History of mother earth

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Mother Earth ¿Did you know…

Nayhomi Fermín 1B

The origin of the Earth is the same as the solar system. What would end up being the solar system initially existed as an extensive mixture of clouds of gas, rocks and dust in rotation.

It was composed of hydrogen and helium arising in the Big Bang, as well as heavier elements produced by supernovae.

Some 4600 million years ago, a nearby star was transformed into supernova and its explosion sent a shock wave to the protosolar Nebula increasing its angular momentum. As the Nebula began to increase its rotation, gravity and inertia, it flattened forming a Protoplanetary Disk

Most of the mass is accumulated in its Center and began to heat up, but due to small perturbations of angular momentum and collisions of the numerous generated rubble, began to form protoplanets.

It increased its speed of rotation and gravity, causing an enormous kinetic energy in the Center. The inability to transmit this energy to any other process became the center of the disc to increase its temperature. Finally, began the nuclear fusion of hydrogen to helium, and in the end, after its contraction, was transformed into a T Tauri star: the Sun. It is a star that is in the center of the Solar System.

Gravity produced by the condensation of matter that had previously been captured by the gravity of the sun itself made the dust particles and the rest of the Protoplanetary Disk began to segmented in rings

The larger fragments collided with each other, forming larger ones that ultimately would become the protoplanets. Within this group, there was one located about 150 million kilometers away from the Center: Earth. The Earth has a gravity of 9.780327 m/s² in ecuador and m/s² 9,832 at the poles.

The solar wind of the newly formed star dragged most of the particles having the disk, condensing them into larger bodies.

International Day of the Earth on April 22

The moon

The origin of the Moon is uncertain, although there is evidence supporting the hypothesis of great impact. The Earth may not have been the only planet that was 150 million kilometres from the Sun. Another Protoplanet at the same distance from the Sun, could have been in the fourth or fifth Lagrange point. This planet named Theia, is estimated to be smaller than the current land, probably of the same size and mass to Mars.

He was rocking after the Earth, until it finally collided with this 4533 million years ago. The low relative speed and oblique shock were not enough to destroy the Earth, but a part of its bark came out fired into space.

The heavier elements of Theia sank toward the center of the Earth, while the rest are mixed and compacted with the Earth.

This orbit might be the first stable, but the shock of both destabilized the land and increased its mass. The impact changed the axis of rotation of the Earth, by tilting it to the 23.5 °; being the cause of the seasons.

The moon receives oxygen from the earth

First continents The convection of the mantle, the process that manages the tectonic plates at present, is the result of heat flow from the inside to the surface of the Earth. It involves the creation of rigid tectonic plates in the middle of the mid-oceanic ridges and their destruction on the mantle at subduction zones. During the beginning of the archaic near 3.0 Ga the mantle was much hotter than today, probably close to 1600 ° C, convection in the mantle, so it was faster. Although occurred a process similar to plate tectonics today, this would also have been much faster. It is likely that during the Hadico and the archaic, subduction zones were more abundant, and therefore tectonic plates were smaller.

The initial crust, formed when the Earth's surface first solidified disappeared completely due to the combination of a tectonic plates very active during the Hadico and the large impacts of the late heavy bombardment in the archaic, between 4100 and 3800 million years ago. Assumes that the primitive crust was composed of basalt, as the current oceanic crust, because there had been very little differentiation in the crust.

The first large masses of continental crust, product of differentiation of lighter elements during partial melting in the lower part of the crust, appeared at the end of the Hadico, makes close to 4.0 Ga. The remains that are from those first continents are called shields or cratons. These elements litospheric light crust of the archaic and the late Hadico early formed nuclei around which grew the current continents.

The oldest rocks of the Earth are the North American craton of Canada. They are tonalite dating back to about 4.0 Ga. These rocks show traces of metamorphism by high temperature, but also sedimentary grains that have been rounded by erosion during transport by water, showing that already then existed rivers and seas.

The second type is a complex of magnatic rocks are . These rocks are mostly tonalite, trodhejmitas or fractured, types or rock similiar in composition to granite. TTG compliexe are viewed as the realict of the first continental crust, fomed by partial melting in basalt.

The cratons consist primarily of two alternative types of terranos. The first are called belts of green rocks, which consist of low-grade metamorphism of sedimentary rocks. These "greenstones" are similar to the sediments that today we find in the ocean trenches, above subduction zones. For this reason, the Green rocks are sometimes seen as evidence for subduction during the archaic.

What if the world stops?

Life The details of the origin of life are unknown, although a few general principles have been established. There are two theories about the origin of life. The first defends the "panspermia" hypothesis and suggests that the organic matter could have come to Earth from space, while others argue that it had landbased. On the other hand, the mechanism by which life arose is similar.

Life arose on Earth perhaps makes some 4000 Ma, although the calculation when started is quite speculative. Generated by the chemical energy of the young earth, arose a molecule or more that had the ability to make copies similar to itself: the first Replicator. The nature of this molecule is unknown. This has been replaced in office, over time, by the current docking station: DNA. Making copies of itself, the Replicator worked exactly, but some copies contained an error. If this change was the ability to make new copies was winding it down. Otherwise, some changes would more quickly or best replica: this variety would become numerous and successful.

The great power of volcanoes, rays and ultraviolet radiation could have helped trigger the chemical reactions producing more complex molecules from simple such as methane and ammonia compounds. Among these simple organic compounds would be blocks that life would be built. To this "organic soup" increased, different molecules reacted with each other. Sometimes more complex molecules were obtained. The presence of certain molecules could increase the rate of reaction.

We must take care of her

Cells Currently you have to reproduce material packaged within the cell membrane. It is easy to understand the origin of the cell membrane, as well as the origin of the Replicator, since the molecules of phospholipids that build a cell membrane often form a bilayer spontaneously when placed in water

The theory that predominates more is that the Replicator, perhaps the RNA (the RNA world hypothesis), along with this instrument of reproduction and maybe other biomolecules, had already evolved. At the beginning the protocelulas simply could have exploited when they grew too; the scattered contents may have re-colonized other "bubbles".

The proteins that estabilizaban membrane, or helped in the division in an orderly manner, could stimulate the proliferation of these cell chains. RNA is probably a candidate for a first docking station because you can store genetic information and catalyze reactions.

At some points the DNA prevailed the role of genetic compiler on RNA, and proteins known as enzymes have taken the role of catalyzing, leaving RNA to transfer information and modulate the process. We tend to believe that these primordial cells might evolve in groups on submarine volcanic chimneys known as "black fumaroles"; or even hot, marine rocks.

However, it is believed that all these multiple cells, or protocelulas, only one survived. Evidence suggests that the last universal ancestor lived during the beginning of the Archean Eon, around 3500 Ma ago or even earlier.

This "LUCA" cell is the common ancestor of all cells and therefore of all life on Earth. It was probably a prokaryote, which possessed a cell membrane and probably Ribosomes, but lacking a nucleus or organelles such as mitochondria or chloroplasts.

Photosynthesis and oxygen Probably the first cells were all heterotrophic, using all organic molecules as a raw material and as a source of energy.

As food supplies dwindled, some developed a new strategy. Instead use the increasingly smaller groups of free organic molecules, these molecules adopted sunlight as a source of energy. Estimates vary, but it is about 3000 Ma

This made the solar energy available not only for the autotrophs but also for the heterotrophs that nurtured them. Photosynthesis consumes enough CO2 and water as raw material and, with the energy of sunlight, produced energy-rich molecules

Produced oxygen as a waste of photosynthesis. At the beginning he combined with limestone, iron, and other minerals.

There is solid proof of this in the layers rich in iron oxidized in the geological strata corresponding to this period. The oceans would have changed the color to green while oxygen was reacting with minerals. When ceased reactions, oxygen could eventually reach the atmosphere. Although each cell produces only a small amount of oxygen, the combined metabolism of them all, a vast period, transformed the Earth's atmosphere to the actual.13 State

This is the third Earth's atmosphere. Ultraviolet radiation excited part of the oxygen forming ozone, which was accumulating in a layer near the top of the atmosphere. The ozone layer absorbed, and absorbed, a significant amount of ultraviolet radiation, before traversing the atmosphere unimpeded

This allowed cells to colonize the surface of the ocean and, ultimately, the Earth. Without the ozone layer, ultraviolet radiation constantly bombard the Earth's surface, causing unsustainable levels of mutation in exposed cells.

In addition to providing a large amount of energy available for life and block ultraviolet radiation, photosynthesis caused a third effect, the most important, and that would have an impact at the global level: the oxygen was toxic to most life before photosynthesis. Probably much life on Earth died to increase their levels, is the so-called "oxygen catastrophe". the forms of life that survived, thrived, and some developed the ability to use oxygen to improve your metabolism and get more energy from the same organic matter

How is the earth formed

Endosymbiosis and the three domains of life Modern taxonomy classifies life into three domains. The timing of the origin of these domains is theoretical. The domain Bacteria was probably the first who separated from other forms of life, but this supposition is controversial. After this, ago 2000 Ma. Neomura split resulting in the other two domains, Archaea and Eukaryota. Eukaryotic cells are larger and more complex than the prokaryotic (bacteria and Archaea), and the origin of its complexity is only now coming to light.

Over this period, a small Alpha proteobacteria, related to the current was introduced in a larger prokaryote. Perhaps it was an attempt of ingestion by the large cell which failed. Perhaps smaller cell tried to parasitize the greatest. In any case, the smaller cells survived inside the larger. The use of oxygen, allowed to metabolize waste of larger cells and get more energy. Part of this surplus energy was returned to the reserve. Smaller cells are reproduced in the interior of the largest, and soon a stable symbiotic relationship resulted.

Over time the larger cell acquired some of the genes of the smaller cells, and the two types became one dependent on the other: the larger cells could not survive without the energy produced by the smaller, and these, in turn, not could prosper without the raw material provided by older cells. Symbiosis that was achieved between the Group of smaller cells that were inside, and larger cells was such that it is considered that they have become a single body. The smaller cells are classified as organelles called mitochondria

Something similar happened with the photosynthesis of cyanobacteria. Entering larger heterotrophic cells and becoming chloroplasts.

Probably as a result of these changes, a group of cells capable of performing photosynthesis was separated from the other eukaryotes will make about 1000 Ma.

Colonization of the surface The accumulation of oxygen from photosynthesis resulted in the formation of an ozone layer that absorbed much of the ultraviolet radiation from the Sun. Thus, singlecelled organisms that arrived to the Earth's surface were more likely to survive.

Prokaryotes began to multiply and to better adapt to survive out of the water. Prokaryotes had probably colonized the land as does 2600 Ma before the origin of the eukaryotes.

For a long time remained the sterile surface and multicellular organisms. The supercontinent Pannotia was formed around 600 Ma and then fractured. The first vertebrate fish, appeared in the oceans around 530 Ma. At the end of the Cambrian was a mass extinction, which ended 488 Ma ago. It makes several hundred million years ago, plants and fungi, began to develop at the edges of the water, and then out of it. The oldest fossils of land, fungi, and plants, are dated around 480 to 460 Ma, although molecular evidence suggests that fungi may have colonized the Earth already makes 1000 Ma, and the plants 700 Ma ago. Colonization of life began, at the beginning at the edges of the water, and then the mutations and variations resulted in successive colonizations of new environments.

The moment that the first animals came out of the oceans is not known with precision: the oldest clear evidence on the surface are the arthropods is around 450 Ma, prosperous and increasingly better adapted, because of the large supply of food provided by the terrestrial plants.

At the end of the Ordovician period, 440 Ma ago, there were other mass extinction, due, perhaps, to a glaciacion.40 ago around 380 to 375 Ma, the first tetrapods evolved from fish

It is thought that perhaps fins evolved into limbs which allowed the first tetrapods to lift the head out of the water to breathe air. This would allow them to survive in oxygen-poor water or pursue small prey in water little profundas. would later venture into land for brief periods. Gradually, some adapted so well to life on Earth who spent their adult lives on Earth, despite being born and having to put the eggs into the water. This was the origin of the amphibians. About 365 Ma ago, came a new mass extinction, perhaps as a result of a global cooling plants developed seeds, and its propagation on Earth accelerated dramatically at this time

Some 20 million years later, evolved the amniotic egg, which could put on Earth, giving an advantage in survival of embryos of tetrapods. This gave rise to the divergence of the amniotes and the amphibians. Another 30 million years later, there is the divergence of the synapsidas and the sauropsidos. Other groups of organisms continued to evolve in divergent lines, but fewer details are known. 300 Ma ago, the closest to the current supercontinent called Pangea was formed.

Until today most serious extinction took place ago 250 Ma, at the boundary of the Permian and Triassic periods: 95% of life on Earth disappeared, possibly due to the volcanic event called Siberian traps. The discovery of the crater of the Wilkes land in Antarctica could suggest a connection with the Permian-Triassic extinction, but the age of the crater no is conoce. but life continued, and around 230 Ma, dinosaurs were separated from their reptilian ancestors. A mass extinction including Triassic and Jurassic periods 200 Ma ago, he dispensed with many of the dinosaurs, but soon became the dominant vertebrates. Although mammals began to diverge during this period, they were all probably small similarities musaranas.

About 180 Ma ago, Pangea split into Laurasia and Gondwana. The boundary between birds and dinosaurs no-aves is not clear. Archaeopteryx, traditionally considered one of the first birds, live about 150 Ma ago. The first evidence of the Angiosperms is during the Cretaceous period, some 20 million years later (132 Ma ago) the competition with birds drove many pterosaurs to extinction, and the dinosaurs began to decline for various reasons

Later, in the Paleocene mammals diversified rapidly, increased in size and became the dominant vertebrates. Maybe a couple of million years later (around 63 Ma ago), lived the last common ancestor of primates. At the end of the Eocene, ago 34 Ma, some terrestrial mammals returned to sea to become animals such as Basilosaurus which later gave rise to dolphins and whales.Later, in the Paleocene mammals diversified rapidly, increased in size and became the dominant vertebrates. Maybe a couple of million years later (around 63 Ma ago), lived the last common ancestor of primates. At the end of the Eocene, ago 34 Ma, some terrestrial mammals returned to sea to become animals such as Basilosaurus which later gave rise to dolphins and whales.

First living things in the world

Hominids Ago a little African monkey that lived six million years was the first animals whose descendants include both modern humans as its closest relatives, the bonobos and chimpanzees. Only survive two branches of their family tree. Very shortly after the division, for reasons that are still debated, a branch developed the ability to walk upright. Brain size increased rapidly, and makes 2 Ma, appeared the first animals classified in the genus Homo.

Of course, the line between different species or even genera is rather arbitrary as well as the continuous changes produced during generations. At the same time, the other branch gave rise to the ancestors of the common chimpanzee and the bonobo, which evolved simultaneously. The ability to control the fire which began with Homo erectus (or Homo ergaster), probably makes least 790 000 anos61 or perhaps as soon as 1.5 Ma is more difficult to establish the origin of the language, it is not clear if Homo erectus could speak or if that capability had not begun until Homo sapiens.​ Brain size increased, babies were born earlier, before their heads grew too to pass through the pelvis. As a result, exhibited more plasticity, and therefore have a greater ability to learn, and requires a longer period of dependence. Social skills became more complex, language became more advanced, and the tools were more elaborate. This contributed to increase the cooperation and the development of the brain.

Civilization Over more than 90% of its history, Homo sapiens lived in small groups of nomadic hunter-gatherers. While the language became more complex, the ability to remember and transmit the information gave rise to a new class of Replicator: the meme. Now the ideas exchanged faster and it was easier to transmit from generation to generation. Cultural evolution overcoming biological evolution. Somewhere between 8500 and 7000 BC, humans living in the fertile growing call, current Middle East, began, in a systematic way, the breeding of animals and plants: the agricultura. Somewhere between 8500 and 7000 BC, humans living in the fertile growing call, current Middle East, began, in a systematic way, the breeding of animals and plants: the agricultura.

This was extended to the neighbouring regions or arose independently elsewhere, until most Homo sapiens opted for the sedentary life in small settlements as farmers but not all societies abandoned nomadism, especially those in remote areas of the planet that is poor in species of domesticated plants, such as Australia.

However, among those civilizations who adopted agriculture, security and increased productivity provided farming allowed extending the population. The agriculture had a significant impact; humans began to affect the environment as never before. Surplus food allowed to emerge to the priestly class or ruler, followed by an increase of the division of labour. This led to the first civilization of Earth in Sumer in the Middle, between 4000 and 3000 BC. Other civilizations quickly arose in Egypt and in the Valley of the Indus River. Starting from around 3000 BC, Hinduism, one of the oldest religions still practiced today, began to take shape. There were others soon. The invention of writing enabled complex societies arise: record-keeping and libraries served as a warehouse of knowledge and increased the cultural transmission of information. Human beings already had to spend all his time on survival and education led to the pursuit of knowledge and wisdom.

In the 14th century, the Renaissance began in Italy with advances in religion, art, and ciencia.77 at the beginning of 1500, European civilization began to undergo changes leading to the scientific and industrial revolution: the continent began to exercise a political and cultural dominance over the human societies of all the planeta.78 of 1914-1918 and 1939-1945 the majority of the Nations of the world were involved in the world wars. Created after the first world war, the League of Nations was a first step towards a world Government; After the second world war which was replaced by the UN. In 1992, several European countries, came together to form the European Union. As transport and the improvement of communication, economics and Political Affairs of the Nations of the world have become increasingly more interrelated. This globalization has often produced discord, but also a greater international collaboration.

The earth loves our footsteps but fears our hands‌


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