2013-2014 Frederick Douglass Moot Court Competition Qualification Requirements
1. Academic Standing: In order to be eligible to compete, competitors must be enrolled in a Juris Doctor or Master of Laws (LLM) program at a law school (or a joint degree program) during the entire academic school year in which they compete. Competitors must also be in good academic standing at the law school they attend during the entire academic year in which they compete. The letter of good academic standing for each team member must be completed by his/her law school dean or registrar’s office on the official letterhead. This letter must be submitted with the registration form, BLSA financial status and community service letter of verification (please see below). 2. Local BLSA Chapter Standing and Community Service Requirements: Each team member must be a national dues paying BLSA member. The letter must be completed by the team member’s BLSA Chapter President, Vice President or Treasurer and shall include that he/she has been a NBLSA member in good standing for at least one academic year prior to entering the competition and the date the participation became an active BLSA member. Transfer students shall contact their previous BLSA Officers for the letter. A first year student’s letters shall state that he/she is a NBLSA member in good standing for his/her tenure in the chapter. Each team member must participate in at least one community service event. Teams must submit a letter of verification for each team member from your Community Service Director or BLSA Chapter President. The letter shall also include that the team member has participated in one (1) community service event. A team’s letters of verification and BLSA financial standing for each team member should be submitted at the time of the registration completion through the registration form. Note: Students who have failed to meet any one of these requirements may submit a waiver at the time of registration or before registration for consideration of exemption. Students who do not submit a waiver will not be eligible to compete.