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MARCH 2023 - Please Pray...

1 2 3 4 that students would be receptive & attentive to God’s Word that 4 year th students would sense God’s leading after graduation for safety as students leave campus for March Break for wisdom for our Board of Directors

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 for Mike Grant ministering in Fosterville, NB for the ongoing financial needs of the school for Keith (faculty) & Beth (Dean of Women) McMahon for Edward (Maintenance) & Mciaela Craig for Rose Meed (Secretary) for David (IT) & Mary (Food Services) Meed for Al & Brenda (Secretary to the President) Cabral

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 that our students would be good ambassadors for Christ during their Mach break students return to campus today, pray for safety as they travel for Danny & Lorna Robins (Business Office) for Larry (Registrar) & Jean Rushton for Matthew (President) & Dodi (Librarian) Little for Tim (Food Services) & Jenn Leubner for David (Faculty) & Betty Doherty

Mike (Faculty) & Tilly (Music) Grant 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 that NBBI would remain faithful to God’s Word for retired staff: the Hoags, the Bookers, the Matthews for retired staff: the Wiggins, the Harolds, Eldeana Dunlop that God would continue to raise up workers from our student body for Mike Grant ministering in LaCrete, Alberta (24 -26 ) th th for increased enrolment for the `23-`24 school year 26 27 28 29 30 31 for retired staff Gladys Kerr, Carol Peterson as plans are being made for Spring Conference & Graduation for students writing exams today that funds would come in for Vacation With A Vision for our retreat speaker, Chris Timm for safety as many will be traveling to campus for our 2 retreat nd

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