Navy Imagery Insider May-June 2011

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May - Jun 2011



For members of the PA/VI community







ト モ ダ チ作 戦 OPERATION Tomodachi

Photo by MC3 Kevin B. Gray

Cover Story on page 8

If we are going to shoot digital content, then we need to stop treating that content like film. Instead we need to be developing our training programs to execute a workflow that takes full advantage of instant acquisition on every job. Transmitting imagery during an event is the standard in the commercial industry and should be for the U.S. Navy. Timeliness is the key to success in today’s Internet based visual conversation. Social media has driven that argument, but it is not the exclusive property of Facebook or YouTube, and not an invitation to visual mediocrity just to achieve timeliness; our MCs can and want to do better than that. Tony Hicks, AP Photo Editor for Europe and Africa, puts it this way “. . . photographers must use good judgment as to when to keep making pictures and when to peel off to transmit. We strive to be first, right and relevant. . . . there’s [sic] no point getting inaccurate or irrelevant [poor] photos sent in record time.”[1] On May 16, 2011, MCs from NPASEEast and 2nd Fleet HQ were deployed on the pier during the homecoming for USS Kearsarge with a plan to move content in near real-time. While the ship was still preparing to shift colors, video shout-outs from family members on the pier were transmitted from laptops on site using Verizon air cards; prior coordination with CHINFO ensured timely posting to Navy Facebook and YouTube. Concurrently, HD video and still images were transported on flash cards by a runner to NPASE HQ, where waiting video editors prepared a prime cut for transmission and distribution through OI-7. Many lessons were learned, but the project and communication effort was a success. In today’s digital environment the sheer volume of content requires speed if your imagery is to have value and your story to be relevant, externally, or internally. I think we are all in agreement; what the Navy is doing everyday is both valuable and relevant. ~CJM 1.  Coomes, P. (2011). Drowning in Pictures. BBC News. DIRECTOR DEPUTY DIRECTOR EDITORIAL Editor Staff Writers


Live from

New York . . . By LT j.g. Shawn P. Eklund




INSIDERPerspective By MCCS Melissa Weatherspoon




uring the morning of May 25th Sailors assigned to CHINFO and the Navy element of DMA streamed live video of ships passing Battery Park, New York to multiple online sites. The idea was originally conceived as a feasibility test of existing technology, but it quickly morphed into collaborated effort to provide live video to an engaged online audience. The principle point of delivery was to a site called Livestream which offers the producer a video studio arrangement and provides the viewer with chat and the typical social media sharing features and embedding tools. Before I dive into how chasing this technology will change everything we do, let’s first satisfy the techies with the nuts and bolts of how it was done. To break it down to a PAO’s level we basically streamed standard definition, (and yes it’s possible to stream high def) over commercial cellular signal to a video-hosting service optimized for social media. Yes, kiddies live video on your NMCI screens - well almost - most NMCI users were able to see the streaming video, but I’m still not giving our ISP any love. The test used hardware, basically a backpack sized cell phone, from a company called LiveU. The specifications on this unit can be found at The backpack receives video from the camera in any one of the following: HD/SD-SDI, HDMI, Analog (any), IEEE- 1394, Ethernet. It uses up to 14 cellular (3G/4G) cards, to transmit the stream to Livestream where it can be shared to just about anywhere. The scope of the playing field for today’s communicator is anywhere, anytime to a targeted audience or to the general public in live or pre-produced productions. Don’t get me wrong, the idea of streaming video is not new. And providing an online point for social interactions and collaboration is the basic reason the Internet was created. But providing both in an easy to reach and easy to produce package is a game changer. Or maybe it’s a player changer, in that in addition to telling the story via a professional product we also have to facilitate the online conversation and allow our viewers to guide the camera and ultimately the topic. Or it may prove that chasing technology should take a back seat to sticking to the principles of good story telling. Or maybe - just maybe - it’s the first step towards weaving the power of storytelling with the enterprise’s desire to inform, educate and persuade the public. In fact without any forward media engagement or targeted marketing the Washington Post picked up the stream and re-casted on their own blog page. http://www. Planning is underway to test a competitor to Livestream, so please follow the progress at or look for additional stories in future editions of this publication.

Christopher Madden LT j.g. Shawn Eklund


Kristina Miller Oscar Sosa Damon J. Moritz

LAYOUT/ART Director Designers

Barbara Burfeind LCDR Mike Morley MCCS Melissa Weatherspoon MC2 Jay M. Chu MC2 Sharay Bennett MC2 Jason Graham


Navy Office of Information Pentagon RM4B514 Washington, D.C. 20350-1200 Office: 703-614-9154 DSN: 224 Download Insider at:



ET xtra

hat’s right everyone, the Center for Service Support (CSS) in Newport, R.I., has officially released the MC non-resident training courses, also known as rate training manuals (RTMs), via Navy Knowledge Online and the Navy Advancement Center websites.

Production of the first MC basic RTMs began in May 2010 with a working group of experienced MCs who reviewed previous rating manuals, current instructions, DINFOS training material and more.

public affairs and visual information – and agreeing upon tables of content for each. Then, we rolled up our sleeves and jumped head first into the old manuals, which we thought would just need modifications. “Everyone start your track changes … and, halt!” The team quickly realized that most of the legacy manuals were too outdated, as were most, if not all, of the instructions and directives used to feed into the legacy manuals. It was time for reinforcements! Enter coffee, donuts and other baked goods made by our hosts at the NATO Supreme Allied Commander Transformation command. We were once again pumped up and ready to tackle the enormous challenge. The building blocks for the rate training manuals came from the following sources: chapter 23 of the Navy

However, research and the makings of the current RTMs began years ago with retired MCCM John Barnett, who also served as the MC training manager at CSS. He and a team of MCs built new occupational standards and personnel qualification standards that served as the cornerstones for the new RTMs. Many of you may ask why it took so long for these manuals to come to life, since our rating is going to turn 5 in July. I guess, I could throw in a “better late than never” cliché, but I will spare you all from that remark. The truth is, rate training manuals became somewhat obselete when the Navy no longer required completion of them. Therefore, Sailors shelved these awesome references and then dusted them off come test time. The bottom line is that CSS needed money and people to make our rate training manuals a reality. Both can be difficult. For example, a week prior to the initial conference the Navy answered the call for humanitarian relief in Haiti and many team members were redirected. When we finally met in the spring, team members spent nearly a full day deciding to break the manual into two modules –

Instruction Nugget 703.614.9154

to review and update the MC advancement exam. These seven senior-enlisted MCs ensured that the new RTMs were properly embedded into the MC exam question bank and that the questions and manuals were on the same sheet of music. A few changes and additions were made, but overall, the RTM was ready to go. As a result of the hard work and dedication from the RTM and exam teams, CSS scheduled their roll out in January 2011, just in time for the first change, the VISION ID. We made the necessary changes and CSS sent it to print. Although the chapters were available for download on NKO at that time, actual printing and availability of the RTMs had to be vetted through the Navy Advancement Center … thus the May 2011 release. Updates, changes and new ideas, like the VISION ID, are part of the MC way of life; therefore, CSS has pledged to review the documents annually. If you have ideas, requested additions or changes, please contact me at melissa.weatherspoon@ or catch up with me on MCs Talk Shop,

Enlisted Manpower and Personnel Classifications and Occupational Standards manual, current instructions, DINFOS training guides, and the expertise and experience of the RTM conference team. Much attention was paid to the day-to-day life of an MC in a variety of billets, and our mission was to get back to the basics of what it means to be an MC. The yearlong process also incorporated a separate group of MCs who traveled to Pensacola, Fla., in early December 2010

DoD Instruction 5040.02 of 30 August 2005 is the current instruction that governs visual information at the DoD level. corres/pdf/504002p.pdf





any photographers consider photo editing more of an arbitrary art than a precise science; the selection of their photos depends on what mood the editor is in that day and is not based on a formal process.

As a visual art form, photography can’t be scientifically quantified. It can, however, be broken down into elements that determine how well it communicates with the elements of light, composition, moment and content. At NVNS we attach a numerical value to each of those elements. Light, composition, and moment are each graded on a scale of 1-3 and content is rated at 1-4. For a photo to be posted on we require a combined value of at least 7. This gives us a tangible threshold of quality that provides more consistency than the Eeny, Meeny, Miny, Moe style of editing. The photo at left was given maximum ratings for moment. It was a photo of the day, posted on Facebook and Flickr and used in the Week in Review multimedia. It’s a great example of capturing a story-telling moment that will make people want to read the story. Unflattering facial expressions, static subjects and people looking into the camera are easy to rate low. Many photographers get impatient, take one or two frames and leave. Others lose confidence and move around too much, taking lots of pictures, but not making any images. Capturing a moment requires patience, anticipation and an understanding of the subject. Photo by Gary Nichols

The photo below was given a high score on composition. The photographer used the Rule of Thirds and a repeating pattern of uniforms and faces to tell a story. Composition is probably the most subjective of the first three elements. Leading lines, rule of thirds,

OUTTAKES By Oscar Sosa

framing, and many other visual elements draw the viewer either into or out of the image. Busy backgrounds, chopped off body parts and other distracting elements can relegate the composition score to a 1. A clean background is probably the easiest way to get an image up to a two and possibly onto Light is the easiest element to grade; a photo is either well lit or not. A photo taken at noon on a bright sunny day on a flight deck is probably not going to have very good light. Neither is a photo in an office under fluorescent lights. Both of these situations, if not helped by a secondary light source, are going to rate a 1. If the photographer waits for better light or improves the light with a flash or other light source, then the light score improves dramatically. Over or under exposed images will usually not be posted. The most important element we judge is content. A poorly lit, badly composed off-moment image can rate a 3 (1+1+1 = 3). If the content is strong enough to rate a 4, then we’ll post it. The Capt. Phillips rescue photo is a classic example. Light, composition and moment all rate a 1, however the content was off the scale. It’s also important to note that we look for images that will resonate with the Fleet, so typically we don’t select change of command or retirement photos, however

Photo by MC2 James R. Evans

there will always be unique exceptions. You can’t control content, but looking for light, using proper composition and waiting for a good moment will guarantee posting on We typically put up about 20 percent of the images that come into NVNS every day. If your photo didn’t make it to the main gallery, it can still be posted on your command’s local gallery with the

Content Management System. For more information on local pages, please contact the Defense Media Activity at or 202-433-3846. If you have any questions about our selection process regarding specific images, feel free to call us any time. We’re happy to give a critique and talk about how you and we can improve the way we tell the Navy story.

Content is KING Light 1-3

Content 1-4 Moment 1-3 Photo by MC1 Todd Macdonald



Composition 1-3

U.S. Navy photo





Anytime, anywhere

By MC2 Jason Graham

The NPASE response to the January 2010 earthquake in Haiti underscores the expeditionary nature of NPASE. Within four hours, five PAOs and 25 MCs were ready and equipped to deploy aboard six U.S. ships heading toward Haiti, providing along the way timely information and imagery for Operation Unified Response.

I came to NVNS from USS Nimitz a little more than a year and a half ago. Since then, I have taken a crash course in video journalism. I have also had the luxury of seeing exactly where the products you send us go. In the video division we transfer video files and tapes to the news media and Hollywood producers. These customers include CNN, Fox News, ABC News, the TV show NCIS (and the real NCIS), the History Channel and most recently the major motion picture Transformers 3. I am name-dropping, but it is to prove a point. We get requests from these various outlets on a daily basis. The subjects they request cover a wide scope of Navy life. Unfortunately, there are many files I cannot use due to poor video quality or the fact that we have not covered the subject being requested. It seems we need to remember to keep an eye on the basics. We no longer use a tripod, producing shaky video; our aspect ratios are wrong when we export video files, creating stretched or flattened video. But perhaps the biggest issue is we just don’t shoot enough video. NVNS has to turn away requests because we simply do not have the footage. Remember these requests are often on very short deadline. Many of these issues are easily correctible. Before we post images or video files online, we make sure they are checked by someone else in the office. This gives us at least two sets of eyes on the product we distribute. Of course we’re human and don’t catch everything, but it greatly

Fast File Transfer (FFT) and File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Server Addresses Change By Barbara Burfeind, DMA

Operation Unified Response (OUR) was the first major evolution to prove the NPASE concept. Instead of calling multiple commands to put together a PA/VI team . . . we were able to provide the fleet with PA/VI teams that had already trained together as a unit,” said Cmdr. Scott Norr, NPASE commanding officer. In total, six PAOs and 34 MCs, active and reserve, supported OUR, at sea, and with NMCB 2 and at Guantanamo Bay. One of the latest changes at NPASE involves how sea operational detachments (SEAOPDETs) embark ships within carrier strike groups (CSG) and amphibious ready groups (ARG). NPASE typically provides a SEAOPDET consisting of one PAO and up to five MCs for CSG and ARG deployments. Previously, the entire SEAOPDET would embark the high value unit for the workups and the deployment. While this bolstered the PA/VI capabilities on the large deck, it did not meet the Navy’s intent to tell the entire CSG or ARG story. Proper coverage of the entire strike group was at the mercy of airlift and the great distances between units. In essence, there was always the risk that the Navy would miss telling a story that needed to be told.

reduces the chance of letting a mistake get through. As for the lack of video, the only cure for that is to go out and shoot more. If you are interested in finding out the latest subjects being requested, please let us know or take a look on page 10. Feeding the media/Hollywood Producer beast does not represent the end of our video products. We also have to feed the historical record. I know it is hard to think

about routine flight operations as being critical to Navy history; I had to be assigned to NVNS to believe it myself. Every tape we receive is sent to the National Archives. One day, many years from now, someone will want to know exactly how the Navy once operated, and they will need to rely on our video products to tell the story. A little attention to detail now will pay off in the future.


Busier, Broader, and Better than ever By NPASE Public Affairs

“Our essential skills courses build on the knowledge Sailors gain at DINFOS,” said Cmdr Norr. “Once Sailors are at their command, it becomes evident which areas of this multifaceted rating could use polish. That’s the intent of our 10-day course- to help the Sailor develop in all aspects of the rating.”

STOP using IP addresses to connect to DIMOC servers immediately!!

With DIMOC’s upcoming move to Fort Meade, Md., users should use the domain names rather than the IP address for transmission of imagery via FFT and FTP. With the move, the IP addresses will change. Users should delete any and all documentation that references IP addresses since the user will fail to connect. All users connecting to the DIMOC NIPRNET FFT and/or FTP servers MUST USE THE FOLLOWING domain NAMES:

Value added, now and later

Today, forged by plenty of trial-and-error and leaders who have pushed NPASE out of its comfort zone, the Navy has a powerful PA/VI device, benefiting from the products produced today, and the MCs and junior PAOs it is training for the future.



New training, new faces

Both NPASE West and East have two MC billets dedicated to providing peers with enhanced PA/VI training. Trainers offer four 10-day essential-skills courses - writing, editing, video and still photography. Since its inception, nearly 400 Sailors and civilians from more than 32 different commands have traveled to Norfolk or San Diego to take part in essential skills training.

By the time MCs and junior public affairs officers leave the command, they will have experienced Navy public affairs on three different ship platforms - experience that would take another MC at least six years to accumulate. NPASE East Senior Enlisted Advisor, MCCM Michael Viola puts it this way, “At no other command in the Navy will you find so many personnel with the diversity of experience to groom our junior officers and MCs to meet the ever-changing PA/VI environment. When you leave NPASE you will have a much better grasp of the maritime strategy and how public affairs . . . [is] executing it.”

This notice does not apply to the DIMOC SIPRNET servers. When the Joint Combat Camera Service began using the FTP server, and later the FFT server, the server’s IP addresses where sent out to the field. This was simply expedient but was not the best practice from a long term point of view. This was remedied some time ago with the FTP and FFT servers having domain names. However, the documentation containing the IP addresses is still out there and still gets used occasionally. Users should update these old documents and use the domain names to avoid failed connections. 6

Piloted first with ARG deployments, and after consultation with the numbered fleets, the paradigm was changed. An emphasis is now placed on embarking MCs on all ships accompanying the ready groups. For example, while deployed aboard the USS Barry (DDG 52) in March 2011, MC3 Jonathan Sunderman documented some of the first tomahawk launches into Libya in support of Operation Odyssey Dawn. His images of day and night launches helped to convey elements of the Navy’s maritime strategy: power projection, forward presence, and deterrence.

Photo by MC3 Jonathan Sunderman


ト モ ダ チ 作 戦

Thank you for reading that e-mail. You are busy now. I and my father are happy. Thank you for Commander,U.S.7th Fleet and American citizen.

A Personal Story

Behind A Navy Image

Sincery yours. Shiho My team checked with the Navy ship that had found hers. We scoured databases to see if any other ships had reported sightings since the photo was taken. Theirs was one of hundreds of vessels that went derelict at sea. I wrote back:

Photo by ISC Michael Rouse


hile much has transpired since the last edition, the horrific earthquake and resulting tsunami in Japan helped to showcase the Navy’s incredible flexibility and capacity to be the Global Force for Good. Consequently, any attempt to cite all those who had a hand in supporting Operation Tomodachi would most certainly fail. So we offer just one example, where Navy imagery combined with Navy public information and the heroic efforts of a 14 year old girl, helped to safeguard the livelihood for one Japanese family. ~ CJM Material taken with permission from

Saturday, March 26, 2011 at 3:15am

I was just starting the night shift, answering media questions about the Navy’s relief efforts in Japan, when the e-mail with a very unusual subject line caught my eye. “I am a 14-year-old Japanese.” Answering an e-mail like this could start a sequence of any number of events; as innocent as a routine “thank you” from a citizen thanking the Navy for flying disaster aid into Japan, to a Nigerian hacker emptying your bank account, to a Dateline NBC camera crew jumping out of the bushes believing they’d ‘caught a predator.’ But it looked more interesting than the other 220-plus e-mails begging for attention in the queue, so I bit. I am a 14-year-old Japanese. I saw the site of Commander US 7th Fleet.


I encouraged my father. I said to “It has hope without giving up hope” My father. We are waiting for information from you with hope. I am praying for my father’s ship to be found again. Thank you for reading this e-mail.

I am a daughter of the owner of this ship. I want you to help. We are very embarrassed. We are seeking the ship named this HOUKI MARU NO.23.(丸亀宝三十二第) My father saw this photograph and it got hopes. This ship drifted from the Ofunato port due to this earthquake. I am searching for the whereabouts of this ship. This ship color is white. The fishing boat number is HK1-955. Please let me know if you check the position and the date when the abovementioned photograph was taken. Please teach to me if there is information on this ship. Thank you for reading this mail. - Shiho In that one e-mail, the personal scope of this tragedy hit me. After two weeks of watching videos of tsunamis brutalizing hundreds of miles of coastline, drowning thousands instantly and wiping out homes and livelihoods for millions, here was my first contact with a real person. A live, firstAMERICA’S NAVY: A GLOBAL FORCE FOR GOOD

hand survivor. She was asking for MY help. And in halting English, she was actually EMBARRASSED that her family’s fishing boat had gone missing after being swept to sea. Shiho wasn’t outwardly sad for her own misfortune; she was more concerned that she was inconveniencing ME by asking for help. Whoa. In that one sentence, “We are very embarrassed,” it captured everything one needs to know about how the Japanese have endured this ongoing, trifecta of cascading tragedy(ies) with a stoic, quiet dignity that has fascinated the world.

Shiho-san, Thank you again for contacting us. Your father’s ship, HOUKI MARI 23, was found on 13 March approximately at 1000 by the guided missile destroyer USS Curtis Wilbur. The approximate latitude/longitude at that time was 39.00N / 142.21E, about 50 KM east of Ofonato. Since that time, no U.S. Navy ships operating in the area have reported additional sightings of your ship. At that time, your ship was one of dozens washed out to sea and photographed by U.S. Navy ships, which were tasked with finding survivors on board any of these ships or on any of the floating debris washed out to sea. Unfortunately, none were found. With this information, we recommend you contact the Japanese Coast Guard,

and see if any of the Japan Maritime Self Defense Force ships in the area have reported contacts since 13 March. I wish you and your family the best of luck in locating your ship, and returning it to service. Your family’s story touched everyone in our office, and we are sorry we couldn’t do more for you. Sincerely, Lt. Cmdr. Mike Morley U.S. Navy Shiho wrote back: Dearest Mr. Morley Thank you for your kindness. I appreciated you. I and my family saw the photograph of missing HOUKIMARU, and tears fell. I wish my father’s ship will be safe. And so if you’ll get any information, Please let me know a little bit information. But Information that you obtained was the best information for my and my family. We wish to express our gratitude from the mind. I like Commander and U.S.7th Fleet very much. Only it applies about me. Thank you for reading this e-mail. Sincerely yours. Shiho

Sunday, March 27, 2011 at 9:32pm The Japanese Coast Guard FOUND their ship! I came onto shift this evening and found the following e-mail in my box: Dearest Mr. Morley Hello. I am Shiho.

So, I read and re-read Shiho’s e-mail. And I resolved that I would help this one person as much as I could. I wrote back: Shiho-san, Thank you for your e-mail. We are researching details of the latitude/longitude and exact time that photo was taken (it was photographed on Mar 14). We are also researching to see if there is more current information on where the ship may be now. We will keep you informed of what we find. Sincerely, Lt. Cmdr. Mike Morley Shiho wrote back, almost instantly. Dearest Mr. Morley Very very thank you Mr. Morley! Thank you for e-mail.

The day before yesterday, my father visited the Japan Coast Guard and the Self Defense Forces in Tokyo. Information and the photograph that Mr. Morley had sent me were so much useful. Yesterday, at last, the Japan Coast Guard found my father’s ship. My father is going to bring his ship with the tugboat. My father’s ship was found thanks to Mr. Morley. Very very thank you Mr. Morley. we’ll never forget your kindness as long as we live. Shiho [last name] Hokkaido Japan

ト モ ダ チ 作

This was truly a needle-in-a-haystack search and rescue effort. HOUKI MARU 23 was riding strong currents that could have put her anywhere between Alaska and the Philippines, but using our coordinates the Japanese Coast Guard likely factored in currents, narrowed its search grid, found the ship and plotted its location so it can be retrieved by tugboat soon.

The timing is in itself fortuitous. I am scheduled to depart USS Blue Ridge tomorrow and return to Singapore; it feels great to know that despite never having set foot in the disaster zone, my shipmates and I have brought some measure of relief to one affected family. I dare say, this has been the most challenging yet satisfying operational event I’ve been a part of in my 22 years in the Navy. Gambaro, Nihon (“Hang in there, Japan”), and God Speed.

Photo courtesy of Orikasa family taken after ship’s return






Digital Journalist

Photography Competitions

Strobist Blog

Logo Info

News, training and events in journalism brought to you by highly accomplished civilian photojournalists

Website for competitions and photo awards programs from around the world.

Blog dedicated to the fine art of lighting your subjects, using a variety of techniques and tools.

We receive a lot of questions about how a command can change their official seal or logo.

http://www.photographycompetitions. net/

By Lt. j.g. Shawn P. Eklund

Bad news first; there exists no specific policy on logo approval for DON with the exception of Aviation Patches which have been historically approved [unofficially] by N78. The good news is that commands are free to develop their own logos. It is also recommended that logos be submitted to the Army Heraldry Office, in Ft. Belvoir, Va. If an organization wishes to trademark that logo, which is recommended, then they should contact the Office of Naval Research’s legal department, where Navy trademarks are managed. If you do create one, make sure we get it, so we can add it to the graphics gallery on For more information or discussion please feel free to post a comment on our facebook page

Photo by MC2 James R. Evans

Desperately Seeking Listed items are video shots NVNS has received specific requests for, from media, documentary producers or film companies. We request your help in fulfilling these requests*:

• Helicopter and SPIE rig from flight deck, getting ready to launch / launching / and lifting SPIE rig • From the helicopter looking down on SPIE rig as it prepares to launch / launching / and lifting SPIE rig • Main Machinery Rooms • Live fire exercise with towed target, Ship Deployed Surface Target (SDST) or TDU targets • DC Central during GQ (sanitized) • Radars spinning on mast (particularly following yard periods)

* For the highest distribution potential, we request cameraoriginal tape/files or exported archive file (MXF).

• Climbing CVN masts (ETs working - POV cameras) • Base signs (Welcome to Naval Station.....)

Navy Style

Future Events

Sept. 11

Photoshop World Conference & Expo

Use “Sept. 11 attack” or “Sept. 11 terrorist attack.”

watchstander, watchstanding Use as one word

plankowner One word

Persian Gulf

Use Arabian Gulf. “Gulf” is acceptable in second reference.

• From the ship OOD saluting as Sailors depart the ship • From the pier OOD saluting as Sailors depart the ship

Sept. 7 – 9, 2011 Mandalay Bay Resort & Casino Las Vegas, NV

Digital Video Expo

Sept. 20 - 22, 2011 Pasadena Convention Center

Public Affairs Training Symposium

Photoplus International Conference & Expo

Oct. 27 - 29, 2011 Jacob K. Javits Convention Center New York City

Government Video Expo 2011 Nov. 29 - Dec. 1, 2011 Washington, D.C.

Sept. 26 - 28, 2011 Baltimore, Md. chinfo/PANET/0_132aad

All references to commercially available sites and services are provided for informational purposes only, without Department of the Navy endorsement.






Navy Imagery Decision Tree A guide to help you determine what imagery should be released and where to use it. Is the photo released to the public by the command IAW h h l d h bl b h d ISIC and/or theater guidance? YES Example: Example: Photo of relief efforts in Japan


Does the image depict events that D th i d i t t th t are topical, newsworthy and relevant outside of local area? YES

Example: Photos of ship life

NO Does the photo depict your command’s mission or operations? YES

Release to Navy Visual News Service (NVNS) AND Release to command website, local pages on, and /or command social media sites

Example: Close up of Sailor doing karaoke on the mess decks

Example: Photos from awards ceremony or family picnic

NO Obtain Command Release Approval in coordination with ISIC, Theater Public Affairs Offices as appropriate before publishing to any command website or social media, then refer to decision tree again

Release to command , p g website, local pages on, and /or command social media sites (not required to send to NVNS)

No matter where you distribute, you still need to follow SECNAV instruction and the PA Tactics Manual guidance when capturing photos for your command. Additional tips below: • Retain copies of all images locally for archiving • All images must have VIRIN and caption • When submitting to NVNS, send the highest possible resolution you can transmit • Do not crop images • Include contact information in email to NVNS or embedded in photo • When it doubt, email images to NVNS! 703-614-9154



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