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HERE’ SAL I T T T L ES OMET HI NG ABOUT NAWI NKCUS T OM PHOT OGRAPHY F i r s tofal l ,congr at ul at i onsont henew bundl eofj oyyouar eex pect i ng. Becomi ngapar enti st r ul yt hemos ti mpor t antandr ewar di ngj obyouwi l l ever have!Newbor ns es s i onsar emyj oy.T hos es weetbr andnew l i t t l eangel sar e whatmakemekeepgoi ngwhendaysar er ough! Iknow par ent i ngi sabi gr es pons i bi l i t yandt her ear emanyt i mesyoudon’ tknow whot ocont actconcer ni ngcer t ai nmat t er s ,s oI ’ vecr eat edaoneandonl y r es our cel i s tf orbus i nes s esIper s onal l yr ecommend. Whet heryou’ r es ear chi ngf ort heper f ecthome,orneedagoodmas s age,orj us t needs omes uppor t ,Ihopeyoubookmar kt hi sl i s tf oryout or ef ert oatanyt i me! I fyoueverneedanyhel p,f eel f r eet oemai l meatni col e@nawi nk. com andIwi l l poi ntyoui nt her i ghtdi r ect i on!

Youwi l l neverf or gett hef i r s tmomentyoul ai deyesonyourdaught erort he f i r s tt i meyouhear dyours oncr y.T hes ear et r ul ymagi cal moment s .Asmuch aswehopeandpr ayt heywi l l s t ayl i t t l ef or ever ,t heygr ow upanyway. T hos ef i r s tf ew weekss eem t of l ybyandeachmomentbecomesaf l eet i ng memor y,butIcancapt ur et hos emoment sf oryouandgi veyouwayst ocher i s h t hem onadayt odaybas i s !I fyouhaven’ tal r eady,makes ur eyoucheckoutmy webs i t eatwww. NaWi nk. com!




C -E


DOUL AS ERVI CES T her ear es omanygr eatdoul asi nWi nds or& Ar eas ot heyhave awhol epagededi cat edt ot hem!I fyouknow ofs omeoneel s e t hats houl dbei ncl udedpl eas eemai l meatni col e@nawi nk. com

M -P




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