Waiver Form

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2012-2013 FREDERICK DOUGLASS MOOT COURT COMPETITION REQUEST FOR ONE YEAR PARTICIPATION WAIVER FORM Please submit all forms by e-mail to mootcourt@nblsa.org To apply for a waiver, send the completed Waiver form via email along with both letters of good standing (one from the local BLSA chapter and one from the affiliated school’s administration) two weeks prior to Registration, for each team member requesting a waiver. Please see the official competition rules for further details. DATE: _____________________________________________________________________________ NAME: _____________________________________________________________________________ LAW SCHOOL: _____________________________________________________________________ YEAR IN LAW SCHOOL: ____________________________________________________________

2012-2013 BLSA MEMBER: ____ YES ____ NO (If yes, please provide proof of membership (i.e. a letter of good standing from your BLSA President), if NO, you will not be granted consideration for a waiver)

REASON FOR NOT FULFILLING THE ONE-YEAR PARTICIPATION REQUIREMENT (Provide as much detail as you deem necessary. Please note that the granting of a waiver is not automatic and as such, each applicant must provide a reasonable explanation for their lack of BLSA participation in the previous year):

______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

______________________________________________________________________________ FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Waiver Granted: ________ Yes ________ No Date: _____________________________ National Director Approval: ____________________________

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