啵Ĩėᅁ ăä Ĩ䂺ĨჄăä
Campbelltown Super Store:: 18, Blaxland Road Campbelltown, Tel: (02) - 46289972
Warwick Farm Store: Warwick Farm CNR Sappho Road & Hume highway, Tel: (02) 96009992
Eid Greetings
On the Holy occasion of Eid-ul-Adha … may all the readers of Nawa-e-Australia and members of the community be filled with happiness & may every step of your journey through the life be blessed by Allah !
Ի فϭϧ ̶ϟΎόΗ ௌ ف ̯؟٫ ΎϋΩ ̵έΎϣ٫ έ̡ ϊϗϭϣ ̭έΎΑϣ α ̯فΩϳϋ ؏ΎϳηϭΧ ̶̯ Ωϳϋ ϭ̯ ؏ϭϧΎϣϠγϣ ϡΎϣΗ έϭ ϥϳέΎϗ ϡΎϣΗ ̯فΎϳϠϳέՌγ έϬΑ فγ ̶ϧΎϣΩΎη έϭ Εέγϣ ϭ̯ ؏ϭϳ̳Ωϧί ̶̯ ϥ έϭ فΎϣέϓ Ύρϋ ϥϳϣ ـ لΩ
Eid Greetings
We extend our gratitude to the readers of Nawa-e-Australia and the Muslim Community on the Holy occasion of Eid-ul-Adha. May Allah bless all of us with happiness, health and a peaceful and prosperous life.
EID MUBARAK Happy Eid Mubarak to the readers of Nawa-e-Australia and to the Muslim community on behalf of Ainit Consultancy Services. May on this holy occasion of Eid-ul-Adha, the blessings of Allah fill your life with happiness and open all the doors of success now and always.