Cloning and SuperPowers Issue 1

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Cloning and Superpower Stories Magazine

Mrs. Schick’s Classes, May 2011

Cloning and Superpower Stories Magazine

The Walking Mirror by Drew G.

Walking Mirror Prologue Michael Winsor was just walking down the street to his job like every other day. He was a security officer and the Nemic City Bank. He wore a uniform that looked almost like a normal police officer does. Under it he wore a bullet proof vest just incase. He was only one block away from the bank when out of nowhere, an object hit him square in the forehead and he was out like Goliath. When he woke up he was tied to a chair and blind folded. He knew that he was in a bad position. He heard a deep voice that he didn’t recognize say “Hello Michael. I know you’re a little confused but you needn’t worry. Everything will be just fine if you cooperate with us.” Michael responded in a firm voice trying not to show his fear. “Before I do anything I demand to know where I am and who you are.” The man said. “You are in the Nemic City Power Plant. To answer your other question, whom I am, I won’t tell you my name but I will tell you that I can be your friend, only if you cooperate with us. But if you refuse…” Michael gulped as he knew his life was in danger. “If you refuse then you will be thrown in to a nuclear reactor that is straight under you below the ledge behind you.” Mrs. Schick’s Classes, May 2011

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Michael said now in a more simple voice after taking a long breathe to take this all in. “So what do you want to know?” The man said. “All I need to know is what the bank’s vault combination is. And before you talk don’t tell me you don’t know because I know that you know what it is so no funny business. And one more thing, if you try to tell me the wrong combination, if you have noticed the feeling of plastic circles

on your face is connected to a lie detector then. So know tell me what it is?!” Thought were streaming through Michael’s mind what to do. Until he realized that robbing a bank would mean using guns to threaten people to do their bidding. And guns lead to people trying to be the big hero. And being the big hero means taking a shot. So he finally thought that this may lead to more than one death, and that it would be selfish to rather have his life be spared that have the safety of others. So he said in a cocky voice. “I’m not scared of death and I won’t give that combination!” The man said. “Well I’m sorry to hear that but I guess you’re just that kind of a person. But I guess all I can say know is--see you in HE**!” and he kicked Michael over the edge. Michael was rushed to the hospital and he would say there for the next 3 weeks. Everybody that visited him made a reference to the victims of Chernobyl. All those who came near him had to wear radioactive proof suits. After somehow Michael managed to survive for 2 weeks after the accident, someone came to visit him that Michael didn’t know yet. But for some reason he didn’t wear a radioactive proof suit. Michael said “Don’t come in here or you’ll end up like me.”

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The man said “I have stared death in the face and survived numerous times, and every time I escape it.” “Well then what are you doing here?” said Michael. The man responded saying “I’m here to save you Michael, from your terrible fate.” Michael said in a hopeful voice “You mean, you can make me normal again?!”

The man said “Michael have you ever read a comic or watched a movie or T.V. show about people with superhuman abilities?” Michael said “Well yeah who hasn’t seen a marvel movie, but what does this have to do with me?” The man said “You have one of those abilities Michael. Only yours is very useful. For example, people like you could go jump off the Empire State building and live.” Michael said with astonishment as he realized he was healed “What is my ability, exactly?” The man said “You have the ability to copy others powers and from the looks of it you can return them 10 fold.” Michael responded saying “Then that means that you have the ability to never die.” The man said “Michael I need you to help us with something big and we need you very much. So will you help me?” Michael said “I’m in” Mrs. Schick’s Classes, May 2011

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From that day on Michael instead of going to his old job he quit to have a low-level life. But he took the job of becoming Nemic City’s number one crime stopper. He was known as “The walking Mirror”.

Mrs. Schick’s Classes, May 2011

Cloning and Superpower Stories Magazine

A Viral Election by Anonymous

October 27, 2013- 9 days to the election “Now, how will we do this? How? Please answer me,” a deep and dark voice said. “I do not know, sire,” answered a higher-pitched voice. “I already told you, Michaelson! Why did I hire you?” said the first voice. “I have no idea.” “That was a rhetorical question!” interrupted the first voice. “Get out! Go to the factory, get what you need, put it in the truck, and get rid of the place! Now, go away!” “But why—I mean, yes sir!” As his servant scuttled off, a very mad Phil McDilomenio sat down in his chair. Once Michaelson was gone, McDilomenio stopped his act of being mad. He started laughing out loud. “He has no clue what the entire plan is. That is why I chose him. How can he not see what will happen to him? Go on, Michaelson. I will never see you again.” October 28, 2013- 8 days to the election

Mrs. Schick’s Classes, May 2011

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“This is a special news report. Last night, an explosion occurred at a factory just outside of the city. It was closed for the night, but one man, James Michaelson, was killed. Right before the explosion, a truck with the logo of Philmedics, a major pharmaceutical company owned by Phil

McDilomenio, who is running in next Tuesday’s mayoral election, drove away from the riverside factory and plopped into the Ohio River. Divers were sent to search for the truck, but nothing was found. This is the second time that a truck has been sighted there with the Philmedics logo. McDilomenio, however, was unavailable for comment. That concludes our special report, and this is Channel 8 Cincinnati.”

John Mills was positively elated. He, too, would be running in next Tuesday’s election. He had been trailing in the polls for weeks, but this would probably reverse that. Then, a special report popped up on the TV the next day that would change everything. October 29, 2013- 7 days to the election

“This is a special news report. Philmedics owner Phil McDilomenio has announced at a press conference this morning that he has come up with a revolutionary new pill that can make you have superpowers. Dubbed the PhilPill, it uses special enzymes to give you powers you would never have known you could have. McDilomenio announced that he will give these pills to anyone who votes for him in the election. That concludes this special report, and this is Channel 8 Cincinnati.”

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Mills shut off the TV and sighed, “Why me? Why do I have to run for mayor in the only city where a candidate has superpower pills. Wait. Superpower pills? Something about this seems fishy. I should over to the

Philmedics HQ and try one of those pills. What would happen? I have no clue. Whatever happens, though, it probably will be bad for him.”

Half an hour later, Mills arrived at the Philmedics headquarters. It was humongous. It looked somewhat like a Holiday Inn, but it stretched for almost a mile back from the street. All in all, it was very impressive. Mills drove up to the retinal scanner at the gate. He put his eye up to it and it squawked, “John Mills. Politician. Access granted.” He then parked his car in the giant parking lot, and walked up to the front door. Another retinal scan. What was McDilomenio protecting? “So, you want one of my Phil-Pills,” McDilomenio purred. “Why?” “I would like one as a way of showing that we are not enemies.” This was, of course, false. “Fine, then. See the big blue tube thingy over there?” Mills saw it. “Inside of it is a box.” Mills looked inside of the blue tube and indeed saw a box. “Inside of the box is a bag.” There was a bag. “Inside of the bag is a Phil-Pill. Please take it, as a gesture of my kindness.” Mills did just that. “It will not take effect until Friday morning. Toodle-oo!” After leaving the compound, Mills reflected on McDilomenio’s actions. He had been so straightforward and simple. That made sense. He was always like that. But “toodle-oo”? That made absolutely no sense. And “big blue tube

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thingy”. That was also suspicious. Oh, well. He would have to see what happened on Friday morning.

November 1, 2013- 4 days to the election

John Mills woke up on Friday morning sans superpowers. He attempted to lift up his bed, but nothing happened. He tried the coffee table. Then he did the same with his Great Dane, Palmer. No superpowers were taking effect. Suddenly, he realized something. It was only 3 AM. Most people probably were sleeping right now. He would have to wait again.

After eating some toast and watching the news, Mills checked the clock. It was now 6 AM. He went over to the coffee table and tried to lift it. He did not lift it, though. He threw it. Mills had to dive to catch the table before it crashed onto the Persian rug. So maybe he did have superpowers. Then he noticed something. The toenail on his rightmost toe was a deep forest green. What did that mean? Had he sleepwalked to a nail polish store? Or was there something more sinister than that going on?

November 3, 2013- 2 days to the election

Mills had tried everything. He had searched Google, Bing, and even Altavista for “green toenail”. All of the results were about nail polish. However, he had Mrs. Schick’s Classes, May 2011

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tried using nail polish remover. No results had occurred. Then something

clicked in the back of his mind. Something from a long time ago. A class field trip to a factory just outside of the city… “Now, class. Can anybody tell me what these vials contain?” There was an awkward pause. “This big one on the left contains a virus called Tropicus deadlius. It first turns your toenails green and gives you strength, and then it kills you. The small one on the right contains a cure to it; however, the strength goes away. If the cure did not contain the strengthsapping ingredient, you would go mad.”

Mills remembered back to the news report on the 28th. The factory was the same one. The truck was there twice. There had been two vials. It took him only a couple of seconds to reach a conclusion. The virus had been put in the pills. And the perpetrator was his opponent in the election. The culprit was Phil McDilomenio. November 4, 2013- 1 day to the election

John Mills followed the tire tracks down the hill. At their end was a manhole cover.

Normally, he would not have been able to lift it. But now,

he had superpowers. The cover came off easily. He was almost scared to come in. But he knew that the police were coming in a minute. He took a deep breath and walked down the staircase.

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“So, you found me,” Phil McDilomenio said as he stood in the middle of his secret laboratory.

“Yes, I found you. Now hand over the cure. I know you have two. One makes you crazy—” “—and one makes you weak. Well, here you go.” He forced the powerremoving cure down Mills’ throat. “Good-bye!” McDilomenio crossed the patterned floor, dashed up the stairs, removed the manhole cover, and put the cover back into place. Mills was trapped.

But not really. There had to be some way out. What if McDilomenio had accidentally taken the wrong cure? He flashed back to when McDilomenio came over to give him the cure. He had walked normally—except for when he jumped over the orange tile in the center of the pattern (which, after further inspection, seemed to depict a red beaker) on the floor. Mills went over to the tile and stepped on it. In an instant, he dropped, and landed on something soft. It was a pillow. And it was moving sideways and then up. It was a secret elevator, and he now knew why there had been security at the headquarters. That was where the elevator ended. He came out in the front loop, and saw the police smiling. They had captured McDilomenio. November 5, 2013- Election Day

“This is a special news report. Phil McDilomenio has withdrawn from the election for mysterious reasons. This means that John Mills has won, as

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he was McDilomenio’s only opponent. That concludes this special report, and—”

“—this is Channel 8 Cincinnati,” said John Mills as he shut off the TV. Maybe once he became mayor, he could get Channel 8 to change their special report format. It probably would not take superpowers to do that.

Mrs. Schick’s Classes, May 2011

Cloning and Superpower Stories Magazine

Our Safe Place by Hannah B.

My name is Lillianna. I am an orphan and have been for about eight out of the fourteen years that I have lived. I lost all my family-except for my sister. My sister’s name is Nevaeh, she is the same age as me-actually five minutes older to be exact. We don’t look all that alike though, she has brown curly hair and light brown eyes and I have straight brown hair and my dad’s hazel eyes. She was always better than me-but not as much as I used to think she was. It all started a sunny day in April, about a month after our fourteenth birthday. Nevaeh was called into the office in the front of the building. I had to stay and do chores as usual. When I got back to our room I started reading, until Nevaeh came back in tears. Being the nice-ever so humble person I am, I went over to see what was wrong. She told me that in about five or six days she would be a member of the Malnarithes’ family. A family that did not want twins, in their words, “Just one child-one who looks like a member of our family-and can look after themselves.” That particular child of course having to be my sister, and that family of course only wanting one child. About a week went by and all of Nevaeh’s stuff had been packed into a suitcase provided by her new family. As we were saying our goodbyes outside and the parent’s were inside dotting the I’s and crossing the t’s, we made a promise, that as soon as we can, we will become a family again- her Mrs. Schick’s Classes, May 2011

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and I. Just a few moments afterwards the parent’s came out and told Nevaeh it was time to go. I just kept wishing and wishing that their bright red convertible would roll down that hill and run over the barrier, totaling itself, because that’s what they deserved for taking my sister away from me. The only problem was, that’s exactly what happened. Nevaeh’s ‘parents’ ran after the car screaming about the paint job they just got done and that Mr. Malnarithes “always forgets to use the brake”. That’s when I stood there stunned while the ‘Secretary of the Guardian Angel’s Orphan House’ yelled at me to go help. I replied with, “Like there’s anything I can do to stop it! What do you expect me to do? Run in front of the car and wave my magic wand?” “Lillianna! No talking back! If everyone here felt the need to talk back like that, nothing would get done around here. Now you get back inside and start cleaning the dishes for dinner!” “Yeah, guardian angel my butt.” I whispered under my breath. “Excuse me young lady? You hurry up and get inside!” “I’m goin! I’m goin, way to be polite…” I walked back into the house and walked right back out the back door, then went around the side of the building to see how the car ended up, and it was just how I imagined, but as I was about to turn around something caught my eye. It was the picture Nevaeh always kept with her. I remembered that day pictured on the small photograph that mom, dad, Nevaeh and I were in the park on the Easter before my parents got in the mysterious car accident. I thought about how it might get lost if I didn’t pick it up but the Secretary thought I was inside-

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meaning I couldn’t run out and get it, I just wished and wished that I could get it back, just then, it floated over to me, but there was no wind.

Over the next two days I noticed things very similar to those two instances happening, the dirty dishes floating from the counter to the sink. That’s when I decided to practice my new found gift. I thought about moving the faucet from hot to cold, then focused on it and it happened. I did the dishes without getting my hands dirty, well of course I did loose focus for a couple moments breaking one of the dishes witch I then cleaned up, but besides that I was getting comfortable and accustomed to what my mind can do. The next day I decided to go out into the city. I took the metro there, using my mind to open the door when I was about a minute too late to catch the bus. When I got into the city I figured I would go see what I could accomplish and where. First I went to the park and decided to make a leaf float over to me. Then I did something bigger, getting a flyer from a stand while no one was looking. I continued to build up my abilities, but when I got to the museum, I didn’t even know where to start. I went to the ‘Children’s Digging Cite’ aka a giant sand box with fake dinosaur bones hidden in it’s surface. I was curious to see if I could locate it and move it without digging or anything so I set my mind to work. I started scanning the surface of the sand looking for anything sticking out and after finding nothing I searched for bumps in the sand, and still found no bones. Now I knew one thing: I can move things, but I can’t locate them. As I sat down to eat my small little lunch I thought of my sister, wondering if I could get her out of her new ‘family’ with my new abilities. I also wondered that if we were so alike maybe she had an ability I don’t know about. I also wondered where I got this ability, maybe my parents I guess. That is when I Mrs. Schick’s Classes, May 2011

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decided to go see a fortune teller, to see if that could help me straighten out what’s going on. When I got there, a women of probably about sixty-three asked me what I was looking for. I then replied, “Answers.” “What kind of answers my dear?” She asked me. “Answers that can tell me of my abilities-where I got them and why.” I replied.

“Well my dear, it depends on your abilities. Let us sit down.” She said as she showed me to a round table. There wasn’t any crystal ball or magic cards like I was expecting, just a nice, silky table cloth. “Now, tell me about yourself child.” “Well, my name is Lillianna. My parents died about eight years ago in a car accident. You see, we all had head trauma and we were believed to have had our injuries healed but we did have some problems in the surgery. A while after the surgery my sister and I were really sensitive to our senses, which were strangely sharpened. The bad part was, after that I never saw my parents again and all I had left was my twin sister, until she got adopted a few days ago.” “My child, I see you have been through a great deal and you seek answers on how to find you sister, but that’s not all you came here for. Correct?” “Yes ma’am. I just recently discovered that my mind can….do things-things a normal mind shouldn’t.” “Like what my dear? Show me.” I did as the lady told. I flipped the open/closed sign multiple times then placed my empty lunch bag in the trash

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can. “Oh, my child. I have only ever seen one who can do these things beside you, but last I heard from her was oh, about four years ago.” “What was she like?” I asked the women.

“Oh, child she had beautiful brown eyes, burning with passion and pain, she was troubled, much like you, for she had no one to turn to for help. She asked me to keep something, for her, until she returned if ever.” “What was it, the item she gave you?” “It was most unique. A small little whistle, but when I blew it I heard nothing-yet she claimed it had the most beautiful sound.” “May I see it?” “I don’t see why not child.” She stood up from the table and slowly started making her way towards the counter, motioning me to follow. As we arrived at the counter she bent over slowly and came back up with a small, nicely finished wooden box. She slid a little key into the keyhole and the box made a click before lifting its lid. A small whistle, silver and smooth attached to a thin white string as to wear it around the neck lay there in the box. I slowly reached my hand toward it then looked up to her as she said, “Go ahead child. Try it.” I lifted the whistle out of the box and studied it for a minute, then looked at my reflection in it. It wasn’t me, not now anyways, I saw two smiling babies, just like the ones in the pictures I kept in a book beneath my pillow at the orphan home but I also noticed a thin sheet like a piece of tape, it’s what the picture on. This wasn’t a magic whistle, it was just pure technology, it memorized my facial features and recognized me I guess. I was still in shock though, only my family would have this picture.

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“What is it child?” “I see my sister and I.” “In the whistle? How strange. The women who left it two me said nothing about any individualities between this whistle and others, but she said if one were to eventually find it and see themselves and hear its songs, then it belongs to them as well as her. Blow on it child, see if you can hear its song.” I hesitated then put the cool metal whistle to my lips and blew, at first I heard nothing, so I blew on it again and heard a little chirp. I blew as hard as I could and heard the most beautiful sound of birds singing their songs. A sound I only heard in the little cabin we used to stay at on summer days with my family, my real family. I stood there stunned for a few moments before saying anything, I didn’t have to though. “Take it child, it belongs to you.” “Can you tell me more about the women who brought this to you?” “All I can say is I remember her as your age, and I know that if you are like your parents, you will know what to do to keep your sister and yourself out of harm.” “You knew my parents?” “That’s all I can say child. Just have faith and find your sister, for you will escape the harm that is in your future.” “What harm? Wait, you can’t be finished yet! I’ve only been here for five minutes!” Mrs. Schick’s Classes, May 2011

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“Look at the clock child, it has been almost two hours. You must go now, for you wouldn’t want extra work now would you?” “How’d you know…” “Goodbye child.” She said as she pushed me out the door and flipped the

sign to closed. I was very confused and started walking down the street, then walking faster, then jogging, until I broke out into a run toward the metro, but I didn’t even know why I was running. When I got back to the house I went right up to my room and placed my whistle under my pillow next to the pictures to get a good night sleep. Little did I know, I would need it. When I got up the next morning there were strange men in the office talking to the manager of the building. I overheard part of their conversation. The men were looking for someone, and they held up a picture to her. I saw the picture through the mirror behind the manager’s head, it was me. I immediately ran quietly upstairs and packed up my belongings, then snuck out the back and into the garage. I knew I needed to get out of here quickly but I don’t know how to drive and I couldn’t walk because that would be too slow. I then saw a bike hanging from the ceiling and started looking for something to climb on top of to get it down, only to realize I didn’t need to. I got the bike down and started down the hill and around the bend to where the ferry would be arriving soon. A ticket was ten dollars and I have seventy five, I guess it’s the only way out. When the ferry arrived I asked if I could take my bike and the man said it will cost another ten dollars. Although I didn’t want to have to go for lord knows how long with only fifty five dollars, I knew I would have to have a way to get around. Mrs. Schick’s Classes, May 2011

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My bike and I got off the ferry in San Fransisco where my sister was. The only thing is I didn’t know where. I got on my bike and rode to the nearest food place, looking for some cheap food, only to find it was really

expensive. It took me half an hour to find somewhere to eat cheaply, I also bought a bag of chips and a sandwich so I wouldn’t have to stop again later. If they were looking for a run away orphan they would first look where their closest relative is, and I have to get to her before they do. I found a nice looking school and waited there till the school got out, hoping my sister would be one of the students. Sadly she wasn’t, but a women walking her dog noticed me. “Nevaeh, right? You’re the girl my neighbors just adopted. I am so glad to meet you!” I was shocked, so it was just that easy huh? “Yeah! I’m glad to meet you too! Um, could you help me find my way home? I went for a bike ride and kinda got lost.” I lied. “Oh, of course! You just keep going straight until you get to the second intersection then you turn right and go down three blocks. It’s the third building down from there if you don’t remember.” “Thank you so much! I owe you one!” I followed the directions and got to the building to see a window open and heard her favorite song playing on the radio. I picked up a rock and threw it in her open window. A few moments later her head popped out the window looking confused. Then my sister disappeared from the window and reappeared at the door moments later. “What are you doing here?” She asked. “I’m so glad to see you! I missed you so much! How did you get here?”

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“Long story, but now it’s really, really important that you listen to me and

trust me. You need to go upstairs, gather some things, but not a lot and grab some money.” “What? What are you talking about? Are you crazy? I can’t just leave, I… I…” “You need to trust me! I’ll give you five minutes.” “But I… Tell me what this is all about!” “Not now, as I said long story now go get your stuff.” She closed the door and ran up to her room. I heard her yell that she’s going to spend the night at Nikkie’s house, whoever that was, then about ten minutes later she came out the door with a full backpack. She grabbed her bike and we rode down to the Seal Rocks to talk. I told her about everything that happened since the day she left, then showed her the whistle. By the time she put the whistle down she had a few tears in her eyes. Nevaeh cleared her throat and said, “If mom gave her the whistle two years ago mom wasn’t dead, and I don’t think dad was either.” I pondered this for a moment then realized it to be true. Then Nevaeh spoke again, “If they are coming after you they probably went after mom and dad too, they don’t know about me though.” “What about you?” “I got a gift the day I left too. All I have to do is shut my eyes and concentrate and I can tell you where something is, but I haven’t tried it on people.” She replied. “And what if the whistle made that noise for a reason, mom probably put some kind of charm on it or something cause this definitely isn’t an ordinary whistle. We have to go back to the cabin, the only Mrs. Schick’s Classes, May 2011

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thing is, we’ll have to find it first, if it still exists. Blow the whistle again, it might help me remember.” We sat there for four hours talking and planning and concentrating, then

realized we need somewhere to stay for the night but we couldn’t go back to Nevaeh’s house because the men would be there. Then we found a cheap motel for ten bucks a person. We slept in the itchy, squeaky unsanitary room that night. We started our journey in the morning. Nevaeh said she had a dream telling her where the cabin was, but when we got there the next day, it was empty. We spent the night in our old cabin, only to realize, it wasn’t just a cabin. When we discovered the portal into the other world we didn’t know what to do. Of course we didn’t have much choice after seeing that we were on the news as “Wanted and dangerous people and if anyone is to see these children they should turn them into the police.” Too bad the subtitle at the bottom said in small print said ‘wanted dead or alive.’ The reason they wanted us though is they realized what the surgery did to us, and they wanted to take it a step further. As it turns out, the fortune teller was right. I would escape harm. Now that I am here, in a universe no one knows exists except for those with gifts such as ours, I am safe, and happy. My whole family and I. According to a wise man who got a brain transplant giving him more knowledge than he ever had, I take after my father, and my sister takes after my mother. Who would’ve thought that two orphans in one world would turn out to be two of the most looked up to young ladies in another? Now, that my story has been recorded as asked, I must go babysit the new little miracle next door-who had a birth defect in the other world, making her vocal cords useless, but Mrs. Schick’s Classes, May 2011

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that’s okay because she can talk by putting her hand to your face and

showing you everything she’s seen. We all have amazing gifts here, some are given to us by accidents in the other world like my family and some people inherit from others, but either way, we still have something no one else will ever know about-and because of that we will all be safe.

Mrs. Schick’s Classes, May 2011

Cloning and Superpower Stories Magazine

Gone In A Flash by Sam C.

Sam Cayen It started with a bang. The sound was deafening, then the panic started. Everyone in Rio de Janeiro started to panic. Although no one could see anything, everyone knew something had gone terribly wrong. People were running in every direction. Three miles away from the explosion, people saw the mushroom cloud which even caused more panic. It was chaos. People began running into each other and knocking one another down, not bothering to help anyone. Then the initial wave hit from the explosion. Worse than any wind imaginable, it turned street signs into vapor almost instantly. All of this was being replayed over and over in Matt’s head. He had not been there, but his mother and younger brother had. He could just imagine what it would have been like. He just hoped they were alive. Matt had been at the factory which was the site of the explosion. This was the worst place anyone could have been. He had gone with his dad to work that day when the explosion happened. It occurred in a flash. Matt already knew he was lucky to be alive, but he didn’t know he was the only survivor from the factory. What confused the doctors the most was that he had no burns, serious injuries, or even minor injuries. When no one had come to visit him, Matt assumed one of the following; they thought he was dead, they were Mrs. Schick’s Classes, May 2011

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recovering from injuries they could have gotten, or they had died in the explosion. Matt gulped at the last possibility.

The hospital had sent several therapists to try to find out what was going on in Matt’s head. He hated every single one of them, and he told today’s therapist to go away and get a life. Matt didn’t know whether his father was dead or alive. He hoped that he was alive. Then he heard a “knock, knock” on the door. Matt jumped in surprise. “Come in,” Matt said. The doctor walked in with a big grin on his face. The doctor’s name was Luke. He had looked after Matt over the course of his stay at the hospital. Matt Neyac was his first patient ever, and now he had to break news to the boy that would devastate him. Luke tried to keep his smile and break it to Matt slowly. So he asked, “Hey Matt, how are you feeling?” “Fine,” Matt replied. “The same I’ve been since I got here.” “Well that’s good, I guess,” said Luke, “Considering you’ve been in great condition since you got here.” “All I want to do is go home,” Matt blurted out. He was fine, but for some reason the hospital wouldn’t let him go home. Now, Luke knew he had to break it to him, “Matt, all of us here would love send you home. The thing is, we can’t.” “And why is that?” Matt sneered. Luke was taken aback by the change in attitude. Matt started out glum, then he was suddenly angry. So Luke just let it all out, “Well, you see, you’re the only person from the factory who survived the explosion.”

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Matt cursed and felt a sudden emptiness inside. So his father had died. “I still don’t understand?” said Matt.

“In all the chaos, your mother and younger brother got trampled and died.” Luke could see it in his eyes that this did devastate Matt. After a long period of silence, Matt asked, “Well then, what am I going to do?”

At that, Luke left feeling bad for Matt, but there was still a lot to do. He just wished he could answer Matt’s question. Later that day, Matt found out what was going to happen to him. He was going to be sent away to an orphanage and hopefully find new parents, or at least that’s what the doctors had said. He’d rather go and live by himself. That was also his plan. That night Matt got out of bed and simply walked outside. It was a hospital. There were no guards on duty and the desk clerk would hopefully be asleep. If not, Matt would easily slip past him. Matt silently slipped out of bed. On his way toward freedom, he heard a familiar voice from behind him call, “Going somewhere?” Matt froze. Every instinct told him to run but he hadn’t had a real plan, so he turned and responded with, “Just going to getting some fresh air.” Luke considered the answer for a second, then saw the sack next to Matt and asked, “What’s that for?” Matt racked his brain for a good lie, but he knew he could no longer hide. He explained that he didn’t want a new family and that he would much Mrs. Schick’s Classes, May 2011

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rather live alone. That’s when it happened. Matt was thinking let me go, let

me go when something seemed to come over Luke and he said, “You can go” and simply let him leave. That was weird thought Matt. Oh well, he was free. It’s like he had just thought something, and Luke had gone along with it. Then suddenly, the ground seemed to fall out from beneath him. What the crap, thought Matt. Then he remembered, he was on the top floor of the hospital. The hospital wasn’t the tallest building in Rio de Janeiro, but right now you couldn’t really tell the difference. It was a long ways down. Too far for anyone to live, or at least anyone normal to live. But something now came over Matt. It was almost instinct, and he landed gently on the ground. “This is way weird,” said Matt aloud to himself. First, the thing with Luke. Now falling off a 17-story building without so much as a scratch. After Matt had explained why he was out of bed, something took over his mind, not in an emotional way, but in a physical, aggressive way that kept saying let him go, let him go. Luke had given in and said to Matt “Okay you can go.” After Matt had gone, he returned back to normal. He was a little dazed but back to normal none the less. He woke, Larry the desk clerk and explained what happened. All the desk clerk had to say was, “You need to seriously get some sleep Luke.” “But Matt just walked outside, took over my mind, and you don’t care,” said Luke. “Wait,” said Larry, “Did you say he went outside?” “Yes but that’s not the point he-”

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Larry cut Luke off saying “Luke we are on the top floor.”

Now this was just perfect, Luke thought angrily. This was his first person he was assigned to, a person who didn’t even need to be in the hospital in the first place. He blew it. Matt was probably dead, splattered across the parking lot 17 stories below. Luke would never be able to show is face again. He sprinted down the stairs throwing caution to the wind, and when he made it down to the parking lot, there was nothing. No Matt. No dead body. Nothing. Now this was weird. Luke shut his eyes and repeated to himself that this was just a dream. It’s only a weird dream. Then, he heard someone call his name. He heard it again and again, “Luke, you’re not dreaming.” It was Matt. Luke’s mind went blank, not because of the earlier incident, but because it was not humanly possible to live after falling 17 stories onto solid concrete. “What, how, you, there, my mind, huh?” “I know it’s weird, but I can explain everything,” claimed Matt. “And how is that so?” Luke questioned. “I can fly and I can read minds.” Matt said it straight up. “But that’s not possible. I know! You hit your head and you are really hurt. Let’s get you inside.” “NO,” shouted Matt, “I mean, you can’t. I’m not hurt.” “Yes you are.”

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“No I’m not. I can fly so I didn’t hit the ground hard. I can read minds

and change them which is what happened between you and me when you let me go.” That’s when it hit Luke. So, it wasn’t emotion. It actually was physical force that made him change his mind. Suddenly, police sirens sounded. Then, Matt and Luke were surrounded and neither one knew why. “Put your hands where I can see them and don’t try anything,” said a policeman. Luke started, “What did we do?” This night might not be a dream, but it was turning into Luke’s new worst nightmare. But the officer simply said, “Don’t play stupid with me stunt man.” Then it hit Luke. The police thought they had been performing stunts. They must have seen Matt fall or, more likely fly and thought it was a stunt. Luke opened his mouth to explain but was cut off by Matt who suddenly said, “We are so sorry and won’t cause any trouble again.” He grabbed Luke's hand and took off. Not running, but flying. Luke knew his life would never be the same again. An hour after they had landed, Luke asked “What was that all about?” “Well, you should know that once someone knows I have super abilities, science will want me and you too. The press won’t let you or me live in peace,” explained Matt. “But still, we had many other options besides just taking off and being wanted by the entire police force of Brazil.” “And could you name those options for me,” said Matt. Mrs. Schick’s Classes, May 2011

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“Well, we will at least have a good night’s sleep before we go back to town tomorrow,” said Luke, trying to avoid the subject. “You mean you will have a good rest before you go back into town tomorrow.” “What do you mean Matt.” “I mean, I am going to live alone out here.” “In the rainforest!?” “Yes.” “But isn’t that dangerous” “Yes, but it’s exactly what I want.” “Fine, but I’m staying with you.” “Whatever you say.” “Good night Matt.” “Good night Luke.”

The next morning Luke headed for town. Of course, he had assistance from Matt. As Matt hid on the roof tops, Luke bought some basic supplies. As Luke left the store, he saw it at one of the news stands on every newspaper: Stunt Performers or Super Humans. Where are they now? Luke paid for the paper and read what details they had. Nothing was new except they had a $10,000 reward for finding them. Luke now moved quickly through the streets. They didn’t have a photo, but he was worried about people he knew that would be looking for him. He signaled for Matt to come and get him. Mrs. Schick’s Classes, May 2011

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When they got back to their camp, Luke showed Matt the paper. They would

have to be extra careful whenever they went into town, and they would have to leave in a flash. That was what the policeman had told the news “They were here, and then they were gone in a flash.”

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.. by Anonymous Darren Smith. That’s who everyone is talking about at Kaujin high school. Darren is the new kid who everybody likes. “He’s perfect” all the girls would say. “He’s awesome” all the guys would say. This boy is athletic, nice, fun and even funny. He is on the boys high school varsity soccer team. He lives with his two sisters and his mom and dad. Darren has the most perfect life in the city. Everybody likes him. He even gets good grades.

“Tomorrow is the day!” said Darren’s dad. “Tomorrow is the day we win the championship game and get yet another trophy”.

Darren’s dad is the coach of the one of the best soccer teams in the state. The only problem is that Darren is on the team. His dad works him hard. But he learned to deal with it. “This is it”, said his dad. “Where going to win”. At the game the score is twenty five to six their ahead by a lot. Last quarter of the game and Darren is running to the goal the other team is running to get ball, BOOM! The other teammate crashes into Darren, except somethings not right, Darren’s on the ground, but were is the other player. The crowd is screaming and panicking, the teammate’s parents are running on the field

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with the coach. Darren looked around. He found the teammate, he was pushed so hard, he went strait into the locker rooms!

Once they took the boy away in the ambulance, everyone was looking at Darren. He got nervous. He was scared. He ran. He stared to run somewhere where he could be alone. Were he could be without anyone seeing him, somewhere like the Kaujin graveyard. YES! That’s where he needed to go! He ran there. Except, he got there in less then a minute. The graveyard was on the other side of the city. This didn’t make sense. He got confused. He walked into the graveyard and walked around thinking about what just happened. everything happened so fast and he couldn’t take it.he finally found a small place of grass to lay down on and he fell asleep

“Wake up you baboon!” a voice said.

Darren woke up startled! When he looked up there was a old face with lots of small wrinkles.”Who are you?” asked Darren to the old man.”

“ I’m Jimmy Powger, the owner of this land” He said. “What are you doing here?”.

“ I was just--” He interrupted Darren.

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“Wrong!” He exclaimed.

“Excuse me?” Darren asked.

“ You are running away from home. Something happened to you that gave you super powers that you cant fix and your life will never be the same, and if someone sees you they will turn you into the police because they think you are going hurt them, which you might do so because you do not know how to use your powers properly.” he said.

“ how did you know that!” Darren gasped.

“The same thing happened to me. thirty three years ago, i discovered that i have the power to read minds and transport anything including me to any place i want to.”

“Really?” Darren asked.

“ yes I am just like you Darren, but i have mind powers. your powers are more physical.”

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he explained to Darren.” i was waiting for someone like you to come along and come with me. will you?” He asked.

“ um, i have three questions about that. first, go where? Second, how do you know my name? And third, I just met you why would I go with you?”

Jimmy thought for a minute and finally figured out what to say.

“good Questions Darren, good questions, but i have answers to all of them. I know your name because i read minds, same way i know how you got here and why. you will go with me because you don't have anywhere else to go. you could stay here but eventually, they will find you. we will go to the planet of Chlobu.”

“ The planet!” Darren shouted.

“why yes there is the rocket ship I built over there. were taking that.”

“let me get this strait. you built a rocket ship to the planet Chlobu, then invite a complete starnger to go with you!”

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“fine i will go, but only if you give me your word that its afe up there and nothing can hurt us.” Darren said.

“Fine i give you my word.”

Darren and Jimmy got into the rocket ship and flew off to the planet Chlobu. when they got there jimmy pushed Darren out of the rocket ship and flew back to earth!

“Hey!” Darren yelled but no one heard him.

SNAP! Darren turned around and there standing behind him was an alien!

the alien spoke English too. he explained to Darren as long as he came in peace everyone would accept him and would trust him as long as he trusted them.the alien was named Chrisomog.chrisomog and Darren soon became good friends and Darren was glad that Jimmy left him here to make friends. but Darren knows that he left him here to get rid of him but, thats where karma steps in.

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The day I walked in to a strange building by Paige D.

I have been in an evil science lab for 2 weeks now. But I guess I should start for the beginning. My name is Ember Koven; I was 17 years old when this went down. I was walking with my boyfriend Sam and we saw this tall abandoned building, so we went inside because it was pouring rain. So Sam and I looked around the scary house. “Ember maybe we should get out of here and go back to my place” Sam suggested. Then there was a loud clap of thunder then a noise that I have never heard before. “Welcome to my home.” And then out of no were a strange person appears but we could not make out his face. Sam and I screamed and started to run to the door, when we got to it, the door would not open.

“You’re not going anywhere because you’re going to be part of my new lab to make kids be able to have super human abilities. And that means you’re my new lab rats!” said this man he looked tall but we still could not make out his face.

“Who are you?” I yelled. Mrs. Schick’s Classes, May 2011

Cloning and Superpower Stories Magazine “Me, I am Dr.Droll, who are you?”

“And from were may I ask, did you get your Dr. from? And for your information my name is Ember and this is my boyfriend Sam,”

“That is none of your business..,”


“You little missy, need to shut your mouth before I shut it for you …. Anyway to the matter being you two, will pick a super human ability of the following Speed or Reading

Minds or Invisibility or if you behave you could have them all.”

So from there on everything went down hill, you see, what happened was, that— yeah— we shut our mouths until he gave us our super human abilities— yeah— we got

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to choose which ones we were going to have, but we didn’t choose what was going to happen next. “Are you guys ready to go… well I really don’t care if you are or aren’t. I am not going to sit around all day waiting for my two lab

rats to be ready!” after he said that I got so mad I will not be called a lab rat.


NOW!” At this point I was so mad I could hurt something.

“Now, now you don’t have to be a sour puss” and that was it, I could not take this anymore LET ME OUT OF HERE. But of course I could not say that or something would happen to me, but like I would know what that would be, so I just kept it to myself. Then it began.

I don’t now how long I was asleep before I woke up, it felt like I was only asleep for 2 minutes but some how I just know that it was not that sort of time.

“Sam, Sam are you there Sam?” I kept on saying till I finally got an answer. Then I realized that I had not even said a thing because if I had said something then Dr.Droll

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would have turned around to see that I finally had woken up.

“Ember what is happened to us?” I heard this really clearly in my head.

“Sam is that you? Sam if it is, I don’t now what happened to us but I don’t feel too good,” I said back to Sam. Well I hoped it was to Sam.

“Ember I am scared, we really need to get out of here, wait how is it that we are talking to each other and Dr. Droll over there cant hear us?” and at that time I was face to face with the problem. “You want to know how you are like this my lab rats…,” and when I heard that I knew it was not from me or Sam.

“I put a substance in you that combines the power of human abilities and the super human abilities to make you two my new science project,” all I was thinking in my head was this guy is a nut job, what have we got ourselves in to by just going in to a stupid building.

After he did a couple tests on us he let use out of these cages as long as we don’t run or go anywhere. He said if the test comes back good, we might be let out of here in a

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couple of days after we learn how to use our powers. I guess things might be looking up for us.

Things are not looking up for me and Sam. After all, we don’t understand what we are suppose to be doing with this power we have, it is like teaching a baby to talk they are going to need a lot of work until they can do it. But the thing is, I don’t think I am going to last another day in here, this place is not home, my parents¬¬—oh I wonder what is going through my parents’ heads and Sam’s parents are thinking that I probably made him run away with me. See his parents think I am bad for him but I am not. All I want to do is go home and sleep in my own bed and see my family.

“When can we go home?” I just had to ask for the last time.

“Stop asking me that, you’re going to go home when you can figure out how to learn how to use your new found body. Then you can go home and I will be checking up on you once a month to see how my lab rats are doing ok? Ok,” this is just not right but I guess it is all my fault, I led us in to this building.

This is were I am suck now in a cage not even with Sam. I don’t really know where he is and I just would like to see him. Wait a minute— I remember that the first day that I had this power, I was talking to Sam Mrs. Schick’s Classes, May 2011

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through my thoughts maybe I can do that now. “Sam are you there Sam? Oh Sam, I miss you so much can you just hear me” there was a long silence but then,

“Ember, I miss you to I want to see you so bad this is just torture,” it was so good to hear his voice again.

“Sam we need to get out of here, where are you?”

“I am on the other side of the lab,” oh that means that he is so close. So we both managed to get out of these cages.

Sam and I found each other, then when we found the door we heard a loud crash as we were opening the door we hear Dr.Droll yelling then when we got out of the door and into the light we saw Dr.Droll’s face is was all discombobulated and we started to run faster and faster, farther and farther away from that strange building. To this day we have never learned what had really happened to us during those days all we now is that we will never be the same people we were before. Today Sam and I are married happily, we have our days that the subject of that day comes up but we really haven’t looked in to it much. Maybe it is time to go back to that strange old building again.

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Stretchable by Hannah R.

A car crashes-- A sunny yellow jeep is smashed up against a wall with a 16 year old girl inside. Ambulances and police cars sirens are going off as they become aware of the accident. She was hit by a drunk diver and lost control and swerved off the road. Annabelle was in a coma for over a week, finally Annabelle woke up. “Honey, we are all right here,” whispered her mother as Annabelle woke up. “Am I--is anyone else hurt?” asked Annabelle. “No, everyone is fine,” her mom said gently. In the accident most of Annabelle’s skin was burned off and the doctors had to find a way to try to save her life. They knew that Annabelle was going to die without some sort of miracle. Over the next month, Annabelle progressed for the better and was finally discharged. She did not remember all that happened, but knew she felt weird, she just thought it was from the surgeries. Finally after 3 months Annabelle was ready to go back to school so she was getting ready in the morning and then she finally discovered her new ability. Annabelle was able to stretch out her body at least 35 ft. Annabelle did not understand what was happening. Mrs. Schick’s Classes, May 2011

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“MOM!” yelled Annabelle. “Yes honey.”

“Look at me, there is something wrong with me,” Annabelle said. “JOHN CALL 911! The ambulance finally arrived at their home and Annabelle was rushed to the hospital. The doctors examined her and had no idea how she was able to do this with her body there were no signs of anything that could of caused it. Annabelle just wanted to be normal again. Doctors performed surgery and realized that Annabelle’s skin that had to be reconnected was now a new material. It was a type of latex and now she was able to stretch out whenever she wanted to. Annabelle now is with a group called World Watchers and she uses her stretchable body to save our world. They have saved kids from burning buildings, got purses from robbers and a lot more.

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Mixed Classes by Sam E.

The clock shouts out, “Seven a.m., Wednesday, May 15th, 2165.” Sir Metalico, the Kurr family’s personal robot, stands in position at the stove cooking scrambled eggs, crispy bacon and perfectly toasted toast. He continues to slide around the counter top island to the large, marble table, setting down four cups, plates, and sets of silverware. He proceeds back to the stove to check on the food. At 7:05, I walk downstairs. My clone—Zaev-- stumbles down the stairs and into the kitchen. Zaev pulls at a chair from under the table and plops down into it, grabbing her plate. I go to the TV in the corner of the room, pushing the on button. The TV springs to life with color. I command out “channel 37” as I walk back to the table, the TV flips channels to a smiley blond carrying a microphone at a local grocery store. I sit down across from Zaev taking a scoop of eggs from the bowl. The news cuts to a commercial about how to get a clone. Cloning is all the rage these days, everyone has one. Most people don’t call them clones, they get called ‘the twin you always wanted’. Zaev starts to tear up like she does every time these commercials come on. She doesn’t like being considered a clone, and she likes to say ‘Since I am not literally connected to Veaz, therefore we are two totally different people.’ But Zaev came two years ago when cloning first came popular. Mrs. Schick’s Classes, May 2011

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The news came back on, now with a tired co-host next to the blond. Jacey,

the mom clone, ran in shouting, “Sir Metalico! The girls are going to be late for school, why didn’t you tell them to hurry up?” “I am sor-ry ma’am. It will not hap-pen a-gain,” He replied back to her, scurrying over to the table to pick up the now empty plates. “Come on girls, off to school you go.” When we got to school, we did “the usual”, which is when I go to my class on the second floor and Zaev goes to hers on the first. The originals and clones never have class together, they’re always separated. No one really knows why, but I like it, it gives me time away from Zaev. It’s not like I don’t like Zaev, but she wants to always be with me, I never get time alone. School is the only 6 hours a day I get time without her. As we were about to go our own ways, the PA system groaned to life with a loud static. “All students please report to the gym, I repeat, all students please report to the gym!” it yelled out. “Well it looks like we won’t be separating after all!” Zaev said to me, smiling. Great, exactly what I wanted. Then Zaev proceeded to link my arm with hers and skip down the halls toward the large gym. By the time we got there, it was packed with people. Originals, clones, and teachers were all shoved into the gymnasium. There was music blasting, people screaming, girls giggling, and our principal was trying to talk into the microphone to get peoples attention, but he was only a mere voice in the crowd. After a few minutes though, the room was dead silent. “Thank you,” Mr. Seener, the principal, said. “As you all know, here at Great Merchants School, originals and clones are separated in classes.” He paused. We heard Mrs. Schick’s Classes, May 2011

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some boos and backtalk from him calling them “clones”. “But, that will all

change soon. The school board has decided that classes should be mixed!” ‘Yeah! Woo! Finally!’ is how many people responded. Mr. Seener started up again, “We are hoping that in two weeks, the classes will be all new and ready!” That’s when the crowd really emerged in noise. People were screaming and applauding for this news. “Off to class students.” We all left the gymnasium and headed for our class. “Wow,” I said to my best friend Lissy. “I can’t believe they’re combining us. That’s going to be so weird.” “Yeah, it really will be. I like the way it is now, but I guess we will just have to go with it,” she replied back. We walked into our classroom, it was a rather large room with many windows and at least 50 desks. We sat down and waited for Mrs. Fip to come in to start class. Back in Zaev’s classroom, they were all huddled around one desk. Their teacher was not in the room with them, rumors even spread that they didn’t even have a teacher for today. In the huddle, Zaev was in the middle, talking in a hushed voice. “Okay, I am sick and tired of being known as a clone. We are real people too! I say we do something about this.” “Yeah!” They all cheered, but not too loudly, they didn’t want to be heard. “There are almost just as many of us in the world as there are of the originals. If we all band together, we could destroy all originals and then we would be the only people left, and then we would be the normal ones!” she said, pounding the desk now as she spoke. With that, they started to plan. It wasn’t just two or three people, it was the whole class, 40 students. Mrs. Schick’s Classes, May 2011

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Later, when Zaev and I got home, Zaev actually left me, which was very…

unusual. I strolled into the kitchen for a snack. “Wel-come home, Veaz. How was school to-day?” Sir Metalico questioned me. “They are mixing classes at school now. I don’t know if it’s a good idea,” I replied to him. “I’m really not in a good mood right now Metalico, I’m just going to go upstairs.” I grabbed an apple and walked out of the kitchen and up the stairs to my room. As I walked down the hall to her room, I stopped at Zaev’s door to make sure she was okay. I quietly touched my ear to the door. From what I could hear, it sounded like Jacey was in the room. It didn’t sound like they were arguing, but that they were just talking. But as I listened in harder, I started to make out words like ‘no more clones’ and ‘war’. As I stepped away from the door slowly, I found myself now shaking my head. What could this mean? I didn’t like –want-- to think about it so I just walked away toward my bedroom. The next morning, I woke up to a strange noise. It sounded like someone was screaming. I pulled my covers off and grabbed my fuzzy gray sweatshirt. I snuck to the door and open it with a slight pull. Peaking around the corner, I didn’t see anything. I tip toed down the hall and down the stairs. No one was in the kitchen or the family room. “Hello?” I called out, but I got no reply. I turned on the TV to the news. When it got to life, it showed many people, all of them screaming. The news reporter was saying there was a start of World War Four. My mouth dropped with fright. I shouted out again but only this time I yelled Zaev. But I didn’t get a reply from her either. There was horror in my eyes. Where was everyone? Where’s mom or Jacey or Zaev? They were all gone, even Sir Metalico wasn’t there. I strode to the Mrs. Schick’s Classes, May 2011

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stairs again, and went up them. When I reached my mom’s room, I pushed

the door open to get a view. The view I got though was horrible. My mother, she was lying on the ground. But not like she was asleep, she was not breathing. My brain couldn’t keep up with anything. Was my mom... dead? But who killed her and why? Everything exploded from me, I screamed and I cried. I left the room to look for Jacey, but for some reason she had disappeared. That’s when it all came back to me. What I had heard last night from Zaev’s room, they were going to kill off all of the originals. I sprinted as fast as I could back downstairs. When I ran back into the kitchen, the image now shown on the TV was millions of bodies lying on the ground, dead. The reporter was now gone and all that was left was the camera laying there, showing off the tragedy. I laid down right there on the ground. Everyone was gone. I sobbed as I shoved my face into a pillow. If only I hadn’t been looking into the pillow, I would’ve seen Zaev sneak up behind me. After that, I don’t remember anything. Why? Because I am now dead. All I know is Zaev killed me, and I don’t know if she’s alive now. Zaev and I were both killed. Zaev had killed me, but no one knows how Zaev was killed. Everyone in the world was killed, all 8.7 billion people, originals and clones. I watched the rest of the war from Heaven. There were many causes for everyone’s deaths. There were wars, fire, bombings, everything. When it got down to the last one hundred or so people, it was all just a big blur. Now Earth just lies empty, but there is life on three other planets. Maybe, Earth will have a post apocalypse, but for now, the earth lies still with dead bodies everywhere. Mrs. Schick’s Classes, May 2011

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Gifted by Christina F.H. The wall I am standing in front of is completely made up of pictures from the art room. I see a funny looking creature with wrinkly, grey skin and a long limb dangling from the front of its head, and another with loud yellow fur and an outrageous head of hair. I don’t know what any of these creatures are. My teachers never taught me the extinct animals. They really didn’t teach us anything-- not that we would have been able to use any of the information we are learning now. My school, Blackthorn’s School for the Commoners, is a place where normal kids go to learn how to work a cash register at the drug store or the proper way to sweep a floor. I’m not in this school because I’m dumb; I’m actually very smart. The thing is, all good schools require you to have Super Human DNA or SHADNA for short, something which I lack. It gives people an amazing talent, like climbing walls or breathing underwater. I really want to have it, but my parents can’t afford it. So, I can’t go to Cintron’s School for the Genetically Enhanced, the best school known to man. Pretty much all of my friends have stopped coming to Blackthorn and joined Cintron, leaving me to befriend the mice and spiders. Oh how I want to go with them. The only thing that lets me get a glimpse of the better life is the yearly tour to Cintron. Stark white walls, polished tile floors and floor to ceiling windows that… “Julianabeth, get moving! We’ve got a lot of ground to cover today.” My teacher, Mrs. Schick, screams at me.

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“Sorry.” I mumble to no one in particular.

I walk slowly through Cintron, admiring everything and peeking through the doors at the students hunched over their papers. We go through the usual tour, ooh-ing and aah-ing, until we have to circle back to the front of the school. “Ok, everyone,” our peppy tour guide, Ms. Cinpell says, “We at Cintron are so glad to have you and hope to see you next year! Now if we could just see Julianabeth Lincardous for a second. Come here sweetie.” She smiles sweetly at me and motions me over. “If you’ll come with me, we would like to talk to you.” We? Who is this “we” and why do they want to talk to me? I go through the things I might have done wrong. I drank from their water fountain. Maybe I wasn’t supposed to. Or maybe it was when I closed an open locker. I don’t think I slammed it too hard, although it did make quite the racket. I contemplate all this as I follow Ms. Cinpell down a long hallway, and through a large door with the name Mr. Kindor in shiny brass. I walk in to a large man sitting in a leather chair. I sit in the nearest chair, and try to stay calm. “Julianabeth? Name is Mr. Kindor, and I am in charge of the transfers of student to Cintron. You have shown great promise in your studies. We would very much like if you would come study with us at Cintron. We are even willing to give you a scholarship.” I gape at him. This was what I’ve always wanted. “YES!” I practically shout, “I’ll take the scholarship. When can I start?” Mr. Kindor chuckles. “You may start as soon as you have had the shot.” Mrs. Schick’s Classes, May 2011

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I guess I look kind of confused, because he goes on.

“The shot will inject SHADNA into you. It only hurts a little and works within 3 hours.” I am still kind of stunned, so all I can do is nod my head. Ms. Cinpell takes me by the arm and leads me out of the room, down another hallway and into a room that reminds me of a doctor’s office. She steps out for a moment and returns with a nurse who holds a rather large needle. “Now, sweetie, if you could hold out your left arm and try not to scream that would be great,” the nurse says, and with that she stabs me with the needle. Pain shoots up my arm and I feel as though my fingers are on fire. It slowly spreads around my abdomen and down my legs and other arm. Then, all at once, it’s gone. “Just lie down for a little while and let it kick in. Then we’ll run some tests and see what the gene does for you. That way, we can place you in the proper classes,” the nurse says. I lie down on a bed that pops out of the wall and close my eyes. The nurse and Ms. Cinpell leave and I am all alone in the room. For a while I dose off, but it feels like I had lots of coffee and so I lie there and count the tiles on the ceiling. When I get to the 472nd tile, the door opens and light pours in. “That should do it, honey,” the nurse exclaims. For the next hour she pokes and prods me and gives me all sorts of weird tests. When I finish the last test she prints out the results and reads them aloud.

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“To whomever it may concern: The following tests have shown that your

special ability is mind reading and telekinesis. This means you are able to read the thoughts of others and move objects with your mind. Please use your new power responsibly. Sincerely, The Staff from Cintron.”

The nurse

prints out another sheet of paper with me schedule on it. “You’ll have History, Biology, English, Geometry, Telekinesis 101, Mind Reading 101 and either Telekinesis Art or Telekinesis Industrial Woods. Whichever you choose will show up on the main computer when you enter the class. Now, you can go home and tell your parents. Try out your new talents and I’ll see you tomorrow,” the nurse tells me. I feel like I am flying. I float through the halls of my new school, I float down the street, and I float right to my house where my parents are waiting for me. I reach for the handle, but stop myself. I try to see if I can hear my parents’ thoughts. My mom thinks “I wish Julianabeth would come home soon. Now where are my herbs? A little of this. A little of that.” I can read minds! I decide to also try my telekinesis. I think really hard, concentrating on the door knob. I slowly get a grip on it until I turn it and pop the door open. I close the door behind me, and walk into the kitchen. “Hi mom. You’ll never guess what happened to me.” “What happened to you sweetie? Nothing bad, I hope.” “No, it’s good. I…” I looked at my mother’s face. I could tell she had been working a double shift at the factory again. She looked so worn out and tired that I didn’t want to bother her with my big news. “I got an A on my last History test.” Mrs. Schick’s Classes, May 2011

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“That’s nice, honey. Now go wash up for dinner.”

“You know, I’m not really hungry. I’m just going to go to bed.” “Ok sweetie. Good night.” I walk to my room and close the door behind me. I try really hard to fall asleep, but can’t. I decide to play with modeling clay using my telekinesis. I really don’t know when I dosed off, but I guess I did. Now I sluggishly walk to school. When I get there, I talk out my schedule and try to figure out where my classes are. I go to history, English, mind reading 101, geometry, telekinesis 101, biology, and then I find myself in telekinesis art. The odd thing is, some of the older kids aren’t even working on art. They are doing homework. I decide to read their minds, but I come up with nothing. I look at some of the younger, newer kids and their heads are full to the brim. While I contemplate this, I see Mr. Kindor peek his head through the door and look around. He sees me and smiles. I decide this would be as good a time as ever to read his mind. I come up with disturbing results. “She is a fine specimen and will be very good for our defense squad during the revolt.” That’s really creepy, but what’s creepier is that he is staring at me with a fake smile plastered on his face. When he leaves, I again try the older kids. This time I can faintly hear them say “The revolt is coming. The revolt is coming.” This scares me because on the news, there have been robberies at arsenals. Many people thought it was nothing and we shouldn’t be worried. But with the facts I now have, its seems as though Cintron is just a ploy to get ableMrs. Schick’s Classes, May 2011

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bodied kids to join a revolt. And they don’t even know about it. The world is

no longer safe. I try to stay calm for the rest of class, and then I bolt out the door. I realize as I am running down the street that no one will believe me if I tell them. I have to hide. I have to go somewhere safe. As I am thinking about where to go, a space shuttle rolls over head. That’s it. I’ll go to Exmodus, the earth in another galaxy.

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The Courageous Hero by Kathleen R. It was a typical day in New York City. There were busy people rushing down the sidewalks, nearly running into other pedestrians, and swarms of cars creating non-stop traffic. When it happened, no one saw it coming--that is, except the psychic sitting in an idling car, stopped at the intersection. She knew she could not say anything about what was bound to happen next, for fear of exposing superhuman abilities to the human race. She remained sitting in her car until it was time. Felix had begun to cross the same street the psychic was stopped at. He had no idea what was happening when the psychic shot her big red truck into drive and ran him over. The big red truck smashing against flesh made the loudest, most unnerving crash. Sparks flew and tires squealed. Every car at the intersection was banging on their horns until, in a split second, the car engines ceased. The world stopped spinning. Clocks stopped ticking. The world was frozen. Of course, the psychic did this on purpose, due to ritual and the way the unknown world works, and the world would soon be returned to normal, minus the fact that this psychic would lose her powers and would pass them on to Felix, the innocent man who was just mauled by a psychic driving a big red truck. Although it was unknown to Felix, this was his destiny. Felix will survive, but might be a little banged-up. The car crash was only an illusion to ordinary human beings. For psychics, this is a time to celebrate. This is how psychics pass along their powers from one generation to the next. The old psychic knew her time on Earth was running out. She gave her powers to Felix. He would save Earth from disasters and become the world’s next hero. Felix woke to find himself in the hospital on 5th avenue. He woke with a broken arm and severe bruising. The doctors told him he was lucky to survive the crash with only a concussion and a broken arm. The very day he woke from his concussion, he had a visitor. This surprised Felix because he didn’t really have any family or friends. The person that came to visit him was a woman, about his age, with auburn hair and blue eyes like a waterfall. Felix found out from her that her name was Liza and she was a psychic, as was he. He didn’t believe her when she had told him about his new powers. At least not until Liza

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Cloning and Superpower Stories Magazine came to the hospital the next day and brought him his favorite beverage, an iced mocha from Starbucks. He had seen this in a vision. After about a week, Felix is let out of the hospital to go back and stay in his apartment. He lives in an old, four-story brick apartment building. He has lived here all his life. He used to live there with his parents but they abandoned him when he was only thirteen. He decided he was old enough to live by himself, so that’s what he did. As he lay in his bed, he had a vision of a terrible tsunami. He saw it crashing against the shores on the east coast and flooding all the way to the west. When he woke from his vision, he had thought it to be only a bad dream, but he never remembered falling asleep. He called Liza for help, not telling her what the vision was, and she said psychics never have dreams and that any vision he had would happened within the next two weeks. He instantly shot into a state of panic. He called Liza back and explained his vision. This was going to be his first mission involving psychic abilities. Felix was taking no chances. After talking to Liza, he immediately ran to the press and told them that he was a psychic and that he had a vision of a devastating tsunami hitting America. By doing so, he was invading rule #1 of psychic abilities, “Do not ever expose psychics to non-psychics.” But he thought his crisis was a bit more important than being cautious of the rules. The press just laughed at him. A round man with gray hair had said, “Why don’t you just go cry to Mommy!” The others had laughed at this comment, but not Felix. “I would if I could,” he mumbled mostly to himself. Felix was thinking of his mother now, how proud she would have been of him for speaking up. Oh how he missed his mother! He tried to not let it go to his head. Felix knew this was serious business. He returned home, devastated, after a long, unsuccessful day. How was he ever going to convince all of America that there was a tsunami coming in less than two weeks and that everyone had to evacuate from the east and move west? He went to bed feeling crushed. The next morning, Felix went out to grab the paper, and sure enough, there was an article about some lunatic who thought he was a psychic and wanted to save the country from a tsunami. The President must have seen the article too because the President was about to call. Although the phone hadn’t rung yet, Felix knew it was going to. He walked over to the phone, just as it rang, and caught it on the first ring. “Hello?” he asked. “Hello, this is President Barack Obama. May I speak to Felix Rumbleton?”

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Cloning and Superpower Stories Magazine “This is he.” Felix could barely spit out the words. Was he really talking to the president? “I was informed by my people that you thought there would be a tsunami in our country soon.” Felix noticed how he left out the part about psychics. “That is true Mr. President.” Felix said, “I do have faith in my visions.” “I had my weather people look into it, and they see a tsunami building up in the Atlantic Ocean,” said the President. “I would just like to praise you for your courage and for putting yourself out there. I know letting others laugh at you isn’t easy. It was what the country needed. You brought the tsunami to my attention. I, otherwise, would not have noticed it.” “Thank you, Sir.” “No, thank you, Felix.” He couldn’t believe the President was thanking him! “I will be sending out a live broadcast later today to get the people in the east to move far into the west. “I would start packing your things, Felix. Thank you again for your help. If you ever need anything, just call.” “Yes, sir. Goodbye now Mr. President.” “Goodbye, Felix.” Felix felt like he could really relax now, except that he had to pack his things and move west along with the rest of the east coast. Felix was never exceptionally strong, or athletic, or even active, but he was now a hero. He took action and sacrificed his feelings for the country. You don’t need to be super-anything to be a hero, you only need courage. That is how Felix became one of America’s many heroes. He saved lives that day. Many of them. Not a single person lost their life due to damages from the tsunami. The President succeeded at safely moving everyone west. The country was able to prepare its self to avoid any devastating deaths caused by the tsunami. The only bad outcome was cleaning up after the tsunami. Felix had seen the future correctly and saved the country from devastation. Like Felix thought, it stretched all the way to the west. The round man with the gray hair actually searched for Felix so that he could thank him and apologize—but he wasn’t the only one thanking him. Liza also thanked Felix for his courage, even though she was a big help. She told him, “I wasn’t the one who took action and said something. That was all you.”

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Unlucky by Evalyn S. They are coming. The heavy footsteps are just around the corner getting closer and closer. I must get out of here. Quiet as a mouse, I scurry down the hallway, as far away from them as I can. My heart is beating like a drum in my chest, but this drum is playing an executioner’s march. At the end of the hall I see a door. Hoping it will lead outside, I yank it open. To my disappointment, it is just another classroom. The footsteps are even louder, closer. My only choice is this room. The door clicks shut behind me. In the fading light, I see desks, staring the whiteboard in the front of the room. Just as the feeling of being cornered is sinking in, I notice the closet across from me. Hope flares up in my chest. Maybe I’m not doomed after all. Inside the closet are boxes filled with blocks, crayons, and books. The kids who use these don’t know how lucky they are. Their lives are probably normal, with parents, siblings, and school. I have none of those things; I never have. In fact, the only people who know I exist are the two men chasing me. The odds aren’t in my favor, I think, as I hide myself among the boxes, but they never have been. The classroom door creaks open, and my breathing suddenly sounds twenty times louder than normal. The closet door is wrenched open, and a small, sickly young man begins rifling through the boxes on the bottom shelf. “I can’t find her in here either,” the man said. “Unless she hide way up –wait! What was that?”

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He bolts out of the closet only to run into the most terrifying person I’ve ever seen. This man is easily two feet taller than his greasy haired

assistant, and three times as wide. His massive arms give me the impression that he could pick up a rail road tie, put a knot in it, then throw it twenty feet. However, the most disturbing thing about him are his tattoos. Every inch of him is covered in horrible, gruesome pictures, each one more terrible than the last. “You fool,” he bellows. “Could you not tell that was me? How many times do I need to tell you, it’s not a she; it’s not even a person. Clones aren’t people! Get that into your head!” “What I don’t understand, ssssir,” the other man stutters, “is why we even bother finding this one at all. So one clone escapes, even if she--it tells, who would believe it?” The voice that answers is eerily calm, “Because she can prove it. All that has to be done is a blood test and they find a direct match to someone who died fifteen years ago. Then, the government finds out something is up and everyone involved goes to jail for the rest of their lives. You don’t want that do you?” My legs are starting to cramp from being up here so long, but I know that if I move now they will hear me for sure. The smaller man is apologizing and groveling. “But why did this one get away?” he is now asking. “I thought the clones weren’t supposed to have control of their own minds. I was told that they would be like remote control cars, only the controller is someone else’s mind.” Mrs. Schick’s Classes, May 2011

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The tattooed man takes his time before replying, “That was what was

supposed to happen. It worked out fine for the other 4,999 of them. But this one got messed up. For some reason it has control of its mind, and who knows what it plans to do. That is why we have to hunt it down, and kill it.” I cannot breathe. The men have left the room but what they said hangs in the air, chocking me. I knew they would kill me if they found me, but hearing them say it shocked me. Hearing their conversation, however, did give me a purpose. Before, my only goal had been to get away and not get caught. Now, I realized that I could stop a catastrophe. I could tell everyone about the plans I overheard: how in several years, when the clones have grown enough, they will be armed and sent to attack several major US cities. I don’t remember which ones, but I remember the people involved in the project being called terrorists. If I could warn people, thousands of lives could be saved. But first, that involves leaving this room and finding someone to tell, someone who will listen. Slowly, I climb down from the closet. It seems as though I have been up there for hours, though it was only a couple of minutes. I quietly open the door and peak out of the classroom. There is no one in sight, so I begin tip toeing down the hall. I am almost around the corner when I hear the scratch of a door opening. Partway down the hall, a door opens and my worst nightmare walks out. The first thing he sees is me. “IT’S HERE,” screams the tattooed man. I hear them start to run, but I already am. I clear the hall and turn a corner faster than I thought possible. On the inside I curse myself for choosing to hide in a building with no people and that I know nothing about. On the outside, all I can do is run. Then I see the red exit sign above the Mrs. Schick’s Classes, May 2011

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door at the end of the hall. My lungs are bursting and my legs burn, but I have to make it out of here. Once I’m outside someone might hear me

scream. The door gets closer and closer until I finally run into it. It doesn’t open. I try again, shoving it with all my strength. Locked. I desperately glance around looking for alternate escape routes. But there are none. No doors line the hall, and no windows line the walls. I hear the heavy foot steps. They will be around the corner any minute. Everything I had planned vanishes. A single tear slips down my cheek. There will be no escape now. They are coming.

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Tommy to the Rescue by “Mommy, Mommy read me a bed time story,” Exclaimed Tommy. The little boy with chocolate brown hair and dazzling aqua-marine eyes scampered into his room, and got ready bed, then picked out the story that he wanted to be read to him. A few minutes after, Tommy’s mom came into his room, and said, “Okay Tommy what story did you pick out for tonight?” Then Tommy whipped out a book from behind him with a big grin on his face and said, “My favorite book Mommy--Intergalactic Super hero's.” And he got snuggled in his rocket deep ocean blue rocket ship bed and got ready for the story that was going to come. Tommy’s mom opened the book. Then Tommy closed his eyes, and listened to his favorite story. As soon as Tommy’s mother opened the book and started to read it, the pages came to life, and Tommy was inside the story. 3...2...1... liftoff. All of the sudden Tommy and a group of his favorite super heros including Super Birdie -- that has the ability to fly, flew above the clouds and were off to fight their greatest nemesis Dr. Schingflydoom. He was planing on putting a bomb on the Planet Mars to get to the middle of the planet where the galaxies largest supplies of emeralds are buried. His plan to detonate the bomb would be at twelve O‘ clock sharp, midnight. So the super hero’s and Tommy new what they had to do. Their plan was to find Dr. Schingflydoom, and stop him from planting the bomb that would release to him all of the Mrs. Schick’s Classes, May 2011

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priceless gems and also as normal save the day. It was a long travel to Mars but well worth it if it meant that they would save the planet and all of the emeralds and stop Dr. Schingflydoom in his tracks. When they all reached Mars they landed in Emerald City in search of the the evil Dr. Schingflydoom he was already awaiting the super heros arrival. and already had the detonator in his hand and ready to push it with the touch of a finger. When Tommy saw this he leaped into action. He flew toward his with such force that Tommy nocked the device right out of his hand and onto the

ground. Where it was now fair game. Then all of the sudden Tommy grabbed the device off of the ground and disabled it before it would blow up Mars and uncover all of the precious emeralds inside of the big red planet. “And the super hero Tommy saved the day again. The end!” Read Tommy’s mother, closed the book, and then turned out Tommy’s light and closed the door, so that her little super hero could get some rest.

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Patient 1 by Ryan G April 6, 2026 This will be the first of many of my audio journals on my experiments. Who ever may be listening to this must know about the 50 meteors that have crashed in every state in North America. This will be my first attempt at experimenting on human subjects with the liquid that was in one of the meteors. I will be injecting the liquid in the center wrist. I must say that I am very excited to see how this liquid will affect the subject. This experiment is extremely my idea; do not let the government take credit for my work. For security purposes I will not reveal my location. This will be the end to my first audio journal. April 7, 2026 Testing. Testing. I am preparing to start my experiment. The test subject seems stable and ready to inject, after triple checking that everything is in the right place and sterile it seems that it is time to inject the subject. I apologize; this will be a very short journal entry today. The next journal will be me explaining how patient 1 reacts.

April 8, 2026 I am happy to state that the experiment was a success. The injection was flawless and the test subject is already showing results. There are some Mrs. Schick’s Classes, May 2011

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symptoms though, patient 1 seems to be showing signs of a fever and it

looks like increased muscle mass. This does not worry me though; I will be the most powerful man in the world. End of audio journal 3.

April 9, 2026 Patient 1 is now conscious; I have moved him to his room where he can be safe and stable. I am feeding him a lot but he doesn’t seem interested in eating at the moment. I have also tried speaking to him but he doesn’t seem to comprehend what I am saying to him. He is still showing signs of the same symptoms but his wrist seems to be swelling up. This will conclude the end of my 4th audio journal.

April 10, 2026 Something strange has happened. It seems that patient 1 has somehow made a hole in the tray I put his food in. I asked him how he could of done this but all he did was glare at me. He has also seemed to grow two times more muscular then he was before I injected him. This makes me think I should reinforce his room door a little more just to be safe. I will no longer update this journal everyday. I will only record when something of significance has happened.

April 11, 2026

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I feel as if I should introduce this subject. His name is Andrew Ryan and he his from New York. He was originally 5”8 and weighed 185 lbs, after

measuring and weighing him again he is now 6”3 and 192 lbs. He has neither wife nor kids and worked in a simple farm. He is no longer showing symptoms of a fever and has stopped growing in muscle mass. This will conclude my 6th audio journal.

April 13th 2026 Our friend Andrew spoke to me! He asked, “Where am I?” which isn’t much but it shows that he also has symptoms of amnesia. I asked him how he was feeling but he seemed to ignore me so I just left him. Also, he seems to be eating now which is excellent. This is turning out much better then my other colleagues failed attempts at this. I have no more things to state so I am ending this journal.

April 20th 2026 It seems that Andrew has developed some sort of power. I was walking into his room to give him his hourly inspection when I saw him floating in the air! At first I was terrified but then I was awed. How could such a man levitate with just a simple injection? It is beyond anything I have ever studied and seen. I have although, increased the security of his room so he doesn’t try to escape.

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April 30th 2026

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I am getting a little bit suspicious with the test subject. Every time I go to his room he gives me a angry glare, I don’t know what this means but I am not taking any risks. I also know now that he can shoot a strange beam out of his eyes. This is probably the reason why the tray in journal 5 had a hole in it. Sometimes I wonder if he is going to try to kill me--I hope not.

May 2, 2026 Patient 1 is unstable. On May 1st I was trying to take his temperature and record data on his abilities when he just went berserk. He first tried to shoot his strange beam at me but nearly missed my head, he also has signs of super strength which means he could break through my security door any time he wants too. I am packing all of my things except my audio journals in hope that some day someone will find these and share my genius with the world. I managed too inject him with a liquid that makes him go unconscious, this however, will only last 48 hours which I have time to run. He’s not going to catch me!

May 4th, 2026 My name is Andrew Ryan and to whoever is listening to this; this man who experimented on me is not telling the full story. Shortly after the meteors crashed near my farm I remember being knocked unconscious by a shadowy figure. I do not know how I know this but the lab he took me to is located at the coordinates 37°14'36.52"N, 115°48'41.16"W. Looking through his Mrs. Schick’s Classes, May 2011

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laboratory I have found some strange things. It seems that this man has had many failed experiments; many involving robotics, body alteration and he even experimented on little kids. I don’t know why my experiment was a success but it seems to have given me many things. I can shoot a strange

beam out of my eyes, I seem to have super strength, can fly, and any place I can see in my head I can teleport too, which is useful. I don’t really remember what my farm used to look like but I do know one thing, this scientist is a mad man and a murderer he needs to be stopped. To who ever is listening to this, spread the word about his lab and tell the media I have a few things to say to the scientist.

I am Patient One I will not forgive you I will never forget you Expect me.

Mrs. Schick’s Classes, May 2011

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Dreamer Girl by Katharine W. Gwendolyn shuddered awake from her nightmare, profusely sweating beneath her bed sheets. She could still see spots of orange and red flickering in her eyesight, still feel the heat licking off her skin. The dream was no normal dream. It was too genuine, too real. She kicked away the damp cloth and disdainfully dragged herself out of bed. She shuffled along her dusty hardwood floor, trying to distinguish anything that would lead her to her bathroom. As she entered it, she made her way to the sink. While Gwen splashed cold water on to her face, she attempted to calm her nerves. Gwen continued to mutter “Just a dream, just a dream, just a dream,” under her ragged, uneven breath even though she knew there was no truth in those lies. Her dream started to come back to her in flashes: a boy, a fire, hallways, collapsing walls, and most importantly, the address. 774 Cornwallis Street. She looked at her watch, and sucked in her breath. Soon, very soon, thought Gwen nervously. She shakily walked out the door carrying only necessities — a map, a flashlight, and a first aid kit. She ran as fast as her legs could carry her until her house was out of sight. She couldn’t afford her parents finding out about her disappearance. Gwen took out her map, trying to navigate her way. “Seven Seventy Four Cornwallis Street” muttered Gwen under her breath. She ran toward her destination but suddenly stopped in front of the building and gaped in shock. The burgundy bricks that made up the walls of the structure were already engulfed in flames. The orange and red waves licked the building like candy, crumbling the walls like they were cookies. The heat was radiating off of the brick structure making it hard for Gwen to breathe. Gwen coughed a bit and stumbled through the front door, into the burning building. As Gwen stumbled through the front door, she was momentarily blinded by the heat and light emitted from the intense fire. She recovered quickly and navigated her way around hallways. The air was heavy and dark from the remnants of the charred walls. The thick smoke clouded her vision and teared up her eyes, making it hard to make out shapes in the distance. The building was starting to slowly collapse inward from the loss of support. Time

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Cloning and Superpower Stories Magazine was ticking, and she couldn’t afford to waste anymore of it. Gwen ran harder than ever, trying to listen to any cries of people in the fire. THUMP! Gwen was knocked out of balance and hit the ground. “Ouch,” she growled, rubbing her forehead. “What was that for?” she demanded as she looked up, trying to see person who crashed into her. The cross feeling diminished as she realized the boy that crashed into her was carrying a few unconscious people, and he himself having quite a few cuts and burns. She quickly helped him get up and aided him in carrying the injured. “Are there more people?” Gwen asked the boy. “No—more,” breathed the boy in-between coughs. Gwendolyn painfully dragged the victims and the boy onto the safety of the grass, a distance away from the charred building. In a swift movement, she took out her first-aid kit and skillfully treated the wounded. Gwen scrunched her eyebrows in concern and concentration as she attended to the cuts and burns. She sighed back in relief as she finished nursing the last of the wounded. From a distance, she and the boy watched the school burn to the ground. After a while, the once fair-looking building had become scorched rubble and dust. Gwen lowered her head in regret, knowing she could have done so much more to save that place. But she felt relieved that there were no severe casualties. She took a good look at the boy next to her. He had tousled brown hair, and olive skin that was covered in bandages used to heal the burns and cuts. He looked undeniably familiar. Suddenly, the strange boy turned his head to meet his eyes with hers. She blinked and registered his looks and his deep emerald eyes. Without warning, Gwen abruptly remembered the familiar face. He was Jace, the boy in her dreams. After a brief silence the boy chuckled and said “You look like you’ve seen a ghost.” “You’re the boy,” stated Gwen in awe. “So I am a boy,” he replied sarcastically. He grinned then grimaced and winced in pain from the effort. “I’m Jace, and who are you?” Jace questioned while raising his eyebrows. “I’m Gwendolyn,” she acknowledged. “I know I just met you and I don’t mean to be nosy, but how’d you know about the fire?” Jace pointed to a small brick house on the other side of the road and said, “I live right across the street, so I could see the fire from there, but how’d you figure out about the fire?” “I dream,” murmured Gwen.

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Cloning and Superpower Stories Magazine Jace looked back with a quizzical look on his face. Gwen sighed and lowered her head as she remembered the past. “When I was about three, my parents were chosen to be the participants of a secret genetic test. Scientists from around the world finally created a superhuman gene that would allow me to have – well, superpowers. At first, they planned to give me the ability to see in the future. I was supposedly strapped on to a table with IV’s stuck into my skin, but in the middle of the experiment, everything went wrong. My heart rate was pumping at an abnormally high level and my blood pressure was too high; it became unsafe to proceed. The doctors told my parents that continuing the experiment was no longer possible. So while only a tiny amount of ‘gene’ was in my body, the IV’s were taken out.” Jace stared at her with confused eyes. “Then, how can you see the future now? I mean, you basically didn’t have the gene injected in you.” Gwen groaned and retorted, “Even I’m confused with that. I’ve only been having strange dreams for a few days and every time I have the dreams of the future, they feel too real— like I’m actually there. I want the dreams to stop though. Every time, I have one, I can’t get a good night sleep and I feel guilty if I don’t help people in trouble.” She slumped her shoulders and heaved a big sigh. Jace glanced at the ground awkwardly, “I think it’s special. You’re like a hero, saving people in need.” Gwen looked at Jace thoughtfully and contemplated. They sat in silence a little more, gazing at the remnants of the building that once stood. Suddenly, Jace jumped up and grumbled “I’ve got to go now. My family doesn’t know where I am.” “That’s okay,” said Gwen. “I’ll see you in the future, dreamer girl. I promise,” laughed Jace with a smirk. Gwen grinned back and waved goodbye to Jace. She lay on the grass, turned to look at the people she saved and smiled as she remembered how Jace put it. “I’m Gwendolyn, the dreamer girl.”

Mrs. Schick’s Classes, May 2011

Cloning and Superpower Stories Magazine

The Cloned by Carla H. It was still dark when I awoke. I could hear whispers outside the locked doors, but they were too faint to make out. I had never been allowed outside of our room, but the nurse told us that behind the doors was where the doctors planned. She wouldn’t tell me what they planned for.

I lay back down on the cool metal bunk. Ever since I had been there it had been cold. I was cocooned in my thin, cotton blanket shivering madly. I stared out into the black, seeing nothing. Thoughts danced through my mind, most were questions; things like: How did I get here? Why am I here? When will I leave? Things would come fast, but like the flicker of a light, they would vanish. I do not know for sure what they are, thoughts and perhaps memories. Nothing seemed to stay, and no explanation fit quite right.

*** At 9 A.M. Mary went in to give the clones their breakfast, like usual. The office was quiet and the waiting room was calm. The back laboratory was hushed with the decisions of the night’s past. Everything was in its normal place. Dr. Stemus was just setting everything up. Nancy from the front desk brought in his client. He shook her hand and ensured her she would be Mrs. Schick’s Classes, May 2011

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completely safe through out the whole process. Then the doctor took her into a room off of the back lab. “How long will I be out did you say?” She asked while fixing the stray pieces of her blonde hair behind her ear. “Usually about 3 or 4 days, the surgery is quite new you see, so we have more kinks to work out before it can be complete. We are not as efficient right now as we hope we can someday be.” Dr. Stemus said. “Oh yes I understand.” The lady mumbled. “Is there anything else before you are sedated?” He asked patiently. The women rolled up her sleeve, revealing a fake, mechanical arm. She touched it, her fingers lingered on it for a moment, and then she looked up and faintly smiled. “No.” *** It was after our third feeding and I was lying on my bunk dozily. It

seemed like I might drift into a dream, but I couldn’t think of things to dream of. All of a sudden, the door opened and the nurse slipped in. “Macy?” She called flashing a smile. At first I just sat there, and then I remembered that was my name. My hand rose to my chest. “Hi there!” How are you?” She practically cheered. She walked over and stood right in front of me. Mrs. Schick’s Classes, May 2011

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“How…” I was confused.

“I am…fine. Fine.” Why would she ask that? “That’s good, because I have a special job for you!” *** I woke up in a cold room. I didn’t recognize the room. Sitting up, everything flowed back. I was getting my surgery, was it over? I looked down at my still incapable arm. Not yet. There must have been a problem with the sedation. I shrugged off the counter and found the nearest door. I must find Dr. Stemus… *** “I have a special job for you, miss.” The nurse repeated. “Oh, is that why I am here? This…here…wherever…” I muttered. For a second I thought I saw her expression become panicked; but then again maybe I had imagined it because after that she led me in fullexcitement. We walked through the door she always came through with the food. I felt weird and nervous as I realized I never left the other room before this. We got through a hallway and into a room with lots of different shapes, more bunks, sinks, and rolling chairs. I thought it was familiar but I couldn’t remember. “Sit down Macy. Wait with me for the doctor.” The nurse said. I got up onto the bunk and looked around the room. It seemed fascinating, to see so many different things that weren’t in the other room.

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“What happens in this room? Do people live here?” I asked. My brain was rushing, trains of thoughts all starting and then getting thrown off track.

“Never mind that. Would you like something to drink?” The nurse asked, she was over at the sink now. “Oh, I am not thirsty.” I replied. The nurse came over with a glass full of a reddish liquid I’d never seen before. “But I think you’ll like this.” She smiled and brought the drink toward me. “No, no thank you…” She was shoving it in my face now. “STOP!” I refused as she tried to open my mouth and force it down my throat. I ran as quickly as I could for the door. My hands turned the knob and I started sprinting down the hall. She was grabbing at me, calling my name. “Come on now, its going to help you!” The now not-so-nice nurse hollered at me. Down the hallway I could see someone, just faintly. I picked up my speed, maybe I could get help. “I’m being attacked!” I shrieked. The silhouette started to become clearer and clearer, it was a women. She had long blonde hair. It was actually about my length. Blue eyes…the smallest gap still left between the front teeth. The scar across her forehead from falling off a bike when she was 7. All imperfections usually concealed Mrs. Schick’s Classes, May 2011

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with makeup revealed. Maybe I was confused, maybe I had ran into a mirror. I raised my hand, and I could touch her hand--my hand. We were the same. “What have I done?” She whispered.

Mrs. Schick’s Classes, May 2011

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