tongue's second goal Wiltshire's chances disappcarcd and the Navy continued to push until the final whistle and a well deserved 3-0 victory.
Highton success THE lntemational Boat Show was a good background for the Annual General Meeting of the Royal Navy Sailing Association which was held in Kenslngton during it‘: duration. Vice Admiral Sir John Woodward welcomed members and after reports on the year's sailing activities. he presented the 1986 trophies. Lieut. Nick Highton won the Hammond cup for his outstanding successes in boardselllng, and L|eut.—Cclr. Maclean won the Vice Commodore's cup for the second year running as captain of the successful RN Dinghy team. PH Hardy picked up the Erroll Bruce crowing Trophy for his work in the Samuel Pepys, and Mne. Johnson and Mne. Goes were awarded the Tim Sex trophy for their Lleut. Falat,
made to Australian Adventure '88.
(Naval Base)
seamenshlp. Among the
required. Applications should be
ZAO. Tel: Portsmouth 822351
Pompey youngsters fall to Navy attack which was deflected into the goal and gave the Navy their 1-0
AUSTRALIAN Adventure '88, the sail training expedition which leaves the United Kingdom in July to sail to Australia, still needs volunteers for crew members. There is a shortage of sailors between the ages of 18 and 24, and in particular well—qualified female sailors between 18 and 25 to join an all-female crew for one of the legs. The two big yachts plan to reach Australia by December to join in the fun of the Cutty Sark Tall Ships Race. There are 13 legs altogether and in all some 230 crew members will be
Sailing Centre. Hornet, Gosport. Hants. PO12
RM Lympstone. 2811. 3: WEA Berry, HMS Collingwood. 2656. In the team event: 1: HMS Cochrane, 7528 points. 2: HMS Collingwood. 7338. 3: HMS Heron. 6325. Fleet results were: 1: HMS Challenger, 5260 points. 2: HMS Avenger 3969.
Joint Service
and he slotted the ball between the posts to record a 13-12
AFTER an enforced period of inactivity for the players due to the bad weather, Lieut. Henry Millington, Navy football coach, was delighted when Alan Ball of Portsmouth FC agreed to field a team against the Navy, writes Jack Sheppard.
RESULTS of the Royal Navy triathlon championships held at HMS Raleigh in January are as follows: 1: LPT Flaherty, HMS Challenger. 1858 points. 2: CPO
winners of cups for offshore racing were Lieut. Van Seek and Sub-Lieut. Craig.
TRIALS for the RN Cricket Club under-25 squad will take place at Burnaby Road, Portsmouth on April 24 and 25. Those selected will play a match against United Services Ports-
April 26.
All cricketers born after May 1 1962 are eligible and should contact W0 Hodges at HMS Collingwood if they wish to attend.
ROYAL Navy physical trainers are invited to attend the annual golf Competition at Southwick Park Golf Course on June 18. All serving P'I‘Is. cx—scrving PTls. associate and honorary members of the branch association are eligible to enter. There will be individual and team competitions. The combined entry and green fee is £11. £5 for SPNRC members, this covers coffee. lunch and
For further details and an entry form contact Lieut. C. Date. HMS Dryad. ext. 327.
Golfing Society are now registering members for the 1987
Cost for all service personnel is £4.50, plus an additional 50p for an entry into the annual knockout competition. Remittance should be sent to "Die Treasurer. PCGS. do DB Section. Office of F0 Plymouth. Mount Wisc. Plymouth. A monthly membership is available at £1 for members of ships season.
temporarily visiting Plymouth. The first meeting will be at Staddon Heights Golf Club on March 24.
A TEAM of nine sailors, most of whom are cx-field gunners,
will make an attempt to break the world bench press record over 24 hours and obtain a place in the Guinness Book of Records. The joint lift will raise money for children who have cystic fibrosis. It takes place at HMS Sultan on March 14. starting at 10 am and finishing at the same time the next day. The team have been training very hard and hope not merely to break the record but to smash it!
THE GLORY BOYS ts"A\‘rv' .sii:jws.' .\f.-XRCH
The successful RN and RM boboieigh team at Cervinia: standing (tram Baddoo. Bob West. John Lane. Steve Wilce. Dave Richardson; kneeling
Michal. Chris Mccuiioch.
driving by the Royal Navy and Royal Marine bobsleigh team won them joint first position at BRILLIANT
the i937 lntcr-service championships in Cervinia. Northern Italy. It is more than a decade since the Navy won first place. and only the .s-eeond time in the history of the competition.
They tied with the heavily sponsored Army team in an .Itll'.t£ltig 13 niiti. 43.23 secs.
dead heat after four races. lit a Navy huh refurbished by apprentices at HMS Sultan. the
Picture Miranda Lane
team. captained by P0 Boh West (RN.-XS Yeovilton) and managed hy Cdr. John Lane (HMS Dryad). showed remarkable skill and determination. PO West came second in the individual competition with P0 Chris Baddoo (RNAS Yeovilton) applying the brakes. »\E.\l Chris‘ McCtt|loch (829 Squadron) hraked by Sgt. Dave Richardson (CTCR.\f l.yinpstone) was placed fourth. The team was hoosted by two
national Ski championships held in Courmayeur. ltal_v. They xsere up against strong
from the Army and RAF who battled for first place. the Army finally snatcliing victory in tile last event :ig'.iins't an RAF team weakened by an injury to one of their best skiers The Navy team put up a particularly courageous show since three of the skiers have all
bohsleigh racing. decathlete Mne. Gary Pcnhall (R.Vl Eastney) and PO Chris llighmati (HMS Beaver) who newcomers to
novice brakeman
trophies. CPO Andy Michel (892 Squadron) braked by Steve Wilce (HMS Sultan) took the
RN novice driver tankard. The bob team are still looking for athletes ititerested in competing next year. Contact Cdr. Lane. HMS Dryad ext. 537. or PO ‘Nest. RNAS Yeovilitmext. 316.
l"OAF.i\l Nick Griffin. The Royal Navy Alpine Ski chatnpionships were held in St Johann in Austria and were attended by more than 300 people. The competition was divided into two weeks of ski-
SPARKLING performance at the Inter-services Cresta championships at St. Moritz. gave the Royal Naval team a record breaking victory for the second year running. tremendous display of skill and speed they knocked a huge eight seconds off their own overall record of 6i<l().9(i seconds. leaving the Army and RAF teams trailing in their wake. And to crown their .sttCCcss the team have been awarded the Sports Cotttrol Board cup for In
the individual race. The B team's race was taken hy CTCRM and the C team's by ll-MS Heron. During the second week the weather got even colder and the serious racing began. Tlie ships :\ team competition was won by 820 Naval air squadron. and the establishment team trophy went to HMS Seahawk. For the first time a super giant slalom competition was
the first being devoted to club racing and the second to the more advanced skiers. Conditions were excellent with a good firm snow base though it was very cold. The Young family led by father Lieut. Larry Young won three races. as reported last month. and Licut. Tighe won the novice race with some style.
Royall (HMS Coiling-
.\lartin Maerae who was awarded the trophy for the best Navy skier for the seventh time. is recovering from a serious tnotor cycle accident. Lance Cpl. Graeme Golighlly is fighting diabetes and Cdr. Andy Baird has undergone major surgery for cancer.
which was huilt up from scratch. attd in three years produced such ntetnorahle victories. Led by Lieut. Steve Trotter and coached by their most experienced and fastest rider. L.»‘s Ed Nuzuni (XIII Naval Air Squadron). the team had aiivays looked favourites to win again this year.
:is it
During training the team clocked up sortie exceptionally
held. with all the skiers safely etitttppcd with crash helmets. .\'a\'al .-\ir Command were winners of this and the Command giant slalom event. with Plymouth and Portsmouth jockeyitig for second and third each time. Overall results in the individual competition were: 1. Lieut. Nick Brewer; Z. P0.-\E.\l Nick Griffin. 3. Suit Lieut. Tom Wilson Team plaeings were I. .\'AC;
2. Plymouth‘. 3. Portsinouth; 4. Fleet; 5. Scotland, (i 0 Services"; 7. RH
Women's event Cuurtnayeur
venue for the Wotnen's inter-service ski chanipion.s'liips. The WRNS teairt were fit and fast after four weeks training at the RN ciiatnpionsliips and in
in the championships. the three British squ:ids. the Italian Alpini. the Australian Defetice Force. US Army and US Air Force. The RN team's‘ best showing was iii the slalom event when they finished a mere '/2 second behind the Army with the RAF in third place. Final overall team results
The results were disappointing for the team who came in third. but Chief Officer Muriel Hocking, WRNR. Chairman of the RN Women‘s ski association was encouraging in defeat. "The standard of the team has improved immensely over the last two years." she said. "and I've got confidence in the girls‘ skiing. We'll return with a vengeance next year!" LWPT Val ltodgkinson (HMS Osprey) won the trophy for the best WRNS skier and LWPT Carol Strong (l*l.\1S
1. Alpini: 2. Army; 3. RAF: -1. RN: 5. USAFE; 6. USAREUR: 7'. ADF.
individual overall results for the Navy squad were: 3, Cpl. Martin Macrae: it), A/Sub.-Lieut. Tom Wilson; 15. (team captain) Lieut. Nick Brewer; 28. Lance Cpl. Graeme
performance last year. A fitting recognition of their
l’rt1.es were presented liy Mrs Diana llutchinson. the wife of the .\lanaging director of Dan Air. sponsors‘ of the event
fought eittraordinary battles against injury and illness. Cpl.
Seven teams
uz‘ up bra ve
SKI-ING (joliglitly; 30. Sub Lieul. Randolph Churchill. Also competing were Cdr. Andy Baird. Lance Cpl. Nigel Holden and
The victorious Royal Navy Cresta squad celebrate in St Moritz, from left to right: LACMN Nuzum. Mne Ainge. Llaut. Jeffery, Lieut. Trotter. Liaut.-Cdr. Tatam, Sub. L|eut.Dathan.Lieut.-Cdr. Whitehorn, LRO(G) Southweii. A
L/_7jured team
l.\' blazing sunshine and perfect conditions the RN Alpine Ski team finished third at the British Services inter-
iett) Gary Penhaii. Chris Chris Hlghman. Andy
Cresta and hub teams strike
Lleut. Jones (HMS Fife) taking a last corner at the RN Alpine Ski championships.
to Picture: Liaoi N. Huitlanle
stay on
t:ike part in the British ski
fast times. Tltc Navy's toting. gans are at least 20 years old. making it extremely difficult to reach lhc highest speeds lid NuI.unt made one ride in 7‘! .‘\Il seconds wliteli is an outstaiiiling
Nowce Lieut t‘ilr.
(ll.\lS llititidcrcr)
titling tnangled fingers tolwas
earlier accident. .itid Lieui-('dt. Iggy \‘-’liit;liorii .in
(HMS l)t'll.i.llL'L‘) was iti.ilsii'._;
the team after .i two year .iltseiit;e. Mile. (ii;ili.tin .-\inge (R.\t Poole) and Ia.-zit. return to
z\Itd_\‘ lettery (attached Rt.-gt »\Itn_v .-\ir Cotpsi turned in good tithes.
1 also
Nctvetuitiers Sub Lictit |'iin Dailian lIl.\lS Thunderct} .ind l.RO((.i) Neil Southwell (|l.\i\' Beaver) also broke records. liin l)'.1ll1Jlil ill his seeonii _\'\'.tF knocked five seconds oil his previous ilistesi time. and .\'eil Soutlitvell, this year's riovicc. ITlLlLlL‘ the f;tstes't ever lliillstli-Ill front complete heginnii to accomplished top rider
Juncfion Niiviccs begin at .i place called Juitetton. a third or’ the way ilov.-it the Cresta Run .llltl after the first three llI.i|tit' Iiends Neil progressed litllll Junction to Top iit only nine rides. and then coiitiiuied his rapid progress to tnaint.iin the Naval trailttion of becoming the fastest Service novice ride: oi" thi: scasoii lit the competition itseli the entire Y\'.iv_\' team came in the top |lItlL' placings. lid .\u.riiiii the Lord TrL'liLlI.ittl won Trophy for his total score of 165.1‘) seconds for three runs, and completed the clean s'\\ eep of trophies for the Navy li_\' also winning the .-\uty Speed (‘up for the fastest single ride of 54.03 seconds Final placings were: I. I" Nuzum. 2. .-\ndy Jeffery. 5; i _v Whitehorii. 7; Graham Ainge. 9; Robin Tatain.
SQUHSI-I SEi\ll-Fl.\'.—'\l-S of the Roval Navy It.‘.'Itll knockout stpiash competition will be held on March .'I .it Burnaby Road. Portstnoutli. At lll am HMS Osprey will take on HMS Neptune and HMS Sultan will play BRNC Dartmouth. The final and play off will take place at 2.30
Soon to leave the Royal Navy after 21 years’ service. the County Class File is also pictured (right) in the tight squeeze of the Corinth Canal during the training deployment.
TIME for a liquid top-up as l-ill ships Intrepid in the Mediterranean as the andFlte Dartmouth Training squadron. napienishrrieritat-sea has been lust one of a range oi evolutions for the ships which have on board many otitoers under training and apprentices.
New computer network to
help Draity
introducing (‘entralised Bank Payment. HMS ('ertturion now to provide a new computer system to help its drafting operation.
AS Wl-Il.l. AS
(N:iv:il Manpower
Management Information System], being [lft)gl'C‘i'~ilVt.'l_\‘ intro-
duced over the next few years, will he olltcially commissioned by Princess Anne when she visits the establishment in June. When completed the new .s_v.s— tem will place about 25!! termin;il.s on the desks of manpower managers in (losport and
Whitehall, with the aim of bringing about it more effective and econontical use of naval manpower
draft orders.
produced by computer.
information about the tlraftec The final versiori is reproduced on a laser printer and the ability to print on the more
E/lflll’ I? [E/ISES From from page manpower account. there is .i eomplemcnt;ir)' need to recruit to match tomorrows differing needs. While career prospects will he presersetl for WfCll\ MT who elect to remain. premature release terms are again being itlfL‘rL'il for those V-lto Wllultl rather go. rhe r-.-iiuireineitl for some of the pre-computer er.i skills the “n‘i;inu.'il" only ()ps(M) man or the ()psl.Ml '.Quarters') :-iting in decline. The nov. is scheme offers vacancies to some of the more \'t.‘lllt\l' members" of these groups, where there is Ll lorei:;ist surplus There has also been it need to —
Weapon Engineer recruiting. accepting
Mechanic lh;it this Illt.‘;lll\ th.it spaise must he niadc within the l'lrant:l'. ht.
l'(lV\/I-Ms :itiil lW'l"Ms scheme
senior in
i’in.il|;.. the'e is an i)\ut'fllL’.ll'lll1_' of ('l"(lS.-\(S.\ll~ who can no longer in assured of "type" etriployrneiit l,i|vic :t~ ptL'tlL'Cc'ssttt\, the l‘lR7-RH sciienie is eiitirels \ttli.li'lI.'Ii_\ l'lie terms are e.ssei~.tially unehaiiged from the previous scliemcs. and eligible
changes well
l‘iIL'l's of the output means that for example important facts Adquals. TX date and seniority date can he passed to ship or establishment well in advance. —
is emphasised that the Drafting staff will still fill billets Ill the same way, with the machine liaving no influence on selection of ratings for the billets nor on the length of drafts. liut
King tragedy TWO OFFICERS from 706 Naval Air Squadron. Culdrose. died and a third was missing after their Sea King helicopter crashed into the sea oil Cornwall during a training exercise on February 24.
The two who were killed were the captain, Lieut. Michael Johnston
pilot instructor,
and Lieut. Paul Smith
instructor. The third crewman. Lteut. Nell Macflean (27). second pilot, was still missing as Navy News went to press.
Assurance an escort force as two go llll- l e.i:'.tler-t'|.:ss i‘rn:.ites ll.\l ships ,-\uror-.i and .\aiad are to lease Royal .\-as), service next month. following a programme adjustment. it has been confirmed. It has. ltiwt/t.'\'er. heen renter ttetl that ll is ttttemleil ii nlillillillll an escort {nice o: .IlitilIl M:
rlte .-\uriii';i Vs'.i.s flr\t commissioned in I06-i and the .\'.iiad a year |:iter it had been planned to withdraw them next year but =V1()l) says the)" .ire man» power and .suppitri-tnletisnc and to retain them hes-ond IUH7 not LtlnHll.lL'l'L'Ll cost was L‘llt.‘t.‘ll\‘C It was also pointed out that ill-'lIl_\‘ new ships are now in the pipeline for the Heel. including four of the Type 23 (Duke) class
.icceplaitee intn serHMS London last
of month. The contract for the Royal .\'avy‘s second Trident submarine is expected to be placed later this year. This was stated during it (‘ommons debate on the \la\')'. when it was also said that last year saw new ship ortlers to the value of nearly L'3,ttttil million, including the first indent submarine
the debate questions were .i.~.keil about rtcwspaper reports of the loss of sonar sensor equipment from HMS \pleitdid. in reply it was stated that the (ius'et'ntItt.‘t‘it could not he drawn to eorninenl on sub-
required by
June 1. and selections will be .innoiiiiL‘ed later that month In suinmary. categories invnlved are C (‘P0 P0 Leadittg 0p.s[Rl
(M.'inu;il only),
ln ltléiti Ro_v.'il Navy ships and submarines visited .‘-‘.6 different countries and sailed more than three»;ind-a-half million miles.
ratings have been sent per.s'oiial letters. Those not selected will have no "mark“ against their t'l;xl't‘Ies
buildir‘-j. and l'}'pe 22s huiltling.
with .3-vear TX dates" -\pril l. Nvit to March El. 1998.
O (ierteral Service PO Leading WE‘~1(0].(R) with 2-year TX dates April l, 1000 to March il. llmli 0 .-\ll WRNS MT ratings
THF. (internment has deeided to sign a seven-year term contract. from April 6. for the future operation of Devonport dockyard with
PAY CHECK From front page
Devonport .\-lanagement l.ld.
this year It involves ‘.h.' pay of all the Service some hfi.ll(lll people. including RN and RM. \\ RNS and ()AR.\'.\S Latest ]Tl'tl]L'Cl in an inlorma non pmgramine which has con tinued over the past year is ii blue hoot-;leI going out this month .-‘\s wgll as outlining the s_\'\[t.'ll‘L it provides .l sample pa). statement and guide on lion to check it .—\n_\ qiieries should he directed to pat» office stalls —
Published try
Navy News,
HMS Nelson, Ponsmoum. and printed
last month. lliis consortium lltttl heen selected as the tioierriinents preferred commercial iiiarniger li:r the ‘said .-\s
.\le.iriu.hile. :t \h.l\ made clear |it.|l the trade 'ili|ttll\ rerriain as epposeti as L‘\t't in introduction
of coriiritereial there
by Portsmouth
5 Sunoerlarxt
Newspapers pic_
Tno News cenim Hitseei Po-tsmoiiin P02 EISX