Chapter of the Year Rubric Please find included in this guide the Chapter of the Year (COY) Scoring Formula and Rubric. Every region will use this national rubric and application and each chapter will be graded on a numeric scale and can receive up to a total of 260 points to obtain a raw score. This raw score will be your final score. It is critical that chapters submit a master sign in sheet with the names of all members in their chapter and the events that they attended to determine the participation score. Participation is worth 30 points. There are three parts to the process of becoming Chapter of the Year: 1. The Application 2. The Scrapbook and Event Documentation 3. The Interview This year, three Chapter of the Year Awards will be disseminated. Chapters will be categorized as “Large,” “Medium,” or “Small” based on membership. (Large=41+ members, Medium=20-40 members, Small=Less than 20 members) Members are those people who have paid NBLSA dues for the 2013-2014 year. A chapter in each category will receive a Chapter of the Year Award, so your chapter will only be competing against chapters of comparable size. Please read the COY Scoring Rubric carefully and in its entirety prior to the start of the academic school year. Each part contains vital information. If you have any questions, please contact Shantrice Anderson, National Director of Community Service at SCORING RUBRIC 35 pts-SOCIOPOLITICAL AWARENESS • National Attorney General Activities (15 pts)* o CBC Weekend (3 pts) o Hill and Government Day (2 pts) o Other Activities (10 pts) • Chapter/Regional-sponsored Social Action Activities (20 pts) The following participation criteria for overall Sociopolitical Awareness MUST be met: Large Chapters: at least 3 activities Medium Chapters: at least 2 activities Small Chapters: at least 1 activity *As an alternative to the National AG events, chapters may also earn points in this area if they have events in their communities that are closely related to the events that the AG has organized. Chapters must submit proposals for such events to the National Director of Community Service in advance and obtain approval from the Community Service Committee for the event to earn COY points. 60 pts-COMMUNITY SERVICE • National Community Service Initiatives (30 pts)*
o Youth Empowerment (5 pts) o Prison Reform & Prisoner Rehabilitation (5 pts) o Human Rights Awareness (5 pts) o Road to 50: An Evolving Legacy (5 pts) o MLK Day of Service (2 pts) o Founder’s Day of Service (3 pts) o National Convention (5 pts) • Regional Community Service Events (30 pts) Chapters will earn a maximum of 30 pts for participating in regional community service events The following participation criteria for overall community service MUST be met: Large Chapters: at least 8 activities Medium Chapters: at least 5 activities Small Chapters: at least 2 activities *As an alternative to the National Community Service Initiatives, chapters may also earn points in this area if they have events in their communities that are closely tailored the National Initiatives. Chapters must submit proposals for such events to the National Director of Community Service in advance and obtain approval from the Community Service Committee for the event to earn COY points. Few events that were completed between March 2013 and the start of the 2013-2014 academic year can be eligible for COY points, pending approval from the National Director of Community Service and the Community Service Committee. 40 pts-PRE-LAW DIVISION/ALUMNI RELATIONS • Pre-law Programming (25 pts) Large Chapters: at least 3 activities Medium Chapters: at least 2 activities Small Chapters: at least 1 activity • Alumni/Community Participation (15 pts) o Alumni attendance (10 pts)* ** Large Chapters: at least 6 alumni Medium Chapters: at least 4 alumni Small Chapters: at least 2 alumni o Alumni Impact (5 pts)* ** *For alumni participation points to be awarded, the minimum amount of alumni must be present at each chapter’s events. This number represents the cumulative amount of alumni present at the chapter’s total events, NOT the number of alumni present at every chapter event. ** If you are a new chapter without an alumni community, this requirement can be fulfilled by members of local bar associations or practicing attorneys in your community. Please email the National Director of Community Service BEFORE submitting your application to discuss how to meet these minimum requirements. *Alumni Impact points are awarded to chapters who submit a letter from an alumni, as a supplement to the application (see Event Documentation and Presentation section). This letter should be written by a chapter alumni who can speak about the impact NBLSA had on their legal career and/or the successful efforts of the chapter in their respective community. For more information, please contact the National Director of Community Service. ** If you are a new chapter without an alumni community, you may submit a letter from the Dean of your school or the President of a local bar association, outlining your
chapter’s efforts to foster ties with local attorneys and your chapter’s overall recruitment process. 40 pts-EDUCATION AND CAREER DEVELOPMENT • Academic Programming (10 pts) • 1L Support (10 pts) • Professional career Events (10 pts) • BLSA Membership Recruitment (10 pts)* o 1L Recruitment (5pts) o Overall Chapter Recruitment (5pts) *Membership Recruitment will be based on number/percentage of new members 12 pts-REGIONAL PROGRAMMING • Job Fair Participation (3 pts) • Academic Retreat Participation (3 pts) • Competition Participation (3 pts) • Regional and Intraregional Participation (committees, sponsorship, board membership, etc) (3 pts) 12 pts-INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS • NBLSA C.A.R.E.S. International Service Trip (1 pt)* • World AIDS Day (5 pts) • International Law Weekend (1 pt) • International Book Drive (5 pts) *Chapters get credit for their members submitting applications 11pts-INTERVIEW 15pts-EVENT DOCUMENTATION AND PRESENTATION • Event documentation: maintained accurate records (including attendance) (5 pts) • Presentation: Scrapbook (10 pts) 5 pts-SOCIAL EVENTS • Internal relationship development (parties, socials, mixers, dinners) 30pts-PARTICIPATION 260 POINTS TOTAL