STEP-BY-STEP GUIDE REGISTERING AND PAYING FOR RENEWED MEMBERSHIP For questions regarding your membership, registration, or paying dues, please contact: your region's Director of Membership, the National Chapters Relation Specialist, or the National Director of Membership all of whose contact information can be found on the following page: Go to: or ->membership->login Your User ID will be your first name followed by your last name in the format listed below. Your password is also listed below (you can change this password after logging in). Type in your Log In Information: User ID: FirstLast Password: nblsa321
1) After typing in your Log In Information, you will need to edit and complete your Member Profile by filling in the following information and clicking SAVE a. Personalized URL b. Password (clicking change will allow you to change your password) c. Email Address (use an email address you frequently check) d. Gender
e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. m.
Title Full Name Birthday Address Phone Number Law School Region Name of Law School Graduation Date Social Media Links
2) After Clicking Save, you will be brought back to the main Profile Home. Here you will be able to view your profile as well as any visible or private information. Click on the icon to add a picture of yourself. You will also be able to view any new events on the CALENDAR. Clicking these events will allow you to register for them. 3) Next, Click on Manage Profile on the right-side tool bar under MY PROFILE.
4) After Clicking on Manage Profile, you will see the following page.
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Edit Bio allows you to change your personal information. Preferences will allow you to manage and change settings regarding NBLSA information sent to your email. Invoices will let you view, print and pay any bills. Event Registrations will allow you to view and print any registrations for NBLSA. Pages allows you to create links to your profile Files & Links allows you to upload files and create links to your profile Messaging allows you to read and manage messages, create message folders, and organize message folders Referrals allows you to track your referral history and send invitations Resume/CV allows you to create your resume and cover letter
Click on Membership, which allows you to view your membership status and view your membership renewal options.
5) After clicking on your Membership, you will see a page that informs you of your current status as well as when current membership will expire. Click on Securely Renew Your Membership Now to pay your dues and renew membership.
6) Before paying your dues, the website will want you to confirm that your profile is updated. Look through these fields and update as necessary. Then click Save Changes. 7) You will now see the Membership Dues page. Click Law Student Members.
NOTE: Membership Dues are $35 for the year. This will change as of 11/1/2013, where a $15 late fee will be added. I recommend paying your dues prior to 11/1/2013. Scroll down the page until you see Billing Information.
Type in your billing address and then scroll to Payment Information. Clicking “Bill Me” or “Check/Money Order” allows the Bill to be sent to you. Clicking “Credit Card” allows you to submit your card information.
NOTE: You will also have the opportunity to donate additional monies after clicking Submit Securely. If you do not wish to donate additional money, unclick “I would like to make an additional donation after submitting this form. � Once you are finished, click Submit Securely. Congratulations, you are now registered and have paid your dues. Please also take the time to explore the other tabs mentioned.