Changes to be made to the MWBLSA Bylaws: Substantive Changes- adding of positions/states, changes of titles and duties
Art. II o Sec. 1: ADD Minnesota and Nebraska to the States listed. Also, ADD Nebraska to Sub-Region 4. o Sec. 2: ADD as Sub-Para F. “Each Chapter must transition to its new Executive Board by April 1st.” Art. III o Sec. 2: ADD Nebraska to Sub region 4 Art. IV o Sec. 1: Sub-Para A and C, change “Director of Education” to “Director of Education and Career Development.” Change “Director of Career Development” to “Director of Alumni Affairs and Development” Sub-Para A and C, ADD Historian Sub-Para A and C, Change Editor-in-Chief of the “Midwest Law Journal” to “MWBLSA Law Journal” and “Executive Director” to “Chief of Staff.” Art. V o Sec 2: Duties of Appointed Officers Sub-Para “K.” change to “D.,” Change title to “Regional Director of Education and Career Development. Sub sec c. “MWBLSA” to “the Region” ADD new sub sec f: “Serve on the Job fair Committee;” ADD new sub sec g: “Assist the Job Fair Coordinator with creating career related workshops and finding a variety of presenters to reflect various legal careers for the annual Regional Job Fair;” ADD new sub sec h: “Assist with developing workshops for the Academic Retreat focusing on career oriented workshops for 2L’s and 3L’s;” ADD new sub sec i: “Produce a career development newsletter each semester with job postings for law students ” ADD new sub sec j: “Develop a career focused workshop to be conducting during the Regional Convention” Old sub sec “f” to “k”. “the Midwest Region” to “the Region”
Sub-Para “O” change to “H”, change title to “Director of Alumni Affairs and Development” *NEW sub sec b: “Strengthen the communication and relationships between Alumnus of the Region and the Region” *NEW sub sec c: Develop and maintain and Advisory Committee consisting of Past Regional Chairs to assist with the interworking’s of the Region” *NEW sub sec d: “Create specified events as directed by the Chair as it relates to developing and maintain Alumni relationships” *NEW sub sec e: “Develop a workshop Alumni to be conducted at the Regional Convention” Sub sec f. “the Midwest Region” to “the Region” Sub-Para “U” change to “N,” change title to “Chief of Staff” Sub sec a. “MWBLSA” to “the Region’s” ADD as new sub sec “b” : “Oversee standing committees as designated by the Chair and Vice-Chair” ADD as new sub sec “c” : “Assist the Vice-Chair with contract review related to the Job Fair, Academic Retreat, and Regional Convention.” Old Sub sec “b” to “d”, change “the Midwest Region” to “the Region” Correct old sub sec “c” to “e” and old sub sec “d” to “f”
Technical Changes- grammatical changes, uniformity, and readability
Art. III o Sec. 3: Change “the Midwest Region” to “the Region” in sub-paragraph A. Art. IV o Sec. 2: In Sub-Para A and B, change “Persons” to “Any person” for grammar purposes and continuity. Art. V o Sec 1: Duties of Elected Officers Sub-Para A., Sub sec a. “Midwest Regional” to “the Region’s” Sub sec k. “the Midwest Region” to “the Region” Sub-Para B., Sub sec f. “the Midwest Region” to “the Region”
Sub-Para C., Sub sec f. “the Midwest Region” to “the Region” Sub-Para D., Sub sec m. “the Midwest Region” to “the Region” Sub-Para E., Sub sec a. “ the Midwest Regional” to “the Region’s” Sub sec e. “the Midwest Region” to “the Region” Sub-Para F., Sub sec a. “the Midwest Regional” to “the Region’s” Sub sec e. “the Midwest Region” to “the Region” Sub-Para G., Sub sec f. “the Midwest Region” to “the Region” Sub-Para H., Sub sec e. “the Midwest Region” to “the Region” Sub-Para I., Sub sec b. “Mid-West BLSA” to “the Region’s” Sub sec g. “Mid-West BLSA” and “the Midwest Region” to “the Region” Sub sec i. “the Midwest Region” to “the Region” Sub-Para J., Sub sec g. “the Midwest Region” to “the Region”
o Sec 2: Duties of Appointed Officers Sub-Para A., Sub sec g. “the Midwest Region” to “the Region” Sub-Para B., Sub sec c. “MWBLSA” to “the Region” Sub sec f. “the Midwest Region” to “the Region” Sub-Para C., Sub sec g. “the Midwest Region” to “the Region” Sub-Para “L.” change to “E,” Sub sec b, REMOVE the word “Midwest” in the phrase “Midwest Regional Convention” Sub sec f. “the Midwest Region” to “the Region” Sub-Para “M.” change to “F,” Sub sec a. REMOVE the word “Midwest” in the phrase “Midwest Regional Job Fair” Sub sec j. “the Midwest Region” to “the Region” Sub-Para “N” change to “G”., Sub sec h. “the Midwest Region” to “the Region” Sub-Para “P” change to “I,” REMOVE sub section “e.” in its entirety
Sub sec f. “the Midwest Region” to “the Region” Sub-Para “Q” change to “J,” Sub sec i. “the Midwest Region” to “the Region” Sub sec e. “the Midwest Region” to “the Region” Sub-Para “R” change to “K”., Sub sec h. “the Midwest Region” to “the Region” Sub-Para “S” change to “L,” Sub sec a. “Midwest Regional” to “the Region’s” Sub sec b. REMOVE the word “Midwest” in the phrase “Midwest Regional” Sub sec d. “the Midwest Region” to “the Region” Sub-Para “T” change to “M,” Sub sec a. “Midwest Regional” to “the Region’s” Sub sec b. REMOVE the word “Midwest” in the phrase “Midwest Regional” Sub sec c. “the Midwest Region” to “the Region” Sub-Para “V” change to “O”., Sub sec d. “the Midwest Region” to “the Region” REMOVE Sub-Para “W”
Art, VII o Section 1 Sub-Para B, REMOVE the word “Midwest” from the phrase “Midwest Regional Director”. Change “Midwest Convention” to “Regional Convention” Art, IX o Section 2 Sub-Para E, REMOVE word Midwest Art, X o Sub-Para B, REMOVE the word “Midwest” in the phrase “Midwest Regional Convention”
Changes to be made to the MWBLSA Constitution:
Art. III, o Sec. 1: Add Nebraska and change the order so that it is alphabetical.
Art. IV, o Sec. 2: Change “Executive Director” to “Chief of Staff” in Sub paragraph N.