Bylaws for the Mid-Atlantic Region Black Law Students Association
Article I – Officers
Section 1: Qualifications A. All officers of the MABLSA Regional Executive Board shall be Active Members of the MABLSA Region at the time of their election or appointment to office and throughout the tenure of their terms. B. In the case of appointed officer positions, the appointing authority may adopt additional qualifications for the office, if any at all.
Section 2: Election Procedures A. Members seeking election to Regional Offices, before being officially recognized as a candidate, must sign a statement, which includes; 1) the fiduciary duty of Regional Executive Board members of MABLSA; 2) a description of the duties of the particular office; and 3) a pledge to fulfill the purpose of MABLSA pursuant Article II of the Constitution.
Section 3: Duties of Elected Officers A. The Regional Chair shall: 1. Exercise general authority over the business and activities of MABLSA; 2. Coordinate the activities of the Regional Executive Board to ensure implementation of all internal and external tasks; 3. Chair all Regional Executive Board meetings; 4. Present ideas and propose directions for the organization; 5. Preside over the MABLSA Region; 6. Serve as an ex-officio member of all MABLSA committees; 7. Co-sign with the Regional Treasurer, all financial transactions by MABLSA; 1
8. Appoint other staff persons and committees in accordance with Article IV, Section of the Constitution; 9.
Appoint new board members to vacant board positions with the consent of the remaining board members;
10. Disseminate National and Regional information throughout his/her Region; 11. Insure the receipt of funds from the Regional Executive Board and/or other sources in order to finance Regional programs and operations; 12. Organize the annual MABLSA Regional Convention; 13. Perform such other functions and exercise such further duties as the National Chair, the Board, or the Assembly may assign; and 14. Compile a brief synopsis of his/her yearly activities for the NBLSA National Annual Report.
B. The Regional Vice-Chair shall: 1. Perform all duties of the Regional Chair in his/her absence; 2. Serve as an internal manager to the Regional Executive Board and oversee all intra-board relations; 3. Serve as an ex-officio member of all MABLSA committees; 4. Develop and finalize the Regional Executive Board meeting agendas in accordance with the ideas and input of the Regional Chair; 5. Serve as Chair of the Regional Grievance Committee and present periodic reports to the Regional Chair; and 6. Maintain a working relationship with all Presidents of local chapters within MABLSA.
C. The Regional Secretary Shall:
1. Maintain and distribute the minutes and agenda for all meetings of the Regional Executive Board and the Regional Assembly; 2. Develop an operational calendar of Regional events; 3. Disseminate a copy of the Regional calendar to the Chapter Presidents; 4. Maintain adequate distribution of the official NBLSA stationary to all executive board members; 5. Coordinate the Regional Board meetings, including the meeting sites; 6. Collect and maintain the officers’ reports for the Regional Executive Board meetings; and 7. Utilize audio and/or video technology to record plenary sessions at the MABLSA Regional Convention, when financially feasible.
D. The Regional Treasurer Shall: 1. Manage and maintain a balanced budget of all funds, financial instruments and securities of MABLSA and ensure that they are deposited in such facility, and in such a manner, as the Regional Executive Board may designate; 2. Assure that members are reimbursed for approved personal expenses upon proper documentation of the approved expenses and entries are regularly made in the financial records, accounting for all funds received and disbursed by MABLSA; 3.
Submit the financial records of MABLSA to the NBLSA National Treasurer on a monthly basis;
Determine, together with the other Regional officers, the allocation of the MABLSA financial resources to allow for a steady cash flow;
5. Provide financial reports at each Regional Executive Board meeting; Design, implement, and monitor a financial policy related to expenditures and cash flow for the Association with the approval of the Regional Executive Board;
6. Develop an annual Regional Budget and submit it to the Regional Executive Board for approval at the first regularly scheduled Regional Executive Board meeting. Upon approval this budget will be submitted to the National Treasurer. This Regional Budget must include a statement of accounts, statement of unpaid bills with explanation, statement of transfers between accounts, statement of income, detailed account of how all funds were used, detailed account of all anticipated expenses based on future program needs, statement of outstanding monies owed to the organization and other items the Regional Treasurer deems necessary. 7. Attend all Regional Executive Board meetings and National Finance Committee meetings. 8. Chair the region’s finance committee and sit on the membership committee. 9. Present a Regional Financial Report at the final meeting of the General Assembly at the annual MABLSA Regional Convention; and 10. Co-sign, with the Regional Chair, all financial transactions made by MABLSA.
E. The Regional Director of the Fredrick Douglass Moot Court Competition (“FDMCC”) Shall: 1. Appoint a Regional Moot Court Specialist (“RMCS”). The RMCS must be a MABLSA member in good standing to serve, and his/her appointment is subject to approval by the Regional Executive Board; 2. Coordinate the Annual FDMCC according to the FDMCC handbook; 3. Attend the Annual Directors of the FDMCC meeting held by the National Director of the FDMCC; 4. Maintain frequent communication with the National Directors of FDMCC; and
5. Secure venues, bailiffs and judges for the FDMCC at the Regional Convention.
F. The Regional Director of the Thurgood Marshall Mock Trial Competition (“TMMTC”) Shall: 1. Appoint a Regional Mock Trial Specialist (“RMTS”). The RMTS must be a NBLSA member in good standing to serve; his/her appointment is subject to approval by the Regional Executive Board; 2. Coordinate the Annual TMMTC according to the TMMTC Handbook; 3. Attend the Annual Directors of TMMTC meeting, held in conjunction with the Annual Directors of FDMCC meeting; 4. Maintain frequent communication with the National Director of TMMTC; and 5. Secure venues, bailiffs and judges for the TMMTC at the Regional Convention.
G. The Regional Director of Community Service Shall: 1. Develop regional community services goals and initiatives including, but not limited to, NBLSA community service initiatives; 2. Coordinate and execute all community affairs project undertaken on a Regional level; 3. Provide for the recognition of a chapter within the Region who has developed model community service programs; 4. Organize the Community Service project to be conducted during the Annual Regional Convention; 5. Maintain frequent communication with the local Directors of Community Service; 6. Maintain communication with the national director of community service; 7. Coordinate selection of MABLSA Chapter of the Year. 5
H. The Attorney General Shall: 1. Research current legal issues facing the African-American Community; 2. Increase MABLSA awareness of legal issues; 3. Act as a liaison to the NBLSA Attorney General on issues affecting the African-American Community in the Mid-Atlantic Region; 4. Coordinate with members of Congress to define issues affecting the African American community; 5. Prepare memoranda to be distributed regionally regarding Congressional issues that affect the African American Community; 6. Plan MABLSA participation in the Congressional Black Caucus Annual Conference; and 7. Make official statements on behalf of MABLSA with the approval of the Regional Chair.
I. The Regional Parliamentarian Shall: 1. Serve as an advisor and counsel for the executive board on the Parliamentary Procedure; 2. Decide all questions of interpretation and construction of the parliamentary authority and procedural rules of MABLSA; 3. Provide all delegates with the current procedural rules; 4. Coordinate Regional election procedures at the annual MABLSA Regional Convention; 5. Chair the Constitution/Bylaws Committee; 6. Maintain frequent communication with the National Parliamentarian; and 7. Serve as an ex-officio member of all regional committees.
J. The Sub-Regional Directors Shall:
1. Serve as liaisons between the chapters within their respective sub-region and the Regional Executive Board; 2. Ensure the chapters within their respective Sub-regions are active; 3. Promote unity of the chapters within their respective Sub-region; and 4. Co-ordinate events with the other Sub-Regional Directors to promote the unity of MABLSA as a whole.
K. The Regional Director of Programming Shall: 1. Develop and evaluate Regional programs that keep with the goals of NBLSA; 2. Work with the Sub-Regional Directors to develop and coordinate uniform programs to maintain the goals of NBLSA and the Region; 3. Serve on the Regional Convention Committee and work with the Regional Convention Coordinator to coordinate Regional program activities for the Regional Convention; 4. Oversee any Regional programs funded as National projects (e.g., Academic Retreats); 5. Develop methods to facilitate the implementation of Regional programs at the local level; and 6. Maintain frequent communication with the Sub-Regional Directors. Section 4: Duties of Appointed Officers A. The Regional Director of Communications Shall: 1. Coordinate internal and external communication for the region; 2. Maintain and disseminate information on the MABLSA listserv; 3. Maintain and facilitate postings on the MABLSA Blog; 4. Maintain a MABLSA presence in social media (e.g., Facebook, Twitter); 5. Prepare and review material for MABLSA on the official NBLSA website as needed; 6. Develop communication policies and procedures; and 7
7. Prepare and submit articles affecting the public image of MABLSA to other publications, subject to approval by the Regional Executive Board.
B. The Regional Director of Corporate Relations Shall: 1. Solicit funding from corporate and secondary sources in the form of sponsorships, in-kind contributions and other tax-deductible gifts to MABLSA; 2. Maintain current records of solicitation correspondence with potential and confirmed sponsors; 3. Prepare, finalize and update the solicitation packets that will be distributed to potential sponsors; 4. Maintain frequent communication with the National Director of Corporate Relations; 5. Ensure that sponsors receive the benefits of sponsorship; and 6. Serve as onsite point of contact for sponsors at regional events.
C. The Regional Director of Membership Shall: 1. Distribute information regarding the membership process to potential chapters of NBLSA; 2. Compile membership statistics and make them available to the Regional Board; 3. Maintain updated data regarding membership; 4. Work, through Regional liaisons, to reactivate inactive chapters and establish contact at law schools that do not have BLSA chapters; and 5. Serve as the Chair of the Membership Committee.
. D. The Regional Financial Secretary Shall:
1. Monitor the financial policies and procedures as set by the National Treasurer with the approval of the National Executive Board; 2. Be responsible for depositing incoming funds to the organization’s bank account. 3. Assist the Regional Treasurers in performing their duties on an as-needed basis; 4. Serve as a member of the Finance Committee; 5. Update and maintain the national banking relationship database; 6. Update and maintain the national database of law school support; 7. Complete financial projections for convention travel expenses, Frederick Douglass Moot Court Competition expenses, and Thurgood Marshall Mock Trial Competition expenses, as necessary; 8. Perform such other functions and exercise such further duties as the National Treasurer, National Chair, the National Executive Board, or the General Assembly may assign; 9. Compile a brief synopsis of his/her yearly activities for the NBLSA National Annual Report; and produce an official transition report at the close of the term of office. E. The Regional Historian Shall: 1. Prepare a narrative account of the Regional Association’s activities during the term of office, which when approved by the Regional Executive Board, shall become a permanent part of the Regional Association’s official history; 2. Serve as custodian of the collection of documents, books, or other written or printed matter, has custody of these items – or at least designate a centralized location for the custody of these items – and control the access of such items to officers Active Chapters and Active Members of the Regional Association;
3. Compile narrative accounts and the collection of documents of regional events in the MABLSA blog, that shall include the following information included but not limited to: a. a. Updates from chapter activities throughout the year, including but not limited to photographs and event summaries. b. Special rules, if any, adopted or rejected by the Regional Association c. Resolutions adopted or rejected by legislative bodies of the Regional Association d. Information on any special projects or initiatives of the Regional Association e. A list of all persons serving on the executive board of the Regional Association 4.
Perform such other functions and exercise such further duties as the Regional Chair, The Regional Executive Board, or the General Assembly may assign;
5. Compile a brief synopsis of his/her yearly activities for MABLSA Annual Report; and 6. Produce an official transition report at the close of the term of office. F. The Regional Director of the Pre-Law Student Division Shall: 1. Create pre-law collegiate chapters of MABLSA; 2. Keep pre-law student and law student members, as well as the Regional Executive Board, informed of the status of the collegiate chapters and general membership; 3.
Suggest, create, and implement programs, projects, and activities for the development and benefits of Pre-Law Division;
Disseminate MABLSA information to Pre-Law members;
5. Maintain frequent communication with regional Pre-Law counterparts; 6. Perform such other functions and exercise such further duties as the Regional Chair and Regional Executive Board may assign;
7. Serve as chair of the Pre-Law Student Division Committee; 8. Compile a synopsis of his/her yearly activities for the MABLSA Annual Report; and 9. Produce an official transition report at the close of the term of office. G. The Regional Director of Social Action Shall: 1. Execute grassroots initiatives that support the Attorney General's legislative and litigation-based advocacy including, but not limited to, NBLSA’s advocacy initiatives; 2. Coordinate with other Regional officers and Regional liaisons to carry out MABLSA's social justice initiatives; 3. Educate Regional chapters on advocacy initiatives of importance to MABLSA and implement programs that support those initiatives; 4. Provide for the recognition of individuals and chapters who are active in their community advocating for MABLSA's social justice initiatives; 5. Perform such other functions and exercise such further duties as the National Chair, the National Executive Board and the General Assembly may assign; 6. Compile a brief synopsis of his/her yearly activities for the MABLSA Annual Report and; 7. Produce an official transition report at the close of the term of office. H. The Regional Job Fair Coordinator Shall: 1. Manage and coordinate the activities for the MABLSA regional Job Fair; 2. Coordinate the activities for the Career Expo at the Annual Regional Convention; 3. Manage and update the employer contact list for the job fair; 4. Perform such other functions and exercise such further duties as the Regional Chair and the Regional Executive Board and the General Assembly may assign;
5. Compile a brief synopsis of his/her yearly activities for the MABLSA Annual Report and; 6. Produce an official transition report at the close of the term of office. I. The Regional Chair of Alumni Affairs Shall: 1. Compile and improve upon an alumni contact database for the MABLSA region; 2. Create and execute programming that will allows current members throughout the region to connect with BLSA alumni; 3. Manage the Hall of Fame induction and application process; 4. And perform the functions as dictated by the Executive Chair of the region or the Membership Committee; 5. Perform such other functions and exercise such further duties as the Regional Chair and Regional Executive Board may assign; 6. Compile a brief synopsis of his/her yearly activities for the MABLSA Annual Report and; 7. Produce an official transition report at the close of the term of office. J. The Regional Chief of Staff Shall: 1. Perform all duties requested by the Regional Chair; 2. Assist Vice-Chair in managing to the Regional Executive Board and assist other board members in programming planning especially as Convention and Job Fair support; and 3. Serve on the Elections Committee, Convention Committee, and Grievance Committee; 4. Perform such other functions and exercise such further duties as the Regional Chair and Regional Executive Board may assign; 5. Compile a brief synopsis of his/her yearly activities for the MABLSA Annual Report and; 6. Produce an official transition report at the close of the term of office.
K. The Regional Convention Coordinator Shall: 1. Be responsible for all facets of the annual MABLSA Regional Convention, subject to the approval of the Regional Executive Board, including, but not limited to: convention site selection, convention theme, developing a convention agenda, event scheduling, marketing and registration activities; 2. Serve as Chair of the MABLSA Regional Convention Committee; 3. Assign a chapter to host the MABLSA Regional Convention; and 4. Submit a Convention Report to the Regional Executive Board for its approval at each Regional Executive Board meeting.
Section 5: Common Officer Duties A. All Officers, Elected or Appointed, Shall: 1. Perform such other functions and exercise such further duties as the Regional Chair, the MABLSA Regional Executive Board, or the General Assembly may assign; 2. Compile a brief synopsis of his/her yearly activities for the, MABLSA Regional Annual Report; and 3. Produce an official transition report at the close of their term of office. B. No Officer, Elected or Appointed, shall be eligible to compete in any of the MABLSA competitions. Section 6: Termination of Officers A. Any Regional Executive Board member of MABLSA serving in an elected office, as defined in Article I, Section 3, may be impeached and removed from that office by an affirmative two-thirds vote of all remaining officers of the Regional Executive Board or no less than two-thirds of the members in good standing of the General Assembly.
B. Appointed Officers, as defined in Article I, Section 4, may be impeached and removed by the Regional Chair subject to Board Approval.
Article II - Committees
A. The Regional Constitution and Bylaws Committee Shall: 1. Consist of no less than six (6) members: the Regional Parliamentarian, who will serve as the Chair, the Attorney General, and the Regional Chair or any additional member of the Regional Executive Board recommended by the Regional Chair; 2. Formulate and distribute guidelines and procedures governing the manner in which proposed constitutional and bylaw amendments are to be submitted; 3. Put proposed constitutional and bylaw amendments in proper form, eliminating duplication where similar amendments are offered in logical sequence; 4. Review all proposals to amend the Regional Constitution and Bylaws to determine the effect proposals will have on the MABLSA governing documents; 5. Review all proposals to amend Regional Bylaws to insure that the proposed changes do not conflict with the Regional or National Constitution and Bylaws; 6. Coordinate and supervise the constitutional and bylaw amendment session; 7. Formulate, distribute and prepare for adoption of rules known as the “Standing Rules of the Convention,” which contain both parliamentary rules relating to the conduct of business and non-parliamentary rules; and 8. Make recommendations to the Regional Executive Board or to MABLSA as appropriate. Recommendations may include, but are not limited to, any conflicts that the amendments may cause within MABLSA’s governing
documents, the appropriateness for inclusion of the proposed amendment to the particular governing document, and any violations of the Constitution caused by proposed amendments to the Bylaws.
B. The Regional Convention Committee Shall: 1. Consist of no less than five (5) members: the Regional Convention Coordinator, the Regional Director of Programming, and any other member of the Regional Board or any other Board member approved by the Regional Executive Board; 2. Plan and submit the proposed schedule of meetings, procedures, and special events of the convention, insuring that all interests of MABLSA are balanced as they pertain to the Convention; 3.
Make recommendations to the Regional Executive Board concerning Convention registration fees. These fees must be approved at the Regional Executive Board meeting after the Regional Budget has been approved;
4. Review proposals of potential host hotels for the Convention; and 5. Review the Convention plans frequently to insure that adequate progress is made.
C. The Regional Membership Committee Shall: 1. Consist of no less than six (6) members and will include the following: the Regional Director of Membership, Regional Treasurer and the SubRegional Directors; 2. Coordinate and supervise the registration procedure at the Regional Convention; 3. Determine the membership classification of each chapter upon registration; 4. Formulate and distribute information as to the authorized number of votes per chapter; 5. Authorize voting delegates and alternate delegates; and
6. Approve all proxy certifications.
D. The Regional Election Committee Shall: 1. Consist of no less than five (5) members subject to the approval of the Regional Executive Board; 2. Formulate and distribute qualifications, guidelines, and procedures governing candidate eligibility and campaign activities; 3. Determine the eligibility of each candidate; 4. Determine if any candidate has violated any election rule(s); 5. Determine the appropriate penalties for candidates who have performed acts, which are grounds for disqualification subject to the review of the Regional Executive Board; 6. Determine the voting result structure that will be used in elections, subject to the approval of the Regional Executive Board; 7. Determine an election timeline specifying completion dates for all aspects of the election process and present it to the Regional Executive Board no later than the last Regional Executive Board meeting prior to the Annual MABLSA Regional Convention; 8. Recommend changes as needed to improve the election process; 9. With the exception of the Regional Parliamentarian and Attorney General who shall serve as co-chairs, candidates currently seeking election to a Regional Office of MABLSA are barred from membership on the Elections Committee; and 10. The Parliamentarian, Attorney General and any executive board member whose name appears on the current ballot may in no way count the votes, handle the ballots, or review the results of the election prior to the revelation of the final results to the MABALSA general body.
E. The Regional Grievance Committee Shall:
1. Consist of no less than five (5) members: the Regional Vice-Chair and any other member of the Regional Board; 2. Formulate and distribute guidelines and procedures governing the manner in which grievances are to be submitted; 3. Coordinate and supervise the grievance resolution process; 4. Formulate and distribute guidelines and procedures governing the manner in which resolutions are to be submitted; and 5. Put resolutions in proper form, eliminating duplications where similar resolutions are offered and ensuring that all resolutions relating to a specific subject will be offered in a logical sequence. Article III – Meetings Section 1: Regional Executive Board Meetings A. Each incoming Regional Executive Board will establish, before the adjournment of the Convention, the time and place of the first regular Regional Executive Board meeting, to be held no later than June 30th. B. At the first regular Regional Board meeting the Regional Chair will determine the meeting schedule, subject to the approval of the Regional Executive Board.
Section 2: The MABLSA General Assembly A. The regular meeting of MABLSA, during the Regional Convention, will be known as the MABLSA General Assembly. B. The purpose of the General Assembly is to conduct the business of MABLSA, elect officers, and receive reports, appoint staff members and committees, and make changes to the Regional Association Governing documents.
Section 3: Plenary Sessions A. All meetings of the General Assembly will be conducted in Plenary Sessions
B. Local MABLSA Chapters will select delegates to its Chapter and cast votes on behalf of the Chapter that he/she represents in Regional business. C. Delegates must be members in good standing from an active chapter of MABLSA. D. The Regional Parliamentarian will coordinate the activities of the MABLSA Regional Plenary Sessions subject to the approval of the Regional Chair.
Section 4: Quorum A. A quorum of the Regional Executive Board will consist of a simple majority of the elected members. B. A quorum of the Assembly is a simple majority of the active chapters registered at the Regional Convention.
Section 5: Regional Convention Location A. The MABLSA Regional Convention, will be held in the following Sub-regions, on the following rotation beginning in 2012: 1. Greater Philadelphia Metro Sub-region; 2. Pennsylvania-West Virginia Sub-region 3. Virginia Sub-region; and 4. D.C.-Maryland Sub-region and, if due to extremely extenuating circumstances, a region is unable to host the Convention at its prescribed time, the choice of Convention site will be made by the Regional Board. B. The Board will determine the city in which the MABLSA regional Convention will be held. C. The Sub-Regional Director, of the hosting Sub-Region, will work with the Regional Convention Coordinator in organizing the MABLSA Regional Convention.
Article IV – Elections
A. A member of MABLSA will seek election to a regional position by filing a declaration of intent by the date specified by the Regional Elections Committee. B. No candidate may hold more than one position on the Regional Executive Board in a given election. C. Only registered delegates may cast votes. D. A list of all delegates qualified to vote will be maintained at the polls. E. Absentee voting is not allowed. F. Proxy voting is allowed, pursuant to the Regional Constitution and any operating procedures determined by the Regional Executive Board. G. If a candidate is running unopposed, the candidate must receive a majority of the votes cast to be elected. H. If a tie occurs, a run-off election shall be held. I. If a position is not filled at the Regional Convention, the newly elected Regional Chair will appoint someone to fill the position subject to the outgoing board’s approval.
Article V- Mandatory Programs Section 1: Academic Retreat A. Each year the MABLSA Region will convene a Regional Academic Retreat at least once prior to the Regional Convention. B. All Retreats will be financially subsidized by NBLSA; C. As a service to the dues-paying membership of MABLSA, no additional fees will be charged to participate in the Academic Retreat(s). D. The location of the Academic Retreat will be determined by the Regional Executive Board
Section 2: Regional Job Fair A. Each year the MABLSA Region will convene a Regional Job Fair at least once prior to the Regional Convention. B. The Regional Executive Board will determine the location of the Regional Job Fair.
Article VI – Financial Affairs Section 1: Budget Process and Authority A. Upon receipt of two-thirds vote from the Regional Executive Board, the Regional Budget will be approved. The Regional Treasurer shall then be authorized to approve specific expenditures of funds in accordance with the Regional Constitution and these Bylaws. B. The Regional Treasurer must report to the Regional Executive Board on actual expenditures from each Regional Budget line item whenever the actual expenditures for a given line item have exceeded the budgeted amount, or appears to likely exceed the budgeted amount before the next regularly scheduled report. C. The Regional Treasurer must report to the Regional Executive Board on any changes in circumstances that could cause total income to be less than budgeted, as soon as such changes come to his/her attention. D. The Regional Executive Board may modify the Operating Budget by a two-thirds vote; E. If a situation arises in which funds must be expended to maintain the financial stability and/or integrity of MABLSA and it is not feasible to conduct a meeting of the Regional Executive Board, the Regional Chair with the concurrence of the Regional Treasurer, may make the decision to incur such expenses as warranted.
Section 2: Bonding The following officers and committee members must be bonded by a certified bonding agency: Regional Chair, the Regional Vice-Chair, and the Regional Treasurer. 20