The Open Bible Bulletin - February 2021

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Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, visit our website or call us closer to the time of each event for further updates and cancellations.

Although our College for a Day is not officially cancelled, it cannot take place as it usually does. Interprovincial restrictions and border closures would prevent many from visiting our campus without having to self-isolate. With this in mind, we want to make the following suggestions. 1. We would invite those in the province of New Brunswick to call us and plan a visit. You are able to visit our campus and room is available for you to stay overnight. 2. For those outside of New Brunswick, we want to encourage you to reach out to us and we will work with you on learning more about our school. A. We would love to get your contact information. B. We could connect you with one of our students. C. We could set up a virtual tour of our campus and even have you join our classes online. If God may be calling you to Bible School, don’t let the current challenges stop you. We believe God wants you to know Him and we think NBBI is a great place to allow that to happen.

Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, events on campus for guests have not been able to be held. If you live in New Brunswick, you can still visit our campus. Please call us and we will be glad to schedule a day for you to be here, meet some of our staff and students and even sit in on some classes. It will just be in a more controlled environment. Email us at or call (506) 375-9000. We’d love to meet you! 4

“He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.” ~ Jim Elliot

New Brunswick Bible Institute 2335 Route 103 Victoria Corner NB Canada E7P 1C7 Phone: (506)375-9000 Fax: (506)375-1800 Website: Email:

Editor................................................. Larry Rushton Writers.............Faculty, Staff, Students & Alumni Typist................................................. Brenda Cabral Layout & design...........................................Larry Rushton Copy proof..............................................Rose Meed Printer.................................................Merritt Press

For weekly updates visit us at

Our Spring Conference will look much different this year. Due to the uncertainty associated with COVID-19, we are opting for a Celebration Saturday followed by our graduation on Sunday afternoon. A special day will be planned (details still to come) for our students with guests invited to attend. We will make accommodations available but space will be very limited. We will provide further information as the date approached.



November 10, 2020 - to Lane (B.Th. ’16) and Tammy Stewart, a son, Grayden Macaiah.

VOL. 62 NO. 2 FEBRUARY 2021

December 11, 2020 - to Andrew and Jill (Dowie ’02) McDade, a daughter, Victory Blayke.



Marjorie (Craven) Dunlop, graduate of 1952 and wife of Robert (Bob) Dunlop (’53), went home to be with her Lord on December 14, 2020. Bob and Marjorie served the Lord in several pastorates and travelled in itinerate ministries encouraging pastors and churches. They also served from 1958 to 1963 on our staff at NBBI. Marjorie has been a tremendous friend to the school and loved by our staff. Please pray for Bob and family.


Give online: Click the Donate Now button. Make a one-time gift or choose the recurring option for automatic monthly support. Give by mail: Send your cheque payable to: New Brunswick Bible Institute 2335 Route 103 Victoria Corner NB E7P 1C7 U.S. Donors: East Hodgdon Bible Church Attn: NBBI Fund PO Box 828 Houlton ME 04730-0828 Give by e-transfer: Send an e-Transfer via the bank of your choice to For additional options: Call us toll-free at 1-800-771-NBBI (6224).

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After much prayer and careful consideration we have decided to cancel our remaining teen retreat in March. We came to this conclusion because restrictions are still tight, our border is still closed and we are unable to have guests staying overnight. We have been holding off making this decision in hopes that restrictions would lighten but unfortunately they have not. We love having teens on our campus and we regret that this decision needs to be made. We are trusting the Lord that this virus will soon be behind us so that our ministries can resume. Please pray with us that this will happen.



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ollege for a

BY ROBERT BOOKER Eternal Love While it is true that we have many close relationships and we are sincere in caring for people and do many acts of kindness, and even though we sacrifice unselfishly when we see one another’s needs, we cannot come close to the everlasting, amazing love of God. Psalm 33 is speaking of creation and the fact that God spoke everything into existence, and therefore praise be to God. In the middle of the Psalm (v. 8) it states, “Let all the earth fear the Lord: let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of Him.” In Bible times, the word “awe” was used to describe a person traveling along and seeing something amazing, then stopping their journey to view it. How awesome is our God when we think of His eternal love! The apostle John expressed his heart for God this way: “Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God: ... .” (1 John 3:1a). First of all, this eternal love was expressed by God at creation. Again, in Psalm 33, the writer states his joy and

praise to God (vs. 1-3) and that God loves righteousness and truth, and is good to us (vs. 4,5). He created us for fellowship and communion and He saw that everything “was good” (Genesis 1:10,12,18,21,25). What great provision He made for Adam and Eve in the garden! Eternal love! Secondly, everlasting love from God is seen in redemption. “But God commendeth (exhibited) His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8). We are needy sinners who cannot, in ourselves, satisfy the holy God. So God, in His love, provided a Substitute (Jesus) who, because of His love, willingly paid the price for my sin (Romans 6:23). The good news is whoever believes and calls upon God to receive this payment is cleansed from sin and is at peace with God and looks forward to eternity in Heaven. This brings us to our third point. God’s eternal love is seen in our eternal future. John 3:16 connects God’s love for all with His provision for everlasting life. Imagine with me the expanse of God’s love which caused Him to not only provide salvation for us, but also to secure a heavenly home forever and ever. The apostle Paul assures us our eternity is “sealed” and guaranteed (Ephesians 1:13-

14). The letter of First Peter was written to suffering, scattered Jews and for encouragement to them, he assured them their future was eternal and “reserved in heaven for you, ...” (1 Peter 1:3-4). These troubling, difficult and strange days need not cause the Christ-follower to despair. The everlasting love of the Father is graciously expressed in creation, salvation, and Heaven. As we stand in awe of God, we can agree with John, “...what (great) kind of love the Father has given us...”.


God’s Purpose Our Passion Established 1944 2 Timothy 2:15


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Don’t Miss First Base! Did you know that the word “first” is used over 400 times in the Bible. Not many in this current “me first” culture would have a problem with that. Matthew 6:33 says, “Seek ye first (italics mine) the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things will be added unto you.” Proverbs 3:5-6 adds, “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him (italics mine), and he shall direct thy paths.” Bobby Bowden was one of the greatest football coaches in college history. He coached the Florida State Seminoles football team from 1976-2009. On top of being a first-class coach, he was also one of the most outstanding Christian coaches in any sport the world over. Coach Bowden used to tell his players of one of his own most embarrassing blunders. He

recounts how he played college baseball, and he had never hit a home run before. The day came and Bowden hit a fastball deep down the right-field line, into the corner. As he is approaching first, his eyes are on the ball rolling around in the corner. He rounds second and is heading for third base running as fast as he can. The crowd is cheering and Bowden gets the wave from his third base coach to take it home. He slid into home plate to the cheers of the crowd. He had finally hit his first home run and he couldn’t be more excited. His teammates were giving him high fives and the roar of the crowd continued. Then the pitcher from the other team threw the ball over to the first baseman who stepped on the bag. In the baseball world, this is the other team’s way of challenging the play. The umpire called him out. In his excitement he had failed to touch first base. Bowden, who was recounting the story said, “If you

don’t take care of first base, it doesn’t matter what you do after that.” If you don’t honour the Lord first, it doesn’t matter what else you do. Bowden said, “Football is what God gave me to witness.” He went on to say, “I thank Him for that. … I would tell other coaches, don’t make football your life. God is No. 1.” Oswald Chambers added, “It must be God first, God second, and God third.” Every day when you wake up, I believe God wants you to take care of “first base”. If you don’t, then nothing else that you do after that will really matter. Start each day with a short prayer like this: “Lord, in this day, I want You to be first from start to finish”. Once you have stated it in a heartfelt way, then God will help make it a reality through the indwelling power of the Holy Spirit (John 16:13).


BY ERIC WIGGIN, GRAD OF 1961 Back row (left to right): Ronello Knightly, Don Pickel (as a native of Auca), Bill Gallant Sr., ??, David Beal, Eric Wiggin, Ervin Smith

This photo was taken in the old chapel, in the basement of the men’s dorm (later known as B Dorm and Faith Hall) in the spring of 1959....The play was based on the martyrdom of Jim Elliot and four 2

other men in Ecuador in 1956. Our speaking parts were very brief since the story was carried by narration. I can’t remember all the names and several of their faces are hidden but I’ll try to identify them.

Front row (left to right): Carroll Hill (as Jim Elliot), Raymie Lloyd, Enid Howes, Leah Somers French, Nancy Beal, Donna Ryan (as Elisabeth Elliot) These identifications are as close as Eric could get. If you are named here and not in the photo, not named here and should be, or received the wrong name, we apologize.

This school year has been unlike anything I have ever experienced during my four years attending NBBI. As one of the 4th year interns at the school, I had many expectations that have since been squashed. Coming into the year, a large part of my role at the school would have been traveling to promote the school. This was, and is, something that I am very passionate about. However, because of COVID-19 and all the changing rules and regulations, that is no longer an option. That being said, I have had the great honour and opportunity of pouring into the lives of the students on campus this year. My good friend and co-worker, Jed Grant, has been working with me throughout the year, and despite COVID it has been a fantastic semester. It has been a real blessing being able to focus on the students and student body activities. Had I been on the road the whole year, I would not have been able to form the meaningful relationships that I have over this semester. I have also been encouraged by

Although the year has been very enjoyable, it has not been without challenges and struggles. The hardest part about this year for me is the constant changing of rules from the government. I’m not intending to be critical but the truth of the matter is that the way of life on campus seems to change relatively often, and that has been a challenge for sure. That being said, the Lord has been teaching me a great deal - this year specifically - about contentment. I am learning, day by day, that I need to be fully dependent on and content in the person of Christ. Regardless of COVID or whatever other challenges, I can have joy in every circumstance when I am seeking the Lord and my contentment is found in Him alone. Here are some passages of Scripture that have encouraged me: Philippians 4:10-13; John 15:1-11. ~ Austin Davis Being an ABM student during COVID-19 has been a rollercoaster ride. It has been filled with unexpected challenges and changes. Yet, throughout these changes and challenges, God has been teaching me so much! This year, Austin and I were supposed to be busy promoting rather than being on campus as much, but the pandemic has sure changed that. I’ve been blessed with the opportunity to stay in the dorm and build relation-

VacationVision with a

Are you looking for a way to serve the Lord this summer? Plan on being a part of our Vacation with a Vision program. Every year, we are blessed by many of our supporters who come and get involved in helping us with various projects around campus. It is a great time of fellowship, we enjoy good food, and much work is accomplished for God’s glory. Come be a part of what God is doing at NBBI.

~ Jed Grant


Middle row (left to right): Marie Colwell, Classie Hobbs, Arlene McKibben, ??, Cathy McTavish Hill, Norma Starrett, ?? (hidden), Joanna Doughty, Rolla Taylor VanderVeen, Gertrude McFarlane, Phil Webster (narrator)

1959 cast, Through Gates of Splendor

the attitudes of the students here this year. They have been absolutely great. Despite COVID rules and the constant changing and adjusting, they have had grace towards each other and the staff. The community and bonds amongst the students are very strong and have made for a great start to the year.

ships with the guys. I’ve been blessed to use my struggles as a student and as a young man to encourage students going through the same difficulties. I’ve been blessed by seeing how God has matured and worked in the lives of the guys in the dorm. One lesson God has been teaching me recently is to be faithful and diligent in preparing for the future. God has been teaching me not to idly wait for what He has for me in the future, but to have a plan to serve Him now. That plan of mine will change as I sense the leading of the Spirit to talk, visit, or call a guy to check up on him. I’m to be diligent and intentional with the time God has given me now. God might not reveal His will for my life for the next five years but through Scripture I can know of many ways I can and am to be serving my Lord.

Dates: Week 1 ~ June 27-July 2, 2021 Week 2 ~ July 4- July 9, 2021

by the end of 2021? You can help us make that happen.

Projects: Our main project will be the renovation of the top floor of Liberty Hall (Ladies’ Dormitory). The middle floor has been completed and looks amazing. We want to keep the momentum going and complete the renovation of all the rooms. Wouldn’t it be great to have the inside of that building completely done

Financial Goal: Our goal is to raise $60,000 to complete the work. We have come so far in providing a new space for our female students at a fraction of what a new dorm would have cost. Help us get one step closer to bringing this project to a conclusion. 3

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