SERVE Nazareth

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It was in the town of Nazareth where “Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man.� Luke 2:52

SERVE Nazareth

Nazareth is the place Jesus called home when He lived among us. Today it is a bustling city, often referred to as the Arab capital of Israel. Only 40 miles away from the Syrian border and less than 10 miles from the West Bank, Nazareth is strategically placed near the conflicted regions of the Middle East. Today, Nazareth is home to the largest Christian community in Israel. While Christians make up only 2% of Israel’s population, in Nazareth this figure rises to 30%. The hometown of Jesus is a place where Muslims, Jews and Christians live and work together as neighbors. The minority Christian population in Nazareth continues to influence all parts of Nazarene culture and society. SERVE Nazareth, through our international Christian volunteers, encourages, supports and works alongside the local Christian community, so that the Good News of Jesus continues to be heard in the streets of his home town.

Mission and impact

SERVE Nazareth is a vital part of the Christian identity of the Nazareth Trust. It has grown to be the largest international Christian volunteering program in northern Israel. Christian mission lies at the heart of our work in the hometown of Jesus. For us, our SERVE Nazareth volunteer program is the keystone to fulfilling the Nazareth Trust’s mission. Its impact starts within the local community and extends across the world as volunteers learn and grow in their faith here in Nazareth. They then continue to serve back at home and beyond. Out of the many opportunities available, volunteers can serve in the hospital chaplaincy, work in the hospital wards, guide at Nazareth Village, or provide other vital support within the Nazareth Trust or local Christian ministries. Without SERVE volunteers and their witness among our 600 staff and the 300,000 people accessing our services and ministries, our Christian mission would be severely diminished.

Jesus stood up in the synagogue in Nazareth and said: “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim release to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to let the oppressed go free, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.” Luke 4:18-19

“Nathanael said to him, ‘Can anything good come out of Nazareth?’ Philip said to him, ‘Come and see!’” John 1:46

SERVE’s mission in action – a story from our chaplaincy

Ahmed came to our chapel, looking for guidance. His wife, who was in our surgical ward, had experienced a recurring dream of a man dressed in white approaching her, saying: “Come to me if you are anxious and weary and I will give you rest.” While she could not see his face, she heard his voice clearly and was mystified. As she and her husband tried to find answers to this dream, hospital staff suggested Ahmed speak to the chaplaincy. A member of the team was able to share with him that these words were spoken by Jesus to his followers: ‘Come to me all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.’ (Matthew 11:28-30) Reading the Bible passage with him opened up a conversation on the meaning of these words and how to respond to them. He was given a Bible to take with him so he could share Jesus’ words with his wife.

A new campus for SERVE Nazareth

SERVE is an expanding ministry of the Nazareth Trust and our volunteers are an important Christian presence among staff and visitors. We have established new partnerships with international Christian organizations who see the multi-cultural experience in Nazareth as an important part of a volunteer’s spiritual growth and maturity. Our volunteer accommodation, located in the historic Doctors’ House, is no longer fit for purpose. Time has taken its toll on this 100-year-old building and its current state is threatening the future of this vital ministry. The roof tiling, wiring and plumbing urgently need to be replaced and the apartments need to be brought up-to-date to provide basic living standards in what is a very hot and unforgiving climate for most of the year. We need to restore this beautiful building to create a new SERVE campus, providing safe and comfortable living spaces for our volunteers, including 25 bedrooms, bathrooms and communal living areas. This building serves as a home away from home for our volunteers and supports them in carrying out their ministry.

Image of the Duc in Altum chapel at Magdala

“And Pilate posted a sign on the cross that read, ‘Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews’.” John 19:19

Strengthening our Christian presence

We also want to build a new chapel in the hospital grounds, to become the focus of our Christian identity as expressed through the work of SERVE volunteers. Our chapel will be a place for reflection, teaching and worship for our staff and volunteers – a place in the heart of Nazareth where Jesus’ words are once again heard with authority. Our vision is to create a chapel that not only meets the needs of the Trust, but also provides a place of spiritual encounter for local Nazarenes and visitors. The new chapel is being designed by local Christian architect Naseem Nakhleh, from the family of architects who designed the beautiful Duc In Altum chapel at Magdala, on the shores of the Sea of Galilee. Our chapel will be a reflection of Nazareth and its significance in the story of our Christian faith.

Costs and phasing


The renovation work will take place over seven phases, allowing SERVE Nazareth to continue operating during this period. Phases one to six all include building reinforcement and the upgrading of electricity, water and plumbing as well as installation of air-conditioning.

—. €


128 150



toilets 113


























reception office


reception and lobby



reception desk








577 199





room-1 entrance






Vicar’s House


- 3 x double apartments with kitchenettes - SERVE Nazareth offices Cost - $370,000


Doctors’ House


Ground floor renovation part 1 - 5 twin bedrooms and communal area. Cost - $130,000

Doctors’ House

Cost - $700,000

First floor renovation: - Roofing and building reinforcement - 8 bedrooms with shared communal area & kitchen. - 1 self-contained apartment – double bedroom, living area with kitchenette. Cost - $430,000


Doctors’ House


Ground floor renovation part 2 - 1 self contained apartment – double bedroom, living area with kitchenette. - 4 twin rooms, communal area. Cost - $130,000


Doctors’ House

Basement renovation - 3 bed rooms Cost - $80,000

Chapel and Landscaping

Doctors’ House


Exterior - Renovation/replacement of external stonework, doors, windows, etc. Cost - $160,000

Total Project cost - $2,000,000 ‫עדכונים‬ RevID


Change Name

‫בע"מ‬ ‫ערים‬ ‫ומתכנני‬ ‫אדריכלים‬ ‫נחלה‬


“God worked in incredible ways and the dream of TRAC grew and expanded in ways I could never have imagined. It is amazing what can happen when people recognize the capacity they have to make a difference.�

It all started with SERVE Nazareth

The impact of SERVE reaches far beyond the local communities of Nazareth. Because of his experience with SERVE, Jordan took his mission training home, and sought to make a positive impact on the lives of others. Jordan recalls an event during his time spent with SERVE Nazareth that really challenged him. On a trip to the Golan Heights, the immediacy of the Syrian refugee crisis, particularly its impact on families and children touched his heart. This shocked Jordan, who up until this time had lived a life so far removed from any humanitarian crisis. On his return to Canada, Jordan felt a call in his heart, he decided that he had to do something real to make a difference for refugees.

“It was so easy for me to be overwhelmed by the enormity of the refugee crisis, but my time volunteering showed me that there is hope even in the hardest situations. When I was unsure about whether I could do anything, it was hope that motivated me to act.� In 2017 Jordan founded TRAC, the Trinity Refugee Awareness Campaign. A few months later they raised enough money to bring a refugee family to their new home in Canada. Since then TRAC has grown to become a student-led initiative responding to the global refugee crisis.

We invite you to build a Giving Legacy with the Nazareth Trust

SERVE Nazareth equips people for a life of Christian love in action and its impact is felt across the globe. God is doing amazing things through SERVE Nazareth and our chaplaincy. You can ensure that SERVE Nazareth continues by providing a home in Nazareth for our volunteers. Please start your legacy with a generous gift today.

Supporters in the US

International Supporters

The Nazareth Trust is the operating name of EMMS Nazareth. EMMS Nazareth is a company limited by guarantee registered in Scotland - Company No. SC225661 EMMS Nazareth is a charity registered in Scotland – Charity No. SC032510, registered address 6 Hill St., Edinburgh, EH2 3JZ, Scotland. Registered as a foreign owned company and not-for-profit institution in Israel – No. 560019945. The US partner of The Nazareth Trust is Nazareth Project, Inc., a 501-c-3 non-profit organization registered in the State of Pennsylvania.

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