Chapter Grant Program Grading Rubric The Annual Budget for the Chapter Grant Program is $3,000 per year. A maximum of $1,500 will be granted each semester. A chapter may request a max of $250 for the months of October, November, January, February, and March. Chapter grant requests are approved by the Chapter Grant Committee-an ad hoc committee composed of the National Chair, the National Director of Programming, the National Director of Membership and the National Treasurer. A proposed event must be in line with the national objectives for the 2013-2014 year or found in the NBLSA Constitution and Bylaws. Objectives can include but are not limited to: Environmental Justice, International Trafficking, HIV/AIDS Awareness in the Black Community, Equity in the Criminal Justice System, Institutional Representation (voters rights), Education and Professional Development, Promoting the Profession (pre-law programming). The Chapter Grants will be selected based on the implementation this year's National Theme "Road to 50: An Evolving Legacy" and how this program will benefit law students, the legal profession, and the community. Applications may be submitted on a rolling basis, but must be submitted at least 30 days in advance of the proposed event. The Chapter Grant Committee shall review Chapter Grant Applications at least twice per month and render a decision on each submitted application within two weeks of receipt. The Chapter Grant Committee reserves discretion in selecting how many times one chapter can receive a chapter grant per calendar year.
Grading Rubric:1 N/A (0 points)
Poor (0 points)
(1 point)
(2 points)
(3 points)
(4 points)
Commitment to Evolving the Legacy Program Alignment with National Initiatives Benefit of Proposed Program to the Legal Profession and/or Black Community
Other (reserved for outstanding Chapter contributions to NBLSA, including regional and national efforts).
Grand Total: _____________ 1
This grading rubric was created in October 2012, amended in April 2013. The annual budget, as well as semester and monthly maximum requests were amended in August 2013. This grading rubric will be used for all Chapter Grant selections going forward in the 2013-2014 term. Chapter Grant candidates are graded solely on the submitted application.