Product Design
Nanzio Griffin
I am a versatile Cardiff-born designer that is userfocused and aims to form holistic and seamless solutions. By doing this I strive to help society advance in the right direction, granting everyone the right to contribute to the world around them, fulfilling their potential. I have always had a fond passion toward various methods of creation with design being the ideal outlet for my creativity.
Tsunami Axis
Product design intern
16/04/21 - 10/06/21
Hope Design
Product design intern
09/11/20 - 25/01/20
Primary & Secondary research
Concept generation
CAD & Rendering Testing
Design for manufacture
Communication & presentation
Graphic design & Branding
Iterative design
Basic machining
Nottingham Trent University SolidWorks KeyShot MS Office Illustrator Photoshop InDesign Cardiff, South Wales, UK +44 (0)7508190750
About me
Design for a consultancy
Brief : briefed by Cambridge Consultants with the task of targetting food and water waste, with a sustainable answer to help preserve and manage these precious commodities ensuring we have enough for everyone.
Timeframe : Four weeks
Second / 2019 Academic year :
is one of the most valuable natural resources on the planet, and it is required for all organic lifeforms to survive. However, access to safe drinking water has become a luxury or perhaps an impossibility for many people throughout the world.
Waste Trends
The average household in the UK uses 150 litres of water per day.
67% of londoners bought a plant in the last year
Market research
When researching the dehumidifier market it was found that the majority of options are
• Bulky
• An eye sore
• Often low capacity
• Wasteful
Ideation, development and final concepts were created through sketching to discover form, scale and functions.
1:1 Scale model
User friendly controls Water level indication Using the dispenser Use of the collected moisture
Water is collected through the main body of the device
Desired settings chosen via the control panel to either enhance moisture capture or fall in line with the cycle of plant watering.
The handle raises to the highest point, and a notification on the control panel screen indicates when the device is full, or how much has been accumulated.
Once ready to use, all the user needs to do is pull the top of the device up to dispose of or use however they wish. The main body will still carry on collecting water without the dispensing portion connected.
The user can choose to save water a number of ways by using the collected moisture for watering plants cleaning the floor or flushing the toilet manually. The two way valve on the hand-held portion allows the liquid to pass both ways.
Exploded & system/uses
Hand-held dispensing module
Dispensing module & control panel housing
Brushed aluminium
Perforated vent portion
Brushed aluminium
Duel fan system
Damp air
Water Treated air
Fan 1 Fan 2
Pressured filter system
Evaporator Condenser
Water tank
Pressurised filtration system
Clear Polypropylene
cooling down the air creating a liquid
Consumes damp air and exerts treated air Liquid is gathered on evaporator
43L Water tank
The moisture drips into the tank (PP)
Can be used for such things as:
Watering plants Manually flushing toilet
Washing hands
Filling a steam iron
Cleaning the home/Car
Drinking water
re spire
A contemporary answer to the current dehumidifier market. The respire is a dehumidifier that filters captured water to be used for a number of uses. at full capacity the respire dehumidifier will contain a total of 45L and can be easily exerted using a user friendly dispensing device.
Commercial project
Brief : To create a system/product utilising the longevity of plastics to improve sustainability and relieve strain on the healthcare industry.
Timeframe : Eight weeks
Third / 2021 Academic year :
Context & Problem
Not only is the NHS one of Europe’s largest generators of healthcare waste, but it is also the largest consumer of single-use plastics.
Single use plastics are an attractive option in the healthcare industry - cheap, durable, and easily thrown away.
Blister packs are one of the most common forms of packaging for the pharmaceutical industry worldwide. Due to the physical make-up this type of packaging is hard to recycle resulting in incineration or landfill
Identified areas of waste: English pharmacies dispense approx.1 billion items yearly.
Medicine Skills and time
Up to half of all medications are not taken as directed.
Over half of people dispose of blister packs incorrectly
Sketching was used to generate concepts, gain insight and feedback before using developmental illustrations to experiment with various forms and functions to further advance in the design process.
Process flow
A flow chart presenting the steps for a successful solution, from the perspective of the industry (backstage process) through to a satisfactory patient/user experience (frontstage process)
A storyboard was created to illustrate the various stages the user would complete to complete a successful self service prescription pick-up, this helped guide the process flow later on in the process.
Running low Organise Pick up? Yes No
Handheld device
X-Y motor system/claw
Dispensing unit
Transparent vessel & lid
PP vessel that holds tablets and has the label printed on. This vessel gets swapped out when the device is placed in the dispensing machine. Sterilised and reprocessed to be refilled and used again.
External compound
PP portion that keeps everything together, working and maintains the overall integrity of the device. Everything clicks into this component.
Internal mechanism & button
Using a piezo motor system a claw will be able to replace the old tablet container on the hand-held device and replace with a clean replenished vessel.
Industry pharmaceutical cartridge
Each medication is distrubuted in containers that can contain up to 30,000 tablets. Each container will have a label attatched, be a different colour and mold to fit in the correct placement, avoiding error.
Tablet release mechanism
A spinning mechanism will be activated by a motor releasing the correct amount of tablets into the vessel via a funnel, directing the tablets in the right direction.
External structure made from galvanised steel, with a security bolt locks and dedicated dropouts for bolting machine to floor (if required.)
hygiene lamp
Interface design
Dispensing unit
Identifying what was required of the user through user flow charts and research was essential to creating a successful interface. After understanding further a rough wireframe was sketched where visualisation helped identify missing aspects. Developmental prototypes were created as a result before a final concept was formed.
mediway Search Canton pharmacy 32m Pencisely surgery 126m EE HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE Health & Wellbeing Dietry Exercise Medication & Suppliments mediway EE Conditions 100 DAYS Psoriatic arthritis Low blood pressure Details Details EE mediway
your prescription Abort
wait whilst we process
- 5mg
- 40mg Help
are you looking to dispense? Ramipril
enter your verification code below
code Help
would have been sent to you via Email, SMS or correspondence.
have a
a scale of 1 - 5,
not sure Advice from healthcare professional Help
place identification in slot below On
(1 being
Touch anywhere on screen to use machine Enter code: 5706 For app users Help Languages
may we help? Repeat prescription pick-up First time Mediway user
from healthcare professional
extremely poor, 5 being better)
App with optional dispensing control
Jessica Health & Wellbeing Conditions & Progress mediway Schedule Due: 13 Days Hello Dispense perscription Find or speak with a professional 25 Appointment: EE Mediway Running low on medicine. Swipe to organise pick up Mediway Dispenser last used - 08:12. Next dose to be taken - 13:12
Technicals & Scale
433.40 65.50 650.00 172.35 388.35 R102.00 71.69 100.00 645.53 R59.50 500.00 1300.00 562.10 250.00 40.00 200.00 934.00 40.00 598.08 500.00 R5.00 R5.00 R5.00 63.10 650.00 R5.00 172.35 388.35 465.83 82.58 421.68 113.55 114.77 325.25 410.00 82.58 50.54 249.42 B 232.08 1200.00 822.35 1532.08 R100.00 R6.00 R6.00 R6.00 R10.00 30.00 20.00 30.25 DETAIL B SCALE 2 : 17 A A B B C C D D E E F F 8 8 7 7 6 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 FINISH: PROJECTION DO NOT SCALE DRAWING TITLE: DWG NO. SCALE:1:20 SHEET OF A3 WEIGHT:
MATERIAL: GALVANISED STEEL 127.85 KG SOLIDWORKS Educational Product. For Instructional Use Only. 433.40 65.50 650.00 172.35 388.35 R102.00 71.69 100.00 645.53 R59.50 500.00 1300.00 562.10 250.00 40.00 200.00 934.00 40.00 598.08 500.00 R5.00 R5.00 R5.00 63.10 650.00 R5.00 172.35 388.35 465.83 82.58 421.68 113.55 114.77 325.25 410.00 82.58 50.54 249.42 B 232.08 1200.00 822.35 1532.08 R100.00 R6.00 R6.00 R6.00 R10.00 30.00 20.00 30.25 DETAIL B SCALE 2 : 17 A A B B C C D D E E F F 8 8 7 7 6 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 FINISH: PROJECTION DO NOT SCALE DRAWING TITLE: DWG NO. SCALE:1:20 SHEET OF 1 A3 WEIGHT: DISPENSING UNIT ASSEMBLY MATERIAL: GALVANISED STEEL 127.85 KG SOLIDWORKS Educational Product. For Instructional Use Only. 433.40 65.50 650.00 172.35 388.35 R102.00 71.69 100.00 645.53 R59.50 500.00 1300.00 562.10 250.00 40.00 200.00 934.00 40.00 598.08 R5.00 388.35 465.83 82.58 421.68 113.55 114.77 325.25 410.00 82.58 50.54 249.42 B 232.08 1200.00 822.35 1532.08 R100.00 R6.00 R6.00 R6.00 R10.00 30.00 20.00 30.25 DETAIL B SCALE 2 : 17 A B C D E 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 FINISH: PROJECTION DO NOT SCALE DRAWING TITLE: DWG NO. SCALE:1:20 SHEET OF 1 A3 WEIGHT: DISPENSING UNIT ASSEMBLY MATERIAL: GALVANISED STEEL 127.85 KG SOLIDWORKS Educational Product. For Instructional Use Only. 65.50 650.00 388.35 R102.00 R59.50 250.00 40.00 200.00 934.00 40.00 598.08 R5.00 388.35 465.83 82.58 421.68 114.77 82.58 50.54 B 232.08 1200.00 822.35 1532.08 R100.00 R6.00 R6.00 R6.00 R10.00 30.00 20.00 30.25 DETAIL B SCALE 2 : 17 A B C D E 8 7 6 5 SOLIDWORKS Educational Product. For Instructional Use Only. 433.40 65.50 650.00 172.35 388.35 R102.00 71.69 100.00 645.53 R59.50 500.00 1300.00 562.10 250.00 40.00 200.00 934.00 40.00 598.08 500.00 R5.00 R5.00 R5.00 63.10 650.00 R5.00 172.35 388.35 465.83 82.58 421.68 113.55 114.77 325.25 410.00 82.58 50.54 249.42 B 232.08 1200.00 822.35 1532.08 R100.00 R6.00 R6.00 R6.00 R10.00 30.00 20.00 30.25 DETAIL B SCALE 2 : 17 A B C D E F 8 8 7 7 6 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 FINISH: PROJECTION DO NOT SCALE DRAWING TITLE: DWG NO. SCALE:1:20 SHEET OF 1 A3 WEIGHT: DISPENSING UNIT ASSEMBLY MATERIAL: GALVANISED STEEL 127.85 KG SOLIDWORKS Educational Product. For Instructional Use Only.
Self prescription service
A self-service, repeat prescription service that reduces packaging waste and helps relieve pharmacists of time-consuming processes, to further focus on what matters - the patient’s well-being. the system is made up of a handheld dispensing vessel for medication, an autonomous machine that fills the handheld device, and an app to help consumers track health, medication, and progress.
wait whilst we process your prescription Abort
Final major project
Brief : Create an accessible instrument for mainstream schoolchildren of all hearing and musical capabilities to promote inclusivity, growth and development.
Timeframe : Four weeks
Second / 2022 Academic year :
Context & Problem
Being deaf in a hearing world comes with many barriers and implications, such as; social exclusion and audism (discrimination) and as a result higher rates of mental/ emotional issues. With 95% of deaf children coming from hearing families, This isolation can start as early as infancy.
Due to the inclusive policy in British schools deaf students are often the only deaf pupil in their class making the chance of having a meaningful peer group limited.
Symptoms of exclusion:
Unequal participation
Denial of opportunities
Unequal access to resources
Often the position young Deaf people find themselves
Research & Inspiration
Music : The universal language of mankind?
94.7% of deaf people asked, like to experience music. When asked about barriers when experiencing music, Three quarters mentioned either innaccesability or stigma’s attached.
In a series of interviews it was found:
• Tapping pupils on the arm, or having them hold the speaker helps to feel tempo/rhythm.
• Digital forms of creating music are preferable as there is more opportunity to visualise and feel what is being created.
User Persona : Molly Jones
12 years old Moderate deafness & Hearing aid user Enjoys art, music, movies & playing with friends
Pain points
• Extremely shy.
• Lacking in confidence.
• Waits for others to do before trying.
• Wants to start making music but embarrassed to about progressing slower than others
Design language
• Multi-Sensory
• Modularity
• Wearables
• Minimal
• Tactile
• Inclusive
• Elementary shapes
• Organic forms
• Curved faces
• Matted finishes
Development sketching and rapid sketch modelling was required to experiment with how the device could look feel and operate.
iluminote architecture
Control panel w/ speaker & inputs/outputs (on side)
Easy to use interface and buttons to be used to operate settings, features, modes and functions. Some features include:
• Hearing aid compatability
• Metronome
Sequencer keys
Allows for a sound such as drum samples to be placed upon a linear sequence (multisensory perception through illumination an vibration).
LED matrix
A matrix of LED modules are spread out across the whole device below the transluscent top panel. The many LED’s are used to aid, emphasise and offer a musical experience that exceeds just sound.
Tablet stand
The iluminote device can be used with an app for more modes and features for more fun and to enhance learning through different formats, such as:
• Games
• Tutorials
• Music workshops
Vibration module
Helps users distinguish various different frequencies or determine tempo (can be worn, held or felt on main console).
Magnetic Pogo-Pin connections
Pogo pins are dispersed through-out the device, these connections enable users to customise the board, Suiting how and what the user/users choose to play.
Octave keys
Each pack contains 2 octave strips as standard (24 keys) so users of different abilities can play the digital piano. Each key on 1 octave has a distinguishable pattern, LED and haptic feedback to help users further identify with the note/chord.
Modes & Functions
Multi instrumental possibilities
Colour mode
Each key assigned a colour to help distinguish the different sounds, this can be semi assisted with certain chords shining brighter than others.
Digital piano / Keyboard
Sequencer / Drum pattern machine
Can be used as both on device (as shown below)
Assistive mode
LED’s show the user what keys to press and when, with illumating strips flowing from the top of the board to the key. Favourite songs or suitable chords.
Easy connect
Piano mode
Mimicking a piano, this mode is for users to shocase skills learnt without assistance. Haptics can still be activited when keys are pressed.
Collaboration mode
2 users (one device used from both sides) Can be done locally or online.
Collaboration mode
Collaboration mode
2 users (2 devices).
4 users (4 devices).
Multiple devices connected with magnetic pogo pin conections.
Modelling & Prototyping
Observational research & Sketch modelling
Observations were useful in understanding how someone may interact with a music making system. Feedback from peers using various shapes and formations was integral to the end solution as some shapes were not ideal for group working or environments.
User testing & Development modelling
An octave of keys with a series of patterns were 3D printed for user testing. Lined, circles and randomised patterns going from soft to rough to represent frequency through tangible experience.
Prototyping & User testing
Rapid prototype methods were printed from CAD files that were tested for DFM capibilities, from here the device was assembled and tested with the user.
iluminote innovate inclusive
The iluminote is a modular MIDI controller that makes use of more than just the auditory sense. With tactile, haptic, and visual representation of audio frequencies, this allows users of varied hearing capabilities to easier understand, create, collaborate, and flourish with friends and peers.
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