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NDILC's Twelve Women Leadership Principles

NDILC’s Twelve Women Leadership Principles

NAWRB’s Diversity & Inclusion Leadership Council (NDILC) introduced their Twelve Women Leadership Principles in 2020, which they collectively created to help women in the workforce become more effective leaders at any stage of their careers, and empower other women to reach their full potential. This is a universal guide for all levels of leadership, and any woman can benefit from applying them.

1. Acknowledge Trailblazers: Know and learn from the women who came before you. We are all standing on the shoulders of giants.

Hosted by Erica Courtney

“If you work hard, you will get to where you need to be. Sometimes it just requires a little bit more fight to pave your path.”

“Trailblazers help us see how to open doors, how to think differently, and how to break the social stigma.”

“You can be a badass and still lead with love.”

2. Keep Achieving: Effective leaders always keep learning. There is always something to learn and improve upon.

Hosted by Kellie Aamodt

“Achieving isn’t just in the workplace. Achieving is a lifelong mission.”

“If you are passionate about something, it will get you through the tough times.”“When you’re up there in your element, the sky is the limit.”

3. Believe: Whatever the mind can conceive, it can achieve.

Hosted by Teresa Palacios Smith

“When you tell a child they can do it, they believe they can do it because of you.”

“When you think of Keep Achieving and being a Trailblazer, so much of it starts with that belief.”

“People feel the best about themselves when they do something they didn’t know they could.”

4. Pass the Torch: Give opportunities to future generations of women. Your legacy will be the people you help along the way.

Hosted by Tami Bonnell

“When you’re in an environment of trust, you’re willing to take risks to grow.”

“When you’re younger, you want to be like one of the guys. You don’t want to be different. The older you get, you realize you are different.”

“Moving in and making change happen is one thing. Being patient with change is another thing.”

“Make it your own personal mission to create and do what you want to do.”

5. Know Yourself: Be authentic and lead in a way that is true to you. Own your unique talents and strengths, and empower those around you.

Hosted by Marcia Davies

“Knowing yourself is having the confidence to surround yourself with different perspectives.”

“When your values are in alignment with your head and your heart, you can hang on to self-discipline and passion.”

“Go after what YOU think you want to be.”

“People won’t follow inauthentic leaders. When you build teams, you’ve got to make sure they trust you.”

6. Speak Out: Unconscious bias is present, but ignoring it only perpetuates it. Take a stand and speak out.

Hosted by Desirée Patno

“You have to share the mic and hear what others have to say.”

“When you address a scenario, take into mind that there are always three sides to every story.”

“Smart businesses understand that diverse employee populations build products that appeal to diverse communities.”

“Don’t let things build up. Have the conversation so you have a chance to build a bridge and not a wall.”

7. Listen: Never assume anything about anyone. Everyone has their own story that makes them who they are.

Hosted by Tasha Liniger

“Hearing is an ability. Listening is a skill... It’s a sensory ability. You have ears to hear, but listening is through the mind.”

“It’s so important to really actively listen. Most people are so excited about having a conversation or wanting to matter.”

“It is really powerful to open yourself up first. That’s a good way to encourage honesty. “

8. Be Present: Sharing your time is one of the most valuable gifts you can give. Do it with intention by truly being present.

Hosted by Tami Bonnell

“The present is a gift, so don’t always look behind and regret your choice.”

“It’s so important for us to be in the present and realize that everybody has faults, and everybody is trying to get somewhere. And if we are present, we can actually help them get to where they want to be.”

“Sharing your time is one of the most valuable gifts you can give. Do it with intention by truly being present.”

“You need to be present and spend the time right here, right now.”

9. Prepare for the Future: Women with advanced skills today will be ready for tomorrow’s challenges.

Hosted by Dr. Chitra Dorai

“All of us have dreams, a vision.”

“Luck favors the one who is best prepared.”

“That’s why we don’t say prepare for YOUR future. We say prepare for THE future. It’s the future of everyone, not just your future or my future.”

“You have to be able to get past those obstacles and be able to take bad situations and turn them into something positive.”

10. Lead by Example: Inclusion isn’t enough. Press for parity and strive for excellence in everything

Hosted by Dr. Chitra Dorai

“Seldom do we really get to see the pictures of the leaders who are leading by example who are doing the right thing, and there are many of them.”

“Leading by example definitely means standing up for your team when things get tough.”

“You’ve got to be that example in every facet of your life.”

“You don’t always have to be the expert. There are times where you have to say ‘you know what. I’ve never done this before.’”

11. Be Accountable: For yourself, for your community, for your planet.

Hosted by Desirée Patno

“Really knowing yourself so that you can be accountable makes a huge difference.”

“You want to make sure you’re following that course until you’re successful.”

“I choose to work with companies that are trying to do good by the planet, or by the people.”

“When you’re passionate about something, you’re going to stick with it, and you’re going to take responsibility for it.”

12. Build Equality: Empower women every day to achieve an equal playing field.

Hosted by Erica Courtney

“I am valuable to the organization, and therefore you should also compete equally and provide equal access to the opportunities that I know my male counterparts are getting.”

“Equity is about having the opportunity like anyone else to be able to do something that everyone else can do.”

“How are we supposed to have equity or equality if we’re not even given it from everything we buy to all our financing terms.”

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