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.\'-\\'\ .\'F.WS. UCTUBER W88
Osprey quickstep to £1, 600 SH! )\\'lNU conimendahlq thi.‘ WRNS l.'ntl ol H“. Osprey. Portland. orgrin i\t.‘tl ;t crtiss-count ry \[30l‘l\tlTL'(l milk and then hL'lLl .i tlaiicc on the same
ll1L' ctcnts raised £l.hIS for the Lireat iirmtind Street Children's llospilal Wishing Well -Kppcal Eicn though the walk. from l.ulv.tirth (‘iivc to the Preston llcuth Road. Wt-yitiiiuiti was iirgziniscil by tltt‘ \r\'R.\'_\‘. l'Hllh
male and female nay al personnel worltcd together to makithe day a success as sponsors. volunteer helpers. or walkers. with 41 actually taking pan in the event. started by (‘ti t. Chris Craig. commanding o lcer
of Osprey.
Hi: is pictured cutting the tape. held by LWren (andy Easton (left) and P()Wren Janine Ricltards. Lulworth Cove is in the background. Sl\ runners from HMS Phoebe raced their ship from Portsmouth to Devonpon and raised £l.000 for the Wishing Well Appeal. When the relay run passed through Bournemouth at lunchtime on the first oftwo days the town's mayor. Cllr. Jackie Harris. met the team at the Pier —
Support The relay team com riscd LMA Peter Duncan. LS( ) lan
Frame. LS(SEA) Ginge Woodhead. LMEM Charlie Bums. -\B(Rl Glen Rea and RO(Gl
Chris Grieg
ported by
were su
Ro al Marines. tonehousc. with the loan of two minibuses
driven by Marines Tiny Nicholls and Shiner Wright. and LPT Keith Aitten. ‘who tool: by his bicycle alon to give moral support. The w ole expedition was organised and led by Lieut. Jon Birlcy.
Helping Hands
CAKE WALK plinotoltlng worlt byPOcKAlonYorowontlnIo dooorotlngthiocoito. wliichinornborooil-iflsooiphni I mm noun or
cornponytooiitoflrootorrnoridstrootlioorooportoio oponoorod wolit which raised £2.Wll tor lnn'b
Kat-onroooivod ...,..'t°"°:°..°-......"°*""...............':.'t'.'.'.:':'.; howoorriorothonhoppytodohlobiltorchorlty. 00'9"! It
ice ship’s chip off the old block SAILORS from HMS Endurance. the Royal Navy's ice patrol ship. have been convening their frozen assets into cash to help the Queen Alexandra Hospital. Portsmouth. Bodyscanner
one member of the ship's company sat in the Endurance's ice house for 48 hours to help raise £2.00l) for the appeal. -\nd when the ship rciurned home a lump of 20(1-
COMPETITOIIS lrotn HMS rotoinodtho trophy or the but
ice cut
.-Kntarctica was resented to it pub to be sold o in cubes for drinks. The Endurance's Lynx helicoptcr delivered the giant ice cube. from the bleak Graham Land peninsula. to the Bat and Ball pub in Hamhledon. Hampshirc. birthplace of cricket. ~\ccomp;inyin this pieci: of cold charity mm a warmlicaricd ship was the ship's in
commanding officer. Capt. Tom Suntr.-r, who
may to
was on the meeting in North
Wales. and (‘~\('K Nigel Cole. dressed as a penguin.
Russ Dayidson, formerly -\nd_\ in the T\' soa "Eastlindcrs". took time til" from ;t him schedule in Portsmouth to ciiiigralulalc mcnihcrs iii" .1 tc.titi front the lrigatc HHS (‘o\i~ntr_\. who raised oicr l;‘\.IlIlii tor clt.iritii-s in the city
ol”('m-entry durin a sponsored run and cycle rt e from New-
castle to Portsmouth. Ross. who had been helping to raise funds for the Queen Alexandra Hospital Body-scanner in Portsmouth. presentthe team with complimenc tary tickets for the Theatre. Southsca. where it will appear in the pantomime Cinderella with Lionel Blair and Molly Sugdcn later this
the restoration oi an _old slave village to sub-aqua diving and marine
survey work.
Taking charity prizewinner Mrs Angela Newton and her husband to sea for a day was a welcome duty for submarine
Kings commanding officer LlCUl,Cdr. Peter ilkinson,
Z] of the deep
ilfficers and men diving ship HMS Challenger have risen to a challcn e of their own to help raise unds rl to the to send a Devon Bahamas with peration —
Proceeds from
slim and a
sponsored coin
towards £2,000 needed by Nadia Jennings. from ‘i'clyi:rton. to pay cypcnscs. During. her 2':-month trip \'.idia will be intolied in proj('L'l work on five islands. ranging from bridge-building and tion went
Angela. bank official from Redditch, won her trip in HMS Otter when her businessman husband .-\insley bid £1500 for the privilege in last year's BBC Children in Need appeal. a
.—., ‘.4
Members of P()PT(Q)|'7. a petty officers‘ qualifying course at HMS 'l'ernenire. the Royal Navy School of Ph 'sica| Training. certainly too the cake when they visited G2 children's
ward at Queen Alexandra Hos-
pital. Portsmouth. Th took along the bottom the cake for the PT Branch centenary. which was duly enjoyed by the boys and
By running a sponsored mar-
athon in a time of 3hr. llmin.. W0 Hudson. of HMS Drake. raised £200 for the Royal National Lifeboat institution.
Plymouth, 3
E1 -\ sponsored run from Portsmouth to Falmouth by eight sailors from HMS Scylla raised £900 for the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children and Portsmouth Gateway Club for MentallyHandicapped Children. The sailors were POWE.-ti El
Spence. LWEMs Allwood and Colin Stephen Darby. LPT Ross Groves. SA: Richard Bateman and Stephen Kendall. AB Roland Hopkins and WEM Marl: Graves. Cl Cl C! Sixt --three n'ientally-handichildren had a (in of fun with their relatives at MS when the Tamar. Heep Hong iety for Handicapped Children held its annual families day for the first time in the naval base. I] S‘ (3 Well over £400 was raised for the Piper Alpha Dtsastcr Fund by a sponsored 24-hour vollevball competition held in HMS Warrior. About I20 people took part. including teams from Robert
Hertfordshire Constabulary
and Hcnfordshiri: Fire
“""‘"°“T """..‘ all "it: nor‘: ...’.‘.‘."...°"..... fl or n
tho some time.
c.r'."£ rori l i c uwond gquodron roloo
rono. reproIho ll oi Navy. the
children’: to bob hind
9 Easter PilgriLoildoo. ri gruolng throehotir race on I ooofront circuit tho Navy loom. with 116 laps. finiohod on tho loodor board. RN is now
trio 1
tho Lourdes horn RN. illnFill. FIFA and ilioo with handicapped
children between tho and II. Volages of
torworth. Socrollry. HCPT RN. Bnrnol Bullding. HMS sultan. Ooopott. Homo.
TWO rnoniboro oi the Port crow of HMS Ro-
.vor?o“LLllOJohriBoxtor MA And Lowmild: ronco. cycled to rain olrnoot than for tho sir Francis Droiio
while Mill at on woo overcome by hours or dodicotod podoI- ohing on tho ciao bilto. During their wooli-long iournoy from Foolono to in Bucltlond Abbo Devon. Andy out orod ooiroro ounbum but lhio did not at him horn rido. completing
$3 if i
Danae puts on a show down south HMS DANAE arranged it sea day for friends and colleagues
the other services just before ending her four-month tour of duty in the South Atlantic. The 45 visitors who were were able to watch the ship's taken by launch to the ship in company practise such drills as East Cove were from H Brirespondin to low-level aircraft tish Forces Falkland 1 ads attack by ‘alklands-based RAF and RA!’ Mount Pleasant and Phantom in
represented those who have supported or assisted the Leander~class frigate during her
gortunatel y it calm day Falklands standards and the
was a
part of Army and in
RAF clerks.
suppliers. infanteers
and aircrew were able to ate the rope ladder up the ae's side without too much -
board they were shown around the ship and
HER Majesty's Sail Training Crafl British Soldier took pan in the Helsinki to leg of the I988 Cutty Sark all Ships Race and gave CPO Michael Peters the chance to two sailors who died in
CPO Peters was the only rescntative of the Navy in t e Joint Service Crew on the Gosporl-baaed vessel. The authoritiesof the island ol'Aland in the Baltic gave permission ‘for a_ visit to the tiny uninhabited island of Fj_ardsliar. where wreaths were laid on the graves of George Pnvett. captain of the main top HMS Penel and an ordinary seaman tom the ship. Thomas Barber. An Army lieutenant and Russian soldiers who had also died in action at nearby Fortress Bomarsund were similarly honoured by other crew members. HMSTC British Soldier came 34th out of H0 boats competing in its I of the Tall Shi Race. was I th in class an eighth across the finishing line. .
Fearless in refit, Aurora bought THE assault ship HMS Fearless has begun her I7-month refit at Devonport after being laid-up for nearly three years at Portsmouth. Meanwhile, the former HMS Aurora. now out of commission. has been bought by DML. the Devonport dockyard commercial management, with the intention of modernising her and selling her to an overseas Navy. It is believed this is the first time a UK company has bought a frigate for refit and onward sale. The frigate was taken to No. 3 Basin to wait until a work kagc tailored for a customer ns.
I Laterkfl
N-\\"r' NEWS. ()(‘TOBER I988
‘7//// 4,
DURING the past six months _there has been a small overall manning levels amon WE senior improvement in shore ). ratings. particularly CPOWEAs (AD) and ( Limited use of Extended Over the past few years WEM recniiting levels have not Service ratings for specific and. as periods is hel in to reduce kept pace witharedemand now a result. we the effects 0 tu ulence in growing shortage of WEM( )6 some Shore Telecommuniand. to a lesser extent. cations units.
The retention of senior ratings on the Second Open Engato (2OE) is also This OE effect. ave an year's Board selected I68 WE General Service warrant officers. chief pert officers and petty
pensionable engagements were due to eitpire 75 over the next four years per cent. have accepted the w
olTer, which represents an cent. improvement over I9 7. Some of you may have been disap inted at not being segreat care has to be taken to avoid a rating category becoming to heavy as it could seriously a ect the future promotion prospect of more junior ratings.
Recruiti raised by
levels have been per cent. this year
and,il'met,willleadtoah' of First _Sea progortion fn WEMs (FS ) Il'I
wEAs; it is definitely
takeover bid!
and I989
run in
I988 and I989 in order to
t°'fi°‘°" i.3'sv‘i‘§.fyouare"'i't't.i‘°
not a
wait then ash_yotir sional Senior II_.attng to ring CPOWTR Tupltn on Centurion Ext. 2520. FSD Ardfleers: The of the FSD for Am and s has been 24 months for the past two years in order to reduce the large bulge of trainees. This has now virtually gone and waiting times have been reduced to between six and nine months. This is not Iiltely to reduce in the near future and no increase in FSD length is therefore anto
laden: Advancement roster lengths in July were: LWEM(O). I6-I7 months’. wEMiR). 3-4 months:
POWEM(O). Dry: POWEM(R). Dry.
lteep waiting times short and
maintain adequate shore manning levels. Waiting times for LWEM Qualifying Course ( C) are currently 2| monl s for WEM(O)s and I4 months for the latter being due WEM(R)s. to the increased number of
The intake level will be raised from I989 ‘onwards. leading to a shortening of the have been l_'inally roster. If “"'
LWME(R) QC: being
LWEM(R)s. POWEM(R)s also remain in shortage and that is the reason wh some 40 POWEM(R) sea bilets are currently filled by
lcunently 34 months) In order
Iecicclxl aut
stability within the WEM(R) Sub-Branch.
make up the shortfall of
above from ear y onwards. It may also become riecessa to reduce the length ofthe FS to
The majority of WEM(O)s should now be advanced to
ALWEM(O) prior to commencing QC. The Artiftcer Candidate roster for LWEMIRII POWEM(R) has been lengthen-
ing over the past two years as a result of the reduction in the number of course places to help
ticipated at present.
The situation for WDs and OCs has been very different and until recently the FSD was
SCOT|'lSHl.AMBSWOOLawuIrl: mraildslolrt 10ua|otsraartd7a0:Ia.
Illlltarybadoesettiaroidarnd diret:t9yorttoyot.irunitl'toarn mi’
lrnprisvtrayotirlrnaoeartdprtlttotaa trteurtit. §LNERY28dlyI.
OANWKBNALPKSENT ArrrotlfldltdfdtflIifllflffllfllwllfifflflilifl
wlthaveryordarol24awunarat. ALSO. ACIIYUC WEATEBS.SPORI Slims.
stwadltineriflasuidtypaaintttlieeutgtmi Jtiiltinittg RFA.'s. RIAS. RN v.R. and PAS
yeisflmarutltayautaiyoiitsueattioutilleebcabslurllin wanswlscaiwiwsnrinmtyytaiutiakaspamattiu-tlbsreauaedlnr
yearstnoatria. it riiaiiis-oinsii
llfllXfl'|l}UM'it IUIIIIIIGIIF 14' x Iflimwmfiaiedyh iitassvnmdtiaarsiatfllfitiorty
OCqiIntulnIartnnsasdngnlnl!uu'IhsprnaaiaiiIarttadi—nIaasaann £4.00 an wwwOwowarerintsietiuisuhnintm-tpl5hi.Iu'it.unlyu.uwsuIiIl'Uhhsii atirtntafiybahrentklupartttd ODabvarywt!niiarifilyt4ayatt:tnrsinaattolyout:irnar £10.95
2oouooristrui,PortsiiiouihPoi 3HL
Telex: 7711
Perfect for awards, mcmcntiis, Hrautillul pattern ialli. expertly engraved with name. tank at vrtial number. or message in loved one (iimplete with presentation hits. matching 'iUin ihatti. hiuoriial notes and
(Bet. inst
original nautical gifts”
that very
“Two of the world’s regulation
THE new HMS Sheffield left the Swan Hunters yard in Wallsend on March I9 this year for her final machinery trials and to embark on her delivery voyage. After acceptance in Portsmouth. she proceeded to Portland to carry out Safet Operational Sea Trials. Fo lowing two very successful weeks off Portland. the “Shiny Sheff‘ amved in London for an official visit. A host of important guests visited her. including man from the city of Sheffiel and Capt. Anthon Morton relieved Ca t. icho_las Barker as ommanding
Susan Stanley. the ship's sponsor. wife of the former Armed Forces Minister. Families of men who died in the last Sheffield in the Falklands War were present. I er‘ with tatives o aI'filiated associations. Other VIPs included the Lord Mayors of Hull and Sheffield. the Lord Lieutenant and High Sheriff of South York-
icer. Ive
tion for
trials In the autumn. The Sheffield‘s badge is derived from the Aniis and Motto of the City of Sheffield. Her motto. Den ad uvante proiih God's ficio. means help I advance. Yorkshire companies have
'od maintenance at Plymouth. the Shefiie will be embarking on further sea
1 some time
later the Type 2 f re re-
lg: fizisgoingtoseafornioretrials the jottn_iey_up Hull for ahrctrd cornnttusoning. took The cofimgsiongng place recep9 O in Nonh
turned to
% Pl‘l0I l'_
dai a rtrnent. evonport gcledldfrom
Sheffield. a
Holstrom. The Guard commander was Lieut. Colin Haley. a Sheffield survivor. During the five da visit to Hull more than 5. the ship. to am a sponsored im Md been organised by POSTD Taff Paynter and it raised over £400 for the children's ward of Sheffield Hospital. Additional charity cash is still coming in thanks to a team of ratings from the WE who
‘Sea Buildin
Ferries Terminal courtesy of Associated Britt Ports. Organisation of the inst the event was a race .
it that the latest HMS Sheffield has just as much right seen to
shire and the Master Cutler. The senior Service guest was Rear-Admiral John Coward. Flag Officer Flotilla One. A splendid iced cake baked by Cook Paul Stennings was cut by Mrs Fiona Morton and JS
the nickname "Shiny Sheff’ as her two predecessors. Their generous gifts. worth many. thousands of pounds. sparkle alongside the ship's stainless Even the ship's steel fittin bell is ma e of Sheffield stainless. as is all the cullery aboard. to
FF ’S HINING HOURS A DOZEN battle honours mark the distinguished ser-
vice of the first HMS Sheffield during the Second World War. A 9.|0_0-ton light cruiser.
with I2 siii-inch she was built at W
Tyne by Vickers-Armstrong. launched in July I936 and completed I3 months later. Allocated
the Home Fleet. she few radarwas_one of tlie to
efiuippedandshi severaloutbreak months afterwards od she Dunnhtlgse compan sweeps at
or _
eet on
iii the Nonh Sea and Atlantic. patrolled the DenmarkStrait to
intercept German ships t i to pass around Iceland took of in the early the orwegtan ampaign. errytroops to Namsos.
May I940 she 'oined the
was held Note Command in readiness for anti-invasion
duties until A when she wasallocatedto orcell. From its base in Gibraltar the Force filled the vacuum left in the Western Mediterranean by the.
withdrawal of the French Fleet and also covered the Atlantic. between the Azores and Gibraltar. Duri the next I4 months the Sh ield escorted Malta-
accompanied bound"-errying convoys, operations to
Malta and. in Febnia I9-ll. bombarded Genoa. o the west. she supported Atlantic convoys threatened by German surface raiders and played an important shadowing role in the successful hunt for the Bismarck in late Ma I941. From October I 4| until June I944 she served with the Home Fleet once again. based at Scapa Flow and in Iceland. Ocasionall she was detached for the orth African and Salerno invasions in November I942 and September I943 and for Biscay patrols against blockade runners in the sumbut her main mer of I943 task was the protection of Russian convo The Sheffiel was put out of action for I7 weeks after striking a mine off Iceland on March 4 I942. but in the Battle of the Barents Sea on the last —
day of the year. she sustained no damage while beating off an attack by the ct battleship Lutzow and I e heavy cruiser
Hipper on
convoy bound for
Murmansk. Her luck also held a year later when she emerged unscathed after being present at the sink-
name Hmnms
mare:"1341.Malta convoys ean
1I41.Aretle1Mt-43.Nortfi Africa 1042. Barents Sea
t942.lleeay1943.8elerno 1043.ltortficape1I43end
Fetlnnd Ialende 1&2.
ing of
the Scliamhorst off the North Cape. During her last months with the Home fleet in I944. the Sheffield screened the carriers while they struck at the battleship Tirpitz and other targets in Norwegian waters.
July I944. the Sheffield rocecded to Boston Navy In
and to refit and did not return to the United Kingdom until May 1945; there was no urgency to complete the work outstanding and she did not reenter full commission until May I946. Between September and November of that year she served as the flagship of the America and West Indies Station. the first of three such commissions. Other tasks included serving with the Mediterranean Fleet. flagship of the Reserve Fleet and ip of F0 Flotillas (Horne). he was sold for scrapping in I967. A year after the cruiser was sold. the order was placed for another HMS Sheffield. which was to be the name-shi of the missile Type 42 class of ui destroyers. arm with the Seadart missile system. Launched by the Queen at Barrow in I971. the new Sheffield was commissioned in February I975. After first-of-class trials. she served in the 3rd Fri-
uadron. orce
Na_io Standing
Atlantic and in the
Indian Ocean. patrolling off the entrance to the Persian Gulf. After the invasion of the Falkland Islands. the Sheffield was allocated to the Task Force. She anive in the Total Exclusion Zone around the Falklands on May I and screened the carriers Hemtes and Invincible while their aircrafl attacked the Port Stanley airfield that day and on May 4. During the afternoon of May 4, the Task Force was attacked by land-based Argentine Navy strike aircraft and the Sheffield was hit by an Exocei air-to—surface missile. Uncontrollable fires broke out and the shi had she to be abandoned. did not actually founder until May 9. Twenty officers and men were lost with the Sheffield. Two dozen men were injured in the attack and they and the 242 other survivors of the ship's company were transferred to various ships in the Task Force. The body of one of HMS Sheffield‘: dead was recovered and committed to the sea from HMS Hermes.
HGURES Length: 14cm. Beam: 14.75ni. Displacement: 4.900 tonnes. Mean draught: 4.5m. Maiilmum complement: 22 officers.
92 senior two a
e and
yne turbines in a two shaft
configuration. E0000‘ Iectrlce power: generat-
ed by four 12-cylinder Valenta diesel engines. The Sheffield Is the first ship flttedwlthlfteeeande new control I etent called ynelec 000. Speed: 30 knots; 18 on Tynes. flange: 4.500 miles eI1Iltnotaon'I'ynee.Weaand
decoys: Eaocet.
eaivolf (two systems). see sltue. twln 30mm Match and
CHEERS! -cornnileeloned water colour painting of the Old 0ueen'e Heed 'a Sheffield. one of the oldest has been
toHH88hefby John 8mlth‘a
How that
jaunfiness was
CAPPING HIS STORY! Like Reader Lilley I deplore The loss of things that are no more he oft been known to moan a dirge
For bygone years in Pusser's serge. Hill up In him you lucky chaps’ l‘\e made '10 roiiiments on the caps. llinugti zvi my time I got in wear 'i~:. '-.:d-.l 1 I~.
In those days. cynies must agree. We spent a lot more time at sea Three years was quite a normal time Fur lticli to serve in foreign clirnc. \n..l in the wzir uhile half alive. < "I -iIlt' l.i.v '~l.Illt?n I did five I2‘. ltiiltny xi-sxiuns l_lCl'S he franltl —
50 years of HMS Daedalus THE letter from Capt. N. (L llalleti (September)
.\\\'\ \l'\\\,ll('l(lHl'R|‘3l\’h
Review of allowances ‘overdue’
WHILE not disputing how the Review of Allowances has affected him personally‘. l_ feel that (‘CPO P. G. Parkin (September letters) has failed to take a proper. objective view of the RDA. Had he done so he would have realised that the Admiraliy's Board's yustifiahle aim in reviewing the allowances was an attempt at updating old allowances and introducing new ones that suit the changing of Armed Forces person-
He must also remember that the Admiralty Board does not have a blank cheque from the Treasury and they work extremely hard attcm rm to secure the best deal or i e vast something l witmajority‘ nessed while working in the MOD for three years. What the R0.-\ has successfully managed to do is eradicate the absurdity of some current allowances. includin some aspects of warrants. H D5 and Se aration Allowance. 0 longer will personnel be able to travel from one end of the country to the other on holiday at Government expense. claim vast amounts of money for travelling to and from work. so precipitating house moves many miles front their place oi work. or receive money for the "personal and emotional disadvantages of separation from their spouses" quoted verbatim from the Naval Pay Regulation! while I fully appreciate that BSA is an emotional topic for (‘CPO Parkin. as well as manyothers. I fail to see why the Government should pay for the private schooling of children whose parents have not mo\ ed throughout the child‘s educawhich does happen in tion —
letter (August) was indeed an eye-opener. To get a job when you POL_lCE Sgt Dart‘_s with zi 505 almost to live off
are in
as is
mortgage and other nonnal overheads of running
IN THE I ht of recent IRA could I at an met or! of security concaming access to
naval bases.
Pasaeslssuodtoiiilvaa ol Sarvlcanion at culdroaa contain the iiilla's name and alyiaturo. together with space tor chil&en'a names. would it not be better to have passes similar to that Is our husbands’ —
phocontalnln&a could tograph. sign in current
pass. Holation. Cornwall.
I write.
From Culdrose it was stated that the gates were closely monitored and that the peas system generally worked well when families came in to use facilities The upgrading of passes by use of photographs would. it was agreed. be an advantage but the prac-
ticalities presented considerable problems. I'lOl least because of a large and everchanging family
population Meanwhile. passes for permanent con tractors were
l was made redundant in the oil business crash in I985: I gave up after 75 applications for work and retrained in self. l was thank-
ful then benefit. The
there isn't any and I worked hard all my" tire. Even being in a Jobclub it is difficult to find work. 50 (‘RS Chapman you should count your blessings. Not all of the unemployed are ment as
work I am currently enga ed in will not last for ever an now I am past 55'. suddenly the future does not look too bright. We did our service to relieve ourselves of this kind of problem. We are a group of peo le who. when they could. id somethin to plan for our future. ony now to be penaE. H. II. Barker. lised for it. Ex-W0. Grange-over-Sands. ('umbria.
What is not is that the National acancy Register (N.-ATV.-\(‘S) whose computer is based in Sheffield is available to all. So use the counsellin of the Jobcentre staff. Fin out about NATVACS. check what your ('0DOT number is. and get a print-out of vacancies that con-
l WAS disgusted to read the letter (September) from (‘RS A. L. Chapman regarding his leaving the Service at over 55 after serving almost 40 years. He is cenainly not going to lose out financially because of the uncaring no-intention-of-working
it affects everybody at some time or other.
After security of employment all the years in the RN. he will receive a handsome gratuity and a substantial index-linked
Wiihoiit the invaluable ser\lCL' the tngadinc has provided. nni lorgctting the RN and RF-\ personnel involved. both past zind present. the Navy surely would he at .i loss. We may be old and slow. but don't I). C. Green. count us out‘ |'()(R)\(llt’l Senior Rati.'s' Mess. Rt-\ Fngadiiic --
Venerable old ship I FIND your excellent newspaper most interesting notwithstanding the fact my connection with naval matters goes
back to service as a "buntin tosser" during the First Worl War. I wonder whether any-body remembers that tuand old batt-
. The reference books show
couple of Athens a troopship or 1840 which eventually
certain cases.
sad that a man of(‘(‘P() l’arkin's skill and ('!.pCflt‘l'l(‘t.‘ should choose to submit his notice and eschew the Second Open En gemeni. But. w ilc "The Review of
Gambia government. and an Australian gunnesel ol 1883. There have also been three R0 at Yachts narned Victoria and lbert Edltor. went to the
But please. after almost a lifetime of security in the Services. don't look down your noses at the unemployed as
Griffiths. Stirling.
. Strong feelings
The other Albert medal I \i\'tl.\'DER if you could help me establish if there was ever ;i ship named ll.\lS -Xlbcrt. I can only think of the Royal )acht -\lber-i My reason for asking is that l was presented with my Long
leship HMS Venerable being
anchored in Portland harbour as the parent ship of the many mim-sweeping and submarinehunting trawlers which claimed Portland as the home port. I was si nalman ofonc of the trawlers. MS Robcn (lit-ison ses en days at sea and three but how glad the in harbour crew used to be to get back to the old Venerable. She was a lovely old ship and had plenty of rum on board. Incidentally. we found and sank a German mine in the harbour probablv "planted" bv ti submarine we didn't catch. However. we did sink one submarine outside the harbour. near the old Bill. I am now 88 but this memory from 1917 is still v.vid in my mind. J. H. Griffiths. Wimbornc. Dorset. —
A class of
their own
REFERRING to the humorous "Flower power" letter (.-\ugustl. I tactically take evasive action over its con-
tents! .-\ll corvette lads were a breed of their own. whether we served in Flower Class. Castle (‘lass or various other prc-war ships reclassificd as corvcttcs for convoy escort duty Many of us had served in both classes. Together we faced the rigours of the North Atlantic and trusted to luck as we "side ste ped" the multi-shaped ice rgs off the Newfoundland coast. We shared the same privations and had a commo. envy of the comparative eomfon of bi ships. This noble reed of corvette men
Vlnsh to recruit for
Seaman -
as some us apso it is in our
proach senility
surviving interest if all corvciie men stick together for future reunions. l. Jones. Mablethorpe. Lincs. —
shore based operations tocilitv:
(Operations) Officers
( Lieutenant)
the successlul candidates will have had recent sedgoing service in the Royal Now in the rank of Lieutenant and ideally, experience in o
shore based operations cell. These posts ore for on initial conlrcicl period of 2 years. renewable thereafter annually by mutual agreement Although unaccompanied. family visits are encouraged. Iniliol salary is £l5.300 p.o. and d groluily ol $6,300 is paid on completion of the contract. All remuneration IS paid lax tree. ol 0 lixed exchange role and is fully remittoble. Other benefits include tree dccommoddlion, transport and medical services cind the 60 days annual leave allowance is complemented by 3 return on pcissciges per year. It you have recently left the Royal Navy or are about to do so and would like to receive more information about opportunities within this small but technically advanced Now, please conlocl:- Personnel Olllcer (M.R.). Airworlt Limited. Bournemouth Intemcitlonol Airport.
Christchurch. Dorset BH23 oil.
the subiaet of unemployment benefit were expressed in letters lrorn several other correspondents. —
What about Engadine? H~\S RF-\ Erigadine again been l'orgotti:n'.' Your July edition says. "\ flypasi of Sea and Lynt l‘ll.‘lIl.'()plCl'§ salute 8rit.iin's only aviation training ship as she began her working life in Portsmouth The En adine was commissioned in )cccmbcr l‘ih7. and has from that date prmidcd aviation training to aircrew from 7}? Squadron (Wessex 3) and 829 Squadron (Wasp). She is still to this time at sea providing training in deep water 0 rations to 8l0 Squadron ( at King 5). 702 Squadron (Lynx) and 707 Squadron (Sea Kin 4). corn letin over 46.5 deck lan in .T is asien crucial ation training has to new pilots and obscners now forming the backbone of the Fleet Air -\l'l'l1.
Service and (iood Conduct Medal while serving in HMS Alert in I955 and only recently I realised it was engraved "HMS Albert"! Presumably this must make it a curio. I retired from the RN in I962 as a (‘PO. R. T. Jordan. Dartford. Kent.
I also served in the RN and was It“ alided out in N70 after having an accident during an exercise while sening in HMS London as a leading electrical mechanic Since April last year I have been unable to find employ-
-xllowances" booklet issued by Director General Naval Personal Services is not without imperfections. which i am sure the Admiralty Board would readily admit. (‘CPO Parkin should see ll for what it is a quintessentially pragmatic approach to the long overdue overhaul of allowances and I. for one. applaud it. D. Johnson. PUWTR. Fleet Air Arm Drafting. HMS Centunon. Q See also Director of Naval service conditions comrnants an RCA page is.
iV‘\\ I
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Dressed to impress BUSY‘series of multinational exercises. interspersed with spells of relaxation in places such as Singapore. Hong Kori Manila. Jakarta and Bali. marked the progress of ships of the Royal Navy's utback 88 deployment as they headed for A
Australia. If the
intense. so was the relaxation and shopping it is estimated that task group ships‘ was
company members
bined to spend more than a
million pounds ashore in
Hong Kong.
As the main group of ships. compnsin HM ships Ark Royal and E inburgh. and Rf-‘As Fort Orange and Olwen. had made its way across the Indian Ocean towards Singapore. HMS Sirius and RF.-\ Orangeleaf forged ahead to Malaysia
making successful three-day vtsits to Lumut and Penang.
Both ships went on to participate in the first of the exercises involving the countries of the Five Power Defence Arrangement l‘K. Australia. New Zealand. Singapore and Malaysia. (‘ode-named Starfish. the exercise Il'I\'0l\.‘Cd FPI)-\ navies and air forces in limited combined maritime operations —
Making a colourful eight dreued overall tor the occasion. HM ships Shettield and Brave host PITYU-‘Q Area Phototrloh-c UM HMS WI!-It sightuere at Plymouth Navy Oaya.
Navy Days: a real family occasion! RECOGNITION ofa familiar accent steered PO(SEA) David Daniel awav from the intricacies of rope work at Portsmouth Navy Da syto the unravelling of a human drama the speaker turned out to be his hat -sister. —
\l.'olyerh;impton resident.
Mrs. Shirlei Burton. originally from Walsall. was watching P0 Daniel's demonstration of splicing ;i hell rope when he picked up her accent and they got talking. (‘oincidcnces in their experiences were numerous and although neither had known of the other pan of the family until that day the connection became obs mus when they dis--
covered that they had the same
grandparents. "l was completely dumbfounded." said PO Daniel. "I
already have three sisters."
His family has been extended still further. for Mrs. Bunon also has a sister and a brother. Although no definite arrangements have been made. a family meeting is likely in the not too distant future (‘rowds at Ponsmouth Navy
about |U_t)()0 down on last year. but even so Pt) Daniel's meeting with his sister was a chance in 58.000. HMS Illustrious proved in st nificant draw, attracting visitors over the three days. but HMS Challenger came up with the largest daily total more than ll.tl()0 visitors on the Sunday. An estimated £-15.000 was raised for naval charities at Portsmouth but the postal strike has delayed the finalisawere
of Ply'mouth's figure.
Reduction Security alerts. bad
weather and the proximity to the Annada 400 celebrations are believed to have accounted for the drastic reduction ll'l attendance ai Ply-mouth Navy Days only between 18.000 and 30.000 people \t5|lCd in the three days about a third of last )‘ear‘s figure. HMS Cornwall and HMS Sheffield proved the most popular ships. although. like the
Maintenance On completion of Starfish. the Sirius and Orangeleaf joined the remainder of the task group ships alongside at Sembawang wharves in Singapore. now pan of a busy commercial dockyard. for a twoweek maintenance period. Over 80 families took the opportunity to fly out from the UK and enjoy local leave. During the Singapore call. the Prime Minister. Mrs Thatr"er, visited the .-\rk Royal. "mopping in" for lunch by helicopter. While on board she met Singaporean political and business figures as well as talking to many sailors about the Outback deployment. The main group left Singapore on August 8 to cross the South China Sea to the Philipthe Ark and Olwen gopines ing to Subic Bay and the Edinand Fort (irange making
In a slope street market three HMS slrlue ratings try out a oolounu new line in shorts tor tropical rlg. Fashion model in Poll!) New Chamberlain. bet "titted by AB(s) Stu Bowman (loft) and Oscar llde. ihciure LAtPhoIi Roy Naytot
buwhag a
visit to the
Manila. Both venues were extremelypopular with ships’ companies. with the Subic \'l§ll combining the best of both worlds with the excellent facilities and warm welcome of the l‘S Navy and the vibrant local colour of near-
by Olongapo City. 0 continued opposite
Outback exercise the trlgato HMS slrlue carries out rnld-alr retuolllng ot a Sea King.
Picture pom“J Lb” Wm I
Two members ol TS Loyalty. Nautical Training Corps. the Portsmouth Navy Days throng waiting to board HMS Illustrious. HMS Ilustiious Photograph-c Sect-on
others on display. they were only able to be open above deck. Nuclear submarine. HMS Splendid. was on show at Plymouth. but visitors were able only to admire it from the outside. Some interest was salv ed by the air and nver displa '. ut the turnout was still isappointing.
RMAS TO RESCUE FISHERMAN Joel Skinner spent 11 hours clinging to a lobster pot float before the Royal Maritime Auxiliary Service vessel Dolwen came to his rescue. Mr. Skinner was the only survivor from a tour man crew when the 28ft crabber, Inspire. was swamped by heavy seas otl Cemaoe ltead near Fishguard. The Dolwen had been called out by the liteguard shortly after midnight on September 6. alter carrier
had failed. but it
was not
until 2am that Mr. Slun
and hauled to safety. A ht.-li copmr ii'tad him from HMAS Dolwen to hospital.
not was
to track down the
treated tor hypothen-rite. Acting master of the Dolwen. Norman Campbell. totd Navy News that the lated journey was the maiden trip tor Inspire. She had apparently got into difficulties in the middle of the afternoon but was not reported missing until three hours etter her expected return time of 6pm. “Weather had been lairly good and there was no great concern when the boat was not back on time." he said. "People just thought there must have been a power laiiuic or engine tron ble. It was only when Mrs Stunner reported later in the evening that her husband had not returned that it beiame obvious that there was something more seriously wrong
where he
A top-up tot HMS
operation. Taking part too
trorn the fleet tanker RFA Olwori during a replenishment at sea the operation is the fleet replenishment ship RFA Fort Grange.
Hard workers,
big spenders
Philippines came a training period with
After the
Arl t noyal t zuhtovel p rovi d e thetvoeptoytnenttttleoy spelltnglt
weabons the 5 Navy and Air Force and
the chance to witness at close hand the awesome fire wer of the USS New Jersey. t e towaclass battleship. as she fired two broadsides with her nine lo-in
The distinctive outline at Hong Kong auctions in a
t::.' : "£.' “ .3°.......i . ' ° ' " ‘ . ..":.' . "..' . : Colony.
Then it was on to Kong with the main group 0 ships berthin at HMS Tamar against the bat: drop of the dramatic skyline of Hong Kong Island. On herthing. the task group commander. Rear-Admiral Peter Woodhead. was called on to "dot the eyes of the lion." This traditional welcome heralded a hectic four-day visit with over 2.000 people visiting the task p ships and the combine task group ships‘ .
P-clue LMPHGI Terry Huang
companies spending over a million pounds ashore.
Startling and Si s i d t i s Meani e i ‘ h i _ i l e . d t h e{_ Oraiigel pet yvisit Thailand. with Sattgip. “HWY “'3'! PNVWI POWa ive
THE H Kong patrol craft HMS eecoclt joined ships of the RN Outback deployment in the Five Power Defence Arrangement Exercise Starilsh oil’ the Malaysian coast.
lar. One minor
injury occurred
aaltorewhenpanofthe present the River Kwai bridge
gave way under the feet of a startled olfioer! moved The main south toapositiono the coast of Brunei to Exercise Setia Kawan (Loyal Friend). ii shore
The Peacock visited Slappore before the exercise lIlK‘|I had two phases weapon traini and tactical and finish with a sporting coinpetition (the Perth Cup) and —
support exercise involving about 3.0(X) troops drawn from the R0 at Brunet Armed Forces. 1 British gamson in
Hong Kong
The brood
and Brunei—based
Art: Royal Sea Harriers of 80! Squadron flew simulated bombing sorties against key shore installations. and combined lift operations usin task BAF p Sea Kings and helicopters moved 250 Bruneian assault troops on board the Ark. were
viewed by
the Sultzin of Brunei. who was also given a ship‘s tour and 3 Hunt: display h_\ the carrier air group
period the
particular!) busy
roup sailed
on to anot er FPI).-\ exercise. Lima Bersatu tFi\e Together). This air defence exercise used the ships and iiireraft of the
taslt group to extend the
grated air defence system Malaysian peninsula.
from all participating nations were involved. including Tornado F3s from the UK. Simulated attacks were made from a variety of directions. \hlll'l the Sea HZll'l'lt.‘l'S of SOI Squadron alone llying -43 sor-
U8 battleship New Jersey demonstrates her tremendotia power as aha delivers from her nine 16in. main gun battery just 500 yarda aatern of HMS Ant Royal.
"enemy" airi.'rat't from the fictitious Penan-
ties to ll‘ll(‘Tl.‘CDl vian
The Sirius and Urnngeleat
continued a largely independent programme. with iisits to Jakarta and to the Indonesian island of Bali in early Septeniher. Later they were moving on to Papua, New tiuinca.
banyati. A Hong Kong patrol erait usually takes part in this anTask roup ships crossed the nual exercise which provides line on piember 0 with a few useful training for the ship's people 3\'0|dlltg the traditional company in operational procedures as well as working in attentions of King Neptune Sailin south to Australia. larger task groups than experthe high ight of the deployment ienced iu Houg Kong. Hiere was another visit to was ‘illll to come with the ships representing the Royal Navy at Singapore before the Peacock returned to Hong Kong to rethe Bicentennial Review in \I.ll‘l'I¢ patrol duties. ‘iydnes on ()t'toher l.
sweltering heat.a Lyn:hettoopnarengtnectiangetacarrtedotitonttientghtdecttotflus Pictures Latt HMS Ari: Royal Photographic Section above. LAiPnoti tony haio-rig Edinburgh.
WHEN 0 party
would and
nouncod aialltabout. "lt rnado up tor all tnoao painful. ondloaa hllla,"
Jane makes
WHEN First Ofllcer Jane Salt took up her appointment as first lieutenant of the Royal Naval College. Greenwich. last month. she made history. Only the second WRNS officer to be first lieutenant of a shore establishment. First Of!’cer Salt is also married to a first lieutenant. Her husband. Gra-
Hridgarstet have been suptlls in cars to and attached personnel for «net 20 years
Naiiican uf venicernen
the best company to deal with hccau\c nut \PCCI.I| range «it sert |L‘l.‘\ and lower Df\s‘C\. L||"1C as standard In ‘it nut suslnmfls We alt‘ a unique \(\CLl.Ill\l \-Iulti I 1.ll’lt.hl\€ IVf\L‘l‘.tll'\n the tinls uirnpany isitli .ll|'t‘L{ supplies til I-iird. Audi \'til|wi.Agen_ .'\U\'|Il'l. are
Rover. Mcltedcs-Hen], Peugeot. Vliulhall. t)pcI,\'olm_I.and Rover and Range Riiset »\| L l'.‘\il)l-RON} R()()l‘ lhe_\ are all ..iuil.sb|e ltum our tolling stint at Bttdgvaslcr or hutlt to strut titan iflcslrlblllllflthmugh the I.t..'tun
THE ARRANGEMENT \i>tl'tin§t tnuld post
at vie
C.I\lL'l Ill
safer than Fusing
.t ur
phnnc lriini .\.ituc.tt\ in littdgustcr
\-M: ‘mm. and
knim the pitlalls
h.1\cHlC .tnw-crs
lflilFfit t .iu ifllfl‘ \llll\J'\ are :..»i nit! in ltcc hut spnuils Jim-iinteil tun -\rid turtcti: riiinattae rates mutt VIEW‘
,"tur\ air timer than ( 4)fl(Ill('lIl.lllJs'.I|f\ ;-ri.e-
Tan tmm '\.alt-uh aft .>-ciic- 6.4.4 ppcu [l\I'lfi In-net uluc than '1".-mt wlflllflffllaiIll‘ .-l.'t:' .'tfl."I’ ruttil iltni .aH \..r;n rt! <~ul\.-Ir lh:-I K Kdititii--iati. N l"*\J'\ has 4 \
i.--.z.i|irs .r..e\\--tir\.r.'st:i-,:
: '
ti-its \El'Vf
“>u'-.-r.t.l:i--m";i!t.n.t.-; Iflllllll Plll (INK -
E Naval Engineering College. claim a man—0nl_\ tag. Now it’s establishment. For a young \\'R.\'S oilicer has sutccssllill-_. broken into the all-male domain of engineering at the (‘ollegc and has emerged as its First
olTiccr. Debbie Heesottt.
Third Officer. graduated with an u per second class honours egree which was to her b the First Slr Wila Lord. Adrstl
llan Staveley. Debbie left the College clutching her degree and lans ready to make weddi with- fellow student
A VIDEO entitled "Battle Stress" was issued to increase awareness and provoke discussion about the stress of battle. with it was an instructional booklet deassist to signed instructors and divisional officers to facilitate discussion after viewing of the video. Feedback has shown there is need for more positive advice on the mom of servicemen ing from the aftermath of catastrophiea. says an announcement. and now an-
Meanwhile more notes have been issued for use with the first video. These combat or say thstf
major accident
eta need is to restore the environment and to
physical iinitthedamagetomenerid
........."""'i tr...-r..:~....~; M e
-M "':.-..mI needs of those iri-
voived. be they survivors rescuers. are
stress disorder. An overall tel in performance might be the first indication to of the existence of unreported
he condition may emerge years after the disaster and the this cause is than frequently unrecognised. There is no correlation between the psychiatric symptoms. the severity of the sufferer's own injury or the degree of involvement in the disaster. On the contrsry, it often appears that those who are unlniured or "
peripherally are at most risk.â&#x20AC;&#x2DC; only
Leaders should be specially vigilant if their men have been involved in the Falltlands conflict or s peacetime disaster. "The more out of character the deterioration of an individuaI's performance. the greater the likelihood of s
specific cause of this
lV.â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;\VT NEWS. KR |lJDCl\ IVHO
I GLASNOST at Farnborough as Cor. Scott Lidbetter, commanding officer of 899 Squadron. eiichanges mementos with visiting Soviet MIG-29 (Futcrum) pilots. Here he presents MiG-29
chief test pilot Valery Menitsky with a framed picture or a Sea Harrier On the right is Lieut. Alistair McLaren. the first western lighter pilot to sit in the a Mt I -
N-\\"i' NEWS. OCTOBER I988
the ‘focus for a project designed to promote a new ‘providing with centred the sche-mc‘s first
approach to recreation
year being
activities in
Rois ner. .-\ction
funded jointly
l1\ the Sports Council and
Hampshire County Council
represents a change of direction for council leisure services. Instead of providing activities which people may choose to attend ifthey wish (at a cost of course). Action Sport Development Officer Simon Lister is meeting people on the Rowner estate. discovering what facilities they want. and then aiming to provide them. —
“The scheme
change people's expectations." said Simon. ‘'1 hope that the name -\t:li0n Spon won't put people off. It rhaps conjures up pictures 0 people rtinning round in tracksuits all the time. but we are aiming for something much wider than that. it is really all about just having a taking part go at things tting out of the house alowing women to have a break ——
from their children." The breadth of approach was evidence at a recreation y held at Bridgemary Community School 'ust prior to the scheme's o icial
personal message with a
.\|_vv.1. \r\
Home help with a difference —
N0 NEWS is good news. or so the saying goes but life is not quite as simple as that. as the Naval Family Service is well aware. —
The saying holds true. since the section is a highly successful one in providing assistance. but NFS which operates under the umbrella of the Naval Personal and Family Service seldom hits the headlines although its main concern is with what could be called bad news: people's -
John Donovan. his deputy. and two team managers. who aim to create the right climate and environment for the social workers to be effective.
problems. East
Although the social workers in Hong Kong and Gibraltar.
each with some 300 naval families under their care. are obisolated. dail sigviously nals pass between HMS elson bases so that and the forei the distance oes not seem as much as it might. Lisbon and Naples. with smaller naval communities. do not have their own social workers. but there is a UK support unit in each lace and liaison with John novan and his team is still strong. One of the misconceptions the NFS is trying to overcome is that it is "only for wives" it deals with mums. dads. children. grandparents; anyone from the naval community who needs its help. one of the first contacts a amily ——
region's Naval Family
Service. based at HMS Nelson in Portsmouth. has a much
larger area to cover than the North or West regions. with responsibility for some 30.000 families. including more than 600 in Hong Kong and Gibraltar.
Area Oflioer. Mr. John Donovan. explained that the unit is concerned with two very broad areas case work and preven—
Qualified A wide range of
ems come under family the auspices of the NFS and are its well trained dealt with staff— 2| 0 them in the East region. and 59 nationally. Financial difficulties. bereavement. sickness. stress. depression and physical and/or sexual abuse are among the problems _
and complete confidentially are. of course. essential." said John. “so all the social workers wear civilian clothing. Within the NFS we also liaise very closely with other civilian social workers who may have had contacts with individuals or families before we are brought in."
Crisis Unfortunately. the Naval Family Service does not always hear of problems Unlll they have reached crisis proportions. but it is aiming to break
down barriers by becoming involved in community initiatives such as the Well Baby Clinic at Eastney. This monthly session is run jointly by at local health visitor and an NFS social worker who is usually on hand for who wants to talk throu a difliculty (or worry) wit a caring outsider.
moving into a new area may experience is with someone
from the Naval Wives‘ Service. but that is just one area of operation. As John Donovan put it: naval "We have two clients command and naval families and individuals. Almost without eitception we feel that because the relationship is so good we satisfy both." This news surely is good news! —
rortheltariilyuteaoetloriolbeearir bofallevyllows.
School keeps Fleet links to the fore ALTHOUGH only about a third of its pupils now come from naval families. the Royal Naval School for Girls at Haslemere in Surrey is maintaining close links with the Service the badges of more than I00 Fleet units are to be dislayed in a new buildin due completion late in l 89. Work has begun on the project a new Sixth Form house and centre for advanced studies where. in addition to accommodation for 60 girls. there will —
i A cated IT was a family affair when Commodore Frederick Goodson presented Long Service and Good Conduct Medals to husband and wife. Alan and Lesley Tomkins. (‘POWEA Alan is serving at HMS Collingwood. the Royal
Navy Weapon Engineerin
School. and CPO“/rtll WT Lesley at HMS Centurion. the Pay and Records Centre. Les-
with the BEM she receive for her work on centralising the Royal Marines pay at HMS Centurion. oes
The L5 and G(‘ medals were awarded to the couple for each completing I5 years continuous very
be a computer suite. multi-purpose lecture theatre. individual studylcomputer terminal areas. and common rooms.
Boh’s Beat Retreat Ollflflolflllfiiflflflitbdlblhvflhnr IyOINlnOIltl tnitlilaaltotitligIartlteaeetlontiad beeeinesetiandnatiiietol.laiit.-ctlr.Iob
Make someone pleased you read this ad today
"We consider prevention to be a very im rtant rt ofour work." said ohn. e want to enable people to take responsibilityfor running activities they are important to the b¢lI¢_V¢ of their own lives. to hel t em realise that th can support themselves an use their own growing abilities. "We want to break down the myths about social workers wanting to be dominant. overdirective and unapproachable. Although we are part of a controlled system we aim to become part of the community and want to be seen as normal peo le with skills to offer." "
e man
Sovereign Flowers are
available all year round.
ent team at the
Portsmouth FS _
in handsome white
made up of
m*'< iionviitr I
"i bet the
signals they got
Reservist Wrens test the water
Caring tradition
DEDICATED disaster relief work by the Royal Navy. in the shape of HMS Active. following Caribbean devastation b Hurricane Gilbert. demonstrated the swift. c eerlul and ellective response which has become a Senior Service
hallmark in these situations. It reflects admirably on many aspects of the Service, not least the disaster exercise training provided by Portland and which. sadly, is often needed in real calamities.
for different teamwork exercises to the
one we
““"“"”..‘l //[M0501/Bi'~”
Director replies on allowances-.-
THE question of women at sea a ain surfaces with the participation of a dozen K Fleservist Wrens in this autumn‘s Teamwork 88 exercise. Firm, if va ing, views are heard on whether there should a role at sea for naval women. but this latest development provides new impetus to the argument in what seem changing times. A modest experiment in a huge exercise involved a dozen WRNR members serving alon side FlNFl male colleagues in half a dozon c artered merchant ships. Successes or problems if any will presumably be carefully assessed in a close look at the whole topic of women at sea at a time when the manpower pool from which the Services draw is dwindling. Other countries have gone further over women at sea and sometimes made headlines. not always for the best of reasons. But the question is whether circumstances are po nting towards sea time not necessarily in warships by members oi the full-time WRNS. Wrens have on rare occasions served afloat for specific tasks the exception to the general rule h older readers may recall a service afloat by some wartime Wrens. “Preparing to test delicate waters" was how one newspaper described the WRNR members at sea. claiming the Navy was "shy about going the way of the Danish. Dutch and US navies. A main problem was "the threatoi a revolt by Navy wives. sensitive to the thought of their husbands going to sea in the company of other women.“ Undoubtedly it remains an emotional subiect. perhaps illogically so. but there would be practicalities to be tackled. like accommodation. discipline and service in combat spots. it will be Interesting to see what. if anything.
piili/iiuliiin of the ilcrailvd rules
in//iiii-iiig the l'(’(‘(‘Ill H'ld(‘-l'£1IlRilIl_i.’Rem-w o_I',-llliiiiunitti. Ht) fiirrlivr majnr i'hangr'.r uni HUN‘ i'.t'p¢'i‘Ii'd in the iicarfulura
l4'h¢'n t)lllt‘()IHl' of the f('\'l('H' first berarnr I\7l0WIl ilirrc was it |'£lfl¢’l_l' of criticism and qiir'm'.t. including several letters in .‘\i’at'_i' News. in Hip JiiI_i- ¢‘dlll0Il ii war .l'l'alt’d that thil)IIl'<'l'Uf 11/ .'\'iii-al Sl'I’\'l(‘(’ ('widiiion.t would mmim'ni when the detailed rules had been wruIr-ii and approved. The response. now f(’('£‘ll'('d. H
Undcrlyin each of the four lcttcrs_is the feeling t at the author has been disadvantagcd by the review.
upratcd in line with average incrcascs in fees for the schools attended by most Scrvicc
children. The rate for
schools will. in fact. increase twice durin the I988-89 academic year (to £l.2S5 for lhc picmbcrtom. and £l.295 in January) although. of course. the parental contribution will make a dilTcrcncc for sonic. No one will receive less in cash terms than they did In September I988. The numberof travel warrants for each category of person has also been a matter for much discussion and argument. There were many in Whitehall who thought that any leave travel senior
when allowances are changed on at “no net cost" basis it is not possible for eve one to gain. However. as was made clear w on the review was announced. the Navy did manage to get some extra money for allowances. which was put towards the Scagocrs' Package. Benefits for scagocrs under the new package (Long Service at Sea Bonus and extra warrants) arc at least comparable to previous scagoin allowances. and for many they are beln't lo I that. when the new system tcr. has worked ully through its state. those who spend most time at sea wil rcccivc even more in LSSB and will get extra warrants as well.
Difficult decisions Boarding School Allow-ancc has been. for the N.ivy. about the most difficult subject in the
and DNS(‘ is very conscious that many parents havc been left with some panicularly difficult decisions. The announcement in mid-August. rcllcctcd on the front page of Scptcmbcrs Navy News. has cascd some of lht.‘ problcms hul not all of ihcm. In the case ol (‘(‘.\lE-\(Pl P. (i. Parlun. from lhc information in his lctlcr (Scptcmbcr editiiinl. tlcclaring his family "sl.1hlc" uhilc his sun Iinishcs at llolhrixik would £][1Dt'ilr now ln ln- lltL' anwcr llc shnulil lulit in his l'iiit Pcrwiiiicl ( lllicc ii" hc has not .'Ill'l'iId\ ilnnc so lhc lll.‘\'~ ll.\\ r.1ti:s ipiiblishcd hy signal in L'illl‘_- -\ugu\ll uhiilt “Ill hr‘ clTi:t'li\r linm l;inu;ir\ l‘lti*4 art" 1' l .295 pcr tcrnt fur childri-ii at senior schools. I. I JV“ pcr lcrni liir chililrrn rcvicw.
iircp sultuulx llicsi: l;llL‘3 h.t\c also lk't‘ll LTlll\.l\t.'lJ. wincllI"llt.‘\ iinl:iii|_\. lhcy arc ltighcr than was anllULl|'lLCd in May. bccausc lhcy h.i\c hccn
.Il iuninr
NEW Sea King mi 6 anti-submarine warlare helicopters are due to go into service with the Navy in 1989 and the lirst (pictured foreground with a mi 5) has been accepted by 824 Naval Air Squadron at HMS Gannet for evaluation and intensive trials. The —
SHlPS makin up the Armilla Patrol in the Gulf since November 19 6 are to share a £6.000 bonus and crates of champagne. Both cash and bubbly have been donated by BP
celebrate the cease-fire between lran and Iraq and to show “gratitude for the excellent support by the Armilla ships over the past 20 months." to
Bea ver’s record breakers
Said BPS: “The Armilla has given peace of mind to both management and their ships linowin they were in such ca able ands." ow the 2| Royal Navy and the five RFAs will get a are of the money based on the number of berths per ship. But it will be one share onlv. even though HMS Andromeda and HMS Gloucester and the Rf-‘As Tidespring and Olna have each completed two tours.
HMS BEAVER is claiming several records after her Armilla Patrol. from which she returned to Dcvonport last month.
Payout The champagne. too. is not for everyone. but only for those ships currently comprising the patrol. The company is sending them a case each. The cash payout: HM Andromeda. Hermione. Scyl a. Charybdis and Jupiter £238 each; HMS Ariadne £263; HM ships Broadsword. Brazen and Battleaiie £269: HMS Cardiff £30l; HM ships Beaver. London and Boxer £302; HM shi Nottingham. Eiteter and Soul ampton £103: HM ships GlouYork and cester. Edinbu Manchester £3 ; and HMS Active £l98. The five RFAs Orangeleaf. Appleleaf. Brambleleaf. will Tidespring and Olna share just over £500.
Membere of the station‘ Meaa enter into the Aid. held on board HMS
ot the light-hearted aponaored run for Sport ever in the Gulf of Oman.
Fair wind for
She spent l8 consecutive days on front-line duty. "more than any other warship" and accompanied 74 entitled merchant ships through the Strait of Hormuz "a record for a single patrol". Total tonnage was over It million. After a brief four-month riod in command. Capt. A. Gough has left the ship to take up his next appointment in command of another T 'pe 22 frigate HMS Brave. is means that Capt. Ciough will have commanded three Type 22 frigates in one calendar year the other being the Broadsword. Capt. Gough was relieved in command briefly by the first lieutenant. Lieut.-Cdr. G. P. Ewins. before Capt. Geoffrey Eades resumed command after his four-month stint as Senior Naval Officer Middle East. Apart from her time spent as duty ship on Armilla Patrol. the Beaver was able to visit Bahrain. Dubai. Sharjah. and. before her retum to UK. Mombasa. where some families flew out from home to _]0lf1 members of the ship's company. As pan of the Sport Aid fund-raising venture. the Beaver held a sponsored run around the decks in the Gulfof Oman and recorded It on \ ideo in the hope that it would feature in a BBC TV broadcast
THE prospect of a good run ashore in Gibraltar faded when an engine failed in HMS Chiddingfold. But PO(MW) Dickie Wardrope and LS (MW) Jim Fair-
baim formed a rigging team and made a sail from an awning (picture. left) to et the ship to the Rock hours a ead of schedule so that the ship's company could have time ashore. Heading for the Gulf to relieve her sister ship. HMS Dulvenon. on Amiilla Patrol. the Chiddingfold spent two days in Gibraltar for repairs before leaving with engines intact and sail stowed for Port Augusta. Sicily. and through the Suez (‘anal to arrive on station a day earlv.
Fflea C An early-hours medical plea had
Joint-Service team of the Armilla group swinging into action in the a
Gulf. For Surgeon Lieut.-Cdr. John and Capt, Bernie NutRamage tall oi the Royal Army Denial
transferring Charybdis to the
from HMS
250.000-ton tanker British Re-
solution by Searider in a heavy swell. l'rged on by watchers on the bridge of (‘ha 'bdis. they made the stomach-c urning j0l.ll'TIC)' to the side of the tanker. but climbing the dangling rope ladder was a feat in itself. with cheers ringing out over the sea they made it to the deck and attended an injured man
overnight before transferring him to hospital in Dubai. As a token ofthanksfor their help they were each presented
pair of BP overalls.
Manchester ‘thank you’ SOLDIERS from BAOR airmen from Scotand were among eta when HMS Ma home-bound from the Gulf. atoppod at Akrotttl and gave a party. Principal among those on board was Mal. Gen.
Frledberger. commander Britten Foreee. Cyprua. For the men of the Kt 'a Regiment. based in in. it wee a apectal affair an the regiment to affiliated to the For the ftyera of the AF'a 206 Squadron. the invite tune a "thank you" for ualng their Buecaneera J. P. W.
aircraft In the atttp’e build-up before ette left for the Gulf.
ae enemy
NAVY NEWS, ()('l'()BER I988
HER recent voyage to Australia tor the Bicentennial notched up the Royal Yscht's siirth round-the-world deployment and put another 32,000 nautical miles on her cloclt. i-IMV Britannia was built by John Brown's tclydebanli) Ltd. as a replacement for the 50-year-old Royal Yacht Victoria and Albert. which was no longer seaworthy. Named and launched by the Queen at Clydebanlt in 1953. she has since taken pen in scores of royal tours. Both abroad and in home waters. she has served as an
ofllcialaridprivsteresldencetortheoueensndother members ol the royal tsrhity. The Yacht also participates in some naval exercises and carries out routine hydrographic tasiis white at sea.
NAVY NEWS. ()(‘T(‘)BER I988
permanent Yachtaman and remain or that aervlce careera. nnla. which la 126m long. ta royal
edbeloiinltiadecoratadiwlthagoid The upper worlia are white tunnel and mute. The royal coat or .
al and atata apartments. The tool: a peraonal interest in niche. the choice ol tun-iiahinga and the l or the Royal Yacht.
the Queen‘: disembarkation at sue. the Royal Yacht n the passage 0 Portsmouth. calling at aims. Darwin. mt. Cochin and Aden before passing it the Suez Canal. Singapore became a run and the Britannia seemed to sit rabbit Se ofrnches deeper in the water due to the r of dragon pots and Chinese elephants
ABOVE: The Royal Yacht an-
number of 0lTlCtl'S and Yai:htsere landed for the traditional run to (‘atria
tered Sydney Harbour with the Queen ambarttad. The unmistakable outline of Sydney Opera Hotiaa and the crty'a altyacrapara provided a apoctacular backdrop. A flotilla or email cratt welcomed the royal vlaltor. aa did the aunahina.
Pyramids. iceri_Eltzabetli The Queen Mother on it "Sicily and southern Italy. with brief \l.Se
fourth period of royal dut_\ involved tak-
:IlIl'|II.Syracuse. Palmero. Salerno and
Queen Mother's tour coincided with the 1 Malta of four ships of the Uuihack 85 iroup HMS Ari: Roval and Edinburgh —
Olwen and Fort Grange. The EdinFA} with the Duke of York serving on board from the
lchkeeping officer.
detached to escort the Britannia. Duke was among those on the dcstroycfs deck helping to "man and cheer ship"
steampasr off Capn, ‘I it was a fast passage home. with a short | stop in Gibraltar. The trip had lasted I00 of which were at sea arid 32.000 nautical miles. Apart from the s of royal duty. there were rturnerous hts, plenty of runs ashore and sports 5 at evcry_por1. lndecd. the Britannia‘.-. Hamers have run their way around irl a
BELOW: Sydney Harbour ratatned in character by night. with the Harbour Bridge floodlit in the back round. the Royal Yacht be ed in circular
‘lo‘l 1‘se
I ~
’-s\a‘aIv*r'v_s‘Q-..‘,I\\".r."~ '
’\ Edinburgh. outspoken champion of
LEFT: The Duke of an
conaarvation, wan embarked in the Yacht tor a tour ol the Galapagos islands. whose unique wildlife inspired Charles Darwin. There was a booby prize awaiting the birdwatchers on board. when these young boobies flew in to pay their ..
respects. The Britannia‘: neirt dealination. California. could not have been in aiarltar contraat.
TOD: The Yacht’: Haah Houaa Harriers daahad aahora when they could in it bid to run their way round the world. Here. they are ready for the ch in
ABOVE. There waa mixed auccoaa tor the Yacht‘: rugby team around the world. but the XV claimed never to have loat a third hall!
N-\\'\' NEVVS t)('TOBER I988
Laughs outweigh thrills by four to one in this montl'i's bunch of 16mm releases although since the comedies talte in such subjects as matricide. demonology and death in general. there may not be quite such an imbalance as the ratio suggests.
Sr treen Sr rene
The most outrageous of the larces is BeefleJulce. which begins with the drowning of its hero and heroine. then follows them into an afterlife which seems to resemble one of the more obscure branches of the MOD. complete with its "Guidebook for the Recently Dead." The film pulls a neat reversal of convention by showing the efforts of the two ghosts. who must spend the
next 100 years confined to their old house. to drive out
the unpleasant family of humans who now live there. Their own efforts at haunting
genteel. they
hire the dangerously unbelanced demon Beetleduice to do the lob for them.
delinousiy over the top as the gage houl. Three on and a Baby is almost a single-iolte film. and for 100 minutes manages to find any number of comic variations on the spectacle of three straightarrow he-men having to play mother to a gurgling baby. Such chores as chan lng
nappies. crooning
it's a strange film and in many ways a unique one. with Michael Keaton going
lul a'gies°°d
P'0Pl'lW 90°01
comical when it's the likes of Tom Selleck doing the changing.
\lcpht‘ny ltd has
|)lll"2\l‘t'tl :liti:c tUl"l‘['|2lf‘lIO|"l
\U't.ttics t'\.lnllnlllt,' the three ll‘l\l.'\ ll‘ Thr Modern Royal \ar,i. l‘.-.iiI iii-nit-i \l£'\Llll’X'h the \l‘l[‘\ .l l\l.ll'i .init weapons syslt’ll‘.\ \l.llL'l‘.'.l\ in use by the
llllltlllll-hl[‘t'|\At,'l"l'Uil1.l\)in the
wiir'il Ilc also i'\pl:ttns the coniniaiitl and tonltoi structure .ll‘.tl the roles of the llect .-\ir \'ll the Royal Marines. The Roya .\'.i\'.il Volunteer Resene ttriil :l..< Rt _\.i! Flt'l'l -\u\iliary. Tlh‘ llmlrrn Royal Air Force iv. ‘l t'1l'\ tiiitidcr takcy a similar lotii. :t'.‘.o the workings of it ser\ .«.' wt‘-cit has l‘-cctitttc a pillar iv :lic mi;iiary t.‘\|lll'llSl‘ImL'tll iii ~;i.ti- ll\ ri.'lalv\el_\ short ll-\lt‘I"\
lite same author delves into The Modern British Arnty to de\(l!l‘t' .ill the reginicnts and tiiips .iml illt.‘ ltitl‘l‘tlt.lilhlt.‘ range of i-tiiiipnicnt wcapoiis and ~.tipt‘ut'. l.!ttlitit's ll‘t'_\ llLl\l.‘ at iltt"I tl \[\tt\;ll ltitl‘ til the books costs £4.99
Ill ‘ind forecasting by I
In rtunr
In Brief
-\lan Watts l\ a ready-recltonet “ll all who work or play outdoors whether dinghy. coastal or ollshore sailors. fishermen or motorboat owners. farmers or pilots. Published by ~
-Xdlard ('o|es Ltd. the book costs [595 sofibaek. It is illustratcd with numerous colour the student photographs to help identity cloud formations and know what they augur l..C. ——
r‘ i_.
r _
novel. Silver Taicer. Dale Brown takes America's first limited nuclear war in space as his subject. The title refers to the first US pennanent space station. and high technology is very much a feature. Published by Grafton it costs [H.135 hardback LC. In his
in Air Defence at Sea Rear-\dmiral J R Hill addresses the wider strategic complications of the US maritime strategy and expanding Soviet naval
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PRINCESS TAKES SALUTE AND TEA A VISIT by Princess Alice. Duchess of Gloucester. to Liverpool branch. where she unveiled a plaque to commemorate the new extension to the club premises. is an event shipmates recall with
The unveiling coincided with the 40th anniversary of the Merseyside Council of Es-Service and Regimental Associa-
of CESRA parade ead_ No II Ares standard. sta
Shipmate Gallagher.
ute was
niarchpast by Princess Alice. who found time to talk to each bearer. Escorted by standard Lieut-Col. D. A. Ellis. the branch resident. and Shipmate Gyn Jones. chairman.
she then took tea in the club with invited The Gerieral Secretary. Capt. Jim and his wife. Tricia. Shipmate Tom naiionalcouncilnieniber o to Area. and his wife. Helen. were resented to Princess Alice. Lord Lieutenant of Merseyside. Wing-Cdr. K. M. Stoddard was in attendance. DEJCI Fonner merrtbers of HMS London (l94l-45) may care to write or visit Shipmate Ales Hale. 4 Henshaw Crescent. Newbury. Berkshire. who is very ill. Shipmate Hale. who served in the London and is a member of N and Diatrlct branch, woul welcome news of old shipmaies. ODD Members of Yeovll. busy raising cash for their building fund. made ÂŁ322 from the sale of raffle tickets at Yeovilton Air Da Thanks to Shipmate Mike 0g and Pusser's Rum for the success of the raffle. A furtherÂŁ86 was raised when the branch held a barn dance and
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INDEPENDENT BOYS’ SCHOOL FOR BOARDERS AND DAY BOYS Aged ll-I8 Good general education in small friendly school. Good facilitiesfor sport and Dulte of Edinburgh's Award Scheme. Some Service Bursaries available. For prospectus apply to the Headmaster
Upper Chine School Huorimvoaa Mia: B. A Phibott. B.Sc.
op. Ed
of Entrance and siirth
and Day School tor Girls trorn 3-18 years train naval tatriities Pupil/stall ratio 8 1 scholarships. drama and music awards availacla
girls aged
cIaaatoPorutioi.ittinavUaat&InarIa.ovatB0Servtoa:ioudataoti iayahr. EaeaIatitG.C.3.E.at'ioAB.aiiutItidori-aaina
OurLadyu|d8IJohn8ehool OaaehRoad.HayIngIaht'IdPO1toAD TELEPHOlE(07fl)lfl7SO
A OO~OdUC8ltO|‘\al IAPS School for Children l:3'r2 with ol 6 Situated on the edge of the boarding tacilities trom the New Forest with lovely grou s. the line '7th Century -rouse otters a Modern teaching stock otters a warm and lriendly at tacilities lot small classes with -ndividual tuition TUITION SCHOLARSI-llPS AVAILABLE SERVICE DlSCOUNTS Escorted travel to London ind Heathrow available from Further Information and lluatratlon the Haaanaatar Telephone lllngwood 472360 / 473197
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Pu-purutoi-y srliwt ai,u_-any a
reach by
children aged 3 to ti. Fee reduction of [200 per term for Service famlllea. nrlupbiar The Heal-moor. Gt-vat Ialard. EIRIIQ.
Fat /iuthrv .ln.iili in
ii» Jnann .1 ion. arm in
Chlebeesn. Ina Suaaaa POI! ill. Telephone: (014 Ill SC
‘SCI-IOOL sundependent
Day School)
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BEMBRIDGE SCHOOL BeIIIbrldge,lsleolWlght PO355PH
pupils, 7
Unnvalled setting with one lw acres ol elill top playing holds and woodland on the eastern ti ot the Isle ol Wt t. Good academicstandards with an e tional methods iieellent computer. library. on tr laboratory. music. art and anti taeiliiies. S cnalist teaching available tor It: learning dilliculttcs. children with uash. tennis courts. netball. sailing. golf course. Private beach. l5 minutes by lerry from Portsmouth '
Pupilsandparenta metbyourowntr
Putter lest he praqaetu Inn J.
A RIGHT royal week for HMS Amazon started when
ship's patron. the Princess Royal. visited the ship the
in the Portland area and chatted to most of the ship's company as she toured the Type ll frigate. The Princess. who launched
Chen/bale tllee the neg at Point Lanene. Mount Kenya. From tett to rloht. so Lteut.-Cdr. Retiiege (leader). Llem.-Cdr. Berber. LWE Hadley. CWEM(O) Broderick. MAA Poitier, Lleut. Hen. POSTD Deacon (toregroiind). ueut. Hide.
Sea Cadets
TEN ottlcere end retln e from HMS Cherybdle reached the 4.905-metre olnt Lenene on Mount Kenye while the Arrntlla Patrol ehlp wee undergolng maintenance In Mombeee.
the Amazon in 1974 and keeps a close interest in the ship's activities. presented a General Seruce medal to .-\B(Sl Robert McCormick. the Lon Service edal to and Good Conduct LMEM Dave Howes and a “Wishing Well Appeal" certificate to POCA Martin Bateman in recognition of his efTons in raising mones for Great 0!mortd Street Hospital.
Ship‘s affiliated
units who
board for the day and also had the chance to meet the Princess included TS (‘curaeous Sea (‘adets from (‘anterur). WR.NS from HMS Ospre_\ and the 3Ist Hitcliin Sea Scouts. From Portland. the Amazon sailed to Torbay to escort HMY Britannia. with the Queen and Duke of Edinburgh embarked. for the William and Mary tercentenary celebrations and later for the Armada 400 celebrations in Plymouth. The Amazon then returned to Portland for the first of her were on
First Sea Lord calls WHEN the First Sea Lord. Admiral Sir William Staveley. visited Portsmouth Naval Base. he toured HM ships Nottin am and Cardiff. He also called at the RMAS Repair an Maintenance Facility. Harbour Control in Semaphore Tower. and North Comer workshops. where he presented two BEMS.
Ttieritnceeel eltekete neotere HM8Aneuo
tieniletttI.leiit.cehMeiIii lJeiit.Ieve tlfltt
Koeere *Woollen. and Butt
l Andy
Navy Days
WEM Pereone. POMEA Perrei-i.
Charybdis team on peak form Atter travelling by train and truck to the meteorological etetlon starting-point and eccllmetlelng tot two nlglite. the teem eecended the "vertical bog" which one living up to lte name ettev the long relne. AtMeclilndere nut. 4,2oometreeuplntheTelelilveley.e
deepltettieeltltuoe.A iipentt-itertntnebteecree elopeleduptoPotritLenene.wtilch\veeroectted]uetee deem wee breetilng.A breettiteltlngvlewecioee Africa in all dlrecttone was worthy at the many ptiotoqreptie telien.
Sultan engineers
tomorrow TIMES have changed a lot in the past half-century but HMS Sultan has taken the best of the old. added the new. and maintained a friendliness. an "engine room feel". of which it is —
justifiably proud. —
nance and repair viork gains a new dimension when it has to be carried out in smoke filled
Newest of its nevi buildings Parsons Block, which was of-
ficially opened in July vides it perfect example 0
co-operative links between ancient and modern. as half ofthc original l930s building has been incorporated into the upto-the-minute design. Sultan the largest of the Royal Navy's shore establishments. with a complement of 2.800 including civilians is determined that. as the Service's Marine Engineering School. it should keep up with the latest developments in the
The facility opened last year
and is both more up-to-date and better equipped than Sultan‘s prev-ious electrical damage room.
The expansion of Parsons Block was 'ven the o-ahead in I985 an about 2.5 trainwill be ees attending courses in the building each year. A large part ofthe instniction here is in the an of Controls Engineering for Marine Engineering Artifioers under trainin but practical electronics wor the use —
of simulators. digital techno-
logy and micro-processors
instance means that the new block caters for all levels of —
Apprentices have a half-day test in the replica Type 22 control roorit. but this facility —
which bears. to the uninitiated. 8 strong resemblance to an aircraft simulator is used pri—
marilyby the Heel to give experience to both officers and ratings. Disruption during the building process was ltept to a mini
mum. The new two-storey wing was used as a "decanting facili-
Jomaori and
.-\rtil'Icers as Sultan’: commanding olTicet'. Capt. Terry’ Meadows. stresses form the “backbone" of the establishment. both by yirtuc of their —
Cotonou on one can 30 tone or be ad boanoand12iiilIoaotaau-
ty"' while work was carried out on
the older part of the bloclt
and elaborate precautions were taken to prevent damage to several million pounds-worth of electronic equipment housed in Parsons Block. Younger artificers. who hate been in the Navy for only I2 or H weeks. forirt the largest student group at Faraday Block During their nine-week course they are taught repair and maintenance. and learn how to test their own skills. Electrical damage control is
in a
specially designed
which simulates the inside ofa Type -12 ship. Mainteroom
numbers [some 800 on site at a time) and the length of time they spend there (some three years in all). but apprentices are also taken on. Boys with a good academic record and with potential for engineering training are accepted for courses as soon as they leave school. and work for a Business and Technician Education (‘ouncil Diploma and :1 (‘its and Guilds ("raft Skill (‘ertif'icate. An array of small engines gives even the youngest trainces an opportunity to take machinery apart. put it back to-
hopefully coragain recting any problems there may have been with it along the way —
and get it running. All the work is. of course. carried out under strict supervision. and Watt Hangar. the main diesel school. which houses diesel enerators such as those used or main propulsion of ships. :1 —
LS(M) Trevor Brown enjoy a game of anooltor
in the Sultan Club.
Rapor Block houses two or the largest onglnoa available at Sultan. CPOMEA Brian Clargott is pictured at work on a Froudo. Because of the apactouanoaa oi the area. he was able to carry on while a class or MEMa nacolvod instruction on the start-up procedure tor the other engine.
JAN BRA YLEY "grayey'ard" of old
steam section. and an
extremely good practical training area. motor room. is an
Apprentices tackle
week course engine room
Raper Block
learning the ins and outs of the Olympus and Tyne turbine engines. too
Spey A recent extension to
Block has provided five
and the housing for a Sultan "first" a Spey gas turbine. Noniially ships are in service before the establishment can get hold of engines for training purposes. but trainees will have the opportunity to run the spey and carry out maintenance citercises on it before any similar engines are at sea in the Batch 3 Type 22s and Type 235. a
Stephen Povmall round a unique way to celebrate his 17th birthday-l He gave up his lunch break to demonstrate the replace-
ment of a main emergency cable in the arrioko-tilled electrical
damage room.
Rear--\dmira| Robert Hill. (‘liicf Stall (lflicer Engineering to (‘omniandcr-in—(‘hief Hi-et. yisited Sultan in mid-Septemher to inspect and officially open the facility.
Accommodation HMS Sultan's development has not as (‘apt Meadows and ('dr. (‘hns Field. who is in charge of the administrative side of the base. would admit been all plain sailing, with accommodation bringing sortie headaches over the years. Junior ratings benefited from‘ the last tip-grade and they nmy cnioy liivy-rise blocks with .1 high proportion of single cab~ lhcit anienilics complex ins the Sultan (”|uh houses liars. diam .;trca. siioiikct room yti.ii‘li but and shops and helps —
yiyc .i \i!i;tizc—|ikc htmtispherc yiiiiifx ‘>9 \'h'.|l'l}'.(‘ ll.’t\t' l"'l'll
ll!l'\\l!'lt'..lli‘tllltllllt'iI('l\D'lll1"» l.ll\l|\llltlt‘lll Int ‘..‘lllt' ttztic liiit unli tlti‘ tlL'l‘l!K ll.!\ l\ci'.'t l\l-\-ii: .i-~.iy ll'.l\ ".‘._R .t bri_.:li'i. .'.i':i~.. inIlll‘l1lll1‘l'- »lri;-:i.l|y t‘ _i'.i7'.i-y:‘li-.ti‘ Tin’ lit‘ \lit.lt'tt!\ .
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J -‘(‘KIl“. DI’:/\\'
Part of Watt Hangar
outboard motor room which is used not only by Navy personnel but for maintainers courses tor the Army and Marines. Pictured above carrying out maintenance work on one ol the engines are MEM(M) Paul Taylor and MEM(L) Glen Allleclt is
.\.'\I I
I \}I)LI'\
I ‘'00
Notice Board
Au‘rHoRITv1or promotion or the tolowing oftnoer was issued by in to creel Centurion
fol’-'W||¢NRI—P E Bamerutwernorl IUKAAII SERVICE
ToOXHI')—-JA1-lndat S Garner! (Cnioanqtotd). 5 O
).J .
M Paula Surtan). V AID IECIITAIIAT YoCPO\VTl—w J Gbaonlcentunonl. K
D Claniaon (Eiietnr) ‘l'oCPOcI(—A G I-tart(Heron).O R
aroso~ W qiteafl). Wi l i a )n1; IharVI(NOP1I.I'II. wile (date-U11. W P wfiarne (Retail?!) G. A Bancroft
(Centurion) To CUR!!! GA
S. Palmer (3510111)
P Beyaas IDIIOQMI. ToCAlll(l3— Gteave( spray). N E J Setpia A
ioaeoatua) To To
—J 0
Jan1una(saanaMt) E.Pai.d(Sed\aerIi)
To CWII ')—c.0 (FRO?)
(Daadaha A
by Centurion
to be are
charge Aanloruarbficer (Gouoer
mated to
Jarvrstfleol-IIuS).J S (SoIanoid).0 I Howe (soaotre). such (Tumiaentl N
CHIP PETTY OFFICER AITFEII HMS Centurion has been notified at the tolomng promotions to chief petty orncer
artittoar which were made by oontrnanong In June CPOXA-W N Bototl'I(Ddftat'Ioa).A N
(Sulwi).l R (sintan).P
Cowpertoenanoel. T Huww (Courapeoue). D J Heranan M w (Roaytn). C P Stunner SeattNewman ARE rtaalar). tsenrtaural. E w aure),D Ya Walter Staten) 6. l. l P 7 BIoei( or).R (Dratie).DP LBono( ).lBI Fla S196). .PHaIlR°VIl 1 Arthur.0 w Hanery(NeIaon) R 5 Hanson AC 0M£A(l) (305166) ) I-5 517111901
A. M.
Mcotntnloertaei. lhorn —
To AccA£A(ll.)— B M U voong(Oeltance FM9) 0 Shaw tVa~ To AOCXMH. III I J D Aunt iiant). —
PI'rmmtirm.s to Chief"
isii A .1 Ryan(Por!arI'IoulfI NB).l3 c Duck‘ ens (swan). C 11 Cooper (Suaan)
—n V Hattont
)——NI N 214). S. G Moore (820 NAS)
)—S P L.aw(B2€lNAS).S. NA3 Veovlton) —-P A FlIk(7MNA5).l. A ODDIGZD MAS) CFOWlA—SAanunARET ). D Smith
N. Eng .R Heeom Eurynua).R. Eaton(Ar AJonaa ver).PNutIaI[ ver.DC art Pnpmore (ROCLANT Poniig.e11_ H
s M niniiorairii
(M01000! Stbdl
1... happen ashore I
Sailors mostly don’t drown. They grow old. become disabled. die accidental deaths. fall on hard times. But if they should drown, they may leave widows to be cared for and children to be educated. Either way. King George's Fund for Sailors pl'0\'ldCS the safety net. It's the only fund in Britain for all who earn their living at sea Royal .\'a\3'. Marines. merchant fleet and fishermen and their families.More than 120 organisations now look to us each year for help and support for orphan care. old people's homes and everything in between. -
Britain's seafarers depend on us and we depend on your generosity. Please don't let us down. Your donation and your legacy are vital! —
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GOING BACK TO CIVVY STREET? min A iiiw uitiiii as A ttciiitiui Atlfllolt The College at Technical Authorsliiti is the only college offering I oottso written by an expert oualrtied in correspondence education and in technical writing AND this course is the only one which induces the ISTC Handtiooii oi Technical Puoiiization Tectwixaies. written by eminent technical Authors and and writing —
Whatever your trade there may be openings tor var as a technical author and this able to help you to line a new career write now to tina out noiii the College ol technical Authorship can help you The Colege of Technical Authorel-nip, NN PO Box 7
course will tie
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You have ct of wealth experience. Don’t let it go to waste.
the Service?
REGISTERED GENERAL NURSES] REGISTERED SICK CHILDREN'S NURSES Are you due to leave the Service and wondering what to do? Why not consider working in London and be at the centre ol things’? We have opportunities within Paediatrics and can otter good. continuing education and career development opportunities
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You've spent years acquirirg developing and pertecting your expertise So it you're about to leave the Service. make sure you ]Oln an organisation which will encourage you to make rull use oi your skills and qualilications An organisation like Airwork leaders in military support technology and training to British and overseas Governments with a 3.000 strong worklorce primarilycomposed ot ex-Service olticers and technicians. we are the most experienced organisation ct our kind in the world Our resources are high calibre technicians. and our varied openings otter responsibility. involvement and ]Ob satistaction Currently we have openings in Oman tor AE 8: WE (ADICEN) Artilicers in a civilian support role It you're interested. please write (no stamp required). enclosing CV. to Mr D Milne. Airwork Ltd. FREEPOST. Hum. Christchurch. Dorset BH23 OBR -
Lovtliised by the iiuigciri or-J ’t'vs:iqt.ie-‘ ‘I've iiiii Trade 50 page pub pact answers ii0u' Q1.i¢!ilIC|"l 3'‘
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OPERATORS Contact theThree Tees A ency and let your Services ski! 5 pay in Civvy Street
COMMUNICATORS Tliou'arioltlorilrornServlootoClvlanIlecanbeaworrylngtI'rie —riotltyouooritact:
PRAMAVALE LIMITED Telex. Telephone Ii Tolocorrimunlcatlone Personnel Consultants No. 6 Broad st. Place, Blomfleld Street
London EC2M TJU Tel: 01-628 4704 Telex: 265789 TEMPS G whether you are (G) (T) (sm 0' tiwo we .~_.in ensure that our skills in the use ol VDU's accessing into Message Switching quipment (R N TAFIE and computerised "tr-a<:=g»v mirxtiing systems) are put to
l"i1fi""y City clients Spend 28 days on a CIVILIAN Arr.‘-;iii.tENr COURSE with a prospective civilian employer For details at this course. contact your Ftesettloment Education Officer (BR 1797 also rulers). However lor those not entitled to a Civilian Afiachmort! Course. on job training can still be provided with prospective employers the best
use r» "L"
Telephonists and from an in-depth knowledge of oornputerisod communications systems. CONTACT Mr. J. E. Jordan MBIM MISH (Ex C.II.S.) also iiveloorned from WRNS
Electrical Amficors who have
Mr. A. For (Eit-W0 RS) Mr. C. J. Nothorton MBIM (Ex C.FI.S.) Managing Director
N-\\'\‘ NEWS. OCTOBER I988
Malrhonuopcubuvorduuuluvoupcnnclocnarkmvodpnauuavy *1-6 Buwuan
§E‘S.““ gfaegms mg, rtmts
DOEDE amen ‘FE
"“.,%’°,f5"" Eomauacn
Nlvyclnorl lMot-
....g?:.. omcgr
OI a
kmgd terrorist bomb blow any
b In Roguuhg uml Ihoappolnlmoul UIIIOIII? c is January this Inna! In 87. He pI'0ll|0I- at 0d In In 1976. M-Io -awn vou"|_'~"'u"‘°""""-""'°d" m"°""'fl'hm was
llll anglers reel in second trophy
TWELVE Royal Navy sea anglers made histo when they added the I98 InterService Boat_ Sea Angling
Bill Willis (HMS Daedalus). POAEM Kevin Amoid (HMS Sahawk). CPOMEM Jim Steptoe (HMS Sultan). POAEA Ian
writes Trevor Suck.
Payne (Commando Logistics Regiment RM) and (‘ii Andy
to Championship the Inter-Service S ore Championship trophy.
The RN and RM Angling Association hosted the event. fished over the famous Conger and ra marks of Portland Bill. The avy‘s anglers were believed to be the strongest selected since the RN's last victory in l98I and they were deiemiined to achieve the double Vlt.'T0 2 The team included Navy’: two Scottish International Sea An lers. CPOMFA Duncan Mac y and POMEM Billy Buchan (both HMS Ne tune) and CPO Pete Hegg Daedalus), the I988 Naval Air Command Boat (‘hampion and local Portland angler. who was team leader. Also included were LS Norman Berry (HMS Dryad). P0
Daft (HMS Osprey). LAEM Trevor Osborne (HMS Daedalus). Cpl. Gar Austin (45 Commando R ). CSGT Joe Howell (HMS Milbrooii).
pointslweight system was used and RN Sea Secretary A
RPO Trevor Stitch. who had selected the team, booked four of
We)-mouth‘: best boats Bonway. Flamer, Valerie Ann and Just Mary. Three anglers front each association were fishing on each boat. The Navy team was in the lead at the close ofthe first day with 68 points and 38.‘i|bs 507 in weight. The RAF Angling Association. winners ofthe trophy for the six preceeding years. had amassed 58 points and 333Ibs 501 in weight. —
with the RAF keen to make seven in a row and with the
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licptune’s Highland fling A TEAM from HMS Neptune represented the Royal Navy in the invitation Inter-Service Relay at the Braamar Gamaa last month. In spite of difficult conditions the team Lieut. Marti Fleldaand, Cpl Russ Williams, LWEM Chris Bernard and LAEM John Bowman qualified impreasiv tor the linal. Alter establishing an early lea through a line sprint by —
M SERVICE trials for netball for members of the WRNS and ARNNS will take place at the HS Nelson ym at 0900 on October I an 2. The RN Women's Inter-
Bernard. consolidated by Williams. Fieldsend had to overcome a bad baton cha He gave the last relay runner a clear lead. lch apparsntly disappeared in a close finish. But the RH team had won by ineheal The Queen presented Fieldaend with the Braamar Royal Highland Society Invitation Ralay Shield. .
(iroup Netball Championships N88 were won by Portsmouth. RM Plymouth and Thames runners-up and Air and Scotland came third.
weather conditions did not_detract from Surgeon Lieut. Gillian Boswel|‘s performance in the inter Service Decathlon!
Heptathlon Champion-
S e broke her Navy record in the heptathlon by 156 points. scoring 3,735 points. winning second place overall. She was ably backed up by two colleagues from HMS Heron, Wren Ruth Butlerworth and Wren Bridget Turner. Together they set a new best team score of 3.423 points.
in the decathlon Cpl. Stuart Gibbs (CTCRM Lympsiorie). PO Gavin Russell (HMS Cattistock) amd PO Eddie Over
(HMS Collingwoodl soundly
defeated the RAF but could not match the Army team. Gibbs gamely completed the decathlon despite being injured during the first event. The diminualive Russell. 1988 RN
decathlon champion. was seeking a place for the Combined Services Decathlon Tour to Hong Kong next year. He needed a lace in the first four at Al or to be in with a
chance. Russell's 3m70 pole vault in the penultirrtate event pushed him narrowly into fourth lace, 'ust 52 points up on Cpl. ugof in the Anny. as a tense and exciting l500m Russell managed to hold on and finished in founh place overall by just 4 points. havin run a best time of 4min. 40. sec. Eddie Over
sistently to finish seventh. The RN teams were encouraged throughout the two days of
RUGBY SQUAD OUTSTANDING FIFTEEN successive matches without defeat have earned the Navy
rugby squad a prestigious sports award.
The Combined Sarvloss Award was handed over at the Royal Tournament at Earls court. ii-iarklrig the Senior Service's XV as the oi.rt-
team of
lcoe (HMS Pene) ls ons otthsvery
87. ltecslvtn the award was ueut. Alooclt. who has just begun another season as Navy skipper. This is his flflh.
Sporting ally GENEROUS sponsorship by Allied Breweries Ltd of spon in the Navy is to continue for the next two years. The company has allocated £500 1") the RN and RM Motor Spons Associaiton and £250 each to the following associations: RN Badminton. RN Basketball. RN Cycling. RN Fencing. RN (iolf. RN Modern Pentathlon. RN and RM Amateur Rowing. RN Kayak and RN Squash Rackets. in all cases the money is to be used. where applicable to the individual sports. for inter-command championships. RN championships, .\':iv\ ("up competitions and tours.
liriglil \\i'.illit-rni.iilc for iic.ir-pt-rlccl \'lll1tlllli)l\‘y for
( Ill
*1 hit’.
the annual cru-.5-muiilry r.icc .i1 HHS l).1cd;i1u!i and .]llr'.tt’lcd ;i rccortl cnIr_\ oi" oi-cr Silt) riinncrs
Commanding olTiccr of H MS
Daedalus. (apt. Mas Kohlcr. set the competitors on their way round the airfield perimetcr and 10mins. 25sec. later Surgeon Lieut.-Cdr Simon
\lic.iril came hoiiic the -1.1 mile nice.
.I\ \\l1ll1t‘l’ til"
(‘iJr. Brian l).'i\ics l.'I\lt'Sl
the lIl"l‘lt‘ oi
33mins |7secs L\\ren Vicky (aldicolt-Barr (sci: aniclc on page Hi and Wren Linda Lewis provided an exciting finish to the ladies race. tyin for first place in a time of 2 .07.
competition b Mne. Gary Pen
Ski-ing Championshi s at Thedbro in New South ales and the team responded by winning the event. Captain of the team was
Tl'iaOueenprssentstheshleldtoLleut.FleldsendatBrasmar. Plain-Maeloioscoaario
ney) Roger Sampson (HM Osprey). and team
.-imn-iii 5
Results. Decathlon: 4. PO Ciavin Russell (5.35$pts)'. PO Eddie Over (4,927); 9. Cpl. Stuart Gibbs (4,564). Team score: H.846 points H tathlon: 2. Lieut.(D) ill Boswell (3. 35); 7. Wren Bridget Turner (2.675); 10. Wren Ruth Butterworth (2.013). Team scone 8.423. Good performances were achieved by RN athletes representing Combined Services against Southern Counties and Wales at Crystal Palace. LPT Steve Stretch (HMS Dolphin) set a personal best of lmin. 52.5sec. in the 800, to finish fifth.
RN results
in were:
Williams (CTCRM Lympstone) 54.72 to finish second in the 400m hurdles. JAEM John Harriett (HMS Daedalus I174 in the triple jump to inish third; Lieut. Andrew Quisley (HMS Drake) 57.28m. to finish third in "avelin; LPT Micky Norford( MS Raleigh) l.9m. in the high to finish fiflh. e Combined Services junior match at Aldershot saw Harriett winnin the triple jum with a isiance of l4.2 m. setting a new RN junior record. JAEM Cooke
(HMS Daedalus) competed as a
guest and earned fifth place with a lea of l.8m. in the hi jump. A A Masseley (H S
Raleigh) came fourth in the dis-
with a distance of 37.‘74m. In the AAA/WAAA Cham-
pionships (Olympic trials) POCQA Sue Freeman (RNH Haslar) finished fifth in her
heat of the 800m. The RN _record holder and inter-Service champion found the competition estrernely strong.
Forthcoming events include the AGM of the RNAAA on October I4 at HMS Temeraire. startin i300. Inter Services Marat on (incorporating the RN Championships) at RAF Swinderby on October 7; RN Cross Country Men v. Oxford University v. RAF on October 22 and AGM of CSAAA at Aldershot on November 4.
Lieut. Nick Brewer
matches. followodby eAr1riy Women. with five matches. and the Navy Women, with two. Three matches were unfinished.
cro WI7
officer is leading the A C petty Delco Astra-Nova Cha lenge with just lE0AEA(M) Dean Lee (RNAS Yeovilton)is
one event co-
performance _to come first of I6 intermediate class. nilots in theearned him
style Tro hy.
the Navy
eanwhile. Lieut. Rob Dowdell (RNAS Portland) did well in the ri Class. coming llth out of 2 pilots and showing he
against the
was able to compete cream of the competitors.
Sm r
FOOTBALL depends on the services of referees and the search is always on for new ollicials. If you are lit. with good eyesight and wil mg to attend a local course of instruction before a straightforward examination. you could the person wanted. oi-itact the Football Association. I6 lancasier Gate. London W2 JLW. RN personnel should quote the County FA to be contacted as Lieut.-Cdr. R. J. Gordon. Chairman RNFRS. SDOGC‘. Royal Naval Staff College. Greenwich. London SEIO QNN.
Soon to join the Sea Harriers of 800 Naval Air Squadron.
other Service branches. Lieut. Dave Hicks (RNAS Yeovilton)produced a brilliant
Dean is the highest placed Naval rating in any national rallying championship this year. He hopes to continue his success in the fonhcoming Lombard RAC
selected lrom
Championships at Cnckhowel wales. but both acquitted themselves excellently despite the overwhelming odds from
pionships He replied to Barrvs
launched by the RN Squash Rackets Association and an injection of new blood is needed. All interested players should contact their Command secretaries.
List xc;ir's South \\ cst cham.l
A NEW season has been
JUST two Royal Navy were able to attend this Joint Services Hang G
driver of a l300cc Multilink Leasing Vauxhall Nova. (.)ver the weekend of September l7/l8. he and driver Barry Clark (22) won the penultimate event of the com tition at Bridgend to head the leaderboard by ive points. The A (‘ Delco Astra-Nova Challenge is made up of a gruclling series of ten events eight forest rallies and two on tamiac. cach event being subdivided into I2 stages. Dean (30). a member of the RN and RM Motor Spons Association. finished in second in
Ihiriu l.Iirliu:,-
PORTSMOUTHRN pulled off their first win of the season when they beat Wantage 2—l after extra time in the FA. Vase. The Navy goals came from Howard and Adams, the winner coming just 10 minutes from the end of extra time.
as .i
THERE was no stopping the RAF Women at the lnter-Service Lawn Tennis Cham ships at Wimbledon. hey came first. takin eight
Lee poised for motoring
Culdrose). Joinin him was Sub-Lieut. Tom ilson. the I986 RN ski champion. Nick reported fair conditions in the Sn Mountains. withall runs compete. and the firsi of the two weeks of competition benefiiiing from glorious sunshine.
LACK of funds threatened to he a real drag for the British (‘iimhined Services Ski Team until KLM Royal Dutch Airlines stepped in to offer a lift! At the last moment the company offered to sponsor the team for the Australian Bicentennial International Service
team coach
ll (RM
Dean Lee. Picture
looking forward
to the Lombard RAG
Lwran(Pnoto| Fiona Uclterizie HMS Moron
Fioo STEPS INTO RING IN KOREA the Olympic Games in Seoul is Cdr. Rod Robertson. newly b0Xil‘|fi_l'CfCI‘Youth CCS Training CINCNAVHOME.
ONE of the appointed Staff 0
Rod joined the Na as a Boy Seaman ll
I cer in
lass and
training instructor gained his officer commission in 1970. His boxing career started at Parkstone Sea Training School when he became Dorset School
when he officiated at the USA v USSR competition in Moscow in I984. the World Championships at Reno in 1986 a_nd the European Championships at Copenhagen last year. Awarded the MBE. Rod's exrience as a referee led to him in invited to officiate at the US national championships at Tashkent earlier this year. the first non-Soviet oflicial to be so honoured. It was during his time in Korea that Rod. former First Lieutenant at RNAS
Yeovilton. was promoted Commander.
boxing squad t together early last month or two The RN
champion in I952. After qualifying as a boxing coach. Judge and eventually referee. he
worked his way up the international ladder to world status.
weeks of proficiency work not to the new season. which ick_s off on October II with a visit to Birmingham to box against a Midlands select. A total of I8 boxers attended over the two weeks and with members of last season's squad still on Exercise Teamwork. the
tonieetthe the Hampexperience altlre and GB Veterans teams. The Veterans won the de The RN team was not by the absence of Whitney. who had suatalned a concusalon while elrwema
pllvlrltl rlltIbv- Tlklfle PM
Mne. Paul Klmbley (RM Poole) who won the indi-
for the Navy were Capt. J. Mcflrath (HMS Centurion). Ueut.-Cdr. Nigel Huxtable Lleut. R. Noble HMS Colllngwood) and he. Kliiitiley. the 1088 RM champion at Arms.
ENSETT), Below:
WEM((;) Craig”.
WE’RE OFF TO SEE THE SEA! JENNY AHOY! A dozen WRNR Communication ratings line up before going to son from Plymouth to till bllteta in chartered merchant amps for the big NATO oaorclao. Teamwork 38. The WRNR radio operatora and the merchant ahlpa in which they aorvod worn: mv Dana Ha Ina.
WI-t0(T) Judy WiImot( Foii) and WFlO(T) Allaon Cooper (Polar); inv Bolero.
DECISIONS were still awaited on future plans for
Royal Navy warships. damaged in recent collisions. as Navy News went two
considerably daTor Bay's flared the maged by
Fortunately only about
a dozen minor casualties were suffered in the shock ofthe im-
It is understood that shi ‘s company members. at de ence quarters. were rapidly able to attend to damage and
While the ship's future is being decided. many of her sailors hate returned to the UK but are remaining members of the ship’s company. Her planned refit was due to start this autumn.
After the incident the Southampton. aceompanicd by the repair ship RFA Diligence. went under her own power to Pujayrah then later to anchora e ofT Dubai, and at the time it going to press. was alongside in Abu Dhabi. Besides the support of the
Diligence she was inspected by speci.ilist iiayal engineers and
Heel iliyers flovin out from the UK The other incident. involving HMS Penelope. which was also damaged on her port side. occurred when she was in collisioii off Norway with a Canadian supply ship during the NA I'() L'\(‘fClSC Teamwork 88 None of her ship's company was inyurcd but she had to lease the exercise and went to Deyonpon to await a decision where she would be on
TO Pitreavie’s ACTIVE RESCUE new bunker Ofromfrontpngo
to press.
HMS Southampton. badly dam in the Gulf of Oman in ea y September. is bein replaced on Gulf duties by MS Boxer. whose last tour of duty on Armilla patrol ended only in June. The incident involving the Southam ton occurred as she pre are to accompany the 34. 00—tonne British container ship Tor Bay through the Strait of Hormuz. The destroyer's port side from the bridge down-
WRO(T) Jo wnitomoro I lng Foit) and Wfiofl) Maycoclt (Potbw): mv Norrorta. LWI-IOU) Chrta Loverlctt (Wouol) and WRO(T) Jan Mccanhy(Caiitbrh);mv Morcandtan. Lwnom Vichy Chalcratt (Forward) and WflO(T) Maria Portia (Morcla: inv Tor Caledonia. LW 0(T) Linda Irving (calliopo) and WROIT) Allaon Koattch (Follow): my Eoto submorgor. Lwi'tO(T) sartdra Hunt (Cambrla) and wllO(T) Jaeltlo Mccardy lsattordi.
PLANS are under way to update the Maritime HQ at Pitreavie Castle in Eastern Scotland by the construction of a major new underground headquarters, together with a surface computer facility. A new self-contained. in-
Liaisin with Jamaican Disaster Re ief HQ and the British High Commission. the ship's company were soon ashore helping. A number of hospitals and rehabilitation centres were re-roofed and several wards sin ped of loose tiling and clean The sailors also ]0lntd local electrical .
dependent under round inside structure is plann
Meanwhile. ship chefs and caterers were kept bus feeding
hungry sailors.
wel its runrun a field kitchen with the R C ross at Kingston. The ship provided the first hot meals some people had eaten since the hurricane a nourishing stew and rice. packed and sent to distribution centres in particularly badly hit areas. During the operation more than 6.000 meals were as
Medical Medical teams were also busy. and the Active's MO
treated many people. including children. A first aid team hecame expert at givin anti-te-
Operations areas and support
underground will provide up-to-date command and
Urgent medical supplies were delivered to outlying clinics by the ship's helicopter. The navigating oflieer carried out at survey of Kingston harbour. checking on beacons and buoys. some of which had dragged out of position. and also checking soundings. Throughout the relief operation the fl’! te worked with FA Oaltleaf and teams from the British garrison at Belize. Earlier. the Active. commanded by Capt. Paul Canter. had visited Miami before joining US Coastguard ships and aircraft for six days to assist with anti-drug smuggling patrols in the Caribbean. with cuts.
control facilities and will be staffed mainly by RN and RAF
Some of the facilities will be similar to those at Nonhwood Fleet headquarters. to which it will continue to act in support and as an alternative. Pilreai ie became base for the Joint Maritime HQ in the north in N38 and is the Headquarters of both Flag Officer Scotland and Northern Ireland and -\ir ()fTiccr Scotland and Nonhern Ireland.
clear fallen power
the present MOD boundary. with work due to stan in l992 and take about four years. The computer facility is scheduled to be ready in the early l990s.
The RN has had a presence there since early in the Second World War. and the present below- round building. taken over tom the RAF in I986, has remained the command and control operations facility for RN maritime activities. Pitreavii: is also the home of the RAF Iidinhurgh Rescue and (‘o-ortliriation Centre. Plans for the new HQ de\e|— opment are still at an early stage but close consultation is already in hand with the local
teams to
otwoatlndioa I-(M8 Activoattnrtho dovnatationotlttirricarto
In atartt contrast to section tnvotvi hot alator ahlp HMS Active. tho provioua Wont Indies guard HMS Ambuacodo la picturod Mod-moorod in Grnnd Cayman. Tho atom-tojotty positioning la a prnctioo more common to liner: in the Mediterranean. when tidal conaidomtiona are not no important.
repaired. The Penelope is being replaced in ST-KN.-\\'F()RL.-\NT by another RN frigate.
Hong Kong ships back 'I"iM) iifthe Hong Kon .‘ uadron patrol ships, fwift and Swallow. returned to Entain to pay off after about three years service in the Far East They ZIl'1'i\‘Cd at Rosyth in early wearing pay-
ing-ofT pennants after their
10.000-mile journey home. and are novi being sold to the lnsh
Republic. with hand-over planned for this autumn. Publishod by Navy Hows HMS Maison Ponsmoinn
printed by Poo-tsrnoutri
Printing Ltd
The News Contra Hilaoa Portsmouth P02 9sit
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