2012-2013 FREDERICK DOUGLASS MOOT COURT COMPETITION LETTER OF GOOD FINANCIAL STANDING This form must be uploaded with your registration form at the time of submission. Please copy and paste to official school letterhead.
[DATE] To Whom It May Concern: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT [NAME] is a dues paying member of the BLSA chapter at [SCHOOL NAME] for the 2012-13 academic year and is currently in good financial standing. THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT [NAME] [WAS]/[WAS NOT] a dues paying member of the BLSA chapter at [SCHOOL NAME] for the 2011-2012 academic year. Sincerely, [NAME] [BLSA POSITION] [SCHOOL] [CONACT EMAIL] FOR OFFICE USE ONLY
Date: _____________________________ National Director Approval: ____________________________