Salon Furniture Catalog NG High Res1

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Salon Equipment ISPR 891

Salon Furniture

When you want to move in style

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Nazih Group Nazih Group makes your business dreams come true. We do not only care for our Customers but always support them to grow and improve their business and thus make more profits. Nazih takes pride in providing quality products for all tastes and preferences, which is evident in our successful Customer Relationship Management. As the pioneer in Beauty Industry in the Middle East, the group has showrooms and offices in all the Middle East, which includes Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Al Ain, Fujairah and Ras Al Khaimah (UAE); Jeddah, Riyadh, Al Khaobar and Abha (Saudi Arabia); Qatar, Kuwait, Bahrain, Oman, Yemen, Syria, Egypt, Iran, Libya, Jordan, Iraq and Lebanon. Established in the year 1975, the group offers total solution to Salons and Beauty Parlours along with the supply of Personal care products. “All under one roof for Salons and Beauty ParloursÂť is one of the uniqueness of Nazih. We always view our Customers as business partners. Our great saga of attaining Total Quality in all our operations is evident in our Quality Products and Training, and the Professional After Sales Support. We maintain Quality in each piece of products that we deal with. Because of which each product supplied by Nazih has added value to it. This value addition enables our Customers to become more successful and increase their profit margin.

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‫جمموعة نزيه‬ ‫نحن جمموعة نزيه التجارية ن�ضع �أحالمك بني يديك لأن �سيا�ستنا تقوم على دعم عمالئنا‬ ‫وتعزيز �أعمالهم كي يحققوا ما ي�صبون �إليه‪ .‬كما نفخر بتقدمي وتوفري ت�شكيلة وا�سعة ومتنوعة‬ ‫عالية اجلودة تر�ضي كافة الأذواق‪.‬‬ ‫�إن �شبكة �إنت�شار معار�ضنا ومكاتبنا اخلا�صة واملوزعة يف كافة بلدان ال�شرق الأو�سط والتي‬ ‫ت�شمل دبي‪� ،‬أبو ظبي‪ ،‬العني‪ ،‬الفجرية‪ ،‬ور�أ�س اخليمة (�أ‪.‬ع‪.‬م)‪ ،‬جدة‪ ،‬الريا�ض‪ ،‬اخلرب‪ ،‬و�أبها‬ ‫(ال�سعودية)‪ ،‬قطر‪ ،‬الكويت‪ ،‬البحرين‪ ،‬عمان‪ ،‬اليمن‪� ،‬سوريا‪ ،‬م�صر‪� ،‬إيران‪ ،‬ليبيا‪ ،‬الأردن‪،‬‬ ‫العراق ولبنان والتي ت� ّأ�س�ست �سنة ‪ .1975‬مما يجعلنا ر ّواد وخرباء يف �صناعة التجميل يف‬ ‫ال�شرق الأو�سط حيث نوفر احلل ال�شامل لكافة ال�صالونات ومراكز التجميل �إىل جانب‬ ‫كافة منتجات العناية ال�شخ�صية وهذا كله حتت �سقف واحد خلدمة عمالئنا وهذا ما مييز‬ ‫جمموعة نزيه التجارية‪.‬‬ ‫�إن نظرتنا لعمالئنا نظرة �شراكة للو�صول �إىل العالقة الكاملة يف كافة تعامالتنا وهذا وا�ضح‬ ‫يف املنتجات العالية اجلودة وما نقوم به من خدمات من تدريب ودعم مهني بعد البيع‪.‬‬ ‫�إن حفاظنا على اجلودة يف كل جزء من منتجاتنا ي�ضيفنا وي�ضيف عمالئنا القيمة املطلوبة كي‬ ‫نحقق مع عمالئنا جناح ًا يف متكام ًال‪.‬‬ ‫الإدارة‬


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There are companies, which over the years, don’t look at turnover and profit but work with the hope of leaving a mark. There are companies that copy the products of others without creating their own and while others only look at the numbers propose to everyone. Printing this monograph of history and the story of love for its work pose a challenge. Who in Europe has done more than Maletti in the Beauty Design field. Who continues to innovate and create, Who has truly left a mark, Let’s compare!!! Other than Maletti No one is even near!

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‫على م ّر ال�سنني هناك �شركات ال ُتعري �إهتمام ًا �إىل حجم وقيمة العمل التي تقوم به على �أمل �أن لها �إ�سم ًا‬ ‫يف ال�سوق‪ .‬وهناك �شركات تقوم بتقليد منتجات الغري دون �إبتكار �أو �إبداع منتجات خا�صة بها‪ ،‬بينما تنظر‬ ‫�شركات �أخرى �إىل الأرقام التي يحققها كل �شخ�ص‪� .‬إن ُح ّب العمل هو حافزنا على التحدي وهذا ما حققته‬ ‫ماليتي يف عامل التجميل‪ .‬فمن يحقّ له غري ماليتي �أن يرتك �إ�سم ًا يف عامل الإبداع‪ .‬ال ترتك جما ًال للمقارنة‪.‬‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫‪5‬‬

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ANGELINA Ladies Chair NTC Code: 2060936- 20619037200 H 56 cm P 60 cm L 66 cm. Revolving work chair designed by Matta & Varaschin who are one of the best designers in the world; the structure of the chair is in polyurethane foam padding with metal core & the cover is in eco-leather and aluminum armrests. 6

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A WOMEN DREAM Ladies Chair

NTC Code: 2060955 - 20619030900 Upholstered armchair & framework with soft polyurethane covered with stain-resistant skai (silver, red, white, grey dolomite); designed by R. Lovegrove. The base is round-shaped with polished aluminum.

CAMELIA RECLINABLE CHAIR NTC Code: 2060826 - 20629001600 H 95, 5 cm P 83 cm L 70, 3 cm Tilting and revolving chair with headrest and footrest. The structure is made of metal and foam & the backrest is tilts. The finishing is made of chrome plated & the covering is in vinyl. The designer of the chair is M. Macciocchi.



NTC Code: 2060934 - 20619012300 H 90 cm P 71 cm L 71 cm. Revolving chair designed by Maurizio Macciocchi with metal & foamed structure in addition to the chrome-plated finishing; Coming with or without hydraulic locking pump & the covering is in vinyl. Option: tilting and revolving chair with headrest and footrest which is the Camelia Reclinable. 7

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AZALEA WAITING CHAIR NTC Code: 2060939 20659019200


GARDENIA LADIES CHAIR NTC Code: 2060956 20619029300

H 78 cm P 62, 6 cm L 72 cm Seated waiting chair with metal and foamed armrests & the cover is in fabric or vinyl

H 49, 4 cm P 62,6 cm L 72 cm Revolving chair with metal and foamed unit-type structure & the body is covering with vinyl


G STRIP TEASE Ladies Chair

NTC Code: 2060827 20619043300

H 46 cm P 60 cm L 65 cm Revolving work chair, with interchangeable cover with eco-leather; single piece, aluminum and foam padded structure with eco-leather, entirely removable through zips cover.





NTC Code: 2060829 20619045100 H 85-97 cm P 60 cm L 61 cm Revolving work seat with Polyurethane foam & metal framework armrest padded & covered with vinyl


LOOK LADIES CHAIR NTC Code: 2060991 20619040600 Revolving chair with transparent armrest & flexible foam padding with metal core structure & the cover is in eco-leather

J MARLENE Ladies Chair

NTC Code: 2060932 - 20619014100 Revolving work seat designed by R&D Maletti with black molded backrest back & aluminum armrests; Covered with vinyl. Option: Backrest can be reclinable with the Marlene recl. 8

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K DREAM Gents Chair

L POMPADOUR Ladies Chair

NTC Code: 2060954 - 20619031800

M KATY Ladies Chair

NTC Code: 2060828 - 20619044200

Upholstered reclining chair designed by R. Lovegrove with upholstered framework & soft polyurethane covered with stainresistant leather (silver, red, white, grey dolomite) structure. The base is roundshaped in polished aluminum & the foot is with locking hydraulic pump. The headrest is upholstered & the height is adjustable. The footrest is aluminum with polished finishing.

NTC Code: 2060951 20619033600

H 57,5 cm – P 65 cm - L 57 cm Revolving work chair, padded and covered with eco-leather, capitonné finish (buttons); the back of seat is in metal and foam padded while the seat is in wood and foam padded. The arm rests are in polished aluminium & the covering is in skay. Optional: “Capitonné” finish with diamond shape cut crystals. O


N SIGMA Gents Chair

NTC Code: 2060937 20629009800

Revolving ladies chair with wood or vinyl covering backrest & polished aluminum armrests while the covering is in vinyl.


NTC Code: 2060994 - 20629011300

H 83 cm P 100 cm L 67 cm; Revolving armchair for men designed by R&D Maletti with hydraulic pump, reclining seat and adjustable headrest. The structure is made of metal plate and foamed polyurethane, platform and rear case in aluminum. The armrests are aluminum.

H 97-112 cm P 106-137 cm L 65 cm Tilting and revolving barber chair with black polyurethane & a hydraulic base; with a headrest & footrest finishing & the cover is in vinyl 9

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NTC Code: 2069062 - 20690047800 H 96.5 cm P 117.5 cm L 108 cm Hair washing seat with electrical leg lifting device with internal heating (crystal thermal model) entirely padded and covered with eco-leather, with capitonnĂŠ finish with diamond shape cut crystals. The designer of the wash unit is R&D Maletti. The structure is made of polished stainless steel & the wash column is in white ceramic, height adjustable tail end and with under tail made of corianÂŽ.



NTC Code: 2069042 - 20690002500 Wash basin designed by R. Lovegrove; with upholstered framework & soft polyurethane covered with stainresistant skai (silver, red, white, grey dolomite) seat. The structure is varnished high-density polyurethane supporting framework (silver, red, white, grey dolomite) while the basin is in white or red ceramic with electric height adjustment. 10

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