MWBLSA Job Descriptions

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Midwest Regional Executive Board Job Descriptions taken from MWBLSA Bylaws, Article V

Duties of Officers REGIONAL DIRECTOR OF THE FREDERICK DOUGLASS MOOT COURT COMPETITION (“FDMCC�): The duties of the RDFDMCC will include but are not limited to: a. Coordinate the Midwest Regional Frederick Douglass Moot Court Competition according to the Frederick Douglass Moot Court Competition Handbook which includes, but is not limited to: b. Make sure the FDMCC is distributed to all schools in the Region via the NBLSA website and/or a widely acceptable computerized legal research database (e.g. Westlaw or LexisNexis) by September 15th of each year. c. Attend an Annual Directors of FDMCC meeting, held in conjunction with the Annual Directors of TMMTC meeting, in August of each year. The purpose and schedule of the annual meeting is: a. to instruct all Regional Directors of FDMCC on the proper administration of the competition at the Regional level; b. to go through the rules and procedures of communication, competition, eligibility, and the like; c. to disseminate one (1) copy of the FDMCC Competition Handbook, as amended, to each Regional Director of FDMCC; and d. to advise or instruct the Regional Directors of FDMCC on any other administrative, fiscal, procedural, or otherwise that is pertinent to the competition. d. Maintain frequent communication with the National Director of FDMCC; e. Compile a brief synopsis of his/her yearly activities for the Midwest Region Annual Report; f. Produce an official transition report at the close of the term of office; g. Performing such other duties as the Chairperson, the Board, or the assembly assigns. REGIONAL MOOT COURT SPECIALIST: The duties of the Moot Court Specialist will include, but are not limited to: a. Serving on the Midwest Regional Executive Board; b. Assisting the Regional Director of the Frederick Douglass Moot Court Competition in conducting the Midwest Regional portion of the Frederick Douglass Moot Court Competition; REGIONAL MOCK TRIAL SPECIALIST: The duties of the Mock Trial Specialist will include, but are not limited to: a. Serving on the Midwest Regional Executive Board; b. Assisting the Regional Director of the Thurgood Marshall Mock Trial Competition in conducting the Midwest Regional portion of the Thurgood Marshall Mock Trial Competition;

c. Compile a brief synopsis of his/her yearly activities for the Midwest Region Annual Report; d. Produce an official transition report at the close of the term of office; e. Performing such other duties as the Chairperson, the Board, or the assembly assigns. SUB-REGIONAL DIRECTORS: The purpose of the Sub-Regional Director is to serve as an intermediary between the Regional Board and the chapters over which the Sub-Regional Director is assigned. The duties of the Sub-Regional Director include but are not limited to: a. Serving as Sub-Regional Representative to the Regional Board; b. Disseminating Regional information to Sub-Regional schools; c. Reporting issues of Sub-Regional concern to the Regional Board in a timely manner, aside from the regularly held Board meetings; d. Informing the Sub-Region of Regional and National BLSA policies and procedures; e. Assisting Sub-Regions in complying with Regional and National policies and procedures; f. Encouraging all schools within the Sub-Region to fulfill the criteria to be officially recognized by the National and Midwest Black Law Students’ Association; g. Compile a brief synopsis of his/her yearly activities for the Midwest Region Annual Report; h. Produce an official transition report at the close of the term of office; i. Performing such other duties as the Chairperson, the Board, or the assembly assigns. REGIONAL COMMUNICATIONS SPECIALIST: The duties of the Communications Specialist will include, but are not limited to: a. Maintaining MWBLSA’s presence on all social media platforms; b. Serving on the Communications Committee; c. Attend all meetings and conference calls scheduled by the Director of Communications; d. Spearhead marketing of MWBLSA events; e. Compile a brief synopsis of his/her yearly activities for the Midwest Region Annual Report; f. Produce an official transition report at the close of the term of office; g. Performing such other duties as the Chairperson, the Board, or the assembly assigns. CORPORATE RELATIONS SPECIALISTS (4): The duties of the Corporate Relations Director will include but are not limited to: a. Serving as an assistant to the Corporate Relations Director; b. Organizing and overseeing Regional fund-raising efforts; and communicating with corporate sponsors; c. Solicit funding from corporate and secondary sources in the form of sponsorships and tax deductible gifts to MWBLSA; d. Prepare and finalize the solicitation packets that will be distributed to potential sponsors; e. Attend all meetings and conference calls scheduled by the Corporate Relations Director; f. Compile a brief synopsis of his/her yearly activities for the Midwest Region Annual Report;

g. Produce an official transition report at the close of the term of office; h. Performing such other duties as the Corporate Relations Director, the Chair, or the assembly assigns. REGIONAL CONVENTION SPECIALIST: The duties of the Convention Specialist will include but are not limited to: a. Conducting a preliminary search for a hotel site for the Regional Convention; b. Chairing a convention committee for the Midwest Regional Convention; this committee must include the Frederick Douglas Moot Court specialist and the Thurgood Marshall Mock Trial specialist; c. Handling contract negotiations with the hotel that was selected by the Regional Board. Negotiations shall be based on criteria established by the convention committee; and the convention committee shall approve the final contract prior to signature; d. Creating a tentative schedule of events for the Regional Convention. The schedule shall become official upon approval by the Board; e. Coordinating all registration activities for the Regional Convention; f. Compile a brief synopsis of his/her yearly activities for the Midwest Region Annual Report; g. Produce an official transition report at the close of the term of office; h. Performing such other duties as the Chairperson, the Board, or the assembly assigns. REGIONAL PRE-LAW DIRECTOR: The duties of the College Student Division Director will include but are not limited to: a. Serve as the Regional Chair of the College Student Division; b. Solicit law schools with undergraduate colleges to lead individual chapters; c. Maintain contact with the National Director of the College Student Division; d. Manage and coordinate the activities of the College Student Division; e. Assist Black pre-law students to matriculate into law school and to pursue a career in the legal field or in the judiciary; f. Foster and strengthen the relationships among the Black law student and attorney; g. Report status updates monthly to the National Director of College Student Divisions; h. Sit on the Collegiate Affairs Committee and uphold those duties as listed under Article V, section I of the NBLSA College Student Division Bylaws; i. Hold at least one Law Camp or MWBLSA Pre-Law Conference, only if seen as necessary and prudent to the learning and success of the Black pre-law students of the Midwest Region; j. Compile a brief synopsis of his/her yearly activities for the Midwest Region Annual Report; k. Produce an official transition report at the close of the term of office; l. Performing such other duties as the Chairperson, the Board, or the assembly assigns. REGIONAL PARLIAMENTARIAN: The duties of the Parliamentarian shall be, but are not limited to: a. Chairing a Constitution and By-Laws Committee;

b. Supervising Regional Board Meetings and the plenary sessions to assure that meetings are conducted according to Robert’s Rules of Order; and c. Serve as an advisor and counsel the Regional Chair and NBLSA on the Parliamentary Procedure; d. Serve as the advisor to the Regional Executive Board, of these Bylaws, subject to Article III, Section 2(E) of the National Bylaws to decide all questions of interpretation and construction of the parliamentary authority and procedural rules of the Region; e. Be responsible for providing all delegates with the current procedural rules; f. Coordinate Regional election procedures at the Regional Convention; g. Maintain frequent communication with the National Parliamentarian; h. Compile a brief synopsis of his/her yearly activities for the Midwest Region Annual Report; i. Produce an official transition report at the close of the term of office; j. Performing such other duties as the Chairperson, the Board, or the assembly assigns. c. Serving on the convention committee; d. Compile a brief synopsis of his/her yearly activities for the Midwest Region Annual Report; e. Produce an official transition report at the close of the term of office; f. Performing such other duties as the Chairperson, the Board, or the assembly assigns. REGIONAL HISTORIAN The duties of the Regional Historian will include but are not limited to: a. Serving on the MWBLSA Executive Board a. Prepare a narrative account of the Association’s activities during the term of office, which when approved by the Regional Executive Board, shall become a permanent part of the Association’s official history; b. Serve as custodian of the collection of documents, books, or other written or printed matter, has custody of these items, - or at least designate a centralized location for the custody of these items—and control over the access of such items to officers Active Chapters and Active Members of the Association; c. Perform such other functions and exercise such further duties as the Regional Chair, Regional Executive Board, or the General Assembly may assign; d. Compile a brief synopsis of his/her yearly activities for Regional Annual Report; and e. Produce an official transition report at the close of the term of office. REGIONAL WEB CONTENT SPECIALIST: The duties of the Communications Specialist will include, but are not limited to: a. Maintaining the MWBLSA & MWBLSA Journal Websites and the MWBLSA blog; b. Serving on the Communications Committee; c. Attend all meetings and conference calls scheduled by the Director of Communications; d. Compile a brief synopsis of his/her yearly activities for the Midwest Region Annual Report; e. Produce an official transition report at the close of the term of office; f. Performing such other duties as the Chairperson, the Board, or the assembly assigns.

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