Navy Imagery Insider Mar-Apr 2012

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Mar - Apr 2012



For members of the PA/VI community








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Shootof f:

Photo by Lance Cheung

Photo by Charles Oki

Photos, Cigars, and Lifetime Mentors



Full story on page 8

DIRECTOR’S CORNER You have the power, so use it. What do I mean?

Take Time to Get it Right Those of you who have personal Facebook pages or are administrator of command pages may have already seen that Facebook has (once again) made a significant change lately, with its new layout called Timeline. If you haven’t migrated to this new design, plan on it because as of this writing Facebook has announced that all users will eventually go to it. Whether you like it or not [and Timeline does have some frustrating “quirks”] there are some things you need to be aware of to make the face of your command look professional. The first item is the new Timeline cover photo. This horizontal banner across the top is visible to everyone. It is a great opportunity to use a nice picture that represents your command. You can change it as often, or little, as you like. On the Navy FB page, we’ve gone to changing it several times a week. On Monday we change to the Navy photo that our fans have voted as their favorite from a list of 6-8. On Thursday, we change it to a picture (or collage of pictures) that are from the fans. This is based on various topics we ask them to send us pictures of and it has worked out nicely.

One easy and important thing to ensure on the image is that it fits nicely. According to Facebook, the “optimal” size of the banner is 851px by 315px. You can have an image as little as 399 px wide, but there seems to be no height limit. You will have to scroll the image, though, to select what area of the image is visible. You also have a profile picture, separately, that is a square. Facebook trims off part of any image you want to use so, again, make sure you play around with it to get it the way to want. Also, a sidebar note: All official command pages should be listed as a “Government organization” – if not, you need to change it to that. All you do is go to the Admin panel (for Timeline) and click on “Manage” then “Edit Page.” Select the “Basic Information” tab on the left, then use the category option left dropdown to first choose “Companies & Organizations” then choose “Government Organization” on the right scrolling menu. That’s it for this nugget, but if you have other questions or want to share ideas with the community, check out our microblog at


Christopher Madden Paul Taylor

EDITORIAL Editor Staff Writers

Kristina Miller Oscar Sosa Damon J. Moritz Nancy Harrity


LAYOUT/ART Director Contributors

Well, frequently we get queries from the fleet wanting to know why a photo is not linked to a story on; the answer is varied. Sometimes it is a simple matter of an image not being selected for the site. This is an editorial decision and one that, can, and often results in disagreement. When that happens you are invited to call our office and speak with an editor, particularly if no image is selected from a series of two or more photos. My standing order to the team is simple, when no image will support a story due to an editorial decision, they must contact the source for feedback and discussion. This is manpower intensive so I ask that we work together to ensure mutual communication is established. Some disconnects takes place when images are not received at the same time a story is submitted through the CMS. This happens frequently because the review process for imagery is historically delayed at the source; add in a lack of caption data, errors of fact that need researched, and no release information and the problem is quickly compounded. While no editorial process is perfect it remains critical to a flagship resource like, and is absolutely essential to our credibility with external media and the American public. There is a tool in the CMS that gives the submitter the ability to preselect images for any story you submit. When you add a story through the Create Navy News Service Story option, you will see a bright red banner on the lower left of the page that says “Enter/Edit VIRINs” (Visual Information Record Identification Number). All image files must use this DOD standard naming convention. Select that option and enter up to five VIRINs in the fields provided. Be very careful to enter this information so they are exactly the same as the photo file name. Select the “Save VIRINs” button and complete your submission. When the images are selected and posted to the gallery, the CMS will recognize the VIRIN and automatically associate that photo with that story, before and after it is posted. It is that easy. We owe it to the fleet to continue our own process improvement and business rules, and additional manpower has been directed to the daily photo editing task. We are moving to create a brief SOP on this issue and will post as a link on the log-in page of the CMS. I hope this has been helpful in your continued effort to tell the Navy’s story. As my old mentor, Mr. Russ Egnor often said, “Without a photo you have no story.” That is as true today as it was when I first heard it over 20 years ago.

Tim Mazurek MCC Leah Stiles MC2 Christopher Church

Navy Office of Information Pentagon RM4B514 Washington, D.C. 20350-1200 Office: 703-614-9154 DSN: 224 Download Insider at:


INSIDERPerspective by Nancy Harrity, OI-8

Finally! SECNAVINST 5720.44C is done: Secretary of the Navy Instruction 5720.44C, Department of the Navy Public Affairs Policy and Regulations, was signed Feb. 21. This is the third revision of the PA Regs and the first since 2005. This article highlights some commonly used policies that have changed to get you started. PA Principles: The principles we operate under have not changed – tell the truth, tell it accurately and tell it quickly. Chapter 1 of this version of the PA Regs has an expanded discussion of what Navy PA professionals have been taught from day one. Visual Information: The PA Regs codify that Navy Media Content Services (NMCS) OI-2 is the Navy’s central repository for imagery [video and still] and the Navy’s DoD-directed component coordination [accessioning] point (CCP). Take a look at Chapter 6 for details on submissions. Privacy: 5720.44C reiterates the provisions of Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 2003 prohibiting the release of protected health information without specific authorization of the patient. This includes imagery and interviewing those receiving health care in Navy facilities. See Section 0210 for complete details. In today’s social media environment, the meaning of “privacy” for most Americans is different than what it was just a few years

Instruction Nugget 703.614.9154

of Publicly Accessible Web Sites. Chapter 7 is a must read. Among the chapter’s new content is guidance on official and personal use of social media.

Public Affairs remains responsible for content on Navy websites and all publicly accessible web presences including ago. However, as Navy PA professionals pri- social media. DoN CIO and the approprivacy issues have become more complex. In ate departments at the local level remain cases of wrongdoing, an allegation does not responsible for the technology behind the websites. Commands are required to outweigh the individual’s privacy interest. register Navy web sites annually at www. However, senior officials are a different story. These officials must have and retain pages/registeryoursite.aspx and social media sites at the public’s confidence and trust to be efChapter 7 also contains a list of required fective in their roles. See Section 0202 for and prohibited content for every Navy more on this. website. An easy-to-use checklist of these items is available at Be particularly careful when captioning photos or video, applying issues of privacy mil/fcc-c10f/niocnorfolk/pages/registeryoursite.aspx. If you have questions as you would in any story. This is particuregarding web site or social media content, larly important when family members are contact OI-2 at for depicted in imagery. Do not reference a review and discussion. dependant’s name without obtaining a written release. Surveys: It’s easier than ever to develop Media Embarks: Section 0302 states em- and release a survey to our audiences, especially using web-based tools. The barks for national and international media still require CHINFO’s approval (via OI-3) at updated PA Regs provides guidance on the conduct and use of surveys and identifies least 24 hours in advance. other policy and organizations to consult Internet – Websites and Internet-Based PRIOR to conducting a survey. See ParaCapabilities (Social Media): SECNAVINST graph 4 of Section 0702 for details. 5720.44C cancels SECNAVINST 5720.47B, Department of the Navy Policy for Content

DODI 5040.2 Enclosure 10 provides specific guidance on prohibited alteration of official DOD imagery. Look for future updates regarding this matter to help clarify use of new technologies like High Dynamic Range (HDR) techniques, particularly when more than one frame is used to produce a single image. AMERICA’S NAVY: A GLOBAL FORCE FOR GOOD


OUTTAKES by Oscar Sosa


Compression T

ransmitting image files is never fun.

You’ve busted your butt on the

shoot and sweated out the captions, now it’s time to babysit a computer as it sends your images at data rates that compare to watching the

grass grow. Worse still, those eightmegabyte files are held up in servers to allow smaller traffic to pass adding to your transmission time. The best part of working with today’s JPEGs is that you can turn a six-megabyte file into a two-megabyte file with no measurable loss in size or detail. All you have to do is adjust the compression when you save the file in Photoshop. When you save an image in Photoshop a small box will appear asking you at what quality you want to save the file. The default is “12.” That will give you a compressed file at around six to eight megabytes for a full-frame, high-resolution image with most cameras. If, however, you choose a quality of “10” or “8” you reduce the file size considerably. Now your six megabyte 4

file is two megabytes or less, saving you a lot of transmission time and frustration. For example, the above photo was a whopping 34 megabytes when opened using Photoshop CS5.5. The original file was 6.5 megabytes closed at the default setting. However, when saved at a compression setting of “8,” the file size was reduced to 1.6 megabytes, and reopened as a 34-megabyte file, without loss and 80 percent smaller. DO NOT resize your images to 5x7 inches; this is a 1990s urban legend that won’t die. When you downsize your images you lose image value. Invariably a news source or agency will ask for an image that the fleet felt compelled to resize, and will always ask for the original higher resolution file. This requires OI-2 to stop reviewing and loading imagery to track it down. Our customers, who are typically media, rarely have room in their deadlines for an unnecessary scavenger hunt. All you’ve done is reduce the size of the image and you still have a huge file that has less value to its potential user. Compressing the JPEG to an “8” or “10” before transmitting is the best option for reducing transmission time while maintaining image quality for a wider variety of internal and external applications. Note, JPEGs compressed below a setting of “8” begin to impact image quality. As a rule of thumb we would like shore commands or organizations that have access to higher bandwidth to compress the files at “10” and deployed afloat units with less bandwidth to send us files compressed at “8.” Any compression below “8” and you may start to see digital artifacts and other image degradation. Photoshop is typically the photo finishing application used in the fleet. If you have other applications please experiment with your settings to achieve these desired results.


How’d I Get That Shot?

SEALs and divers from SEAL Delivery Vehicle Team (SDVT) 1 swim back to the guided-missile submarine USS Michigan (SSGN 727) during an exercise for certification on SEAL delivery vehicle operations.

By Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Kristopher Kirsop


got the idea of having the sunset, divers, and the submarine in the frame from a few of the guys that I was with on the shoot. As the sun got closer to setting on the horizon, the submarine surfaced and I guided the coxswain to a good position to capture everything in one frame. Since I was on a boat there was wave motion to consider. Shooting at a high shutter speed and a low aperture, about f/4.0, did the trick. My lens selection was an 18-200mm telephoto to reduce the need to switch lenses while bouncing around in a boat, and to provide a variety of viewing options. I used continuous focus to follow my subjects without losing the focus between waves.


Once we had started talking about getting all three of the subjects into one shot, I made it my goal to make it happen. One thing I learned while shooting this assignment is not to be afraid to take control of what’s going on around you, you would be surprised how much people want to help ensure your success with the shot. When shooting uncontrolled action there is so much that you can’t control so look for opportunities to explain what you are looking to capture while preparing your assignments. This applies to any environment afloat, ashore and in the air.



GOTB-ROLL? by Damon Moritz


ow do you reference your work in video? Do you refer to yourself

as the videographer? If so, it might be time to rethink your work.



Work as an audio technician first and as a videographer second. “The one thing that separates video from photos is sound,” said Navy Chief of Information video editor Jonathan Snyder. “Without audio, it’s just 30 pictures a second.” That is to say, audio is really, really important. Give it as much – if not more – attention than you do for the visual side of our craft. There is a fairly well-known instructional video saying that viewers will tolerate bad video if the audio is good, but few will tolerate bad audio. If you want to see the references, search for “viewers will tolerate bad video” in your favorite search engine. The results number in the thousands. Retired Defense Media Activity audio technician Pete Peters is noted for telling people that “video without audio is just surveillance footage.” So, get good audio and plan for contingencies. Recently CHINFO’s Social Media Deputy Director Lt. Shawn Eklund headed to Norfolk for a last minute video shoot to support the Sexual Assault Awareness Month campaign. The plan was to record a few Sailors reading some lines for a PSA. With help from MC3 Betsy Knapper and MC3 Deven King both assigned to NPASE-E, Eklund set up his equipment on a pier and brought out the first actor (Sailor) to read his lines. Eklund and the MCs had mic’d up the actor with a lavaliere and were using a shotgun microphone on a boom-pole. The lav went to channel one and the boom was on channel two. It was a great plan. The lav was preferred, as it was in closer proximity to the actor’s mouth and offered great pick-up, but it also picked up a lot of wind noise. The boom saved the day, and because they were set up to record to different channels, the audio could be separated in post-production. “At the end of the day, I listened to the audio from each channel,” explained Eklund. “I was really amazed at how much better – and I’m talking night and day better – the boom mic was.” The over-modulated wind noise on the lav made the audio unusable. Had Eklund not thought ahead, the entire shoot would have been useless. While this may be clear for interviews, it is often times overlooked for b-roll. MC3 Daniel J. Meshel is TAD to USS James E Williams from USS Enterprise (CVN 65). His video is great and his audio is spectacular. “As a tool for video editing, audio can be used to connect video, help transition from one scene to another, and add or gain emphasis to a particular action, subject or scene” said Meshel.


Editing Meshel’s video for use in news stories, documentaries and other media packages is much easier because the audio is clear and intimate with the action. He also pays close attention when creating prime cuts to not cut through important audio. He lets the audio play out just like action in the scene. “Audio tends to have a subconscious impact upon the viewer,” said Meshel. “Very rarely are we actively aware of sound in video; that is, unless it’s distracting or jarring from the visual experience. When the audio is distracting, the investment of your audience can be hindered, you can lose their focus and, at worst, it can potentially make the scene generally uninteresting and unwatchable.” Audio isn’t hard to do, but can take teamwork and planning to do well. Take your time and practice good audio-gathering techniques. • Always get a minute of ambient room tone • Make sure your mic is in the same place after recording room tone for interviews. Audio bounces and mic placement can be vital. • Take a breath after the subject starts talking before starting a new question. That empty audio isn’t completely empty and editing will be a lot easier. • Always have the person say their name and spell it for proper pronunciation by reporters and use in lower thirds graphics • Put the mic as close to the subject’s mouth or work as possible without being distracting. • Write down nouns the subject says while conducting interviews. Get b-roll of those nouns and get the sound those nouns make too! • Audio can have sequences too. Wide, medium and close up. Consider the audio effect of keystrokes in a room, at a desk and at the finger level. • Check your audio before you leave the scene. You probably make sure you have video, but is the meter moving because you have clean audio or dead lavaliere batteries? • And above all, wear your headphones. The supply guy got them for you for a reason! No, seriously put on the headphones. You wouldn’t try to record video without a video camera, why would you gather audio without headphones? Reshoots and edits around bad audio are a lot easier when you have access to the source and original media. Once you have exported the video, it is very hard for someone at DMA, CHINFO or out in the external media to make bad audio useable. Always remember that your name is on the video package you are submitting. Bottom line is that if the audio isn’t right, fix it. Make it a part of your production plan, along with your content, composition, color, exposure and the script.



The Navy Memorial is currently celebrating the year of the Chief Petty Officer, April 2012 through April 2013, with a theme that reads “Anchoring Seaborne Leadership.” So while developing this edition’s cover feature, MCC (SW/AW) Leah Stiles caught our attention as one who in our view has displayed the traits of leadership and resourcefulness that have come to exemplify the unique role of the Navy Chief Petty Officer – The Year of the MCC. This is her story. Last month, when I looked up at my calendar and saw “D. C. Shoot Off!” in red on March 15th, I made a decision to get as many Sailors to it as I could. What a great opportunity to expand their horizons’. At Expeditionary Combat Camera, I had five MCs chomping at the bit for the opportunity to attend. Unfortunately, operational commitments allowed only one MC to attend from COMCAM. I had planned to take a group, so I began reaching out to MCs all along the waterfront. The interest truly impressed me; we formed a small group of communicators from Combat Camera, USS Harry S. Truman, and USS Theodore Roosevelt.

2 0 12 D C

Shootof f: Photos, Cigars, and Lifetime Mentors

With tight budgets, I did not want money to be an issue limiting attendance. So I worked with retired MCC Johnny Bivera, executive director and producer of Visual Media One and the founder of Shoot Off Visual Media Workshops. Together we found ways to secure lodging so our Sailors could attend AT NO COST! I was particularly thrilled that our MCs had the chance to meet and learn from two of my personal mentors, Chip Maury (Ret. Navy PHC) and Ken Hackman (U. S. Air Force). In my opinion they are staples of the military photography community, “Pass it on as freely as you received it,” were inspirational words passed to me from Chip years ago. Before the event began, I asked each one of the MCs to set a goal for the weekend. They each came up with a variety of things to achieve; from meeting a new mentor, overcoming shyness when meeting possible story subjects, learning to capture emotion or to mastering off-camera flash. I am proud and happy to report that we had 100% goal accomplishment by Sunday!

MC2 Christopher Church, USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN 71)

Take a single theme, give slightly less than 24 hours to gather photographs that tell a story, subtract a few dollars for cigars, add the mentorship of some of the greatest photographers alive and you get my experience at the DC Shoot Off.

The following story is from one of those MCs. 8


The DC Shoot Off began on a Thursday evening, when I had the opportunity to show my portfolio to Nikki Kahn, a Pulitzer Prize winning staff photographer at the Washington Post. Kahn commended me on my ability to take pictorials but explained that for my portfolio I needed more of a human substance. I learned that I needed more photos capturing special moments and events between people. 7 A.M. the next morning, lectures began with many renowned photographers sharing different aspects of photography, including Ken Hackman, considered “The Godfather” of U.S. Air Force visual information, and a group who have garnered 11 Military Photographer of the Year awards among them, Chip Maury, Master Sgt. Jeremy Lock and Preston Keres. They all pushed one similar idea: all photos need to be driven by emotion.

Keres drove the idea home with his photo hierarchy: informational, graphically appealing, emotional, and intimate. “Emotional” is where all of us should strive to be at, and “intimate” is the level the best photographers achieve. According to Keres, the intimate photo isn’t just a photo capturing emotion, but a photo that really tells a whole story that can be strongly felt by the viewer. After the lectures is when the real fun began. Everyone waited anxiously in the room to hear the shoot off theme: Space. Ideas started floating around the room about what to shoot. Some people were thinking the Smithsonian Air and Space museum, the metro; while others had more unique ideas like gaps between teeth. I struggled slightly and thought to myself, space? What am I going to do with space? Luckily, all of the staff and mentors were very approachable and receptive. I talked to my mentors Kahn and Michael Edrington, civilian deputy director of the Defense Imagery Management Operation Center (DIMOC), as well as Chief Mass Communications Specialist (SW/AW) Leah Stiles, who helped guide me to my topic: A cigar shop. The hardest part of the competition was actually going out and finding places to shoot. At 9pm Friday night most cigar shops were closing, so I went down the street to a local hookah shop who’s manager said I couldn’t photograph there. Next, I went to a bar where I wasn’t able to tell much of a story relating to space. Finally, I found what I thought would be a great story. The workers at another local bar with a closed off space where a group of teenagers were smoking hookah allowed me to take some pictures. Unfortunately, a couple of photos in, a call to the owner had me leaving without much to work with.


The first night was disheartening, and I went to sleep hoping I could bounce back the next day. The next morning, I sought a little more guidance from Kahn, Edrington and Stiles. I managed to find a cigar shop that was willing to let me take some photographs. The shop was a beautiful small space in a local mall where customers were allowed to smoke their cigars. Everything I learned the previous day kicked in and I immediately began taking shots from different angles, using different lenses, different lighting, all the while trying to capture the true emotion behind the smoking space. I then took my photos back to the workshop and edited them with my mentors. They showed me the areas I could improve on for my story and helped refine everything to create the best story possible. However, there was one piece missing; I didn’t have a strong enough photo of the employee talk-

ing to his customers. With only two hours left, I sprinted to the metro station, took two different lines to the mall where I proceeded in getting a few more photos and returned with 15 minutes to spare. At the end of the day, my pictures didn’t quite measure up to some of the more seasoned photographers at the shoot off, but they were much better than the basic flat lit, unemotional photography I was accustomed to shooting before. One of the photos has even made it into my portfolio. I was proud of myself and thrilled that I had the opportunity to take part in such an incredible event. I would certainly recommend the DC Shoot Off to any military member no matter what their shooting level may be. After all, not only did I get a few cool photographs and purchase a couple of amazing cigars, I also got a wealth of knowledge and mentors that I will continue to speak to for the rest of my photography career.



AP Style Guide

Aircraft Names - Use a hyphen when changing from letters to numbers; no hyphen when adding letters to numbers, e.g. F/A-18E, C-5A. Battlefield - One word child care - Two words Firefighter - One word Half-mast and Half-staff - On ships and naval stations ashore, flags are flown at half-mast, elsewhere ashore they are flown at half-staff. oceangoing - One word no hyphen

][In the Loupe]

Schedule of Events

Apple Bootcamp AppleBootcampBlast.html Orlando, FL 14-23 May, 2012 Corcoran Gallery of Art Washington, D.C. Through May 20, 2012 Backpack Journalism Workshop Washington, DC 17-20 May, 2012

Medal of Honor (MOH) - Refer to the Medal of Honor recipient not winner. Do not refer to the MOH as the Congressional Medal of Honor.

BlogWorld and New Media Expo NY New York, NY June 5-7, 2012

Prisoner(s) of war - POW(s) is an acceptable second reference. Hyphenate when used as a modifier: a prisoner-of-war trial.

Photoshop World Las Vegas, NV Sept. 5-7, 2012

Fast File Transfer (FFT) Update. We have a temporary solution for FFT aboard ships, so if you have an immediate operational need for it, the following is the geek explanation of what to do. Your comms officer should be able to translate... if not, have them email Damon Moritz at But first… why should you care about this IT stuff? In short, you now have the ability to install the FFT client application that will allow you to use the current DMA server to move large media files off your ship. The FFT client application is a commercialoff-the-shelf (COTS) application which is registered in DADMS and is approved by the functional area manager (FAM). Ships will need to fill out the firewall form for port 923 to be opened, and submit it to the ODAA PPS SME, Clifford Ramsamooj, who will send an email to the FLTNOCs (with the request form). Once the FLTNOCs have the form, they will place it in their file for that unit/ship for future request usage. This satisfies what the FLTNOCs are requesting until the long term solution is in place. Long term, CHINFO is working with SPAWAR to complete the Certification and Accreditation (C&A) package for the FFT server that will include the FFT client application and the port usage and will obtain an Authority to Operate (ATO) signed by the ODAA.


Barnstorm: The Eddie Adams Workshop The photography workshop is tuition-free, and the 100 students are chosen based on the merit of their portfolios. Trigger Happy Android and iPhone App to turn your smart phone into a remote for your professional SLR. Time Lapse Photography Apps Time lapse photography apps for the iPhone. time-lapse-photography-apps

The Image, Deconstructed The story behind the photos by the journalists on assignment [Warning – Powerful Imagery] All references to commercially available sites and services are provided for informational purposes only, without Department of the Navy endorsement. 10


Photo by MC1 Jason Graham

Adobe Photoshop CS6 Beta Sneak peek at Photoshop CS6 (Supporting Video) photoshopcs6/?trackingid=JQDRI




Engage with your Social Media Team: LCDR Chris Servello LT Shawn Eklund MCC AnTuan Guerry MC2 Xander Gamble Kristina Miller

The current numbers on Navy SM:

Facebook: 555,000 followers Twitter: 59,186 followers YouTube: 3,828 followers Flickr: 6-10,000 views a day NavyLive (blog): 17,000 views a day

OI-2’s Fleet Visit Program Demystifies CHINFO’s Content Demand Signals T

he Navy Media Content Services (OI-2) relies almost entirely on communication product submissions

from the fleet to tell the Navy’s story globally. The fastpaced nature of modern mass media, through which

the Navy engages internal and external audiences,

Photo by John Land

requires compelling communication products to be

Desperately Seeking... We need imagery, video and stills of “green” initiatives. A green energy roadmap is a SECNAV priority so there is a continuous demand for story telling imagery that speaks to the Navy’s on-going effort in this area. The key here is story telling. It is hard to communicate the scope of any initiative with a single image and an AHU. Get creative and provide a picture story about your unit’s program. Whether it’s a green roof, alternative energy, solar panels, recycling… we can’t get enough. Don’t forget the imagery you send us is also for the National Archives and we want to make sure we don’t miss covering these steps the Navy is taking now for our future. Email our office if you would like to make your GREEN programs a feature on the NavyLive blog. 703.614.9154

timely, targeted and relevant. Seems pretty simple but what does it mean to the fleet PAO who wants to get their story on the Navy Live Blog, their photos on, their video in the hands of CHINFO’s marketing team, and gain an understanding on how to best leverage the power of social media to get their boss’s messages out? To help explain the process and provide useful tips and guidance and to answer questions directly from the fleet, OI-2 has instituted a series of quarterly visits to fleet concentration areas in an effort to meet directly with fleet collateral duty PAO’s and professional Navy communicators. The first of these visits took place in Norfolk Jan. 18 and 19. The second is planned for the Jacksonville, Fla., area in the coming weeks. Topics covered in the training include: • What is the mission of OI-2 Anyway? • Putting CHINFO to Work for You: A Primer for Collateral Duty PAOs on Leveraging Owned Media (Editorial, Still Photo, Video and Social) to Tell Your Stories • Content is King: A Primer for Professional Communicators on Editorial, Still Photo and Video Content that Sells and Tells Your Story (And Once You Have the Content, How To Effectively Move It in a format that provides the greatest reach) • Social Media for Communication Professionals Special emphasis is given to social media as PAOs and MCs receive only cursory initial training on the constantly developing and evolving social media environment. However, it is a critical source of information and means of communication for a growing percentage of Navy people. The overall objective of the fleet visit program is to ensure PA professionals are aware of and know how to use the CHINFO communication tools and expertise available to them, and to begin the process of establishing better awareness and understanding of how best to leverage social media as a communication tool, while continuing to support traditional media. As the visits are arranged, invites will flow from regional public affairs offices or the local NPASE. AMERICA’S NAVY: A GLOBAL FORCE FOR GOOD


2011 Visual Information Awards Program Defense Information School





6500 Mapes Road, Suite 5620 | Ft George G. Meade, MD 20755-5620


MSgt Jeremy T. Lock, USAF





Runner-up SSgt Nicholas J. Pilch, USAF


MC2 Andrew A. Breese, USN







Runner-up A1C Brandi L. Hansen, USAF



Sgt. Shawn P. Sales, USMC

PICTURE STORY 1st MSgt Jeremy T. Lock, USAF Reconstruction 2nd SSgt Vernon M. Young, USAF That Others May Live 3rd SSgt Nicholas J. Pilch, USAF Commanding, Jumping And Checking PICTORIAL 1st TSgt Bennie J. Davis, USAF Upside Down 2nd MC2 Mark G. Logico, USN Four Fishermen 3rd MSgt Jeremy T. Lock, USAF Spooky PORTRAIT/PERSONALITY 1st MSgt Jeremy T. Lock, USAF Reconstruction 2nd SrA Grovert Fuentes-Contreras, USAF Against Racing Water 3rd TSgt Manuel J. Martinez, USAF Don SPORTS 1st Sgt Sean K. Harp, USA Calm Around the Bend 2nd LCpl Sharon D. Kyle, USMC Water Running 3rd Cpl Tyler L. Main, USMC Intimidation factor FEATURE 1st Sgt Alvin D. Parson, USMC A Grand View 2nd SFC Mark C. Burrell, USA Night Ride 3rd Spc Tristan D. Bolden, USA Christmas Festival COMBAT DOCUMENTATION 1st SSgt Ashley M. Hyatt, USAF National Training Center 2nd Sgt Sean K. Harp, USA Frag Out! 3rd Sgt Christopher R.Rye, USMC Operation Godfather NEWS 1st SrA Marcy l. Glass, USAF A Father’s Salute 2nd SSgt Zachary J. Wolf, USAF Fighting Fires On JBER 3rd SFC Mark C. Burrell, USA Loss ILLUSTRATIVE 1st TSgt Samuel A. Bendet, USAF Pedal To The Medal 2nd TSgt Aaron D. Allmon, USAF MEDCAP 2011 3rd SrA Lauren R. Main, USAF The Measure Of An Airman MULTIMEDIA STORY - FEATURE 1st SSgt Russell M. Scalf, USAF Pink Kisses Cancer My Way 2nd MCC Leah Stiles, USN Operation Communication MULTIMEDIA STORY - OPERATIONAL 1st SFC Mark C. Burrell, USA Most Dangerous Road In Afghanistan 2nd SFC Mark C. Burrell, USA Gun Dogs Unleash In The Pech 3rd SSgt Russell M. Scalf, USAF Ruckmarch To Remember

DOCUMENTARY 1st MC1 Brett P. Cote, USN U.S. Navy Concert Band 2nd SSgt Brehl M. Garza, USA Warrior Challenge 3rd MC2 Andrew A. Breese, USN Pearl Harbor Final Wishes FIELD PRODUCTION 1st MC2 Andrew A. Breese, USN U.S. Navy Drill Team 2nd A1C Brandi L. Hansen, USN One Fight 3rd Sgt Tanner M. Iskra, USMC Who We Support COMBAT DOCUMENTARY 1st LCpl Jacob M. Lagoze, USMC Georgetown Attack 2nd TSgt Matthew K. Pardini, USAF A Day At The Range ANIMATION 1st MC1 Douglas P Bedford, USN USS MAKIN ISLAND (LHD 8) Raider Report Intro CRESTS AND LOGOS 1st MC3 Erick L Kogler, USN USS Mount Whitney Challenge Coin 2nd Sgt Branko Bilicich, USMC MCAS Yuma ComCam Logo 3rd MC1 Joshua J Wahl, USN JID-FCPOA DIGITAL ART 1st LCpl Reagan P Lodge, USMC Belleau Wood 2nd TSgt Jason A Carmony, USAF Air Force Staff Sergeant 3rd MC2 Christopher M Dollar, USN American Jets Landing On French Carrier FINE ART 1st SFC Amylouise M Brown, USA Watermans’ Cabin 2nd Spc Karen S Sampson, USA Heart As A Hare 3rd Sgt Shawn P Sales, USMC Tuskegee Airmen ILLUSTRATION 1st Sgt Shawn P Sales, USMC Texture Of War 2nd SFC Amylouise M Brown, USA MOPP Level 4 3rd SSgt Karl F Overman, USA Sailor Girl LAYOUT AND DESIGN 1st MC1 Chad D Runge, USN unbeaTEN 2nd MC2 Christopher M Dollar, USN LA Navy Week 2011 Alternate Poster 3rd Spc Christopher L Rosario, USA Anti-terrorism MIXED MEDIA 1st MC2 Gina K Morrissette, USN For The Boys! 2nd SFC Anna Waddell, USA The Battlefield Challenge 3rd MC1 Joshua J Wahl, USN Navy Cyber Forces PUBLICATION 1st SSgt Nicholas F Salcido, USA Third Army Pamplet 2nd MSgt Jeffrey B Allen, USAF Air Force Truckers 3rd TSgt Samuel A Bendet, USAF Joining The Fight Club WEB DESIGN 1st MC2 Larry A Wolfe, USN USS NIMITZ (CVN-68) Official Website

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