Architecture Portfolio

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Nazgol Tayefeh Parchiloo

Architect 20 May 1997 I Karaj, Iran

Baderstr. 24 17489 Greifswald, Germany

+49 176 420 53836


A young architect born in 1997. Master degree holder of Architecture from Wismar University of Applied Science. Studied Bachelor of Architecture at Pars university of Art & Architecture.

Academic Qualifications

Wismar University of Applied Science - Sep. 2020 / Juli. 2022

Master degree in Architecture GPA 1.8

Pars University of Art & Architecture - 2014 / 2019

Bachelor degree in Architecture GPA 1.4 17 Shahrivar Art school - 2012 / 2014

Diploma degree in Architecture Drawing GPA 1.2


Interested in finding new perspectives to look at any object. A DGNB specialist trying to have a sustainable today, for a better tomorrow.

Specialized in architectural design and development of new design solutions. Currently working at Planungs gesellchaft für Haus- u. Stadterneuerung mbH in Greifswald as a junior Architect, participating in several BIM projects in phases of 1 to 5.

Work Experiences

PHS mbH - Greifswald - since January 2021/ now - Architect assistant - BIM modeller - Interior designer - Detail developer - Designer for Architecture Competitions

Yoga Gym rat!

Reading about art & philosophy

Damselfly 3D design Studio - Karaj - 2017 / 2019 - 3D modeller - Animator - Architectural designer

- Allplan high Professional Proficiency - Adobe Photoshop high Professional Proficiency - Adobe InDesign high Professional Proficiency - Adobe After Effects good Operative Knowledge - Autodesk Autocad high Professional Proficiency - Autodesk 3Ds Max high Professional Proficiency Tehran Institure of Technology Certificate - Revit good Operative Knowledge - Rhino good Operative Knowledge - Microsoft Office high Professional Proficiency - Learning new softwares never poses a problem!

Languages Qualifications

Persian native speaker

English professional proficiency German Professional working proficiency

- DGNB registered Professional - Best prize of “3rd International Conference on Management, Accounting and Knowledge-based Economy”for publishing the article titled “Studying the Effective Factors on the Degree of Private Sector’s

Participation with Karaj Municipality”

- University of Tehran certification for essay and thesis writing

Soft Skills

- Able to keep the work-life balance!

- Responsible for the deadlines - Independent in problem solving - Excellent communication and teamwork

- Capable of acquiring knowledge and master new tasks and skills

Main Software


NYC - Waterfront Transformation

Urban transformation

Brooklyn - New York city


UnseKinder - New Building for Children and Youth camp

Kindergarten and Daycare center


Master Thesis - Low-cost housing through prefabricated construction

Residential Greifswald


NYC - Waterfront Transformation

Urban transformation

Brooklyn - New York city

Hochschule Wismar I Master’s 2nd semester design project

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Beate Niemann, Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Matthias Ludwig

Location: Brooklyn, New York, USA

Software: Autocad, Sketchup, Photoshop

The project aimed to expand public access to the Waterfront for all New Yorkers and visitors, enliven the location with a range of attractive uses, support economic development activities, and improve water quality through measures that benefit natural habitats:

Considering these main goals, my teammate Omar Kikhia and I, decided to de sign this location as a gathering point for all New Yorkers and visitors. The site, with its critical location near the Brooklyn Bridge, with a dramatic view of Manhattan, inspired us to design it as a pleasant space for visitors. An area all about art, music, sport, and of course life, for those who favor living in this lively atmosphere.

The site is divided into three main zones: Active Zone, Green Zone, And Residential Zone. The Active Zone is mainly an attraction point for art and sport. The activities in the Active Zone are a small port for touristic ships, a skate board field, a floating amphitheater, and an exhibition space for local artists. The residential zones are two high-rise buildings on the north and south of the site, and condense blocks on the middle and south sides.

The residential area is the home of this project. Where life goes on inside the modular units. The design is humble enough to prepare a friendly atmosphere for all types of people. Every block has its courtyard, in which different activities like children’s playground, open-air gym, and Local shops take place.

The spatial distribution is de signed based on a modular grid on the whole site. The grids are oriented based on the natuar orientation of the site.

The whole site is divided into 3 main zones, Active Zone, Green Zone, and the Residential Zone. The Green Zone functions also as a noise barrier against the public area.

The Dam bridge protects the whole site from the seasonal flood. it also functions as a connector for all four piers.

The whole site is connected to gether with an active line. It includes a pedestrian, tram and also a bikway. Most activities like Cafes and restaurants are around this line.

Pedestran and bike lanes

The Public zone is designed to serve the whole New York and visitors as an art and sport gathering space.

The four piers function as a port, sport field, amphitheater, and exhi bition space for the local artists. The amphitheater has a floating stage on the water with a dramatic background of Manhattan to host the big concerts. High-rises are located in areas that would not shade to avoid frost in win ter.

The dam bridge keeps the whole site safe from flood and high sea levels.

Active Zone Green Zone Residential Zone Port Sport Fields Amphitheater Dam bridge Exhibition High-rise High-rise Parking Eco Park Residential Active Line Residential

UnseKinder - New Building for Children and Youth camp

Kindergarten and Daycare center


Hochschule Wismar I Master’s 3rd semester design project

Prof. Dipl. Ing. Martin Wollensak

Location: Stralsund, Germany

Software: Allplan, Photoshop, Indesign

As part of the school development planning of the Hanseatic City of Stralsund, unseKinder gGmbH is planned to construct a new children’s and a youth camp on the site of a former prefabricated building on the edge of the “housing estate. The planning aimed to implement a future-oriented and sustainable teaching and learning concept.

The area had challenges like a high crime rate, drug addicts, and conservative people in the neighborhood. Therefore, the basic concept in this design is to take the safety of the children into account while making the complex welcoming to more activities and events for the neighbors.

As a result, an extra zone is introduced in this complex as the ‘Gathering Zone’, which includes spaces like an amphitheater, event room, shared kitchen, etc.

The form in this project is based on three main boxes, in which all three basic zones are splited while functioning altogether. The cross-shaped floors sew these three boxes together, in some areas, where sunlight could not enter properly. Thus the courtyards are formed.

To control the dangers of the surrounding, the entrances are limited via greenery on the site. More lighting in the dark hours is also considered.

Residential Mass
Path 5 min. Walk Circle Main access roads Greenary Main building orientation, based on benefiting best from the sunlight 3 main zones located in 3 different boxes 3 boxes are slided beside each other for more sunlight gain The spaces without sunlight are resolved with courtyards inbetween the rooms.

Master Thesis - Low-cost housing through prefabricated construction

Residential Greifswald

Hochschule Wismar I Master Thesis

Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Matthias Ludwig, Prof. Dipl. Ing. Martin Wollensak

Location: Greifswald , Germany

Software: Allplan, Photoshop, Indesign

The fast-growing population in cities is not only a problem dedicated to one or two leading countries. The high demand for housing on the one side, and the low pace of construction on the other side are issues that need to be solved. An urge to build more sustainable is also a crucial aspect in need of being considered.

Building in modular forms which could be prefabricated in factories and built on the lo cation was a solution since industrial evolution. This method, while providing suitable grounds for the modern life demands, made the life quality considerably less. People had to leave their spacious villas in the countryside with full access to the green nature and live in tiny flats. These flats offered no variety to their users and could hardly be modified or adjusted. As a result, more people long to own a second or third house for when they want to reconnect with that life quality, which causes unsustainability in the case of land and spatial quantity.

Considering all the mentioned causes and effects, offering a better version of prefabricated housing will provide the desired life quality. Apart from the general benefits of modular building such as:

• Affordability

• Reduction of construction time due to prefabrication process

• And the possibility to be built in different locations

This modified version offers:

• The possibility to be extended based on the site location

• The possibility to be adjusted by clients taste through different platforms (Apps, Websites)

• Covering different life types (Families, Singles, Shared houses…)

• Sustainability

• Modified quality of materials

• And functional use of space

In summary, this project is a modified version of an old solution.

The idea is to provide cost and area efficient housing for different types of peo ple. The modules are designed for single person, friends’ communities, pairs, families, and families with kids.

There are 3 types of housing units in this design in total: a single unit, a 2-room unit, and a 3-room unit.

According to the researches, the dimension of every unit is based on 5 meters in 5 meters module to reach the easy transport and montaging.

The buildings are divided into Family Zone and student Zone. To avoid generation gap problems like noises.

There are two Gathering rooms on the ground floor with facilities like a public kitchen. These Gathering rooms are to bring more social and public life to the area. The main orientation of the blocks is east-west and the windows are located on the south side to benefit from the sunlight. The two blocks are connected together with a concrete floor on the north side.

As shown on the master plan, the building blocks are located on the east and west side of the site. The middle part of the site is dedicated to public usages like parking, shopping and local markets.

The local markets are located right by the pedestrian axis which connects all three site parts together, which is a perfect location for pedestrians to visit the local shops.

All the main accesses to the building have a bicycle parking right at the beginning, making easier for the residents to park their bicycle close to the block they live in.

Right at the corner of the Gathering rooms there are seating from wood and a simple membrane tensile structure, making the atmosphere more friendly for public use.

The privacy of the people who live on the ground floor is provided by a line of 1.5 meters high bushes on the window side.

In order to maintain the sustainability goals, the flat roofs are covered with photovoltaic panels to generate a part of the needed electricity for households and the shopping center.

1 Room Flat 2 Room Flat 3 Room Flat
Gathering Room Gathering RoomConnecting Floor Staircase Staircase Building 2 (Student Area) Building 1 (Family Area)

Considering area efficiency as one of the aspects of sus tainability, the area dedicated to each space in this design is the most efficient, yet standard. The materials and interior design follow the minimalism style, that makes it sufficient for daily human lifes and reduces the building costs.

5.70 m² Bathroom Installation wall Bathroom 5.12 m² Bathroom 4.09 m² 5.96 m² Kitchen/ Dining Floor 2.74 m² 2.80 m² SleepingLiving 6.30 m² 10.86 m²Floor Living Floor 3.47 m² Living Living Kitchen/ Dining Floor Bathroom Room II Sleeping Closet Bathroom Room Flur Studying/ Dining Cooking Living 7.89 m² 8.90 m² Room 11.74 m² Room II 5.15 m² Floor Cooking/ Dining 9.36 m² Living Floor Stairs Room III Floor 5.6 30 30 5.37 1.01 35 1.01 2.45 30 30 10.2 30 1.01 54 30 60 2.4 10 1.9 3.45 10 2.43 10 3.91 2.22 1.01 22 1.01 84 30 5.6 30 5.0 30 30 23 2.5 2.28 30 5.6 30 10.0 30 5.6 30 47 2.5 1.27 1.01 1.26 2.5 98 30 30 2.43 1.01 1.60 1.01 1.69 1.01 1.24 30 30 5.0 30 10.6 1.2

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