Changes to MWBLSA

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Changes to be made to the MWBLSA Bylaws: Substantive Changes- adding of positions/states, changes of titles and duties 

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Art. II o Sec. 1: ADD Minnesota and Nebraska to the States listed. Also, ADD Nebraska to Sub-Region 4. o Sec. 2: ADD as Sub-Para F. “Each Chapter must transition to its new Executive Board by April 1st.” Art. III o Sec. 2: ADD Nebraska to Sub region 4 Art. IV o Sec. 1:  Sub-Para A and C, change “Director of Education” to “Director of Education and Career Development.” Change “Director of Career Development” to “Director of Alumni Affairs and Development”  Sub-Para A and C, ADD Historian  Sub-Para A and C, Change Editor-in-Chief of the “Midwest Law Journal” to “MWBLSA Law Journal” and “Executive Director” to “Chief of Staff.” Art. V o Sec 2: Duties of Appointed Officers  Sub-Para “K.” change to “D.,” Change title to “Regional Director of Education and Career Development.  Sub sec c. “MWBLSA” to “the Region”  ADD new sub sec f: “Serve on the Job fair Committee;”  ADD new sub sec g: “Assist the Job Fair Coordinator with creating career related workshops and finding a variety of presenters to reflect various legal careers for the annual Regional Job Fair;”  ADD new sub sec h: “Assist with developing workshops for the Academic Retreat focusing on career oriented workshops for 2L’s and 3L’s;”  ADD new sub sec i: “Produce a career development newsletter each semester with job postings for law students ”  ADD new sub sec j: “Develop a career focused workshop to be conducting during the Regional Convention”  Old sub sec “f” to “k”. “the Midwest Region” to “the Region”

Sub-Para “O” change to “H”, change title to “Director of Alumni Affairs and Development”  *NEW sub sec b: “Strengthen the communication and relationships between Alumnus of the Region and the Region”  *NEW sub sec c: Develop and maintain and Advisory Committee consisting of Past Regional Chairs to assist with the interworking’s of the Region”  *NEW sub sec d: “Create specified events as directed by the Chair as it relates to developing and maintain Alumni relationships”  *NEW sub sec e: “Develop a workshop Alumni to be conducted at the Regional Convention”  Sub sec f. “the Midwest Region” to “the Region” Sub-Para “U” change to “N,” change title to “Chief of Staff”  Sub sec a. “MWBLSA” to “the Region’s”  ADD as new sub sec “b” : “Oversee standing committees as designated by the Chair and Vice-Chair”  ADD as new sub sec “c” : “Assist the Vice-Chair with contract review related to the Job Fair, Academic Retreat, and Regional Convention.”  Old Sub sec “b” to “d”, change “the Midwest Region” to “the Region”  Correct old sub sec “c” to “e” and old sub sec “d” to “f”

Technical Changes- grammatical changes, uniformity, and readability  

Art. III o Sec. 3: Change “the Midwest Region” to “the Region” in sub-paragraph A. Art. IV o Sec. 2: In Sub-Para A and B, change “Persons” to “Any person” for grammar purposes and continuity. Art. V o Sec 1: Duties of Elected Officers  Sub-Para A.,  Sub sec a. “Midwest Regional” to “the Region’s”  Sub sec k. “the Midwest Region” to “the Region”  Sub-Para B., Sub sec f. “the Midwest Region” to “the Region”

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Sub-Para C., Sub sec f. “the Midwest Region” to “the Region” Sub-Para D., Sub sec m. “the Midwest Region” to “the Region” Sub-Para E.,  Sub sec a. “ the Midwest Regional” to “the Region’s”  Sub sec e. “the Midwest Region” to “the Region” Sub-Para F.,  Sub sec a. “the Midwest Regional” to “the Region’s”  Sub sec e. “the Midwest Region” to “the Region” Sub-Para G., Sub sec f. “the Midwest Region” to “the Region” Sub-Para H., Sub sec e. “the Midwest Region” to “the Region” Sub-Para I.,  Sub sec b. “Mid-West BLSA” to “the Region’s”  Sub sec g. “Mid-West BLSA” and “the Midwest Region” to “the Region”  Sub sec i. “the Midwest Region” to “the Region” Sub-Para J., Sub sec g. “the Midwest Region” to “the Region”

o Sec 2: Duties of Appointed Officers  Sub-Para A., Sub sec g. “the Midwest Region” to “the Region”  Sub-Para B.,  Sub sec c. “MWBLSA” to “the Region”  Sub sec f. “the Midwest Region” to “the Region”  Sub-Para C., Sub sec g. “the Midwest Region” to “the Region”  Sub-Para “L.” change to “E,”  Sub sec b, REMOVE the word “Midwest” in the phrase “Midwest Regional Convention”  Sub sec f. “the Midwest Region” to “the Region”  Sub-Para “M.” change to “F,”  Sub sec a. REMOVE the word “Midwest” in the phrase “Midwest Regional Job Fair”  Sub sec j. “the Midwest Region” to “the Region”  Sub-Para “N” change to “G”., Sub sec h. “the Midwest Region” to “the Region”  Sub-Para “P” change to “I,”  REMOVE sub section “e.” in its entirety

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 Sub sec f. “the Midwest Region” to “the Region” Sub-Para “Q” change to “J,”  Sub sec i. “the Midwest Region” to “the Region”  Sub sec e. “the Midwest Region” to “the Region” Sub-Para “R” change to “K”., Sub sec h. “the Midwest Region” to “the Region” Sub-Para “S” change to “L,”  Sub sec a. “Midwest Regional” to “the Region’s”  Sub sec b. REMOVE the word “Midwest” in the phrase “Midwest Regional”  Sub sec d. “the Midwest Region” to “the Region” Sub-Para “T” change to “M,”  Sub sec a. “Midwest Regional” to “the Region’s”  Sub sec b. REMOVE the word “Midwest” in the phrase “Midwest Regional”  Sub sec c. “the Midwest Region” to “the Region” Sub-Para “V” change to “O”., Sub sec d. “the Midwest Region” to “the Region” REMOVE Sub-Para “W”

Art, VII o Section 1  Sub-Para B, REMOVE the word “Midwest” from the phrase “Midwest Regional Director”. Change “Midwest Convention” to “Regional Convention” Art, IX o Section 2  Sub-Para E, REMOVE word Midwest Art, X o Sub-Para B, REMOVE the word “Midwest” in the phrase “Midwest Regional Convention”

Changes to be made to the MWBLSA Constitution: 

Art. III, o Sec. 1: Add Nebraska and change the order so that it is alphabetical.

Art. IV, o Sec. 2: Change “Executive Director” to “Chief of Staff” in Sub paragraph N.

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